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The Pomeranian Review April 1995

VAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Iff ftomprantan SfirimPublished Bi-Monthly April May, 1995i41HAWAIIAN KENNEL CLUBiPHOTOS TODAY916 9885610ALDENS CAJUN SPICE O WOODROSEAlfred and Barbra BoehmerPresentStarlite Moonman ina -aPLACING 9-12 MONTHSnational specialtyAMERICANpomeranianclub fOJFEB. 11-12.1995rrA.N PRODUCTIONSTOM NUTTING 25"Sammie," our first Pom sired by Starfires Altar Boy and out of Silverwoods Strutting Ashley is a 4 12 pound, sound, typy bundle of showmanship. He is pictured placing at the National Specialty show in a large 9 to 12 month class under respected judge Michelle Billings.The following weekend, he went Best of Breed under Mr. Tom Baldwin. Watch for Sammie in the near futureOWNERSAl and Barbara Boehmer 3348 3rd Street Oceanside, NY 11572BREEDERBess P. Roberts 15802 Letcher Road Brandywine, MD 20613-cJake again wants to congratulate his four kids that finished in 94 as well as four that have already finished in 95.Ch. Kneislers Nickis Tradition Ch. Chas-T-Dees Peppermint Patty Ch. Chas-T-Dees Born To Show Ch. Valhallas Rock N Roll of OakridgeCongratulations to Maria Kneisler sorry Im late Maria and to Jeanne and Robert Blank ontheir Kennel Visits.Nina K. Epps Route 5, Box 150Nixa, MO 65714 417725-5658Contents...Presidents Message Dolly Trauner.....................7Secretary Bev Henry.............................................8Annual Meeting Bev Henry..................................9Membership Report Jerrie Freia.......................11Performance News Lois Morkassel...................13Helpful Hints Margaret McKee.........................18Canals Run Through It Melissa Dahlenburg .20New York, New York Jean Schroll....................21Specialty Report Bev Henry...............................22VIP Awards Judy Shearer.................................25Entry Comparison Bev Henry...........................27Survey of Quality Control.....................................29Top Show Dogs Diana Downey..........................31Central Carolina Pom Club Dot Martin...........32Kennel Visit Jeanne Blank.................................51Top Poms List Jean Schroll................................56Ursulas Canine Kitchen Ursula Taylor...........57Puget Sound Pom Club Janell Reich.................60Animal Recovery Program...................................63Behind the New Titlists..........................................64Its a Stealie Man Julie Clemens........................65Yips Yaps............................................................66NOTICEThe Pomeranian Review is sent to Judges. Featuring your winning dogs in the National magazine will pay offBeginning with the next issue, we expect to have VISA card services for those who wish to use them.KENNEL VISITJune...Dianne Johnson Silva LadeCover StoryAldens Cajun Spice O Woodrose"Spice," just one week out of quarantine, wins a 5-point major under respected judge Mrs. Anne Rogers Clark from the puppy class. Spice is sired by Ch. Aldens Rudy Valentino and out of Aldens Miss Kissey. He is only nine months old. Watch for him with his handlerowner Yvette. They make a great team.Mahalo goes to his breeders, A1 and Janet, for allowing us to have him, and to Nadine for introducing us to these wonderful people.Mahalo again for our two new puppies, Brass and Kopper. You will be hearing about them when they get out of quarantine. We are so-o excited to have these poms and hope they will make you happy-A1 and Janet.Ch. Jan-Shars Bad Bad Leroy Brown, at just over a year, was BISS at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines under judge Mr. Richard Miller. He was shown, as usual, by Nadine Hersil.NOTICEWe now have a FAX. The number is806 257-3760Business Card contracts are available at 50.00 for 6 insertions. Take advantage of this low rate.NTN ftommttum Srotauof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Officers of the ClubPresident..........................................................................................................................Dolly B. TraunerFirst Vice-President..........................................................................................................James ShearerSecond Vice-President.....................................................................................................Charlotte CreedRecording Secretary........................................................................................................Beverly HenryCorresponding Secretary.......................................................................................................Tim GoddardRt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570-0540Treasurer..........................................................................................................................Al WillliamsonPOB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207AKC Delegate.......................................................................................................................Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsMary Allan Jeanne Blank Linda Brogoitti Sharon Masnick Margaret R. McKee Frances StollPomeranian ReviewEditor.................................................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX 79031 Phone 806257-3817 FAX 806257-3760Business Manager.............................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................................................................................Brenda K. HuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues.....................................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380 Subscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription.............................30.00Foreign...................................................45.00First Class...............................................35.00Single Copy..............................................6.00Full Page.................................................65.00Halt Page................................................40.00Quarter Page...........................................20.00Photos each..........................................10.00Front Cover, BW.................................150.00Color.....................................................375.00Back Cover, BAY..................................90.00Color.....................................................250.00Inside FB Cover....................................80.00Color.....................................................195.00Center Spread.......................................160.00Color.....................................................390.00Business Card ........................................10.00Color Stripping on BW page.................15.00Inside Color Page.................................150.00DeadlinesIssue Ad Deadline DateDecJan........................Nov 20........ ... Dec 15FebMarch.....................Jan 20......... ... Feb 15AprMay........................Mar 20....... ....Apr 15JuneJuly.......................May 20..........June 15AugSept......................July 20...........Aug 15OctNov......................Sept 20.............Oct 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all Coverszzmznao................... i ii tr mi m UZIlllfl^pWrW 0 I1fHyjguyLn,y xx^A A 1b^l 1T n-1s w mJ ...... iJt4 I --1 LA40I P l j JPm,\Ravens Pomeranianssendcongratulations to Jeanne Blank on her Kennel VisitLouise and Norman Crowe 25601 Haskell Taylor, Ml 48180 313291-5747IP JTkJTkJL.ntipJL df I ^H W 4 W d ' yf Vf's' w 4 w o 4 Vs V V 4i in . JigiMBHflll "....Sai7CL u y.. '\ r^y Ms xm.mWftvArAv,Congratulationsto our friend, Jeanne Blank, on her well-deserved Kennel Visitms-Aif'' As5sm\ Jim and Judy Shearer and theCRYSTAL POMSv. V523 Miller Avenue Sugarcreek, OH 44681 216852-4136American Pomeranian uiuo 3Morenos proudly introduces...2wrMorenos Dandi Lioness BambooCh. Morenos Dandi Lion x Morenos Honeysuckle RoseBamboo, in her first show, won Best of Breed under Judge Frank Sabella at the prestigious Golden Gate Kennel Club. In her second show at Santa Clara, she won her first major under Judge Mr. Joe C. Walton.She was breederownerhandled by Julie Moreno. Co-owner is Alice Lessard. Our special thanks go to Vonnie and Alice for all of their help in training.Congratulations to Jeanne and Robert Blank on their Kennel VisitOur belief is that quality is the result of intelligent effort....We feed and recommend Science DietMORENO'S415583-4973After 10 a.m. our time, please. By appointment only.PMERANIANSThank you,Jeanne and Robert, forsharing your successful breeding program with meThank you for the fun times at theNational Specialties.Absolutes Little Miss Mage followed me home from New York and is my latest puff of lovel-Marge Kranzfelder- 415572-0149Presidents Messageby Dolly B. TraunerFax 415-567-2250Weve rolled up our sleeves and gone back to work As more of our members become involved with various aspects of the club, the need to communicate is expanding. If you have Fax capability, please make a note to Jerrie Freia to add "Fax" under your home\work phone in the Roster. If you wish to have it known that you are doing Pom Rescue, please let Jerrie know so an "R" can be added under your kennel name in the Roster. You should also give this information to Diana Downey, APC National Rescue Coordinator 10106 James Madison Hwy. Bealeton, VA 22712-9723 phone 703 439-2239.Deadline for members to be listed in the Roster was March 1st Those of you who have not paid your dues by that date will not be listed. In addition, the Board made it a Standing Rule to add 5.00 for late dues, to cover the extra cost of book work.A grant of 3,000 was voted for the purpose of financing a two-month research and study this fall by Dr. Carol Foil of Louisiana State University. She is the board-certified veterinary dermatologist who gave the talk on "black skin" disease at the La Cajun Pom Club in October. This study will be undertaken in conjunction with Dr. Clinton D. Lothrop at Auburn University, board-certified dermatologist who is also a geneticist and a microbiologist. The purpose of this study is to try to better define the disease entity, and better establish its exact mode of inheritance. At present, a number of conditions resulting in hair loss mimic one another these include hypothytoidism, contact dermatitis, ring worm demodectic mange, other infections of the skin, and Cushings Disease, as well as "Black Skin." Until a disease can be defined and reliably diagnosed for what it is--and until its mode of inheritance can be reliably established, an open registry, such as the Institute for Genetic Disease Control GDC is not an option for control or abatement of the problem. The GDC had already explained that to me when I contacted them last year.There are no quick fixes available Anj solution to the Black Skin problem is going to take time, and is going to cost money foi research-perhaps a lot of money So be prepared to make your contributions to these costs when they are called for.The entire club must surely join me ir appreciation for the hard work anc dedication of those members of the Board and Chairmen of the many committees who have mainly been responsible for the smootl running of our club during the past twc years.We are grateful to Emily Untalan, as lsi Vice President, for the fresh viewpoint she often contributed to our deliberations. She did not run again, and we shall miss her.As one of only two men on the Board, Jim Shearer lent the value of his business acumen to aid the healthy growth of the Pom Review and the Treasury. Thant goodness we can continue to receive his help now in his new role as 1st Via President.Special thanks to Beverly Henry as Recording Secretary. She has done meticulous job each month of preparing and mailing out the agenda which forms the basis of the Boards business we should bless our stars that Bev has agreed tc shoulder this job for the new Board.Thanks to Fran Stoll, who as Corresponding Secretary, kept the river oi correspondence flowing smoothly between APC and the rest of the world. We will miss her in that capacity, but she will still bt giving us the benefit of her wisdom as a Director on the current Board.A1 Williamson, a.k.a. Mr. Moneybags has kept us well informed every month oi just where we stand financially. It takes a certain kind of person to get excited enough about lists of figures to want to keep working with them. Thank heaven for such a person, and we all owe a big thank-you tc him.We continue to owe thanks to Sam Zaneoff for his faithful attendance as oui Delegate at all AKC gatherings. As out representative "at court" he has regularly consulted our Board on how we wish him to cast our vote in the deliberations of the Delegates body.Brenda Segelken has begged off after four years of answering the AKC 900-Puppy Referral number. It was a very important job, but not one that was readily apparent to our members. It was well-served by Brenda, and she is due warm thanks from all of us.A very special thanks is due Jerrie Freia for the nearly four years she has served as Membership Chairman, and for her ready willingness to continue in this demanding position. The job entails much more than simply getting out the Roster once a year it is a nearly monthly job of processing the membership applications reaching us through Jerrie. She is the liaison between the applicants and the Board. It requires bookkeeping to account for the money received, tact in dealing with the applicants questions, and special skills in decoding the sometimes esoteric handwriting on application forms Thank you so much, Jerrie, for your careful and always reliable work.Olga, what can we say As the "voice" of APC to the public, via the pages of the Gazette, you continually give to the world a picture of our best foot forward. As a one-time columnist myself, I know that it gets difficult to continually come up with new and engaging materials as you have so magically been able to do. You are a fixture we would be loath to lose bless you for consenting to keep up the good work.Without a Circulation Manager,...well, without one I dont even want to think what we would do And to have one with the dedication and expertise of Brenda Hutton is to be assured of a smooth operation of an essential part of publishing a national magazine More recently, Brenda has shown a special talent with her computer she plays on that machine like an artist at a Wurlitzer organ, whipping out lists of new and defunct subscribers by states, in alphabetical order by zip codes by members versus non-members-just name it, youve got it She recently got scanning facility and will be creating the letterheads for all new members of the Board. And to think she is willing to take all this on for another two years just plain "makes our day" Thank you a whole heap, Brenda.It isnt for lack of appreciation that I failto name here the many other Chairmen and helpers who have given their time and talents to the functioning of this club. Your contributions have been noted, and are deeply appreciated. Its just that Dudley will run out of room if I list every one who deserves it Recording Secretary Annual Reportby Beveriy M. HenryThe majority of our work in 1994 involved the revision of the By-Laws, unfortunately prolonged and complicated by motions to correct spelling andor grammar. The final version will be sent to AKC shortly, when the three items they asked for re-wording on are finalized and sent back to them. You will then be asked to vote on it again.Our club is healthy and growing-34 new members were approved.An important item we approved is that all licensed Pomeranian clubs are being asked to send a copy of their slate of officers along with a membership list to the Corresponding Secretary immediately following their annual meeting each year. Wanda Roach has been appointed regional Member Club liaison to try to develop a better relationship with these clubs. Non-licensed clubs are asked to send the same information.The Pom Review has a new printer and judging from the last two issues they are going to do a spectacular job for us.This was also a year of unrest. Perhaps because it was an election year. A lot of accusations were made, most of them either undue, misinterpreted or massaged into something faintly resembling the facts, such as the fuss about who actually mailed the ballot for the By-Laws revision. I would like to quote by permission a note Fran Stoll wrote to the Board, for inclusion in a recent agenda"Thank goodness for the opportunity to delegate In this world of much busyness,Ifind that I must delegate more and more at home, on the job, and even with my hobby. As some of you know, this past year I had the opportunity for a job promotion but with that promotion came the stipulation that I study for my Masters Degree. I accepted the opportunity and enrolled in school, realizing that I had one more year in my term as Corresponding Secretary. This past year has been very hectic but with the assistance of many friends, I have survived and am very grateful to all. Since the Constitution and By-Laws revision and Ballot were ready to be mealed out at the same time that the Nominating Committees slate was to be sent, I was very grateful for assistance. Yes, I realize now that it would have been smarter to put the ballot on my letterhead and stamped my return address on the envelope then, no one would know who actually stuffed and mailed the envelopes. What really is the issue Is it that the job was done incorrectly or is it something more personal As Margaret states, if this is unconstitutional, then the dues mailing and roster mailing are also unconstitutional yet these mailings are not being questioned. I am very committed to honestly and correctly complete the duties of my office. Please, lets remember what really is the business of this board and the objects of our club and put personal issues aside then, we are really promoting our wonderful breed and this club"Not much can be added to what Fran says other than the facts which axea. As a working member of the committee, Dolly already had the By-Laws on her computer.b. A1 Williamson has a printer with prices none of us can even come close to.c. The revised By-Laws and ballot were sent out to the membership in a manner which was a "good business practice" and created hardship on no one.I think you all have elected an excellent group of officers to run your club for the next two years. They are listed elsewhere in this issue, so I am not going to list them here. Annual MeetingFebruary 11,1995 MINUTESby Beverly M. HenryThe meeting was called to order b President Trauner at 730 pm. Th following members were present Pamel Yongen, Warren Yongen, Judy Sheare Valerie Landers, Julie Moreno, Jerrie Frei Mary Vickers, Jane Lehtinen, Lind Brogoitti, Diana Downey, Meliss Dahlenburg, Christine Caplan, Marsh Hartman, Joyce Dembinsky Tyler, Jir Rayner, Jackie Rayner, Rose Keller, Jud Green, Suzanne Bemey, Tony Tellez, Su Goddard, Olga Baker, Darrell Baker, Dane Stoll, Jim Hattori, Jeanne Blank, Robei Blank, Jean Schroll, Joyce Urban, Donn Machniak, Donna Megenhardt, Richar Megenhardt, Carol Galavich, Margare McKee, Fran Stoll, Dolly Trauner, Be verb Henry, A1 Williamson, Jim Shearer, anc Tim Goddard. Visitors were Barbar Moore, Pat Miller, Thelma Dunn, Jud Mehciz, Lael Ellis, and Matthew Heindl. Ii was determined there was a quorum.Dolly introduced the old Board, then the new Board. She also announced that Sam Zaneoff will again be our AKC Delegate. Diana Downey will be Rescue Contact.The ByLaws are being worked on and should be concluded by the end of the Board meeting tonight.Judy Shearer will continue as Awards Chairperson.Renee McGrath will be Health and Genetic contact.Wanda Roach will be Regional Clubs contact.Jerrie will continue as Membership Chairperson.Margaret McKee will be Obedience contact.Public Relations will be combined with hiblic Education ContactOlga Baker will continue as AKC Gazette olumnist. Anyone who wants to be a guest olumnist is encouraged to contact Olga.Bess Roberts will continue as keeper of he Pom Shoppe.Brenda Hutton continues as Circulation Manager.Marie Carlough continues as Business Manager.Minutes were deferred. A copy is at the head table if anyone wants to read them.Treasurers Report A1 said that Total Receipts for 1994 were 55,702.57. Total Expenditures were 45,980.15, so we made a total of 9,722.42. He reported a balance of 30,927.33 at the end of December, 1994 and a balance of 38,105.01 at the end of January, 1995. He commented that that balance will not stay there when he finishes paying bills for this show.Dolly announced that the Pom Review has reduced rates for exhibitors at this show. You can get a 15.00 discount on a black and white page or a free color stripping. Best in Show gets a free full page black and white, or 50 off full color full page ad.Corresponding Secretarys report She signed approvals for Pomeranian Clubs to hold 22 specialty shows wrote 22 letters to clubs, members, AKC officials, and other requesting information as directed by the Board received and tallied 152 ballots for the 1995 and 1996 APC Sweepstakes judges and the 1996 Regular classes judge received and tallied 239 ballots for the APC 1995-96 election mailed ballots for the APC Specialty Sweepstakes judge and Regular classes judge and 1995-96 election to all APC members received and tallied 123 ballots for approval of the Revised Constitution and ByLaws sent Information Booklets andor lists of breeders in response to 355 requests for informationforwarded Public Education Information, Judges Education information, changes of address and subscription requests to appropriate chairpersons and received 147 pieces of mail from vendors, members, AKC, etc. the contents of which were reported monthly to Board Members.Dolly said that the Information Booklet has really caught on. It is wonderful for puppy buyers or club events. Contact A1 Williamson for copies.Committee ReportsNational Rescue Coordinator, Diana Downey-she thanked Dolly for letting her volunteer for this job. She has compiled a list of known to her people who have ever handled rescue work. She asked everyone to take a look at her list and see if she has the right names so she doesnt send callers to the wrong person.Charlotte Creed has agreed to take on the role of Standard Revision Committee, assisted by Linda Brogoitti, Lorinda Vasuta, Sharon Masnick, and possibly Jackie Stacy. All have been contacted except Jackie, and it is hoped she will be at the show tomorrow. If she is not willing or able to accept the position, Estelle McDonald is the alternate. The breed standard committee will be instructed to report to the Board on a regular basis-at least every two months. Several years have been wasted on this project.Show Chairman Report -Jean Schroll-Everything is going pretty well. Everyone seems pleased with the trophies. Entry is 130 dogs, 213 entries.Membership Committee-Jerrie Freia -In process of accepting renewals. If anyone has changed address, please let her know. We have 34 new members this year. There are 47 people who have not paid dues so far.Mary Vickers asked if APC was going to do anything at all about Agility and possibly establishing an award for it. This falls under Margaret McKees Obedience Gazette Columnist-Olga Baker-She welcomes guest columnists just let her know.Dolly said that a video tape of Dr. Carol Foils presentation in New Orleans at the Summer Specialty on the severe hairloss syndrome has been running all day in the hall outside the ballroom. She said she has been in contact with both Dr. Foil and Dr. Renee McGrath, DVM who was Dr. Foils instructor in college to try to develop a plan for research on this problem. The Board has approved a donation amount up to 3,000 to help finance a 2-month sabbatical for Dr. Foil to go to Auburn University to study under Dr. Clint Lothrop who is a Veterinary Dermatologist, and now heavily involved in microbiology research leading to the identification of individual defective genes, primarily interested in diseases of the skin in particular. The mode of inheritance is not really known. That is one of the things we need to settle and it is not known whether Poms are unique as opposed to similar problems of other northern breeds. Dolly has also written to Dr. Hiritzo at AKC who is chairman of the committee established to handle the million dollar fund for canine research. He replied that with time, we may be able to get matching funds for this problem. Diana Downey asked if there wold be interest in submitting pedigrees of rescue dogs that are found to have this problem. Dolly said this has to be worked out yet At present the plan is to have Board Certified Veterinary Dermatologists hand out forms requesting pedigrees to be sent to a central clearing house on dogs diagnosed with the problem. These pedigrees must have validity-they must have black skin disease, not something that mimics it.Unfinished BusinessNone.New BusinessTim Goddard said he would like to thank everyone who attended the New Orleans specialties in October, and to remindeveryone that their second show will be o May 26 in conjunction with the no Orleans specialty clubs in Baton Rougf There will be 3 all-breed shows tht weekend Memorial Day weekend.Judy Green, from the Baltimore Por Club, wanted to remind everyone that the are hosting the Summer Specialty this yes along with their own show. The shows wi be held on September 4, 5, 6 in Frederic MD. The theme is "The Greatest Show O Earth" and the trophies are all handmad and gorgeous.Dolly announced that the Board approve the Phoenix clubs bid to host the 199' Summer Specialty show. They dont kno\ the date yet as they still were in the proces of obtaining a show site, but we will b informed soon.Dolly also said that there had been som rumors that some unnamed young man wa her "yes man so she introduced the "ye man." A puppet with cute sayings Everyone had a good laugh.There being no further business, Warrei Yongen moved to adjourn seconded b Darrell Stoll. Membership Reportby J eerie Freia 1072 A Landry Road Morgan City, LA 70380 504 384-7466Letters other than those from sponsors commenting on applicants whose names have been published in the Review are tc go to Beverly Henry 2025 Sam Houston Carrollton, TIC 75006. She needs them sc that she can convey the contents to the Board members being asked to vote on saic applicants. If they go elsewhere, they ma be delayed and not reach the Board before they are to vote on acceptancerejection.The Board has recently voted to approve a new membership application form. This one incorporates sufficient space for botiponsors to answer the usual questions and idd additional remarks about the applicant. There is no longer any geographical estriction. Replacing actual separate letters rom each of the two sponsors will be their indorsement on the form itself. The new orm is printed on buff paper to distinguish t from all older forms. Copies of the new ipplication form can be obtained from the Membership Chair.New Members for 1995Carmen Blankenship405 N Shady Lane Southlake, TX 76092 817481-6485 FAX 214 259-1684 SponsorsCharlotte Creed Erika MoureauSteve and Jill Cookston 6509 Briarknoll Garland, TX 75043 214 226-2644 SponsorsMildred Patrick Olga BakerBecky Sanbourin 2814 Blackhurst Road Midland, MI 48640 517 832-3408 SponsorsJeanne Blank Marge KranzfelderNeil R. and Sharon Ponte-Carvo2200 N White Avenue Pomona, CA 91768 FAX 909 593-8915 SponsorsSharon Hanson Daniel OntiverosNew ApplicantsFabian Ariente23750 SW 142nd Avenue Miami, FL 33144 305 257-2818SponsorsSam Zaneoff Julie MorenoJose A. Cabrera 23750 SW 142nd Avenue Miami, FT. 33144 305 257-2818 SponsorsSam Zaneoff Mary VickersThelma M. Dunn3400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, MD 21001 410 879-5397 SponsorsLinda Brogoitti Jane LehtinenMathew J. Heindl1500 Bancroft DriveSudbury Ontario, Canada P3B 1R3705 566-7999SponsorsMaritHattori Julie MorenoMary Linger Rt 1, Box 87-R Janelew, WV 26378 304 884-7435 SponsorsSharon Hanson Jeanne BlankBetty R. Wrixon 1904 Nuna Place Honolulu, HI 96821 808 377-5221 SponsorsMarit Hattori Josephine Ching Performance Newsby Lois Morkassel 1412 Second Avenue South Fargo, NO 58103 701 280-1413Its always something, isnt it At a show last fall, a fellow obedience exhibitor passed a warning. She had heard that water dishes attached to crates and ex-pens are vulnerable to someone adding anti-freeze to the water dishes. I havent heard any more about this, but please be aware that there are some very sick people out there.I was thrilled to get a letter from Ann Griffith about the down and sit stay whining problem. The solution she offers is clearly spelled out Better yet, this is a wonderful way to teach the stays in the first place. By training the stays this way, a lot of future problems can be avoided.I especially appreciate the positive way of training or re-training that is stressed.This is in response to the question posed by a reader in your October issue column regarding the dog who was barking and whining during stays. The writer mentioned a number of types of corrections that had been used in an attempt to solve the problem, but noted that they seemed to make the problem worse. As a professional obedience instructor and competition trainer, I have worked with lots of dogs with this problem. The following is a system for solving the problem in a positive way which builds the dogs confidence and will give the trainer confidence that the problem will not suddenly and inexplicably return.Back to the basicsAny time one is having a training problem, a necessary sep is to review the basics. This is sometimes hard to remember to do when a dog has been exhibiting desired behavior for a long time and then suddenly loses the behavior, but it is at that time that the basics become especially importantLearning Law 1The most important rule of training-wha I like to call "Learning Law 1"i something we all know behavior which is reinforced or rewarded will get stronger. II we want to increase the frequency of behavior, we need to reward that behavior In the same vein, if the animal is exhibiting a behavior and continues to exhibit thai behavior, that behavior is being reinforced.When a dog barks or whines during stays it is usually doing so because it wants its owner to return to it and had discovered that making noise causes the owner tc return. Sometimes the dogs motive is lack of confidence, in other cases, it is because of the dogs natural desire to be close to its owner. Rarely, but occasionally, it is because the dog is dominant and gets a kick out of summoning its owner to its side. The dogs motive doesnt really matter. What matters is that the owner needs to reinforce wanted behavior quiet and ignore unwanted behavior noise.Why correction makes it worseIn the case of the noisy dog whose noise level increases with correction, the dog is being reinforced for making noise when the owner returns. The owner feels the dog should understand that when it makes noise and the owner returns to correct the dog, the dog could avoid the correction by being quiet Obviously, the dog in question, and in fact many dogs, simply fail to make the connection. They arent rocket scientists, folks The connection they do make is that when they make noise, the owner returns. What happens after the owner returns doesnt matter to the dog. To people, this is a ludicrous proposition because we make the connection in a heartbeat. A few dogs make the connection, but a lot just dont, or want the owner badly enough that they dont care what happens after the owner gets back.In fact, correcting a dog who is noisy because of insecurity will make the matter worse. Look at it from the dogs point of view "Im frightened when my owner isaway from me, and I feel safe when my owner is near. If I make a lot of noise, my owner returns immediately, but after she gets to me, she corrects me. Now there is no safety anywhere, so to relieve my stress, I need to scream a lot"To go forward, you need to go backwardTo retrain this dog, one needs to firmly fix Learning Law 1 in ones mind, along with the principle that when one has a training problem, one needs to back up to the point where the dog is successful, reinforce that, and then proceed. Depending on how bad the problem is, the owner may need to go all the way back to beginning stay training. Yes, this dog knows how to stay in one place, but it does not know how to do so quietly, which is a central feature of the exercise. Even if it used to know how to stay quietly, it does not know how to do so now.Go back to the point where the dog is quiet while sitting. That may be when the owner is standing beside the dog. Great Reinforce that behavior with praise, treats, and a big release. Then do it again. Repeat until the dog will sit quietly beside you for at least a minute.Proceed slowly-the tortoise wins the raceNow put the dog on a stay, move your right foot forward as if you are going to leave, then immediately return, praise and release. Repeat several times. Then take one step away, immediately return, praise and release. Then take two steps, return, praise and release. Then three, then four, etc. GO SLOW Do not push the dog to the point where it begins to make noise. This process may take days or weeks, depending on the dog. Be patient Remember youll get the behavior you reinforce.OOPSWhat if you go too fast and the dog begins to make noise This is a criticalpoint. If you goof here, youll set your training back a long way. DO NOT RETURN TO THE DOG Do NOT go back and correct the dog. Just stay where you are and wait for the dog to stop making noise. Dont glare at the dog, dont whisper to the dog, dont make any rude gestures, dont give the dog any commands-just stand there as neutrally as possible. Dont even look at the dog. Wait for silence. If that takes an hour, fine. Just wait. When the dog stops making noise, rush to it, praise and release. Now you must go back to the point where the dog was not making noise and reinforce that more before going further.What if you are standing there patiently waiting for the dog to stop making noise and the dog breaks and comes up to you Quietly take it back to where it was, place it in a sit and give it a mild stay correction. This dog is probably insecure, so a big correction will increase its insecurity and make it more likely to be noisy and to break. Now go only to the point where it last succeeded and reinforce that success several times before proceeding.If you proceed too rapidly and get the dog barking or whining when another person is present, you can use an alternate strategy to waiting for quiet. You can ask the other person to quietly release your dog from its stay and put it in its crate. You need to walk away at that point so the dog gets the idea that noise does not get you to return.The three variables of stay trainingWhen training stays, you are confronted with three variables distance, duration, and distraction. To succeed, you need to alter one variable at a time. If you alter more than one variable at a time, the dog will fail. Like I said, theyre not rocket scientistsFor all of the initial training you will train in a familiar, low-key environment to minimize distractions. As you slowly get farther and farther away from the dog, you will naturally be slowly adding time. When you have reached a rings width distance from your dog, you can begin slowly adding time, perhaps in five-second increments. When your dog can sit quietly a rings width away from you for a minute ortwo, you can begin adding distractions-jumping, clapping, squeaking a toy, playing a loud tape--whatever your imagination can dream up.When your dog can handle distractions, you can begin working the dog in unfamiliar locations-BUT-you need to back up in your training. Go half the distance of a ring and return immediately to praise. Go half the distance of a ring and wait 10 seconds, then return. And so on. Break it down to its smallest possible components and train each component before moving to the next level.When your dog can handle a rings width for a minute or two under distractions, begin to overtrain. Make the distance more than a rings width, then add more time, then more time, then duck in and out of sight, and so on. If you are training for Open, youll need to start adding out of sight time slowly, always rewarding quiet and avoiding going beyond the dogs ability.Only when you have successfully overtrained the behavior you want in distracting situations should you start taking your dog to matches. Remember, this dog has had lots of failures at matches. Your goal is to make every match a total success. Start with sub-novice even if your dog has a CDX. Tell the judge you will be rewarding your dog during the stays and do so. When your dog can do a successful sub-novice match stay, go to matches and enter novice, but dont go the whole distance of the ring and do reward during the stays. Gradually add time and distance at matches until your dog can do an entire novice stay at distance. Only when your dog has successfully performed at several matches should you even consider entering a show.The dog achieves its goal-and so do youWhat you are doing by using this method is teaching the dog to achieve its goal, i.e., owners return, by being quiet rather than by being noisy. As with any training exercise, you need to break it down to its smallest possible components and makesure the dog is solid on each component before you move to the next level. Anytime the dog fails, do not correct the dog. Just make sure it doesnt achieve its goal by failing, then back up and solidify the lower level before moving on.The only role for correction in this program is correcting yourself when the dog fails. I often tell my students the proper use of lemon juice is when your dog makes a mistake, squirt it in your own mouth and say, "Bad owner Bad owner"SummaryIn summary you will get the behavior you reinforce. Any behavior you are consistently getting is being reinforced. Dogs learn to succeed by succeeding. It is never a mistake to back up in training, and is essential if you are having a problem. Break every training exercise into its smallest component and train each one. always look for ways to make the dog succeed, rather than look for failure tc correctHow to learn how to train a dog-train a PomPoms will teach you a lot about dog training because they are so clever anc quick to learn. They are also endlessly creative and will throw many differen behaviors at you. If you want a good laugh read the section of Karen Pryors Lads Before the Wind where she describe attempting to train an otter. Its a lot lik training a Pom and explains many of th truly strange things Poms will do to you ii the ring. Having an obedience Pom is unique as well as a uniquely humbling experience. As Linda Gallacher and I oftei say to each other outside the ring, "Oh well, at least we got cute points."Thank you, Ann, for taking the time t write and share your experience. For thos of us who train alone and those who an looking for alternatives to available training methods this sharing o information is invaluable.Does anyone else have training tips to share Dont wait for a specific question. Perhaps in your own training you have come across a problem and worked through it Please share those hints. There are many ways to reach a goal. Something that works well for one person may not work for another. That is why sharing is so important The more options one has for a problem, the more likely a person is to find a solution that they can use.. r.. - 'Can OTCH, U-CDX Kassels Dandelion Down UD, AD, ROM, CGCNew Obedience Titles from the January and February issues of the AKC Awards MagazineUDKassels Dandelion Down UD bitch owned by Lois Morkassel and bred by Betty Jo Mason. The scores come from Utility A 175.5, first 181, first 172.5,2nd and 179.5,2nd.CDXMCs Chocolate Dawn Kaci Bear CDX bitch owned and bred by Martha Chastain. The scores come from Open A 195, 2nd 188.5 197.5, first 191,4th and 193.Ch. Pomirish Chances Dina-Mite CDX bitch owned by Sally Baugniet and Patricia Krause and bred by Sally Baugniet. The scores come from Open B 190.5.UDExmoors Mr. Beau-Regard CD dog owned by Julie Howard and bred by James Hupp and Francis Wright The scores come from Novice A 189, 3rd 192.5, first and 180, firstJeribeth Prisilla CD bitch owned by Tracy Patton and bred by Olga Baker. The scores are from Novice B 181 191.5, 3rd, and 182.5.Sasha Pomeroff CD dog owned by Pat Cummings and bred by Rita McElwee. The scores come from Novice A 172.5 187, first and HIT at the Des Moines Specialty and 171.I get to brag again this issue. Dande amed her AKC Utility Dog title in October. She is now Can OTCH, U-CDX assels Dandelion Down UD, AD, ROM, 7GC. We showed in 19 shows, starting the ast weekend in April and ending in the last veekend in October. She earned her title in 16 shows. We train alone, which explains ur scores and the number of shows. But ve did it We are working on UKCs UD ind will try for UDX legs as long as Dande vants to. She is 11 years old. Didnt omebody say something about teaching ld dogs new tricksTinytales Princess Leia bitch owned by Helene Brossard and bred by Diane McWhinnie. The scores come from Novice B 182.5 186 and 194.Ch. Vals Little Mighty Mouse CD dog owned by Valerie Landers and bred by Pam Gault. The scores come from Novice A 173.Van Hoozers Classical Melody CD bitch owned by Pat Cummings and bred by Velva Van Hoozer. The scores comefrom Novice A 195 182.5, first and Novice B 172.WK Skys the Limit CD dog owned by Patricia Simmons, an ILP dog. Is there a story here The scores come from Novice B 187 183.5 and 180.Congratulations to all the new title holders Few breeders showing obedience. That makes these breederowner titlists very special. KudosIt is wonderful to see ILP Poms earning titles. If anyone knows any of these owners or their stories, please let me know. I think their stories could be fascinating.Just from the little record keeping I have been doing this last year, Poms have been showing at all levels in all parts of the country. The Awards Magazine only lists those who earn qualifying scores, so we dont know how many more Poms may actually be competing out there. For a "non-obedience" breed, our Poms seem to earn a good number of titles.Many Obedience Pom trainers have to get past a prejudice against small dogs. It is helpful to talk to and watch other small and "non-obedience" breeds in the rings. Talking with the handlers can be a great source of encouragement to keep on trying.Exhibitors with Poms and other small dogs have to have a great relationship with their dogs. They have to believe that their Poms can and will work as well as other dogs entered at the shows. Even though the "pre-ring nerves" may be intense, these trainerhandlers have a lot of self-confidence. A lot of this is due to their dogs ability and willingness to work for them. Yes, self-confidence It takes that to enter a showI think many obedience exhibitors show and work for titles because the relationship that is formed with their Poms during training is so special. The training process is an exciting process of communicating. Training and working through problems can be a very satisfying experience.Congratulations to all title holders I hope you find more goals to work toward with your Poms.The first Pomeranian to earn an AK Agility Title is Ra-Joys Dixie Darlii CDX, NA bitch owned by Carol Father and bred by Ann Smith. The scores con from Novice B in the 8" division 100, firs 100, first and 100, first.Congratulations to Carol and Dixie c their Novice Agility Title. What a way i enter the record books All perfect scor and first places in their height division. It great to see a tiny Pom able to compete ar do it with such styleThe AKC Agility Rule Books ai available from the AKC at 5580 Centervie' Drive, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27606-3391 Single copies are free, additional copies ai SI. 00 each.The AKC has 4 agility titles Novic Agility NA, Open Agility OA, Agilit Excellent AX, and Master Agilit Excellent MX. The words "Agility Dog are carefully omitted from the titles becaus USDAA holds a registered trade mark o all their titles in regular and non-regula classes in the USA. "Agility Dog" is distinguishing feature in all the titles. Thi information came from the President Letter column by Kenneth Tatsch in th Dec 1994, "USDAA Dog Agility Report sm.1994 USDAA Titles from the Feb, 199 issue of "USDAA Dog Agility Report' sm.Agility Dog ADI rFoxy 12 division Beverly Taub 32694.Master Agility Dog MAD rCody 12" division Laura Yarbrough 32694Gamblers Master GM smCody 12" division Laura Yarbrough. 111294This is a new title, just available this year. 5 other dogs earned this title-all of them Border ColliesoSnooker Master SM smCody 12" division Laura Yarbrough, 1694Junior Handler-Beginners IHB smScotch, Cassandra Jensen, 42494Congratulations This is the most ompetitive and arduous form of agility for oth the dog and handler, the USDAA style s designed to be a world-class competitive vent. The accuracy and speed which the log and handler teams must accomplish is emarkable. It is great to see Poms sound nough to meet the stiff requirements.The USDAA has offered the Agility Dog AD r, Advanced Agility Dog AAD r ind Master Agility Dog MAD r titles since 1990. In 1994, these non-standard lass titles were added Gamblers Master GM sm, Jumpers Master JM sm, Snooker Master SM sm, and Relay Master RM sm. A Veteran Agility Dog VAD sm is also offered. Junior Handlers an also earn titles with their dogs Junior Handler-Beginners JHB sm, Junior Handler-Elementary JHE sm, Junior Handler-Intermediate JHI sm and the Junior Handler-Senior JHS sm.An Agility Dog Champion ADC sm will be conferred upon a dog who earns the Master Agility Dog title and each of the 4 non-standard class titles demonstrating their mastery of the sport. No dog has earned this title in 1994.Poms earned one AD and one MAD in 1994. From 1990 to 1994, Poms have earned 7 ADs, 2 AADs, and one MAD.Congratulations to Alice Lessard and her Border Collie Rivendells At Whits End CD for their 5th place in Novice at the 1994 Gaines National Dog Obedience Championship in Pasadena, CA, on November 19th and 20th. Alice has fantastic working Poms and must have entered the wrong breed Congratulations on your wonderful teamwork. They onlylost 7 points out of the 600 possible to earn this prestigious placement.Until next time....Theres JOY In Pom-de-monium Helpful Hintsby Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063Okay, folks, lets try this again. If you want to start or renew a subscription, contact the Circulation Manager currently Brenda Hutton. If your magazine is late or didnt come, contact Brenda. If you want extra copies or other back issues, send me a check made out to the American Pomeranian Club. Please be specific about which issues you want. You cant ask for any copies that have Old Yaller in it because I have no master list to tell me that. Id have to research-translation rummaging around in the boxes in my basement and looking through all those old copies, and frankly, I dont get paid that muchQuestion-should we send free replacement copies to people who 1 are late renewing their subscriptions 2 go to their winter homes and dont get their mail forwarded 3 move and forget to notify Brenda of their address changeRemember Ursula Taylors list of phone numbers for suppliers Liz Russsell, of Murphy, Texas, kindly sent these updates. Dogs Weathervanes, 800-635-5262, must not have canine supplies. They were puzzled when I called. The number for Kennel Vet Showroom is 516 783-5400. Thanks, Liz.First AidIve been really surprised to learn that most people dont carry any first aid supplies with them to shows. Everybody should have a first aid kit for both peopleand dogs. I have first aid kits in the car, in my tack box, and in my overnight bag so that basic supplies are nearby at all times. Basics include band-aids, analgesics ibuprofen or aspirin for adults, baby aspirin for dogs, thermometer, antiseptic, antibiotic ointment In the tack box, I carry canine eye ointment anti-motion sickness pills, diarrhea medicine for dogs, diarrheaupset stomach tablets for humans, and antihistamine. It is a simple matter to make yourself a first aid kit. Use a metal candy container or a discarded childs lunch box for a container. Add items you think you might need. Add to it from time to time.CarsicknessI have always used Bio-Sol M for carsickness, as well as for any kind of doggy digestive upset. But since it is no longer manufactured, I couldnt recommend it to you. Lucky me, I had just bought a pint when the government banned it because it "wasnt proven to be effective When a client delivered a Norwich Terrier to me to show, she brought his car-sickness pills, broken in half and taped to a piece of cardboard. It was Bonine, an over-the-counter people medicine. It worked great, so I decided to try it on Dallas, who got terribly carsick. Three hours after arriving at the show grounds, she would still be drooling and miserable. I gave her 14 tablet 20 minutes before putting the Poms in the van. It worked No drooling she felt fine. No need to redose before leaving the show site. It lasts all day. As with any medication, check with your vet first.LeadsIf you are like me and show several Poms, you probably like to put the leads on, fold them up, and secure them with a rubber band at the back of their necks. The trouble with this is that many of the clever little devils manage to pull the bundle of folded lead around in front of them and then chew on it. Pam Campbell now Dziuk showedme a nifty way to make them leave th bundled lead alone when you put th rubber band around it, include a few strand of fur. So simple, yet so effective.If you want some tiny, multi-colore rubber bands, find a teenager who wear braces. They always have extras theyll b glad to give you.Good AdviceSpeaking of Pam, she gave me som wonderful advice that has helped me man times. I was furious with the judging. M little Bred-By dog had showed his heart oi for my daughter in Winners Class while th Open Dog, upset about something, had kq his tail down throughout the class. Yo guessed it The judge put up the Open Do I was fuming and sputtering. "Nov Margaret," said Pam in that delightful Nort Carolina drawl, "if it meant so much to yo to win, you shouldnt have entered undt her" I cracked up. She was so right. I knet that woman wasnt a good judge, so I reall had no reason to complain. Ive had seven occasions since then to recall Pams word It reminds me that I made the decision t enter under this judge and to keep my los in proper perspective. Thanks, Pam, fc helping me keep a sense of humor.Nose MitesHave you ever had a dog lose the hair o top of his muzzle It happens gradually, s you usually dont notice at first. The hai loss begins at the nose leather and extend toward the stop, so the dog ends up with black triangle of bare skin with the ape pointing at the stop. Rather unsightly, bi easy to fix. It apparently is caused by mite, which I suspect is activated by sties such as weaning, teething, or going t shows. Just treat it with an application o anything that will kill fleas. I dip a cottoi swap in Sevin powder and pat it on the to] of the muzzle once a day for three days. It i possible that fewer applications will do th trick, but I want to be sure. The hair wil regrow quickly.Pomeranian Hair LossI am glad we are discussing Pomeranian lisease or black skin syndrome or whatever ou choose to call it This problem was idden away and talking about it was taboo or far too long. Positive, constructive haring of information is essential to hiding a solution. But two things about ome of what Ive been reading are listressing to me. One is the irresponsible i ame-c ailing, finger-pointing, and ccusation-hurling that has gone on. This lelps no one It can only hurt the breed and he individuals who engage in such methical behavior. I have seen things in rint that no lady or gentleman should say. lease, folks, before you open your mouth r put pen to paper or sign on the Internet, hink. What are you trying to accomplish Vill thishelp the breed Will it inform or nlighten Or are you only going to hurt the eputation of some dog or his breeder and nake yourself look foolish Secondly, there s a lot of misinformation, ignorance, and lurmises being offered as fact For one hing, it may not be just one disease. There s a lot of variation in age of onset, whether he dog has other symptoms such as nfertility, and response to treatments such is neutering or topical applications. Is it lereditary Almost everyone seems to tssume it is, but I dont think we have learly enough evidence yet to draw that inclusion. How can it skip so many generations Is there some other common actor besides heredity What is causing it iVow, there are lots of theories here One icquaintance tells me that he thinks it is just i matter of keeping the dog clean. Would hat it were so simple Is it thyroid, male lormones, adult onset canine growth lormone deficiency, or some kind of mite [here is lots of conjecture based on inecdotal evidence out there, and very litde scientific study, very few solid facts. What ve need is an objective scientist who is villing to gather facts and do some esearch. A registry of suspected dogs kept y someone who may not be objective and nay not be trained as a scientist is unlikely o solve this very thorny problem. I think his disease is a complex problem andsolutions will not come easily. We breeders must act responsibly, speak and write cautiously, and realize that we wont get the answers overnight Canals Run Through Itby Melissa DahlenburgRecently we bought a home and moved to Loxahatchee, Florida, near the Everglades and the southern tip of Lake Okeechobee. Our area is the only section of Loxahatchee located south of Southern Boulevard. South and west of us sugar cane fields stretch for miles. Winter is harvest time and "burning the fields" is something to see. Between the sugar cane and our land is a canal- a small one, not deep and about 20 feet across. On the east we are next to Wellington, the home of Polo, the Wellington Aero Club and visits from Queen Elizabeth. Recently Stefanie Powers came to play polo and raise money for William Holdens Animal Foundation. One of the Smothers Brothers owns a home there. If you go about fifteen miles due east, you can see on of the loveliest spots I know, Palm Beach, and see the two Trumps homes. The Wellington Aero Club is a development next to our area which features airplane hangars as part of the homes as well as the conventional garage. In the middle of the homes, there is a lighted airplane landing strip. No snow here Between our area and the Aero Club is another canal-quite wide and deep. The last person who drove into said it is about 15 feet deep. She survived but others are not so fortunate. These canals are everywhere. They are part of the Southern Florida Water Management District, which maintains the water below flood level through a numerous series of pumping stations. Without them, the area would be under water during times of excessive rainfall, which includes most of 1994.Our roads are shell rock roads with a sand cover. Some, near the polo ranches, are very hard packed with a topping of loose gravel. All seem to border a canal and nonehave guard rails. A strip of green averaging one to two feet is all that is between the road and the long fall to the water. They connect to paved roads in more heavily populated areas.On October 20,1994, Dave was driving to work, at a slow speed of 25 to 30 miles an hour at about 645 am. in our beloved 300 ZX which had brought us to Florida and had been with us in Mexico City. Suddenly, the rear of the car danced across the gravel and the green edge of the road, turning over in the air before landing in the canal with a concussion strong enough to deploy the airbag, blow out the side windows and rear windshield, and puncture one of Daves eardrums. We believe in using our seat belts. Upside down, surrounded by airbag and seat belt, canal mud, and blackened water, Dave struggled to free himself and could not His struggle was violent, leaving him with deep brushbums on his chest, legs and arms, and the top of his head. Finally, he gave up his struggle, said his prayers and good-byes to me, and prepared to die. His muscles relaxed, the seat belt snuggled him back into place in the seat, and his hand knew exactly where to find the seat belt release.Luckily this canal was not deep. The tips of the wheels of the car were above water and two men passing by jumped into the canal to help him. One jumped in fully clothed, but the other took off everything, explaining he could not go home for fresh clothing and still get to work on time. Dave found a small pocket of air in the car and heard these men calling to him. They were able to open the passenger-side door and pulled Dave back to life by one of his legs. We owe these men an eternal debt of gratitude.It was a dreadful experience, but Dave loves life better and differently than he did.I am so happy to still have my husband with me, and we are more cherishing of our time together.I have promised to write about Mexico and our time there with our poms, and about the Mexican Kennel Club and dog shows, the Revolution, and our trip home-but thats for future issues. This is written for the Pomeranian Review, and it will becentered around poms. Please write me wit any questions or information or just stork about yourself and poms you wish to shat or need help with from the Review readei at PO Box 11601 Loxahatchee, F 33470-1160.New York, New Yorkby Jean SchrollShow ChairmanAgain we meet in New York City for ou favorite specialty-the America Pomeranian Clubs 75th anniversary. It wa wonderful seeing old friends and meetin new ones.We had a great set of stewards. Wilm Diehl and her crew were wonderful to tin steward for our obedience classes. Nanc Wharton ring stewarded for the regula classes and did her job well. Tony Telle was Trophy Chairman and was on top of hi job every moment. Judy Shearer did a grea job as hospitality chair. It was especial appreciated because she took on the job jus one week before the specialty. Jim Sheare did his job like a pro having everything se up in the ballroom by 600 pm. Beverl Henry did a great job. The hotel was great all of our wants were complied with almos immediately. Everything went perfectly believe. I didnt hear any complaints. Wi did have a High in Trial but no combiner since our utility dog was absent.The sweepstakes were nicely judged b our own Marlene Halsey. Granr Sweepstakes winner and best junior winne was Starfires Superman, a lovely orangi dog who was full of himself. He was brer and owned by Jose Cabrera and Fabiar Arienti. Best of opposite sex junior ir sweepstakes was Valcopy-Wakhan Qiana, beautiful bitch bred by Dana Plonkey anr Randy Gemmill and owned by them anr Hideko Strasbaugh. She also went reservr in the regular classes. Best senior puppj dog was Jan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy who wa bred and is owned by Sharon Hanson. Thr best senior bitch puppy was Ch. Pinehaver Victorias Secret bred and owned by Galr Sharland. The puppy classes wenutstanding. There were many that could ave been placed, and not enough places for 11 of them.Best Veteran was Ch. Tim Sues High ights, a beautiful clear orange a color we eem to be losing Best Opposite was Ch. itolannes Mystique Starlet, a nicely ialanced bitch. Best Junior Handler was laine McKee. High in Trial was Razzle azzle Concerto owned and trained by illian Zentgraf and Judy Green. Best of treed was Ch. Starfires Im Too Sexy who Iso won the breed at Madison Square iarden. He is owned by Jose Cabrera. Best if Opposite was Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Jossip owned by Hideko Strasbaugh, Dana donkey and Randy Gemmill.Best Puppy in the regular classes was won y Valcopy-Wakhan Qiana. Best Bred-by vas Starfires Superman. Awards of merit vere given to Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Jossip, Ch. Creiders Prince Dom Jerignon, Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock, Ch. "inchs He Walks On Water, and Ch. "assios Flash In The Pan.Another wonderful show done. 1995 Winter Specialty Reportby Beverly M. HenryAnother APC Winter Specialty has come ind gone. I am sure everyone is thrilled that he weather was 100 better than 1994The first thing I want to do is thank Jean Schroll for a fine job as Show Chairman md for choosing the lovely towels that were iven as trophies. All day long I was eferring people to her for special orders on hem. Thanks to Basilio Yap for the jxquisite cross-stitched major trophies. Ihanks also to Jim Shearer, Grounds Chairman his wife, Judy, who so ably took ver Hospitality at a moments notice Tony Iellez, Trophy Chairman Pam Yongen, Advertising Chairperson and I have got to thank my husband, Bill, for making my job as Show SecretaryRecording Sectary so much easier with all his help and understanding during my long hours at the computer. And thanks to do manyexhibitors and attenders who took the time to come up and say good things about the catalog I was so proud of.Saturday morning began with Art Weiss judging Obedience. Razzle Dazzle Concerto, owned by Lilian Zentgraf and Judy Green was High in Trial with a score of 195 from the Open B class.Then Marlene Scott Halsey took over. Veterans Sweeps was first with Tim and Sue Goddards Ch. Tim Sues Highlights as Best Veteran in Sweeps and Fran Stolls Ch. Stolanne Mystique Starlet as Best Opposite. Marlenes choice for Best Junior in Sweeps and Best in Sweeps went to Tony Cabrero and Fabian Arientis lovely Starfires Superman, from the 6-9 month puppy dog class. Other Sweeps winners were BOS to Best Junior,Valcopy-Wakhan Qiana, owned by Hideko Strasbaugh, Dana Plonkey, and Randy Gemmill. Best Senior in Sweeps was Jan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy, owned by Sharon Hanson, and BOS to Best Senior was Ch. Pinehaven Victorias Secret who, by the way, also went BOS at Westminster. She is owned by Gale Sharland.The 1995 Annual meeting was held Saturday night. President Trauner introduced the newly elected slate of officers. They are President, Dolly Trauner 1st Vice President, Jim Shearer 2nd Vice President, Charlotte Creed Corresponding Secretary, Tim Goddard Recording Secretary, Beverly Henry Treasurer, A1 Williamson. The Directors are Mary Allen, Jeanne Blank, Linda Brogoitti, Sharon Masnick, Margaret McKee, and Fran Stoll.Dolly announced that a 3,000 grant was being awarded to Dr. Carol Foil, Professor of Clinical Dermatology at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State University, to take a two month sabbatical to study under Dr. Clint Lothrop, a Genetics and Microbiology Dermatologist at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, to further her understanding of the "black skin disease," also known as "severe hairloss syndrome." The ultimate goal is to establish a working relatioship with the board certified veterinary dermatologists in the country who will encourage owners of affected dogsto submit their pedigrees to a registry to be established by Dr. Foil. A video of her seminar held in New Orleans was run in the Hospitality room Friday afternoon and all day Saturday in the hall adjoining the Ballroom for all attenders to watch. Incidentally, this grant may possibly qualify for AKCs new matching funds program.A new Standards Revision Committee has been appointed. Chairperson will be Charlotte Creed, aided by Linda Brogoitti, Lorinda Vasuta, Dianne Johnson, and Sharon Masnick. This committee will be required to report progress to the Board every 2 months.Show Chairman for 1996 will be Tim Goddard. I will again be Show Secretary. Let me inject here that if you know of anyone who didnt receive a premium list for this years show and should have or wants to, please let me know. I had several complaints at the show about certain people not receiving one but when I announced that I had the mailing list there and it could be checked for accuracy and additions andor corrections made NOT ON SINGLE person came forth.Other appointments are APC Awards, Judy Shearer APC Rescue Contact, Diana Downey AKC Breeders Referral Contact, Jane Lehtinen Performance Events Contact, Margaret McKee Judges Education Contact JEC, Linda Brogoitti Health and Genetic Defects Contact, Renee McGrath, DVM Regional Club Contact, Wanda Roach Membership Chairman, Jerrie Freia Gazette Columnist, Olga Baker, AKC Delegate, Sam Zaneoff Public Relations, Melissa Dahlenburg, Julie Moreno, and Judy Shearer Pom Shoppe, Bess Roberts Ways and Means, Mary Vickers.AKC kicked back 3 items in the Proposed By-Laws. They involve minor changes, primarily re-wording, so this big job should be winding down soon. However, as a result of the fact that plans must be under way so soon for next years show, we will probably be in New York again on February 10 and 11,1996. Other sites will be investigated for 1997. If you have any suggestions as to locations, please send suggestions to me or an other members of the Board. Pleaseinclude details such as time of year, sho' site conditions, motel availability, etc.Sunday morning saw Michelle Billing arrive ready for the challenge. Her da began with Junior Showmanship. Elain McKee was chosen as Best Junior Handle Then it was on to the "serious" stuff. Ht choice for Winners Dog came from th Open, ROCS class, Jan-Shars Mr. Nic Guy, owned by Sharon Hanson he wa also Marlene Halseys choice for Be Senior in Sweeps. RWD went t Starfires Superman, owned by Ton Cabrero and Fabian Arienti, who wa Marlenes Best in Sweeps winner Winners Bitch went to Gail Dumiok an Gail Sharlands Pinehavens Rumor Ha It, also from the Open ROCS class. RW1 went to Valcopy-Wakhan Qiana wh was Marlenes choice for BOS to Bes Junior in Sweeps. VERY similar judgin hereMichelle then was faced with 1 gorgeous specials. She found Ch Starfires Im Too Sexy, owned by Ton Cabrero, to be her choice for Best of Bree. he was also Best of Breed at th Progressive All Toy Dog Show and a Westminster. Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Ho Gossip, owned by Hideko Strasbaugh am Dana Plonkey, was BOS and Jan-Shar Mr. Nice Guy was BW. Best Puppy ii Regular classes went to Valcopy-Wakhai Qiana and Best in Bred-by-Exhibito classes went to Starfires Superman Awards of Merit went to Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip, Ch. Glei Iris Castle Rock, Ch. Finchs He Walk on Water, Ch. Cassios Flash In Th Pan, and Ch. Creiders Prince Don Perignon.Michelle could not stay for the banquet but as she left she told us that it was th best entry of Poms she had ever judged ant she wanted you all to know that She adder that she did not pick up on any majoi problems affecting the breed.The evening concluded with the Annua Awards Banquet. I think everyone had great time and I hope to see you all again ir 1996. ____Best of Breed Ch. Starfires Im Too SexyWinners Bitch Pinehavens Rumor Has ItasWBest of Opposite Sex Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Hot GossipV7,POHCRANIAMfl'Jj'.IBESTIN BRED BY EXHIBITOR HATIONAL SPECIALTtAMERICANPOMERANIANCLUB aBest in Sweeps and Best Bred-by-Exhibitor Starfires SupermanS' \RESERVE WINNERS BEST IN PUPPYInaTIONAL SPECIALTYBest of Winners Jan-Shars Mr. Nice GuyBest in Puppy Classes Valcopy-Wakhan Qiana'C3r fSbest in4 aBEST IN JR. SHOWMANSHIP national specialtyveteranSWEEPSTAKESAMERICANPOMERANIANCLUBAID. 1114Best in Junior Showmanship Elaine McKeeBest VeteranCh. Tim Sues High Lightse_..Vliu.-v rHfew,TRIALHigh in Trial Razzle Dazzle ConcertoTrophy TableAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB 1994VIP AWARDS Committee ReportThe Committee was composed ofJudy Shearer, Chair.........................................Stats on Breeder, Exhibitor, and Junior HandlerMary Vickers....................Stats on Breeder, Exhibitor, Top Producing Poms, Junior Handler, and ObedDiana Downey Stats on Top Winning Dog and BitchL to R Dolly Trauner, Sharon Hanson, Elizabeth Kerr, Dr. Cheryl JacksonAward WinnersDp Winning Dog..............Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock owned by Nina Work, Joel Taylor, Dr. Cheryl JacksonDp Winning Bitch.......................................Ch. Phyner Joie d Vivre owned by Dolly TraunerDp Producing Sire..............................................No winner. 6 dogs had 3 champion get.Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, Mary Rosenbaum Ch. Dooshays Absolute, Jeanne Blank Ch. Great Elms Master Mark, Ruth Beam Ch. Jan-Shars Mountain Dew, Jeanne Blank Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge, Nina Epps Ch. Tim Sue's Moon Rocket, Diane FinchDp Producing Dam..................................Finchs Magically Impressed owned by Diane Finchreeder of the Year...................................................................Sharon Hansonxhibitorof the Year..................................................................Sharon Hansonest Junior Handler.....................................................................Elizabeth Kerrop Obedience Pom....................OTCH Crickett's Midnight Song CS, HOF owned by Jimmie Lawrenceop Utility Pom.......................................Driftwood Love That Bob UD owned by Marian Lazzaraop Open Pom.................................Mar-Vics Stuff'd Black Bear CDX owned by Barbara McClatcheyop Novice Pom............................................Hot To Trot Truffles owned by Jimmie Lawrencehe awards plaques were selected and carried to New York by this Chairperson. Costs of the plaques ere paid, in part, by Jim and Betsy Ruth New of Ja-Newpy Poms and Jim and Judy Shearer of Crystal Poms, and, as in previous years, all certificates were donated by Dudley Roach.lany thanks to my committee and donors and CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL1993,1994,1995 Entry ComparisonAPC Winter Specialties70 60-50inCDOQ40 0JDE0 30-20 10ObediencePuppy Sweeps Dogs Dog Specials Stud Dog Veteran Dogs BraceVeteran Sweeps Junior Show Bitches Bitch Specials Brood Bitch Veteran Bitches1 QQ.n 1QCM 1 QcmLETS FIGHT BA CKThe Animal Rights Radicals claim they represent all that is good in the world and the rest of us just don't understand the problem.In the real world the Animal Rights leadership is skimming the cream off the millions of dollars in donations to further aims that the donors dont even realize they are supporting.In their critically acclaimed book, THE HIJACKING OF THE HUMANEMOVEMENT, the authors spell out the scams and shams behind the leading Animal Rights groups and how they attempt to mislead the public and the press as to their aims and goals. Learn what PETA and company really have in mind for us.Authors Rod and Patty Strand have become a focal point for information on animal rights issues in the U.S. Their 25 years of experience in breeding, showing and judging dogs and their work with animal Legislative issues across the country place them at the forefront of the Animal Welfare versus Ani mal Rights issues.You may order the book, priced at 16.95 3.00 for shippinghandling, through Doral Publishing at 1-800-858- 9055 using yourVisa or Mastercard. Also available through major catalogs and at the Dog Shows.rJTO ORDERj Name________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________I City_______________________________ Stale______ Zip________I VisaMC - - _ Expiration date_________j Signature_____________________________________________I I enclose a check in the amount of __________for_______copiesI______________________________________________________Doral Publishing, Inc.8560 SW Salish Lane, Suite 300 Wilsonville, OR 97070Toll Free 1-800-858-9055JAn International Survey of Quality Control in Breeding StockHow kennel clubs around the world are addressing genetic problems.Results of Dogs in Canada surveyThere is no crime in producing a defect. Crime, if any, lies in what you do about a defect. If you bury yours and keep quiet about it, and I do the same with mine, then sooner or later we may use each others dogs and pay the penalty for not having been honest with one another and with the breed we probably profess to love.-Malcolm Willis, Practical Genetics for Dog Breeders. 1992The incidence of genetic defects is of major concern to dog lovers everywhere. Whether there are, in fact, more problems occurring for whatever reasons or its a case of sophisticated research now allowing already existing problems to be accurately identified, it seems like hereditary defects are more prevalent. At the same time, consumer awareness is making them less and less acceptable.Dogs today are regarded as integral family members for millions of people. As well, published information on purebred dogs has created wiser and more discriminating consumers. The combination has led to an increasing intolerance of the toll that disease places on dogs, and the emotional upset and expense it brings to their owners.The result is mounting pressure on breeders to respond to genetic questions. Potential owners ask about breed and bloodline defects, and how conditions like hip and elbow dysplasia, eye disorders, hemophilia, patellar luxation and epilepsy, to name a few, are screened. The impact of these inquiries is hitting registry bodies as well, which are presumed to have a role in the preservation of purebred dogs and in the well-being of dogs they register.In light of this growing concern, Dogs in Canada conducted an international surveyto determine what other countries are do to deal with these problems. An outstand response of 40 per cent was received fri clubs representing all parts of the world.The survey was focussed on whet] registries required clearances for sped hereditary problems to be submitted w registration applications. If so, how lc have they been requiring clearances, w did they dedde to take this step, and what particular defects Import supplementary questions dealt with I progeny and the concept of an advar registry-meaning that pups are register based on their parents clearances. T survey also inquired into the possil drawbacks of a system requiring clearano to which some surprisingly honest answ were received.Clearances required by more than halfMore than half the responding kenr clubs require some type of clearance 1 registration purposes. However, in the countries, registration of a litter or t individual progeny is generally based on t clearance of their parents-in other wort the breeding stock. For example, in Swed a litter is registered when the parents me the specific "demands." If not, this lit will not be registered. In Switzerland, if dog is found to be affected with a genel defect, he is dismissed from breeding are both parents.South Africa introduced a requirement f hip dysplasia clearance for all dogs in ibreeds and experienced "a dramatic drop registrations." They are now considering amendment to their system whereby tdogs without restriction would be accepts into the registry. However, only those th meet certain criteria, one of them being h dysplasia clearance, would achieve "bh pedigree" status, giving recognition to tho animals that should be used for futu breeding programs.While not requiring clearances, the Unite States has taken a step toward introducir breeders to the importance of sue clearances in conjunction with makir breeding decisions. According to the AK they do not plan to add such requiretrances to tbeir registry system. wever, they receive clearances directly m the OFA for hip dysplasia and CERF yr eye disorders and have incorporated ise into their database. These clearances available from the AKC, with a listing blished quarterly. Further study, they say, ongoing.Still consideringFor now, the remaining 45 per cent of rvey respondents do not require sarances, although many of these kennel bs have considered the matter. Two ominent clubs are among them-The ennel Club, representing the United ingdom and Ireland, and The Canadian ennel Club.According to Rodney Remin, member of e CKC Board of Directors and Chair of e Committee for Canine Genetics, herited Disorders and Artificial isemination, the Canadian Kennel Club is discussed both a system of mandatory earance and a database approach similar to e one recently adopted by the United tales. "Although the question of mandatory earances for certain hereditary problems is been discussed at committee level, there e no plans at the present time to nplement such nor to include clearances a registrations even on a voluntary basis. Itimately, responsibility for the genetic ell-being of the purebred dog lies with the feeders."B.W. Leonard, External Affairs Office for te Kennel Club in England, supports a milar perspective, agreeing that genetic sponsibility rests with breeder. He Dmmented, "The Kennel Qub feels that its b is to provide the maximum amount of lformation to the breeder and that it is up the breeder to make the appropriate ecisions based on this information." He irther suggests that "any concentration on ne particular problem in a breeding rogram can lead to the development of ther problems."Behind the clearancesSome breed clubs have been requiringclearances for more than 20 years, although for the most part it is a relatively recent phenomenon, with hip dysplasia and eye disorders receiving most of the attention. Some clubs, like El Salvador, initiated the requirement at the request of breeders. Others, like Cypress and Finland, state that they require clearances for breeding control and the possibility of improving and providing trustworthy breeding programs. Sweden and Switzerland attribute their requirement to the incidence of genetic disorders in dogs-the suffering to the dogs and the problems to the owners caused by unhealthy dogs.Some countries are on the cutting edge in their holistic approach to the purebred dog, expanding on the traditional emphasis of breeding primarily for conformation. For instance, in Switzerland, a dog cannot be used for breeding unless it passes the necessary tests assessments including a conformation no serious faults, b temperament no aggressiveness or extreme shyness, and c health no dysplasia no eye disease no patellar luxation etc. A medical certificate is required.Finland is going even further in their approach to the total dog. Juhani Hirvensalo, a veterinary surgeon and Vice-President of the Finnish Kennel Club, explains, "In dog breeding the four contributing factors to a dogs quality-character, good health, use performance characteristics, and appearance-must be taken into account. Nowadays, appearance is overvalued at the expense of health and character. In Finland, each breed organization is required to compile a breeding program covering all sectors...A dog is mans best friend. We as dog owners must recognize our responsibility towards dogs."Is it working Can itSweden contends that "the frequency of hip dysplasia, elbow arthrosis and eye problems has obviously decreased," but there are still problems. They also admit that there are drawbacks to their system, including the cost involved-e.g., for hip x-rays-and identity control. SlovenkiaKennel Club concedes that in some areas of their country it is difficult to find a well-equipped veterinarian. A few countries, like Croatia, Mexico, and South Africa, acknowledge that cheating is possible.While, as Switzerland states, "sensible breeders accept and want a controlling system," other breeders do not, and are made to accept it. Many countries, including Colombia and Poland, agreed that requiring clearances was not popular with breeders, but they had no choice if they wanted to breed dogs.According to Indonesia, no system is without its drawbacks, and "it always comes back to the mentality of the person. Even with their abridged version, the United States noted that, "all such systems rely in part on honor. Permanent identification of cleared animals helps ensure accuracy."Controls like identification and inspection of progeny help to "legislate" the individual breeder in the interests of the breeding fraternity as a whole. But such controls can still be circumvented. Relying on individual integrity alone is unfortunately unrealistic. Even the reliance on a group of breeders to judiciously apply research findings to breeding choices may be unwieldy and unsatisfactory.In the final analysis, do we know what works best Do mandatory clearances really reduce the incidence of the genetic defect it is trying to eradicate Do irresponsible breeders simply find a new way to circumvent the system Does the concentration on one or a few genetic defects promote the upsurge of other health problems Can we rely on the integrity of the breeder to make healthy breeding choices for the dog and its owner If every single person in a group does not operate with integrity, can it work If only some kennel clubs in the world subscribe to some type of clearance system, is there any chance of significantly reducing the targeted genetic defectsKennel clubs around the world are struggling with these questions. For the future of purebred dogs, they cannot be ignored.1994 APC Top Ten Show Dogs1 Ch. Glen Iris Castle RockNina WorkJoel TaylorCh. Cheryl Jackson2 Ch. Finchs He Walks On WaterDiane L. Finch3 Ch. Treasured Deans Hi HierarchyEdwin Dean Hebert4 Ch. Linchrls Genghis PomLinda Brogoitte5 Ch. Jan Les Willie MakitJane Lehtinen6 Ch. Tim Sues Harbor LightsSusan Conlee7 Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan ValentinoR. GemmillDana Plonkey8 Ch. Watts Little SocratesDolores Watts9 Ch. McGuires Wish Up On A StarJoAnn Kern10. Ch. Morenos Perri WinkleJulie MorenoDolly Trauner994 APC Top Ten Show Bitches1 Ch. Phyner Joie De VivreDolly B. Trauner2 Ch. Jan-Shars I Feel LuckySharon Hanson3 Ch. Elans Devil May CareMelissa R. and David K. Dahlenburg4 Ch. VIPs Dixieland DelightFran SmithTand S Greedy5 Ch. Dias Hug A Bear of Koh-I-NoorPamela Yongen6 Ch. Pixies Tip Toe to NeujahrC. Galavich, E. Newyear, E. Conley7 Ch. Jan-Shars Double WhammySharon Hanson8 TLC Magical MinuetteMargaret and Daniel Ontiveros9 Ch. Destinys Cinna-BarDonna E. Sinicropi10 Ch. Wee Hearts A Shade AboveCassandra Evans and Barbara KrzewickiLinchris PomeraniansHorn of Bosl In Show. Best In Specialty Show Multi Group Winning Poms Ch. Stud Servica Puppias Occasionally QuaJhy Dogs for Show Pet FuHy Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITTI 1011 W. Cempbel Ave.. Phoenix, AZ 85013-2614 602 265-4946CH. STUD SERVICE QUALITY PUPPIES HOME RAISED ft LOVEDoamel Taylor Jr. \ ^ 7U 537-M33ONE McJNTosH-TAYiarV^NjiSARDa Grove, caurmmaJIM JUDY SHEARER523 MIUER AVE SUGARCREEK, OHIO 44681 216 852-4136MEMBERSAMERICAN POM CLUB ANDOHIO VAUEY POM CLUBis rN jf \POMScMe otenosMRS. JULIE R. MORENO^415583-4973 By Appointment, PleaseFan-Cs PomeraniansHome of...AC Ch. Fan-Cs RockstarChampion-sired puppies AvailableFlorence and Carl Scott Wickliffe, KY 420872958 Mayfield Road 502 335-5416504 384-7466 After 700pmJanesa s tPomsP.O. Box 2775Jerrte Freia Morgan City, LA 70381Central Carolina Pomeranian Club, Dot MartinOur Club is officially licensed by the American Kennel Club to hold point carrying Specialty Shows. The first will be Friday, September 29, 1995, pending AKC approval, at the Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace, 13609 Choate Circle, Charlotte, NC. The judge for regular classes will be Mrs. Curtis Humphrey and Sweepstakes judge will be Mrs. Peggy Wilson. Saturday and Sunday the Columbia and Piedmont Kennel Clubs will hold their all-breed shows.The American Pomeranian Club has granted our club permission to host the 1997 Summer Specialty. All our members are hard at work on money-making projects and plans to make this an outstanding joint Specialty weekend.Make plans to join us in September 1995 and again in 1997.American Komeranian uiudLAVSThe 1 PCM in the liUS-imMultiple CIS, Multiple CISS h. Clen Iris Castle CockProducer of BIS, BISS, and Group WinnersBreedersCo-Owners Cheryl A. Jackson and Joel M. Taylor 205 328-6603 HandlerCo-Owner Nina Work 419 221-0046TOP WINNING BITCHAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBFOR 1994BreederOwner Dolly B. TraunerrmBEST OF WINNERSNOLAN RIVER KENNEL CLUB 1995PEGINI8\wSandtowns Red Hot Pillow TalkBuddy, handled by Kathy Sawyer, pictured winning BOW under Judge Don Sutton. Congratulations to Clarice and Yvette Oganeku on their new champion, Ch. SandtownsLote Abjornson P.O. Box 432Sand Springs, OK 74063 918245-6915romeraman neviewLyngayie, the next generation...MotherWrN28iCh. Priss Steppen Out In Style Shoo-ShooDaughter GrandaughterCongratulationsJeanne and fRoberton your^ ^KennelVis tCh. Lyngayles Magic Touch Breeder Co-ownerLyngayles Made of Magic Breeder OwnerI would like to take this opportunity to thank Jeanne and Robert for all their help, patience, and encouragement. Without it, there would probably not be a next generation.Thanks, Nadine Hersil, for your help in teaching me about grooming and the care of Poms. I dont know what I would do without youGayle Vautaw 1128 High StreetLogans port IN 46947 219722-4692American Pomeranian ciud OFinchs Pomeranians announces... Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water"Travis" is back-back home in Iowa1 l ifit 9 All-Breed Best in Show 3 Best in Specialty Shows 61 Group Is Gold Gub Member Hall of Fame 1994 Westminster Best of Breed 2 Award of Merits at Nationa Specialties Award of Merit, Westminster 95 Champion producer, BIS and BISS producerTravis potently stamps his offspring with his attitude, lovely movement, excellen bone, great coats in a variety of colors. Negative brucella cultures required of approve bitches.Diane L. Finch RR 1, Box 89 BKelley, IA 50134-9801 515769-2444M1 trfTT 'y . c I . - \. rBEST inSWEEPSTAKESnational specialtyAMERICANpOMERANIANjp^V CLUB K VjS^jJIC1995FEB.11-12TOMPresenting the outstanding youngster, Starfires Superman, who was Best in Iweepstakes, Best Bred-by-Exhibitor, and Reserve Winners Dog at the 1995 American Pomeranian Club Winter SpecialtytCLljTC Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti 305 256-2818mKVTRIPLE CROWN WINNER--V5 fj 5 ftIi BEST OFbreednational specialty t 'AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB FEB. 11-12.1995 TOMNurrmc_iSCh. Starfires Im Too Sexy..................Best of Breed and Group IB at the Progress^Dog Club....Best in Show at the American Pomeranian Club Winter Specialty...Best Breed at the Westminster Kennel ClubStarfire I Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti 305 256-2818NEUJAHR BEAU JAMES3VV2v- T-. Wi1APLACINGV9-12MONTHSSWEEPSTAKESnational specialtymK AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB IFEB. 11-12.1995VA.M PRODUCTIONStOM NUTTINGNeujahr Tag along O Beau JamesLarron Elektra Lights x Mercers Elegant EncoreLittle Taggy is on his way.... McKinley KC 1-8-95 Judge Bernard Esporite WD Crawford Co. KC 1-28-95 Judge Lena Wiseman BOW APC Sweeps 2-11-95 Judge Marlene Halsey 2nd 9-12 classThanks for appreciating our little guy, and thanks to Donna Megenhardt for loving this little sweetheart.Evelyn Newyear NEUJAHR POMS 216946-1226AGENTDonna MegenhardtCynthia Wallen BEAU JAMES PhoneFax 419 892-3170i ''SPECIALTY BEST OF BREEDMID IOWACOMBINED SPECIALTIES FEBRUARY 19 95PHOTO BY DOWNEY fl1Ch, Jan-Shar's Bad Bad Leroy BrowrW'Clarice Oganeku45-232 Lilipuna Rd Kaneohe, HI 96744 808 235-8142 FAX 808 247-4967 V 'CZ'SZliifc'kKS5TaHip--vVtBREEDBEST 8CpSHOWHILOit mxWKS.', i-V3ggf i-y-f-iias SWP..Mm m mmMCh. Woodroses Short CircuitBoxie finished going over specials for a 5-point major under Mrs. Jean Fancy then on to a Group It. Mahalo to the judges that recognized his qualities Mr. Darrell Baker, 4 points Mr. Frank Oberstar, 4 points Dr. William Houpt, 3 points Mr. Merlin Vander Kinder, BOB Mr. Glenn Fancy, Group III.He is just over a year and will be specialed this year.Science Diet Fed 4 Where quality countsWOODROSE Phone808235-8142 FAX 808 247-4967Clarice and Yvette Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744American Pomeranian Clubmega AKr-csS.SIsi5^4.'WINNERS BITCH NEW CHAMPIONKONA SHOWit hvrVSwWix .rv -y aRmiiiCh. Sandtowns Lovin TeaspoonTeaspoon is shown finishing with a 5-point major at the Kona Coast KC show handled by Kirk Ohira, our good friend. Mahalo to all the judges who recognized "Teaspoons" qualities. She was bred by Lois Abjornson.Science Diet FedWhere quality countsWOODROSE Phone808235-8142 FAX 808 247-4967Clarice and Yvette Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 967441 .-Au nMUFri.GROUP PLACEMENTHAWAIIAN KENNEL CLUBMARCH 1995PHOTOS TOOAT .916 988-5610 0 J ^.y.irw 22095 Kona Coast KC Charles Long, BOB Robert Behrendt, Group II 31195 Hawaiian KC Mr. F.W. Braun, BOB and Group mJ 31295 Hawaiian KC Ms. Ann Rogers Clark, BOB Ms. Michelle Billings, Groupincongratulates his half sister, Celine, on her two 5-point majors, pays tribute to iers, Dr. and Mrs. Jim Hattori, and sincerely thanks Jo Ching for her guidance nd grooming. He is beautifully handled by Newton^Witeem1904NiinaP88e7HBilmiOiis,MI 0821.-.r-VWINNERSSPARTANBURG KENNEL CLUB FEBRUARY 1995PHOTO BYLa Cheries Tribute to Great ElmsCh. Great Elms Something Special x La Cheries Happy Daze Still up to her old tricks.......Winning Winners Bitch and Best Opposite.La Cherie Pomeranians 5354 Bluebird Lane York, SC 29745 803 831-8086RHEA-NA-4PLACING9-12 MONTHS ational specialtyAMERICANPOMERANIANCLUBFEB. 11-12,1995M NUTTINGRhea-Nas Watta Lil SocratesCh. Watts Little Socrates x Janesas Charlies Angel DOrAfter 2 seconds and a 3rd in NY, Socks went BOB over Specials for a major. Thanks, Judges, we like him, too Thanks-Donna Lynn Wright-Regina and Robert Nunn and Ce Harrison.Pups available by Socks, AmCan Ch. Regina Poms Luv-A-Gator, Ch. Great Elms Little Sparky, and Lynnwrights Dracula. Well have some fancy puppies in the ring later-including a true "Blue." Look for Lynnwrights Warloc O Rhea-NaRegina Poms Bearner and Mercades-They are HOTCongrats to Tony Cabrera-an inspiration to us all.We feed and condition with Science DietRHEA-NA Steve and Barb Nagy713 Marlboro Rd. Stephens City, VA 22611 Phone 703 869-3749REGINA POMS Robert and Regina NunnRt 1, Box 2890 Berryville, VA 22611Phone 703 955-1209Amour Just JoeyMahalo to Mr. Charles Long for a 5-point major and to Mr. F.W. Braun for a 5-point majori24vBEST WINNERSKONA SHOW'Joey" is capably presented by his breeder, Ms. Shirley Ann LeOwned and loved by Mary Liang Pox 88028 Honolulu, HI 96830-8028ABSOLUTE POMSMeet the newest "MAGIC" starsabsolutes little miss magicWatch for Abby in thewest with Marge KranzfelderMIIt i raabsolutessizzlinmagicianwatch for Dewey in the East with Gale Sharland and Gail Durniok.V__________________JWe are extremely proud of Magic and all that he has accomplished as a show dog and a stud dog. Thank you to everyone for your continued support of MAGIC and the ABSOLUTE POMS. We have some exciting litters on the ground and some also planned for this summer.FLASH Champion 4 finishes for MAGIC this year Congrats to Curtis Mack and Ch. Macks Absolutely No RegretsJeanne and Robert Blank 16060 Brookside Drive Buchanan, Ml 49107 616 695-7308try Science Diet Moot for finicky toysA Kennel Visit with The Absolute Pomsby Jeanne BlankWhere do I begin For some odd reason, this has been a difficult task for me, one I have put off until the deadline is almost past. Normally, the words come easy for me, but not this time. I am honored, to say the least, to have this kennel visit, and I thank Dudley for this opportunity. I must warn you, Dudley has also asked me to start writing articles from time to time for the Review, so feel free to send me ideas on what you would like to read aboutI have always loved dogs, my first breed being the Labrador Retriever. My parents raised them, giving me lots of opportunity at a young age to be involved with breeding and care of purebred dogs. I became heavily involved in 4-H, not just in dogs, but goats, sheep, swine, and beef cattle as well.I purchased my first Pomeranian in 1981, and like most, she was strictly a pet. But I was hooked on the breed. I subscribed to all Breed publications, and started my search for a good quality Pom. I contacted many, purchased a few, and started my breeding program. I feel I was just making progress with the Windjammer Poms, when I had to give them up due to a divorce. I had to placeevery dog I had, which was almos tougher than the divorce itself. I had sc much invested in these dogs, not jus money, but a lot of love and time. I fee very confident that they all went to gooc homes, and I thank those people fo helping me out during a bad time. I sole everything at the time, including all m cages, grooming equipment, etc. I knev this part of my life was over for good, never dreamed I would be back in it, bu once a Pom breeder, always a Pon breeder.I truly love this breed, and lets face il we must to be able to withstand the blow that come with it. The puppies are bon dead, or worse yet, the ones that eithe fade or die at a later date. I put everything into my puppies I am up every two hour to make sure they nurse, I supplement, just sit and watch them. After the firs three days, I am utterly exhausted. Bu there is no greater joy than a healthy 6-week old puppy. This is my favorit age, they are just getting coordinated am fuzzy hair everywhere. I now keep m whelping pens in my daughter Courtney room. She is the best socialization I couli ask for with my puppies. She loves them and they her. Having a 2 12-year olThe Blank residence Robert and Jeanne Blank\vc--Ch.Absolutes Harleys Son Davidielps too. Derek is my spitfire, so the uppies learn early about noise and listractions.My husband is very involved in the 3 reed also, as many of you already know, le gets right in the ring with me and just oves it when he beats me as some of my riends do NADINE. Wow, an you believe I found a man that gets his involved He has whelped numerous itters all on his own, and of course I hear ibout this for a long time afterwardI find myself saying how lucky I have een in my current breeding program of he ABSOLUTE POMS. However, luck las nothing to do with it. The only luck is ecoming associated with the infamous Iharon Hanson. Through her, I have found nyself with dogs of better quality than I ould imagine. I feel I have the best [uality brood bitches possible, with access o the best males in the country. In this ay, I guess I am lucky My program oncentrates on the Jan-Shar lines, and we lave added a few other fines here and here to give us better coats, heads, and emperaments. Between the two of us, we lave done some experimenting with arious lines and are extremely happy in tie direction we are both going, but I now personally I have room to improve. I tank the key to success is not breeding ourself into a comer, and then admit hen it is time to step out a little. A good xample of an outcross success story is h. Jan-Shars Harley Davidson. Harleyhas made many fans, but you must admit he is a different type than you normally see with the Jan-Shar prefix. Harley is producing extremely well also, his first just finishing in February, Ch. Absolutes Harleys Son David out of who else but Jan-Shars Madonna. Davey is a heavy coated orange, with a beautiful foxy expression. We have his first litter on the ground-two 7 week old females that are too cute to speak of at the moment.My biggest accomplishment is, of course, BISS, BISA Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain. This dog alone has fulfilled my every dream. A National Specialty Best of Winners at 7 months, A Best in Show winner at 7 12 months, and a National Specialty Breed winner at 18 months. What more could I ask for For him to produce of course He has not failed me here either. He had three champions finish to date in 1995, the most recent being Ch. Jan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy. He finished in grand style with a Best of Winners at the National in February. I look for big things to happen to this young dog. After his 2nd National Specialty win in October, I shipped Magic to Sharon in West Virginia so that she may use him for breeding for a while, as I have nothing at the moment to breed to him. Presently, I am breeding most of my bitches to either Davey or Harley, hoping for females to bring back to Magic. I keep my numbers down to a minimum, as I have a familyAn Absolute puppySOLACh. Absolutes Kiddy Cocktailand a full-time job also. There are just not enough hours in the day to juggle all three. I have 5 broods, and two champion males. This is a very comfortable number for me, as I can then keep puppies to grow out I absolutely adore puppies As anyone can vouch for, I sell very few. However, I have been fortunate enough to place several with wonderful people, and they are all very well taken care of and out being shown. In keeping my numbers down, it also enables me to be able to take on a few clients dogs. I really enjoy this, and I am fortunate enough to have wonderful clients that send me their best.I never understood the ads in the past that notedNOT AVAILABLE AT PUBLIC STUD. I always thought of this as being somewhat stingy, as arent we all here to better the breed I have since changed my opinion on this matter. I have had two very unsatisfactory outside services in the last 4 years, fortunately those were both for a clients dog from another country, and not one of my own dogs. I have had extremely good luck with my own dogs, everyone has been very easy to work with. However, the two bad experiences really leave a bad taste in my mouth, and I seriously have considered doing the unmentionable-NOT AVAILABLE AT PUBLIC STUD. But, I really hate to do this, as I feel my two studs really have a lot to offer they are both producing so well. Time will tell.I just recently started a new job a Branch Manager of Flexible Personnel, a employment agency. This is a ver demanding position, and I find myse with less and less time for the dogs. Yo may start seeing me less and less at th shows, as I hate to spend time away fror my family on weekends after such full an busy weeks. It is my goal to continue t breed the quality Poms I have been, an sending them out with handlers. Then will attend the Nationals in a socia capacity, enjoy the judging and the tim with my friends. My husband says right He knows I could never stay out of th ring perhaps I will come with one pupp instead of 5 Oh, what a lovely thought will never be completely out of the ring but perhaps just slow down for a while, would like to finish my current dogs, am we will see how it goes from there.I am looking forward to my term a board member of APC. I hope I will servi the membership well, but a YES person, am not. There are issues I do not agree on and there are some I do. I can only hope serve my term in the capacity that i expected.As many of you are aware, I am no much of a phone person, and for this would like to make a public apology After a full.9 hour day at the office, really dont have time for lengthy phon conversations at night. Especially call between 5 and 630. This is my hectitACan. Ch. Absolutes Jailhouse Rockime. This is not say I cant talk, but I have o keep it short. The kids are demanding ny attention, the dogs are wanting to go rat, not to mention my husband needs to 00k my supper ha ha. So if you catch ne at this time, I apologize for my iriefness. I try to make up for this at the hows, but I do apologize if I have cut you iff in mid thought.I am thrilled that there are more and nore breederownerhandlers in the Pomeranian ring. As the handler of Magic, [ can attest to the ultimate thrill when you are awarded that Best in Show. Knowing ill the love and attention that went into raising this little guy, and the joy and jmotion that accompanies each win is indescribable. I sincerely congratulate mother such person on his recent successes in New York, best to you babe Keep your chin up you deserve to stand tallI thank you all for your support, for the beautiful clients dogs I have been trusted with, and for the wonderful friends I have made throughout the years. Thanks, Dudley, for this opportunity, and hope you werent bored with the article.-sTheKing at Absolute Magic winning his second National under Ken MillerAround the Water Bowlby Linda Brogoitti 14410 N. 71st Avenue Peoria, AZ 85381I wish Id never written that last article about what could happen in an emergency. Two days after it was mailed, we had a death in the family and within 12 hours were on a plane for Illinois.Just for the record, I was not as prepared to walk out the door as I thought I was. There were two prescriptions that were down to their last 3 doses. Now I have them filled at least 2 weeks before they are gone. Same thing goes for dog food--dont wait till you have 3 days left. How we got out of here on time still amazes me there were puppies to go across town, a stud dog with an engagement scheduled and rescue dogs to going to other breed rescues in my absence.Back to what AKC will and will not accept. You can get Power of Attorney Authorization Notices from AKC. This will cover all litters and dogs owned or co-owned by the person granting power of attorney. Be aware this is good for a PERIOD OF ONE YEAR ONLY. When you fill this out, do not type in all the info. Try to list the dogs in your own handwriting-I had someone tell me that AKC prefers more than just your signature on the paper. One signature could be easily copied, but if your dogs names and numbers are written in your own hand as well, there should be no doubt.If I place a dog with a single person, I ask them to leave a note somewhere I prefer the refrigerator, much to my husbands dismay in case something happens and they dont get home. A number of someone who can take the dog until all is normal again is a great relief to the owner as well as the dog. When I place rescue dogs who are up in years, I try to explaiii about euthanasia and where to have it done. So many people out here take Fluffy to the shelter to be put down. I wonder how many know that their little Contd on page 571 Wyndtor jsends congratulations toJeanne and RoBert BCanfc^on their zvell deserved funnel visit.IAe are JBSOLUTECy thriCCed zvith our nezv additionsabsolute s 9dot Wheeis absolute s ev It lip HbsoCute s rEasy jderCfi. Jan-Sbar's Mar ley Davidson C Jan-Sbar's 9dadonnaandabsolute s BMagic 9distCfi. Absolute s Magic Mountain itLyngayle s SizzCin Wizz Jd co-Bred By Jeanne and QayCe Vautarva big thanl^you for these four siveetiesBecky SaBourin 2814 BCackburst Road Midland, MI 48640 817832-3408Top Poms List 1994Group PointsDogs Name Owner Group Breed I01 Ch Glen Iris Castle Rock.....................02 Ch Finchs He Walks On Water..........03 Ch HHH Texas Two Step....................04 Ch Watts Little Nicodemus................05 Ch Linchris Genghis Pom....................06 Ch Starfires Im Too Sexy..................07 Ch Creiders Prince Dorn Perignon 08 Ch Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy 09 Ch Jan-Shars Doc Holiday.................10 Ch Jan-Les Willie Makit...................11 Ch Nanshadow Mark Of Oakridge .12 Ch McGuires Wish Upon A Star....13 Ch Wee Paws Pure Gold.....................14 Ch Rodis Rocky Road.......................15 Ch Watts Little Socrates....................16 Ch VIPs Dixieland Delight................17 Ch Wattles Legacy of Homestead.18 Ch Odyssey Keno Wiz........................19 Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino..........WorkTaylorJackson... 13866........Diane Finch.............11805..........H Ramirez................5429..........R Koppel.................4694.........L Brogoitti................3831..........J Cabrera..................3503.......MMKoga.................2449...........D Hebert'.................2288.......B P Stroud..............1910..........J Lehtinen.................1636..N Burnette N Epps.........1160.............J Kern....................1054...........S Mulinax..................926..........D Solano....................819...........D Watts....................672.....SmithGreedy.................648...McCrackenPurvis............643.... LucidoMachline............636.... PlonkeyGemmiH...........6001414 .804 .493 .490 .470 .309 . 180 .353 .439 .214 .247 .. 174 .. 192 ..292 ..264 ..227 .. 128 .. 147 ..211Breed Points01Ch02 Ch03Ch04Ch05 Ch06Ch07Ch08Ch09Ch10Ch11Ch12Ch13Ch14Ch15Ch16Ch17 Ch18Ch19Ch20ChGlen Iris Castle Rock....................Finchs He Walks On Water.........HHH Texas Two Step...................Watts Little Nicodemus...............Linchris Genghis Pom..................Jan-Shars Doc Holiday................Glen Iris Luckdragon....................Treasured Deans Hi HierarchyStarfires Im Too Sexy................Rodis Mr Rocky Road.................Absolutes Magic Mountain.........Watts' Little Socrates....................Nanshadow Mark of Oakridge..VIPs Dixieland Delight...............Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip....Jan-Les Willie Makit...................Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino.........Jan-Shars Harley Davidson.........Jan-Shars I Feel Lucky................Tim Sues Luck of Texican................WorkTaylorJackson... 13866..................D Finch...............11805...............H Ramirez................5429................R Koppel.................4694...............L Brogoitti...............3831.............BP Stroud................1910...........T S Goddard................338................D Hebert..................2288...............J Cabrera..................3503................D Solano....................819...............R J Blank...............281..................D Watts....................672......N Burnette N-Epps........1160...........Smith Greedy..............648StrasbaughGemmillPlonkey. 260...............J Lehtinen.................1636........Plonkey Gemmill...........600...............S Hanson...................531...............S Hanson....................412...............E Moureau.................4611414.804.493.490.470.439.398.353.309.292.287.. we have compiled this report with care, we do not claim absolute accuracy. This is not the method for choosing the APC Annual Awards. Jean B. Schroll, Columnistfriend will first be dragged through a dip tank and then put in a concrete stall to shiver and cry for THREE DAYS until someone finally puts it out of its misery. Its the law. How much kinder for Fluffy to go the vet in his owners arms and be gently sedated first with his owner holding him. I wish the Vets would explain this option to all their patients on the initial visit There are a lot of pet people who think the only thing to do is go to the shelters and drop them off.As your new Judges Education Coordinator, I have one thing to say, "Hhhhelp"Members are needed to present breed material at Judges workshops. This material is available to anyone who has been asked to put on a seminar by writing the JEC and requesting it There are many of you who are very capable ofpresenting your breed and sharing your years of experience with interested parties.Its a lot easier than you think. Just bring a bunch of Poms for them to go over and go through the Standard. Youd be surprised at what you have to offer andwhat you can learn by doing this.Have you had a problem with a judge lately Did a judge tell you that your dog was not an acceptable color when you knew it was You probably wont get anywhere arguing BUT, if you let us know, we can contact the judge and get it cleared up so it doesnt hapen again.Your Board is here to serve you. Useit any time. Thanks for the opportunity to serve on the Board.Guess Id better get going. Were moving this week note new address at top and still have lots to do.Poms Away,LindaUrsulas Canine Kitchenby Ursula R. Taylor 602 Wildey Road Seaford, VA 23696-2660I have compiled a considerable collection of doggy treats and dishes. 1 hope that what is submitted here will be of use to you.Puppy Go AwayYield 6 servings14 c oil of cloves1 T paprika11 black pepperMix the oil, paprika and pepper and pour it into a small container with a tight-fitting lid. Label and keep away from children.To use Dab it on your furniture legs, chairs, tables, rugs to discurage puppies from getting on the furniture. The scent will wear off after awhile you may have to reapply it if your puppy isnt completely trained.This solution works to keep puppies away from furniture and rugs. The scent isnt distasteful to people, only to ultra-"scent"-sitive puppies.From Cheaper Better by Nancy BirnesHomemade Dog BiscuitsYield one batch2 14 c whole wheat flour legg12 c vegetable oil 1T brown sugar 12 c nonfat dry milk powder 14 c liver powder get at Health Food Stores1 each beef bouillon cube -dissolved in 12 c hot waterMix all ingredients well. Knead for 2 minutes. Roll to 14 inch thick and cut with cutters of desired shapes. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet for 30 minutes at 300 degrees. Cool on rack. Yields about 4 dozen biscuits.This was posted on Prodigy by Paulinda Hubbard.Baby Food Dog Treats1 c wheat germ oil2 jars meat baby foodMix both together until you have a stiff dough. Form into balls and place on cookie sheet Flatten with a fork. Bake at 350 degrees for 20--35 minutes until desired hardness. Can be frozen.Submitted by Linda SatterfieldMulti-Grain Dog Biscuits3 2 c all purpose flour 2 c whole wheat flour 1 c tye flour1 c com meal2 c cracked wheat 12 c nonfat dry milk 11 salt-or less1 pk dry yeast 1 boiling water 1 pt chicken or beef broth 1 egg beaten w1 T milkCombine dry ingredients in large bowl. Add yeast and broth, mix thoroughly. Knead until you have a stiff dough. Roll dough into 14 inch sheets, cut biscuits into desired shapes. Place on baking sheet. Bake in a 300 degree oven for 45 minutes. Turn off oven and leave in oven overnight.You can alter recipe by adding molasses or honey, delete salt add vitamins, add fat or margarine and adding more eggs.Posted on Prodigy by Linda SatterfieldMistys Treats1 c oats, rolled 13 c butter 1 c water 34 c commealI T sugarII bouillon, beef 12 c milk4 oz cheese, Cheddar shredded 1 egg, beaten'V ......................3 c flour, whole wheatBoil water. Combine oats, butter, and water. Let stand ten minutes. Stir in com meal, sugar, bouillon, milk, cheese, and egg. Mix well. Add flour, a cup at a time, mixing well after each addition to form a stiff dough. On floured surface, knead in remaining flour until dough is smooth and no longer sticky, 3 to 4 minutes. Roll or pat out dough to 12-inch thickness. Cut with bone shaped cookie cutter. Place 1-inch apart on a greased cookie sheet. Bake in pre-heated 325 degree oven 35 to 45 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely.From David Hicks. Source Josie Minerich, Denver PostAlfie and Archies Dog BiscuitsI 12 c flour, whole wheat 12 c powdered milk121 salt121 garlic powderII sugar, brown6 T meat drippings or margarine 1 egg, beaten 12 c ice waterPreheat oven to 350. Lightly oil a cookie sheet. Combine flour, powdered milk, salL garlic powder, and sugar. Add enough water so that mixture forms a ball. Using your fingers, pat out dough on to cookie sheet to half inch thick. Cut with cookie cutter or knife and remove scraps. Scraps can be formed again and baked. Bake 25-30 minutes. Remove tray and cool on rack.From Clarence Fontish. Source CookiemaniaBowser Biscuits1 pk dry yeast 12 c warm water2 c warm chicken or beef broth 12 c powdered milk14 c margarine or hamburger grease 14 c honey 1 egg, beaten 141 saltContd on page 60Pom ShoppeQuantity Price Item01.... ..............2.50...............Plaster Pom earrings orange pierced03......................4.00...............I AMs Pet Foods Grooming Aprons wpockets red06.... .................3.00...............Dolls wcrocheted dresses toilet tissue white, green, rose white,brown cream, beige, green white17.... ...............25.00..............Pedigree Books from Great Elms 141 pages01.... ...............25.00...............Prodigy Membership IBM compatible, v. 3.215.... ..................3.00...............Note cards and envelopes wPom by Babe '8601.... .................2.50...............Wooden Pom Figurine wsmoked mirror14.... ..................5.00...............Small key ring wPom head on white tile11......................6.00...............Lucite full Pom figure key ring01......................7.50......... ....Rubber stamp-full Pom wribbon in mouth52......................5.00......... ....APC membership pens..................3.00......... ....APC Decals setone large and two smallBess P. Roberts 15802 Letcher Road Brandywine, MD 20613Winning Bast Puppy in Match at Savannah KC 92594 and also at Hilton Head KC 11694.At the A PC February Specialty, he placed 3rd In the Sweepstakes 6-9 month class and 2nd in the regular 6-9 month class with Pam Campbell Dziuk.At the Hendersonville KC on 21795, he won his first two poIntB by going Best of Winners. Hes on his wayStella M. Llzambrl 133 Cam slot Drive Goose Creek, SC 803553-0188presents..2 c all purpose flour1 c com meal1 c wheat germ2 c cracked wheat4 c whole wheat flourIn small bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. In large bowl combine broth, powdered milk, margarine, honey, egg, and salt. Add yeastwater and mix well. Stir in flour, com meal, wheat germ, and cracked wheat. Mix well. Add whole wheat flour, 12 cup at a time, mixing well after each addition. Knead in the final amounts of flour by hand and continue kneading for 4 or 5 minutes until dough is not sticky. Pat or roll dough to 12 inch thickness and cut into bone shapes. Place on a greased cookie sheet, cover lightly and let set for 20 minutes. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes. Turn off heat and leave in oven several hours or over night. Makes approximately 3 12 pounds.Microwave Doggie Doughnuts2 c whole wheat flourI egg, lightly beaten23 c beef or chicken broth3 T oatmealII garlic powderPlace flour in a bowl, add eggs and broth, mix well. Blend in oatmeal and garlic powder. Roll dough into a ball, roll out on a lightly floured surface to 12 inches thick. Cut with small doughnut cutters. Reroll scraps and repeat Shape last bits by hand.Arrange rings on a shallow baking dish or on a sheet of parchment paper in a single layer. Cook on high 10 minutes or until firm. Let cool until hardened. Store in covered container when dog is not looking.From Linda SatterfieldPuget Sound Pomeranian Club Specialtyby Janell ReichWe hope to see many of you out at our specialty at Brush Prairie, Thursday, July 13, 1995. Our judges will beconformationjunior showmanship Mrs. Olmos-Olivier, Obedience, Mrs. N. Gonce-Cartwright Sweepstakes, Blake Jones. Our superintendent is Brown. The contact person was wrong in the last issue it is Ingrida Gasaway 206 843-1543. All this is pending AKC approval, of course. The Columbia Pomeranian Club will have their specialty with obedience on Friday with Jean Schroll as Show Secretary. Saturday through Monday are all-breed shows at Bmsh Prairie. In addition, there are all-breed shows near by the weekend prior including that Monday.This last year has been a busy one. Our January Specialty was written up in the last issue, and the specialty was devoted to the memory of long time pomeranian breederfancier Shirley Bradley. Not mentioned in the list of winning trophies for the January, 95 specialty was Best Bred-by trophy in the name of Shirley Bradley. It was won by Cinnakees Tango in the Nite owned by Cathy and Garry Cinnamon. Alecia Heggerston and Jean Schroll presented the trophy. Also left out of the last Review report was our Best Puppy in Regular Classes, Daystar FG Diamond in the Ruff owned by Karen Power and Patricia Foxx.In the Fall and Winter, we lost two more members-Loren Pinnt passed away and shortly after, his wife Joyce passed on.At our last club meeting, we brought up again the need for our club to start pom rescue work. If any club could write me or an article to the Review on how yours is set up, it may help us get started.I would like to apologize to the judges and winners of our July specialty for my unforgivable procrastination. I keep missing the deadlines. The following is the overdue results of our fabulous summer 1994 specialty. This show wasdedicated to the memory of Lewis Negri. We were honored to have Darrell Baker and his lovely wife Olga. Mr Baker did a wonderful job of judging all the conformation poms. Best of Breed was Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino owned by Dana Plonkey and Randy Gemmill. Best Opposite Sex was Elans Madonna owned by David and Melissa Dahlenburg and shown by Erika Moureau. Best of Winners was Apolloette Afternoon Delight owned by Carolyn LaTorre and shown by Marlin Presser. Best Puppy in Regular Qasses was Sungolds Style Breaker owned by Anna LaFortune. Best in Sweeps was Autumns Peterbilt a Porsche owned by Patricia Foxx and Emily Untalan. Best Opposite in Sweeps was won by Zumas Top Flight of Daystar owned by Karen Powers and Kristie Wheeler. High in Trial was won by Ollie Blue Bluster CDX, TD shown and owned by Ann Griffith and owned also by Randall Morris. Best Junior Handler was Brian Sweeney showing Aijas Singleoak Hot Stuff owned by Doreen Barry.rBestof BreedCh. Valcopy-Wakhan ValentinoIr''crn iWinners Bitch and Best Opposite Elans Madonna-r..I___ iBestof Winners ADOIIoette Afternoon DeliahtMrumBest In Sweepstakes Autumns Peterbilt a PorscheB8t Junior Handler Brian McSweeneyHigh in Trial Ollie Blue Bluster CDX, TDKind KollarBe Kind To Your Dog. Sheepskin under the neck Easy on the trachea--doesnt shut off breathing Excellent for lead training and the show ringYour dog will bless the day you bought iKind Kollar47" Nylon Show Lead....................................15.00BlackWhiteBrown48" Cordo Hyde.............................................17.00Black, White, Camel, Brown, Grey2.00 each shipping and handling .50 each additional leadDude Bietch13640 SE Hwy 212, Sp70 Clackamas, OR 97015 503655-9314Thank you, Jay Ammon, for the idea and design.i m wearing a Kind Kollar- Thanks MomLAKC Announces Companion Animal Recovery ProgramContact Noreen Baxter Director of Communications 212696-8336March 8, 1995New York, NY-Akc announced today that it has joined forces with Scherin-Plough pharmaceutical company to bring the benefits of microchip technology to a nationwide animal identification and recovery program. Schering-Plough will market the Destron microchip, under the name "Home Again," through veterinary practices. AKC will provide database management services for a national animal recovery program under the name "AKC Companion Animal Recovery."The heart of this system is a rice-sized microchip, encased in biocompatible glass. The microchip is inert, has no active parts and is encoded with an unalterable ID number. It is inserted by injection beneath the skin between the dogs withers and read when a scanner is passed over the dog.As the database manager, AKC will provide 24-hour-a-day 800 number service for recovery. The recovery system will also be accessible by fax or e-mail. Any animal identified with the Destron chip will be eligible for enrollment in the recovery service. Enrollment forms will be sealed in the microchip package which will also include a corresponding collar tag.This identification and recovery program will be launched in late spring. For further information, contact Robert Keely, Director of Microchips, by FAX at 919 233-3627.Question and AnswersQ Will microchip identification be mandatory by AKCA There are no present plans to require microchip identification for AKC registration or for participating in AKC events.Q Can I use microchips to satisfy AKC requirements for identification'A Yes. remember, current AKC regulations require you to have a scannei on the premises. Also, the identifying microchip number be kept on the dog oi litter record.Q How can I buy a microchip and enroll in the recovery systemA Destron microchips will be marketec to veterinarians by Schering-Plough. The will not be sold the general public.Q What is the cost for the microchipping and recovery programA There is a one-time fee of 12.50 pei pet for lifetime enrollment in the recover system. The cost of the chip itself and the vets fee for implantation are separate from the recovery enrollment.Q What if I move or transfer a pet Will there be a charge to update the recovery databaseA Yes, there will be a 6.00 fee pei new owner for a transfer if all transfen are submitted at the same time. Also, there is a 6.00 fee per owner foi corrections or changes of address.Q What about other means ofidentification for enrollment in the recovery databaseA Although microchips are preferred animals with tattoos are also eligible.Q Is this program just for purebred dogsA No, any animal, cat or dog, positively identified may enroll in the recovery program.Q I want more information about the technical aspects of the microchip. Who shall I callA Details about further contacts foi technical and medical information will be announced in the near future.Behind The New TitlistsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Titlists will be printed free if sent in by the owner. Please send the dogs name, sex, owners name, and breeders name on a separate sheet of paper. Please type or print legibly. Send copies of pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor.Ch Ra-Joys Parti OreoBlack and White Parti female Breeder Gary P. Mulinax Owner Roberta KerrSweethearts Choco Smores Sweethearts Choco Smores II Scott Heida Sunsets Blue Denim Carolyns Onyx Star Lady OnyxCarolyns Savanah Sweethearts Choco Smores II Sunsets Blue Denim Lady OnyxWee Paws Southern QueenHupkas Mr Giggito Hupkas Lil ChablisFranks Loma Lady EbonyCh Blossom Heights Jackpot MCh Blossom Heights Dynamite FOrange Male and Female Breeder Arlene F. and John S. BenkoCh Annons Spittin Image Ch Homestead's Spit N Polish Ch Homestead's Pretty Petal Ch Blossom Heights Firecracker McGuires Fantasy Super Star Blossom Heights Bolero McGuire's Love Disco Girl Ch Millamors Rock Music Ch Millamors Mood Music Millamors Judy Brown blossom Heights McGuires Amy McGuires Dandy Randy Bobbys Cuddles Angie XVIICh Kneislers Nickis TraditionOrange FemaleBreeder Claudette ConferOwner C Breaux M KneislerCh Millamors Trademark Ch Millamors Mark Tradition Millamors Sparkling Music Ch Rock N Tradition of Oakridge Ch De Artas Rock Dancer Rock Dancers Little RockDe Artas Dancing Moon Gold Ch Chriscendo City Lights Ch Primrose City LimitsRosewood Gold Mite Brass Ring Kneislers Top Notch Megan Allayns Rock Revival Kneislers Top Notch Nikki Allayns Top SecretCh Conjers Baron Von BatmanOrange MaleBreeder Connie and Jerry Brown Owner Bonnie Mclntosh-Taylor and Daniel Taylor, Jr.Ch Sun Rays Ambassador ROM Ch Sun Rays Gold Banner Sun Rays Lil Dovie Elegants Baron Von Ruff-RuffCh Sun Rays Ambassador ROM Elegants Cotton Candy Sun Rays Miss Ora-Tan Ch Sun Rays Ambassador ROM Ch Sun Rays Batman Sun Rays Lil Dovie Toris Elegant Orange Blossom Ch Queen a re Coup D Etat Toris Red Velvet Button Jubilee Lady BethViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the Editor or American Pomeranian Club.VWe invite our Readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects. JSmaller than the average cat...Able to walk through chain least when he was a pupNot your average pom....Its Stealie Manby Julie ClemenStealer as hes know aka, ILP name-Hes a Heart Stealer was one of 65 dogs rescued from a local puppy mill. He was bout 5 weeks old at the time of his rescue. It all started at the vets when he was being cleaned up he was full of bugs and scabs. In the tub he had an attack-hypoglycemia that is. My friend was washing him and she thought he had died on her and was hysterical. Luckily, I was next to her bathing another dog and knew exactly what was happening. I then proceeded to run around the vet clinic like a chicken with its head cut off looking for sugar I was given Nutra Cal and that did the trick and brought him to consciousness again.After putting some weight on Stealer he didnt know how to eat dog food yet, so he got ground up dry food mixed with milk replacement formula, it was time to worm him. I used a vet recommended wormer and 4 hours after I gave it to him, the worms appeared. They were longer than he was and they were stuck. I had to help him pass these critters because he had so many, and they were so large he couldnt get them out. After removing the vermin, he went into shock from all the toxins they left in his system. But we pulled him through that too. Once again the dog of Steal came through.Stealers next adventure involved one of his housemates, a very rambunctious 70-pound German Shepherd puppy. They were playing on the bed. He never saw it coming, but smack-ker-thunk, he was on the floor. The Shepherds tail had knocked him off the bed, head first on to the floor Poor Stealie had a severe concussion and couldnt walk a straight line. But, true to his name, he bounced backStealer has grown up now and weighs 5pounds, he an orange and sable parti with a black face mask. His favorite pastime is licking his "dad" in the face non-stop for 5 minutes. He also has this very un-dog like talk. It sounds like nothing Ive ever heard come out of a dog. Stealer also has a passion for M Ms yes, I know they are especially bad for small dogs and this love lead him into his next incident.I was having a sinus attack and went to take some sudafed for those of you who dont know, sudafed looks like small, red M Ms. It comes in a foil bubble pack. I was having trouble popping the little hummer out of the package it finally came out Unfortunately, it flew right by me on to the floor and guess who thought it as an M M Yep, Stealie Man gulped it down before I could move or say a word By the time I got hold of a vet, it had been too long to make him throw it up, so Stealer got very hyped up like on a mega overdose of caffeine. He kept me up all night long. I learned a very important tip-when in doubt, make them throw up You can use ipicap syrup or hydrogen peroxide. There is one time you shouldnt make them throw up and I will get to that story later.Stealers love for chocolate got him into trouble again, when for Christmas, I received a box of cherry cordial chocolates. I inadvertently left them on the coffee table all closed up. Stealers other nickname is mountain goat. He can climb up on anything This acrobatic feature aided him in his next adventure. He got up on the coffee table and pushed the box of chocolates off the table, got the lid off, and ate seven of them. Did I mention two of his housemates were with him, but neither one touched the chocolates. No doubt due to Stealers possessiveness. By the time I got back it had proven too much for his system, and there were thousands of little chocolatecherry lakes all over the house and one very empty water dish. By the way, this didnt change his love for chocolate either.Stealer loves water and will even jump in the shower. When I soak in the tub, heContinued on page 69Yips YapsHandling StyleIf I could combine the brilliant perfection of Joy Brewster, the grace and confidence of Jackie Rayner, the delicate sensuality of Nina Work, the poetry in motion of Koz Hosaka, and the casual elegance of Jimmy Moses I would be a wonderful handler.I tried to combine these styles once and looked like a frog stuck in the mud Im striving for my own style.I constantly seek out these professionals and try to learn all I can from them. The one thing I did learn was each dog is an individual and his needs come first. Special attention to each dog brings out his best Thats what makes you successful.I am deeply in love with showing dogs. Every aspect of dog shows fascinates me. From the setup to the tear down from the first morning exercise yes even the scooping, to the final grooming touches before entering the ring and especially when the judge points to me for the prize. Its all wonderful. I love it allElizabeth KerrThe American Kennel Club 51 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10010To Whom It May ConcernAfter watching the Westminster Kennel Club show on television this past week, I felt compelled to write this letter. Im not usually one to complain, but, I was so disappointed at what is happening to the Pomeranian breed, I cannot just sit by quietly and let this continue without voicing my opinion. I feel I have the right to point out an injustice to the American Pomeranian Club APC as well as the breeders and exhibitors of the Pomeranian all over this country. I am a member and past officer of APC, as well as the founder, past president, and current Vice-President of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore, Inc. I have bred two Best in Show Pomeranians, several group and specialty winners, and many champions over the past twenty-eight years.The topic of this letter is "EXCESSIVE TRIMMING." I ask you to get a tape of the 1988 Westminster Kennel Club show andcompare the Pom that won Best in Show to the Pom that was in the group this year. Im not talking about the merits or demerits of either dog Im speaking strictly on the trimming. To get a truly exquisite feeling of the beauty of the Pom put your video on slow motion, notice the beauty and fluid elegance of the 1988 Pom as his flowing hair keeps in time with body action. Watch how lovely and typically Pomeranian he is as the "...long hair or feathering..." bounces off his hocks as he moves. That is the essence of why I chose the Pomeranian to devote my life to promoting. How can you look at that tape and not just want to eat him upI have to ask you the AKC why do you require the parent clubs of each breed to submit standards for their breed if AKC is not going to instruct the judges LICENSED BY AKC to adhere to those standards The Pomeranian standard clearly states "Trimming Trimming for neatness is permissible around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is also permissible. Over trimming beyond the location and amount described in the breed standard should be heavily penalized. Leg Coat The front legs are well feathered and the hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks."There is nothing in the paragraph on trimming that says to cut off the desired "long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks," or trim closely the front legs that are-well feathered. It clearly says if you will notice in the first sentence "...up the back of the legs to the first joint.." Neither do I see anything about cutting off all the hair on the chest sides, or stomach. I have seen Poms shown with the hair shaved clear around the root of the tail almost Poodle-like in appearance. If you will look at the tape of the Pom shown this year, you can see that he was trimmed practically all over his body. The hair when it is cut gives a frizzed appearance because the hair shaft is blunt from being cut rather than ending naturally. I dont want you to think I am against trimming. On the contrary, when I trim Poms for show, I spend hours working on them. When I get finished they look nice, but dont look trimmed-they just look neat. I dont change the natural appearance of the Pom just make what is there look better.I would like AKC to explain to me and the APC why they do not oversee the judges they license. If they would enforce the requirements of the judges to follow the breed standards, andpenalize the ones who give points or best of breed wins, this practice of EXCESSIVE TRIMMING would soon stop.I am not a lone voice in this blatant disregard of our breed standard. If you want to see for yourself, just do a nexus search of all the Pom Magazines for the past ten years and see how many Pom breeders, exhibitors, and APC members are complaining about this problem. Month after month you can read the frustration in their letters. I know for a fact, from being an officer, the APC has been confounded with written letters and trying to discourage exhibitors from exhibiting, and judges from pointing excessively trimmed Poms but to no avail.I put before you a supposition-suppose a group of handlers decided to start showing Dachshunds that were shorter in length of back than the standard calls for. If those handlers were well known and had a lot of clout in the dog show world, there would be judges that would put them up. Soon other judges would follow suit and a trend might form. The Dachshund appearance would not be as the standard states and surely the Dachshund fanciers would be outraged. Would AKC sit idly by and see the Dachshund breed change significantly, or would you instruct your licensed judges that this practice would not be tolerated, well, you should not tolerate what is happening to the Pomeranian.I believe the AKC should step in and stop this wanton disregard for the Pomeranian standard. Please take the time to compare the two AKC tapes and see for yourself what is happening to the breed. If there are enough people in the Pom world that want to change the standard, then so be it, but until that time the judges should be required to follow the standard. I dont need a personal answer to this letter, but I definitely think the APC certainly deserves one.Copies of this letter are going to all Pomeranian Magazines in this country, the AKC Gazette, the APC, and all regional Pom clubs.I thank you very much for your time, and I hope we can finally come to some resolution to this problem.Thank you,Dianne Johnson 2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore, MD 21234Pom HumorGrowing up with a dog enthusiast for a Momis not often easy. Recently, my teenager,Marie, was suffering with a horrible strepthroat. Since she has several medicationallergies, we have to keep the cures simple.Remembering one of Grandmoms remedies,I walked into Maries room with a Vicsointment jar and clean cloth. After Marieliberally spread this guck over her chest, Idont know what possessed me to say, "Do youwant to hear what we use this for with dogs"Her eyes grew wide as she proclaimed, "Tellme that this really is people medicine" Iassured her it was...but it also has a purpose fordogs...and before I could finish thesentence-pointing to her chest, Marieexclaimed, "Ill never talk to you again if youtell me it grows coat"Marge KranzfelderDear Dolly,When we asked to add a BestBred-by-Exhibitor in Show award, we hoped itwould change the popularity of theBred-by-Exhibitor classes-particularly by oursupporting the award with exceptional prizes.This year, I think we saw a change, particularlyin bitches.Last year was the first year the award was offered, and we wanted to make it a really special award. We were happy you agreed that it was a quite nice award by having us stand up at the dinner in Dallas and describe the award a 14 karat gold disk with a loop for hanging on a neck chain. We especially ordered it through Caldwell Jewelers at Christiana, Delaware, because we wanted one that was quite thick tc take engraving on both sides. We were sony not to be able to include a nice neck chain, bul the disk cost us 110, and at the time we fell this was quite a substantial amount for one award. We chose it thinking it would be suitable for a man or a woman. Jackie Kline was the winner last year, and she wrote us the most charming thank you note with details or how she had had it engraved and asking for the history of the award. A copy of the note is attached.This year we offered a set of six Roya Doulton hand cut lead crystal sherry stems in s very nice satin lined box which I had written tc you for your approval this same time last year The winner was Tony Cabrera, and he was quite pleased with them. Thank you for tellingme at the time of the photograph what a nice prize it was.When I receive a copy of the photograph, I will be placing an ad in the Review. However, I think everyone will be dismayed to see the ribbon the judge is holding for the Best Bred-by-Exhibitor in Show. There was no ribbon supplied by APC for this award and a little pink puppy sweeps ribbon was given to the judge to hold. I would like to ask that an appropriate ribbon be given in 1996 and as we have offered to fund this award, we will be more than happy to pay for the ribbon also.I have already ordered the prize for next year with your approval, as usual. It is a ceramic pom on a field with some flowers and a ribbon for Best BBE. The exact description will be supplied to Tim Goddard, who is Show Chairman for 1996, when it is received.Sincerely,Melissa DahlenburgDear Melissa and David,Im writing to thank you for offering the gold medallion for BBE class at the APC February Specialty. As you probably know, my youngster, "Cruise," won it on his way to becoming WD and BOW that day.I wanted you to know Ive had it engraved with his name, "Silver Meadows Jus Crusin" on one side and "APC, 21394" on the other. Its very pretty, and Ive already worn it twice on a 24 Karat gold chain.It seemed to me it was such an unusual trophy there must be a story behind it Am hoping you will share it with me, if so.Again, Sincere thanks,Jackie KleinDear Mrs. Shearer and APCIm writing to thank you for the wonderful plaque awarded to my Pom on his Top Utility achievement. Its wonderful that a National Club recognizes top poms in many categories and sees fit to reward this achievement with such a beautiful memento.This is the second time Bobby Driftwood Love That Bob UD has achieved Top Pom status, and the plaque received will join the others on a special place on the wall.Thanks again for this recognition.Sincerely,Marian Lazzara and BobbyDear Judy,We received an APC certificate for our pomeranian bitch in this weeks mail. It states she was 8 bitch in 1994. What a surprise. Thank you very much for this certificate.Enclosed you will find a copy of our record of her AKC points. Although she has 15 points which includes a 5-point major, she needs a second major to complete her AKC championship.You may be interested to know that she and her brother Ch. TLC Bon Jovi completed the requirements necessary for their Mexican and International championships in January, 1994, at Mexicali, Baja, California. We had a fantastic time that week-end and became more educated about dog eventspeople.God bless you in your efforts in the dog game. Again, thank you.Sincerely,Daniel and Margaret OntiverosDear EditorI understand there is quite a controversy about the trim done on the Pom that went BOB at the recent Specialty and the Pom class at Westminster.The owner has worked hard to breed a dog of this quality, and has always been a friend to others, willing to help people without a negative thing to say. It really upsets me to know there are people out there in Poms that can treat someone this bad. I think it is wonderful that a relative new-comer can breed, train, and handle his own dog to these quality wins. It lets the rest of us know it can be done without the added expense of a handler. Unfortunately, after all the negative response,it could be a very expensive series of wins in terms of friendships lost How sadOne would think a judge is qualified after all his training, testing, and experience. After all, the coat does not make the dog, it only beautifies the animal. We all should be able to tell the quality of a Pom by watching it move, by feel, etc., as long as the coat is the proper texture. In fact, the judge should be more able to see faults on an "overtrimmed" dog.Come on, folks, lets get that trimming requirement out of the standard. I really dont think anyone will show up in ring with a "poodle cut" Pom.Lets concentrate on the problems that really count in our breed-bad rears, bad fronts, open fontenals, bites, stifles, skin disease, etc. Isnt this more importantAs breeders, we must be able to pleaseourselves, as well as stick to the Standard, and trimming is done per personal preference.Please, folks, lets all try to be friends who love these wonderful little dogs. Lets congratulate the winners, and if we lose, lets try to breed and show better Poms. And remember, no one dog wins all the time. Maybe tomorrow will be your day. After all, it is the judges choice.Hopefully, I didnt upset anyone, I just hate to see good people hurt. We wish all of you a winning 1995.rBarb Nagy Rhea-NaPomsContinued from page 65loves to walk the edge of the tub pacing back and forth pondering if he should jump in or not One day my tub wasnt draining properly, so I poured a leading drain opener down it. I was standing in the bathroom blowing my hair dry. In the mirror I could see Stealer jump into the tub then, it hit me, I had put poison down the drain. Too late-he licked it. I got him out of the tub and ran him to the kitchen, turned on the faucet, pried him mouth open, and ran water through his mouth. I took him out of the sink and gave him Mocha Mix Im allergic to milk, and all I had was creamer, anything to coat his stomach. This is the one time you NEVER make dog or kid throw up after ingesting something caustic. Again, true to his name, he bounced back none the worse for wear but he probably has sink phobia.The scary part is Stealer is just over a year old. I have had dogs for 20 years and have NEVER gone through what this rascal has put me through. I hope I live through his next 15 yearsMay,MaryfrenemhifaHmatoJeanne and Dobed on their Kamel Visit They are excellent Breeders, Exhfcitora, HandlersYour many friends wish youthe very bestr The Effects of Sedation on SpermEvidence supports that semen collection by ejaculation alone and by ejaculation with xylazine tranquilizers can cause significant numbers of sperm to flow into the urinary bladder and be excluded from the semen evaluation.Realistically, this could result in a falsely inadequate sperm count on a breeding soundness evaluation, and lower the numbers of sperm available for artificial insemination. In general, zylazine, and possibly other tranquilizers in its class, are ^undesirable to use when collecting semen or breeding.^Back IssuesMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan 75. ....Oct 77......May 79... April 808.00 eachJul 77.. ...Feb80...... ..Jul 81.... ...Oct83Apr 86 ...Jan 80...... ..Jan 906.00 eachJul80.. ....Oct80.......Apr 82.... ...Oct82Jan 83. ....Jul83........Apr84.... ...Oct84Jan 85. ...Apr85...... ..Jul85..........Oct85Jul 86.. ...Sept86..... .Nov 86........Jul87Oct87. ...Jan 88...... ..Jul 88.........Jan 89Apr89 ....Jul90....... ..Oct90.... ....Jan 91Mar91....May 91.... ..Jul91Issues from September on....The Pomeranian Review ISSN0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.KENNEL VISITSJune...Dianne Johnson Silva Lade PomsADVERTISERSLois Abjomson........................................................35Jeanne Blank...........................................................58Dixie Bletch.............................................................62A1 and Barbara Boehmer........................Inside FCLinda Brogoitti.......................................................32Tony Cabrera Fabian Arienti..........CenterspreadCharlotte Creed......................................................71Louise and Norman Crowe......................................4Doral Publishing.....................................................28Gail Dumiok and Gale Sharland...........................72Nina Epps..................................................................1Diane L. Finch........................................................37Jerrie Freia..............................................................32Sharon Hanson......................................Back CoverMarit and Jim Hatton.......................76, Inside BCHi-Crest Kennels......................................................40, 41Roberta Kerr..........................................................75Marge Kranzfelder...................................................6LaCherie Poms.........................................................47Mary Liang.............................................................49Stella Lizambri.......................................................59Julie Moreno..............................................................5, 32Steve and Barb Nagy..............................................48Evelyn Newyear Cynthia Wallen........................42Pom Shoppe............................................................59Rosemary Regoni....................................................74Becky Sabourin.......................................................55Florence and Carl Scott.........................................32Gale Sharland.........................................................73Jim and Judy Shearer...............................................4, 32Bonnie McIntosh Taylor........................................32Taylor Jackson Work......................................333Dolly B. Trauner.....................................................34Gale Vautaw............................................................36Betty Wrixon....................................................46SOUTHLANDm\s.mmCh. Southlands ShowstopperCh. Southlands Sir Impressive x Southlands Simply Elegant"Topper" is pictured here with judge Thomas Conway. Topper has been consistently winning the breed with some group placements. He is super moving, typy, and up on his toes.Breeder Owner HandlerSouthland6618 Lost Ridge Plneville, LA 71360 318466-3456Charlotte Creed'Rays ofSunshineDARs Foxridgaand Mings KirkL\w-ISendmany thanks to Jeanne Blank for taking special care of both of Mings babies-Cendree and Kirk.Congratulations to you and Robert, to Magic, and all the other Absolute Poms. There arent many who can claim two National BISS in a rowRosemary E. Regoni 385 Loop RoadCampobello, SC 29322 803 472-3002i vr iv i uvu uumvn immLLn1994 TOP ARC POM JUNIOR HANDLER 1994 3 ALL-BREED JUNIOR HANDLERElizabeth Kerr with Ch. Ra-Joy s Parti Oreo. Judge Michelle Billings-PLACINGJR. SHOWMANSHIPNATIONAL specialtyAMERICANPOMERANIANCLUB FEB. 11-12, 1995"rWAA-N PRODUCTIONStom nutting...o -I'jZiuteL' J, T-.j .'HiiJlJJiULiMiii We feed Science DietilLAiLlLllMi . ht rrs r N v. l-.Sf4hViiWESTOAFENNEL CCan Ch. Bavanews Anna AliciaAlicia was capably handled by her Canadian handler, Richard Paquette. She currently has 14 points.Dr. Jim and Marit Hattori808 235-8200-ifaikf-rA c5Chriscendo ConspiracyThis little dog, capably handled by Erik Hattori, was BOB and Group I in his first show out of quarantine.Dr. Jim and Marit Hattori806 235-8200Cfu Jcm-Shafs Mr. 9ice. Quy\L'PSI t i BEST OF WINNERS national specialtyAMERICANPOMERANIANjfexCLUB. vvVNVyfSiffiSSsdCh. Jan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy is sired by Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain and out of Jan-Shars Sweet Pea of Unicorn. He is pictured taking BW at the National Specialty under Michelle Billings and handled by Jason Lynch. Congratulations to my good friends Jeanne and Robert Blank on your KennelVisit. Thanks for allowing Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain to visit a few months.