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The Pomeranian Review August 1995
xAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Slljf Jtommmum IruiruiPublished Bi-Monthly AugustSeptember, 1995T1rmml\I Ik \iSPltsss" 8glNSill ,-- -.tcCh.Aldens Cajun Spice O WoodroseIN riEIBIELAEy ALL IECAIDS ILIEAIL TO NEW YEIEEE NEED y'OILIE ILEILIP TO MALE OLE EEBELAEY SPECIALTY ONE TO LIE EIEMEMLIEEEIOHE MAJOR TROPHIES THIS YEAR WILL BE HAND PAINTED OR AND SOWN PRACTICAL AND WHIMSICAL OBJECTS OF ART EATURING THE WORKS OFSHARON DUGAS EDITH LANDINGER ESTELLE MCDONALDWEN YOU SEND YOUR TROPHY DONATIONS PLEASE MARK HEM FOR EITHER THE GENERAL FUND OR A SPECIFIC CLASS OU WOULD LIKE TO SUPPORT. TROPHY DONATIONS RECEIVED EFORE NOVEMBER 1 WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED IN THE REMIUM LIST FOR THE SPECIALTY.END YOUR DONATIONS TO.....DICK AND BRONYA JOHNSTON 3404 MCDONALD ROAD TYLER, TX 75701Jan-Shars Brave HeartJan-Shars Apple Jack, Jr. x Jan-Shars Spit FireCongratulations, Baxbi, on finishing Ch. Jan-Shars Bad to the Bone and C Jan-Shars Sweet Georgia Brown.OwnerBreeder Sharon Hanson 304 497-2446 or 304 497-2289Co-OwnerHandler Barbi KutilekContents... Cover StoryVlembership Report Jerrie Freia................Ground the Waterbowl Linda Brogoitti\PC Committees Tim Goddard...................ipilepsy Carole Fry Owens.........................Performance News Lois Morkassel...........Camel Visit Julie Moreno........................3ehind the New Titlists.................................Ch. Aldens Cajun Spice OWoodroseSpice finished his championship quickly in four shows as a puppy. He is shown here with Judge Dana Plonkey going Best of Winners at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii Specialty.He is handled by his owner, Yvette Oganeku, who does a beautiful job.Mahalo to all the judges for his nice wins.Watch for this beautiful boy in the specials ringX294860NOTICEThe Pomeranian Review is sent to judges. Featuring your dogs in the National Magazine will pay offBusiness Card contracts are available at 50.00 for 6 insertions. Take advantage of this low rate.Kennel VisitsOctober....Linda and Art Gustafson Carousel PomsDecember...Dot and Ed Martin La Cherie PomeraniansCongratulations to Jo Ching on her kennel visit.Clarice and Yvette Oaganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744 808 235-8142 FAX 808 247-4967Advertisers BonusFirst Champion10 off BW full page or 20 off color full pageFirst Homebred Champion10off BW full page or 20 off color full pageFirst 5 Former Advertisers-freecolor stripping on full or 12 page BW adFirst 5 New Advertisers-free color stripping on full or 12 pageAmerican romeraman oiudft ftomwamatt SwimVtAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Officers of the ClubPresident..............................................................................................................Dolly B. TraunerRrst Vice-President...............................................................................................James ShearerSecond Vice-President........................................................................................Charlotte CreedRecording Secretary...............................................................................................Beverly HenryCorresponding Secretary......................................................................................... Tim GoddardRt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570-0540Treasurer................................................................................................................Al WillliamsonPOB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207AKC Delegate...........................................................................................................Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsMary Allan Jeanne Blank Linda Brogoitti Sharon Masnick Margaret R. McKee Frances StollPomeranian ReviewEditor......................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX 79031 Phone 806257-3817 FAX 806257-3760Business Manager................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions.....................................................................................................Brenda K. Hutton102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues.......................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goocland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription..................... 30.00Foreign.............................................45.00First Class........................................35.00Single Copy....................................... 6.00Full Page..........................................65.00Half Page.........................................40.00Quarter Page................................... 20.00Photos each.................................. 10.00Front Cover, BW...........................150.00Color............................................. 375.00Back Cover, BW............................. 90.00Color.............................................. 250.00Inside FB Cover..............................80.00Color.............................................. 195.00Center Spread............................... 160.00Color.............................................. 390.00Business Card ................................10.00Color Stripping on BW page...........15.00Inside Color Page..........................150.00DeadlinesIssue Ad Deadline DateDecJan.................... Nov 20.......... Dec 15FebMarch..................Jan 20......... Feb 15AprMay..................... Mar 20.... .....Apr 15JuneJuly......... .........May 20.... ....June 15AugSept......... .........July 20OctNov........... ........Sept 20.... .....Oct 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposits required on all Covers1Membership Report Mary Lee Lingeras of 71595 Rt 1, Box 87-Rby Jerrie Freia Janelew, WV 263781072 A Landry Road 304 884-7435Morgan City, LA 70380 Sponsors504 384-7466Letters other than those from sponsors,Sharon HansonJeanne Blankommenting on applicants whose names Betty R. Wrixonlave been published in the Review are to go 1904 Nuna Placeo Beverly Henry 2025 Sam Houston Honolulu, HI 96821Carrollton, TX 75006. She needs them so 808 377-5221hat she can convey the contents to the SponsorsBoard members being asked to vote on said Marit Hattoriipplicants. If they go elsewhere, they may re delayed and not reach the Board beforeJosephine Chinghey are to vote on acceptancerejection. New ApplicantsNew Members for 1995 Reed and Kay Adams25148 Vanessa CourtFabian Ariente Moreno Valley, CA 9255323750 SW 142nd Avenue 909 247-8874Miami, FL 33144 Sponsors305 257-2818 Karen M. CrawfordSponsorsSam ZaneoffJean FockeJulie Moreno Pat Barnett4817 DetontiJose A. Cabrera Benton, AK 7201523750 SW 142nd Avenue 501 778-0154Miami, FL 33144 Sponsors305 257-2818 Babe McCombsSponsorsSam ZaneoffNancy BartholomewMary Vickers Victor and Gaila Brickus42805 WildwoodThelma M. Dunn Aguanga, CA 925363400 Carvale Drive 909 763-0433Aberdeen, MD 21001 Sponsors410 879-5397 Karen M. CrawfordSponsorsLinda BrogoittiJean FockeJane Lehtinen Tom Gaila and Laura Calhoun207 Sun Crest DriveMathew J. Heindl Eldorado, AR 717301500 Bancroft Drive 501 863-8424Sudbury Ontario, Canada P3B1R5 Sponsors705 566-7999 Babe McCombsSponsorsMarit HattoriNancy BartholomewJulie Moreno Eric and Annette Davis391 N Mink Creek Road Pocatello, ID 83204American romeranian uiud208 234-0932 SponsorsAudene French Julie MorenoBill and Mari Iffland316 E Stimmel West Chicago, IL 60185 708 876-9622 SponsorsBrenda Segelken Donna Sue RiehmCharles and Dee McNeice10629 Styles Road Mabelvale, AR 72103 501 557-5784 SponsorsBabe McCombs Nancy BartholomewTammy E. Sharp201 Cowan Lane Pocola, OK 74902 918 436-7277 SponsorsMaria Kneisler Ruby F. PoolKaty L. StalnakerRt. 1, Box 553 Grantsville, WV 26147 SponsorsEvelyn E. Blake Sharon HansonAround the Water Bowlby Linda Brogortti 14410 N. 71 st Avenue Peoria, AZ 85381-4752There are things that go bump in the night, and things that will sting you, stick you, bite you or just plain bug you, but what about BUFO alvariusAlso called the Sonoran Desert Toad or Colorado River Toad, whatever moniker he goes by, this dude is trouble Ive had rattlesnakes coiled by my door, sleeping under the car, and even found one inside aLinda in all her glorybale of hay still alive. Ive been stung by scorpion and had a horse run me in jumping cholla cactus. All this I can hand but BUFO is something else.He can grow to over two pounds and active from June through September in o area. I saw one the second time we h irrigation here, and at first thought, it was cute frog and would eat lots of bugs. Hi Its main purpose in life is to make my li miserable.His skin is very toxic. All a dog has to c is mouth it, not even break the skin, and y have a problem. They are mainly out night, so when the dogs go out after dark check the yard with a light and then st with them. If or should I say when a dc grabs one, the first thing to do is wash tl poison out of its mouth with the hose, th Inderal, Chlorpheneramine and Asium l mouth every 6 hours.I didnt know that ALL toads are a litt toxic, and that some salamanders in the N1 are very toxic and can kill a dog. Sim spotting the first toad, I have embarked on scorched-earth policy and so far ha' speared 4 huge adults and am eagerContinued on page 8presents----ftptfis3 il ur n- .- .33 Mfsa- 1f MwJiws-7^T-]BreedersJohn C. Lewis and Adam Verrett Bayou View Poms PO Box 1943 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-0486OwnersHandlers John W. and Karen A. Blackwell JKs Country Poms 114 Sunny Lane Florence, MS 39073 601845-2413points were a three-point major under Mrs. William Kenricks. Willies final points Championship were received under Lee Easton-Bergum.Among Willies accomplishments are 10 Best of Breeds under Arlene Czech, Ed Jenner, Beverly Lehnig, Forrest McCoy, Robert J. Moore, Dorothy Nickles, Norman Pal R. Stephen Shaw, Alfred Treen and Edna Voyles. He also has two Group II placements under Beverly Lehnig and the other under Peggy Dillard Carr.Many thanks to Willies breeders, John C. Lewis and Adam Verrett. Without them would not have been possible.sBEST OFJ"Boo Boo""Boo Boo" is shown taking Winners Dog under Mr. Norman Patton. "Boo Boo" also has one Bof Breed under Mrs. Sadie Thorn.Watch for this little crowl pleaser in the show ring.BreedersOwnersHandlers John W. and Karen A. Blackwell JKs Country Poms 114 Sunny Lane Florence, MS 39073 601845-2413iting the next crop that I assume is hing think they are easy to catch, come me some time. Usually active after 10 thats when I don my hunting gear ch consists of a camouflage hat, knee 1 mbber boots, and a frog gig which lely resembles a small pitchfork The one was hiding under the patio in one he culverts the Poms were stuck in. I Id see him from the door, but every time ied to get him he ducked back inside. 11, no toads gonna get the best of me so cided on a plan of attack.. pulled up a rfortable lawn chair no need to rough it positioned it right above the opening, with my gig at the ready proceeded to t for Mr. BUFO.nagine my surprise when I woke up ut an hour later, still holding the gig. Dther memorable moment for the jhbors going down the street and seeing in my orange sun dress, green louflage hat and black boots. Im sure while I dozed the damn toad was iping all around me The next night ved more fruitful, and he became the t victim. Dont get me wrong... love the of the wild, the open spaces, and the mals in their natural habitat, fortunately for the critters like rattlers, rpions, and poison toads that natural litat is NOT HEREoms Away, indaTCommittees for the 1996 National Specialtyby Tim GoddardThe following are the committee chairpersons for the 1996 national specialtyHospitalityOlga Baker4916 43rd StreetVillage of Dickinson, TX 77539GroundsJim Shearer9995 Ragersville RoadBaltic, OH 43804TrophiesDick and Bronya Johnston 3404 McDonald Road Tyler, TX 75701Adverising Tony Tellez Box 231624Houston, TX 77223-1624Chief Ring StewardNancy Wharton 10101 Jennings Drive Amarillo, TX 79118Obedience Stewarding ChairpersonWilma Diehl536 Central AvenueMassapequa, NY 11758Lead Obedience Steward Audrey Blake 71 Risa Court Flanders, NY 11901 516369-2915Obedience ChairpersonLois Morkassel 1412 2nd Avenue Fargo, ND 58103 701280-1413Assisted by Maty Vickers and Margaret McKeeEpilepsyA Round-Up of Facts and Ideaby Carole Fry Owen"Epilepsy. Youre never going to eliminate it," stated veterinary researcherteacher, Roger M. Clemmons, with what sounded like absolute certainty.Hopelessness is not Clemmons message, though. He makes a strong case for pragrru positive action in Scottish Terrier, and all canine, breeding programs.Associate Professor of Neurology at University of Floridas College of Veterir Medicine, Dr. Clemmons is familiar to STCA members as one of the veterinarians whc the 1970s, did the original research on Scottie Cramp at Washington State University."I still feel a lot for Scotties because of my work with Ken Meyers on Cramp," Clemmons. There may not be a Scottie in Clemmons back yard, but self-acknowledged terrier man shares his Gainesville, Florida, home with a Jack Rus Terrier, whose exploits against squirrels delight him."Unlike Scottie Cramp, the inheritance of epilepsy is very complex," comps Clemmons. "It involves at least six gene pairs, and it takes three matches out of those pairs to produce epilepsy." This fact was news to me, as it may be to you. Its b acknowledged by veterinary researchers for about 10 years.The paradox is that two normal parents might each carry only two matches of these pertinent genes and, thus, not be epileptic themselves. However, the roulette wheel breeding may spin matchups of three or more of those critical genes to one or more of tl offspring. Result epilepsy. "In plain language," said Clemmons, "you can breed i normal dogs and get all epileptics, or you can breed two epileptics and get all nor dogs.""A disease like Scottie Cramp, you can eliminate," pointed out Clemmons. "Cramp simple, one gene defect with recessive inheritance."Clemmons was not judgmental about our breeds failure to work out Cramp. Compar the two disorders, he stated simply, "We cant even get rid of Scottie Cramp."However, epilepsy is a different story. Clemmons is realistic about its complexity."Epilepsy, were going to have to live with. The problems with the term epilepsy is 1 too many breeders look at it as only an inherited disorder."British geneticist, Malcolm Willis, agrees. In his popular Genetics of the Dog 1989V Willis cautions that it is "dangerous for breeders to immediately assume that they hav genetic problem on their hands. Only when other possible causes have been checked as as possible and been eliminated should the breeder begin to consider idiopathic epileps That is not a light statement for a geneticist and German Shepherd breeder, who also wi the definitive book of the Shepherd breed. German Shepherds are affected by a h incidence of inherited epilepsy, and Willis had done much of the pedigree documental of the disorder.Heres where definitions and diagnostics become important.First, the term "idiopathic." Idiopathic means of "unknown causes." Idiopathic epile] is what classically is defined as true epilepsy or inherited epilepsy. Its the diagnc breeders would rather not hear.The best definition of epilepsy Ive found comes from the 1991 textbook by Clemmo colleague in neurology at the University of Florida, Dr. Cheryl Chrisman. Anyone look for a comprehensive, easy-to-understand overview of true epilepsy and acquired seiz disorders should read Chapter 8, "Seizures," pp. 177-205, in Dr. Chrismans Problems Small Animal Neurology.hrisman writes "Epilepsy can be defined as a disorder characterized by recurrent ures with no active underlying disease process occurring in the brain. Epilepsy may be 'sed by an inherited biochemical defect or may be acquired because of some cerebral ult resulting in a focus of neurons with altered thresholds."peaking of threshold, "Eveiy animal, including the human, has a so-called seizure shold that is genetically determined," writes Dr. Alexander de Lahunta in the 1986 CA Handbook "When this is exceeded, an uncontrolled neuronal discharge occurs that y cause what we observe as a seizure....This threshold varies among individuals and sumably is exceptionally low in those with idiopathic epilepsy. Genetic factors are ieved to determine the structural and metabolic basis of this threshold...The role of the dronment in influencing this threshold is unknown."What to dovliat should the owner do if his dog seizures "The first step, which may be the most ficult for the concerned owner, is to leave the dog alone" directs Dr. de Lahunta. "This l will usually not injure itself except for occasionally biting its bps or tongue. The dog I not swallow its tongue."[any have never seen a seizure. A typical epileptic seizure might progress as Dr. muel Hodesson once described in Dog News "Observant owners will notice a change behavior for a brief period during which their pet may become restless, look worried, ik attention, or stare into space. Loss of consciousness follows and pupils of the eyes ate.Excessive salivation and chewing movements, commonly called chewing fits, may low. Legs stiffen and the dog falls on its side. Paddling or running movements may emate with periods of rigid extension of the legs and arching of the back. The patient ly urinate or defecate during or after the seizure.Most attacks last but a minute or two and the recovery period is usually short though it a last for as much as a day. During this state the dog may appear confused or wander out and bump into objects in the room."Veterinary evaluationf your dog has a seizure, where do you start when its overVith questions, and lots of them. If your dog has more than one seizure, the ommendation is that a veterinary evaluation should follow. Your veterinarian should k you and if he doesnt, be prepared to offer the answers to these questions-- Questions from "The Diagnostic Approach to Seizures," Veterinary Medicine July,93What does the pet look like when it is seizuringWhat is the duration and frequency of the seizuresAre there any localizing signsHas the pet ever had an illness resulting in a feverHas the pet been exposed to toxicantsHas the pet sustained arty type of traumaIs the pets vaccination status currentHas the pet recently been in a kennel or poundHas the pet shown any signs of illnessDo any of the pets littermates have problemsWhat is the pet fed, and how often is it fedDoes the pet roamClemmons suggests keeping a calendar of seizure activity. He said, "Ive known c who only seizured when watching Lassie on TV, or in the kitchen before food." Clemmons assured me that the Lassie example was no joke. He explained that for a that seizures at mealtime the stimulus could even be the pattern of the floor under the c One gets the idea that seemingly insignificant things may trigger seizures. You shouk watching to discover the triggers. For instance, a female in estrus or pregnancy may 1 more frequent or more severe seizures.Diagnostic tools your veterinarian may use in addition to your personal history physical exam, blood tests complete blood count and serum chemistry profile, urinal and neurological exam. If these initial tests dont give an answer, your veterinarian 1 recommend a second tier of tests. Such evaluations may include cerebrospinal f analysis, skull andor abdominal radiographs, electroencephalography EE computerized tomography CT scan, and magnetic resonance imaging MRI. These t could require use of a specialized care facility.Types of SeizuresTo get academic, there are three types of seizures generalized, partial and partial \ secondary generalization. It is important to determine which type of seizure a dog because the type can show 1 whether the condition is "true" epilepsy or 2 whether condition is the result of an active disease affecting the brain, or the result of a past in to the brain which has left localized neurological damage.Total, or bilateral involvement of the brain causes "generalized" seizures. They may mild and cause no loss of consciousness, or they may be severe, causing total loss consciousness. "Generalized seizures are most often associated with metab disturbances, toxicities, nutritional deficiencies, and true or inherited epilepsy," states Chrisman text.A partial seizure is one in which the seizure discharge is focal, meaning a localized ] of the brain is involved. Partial seizures are not typical of true inherited epilepsy. Unde this in your own brain Chrisman says "Partial seizures are most commonly associt with a focus of brain damage caused by an infection, metabolic insult, traumatic insult neoplasia."Partial seizures include many forms of behavior you may have seen, and perhaps ne equated as being seizures. Chrisman catalogues some such behavior-unilateral mus twitching of the face or limbs bizarre and aggressive behavior chewing, lip smacki and excessive swallowing running confusion "fly biting" "star gazing" hallucinatic episodic tail chasing and self-mutilation and some chronic episodic vomiting diarrhea.Then to complicate matters, there is the partial seizure with secondaiy generalization can look very much like a generalized seizure. The partial phase may last only a 1 seconds, and the owner may miss seeing it. However, it is very important, especially the breeder, to determine if the seizure is partial or partial with secondaiy generalizati Both are usually associated with non-inherited focal lesions of the brain rather than t epilepsy.Helpful clues to identifying the seizures as partial or partial with generalization asymmetric motor activities. If you can detect asymmetric movements, maybe as sim as turning the head and lifting a forelimb before collapse, severe contracting of one side the face, a difference of tone or movement in the limbs on one side, or any of previously listed partial seizures, the condition with which you are dealing probably is true epilepsy, according to the Chrisman text. Compulsive circling to one side durrvery also might indicate focal, rather than general brain involvement, hnsmans book differentiates between seizure typesVn acute onset of severe, frequent seizures could indicate an infectious, toxic, ritional, metabolic, or neoplastic process.Vn intermittent seizure disorder with no other neurologic abnormalities in between the ures, which has been going on for a year or more, it is most likely epilepsy."Causes of Seizuresather than go into great detail about all the problems which can cause seizures, I point i to Dr. Chrismans Differential Diagnosis table, Problems in Small Animal irologv. p. 83. It summarizes conditions common at different ages foung under 9 months of agecongenital hydrocephalus lissencephaly lysosomal age disorders distemper...and other causes of encephalitis trauma toxicity-lead, anophosphales, etc." hypoglycemia hepatic encephalopathy-portacaval shunt other igenital defects with associated metabolic disorders thiamine deficiency.\dult 9 months to 5 years-distemper....and other causes of encephalitis trauma icity-organophosphates, etc. hypoglycemia hepatic encephalopathy-portacaval shunt, uired cirrhosis other acquired metabolic disorders true epilepsy acquired epilepsy ebral neoplasia-rare.Did 5 years and older-distemper...and other causes of encephalitis trauma icity-organophosphates, etc. hypoglycemia-insulinoma hepaticephalopathyacquired cirrhosis other acquired metabolic disorders acquired epilepsy ebral neoplasia"ne point which might be made here is that hypoglycemia is the most common tabolic cause of seizures in small animals. The causes of hypoglycemia are myriad ere infestations of parasites, stress, excessive insulin during treatment of diabetes llitus, insulinomas pancreatic tumors secreting excessive insulin, hypoadrenocorticism idisons disease, hypopituitarism, chronic liver disease, acute pancreatitis, and sepsis.r. Clemmons did state, however, that metabolic sources are not the most common cause seizures. "If you look at all mechanisms behind seizures, infectiousinflammatoiy brain eases are probably the most common cause of seizures," said Clemmons. He placed ima and post trauma as the second most common cause of seizures. Metabolic iblems, toxicity, and neoplasia cancer probably stand in third, fourth, and fifth places, ording to Dr. Clemmons. He does remind us that a cause like cancer can move up in t order within specific breeds that have a higher incidence of cancer, or in old dogs that o are at greater risk for cancer.Probably 40 of seizures are idiopathic," said Clemmons. "That doesnt mean that they are inherited, but that we cant say they arent. The majority of seizures we see are paired ones." He noted again that infectioninflammation, either current or past, are me causes.Numerous other conditions can cause seizures. Just one of these of special interest to ottish Terrier breeders is the fact that hypothyroidism can be a precipitant of seizures. VD researcher, Dr. Jean Dodds, has identified Scottish Terriers as a breed with a high idence of hypothyroidism as well as von Willebrands disease.dost frequent toxic causes of seizures are lead and organophosphale poisoning, ctually," said Dr. Clemmons, "lead is a fairly rare cause of seizures these days because decreased sources of lead contamination. Still, lead toxicity might be considered if a dog es in an older home where lead-based paints were used." Dr. Chrismans chart of emicals that cause convulsions lists 128 substances, just a few of which are ethylene rcol anti-freeze, theobromines chocolate, castor beans, narcissus bulbs, nicotine, and soline.Especially worrisome to breeders is the fact that idiopathic epilepsy can be the "easy"American Pomeranian uiuddiagnosis if an incomplete work-up is done, or if the key "clue" has been missed. "Die just not find the cause" is the question many dog owners end up asking themsel hoping thats the answer instead of idiopathic epilepsy.High Incidence BreedsInherited epilepsy does have a higher incidence in some breeds. It has been studie Beagles, German Shepherds, Keeshonds, Tervuren Shepherds, and Irish Setters. Minis Poodles, Golden Retrievers, Siberian Huskies, Wire Fox Terriers, Cocker Spaniels, Saint Bernards also are suspected of having inherited epilepsy Chrisman text. Veteri Medicines July, 1993, issue adds Alaskan Malamutes, Collies, Dachshunds, Labr Retrievers, Lhasa Apsos, Mastiffs, Miniature Schnauzers, Standard Poodles, and En and Welsh Springer Spaniels as breeds with a high incidence of primary epilepsy. Bo and Shetland Sheepdogs also are listed among affected breeds in Willis Genetics oi Dog.In addition to the above breeds, Veterinary Medicine IJulv. 1993 records b dispositions to seizures caused by inherited or congenital disorders which include man the above breeds as well as Chihuahuas, Boston Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, C Chows, Pomeranians, Toy Poodles, Shih Tzu, Irish Wolfhounds, Border Collies, BzHounds, English Setters, and German Short-Haired Pointers. Still no Scotties listed.Interestingly, male dogs are affected with true inherited epilepsy to a greater degree females. The Merck Veterinary Manuals 1986 edition quotes the incidence of epileps Beagles as 11.9 in males and 2.6 in females, and suggests involvement of a sex-lir suppressor gene. Other studies corroborate these figures. Willis book mentions a 1 Keeshond study which showed seizures about 4 times as prevalent in males as in fem a 4.6 to 1 male-to-female ration among Beagles with clinical symptoms of epilepsy 1971 study and a 3.6 to 1 ration weighted toward males in a 1974 British study of Ger Shepherds.General frequency of epilepsy Chrismans text states "Acquired Epilepsy Incide Frequent.""True Epilepsy Incidence, Frequent in Certain Breeds."Scottish Terriers are listed by neither Chrisman nor in any of the other literatu examined, as one of the breeds with a high frequency of epilepsyDr. Clemmons seconds that "Seizures arent a big problem in Scotties. My gut reac about Scotties is that incidence is probably 1 or less, certainly not like in other bn where epilepsy is commonly documented." However, Clemmons adds that there is breed of dogs, or even non-purebred group of dogs that is free of seizures.The overall incidence of epilepsy in dogs is, in fact, about 1, according to Clemm He put the incidence of Beagles at 5.9, one reason being Beagles former use in hi inbred laboratory colonies.Control of SeizuresFor those who do have dogs with epilepsy, control is the interest.Relatively normal lives are possible for most seizure-affected dogs, if medicated 1 appropriate anti-convulsants. Stephen Ettingers Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medi 1989 quotes one study which shows seizure control achieved about 60 of affected c when phenobarbital is used. Ettinger defines seizure control as a 50 decrease in sei frequency without drug intoxicatioa Phenobarbital is the drag of choice for seize "Always use it first," asserted Clemmons. Ettinger goes so far as to claim, "Phenobart is the only anti-convulsant with proven efficacy in controlling seizures in dogs."Primidone Mylepsin or Mysoline and diphenylhydantoin Dilantin are also diContinued on page 16iwiislif fiAMrdbAJF9fc SPtaifiie'bCh. Starfire's Sky Rocket x Ch. Great Elms Tiffany of LenetteThanks again to Julie Moreno for all your help and for allowing us to own this gorgeous boy.He will be a great asset to our breeding program.Stud fee, color photo, pedigree upon request.Puppies by Ch. Armani available this fall. Inquiries welcome.i i'.rfLrvtijdtfi SueN. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932mChampion Gailellen's Dark KnightBatman is a super moving, huge coated black dog with worn expression and an attitude that can't be beat. He finished qi with three majors thanks to the expert handling of Be Ferguson. Batman is at stud to approved bitches. Watch fo at the APC Specialty with Bev in September.Thank you to the following judges that awarded Batman his \031295 Mr. Don Rogers031895 Mrs. Shirley Thomas041995 Mr. W. Everett Dean Jr. major042095 Mrs. Robert S. Forsyth major042395 Mrs. June A. Penta major042995 Mrs. Sue WoodleniCelCeaPomeranians Maltese 'BREEDEROWNERSGail Rodgers Ted Rebovi 38 Washington Avenue Staten Island, New York 10 Tei. 718494-1847WE FEED AND RECOMMEND SCIENCE DIETntioned in seizure control. There are other less commonly used pharmaceuticals which y be tried in hard-to-control cases. Clemmons rarely uses primidone because of its ential liver toxicity. Also, though diphenylhydantoin still is listed among veterinary i-convulsants, Clemmons said it is probably an ineffective drug in dogs, even in nbination with other medications.,iver toxicity is, in fact, the most common problem of long-term anti-convulsant dicine. With Scottish Terriers are at greater risk of liver problems than many breeds s fact can make control of seizures in some Scotties a challenge. Clemmons tempered t by saying, "Toxicity from anti-convulsants is somewhat independent of usual causes liver disease. Even if a dog has liver disease, it still may do well on anti-convulsants, h modified dosages. "Unfortunately, "all long-term anti-convulsant therapy has some native effect on liver functions, but phenobarbital may have the least effect." Taken m the Chrisman text. Serum drug levels should be monitored at least every six months er steady state and seizure control have been achieved," directs Ettinger. fortunately, treatment with phenobarbital is not expensive. Chrisman lists a 1990 sample st of phenobarbital therapy for a 14 kg dog 30 pounds as 14 cents per day for a starting se.Vhen should dog therapy be started Ettinger suggests "As a rule, anti-convulsants Duld be considered when single seizures are occurring more than once every six weeks clusters of seizures are occurring more than once every eight weeks." This is not a hard d fast rule. According to Clemmons "Single severe seizures of clusters must be treated. u have to look at the severity."\ different angle is given in Veterinary Medicines "Symposium on Seizure Disorders" rly, 1993 "There is convincing experimental evidence that repetitive seizures may eversibly lower the seizure threshold in some patients, a phenomenon referred to as idhng....Therefore, early aggressive anti-convulsant therapy might result in better ig-term seizure control."'However," amplified Clemmons, "it is important to get enough frequency of seizures to iow if medication is effecting a change. When medication is started," said Clemmons, "I int like to play catchup." He suggests beginning with high dosages and working down to inimum levels which will control seizuring.New Drug TherapyAn interesting new therapy which Clemmons pointed out is the use of potassium omide in conjunction with phenobarbital. This treatment is not described in all vet texts, checked Ettingers, the Bible of many veterinarians. Potassium bromide therapy is not entioned in its chapter, "Seizures." Your own veterinarian may be unaware of the ivantages of potassium bromide. Chrismans text discusses it extensively. Phenobarbitalpotassium bromide is a combination especially helpful in dogs with severe uster seizures not controlled well with phenobarbital alone, according to Clemmons. He so indicates its value in dogs having liver problems which preclude receiving the cessary control levels of phenobarbital. "With potassium bromide, you can usually duce phenobarbital to 18 the normal dose," said Clemmons.One investigator Veterinary Medicine quotes July, 1993 even estimates that 50 of oileptic dogs can be managed with bromide alone. The same report declares that bromide the most satisfactory secondary anti-convulsant. It estimates that about half the dogs that mtinue to have seizures on what should be adequate phenobarbital dosages will benefit om addition of bromide.Potassium Bromide has been in use with human epileptics since 1857. For dogs, its use is lore recent. The special value of potassium bromide lies in the fact that it does not induce reduction of liver enzymes and does not interact with drugs which the liver metabolizes .g. phenobarbital. Veterinary Medicine calls bromide the anti-convulsant of choice fordogs with liver disease July, 1993.The down side of potassium bromide therapy is that it may not be easily available to yc dog. This chemical is not approved for use in dogs, and an investigational drug license needed to legally dispense it. There can be human toxicity with excessive handling of t raw chemical. Not commercially available, potassium bromide must be purchased frc chemical supply houses as an American Chemical Society chemical grade reags addresses of five chemical supply houses which carry it are listed in the Chrisman tex To try potassium bromide therapy, you may need to work with your nearest veterint medicine teaching facility. However, it would be worth checking to see if your oi veterinarian might obtain the investigational drug license necessary to dispense potassii bromide.To apply for an investigational drug license, contact Marcia K. Larkins, DVM, ChieJ Companion and Wildlife Drugs Branch, HFV-112, Center for Veterinary Medicine, Fo and Drugs Administration, Rockville, MD 20857.The simplest course of action, according to Clemmons, is for a local veterinarian locate a pharmacy within his state which has the investigational license to formulate a compound chemicals like potassium bromide. The veterinarian then can prescri potassium bromide from that particular pharmacy, even though he himself doesnt have investigational license. Dispensing can be done by mail-order if necessary. Chrismans tt hsts the following information about potassium bromide therapySuggested dosage is 25 mgkg effective serum level, 5001,000 microgramml. If us with phenobarbital, give orally once daily. If used alone, give twice daily. Sedation noted as a side effectno other side effects listed. Cost 1990 for 14 kg dog 30 pound .07 daily.Dr. Clemmons commented that potassium bromide can be dosed at a higher level, t that Chrismans suggested dosage is the usual starting level. He emphasized that if a dog already on anti-convulsant when potassium bromide is started, the anti-convulsant shoi be cut by half after the second dose of potassium bromide to avoid excessive sedatic Clemmons said that quantitative blood levels should be done after the first month potassium bromide and then every six months for dosage adjustment.Other Ideas for Control Balance a maintenance diet, low in protein. Heartworm preventative-Use diethylarbamazine DEC products like Filarbits'rather than once-a-month preventatives.r Clemmons suggests avoidance of Filarbits Plusv . Chrisman text says Ivermeci should not be used. Avoid organophosphates for fleatick control. Instead, use pyrethrin produc carbamates, or products with PrecoR insect growth inhibitor. He mentio Vet-Kems Ovitrol Plus ^ as a good pyrethrinPreco1^ product. Avoid drugs known to interact to lower seizure thresholds. A number of drugs c either increase or decrease anti-convulsant concentration. Chrismans text li drugs to avoid if a dog is on anti-convulsant therapy digitoxin, dipyror griseofulvin, phenylbutazone, chloramphenicol, amphetamines and phenothiazi tranquilizers. A common tranquilizer which should be avoided is acepromizine.Read, Read, ReadWhat Ive touched on in this article is only the skimmings off the top of the subjectContinued on page 20oOPROUDLYANNOUNCESCH. DESTINYS CINNA-BARRECEIVED THEAMERICAN POMERANIANCLUB AWARD9 TOP WINNING POM BITCHFOR 1994Breeder Owner HandlerDonna . Sinicropi 2281 Edwards Road Waterloo, NY 13165 Phone 315 539-2468Vfrt -i.1 vvyumorrforever CCassic ImageS\vJA\Cft. Jan-Sfiars Odittbitty CCassic aForever ButterscotchBobby is picturedgoing Winners Dog under Mrs. Qeorgia B. Buttnoumer ftandbed.Beefy Sabourin 2814 Bfacfyurst Road Midland, Ml 48640 517 832-3408ilepsy. When asked to write, I had only superficial information on epilepsy. Ive learned ore than I bargained for. My printed sources are listed at the end of the article. They have en forwarded to Gail Gaines, STCA Health Committee Chairman, for the Clubs fere nee library. Marty of these articles, like Chrismans text, have extensive bliographies of their own, from which interested members may dig even deeper, embers desiring to share additional information about epilepsy may contact me Carole y Owens, 9 Coachmans Circle, Big Spring, TX 79720 phone 915 263-3404. If terest warrants, I will be happy to put together a follow-up piece.To tell you how much Ive learned myself about epilepsy, I have to share a personal lecdote. "Ive never seen a seizure," I blithely told the first couple of STCA members I terviewed. Well, a few articles of reading later, I discovered that Ive probably been ring with a seizure disorder for nine years and didnt know it.The first dog on which we finished a championship has had a bizarre form of recurrent havior which has never worried me. I havent even mentioned it to a vet. It seems that inor. Every few months, for maybe 15 to 30 seconds, Cubby chases her tail or hank leg a tight circle in one direction, like shes trying to bite flies off her rear end. However, ere are no fleasThis is an asymmetric motor activity described earlier as one type of partial seizure, nee partial seizures usually are acquired disorders and are not primary epilepsy. I member her breeder telling me Cubby was the only puppy in her litter to survive a raging aph infection. Perhaps the early infection and fever carries the answerIm sure many Im sure many STCA members have learned about seizures on their own, o. An important part of any discussion of seizure disorders in the Scottish Terrier must input from our breeders."Youre walking in a minefield. This is an explosive subject," I was warned when I arted asking breeders for feedback on epilepsy.In an attempt to handle the subject with great delicacy, I assured breeders of mfidentiality. They shall be identified here only as "Breeder A," "Breeder B," etc., and ill be referred to by generic "he"even the "shes." Nor will I point a finger at any dividual at any individual dog or line suspected of producing seizures.Secrecy, A ProblemBreeder A "Most breeders dont talk about epilepsy. I dont know that we have a true .cture. Epilepsy and Scottie Cramp are the two things people dont talk about. People ily tell you what they want to. They dont tell you the rest."Breeder A related a personal experience with a young bitch that started seizuring several jints away from her championship. "I was devastated. Id never had any of that before." Tests at a well-known veterinary center did not identify a cause for the seizures."The veterinarian said, You dont have any of that behind you. You can breed her. I new better. I didnt."The bitch was spayed and placed as a pet. When her new owner eventually stopped the ledication, the bitch had no more seizures. "I often wondered if this was a hormonal tuation," pondered Breeder A. "There was no problem with seizures after spaying. If she 'as a true epileptic, she should have seizured the rest of her life."Breeder A emphasized his belief that split shotkilled vaccine immunizations can be nportant in avoiding some seizures.Early Onset SeizuresBreeder B told of severe, early onset seizures. A pet he had sold seizured at 7 12 months f age. Its seizures came in severe clusters of five or six seizures in one day. Several days iter, the seizures would repeat. At final count the puppy had almost 40 grand mal seizuresAmerican romeranian oiuuin one month. Chasing another dog a few weeks after seizures started, this puppy broke leg. The veterinarian predicted the leg would not stay set during future seizures. He put puppy down.Because of age at onset and severity of seizures, this puppy likely was not a case idiopathic, inherited epilepsy, according to its veterinarian. Breeder B emphasizes tht diagnosis was lacking, however. There was no autopsy, not any final determination cause. Breeder B had no previous seizures in his own dogs, but set about checking d and families of dogs behind his for possible existence of seizure disorders.A Tragic Dog FightBreeder C describes his own tragedy with seizures, the loss of a beloved homeb champion. Seizures started about 1 12 months after a monumental attack on this Sco Stud by a male of one of the large terrier breeds. Breeder C calls the fight "horrible" w both dogs covered in bloodmudsaliva. The Scottie suffered a deep gash below his ear bad punctures on top of his skull.This Scot died about two months after its first seizure. Breeder C described one of dogs final seizures as a terrible hour and 15 minute affair. After that seizure, the c showed no comprehension of the breeder and exhibited bizarre behavior. "He star tasting--tasting carpet, tasting me, my clothes, the bedspread. When he got to the bott of his dish of food, he just kept licking. He was mentally gone. Soon he lost bowel bladder control and went in circles."Breeder C does not worry about these seizures being hereditary. Veterinary diagnoi seizures caused by trauma to the head suffered during the dog fight.AllergyImmune ProblemsBreeder D has groomed many pet Scotties. He told of several with seizure problei which, if dewormed, would cease having seizures-until they contacted tapeworms agair"Maybe the breed doesnt have a problem with true epilepsy," speculated Breeder "Maybe many seizures are the result of reactions to other primary problems-like allerg or immune problems."Breeder E "There are many, many forms of epilepsy. All of us love our dogs. If you been breeding for a long time and it doesnt show up until late in a dog that youve u extensively, what do you do" He left his comments as a question.Oxygen DeficitBreeder F "We lucked out....had only one epileptic, from a complete outcross. Ill ne forget it. I walked out with a bucket of food, and she keeled right over. She was abou months old. We did all kinds of blood work. She started seizuring routinely under stre An old terrier man looked at her and said it was definitely epilepsy. We tried vari medications. Nothing would work. She would be fine. Then, with a loud noise, shed down. We had her spayed. Finally, she was down more than up." The bitch was euthani at three years old.Was hypoxia the cause of this bitchs seizures Breeder F later remembered that, at bii one bitch in that litter couldnt get going right away and was probably oxygen-depriv None of the litter mates developed seizures.Four-Hour SeizuresBreeder G "One of our main dogs had seizures forever, and we eventually lost him. 1Contnued on page 24Valerie of Lenette and Great Elms Sparkling TimstopperWe offer for your consideration puppies sired by Valeries father, Apples Rebel of GE. Rebel is sired by Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond and a full brother of Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming. He was bred by Ruth Beam and owned by Doris Warren.We have other litters due from well-bred bitches bred to the top studs in our area We specialize in the Great Elms bloodline.A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO RUTH BEAM for letting us have Ch. Great Elms Master Marks last puppy. Our sincere sympathy to Ruth in the loss of one of the best studs here on the East Coast. We hope Sparky will prove out to be a real asset to our breeding program.CONGRATULATIONS to Diane Stevenson on picking up a major the first weekend out with Great Elms Top Choice of Lenette. Topper is sired by Ch. Great Elms Little Tiger.CALL, PHONE, OR FAX for our free price list.LENETTE K.G. Griffith 1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081 704 938-2042 FAX 938-75784American romeraman oiudSDclz, 2.concl c2f'orrz.-lTL.ct 2Pici.rrzf2.ion,I\ f v "RSITYLUBKITTENi .L ''.91dL__7LC^ rz-f-r2.cis.L ZJ ^Z^z.cxa o rzAA02A C^Z7-f-r2.J S.L _________________2t J TLCLCjcCh. Pedrons Dragon the Conqueror x Watt's Little Tina TyrantWe proudly offer "Angel" for sale. Inquiries invited. See his pedigree in "Behind The New Titlists."uan" "W' MM iM ' wCfonizz Szlun 23. 2loPfancjC'i.P.O. Sox 384306^Jazni, J9 79838 Morris. 915764.-4.384 Sait2ii gi5 591-357'was used at stud early in life before we knew he had these problems. He was a veiy d dog. It was terrible."izures started as 2-minute episodes when this dog was two years old. "First, it was i every 6 months, then every month, then every two weeks, and by 8 years old, every " Breeder G described the terror of a 4-hour seizure. Ice packs were kept in the freezer lacking this dog during long dog finally died of liver failure. "Phenobarbital does the liver in," said Breeder G,[ Scotties livers are iffy."eeder G mentioned that the dog had received combination shots as a puppy "I have a ng that in pups given combo shots, bang-bang-bang, something happens. I now stretch shots forever, and give killed parvo and killed vaccines whenever possible." ter living with seizures, Breeder G feeds what he terms "environmentally correct food" never uses fleatick sprays or dips. He did suggest that seizures may be familial in re.pilepsy is no fun," asserted Breeder G. "I wouldnt wish it on anybody, but I guess its round us. At a Scottie party, I heard new owners pet people talking about their dogs ng epilepsy."eeder H thinks Scottish Terrier breeders should worry about acquired seizures, too. said "If our breed has certain tendencies toward conditions which can produce rres, we need to take the seizures as point-blank warnings to breed away from those litions. Sure, a breeder may truthfully claim he hasnt had idiopathic, inherited psy. But perhaps his dogs have had seizures that are inherited second-hand, as -children of other problems to which the Scottie is predisposed. We need to accept rres as a red flag to deal with dirty laundry."A Wake-Up Calleeder I "The problem with epilepsy is its hard to distinguish idiopathic, inherited jpsy from seizures brought on by a specific cause. Unfortunately, people always want ive themselves the benefit of the doubt. When a breeder has a dog with seizures, he is ned to blame anything but inheritance. Because of the seriousness of the problem, he ild assume the worst.". time bomb," Breeder I calls the problem of seizures in Scottish Terriers. "I have a file edigrees of dogs that have seizures." Flipping through the file, Breeder I said he sees elite tendencies.stilling Breeder Is evaluation of those files into one simple sentence of my own ling "If a popular stud dog produces a condition like seizures, the problem eventually compound itself."here is no doubt that some forms of epilepsy are inherited," said Breeder I. He, elf, has had a few dogs with seizures. Unlike many other breeders with whom I d, he not once tried to assign the blame of those seizures to any acquired cause.e feel like we have to be ruthless," Breeder I said of elimination of any problem dog 1 a breeding program. "Its easier for breeders who havent painted themselves into a er," he continued about the values of diversity versus extremely tight breeding.Ine idea that would help is an open health registry. People who dont have the problem would cooperate. Once you do it share information, you find out its not so hard."s definitely time for a wake-up call for our breed," warned Breeder I. "Epilepsy is not ething we can live with. You cant deal with seizures in pet puppies. A dog with ares youre selling a major heartache and a major headache. If Scottish Terriers get a ration for epilepsy, our pet puppies will be hard to sell."Diversity, But AccordThere is certainly no lack of diversity in type and cause of seizures in Scottish Terr nor in our breeders opinions as to whether the seizure disorders in their own dogs inherited. I wish space permitted even more breeder interviews.What no one claims is that seizure disorders can be taken lightly. There is unanin accord there From that consensus, perhaps, Scottish Terrier breeders can move forwai work together. I discovered in my interviews that there is already a certain degree openness about the subject of seizure disorders. Why not take the first step and dis seizures yourself with other breeders Especially, if you are willing to share your experiences, you will often find someone willing to share right back.Inheritance StudiesWhat might you get if you were to breed two dogs that have idiopathic epilep Clemmons stated earlier Maybe 100 normal dogs. However an interesting case stud Veterinary Medicine November, 1991 reports a litter produced by the accidental mai of two related Labrador Retrievers which each had idiopathic epilepsy. The puppies stai having seizures at an unusually early age. Dr. Valerie Gerard and Dr. Cliff Cons explained that the onset of seizures in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy usually occ between one and three years of age, but rarely before six months of age.In this particular fitter, three puppies of the 10 started seizuring between 54 and 63 d of age. Two others began seizuring at 18 and 20 months old. With two puppies having d of unrelated causes by the time the study was written, five of eight surviving fitter ms 63were affected by seizures. The authors report similarly high percentages of epilej offspring 30 to 100 in other Utters from two epileptic parents. Of particular intei was the authors recommendation "The occurrence of seizures in unusually young pupp warrants checking the family tree for the presence of idiopathic epilepsy."Clemmons pointed out that the GerardConarck study and recommendations are based a small amount of data He reiterated that in young dogs infection, metabolic disease trauma are the primary causes of seizures and that true inherited epilepsy usually does appear until puberty or perhaps two years of age or later.Another article tracing the incidence of epilepsy through four generations of test-b epileptic dogs is, "Inheritance and Idiopathic Canine Epilepsy," by Dr. James Cunningh and Dr. George Famback 1 Journal of the American Animal Hospital Associatii JulyAugust 1988.Cunninghams and Fambacks conclusions "genetic mechanisms play an important ri in transmission of some and possibly most cases of idiopathic canine epilepsy, althou the mechanism for this inheritance is not yet known. Until the genetic mechanis involved are more clearly delineated, the authors recommend that veterinarians adv owners of dogs with idiopathic epilepsy that1. the idiopathic form of canine epilepsy may have a major genetic component2. it is generally impossible without considerably more test breedings to determine t degree of involvement of either dam or sire in producing epileptic offspring3. it is unwise to breed an epileptic dog or repeat the breeding that produced it, and it unwise also to breed its fitter mates."Norwich Terriers are a breed, like our own Scottish Terriers, which has not be mentioned yet in any of the veterinary literature I examined as having a high incidence epilepsy. Norwich breeders are getting concerned, though. Wrote breeder Knowlt Reynders in "Epilepsy in Norwich" Dog News. January 1992 "I feel very strongly tl we have it, visibly and less visibly, in many lines of our breeding-old and new. In fact, one can say with certainty that one is entirely clear of the problem. The evidence strongContinued on page 28gests that idiopathic seizures are transferred genetically. Ana tne solution is anigenuy ireed away from any animal with a history or lineage containing suspicious seizures."Make Intelligent ChoicesThe problem with epilepsy this is not simple Mendelian genetics. You cannot breed it reiterated Clemmons. "All you can do is make intelligent choices. If you breed two s and you get seizures, dont do it again."Vfaybe, looking back, you might discover that when you get epilepsy is with long-nosed itties," hypothesized Dr. idea, I thought to myself. However, what did I ran across in research The irt, "Differential Diagnosis of Seizures in Dogs and Cats," in Veterinary Medicine July, 13 lists seizures due to primary brain tumors memingiomas as predispositions of ichocephalic dog breeds.Vhat is that "d" word I checked the dictionary "Dolichocephalic long-headed having ireadth of head small in proportion to the length from front to back." Isnt that the Dttish Terrier Tme, seizures due to primary brain tumors like meningiomas would tainly be an acquired seizure disorder. However, who can say what future research will n up as far as special breed characteristics that might come associated with primary lepsy It might not be long noses, but Clemmons did point out eventually we could cover that certain visible traits are linked with epilepsy.v, practical problem hindering learning more about epilepsy is research funds. "One le, dogs were a model of human epilepsy," said neurologist Clemmons. "Since they snt any more, funding is less."Dne program active in the study of epilepsy is the American Canine Epilepsy Service, rected by Dr. Betsy Dayrell-Hart, VHUP, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of nnsylvania, PA 19104. The service offers advice on treatment and gathers data on the lease. You may wish to contact the service.Good Advice Share Information'Epilepsy is so complicated," asserted Clemmons still again. "The only thing you can do pass information that, Wasnt a good match."Clemmons reminds Scottish Terrier breeders that, until there is gene mapping we cant y with absolute certainty that a case is inherited. We can only guess. Heres where emmons thinks an open registry might help.'If youre a breeder, and youre getting a problem, you want to find out where it is. Make asonable choices and pass information back and forth between breeders. We should be ying things to each other like "Youre doing a lot better than I. What are you doing tter"The perspective Clemmons puts on epilepsy for individual Scottish Terrier breeder is "If lure getting more epilepsy than Beagles 5.9, youre not doing as well as the Beagles n do on their own." Clemmons likes the comment he once heard from a knowledgeable rson in one of the national hound clubs "In all honesty, all you can do is make your best less, try to make abetter guess next time."A final personal note I might put on the subject Scottish Terriers are not yet in the xtbook lists of those breeds highly affected by seizure disorders. Will it stay that way Currently Scottie Cramp and sensory neuronopathy are the only two disorders listed ider the Scottish Terrier breed in Chrismans comprehensive neurology text. Im betting veterinary text from 40 to 50 years ago would not have listed Scottie Cramp. We did not al with that disorder. We are in the textbooks now. Will we deal with seizure disorders.This article was first published in The Bagpiper of the Scottish Terrier Club of America 1993 4. author is a member of Dog Writers Association of America, National Federation of Press Women, Texas Press Women. The article is available for publication in other breed magazines. It is copyrighted, and permission to reprint should be addressed to Carole Fry Owen 9 Coachman's C Big Spring, TX 79720. Phone 915 263-3404.Performance Newsby Lois Morkassel 1412 Second Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103 701280-1413HOT TOPICS This summer, we have had some incredibly high temperatures-100 to 95 for about two weeks in June which is out of the ordinary for Fargo, ND. Our air conditioner in the shop on the main floor and the air conditioner for our home, the upper two stories of the same building, went out at about 10 am. on the same day. My husband was out of town, so I opened every thing up and turned on all the fans. Having read a disaster story in a dog publication, I am careful to make sure all the fans I own are UL listed and directly plugged into the socket or a heavy duty extension cord to minimize the chances of fire. Lots of water was available for the dogs. We survived until Saturday when my husband got back in town, and we got two new air conditioners.With the hot weather, remember that air conditioners in homes, cars, and motorhomes can malfunction and stop working. Please be careful in the heat.One of my Poms overheated a few years ago, and my vet showed me a way to drop the dogs body temperature fast. Turn the dog over on its back and pour rubbing alcohol over the "arm pits" and the groin area and fan with a paper or a magazine. This really helped cool my dog off. I cany a couple of bottles of rubbing alcohol whenever I travel. You do need to know that the rubbing alcohol can cause stains on fabrics and flooringso if you have the time, move the dog to an area where the environment wont be damaged.Pedialite will help to get the electrolytes back in line after dog overheats. It can be found in childrens sections in grocery stores like K-Mart and Target. I also carryNutri-Cal for this purpose. If your dog trouble, try to get the body temper down and then get the dog to the vet. problems can develop depending on severe the episode is and how long it laAn easy way to keep track of your Pi comfort level when training out doors i sun is for you to wear full length jeans black t-shirt. It will help to keep training time reasonable.How about "Pomsicles" or "Pupsic Make a batch of ice cubes with 12 stre bullion water. Add a "Pomsicle" to a dii water or offer a cube to your Pom.When traveling I use 12 gallon pi containers or 2 liter pop bottles filled full and frozen for cooling my ice che have less water sloshing around in cooler, and as the ice melts, I have 1 water from home for my dogs or me. bottles can be emptied, so I dont havt "dead weight" of the blue ice packs oi possibility of them breaking or leaking fluid.These containers of ice can be wrappe a towel and put in the Poms crate sc Pom can choose to be next to it or a from it. Various size pop and v containers can be used to fit your crates using these frozen bottles, you can c your Poms crate and create air conditu dog rooms. Just remember that they do and the "room" will start to heat up agai A friend liked my solution for carr dog and human water to shows inContinued on page 32d3ryn l^o5 e f^omeraniandMemo" is awaitingler first litter siredby BIS Ch.Southlands Mighty Im pressive.OwnerBreeder Brenda and Terry Turner1910 Concord Place exarkana, TX 75501 903 832-7742iKim n aEr^n ^ W, emorif of ^etveCfu Chriscendo City LightsJune 4,1984 to June 4,1995On his 11th birthday, "Peter" died quietly in the arms of Tim Goddard, as we watched we were there.In "doggie Heaven" the Pomeranian-ring section, suddenly the "LIGHTS" went beautifully onTo Tim and Sue Were sorry...we know you will miss him.Darrell and Olga BakerAMCAN CH CHRISCENDO CITY LIGHTJune 4, 1984 - June 4, 1995Thank you Peter for all the light you brought to our ]--------------------------------------------------rTTiniiii^^- -..lMMTTT7r..M^--------------------------------------CHDignitys Chris O Lights CH Tim Sues High Lights CH Tim Sues Flashing Lights CH Tim Sues Duchess Delight CH Tim Sues Neon Lights CH Tim Sues Harbor Lights CH Tim Sues Socialite CH Tim Sues Distant Lights Ch Tim Sues Knight Light CH Tim Sues Electric Lights CH Tim Sues Star Light CH Tim Sues Sparkling Lights CH Jolly Wee Music of Tim Sue CH Tim Sues Just A Bright Light CH Hallmarks Lights N MusicCH Whartons Sepple Von Honig CH Jamels Texas Tornado CH Timsue Just A Lil Moonlight CH Digitys Texican Venture CH Tim Sues Light of Destiny CH Tim Sues Dazzlin Lights CH Tim Sues Sunlight CH Tim Sues Brass Lights CH Tim Sues Evening Lights CH Uptown Rockin City Lights CH Primrose City Limits CH Tim Sues Country Lights CH Tim Sues Stage Lights Ch Tim Sues Dixie DynamicBred by and Co-owned with Christine Heartz Tim and Sue Goddard Rt 2 Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622able water containers with the plunger spouts. It is an easy way to carry both lies in one bottle.iw for a topic that raises my aerature. I was talking with a friend in aigan last week and she was menting on the number of attacks by in classes on other dogs and people. A ile of attacks occurred in her 4-H es and the rest in their clubs classes. A ile of instances occurred when uctors were working with students i and they misread the dogs. There was person who was in her class with a dog was dog and people aggressive. The Her would not follow instructions and not willing to take the role of pack r. After two class sessions, he was d to leave with his dog and not comeidmire her willingness to protect her members and their dogs from this ition. I also admire her for knowing her ations. She recognized that she dnt help the dog because the handler the block. She has worked with other Hers and their families to get their dogs r control when the families were ng to do the work. She has been able to many people and their dogs.ish she had been in some of the classes e attended. Especially when I was new aining and admired and respected the uctors and believed they knew better I.le school in Moorhead will only teach nners classes if there are 30 dogs tered. This is in a room about 35 x fully matted so that there are circles of and handlers about 3 or 4 deep. Since I training 2 dogs at the time in novice, I ed one the one night that our club red classes and took the other one over his "dog fight waiting to happen." Hess to say, we got dogs dragging their ers over to my Pom and others that Id ran us over. I learned to walk with hand in a perpetual fist which was y to nail the dog behind us as I put my i in the sit. I did connect a couple oftimes after I had warned the handler to control his dog. It was interesting how the handlers would learn to control their dogs to avoid having me bop them, but not before.Now, of course, I wouldnt have enrolled and wouldnt have put my Pom in that situation. I did cause a lot of problems that I still deal with. Remember the screaming Pom that was the hold up for working in open He came out of this training situation.Our advanced beginners class found my Pom "Man" in a very tight stay conditions. There was barely enough room for all the dogs and handlers in the line-up. Of course, we got positioned next to an out-of-control rescued doberman and his non-alpha owner. As we were lining up, the handler looks at Man and says to her dog that Man looks like the little stuffed kitty that he has at home and dearly loves to "kill." Guess who was peeved The instructor would not change our position, so I spoke directly to the Dobe the handler was useless and told him if he moved or even looked at my Pom, his nose would be shoved out through his tail courtesy of my fist. I went 6 away off leash, and his handler went about 10, everyone else went the full 25 distance. It was the first time the Dobe stayed through the sits and downs in 20 weeks of classes. Do you think it was due to his handler He did not look at Man once. He kept his eyes on his handler because I was out of controlAnother time, in a beginners class with Cymer, we were next to another doberman that the elderly couple couldnt control they wanted protection. During the final test for the 8-week beginners class, which was a run through, we were lined up next to IT in sits and downs. The instructor wouldnt move us, because if we moved, no one would do the stays next to IT. Today, I would have walked out and let the instructor explain why I was doing my stays away from everyone else. Back then, I held my place, but insisted and got more space between our dogs with Cymer set back to where the Dobermans butt was. I also made sure the couple heard my statement to the instructor that I would kill the Doberman if anything happened. I only went 8 to 10 away from Cymer, which put me in the 6 to 8 range from IT. Nothing did happen-butthere shouldnt have even been a questionMan has no clue that he is small and doesnt hesitate to tell off a big dog that enters "his Space." I watch him carefully, but a lot of bigger dog owners dont watch their dogs so carefully, at one show, the last exhibitor for our novice group was performing the individual exercises and the steward was lining the rest of us up for the stays in a very crowded area A Terv was behind us and his handler wasnt paying attention when he decided to sniff Man. Man went into full threat with teeth bared and growling, which got the same response from the Terv. The Tervs handler was fast and neither of our dogs connected, but it was loud. Loud enough that the judge stopped judging and came over to see what was going on. We still had to do the stays next to each other. Both dogs refused to look at each other during the sits and downs Thank God they were in sight and that both dogs saw their owners as alpha I learned a lot about dogs and eye contact and avoidance that day. We each qualified, but at what price I am not sure I would leave my dog on a stay in those conditions now.If I were facing a stay situation that I didnt like, I would not leave my dog if the judge wouldnt make allowances. I would tell my Pom to heel when I left the line for the stays. If I didnt return and participate in the stays, the judge would have to report me to AKC. By not telling my dog to stay and heeling him with me, we NQ, but I have removed him from harms way.I am having trouble justifying the out-of-sight stays to myself with Poms. I pray the stewards and judges have enough brains to stop problems. Problems for big dogs that is, and injury or death for small dogs.Margaret McKee told me of a dog that she trained with that had it in for Poms. The two trainers tried to avoid each other in class, but had to be constantly alert. When they showed, they ended up next to each other in the stays. The judge insisted on catalog order, but did allow space between the dogs and the handlers told the judge how they planned to intervene if it became necessary.At a match, Margaret had to stand up forher Poms rights when two larger dogs had an altercation outside of the ring be the out-of-sight stays. The judge wante put her Pom BETWEEN them couldnt believe it and preceded to tell NO in no uncertain terms. This w MATCH, folks The judge could 1 placed the dogs at opposite ends of the or excused them What kind of though solution is putting a Pom between two that want to fight That is polite for w think of that solution.What kind of decisions have you n about how and when you will let your F face "situations" on stays I wont gar my dogs life and well being for a piec ribbon or trinket I can buy or a score.Recently, I heard about two dogs though breeding was better than stayin the out-of-sight stays. Wouldnt you res a judge a lot more if they decided to ex those dogs for the downsThe contract I have with my Poms re The dog will do my bidding in the because I desire him to and in retu guarantee his health and safety. I take contract veiy seriously. How does contract readAll self-defense and safety awarene based on envisioning a situation and you will react. When you are under stre is hard to make up a plan. Think the thing through now, so you have iesourc you need them. This is as important tc as how I would react if I were physii attacked.Speaking of things we dont like to t about "How do I get a sound Pom Performance work Where can I g working Pom"These questions have left me at a When I have been called or asked by c exhibitors about finding sound Por have had to tell people to look at rescui Pom from a shelter so that they can z the Poms soundness as an adult.Dande, who I am currently showinj extremely sound. She is "A no-good I but a damn good dog" She bears Continued on page 36AIMEEr ^Red Sable "Aimee" was RED HOT in Greenville, MS, on Independence Day weekend as she SIZZLED with BACK TO BACK MAJORSThanks to JUDGES.......FRANK OBERSTAR andELAINE MATHIS who appreciated her outstanding qualities.... andto the spectators and other exhibitors who lovedher SPARKLEV_______________ Puppies OccasionallyaiMl BABE AIM FOR FAMECh. Rain Beaus N Belles Aahs x Mi Babe Soft ImpressionMl BABE POMERANIANSBreederOwnerHandler Babe McCombs Rt. 1, Box 1266 Ola, AR 72853 501489-55104 f r l' ' \American romeranian uiud v"W'...We're proud to introduce our bright new star on the horizonl He started his show coreer with blazin' back-to-back 3-point majorsl Comet shined for Judge Frank Oberstar at the Greenville Mississippi Kennel Club show to win Best-of-Winners and d 3-point major This shooting star continued to brighten the circuit, dazzling Judge Eldine Mathis at the Mississippi State Kennel Club show where she also selected Comet for her Best-of-Winners and his second 3-point majorl Our thanks to his breeder, Nina Epps of Oakridge Kenneis, for this beautiful boy. Catch his glow as he shoots for his ChampionshipJBrpttoscPomeraniansS.W. and Brenda Turner 3910 Concord Place Texarkana, Texas 75503 903 832-7742SharelsPomeraniansSharon Hicks934 Clear Creek Texarkana, Texas 75503 903831-4028mblance to the conformation Poms. She mg and leggy. Her face is wedge-shaped l large ears and a dudley nose. She has teeth at 11, but has a sparse coat. Her ' body which hid 3 of her 5 puppies re the vets palpations enabled her to -whelp them in two hours. Her long y enables her to reach when jumping, is bright and eager to learn. She enjoys r challenges and learning serious stuff parlor tricks. She has heart Ive been that she could have been an OTCH dog, ough the speakers kindly left off the part would have required another trainer and dler. Thankfully Dande has patience and snt consider placing me out and starting i a more promising human. I have had ly compliments on her and inquiries as ther all Poms are like her in soundness attitude. I have had many requests from formance people for possible offspring, am concerned when people I talk to, who trying to find Poms for Obedience or formance, tell me breeders are telling n to EXPECT the stifles to go. I am cemed when I hear about breeders that 1t permit their Poms to jump or to do rs because they will put out their knees, spoke to Julie Clemen, from the West ast, who was inquiring as to where she ild find sound Poms to breed. She has n breeding German Shepherds for work 1 has been importing them from Europe, s is willing to consider importing German ns and is researching the possibilities. I snt able to be much help. I did give her name of a breeder I hope to find a sound n from in the future. We also discussed show dog versus performance dog that iws up in most performance breeds, are are a few exceptional individuals that beautiful and can work. This is true in nans too. If someone has more helpful Donation, Julies number is 360 5-1010. If someone has a consistently ind line of Poms that can be worked in formance events, please let me know, ur dogs are in demand. I want such a m and so do others.'his seems to tie into another ominous ught that I have heard about lately. I e learned that there is talk about no iger offering Obedience classes at theNational and Regional Specialties. There was a lot of effort by dedicated and persistent people to get Obedience at these shows. There are reasons for Obedience classes being small at the Specialties. There arent a whole lot of Pomeranians in Obedience. There were 48 obedience titles and one tracking title earned by Poms in 1994. How many of those were APC members How many breed titles were earned in the same time period If there are 2 or 3 Poms entered in obedience at the same all-breed obedience show, it is unusual. How many breeders encourage their Poms to be shown in Obedience, OR even suggest obedience training at all How many potential Pom exhibitors are laughed out of training schools and told to get an "obedience breed" How many Poms have started in obedience work and then cannot jump for structural reasons How many obedience exhibitors find the travel to a specialty time and cost prohibitive There isnt the prestige awarded to obedience people that there is to breed people for having competed at a specialty. Many times a leg earned at a specialty is scorned by other obedience people. Obedience classes cant be "loaded" or "built" like breed classes can for points. If a Pom is not ready to show in an obedience class, damage can be done for future work, as well as taking a nice-woiking dog out of the running for a Dog World award. If an Obedience dog earns 3 qualifying legs, it has 60 days to continue showing in the class before it must move up, or discontinue showing. Theoretically, Open B classes could be loaded, but there arent that many Open Poms out there. there is always the problem of bringing a not-to-breed standard Pom where breed people help you see how far off your Pom is.Hopefully, the Conformation people wont force Obedience out of the National andHmencan romeraman uudRegional Specialties. It is one way to educate the public that the American Pom Club and Regional Breed Clubs respect their Poms enough to think they are smart enough and sound enough to be included. Perhaps with encouragement and incentives and recognition there could be more Pom Obedience exhibitors in the future.For those who want to discontinue obedience at the National and Regional Specialties, does this mean you dont want to take the time to nurture those who want to work with their Poms in Performance events Does this mean you dont think Poms have the willingness, attitude, and intelligence to work in Performance events Are you willing to tell the world that after the Nationals and Regionals were opened to Obedience that the numbers competing in Obedience MAY have a relationship to the soundness of the Poms being bred which are available to obedience exhibitorsI hope the decision is to continue Obedience classes at the National and Regional specialties. These are showcases of breeding. Obedience classes are showcases of breeding too They showcase the trainerhandlers dedication and desire to train and show Poms in obedience. They showcase the breeds intelligence, heart, and impishness. They showcase the Poms mental and physical soundness.The American Pomeranian Club could acknowledge Breed Champions who have earned Obedience titles as the true treasures that they are. A dual titled Pom could carry a title designation from the APC which could become coveted by breeders as well as exhibitors.Most trainers find that positive methods of training result in better and more desired responses. Negative methods create confusion and a decrease in the desired response over time.If the APC wants increased Obedience entries at National and Regional Specialties, I would suggest using positive methods. Possible incentives could include or go beyond Lower entry fees. A lottery for airfare to the National for Obedience. Celebrating Obedience dogs al Specialties. Developing a Title for EChampions with Obedience Titl airy level that could become desi for breeders as well as the Obed exhibitors. Developing a Title for EChampions with Performance other than Obedience. This would indicate the soundness of the Pon could be something breeders c strive for.Pedigrees of Poms that have Perform titles should be as desirable as those lo with Champions, if not more so. Im others have more ideas how to raise numbers of Obedience Pom exhibitors ways to encourage them to come tc Specialties. Hopefully, Obedience exhibitors will let their voices be 1 through Margaret McKee, our Perform representative on the APC board.But remember, when the statistics 1994 show 26,991 litters of Poms regis and 48 AKC obedience and 1 tracking earned for the same time period, National and Regional entries cannot will not be high.Now to really fantastic newsIn the May 1995 issue of the Ui States Dog Agility Association USD Dog Agility Report, President Ker Tatsch announced the first dog ever to the title of Agility Dog Champion sm Pomeranian by the name of Cody, o\ by Linda Yarbrough of Dallas, Texas. Agility Dog Champion was made avail in January, 1994. It represents eamii total of 29 qualifying scores at the ma level in Standard, Gamblers, Jumj Snooker, and Pairs Relay divisions.Other breeds were first to earn the M Agility Dog title in early 1993. In e 1994 shows, Cody earned his first M Gamblers qualification and the M Agility Dog title.Cody qualified in 4 out of his neContinued on page 40V.nst. VtvBEST OF WINNERS9 OWENSBORO'Sr r rr 11It wCh. Stolannes Hazy ImageCh.Bea Mary Hazy Day x Ch. Stolanne Mica Rockellelazy is the last puppy sired by Ch. Bea Mary Hazy Day and has continud in his sires dition as a very sound, well-moving dog. Thanks to the judges who appreciated his ality Miss Anna K. Nicholas, Mrs. George John Wanner, Sr., Mr. Robert J. Moore, Mr. Stephen Shaw, Mrs. Kathleen B. Kolbert, Mr. J. Robert Jacobsen, and Mr. Charles C. ott.' am especially grateful to Mary Keeling for allowing me to use her Hazy to produce two mderful champion Poms.STOLANNE POMERANIANS Frances J. Stoll RR 3, Box 429^ w\ "\ f-aiiiHiiltrfm twi_r ii4.rv't 'KSefr7,,-V. .'v fLv-J1KS3IffinfrNIK \rlipkimiII1Ch. cStolannes B early Made ItCh. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Ch. Stolannes Tequila BandetteBearly was bom as a 1 12 ounce premie with a very uncertain first week. She has sii i, proven her worth, first in the show ring and now in the whelping box, as she has fwhelped two very promising puppies.Special thanks to judges who awarded her points Mrs. Bettie Krause, Mrs. Lena Wiseman, Mrs. George John Wanner, Sr., Mr. Timothy Catterson, Mrs. Heywood Hartley, Mr. Charles S. Deer, and Mr. R. Stephen Shaw.Washington, Indiana 47501 812 254-3857tempts in Gamblers to become the only lini-dog 12" to 18" to earn the Gamblers laster sm in 1994.By the end of 1994, Cody needed 1 rmpers and 2 Pairs Relay qualifications to omplete the Agility Dog Champion title, [e earned those in February and March of 995 to become the very first Agility Dog 'hampion sm everCongratulations to Linda and CodyAfter several years of looking out for lformation about Clever Canine 'ompanions, I found the address in Off ead Magazine. I wrote for information nd received a wonderful, inviting response DeDe and Gypsy, owned by Dorothy and uane Nelson, are the first Pomeranians jgistered with CCC. The female, Gypsy, as a rescued Pom.Dorothy Nelson got her information on le Clever Canines Versatility titles from an rticle in the New England Obedience lews. She corresponds with a former Versatility title holder who helped her attain te titles for her 2 dogs. That person tells re Dorothy is in her 70s.This is a service oriented program. The urpose is to reach the public to show how ruch more valued a socialized and trained og can be. The program requires owners to how others what pet responsibility is to how others the rewards of patience and erseverance. This program welcomes rixed breeds as well as purebred dogs. There are three titles offered. The Versatile Canine Companion VCC needs ive points from three categories. The Versatile Canine Companion Excellent is amed by completing ten points from 5 ategories. And, the O-V or Outstanding Versatility title asks for 6 categories and at iast 25 points. All phases of dog erformance are considered. These are ivided into ten categories with many Open" portions in the program to allow for ariations. The dog owners are a shared part f the title. Category I, reaching and ducating the public to responsible dog wnership, is required. This may be ssisting your training club in any manner.Mrs. Nelson had several articles published about rescuing her second Pom and about their earning their CGC. With her dogs she does much pet therapy visiting This counted for her required part.Category II is called HEALTH. Mrs. Nelsons dogs are spayed and neutered. CGC proves their mental stability. Here she added two points. Other suggestions would be OF A, CERF, and Tattoo.DeDe and Gypsy again matched points to fulfill their 3rd category. Both are registered with Therapy Dogs Incorporated in Wyoming. Another point was added because they are working therapy dogs and regularly visit nursing homes to add a little spark to the lives of the residents.Dorothy took advantage of the beautiful Pet Assisted Therapy certificates offered by CCC to dogs that have completed a minimum of 6 therapy visits, whether to hospitals, homes, or schools to add another point. The Certificate of Recognition is offered by CCC as a gratitude for the work and time spent giving joy to others less fortunate.Other categories included in the program are Obedience, Tracking, Conformation, Herding, Protection, Draft, Soundness which is hiking, backpacking, agility. Category ten is for anything that might have been forgotten or that doesnt fit elsewhere.All charges by CCC are modest. They cover expenses including a year-end newsletter. One superb picture is selected for the color cover. It tells who got the plaque for High Score Dog of the Year and who chosen for "The Extra Mile" plaque. Chapters include "An Appreciation Page" for those registering more than one dog, "Tidbits" that are points of interest offered from the title holders. It informs what each had done the previous year.You can be a PATRON and receive the newsletter for 5.00 by request without registering with Clever Canine Companions.Just as every dog should be able to attain the CGC title, these titles, too, are in reach of everyone. Size is no matter. There are Chihuahuas and King Charles Spaniels that backpack, Papillons that cart, several Boston Terriers that had agility with theirMmencan ruiiicictmciii uiuutitles. Another small pair exercise by taking neighborhood children for rides on their skateboards. Size is not an excuse. Dogs that DO, have heart. Give them an opportunity to explore.In the future, Dorothy wants to take her Poms to schools. Many children are raised in a No Pets environment. Others that have, or want, pets need to know the responsibility that comes with ownership. Children need to know what to do when meeting a strange dog.Gypsy attends church Prayer Meetings with Mrs. Nelson. When Papa picks them up, he says, "Say goodnight to the ladies," and Gypsy starts barking. The ladies love her company and think she is so smart.For more information on how you and your dog can be eligible for titles, send SASE for mles to Jane Sohns-Poms 140 Weidler Ln. Rothsville, PA 17543. Phone 717 626-5805 between 9 and 10 p.m. Eastern time, or leave a message and she will call back collect.New Obedience Titles CDFrog Hollows Dark Princess CD bitch owned by Catherine Thompson and bred by Daniel and Angelina Gulisano. The scores came from Novice B. 189, 191, and 195 4th.Neeko CD dog is an ILP dog owned by Lynn and Richard Hedger. The scores come from Novice A 182 4th, 191 12 2nd.Ch. Traildusters Lady Houdini CDbitch owned and bred by Lois Campbell. The scores come from Novice B 188 3rd, 184.NAKarens White Kiley Guy NA owned by K. Gottschall. Scores come from Novice B18" division 100 first, 100 first, and 95 2nd.Kassels Dandelion Down UD, NAowned by Lois Morkassel. Scores coi from Novice B--12" division 95, 90 3r and 95 3rd.CKC Titles IDAprildew Nelson of Pomhaven 1owned by B. Dick.USDAA TitlesADCHCody owned by Linda Yarbrough Agil Dog Champion sm.Congratulations to all the new ti holders The ability to motivate your Poi to show is evident. It is such individualized solution for each Pom a handler team. Finding out what the dog v work for and what the handler is willing give their dog is the key. Some dogs w for food, others for voice andor tom others for toys. All the best motivators indicated by each dog and the handler 1 to be sharp enough to figure out what 1 dog finds necessary to play "the gam These handlers have learned how motivate their Poms so that they are willi to perform the way the handlers want. Tl is quite an interspecies accomplishment.Other handlers have taken up the diffic and physically, mentally and emotiona demanding challenge of the UDX. 1 current standings of the Poms worki toward the UDX, as of the reports in 1 June issue of the AKC Awards Magazi isCaptain Pug White UD--8 legsDover-Holihouse Fire N Ice UD2 legDriftwood Love That Bob UD2 legsPainters Passion Diamond UD--3 legsShawn of Brockton UD--1 legDande and I have tried for UDX leg times. From our experiences, I know it difficult enough to qualify in Utility Open each time, let alone to qualify in b on the same day. It becomes a very long c for the dog to wait to show in both class Continued on page 44Linchris PomeraniansHorn of Best In Show. Best In Specialty Show Multi Group Winning Poms Ch. Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Quality Dogs for Shcrw Pet Fully Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITTI 1011 W. Campbell Ave.. Phoenix. A2 85013-2614 602 265-4046.omevantcwtsCH. STUD SERVICE QUALITY PUPPIES HOME RAISED LOVEDiniel Taylor Jit3NME MCINTDSH-TAYU714537-0333 Garden Grove, OufocniaJIM 4 JUDY SHEARER ^ g j.995 Ragerevllle Road SW , f Baltic, OH 43804 V. \ I ' 216897-0720MEMBERSAMERICAN POM CLUB ANDDHIO VALLEY POM CLUBIPOMScMeoienos aMSS. JULIE R. MOREN01 415 583-4973 By Appointment, PleaseFan-Cs PomeraniansHome of...AC Ch. Fan-Cs RockstarChampion-sired Puppies AvailableFlorence and Carl Scott 2958 Mayfield RoadWickliffe, KY 42087 502 335-5416504 384-7466 After 700pmJanes a s PomsJerrie FreiaP.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381POMERANIANS Quality Pups Champion Studs803-472-3002Rosemary E. Regoni385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322Ruby F. Poole 918 341 -6921RUBYS POMERANIANSShow - Breeding - Pets occasionallyRoute 1, Box 190 Claremore, OK 74017Diana L. FinchAPC Top Breeder 92Rural Route 1 Kelley, Iowa 50134 Home 515-769-2444Ch. Finch's He Walks On Water BIS, BISS. Multiple Group Winner 1 APC Top Winnino Pom Hall of Fame, Award of Meril Gold Club Member Westminster BOBAKC Pom Pups mosl colorsCh. Apollette Wild Fire Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Finch's Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Wee Heart's Tiflht End^Pcmszaniam 13ze.nJa r UcZXi, ^Uuztier39, C-oncozA ^PCticz. rUtx2zlzLi2a, 'Ucxai 75501903 2-7742Jeribeths Pomeranians"With Planned Parenthood"arrall 1 Olga Sakar713 337-00374916 43rd Dickinson, TX 77J Houston AreaDoris WheelerCASCADE KENNEL POMERANIANS3016 Hiawatha Dr.Dayton, Oh 45414 513 278-6IAPomebaniattbHome of Ch. Starfire's ArmaniQuality, lovingly raised puppies available occasionally. Champion stud service. jjtjSp Inquiries welcome.J91 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 fax 208 232-6018Ben-Ray- BENSON RAY Golden Aires - SHARON MASNICKBREEDING FOR THE LOOK THAT PLEASES HOME OFCH.BEN RAYS SUNDANCING SIMC CH. GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKEF2007 Vestry Drive PuppiesCharleston, S. C. 29414 Stud Service803-571-6165Bonnells Linetree Pomeranians 318 West Grahm Dixon, IL 61021t SUNGOLDPOMERANIANSChampions al Stud S Puppies for saleRa^ S Anna La Fortune 13621 Kapo-wsln Hvry. Graham, WA 98338 206 879-5390AJC.C. G U.K.C. Handling Ship SEA-TACBob and Mary Bonnell 815 284-3298en if the superintendent doesnt have the ams scheduled in both rings at the same ne. It takes a lot of stamina on the part of e dog and a clear understanding of which ercise the dog is working on at each lecific time. Heeling, the signal exercise, id the walking stand are terribly similar, tie drop on recall and the signal exercise hen the dog is left on the stand are very sually similar. The signal exercise after e dog is left standing can appear very milar to the sit and down stay exercises, he article pile is a scenting exercise, but ress can convince the dog that it is a trieve exercise. The dog can start thinking ticles when doing the retrieve over the gh jump. The broad jump and directed itrieve are pretty well isolated in the dogs lind, but even they have associated roblems. The go-outs in the directed imping can always be confused with the irected retrieve. And then there are the iit-of-sight sits and downsI greatly admire the dogany dog-that an earn 1 UDX leg. The dog that can earn 0 legs are in a whole other dimension hat one of our Poms can do so is reath-takingGood luck to one and allJust trying makes you a winner, because ou have added to your understanding of le commitment that is called for.To the teams earning legs Fantastic work fou are an inspiration to us all. Each of you tarted in Novice and have come so far Did rou ever in your wildest dreams believe you vould be dong what you are doing Celebrate your winning You deserve to, ind if you nqcelebrate too You are ipecial.Until next time....Theres JOY in 'om-de-moniumMany Congratulations to a lovely lady-Jo Ching, on your Kennel Visit.Many happy returnsEnjoy itSANDALWOODsendscongratulations to Josephine Ching on her well-deserved Kennel Visit. Thank you again for your sincere help and guidance.Rodger Lau P.O. Box 27991 Honolulu, HI 96827E-Mail laulau ALOHA. NETBETTY WRIXONsendscongratulations to Josephine Ching on her well-deserved Kennel Visit. Thank you again for your sincere help and guidance.Betty Wrixon 1904 Nuna Place Honolulu, HI 96821808 377-5221CREST KENNELPictured is our first homebred champion. She finished from the puppy classes.Ch. Queenaire Classy Darlin is our first champion. She is pictured in the April Review.Congratulations and Best Wishes to our dear friend, Josephine Ching, on the occasionof her Kennel Visit.We wish her continued success in her future endeavors.Hi-Crest Kennel Arnold Hirahara 4354 Kahala Avenue Honolulu, HI 96816mV 23iCh. Hi-Crest Winsome HighAMOUR POMSsendscongratulations to my wonderful friendJosephine Ching All the best to you nowand in the future.Shirley Ann K Leu 3655 Kawelolani PI Honolulu, HI 96816-3303 808732-7427CongratulationsJosephineon yourKennel Visit.You ve really donewell.Enjoy ILove...Dudley and WandaCongratulations Guys N Gals and Jo.... idc rr.iY 'UrYoure one in a million, and I am most proud to be your friend....r\ 'i" .. __ \^ pHome ofAm Can Ch. Morenos Perri WinkleSince 1967 All rights reservedJulie Moreno 415 583-4973after 10 a.m. our time, please...ICrfmICL SLCden's Cajun Spice O' Woodrose SpiceSpice is shown here with Judge Harvey Yamashita giving him Best in Sweepstakes at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii Specialty. Later, Judge Dana Plonkey gave him BOW for 5 points. He is capably handled by his co-owner, Yvette Oganeku.Congratulations to Jo Ching on her Kennel Visit.WOODROSE Clarice and Yvette Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744 808 235-8142 FAX 808 247-4967 A SANTACLARA VALLEYiifterm1\P jyuCh. Queenaire Coup de Graceat the Santa Clara show. Dudley had brought Jo to the show so she could see her new boy in action. Dudley and Wanda were more nervous than anyone. Here was the new owner, and the dog was making his debut. It was anyones guess as to what he would do. He went into thering under Mrs. Anne Rogers Clark and won first in Open. That was a good beginning so Dudley and Wanda relaxed a bit. Jo was pleased. When he won the points, everyone was thrilled. When Mrs. Clark gave him the breed over several outstanding specials, we were ecstatic.American romeranian uiud4rcbCh. Queenaire WhizzJe Stika rasb--mM9r,ppoSlTi Ch. Guys n Gals Megaton on FourezrKsmT.-Ha_ -"' The 3 pals...Ellen, Jo, and BettyThe group showing was almost more than we could stand. Group I at one of the largest shows in the countiy was unreal. We all had a wonderful time, and Coude stayed around for a time until he finished his championship, going back and forth with my Smokey for the big wins, but Coude id it first, and was I ever glad. He was off to the islands and out of my hair. Through it all, Jo and I became great pen pals and exchanged long letters for a long time. Jo will never forget that first visit to our bay area in winter which they really do not have in Hawaii. Here it was rainy and cold, and even for us, a bad winter, That was the beginning of a friendship that I will hod dear and cherish for my lifetime.Jo invited me several times to come and visit her in Paradise, but it never happened until I was invited to judge their Pom specialty several years later. Oh, my, what a wonderful time I had with Jo and all of the Pom folks there on the island That was the first of my now yearly visits for the past 10 years. Along the way Jo and I have become almost like sisters. Of course, much has transpired over all the years in her Poms. Many have come and gone, and for a long time, Jo was the Top Exhibitor of the island as well as the top breeder. Ch. Queenaire Whizzle Stik came along and provided her with manygreat wins as well as a great foundation for her Poms of today. Jo is active in the Pom Club, and has held offices in the club. She has been the breeder of 7 champions, and the owner of 5 she bought and finished, as well as the breeder of the foundation stock for other breeders on the island. Because of circumstances, Jo to take a little time off from breeding and exhibiting but she did not remain out of it. Betty Wrixon, who had purchased a Pom from Jo several years ago, called wanting another one. Jo told her about a darling little fellow she had seen at Marit Hattoris home. Off they went to see the puppy, and they came home with KoKo, who is now Ch. Haikus Visp of Swiss Mist. KoKo has had a veiy successful show career thus far culminating in a Best in Show this spring at the Windward show. I had the pleasure of being there to see it all myself. What a thrill for us all, especially for me, who said last year, if KoKo keeps up like he is, he will do very well next show season.Through it all, Jo has helped many obtain stock from the mainland-something that is not always easy to do because of the quarantine. Many breeders will not sell to Hawaii because of it. Jo has made a definite impression on the Pom stock in Hawaii.^ ,v lU ...BESTOFbreedCh. Guys 'N Gals HeartbreakerMany of the champions stem back into her lines with many more to come. Jo herself has one new little show girl who at a recent match was first time out BOB and Group I. Trust me, I think this is a good one watch for her in the near future. Several others are just waiting in the wings to make her proud all over again as their breeder. My own Rusty stems from her Ch. Orange Krush, and I couldnt be more pleased at what he is dong for us here.I feel I must list her Champions which she has bred or owned as tribute should go to her in that manner also Ch. Guys N Gals Dolie Patches, Ch. Guys N Gals Orange Krush, Ch. Guys N Gals Megaton On Four, Ch. Guys N Gals Humbug Bugzy, Ch. Guys N Gals Bravo for Amours, Ch. Guys N Gals Heartbreaker, Ch Alanis Nanakuli Flasher, Ch. Queenaire Coup de Grace, Ch. Queenaire Whizzle Stik, Ch. Wee Squeakie of Lenette, Ch. Jubilee Twinkling Starlet.There is a Hawaiian saying, "To talk story or to talk stink." Jo always talks story NEVER STINK. Jo is a mellow, mild, kind person, easily hurt by others, but always takes it in her stride, and says, POW which means, its done withjust forget it. No, my friends, there are not many Josephines on this earth, so when you meet one, remember to treat them like you would wish to be treated.In closing, remember Jo and the name Guys N Gals, for you will be hearing a lot about them in the future. To quote Jo, "Its fun to breed its fun to show but its the very best to be the breeder of the winners no matter who owns them." I couldnt agree with her more.If you ever go to Hawaii, plan to call on Jo you will be oh so glad you didComments from HawaiiJo has been an inspiration to many Pom fanciers. She is always willing to help others with grooming and breeding tips. Newcomers to the breed are made welcome with a smile."Josephine introduced me to the dog show world which eventually led me tothe most incredible year and a half of mj life," said Betty Wrixon."When you think of sportsmanship anc kindness, Josephine Ching comes tc mind," commented Ellen Takayama "Hei help with grooming and other kindnesses helped me to finish my first champion."Shirley Ann K. Leu writes "Jo is a very wonderful warm-hearted person whc gives of herself and her time to help oul people and their dogs. My first bitch was from her that started my Amour Poms Guys N Gals Delights of Amours and she has helped me out in more ways than I can say."Ive know Jo since the 1980s I started handling for her, and it was a pleasure and an honor to finish her first home-bred champion, Guys N Gals Megaton on Four, Then came Guys N Gals Dolie Patches, Wee Squeakie of Lenette, and helped point others. I enjoyed showing for this very special lady-my mentor and my friend. She has been very successful in her breeding program having finished 7 champion home-breds and 3 from the mainland."Jo is always there to lend a helping hand to others grooming their Poms and helping them at whelping time any time of the day or night. She has a true love for the Poms."Congratulations and best wishes on a very well deserved kennel visit. Congratulationsto dearfriendJo Ching onher Kennevisit. Jim and Marit .,31 n ffizmxxumten '^xlxzztbetlj ^xmn61738-51495^3 xmn61738 - 51495 Betty Aona of Alani Kennels was a remarkable lady and Pom lover. She grew up in Coronado, California, and came to Hawaii for a vacation after graduating from higji school. She fell in love with the islands and made Hawaii her home. Betty was an active member of the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii since its inception in August, 1974 until her illness forced her to disband her kennel last year. Her first champion, Ch. Woodroses Free N Easy was shown by Bradley Odajiri to top Hawaii toy dog in 1978. She later showed and finished the following Poms Ch. Lennis Native Dancer owned by Cookie Inosencio, Ch. Alanis Nanakuli Flash, Ch. Flame N Sun Pebel Pouser Hawaiis top toy dog, Ch. Guys N Gals Heartbreaker, and Ch. Woodrose Hana Holi Pusty.Betty is survived by a son, Wailani three daugJiters-Mikilani, Posalind, and Brenda and eigjit grandchildren. She will be missed by her family as well as the many friends she has made in over twenty years of showing dogs. Betty was widely respected for her sportsmanship, honesty, and fun-loving spirit. This picture was taken at our Pom Specialty held on April 9, 1995.Aloha, Betty, and thanks for all the fun times and the wonderful memories. I was truly blessed to have you as my friend.Ellen TakayamaW1X09S VOMSCongratulations,Josephine Ching,Quys 9lQals 'Pomeranians, on your ivell-deserved XenneC Visityou have Seen my mentor, groomer,olosadvocate, everything to male the last year and a half so exciting.fytahaloTfe Wrixpn QangDeverylennelsSince 1982Devery fennels would like to Congratulate Josephine Chlng on her Cennel Visit--------------------1rl1fsifSandra Davis 2235 Verbena Meridian, ID 83642 208 888-6982-7^L'C\M'..-'rt --V Vv,r-r -' , - -ir- '- ---- ----w-... .. .''-tt-ti K-T-f-m2.. "-'-sms i-- - 't.-.ii., '- .Kgsg u-lSSSpts^gg,. f .. -i-T, . 1JJjjt-' 4St'fYVltlijit 1rssf ..'aisjKsasj.-T."'nt-' -'---v-,tv- r " '1--.3yv r-".v-V3Ch. Creider's Prince Dom Perignon and his handler Curtiss Smith join with Marvin and Margo Koga in congratulating Josephine Ching on her Kennel Visit.v. mVr\iAmsmmsWii5SBEST OF Ar.' ' A ^OPPOSITEMAJORINDWARD HAWAIIANKfi^NEL CLUBM BRUN1 1995Ch. Wee Heart's High FashionCh. Wee Hearts Cant Touch This x Ch. Wee Hearts Miss HanniganCh. Wee Heart's High Fashion finished in style in April, 1995, with back-to-back 5-point majors. She was groomed and handled to perfection by Randy Gemmill of Valcopy-Wakhan Kennels. Thank you the following judges who appreciated her qualities Edna Voyles, Mr. F.W. Braun, Dolly Ward, Dr.Robert Smith.A special thank you to Cindy Castillo for handling Fashion to a 5-point major in March, 1995 and to Mark Iseki for all his help and for introducing me to Randy. Finally, words can never express my gratitude to Cassandra Evans for sharing her good ones with me.Congratulations to Josephine Ching on her Kennel Visit'VINTAGEOwner Vintage Ellen Takayama Breeder Wee Hearts Cassandra EvansBehind The New TitlistsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Titlists will be printed free if sent in by he owner. Please send the dogs name, sex, owners name, and breeders name on a leparate sheet of paper. Please type or print legibly. Send copies of pedigrees that dont leed to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor.h MNMs Heroic Captain MarvelCream Sable MaleBreeder Mary E. and Eugene W. Wells Owner Kelly Machkovich Mary WellsCh Sun Ray's Bat Man ROM Sun Ray's Diamond Jim Joart's Madonna h Sun Rays Gold Strike Rap's Black El Toro Raps Misty-Nite Rap's Pearly Dawn Ch Sun Rays Bat Man ROM Ch Del Sol's LiP Babear Del Sol's Ruth NMs Sweet Lil BaberiCh Tomboy's Pico Chico ROM Texicans Honey BerryCheryl's Rosann Rosanadannah Obessessions Angel the DragonOrange Male Breeder Juan Gomez Owner Juan GomezCh Jeribeth's Dragon Killer Pedrons Dragon Deuce Sunray's Patty Cake Girl h Pedrons Dragon the Conqueror HOF, GC Ch Pedrons Dragonmark Pedrons Dragondawn Pedrons Fury of the Dragon Ch Great Elms Timstopper Too Ch Watts Little Chipper of G Elms Great Elms Honey Bun 'atts Little Tina TyrantCh Watts Little Chipper of G Elms Ch Watts Little Im a Raisinette Ch Moe-Best Constant AttentionCh Stolannes Hazy ImageOrange Sable Male Breeder Fran Stoll Owner Fran StollCh Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch Bev-Nor's Double FudgeBev-Nor's Tarred and Feathered Ch Bea Mary Hazy DayCh Mar-Len'sToby D of Browns Bea MaryTrinka of Early Day Mar-Don's Spice Ch Millamor's Moon Rock Ch Dixieland Rock of Millamor Dixieland's Veronica Ch Stolanne's Mica RockelleCh O My Patty Touch-O-Pepper 0 My Starmist Minuette Jo da's Starkist of Patri-ArkCh Stolannes Bearly Made ItOrange Female Breeder Fran Stoll Owner Fran StollCh Millamor's Moon Rock Ch Dixieland Rock of Millamor Dixieland's Veronica Ch Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor Ch O My Touch-O-Pepper O My Starmist Minuette Joda's Starkist of Patri-Ark Ch Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch Flame of Wright Way Ginger of Wright Way Ch Stolannes Tequila Bandette Stoll's Peperino Popple Stolls Tequila Margarita Stoll's Babetta NicoleViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the Editor or American Pomeranian Club.We invite our Readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects.Ch Wee Hearts High FashionRed Orange FemaleBreeder Cassandra EvansEstil EvansOwner Ellen TakayamaCh Emcees Sparkling Chip Ch Chriscendo Western Express Ch Chriscendo Chatelaine Ch Wee Hearts Cant Touch This Wee Hearts Teakie Too Too Wee Hearts Run for the Roses Wee Hearts Funny Valentine Ch Tomboys Pico Chico Ch Texsun's Lone Star Zachary's Lady Sheba Ch Wee Hearts Miss HanniganWee Hearts Different Drummer Wee Hearts Almost Paradise Lennis Luv-A-Prima VistaCh Pinyons Shining GloryOrange Female Breeder JeanFocke Owner JeanFockeCh Millamors Rock Concert Ch Chriscendo City Lights Ch Chriscendo Chatelaine Ch Tim Sues Shining LightCh Jolly Wee Pistol Pete of Peppi Jolly Wee Lady of PeteJolly Wee Melody of Rock Music Ch Chriscendo City Lights Ch Tim Sues High Lights Ch Tim Sue's Angel Sabrina Ch Tim Sue High Lights Chablis Ch Millamor Copyright Tim Sue's Pink Champagne Jolly Wees Lil PizzazzCh Pinyons Chardonnay HarborOrange Male Breeder Jean Focke Owner JeanFockeCh Millamors Rock Concert Ch Chriscendo City Lights Chriscendo Chatelaine Ch Tim Sues Harbor LightsJolly Wee Duke of the West Tim Sue's Duchess Sabrina Ch Tim Sue's Angel Sabrina Ch Chriscendo City Lights Ch Tim Sue's City LightsCh Tim Sue's Angel Sabrina Ch Tim Sue High Lights Chablis Ch Millamor's Copyright Tim Sues Pink Champagne Jolly Wees Lil PizzazzCh Sha-Mar Forever Kalypso KateCream Sable Female Breeder Alesha Marie Owner JeanFockeGolden Glow Dr Pepper Ch Forever Luxton Misty Mickey Forever Happy Misty Morn Forever Sha-Mar Pick PocketBe-Mar Happy Hooligan of Bradley Sha-Mar Sillys Summer Odyssey Austin Sha-Mar Soot 'N' Silver Golden Glow Dr Pepper Forever Luxton Perry Pickle Forever Happy Misty Morn Forever Sha-Mar Sillys LegacyCh Shadra's Battery Not Included Austin Sha-Mar Soot 'N' Silver Austins Southern Belle StarCh Yellow Rose Exotic SpiceCream Sable Male Breeder Annette Lynn Heise Owner Annette Lynn HeiseCh Bonner's Co-Starlyn Newsmaker Chesai News FlashCollier's Golden Charlene Ch Mercers ExoticaCh Mercers Touch O' Duke Mercer's Starlett Touch Mercer's Dark Star Desirees Smokey Mt Boy Ch Desiree's Smokey Mt Prince Desiree's Model Brooke Shield Yellow Rose Smokey Mt Desaree Ch HHH High Speed Bandit Yellow Rose's HHH Hotlips Krystle Koala BearCh JKs Bayou View Wild WillieOrange MaleBreeder John LewisAdam Verrett Owner John W. Karen A. BlackwellWynningway Jojo of Pat-El Bayou View Just An Illusion Ch Bayou View Sugar 'N Spice Ch Bayou View Brass Bandit Elaine's Little Treasure Bayou View Brandy Kisses Elaine's Mischief Maker Ch Bayou View Front Runner Bayou View A Moment in Time My Precious Mindy Bayou View Bit-O-HoneyPompuf Myas Touch of Maxim Bayou View Summer Sunshine Bayou View La MirageContinued on page 68MOWERSMorenos sends congratulations to Ch. Morenos Suni Sahuaro Blossom making her finishing points owned by Gloria Rock, left On the right is Morenos Believe It Or Not Ripley owned by Linda Brogiotti. Thank you Mrs. Sharon Krough for liking the pair.American romeraman uiud uwtMomo's -PometaniansS2Watch for these dogs soon in the ringMoreno's finneganAm Can Ch. Morenos Perri Winkle xAm Can Ch. Moreno's Perri Winkle x Ch. Morenos Sweet PeaMorenos SerenaJubilee Trooper x Morenos PotpourriMorenos rDou6e DeaCMorenos I Lan Warrior of Hy Jan Le x Morenos ZinniaMorenos JiarritonAm Can Ch. Morenos Perri Winkle x Morenos Phyner Golden JubileecHam is proudly owied by Jan Wilhite in Arizona.Julie Moreno 415 583-973 X\bi0 All rights reserved'c _ A, .ae^ir^C- rItto IJalbg ffitnmvaxtxsnx EluliHoliday Inn, East Columbus, OhioNovember 5,1995V475ogOM1995 Olympics Specialty MatchJUDGESJeffrey Bazell-Breman, Ohio Teresa Bazell-Breman, OhioHospitalitySaturday Evening at 700p.m.All Welcomeotoepo iiggMjy]Ki mnkm\Bvidm4fA medal is waiting for your PomContact Betsy Ruth New 4661 DunmannWay Grove City, OH 43213 614 871-8661IAmerican romeranian uiuuAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.76th Specialty Show and 5th Obedience TrialFebruary 10 and 11,1996CALL FOR ADVERTISINGNOW IS THE TIME TO ADVERTISE YOUR KENNEL AND THAT SPECIAL DOG IN THE CATALOG FOR THE UPCOMING SPECIALTY.Advertising Rates Full Page - 35.00 Each Photo 10.00Half Page - 25.00 Each Photo 10.00 Business Card - 5.00Deadline for advertising is December 15, 1995. Camera-ready ads only can be submitted until December 27. Camera-ready ads must be no larger than 4 - Vi X 7 inches. Please include identification on all photos. Do not write directly on back of photo. Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club. Mail ad copy and checks toTony Tellez P. O. Box 231624 Houston, TX 77223-1624 713 921-1557VAV.V.',V.'.W.V.V.V.V.V.'.V.V.'.V.V.lllllllliifiir itllllipWAVAW.WSWV y JWWWSVWV^ y -XeeCAMJr,9TOFtJmm-CV. vgN47Jr nvv jsISALEXuUSMITH5sdcct Qr BEST OFWWEfiS_OPPME aSARNIAJ iCLUBKENNELKir 4. JPk-1995Jdqti-JlQeGamea oj jjatteaCam i was lucky enough to get a great pair of parents. Her dam, Ch. Lyn-Le Monte Carla, was a multi-group placer. She should follow in her mothers footsteps Cami is co-owned with Jerrie Freia of Janesa Poms who owns Camis sire Janesa Struttin' N Stuff A great pair great offspringOwnerBreederHandler Evelyn Conley 2007S Vining Road New Boston, Ml 48164 313 753-9245Co-OwnerCo-Breeder Jerrie Freia 1072 A Landry Road Morgan City LA 70380 504 384-7466 , fANew Champion- r isSr____Ch. Odysseys Just Do It "Nike" Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz x Queenaire Christi finished by taking a Group II from the Classes at the Sacramento Kennel Club show under Judge Toddie Clark. Nike was bred by Janet Manuszak-Lucido.Nike is presently being specialed and is in training for his dual title in obedience. He awaits girls by private treaty only. All our obedience dogs have been show quality, sound, and easily trained. Most have both titles.Congrats, Josephine, on your Kennel VisitOwner and Trainer Alice Lessard 1254 Magic Sands Turlock, CA 95380 209 667-2648Exclusively handled byJeffrey Heim 209 858-5989Ch TLC Magical MinuetteRed Sable FemaleBreeder Carol and Tom GillespieOwners Margaret and Dan OntiverosCh Great Elms Prince Charming II Ch Janes Wee Prince O Jeribeth Jeribeth's Toastie Ch TLC Is A Prince TooSingleoak Image of Great Elm Ch Singleoak Ity Bity TLC Singleoak Little Debbie Ch Emcee's A Chip of Diamond Emcees Sparkling Gold Nugget Chip-A-Ways Terrific Windy TLC BrigetteYap Yap Timmy Too 0 Great Elms Singleoak Little Debbie Great Elms BlondieCh Odysseys Just Do ItOrange MaleBreeder Janet Manuszak-Lucido Owner Alice LessardCh Models Bit-O-Whiz Ch Moonshadow's G Wiz Wee Bad Queenaire Ruby Ruby Ch Odysseys Keno WizQueenaire Whiskey Tenor Black Cherries Jubilee Jubilee Darin' Do Ch Sun-Dot's Ramboling Sunset Queenaire Ramboling Sun-Dot Ch Sun-Dot's Holly Queenaire ChristyMerrymont Spirit O Great Elms Queenaire Blaze of GloryCh Queenaire Glory HuntressCh DARs Foxridge Eric PaddisonRed Sable Male Breeder Rosemaiy Regoni Owner Curtis MackCh Millamors Rock Medallion Ch Criscendo Calvin Klein Chriscendo Confetti Ch Merrymont Patent Pending Ch Cobles Traveling Bear Merrymont Cameo Keepsake ROM Ch Chip-A-Ways Diamond Keepsake Ch Model's Timstopper's Echo Ch Beaver of Lenette Tinker Bell of Lenette Yolandas Twinkle of LenetteCh Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Yolanda's Twinkle of Image Yolanda'sTraveling TequilaCh Macks Heavens to BetsyOrange Female Breeder Curtis Mack Owner Curtis MackCh Chriscendo Calvin Klein Ch Merrymont Patent PendingMerrymont Cameo Keepsake ROM Ch DARs Foxridge Eric Paddison Ch Beaver of Lenette Yolandas Twinkle of Lenette Yolanda's Twinkle of Image Ch Apple's Traveling Diamond Ch Apple's Traveling Rambler Ch Jan-Shar's Charming Becky Macks Rambling KateWee Hearts Solo Flyte Munchkins One-Fifty-OneMunchkin's Wish O Wee HeartsCh Macks Me No SissyOrange Sable Male Breeder Curtis Mack Owner Curtis MackCh Chriscendo Calvin Klein Ch Merrymont Patent PendingMerrymont Cameo Keepsake ROM Ch DARs Foxridge Eric Paddison Ch Beaver of Lenette Yolanda's Twinkle of Lenette Yolanda's Twinkle of Image Cedarwood's Gold Nugget Ch Great ElmsTimstopper Pride Great Elms Bunny Rabbit Great Elms Timstoppers Ellie Wee Heart's Solo Flyte Munchkin's One-Fifty-OneMunchkin's Wish O' Wee HeartsCh Macs Absolutely No RegretsOrange Female Breeder Curtis Mack Owner. Curtis MackCh Rhea-Na's Country DJ of Jan-Shar Ch Jan-Shars Mountain Dew Great Elms Mountain Mama Ch Absolutes Magic Mountain Ch Bev-Nor Toastmaster Jan-Shar's Madonna Jan-Shar's Semi Sweet Ch Apple's Traveling Diamond Ch Apples Traveling Rambler Ch Jan-Shars Charming Becky Macks Rambling Gypsy Wee Heart's Solo Flyte Munchkin's One-Fifty-OneMunchkin's Wish O Wee Hearts1 1CH. MNMS HEROIC CAPTAIN MARVEL S.Marvel displayed his heroic abilities by finishing in 3 shows with 3 back-to-back 5-point majors, 3 BOB, and 3 Group Placements. All ownerhandled Marvel is an extremely sound boy and is producing beautiful offspring with heavy coats and his soundness.We wish to thank Kelly Machkovich, Marvels handler and owner, for doing such a marvelous job in presenting Marvel in the ring. Wed also like to offer congratulations to Kelly and MNMs Captain TJ of Cheyenne for his RWD placement on a 5-point major and WD for a 4-point major. TJ is also owned, handled, and loved by Kelly.A tremendous thank you to the Judges Who appreciated Marvels soundness, beauty, and positive comments62495 Alaska Kennel Club 62595 Alaska Kennel Club 70895 Cook Inlet KCSari Brewster Tietjen Robert Sharp Robert Sharp Sari Brewster Tietjen Dr. William Houpt5-pt Major, BOB Group I Group I Group 4 5-pts, BOB, Group 2Watch for Kelly and Marvel out and about as a Specials Team and Marvels son, TJ, in the Breed Ring.OwnerHandler Kelly R. Machkovich CHEYENNE POMERANIANS 188 Ocean Park Drive Anchorage, AK 99515 907 349-4968BreederCo-Owner Mary E. and Eugene W. Wells MNM Pomeranians "Portraits of Perfection"Rt. 2, Box 238 Pattonsburg, O 64670 816 367-2254Condor Pomeranianspresents....r Condor Ebonys NightflamePanda BearThe winner of both Southern California Specialty Sweepstakes in 1994 is back with a BOB over specials at Malibu KC and BOW at the first Toy Dog Breeders Association of Southern California show. Panda Bear combines the very best of Jolly Wee and Bonner in his lineage. Thank you Mitchell Wooten and Mrs. Peggy Dillard Carr for appreciating his outstanding qualities.Puppies are available from the following litters. The first litter is almost 100 Jolly Wee and the second, 12 Jolly Wee and 14 Scotia, 14 Bonner.Ch Del Sol's Lil' Babear Ch Goldcrest's Crown Prince Maranatha's Lil Maggie Rose Goldcrests Crown Dragon SireCh Pepper CFSue's Misty Dawn of Pepper To Cobb's Babe of Pepper To Ch Camelot's Whispering Shadow Ch Alexsand's Golden Whisper Alexsand's Jolly Wee Amberglo Condor Ebonys Nightwind DamCh Doctor's Pepper CF Sue's Ebony of PepperTo Cobb's Babe of Pepper ToCh Bonner's Starlyn Prissy Puf Ch Camelot's Whispering Shadow Camelot's Nigra Et Formosa Alexsand's Merlin of Camelot Sire Ch Scotia JD's Im the Pied Piper Scotia Honey Rose SerinaCh Scotia Braun Chintilly Lace Ch Jolly Wee I'm A PepperTo Ch Doctor's Pepper CF Ch OliviaSues Ebony of Pepper To DamCh Jolly Wee I'm A Pepper To Cobb's Babe of Pepper To Cobb's Easter Bunny of DanCarol Lee Magar 3611 Division Street213258-4304 Los Angeles, CA 90065American romeraman uiudROCK HAVEN POMSIII INew ChampionPending AKC ApprovalCh. IVIoienos Suni Sa^uaro BlossomMorenos I Lan Warrior of Hy Jan Lee x Ch. Morenos Sweet Peanisi -trIBBaM.W-t^'V w. ^fej LJw vwwmm.. ABEST OF WINNERSvrGREATER SIERRA VISTA KENNEL CLUB NOVEMBER 1994 NUGENT PHOTO"Suni" has great conformation, temperament, and soundness HEARTFELT thanks to my mentor, JULIE MORENO, for breeding this lovely Pom. Also, a special thanks to Linda and Tina Brogoitti for your moral support and guidance.Loved, owned and proudly handled by Gloria RockGloria Rock 5091 N. Calle TobosaTucson, AZ 85749 602 760-09583",9.Si iii Cj. "' JrTv4V-4Cfu forever HatfieldWe are quite happy winning this 5-point major by going Breed at the Mission Circuit under Judge Wanner. The Specials competition was high in quality and quantity. Hatfield went on to finish with 3 majors. All his wins were from the "Bred by" class.forever fours,Marge Kranzfelder 415 572-0149t X f^ A w' Tcvw 1T. r. - 5-NEW CHAMPION WINNERS BITCHtom CAMELLIA CAPITAL B1 f,I wKENNEL CLUBLay 19S5 7ir 11 \SP.vt916 988-5610 I ''"''A.-.-"''" ' V ^7V -A-A'.Vij." ' - - - .Ch. TLC Magical Minuette"Magic" finished at the second Camellia Capital Kennel Club Show on Saturday, Ma 13, 1995. She is mahogany red with excellent black points. She weighs a solid pounds. To her credit, she won 10 single points and 2 5-point majors. The first majc was awarded by Mr. Edd Bivin, the second by Mrs. Joy Davison. She also has BOB BOSs, and group placings. Thanks to all the judges who found her worthySee pedigree in "Behind the NewTitlists."Proud Ovwiers Proud BreedersMargaret and Daniel Ontiveros Carol and Tom Gillespie619475-2531 Salem, OregonK s-s ,EST BREEDVARIETYLEAVENWORTH KENNEL CLUB 1994PHOTO BY PETRULIS1Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Macs Lady Courtney Royale"Chip" is pictured here taking a 4-point major and Best of Breed under Judge Betty iloore at 7 months. Chip finished his championship quickly and will be returning to the ing now after coating out after his year-old shed. Please look for him with his "o-ownerHandler Charles McNeice.FLASH...Congratulations to Tim and Sue Goddard who have purchased and will be howing a Chip son, Chas-T-Dee Showtime at Tim Sue.BreederCo-Owner Rheadene Dee McNeice Co-Own erHandler Charles McNeice10629 Styles Road Mabelvale, AR 72103 501557-5784siFJ,3 i 9BEST OF WINNERS VL KENrr^rr'taNew ChampionPinyons Chardonnay HarborDonnie quickly accumulated points including 4 majors for his championship. Whi could resist that face Other recent champions at Pinyon are Ch. Pinyons Shinin' Glory, and Ch. Sha Mar Forever Kalypso Kate. See their pedigrees in "Behind th New Titlists."BreederOvwierJean Focke, Pinyon Pomeranians 641 Robinson DrivePrescott, AZ 86303 520 778-2082Pom ShoppeQuantity Price Item01................ .. 2.50..... .....Plaster Pom earrings orange pierced03................ ....4.00....... .....lAM's Pet Foods Grooming Aprons wpockets red06................ ....3.00....... .....Dolls wcrocheted dresses toilet tissue white, green, rose white,brown cream, beige, green white17...................25.00...... .....Pedigree Books from Great Elms 141 pages01................ ...25.00...... .....Prodigy Membership IBM compatible, v. 3.215....................3.00....... .....Note cards and envelopes wPom by Babe '8601....................2.50....... .....Wooden Pom Figurine wsmoked mirror14............... ....5.00....... .....Small key ring wPom head on white tile11............... ....6.00....... .....Lucite full Pom figure key ring01....................7.50....... .....Rubber stamp-full Pom wribbon in mouth52................ ....5.00....... .....APC membership pens....3.00....... .....APC Decals setone large and two smallBess P. Roberts 15802 Letcher Road Brandywine, MD 20613The Pomeranian Club of Plawaiizsr\Nl CLUBThe Pomeranian Club of Plawaii is proud to congratulate, long-time member Josephine Ching of Quys PiQals Pomeranians on her wed-deserved fennel Visit. Josephine has been a member of our club since 1977 and has always been willing to share her knowledge andgrooming skids with others.Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00eachJan 75. .....Oct77.......... May 79... April 808.00 eachJul77.. ... Feb 80........ .Jul 81. .. ...Oct83Apr 86 ....Jan80.......... .Jan 906.00eachJul 80.. ....Oct80.......... Apr82.... ...Oct82Jan83. ....Jul83........... Apr84.... ...Oct84Jan 85. ...Apr85.......... .Jul85......... ...Oct85Jul 86.. ... Sept 86....... Nov 86.... ....Jul87Oct87. ....Jan 88......... . Jul 88....... ....Jan89Apr 89 ....Jul90........... .Oct90.... ....Jan 91Mar91 ...May 91.... .Jul91Issues from September OH...The Pomeranian Review ISSN0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for die contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.AdvertisersAmerican Pomeranian Club.................Inside FC, 65Darrell and Olga Baker........................................30,43John and Karen Blackwell.......................................6,7Bob and Mary Bonnell..............................................43Linda Brogoitti..........................................................42Evelyn Conley...........................................................66Annette and Eric Davis.......................................14, 43Sandra Davis.............................................................57Diane Finch...............................................................43Jean Focke................................................................75Jenie Freia.................................................................41Tim and Sue Goddard................................................3Juan M. Gomez..........................................................Z.K.G. Griffith.............................................................. Z.Geanene Hall...........................................................2Sharon Hanson............................................................Jim and Marit Hattori.......................................53 BCBill and Beverly Henry.............................................2'Arnold Hhrahara.......................................................4Margo and Marvin Koga..........................................5Marge Kranzfelder....................................................11Anna LaFortune.........................................................4'Roger Lau..................................................................4Alice Lessard............................................................6'Shirley Ann Leu.......................................................4Carol Lee Magar......................................................71Babe McCombs.........................................................3Dee and Charles McNeice.........................................7Juhe Moreno..........................................42,46, 62,61Clarice and Yvette Oganeku........................Cover, 4'Ohio Valley Pom Club.............................................6'Daniel and Margaret Ontiveros................................. 7.Pom Shoppe.............................................................7Pomeranian Club of Hawaii.....................................7iRuby Poole...............................................................4.'Benson Ray............................................................. 41Rosemary Regoni......................................................41Gloria Rock.............................................................. 7Gail Rodgers.............................................................1Becky Sabourin........................................................1Florence and Carl Scott.............................................41Jim and Judy Shearer................................................41Donna Sinicropi........................................................IIFran Stoll.................................................CenterspreaiEllen Takayama...........................................54, 55, 5Daniel and Bonnie Taylor.........................................41Brenda and Terry Turner.............................30,35,41Mary and Eugene Wells...........................................61Doris Wheeler...........................................................41Betty Wrixon......................................................44, 5iNlCongratulations, Josephine, on your Kennel Visit Jim and Marit Hattori