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The Pomeranian Review January 1995
American Pomeranian Club, Inc.ftommntatt IruirnPublished Bi-Monthly December, January 1995-r --------- 7 t Y Y\ S 7 yy\raX Y AA ACH. LA CHERIES LIL LUKE SKYWALKERuCl\R'O'cli C'O'rt^etPendmq AKC Conformation\ v ...vQ"C'yhCThis shooting star has dazzled judges, exhibitors and spectators alike with blazin' wins, finishing with four majors... three of those from the puppy class Comet is a multi-breed winner already and has sparkled with a Group IV from the classes. He has set our hearts afire and he will yours too. Catch this."special" star at select shows with his co-owner and handler, Sharon Hicks.Comet is sired by Ch. Rockin Tradition of Oakridge out of Fancy Gold Kandee of Oakridge. We know Comet's breeder, Nina Epps, shares in his glow. Thank you NinaPrpnose ^jfjarelPomeranians PomeraniansS.W. and Brenda Turner Owners 3910 Concord Pi. Texarkana, TX 75503 903 832-7742Sharon Hicks Co-OwnerHandler 934 Clear Creek Texarkana, TX 75503 903 831-4028ad design by ideagraphics 903-796-9940ContentsPresident's Message Dolly Trauner................4Circulation Manager Brenda Hutton...............8Membership Report Jerrie Freia.....................8The Way It Is Sari Brewster Tietjen................12Around the Waterbowl Linda Brogoitti..........20Much Ado About Anything Sally Baugniet..... 21Chiefs Legacy Beverly Henry....................... 24Performance News Lois Morkassel..............28Behind The New Titlists.................................. 36Pom Club of Hawaii Ellen Takayama...........40Standard Revision Charlotte Creed............. 48Registrar's Corner Jean Schroll................... 49Ohio Valley Pom Club Karen Schwartz......... 49Cover Story m-i hCh. La Cheries Lil Luke SkywalkerPuget Sound Pom Club Janell Reich.............52Kennel Visit Dot Martin.................................56Central Carolina Pom Club Dot Martin.......... 65Pom Club of Baltimore Diana Downey...........68San Diego Pom Club Margaret Ontiveros....72Yips and Yaps................................................. 72NOTICEThe Pomeranian Review is sent to judges. Featuring your dogs in the National Magazine will pay offBusiness Card contracts are available at 50.00 for 6 insertions. Take advantage of this low rate.Kennel VisitsFebruary..... Mildred PatrickMr. and Miss PomsApril.....Nina EppsOakridge PomsCh. La Cheries Lil Luke Skywalker with ownerhandler Ed Martin and Judge Michelle Billings is Toy Group III. Luke participated in the IAMs Knock Out Tournament on November 2, 1995, at the Tennessee Valley Show. The Tournament was open to all dogs that had placed 2nd, 3rd, or 4th in group at an AKC show between October 1, 1994 to September 30, 1994. 64 entries competed under four AKC licensed Judges. Luke placed third. In the cover picture he is Best of Breed.Dot and Ed Martin 5354 Bluebird York, SC 29745Advertisers BonusFirst Champion10 off BAV full page or 20 off color full pageFirst Homebred Champion- 10off BW full page or 20 off color full pageFirst 5 Former Advertisers-free color stripping on full or 12 page BW adFirst 5 New Advertisers-free color stripping on full or 12 page BW adITTwBEST OFBREED VARIETY COLUMBIA MOTlr fKENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 19 9 5PHOTO BY DOWNEY ASpCh. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Merry Rock Music of Oakridge"Spirit" is a very special little dog. All his points came from the Puppy Class and has won BB over specials.Congratulations to Sharon Hicks and Brenda Turner for finishing Ch. Rock Comet of Oakridge with a 4-point major and BB over Specials This is the 9th champion sired by "Jake" to be finished this yearBreeder-Co-Owner Nina Epps Route 5, Box 150 Nixa, MO 65714 Co-Owner Karen Crouch Route 5, Box 348A Rogersville, MO 65742kHv.V vTBTA^7lbvmsmmkmvam mwft mAWj ImmTHIRD INiGOLDEN VM.LEY KENNEL CLUBMAY1995 COOKphoOOGraphy_----Ch.Jan-Shars Bad To The Bonejan-sHARBreederOwner Sharon Hanson 304 497-2446 304 497-2289 OwnerHandler Barbi KutilekPresidents Messageby Dolly TraunerOn page 4 of the DecemberJanuaiy issue of the Pomeranian Review, the "Presidents Message" identified a number of issues of major importance to our breed and to the American Pomeranian Club. Following is a progress report on the activities and progress made in these areas by the APC.RescuesPom registrations continue at high levels. According to data in the November AKC Gazette, 4,177 individual dogs and 2,010 Pom litters were registered during September, 1995, and although reliable data are not at hand, the number of Pom rescues most probably continues at disturbingly high numbers. Clearly, when all breeds are considered, canine rescues are a sizable national problem, not readily solved in a short time by a club with just 430-plus members.However, in 1995, despite the magnitude of the problem, the APC established a standing committee position, titled "Rescue Contact," to study the issue to determine if there might be ways in which the number of rescues could be reduced. As reports and recommendations from this committee and Regional Clubs Contacts become available, they will be passed along to the membership by separate mailing or through articles in the Pom Review. Diana Downeys excellent writings in the Review are indicative of the APCs increasing involvement in rescue problems.Breed StandardWith splendid, widespread support from the general APC membership, the Breed Standard Revision Committee has done a truly outstanding job in upgrading the Standard for Poms. The good Lord willing, this complex, challenging task will be finalized in 1996 with a document that really meets the needs of breeders, exhibitors, and judges. The new "ideal" videotape, prepared by AKC and shown in 1995 at Floridas summer show and theAPC Baltimore Specialty in September, was a little less than ideal. This tape will be shown at the APC Specialty in February of 1996 and its shortcomings pointed out to interested APC members. New members, especially, are encouraged to attend one of these presentations to get a better understanding of the "real" Pom ideal.Pomeranian HealthA program to begin developing solutions for "Black Skin" disease was initiated early in 1995. A Veterinary Dermatologist, Dr. Carol Foil, DVM at LSU, was located who was interested in working on the project, and 3,000 was allocated to support the program. Unfortunately, problems in the Vets family necessitated a postponement of this project for an indefinite period of time. An effort to find an alternate research scientist may be initiated in the next several months if our original selectee continues to be unavailable.In other health-related areas, the APC has played a meaningful role in moving the AKC establish, in June of 1995, the new AKC Canine Health Foundatioa This is the first in which we can take pride and to which the Club has made a 1,000 donation.Further, in October of this year, the AKC held a first-ever Parent Club Genetics Conference at which we were ably represented by Dr. Renee McGrath, DVM. While the APC was obviously not the sole proponent behind this conference, early-on a letter to Dr. Hritzo, AKC Director, pushed things along just a little. It is hoped that the AKC will publish a report on the conference, including reprints of all the papers presented.Regional Clubs and CommunicationsIn the past year, two regional clubs have been added to our roster, a third is pending, and since April of last year, APC individual memberships have grown from 375 to about 430.During the past 12 month period, the size of our Pom Review has increased by about 45 from 56 pages per issue to 80, and in addition to carrying many more excellent, informative articles, the Review advertising revenues have increased nicely.Zht fnmmntanof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Officers of the ClubPresident.........................First Vice-President.........Second Vice-President....Recording Secretary.......Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer.........................AKC Delegate..................Ftt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 705700540 POB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207Dolly B. Trauner . James Shearer Charlotte Creed ... Beverly Henry ....Tim Goddard... Al Willliamson....Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsMaryAllam Jeanne Blank Linda Brogoitti Sharon Masnick Margaret R. McKee Frances StollPomeranian ReviewEditor....................................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX 70931 Phone 806 257-3817 FAX 806 257-3760Business Manager.................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions.....................................................................................................Brenda K. Hutton102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues......................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380V V V V VSubscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription......................30.00Foreign............................................. 45.00First Class........................................ 35.00Single Copy........................................7.00Full Page..........................................65.00Half Page......................................... 40.00Quarter Page....................................20.00Photos each...................................10.00Front Cover, BAV..........................150.00Color...............................................375.00Back Cover, BAA............................ 90.00Color...............................................250.00Inside FIB Cover..............................80.00Color...............................................195.00Center Spread................................160.00Color...............................................390.00Business Card .................................10.00Color Stripping on BW Ad...............15.00Inside Color Page.......................... 150.00V V V V V VIssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateDecJan......... ............Nov 20..... ....Dec 15FebMarch..... ........... Jan 20...... ....Feb 15AprMay......... ........... Mar 20..... ....Apr 15JuneJuly....... .......... May 20...... .. June 15AugSept................... July 20..... ....Aug 15OctNov.......... ..........Sept 20..........Oct 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prio notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all CoversCHRISDENPOMERANIANSsalutes another group winning homebred"MAJOR"iyfv m"Off. -ofi -ooff -COS -005 -0 "Offl "Off "Off "Off-Off -005 "Off "Off -ox -Ch. Chrisdens Major of EmpeeBISA . Phil. Gr. Ch. Bi-Mars Sunnys Gee-Whiz x Phil. Am. Ch. Jan-Shars Hillbilly HeavenHe only needs five points to finish his grand championship. He finished in only three consecutive P.C.C.I. All-Breed Shows with three 5-point majors. First time out as a special in a P.C.C.I. All-Breed Show, he won BEST OF BREED, BEST IN TOY GROUP, AND BEST IN SHOW Philippine bom. And now shown winning a BEST IN SPECIALTY at the 2nd National Pom Specialty under Judge Dr. Elmer Pineda.Owner Co-OwnersJun Panlilio Dennis and Mario LitonjuaEmpee Poms Chrisden Poms00-63-2928-1132 Fax 00-63-2 631-6658A 4Y4tTNwr^wmwavavVMM 7 ' v4 aV v I fjrv Y0Kgy.vfl..yM i Ma, fv 9 Vf\S MfAt f f t fVM w-I r L5-^SLetJfceltmas 1 a JzbexxittnB fram^Mat aWe give the bonus already, but also give full, bw page to Best of Breed, Best in veeps, and High Scoring in Obedience at PC Specialties. Those winners may elect ir a full color page for 75. For any dogs itered at the specialty, the owners may ceive a 10 discount on any full-page bw LFinancial StatusAs we are all well aware, the United Stats going through a prolonged cycle of onomic and financial contractioa These wn-sizings, cutbacks, and closings have id negative impacts on many facets of tivity in the country, including ganizations such as the APC.In-depth reviews of our clubs finances id financial reporting systems are iderway to determine if we should insider changing some of our activities id record keeping procedures. The end suit of these studies will probably include number of recommendations to the board r alternatives of our present methods of jeration. The objectives of these changes ill be to improve APC cash flow and ovide a more useful display of the clubs rancial information. Well keep you istedPersonalTo all of you, my fellow Pom lovers, my ost heart-felt thanks for your cards, tters, faxs, E-mail, and words of support id encouragement. Bless you all. Mote from the Circulation Managerby Brenda HuttonTo help avoid delays in delivery of your lagazine, please notify Brenda Hutton of our change of address as soon as it is ailable. Keep in mind that mailing labels 'e processed several weeks before you et your magazine and postal COA forms low you to indicate the date of the range. Also, if you dont like talking to a lachine, place telephone calls to Brenda jtween 500 and 1000 p.m. EASTERN me. Membership Reportas of 111595 by Jerrie Freia 1072 A Landry Road Morgan City, LA 70380Letters other than those from sponsors, commenting on applicants whose names have been published in the Review are to go to Beverly Henry 2025 Sam Houston Carrollton, TX 75006.Contact Jerrie Freia for membership applications.New Members for 1995Reed and Kay Adams25148 Vanessa Court Moreno Valley, CA 92553 909 247-8874 SponsorsKaren M. Crawford Jean FockePat Barnett4817 Detonti Benton, AK 72015 501 778-9154 SponsorsBabe McCombs Nancy BartholomewVictor and Gaila Brickus 42805 Wildwood Aguanga, CA 92536 909 763-0433 SponsorsKaren M. Crawford Jean FockeTom Gaila and Laura Calhoun207 Sun Crest Drive Eldorado, AR 71730 501 863-8424 SponsorsBabe McCombs Nancy BartholomewEric A. and Annette N. Davis391 N. Mink Creek Road Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932Sponsors. Sharon DugasAudene French 3612 Vida Shaw RoadJulie Moreno New Iberia, LA 70560 318219-4285Mari Iffland Sponsors316 E. Stimmel Sue GoddardWest Chicago, EL 60185 708 876-9622Carolyn Arm CrockettSponsors Joan JerrellBrenda K. Segelken 990 E. Grove DriveDonna D. Riehm Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 801 785-4176Charles and Dee McNeice Sponsors10629 Styles Road Patricia A. ChapmanMabelvale, AR 72103 Geanene Hall501 557-5784Sponsors Richard and Ginger KilbrethBabe McCombs 1333 Oak Ridge DriveNancy Bartholomew Chesapeake, VA 23322 804 421-2910Tammy E. Sharp Sponsors201 Cowan Lane Dolores A. WattsPocola, OK 74902 Juanita Fiddick918436-7277Sponsors Leonard and Roberta PodolinMaria Kneisler 8820 To wan da StreetRuby F. Pool Philadelpia, PA 19118 215 242-4348Katy L. Stalnaker SponsorsRt. 1, Box 553 Dolores A. WattsGrantsville, WV 26147 304 462-7404Margaret R. McKeeSponsorsEvelyn E. BlakeSharon HansonNew ApplicationsDean Barres102 Westwood Drive, Apt. 312 Lafayette, LA 70506Wallace and Caryl Schermerhorn544 Montrose AvenueTown of T onawanda, NY 14223 716 835-5406SponsorsJoyce UrbanSusan C. Austin The American318 235-3658SponsorsTim GoddardCarolyn Ann Crockett Pomeranian Club now offersAlice Carson6009 Edgewater Drive Master Charge and VisaCorpus Christi, TX 78412 512 991-5410 Services.Take advantage ofSponsorsBronya JohnstonSue Goddardthis time saving service.New ChampionCh. Creiders Prince Dorn Perignon x Ch. Apples Traveling Polly3N\ prNEW CHAMPIONToCh. Haikus Wind Shadow finished with his 3rd 5-point major in September 1995 by finning the Best in Show from the dasses at the Pomeranian Specialty under Judge Jacqueline Stacy. He then had a fabulous weekend by taking Group First and BEST IN SHOW at the windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers All-Breed how under Judge Derek 2ayne and Ms. Narelle Eobertson respectively. Our gratitude also Judges Dr. Robert Smith, Mrs. Elaine Young and Mr. John Eowfes for acknowledging his ittributes. Also deep appreciation to Judge Mr. Larry Shinsato for his Specialty Sweepstakes Win."Nugget" was beautifully goomed by Mr. Mark Iseki and superbly handled by Mr. Kirk DhiraTMany kudos to this wonderful earn for their coaching and guidance to make this dream come true.A special note of appreciation to his breeders, Dr. Jim and Marit Hattori and yandparents Margo and Marvin Kogja, who have been a source of support, sound idvice, and inspiration. "Mahalo" to Ellen Takayama for that first gentle nudge into the show ring and a heartfelt thank you to all the many, many nice people we have had the Measure to meet in the "Dog World" who have unstiniingjy cheered him on and been so ggacious to us.Breeders Dr. Jim and Marit HattoriOwner Judy Leadbeater Handler Kirk Ohiravrfi a v1V,rL.- NL w" ' i'P^ iS J- - -rfc ferSKJvWINDWARDIIISTHE WAY IT ISA Wealth of Geneticsby Sari Brewster Tietjen Reprinted from Dog NewsLast weekend, as monsoonal rains lashed t the lush green lawns and golden trees of 'lorham Park, New Jersey, approximately wo hundred individuals were cozily nsconced inside the Hamilton Park Conference Center for a two day "Parent Club Genetics conference,"sponsored by tie American Kennel Club. At an estimated ost of 75,000 to a high of 125,000, this onference was focused on the purebred log breeder and canine genetics.Attended by representatives from every larent club except one who was absent due o last minute family illness, as well as everal members of the delegate committee, tKC Board of Directors, AKC Canine lealth Foundation, AKC officers and staff, Dgether with various scientists and ommercial interests, the conference was nlightening to all present. Billed as the irst time such an assortment of people had lathered in one room to discuss canine enetics, the attendees came from all walks if life with an equally diverse canine iackgrounds. Most of the parent club epresentatives served as chairman of their lubs health committee. Many of these v'ere breeder veterinarians and medical loctors. As a matter of fact, one of the cientific speakers said that he had never een so many veterinarians in one room for laymans conference on dogs.GeneticsThe topics were as diverse as the udience. AKCs Dr. James Edwards, who rganized and ran the meeting, opened the onference with an overview perspective on Canine Genetics and AKCs goal, as utlined in its Charter, to "do everything ossible to advance the study and breeding f purebred dogs." He was followed by Dr. lalcolm B. Willis from England, a seniorlecturer in animal breeding and genetics at The University in Newcaster upon Tyne, and author of books on the subject. Dr. Willis was an engaging, opinionated, delightful man with broad practical dog knowledge in both the whelping box and show ring. Willis pulled no punches when he said that most of the breed changes, health and genetic advances had taken place in the last thirty years-some good, some bad.Of particular interest was his personal standard for a breeder. Keep as many good dogs as you can manage. Be responsible for the housing, care, and socialization of your dogs. Mate breeding stock only when old enough and physically fit. Breed essentially for oneself, but sell surplus stock. Use existing screening schemes for such problems as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and progressive retinal atrophy. Ensure that stock is properly protected with vaccinations, etc. Sell only to reputable buyers. Recompense buyers of problems of your making. Plan your matings carefully with breed progress in mind. Rescue your own stock if necessary.Willis pointed out that basically there has been no real information to guide scientists and the field of canine genetic research is new. Abnormalities, however, are not and that while in the past many dogs died of various other diseases, genetic problems were no doubt at hand. They just were not discovered. He noted that money forresearch has been always difficult to come by.Like-To-Like BreedingsIn his discussion of breeding, Willis endorses cautious inbreeding when it is done only to parents and not to Utter mates and beUeves breeders "should not get into a panic because people occasionally do this. "He favors like-to-like breedings, which is type-to-type, heads-to-heads, or other positive traits, in trying to correct failings. He said that compensation breedings may help if prepotency is present. He stresses that correcting animals are best if they have the virtues desired and come from stock with those same virtues. The key, he believes, is breeding from the best is all cases. A breeder should seek superior parents and the inheritability of important breed characteristics. He feels that "pedigree is not considered as valuable as the dog itself' "the most important thing about a dog is that dog" "siblings count, measuring brothers and sisters is valuable" and "progeny is even more important."WUUs was the first of many speakers to refer to "bottlenecks" in breeds and the dangers that could arise therefrom. Bottleneck is defined as a condition where a sire is used excessively in a small group of dogs. This sire may have hidden health\genetic problems that are not known until it is too late and an entire family of dogs is affected.Dr. Wilhs advocates breed surveys. These are not surveys in the traditional sense of asking people to respond to questions, instead his breed surveys are actual measures of various aspects of a particular dog. This gives a breeder an overall picture of a dog based on physical construction, shape, and character and health. Such a survey could be the basis for a database on a breed, either by an individual breeder for his own dog, a collection of breeders or a breed club. Information to be contained therein would include not only data on a specific dog based on its survey, but also litter info including number of puppies, status of puppies, records of deaths and why. Being heavily immersed in the worldof hip and elbow dysplasia, he stroi believes that breeders are custodians breed and should hand over the breed better state than when they first bee involved with it.Genetic MappingThe next speaker was Dr. El Ostrander from the Clinical Rese Division of the Fred Hutchinson Cai Center in Seattle, Washington, presentation to the assembled fanciers the complex topic of molecular esa genetics. She explained how a genetic i for a genome set of DNA molecules specify inherited characteristics of animal is established, the need understand polymorphisms one of vari forms of a gene variation in a D Deoxyribnucieic acid which is permanent genetic blueprint seque between individuals, and the important genetic linkage. She delved into the w of crossover process occurring dui creation of eggs and sperm in wl chromosomes exchange segments of DI enhancing possible variability in offsprh alleles an inherited form of a partici gene or stretch of DNA, and L logarithm of odds scores. Heterozygos or the degree to which a gene occurs different forms in different animals, i explored.Dr. Ostrander explained the usefulnes canine genetic markers and tl discoveries. These markers, which defined as being a portion of D appearing in more than one form ii population, the variations of which can detected in a laboratory and used to iden patterns of heredity, are considered invaluable to canine geneticists advanc their research.Ostrander offered a guide for breec wishing to collaborate with a genetic studying a specific inherited health proble She said the breeder should prov complete information on the inheritance disease, including age at onset, degree symptoms and pathology report. Bk samples of both affected and unaffec animals should be procured. OutbPCA41N1CUE L1L CUPIDCh. Sunrays Gold Strike x Sun-Dots Sunny DelightHES BACKbest of aWINNERS iCABRILLO ENNEL CLUB- ..nvt'jea.---------bergm^nwtosCupid re-entered the show ring and was awarded a 4-point majorWatch for his half brother....Pominique Dances With Wolves "Costner"Breeders Cande Freeman and Ruth DotsonBreeder Owner Cande Freeman 310 549-2707Co-Owner Handler Fran Smith 805 285-9527A first in Hawaii-two Best in Show dogs bred by Haiku Kennels T_Thefirst was Ch. Haikus Visp of Swiss Mist owned by Betty Wrixon. The second i Ch. Haikus Wind Shadow owned by Judy Leadbeater and handled by Kirk Ohio Nugget received his BIS, after major wins at the Pomeranian Specialty Show, at th Windward Dog Fanciers Association All-Breed Kennel Club. Next to him in the pictur is his half-sister, Cinnamon Summer of Haiku. She won Best Opposite to Nuggets hand was handled by Jim Hatton.Dr. Jim and Marit Hattori 46-459 Hulupala Place Kaneohe, HI 96744 808 235-8200igrees need to be on hand and DNA igrees of the family, consisting of ldparents, parents, and a large number iffspring are vital. She stressed the need education and cooperation and was in n of an AKC "genetic certification."Complexities of PRAle next speaker needed no real oduction to many of the dog people ent as he has long been involved in sting parent breed clubs and breeders i various canine health problems. Dr. itavo Aguirre Caspary, Professor at the er Institute, Cornell, University, Ithaca, v York, spoke on PRA-a problem he been toiling on for over twenty years. \ is not just a single disease, but a group different diseases and while he has ked on many breeds, for the sake of this ference, he directed most of his focus on specific eye disease of Rod-cone plasia 1 in the Irish Setter. He explained NA pedigree of affected animals and 1 that the only way to control PRA was eliminate from breeding dogs likely to e or carry the disease." In a private iversation afterwards, he remarked that best diseases if there is such a thing those which are discovered early in a rs life and treated easily.Heart Diseaserom hearing problems the conference nt to hearts when Dr. Donald Patterson, idical Genetics, School of Veterinary dicine, University of Pennsylvania, ladelphia, PA addressed the audience, terson stated that congenital heart ease is one of the major classes of birth ects in both dogs and humans. He noted t the frequency in purebred dogs was jier than that of mixed dogs and certain eds were more predisposed to passing on disease than others. There are many les of congenital heart diseases within the ferent breeds with the main malformation ng found in Ventricular Septal Defects.advocated outcrossing to other breeds i then backcrossing as a means to ntify genetic markers. He stated thatheart defects come from a complex pattern of inheritance with patterns of transmission within families not conforming to simple configurations. An exception to this is considered to be Tetralogy of Fallot a complex malformation consisting of pulmonic stenosis, usually subvalvular which has been determined to be inherited in at least one breed-the Keeshonden.A Technical DiseaseAfter Saturday night dinner, Dr. Patterson demonstrated to interested attendees an exciting Canine Genetic Disease database being developed by the University of Pennsylvania The database consists of three modules Disease, which can be searched by disease symptoms and which lists prognosis, type of genetic defect, if known, and breed likely to be affected Breed, which allows for search of diseases existing in specific breeds and Reference, which lists references to diseases, such as published literature, experiences in University of Pennsylvania Genetic Clinics, and documented information from other sources. The program is designed not only for veterinarians, but also for breeders and breed clubs. While there apparently has been some distribution and marketing difficulties, it is hoped the program will be on the market within the year and plans are for it to be upgraded annually.Swedish UtopiaCanine Genetic Health in Sweden was the hot topic explored by Dr. Ake Hedhaminar, Associate Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Swedea The subject matter was of particular interest to those few people in the audience who follow the international scene and know of Swedens severe breeding restrictions, as well as plans by the Council of Europe to force changes in breed standards andor the banning of certain breeds all together-a scheme Sweden and other European countries are rumored to be following.Dr. Hedhammar explained that 80 of all dogs in Sweden are purebred with breedingAmerican romeraman uiud 1strictly regulated by the Swedish Kennel Club in conjunction with the national breed club. This controlled population occurs in a country as small as the State of Michigan and comparatively not a lot of dogs to oversee. Everyone owning a dog is expected to adhere to the stipulations of the kennel club and while pet owners might not know why they have to take their dog to the vets for an x-ray, they do it anyway.Sweden has an open registry, which means that all testing results, negative and positive, are available to the public. This is different from many other genetic registries, where sometimes the only results available are for those animals who test clear of a particular defect. The Swedish registry provides the kennel club, veterinarian society, breed club and anyone else interested with a broad based information system. Logged on a computer, every bit of data about a particular dog is included. Dogs with genetic defects or carriers of genetic defects are banned from being used for breeding purposes in specific breeds. Testing is considered as being mandaloiy in those breeds and obligatory in others. What Sweden desires is the creation of a superior genetic breeding stock that is viewed as being positive for the individual, positive for the fancy as a whole, and positive for future progeny. Swedens service is centralized with 50 of the dog population covered by an insurance program in spite of its stringent controls, the country has not eliminated genetic health problems, but has been successful in decreasing the incidence of such problems. The Swedes maintain that "the breeders of today share responsibility for future canine health."RegistriesOne part of Sunday mornings program was devoted to talks by some of the speakers involved in registries and commercial ventures, which had informational booths set up for perusal on both Friday and Saturday evenings. These booths included Canine Eye Registration Foundation CERFspeaker Dr. Walter F. Weinch from Purdue, whose main theme centered on the statement that "informationis power," as well as the benefits of CERF Institute for Genetic Disease Control i Animals GDC-speakerDr. Paul Poulos who explained the evolution of geneti registries, and discussed his company various open and closed registries PennHip--International Canine Geneti ICG--speaker Dr. Gail Smith, University of Pennsylvania, whose topic was hi] dysplasia and a different type of x-ray tha lead to more accurate readings than th conventional type and Orthopedii Foundation for Animals OFAspeaker Dr Allen Corley, who spoke on registries anc the importance of DNA in supplanting th need for certain radiographs in the future Other informational booths includec VelGen Dr. Brewera principal speaker featuring DNA genetic testing and Zoogen which focuses on DNA to test for canin parentage. In addition, AKCs Canine Health Foundation had an infonnationa booth on hand and its President, Dr. Rober Hritzo, who is also a member of AKCi Board of Directors, briefly addressed the attendees at Saturday nights dinner.Another speaker during Sundays sessior was Rebecca Stanevich, a Newfoundland breeder who spoke on behalf of the Delegates Committee on Health Research and Health Education, of which she is a member. She told the audience of the committees efforts in establishing health problems as perceived by the different parent clubs with emphasis on the importance of the word "perceived" in noting each clubs response was based on different factors and not always scientific in nature. Of the 134 clubs sent the committees survey, 94 responded. Dr. Sheldon Adler, chairman of the delegates committee, then spoke on its efforts to explore a variety of suggested avenues for the future.Q AA question and answer session with various speakerspanelists followed the conclusion of each days program. Oftentimes, this give-and-take was just as informative as the more structured session. Of particular interest were the commentsDOMINIQUE POMERANIANSt3SDreamCh. Sun-Dots Galactic DreamFinished November 1995CHAECh. Sun-Dots Pominique StarchaserFinished February 1995\thBIS Ch. Sun-Dots Chewbaka x Sun-Dots Taffy TwirlThe above male and female are littermates and represent the whole litterWhen "Dream" finished her title on November 4th my thoughts turned to Ruth Dotson who has made my progress possible. Thank you, Ruth, for believing in me and allowing me to acquire these fine dogs. "Chase" finished his title rapidly with limited showing and Dream finished her title very quickly by gamering three majors along the wayThanks to all of my friends and the judges that awarded these two fine dogs their championships.Watch for Pominique Kachina Doll Sired by Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling OnBreeder Ruth Dotson 408 726-1868 Owner Cande Freeman 310 549-2707BS Ch. Sun-Dots ChewbakaCh. Sun-Dots Ramboling On x Sun-Dots Lil Miss GingerCongratulations to Cande Freeman of Pominique on finishing litter mates Ch. Sun-Dots Pominique Starchaser and Ch. Sun-Dots Pominique Galactic Dream. Youve come a long way, Lady We are proud Watch for the repeat breeding Sun-Dots Chanay of Bonfire owned by Daniel and Bonnie Taylor Bonfire and Sun-Dots Celestial Dream I co-own with Fran Smith VIP who will be handling her. The breeding will be repeated.Sun-Dots, after 30 years, having bred multi BIS, Specialty, and Group winners-due to health and age, I am no longer keeping any young dogs. I will breed a few litters and they will be available. We have 4 males, none young, at stud. They are Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling On, Ch. Sun-Dots Major Stuff, Ch. Sun-Dots Chewbaka, and Ch. Menymont Torchbearer.Watch for Candes new girl, Pominique Kachina Doll sired by Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling On out of a Ch. Sun-Dots Pominique Maui Boi daughter.Litters expected-Inquiries invited.Ruth Dotson P.O. Box 1008San Juan Bautista408 726-1868anaae oy ur. wasyi iviaiyj, wno is uina ream Leader and Chief Development ingineer, Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, school of Veterinary Medicine, University f California at Davis. Dr. Malyjs lab pecializes in DNA using hair samples FBIs DNA of choice and is constantly ooking for new data As a member of the oidience, he expressed concern that some of he DNA markers discovered were not yet ivailable to researchers for patent and unding reasons. He also emphasized one peakers comment that cooperation etween scientists was imperative.Other questions from the floor covered uch diverse topics as how many offspring ire necessary to establish a gene map the inswer, more is always better nheritability of specific genes more esearch is needed good diagnosis is naterial to everything German results are juestionable in certain cases and where to ind out what is being published various m-line services through tire vet schools was pven as a good place to start.It was obvious in listening to the ixchanges between scientists that they do lot always agree on their conclusions and hidings. In addition, commercial ventures ire regarded with pros and cons depending n where the individual scientist is coming fom. In almost all cases, however, it was dear that they desire access to results as luickly as possible without regards for any irofit motive.AKCs Vice-president of Research and development, John Mandeville, was pecifically asked what AKC could do with egards to a centralized sharing network and omputerized information program. In iddition, a plea was made for AKC to list in ts Stud Book all puppies registered with a itter and just the sire and Ham Club nembers who want this believe it will help n providing a more complete picture of vhat is happening in their breed.Club representatives walked away with lot only a wealth of words and ideas and nformational pamphlets on genetic egistries and good health, but also a heavy inder full of written text. This notebook ontains material not only from the ipeakers, but also various other researchdata tnat may oe userui to parent ciuos.At the end of two nights of lodging, two breakfasts, lunch and dinners, and a day and half, plus evening hours, of full immersion in the world of canine genetics-all paid for by the American Kennel Club-it is no wonder that the attendees walked out into Sunday afternoons sunlight a little starry-eyed and heavy with the weight of canine genetics in their hands and on their minds. Around The Waterbowlby Linda Brogoitti 14410 N. 71st Avenue Peoria, AZ 85381-4752They Dont Make Crates for Great DanesAs Chairman of the Exhibiting and Crating area for a large indoor show, I could tell you stories so real and so true that you might even see yourself in one of them.At a recent indoor show, we had certain areas marked off for grooming and some for crating. Crating areas were labeled "For Crating OnlyNo Grooming, No Exercise Pens." Clear enough one would think Ha As I walked through, I saw an X-pen being set up. Not a 24", not a 36", BUT A FOUR FOOT HIGH X-PEN I approached the gentleman and told him, "Sir, no x-pens are allowed in the crating area. Youll have to move them to the grooming areas." Imagine my surprise when he told me, "These arent x-pens, theyre crates for my Great Danes." I tried to explain that crates must have bottoms floors to be called crates, and I reached out to touch the pen and told him, "Well, Sir, it looks like and feels like an x-pen, so pack it up and follow me. Ill find you a grooming spot." As he followed me through the building muttering the whole way, I finally asked him, "If these are REALLY crates, and they dont make any other kind, Id sure like to see the car or van you set these up in" He didnt have much more to say after that.Since were discussing x-pensHave you been to indoor shows where NO x-pens are allowed inside the building Now you willknow why. I actually had one exhibitor with 7 small dogs, and he was setting up 7 x-pens Since I know this person and happen to know these dogs ALL RUN TOGETHER at home, I can only assume this was done to save space another of my favorites for their friends. Admirable, but there are better ways to do this. We have never limited x-pens, but if people abuse the rules....Many of you work with all-breed shows so you know what Im talking about. I recall a show in Texas a few years ago where the rings were inside and all grooming was outside the building. There were vendors set up by the rings inside, but I COULDNT BRING MY DOLLY IN WITH MY FOUR ENTRIES IN CRATES. I couldnt even TAKE A CRATE INSIDE. When I explained to the show chairman that I had 4 Poms entered and had to take them in together, he suggested I find people to hold them ringside First, I dont let just anyone hold my dogs. Second, I cant think of a worse scenario than 4 Poms on leads standing ringside with spectators and large dogs wandering about. I dont know if they ever changed their policy as I never returned. When its more important for vendors to be ringside than exhibitors, we have a problem.Our indoor shows allow dogs in crates ringside for exhibition only. So, show your dogs then move out of the aisles. We have never had a problem at our shows with this policy. If you think about it rationally not one of my favorite ways to do anything it takes up less space for one exhibitor with 4 crates ringside than 4 people milling about holding the dogs. The dogs are safer and everyones happy.Lets remember what the shows are all about. The exhibitors should come first-before vendors or RV parking or spectators. Without us there wouldnt be a show. I really hate having to weave my way through a vendor area to get to my ring from grooming. They the vendors make money at the show. WERE THE ONES WHO SPEND ITNEXT TIME THE POM, THE GOAT, AND THE GOPHER. Much Ado About Anythincby Sally BaugnietI had been a full-time teacher fo number of years, but have been substi teaching for the last eight years in gn one through twelve for three scl districts, plus teaching summer school classes. This has been an almost full t job. I have also learned alot from the v, of the variety of teachers for whoi subbed. I was very impressed by a poen the wall in a B.D. behavior disabil classroom. Because breeding and show Pomeranians can be very challenging can judging I thought you readers wc be encouraged by this poem, especially novice. There was no author listed.Dont QuitWhen things go wrong, as they sometimes When the road you're trudging seem^ uphill.When the funds are low, and the debts high.And you want to smile, but you have to si When care is pressing you down a bit, Best, if you must, but don't you quit.Life is queer, with its twists and turns,As everyone of us sometimes learns.And many a failure turns about,When he migjit have won, had he stuck it c Don't gjve up, though the pace seems sic You migjht succeed with another blow.Often the goal is nearer than It seems to a faint and faltering man.Often the struggler has gven up When he migfit have captured the vict cup.And he learned too late, when the r slipped down,How close he was to the golden crown.Success is failure fumed inside out- The silver tint of the clouds of doubt- And you never can tell how close you are. It may be near, when it seems afarSo stick to the figfit when you're hardest It's when things seem worst, that you mur quit. IffBEST OF WINNERS'9HjMsagramento valley ] IUdog fanciers assoc. nfiTOBER^BERGMANA-l- --------_____Ch.Kitsan Justifanci StarKitsans Kandi Man Rogueland x Kitsan Bell Star O MoonlightThank you to the judges who considered us favorably and to all my friends who supported me along the way.2h. Kitsans Kit Katitsans Kandi Man Rogueland x Amplified Images Suzinahe "Kats" meow at Kitsan...Kats finished at Carson City, NV, under Judge Mrs. Paula HartingerThanks Ruth otson for making possible for me to produce this beautiful 4, Katsl1S.T'amtwo cu\ts KENNEL CLUETOM BRUN\ A995Trilvie Haynes, Owner916 221-4056Ch. A New Melody At Kitsan\VSOUTHERN OREGON KENNEL CLUB SEPTEMBER 1995K 9WINNERSKOHLERKitsans Kandi Mi Rogueland x Kitsai Bell Star O MoonligBred, Owned, am Handled by Trilvi HavnesHandler in this pictu Myrtle KlenschKitsanMighty MicahKitsan Lethel Weapon Rigs x Kitsan Dusti RoseProudly owned by Cathleen and Steve Gallatinand bred byBreederHandler Trilvie HaynesK.XL'A-jVTrilvie Haynes, Owner916221-4066Chiefs Legacyby Beverly M. HenryVe first saw him at an East Texas show ien he was 6 months old. Bill could not over how something that tiny could fly mnd the ring with every leg coming wn straight and true. As Olga Baker was ving the ring with him and his 3rd or 4th ice ribbon, Bill asked to hold him. With ief sitting in his hand, he carried him und the show building most of the emoon. He was smitten from first sight r a year he pestered Olga unmercifully ry time he saw her to show him. Her pat swer was that he was "abnormally small" i would never get a point. I guess she ally got tired of his begging as she Dwed up at our motorhome at the reveport, LA, show on August 23, 1987, d told Bill he could show him till he won e point and then hed have to go home. 5uite frankly, I thought Bill had lost his nd. You must remember that we started t in the dog game in 1962 with ibermans Having a 2 14 pound dog in house took some getting used to, to say least. At the time we had a champion hipperke as a house dog. Benson was utle and easy going and got along with lief just fine at first. A couple of months er, he began showing signs of jealousy d finally one night he snapped at Chief. A one call was made to a couple in Austin 10 had been begging us to buy him for out a year and that weekend, benson went five with them and still does. The little y was worming his way into our arts-notably mine as I no longer thought him as some rodent-he was becoming tty special.,Ve showed him at a few shows that fall. was not yet in full coat and he didnt rch like the show ring much less being id around on a lead. The majority of those st shows were a battle of the wits and 11s between Bill and him. In January of 88 we went to West Texas KC and went inners Dog under Margaret Young for 2 ints. In February, a few days before his other won the Garden, he got his next 2 ints under James Cavallaro. In April ildred Bryant gave him a 3 point major,Nick Calicura awarded him a 4 point major and on April 24th, in Tyler, Texas, Betty Munden bestowed another 4 major and he became Champion Great Elms Firefighter He had such a fan club that before Betty could award the ribbons, people were running into the ring to hug Bill and Chief. Competitors IN the ring applauded I dont think Betty had ever seen the likes as she seemed to watch in stunned silence. Finally, she indicated she had to proceed with the judging and the crowd dispersed. Bill promptly called Darrell Baker-collect no less-telling the operation that it was Champion Chief calling and he had never won that ONE point so he was never going home. And he didnt, except for a few trips south to the Bakers for stud duties. He went on to get several Group placements. My handler husband, who had won many Groups and shown many top specials, would hold Chief and jump up and down like a little kid when they placed in group Judges were constantly amazed at how sound he was for such a tiny dog. When he moved, he floated. In 1989 I took him to Westminster. There were 24 Specials entered and as luck would have it Chief was listed first in the catalog. It was funny to listen to the ringside grumbling about how the "little runt was going to slow them down so that the judge would never see their dogs move right." Well...they had to eat their words when the little guy got in there and strutted his stuff and they were hard pressed to keep up with himSomewhere along the line, I think the first time was the Dallas Specialty in 88, Bill got the idea to take him to a show riding on a fire truck. He was a smash hit. My step mother got in on the act and made him the bunny suit he is shown wearing in Pauline Hughes Pomeranian book. The first time he wore that outfit he was entered in Best of Breed and Bill donned bunny ears and pinned a bunny tail to his suit jacket and they went in the ring dressed alike. From then on it was expected that Chief would have a new outfit for every Dallas Specialty. People would drive hundreds of miles to see what he would be wearing. Among his most popular outfits were his Saint Patricks Day outfit, Batman, SantaAmerican romeraman oiudClaus, and Donatello the Mutant Ninja Turtle. He was featured on the front page of many small town newspapers in his outfits when news photographers were at shows when he was dressed up.Chief proved to be a very good producer, though bred sparingly. He is the sire of AmericanMexican Ch. Prince Baker of Jeribeth, Ch. Milos Mist-Chief of Avalon, Ch. Rhapsodys Moonlight Sonata, Ch. Patricks Mr. Macho Man,Ch. Patricks Mr. Candy Man, Ch. Puf-Prides Tauntg Tiara, Ch. Puf-Prides Tauntg Tempres, and Ch. Shir-Mars Little Captain. There are several others with major points. He is also the sire of at least 2 Obedience titled offspring, one being Jeribeth Mister Firecracker, CD.I cant begin to count the number of people who became "Pom people" because of Chief. He charmed everyone who met him. Even people who didnt like dogs fell in love with him. In fact, one of those very people inspired the infamous "Chief1 calendar. I have had several calls recently wanting to know if there will be a 1996 edition. Our answer to that is, no--the calendar, like Chief, is one of a kind.The little guy went everywhere with us, slept with us and ate with us. So much so that our granddaughter was actually jealous and accused us of probably leaving every thing to him instead of her and our daughterThere was nothing he loved more than riding in the motorhome well actually, girls came first. When we would start packing it for a show, he would do his Garfield imitation on the sliding glass door, plastered, spread-eagle against ithowlingevery time we made a trip out. Most of the time he rode to the shows in his Wally Bed on the dash. We took delivery of our present motorhome on his birthday, so we took a picture of him in the drivers seat and sent it to Olga with the caption, "See what they got me for my birthday"That Thursday in August when he got sick was his Vets day off and I really dreaded having the stand-in who didnt know him have to treat him, but when we got there, his doctor was there, shorts, sandals and all. Apparently the receptionist called him and told him Chief was sick and needed him. Hezdid not respond to treatment like he usuall did but by Saturday seemed a little bettei Sunday was about the same, but Sunda evening he was going down hill. I had mad him abed on the floor on my side of the bei while he was sick because I was afraid ii his weakened condition we might roll ove on him and he would not be able to respom quickly but Sunday night he refused to sta in it. I tried putting my hand in the box as had for the past few nights and that jus wouldnt do. He demanded to be on the bed So we finally gave in. He woke me aroum 100 a.m. I knew he wasnt going to make i so I woke Bill. We took turns holding hin until he went peacefully to the Rainbov Bridge in my arms. There will never b another Chief but he lives on through hi kids and the wonderful times he gave u and his special friends.See Chiefs picture on the back cover. fPITYHtiAOOD' -iM' A".v. avxJL . - VGROUPSECOND v-KONASHOWA i aCh. Aldens Cajun Spice O Woodrose"Spice," out of coat, wins a Group II under Judge Mr. Honig at the Kona Coast KC show. Mahalo" to all his friends for their support while he was being shown. Watch for him in anuary 96 after he coats upWhere Quality CountsYvette and Clarice Oganeku 45-232 Lilipna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744WOODROSE 808 235-8142 fAX 808 247-4967vvniun rvi\ i i-uu i ni\wTOTORO AND NICOLImv.r'"-T5afey-WINNERSp_ WEST OAHUKENNEL CLUBSUMMER 95Woodrose Nic-Reg TotoroCh. Sandtowns Teddy Bear x Kichms ChokoShown first time out at 7 months taking a 5-point major under respected judge Mr. Nishimura. Nicole, a junior handler, and her friend "Totoro" have already won Best Junior Handler with top competition in the ring.OWNERHANDLER Nicole and Reggie Kamihara 3808 Likini Street Honolulu, HI 96816BREEDERSWoodroseYvette and Clarice OganekuPerformance Newsby Lois Morkassel 1412 2nd Avenue S Fargo, ND 58103 701280-1413Winter is here Fargo has had its first winter storm the first week in November and we are getting night temperatures in single digits. Thank goodness the fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes dont do well in this weather, or it would be totally unbearable. For this area, the shows are fewer and farther between. The travel gets more difficult. A month ago we were concerned about the heat, now we are concerned about the lack of heat. Winter survival gear is a must.Back in July, when the weather was warm, I met Cassandra Jensen and her Pom "Butterscotch Jensen" at an AKC agility trial in the St. Paul, MN area Cassandra and Scotch live in Malcolm, NE, and show in 4-H, AKC Obedience, and agility, and USDAA and UKC agility. They earned their CD in Novice A classes in 1994 when Cassandra was 10. Their scores were 176,177, and 173.Cassandra and Scotch earned their NCDA now UKC Agl in March, 1994, and the Agll in June, 1994. They are now working on their ATCH Agility Trial Champion and have 66 points in Agl and 5 Agll points.They earned their AKC NA this year with scores of 100 2nd, 95 first, and 93 first out of Novice B classes. The first and last legs were run in the 8" division and the second was run in the 12" division. The way the judge measures determines which height division Scotch runs in.Cassandra and Scotch earned their USDAA Jr. Agility title in 1995 and have their first Starters leg. They are now invited to run on a USDAA Jr. team in San Antonio, TX in August. Their team came in third place. Cassandra made note that the team she was on was the only Jr.s team where the kids owned their own dogs.Cassandra has been active in 4-H for 3years. She has been involved in many of their animal projects.Cassandra remembers that at their first NCDA agility trial, it took Scotch 6 12 minutes to run the course. Scotch took the first two obstacles and then went to the crowd. She said the judge was very patient and let them work through the course usually about a 60 second run. She claims it was her fault, that Scotch needed more proofing. She went to work on that and they earned their first leg at their next show.At another agility trial, Cassandra had to stop in the middle of their run because Scotch was moving so fast that he was kicking up dust in the arena The dust was the same color as he orange and she couldnt see him Now, there is a problem most other handlers wouldnt have to deal with.People who get a chance to see this team work are impressed with their speed and their wonderful relationship.The next year should hold many more legs and titles for this ambitious pair.Jane Sohns, of Clever Canine Companions, writes about recognizing people and their dogs who do therapy work and gives some ideas on how to get startedThe Clever Canine Companions Working Registry appreciates those who take the time to share their loving, well-behaved dogs with others. CCC has available a certificate to recognize a dogs contribution to Pet Assisted Therapy.Dogs do not have to be registered with any organization.In order to earn a Certificate of Recognition, proof of Basic Training must be included with each dog. Any one of the following is considered proof Graduation from a Basic Obedience Class, a score sheet showing a passing score in Pre-Novice, a copy of the CGC certificate, or a CD from any recognized organization for Pure or Mixed Breed dogs.Proof of current vaccinations and Rabies, and a minimum of 6 therapy visitsin a year with verification be a fellow handler who accompanies the team or signatures by any institutional personnel who observe the therapy work and the date must be included with the request. The number of visits will be noted on the certificate.Costs are 5 per certificate to cover expenses. Submit a check and the proofs to Jane Sohns-Poms, 140 Weidler Lane, Rothsville, PA 17543. This certificate can be used as a point toward the CCC Versatile Working Dog titles.For those who think they could qualify and would like to try therapy, there are so many waiting. Many are lonely people that never, or rarely, get company. Its never difficult having some thing to talk about. When you have a dog, its easy to say, "hello," People are glad to fondle your charmer and tell you about the dogs they once had. Simply call a nursing home and ask for the activities director. Tell her you have a well-behaved dog youd like to bring for a visit. Specify whether you want to do room to room visits or maybe your dog does tricks and you can show obedience exercises to a group. Theyll love seeing how smart your dog is.Practice first to be sure hell be comfortable around wheelchairs, walkers and canes or crutches. You wouldnt want hem to feel threatened and frightened on his first visit. Fire halls and American legions often have these items to loan for a small donation. Dont forget, there are often elevators between floors. Perhaps you can find a friend who would like to work with you.If you are still unsure and want more information on how to get involved with Therapy, send a self-addressed envelope to Mary Gadbois, 358 Boston Post Road, East Lyme, CT 06333. She has helped many people begin therapy through training and through her writings.If you are registered with a known therapy group, you might feel more confident knowing you are covered by their insurance in case of some unforeseen misfortune. They list safety mles. Most importantly, you have anidentification card and your dog is eligit to proudly wear a badge on his collar harness stating "This Is A Therapy Do and the organization.Quite often the most difficult part of new venture is taking the first ste Humane leagues often have pet visitatio that you might join. Our local Red Cro begs people with pets to come with thei You really feel good making others smi You can think of this as extra training f your dog with an audience, even if it only one.So, take a deep breath and lift the phor Just a note. I sent the paperwork in a Dande is now a Versatile Cani Companion Excellent. Jane Sohns sa that Gypsy and DeDe owned by Dorotl and Duane Nelson were the first register. It takes some time to researi past involvement with clubs and peop but that can be a wonderful trip dov Memory Lane. Take the time. This is recognition of your time and efforts.Do you have trouble visualizing how walk around the figure 8 posts T putting a hula-hoop on the floor, aroui each post. The smaller hula-hoops wo well for our Poms. Walk around the cur of the outside of the hoop and make yo straight pass form the posts shoulder ar to the opposite posts shoulder area whe the curve begins again. Walk it fir without your Pom and then with yo Pom. It will help keep you from crowdir your Pom and the posts. From Gerrian] Damellls campFor the stand for exam, it is not difficr to train your Pom to stand. It just tak patience. I like to start with the Pom on table or while kneeling on the floor. P the dog in a sit at your side, as close heel position as you can. Slide a fingerWishing EveryoneYAPPY HOWLIDAYSFrom the Family that trains togetherwm -4-2 \2m4iN vIJMMIVMMitftf'fcFroggy AmCan CD, CGC Man AmCan CD, CGC GJL AmCanU-CD, CGC, Katie AmCan AmCan CD, CGC Cymer AmCan CD, CGC Dande Can OTCH, UD U-CDX, U-AgI, AD, NA, ROM, CGC, VCCX. In front Fang AmCan CD, CGC and Spot AmCan CD, CGCHAPPY NEW YEAR and Best Wishes to all who show at theNationalLois Morkassel 1412 Second Avenue South Fargo, NDThanks, Grandma Dotson, for my 3 lb. white TornadoLove, Keithc ai1gife vV\rlm-mSun-DotsIvory ChewbakaCh. Sun-Dots Chewbaka x Sun-Dots Ivory Charmyour right hand in the collar, from the head pointing to the rear. Close your finger on the collar, the rest of your fingers can rest across the front of the dog to prevent forward movement. With your left hand extended flat and the palm facing the floor, tell the dog "stand" and then gently slide your left hand under the tummy causing the dog to stand. Support the dog in this position until there is a little bit of relaxing-while you tell him how wonderful and smart he is. If you use treats, feed tiny bits so that the stand is rewarded. Then calmly release and praise-walk away from the area and then treat.The dog will get the idea and you will be able to just use your finger in the collar to prevent forward movement. This will become a signal in front of the dogs face.The hand under the tummy will becom a finger touch on the flank and wil eventually be phased out.This type of stand is referred to as "kick back" or "kick out" stand. It is more desirable stand than the "wal forward into stand position" type. Bot types of stand work well for the Novic classes, but when you want the stands fc Utility, the walking forward into stan position can cost points for response tim for the signal stand and the moving stand.The timing of the treats is importani The stand needs to be rewarded, not th release. It is very easy to get a dog whi stands and then breaks because it want the treat at the point of release. I like th dog to relax in the stand-get a goody ani then a quiet release. Building the stay pai of the stand is built in with extending thne before the treat is givea Proceed awly. The next step is to randomize the at, when the dog is responding well to e stand command. Reward every other ne, then 1 out of 3, then 2 out of 5, then out of 5. Keep a written record of your ndom rewards. It is amazing how easy it to fall into a pattern of rewards instead achieving random rewards.Slowly build up your distance away Dm your dog, one step at a time. Use ntle tension on the leash to make the ig actively stay in place. Dont pull him f his feet, just put tension on slowly and enly and release it the same way.If your dog breaks at any point, go back steps and work back up to where you ere. It will help build both of your infidence.1 would like to take this opportunity to spond to Alice Lessards letter in the ctNov issue.1 have told people to check into rescuing ms for obedience because they are ually full grown and their knee status is little bit more certain as adults. Diane ruman advocates rescuing dogs for ledience work because she feels they ive more of a desire to work.1 admire Alices record and personal lals. My goals are different. This is a ay for me to spend time with my dogs. I efer the training time to the time in the ow ring. I realize that I am not a impetitive trainer or handler and dont t upset with my dog when she does ledience "her way" in the ring. We end a lot of time nqing, but our entry nmts as a dog the OTCH contenders ive beaten and gives them points. Not eryone can have a High in Trial dog. le great majority at obedience trials ent going to earn that recognition. They e important as exhibitors, too, and ould be recognized as having done mething significant. Legs are awarded r scores of 170 and better, and are not inted on the title certificates. A lot of Ik has been going on in the obedience mmunity in the States as well asCanada about how entries in the Novice A, Open A, and Utility A classes are down. Some speculation has been aired that it could be due to the emphasis training classes are placing on their people to score certain numbers. This sport is supposed to be open to anyone and their purebred dog with no emphasis placed on conformation as stated on page 2 of the AKC Obedience Regulations.It is wonderful when a dog can excel in both the obedience and breed rings.As to breeding my Pom. She was bred in 1986 and I joined the APC in 1987. I did better my dog as her daughter was pointed in Canada her only time shown there and was looked at carefully in a large entry of puppy bitches in Duluth the only time she was shown in breed in the States. I spayed her shortly after along with the rest of my dogs. I kept them all and they all earned their AmCan CDs and CGCs. Nne of my "Sub-standard" Poms were inflicted on the rest of the world. I chose not to show in conformation and not to breed Poms. I understand that bitches who would not finish in the breed ring can produce wonderful champions.I got Dande in 1984, and have been involved with my local kennel club since then. I write this column because I want to give something back to those who shared their knowledge and tips with me. I believe that the questions being posed by people in and out of the Pom community need to be addressed. They have important and valid concerns. I have never claimed to be a "name" in obedience. There are many more qualified people out there who cold be writing this column. Does anyone want to take over this "high paying" job The more who share information, the more people can be reached with something that can work for them.When it comes to researching Poms in the breed rings, the local show that we had last week had 3 Poms entered The average Pom entry at area shows is 6 to 8. The exhibitors are usually the same ones, because of the distances for shows. I have been watching for the last 5 or 6 yearstrying to lay the ground work for getting a Pom in another 5 or 6 years. That is the kind of waiting list I am on. I am looking for a larger Pom, on the 7 pound end of the scale, because I plan to work in agility. The jump heights are set at 8" and 12" and I personally feel that it is a lot to ask of tiny dogs to cover the course and to travel all the obstacles. I know other exhibitors show tiny dogs, but this is how I feel.Alice is proof that Poms can work in both the Breed and Obedience rings successfully. She also does tell about having to search hard for that special dog. Others have also excelled with dual titled Poms, but since I have been keeping statistics and looking back through past magazines, they seem to be the exception.Dande and I participate in a sport, a game. We are OTCH "fodder." We give performances that allow people to better appreciate high scoring performances. We have fun. We have supporters who have cheered us on through pass and fail. We get a lot of applause when we leave the ring, pass or fail. One of our greatest rewards is when "civilians" come up to us to find out what breed she is and how old she is. Many people have gotten excited when they find out that we started training for utility when she was 8. Many are willing to look at that old dog 2 or 3 they have at home with new eyes and with thoughts that they could compete or maybe even serve as therapy dogs. We present a different picture of Poms than the stereotype. I always tell people who ask so they wont be confused that "Dande is a no-good Pom, but a damn good dog."New Obedience Titles from the October issue of the AKC Awards MagazineCDXCh. Bo Jays General Jackson CDX dog owned by Linda Florer and bred by Janice and Robert Pema. The scores come from Open A 183, 184, and 183 4th.CDBarons Aristic Aurora CD bitct owned by Kim Crowell and bred by Joyc Goodell and Kim Crowell. The score come from Novice A 176, 195.5 first and 193 2nd.Carlas Wonderwolf CD dog owne and bred by Carla Heath. The scores com from Novice B 193, 193, and 195.5AKC Agility TitlesOA Open AgilityKarens White Kiley OA dog owne by Karen Gottschall and bred by Jea Suplee. The scores are 100 3rd, 96 4th and 100 2nd. The height division wj18".NAOllie Blue Bluster CDX, TD, NA dog owned by Randall and Ann Griffith an bred by Ray Mooney. The scores are 10 first, 98 and 100 first. The heigl division was 12" in the Novice A Clas This makes Ollie the first Pom to hoi titles in all the AKC performance evenl open to Pomeranians.Stanley Morris CDX, NA dog owne by Phyllis Griffith and bred by Alic Bauer. The scores are 93, 100 3rd, an 100 4th. The height division was 12" i the Novice A Class.Congratulations to these new tit holders. I hope that the leamin experience for both the Poms and human has been fun and exciting Learning t communicate in a "foreign" language is challenge. These Pom and handler team look like they have a good grasp of the "common" language.Other AwardsTiny Tonto of Balloch CDX and Ro Beyers earned Pedigrees Top Toy Awar in Obedience in Canada for 199^ repeating their 1993 success, according t the August issue of Dogs in Canada.r uiuciaiuaiisrvA"\AND our first Home-Bred Champion...Ch. Lili-Rocks Cinnamon LightCh. Lili-Rocks Bud Light x Crystal Starlyn at Lili-RockCC is a 4 12 pound orange bitch with nice movement. When she enters the ring, she demands your attention.She garnered a 3-point major at her first show and finished in two short months pointing at 70 of the shows in which she was entered.Thanks to all the judges who finished our first home-bred champion.I"Introducing our First Champion...Ch. Lili-Rocks Bud LightCh. Bonners Celeberty Q O Crystal x Crystal Cherie of Cascade"Bud" is a 5 12 pound orange male who is siring very nice puppies-mosdy bitches He was fun to show, has a wonderful personality, and is very showy. He held his own against the best at the Texas Specialty.Bud was always treated to his favorite snack after a win-FRENCH FRIESB114LILI-ROCK POMERANIANS Dennis and Glenetta LeGlise 3714 Espenschied Road, SW New Philadelphia, OH 44663 216339-9831urysiai Pomeranians'm k^i i M\J 1 WaHIrnting Additiion...Ch. Sungolds Black Talon Phyner SpankySpanky is a 2-year old black male weighing in at nearly 4 pounds.He has already proven himself by producing 2 Utters for us, including a black, black and tan, and deep red sable.He is a sturdy little guy and a fantastic stud He has stolen our hearts with some of his anticsThanks to Dolly Trauner and Julie Moreno for allowing us to have this feisty feUa And to breeder, Anna LaFortune, thank you.r Presentsour latest championCh. Crystal Bud-N-PromiseCh. Lili-Rock's Bud Light x Crystal Coral DustMissy is a 3 34 pound orange bite with excellent movement and a showy attitude-a joy to show.We put on her first 5 points, but shewas finished, at 9 months, by our frienc and super handler, Karen Fitzpatrick Many thanks to those judges who knev how realy special she is and commentec on it alsoSee pedigree in "Behind NewTitlists.'J1.. . .. _________CRYSTAL POMERANIANS Jim and Judy Shearer 9995 Ragersville Road SW Baltic, OH 43804 216897-0720Behind The NewTitlistsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Titlists will be printed free if sent in by he owner. Please send the dogs name, sex, owners name, and breeders name on a separate sheet of paper. Please type or print legibly. Send copies of pedigrees that dont reed to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor.h Mark Tradition of LenetteLight Orange Male Breeder K. G. Griffith Owners Tom and Sylvia MiyakeCh Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Ch Millamor's Trademark Millamor's Musical Box h Millamors Mark Tradition Ch Millamor's Rock Music Millamor's Sparkling Music Millamors Molly Brown Ch Model's Timstopper's Echo Ch Beaver of Lenette Tinker Bell of Lenette herrys Rose Tiana of Lenette Ch Great Elms Sweet Prince Great Elms Rose of TianaSherry's Butn of Bears Pualanth Shy Acres Deja VuOrange MaleBreeders Adrian and Sybil Alford and Audrey RobertsOwners Charles and Audrey RobertsToma noil's I Got Leggs Ch Mac's Maybe I WillCh Mac's Jennifer Jangles h Shy Acres Our Man Friday Ch Mac's Maybe I WII Sungold's Corse U WIICh Cherokee's Summer Fashion Ch Mac's Maybe I WII Ch Shy Acres Our Man Friday Sungold's Corse U WII meins The Joy Of Friday Lil Pepe of Crest Jimcin's Merle's Delight Jimcin's Scotch MistCh Crystal Bud-N-PromiseOrange BitchBreeder Jim and Judy Shearer Owner Jim and Judy ShearerCh Mullers Celeberti Ch Bonners Celeberty Q O Crystal Bonner's Rosecharm Cutie Ch Lili Rock Bud LightBi-Mar Sunny Red Robin Crystal Cherie of Cascade Cascade's Golden Bambi Bonner's Wee Wagdoll With Love Ch Bonner's Penwag Sundust Bonner's Stariyn Gorg'us Penny Crystal Coral DustChesai Golden Challenger Chesai Crystal Belle of JJ's Chesai Dixie Power AntonioCh Sun-Dots Galactic DreamCream Bitch Breeder Ruth Dotson Owner Cande FreemanCh Sun-Dots Ramboling Gamblor Ch Sun-Dot's Ramboling On Sun-Dot's Ramboling Sunshine Ch Sun-Dots ChewbakaCh Sun-Dots Rambolin Strut N Stuf Sun-Dots Lil Miss GingerSun-Dot's Ramboling San Doll Ch Sun-Dots Rambolin Strut N Stuf Sun-Dot's Strutz Bearcat Sun-Dot's Sparkle Brite Sun-Dots Taffy TwirlQueenaire Ramboling Sun-Dot Queenaire Sunbright Queenaire SuntoyViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarilythose of the Editor or American Pomeranian Club.We invite our Readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects.Ch Sun-Dots Pominique StarchaserOrange Male Breeder Ruth Dotson Owner Cande FreemanCh Sun-Dots Ramboling Gamblor Ch Sun-Dots Ramboling On Sun-Dots Ramboling Sunshine Ch Sun-Dots ChewbakaCh Sun-Dots Rambolin Strut N Stuf Sun-Dot's Lil Miss GingerSun-Dot's Ramboling San Doll Ch Sun-Dots Rambolin Strut N Stuf Sun-Dot's Strutz Bearcat Sun-Dot's Sparkle Brite Sun-Dots Taffy TwirlQueenaire Ramboling Sun-Dot Queenaire Sunbright Queenaire SuntoyCh Chestaras FantasiaOrange Sable Bitch Breeders Bill and Beverly Henry Owners Bill and Beverly HenryCh Glen Iris Ivanhoe Ch Glen Iris Castle RockCh Tim Sues Evening Lights Ch Glen Iris Luck DragonCh Bev-Nor's Glen Iris Excalibur Ch Glen Iris Lady Guenevere Wee Heart's Glen Iris Rapunzel Ch Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch Great Elms Firefighter ROM Great Elms Sweet Candy ROMX Chestaras Summer Mistfire Ch Jeribeths Sir Lancelot Milo's Mist of AvalonJeribeth's Peach-A-Roni CDCh Chriscendo Claim To FameMaleBreeder Christine Heartz Owners Allen and Patricia ChapmanCh Millamor's Moon Rock Ch Millamors Rock Medallion Millamors Marrilynn Ch Chriscendo Calvin KleinCh Chriscendo Causin Comment Chriscendo Confetti Chriscendo Cassandra ChMillamor's Moon Rock Ch Millamor's Rock Medallion Millamors Marrilynn Ch Chriscendo Coco Chanel Desaree Smoky Mt Boy Desaree Chriscendo Cafe Desaree Fancier FaithCh Kitsan Kit KatSable BitchBreeder Trilvie Haynes Owner Trilvie HaynesCh Muller's Kazar Trump of Sungold Ch Rogueland Royal Flush Rogueland Little Lollipop Kitsans Kandi Man Rogueland Manies Gold Dust Pepper Gold Dust Meranling Gizzy Kit SanCh Sun-Dots Rambolin Strut N Stuf Ch Sun-Dots Major Stuff Rommel's Sun-A-Min KissAmplified Images SuzinaNot GivenAmplified Images Cara Mia Toy Star's Honey BearCh Kitsan Justifanci StarOrange Bitch Breeder Trilvie Haynes Owner Trilvie HaynesCh Muller's Kazar Trump of Sungold Ch Rogueland Royal Flush Rogueland Little Lollipop Kitsans Kandi Man Rogueland Manies Gold Dust Pepper Gold Dust Meranling Gizzy Kit SanCh Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond Teakwood's Biljon BlueTomho Bad to the Bone Jessica Kitsan Bell Star O MoonlightCh Apolloette Moonlight Gambler Kitsan Melody O Moonlight Gold Dust MeranlingCh Lili-Rocks Cinnamon LightOrange Bitch Breeder Glenetta LeGlise Owner Glenetta LeGliseCh Mullers Celeberti Ch Bonners Celeberty Q O Crystal Bonner's Rosecharm Cutie Ch Lili Rock Bud LightBi-Mar Sunny Red Robin Crystal Cherie of Cascade Cascade's Golden Bambi Ch Pixies Puffthe Magic Dragon Pixies Puffer StuffPixie's Little Golden Dancer Crystal Starlyn at LilirockChesai Golden Challenger Chesai Crystal Belle of JJ's Chesai Dixie Power AntonioContinued on page 72AS3XErV-Ji ,'y- -ip.-prH0Am CsisBo Clio CiBiBaadolls TeimaiBatoBWHAT A TEAMMelv, Joan and Arnie wish to pay tribute to Sue Malek for her excellent handling and friendship....IN KENNELS, REG. Melv and Joan Beech RR6 Aylmer On Canada N5H 2R5 519 773-2471d2n.yrLi -va juLtitH ft ft-. C]l ^kTTW ^ ^ZlfcloTHANK YOU, MR. MILLERWe couldnt have done it without you, Sue. Melv, Joan and ArnieBred by John and Darlene BoydHandled by Sue MalekPom ShoppeQuantity Price Item01................ . 2.50...... ....Plaster Pom earrings orange pierced03................ ....4.00....... .....lAM's Pet Foods Grooming Aprons wpockets red06................ ....3.00....... .....Dolls wcrocheted dresses toilet tissue white, green, rose white,brown cream, beige, green white17............... .. 25.00...... .....Pedigree Books from Great Elms 141 pages01................ .. 25.00...... .....Prodigy Membership IBM compatible, v. 3.215............... ....3.00....... .....Note cards and envelopes wPom by Babe '8601................ .... 2.50...... .....Wooden Pom Figurine wsmoked mirror14............... ....5.00....... .....Small key ring wPom head on white tile11............... ....6.00....... .....Lucite full Pom figure key ring01................ .... 7.50...... .....Rubber stamp-full Pom wribbon in mouth52................ ...5.00........ .....APC membership pins....3.00....... .....APC Decals setone large and two smallBess P. Roberts15802 Letcher RoadBrandywine, MD 20613Critique Pomeranian Club of Hawaiiby Jacqueline L. StacyWhat an honor it was to have my first Pom Specialty assignment be the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii. On September 29th, 1995, the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii held their 17th Specialty Show at the Kaneohe Pet Health Center in Kaneohe. This venue is ideal for a Specialty show. On the second floor of this very large veterinary center and pet store, there is a room large enough for a good sized ring and plenty of grooming. Everyone was thankful for this indoor site particularly the judge, since this side of the island is prone to rain at this time of the year. The Specialty began with Larry Shinsatos Sweepstakes assignment of 7. His winner was from the Junior Puppy Dog class, Haiku Wind Shadow, bred by Marit Hattori and owned by Judy Leadbeater. I followed with an entry of 20 9 dogs, 8 bitches, 3 BOB 1-2, then 3 Parade of Champions. My winners dog was the open dog, Haikus Wind Shadow. This bright orange son of the multiple BIS winner, Ch. Creiders Prince Dom Perignon and Ch. Apples Traveling Polly, in this competition, excelled intype, condition, and showmanship. This win finished him. Reserve went to the puppy dog Amours Thats Hot to Trot bred and owned by Shirley Ann K Leu. I understand this showy pup has nearly completed his championship. He was truly competitive in the winners class. Winners bitch came from the American Bred class. Wee Hearts Vintage Champagne, bred by Cassandra and Estil Evans and owned by Ellen Takayama. Though not in full bloom, this bright orange bitch won on the merits of her overall balance, movement and head. The reserve bitch came from the Bred-by class. She, too, was a Dom Perignon daughter, owned by Marit Hattori.On the merits of the exhibits as stated earlier, in the Best of Breed class, I chose both the Winners Dog and Winners Bitch for both BOB and BOS.The exhibitors were delightful and I do appreciate their good sportsmanship. I was delighted that the Breed winner had such a wonderful weekend. At the all-breed show the next day, he repeated his BOB win and went on to win the entire show as well as the group the following day. His future certainly looks promising.I would like to encourage our Pom breeders and exhibitors in Hawaii to becertain they emphasize leg length in their breeding programs. As commonly fou throughout the country, the tendency for short-legged Poms was present. I al encourage all to put down the scissors before you go too far. Trimming for tidiness perfectly acceptable, but sculpting is not. The limit is pushed far too often for me.It was an honor and privilege to have judged this Specialty. The hospitality v absolutely above and beyond. I thank the club for their wonderful attention a generosity and look forward to seeing the get of these dogs I judged in the future.Observations on the Showby Ellen TakayamaThe Pomeranian Club of Hawaii held its 17th Specialty Show and Puppy Sweepstak on Friday, September 29, 1995, at 700 p.m. The trophy table displayed the beauti] Chinese plates, vases, planter, ginger jar, and oriental dogs. A special perpetual sih plated trophy mounted on a koa base was offered in memory of Betty Aona Larry Shinsato of Honolulu judged the puppy sweepstakes and selected his BISS frc the 12-15 month junior dog class. BOSS came from the 6-9 month puppy bitch class. I selections werePuppy Dogs 6-9Amour's That's Hot to Trot......................................................................Shirley LeuJunior Dogs 12-15Haikus Wind Shadow....................................................................Judy LeadbeaterPuppy Bitches 6-9Guys N Gals Crowd Pleaser......................................................... Josephine ChingPuppy Bitches 9-12Island's Limited Edition.......................................................................Cynthia EdlaoBest in Sweeps Haikus Wind Shadow Best Opposite Guys N Gals Crowd PleaserThe Regular Classes were judged by Jacquelyn Stacy of Pittsboro, NC. This gracio lady was very thorough and patient in judging our Pomeranians despite being driv from another location after judging the Poodle and Yorkshire Terrier Specialties earli in the day. After careful consideration, the open dog was selected as BOB whi completed his championship that day. Best Opposite came from the American Br class. Both were over some lovely specials. Mrs. Staceys placements werePuppy Dogs 9-12Amours Thats Hot to Trot..................................................................... Shirley LeuBred-by Exhibitor DogsHi-Crest Pirate Red Treasure High................................... A. Hirahara and J. ChingOpen DogsHaiku'sWnd Shadow................................................................... Judy LeadbeaterWinners Dog Haikus Wind Shadow Reserve Amours Thats Hot to TrotPuppy Bitches 6-12Haiku's Beaver of Great Elms...............................................................Marit HattoriBred-by-Exhibitor BitchesCinnamon Summer of Haiku.................................................................Marit HattoriAmerican-bred BitchesWee Heart's Vintage Champagne..................................................Ellen TakayamaOpen Bitches.J. Ching and A. HiraharaGuys N Gals Popcee Jaywalker^numrsrv jV fc "j.iEJ---- ---- ---AmoursThats Hot To TrotCh. Guys N Gals Bravo For Amours x Amours Legacy Of The Heart91095-Hawaiian KC Judge Mrs. Evelyn Betty Peterson 5-point major, BW, BOS. Our first show 6 months, 6 days old...92995Pomeranian Club of Hawaii Judge Mrs. fackie Stacy RWD and Best Puppy in Show...93095Windward Hawaiian Dog anciers Judge Derek G. Rayne 4-point major, BW... 10195-Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Judge John Rowles RWD... 10895Orchid Island Dog Fanciers Judge Virginia Lyne RWD.Many, Many thanks to all the above judges for Hottsies exciting wins and for finding him worthy of the wins.OWNER I BREEDERHANDLER Shirley Ann K Leu 3655 Kawelolani PlaceHonolulu, HI 96816 808 732-7427Celebrate the seasonOur Best Wishes To AllftSelectively-Bred Quality Puppies Occasionally AvailableulORENO'sJulie Moreno415583-4973 after 1000 a.m. our time, pSsase...inners Bitch Wee Hearts Vintage Champagne serve Cinnamon Summer of Haikust of Breed Haiku Wind Shadowst of Opposite Wee Hearts Vintage Champagneist of Winners Haiku Wind ShadowThe Parade of Champions brought out three lovely bitches Ch. Queenaire Classy arlin, owned by J. Ching and A. Hirahara Ch. Wee Hearts High Fashion, owned by lien Takayama and Ch. Haikus Foxfire, owned by Marit Hattori.It should be noted that our breed winner went on to a Group I and BIS the next day and Group II the following day. What a wonderful weekend for newcomer, Judy eadbeaterThe following Monday evening, our judges dinner was held at a restaurant featuring a cal buffet and salad bar. In addition to the crab legs and prime rib, Mr. and Mrs. Stacey ^ere wonderful sports and tasted our local fish, shrimp, and vegetable tempura, sushi, ashimi, somen noodles and other exotic foods. After dinner, judges Larry Shinsato and ackie Stacey commented on the high quality of our dogs, especially the puppies. Mrs. tacey commended the excellent show site and the good sportsmanship of file exhibitors, e all had a wonderful time and talked dogs until the restaurant closed and we were arced to leave. VVrV-rvOf1BIS, BW, BB Haikus Wind ShadowWB, BOSWee Hearts Vintage ChampagneA\ UsmBOS in Sweeps Guys N Gals Crowd PleaserBest Puppy in Show Amours Thats Hot To TrotMERRY CHRISTMAS ANDHAPPY NEW YEAR FROMTHE OFFICERS AND BOARD OF THEAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. WE THANK EACH OF YOU IMMENSELY FOR SUPPORTING YOUR MAGAZINE SO WELLERINS POMS PRESENTS..I BEST OF BREEDCrb.'\is-d msBTvCLD DOMINION^ KENNEL J CLUB OF MN0. VIRGINIA gI SUNDA'OCT ' SS ^uCKliTn'iiiCh. Tiffanys Prince Andy O ErinBISS Ch. Bev-Nor Special Edition x Bev-Nor Mindy"Andy" is Pictured with Judge Mr. Kenneth M. McDermott taking a Best of Breed wer a special for a 4-point major. I would ike to express my appreciation to the oiiowing judges for awarding Andy his points Mrs. B.D. Alderman. Mrs. James P. icott II. Mrs Elaine Rigden, Mrs. U.M. Olmos-Olivier. Mrs. Betty Duliinger. Mr. W. iverett Dean. Jr. Special thanks to Beverly Ferguson for her superb handling of my pedal little guy. Andy.OWNER Maureen A. Healy 88-39 205th Street Queens Village NY 11423 718 740-9029 BREEDERS-HANDLERS Beverly Ferguson and Catherine Sheridan 410 255-7926 ia-a M HasiSHra tmmm mjWe had a sparkling moment in time at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaiis 17thSpeciall Show on 9.29.95. Cheers and a toast to judge Jacquelyn Stacey former handler of C D-Nees Darin Duffle for winners bitch from the American Bred class and on to BO over some lovely specials for a 5-point major. What made this win even more sped was the enthusiasm, encouragement, and support from my fellow exhibitors, friends, ar spectators. A special toast with my "winners coffee" to Cassandra Evans of Wee Hear for sharing yet another good one with me.vlatch was a tribute to the upcoming Summer Olympics. Each placement first thru ourth received a corresponding medalhoaI would like to thank this magazine for the support and coverage of our match. I also hank all those that donated and each worker. I extend my greatest thanks to the xhibitors, without all of you there would not be an Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club specialty Match. r"'. ii 91m\000ImBest in Match Rhea-Nas I Got You BabeBest Junior Puppy Whispering Lane Easy StreetIT4 9 JtrVrA-v 000 \Best AdultHeartlands In The Nicka TimeBest Costume Brenda Segelken"Polo" is pictured with Paul Edwards. By 9 12 months, he had won Group 3 ar Group 4 from the puppy class under Judges Sue Woodle and Andrea Brunotte. Thar you.Polo was awarded Best in Sweepstakes at Central Carolina Pomeranian Clubs fir Specialty. Thank you Judge Peggy Wilson. Congratulations to CCPCs Dot and E Martin on your kennel visit.Polos grandmothers are group placing Ch. Elans Diabolique black and Ch. Elan Inclination dam of one champion whose sire is Ch. Elans Inferno producer of champions and his aunt is group placing Ch. Elans Devil May Care. We expect puppii during the holidays.FLASH Elan's Exlipse black wins WB, BOW, and BOS at the Sooner Pom Club iOKC Specialty. Thanks, Judge ...ELANMr. and Mrs. David K. Dahlenburg P.O. Box 1160 Loxahatchee, FL 33470-1160 407 793-0Puget Sound Club Reportby Janell ReichWe are very excited to be hosting the 996 American Pomeranian Club Summer pecialty on August 8, 1996, at the West oast Tyee in Olympia, Washington. We ill also be having our specially there .ugust 9 and there will be two all-breed lows at a high school nearby. "The Great orthwest" is our theme, and we are lanning some very fine and exciting tivities. We hope you will mark your ilendar to attend Call Marlene Presser r more details 360 785-0903.As of June 1995, we have new officers resident, Marlene Presser,ice-President, Elaine Burk Secretary, tiannon Kelly Treasurer, Frank Reich oard Members Janell Reich, Diana llano, Katherine Bartos-Negri, Oscar erda, and Marlin Presser. They Have en very busy planning for our specialty January, 1996, at the Puyallup, Washington Cluster on January 11,12,13, 1 and ours will be on the Monday liday January 15 th. Call R R for itries 206 547-1982.Last, but not least, is the results of our ly 95 summer specialty at Brush airie. The weather was nice for the two m Specialties, but got very hot the last mple of days. We had two exhibitors get little ill from too much sun. There wereQVpeople on little electric carts to come pick you up if you liked We had a wonderful turn out, fabulous trophies arranged by Ingrida Gasaway some were embroidered Pomeranians on towels blankets, Pom lap quilts, etc., as well as very fancy rosettes. Junior Showmanship was judged by Susannah T. Crolius. The Best Junior Handler was Mahlen Maher with Marimars My Sweet Jackie. Obedience was judged by Noreen Cartwright. High is Trial was Ollie Blue Bluster CDX, TD, NA, owned by Ann Griffiths and Randall Morris. Veteran Sweeps was judged by C. Lee Koseck and Best Veteran was Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan My Style owned by Janell Reich. BOS Veteran was Ch. Westviews Moonglow Rocky owned by Ingrida Gasaway.Puppy Sweepstakes was judged by Blake Jones. He chose Foxx Glenns Midnite Krystal owned by Patricia Foxx as Best Puppy in Sweeps. BOS in Sweeps went to Foxx Glen Day star Magnum Force owned by P. Foxx and Karen Power.Conformation judge Mrs. Victor Olmos-Olivier awarded BB to Ch. Rodis Mr. Rocky Road owned by Diana Solano. WB and BOS went to Cheyennes Champagne Lace owned by L. Polinkus and G. Stefenson. Best Bred-by was Rodis Wind Dancer and Best Puppy went to Morenos Harriton owned by Jan and Richard Wilhite. Bestof Breed Ch. Rodis Mr. Rocky RoadWB and BOSCheyennes Champagne Lacerz.jSr In'--- osr'iV.AWD, BOWCheyennes Grandview ProdigyBest in Sweeps Foxx Glenns Midnite Krystals5S-' v1A 1 teJBOSin SweepsFoxx Glenns Daystar Magnum ForceBest Veteran in Sweeps Ch. ValcopyWakhan My mmm oHigh in TrialOllie Blue Bluster CDX, TD, NABest Junior Handler Malen Maher^sdlewuidproudly presents our 15th ChampionTribble1is shown taking a major at Old Dominion KC to finish. Thank you, Ken McDermott, for this win and for your generous compliments.ISTV.NEW CHAMPION She is shown below winning Best Senior Puppy in Sweepstakes at the A PC Specialty under Frank Wolaniuk.WINNERSBITCH 4t.Ch. Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor TopazeDaybreaks Little Deuce Coupe ptd. x Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor maj. ptd.We are planning to breed Tribble to our black and tan Phred Ch. Idlewyld Semi-Precious Gem.Iribbles dam, Caitlin, leeds only a major to finish as of 115. P BEST IN mw - .I" SENIOR F MSWEEPSTAKES V gw gfUMBSMi ' n rv 11Margaret R. McKee 804 556-33802426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063Jsdiewijlaclaims new record for the breed.Elizabeth finished he championship in 93 10 months of age , earned the CGC and TDI on 102195, and completed her CD or 102295. Weve now had 12 obedience title Poms, including 7 obedience-titled champions, 6 of whor were homebred. You can breed for both beauty and performanceElizabeth is shown winning First in Novic B and Highest Scorini Champion at the APC Specialty. She is the dam of Ch. Idlewyld Talisman, who finishe at 9 months. We plan t repeat that breeding soon. Elizabeths CD nowmakes her dam an ROM.Ch. Idlewyld Basic Black N Pearls CD, CGC, TDI1HIGHSCORINGCHAMPION1 3ipy f^lrthcLiy.,Dulcy turned 16 on November 23,1995Dulcy is cherished by Fran WarrenOur Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD will be 15 on January 12. She is the dam of Ch. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD, among others.' u3Dulcy Or Doesnt She Of Nan K, CD Dot MartinIts all in the gene bank, they say....My mother reminisced frequently about helping her mother bake pans of combread for my beloved grandfathers hunting dogs. Mother loved a little 2 12 pound Pom named Quincey who guarded her lap and gave unconditional love during the final years of her life. She enjoyed telling visitors that Quincey had "gone as far as he could go." She thought he was a champion. He was definitely a therapy dog.My first dog was a mixed terrier named "Spot" who shared my life for 12 years and guarded my bed through good times and all the childhood illnesses.Ed grew up on the Bayou in Louisiana and roamed the countryside with a mixed breed named "Boy" and a horse that he rode bareback with a rope for a halter. Both the dog and the horse were left behind when the family moved to New Orleans.The US Army intervened in the 50s and sent Ed to the 82nd Airborne at Fort Bragg, NC, where he became a member of the Third Army Swim Team. At this point our paths crossed and soon a wedding was in the works. In discussing our future plans and amid plans for career, home, and children I told Ed that someday I wanted to own a Pomeranian, maybe even a champion Pomeranian. Fortunately, our love of dogs and animals was in the gene bank so this was never a problem.In 1958, while in a vets office, I found a dog magazine. Three Pom breeders had advertisements. I wrote to all three seeking informatioa The only one who responded was RUTH BEAM. She wrote that she would be attending a dog show in Columbia, SC, and would be happy to meet us. Ed and I were thrilled to meet this venerable LADY of the Pom world and vowed to have one of her beautifuldogs someday. The arrival of our third child in 1960 plus work and family demands caused the Pom plans to be placed in the "someday" file.Twenty years, several job related moves and a grandchild later, we were facing an empty nest. It seemed a good time to reopen the "someday" file. Ruth Beams address was missing. After much searching we were oveijoyed when we found her in nearby Pineville, NC. The bad news was that she had a waiting list and wouldnt have anything to sell for at least a year. Now that my opportunity had arrived, waiting didnt appeal to me so I did the worst possible thing and bought a female from a back yard breeder. AKC registered does not always mean a good dog. Lauras La Cherie-Laura for myM EL,v1..................Ch. La Cheries Hot Fudge RippleS'o. -,Ch. Jan-Shars Doc Holidayyoungest daughter and La Cherie because Eds grandmother called Laurie "Cher"--came to guard our bed and our lives. For 14 years she slept between us on the bed pillows. A poorly bred Pom herself, the gene bank had been good in the past with Great Elms in the pedigree and she always produced better than she was, but still not quite show quality. The gene bank had to be re-established, and several generations later, Cheries great grandson, Ch. La Cheries Hot Fudge Ripple became our first homebredowner-handled champioa Fudgie earned his second major and became a champion on Eds birthday, March 10, 1990.It took a lot of reading books, studying pedigrees, and evaluating litters of puppies to see what was needed. We owe a big debt of gratitude to Ruth Beam for her patience, understanding, and willingness to help a novice by allowing us to breed our Cherie to her males. Christine Mullen of Charlotte is anotherfriend who spent hours helping me pond pedigrees, gait puppies, and get in the rir at the right time. She also introduced n to frozen Abady Dog Food which led n to start preparing my own dog food evei day. Healthy dogs are able to resi parasites and since 1995 we have bee free of fleas and tape. This alone h made the time spent in preparatic worthwhile. Chris encouraged me to loc at other dogs in the ring and seek compatible bloodline to my Great Eln kids.Ch. Precious Petit Ripple Supreme w at a show in Myrtle Beach, SC, with h handler, Toddie Clark. After he went BB went to where he was being groomed an looked at him from all angles. He was cobby, short-coupled sable with for sturdy legs under him. Abes owne Claudia Pfeffer of New Orleans, agreed 1 let us breed La Cheries Shes Got Piza2 to Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple, Abe sire. We went truckin to New Orleans ft a combined family visit and dog breedingr1m__La Cheries Oreo Double FudgeGreat Elm9 Reg,mkr of 1E R SROANOKE \ KENNEL CLUBAICh. Great Elms Little TigerCongratulations to long time friends Dot and Ed Martin and their La Cherie Poms, for their kennel visit.Clubs first specialty. They deserve a big pat on the back.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937 Pineville, NC 28134 704 889-9233Congratulations to Dot Ed Martinof La Cherie Pomeranians on your Kennel Visit from your Canadian ChampionsCh. La Cherie Hope for Diogenoir Cheriemulti-group placer owned and loved by Lisa Stasiuk and Mike Carbno ofDiogenoir Pomeranians268 Oxford St. W.Moose Jaw, Sk. Canada S6H 2N9 306 693-9967Ch. La Cherie Hershey of Bi-Mar Fudgemulti-group winner owned and loved by Rosie H. Varjassy ofS533onjeraulajj1135 Argyle St. Regina, SK. Canada S4T 3R6 306 569-5866Thistle MagicV 4 t Vvf w7- .THISTLE MAGIC POMERANIANS congratulate Dot and Ed Martin on their Kennel Visit.Puppies Occasionally...Bill, Bobbie, and Beth Kerr 716 877-5886-S'-4\Ch.La Cheries Little Sir Echoassy produced our heavy sable boy, udgie, who is still going strong at eight, [is first son, La Cheries Oreo Double udge, has 17 points, one major, a toy roup 4 and the best coat ever. He needs a lajor to finish but because of several lissing teeth in front many judges pass im over. Its very frustrating because he as a scissors bite and missing front teeth tiould not be a factor. Early dental loss is distressing gene in Poms.My father died in July 1989 and my lothers health declined rapidly. We rought her to live with us, but she could ot be left alone. Showing dogs became a eiy restricted activity until her death in 994.Our second champion, La Cheries ,ittle Sir Echo Great Elms One Mor 'imstopper x La Cheries Sassy Rascal loved to Alaska where co-owner, Candi lullet, finished him. Echo was a tripletitle holder, earning his Canadian championship in one week and later became an Alaskan State champion. He was our first toy group winner. Operation Desert Storm forced Candi to move on to the Military base and Echo had to fly home. The transition from the cold Alaskan winter to the South Carolina heat was too stressful for his small body. Echo became ill and died. Our hearts were broken. No females had been available for breeding so we didnt even have the solace of possible offspring so his potential was lost. His gene bank had been totally Great Elms.Ed and I work together as a team. He is skillful at training and handling. I manage the breeding, whelping, and love working with babies. I also do the grooming, and we both prefer underdone to overdone in that area. A Pom whose coat is on the floor rather than on his body is not auVrA La Cherie Show Pompretty sight. Another pet peeve is looking at little round holes in the rear. Our dogs can look just as short-backed and cobby without removing the hair around the anal area. This is a practice that should be eliminated.In spite of Eds handling skills, our 3rd champion, La Cheries Princess Yasmin Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince x La Cheries Happy Daze preferred to show for "Mom." She smiled and strutted her stuff and really enjoyed being in the ring with me. Yasmins dam, Dazey, has two other champion daughters. Ch. Bi-Mars Sweet Cherie is owned and was finished by Roger Lau in Hawaii. Ch. La Cheries Caroline Jasmin was owned and finished by Sarah Norrid. Jasmin is a proven dam and has recently returned home to us. Were looking forward to some lovely puppies when she is bred to Lil Luke next year. La Cheries Tribute to Great Elms is a red bitch who has 15 points and just needs a major to finish. Dazey has several other pointed get.In 1991, Golden Aires Moonwalkerbecame a champion and we were very fond of Wally. He has wonderful temperament and personality. In December, 1991, La Cheries Zest for Fudge went to Charleston to be bred. One male and two females were whelped. Ch. La Cheries Lil Luke Skywalker, La Cheries Moonglow on the Water, and La Cheries Moongliter on the Water. Glow and Gliter were identical twins who wore ID bands until they were a year old Lil Luke selected Ed as his companion and they bonded when Luke was 6 weeks old. These two work so well together that Luke will gait for Ed off led in practice sessions. A natural showman, Luke is a joy to handle. His first win was at Piedmont Kennel Clubs Beat the Heat match in August, 1992. Just turned six months, he was chosen Best Puppy in Match. His first major was at Piedmont in October, 1993, under Judge Richard Caster. THEN DISASTER STRUCK. The week before the Forsyth Kennel Club show in Winston Salem, NC, Luke got a\.La Cherie's Tribute to Great Elmsstomach virus. We medicated and the diarrhea cleared up, but he was not as perky as usual. Show day dawned cold, biting, and blustery. Outside the ring Luke baited as always and seemed to be up. One side of the ring was set up against a stark white wall. As they approached that wall, Luke stopped and refused to walk into the wall. He performed well on the table and away from the wall, and was placed 3rd in his class. There followed three months of discouragement and hard work. Even the bright light from an open door bothered him now. People told us that marry toy dogs are upset by overpowering walls and they usually cannot be shown. We almost gave up, but he is such a good dog with so much potential. A lot of prayer went up for him and we tried several homeopathic remedies. Slowly he began to regain his spunk and we started to show him again. There were some frustrating regressions, but on May 13, 1995, Judge R. Wayne Gurin awarded him his final point, and he became out 6th champion. In October, Judge Michelle Billings gave him a toy group 3. Were so glad we didnt give up and Luke never quit trying. He has a Champions heart. Its in the gene bank for sure.Glow and Gliter have been bred to Eleanor Millers Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition We have three promising puppies out of Tradition Its nice to have the Millers in North Carolina Lil Luke has a major pointed daughter and several promising sons preparing for the ring. In Regina, Sasketchewan, Canada, Rosie Varjassy has ownerhandled Can Ch La Cheries Hershey of Bi-Mar, another son on Ch. La Cheries Hot Fudge Ripple, to many group wins. Fudgie is 17 Pom according to a list compiled by the Canadian Kennel Club for wins from April to August, 1995. Mike and Lisa Carbno of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, finished Can. Ch La Cheries Hope for Diogenoir La Cheries Tradition of X L Ance x La Cheries Moonglow on the Water at 11 months of age with 3 BOB, 7 BOS, 2 BW, 4 winners and 12 puppy in breeds. She is 21 Pom in Canada so farthis year. Lisa plans to launch Cheries American career in 1996.We are charter members of the Central Carolina Pomeranian Club, and we have attended all its meetings and served in several offices. The AKC licensed the club in February, 1995. Ed is President this year, and I served as Show Secretary for the first Sweepstakes and Specialty Show on September 29, 1995. The APC has approved us to host the Summer Specialty in 1997. We are looking forward to two days of Pom shows in this areaOur kennel is small, about 20 dogs. Every one of them travel with us when we go to shows. They all think theyre show dogs and enjoy it as much as we do. Its in the gene bank, you know. BESTOF OPPOSITE SEXHENDERSONVILLEKENNE- CLUBFEBRUAflf - l9S- PHOTO Sr fata kLa Cheries Out Run The WindWee LuvsPomeranianscongratulatesDot and Ed Martin on theirKennel Visit.Ken and Mary McKenzie 704 932-4685Sftyacresh99VCh. Shyacres Deja Vu "Voo Doo""Voo Doo" a Ch. Shyacres Our Man Friday son is now at public studat Shyacres.' -NWe are moving Must reduce stockOffering for saleV yFree Whelping Bitch...Watts Shyacres Kan Dee Chip Ch. Watts Little Chipper of G.E. x Ch. Shyacres Kiddy Kan Doo...1,000Free Whelping Bitch...Musicks Sweet Dreams Ch. Cenla Cosmic Kid x Shyacres California Dreamer...1,000.Maiden Bitch.. Shyacres Go-Go Belinda LLL Bit O Gold Heir Apparent x Tim Sues Belinda LLL bred...1,000.Breeding Male...LLL Bit O Gold Heir Apparent Ch. LLL Chaiming Gold Brandywine x Macs Grand Finale Queenaire x Mac...350.Charles and Audrey Roberts 318 238-1648""l -tir.Congratulationsto I HIJ Dot Martin,1 one of the I 1 finest ladies 1 have ever met gg you have always heen there for me with my prohems always mafe time to help whenfl 2 now your time is so limited.Thanfyoufor everything you have done for me. Ill'Without you and La Cherie Kennels, 2 would not now thejoy of Char-KKennels2 wish you many, many years of success.Gods love, I Kay B. CromerJLji l[JJ7T . V.Centra Carolina Pomeranian Clubby Dot MartinOur first Specialty Show and Sweepstakes was held on September 29, 1995. There were 7] entries and 51 dogs. Judge Mrs. Peggy Wilson had 19 puppies in Sweeps. Judge Mrs. Curti Humphrey had 15 males for a four-point major and 19 females for a five-point major, and nin specials. There was one Junior Showmanship entry and three veteran dogs. After the breec competition, 15 champions were presented by their handlers. Mrs. Humphrey had each participan gaited separately while a brief statement was read. Each dog received a green rosette with it name, the date and show in gold lettering. The spectators expressed their approval with applaus as these winners went around together to close the show. Marlene S. Halsey, lifetime member o the American Pomeranian Club, presented a Judges Seminar. Fifteen judges and Pom fancier attended. Marlene is a wealth of information on the breed and everyone benefited from he knowledge. The evening concluded with a free spaghetti dinner prepared by Sarah Nonid assistec by Leah Steinmeyer and Jean Goodson.Members sold craft items and raffle tickets all week aid. On Sunday a drawing was held am Melissa Dahlenburg of Loxahatchee, Florida, won the 19 inch Magnavox TVVCR combo Thanks to the Piedmont and Columbia Kennel Clubs for their help and cooperation.Our next meeting is on December 9th and will be our annual Christmas party and gift exchangi at the home of member, Doris Warren, in Jamestown, NC.We are participating in a newly formed Combined Specialty Group. The first joint effort is match on January 6,1996, pending AKC confirmationHappy Hobdays and many Blessings of the season to ab from ab of us.Central Carolina Pomeranian Club Specialty Show resultsFriday, September 29,1995Puppy SweepsJudge Ms. Peggy Wilson Puppy Dogs 6-9Elan's Palm Beach Polo..........................................Melissa and David DahlenburgPuppy Dogs 12-18Great Elms Tim Topper.......................................................................Ruth L. BeamPuppy Bitches 6-9Ar-Bee's Natashia of Lenette........................................................ Rodger K. BeattyPuppy Bitches 9-12Watts' Little Peaches Cream.......................................................Dolores A. WattsPuppy Bitches 12-18Lynnwrights Serial Mom.............................. Donna Lynn Wright and Diana PlichtaBest Puppy Elans Palm Beach Polo Best Opposite Ar-Bees Natashia of LenetteRegular ClassesJudge Mrs. Curtis HumphriesJunior Showmanship..........................................................................Elizabeth KerrVeteran DogsCh. Ben Rays Sundancing Simon....................................................Benson E. RayPuppy Dogs 6-9Elans Palm Beach Polo..........................................Melissa and David DahlenburgPuppy Dogs 12-18Great Elms Tim Topper......................................................................Ruth L. BeamBred-by-Exhibitor DogsLynnwright's Make Room For Daddy........... Donna Lynn Wright and Diana PlichtaAmerican Bred DogsWee Heart's Musical Tunes.......................................................... Jean T. Goodson________Real RcmeraniansPresents...'4AreserveWINNERS BITCHMERICANOMERANIANCLUBHONOEONESO^_ ----------------- KissesCh.Absolute's Harleys Son David x Absolutes Charm of PrismAbsolutes Regal Kisses is pictured going Reserve Winners Bitch at the APC Specialty in MD under Judge Dana Plonkey. I would also like to thank Jeanne and Robert Blank for the opportunity to have such a nice bitch.Regals stud force includes., Ch. Dias Drummer Boy Bear and Ch. Chriscendo Canadian Caper. See Capers pedigree in Behind the New Titlists. Stud fees and pedigrees available upon request.Drummer would like to congratulate Jeanne and Robert Blank on their latest arrival, a son out of Jan-Shars Madonna whelped October 6, 1995.Way to go Madonna Watch for Regals Justa Renegade in New York with his friend and handler, Jeanne.Roberta Grinned 15391 Main St. Three Rivers, Ml 49093 616 273-2541absolutes presents1k. mBEST OF WINNERS SHOOSIERKENNELS5urT.absolutes lucky oharmch. absolutes harleys son david X absolutes charm of prismLucky is pictured winning again under Ms. Peggy Dillard Carr. Lucky is the full sister to Absolutes Regal Kisses, pictured on the opposite page. Look for Lucky, Kisses, and their sire Davey pictured in the Dec. Dog Fancy, page 57. Also look for Magic, the COVER of Dog Fancy. For sale male show prospect, whelped 495 Ch. Davey X Jan-Shars Rich City Woman.absoluteJeanne and Robert Blank 16060 Brookside Drive Buchanan, Ml 49107 616 695-7308home ofBISA BISS CH. ABSOLUTES MAGIC MOUNTAIN Group winning CH. ABSOLUTES HARLEYS SON DAVIDSourwood's Classic SpinoffOpen DogsMary H. McKenzieVinners Dog Sourwoods Classic Spinoff Reserve Winners Dog Great Elms Tim TopperPuppy Bitches 6-9Ar-Bee's Natashia of Lenette........................................................ Rodger K. BeattyPuppy Bitches 9-12Arctic Poms Raisin Kane...........................................................Suzanne G. BerneyPuppy Bitches 12-18Philbrooks Dezdamona Deluna....................................................Susann PhilbrookBred-by-Exhibitor BitchesPhilbrooks Magic Pixie Dust.........................................................Susann PhilbrookAmerican Bred BitchesHapian's Summer Empress..........................................................Gail E. RodgersOpen BitchesBen Ray's Emmy Timstopper...........................................................Benson E. RayVinners Bitch Ben Rays Emmy Timstopper Reserve Winners Bitch Philbrooks Magic Pixie DustBest of Breed Ch. Jan-Shars Doc Holiday owned by Dr. Bill and Pat Stroud Best Opposite Ben Rays Emmy Timstopper Sest of Winners Sourwoods Classic SpinoffPomeranian Club of Greater Baltimoreby Diana DowieyYup, its election time again Besides electing governors, state representatives, sheriffs, and school board officials, the PCGB membership turned out to vote for new club officers. And the winners are...1995-96 Club OfficersPresident....................................................................................Vice President............................................................................Recording Secretary..................................................................Corresponding Secretary...........................................................2901 Putty Hill Avenue Baltimore, MD 21234Membership Secretary...............................................................2430 Frizzellburg Road Westminster, MD 21158T reasurer...................................................................................Board of DirectorsSue Berney, Nancy Pistorio, Bess Roberts"POP" Subscriptions...................................................................622 General Weedon Drive West Chester, PA 19382Breeder Referral.........................................................................4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mill, MD 21117 410 655-3055........Stu Berney.......Rose Keller.......Judy GreenDianne JohnsonToni DickersonBetty CorbinBarbara MehalickSue BerneyBreed RescueP.O. Box 460 Bealeton, VA 22712Diana DowneyBARS FOXRIBGEo1WINNERSAMERICANPOMERANIANCLUBFEB. t 7.1993 ^SHBEY PHOTO \Ch. Mings CendreeShe may have a small body, but she has always had a big attitude. Cendree is now the proud mother of two beautiful puppies.Although we do no breed for quantity, we continually strive for top quality. Limiting our numers means our Poms must be dual purpose-showing and breeding. Each one is a treasure-dearly loved. Best wishes to the owners of those just starting their show careers. Many thanks for waiting so patiently for your Foxridge Poms.dbRosemary E. Regoni 385 Loop RoadCampobello, SC 29322 864 472-3002Linchris PomeraniansHome of Best In Show, Best In Specialty Show Multi Group Winning Poms Ch. Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Quality Dogs for Show Pet Fully Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITTI 14410 N. 71st Ave.Peoria, AZ 85381-4752 602 979-5336. OCH. STUD SERVICE QUALITY PUPPIES HOME RAISED LOVEDP.O. BOX 889 RAINIER, WA 98576DANIEL TAYLOR JR.BONNIE MCINTOSH-TAYLORJIM A JUDY SHEARER VST9995 Ragerevflle Road SW , 'C Baltic, OH 43804 'v ' ' 216897-0720 MEMBERSAMERICANPOM ClUB ANDOHIO VAUEY POM QUBWJPOMScMe otenosMSS. JULIE R. MORENO415 583-4973 By Appointment, PleaseFan-Cs PomeraniansHome of...AC Ch. Fan-Cs RockstarChampion-sired Puppies AvailableFlorence and Carl Scott Wickliffe, KY 420872958 Mayfield Road 502 335-5416504 384-7466 After 700pmJanes a s CPomsJerrie FreiaP.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381POMERANIANS Quality Pups Champion Studs803-472-3002Rosemary E. Regoni 385 Loop Road Campobetlo, SC 29322Ruby F. Poole 918 341 -6921RUBYS POMERANIANSShow - Breeding - Pets occasionallyRoute 1, Box 190 Claremore, OK 74017Diane L FinchAPC Top Breeder 92Rural Route 1 Kelley, Iowa 50134 Home 515-769-2444Ch. Finch's He Walks On Water BIS. BISS, Multiple Group Winner 1 APC Top Winning Pom Hall of Fame, Award of Meril Gold Club Member Westminster BOBAKC Pom Pups mosl colorsCh. Apolletle Wild Fire Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Finch's Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Wee Heart's Tight EndjStcmi'[PcmszanLan.i. ^Ucxiij ^Juztu.r3910 ConeoxJ 'CPL.tct tZ7e.xaxanal 'ZJe.xa 755903 32-7742fjdvaon 'onu'lauaniHome of Ch. Starfires ArmaniQuality, lovingly raised puppies available occasionally. Champion stud service.Inquiries welcome.391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 \208 234-0932 fax 208 232-6018Jeribeths PomeraniansWith Planned Parenthood"arrill t Olga Baker713 337-00374916 43rdDickinson, TX 77539 Houston AreaDoris WheelerCASCADE KENNEL POMERANIANS3016 Hiawatha Dr. Dayton, Oh 46414 is513 278-6071Ben-Ray - BENSON RAY Golden Aires - SHARON MASNICKbreeding for the look that pleasesHOME OFCH.BEN RAYS SUNDANCING SIMONCH. GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKER2007 Vestry Drive Charleston, S.C. 29414 803-571-6165Puppies Stud ServiceSUNGOLD POMERANIANSChampions al Stud G Puppies for saleRa G Anna La Fortune 13621 Kapowsln Hw^. Graham, WA 98338 206 879-5390AJCC. G U.K.C. Handling Ship SEA-TACBonnells Linetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm Dixon, IL 61021 'San Diego Pomeranian Clubby Margaret OntiverosThe San Diego Pomeranian Club is holding two shows in 1996. The first is February 24th in conjunction with the Silver Bay Kamel Club at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. The regular classes judge is Ms. Virginia Sivori. These classes are dedicated in memory of Duke Spooner, sister to Anna LaFortune. The sweepstakes 6-12 months judge is M Rosalie Anderson. These classes are dedicated in memory of our beloved member and friend, Trudie Weber.The second is an Indepaidait Specialty the day before the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills on Saturday, June 22nd in the air-conditioned Los Angeles Convention Center subject to AKC Approval. The City of Angels Club has give us its consent for us to hold the specialty in its territory. The regular and non-regular classes will be judged by Mrs. Joy Davison. The sweepstakes 6-12 months will be judged by Mr. Don Walker. The ringsteward is Ms. Susan NikkeiThe officers for 1986 are as follows President, Fern Rodrigues Vice-President, Daniel Ontiveros Secretary, Margaret Ontiveros Treasurer, Anaray Rhien. The San Diego Pomeranian Club does not have a rescue program although several of its members have rescued Poms in the past. Yips and YapsDear LindaYour columns in the Pomeranian Review are a gas. I have laughed more times than I can count over your delightful humor especially about unfunny nuisances such as poison toads, etc. They arrive when I most need an uplift. Hearty thank yous seem so inadequate but thank you just the same.Saw that you have retired Cubby. I havent seen him much, but then we have cut our dog activities this year in favor of family gatherings. Loved your newspaper ad about poms by the pound...preowned. It was very insightful and funny but true.Now we have our first litter in two plus years a Batman daughter bred to her grandsire Ch Damatas Ma ve lous Marvin which resulted in THREE GIRLS and one boy...all look pretty good early on. We expect a second Utter Ch Marvin daughter on the 19th.Margaret Ontiveros Ch Idlewytd Koh-I-Noor TopazeOrange FemaleBreeder Margaret R. McKeeOwner Margaret R. McKeeCh Idlewyld Lavalier CDX, HOF Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD Daybreaks Little Deuce CoupeCh Idlewyld Star Coral CDX, HOF Ch Daybreaks Barbara Ann Daybreak Bruiser of Idlewyld Ch Idlewyld Lavalier CDX, HOF Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor Diamond Ch Great Elms Toby Watts' Little Pollyanna GirlCh Watts' Little Thumbelina GirlCh Idlewyld Basic Black N Pearls CD, CGC, TDIBlack and Tan FemaleBreeder M McKee and Fran WarrenOwner Margaret R. McKeeCh Idlewyld Lavalier CDX, HOF Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD Idlewyld OnyxCh Great Elms Toby Watts' Little Pollyanna GirlCh Watts' Little Thumbelina Girl Ch Idlewyld Lavalier CDX, HOF Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamnd CD Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD Daybreaks Good Vibrations ROMCh Idlewyld Star Coral CDX, HOF Ch Daybreaks Barbara Ann Daybreak's Bruiser of IdlewyldCh Chriscendo Canadian CaperOrange MaleOwner Roberta GrinnellBreeder Christine HeartzCh Millamors Moon Rock Ch Millamors Rock Medallion Millamor's Marrilynn Ch Chriscendo Calvin KleinCh Chriscendo Causin Comment Chriscendo Confetti Chriscendo Cassandra Ch Millamor's Rock Concert Ch Chriscendo City Lights Ch Chriscendo Chatalaine Chriscendo CandlelightCh Chriscendo Calvin Klein Chriscendo CalistaL-R's Gorgus Sun D RoseTost OakTomeramansProudly Offers..a-fRlO OOfe'GROUPplacement vSEMINOLE kennel CLUB1984rH0T0 PETROLIS V.JSEUINOJIkennel clubENID OKLAHOMA OCTOBER 15 l"4toy groupW 0EAN _- ounTO BYCh. Post Oaks Steal The ShowCh. Shadomountin One Man Showx Carousels Touch-O-Class"Bo" is a proven sire with Breed wins and Group placements with very limited showings.Bo has an impressive pedigree of Champions, including Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel and numerous Creider champions. His sound, effortless movement and vivacious personality are a winning combination.Bo congratulates his half brother Ch. Post Oaks One Tuff Classy Man on completing his championship. We are also offering a promising son of Tuffy, at this time.Inquiries welcomeBreederOwner Pam Gault125 Blueridge Road East Newalla, OK 74857 405386-6199Co-OwnerKathy Bucher Sawyer IAb Si e s zzI. 8 ci aFor Sale4BIS Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain x Lyngayles Sizzlin Wizz KidHe almost a year and a half old weighs about 412 pounds.He andringthe SpecialtyGale Sharland 508 823-8920Gail Durniok 508 285-6040Valiev 71-J.1.SEPT. 1995 g BQ0THBarkley Shake Your BootyThank you, Mr. R. Stephen ShawBarkley is owned and handled byMarshall and Cindy Rokos 1436 Clous Road Kingsley, Ml 49649AdvertisersHacJ^lssuesMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues ofthe Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachan 75. ....Oct77........ May 79.... April 808.00 eachul77.. ....Feb80..........Jul 81......... Oct83tpr 86 ....Jan 80.........Jan907.00 eachul 80......Oct80........ Apr 82..... ...Oct82an83. ....Jul83......... Apr84...... ...Oct84m 85. ....Apr85........ .Jul85....... ...Oct85ul 86......Sept 86...... Nov86.... ....Jul 87ct 87.....Jan 88.........Jul88...........Jan 89....Jul 90........ .Oct 90.........Jan 91far 91 ....May91....... .Jul91ssues from September on...The Pomeranian Review ISSN0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed ire not necessarily those of the editor.MASTER CARD VISASERVICESAVAILABLEAvalon...........................................................71Olga Baker....................................................71Ruth L. Beam................................................ 58Joan and Melv Beech..................CenterspreadJeanne Blank.................................................67Linda Brogoitti............................................... 70Kay Cromer................................................... 64Melissa and David Dahlenburg.................... 51Ruth Dotson..............................................19, 31Nina Epps........................................................2Diane Finch.................................................. 71Cande Freeman....................................... 14,18Jerrie Freia.................................................... 70Pam Gault..................................................... 73Roberta Grinnell............................................ 66Sharon Hanson............................................... 3MaritHattori.................................................7,15Trilvie Haynes............................................22, 23Maureen Healy..............................................46Bill and Beverly Henry.....................Back CoverNicole Kamihara............................................27Roberta Kerr..................................................59Glenetta LeGlise............................................34Judy Lea'dbeater......................................10,11Shirley Ann K Leu..........................................42Dennis and Mario Litonjua.............................. 6Dot Martin........................................Front CoverKen and Mary McKenzie...............................62Margaret R. McKee........................................ 54, 55Julie Moreno...................................................43, 70Lois Morkassel.............................................. 30Clarice and Yvette Oganeku......................... 26Pom Shoppe..................................................40Ruby Poole....................................................70Benson Ray.................................................. 71Rosemary Regoni.......................................... 69, 70Audrey Roberts..............................................63Marshall and Cindy Rokos............................. 75Florence and Carl Scott................................ 70Gale Sharland............................................... 74Jim and Judy Shearer.................................... 35, 70Ellen Takayama............................................ 47Bonnie Taylor................................................ 70Brenda Turner................. Inside FC, Inside B 1CRosie Varjassy.............................................. 59Doris Wheeler...............................................71vsVmagnificentJMaggieBrynRoseMightyMagnificentCh. Southlands Mighty Impressive x Ch. Shards Southern BrynRoseMaggie is blossoming into a stunning beauty. Our delicate rosebud has her first major from the puppy class and has planted 7 points in her Championship garden. Our appreciation to handler Sharon Hicks for her care and guidance in helpingMaggie bloom into aBrynRose prize.ipomeramattsS.W. Brenda Turner 3910 Concord Place Texarkana, TX 75503 903832-7742ad design by ideagraphics 903-796-9940ChiefHe came,He cuted,He conquered our hearts forevers\ijnmtCh. Great Elms Firefighter, ROMApril 18, 1986 - August 21, 1995Bill and Beverly Henry Chestara Pomeranians 214 416-1504