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The Pomeranian Review February 1996
mtfiAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Myr f nmrrantatt SruimPublished Bi-Monthly February March 1996AwBEST OF BREEDVARIETY 'llARKANSASSPECIALTY1996PHOTO BY PETRULIS JtMULTI-BISS WINNER AND GROUP PLACERCH. MAJESTICS WILLIE B STEPPN UPJasiesas N JastSlts.i By G-eoigeCh. Wee Hearts Glen Iris Talisman x Hi-Line Janesas TrendBreederOwner Jerrie Freia 504 384-7466 Owner Sharon Hanson 304 497-2446 Handler Hiram StewartAmerican Pomeranian uiudContentsMembership Report Jerrie Freia........................4Around the Waterbowl Linda Brogoittie...........4Kennel Visit Mildred Patrick..........................10Coral's Little Miracle Dr. James Honigford....16Postcards from the Vet Renee McGrath......... 17Performance News Lois Morkassel................21Top Show Poms Diana Downey......................29Recording Secretary Beverly Henry...............32Regional Club News.......................................... 32Behind NewTitlists.............................................36Yips Yaps........................................................ 37 Ch. Majesties Willie B Steppn UpAPC Board Meeting Beverly Henry................40Second Board Meeting Beverly Henry........... 44DVPC Match Susann Philbrook......................45APC Sweeps Report Sue Goddard.................. 46Of Angels. Thieves....Linda Brogoitti.............46APC Show Results............................................. 52President's Message Dolly Trauner.................56VIP Awards Judy Shearer................................57NOTICEThe Board of the American Pomeranian Club requested that we hold up the publication of this issue until all the reports from the National Specialty were in.Because of that deity we are very late with this issue. We are extending the deadline for the April issue to April 5.Send your ads as soon as possible, so the next one can be on time. Thanks.Business Card contracts are available at 50 for six insertions.^ Kennel Visits ^April.....Nina EppsOakridge PomsJune..... Linda Brogoitti. Linchris Poms ,Stepper is sired by Ch. Majestics I I Willie Bad and out of Ch. Southlands h Ruth of G.E. He was bred by Annel Rogers-Rister and Charlotte Creed and owned by Annette Rogers-Rister.Many, many thanks to BreederJudge IV Darrell Baker for Steppers 3rd Special win We feel very honored to have wc Central Arkansas Pom Clubs fii specialty. Stepper finished 8th in bre points for 1995 This fun little dogs fii puppies are on the ground, including beautiful black and tan Miracle girl whelpf three days after a c-section Mother and 3 girls are fineMajestic Poms Box 50Corpus Christi, TX 78403 512 992-8233 after 700 p.m.Advertisers BonusFirst Champion10 of BW full page 20 off color fiill page.First Homebred Champion-10 c BW full page or 20 off color full page.First 5 former Advertisers-free col stripping on full or 12 page BW ad.First 5 New Advertisers-free col stripping on full or 12 page BW ad.Anyone who had a dog in Ne York-10 off BW full page or 20 c tcolor full page.WASHINGTON STATEis the place forPOMERANIANSPECIALTIESAugust 7-9,1996C0LUMBIA B0MEBANIAN CLUBWednesday, August 7 JudgesSweepstakes Marlene Presser Regular Classes Jean Schroll Obedience Pam WeaverAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBThursday, August 8 JudgesSweepstakes Joe McGinnis Regular Classes Jackie Stacy Obedience Noreen CartwrightPUGET SCUNP POMERANIAN CLUBFriday, August 9 JudgesSweepstakes Nadine Hersil Regular Classes Fred Bassett Obedience Jill JonesAll judges pending AKC approvalTHE WESTCOAST TYEE HOTELTumwater, WashingtonFor advertising, premium lists, and further information contact Marlene Presser 360 785-0903 or Oscar Cerda 360 705-1652 or FAX 360 705-1405Dont miss the Nisqually Kennel Club All Breed Shows August 10 and 11 in the greater Tumwater-Olympia-Lacey area.SPICE IS ON THE MOVE.t KiV5f\mjri I- '-ifCh. Aldens Cajun Spice O Woodrose"Spice" started 1996 with back-to-back BOB wins and group plaement. Thank yc judges Ms. Virginia Hampton and Mr. Robert Sharp.Yvette and Spice have only just begun and you will be hearing more about this gre teamWhere Quality CountsWOODROSEYvette and Clarice Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744 808235-8142 FAX 808 247-4967Membership Report as of 011596by Jerrie Freia, Membership Chairman 1072 A Landry Road Morgan City, LA 70380 504 384-7466Letters, other than those from sponsors, ommenting on applicants whose names lave been published in the Review are to go o Beverly Henry 2025 Sam Houston Carrollton, TX 75006.Contact Jerrie Freia for membership ipplications.New MembersJulie Kallbacka3703 Hancock Road Magna, UT 84044 801250-9538 SponsorsCharlotte Creed Audene FrenchWiyung Sarta Podomoro Sport Centre Blok Ml 12 Jakarta 14350 Indonesia 62-82-102-0000 SponsorsDolores Watts Donna Lynn WrightMembership ApplicationsRandy Buske39225-264 N S.E.Enumclaw, WA 98022 360 825-2103 SponsorsDiane L. Finch Anna LaFortuneLouis and Betty Gorby275 Cambridge Drive Ayriram, OH 44202 216 562-2166 SponsorsLorinda Vasuta Juanita FiddickLael Ellis412 Locust StreetShreveport, LA 71105318 868-6059Sponsorsbeverly HenryOlga BakerAround the Waterbowlby Linda Brogoitti Toad Hall, 14410 N. 71st Avenue Peoria, AZ 85381-4752Before we get to the real DIRT in this story, here are some ads from our Phoenix classified newspaper. Theyre all dogs listed for sale.BLOODHOUND FOR SALE. BIG, SMELLS GOOD.MALTESE, RARE WHITE FEMALE.QLJEENLAIR, TOP LINES Dudley, there was a Queenaire 5 generations backNEOPOLITAN, MASSIVE 4 MONTHS, 90 LBS.WANTED, 1 NIGHT STANDS BY 4 MONTH OLD M SHM TZUQUEENSLAND HEALERS,OFFSTANDING PERSONALITY SGENTLY USED, LOW MILAGE, NEEDS LITTLE OLD LADY FR. PASADENAMATURE FEMALE, NON-SMOKER, SEEKS LASTING COMMITMENTThe want ads make for good laughs-check em out sometime.The Pom, The Goat, and the GopherWhile sitting in my office, watching the dogs play outside, I noticed the earth moving Being a long way from California,Continued on page 8ftommutan temof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Officers of the ClubPresident....................................................................................................................Dolly B. TraunerFirst Vice-President....................................................................................................James ShearerSecond Vice-President..............................................................................................Charlotte CreedRecording Secretary...................................................................................................Beverly HenryCorresponding Secretary................................................................................................Tim GoddardRt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 705700540Treasurer........................................................................................................................Al WillliamsonPOB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207AKC Delegate.................................................................................................................Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsMaryAllam Jeanne Blank Linda Brogoitti Sharon Masnick Margaret R. McKee Frances StollPomeranian ReviewEditor.........................................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX 70931 Phone 806 257-3817 FAX 806 257-3760Business Manager.......................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516363-9524Subscriptions...........................................................................................................Brenda K. Hutton102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues..............................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380bbbbbbbbbbbSubscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription.........................30.00Foreign................................................45.00First Class........................................... 35.00Single Copy...........................................7.00Full Page............................................. 65.00Half Page.............................................40.00Quarter Page........................................20.00Photos each.......................................10.00Front Cover, BAA........................... 150.00Color..................................................375.00Back Cover, BW................................90.00Color..................................................250.00Inside FB Cover.................................80.00Color..................................................195.00Center Spread....................................160.00Color..................................................390.00Business Card .................................... 10.00Color Stripping on BAA Ad..............15.00Inside Color Page..............................150.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateDecJan.......... ............Nov 20...... .... Dec 15FebMarch.................. Jan 20....... .... Feb 15AprMay......................Mar 20..... ....Apr 15JuneJuly........ ...........May 20...... ...June 15AugSept.................... July 20...... ....Aug 15OctNov....................Sept 20....... ....Oct 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all CoversC\p6le PomeraniansSouthlands Toasty Miz KatieCh. Southlands Showstopper x Southlands Dipped In FudgeCA\ r- Vpm I'BESTOPPOSITE SEXOKLAHOMA CITY KENHEL CLUB 1995photo 8' PETRULISC Mrhanks to Maria Kneisler for letting me have Katie and to Charlotte Creed for breeding ch a wonderful bitch.Charlotte, It was nice to finally meet you in OklahomaLook for "Hanks" BISS AmInt Ch. Jerbos Bom to Boogie first litter in the ring irting in January. Hank and Sun-Dots Pominique Rose produced "Addie" Nobles irty Lil Cajon Queen.WNER Noble Inglett 4440 Sepulveda Bled. 206 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818 981-3747 HANDLERS Jerry and Betsy Owens 32510 8th Ave. South Roy, WA 98580 206 843-13659p6e PomeraniansSungolds SuzetteCh. Sungolds Touch Of Speed x Ch. Sungolds Lil Suzief tJCrl1 . TMBESTOPPOSITE SEXTRI-STATE 60th ANNIVERSARY 1995PHOTO BY PETRUUSCASuzette, shown here at 11 months going Winners Bitch and BOS for a 3-point maj Thanks to judge Mrs. Margaret Young Renihan.Special thanks to you, Anna, for Suzette and for your friendship and the knowledge y have shared with me. Someone sure broke the mold when they made you and Ray.Thanks again.OWNER Noble Inglett 4440 Sepulveda Bled. 206 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818 981-37 HANDLERS Jerry and Betsy Owens 32510 8th Ave. South Roy, WA 98580 206 843-136ound this a bit unusual and went out to 'estigate. Just as I approached the area, it opened again, only this time a small wn head also emerged and looked und. Gophers Good grief, arent ison toads enoughAy Poms thought this was just great as sy danced and barked around the hole, of arse never getting close enough to grab s little bugger. This called for a massive dertaking with the hope it would be the pher needing the undertaker, and soon. rirst it was off to the library as I feel the re you know about your enemy, the ier he is to defeat. Learning as much as I aid about his habits was the first step iding to his demise. This part always ires my husband-hes afraid hell come me one day and the yard will look like a ttlefield with huge craters where the ass used to be and his wife in full battle ss, overlooking the carnage and holding s offender over her head in victory, unds real good tome wonder what his rblem is7rom my studies, I have concluded that I 1 up against a cunning, crafty littie rodent 10 has made a grave error in his decision relocate in MY yard rhe first attempt to extricate him from tunnel was met with total defeat. A ighbor said hed also had a problem and -ned the water hose on and shoved it wn the hole. The water ran for an hour or and he never saw the gopher again. OK, imds simple enough so I get the hose and ove it down the hole and go over to the rcet and turn it on full-blast. KAPOOM low what happens when you put a hose wn a hole and shove it till it wont move, n turn it on ALL THE WAY The hose me flying out of there spewing water all er and once it was free of the hole, it isted and flew all over the yard to the at delight of the Poms as they tried to pture it. After grabbing the hose and utting it off too bad I didnt think to turn off FIRST, I went to change my ipping clothes and dry off the Poms, rime for Plan B. Off to the hardware re to get gopher traps and place down holes. The man tries to talk me into ison for the holes, but that was a definiteNO. Too risky should any other animal get into it and not very sporting eitherAs I started digging the holes out so I could place the traps, I have all the Poms and Bus Stop my rescue Terrier-mix watching. It doesnt take long for everyone to get in the spirit and soon the Poms are happily digging away. Unfortunately, theyre not digging any place close to the gopher holes, but well fill these holes later.Satisfied with a job well done, the holes are covered with heavy metal milk crates so the Poms cant get to them. The next morning we go and check the traps. Two have been tripped and the third one has rock jammed in the center so it wont close. My disdain for this little bugger turns to admiration THE BATTLE IS ONOne of the articles I researched stated that much success had been obtained by placing various articles of food down the holes to drive them out. I believe this article was written by a gopher trying to get some free food I pushed a cabbage down one hole and some old leftovers down the other and left it to sit overnight. Many years ago when we lived in the desert near Scottsdale, my Aunt Jenny made a dinner of sauerkraut, pork chops, and heaven knows what else. Needless to say, there was a lot left over and since the prospect of another meal didnt appeal to me, I dumped the entire mess down a hole by the mesquite bush. The next evening, as we rode out on our horses, a 5 by T rattlesnake struck at us from under that bush so the idea definitely had meritBy the next afternoon, the left-overs were quite ripe and there was no sign of the gopher. Well, no sign of him by the old holes, but oh, my, what a mound of freshly turned dirt about 10 feet away.My mutterings must have been louder than I thought cause here comes my neighbor again. I explained all that had been done and all that had failed. I knew my options were running out and my great idea of a Stick of dynamite stuffed down his burrow led me nowhere since you have to have a license to have it. Somehow I knew that displacing one small gopher was not going to get me a license and if it did, Im quite sure Id never see my husband againAmerican Pomeranian Clubas his greatest fear would come to pass-me with a lethal weaponThe neighbor tells me about his friend who has a gopher killing goat honest, I wouldnt kid ya that he sometimes lets his friends use. This wonder goat sees all rodents as his enemy and will dig with his feet or his horns to get to them. Sounds like my kinda goat and over to his friends house we go.Jake, the goat man, shows us to the bam to meet his little assassin who stands and looks us over very carefully. He seems to be a pleasant little fella, brown and white with a long beard and BIG, BIG horns that are at least 10 inches long. Jake says to take him home and try him out. Yeah, right I had brought a 300 crate with me, thinking it would be large enough to transport him home, but I never thought hed be so big.Well, we pushed, we pulled, we tried everything, even tried taking off the top, popping the goat inside and putting the top back on. Nothing worked, so it was decided to let him ride loose in my van this was decided by my neighbor-it wasnt his van. Seeing no other logical solution, I agreed, but only if he held a bucket under him while I drove. Ever try to hold a bucket under a goat while zipping down country roads Dexterity is a MUSTWe get Gene the goat settled in and try to shut up the Poms who have never seen such a creature and begin to fence off the dog yard where Gene and Gopher will meet at high noon tomorrow. Wheres Gary Cooper when you need himSturdy fencing all installed, its time to bring out the goat and let him wander around the hole-infested yard. He seems to take it all in stride and even goes over to meet the Poms at the fence. After a while, he begins pawing at one of the holes and after a few minutes he moves to another hole and then another. Next thing I know I see the gopher make a beeline for the pasture next door. Unfortunately, he has to pass through the Poms yard to get there and Gene is not about to let him escape, soooooo.Gene flies over a 38" exercise pen and is now in hot pursuit of one very small, very scared and very swift gopher who is makingtracks for the next country. Now you m understand that the Poms yard is th territory not that they were concert when die gopher moved in and this g was clearly overstepping his bounds. N we have the gopher in the lead, followed the goat and an entire herd of Pomeranit thundering across the grassLewis, who raises horses and cows n to us, was on his tractor and, seeing all t turmoil, came over to see what w happening. As he got off the tractor, t gopher scrambled through the fence, r over his foot, and was FREE Sac enough, Gene didnt stop quite so fast a slammed into the chain link fence, catchi a hom in the fencing.This is when the Pomeranian Pos arrives and four of the fools thrc themselves on Gene, clutching him like long lost rich Uncle. Oh, great Lewis laughing so hard his glasses fall off an Connie grabs them and takes off. Crystal trying to grab the goats beard, and Im ju trying to hold the goat to free his hom ai make sure no one gets hurtNeedless to say, the gopher has n returned and probably never will. Just case he should contemplate such a mov we are installing grass high signs statin POM COUNTRY-NO GOPHER ALLOWED.Gene has been returned to his owne none the worse for his adventure, but F bet gophers are not the only critters hell g after. Poms bewarePoms away...Linda ' Master Charge and VisaServices now available.Take advantage of this serviceV,Kennel Visit to Nina Epps Oakridge Pomeranians next issue.Kennel Visit to Patricks Mr and Miss Pomeraniansby Mildred PatrickWhen Dudley called me and asked me if would do a Kennel Visit-1 was pleased id flattered by it-but I had to tell him that e have never had a kennel. We keep our igs in the den and they let us stay with em. The pregnant bitches stay in a baby d in our bedroom. We need to be close to rr babies. But Dudley convinced me that du may be interested in some of our dogs id to let you know of other things that I ave been doingNow to give you a little of the ickground ... Jimmy and I were marriedOctober 19, 1943, and in January of 1944, Jimmy hurt his back and had two surgeries in the matter of seven days. The Doctors told Jimmy that he needed to swim to help his back, and, since he was on disability leave, we decided to go to California as he loved to swim in the ocean, and my folks were living there at that time. While there we went shopping one day and we saw our first Pom in a department store. He was the sweetest little ball of fur. We asked the woman with him what breed of dog, and we fell in love with him and promised eachl xr-4rt2h. Patricks Miss Amarettas daughter , Ch. Patricks Miss Munchkin, Patricks Mr. Troy son,Ch. Patricks Mr. Candy Manf sULISO MCh. Patricks Mr. Macho Manonly have 6 producing girls because r kids are getting up in years. We now are senior crowd, getting older together. Jimr has always been a great help to me. He h trained the puppies for showing and help me evaluate them.Now let me tell you about some of t Patrick dogsMy very first champion was my dog- you are lucky, you have a dog that belon to you and only you. For me that dog w Ch. Patricks Miss Terribonne. She w whelped 8468 and sired by Ch. Jans Liti Redpod and out of Bit O Gold Chi Tinker Bell. When I first started shown "Sugar Babe" as she was known to all h friends, I did not know about shows or au thing, but I bit the bullet and found out in hurry what it was all about. We learn about shows together. When she start winning, she finished in 6 shows alwa going BOB or BOS and always placed the group. She was a terrific show girl ai was on TV and had a write up in ti newspaper. She was a beautiful little gother we would have one some day. May, 1963, my mother sent me a belated birthdayChristmas gift. It was my first Pom and we named him Patricks Tiny Tim. Then a few months later, my mother sent me a little female to be a companion to Timmy. We named her Tammy, and she was only 3.5 pounds when grown, but she and Timmy never really got to be too friendly.We took Timmy to a conformation school so he would walk with us. While at the class, we met a very nice couple, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Patton, who belonged to the newly formed Fort Worth Pomeranian Club. They wanted us to join the club and meet the Pom people. We joined the club September 8, 1962 as Associate Members. Later on, the club changed its name to DallasFort Worth Pomeranian Club. I have been President of this club for five terms and during my term in 1993, we hosted the summer APC Specialty, and it was a lot of fun. We had a very large entry and met so many Pom people.I do very little breeding at this time. We7fVrWests Miss Charm Patrick3omeranian Wins Specialtyby March Wilsonhen Jim and Mildred G. Patricks Miss ribonne, called Sugar Babe by her mate friends, finished at the Fort Worth icialty, it was the culmination of five irs of devotion on the part of her owners. is the Patricks first champion and was nerbreederhandled to herimpionship. She will be show at the ico show today and specialed in the fall, lildred has a great love for animals has rays had pets, including horses, dogs, 1 cats over the years. She once owned 1 operated a Poodle grooming shop ere she specialized in grooming. The ricks selected their first Pomeranian five irs ago and have been showing since that le. They like the breed for its beauty and d the toy size perfect for the city living, meranian personality is aggressive and ed vitality and good health are great ets.'earn work is the essence of the Patricks jby of dogs. They keep several adults 1 have an occasional Utter of puppies, l concentrates on training and has each Dpy trained to the lead before selUng. ldred is most interested in showing and oms and handles the dogs in the ring.For so many years, Jimmie and lildred Patrick have done more for the Pomeranian than just about anyone we know. Total Dedication Total Hard Work Total Integrity Total Friendliness and Willingness to Help Wonderful DogsCongratulations on your Kennel VisitOlga and Darrell Baker and the Jeribeth PomeraniansolHla mN am m\ Sends Congratulations to Jimmy and Mildred Patrick on their Mr. and Miss Poms Kennel Visit.OwnerCharmayne Hardy 520 Cherokee Trace Athens, TX 75751HandlerMildred Patrick31 n3IM J\xrg ^inhall ^Mxzxb12283 -1496\ -ii \1 pB'BUBJ^leep piell 3\vienb_____________Pniil 333e Meet Again_yiobe AlitrausMom, ShariIDLE ACRES KENNEL 13810 Easton N. E. Alliance, OH 44601 216 823-5063Corals Little Miracleby Dr. James J. Honigford, DVMuring morning farm call rounds on a rwy, blustery December day in 1995, I eived a call over my two-way radio, anna, one of my Veterinary Assistants, ormed me that Judy Shearer, one of our minent Pomeranian breeders, had quite a emma Seems that Coral was free lelping and had delivered a puppy that J prolapsed her intestines out of her ibilical stalk. I have seen this several tes before and feared a grave prognosis mediately. I was hoping that the G.I. tract s still in the stalk and told Shanna over radio that Judy should try and keep the cera from leaving the stalk via a thread, e next problem was that Judy had no nsportation to bring the puppy to the nic and a ride would take some time to ange, but this puppy had little time to ste. Being that I was in the ighborhood, I informed her that I would p by and pick up the puppy. I arrived at fys approximately 15 minutes after the ppy was bom on December 21st. My irst fears came true when I looked at rals new puppy and found that the small estines had ruptured out the side of the ibilical stalk becoming exposed and itaminated with the environment. Judy orms me that Coral had neatly snipped ay a portion of the umbilical stalk before realized the condition of the puppy.Ay immediate concern was of pothermia and of course contaminatioa Jy had taken good care of the puppy and 1 a box with clean linens in it, which was aving grace on that cold day. I instructed to fill a hot water bottle and to give me nty of towels, i would have to take the ppy back to the clinic where I would have proper instruments and help. On the 8 ie jaunt back to town, I instructed the Is to get out the heating pad and some al anesthetic along with other essentials, iefore I left, I had painted a very grim tore to Judy as to not get her hopes up. I drove back to the clinic, I could hear r little girl moving and squeaking around, nking to myself, "You poor, poor girl." r activity level was to be consideredgood and bad at this point. I really did not have much hope due to my concerns of peritonitis and hypothermiaWhen I got back to the clinic, I mshed in and started things in action The girls had warned some saline in the microwave and we thoroughly flushed the intestines. Time was of the essence as the puppy was losing precious body heat through her open abdomen I elected to not use arty anesthetic due to her age and the time factor. I then began the painstaking task of replacing the bowel. This is where activity became quite a hinderance, for every one push I gave, she gave two back It was not very long before I was deep into her abdomen. I needed more space so I extended the rapture hole as to better facilitate replacing the bowel. Via the help of Stacy, our Veterinary Technician who gloved in, meticulous use of some sterile cotton swabs in a drop sticks fashion, we were able to replace the bowel and suture the abdomen in a one layer closure. During the procedure, I had to frequently remind myself that as a veterinarian, I can only do so much and God will have to do the rest. I placed the puppy on some antibiotics and gave Judy a grave prognosis. I also had to warn her of toe future problems of herniating, if in the slim chance we had, that she did survive. The puppy was back home within 2 hours of being bom, nursing well and still had a good activity level.As a vet, I often like to check up on certain patients I see throughout the week I wanted to know about Corals puppy, but feared the worst. I came in for small animal appointments and Judy was on toe phone. I picked up the receiver preparing myself for toe bad news, when Judy asked, "Hey, when do we take the stitches out in this little girl" I was elated I instructed her to bring her in right away as puppies heal rather quickly. To my amazement, Judy brought in this tiny furball that they had named Meera, short for Miracle. Her belly was definitely not beautiful. Her skin had separated from toe original incision, but she was happy and healthy with no hemias-certainly a miracle. I did have to warn Judy of the potential problems with adhesions and my concernsAmerican Pomeranian Clubabout spaying and whelping in Meeras future.Two weeks later, Meera came in during appointments since she developed a hernia at the umbilicus. Due to age and size, I told Judy we should wait until Meera was six weeks old before we attempted to surgically repair the hernia I was confident this would be Meeras last visit until then.Thats when the amazing took a leap. Three days later, Judy called and said Meera was very painful from her hernia and was draining fluid out of the original scar. I had instructed her to call if Meera ever became painful so that I could see her immediately.1 felt that Meera had probably strangulated a bowel and the fluid was possible a small abscess from her original incision. Once again, my worst fears were realized. Meera had strangulated a bowel, but the fluid draining from her incision was curdled milk from her G.I. tract. I once again had to paint a grave picture. Judy agreed to doing the surgery, so away we went.After two hours of surgery, I had removed2 cm of bowel, which is a lot from a 3 ounce Pomeranian puppy, and did a cystotomy, which is the repair of an adhered bladder. Meera was once again going home with a repaired belly and another grim prognosis. Meera paid no attention to the outlook as she went back to nursing and acting normally the very next day.Meera certainly will be a special dog in my heart as I remember the squirming little puppy that cold day in December. I know that cats are said to have 9 lives, but I have never heard how many lives dogs can have. I must have missed that day in school.Note Meera came in for her 8-week check on February 15, 1996. She still has a small hernia, wears a little belly band for support, but outweighs her litter mate brother by .3 lbs. I am sure that her miraculous stay here is not over.Postcards From The Vetby Renee Kelly McGrath DVM, MS To Jim Shearer Dear Jim,Just a brief briefing from my attendam at the AKC Parent Club Geneti Conference. I will write more in depth lat on what I learned and where I think we m consider directing ourselves to attempt define and eliminate the conditic commonly referred to as "Black Sk Disease." I continue to hear of more ar more of what would be considered tc quality show dogs coming down with wh seems to be this condition I also hear dogs that lose their hair, have black skin bi some other treatable disease is eventual diagnosed. So first we must define it BU as there are no guidelines yet all that can l done is to RULE OUT other conditions ar reach what is called "an eliminatic diagnosis." This should be done by a Boar Certified Veterinary Dermatologist. As yc are there in New York surrounded by tl best and the brightest and the mo knowledgeable pomeranian breeders, I as you to please send out a call to them f HELP. What we need at this stage pedigrees of CONFIRMED cases of th "Adult Onset Alopecia" This condition hr been sometimes referred to in our poi magazines in recent years as Severe Ha Loss or SHL.The AKC really put on an excellently mi informative if somewhat exhaustin weekend of national and intematiom speakers. We were basically in a lectui room setting except for meals. These wei also another opportunity to leam and shar as there was random seating and eac person wore their breed designation I m some really inspiring concerned dog lover and was encouraged that so many goo people are part of the dog fancy. I really fe part of AKC for the first time and had worthwhile discussion with Dr. Jir Edwards, AKC Director, Judging Researc and Development, who was the Chair fc the Conference and no doubt the movin, force behind it. He is one of us, he is onParaders Pomeranianssends congratulations to Mildred Patrick of Mr. and Miss Poms on her well-deserved Kennel Visit iZCahanu Drifting Moonbeam MoonieCh Chriscendo Castle Rock Ch. Bavaneus Aurora Borealis Mercer's Keri Susan Sun Ch Wee Robin Dancer of Oakridge Jancing Moonbeam of Oakridge Dancing Sunbeam of OakridgeLisa Byrd101135 Sunrise Drive Crowley, TX 76036 817 297-4603Watch for me Parading with Nadine HersilAmerican Pomeranian oiudSOUTHLANDBelated congratulations to Dot and Ed Martin on their Kennel Visit. Congrats to Ms Mildred on her Kennel Visit.1B'g'sfRamNEW CHAMPIONPENDING AKC APPROVAL ....VSOUTHEAST ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB 1995photo sr MELIAZf'LCh. Southlands Simply ElegantPictured taking her 4th major under judge Jane Forsyth. "Ms Eli" at 6 12 years of age became Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudges Lil Toasty 30th champion.We decided to do some breedings and puppies are due in February.SOUTHLAND---------^ of SuknCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456f them," and he is a scientist. A good an, I think.rhis was an historic occasion as it was the st time AKC and the dog fancy have me together to discuss health issues, lere were over two hundred participants, it we were excellently cared for and erything ran like clockwork.Even though the topics were general in iture, everyone seemed to be able to relate them. The purpose was to give general lidehnes as to what to do when a problem is been identified in a certain breed. A lot expected of breeders and parent clubs, owever, we were clearly given the essage that AKC cares, can be approached ith specific proposals but that the package ust be put together first by the breed fancy id parent club.We are in the unique position of having as ir President one of the most revered embers of the Dog Fancy....ever. Mrs. oily Trauner was lauded at the conference r Dr. Walter Weirich of the Canine Eye egistration Foundation CERF at Purdue niversity. He called our Dolly his "seeing dy, the lady with the vision" who through incem, knowledge, dedication, and the ility to ENDURE in the years 1974 rough 1988 brought CERF into being. It as first and a shining example of breeders id the veterinary profession working gether to eliminate an inherited problem id protect the future of a breed. In those lys Dollys concern was in poodles but m the CERF examination and guidelines e used in many breeds that have been cognized to have inherited eye diseases. In i94, 50,000 pure bred dogs were examined ir eye health following the CERF protocol.Dr. Weirich recommended using "the ERF model" to start tackling an apparently herited problem. That is start a database id where possible an open registry, use iperts to set up the rules and follow their lies. Closed registries are a poorer second loice as they slow things up but better than 3 registry.The American College of Veterinary phtalmologists ACVO is the body that [amines and certifies candidates as Board ertified specialists in ophthalmology andits very prestigious "Horns Award" is usually given for outstanding research in that specialty. In the history of the college it has only been awarded to two non diplomates. One was to a gentleman who had been the long term secretary since the founding. The other was to Mrs. Dolly Trauner for her outstanding contribution to veterinary medicine, veterinary ophthalmology and the world of pure bred dogs for her effort in bringing the Canine Eye Registry Foundation into being. I hope the APC realizes how fortunate and honored it is have Dolly as a member of our Fancy. What a resource of wisdom and experience she is. I trust her health will continue to improve and she will be able to keep working with me on pursuing an answer to our skin problem.I made a useful contact in DNA testing and that I believe is where our answer will come. Now samples can be quickly taken with a swab from inside the cheek Normal, defective, and potential carrier dogs must be tested in an attempt to identify a recognizable defective or marker gene. Thus a database would be established. As each sample costs 100 to evaluate support funds will be needed. However, as some conditions are polygenic and only occur when specific combinations of genes are present the above marker gene research would not work We do not know, but we have to start casting our nets somewhere and I have an idea for a small group survey of 15-20 dogs if the funds could be found. We cold be lucky and a marker gene could be found or it could be venture capital lost.The parent clubs obligation according to AKC is to "advise, encourage, and establish control programs to lower the incidence of a disease." I know there is much concern on the matter, but are we ready to move forward That means coming up with pedigrees, medical records, dogs and dollars I understand the difficulty with this situation....the problem does not occur until after the dog has done its winning and been used for breeding, and we are asking people in retrospect to say "yes, my dog has a problem." It is a real ego buster, it is not easy. However....We are just custodians of our breed for afew years it is not ours. We should hand it over to the future in better shape not riddled with defective genes.One of the speakers, Dr. Malcolm Willis, a Senior Lecturer in Animal Breeding and Genetics from England and a dog fancier, put up a quote from the story Alice in Wonderland which I think is daunting in its implications as food for thought. Here it is..."Cheshire cat, tell me which way I should go" said Alice."Which way do you want to go" said the cat."I dont much care," said Alice."Then it doesnt matter which way you go," said the cat.I hope the APC wants to go in the direction of sorting this out and that those experienced breeders who already know a lot about this condition will come forward with their knowledge, experiences and pedigrees. We have a lot of resources I pray will be made available.Please let me know in which direction APC wishes to go.Performance Newsby Lois Morkassel 1412 Second Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103 701280-1413WordsWhile reading an article, I came upon these two words and decided to check their definitions. The thing that most caught my attention was the synonyms listed, even though one set of synonyms was for the noun usage and the other was for transitive veib usage. One word seems more neutral while the other seems more negative.Reason n. an explanation or justification of an act, idea, etc. A cause a motive. The ability to think, form judgements, good sense, n. syn ground, consideration,motive, principle, sake, account, ob purpose, design.Excuse n. a plea or explanation offere defense of ones conduct apology. r which excuses, that which extenuate justifies a fault, or is intended to do sc pretended reason for conduct pretext, syn pardon, justify, absolve, exonei vindicate, forgive, exculpate, extern exempt.I try to have a reason for what I do wh train my Poms. I feel that it is more hel to try to think and reason things thro before I do them than to have to excuses later. My reasoning is not flaw but it is more constructive to find a flar my reason and to know I can work thro that to fix things than to sit with an exc that usually is a dead end.There are a lot choices we as trainers r to make. One area that doesnt get a lo thought is the choice of cue or comm words for our Poms.The words heel, sit, down, stay, and c were used in my first training classe used them because that is what instructor gave us to use. When we relec our dogs from an exercise, we were toll use "OK." At another school, they were to use "free."One day, Mike, my husband, Dande, a were out for a walk. When we got to a o we would stop and I would make Dande Mike and I continued our conversation the word "OK" was spoken. Dande lun forward on the release word. Fortunat there was no traffic, or my Pom could h been hurt or killed on leash I immedia changed my release word to "free" whii do not use very often in my every speech patterns.I have been made an example of b well-known exhibitorseminar giver \ has a personal aversion to the term seems. When I was at the seminar, I ' asked if I were freeing a slave. Id ral have a dog survive my speech habits t avoid one persons disgust.Choosing word cues with your every speech patterns in mind is challengu tin r nijiVj ri- i\BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXDUSTOM CONBIIEO CIALTT ASSOCIATIONFALL 1995 0SOS4J JasCfl. Dupres Spar[ina QoCcC RuffCeCh. Dupres Sparkling Gold Buck x Dupres Precious R ReneeLaCajun Pom eranian Club Specialty--BOS 5 points Judge Ms. Barbara Brooks Houston Pomeranian Club Specialty-BOS 4 points Judge Mr. Kenneth Miller Riverside West Kennel Club-BOS 3 points Judge Ms. Elaine Mathis Alexandria Kennel Club-Wnners Bitch 1 point Judge Mr. Robert Moore Golden Triangle Kennel Club-BOS 3 points Judge Mr. J.E. GregoryThank you, Judges, for these nice wins.OwnerBreederExhibitorMrs. James R. Dupre Sr.10649 Hwy 71 N.Colfax, LA 71417VoiceFax 318627-5180 E.Mail^J im0uprepopalex1.linknet.netKv'VN-VA^-ri V- - t wf.vA\ 'I- Y s - iA MAJORI BEST OF WINNERS i RICHLANDJ KENNEL CLUBj1 i Photography By j Steven RossL 1995___Dupre's Sparging Qotd 'PomeraniansCh. SilvaiDupre's Swr^Ciruj joCd BrandyLade Littlest Outlaw x Dupres Shining Copper PennyBrandy is pictured after going Best of Winners for a 3-point major under Judge Mr Grace Moran. We are very pleased with Brandy and look forward to using him in 01 breeding program considering his Sire and the fact that his Dams Grand Sire is AmCan Ch. Great Elms Shining Star. Many thanks to his handler and co-owner MiJerry Owens.OwierBreeder Mrs. James R. Dupre' Sr. Route 2, Box 878-A Colfax, LA 71417 318627-5180HandlerCo-Owier Mr. Jerry Owens 32510 8th Avenue Roy, WA 98580 206843-1365ugh. There may be other considerations ake into account when choosing, friend was working with her German ehaired Pointer on taking and holding dumbbell. Things were going well and rgo was progressing nicely until one ion when she refused the dumbbell and very upset about the situation. With le questioning of the family members, son owned up to using the word "hold" le he cut Margos toenails. He would d her paw, and when she resisted or ggled, he would tell her "hold" and rap to let him cut the nails. A great aversion apy for that word. Friend changed her word and didnt use it around the ilyproblem solved, lis friend also had drop on recall Diems show up after Margo had been lg well with it. Friend kept her eyes and i open and discovered that her husband been "training" Margo. He would tell rgo "down and if she went down would ect her Friend changed her word to p" and kept it away from the family, re was another benefit derived from ig this cue word. Friend no longer had to ry about Margo during the group sits as h. A loud forceful "down" command n a neighboring ring for a drop didnt ct Margo. Neither did the "down" imand to another rings group of dogs ler Margo.o you keep your cues and commands for r own use or do you share them with ily and friends I dont share obedience 3. If someone else is holding my dog, I er leave the dog on a stay, i will leave l an informal "Ill be back." If I am ling someones dog, I wont let them re the dog on a stay. If I want the dog to Dr down, I use my hands to guide them position as you would a puppy. I dont ect the dog to pay attention to me or to iond to my cues. I dont want to make Diems for someone else in their training rith confidence.lese experiences, and others which ilted in my having retrain Dande, caused to carefully consider the choice of a cue d for the "send away" portion of cted jumping. Go-outs seem like a tradiction to me. All of the otherexercises the dog must do call for close work as in heeling or fronts. When I tell Dande to leave me the cue is "Go fish" My reasons for using this cue are voicing a bit of rebellion, it is protected from my every day speech patterns, and it keeps things in perspective when the go-out doesnt happen as planned. I dont use "go fish" much more since I gave up the card game. I do use "get back" to get doors opened, "go over" to get the dogs to move away from the car door so I can get it, "go-out" means the dogs are going out of something like the house. "Out" did work well in the weave poles when I want them to go out between a narrowly defined area. There is also value in the silliness of the phrase "go fish." It reminds me not to take this all too seriously.Speaking of thinking things through....I think a great call name would be "why." Cant you just hear it "Why, heel" "Why, sit" "Why, down" "Why, come"Perhaps one of my friends is right when she says that when I start thinking, its scary.Dandes lack of heeling has been causing problems. I have tried to motivate her with little success. It seems she does better after breaks such as we are experiencing over the holidays.While doing some house cleaning, which I find myself resenting because it takes time away from training, reading, stitching, gardening, etc., I may have fond a clue to Dandes attitude. Could it me that heeling is to Dande as house cleaning is to meI want the UKC UD, and Dande understands all the exercises, so now it is up to me to figure how to get the heeling for the shows. I think I am going to have to back off the practice and take the points off, because otherwise, I dont think well have any kind of qualifying heeling. Reason or excuseCongratulations to Painters Passion Diamond and Peggy Falcone. "Cookie" and Peggy qualified 3 times in both the Utility and Open B ring on the same day to earn Front and Finishs recognition as a Super Utility Dog team as written up in the January, 1996, issue.Correction Last month I reported that Carlas Wonderwolf earned a CD. I believe the correct name of this dog is Carlas Wonder Wolff Magic Ty CD. My apologies for messing up his name.New Performance Titles from the November and December issues of the AKC Awards MagazineCDXJanesas Rah Rah Rah CDX dog owned by Linda Baron and bred by Jerrie Freia The scores were earned in Open B196.5, 193.5, and 191.5.CDAckers Rocky Robin CD dog owned by John and Diana Ackner and bred by Delbert Benton. The scores were earned in Novice A 190 2nd, 192 first, 181 3rd, and 185.5 first. These scores were earned Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the same week.Black Magics Samurai Warrior CD dog owned by Dr. Sandra Woods and bred by Gary Davis. The scores were earned in Novice B 182,182 2nd, and 182.5 3rd.Handit T Bandit CD dog owned by Margaret Swistack and bred by Ann Gambone. The scores were earned from Novice B 193.5,195 4th, and 186.JBs Breezy Nite Bandit CD dog owned and bred by Jacqueline Beig. The scores were earned from Novice B 181,, and 188.5.JBs Summer Smokey Joe CD dog owned and bred by Jacqueline Berg. Thescores were earned from Novice B 174, and 177.5.Kearsons Lady Roxanne bitch ov by Kearson Maimgren and bred by Pat Bailey. The scores were earned from No A 180.5 4th, 184.5 4th, and 1 first.Megans Spitfire CD dog owned bred by Marti Halifko. The scores \ earned from Novice B 186 3rd, 1 first and HIT, and 186.5 2nd.Rastas Encore Stetson CD dog ov by Ellen Raymer and bred by Au Graham. The scores were earned f Novice B 180,190.5.Sasha Nicole Rose CD bitch owner Sherri Alspaugh and bred by Linda I and Suellen Aull. The scores were eaj from Novice B 180.5,189 4th, and 19NAKarens Little Kisey Lynne NA bi owned by Karen Gottschall-Hutchinson ILP Pom. The scores were earned from Novice B 12" division 88, 100 first, 93 4th.New UKC Performance Titles from NovemberDecember issue of BloodlinUnited-Companion DogU-CD Im A Candy Angel Doll owby Kenny and Kay Lowe.U-CD, U-AG1 Black Magic Sami Warrior owned by Sandra Woods and 1 by Gary Davis.United-Agility 1U-AG1, U-CDX Kassels Dandel DownCongratulations to all these new i holders. Its wonderful to see so many P being shown in obedience and agility. ' trainers have put in a lot of quality t with their Poms to be able to earn tl titles. The poms enjoy the attention and t7ikk.w8S.JSrAr-Bees Cody Bear Of LenetteGreat Elms Tiny Tim x Ar-Bees Vivian of LenetteCody is pictured taking a 5-point major at the Skokie Valley Kennel Club. Many thanks to all the judges who appreciate him as much as we do. Previously ownerhandled, now with the very capable Nadine Hersil. Look for this pair.Sherri Alspaugh 5400 Lee Acres Drive Boonville, IN 47601 812 925-6477Lenette PomeraniansrCh. Great Elms Top Choice of LenetteCh. Great Elms Little Tiger x Great Elms Lydia of LenetteStud Fee 200.00WE SPECIALIZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINESeveral litters due by Topper and the following studsCh. Merrymont Fly By Nite sired by Ch. Merrymont Safrday Nite Fever Ch. Millamors Dance of Sourwood sired by Ch. Apples Traveling Rambler Sourwoods Lucky Charm sired by Ch. Apples Traveling RamblerPUPPIES FOR SHOW AND BREEDING USUALLY AVAILABLE FROM 400 V\lrite, phone or FAX to receive our offerings.A special thanks to Diane Stevenson for doing such a nice job in showing Topper. Go luck with our two new Dance kids you will be showing for us this spring.K.G. Griffith 1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081 704 938-2042 FAX 938-7Jthe training sessions and so do the iers, or they wouldnt keep on. The time it with the Poms in training is the real ard. The title is the icing on the cake. iy the "cake." The only problem is that Pom doesnt understand what this is all ut. They just look for the next training that they will spend with you. What your next goal be The next level title ther performance event like tracking or ing, or agility Or a new career in rapy visits Or is your Pom indicating ement is desirable The end of this goal le beginning of the next, mgratulations on the completion of this 1. By now many of you have decided on r next goal. Whatever it is, "Good luck" wishes for pleasure while pursuing it.have enjoyed a column in Front and ish entitled "Dear Old Friends." With r participation, Id like to offer a similar ate to Performance Poms of the past and he present. All Performance Poms are s and it would be nice to let them shine in for current exhibitors to see. The titles scores they have earned are wonderful mrplishmenls for the breed. The things trainers learned and had to work ugh, past and around could help inspire ent trainers to continue and look for r own solutions to challenges ountered. I also like to find out what pened to Performance Poms in the past, v they handled retirement and how long well they are and have lived, ease send your stories and tributes to me tie above address. Include photos of the s and they will be returned to you, ough there will be a time lag between mission and publication and return s. If you dont want to write but have a ette recorder, tell me your story and I do my best to write it up for you. I will i put together a story from your notes if dont feel comfortable writing it rself. Just keep in mind, I need to be to read your writing. Please include r name, address, and phone number de the envelope on your note or letter so n follow up if I have questions. I havebeen misquoted in articles and seen things in print that were attributed to me that make me think that I was in a totally different place from the one who did the interview. I dont want that to happen in these tributes. Please include any training tips that you found helpful or experiences that gave you some insight to training or showing.I am excited about reading and reporting your stories and tributes, so please send them, and I will include them as they come in.Until next time....Theres Joy in Pom-de-moniumCongratulationstoJimmy and Mildred TatricH^ on your enml Visit andmay you Have many more years in thezvonderful zuortd of Tomeranians.Happy Kamper Pomeranians Steve Jill Cookston 6509 Briarknoll Garland, TX 75043 214226-2644Love N Country Kennels Allen Cindy Boulware 6450 Rolling Heights Circle Kaufman, TX 75142 214 962-3872V________ _ ___________ J1995 APC Top Show Pomeraniansby Diana Downey01. 21. Glen Iris Castle Rock..........................Ch. Star Haven's Righteous Rock.............Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water..............Ch. Linchris Genghis Pom........................Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino...............Ch. Finch's Passionate Kisses...................Ch. Tim Sue's LuckofTexican...................Ch. Majestic's Willie B Steppn Up...........Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip B.....Ch. Fame Chip of the Great Rock.............Ch. Fame Gift of the Spirit........................Ch. Jan-Shar's Harley Davidson................Ch. Watts Little Socrates.........................Ch. Odyssey's Just Do It............................Ch. Carousel's Candle In The Wind B..Ch. Janesa's Very Special Jan Shar...........Ch. Glen Iris Luckdragon..........................Ch. Blossom Heights Jackpot....................Ch. Shyacres De Ja Vu..............................Ch. Silver Meadows Mikey Lite...............Ch. Hallmark's Maximum Attraction........Ch. JKs Bayou View Wild Willie............Ch. Moreno's Believe It Or Not................Ch. Southland's Showstopper....................Ch. Sungold's Touch of Speed..................Ch. Jan-Shar's Bad To The Bone..............Tomho Arizona..........................................Blossom Heights Blockbuster...................Ch. Canton Sylvestre Stallone...................Ch. MMM's Heroic Captain Marvel.........Ch. Glen Iris The Sun King.......................Ch. La Cherie's Lil Luke Skywalker.........Rubys Standing Ovation..........................Ch. Hi-Crest Chrisma Winsome High BGreat ElmsTop Choice of Lenette.............Rock Comet of Oakridge...........................Ch. Jan Les Maker Of Fools....................Ch. Millamor's Makin Music....................Ch. Beltane What A Guy II.......................Golden Aires True Reward........................Fan Cs Rockstar's Playboy.......................Ch. Jan-Shars Maybelline B..................Jeribeth's Prince Cherokee.........................Ch. Woodrose's Short Circuit....................Chula's Wee Terminator............................Ch. Chapman Luke Skywalker.................Ch. Beaver Creek Simon Says..................Ch. Obsession Dances With Dragon.........Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain................Ch. Cascade's Sunkist Goldenrod.............Starfire's Wonder Woman B...................Ch. Kneisler's Secret Tradition B...........Ch. Shady ParkTrace Tradition B...........Foxx Glen Dastar Magnum Force.............Larron Duke of Earl...................................Ch. Absolutes Harleys Son David............Ch. Millamor's Little Millie Makit B.....Sourwood Classic Spinoff........................................... Nina Work, Joel Taylor, Cheryl Jackson..............................................................Janice Young.................................................Diane Finch, C. Siner.............................................................Linda Brogoitti.................................Randy Gemmill, Dana Plonkey............................................................Diane L. Finch............................................................Erika Moureau............................................... Annette Rogers-RisterHideko Strasbaugh, Dana Plonkey, Randy Gemmill...............................................................Joanne Kern........................................................Brenda Segelken.......Sharon Hanson and Jeanne and Robert Blank.............................................................Dolores Watts..............................................................Alice Lessard.........................................................Linda Gustafson..................................................................Jerrie Freia................................................Tim and Sue Goddard..............................................Arlene and John Benko......................................Audrey and Charles Roberts................................................Tim and Sue Goddard..............................................................Geanene Hall.......................................... John and Karen Blackwell..............................Linda Brogoitti and Julie Moreno..........................................................Charlotte Creed..........................................................Anna LaFortune...........................................................Sharon Hanson...........................................................Tommi Hooban..............................................Arlene and John Benko..........................Sharon Hanson and Lee Hee Seok............................Kelly Machkovich and Mary Wells............................................. Steve and Jill Cookston.............................................................Dorothy Martin................................Victoria Lovely and Ruby Poole..................................Arnold Hirahara and Jo Ching...........................................................Kenneth Griffith.............................Brenda Turner and Sharon Hicks.............................................................Jane Lehtinen..............................................................Eleanor Miller............................................. Barbafa and Paul Curry...........................................................Sharon Masnick............................................................. Florence Scott........................................................... Sharon Hanson..................................................................Olga Baker......................................Clarice and Yvette Oganeku................................................................Norma Gad......................................C. G. Gregory and T. P...............................Tina Godfrey and Jane Lehtinen............................................................... Juan Gomez.........................................Jeanne and Robert Blank............................................................ Doris Wheeler..............................Regina Nunn and Barbara Nagy............................................................Maria Kneisler.............................................. Diana and Lucy Nolan.......................................Patricia Foxx andE. Power.......................Cynthia Wallen and Evelyn Newyear...................................................Blank, Meyer, Lafler..................................... Jane Lehtinen and B. Luce..........................................................Mary McKenzie"The Future Of ThistlKevin and Beth-tJi jCh. Glen Iris Dances With Wolves CGCtleV^Beautiful, show quality Kevin puppies are now available-one black male, one orange female.e Magic Pomeranians"Kevin and Beth at the Garden33'Av4mfcCh. Glen Iris Dances With Wolves CGCThistle Magic Pomeranians Bill, Bobbie, and Beth Kerr 716 877-5886 CONGRATULATIONS MILDRED PATRICKandPATRICKS HOUSE OF POMERANIANSon a well-deserved Kennel Visit. You are a terrific friend, and I will always treasure that friendship.In the many years to come Best Wishes for your continued success in your breeding and showing endeavors.CAROLYN CROCKETT,The DallasFort Worth Pomeranian Club, Inc.congratulatesMildred G. Patrick on her well-deserved Kennel Visit - \\V iFront Row Lynn Heise, Mildred Patrick, Jill Cookston, Back Row John Stephens, Diane Stevens, Judy Gates, Bud Gates, Cindy Bouleware, and Steve CookstonMildred has finished more than 20 champions in her career. Many have been her owr Poms, but she has also shown and finished Poms for her friends.We are proud to have her as Pom Club Member, and thank her for her many years o1 work with the club, but most of all for her friendship and her knowledge. Mildred, yoi are our Grand Lady of PomeraniansThe DallasFort Worth Pomeranian Club, Inc.Began meeting as a group in 1956'jeuow Apse Tomerantanspresents our first homebred championCh. Yellow Rose Exotic Spice "The Spiceman"Ch. Mercers Exotica x Yellow Rose Smoky Mt. Desareewy "us i__and his wolf sable son,Yellow Rose Silver ShadowCh Yellow Rose Exotic Spice x Sueacres NutmegCongratulations to dear friend, Mildred Patrick, on her kennel visitAnnette Lynn Heise P.O. Box 1285 Red Oak, TX 75154Sueacres Nutmeg better known as "Pippa" was bred in the United Kingdom by Mrs. Sue Smith. Pippas sire is UK Ch. Toybox Platignum Phantom cream sable who was the top Pom in the UK in 1993 and 1994, and the top Stud Dog, 1994-all toys, bred by Miss Evelyn Smail of Dalkeith, Scotland.The Spiceman was shown and finished between March 15th and June 10th, 1995, expertly handled by Miss Nadine Hersil. He came home to Texas long enough to sire a few nice puppies like the one pictured. Spiceman is now beginning his "specials" career with Nadine. We are in high hopes that his son "Silver" will follow in the footsteps of his great ancestors....and they are some impressive footsteps to fillVBehind the New Titlistsh Rock Comet of OakridgeOrange MaleOwner. Brenda Turner Sharon Hicks Breeder Nina EppsCh Millamor's Trademark Ch Millamor's Mark Tradition Ch Millamor's Sparkling Music ii Rock-N-Tradition of Oakridge Ch De Arta's Rock Dancer Rock Dancer's Little RockDe Artas Dancing Moon Gold Ch Mac's Maybe I Will Ch Nanshadow's Hurricane Juan CD Ch LLL Charming Gold Kandee ancy Gold Kandee of OakridgeCh Wee Robin's Dancer of Oakridge Dancing Moonbeam of Oakridge Dancing Sunbeam of OakridgeCh BrynRose Memory of JamelOrange FemaleBreeder S.W. and Brenda Turner Owner S.W. and Brenda TurnerCh Cedarwood's Image of Diamond ROM Ch Sharel's Southern Diamond Sharel's Southern Belle Ch Jamels Texas Kane of Sharel Ch Southlands Fudge Generation Jamel's Precious Miracle Girl Sharel'sTootie of Sunkist Ch Cedarwood's Image of Diamond ROM Ch Sharel's Southern Diamond Sharel's Southern Belle Jamels Diamonds Hole Tara CD Ch Dendy's L'il Sirus Dendy's Lil Keshia Dolly of LenetteCarousel productions Offers4f-This beautiful pencil drawingUnframed 11 x 14 Print Signed and Numbered 25.00 Shipping Handling 5.00 Okla. residents add 8.375 sales tax Send check or money order to Carousel Productions 17960 S.E. 44th St.Newalla, Ok. 74857-8365 405 391-6263Yips YapsDear LoisViva La Difference Lois, I really enjoy our "Point Counter Point," but again I must take exception to your last article in the December issue.Although I feel that rescuing Poms from a local shelter can be very heart-warming and rewarding, I do not agree with Diane Bauman that a rescue dog has any more of a desire to work than a dog that has been nurtured to do obedience. People sometimes place human characteristics on their pets and I believe this is the case. From experience, I have one rescue Peke who gained a CD title with HITs average 198, but due to a congenital back injury, he was retired early in his career. My Peke is one in a million, but given the opportunity, I will always prefer obtaining a dog from a reputable breeder so I may be able to examine the lineage for physical and mental attributes and down falls. My Pom, Zannie, also had a 198 average in Novice but was able to continue on to receive her Utility title and her championship. I researched her lines thoroughly and had a good idea of the personality and physical type of Pom I was dealing with before she was even bom As I said in the last article, there are no guarantees to finding a sound dog, but I try to swing the odds as much as I can in my favor. Yes, you might be able to find a nice Pom at a shelter, but chances are you are buying someone elses problems. No, I am not cold hearted, only realistic.Like you Lois, I spend more time training my dogs than I do in the show ring, but I must admit I love to show whether in conformation or obedience. But again, I restate, as in my last "Yips and Yaps" I NEVER exhibit a dog before it is totally show ready. Presently, I am training my Champion "Nike" and Bamboo major pointed and out of coat in Novice. Neither one of my Poms will be ring ready for approximately a year. I will be entered at the NCPC Specialty and the Summer Specialties in August, but in conformation.I do not see myself showing obedience with a Pom until 1997 My Border Collie is getting ready for the Gaines Regional inJune and the Classic in November and I w not be showing him except for these t\ events.And like you, I do not get upset if my d makes a mistake in the ring. Lord knows have made enough myself. But if the Pom doing obedience as you put it "her way" the ring then the Pom is not ring reac Personally, I do not like wasting my mom on entries and giving OTCH points to oth dogs When my dogs enter the ring, they a confident, happy workers, enjoying ea exercise, knowing they are doing correctly. And like yourself, I receive t admiration of the general public and of n peers. Many "civilians" greet me outside the ring and ask where they may purchase Pom such as mine, but contrary to you, I a able to turn them in the right direction breeders that have show quality and p quality puppies with similar physical ar mental abilities to my Poms. I would al like to address the issue of researching tl Pom in the breed ring. Lois, as I said, mo obedience people never watch the breeds groups or have a clue what is goc conformation. One of the best ways to l self-educated in understanding all dogs is 1 watch the group rings. Not only do yc learn about good and poor conformatioi but you can meet people who might hel you in finding a sound Pom. As it is sai "It is not what you know, but who yo know." You need to extend yourself an maybe travel out of state.Anyone who tells you 5 or 6 years on waiting list to get a Pom does not have a four paws on the ground Whether breedei want to admit it or not, somewhere in thei kennel is a 7 pound Pom begging for home I personally have placed, in the las few months, for a breeder three very large but good quality Poms in family homes.Lois, to be honest, I think you are tryin to change the breed into something it is nol Lets not do to the Pom breed what in th past has been done to the Golden Retrieve Poodle, Peke, and German Shepherd, an the list goes on. Poms will never b competition material thats why I own Border Collie. I truly enjoy training nr Poms, and I originally got into the breec because I enjoyed what I saw in thWttti 30 lo 40 Nillioo People m tbe bitemel,..Where do they go ftii UntilCYBEPPET of courseThe J4HHRD winning All breed On Une" Pet ForumRadi HUM of potential customers lor a fraction of noimal advertising costsOur missionTo explore strange new Cyber-Worlds....To seek out new Cyber-Life Information....To Boldly go where no Pet Fancier has ever gone before.... S Breeder's Showcase S Pet Products Services - S'Featured Monthly Articles. ... . K.t Health Nutrition Informationlext time you re cruising the Net...... itop by and Enjoy the Adventure...... Rescue Organizations Breed Clubsie Ultimate On-Line Internet Dog Cat Magazinetrr5ju rvi nuvuusmy umnuiauuii uui. ,-.sCYBER-PET 1-800-523-PETS 7387 I11-714-645-5035E-mail cytmacytaplm aP0''NOTE No computer required to advertiseGive your Company or Kennel the VISIBILITY you DeserveCALL US TODAY FOR MORE IWFORMATIOMixM3mS34r\AWARD OF MERITAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB i vSATURDAYS SUNDAY FEB. 10-11,1996d-AI PRODUCTIONSTOM NUTTINGCli. Jen Les Just A Desli Off MlllemcrPictured here winning an Award of Merit at the American Pomeranian Club under tl prestigious judge Mrs. Anne Rogers Clark. His new handler, Jackie Rayner, is present] presenting him to perfection on the East Coast. So far, with limited showing, he and h handler have acquired one Group I and two Group II placements.OWNERJane Lehtinen 218 741-2117HANDLERJackie Rayner 609 587-2586onformation ring. I LOVE THE BREED ust the way it is I would never want a long tack, 7-pound Pom, but, Lois to you--Viva ^DifferenceMice LessardDear EditorI am writing concerning the Camino Book Company. I received their flyer in March, L995, to which I responded with an ad for he inside cover and mailed this off on May LI, 1995.1 had heard from a Joy Andor not ure of the spelling of her last name on April 4, 1995. At that time she told me that after the deadline had been reached, she bought the book would be in print by August or mid-September, 1995. I started lying to reach them in December, 1995, and got a continuous answering service. Never have any of my calls been returned. Finally, after several attempts, I called the BBB in Reno, Nevada, and they advised me that they had several complaints on file with this company, none of which had ever been settled.I never thought to check out the credibility of this book company as they had two books already published.I felt that the APC members would appreciate knowing that this company is not all that it appears to be, and I would not like to see any member get taken in the future. If you have any input on this, please feel free to use it.Dolores WattsBoard MeetingFebruary 9,1996Meeting called to order by President Dolly Trauner at 730 pm. Board members present were Mary Allan, Jeanne Blank, Linda Brogoitti, Charlotte Creed, Tim Goddard, Beverly Henry, Sharon Masnick, Jim Shearer, Fran Stoll, Dolly Trauner, and A1 Williamson.Motion made to accept minutes as published.Dolly Trauner called for a report from theStandard Revision Committee. Charlotte summarized. All Board members have received monthly updates. They tried to make it as fair as possible by not using names to avoid personal conflicts. The committee voted to present this version to Board, if they approve it, the revised standard will go to AKC for approval. Once that is obtained, it will be sent to the membership. Emphasis was placed on describing correct coat and correct heads. Other hot issues were soundness, movement, and health. Coat and trimming issues were covered. The committee tried to present the new standard in a positive manner to hopefully avoid fault judging. She said we should encourage knowledgeable people to offer grooming seminars at specialties and all-breed shows. Perhaps charging a 5.00 fee that would go to APC to be put in a fund toward research of the skin disease.Sam Zaneoff asked to speak to the Board. He said that for many years he has heard nothing but negative comments regarding our showsite. He proposed a new showsite in Long Island at a Rec. Room. The site is very large, very clean. The only bad things are that the closest hotels are 10-15 minutes away and we would have to buy and store mats. MSP to have Sam look into it.Adong the same fines, Beverly presented the Meadowland Hilton and the Sheridan Meadowlands proposals however, these two sites are in New Jersey not New York.Beverly Henry passed around the revised Summer Guidelines booklet. She noted that the only changes were the elimination of the JEC policy from inside the back cover and removal of the reference to champions not being allowed in sweepstakes. MSP to accept Summer Guidelines as corrected.A1 Williamson gave the Treasurers report-- the present balance is 13,234 as best A1 can tell since he is having computer problems. Tim offered to try to help him with the computer problems.MSP to accept By-Laws as revised.Dolly asked for a volunteer to put the Welcome packet together and distribute it. Jeanne Blank volunteered for the job.A motion was made to pay judges amaximum of 500. The motion did not include the provision to eliminate the complimentary room, banquet, and lunch. MSFA motion was made to have the following persons serve on the Judges Seminar Committee Linda Brogoitti Chair, Ruth Beam, Derial Jackson, Julie Moreno, and Beverly Henry. MSPThe following membership applicants are up for vote Dean Barres, Alice Carson, Sharon Dugas, Joan Jerrell, Richard Kilbreth, Ginger Kilbreth, Leonard Podolin, Roberta Podolin, Wallach Schermerhom, and Caryl Schermerhom. Beverly stated that no letters had been received on any of the applicants. It was moved to accept all ten of them. MSPThe gold pin for championships earned that Darrell Baker suggested was discussed. Dolly wants ideas on what we can afford on it. Julies Pom design could be done in silver for 10 each.A motion was made that we have another board meeting prior to the annual meeting to go over die Standard Committees proposal. This needs to be done now to avoid accordion effect. Time for the special board meeting will be on Saturday at 700pm in the Hospitality room room 919. MSPDerial Jackson was introduced as one of the foremost experts in the breed. He passed around photos of top winning dogs of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. Some of these were Little Sahib, Happy Boy, Little Ra, Sensation, Diamond King, Money Box, Little Emir, and Little Timstopper. Amazingly, all of these dogs had perfect cat feet. None were trimmed, and as one board member put it, not brushed either. Derial started writing a Pom column for Dog World Magazine when he was only 14 years old. His mentor was Mrs. Vincent Malta and later, Ruth Beam. One really interesting point he made was that Mrs. Matta used to live on Ditmars Blvd, where our present specialty is being held.The method of choosing judges was discussed they should not be sent to the membership twice. Fran said the entire slate was sent to membership who picked 5 and she assigned points to the choices--1stchoice got 5 points, 2nd choice got 4 poii etc. A motion was made that we g membership the choice of 3 judges- choice 3 points, 2nd choice 2 poii 3rd choice 1 point. MSPAdding FAX and Internet ID numbers membership application was discuss Beverly said she had contacted Happ Jones to see if she still had the applicat on disk, but had not heard back from yet. These should also be added to the di notice so that existing members may hr this information added.Tim Goddard said that the membershi first choice would not come for 350 1 would for expenses-said he would try hold it under 500. A motion was made t if the first choice will do it for 500 or 1 including the room, banquet, and lum that we hire them, if not, the membershi second choice will get the job as they hr already agreed to the 350 limit. MSPThe annual appointments are as followsOlga Baker..................................... AKC ColumnSam Zaneoff....................................AKC DelegaShow Chairman...............................Tim GoddaShow Secretary............................... Beverly HerBreeders Referral Contact...............Jane LehtinMembership Chairman.........................Jerrie FrePom Shoppe..................................... Bess Robeihowever, membership pins shall not be include in her responsibility. They will go to Jeanne Bla and she will include a card with membership packet offering the pins for saleJEC..................................................Linda BrogoAPC Awards......................................Judy ShearPerformance Events....................Margaret McKiRescue Contact........................... Diana DowniBeverly handed over rescue material that was faxed to her by Susann Philbrook. This material was in reference to a puppy mill closed down in Missouri and the sheriffs department allowed tt owner to auction the breeding stock off herself instead of it being confiscated. Consensus of Board was that we should not reward a puppy miller. It was also agreed to adopt a policy that APC will not buy dogs at auctions.Health and GeneticsJim said a copy of Renees report was sent to him one hour before he left for NY. Volunteers f this committee were asked for. There being none, Dolly said she will try to handle the job. Ways Means..........................needs a volunteiTwo years ago special rates were put intraducing...our new Spring line^ Morenos Mario 3 12 lb. OrangeE AC Ch. Morenos Perri Winkle x Watts Little PageMorenosSweet Lorene Light OrangeCh. Odysseys Just Do It x Morenos Phyner Black PearlMorenos Intrigue CreamCh. Odysseys Just Do Itx Morenos Dandi LionessCongratulations to Linda Brogoitti with our ftnisBing Ripley at San Mateo C. Slew CH Morenos Believe It Or Hot co-owned zoitd Linda. Ripley resides in Arizona uitH Linda. Quality is never an accident, But a result of intelligent efforts.Julie MorenoNew FAX Line 415583-6305 Voice 415 583-4973After 10 am our time please.......i vV\'JMORENO'SCHRISDENPOMERANIANSsalutes another group winning homebred"MAJOR"Ph. Grand Ch. Chrisdens Major of EmpeeBISA Phil. Grand Ch. Bi-Mars Sunnys Gee Whiz x Phil. Am. Ch. Jan-Shars Hillbilly HeavenOwner Jun Panlilio 632928-1132 FAX 921-4372Co-Owner Dennis Litonjua 632 632-7025 FAX 631-6658rumcidiiidii rvcvicwect on a one year trial basis for yertising in the Review. We failed to act on it last February. A motion was made continue special rates for one more year. 'SPV motion was made that Recording cretary submit a synopsis of minutes to Review, with the full versions to be blished in the Roster. MSP im noted that the Ape summer specialty 11 be held in August 1996 in Olympia, Ahe wanted to know if the Board inted to approve their list of judges. The iard agreed to abide by their choices.rim received correspondence from mino Video. They want to be our video rson. Noble Jewelers wants to design a ce for us. Country Mills who want us to wide them with a list of national eders. Delaware Pom Club will pay us 38.26 for extra postage caused by luding their match flyer with our uniurn list.rinda Brogoitti passed around material ed forjudges seminars.Dolly reminded the Board that the aging program will be viewed following 'eepstakes tomorrow in the Hospitality am.fhere being no new business, meeting is adjourned.Second Board MeetingFebruary 10,1996rhis meeting was called to order by esident Dolly Trauner at 700 pm in the jspitality Room. Present were Dolly auner, Tim Goddard, Linda Brogoitti, Jim earer, Mary Allan, Charlotte Creed, A1 illiamson, and Beverly Henry, rhose present viewed the Imaging slides s afternoon developed by AKC. After wing them, it was a unanimous decision rt there was not one "good" Pomeranian own. Motion made that a letter be sent to CC stating that we do not want this mentation distributed for any Judges lucation seminars. We will provide new ages for them to re-do the presentation. SPfim contacted memberships first choicefor 1997 judge and he said he would waive his fee but would have to have airfare, 2 nights lodging and meals. Depending on all the variables, it could feasibly get up to 800. Motion made that we hire the next judge in line who agreed that 350 would be ample. MSPThe location of next years Winter Specialty was discussed and Beverly stated that in view of information learned last night that Mrs. Matta used to live on Ditmars, we belonged right where we were. A1 has an appointment with the Marriott on Monday morning to go over a 197 contract. Tim said he would try to accompany him.The revised standard was discussed as everyone has had time to read what Charlotte gave us last night. Motion was made that we accept the standard as presented to the Board. Motion carried, 7 for, 1 against.There being no further business, meeting was adjourned to begin Annual Meeting.Visa Mastercard Services AvailableNOTICEAt the Boards request, this issue of the Pomeranian Review was delayed in order to publish the results of the American Pomeranian Club Specialty.Because of the delay, we will extend the deadline for the April issue to April 5.We need your ads. Please support us in this effort.American Pomeranian oiud 4Delaware Valley Pomeranian Clubby Susann PhilbrookOur February 1996 match show was our first endeavor to take place in conjunction wit the American Pomeranian Club Winter Specialty Show. On behalf of the DVPC, we wei veiy excited and grateful to be part of the Winter APC festivities. Especially, we woul like to thank Beverly Henry, APCs Show and Recording Secretary, who really got the ba rolling for us and helped us to interface so well with the APC.There was a total of 49 entries including non-regular classes not bad considering th entry was limited to pre-entry only. We opted to limit the classes to regular and a couple c non-regular classes since we were unsure of what to expect. The show went off ver smoothly and we received many positive comments expressing that it was a "great idea" t hold a match in the afternoon after the APC sweepstakes concluded. We thank everyon who supported and participated in our match show. Because of your support, we will b able to go forward and hold future shows. We have some ideas for future match show maybe even a point show that should appeal to everyone.Dolores Watts, our judge, did a marvelous job. She commented on the impressiv high-quality of all the entrants. Nancy Wharton was a very capable steward who kept us a] on track. The show concluded in 3 hours.Our auction did very well. Many thanks to our club members for coming out an working at the match show and at our table as well as contributing money and items to th auction.Next year marks our tenth anniversary. We hope to be invited to participate with the AP or perhaps another specialty club. One of our goals is to obtain sanctioning and to soo offer a specialty point show to the Pomeranian fancy. Should anyone have an suggestionscomments, good or bad, about the February 96 match show, we would love t hear them. Our main goal is to make each event enjoyable to allPlease send your comments to Susann Philbrook DVPC President and Match Sho\ Chairperson 1209 Forceville Dr. Westampton, NJ 08060.DVPC Match ResultsSaturday, February 10,1996Regular ClassesJudge Dolores Watts Steward Nancy Wharton4-6 mos Puppy DogsJan-Shar's Baby Huey.......................................................................... Sharon Hanson6-9 mos Puppy DogsHeartlands Top Notch Tradition........................................................................ Dianne Kieffer12-18 mos Puppy DogsJeribeth Lance-Son Legacy.....................................................................................Olga BakerAdult DogsPPP Amber's Threza Lucky Charm.................................................................Lael Ellis4-6 mos Puppy BitchesLynnwrights French Kiss............................................................. Donna Lynn Wright6-9 mos Puppy BitchesHeartland's Misty Heather...................................................................................Dianne Kieffer9-12 mos Puppy BitchesPostscript's Ex'Cla-Mation.....................................................................................Rose KellerAdult BitchesRhynstone The Siren..............................................................................................Joyce UrbanNon-Regular Classes Best VeteranCh. Lil Shaver's Devastatin......................................... Karen, Kathy Helen ShaverBest Brood BitchIdlewyld Koh-I-Noor Diamond.........................................................Margaret McKeeBest CostumePPP Amber's Threza Lucky Charm................................................................ Lael EllisParade of ChampionsCh. Tiffany's Prince Andy O Erin.......................................................Maureen HealyCh. Gailellen's Dark Knight.....................................Gail Rodgers and Ted RebovichBest Puppy in Match Heartlands Top Notch Tradition BOS Puppy Lynnwrights French Kiss Best Adult PPP Ambers Threza Lucky Charm BOS Adult Rhynstone The Siren Best in Match Heartlands Top Notch TraditionS.Jim Hattori and Chris HeartzVf4tLCharlotte CreedAPC Specialty Sweepstakes Reportby Sue GoddardAs far as my life with pomeranians has been-now for over 30 years-1 do believe judging these sweepstakes classes was an all-time high What a thrill to see such an outstanding group I personally believe the overall quality was the best I have ever seen. It made my job easy as I really couldnt go wrong since there were so many excellent choices. There was not a single entry that made me want to ask, "What on earth are you doing here" I do believe that most entries will becomeOf Angels, Thieves SmugglersOr How I Spent My NY Specialty Weekendby Linda BrogoittiYou would think Id learn from experience. Every time I try to play a joke on someone, it backfires. This time was no exception. Waiting for the flight to New York, I wandered around the tourist shops at our Phoenix airport and found IT A small manila envelope containing ONE DOZEN RATTLESNAKE EGGS- CAUTION TO PREVENT HATCHING, STORE IN A COOL DRY PLACE. TheLinchris PomeraniansHome of Best In Show, Best In Specialty Show Multi Group Winning Poms Ch. Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Quality Dogs for Show Pet Fully Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITTI 14410 N. 71st Ave.Peoria, AZ 85381-4752 602 979-5336. oCH. STUD SERVICE QUALITY PUPPIES HOME RAISED LOVEDP.0. BOX 889 RAINIER, WA 98576DANIEL TAYLOR JR.BONNIE MClNTOSH-TAYLORJIM A JUDY SHEARER S 79995 Ragera villa Road S W ^ ^Baltic, OH 43804 216 897-0720MEMBERSAMERICAN POM CRIB ANDOHIO VAUEY POM ClUB POMcMeotenosMSS. JULIE R. MORENO^415 583-4973 By Appointment, PleaseFan-Cs PomeraniansHome of...AC Ch. Fan-Cs RockstarChampion-sired Puppies AvailableFlorence and Carl Scott Wickliffe, KY 42082958 Mayfield Road 502 335-5411504 084-74 After 700pmJanesa s FormP.O. Box 277IJerrie Frela Morgan City, LA 70381POMERANIANS Quality Pups Champion Studs803-472-3002Rosemary E. Regoni 385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322Ruby F. Poole 918 341 -6921RUBYS POMERANIANSShow - Breeding - Pets occasionallyRoute 1, Box 190 Claremore, OK 74017nd flap warned OPEN WITH EXTREME CAUTION. Great, I thought, this should liven up the hotel room after everyone was in bed. Dropping it in my purse, I proceeded to the gate and boarded.I was sitting by the window with the middle seat vacant and decided to listen to some tapes. I put my purse in the empty seat and started to go through it looking for the earphones when I came across the envelope. I didnt know the envelope wasnt sealed-when I dropped it the SNAKE EGGS EXPLODED WITH SOUND It was as if 50 rattlers were right under the seat The gentleman in the aisle seat dove for the aisle unfortunately his seat belt was still on but didnt get too far. The steward came racing down and tried to get him upright in his seat since he was in a most awkward position, but he kept yelling in Japanese which makes me wonder how he knew what the sound was, since they dont have rattlers in Japan. I concluded he must watch a lot of Westerns. I apologized over and over to him and the steward explained it was an accident. The steward commented that I was lucky this was a non-stop flight. Wonder what he meant by that remark By the waytheres no such thing as rattlesnake eggs they are bom live and are equipped with rattles and venom at birth.The APC had a hospitality room for Friday night, but this year we had an unexpected surprise. A local ANGEL, who is an APC member for many years, donated NOT ONE, BUT TWO NIGHTS OF A BUFFET AND BAR for the members. It was so grand, it would have overflowed the hospitality room, so it was held downstairs in the lobby and meeting rooms.The tray of jumbo shrimp must have been three feet square and was kept replenished all night as were the sandwiches, cheese and meat trays, hot beef and pork dishes, veggie platters, pastries, and oh, yes, the caviar. A most unusual event took place regarding the caviar on the first night.When theres a large group of people milling around, you dont always know everyone, so no one thought too much about the little, well-dressed man who was walking around enjoying the buffet.A few members had questioned each other, "Do you know who that is" But since no one seemed to know, they simply went on visiting and eating. Then it happened THE GREAT CAVIAR CAPERThis demure, reserved, well-dressed gentleman suddenly snatched up the caviar and took off All was not lost, however, as our own Deputy Darrell Baker was hot on the trail. The culprit was climbing the stairs and clutching the caviar when Deputy Darrell asked him to wait up and talk to him. This very reserved robber, not wishing to seem impolite, looked down and said "NO" and quickly took off running. He was never seen again. We all watched for him on the next night, but concluded that he was either hosting his own party with our caviar or had decided to try another hotel.The entire cost for both nights festivities was donated by our ANGEL who wished to remain anonymous. This gracious lady provided much more than a hospitality buffet. She created an atmosphere of warmth and benevolence for everyone who attended. Thank you, Angel, and her helper, Olga Baker.Our treasurer, A1 Williamson, was enjoying his shrimp when Olga Baker went over and teased him about what this was costing the APC A1 is very careful with the APC money, and this little trick of Olgas almost put him over the edge. Once he quit choking, he was fine and enjoyed the joke with everyone else.Theres one person who never gets rattled, upset, unnerved, or distressed. Our Show Chairman and Corresponding Secretary, Tim Goddard, always seemed to have everything under control. No matter what transpired, he was the original Mr. Cool, Calm, and in Control, and ran a beautiful Specialty for us. Maybe Ill try the snake eggs on him next yearCant go much further with this without telling you about the Bag Lady of the Garden While having chopped liver sandwiches at Applebaums Deli across from Madison Square Garden, we noticed a lady with about 12 boxes and various garbage bags, setting them up on the comer by the Garden. We asked the waiter abouther, and he told us shed been there for three years that he knew of and was there off and on all the time. He said the police never bothered her so that was her permanent address. I probably wouldnt have thought too much about this except for what she was wearing-a fur stole was slung over her shoulders as she arranged and rearranged her possessions by the curb.Most of you are familiar with the soft-sided carry on bags for dogs that fit under the seat on the plane. With advance notice and 50 per flight, all the major carriers allow a limited number of pets in the cabins. It varies with the size of the plane, but from two to six pets per flight are allowed.This brings us to the airport in New York and four people trying to get on board with 4 dogs and only one of them declared. If you know anything about smuggling at all, there are a few prerequisites to consider. First is blending in with your surroundings you cant pretend to be a dairy cow if you look like a giraffe. Second is not calling unusual attention to yourself. These two important steps seem to have been tossed aside by the eager to return home travelers.Charlotte Creed had her dog declared, but she also acquired another dog while in New York. With the extreme cold, she worried about putting a little Pom in cargo, and did what any one of us would have tried. He was going on the plane with her, no matter what Annette Rogers-Rister had two dogs and also one of Charlottes, so lucky Tony Tellez, always the gentleman, offered to help the ladies out and took one of Charlottes dogs to go with him. Coralyn Jenkins, a co-worker and friend of Annettes, took one of her dogs and all was great until-Charlotte was at the ticket counter and one of the undeclared dogs started barking.From that point on, everything went to hell in a handbasket. Its real tricky to be standing at the ticket counter and saying you dont have a dog with you when your shoulder bag is jumping all over so it looks as if youre carrying a Boa Constrictor. Add to this fiasco, the other undeclared dogs all at different ticket counters, nowwasnt that clever who dont like ea other jumping around in their carriers ar all competing in the Great Americ Bark-off at La Guardia AirportThey asked Tony if he had a dog, and 1 looked around at the ladies as if to say, "01 now what do I do" Needless to say, he hr to pay, Annette had to pay, and Chariot had to pay. Only the clever Coralyn got c board with no trouble, and she doesnt eve own a dog. After this trip, she may nev own oneOnly at a hotel filled with dog peop could the following incident take plac About 15 people crowded into a roor some standing, some sitting on the bed and all in deep conversation about whic Maxi-Pads to use. You heard me right W were discussing the use of pidd pantsdiapers for male Poms. Annet Rogers-Rister was showing some of tl different ones she uses. Some are eve holiday oriented with the flag for the Fourl of July, trees for Christmas, and of corns gold for evenings on the town. They f around the dog and are held on with Velcn A great idea for the male at hotels if yc cant trust him. Just attach a regul unscented super absorbent Maxi-Pad and I can run about with no worry. Only do people would think about this. Ill be tt manufacturer never though their produi would be used for piddle pants.See what you missed if you didnt com to New York. Hope to see yall next year.EVSharah LisbethCh. Finch's He Walks On WaterBIS, BISS. Multiple Group Winner 1 APC Top Winning PomHall of Fame, Award of Meril^Gold MemberWestminster BOBDiane L. FinchiPC Top Breeder '92AKC Pom Pups mosl colorsCh. Apollette Wild Fireural Route 1 ch. Tm Sue-s Mooo Rock,elley, Iowa 50134 Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibbome 515-769-2444 Ch. Wee Heart's Tight EndJeribeths PomeraniansWith Planned Parenthood"4916 43rdarrall a Olga taker Dickinson. TX 77539713 337-0037 Houston Area^Ponzszanians.JBrema ^Zfcxuj GurnetDoris WheelerCASCADE KENNEL POMERANIANS My3016 Hiawatha Dr.Dayton, Oh 45414 513 278-6071tyome\irUavXBen-Ray- BENSON RAYGolden Aires - SHARON MASNICK"BREEDING FOR THE LOOK THAT PLEASES" HOME OFCH.BEN RAYS SUNDANCING SIMON CH. GOLDEN ACRES MOONWALKER2007 Vestry Drive PuppiesCharleston, S.C. 29414 Stud Service803-571-6165Home of Ch. Starfire's ArmaniQuality, lovingly raised puppies available occasionally. Champion stud service.Inquiries welcome.y1 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 63204 '-JSwUi 208 2344932 fax 208 232-6018SUNG01D POMERANIANSTOChampions at Stud Puppies for saleRa^ G Anna La Fortune 15621 DCapowsin Hw^. Graham, WA 98338 206 879-5390AJC.C. G LLK.C. Handling Ship SEA-TACBonnell's Linetree Pomeranians 318 West Grahm Dixon, IL 61021WyndCor PomsAKC PomeraniansJack and Becky Sabourin 2814 Blackhurst Rd. Midland, Ml 48640 517 832-3408^ ^^O^^NIANSJudy Sams 2815 N. W. 20th Oklahoma City, Ok. 73107 405 947\Happy Hamper PomeraniansSTUD SERVICESTEVE JILL GARLAND, TX.COOKSTON 214-226-2644Kitsati Pomeranians916-221-4056BEST OV BEEEBSTRIKERC^ C^ 0^7 C^7 0^7 C^7 0^7 oRegal PomeraniansCH. Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Bred for Quality, Beauty, Temperament Roberta Grinnell 616-273-2541 15391 Main St.Three Rivers, Mi. 49093iAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.February 10 and 11,1996Show Results SweepstakesJudge Mrs. Suzanne L. Goddard Junior Dogs, 6 mos. under 9 mos.Heartland's Top Notch Tradition............................................................Dianne KiefferJunior Dogs, 9 mos. under 12mos.Elan's Never Say Die..................................................Melissa and David DahlenburgSenior Dogs, 12 mos. under 18 mos.Teakwood'sTwo Thumbs Up....................................................................Laureen IveyJunior Bitches, 6 mos. under 9 mos.Valcopy-Wakhan Betty Boop...............................Dana Plonkey and Randy GemmillJunior Bitches, 9 mos. under 12 mos.Valcopy Wakhan Scarlet Letter...........................................................Dennis LitonjuaSenior Bitches, 12 mos. under 18 mos.Raglan Ginger Snaps.................................................................Joan and Melv BeechBest Junior in Sweeps Heartlands Top Notch Tradition BOS to Best Junior Valcopy-Wakhan Betty Boop Best Senior in Sweeps Raglan Ginger Snaps BOS to Best Senior Teakwoods Two Thumbs Up Grand Sweepstakes Winner Heartlands Top Notch TraditionVeteran SweepstakesVeteran Dogs, 9 years and over TNT's Puttin' On The Ritz Veteran Bitches, 6 years under 9 yearsCh. Lil' Shaver's Devastatin'Best Veteran Ch. Lil Shavers DevastatinBOS TNTs Puttin on the RitzRegular ClassesJudge Mrs. James Edward Clark Puppy Dogs, 6 mos. under 9 mos.Heartlands Top Notch Tradition............................................................. Diane KiefferPupy Dogs, 9 mos. under 12 mosTanglewood Wise Guy............................................................................Howard Sklar12 to 18 mo. DogsBlakes Pride and Joy..............................................................................Evelyn BlakeBred-by-Exhibitor DogsTomho Rebel Lee...............................................................Tommi and Sandi HoobanOpen Dogs, Black, Brown, BlueD-N-H's Walk-N After Midnight................................ Kathryn Hartz Patricia FoleyOpen Dogs, ROCSAbsolute's Sizzlin Magician..........................................Gail Durnoik Gale SharlandOpen Dogs, AOACHomesteads Damfino Jean M. HurleyAmerican Pomeranian ciupo.Winners Dog Heartlands Top Notch Tradition Reserve Tom ho Rebel LeePuppy Bitches, 6 mos. under 9 mos.Valcopy-Wakhan Betty Boop.................................. Dana Plonkey Randy GemmillPuppy Bitches, 9 mos. under 12 mos.Fan-Cs Julie Ann....................................................................................Florence Scott12 to 18 mo BitchesRaglan Ginger Snaps.................................................................Joan and Melv BeechBred-by-Exhibitor BitchesFame Mon Sheree Amore.................................................................. Brenda SegelkenAmerican Bred BitchesJust Shadows of Tinker Bell...............................Susan Flolderman Kathryn HartzOpen Bitches ROCSIdlewyld Koh-I-Noor Diamond............................................................Margaret McKeeOpen Bitches AOACChriscendo's Colour Picture..............................................................Christine HeartzWinners Bitch Chriscendo Colour Picture Reserve Calcopy-Wakhan Betty BoopVeteran DogCh. Might Dainti Lord Peter Pan...............................P. Langevin Gloria SetmayerVeteran BitchEmcee's Simplemente Girl.......................................Diana Downey Morris CarsonBest of Breed Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock owned by Nina Work, Cheryl Jackson, Joel Taylor Best of Winners Chriscendo Colour PictureBest of Opposite Sex Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Hot Gossip owned by Hideko Strasbaugh, DanaPlonkey, Randy GemmillBest Puppy in Regular Classes Heartlands Top Notch Tradition Best in Bred by Exhibitor Classes Fame Mon Sheree Amore Awards of MeritCh. Starfires Superman.............................................. Jose Cabrera Fabian ArientiCh. Jan Le's Justa Dash of Millamor..................................................... Jane LehtinenCh. Elan's Palm Beach Polo..........................................Melissa David DahlenburgCh. JR's Yankee Doodle Dandy...................................... Gail Raney Haney HoveyPixie's Sweet Dreams............................................. Carol Galavich Bonnie StetsonStud DogStarfire's Alter Boy............................................................................... Brian IncorvaiaBrood BitchCh. Pinehaven's Just An Illusion........................................................... Gale SharlandBest Junior HandlerElizabeth Kerr HIT Regular ClassesPrincess Lacey II..................................................................................Carol LeembuisHIT Bred by ExhibitorDimondes Gem Fire Diana DowneyII'ST VBEST OFbeedSITE SEXVVBest of Breed Ch. Glen Iris Castle RockBest of Opposite Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Hot GossipS I, f f1V jBEST OF WINNERS\WINNERSBest of Winners Chriscendo Color PictureWD, Best Puppy, Best in Sweepstakes Heartlands Top Notch Tradition9 I'Xi4 mmT BEST IN J VETERAN I SWEEPSTAKES TRIALHIGHENCEijAMERICANP 0 M E R A NIA NtfSELy club -,y^SATURDAY H V'^w- SUNDAY W. - FCO.10-11.19AMERICANPOMERANIANTOM NUTTINGNUTTBest in Veteran Sweepstakes Ch. Lil Shavers DevastatinHigh in Trial Princess Lacey IIAmerican Pomeranian ClubFebruary 10-11, 1996 021096-565A Tom Linda P.0.2350N Nutting Malta, NY 12020PRODUCTIONS Office 518 885-1927 Fax 518 885-0969All of our tapes are titled to identify each dog and a musical sound track added.To Order Fill out form below and forward to A-N PRODUCTIONS.ONE TAPE-45.00 TWO OR MORE TAPES 35.00 EACHTape A Puppy Veteran Sweepstakes, Obedience ___________Tape B Reg. Dog Bitch, Classes ___________Tape C Juniors, Veterans, Best of Breed, Non-Reg., Parade ___________Shipping Handling 5,00[] Check [] MO [] MC [] Visa Sub-Total _____________NYS Res. include local Sales Tax. County______________________ _____________________Available in all International Formats-Add 20.00 per tape. Total ____________CardSignature_Exp. Date TelephoneNameAddressCity State ZipPresidents Messageby Dolly TraunerHappy Chinese New Year Gung Hay Fat ChoyI forget the year for the Chinesethe Dog the Duck the Rat Every time is for Dim Sum and Chinese New Year Cakes. The Rat is for prosperity and health. Anyway, this is a year for all of us members of APCI cant tell you, all of you, how much interest and devotion you have shown toward the Breed Standard work. It is your Standard, not of a person nor a Board, but the work of very many people who love the Pom. The Board unanimously voted to accept the standard which was compiled by a devoted committee of 7 people headed by Charlotte Creed. We are grateful for the input of the many people who contributed their ideas for the breed. Now this Standard is going to AKC. We hope the AKC will speedily approve the Standard and then it will be sent to you for a vote.There was a bobble at AKC last Spring regarding the By-Laws, but now it is going to the members for a vote this time. The members will determine whether the Specialty stays in New York or goes to another place or another time of the year. AKC said we are members-to-vote, but we have foreign members who do not vote and are not on the Board.The Board has appointed Jeanne Blank, who volunteered to plan a "Welcome Pack" for new members. The Packet will contain a Bylaws, b Standard, c Code of Ethics, d Membership Roster, e Information Booklet, f Member Card, g a Review subscription, h and an order for the 5 Club pin.Bev Henry has performed superbly month after month for the last 3 years as Recording Secretary. Now, she is also Show Secretary, getting out the Premium Lists, the Catalog, and all the bits and pieces for running the show.The trophies were beautiful, each one of them were handmade by an APC member. Bronya and Dick gathered the trophies and brought them to New York. The entry almost equalled the all time entry of 1992.Our angel was the fairy godmotherwho prepared a feast for the hordes She will be remembered as the "Mother" of hospitality. We share our thanks for the bounty. Even the hotel did us a wonderful banquet.Linda Brogoitti has the job of working with AKC to revise the imaging. She will start with the beginning to make the imaging really educational. The committee to work on this project are Derial Jackson, Ruth Beam, Bev Henry, Julie Moreno, and others who are expert authorities.Judy Shearer presented the awards of which there were many. The placques were especially handsome.In the end, I thank all of you for your patience and fortitude because of my disability regarding JJ'JJBeverly Henry and Dolly TraunerV . V JDarrell BakerVIP AWARDSf-a.Elizabeth Kerr, Joel Taylor, and Sharon HansonAmerican Pomeranian Club 1995 V.I.P. Awardsby Judy Shearer Top Junior Handler...Elizabeth Kerr Top Winning Dog...Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock ownecfby Nina Work, Joel Taylor, and Dr. Cheryl Jackson Top Winning Bitch...Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip owned by Hideko Strasbaugh, Dana Plonkey, and Randy Gemmill Top Producing Sire...Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge owned by Nina Epps Top Producing Dam...Jan-Shars Big Mama owned by Sharon Hanson Breeder of the Year... Sharon Hanson Exhibitor of the Year... Sharon Hanson Top Novice Pom...Ch. Trailbusters Lady Houdini CD owned by Lois Campbell Top Open Pom...Ch. Pomirish Chances Dina Mite CDX owned by Patricia Krause and Sally Baugniet Top Utility Pom, Top Obedience and ATCs first Top Agility Pom...Kassels Dandelion Down owned by Lois Morkassel1iiv."'m'A-C ec.-r'i.Mmencan romeraman uud oPom ShoppeQuantity Price Item01................. . 2.50..... .....Plaster Pom earrings orange pierced03................. ....4.00...... .....lAM's Pet Foods Grooming Aprons wpockets red06................. ....3.00....... .....Dolls wcrocheted dresses toilet tissue white, green, rose white,brown cream, beige, green white17................ ..25.00....... .....Pedigree Books from Great Elms 141 pages01................. ..25.00............Prodigy Membership IBM compatible, v. 3.215................ ....3.00....... .....Note cards and envelopes wPom by Babe '8601................. .... 2.50...... .....Wooden Pom Figurine wsmoked mirror14................ ....5.00....... .....Small key ring wPom head on white tile11................ ....6.00....... .....Lucite full Pom figure key ring01................. .... 7.50...... ....Rubber stamp-full Pom wribbon in mouth52................. ....5.00....... ....APC membership pins....3.00....... ....APC Decals setone large and two smallBess P. Roberts15802 Letcher Road\ 0m m- ^ - ^__10 ruuici camcaii i\cvicvrBacJlssuesMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380 If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan75.. ....Oct77........ May79.... April 808.00 eachJul 77.. ....Feb80........ .Jul 81 ..... .... Oct 83Apr 86 ....Jan80..........Jan 907.00 eachJul80.. ....Oct80......... Apr82...... ...Oct82Jan 83. ....Jul83......... Apr84........ .Oct84Jan 85. ....Apr85........ .Jul85....... .. .Oct85Jul 86.. ....Sept 86...... Nov86..........Jul 87Oct 87. ....Jan88........ .. Jul 88.... ....Jan89Apr 89 ....Jul90...........Oct 90.........Jan 91Mar91 ....May91.........Jul91Issues from September on...The Pomeranian Review ISSN0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US fiinds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.On the Back CoverCh. Morenos Believe It Or Not"Ripley"Breeder Julie Moreno Owners Julie Moreno and Linda Brogoitti 14410 N. 71st AvenueAdvertisersAmerican Pomeranian Club...............................2Sherri Alspaugh................................................28Avalon.............................................................. 50Olga Baker.................................................. 14, 50Mary Bonnell....................................................50Cindy Bouleware..............................................28Linda Brogoitti......................................... 41, B 1CLisa Byrd..........................................................18Carousel Productions....................................... 36Jill Cookston....................................................51Charlotte Creed................................................ 19Carolyn Crockett.............................................. 34Pat Cummings..................................................51Cyberpet...........................................................38DallasFort Worth Pom Club........................... 34Mrs. James R. Dupre Sr..............................22, 23Diane Finch...................................................... 50Jerrie Freia........................................................47Ken Griffith......................................................27Roberta Grinnell..............................................51Sharon Hanson......................................Inside FCCharmayne Hardy.............................................14Trilvie Haynes..................................................51Lynn Heise....................................................... 35Idle Acres Kennel.............................................15Noble Inglett................................................... 6, 7Roberta Kerr.............................................. CenterAnna LaFortune................................................50Jane Lehtinen....................................................39Dennis Litonjua................................................43Julie Moreno......................................42, 47, BCNutting Productions..........................................55Clarice and Yvette Oganeku.............................. 3Ohio Valley Pom Club.....................................33Pom Shoppe......................................................59Ruby Poole.......................................................47Ray, Benson......................................................50Rosemary Regoni.............................................50Annette Rogers-Rister.......................Front CoverBecky Sabourin................................................51Judy Sams........................................................51Florence Scott...................................................47Jim and Judy Shearer.................................33, 47Bonnie Taylor...................................................47Brenda Turner...................................................50Doris Wheeler...................................................50guMt-1\ViN7H '-- s21 s2i u1AJ u 'fiT0r-