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The Pomeranian Review January 2000
^Could your walls use a little more blueYou' ve worked on the skin and coat. On muscle tone. On overall condition.You earned those ribbons.All Eukanuba" products now have Omega Coat This is an exclusive formula that achieves the perfect balance of flax seed and fish-based i Omega -6 and -3 fatty acids. And as university research has proven, balancing these fatty acids is what matters. Simply adding more and more doesnt. Closer to home, youll begin to notice an improvement in your dogs skin and coat in as little as 6 to 8 weeks. But consider giving your champion a simple final advantage. Eukanuba Dog Foods. Eukanuba is one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can buy. Period. Real chicken and lamb. High-quality fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. All easily digested for optimum muscle tone and weight. Clear, alert eyes. Energy. Presence. Qualities that payoff dramatically on Show Day. And when hes feeling the stress, hell still eat. Its all the meat. Beyond that, Eukanuba with OmegaCoat" nutritionally rejuvenates dry skin and promotes a luxurious, shiny coat a disheartening sight to others. Eukanuba simply helps your dog look better.We should know. After all, weve been perfecting it over 50 years.SissaEukanuba Dog FoodsResults Oriented NutritionFor more information call toll-free 1-888-385-2682.Contents... COVERAsk Us Anything Annette Davis....................... 4Health Genetics Marge Kranzfelder..............8Membership Report Jerrie Freia......................16Registrars Comer Jean Schroll.......................17Corresponding Secretary Brenda Turner.........17Behind NewTitlists.............................................17The APC System Tish Cannon........................20Kennel Visit Margaret McKee........................ 23Specialty Show Dr. Al Grossman....................30Art of Critique Dr. Al Grossman.....................32Invited to V\festminster..................................... 36Performance News Barbara McClatchey........40For the Love..Annette Lynn Heise..................49OVPC Specialty Match Juanita Fiddick..........57The Pomeranian sent to judges ...offers reasonable advertising ...has quality reproductions ...provides APC news ...contains Obedience information ...has interesting, informative articles very colorful,rvattLto R Y2K Bug, Holy Moses co-owned with Nina Epps, Dot Con co-owned with Lance BrysonJan-Shar Kennels wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. May you have many Champions in your stocking.KENNEL VISITFebMar-Reginapoms owned by Regina NunnOwnerBreeder Sharon Hanson 304 497-2446 304 497-2289 fax pomsjanshar.comPage 1Jin iCmring iKentnry-lsIK1Congratulationsto Margaret McKee on her Kennel Visit.Condolences to the David Watts family Our thoughts are with you. Eh. SirijnSlnae Sell Me A SecretPage 2Its not Sampson-Its Sams SonVStcKMzde d Sw-iee euitee yo'as-iCh. Dimondes Twice Enticed x Subers Impessive IndeedCorky is shown here following in his daddys footsteps-BOB from BBE for a 3-point major under Mrs. Houston Toddie Clark at the Charlottesville-Albemarle K.C. show on 103199. Thank you Mrs. Clark for this special honor.Congratulations to my people palMargaret McKee-on her Kennel Visit Thanks for being such a great Board member and listening to my suggestions and gripes.Our condolences to the family and friends of Dolores Watts. Well miss you Dolores.BreederCo-owner Diana M. Downey 7605 Old Centerville Road Manassas, VA 20111 703 392-7574 dimondebigfoot.comOwnerTrainer Barbara McKinney 7608 Bear Willow Drive Wanenton, VA 20186 540 341-7336Ask Us Anythingby Annetts DavisOur question for this month is What are probiotics and can they be of benefit to my dogBillions of bacteria and other microorganisms live in the intestinal tract. Some of these microorganisms are beneficial while others are pathogenic harmful. In a healthy person or animal, the numbers of beneficial microorganisms outnumber the pathogenic ones thus creating a state of intestinal balance. The beneficial bacteria also manufacture B Vitamins, assist with the digestion of food by producing enzymes such as lactase, and produce antibacterialantifungalsubstances. A number of things such as stress, disease, poor diets, administration of antibiotics or cortisone, colonic pH levels which are too alkaline etc. can cause the numbers of beneficial microorganisms to decrease. When there are not sufficient numbers of beneficial microorganisms to hold the pathogenic microorganisms in check, they multiply rapidly causing intestinal disease. Intestinal disease is a major problem for animals and people worldwide. A healthy digestive tract is a major factor in maintaining overall health. Digestion breaks food down into useable energy and processes the necessary elements which support all of the bodys systems. The digestive process also eliminates toxins and undesirable elements from the body. An unhealthy digestive system can cause a good number of undesirable things to happen stomach ache, heartburn, gas, intestinal perforation which allows partially undigested food to enter the blood stream leading to allergic reactions, overgrowth of yeast and fungus, non-production of B Vitamins, poorassimilation of vitamins and minerals leading to nutritional deficiencies, toxin build up, stress on the kidneys and liver, underactive adrenal function which leads to fatigue, arthritis, premature ageing, skin disease, and so on.The term Probiotics refers to a live microbial feed supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance. Elie Metchnik, a Russian zoologist who lived from 1845-1916, is believed to be the first person to document the benefits of probiotics. He observed that people who regularly ate yogurt tended to live longer. This discovery lead to further research which has shown that the administration of live beneficial bacteria can help restore the intestinal balance leading to better overall health. Controlled clinical trails particularly including the probiotic strains of acidophilus and bifidobacterium have shown that the regular administration of probiotics helps to keep pathogenic microorganisms in check, limits allergies, helps to control bacterial, yeast, and fungal infections, and leads to a better state of overall health.There are a number of products on the market which contain probiotics. Just be sure that the product you purchase guarantees the number of cfu colony forming units on the label. A Billion or more cfu per serving is desirable. Some of the probiotic supplements do not contain enough cfu to be of much benefit. The more cfu per serving, the more effective the product will be. You should store your product under refrigeration to increase the shelf life. You must keep it out of contact with moisture, oxygen, direct light, and heat as these things cause the beneficial bacteria to die more quickly. Most products should be discarded after one year as few viable cfu will remain after that time. Freeze dried products kept under ideal conditions can remain viable for longer periods of time. Digestive enzymes will further increase thePage 4of theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Officers of the ClubP resident..........................First Vice-President..........Second Vice-President ...Recording Secretary.........Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer...........................AKC Delegate................................................................................................................Jim Shearer.........................................................................................Linda Brogoitti......................................................................................Charlotte Creed......................................................................................Becky Sabourin.........................................................................................Brenda Turner3910 Concord Place Texarkana, TX 75503.........................................................................................Wanda RoachBox 180, Earth, TX 79031..................................................................................Marge KranzfelderBoard of DirectorsLynn Heise.....Sharon Hicks......Marge KranzfelderMargaret R. McKee.....Annette Rogers-Rister.......Frances StollPomeranian ReviewEditor..........................................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX 79031 Phone 806 257-3817 FAX 806 257-3760 For Special Delivery 823 E. Hwy 70 Earth, TX 79031 e-mail dudleyfivearea.comBusiness Manager........................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions...........................................................................................................Brenda K. Hutton15755 Greenway Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues..............................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription.........................37.00Overseas Foreign.................................65.00First Class............................................45.00Single Copy...........................................8.00Inside Color Page..............................150.00Full Page BW..................................65.00Half Page BW................................. 40.00Quarter Page BW............................ 20.00Photos each.......................................10.00Front Cover, BW............................. 150.00Color..................................................375.00Back Cover, BW................................90.00Color..................................................250.00Center Spread....................................160.00Color..................................................350.00Business Card .................................... 10.00Color Stripping on BW Ad................15.00DeadlinesIssue Ad Deadline DaDecJan.......................Nov 20....... ...Dec 25FebMarch .... ..............Jan 20........ ...Feb 25AprMay......... .............Mar 20...........Apr 25JuneJuly.....................May 20...... ..June 25AugSept........ .............July 20....... ...Aug 25OctNov......... ............Sept 20........ ...Oct 25Seme flexibility passible in deadline. Prior notice required.Page 5Guys N Gals Pomeranianspresents ARIS...V'Xs- \.. . fc-V\VkGROJP PLACEMENT " JrMAU'SHOWMIKE JOHNSONGuys N Gals KJhoalu[Hi-Crast Guys N Gals Handsome High x Sandalwood HE Guys N Gals DKNY]Thank you very much to judges Elaine Rigden Group 3 and Mr. Stephen J. Hubbell Group 4 the second day at the Valley Isle Kennel Club of Maui. Also, we thank judges Grace Moran for his second 3-point major and Mr. James Moran for 3 points the second day at the Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers. ARIS needs 3 single points to finish.BREEDER OWNER HANDLER Josephine Ching 2829 Booth Road Honolulu, HI 96813808 526-0114Page 6'UlnlaqcOi. Oinlaqc Hct iiticn cfi "HeMlane.-rGROUP PLACEMENT 4yndard show mOMaaro showJOSCfc - - 'Ml.Ch. Amours Thats Hot To Trot x Vintage Canadian MistRobbie completed his championship at our Spring shows earlier this year. Starting his Specials career this fall, he has already won back-to-back group 2s under judges Mames and Grace Moran pictured above, a BOB from Mr. Charles Trotter and a group 4 from Mrs. Margaret Olmos-Ollivier. Special thanks to the judges who appreciated him and the following Hazel, his roommate and special friend Arlene, his groomer and handler extraordinaire Robin, the handler who finished him Shirley Leu of Amours and owner of Hottsie without whom there would be no Robbie.HOWLENE Hazel Milter, Arlene Qtagero, Owners 808 593-2322VELOUR VINTAGERobin Watanabe Ellen TakayamaCo-owner Breeder Co-owner808 488-8325 vintagBhawaiiyahoo.comPage 7rffectiveness of your probiotic supplement, f you can find a product which includes ligestive enzymes amylase, protease, and ipase you will get more for your money.Our question for next month is What is he best way to lead train a Pom puppyYou may direct new questions or inswers to these questions toAnnette Davis 391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello ID 83204 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail web site www.avalonpom.comHealth Geneticsby Marge KranzfelderHealth Genetics Article Canine Health Foundation Conference Report including Neonatal Resuscitation StrategyOverviewUpon arrival in St Louis on October 15th, we were taken on a tour of the Purina Research Facility. It is a very nice facility with a very positive spirit throughout.programs for the CHF. One is through a pet insurance company Details not given. The other is through Citibank. They will make a donation to CHF for the specified breed per credit card account that is openedrenewed. The amount of donation is figured out based on the total number of dogs registered in that breed. Although our numbers would not necessarily be very favorable many more Poms registered than being shown, there is no risk involved and maybe APC should consider supporting this.The AKC stated that they would always use DNA only for identification and parentage purposes. This is a significant statement. They also announced their endorsement of the new CHIC, Canine Health Information Center, to be their preferred choice of DNA data bank. Purina also will, which should encourage other research facilities to want to share their DNA data in a like manner. CHIC will be run by OF A.In Spring 2000, Purina will market a Titter box and filler for small dogs. They are purposely not calling it a litter box ... but that is the exact idea. The filler is not like that used for cats ... it looks similar to the extruded food used for farm animals.PresentationsI will highlight the main scientific presentations, concentrating on breeding and whelping issues which we know are relevant to Pomeranians.Dr. Elaine Ostrander presented the combined research on the canine genome map.Having attended the last conference two years ago, I found it very interesting to see the increased confidence level of the scientists for using DNA and the progress of their projects.There are two new corporate fund raisingDr. Kathryn Meurs presented information on Dilated Cardiomyopathy, which is very different from breed to breed. Dr. Alroy addressed this in the Portuguese Water Dogs. Affected puppies had low plasma taurine concentrate when consuming certain diets. The clinical andPage 8echocardiographic manifestations were reversible in some dogs following dietary supplementation of taurine.Dr. Glickman presented the present findings of risk factors of Bloat GDV. Interestingly there is a decreased risk factor for dogs with a higher score for being happy as reported by their owners.Other topics covered were canine compulsive behaviors which have been considered as canine models of human obsessive compulsive disorder, genetics of canine cancer, canine eye disease, vWD, Protein-Losing Enteropathy in Wheatens, and Idiopathic Epilepsy in Belgian Teivuren.Dr. Paula Moon-Massat reported Risk Factor Analysis of NEONATAL MORTALITY after Caesarean Sections as followsA prospective study 109 private and institutional practices assessed peri-operative risk factors for neonatal mortality in 88 litters 3,408 puppies requiring Caesarean surgery for delivery of at least one puppy. Survival rates for immediately, two hours and seven days after delivery were higher for puppies delivered by Caesarean section than for puppies bom naturally. In 67 percent of litters, all puppies delivered by Caesarean section were bom alive. Maternal mortality rate was 1 percent. 58 percent of the surgeries were done as an emergency. The most common breeds for emergency surgery were Bulldog, Labrador Retriever, Boxer, Corgi and Chihuahua. Results of risk-factor analysis indicate the following factors were identified as favorable" the surgery was not an emergency, the dam was not brachycephalic there were four puppies there were no naturally delivered or deformed puppies all puppies breathed spontaneously at least one puppy vocalized spontaneously and neither methoxyflurane nor xylazine was used in the anesthetic protocol. Data alsosuggested that a favorable outcome i more likely to occur if either propofol o isoflurane are used as anesthetic agents.The summary from Dr. Stepanie Tod for NEONATAL RESUSCITATION o Puppies following Caesarean Section is a followsNeonatal mortality rates are highest fron zero to three days of age. About half of thi non-survivors are stillborn, 20 percen have anatomic abnormalities, nine percen are cannibalized, and most of the rest ar lost due to trauma or infectious diseaseLow birth weight is an important risl factor for early losses. Difficult labor ani caesarean section add significant risk. Ou goal is to minimize loss of puppies b aggressively resuscitating them from th effects of anesthesia, fluid-fillei respiratory tracts, and in some cases th stress of prolonged labor. Puppies shouli be warm, well-hydrated, have norma blood glucose levels, and be crying an ready to nurse as soon as possible afte delivery.Normal vital signs for neonates are bod temperature 94-96 degrees F, regula respiratory rhythm breathe with no paus between inspiration and expiration, hear rate 200-240 beats per minute, bright re gums, glucose 40-60. Neurologic reflexe include suckle, rooting cup hand aroun muzzle and should push, lumbar rubbin causes squeal, toe massage causes hea wobble, extended neck causes flexion o all four limbs from days zero to four fie or dominance and extension of all fori limbs from days five to 21. Depressed c absent necrologic reflexes may indicat hypothermia, low blood glucose, or central nervous system disorder.Resuscitation of neonates follows th ABC acronym used for resuscitation i adults Aairway, Bbreathinj Ccirculation. The complicating facte with neonates is that the lungs ar collapsed and full of fluid. Surfactant, thPage 9i LscrcMt the y\ce Yy\ittevviuiA,T- .-1BREED PvICOOKyf 1999Thank you, Judge Trotter, for Forever Bear Cubs nice win.Congratulations to Margaret McKee on her Kennel Visit. As our senior-tenured member of the Board, APC is fortunate to have your continuedservice.We are saddened that the Pom World has lost yet another dedicated person, former APC President Dolores Watts.Marge Kranzfelder 831 623-9265 fax 831 623-2612 kranzmarhollinet.comPage 10T-JS POMERANIANS m UHUWMMMiniMMMwrmrAljsmm-k U i i[ mSt gjj iiCh. T-JS Angels Annie Oakley Pictured at 6 12 monthsAnnie pictured with Judge Julie Moreno and handler Jeff Greer III at the Redwood Empire Kennel Club.'Bred for Quality not Quantity"To my Fax Buddy and friend. Julie, you are not forgotten, nor will you EVER be. Your big smile, your happy face, no one can ever take your place. REST IN PEACE Miss Julie God bless and keep you always. We will miss you Julie until we meet again.Jack and Therese Reeder 916 726-POMS fax 916 722-9045 24 hoursPage 11substance that coats the alveoli of the lungs ind allows them to expand properly, may 3e present in decreased amounts in pups hat are premature. Difficult delivery can lead to decreased blood oxygen levels in the puppies by loss of placental blood flow, early placental separation, or early rupture of the umbilicus. Anesthetics given to the dam can cause respiratory, cardiac, ar CNS central nervous systemdepression in the puppies, necessitating physical and pharmaceutical stimulation to aid in recovery. Planned saesarean sections often result in vigorous puppies that have no need for intensive rare. Emergency caesarean sections, tiowever, especially those following prolonged labor, may result in depressed puppies that will not survive without iggressive resuscitation techniques.The following steps comprise our protocol for neonatal resuscitation1 Airway Stimulate breathing imitate mother by clearing airway of membranes and vigorously rubbing puppy Suction airway with a bulb syringe Swing puppy downward with head low to clear lungs does not seem to cause bleeding around the brain as it would in a human infant2 Breathing If no breathing in 30-60 seconds, administer oxygen inflate lungs first by blowing in mouthnose. Oxygen may be given by face mask, oxygen chamber, or core warming described below. If still no gaspingbreathing, then give Dopram under tongue or in umbilical vein works for 15-20 minutes. DONT give more than two doses, as the benzyl alcoholcomponent can cause CNS toxicity and hyperventilation can lead to acid-base imbalance.3 Circulation Rewarming with oxygen-rich, moist warm air is ideal. This prevents overheating and bums from other external heat sources, and raises the core body temperature quickly core warming. This immediately improves cardiac performance and increases circulation to vital organs. The technique is accomplished by placing puppies on a grate over hot steamingwater underneath an oxygen tent, more description below. Correct dehydration and hypoglycemia by giving warmed fluids intraperitoneally between abdominal cavity wallsLactated Ringers solution LRS with 2.5 percent dextrose 1 ml30gm, or via an intraosseous catheter 10 percent dextrose 0. 1 m l30gm, and LRS 1 ml30gm initial bolus.Neonates cannot regulate their body temperature, cannot constrict small blood vessels to preserve blood flow to vital organs, and cannot increase the strength of heart muscle contraction just the heart rate. In order to maintain circulation in these puppies, we must always aim to correct hypothermia, hypoglycemia, and dehydratioaPoor prognostic signs for neonatal survival include prematurity indicated by sparse hair coat, especially on the top of the paws, a heart rate of less than 80 beats per minute, and lack of gaspingbreathing despite following the above protocol. Do not give up on any puppy, however, without doing a drop test to check for total loss of reflexes. Drop the puppy, abdomen downward, from a six-inchPage 12height you might tiy a lower height with Poms. onto a firm surface, and watch for the limbs to spread out and pull back in a quick, subtle movement. SOME PUPPIES WITH NO DETECTABLEHEARTBEAT BUT A POSITIVE drop test HAVE BEEN REVIVED AFTER 15 to 30 MINUTES OF STIMULATION AND CORE WARMING.Core warming and intermittent, vigorous stimulation should be continued until pups are breathing, hydrated with fluids and dextrose, and moving when stimulated. They can be moved to an oxygen chamber for further supportive care if needed. Neonates are ready to be removed from oxygen and placed with the dam or in a heated whelping box when they are moving and crying, have heart rates over 200 beats per minute, and have normal necrologic reflexes.Notes1. Sling method used is two handed in order to support the head and neck as one unit.2. Do not give glucose without testing. Neonates can not regulate blood level, so brain could swell and cause death. Use a test strip available in pharmacies along with the machine that reads them now available with rebate offer. Cut toenail to get drop of blood for test.3. Use of analgesics delays healing of incisions.4. Low calcium value below value of 70 indicates eclampsia5. Low blood sugar is defined as below a value of 60.6. The use of oxiglobin synthetic hemeglobin is presently being researched.CORE WARMER DESCRIPTION Acore warmer is easy to make. PVC pips can suspend screening over the container of hot water. Puppies are placed on thi screening. The piping continues to alst support a sheet of clear plastic fo containing the heated, moist air ... bu allowing easy viewing. Allow enougl clearance between the two layers to easily work on the puppies. Toweling was use for the sides. Good insulators A larg plastic storage container probably could b slit to hold the screening and top viewinj plastic instead of the PVC pipe. Th concept is that the moist warm air heat the puppy from within. The pulmonar and cardiac functions will respond mor easily and quickly than they would b] heating the puppy with external methods.Dr. Robert Hutchison, a noted canini reproduction specialist, addressed the nev millennium The 20th century greates veterinarian contributions to breeding include management of pyometria, usag of fresh, cooled semen, and the advance o frozen semen. The future will be th century of the bitch. He noted tha presently by the age of 6 years of age, bitch has a 33 drop in pregnancy rate. I the future, we will be able to implan embryos from exceptional quality bitche into younger bitches. Better ovulatio control will help with the use of froze semen implants. On the subject of cloning litter mates might be more alike because o socialization methods. Clones ar genetically alike but not the sam individual due to socialization differences And his concerns included law controlling dog ownership and breedin practices. He has been targeted due to hi specialization.MALCOLM WILLIS was flown fror his home in England to be the keynot speaker. He is the author of Genetics c the Dog which my articles have ofte quoted.Not to any Pom breeders surprise, h stated that breeds with small liter sizPage 13...............................11goip wish rtvtt S5NORTH. CALIF. POM CLUB SPECIALTYAPRIL 15, 23 SHOWS IN 2 DAYSCAL EXPO FAIRGROUNDS SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIAAwrWe would like to invite you to join us at our Specialty held after the Sacramento K.C. Show on Saturday evening.- dreat Raffle- Q,reat hospitalityContact Diane Heldebrandt for premium list 2406 Watson St.,Sacramento, CA 95864 916 485-5950 email BadgerBaneJuno.comHAVE A GOLD DIGGIN GOOD TIMEMelinda Bullene, Chairperson 707 447-9240 Entries close March 29, 2000Page 14Dalton-31r 1 i- ^Can. Ch. Foxworth FanfareCh. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Foxworth FantasiaDalton completed his Canadian Championship in just one weeke of shows. He is a multiple Group winner in Canada. In the US, af just 3 weekends of shows, he has 10 points, including back-to-bi majors and 3 Group placements--all ownerbreeder handled. Dalton will be going South for the winter to finish his US Championship with handler Erika Moureau.FOXWORTHPamela Dodsworth and Larry Fox 2737 Middle River Road Middle River, N Canada E2A 6X7 506 548-8780 foxworthnbnet.nb.caPage 15ant use the selection process he iscussed as well and therefore it takes angermore litters to progress.He reiterated that if a dog is of poor type, ont breed from it for the sake of its edigree. Studying siblings will be more iformative than studying a dogs edigree. Studying a dogs progeny tell ou more than studying the dog itself as to hat genes it is carrying and can supply.Some other of his summaries includeCross-over can happen with marker genes too.With polygenetic traits, use breath of pedigree in favor of depth.Do not continually outcross assuming you will not see bad traits.If there are no test for carriers of your reeds particular problems, you might -'ant to institute a vertical test mating ystem.Inbreeding does not increase the number f defects in a breed, it increases the opulation of defects which were ifrequent. If the defect is distributed iroughout the population, inbreeding will ot affect it.Dr. Carmen Battaglia added on the abject of breeding strategyOne can not correct everything all at nee select the top 2 or 3 problems of the reed to study for correction.Puppy selection Select worse puppy rst Place it out of your breeding rogram. Work upward each week, emember You cant pick an NFL layer in kindergarten.SEVERE HAIR LOSS SYNDROMEbriefly got a chance to talk with Dr. Gary ihnson working on the x ChromosomeDNA for coat loss. Basically, no headway has been made. I mentioned our results with the treatment for yeast to him. Researchers at Texas AM are presently treating four male Malamutes for Coat Funk with the procedure consistent with the U. of Tenn. study. I will receive a copy of their report when available. This is the type of net-working this conference offers. Also, I heard from sitting at a discussion group at lunch, that someone successfully changed a hypothyroid line of dogs to normals by using a natural diet. I will pursue some more information about this.This will probably be my last article written as Health Genetics Chairpersoa I hope I shared some useful information. If one Pom benefited, that was what it was all about.MembershipReportbyJerrie FreiaMembership Report as of 072099 by Jerrie Freia, Membership Chair 1072A Landry Road Morgan City, LA 70380 504 384-7466Letters, other than those from sponsors, commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Becky Sabourin 2814 Blackhurst Road Midland, MI 48642. Contact Jerrie Freia for membership applications.oPage 16NEW MEMBERSLavonne Beard OKSponsorsBronya Johnston Sue GoddardMichael and Roxanne Collins ILSponsorsJim Shearer Fran StollTammee Felix CASponsorsAnna LaFortune Daniel OntiverosGary Stefanson and Laurie Polinkus WASponsorsAnna LaFortune Randy BuskeAPPLICATIONSCarol R. Leemhuis PASponsorsCamilla Knight Donna J. MachniakR. Shane Burroughs ALSponsorsSue Goddard Annette Rogers-RisterRegistrars Cornerby Jean Schroll 12950 S. New Era Road Oregon City, OR 97045 503 650-0023Register of MeritCh. Great Elms Mr. Chips CLRubys One Man Show Encore Ch. Starfires SophiaFrom theCorresponding Secretaryby Brenda TurnerFuture APC Specialties 1999 Sooner Pomeranian Club OK 2000 Pom Club of Greater Baltimore MD 2001 LaCajunPom Club of Louisiana 2002 Pom Club of Greater Des Moines IA 2003 Puget Sound Pom Club WAFuture Local Pomeranian Specialties Central Arkanasas Pomeranian Club Saturday, February 5, 2000 Pine Bluff. AR San Diego Pomeranian Club Friday. February 25, 2000 Del Mar, CA Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston Friday, March 17, 2000 Houston TX Sooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma City Friday, May 5, 2000 Oklahoma City, OKBehind The New TitlistsCh Vintage Hot Edition of HowleneOrange Male Breeder Ellen Takayama Owner Ellen Takayama, Hazel Miller, Arlene Otagero, Robin WatanabeCh Wee Squeakie of Lenette Ch Guys N Gals Bravo for Amours Guys N Gals Renee Haiku's Flirt Ch Amours Thats Hot to Trot Ch Sandtown's Teddy Bear Amour's Legacy ofthe HeartGuys N Gals Delights of Amours Ch Chriscendo Calvin Klein Ch Chriscendo Conspiracy Emcee's Chriscendo Catarina Vintage Canadian MistCreider's Wee Country Bumpkin Ch Woodrose Princess Heidi Woodroses Midnite DreamPage 17sungro pomeraniampresent.....\ lr-4Fnbi lHi- wFY ''.r.cer.'aK.'-Nj'SunRay Riders Samantha RoseSun Rays Gold Card II x Riders JoArts Suzy QAfter her maternity leave, Samantha is back out looking for that last single and a major. Samantha is pictured here with judge Mrs. Clover Allan and her wonderful handler, Allan Chambers.Wed like to thank Samanthas breeder, Blanche Rider, for allowing us to own such a special bitch Watch for Samanthas daughter, our first bred-by, SunGlos Secret Desire. Secret just needs singles to finish.OWNERSDan and Tammee Felix San Diego, CA 619 282-5520'ArSunGlos Secret Desire SecretPage 18DEL POMSPretty Boy says, I came home to grow a new coat for my last major and look what I didMerryChristmas and a thank you and a hug to Peggy Hendricks for her superb handling of Pretty Boy.ROLC-'Si -4lIWf 34a10 and 11 week old half-sisters to Pretty BoyWe also want to thank the following judges for Pretty Boys wins and appreciation of 1 superb movement and soundness First in Open at APC Specialty in Dallas under Mrs. Dorot Welsh BW at the Texas KC for 5 points under judge June Pinta WD at Claremore KC Oklahoma under judge E.C. Sledzik BOW at Mid-Continent KC of Tulsa under judge Dorot Welsh BB at NASA Area Association under judge Steve Keating and WD at Stephenville F under judge Richard Pritchard.BREEDEROWNER Delores Zahner3333 North 14th Street Poplar Bluff, MO 6390 573 785-3835 email rolndelsocket.netPage 19SPamcrajiiaa StatisticsThe APC SYSTEMJcsA CasuicL, ^fuiaal'' iwa7fs SAaiyzetsoa November 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999 As reported in the AKC Awards issues January through November, 1999very effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors discovered to the attention f Tish Cannon. If your dogs are listed in the 'corrections" of the AKC Awards issues, please ontact Tish Cannon before February 1,2000.SZteeil SonpelilwnTop 25 Best of Breed winners out of 264Dog ^ c ^ Owners1. CH Valcopy Wakhan Batman 5034 25 7 6 3 2 21 GemmillPlonkeyReichl. CH Finch's Walkin Legacy 4362 13 5 2 1 30 MceachemPizer5. CH Joart's Super Harlee Davison 3873 42 3 8 6 3 13 DentonDavisoni. CH Southlands Black Tie N Tails 3414 30 9 2 3 22 CreedRister5. CH AJ's Smokin Joe 3395 47 2 5 8 6 03 Millerj. CH Noble's Chewbaka Of Pominique3361 45 3 5 4 7 10 InglettJ. CH Absolutes Prime Time Pom 3273 66 6 6 6 11 BlankBoehmerBoehmerS. CH Tim Sue's Rocky MT High 2806 42 3 7 3 13 GoddardGoddard. CH Kindreds The Big Chill 2258 37 4 2 5 6 Wehrle. CH Suber's Presents Atom Ant 1710 43 1 3 6 BemeyL CH Cassio's Flashback 1494 44 1 5 5 5 BrewsterHansenReed. CH Cascades Sunkist Shadow 1402 24 4 2 5 Cumming. CH De Arias Ima Causin A Storm 1308 14 3 2 1 01 Rinehart1. CH Emcee's Utimate Chip 945 18 1 4 2 1 CarsonWade. CH Jan-Shais Dudly Doright 833 12 1 1 5 1 BlankSabourin. CH La Cherie Lil Luke Skywalker 802 24 4 1 1 01 Martinr. CH T-JS Rockn Wee Willy Wimzee699 15 1 1 Reeder. CH Starfire's Brian Of Lenette 607 9 2 1 1 1 ArientiCabrera1. CH Starfire's Beft Betty 604 7 1 2 1 CabreraArienti. CH Paradise Valley Royal Reward515 17 1 3 Rokos.. CH Jan-Shars Dot Com 484 11 2 2 BrysonHanson. CHJolvin's Legacy Of Ginger 464 1 1 BeechBeech1. CH Jan-Shars N Oh-Wows Two Thumbs420 9 1 2 HansonL CH Great Elms Tahtha 412 4 1 2 CabreraArienti1. CH Stolanne's Back Talk 382 9 2 Stollidicates non-member to APC. Indicates bitch.Page 20Sjtyj SitesCH Finchs He Walks On Water 12CH Great Elms Mr Chips 6CH Rock N Tradition Of Oakridge 6CH Emcees Gran Dorito Chips 3CH Fame Gift Of Spirit 3CH Hi-Crest Guysngals Handsome High 3 CH Jan-Shars Sinbad Of Velvetouch 3CH Raines Credit To Jds 3CH Weehearts Glen Iris Talisman 3CH Absolutes Harleys Son Of David 2 CH Absolutes Magic Mountain 2CH Ajs Smokin Joe 2CH Artie Poms Raisin-A-Ruckus 2CH Cascades Sunkist Goldenrod 2Chriscendo Center Stage 2CH Finchs Passionate Kisses 2CH Golden Aires Moonwalker 2Great Elms Master Gordon 2CH Jan-Shars Not For Love Or Money 2 CH Majesties Willie B Steppn Up 2Millamors Microchip Of Emcee 2CH Neujahr Tagalong 0 Beau 2CH Odysseys Blackjack 2Ragdolls Tango Of Sourwood 2CH Reginapoms Luv A Gator 2CH Rock Comet Of Oakridge 2CH Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor 2CH Texicans Highball 2Tookeyes The Gold Smith 27qp junior fauletsTop 10 out of 22Michelle Ridenour 145Barbara Pater 87Faralyn flicker 26Nikki Pledger 21April Spurling 19Krysten Takahashi 14Hannah Pool 13Nicole Wall 11Audrey Whyman 7Jenelle Spradley 6STcj Sams Finchs Black Fad Fashion Great Elms Becky Sue CH Benrays Emmy Timstopper CH Candyfloss Dance On CH Crystal Bud-N-Promise CH Emcees Jackies Esther Bee CH Fan-Cs Julie Ann Hi-Crest Guysngals Centerfold High Janesas Lilbodicious Janesas Southland Tanner, CD Jan-Shars Gone And Done It Jan-Shars Wynonna Nora Gail Of Lenette CH Pixies Steel Magnolia Silver Meadows Lady Diana Southlands Tell Me A Secret CH Starfires Sophia CH Sun-Dots Galactic Dream TLC Dominique Velvet Touch Ms Ecstasy Velvet Touch Vanessaep SiteedetsSharon HansonDiana FinchJerrie FreiaJanet BordelonMorris and Betty CarsonK. G. GriffithRegina and Robert NunnRuth BeamBrenda SegelkenTom WilsonSJcp \-JiiActsDiana Finch Sharon Hanson Fabian Arienti Janet Bordelon Jose Cabrera Anna Lafortune Regina and Robert Nunn Annette Rister Fran StollPage 21is proud to have ownedMcPougal Pambeastie CO Ch. Just a Triket Pambeastie Golden Tiara Pambeastie CPX Ch. Great Elms Idlewyld Jewel CP Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone CPX, HOF May Morning Small Talk CP, ROM Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral CPX, HOF Ch. Idlewyld Star Pendant CP, ROM Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier CPX. CGC, HOF IdlewyId Hope Piamond CPCh. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Piamond CP, Award of Merit U-CP Idlewy Id Charm bracelet CPX, CGC ptdCh. Paybreaks Barbara Ann Ch. Idlewyld Chrysoberl Ch. Idlewyld Paybreak Fun Fun Fun Paybreak's Good Vibrations CGC, ROM maj ptd AmCan Ch. Idlewyld Tourmaline Ch. Idlewyld Semi-Precious Gem CGC Ch. Idlewylds Sasic Slack 'N Pearls CP, CGC, TPI Ch. Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor Piamond CGC AmCan Ch. Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor Topaz CGC Ch. Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor Pearl Ch. Idlewyld Talisman CGC Ch. Idlewyld Haunting MoonstoneAnd the honorary Pomeranian, Azyr U-CPX Alexandra of Cobberidge CPX, CGC, TPI Wb mourn the loss of PolorBS Watts-brBBder, exhibitor, past APC President, friend.Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 004 556-3330Page 22byMargaret R. McKeeHi Come in. Lets go sit in the den where we can chat. Ill give you the tour later. We have some catching up to do since the last time you were here.I bought my first Pom in 1968 on impulse from a pet shop. I thought he was gorgeous, but he was really big and ugly by my current standards. He had Pom temperament, so my husband John and I fell in love with the breed. My second Pom, a half brother to the first, earned a CD. In going to the shows to compete for that title, I had the opportunity to observe show quality dogs and to learn. When Dougal died, I decided I wanted a pretty Pom. After a diligent search, I wasfortunate to acquire Trinket, who becan my first Champion and we were off ar running. As an interesting aside, when showed up ringside with Dougal in rr arms, nobody had time to talk to me. Whe I showed up with Trinket, everybody w so friendly Its a good thing Im not easi] turned off by snobbery. My mentors i those early days were Julie Brumbac Julies Stars and Bob Goodric Models, whose advice ar encouragement was invaluable.Next, we got Tiara from Carol Galavic She was beautiful enough to be shown, bi I concentrated on obedience and breedir with her. She was my first CDX we did1That's the kennel between the garage and the main part of the house. And, yes, that'sJohn's hand at the top.Page 23 Virginia 85POM-MOM_ to E Ch. Penny CD, Ch. Pooh Bear CDX, Hope CD, Ch. Val CDX, Ch. Gem CDX, Tiara CDX. Those license plates are now on the Twikle Mobile of learning together. Her first litter ave me Gem, a sable who grew up to be h. Idlewyld Gemstone CDX HOF and is n most of my pedigrees.Chatter came to us from Sophie Mays. ark sable May Morning Small Talk CD as a wonderful brood bitch who gave us ooh Bear Ch Idlewyld Star Coral CDX IOF and Penny Ch Idlewyld Star 'endant CD ROM. On the advice of Pooh Sears sire, I sold him as a pet. He is very rdinary, Margaret. When I saw him gain at 8 months, I almost died. He was eautiful. I finally convinced his owners to it me show him. Ten days before his first how, he was mauled by a German ihepherd Dog. With stitches, bruises, and oles in his coat, he took 2 BOBs his first weekend out. He was RWD at the National a NY a few weeks later. I got him back as lie result of a divorce after he finished his hampionship.He developed a jumping problem in pen obedience, and refused the high amp in 7 straight trials. Because of his eiy short back, jumping wasnt easy for iim. I tried all sorts of conditioning andtraining cavaletti, long walksto fix it. But the solution turned out to be relatively simple show him only at outdoor trials. My gorgeous little Champion turned out to be a mudder, excelling in rain and finishing with numerous placements.Val wasnt particularly promising as a puppy, but I kept him because he reminded me of Tiara. Ringside at a match, Marion and I were watching Rachal show him. Marion turned to me, Thats the one you kept WHY He came together at about 18 months, beat some outstanding competition, including a supported entry, and finished with 4 majors, including a 5-pointer. Rachal put the CD on him and trained him to be a terrific Juniors dog. With him she was the top toy Junior Handler for 2 years. When Rachal aged up, he became Elaines first juniors partner.Val sired Mark Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD, who was sold as a puppy to Bill Ferrara who wanted to judge Poms. Mark finished with 5 majors 3,3,4,4,3 in 6 shows. After I finished his CD with placements he had to compete in the same class with Charm, Bill decidedPage 24to get out of Poms and Mark came back to me.Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone CDX HOF Ch Idlewyld Lavalier CDX CGC Ch Idlewyld Star Pendant CD ROMI had long admired black and tan I was a big fan of Tar Baby, the first B and T champion but did not aspire to it. I figured I needed to concentrate on legs, heads, and soundness and let the color chips fall where they may. Shortly after Mark returned to Idlewyld, I bred him to Polly. Both were orange. The litter of 4 included an orange, 2 sables, and a black and tan. What a thrillNikki was a clone of Val, so alike except for color. I adored him and was devastated when he died of choking, one major short of his championship. Fortunately, he had been bred to Noel Daybreaks Good Vibrations CGC ROM. Again there were 4 puppies I orange and 3 black and tans. Two of the black and tans became Ch Idlewyld Semi-Precious Gem CGC, my beloved little clown -faced Phred pronounced Fred and Ch Idlewyld Basic Black N Pearls CD CGC TDI Elizabeth. The third black and tan, Mouse, and her grandmother Polly five with good friends George and Ursula Taylor.Early on, I decided I wanted to keep the number of dogs small, and eveiy dog would be either titled or pointed. Over the last thirty years , Ive stuck pretty close to that. Only a couple of bitches havent been pointed. Even with taking 2 or 3 rescues at a time, weve kept the kennel small. Weve won no Best in Show and have not competed seriously in the number games. Finances and family responsibilities have kept me from doing as much showing as Id like. Ive never specialed a dog. Weve finished only 18 American champions on Poms and 17 obedience titles. There are two records of which I am very proud1. Val is the only dual-titled Pom, both of whose parents were dual-titledVal was also the first Pom in the count to earn a CGC.2. 1 have finished more dual-titled Por than anyone in the history of tl, six of whom we homebred.I admired the large sighthounds. Wh we moved to the country and had mo room, I decided I could now get one. Aft careful research, I adopted a retired racii Greyhound. She died after two week probably from an embolism. Next we g Bess, who was smart, sweet, eager learn, and pulled the lead out of n daughters hand and ran into the roa Devastated, I had to wait several montl before I could even think of anotb Greyhound. When I was ready, Azyr w looking for a home. Would you take AKC Greyhound my rescue contaTJa line drawing of this head study of Ch. Idlewyld Tourmaline appears on a line of clothes, mugs,Page 25Lenette PomeraniansBreeders of fine Pom s since 1957 1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis. NC 28081 704I 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578y ABEST OF BREEDVARIETYHARRISBURGKENNELCh. Micro Chip of LenetteThis is Champion 8, handled by Jackie Rayner, for Ch. Great Elms Mr. Chips this year. I Without a doubt Chips is one of the top sires in the nation at this time. This is an amazing feat since bitches are not allowed to be shipped because of Ruth Beams age. She does offer stud services if bitches are brought in.KENNEL REDUCTION SALEWe have several top show prospects sired by Chips as well as our new group winning stud Ch Dominic of Lenette. Several brood and stud prospect puppies available as well as some young proven broods. We have two males to sell that are already ring ready and have points. Phone, fax, [ or write for our latest price list. Be sure to give us your address.ur deepest sympathy to David Watts on thB passing of his bslovBd wife. Doloras will bB sorely missed because she was one of our top breeders.We wish Eleanor Milter a speedy recovery from her recent surgery.Best wishes to Margaret McKee on your Kennel Visit. Keep up the good work.Page 26Twin Pines ChicoMichaelCh. Idlewyld Semi-Precious Gem x Biljon Blue Saphire\BEST OF OPPOSITEMAJOR 2Mikey is shown winning his first Major at the Middleburg KC, Leesburg, VA. Thanks Margaret McKee and John Cribbs for this little ball of joy. Thank you Margaret for training and handling Mikey so well.Thank you Judge Mrs. Olmos-Ollivierfor noting Mikeys soundness.He has several BOB and BOWS and needs only that elusive second major.Margaret, you have opened up a whole wonderful world to us by helping us get started with Pomeranians and encouraging us and helping us learn how to take those first few scary steps into the ring. Thank you for your unselfish giving of time to answer our questions about showing and breeding. Thank you for your example and encouragement to by obedience. Without generous, helpful, and knowledgeable folds like you, there would be no new folks in the world of show dogs and then where would we be Thank you for showing us how to do it right We hope you enjoy raising and showing Mikeys new son and daughterCongratulations on your most well deserved 3rd kennel visitIn special memory of Azyr, Queen and Ambassador of Idlewyld and Mr. Bandit, who stole my heart for Poms, for all time.JOHN KITTLER, OWNER Kenneled by Becky Johnson, Stealurheart Poms501 Eubank Drive Hampton, VA 23666 757 838-7406Superbly handled by MARGARET MCKEE, Idlewyld Kennel and Rachal McKee, Seaclaed Kennel 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380Page 27Margaret with Trove and Camryn.sked. Would I We got Azyr when she 'as 2 years old and for over ten years she 'as a huge part of my life. She and the cat dored each other. She knew when a Pom ame into the room, she had to lie down nd let it jump on her. We showed her in oth conformation and obedience. She was re top obedience Greyhound for 2 years, he loved going to shows even during her ist weeks, she begged to go with us. She ever met a stranger and thought shows nd the State Fair were held so she could e admired and petted. She was a fabulous mbassador for the breed and an excellent rerapy dog. All my students loved her. hen she was in the classroom, my kids 'ere more focused and saner. For over a ear and a half she battled liver cancer, -ast Tuesday, I put my buddy to sleep, he was all heart.My first love was obedience. I took my xst Pom to obedience classes just because wanted a well-behaved pet. Luckily, I -ent to Richmond Dog Obedience Club. Zith my second Pom, they insisted I show im. He finished with placements for all gs and I was hooked. I joined RDOC in 973 Ive been a member so long they no mger charge me dues Ive been veryactive in the club, serving as President, VP, Board Member and Trial Chairman as well as head of various committees. I served as co-chair for 2 Gaines Regional Obedience Tournaments. I have been an instructor for many years and now specialize in teaching puppy classes.I cant remember when I joined APC but it must have been in the mid-seventies. I started writing for the Pomeranian Review in 1976, and wrote the Helpful Hints column for many years. I like to joke that I outlasted 5 or 6 editors. Ive served on the Board for about 8 years.When PR first visited in 1981, our oldest daughter Rachal and our son John Langhome were in elementary school and Elaine was 4. Now they are all adults. Langhome is a welder and has a home about an hour from here. Elaine and Rachal are both still at home while they finish college. Elaine is at the University of Virginia majoring in history. Rachal will graduate from Virginia Commonwealth University in psychology in the spring. Rachal is also a professional handler who has enjoyed success especially in the sporting dogs. She handled Field Spaniel Dusty to the Pedigree Award 3 years ago. Chase, her own dog, finished his CD this year, won the national specialty, and is currently the number I Field Spaniel.When the kids were practically grown up, I decided to go back to work. My training and experience were as a chemistry teacher, which meant I was used to college-bound, motivated students. Thanks to a couple of intervening events, seven years ago I went to work at Elk Hill Farm, a residential treatment facility for disturbed teenage boys. The politically correct term is troubled youth. In addition to all sciences, I occasionally teach independent living home ec for boys, health, and dog care. Were a private school and most of our clientele are emotionally disturbed andor learningPage 28disabled. While they can frequently be violent, Im much more comfortable in this setting than I was in public school. Because the boys are there all the time, it is a 12-month job. As I get only 1. 3 days of vacation a month, it makes it hard to go to shows. In addition to trying to teach, I am expected to be a counselor, semi-mom, and disciplinarian. It is never boringThe dogs are an asset in this effort. In summer I teach a dog care class which emphasizes obedience. It is an excellent class for our poor readers, as there is little written work, and for our less stable kids, as they are instructed not to train when upset but to sit down and talk with the dog. In spite of heat and dysfunctional kids, quite a few staff dogs have earned CGCs. The benefits for the kids are harder to quantify but are evident.When I had my first of now 3 kennel visits, we lived in a 3 bedroom home in a suburb of Richmond. Motivated by a very meddlesome neighbor, we moved here to the country in 1986. Idlewyld is now a 7 bedroom Colonial on 13 acres in Goochland County, VA, midway between Richmond and Charlottesville. One thing that attracted me to this house was how adaptable it was for our dogs. The kennel is a 12 X 23 room just off the kitchen. It is separated form the kitchen by a Dutch door. I keep the top half open most of the time so I can hear any problems, and to allow air circulation. The walls are paneled and the floor is brown ceramic tile. It is easy to mop, but slick as glass when wet. There are plenty of big windows on three walls,I think it was intended as a Florida room for lots of fresh air. In summer it is cooled by ceiling and box fans. In winter, heat comes from baseboard and space heaters. I dont like AC in the kennel because I think the dogs are better able to handle going outside and going to shows in the summer heat. Ive also heard horror stories of what happened to Poms used toAC when the power went off. The do are all in large wire crates while I am work. Each has a bed, a bowl of water, ai a toy or rawhide chewie. Young puppi are in an X-pen with the same ameniti and a bowl of dry food. Four Fie Spaniels and a Gordon Setter are al housed here so the Poms get used to seen and hearing big dogs, so they are n perturbed by them at shows. Althouj there is a grooming table and stand dry set up here, I do most of my grooming my lap in the den with the TV on.The exercise area is 50 X 50 a chain-link fenced. A year ago I complete covered it with a load of pea gravel. I h hoped that would discourage the big do from digging and making mud but didnt. An unexpected benefit appear this summer. The gravel combined with summer-long drought resulted in NO fie None. I didnt treat the dogs once.Litters are whelped in our lar bedroom, where Ive had as many as thr 2X4 X-pens set up. I put down a show curtain, then a thick layer of newspaper the X-pen, then put in the whelping bi which may be a cardboard box frc Costco or a large plastic pan meant I bussing tables in a restaurant. I usually p mom in here a week before she is di Once her temperature drops I dont like leave her for any time at all. Sometim things go swimmingly. Recently, Reb temperature hadnt dropped but I didi like the look in her eyes so I asked t girls to check on her and went to woi They misunderstood my request. Wher came home that afternoon, Reba had h her Utter all by herself and was fine. B we all know how easy it is for things to wrong and I much prefer to be there, b ONE except immediate family no, r even my mother is permitted in he while there are nursing pups. Puppies st in my bedroom until 7 weeks when th get their first shots, then are introduced the kennel. They also start going to wc with me, which is serious sociahzationPage 29One of the great joys of being in Poms is le wonderful friends you make. I have nough experience with other breeds to now that not all dog people are as nice as om people I have been privileged to rare our great breed with some lovely eople, both show and pet. I am gratefbl r many friends and acquaintances in anformation and obedience, too long a st to put here. I am also blessed to have a eiy supportive family who pitch in and sip with chores, and dogsit when I go to rows. Thank you allIm so glad you could come. I just love liking dogs. Now that you know the way, lease come againIdlewyldFrom The Skeptic Tankjudge assigned to do a breed specialty show will draw maximum entries. Same judge, same locale, different size entry.What is it about a specialty that will bring dogs out of the woodwork Arent points, points no matter where they are earned Why are specialty show points so much more desirable Lets take a look at the phenomenon know as a Specialty Show.First, there are many more specialty shows held each year than All breed functions. There are, of course, in the United States, more Breed clubs than all breed clubs. The German Shepherd breed leads the pack in the number of specialty shows held. A recent controversial article by Fred Lanting speculated on the reasons German Shepherd breeders avoided multi group judges at all breed shows. Specialty shows bring out birds of a feather. Everyone at the show is a breederexhibitor of their favorite breed or a budding one. There is time to socialize and compare breeding successes and failures. It is a chance to see the get of a new stud and, best of all, commiserate with each other over how tough it is to win in this breed.Over lunch, over drinks and at dinner many a breeding has been planned, old enemies roasted and new friends made. Usually the trophies and ribbons are largerand more expensive, and we all know that pictures in the magazines are much more impressive when they are from a specialty show.rhe Mystique of the Specialty ShowBy Dr. Al GrossmanWhy is it when you spot a judge with a ood reputation doing an all breed show ad show up with a couple of nice entries Peking a major, you find, at best, unimum points However, the sameThere are certain dogs with great winning records at all breed shows that cant buy a win at specialty events. Does that tell us something it sure does As most of us know many a top winner is flashy has lots of coat, is shown by a well known handier and moves rapidly around the ring. For many all arounders who look for a generic dog that is relatively sound, this is what it takes to compile a record. Specialty showsPage 30GH's POMERANIANSBreeders of quality Pomeranians Ch. Stud service toapproved Bitches Puppies OccasionallyG. H. Rumbaugh Sheila Fields Phone 817 838-2004 Fax 817 222-1091 E-Mail ghpomsairmail.netmBREEDING FOR QUALITIvNona Hants5 Santa Fe Circle Safford, AZ 85546-3736520 428-6862Pomeranian VideoVHS 30-minute program"Selecting Caring ForAn excellent breed education tool for Your Pet Pomeranianevery breeders 24.95 eachVolume discounts availablePetipom PomeraniansPat Cummings903 S. Market Box 279 Maryville, MO 64468 660-562-2572 Dogs5aol.comBonnells Linetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm Dixon, IL 61021 CH. STUD SERVICE QUALITY PUPPIES HOME RAISED LOVEDDaniel Taylor Jr.Bonnie McIntosh-Taylor360-458-POMS 7667 Yelm. Washington504 384-746After 700pnJanesa s Porn1072 A Landry Roa Jerrie Freia Morgan City, LA 703Page 313ii the other hand are judged mainly by breeder judges who tend to look for the essence of the breed. I would suggest a combination of these two types of judges helps breeders strike a balance in their breeding programs.It is a known fact that most promising youngsters are discovered at a breed specialty. Breeders wait to bring out that special one until there is a larger and more appreciative audience, This particularly holds true for the National creed Specialty. Here all the jewels of the Dreed show up polished and on display in ill their brilliance. This is the Tiffany of shows and a win here is truly meaningful. If a dogs offspring do well and are present in good numbers, it can do wonders for a stud dogs career.Another aspect of the puzzle of the specialty show is the strong involvement Df members of the local club. They may not do a thing all year, but they turn out in force for the specialty. It is important to hem that the show is successful. They Dring out their youngsters, their old champions and a few that are only there to make points. All entries to put this show Dver the top. And, when they have a larger entry than the neighboring states club, well then they have bragging rights for the year.Specialty shows are also the place where newly anointed breederjudges get o try their wings. They usually draw a good entry in their initial assignments as hey are an unknown quantity and fellow Dreeders are willing to give them a shot. Reputations can be made or dashed in hose early assignments. I can vividly remember one of my first assignments at i national Specialty. My ring procedure with large classes was to go over the logs, gait them and direct the ones I bought were keepers over to one side of he ring while the others were directed to go back into their place in line.On this occasion Ted Young Jr., automatically took his dog over to the preferred group without my indicating he should do so. Was this a challenge Did Ted think he should be automatically included or did he just miss my signal With my heart in my throat I walked over to Teddy and escorted him back to his place in line. The crowd roared and Ted had a big grin on his face. It sure did good things for my morale and it certainly didnt hint my reputation any.So, from all sides, specially shows add color and spice and most of all, a sense of balance to the show scene. Viva la Specialty ShowThe Art of the Critique A Bold New EndeavorByDr. Al GrossmanOne Hundred and Seventy Five dogs per day pass before a typical judge. They have less then 2 minutes to evaluate the dog, place the class, mark their books and award the ribbons. Little information passes between the judge and the exhibitor. And we wonder why we have so many disgruntled exhibitors. Most neophytes and even experienced breeders do not know why the judge placed them the way he did.Back in the days when I was a practicing shrink I found the level of frustration and anxiety of people who were in pressure situations to be quite high, often because they did not know how they got into the situation and because there was no real communication to let them know a problem was approaching. If only they let me know was the plaintive cry. Perhaps ifPage 32we judges would let our exhibitors know their stock was running into trouble, we would not have such a high level of frustration in exhibitors and cries of foul play in judging.Today we find ourselves in a catch 22 situation. AKC guidelines say we judges should not speak to exhibitors except for the usual pleasantries good day, yes, it is a hot one, etc.. This makes it kind of difficult to sneak messages under the table to inform the exhibitor of our honest opinion of their stock. I believe we need to better inform the exhibitors or we will continue to see a decline in show entries and breeding stock.It has been my good fortune to have lived in nearly all parts of this country and to belong to dog clubs in each locale. What do I see besides nice people trying hard to have their breeding program and their club succeed I see the graying of the sport. Clubs with few new members and a membership seldom under the age of 60. 1 see clubs struggling to get enough volunteers to man the necessary committees and to put on successful shows. However, I also see all breed clubs with bulging treasuries against a rainy day that never comes. Hell, it would have to have a Noahs ark type of rain to wipe out some of those balances. Perhaps the monies could be spent or invested more wisely in good local PR for Pure Bred Dogs or for educating local exhibiters.I think I have a possible solution for many of those ills. The informed critique WHAT IS AN INFORMED CRITIQUE you ask Well it is certainly not the lick and a promise type so often found in those we write in the English dog magazines. Those are too short to be be a great help to the breeder. They are also not those we often see given on the European continent. Of those I wish I had seen less. In a ring next to mine an experienced judge comes to ringside and gives the ring secretary a sheet with 7 statements. Whengoing over a dog the judge will tell the secretary, number 4, number 3 anc number 7. These are canned critiques thai are supposed to fit all dogs. ReallyThe practical solution is for AKC tc begin to trust its judges and train them tc do a proper informed critique. The informed critique should be a head to tai inspection of the dog citing its good anc bad points and, on balance, rating the do on a 10 point scale. There are lots of way of explaining what you see as you go ovei a dog. There is no need to attacl needlessly nor should the judge sugar coa their comments. There is the old standby The Sandwich Technique , say somethin' good, sandwich in some deseivec criticism and end with something good One need not say with a muzzle like tha she could drink out of a coke bottle. I really would be nicer to say I would like to see a little more squared off muzzle with deeper flews.The exhibitor woulc thank you for that.Lets do what I consider a proper critique of a Cocker Spaniel as an example. The dog appears to be of good size but unde the standard. The head is appealing witl large dark eyes and good stop. I woulc prefer not to see the red haw in the righ eye. The length of muzzle is proper and ii proportion to the distance from the stop tc the occiput. The jaws are nicely squarec off. I would like to see the shoulders laic back more to give a smoother line of the neck to shoulder blending. I would alsc like to see a bit more length in the uppe arm. The dogs forechest is adequate anc the chest comes down to the elbows whicl turn neither in nor out. The back is short but it would help the outline if the dog were a bit shorter in the loin. The tail is set on correctly and is o adequate length. There is a bit too mucl angulation in the stifle which tends tc make the front and rear out of balance Good strong well let down hocks. Overal the dog makes a nice outline but I woulcPage 33. Telephone845-317Q319bjpomsgteEfmSil netSharon Shipek BreederHandler 406 452-9104ExtanePomeranians4803 3rd Ave. So. Great Falls, MT 59405 Fax 406 452-4105Great Elms and Lenette LinesfBrenda Duncan P.O. Box 486Milton-Freewater, OR 97862 509 525-4347 e-mail httpwww.patsites.comDuncanPomeraniansLOVELY POMERANIANSlevdyVictoria E Lovely 1406-D 54th Ave E Tacoma, WA 98424-1284 253 863-8608 home fax Email LoveiyPom9AOL.comRol 'N Del PomeraniansBreeding for quality.Top lines.Show prospect puppies usually available. Some tinies for loving. Photos and video's on request. Reasonable.Delores Zahner 3333 N. 14th Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573 785-3835 299Page 34S.W. and Brenda TurnerBrynR-osePOMERANIANS3910 Concord Place Texarkana TX 75501 903-832-7742Xafastc TomeraniansJulie Kallbacka3703 Hancock Rd. Magna. UT S4044 801 252-3417 h lml sen icc Puppies nccaionallfapomexanianaGina Atumeuf.815 2714 Shad. Gxand Jet, dd. 8150 jK 978-243-4200 E-mail jpemsaalxomi T-JSTOMEaWCUVfUngp jroup Specialty I I inners ^ I TFfEJSE JOtCOtPEDEH.-BISS CM- T- 75 t' r fu,'.Home 9lb I, Jb-JVMS tVyO'EL S -TV\' OSPKpDy rfax.91bl 722-9045Sou IPuppies Occasionally0Toys-Tran SmithJJandMrQreeder4702 TL. ttvenue H-i 1. ^Palmdale CX 53661 661-266-5527ttStttaaiiHome of MalH 815SI55 CfjttcpioD Odyuey Keoo Wii HOF. CC. ROM 1 Poto 1991 APCrt4trJQvirHlijS'rJanet ManuszafoLucidoMI4 V. Ellery, Frewo. CA 95711 Pbone 55945-0556 CH iyssere KM0 WiPoXvaow, tsfdfcmeauanCh. Avalon's Valentino Starfire Ch. Moreno's Special Amigo AmCan Ch. Moreno's Perri Winkle 3 Pom in the USA 1993Annette Eric Davis 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail Web site Lovingly raised puppies available. Reasonably priced, inquiries welcome,Page 35ike to see less coat as this is considered a sporting dog. Overall rating 7."Now that wasnt too painful and it ertainly gives the exhibitor something to ivork with. He knows a 7 point rating neans he has a nice dog but the 8s 9s and 10s will beat him out if present.I vividly remember judging the Paris iitemational show. Americans are seldom nvited to do this one Maybe its because ve do not have the experience in doing sritiques their way.. In France you cannot recome a champion of Beauty until you vin at the Paris show. It makes for great mtries.When I presented myself to the show shairpersons I was told I had an entry of 50 logs. When I showed my disappointment it such a meager entry at such a prestigious how I was told that no judge was allowed o judge more than 50 dogs. When I asked ny interpreter why that was, she gave a vonderful explanation. Each judge must irst evaluate each dog and rate them as xcellent, very good, good and poor and do i critique. Then only the dogs evaluated as sxcellent or very good come back to ompete for placings. I told her I had lone that in many European countries and hat would leave plenty of time left over, rhen came the cruncher but monsieur, vhen you have finished each class, all the xhibitors in the class, regardless of the anking, may then speak with the judge and isk their full opinion of their dog, how it hould be bred and any other question they nay have. That was the longest I have ever aken to judge 50 dogs. From 9. am to 4.30 JM. What a long but informative dayOK, this brings us down to an action lan. In order to able to do informed ritiques AKC will 1 have to change the urrent guidelines, 2 working with the udges associations, develop a plan to build he necessary skills to do these critiques, 3 develop a workable way ofimplementing such a plan . Here are the positive things this plan will accomplish 1. Bring about better informed exhibitors 2. Reduce the complaints about judges 3. Bring new and interested people into the sport 4. Increase registrations as new people become involved 5. Enhance AKCs reputation as a governing body that is with the times 6. Create within AKC. judges education department the necessary staff to work with judges associations to implement the plan 7. Because the implementation of this plan will create the need forjudges, more judges now doing very few assignments and provisional judges will have a greater opportunity to hone their skillsThe new millennium is upon us, are we bold enough to strike out and try something newPoms invited to compete at Westminster Ch. AJs Smokin Joe-Ashley and Gerald Miller CL Absolutes Prime Time PomAlfred and Barbara Boehmer Ch. JoArts Super Harlee Davison-Joy Davison and Darlene J. Denton Ch. Nobles Chewbaka ofPominique-Noble Inglett Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Batman-Randy Gemmill, Dana Plonkey, Janell R. ReichPage 36ADVANCED LABRADOR BREEDING A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITYMany of you have been searching for years for a rare copy of this great book by Mary Roslin WilliamsNow Doral Publishing by a special arrangement with her daughter, Ann Roslin Williams, brings you an expanded version of this landmark book titled, Reaching for the Stars with all of the original book and moreAdvanced orders are being accepted for a December publication.By ordering before January 1, 2000you will receive a numbered copy of this premiere edition. Only a limited number of these special books will be available.Order now to ensure you get your very own exclusive numbered copy.Price 26.95no discounts on this special offer SmOrders tOJ Doral Publishing, Inc. Publishers of Quality Dog Books 10451 Palmeras Drive, Suite 225 West Sun City, AZ 85373 Order Phone 1-800-633-5385 DORPUBLISHLName__________________________________________Address________________________________________City___________________________________ State___Phone__________________________________Credit Card Number________________________________Number of Copies__________________________________Please add 3.25 SH for the first book and 1.25 for each additional copy. Canadian Orders 4.25 for SH plus 1.50 for each additional copy.ZipExpiration DateCredit Cards AcceptedAMERICANEXPRESSPage 37tUUmu's Ann WattsPage 38Jin Memory of Uolorea A. Matt01-11-36 to 11-20-99 by Agnes GrosskurthIn loving memory of Dolores Ann Watts of 4800 Floral PariRoad, Brandywine, Maryland. Dolores was diagnosed with lunccancer in April 1998 and lost her battle with this dreadecdisease on November 20,1999.Dolores had been a Pomeranian breeder for some 30 years ancduring that time has selectively produced a bloodline true tcthe Pomeranian Standard and easily recognized as a bloodline o1quality bred Poms. Clients who have purchased her Poms havebecome true and lasting friends.Dolores' accomplishments in the Pom World have been manyShe was Secretary and President of the American PomeraniarClub as well as having served eight years on the Board o1Directors. She was a pioneer member of the Pomeranian Club oiGreater Baltimore since its inception.Dolores' Poms are internationally known in such countries a Poland, Spain, Brazil, Singapore Indonesia, Hong Kong, anc Germany. Since 1971, she f inished over 95 Champions.The ultimate goal of any breeder is to breed a Best in Show dog. Dolores accomplished this goal in 1994 when Joy Brewster an exceptional handler, showed Watts' Little Nicodemus tc many Group wins and a Best in Show. He went on to become number three in the Pomeranian Top Ten List. In 1994 Parr Campbell, another exceptional handler, finished Watts Little Socrates in 6 months and to 7th Pom in the U.S. Sue Whaley also a well-known handler has shown Dolores' Poms since 197 and has been a family friend throughout Dolores' Pom years.Dave Watts, her husband of 45 years, has been behind the scenes of Watts Pomeranians. Dolores often credited Dave at her "right hand."Dolores will be greatly missed by those who love her-her husband, children, grandchildren, brothers and sister, as well a her extended family and her many friends in and out of the Porr World. Dolores' legacy the Pomeranian breed is her bloodline-Watts' Pomeranians.PERFORMANCE NEWS AND VIEWSby Barbara McClatcheyAbout this column I hope that most of the things I write about will be interesting to all readers of the Pomeranian Review. aot just those who actively participate in performance events. I do not have the last word, even on performance I just aappened to be nearby and in a good mood when Dudley was looking for a mlumnist, so if you have ideas, suggestions, or a piece that you would like o write, please call, write, or e-mail me. And if your Pom has done something oud like others to know about, send me vord.POMS IN HISTORY OLLIES BLUE BLUSTER CDX, TD, OA, HOFIn a previous column, I mentioned Ollie is having attained titles from three distinct erformance venues. This Pomeranian vas a wonder dog 1 Obedience Pom in he First and Foremost ranking system in .994, 1 Novice Agility Pom in 1995, and s listed in the Pomeranian Hall of Fame or his multiple High in Trial awards.His owner, Ann Griffith Morris APC nember, of Portland, OR, says that she lid not originally think she would get llie when she arrived at the breeders louse. Instead, she saw and fell in love vith a tiny bitch outside the house, who iad her front leg in a cast. Inside the Louse was Ollie, at 4 Vi months in the rorst of the Pom Puppy Uglies, with no oat, and just in general a very nattractive dog. Then the bitch puppy, lllies Utter sister, came into the house, dl the dogs in the room scattered, one dult Pom even leaping into someones ip to escape this Uttlewell, the word is omething of a pun at this pointbitch.OUie ran yelping under the couch, where his sister followed and grabbing him by the leg pulled him out screaming. Ann felt so sorry for him that she decided to rescue him, and took him home with her.From that time on, according to Ann, OUie was always wilUng, always wanted to do what I wanted, the sweetest, gentlest dog. Ann beheves that Poms are great dogs who do want to please, so she uses motivational methods only, staying away from corrections. OUie learned to watch her in Obedience, where he first trained, finishing his C.D.X. in January of 1994. For Obedience the close attention was great, but when she began training him in AgUity, it was a handicaphe didnt want to get far away from her.Ann started Ollie in AgiUty in 1991, when it was not yet an AKC activity. She attended a seminar, looked at that big equipment and said, Oh, me My dog cant do that But he did, and they loved it. In Novice A, Ollie had two 1st places, and two perfect scores. His Open AgiUty title was achieved in June of 1996 in three shows, with three 1st places and three perfect scores.They started Tracking by attending a seminar also. When the instructor was showing beginner training, she walked 15 feet , expecting OlUe to go charging out instead, he put his nose down and tracked the whole way, something that none of the other dogs did. When OUie went to his Tracking test on May 15, 1994, he was the first dog to track that day. The judges were rattled because the track was older than they wanted it and one of the judges actually walked the track ahead of the dog, which is a big no-no. Nevertheless, OlliePage 40tracked perfectly for the first ten feet. He then circled, nose in the air, and went back to the track. On the 3rd leg he got off and was going in tiny circles before resuming. On the fourth turn, he seemed to get way off, then backed up and started weavingand dived into the grass and found the article, completing his TD.In 1998 Ollie developed a little cough, but seemed well enough otherwise. He ran in Agility trials two weekends in a row, but on Monday began breathing hard. Ann thought he might have pneumonia, but the vet diagnosed failure of the mitral valve in the heart, and Ollie did not survive. There was a memorial service, with all of his trophies, HIT ribbons, etc. on display. Ollie waits for Ann now at the Rainbow BridgeI wonder if they have an Agility course there for him to practice on while he waitsIf you want a puppy for performance, Ann recommends that you get one from parents with strong stifles. The trachea must also be good, since the dog cant work if he cant breathe. He must have good socialization, being raised in a house and handled daily to produce an extremely self-confident, social dog. When it comes to training the dog, Ann is very big on positive motivation and operant conditioning. She recommends using clickers, food, toys, tack box rats, anything to get and maintain the interest. She does not believe in using corrections ever. Its not enough for the dog do do it perfectly he must do it with style and drive, and she believes that negative consequences depress the dog and prevent this. She wants the dog to have drive, intensity, animation, and speed. She feeds nothing but the best food, and grooms the dog as if for the Conformation ring. Her goal is a dog that shows like a fuzzy Border CollieSo is Ann following through on all these guidelines for her next dog Yes, she hasa two year old Pom, Stillcoves I Onl Wanto B With You NAJ, a.k.a. Hootie. At 7 months, he had a sled dog gait, wit no hacking or paddling. Arm says he ha temperament and drive he cant go fa enough or fast enough. He has run a 4 second Agility Jumpers course in 2 seconds, and a 70 second Standard corns in 40 seconds. This leaves me absolutel breathless with admirationboth for do and handler it must be hard to keep u with him. Hootie is also being trained fc Tracking and in January will start Flybal In Obedience, precision is not his forte, s Ann is waiting to get him polished befor showing. She says that he is not as tight o his About Turns as she would like, thoug she has a training technique to help wit that, which is to spin and throw the to] thus keeping the dog thinking ahead of th turn.Unfortunately, we will not get to se Hootie in action this year at the AP Specialty. He and Ann will be in Agilit camp in Virginia that week, and I couldn persuade her to cancel the camp and com to Dallas instead But Im sure Ill see th rest of you there, wont IThe AKC is thinking of instituting Versatility title for dogs that have eame titles from three different performanc venues, and another for those with title from four venues. Actually, at this tim Poms are only eligible for three of th AKC performance venues Obediena Agility, and Tracking. I understand that i some other venues does anyone hav information on this they may participal in Herding also.MOTIVATIONAL TRAINING THE USE OF TREATSThis is the first in a series c presentations on using treats in trainin your PomWhat is a training treat A training tre is normally a small piece of food that thPage 41A salute to Jefferson Greer III\ km dPictured above is Jeff showing Ch. Models Red Sultan. Jeff and his wife Phyllis handled for us several years and finished many dogs for us. Not only were they superb handlers and groomers but wonderful friends as well. Phyl has passed away and Jeff is retired. Its like the end of an era for us. Jeff I hope life is treating you well.Love from Dudley and Wanda Roach QueenairePage 42In Memory of Dolores WattsyThe first time Wanda and I met Dolores was when I judged the APC Sweeps I think in 1984. Dave reminds me of how well we hit it off on that occasion, and I certainly agree. We visited with Dolores and Dave on many occasions after that. The Pom World has lost a valuable contributor to the breed. Our condolences to Dave and his family on this great loss.Love from Dudley and WandaPage 43dog is interested in and for which he will work. If the dog is not interested in the offered treat, it is worth testing him to see if he will respond to a different kind of treat see below. If he remains uninterested in food, a toy may work, especially a ball, a squeaky toy, or a rope toy do not leave with the dog, and do not let him have it except when training this will keep him interested in it.Treats'. Dogs do not weigh or measure their treats give the smallest size the dog will recognize as having been given obviously this varies depending on the breed, but for Poms it is a very small piece indeed.Rollover or Oinkeroll slice roll into Vi inch slices, put in individual baggies and place in a labeled zip-lock bag in the freezer. To use, break off small pieces.Pupperoni or Beggin Strips cut or break into small pieces.Purchased liver treats for dogs.Cheerios or other dry cereal not sweetened. Half a Cheerio for small Poms.Hot dog jerky slice one hot dog not low- or non-fat nickel-thin. Place Detween paper towels on microwave-safe plate. Nuke five minutes, turning over tialf-way through.Cheese jerky spread Kraft shredded not mely shredded reduced fat Cheddar heese on a paper towel on a plate. Leave m kitchen counter for 2-3 days, changing owel as it absorbs fat.Anything the dog loves that you can give n small, quickly consumed pieces try raw arrots, green pepper my Poms love this, iny pieces of chicken, or green grape lalves. Never give your dog chocolate it s toxic. Never give fatty things, such as wultry skin.Change treats from time to time. Use the avorite treat when introducing a new ixercise or when training around tempting listractions, such as at a fun match.Treat containers'. While training, keep our treats easily accessible. If you have o dig into your pocket and open a baggie,the dog will have forgotten what the reward was for by the time she gets it. An open fanny-pack is fine, or you can buy something designed specifically for the purpose.One good use for treats is to teach toy retrieval. JJ sells something like a tack box rat, but hollow inside with a velcrod opening on the top. You fill this with treats, and when the dog touches it with his nose, you enthusiastically pick it up, open it, and give him a treat. ITie training then progresses through a series of stagesfirst he must pick it up to get his treat, then he must bring it to you from a short distance, then longer and longer. It is an excellent way to teach focus for go-outs in Utility, when you put the toy at the go-out point, and the dog is totally focussed on it. The toy from JJ is really too big for our Poms, but if you take a look at it, you can see that you can easily make one that is smallerabout 3x3 is the right size.CONFESSIONS OF A BEGINNING AGILITY DOG, PT. 2as written by TiffanyYou may remember that when I started learning agility, I liked everything except the see-saw. I finally got to the point of being able to accept it, so Mom decided that I was ready to enter a real Agility Trial. But I wasnt so sure about it. So when she sent in the entry form and money, I took another look at the see-saw, and decided I still didnt like it. In fact, I told her flat out that she would never get me to go up on that scary thing agaia Mom calls this the See-Saw Heebie-Jeebies. Also, for some reason, she has decided that Tuffy should do Agility, too, and when I found out that she had sent in an entry for him, I told him how scary the see-saw was, and he started to worry about it too.Mom decided that Tuffy could handle itPage 44even if I couldnt, so she took him to the Trial, and took me along for the atmosphere. Cindy Diglis was there, with her wonderful Poms Mufty and Toby, and she told Mom she should take me into the ring anyway, and if I didnt want to do the see-saw, just practice everything else. I didnt hear them talking, but when I got into the ring and went over the first jump, I got really excited This was more fun than practicing, when we have to go back and try again because Mom got something wrong. I did the jump, then the dog walkits fun to run along so fast up so highand then the tunnel. As I came out of the tunnel, I saw another dog walk ahead of me, so I raced up it. It moved Mom was shouting, Easy, easy, and that thing turned out to be a see-saw, and I was on the end of it. I crouched down and held on tight, even after it hit the ground and Mom was praising me and trying to get me to go on to the next jump. I finally did, and it was a lot of fun after all. And Mom said I took 1st place, whatever that is. At least she was whooping and hollering and hugging me and stuffing me with treats. Is everybodys mom as funny as mine Oh, and Tuffy took 2nd place. Pooh to you, Tufty. [Note from Tuffy OK, Tiffany, tell them about the next day when 1 took 1st and you took 2nd. Pooh to you, yourself]PERFORMANCE TITLESAKC from Awards. SeptemberNovemberCompanionDog Cedar CreeksPeriwinkle CD, Jo Anne Statler He Sent Teddy of Tiny Winks CD, Gertrude M. Adair Tommi Hawk CD, Wendy DonnellyNovice Agility Chewy Chewy Tootsie NAJ, NA, Judith Sample Jellybean Liberty Belle Hughes CD, NA, Margaret and John Hughes Lord Peter of Bristol Court NAJ, NA, John David and Connie Zieba Cee Dees Inky Dinky NA, Catherine Thompson Jerry NA, EugeneHallenbeck Spinners Litehaus CD, NA Katheiyn Griner Stillcoves I Only Wanti B With You NA, Randy Morris Cynthi Bradley Ann Morris Open Agility Honeys Wee Bitz O Trouble OA, OAJ, Lou Ann Groth Tot En Charge CD, OA, OAJ, Cindy Diglis Agility Excellent Jan-Shars Da Emmanuels Gift CD AX, Carlota Cloney Master Agility Excellent Bouncii Bundle of Bear CD, OAJ, MAJ, Shirle MichaelsNovice Agility Jumper Jellybeat Liberty Belle Hughes CD, NA, NAJ Margaret and John Hughes Foxy Littl Sister CD, OA, NAJ, Beverly Taub Open Agility Jumper Beelzebubbt Pork Chop CD OAJ OA, Brandon Watson Bubbis Beauty NA OAJ, Jennifer Gitter Excellent Agility Jumper U-ACH U-CD Muffys Fluffy Muegge CD, AX AXJ, Shirley Michaels Bouncin Bundli of Bear CD, AXJ, MX, Shirley MichaelsUKC from Bloodlines. November DecemberUnited Agility I U-AGI TinytalesTiddly Wink, Pat Morgan United Agility Champion U-ACLU-CD Muffys Fluffy Muegge CD, AX AXJ, Shirley MichaelsIn October, Front and Finish published count of the number of individual dog from each breed that showed in the Oper andor Utility classes in 1998 Twenty-eight Pomeranians were showing in those classes, the second largest ii number of any of the Toy breeds. Of those twenty-eight, we had eight that showed ai the National Pomeranian Specialty ir March of that year. That seems to me tc be a very goodly numberalmost 13 o the Poms at that level were in Dallas together. Now we reach the point If you are showing in Obedience competition ai all, please consider coming to the Pon Specialty in 2000. Its a good way to gel together with others who have similai interests. If nothing else, it will give me chance to meet youso do it for mePage 45- ' - - T- V Withdeepest sympath to the Watts family- - - - - --------- r.iCwill miss a TopCompetitorS. -T\5- -.5'i'Z-V.__ e,v-- v- .c- ------- - --- ' - ' - - - ---t' - y S ^.C4 r- . -V - ' V t v. J- j T - V - \rIINFOND MEMORY OF DOLORES WATTS- - - --- - - -- - - - - -- - . - .........................................iMOUR FRIEND WHO ALWAYS STRIVED OR PERFECTION. AND ACHIEVED IT-V- 44 dDOLORES BROUGHT MUCH HAPPINESSTO US WITH HER PRESENCE. SHE WILI BE REMEMBERED, ALWAYS, THROUGH OUR POMS, PRINCE CHIP AND COUNT8 ' --.'Page 46DOLORES WATTS-__ s Marleneand Marlin Presserv-_-f.JTMit, yv r' -'pIn Memory of DoloreI got my first good show Pom from Dolores and from then on my life changed. Dolores has been dear to my heart ever since. Shewas a warm, wonderful, special funny lady and I love her. She willDOLORES WATTSPageL47Finally, heres a little Christmas present for yousee if you can get a bunch of your dog raining friends together and go caroling with itA C.D.X. ChristmasTune Walking in a Winter Wonderland by Pat Biessener c. 1997In the ring are you listeninSee that white dumbbell glisteninYour heeling was grand You dropped on command But will we ever get our C.D.X.Hey Mom, look See that popcornListen, Mom, hear that loud hornDistractions abound My pup runs around And will we ever get our C.D.X.In the Open ring I spend my moneyEntry fees just vanish in the airAnd whats worse, the crowd just finds it funny Watching as you clown without a careTake the jump Thats a good dogCome to Front Thats a GREAT dogWill this be the day you go all the wayAnd will we ever get our C.D.X.Time and time again I throw the dumbbell Time and time again you watch it land.Maybe youre expecting ME to fetch itI think Ive fmly caught on to your planAm I nuts to pursue thisWhy do I want to do thisThe answer, I see,Is AgilityBecause well never get our C.D.X.[Big finish]BE-CAUSE WELL NE-VER GETOURC-D-XHBarbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566 409 297-7383 bclatchmastnet.netPage 48For the Love of Georgeby Annette Lynn HeiseI suppose you are asking yourself, Who is George Well, believe me, I would never have named him George, but with the help of two little red-headed helpers, he came upon his name just the same. Well get to that later....You see, George is my very special little pom who I hand raised from the time he was sixdays old actually there were two,George and Ralph.Ralph, unhappily, did not survive the fight. George did, only because he was a stubborn little toot.It happened thisway.........My lovely female,Lana, a cream sable daughter of my CH Yellow Rose Exotic Spice, gave me a beautiful litter of four little males.The little guys had a rocky beginning. It just so happens that Lana needed a c-section, and wouldnt you know it, my vet was out of town at a convention. I had already made arrangements with my friend Cindys vet, who is about 40 minutes from me, but to my surprise, it wasnt her vet, Casey, that I got ahold of, it was his dad, Doc as everyone calls him, and he met me at his clinic late at night for the surgery. Where is Casey I asked, trying not to sound frantic. Doc, inhis slow and matter-of-fact way, said. Why Casey is at a convention, out ol state Im coverin for him. It ther dawned on me that it must be some sort oi annual veterinarian convention, and Casey and my vet Chris, were probably there together Well, Doc had his own way oi doing things, quite different from what 1 was used to with my usual vet whom 1 have used since coming to Texas hi 1983. My usual vel uses Isoflorine gas, 1 stand by and hold and rub the newborns and he takes care of all else. Doc was from the old school and preferred to use a local anesthetic and take the pups while the mother was stil] awake. Needless tc say this absolutely scared me to death. ] had to help out and ii was all I could do tc be in the roon because I knew Lana could feel what wa happening to her. After about a 40 minute surgery, Doc delivered four beautiful boys all sables. They were all full term anc about the same size. I dried them off anc cut the cords and put them in my little crate full of clean warm towels while Doe closed Lana up and rinsed her off witl some disinfectant and soap. He gave me some antibiotics and I paid my bill anc headed for home with my new little family, feeling a little strange about the whole thing but having confidence thaT x GeorgePage 49Doc knew what he was doing. After all, he had been a vet for over 40 years, he should know something. I was thankful that he came out in the middle of the night to help us, as it was a cold night in February with the wind whipping through the air and Jack Frost nipping at our heels. Doc was about 70 and it was no place for him to be on a night like that.Everything seemed to be going just great for the first couple of days, then one of the little ones seemed listless when I got home from work on the third day, and he had lost body temperature. I put him back up to Lana but the next time I peeped in, he was off in the comer again. Lana had given up on him the moms seem to know when something is not right. Before I went to bed that night, he had passed over the Rainbow Bridge.Again everything seemed to be going well until the fifth day, and then another pup seemed to be drifting away from life. I was getting worried at this point, and told myself I would take Lana to my own vet with her remaining pups on Friday after work and have him take a look and see if he could find a problem. When I came home from work on Friday, Lana bad thrown up in her bed, and was sitting at the back of her whelping box trembling. Panic began to creep into my body as I realized that Lana was exhibiting the signs af eclampsia I got my vet, Chris, on the ahone immediately and asked him not to eave the office, I would be there in a lash. It is a 30 minute drive to his office an a good day with no traffic, and this was it 5 oclock rush hour. I made it as quickly is I could and he was waiting. I told him af my fears, and he said it certainly was a ood possibility that she had eclampsia.Chris checked over Lana and the emaining pups thoroughly and decided to pve her a shot containing a mild amount f calcium mixed with something I cant emember and explained to me that if she lad eclampsia, she would feel a whole lotbetter in a couple of hours. In fact, he said she should be acting just about normal, If it was not eclampsia, he said she would still be acting like she did not feel well and then she probably had a vims of some sort. He also explained that if it was eclampsia, the pups would have to be taken completely away from her and hand raised. My heart sank at that notion. Not that I wasnt willing to hand raise them, but I work fall time and not only that, my drive to work is 33 miles each way which takes me over an hour both going and coming. The pups couldnt wait for almost 11 horns to eat while I was at workFor those who dont know what eclampsia is, it is very serious, It means that die mothers system cannot make calcium quick enough to replenish the amount that the pups take from her by drinking her milk. In fact, if the pups were allowed to remain on her, it would kill her quickly. Of course I would not take the chance of losing my precious Lana. She is so beautiful and sweet. This was her second litter there were three in the first. The first Utter was also a section, and they were all three show quality, very exceptional pups. Of course I had to repeat the breeding. The first litter she raised herself without a hitch, not so much as a hint of a calcium problem. I had waited a year to repeat the breeding and who knows why this happened. Only God knows.Two and one half hours after leaving Chriss office Lana was her old self again. She wanted her pups, but the writing was on the wall no pups for Lana this time. . I gave her a stuffed toy and prepared a small towel lined box for the babies and put a heating pad under the box, turned on low. Off to PetSmart I went to get some puppy formula and some bottles. Oh how I dreaded this. I had never completely hand raised a puppy before, only helped supplement with a bottle a few times when a mother had a low supply of milk. I had been very successful at helping. I stopped by my cousins house the nextPage 50mQa' fera HOPiPATlLaura and Jerry MaimanPage 51day, Saturday, and told his family my tale of woe. They all were upset about it and my cousins wife, Karol Aim, who has always had one or two of my poms in her home, in her bed, very graciously offered to keep them during the day while I was working. She had never bottle fed a baby pom, but was willing to try it. I was grateful for her offer and thought I better let her try, after all, I could NOT take them into work with me, I work at a childrens hospital and for health reasons I knew they would never allow me to take the pups inside.I took the pups to Karol Ann on Saturday night and showed her how to warm the bottle fall of puppy formula in a cup of hot water, leaving the bottle floating in the cup for a short while until the formula felt warm on her wrist. It is not good to warm the bottle in the microwave because the core of the formula becomes hot and can scald a baby poms throat and stomach. I showed her how to wiggle the nipple around in the puppys mouth and move it in and out a bit until the pup suckles on it and gets a good grip on the nipple. I told her to make sure each pup ate enough and had a full tummy. Then I showed her how to take a cotton ball soaked in warm water and wipe the pups bottom and genitals until it urinated and had a bowel movement I also showed her how to mb the back near the shoulders to encourage the pup to burp up any gas on the stomach.I took the pups home with me and woke up during the night every 3 hours to feed them and care for them. Karol Ann and I went over the lessons again on Sunday, and I must say she did very well. The red-headed kids sitting close, in complete awe of the whole situation... eyes as big as saucers. They wanted to know everything about why they were orphans and where their mom was. They wanted to help in any way they could. Deason was 7 and Kaylee was 4 at the time. They are really sweet kids and love animals so very much.Monday began the ordeal, me taking the pups to Karol Ann on the way to work, calling several times during the day to see if all was going well, then picking them up on the way home. She kept asking me how much to make them eat, I kept saying more and she kept saying, The little cream sable colored one wont eat very much. Once hes full, he turns his head and refuses to take another drop. When I would feed them at night, he did the same thing for me. The darker one would eat until he was ready to burst, but the lighter one would only eat enough to satisfy him, then he was through you could not force another drop down him. Also, the first few times you would put the nipple in his mouth, the milk would come out his nose. I checked for a cleft palate and saw nothing. So, I would just wipe away the milk and try again. Finally he would get the nipple in far enough that he would get a good meal and fill himself to satisfaction.The second evening when I went to pick up the pups, the red-headed kids said, Ralph and George are sleep Aunt Lynn. Dont take em yet. Youll wake em up I said Ralph and George Who thought up THOSE original names And which one is Ralph and which one is George They very adamantly informed me that Ralph was the larger and darker of the two. George was the lighter colored littler pup. So, I sat awhile and heard the stories of Ralph and George and how they helped their Mi Mi grandma take care of them.The fourth day Karol Ann called me and said that Ralph wasnt doing so well. Of course I was just sick about it. I hurried home and took Ralph in my arms and sure enough, he was bloating and looking very sad indeed. I had an idea about giving him Fletchers Castoria, and went to the local Eckerds drug store to find some. They didnt have any left in the normal place where it is displayed, so the clerk sent me to the baby supplies area, and there IPage 52stumbled upon some small bottles of medicine used for human babies to relieve gas and colic symptoms. There were three different brands, and I settled upon one called Phazyme. I took Ralph in my arms and gave him a couple of drops of the Phazyme and rubbed his tummy gently for awhile. I also gave him an enema using a syringe partially filled with warm water mixed with a small amount of ivory soap. Ralph soon had a bowel movement and was feeling much better. About 30 minutes later I gave him another couple of drops of the Phazyme and rubbed his back and shoulders gently. It seemed to help. I put him back with George and went about my chores. An hour later Ralph was back to normal, crying for some more formula. I fed them both before going to sleep and gave Ralph two more drops of the Phazyme and went to bed, setting the alarm for 400 a.m. it was midnight by that time. The next morning went off as usual, me dropping the boys off with Karol Ann.That afternoon I received another call that Ralph had become listless again and was beginning to bloat. I rushed home and repeated the process, but this time Ralph was passing some blood with his stool. It wasnt until Ralph had passed away and several days later that I read the directions on the back of a can of powdered puppy formula about how much to feed pups at certain ages of growth. I had been using the boxed, pre-mixed formula up until that point and the small boxes did not have detailed instructions as did the can of powder. I was upset to read that I had been instructing Karol Ann to feed them too much for their age. Ralph was such a little pig that he would eat all that was offered. As I said before, when George was full, he would not take another drop no matter how much we tried to coax him. Georges stubbornness saved his life, but Ralph paid the price of my ignorance. I was so upset with myselfI decided then that I was going to getGeorge through this and raise him tc maturity no matter what I had to do. 1 called Karol Ann and told her I wasnl bringing George over the next day, I wa taking him to work with me and leaving him in a small crate in the car, wrapped up in plenty of soft warm towels, and I woulc also put a bottle filled with warm water ir the crate so he would have something tc snuggle up to. At break time I would gc out to the car, get the water bottle anc warm it in the microwave, take George bottle out again and feed him, snuggling him back up to the water bottle anc leaving him until lunch time. It wasnl long before my boss and the girls in the office became curious of where I wa disappearing to several times a day for 2 minutes at a time. I had to confess. The were all so excited to hear that I had baby puppy in the car that at each breal one of them had to come with me to sec little George. They were shocked anc tickled to see how very tiny he was, anc laughed like crazy when they saw hin latch onto the nipple and suck as hard a he could for about 5 minutes. Then he would throw his head back and turn i away as if to say, Thats enough, now GC AWAYAt 14 days his little eyes began to oper and he would look at me as if he wa looking right into my soul. At night afte feeding and burping time I would let hin lay on my neck up under my long hair, anc he would just snuggle as close as he coulc and sleep for awhile. Needless to say, he was creeping deeper and deeper into m heart eveiy minute. He was developing slowly, much slower than a normal pup would with his natural mothers love anc her milk... but he was developing anc growing, thats what counted.As the days passed, everyone at worl was in awe of how he was growing an beginning to crawl around his cage, faste and faster, and when he saw me or hearc my voice he would cry out in greeting anc wiggle his little tail so fast you coulcPage 53hardly see it. They would scream with delight when he looked at them and tilted his little head from side to side. He was really a puppy" now, not just a little blob. They were intrigued, as was 1. 1 was so proud that I had pulled him through so far.One day I hit a snag. My doctor boss was working on a grant proposal and we were down to the wire with getting the final corrections done, pages numbered, copies made and getting it to the grants management office for final signatures before putting it in the Fed Ex envelope to be mailed to the approval committee. It was past feeding time for George, but I could not leave until I finished getting the grant ready ... at least not with my boss sitting right there, a nervous wreck, making sure we got everything done correctly. When I finally got to the car with Georges bottle he was screaming his head off in a complete panic, thinking I was never coming and his little tummy was hurting for lack of food. I picked him up and held him close a moment, then gave him his bottle. I thought he would never let it go. He was holding it in a death grip and looking at me with those little beady eyes, just daring me to try and take it away. He drank more than he ever had. That night he had runny stools and felt warmer than usual, so I toted him off to see Chris, who gave me some liquid Amoxicillin and told me to shake it well and just give him a few drops 3-4 times a day for a few days or until he felt much better. He also started to bloat, so out came the Phazyme. It worked wonders with George, and within 30 minutes the bloating had completely gone away and George slept for about 4 hours. He was on the mend over the next few days and growing again and feeling good.I must say that at that young age George was a perfect little Angel. He never cried unless he was really hungry. He played in his crate and entertained himself for hours. I had to change his towels severaltimes a day and keep him clean. He got a lot of baths during that early time as he would crawl through his doo doo while I was working and each time I came out to the car, I had to clean him up and change the towels again. I would take a big cup up warm water with me and rinse George off as best I could. By the time I got him home, he needed a thorough cleaning, as did his crateWhen the APC National Show came about in March of this year, George was about 7 weeks old. He was running around by then, still small for his age and cute as a button. He looked more like a little Siamese kitten than he did a pom puppy, and those who saw him thought he was adorable. It was hard to think that any living thing that small could move so fast. I kept him in our hotel room, and every 4 to 5 hours would return to the room to feed him his bottle and try to get him to eat some softened dry puppy food. George was very stubborn, he wanted his bottle and that was that. I was putting rice cereal in his formula by that time, and he loved it. It was at that time that I decided to register him as Yellow Rose Dude With Attitude. It was appropriate....A very lovely and sweet young woman approached me at the national show and told me she was looking to purchase a very special puppy to be her companion, so I showed her George. She went ape over him, and I explained to her that he would not be ready to go for weeks yet, as since he had such a rough beginning he was immature for his age and I needed to keep him until he was doing really well and eating his dry food and had at least a shot or two. She was willing to wait since she thought he just hung the moon. I needed to keep a male puppy like I needed another hole in my head, so I thought she would be the perfect home for him. I didnt know how much I was attached to him until later.By the time George was 10 weeks old he was doing very well, so I was leaving himPage 54home during the day to fend for himself while I was at work. He would eat a little while I was gone and drink his water. He still wanted his bottle but I would not give him an actual bottle, I would put a bit of his formula over the dry food and soak it for awhile so that he still got the flavor and he would begin to nibble on the dry food a little. He did well like this for awhile, but I noticed that he had sort of a snotty nose. I told myself I would again take him to see Chris on the weekend, as it was Thursday and only one more day to go before I had some time. However, when I got home on Friday night, George was a very sick little boy. He was listless, almost staggering in his movement, and warm to the touch. I was frantic I could not find Chris, he was nowhere to be found. I called his home and his wife said he was out of town that day and would not return home until the next morning, when he would be opening the office at 83 0 a.m.Off I went to the drugstore again, this time in search of Pedialyte. I found some and rushed back home to start getting it in George as quickly as I could. I also searched around my dog cabinet and found some Amoxycillin tablets. I crushed one table up in some water and gave a few drops to George, then I gave him about 6 ccs of Pedialyte. I put a heating pad under his crate and put him inside to get warm. He just sat in the comer looking at me as if to say, I am too tired and too sick to go on. It was at that very moment that I knew, from the tip of my toes to the bottom of my heart, that this little guy meant the whole world to me. He was so very precious and I loved him dearly, so dearly that I could not bear the thought of losing him. It struck me that even though I had picked a wonderful home for him, he was going NOWHERE If he made it through this night, I would never part with him. He was my very special child and he was attached to me forever.I called Cindy, my friend and mentor, onthe phone. We always call each other when we are at wits end, trying to see if the other will think of something else we havent already thought of I told her George was in real bad shape and Chris was out of town, and I didnt feel like I should drag George all the way out to see her vet, given it was so far away and so cold and windy outside. She said she thought I was probably doing about all I could until I could take him to Chris the next morning.I got off the telephone and got George out and went into my little carpeted bathroom which is the warmest room in the house, and let him down on the floor, sitting down next to him. He staggered up to me and laid his head in my lap, and I burst into tears. I stroked his little head while he looked up at me with his little sad eyes, and I begged him to hold on until the morning. I begged God to pull him through until I could get him to the vets office. I sat there with him all night, wrapped in a blanket, and every hour I would put a little more Pedialyte in his mouth and ask him to swallow it. He did. He just kept looking at me and snuggled as close as he could. He was becoming dehydrated and I was just sick inside. I could not bear the thought of losing him after all we had been through together.Morning finally came, and I wrapped him in a warm baby blanket and toted him off to see Chris. I was waiting in my car with the heater running to keep us warm, as Chris pulled into the parking lot. I looked a sight as I had been crying all night, and Chris looked frightened when he saw that I had been crying. I explained to him that George was really going downhill fast, and he needed a miracle to pull him through. Chris looked doubtful, but I insisted that he was the best vet around, and that if anyone could work a miracle, he could. He opened up the office and took us into the operating room, listened to Georges heart and lungs, took his temperature, and shook his head.Page 55Pneumonia is my guess he said. Hes dehydrated now. I dont know if I can save him \ I braced myself and insisted, Give him some lactated ringers under the skin, now, do it fast. There is still hope. I dont want to make him suffer, but we have to try. I know we can save him. He wants to live. I can see it in his eyes." Chris obliged me he worked quickly and got the fluid under Georges skin. He also gave him a shot of antibiotic. Within minutes George was looking more alert. He started moving around more and whining a bit, so I picked him up and held him close. He snuggled up to my neck and began chewing at my clothing, his way of showing his affection for me. Chris sent us home with some liquid Clavamox and told me to continue the Pedialyte for a couple of days, even to put some in his water bowl. Thank goodness it was the weekend and I could give George almost all my attention. We didnt go anywhere that weekend, just stayed in the house and stayed warm. The red-headed kids called and asked if I was bringing George over to visit. I told them I was very sorry but George had been sick and we were going to hybemate for the weekend. Then I had to explain hybemate to them they took it hard that they wouldnt see George, but they understood. You have to understand, forthem the sun rose and set with the thought of seeing George.From that day on we have not had any more big scares. George has seemed to thrive since then. He has developed from a scraggly looking 10 week old hopeless looking dish mop, to a beautiful, light cream, tiny, fluffy little ball of energy. He has the cutest face you could ever imagine, and the most obnoxious personality I have ever seen. There is something that definitely happens between a mother dog and her pup. There is a special language there, the mother puts the pup in its place and teaches it whenenough is enough........... George missed thatlink. He does not know when to quit. He DOESNT quit. When it is just the two ofus, he seems to calm down after awhile and just enjoy my company. His favorite place is still up close to my neck, chewing on my clothes and giving me special kisses now and then. When we go to see his kids, the redheaded kids" he is in Heaven. They lay on the floor and cover their heads, while he runs from one to the other, nibbling on toes and ears, them giggling and screaming all the while. Then he runs to see if he can find the cat food and water bowl, then off to the bedroom to see what he can find to drag off, then back to the livingroom to see if I am still there, then off to his kids again, and around and around we go. He wont come to me when I call him because he doesnt want to be held while there, he wants to get into all that he can. If I tell him to come and give me a kiss, he will look straight at me.... I can see in his eyes he wants to. Sometimes he will run up to me and give me a quick lick on the nose, then just as quickly turn and run as fast as he can into the other room and whirl around to look back as if to say Na na na na nah nah... Im George, George of the Jungle, and Im as free as the wind.... at least for a little while"One time Karol Anns mother came to visit for a week. She loves my poms too. Karol Aim called and said Come over Bring George I want mom to see our kid. So I did, and of course George ran around the house for almost 2 hours, non-stop. We retired to the kitchen to play a dice game after the red-headed kids went to bed, and Karol Anns mom, Amy, told me she had a treadmill she was going to sell when she moved. I asked her how much she wanted for it, told her I was really tight on money at the moment, but if she could wait for a few weeks I would pay her for it. Amy never settled on a price. The next day Karol Ann asked her how much she would sell me the treadmill for. Amy said, Well, I tell ya, I just sort of dropped the subject after awhile because I was afraid Lynn would try and trade me George for the treadmill, and he would absolutely drive me crazy He is just too energetic forPage 56me Karol Ann was quick to tell her that not only would I NOT part with George, but that the red-headed kids wouldnt LET meGeorge is 10 months old now, weighs 3 12 pounds, is as cobby as they come, totes the most gorgeous full and fluffy cream coat, moves like a dream, has one testicledown, and the other one very elusive. Bu you know what, I dont really care if i never comes down, George is here to sta no matter what I hope you all get to mee him someday. Youll never be the same Im tellin ya For the Love of George, am a happier person today and I hav Chris, my miracle-working vet and th grace of God to thank for itOhio Valley Pomeranian Club Judy Shearer and Jerri Tingler Memorial MatchOctober 10,1999by Juanita FiddickOur annual trip to the OCPC Match started out damp and dreary as we drove throug] rain the whole trip. That soon changed with the warm welcome of their hospitality room As usual, seeing old friends and meeting new friends was great. The club served plent of delicious food and drink.The Match started at 900 am. Our judge was Mr. Phil Hein who was understandin and showed lots of patience with a lot of puppies.2-4 months dogs1 Pom Acres Thrill of Victoiybred and owned by Juanita Fiddick4-6 months dogs1 Cascades Ring of Firebred by Doris Wheeler and owned by William and Brend Adams6-9 months dogs1 Toy lands Christian TraditionBred and owned by Pat ChameyAdult dogs1 Exotic Buddys Sno Masterpiecebred and owned by Molly McDaniel and Jud Stone2-4 months bitches1 Lynnwrights Stepping Outbred and owned by Donna Lynn Wright4-6 months bitches1 Heartlands in Living Colorbred by Suzanne Bemey and owned by Diane Kieffer6-9 months hitches1 Janesas Distant Sundownbred by Jerrie Freia and owned by Camilla Knight9-12 months bitches1 Pom Acres Le Femme Nikitabred and owned by Juanita FiddickThe next event was Junior Handlers which was won by Josh Roberts with Pom Acre Eye of the Hawk.Best costume went to Brenda Segelken with Fame Rainbow Warrior.The Parade of Champions consisted of Ch. Stubers Presents Atom Ant bred and owned by Suzanne BemeyPage 57 Ch.Crystal Toon Town Top Gun bred by Judy Shearer and owned by Mary and Michelle Ridenour Ch. Crystal Flash at Fairwyn bred by Judy Shearer and owned by Noreen Cartwright Ch. Fan-Cs Chip of Tradition bred by Florence Scott and owned by Pat Carney Can. Ch. Crystal Countess of Janewby bred by Judy Shearer and owned by Betsy Ruth NewThis was a joy to watch and a wonderful tribute to Judy Shearer and the other owners ind breeders.Before Best in Match, Jim Shearer judged the Tack Box Rat Match. Very few entries but lots of fun. Hopefully, the next match there will be more people participating in this 2vent. Its fun and helps the host club cover expenses. The winner was Juanita Fiddick with lots of ringside help. Thanks everyone.Later we enjoyed a delicious banquetgood food and great company.Hope to see you all next year.Page 58ftj.SitfSr1 rPage 59Back IssuesMargaret R McKee,- 2426 Sandy Hook Road,- Goochland, VA 23063,- 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan 75--------Oct 77---------May 79-------- April 808.00 eachJul 77-------- Feb 80----------Jul 81----------- Oct 83Apr 86------- Jan 80--------- Jan 908.00 eachJul 80--------- Oct 80---------Apr 82-----------------Oct 82Jan 83--------- Jul 83---------Apr 84-----------------Oct 84Jan 85------- -Apr 85--------- Jul 85----------------- Oct 85Jul 86-------- Sept 86-------- Nov 86----------------- Jul 87Oct 87------Jan 88--------------Jul 88----------------Jan 89Apr 89----- -Jul 90------------ Oct 90----------------Jan 91Mar 91-----May 91--------- Jul 91from September on except Aug. 97 which is S15.The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are S37 per year 3rd class mail, 45 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.AdvertisersBeau James Poms...............................................34Donald Eric and Virginia Black........................ 48Mary Bonnell.....................................................31Josephine Ching................................................... 6Oat Cummings...................................................31Annette and Eric Davis...................................... 34Jeff and Toni Dickerson.....................................47Pamela Dodsworth and Larry Fox.....................15Doral Publishing................................................ 37Diana Downey......................................................3Brenda Duncan...................................................34Dan and Tammee Felix......................................16Jerrie Freia......................................................... 31Ken Griffith........................................................26Nona Harris........................................................31Julie Kallbacka...................................................34John Kittler.........................................................27Marge Kranzfelder.............................................10Victoria Lovely...................................................34Bonnie Maclntosh-Taylor..................................31Laura and Jerry Maiman....................................51Janet Manuszak-Lucido..................................... 34Margaret McKee................................................ 22Minds Eye Productions.................................... 31NCPC................................................................. 14Gina Nunnery.....................................................34Marlene and Marlin Presser...............................47Jack and Therese Reeder....................... 11, 34, BCDudley and Wanda Roach............................. 42, 43GH Rumbaugh and Sheila Fields......................31Jean Schroll........................................................ 47Sharon Shipek................................................ 34, 37Fran Smith..........................................................34Ellen Takayama....................................................7Brenda and SW Turner....................................2, 35David Watts....................................................38, 39Donna Lynn Wright...........................................46Delores Zahner...............................................19, 34Page 60T-JS POMERANIANSbred for quality, not quantity916 726-POMS FAX 916 722-9045BISS Ch. T-JS Rockii Wee Willy WimzeeCh. HHPs Glitter Rock of Fame x T-JS Lil RockN Hot Toddy Queenaire Christi daughteraThank you to Mrs. Joan Alexander for this fantastic win. Thank you to Miss Dolores Maltz for BOB sorry no photo available. And thanks to Willys handlers, Marlin and Marlene Presser. THE BESTBest Wishes for the Holidays and for Health and Happiness throughout the year20001May God Bless AllJohnand Therese ReederFebruary Kennel Visit REGINAPOMS owned by Regina NunnSPOTLIGHTThe next issue will feature the outstanding stud dog, Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge.Currently Jake has sired 40 champions. Those of you fortunate enough to own a Jake offspring are invited to pay homage to Jake by taking out an ad in the Review.Page 61. . vt.1ROUP 2ndOLYMPICENNEL CLUB, aogrophy By CSteven Ross