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The Pomeranian Review August 1994
NAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.01jr fomrranian XnrimPublished Bi-Monthly AugustSeptember, 1994Ztj TD af-..-f\sSHOWFLAGSTAFF KENNEL CLUBs 1BEST IN SHOWFLAGSTAFF KENNELBISA, BISS AmVInt. Ch. Linchris Genghis Pom HOF, GCJL A 1U '] ,UL A.A . wNAm. Can. Ch. Pixies Buttons-N-Bows, GC-Top Winning Bitch in 1990-1991Carol Galavich 52821 German Hill Road Powhatan Point, OH 43942 614 458-1705nr-BEST OFOPPOSITEmattaponiKENNEL \ CLUBJan-Shar s Coal Miner s DaughterCh. Sharons Tasmanian Devil x Jan-Shars IvyShe is pictured here with Judge Frank Oberstar and Handler Jason Lynch.Owner Breeder Sharon HansonContents...Presidents Message Dolly Trauner....................4Membership Report Jenie Freia..........................4Performance News Lois Morkassel................... 5Tracking EH Arm Griffith................................10Mission to Russia Dr. A1 Grossman................12Mikki Comes Home Kristi Shearer..................26Amish Dog Breeders Michael Hinds............... 26Obedience Awards Judy Shearer......................30Registrars Comer Jean Schroll........................30Kennel Visit Patrick Farmer.............................35Columbia Pom Specialty Jean Schroll.............37Top Poms List Jean Schroll..............................39Behind New Titlists.............................................42Back Issues..........................................................44The American Pomeranian Club has its revised Information Booklet ready for distribution. If you are interested, contact the SecretaryFran Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 BRNOTICEThe Pomeranian Review is sent to Judges. Featuring your winning dogs in the National magazine will pay offSend your ads in now in support of Marge Kranzfelders Kennel Visit.Dont delayOctober Kennel Visit...Marge KranzfelderCh. Linchris Genghis PomBISA, BISS Am., Int. Ch. Linchris Genghis Pom HOF, GC is pictured on the cover winning Best in Show with his friend Curtiss Smith and Judge Miss Diane L. Malenfant."Cubby" is a son of BISS Ch. Thelduns Diamond Teddy and out of Linchris Pom Pa Zazz. His father won a Specialty from the Veteran Class at eight years of age. Cubby and Curtiss have 7 Group Is, multiple Group placements and a Specialty win with three Best in Shows-all this since March, 94. You bet were PROUDLinchris PomeraniansHome of Best In Show, Best In Specialty Show Multi Group Winning Poms Ch. Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Quality Dogs for Show Pet Fully Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITTI 1011 W. Campbell Ave.Phoenix. AZ 85013-2614 602 265-4946BreederOwnerHandler Curtiss G. Smith 1103 West Enid Avenue Mesa, AZ 85210 602 969-2710AJ Jlammutianof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Officers of the ClubPresident..........................................................................................................................Dolly B. TraunerRrst Vice-President..............................................................................................................Emily UntalanSecond Vice-President............................................................................................................................Jim ShearerRecording Secretary.............................................................................................................Beverly HenryCorresponding Secretary..................................................................................................Frances J. StollRural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501Treasurer.............................................................................................................................Al WillliamsonPOB4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207AKC Delegate........................................................................................................................................Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsSally Baugniet Happeth A. Jones Margaret McKee Sharon Masnick Brenda Turner Mary VickersPomeranian ReviewEditor..................................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox416 Earth, TX79031 Phone 806 257-3817Business Manager.............................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions.................................................................................................................Brenda K. HuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues....................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd suhsrrintinn 30 00Foreign.... .. 45 00First Class................. ...... 35.00Single Copy............... ......... 6.00NonMembersIMembersFull Page................... ..... 65.00...... ..... 70.00Half Page........................ 40.00...... ......45.00Quarter Page.............. ..... 20.00...... ..... 25.00Photos each.................. 10.00....... ..... 10.00Front Cover, BAN.... ....120.00...... .... 150.00Color......................... ....375.00...... .... 400.00Back Cover, BAN.... ..... 80.00....... .... 100.00Color......................... ....250.00...... .... 275.00Inside FB Cover....... ......70.00....... ..... 80.00Color......................... ....195.00...... .... 200.00Center Spread............ ....140.00...... .... 150.00Color......................... ....390.00...... .... 400.00Business Card .......... ..... 10.00....... ..... 15.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateDecJan........... .............Nov 15....... .... Dec 15FebMarch.....................Jan 15........ .... Feb 15AprMay........................Mar 15.... .... Apr 15JuneJuly......... ............May 15....... ...June 15AugSept......... ............July 15....... .... Aug 15OctNov........... ...........Sept 15........ .... Oct 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all CoversPresidents Messageby Dolly B. Trauner Wheres the BeefThe Pom Review is the voice of the lubthe entire club, not just of the Board ind a couple of Chairpersons. We want to tear from YOU. Wed like to hear what mu think is going right about the club. Equally important, wed like to hear what i'Ou think is going wrong, so that your Board can try to fix it.What do you think should be changed In iVhat way Is there something youd like to see added or canceledIt is the nature of any Parent Club, with its membership spread across the lower 48, Alaska and Hawaii, that communications between membership and their Boards are not fluid. Management of APC is entrusted to the Board, and the Board conducts club business through the medium of monthly agendas prepared and mailed out to the Board by our hard-working Recording Secretary, Beverly Henry. We are a cohesive body that holds the good and welfare of the club and breed uppermost at all times in all of its deliberations. That is not to say there could be no improvements. So, let us know if there are improvements you would like to see effected.Just write your ideas and suggestions down, and send them to me-or to our Corresponding Secretary, Fran Stoll, RR 3, Washington, IN 47501. Do it now while its fresh in your mind. Membership Reportby Jerrie Freia, Membership Chairman 1072 A Landry Road Morgan City, LA 70380 504 384-7466New Members for 1994Robert Blank16060 Brookside Drive Buchanan, MI 49107 616 695-7308 SponsorsRonald Feyh Frances J. StollPatricia M. Foxx987 Loch Maree Hayden Lake, Idaho 83835 208 772-9618 SponsorsEmily Untalan Wendy FeistAngela Nisbet 5050 Butler Road Canandaigua, NY 14424 716 394-1394 SponsorsRoberta Kerr Jacquelyn KleinDennis and Glenetta Leglise1926 Carolina Street NW Dover, OH 44622 216 343-8192 SponsorsJames Shearer Carol A. GalavichPhyllis Martin17210 N. 17th Street Phoenix, AZ 85022 602 867-1078 SponsorsJulie Moreno Mrs. Dolly B. TraunerAnnette Rogers-RisterP.O. Box 50Corpus Christi, TX 78403 512 992-8233 SponsorsOlga Baker Carolyn Ann CrockettArthur and Niki Stevenson 1616 5th Street Salem, OR 97303 503 585-4318 SponsorsEmily Untalan Wendy FeistKelley and Karen Schwartz305 S. Wayne Street Piqua, OH 45356SponsorsRonald Feyh Carol A. GalavichApplications for MembershipDarcene E. and John BoydRR Castleton Ont Kokimo, Canada 905 344-7206 SponsorsMrs. Elizabeth Dupuis Chris HeartzElizabeth Russell344 Woodlake Drive Murphy, TX 75094 214881-0311 SponsorsGertrude A. Howell Annette Lynn HeiseDaniel F., Jr. andBonnie T. McIntosh Taylor11363 Andrew DriveGarden Grove, CA 92643714537-9333SponsorsGlenn C. Bernardo Connie Hendricks Performance Newsby Lois Morkassel 1412 Second Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103 701280-1413I was fortunate to meet Rob Byers and his Pom "Tonto" at the May shows in Winnepeg. I had read about them in the "Canadian 200s" column of Februarys Front and Finish and in "Club 200" in Dogs in Canadas February issue. I had also heard about this stunning little dog from a friend who had seen them work.Rob is a tall, slender, quiet, intense gentleman, and Tonto is a lovely orange male with a fabulous personality. They presented a wonderful picture when they were working. Tonto is outgoing with bothpeople and other dogs. He is a "pistol. Tonto is intense when he is working. Thi spunky little dog works with a drive an vivacity that show what working with th "utmost willingness" means.Their Novice career yielded many High ii Classes and a High Aggregate which is cumulative score over all the days the trial are held.Rob and Tonto started their Open training in November, 1992, with the goal o showing in the January show at Brandon MB. They entered one trial and earned thei first leg with High in Class and Highes Scoring Group 5 Dog in Trial Toy Group under noted judge Betty McHugh. With thi auspicious start, Robs goal was a 2CX score.Rob and Tonto earned numerous High ii Classes and earned their second consecutivi High Aggregate at Yorkton. They alsc earned five High in Trials in the 8 month after their first Open show before the] earned 200 at Yorkton under Mr. Johi Fegan in Open B. When their score wa announced, Rob let out, "All right" an Tonto spun into his victory dance. Tont spins and runs in circles when he get excited and "Dad was excitedThe following weekend, they earned 199 12. the 12 point was for a slight sli] of the dumbbell while picking it up.Tonto was the Top Obedience Toy ii Canada for 1993.They continue to bum up the mats. Tont is a crowd pleaser and works wit incredible intensity and speed. Rob move as at a quick pace and Tonto has no troubli moving out with him.When I watched them in May, Tonto an Rob moved as one during heeling wit enviable attention. Tontos recall is like rocket taking off. He has a lift off when hi gets up and then you can see it engage as hi moves forward. The drop is a slide becausi he is down, but his momentum takes hin forward. The call to front brings another lif off and power-up to a snap sit square ii front of Rob between his feet. Tontos hee around finish is tight to Robs legs-m wasted space or time.Tonto jumps 10 inches and uses a plasti dumbbell. His retrieves arspectacular-straight and fast. Tonto flows across the jumps. He is quite centered in clearing the broad jump.Rob uses a key word between sits and downs so Tonto has to watch him between exercises. Tonto needs to see Robs lips move on the down command. This is to prevent Tonto from going down on anyone elses command.Rob and Tonto train with the Portage Club Manitoba. They support and critique each other at shows. Rob said he hasnt used any specific books or video tapes for training Tonto. He does use food for a motivator.Tonto was three in January. He is Robs second dog his first Pom, Joe, came from a pet shop and grew to be 18 pounds. Joe and Rob earned their CDX title. The third Pom is a two-year old black called Izzy. Rob calls Izzy his "Border Collie" because he is always moving. Rob hopes Izzy will slow down for obedience training. He claims Tonto is not as Joe and Izzy. They think too much and cause problems during training. Tonto only has to be shown what to do once or twice and he has it. Tontos exercise is his obedience work, otherwise he thinks being a couch potato is just great.What a crew If you get a chance to watch them, youre in for a treat When theyre "on," theyre awesome Rob and Tonto are also a team that demonstrates good sportsmanshipAnn Griffith Morris writes that Ollie Blue Bluster CDX continues winning out of the Open A classes with 193.5 for a third place winning the run-off with a Golden, 193 for a first place, and 194 for a second place. Congratulations on your winning ways, Ann and OllieAnn tells how she works to avoid automatic finishes anticipation"I teach my dogs both finishes and then command them randomly to finish one way or the other. If they finish wrong, they get a small correction. If they anticipate, they get a small correction, and then I make them finish the other way. It seems like not knowing which way to go helps them not to anticipate. Its not fool-proof but I find it really cuts down on the mistakes."It also helps straighten out the fronts, because if they sit aiming to the left, I make them finish to the right, and vice-versa. The only drawback is that it seems they always do one better than the other, so I usually use the best one in the ring. I think thats why Ollie finished automatically on Sunday-he had been shown so much with no practice. The solution is obviously to work until the finishes are equally good and mix them up in the ring if one is showing a lot. I find that if my show schedule is light with lots of practice in between, I can use only their best one in the ring with no problem."Thanks for the tips. Understanding why the dog makes an error helps a person to fix it.I use both finishes because Dande gets so excited to be working that she bounces off me on the recall one point for each contact and bounces on the way to heel during the swing finish 12 point for each contact. We dont go after high scores, but I dont want to get "pointed" to death either, so I use the heel around as a control during all exercises except the very last one. The "swing" becomes a reward and we expect the points off.Ive also noticed less anticipation of finishes now that we have been working on the moving stand with the "call to heel." While Dande was learning that, her anticipation of regular finishes increased, but with practice and just repositioning her to front which she deems a correction, her anticipated finishes have dropped off. It seems like she is willing to wait for that "call to heel" signal, now that she knows it is in the vocabulary. It has almost become a random reward.Practice footwork without your dog. If you are trying to get your footwork figured out for pivots, about turns, right and left turns, and the figure 8, dont include your dog until you know how to walk It is hard enough for your dog to figure out heel position when you know how to walk, let alone when "Mommy Big Foot" is being clumsy. This can be the cause for dogs heeling wide and crabbing out. When you are practicing, grab a pillow or a stuffed toy to have on leash. It becomes easy to see ifyou are turning too fast and swinging the pillow out like crack the whip. From this you can see it is not the dogs fault for going wide on heeling. It would just about be impossible to compensate for. Seeing what the dog is going through can make you a more sympathetic handler.When practicing footwork, be sure to keep your body in line feet under hips, and hips in line with shoulders.Counting your rhythm while walking will make it easier for your dog to move with you. Fast time and slow time are smoother with counting. Remember for changes of pace, the length of stride remains the same, the count changes. If you are counting, it is easier to make a less abrupt change from normal to fast or slow, than by just trying to remember to do so. This makes a world of difference to your dog. This helps you to become predictable and helps create a visual unity. It is a lot like dance partners moving as one. They depend on the count and have to know how the other moves to look good.Comers and about turns can become more vertical for the handle. This makes it easier for the dog to hold heel position. All the turns can be done in the same counting rhythm, but with smaller steps taken closer together to form smooth comers.Once you feel comfortable with the area you were working on, put your dog back into the equation. Your dog will be pleasantly surprisedPracticing Attention. This works well for rainy days, days too hot or too cold to work outside and for days that you just dont want to do the same old thing.With your dog in heel position, stand in front of a full length mirror. Give your dog his attention command, and watch him in the mirror. If his attention wanders, correct. If not, praise. This exercise, like sits, downs, and stand stays will need to have the duration built up over time.If you have a friend with a dog that is also working on attention, you can face each other with the dogs in heel position and one works while the other indicates when the dogs attention wavers. The person indicating to the working handler will be less obvious to the dog if they choose asignal like a nod to cue the handler rathi than a verbal cue.Both of these methods appear to the dc to be magical. "How does Mom know th. my attention wandered"Please share your training tips with tl rest of us. We are working at all levels, never hurts to have a memory jogged by tip we have used and forgotten. All my tip have come from others books, article conversations, seminars, video-tapes, an watching others. Learning that you don want to use something can be as valuable learning something you do want to us Share those with us, too. It is so nice whe someone helps you avoid and error the made or can see happening. Under th heading of what to avoid Do not use th uprights from the jumps for figure 8 post You will be teaching your dog to go aroun them, and it may come back to haunt yo when you start jumping.New Obedience titles from the May an June issues of the AKC Award magazineNo new UDsCDXAnnons Peterbilt CDX dog owned b Jerusha Gurvin and bred by Ann Cannon, only have one score to report 195 If the have others, I can print them later if they le me know. This must be a dynamic team tt watch. CongratulationsCDCh. Bojays General Jackson CD dog owned by Linda Florer and bred by Janice and Robert Pema. They earned solid score of 187.5, 188, and 182. CongratulationsLinda Gallacher has some awful news Pandas brother had to be euthanized at the end of March because of an auto immune disorder. At the time when I am writing this column, Panda is sick with the same thing Bizzy was placed when the repair to her cruciate did not take. Pogo has early onsei arthritis and cannot jump. At this point in time, Linda has vowed not to have a Pom again. I can understand her feelings. Howlevastating to have all this happen at once erhaps time will let Linda change her nind. Linda has been generous in sharing vith the rest of us. If she chooses not to ontinue with Poms, we will lose someone pedal. Our hearts go out to you, LindaI hope you will help me with this column y telling me of Pom exhibitors in your treas. Write about your activities with your 3oms. Are there any Therapy Poms out here with or without the title Is there myone working on or holding a versatility log title If you see a Pom working or ihowing off talents, write about them or get he handlers name and address, and Ill try o get the story.Theres JOY in Pom-de-moniumUntil next time....C^on^ratulcdionijL,onuourrJCennel ViiitMine was many years ago, October 76, but remains a great memoryThanks for breeding and showing Killer, and kudos for the many wonderful Poms you have bred and shownI WISH YOU MANY MORENorma C. Gad -Chula Poms-uHIZBEST N SHOWJune 5,1994Judge Ms. Tong Sue LynnSingaporeSired by BISA PH. Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Gee Whiz x Can. Ch. Tim-Sues Distant BellAt 8 months of age a consistent Best in Show winner.CHRISDENS CALANU B.T.J. WSWEEPING THE PHILIPPINE SPECIALTYCAN. CH. TIM-SUES DISTANT BELLAItBEST OPPOSITE SEX IN SHOWSired by ACM Ch. Tim-Sues Distant Lights x Tim-Sues Tu Mini LightsBell is nearing her Phil. Ch. title with just a few points to finish.CHRISDENMANILAOwnerBreederHandler DENNIS AND MARIO LITONJUA 632 632-7025og is a special treat For example, did you now that your Pom can track through hallow standing water through snow I ure didnt when I started, nor did I know llie could do a reliable underwater scent iscrimination retrieve, even in running rater. I have absolutely no idea how he loes it but he sure can.There are a number of excellent tracking tooks and publications available. For a uture issue, I may compile a list For this irticle, I just barely touched on the training trocess. I also didnt address the whole omplex and interesting question of laying ind mapping blind tracks. The longer mblications are most helpful and will get rou into areas I am not able to address in a ihort article.There are also dedicated trackers in ilmost every area of the country. Working vith a group is fun and also helpful. Dont jq intimidated by the size of your dog, and lont let anyone with a big dog tell you a Pom cant track. A Pom has a nose every jit as good as any dog well, okay, well exclude Bloodhounds, and better than many. They also have the other characteristics of a good tracking dog.So get your Pom, a glove, some flags, and get out there Youll be hooked. Happy trails Mission to Russiaby Dr. Alvin GrossmanAs I look out the window of our sixth floor apartment, I can see the multi-colored domes of the various churches within the Kremlin. Good Lord, I am actually here and all seems "normal."Doris and I are quite excited about this trip. Even though I have judged in 10 other countries, this one seems "different." I had always wanted to visit my fathers homeland, but with the communist regime in power, it was just not possible. Now I was here. How did it all come aboutOne day while I was working on one of Dorals manuscripts my publishing company, I received a phone call from acocker breeder, Mary Ann Minks, asking me if I would be interested in judging in Russia. Taken aback for a moment, I quickly replied, "Yes, I sure would" Mary Ann had been in touch with the president of the Zoo Practice Kennel Club in Moscow the largest one in Russia and had been asked to find a good judge. Mary Ann had sold a dog to the club president and had entered into a correspondence with her.The next step was awaiting word from the president of the club, Ludmila Fomina. I must digress for a moment. In Russia it appears that each of the All Breed clubs have a "sponsor" and, Ludmila is a full time staff person to the sponsor for whom she runs the club. Within three weeks we had received our official invitation and details about getting a visa for Doris and me to go. What a lot of paperwork They still seem to have a large bureaucracy and a paperwork trail to prove itFinally all the arrangements had been made, and we were to stay in an apartment with a cook, driver, and translator to help us. Doris turned out to be the cook. It all sounded great.Off we went with all our cold weather clothes. We knew it was going to be cold in January, and we werent mistaken. The first leg was a short flight from Portland to San Francisco on a United flight. Then an 11 hour hop to Frankfurt, Germany aboard a Lufthansa 747. For those of you who have not flown Lufthansa, let me recommend it. Great leg room and outstanding service. The food wasnt too bad either. Up until this time the trip had gone amazingly well. I knew from past experience that this couldnt last forever. And I was right.The Frankfurt airport is the crossroads of Europe. Nearly all international flights touch down there. One would expect a modem airport. One would be mistaken. This place turned out to look like it had been designed by the Mad Hatter. It apparently has grown like topsy without much rhyme or reason. Let me just say it was difficult to find our way around. We had expected to be able to relax there for the three hours we had for our continuing flight to Moscow. We had flown Lufthansa because they had just entered into aHERE HERE WE NEED YOUIts that time againTROPHIESTROPHIESARE NEEDED FOR FEBRUARY 11-12,1995If you wish a special place send your donation to...TONY TELLEZ BOX 231624HOUSTON, TX 77223-1624^operative agreement with United Airlines, iy primary carrier. So, we expected to be 3le to use our Red Carpet Club card in the ufthansa club as we had been informed, oo bad no one informed the Lufthansa lub as we had been informed. We wound p sitting on hard backless benches for the iree hours. This is known to sweeten your isposition. However, it did do something ositive. Never again will I bitch about Hare in Chicago.As we checked into the lounge for our loscow flight we found that it exited onto le tarmac where a bus was waiting to take s out to our plane. Now, I have traveled to ud from Dulles airport in Washington and art of enjoyed being taken out to the plane n their special buses. Dulles special buses Lse to the level of the plane and you pass omfortably into the interior of the aircraft. rour luggage is on the lower level of the us and is loaded aboard through a special oor. In Frankfurt, we drove through ssorted traffic to get out to our plane and ren waded through slush ice to get aboard, his stopover proved a true adventure. We ould hardly wait to get back there on our tum trip. The leg of three hours to foscow passed uneventfully. Customs was 11 that we had heard it would be. After bout an hour we eased ourselves into the lain reception lobby. There was Valentina .eontieva holding up a sign with our names n it. Valentina was our main link to the English language. It was she who had ranslated all of our faxes and called us with p-to-date information. She worked in the inancial section of the sponsors business nd handled all of his English translations. Vith her was Ludmila Fomina, the resident of the club, Johanna Juk, another iterpreter and our driver, who, incidentally as from the Chernobyl area and a Cocker ireeder.After a cheery greeting all around, they xpressed some surprise at how young we ooked. When we looked puzzled, they idicated that they had heard I took only 12 ssignments a year they thought it was ecause I was becoming infirm and could lot handle any more I do really look ounger than my years-oh, all right, I am ain. After a good chuckle all around, Iexplained that Doris was non-doggy and we made a pact when we married that there was another life outside of dogs. Twelve assignments excluding foreign ones gave me the opportunity of keeping sharp and leaving enough time for our golf and other socialpolitical activities. To be truthful, a full time job keeping a fledgling publishing company going is more than enough work for anyone.At this time of the evening 600p.m. Moscow time the airport was a madhouse. Outside the snow was melting and there was a huge slush pile just in front of the terminal. It reminded me of LaGuardia at rush hour. Parking was at a premium. Our driver went to get the car and wasnt seen again for almost an hour. The girls went to look for him and found him not 100 yards away mired in traffic. We took shifts hauling the luggage to the car and finally all piled in for the trip to the city. It was now 800p.m. getting into a small car with six people and all our luggage was a definite challenge.Off we went toward the Kremlin for it was in this area our apartment was located. No one had been to the apartment before. It was owned by the mother of one of the club members and she was moving in with her daughter for the duration of our stay. After 30 minutes of asking everyone in sight and a few phone calls, we found our way into a court just off the main thoroughfare that ran right past the Kremlin. It was about 10p.m. Moscow time but 900a.m. our time. We were pooped.However, her son, Victor Elagin, an IBM employee, spoke quite good English and familiarized us with the apartments idiosyncracies. It was a typical middle class apartment. It consisted of a living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. About 350 square feet of space. The refrigerator was fully stocked and we were told to use whatever we needed. Everything was neat and clean and showed love and attention. The only uncomfortable part was that we were only a stones throw from KGB headquarters.President Clinton was in town at the same time, but he didnt leave a message for us. It is important to note that when we arrived,MITANIAPCMER4N1ANSiAustralian Champion Merimaurs Magic WordCh. Finchs He Walks on Water x Apples Traveling JewelAustralian Champion Merimaurs House MouseCh. Merimaurs Metrognomex Merimaurs Chocklit Bon-Boni-.VSm.3153.Sending a special "GDay" from "down under" to all my friendsMaureen Quinlan Merimaur, Dean Hebert Treasured Deans, Dr. Jim and Marit Hattori Haiku, Darrell and Olga Baker, Christine and John Heartz, Jackie Rayner, Dudley Roach, Dr. Cheryl Jackson, Joel M. Taylor, Julie Moreno, Dolores and David Watts, Janet Manuszak-Lucido, Sam Zaneoff-and a special thank you to Carolyn Crocket for introducing me to "Treasured Deans Lil Sampson" Sam.The American dogs have made a very big impact here in Australia, and for that I send a special thanks to Maureen Quinlan Merimaur for allowing me to have three very beautiful Poms all of which are now titled They are Merimaurs Magic Word pictured, Merrimaurs House Mouse pictured and Merimaurs Three Wishes. Treasured Deans Lil Sampson and Haikus Valentino are well on the way to their Australian championships. Thank you, everyone. Its been great fun showing the Yankee dogs. Hope to see you all in the very near future.Mike Friedman 94 Beach Road BondiN.S.W. 2026 AustraliaPhoneFax 02-306568le exchange rate was 1340 rubles to the Dllar. During our stay, two cabinet Linisters resigned and the rate shot up to 700 to the dollar with the promise of going igher.The next morning we were up bright and arly and made a breakfast of eggs and ussian salami. Never again That salami ras really potent I was scheduled t do a minar on Canine Genetics at 10 a.m. and 'orried about how I would hold up. We 'ere picked up at 930 and whisked off to a ultural center where it was to be held.It was a beautiful old building with larble floors. The auditorium was large nd comfortable and it looked like a very workable setup. I thought I had made sure rat everyone knew I needed an overhead rojector and a 35mm slide projector to ccommodate my type of slide trays. You uessed it...there was an opaque projector nd no slide projector. I guess I had better tart carrying my own. Well, finally they ound an overhead projector and a slide at a ime projector and off we went. The eminar seemed to go well, and my two ranslators did themselves proud.I had a very interesting experience during he noon break. A lady came up to me with in autographed copy of a book she had vritten about American Cockers. I thanked ier for the gift as I looked through it. It eemed well done as it had numerous Irawing from one of my books. By the vay, there are no international copyrights icknowledged by Russia. Just to prove it, he next day at the show an exhibitor asked ne to autograph a mimeographed copy of ny 1985 Cocker book.After the seminar, we were to attend a linner at the home of Nickolaj and radmilla Roginskij where we were to meet ill the judges. Four Brits and two other Americans. The British judges were Ron Carter of South Yorkshire, Bryn Cadogan, a ligh energy Welshman, Bob Gregory, the senior judge from Cheshire and Roy Metcalf from West Yorkshire. Our American partners were Mrs. Anna Harris of New Mexico and H.M. Cresap also of New Mexico. I had the pleasure of judging with Morris before. In fact, when he learned I would be on the panel with him he calledand shared his previous Russian experiences with us. As a result, we were warmly dressed and brought plenty of Kleenex with us and toilet paper with us. Anne had lived in the UK for a number of years and shared many moments with the English contingent. It was a real festive get together, and our British cousins turned out to be four of the most knowledgeable and likeable judges I have had the pleasure of knowing over the years. The party was held in an apartment not much larger than the one in which we were staying. A long table was set in the living area with all the goodies on it. Wine and vodka flowed like water as it did on virtually every occasion. This, as you might surmise, tended to loosen things up a bit. After introductions all around, we set about "working things out" for the show the next day.Let me digress a moment and fill you in on some background. First off, there is no National Kennel Club like the AKC. Each All Breed and Specialty Club is a law unto itself. There are apparently thousands of clubs throughout the former Soviet republics. Each apparently sets up its own ground rules and procedures for shows. This time, the Zoopractice KC wanted to set the stage for a set of universal rules for all Kennel Clubs within Russia. To that end they contacted Bob Gregory in England for formal ribbons to be given at the show and asked him to meet with their sponsor to help draft a plan for a National Club.That night, we seven judges with Ludmila as club president, laid the foundation. We agreed that the show would be run by FCI rales and we would educate our stewards and translators in those procedures. We reasoned that if all clubs followed the Zoopractice KC procedures, there could be official Russian champions since all would achieve their championships in the same manner. Most importantly, these championships would have meaning. By todays practices virtually any dog who receives a series of excellent ratings could call itself a champion. Under the FCI rales the procedures were as follows A class comes into the ring and the judge evaluates each dog by itselfM GORRELLS POMS W iPRESENTS1f . -rajrfZBEST OF w BREEDVARIETYoVMID CONTINENT KENNEL CLUB1994PHOTO BT petroustSGNEISLERS TOASTY MIZ STAMLA"Starla" is pictured here taking BOB over Specials for a 4-point major. She now has both majors, but is currently taking a maternity leave. She is the proud mama of two black and tan bitch puppies sired by Ch. Janesas Showcase O Fanfaire.Thank yous go to all the judges who have seen a champion in her, and to Nancy Burnett for this nice win. Starla will be back out this fall with Maria Kneisler.We feed Science DietnCindy and Paul Gorrell 223 S. McCord Ponca City, OK 74604 405 765-0714BreederHandler Maria Kneisler Cheryl Jackson 918492-0520 mgiving a verbal critique and giving a rating of Excellent, Very Good, Good, or Fair. The critique is dictated to a secretary who prepares a form already in use indicating the rating. The judge then signs the form. Different documents are used for ratings other than excellent. Only those dogs which have been rated as excellent may return to the ring later after all classes of that sex have been judged. In a sense, it is like our winners class except that more than one dog from a class may have been rated excellent and can compete for the CC award. When all the excellent dogs return to be judged, they are placed 1-4 or 5. The 1 is called Best MaleFemale and is awarded the CC. A Champion class is also designated and the winner of the champion class, who must be rated excellent to continue to compete, competes with the Best Male Female for Best of Breed or Variety. All of the Bests go on to compete for the group.All of this sounded good in theory, but implementing it in an environment in which it is totally foreign brought some comic but well-intentioned results.I was to start my assignment doing English Cockers. That seemed straight forward enough. My excellent interpreter, Johanna Juk, was not a dog person but was very willing and able to learn quickly. The ring stewards and secretary also caught on quickly. In fact, the breed went swimmingly. I thought it was too good to be true. It wasAs soon as I had given out the Best of Breed rosette, there were over 125 American Cockers ready to come into the ring. To my dismay, the secretary and stewards left the ring for they were only there for the English Cockers, and three new shiny faces made their appearance. There was the usual time spent while Johanna and I tried to orient them to the procedures and ring flow that I liked. And away we went-almost. They took it uponthemselves that we would judge the dogs by Variety instead of all together as in other FCI countries. No big deal I thought, this is how we do it back home. Blacks were first, and I completed judging all the males and was signing the final certificates. As I turned to face my ring and get ready for black bitches, there to my complete surprise, was a class of ASCOB males. I explained to my stewards that if we were going to judge by variety, I wished to complete judging one variety and award Best of Variety before going to the next. Some of the exhibitors were a bit disconcerted after being assembled and then told the ASCOB classes would come later and to go off and get their black bitches instead. There was some interesting arm waving on both sides. Needless to say, I was amazed by the whole thing. Well, blacks were completed in good order and a Best of Variety selected. WhewNow ASCOB puppy dogs finally came into the ring. Just when I was getting into the swing of things, Johanna, my steward, came to me with a sad story. There was lady outside the ring in tears. It seemed she had a train to catch back to St. Petersburg, and she had brought this Parti-color all the way to Moscow for me to evaluate. Because of the numerous delays in getting dogs entered on the day of the show, we were running about two hours late. "Couldnt the American judge, whom she had heard of, stop the judging so her dog could be judged and she could go home My interpreter and steward saw the logic in that so who was I to thwart their humanitarian generosity. I judged the dog. Luckily it wasnt one who could justifiably compete for the CC later on. I had a happy exhibitor who though I was a saint, and two happy ring executives. I still dont know what the ASCOB exhibitors thought.Back to the judging. At least I thought that was what I was going to do next. Since I had been a nice guy once, I guessed others figured they could work a deal for themselves. In come my twosome again to say we had another lady in tears. Tears seem to turn them on. This time the story was that this person had a bitch at the show with a nursing litter and the bitch wasoHI to Vi LL L E Yp oM El IA N1A N C U BSpecialty Match Sunday, November 6,1994JUDGESErika K. Moureau Tomball, TX-all Males, all Females,Best Junior, Senior, and Adult Best in MatchWendy Feist Shelton, WA-Junior Handling and CostumeRADISSON INN DAYTON 2401 Needmore Road Dayton, OH 45414Reservations 800-333-3333 or 513 278-5711 Reservation Deadline October 21,1994 Indicate OVPC for 49.95 RateClasses 2-4 months, 4-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months, 12 months and over.Entry Fees First entry of each dog 8.00. Each additional entry same dog 4.00. Costume and Junior Handling 8.00. Parade of Champions 4.00.PRIZESBest in Match 200.00-Cash and Tack Box Best Junior, Best Senior, and Best Adult-Grooming Table and Apron Best Junior Handler50.00 Best Costume50.00Entries close October 21,1994Hospitality Saturday, November 5,1994, at 700 p.m.Banquet following show Photographer and Match videoed AuctionMail all entries toKelly and Karen Schwartz, Co-Chairpersons P.O. Box 1456 Piqua, OH 45356 513778-1740DONATIONS WELCOMED AND ACKNOWLEDGEDetting tired-so, would the good judge lease judge her Parti bitch so she too, ould go home. Oh, Oh, I thought, if I give i on this one the avalanche is under way. \y halo slipped as I told my two crestfallen ood Samaritans that this time I would not ield and explained why. I saw the saddest iair of eyes outside of an AKC hearing, but hey understood. However, would I tell the idy myself. I did, they translated, and I didnt feel virtuous any longer. However, his action seemed to restore order and the udging went on. From time to time, I could ee them talking to exhibitors at ringside nd throwing up their hands and pointing oward me. I was officially the bad guy, and hey were off the hook.By 930 that evening, all of the judges had ompleted their breed assignments and vere comparing the days war stories before roup judging. Most had had similar tactics lulled on them. I guess we and the ixhibitors learned something about ring irocedure that day. The group judging was traight forward enough. I got through the Sporting Gun Dog group without great nishap. The only surprise was to find an English Toy Spaniel in the lineup. I acted lonchalant about it as though I knew they vere sporting dogs.Morris Cresap did one of the groups and bowed that he had judged in Russia before, de declared a tie, and we had two winners ome out of that group to compete for Best n Show. When we called him on it, he said hat he had been told this was a common practice, and so he decided to try it. It vorked. No one was surprised or upset lest in Show was judged by Bob Gregory if England, the senior British judge, and he bund a Black Russian Terrier for Best Ibis is an interesting breed. It looks somewhat like a cross between a Giant Schnauzer and a Bouvier. These are real ough dogs. So ended a long, frustrating, lut exciting day. Russia is, we hope, on the vay toward having a common judging system. We shall see how long it takes to spread to the other clubs and cities.A further note on organization. Remember when I said earlier that each club is a law unto itself Well, most large clubs have a sponsor, translate that looselyinto an owner. The sponsor of the Zoopractice KC is Victor Gordienko, and industrialist and a dedicated dog person. In his meetings with the Brits, and backed up by me as a cheering section of one, he was encouraged to lead the way and form a National Kennel Club along the lines of the United Kennel Club. This would be the National registry and also would put out a publication like the Gazette. In our discussions we described the Kennel Club of Great Britain and the AKC and United Kennel Club. We pointed out how by taking the best of all these bodies, they could form a club that would est serve Russian needs. I think this effort has been launched. I certainly hope it can succeed. Oh, yes, before I forget..all seven judges donated their fees paid in rubles toward a perpetual trophy towardAngloAmericanRussian friendship as a Best in Show trophy for the Zoopractice club.Now for sightseeing and party time facts, figures, and vodka. Among the wonderful things we did as a group was to visit the Kremlin, attend the Moscow Circus, and watch a performance of Elenora put on by the National Ballet Company. The Kremlin is fascinating. It is a large fortress-like enclosure within which are a myriad of churches, all different. A museum, an armory, army barracks, and a number of office buildings make up the rest. This is where the Politburo meets. Incidentally, we were able to see the damage from tank fire to the parliament building which is located a bit away from the Kremlin. Just outside the wall is Red Square, a vast expanse used as a parade ground and for many official functions. Bordering on Red Square is the world famous GUMS department store. Now this is not like a department store as we know it. It is more like an Italian or English Galleria with individual shops on two main levels with an open courtyard. It is, in a way, like an early American mall. There are no anchor stores like May Company or J.C. Penny. Every store is relatively small. However, I wouldnt be surprised to learn that a number of shops are owned by one company. Street vendors have also set up in the central courtyardasLitters due from the following studsCh. Great Elms Chip of Gold-Chip is sired by Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too and is a ft brother to Ch. Great Elms Shining Star, the top winning Pom in Canada of all time. Chip is a B1 sire and the only living champion out of Timstopper Too that we are aware of.Ch. Great Elms Little Tiger-This is the newest champion at Great Elms and his puppies a already winning at the shows. Sired by Ch. Great Elms Master Mark.Ch. Great Elms Master Mark-Full brother to Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming n. Mark consistently siring top quality puppies.Ch. Merrymont Fly by Nite-Sired by the famous producer Ch. Merrymont Satrday Nite Feve This line has consistently been a top producer.We specialize in the Great Elms Bloodline. Puppies available this fall.Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette. If not completely satisfied, return thpuppy for a refund within a three day period. Phone or write us for our price list.Lenette Pomeranians 1440 Pom Orchid LaneKannpolis, NC 28081 704 938-2042-FAX 938-7578aund a fountain and hawk their wares, ju may be in a store shopping for a oduct when a street vendor usually quite iung will pop in and offer you a product lite similar to one being offered by the xekeeper at a better price. The clerks are it upset and, who knows, it may be a ploy keep you from bargaining. One great tie toy we bought is a Boris Yeltsin doll, ike off its head and inside is a smaller orbachev doll, take off his head, etc., etc., 1 the way back to Lenin. CleverDoris just had to price fur coats. The trip ould have been an abject failure if she ld not try on a Russian sable coat. In this xlusive shop, you had to look prosperous Tore they will buzz you through the eked door. She had seen a coat in the indow and couldnt believe the price. So, i we went and she tried on the coat. That onderful price was in German marks, but en so, I am told by my furrier friend that was a steal at 8,000 American. Since 'oris is not allowed to steal, no coat. We leepishly walked out under the glare of le haughty manager.In contrast to some of the Tony, high lass stores within GUMS, there were many ores selling sundries, toothpaste, toilet aper, and the like. There were also banks 'ithin the complex with long lines waiting turn in fast fading rubles for dollars, the ard currency of the country. Its nice to it our dollar worth something, amewhereJust off Red Square, there are numerous hops of all types. From Haute Couture owns to cookie and fish markets. Just utside these shops, standing in the snow nd ice, was a line of about 20 well-dressed omen holding up various articles of new lothing for sale. A mixed up scene of ealth and poverty.Russia is a country in transition. The new ias uprooted the old much to the ewilderment of the people. They have earned to be free but had no idea that reedom brought self-government and with t came responsibility for ones own ictions. This is a totally foreign concept, rhey have never had to take responsibility ust as they seldom had the opportunity to ead or plan, or even carry out a plan whichled to major decisions and venturing mto new territories.As we Americans know, it takes a bureaucracy to run a government As much as we complain about our bureaucrats, they make our government work and carry out the will of the President and of Congress. Right now the only bureaucracy in Russia is that which is left over from the Communist regime. These people have no clear direction. The President issues on set of marching orders and the legislative arm another. These bureaucrats did not want to change in the first place. The current system got them where they were so why change a system that worked FOR THEM.Heel dragging, false starts, contradicting orders, all make the chaos of the dog show world seem trivial. However, the dog show world is a reflection of the world these people live in today.The Russian people want this thing called democracy that make the West so rich. But what is it, and how does it work If its so good why is our economy in shambles If its good, why doesnt the West pour in money it has promised For an outsider, especially an American, the people we met want to emulate freedom and our form of government but find it hard to kick-start a new democracy. Enough political insight, lets partyThe day after the show we were scheduled to take a trip to a small town of Zagorsk, about three hours drive from Moscow, for a shopping spree, sightseeing, and a big party. It was on this trip that we saw our first real homes. It seems that virtually all of Moscow that we saw consisted of huge apartment complexes. Once we were "museumed out," we went to a luncheondinner party at the home of Gennadij Ivanov, one of the club members who lived in town. We boarded our "bus," for want of a better name, I guess I can call it a bus. It was a box attached to a truck frame with seats inside. It looked to be war surplus, but I couldnt tell which war. We all called it the icebox because the heat from the truck cab didnt get back to the passenger box. Luckily, Doris and I returned to Moscow in a private car-moreXFOURTH \NSANTA BARBARA KENNEL CLUBJVICKY COOKphoDOGrsphylexicon's Castle Modes FancyCh. Glen Iris Castle Rock x Ch. Jolly Wees Dixie HiFancy has.... 3 Best of Breeds 2 Group 4 Placements 3 ReservesHome of Ch. Southpaws Pistol Packen Mama Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock x Glen Iris Distant CallerCongratulations Erika Moureau on your Kennel Visit Thank you for your willingness to share your knowledge and your help and encouragement and friendshipLots of Love Castle Rocks Poms Tom and Mary Palmer 602 445-9427ibout that later-I called it the seminar on wheels.Anyway, off we went to Gennadijs aome. It was on the outskirts of town. We plowed through the snow as far as the bus would take us and then hiked another couple of blocks through the snow to the [louse.When we finally arrived, his wife and mother had laid out a spread that would tiave done the Czars proud. It was a small house, no bigger than some Moscow apartments. Gennadij was a contractor and had lived in the house for seven years, so far no running water and no indoor plumbing. He was too busy building for others-talk about your shoemaker and his kids. He said he would get around to it eventually.We ate until we were ready to burst Then came the speeches and toasts. Our Russian hosts were lavish in their praise for the British and American judges. Naturally we had to reciprocate. Do you know what ten toasts with homemade red vodka can do to you Please, dont try it What it did to our British cousins is to launch them into teaching all of us a "quaint" British dance called the Hockey Pockey. All I remember of that night is you roll up your pants and swing your partner. There was this tough Welshman who kept us doing it for what seemed like hours. And his fellow Brits encouraged him.Sobering up a bit we saw the kennels and the Black Russian Terriers and bid them a sad adieu and tramped back to where the bus was waiting. It was already late, but some of our group wanted to shop for Russian fur hats. Few shops were open by that late hour and what they were able to find Daniel Boone wouldnt bring home.It was at this point that the driver who met us at the airport, Oleg Broslavskij, insisted that Doris and I and an Interpreter ride back to Moscow in his car. So Johanna was appointed as the official interpreter and off we went. We never exceeded 35 kilometers per hour so, as he put it, the trip would last longer. This man had an ulterior motive.He was a frustrated Cocker breeder who it seems was never able to find reliableinformation about breeding quality dogs. His purpose in this nip was to extract everything I knew about the breed gleaned in forty years during this now four hour trip home. Ilie conversation ranged from gait to genetics. He asked questions for a full four hours. His bladder was a hell of a lot stronger than mine. Finally convinced he had pumped me dry of information, the speed of the car jumped to 80 kilometers per hour. So ended the day in the countryside and also began a king-sized red vodka hangover.Our final night, after a great lunch at a major hotel, was to be spent at Victor Gordienkos officewarehouse complex at a party in our honor. Once again there was a major banquet laid on. Victor was late. He had been flying all over Russia with his aides trying to asses what would be the impact of the resignation of two key minister from Yeltsins cabinet. When he arrived, he turned out to be a marvelous host. He talked at some length about the changes that occurred in the former Soviet Union, how the dog show business had grown so rapidly, and his hopes and aspirations for the future.We drank, we ate, and the Hockey Pockey started again and again. This time, with Victors attractive secretaries participating. These were good looking and talented gals. They also showed us some Russian dances and sang Russian songs. This Hockey Pockey thing reminds me, sort of, our square dancing. All eyes were on Victors secretary who was a stunning blonde. She was his daughter-in-law.Much, much more happened on the trip, but since I am not committed to writing a book, I will have to end it here. A wonderful trip, a wonderful people, great judges. Let us hope our two peoples working together can help bring peace to the world and organization to the Russian Dog World. Appropriate dress for a handler complements the dog and does not draw attention to the exhibitor.Q TUftere tjualitu makes the dfiierertcelBEST OF OPPOSITESOUTHEASTERN IOWA x IKENNEL CLUB FEBRUARY 1994DOWNEY PHOTO BT GREG 1V_JElf.JMIauns pDjtltps ^loultlfanACM Ch. Allayns Sinnerman Toast x Allayns Flamenco DancerHotlips enjoyed every second she spent in the ring. Almost every judge she met commented o her great legs and happy personality, and she finished in short order. She was shown to her title b my good friend Anette Palmer Kelley, who can now be seen with Allayns Dazzlin Gold Cham another little orange cutie.We recommend Science Diet"Mary AllanPhoneFAX 918 485-3010Rt 3, Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467 Phone 918 485-1040Mikki Comes Homeby Kristi ShearerIve just come back from my nother-in-laws-the same Judy Shearer we all know and love. WelI...most of you know aer, anyway. Because I just came from Fudys I have scratch marks on the back of my legs. These came from a Pom gentleman named Mr. Mikki Silver. Mik gets mad when I leave. He loves me. But tiis same dog, when he came to live with ludy in 1992, would run and hide under the couch any time anyone came to visit. What a change we have seen in him in two yearsMikki was whelped on August 8, 1983, and went home with Dorothy Silver on September 29. Judy was made co-owner on January 6, 1984."She made me promise to take him back if anything happened to her," Judy said.Ironically, just two weeks before she passed away, Dorothy called Judy to confirm this. Dorothy died on September 27, 1992, and Mikki was delivered to Judy by a neighbor on September 28.Mikki was at a loss. Dorothy had never married smart lady and never had children even smarter lady. There had been no other pets. Mikki had visited Judy once and all he did was growl and snap at her. I understand, Mik, there have been many times I wanted to growl and snap at her myselfSo poor Mik, so used to being alone, had to come live in a house full of Poms. Add to this the steady stream of sons, brother, mother, and grandkids running in and out and Mik was bewildered, to say the least He was unfriendly and when he finally did get brave enough to come near me, the other dogs gathered around and frightened him away. He became well known as the "under the couch grouch"Keep in mind, Mikki has two champion sisters, and one brother who has his CDX in obedience. However, this little bullhead had never been trained to do anything he didnt want to do, including housebreaking. Sounds familiar. I mean, Judy could have at least potty-trained Kim before she let him marry meWhat Mikki didnt understand, though, was that Judy was just as bullheaded as he. Eventually he was housebroken, though he still sometimes has to have his own way. Typical maleI think of the Mikki today, compare to the Mikki two years ago. When he first came to live with Judy, he looked old and feeble stiff and unhappy. He was unfriendly and shy. Now, he comes right to me even growls at the other dogs to let them know its his mm to drink in my beauty.He looks healthier and happier. He is active and playful, more loving. He just seems to belong here. This is all good news, of course, except that my legs are still sore.Mikki has definitely come home Amish Dog Breeders Accused of Crueltyby Michael deCourcy HindsAmos K. Stoltzfus is one of bearded, straw-hatted Amish farmers whose 19 th century lifestyle has been romanticized nearly as often as the Amishs horse-drawn buggies have been pictured on postcards and photographed by tourists here in Lancaster County.But now, animal-rights advocates-a bit nervous about challenging this popular image-have accused Amish farmers like Stoltzfus of breeding dogs in a cruel way and flooding the market with puppies that are sometimes maladjusted and sick.Pennsylvania dog officers and humane agents say they have found many Amish breeders who violate health, shelter, and sanitary standards for kennels. And a national humane society has called for a national consumer boycott of pet store puppies that come from Pennsylvanias commercial kennels, many of them Amish-owned.The Amish, a reclusive Christian sect with roots in Germany, are not the only kennel operators who have been cited by the state. "Englishmen," as the Amish refer to most outsiders, have also been charged with violating state laws.But the Amish in SoutheasternIn Loving Memory....i-vCfu Puf-Pride Pandihzing TazottiLLL Happy Twinkling Tange x Tiny Sundance of Oakridge 1986-1994Truly a Special FriendShe will "live on" through her kids and grand kids which we have kept.Show prospects available Year old red male Pointed Orange male puppy Orange sable male puppyCongratulations and Best Wishes to Erihg on her KameCVisitWarren and Virginia Dimick 8 Burk WayOklahoma City, OK 73115405677-2511 FAX or Phone Noon to Midnightsnnsylvania have taken the lead in dog reeding in the last decade, opening up a reat many, if not the majority, of the andreds of new commercial kennels in the ate and, in the process, taking away usiness from Midwest breeders.The Amish have previously had scrapes ith the outside world when the biblical iws that govern their lives clashed with xal zoning or building codes, but these lain-living, gentle people have never been ccused of anything that goes so much gainst their reputation as animal cruelty. The crux of this matter is again a clash of ultures. The Amish say they raise dogs luch as they would any other livestock, estricting the dogs to small cages and illing the parents when they are no longer iroductive.Animal-rights advocates say the dogs teed more human contact because they are lomestic animals that should be prepared or lives as family pets. And the idea of ailing dogs when their breeding lives are ver is repugnant to many dog lovers.State and federal laws are silent on the noral questions, but they do mandate some hings that some Amish consider mnecessary, like a minimum cage size."I personally think some of these mimal-rights people are more concerned ibout dogs than their own children," said stoltzfus, 56, as he gave a tour of him mmaculate kennel behind a field of com. Stoltzfus 40 Doberman pinschers and Rottweilers, which are housed in a modem netal-clad building scampered about their aged pens and barked ferociously.He sees nothing inhumane about his methods of dog breeding. And he dismisses criticism that a commercial kennel like his produces puppies with behavioral problems because the big kennels cannot give the puppies sufficient human contact.He said he and his wife and two teen-agers work their 25-acre farm and spend time each day with the puppies, which number up to 25 at any one time.Stoltzfus said he was not surprised that some Amish breeders have been cited repeatedly for badly mistreating their dogs "You can have good and bad in any church."The Humane Society of the United States, a nonprofit organization in Washington, first called attention to problems associated with mass-production breeding in Pennsylvania in 1991, when it called for a national consumer boycott of pet store puppies from Pennsylvanias "puppy mills," as the society calls them.The boycott continues, with uncertain effect, against Pennsylvania and six other states with many commercial kennels-Iowa, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma-that the society had blacklisted in 1990.Rachel A. Lamb, a humane society spokeswoman, said there were about 5,000 commercial kennels around the nation that breed dogs in cages. They produce about 500,000 puppies a year.The female dogs are often bred twice a year and are routinely killed at about 6 or 7, she said, and the puppies generally receive only minimal human contact and medical care. As a result, she said, the puppies may develop behavioral and health problems.In Pennsylvania, the worst kennels have breeding females dogs that are old, sick or have defects, said Thomas Bougher, a supervisor in the state Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement. "I dont like to pick out a particular group of the problems," Bougher said. "Most people treat dogs as quasi-human, but a dog is the same thing as a chicken to them."Last year, Bougher said, dog wardens in several southeastern counties closed down about 30 commercial kennels, including many Amish ones, when the owners refused to comply with state kennel laws.Private agencies like the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals have primary responsibility for enforcing the states anti-cruelty laws. They are under-staffed, and they cannot inspect a kennel without the owners permission. To obtain a search warrant, the agent must show a judge probable cause.Over the last few years, after humane societies filed cruelty charges against a number of kennel operators, nearly all of the kennel operators have posted no-trespassing signs."Were shut out tight as a drum," Scott G. 9kH4iCh. Texicans Great Balls 0 FireCongratulations Erika Moureau on your Kennel VisitIt seems so many years that I purchased Texicans Great Balls O Fire from you. There was a lot of happiness and a few tears showing our boy. But he went all the way to Best in Show. I miss him terribly. He died of cancer on July 10, 1992. Remember Susie Everything she produced with Ch. Texicans Great Balls O Fire was made a champion. Thank you, ErikaI now have a lovely breeding program of whites and creams-lots of Sun-Ray in the pedigrees.Berrys Pomeranians P.O. Box 122Westlake, LA 70669 318494-7072Barnes, chief humane agent for the Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in nearby Chester County.He said the private and state agencies receive relatively few consumer complaints about the kennels because most do not sell directly to consumers but sell their puppies wholesale to brokers for pet stores.In March, Lamb said the humane society tried to draw attention to the related problem of canine over-population by calling for a national moratorium on breeding.The society asked all breeders to reduce or stop breeding for one year so the supply of puppies can catch up with the demand. Last year, humane societies across the country killed an estimated 4 million unwanted dogs, including a million purebreds.Commercial breeders in Pennsylvania say that the boycott has had no noticeable impact on their business and they have ignored the moratorium, saying that they view the humane societies as nothing more than sanctimonious competitors."All humane societies charge mandatory donation fees for their dogs, so they are a business," said Robert Yamall, Jr., a commercial breeder and chairman of the Pennsylvania Kennel Committee for Higher Ethics, a trade group. He said the group represents most of the states 3,000 commercial dog breeders.Pennsylvania legislators proposed new laws this year that wold address the most egregious problems by providing money for more kennel inspections and by providing some consumer protections.The consumer legislation, modeled after laws in eight other states, would require Pennsylvania pet shops to provide buyers with a veterinarians health certificate.And should a puppy develop some genetic, parasitic or infectious illness, the pet shop would reimburse the buyer for non-routine medical expenses up to the price of the dog.Yamall also said that during the last two years his trade group began advising commercial breeders to restrict breeding females to once a year, instead of twice a year, and to socialize the puppies.But no mater how much Stoltzfus and others adjust their large-scale breeding practices, they will never appease people like Dotsie Keith, who raises Dalmatians in her Bucks County kitchen."Puppies have to be picked up, fondled, hear the TV and the vacuum cleaner, and see the cat walking around," said Keith, who is a spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Federation of Dog Clubs. "You cant raise puppies in cages behind bams." Obedience Awardsby Judy Shearer Chairperson APC VIP AwardsMy apologies to you Obedience people. I forgot to include the criteria for die VIP awards in my last article. So here you areRequirements are as followsTop Obedience the APC members Pom defeating the most dogs in ObedienceTop Novice, Open, and Utility the APC members Pom in each category who has the highest average of any 3 scores allowed for that title.Registrars Cornerby Jean Schroll 12950 S. New Era Road Oregon City, OR 97045 503 650-0023Register of MeritCh. Great Elms Master MarkRegister of Merit ExcellentCh. Tim Sues High LightsHall of FameCh. Linchris Genghis Pomi 11 V ffl L .S -c. a.\ V'fno .- d.LsflivLLAS-FT. WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB. INC.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXKOHLERCH. SOUTHLANDS TOAST TO BEV-NOR"Poasty" is pictured with breeder-judge Mary Rosenbaum going Best Opposite Sex at the Dailas Pomeranian Specialty.Thanks to ali who appreciated a ten-year-old.SOUTHLANDCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost RidgePinevilte, LA 71360 318 466-3456UPj Pj PJ PJ. Pi B PPj PJ Pi Pj Pj Pj PJ PJ P Hiu333KALEE POMSCH. ROCK MUSIC OF OAKRIDGE"Boxy" finished with a four-point major in Texarkana, AR, in June. During his limited showing, he went Best of Breed three times over specials. We look forward to starting KaLees Tradition of Oakridge in the ring this fall. See picture on opposite page.Thank you, Nina and Ray, for letting us bring these two "Jake" sons toArkansas.Congratulations to Dee and Charles McNeice for the recent majors on Patty, a "Jake" daughter.OwnersDavid and Phyllis Fulmer 2112 W. Lakeview Benton, AR 72015 501778-6581BreederNina K. Epps RR 5, Box 150 Nixa, MO 65714 417725-5658jlBBEEEu0EEEEBS0Eg303II p jiJ p i il p fill P p p \m p id fB po A K R] ID G EAC Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridgeintroduces some of his Oakridge sons...KaLees Tradition of Oakridge Traditions Legend of Oakridge and Forbes Merry Rock of OakridgeCongratulations to David and Phyllis Fulmer on finishing Jakes son, Rock Music of Oakridge, with a four-point majorBest of luck to Charles and Dee McNeice with their Jake daughter, Chas T Dees Peppermint Patty, starting her career with a Best of Breed at the Manteno, IL show and Best of Winners the following day.FLASH Patty went to South Carolina and won two majors Super start.Congratulations to Erika Moureau and Texican Poms-a dear friend andsuper handlerNina Epps Rt 5, Box 150Nixa, M 65714 417725-56581u3mLEGENDARY POMSmKo7 EiINEBESTOF REED VARIETYBCEDAR RAPIDS KENNEL ASSN. JUNE 1994WHEY PHOTO BY OREOElElEElELEGENDARY SING NOELCh. Wee Robins Dancer of Oakridge x Shady Park Tinker bell RockNoel is pictured going Best of Breed in Cedar Rapids. Thanks to Dr. Esporite for appreciating her sweet face Noel is looking forward to her own Jake babies.Many thanks to Nina Epps and Oakridge Poms for helping me get started and supporting me along the way.Congratulations to Erika Moureau, a lady that had time for a friendly word to anewcomer.P.S. Special thanks to Vicky Dooms and the Karasu Oka Akitas for being "partners in crime" with us.Our newest addition, a Jake son, is pictured at the rightLEGENDARY POMS Jim and Nancy Smith Rt. 1, Box 171 Norwood, MO 65717 417746-4740 \ VTraditions Legend of OakridgeOrararaHmraU3rapHHB.jl0BEHigi ra iffl fin ell ffl ini iffl ra ca irahTexican Kennel Visitby Patrick FarmerErikaThis months kennel visit to Erika Moureau of Tomball, Texas, is a little different. The kennel is basically empty the Texican Poms are all but gone, except for clients dogs, a few Poms, Papillons, and Japanese Chins. Only one Pomeranian belonging to Mrs. Moureau, Ch. Tim-Sues Luck of Texican, is a very promising puppy geared to be her next special graces her kennel. Erika has retired from breeding and has devoted herself full-time to handling.The kennel itself is a rectangular 12 by 36 foot affair with four spacious indooroutdoor air conditioned runs. At night, the dogs are kept in 2 x 3 crates, each with its own bed. The floor is done in Mexican tile which continues up the wall coordinating with red, black, and white wall paper. Portraits of some of Erikas favorite exhibits are hung about the walls in a rather attractive manner.Erika has been involved in dogs since,according to her, the "dawn of creation. Actually, this Jurassic age exhibitors firs dogs were long-haired Dachshunds. Sh started showing dogs in the United State in 1968. Her first exhibits were Wirt Terriers, Airedales, and Standarc Schnauzers. This helps explain wh soundness, correct movement as well at type are so important to her breeding program. Mrs. Moureau was charmed b a small red sable pet owned by Johr Metz, and started showing Pomeranians in 1981. Erika obtained her first Porr from Claire Hendrix, BISS Ch. Gold Gems Ruffles Buttons N Bows L"Buttons" became a multiple group placer and specialty winner which Erika ranked in a mere eight weeks. Buttons was also the dam of Erikas first twc champions, Texicans High N Might and Texicans Fame in Fortune. The rest ol her foundation stock came from Ixnnis Raines and Sue Goddard. The first ol Erikas foundation studs was Ch. Tomboys Pico Chico ROM. He is the sire of 18 champions, among them are four BISA and two BISS, and numerousA\titrFront view of Erikas homegroup winners and placers. The other stud dog at Texican kennel was Ch. Texicans Primo De Pico, also and ROM, and sireV.AKennel Entranceof BISA dogs. A few of the stars at Texican haven been BISS Ch. Texicans Giant Killer Chula, BISA Texicans Great Balls O Fire and Int., Mex., Can., Am. Ch. Texicans Houdini. Both "Killer" and "GB" were handled by Erika to BISS and BISA wins respectively. "Houdini," a multiple BISA winner went off to become the number one dog all breeds in Mexico.In the past few years, as her handling and traveling have increased, Erika has passed on her breeding program to Patrick Farmer and Robert Kennedy of Eastwyck Kennel. Now handling full time, Erika has also campaigned quite a few top winners. A few of these are BISA Ch. Tim Sues High Lights, BISA Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock, Ch. Tim Sues Distant Lights, a multiple group winner, and the multiple group winning Papillon, Ch. Titians Cammeri in Sable. For Eastwyck, Erika has helped campaign BIS ABISS Ch. Tim Sues ElectricLights, ranking him in the top ten in less than three months of showing. She is also the "Mama" to our 1 Japanese Chin "Damian," BIS ABISS Ch. Eastwycks Evil Doings, putting his first group placement on him as a puppy.Erika is equally renowned for her heart of gold, an acid tongue, a wicked sense of humor as well as her vast knowledge on almost any subject. She is one of the few true experts on the notorious "skin condition," having had unprecedented success in dealing with it. Always a professional in and out of the ring, Erika, though retired from breeding remains a dominant figure in the Pomeranian world. J ]E'S\r 'iKX. GroomingStationTell Me WhyWhen animals do things, we call it instinct. When we do things for the same reason, we call it intelligence.inici 7- mmmmmmmum iMuuuIB rInside View of KennelVfr , I 1..........iiiii I i III .. Ml sn I M I1 lilt Ml . . iliiiiiiimiiiih'II"whiiIIIiffas rGirlsRunColumbia Pomeranian Specialty July 15,1994by Jean SchrollWhat a pleasure it was to judge the 40th Anniversary Specialty for the Columbia Pomeranian Club. There was a total of 67 dogs with four in Obedience. It was the largest entry we have ever had. It was gratifying that so many dogs were entered for out 40th anniversary. There are not many Pom clubs as old as Columbia Pom Club. The trophies were special, all hand painted by Sandie Lovey, a local artist. They were lovely, and anyone who won one should treasure it.Tom Stephens judged the sweepstakes classes, and because I was judging the regular classes, I did not watch so I hope Tom makes his own report.Winners Dog, Hallmarks Maximum Attraction, owned by Geanene Hall, is a lovely orange, sound legs, and a good attitude. I understand this finished him. Reserve winners dog was a close second and could have been winners also. There were several classes that could have had 6 or 7 winners, and there are only four places. It looks as if our breed is doing well-good type, sound, and pretty.Winners Bitch was a 6 to 9 months black girl, Gayels Devilicious, owned by Gale Rivers. It was her first show and she was not too sure what was going on, but by the time she went in for breed, she had gotten it together and enjoyed herself. She has a lovely head, good coat, and a stylish mover. She should get better with age and practice. She was also Best of Opposite Sex. She is sired by a son of Ch. Finchs He Walks on Water, Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Valentino. Both are very nice black dogs. There were several move-ups to Best of Breed, making a large specials class. Best of Breed was a close call with the veteran dog Ch. Tim Sues High Lights and Ch. Glen Iris Luckdragon fighting it out with the Luckdragon dog being the eventual winner. Luckdragon is owned by Tim and Sue Goddard.It was our third Obedience Trial. OllieBlue Buster CDX TD going high in trial. He is owned by Ann Griffith and Randy Morris. His score was 191 12.For the first time, CPC had Junior Showmanship, and Angela Mooney was the first winner.There were dogs from all over, including Maryland, Texas, Utah, California, and of course, local dogs. The Puget Sound Pom Club had a Specialty on Thursday at the same grounds with Darrell Baker judging. Im sure there will be a report from PSPC as to their winners. Best of Breed Ch. Glen Iris LuckdragonA.v. r Best Opposite Sex and Winners Bitch Gayels OeviliciousiWinnersDog and Best of Winners Hallmarks Maximum AttractionBest in Sweepstakes Tim Sues Luck of Texican-yoRFVdf04r-uli"Weboiler lei le In...Him ' taiki H I ever heerd them."Top Poms List 1994Group Points^ Dogs Name Owner Group Breed01 Ch Glen Iris Castle Rock............................. ........FetterTaylorJackson. ....4346...... ......65602 Ch HHH Texas Two Step........................... ................. H Ramirez............ ....2035...... ......21403 Ch Creiders Prince Dom Perignon..........................M and M Koga......... ....1930...... ......12404 Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino.................. ............PlonkeyGemmill...... ....1725...... ......10005 Ch Jan Les Willie Makit............................ .................J Lehtinen............. ....1501...... ..... 20506 Ch Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy............................... D Hebert.............. ....1285...... ..... 17407 Ch Finchs He Walks On Water.................. ................... D Finch.............. ..... 988...... ..... 27108 Ch Linchris Genghis Pom........................... ................. L Brogoitti............ ..... 927...... ..... 13609 Ch Starfires Im Too Sexy......................... ................. J Cabrera.............. ..... 744...... ......10710 Ch Wee Paws Pure Gold............................. .................S Mulinax............. ..... 735...... ......12811 Ch VIPs Dixieland Delight........................ ..............SmithGreedy........... ..... 448...... .. . .8812 Ch Watts Little Nicodemus....................... ..................R Koppel 434 . 10213 Ch Jan-Shars I Feel Lucky......................... ....Sharon Hanson.... . 397... 17114 Ch Odysseys Keno wiz.............................. ............LucidoMachline....... ..... 385...... ........7115 Ch Elans Devil May Care.................................. M and D Dahlenburg.. ..... 297...... ........3216 Ch Jan-Shars Doc Holiday........................ .............B and P Strand.......... ......273...... ........9017 Ch Mysticals I Dream Of Genie..............................J and D Owens.......... ..... 240....... ........4318 Ch Starfires Armani.... ....j Moreno.... ....222.... ....4519 Ch McGuires Wish Upon A Star....................................J Kern................ ..... 206...... ........1920 Ch Kneislers Maximum Limit................................BreauxKneisler............... 188...............38Breed Points01 Ch Glen Iris Castle Rock.......................... .......... FetterTaylorJackson........ .4346.... ...... 65602 Ch Finchs He Walks On Water............... ......................D Finch.................. ...988............ 27103 Ch Glen Iris Luck Dragon......................... .............T and S Goddard.................97............ 26204 Ch HHH Texas Two Step......................... ................... H Ramirez................ ,2036............21405 Ch Jan Le's Willie Makit........................... ................... J Lehtinen..................1501............ 20506 Ch Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy........... .................... D Hebert.................. 1285...... ......17407 Ch Jan-Shars I Feel Lucky....................... ................... S Hanson................. ..397...... ..... 17108 Ch Linchris Genghis Pom......................... ................... L Brogoitti................ ..927...... ..... 13609 Ch Wee Paws Pure Gold........................... ................... S Mulinax....................735............ 12810 Ch Creiders Prince Dom Perignon.......... ...............M and M Koga............. 1930........... 12411 Ch Starfires Im Too Sexy....................... ................... J Cabrera.....................744...... ......10712 Ch Absolutes Magic Mountain................ ................R and J Blank...................97...... ..... 10613 Ch Watts Little Nicodemus....... ...... R Koppel................. 434 .. ..... 10214 Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino..............................PlonkeyGemmill........... 1725...... ..... 10015 Ch Jan-Shar's Doc Holiday......................................B and P Strand.............. ..273...... ........9016 Ch VIP's Dixieland Delight...................... ................SmithGreedy............... ..448...... ........8817 Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip............. ....StrasburgGemmillPlonkey ..117...... ........8018 Ch Nanshadow Mark of Oakridge............ ................BumetteEpps.............. ..146...... ........7919 Ch Star-K Frankie Doux Bonte................ ................D and B Stark.............. ..... 0...... ........7820 Ch Odysseys Keno Wiz........................... ..............LucidoMachline..............385...... ........71While we have compiled this report with care, we do not claim absolute accuracy. This is not the method for choosing the APC Annual Awards. Jean B. Schroll, ColumnistSalutes Cheaux Poms for finishing...t tJrc .Gh. oe owca FaniaireCasey was sired by Ch. Wee Hearts Glen Iris Talisman and out of Janesas Tanto. He finished in 12 shows and he is a perfectly marked black and tan, short, good movement. He is passing these traits on to his offspring. He is at stud in Oklahoma.Congratulations to Erika Moureau on her Kennel Visit.Black and tan show pups available...7iOwnerCatherine Breaux 17905 NE 13th Street Bellevue, WA 98008 206641-1122BreederJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466KNEl[SIm.proudly present two of our newest championsj-Mr 'nClio Kmeislers Maximum LimitBred by M. and M. Kneisler and owned by C. Breaux and M. Kneisler.Max" finished with three majors, multiple breed wins over Specials and a group placementV________________ Jf \Ch. Jamesas Sweet N SassyBred by J. Freia and C. Jackson and owned by M. Kneisler and J. Freia.Sassy finished nicely with two breed wins along the way. Thank you, Nadine Hersil, for finishing her for us.V_______________ r \M JWatch for our newest "kids" to be in the ring this fall. For those of you Black and Tan enthusiasts, we have several show prospect puppies for your consideration. Serious inquiries only, please.We feed Science DietBreeder OwnerMaria Kneisler 9151 S. Darlington Avenue Tulsa, OK 74137-4006 918492-0520Breeder Co-OwnerJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466Behind the New TitlistsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Qub will be printed free if sent in by the owner. Please send the dogs name, sex, owners name, and breeders name on a separate sheet of paper. Please type or print legibly. Please send copies of pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor.Ch Phyner Town FlirtBlack Female Breeder Dolly B. Trauner Owner Dolly B. TraunerCh Moonshadows G Whiz Wee Bad Ch Odysseys Keno Wiz Black Cherries Jubilee Ch Morenos Tuff To TopCh Starlight Legacy Choco Bear Morenos Simply Bittersweet Morenos Copper Penni Dals Shoeshine of Nickey Phyner Black Kobold Audreys Little Buffy Phyner Town TriflePhyner Editors Talisman Phyner Lulus Back in Town Phyner New Girl in TownLil Cherobs Courbette JSon, CD Black and Tan Male Breeder Cheryl Roseboom Owner Victoria LeitnerCh Great Elms Timstopper Too Ch Watts Little Jo-Jo Great Elms Honeybun Ch Great Elms PresentsCozy Nugget of Timstopper Little Imps Timstopper Turn Turns Little Imp Ch Southlands Toasted Fudge Odas Lil Toastys Shadow Idas Lil Peachy Girl Courbettes Toasty FireChesai Fire N Tarnation Omens Cozy FireMagic Omens Dark FireCh Janesas Sweet N Sassy Red Sable FemaleBreeder Jerrie Freia and Chery Jackson Owner Maria Kneisler and Jerrie FreiaSouthlands Tar Baby Image Doo-Shays Mystic McGyver Southlands Toasted Scarlet Ch Wee Hearts Glen Iris Talisman Annons Ebony Mark II Ch Wee Hearts Bearly An Angel Wee Hearts Im No Angel Great Elms Timstoppers Davy Ch Great Elms Something Special Great Elms Becky Wee Hearts ChelsyAnons Ebony Mark II Wee Hearts Belladonna Lennis Muffets Lil Tar Baby0000000000000 0o o o o oo o o0QSince 1967 Da oapsj Julie Moreno aa415 58-4973a 000000000000 or Views expressed by individual members are their own and notnecessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.V.We invite our Readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects. JPOM SHOPPE ITEMSQuantity Price Item01.................. .2.50................Plaster Pom earrings orange pierced03.................. ....4.00........ ..... lAMs Pet Foods Grooming Aprons wpockets red06................. ....3.00........ ......Dolls wcrocheted dresses toilet tissue white, green, rose white,brown cream, beige, green white17................. .. 25.00....... .... Pedigree Books from Great Elms 141 pages01.................. .. 25.00........ .... Prodigy Membership IBM compatible, v. 3.215................. ....3.00........ .... Note cards and envelopes wPom by Babe 8601.................. ....2.50........ .... Wooden Pom Figurine wsmoked mirror14................. .... 5.00........ .... Small key ring wPom head on white tile11................. .... 6.00........ .... Lucite full Pom figure key ring01.................. .... 7.50....... .... Rubber stamp-full Pom wribbon in mouth52.................. .... 5.00........ ....APC membership pens.... 3.00....... .... APC Decals setone large and two smallBess P. Roberts 15802 Letcher Road Brandywine, MD 20613Phone 301 579-6462CATALOG ADVERTISING RATES AND INFORMATIONFull Page 4 58 x 7 14 35.00Half Page 25.00Breeder Directory or Business card 5.00Each photograph 10.00Please lay out your ad legibly on a sheet of white unlined paper. Include clear and concise instructions. Camera ready ads preferred, if possible see finished size above. Include your name, address, day and evening telephone numbers and any other pertinent information on the back of your photograph. We reserve the right to reject any advertising and disclaim any responsibility for correct content in the printed advertisement. Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and mail with advertising material toPam Yongen21777 N. Cumberland Rd Noblesville, IN 46060 317-773-5912ADVERTISING WITH PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BY DECEMBER 15, 1994Back Issues AdvertisersMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan 75.... ...Oct77.... ... May 79...... April 808.00 eachJul 77..... ...Feb 80.... ....Jul 81.... ..... Oct83Apr 86... ...Jan80.... .... Jan 906.00 eachJul 80..... ...Oct 80.... ....Apr 82... .....Oct82Jan83.... ....Jul 83.... ....Apr 84... .....Oct84Jan85.... ...Apr 85.... .... Jul 85.... ..... Oct85Jul 86..... ... Sept 86.......Nov86... ...... Jul87Oct87.... ...Jan 88.... .... Jul 88.... ...... Jan 89Apr 89... ....Jul 90.... ....Oct90.... ...... Jan 91Mar91... ...May 91... .... Jul91Issues from Sept 91 on...The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.The Pomeranian Review is sent to judges.Kennel visitsOctoberMarge Kranzfelder Forever Yours PomsMary Allan..................................... ...................... 25American Pomeranian Club.......... ...................... 13APC Catalog Advertising.............. ...................... 43Nina Berry..................................... ...................... 29Linda Brogoitti.............................. ..... Front CoverCharlotte Creed.................................................... 31Warren and Virginia Dimick................................27Nina Epps............................................................. 33Jerrie Freia............................................................ 40Michael Freidman................................................ 15David and Phyllis Fulmer............. ....................... 32Norma C. Gad......................................................... 8Carol Galavich.............................. ......... Inside FCTim and Sue Goddard................... ......Back CoverCindy and Paul Gorrell................. ....................... 17Sharon Hanson....................................................... 1Maria Kneisler...................................................... 41La Cajun Pom Club.............................................. 11Lenette Poms........................................................ 21Dennis and Mario Litonjua.................................... 9Julie Moreno........................................................ 42OVPC................................................................... 19Tom and Mary Palmer................. ........................ 23Pom Shoppe.................................. ....................... 43Jim and Nancy Smith........................................... 34Dollv B_ Trauner......................... ........ Tnside BCW"Thal'i my number I've won lottery I Mow I've got So Wnd that ticket IBEST OF BREED OVER SPECIALS from 9-12 Puppy Dog ClassArn^m.-iCongratulations and Best Wishes to Erika Moureau and all her Texican Poms from the Phyner Poms and their owner.Breeder Anna LaFortune thanks, Anna for letting us have himss Owner Dolly B. Trauner 415 346-5314Handler Jeff Nokes503 658-3733CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTSIt was the final day of five dog shows-two specialties and three all-breeds in Brush Prarie, Washington. Sue had won 4 Veteran Classes and a Best of Breed with Am, Can, Mex, Int Ch. Tim Sues High Lights when she knew that she had to see the winning combination of Erika and High ONE MORE TIME. Congratulations, Erika, with continued love and devotion from your favorite guy, High Lights, now 8 years young.