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The Pomeranian Review April 1996
American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Styt Pumpraman IrumitPublished Bi-Monthly AprilMay 1996AC.fe..VCH. ROCK N TRADITION OF OAKRIDGErar4KtiBEST OF OPPOSVTEBEST Of WHHERSttVi\60V.DE WE ^tEV.0EUBFtWIKwlCMIUW010 ^ ^ WES WJan-Shars Johnny YumaCh. Jan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy x Jan-Shars Apple Of My EyeYuma is pictured here with his handler, Barbi Kutilek, and judge Dorothy Welch.PROUD OWNER AND HANDLERSharon Hanson 304 497-2446 Days 304 497-2289 NightsContents...Annual Meeting Beverly Henry.........................4Plan Ahead Purina News...................................9Rescue Committee Report Diana Downey ....12Helpful Hints Margaret McKee.......................13Performance News Lois Morkassel.................17Kennel Visit Nancy Smith...............................29Behiind the NewTitlists......................................40Membership Report Jerrie Freia......................44KENNEL VISITSJune....Linda Brogoitti Linchris PomsAugust....Annette Rogers-Rister Majestic PomsCh. Rock N Tradition of OakridgeMy thanks to all my friends for yc support of my Kennel Visit. "Jake" anc value each of you greatly.OurBrynRoses are blooming in Purple and Goldwatch for ourCh. Rock Comet of OakridgeCh. BrynRoseMemory of JamelBrynRose MightyMagnificentBrynRose I Vant To Be AloneWe are pleased to announce^ two stunning litters sired by Comet out of BrynRose Diamond Holiday and Southland's BrynRose LaceprpnoSe PomeraniansS.W. Brenda Turner 903 832-7742Nina Epps 600 N. Gregg Road Nixa, MO 65714 417 725-5658Advertisers BonusFirst Champion--10 of BAV full page 20 off color fiill page.First Homebred Champion10 c BAV full page or 20 off color full page.First 5 former Advertisers-free col stripping on full or 12 page BW ad.First 5 New Advertisers-free col stripping on full or 12 page BW ad.Anyone who had a dog in Ne York-10 off BW full page or 20 c ^color full page.Congratulations, Nina, to you and your Oakridge Poms.Many congratulations to "Jake" fo being named Top Producing Sire by APC for 1995.Louise Croweproudly presents our 16th championW\5CS^Ch. Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor DiamondCh. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond x Watts Little Pollyanna GirlCaitlin was First in Open ROCS Class at the APC National Specialty under Annie Clark, 'he next weekend, Mrs. William Kendrick awarded her WB, B W, and BOS for 4 points to inish her title. Thank you to all the judges who appreciated her sound body and gorgeous Sait.Caitlin is already the dam of one champion, Ch. Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor Topaze Tribble ind we have repeated that breeding, due in April. Look for Tribbles litter sister, Kitten, ilmost cream, a free-whelping 3 12 pounder who loves to show.Look for Caitlins pedigree in "Behind the new Titlists."Beauty and brains in one well-balanced package.Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380EVANSaJi.VrvBEST OF BREED 'AMERICANDi"hXCLU 0srucSUOAQiomSfaUBIS,BISS CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK1 Pomeranian 1994,1995currently at Stud with Nina 419 221-0046Thank you, Mrs. Clark, for this nice win. THANK YOU, NINA, FOR A GREAT JOBOWNERS Nina Work, Cheryl A. Jackson, and Joel Taylor HANDLERS Mike and Nina WorkAnnual MeetingFebruary 10, 1996 by Beverly HenryPresident Dolly Trauner called the meeting to order at 730 pm. Dolly said that she had suffered a stroke last April, and it makes it very difficult for her to talk, but she would conduct the meeting the best she could.She called for a roll call to establish a quorum. There were 58 members present Roberta Podolin, Leonard Podolin, Donna Megenhardt, Carol Galavich, Brenda Segelken, Becky Siberian, Donna J. Machniak, Joyce Urban, Derial Jackson, Patty Chapman, Olga Baker, Darrell Baker, Sue Goddard, Bronya Johnston, Jill Cookston, Alison J. Brewster, Arlene Benko, Lynn Heise, Matthew J. Heindl, Chris Heartz, Marit Hattori, Jim Hattori, Rachal McKee, Margaret McKee, Susann Philbrook, Gail Rodgers, Peter Galindo, Sam Zaneoff, Judy Shearer, Julie Moreno, Diana Downey, Juan Gomez, Jose Cabrera, Tony Tellez, Jacquelyn Klein, Joan Jerell, Benson Ray, Judy Green, Rose Keller, Thelma Dunn, Carolyn Crockett, Fabian Arienti, Annette Rogers-Rister, Fran Stoll, Dolores Watts, Donna Lynn Wright, Suzanne Bemey, Barbara Nagy, Linda Brogoitti, Charlotte Creed, Sharah Lisebeth, Sharon Masnick, A1 Williamson, Tim Goddard, Jim Shearer, Dolly Trauner, Beverly Henry, and Mary Allan.Visitors present were Lael Ellis LA Darrell Stoll IN, Carol Leemhuis PA, Charlene Waters UT, Greggory Waters UT, Anne Wylie TX, Sean Carroll Ireland, Eve Smail Scotland Sandra Plum PA, Pamela Dodworth Canada, Larry Fox Canada, Judith Meliz WI, Jackie Walker UK, Margie Ehmann, Karen Shaver NY, Carles Wills, Robert Nunn VA, Regina Nunn VA, Shari Shields, Cheryl Roseboom, Pat Miller, Brian Incorvaia NY, and Sherry Henry TX.A motion was made and seconded to accept minutes as published in the Review.Tim Goddard reported on the status of the By-Laws revision. They have been modified per AKCs request and will beready to go to the membership for approval within the next 30 days.Dolly announced to foreign members, including Canadian members, that AKC will no longer permit these members the right to vote. This will be spelled out in the revised By-Laws.She then gave the Recording Secretary, Beverly Henry, special recognition for her hard work this past year in getting the Agenda out every month and the added responsibility of being Show Secretary again. She wanted to give her a hand.A1 Williamson gave the Treasurers Report. He said he is having computer problems, but reported that at the beginning of 1995, the balance in the checking account was 6316, at the end of 1995, the balance was 3480. At the beginning of 1995, the balance in the saving account was 24,495, and at the end of 1995 it was 12,302. The total for both checking and savings at the beginning of 1995 was 30,811 and at the end of 1995 was 15,782.Dolly introduced 1st Vice President, Jim Shearer, as her right hand and inspiration this past year. He said Dolly certainly did not need any inspiration. She did have trouble expressing herself but could still think and was very much a part of the running of the club. He further stated that she was a grand lady and it has been his privilege to work with her.Charlotte Creed thanked the membership for their tremendous participation in the Breed Standard revision. She announced that the Board had accepted it yesterday at the Board Meeting and now it will go to AKC for their approval. Once we have that,it will be sent to the membership. Special emphasis was given to correct coat, health, trimming, color, and movement. Trimming received a lot of attention, most people wanted mention of it removed. Regarding color, only one person out of 46 responding, was against allowing all colors.Linda Brogoitti, our JEC, was introduced. She reported that we are going to form a Judges Seminar Committee. Members of this committee will be Linda Brogoitti chair, Derial Jackson, Ruth Beam, Julie Moreno, and Beverly Henry. We are goingpnmmman 1mmof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Officers of the ClubPresident.....................................................................................................................Dolly B. TraunerFirst Vice-President....................................................................................................James ShearerSecond Vice-President...............................................................................................Charlotte CreedRecording Secretary...................................................................................................Beverly HenryCorresponding Secretary................................................................................................Tim GoddardRt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 705700540Treasurer.....................................................................................................................Al WillliamsonPOB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207AKC Delegate.................................................................................................................Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsMary Allan Jeanne Blank Linda Brogoitti Sharon Masnick Margaret R. McKee Frances StollPomeranian ReviewEditor.............................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX 79031 Phone 806 257-3817 FAX 806 257-3760 For Special Delivery 823 E. Hwy 70 Earth, Tx 79031Business Manager.......................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions............................................................................................................Brenda K. Hutton102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues..............................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription.........................30.00Foreign................................................45.00First Class........................................... 35.00Single Copy...........................................7.00Full Page............................................. 65.00Half Page.............................................40.00Quarter Page....................................... 20.00Photos each.......................................10.00Front Cover, BAA........................... 150.00Color................................................. 375.00Back Cover, BW................................90.00Color..................................................250.00Inside FB Cover.................................80.00Color..................................................195.00Center Spread....................................160.00Color..................................................390.00Business Card .................................... 10.00Color Stripping on BW Ad................15.00Inside Color Page..............................150.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateDecJan.......... ........... Nov 20...... .... Dec 15FebMarch...... ............ Jan 20....... .... Feb 15AprMay......... ............ Mar 20..... ....Apr 15JuneJuly........ ........... May 20...... ...June 15AugSept........ ........... July 20...... ....Aug 15OctNov......... .......... Sept 20....... ....Oct 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all Coversx unuziBreeders of fine Poms since 1957Sourwoods Lucky Charm x Great Elms Sweet RewardApple's Traveling Miracle x Tiana of LenetteSeveral older males ready to go in the ring are now available.We offer for your consideration puppies from the following litters Ch. Millamors Dance of Sourwood x Penelope of Lenette--two males and two females. All are clear orange and three look very nice. Dance is sired by Ch. Apple's Traveling Rambler. Ch. Great Elms Top Choice of Lenette x Juliana of Lenette-two males and one female. Topper is sired by Ch. Great Elms Little Tiger. Ch. Merrymont Fly By Night x Priscilla of Lenette-two males and one female. JJ is sired by Ch. Merrymont Sat'rday Nite Fever and Priscilla is sired by Ch. Beaver of Lenette.We have puppies due by Rambler and other top Champion studs. We specialize in the Great Elms bloodline. Puppies for breeding and show are generally available from 400 and up. Phone, FAX, or write for our latest price list.Lenette Pomeranians I Owner Ken Griffith 1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 FAX 704 938-2042Proudly Presents...y .cWJ 'mI ' 'jdNEW CHAMPIONBEST OF JPPOSITE SEX KINGS K.C. OF CALIF.MARCH 1996PHOTOS TOMTvg916 9885610 0Cho TJs Miss Mischief MakesPixieCh. Willowbreds Vegas Monsoon Stormy x Apolloette Kopy KatSuperbly handled by Janet Lucido, Pixie finished in grand style by going Winners Bite and Best Opposite under esteemed judge Mrs. Georgina Lane for a 4-point major at th Kings Kennel Club on March 3, 1996. Thank you for this FANTASTIC win. Pixie alread had 11 points while handled by Marlene and Marlin Presser.Our thanks to all the judges who appreciated our little girl....BreedersOwnersTherese L. and John R. Reeder Lt. Col. USAF ret.7990 Cook Riolo Road Antelope. CA 95843-3915 Home Phone 916 726-POMS FAX 916722-9045tiy to compile a complete history of the eed in this country. Derial Jackson has aterials dating back to the 1920s.Dolly announced that Jeanne Blank was ing to be in charge of putting together a 'elcome Packet for new members. It will elude a copy of the roster, code of ethics, e standard, by-laws, subscription form for e Review, and a card with information on w to order a club pin Recognition was given to Julie Moreno, elissa Dahleriburg, and Judy Shearer for umming up ads for the Review.A big round of applause was given to Iga Baker and Sharah Lisebeth for the itstanding hospitality Friday and Saturday 'enings.Diana Downey reported on Rescue. She eds phone numbers of rescue contacts, ubs dont have to be AKC recognized id you dont have to be a member of any rb. Please use her PO Box number when riting to her. She asked that you do not 11 her about dogs going up at auctionwe i not have the funds to buy them. She also ks that member clubs and individuals ho do rescue work send her copies of eir rescue contracts and information eets. They will help her help those just ginning a rescue program.Dolly read committee appointments see iard minutes for details. Sam Zaneoff anked the membership for continuing to point him as delegate. He reported on his ntact with Dr. Hiritzo regarding skin sease.hidy will present the APC awards at the nquet.Anda Brogoitti gave her Public lucation Committee report, rhe Recording Secretary gave her annual xrt. She noted that there were 30 new mbers approved in 1995.Charlotte gave a report on the Standard vision Committee. She wanted to tell mbership that the Standard was revised th the intention that it would be directed vard a positive method of judging. Also perienced exhibitors and breeders should Id grooming workshops to teach wcomers proper grooming techniques, ley should charge 5 per person, and this uney should be sent to APC to be put in afund for research toward the cause of the skin disease. She said Jane Lehtinen has already donated the first 5.At his wifes request, Tim Goddard gave the Corresponding Secretarys annual report.Rachal McKee was curious to find out if there was some sort of set ring equipment. What she was really asking is if the club can buy a table for examination. Jim mentioned that he got up late and that is why the table was not present. He drives a subcompact car in which he has to carry a giant chest full of ring and show equipment. Jim said the placemarkers have been missing for the past two years. He picked them up at the summer specialty in Baltimore, but he had no idea where they were prior to that. The person who had them had not attended the New York specialty. An attempt will be made to find out who has possession of ring equipment owned by the club and try to make sure it gets to all future shows.Peter Galindo asked some questions regarding high liter and individual registrations. He asked if the Board knew who is doing all the breeding and was there any way Board could control growth He said the numbers do not add up and he does not understand how Poms can be up there with Labradors, Rotties, etc.Sandra Plum said she lives in Pennsylvania and had a written a letter to a state representative and was called from his office in Washington DC to get permission to use her letter in a Congressional committee meeting to explain the differences between a breeder and puppy mill.An unidentified person spoke on the problem, but was not at the microphone and she cannot be heard on my tape recorder.Mary Allan said she has worked on a task force in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, for 2 12 years and stated that those puppy mills have more money and influence than you think. If you want to have influence, you must be organized, have money, and must be able to put your money where your mouth is. The puppy mills have lawyers,pay the fine, and its no big deal. To fight them, we must be committed.Linda Brogoitti said spayneuter contracts are fine, but if the contract is not lived up to, they can still be bred.Olga Baker asked where next 3 winter specialties were going to be. The answer was that it will have to be in New York in 1997, but no plans have been made for future years at this time.Darrell said he has been an AKC delegate for the Houston KC for the past 18 years. AKC is a registering body, and they cannot control puppy mills except through the Department of Agriculture. Several years ago, a health guarantee was defeated by BREEDERS not puppy millers. He said AKC investigators found some puppy mills much cleaner and better kept than some of the individuals they have investigated.Dolly said the show today was wonderful, but that it was unfortunate there was no leg in obedience.Dolly asked the sweepstakes judge, Sue Goddard, to comment. Sue began by telling a story about her first trip to New York many years ago in a snow storm with one companion who did not drive and the other did not drive in snow. After crossing the Pennsylvania TlrfcEan inairivingew York, saOc OheM Tgd0afhg51 y CH Cd she nitel dun judging the swdeps andwas mechappier to be judging than having to compete in that kind of competitioaThere being no further business, Bronya Johnston moved to adjourn. Seconded by Derial Jackson.Plan Ahead For Warm Weather CareAs the weather warms up, plan ahead to provide the attention dogs need to help them get through the summer comfortably and in good health.Dogs At RiskCertain dogs are more vulnerable to heat stress and other heat-related illnesses and may require special attention. Puppies andgeriatric dogs are susceptible to heat strs Short-nosed breeds, like bulldogs and pi have difficulty panting and are unable dissipate heat as well as other dogs.Dogs recently moved from cooler warmer climates require a period adjustment to the heat are more at risk. D with a history of cardiovascular respiratory disorders may be stricken un conditions which would not be hazardous normal healthy dogs.An obese dogs layers of fat insulat reduce the radiation of heat from its b surface, making it likely to be affected the heat.Health PrecautionUnless a dog is on year-round heartwc control, begin preventive heartwc treatment early. A springtime physi examination by the veterinarian includ fecal examination for internal parasi helps ensure that dogs are in general g health as they face the hot summer d ahead.Clipping a long haired dogs coat n make that dog a candidate for sunburn dogs haircoat serves as insulation agai the suns rays.Summerizing Your KennelIn kennels, replace all frame doors v screen doors. This allows proper cr ventilation, and at the same time, preve insects from entering the building. Elec fans will also help circulate air and keep dogs comfortable. More and more kenr are becoming air conditioned, conditioning is especially important in climates and in veterinary and board kennels.Provide shade for kennel runs. Tr planted around the kennel will prov excellent shade, but their falling leaves i clog drains in hard-surfaced runs, practical shade cover is a perforated pla fabric stretched over the top of the runs blocks out the suns heat while allowing ventilation. A solid panel would hamper movement. The fabric can be stored dur the winter. Cleanliness of kennels isCh. Mi Babe Rain Beaus GlamourA perfect way to finish-with back-to-back majors My thanks to handler Lori Wilson for hese two special wins. She was pointed to her other wins by Betty Claire Peacock and nyself. Many thanks to the judges who appreciated her beauty and style, especially Ken vUller and Mrs. Lena Wisemanfor her majors. She has been a delight to showCongratulations to Nina Epps for her beautiful Champion "Jake" being named APCs tud dog of the year Congratulations also to Nina for her well-deserved Kennel Visit.Glamour's litter sister, "Misty" was bred to "Jake" and has two lovely boys. Watch for hem later this year.Co-Owner Co-Breeder Mi Babe Pomeranians Babe McCombs Rt. 1, Box 1266 Ola, AR 72853 501 489-5510Co-Owner Co-Breeder Rain Beau Pomeranians Jean Sue Cook W 290 Lillie Rd. I Elma, WA 98541 360 482-12111ftpJ. Ii WINNERS y. rARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB 1996PHOTO 8Y PETRULIS maMi Babe Charmin CarminCh. G.E. Prince Charming II x Ch. Mi Babe Charming HeiressIt was so exciting for Carmin to win back to back Majors at the Arkansas Kennel Clul Shows, January 6 and 7, '96. This is definitely starting the new year out rightThanks to judges--Mrs. Betty Munden and Mrs. Beverly Lehmg for recognizing he quality. She needs just a few more singles to finish.Breeder Owner Babe McCombs Mi Babe PomeraniansRR1, Box 1266 Ola, AR 72853-9524 501489-5510necessity at all times-and even more so during the summer. A thorough "spring cleaning" will remove any debris that has accumulated and could attract flies and mosquitos during the summer months.Dogs Housed OutsidePrepare your outdoor dogs environment for summer. Be certain its doghouse of chain is located in the shade or that it has access to shade throughout the day.Painting a doghouse white provides added comfort. Only nontoxic paint should be used. A study at the Purina Pet Care Center was conducted to determine how extensively the outside paint color affects the interior of a doghouse. A doghouse painted white was 15 to 20 degrees cooler than an identical black doghouse. In climates with seasonal changes, a moderate green is most practical.Ralston Purina Company is offering free information about heat-related illnesses, poisonous plants, and other warm weather care tips. To get this useful information, send your name, address, and your request for Warm Weather Care toPurina News Service Ralston Purina Company Box 88988 St. Louis, MO 63188Rescue Committee Reportby Diana DowneyI recently received a letter from Barbara Whiddon who has been getting calls from individuals looking for a local Pomeranian Rescue. Barbara is a past club secretary for the La Cajun Pomeranian Club. I am including a portion of my response in hopes that it will enlighten those who dont understand how the "system" works."...for those clubs that apparently have no rescue coordinator, the club secretary is given as a contact in the hope that they willknow of individuals within their local club who may be of help ..."Each club should notify the APC and the AKC of its elected officers whenever new elections are held. Breeder and rescue referrals may come from several different sources AKCs automated information service 1-919-233-9767, AKCs home page on the internetHTTPWWW.AKC.ORGAKC, AKCs breeder referral service 1-900-407-PUPS, AKCs annual rescue guide in the AKC Gazette, The APC National Breeder Referral Coordinator Jane Lehtinen, The APC National Rescue Coordinator myself, the APC annual Membership Roster, and the "Project B.R.E.E.D. Directory" to name a few. The APC and the AKC should be notified of each local clubs breeder referral coordinator and rescue coordinator so that computer inquiry, telephone inquiry and printed information can be updated. The notice should include the contacts address, phone number, fax number, and internet address. This applies to both recognized and un-recognized clubs. Once a year I send an updated listing of local rescue coordinators to the AKC as well as to the APC. I assume that Jane Lehtinen does the same for local breeder referral coordinators.Im sure I speak for Jane Lehtinen as well when I tell you that we both spend many hours on the telephone and "on-line" responding to inquiries for local breeders and rescues. Many calls must be returned at our own expense as we both work during the day. It is much faster and therefore less expensive if we can simply give the inquirer the name and phone number or internet address of their local coordinator, rather than every individual within their search area. The local coordinator can then inform the person about members some of whom are not APC members and therefore are not in the membership roster within their club that have dogspuppies for sale or are members of the rescue committee. Those inquiring through AKCs automated information service or breeder referral service can save themselves an extra long-distance phone charge to the national coordinator by dialing their localcoordinator directly, if the club has notified AKC as to who represents them.The APC Rescue Directory is also printed by several all-breed clubs who have requested it for inclusion in their own directories. It is also available on internet and has been sent to Chris Galley of London, England who edits an on-line Pomeranian newsletter. Since all these sources are updated or published at different times during the year, it may take awhile for your name to be replaced. Of course, it will take forever if no tells us otherwise.Hope you all have long waiting lists and no "rescues" to fill them.Helpful Hintsby Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063Protect Your PomIt is impossible to protect your dog too much. While our Poms are sturdy and brave, as dogs go theyre relatively tiny and any trauma to their bodies can be devastating. Big dog owners have admitted to me that they think toy owners are paranoid. Maybe so, but it is necessary One chomp from a big dog or a swipe of a big paw can be fatal. We simply cannot take chances.This is why it makes me so annoyed to see Pom people letting a dog dance around at the end of a lead at ringside and, worse, bark or snap at other dogs. This is irresponsible behavior on the part of the handler. Whose fault will it be if a big dog snaps back And who cares whose fault it is if the Pom is killed All Poms should be carried to ringside in crates. If you carry them in your arms, you offer an enticing target to curious big dogs. I have seen large dogs leap and grab fur from a Peke and a Crested that were being carried in arms to ringside.I am enraged by shows that stubbornly enforce a "no crates" at ringside rule, butpermit spectators chairs and baby strollers I have even seen a toddlers playpen set u] under the ring tent where crates are banned At one show Jackie Rayner and I arguec very politely with an official who insistec the space our crates were taking up wa needed for spectators. We pointed out tha a without exhibitors, there would be n reason for spectators to come and b thi spectators had paid 3 each to get in I ha paid 40 for my two Pom entries to to there. Who should be inconvenienced N one complains when an exhibitor throws blanket down at ringside for a Mastiff to li on, but the Mastiff represents only om entry fee. My two stacked crates take uj less space than would be required by one o two people holding my dogs up in thei arms.Even sillier are outdoor shows whicl rudely keep crates from under the ringsidf tents, but permit spectators with chairs wh have paid no admission fee. James Rive Kennel Club last fall only got one entr from me instead of three or four because o this. Speak up This is not just a matter o convenience or of preserving the grooming jobs on fluffballs, but it is a safety issue We toy people must complain and keep oi complaining to show committees, and givi entries to shows which remember th importance of being considerate ant courteous to exhibitors.Post Script The unnamed shov mentioned above was held in 1995. Ii February of 1996, I returned to the samt site with a few misgivings. On Saturday, th Annapolis Kennel Club was gracious ant tolerated toy crates at ringside. On Sunday the official of the Baltimore Kennel Clul was unbelievably rude. When I tried t explain that the only announcement we hat heard had only mentioned the main aisles he said the announcement had said all aislei in effect calling me a liar. He was insisten that all crates and grooming tables to moved immediately. He was ver unpleasant about it. Nothing was dont about the nearby strollers. I moved m3 crates note 3 entries, two hands next to column beside a concession where the werent in traffic. While I was in the ring he returned to announce to a nearby handlepmtixxxaaa ixmxzmwnBest wishes to Nina Epps on her Kennel Visit and Happy 80th Birthday. Congratulations to BIS Am. Can. Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge on being named top producing sire of 1995.With Love FromYour son...Westwoods Great Expectations "Dickens"3. Z . f ' m . f. vYourgrandson...Westwoods Jock of Oakridge "Jock"Your great-grand kids...mIn the near future, we may be offering one of these darling Jake great-grandkids to a show home.ttooo^- Pam West of Westwood Poms 3521 S. Buckner Tarsney Road Grain Valley, MO 64029 816 229-9397pmtixxxouWestwoods Amazing Grace, named in memory of my late grandmother, has finished her championship with 3 majors, 2 of which were back-to-bact 4-point majors. THANK YOUs go to my family whove supported and encouraged me in this endeavor to Nina Epps for allowing us to use BIS Am. Can. Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge to create this stunning girl to Diana Nolan for finishing her to all of the judges wo made the tough decision of selecting Grace from so many worthy candidates and finally tc all of our Pom friends and fellow competitors for the hugs and kisses and many words of encouragement.Left to right Mrs. Bistrim, friend and handler- Diane Nolan, Nina Epps- friend and owner of Graces sire, and Pam West-owner and breederBESTOPPOSITE SEXLEAVENWORTH irruun Cl UR KENNEL CLUB 1996PHOTO BY PETRULISCILeft to rightMr. Reasin, friend and handier-Diane Nolan, breeder and owner-Pam West, friend and assistant handler-Lucy Nolanmm T\\etfoo0^at if the crates werent moved hed call a snch show committee. All so very tpleasant and all so unnecessary. If these iows would set aside a small staging area ringside for toys, it wouldnt cost them ectators, and they would keep the toy [tries. As it is, I and several other handlers ill think long and hard before entering ixt year.By the same token, obedience exhibitors led to be very careful where they warm up eir Poms, especially if the trial is part of 1 all-breed show. A confrontation with a g dog before entering the ring will do ur dogs performance no good. It may be eal to heel your dog up to the gate, but in owded conditions, it is not practical. Ill iriy mine to the ring and set her down itside the gate. I can get attention once m inside the gate.Last year, a breeder called me, in great stress, to tell me of a Pom that she had ed and sold that had been murdered. I lared her horror and offered sympathy and Ivice. A few minutes later die owner of e unfortunate dog called to talk at length igain suggested things he could do, and he igged me to put the story in this column. The young couple had bought the imeranian puppy before they had children, id they doted on him as a child-substitute, nen they had a baby and moved to a new mse. The fence had not yet been put up at e new home, so the dog had to be walked 1 leash. On that fateful day, the young other had tied the Poms leash to the itio, then gone upstairs to check on her lild. She returned to find the Pom had sen beaten and hanged-deliberately. There emed to be little doubt about who the ilprit was. A neighborhood child had itnessed a 7 or 8 year-old boy who was siting next door do it. The young visitor as staying with an uncle and had been ere for several weeks. He had also-ah, ndsight-been seen hitting the couples ddler and destroying property.The couple felt there was little they could about the situation. The childs parent id uncle had denied responsibility. The ithorities said little could be done since e Pom was just property. Besides, the boyand his mother were foreign nationals and would be leaving the country soon.I told the young man that nothing could bring his beloved Pom back, but it was his responsibility to do everything possible to protect his child, and other children and pets in the neighborhood. I encouraged him to pester as many authorities as possible file reports document, document, document. I suggested that he report the assault on his child to the police report to the neighborhood association or neighborhood watch call the immigration service to complain and file a report. Make sure the mothers visa was not extended and that the child did not remain the country. hire a lawyer and file a civil suit against the neighbor. While it might not result in any damages, it would indicate to the uncle how serious the young father was, and maybe they would keep a closer eye on the perpetrator.Was I over-reacting Not at all. Remember, I work with disturbed teenagers. From what I was told, that young boy was showing several signs of mental disturbance. Animal cruelty is a common denominator in the histories of violent people. I was seriously concerned about the welfare of the couples child. What can you learn from this Secure fences are essential. There should be padlocks on every gate. Poms should be supervised or in crates at all times It worries me when I see small dogs in X-pens at shows and nobody is watching them. It would be far too easy for someone to pick them up and walk off. I dont padlock my toy crates because someone bent on mischief can just pick up the whole crate. At shows, it is a good idea to be friendly with the handlers next to you and keep an eye on each others setup. Vigilance is the watchword at all times.New York DogsBetween Christmas and New Yearsseveral members of my family went to New York City to do a little sight seeing and see a couple of shows. From a tour bus window, I spotted a couple of Poodles, a cut-down Shih Tzu, and a male Greyhound. I was disappointed that we didnt see many dogs. The next day, we were walking down 5th Avenue looking in the windows of exclusive and expensive stores when my sister spotted a Pom looking out the door of a boutique. A little cream pet, I went over and said, "Hi, Beastie." He wagged his tail as if he recognized a Pom person. Then my mother and sister came over and he began barking furiously. Apparendy, he suddenly remembered that he was supposed to be on guard dutyDo let me hear from you. The job is still pretty demanding but the answering machine is on.Performance Newsby Lois Morkassel 1412 2nd Avenue S Fargo, ND 58103 701280-1413Some readers have asked about the time frame that this column takes place in. I try to have this article written and in the mail in the first week of the month it is due. This article will be in the mail the first week of March for publication in the April issue. When I report new titles, I list the date of the issues of the magazines where titles andor legs are published. There is a lag of about three months or more between the show reports and their publication. This makes for quite the delay in reporting titles in this column.The process of collecting information from these publications is rather labor intensive. The scores and legs I report are only as accurate as the source is. I report information from the Dogs in Canada supplement when titles are published. They are not consistent with publishing new obedience tides. The UKC tides are published in Bloodlines. I do not check andkeep track of the legs earned. For AT titles, I use the Awards Magazine. T obedience and performance titles a published. The legs needed to earn the titi aie not published with the tides. To get tl information, I have to go through tl section where obedience show results a published. Each show is report individually. All the qualifiers are listed their classes. There is no special section f Pomeranians, so I have to go through tl lists of every show to pull Pom resull Then there is the frustrating situation whe the breed is incorrectiy listed and th results in my not being able to correct report all legs earned. All my records a kept in a card file no high tech for th sci-fi fan--but I can always put my finge on the card physically when I need toIsnt this a glamorous pictureAnyway, I ask your indulgence at understanding if not all legs are listed, you can give me corrected information, will gladly note it, and as a bonus, as lor as you are writing or calling, tell me aboi your Pom and yourself.Kim Crowell of Eureka, CA, called to te me of score corrections for Barons Arist Aurora Cd, CGC, TDI Rori. The corre scores for Rori were from Novice A 17 195 first, 195 12 first, and 193 2nd Please note this is the only way I can fir out about other tides Poms earn. Canir Good Citizens, Therapy Dogs, etc. are n published where I have access to them.Since Kim was nice enough to call wil the corrections, I wanted to get moi information. I was very curious about th disparity of the first score in relation to th next three. I always look for possibl training tips. What a story to tellThe first show Kim and Rori were at, German Shepherd almost took Roris hea off in an attack. Kim decided to show an Rori did a good job in the individu exercises, but nqed in the sits.The next show they went to, Rori wa sitting on Kims lap, when a crated Germa Shepherd being brought into the show wer "nuts" trying to get to Rori. Rori did qualif with 176. The next day, Rori qualified wit the 195 for first place.It is amazing that Rori was able t' JARichard, Rori and Kims first meeting.bounce back" from these "encounters" on ihow sites and not be traumatized. A lot lemands on the dog and a lot depends on he handler and how they react to the ituation. Evidently, Kim and Ron are a reiy special team to be able to deal with uch horrendous occurrences.Congratulations for not only surviving, but br coming through with confidence and styleKim noted that Rori is a therapy dog and s registered with both Therapy Dogs International and Therapy Dogs, Inc.Ill let Kim tell you a heart wanning story n her own wordsIt all started in 1995 when a friend, Stacy 3aunt and her TDI Samoyed, Kelsey, invited us to the Adult Day Health Care Center in Mad River to do some therapy visits. Of course we would, so I loaded up my track with my Pom, Barons Aristic Aurora CD CGC TDI, call name Rori and off we went. We were filled with excitement thinking about visiting with new friends.When we arrived, Stacy and Kelsey were waiting for us. We went into the building where Stacy introduced Rori and me to the staff. We proceeded into the main room, where a wild game of Bingo was in action, and the residents oohed, petted, kissed, and squeezed both dogs. It was great that we had two different sizes of dogs. Kelseywould politely sit at the side of a wheelchair to be petted while Rori was placed into waiting laps or on a table for a "Birds Eye" view. Our next stop was the side room where residents could watch television or videos. We were instantly welcomed, especially Kelsey and Rori. It still amazes me how both dogs picked up on the feelings of those around them. A short time later, I noticed a man standing in the doorway staring intently at Rori. He didnt say a word but continued to stare. I gathered Rori up in my arms, went over to him, and introduced ourselves. He told me his name was Richard. He started to pet Rori and continued to do so while we chatted away like two old friends. While we were talking, one of the staff members stopped to listen and then stated that the director needed to see this. She was excited, and I thought to myself, "What did I do WRONG" Richard and I continued talking when all of a sudden there was a flash-someone had taken a picture of Richard, Rori, and I. There were several staff members talking excitedly and smiling at us. I still didnt have a clue as to what was happening to cause all this fuss.Soon it was time to leave. As Stacey, Kelsey, Rori, and I headed for the door, I questioned one of the staff members as to what had just transpired. She explained that Richard hardly said anything except for "yes" or "no" and here he was chatting up a storm. While petting Rori, Richard was speaking complete sentences and asking questions about Rori.Rori and I barely made it back to the track before I completely lost it. Yes, I broke down and started bawling like a baby. I then reached over and gave Rori a hug. To me, this is what it is all about.If you and your TDI dog can bring a little joy, comfort, laughter, love, and happiness to those you visit, you can leave with the experience that truly warms the heart.Thanks for sharing this experience with us, Kim. Just think all this wonderful information stemmed from clarification and correction to my reporting. Anyone else want to shareSince we are on the subject of Therapyvisits, I have a story. I take Dande 12, Man 12, and Katie 9 to visit at Bethany, a retirement home down the block from us. Dande does tricks actually it is another training session for utility with distractions and Man and Katie go as "pass around" dogs. Their job is to sit in laps and make people interact with them. They do a great job.The Poms look forward to visiting and we always get a warm reception We get a lot of questions. The most common is, "How old are they" I tell the residents and they are always impressed at the dogs great ages.One resident caught me. When asking the age question about the dogs, she asked me my age. She claimed she was sure I was a teenager Im 42, and you can bet I go back looking for that very special resident eveiy time we visit Does this sound like a "jackpot" for reinforcing desired behaviorIn our phone conversation, Kim asked if I had my Poms eyes checked andor OFAed. She has had Roris eyes examined and registered with CERF. She has also had Rori OFAed and registered.In novice classes, I have never had my dogs eyes or hips checked, outside of the routine checkups that my vet does. I observe my dogs in their everyday life. I have caught things like eye injuries due to grass and other foreign objects in the eye as well as the damage a cats claws can do. The cat lost her front claws for that reason I dont have time to train "seeing-eye geibils" for the Poms.I watch stifles carefully because my second dog sustained an injury that resulted in surgery, and my third dog had to have surgery on both of her knees. I am quick to take my dogs in for bumps and lumps I dont recognize ie How I learned about dew claw scar tissue. If a dog limps or doesnt look "right"-1 am all over it. I have found metal shavings, thorns, and slivers in pads. In one instance, I found a cough drop that someone had spit out in an ex-pen that stuck to the fur between Dandes toes before we went into the open ring. We didnt go in until I got that out Justrecently, I found a hard growth on the edj of one of the dogs pads. When I had the v check it, he said that sometimes when a p is injured, the cells will be triggered to gro in a hard nail-like manner. This needs to l cut or trimmed down for the dogs comfoi I had veiy good results using the dremm tool to "sand" down that area I mainta their toenails by "sanding" them down.When Dande and I got involved i Agility, I became even more aware ar conscious of Dandes physical condition, watch carefully for physical as well mental stress. Every time we go in for routine check up, I ask to have her careful gone over. When I teach my agility classe I stress safety and the dogs comfort. If dog even favors a foot, we look careful and usually will not permit further floe time until the dog is recovered. We ha\ found quite a few problems early on that tli vets have been able to correct.All my dogs have had annual teet cleanings until last year. One of my girl scared the vets when her heart starte giving strange readings while unde anesthesia. They stopped right away an decided that we would avoid usin anesthesia with any of them from now or So now I brash 8 sets of teeth ever morning. Teeth are important fo performance dogs and need to b maintained for their comfort. Can yoi imagine a cavity coming in contact with metal article during the scent worl exercise That would sure be hard to worl past.When Dande turned 8 and we decided t go for the utility titles, I got her teet checked and had my vet really look her ove carefully. I got her eyes checked at a CERJ clinic, but did not register her, since owned her only litter. I wanted to make sun she had the depth perception for jumping and could see my signals. I have continuec to have her eyes checked every year sincf then. The Doctor kindly tells me that I don have to do this every year. I will though because a change will dictate when we qui doing certain activities and go on to others.I believe that the dogs health and comfor supersedes my desire for titles. I wasanBIS AmCan Ch. Rock N Tradition and Ch. MNMs Mystic Trace OGoldcrestof OakridgeOvwied and Bred by Nina Epps Owned and Bred by Mary Gene WellsTic ' Vf-riare thrilled to introduce their sonumi m aa bxvxm s9 Rev, his litter sister, MNM's Classic Rock Rendition, and everyone at MNM Poms wish to congratulate Nina Epps on her well deserved Kennel Visit and wish her many years of continued success in her breeding program We also wish to thank Nina for her wonderful friendship and for allowing us to use her gorgeous boys.In the near future, we may have a "little" girl available to a show home who is a BIS Jake great granddaughter. Inquiries are invited.ara mMMSBjmmMBMary Sens Welle m. 2, Bos 238FORVESPOMSta AForbes Merry Rock of Oakridge Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Merry Rock Music of OakridgeForbes Puf-Pride FirechipsPuf-Pride Tempting Spitfire x Puf-Pride Royal Goldin istV A"1J- K JexUN PHOTOGRAPH OForbes Dolly Sets-Em On FirePuf-Pride Tempting Spitfire x Forbes Texas Rose on FireCongratulations and best wishes to Nina on her 80th birthday and on her richly deserved Kennel Visit. Thank you for your friendship and for entrusting me with my Jake son, Forbes Merry Rock of Oakridge.Eddye Forbes 6814 NCR 16C Shallowater, TX 79363ady to quit when my dog wants out or innot do the things I ask.I have seen Poms and other breeds shown open and novice which were limping and eir owners KNEW it I cant imagine hy the judges permitted the dogs to mtinue. I cant imagine what motivated ie handlers to ignore their dogs painThe more the handler asks the dog to iform, the greater the importance of the gs well being. All events put the sponsibility of monitoring the dog on the mdler, except in extreme cases where the dge can excuse the dog. This is a sponsibility that we as handlers must take sriously.The information gained by training a dog ir a title is never lost or wasted, even if the rrsuit of the title must be called off due to alth or any other reason.Observing your dog is so important.Jayne Homeke and her Pom, Cocoa, had a are. For some unknown reason, Cocoa arted sneezing and having explosive nose leeds. Trips to two different vets netted no eful information along with some lovely t bills. Jayne was preparing herself to rthanize Cocoa after a week of suffering, y chance, the light was just right when she Lcked him up, so she was able to see a tip ' a blade of grass stuck up his nostril. Off i the vet they went to have several long lades of grass removed. Cocoa recovered id they earned their CDX. Its amazing hat trouble a little blade of grass can mse.Keep in mind when you train on grass eas that chemicals may have been sed--herbicides or fertilizers, which can be angerous for dogs, especially for our small Dgs who take less to overload their osteins and who are down in that stuff and ant get up out of it. Use your nose. Before du set up to work, try to detect chemical nells. You need to get down to the grass vel or pick up a hand full to be sure. If yo in, ask maintenance people or owners if ley have used chemicals, and what their hedule is. Also, be aware that breezes an allow neighbors use of chemicals todrift. I lost wild flowers to a neighbors use of a commercial lawn care service, whose personnel assured me that there would be no problem due to their chemicals. Thank God I was suspicious and confined my PomsAlso, check the area for debris. Small wires can be hard to see at a distance and can tangle you or your Pom while working. Glass Need I say more Discarded food or dead animals or insect or other animal presences can be bothersome or fatal. Toads, snakes, ants, etc. If you are out in the fields, be sure to take care around fences. There can be loose boards or wires that can hurt you or your dogs.All in all, you need to be very aware of the environment indoors or out that you are in. You need to think defensively like driving for both of you.Last year, I mentioned Dot Nelson and her Poms, Gypsy and Dede, when I got information from Jane Sohns of Clever Canine Companions. Dot sent me a wonderful letter telling of how she got Gypsy and what they were doing together."We Dot and her husband got her from a Virginia kennel whose owner was starting a rescue operation. I saw the plea for Pom rescue in the Bay Colony Pom Club paper called the Pom Pow Wow."After a lengthy wait, we got her at the Manchester Airport. She had been stripped of her coat, had fleas galore, and didnt bark for three days. But I held her, petted her, talked to her, etc., as did Duane. We really didnt think she was a Pom, and after nearly a year, I took her to my obedience trainer and she wasnt sure either. However, we kept her. I talked on the phone quite a bit to the kennel owner of whom I asked if she were lame or limped I was told that as a tiny puppy, a large dog bit her leg. The lady wanted to know why So I mentioned I took most of my dogs to obedience training. Well, she told me not to do that--the Pom couldnt do that. She ate only "table" food etc. I trained Gypsy slowly and gently on the sofa. Her sits and downs, come, etc., shefirst learned on the sofa-just a few steps each exercise."October 1st, she took first place, highest score in an all-Pom match. Her score was 195 out of 200, sub-novice. The day before we left for Florida, she won 189 12 out of 200 in an All-Breed obedience match. She has done quite well. She has won her CGC, TDI, and VCC. Hopefully, shell get her CD this year."She is a love and both my hhsband and I love her. Her coat is nice and plushy now and she loves to be brushed and talked to. Both Poms love to be fussed over."My obedience trainers have said she could go far because she watches me all time. We all, people and animals, respond to love. I think Gypsy knew. When we got this Pom we wanted a special name. Our male is DeDe for Dot and Dewey. So DeDe needed a playmate-so DeDes Golden color of coat Gypsy was in 4 different homes Charm what she was got her name."In her p.s., Dot says she is 80 She says her daughters tell her she has always been younger in dress, thought, and deed than they. She credits the Lord and her love of animals.What a lucky little Gypsy What a bright future.Dot and Gypsy are a wonderful illustration of how love and patience can achieve big changes. The idea of training on a sofa where the amount of response Gypsy had to make was small and doable is startlingly creative. It made the dogs chances of "winning" when asked to do something go up. I can see why Dots daughters are so impressed with her. Such a simple thing to help Gypsy be able to do what is asked. I am going to keep that in mind for the next batch of trainees.I never cease to be amazed at the wonderful people I meet through dogs. Every one is so different, but share the common bond of love for their dogs.outdoor steps or deck edges with miniatu indooroutdoor Christmas lights. This c help prevent accidents for both you ai your dogs and has the added benefit looking pretty.We have had a lot of ice this winter due rains which we dont usually get. I fir bags of childrens sand box sand, which a available at lumber supply and landscapir outlets, work well. It is coarse enough give traction, convenient 20 bags and not harmful to dogs or to surroundir plants. You might be able to find it on sa in the summer or fall.Wow Another Pomeranian "Super Dog U-CD Driftwood Love That Bob U1 CanCD and Marian Lazzara qualified both the utility and Open B ring on tl same day to earn Front and Finishs Sup Utility Award as written up in the Fel 1996, issue. Marian and Bob have earn another UDX leg Feb. Awards Magazin for a total of 7 UDX legs now.New Performance Titles from tlJanuary and February issues of the AKAwards MagazineCDXFrog Hollows Dark Princess CD bitch owned by Catherine Thompson ar bred by Daniel and Angelena Gulisano. Tl scores were earned in Open A 188.5 ar 193 2nd.CDCh. Idlewyld Basic Black N Pearls Cbitch owned by Margaret McKee and bre by Margaret McKee and Fran Warren. Tl scores were earned in Novice B 188 first 186.5, and 180.5.M And Ms York Peppermint Pom Cdog owned and bred by Mary Morris. Tl scores were earned in Novice B 181, 17 and 175.5. These scores were earned in or weekend.On another track Tiny Tim of Kandee Land CD doIt is easy and inexpensive to illuminate owned by Ann Hill, an ILP Pom. TlIn memory of CH. DIXIELAND ROCK OF MILLAMOR9RockyIn memory of Ch. Browns Rock N Robin..........gsrvP i RobbieCongratulationsto Nina Epps "Oakridge" on her Kennel Visit. My best wishes for her continued success at Oakridge.Wilma Jean Brovm 8820 Rockville Road Indianapolis, IN 46234Congratulationsl to Nina Epps and her \J Oakridge Poms__ on her Kennel Visit. Nina epitomizes iwhat a breeder should be. I feel veiy V fortunate to own a beautiful "Jake" daughter. Nina, thank you for the opportunity to do so. "Halley" is truly a gift and I cherish her.1 ' ' VWfVItA7C Ch. RockHalley s Gift Of OakridgN Tradition of Oakridge x Fancy GoldOakridge x Fancy Gold Kandee of Oakridge"Halley" was reserve winners bitch in her very first show. Watch for herCongratulations to Halleys half sister and new AKC Champion, Westwoods Amazing Grace and her owner Pam West. Pam, thank you for your friendship and support.Halley was bred by Nina Epps 600 N. Gregg Road Nixa, MO 65714.OwnerJonna Hlckcox Payne 126 E. Lexington Clr. Blue Springs, MO 64014ores were earned in Novice B 172.5,179, 53, and 180.AKC Agility Titles OAKarens White Kiley Guy OA dog ivned by Karen Gottschall and bred by an Suplee. The scores were earned in the pen 18" division 100 3rd, 196 4th, and DO 2nd.Ra-Joys Dixie Darling CDX, OA itch owned by Carol Fatheree and bred y Ann Sullivan. The scores were earned in le open 8" division 96.30 first, and 100 Irst.NADover-Holihouse Fire N Ice UD, NA log owned by Sandra Winchalz and bred y Kathryn Hartz and Patricia Foley. The ores were earned in the Novice A 12" ivision 98 4th, 95, 93, and 95.New UKC Performance Titles from the an-Feb issue of Bloodlines.U-CDXU-CDX Menag Sonata Foxy Lady wned by Marian Lazzara and bred by Lori ink.U-CDX Dover Holihouse Kahlua owned y Alice Richardson and bred by Patricia oley and Kathryn Hartz.U-CDU-CD Sirius Brandy Skye Raven owned y Stephen Gendron.U-CD Hot to Trot Truffles owned by mmie Lawrence.U-CD Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice wned by Sandra Walsh.UKC Agility TitlesUnited Agility IIU-AGH Frog Hollows Dark Princess wned by Cathy Thompson and bred by D. lulisano and A. Gulisano.U-AGII U-CD Black Magic's SamuriWarrior owned by Sandra Woods and bred by Gary Davis.Congratulations to these new title holders. It is so exciting and so satisfying to get to this stage of a goal. Enjoy the achievement. Then comes the time for decisions is this the pinnacle of the obedience career Is the next highest degree attainable and desirable Is the Pom physically and mentally capable of training for and earning the next higher degree Is another registrys titles something to pursue Is another direction in the future Tracking Carting Therapy Couch Potato What will family, job, health of the human part of the team, determination, and focus allow the next goal to beSo be sure to remember to take time for savoring the moment of achievement You have met this goal. Congratulations and good luck in achieving your next goal.1995 OTCH Point Ratings from Front and Finish, March 19961. Dover-Holihouse Fire N IceS. Winchalz... 14 points2. Captain Pug White-H. White...6 pointsCongratulations on your hard work and precision, as these points indicate the number of dogs beaten when placing first or second in the Utility B or Open B classes after earning the UD.One of lifes little truthsFudge never spoils when properly eatenUntil next time...There's Joy in Pom-de-moniumCorrectionsDec.Jan. issue, page 8...Tom Gaila and Laura Calhoun should read Tom and Laura Calhoun.Feb. March issue, back cover. The photographer is Bill KohlerA Kennel Visit With Nina Eppsby Nancy SmithA front view of Ninas home in winter.Loving pomeranians has been a major part of Nina Epps life for more than 55 years. During this time she has bred three BIS poms, numerous champions, and has been a wonderful friend and mentor to other fanciers of the breed.Nina was hesitant to do a "kennel visit" because she really doesnt have a kennel. Her dogs are all house babies and spoiled rotten Nevertheless, we have convinced Nina to share her thoughts with us.Nina has loved dogs and horses all her life. Ninas first dog was a collie. She had him from the time she was about two years of age until she was ten. Her dad made him a set of harness and a small wagon he could pull. Her next dog was a small white spitz that she had for years and years. In 1938, when she lost her spitz, she saw a pomeranian, and it was love at first sight. That is the only breed Nina has had since.When Nina was looking for her first pom, she visited a kennel that only had pet quality dogs. However, there was one little girl huddled in a comer that took her eye. She asked why she was in with pups, andthe owner said he had sent her to Marga Tankesley to breed and other dogs had r over her. Because of that he let Nina ha her. Nina took her and ran, feeling ve lucky. That was the beginning of a life-lo love of poms. Though circumstances ha sometimes forced Nina to be less active breeding and showing, she has never be without at least one pom.When Nina started her kennel in the 40FIi nmmtrMSun Room.I L L A O R'r,ZrlfjZ V,i 'ma, RSfv^Pv ._yCh. Millamors Mark TraditionSire of Ch. Rock N Tradition of OakridgeCongratulations to Nina on her Kennel Visit and her success over the years as a Pom breeder. Also, congratulations to her Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge on being awarded Top Producing Sire for 1995.Eleanor and Ken Miller 3545 NC 152 East Salisbury, NC 28146 704857-1197CUBBY continues his winning ways under the expert guidance of Cathy Andersc Thanks again to all the judges for recognizing this special boy, placing him over ti winning specials and to Group wins over top winning toys.CONGRATS to friend Nina Epps on your kennel visit....our wonderful Poms ha certainly benefited from your dedicatioa...JAKE IS WONDERFULHandler Cathy Anderson Breeder" Dianne FinchDonna S. Riehm 669 Ava Road Murphysboro, IL 62966 618 684-4644mrrsHiNinas half acre back yard.e bought a Ducal male who would be msidered adorable even by todays andards. Then she purchased two lampion studs. One was Ch. Aristic oneybox Paycheck and the other was Ch. ttle Me of Chasmont. They were both oneybox breeding. Then Nina introduced 2 Julo line. Younger breeders asking, VTo ever heard of Moneybox and Julo" ould be assured that they were the top les in those years. Two other boys ntributed enormously to the breed in ose days were Ch. Dixielands Spun Gold d Ch. Dixielands Shining Gold. Spun aid may have been the basis of Ruth ams line, according to Nina. Nina ught a son of his from Mrs. Tankesley d bred a bitch to Shining Gold, owned at at time by a Mrs. Luker of Oklahoma tysadly,for personal reasons, Nina quit eeding after this and that was the end of r kennel. She didnt start breeding again til the late 1960s. At this time, she had lished two girls, and she took them to auston and bred one to the Bakers tnous "Duke." The other one was bred to 5 son, Ch. Dukes Lil Red Baron of Kala These were both BIS boys vVhile in Houston, Nina visited Sue xidard and fell head over heels in love th a little guy she had there called Ch. illamors Fancy Gold Dancer. He tninded her so much of her first Julochampion. He had a real short body and beautiful head. Nina left Sues with a son of Fancy Gold Dancer.From the breedings to Duke and Baron, Nina got two girls. After they finished their championships, she bred them to the boy she bought from Sue. From these two breedings she got BIS Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge, BIS Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge, and Ch. Lucky Gold Dancer of Oakridge.Then, due to the death of Mr. Epps, Nina again quit breeding. Velva Van Hoozer had Ch. Lucky Gold Dancer of Oakridge, Joyce Ortman had BIS Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge and Janice Luginsland acquired BIS Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge. Thanks to Janice breeding intensely to all three boys, she established her own LLL line, and Nina is grateful that Janice carried on when she couldnt. Later Janice let Nina have a granddaughter of Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer which allowed her to continue the breeding program started so many years earlier.Nina is grateful to Sue Goddard for letting her have the sire of the two BIS boys and then mentioning there was another dog of similar bloodlines in Indianapolis belonging to Jean Brown. This dog turned out to be Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamorthe sire of more than twenty champions-whom Nina used numerous times. Rocky is gone now, but Fran Stoll has one of his sons,r rBasement pens. \4Ch. Starhavens Righteous Rock was APC 2 Pom for 1995."Thor," and Nina has Ch. Wee Robins Dancer of Oakridge from a fatherdaughter breeding. Nina had four champions sired by Rocky and numerous other beauties. Thanks are due to Jean for letting Nina use this beautiful dog.Now comes "Jake" Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge. Nina is indeed fortunate to have him. He had ten champion get finish in 1995. Two of these were in November and December, so they wont give him credit in the awards of 1995. But they will be his start in 1996 along with other pointed kids ready to go. Nina gives a big THANK YOU to Nancy Burnette for showing Jake for her. They were truly a beautiful pair Of course, people began using Jake because of his fine show record, but now they use him because of what he is producing. Nina is especially proud of Heartlands Top Notch Tradition, bred and owned by Dianne Kieffer. Sired by Jake, this boy won the Sweeps at our National Specialty this year, and then went on to be WD for a 5-point major from the puppy class the next day Is it any wonder Jake was awarded the distinction of being named Stud Dog of the Year, 1995, by the APC Nina is about to "pop her buttons"Jakes sire is Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition owned by Eleanor Miller. While loaned to Nina he produced about twelve champions, and he has sired more since returning to the Millers.Jakes dam was APC Top Producir Bitch in 1992. Her champion sires breedir was half Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer Oakridge. The other half was C Dixielands Rock of Millamor. Her da also had CL Fancy Gold Dancer Oakridge on both sides. Nina feels gratef to Ken and Eleanor Miller for her third sta in Poms. Ch. Dixielands Rock of Millami was sired by Ch. Moon Rocka groi winner. Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridr and Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge we sired by a son of their Ch. Millamors Fane Gold Dancer.Nina will be 80 years old by the time th article is in print, and she often says that si will probably not do any more breeding. tamatter-of-fact, she didnt breed at all 1995. This wasnt due to her age, but to tl fact she missed going to the shows whic she couldnt do with babies in the whelpir box. Three poms of her breeding finished 1995, and she does enjoy watching othe finish offspring of her two wonderful boy Jake and Dancer. Not ready to stop ye Nina is eagerly awaiting her fitter sired t Jake out of his daughter. This is a repeat a breeding that produced Ch. Ozarks Spir of Oakridge, owned by Karen Jolley.As I mentioned earlier, Ninas dogs enjc the finest accommodations. She has on five females. One of them is her 12 year ol CL Gidget who is comfortably retirei There are two boys, Jake and Dancer, andf3arch. Kenneys Rockette of Oakridge finished i less than 30 days.44C^li czCecjendarif. Sincj, l^joei v\ i w\yWINNERS QMjFT WORTH-DALLAS AREA SPECIALTIES \. mSPRING I995 copr. photo BsrosA tIIP m hAHwHwIlHHHCh. Wee Robins Dancer of Oakridge x Shady Park Tinker Bell RockThanks to Judge Darrell Baker, Noel left Dallas last year "smiling a lot and meaning t" A 5-point major out of Bred-by-Exhibitor Class was greatNoel wishes to congratulate her "other mom," Nina Epps on her Kennel Visit. Noel rnd the other Legendary Poms always enjoy a trip to visit their Oakridge friends.Congratulations to Nina and Jake on his being named Stud Dog of the Year, 1995, by \PC. Noel wants fanciers to remember that Oakridge has two great boys-her dad, Dancer is one of themNoels breeding has been repeated. Two promising girls are growing up now. We hope o see you at the shows soonLEGENDARY POMS Nancy Smith 6539 Outer Road Norwood, MO 65717 417 746-4740 FAX 417 746-4015nrteri 'BEST OFBREED VARIETYtCOLUMBIA MO KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 1995PHOTO BY DOWNEY__Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Merry Rock Music of Oakridge Congratulations, Nina You have been more than just a great friend.Karen Crouch Jolley Ozark Poms 417 753-7677Nina Epps Oakridge Poms 417 725-5658Left to right-Back Row Pam West with Westwoods Bright Victory and Westwoods Jock of Oakridge Mary Wells with MNMs Classic Rock Rendition Karen Jolly with Ozarks Saranade of Oakridge Shirley Garrison with Westwinds Little Big Shot.Left to right-Bottom Row Diana Nolan with Ch. Westwoods Amazing Grace and Shady Park Dancing Rhythm Nina Epps with Ch. Ozarks Spririt of Oakridge Lucy Nolan with Rock Star ofOakridgeuppy a Jake daughter. The dogs spend as tiuch time outside as is possible, playing in Jinas Half-acre backyard. Nina feels trongly that exercise is an important factor a developing correct movement. The unroom provides a resting place when the weather is bad, or temperatures are too evere. Nights are spent in 8 x 8 pens in he climate-controlled basement. There isheat for the winter, air conditioning for the summer, and a dehumidifier as needed. The pens allow for separate feeding. Nina does not crate her dogs except when traveling, as she wants them to have more room to move around.Puppies have the ran of the family room and kitchen during the day and sleep in pens in the family room at night. Bitchesr lVm l ' i feI \naXI Iwmtot- ' ' i____________Lucy Nolan and Nina Epps presiding over the birthday table.Thanks Pam West for the beautiful birthday cake.due to whelp sleep in moveable pens in the Des Moines specialty in Februai Ninas room. She keeps them close if they 1996. She also has Group 1 and need help feeding during the early part of placements, their lives, too. Otherwise, the moms andbabies stay in the family room where they Ch. Kneislers Nickis Tradition-W can meet with sights, sounds, and smells to at the APC specialty in New Orlear socialize them. October, 1994.Nina is always willing to help those of us who know her. She will change her Ch. Kenneys Rockette schedule to accommodate visiting girls in OakridgeWB at the Des Moines special season, babysit puppies so their humans can in September, 1996. travel, and is always available to giveadvice and comfort when we need her. She Ch. Chas-T-Dees Peppennii has been a patient teacher for those new to Patty-BOS at the Central Arkans the breed as well. specialty in January, 1996.Nina was so surprised and pleased whenmany of her friends gathered to help her Ch. Rock Comet of Oakridge- celebrate her birthday during the weekend multiple group placer of the Kansas City shows. She is grateful tothose who organized this event making the Nina sends apologies to any who ha^ weekend an extra special time for her. At been omitted. Jake and Nina send their be this same show, Westwoods Amazing wishes to all Poms and their proud ownei Grace, a Jake daughter, finished her Nina is a special lady-not only in Pom championship. Grace is bred and owned by but in life. We wish her a wonderful 80 Pam West, and was beautifully handled by birthday and lots more purple ribbons in tl Diana Nolan. This made the celebration years ahead, even more special for Nina Nina and Jake wish to send congratulations to all of his winning offspring-especially the group winners and specialty winnersCh. Starhavens Righteous Rock2 winning dog APC in 1995. Besides his group wins, he was BOB at the Des Moines specialty in September, 1995.Ch. Kneislers Secret Tradition-6 winning bitch in 1995. She was BOS at the APC specialty in October, 1994, in New Orleans.Ch. Shady Park Trace Tradition-7winning bitch in 1995. She finished from the puppy class with a group placement.Heartland s Top NotchTradition-winner of match, sweepstakes and WD at the APC specialty in New York in February, 1996.Ch. Brilliants Golden Glory-BOB atHEARTLANDMEET THE HEARTLAND KIDS.Heartlands Top Gun Tradition "Cruise Heartlands Heaven Sent "Eve"Heartlands Walks Like An Angel "Brook" Heartlands On The Money "Cash"fhis is the repeat of my New York Specialty winner Top Notch Tradition, out if Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Heartlands Almost An Angel. "Eve" is Jakes first black girl. These kids show a great deal of promise.Congrats to friend Nina Epps on her Kennel Visit. Jake has always been oneof my favorites.HEARTLAND POMS Dianne Kieffer Milan, IN 812 623-2290HEARTLANDS TOP NOTCH TRADITIONJWINNERSC5tThis superb puppy male was Best in Both Sweeps and WD at the 1996 APC Winter Specialty in New York. He is sired by "Jake" and out of Heartlands Almost An Angel.Owner-Breeder Dianne Kieffer Milan, IN 812 623-2290aey9^TO--^0 Oo0n0rti 3^1 cjuv-1pH0 3^ . iwiJlanrnoideographlcs903796-9940xan',icunSAGE We. are exceb.tion.aCCy - h^isA CBryncftote- fizit zomeCrzedJ ou r Ooa,\xd ] r f\nro3^ iPll3za. _cCLamfziondzijz.dA[emo 1 yCamouzoui daut P " eized Cy tze muCtiinner "CCz. Soutz- -'wr joinCBi.t -in-^kovir Cand'i. dlliaktu J7mzzeiu.w,lCez and. zandCez JblzaxonP afzfzeaziny in tfze4fco,4, Uj . f-o-utl- jtax ^i^rpnotfe lomeramansS.W. Brenda Turner 3910 Concord Place Texarkana, TX 75503 903832-7742Behind the New Titlistsih. T-Js Miss Mischief MakerOrange Sable FemaleBreeder Therese L. and John R. ReederOwner Therese L. and John R. ReederCh Fanfare's Twinklin' Red Robin Ch Sharian's Ruben James CCh Norlee's Fireside Cricket h Willowbreds Vegas Monsoon Ch Fanfare's Twinklin' Red Robin Sharian's Arizona RoseCCh Christyhills Carmen O' Sharian Ch Apolloette Foolish Pleasure Ch Apolloette For Your Eyes Only Apollo's Golden Pebbles apolloette Kopy KatT-J's Strut N Tom Dooley Ch T-J's Calamity JaneCh T-J's Angel's Annie OakleyJh Morenos Believe It Or NotOrange MaleBreeder Julie MorenoOwner Linda Brogoitti and Julie MorenoCh Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Merrymont's Spittin ImageCh Chip-A-Way's Diamond Keepsake yiorenos I Lan Warrior of Hy Jan Le Ch Queenaire Whizzle Stik Ch Guys N Gals Orange Krush Guys N Gals Dolie Patches Ch Muller's EncoreCh Sun-Dot's Command Performance Ch Sun-Dot's Ramboling Holly Moreno's Phyner Golden Jubilee Queenaire Whiskey Tenor Phyner Jubilee Happy Hellion Phyner Morgana Le FeyCh Kilpatricks Wee Rebel RouserOrange MaleBreeder Lorraine Kilpatrick Owner Lorraine KilpatrickCh Emcee's Chips of Diamond Ch Emcees Terrific Wee Chips Emcee's Golden Girl of Tammy Emcees Shaws Wee SunnyStar Frost Bold New Venture Chip-A-Way's Golden Patty Sweet Betsy of Timstopper Ch Vesta's Magic the Dragon Ch Jolly Wee Magic of Tim Sue Jolly Wee Dixie of Tim Sue Hallmarks CharadeFeisty's Rebels Razzel Dazzel Ch Feisty's BombshellFeisty's Brandy Wine CoolerCh Pitti Poms Lil Sir LancelotLight Orange MaleBreeder Mrs. James F. SwimmeOwner Mrs. James F. SwimmeCh Nan K's Mr Macho of Tim Sue Ch Nan K's Golden Nugget Nan K's Golden Girl Pitti Poms Ace of Hearts Ch Nan K's Red Jasper Pitti Poms Pixie Vixen Nan K's Golden Ginger Ch Nan Ks Mr Macho of Tim Sue Ch Ger Lins Buster Brown of Nan K Nan Ks Golden Girl Pitti-Poms PumpkinsitaCh Nan K's Red Jasper Pitti-Pom's Pixie Vixen Nan K's Golden GingerCh Sharians Hi BeamOrange MaleBreeder Carolynn and David Berry Owner Carolynn and David BerryCh Great ElmsTimstopper's Image Ch Great Elms Timstopperr Too Great Elms Wee Julie Ch Great Elms Beam of Sunshine Cedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Honey BunGreat Elms Tiffany of Lennis CCh Fanfare's Twinklin Red Robin Ch Sharian's Rockin RobinCCh Cristyhill's Carmen O' Sharian Sharians Rockin RondaCCh Fanfare's Twinklin Red Robin Sharian's Twinklin Lil Crystal CCh Norlee's Fireside CricketCh Mi Babe Rain Beaus GlamourOrange Sable FemaleBreeders Babe McCombs and Jean CookOwners Babe McCombs and Jean CookCh Coys Lucky Eight Rain Beau's He ManPrittards Melody Serenade Rain Beaus Just for KixCh Dacun's Pometto of Wright Way Rain Beaus Star Dust Delite Adkin's Dixie Pretty Piper Ch Dacuns Pometto of Wright Way Ch Rain Beau's N' Belles Aahs Rain Beau's U R Classy Rain Beaus Bubble Up Emcees Lucky Gem Wee Heart's Martini of Lennis Buchanan's BrandilierCh Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor DiamondOrange Sable FemaleBreeder Margaret McKee and S.R.WhiteOwner Margaret R. McKeeCh Idlewyld Gemstone CDX, HOF Ch Idlewyld Lavalier CDX, HOFCh Idlewyld Star Pendant CD, ROM Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD Ch Idlewyld Gemstone CDX, HOF Idlewyld Hope Diamond CDCh Idlewyld Star Pendant CD, ROM Ch Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch Great Elms Toby Great Elms Wood's Dori Watts Little Pollyanna GirlCh Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales Ch Watts' Little Thumbelina Girl Ch Watts' Little Kahlua's KeokiCh Southlands Toasty Miz KatieOrange Sable Female Breeder Charlotte Creed Owner Noble InglettCh Bev-Nor Southland Sinsation Ch Soutlands Sir Impressive ROMX Southland's Fudge Double Dip Ch Southlands ShowstopperCh Southland's Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Southlands Simply Elegant Ida's Princess of Bev-Nor Ch Southland's Sir Impressive Ch Southland's Golden Boy Ch Southland's Toast to Jamel Southlands Dipped in FudgeCh Southland's N' Bev-Nor'sTar Baby Southland N Linchris Oprah Southland's New Year HopeCQaUwj JKProudly Announces"Paradise Valley Precious Moment"our first homebred Pomis now in the ring.Thank you, Jeanne Blankfor a fine job in handling her.Congratulations to Nina Epps and the Oakridge Poms on their Kenel Visit.Marshall and Cindy Rokos 1436 Clous Road Kingsley, Ml 49649 616 263-7382SHADY PARK POMERANIANS us'BESTBREEDVARIETYOZARnSENNEL ClPETRULISr Ch. Shady Park Trace TraditionBIS AC Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Ch. Nolans Shady Park Casie Rock7 Top Winning BitchCongratulations to Nina Epps, Oakridge Poms, on your well-deserved Kennel Visit. A very special thanks for your honesty, friendship, love, and support, also for allowing me to own some Oakridge Poms.Thanks to Pam West of Westwood Poms for a great grand-daughter of Jake's.Pictured on the opposite side is Ch. Jessica, a litter sister to BIS AC Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge "Jake."Diana L. and Lucy Nolan 5122 N.W. Parkdale Road Kansas City, MO 64151 816741-16503Thanks with a Capital "T"wH_____________ .Ch. dtarfiresCh. Coys Top of the Mark x Stfrfires Jackelyn photo by Kim BaxstromeWe would like to Thank Joe Sarta Indonesia for lending "Mr T" to us for the past 5 months. We have Truly enjoyed his visit and are Totally Thrilled with our Two litters by him. We are Tempted To keep all of Them "Mr T" also won Two Groups while here in Canada with us.Totally Terrific.ThanksChriscendoJohn E. and Christine D. Heartz P.O. Box 189 Brookfield, N.S.Canada. BON 1C0 902 673-24464Linchris PomeraniansHome of Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show Multi Group Winning Poms Ch. Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Quality Dogs for Show Pet Fully Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITTI 14410 N. 71st Ave.Peoria, AZ 85381-4752 602 979-5336 FAX 602 979-6299. O'omevcwiocwiACH. STUD SERVICE QUALITY PUPPIES HOME RAISED LOVEDdanielTaylor Jr. ^ P.O.Box 889 BONNIE MClNTOSH-TAYLOR RAINIER, WA 98576JIM JUDY SHEARER V S 79995 Ragereville Road SW p1 , 'C DHIa AU JOOAJ ^ I ^Baltic, OH 43804 216 897-0720MEMBERSAMERICAN POM ClUB ANDOHIO VALLEY POM CLUB\STY\POMcMl otenosMRS. JULIE R. MORENOYp,415583-4973 By Appointment, PleaseFAX 415 583-6325v fFan-Cs PomeraniansHome of...AC Ch. Fan-Cs RockstarChampion-sired Puppies AvailableFlorence and Carl Scott 2958 Mayfield RoadWickliffe, KY 42087 502 335-5416504 384-7466 After 700pmHand a s fPomsP.O. Box 2775Jerrie Freia Morgan City, LA 70381POMERANIANS Quality Pups Champion Studs803-472-3002Rosemary E. Regoni 385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322Ruby F. Poole 918 341 -6921RUBYS POMERANIANSShow - Breeding - Pels occasionallyRoute 1, Box 190 Claremore, OK 74017American romeraman uiud 49kCh. Finch's He Walks On Water BIS, BISS. Multiple Group Winner 1 APC Top Winning Pom Hall of Fame. Award of Meril Gold Club Member Westminster BOBDiane L FinchAPC Top Breeder 92Rural Route 1 Kelley, Iowa 50134 Home 515-769-2444AKC Pom Pups most colorsCh. Apollette Wild Fire Ch. Tim Sue's Moon Rocket Ch. Finch's Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Wee Heart's Tight EndSzyne\Oi. P'ome.zani.ajii.JStcnAa r 3cxxij 3uxncz390 doncoxA dPl tec dJcxazfiana, 'Uc.xas 75501 90S SS2-7742ddnaon SPomeUvnianbHome of Ch. Starfire's ArmaniQuality, lovingly raised puppies available occasionally. Champion stud sendee.Inquiries welcome.391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 fax 208 232-6018SUNGOLD POMERANIANSChampions at Stud G Puppies for saleRaif G Anna La Fortune 13621 Kapowsln Hwy. Graham, WA 98338 206 879-5390AJCG. G U.K.C. Handling Ship SEA-TACMiJeribeth's PomeraniansWith Planned Parenthood"irrall t 0I Bake713 337-00374916 43rd Dickinson, TX 77K Houston AreaDoris WheelerCASCADE KENNEL POMERANIANSyj3016 Hiawatha Dr. Dayton, Oh 45414 513 278-607Ben-Ray - BENSON RAY Golden Aires - SHARON MASNICKBREEDING FOR THE LOOK THAT PLEASES HOME OF CH.BEN RAY'S SUNDANCING SIMO CH. GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKER2007 Vestry Drive Charleston, S.C. 29414 803-571-6165Puppies Stud ServiceBonnell's Linetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm Dixon, IL 61021i vr. vBob and Mary Bonnell 815 284-3298mPomeranians and English Cocker SpanielsSends Congratulations to Nina Epps of Oakridge Pomeranians on her Kennel Visitm vfts vA Kf-Ch. Brilliants Gclden ScryCh. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Pattys Morning SunThis lovely "Jake" daughter is shown winning the Toy Group at the Key City KC with her owner-handler, Jean Baker. "Lacey" retires by going BISS at the Pomeranian Club of Des Moines 1996 Winter Specialty Special thanks to Nina Epps for her kindness and generosity to "new" Pom people, and also to Nancy Burnett for all her encouragementLoved, ozvned and handled 6yJean Baker5040 Xerxes Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55410 612920-2136'Breeder, Co-OzunerJoyce Baker-Winkels 5212 S. Cowan Road Columbia, MO 65201 573 443-7885Pom ShoppeQuantity Price Item01................. . 2.50...... .....Plaster Pom earrings orange pierced03................ .... 4.00...... .....lAMs Pet Foods Grooming Aprons wpockets red06................ ....3.00....... .....Dolls wcrocheted dresses toilet tissue white, green, rose white,brown cream, beige, green white17................ .. 25.00...... ....Pedigree Books from Great Elms 141 pages01................. .. 25.00...... ....Prodigy Membership IBM compatible, v. 3.215................ ....3.00....... ....Note cards and envelopes wPom by Babe '8601................ ....2.50....... ....Wooden Pom Figurine wsmoked mirror14................ ....5.00....... ....Small key ring wPom head on white tile11................ .... 6.00....... ....Lucite full Pom figure key ring01................. .... 7.50...... ....Rubber stamp-full Pom wribbon in mouth52................. ....5.00....... ....APC membership pins....3.00....... ....APC Decals setone large and two smallBess P. Roberts15802 Letcher RoadBrandyw'ne, MD 20613American Pomeranian ClubFebruary 10-11, 1996 021096-565A. Tom Linda P.0.2350 N Nutting Malta, NY 12020PRODUCTIONS Office 5IS 885-1927 Fax 518 885-0969All of our tapes are titled to identify each dog and a musical sound track added.To Order Fill out form below and forward to A-N PRODUCTIONS.ONE TAPE-S45.00 TWO OR MORE TAPES S35.00 EACHTape A Puppy Veteran Sweepstakes, Obedience __________Tape B Reg. Dog Bitch, Classes __________Tape C Juniors, Veterans, Best of Breed, Non-Reg., Parade __________Shipping Handling 5,00[] Check [] MO [] MC [] Visa Sub-Total _____________NYS Res. include local Sales Tax. County_________________ ____________________Available in all International Formats-Add 20.00 per tape. Total S___________________Card ________________________________________ Exp. Date ___________________Signature______________________________________ Telephone ___________________NameAddressCity State ZipWyndCor PomsAKC PomeraniansJack and Becky Sabourin 2814 Blackhurst Rd. Midland, Ml 48640 517 832-3408Judy Sams 2815 N. w. 20th Oklahoma City, Ok. 73107 405 947-0111 AL VHappy Kamper PomeraniansSTUD SERVICEJTEVE JILL COOKSTONGARLAND, TX. 214-226-2644 A..Regal PomeraniansCH. Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Bred for Quality, Beauty, Temperament Roberta Grinnell 616-273-2541 15391 Main St.Three Rivers, Mi. 49093 ftV1S'7Show Stud Service Handling PetsC^ff2o[[oEttEMarlene Marlin Presser Tel. 360785-0903 Fax. 360 785-0221PomeraniansP.O. Box 259 Winlock, WA 98596T-jISTOMERWLIWMSjroup Specialty WinnersBISS CH- T-JSSVMQEL 'S SMl'L OWKPEQTHL'XSL yOli'J'EWJl Lt. Col. USSlFRet.. Home 916 726-POftCS TaK.916 722-9045Show Puppies OccasionatfyAMOURS POMERANIANSShirley Ann K. Leu 3655 Kawelolani PlaceHonolUl, HI 96816 808732-7427MIA POMSHome of Ch. Southland Sinsation Starfires Re-Mark-Able, and Sungolds Ace HIPuppies and Young Adults occasionally,RAMONA J. SMITH Box 833Belfield, ND 58622BEAUTY FOR ALL RINGSAlice M. Lessard 209 667-2648SMALL DOG TRAINING, A SPECIALTYQueenaire, Reg.Dudley and Wanda Roach 806 257-3817 FAX 806 257-3760SIS,74857-8365Delbert and Bam [puhCh. Bast Oaks Steal the Show405386-6199mlapnsJk rl Mary AllanRt3, Box531A Wagoner, OK 74467Whtxt nalitpniakrff a JDitttrenct Phone 918 485-1040...c Valley. rPoMarshall Cindy Rokosin, . , . Phone 616 263-73821436 Clous Rd. Kingsley, MI 49649 ' 'SouthlandPomeraniansRAYS OF SUNSHINE4CHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PINEVILLE, LA 71360 PHONE 318 - 466-3456KITSAN POMSKitsan HighlanderKitsan Billy Jack x Kitsan Dusti RoseKitsan In Shaa AllhaKitsan Sun Golds Copper Top x Kitsan Triplite Fantastic 9\Kitsan Prime StarKitsans Kandi Man Rogueland x Kitsan Doll O RinaKitsan U R RoyalKitsans Kandi Man Rogueland x Kitsans Sun Maid BessMany congratulations to the Northern California Pomeranian Club on their Specialty held at Cal-Expo in Sacramento on April 13,1996. A jobwell doneKITSANTrilvie Haynes 916221-4056BENRAY - GOLDEN AIRESPRESENTS....CL Golden Aires True Reward Ruddy7 ^jrIliV\N\^----- ^Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker x Golden Aires Mira O MillamorRuddy is shown taking a BOB win in January, 1996, shown by owner, Benson E. Ray. Ruddy is at stud to approved bitches.Congratulations to Nina Epps Oakridge on her kennel visit. We wish to thank her for the wonderful foundation stock we have. Wally, half brother to Jake, was bred by Nina and has been a wonderful producer for us. Wallys son, BenRays Masterpiece is taking BOB wins over specials shown by Dale Adams. Ch. Golden Aires Moonstruck Zak a Wally son, is the sire o BenRays Style Stepper who is soon to hit the show ring.Benson E. Ray and Sharon Masnick 2007 Vestry Drive Charleston, SC 29414 803 571-6165 Home 803 556-6011 FAXPresenting Hottsie...Our New Homebred Champion sV-NEW CHAMPIONH K C OOG SHOWCh. Guys N Gals Bravo for Am ours x Am ours Legacy of the H eartWinners Dog and Best of Winners for a 4-point major under Judge Mrs. Sharon Francis at the Orchid Island Dog Fanciers Club on Sunday, 21896.Winners Dog and Best of Winners for a 3-point major under Judge Mrs. Elaine Mathis at the Hawaiian KC on Saturday, 3996.Hottsie finished at just one year of age. Many thanks to all the Judges who found him worthy of these wins.Shirley Ann K. Leu 3655 Kawelolani Place Honolulu, HI 96816 808 732-7427NOBLEPOMERANIANS1v rBEST OPPOSITE A MAJORSAMMAMISHkennel clubWINTER 1996Pominique Dream ChaserCh. Sun-Dots Pominique Starchaser x Ch. Sun-Dots Galactic Dream"Dee-Dee" is shown here going BOS for a 5-point major over 2 bitch specials-one of which is the 1 bitch in the countiy. Thank you, Judge Mrs. A.K. Summa.OWNER Noble Inglett Pictured next to handler 4440 Sepulveda Bled. 206 Sherman Oaks,CA 91403818 981-3747HANDLERS Jerry and Betsy Owens Jerbos Kennel NEW ADDRESS 283 Northwest 40thRd. Clinton, MO 64735 890-2255Proudly presents our first Champion AND Homebred at that...Am Can Ch. Kilpatrick's Wee Rebel Rouser'9NllHBft ^ OFnew WINNERSKOHLERCHAMPION i mi\mMAJOR WIN"Rebel" is pictured finishing in Arizona Thank you, Judges, for these important wins and for overlooking my mistakes. Marty big Thank Yous to Evelyn and Rollie Conley for bringing him to within 2 points, and letting me have the thrill of finishing my First Champion. Without you, and your very capable handling, my dream would not have come true. Rebels first litter is due 496.OWNERBREEDER Lorraine Kilpatrick Rt. 1, Box 726 Miami, AZ 85539 520 473-3043Presenting....iiNike"-rnew champion SACRAMENTO kennel clubWOdysseys Just Do ItNike wont be ready to compete for his Companion Dog title until next year, but in the meantime, he has received his Canine Good Citizenship title.When he is not busy with Obedience, Conformation, Agility Training, or chasing Labradors, he is a real "Ladys Man." Watch for offspring sired by him in the conformation ring this summer.Instructor, Handler, and Loved by Alice Lessard 209 667-2648CHRISDENPOMERANIANSIBEST OPPOSITE]BELLE - CITY]IkENNEL CLUBMARCH1996moValcopy-Wakhan Scarlet LetterScarlet is pictured here winning a 4-point major and Best Opposite Sex. Thank you, Maria Kneisler, for your very capable handling.Congratulations and Best Wishes to Nina Epps and her Oakridge Poms.Dennis Litonjua 632 632-7025 FAX 631-6658CL IffetceM ExoticSir"MsmmCongratulations and Best Wishes to Nina Epps and her main man "Jakeon their Kennel VisitDan and JoEllen Mercer 308 889-3109CIHEAIJX POMSIS PPCHJID T PRESENT^ ^ ^ ISteven RosCEEAIJVS I ASI IIS STATEMENTCh. Janesa's Showcase O'Fanfaire x Rodi's Valkyrie of CheauxDiva is posing here to show off her BOW and BOS ribbons out of the puppy 6-9 class under Judge Dana Plonkey. Thank youThis stylish gal virtually shows herself and really knows how to work it, girl.Stay tuned for more high fashion events featuring Diva this spring, as well as the hot upcoming summer line Repeat litter of 3 whelped in February c96.Congratulations NinaPHONE206.641.1122MFAX206.644.1961BREEDEROWNERHANDLERCatherine H. Breaux 17905 NE 13th Street Bellevue, WA 98008-3421CO-BREEDER Diana Solano - Rodis Poms^ ^\KNEISLERS6^ oKneislersRegal Tradition Kneislers Magical TraditionMany congratulations to Nina Epps and her Oakridge Poms-especially "Jake."Maria Kneisler 9151 Darlington AvenueTulsa, OK 74137 918492-0520M VUAI PCMECANI4NSMNMs Golden Gift for ShamaiWestwoods Jock of Oakridge x MNMs Onyx Gold HeirloommMuch congratulations to Nina Epps on your Kennel Visit. It's been a pleasure having the chance to get to know you.Kiska, pictured above, is a Jake granddaughter. On her first out, she took a Reserve to a major from the puppy class. Keep your eyes open for her this summer.Much thanks to Pam West for letting me acquire a Jake son from her. Asti will be in the ring later this summer strutting his stuff.Thank you everyone for your support and friendship.OWNERHANDLER Kelly Machkovich 188 Ocean Park Drive Anchorage AK 907 349-4968T W Jm.1 , A'a3best opposite NEW CHAMPIONHILO SHOWACh. Haikus Akuna Ma Ta TaChriscendo Conspiracy x Bavanews Anna AliciaTa Ta took the Breed at Orchid Island Kennel Club to finish his championship at 8 months of age.HAIKUDr. Jim and Marit Hattori 808 235-8200tBacllssusMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan75. ....Oct77....... May79... April 808.00 eachJul 77.. ...Feb80........ .Jul 81.... ...Oct83Apr 86 ....Jan80....... .Jan 907.00 eachJul 80.. ....Oct80....... Apr82.... ... Oct 82Jan 83. ....Jul83........ Apr84.... ...Oct84Jan 85. ...Apr85....... .Jul 85...... ...Oct85Jul 86.. ...Sept86...... Nov86.... .... Jul 87Oct 87. ....Jan88....... .Jul88....... ....Jan89Apr 89 ....Jul90........ .Oct90.... ....Jan91Mar91 ...May91 .... .Jul91Issues from September on...The Pomeranian Review ISSN0744-8546 is published , bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for die contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.AdvertisersMary Allan................................................. 45, 51Avalon............................................................ 47Olga Baker......................................................47Barney and Pat Barnett...................................45Robert and Jeanne Blank................................19Mary Bonnell..................................................47Catherine Breaux............................................60Linda Brogoitti............................................... 46Wilma Jean Brown......................................... 26Jill Cookston...................................................50Charlotte Creed.............................................. 51Pat Cummings.................................................50Nina Epps......................................... Front CoverDiane Finch.....................................................47Eddye Forbes..................................................23JerrieFreia.......................................................46Dave and Phyllis Fulmer................................ 18Pam Gault....................................................... 51K.G. Griffith..................................................... 6Roberta Grinnell............................................. 50Sharon Hanson.................................... Inside FCMaritHattori....................................................63Trilvie Haynes........................................... 50, 52John and Christine Heartz.............................. 43Noble Inglett...................................................55Karen Jolley....................................................35Dianne Kieffer...........................................38,39Lorraine Kilpatrick......................................... 56Maria Kneisler................................................ 61Anna LaFortune..............................................47Alice Lessard............................................ 51, 57Shirley Arm K. Leu.................................. 51, 54Dermis Litonjua..............................................58Kelly Machkovich...........................................62Babe McCombs......................................... 10,11Margaret McKee...............................................2Dan and JoEllen Mercer................................. 59Eleanor and Ken Miller...................................30Julie Moreno................................................... 46Diana and Lucy Nolan.................................... 42Nutting Productions........................................ 49Jonna Payne.................................................... 27Pom Shoppe....................................................49Ruby Poole......................................................46Marlene Presser.................................................. 5 0Benson Ray......................................................47, 53Therese and John Reeder...................................7, 50Rosemary Regoni............................................46Dudley and Wanda Roach..............................51Marshall and Cindy Rokos........................ 41,51Becky Sabourin...............................................50Judy Sams....................................................... 50Florence and Carl Scott................................... 37, 46Jim and Judy Shearer......................................46Ramona Smith................................................ 51Nancy Smith....................................................34Bonnie Taylor................................................. 46Joel Taylor....................................3, Back CoverBrenda Turner........................................1,39, 47Mary Wells..................................................... 22Pam West.........................................................14, 15Doris Wheeler.................................................47Joyce Baker Winkels...................................... 48THREE SPECIALTY SHOWSCONFORMATION AND OBEDIENCE TRIALSIN THE BEAUTIFUL PACIFIC NORTHWESTSpecialties yCPC1996 Summer PSPC FPCHosted By PSPCAugust 7-9,1996Columbia Pomeranian ClubSummer SpecialtyWednesday, August 7,1996 Sweepstakes Marlene Presser Conformation Jean SchrollObedience Pam WeaverHotelThe West Coast Tyee Hotel500Tyee DriveOlympia, WA 98512 360352-0511ask for Puget Sounds block of rooms.American Pomeranian Club Show SecretaryNational Summer Specialty Pat KinserThursday, August 8, 1996 13535 S.E. Mountain View LaneSweepstakes Joe McGinnis Clackamas, OR 97015-5308Conformation Jackie Stacy 503658-5218Obedience Noreen CartwrightPuget Sound Pomeranian Club Trophy ChairmanSummer Specialty Marlene PresserFriday, August 9, 1996 740 Rhoades RoadSweepstakes Nadine Hersil Winlock, WA 98596Conformation Fred Bassett 360 785-0903Obedience Jill Jones FAX 360 785-0221Other Shows Advertising ChairmanNisqually Kennel Club 810-11 Oscar CerdaOlympia, WA 3516 Buckingham Court, S.E.Supt Brown Dog Shows Olympia, WA 98501Box 2566 Phone 509 924-1089 360 705-1652Spokane, WA 99220-2566 FAX 360 705-1405For further information Contact Shannon Kelly, ShowChairman 360 866-6505 or Marlene Presser, Show Co-Ordinator 360 785-0903EVAN itJ3Jrl X14w A4,IBIS, BISS CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCKm