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The Pomeranian Review October 1994

omeranian Club, Inc.irratuan SmroOctoberNovember, 1994fMf ^ V lA f - \-- ' 'fl ^rinril , 'll-- anm.. ^--.-- ^JTycV'.5phrrSs1X-BEST OFV WINNERSROANOKEtfr'A CLUBJan-Shars Not For Love Or Money Jan-Shars Absolutely A Masterpiece x Jan-Shar's Big MamaHe is pictured here with Judge Ken Miller and Handler Jason Lynch.Congratulations, Marge Kranzfelder on your well-deserved Kennel VisitOwnerBreeder Sharon Hanson Days...304 497-2446 Nights...304 497-2289JAN-SHARContents...Residents Message Dolly Trauner...................4Secretarys Report Bev Henry..........................4duch Ado About Anything Sally Baugniet.... 5erformance News Lois Morkassel...................6dembership Applications...................................16danila in Review Mario Litonjua....................17fips and Yaps......................................................18Stormy Donna F. Doyle..................................19dembership Report Jerrie Freia.......................20op Poms List Jean Schroll..............................36Cennel Visit Marge Kranzfelder.....................39Jay Colony Steve Turner.................................45haget Sound Janell Reich................................46Jotice Bev Henry.............................................47lehind the New Tidists.......................................48Jack Issues .........................................................50AH 1 t\X'Forever Aspects of LoveAlex is pictured as an example of blended pedigrees in my household. This excellent black and tan male was produced by taking a Billy daughter to Bravo.Marge Kranzfelder Forever Yours Pomeranians 415 572-0149The American Pomeranian Club has its revised Information Booklet ready for iistribution. If you are interested, contact iie SecretaryFran Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 BRNOTICEThe Pomeranian Review is sent to Judges. Featuring your winning dogs in the National magazine will pay offSend your ads in now in support of Jim and Marit Hattoris Kennel Visit.Dont delayKENNEL VISITDecember-Dr. Jim and Marit Hattori Haiku KennelsIMPORTANT NOTICEBeginning with this issue, we have a different printer located in TexasThis printer has guaranteed a shorter turn-around time. Hopefully, that arrangement will enable us to get back on schedule. To accomplish that goal, the December issue deadline will be December 1 regardless of size.When we had four issues a year, there was more lead time between deadlines. Now that we have six issues there is litle lead time. Ads, therefore, can be sent at any time-just designate the issue you want them in.I am asking that you support this schedule with an ad. Please help, and plan now to send your ads, news items, or articles. Jfotnfrmriatt Kwifluof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Officers of the ClubPresident...........................................................................................................................Dolly B. TraunerFirst Vice-President.............................................................................................................................Emily UntaJanSecond Vice-President.............................................................................................................................Jim ShearerRecording Secretary.........................................................................................................................Beverly HenryCorresponding Secretary...................................................................................................Frances J. StollRural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501Treasurer..............................................................................................................................Al WillliamsonPOB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207AKC Delegate.........................................................................................................................................Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsSally Baugniet Happeth A. Jones Margaret McKee Sharon Masnick Brenda Turner Mary VickersPomeranian ReviewEditor.................................................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX79031 Phone 806 257-3817Business Manager.............................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................................................................................Brenda K. HuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues.....................................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription.....................Foreign............................................First Class.......................................Single Copy....................................MembersFull Page.........................65.00Half Page.........................40.00Quarter Page....................20.00Photos each...................10.00Front Cover, BW..........120.00Color..............................375.00Back Cover, BAA..........80.00Color..............................250.00Inside FB Cover.............70.00Color..............................195.00Center Spread................140.00Color..............................390.00Business Card .................10.00......30.00......45.00......35.00..........6.00NonMembers......70.00......45.00......25.00......10.00.... 150.00....400.00.....100.00....275.00......80.00... 200.00.... 150.00....400.00......15.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateDecJan........................Nov 15....... .... Dec 15FebMarch.....................Jan 15........ .... Feb 15AprMay........................Mar 15...... ....Apr 15JuneJuly......................May 15....... ...June 15AugSept......................July 15........ ....Aug 15OctNov.......................Sept 15............Oct 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all CoversPresidents Messageby Dolly B. TraunerYou may already have received a copy of he Revised Bylaws for your ratification. 3efore it can become official, it must first eceive final approval from the AKC. Jean Schroll, Bylaws Revision Committee Chairperson, and her committee presented heir initial draft to the Board last spring-after more than a years study. Your Board went to work polishing every last ietail. The major change is to remove the urrent mandate that the Annual Meeting ind Specialty be held in New York. This inally makes it possible for APC and its nembers to move these events to a less expensive part of the country. Because of ncreased workload, Fran Stoll had no objection to my doing the printout of the samera-ready copy on my laser printer, -ather than transcribing it into her machine ilso, since A1 Williamson has an inexpensive printer in his area who often Joes things for APC, he agreed to print hem and send them out It is not unusual for Board members to pitch in and help each Dther. On the whole, this has been a very Harmonious, mutually supportive, lard-working Board. About the time I sent A.1 the copy in mid-September, he was stricken with severe back pain that kept him ned-ridden for two weeks. Instead of getting all the revision and ballots in the mail by Tctober 1, he has had to mail them out in Hatches. Please note The deadline for returning your ballot to the Corresponding Secretary is therefore extended to November 23,1994.NEWS NOTEAPC President Dolly B. Trauner, recently returned from Ithaca, NY, where she was presented with the James A. Baker Institute nf Cornell Universitys annual Arthur F. Morth, Jr. Canine Service Award in -ecognition of longstanding dedication to he improvement of animal health. Mrs. Uauner initiated the Canine Eye Registration Foundation CERF in 1974 md was its director for 14 years prior to releasing it to Purdue University in 1988.Secretarys Reportby Beverly M. Henry 2025 Sam Houston Circle Carrollton, TX 75006Motions that follow are motions of general interest Missing motions, for the most part, are those pertaining to the revision of the By-Laws, which are close to being approved for mailout to the general membership.94-04-01Beverly Henry moved to put Pom Shoppe inventory back in the Review, seconded by Sharon Masnick. Motion passed 9 yes, 2 abstain, one no.94-04-06Margaret McKee moved the APC provide banquet free to President, Show Chairperson, judges and judges spouses. Seconded by Beverly Henry. Motion passed 8 yes, 3 abstain, one no.94-04-05Margaret McKee moved that refunds for unused banquet reservations be made only if the money is not needed. Motion passed 8 yes, 3 abstain, one no.94-05-01Dolly Trauner moved to offer 12-18 month class in both Sweepstakes and Regular Classes at the 1995 Winter Specialty. Seconded by Jim Shearer. Motion passed 9 yes, 2 no, one absent.94-06-11A1 Williamson moved that certain requirements be added to the Treasurers job description. To run for this office the applicant must either own or have access to a computer and be familiar with suitable accounting software and be aware of present-day accounting practices. Seconded by Dolly Trauner. Motion passed 11 yes, one absent.94-07-02Beverly Henry moved to approve the most recent version of the new MembershipAmerican romeraman uiiud 5Application. Seconded by Brenda Turner. Motion passed unanimously.94-07-03Margaret McKee moved to eliminate the ban on champions in the Sweepstakes classes at the National Specialty Shows. Seconded by Brenda Turner. Motion Passed 9 yes, 3 no.The nominating committee is Nancy Wharton, Chairperson, Charlotte Creed and Jackie Raynor, with A1 Williamson and Jean Schroll as alternates. Much Ado About Anythingby Sally Baugniet The Bone of ContentionThere are many things that might come to mind when we think of a bone of contention. Some conflicting ideas, are bound to exist about what the Standard should say concerning the "ideal" Pomeranian. One thought not in our present Standard, is that pertaining to the bone of the Pomeranian. I have had a breeder tell me about a judge who told her that her Pom had too much bone. It may have....but then again it may not have. One thing a judge should always do is to feel the leg bone. Many times when a Pom has thick, compact leg hair, the bone appears to be too heavy. It is important to check by feeling through the thick hair. On the other hand, if a Pom has proper bone, with leg coat that is not so heavy, the judge may think the bone is too fine.Now, the question. What is proper bone for the Pomeranian Think of proportion and substance. Should the Pomeranian be heavily boned like the bulldog Should it be fine boned There will be a difference of opinion as to what is fine and what is medium bone, but dont you feel Pomeranian bone could be defined as medium to medium-fine, or one or the other, but neither heavy nor fine bonedAs long as we are talking about bones, there is one part of our Standard that hasbugged me for a long time. Anyone who i acquainted with anatomy has to be bugge by these words that are in our Standar under Hindquarters Ixgs "The hocks ar perpendicular to the ground, parallel to eac] other from hock to heel, and turning neithe in nor out." What is bothersome about tha statement The hock IS the heelTry this yourself. Stand on your toes Where is your heel and ankle in relation t your lower leg bones The tibia and fibula Now compare this to a dogs toes. Where i its heel in relation to its lower leg bones The tibia and fibula Folks-THE HOCK I THE HEEL The part of the foot th Standard is referring to is from where th toes are connected to the foot-to the heel That part of a dogs foot is sometimes calle the hock, but the heel is part of the hock Wouldnt it be more correct to say "thi hocks are parallel to each other"Could the tail be another bone o contention The tail is an extension of th spinal column. Think about the fantastii look of a good high tail set, which i characteristic of our breed .The Standard say "it turns over the back and is carried flat, se high." What does the Standard fail to say' Shouldnt the word "straight" be in then somewhere How about "a straight, high-se tail, carried flat over the back." This wouk eliminate any question in the judges mine as to whether a kinky or a curled tail whicl could still be carried flat would be on ar equal basis with a straight tail. I would mucl prefer a straight tail to one with a kink or curl in it, wouldnt you I know other judge who do, too-and they feel for it.Think about the other extension end of the spinal column, the neck. The Standard says "The neck is rather short its base set wel back on the shoulder." If the neck is toe short, it looks like it is just stuck in there some how. The Pom has to have a neck lone enough and enough shoulder layback tc carry the head proudly and high.For your funny bone On the way to judge a match, on a crowded stop and star freeway, a youngster in the car that was stopped next to us hollered out the window "Do you have any Grey Poupon" ] SMILED ALL THE REST OF THE WAY.oEducationThere are several ways to educate people interested in our breed. This would include those looking for a pet, novice owners, breeders, and judges. Each one is equally as important as the other.We encourage anyone in the above categories to become familiar with the breed by reading books and magazines on the Pomeranian. These may be obtained in the library, from a booth at a dog show, or directly from the publisher. The American Pomeranian Club has printed a bibliography of materials available on the Pomeranian. This lists the book and magazines, publishers, and addresses where the publishers may be contacted. Another useful tool is the Pomeranian video which can be obtained from the AKC. This is also listed with our bibliography.For the novice owner or those thinking about becoming a Pom owner, the APC has an "Information Booklet" available. The booklet gives information about the American Pomeranian Club, basic grooming, feeding, and care of the Pomeranian. It gives information on what can be expected from the person selling a Pom and how to register a Pomeranian with AKC Frequently asked questions are also posed and answered.One can never learn all there is to learn about the Pomeranian, for just when you may think you know it all, you hear about something new. Going to dog shows, talking with and listening to other breeders and exhibitors, and being willing to learn more, will help you to grow in your knowledge of our breed in particular, and dogs in general."Interpretation and Elaboration of the Pomeranian Standard" was approved by the APC Board in 1990. This is a useful tool in the education of judges and potential judges of the Pomeranian. Articles on Proportion, the Pom head, and judging the Pom are available. Work on an illustrated standard has been started. Some illustrations, for comparisons, are available. We try to have a Study Group for any persons interested in learning more about the Pomeranian Standard at each summer or fall APCSpecialty Show. This takes a lot of work and cooperation from the local sponsoring club. Show them your appreciation by participating The next Study Group is in New Orleans. The La Cajun Pomeranian Club is ready and waiting. HURRY I hope youre not too late SEE YOU THEREJudges or potential judges needing information on the Pomeranian, should contact Sally Baugniet, JEC 411 S. State Street Mishicot, WI 54228. Performance Newsby Lois Morkassel 1412 Second Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103 701280-1413Before I start the article, I need to do a little translating. In the JuneJuly issue, I was trying to pay Linda Gallacher a compliment with the title CHX, Companion Human Excellent.Betty De Clue and Annie sent a nice note. They are in Beginners obedience and on graduation night Annie showed Betty the Poms are creative creatures. On the recall, when Betty turned to face her Pom, Annie went to the judge and sat and discussed the situation barking. The judge told Annie, "You know this isnt exactly the way you get points." I think everyone of us with Poms have had like moments. Moments when our partners give us "what for" and a bit of insight. Some trainers wouldnt want to put up with this, but I think that is part of the reason we have gotten into the breed.I know I want Dande to be a partner. This includes her having a say in things. One of the ways I know she is starting to catch on to things is by her "talking" to me. On go-outs, she would bark on the way out-either as a security thing or as a way of telling me how stupid this exercise was. Everything else has her working close to me or coming in close to me. As she has gained more confidence in what we are doing, the barking has fallen off. Dande also does sneezes. Yawning and sneezing can be signs of stress, but I have learned early on that Dande has a "happy sneeze." I try to get her to sneeze before we go intoAmerican Pomeranian ciudmusBstitf. cTPH. Ch. Chrisdens Cal arm B.X.J. WHizBISA Ph. Ch. Bi-Mars Sunnys Gee Whiz x Can. Ch. Tim-Sues Distant BellShown finishing at ten months of age at the Second Combined Group and Breed Dog Show July 23,1994 under U.S. Judge Helen Lee James.Congratulations to Marge Kranzfelder.BreederOwnerHandler Dennis and Mario Litonjua15 San Juan Street Capitol, Pasig 1600 Manila 632-7025tie ring. It seems like she is more up-and I lispel a lot of my nerves because we oncentrate on "us" and our relationship. Tiat probably explains our scores, but hen I dont do this, we rarely get scores. I et so nervous that I do something "fatal." Betty also pointed out thai didnt give nformation on where the resources I uentioned in the JuneJuly issue could be ibtained. I have been frustrated that way vith other obedience articles, so I should lave supplied that information here. A handler error" perhaps Dont Shoot the Jog by Karen Pryor can be obtained hrough Waldens Bookstore, B. Daltons ind Wordsworth probably other ooksellers too.Beyond Basic Dog Training, New Jpdated Edition by Diane L. Bauman, mblished by Howell Book House can be btained through B. Daltons and Vords worth. Other book sellers may have t too. It is also available through "J B Wholesale Pet Supplies, Inc." This is a atalog with a minimum 25 order. Their lumber is 1-800-526-0388. "R.C. Steele" is mother catalog resource but with a 50 ninimum order. Their number is 1-800-872-3773. The different sources have arious prices on the book.Beyond Basic Dog Training, The Workbook by Diane L. Bauman, Kathy Santo and Dee Zurburg is available for S 14.95 through Alpine Publications, Inc. T-800-777-7257 as well as some of the above listed sources. This has been iescribed to me as a good workbook for leginners.Agility Is Fun by Ruth Hobday is S12while supplies last. Add 10 plus 5.75 for postage and handling. Send eckmoney order payable to USDAA, P.O. Box 850955 Richardson, TX 75085-0955. Allow 3 weeks for delivery. Agility Is Fun-Book 2 by Ruth Hobday is also available for 22 plus 10 and .75.1 haven't read it, but it sounds good from the iescription. This book is supposed to look at developing distance and directional control with an emphasis on fun. If the training isnt fun for both the dog and the handler, its going to be tough to be successful. A 30 minute VideoSupplement for Agility is Fun-Book 2 us available for 24 plus 10 plus .75.I am going to stick the Agility is Fun-Book 2 and the video on my Christmas wish list. I have gotten more great books that wayYou can also check for these books and videos at concession stands at dog shows and at pet supply places with book sections.Thanks again to Betty and Annie for "focussing" me. Just a note on books, trainers, videos, seminars, and camps Always keep in mind if I get one or two things I can use, I have gotten my moneys worth. But just as importantly, if I find something I cant or wont do with my dog, that is valuable information.I was very fortunate in my early training with Dande when another trainer pointed out to me I read that as gave me permission that I didnt have to do everything someone told me to do. My rule of thumb is If it doesnt feel right, dont do it. No matter how big a name the person has This is a partnership between you and your dog. It has to be based on trust. If you dont trust yourself to do the right thing for the dog, why should he trust you This seems to be where agility can build confidence if there is an obedience problem. Most of the problems I have seen stem from trust issues.When I teach my agility classes, part of the intro runs along the lines of If you dont feel comfortable doing something I ask you and your dog to do, please ask me about it. I usually have a reason for doing things a specific way. If it is something I havent addressed that way, I want to catch it too. If you still dont want to do things my way, we will try to work something out together. I may learn something that can benefit others I teach. There are many ways to reach each goal.Some of my students have pointed out that other instructors and trainers dont feel the same way. Your choices are train the way you are told to, train the way you are told to in their presence and modify it as much as you can to retain trust and try other ways on your own, or train by yourself. I have done all of the above to achieve my goals. I find that training on my own andAmerican Pomeranian Club 94.hrmitChriscendo Classic Rock"Morgan"Our thanks to Chris and John Heartz, two of our favorite people, for Morgan.Dr. Jim and Marit Hattori46-459 Hulupala PI.IMarit Hattori. Owner-BreederKaneohe, HI 96744 808 235-8200I water going into a class for polishing and woofing works well, hut that is something rery difficult for a novice trainer to do. It is rery hard when you are not even sure of vhat the questions are.Learning resources that I have found are he AKC rule book ALL of it and any ther registrys rules that you will be bowing under. Talking with other trainers it your level-you will see where your raining has high and low points in relation o their progress. Talking to more advanced evel trainers can be very helpful. A lot of imes they have gone through what you are iow experiencing, or know of someone else vho has. They will have solutions they vorked out with their dogs that you can try.Ring stewarding for your class or the next me up can be wonderful. I try to steward in he B classes because there should be fewer landler errors. Not only do you become comfortable with ring set up, but the epetition of the order of the exercises helps ou become more relaxed when you show. ^Doesnt this sound like the conditioning ve try to do for our dogs You also have iccess to the judge. If you have a question ibout the rules or procedure or an exercise, fou can usually ask it if you get to the show iite early and help the judge set up the ring, [f you ask before the judging starts, a lot of udges will answer brief questions about iow an exercise was judged after they are lone marking, if there is time. A word of caution here because not all judges will rule he same on everything. It can be an eye ipener to learn the variations that can and io occur under different judges.Ring side comments by experienced exhibitors can also give you answers. You nay even learn about questions you need to isk.Books, seminars, and camps can be very educational and entertaining. One thing you leed to be aware of is that you will only come away with the information you immediately need to know. Especially in seminars and camps, so much information is offered in such a short amount of time hat you wont be able to retain all of it What you will retain is the information you leed for your immediate questions. You will probably remember that otherinformation was presented, but not how to use it. This happens because your brain overloads on so-o-o much information. Familiar Our dogs can do that when we try to teach them too many new things at once.Two obedience publications I have found helpful are Front and Finish which has a tabloid format with many separate articles and regular columnists. A one year subscription is 24 American funds for 12 issues. Front and Finish, P.O. Box 333, Galesburg, IL 61402-0333. Off-Lead which has a magazine format. A one year subscription of 12 issues is 20 from Amer Publications, Inc. 100 Bouck Street Rome, NY 13440.Back to Annies recall. Annie will figure out what she is supposed to do with more practice. There would be a lot more people showing if our dogs could learn everything in 8 weeks, not to mention the handlers. A small group of us 4 or 5 would get together a couple of times a week to practice in between classes. One thing we worked on was the dogs anticipation of the recall when the judge says "Call your dog." All the dogs were put on stays with the handlers across from them. One at a time, each handler would say "Call your dog." No one calls the dogs, they just get used to hearing the phrase. Later, the group would set up random times of saying the phrase and actually calling the dogs. For instance, three called phrases, one actual call, 2 more phrases, one actual call, one phrase, etc. This way the dog doesnt think the recall is to be done on anything except the actual command from the handler.Another thing our group found was that the dog would recognize the set up for the recall and come on their name and not the command. You have the options of training the dog to come on command with its name or dropping the name out of the command. If you dog has good attention, you can probably drop the name. If you need the name to get the dogs attention, then you need to put a time space between the name and command IN PRACTICE. If you put too long a pause between the dogs name and command, it can be counted as a double command. If the dog comes on hisIS KNEISLERSPOMSGU. Kteiilesi i. Secret JtculUiotm-s80Sarah finished her championship at the tender age of seven and one-half months. Thank you to all of her ringside supporters and to the following judges Lena Wiseman, O. Hampton, Mrs. Olmos-Olivier, Joy Davidson, A. Gomez, B. Esporite major, and R. Pritchard major to finish. Id like to send special thanks to Sarahs other handler, Linda Clark.Sarah will be specialed.Congratulations to Marge on your Kennel VisitWe Feed Science DietBreederOwnerHandler Maria Kneisler9151 S. Darlington Avenue Tulsa, OK 74137-4006 918 492-0520lame, before the command is given, that is anticipation and usually is marked as ion-qualifying nq.Our formula for getting the dog to come an the command and not the name was to ount mentally between the name and lommand. Like the stays, you start out with short pauses and build up to where you svant. We would start with a one count and luild up to 5 or 6 counts ie. Spot one "ome, Spot one 2 Come, Spot 1, 2, 3 Zome, etc. After you have built up the to he top count, vary the pause so the dog lever is quite sure when the command omes after the name. If the dog comes on Lts name, just quietly reposition and try igain. Dont talk on your way to repositioning the dog, you need his concentration. Just put your finger in his collar and gently bring him back to the sit. Physically put him in the sit without giving lim another command. When he is fitting-you are not in heel position, just in front, tell him "good" so he knows he was safe up to this point. Now, DO NOT give mother stay command, just walk away. If he dog breaks, repeat the process. Be patient, he probably is insecure with what pou are doing and may need several repetitions of just this step to get him to stay. Be patient, because this is a very strong foundation for all your stays that y'ou are building. When you can get back to your position for the recall which may even be the next session or two, again call he dogs name with the command coming ifter the count. You may need to replace he dog several times while you work up to he count you want. All dogs, like all people, learn at their own rates. This will lelp you to see how fast you can expect your dog to learn new things. It will help you to have patience whenever you introduce something new.Another thing to check on is if the dog actually knows your recall word. You can substitute words that dont sound like your recall command. Lets be fairllf the dog comes when you say "Spot, Apples," just o back to repositioning him until it dawns an him that the real recall word is "Come" in this case. It may take several tries before sweetheart figures this out The process ofrepositioning the dog and telling him where he was last right is what I call "re-setting" him. It makes me think of resetting a machine that has gone off track. By repositioning and telling the dog good at the time before he made the error, I am trying to show him he was right up to this point and he doesnt and he doesnt have to change anything here. The place I want to change is in his response after this point. I also dont want to scare him so he wont try something else. He is trying to learn what I want him to do, so it is not fair to correct him. If I correct him for trying to please me, why should he try anything at all in the future I dont want to close the door, because all learning comes through it.Once you get many correct responses, you can start proofing. Start with small proofs and work up. On the recall, you can start with placing the caller a foot or two closer. You can vary the accents or the volume. You can add other noises, low level that can be built up to LOUD. Proof for any thing you and others can think of. Dont get carried away and put your dog in danger. Remember trust. If the dog breaks, reset him and go back 2yes, 2 steps. If you only go back one step, he may have just accidentally done the right thing. If you go back 2 steps, you can be quite confident that it was no accident.All this may seem slow, but it is worth the trust your dog will have in you and the confidence you can have in your dog. The other thing about taking your time now is that the farther you get in training, the more difficult it is to go back to the beginning to find out where the problem really is. If you have a recall problem in Novice, it will be there in Open in the drop on recall, the retrieve on flat, and the retrieve over the high jump. It will be there in Utilitys signal exercise, the article exercise, the glove exercise, the moving stand, and the directed jumping exercises. Foundation is SO important Take your time.And now for something completely different. I have been noticing more judges trying to make exhibitors feel comfortable in the ring with an opening remark. Maybe this has been happening all along and I was too tense to notice it. My all time favorite so farAmerican Komeraman uiud iHERE HERE WE NEED YOUIts that time againTROPHIESTROPHIESARE NEEDED FOR FEBRUARY 11-12,1995If you wish a special place send your donation to...TONY TELLEZ BOX 231624HOUSTON, TX 77223-1624as come out of the Utility A ring. The jdge asked, "You know that if your dog qs that I get to take him home" This is resented for your consideration with a traight face. What an ice breaker Anyone Ise have a favorite quip out there Share tem with us.Question I have a nice working Pom that enthusiastic, but wont pass the sits and owns any more because of whining and rying. Corrections and squirting him with tmon juice just made things worse. I am ure it is a confidence thing, but I am not ure how much time this will take to fix. He 8 years old. I talked to an exhibitor with a basset that went through this. I asked her ihat she had done. She said corrections, emon juice, other people correcting the log, lots and lots of matches to build onfidence. When asked what worked, she dmitted she didnt know and scariest of all, he doesnt know if and when it might come ack Stephen King in obedience Give re some ideas and tell me about some of our solutions or how you would try to fix his.Does any one have any other questions, roblems, or solutions Please share your xperiences. If you dont want your name ncluded in print, just say so. If you do rate, please include a phone number in ase I want to clarify something.Next time I am going to tackle a problem I lave yet to see in print. Someone else may lave written about it, but I havent come cross it. Ill give you my philosophy on nq-ing." Stay tuned as I go where I have een beforeNew Obedience Titles from the July ind August issues of the AKC Awards dagazine.Note All scores published are from the iazette. Some scores may not appear if the egs were earned before I started my ubscription to the Awards Magazine.HEPainters Passion Diamond CDX bitchowned by Peggy Falcone and bred by Randy Blackburn. The scores come from Utility B classes 197 12 first and HIT, 190 12, 193,193 12.CDXCyndies Sir Smokey Bandit Jr. CD dog owned by JoAnn Guara and Steve Clark and bred by Jack Canmer. The scores from Open A 188 12,190.Finchs Little Sister Megan CD bitch owned by Marti Halifko and bred by Diane Finch. Open A scores are 190 12,183 12, 187 4th place.I Can Twinkle Too CD bitch owned by JoAnn Geeslin and Donna Eddins and bred by Mike and Nancy Nesbit. Open B scores are 192,190,194, 194, 193 12.CDCalicos Roxjumar Music dog owned by Cindy and Larry Bridges and bred by Judy Mims. Novice B scores are 186, 188 12 4th place.Happy Tails Ruff and Rowdy dog owned by Theresa Haney and bred by Frances Elkins. Novice B scores are 184, 186,173.Hot to Trot Truffles bitch owned by Jimmie Lawrence and bred by Carol White-Moser. Novice B scores are 197 2nd place, 195 12 first place, 195 2nd place, 188 12, 188 12, 178 12.Pom Havens Carmel Katrina bitch owned and bred by Patricia Miller. Novice B scores are 180, 188.Puff Balls Lil Pretty Girl bitch owned and bred by Keith and Ruth Neuway. Novice B scores are 191 1st place, 187 3rd place, 189, 183, 193, 193 2nd place, 190 3rd place, 183 12, 189, 184 12 4th place.Virginia Lady on the Move bitch owned by Dr. Elaine Burk and bred by Ann Cannon. Novice A scores are 174 12, 170 12,181.American Pomeranian Club 1congratulates Kneislers Poms for finishing...rimnRESTj^vRCHphotoSassy finished with two breed wins. She is short-backed and moves well. Congratulations on her recent wins with Janesas Barely My Shadow.Thanks, Nadine, for your expert handling and care.Congratulations, Marge, on your Kennel Visit-We feed Science DietBREEDERSJerrie Freia and Cheryl Jackson 504 384-7466 OWNERS Maria Kneisler and Jerrie Freia 918 492-0520TIOllie Blue Buster CDX dog owned by andall Morris and Ann Griffith and bred y Ray Mooney.Congratulations to all these splendid ams and their handlers How exciting to ive 2 ownerbreeders title their dogs. The iriety of scores shows that all levels of ainers can enjoy working with their dogs. Ten you think about how many things we e teaching these dogs to do, and how any ways those things can be taught, it ally goes to show that each team is an idividual. Each dog has different needs id each handler must figure out a way to dp the dog understand what is wanted, ach team speaks their own special nguageOther Honors Poms and Their [andlers Have Earned The 4 Toy Dog in the 1994 Delaney ystem was OTCH Crickettes Midnight ong CS ownerhandled by Jimmie D. awrence as reported in Front and Finish, ugust 1994.The 5 Toy Dog in the 1993 First and oremost Rating System was OTC rickettes Midnight Song CS svnerhandled by Jimmie D. Lawrence as [ported in Front and Finish, Septemberm.How thrilling to have earned such honors ith a special little Pom CongratulationsIn the 1994 Top Gun Obedience UKC ighest Scoring Senior Handler on aturday and Sunday was Alice E. ichardson of Monson, MA. She wnerhandled Dover Holihouse Kahlua to ores of 195 12 and 195 as reported in ront and Finish, September 1994. ongratulations on your wonderful scores id such a wonderful recognition of your amworkIt will be exciting to see who has the first DX Pom. In August Awards, both ainters Passion Diamond UD and Captain ug White UD have 2 UDX legs. Way togo What a challenge to go for a title based on consistent performance and endurance. If you are not familiar with the UDX, it has been available since January, 1994.The Utility Dog Excellent title can be earned by qualifying in Open B and Utility B same show 10 times with at least 6 dogs competing in Open B and at least 3 dogs competing in Utility B.10 legs The ability to qualify in both Open B and Utility B on the same day is awesome Both handler and dog must be able to concentrate on all the exercises 13. The staying power and ability to keep the dog and handler "up" and ready to go is impressive. The dog and handler teams working for the UDX are special The ones who attain it are going to be on the pedestal with the OTCH teams. How exciting to have 2 Poms on this pathBest of luck. Let consistency and tenacity be your watch words You re inspirational We all admire and support you.Theres JOY in Pom-de-moniumUntil next time...Editors note Selected photos may be published on a space available basis.Membership Applications by Dolly TraunerThe Board has recently voted to approve a new membership application form. This one incorporates sufficient space for both sponsors to answer the usual questions and add additional remarks about the applicant.There is no longer any geographical restrictions.Replacing actual separate letters from each of the two sponsors will be their endorsements on the form itself.The new form is printed on buff paper to distinguish it from all older forms.Copies of the new application form are obtainable fromJerrie Freia, Membership Chairperson P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381American Pomeranian Club 11Manila in Reviewby Mario LitonjuaThe Review has gone Asian Yes, folks, dont you think its about time to go GLOBAL To write an article, especially for the Review is something we have been looking forward to. A few articles have already been written about the Philippines. We hope this will provide a more in-depth insight on the real picture, not only about our country, but as well as the scenario in the dog dome.It has been our experience that people from other parts of the world have very little knowledge about our country. More often than not, our country is known for all sorts of horror stories. People living in trees, strange food, butchering dogs for meat, weird customs and traditions, mountainous garbage, horrendous traffic, natural disasters, political unrest, unstable economy, Whew believe me, there are still many, many more....To the surprise of many, it has always been beyond their wildest dreams to ever imagine that they would realize how exotic, fascinating, and irresistibly spellbinding our country can be. We are not bragging, we speak the truth. We are known for hospitable and very friendly people, delicious food and sinful delicacies of course, no dog meat, abundant natural resources and feasting sceneries white sand beaches, mountain springs, world-wonder volcanoes, lush tropical forests, captivating night life, and non-stop entertainment.Manila is the capital city and the center of trade and industries. Our country is a mixture of modem and traditional cultures. We experience only two weather seasons summer and rainy seasons. Although cool weather is experienced during the months of December until February.We only have one kennel club, the Philippine Canine Club, Inc., PCCI recognized by FCI and AKC. There are also a number of different established breed specialty clubs who, at present, could sponsor an All-Breed show. There is an approved Pomeranian Club license. To befeasible, it will need a full blown number o members to reactivate the club.Dog shows organized by PCCI averagi from 10-12 shows annually. Specialty shows average about three times a year While sponsored All-Breed shows rangi from twice per year, with regular entries o 400-500 dogs.To campaign a dog to his Philippini championship, it is estimated to take minimum of 6 months to a maximum o two years or even more this also depend on the quality of dog being shown. A do^ would need 15 points with two majors t attain the title. An additional 25 points i needed to achieve the grand champioi status. Normally judges come from all ove the world-the majority of which ar Europeans and Americans.A typical dog show is usually hel outdoors in tents, sometimes surroundec with balloons, flowers, or plants if tin weather permits. Indoor shows usually an held in a big gym, a club house, or inside shopping mall.Show people are prone to astonisl spectators, locals and foreigns alike, on tin exemplary care they give their dogs. It i usual to see exclusive nannies anc chauffeurs expressly for their dogs. On tin show grounds, big coleman ice boxes anc packs including electric fans are provided tc keep dogs conveniently cool. Normally these animals live in luxury, with regulaj vet care. They are beloved family pets, theii future is secured, and their living is comfortable. We remember an America judge who once remarked that, "We woulc put most foreign breeders to shame."Handlers here are much different from the professionals from America. These are small group of people belonging to a clut that specialize in training and handling show dogs. Training is done from home tc home service at a pre-arranged time tc "work" with the dogs. In fact, few knew how to groom properly, how to condition show dog, or at least know the standards ol the breed they show. Grooming is usually done by the exclusive nannies, ar experienced helper, or by the owners themselves. These are among the reasonshat we do our own training, grooming, and landling.The show photographers are usually the wners themselves. However, there are everal enterprising individuals who charge i fee. Show pictures here are not as nice ind vivid compared to America. However, vith limited resources, everything seems to urn out fine.There is a lot of cheering, handshaking, amaraderie experienced at a dog show, fhere has never been a show day that you lont acquire new friends and icquaintances.One of the major frustrations and something definitely distressing is to see some of the cast offs sent by breeders, not inly from America but also from around he globe, competing in the show ring, fhese dogs are usually purchased for huge unounts.At the Pom scene, BISA Ph. Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Gee Whiz is definitely dominating he show ring. He is the top winning Pom to late. Winning group wins left and right and still one of the strongest contenders for the Best in Show. He is also producing beautifully. However, his son Ph. Ch. Zhrisden BTJ Whiz is the current favorite if the crowd. Winning several Best in Show Philippine bom and consistently winning he Best of Breed. He is sure to be a big hreat to his sire. Making waves at the bitch lass is Can. Ch. Tim Sue Distant Bells TJs dam. With her charming and bubbly jersonality, she never stops gaining new idmirers and fans. Of course, the ever eliable Am.Ph. Ch. Jan-Shars Hillbilly Heaven, who recently won BOS-toy group 'she never fails to amaze us considering she lompeted out of coat. Also making big leadway is Great Elms Show-Off of Canton vho just recently finished his hampionship. Show-Off, in glorious deep red full coat, has been bagging the breed lately and is a heavy contender for the roup. Another Pom making the scene is Am. Ch. Jan-Shars Dynamite Rock. Rocky is still considered as one of the heavyweights in the breed competition.The present status of the Pomeranian in Manila is still in the developmental stage. Serious breeders are still a rare gem to find.Finding a show quality puppy is like looking for a needle in the haystack. Commercial breeders, the majority of which produce the old spitz type, still proliferate.We believe that our efforts in promoting the breed and educating fellow enthusiasts and novice breeders has finally started to pay off. This is evident in the number of inquiries we receive and visitors who come to our kennel to talk POMS, POMS, POMS.We are elated from the fact that the Review gave us a chance to let other breeders get a glimpse of our country. We wish you all good luck, more power, and, as we say it "Mabuhay" Yips and YapsDear EditorWould you please note in the next Review that my address and phone number in the Membership Roster are incorrect. My correct address and phone number are Diana M. Downey 10160 James Madison Hwy. Bealeton, VA 22712-9723. Phone 703 439-0368. Also, since I do all of the Top Show Dog and Bitch points for the end-of-year awards, and since these awards are partly determined by the number of APC members which own the dog if 2 out of 3 owners are members, the dog is credited with 23 of its win points, it is imperative that members inform me if their last name changes i.e., married names or is spelled differently in the Membership Roster than it would appear in the AKC Awards i.e., Mary Vickers as we know her in the Roster is really E. Mary Vickers and would appear in the AKC Awards as E. Vickers. If I cannot find their name in the Roster, I automatically assume that they are not members. They may contact me by mail, phone or P WPGP74A.Mary Vickers also needs to know of name changes for the other end-of-year awards Top Breeder, Top Exhibitor, etc..... She has the same address and phone as me were housemates but her P ID is WPGP74E.American remeramaii uiuuThanks Dudley and keep up the great work youre doing with the Review.Diana M. DowneyDear EditorAs I was preparing for my kennel visit, Ive thought about some unsung heroes working toward fair dog legislation. There is one Grande Dame that was quick to perceive there was a "bigger force" working out there against animal ownership than what merely appeared as local radicals. She had the depth of thought to realize the possible consequences. I will be forever grateful for her support of us in a neighboring county. And she is one of the reasons San Francisco is exemplary in providing good animal services as common sense prevails in the Animal Control Commission. It should not surprise fellow APC members that this person is none other than our own Dolly Trauner.Forever YoursMarge KranzfelderDear EditorThe ballot sent to the membership for a vote on the Constitution and Bylaws revision, should be declared unconstitutional, therefore null and void. The APC Constitution and Bylaws stateArticle HI, Sec. 3 d. "The Corresponding Secretary...shall issue notices of all meetings, mail lists and ballots to all members as required by these Bylaws and receive such ballots back from the members...."Article X, Sec. "The Constitution and Bylaws and standard of the breed may be amended at any time provided a copy of the proposed amendment has been mailed by the Corresponding Secretary to each member accompanied by a ballot on which he may indicate his choice for or against the action to be taken. The notice shall specify a date not less than thirty 30 days after the date of mailing by which date the ballots must be returned to the Corresponding Secretary to be counted. The favorable voteof two-thirds 23 of the members in gc standing who return valid ballots within time limit shall be required to effect such amendment."The ballots were on the APC Presider stationery and mailed in the A Treasurers envelope, not by Corresponding Secretary. This was cleai contrary to the APC Constitution Bylaws, therefore, unconstitutionalThe way this Board has conducted so of their business this past year seems rati unfair to me. I have tried my best to reme the situation, but Im afraid I have not bt very successful. There is a big push approve this revision. I do not feel it shoi be approved in an unconstitutional mann We need a President who is not so eager push hisher agenda. Please vote carefu for out new officersSally BaugnietSTORMYby Donna F. Doyle 1449 Starrat Road Jacksonville, FL 32218Lucky, our Labrador Retriever, was I whole reason for the Utter. Im not talki about Mother Nature taking her course, l that special blending and binding that, you are fortunate, may occur once or twi in the life of a dog lover. Although expected him to be with me for a few me years, I reahzed one day I would have confirm my love for him by letting him before age or illness took the joy and pri out of his life. That would be hard to fa and I was selfish enough to want somethi of him remain with me-his son.On Sunday morning I got up, glanc outside at the pen, and knew the time h come. When Lucy, our Lady Lab, w done, she was the mother of five bla females and six males-three blacks, o fox red, a yeUow and one so light he look white. Three days later, I took Lucy and 1 brood to Doc, our veterinarian, to ha them all checked. Everything was fine.Later, eyes began to open and legs woile watching and waiting began, too. Is jre a pup in this Utter I want to keep or ve I made a mistake right from the start lor doesnt matter to me, temperament es. Since I want another Lucky, the black lies look especially good.When youre dealing with pups, giving ch a name makes communicating with m, my husband, and Mickey, our relve-year-old son, easier. The pups name smselves. "Worm walked to the other le of the pen today." "Bear ate so much could hardly walk." The medium black ale, everyones brother, becomes lubba. Not all get named at the same ne, and not everyone gets a name at all. me special characteristics, personality lit when noticed, or circumstance may ick and the pup is christened.When the litter is five weeks old, icksonville is hit with a freak storm of credible strength. Nonstop thunder and htening, howling winds, and torrential, lending rain. Flooding. Tornadoes. Mickey, his best friend Joey who is tending the weekend, and I are up all night aking sure Lucy and her babies are safe, icy has moved her entire brood into the Janine Condo" Don built inside the pen here they are warm and dry. If the water ses too close to the floor of the pen, we are ady to bring everyone into the house, heres no chance Lucy will venture from ie Condo since shes afraid of storms. This le is the worst Ive ever seen. We alternate ling outside. When it is my turn to go to e Condo, all is dark except for the almost continued on page 27Membership Reportby Jerrie Freia, Membership Chairman 1072 A Landry Road Morgan City, LA 70380 504 384-7466New Members for 1995Candi FreemanP.O. Box 9001 Torrance, CA 90508 310 549-2707SponsorsRuth Dotson Glen BernardoValerie Landers835 NW 1st Paris, TX 75460 903 785-8667 SponsorsM. Dean Rinehart Linda GustafsonSarah Jean NorrisP.O. ox 188 Catawba, SC 29704 803 366-6089 SponsorsDorothy Martin Marlene HalseyClaudia Pfeffer7809 Airline Hwy Ste 215 A B Metairie, LA 70003 504738-3431 SponsorsMrs. James R. Dupree, Sr.Sue GoddardApplications for MembershipSharolyn K Becker16230 TR 190 Ml Blanchard, OH 45867 419 694-7681 SponsorsJames Shearer Doris WheelerVeronica Boudreau 4427 Willow Run Lane Tampa. FL 33624 813961-2117 SponsorsBarbara Nagy Jeanne BlankVirginia B. Watkins11837 Gloger Street Houston, TX 77039 713 442-1247 SponsorsCharlotte Creed Darrell BakerAmerican Pomeranian ciudsVCH RODIS MR ROCKY ROADEven thoughthe weatherwas hot, Rockywas sizzlingPictured heretaking Group IunderJudge Mr. BauerRodiLSSeveral weeks later, Rocky is pictured here taking Group IV under Judge Mrs. Hartinger Thank you Judges, and a special Thanks to Rockys friend and Handler, Marlin Presseratm g_-We feed Science DietDianaSolano SE 83 Millcreek Ridge WOwner BreederShelton, WA 98584 206 426-5887bite pup who is calmly watching the arm. No fear, just wonderment at this new perience. Hes happy to see me but more teres ted in everything else going on ound him. Lucy and the rest of the pups e curled up as far in the back of the ondo as they can get I pick up the almost hite one, hold him inside my coat for a inute, put him back with his mother and inside.The storm ends. Damage through the immunity is extensive.Our damage is minor and we finally get me sleep. When everyone is awake, I tell ie others how I found the almost white ip and dub him Stormy. Im beginning to alize that instead of giving him a fair lance along with the other males, Ive ien holding myself away from him, afraid would only see his color and not the dog. Three of the pups are already gone when ie remaining pups reach the eight-week ulestone. Worm had gone to a neighbor, ubba to the neighbors aunt, and Hysteria a good friend Ive known for years who ivishes all of her animals with love and ire. With all buyers, or potential buyers, I o over what medical care the puppy has otten and what is needed giving the name ad phone number of my vet, and send long a supply of food. I explain if the uppy doesnt work out, well take him ack.The advertisement runs in Fridays paper, get home from work, look at the nswering machine and think its broken ecause the light indicating messages is oing crazy. I start returning calls and find sellers dream with more calls to return ran puppies. I also have every sellers ightmare, people calling who have no idea hat a responsibility it is to own and care Dr a dog, especially a large one. For these uppies, the best home has no small hildren, is financially able and responsible nough to care for the puppy,loving and filling to spend the time to train the dog to rake it a member of the family, and nough room for a big dog. I would also refer someone with previous experience fith the breed.iSaturday morning arrived. Families are arriving at their appointed time and leaving with the pup of their choice. Everyone I made appointments with had previous experience as adults with Labs and had to have another, or had grown up with one and wanted the same for their children. Although I advised each and every one upon their arrival that Stormy was not for sale, several families immediately connected with his looks, style, and temperament and tried their best to get me to change my mind. No way But I did relish the thought that my instincts were sound-all of the pups were good, some exceptional, but Stormy was obviously something special and I sensed something more. We belonged together.As each puppy left, the yard seemed a little larger, the world quieter, and my heart a bit emptier. I knew we had given them a good start and had done our best to arrange a good home for each of them.On Sunday night, Don, who raises unending objections about bringing dogs into the house, brought Stormy into our bed. Otherwise, so Don said, with all his brothers and sisters gone, Stormy would be lonely.Lucy, I think, was relieved that the brood was gone. My biggest concern was Lucky. I would need to spend a great deal of time teaching Stormy, but I didnt want Lucky to feel neglected. I didnt have to worry. Lucky became a major participant in Stormys life and training. Although older and less patient than he used to be, several times Id caught the two of them playing together. Lucky would stop as soon as he knew I was looking, acting as if Id seen him do something beneath his dignity.Stormys training went better than Id hoped, especially with Lucky as an example of what a good dog should or should not do. Sit, lie down, shake hands, heel. At five months, we were jogging figure eights around the neighborhood, Stormy at a heel on a completely loose choker. His whole being seemed to transmit his pleasure ih pleasing us. We were not the only ones taken with him. We made regular trips to Docs for shots or weight checks. Having seen him as a member of his litter,American Pomeranian Cluband now as an individual, each trip brought me additional confirmation from Doc and his staff that I had chosen someone special. His size was increasing rapidly, still striking in color, impeccable manners, and an attitude that was while friendly and playful showed a budding maturity beyond his age.For Mickey, he was a companion in whatever adventure they chose to pursue. He even edged his way under Dons usual, in truth feigned, emotional distance. For me, he became another part of my bond with Lucky. His son, my puppy, our student. At night, when not in bed with Don and me, Stormy had taken to sleeping on the floor of the open bedroom closet on an old blanket we placed there for him. Luckys appointed place has always been next to my side of the bed Lucys, wherever Mickey is.The neighbors, parents of "Worm," asked me to call the aunt. She complained Bubba would not stay in the yard, was completely wild, and totally destructive. When she purchased him, we had said we would take him back. If we didnt want him, shed find a home for him. Don and I honored our guarantee and agreed to take him back.Bubba returned. He didnt have a clue in terms of manners. Despite assurances from both the aunt and the neighbors that she would care for him, Bubba had been put in the back yard and ignored. Left alone, this most playful of puppies began to chew. When he became bored with that, he exited the back yard by jumping over a section of fence that had fallen down and never been repaired. He was thin and ate like he hadnt had a decent meal since hed left. Not only had she not spent any time with him, the aunt had never completed his puppy shots or taken him to the vets as we had expected and been promised.I called Doc the next day, explaining Bubbas return, and made arrangements to bring him in on Saturday for a checkup, worming, and the next of his puppy shots. I would not keep him, didnt want him, couldnt sell him again, but, with Docs help, would try to find a family to adopt him.Stormy was happy to have someone 1 size to play with. Lucky wasnt too happ "Another one to teach. How much can o dog do" Lucy acted like Bubba had nc\ left, cleaning and fleaing him endlessly.On Thursday, I left work, picked Mick up from school, and headed home. Wh we arrived, we immediately saw tl something was wrong with Bubba. I call Docs office. After telling him n observations, Doc said to bring Bubba rig in. Doc is calm, enjoys responding owners questions and reassuring. Tl time his tone scared me. After examinii Bubba, Doc said he was a very sick pi and wanted to keep him at the hospital. I couldnt be sure at this point but thought could be Parvo.Parvo What the heck is Parvo I knc my dogs receive inoculations to prevent but Id never seen a case of it before ai knew nothing about it. Doc said he wou calm in the morning and let me know wl was going on. True to his word, Doc call me at work. Bubba did have Parvo. Old dogs seem to develop a resistance b puppies and young dogs are ve susceptible and, in most cases, it is fatal.All of my dogs, however, had curre inoculations, but because there is reduction in protection after three months took the rest of the afternoon off and ferrii Lucky, Lucy, and Stormy back and for for booster shots. I was worried. What w I dealing with Doc reassured me, I h taken all the proper precautions. Bubba w very sick. Doc and his staff were doing they could, but I was told to be prepared f his death.There is a sprecial blending and bindii that, if you are fortunate, may occur once twice in your life with a dog. I have be blessed. Ive had Satan, my Doberman wl didnt even know he was a dog, Lucky, ai now Stormy. There is a rhythm, a mutu awareness of each other that cannot 1 defined or explained. On Saturday night knew something was wrong with Stormy called Doc who met me at his office. D prepared an area for him. Although Stom had been sick in the car on the way to 1 office, here were no other, definite, ov symptoms I could describe. All I could sith certainty was that Stormy "was not ght"Doc said he might have had a slight case Parvo. Stormy had been exposed but he id been properly inoculated and would ive a much better chance than Bubba if he id it I hugged Stormy, told him I loved m, and reminded him to be a good dog. I it him in the pen Doc had prepared, xatehed his ears, and left There was ithing for me to do but wait.Sunday morning Doc called. Stormy had united once but seemed to be doing fine, s a precaution, Doc wanted to keep him a ttle longer. Monday, Don talked to Docs .sodate, a young veterinarian Id dealt ith a few times. He told Don Stormy was sing fine but they were going to keep him le more day and if there was no change, I ould be called on Tuesday to bring him sme. Bubba was still holding on.On Tuesday, Mickey had a cold and ayed home from school. I went to work id told the secretaries that Mickey was ime sick. If he called...jny vet will call, m waiting on word to bring Stormy me...They put a call through, "Its your it.""Donna""Hi, Doc. Whats going on""Donna...Ive got some news. Its very id news..."Im confused. What is he talking about es already prepared me for Bubba. Ill el bad, but its expected."...we just lost Stormy.... We tried to save m. I tried everything. I just couldnt saveitm....In emergencies, I clamp down until its er. I asked what had happened. Doc was lecking Stormy one last time before iproving his release when all hell broke ose, a Parvo crisis of massive proportions. ormy was dead in minutes.Doc offered to break the news to Mickey r me. I said that was my job but asked if i would be available if Mickey had lestions later. "Of course." we both hung i. I got up and closed my door. Numb ith shock and disbelief, I started to cry, en sob. All I could say was No No No ot Stormy Its not fair He was coming 3me....not Stormy I couldnt stop. In theback of my mind was the knowledge I still had to tell Mickey and Donald.Once I was under more control, I left work heading for home to face one of the hardest things I would ever have to do. When I arrived, Mickey heard the door and came out to meet me."Mom, whats wrong"All I could do was put my arms around him and hold on. I started to sob again and couldnt speak. The longer Mickey didnt know Stormy was dead, hed be alive just a little longer for him. Finally, I managed to get it out. Mickeys arms tightened around me, his face pressed against my shoulder, and his shoulders began to shake. Caught between young man and boy, I could do nothing for him but hold him as he held me.When we let go of each other, Mickey wanted to know what had happened. I explained as best I could saying if he wanted to know more, Doc was available. Mickey, voice breaking, asked if he would have to bury Stormy. I said daddy and I would do thatI still had to tell Don. This crusty soul cares much more deeply than he wants to admit or show. I contacted him at work. Again, I couldnt speak. All I managed to say was, "Stormy didnt make it"Dons soft response, "Ah, hell. Hows Mickey" and not waiting for an answer, "Im on my way."I took Mickey to speak to Doc who explained, at Mickeys level, about Parvo. We had done everything right, but everything had gone wrong. Doc was compassionate and clear. I was numb and dont remember much of what he said.Mickey asked if Bubba was still alive. When Doc answered, "Yes," Mickey asked to see him. We went back into the isolation area. Bubba was ragged black hair covering a skeleton, an IV in his leg. There was little life left in his eyes but as sick as he was, he wagged the tip of his tail at seeing us and he tried to stand. He was clinging to life but my Stormy was dead.I took Mickey home and went back to get Stormy. Doc had him ready for me in a sealed box. Don was there when I brought Stormy home. Later, we, the three of us, ConFd on page 29Ch. Sungolds Black Talon PhynerSubject AKCOwner Dolly Trauner Bred by Anna LaFortu Handled bv Jeff Nok. 5m - m'inCh. Creiders Prince Dom PerignonHawaiis Top Dog of the Year ALL BREEDS6 ALL BREED BEST IN SHOWS 11 GROUP FIRSTS 15 TIMES SHOWN-----------4^--------------------Lookfor me taking a bite out of the"BIG APPLE"Margo and Marvin Koga 123 Wailupe CircleHonolulu, HI 96821 808 377-2318rmA hX 9I f efi".. '"'v'' t ', W -3v\ HfWV_L f1FIRST in GROUPWINDWARD SHOW \E-V ' Ch. Phyner Town FlirtSubject AKCBreederOwner Dolly Trauner Handler Jeff NokesM2MIIICI lUetll rUllieicJlMdll UIUUuried Stormy in his sealed box. We included in the grave his blanket, his bowl, and food for the journey. I put two photographs in, too. Each one was Stormy, one curled up asleep with Mickey, the other, with Don.That night, Mickey and Lucy fell asleep together, each one needing the other. I went to sleep, finally. Lucky, sensing my pain, possibly needing comfort of his own, came up in bed. I fell asleep with my arms wrapped around him, Dons arms around the two of ir ji it if if ir w if ir if if 111ttt 'tt ft ft tt ttlt ft tt 'if tt TT"Parvo" is a term or word which dog lovers have come to fear. The word which engulfs a complete disease process known to the veterinary practitioner as canine parvovirus, can present itself in a multitude of symptoms. However, the most common are lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, lack or loss of appetite, lymphopenia a suppression of the immune system, and weight loss. These signs kid symptoms can either progress gradually over a one to three day course or appear simultaneously creating sudden collapse and shock.Most viruses attack one major organ group. Parvo virus attacks the intestinal tract where it breaks down the cells lining the intestinal wall. This in turn allows bacteria already present and toxins normally excreted, to enter the blood stream with devastating effects. Immature animals, whose bodies have not completely developed to fully support such a horrendous insult, are the most susceptible to a fatal infection. This is why puppies and young dogs are the most commonly presented groups with the disease.Contrary to popular belief, a highly effective vaccine for parvovirus does exist. The problem of vaccine failure rests with the amount of maternal antibodies present in the pup at birth. Maternal antibodies are a form of passive immunity given to the pup by the bitch and can persist for 18 weeks or longer in some puppies, and may interfere with immunization by vaccination. That is why vaccination, to ensure properprotection, should begin at six to ei weeks of age and be repeated every thret four weeks until the pup is 20 weeks age, followed by annual vaccination.Because the virus itself is extremely haj and can remain active in the environm for up to 30 days, it is important minimize exposure of puppies to ot] dogs, and puppies should not be taken i of their home environment until vaccination protocol is complete. Congratulationsto myvery dear friendMarge Kranzfelderand herFOREVER YOURS POMSJanet Manuszak-Lucido 1414 W. Ellery Fresno, CA 93711 209 438-0556Idieuyidproudly presents our lucky thirteenth Champion'CCft ldkzoyld TalismanCh. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD x Ch. idlewyld Basic Black N PearlsLike mother, like daughter, Elizabeth Basic Black n Pearls finished at ten months of age, all points from the puppy class. Dallas finished at nine months, all points from the puppy class. Entirely owner handled, she was WB 9 times out of 13 times shown. We have repeated this breeding see pedigree in Behind New Titlists and hope for more lovely jewels in November. Thanks to Judges Lorraine Masley and Harold Gell for her majors.Good luck to all at the Louisiana Specialties. Belated but warm congratulations to Carol Galavich on her well-deserved Kennel Visit. Carol bred our lovely, much loved foundation bitch, Tiara CDX.Margaret R. McKee 804 556-33802426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063American Pomeranian uiudIdkivytdproudly presents our lBadand Ian Champion'V\ftr-- 0NEW CHAMPION 1BEST OF WINNERSjj. LEHIGH - VALLEY J WKENNEL Jog CLUB JOHNAJHMTCfu idleuyldSemi-Trecious QemIdlewyld Onyx x Daybreaks Good VibrationsPhred is shown taking a four-point major at Lehigh Vlley KC, on September 17, 1994, to finish. Thanks, Judge Thomas Baldwin Next day at Berks County KC, he took Best of Breed. He is a 5-pound black and tan with a sweet face, small ears, and terrific movement. Phred is litter brother to Elizabeth and thus Dallas uncle. Please see his pedigree in Behind the New Titlists.This is the third Champion for Phreds dam, Noel, from two Utters.Breeder Owner Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandyhook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380Co-Breeder Fran Day WarrenPomeraniansintroduce"Leah"t IIBEST OF BREED NORTHERN KENTUCKY KC Judge Dr. William S. HouptBEST OF BREED DANVILLE ILLINOIS KC Judge Mr. Everett Dean, Jr.BEST OF BREED HOOSIER KC Judge Mr. Don RogersBEST OF BREED TERRE HAUTE KC Judge Dr. Robert BerndtGROUP IV ANDERSON KCJudge Mrs. Victor M. Oimos-Olivier Shown OppositeGROUP IVCENTRAL INDIANA KC Judge Mrs. Paula Hartingerand shes still a puppyOwner Handler Pam Yongen21777 N. Cumberland Road 317773-5912BreederDavid Hogg Dia PomeraniansMiiiciiucui runrcidiiidii uiuu 'V rrrsE2s^SS\ V-v'u- 7vrV ri-iGROUPFOURTHif . ANDERSON KENNELA CLUB gK.BOOTHX^Ch. Dias Hug A Bear of Koh-I-NoorCh. Dias Mr. Brandon Bear x Dias Lady Jubilee BearPomeraniansSj tlj j3 I ] 3 i fuj lj [3 r ljTt1HLuvfimraeEiHElr4 -WINNERSBITCH fl1KiVale opy-Waklian Tatiana BISBISS Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino X Valcopy-Wakhan SchiaparelliPoi Poi was BOW for 5 points at the City of Angels Specialty Show under Judge Mrs. Michele Billings and WB at Golden Gate KC under Judge Mrs. George John Wanner, Sr. What a wonderful start for a 6-month old girlCongratulations on your Kennel Visit, Marge. Thank you for the years of 3] friendship and support you have shown me. Best wishes for your continued SI success.I Breeders Owners Owner HandlerkJj Dana L. Plonkey Hideko W. StrasbaughRandy Gem mill CaliforniaHglfjRIup p [g p p pp p [ii p p p p p pAmerican Pomeranian Clubfy] pj pj pj pj pj p pj pj pj pji pj pj pj pj pj pjImfS3 Eli eEiElCho Valcopy-Waklran Hot GossipBISBISS Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water x Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Lilly DacheBIS Specialty Group Placing Girl "Hotsy" is pictured with Mrs. Mildred K. Bryant.Breeders Owners Dana L. Plonkey Randy Gem millOwner Handler Hideko W. Strasbaugh California[3I3 [BlSliSj'iiJ BlTop Poms List 1994Group Points^ Dogs Name Owner Group Breed,.......FetterTaylorJackson. ....8659............949.................H Ramirez............ ....5429...... ......42903 Ch Finch's He Walks On Water.................. ...................D Finch.............. ....4616............472.................R Koppel.................2566............252...............L Brogoitti................2404.............28006 Ch Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy...............................D Hebert..................2288............33107 Ch Starfires I'm Too Sexy...........................................J Cabrera..................2001 ...........152.............M and M Koga.............1860............102.................J Lehtinen................1636.... ......21410 Ch McGuires Wish Upon A Star............... ....................J Kern.....................974...............82..............BurnetteEpps...............893............168... S Mulinax.......... ......855.... ......161.....SmithGreedy......... .......648.... ......14214 Ch Jan-Shars Doc Holiday.....................................Dr B P Strand.............637.... ......22015 Ch Odysseyls Keno Wiz............................. .........J LucidoJ Machline.. ......636.... .......14716 Ch Phyner Joie D Vivre.............................. .................D Trauner..................425.... .......202S Hanson..................412.... .......18118 Ch Lovely Gabriel Of Chaos...................... ...........V LovelyB Jones ... ......406.... .......11819 Ch Jan-Shars Harley Davidson.............................S HansonJ Blank... .......382.... .........9720 Ch HHPs Glitter Rock of Fame................. ...............T J Reeder......... ......365.... .........29Breed Points01 Ch Glen Iris Castle Rock.....................02 Ch Finchs He Walks On Water..........03 Ch HHH Texas Two Step....................04 Ch Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy.05 Ch Glen Iris Luckdragon.....................06 Ch Linchris Genghis Pom....................07 Ch Watts Little Nicodemus................08 Ch Jan-Shars Doc Holiday.................09 Ch Jan-Les Willie Makit....................10 Ch Phyner Joie D Vivre.....................11 Ch Jan-Shars I Feel Lucky.................12 Ch Nanshadow Mark Of Oakridge.13 Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip...14 Ch Wee Paws Pure Gold....................15 Ch Starfires Im Too Sexy................16 Ch Odyssey's Keno Wiz.....................17 Ch VIPs Dixieland Delight...............18 Ch Fame Chip Of The Great Rock19 Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino.........20 Ch Absolutes Magic Mountain..............FetterTaylorJackson.........8659...................D Finch..................4616................H Ramirez................5429.................D Hebert..................2288............T S Goddard................105.................L Brogoitd...............2404...................RKoppel.................2566..........Dr P B Strand...............637.................J Lehtinen...............1636................D Trauner..................425................S Hanson..................412.......N BurnetteN Epps.............893Strasbaug hGem millPlon key .146................S Mulinax.................855.................J Cabrera...............2001.......J Lucido. J Machline..........636............SmithGreedy................648....................J Kern....................289......D PlonkeyR Gemmill..........161.................RJ Blank................198949472429331300280252220214202181168167161152147142139.126123While we have compiled this report with care, we do not claim absolute accuracy. This is not the method for choosing the APC Annual Awards. Jean B. Schroll, ColumnistAmerican Pomeranian ClubVAfaffte ir.P SEgSL9g^-^Wy vbest of breed ORVA.R1ETT city 0F M2St2FpoMEB5SaNCUUBkennel club_M.AX------BER6MANpBISA,BISS AmInt Cl. Linchris Genghis Pom, HOF, GCBISS Ch. Thelduns Diamond Teddy x Linchris Pom Pa Zazz"Cubby and Curtiss going Best in Specialty at City of Angels Pom Club. Thank you, Judge Michelle Billings. After a 6-week vacation Curtiss was in Hawaii. He must travel by raft "Cubby and Curtiss did Las Vegas where they had a threpeat performance of back to back Group Is.Thank you Judges Mrs. Bettie Krause for BOB and Group I and Mrs Dorothy Welsh for BOB and Group I.Breeder OwnerLinda Brogoitti 1011 W. Campbell Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85013 602 969-2710AgentCurtiss G. Smith 1103 West Enid Avenue Mesa, AZ 85210 602 969-2710cWatch for our newest addition, Morenos Believe It Or Not "Ripley" who is co-owned with Julie Morenor"Ch. Jan-Shars I Feel Lucky - - ' it'- w...4LCh. Doo-Shays Absolute x Jan-Shars Big MamaLucky is completing her "TopWinning" year on the West Coast. Thanks, Sharon, for the thrill of showing such a beautiful gri.Congratulations to Marge Kranzfelder and the Forever Yours Pomeranians. 1 feel lucky to have such a caring and knowiedgeable person as my friend.Breeder Owner HandlerSharon HansonPOMSTAR POMERANIANSBarbi KutilekAmerican romeraman uiudKENNEL VISITtoforever yours 'PomeraniansChoosing a kennel name was important to me. I wanted it to convey a sense of tradition and sincerity. We all know we5Xy3T r uNy8a y-K ijates-. SfeiiMarge in front of Kranzfelder residence.cherish memories of each Pom we ever own for our lifetime...thus Forever Yours. If a Pom carries the Forever prefix, it represents my hones effort to take responsibility for the future of our Pomeranians and the right to own these precious beings. I expect to dedicate my lifetime striving toward my ultimate goi of being responsible for a distinct line of Poms, sound in body and temperament, yet beautiful.Even as a young child in Pennsylvania, I always knew that I wanted to be a dog breeder and show enthusiast. Was it a calling or genetic pre-dispositionFortunately, I had two mainstays in the canine world to share then- show and breeding wisdom. I lived next door to my aunt and uncle, Alice and Frank Wolaniuk, when they poodles in the latebelieved in line-breeding. Uncle Fran] my fathers brother, had an expert eye f dogs, grooming, and a natural handlin ability before becoming non-sporting and BIS judgi I think of my Aunt Alio my mothers sister, as tl husbandry specialist. The have both been active o every level of participate in many kennel clubs i their area. No wonder consider my cousin Gail, professional handler, moi like my sister. I still know can count on honest advic whenever I need counseling Studying piano at th Conservatory of Music i Philadelphia, obtaining m BS in mathematics, doin graduate study and computer research fc Bell Telephone Laboratories, and teachin in Puerto Rico and Korea did not provid opportunity to own dogs. But it was lik "coming home" when my children wer old enough for me to pursue my ret dream. Life in the metropolitan Sa Franciscan Bay Area has affected m style of breeding program. I amin th infamous San Mateo County and serve on the Countys Animal task Force. Th people that sponsored the originsOur front yard-the Bay levee provides picturesque lead training.started in toy legislation lived up to Californias radicafifties. Our family reputation and proposed the mandator'V.'9rCh. Jan-Shars Stetson.paying of all dogs and cats. I desperately vanted the right to own Poms and be able o preserve this wonderful breed for future venerations. I served with every ounce of rnergy and every shred of civilized logic I tad, drawing on the experience I had from serving on various other civic committees. knew that what happened here would be teld up to the rest of the nation as example. This experience has also tllowed me to observe the AKC in other han its registry function. The details of his year are unbelievable, except by those hat have partaken in a similar local egislation effort. Contact me if you need o verify any recent developments here.Not all changes are bad Tone are the days when one an start with mediocre stock and plan on "breeding ip" to BIS quality. We no onger can use large lumbers of hopefuls. We nust take each breeding very seriously. We must start with very worthy dogs.We must also realize a lodgepodge of great dogs appearing once in a pedigree doesnt produce long-lasting success.Consequently, we should balance these concepts in an over-all plan that allows room for re-evaluation and revision. Believing in this procedure allows me tokeep my number of Poms relatively small, thus permitting me to know them on an individual a home atmosphere.Although breeding sound and healthy Poms is my priority, I believe showing Poms is an important conjunctive activity.Competitiveness keeps a breeder focussed and "on track. It is effective to have a third party evaluation to help avoid kennel blindness. Although I respect judges opinions and try to understand their decisions, I dont let one dissuade me from a dog I truly believe in. I save each dogs ribbons in one envelope. After a time, I look at the over-all color scheme as input into my evaluation process. Conversely, if I dont feel a dog worthy of my breeding program, I dont show it. Being a breederownerhandler, I feel that my wins are honest ones. You might be able to fool everyone but your gene pool. But my days at dog shows have somehow changed from something I thought I should be doing to ones that I actually enjoy, socializing with other or lose.aForever Lady Rolex-of course.Somehow I feel Ive gotten a reputation for preferring non-orange colors. ThatsfV_ 'w-Ch.Jan-Shars Hillbilly Classicnot quite true. When evaluating a dog, I evaluate color last. I like a good dog no matter what color it is. This is NOT to say I dont take color into consideration when I plan a breeding. I just am not afraid of color properly used in a pedigree. However, that is NOT to say there isnt often prejudice in ring competition. Non-orange colors must still be extra good to be recognized. So, Ive not always taken the easy win, and Ive been proud to have pointed both chocolate and black and tan dogs which I have bred. Watch for a couple of blacks about to debut.My breeding program revolves around two wonderful boys-Ch. Jan-Shars Hillbilly Classic and Ch. Sweethearts Forever Bravo. Billy contributes good boning, shortness of back, high style, and type. Bravo carries a long, flat, unkinked tail, and extra-long double coat. Ch. Jan-Shars Stetson should also be elevated to their level of importance by merely his trial first breedings. O course, all three boys have delightful outgoing personalities, sound movement, good bites, small well-placed ears, and great feet. All three produce other colors as well as very clear, bright oranges and reds.Health matters must be one of theprimary concerns of breeders. We are m often handed easy answers by our loc veterinarians. On those days challenges, I remind myself...if we coul turn out the perfect Pom without ever ar problems, our job would be over. W must look at challenges as steppin stones. We need not condemn others I make our own accomplishments shir brighter. We should gladly pool oi knowledge to help our beloved breed, become a driven fanatic when researchin a topic. I enjoy the discovery process. Tt research profession was a correct choic for me.But no one can accept these challenge without the support of friends in goo times and bad. I think the concept c "corporate networking" was fir perceived and perfected by "dog people This includes the friendly greeting c people ringside, and the on-going work Northern California Pomeranian Clu members during my presidency and sho chairmanships. It includes those who giv of themselves by sharing their breedin stock. MCI stockholders should b appreciative of Sharon Hanson, Jam Lucido, and I sharing friendships at distance. Thank goodness Barbi Kutile is on the local scene to share th day-to-day success and tribulationsrLiCh. Sweethearts Forever BravoL.roud mama Bravo daughter with litter born August 1.ositive people add such dimension to the anine world.My fluffy, furry friends and I creatively ollaborated to help promote positive mblic Pom profile and diversify daily loggy doldrums. one of my louse-muffins, Flower, did a print ad for t Hewlett-Packard Laseijet printer. You night have seen her in national nagazines during a six-month period...a nark of a successful campaign. Then a lumber of my household vocalists were lsed in the sound track of Robin Williams movie, Cadillac Man. They vere the voice of Fran Dressers Chester, low seen on televisions The Nanny. Our alest project in the making is a move vith Sighoumey Weaver, Holly Hunter, md Flower.The porcelain dolls you sometimes see n my ads are part of another passion of nine. My collection includes ones Ive started in my kiln and finished with Jesigning their authentic period Nothing... including shoes, wigs, and millinery. It also includes antique dolls that I refurbished. Im a nationally rertified Doll Artisan. Ive enjoyed lecturing on this subject so dont ask about them unless you have some extra time to spare listening.I have also taught piano ever since I was sixteen. This allowed me to be home to raise my children and now my pups. My son is presently a third year engineering student at UCLA and plays the trumpetfor their famous marching band. My daughter, a senior in high school, dances and models professionally and has been my chief Pom-sitter enabling me to get away for selected shows each year. Dont ask my husband, a civil engineer for Bechtel, any dog questions...he wont know any answers...he enjoys working on his antique cars.I hope my epitaph will read that I consistently produced worthy Poms of good health and temperament that I was a fair competitor in the ring and that I was helpful outside the ring to competitors and the public. Should I ever stray, anyone of you may remind me of these goals.My thanks to Barbi Kutilek who took the photos for this article.r 'V-v. -___________Same litter one month later. Stetson sired three girlsMany, many congratulations Marge.Keep up the good workAmerican Pomeranian Club 4o J absolutepresentsAbsolutes Biker BabeXi iA Dp. 'I - iimi_____Ch. Jan-Stiars Harley Davidscn v Jan-Shafs MadcnMeet E.En cur half sister to "MAGIC." Already a Creed winner, thank ycu Judge Clever Allen, she is new Iccking for her majors along with her llttermate, "Absolutes Harleys Son David."oA DID SALUTE to Marge Eranzfelder and fCPEVEP VOLKS PCMS on her kennel visit. Marge, you are one of a kind, and we know Abby couldnt have found a better person to own than youJeanne and Robert Blank 616695-730816060 Brookside Drive Buchanan, Ml 49107 rctry Science Diet MIXIT for finicky toys1 WyndCor pintroducesforever Ctassic ImageCh. Jan-Shars Hillbilly Classic X Forever ButterscotchCongratulations to Bobby's breeder, Marge Kranzfelder, on her kennel visit. Many thanks for the opportunity to wake up to this face each morning.Becky Sabourin 2814 Blackhurst Road Midland, Ml 48640 517 832-3408American Pomeranian Club LBay Colony Pomeranian Newsby Steve TurnerHello, my name is Steve Turner and Im the newly voted in correspondence secretary to the Pomeranian Review.After our 1994 Spring Specialty luncheon and annual meeting and election of officers for the coming year...much to my surprise, and,Im blaming my good friend, Laurie Ivy of Teak wood Poms for this as the two of us only see each other once in a blue moon. There I was happy, laughing, enjoying with Laurie our favorite subject, Poms, talking away instead of listening to what was going on when suddenly our dear president said, "Stephen, do I get a yes" I smiled back and nodded yes. Next I hear will someone from the floor second the motion. Good, all in favor....O.K., Stephens our new correspondence secretary to the Review.All kidding aside, Im pleased to be our clubs correspondence person to the Review. However, I shall from now on save visiting with old and new Pom friends alike until after tending to business first.Many of our members are out on the road this summer tending the shows and raising puppy hopefuls. Im anxiously awaiting news from one and all after Labor Day, and we all get settled into our fall regimen here in beautiful New England.1994-95 OfficersPresident, Gladys Dykstra Vice President, Paula Payson Secretary, Donald Gill Treasurer, Thomas Burrows.Board of DirectorsClaire Flesner, Kathleen McCalsky, Amy McKay, Garrett ODell, Joan Rogenski, Barbara YoungEditor of the BCPC Pow WowClaire Flesner163 Osgood RoadMilfold, NH 03055AKC Breeder Referral RepStephen Turner405 Rock Valley RoadHolyoke, MA 01040413 538-7683Continuing EducationGarrett ODell and Trudy AdairTattooing ClinesOur own Paula PaysonAnnual Awards were given to the followingCh Pinehaven Sweet Memory owned b Barbara KrzewickiCh Silver Meadows Mikey Lite owne by Jacquelyn KleinCh Bobkat Royal Roedwulf owned b Kathleen McClaskyThe club holds two AKC Sanctione BOB Matches each year, one in Marc and one in September. Additional meetings of the Club are held immediatel following these matches. The dates of th matches are published well in advance The annual Specialty Show is held wit] the Springfield Kennel Club in Wes Springfield, MA, on the second Saturda in May. The annual meeting, election o officers, buffet lunch, and presentation o awards are held at this time.Barbara and Jessie Young will sooi interest us all in a report about the histor of our Club, its humble beginnings members of yesteryears, early pillars o the breed whose lines are still apparent ii many of our top show poms in the 90s.Sincere sympathy to two of ou members on the loss of precious hi ones To Claire Flesner on the loss of Ch. Silve Meadows Mr. Randy-May 21, 1984 t May 17, 1994. Sleep peacefully littl Randy and to our friend Paula Paysoi condolences for the loss of "Marrilyn' who was always in the altered class ant "Toby" who was her foundation bitch ant who produced many promising, lovch babies. We all know the heart break ant hurt of losing one Pom but to lose two ii a short period of time creates an everreater heart break. We offer our deepest ympathy and prayers.tter NewsUnfortunately I only have my own as of his writing. We have a boy and girl sired iy BISSBIS A Ch. Southlands Mighty mpressive out of our "Toasty" daughter nd granddaughter BowJoy-N-Bev-Nors Sweet Secret. She is he last offspring sired by "Big Toasty." Litter 2. Two boys sired by Oh. Southlands Sir Impressive out of our low Boys Aint She Sweet She is nbred on Toasty, Fudge, Lil Toasty, and Statesman.In closing, I would like to echo the vords of the great Ruth Beam, "Let us not e satisfied with what we already know, ut forever seek new knowledge in better are, breeding and understanding of our irecious little ones."Keep on smiling and see ya all in New [Means.uget Sound Pomeranian Clubby Janell ReichIt has been a busy year for our Club, two members of our Club passed away this year-Shirley Bradley and Lewis Negri. Our January 1995 Specialty will be in memory of Shirley. She did a lot for our breed, Club, and many of us personally. Our July 1994 Specialty was in memory of Lewis. Also at the July 1994 Specialty we raffled off the original Pom painting donated by Amber Hay. Gary Stephanson won it. Thank you to all who bought tickets for our fund raiser. Also Jeannie Roberts of R R Superintendents passed away in August. In September Jerry and Betsy Owens daughter made them proud grand parents. Jerry is still waiting to see if he is show quality.Jew officersPresident, Ingrida Gasaway Vice-President, Lauri Polinkus Secretary, Betsy Owens Treasurer, Frank Reich.Board Members areJanell Reich, George Reed, Julie Lindgren, Caroline Evens, Diana Solano.I want to apologize to the winners of our January 1994 Specialty for not writing this sooner. I need to delegate more as I am getting behind of things. The Show Chairperson was Ingrida Gasaway. She did a very nice job which included trophies. The BISS and High in Trial prizes were very nice director chairs with satin black Pom silhouettes with silver flecks. The prizes were all nice dog equipment. The judges were Lee Easton, Sweepstakes who is now licensed to judge Poms, and Conformation and Junior Showmanship was judged by the distinguished Mildred Bryant.Best in Specialty and BOW was Jan-Shars Ace in the Hole handled by Karen Karen PowerSharon Hanson. BOS, Best Puppy and Best in Sweeps was Shir-Lees Wild Mt. Rose handled by Victoria ShMee LarimerVictoria Lovely. BOS in Sweeps was Janesas Barely My Shadow Maria Kneisler who came all the way from Oklahoma, High in Trial was Ollie Blue Buster CD handled by Ann G. Ann Griffith and Randall Morris. Best Junior Handler was Nicholas Lakin with Morenos QT Whizz N. LakinB. Jones.We had a very successful raffle at Mitzels following the Specialty.Our winter specialty will be Monday, January 16, 1995 Martin Luther King Day at the Puyallup Fairgrounds. There will also be all breed shows that Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and I believe, Thursday. Hope to see you thereThe next issue will have the results of our July 1994 Specialty.doooSince 1967Julie Moreno 415583-4973.hOOOOQQQOPOOoQD8oDoAmerican romeraman oiudPuget Sound Specialty Winners ,.KBOB, BWJan-Shars Ace In The HoleHigh in Trial Ollie Blue Buster CD-------3. ^ 4 SL- cBOS, Best Puppy, Best in Sweeps Shir-Lees Wild ML RoseBest Junior Handler Morenos QT Whizz1BOS in Sweepstakes Janesas Barely My ShadowNOTICELetters other than those from sponsors commenting on applicants whose names have been published in the Revieware to go to Beverly Henry 2025 Sam Houston Carrollton, TX 75006. She needs them so that she can convey the contents to the Board members being asked to vote on said applicants. If they go elsewhere, they may be delayed and not reach the Board before they are to vote on acceptancerejection.Behind the New TitlistsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free if sent in by the owner. Please send the ogs name, sex, owners name, and breeders name on a separate sheet of paper. Please ype or print legibly. Please send copies of pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mail 11 information to the Editor.h Dias Hug A Bear Of Koh-I-NoorOrange Female Breeder David Hogg Owner Pam YongenCh Millamors Trademark Ch Millamor's Im A Windjammer Millamor's Rock Rosette h Dias Mr Brandon Bear L-Rs Disco Boogie Bear Dias Brandy Bear Dias Penelope Bear Ch Wee Ram bo of Coys Top Mark Ch Rambo's Double Rock Top Mark Rocks Golden Rockette las Lady Jubilee BearDe Artas Fancy Pepper Mark Peppers Muffete Wooffette Big Shots Q-T Muffetteh Idlewyld Semi-Precious GemBlack and Tan Male Breeder Margaret R McKee and Fran D. Warren Owner Margaret R McKeeCh Idlewyld Lavalier CDX, HOF Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD ilewyld OnyxCh Great Elms Toby Watts Little Pollyanna GirlCh Watts Little Thumbelina Girl Ch Idlewyld Lavalier CDX, HOF Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD laybreaks Good VibrationsCh Idlewyld Star Coral CDX, HOF Ch Daybreaks Barbara Ann Daybreak Bruiser of IdlewyldCh Idlewyld TalismanOrange Sable Female Breeder Margaret R McKee Owner Margaret R McKeeCh Idlewyld Gemstone CDX, HOF Ch Idlewyld Lavalier CDX, HOFCh Idlewyld Star Pendant CD, ROM Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD Ch Idlewyld Gemstone CDX, HOF Idlewyld Hope Diamond CDCh Idlewyld Star Pendant CD, ROM Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD Idlewyld OnyxWatts Little Pollyanna Girl Ch Idlewyld Basic Black N Pearls Ch Marquis Cut Diamond CD Daybreaks Good Vibrations Ch Daybreaks Barbara AnnCh Kneislers Secret TraditionOrange Female Breeder Maria Kneisler Owner Maria KneislerCh Millamors Trademark Ch Millamor's Mark Tradition ROM Ch Millamors Sparkling Music Ch Rock N Tradition of Oakridge Ch De Artas Rock Dancer Rock Dancer's Little RockDe Arta's Dancing Moon Gold Ch Mee-Gees Masterpiece Ch Glen Iris IvanhoeCherokees Autumn Orange Ch Glen Iris Castle SecretCh Bev-Nor's Toastmaster ROMX Ch Janesa's Glen Iris Sorceress Bev-Nors Janesa Toast^ Views expressed by individual members are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.VWe invite our Readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects. JPOM SHOPPE ITEMSQuantity Price item01.................. .2.50...............Plaster Pom earrings orange pierced03.................. ....4.00...............lAMs Pet Foods Grooming Aprons wpockets red06.................. ....3.00........ ....Dolls wcrocheted dresses toilet tissue white, green, rose white,brown cream, beige, green white17................. .. 25.00........ ....Pedigree Books from Great Elms 141 pages01.................. .. 25.00....... ....Prodigy Membership IBM compatible, v. 3.215................. .... 3.00....... ....Note cards and envelopes wPom by Babe '8601.................. .... 2.50........ ....Wooden Pom Figurine wsmoked mirror14................. ....5.00........ ....Small key ring wPom head on white tile11................. .... 6.00........ ....Lucite full Pom figure key ring01.................. ....7.50........ ....Rubber stamp-full Pom wribbon in mouth52.................. .... 5.00........ ....APC membership pens....3.00......... ....APC Decals setone large and two smallBass P. Roberts 15802 Letcher Road Brandywine, MD 20613Thinking of obedience training your Pomeranian First readCOMPETITIVE OBEDIENCE TRAINING FOR THE SMALL DOGBy Barbara Cecil and Gerianne DarnellCOMPETITIVE OBEDIENCE TRAINING FOR THE SMALL DOG guides the reader, in over 200 pages, from puppy socialization through Utility in an easy-to-follow progression of inducive training. This new book is a self-help manual and competitive edge for every toy dog owner unwilling to use traditional big-dog training techniques. It is the only obedience book written by and for small-dog trainers.Geriarme's and Barbara's Papillons, including AmCan CH OTCH Denzel Loteki Top Secret, TDX, Can CDX TD, TDI and AmCan CH AmCan OTCH Loteki Sudden Impuse UDX TDX, Can UDT, and AmMexInd CH OTCH U-CDX Mickthea Reina, TDX, consistently rank as the top toy obedience dogs in the country. Gerianne and Barbara have a combined 33 years in competitive obedience, have earned 98 tides on 16 different dogs, and won numerous Dog World, High In Trial and High Combined Awards. Gerianne teaches obedience and presents training seminars across the country. Barbara is a teacher, writer and frequent contributor to the AKC GAZETTE.To order, send 20 check or money order payable to T9E Publishing, R.R. 1, Box 176, 10092 240th Street, Council Bluffs, IA 51503. Iowa residents add 5 sales tax. Price includes postage. Please mention that you have a Pom.Books will be sent Priority Mail.Phone 301 579-6462 Back IssuesADVERTISERSMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachran 75.......Oct77.... .. May 79.....April00o8.00 eachlul 77... ...Feb 80... ...Jul 81.........Oct 83Apr 86..... Jan 80.......Jan 906.00 eachJul 80......Oct80.... ...Apr 82........Oct 82Ian 83.......Jul 83.......Apr 84........Oct 84Jan 85......Apr 85.......Jul 85... .....Oct 85Jul 86......Sept 86......Nov86.. ......Jul 87Oct 87.....Jan88.... ....Jul 88... .....Jan 89Apr 89.....Jul 90.... ...Oct90... .....Jan 91Mar91. .. May 91.......Jul 91Issues from Sept 91 on....The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, not the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.The Pomeranian Review is sent to JudgesKENNEL VISITSDecember....Marit and Jim HattoriAmerican Pomeranian Club................................13Jeanne and Robert Blank.....................................43Linda Brogoitti....................................................37Barbara Cecil.......................................................49JerrieFreia............................................................15Sharon Hanson......................................................1Marit and Jim Hattori............................................9Maria Kneisler.....................................................11Marvin and Margo Koga...........Inside FC, CenterMarge Kranzfelder.............................................FCBarbi Kutilek.......................................................38Dennis and Mario Litonjua...................................7Janet Manuszak-Lucido.......................................29Margaret R. McKee..........................................30, 31Julie Moreno........................................................46Clarice Oganeku...............................52,1BC, BCPom Shoppe.........................................................49Dudley and Wanda Roach...................................51Becky Sabourin....................................................44Diana Solano.......................................................21Hideko Strasbaugh...........................................34, 35Dolly B. Trauner..............................................25, 28Pam Yongen.....................................................32, 33VaGrins iand - liyrchucklesQuestionWhat is the worst weather for miceAnswer When Its raining cats and dogsp sPi.WINNERSCOLUMBIA MO KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 1994PHOTO BY DOWNEY 6IACreiders Queenaire CharmerCh. Creiders Winterhawk x Queenaire Suncharm"Shorty" has started his show career with a bang He currently has back-to-back majors and a Best of Breed from the Puppy Class.Our many thanks to his superb handler, Maria Kneisler.Dudley and Wanda Roach 806257-3817't00irr0S,2 JSIrrrri ttxrcuxiCh. Woodroses Mochi Bear x Woodroses Orange Sherbert"Boxie" is pictured winning a four-point major his first time out under breederjudge Darrell Baker at our Pomeranian Club of Hawaii Specialty. Boxie was also Best in Sweepstakes.Mahalo to Mr. Baker for Boxies big win and to Bradley Odagiri, the Sweepstakes Judge.You will hear more about him as he is being shown. He is only eight months old.Breeder Owner HandlerYvette and Clarice Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744Wood rosePhone 808 235-8142FAX 808 247-4967Science Diet FedlirfABEST OF BREED OR VARIETY muncieKENNEL mSATURDAYAUGUST 20,199Mwah ^dera^ 2rrrfimCh. Jan-Shars Absolutely A Masterpiece x Jan-Shars Big Mama"Lee" is shown winning Best of Breed from the 6-9 month class under Ro Adameck. At this time of writing, he already has four BOBs from the puppy class. We are very proud of his accomplishments in such a short time of showing.Watch for him at the shows with Nadine Hersil, his friend and handler. They make a great teamMahalo to Sharon Hanson for allowing us to have this lovely Pom, and also to my good friend who is always there to listen to me, Nadine...a very patient and loving person.iBreeder Owner Handler Yvette and Clarice Oganeku 45-232 Lllipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744WoodrosePhone 808235-8142FAX 808 247-4967Science Diet Fed 1' --- -fr - - -____ _Jlait-JSIjaxs ^zxxng ]xzifxmCh. Jan-Shars Absolutely A Masterpiece x Jan-Shars Big MamaLEEBreeder Owner HandlerYvette and Clarice Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744Wood rosePhone 808 235-8142FAX 808 247-4967Science Diet Fed 1