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The Pom Reader January 2004

Table of Contents

SHOWSIGHT from the Editor 26
HERE & THERE by Sally Baugniet 44
Judging Toy Dogs: On The Table 56
Misinformation, Disinformation and the Voice of Authority ?
HELPFUL HINTS by Linda Pelz 62
NEW CHAMPIONS & TITLEHOLDERS Confirmed October 2003 64
PR TOP TEN The country's top Poms 68
.HJsJYa... ^JANUARY 2004 VOLUME XIX,NUMBER ELEVENtI f- .V 0 locACH. STARFIRES WICKED MEAN N NASTY UJTHEBACH. STARFIRES WICKED MEAN N NASTYNational Specialty Best In Show Winner Multiple All Breed Best in Show WinnerLuther captured the hearts of all with his captivating performance winning Best Puppy in Show at the 2003 Reliant Park formerly Astro World Series followed by an impressive Toy Group First under judge Mr. Kent Delaney. He has since marched on to two All-Breed Bests in Show under judges Mrs. James Edward Clark and Mr. Frank T. Sabella. As if that wasn't enough, he topped the entry at the American Pomeranian Club under breed authority Judge Mr. Fred Bassett.Star fite and Black Watch, both prominent names in their respective reeds, are pleased to unite in celebration of breeders who continue to strive for the very best structure, health and well being.It is with great pride that we bring you "Luther." Fde represents many 3 generations of education, goals and sacrifice.Handled by Bill and Taffe McFaddenBLACK WATCH STARFIRECapt. Jean L, Heafh and Dr. William H. Cosby, Jr. Xony Cabl.era and Fabian flri6nti2 The pom readeivjanijahy 2oo4 and photography by Gay GlazbrookfM, PARADISE VALLEY POMERANIANStBISS Ch. Paradise Valley Moonstruck2002\p I IPv,BESTOF BREED OR-VARIETYMAXp GROUP FOURTH-suaLJ^,1II c BOOTH KIOTO LVpru MONICASire BISS Ch. Paradise Valley Royal Reward, ROM Dam Star Havens Righteous JaneMax will be at the Westminster 2004 Kennel Club Show handled by Marshall Rokos.Congratulations to Linda and Mike on their breeder visit this month.OwnersROBIN TURNER MARSHALL ROKOSBreedersMARSHALL CINDY ROKOS Kingsley, Michigan 231.263.7382The Pom Reader January 2004 3PARADISE VALLEY POMERANIANSCh. Paradise Valley Royal MedallionGo DYLAN Nadine 't9 s'...I ' rfX,P'We are proud and deliglited to send DYLAN to th He will be expertly handled bSire BISS Ch. Paradise Valley Moonstruck D Congratulations to Tony and Fabian and congratulations to Shelly Wiemer-MiWestminster Kennel Clul 2004 Show. NADINE HERSIL.Paradise Valley Amazing Graceon her feature this month.OwnersROBIN TURNER MARSHALL ROKOS4 The Pom Reader January 2004Breeders MARSHALL CINDY ROKOS Kingsley, Michigan 231.263.7382sPARADISE VALLEY POMERANIANSB\S Ch. Paradise Valley LinusaVrVa\AAGROUP SECOND '2-7i bK AHURAPIDS4.-jVKENHELCLUBflA' K. BOOTHWe are proud and excited to send this exceptional dog to Westminster 2004.He will be exp URA SALVATORE.Sire Inf I Ch. Jessicas Jessie James Dam Paradise Valley Sundancing SadieUNDER JUDGE EDMUND SLEDZICKFLASH BOB AT THE MICHIGAN POOwnersROBIN TURNER MARSHALL ROKOSBreeders MARSHALL CINDY ROKOS Kingsley, Michigan 231.263.7382The Pom Reader January 2004 51AChampion pttfprideSweet Dreams1 All Systems for 2003Top 5 Toy 22 All-Breed BIS 8 SBISSpecial thanks to all the judges and exhibitors who supported Parker this year and we look forward to seeing you in 2004Congratulations to Tony and Fabian on their Breeder Visit this monthCo-Owner Breeder OwnerHandlerDiane Finch Virginia Dimick Noble Inglett6 Tiif. Pom Reader January 200-stats courtesy January 2004 ShowSight Magazine.SiVr .VLirx_Ch. Finchs A Cut Above The Rest, Cutterj1 \ABESTOPPOSITE SEX oMAJORCOUNCIL BLUFFS kennel CLUB 2003photo, by M ELI ABISBISS Ch. Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finchs Walk Upon A StarCutter, Potter Opie are littermatesPotter Opie ParkerFinchs A Walk In The Park Finchs Golden Opportunity Cascades Sunkist CassandraCongratulations to Tony Fabian on their Breeder Kennel Visit and their gorgeous Parker puppies from Betsy Owens, Karen Chisam and Diane Finch. Congrats too to Linda Pelz Mike Wells. Thanks to all the judges who have pointed and finished the Parker offspring, and a special thank you to the judges that have recognized and commented on Cutters absolute correct movementDIANE L. FINCH Finchs Pomeranians Ltd. Phone 515-769-2444 Kelley, Iowa Email Handlers - BETSY OWENS showing Cutter KAREN CHISAM showing OpieWebsite Welcome Back Benson Ray8 The Pom Reader January 2004A Tribute To Mighty ImpressiveMy sincere condolences to Charlotte Creed, my dear friend, coach and mentor on the passing of a truly great Pom-, Am. BISA, BISS, Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive, GC, HOE I had the privilege of breeding to, thusowning three of his first kids, even before I met you Charlotte. He was the foundation of mu beginnings in the show ring and of my champions today We will you miss uou sweet manMuch love, Annette Risters4 4v-VMe coveting this photo shoot time with the adon "Miahtu" and hisfirst WilliesonLittermates"Willie "I Be were Mighty's first kids out of my first homebred Ch. dam Ch. Decorationsm3l' VTYLER TEXAS KENNEL CLUBVc3lCViMightys first son "Willie"achieving Ch. statusCh. Majesties I Be Willie BadMighty's first daughter "I Be" achemng Ch. Status Ch. Majesties I Be On ParadeMighty's Daughter Ch. Majesties Southland Assy lee Dam Ch. Southlands Ms. Ruth ofG.E.Majestic Poms - Annette Rister3270 Kosher Rd. Corpus Christi TX 78418-8907 361-939-6969The Pom Reader January 2004 9CHAMPIONStarftres 2ardm 9 'jVAMORWHHE.RS AMERICAN Pomeranian C\ubNKNOHAJLPtaAogrophy By Steven RossWinning at the National at 6 months old. Also Best In Sweepstakes. Thank you Mr. Fred Basset and Mr. Jeff Nokes.Breeders Starfires KennelOwner Pongsakorn Pongsak, Thailand www.powerpom.com10 The Pom Reader January 2004Civ. Ay laL^ ^aJLeyC J oai^, ._ an0ki3c..Richard Bauer - BOB Michael Dachel - BOB Helen Lee James - BOB Mrs. Keke Kahn - BOB Dennis M. McCoy - BOB Rodney R. Merry - BOB Desmond Murphy - BOB Dr. Roger Pritchard - Group 2 Frank Sabella - Group 4 Darryl Vice - BOB Joe C. Walton - BOB Group 4oile A 9lUiIriADallasFort-Worth Toy Dog Club Specialty BOB - Mr. Rodney Merry BOB Mrs. Joan Gordon Alexander Group 2whelped 93103My sincere thanks to the judges for these top awards. Looking Back with fond memories of 2003.Looking forward to a great 2004.Congratulations to Tony Fabian of Starfire Poms on this months feature. Thank you both for entrusting Sobe to meOwner Ca-aj c^ciunpoJie'i- Home Rob Cary Pet Resort 2104947787miffJRiMiffiLWHHR January 2004 11How do you finish a dog without winning a single pointi\MAJORWIN ftKt INNERSitCh. Animations Mr. PeabodyAnimations Thumper x Ch. Dress Circle AnimationLIKE THIS Trumbull County KC - Dr. Bernard Esporite BOB . Group IV from the Puppy Class - 4 points Beaver County KC - Mr. Max Magder BOW from the Bred By Class - 4 points Licking River KC - Mr. Robert Stein BOW from the Puppy Class - 5 points Dayton KC - Mr. William Usherwood BOW from the Bred By Class - 4 pointsPeabody finished at one year and three weeks of age - THANK YOU JUDGESBreedersPat Dresser Lorinda VasutaMedina, OhiorOwnerHandlerLorinda Vasuta Pat Dresser330 239-457712 - The Pom Reader January 2004And on January 2 our first Champion of the New Year iuwinnersESTOFBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX \ Oc ^IcTPhoiographyCh. Animations Patti MayonnaiseCh. Great Elms Wee Chipper x Animations BellePatti is shown winning her third major under Sondra Joy Esporite.She is champion number 25 for us.Belated congratulations to Donna Machniak on her visit last month.AnimationBreeders OwnersHandlers Lorinda VasutaDarren Lane 1167 Ridgewood Road PO Box 606 Sharon Center, Ohio 44274 330 239-4577rThe Pom Reader January 2004 13PRESENTING OUR FOUNDATION STUDChampion Carleez Ollie Ollie In FreeVBISS CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke, CD, GC, ROM x CH Janesas Southern Sundown, ROMOllie finished in December 2003 at the Bay Colony Cluster in Boston. Ollie became a champion winning histhird major. Thank you to the following JudgesKenneth L. Raynor, 5 pt Major, Saturday 62803 Del-Otse Nango Kennel Club Doris Cozart, 4 point Major, Sunday 62903 Susque-Nango Kennel Club Lydia Coleman Hutchinson, 4 pt Major, 120303 Middlesex County Kennel Club in Boston.Watch for Ollies first puppy hopefuls Del-Mays Curious George, George, and Del-Mays Last Cavalier, Jeb.Congratulations to People in Poms, Linda Peltz and Michael Wells, Dreamweaver Poms and to Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti, Starfire Poms on their Breeder-Kennel Visit.OwnerHandler DEBORAH K. BARRETTUnadilla, New York 607.369.2165delmaypomsfrontiernet.net14 The Pom Reader - January 2004BreederCAROL LEEMHUISPittsburgh, Pennsylvania 412.344.8257j.leemhuisworldnet.att.netCARLEEZ POMSPresents New Champion Carleez Dr. Zeussuiii4\\Vummmi MAJORrniwm win a Mb h, CXiStm ft1 \ tOFml\hl '. ILBISS Ch. Sundowns Hide N Zeke, CD, GC, ROM x Ch. Janesas Southern Sundown, ROMZeuss finished entirely from the Bred By Exhibitor Class the weekend of the Michigan Toy Specialty against beautiful competition. Thank you to Debbie Barrett for finishing his littermate Ollie. Watch for their other littermate Gideon in 2004. Thank you to the following judges for Zeuss majors.Don Sutton, July 2003 - 4 point major picturedAnne Katona, August 2003 - 5 point major Arlene Czech, September 2003 - 4 point major to finishBig congratulations to DreamWeaver Poms on their featureCongratulations to Starfire Poms and Poetry Poms. Condolences on the loss of Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive.Zeuss first offspring will hit the ring in 2004. Watch for them in a ring near youBennie Sundowns Green Eggs Ham Popps Sundown Janesas Hop On Pop Dream Janesas The Places Youl Go Sam Janesas Bar-Jons Sam-I-Am Cubby Janesas Bartholomew CubbinsCarleez Pomeranians Carol LeemhuisPittsburgh, Pennsylvania 412 344-8257 j.leemhuisworldnet.att.netCh. Weehearfs Glen Iris Talisman ROM Ch. Janesas N Jan-Shars Chance ROMJanesa's Lots Of Kisses To Jan Shar BISS Ch. Sundowns Hide N Zeke GC CD ROMCh. Rock N Tradition Of Oakridge ROMS GC Ch. Janesas Traditional Trend CD Janesas Trend WindCh. Carleez Dr. ZeussCh. Jan-Shars The Terminator of Janesa Ch. Janesas Hush PuppyJan-Shar Lucille Ball Ch. Janesas Southern Sundown ROMCreiders Private Screening Janesas Dont For-Sake MeBerrys Wee Heart Sugar GoldThe Pom Reader January 2004 - 15Looking Ahead To 2004... Puppy HopefulyciiitizHeritage Quacks A SmileCh. Heritage n Search Of Heroes x Ch. BenAires Penny LaneCh. Sandpoms Touched By An Angel x Ch. Wee Hearts Hot lanta Ch. Golden Aires Walk n The Rain X Ch. Dooshays Abbey RoadSpecial Thanks to Sharon Yampiro and her beautiful Ch. Ducky for raising this litter when I couldnt.... Michael would be so proud Look for Janie in the ring with her handler, David Fitzpatrick, in '04.Karen Hanlon Heritage Pomeranianskarenhanloncomcast.net16 The Pom Reader January 2004JaiJan-Shars N Janesas HurrahThough he was never shown, Jan-Shars N' Janesa's Hurrah is an integral part of my breeding program. Thanks to Sharon Hanson for this lovely, sweet natured dog who produces such beautiful progeny. Hurrah has left an indelible mark on Janesa through the many quality sons and daughters he has produced over the years.My condolences Charlotte on your lost of BIS Southland's Mighty Impressive. He was truly impressive.Jerrie FreiaJanesa s Pomeranianspomsjanesa.comCH. T00KEYES TOY BOY TOOKEYES WELCH GOLDTOOKE YES THE HAPPY FLUTE TOOKEYES THE GOLD SMITH ROMXCH. MULLERSKAZAR SUNGOLDS ILLUSION AT TOYBOY TOYBOX VANILLA ICE AT TOOKEYES,TOYBOY AMERICAN PIEJAN-SHARS N JANESAS HURRAHAM CH BEV-NORN SOUTHLAND RAMBO ROMX,AM CH JAN-SHARS HOME BREW JAN-SHARS FOGGI NOTION JAN-SHARS WILDWOOD FLOWERUNICORNS HIGHT EXPECTATIONS UNICORNS SWEET PEA OF JAN-SHAR UNICORNS UNSINKABLE MOLLY BThe Pom Reader January 2004 177 lu 1^ GROUP PLACING . PUPPY rw^ 00 Boo Kitty - a purrrfect teamBoo Boo Kitty is pictured at her first show where she captured WB, BOW, BOS, Best Puppy and Puppy Group MILKitty's second weekend out she pounced oni the heavy competition at the Defend, FiOridai shows picking up her first 4 pt. major under judge Mr. Dennis McCoy.Next hunting spot was Sarasota, FI., where Kitty clawed her way to another 2 pt. win under Mr. Robert Sharp.Vikki Boo Boo Kitty's Florida expedition ended in Sarasota where she took another point under Don Rogers giving her a total of 9 pts.Kitty is on the prowl looking for that second major and a few singles to finish her championshipt Thank you Vikki for your expert handling and the wonderful care you give to Kitty. XBreederfQa'ner Ugn TrainerGad A. Gartey Gaigan'ponts.cotn 631-399-3933 u'u'u'.garcfpome.mHandler RingmasterVictoria 0eenfis 516-795-b05S ViktrespomsaoLcomTur Pom UrvniiK Iwumo 20lCh. AJs Tuff As Nailsf4-AStyle, type, structure, and movement all in a beautifully correct black and tan color. Levi finished in the top ten in 2003, looking forward to 2004 A multiple group winner and placer in top Toy competition.Welcome Back BensonTHE ONLY BLACK AND TAN IN THE TOP TEN POMSBreedersAshley Jerry MillerOwnerHoward SklarPresented byJoyce McComiskey 318-458-9034The Pom Reader January 2004 19CH. FINCHS PEACEMAKER PARTIGunnerGunner was only shown 8 times and finished his championship in two weeks and never took less than Reserve for the two shows where he didnt take a point.Thank you judges Kent Delaney -1 point, Florise Hogan - 4 points,Stephen Hubbell - 5 points, Clyde Shaw - 3 points, Darryl Vice -1 point plus BOB over the specials, and Charlotte McGowan -1 point.Gunner is shown by Lynn Meyer.' Cykknosu\ I KisVJlJ H. Mil 11 Hitmv\ fBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX1' NBN .1 CHAMPIONmINNERSzmm.NEW TORN.' \ KENNEL CLUB Vlnu . 20034Ujjn Nov. is, 2003 0ic.nsrt CH. FINCHS PART TIMETinaThank you judges Clinton Harris - 2 points,Clay Coady - 2 points, Stephen F. Hurt -1 point, Toddie Houston-Clark - 1 point,Dan More - 4 points, Robert J. Bemdt -1 point,HanJ. Brunotte -1 point,and David M. Crough - 3 pointsGunner is shown by Vicki Oelerich.arOChelCheryl Kerr Elaine Waugh ewaughwoh.rr.com20 The Pom Reader January 2004tCh i5CH. BBMJAMES DRE^MTIME INDIAN ROCKo0V'xIf.w- U.r tCH. BEAU JAMES WHfTNEY HUES TOOLook for our lovely whites, brindles, partis, oranges and blaeks in the ring this year 1Cynthia Wallen Telephone 419-845-3170 E-maill bjp0msthewav2.comwww. bea uja mes-po mera nians .co mThe Pom Reader January 2004 21NEW CHAMPIONCH. LIL ROK'S ROK'N THE NITE AWAY - "Kohl"Hers a CutiePyeMCh. Mac's Something Something Coulter's Goin For Broke Sanlees Emmy Awards CH. LIL ROKS ROK'N THE NITE AWAY Ch. Creiders Chase the Clouds Mabins Simply SexyCarousels Lady ClandestineA special Thank You to the judges who appreciated our gorgeous little boy Mr. Norman Patton 4 point majorBOB over Specials, Mr. Raymond Bay - 3- Point Major BOB over Specials III Also thank you to the following judges who appreciated Kohl's type, movement and attitude Mr. Roy Holloway, Mrs. Bettie Krause, Mr. Zell Von Pohlman, Mr. Norman Patton, Mrs. Lois Wolff White.Bred and Co-Owned ByLESLIE STONE Columbus, TXLilRokPomacademicplanet.comAt Stud to Approved BitchesHandled and Co-Owned ByADRIENNE PYE Spring, TX CutiePyeairmail.netBEST OF WINNERSBAHIASURKENNEL CLUB 1 22003 PHOTOS by KIT BESTOPPOSITE SEXRagdolls Dragon SlayerRagdolls Tango Of Sourwood x Nora Gail Of Lenette 7 pointsMSU thyroid testedVet patella checkedCongratulations to Linda Pelz and Michael Wells of DreamWeaver Poms on their kennel visit Lance is such a beautiful color, we felt a color ad was in order Linda handled Lance to all of his points. Thank you for the wonderful care you gave Lance Lances coat is conditioned with Inflight Coat Formula.BreedersOwnersMichael Shalon Parrott, Ragdoll Poms 662-342-2002 RAGDOLLPOM aol.com22 The Pom Reader January 2004The Pom Reader January 2004 23a M'ream KJeaoer j omeramansCPc.We are pleased to welcome Elizabeth Scott and the Solid Gold Samoyeds to our family. Elizabeth Scott and Michael Wells were joined hi marriage on December 13, 2003. Bridesmaids from left are Linda Pelz, Christie Bergamo, Jill Jessup, Marilyn Johnson and Deborah Scott with some of the Solid Gold Champions and title holders. Flower girl is Eimna Johnson. Liz and Mike have Ch. Painted Warrior of DW and Ch. Desert Thunder of Leimette and the groomsmen are Ed Wells with Ch. DreamWeavers Dakote of Lennette, Greg DeWitt with AmInt Ch. Lakota Sioux of Lenette, Stemiis Prochnow with DreamWeavers Enduring Freedom, Jeff Kurburski with DreamWeavers Northern Lights and Andrew Pelz with Ch. Rubys Firemaiden of DreamWeaver.Elizabeth and Mike Wells 616-844-4217 14506 Lincoln St.Grand Haven, MI 49417 mikewschartermi.netSee more wedding pictures at www.msu.eduscottelwedding.htmLinda Pelz 760-940-4214 Oceanside, CA www.dreamweaverpom.comCongratu latio'ns to Iony Cabrera S' Pabian Arienti of Starfire Poms on your breeder visit.Linda Pelz Michael Wells ofDreamweaver Pomsc-It_____w CJndtj GoldenPromiseMe3aol.comand Shelly Wiemer-Martin of Poetry Poms on your People in Poms feature. __Jennifer folic ... fallcstergreatlakes.netVLjr'Lil Darlins AmoreCh. Lil Darlins Simply Irresistible x Lil Darlins Rich as Roses.'L mnrck2rmrn Valentinohas commenced his show career, owner handled, with a total of 7 points, two Best of Breeds and a Puppy Group I. Thank you to the following esteemed judges for his wins Mr. Richard Camacho, Mrs. Grace Moran, Mrs. R. Ellen Fetter and Mrs. Isabel J. Staffers.Gina, thank you so much for entrusting me with this special boy and for your friendship. Special thanks to my friends and mentors Trilvie Haynes of Kitsan Pomeranians and Margaret Nance of Serafina's Pomeranians and to all of my friends and other Valentino supportersOwnerHandlerJean Elting Rowe Townsend Pomeranians www.townsendpomeranians.comBreeder Gina Alford Lil Darlins Pomeranians www.lildarlins.com24 The Pom Reader January 2004NASTYSsTOlWHSWCKBr't1COMING IN THE FEBMARCH ISSUEBREEDER VISITPETE PATTI BARNETT P.J. Poms White Hall, ILBREEDER VISITDENNIS MARI LITONJUAChrisden Pomeranians PhilippinesTHIS ISSUE WILL BE PASSED OUT AT THE NATIONALS IN LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY IN MARCHCALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR PLACEMENTis February20,2004ContactSHARON MASNICK or BENSON RAYPH 843.558.7432843.558.6062 FAX 843.558.6915 . j EMAIL BENAIRESAOL.COM FOR INFORMATIONPlease submit material via the followingMail to 8848 Beverly Hills Road, Lakeland, FL 33809or Email to specify for The Pom ReaderText should be submitted as word documents... as an attachment to your email. Photos or ad formats... 300 dpi, jpg, tif, pdf, cmyk.Quark, Illustrator 7, Photoshop 7... no Publisher files please. Remember to include your mailing address, type of ad colorbw, size of ad, and payment information.Check out our WebsiteWWW.THEPOMREADER.COMThe Pom Reader Jam ary 200-4ShowSightFROM THE EDITOR USometimes as we move forward we back. I started the New Year with a following. Youll love it, too.joe McGinnis jrare helped by looking smile when I read theDOUBLE DOG DARE YOUlam sharing this with you today because it ends with a"double dog dare" to pass it on. Always remember that the perfect age is somewhere between old enough to know better and young enough not to care. How many do you remember1. Candy cigarettes.2. 5-cent packs of baseball cards...3. with pink bubblegum inside.4. Coffee shops with tableside juke boxes.5. Blackjack and Teaberry chewing gum.6. Home milk delivery in glass bottles7. Telephone party lines.8. Newsreels before the movie.9- P. F- Flyers.10. Butch wax.11. Phone numbers like Drexel-5505.12. Peashooters.13. Howdy.14. 45-RPM Records.15. Green Stamps.16. Hi-fi's.17. Metal ice cube trays-with levers.18. Mimeograph paper.19- Blue flash Bulbs.20. Beanie and Cecil.21. Roller skate keys.22. Cork pop guns.23. Drive ins.24. Studebakers.25. Wash tub wringers.26. The Fuller Brush man.27. Reel-to-reel tape recorders.28. Tinkertoys.29. The Erector Set.30. The Fort Apache Playset.31. Lincoln Logs.32. 15 cent McDonald hamburgers.33. Soda pop machines with glass bottles.34. Penny candy.35. 35 cent-a-gallon gasoline.AND A TIME WHEN. . .Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny- miney-mo."Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "Do over""Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest.Catching the fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening.It wasn't odd to have two or three "best" friends.Having a weapon in school meant being caught with a spitball.A foot of snow was a dream come true.Saturday morning cartoons weren't 30- minute ads for action figures."Oly-oly-oxen-free" made perfect sense.Spinning around, getting dizzy, and falling down was cause for giggles.The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team.War was a card game.Water balloons were the ultimate weapon.Baseball cards in the spokes transformed any bike into a motorcycle.Taking drugs meant orange-flavored chew- able aspirin.If you can remember most or all of these, then you have livedPass this on to anyone who may need a break from his "grown up life....I double dog dare yaWe start our nineteenth year by going back to our original team, and with Benson and Sharon at the helm we have another blockbuster Pom Reader. Heres looking forward to a wonderful twelve months. Until next issue, may your best day of2003 be your worst day of2004. POMS AWAYSOME DOGS HAVE HEARTS SO STRONG THEY CAN BEAT FOR TWO.THE EUKANUBA VITAL HEALTH SYSTEMTargeted Nutrition For Total Body Health Every Day.SensoryMental Health Skin Coat Health\ Vital Organ liiiy V HealthBone Muscle DigestiveHealthHealthOralHealthEukanuba promotes a healthy, powerful heart by supplying it with 7 essential nutrients.Tkirty minutes. Thats all the time this rescue hog has before an avalanche victim runs out of air. With his heart pumping at full capacity, he races through deep snow and up steep inclines, then digs without letting up until he makes a find. And savesa life. A typical day at work for Tenzing, a German Sheph erd who relies on a strong, healthy heart to do his job. And whose trainer relies on Eukanuba Premium Performance Large Breed.Providing targeted nutrition for total body health every day, the Eukanuba Vital Health System promotes a healthy, powerful heart by supplying it with seven essential nutrients. Look for Eukanuba at veterinary offices and pet stores, or call 1-888-EUKANUBA.Because a heart that can beat for two, can beat for years.BTheJams Company 2003 www.eukanuba.comEukanubaWhat Healthy Dogs Are Made Of.TThe Pom Reader January 2004 27JCenmelor lire sStarfire s Fransesca\\n\r,JP r, ,Our new girl28 The Pom Reader - January 2004Tony Cabrera Fabian Arienti 23750 SW 142 Avenue Miami, FL 33032 305-257-2818 starfirespomsaol.comrCennelor tire sCh. Starfire s Wicked Mean N Nasty4QLbest of breedOR VARIETYCENTRAL FLORIDA KENNEL CLUB JUNE 0 2003jhoto by SABRINAAFirst time in the ring winning the breed over three specials at six months old. Thank you Mrs. Peggy Hauck. Same day, Group II under Mrs. Summa.Tony Cabrera Fabian Arienti 23750 SW 142 Avenue Miami, FL 33032 305-257-2818 starfirespomsaol.comTiif. Pom Reader' January 2004 29\Hollilys Circuit Breaker, CBandHollilys A Dream for Teralee, AshleeAre Dreamin of Breakin each others record to see who will finish first.This brothersister team are neck and neck and need their Majors. Watch to see who beats whoEtf VfLeanneWilkins 603 674 5805\ porneramans30 - The Pom Reader January 2004Vs\ \V BEST OF .1 OPF05ITESPRIMCFIILD, kENnEL CLUBCh. Southpaws Ter alee Mis-BehaveNMikaThree Generations of Mis-Behave NMMika is the proud mother and grandmother to Arianna and Montana. Mika is mostly retired from the show ring and only shows on special occasions but she is happy to keep an eye on her daughter and granddaughter in the ring, knowing they are making her proud.Watch this trio at the Nationals in Kentucky in March.A aV1WINNERSBEST OF OPPOSITErCAPECODkennelCLUBCUN DAT flFPT 14 .I'OJl oil'NUlTlNC5SSouthpaws Aint Mis-Behave WAriannaSouthpawsMs-BehaveNMontanaSandy Shaneyfelt Southpaw PomeraniansSouthpawdogsaol.comLeanne Wilkins 603 674 5805 Teraleetotalnetnh.netMm,pomerartiansr 4 . rThe Pom Reader - January 2004- 31Hk.PUBLISHER DUANE C. DOLL CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DOLL-McGINNIS PUBUCATIONS JOSEPH N. MCGINNIS JR. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF FRANK CASTIGLIONE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICEREDITORJOSEPH N. MCGINNIS JR.MANAGING EDITOR THERESA E. THOMPSONrJANUARY 2004 VOLUME XIX NUMBER ELEVENable tf Cttttottfrk1. On The Cover CH. STARFIRFS WICKED MEAN N NASTYStory, page 2 Oivners Capt. Jean L. Heath and Dr. William H. Cosby, Jr. of Black Watch and Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti ofStarfire26. SHOWSIGHT from the Editor35. DID YOU KNOW by Sharon Masnick Benson E. Ray38. THE DOCTOR IS IN by Dr. Rosanne M. Cebelenski44. HERE THERE by Sally Baugniet Judging Toy Dogs On The Table56. PENl'JLMENTO by Diane KlumbMisinformation, Disinformation and the Voice of AuthorityADVERTISING EDITORIAL CONCEPT AND DESIGNOF LAKEL'AND J.N. MCGINNIS JR., ART DIRECTORASSOCIATE ART DIRECTOR THERESA E. THOMPSONROB CLARK CHARLES CARTER BRANDI N. KNAPP62. HELPFUL HINTS by Linda Pelz64. NEW CHAMPIONS TITLEHOLDERSConfirmed October 200368. PR TOP TEN The countrys top Poms69. STARFIRE POMERANIANSA visit with Tony Cabrera Fabian ArientiPRODUCTION OFFICES Doll-McGinnis Enterprises. Incorporated 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland. FL 33809-1604 TEL 863-858-3839 FAX 863-853-3624 httpwww.dmcg.comADVERTISING SALES SHARON MASNICK or BENSON RAY Tel 843-558-7432 OR 843-558-6062 Fax 843-558-6915 Cell 843-319-5668 Email BENAIRESAOL.COMCUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE SHAYNE BLACKSUBSCRIPTIONS CIRCULATIONTELEPHONE 863-858-3839FACSIMILE 863-853-362475. DREAMWEAVER POMERANIANSA visit with Linda Pelz Michael Wells81. POETRY POMERANIANSA visit with Shelley Wiemer-Martin84. THE POM CLUB OF HAWAII 27TH SPECIALTY SHOW103. POETS CORNER By Tambra White Ref lections for the new year104. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription ratesPRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES 105. INDEX TO ADVERTISERSTHE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809- 1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the 32 The Pom Reader January 2004editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for 3rd Class service in the United States 48.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class S70.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALLISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC-UCENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND ALLBREED JUDGES.Direct all inquiries toJoe McGinnis, Editor,8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604.TEL 863-858-3839. FAX 863-853-3624.Email hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.NEW CHAMPIONMountain Crest Pomeraniansvv.mo3\rCh. Great Elms Master Mark ROMX Ch. Great Elms Mr. Chips ROMX Great Elms BeautyresounairereCh. Great Elms Sweet Prince Mountain Crest Mariah Great Elms Happy HillaryBest of luck to his new owner Lavonne Beard and to Bronya Johnston who will be expertly handling him in his specials career.Congratulations to Tony and Fabian on your Breeder Visit and to Linda and Michael on their People In Poms feature.Thank you Judge Mrs. Christine Salyers-AndersonDAVID AND CARLENE GILSTRAPP.O. Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-821-1015 email dcgilstrapaol.comALTA DAVIS27 Kingswood Drive Hendersonville, NCAPHRODITES 2003 CHAMPIONCd Trudy's B ka oh ApdrodcteSire Ch Trudy's Country Club ROM Dam Trudy's Delicate LaceBlue finished his championship at 8 mths old. He is now 14 months old and maturing nicely as his picture shows. I couldn't be more pleased. As always, thank you Nancy Coddington for this wonderful dog. I would also like to congratulate Donna Machniak on her December People in Poms visit. Welcome back Benson You were greatly missed.Owner LINDA DECICCO Windham, Me Pomsaaol.comBreeder NANCY CODDINGTON Vandilia, Ml Rcodaol.comKnow.BY SHARON MASNICK BENSON RAYThank you so much for the huge welcome back to Benson. He came back due to the requests from many breeders for the quality of the magazine to be reinstated to what it was 3 months ago and what it had been for many years. Well, now I am back too.Our first grandchild arrived early on Jan.1 1th. Her name is Kirstyn Skye Masnick and she weighed T7 lbs. 4oz. Both mom, Rebecca, and baby, Skye are doing fine. She is a beautiful baby and we both look forward to spoiling and spending time with her.Now, that statement brings me to express to each of you if you want the Pom Reader to be the power house it once was, we need your cooperation and support. We send flyers monthly as well as send e-mails and make phone calls. Each issue has a deadline, so please if you make a commitment to advertise be on time and dont require us to remind you several times. Besides doing the Pom Reader, we also do twoother magazines that we have to devote time to. We have to be very time oriented to make it all work. So, again, please do your part and be on time.We are open to suggestions for people to feature articles that you would like to have published. The FebMar issue will close 220 and this is the issue we will pass out at the nationals in Kentucky.I thought I would share some tips for submitting an ad to us for publication. Select your photo...with an address label put the name of the dog, your name and address on the back. Type or print the information needed for us to design an ad for you or lay out your ad yourself. Go over the information before mailing it to check spelling. Decide your method of payment either a check or major credit card. If using a credit card we need the cardholder name, number on the card and expiration. Mail your package to TNT, 8B48 Beverly Hills Rd., Lakeland, FL 33809- 1 604.If you would like to sendan ad electronically, please call me for information. The next special set of shows will be Progressive, the specialty shows and Westminster all in New York. It is a brand new year and what a start We are already hearing great reports about toy dogs from the first of the year circuits. If you happen to see us at any of the upcoming shows please say hello and fill us in on your plans for 2004.In order for a publication about a specific breed to be valuable and useful to members of the dog fancy, the publication must reach a broad spectrum of dog owners. The Pom Reader was designed to assist both the experienced breeder and the individual companion owner. The Pom Reader contains something for everyone.We wish to thank our loyal supporters who share ideas and experience with the entire fancy. We want to continue to stress the importance of reader input.The Pom Reader January 2004 35Kennel Visits up visits with breeders are designed to share ideas and experiences as a learning tool for everyone. Although most of our featured breeders have been involved in the sport for a very long time, some have only recently decided to pursue excellence in this regard. We welcome input from everyone actively breeding Poms and whose decisions affect the life of Pom pups.people Dn jon\sThis feature is designed to introduce people who are very much involved in Poms but do not have a breeding kennel. We have found that people in this situation offer a unique and valuable viewpoint.Spotlight On 'ZVDesigned to feature dogs that you will see in pedigrees but no longer in the show ring, this is a chance to revisit the glory days of some the breeds great. It gives the experienced fancier a chance to remember fondly, and the newcomer a chance to see a little bit of Pom history.Always in these features, the dogs and people are selected by popular demand, and although their ideas and viewpoints are theirs and not those of The Pom Reader, they are welcomed. If you would like to suggest a kennel, Pom lover or dog to be featured, give us a call.Reader's Comments...Dear Benson,pr the pertonal mrlpet pa are making ha fend par valuable time mh a wonderpl diowcate pr mr breed.I can onphope the Pomeranian pntf realizet the important rate thatmagazine ptap etpeaaltp pr the breeder, and tap porta par epprh with adt.That pram can onp earth p we, the breeders and ownert op mr beloved Pomt,get behind par epprtt and adverhte. I hope we do noh ehpa down.36 The Pom Reader - January 2004Advertising is very important. Placing ads on a regular basis helps fanciers to recognize your kennel name, your commitment to the breed and your accomplishments.Many of us are familiar to one another from ringside, but at shows there is precious little time to talk. Even at specialty shows it is often hard to quiz fellow breeders about their stock, its strongest points, and their future breeding plans. Its a great privilege to sit down, page through a magazine, and find out what we need to know. These pages are, of course, the place where we should say what we need to say.There is no substitute for the printed word. A beautiful magazine has far more impact than word of mouth, and is far more effective than a webpage, which reaches very limited number of the people you want to reach. [Besides, Ive never seen anyone browsing his PC at ringside.] An ad with your latest win or your exciting, upcoming litter is the very best way to get the information across to the people you want to reach. And in an international magazine like The Pom Reader reaches more serious Pom lovers than any other source.Over a period of time, if you advertise consistently people will realizethat you are in dogs for good. They will notice that you have quality dogs with great pedigrees and that you can work with people successfully. If you dont let people know you are serious, youre wasting your time and money. In addition, advertising your accomplishments on a regular basis lets people know youre not in it for a quick buck.Many people quit after five years. This is why many breeders and exhibitors are wary of new people. So, get the word out by advertising that you have survived and are in the game to stay.Everyone wants to get mileage from their advertising dollar and that is why placing an ad in The Pom Reader will have lasting effects it is a keeper magazine. The Pom Reader offers color or black and white ads, BIG pictures, and an editor and publisher who have been in the business for almost twenty years. In fact, The Rom Reader is the longest continually-published Rom publication around. You dont have to worry that there might not be an issue next month - our dependability speaks for itself.So when you want to place an ad...who you gonna callThe Pom Reader, of courseComing Attractions FeDMaizfi 2004BREEDER VISITPETE PATTI BARNETT PJ. Poms Wkite Hall, ILBREEDER VISITDENNIS MARI LITONJUACfirisden Pomeranians PhilippinesTHIS ISSUE WILL BE PASSED OUT AT THE NATIONALS IN LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY IN MARCHDUE DATE FOR ADS FEBRUARY 20, 2004CONTACT US TO START SAVING ON YOUR ADVERTISING WITH A BUSINESS CARD SUBSCRIPTION...WITH YOUR BUSINESS CARD SUBSCRIPTION YOU WILL RECEIVE 10 Discount on Deluxe Color Ads 10 Discount on Black and White AdsBUSINESS CARD FOR 11 ISSUESTHIRD CLASS 132.00FIRST CLASS 154.00Payable half up front, balance 120 days.Everyone wants to get mileage from their advertising dollar and placing an ad in the Pom Reader has lasting effects IT IS A KEEPER MAGAZINE and has enormous readership both statewide and internationally. Our complimentary issues for Specialty shows reach even more Pom lovers. Our updated monthly web page provides information on AKC ratings.Check it out at or simply RAY or SHARON MASNICK843.558.7432 843.558-6062Fax 843-558-6915 EMAIL benairesaol.comTHE POM R E A D E RYOUR UP-TO-DATE POM CONNECTIONHi DOCTOR IS IDDR. ROSANNE M. CEBELENSKIThis month Id like to discuss an illness I have battled and finally won Malabsorption syndrome. Since my dog, Adonis, was diagnosed with this disease four years ago, my vet has asked my assistance in helping other patients with this illness...therefore I thought I would share the comprehensive treatment plan I developed. Hopefully none of you will ever need this advice, but in case you do I hope this helps. 1Malabsorption syndrome, or protein losing enteropathy, is a disease of the intestines. Usually caused by a viral or allergic antigen the mucosal or protective coating of the intestines is worn away. The result is that bacteria can leak from the intestine causing sepsis overwhelming infection andor a lack of absorption of nutrients, mostly protein, causing the dog to starve to death or congestive heart failure from buildup of fluids. Most of these dogs about 90 affected die secondary to congestive heart failure or more commonly sepsis.Adonis symptoms were very insidious and nonspecific. For about four days he intermittently refused food. Since he was eating once a day I wasnt too concerned. He had been on a diet so his weight loss did not alarm me. He then developed explosive diarrhea and began to vomit undigested food. He was then rushed to the vet.He was started on IV fluids and blood work and an x-ray were performed. X-ray demonstrated inflammation in the small and large intestine but no obstruction. Blood work revealed a mildly elevated white blood cell count Usually high in infections the higher the white count, the more severe the infection, and a low albumin protein in the blood. Adonis albumin was 1.1 normal is above 3. An endoscopy procedure where a scope is placed down the esophagus to look at the stomach was performed and biopsies were taken. Biopsies demonstrated inflammatory cells consistent with an allergic process. The blood work and endoscopy results confirmed malabsorption syndrome. I was told to start him on a hypoallergenic dog food and was given the following treatment planPrednisone at 10 mg a day Flagyl _ of a 250 mg pill once a day Pepcid _ of a 10 mg pill once a day Baytril 5 mg twice a dayAdonis was started on these meds but could not tolerate the dog food. I then began to think, what if my dog is allergic to dog food or at least the preservatives in dog food. I then consulted with a friend of mine who is a gastroenterologist, as well as a holistic vet and a human nutritionist at the hospital I work with. In terms of food Istarted Adonis on a monodiet of fish and mashed potatoes. I added digestive enzymes and colostrum which is reported to help repair the lining of the intestine as well as to help build the immune system I also added a human medication known as Vivonex-TEN, which is an albumin supplement we prescribe it for humans who have malabsorption syndrome. Adonis was fed four small meals throughout the day. Miraculously his vomiting stopped and his diarrhea improved. I then began to add more, hypoallergenic, foods. His diet then and now consists of venison, ostrich, buffalo, duck and fish, mixed with baby food sweet potatoes or vegetables. His diet is low fat, low fiber, and hypo allergic. The MOST allergenic foods are chicken, turkey, beef, soy, wheat, and corn.High fiber foods would include all grains and unpureed vegetables.Adonis was weaned off the prednisone and although he was acting better, and gained weight his albumin remained around 2.5. It was then that l met Dr. J. Wen of Hampton Vetinary Hospital. Dr. Wen specializes in oriental herbal medicine and accupunture. He prescribed a blend of oriental herbs in a complex he calls PLE protein losing enteropathy. Adonis next blood work demonstrated an albumin of 3.5. Adonis has now been off of medication for a year even though he is still on his diet and supplements and is doing wonderfully, and has gotten a clean bill of health from his vets.Malabsorption syndrome is not considered heritary which I feel is correct as none of Adonis relatives or his children have this condition. It is not very common, but is not rare either, and, as stated previously, is usually fatal.Even if you never have a dog with this condition, I hope you take the general advice contained in this article. Even though western medicine can help treat many conditions, it is limited in its ability to treat andor cure every illness. Alternative treatments such as homeopathy, and eastern medicine as well as proper nutrition can add the missing link in conquering this illness, and you should not be afraid to explore them.If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at next month, when the doctor is in. 38 The Pom Reader January 2004Presenting New ChampionMachoCh. Ben Aires Macho MoonwalkerBEST OF BREED or VARIETYBREVARDkennel CLUBDECEMBER 02003CfKv tammiet rThanks to the judges who appreciated his quality.Macho started his career at the Atlanta Toy Dog Association going BOB over 3 specials for his first major. He was undefeated except for one reserve enroute to his title with multiple BOBs and a group placement. He is a proven stud with a son to be shown soon. His pedigree reflects years of quality breeding. Macho will be with Linda Mulso of Cottontop Poms in St. James, MO for 6 months April-Sept. 2004. Stud service available by private treaty.Breeders BENSON E. RAY BRENDA SEGELKEN Handled by SHARON MASNICK Owners BENSON E. RAY SHARON MASNICK 843.558.7360 benairesaol.comCh. MILLAMORS TRADEMARK Ch. MILLAMORS MARK TRADITION ROM Ch. MILLAMORS SPARKLING MUSIC Ch. GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKER ROM BIS Ch. COTS TOP OF THE MARK DE ARTAS DANCING MARKETTA DE ARTAS WEE DANCING CHERRI Ch. GOLDEN AIRES MOON CHIPAC Ch. CHRISCENDO CALVIN KLEIN ROM CHRISCENDO CURRENT AFFAIRCan. Ch. CHRISCENDO COURTNEY ROSE GOLDEN AIRES MAKE A WISHCh. MILLAMORS MARK TRADITION ROM DE ARTAS WALTZING MATILDADE ARTAS WEE DANCING CHERRI Ch. GOLDEN AIRES WALLACE JRCh. MILLAMORS TRADEMARK Ch. MILLAMORS MARK TRADITION ROM Ch. MILLAMORS SPARKLING MUSIC Ch. GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKER ROM BIS Ch. COTS TOP OF THE MARK DE ARTAS DANCING MARKETTA DE ARTAS WEE DANCING CHERRI GOLDEN AIRES RUDENACh. MILLAMORS TRADEMARK Ch. MILLAMORS MARK TRADITION ROM Ch. MILLAMORS SPARKLING MUSIC GOLDEN AIRES MIRA O MTT.LAMOR Ch. TWIN PINES TICO TICO GOLDEN AIRES RAMBLIN ROSATO DUPRES KATE RAISING CANE CHAMPION BEN AIRES MACHO MOONWALKERCh. BONNERS STYLEPEPPER PRESHUS Ch. DIXIELANDS STYLE STEPPER DIXIELANDS LITTLE JUDY Ch. MILLAMORS MARK OF DIXIELAND BIS Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly DIXIELANDS DRAGONFLY DELETE MILLAMORS MELODY BOX ROM BIS Ch. COTS TOP OF THE MARKCh. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPER AGAIN Ch. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPERS IMAGE GREAT ELMS LINDA CEDARWOODS LINDA LEIGHCh. DENDrS MIRACLE BOY Cedarwoods Sweet Sissy Ch. SISSY OF LENETTE FAME FLORIDA MISS FORTUNELITTLE REBELS JOY JITTERBUG PIXIES MAXI MILIAN VI RAS CHARM PIXIE MAXS QT MAXIMILIAN TENOS BIG SHOT BIG SHOTS QT MUFFETTDEUCES DORABLE QUETEE FAME BARBIE DOLLBROWNS WEE FLAMBEAU MARK GOLDEN PATTERN BIMBEAU FLICKERS GOLDEN PATTERN BIMBEAUS GOLDEN CREME PUFF JODrS RED SUNDANCE SUNNY CREME PUFF BABE BANNERS DORABLE BABEThe Pom Reader January 2004 39CaneFyre Pomeranians New Champion in 2003Champion CaneFyres TaterTot AIBEST OF BREEDSPECIALTY SHOWmike JOHNSON PHOTOCh. Sandalwood JI Marty Jr. x CaneFyres Hi-Speen RacinBred by Shari M. Fukuyama Marc K. Kupau Owned by Shari M. Fukuyama . Laurella PangHandled by Shari M. FukuyamaPomeranian Club of Hawaii Specialty Nov. 23, 2003 Judge Janice L. EarlTater Tot finished her championship by going undefeated in the classes in five consecutive shows. We finished up the 2003 show season by winning Best of Breed at the Pom Club of Hawaiis Specialty.CaneFyre Shari M. Fukuyama email Tel 808-623-978140 The Pom Reader January 2004I KNOW IMSOMEBODYklAHI 1 CHAMPION TRESSTIQUEIMOULtl NO BULL IM CUTE7rBEST OF BREEDCSPENNTREATYIkennel club M-KII joi.NvMiitn . Acause God dont make no junkOwnerHandler Gloria SetmayerThe Pom Reader January 2004 4lCh. Arn-ette Dance'n In The RainCh. Donara's Flame Dancer xCh. Dannylad Rhumba Rhythm AmetteThanks to judges Janet Wilcox and Birdie Newbill for his majors. Rainey finished from the Bred By Exhibitor class.Ch. EbonysandsAmetteDBL ShotCh. Am-ette on the Rocks x Denovo's High HopeBred by Frank and Kathy NavarreteShooter received his last major at the Puget Sound Pom Club show during the summer national weekend under judge Beverly Lehnig. Thanks also to judge Steve Arnold for his first major. He is pictured taking the breed under judge Ekarat Sangkunakup at his first show as a special.Arn-ette PomsGeri Bill 503-394-340542 The Pom Reader - January 2004wmhhl V5 BEST of BREEDWILLAMETTE VLY.TOY DOG CLUB \ Photography By OSteven Ross L' WINTER - 2003 ' ar-titST OF \N\UNEREVlGtNt. FENNEL CLUBSEPTEMBERby ME6 __Our new puppy hopeful for 200453rrsABEST OF OPPOSITE AND WINNERS i-V^lA___Majesties Work of ArtAKA Remmi, bred by Annette Rister and Charlotte CreedPictured above receiving his first points at his first show under noted Toy Judge, Mr. Ray Filburn thank you. As always, beautifully handled by Melodie Gault, Ontario, Canada.Our deepest regrets to our LA sweetheart, Miss Charlotte on the loss of BISBISS Ch. Southland's Mighty Impressive. To the world he was just another dog. To so many of us, he was the world.Rem is a mighty grandson and we look forward to a bright 2004. He surely has given me a lease on life. Thanks Annette and Charlotte.Rock Valley Kennels Home to Bow Boys Poms Fushi Pekeugiene Kennel 413-535-5100The Pom Reader January 2004 43Stephen Turner 405 Rock Valley Road w. Holyoke, MA o 1040Here ThereBY SALLY BAUGNIETBaugnietdcwis.comJUDGING TOY DOGSON THE TABLEI am writing this article both for the judges and for the exhibitors of the Toy breeds. Not only do judges need to know what is expected of them when judging a Toy, exhibitors need to know what is expected of them when exhibiting a Toy dog.Think of yourself standing on a beam five stories up on a building being constructed. Now, look down Whoee, that is high Look around at the big crane with another beam swinging from it. Bang A big pallet of building material was just put on the floor. Dit it make you jump Well, did it at least give you a startled look Did you calm down after being reassured by the building contractor that you are safe and no harm will come to you while you are in his careNow put yourself in the place of a Toy breed standing for examination on a table in the show ring, a noisy show ring. The situation of that little dog might be the same situation you felt on top of a five story construction building.Is there danger to the dog Sure there is. Be aware of the problems that might occur with a Toy dog handled by a young child, whether the child is in Junior Showmanship or in the regular classes. In "Juniors" competition, one of the things we are judging is how well that child handles their dog in the show ring. I keep an extremely watchful eye on the dog that is put on the table by a young child.Think of yourself standing on a beam five stories up on a building being constructed. Now, look down Whoee, that is high Look around at the big crane with another beam swinging from it. Bang A big pallet of building material was just put on the floor.When examining a Toy dog, realize the structure and bone of a Pom or Chihuahua, for example, is not as strong as a German Shepherd or a Retriever. Do you treat a human baby the same as a teenager...or a thirteen year old the same as a thirty year old Be gentle. Have patience. It won't make your judging schedule kaflooy. Some classes take more...some less time44 The Pom Reader January 2004than others. Of course, if a dog cannot be examined, it must be excused.When examining the dog's head, do it for structure and typiness, but save expression for the floor. Do not cover the dog's eyes when checking its bite. Gently part the lips. Do not struggle with the dog to see its bite. Do have the exhibitor show the bite if you are having a problem. Always be sure it is shown to your satisfaction. If a standard calls for a scissors, level or undershot bite, that can be determined by examination of the incisors. If it calls for full dentition, more mouth examination is or may be necessary. Some breeds may have disqualification's or are heavily penalized for an incorrect bite. A wry mouth is not EVER part of a correct bite. Pugs are extremely sensitive to having their bite examined. It is easy enough to "feel" their bite by rubbing the fore finger over the Pug's teeth. It doesn't have to be "seen" and you do not have to count the teeth.Don't push on a Toy's body. Gently feel the structure, angles and depths of chest, substance, loin length, topline, tail-set, coat and anything else I didn't mention, without a hard slap on the rear at the end of the examination. Obviously, it will take a little more time to examine a long-coated breed than a breed with a short coat, because we don't have x-ray eyes to see through that long coat.Always examine a Toy on the table. If, after seeing a Toy move, you have a question and feel the need to check the structure again, PUT THE TOY BACK ON THE TABLE NEVER COME DOWN ON THE DOG ON THE FLOOR Remember, you are a monstrous stranger coming at the little dog.I occasionally hear from an exhibitor, whose dog is on the table for examination, that their dog is just starting to come back to the shows after being ruined by a judge that was too heavy-handed when examining their dog at a previous show. In some cases it might be an exhibitor's excuse for an unruly tabled dog, but often it is true...the judge was too rough.I still remember an experience I had many years ago showing a Pom. This judge is no longer living, but was always touted as a very good judge. He lifted myPom off the table with one hand to feel its weight. It started to fall from his hand to the floor. I caught my Pom in mid air. Had I not been alert, 1 may have had a dead or hurt Pom.We judges are not there to ruin an otherwise good Toy show dog. Even though most Toys are little dogs with big ideas, their structure cannot take the punishment dogs in other groups may be able to endure. Don't ruin the big idea Toy dogs have of themselves. BE GENTLE Take a little more time with a dog coming back from a bad experience...and be gentle with puppiesDid you know...For those of you who fly with your dogs to distant dog shows, there is a "NAP-STRAP" you can buy from a San Pedro, California company. A blindfold type apparatus with a wide stretchable band that fits over the headrest of the airline seat and can let you sleep while flying from one destination to another without the fear of the embarrassment of falling asleep on your neighbor's shoulder. It might work in a car and also prevent whiplash if you want to rest as a passenger in the car on your way to and from a show. The key words here are, "as a passenger". It might take you back to your childhood. Someone wearing one of these reminds me of "The Lone Ranger". HI HO SILVER AWAYWe all know about "belly bands" for male dogs not completely housebroken and panties for bitches with the same problem or in season, but did you know that there are diapers for various sizes of birds...even ducks These are made in Virginia. Their phone number is 888-412-POOP. VBGThose of you who like to take your dog with you for a ride on your motorcycle or bicycle and want to protect your dog's eyes from the wind and any flying foreign objects are able to do so with "DOGGLES". These are made in Jackson, California.And this from Canberra, Australia, "Dog-Plus K-9 Water" is a sports drink for dogs. It is bottled water with flavors like chicken and corn, liver and bacon or beef. Do people pamper their dogs...or whatTHOUGHT FOR THE MONTHA small college at an athletic meet had a cross-eyed javelin thrower.He didnt win any metals, but he sure kept the crowd alertThe Pom Reader January 2004 45NEW CHAMPION\ipssasssssm fe Tookeyes The Gold Smith Ch. Jan-Shars Sinbad of Velvetouch Jan-Shars Janies Girl Velvet Touch Southern SpiritCh. Idas Petite DelightbybevNor Idas Darling DianeIdas Little Shawn II Ch. Karizmas Tiny TimmyCh. Chriscendo Western Express Wee Hearts The Devil His Due Southlands Toasted Scarlett Karizmas McKenzieCh. Wee Hearts Cant Touch This Karizmas Where Angels WalkWee Heart Rumor To Be A Star46 The Pom Reader January 2004Thank you to judges June Penta and Dr. Steve Keating for Timmys majors. He finished from the puppy class in just a few weekends going Best Puppy In Show at the Michigan Toy Specialty and Best of Breed over specials for his second major. A special thank you to Carol Leemhuis for doing such a wonderful job handling Timmy.Owner ALLSTAR POMS TINA NICELY Ligonier, PA tinaleelaurelweb.netBreeders TERRY MILLER and AAANUEL GONZALEZHandler CAROL LEEMHUISProud to Introduce two of Our Newest Champions. Presenting...Ch. Darlins Major CommotionfinSire CH Reginapoms Gator in Motion Dam Mack's Chili PepperMajor finished with five majors'.I truly enjoyed showing this little dynamite. Thank you to all the judges that acknowledged this sound little dog that can move. Pictured winning a major under respected judge jackie Rayner.Breeders-.Laurie Otis Donna Machniak Owner\ Laurie Otis MCNULTY DOG SHOWSCh. Darlins Birthday Wisht\c.nnc.i_ ulub photoSinC 0 APR27a0031 _L Sire CH Jan Shars Topsy Turvey Dam CH Heartland's Precious GiftWishes finished with a 5 point Major at the Canfield Cluster in August, 2003 at the tender age of just 11 months under judge Ann Katona. Pictured here winning under judge Sandra Goose-Alien. A big thank you to Katy Stalnakerfor the use of Wishes' sire Topper.Breeders-. Laurie Otis Donna Machniak Owner-. Laurie OtisCongratulations to Linda Pelz and Mike Wells on their kennel visit. I enjoy our friendship and look forward to our future plans.The Pom Reader January 2004 47MgnAIntroducing NEW Championtt LSire Ch. Lynnwrights Tony Soprano Dam MonArcs I Luv Lucyc-V - BEST OF WINNERS c l OPPOSITEMAJORational Capita Kennel ClubNovember 20, 2003Rob Gorlty7 ASPECIALTY_Maggie attained her Championship in five shows all with majors. Her first major was at the PCGB SPECIALTY in November and under Judge Lydia Hutchinson - winning WB, BOW BOS. Her second major under Judge Joan Zielinski, her third under Judge Ann Summa and her last major under Judge Dennis McCoy... I would like to thank all the judges for recognizing Maggies fine qualities.Thank you to my friend Debby Wheeler for her expert handling and a thank you also to Donna Lynn Wright for allowing me to use Maggies sire.Congratulations and best wishes to my friends Tony and Fabian on their kennel visit and may Luther have many BIG WINS in 2004Ch. Majestic's 1 Be Willie Bad Ch. Majetics Willie B Steppen UpCh. Southlands Ms. Ruth OGreat Elms Ch. Lynnwrights Tony Soprano Ch. Bev-Nors Nuttin To It Ch. Lynnwrights Serial Mom Watts Little Nightfire Ch. MonArcs Shady LadyRhea-Nas Hot Shot of T and T AmCan Ch. Reginapoms Luv-A-Gator Chelsea Leigh Nunn MonArcs 1 Luv LucyCh. Thelduns Small Wonder MonArcs First LadyBlake's You Are My DestinyBreederOwner Shari Shields MonArc Poms301-261-3727sshieldserols.com48 The Pom Reader January 2004Handler Debby Wheeler 302-238-7874 thekennelatt.netPicon Pomeranian's New Champion BBEWESTMINSTER BOUND FLASHPicon's Sweet SugarSire Cases Gold Strike of Lenette x Dam Ch. Picon's Precious RockQBREEDBESTOFSCHOOLEYS mountain^. KENNEL gz, CLUBThanks to all of the judges for their recognition of this Bred-By girl.Mrs. Margaret A. Reed, Dr. Sam Draper, Mrs. Myron Corky Gauger, Mrs. Grace Moran, Mr. Raymond T. Swidersky, Mrs. Dorothy O. Hutchinson and Mrs. Etta B. OrensteinBreederOwner Handled Teresa Picon Shirley, NY 631-399-3759 Fax 631-399-6042 Poms551cs.comThe Pom Reader January 2004 49Harpo1nfssrmkbkv ^'v 32gvBEST OF BREE iOR VARIETOcL 18,2003BOOTH PHOTOs____Bred by Diane Kieffer Heartland Pomeranians Milan, Indiana Loved and Owned by Garry and Cindy Lowe Piece of Eden Pomeranians 989 689-4194.Ch. Jolvin's Cyber Space Warrior Ch. Heartland's TooTough to TopStar Haven's Christmas Cache Ch. Heartland's Harpo of P.O.E.BIS Ch. Jolvin's Legacy of Ginger Ch. Heartland's I'm an Angel TooCh. Heartland's She Walks Like an Angel"My heartfelt thanks to Kathy McClain for her loving care and handling of Harpo, and to Diane Kieffer for allowing me to have this nice boy. I would like to congratulate my friends Linda Pelz and Mike and Liz Wells on their kennel visit and wish them every success."50 The Pom Reader January 2004Solid GoldsWOLFKING, WOLFCUB and A GREEN COW BEEF TRIPEWhen Solid Gold originally-developed the Wolf King and WolfCub, the medium and large size dogs were in mind. However, during one palatability testing session with Irish Wolfhounds, we changed our minds. The Wolfhound owners also had a few Yorkie Terriers. So, as the pieces of food fell from the Wolfhounds' mouths, the Yorkies quickly grabbed them up. The WolfKing kibble had also been fed to Italian Greyhounds and Cairn Terriers. So much for the original idea of medium and large size dogs.This spring, Solid Gold will have "Just A Wee Bit' the WolfKing formula in slightly smaller pieces. The pink bag will have a white Westie on the front.Some dogs are now becoming allergic to beef and lamb So our Wolf KingWee Bit formula uses fresh bison and organic salmon, caught in the wilds of Alaska. This formula is a nice alternative to those expensive duck and potato formulas.Our Wolf KingCubWee Bit formula is non-allergenic since it contains no soybeans lecithin, wheat, corn, sunflower oil and no grape seed oil. Warnings are being published to not feed your dogs grapes, raisins or grape seed oil due to the heavy pesticide spraying. It may cause kidney damac The Swedish National Cancer sunflower oil. They said that sur increase in the risk of cancer.wn r ttu.v.M v\rr uuiw nvtST roc i. i nnwr -- ----------------------IvUmk.iiiii.ii mi i.i ikm., mi .. mi . nuurTMiiiUiNKVuru r.i m v i .uSOLID GOLD"WolfCubusinq69SOI___YV0tHUM3r- x,.,,Vooii------ WOLrtjjBThe protein in WolfKing is 22 a Our New Green Cow Beef Tripein 13.2 ounce cans. Tripe is the fourthof the stomach of the cow, where the digestive enzymes are located. These enzyme with young animals as well as older dogs. You need only about two tablespoons per pound dog per meal. Tripe is smelly and the dogs love it. The suggested price 13.2 ounce is U.S. 1.21. Tripe gives energy to sporting, hunting, musher andj dogs. It also brings out coat color.Our canned dog food is back in 13.2 and 5.5 ounce cans.They are no longer made in Canada. They are made in the U.S.Cats like Green Cow Tripe as well.DO NOT FOLLOW WHERE THE PATH MAY LEAD.GO INSTEAD WHERE THERE IS NO PATH, AND LEAVE A TRAIL.Ralph Waldo EmersonausIfCmesonebv,102 DPi-.. ' M-iinttwionce D9375Sl9ht 13.2oz.Solid Gold is the only dog food company that is a member of the Organic Trade Association, the American Nutraceutical Association, the Medicinal Food Association, and the Nutraceutical Foods Association and the Life Extension Association.ZtJr oNlA-nocassTo find a Solid Gold dealer near you, or to obtain a free catalogue, contact us at619 258-7356 or 619 258-1914 M-F 10-5 PST or E-mail us at or www.solidgoldhealth.comSolid Gold Health Products for Pets, the Holistic Animal Nutrition Center1483 N. Cuyamaca El Cajon, CA 92020 MgThe Pom Reader January 2004 51BISABISS Finch's He Walks On Water, ROMS, GC, HOF x CH Showcase Charmed I'm SureVThanks to Curtiss Smith for his expert handling during Victoria's career and to the judges who found her worthy. Special thanks to Diane Finch for allowing me to useTravis during his golden years.Congratulations to Tony and Fabian and Starfire Pomeranians for your Kennel Visit and your success with LutherCongratulations to Linda Pelz and Mike Wells for your kennel visit. Continued success in our wonderful breed.Alane LevinsohnSHOWCASE POMERANIANS818352-9536 Burbank, California52 The Pom Reader January 2004T R E S S T Q U E P O M E R A N A N SNew Champion...--SiftNEW CHAMPIONMmisuiteft PhotoCh. Iresstiques fabulous jewelA special thank you to Judge Mr. Thomas A. Kilcullen for appreciating Jewels good quality. Congratulations Tony and Fabian on your kennel visit. Good luck with your new special, LutherBONNIE HARRIS20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island, NY 11953 631-205-5223 tresspomshotmail.comThe Pom Reader January 2004 53 THREE NEW CHAMPIONS FOR THE YEAR 2003MY LITTERMATESINT'LAM. CH. FABYAN'S HIGH AND THE MIGHTYakaTli-.D.FEBRUARY EOAWINNERS-KOHmajor winBISA, BISS CH. SOUTHLAND'S MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE, GC, HOF X JOHNSTOY FANTASY TRIPINT'LAM. CH. FABYAN'S MIGHTY SENSATIONaka BISA, BISS CH. SOUTHLAND'S MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE, GC, HOF X JOHNSTOY FANTASY TRIPThese two received their Championship the same weekend. Thank you to the honorable Judge Mr. Steven Keating and Mr. Richard Chashoudian.I would like to express my sincere sympathy to Charlotte Creed on the loss of your beloved "Mighty". I will be proud of his offspring for years to come, thank you Charlotte.Congratulations to Starfire Poms on your Kennel Visit, good luck with your very beautiful SPECIAL boyALICE R. CARLSON ^ 54 The Pom Reader - January 2004yPLUM CREEK KENNEL CLUBfl-^BRUARY Js new CHAMPION I'J ,-best ofr WINNERS \ . -.KOHLERUmm6EST oi_____________HandlerANGELA LAWRENCE830-772-4161mmmMY THIRD CHAMPION FOR THE YEAR 20031BEST OEWINNERSCEN-TEXG kennelconAM. CAN. CH. FABYAN'S HIGHWAY TO HEAVENakaFABYAN'S STEPPIN MY WAY X CH. JOHNSTOY FANTASY TRIP"Highway" finished with nine Best Of BreedBest of Winners and Back-to-Back three and four point majors in one weekend.Thank you to the honorable judges who have been so supportive.Watch for his puppies in the showring this yearALICE R. CARLSON361-991-5410fabyanpomssbcglobal.netHandlerANGELA LAWRENCE830-772-4161WATiime IdBy TERRY CARPENTERAfter the show is over it's time to reflect. We can pause and thinkabout people we saw and competed with. Think about this...............................Iused the statement 'Competed With' and not 'Competed Against'. There is a difference.I have had two months to think about the shows and the people and dogs I saw while there. Now we are gearing up to hit the rings in 2004. We hope to see you again and share special moments with everyone we meet. Here are a few things I hope for this year...1. To see those dogs that inspire me to do better.2. To see the movement in that 'SPECIAL' that awes me.3. To watch the handlers as they groom and primp and step back to see if every hair is in place. All of them hoping the judge will see what they see.4. To enjoy it all, win or lose.5. I hope to see handlers, breeders and owners who inspire others to do better.6. I hope others see all of this in me.PHOTO TERRY CARPENTER. Watch for Terry at the shows... he'll be taking photos and submitting a write-up each month in The Pom Reader.I hope to write a few words that reflect what is positive about showing dogs. I will be asking a few questions and taking a few pictures so smile, take a break, and take time to 'PAWS' and inspire me.The Pom Reader January 2004 55renti mentobq DIANE KLUMBMISINFORMATION, DISINFORMATION AND THE VOICE OF AUTHORITYRecently, someone asked me, What makes you an authority on canine anatomyI thought for a minute. Loaded question, to be sure, made worse by the fact that Ive always, since kindergarten, Had Problems With Authority... you know... teachers, crossing guards, people in uniform, nuns, librarians- in fact, Im pretty sure Barbara Kolk at the AKC is probably the only librarian on the planet who hasnt yelled at me. Shes great. The very word authority brings out the worst in me...Well, if you give me a pencil and a piece of paper, I can probably draw a fairly accurate skeleton of any given breed, I finally answered. But I dont know if that makes me an actual authority.Oh, everybody knows you can do that, if it were a parlor trick... What I want to know is how come you can do it. Are you self-taught, or did you go to school somewhere to learn how And how can I learn to do that Is it on the Internet somewhereWell, now, that raises an interesting question or two.To the best of my knowledge, there is no accredited institution where one can learn how to put a skeletal frame inside a Silky Terrier or a Schnauzer and articulate it properly. On the other hand, one of the only things I remember from my misspent academic years is an art professor telling us that the two most arrogant words in the English language were self-taught. The other thing I remember is that if you put a clock in it, it aint Art. Unless, of course, youre Savador Dali. And they dontactually tell time.I guess the way we become proficient at anything is by initially learning the basics in my case, in art school and then by specializing, which means you continue to study on your own in the area that is of specific interest to you, learning more bits and pieces from everywhere, until you either reach a level of proficiency on that particular subject whereupon others seek to learn from you or you die of old age, whichever comes first... but at no point are you self-taught. That is sheer arrogance.This works well in a science like anatomy, for the simple reason that evolution is a pretty slow process, and the skeleton of a given species probably wont change much in your lifetime, unless you count rear angulation in several breeds of the domestic dog, which seems to be evolving a little more rapidly than is maybe ideal...I have in my studio a drawing by DaVinci entitled Comparative Study of the Human and Horse Leg complete with bone, muscle and ligament. It is a lovely, albeit technical, drawing, and every bit as accurate today as it was when Leonardo sketched it over 500 years ago. In fact, much of the human skeletal proportion taught in Life Drawing classes if they still teach proportion, which for all I know they dont, given whats passing for Art these days came from DaVinci. Hes the first guy who ever figured out that the average person measures the same from head to toe as they do from fingertip to fingertip, arms extended. Go ahead and try it. For five hundred years everyones first reaction has been getouttaherebut hes right... if your armspan is greater than your height, you probably have a short inseam - youre low on leg, same as a dog. He also figured out that you remove a third of your height when kneeling, which is important if you do a lot of commission work for the Pope, as he did....Leonardo DaVinci was, to my mind, the first great authority on the art of anatomy, and his work still stands today.But in fields that are more rapidly evolving than anatomy, such as molecular genetics or competitive show-grooming, its a whole lot harder to be an authority on anything, because not only do you have to learn the basics, and then the fine points, but you have to keep up with new developments, much of which involves unlearning... and you have to be a lot more careful about where your information comes from. Dead guys can be a bad source.For instance, lets say you want to learn to show-groom a Standard Poodle. You find a great book, and, copying the techniques to the letter, you turn one out. Except the book was written in the fifties, and your dog is now groomed to look precisely like Ch. Puttencove Promise. You walk into a ring with that dog on the January circuit, youre gonna be in a little trouble... you want to learn to groom a Standard, you need to find yourself a current authority on the subject.One of the greatest sources for information for most of us today is the Internet, and the internet is a Wondrous Thing indeed. DaVinci, Im sure, would have loved it. But it doesnt work for everything, in spite of the fact that it56 - The Pom Reader - January 2004seems to be the main source of information for many of us in the world of dogs.Using the internet as ones only source of information can be a scary thing.For instance, I just typed show grooming a standard poodle into Yahoos search engine and got 17,100 hits. Well actually what I got was a snotty message that said We didnt find any web pages containing show grooming a standard poodle. So I retyped it. Then I got 17,100 hits.I went through a fair number of those sites, and didnt find a single reference to the 5 or so people I consider to be the real current authorities on the subject. Didnt even see their names mentioned, in fact. Did peruse a few sections written with great authority by people Ive personally never heard of in that breed, which is a little odd... have no idea if their information is any good, because Ive never seen the dogs theyve turned out in the Group ring...The trouble with the internet is that there is no peer-review process, unless you count the reader-reviews on ama-, and even then, you have no clue if the writer is a peer or merely someone to whom the author owes money...Peer-review basically means that somebody who knows something about a subject has reviewed the content for accuracy before its printed. Its the backbone of all scientific and technical writing. The internet has removed that process entirely. Anyone can publish anything on the internet, and its accepted at face value by gajillions of unsuspecting people.Which means what you find there may be the result of years of painstaking and accurate research, put up there by someone who really knows their stuff, or it may be simply something somebody pulled outta their posterior for reasons known only to themselves.Very often it is the latter, and falls in the category of either misinformation or disinformation, which can be detrimental to the learning process.The difference between misinformation and disinformation is mainly intent.For example, if you go to a website that tells you that SA is caused by an autosomal recessive gene, that is misinformation.Anything that is published on the net resulting from actual scientific research on the subject which will usually have a url ending in .edu will state that SA ispresumed to be caused by an AR gene, which is a huge scientific difference that many breeders do not understand.I am presumed by many to be a good cook, too, but if the only evidence to prove that was the three loaves of pumpkin bread currently cooling on the counter, youd be hard-pressed to believe it, and I can state with some authority that 2 tsp of baking powder will not yield the same results as two tsp of baking soda in a recipe. Note to self dont try to bake and write at the same time.Sloppy writing i.e., quasi-scientific articles without critical qualifiers like presumed to be or currently hypothesized is the source of much misinformation on the internet. These sites often end in .com, which is a clue that there has been no peer-review involved.On the other hand, if someone sends you that stupid email thats been going around lately it has nothing to do with dogs but I keep getting it from dog people telling you that members of Congress dont pay into Social Security, and that former senator Byrd is receiving seven million dollars in retirement benefits and to keep this in mind when you vote in 2004, that is disinformation, plain and simple, and if you believe it without question you shouldnt be allowed to vote. The clue here is that Bob Byrd is still in the Senate... and Congress has been paying into SS since 1983, as it happens - prior to that, they paid into their own retirement account.I know this because the entire Federal Employee Retirement Program is on the internet in its mind-numbing entirety for anyone with the fortitude to wade through it - the website, not surprisingly, ends in .gov - and for the record, the average Congressional retirement benefit for twenty years of service is 46,000 and change. Im a compulsive checker of facts, cant help it...The difference between misinformation and disinformation is the intent of the author in disseminating it in the first place.Misinformation usually starts out with the best of intentions, but is usually slapped up there without adequate review, or any review at all. Lots of dog stuff falls into this category. The people who are truly qualified to educate usually do not have the time or inclination to do so on the internet, and the ones that do are often rank novices eager to share what they have learned in their three years in the sport with thewhole world.Disinformation, on the other hand, is more insidious. The writer usually has a motive, and often not a nice one. The stuff about Senator Byrd, I suspect, came from a political enemy, unless the Soviets are still cranking that crap out...The world of dogs, I might point out, is no more devoid of political enemies than Congress on a bad day, from both within and without, and that should always be considered when something outrageous shows up on ones screen of a doggy nature.A lot of what comes across dog lists and in mass emails designed to make your blood boil is from the animal rights activists, so read carefully. And a lot simply comes from the chronically mean- spirited, who have always been with us, but now simply have a wider audience.How to tell the differenceAccurate scientific, nutritional, or genetic information usually comes from websites that end in .edu, which indicates peer-review.Accurate information about your elected representatives, the Federal Budget, and pending canine legislation usually end in .gov. This stuff is usually also boring.Not-for-profits like AKC, OFA, and most Parent Clubs use .org, and are usually better-than-average sources of information.And .com, my friends, is a free-for-all, the colorful Street Bazaar of cyberspace. Caveat Emptor. If its interesting, take the time to do a little research yourself on the subject, but dont take anything that comes off a .com site at face value.If it comes as a mass email, with no url source at all... well, all I can tell you is Bill Gates probably isnt going to send you or me any money, Hillary Clinton was too young to have been on Bobby Seales legal defense team, and coughing wont keep you from having a heart attack, so please dont forward it to me When in doubt, go to a website called truth or fiction which specializes in researching internet legends and scams.I think email programs need a popup that asks Are you absolutely sure this is true before you can hit send all... wed all be better off.And do try to do at least one nondoggy thing when you are in New York this year... see you there Diane KlumbThe Pom Reader January 2004 57Poolside Pomsr rr cr4 K ^mkmThanks to Reed Adams for the picture of Lily on the move taken at the Mission Circuit, May 2003. Lily is growing coat after her one year shed and hopes to see everyone at Louisville.Congratulations to Mike Wells and Linda Pelz on your feature. Congratulations to Tony and Fabian on your kennel visit and best wishes for a great 2004 with Bill and Luther. I know you will enjoy it.Dr. Louis Marjorie Scottsdale, AZ poolsidepomscox.net58 The Pom Reader January 2004New Champion Kayra N GenstarKaittynIXk jm t' iBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXNEW CHAMPION MAJORcy-w DEL surKENNELCLUBNOVEMBER23 BERGMAN photosaphoto byJOARTS DIAMOND CHIPS X KAYRAS DMANDING ONEFinished at 12 months of age, handled exclusively by her owner. Three majors, including a Best of Breed over some wonderful specials.Thank you to the judges who appreciated the type and movement of this beautiful cream sable girl Mrs. Elaine Rigden, Dr. Roger Pritchard, Ms. Victoria Lovely, Ms. Sandra Goose Allen, Ms. Kim Blinker, and Mr. William Bergum. Also, appreciation to Ms. Susan Sholar for Best in Sweeps, and to Dr. John Shelton and Mrs. Doris Cozart for reserves.Thank you Kay and Reed Adams for entrusting me with Kaitlyn. I will treasure her forever. This is Chips second champion get with several more progressing in the ring. To all our friends ringside who laughed with us, cried with us, cheered for us along the way, and shared so many grooming and handling tips my heartfelt gratitude.Congratulations to Linda Pelz and Mike and Liz Wells of Dreamweaver Poms on their feature this month. It has been a pleasure getting to know you. Linda, I will always cherish our friendship.Congratulations to the Starfire team. I have long admired your beautiful Poms, and wish you much continued success.Ownerhandler BreedersGeneva Coats Kay L. Chaney and Reed www.geocities.comjuliet-chipsprodigy.netkayra909-628-2271The Pom Reader January 2004 59Coming Attractions FebMarch 2004BREEDER VISITPETE PATTI BARNETT PJ. Poms White Hall, ILBREEDER VISITDENNIS MARI LITONJUAChrisden Pomeranians PhilippinesTHIS ISSUE WILL BE PASSED OUT AT THE NATIONALS IN LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY IN MARCHDUE DATE FOR ADS FEBRUARY 20, 2004CONTACT US TO START SAVING ON YOUR ADVERTISING WITH A BUSINESS CARD SUBSCRIPTION...WITH YOUR BUSINESS CARD SUBSCRIPTION YOU WILL RECEIVE 10 Discount on Deluxe Color Ads 10 Discount on Black and White AdsBUSINESS CARD FOR 11 ISSUESTHIRD CLASS 132.00FIRST CLASS 154.00Payable half up front, balance 120 days.Everyone wants to get mileage from their advertising dollar and placing an ad in the Pom Reader has lasting effects IT IS A KEEPER MAGAZINE and has enormous readership both statewide and internationally. Our complimentary issues for Specialty shows reach even more Pom lovers. Our updated monthly web page provides information on AKC ratings.Check it out at or simply RAY or SHARON MASNICK843.558.7432 843.558-6062Fax 843-558-6915 EMAIL benairesaol.comT H E P O M R E A D E RYOUR UP-TO-DATE POM CONNECTION62 The Pom Reader January 2004HOTSby Linda PelzWHELPINGFor those moms who love to dig up their bedding... thus burying pups. They then can't find mom andor chill. I have come up with the following that works well for me.For several years now I have used plastic storage containers for whelping beds. I buy the cheaper brand, size 23 14"L x 17"W x 6'T. They are tall enough to keep puppies in for several weeks and low enough for mom to come and go easily. Cleaning is a breeze.I place a heating pad covered with a small towel "under" one end of the plastic box. Enough heat comes through to keep the puppies warm and the bed is big enough so mom or pups can get away from the warmer end. Remember to check the heat oftenI buy pressed board 18" thick, like peg board without the holes. Available at your favorite building supply store. Cut to fit in the bottom of a container. I sew flannel "pillowcases" to fit the boards, with Velcro to close the end. They wash and dry well. I also use disposable waterproof bed pads available at Walmart and drug stores. Wrap one of these around the board before putting on the pillowcase. Keeps board dry, or you could use plastic to wrap around the boards, I prefer the bed pads. They are absorbent and gives some cushion. Mom can dig and try to rearrange her home, but can't bury the pups. Also gives great traction for those little ones to reach mom.When the pups get old enough to toddle and urinate on their own, I sometimes just use the bed pads. Usually by 3-4 weeks they need to be out of the bed as they are climbing out and too small to get back in.Andrea Hall Sunsation Pomeranians httpwww.angelfire.comkssunsationMY HELPFUL HINTS, HOPE THIS HELPS SOMEONE...When weaning puppies, sometimes one will just not take to lapping gruel out of the bowl and just seems to fall into it instead. I take an old towel and put it across my lap and sit with a teaspoon and let the puppy learn how to take the gruel from a spoon a few times until ready to stand by the bowl and eatHere is a recipe that has worked miracles for me a few times. For a weak newborn, or for a puppy that is too weak to suck, 8 ounces Pedialyte and one tablespoon of clear Karo syrup. Give 1 2 cc per oz. every hour or half dose every 12 hour.Cindy RokosParadise Valley PomeraniansnKilpatricks Toy Robin Duz60 The Pom Reader January 2004928-473-3043- -irrBEST L.SHOWsfBEST IN SHOW rLiTBRAZOS VALLEY KENNEL CLUB APRIL 1993 NUGENT PHOTO---m T1 HWltn5 BISA, BISS Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive HOF, GC, ROM21090 - 11403Mighty pictured above with handler July Hartel. Mighty came into my life on 21090 a grandson of my great Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX and a great grandson of 24 BISA, 5 BISS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge HOF,GC, ROMX. Mighty was a beautiful red sable with a clear head. He had beautiful movement and loved to show. Mighty was always ranked in the top Poms and in 1993 was a 2 Pom winning 4 BISAs that year. He won one BISS and was an Award Of Merit winner at the National. Mighty was not bred much, but produced several champions among which was Brenda Turners beautiful girl Garbo Ch. Brynrose I Vant To Be Alone who was a carbon copy of Mighty. Annette Rister had his first litter a boy and girl who both finished and her boy Ch. Majesties IB Willie Bad produced Annettes first Am. Intl. BISA, BISS winner Ch. Majesties Willie B Steppn Up GC HOF Stepper 1 Pom 1997. Stepper produced BISA, BISS Ch. Southlands Black Tie N Tails GC, HOF. Ty is the first black and tan male to go BISA winning 2 BISA and was 3 in group and 5 in breed in 99. Hes the only multiple BISA winner in the history of the breed of black and tan color.After his retirement from showing Mighty came home and lived his life as a house pet with me. He died in my arms.I love you and miss you my precious Mighty.CHARLOTTE CREED SOUTHLAND POMSSpecial thanks to Duane Doll and Joe McGinnis Jr. for honoring my beloved Mighty.The Pom Reader January 2004 63i NEW CHAMPIONS CHAMPIONS OF RECORD CONFIRMED OCTOBER 2003Chas-T-Dee P T Cruiser B Ch. Bar-Net Top Gun x Chas-T- Dee Marvelous Margo. BreedersOwners Charles and Dee Mcneice.Darlin's Birthday Wish B Ch. Jan-Shars Topsy Turvy x Ch. Heartland's Precious Gift. BreedersOwners Donna J. Machniak and Laurie Otis.Darlin's Major Commotion D Ch. Reginapoms Gator In Motion x Mack's Chili Pepper. BreedersOwners Donna Machniak and Laurie Otis.Dreamkatcher's Big Bad Jake D Ch. Rodi's N Rain Beau's Bodyguard x Randy's Piki Puss. BreederOwner Debbie Hastings.Finch's Walkin Prim N Proper B Ch. Finch's He Walks On Water x Showcase I Dream Of Genie. Breeder Diane L. Finch and Alane Levinsohn. Owner Diane L. Finch.Impressions The Highlander D Impressions Too Hot Ta Handle x Artie Poms Spirit Dancer. Breeder Rachel Latimer. Owner Katy Stalnaker and Jessie Fasanella.Maranatha's Starspagl'd Ban'er B Ch. Nguyen Cory Loverboy Of "GQ" x Maranatha's Lil Mistletoe. BreederOwner Steven Carlin and Gloria Carlin.Marbil's Gotcha Covered D Ch. Marbil's Games Of Chance x Marbil's Taking A Chance. Breeders Pat Yates Duncan and Mari Iffland. Owner Carolyn Brandenburg.Paradise Valley Linus D Ch. Jessica's Jessie James x Paradise Valley Sundancing Sadie. BreederOwners Marshall Rokos and Cindy Rokos.Pom Acres Honey Kan Dew Itto B Honey Dews Barter Opom Acres x Pom Acres Touch of Klass. Breeder Juanita Fiddick. Owner Marlene Harmon.Pom Havens Rum Turn Tigger D Pom Haven's Bad To The Bone x Pom Haven's Mis Celiste. BreederOwner Patricia L. Miller.Radar's Mad About Me B Ch. Classic's Diamond Rio x Honey Dews Delight Opomacres. BreederOwner Fred Prince.Sandalwood HK Leonardo D Sandalwood Fi Toby Junior TJ x Sandalwood FF Esmeralda. Breeder Roger M. Lau. Owners Roger M. Lau and Vanessa Schaake.Showin's Queen Of Spades B CJ's Gay Cvilier x Maui's Lil Heidi. Breeder Barbara Raymond. Owner Kathlene McBride.Sir Jake Midnight Diamond D Ch. Lil Darlins Die-Hard Dakin x Oregons Midnight Lace Intreg. Breeders Gina Alford and Trilvie V. Haynes. Owner Karen J. Fleming.Sirius It's About Time B Ch. Absolutes Sole Survivor x Creiders Evelyn By D-Zine. Breeder Lynn Meyer and Marylou Lafler. Owner Nina M. Fetter.Sungold Vintage Chianti D Ch. Sungold Phyner Jus Wonderful x Serenity's Sweet As Honey. Breeder Debbie Pearson and Larry Pearson. Owner Ellen E. Takayama.Trudy's Kentucky Blue At Aphrodite D Ch. Trudy's Country Club x Trudy's Delicate Lace. Breeder Nancy Coddington. Owner Linda A. Decicco.Ursa Minr's We Are Not Amused B Ch. Wee Heart's Rid'n Shotgun x Ursa Minor's Jelly Side Down. Breeder Barbara Zrzewicki. Owner Barbara Zrzewicki and Cassandra Evans.Weewyns Jetta BCh. Weewyn's A Walk In The Park x Weewyn's Oncore Performance. Breeder Cathy Anderson. Owner Pamala Case.Windsor's Captivation D Ch. Shyacres Our Man Samson x Ch. Velvet Touch Southern Belle. Breeder Shauna Jenkins. Owner Jane Zimmerman and Shauna Jenkins.Woodrose's Chase The Clouds D Ch. Jan-Shars Make My A Double x Woodrose's Barbie Doll. BreederOwner Yvette H. Oganeku and Clarice M. Oganeku.NEW CHAMPIONS TITLEHOLDERS ARE TAKEN FROM THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB SHOW, OBEDIENCE AND FIELD TRIALS AWARDS AND PUBLISHED AS SPACE PERMITS64 The Pom Reader - January 2004FerricAM. CH. RYMS W FAIR WARNINGSire Bi-Mars Bandito Dam Can. Ch. Windmist Fashion StatementALI would like to thank the following judges for recognizing his excellence with four back-to-back majors, a BOB over specials and a Group III at the Treasure Valley Dog Show cluster in October 2003.Mrs. Sandy I. Wheat Mr. Darryl Vice Mrs. Virginia F. Buchanan Ms. Diane L. Malenfant Handler Mrs. Sharon MarottoShelley Wiemer-Martin C A Focus on PomeraniansSpokane, WA GSA 509 217-7346 www.angelfire.comwa3poetrypomsThe Pom Reader January 2004 65Legacy Poms is proud to present 2003 ChampionCh. Legacys Machine Gun KellyCh. RolN Dels Pretty Boy Floyd x Legacys Arctic FoxriBEST OFBREEDVARIETYnew champion2003WR7jgFBYS0SA LU1o4-889-9"6OF___I would like to thank all the judges that noticed how sound and correct this boy is. He will be making an appearance at the Nationals in March.Also I would like to congratulate all those featured this month. I would like to extend a big Welcome Back to Benson Ray.BreederOwnerHandler PATRICIA ROWLEY 142 Heron Road Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573-785-1775 httphop.toLEGACY66 The Pom Reader January 2004VIP and Odyssey Presents Our Newest Champion VlT-jT-Odysseys Turbo Charger 16 kW N N El R S DOGk[SMS \k 10y D0G7 it' BREEDERS XSSOC. OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INC., PHOTOS by KIT rrGood puck to Jeff Jfoakes and C'h. VlP-Odysseys Pocket Pocket in his specials career.Congratulations to Pony and -Pabian of Starfre Poms on your breeder visit.Cong'atidations to Pinda and Michael of Pream Weaver Poms for your People In Poms feature, pinda, we will miss you in California.J-Iis litter sister is also well on her way to her championship. In just one shon month of showing, she only needs a major to finish...Odyssey-JP-VlPsJligh Octane'AjwijyVIP ToysPran Smith-Milteer 661 256-4075Odyssey PomsJanet pucido 559 438-055647HBEST OF BREED BURBANK KENNEL CLUBDECEMBER BERGMAN tos \L__Pending AKC ConfirmationThe Pom Reader January 2004 67PR TOP TENGROUP SYSTEMBY DOGS DEFEATED IIM BREED, GROUP, BEST IIM SHOW COMPETITIONFINALS FOR 2003Statistics The American Kennel ClubRank Pts1. 256782. 243023. 51094. 34465. 22146. 17567. 17398. 13989. 1232 10. 1222NAME OwnerCH. PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS M Owners D. FinchN. InglettCH. SIRIUS ITS AIL ABOUT ME M Owner B. BirdCH. STARFIRES WICKED MEAN-N-NASTY M Owner F. ArientiJ. CabreraCH. SIRIUS ITS SABLE ADAM M Owners N. FetterB. BoehmerCH. JAN-SHARS COMMANDER N-CHIEF M Owner R. SmithS. HansonM. SmithCH. STARFIRES VAGABON LOVER M Owner A. RaseraCH. AJS TUFF AS NAILS M Owner H. SklarCH. SIRIUS IT WASNT ME M Owner G. AulikM. LaflerCH. PARADISE VALLEY MOONSTRUCK M Owners M. RokosR. TurnerCH. VALCOPY BATBOY M Owners PardueM. Par duePR TOP TENBREED SYSTEMBY DOGS DEFEATED IIM BREED COMPETITIONFINALS FOR 2003Statistics The American Kennel ClubRank Pts NAME Owner1. 1935 CH. PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS M Owners D. FinchN. Inglett2. 1705 CH. SIRIUS ITS ALL ABOUT ME M Owner B. Bird3. 824 CH. SIRIUS ITS SABLE ADAM M Owners N. FetterB. Boehmer4. 511 CH. JAN-SH ARS COMMANDER N-CHEEF M Owner R. SmithS. HansonM. Smith5. 466 CH. SIRIUS IT WASNT ME M Owner G. AulikM. Lafler6. 417 CH. SUNDOWNS KEEGAN XAVIER M Owner. C. Knight7. 316 CH. MORETOYS BORN IN THE USA M Owner B. Moore8. 278 CH. SUNDOWNS HIDE N ZEKE CD M Owner C. Leemhuis9. 271 CH.COTTONTOP DOINIT BETTER M Owner L MulsoB Wollmann10. 268 CH. VALCOPY BATBOY M Owners PardueM. Par due68 - The Pom Reader - January 20049MmfiresPOMERANIANSTONY CABRERA FABIAN ARIENTIThe dream started in 1 086 when I visited a Maltese breeder with a friend who was looking for a pet. The Maltese breeder happened to be Mary Lou Porlick who is now a licensed AKC judge. She quickly taught me the difference between a pet and a show animal.A month later, I was invited to attend a dog show and I was truly hooked for life when I saw the Pomeranians being shown in the ring. I fell in love with Pomeranians but did not realize that my choice was one of the hardest breeds to own due to the mortality rate of the babies. My search began for a Pomeranian and I subscribed to all the Pomeranian magazines available at the time. I finally bought a beautiful black and tan bitch, Bev-Nor's and Southland Tar Lacy. Everyone thought I was crazy for paying so much money for her but I just knew she was special. I showed her myself not knowing what I was doing but she finished her championship quickly. This was not an easy task for a novice and a black and tan Pomeranian. Later, she was sent to be bred to her double grandfather, Ch. Bev Nor's Toasted Fudge which resulted in the birth of two Poms. They both finished their championships by nine months of age breeder, owner, handled and so that was the beginning of Starfire's Pomeranians.There are no hidden secrets about breeding beautiful animals. One must have money and a good eye for a dog with the latter being the most important. Here at Starfire's, we strive for a Pom that will stand out in any crowd.irr1CH. STARFIRES TABLE DANCWINNERSf8 imJftSJIUffGti a\BESTOPPOSITE SEXUagMCUMOiar- MEt-IA. STARFIRE S ONE NIGHT STANDWINNERSAMERICAN POMERANIAN tPUPPTBESTTARFIREWe want that perfect triangle with an athletic physique and demanding attitude. A sound moving dog is very important and we do not care how beautiful they are standing if they can not move properly. A good tail set is a must and unfortunately we are seeing less and less of this beautiful detail in the ring today.We are extremely picky about foundation dogs that we use in our breeding program. What we breed is what we show.We feel our broods should be show quality as well as the males. We think this is a big part of the success in the whelping box.When we decide to keep a male for our breeding program, he must possess those extradorinary qualities that we have described above. It is hard to achieve all those in one package and we are still looking for that "perfect" Pomeranian. We feel we came quite close with Ch. Starfire's Wicked Mean N Nasty. "Luther" as he is called is an exciting Pom to show and that made it hard to turn the lead over to Bill McFadden. Bill is one of the best in the sport and we are proud he selected Luther as his dog to campaign in 2004 along with Dr. William 1I. Cosby, Jr. and Capt. Jean L. Heath of Black Watch and we are honored to work with this team.To date, Starfire's holds the record for the most Bests In Specialty [National] wins in the United States.We have won with Ch. Starfire's Totally Tempting, Ch. Starfire's I'm Too Sexy, Ch. Starfire's Superman [1 997 and 1 998] and Ch. Starfire's Wicked Mean N Nasty [2003]. We have also won Winners Bitch at the National five different times.Since 1 98B, we have shown at Westminster Kennel club only five times and have won Best of Breed twice and70 - The Pom Reader January 2004'rl BfcGf1r1BEST OF WINNERS BRED BY EXHIBITORAMERICA MERANIAN CU BCH. STARFIRES NATALIACHAMPIONBEST OF WINNERSSPACE COAST KENNEL CLUBDECEMBER c 2CNKSTyFIBEST OF BREED or VARIETYSR. FORT MTER5 DOC CLUB PITCH. STARFIRE S BEFT BETTYI- fVmbest of breedor VARIETYLAKELANDi WINTER-HAVENKENNEL CLUB_JUNE-2000BILL MEYER_ " '\PHOTO w Miftf i.ii i i 11i lr wiiiiiiflih 1II i7Tl2BESTOFtwo Awards of Merit all were breeder, owner handled. We are very proud of these achievements making our dreams a reality. Hopefully, our story will inspire the new breeder owner handlers.During the past eighteen years, there have been dogs that have caught our eyes and we have to mention the beautiful and glamourous Ch. Pufpride Sweet Dreams. He is the sire of Luther, Starfire's Zaralina and our new female, Starfire's Francesca. Special thanks to Diane Finch and Noble Inglett for allowing us to breed to Parker and to Betsy Owens for almost whelping Luther's dam. Betsy that makes you his grandmother.Parker is making a tremendous impact on our breeding program and this is an example of breeding to an advantage. The glamour of Parker combined with our legs, sound movement and the triangle look, it worked.CH. STARFIRES LADY OF THE NIGHTWe have a male from Luther now that we are very excited about and his name is Starfire's Nasty Edward. Again, he has that stand out in any crowd lookWe love all phases of the sport and we have wonderful friends all over the world because of this wonderful breed namedThank you Sharon, Benson and The Pom Reader for this visit. f1V.IPomeranians.CH. STARFIRE S SILVERADOrera,.rAi mm.AfAL-IrMt. sfSr -----------------------------------------------w9RA \StiKkH. STARFIRE S I'M TOO SEXY -'CH.STARFIRE S NICOLAS EL GRANDEoCH. ST72 - The Pom Reader Ja - CH. STARFIRE S VAGABOND LOVERP 0 n E R A N I A N SeseCL Pomeranians extends a sincere Thank You to everyone who supported our People In Poms feature Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated and is something I will always cherish.'sCathy Lasota 'llVWeare hoping to have some of our beautiful whites in the ring this FallBini Wallis Tel. 541-826-9270 skyline_pomsmsn.comwww.skylinepoms.com74 The Pom Reader January 2004r\9Tr\ auLinda Pelz Michael WellsWelcome to Dream Weaver Pomeranians. Dream Weaver is a small hobby kennel specializing in breeding and showing from the bred by class. Dream Weaver has its roots in the Great Lakes area where Linda Pelz and her brother Mike Wells grew up. Linda is a registered nurse and has been married for 20 years to US Marine Master Sgt. Andrew Pelz. They currently live in Oceanside California but will be transferred to Texas this spring. Mike is a pharmacist and lives in Michigan with his new wife Liz who is a 4-H Youth Agent and doctorate candidate at Michigan State University. Linda and Mike have been showing Pomeranians since 1997 and Liz owns and breeds Samoyeds and has been showing since 1991.Linda was a 4-H member as a teenager and showed Arabian horses. When she married Andy, it became clear that moving a horse every three years would be out of the question, so she decided to get into dogs. Linda groomed dogs when she was first out of high school and had seen Pomeranians that she loved.She got her first Pomeranian, Waukesha as a pet and he was her best buddy for many years.ITirCH DreamWeavers Fire DancerArnlnt CH DreamWeavers SparkXn FirecrackerCH Desert Thunder ofLenette-imV 2003VOLUME XIV. NUMBER FIVEThe Pom Reader January 2004 75Bred By Champions-IKBEST OF BREED OR VARIETYMARQUETTEKENNEbGbUBBOOTH PHOTO BYWOWCA BESTr OF rWINNERS NEW CHAMPIONBRED BY EXHIBITOR MONROE'kfe1 j-sk.Ch. DreamWeavers Billy the Kid. Ch. DreamWeavers Cloud Jumper.NI -l "h WINNERSCONEJOKENNELCLUB YMAJORWIN BRED BY EXHIBITORMARQUETTE vRNNBfe BEST bUB OPPOSITE SEX 'tobvmommBERGMANCh. DreamWeavers Fire Dancer. Ch. DW Sazparilla Sparkler ofRD.Later Linda bought her first show Pomeranian from Dianne Johnson, but the cute little orange sable Silva Lade Phearless Phrank turned out to be a bit less than fearless in the car and the show ring, so Phrank retired early without being finished.While Andy and Linda were stationed out in Maryland in the mid76 The Pom Reader January 200490s Mike moved out to the area for a while to work as a pharmacist.He fell in love with Phrank and decided he had to have a Pom of his own. His first pet Pomeranian was a black and tan he named Ebony. Unfortunately Ebony developed black skin disease and she was spayed early on. To this day shelives with Mike and Lindas parents in Grand Haven Michigan. Mike then bought his first show Pomeranian from Ken Griffith of Lenette Poms who became Ch. Desert Thunder of Lenette Digger. Linda got a second dog from Dianne Johnson who became the Dream Weaver foundation bitch. She isBred By Champions4BesKr-vAmIntl Ch. DreamWeavers Sparklin Firecracker.Ch. Firemaiden of DreamWeaver.Silva Lade Sparkler of Nansan, Beamerwho after producing several champions for Dream Weaver is retired and lives as a couch potato at Linda and Mikes parents home. Dream Weaver also became the home to a show girl from Sandy Shaneyfelt of SouthPaw Poms and she became their first champion Ch. Southpaws Good Gollie Molly. Linda and Mike both showed Mollie and Digger and put their single points on them, but it was Jeanne Blank ofLiCh. Rubys Painted Warrior Of DW.Michaels wedding.Absolute Poms who taught Linda the fine art of grooming and finished both Digger and Molly by putting their majors on them.The beginning of the Dream Weave breeding program was a breeding between Digger and Beamer which produced one male puppy named Triscuit. He became the first home bred Dream Weaver champion, AmInt Ch. DreamWeaver Sparklin Firecracker and was finished out of the bred by class. Nothing beats the thrill of finishing a dog yourself except maybe finishing one out of the bred by class. That feeling hooked both Linda and Mike for good They became committed to breeding and finishing dogs themselves and have since finished four more champions from the bred by class including a third generation.To bring in some other bitches into the breeding program, two girls were purchased from Ken Griffeth. One of these bitches was AmInt Ch. Lakota Sioux ofThe Pom Reader January 2004 77r2003 HOLLOWAYDreamWeaver N Kayra Sapphire. -afi,Ch. Southpaws Good Gollie Molly.K' .-L SiSk I - irJvi5aai' \__Ch. Desert Thunder OfLenette. Ch. Wee Hearts Out Run The Wind.Lennette, who finished by ten months of age. While she was in California, Linda specialed Sioux and she was the 3 Pom bitch in 2001 and 'l6 Pom overall. Her wins included a Group One and a BOS at the Eukanuba Classic in Florida that winter. The other bitch is Ch. Dream Weavers Dakota of Lennette, Kodi. Sioux has not been78 The Pom Reader January 2004bred yet, but Kodi has produced one champion, Ch. Dream Weavers Cloud Dancer.Two other show prospects were purchased from Ruby Poole. They include a red bitch, Ch. Rubys Firemaiden of Dream Weaver, Lil Red and a black and tan boy named Ch. Rubys Painted Warrior of DW Tattoo. Tattoo is making a namefor himself as a stud dog with puppies in several states including a litter of five in Michigan owned by Mary Ann Cargo and Melissa Spranger.Mike and Liz especially like black and tan dogs and Mike bought a black and tan bitch from Cassandra Evans in 1999. Her name is Ch. Wee Hearts Out Run the Wind. Breezy- r\ . ^SSFSli.. vliMtlQ,',liMMAJORW FWINNERSLONG BEACH kennel CLUB200MLUW^Ch. DreamWeavers Dakota OfLenette.At-SFWK tm. GROUPFIRSTLAKEHATHEWSSSt. KENNEL CLUBL OO I cHvlLotPai,AmIntl Ch. Lakota Sioux OfLenette.finished easily and was Dream Weavers first black and tan champion. Breeding quality black and tan Pomeranians is a goal of DreamWeavers and especially Mike and Liz, but so far they have had no luck...though Tattoo has sired some black and tan puppies with outside bitches. Another color at Dream Weaver is cream sable brought in through Nancy Coddington of Trudy Poms. A little cream bitch named Ch. Trudy N DreamWeavers Gray Owl is called Ariel. She will be bred some time in the next year.Because Dream Weaver is committed to breeding quality Pomeranians that will live long and healthy lives, all Dream Weaver breeding stock is tested for potential genetic problems. Patellas are graded and registered with OFA, eyes are checked by a certified ophthalmologist and recorded with CERF and thyroids are checked by MSU. The Pomeranian breed has a few health issues and overall we see patellas, thyroid and black skin disease as being the three biggest ones all Pom breeders face.The dog show world has been very good to the Dream Weaver kennel. Linda has had the pleasure of meeting many people around the country where her husband has been stationed. Each location gives her new perspectives on the breed since she gets to know different breeders. She flies back to Michigan for shows at least once per year including for the Dream Weaver traditional campingdog show vacation in the upper peninsula of Michigan each year over Labor Day weekend. Mike and Liz have flown out to California for shows and on Memorial Day weekend in 2003, the Dream Weaver team had the opportunity to show three generations of Dream Weaver Pomeranian boys all at once in the best of breed ring during the City of Angels Pomeranian Specialty. The Californian Pom crowd made Linda feel right at home when she moved out there and she will miss them all when she moves to Texas though she is looking forward to meeting and getting to know many new folks in the lone star state. Mike and Liz hadbeen blessed with many good friends in their all breed kennel club and in both the Samoyed and Pomeranian world and enjoyed sharing their wedding day in December with so many good dog people. Whether they are big or small we love them all the same The Pom Reader January 2004 79SPRINqWOOD POMERANIANSPresentsinwtf CREST AT SPRINqWOODThank you Mr. Kent Delaney, Ms. D.Mounce for recognizing this wonderful Pom and Mr. Robert Stein pictured for Vinny's first Major. Also thanks to Richard Hutton for the Group 1 Puppy award that same weekend.Specials thanks to Carlene and David for allowing me to show this wonderful Pom and all their help in getting started.OwnersREBECCA B. JACKIN AND CARLENE jILSTRAP SprinqWood Pomeranians-BEST OF WINNERS H,MAJOR WINHUNTSVILLE KENNEL CLUB NOVEMBER 2003Meyer Photo By513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35634 256 757-9837 SpringwoodpomsaoI.comFOlt SALE__ Ift rA1998 FORD CONQUEST V 10 Triton engine 29,800 miles Under warranty Excellent condition Sleeps 8 Queen bed Self containedCONTACT BENSON 843-558-7360 Home Number80 The Pom Reader January 2004POM READER KENNEL VISITA FOCUS ON POMERANIANSSHELLEY WIEMER-MARTIN SPOKANE, WAFirst, I would like to thank The Pom Reader for pursuing me to do the People in Poms for this particular issue. What a great way to start out the New Year.I found a passion in writing poetry as a youth and to this day I find solace in poetry of all its forms. There is a beauty and flow in poetry much like in Pomeranians. In loving them both, delight or sorrow can come to ones heart and mind. I know this all too well. Poetry is the first passion I ever knew, the other was Pomeranians. It seemed only fitting to call my small hobby kennel Poetry Poms.As I put pen to paper and recount my life in the world of purebred dogs, my past, present and future beckon me to realize a good many things, not the least being the many wonderful people who have helped guide me along the way. It would be impossible to name them all without sounding like I had won an Emmy award, so I will simply state the few who have touched me the most and helped me realize my dreams to date and who have kept me focused on the future as I continue in my never-ending pursuit of an ideal in Pomeranians.I was introduced to the Pomeranian breed at 15 years old when I became absolutely smitten with a family friends pom. He was the cutest, sweetest tempered little thing I'd ever seen. I was determined to own one someday. It was not until 20 years later in 1999 that I finally went with that determination. With a total lack of knowledge but a love for the breed I got my first Pomeranians. They were newspaper puppies that I trained in obedience.Although I never put obedience titles on them, they did go on to get Canine Good Citizenship titles. I joined the obedience club and thus my education of responsible dog ownership began. I was introduced to conformation showing through the obedience club and thought it looked like fun. There were no Pomeranian breeders or owners other than myself in the obedience club so I took my obedience babies to fun matches to get a feel for showing.It soon became apparent to me that my dogs were not going to stack up in the conformation ring.I will admit that I was very uneducated about the Pomeranian standard and showing dogs but I wanted to learn so badly. I had heard other's in the club say that you had to breed your own show dog. Not really knowing were to turn for advice I returned to the newspaper and called a few of the ads for puppies in an effort to find a breeder to glean some knowledge from. I soon found that many of those breeders had little if any more knowledge about the breed than myselfIn my search I met Verda Wright, a local breeder. She had a nice little dog that met the standard as I understood it. She offered him to my son and I to show in conformation and juniors. His name was Pomryt's Tequila Sunrise aka Teak. Teak was my first attempt at a show dog. I did not enter Teak right away but took him to a local dog show to see the sites and sounds. Teak went to several shows with us and got three points and one BOB. What happy moments for a newbie. Teak resides back at his home with Verda. Teak never finished and unfortunately neverwill, but he holds a very special place in my heart and always will.It was at that first show that I met Marlene Presser and Sharon Shipek. They were very kind to me and took the time to talk to a newbie. They gave me encouragement and words of wisdom that I didn't understand at the time, but I felt good about Teak and loved showing him. I seldomly see Sharon but her kindness and approachable demeanor sticks in my heart and mind. Marlene left a huge impression in my mind as a person of exceptional character, dedicated to the breed beyond my wildest imagination. She has always been benevolent to me, even when I was clearly an ignorant beginner. Its always a pleasure to see her at ringside.Building upon those experiences I realized that I still had SO much to learn. I still was not very educated about Poms and hungered for more knowledge. I wanted to learn and understand the standard, pedigrees, grooming and how to be a responsible breeder. I had tried my hand at breeding and was either not happy with the results each time or lost a hopeful or an entire litter.My quest caused me to want to join a Pomeranian club, but none existed locally. Still undereducated, I and a few other Pomeranian owners formed an association in hopes of sharing and learning. We bounced a lot of ideas around but the club never got off the ground. Through it all, it was a learning experience.While working on building this club,I contacted the AKC for responsible Pomeranian breederowners. SeveralThe Pom Reader January 2004 81SHELLEY MARTIN SPOKANE, WAtimes I contacted a person named Randy Buske and asked her for advice and who 1 could find to mentor me. She gave advice but never forced anything down my throat. I realized that what I really wanted was a mentor and friends who were much more educated in all aspects of Pomeranians, purebred dogs and showing. As it turned out I'd had a mentor right under my nose this whole time. I didn't even realize it until it dawned on me one day, not so long ago, that the person I always called upon when I had a question, thought or crisis was Randy. She was and is my go to person. She has always lent a listening ear, offered a helping hand and made me think. She always made me think, and draw my own conclusions based upon what I already knew, and what I had recently learned. Sometimes she had to take me by the hand and guide me, always gentle but firm. I don't doubt that she shook her head a number of times on my account but she never gave up on me and remains my friend to this day for which I am eternally grateful.From what I had gathered in my pursuit, I decided that I needed a dog with a good pedigree from an established breeder with a winning track record. I made a kennel visit to Mary Rosenbaum, of Bi-Mar Pomeranians and saw a Pom, much like the very first Pom I had seen 20 years earlier at 15. I was smitten again, so I acquired Bi-Mar's Bandito, aka Ditto. I had researched the dogs behind Ditto and was more than pleased with him as he was a direct descendant of BISS Ch. Bi-Mars Sundance Kid. A dog I considered a very close ideal. I showed Ditto with every intention of putting a championship on him. Many times he took his class but only once did he get a point and a BOB, but sadly for various reasons I was not able to finish him.He remains with me, a sweet and loving companion and has been a wonderful stud producing outstanding offspring.During this time line I also acquired two girls with Great Elms as their basic pedigree. Rym's W Stiles Precious Prissy 6 points major ptd aka Prissy and Pomryts Magical Baire Image aka Cali. I believed I had the look I liked and the dogs and pedigrees I wanted to start with. Then I met Robert and Doug Stratton with those gorgeous Chriscendo lines. I approached them and told them of my admiration of their dogs. I had been on Chris Heartz waiting list but it was so long I thought I would never get a dog like that. Robert told me that he had a female available. I never dreamed that she would really ever be mine. By the end of that show I was the proud owner of Can. Ch. Windmist Fashion Statement aka Tiffany,As a newbie I was both elated and bewilder with my new acquire. I wanted to do the right thing, and make Robert proud. Alas, I had no male from similar lines to breed with Tiffany and few people were willing to offer a quality stud to a newbie. I found myself in search of someone willing to allow me a nice male from these lines. Lisa Schultz just so happened to have Designs Special Messenger one of Theresa Livezey breedings. A darling, sweet, cream colored boy I call Zeph. Shortly after acquiring Zeph I showed him a few times but he really just wanted to be a lap dog.In 2001 a family drama began and while it played itself out I backed off from showing and breeding for nearly a year. Depressed that I had nothing to show and with life looking very gloomy I made it to only few shows just to watch. It was at one of these shows that I met Karen Ensor a Chinese Crested breederhandler.Karen kindly took me under her wing and taught me many things about ethics in breeding and showing. I was beginning to think I would not be successful as a Pomeranian person so she placed with me my first lovely show hopeful powderpuff Chinese Crestedbitch, Fyrcrest's Poetic Justice aka Chiana. Karen also introduced me to a barrage of wonderful people in other breeds. One I admire a lot is Rosie Spooner, a Chinese Crested and Min Pin breederhandler. I worked for Rosie for a limited time in her grooming shop and learned just from being near her. She always offered a lot of guidance. She explained a great many things to me about breeding programs and how goals in breeding and showing were met. She placed with me a beautiful cream colored powderpuff Chinese Crested bitch, Meyer's Honey's Bambi aka Bambi. With Bambi and Rosie's guidance I entered the show ring again with a renewed zest. The first time in the ring with Bambi we took a 4 point major, She took a couple more small points while I had her. She was a showing fool and Rosie MADE me learn how to show with confidence. She gave me a heads up on show etiquette, attire and attitude. Her words remain with me today. Bambi finished quickly, although not under me.In early 2002 my life was getting back on track and I married the man who had been my soulmate for many years. I was still putting the pieces of my life back together but with my new found zest and knowledge I decided to continue with the Pomeranians and thus Poetry Poms A Focus on Pomeranians was reborn.Through Karen Ensor I became a member of the Inland Northwest Toy Dog Club. I have met even more wonderful, outstanding people, not the least of these being Sharon Marrotto of Reimar MinPins. I can't say enough about Sharon. She is a forthright woman with a lot of gumption. She shows top quality dogs with precision and excellence. She makes it look so easy. Sharon is my other mentor. I felt I had learned a lot by the time I'd met Sharon but soon found that my learning had just begun and that it would never end.82 The Pom Reader January 2004SHELLEY MARTIN SPOKANE, WATwo of my personal friends and follow Pom lovers, Charlie Campbell and Kim Cooke whom I co-own Poms with have been a wonderful source of companionship and encouragement. Knowing that we are all learning together, your hearing ears and sharing of knowledge is a blessing to me.Due to personal and professional constraints I do limited showing and breeding, but it was through a collaborated effort of each person who has touched my life in a positive way that I have produced my show dogs. My first few goals were to produce very beautiful, healthy, quality dogs, a Bred By dog and a dog that would go out and finish lickety split. Lofty goals I admit but goals I was determined to reach.My first Bred By dog was born in December 2001. He began showing limitedly in late 2002, He is Ryms W Focus on Fashion aka Focus. Such a beautiful orange boy, he is out of Designs Special Messenger and Can. Ch. Windmist Fashion Statement.Focus was a singleton, but my hearts every desire. Focus was born to show and has 10 points, both majors, 6 BOB and a Croup 2 placement all from the BBE class. When I am in the ring with Focus I feel like I am waltzing with my one true love. The following year I bred Ditto to Cali and Tiffany and produced my first Bred By bitch from Call, Ryms W Let Freedom Ring major pt'd aka Ticket and last but never least my first home bred champion from Tiffany, Am. Ch. Ryms W Fair Warning aka Ferris. I must thank Sharon Marrotto for showing Ferris so expertly to his championship in October of 2003. He took 4 back to back majors, a BOB over specials and a Croup 3 in one weekend of showing and came home a champion. Although I love Focus beyond words I realize that Ferris is closer to my ideal.Since October I have acquired 3 more wonderful Pomeranians. It has also been one of my dreams and goalsto produce quality dogs of color. April Greene of Greene Tides Pomeranians has graciously entrusted me with two of her lovely dogs. Green Tides Focus N on Janie aka Janie and Green Tides Mojo Risin major pointed aka Harry. Both of these lovely Poms have a lot ofDue to personal and professional constraints I do limited showing and breeding, but it was through a collaborated effort of each person who has touched my life in a positive way that I have produced my show dogs. My first few goals were to produce very beautiful, healthy, quality dogs, a Bred By dog and a dog that would go out and finish lickety split. Lofty goals I admit, but goals I was determined to reach.color in their pedigrees and are from the Beau James lines. Through the kindness and generosity of Kenny Winchester, Marlene Presser and Randy Buske I have acquired a lovely black bitch, Winchesters Simply Magic, Randy aka Magic. Magic is the daughter of Ch. Apolloettes Jessie James, another line I greatly admire, I hope with these great new dogs my quality breeding program will take on a new,fun and exciting focus.Don't get me wrong. My short tenure thus far in the Pomeranians world has not been all roses. I have hit many bumpy spots in the road, but I do not wish to dwell on them. I prefer to see them as learning curves. If I had one wish for 2004 it would be that all Pomeranian people set aside their differences and come together to hold hand for the betterment of the breed. As I stated earlier, I am on a never-ending pursuit of an ideal. In that I mean not only the outer beauty and sound structure but the over all health and well-being of the breed in the future. I began a regimen of OFA certification, on my dogs for genetic and health screening in 2003. I intend to continue with the testing in the years and generations to come, I belong to many on line dog list and see that many breeders have pioneered genetic testing on Pomeranians and many are coming aboard. Kudos to all who do. I also understand that the Pom Reader is donating a portion of the proceeds from 2003 champion ads to researching Black Skin disease, Such a worthy cause. Whether we believe we have it in our lines or not it is the responsibility of the Pomeranian community as a whole, breeders, judges and Pom lovers alike to educate ourselves and fight this plight.I feel a world of possibilities opening up to me and I look forward to the future in the show ring with my Poms and with my true dog friends, those now and those to come. To all the wonderful judges who have appreciated my dogs in the ring, I thank you immensely.This story would not be complete if I failed to mention my adoring husband and darling children who have allowed me my dog indulgence. Your love and support is appreciated more than words could ever express.See you at ringside.Shelley Wiemer-MartinThe Pom Reader January 2004 83The Pomeranian Club of Hawaii 27th Specialty Show and Puppy SweepstakesSunday, November 23, 2003uJUDGE DAVID ALLEN FELLER ThePomeranian Club of Hawaii held its 27th Specialty Show and Puppy Sweepstakes on Sunday, November 23, 2003 at the VCA Kaneohe Animal Hospital conference room in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Mr. David Allen Feller of Honolulu, Hawaii judged the puppy sweepstakes of ten entries and selected the 6-9 month, puppy dog as BISS. BOSS came from the 6-9 month puppy class. His selections are shown below6-9 MONTH PUPPY DOGSWoodroses Puppet On A String - bred and owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku9-12 MONTH PUPPY DOGSGourmet Howlene-Teahra Caviar - bred by Pat A1 Savador owned by Hazel15-18 MONTH JUNIOR DOGSHowlene-Teahra Precious Cargo - bred and owned by Robin Watanabe, Hazel Miller Arlene Otaguro6-9 MONTH PUPPY BITCHESMTS Hoilini Scarlet Pimpernal - bred and owned by Sylvia MiyakeBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESWoodroses Puppet On A StringBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKES - MTS Hoilini Scarlet PimpernalOur PARADE OF CHAMPIONS had an entry of four.CH. HOWLENE-TEAHRA JANIEPero's daughter finished as a puppy.She amazed us all by wanning the breed from the classes. She is just a 3 12 pound bundle of joy, making us laugh. She is our "fun dog.CH. CANEFYRES TATERTOT is Sharis first home-bred champion. She won back to back 5 point majors her first weekend out. She completed her championship at 12 months of age in September and went on to win BOB and Group I at the Tropical Toy Dog Fanciers show in October.CH. HOWLENE-TEAHRA EMPERO Pero is out of the first litter bred by Arlene, Hazel, Robin. He started his show- career at 6 months of age winning BOBGroup IV his first weekend84 The Pom Reader January 2004out. He won an all breed BIS at the tender age of 11 months. He was Hawaiis 1 Pom, 1 toy and 3 all breed for 2002 and 1 Pom, 3 toy and 7 all breed for 2003- We are having fun with his babies in the show ring.CH. SANDALWOOD JI MARTY JR. MJ is Roger Ellens first CanadianAmerican, champion. His Canadian wins include two Group IIs from the classes. His American wins include a BISS, a group I, a group m and two group IVs. His owners say that MJ has a wonderful personality and is siring some pretty puppies.The show was followed by a raffle that is getting more successful every year. Special thanks for Judy Leadbeater for organizing the raffle and soliciting donations to Karen Tamashiro for soliciting donations, helping sell tickets and for her very generous donation and to Judys two daughters, Janelle and Michelle who worked so hard on the raffle and to all the people and companies that donated items.Our judges dinner was held at our favorite restaurant with the crab legs and prime rib buffet. We enjoyed the wonderful food and each others company for the evening before all too soon it was time to leave.Regular classes were judged by breederjudge Mrs. Janice L. Earl, of Kimberling City, Missouri. Presented for her opinion were 9 class dogs, 7 class bitches, 4 male specials and 2 bitch specials. After careful consideration she made the following selectionsPUPPY DOGS 6-12 MONTHSSandalwood EM Ricardo - bred and owned by Roger M. LauSire Ch. Vintage Vino Vino - Dam Starfires Victoria of HaikuDogs 12-18 MonthsTravis Canefyre Diamondshore - bred by Shari Fukuyama and owned by Amy MatsuokaSire C Sandalwood JI Marty Jr. - Dam Sandalwood LJ TwoTm TeazerBRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGSHowlene-Teahra Precious Cargo - bred and owned by Hazel Miller, Arlene Otaguro Robin WatanabeSire Ch. Howlene-Teahra Impero Dam Pinnacle Holly of HowleneOPEN DOGSGourmet Howlene-Teahra Caviar - bred by Pat A1 Salvador and owned by Hazel Miller, Arlene Otaguro Robin Watanabe Sire Ch. Howlene-Teahra Impero - Dam Truffles Love Me Tenderri 4 f \4AWINNERS DOG - Howlene-Teahra Precious Cargo RESERVE WINNERS DOG - Gourmet Howlene-Teahra CaviarPUPPY BITCHES 6-12 MONTHSWoodroses Angel Eyes - bred and owned by Clarice Yvette OganekuSire Ch. Woodroses Olde Tyme Tradition - Dam Woodroses Barbie DollBRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHESVintage Brandy Alexandra - bred and owned by Ellen TakayamaThe Pom Reader January 2004 85rSire Ch. Sandalwood JT Mart7 Jr. - Dam Vintage Sip O BrandyOPEN BITCHESAmours Shes A Hot Diva - bred by Noelle Sasaki and owned by Noelle Sasaki Shirley Ann K. LeuSire Ch. Amours Thats Hot to Trot - Dam Hakus Mochi BearWINNERS BITCHVintage Brandy AlexandraRESERVE WINNERS BITCHAmours Shes A Hot DivaBEST OF BREEDCh. CaneFyres Tatertot - bred by Shari Fukuyama and Marc Kupau.Owned by Shari Fukuyama and Laurella Pang. Sire Ch. Sandalwood JI Marty7 Jr. - Dam CaneFyres Hi- Speed RacinBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCh. Howlene-Teahra Inipero, - bred and owned by Hazel Miller, Arlene tyJH Otaguro Robin Watanabe Sire Ch. ^ Vintage HotEditionof Howlene - Dam Pinnacle Holly Of Holene 5BEST OF WINNERS - Howlene Tealira Precious CargoWINNERS BITCH - Vintage Brandy AlexandraBEST BRED BY EXHIBITORBEST PUPPYSandalwood EM RicardoJUDGE JANICE L. EARL Iwould like to again thank the members of the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii for inviting me to judge their 27th Specialty in the beautiful state of Hawaii. This was my third trip to the island and it is always a pleasure to return. I thank all the exhibitors for their nice entries. I also wish to thank all the club members and those who assisted the club with transportation, stewarding, etc.I prefer to preface my critique with some overall comments. I feel judging should be on the positive points of breed based on my interpretation of the standard on that day. Each judging assignment presents a learning opportunity for both the judge and the exhibitors if they bring the correct attitude to the ring.I was pleased with the overall quality of the Poms presented to me. The entries exhibited good Pom type combined with correct balance, average to good coat texture, good ear sets, excellent pigmentation, bites generally good, all entries within acceptable86 The Pom Reader January 2004l,tfmweight limits for the breed and Pom temperament. I would like to see improvement toward level toplines, medium bone, better frontquarters in few cases and harsh outer coat texture. I applaud the breeders for the good job they are doing in view of the restrictions they face based upon their location.PD 6-12337 month old red orange with nice quality who was also Best Puppy in classes.12-18 DOG45 Nice male that maturity may help.BBED35 Orange with good overall type, balance, excellent movement, good ear set, medium bone, good substance to body. 35 was my Winners Dog and Best of WinnersOPEN DOG43 Black dog excelling in side gait, good balance, good head type, adequate bone, good eye shape. 43 was my Reserve Winners Dog.WD 35 RWD 43 PB 6 -1230 Two nice puppy bitches that I hope will mature out well.BBEB38 Orange with good type, balance with femininity, good substance to body, good head type and correct eye, good movement. She went on tomy Winners Bitch42 Excelled in good head type over other entries in this class. She went on to Reserve Winners Bitch.BOB 6 ENTRIES PLUS WD WB This class was a pleasure to judge. All entries were well presented and of excellent type. My eventual winner for BOB was 48 - Bitch entry who excellent in my opinion of overall Pom type, excellent balance, correct movement, good eye shape, good coat and correct Pom attitude. Best of Winners went to my WD. Best of Opposite Sex went to a male entry who had a beautiful wedge head with well set ears setting off his excellent Pom type coupled with good balance and correct move- ment.BLJ .-LigAy-j, ,.'U ',V- . 1ISO I A.-jjsgk'Vii -A. wmWmThe Pom Reader January 2004 87'4r \i iOPPOSITE SEXSWEEPSTAKESvLOSENCINOS KENNEL CLUBHOTOS by KllCh. Sungold Phyner Touch x Ch. Sunray Rider's Samantha RoseSinnamon Dan are pictured here taking Best Opposite in Sweeps under judge Mr. John Ramirez. Watch for Sinnamon in the bred by ring.Sunglo would like to congratulate our dear friends Linda Pelz Michael Wells on their kennel visit. We would like to extend a thank you to Linda for the grooming help. Special thanks from our Ch. Sara for showing her at some of the shows we were unable to attend. Michael, congratulations on your marriage to Liz-it was a pleasure spending time with you both at the Mission Circuit. May all the Dreamweaver dreams continue to come true.We would also like to congratulate Tony Fabian their beautiful Starfire poms. "Oh Baby", It was great to see you again at the Euk. classic in December, congratulations on Luther's wins.We wish you continued successBREEDEROWNERHANDLEDDAN TAMMEE FELIX SUNGLO POMERANIANSNEW CHAMPIONGenstars Diamond GypsyPhoto by Nancy LatthithamJoarts Diamond Chips x Kayras Gypsy Rose Lee Finished July 4 2003 Owner Geneva Coatscoatclosetmsn.com88 The Pom Reader January 2004O'dpfecmy amcl'WombQ AaAPe atlmwclytww few'wuA you ofo ofeIwccyotw nup 6^ieout ycw.240.8 63.5i34CONGRATULATIONS to Tony and Fabian Starfire Poms, the two nicest guys at the shows.The beauty and spirit of your Poms is amazing. They are always breathtaking.CongratulationsTo Linda Pelz, Michael and Liz Wellson their Kennel Visit.I wish all of them at Dreamweaver Poms all the best and continued success in their breeding program.Your friend, Roberta Podolin Wynmor Pomeranians 215-793-9885 podolinerols.comAnna RansomKing Ransom PomsHesperia, CA 92345 760-949-8358www.kingransompomsaol.comLove to\\Je mourn with CharlotteW the loss of Ch. SouthlandsTony and Fabian on your kennel visit.Mighty Impressive, hut we ,celebrate his wonderful life.He is the father of several ofYour Poms are beautiful and you are tooour sweethearts.Without Mighty, we wouldnt I have our darling Garbo. Two of my favorite Pom memories areThank you for our wonderfulMister Sandman. seeing Mighty as a beautiful six month old puppy and then hisBest In Show win in Texarkana. 1Laura and Jerry Maiman Wee Wanda Watts, Watts Maybe Its You,Wymors William Bailey Starburst Mister SandmanBrenda and Terry Turner BrynRose Pomeranians1This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe.We are pleased to announce a new Pom grooming video,PomewithomingFor more information about Karen and the video as well as ordering, please visit our site athttpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideoor contactPauline McFarlane at or phone 805-937-0219until February 29.Please note that our new phone number effective March 1 will be 805-459-1047.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Congratulations to Tony Cabrera Fabian Arienti, Linda Pelz Michael Wells, and Shelly Weimer-Martin on their upcoming features. Also, a hearty congratulations to all owners and those involved in achieving championships on their Poms in 2003.Karen Crawford and John Pauline McFarlaneCH- Lvmmams Pfiuue wlnuisLynnwrights Pomssends condolences to Charlotte for the loss of MightyCongratulations to our friends Brenda Turner and Tony and Fabian on their visits.TTr\mmn T-iTJCnricrVi f w ^jjffrlT iw'gfcl.^CHESAPEAKE kennel club2003Gerilyr4U_DonnaLynn Wright 200-B Gateway Dr.-Bel Air, MD 21014 410-879-1459 E-Mail LynnPom http www. patsites. comlynnwrightpoms90 The Pom Reader January 2004NEW CHAMPION 2003CH. SUBER'S INDY NILE D'MALASHELSire Pom Acres Eye of the Hawk Dam Ch. Suber's CleopatraI would like to thank all of the judges who recognized Indy's quality.Proudly owner handled to 12 points and both majors. Thank you Vikki for your wonderful presentation of Indy to her final three points and her Championship.We hope to see you at Westminster4'-5iBEST Of BREEDOwner ELAINE WISHNOW 2351 E. 17th St. Brooklyn, NY 11229 718-891-3451 Malasheltiepommsn.comBreederSUZANNE BERNEY 4815 Wards Chapel Rd. Owings Mills, MDHandler VIKKI OELERICH 79 N. Walnut St.N. Massapequa, NY 11 758 516-795-4058Dearest Tony and Fabian,Deepest congratulations on all your successes with your outstanding breeding program and showing - we should all model ourselvesafter you two\Love you,Annette Rister Brenda Turner Charlotte Creedjfe The Twister SistersThe Pom Reader January 2004 91Breeders of fine Poms since 19571440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081 K. G. Griffith, Owner 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 www.lenenepoms.comCh. Charming Prince of LenetteCh. Great Elms Mr. Chips x Angela of LenetteTHIS IS CHAMPION 32 FOR CHIPS. CONGRATULATIONS TO DAVID AND CARLENE GELSTRAP AND ALTA DAVIS ON THEIR NEW CHAMPION MOUNTAIN CREST MERCY ME. HE WAS CHAMPION 33 FOR MR. CHIPS. OUR HATS ARE OFF TO RUTH BEAM FOR BREEDING AND OWNING SUCH AN OUTSTANDING STUD. The vast majority of our Poms have Chips in their pedigree.We have several nice show prospect males and females available to show homes only.WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK VIKKI OELERICH 516-795-4058 FOR DOING SUCH A FINE JOB IN SHOWING PRINCE. He finished at 9 months of age by going Best of Breed 6 times in two weekends. Way to go guysBest wishes to Linda Pelz and Michael wells on being featured in this issue. Thanks for buying finishing three Lenette Poms. Also congratulations to Shelly Wiemer-Martin - continued success to both kennels.Please remember our puppies are always reasonably priced and honestly evaluated with a money-back guarantee. Simply return your pup within three days for a full refund of original purchase price if not completely satisfied. Show prospects are generally priced from 800 to 1250.c,BEST OF BREEDWINDHAM sCOUNTY ^KENNEL CLUBCongratulationsto Tony and Fabian Starfire Poms, Linda Pelz Michael Wells Dreamweaver Poms, and Shelley Wiemer-Martin Poetry Poms, on your features this month. Sharon and Benson wish you all future success and appreciate your support of The Pom Reader, the magazine that countsCondolences to Charlotte Creed on thepassing of Mighty11Benson and Sharon92 The Pom Reader January 2004Our deepest sympathy on the loss of your sweet little Mighty. We know how you miss your baby. Cherish the memories and be grateful for the time you had with him.Love, Barbara and BronyaWe are pleased to announce new championCh. Reon Pepsisenerafion ArnefteThank you Judge Janet Jacobsen at the Williamette Toy Dog Fanciers, November 2003 Ch. Arn-ette On The Rocks x Park Hills Martina This is Rockys Fourth Champion A big thank you to Geri Bill for all your handling of this girl.Reon KennelIrene Ron SmithPO Box 899Merlin, Oregon 97533541.955.5301pommomcharter.netArnette Kennel Geri William Arnold 38604 Shelburn Drive Scio, Oregon 97374 503.394.3405 garnoldsmt-net.comKAYRA POMS-e-i- VW,BusterPhoto by Brigitte SovonjaWe at Kayra Poms want to congratulate Linda and Mike of Dreamweaver Poms on their People in Poms visit and Tony and Fabian of Starfire Poms on their Kennel Visit We wish them all the very best and hope for many wins in the coming years.Kay and Reed Adams and The GangShellyPoetry PomsWE salute you on your quest for perfection... Wishing you continued success in the future Looking forward to my Magic Ferris Wheel in the future...Congratulations to Linda Pelz Mike wells of DreamWeaver Poms on their People in PomsRandys PomsBill Randy Buske Apolloette Poms Marlin Marlene PresserCongratulations to Tony and Fabianon their breeder visit. We love your dogs and were cheering for great things from Wicked, Mean and NastyBrenda and Terry Turner BrynRose PomeraniansThe Pom Reader January 2004 93CongiataldtLorisTony and Fabian and Starfire PomeraniansWhat a positive, outstanding impact you have made on the Pomeranian breed Your accomplishments in your fabulous breeding program are unsurpassed and too numerous to list - AND your perfection in your grooming and ring presentation is beyond reproach.I wish you many, many years of CONTINUED success in all your endeavors. You two are not just good friends, youre DEAREST, SPECIAL AND BEST FRIENDS, and I LOVE YOU TWO.1 wish you all the GREAT SUCCESS in the world with Lex.You two are so deserving of all good things that come your way.Calwlifi CtwckttA MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TOBISA, BISS Ch.Southland's Mighty ImpressiveThe Pomeranian world has had to say farewell to another of its beautiful multiple Best In Show champions. Fortunately, I had the privilege to show one of Mightys beautiful champion children, CH. BRYNROSE MIGHTY MAGNIFICENT, MAGGIE, owned by Brenda Turner. She was a beautiful tribute to MIGHTY. My sincerest condolences, Charlotte. Carolyn CrockettWelcome Back To The Reader,, Benson you were minced by everyoneSincere condolences To CharloTe on The loee of 'Mighy' who was .such a credif To The Pom breed. He leaver a legion of offspring To carry on hie winning aTribuee., hie one of a kind pereonaliy and hie knowing he wae eo epecial o all of ue who knew him.Virginia WaTkine94 The Pom Reader January 2004BelatedCongratulationsto Brenda and Terry Turner on your well deserved People In Poms article. The Twister Sisters are a big hit. Wishing you much success in the future as you have always had the type of Poms we admire.Congratulations to Tony and Fabian of Starfire Poms on your kennel visit this month.Sincerely,Pat Barnett and Nina BppisTony, Fabian I haire watched thitpant 13 yeart atpa haire MtoyyCed tfr achieve pur patt. There were timer pa newer thmyht'pa wmtd reach them. I alwayt knew pa matchAt that excitlny new era ttartt la par Clpe - pa ham I will he thereI car newer thank pa enmyh far par prirndthlp tmtGO STARFIRE Vm can actnere anythingvThe Pom Reader January 2004 95GOLD CHIP POMSStriving For ExcellenceIN ACHIEVING THE AKC STANDARD DEBRA DONAHUE445 South Triplet Lake Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707 Phone 407-699-0045 Fax 407-696-0045 - Email goldchippomscfl.rr.comjflvonda PhillipsrP.O. ox 759 Selma, 04^97538 541 597-4056mR OF PIONEERI14 PPJmerasuasi4LEADER OF PIONEERING PARTIS IN THE SHOWRINGWhere the Top Winning, Record Setting Partis come from 1 The First male Parti-Pom ever finished and Tod Winnine Parti Of All Time"Ch. Prestigious Pee Wee Parti"21 The First all OwnerBreederHandledFinished Parti - 4 majors BOB "Ch. Prestigious Royal Highness"3 The Youngest and Fastest Finishing Parti Of All Time Finished in 30 days from 6-9 puppy class - PRESTIGIOUS " Prestigious Wee Bad Baker"MR. PRESIDENT Owned by Darrell Olga BakerSHERRY DOLLARWWSESEMR.Gregory S. Waters Charlene R. Waters 1625 E. 11400 So.Sandy, Utah 84092 801-571-49591600 Marsh Ln. 104, Carrollton, TX 75006 Cell 214-215-6052 Hm 972-241-0320Home of BIS BISS Ch.Razzle Dazzle Texas HoedownSHIMMEREEUTAHWEB.COMRRCRDKM POIMRRIRIISsired by Arcadians Lil Baloo A beautiful blue merle parti-colorJUDV GRISSOm3770 S. Hwy 395, Loon Lake, WA 99148 509-233-9779 email or check out our babies at www.arcadianpoms.comSandporos PomeranianSandra JohnsonN6603 Forest Ct. Holmen, Wl 54636 PH 608-526-1051 httpwebpages.charter.netsandpomsT"1,aCasic PomeraniansJulie Kallbacka P.O. Box 311, Eavanston, WY 82931 307-789-7727 kalasicpomshotmail. com www.utahis.comkalasicCh. Stud Service Show and pet Puppies.POMERANIASUZANNE BERNEY4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 410-655-3055N SPLAININETEPOMSOF DISTINCTIONANNE HENDLERBOX 130 SIMPSON NC 27879-0130 252-758-7143JJ3xsd j-or USsaufy, Soundnsn dJn Podij Sr rdZ\lndanesa'sPOMERANIANS , . .Jerrie Freia1072A Landry Lane, Morgan City, LA 70380 Ph 985-384-7466 Fax 985-384-8628 httpwww.janesa.comDejay PomsShow Pets Available OccasionallyHandlerOwnerBreeder Donna Machtliok 237 Groveland Drive Howell, Michigan 4SS43 517-546-7446 Ricli_DonnaMhotmail.comCallie cfyze s Pme.Katy Charles StalnakerRt. 2 Box 99-B Pennsboro, WV 26415 Phone 304 659-2174PoMttitLaiiiaxJ.Cheri McDonaldSan Dimas. CA bachmanmbfonIine.com909 394-7923 www.mbfonline.combachman96 The Pom Reader January 2004r.-i'1"'PPromise PomsSanJra Resterhome339J ZAppIe Cflue, JKusltepon. JICi. 49442231-777-7043CPromtse23t worfcfnet. att.netSHOW PROSPECTS NEUTERED PETS918-341-6921RUBYSPOMSAOL.COML71L yMNMS POMERANIANSPORTRAITS of PERFECTIONMary Wells12909 123rd Street Pattonsburg, MO 64670660-367-2254MNMpomsponyexpress.netWeb Site httpwww.angelfire.commomnmpomeraniansHOME OF MULTI-GROUP WINNINGMULTI-GROUP PLACING CHAMPIONSaaeu PomeraatShow-Breed-PetPat or Walt Gilbert Phone 407-658-9878oFax 407-658-8673 Email Flea56pAOL.COMERPOMERANIANSTERI DAN WILFORD 3120 Cormorant Drive Jacksonville, FL 32223 904-268-3510 904- 262-8434TERYDANaol.comPictured CH. MII.LAMOR'S ROCK DANCEC^bnalonPOMERANIANSANNETTE ERIC DAVIS 208-234-0932 FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail web site www.avalonpom.comitnvinq fat excellence in quality, type and temperamentVr sjtome ofiCh. Avalons Prince Matchabelli, Ch. Avalons Prince Charming Group Winning Ch. Morenos Special AmigoFINCH S POMERANIANSDiane L. Finch 28453 530th Avenue515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50134-8549Website e-mail Ch. Finch's He Walks On Water Ch. Finchs A Noble Tradition Ch. Finchs The Legend Continues Ch. Reginapoms Patrick OFinchs and Parti Stud ServicesSunn^^L,Awn nHOME OF 1. TOYRIFIC ATOM BOMB AND CAN CH APRILDEWS FLASH OF CHEYENNE AND CAN CH CORLEAH'S COMING ATTRACTIONMICKEY STEPHENS5713 Arrowhead Dr. El Paso, TX 79924 915 821-8200 E-mail, a2YkSPcmmimmdJoan C. BehrendRonkonkoma, LI, NY631 366-2330 Lilbehrs_pomsyahoo.comAkOlo PomeraniansDAN TAMMEE FELIXSan Diego, CA 619-282-5520 Thumb PomsNAIDA COBURNE-mail httpwww.tomthumbpoms.comCH. TEARS IN HEAVEN1 OF TOM THUMB age 6p MGlen-Na PomeraniansShow - Ch. Stud Service - Pups Glenda and Donna Hartnett111 Mack Lane, Warner Robins, 6A 31088 478-953-2663 Dene s Darling PomsA [Beau James Minarrror A .- Silva Lade" Wee Hearts.,- . J 4.-NChocolates Black Tans ''d. Meries- " Partis L oT.VCl- Claudine Brown Telephone 770-748-5929 E-mail denespacedirecway.comNoble PomeraniansIf \ Stud Service Handling Show Pets Occasionally Available Home of Multiple Best In Show PomsNobleInglettProds PomsDEBI JIM PROCACCINIStamford, Ct. 06907 203-322-1305 email httpwww.geocities.comdebprocdebproc.html283 NW 40th Rd., Clinton, Missouri 64735 PhoneFax 660 890-2255 Website httpwww.noblepoms.comM Mwww.Toy Voyo Acres .comCarol SchafferP.O. Box 502, Richfield, UT 84701 435-896-6997Fantasy Tawny's Supreme StyleThe Pom Reader January 2004 97POMERANIANSFRANCES MCDONALD1108 McDonald Dr., Terry, MS 39170 601-892-1274 email www.geocities.combackforty22index.htmlBred for ove from' CJumptoK Hies.Pawriebs ToysWill ship from Spokane, WA 509-937-2124 BLITZEN LINESSOLIDS AND PARTI PUPPIES AVAILABLE ____Pomeranians of DistinctionAlice R. Carlson6009 Edgewater Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78412 861 1 991 -5410I 4zuZ -V EbPOMERANIANSA- '-Witt Elle PomeraniansStriving For Perfection Quality - Home Raised ShowBreedingPets Occasionally Inquiries WelcomeStephanie Witt 25 Watson Rd. BATESVILLE, AR 72501 870-793-6840WWW.WITTELLEPOMS.COM WITTELL1434EARTHLINK.NETkittle." TZoydoli 4 Poma Michael Shalon Parrott 662-342-2002 7150 Dunbarton Dr Horn Lake, MS 38637 Email RAGDOLLPOMaol.comPuppiesYoung adults available occasionally for companion or showCh. Ragdolls No Assembly Requird Award of Merit Winner - APC Nationals 2000Ch. Kilpatricks Midnight ThunderLORRAINE KILPATRICK53461 E. OAK LANE, MIAMI, AZ 85539 928 473-3043Grafenhorst's Pomeranians35 years breeding for exquisite PomeraniansHorst Graf, 12000 N W 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325954-475-2465 Email HorstGrafaol.comAm- i.Cheiem Pomeranians Perm I leg'depomeranians oj distinctionColleen FranksBox 131, Chemainus, BC V0R 1K0 PhoneFax 250-246-4627Linetree Pomeranians5710 S. Hickory Road, Oregon, IL 6l06l 815 652-8655 email linetreeessexl.comTfSeb TfSenneMf'Elrs tjbomiOhLahSPuppies Occasionally AvailableJACK GAIJE RIVERS 1912 Ptarmigan Lane NNii Poulsbo. NiA 98370 Ph 360-697-1085 Fax360-779-5046 We feed recommend Lean Meat Direct Innova In NaturaMOUNTAIN VIEW POMSPAT ROGER DAGUEP.O. BGX 209 201 FALLING ROCK DRIVE STUARTS, DRAFT, VA 24477540-337-29G5GRANDVIEW POMERANIANSLaurie Polinkus Gary Stefanson 1622 Grandview PI. Femdale, WA 98248Inquiries WelcomePh 360 384-5757 Fax 360 380-6480gr7Lrkdpoms0aot.com0AL JAN DOMRASE6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072 Phone 815 728-0559 Fax 815 653-5106 www. aldenskennels. comLDENcS. KENNELHOME OF CHAMPION PARTI GIRLS Ch. Aldens Lucky Parti Flash Back pic. Ch. Aldens Little Caesars Parti new Ch. Aldens Chilli Pepper Parti Ch. Aldens Parti Chocolate Chip Ch. Aldens Parti Pepsi Hi Ch. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-Dot98 The Pom Reader January 2004 Professional Groomer Handling CH. Stud Service Pet Show Quality Pomeranians Original Art Woodwork ' .YMNWRIGHTDonna Lynn Wright -------------200-BGateway Dr.-Bel Air, MD 21014 410-879-1459 E-Mail LynnPom httpwww.patsites.comlynnwrightpomsQeau James "Pomekcmlcmsw^mmmrA Cynthia Wallen 4024 UlshRd.Caledonia, OH 43314fA QUALITY EXOTICSsince 1969Phone 419-845-3170 E-mail httpwww.beaujames-pomeranians.comProducing Exotic PomeraniansdAACtozvood PomeraniansSUZANNE J. WARFIELD 1112 Beme Road Auburn, PA 17922 570-754-7398 WillowoodLosch.netBIN WALLIS - P.O. BOX 1019 EAGLE POINT, OR 97524-1019PfLmO.Email skyline _ pomsman. comWebpage AKC POMERANIANS "Home raised with love"WHITES CREAMS BLACKSGemini n' Beaver Creek Pomeranians503 844-5777 Cornelius, OR 503 429-8019 Vernonia, OR bcpomsstarband.nethttoBeaverCreekPoms.comTeaming together to produce quality Pomeranians in Oregon.Jacinda PomsJennifer Falk810.387.9570 Falkstergreatlakes.netCindy Golden321.638.4291 PromiseMe3aou.comWWW.JACINDAPOMS.COM9.... 0alien rpMarshall Gndy Rokos 1436 Clous Rd. - Kingsley, Ml 49649Website www.angelfire.commiparadisepomeraniansPhone231263-7382 Email mrokosgtn.comHERITAGEPOMERANIANSKAREN MICHAEL HANLON IIkarenhanloncomcast.net201-981-2512 A,y- a KAYRA POMSKay ReedNuevo, CA www.geocities.comjuliet-chipsprodigy.netkayra ICOLBYCO POMERANIANSBred for soundness, temperament, and to the AKC standard for show and superior lap babie quality, all of our kids are home raised, with lots of tender loving careBreeder Rex 573-785-6492 C.S.T.Quality Adults and Puppies AvailableWebsite PuppyHopeful Colbyco's Come A Gunnin aka Gunner Look for him in the ring this fall.WT- QdblwmnI Specializing in Breeding, Show Pet Pomeranians in Standard Exotic Colors Oarbara GR.dynwnd A.udrey CaywoedBreeder Show hcaywoodteleport.com503864-2459 503831-4951 httppatsites.comShowinPoms0if 'EMFRAIZERAshley Jerry Miller850-474-6277g ajPomsmindspring.com102 Gettysburg Drive,. - Pensacola, FL 32503tomsShow Pet Puppies Occasionally CH. Stud Service to Approved Bitches- -AWrnrnrCJ POMERAPOMERANIANSROBERTA PODOLIN6220 Sheaff Ln., Fort Washington, PA 19034 phone 215-793-9885 E-mail podolinerols.comCH. WYNM0R S GOLDEN OSCARtTi7 iDreamtasitle fonts ofIsfancy Tinder1370 Engel Rd., New Braunfels, TX 78132Home 1-830-606-6372 Cell 1-210-316-9514www.farmgirl557.comdreamcastlepoms.htmlDEL REY POMERANIANS"NOTHING LESS THAN THE BEST' OWNER DIANA MLEYNEK5325 N. Gold Avenue, Apache Junction, A2 85220480 983 7267 voicefaxAll pups house raised with love and socialization E-mail Website Under Construction The Pom Reader January 2004 - 99Eoemang, [PometaniamJCeuin S. 5vied a WhitePortland, Oregon 503 533-8980 Puppies Available OccasionallyEXCELLENT BLOODLINESBeau-james Bonner Creider Finch's ToofteyesElizabeth Pike10 Mountain Ridge Dr. Cedar Grove, N 02009 973-785-2434 Cherokee Winds Pomeranianshttpmembers.tripod.comcherokeewindsAindex.htmlMary Allan 918-485-3010 OR 918-485-1040ALLAYNSPOMERANIANSRoute 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467lt cL I '5Er480-609c0x.n1m .Fantasy\k\PomeraniansShowBreeding and Pet Quality Available OccasionallyLINDA SPADY727 862-0476 Hudson, Florida www.geocities.competsburgb6523LEE D. COOK POMS1390-D Walkup Avenue, Monroe, NC 28110 704 289-2021 - Eves. 704 282-0745 - Days E-mail firebrookpomsaol.comWWRODGER BEATY 10425 Rockwood Road Charlotte, NC 28215Phone 704-598-6073 Email RBEATY3carolina.rr.comPOMSTUD SERVICER A N I A N SDUALITY PUPPIES Sandy Shaneyfelt 225-774-7861Vfwm 7h.Devon pomeranianswww.Southpaw-dogs.comDuncan PomeraniansfPubtUes fDccaiionaHu BRENDA DUNCANP.O. BOX 973 BONNERS FERRY, ID 83805 Email 208-267-2902 httowww.Datsites.comDuncanPomeraniansLEGACY POMSHOME OF CH. LEGACY'S MACHINE GUN KELLYPATRICIA ROWLEY BREEDER142 Heron Rd., Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 OWNER573-785-1775 httphop.toLEGACY JPomworths KennelCHRIS WOODWORTH8915 E. SADDLE HORN TRAIL PRESCOTT VALLEY, AZ 86314 928 775-35734i jBred for Quality...From QualityDH Owoo PomsHAL WEBSTERCh. DH Crew 2300 Colfax Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43224New Yr. Revolution Ph. 614 475-1640 DHCREWWEBaol.com18khttpwww.dreamweaverpom.comLinda Pete, -cz 760940-4214ddicfiaeC Weils - Mi 616844-4217Cft- Stud Service Puppies OccasionafCy Show HandlingSHOW OR PET PUPPIES OCCASIONALLY STUD SERVICEJ TERESA A. LIVEZEYP.O. Box 386, Depew, OK 74028918-324-5390 t.livezeyatt.netIccUHnec 'PoKicuUaiTrina HuskinsOwnerBreeder2749 South Whitney Blvd. Rocklin, CA 95677916.630.7078Breeder and Show Puppies available occasionally100 The Pom Reader - January 2004StCHRISTINE BOUSQUET434-277-8918 . Lowesville, VAPUPPIESADULTS FOR SHOW OR COMPANIONBlack Tan Red Cream OrangeLines include Emcee WeeHeart Bev-Nor Chriscendo Great ElmsHome Breeder of Group Winning HONEYKIST READY TO RUMBLEaBEAU JAMES A DREAM IN CHOCOLATECH.Tl AMO APOLLO OF GREAT RIVER tO79BEAU JAMES KAY-LYN ARIAN AGENDARose Cebelenski Fax-631-669-9392 E-mail TiAmoPomscs.comTAMMI WHITE205 Avenue D, Converse, TX 78109 Home 210-658-0876 - Cell 210-863-5136 - Home of BISS Ch. Glen Iris Light Touch FoxTr^x Poms 'Amy Jill Fielstra - Muskegon, MIStriving for AKC Standard Quality Poms "Hand "Raised with LoveMunckiePromises Ckaritv and Grace foxtrax66 msn.come s a iPOMERANIANSROBERT JOAN REILLY805 County Rd. 6723 Natalia, TX 78059 830 663-5912E-MAIL JOANREILLYearthlink.netV'wMulti Croup Winning BISS Champion Mountain Crest JJ DAVID CARLENE GILSTRAPP.O. Box 22442, Chatanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-mail dcgilstrapaol.comSPavenue py omATOM WILSONHome 916-689-9586 Cell 916-519-8887 parkavepomscomcast.netMILLERSPOM-HAVEN23321 261 ST. N. CORDOVA, IL 61242309-887-4820Tina Nicely OwnerBreederRaising Quality PomsPUPPIES FOR SHOW OR COMPANIONlines include Jan-Shar Bev-Nor Tookeyes Great Elm Chriscendo WeeHeartRd 5 Box 94B Ligonier, PA 15658 httppliotos.yalioo.comtinalee334455I J.AllstarPoms. . "Aldens HersheyGuitars PomsEvelyn Guitar1746 North 3RD St. Abilene, TX 79603915.677.5165Parti-Colors ExclusivelyTruck s PomeraniansDog Cat Grooming mCh Trudy's Wild Guess Ch Trudy's Chip-N-Dale Ch Trudy's King Of The Hill Ch Trudy's Taking My Time Ch Trudy's Fressed In Style61026 Myrtle Dr Vandatia, MI49095 269 476-2770scW310 522-96421 PomeraniansCande Mike Gordon Carson, CAE-mail httpwww.pominique.comWALKERPOMERAMMSALANE LEVINSOHN 818 352-9536 fax 818 352-8040 SLICKtresspomshotmail.comunTSonnlc cHtitus, TieeAez20 OAKCREST AVENUE, MIDDLE ISLAND, NY 11953 631-205-5223The Pom Reader January 2004 101Studs In Residence Ch. Golden Aires Wallace Jr.Ch. Golden Aires Standing Ovation Ch. Ben-Aires Macho Moon Walker Ch. Ben-Aires Moon BeamBeamerBENSONRAY SHARON MASNICK 760 Ray Road, Hemingway, SC 29554-3414 843-558-7360Stud service by private treaty onlym3tmTel 419 342 2307rBundlesXBlack TansClaudia Wallen E-mail Website - www.pearlmoonpomeranians.comDEL -A POMSOur specialty is Quality Parti-color, Blue, Chocolate, Merle, Black, Black Tan,Cream, White, and Orange.Beau James, Finchs, Bonner, Creider, Emcee, Great Elms, Millamor, Tim-Sue, Chriscendo, Van Hoozer Xantah bloodlines.Telephone 814-849-7917Lisa John Delp - Brookville, PA7Website httpwww.delpoms.comindex.shtmlBeau James Rhyn stone Wee HeartsBlack Tan Chocolate Merle PartisPawfectionThis Bud's For YouMolly Anderson419-399-9079MOLANDERSaol.comPartnering with...Visions PomranlansAlthough we have oranges, sables, black tans and whites chocolates - our VISION is for the parti-colors and the blues.Our Poms are of the finest quality from Beau James,Dreamtime, Wee Hearts,Star Haven, and Pearl Moon PomsVIRGINIA RENZ AUDREY ANDERSON SHELBY, OHIO Telephone 419-896-3030 Website httpwww.geocities.comvisionspomeranians1fljgel Dream 9mf rati^ Beau James. Bonner, ASL ' '4.,iBeau James, Bonner, Finchs, Jan-Shar, Janesa bloodlines.Orange Sable, Black Tan, Chocolate and WhiteWallace and Tersa Haynest 4Beau James American SpiritTelephone 207-597-2140E-mail-my9pomsmegalink.nethttpangeldreamkennelpommom.comShelley Wiemer-MartinA Focus on PomeraniansHAPPILY DEDICATED TO THE NEVER-ENDING PURSUIT OF AN IDEALA continuation ofOFA testing on Patella's and ThyroidSpokane, WA USA 509 217-7346 www.angelfire.comwa3poetrypomsOwned by Am. Ch. Ryms W Fair Warning Group Placement WinnerViCh. FinchsChar's Spellbound Parti Merlin''CFtcirsPamsCharlotte Meyer Bark River, Ml 906-466-9048 Owner of Champion Finch's Rockin' Parti Rocky"BreederOwner of MerlinYoungest and Fastest finishing Parti Pom of all time www.charspoms.comDonna Anderson 770-925-1058 Pawdiddy PomsTHEPOMContactBENSON RAY or SHARON MASNICK843.558.7432 843.558-6062Fax 843-558-6915 EMAIL benairesaol.com102 - The Pom Reader - January 2004uC r r^jJ Jr r rj jReClecfistts r Tkc iJcui YearReady or not, some day it will all come to an end. There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days.All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to someone else.Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear.So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do lists will expire.The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.It wont matter where you came from, or on what side of the tracks you lived, at the end.It wont matter if you were beautiful or brilliant.Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.So what will matter How will the value of your days be measuredWhat will matter is not what you bought, but what you built not what you got, but what you gave. What will matter is not your success, but your significance.What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.What will matter is not your competence, but your character.What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when youre gone.What will matter is not your memories, but the memories that live in those who loved you.What will matter is how long you will be remembered, by whom and for what.Living a life that matters doesnt happen by accident. Its not a matter of circumstance but of choice. Choose to live a life that matters.AnonymousPOETRY CORNER Submit your poem to be enjoyed by all to Tambra C. White at month we will feature poems submitted by Tambra and other dog fanciers.The Pom Reader January 2004 103Your Showcase for Purebred Pomeranians\ dSS3 . V- .LaETTE JYNX LUTHERADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAd Size Contract Open RateFull Page Deluxe Color 337.50 375-00Full Page Standard Color NA 250.00Half Page Color NA 135-00Full Page Black White 112.00 125.00Half Page 60.00 75-0014 Page 32.00 40.0018 Page 20.00 25.00116 Page 12.00 15.00STORK REPORT NA 10.00All ads 1 4 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes one color photo, Extra photos 25.00 each, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, position chosen by publisher. All credit card orders subject to service charge. All rates quoted are prepaid service charge for billingcredit card. We honor Visa MC AmEx Discover. Commercial rates upon requestADVERTISING INFORMATIONSHARON MASNICK or BENSON RAY Tel 843-558-7432 OR 843-558-6062 Fax 843-558-6915 Cell 843-319-5668 Email BENAIRESAOL.COM SUBSCRIPTIONSBY MAIL BY PHONEFAXThe Pom Reader Tel 863-858-3839Circulation Department Fax 863-853-36248848 Beverly Hills Telephone Fax orders byLakeland, FL 338091604 credit card only104 The Pom Reader January 2004SUBSCRIPTION RATES in U.S. Dollars 11 Issues Per Year Domestic 48 3rd class 70 1st classForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 10 each Back Issues 10 eachSubject to availabilitynmPUPPY HOPEFULSUp and coming new stars - monthlyOnly pups under 6 months are eligibleFULL PAGE 110.00 NEW CHAMPIONSSpecial rates for titles confirmed by AKC Each ad includes one photo, brief remarks and 3-generation pedigreeFULL PAGE 110.00For more information, contactSHARON MASNICK or BENSON RAY Telephone 843-558-7432843-558-6062 Cell 843-319-5668 Fax 843-558-6915 Email BENAIRESAOL.COMINDEX TO ADVERTISERSADAMS, KR......... ............. 93, 99 GRAF, H.................... ...................98 RAYMOND, B.............................. 99ATT AN M............... ..................100 GRIFFITH, K............. ...................92 REILLY, RJ ............... .............101ANDERSON, A........ ..................102 GRISSOM, J.............. ...................96 RENZ, V .....................................102ANDERSON, MD. ..................102 GUITAR, E ............... .................101 RESTERHOUSE, S....... ............... 96ARIENTI, F............... ..FC, 2, 28, 29 HANLON, K.............. ...................16 RISTER, A..................... ....9, 91, 98ARNOLD, GB........ ....................42 HANLON, KM....... ...................99 RIVERS, JG................ ...............98ARNOLD, GW...... ....................93 HARRIS, B ............... ..........53, 101 ROKOS, M.................... .............. 3-5BARNETT P ............ ....................95 HARTNETT, GD .. ...................97 ROKOS, MC............... ...............99BARRETT, D............ ....................14 HAYNES, WT........ ................ 102 ROWE, J .......................................24BEATY, R................. ................. 100 HEATH, J ................................FC, 2 ROWLEY, P................... ......66, 100BEHREND, J............ ....................97 HENDLER, A............ ...................96 SCHAFFER, C............... ...............97BERNEY, S...................................96 HOPKINS, R.............. ...................99 SCRIMPSHER, C.......... ...............11BIRKS, JB.............. ....................61 HUSKINS, R ............. ................ 100 SETMAYER, G ............................41BONNELL, BM.........................98 INGLETT, N.............. ..........6, 7, 97 SHANEYFELT, S.......................100BOUSQUET, C ..........................101 JACKSON, R.............. ...................80 SHIELDS, S .................. ...............48BROWN, C............... ....................97 JOHNSON, S.............. ...................96 SKLAR, H...................... ...............19BUSKE BR ...................93 JOHNSTON, BB .... ...................93 SMITH, IR .................................93CABRERA, T........... ..FC, 2, 28, 29 KALLBACKA, J........ ...................96 SMITH-MILTEER, F....................67CARLSON, A ................. 54, 55, 9S KERR, C .................... ...................20 SOLID GOLD ............... ...............51CAYWOOD, A......... ....................99 KILPATRICK, L....... ............60, 98 SPADY, L....................... ............100CEBELENSKI R 101 LANE, D.................... ...................13 STALNAKER, KC.....................96COATS, G................. .............59, 88 LASOTA, C .............. ...................74 STEFANSON, G............ .............. 98COBURN, N............. ....................97 LEEMHUIS, C .......... ...................15 STEPHENS, M............... .............. 97coddington, n............. ..................101 LEVINSOHN, A ....... ..........52, 101 STETSON, B.............BACK COVERCONWAY, DR. LMRS. M..58, 100 LIVEZEY, T............... .................100 STONE, L ...................... 99COOK L ............. 100 LOWE, GC.............. ...................50 TURNER, B.................... .............. 91COSBY, DR. W......... .............. FC, 2 LUCIDO, J................. ...................67 TURNER, BT ............. ........89, 93CRAWFORD, K....... ....................90 MACHNIAK, D......... ...................96 TURNER, R .................................3-5CREED, C...............................63, 91 MALMAN, LJ......... ...................89 TURNER, S.................... .............. 43CROCKETT, C ........ ....................94 MASNICK, S.............. ...39, 92, 102 V...................................... .............. 95DAGUE, PR .......... ....................98 MCDONALD, C ....... ...................96 VASUTA, L ................... ........12, 13DAVIS, A.................. ....................33 MCDONALD, F......... ...................98 WALLEN, C................... .............. 21DAVIS, AE ........... ....................97 MCFARLANE, JP .....................90 WALLEN, C................... .............. 99DECICCO, L..................................34 MEYER, C................. ...................98 WALLEN, C................... ............ 102DELP, LJ................ ................. 102 MILLER'S POM-HAVEN ......... 101 WALLIS, B.................... ........74, 99DOLLAR, S...................................96 MILLER, AJ............ ...................99 WARFIELD, S ............... .............. 99DOMRASE, AJ ..... ....................98 MLEYNEK, D .......... ...................99 WATERS, GC ............ .............. 96DONAHUE, D...............................96 MURPHY, C ............. ...................99 WATKINS, V................. .............. 94DRESSER P ............. ....................12 NICELY, T................. ..........46, 101 WAUGH, E .................... .............. 20DUNCAN B 100 OTIS L ....................... ...................47 WEBSTER, H................. ............100EPPS N 95 PARROTT, MS....... ............22, 98 WELLS, EM ............... .............. 23EUKANUBA ....................27 PAWRIEB'S TOYS .......................98 WELLS, M..................... ......97, 100FALK, J...................................24, 99 PELZ, L.................................23,100 WHITE, KT ................ ............ 100FELIX DT 88 97 PHILLIPS, A.............. ...................96 WHITE, T....................... ..... 88, 101FIELSTRA, AJ....... ................. 101 PICON, T ................... ...................49 WIEMER-MARTIN, S .. ..... 65, 102FINCH, D...............................6-8, 97 PIKE, E ...................... ................ 100 WILFORD, TD............ .............. 97FRANKS C 102 PLNDER, N................ ...................99 WILKINS, L...........................30, 31FREIA, J .................... ............ 17, 96 PODOLIN, R...........................89, 99 WILSON, T..................... ............101FUKUYAMA, S........ ....................40 POLINKUS, L ........... ...................98 WISIINOW. E ............... .............. 91GARVEY, G..................................18 PONGSAK, P ................................10 WITT, S........................... .............. 98GILBERT, PW............................97 POOLE, R................... ...................96 WOOD, M...................... ....106, 107GILSTRAP C . . ..80 PROCACCLNI, DJ.....................97 WOODWORTH, C......... ............ 100GILSTRAP, DC .... ..........33,101 PYE, A........................ 99 WRIGHT, D .................. ........90, 99GOLDEN, C ..........................24, 99 RANSOM, A..................................89GORDON, CM........................ 101 RAY, B ...................39, 80, 92, 102The Pom Reader January 2004 105f M' fviAWr ^ t- T51c V.. , Oko^f'-.-- - -Jo 131 \XIWINNERSNEW CHAMPION RTIDEWATERKEtffi- CUB MAY 2001fflOTO 0f BOT GRAYCh. Woods High Tech TogMisty gained both majors plus singles her first weekend out going BOB over specials. Her father Tech is also pictured.Breeder. MAYNARD WOOD RO. Box 150 Fischerville, VA 540-949-5905106 - The Pom Reader January 2004Woods o m a n i a n smu WCOG j " ^Wd iW x Wml Smi Sea mm 1 4ranitple Hut bmitlfu dog bmg imi by ujnml b mQmj aSiowmm dwr- ior hi. jRobby is an exai Maynard 'Mood breeders llial I burner. Though he consistently produces qu him wish to recognize his outstanding bn Happy Birthday Maynard from yourlovinmdiHitpui onitelmik on it limited fiiobiwwwlivje.i.iiii.tii.inarMkiIi \ .o love and uppnduie \mm\iu\ pfuurmCh. Great Elms Little AristocratCh. Wood's I Wanna Talk About Me Wood's Anastasia Wood's Rocking RobinGreat Elms Toy Boy Wood's Sweet Sensation Great Elms AngelicaBrmiyr MamMl Wotic'A'- 540 swmmChampion FoxwudClassic EditionCh. Great Elms Ultra Classic x Great Elms PatsyI"' JNEWiCHAMPlONrC v-jBT WINNERSP cArubber citxKENNEL CLUB IRCKUKTIS n o\- 04-04 vhoto,ncWe wish to thank all of the'judges that recognized Eddie's.special qualities and finished him from the puppy class, hjeds home maturing and will 0eck out to play in the ring with mom.Breeder Laura Jennings 704.393.1586 Owner Bonnie Stetson JANUARY 2004VOLUME XIX, NUMBER ELEVEN