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The Pomeranian Review February 1995
American Pomeranian Club, Inc.rm mt Jlommmatt ifiiimFebruary March 1995Published Bi-Monthly. 7rWCH. BLOSSOM HEIGHTS DYNAMITE4ythe-I 9Jan-Shars Mr. Nice GuyPictured here with Judge Doug Wilson and handler Jason Lynch going BOW at the La Cajun Pomeranian Club Specialty Show.Congratulations to the members of the La Cajun Pom Club for a job well done. We had a wonderful timeJAN'SrlARSharon Hanson, OwnerBreeder 304 497-2446Contents... Cover StoryFrom the Skeptic Tank Dr A1 Grossman...........5Kennel Cough........................................................8Much Ado About Anything Sally Baugniet.... 9Family Copes...Kristi Shearer.......................... 10Performance News Lois Morkassel................. 11Membership Report Jerrie Freia.......................16Behind the New Titlists.......................................17Around the Waterbowl Linda Brogoitti...........18Puppy Training Ian Dunbar..............................19Puppies and Parvo Connie Vanacore...............19Boomer Ron Owens..........................................20Presidents Message Dolly Trauner................. 261995 Pom Specialties..........................................27Kennel Visit Maria Kneisler.............................29Hearts on Fire Mary Vickers............................32Judges Critique Julie Moreno......................... 36Puget Sound Specialty Ingrida Gasaway.........38PCGB Specialty and News Diana Downey...41Video Review Lois Morkassel.........................44Delegates Report Sam Zaneoff.......................45National Breed Rescue Diana Downey............46NOTICEThe Pomeranian Review is sent to Judges. Featuring your winning dogs in the National magazine will pay offSend your ads in now in support of Jeanne and Robert Blanks Kennel VisitDont delayKENNEL VISIT ApriL.Jeanne and Robert Blanku 1_Ch.Blossom Heights DynamiteCh. Blossom Heights Dynamite front cover and her litter mate Ch. Blossom Heights Jackpot inside front cover completed their championships on the same weekend with three majors.Thank you Judges Ken Miller, Peggy Carr, Arlene Czeck, and R. Stephan Shaw.Jackpot and Dynamite are bred and owned by Arlene and John Benko of West Palm Beach, Florida, and are handled by Arlene.BLOSSOM HEIGHTS POMS Arlene and John Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 407 842-5591The American Pomeranian Club has its revised Information Booklet ready for distribution. If you are interested, contact the SecretaryFran Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 BR ^mnmmtan Brotoof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.YSOfficers of the ClubPresident......................................................................................................................Dolly B. TraunerRrst Vice-President.......................................................................................................James ShearerSecond Vice-President.................................................................................................Charlotte CreedRecording Secretary.....................................................................................................Beverly HenryCorresponding Secretary..................................................................................................Tim GoddardRt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570-0540Treasurer...........................................i.............................................................................Al WillliamsonPOB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207AKC Delegate....................................................................................................................Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsMary Allan Jeanne Blank Linda Brogoitti Sharon Masnick Margaret R. McKee Frances StollPomeranian ReviewEditor...............................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox416 Earth, TX79031 Phone 806257-3817Business Manager.........................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions..............................................................................................................Brenda K. HuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517485-5183Back Issues.................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription..........................30.00Foreign................................................. 45.00First Class............................................ 35.00Single Copy............................................6.00Full Page.............................................. 65.00Half Page..............................................40.00Quarter Page........................................20.00Photos each.......................................10.00Front Cover, BW............................... 150.00Color...................................................375.00Back Cover, BW..................................90.00Color...................................................250.00Inside FB Cover.................................. 80.00Color...................................................195.00Center Spread....................................160.00Color...................................................390.00Business Card .....................................10.00Color Stripping on BW page............... 15.00Inside Color Page...............................150.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateDecJan...................... Nov 15....... .... Dec 15FebMarch................... Jan 15...... .... Feb 15AprMay....................... Mar 15...... ....Apr 15JuneJuly..................... May 15....... ...June 15AugSept. . .. .....July 15....... .... Aug 15OctNov........... ...........Sept 15....... ....Oct 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all Covers- sS A.f V Xv \'r 1 .gPresents its Annual Specialty Show in Conjunction with the Springfield Kennel ClubSaturday, May 13,1995 Expo Grounds West Springfield, MARegular Class Judge... Sweepstakes Judge...Mrs. Bessie Pickens Dr. Herald OrensteiniTrophies, Rosettes, and RaffleFor more information, contactGladys Dykstra, President 231 Park Street Easthampton, MA 01027 413527-8841Happy New Year \Accidentally omitted from the "Forever Yours Kennel Visit" October,94 Review...Ch. Sweethearts Forever Bravo, owned by Marge Kranzfelder and bred by Kathy Carroll of Texas, is the sire of AmCan Ch. Morenos Perri Winkle 4 and 5 rated Pom in 93 and Ch. Morenos MerriGold.Both Perri and Goldie were bred by Morenos.WATCH FOR Morenos Suni Saguaro Blossom, owned and loved by Gloria Rock of Arizona. At 6 12 months she already has five points and a Best in Sweeps and a Best Opposite Sex.ANDMorenos Dandi Lioness and Morenos Oriental Poppy who will be out soon in 95. Both are co-owned with Alice Lessard.We feed and recommend Science Diet for all of our Pomeranians...As always, our belief is that quality is the result of intelligenteffortMorenos Pomeranians 415583-4973MORENOSRO meranians4UXJUVVSLLk t 1hr _ ujS5- wStar Havens Gold Edition owned by Julie Javernick. Needs only majors to finish. \n 9StarHavens Righteous Rock Bis Ch Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Star Havens Glory Michelle. Handled by Maria Kneisler.Tzir Haven Rises To Glory BIS Ch Absolutes gic Mountain x Star Havens Glory MichelleStar Havens Legendary Spice. Black and Tan owned by Nancy Smith. Star Havens Rock N Rebecca, sable female.Sl\Janice Young 18 W. Springfield RoadSL Clair, MO 63077 314 629-2754FROM THE SKEPTIC TANKInsights Into Judging by Dr. Alvin GrossmanJust the other night I was at a post show dinner and a number of judges whose flights were the next morning were sitting around doing the usual post mortem and bragging about the foreign countries in which they had recently judged. The topic of intimidation came up as it related to the Far East and the different emphasis and ethics involved in their version of the dog show game.As the discussion progressed, we began to realize how easy it had been to be less vigorous in how we treated "influence" and how such a thing would never happen in the States. However, as the conversation wandered all over the board a pattern began to emerge regarding events at dog shows in our careers.What constituted "influence" Was there a difference between younger and less experienced judges and this illustrious group The answer we decided on was influence was when a judge was swayed by events that took place outside the ring, either on the day or during the course of the year. Such things as massive advertising campaigns, word of mouth from fellow judges we respected, and having a "big" handler on the dog. Intimidation was when a judge was browbeat by a handler or by a hostile ringside. Who hasnt been there when a handler "of note" made sure we knew how dissatisfied he or she was with our placings and we had better do better if we wanted their continued entries. This is the early softening up process. Later the handler comes into the ring with the dog they really want to do the big winning. NOW, their attitude and body language tells us-put up or shut upIf I may digress a moment, let me draw an analogy from the world of sport. In baseball a competent pitchercatcher combination tries to set up the batter. At first they pitch him tight and inside to force him away from the plate. Then low and outside to get to reach too far for a pitch and finally a pitch over the middle that he thinks he can blastfor a hit only to find that it was a change of pace or curve ball that he was not prepared for. Judges are often thrown class dogs that are merely a part of a string, win they might and lose they might. They are the 66 23 average dog we see day in and day out. We are fed a series of these dogs throughout the day setting us up for the change of pace. We have rightfully knocked these average specimens down to the yellow or white ribbons, and to us, our batting average is OK for the day. We have judged them as we saw them, and no one got anything but what they deserved.Now in comes the big Specials class. There is Mr. Big Handler, to whom you have given all the salad bowl color ribbons all day, with Ch. Mighty, whose picture you have seen plastered all over the weeklies and monthly dog press. Now to your way of thinking, Mr. Mighty is not a bad dog. Youre not in love with him, but you have put him up in the past. On this day, there are a couple of real challengers in the ring. Ch. Young Sprout is a real comer, a top dog in the making. You have already given him groups. Then there is Ch. Gladiator IV whose long and illustrious career you have helped to fashion.Now as a conscientious and good judge, you know what you have to do-judge the dogs and let the chips fall where they may. Easier said than done You go over all the dogs and even find a couple of more serious challengers. You pull the good ones in a small group so you can better compare them. At this point, you still havent decided what to do. So what are youi choices You have three dogs that are evenly matched. Each has outstanding features called for in the breed standard and each has his weak points. The two othei serious challengers are also worthy ol walking away with it all.So how do you make this all important decision In our own minds and now sitting here reading this article the intellectual answer is put up the best dog at that time and think no more about it. Easy for you tc say What can really happenAs a long time practicing Psychologist, 1 have learned the human mind is capable ol many things-especially rationalizationLets take a look at how it works here. Judge Somnambulist has some serious choices to make. Fortunately for him, he has a good group from which to choose. No one will criticize him for selecting Young Sprout or giving Gladiator his final hurrah. However, Ch. Mighty is the peoples choice for he has won fame and fortune. You have knocked off Mr. Big Handlers class dogs and now you are faced with saving the day for him without any skin off your nose. He has already indicated to you that you judging up to now leaves something to desired and by giving him Best of Breed, you can even things up and remain on speaking terms. This can easily mean future assignments for this handlers owners have lots of clout.So, whats wrong with putting up Ch. Mighty Actually nothing. He is a good dog and deserving. It could be a win win situation for you and no one EXCEPT you will know the thought process that leads up to that big decision. The final result will go into the record book and you will be merely another judge who put up a very deserving dog.All right, lets define what happened here. No one gets inside a judges head when he is making these important decisions. Each of us arrives at a decision in a different way. AKC cannot legislate the thought process. Does it make any difference how we arrive at that decision point Not to the audience it doesnt. However, the handler may feel he has set up for this big win and loses respect for you. He feels you can be manipulated, and in his book, he will try you again using the same technique. In your own mind, you will wonder how really objective you were. Regardless of how that decision was reached you will stand there with the ribbons in hand smiling for that win photo which will appear in next weeks paper to influence the next judge down the line.Was the judge intimidated Was he influenced Was he using a logical process to arrive at a final decision Who is to knowThis is what makes judging an art form instead of the cold calculating scientific decisions we purport it to be. Whether it bedog shows, ice skating, or diving, the human equation makes it a crap shoot each time out. Different days, different circumstances, different winners. And thats what makes each show unique and each judge subject to a new set of pressures on each occasion. Infectious TracheobronchitisKennel CoughInfectious tracheobronchitis is an infection of the trachea wind pipe and the large air passages of the lungs. This disease is caused by many different types of organisms germs but a virus is one of the main problems. It is very contagious and, therefore, spreads rapidly from one dog to another. It can be a potential problem in any confined area where there are a lot of dogs. It affects only dogs.Although your pet seems to be alert and in general good health, you will notice a sudden onset of a dry, harsh cough. Often this cough will be followed by gagging up some phlegm or foamy mucus. Frequently, the pet owner suspects that the dog has something caught in the throat.With treatment, recovery is usually complete, although medications may be necessary for several weeks. Only rarely does "kennel cough" cause a pneumonia problem.Home care may consist of some or all of the following Antibiotics Cough suppressants syrup or pills Expectorants-to mobilize the mucus Tranquilizers-anxiety maystimulate more coughing Vaporizers-can prevent drying out of the wind pipe Limiting exerciseRemember...this problem usually sounds worse than it actually is. Collars may stimulate coughing by putting pressure on the throat.mimkmucjii rumerttinan viuuNotify the doctor if any of the following occurs Worsening cough with or without blood Dog stops eating You are unable to give medication Dog becomes more depressedPreventionThere is a vaccine to help prevent one of the more serious forms of kennel cough. The vaccine cannot completely prevent the problem, but helps a great deal. It should be given yearly, along with your dogs other vaccines. A booster every six months is also recommended if your pet is routinely exposed to other dogs. Ask your doctor for advice.Much Ado About Anythingby Sally BaugnietPomeranian Genetic ProblemsWhen Do We Face Them How Do We Eliminate ThemI attended the Pennsylvania shows in October. Some of the finest examples of quantity quality can be seen at the all-Terrier Montgomery County Kennel Club dog show. The total MCKC entry was 2904.Some of the national breed clubs use this event to present exceptional seminars. A number of Tenrier clubs are working to gather information on genetic diseases found in their breed. I am the Norfolk-Norwich Terrier Clubs Education Chairman and was therefore, privileged to attend the Caim Terrier Club of Americas all-day seminar concerning the elimination of genetic problems in Cairns. I was also able to attend an evening presentation of the Scottish Terrier Club of America. What a wealth of information to absorbDr. Padgett, a geneticist from Michigan State University, was the featured presenter for both clubs. The Cairns, Westies, and a multitude of other breeds are working veryclosely with Dr. Padgett, who is dedicatee to helping clubs that are working toward the elimination of serious genetic problems in their breed, through the use of the canine Genetic Disease Control GDC open registry. CERF and OFA are closed registries. He spoke very convincingly of the advantages of the open registry, which requires breeders to bare it all in order to eliminate or evade serious genetic problems in their breeding program and in their breed. Anyone who can do that, is truly unselfish in working for the betterment of their breed. Isnt that one of the things we agree to do when we join the club It is also one of the hardest things for breeders to bring themselves to do, openly. If we all understand that, it becomes easier to come out of the closet, so to speak.Dr. Padgett does say that he gets most of his information from pet owners. Many breeders are just not ready to face their problems.Do Pomeranians have genetic problems A first step is to admit it. Pomeranians DO have serious genetic disorders, whether we care to admit it or not. The second thing is to identify them. Thirdly, we must educate breeders about them. Fourth, we need to find the best way to eliminate or evade serious genetic problems in our breed. The American Pomeranian Club Board has not appointed a General Education Coordinator since Edna Girardot left us. We need one Any volunteersStatistics show that EVERY dog has 5.6 defective genes You have heard the saying, "No dog is perfect." Now you know why. They all have 5.6 defects We, as breeders, must not be "kennel blind." We must not say or think, "Sure, every dog except mine." We must take the first step-admit it. "My dogs have at least five genetic faults." So do yours.What are they Would it surprise you to know that the newly formed Caim Terrier Foundations next genetic problem to tackle is Patella Luxation That is certainly one of our serious genetic problems. Wouldnt it be wise for us to join with them in trying to eliminate this in our breed Yes, they do allow, and in fact encourage other breeds inaother groups to work with them. We need each other.Ask the APC Board and all breeders, to work toward the betterment of our breed. Communicate with your Board through the proper channels-the Corresponding Secretary. Family Copes with Loss of Its Petby Kristi ShearerI believe that every experience in life happens for a reason, perhaps to teach us something, or to make us re-examine our priorities and values. I would like to share with you such an experience our family recently had.We named her Boob, because thats exactly what she was-a doppy, dopey, delightful, devoted boob Her gentle nose-nudges comforted us when we were sad, her whines alerted us when the children strayed from the yard or toward the road. She was a purebred collie, but many didnt believe that because she didnt look like Lassie. She was mostly black with sparse gold and white markings what they call a tri-color collie.Last month Boob developed a dangerous infection that required spaying to save her life. Sadly, the infection had spread so badly that she was unable to survive the surgery.Six-year-old Derek, five-year-old Kirstin, and I held each other on the couch and wept for fifteen minutes. We started crying again when we had to call Daddy at the store to tell him that, on his birthday, and despite our trip to the vet as soon as we knew something was wrong, Boob had died. But then we dried our eyes and talked of the crazy things shed done to earn her name.How she dragged two-year-old Derek across the living room floor by the pant leg, pulling the pants right off him Or when Kirstin was a baby crying constantly inher crib, and Boob would lie under it whining or howling insistently until I picked the baby up. How every day Boob tripped over her own feet racing to the door to greet Daddy home from work. How 75-pound Boob would cower in fear when confronted with one of Grandmas 6-pound Pomeranians. And the time I had a whole frozen chicken thawing on the counter, and Boob ate it...bones and all. For three days we called her "Splinter"We were devastated when Boob died. And angry "She was only five years old We didnt have enough time with her" We said all the things people say when a loved one dies.How arrogant of us to expect promises of adequate time to love, humans or animals. Im not sure there is such a thing as "adequate time" anyway, when you love someone or some animal. We are not given babies, parents, or grandparents, puppies, kittens, or goldfish with written guarantees that they will live long life times. Life just doesnt work that way. Thats why there is no time in relationships for petty arguments, or estrangement because of opposing life choices or beliefs.There is time in life only to accept those we love, human or animal, as they are and love them unconditionally. Love not given without restrictions is not really love at all its just merely a business arrangement.We have a new puppy now, another collie. This one does look a little like Lassie. She is energetic, playful, and cuddly. She adores the children and has restored happiness to our hearts and home. She reminds us of a bouncy, happy tune or a heartfelt love song, so we have named her Lyric.Lyric is loved and will share our home for her lifetime. Boob is loved and will live in our hearts forever. Not even death can truly separate us from those we love unconditionally.In memory of Dirks Bobbla KhanessShanna-March 10,1986-June 25,1991Kristi Shearer is a free-lance writer andresides with her family in Sugarcreek, OH Performance Newsby Lois Morkassel 1412 Second Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103 701280-1413Thank you so much to everyone who has called or written or talked to me at shows about this column. Pom People are great I think our little "fluff balls" have taught us that positive reinforcement is very important to them and us. Thank you again.I hope everyone will keep in mind that this is your column and that sharing the good, the bad, and the totally strange is a learning experience for everyone. No one could get very far in this game if others didnt share their knowledge and experience. Try to take the time to talk with novice exhibitors at a show. It can be eye-opening to remember your innocence. It can also be educational to run across a question that you take for granted. The novice exhibitors are important to our sport.An update on Linda Gallacher. She had to put "Panda" to sleep in October because of his auto-immune disease. Linda wrote "It was a relief when I finally had it done, though it was the hardest thing Ive ever had to do." All of us who have been faced with this bitter-sweet decision know her pain and relief. It is so hard to have to part with one of our little friends in this way.Linda then went on to say "I guess once a Pom Person always a Pom Person. I have anew little black and white baby girl named Sparkle to follow hopefully in Pandas footsteps. Wish us luck."Linda, we all wish you the best on your new adventure with Sparkle. I have talked with other concerned Pom owners, and I know we are all relieved that you havent given up on the breed. Poms can get into your heart and soul. There is no cure for the pain, but that makes the good times so much sweeter and precious. We will all keep our eyes out for a little "Sparkle" in the rings in the future.Barbara McClatchey writes about her therapy dogsTherapy dogs Im up to my ears in them Or up to their ears. Tuffy UCD Mar-Vics Stuffd Black Bear CDX, CGC has been doing therapy visitation in nursing hornet for three years now. He and I have both enjoyed the work, and now we are branching out into hospital rehabilitation work and are including my two new Poms, Taffy Johnstoys Friday Jam Session am Tiffany Janesas Tiffany Is An Angel.Taffy has proved himself a natural-born therapy dog in the rehab wing of the hospital. We go once a week and find outassignment sheet, which may reaasomething like this 930-visit bedfasipatients in their rooms. 945-work with Mr.Smith a stroke victim on use of his left armand hand, and on bending. Mr. Smith mayhold a tiny piece of treat tightly in his lefihand, something hes been practicing for,and open it to let Taffy eat it. He may siiand bend or stand and bend to pet Taffy.1000-Miss Najarian, who has rheumatoiaarthritis, needs practice in stretching amrange of motion of her arms. Taffy does astandstay on the table in front of her whileshe pets him. When he gets tired, I let himlie down and he promptly rolls onto hisback. "Oooooh, pet my tummy. That feelssoooo good." 1015Take Mr. Neimann fora walk. Mr. Neimann uses a three-prongedcane. Just 4 weeks ago, he was bedfast andrefusing to do any therapy. A visit to his bedby Tuffy brought him out of it, and Taffytook charge, "pulling" him in the wheelchair, led by me in front of him with a treatwhile Mr. Neimann used his feet to pushhimself. Now, with a nurse on one side andme on the other-and Taffy leading theway-Mr. Neimann walks the hall.This kind of therapy, by the way, is calledby a special name "pet-assisted therapy."The visitation type is equally valuable in its way, giving people who are dog-less imagine the horror of that a chance to petand be kissed by a dog, and a chance to talkabout their own dogs, cats, and in one recent case raccoons. Ive always enjoyedthe pet visitation, but it gives a real charge to see a visible change in peoples activitybecause of the work of these wonderfulPoms.Tiffany is limited right now in what she isallowed to do. The organization I register with, Therapy Dogs, Inc., does not let dogs visit patients until they are 4 months old. Tiffany, at 3 12 months, visits my mother who had knee-replacement some time after we began working in the hospital and is now in the rehab wing. She also gets to visit with the staff, ride in the elevator, etc., and will be ready to do her part as soon as she is allowed.Another nice thing about nursing homes is our ability to practice obedience work with distractions. Some nursing homes and my hospital have wide carpeted halls, and are delighted to have you put on a "performance" once in a while, or even more often. Since my corrections are gentle, I have no problems correcting in public, and the cheers from onlookers when Tufty brings back the right article are a genuine high for both of us. Much less boring than doing the same thing at homeI have been visiting at a neighborhood retirement home with 3 of my Poms. We visit for an hour on Saturday afternoons and have a great time. Dande Can-OTCH, U-CDX Kassels Dandelion Down CDX, AD, ROM, CGC does tricks and practices some of her obedience exercises. Man Anadors Manitou AmCan CD, CGC and Katie Kassels Gar-de-an Sir Tifikat AmCan CD, CGC are the "pass-around dogs." They sit and cuddle in peoples laps while Dande gets in some extra practice retrieving under chairs, walkers, and working piles yes-piles of articles around residents feet.The residents love it when Katie chooses to jump in their laps for loving. We are in a lounge where residents come if they want to interact with the dogs. Since she was off lead, for her and the residents safety, she chooses different people to visit on her terms. At one point she was out of my sight for a couple of seconds so I called her with one of her pet names "K-K-K-Katie" and she came flying. To my amazement and delight, a lady started to sing the old song "K-K-K-Katie." A couple more joined in until almost all 15 residents finished the song. It was wonderfulThe UKC and Transnational Club for Dog Agility, Inc. NCDA have formed an alliance. NCDA officially merged with the UKC in January 1995. The licensing of Agility trials will begin July 1, 1995. Ambor registered dogs mixed breeds will be able to compete.I hope we hear from some Poms flying through these courses.Are there any Poms with their handlers involved in "Free-Style" Has anyone seen the "Free-Style" performances Id love to run some information about this new sport here.On communicating with those who are Challenged by Obedience Speak Several years ago, I began to think my husband might be absorbing "Obedience Speak" when he told me, "If this pie were in a show, it would get a 200"On communicating with your Pom LISTEN TO YOUR DOGIf you are trying to teach your dog a new command or exercise, please remember that this is a partnership. Use patience and ask someone to watch what you are doing. They can maybe see something that you arent aware of doing.When I was first working Dande in Agility, several years ago, I was having a devil of a time getting her to do the weave poles. I was getting frustrated and she basically just turned and faced me and sat down to watch the show. A REAL friend was having hysterics on the side line. She called me over and between tears explained the problem. When Dande didnt immediately enter the weave poles with voice and a hand cue, the hand cue got more elaborate, then the foot started moving, and the other hand started gesturing along with more verbal commands. What finally cracked my friend up was my long braid falling over my shoulder and waving back and forth in front of Dandes amazed face. My friend said that anything that could move was moving, so Dande just decided to watch the "fit." I keep a picture of this "confusion" in the back of my mind whenMinenuan romeraman uiuo Idtraining to help evaluate my communications with my Poms.Just this summer, when I was working through a directed retrieve problem with Dande, a boy who was watching us work in a school yard made the comment that she looked confused. I decided to try to re-think what I was doing and we got through the problem.When we were showing in Utility in Canada, I lost 10 points in handling errors because the judge went by the book which said no bending to give signals. After the class, the judge explained the point loss and the section in the front of the rule book that applied. He then commented that I didnt need to bend because she watched me carefully. This became our key to the AKCs moving stand. I kept trying to give the stand signal with my left hand, and she would usually miss it. It finally dawned on me that she was watching my right hand-the treat administering hand. Once I realized it, the signal was easy. We still needed polish, but we had a line of communication.It is hard to "listen" to your dog at times because of concentrating on how and what you are doing. An outside viewer-not necessarily a dog person-can be a great help. Videotaping training sessions can help a lot. A little distance between you and the "action" can be very enlightening. Sometimes you will even fmd good thingsI had Dande and my Utility performances videotaped. I felt a lot better about our heeling except for the time she nqed on heeling. When we show, I have no clear concept of where she is unless I see her and then I know she is REALLY out of heel position. The taping provided an "outside" eye view which helped me have more confidence in our heeling.If you dont have a camcorder, get together with friend and rent one for a training session. This can help you see how you are working by your standards. It can help you fmd your own handling errors which can confuse your communication with your dog, not to mention cost you points in the ring.Another situation where I needed to listen to Dande came up this week. We weredoing a run through of what we were going to do in a demonstration. I was told I didnt need to bring my dog, let along my equipment We were to do the retrieve ovei the high jump, so I was going to substitute my glove for the dumbbell. Without thinking it through, I threw the glove out. Dande went out and over the jump, picked the glove up and returned around the jump. SHE was right I dont want her jumping with a glove in AKC or CKC utility classes. I didnt correct her for going around the jump. I borrowed a dumbbell and she had no problem with the exercise. Thank goodness she was THINKING.Remember to try to listen to what your partner is trying to tell you. Maybe you will need to change a signal or command to help your Pom understand what is wanted of them. Dont be afraid to listen. A lot of times our partners are wiser than we are.Something to ponder...Maybe we can take a little bit of information from a kids self-esteem program I caught on Public TV. The speaker brought up the point that students scoring 97 out of 100 points need to look beyond the 3 points lost to the 97 earnedObedience exhibitors need to keep in mind that the scores we earn are noted in positive numbers There is almost always room for improvement. The dog and handler team that scores 200 has done something special, but then the pressure is really on.12 point off becomes a major thing for the exhibitor who has scored 200. It is probably more important for them than it is for someone like me who scores in the 170s and 180s, although it gets pretty important when you get in the 172 range. I sometimes think the person who earns a 170 12 and their relief and joy at passing can be more exciting than the exhibitor who has scored a 200 and has just received a score of 198 and is deeply disappointed.I get to brag here. Dande and I finished our Canadian UD OTCH in August. I realized I was pushing things by entering in May, but we needed ring experience, so off we went. The three-day weekend startedwith us nqing in three exercises. Because of Dandes height, we were first in the ring and werent able to watch the procedure for the individual exercises. The pattern is done cold the judge usually does not walk the pattern or tell the first exhibitor what the pattern is. When the exhibitor enters the ring, the dog is on leash and the handler has the article case and glove for the judges inspection and approval. The steward takes the leash and the article case and the handler takes position where the judge indicates for the seek back exercise to begin. The pattern can be short or long with all the changes of pace and halts that will appear in the signal exercise or not as the judge desires. Most of the time the two patterns are the same.The articles are next. Even with reading the rule book, I couldnt catch all of the nuances. The judge or steward lays out the articles, touching all of them. If the steward is laying them out, he hands all three articles wood, metal, leather to the judge who has indicated which ones he wants. The judge usually touches the articles as he places them on a chair or table. The judge tells the handler to take an article. At that time the handler may tell the dog to stay and judging begins. The handler is not permitted to talk to or touch the dog until the exercise is over. The handler will usually have to step out of heel position to reach an article. The article is then shown to the steward and the judge. The Canadian exhibitors usually verbally announce the articles number and material. Now the handler can scent the article. When the article is surrendered to the judge, he places it in the pile. On the judges command to send the dog, the handler has two options. The handler may give the dog scent and command the dog to find the article, and pivot and send the dog in one motion, OR may pivot with the dog halting and sitting in heel position, give the dog scent and send him. The rest is the same as in the AKC.The signal exercise follows and is the same as the AKCs, except that no bending is allowed when giving signals. The CKC patterns are usually more interesting than the AKCs. The AKC tends to favor "L" patterns. There are usually fewer entries in CKC shows and perhaps this makes it easierfor the judges to move more in the ring for the duration of their judging assignment.Directed jumping is next. The jumps are to be set 18 apart and the height jumped is the height of the withers.Lastly is the group stand for examination which must run at least 3 minutes. It is done like sits and downs, off lead with the handlers across the ring usually the dogs are placed on the center mat of the ring. The judge goes over the dog in a conformation type exam that does not include teeth and testicles. This is a long three minutes plus. I was glad we had practiced up to 15 minutes so when she was tired the three minutes didnt see so bad.The second day, we nqed better We only nqed in one exercise. The third day we earned a score of 181 12 for third place and "oldest Dog with a Qualifying Score in Trial." She was 10 years old.In our next three shows in July, I was so nervous that I caused us to nq all three days. The judges were very kind and encouraging. Our next 3-day shows were in August. The first day we earned 178 and third place, losing ten points when I bent to give signals. The next day we earned a 186 12 and third place. The last day we nqed on a missed sit signal.The exhibitors and judges in Canada are great. The 3 day shows generally have the exhibitors in the same order all three days so there is more chance to get to talk to the same person all 3 days. The shows are all in the same showsite and many times the ring is even the same. It helps for the dog and handlers confidence, even though it can become a long 3 days of showing.Obedience results from the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines on September 9, 1994. There were 8 dogs in competition with entries of 2 in Novice A, 2 in Novice B, one in Open A and one in Open B, one in Utility A, and one in Utility B. The out-of-sight sits and downs with a single Pom in the ring were impressive.The highest scoring dog in regular classes was Sasha Pomeroff owned by Pat Cummings with a score of 187 from Novice A.First in Novice B was Van HoozersClassical Melody owned by Pat Cummings with a score of 182 12, and second place went to Barbara Meyers and Trade winds Just The One with a 178 12.I had previously reported that there were only six dogs entered-1 was wrong. This information was taken from the AKCs Awards Magazine.New Obedience Titles from the November and December issues of the AKC Awards Magazine...No new UDsCDXBona Petit Popcorn CDX bitch owned by Greg Florer and bred by Felipe Akuin. The scores in Open A were 187 12 4th place, 186, 190 4th place, and 185 first place.Menage Sonata Foxy Lady CDX bitch owned by Sulie Greendale-Paveza and Lori Fink and Marian Lazzara and bred by Lori Fink. The scores in Open A were 191 12 3rd place, 190 3rd place, 183 12, and 189.Shadow CDX dog owned by Linda Jo Repphun, and ILP dog. Is there a story here The scores in Open A were 194 12, 183, and 182 3rd place.Shannons Little Bit O Scotia CDXdog owned by Karen Gray and bred by Jo Ann Shifflett. The scores from Open A were 193 12 first place and 192 3rd place.CDBrills Fennel O Bear CD dog owned by Brenda and Randy Brill and bred by Cheryl Lassacher. The scores from Novice B, all on one weekend, were 196, 192, and 192.New UKC Titles from the SeptOct and NovDec issues of BloodlinesUnited Companion DogU-CD Dover Holihouse Kahlua owned by Alice Richardson and bred by Patricia Foley and Kathryn Hartz.U-CD Tafurs Celebraty Cid owned b Pauline Tafur.New CKC Titles from the Jan, 199'issue of Dogs in CanadaThe CKC doesnt print new title holderon a regular basis, so when they appear, will report them, as well as exhibitorreports. The CKC doesnt list the owner obreeder, so if any one has furtheinformation about the teams, let me know.CD awarded June 1-July 31, 1994Aprildews Champagne Ribbons CDDarlings Echoing Spirit CDWe received our CKC certificate ii November.Can. OTCH Kassels Dandelion DowiCDX, AD, ROM, CGC owned by Loi Morkassel and bred by Betty Jo Masor Her scores were 181 12 3rd place, 17 third place, and 186 12 third place. Note The Canadian UD is recognize as an OTCH.Congratulations to all the dog and handle teams More special partnerships ar recognized by these titles. Both the dog and handlers have learned a lot. They hav learned to meet the requirements of th registry they show under. To get to tlit point, the handler has had to communicat what is wanted to the dog. This had to b done so that the dog is a willing participan The dog had to communicate to the handle what it was willing to do and what it wa not willing to do. The handler had to figur out why the dog was or was not willing t do something in order to build thi performance. The interaction between do and handler and handler an dog is so uniqu to each team. This communication is s special and carries over into all aspects c every day life. Enjoy the true benefit of th titlesthe communication.Other Honors Poms and Thei Handlers Have EarnedTwo Poms placed in the Top 10 To Dogs in the Whitehead High-Combine System based on High Combined Scores the 1993 Final standings.8-Crickettes Midnight Song CS, UD Dwned by Jimmie Lawrence 10-Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice UD awned by S. Winchatz These two Poms were SI and 2 in the top 10 for the Breed in this same system. Congratulations on these placements. There was a lot of teamwork to earn these placements. Way to goThe first AKC Agility show was held in Houston, TX, in August, 1994. In the Movice B class, 8" division, Dixie and Carol Fatheree placed first. How exciting that a little Pom earned a first place in the first VKC Agility show Keep on hitting the ontacts and flying through the coursesUntil next time, theres Joy inPom-de-monium Membership Reportby Jerrie Freia, Membership Chair 1072 A Landry Road Morgan City, LA 70380 504 384-7466Letters, other than those from sponsors, ommenting on applicants whose names lave been published in the Review are to go o Beverly Henry 2025 Sam Houston Carrollton, TX 75006. She needs them so iiat she can convey the contents to the Board members being asked to vote on said ipplicants. If they go elsewhere, they may ie delayed and not reach the Board before hey are to vote on acceptance rejection.The Board has recently voted to approve a lew membership application form. This one ncorporates sufficient space for both sponsors to answer the usual questions and idd additional remarks about the applicant.There is no longer any geographical -estriction. Replacing actual separate letters rom each of the two sponsors will be their indorsements on the form itself.The new form is printed on buff paper to iistinguish it from all older forms.Copies of the new application form can be ibtained from the Membership Chair.New Members for 1995Sharolyn K. Becker16230 TR 190 Mt. Blanchard, OH 45867 419 694-7681 SponsorsJames Shearer Doris WheelerVeronica Boudreau 4427 Willow Run Lane Tampa, FL 33624 813 961-2117 SponsorsBarbara Nagy Jeanne BlankVirginia B. Watkins11837 Gloger Street Houston, TX 77039 713442-1247 SponsorsCharlotte Creed Darrell BakerApplications for MembershipSherri Alspaugh5400 Lee Acres Drive Boonville, IN 47601 812 925-6477 SponsorsRenee K. McGrath, DVM Fran J. StollCathy Anderson 2412 25th Street Rockford, IL 61108 815 397-2463 SponsorsDiane L. Finch Nadine HersilJerusha R. Gurvin6001 Johnson Avenue Bethesda, MD 20817 301 530-2164 SponsorsDiana M. Downey Mary Vickers Behind the New TitlistsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free if sent in by the owner. Please send the dogs name, sex, owners name, city, and state, and breeders name on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor.Ch Linchris Genghis PomOrange Male Breeder Linda Brogoitti Owner Linda BrogoittiMay Morning Social Lion ROMX Thelduns Diamond Solitaire Ch Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch Thelduns Diamond Teddy Daisys Mini-Todd OTheldun Thelduns Bonnie KateThelduns Bit O'Sunshine ROMX Ch Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Southland N Bev-Nors Tar-Baby Bev-Nor N Southland Poasty ROMX Linchris Pom Pa ZazzShamrocks Tar-Tanion Ch Shamrocks A Dash of Nut-Meg Shamrocks Golden FantasyCh Glen Iris Dances With Wolves CGCRed Sable MaleBreeder C Jackson J TaylorOwner William and Roberta KerrCh Glen Iris Ivanhoe Ch Glen Iris Castle RockCh Tim-Sues Evening Lights Ch Glen Iris LuckdragonCh Bev-Nors Glen Iris Excalibur Ch Glen Iris Lady Guenevere Wee Heart's Glen Iris Rapunzel Ch Millamors Rock Concert Ch Chriscendo City Lights ROMX Ch Chriscendo Chatelaine Ch Tim Sues Sparkling Lights Jolly Wee Duke of the West Tim Sues Duchess Sabrina ROMX Ch Tim Sues Angel SabrinaViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.We invite our Readers to express their views on all \pertinent subjects.JAround the Waterbowlby Linda Brogoitti 1011 West Campbell AvenuePhoenix, AZ 85013Two tragic events happened over the olidays, the kind that you usually read bout but dont know any of the victims. Jot this time. Our neighbor received an arly morning call a few days before Christmas from the hospital. Their son and aughter-in-law were at the bum center ith second and third degree bums after asing their home in a fire. Their two dogs nd a cat did not get out. The house was staled.Next, we leam of a car accident that took ie life of one of our friends and left her usband in a coma with massive head and hest wounds. This took place 1000 miles rom their home and kennel.We all keep records for AKC and all our ogs are clearly identified, but what about tie above events Think about it-if you talked out your door right now with your ntire family and didnt return, what would appen Could a stranger walk into your ome and take over Are ALL dogs larked, even the old pets who never got ito the breedingshowing part of your dog ecordsWill someone know that Fluffy, who is 13 ears old must have her heart medication wice a day Which dogs can run together nd which ones must go out alone Who is i season and who can climb a fence a lountain climber wouldnt tackle Are ome dogs on special diets and are the food ontainers markedHave you provided for your dogs in your ill and Im not saying to leave them all our money. Do you want someone to ave certain dogs, and if so, made rrangements for this to take place If a on-dog person and there are some out tiere is handling your estate, you could rovide them with a friends name to work ith the dogs and see that they are placed ccording to your wishes. Dont leave nything to chance. Uncle George may ssume that since you are a breeder, your logs would be better off at the Dogs By Tie Dozen Pet Shop in the local mall soother "breeders" could have a shot at them. Now isnt that a lovely thoughtIf some of them are to be spayed and neutered before being placed, leave the number of the doctor you want them to use. If your main records are on the computer, does anyone know this, and if theres a password, do they know it When the house is totaled-are all your records gone too Why not trade with a friend-You leave a complete set of records at her house, and she does the same. Computer and book copies could be readily available to you BUT DONT FORGET TO KEEP THEM UPDATED.Even if it never gets to this point, having a list of dogs, instructions and dog people to call on for help is always a good idea. If you get stranded across the state for a day or two due to weather and your dog sitter cant stay, no matter how much you offer her, is there a dog person with a key who can helpTo end this with a happier note the bum victims are doing better and therapy is not every day now-just two or three times a week. The car accident still has him 1000 miles from home, but hes out of the coma and can write notes. One of his first questions was, "Were the dogs all right, and who had them"More to come next time on how to do this and what AKC will and will not accept. ^oru^ratulat l LonAWariaon your weli-deierued. ^dlennel 'XJisit.WeLoi.tedrue really appreciate your help and friendship and. especially your shariny your beautiful poms with a newcomer.Cindy Gorrell GorrelPs PomsPuppy Training for the Noviceby Ian Dunbar, PhDA comprehensive puppy training program comprises both behavior and temperament training. The most vital ingredient is the temperament training. Socialization should be the prime directive of any puppy program. Pups must be allowed to play with other puppies and dogs, and to enjoy numerous positive interactions with a wide variety of people, especially children and men. Obedience training may be accomplished any time in the dogs life, but it is easier, quicker, and more enjoyable to train a puppy. Food treats become a valuable reward against most potential problems.The puppy must be taught alternatives for its normal doggy behavior, otherwise the behaviors become very bad habits. Learning what to chew, where to eliminate, where to dig, when to bark, and when to jump are appropriate and acceptable alternatives for normal doggy behavior.Food treats are essential. The positive approach of using food treats helps offset the negative side of repeated punishment for mistakes, while ignoring the many cases of good behavior.Temperament training must be accomplished during puppyhood. Food treats and praise are mandatory at this age for prevention of biting, fighting, and fearfulness. So much depends on the owner. A temperament may be improved in the right hands, or ruined in the wrong hands. Repeated punishment may inhibit trust and warmth toward people.Most dog problems take care of themselves, if owners allow their pups sufficient opportunities to play with other puppies and dogs.Social skills must be acquired early in puppyhood The primary reason being learning to inhibit the force of the bite before the jaws develop the power to inflict serious damage.Puppies require much guidance to prevent the development of fearfulness and aggressiveness toward people. Puppy classes are essential for puppies and owners.When hand-fed the initial portion of i supper, the dog learns to take the foe gently and also learns the command "off", "take it", and "gently" There ai numerous applications for thes commands "Take it" encourages a fearfi dog to take a food treat or toy froi strangers. "Gently" instructs the dog I take food from a child, or how to play wil an unfamiliar dog. "Off" is useful to teac a dog not to touch a babys diapers, tt baby, a dead bird, a fearful dog, or a aggressive dog. It also warns a potenti fighter not to touch the other dog.Puppy programs that promote earl socialization, an enriched soci environment and temperament trainin with the liberal use of praise and food trea in training, are the workable solution fi temperament problems. Puppies and Parvoby Connie VanacoreMany breeders do not sell puppies f Christmas. They prefer to take reservatior for their Utters and hold on to them unt after the hohdays are over. There is les stress on the puppies and more time t devote to care and training.Parvovirus is, despite excellei vaccination protocols, still a threa especially to puppies. If the mother i properly vaccinated before conceptioi immunity will be transferred in th colostrum to the puppies. Matem antibodies may be present in the puppy ft up to 20-22 weeks, but may not t protective the entire time, according to D Cynthia Ramsey, community practic veterinarian at the University of Illinois.Young puppies should be isolated froi other dogs and out of pubUc places unt their series of vaccinations is completi This will decrease their chances of bein exposed to parvo.Loss of appetite, lack of energy vomiting, or diarrhea, both of which migl be bloody, are frequent symptoms of Parv Puppies become dehydrated very quick and may die if not treated promptly vomiting or diarrhea occur.There is no antibiotic which can cure arvo, but supportive carein the form of ieat and fluids can help the puppys own mmune system fight the disease if econdary bacterial infection occurs, ntibiotics can be given to combat those.Most of the maternal antibodies to other iruses which have been vaccinated against lisappear by about 12 weeks. However, in irder to ensure that a puppy is adequately irotected against Parvo, no matter when the natemal antibodies begin to wear off, it leeds to be vaccinated every three weeks tarting at about 8 weeks, until it is 20-22 v'ceks old.Many breeders and a few veterinarians ielieve that the vaccines containing aultiple antigens may overload the puppys mmune system. If a puppy, or an adult dog, s harboring a disease at the time it is accinated, it may cause the animal to iecome sick, sometimes even fatally. In the najority of dogs, however, multi-vaccines lo not cause reactions.Many veterinarians are now separating accines, giving them at different times, iften at the request of breeders and owners, liere have been no solid studies, however, vhich document the intervals needed to ssure that there would be no adverse eactions to the vaccines. If puppies are lealthy the risk of not vaccinating is greater ban going ahead with a schedule of raccinations.Puppy owners need to be advised onceming the vaccination schedule they lave been on. Written documentation of the lates and the vaccines given should ccompany every puppy to its new home.Parvo can live in the environment for a ong time. If a dog is infected, everything onnected with it must be washed with leach and water, bowls and bedding liscarded or bleached. Other dogs in the tousehold must be kept away from the sick inimal, since even small amounts of fecal naterial on the dogs coat can contain large lumbers of the virus and can be easily ransmitted to another dog.Dog show shoes should be left at the door ind clothes put in the laundry before you go n to see a litter of puppies.It is mind boggling to see Utters ofpuppies in ex-pens on the show grounds. Not only is it illegal, according to AKC rules, but puppies are put at extreme risk of contacting Parvo or many other diseases, some Parvo, of which are airborne and others, like Parvo, are carried by contact with an infected dog or infected feces.Give your puppies a good start in life by advising your buyers about the proper means of protecting their new pets against this contagious disease. A Letter from Boomerby Ron OwenI had sold this puppy last January to an older couple who had to bring him back because they couldnt keep up with him. I re-sold the puppy later in the month to Ron Owen. Two days ago, I received this letter. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.-Judy ShearerDear Mom and FamilyJust a few lines to bring you up to date. Ive been thinking about you and my pals and family-especiaUy "Peanut."We got your letter, and since I have not learned to read yet, I had Ron read it to me. I was happy to receive my Citizenship papers, but as Ron explained, I cant rely on my pedigree, I have to stand on my own two I mean four feet.Now, Ill give you an update on me. That night Ron took me to my new home with him, I was very apprehensive. This was my second time, you remember. I kept looking up at him so he talked to me and petted me all the way home. That road from Sugarcreek to Beach City is brutal About a mile from home, I threw up on the seat. Some startRon decided to call me Boomer instead of Teddy as he had originally planned. He realized that I will have my own personality and will be my own person. I dont like the word "dog". And he thinks the name fits. If thats my name, why does he sometimes call me "s head" Maybe its because of some of the stunts Ive pulled. Somehow his work belt is about four inches shorterVr v-'f mH-t. T-'5mt . i ' \ V_____________ ___________ t_______________________...... LV \ ..xrt\acAARIO GRANDE KENNEL CLUBI GROUP SECONDKOHLERP HIrCh.Linchris All The Right StuffCh. Bev-Nors Statesman ROMXx Linchris Pom Pa ZazzPictured with Curtiss Smith and Judge Frank Nishimura. We are pleased to announce that "Stuffy" is back home entertaining the girls. A son and daughter will be in the ring soon.Breeder-Owner Linda Brogoitti LINCHRIS 1011 West Campbell Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85013-2614602265-4946a0f1am-BESTOFWINNERS1LSEDALIA. MO KENNEL club-photomevehCh. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Kneislers Top Notch NikkiPictured with Judge Barbara Camp going BW. He has seven points.Nipper and all of us at Shady Park wish to congratulate Maria Kneisler on her kennel risit. We wold like to thank Maria for letting us have Nipper and for the two black and tan ireedings out of Ch. Janesas Showcase O FanFaire. Thanks for your great friendship.Good luck with Shady Park Nick of Tradition.We feed Science Diet..Diana L. Nolan 816741-1650 Evenings51222 NW Parkdale Road Kansas City, MO 64151^e ..fsll'fz - ImImJS^w-xk llAe- Aeyfatfanye, lAeix- eveed iexxte^Afa^ dyteceiefa pexei- e^ed A Ae-eeevt^- iv- ecfayeee, eZ evexecAe eez-dp- fa ixceyfaye. stf uene AeA fa Ae cAeiexy'x- tAeyt eeifav-efave^ace ec-xeeAev^A, e^lexv ee^^eyiieivfa, eve Aexe^At, fa cevAApexe- Sefit e^faie 'zw.^3exeyxeev fa exe^- Aece-yfa exe pexvx-yexvyme^ fa^eeme,ruz-^lfa ifa Aedt fa dAexvd. even- Afaed eexxeAAnezer- Ae Ae ieeme. yfe- eeccdeefa -xefahe yxxe eet iAe^veeety- a-ye e^fAxee,Aeceeeie pvee- Aeeevea-e pexv meyA^ex- iv xnez-7t^- fa iee._'. eva-d a-yieeeievxe Aeetxxty ecxfaC ced- a-d yexeyweev eeefa meefafafyiv^eecA tAe^-. cwueeye exvt fa dee pvee- axefaAfay cec-pe e^yvcvp neeed.yfe-Avvee^exe-efavtenie^-, Aevexstp- pexe fa exvp- Awte iv- xeeevp,- evcA Ae Awefa eerueyfane pvee xtvt Aeeseye Aepe.2ex cvefe, eveAfa exep- Afaeit ee vepy AfayAt dfap,S rteeven tAveeyA, xtcxv, yvee- deem iv^ayp.y^e-Anew eve AA iee pexe rzyeaxx, Eeytytei, iexneee^- ivexe.JAU eve dfafa evefaA cvAAexep Avve, ^jexte a7te^ee-ne.0^20 Proudlypresents our Co L_ newest champion "ffecV 5OBEST OF WINNERS VMID-DEL TINKER KENNEL CLUB 1994PHOTO BY FETRULIS0u- J vCh. Post Oak Diamond DreamsCh. Shadomountin One Man Stand x Carousels Touch-O-ClassAngel is shown here completing her Championship under Judge Isabell Stoffers with Kathy Sawyer expertly handling her. Our many thanks to all of the judges who awarded Angel points toward her championship.Our sincere congratulations go out to Maria Kneisler on her Kennel Visit.Breeders OwnersDelbert and Pam Gault 125 Blueridge Road EastNewalla, OK 74857 405386-6199KIVEISLERS CHEAUXproudly presents the 1994 APC Fall Nationals WB1Ir'Hft'can PomoranijnSummer Spocla1 Orleans. Louis' Ctobcr 27.199 Kneislers Nikkis TraditionBIS Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Kneislers Top Notch MeganNicki was Winners Bitch at our Nationals from the 6-9 month puppy class. She is delight to show and full of herself. Thank you, Ken Miller, for this winWe feed Science DietOwnerHandler Catherine Breaux17905 NE 13th Street Bellevue, WA 98008206641-112 Co-Owner Maria Kneisler Breeder Claudette Confer[5J. .BEST OF BREEDNEW CHAMPIONCAROLINA K.C.DECEMBER 94SUE C. BAINES 0 PHOTOBY ROBERT JSK^9JfaPADDYThank you, Deena, for another great finish...Taking breed over several lovely specialsPresently we are able to offer pups with definite show potential to serious exhibitors. These have been sired by all three Champion Foxridge studs.Inquiries are welcome.Rosemary Regoni 385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322803 472-3002ENTS MESSThose of us whom you have elected to tum to the Board for a second term incerely thank you for the opportunity to xpand and improve our efforts on behalf of te membership and the breed. Those who re new on the Board come with high ^commendations as to their breadth of nowledge and years of experience, forking together, we will meet the roblems confronting our breed head-on. As ways, we remain open to hear from you igarding your needs and concerns. We are ere to serve you to the best of our abilities, ee you in New YorkCongratulations to thenewly elected Officersand Board of theAmerican Pomeranian ClubRodisPomsnewest boy, Rodis Wind Dancer, pictured at 7 months taking BW 2nd weekend out under Judge Sari Tietjen.BreederOwner Diana Solano SE 83 Millcreek Ridge W Shelton, WA 98584Rodis Poms would like to congratulate Maria Kneisler on her Kennel Visit We recommend Science DietPomeranian Specialties-1995American Pomeranian Club-- 211- La Guardia Marriott, NYSan Diego Pomeranian Club-- 225- Silverbay Kennel Club, CA-- Margaret Ontiveros 619 475-2531Northern California Pomeranian Club- 311- Pleasanton, CA-- Marge Kranzfelder 415 572-0149Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston- 317- Olga Baker 713 337-0037DallasFort Worth Pomeranian Club-325- Bev Henry 214 416-1504Bay Colony Pomeranian Club- 513- Gladys Dykstra 413 527-8841City of Angels Pom- 525- Glen Bernardo 818 452-8677Pomeranian Club of Michigan- 528- Rollie Conley 313 753-9245San Diego Pom Club- 624- Sheraton, City of Industry, CA-- Margaret Ontiveros 619 475-2531 Puget Sound Pom Club- 613- Brush Prairie, WA- Victoria Lovely 206 863-8608 Columbia Pom Club- 614- Brush Prairie, WA- Jean Schroll 503 650-0023 Greater Houston Pom Club- 713- Astro Hall- Olga Baker 713 337-0037Pom Club of Greater Des Moines- February- Iowa State Fairgrounds- Juanita Fiddick 319 989-219Pom Club of Hawaii- September- Pearl Ridge, HI- Jo Ching 808 526-0114Pom Club of Greater Baltimore- October- Dolores Watts 301 372-8782La Cajn Pom Club- October- Metrarie, LA- Audrey Roberts 318 238-1648Sooner Pom Club of Oklahoma City- November- Mary Allan 918 485-3010Pom Club of Greater Phoenix- November- Phoenix, AZ- Linda Brogoitti 602 265-4946Pomeranian Club of Michigan- Novembe-r Detroit, Ml- Rollie Conley 313 753-9245Central Arkansas Pom Club New Club- Babe McCombs 501 489-5510congratulates Maria KneislerwigWSwmSEE TtJ IN NEW T0CWSJerrie Freia 1072 A Landry Road Morgan City, LA 70380Kennel Visit to Kneislers Pomsby Maria KneislerflB-Front view of the Kneisler residenceOver the years of reading other Pom Lovers kennel visits, it seems many of us have one thing in common-we all have been animal lovers from the start of our lives. I am originally from the Bay Area in California where I was bom on a smallfarm in San Ramon. During the course o the years there, I had all sorts of pet ranging from dogs to pigs. When nr Mom remarried, she moved us to Locus Grove, OK. What a cultural shock W lived on another small farm where I raiseIr 5sP - ' 'vrp M1 n V v'--V-y w WCh. Glen Iris Castle Secret Matthew, Joshua, and Heatherlorses, puppies, kittens, rabbits, and pigs. Yly father was a little irritated with me vhen I refused to let him dress out the abbits of which there were over a lundred. AND, he could forget it if he hought Id eat anything I had once ooked at I have always been involved in showing animals and loved the competitiveness of it I would have loved o have shown Quarter horses as an adult, cut living in the city I felt this would be oo expensive a sport. Id get dogs nstead that would be cheaper, yeah ightMy infatuation with Poms started when [ moved back to civilization, Tulsa. No laughing please. I had married a wonderful man by the name of Matthew Hid had one and a half children, Joshua and Heather who I was pregnant with, when I decided to purchase a Pom.My first Pom was only 125 and came from a back-yard breeder. Boy, did I get what I paid for I should have realized tiow big shed get from the size of her parents, but she was so cute at the age of 7 weeks another clue. By the time she was 4 months old, she weighed 14 pounds. She had both the look and personality of an alligator. Yuck I didnt want one of these, so we decided to find her a family who did.I kept seeing pictures of cute little Poms, so one day I answered an ad which sounded like the person knew aboutHVi, wO3 ^aCh. Kneislers Toasty Miz KaylaPoms. That was the day I met Mary Allan of Allayns Poms. It took only one visit to her house and I was hooked. I desperately wanted one of the pups in the lower pen, and mary politely said, "In your dreams" These were late Ch. Allayns Celestial Fudge and AmMexCan Ch. Allayns Sinnerman Toast However, she was kind enough to sell me a brood bitch and a puppy who may or may not be showable when she matures. I didnt care she was absolutely adorable, and her name is Allayns Shining Gold Trinket.Trinket was my first show dog, and I never got a single point on her myself, although Mary put one point on her. I didnt care about showing then. I was getting something much more valuable-experience. Over the year I showed Trinket I learned how the dog shows worked and the basics of handling and properly grooming my dog. Looking at Trinket now, I believe she could have finished, but I can see now all of my handling and grooming errors made then. I got frustrated and had to have a better dog-a mistake many newcomers make.By this time Mary was persuaded to sell me "Hot Bod" who is now Ch. Allayns Feel the Heat. I put 12 points on him in 5 weekends, and Mary put the last 4 points on him. All of a sudden not as many people talked to me at the shows. This was great It meant I was finally on my way.Ch. Kneislers Secret TraditionDuring this time, I had bred a brood bitch by the name of Shamrocks Tarbubble V Allayn to Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge. This produced my first home-bred champion Kneislers Toasty Miz Kayla. I had also purchased a darling little red "Big Toasty" son who is now Ch. Bev-Nors Little Showstopper.Through the course of showing Kala, I met Joel Taylor. He saw me win WB from the BBE class at the Des Moines Pom Specialty, and casually said he had something I might be interested in. He told me to call his wife, Cheryl. I did and she told me about a cute little 6-month old puppy bitch. It only took one look at her picture, and I said YES, I want her I quickly put 8 points including a 4-point major on her. Then I decided to go to visit my cousin, Catherine Breaux of Cheaux Poms on the West Coast, and there just happened to be three Pom Specialties, and three all-breed convenient.This was the weekend of the 92 APC Summer Specialty, and there were a little over a hundred Poms entered there. It was a nice thought to win, but Im a realistic person. Well, we did win at the Puget Sound Pom Club Specialty. First we won our class, then WB, then BOW, and Best Puppy in Sweeps. To top it off, we went BOS over 8 bitch Specials. It felt so good to be able to ownerhandle this puppy to this win, and boy were my suitcases packed going home on the plane. ThisBEST OF WINNERSCh. Lady Bailey of Van-Gilder, a client's bitchpuppys name is Ch. Glen Iris Castl Secret.Since that win, I have finished 10 mor Poms, but the most exciting win since ha to be this last fall at our APC Fa Nationals. I had just finished a bite puppy that was out of Ch. Secret and Cl Rock N Tradition of Oakridge "Jake" b the name of Kneislers Secret Traditior She had finished in 5 weekends, and I ha sort of hoped that I could have shown he in the classes at the National, but when saw the entry, I was very glad that Sara had finished already. What I had forgottei about was another Jake daughter that had sent to Catherine Breaux to co-owi with her. When I did see her at the hote in New Orleans, I almost fell over. I hat to find one of my favorite ladies, Nin Epps of Oakridge Kennels to tell her wt just might have WB at the National evei though Sarah was finished. Well, the nex day, we did have WB and BOS. Botl honors were taken by Kneislers Nicki Tradition and Kneislers Secret Tradition respectively. Oh, and Catherine, Sarah 15 cuter than Nicki inside joke.My breeding program has finally startec to give me show pups consistently, breed on a small scale as I have only 1 bitches. I do not have any certain type prefer. I just want an over-all balancec dog. I do love a sweet face, but I can take a coarser head as long as there are othei attributes to go along with the dog. ' believe many people fault judge the Pon too much. There are NO perfect Poms You just have to decide which faults yoi can live with. You must know what dogs are behind your dog, and breec accordingly. I recently bred a male with a coarse head to one of my bitches. I knew his pedigree well, and knew he had some gorgeous heads behind him. I got three ol the sweetest faced pups Ive had in a while.Many of my dogs are line bred Bev-Nor. I have started co-breeding with a great lady whom Im sure every one loves, Jerrie Freia of Janesas Poms. Hei dogs have complemented mine nicely, and I have finished several dogs of hei breeding now. I have a love for thexoticthe most exotic Im gutsy enough o get is black and tan, and Jerrie has some of the finest. Catherine Breaux and I purchased a lovely black and tan pup whom we finished by the name of Ch. Fanesas Showcase O Fan-Faire "Casey." He is line bred Bev-Nor on Jerries beloved Toastmaster and is siring some beautiful exotic for me.For those of you who are new to the breed, I cant tell you how invaluable a mentor is in this breed. Mary, thank you. I have learned all the basics from this lady. Through the years, Ive listened to "constructive criticism" from others, and taken the bits Ive felt would help me, and left the other "stuff' exactly where it belonged. Most Pom people are kind and helpful, but there are a few "windbags." Ive gotten as far as I have by learning from other peoples mistakes. Sure, Ive made mistakes, but it didnt take me long to learn Id much rather leam from someone elses.Thank yous go to not only those who have helped me along the way, but to the people who have purchased show dogs from me. Every successful kennel has a lot of fine people buying and finishing dogs for them. Thank you to the Pomeranian Review for honoring me with this kennel visit.Hearts on Fireby Mary VickersDo you have "call waiting on your phone line Perhaps you have spoken to someone who does. You cannot help but notice those annoying little "beeps" or dead air space that tells of another caller attempting to get through. First, you get one solitary "beep" that notifies you someone is trying and within seconds another. If your fingers are working, you can catch the second caller and find out who it is and talk to them if you wish. If so inclined, you can ignore them and just talk to the first person. You do what you want to do.In September and October andNovember, Diana Downey and I found out much more than we ever wanted to know about phone service. For one, we found out that 16 people ca call our phone nd call waiting can beep 32 times But the real reason for this story is why we learned an amazing fact. So back up a bit to August 31, 1994. Late in the afternoon the Director of Montgomery County Humane Society calls and the answering machine picks up. I will admit that I could have gotten to the phone but I was lazy. She rambles on about trying to reach Diana who used to live in Montgomery County and now has this number. The Director continues that she is in a quandary. In a few hours she will be getting 32 Pomeranians. If Diana can be of any help at all would she please call her at her home numberTo say that the Director sounds frantic is an understatement. I decide some human intervention is necessary. To rescue her, I came on-line introduce myself assure her that she does have the correct phone number for Diana who is Chairperson of the Pomeranian Club of Baltimore Rescue, but Diana is not in at the moment and will return her call. The Director asks if I think Diana will help her out by taking 1, 2, or maybe...5 off her hands. I stifle a giggle as I respond that I am sure Diana will help her all she can. You see Di and I have been in business together for several months, and I am pretty sure Diana will take ALL 32.Later that evening Diana arrives home and gets the message. She immediately calls the Director. Of course all 32 are welcome here at Opal Meadows Pet Resort and Training Center, and she will drive up the next day to get them. However, a monkey wrench is thrown into the rescue. It has been reported that some of the Poms might have ring worm-which is highly contagious. Some will be going to the Vet to check on this. Results may not be known for 10 days to 2 weeks.Does this stop Diana No. Di spends most of the evening stomping around the living room trying to decide on which of our 12 acres she is going to establish aMASH unit-e.g., a portable or tent hospital. There are too many boarding dogs at the kennel to risk their skins. The weather is great so that the Poms can live outdoors especially through the incubation period. They need to be isolated, and that should not be a problem.Other members of PCGB are called. Supplies, such as food, crates, x-pens, toys, chewies, shampoo, vitamin supplements, and whatever else you can think of are necessary. Dianne Johnson, Sue Bemey, Toni Dickerson, and so many other members of PCGB rally around and assemble literally bags upon bags of doggie goodies. Margaret McKee did not even blink an eyelash when asked if she could find a tent Well, Diana needed some type of roof to cover this imaginary MASH unit.September 2, 1994. The 32 Poms are here in Opal, VA. Luckily a quickie test for ringworm fluoroscopy was negative. The tent was not needed nor isolation. Diana, in her exuberance, did contact her old vet and requested info on how to deal with ringworm to be more prepared. Interestingly, this vet had just skin scraped a few Poms a week or so before for possible ringworm. Interesting. VERY interesting And it turns out that this vet was THE vet for these dogs. Could anything happen betterOf course it could Our phone is literally ringing off the wall. Montgomery County Humane Center has been giving our number to those who want to adopt a Pom. Some have no problem driving the 50 miles to see them in our kennel some cannot find the gas pedal. Those that come get to meet Bear-Bear and KC. Two Poms who have been in the rescue program for awhile. It does not matter who is interested in which Pom, all need to qualify and pass a home inspection. The Poms also need quite a bit of attention. They do not need food as most are overweight They do need grooming. Remember the ringworm This turned out to be a skin yeast infection most probably due to not being brushed. Although many of the Poms have been cut down, all have at least one mat if not 50. Most nails havegrown to the pads if not into the pads. Courtesy of Montgomery County Humane, all shots were given the moment the Poms walked in the door.September 34, 1994. If you do not count dewclaws, a dog has 16 toenails. 32 Poms 512 toenails. Di and I know this now. It was 130 a.m. when the nails were all clipped and the Poms physically examined and categorized. The rest of the day was spent visiting vets, feed stores, and the 3 pet stores in the neighboring towns putting up the posters Di made-"Adopt a Pom."Being a true show person, Diana has driven to Baltimore for the T.O.B.I. match. She actually has gone to show my American Eskimo in a UKC show and takes along her puppy to have fun. Many Baltimore members get together and shake their heads about this group of rescue Poms. Bags of supplies are transferred into Dis Ramcharger. Diana goes Best in Match with her puppy, Flynn, over 1700 dogs. I wonder if I can find a copy of our horoscopes for the past week Is this emotional or notSeptember 6, 1994. Something strange is happening. Local residents have been calling asking about the little Poms. It seems they are hearing about them from a poster at the local fast food drive-in. Neither of us put one there.Another strange occurrence. We have been lucky because of certain Pom characteristics to locate the breeders of 6 of these Poms. The 32 are now down to 26. The first person to pass our inquisition, successfully fill out all the paperwork, and then pass the home visit is joyfully picking up her "choice." She is aware of the wait for the final decision on the skin tests. Down to 25.September 16, 1994. Our local animal shelter has called. It seems we are getting notorious. They have 2 Poms that are nearing their death date. Can we help Up to 27.September 20,1994. Dis mother called to let us know that she put up a poster in a laundermat in a town a few miles away. She is also responsible for the one in the drive-in. For us, a valuable lesson hasbeen learned. None of the posters in the vet offices nor food stores has brought a response, perhaps because the people reading them already have enough pets. We are getting an average of 8 calls a day from the ones that were placed by Bernadette. Seems they are seen by want-to-be-pet-owners.September 28, 1994. The s has hit the fan The local newspaper has finally run "our story." A tear-jerking but true 6 columns wide, one third page complete with picture of Di and Kacey with many of the adoptables in the background. This is when call waiting constantly buzzes. This is also when we call and apologize to a local church for the many wrong numbers they are getting. The newspaper article published their phone number instead of ours.Suitable homes have been found for 14 and 11 more are waiting to have their home inspections done. Ann Cannon, Barbara Gates, Rose Keller, Marlene Roantes, and a Yorkie obedience friend of mine,Pat Fallon, have been having fun visiting possible adopters. Does anyone ever fail In truth, it does occur.October 4, 1994. Bear-Bear has been placed Bear has been in the program since January 2nd. Since mid-May he has been "my" dog. I strongly repeat and repeat to these people not to trust this dog as I am sure he will run away ASAP. I overly explain bonding. I am insistent about obedience training for him. As I open the outer kennel door so they can put him in their car, Bear sees one of the kennel cats and offff he goes. The cat soon returns. Bear does not The Eskie tracks him to a certain point. The Chessie tracks to another point. Diana is furious with me. The new owners go home. I drive all over the place. On my return to the house, Bear is lounging on the front porch of the house he has never seen. Di and I agree that I should really adopt this dog. We plan to ILP him. His name will be Mar-Vics No No I Wont Go. I call the new owners, but they will not listen to me keeping the dog. They only have eyes for Bear. An hour or so later, they returnand take Bear to their home. It is for the bestOctober 6, 1994. Sometimes there is a story that must be repeated. An older man with limited vision legally he is blind comes to us because a week ago his beloved Pom had died. He is looking for an exact replacement. His fingers knew the length and depth of his departed dogs muzzle. His hands know the weight and length of that Poms body. With his brothers assistance he examines several dogs. He brings his pick to the front office and relaxes on the couch making friends with his find. The dog he has picked does not want to be there. Repeatedly, he tries to escape. Another prospective owner brings her "find" to the front This newest Pom takes one look at the gentleman on the couch and jumps into his lap. He cuddles close to the man, but the man pushes him away. Back on the ground again, the dog pivots and jumps back. The man gently pushes him away saying, "But I have my dog." This dog is insistent and up he goes on the lap again. The brother laughs. It is now plain even to the blind man that this dog wants him. The man thinks for what seems like an eternity. He talks all this over with his family and finally his pick is the Pom that picks him. There must be a lesson here somewhere.October 15, 1994. We are down to 5 Poms. However, Prince Georges Animal Control is driving over to visit us today. They are 2 counties and a state away from us. Despite the records, forms and newspaper articles we have faxed them, they do not believe us to be real. They want to see for themselves before they give us the Pom that they have. We pass their inspection. They leave this poor Pom. Neither of us can understand the condition he is in. During the month he was in their care, he has lost most of body fat and broken his front leg. They did not bother to set the broken leg. Di names him Jerome-the patron saint of orphans.November 15, 1994. Jerusha Gurvin drives from Bethesda, MD, to Edenton, NC, for a home inspection. Luckily they passed. The home inspectors are a fantastic group of people. When a personCongratulations, MariafromJ\J33Jhert C^ualxtg 4fflakes ,A JOiffcrErtcE-rOOArrCh.Allayns Third Degree BurnCh. Allayns Feel The Heat x Donaras Ruby Rainbeaux"Bonnie is the second of "Hotbod's" puppies to finish here in the States. Her litter sister is in Germany, where she took Best Puppy in Show her first time out. Her litter brother, also sent to Germany, was BISJ his second show, took his second "ticket" at his third show and won his class at the World Show held in Berne in June, 1994. Tragically, he died before he could complete his title. Hotbod has other get that ars pointed and major pointed. He is co-owned by Maria Kneisler and me, and sends lots of licks to his "oth mommy."BreederOwner Mary Allan Rt 3, Box 531A Wagoner, OK 74467 918 485-1040- FAX 485-3010 HandlerCoral B. Appleton, PHA Rt 2, Box 89 Yukon, OK 73099 405 373-2719selects a rescue, they want it NOW. They intellectually understand why they cannot take it home NOW, but emotionally, they want the dog NOW. Many times call waiting kicked in and it was a person who had been waiting a week or more and had not heard from an inspector. That wait is pure torture. One of the home inspectors that Di and I really appreciate is Bob Nunn. Bob possibly did more than one fourth of all the home visits and usually had them completed within 3 days of being asked. Sherri Shields is another "fast" inspector. Sherri developed a new twist. She took one of her own Poms on the visit. This helped her see how the adopters actually interact with a Pom in their own home.Thanksgiving, 1994. We have 2 Poms left One perplexes us completely. She is a to-die-for five pound black and tan. Most breeders would give their eye teeth to have her perfect markings. To have her. The public thinks she is a mis-mark or a mixed breed. Some have actually told us she is not a Pom because of her color. We feel a very special home for her will come along. Perhaps her name should be Patience.Christmas Week, 1994. Call Waiting has struck again. A grandfather got a puppy for his granddaughter. She is terribly allergic to the dog. Can the rescue help. Sure. Lots of people would like to have a puppy. Sitting again at 2 here. We still have a black Pom in Ashville, NC, waiting for a ride to Opal. So it is more like 21.New Years Week, 1995. The black and tan is adopted. The black Pom from NC has arrived along with an orange female who may be bred. We are not moving the puppy till after the holidays are over.For 1994, the Pom Club of Greater Baltimore has rescued 42. As of this writing, 5 remain. There is the puppy, the possibly pregnant bitch and 3 elderly Poms who are in a holding home in Pennsylvania. The vast majority of the 32 from Montgomery County were placed within 8 weeks.Part II to follow next issue.Judges Critique Puget Sound Pom Clubby Julie MorenoWhats a good cure for the winter blues, having gone through 14 days of heavy rain in sunny California Well, for me it was the anticipation and honor to have been invited to judge the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club Specialty. It followed several all-breed shows, including the Puyallup Valley Dog Fanciers at which I judged some of my other breeds.I found the over all quality for the number of entries very good. There were some wonderful youngsters that will have no trouble finishing to Championship, in my opinion, with a bit more maturity and experience.Because there was a larger entry in bitches, I had some hard decisions in selections for first place wins with not enough first to hand out. They were most impressive, and on any other given day many not selected could easily have placed higher. A few, at just the wrong time, decided to misbehave, but after all, they were and are puppies. For a short time, many puppies do that sort of thing.I will touch on the highlights that impressed me the most. My open dog winner was a beautiful, clear red orange dog who was sound, stylish, and said, "Hey, look at me" I have to admit that he took my eye from the moment he entered the ring. He told me he was a POM in outline, movement, carriage, and condition together with being beautifully presented.My puppy dog from the 9-12 class pushed the open dog hard for winners, and he ended up as my Reserve. Such a doll I could easily have taken him home with me.My puppy bitch class was full of future stars, and a lot of fun to go over. Having some variance in size as well as color and heads of various types, they were all darling, and I feel it was probably my strongest class. Again, I wished I had more blue ribbons to hand out.My winners bitch was a jet black whowas exquisitely presented in glorious coat, body, and soundness. I later learned that win finished her. I might add she was in contention also for the breed.My Best of Breed was a male in solid top condition, correct harsh textured coat, a lovely orange who made the most of himself with such a great show attitude. He never put a foot down wrong, and asked for his top win. He was, in my opinion, a totally correct Pom in every way. I learned later that he has several Group wins in a short time out as a special.My Junior entry was small, but certainly not lacking in knowledge of how to be a team with the dog. He had gentle hands and presented his Pom like any Pro would. I was most impressed with that youngster.After the show and the photos were taken, Tula and I were taken to a delightful luncheon with many of the club members before we had to depart for home. All in all, I had a delightful time, and I thank the club for inviting me.RJhd1-7 .fWr r7- r iiVyBest of Breed Ch. Rodis Mr. Rocky RoadmmWB, BOW, BOS Gayels DevilisiousJr,A aty.J Winners DogAutumns Tomba La BambaVBest in Sweeps Rodis Wind DancerPuget Sound Pomeranian Club Winter SpecialtyMonday, January 16,1995by Ingrida GasawayThe Puget Sound Pomeranian Club Winter Specialty is part of the Western Washington Combined Specialties with 15 Specialty Shows combined on the same site. These follow 4 days of All-Breed shows which drew an entry of 3150 dogs.The morning was damp and chilly, but the building was adequately heated to keep both exhibitors and poms comfortable. The trophy table was well-stocked with all trophies in black and silver and rosettes for all placements through 4th in each class.Tula Demas from San Bernardino, CA, judged an entry of 14 in Puppy Sweepstakes. Her placements werePuppy Dogs 6-9Rodls Wind Dancer............................................................................ Diana M. SolanoPuppy Dogs 9-12Cheyennes Grandviews Prodigy......................Laurie Polinkus and Gary StefansPuppy Bitches 6-9Daystar FG Diamond In The Ruff..........................Karen Power and Patricia FoxxPuppy Bitches 9-12Parkhills Showbiz...........................................Shirley Parkhill and John AndersonBest in Sweeps Rodis Wind Dancer Best Opposite Daystar FG Diamond in the RuffThe Regular Classes with an entry of 50 Poms followed. The judge is breederjudge Mrs. Julie Moreno of San Bruno, CA officiating.Mrs. Morenos placements are as followsPuppy Dogs 9-12Cheyennes Grandviews Prodigy....................... Laurie Polinkus and Gary StefansDogs 12-18Salanges Sir Bear by Janel.........................................................................Janell ReichBred-by-Exhibitor DogsLovely Sterling of Chaos....................................... Victoria Lovely and Blake JoneshTT. AHigh In Trial Aijas Sparkling ChablisBest Junior Showman Nicholas LakinAmerican Bred DogsLovely Simply Cbears Austin........................J Packer and B Jones and V LovelyOpen Dogs ROCSAutumns Tomba La Bamba.................................................................... Randy BurkeOpen Dog BBBSunrays Midnight Jazz Man......................G Von Horn, Ray Mooney, C HunsakerOpen Dogs AOACGladyans Jeremiah Fudge............... Gretchen Cherington and Gladys Von HornWinners Dog Autumns Tomba La Bamba Reserve Cheyenne Grandviews ProdigyPuppy Bitches 6-9Daystar FG Diamond in the Ruff............................Karen Power and Patricia FoxxPuppy Bitches 9-12Kneislers Nickis Tradition......................... Catherine Breaux and Maria KneislerBitches 12-18Rubys Wee Jezebel Sais So....................................Ruby Poole and Victoria LovelyBred-by-Exhibitor BitchesCinnakees Tango in the Nite...........................................Cathy and Garry CinnamonOpen Bitches ROCSLovely Suisse Miss Sais Chaos.............................. Blake Jones and Victoria LovelyOpen Bitches BBBGayels Devilisious........................................................................................Gale RiversOpen Bitches AOACKim Karas Chantilly Lace.........................................................................Marie SmithWinners Bitch Gayels Devilisious Reserve Daystar FG Diamond in the RuffBest of Breed Ch. Rodis Mr. Rocky Road Best of Winners Gayels Devilisious Best of Opposite Gayels DevilisiousObedience Judge Carol HapkeNovice B and High in TrialAijas Sparkling Chablis 173 12.............................................................Julie ClemenThe Parade of Champions brought out 2 entries-the 9 year old Ch. Lovely-Polarpoi Elizabeth owned by Victoria Lovely and the BOB Winner Ch. Rodis Mr. Rocky Rot bred and owned by Diana Solano. Both champions strutted their stuff and received lo of applause and black and silver rosettes.Mrs. Moreno judged the 2 Junior Showmanship enties. Open Junior was Candb Walker with Sungold Lincoln. Novice Junior and Best Junior Showman was awarded i Nicholas Lakin with Morenos QT Whizz. Nicholas was awarded a portable TV for h efforts.Judging was followed by a no-host luncheon and a raffle at a local restaurant, and very good time was had by all.The Puget Sound Pom Club thanks the wonderful ladies-Tula Demas, Julie Moren and Carol Hapke for officiating and extends invitations to exhibitors everywhere to jo us in July for our Summer Specialty. The show will be July 13, 1995 Brown Dc Shows followed by the Columbia Pom Club on Friday, July 14, 1995 and 3 all-bre shows Saturday, Sunday, and Monday all at the same site in Brush Prairie, WA.Pom ShoppeQuantity Price Item01................. .2.50......... ....Plaster Pom earrings orange pierced03................. .... 4.00....... ....lAMs Pet Foods Grooming Aprons wpockets red06................. .... 3.00....... ....Dolls wcrocheted dresses toilet tissue white, green, rose white,brown cream, beige, green white17................. .. 25.00....... ....Pedigree Books from Great Elms 141 pages01................. .. 25.00....... ....Prodigy Membership IBM compatible, v. 3.215................. .... 3.00....... ....Note cards and envelopes wPom by Babe 8601................. .... 2.50...........Wooden Pom Rgurine wsmoked mirror14................. .... 5.00............ Small key ring wPom head on white tile11................. .... 6.00....... .....Lucite full Pom figure key ring01................. .... 7.50............ Rubber stamp-full Pom wribbon in mouth52................. .... 5.00....... .....APC membership pens.... 3.00....... .....APC Decals setone large and two smallBess P. Roberts 15802 Letcher Road Brandywine, MD 20613ASHBY-NUTTING PHOTOGRAPHYTom Nutting of Ashby-Nutting Photography will be the official photographer for the 1995 American Pomeranian Specialty in New York.In the event you need to contact him use the following address or phone number239 E. High Street Ballston SpaNew York, NY 12020-3806 518885-1927ArLinchris PomeraniansHome of Best In Show, Best In Specialty Show Multi Group Winning Poms Ch. Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Quality Dogs for Show Pet Fully Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITTI 1011 W. Campbell Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85013-2614 602 265-4946JUc oienosMRS. JULIE R. MORENO"415 583-4973 By Appointment, Please\Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Club Newsby Diana DowneySince it has been a while since I last reported to you, let me waste few words ii bringing you up to date on what the PCGB has been doing in 1994.1994-95 Club OfficersPresident.................................................................................Vice President........................................................................Recording Secretary..............................................................Corresponding Secretary......................................................10057 Whitworth Way Ellicott City, MD 21043Membership Secretary..........................................................3314 Delpha Court Baltimore, MD 21234Treasurer................................................................................Board of Directors Sue Berney Jackie Rayner Bess Roberts"POP" Subscriptions.........................................................................Barbara Mehalick622 General Weedon Drive West Chester, PA 19382-8151Breed Rescue............................................................................................Diana Downey10160 James Madison Hwy.Bealeton, VA 22712-9723 703 439-0368.........Rose Keller.Dianne Johnson.........Judy Green... Lynn Galloway......Betty Corbin....Chip Galloway1994 PCGB Specialty ResultsCarroll KC, Westminster, MD 101794SweepstakesJudge William MillerPuppy Dogs 6-9 3Dimondes Flynn Fire Crown............................................................Diana M. DowneyPuppy Dogs 9-12 4Jan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy......................................................................Sharon HansonJunior Dog 12-18 1Razzle Dazzle Pops Music.................................................Judith and William GreenPuppy Bitch 6-9 3Emcees Jackies Esther Bee...............................................Morris and Betty CarsonPuppy Bitch 9-12 2Great Elms Wee Babee Schnooks.............Donna Lynn Wright and Dolores WattsBest in Sweeps Great Elms Wee Babee Schnooks Best Opposite in Sweeps Jan-Shars Mr. Nice GuyRegular ClassesJudge Arlene F. Benko3uppy Dog 6-9 4SWood Bricor Reginas Plan..............................................Regina and Robert Nunn3uppy Dogs 9-12 4Jan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy......................................................................Sharon Hanson3red-by-Exhibitor Dogs 2Razzle Dazzle Pops Music.................................................Judith and William GreenDpen ROCS Dogs 2Emcees Gran Dorito Chips.................................................Morris and Betty CarsonWinners Dog 3 points SWood Bricor Reginas Plan Reserve Jan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy3uppy Bitch 6-9 5Emcees Jackies Esther Bee............................................... Morris and Betty Carson3uppy Bitch 9-12 3Woods Dr. Bunny of Emcee...............................................Morris and Betty CarsonJunior Bitch 1Silverwoods Jams In A Pickle............................................................Bess P. RobertsBred-by-Exhibitor Bitch3Tru-Keps Shadey Lady.....................................................Irvin and Trudy KeplingerDpen BBB Bitch 1Mar-Vics Chocolate Cookbook............................................................... Mary Vickerspen ROCS Bitch 2Woods Little Essence of Tiger.....................................Karen and Frank VillacampaOpen AOAC Bitch 1Wynmors Black N Tan Beauty...........................................................Roberta PadolinWinners Bitch 4 points Emcees Jackies Esther Bee Reserve Woods Little Essence of TigerVeteran Dog 1Cassio Pinto Little Big Man........................................... Katherine and Burke VaudoBest of Breed 4-1 SWood Bricor Reginas Plan BOW 5 pointsBest Opposite Emcees Jackies Esther Bee 5 pointsCongratulations to all the winners and thank you to our two wonderful judges.1994 PCGB Breed RescueFor the year, 42 dogs were rescued and 36 were placed. 32 arrived at one time on August 8, 1994.1995 APC National Summer Specialty 1995 PCGB SpecialtyIn September, the PCGB will be hosting the APC National Specialty Summer show preceded by its own annual specialty. The events will be held at the Francis Scott Key Holiday Inn in Frederick, MD. Mrs. Dianne Johnson will be our Show Chairperson and our theme will be circus. Start collecting those ruffled collars and big red noses but leave the elephants at home pleaseThe PCGB and APC Sweepstakes will be held on Monday, 94 Labor Day. The APC Sweepstakes Judge will be Mr. Frank Wolaniuk and the PCGB Sweepstakes judge willbe Mrs. Melissa DaMenburg. On Tuesday, 95, Mrs. Jane Forsyth breed and Mr. Ed Gillespie obedience will be judging the 5th annual PCGB Specialty and Obedience Trial. On Wednesday, 96 the APC National Summer Specialty and Obedience Trial will be held with Mr. Dana Plonkey judging breed and Mr. Ken Nagler judging obedience. All pending AKC approval of course.Prior to the specialties, the T.O.B.I. All-Breeds AKC, UKC, ARBA Matches will be held on 92 and 93 at the Howard County Fairgrounds in W. Friendship, MD. The T.O.B.I. matches are only 15 minutes from our show headquarters so we hope that you will plan to attend these prestigious events as well. For those of you who are not familiar with T.O.B.I., it is the closest event to an international dog show that you will probably ever attend in the USA. Dogs of ALL pure-bred registries are allowed to compete in breed and obedience. Many of what we call "rare breeds" hold their specialties at the Saturday match. Wait till you see the Toy Xoloitzcuintli-and the Mikis youll want tc take one home UKC also holds several championship shows in conjunction with T.O.B.I.When Sue Bemeys "Charm went Saturday BPIM at T.O.B.I. in 1992, she had bested 1500 entries. When my "Flynn" won 1994 BPIM breed and group under AKCSKC judge Patricia Neugarth Black and BPIM under AKC judge Ed Sledzik I was told thal he had beaten 1700 entries The Chesapeake Bay Retriever bitch that won the sporting group on Sunday, went on to become the youngest CBR to finish her championship it the history of the breed 6 months and two weeks old with multi BOB and group placements. So you can see, these events are not to be missed-the competition is excellent and the judges are actually accreditedThe city of Frederick is also celebrating its 250th anniversary this year and is planning many special events which Im sure youll want to attend. For more information, contact the Frederick County Tourism Council at 1-800-999-3613. We are planning many othei activities for your pleasure and enjoyment during the specialties, but youll learn more about those when you receive your premium lists. Also, dont forget that well expect tc see all of you back here again when we host the APC National Summer Specialty in the year 2000. Wait till you see what weve got planned for thatSee you in SeptemberrVkBESTOF OPPOSITE SEX, SWEEPSTAKES SPECIALTY I3f^- .__ rBest in Sweeps PCGB Great Elms Wee Babee SchnooksBest Opposite in Sweeps PCGB Jan-Shars Mr. Nice GuyVIDEO REVIEWLois MorkasselBest Foot Forward. A Video Guideto Successful Obedience Handlingby Barbara HandlerThis is a great video for novice handlers and exhibitors, although it might be even clearer with the book which I dont have.The tape runs about an hour and covers what to expect when going to a show or match. The setting in the video is outdoors.This is an educational tape, NOT a training tape. It shows what equipment, collars and leashes, are acceptable and not acceptable in the AKC show ring. Best Foot Forward talks about the premium list and which classes to enter. It makes the distinction between Novice A and Novice B very clear. It also goes over the difference in the A and B classes in Open and Utility. The information a judging schedule gives is discussed.Barbara Handler addresses the difference between sanctioned and non-sanctioned matches. She makes suggestions about appropriate attire for the handler.Proofing suggestions are given to use during training sessions to get the dog ready to show. There is no description given of how to implement these suggestions. Not a training tape-remember.Barbara makes suggestions about how early to arrive at the show site, where to set up, and where to pick up arm bands. She suggests the exhibitor watch the team neing judged in the ring to know where to move to start each new exercise.Barbara discusses what a warm-up exercise is, when to do it, and what is lermitted under AKC rules.She talks about when the dogs name an be used with a command and how to jse it. There is a good point made about iow too much of a pause between thedogs name and command can be considered a double command.A very important section is the discussion on the terms "non-qualifying," "disqualifying," and "excused" and what they mean.COMMON handling errors in each novice exercise are mentioned, but the scoring penalty is not. There is also no mention of how to help the exhibitor to train himself not to make handling errors.Barbara describes how the dog can be handled between exercises. A point is made of NO corrections in the ring. She explains the consequences of correcting in the ring.One thing that I find important that wasnt mentioned was when to remove and replace the leash on the dog when entering and exiting the ring. That can cost points and create a dangerous situation for new exhibitors.Barbara explains what a run-off is and how to prepare for it. This is quite often something not explained to a new-comer. She also talks about returning to the ring for scores and ribbons.In the Open level, she shows a dog being measured in and advises to train this as an exercise so the dog is not thrown off balance for the rest of its performance.Barbara points out that the exhibitor has a responsibility to check the jump heights to make sure they are correct before beginning the heeling exercise.The drop on recall exercise is demonstrated using a signal. The option of using a voice command was not mentioned.There was an emphasis placed on the size of the dumbbell being in porportion to the dog.Again, suggestions are made about areas to proof for in the Open ring.I must applaud the emphasis placed onthe possibility that a dogs reluctance to jump may be due to physical reasons. There is strong encouragement to have the dog checked for structural and eye problems before proceeding.Each Utility exercise is covered, including the moving stand.At the end of the tape, Barbara demonstrates a "good performance" with her Golden in the Open exercises.I think this is a good tape if the exhibitor has never shown a dog at an AKC event. It would be more educational if an experienced exhibitor could watch with the novice exhibitor and make additional comments on things that are shown, but not verbally pointed out. Some things can be quite subtle for a novice exhibitor. When the retrieve on the flat and retrieve over the high jump are shown, Barbara held her left hand at her waist when she throws the dumbbell. When the dog leaves on command, she immediately drops her hand to her side to meet the requirement that the hands hang naturally at her sides. This would be pretty subtle for a novice exhibitor to pick up on.Overall, Best Foot Forward should be in every training facilitys collection to help new exhibitors get ready for showing. For those of us "old timers," it can be hard to remember all the things we take for granted, such as filling out entry forms. This tape can help the novice exhibitor to learn the questions they need to aske to "survive" being new in our sport. Just remember, the common handling errors are mentioned. There are many more possibilities beyond the ones shown.Best Foot Forward by Barbara Handler is available from Dane Hansen Productions, P.O. Box 18163, Boulder, CO 80308.Call 800-546-8871 to order. 29.99 plus 4.00 shipping and handling.ERS. fQBest of Breed PCGB at 6 months of age SWood Bricor Reginas PlanDelegates MeetingDecember 13,1994 by Sam Zaneoff, DelegateJim Smith, Board Chairman, announced the Bob Maxwell will be retiring in March, and Bob Maxwell spoke about Terry Stacey who has retired.Jim Smith announced that the Board authorized the establishment of the AKC "Canine Health Foundation" with an initial endowment of one million dollars. Contributions will be tax deductible, and the emphasis will be on genetic research.The following rule changes were read and will be voted on in March 1 eliminate champions from the open class, and 2 should a judge have a 5 hour assignment, 45 minutes must be allowed for lunch or rest.Proposed by law amendment being considered to reduce meeting by delegates to two a year instead of the existing 4. No vote scheduled.Discipline at EventsBoard members William Bergum and David C. Merriam reported on newContinued on page 47Lenette PomsWe offer for your consideration the followingTwo show prospect females, One larger brood prospect, One show prospect male... All of these puppies are sired byCh. Great Elms Little TigerrK.Puppies available sired by Ch. Apples Traveling Rebel of GE, a full brother to Prince Charming. One litter due by Ch. Millamors Dance of Sourwood. One litter due by Ch. Apples Traveling Rambler. We are a very small kennel please write or call for price listLENETTE POMS 1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081 704 938-2042National Breed Rescueby Diana DowneyRecently, Dolly Trauner was kind enough to let me volunteer to be the APCs National Breed Rescue Coordinator. To compile a list of all of those who are compassionate enough to "rescue" the more unfortunate members of our breed and so I dont sound like a total idiot when people call me via the AKCs 1-900-407-PUPS number I need your help. If you are a rescue person, please contact me. My address is 1016 James Madison Hwy Bealeton, VA 22712-9723 and my phone number is703 439-0368. Once compiled, this list will be passed along to the folks at Project B.R.E.E.D. as well as for inclusion in their national directory.Please let me know which area of the country you cover and how you can be contacted. Also, please tell me whether you represent a local club or if you are an independent rescue. If possible, also send me a copy of your guidelines andor adoption contract.If you, or your club is considering starting a rescue, and I can be of any help, feel free to get in touch.procedures adopted by the Board for the handling of Disciplinary Actions taken by Event Committees in connection with misconduct at events. These procedures are to take effect January 1, 1995. ProceduresMr. Merriam gave a summary of how suspensions by Event Committees and appeals have been handled in the past and explained how and why new procedures were developed. The goal is, and has been, to develop a system with specific guidelines providing for a speedy resolution.Under AKC Rules, an individual, if found guilty of misconduct, is suspended from all AKC privileges immediately. Presently, an appeal to such a decision must be heard by the Board of Directors, which could delay the resolution up to 45 days.The AKC disciplinary system still must rely on the impartiality and fairness of the Event Committee members. Once a decision is reached to suspend and individual, the new procedures provide for greater certainty, uniformity, and speed. The appeal process is as follows The request must be received by AKC within seven days of the hearing. A staff committee reviews the report within two business days of receipt and reverses or upholds the decision. If the latter, a penalty is imposed. Either the Event Committee or accused may request reconsideration within 30 days. The Event Committee may only request reconsideration of a reversal, while the accused may ask for reconsideration of the decision or penalty. Either party may appeal to a Board Committee within 30 days after a reconsideration decision. The Event Committee may again only appeal a reversal of its decision and not a penalty. The decision of the Board Committee will be final. The current provisions for a stay of the conditions of suspension have not been altered. Request for reinstatement, e.g., three years into a five-year suspension will be handled by the Staff Committee.Mr. Merriam emphasized that while better, the system is not perfect, and thatthe Board continues to review means by which it may be improved further.The revised Guidelines, which contain these procedures, are in production and will shortly be distributed to all clubs.PenaltiesMr. Bergum gave the background behind the development of the new schedule of penalties, which are printed on the Secretarys Page. He explained that this schedule was prepared to make penalties more consistent and less arbitrary to take mitigated and aggravated circumstances into consideration and to bring the schedule into conformity with penalties actually being imposed.The new schedule allows more flexibility b providing reduced penalties where there are mitigating factors and increased penalties where there are aggravating factors.Mitigated circumstances might include the lack of prior offenses newness to the sport the minimal nature of the offense the recognition of wrongdoing and the recommendation of the Event Committee. Aggravated circumstances might include prior offenses, experience in the sport the seriousness of the offense refusal to acknowledge wrongdoing and the recommendation of the Event Committee.Mr. Bergum reviewed the range of penalties for the various types of infractions and compared the types of penalties that could have been imposed under the old system as opposed to the penalties imposed under the new system. The was done to demonstrate the additional flexibility and fairness now available to AKC in administering the disciplinary system.Chairmans CommentsJames W. Smith, Board Chairman, made a report and then answered questions.A majority of the comments and questions involved the recent Time magazine article on purebred dogs and the AKCs response to it. Suggestions were made involving things like providing camera-ready advertising copy to clubs, organizing letter-writing campaigns, andfJ-Sir-r.A X 'LIDupres Sparkling Gold Joypres Sparkling Gold Bijou x Ch. Dupres Sparkling Gold PGulfiusing public relations consultants to develop a strategic plan. Mr. Smith assured the delegates that all of the measures suggested were under consideration. He did point out that advertising in the national media was not inexpensive and that this did place some constraints on the form that the AKCs response took. He also emphasized the need for clubs throughout the country to deal with the problem at the local level.There were a number of comments on the need for AKC and the sport to improve the publics perception, through such measures as establishing a special registration for dogs with genetic faults and taking stronger action when deplorable conditions are found in kennels. Mr. Smith assured the delegates that such measures were under active consideration.A complaint was made that AKC does not back up the breeder in upholding limited registrations, and a specific case was cited. This was being followed up by staff and the delegates were assured that the Boards intent in recommending adoption of the limited registration was to support the conscientious breeder.There was a comment on the need to do something to address the problems inherent in co-ownerships. The feeling was expressed that the AKC should either be willing to arbitrate disputes between co-owners and co-breeders or should eliminate these arrangements. Mr. Smith explained that most disputes between co-owners involved legal contractual issues over which the AKC had no jurisdiction. He did indicate that the question of co-ownership was currently being studied.Back Issues AdvertisersMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan 75......Oct 77....... May 79......Aprilo008.00 eachJul 77... ...Feb80... ...Jul 81.... .....Oct 83Apr 86.....Jan80.... ... Jan906.00 eachJul 80......Oct 80.......Apr 82... ....Oct 82Jan 83.......Jul 83.......Apr84... ....Oct 84Jan 85......Apr 85... ...Jul 85.... ....Oct 85Jul 86......Sept 86......Nov86... .....Jul 87Oct87.. ...Jan88.... ....Jul 88........Jan 89Apr 89......Jul90.... ... Oct 90........Jan 91Mar91. .. May 91.......Jul 91Issues from September on....The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.KENNEL VISITSApril...Robert and Jeanne Blank Absolute PomsMary Allan.......................................................... 3Ashby-Nutting Photographers.............................4Bay Colony Pom Club.............................................Arlene Benko..................................FC, Inside FtCatherine Breaux and Maria Kneisler.................2Linda Brogoitti............................................... 21, 4June Coy...............................................................2Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr......................................4Jerrie Freia........................................................... 2Cindy Gorrell.......................................................1Delbert and Pam Gault.........................................2Ken Griffith......................................................... 4Sharon Hanson........................................................Noble Inglett........................................................5Diane Kieffer.......................................................5Maria Kneisler........................................Inside BJulie Moreno....................................................5, 4Diana Nolan........................................................2'.Clarice Oganeku..................................................5Pom Shoppe.........................................................4Rosemary Regoni................................................ 2Diana Solano........................................................ 2'Joel Taylor........................................................BCJanice Young..........................................................tFROM THE EDITORTake advantage of the 150 full page inside color.jfljkIf8J4^ BBS^Ll^,WINNERS NEW CHAMPION- i SKOKIE W^ j VALLEY MiKcluL JSs 'SATURDAY Ill^aWal4,iLaJ4 A - ^ftCh. Jan-Shars Bad Bad Leroy BrownAt just a year old "Lee" finished his championship with a major under respected Judge Ed Jenner. He is now getting ready for his Specials career and will be shown this year.Mahalo to our favorite handler and friend, Nadine Hersil, for a great job done and wish both of you the best in the coming yearYvette and Clarice Oganeku 45-232 Lillpuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744Woodrose 806235-8142 Fax 808 247-4967Science Diet FedPOMERANIANSpresents"HANK"-M-z' 4lBISS CH. JEEECS BERN TC BCCGIESpecial thanks to Judge Dorothy Nicies for the BOB win. Thank you, everyone, for responding to my last advertisement.Congratulations to Maria Kneisler on her Kennel Visit.BREEDERHANDLER Jerry and Betsy Owens 32510 8th Avenue South A Roy, WA 90580 206843-1365PROUD OWNER Noble Inglett 20908 Abalar Street Woodland Hills, CA 91364 818 313-9813 Ch. Heartlands Special Treasure"Skipper"Moms Pride and JoyBIS Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Wee Hearts High SocietySecial thank yous to judges Ed Jenner and Leslie Hiltz for his Best of Breed wins and to Neoma Eberhardt for his gyoup placement, also for appreciating his "special" qualities.Thanks and appreciation also go to my friends Sue Malek and Brenda Segelken for their expert handling of himConfabulations to Skipper s son, Heartlands Treasured Son, on his BOW from the puppy class at the Chicago Ouster and to his proud owner, Donna Riehm.Dianne Kieffer 812 623-2290 im m m nr Kmtrsr1aWfl v fl.-1 ^ iV4 " , , 4y I' '..., vtU 4 'Wfc vCh. Kneislers Secret TraditionSarah, a move-up from the 6-9 class, took BOS at the APC Summer Specialty this fall. Thank you Ken Miller for this win. We have several show quality puppies available to the proper homes.We feed Science DietBREEDEROWNERHANDLER Maria KnetelerttlSI S. Darlington AveTulea, OK 74137 918 49CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCKThe 1 POM IN THE U.S.A.Breeders Co-Owners Cheryl A. Jackson and Joel Taylor 205 328-6603 HandlerCo-Owner Nina Work419 221-0046