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The Pomeranian Review April 2000
r.'OtofT. firatmmian SmrutApril May, 2000Coulda 1 iyour walls use e more bl ueYou' ve worked on the skin and coat. On muscle tone. On overall condition.You earned those ribbons.All Eukanuba1 products now have OmegaCoatr This is an exclusive formula that achieves the perfect balance of flax seed and fish-based [ Omega -6 and -3 fatty acids. And I as university research has proven, balancing these fatty acids is what matters. Simply adding more and more doesnt. Closer to home, youll begin to notice 1 an improvement in your dogs ' skin and coat in as little as 6 to 8 weeks. But consider giving your champion a simple final advantage. Eukanuba Dog Foods. Eukanuba is one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can buy. Period. Real chicken and lamb. High-quality fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. All easily digested for optimum muscle tone and weight. Clear, alert eyes. Energy. Presence Qualities that payoff dramatically on ShowDay. And when hes feelingthe stress, hell still eat. Itsall the meat. Beyond that,Eukanuba with OmegaCoatnutritionally rejuvenatesdry skin and promotes aluxurious, shiny coat a dishearteningsight to others. Eukanuba simplyhelps your doglook better.We shouldknow. Afterall, weve beenperfecting it Ell kcl FI libelDog Foodsover 50 years. Results Oriented NutritionFor more information call toU-Jree 1-888-385-2682.Contents.... COVERAsk Us Anything Annette Davis.......................4Membership Report Annette Davis...................4Around the Waterbowl Linda Brogoitti............8Behind New Titlists............................................. 9Kennel Visit Ruby Poole.................................10The APC System Tish Cannon........................20Awards Report Tish Cannon...........................22APC Show Report Dudley Roach...................40Judge's Critique-APC Jackie Klein.................41Performance News Barbara McClatchey........53DFW Show Report Lynn Heise......................61Judge's Critique-DFW Arlene Benko..............65APC Board Meetings Donna Lynn Wright......69Memorial for Derial Jackson..............................74Registrar's Corner Jean Schroll.......................80San Diego Specialty Margaret Ontiveros.......81Des Moines Specialty Juanita Fiddick............84The Pomeranian sent to all Breed Group judges ...offers reasonable advertising ...has quality reproductions ...provides APC news ...contains Obedience information ...has interesting, informative articles very colorfulKENNEL VISITOdyssey Perns owned by JenBt Maimszek-LuddeTribute to Ch. Finchs He Walks On Waterowned by Diene FinchimfCH. RUBYS ONE MAN SHOW ENCORE ROMCh. Rubys One ManShow Encore aka Cory is to me the epitomy of the Pomeraniai Standard.He has proven his prepotency by siring several top winning Poms. I thank Ruby for being my friend and allowing me to breed to Cory. We have two baby boys from him.CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU RUBY, ON YOUR WELL-DESERVED KENNEL VISITMarilyns Pomeranians Marilyn Garner 9802 E. Clover Creek Drive Claremore, OK 74017 918-342-1245 Emailmarjimgarnercompserve.comPage 1J"Ss.mBEST I SHOWUPPYSILVER BAY KENNEL CLUB01 San 0oc. tnc Jan-Slhars Its A Jungle Out ThereTookeyes The Gold Smith x Jan-Shars Absolute IvyPictured here with Judge Jane Kay and Handler Tish Cannon.Owner Breeder Sharon Hanson Visit our web site we update regularly. www.janshar.comHSrlAfr o. ^srasmr re -C'7 VOFBESTSEX-EOPPOSyK N6SKENNEL CLUt Of California , j BERGMAN .PHOTOSo.-t vn ESCh. Jan-Shars Kandi-NicoleCh. Jan-Shars Big Bad John x Jan-Shars Knick KnackPictured here with handler Orville Cannon.Owner Breeder Sharon Hanson304 497-2446 Fax 304 497-2289 e-mail pomsjanshar.comWeb Site www.janshar.comAsk Us Anythingby Annette DavisAnnette Davis 391 N Mnk Creek Rd. Pocatello ID 83204 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail web site www.avalonpom.comOur question for this issue is What is the best way to bait train a Pom puppyThe best way to ensure success with bait training is to start early. I always keep a freezer baggie full of liver or beef heart bits in my freezer. If you cant stand to cook organ meats, skinless chicken thigh will work almost as well. Before freezing, prepare the meat by cooking it thoroughly boiling or baking. After the meat has cooled, cut it into tiny bits. To make the bits easier to separate, freeze the bits on a cookie sheet for a few hours and then transfer to a freezer baggie. As soon as my puppies will take treats from my hand at around 6 weeks, I start bringing them a piece of bait 2 or more times a day. I do not give it until they are standing on all fours, with their tails up and are looking up at me. They quickly understand what is required to get the bait. Of course, some puppies are more stubborn than others and will consistently try to jump up after the treat, but eventually they get if and stand properly for their treat. Some trainers prefer to use a squeaky or clicker instead of food bait. I have not tried this method as food bait works well for me, but some trainers do claim this is a very good method as well.A word of caution Never let anyone drop treats or bait on the ground for your puppy This will get him into the bad habit of searching the floor for a treat instead of looking up at you as is required in the confirmation ring.Our question for the next issue is Is there anything that will help my Pom grow a better coatMembership Reportby Annette Davis 391 N M[ink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932 davisavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Donna Lynn Wright 200 Gateway Dr. B, Bel Air, MD, 21014. Contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERSCarol R. Leemhuis PAR. Shane Burroughs ALAPPLICATIONSNaiini Guenther WASponsorsShirley Ann K Leu Annette Lynn HeiseDebra Gonyeau NYSponsorsJanice Young Mary E WellsSherrilynn J. Rogers OHSponsorsDoris Wheeler Brenda SegelkenDiana M. Plicata MDSponsorsAnnette Rogers-Rister Charlotte CreedYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toPage 4of theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.WOfficers of the ClubPresident...........................First Vice-President..........Second Vice-President...Recording Secretary.........Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer...........................AKC Delegate...................3910 Concord Place Texarkana, TX 75503Box 180, Earth, TX 79031............Jim Shearer........Linda Brogoitti.....Charlotte CreedDonna Lynn Wright .......Brenda Turner.......Wanda Roach.Marge KranzfelderBoard of DirectorsLynn Heise.....Sharon Hicks......Marge KranzfelderMargaret R. McKee.....Annette Rogers-Rister......Frances StollPomeranian ReviewEditor..........................................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX 79031 Phone 806 257-3817 FAX 806 257-3760 For Special Delivery 823 E. Hwy 70 Earth, TX 79031 e-mail dudleyfivearea.comSubscriptions...........................................................................................................Brenda K. Hutton15755 Greenway Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183 e-mail bkpomsearthlink.netBack Issues..............................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription.........................37.00Foreign................................................65.00First Class........................................... 45.00Single Copy...........................................8.00Inside Color Page..............................150.00Full Page.............................................65.00Half Page.............................................40.00Quarter Page........................................20.00Photos each.......................................10.00Front Cover, BW.............................150.00Color..................................................375.00Back Cover, BAA..............................90.00Color..................................................250.00Center Spread....................................160.00Color.................................................350.00Business Card ....................................10.00Color Stripping on BW Ad................15.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateDecJan.......................Nov 20.... ....Dec 25FebMarch ..................Jan 20.... ....Feb 25AprMay....... ..............Mar 20.... .....Apr 25JuneJuly.....................May 20..... ...June 25AugSept.....................July 20.... ....Aug 25OctNov.....................Sept 20...........Oct 25Seme flexibility passible in deadline. Priornotice required.Page 5JJf J0rf orlJ^ 64.'vWINNERSAMERICAN MERANIAN CLUB iPECIALTY SHOW ^MCCH 2000 . PHOTOI-1 2000JrT 'V ... - .-JT.W- - r .. ....f 1Canton White FantasyD and R Lil Bit of Sunshine x Tookeyes On Iceictured here with judge Jackie Klein and Handler Tish Cannon at the APCs 80tih National Specialty Show in DuncanvilleIred by Hannah Ruth and Esther Joy Chua and owned by Sharon Hanson304 497-2446 Fax 304 497-2289 e-mail pomsjanshar.comWeb Site www.janshar.comPage 6J J\ J-jf Ay r ij ocBEST OF WINNERSAMERICAN OMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW i^UUH 2000 . "V PHOTO2000 Imh .S1Jan-Shars If Looks Cold KillCh. Traditions Legend Of Oakridge x Jan-Shars Lily Of The ValleyPictured here with judge Jackie Klein and Handler Pamela Dziuk the APCs 80th National Specialty Show in DuncanvilleOwner Breeder Sharon Hanson304 497-2446 Fax 304 497-2289 e-mail pomsjanshar.comWeb Site www.janshar.comPage 7AROUND THE WATERBOWLLinda Brogoitti, Toad HallOf douches and ducksThe call came early in the morning. A Pom running loose on the golf course in Sun everyone knows you MUST BE A MEMBER to be allowed on their turf....we need to remove himWe decide wed be better off with a golf cart than trying to find him on foot. Only problem is, we cant rent a cart cause were not members and no amount of arguing will change their mnds. As more and more golfers come in complaining about the stray dog, we got lucky. A nice lady offers to drive us around the course in her cart.Now my first clue should have been when we climbed aboard the golf cart, everyone stepped WAY BACK. As A.J. my name for her floored the pedal we were soon flying around the path looking for the Pom. Finally we spot him across the way....hes black with white spots No, hes not a parti, folks. He is really black with white spots. Trust me, this dog could set the business of professional dog breeding back at least 400 years. He must have weighed 15 pounds and evidently had a keen sense of hearing judging from the size of his ears.We have to wait until a foursome finishes in front of know the type....serious, senior gentlemen gathered around a golf ball, studying it intently, as though it were an unexplained gift from outer space. As we wait, we see the Pom heading for a pond which is located near a road. Fearing the worst, A.J. puts the pedal to the metal, flying around the cart in front of us and heading ACROSS the green. Golfers are yelling and waving at us. I wave back thinking theyre cheering us on. WRONGEvidently youre not supposed to run carts off of the path and they were quite upset with us, or should I say upset with A J. since shes the driver. We get the Pom away from the road and prepare for the rescue or as I prefer to call it the capture As we exit the cart I notice a flock of cute little ducks watching us, and I silently hope theyre not going to be a problem.What I didnt know at the time was these were definitely NOT cute little ducks These were KILLER DUCKS If you cant feel safe on a private golf course in Sun City, what is leftThere is a large colony of ducks that, after many years of eating food dropped by golfers, have not only become large, they have become aggressive. When the cart stops, they surround you, demanding food. Now I deal with toads, coyotes, even the occasional snake, so no ditzy duck is going to scare me, right I wave my hand to scare the closest one away, and he BITES ME I scream and AJ. takes off....this is basically when everything that could go wrong DID go wrong.A duck got run over unfortunately not the one who bit me and before any of the golfers could see what had happened, my friend grabbed it and threw it in my lap. Yep, it definitely was dead, so I thought, Lets used if for bait to catch the Pom. All thought this an excellent idea, so we used one of the leashes and pulled it behind the cart slowly heading over to where the Pom sat watching us.Now were getting somewhere I thought, until looking behind us, I notice this herd of irate ducks waddling after us Im thinking that all is lost, the authorities will soon be upon us, and we wont even have the Pom. I quickly reel in the duck, stuff it into the crate, and decided to set the crate out on the grass and move away. IT WORKS. After a few tentative sniffs, thePage 8Pom goes in after the duck, and we get the door shut.A J. roars back to the clubhouse saying she hasnt had this much fun in years, yeah, right Then she starts feeling sorry for the duck, telling us how they are our feathered friends, how they like human company, they like to be near. I agree with her. I like them to be near also. Near the mashed potatoes and gravy She says thats nice too, and asks to keep the duck to which we all readily agreeNow you might think this is the end of the story....We put the Pom and crate into my van and head for home. It took a few minutes before the aroma drifted into the front seat. SKUNK This poor guy battled a skunk, and from the odor, the skunk was the clear and obvious winner.When we got home and turned him loose, he ran all over trying to get rid of the very literal smell of defeat. From years ago, I remembered tomato juice was the recommended bath to eliminate the odor. Filling the sink full of juice, we proceeded to give him a thorough bathing. Unfortunately, he still smelled of skunk, but he was the prettiest shad of pink youve ever seenI called around to see what else I could do since he couldnt come into my house in THAT condition. All the professionals said tomato juice, but since I knew that didnt work, I decided to call some friends at Arizona Game Fish.After much discussion, the final remedy was agreed on and now the only problem was, who at Game Fish was going to tell me It seems none of the guys wanted the job so they found a secretary and bribed her. She called and said the best way to eliminate the odor completely was to use a DOUCHE. I know I was silent for quite a while because she finally said, Linda, are you still there I started laughing and couldnt resist telling herthat this was a male....she repeated it to the guys, and I could hear them laughing.Needless to say....YOU GIVE A BATH IN MASSENGILL DOUCHEWe now have a very friendly, nice smelling, pink Pom available for adoption....Continued from page 4Terry J. Rothell WASponsorsMarlene Presser Randy BuskeKaren Crawford NV SponsorsJane Lehtinen Noble InglettBehind The New TitlistsCh Paughprint Endless TraditionOrange Male Breeder Sherri Alspaugh Owner Paulette ZeccaCh Millamors Trademark Ch Millamors Mark Tradition Millamor's Sparkling Music Ch Rock N Tradition of Oakridge Ch DeArta's Rock Dancer Rock Dancer's Little Rock DeArta's Dancing Moongold Ch Great Elms Master Mark Great Elms Master Gordon Great Elms Sweet Allie Mountn Crest Miss Hollywood Ch Great Elms Sweet Prince Mountain Crest Fredda Great Elms DeltaPage 9V1m v- .rM Jh rH Best Of Breednfls-._________hoto of Billy winning Best of Breed at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club in New YorkPage 10Welcome to RUBYS POMERANIANSby Ruby PooleHi YallGlad you came to visit us and our menagerie. My husband Bill and I live on 42 acres about 8 miles west of Claremore,Oklahoma.We are owned by Drumour 13 year old Akita, 2 Dobie girlsXena and Venus, several cows and a WHOLE BUNCH OF POMERANIANS.We moved here about 10 years ago into a a pile of rocks that had electricity and running water and that was about the extent of calling it a house. It is the oldest house in the area and we fell in love with it at first sight.Bill is a construction superintendent and has been a carpenter all his life. Over theyears he has redone just about everythin here but also tried to leave as much of th original house as he could. We refer to it a a work of EVOLUTION rather than beiu remodeled.The first thing that he did was turn th detached garage into a POM house. In fac the Poms had A1C before we had it in th house. When he enlarged the house h built me a new kitchen, den, anothe bathroom and 2 more bedrooms. One o which we turned into a puppy room. It ha its own bathroom and a nice puppy patio, like to keep my babies in the house unt they are at least 4 months old or olde because I dont like them to run with th older poms as some of the older ones ca be veiy cranky with the youngsters.Between us we have 4 kids, 5 grand kidNRTTVMaricarol, Blake and Victoria anxiously awaiting the Toy Group at theGarden.Page 11Stopper just before the Garden.rnd 2 great grand daughters. Needless to say , they are the light of our lives and we njov them tremendously. Hailey is 2 ^ears old and loves the poms and every Dther animal. She is my future handler, rustice is one year old and still doesnt like my of the Poms except the one that I gave tier mother long before she was bomI started in poms in 1976 with a pom that [ bought for my daughter Carol as a graduation present. I never had any intention of breeding herWhen Carol got married two years later I svas really upset that she would be taking Dandy away from me so she told me if I would breed her and give her a puppy I ould keep her. That first puppy birth was the most horrifying experience that I had 2ver had. Somehow Dandy and I both lived thru it and fell in love with that tiny fuzz ball and after a while we just had to tiave another babyThanks Norma for letting Bill buy Creiders Bitta Charm from you for my anniversary present. She has been a great asset to my breeding program. I also thankyou for letting me breed Charmls and Billys daughter to your Ch. Creiders Chase the Clouds. Their litter of 1 boy and 2 girls I ordered a black girl and got her are doing fine and I look for great things out of them.I met Victoria Lovely and Blake Jones in the early 90s and we liked each others type of Poms so we began to work together. I talked to Vic and Blake about sending Cory to them to be shown in the northwest and they agreed.They didnt have any trouble finishing him and used him first as a stud, and got some very nice offspring. The first puppies that he sired were out of Group placer Ch. Lovely Lady Shawna - Debutante, Rom . Both finished easily and Ch. Lovely Debutante Finale group winner was awarded a Certificate Of Merit at the Westminster KC in 199, the same day that her half brother BIS, BISS Ch. Rubys Lovelys Standin Ovation GC HOF BILLY took Best of Breed.Group Winning Ch. Mobeta Star Stopper was also in the ring that day and'c-'A NJFV. vm..mBilly, Suzanne, and RubyPage 12fI, 1 f f PMWgjjgfz' Ch. Rubys One Man Show Encorethat brings me to the reason that I went to Westminster for that show. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in June of 1996 and had a modified radical mastectomy. I was under chemo treatment at the time . As any one that has been thru chemo can tell you, IT IS NOT A FUN THING TO DO. But to be able to see 3 of my Coiys offspring in the Westminster ring at the same time was just something that I had to be there to see. So I packed an extra wig and headed for the BIG APPLE.My son Ken and his friend Kate Kurtz from Pennsylvania were with me and my friend Joe Daubenspeck Stoppers Breeder when Richard Bauer pointed to Billy for BOB and I went into shock. I think that if it had not been for all of them hugging me I would have fainted.It didnt really hit me until I got home and watched the video and then I came apart and cried like a baby and my dear husbands eyes were not dry.Billy and Blake got me thru a lot of hard times in 1996 and 1997. They are a blessing that I wonder how I deserved.From the time that I started breeding for show, I told my self that I would breed something to take to the GARDEN some day but I never dreamed that the first timewe went we would win Breed with i youngster barely out of his puppy hood.I will forever be thankful to Richan Bauer for recognizing the quality an correctness of Billy,Our Squirt"And to Victoria Lovely, Billy Co-breeder and to Blake Jones for thei undying faith and all their hard work, I wil be grateful forever.When I look back on the decision to sen Coty to Blake and Vic, I think that it is th wisest thing that I have ever done.If he had not had the chance to prove hin self in the ring, he might not have had thi opportunity to prove him self in th whelping box, where the mark of qualib really shows.Cory has sired BIS-BISS, several Grou] Winners, Group placers, multiple BOI winners and 2 AWARD OF MERE WINNERS at Westminsterthe lates being Ch. Halston and Winterset RocketManJiMarilyn Garner showing off her grooming skills.Page 13SONGRATIELATZOlirS TO ROBY POOLEon your well deserved Kennel Visit. ^-4NvltGROUP WINNING AM CAN CH. LOVELY DEBUTANTE FINALE [Ch. Rubys One Man Show Encore x Ch. Lovely Lady Shawna-Debutante ROMLOVELY POMERANIANS Victoria E. Lovely 1406-D 54th Ave. El Tacoma, WA 98424 phonefax 253 863-8608 e-mail lovelypomsaol.comPage 14CH. HALSTON AND WINTERSETS ROCKETMANCh. Rubys One Man Show Encore x Collier N Halstons Red HotWESTMINSTER AWARD OF MERIT-2000Handled to perfection by Linda PittsCo-bred by Lula Mae CollierCongratulations Ruby Poole on your Kennel Visit-A Million thanks for your help and the use of your BoysHALSTONWINTERSET Larry Lopez Frank Dimarsico 2446 Bonnywood Lane Dallas, TX 75233Page 15-Justice, one year old.CONGRATULATIONS TO Laity Lopez and Frank DiMarsico-"May the best be yet to come"Billy had quite a fan club during his campaign and brought me new friends that 1 may not have otherwise had the good fortune of meeting. Two of those are, Suzanne and Mari Carol Verlinde. I love you both and will never forget the support and favors that you did for us .I dont want to get on my soap box but I sure would prefer that the Judges let us show the bites of our poms. I wonder how many breeders feel the same way.Let me say just a few words to the new people in Poms. Do your home work on the breed. Decide what type of Pom that you want to breed and be patient in your efforts. Remember that Rome was not built in a day and neither will you breed a perfect Pomeranian EVER. The soundness of structure is very important in the Poms as well as their beauty. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, that is why we have several types of poms and so many colors, but no one thinks a crippled Pom is attractive.I wish you all the best of luck in the ring and in the whelping box. MAY ALL YOUR EFFORTS BE PURPLEI must go now as I am covered up with Poms and have Pom things to doRUBY POOLE 5504 E.475TH ROAD CLAREMORE, OK. 74017 1-918-341-6921EMAIL RUBYSPOMSAOL.COMAlso congratulations on the wins that you have had with the BLACK DIAMOND OF CHAOS-1 am her biggest fan I am so happy to see that the Judges are recognizing the quality of the Pomeranians no matter what color they are. I have concentrated on breeding the rich red sables for quite a while now and I suppose that they will always be my favorites but I am also going to try to breed some blacks and creams. So as all my friends hate to hear me say, WE SHALL SEE WHAT WE SHALL SEEI am grateful to all who have had enough faith in my CH. RUBYS ONE MAN SHOW ENCORE, ROM to breed to him. Congratulations to each of you on your victories with his KIDS and his grand kids.5Hailey, two years old.Page 16-.-rA.rrThe Poole home.Atl. mAWARD OF MERITiAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBMARCH 17 4 18.1936 NUGENT PHOTOImIftBillys retirement photo.Page 17CREIDERS POMSngratulates Ruby Poole on her much deserved Kennel VisitjrJ-Aifi4 . . Tosee more puppies, visit my web site at My e-mail ddress is On my web address, please make sure that the ttle bar between Creider and Poms is ground level. I think its called underline symbol.Congratulations to Ruby Poole on her well deserved Kennel Visit. A dearer, sweeter riend and mentor cannot be found. We are truly blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you or entrusting us with Rubys Wee Standin Salute, Bailey, a stunning Billy daughter. We fish continued success with your beautiful Poms.Black Diamond Of Chaos TykeGranddaughter of Ch. Rubys One Man Show Encore ROMSuzanne and Maricariroll Verlinde Desert Song Pomeranians 602 992-0911 fax 602 992-6533 e-mail pommomvaol.comPage 18_____ IBISS CH. POMINIQUE N NOBLES DARK VADEIWalkerJk. z11-X 2 WWU.ONSV. o\w RDO'U kl I' _Thank you to noted Toy Judge Mrs. William Kendrick for this Award of Merit in large group of lovely Pomeranians at Westminster, and appreciation to noted breed and judge, Joy Davison for Walkers Best of Breed at the San Diego Pomerani Club Specialty.Congratulations to Ruby Poole on your Kennel VisitAlane Levinsohn Showcase Pomeranians3Page 19SPomeraaiaa SlaedicsThe RPC SYSTEMSayuioL, ^maal^watdi BuutyMivsvfi November 1,1999 through December 20,1999 As reported in the AKC Awards issues January through February, 2000Every effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors discovered to the attentionof Tish Cannon. If your dogs are listed in the corrections of the AKC Awards issues, please contact Tish Cannon before February 1,2001.Spread GompelilioiTop 25 Best of Breed winners out of 62Dog Points BB G1 G2 G3 G4 BISBISS Owners1. CH Southlands Black Tie N Tails 749 11 2 2 2 CreedRister2. CHSubers Presents Atom Ant 652 11 3 Bemey3. CH Great Elms MR. Style 608 6 2 1 QuinnQuinn4. CHJoarts Super Harlee Davison 549 5 2 1 DentonDavison5. CH Strutting Twenty-Four KT 537 12 2 2 Sklar6. CHValcopyWakhan Batman 462 5 1 1 1 GemmillPlonkeyReich7. CHAjsSmokinJoe 412 10 2 1 Miller8. CH Great Elms Talitha 326 4 1 1 1 CabreraArienti9. CH Cascades Sunkist Shadow 317 5 1 Cumming10.CH Cassios Flashback 261 3 1 BrewsterHansenReed11 .CH Kindreds The Big Chill 216 3 1 Wehrle12.CHJan-Shars Holy Moses Oakridge 189 4 1 Hanson13.CH Foxworth Fanfare 186 2 1 Dodsworth14 CH Stolannes Back Talk 178 4 1 Stoll15.CH Wheats Walking In The Moonlight 164 5 1 CockettKennedy16.CH Pominique N Nobles Dark Vaderl 64 3 1 Levinsohn17.CH Jessicas Jessie James 140 3 1 Smith18.CH Desert Thunder Of Lenette 109 1 1 PelzWells19- CH La Cherie Lil Luke Skywalker 108 2 Martin2 0. CH Jan-Shars May The Force Be With You 77 7 Hanson21 .CH Marbils A Chance To Be 77 5 Riehm22.CH Emcees Utimate Chip 65 1 1 CarsonWade23. CHJan-Shars Dot Com 61 5 BrysonHanson24. CH Ralston-Pufpride Dreamer 57 5 RalstonDimick25. CH Jan Les Millie WakitOf Luemar53 4 MartinLehtinen Indicates non-member to APC. ^Indicates bitchSZp Site Sep SfreeelTiCH Great Elms Mr Chips 3CH Jan-Shars Its The Real Thing 2The only two dogs to date that have produced more than two titled dogs.Sharon Hanson 4Morris E. Carson 2Mrs. Ruth L. Beam 1Carol A. Galavich 2Basilio C. Yap 2Sep Sams Sep xAcAUersGreat Elms Becky Sue 2 Sharon Hanson 5The only bitch to date that has produced two or more titled dogs. Becky Sue was Second Top Dam for 1999SepJ^euuen STeuieUeuBarbara Pater 33Jordan Rohell 15Michelle Ridenour 13Rebecca Buesseler Miss 8The only exhibitor to finish two or more dogs ttheir titles to date.3001.y eGentectiems Jot 999Donna Reihm has been an APC member for two years. She finished one dog in 1998 andtwo dogs in 1999- They are CH Marini's First In Charge 1998, CH Stolannes Waitin InTH Wings 1999 and CH Fan-Cs Pat OHairy 1999. Congratulations, DonnaCH Janesas N Jan-Shars Chance produced two champion for 1999- They are CH SundownsLittle Casino and CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke. Congratulations to Camilla Knight and way togo ChanceMarshall and Cindy Rokos are members of APC. Their dog, CH Paradise Valley RoyalReward finished 24th in TOP WINNING DOGS. Good luck to you in 2000.Thank you for brining these corrections to my attention.Page 21JA ^rfnniuil ReportylsA GeUUUMi''^tuumzI ^JrwauliThe American Pomeranian Clubs 1999Annual Awards banquetwasin Danville, Texas, on March22,2000. This years awards were accentuated by the color black. Ibatis,black Poms. Six of the ten top awards werefor black dogs or an exhibitor known for putting blackPoms on the map.To reveicean award you must be a member of the American Pomeranian Clubfor one year and in good standing with the American Kennel Club. Requirements for each award is listed inour membership handbook. This years receptants are asfollowslip Winning DogBIS BISS CH Valcopy Wakban Batman 5183 pointsTop Winning BitchCH Starfires Beft Betty 604 pointsTop Producing SireBIS BISS CH Finchs He Walks On Water, ROMXHOF GC 12 titled getTop Producing DamFinchs Black Fad Fashion 5 titled getTap Breeder of the YearSharon Hanson 12 finished titlesTop Exhibitor of the YearDiane Finch 7 finished titlesTop Junior HandlerMichelle Ridenour 154 pointsTop Obedience DogU-CDX Razzle Dazzle Concerto, UDTop Open PomeranianMar-Vtcs Stuffd Black Bear, UDXNATop Utility PomeranianMar-Vtcs Stuffd Black Bear, UDXNAPage 22TOP WINNING DOG 1999-FT\rBEST OF BREED p progressive - m '.DOG club FEB2000t VaNDARD IMAGE CHUCK TATHAMCHVALCOPY-WAKHAN BATMAN is a 312 year old coal black, 4pound dynamo. Batman is a multiple Best In Show, Multiple Best In Specialty Winner and Multiple Group Winner. Batman went Best Of Breed at tbe Progressive Toy dog Show in New York, 2000.He has been 1 Pom of1999. Batman was owner bandied to bis Championship and bis Best In Show wins. He is now lovingly trained and is currently being specialed by Hedeko Strasbougb.Batman was sired by BIS BISS CH VALCOPY WAKHAN VALENTINO and bis grand sire is BIS BISS CH FINCHS WALKS ON WATER. All are black with outstanding movement.Batmans Dam is BISS CH VALCOPY WAKHAN TO DIE FOR. She is agorgeous deep, orange and sable. Hideko took ber dam to Japan to be bred to Japanese CH HADIEIGHT SUPERMAN. Batman has many fans in Japan as well.Page 23TOP WINNING BITCH 1999m4v 4CH STARFIRES BEFT BETTY is the number one bitch for 1999. She finished first with 604points. This outstanding bitch accomplished the title as AFCs Number One Bitch within seven shows, under seven months of age.Betty is bred and owned by Jose Cabrera and Fabian Arienti. They are very proud of this young bitch. Page 24TOP PRODUCING SIRE 1999KERNEL CUBSEP. 20,1992CAPftRAS PHOTO55 555 CH FINCHS HE WALKS ON WATER, ROMX HOF GCPage 25Travis is sired by FINCHS BORN SWEET SCOWE black and tan and out of FINCHS AMBROSIA MYSTERY black. Travisparents are not champions. It was up to him to prove bis merits. He has done that with bis own show and production records ____________9 All Breed Best In Shows 3 Best In Specialty Shows 1992 APC Top Winning Pom APC Hall Of Fame Gold Club Member 1994 Westminister Best Of Breed Twice Frist Award Of Merit at Westminister Finished from Puppy Class at 10 months 1995APC 2 Top Winning Dog Winningest Black Pom in the History Of lie Breed Register Of Merit Register Of Merit ExcellenceProducer of BIS son, daughter and grandson 3 generations BIS BISS Producer of 37 Champions and 2 more near finished1998APC 2 Top Producing Dog 1999APC 1 Top Producing DogAn interesting note about Travis. Travis bos produced 24 black champions - 38 champions total. Travis is equally as good a male as a female producer this is a rarity. He is 9 years old and more potent than ever. His sperm count is 98 plus percent and an extraordinarily high volume. He produces exceptionally high quantity in bis letters and some of bis sons have been reported as doing tire same. A very high percentage of bis bitch puppies have extremely adequate pelvis area to pass puppies easily from the birth canal thanks to bis mother. It would take several morepages to mention all bis grand kids who have also finished their titles He is one potent little 4pound black Pom Hes proven a tiny dog can move like a big dog and can cover ground with reach and drive and have a breathtakingprofile doing it.Travis list of champion get indudes champion offspring in the United States, Australia, Sweden, Canada, Brazil, Spain and also a Best In Show granddaughter in Thailand. ___________________ _tCH Finchs Classic Creation black bitchCH Wynmors Black N Tan Beauty black tan bitch Finchs Little Sister Megan UD black bitchBIS BISS CH Valcopy Wakban VALENTINO, ROMX, HOF black dog BIS BISS CH Valcopy Wakban Hot Gossip orange bitchCH Dover-HoUibouse Rogos Wizard CH BobrersDreamA Little Dream dogCH Tressitque Black Magic black dogCHTresstiques Walkin Treasure black bitchCH Golden Aires Walk N The Rain orange dogCH Dover-Holibouse Rogo sM.E.CH Juls Yes Indeed Im Walkin CH Finchs Midnight Moonwalker black bitchCH Finchs He Legend Continues orange dogCH Petipom HeAintNo Saint black dogCH Finchs Petipom Chances R orange dogCH Finchs Black Lace black bitchCH Valcopy Wakban Hollywood orange dogCH Finchs Midnight Special black dog CH Finchs He Can Moonwalk black dogCH Sandpoms Touched By An Angel black dog CHPominique Talking Waters orange bitchBIS BISS CH Finchs Walking Legacy black dogCH Candyfloss Dazzling orange bitch CH Wheats Walkin In The Moonlight black bitchCH Finchs WalkinAfter Midnite black dogCH Finchs Shes A LoveFarrab black and tan bitch INTCHPominiqueNNobles Dark Voder black dog CAN CH Finchs I Walk On Water Too black dogCH Finchs Dream Walkin black dog CH Finchs Amazin Lil Walker black bitchCAN CH Finchs My Heaven On Earth orange bitchCAN CH Finchs Knight Of Chaos black dogBrazilian CH Finch sAll Hat Jazz black bitch Spanish CH Finchs Como Tu Divine Night black bitchPoms that finished in 1999.Page 27MoreTraviskids for next year.Swedish BIS CH Finchs Walk On The Wild Side black dog ^ CH Finchs Walkin In Fashion black bitch m CH Nobles Queen Of The Night black bitch2000To all of those owners, exhibitors, handlers, judges, breeders, fans who have encouraged and supported Travis and all the black Poms in this world and for those who would like to do the same in foreign lands, I applaud you all. Hats off to the black Pom supporters Diane FinchrTravis1999 Top Producing SirePage 28Page 29Finchs Black Fad Fashion, ROMXbb3eby sbO SoD Soo vooo KiQoo Fad is sired by CH FINCHS WEE HEART ANDY GIBB orange sable and out ofKRIEGERS DOMINO DOLLY black. Andy Gibb finished bis championship in a months worth ofshows with Anna LaForture thefirst pom I sent out to Ibecome a champion. Finishing one that fast really booked me on showing. \Andy Gibb became a great bitchproducerfor me and Fad was just one of \several of bis daughters I still own. Fads mother was one of 8 bitches Ipur- ^cbasedfrom a breeder who noticed I bad a particular fondness for black Poms. Seven of eight of the bitches were black. With Millamor Great Elms, Aristic in the pedigree, I was thrilled they came to me. They were the best quality producers, \best milkers, best whelpers, and retained all of their nice white teeth well into retirement. They also were consistent in producing more than one or two in a flitter. Fad bad few litters in her productive lifetime shes nine now, but she made those litters count. Her first litter produced one puppy, an orange bitch, lCH Finchs Fabulous Babe sired by CH Finchs Just To Inpress a CH Tim \Sues Moon Rocket son. Pat Cummings finished a black daughter of Fads, jCH Finchs Petipom Dark Desire sired by CH Wee Hearts Tight End. All of her champions after that are sired by BIS BISS CH Finchs He Walks On Water, iROMXHOFGC. They are as follows\CH Finchs Black Lace - currently owned by Donna Riebm. Donna pedaled \Black Lace and after beat the boys for BOB, went on to group pladngs.CH Finchs Walkin In Fashion -1 own Eman and Karen Crawford recently finished her. Barbara WoUmann put the first 5 points on her induding a major and winning the National Specialty Sweeps in Dallas 3 years ago - \brother, CH Finchs Midnight Special, would do the same the following year. \Eman finished the rest of her championship requirements in 5 weekends. Eman bos a son who has made bis championship, CH Finchs Bravebeart Billy Bo Jangles sired by a Travis son CH Finchs The Legend Continues. lCH Finchs Shes A Love Farrab - owned by Randy Buske and show by Marlene \Presser in the Ohio Specialty to Best Puppy In Sweeps. The same Specially her full brother CH Finchs Midnight pedal went WD and the same weekend her half brother CH Valccpy Wakban Hollywood went WD two of the other days.CH Finchs Amazin Lil Walker -1 own Dolly and she finished in the capable Ibands of Carolyn Crockett and Betsy Owens with Noble Inglettputting Dollys \last major on her. So that is six champion daughters for Fad. But she can do equally well with her sons.Page 30CH Finchs He Can Moonwalk - Mikey also finished bis championship in record time shown by Benson Ray and owned by Eileen and Roger Hall. And be bos sired CH Ben Aires Black Maggie out of Ben Rays Emmy Too Too.CH Finchs Midnight Special - Mikeysfull littermate brother won all of bis points and majors at Pom Specialties. Midnight Special is owned by Alice Carlson and shown by Bronya Johnson.Swedish CH Finchs Walk On The Wild Side - Mikey and Midnight Specials full littermate brother went to Sweden to become a champion and went BIS bis first outing.This whole litter of four would have all been champions if their sister Finchs Im A Water Dancer bad not been lost whelping 2 gorgeous puppies. By now I was convinced Travis and Fad were a good click Then my next Fad Travis dream litter was bom.CH Finchs Dream Walkin -1 own Toby the son that most looks like bis sire and finished by Carolyn Crockett.Finchs Walkaway loe - Joey just needs a major to finish with Betsy Owens and Karen Cbisam. I own joey. Joey is one of Fads three boys that most looks like her.Jincbs He Walks Among Stars - Nike just needs singles to finish bis championship. Nike is owned by Lou Ann Danna and Diane. Nike is shown by Betsy Owens. Nike also looks more like mom than bis sire.In the litter in which CH Finchs Amazin Lil Walker was bom, Fad also bad a super star, BIS BISS CH FINCHS WALKIN LEGACY. Ace is ownedI by Dr. Nancy McEacberon and Trudy Pizer. Ace won back-to-back Best In \Shows in Texas. Ace is another of Fads sons who looks most like her. \Fad currently has 11 champions to her credit with sons joey and Nike closing in on their final points - which will make it 13 champions. Fad has a well deserved retirement. She still looks and acts as young as her puppies. Page 31BREEDER OF THE YEAR 1999Sharon Hanson, Jan-Sbar PomeraniansSharon and her husband Walter, live on a farm in West Vtrgina. She has been breeding Poms for 14 years, and has been BREEDER OF THE YEAR for 7 years. She is very proud of tins accomplishment. Sharon has tried to keep breeding on a bobby level and to finish most of her own dogs. Selling only a few. Sharon states, I can 7 keep them all, but it is not my aim to sell dogs. Im very fortunate I do not work and have a lot of land. So I can have as many as I can properly take care of. I have no kennel help, so it does get to be a bit overwhelming at times.Sharon states, I must say, in the past 14 years, I have met some wonderful people. And have traveled to some exotic places that I would not have been able to do, if not for my dogs. They truly do bring me great pleasure. Titled dogs this year include Absolute Jansbar Magic Trick, CD CH Jan-Sbars Furby CH Jan-Sbars Dot Com CH Jan-Sbars Star Bandit CH Jan-Sbars Captain MorganCH Jan-Sbars Oops-A-Daisy CH Jan-Sbars How The West Was Won CH Jan-Sbars Dudly Dorigbt CH Jan-Sbars May lie Force Be With You CH Jan-Sbars El NinoPage 32EXHIBITOR OF THE YEAR 1999Diane Finch, Finchs PomeraniansThe first Pom Diane Finch exhibited, was BIS BISS CH FINCHS HE WALKS ON WATER, ROMX, HOF, GC. The first Pom she bad finished by a handler was CH FINCHS WEE HEART ANDY GIBB.The following are Poms she owned or co-owned that finished their championships in 1999.CH PetipomFincbs Dandy Creation CH Finchs Talk Of The Town CH Finchs Walkin After Midnite CH Finchs Amazin Lil Walker CH Finchs Dream WalkinCH Finchs Shes a Love Farrab CH Finchs Midnight MoonwalkerTo date, Diane Finch has finished or bred 55 titled Poms. She started showing ten years ago, 1989. Twenty-seven of those champions are black. Travis bos produced 24 of those black champions.Page 331TOP OBEDIENCE POM 1999-V-' - TQlJ ^ , k-llAMERICANPOMERANIAN 6LtfBiU-CDXRazzle Dazzle Concerto, UD Presto, ownerbandied by Lilian Zentgraf and bredco-owner by Judith Green.U-CDXRazzle Dazzle Concerto, UD PrestoU-CDXRazzle Dazzle Concerto, UD Presto was bred and co-owned by Judith Green but trained, loved, and shown by Lilian Zentgraf. Let me tell you the story ofPresto and Lilian. You know wbat - get yourself a cup of coffee, tea, soda, or whatever. Sit back, read and enjoy.Lilian has been an obedience person for many, many years. She and her sister Margaret used to travel to all of the trials showing a Pom, an OTCH Sbeltie and a Border Terrier I think be was Border Terrier. Lilian bad a Pom named Felicia that she was training in obedience. I do not remember if she bad put any titles on her yet, but anyway, the dog was killed in an accident. Lilian was devastated, but the dub she and I belong to Philadelphia Dog Training Club rallied around her. Lilian was not interested in getting another dog but her friends would not bear of it. I got a phone call from Susan Strickland, PDTCs trainer and a long time friend of mine, telling me about Lilians Pom. Susan and several other members of the club wanted to know if bad any puppies. I do not breedk JiPage 34often but I happened to have a litter of9 week oldpuppies and this one puppy was outstanding I knew be needed an obedience borne because if be did not have a job to do, be would be wasted. I could not keep him because I was training and showing AMCAN CH Razzle Dazzle Music Man, AMCAN CDX Dallas.Lilian said, This is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to meAll this happened tbe Friday oftbe Labor Day, 1993weekend. Susan was having a Labor Day cookout at herplace and we decided to give tbepuppy to Lilian that day. Being the little devils that we are, when Lilian called me about tbepuppy, I told ber I do not let my puppies go btfore 12 weeks this is true, but I make exceptionsfor dog people. Well, sbe was disappointed but accepting. Susan invited Lilian to tbe cookout and sbe really did not want to come. But Betty and some other friends told ber sbe bad to get out, it would be good for ber. They would pick ber up and take ber borne. It was an offer sbe could not refuse Lilian wanted to know if I would be there and I told ber,No, I have a family commitment. Tbe day of tbe cookout I showed up with allfour puppies. When Lilian pulled up into tbe driveway, Ibid in another room. Lilian walked in, greeted everyone. When ber back was turned, I came in tbe room bolding this tiny puppy. With a red bow around bis neck. I tapped ber on tbe shoulder and when sbe turned around with a startled look on ber face, sbe said, You re not supposed to be here I said, I know, I lied. Here, ibis is your puppy. You can take him borne. Sbe said, No, I cant. You told me I bad to wait 3 more weeks. I said, I know, I lied about that, too Here, take your puppy. By now, we were all afraid sbe was going to have a heart attack or something. I put tbepuppy in ber arms and sbe said sbe bad to sit down. We put ber into a cbair and sbe asked me what else I bad lied about I told ber only about tbe puppy and not being bere. Sbe said sbe could not take bim because sbe bad nothingprepared and we told ber everything sbe needed was there - a crate, food, toys, etc. Lilian said, This is tbe most wonderful thing that bas ever happened to mePage 351When I spoke to Lilian about this puppy, I told ber bow wonderful be was. If I threw something, be would go after it, be was bright, bouncey, etc. WeU, we put all the puppies on the kitchen floor and all of us about 8,1 think sat down to play with them. The puppy who would turn out to be Presto said, I do not want to have anything to do with anybody. Pm going to sit in the comer and ignore you aU And that's wbat be did Lilian tried to get him to come to ber. Ml of us tried to get him to dosomething and that little devil did NOTHING. Lilian threw toys andpieces ofpaper towel and be just watched them go past him - no interest at all. I was telling ber again, bow greatbewas, but I think she was afraid that I bad lied about that, tooMonths later, Lilian told me that when she went borne that night, she stayed up until 130 a.m. trying to get this puppy to show some interest in ber throwing something. Thank heavens be finally decided to chase thepiece of whatever she threw. Who knows, she could have been awake for daysLilian and Presto are very busy. Each month they do about 18 nursing borne visits and 4 obedience demonstrations with a demo group. They were invited to Sbriners Hospitalfor Children in Philadelphia because a group from Japan was visiting and wanted to see the relationship between dogs and kids.This group consisted of University professors, physical therapists, doctors and medical students. M Sbriners, they also visit the rehabilitation, medical and surgicalfloors. The staff on the intensive carefloor has asked them to stop by, because bis visit helps relive the stress of the staff. They have attended campsfor physically challenged children where they use horses for therapy. Presto bos absolutely no fear of these big animals. At a camp for deaf children, Lilian told them thatpresto knew sign language andproceeded to do signals with him. The kids loved it Presto is a huge favorite at all these venues. He is so people oriented. He is small, can and does snuggle with everyone._ _ _ _ mm mm mm 1Page 36Lilian and Presto have been nominated for a contest tbeAKC is bolding. Not sure exactly what it is, but it bos something to do with tbe amount and kind of activitiespeople do with tbeir dogs. Lilian and Presto have been nominated because of all they do. As you can see from the above, these two do not let grass grow under tbeir feet. From wbat I understand, Lilian is out most nights of tbe week and is usually doing something on tbe weekends.I am so Proud of Lilian and Presto. Receiving tbe TOP OBEDIENCE POM 1999 is a thrill for me. They have done so much. He has 8 legs on bis UDX and we can probably expect an OTCH. HopefuUy, they will be at tbe July Summer Specialty in Baltimore. If you can come, please do and see tins wonderful team in action.V TAmIfrI U-CDXRazzle Dazzle Concerto, UD PrestoPage 37TOP OPEN POM 1999 and TOP milTYPOM 1999'm4-sSCOREajjBOMERAMIAHic0MAR-VICS STUFFD BLACK BEAR, UDX, NA.Yes, you read it correctly Tuffy received both APC awards for 1999. Congratulations, Barbara And guess wbat color be is Right again, black. Here is tbe story bow ownertrainer Barbara McClatcbey obtained MAR-VICS STUFFD BLACK BEAR, UDX, NA.Breeder Mary Vickers took out a full-page ad with a picture of a fluffy black puppy sitting on a refrigerator shelf next to wbat has to have been very well-wrapped food. Sbe suggested that bis new owner should stuff bis tummy with good food and bis mind and body with love and obedience exercises. I was lucky enough to be that new owner.Tuffy, U-UD MAR-VICS STUFFD BLACK BEAR, UDX, NA, now bos a parade of performance titles and honors. He bos earned tbe following AKC titlesCompanion Dog CDCompanion Dog Excellent CDXUtility Dog UDPage 38In tbe United Kennel Club, be bos earnedUnited Companion Dog United Companion Dog Excellent United Utility DogMost recently, at age 812, be has begun showing in AKCAgility competition, and bos received the tide of Novice Agility Dog.In the American Pomeranian Club, Puffy was honored as TOP OPEN POMfor 1994, TOP UUU7YP0Mfor 1996, and TOP OBEDIENCE POM for 1998. He took both Highest Scoring Dog in Trial and High Combined Score in Open and Utility at tbeAPC National Speciality in tbe years 1998 and 1999. He is enrolled in tbe Pomeranian Hall of Fame and tbe Gold Club in recognition of bis accomplishment.Out in tbe real world, Tuffy has bis Canine Good Citizen certificate and is certified by Iberapy Dogs, Inc., as a Therapy Dog. He visits nursing homes, hospitals, and schools, and often performs in Canine Freestyle dancing with your dog or as part of tbe down ad, Pom -Pom and die Pom-Poms. As old man "of tbe household, Tuffy has charged bimselfwith instructing tire Rescue Poms that come through as to who is Tbe Boss, and so far they have all respected bisposition.That refrigerator dog" has come a long way, but one thing bos not changed If you set him down next to food and turn your back, that food bad better be very wdl mappedI would like to thank Barbara McClatcbey for compiling tbe obedience pointsfor tbeAPC1999awards. Thanks, Barbara, I really appreciate your assistance. And thanks to my husband, Orville, for all bis support and assis- tance all year. If I did not have your assistance, none of this would be possible. Thanks to all tbe award winnersfor sending me your reports. Congratulations toall And good luck to allAPC members. May all your2000 wins be purple------ Tisb Cannon, Annual Awards ChairpersonPage 39SHOW REPORTby Dudley Roach, Show ChairmanThe 80th Specialty Show and 9th Ibedience Trial are now history. It was ^ell-attended, had a large entry, and, rankfully, went off without a hitch. The otel was under new management, and ley were extremely cooperative. As you now, the Specialty will be in Kentucky ext year, and the Show Chairman will be im Shearer and the Show Secretary, 'indy Boulware.We arrived Sunday afternoon, unloaded tie car, and rested a bit. After a while, we ent to the bar and joined other early nivalsLinda Brogoitti, Jim Shearer, 'indy Boulware, Lynn Heise, Charlotte Teed, Brenda and Terry Turner, and thers. After straining to hear each other nd shouting over the loud music for a ime, we retired to our rooms more xhausted than when we arrived.Monday afternoon, the Board met and liscussed club business. It was an xtended meeting, but I understand much vas accomplished. Trophy Chairman, eggy Hendricks, and her issistantsSheila Fields and Audrey Robertsset up the trophy table. APC jrounds Chairman, Daniel Ontiveros and FW President, Cindy Boulware, began he ring set-up procedure. They enlisted he aid of any who wandered into the show rite including such people as Marjorie Jonway and her friends. Their help was nuch appreciated.Since it was moving on toward 600 .m., it was time to get the Hospitality loom in order. G.H. Rumbaugh had jarbecued brisket and ribsenough for an irmy. Spread out over the tables were such lelicacies as Swedish meat balls, potato alad, cole slaw, pinto beans, combread, oils, and for dessert, brownies and ookies. A very congenial group of ixhibitors crowded into the room andfilled their plates. We opened the door onto the lawn, and people moved out to eat. All in all, people seemed to enjoy themselves immensely.Tuesday dawned and activities began. Wanda Roach, Show Secretary, did a last minute check to be sure all her materials were in order and delivered them to the show site. The ring steward, Carl Trehus, set up his table so that he could begin handing out armbands. At 800, Sweepstakes Judge Annette Rogers-Rister arrived so the show began. It was a delightful day all together. After Sweeps judging was completed, our seminar was slated to begin. Our terrific Canadian friend, Chris Heartz, had organized a very informative seminar entitled A Breeders Forum. Sue Goddard served as her very able assistant and the participants enjoyed a unique presentatioaOn Wednesday morning, we began the judging of our regular classes with the very capable judge Mrs. Jackie Klein officiating. Concurrently, an AKC committee headed by Dr. Edwards collected 124 Pomeranian cheek swabs samples for DNA testing. There were only two verbal complaints about the process. This volunteer process should enable the AKC to verify that the loci they have chosen can be successfully used for identificationparentage purposes of Pomeranians. Considering the AKCs Frequently Used Sire requirement that goes into effect July 1st of this year, it provided a convenient possibility for compliance. Collectively, this provided a minimum savings of 3,720 for those who did participate on that date. As Health and Genetics Chair, Marge Kranzfelder appreciated your cooperation and participation.The next event on this busy day was our Annual Awards Dinner. The food was both plentiful and excellent. I didnt hear any complaints about it. Tish Cannon, Awards Chair, presented a most awaitedPage 40programpassing out the awards. She did a beautiful job with her presentation. The results are published elsewhere in this publication. Next came an event which has become traditionalour auction. Master of Ceremonies and Auctioneer, Steve Cookston, did his usual super job. We are very grateful to him for his outstanding performance.Wanda and I want to thank you for your kindnesses and consideration. We were pleased with the Specialty and hope you were also. See you in Kentucky next year.Judges Critique of Regular Classesby Judge Jackie KleinIm writing to share some of my thoughts with the Fancy about the APC National held 32200 in Dallas, Texas. First, I want to thank the membership for the privilege of being invited to judge at this prestigious event. Second, I apologize to those who attended the dinner and let me know they were disappointed that I didnt make a speech about the show. Tmst me, I am not good at public speaking So here is my overview of this shows extremely large entry, with commentary.The puppy classes were a delight. So many beautiful youngsters, with most anxious to bestow kisses on the judges hands. Theres no better test of good temperament and personality These little ones had great attitude, as well as overall beauty and soundness. While difficult choices re group placements had to be made, Im certain that many of these will gain their titles.Adult classes were almost as hard to sort and place because of the quality apparent in each division. However, here I would like to mention some positives as well as a few negatives in the breed that I observed while judging.There were many pretty faces, wii sweet expressions. Ear sets we reasonably high, with ears small i medium in size. Eye size and shape most correct. Bites were good overall. A fe objected to showing their bite. Trainir can and must overcome this probler Many exhibitors used a cue-word teetl which the Poms responded to very goc idea. Im sorry that I fund many ope fontanelles. Breeders should be aware th these holes in the skull may caus problems sooner or later. Vets expre serious concern over these defects, ar while anxiety might not be warranted, it best to stay knowledgeable on this subjec Rear movement was better than front, an fronts in general need improvement. A up-on-toes sound straight front is vei desirable, and usually translates into stron true movement.About coatsthe Poms were beautiful groomed, coats were clean, dense, an standoffmany were trimmed for neatnes only. However, as an oldtimer, I regret th the heavy, long harsh coats that used to b preferable and so beautiful, have current] fallen victim to scissor-itis. Extensiv cutting, shaping, sculpturing, whatever yo call it, just doesnt seem right for th breed. Personally, I especially dislike th chopped-off bibsfronts. But when judginj putting down an otherwise deserving do on the basis of aggressive grooming by th handler becomes a moot question.I wish that every breeder could hav attended this extraordinary showcase c Pomeranians. Afterwards, many askec Did you have a good time They mu have been teasing, knowing that I had to b wishing I had more blue, purple, and gree Award of Merit ribbons to hand out certainly was a thrilling experience t judge this huge National Specialty, an was never-to-be-forgotten occasion for me Ive always known that Pom people wer special, and APC-Dallas 2000 proved once again. Thanks for this wonderfr opportunity, and do keep on doing wh you do bestloving and improving or favorite breed.Page 41- w -.1m'MZlJt4t..k inAvalon's First Knight "Lance"Oz. Starfire s Brian of Lenette x Avalons Queen NefertitiCongratulations and best wishes to Ruby Poole We will always be grateful to Ruby for one of our foundation bitches, Ruby's Charming Alanda Okla "Landy" Gli. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Ch. Ruby's Gator Maiden Oklahoma. Pictured above, playing in the snow, is Landy's great grandson, Lance. Watch for him in the ring soon with our awesome handler, Jackie Rayner.Avalon Pomeranians-Annette Eric Davis208-234-0932 FAX 208-234-0792 Web site e-mail davisAvaIonPom.comfor excellence in qualify, type temperament.DREAMwEATES riMiumiProudly presents another ChampionCh. Rubys Firemaiden of Dream WeaverLil Redr-CWINNERS,,NEWCHAMPION yt UaCh. Rubys One Man Show Encore ROM x Rubys Naughty NormaLil Red is shown going WB BOS for a 3-point major to finish her Championship i judge Mrs. Carole Beattie at the Muncie, IN Cluster. Thank you for this win to finish her. W also proud to announce that the next day, as a move up special, Lil Red took BOB over dog specials. Thank you judge Michael Heflin for appreciating her quality.We owe a very special Thanks to Ruby Poole, Lil Reds Breeder, for believing in a coup newcomers and parting with this lovely Red Sable girl. Lil Red is her sires 8 Champion Congratulations on your well deserved Kennel Visit.OWNERSHANDLER Linda Pelz and Michael Wells Valparaiso, IBREEDER Ruby F. Poole httpwww.dreamweaverpoms.comPage 43APC SweepstakesJudge Annette Rogers-Rister1. Starfires Bandolero..................Puppy dogs 6-9........................owned by Jose A. Cabrera and Fabian ArientiPuppy dogs 9-121. Velvet Touch Flash Karizma owned by Manuel Gonzalez and Terry P Miller1. Mountain Crest X-Calibur.........Senior dogs 12-19.......................................owned by David and Carlene Gilstrap1. Starfires Lady of the Night ....Puppy bitches 6-9......................... owned by Jose A. Cabrera and Fabian Arienti1. Jan-Shar's Dixie Chick..............Puppy bitches 9-12.........................................................owned by Sharon HansonSenior bitches 12-181. Velvet Touch Charm N Karizma......................owned by Manuel Gonzalez and Terry P. MillerBest Junior VBlvBt Touch Flash of Karizma Bast Opposite Junior Starfirs's Lady of the Night Best Senior Velvet Touch Charm N Karizma Best Opposite Senior Mountain Crest X-Calibur Grand Sweeps Winner Velvet Touch Charm N KarizmaRegular ClassesJudge Mrs. Jackie Klein1. Mr. Sandman of Lenette............Puppy dogs 6-9.................................................................owned by K.G. Griffith1. Velvet Touch Kid Karizma........Puppy dogs 9-12.......................owned by Manuel Gonzalez and Terry P. Miller1. Wee Hearts License to Thrill...Dogs 12-18..................owned by Cassandra Evans and Donna Machniak1. Foxfires Good Fella .................Brad-by dogs.......................................................owned by Janine G. Pannell1. Jan-Shar's If Looks Could Kill.Open dogs RDCS.........................................................owned by Sharon HansonOpen Dogs AOAC1. Carousels Black Shado Dancer.........................................................owned by Linda GustafsonWinners Dog Jan-Shar's If Looks Could Kill Reserve Foxfire's Good FellaPage 44Puppy hitches 6-91. Jan-Shar's Drop Dead Gorgeous...........................................................owned by Sharon HansonPuppy bitches 9-12Jan-Shar's Dixie Chick ............................................................................. owned by Sharon HansonBitches 12-181. Bar-Jon N Janesas Tillie..................................................................owned by Barbara MessmerBred-by bitches1. Starfire's Lady of the Night.................................owned by Jose A. Cabrera and Fabian ArientiAmerican Bred bitches1. Lil Ponderosas Chesai Jill................................................................owned by Sherry Cartwrightpen bitches ROCS1. Canton White Fantasy..........................................................................owned by Sharon HansonpBn bitches AOAC1. Janesa NBets Whoops Color.............................................................owned by Bettie CarpenterWinners Bitch Canton White Fantasy Reserve Starfire's Lady of the NightVeteran dogs1. Ch. Glen Iris Luckdragon..........................................................owned by Tim and Sue GoddardBest of Breed Ch. Razzle Dazzle Texas Hoedown owned by Greggory and Charlene WatersBest of Winners Jan-Shar's If Looks Could KillBest of Opposite Ch. Peperie Persnickety owned by Peter A. Petterson and Victoria Oelrich Best Puppy Velvet Touch Kid Karizma Best Bred-by Starfire's Lady of the NightAwards of Merit Ch. AJs Smokin Joe, Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Batman, Ch. Radgolls No Assembly Requir'd, Ch. Jan Le's Millie Wakit of Luemar, Ch. Peperie Persnickety Stud Dog Ch. Janesa's N Jan-Shars Chance owned by Camilla Knight Brood Bitch Ch. Janesas Traditional Trend owned by Camilla Knight5 Vy BEST BRED BY ^ - EXHIBITORBest PuppyVelvet Touch Kid KarizmaBest Bred-byStarfire's Lady of the NightPage 45Lenette PomeraniansBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-757 84V22Mr. Sandman of Lenette Ch. Dominic of Lenette x Ch. Sweet Charlotte of Lenette Brenda Segelken, Handler e have some very promising litters coming up and a few puppies tliat will be ready to go a We have three new puppies that are a repeat breeding to the above male. Congratulations auline McFarland on your new champion Chips Ahoy of Lenette sired by Ch GE Mr. Chips.Best wishes to Ruby Poole on your Kennel Visit.ione, fax. or write for our latest price list. Yes, we do have puppies for sale sired by the llous Ch. Great Elms Mr. Chips.We specialize in the Great Elms bloodline.Page 46Jan Le Poms h,eIAWARD OF MERITAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW MARCH 2000 NUGENT PHOTO f Mlr\Am Can Ch. Jan Les Millie Wakit of Lue MaAm Can Ch. Jan Les Maker of Fools x Ch. Millamors Little Millie MakitJAN LE presents our newest winner Thank you, Judge Jackie Klein, for this Award of Merit.'iFLASH Back to back Group Is and Best In Show under BettySandbergJane Lehtinen 218 741-2117Page 47icBest of Opposite Ch. Pep Brie PersnicketyWINNERS2Q3CWinners Bitch Canton White fantasyBest in Sweepstakes VBlvBt Touch Charm N Karizma48dTysSStSi OPPOSITE suSWEEPSTAKESJUNIOR CBast Junior in Sweeps Velvet Touch Flash of KarizmaBest Opposite Junior in Sweeps Starfire's Lady of the NightJ-W.fLBest Opposite Senior in Sweeps Mountain CrBst X-CaliburBest in Veteran Sweeps Ch. Glen Iris LuckdragonhJr ,jjMCB SvsasfcStud DogCh. JnBsa's N Jan-Shar's ChanceBrood BitchCh. Janesa's Traditional TrendPage 49WE LOVE TEXASBISS win for Ch. Razzle Dazzle Texas Hoedown Top Obedience Pom for U-CDX Razzle Dazzle Concerto, UD2h. Razzle Dazzle Winters Song pictured below congratulates her brother on his BISS win d their uncle on his Top Obedience award I had a great time in Texas-and I wasnt even reongratulations to Sawyers owner, Charlene Waters. I wish I had been there to cheer you on d jump up and dow n w hen the judge pointed to you and Sawyer for BOB.3resto is bredco-owned by me and ownerhandled by Lilian Zentgraf. Hes a great little man 10 does many things well including therapy work, demonstrations, and, of course, obedience. hope to see both these dogs at the APC Summer Specialty and the Pom Club of Greater dtimore in July 2000. Hope to see yall there tooitll be a great time.BEST OF PPOSITE SEX oSPECIALTYCATONSVUE KENNEL CLUB f . IOCTOBER16,991999 I- KAY KERNANRazzle DazzleJudith b. Green 822 Parkside Boulevard Claymont, DE 19703 302 798-3023Page 50RAZZLE DAZZLE TEXAS H0ED0W1With a name like this I was bound to go westSAWYERWENT TO TEXAS LOOKING FOR A HOEDOW] AND THIS IS WHAT HE FOUNDAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW MARCH 22, 2000 bester REEDBEST OF BREEfV \AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLU SPECIALTY SHOW MRCH 2000 __-^wnTO 23_SAWYER finished his championship with 3 majors and 2 Group 4 from the classes. The APC Show was his first time out as a SpeciOwner handled.Thanks to Judy Green for the chance to take SAWYER home to Utah. When I first saw this boy, I knew I needed him out West. Aft knowing him, I cant imagine our home without him.OWNERS Greggory S. Waters and Charlene R. Waters 1625 E. 11400 S. Sandy, Utah 84092 BREEDERS Judith B. Green and William H. GreenPage 51rFirst in Puppy G-9 JanBsa's KlBBn SwbbpaAward of Marit Ch. AJ's Smokin Job1Award of MeritCh. Jan Lb's MilliB Wakit of Lub MarAward of Merit Ch. Foxworth FanfarBOF MERIT inKHI -yiT Itfr-ru2QqAward of MeritCh. Ragdoll's No Assembly Requir'dHigh in TrialMar-Vic's Stuff'd Black Bear UDX, NAPage 52PERFORMANCE NEWS AND VIEWSby Barbara McClatcheyTHE APCS NINTH OBEDIENCE TRIAL. - .jOn March 21, 2000, the firstPomeranians into the show ring in Duncanville, Texas, were not walking on the end of their leash in fact the first six entries were not on leash at all in the ring, since the handlers removed the leash and put it on the judges table before entering the ring. Obedience was the order of the day as these dogs walked at heel, came when called, and stayed where put. Pomeranian toes twinkled as they raced to retrieve dumbbells, and the joy of jumping showed in their tail carriage as well as their faces.The faces of the exhibitors were also happy, as the Obedience goody bags were handed out. This year the APC paid for materials to make bags, and the exhibitors provided things to go into each bag. Thebags, made of canvas, had three sma pockets on one side, with a Texas fla attached. On the other side was a larg pocket with a picture of a Pomerania jumping over the letters APC. Abov the Pom were the words Nation Specialty Obedience Trial, and below wa the date. Exhibitors worked to outdo eac other with gifts of toys, leashes, magnets pens, food for dogs and people, and mon One of the exhibitors plans to attach velcr to close the center of the bag, and use it a an article bag. Shell also have to cover uj the large pocket, since AKC will not allor any club ID to be carried into th Obedience ring. After the trial, exhibitor got together for a group picture of all th Obedience dogs, and again for supper tha night to talk Pom Obedience.Page 53BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES SENIORVY V, \K UALLAS-FI WORTH l POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW MARCH 2000 L3V ' NUGENT PHOTOFOREVER BUTTERFIELD celebrates the beginning of his show career by winning BEST SENIOR SWEEPSTAKES at the Dallas-Fort Worth Specialty. Thank you, Judge Jackie Stacy, for seeing his quality through his puppy antics in the ring.And thanks to all the people who worked hard to make these Texas Specialties possible.Marge Kranzfelder 831 623-9265 Fax 831 623-2612 kranzmarhollinet.comPage 54PEPERIE POMERANIANS rzAWARD OF MERITBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW MARCH 2000 NUGENT PHOTOrCLEESECH.PEPERIEPERSNICKETYPercy is pictured BOSAOM at the APC Winter show in Dallas under BreederJudge Mrs. J. Klein. THANK YOU SO MUCH for this prestigious win And a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who was so supporting of her, and for all the wonderful compliments We had a great time and met some wonderfulpeople. Percy started off her specials career at her first show of the Millenium by going Best of Breed at the Westminster Kennel Club This is the first time in MANY years that a bitch has achieved this honorNow consistently winning BOBS and Group Placements... Watch for PERCYwith her Mom and handler, Vikki Oelerich...A GORGEOUS teamPeter A. Petterson Vikki Oelerich Box 734 Woodbury, NY 11797 631-351-2901Page 55Placements Novice B1st place went to rane Lehtinens Jan Les Just a Lady. An APC member, Jane drove all the way down fom cold Minnesota to show in both Conformation and Obedience. Jane is also i breeder and a Conformation handler, one f those all-round people I so admire.Novice B2nd place went to Carol ^eemhuis Spitfires Animated Suspense CD. Spencer had finished his Novice title ifter entries went in, but before the trial. Carol came from Pittsburgh with Camilla Cnight, whose entry in Novice A, mfortunately, did not qualify. Novice A is d rob ably the most difficult class to get eady for. Most exhibitors spend about 2 ears or more preparing the dog for that Jrst entry. The relationship built between exhibitor and dog during the training is fantastic. That Novice A dog teaches us so nuch, and we never forget them.Open B1st place went to Barbara VfcClatcheys Mar-Vics Stuffd Black Bear UD, NA. Tuffy is officially retiring fom the AKC Obedience ring, by the way. rhis was his third-in-a-row High in Trial at he National Specialty. He will continue to ompete in AKC Agility, and in Tracking, oo, if we can ever find the time.Open B2nd place went to Barbara VfcClatcheys Janesas Tiffany Is an ingel CDX. Tiffany is now concentrating m Utility training and hoping to show in he Utility class at next years Specialty.Also entered in Open B was Camilla ^eemhuis Princess Lacey II CDXI rope Lacey will be showing against riffany in Utility next year Jimmie ^awrences CH Yellow Rose Dazzling Darcy CD in Open B was the dog that ame the shortest distance to ompetethey live in Fort Worth. The log that came the furthest was also in Dpen B Windmist Mickey Mantle CDX, TR and his owner Deena Schiebein, came ill the way from Surrey, British Columbia, o compete. Deena e-mailed me that they stayed around to show on the weekend at he Dallas-Fort Worth Trials. She writesthat on Sunday Mickey got a 196.5 and tied in Open B for first place. I was so proud of him. Conditions were not good for any dog let alone a ten inch Pom. It was so hot as well. He worked like I know he can. It is what its all about I dont mean winning cause I lost in the run off, I mean that feeling that you both did your best.The one entry in Utility this year, by the way, was also Tuffy, who did not qualify in that class. He decided to be creative, as our Obedience dogs, especially Pomeranians, sometimes do. Glove 1, did you say, Mom I think Ill switch to 2. And oh, I think I like the other jump betterCH Yellow Rose Dazzling Darcy CD, with APC member Jimmie Lawrence, took 1st place in Graduate Novice. Jimmie, since she lives so close to Duncanville, nobly supplied the jumps for the Trial for the 3rd year in a row. They cant ask you next year, can they, JimmieMar-Vics Stuffd Black Bear UDX, NA and Janesas Tiffany Is an Angel CDX owner, Barbara McClatchey were the only entry, and therefore 1st place, in Brace. I would encourage those of you with more than one dog in Obedience to try Brace. I dont practice for Brace with my dogs, since I consider it a just-for-fun thing. And at the Pom Specialty it is fun to see two dogs working together, side by side.NEXT YEAR the National Specialty Obedience Trial will be in Louisville, Kentucky, on March 13. I understand that there will be multiple Obedience and Agility Trials that week in Louisville, so plan to come and make a full week out of it. And dont forget the APC Summer Specialty in Baltimore, MD. The Baltimore Pom club is also having an Obedience Trial, and I hear that the trophies are probably the biggest everPage 56offered in Pomeranian Specialty Obedience.TOP OBEDIENCE POMSThe American Pomeranian Club awards for Obedience dogs are written about by Tish Cannon elsewhere in this issue. Briefly, the Top Obedience Pomeranian for 1999, who defeated the largest number of dogs in competition, is U-CDX Razzle Dazzle Concerto UD, a.k.a. Presto. Presto is co-owned by Judith Green and Lillian Zentgrafdo read the story of this dog Top Open Pomeranian and Top Utility Pomeranian, for the three highest average scores in that class, as published in Awards for 1999 were taken by U-UD Mar-Vics Stuffd Black Bear UDX, NA. These awards are given only to APC members.I asked Judith Green, Prestos breeder, to tell me something about herself actually, this is her response to a questionnaire I sent herI have 6 Poms in the house but I own more on co-ownerships. The dogs are confined to the family room and kitchen. I use 12 inch boards to keep them out of the other rooms its easy for people to step over. Yes, they do tty to jump at one time or another, but with one or two corrections, they dont do it again. We had a small kennel room built at the back of the garage that opens into the family room. Their crates are kept there, the door is always open and they can come and go as they please. However, I can put them in their crates and shut the door when grandchildren or too many people who arent used to small dogs around their feet are there. All dogs are crated when no one is home and when we are in bed.I got my first Pom from Sophie Mayes May Morning in 1977. I bought him specifically to show in obedience. He was Razzle Dazzle Jeffrey, UD OTCh pointed. If you look at the Pom video, at the veiy end the dog sitting there is Jeff.I am now training Ch Razzle Dazzl Winters Song Winter in obedience Shes a delightful, full of energy intelligent little girl that I am having bundle of fun with. She also neede something to do and pushed me to get ol my butt and train her. Her career i obedience has been put off because Im th worlds laziest dog trainer. She is going t be bred when she comes in seasoi hopefully, in MarchApril.AMCan Ch Razzle Dazzle Music Ma AmCan CDX Dallas 1986-1987 wa the first Pom I ever bred and the love c my life. Winter is trying to change thi and is doing a pretty good job of it H was a wonderful boy that I showed i breed and obedience at the same time an he never skipped a beat. In Canada, o one day he went Group I and HIT with 198 Vi. Yeah, he was goodvery gooc He was trained through Utility but bein the worlds laziest dog trainer, I neve showed him.You know, one of the best things abot showing Poms in ob is the recognition yo get. My dogs are very good workers an Ive done quite a bit of winning and it wa always interesting to hear people commer on how good they were and how 1 don believe a Pom could work so well. I didn know they were that smart" that las comment always frosted me. When I wa showing Jeffrey and Dallas everybod knew me and to this day, I can go to the o ring with a Pom and people know who am. Ive been out of the ob ring fc several years and now hope to be bac shortly.I havent ran into a particular probler showing a Pom in ob except Im real getting leery about the sits and downs. Ir hearing some horror stories that I don1 like. I get really nasty whe someonesomething threatens my dog Ive been known to boot a lunging boxer i the chest who was on a long line with a inattentive handleryeah. Im that bacPage 57MOUNTAIN CREST X-CALIBURCALs 1....BPBEST OPPOSITE SEX SWEEPSTAKES SENIORNtr tAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW MARCH 2000 NUGENT PHOTO'rCh. Paughprints On The Mtn. Crest x Mountain Crest RonniCal is one of several really nice puppies out of our Logan. We are very proud of Logan and what he is producing. We went to Texas to have a good time not really expecting to win. but it so much more fun when you do. We want to thank Annette Rogers-Rister for recognizing Cals gret movement and wonderful profile.Cals sister stayed in Texas with the Pietzschs and unfortunately has not missed us at all. You will be seeing her on the Texas circuit soon.MOUNTAIN CREST POMERANIANS David and Carlene Gilstrap Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 423-821-1015 dcgilstrapaol.comPage 58Ch.AmCanIntI BISS Faxworth Fanfare AOM..lSite1 tAWARD OF MERITi -nAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW MARCH 2000 NUGENT PHOTO__ NDALTON dedicates his APC 2000 National Specialty Show AWARD OF MERIT to his illustrious parents who produced his perfection ... CH. ROCK N TRADITION 01 OAKRIDGE1 producer of champion offspring aka IAKE AND FOXWORTF FANTASIA-the lovely lady of Foxworth Kennels in New Brunswick, Canada.DALTON GRABBED THE BRASS RING AGAIN BY CLAIMING THE BEST OF BREED AT THE DFW POM CLUB FOLLOWING THE NATIONAL. THANKS TO IACKDE KLEIN AND ARLENE BENKO FOR THE THRILLS AND CHILLS....TO DALTONS GANG WHO SUPPORT HIM WITH THEIR CHEERS AND ADMIRATION FOR THE CORRECT POMERANIAN WHOSE QUALITY IN EVERTASPECT OF THE BREED OCCUPY THE PRESCRIBED CIRCLE PERFECTLY...............YOUARE THE GREATESTVirginia Watkins Erika K. Morureau Pam Dodsworth Larry FoxVirginia Watkins Houston, Texas 281442-1247Presentation breeding Info Erika Moureau 281 351-9516Page 59Wait, wait, I know of a problemmy jack All that bending so far downJudith also does conformation, and she 3reeds, but not often. She has bred several champions, including Winters brother and sister. She says that she always had German Shepherds up until 5 or 6 years ago. She trained her GSD Colby, and leffrey and Dallas in the same way. However, I am training Winter iifferentlyusing attention and more positive reinforcement. Training has changed dramatically since I trained my fust dog in the late 60s.Judith is an APC member, as well as being active in the Pom Club of Greater Baltimore and in the Delaware Valley Toy Dog Fanciers Association, a club in the Philadelphia area. The DVTDFA what a line-up of letters is now holding B-OB matches and planning to hold O-OA matches next year and then hold specialties. I think its fun to show at all-Toy trials. I hope well see Judith in Louisville next yearAGILITY ADVICE FROM ANNAnn Griffith Morris writes with some suggestions for anyone who wants to do both obedience and agility. If you are starting with a puppy, she suggests that you start with agility firstThe best agility dogs, and the ones that are the most fun to show, are capable of working at significant distances from the handler. When Hootie completes an agility course in under half the course time, I am not close to himtrust me on this oneObedience, especially heeling, teaches a dog to stay close to the handler. I have found it easier to teach a dog to work close in obedience after getting the distance control needed in agility, than vice versa. Agility dogs need a good recall, stay, and leave it, but heeling can be left for later, after the dog is well started in agility. Ifyou have already started obedience and want to do agility, by all means do it. Many good agility dogs started in obediencebut the sooner you get going in agility, the better.Some people think that agility ruins obedience dogs, but I do not believe that at all. In fact, agility benefits obediencego outs and directed jumping are taught so easily after the dog has had agility training. The incredible fun of agility gives a dog lots of spark and drive for obedience.One more training tip do not correct your dog Correction shuts down behavior and makes a dog fearful of making mistakes. Throw away your choke chain, get a clicker and some bait, and train your dog by showing it what you want and reinforcing that. Dont even say noif your dog makes a mistake, show it what you want, reinforce that, and youll end up with speed, drive, focus, and confidence.And Ann adds A message to the breeders, work on those stiflesPERFORMANCE TITLESAKC from Awards. Februaiy-MarchCompanion Dog Cee Dees InkyDinky, NA, Catherine Thompson.Novice Ability Chut Tanu Khuse, Sam and Catherine Clemente Judys Itzy Bitzy Mitzi, Judy Bussey.Open Agility Lord Peter of Bristol Court, NA, OAJ, John David and Connie Zieba.Ability Excellent Foxy Little Siter, CD, OA, Beverly Taub.Novice Agility Jumper Chut Tanu Khuse, NA, Sam and Catherine Clemente Cee Dees Inky Dinky, CD, NA, Catherine Thompson Chaundis Tribble Minot, CD Teresa Connors Frog Hollows Dark Princess, UD, OA, Catherine Thompson.Excellent Agility Jumper Toby En Charge, CD, OA, OAJ, Cindy Diglis.No Pom titles in UKC Bloodlines for March-April.Page 60Please, if your dog gets a performance title in a Registry I dont monitor in other words, other than AKC and UKC, send me the information and I will gladlypublish it Also, Im still waiting to gel your stories about your Therapy Dogs.Barbara McClatchay, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566 409 297-7383 bclatchmastnat.nBtDallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, Inc.March 2000 Specialty Show ReportMarch 23-24, 2000by Annette Lynn HeiseWell, another year has come and gone, and we have just finished our second specialty show at the Duncanville Holiday Inn in conjunction with the American Pomeranian CM winter specialty I reflect upon this years show with mixed emotions. Next year the APC winter national will be Louisville, Kentucky, a beautiful place for dog shows ] hear And that means we will not have so much work to do here in Dallas-Fort Worth What a relief, I say on one hand No more washing and hauling ring mats, painting rin standard poles, hugging the cement anchors, buying boxes of plastic and taping it to the floors, ordering food and trying to keep the hotel management on their toes Oh, whai will we do next year without all that work and worry Well, with any luck at all, we will be able to fly to Louisville and watch someone else work and worry....NOTOur owr Cindy Boulware, this year and last years Show Chairman for the Dallas-Fort Wortli Club, has agreed rather reluctantly to be the Show Secretary for the APC Winter Specialty in Louisville That means she will have even more work and worry next year Me, on the other hand, I will just get to fly in and enjoy it after I get done helping her with whatever she needs done on THIS end. I know I wont get away scott freeNo, honestly, it will not be the same here in Dallas-Fort Worth next year without all those lovely Poms and lovely Pom people who have graced us with their presence over the last 2 years. We will just have to try hard to make it exciting and wonderful regardlessI will begin with our trophies and try to describe their uniqueness and beauty for those who were not here to see them. The trophies were an assortment of fine bone china, imported from England, crafted in a pale creamy white with a beautiful Pom on each and every piece, finished off just right with delicate gold trim. I do believe we outdid ourselves this year. I think all the winners were pleased and will treasure their trophies. The trophies came in such items as a clock, teapot, varying sizes of vases, jars, cups, and beakers. I would like to extend special thanks to all those who contributed their money to support our trophy fund. Thanks to all the generous Pom people around the country, our trophies were paid for and the club did not have to support the offering. You guys and gals are wonderful We also had on display our beautiful ensemble of fused glass items which the club is offering as a challenge trophy in memory of our dear pom friends and past club members, Jill Cookston and Jimmie Patrick. The ensemble consists of matching table lamps, picture frames, a clock and a flower vase. The trophy can bePage 61mEJ BiMl B ^kFIRST PLACE STUD DOGAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW MARCH 2000 . o' NUGENT PHOTO iAi, XmtXPCH.JANESAS N JAN-SHARS CHANCEwinning the STUD DOG CLASS in Dallas with two of his champion sons...CH. SUNDOWNS LITTLE CASINO CH. SUNDOWNS HIDE N ZEKEChance is the foundation sire at SUNDOWN.Camilla Knight 513-271-7820 Cincinnati, Ohio sundownfuse.netPage 62i ,I t AAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW MARCH 2000 NUGENT PHOTONCH. JANESAS TRADITIONAL TRENDwinning the BROOD BITCH CLASS in Dallas with her two champion sons...CH. SUNDOWNS LITTLE CASINO CH. SUNDOWNS HIDE N ZEKEZeke is exclusively handled by his owner,Carol Leemhuis 412-344-8257 Pittsburgh, PA leemhuisworldnet.att.netFLASH Zeke takes BOB Thursday in Louisville and BOB at Pittsburg ALL THREE DAYSPage 63laimed if Best of Breed is won three times by the same owner, not necessarily the same log, and not necessarily consecutive wins.The highlight of our show this year was our Second Annual Costume Contest, held to support the Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, Inc.s rescue efforts. Our entries were nine, not quite so many as last year, but the costumes were even more unique, and the judges were even more creative, and the CROWD WAS EVEN MORE OUTRAGEOUS And GENEROUS Our judges were the brilliant and witty Marge ECranzfelder and the very capable and knowledgeable Erika Moureau We are grateful to both of them for putting on such a fine show for everyone. Marge and Erika conducted a quiz for the exhibitors and audience, modeled after the popular television show Do You Want To Be A Millionaire and used questions about the Pomeranian history and the Pomeranian standard to not only educate all of us, but to make the contest much more interesting and FUN. The audience really got into the spirit of things this year It was a great time for everyone. And I am certain each one of us learned a lot tooWe also held a Rescue Showcase on Sweepstakes day, and four of our rescue poms were shown and their stories shared. We were pleased to see Chancy and his owner back again from last year. Most of you remember Chancy dressed as a clown, doing his tricks last year. He is such a smart little guy.Thursday evening, March 23rd, was our Wine and Cheese social. The purpose of this event was to bring pom people together in an informal setting so that they could meet pom friends and have a comfortable chat, that is meet pom friends that they had already met on the internet, or on the telephone, but had not met in person Many of us had been lucky enough to meet a lot of pom people before, in past years, and could just renew old acquaintances and try to catch up for lost time. But there were a lot of us who had not met many of the people there before, and it sure was good to put a face to a name I made a few new acquaintances too, and it sure was nice to talk poms with everyone and get to know them a bit better The hotel presented a beautiful table filled with fruits, cheese, crackers, vegetables, dips and beverages. I hope everyone who came enjoyed themselves as much as I didOur Sweepstakes judge was the capable Mrs. Jackie Stacy. Jackie was happy to be with us and did a very efficient and excellent job of judging the pom puppies shown to her that day. Sixty-one were entered and most of them were present at show time. Jackie, as most of you know, was a sanctioned AKC judge for a short time, poms being one of her breeds. She had to give up her sanction due to conflict of interest with her husbands job change, and it has been a loss for her, as she truly loves the Pomeranian breed. We thank her for coming all the way to Dallas to judge our Sweepstaies. Her winners are as followsSWEEPSTAKESThursday, 32300 Judge Mrs. Jackie StacyPuppy dogs 6-91. Elans Jamaica Me Crazy .............................................................owned by Melissa DahlenburgPage 641. Velvet Touch Flash of KarizmaPuppy dogs 9-12......................... owned by M. Gonzalez and T.P. MillerSenior dogs 12-181 .Forever Butterfield..........................................................................owned by Marge KranzfelderPuppy bitches G-91. Millamor's Classical Music......................................................................owned by Eleanor MillerPuppy bitches 9-121. Jan-Shars Dixie Chick .........................................................................owned by Sharon HansonSenior bitches 12-181. Ka Cees N Janesa's Special Edition ............................................owned by C. and K. StalnakerBest Junior Velvet Touch Flash of KarizmaBest Opposite Junior Millamors Classical MusicBest Senior Forever ButterfieldBest Opposite Senior Ka Cees N Janesas Special EditionThank you again, Mrs. Jackie Stacy, for judging our Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeraniar Club, Inc.s Forty-First Specialty SweepstakesDALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUBSPECIALTYJUDGES CRITIQUE Judge Mrs. Arlene BenkoI wish to congratulate Cindy Boulware, President and Show Secretary, Lynn Heise and members of the Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club for a well-run show. Thant you to Carl Trehus, my ring steward, for running and efficient ring.It was my pleasure and honor to have been invited to judge an entry of 131 Pomeranians. The quality has improved, the winners were dogs of excellent temperament and similar in type.My choice for Best of Breed was the lovely Ch. Foxworth Fanfare, sired by Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Foxworth Fantasia owned by V. Watkins, E. Moureau. P.Dodsworth, and L. Fox. He is a great showman with good expression, well proportioned, proper coat texture and a sound mover. What more can I sayMy Best of Opposite Sex was the lovely Ch. Crickets Bobbie Sox Special, sired by Ch. Heartlands Top Notch Tradition x Lucky Delights Lil Cricket bred and owned by Ann Berryman. Alert and intelligent expression, good proportions and proper coat, another sound mover. Pretty as a picture.Best of Winners and Winners Dog, Rash Mystic Rebel of Pufpride, came from a huge Open Dor ROCS class, sired by Ch. Allayns Rock N Rebellion X Ch. Pufpride Mystical Madison bred by C. Appleton and owned by R and S Wells. He had attitude and showmanship and a proper fitting coat and made my choice easy.Page 65KARIZMA POMERANIANSi 1 1RTHLUBowVelvetouch Flash of Karizma12 points, both majorsCongratulations to all the Specialty winners. All of us are winners when the quality is as deep is it was this year. Thank you to all the wonderful friends, new and old, that gave us a helping land at the Texas Shows Jane Lehtinen, Tommi Hooban, Alexandre Baptista, Fernando 2audero, Belen Jimenez, Karen Crawford, Tony Cabrera, Fabian Arienti, Janine Panell, and Charlene Waters, and of course, a BIG THANK YOU to the JudgesAnnette Rogers-Rister Velvetouch Flash of Karizma-APC Best Junior, Velvetouch Charm N Karizma-Best Senior and Best in Sweeps. Jacqueline Klein Velvet Touch Kid Karizma-APC 1st in 9-12 uppy and Best Puppy in Show.Jackie Stacy Flash-DFW Best Junior and Best in Sweeps shown by Tony Cabrera.Maxine Beam Flash-Texas Kennel Club, BOS for a 5-point major.Last but certainly not least, thank you Janet Bordelon, breeder of these beauties.Manuel Gonzalez and Terry P. Miller5403 Trinidad Drive Tallahassee, FL 32310 850 656-9201 email thekeepsakeprodigy. netPage 66AJS POMS .miAWARD OF MERITAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW MARCH 2000 NUGENT PHOTOEISA, BISS Ch. AJs Smokin Joe GC, HOFFrazier finished 1999 as 1 Pom in Breed and 5 in Group with AKC. He alsowas 3 Pom with APC.Frazier ended his show career at the APC National Specialty where he was awarded an AWARD OF MERIT by breederjudge Jackie Klein.His show career consisted of one BISA, 4 BISS, 7 Group Ps, 14 Group 2s, 10 Group 3s, 11 Group 4s, 108 BOB, 2 BOS, one BOB Westminster, and BOB at both National Specialties in 1999.He has retired to sunny Florida to become our 1 stud dog and couch poato.He is at public stud.Frazier was expertly handled his whole show career by Nadine Hersil whom he misses very much and to whom we all say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU.BREEDERS OWNERS Ashley and Jerry Miller 850 474-6277Page 67Winners Bitch and Best Puppy, Jan-Shars Drop Dead Gorgeous bred and owned by Sharon Hanson came from the huge 6-9 puppy class. She lives up to her name. Her sire is Tookeyes the Goldsmith x Jan-Shars Little Jane.My Reserve dog, Mr. Sandman of Lenette came from another huge 6-9 class, a real showman, that I could not overlook. Bred and owned by K.G. Griffith he was sired by Ch. Dominic of Lenette x Ch. Sweet Charlotte of Lenette.My Reserve Winners Bitch, Tim Sues Traces Trinket was very typy and in good condition. Bred by T and S Goddard and owned by A. Pye and S. Goddard, Sired by Jeribeth Trace of Tim Sue x Larron Chances R for Tim Sue.As you all know I am a breederjudge, and my congratulations go to the breeders and owners of the lovely poms that I had the pleasure of judging. Congratulations to all the winners, and I thank all of you for entering. OUR BREED IN FINE SHAPE.SPECIALTY SHOW RESULTSJudge Mrs. Arlene BenkoThe judge for our regular classes was Mrs. Arlene Benko, of Cape Coral, Florida. Mrs. Benko has been a Pomeranian breeder and exhibitor in the past. Her kennel name is Blossom Heights. She began her dog career in Collies and then transitioned into Pomeranians. Arlene is very active in her role as judgeeducator. She is involved in holding judge seminars on a regular basis. She was honored to come to Texas to judge our show, and has submitted a critique of her winners from this show which is included in my report. Arlene is in control of her ring and knows what she is looking for. She does not waste any time in putting the Poms and exhibitors through their paces. She is systematic but she takes a good look at each and every dog entered. Her choice of winners for the day are as follows1. Mr. Sandman of LenettePuppy dags 6-9owned by K.G. Griffith1. Sergei of LenettePuppy dogs 9-12owned by Russell KernPuppy dags 12-181. Wee Heart's License to Thrill..................... owned by Cassandra Evans and Donna MachniakBred-by dags1. Elan's Jamaica Me Crazy ..............................................................owned by Melissa DahlenburgOpen dogs ROCS1. Rash Mystic Rebel of Pufpride ....................................... owned by Raymond and Shirley Wellspen dags ABAC1. Carousel's Black Shado Dancer..........................................................owned by Linda GustafsonWinners Dog Rash Mystic Rebel of Pufpride Reserve Mr. Sandman of LenettePage 681. Jan-Shar's Drop Dead GorgeousPuppy bitchas 6-9owned by Sharon HansonPuppy bitchas 9-121. Jan-Shar's Dixie Chick .........................................................................owned by Sharon HansonSenior bitches 12-181. Antom's Nobody Knows.............................................................................owned by Anita J. FarrBrad-by bitchas1. Randy's I Believe in Magic UT................................................................owned by Randy Buskepen bitches ROCS1. Primetime She Is Just A Girl.........................owned by Thomas Mclntire and Tonya McClellanpen bitches AQAC1. Janesa N'Bets Whoops Color ..............................................................owned by Bettie CarpenterWinners Bitch Jan-Shars Drop Dead Gorgeous Reserve Tim Sues Traces TrinketVeteran Dog1. Ch. Creider's Time For a Tiger...................................................... owned by Mrs. Norma CreiderBrood Bitch1. Bow Boys Sweet As Can Be.......................................................................owned by Anita J. FarrBest of Breed Ch. Foxworth Fanfare owned by V Watkins, E. Moureau, P Dodsworth, L. FoxBest of Winners Rash Mystic Rebel of PufprideBest of Opposite Ch. Crickets Bobbie Sox Special owned by Ann M. Berryman Best Puppy Jan-Shars Drop Dead Gorgeous Best Bred-by Elans Jamaica Me CrazyAPC Board Meeting 32000Donna Lynn Wright, Recording Secretary 200-B Gateway DriveBel Air, MD 21014 410 879-1459Home 410 557-7490 Fax 410 803-9781 E-mail lynnpomaol.com118 p.m. Jim Shearer called the Board Meeting to order.Roll Call Jim Shearer, Wanda Roach, Linda Brogoitti, Marge Kranzfelder, Margaret McKee, Fran Stoll, Charlotte Creed, Annette Rogers-Rister, Donna Lynn Wright, Annette Lynn Heise, Brenda Turner.Jim Shearer moved to suspend with the reading of the minutes from last board meeting Charlotte Creed seconded. Motion passed.Page 69ECO POMERANIANSGIUGUSHO--------------------TviMvtT^wncumjOBBLER CLASSIC3-14-15,199 748 7529T7ft-BEST OF WINNERS l OPPOSlCH. MONARCS IN THE NICKA TIME Nicky Sired by Ch. Reginapoms Luv-A-GatorREGMAR GRANTS ECOS WISH Lilly Dam is ReginapomsAll That JazzA big thank you to Judge Desmond Murphy for recognizing the quality in my dogs and naking this winning day one that I will always remember.Nicky finished his championship last spring with several BOB placements over top vinning specials. Lilly has a BOB placement, a best puppy,, and a puppy group placement ..all owner handledCongratulations to Regina Nunn of Reginapoms on her well deserved kennel visit. Thanks 'or taking the time to share your knowledge about showing dogs with me. Most of all thank ,ou for allowing me to own some of your bloodline. I wish you continued success in ireeding and exhibiting Poms.ECO POMERANIANS Elizabeth Cockrill 1603 James Madison Hwy.Hay market, VA 20169 703 754-8890Page 70ECO POMERANIANSV3r\ BEST OF OPPOSITE I 'CANNAPOLISA N fjAPo L15KENNEL locr^rCLUB "OCtSAUGUST22.1999 JLWDAVEASHBEY ' 0 nECOS HIGH TIMECh. MonArcs In The Nicka Time x Annons High TangieSheba is shown with Judge Ann K. Summa winning from the 6-9 month puppy class her first weekend out. Thanks to Mrs. Summa for this win and for your kind compliments on Sheba. She now has several points from the puppy class and was also awarded reserve winners bitch from the puppy class at the Baltimore Pom Clubs Specialty Show. She lias been going through a coat change but will be back out this spring.Once again. I'd like to thank Shari Shields of MonArc Pomeranians for allowing me to own Nicky Shebas sire and my first champion. Hes truly an asset to my breeding program.ECO POMERANIANS Elizabeth Cockrill 1603 James Madison Hwy.Haymarket, VA 20169 703 754-8890EE.Page 71Breeder ReferralJane Lehtinen reports that breeder referral is running smoothly. She has three people working with her to answer calls. They are doing a good job. Jane recommends that we can use Non-APC members to help with answering breeder referral calls.Marge Kranzfelder moved that Non-APC members can be used to help answer inquires with Breeder Referral.Charlotte Creed seconded. Motion passed.Membership ChairmanWanda Roach and Brenda Turner reported on membership in place of Annette Davis. Annette Davis is compiling information for The 2000 Roster.Treasurers ReportWanda Roach reported on finances for 1999.64,709.18 - total yearly income 58,159.30 - total yearly expenses 6,549.88 - yearly net profit Account Balance as of 1299 - 13,326.63A yearly audit will be done in the near future.Judges EducationCharlotte Creed reported that seminars are going well, Charlotte had done a seminar in Oklahoma and there was another done in South Carolina. Availability of Judges Seminar Manuals was discussed.Linda Brogoitti moved that we make available the Judges Seminar Manual through the corresponding secretary at a price of 10.00 each.Wanda Roach seconded. Motion passed.Charlotte Creed moved that a club holding a judges seminar can be given one free copy af the APC approved Judges Seminar Manual to make copies of, as long as copies are exactly like original. Additional copies after this would be available to the seminar-giving club for a fee of 5.00 per copy.Brenda Turner Seconded. Motion passed.APC Educational InformationAll agreed that APC Information Booklets are free to anyone as always.Annette Rogers-Rister reports that we need more copies made of The Illustrated Standard.Charlotte Creed moved that we have The Illustrated Standard reprinted 50 copies at itime.Brenda Turner seconded. Motion passed.Health GeneticsMarge Kranzfelder reported that Dr Edwards will be holding DNA Testing on Wednesday 22200 in the lobby outside ballroom. The first 150 swabs will be free.AKC DelegatePage 72Marge Kranzfelder reported on the AKC meeting, in particular the Handle Certification issue which Marge reported was not passed this time but it could come u] to vote on again. The APC voted NO to Handler certification if the AKC votes on thi issue again in the future.Ways MeansDonna Lynn Wright reported on the Auction to be held following the banquet. Item are on display in the ballroom with members adding to it all the time.Specialty 2001Fran Stoll reports that The Executive Inn our 2001 specialty showsite is direct across from the main gate of the Kentucky Fair Expo Center. The Inn is withii walking distance. Show dates are March 13 14, 2001. Hotel contract was discussed final changes are being made.Pomeranian RescueLinda Brogoitti reports that Diana Downeys title is APC Rescue Coordinator. A1 rescue information can be found on the APC website which Diana Downey maintains.Unfinished BusinessJim Shearer reports that we need a decision about whether to post Constitution anc By-Laws or Standing Rules on the APC Internet website. This subject was discussed.Charlotte Creed moved that on the APC website we should post the club Constitution Code of Ethics, By-Laws, and club membership application.Lynn Heise seconded. Motion passed.Linda Brogiotti moved that we have Dudley Roach correct the grammar in the clut Constitution, Code of Ethics, By-Laws and the Membership Application prior to it beinj posted on the APC website. His corrected papers will be sent to the recording secretary. Charlotte Creed seconded. Motion passed.Margaret McKee brought us up to date on the titles presented to dogs. A discussior took place.Marge Kranzfelder moved that dogs producing titled get as follows6 titled get for dogs 4 titled get for bitches ROM15 titled get for dogs 6 titled get for bitches ROMXCharlotte Creed seconded. Motion passed.Margaret McKee will work on coming up with a separate title for dual champion get.Motion 00-01-01 was voted on again, voted down MOTION FAILED Pertained to Talent Survey, motion found in March 2000 Packet Lynn Heise will work on revising talent survey.Motion 00-02-02 Marge Kranzfelder moves, it is part of the presidents duties to specifically charge define a committee or individual with specific duties that composePage 733ln iKemory of....'n1--Serial . . JacksonPage 74Derial Calhoun Sanders Jackson died January 23, 2000, in Columbia, South Carolina. He was 77 years old. He is survived by his wife, Frances. During World War H, he was a carrier based Navy pilot and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal for specific combat actions. Derial graduated from the University of South Carolina. Following many years in the publishing field, he retired from the Richland County Public Library. Derial was a kind and gentle man greatly beloved by those who knew him.Derial had a great love for the Pomeranian and was one of the few people left who had actually seen and touched Pom greats of the past. He was also the first Pom columnist for the breed, having become columnist for DOG WORLD at the age of 14. You may recall seeing his columns in the Pom Review over the years. In his memory, I am printing a portion of one of his older columns featuring Ch. Little Sahib, one of his favorites....Ch. Little Sahibwhat wonderful memories this dog brings back to me. I still would rather have owned him than any Pom Ive ever seenhe had that quality, whatever it is, that makes the difference between a very good dog and a great one I had become interested in Poms in 1932 when I was ten years old. Whenever possible I went to the local shows and kennels and began, by twelve years old, to correspond with the various exhibitors, assiduously collecting photos, pedigrees, and any information that I could about the current winners. In 1936 I wrote my first article on poms in DOG WORLD and continued writing until I went into Naval Aviation in 1942. The breeders were wonderful to me and I pestered them with letters, questions, requests, and the like. In 1933 Mrs. Matta brought out Sahib. From his pictures, I felt I had never seen anything more beautiful. He was one of the heaviest coated Poms ever shownbrilliant golden orange, the sweetest face, tiny ears, highest plume that went over his head when posed. He weighed 4 34 pounds and showed like a king when in the ring. Also, his disposition was sweet and docile, yet he had that special fire that typifies the brightness and intelligence of the Pomeranian. He was shown from 1933-1937, racking up 40 Best of Breeds, 33 Best Toy, 4 Best All Breed, 4 best American Pom Club Show, Best Toy Morris and Essex 1935, 1936, 1937.Mr. and Mrs. Matta invited me to the 1938 Westminster and Pom Club Show. You can imagine how excited I was for Id get to see Sahib, meet many people I had corresponded with and see the show debut of a new English dog they had imported to breed to Sealand Career and Little Sahib bitches. His name was Sealand Moneybox, and he had already sired an English champion, Ch. Ofleda Ilika. I was 15 years old and this was my first long trip away from home by myself. I spent a week with my aunt and uncle in New York, then I was to go to a hotel with the Marias for the two dog shows. On the day of the Pom Show, I went to the Pennsylvania Hotel and was met by the Marias with Sahib who was being shown Exhibition only Moneybox to debut at the Westminster. What a thrillThat night at the hotel suite I saw Moneybox for the first timethis dog who was to become the greatest influence on American Pomssire of 27 champons and back of most of the American lines today. My loyalty to Sahib was really tested, for here was the most beautifully colored, shaded sable Id ever seen. His color was fabulousa rich gold undercoat, red-orange stand-off harsh outer coat tipped with jet black. He was about 4 pounds, huge coat, wonderful action, short cobby body, highset tailall in all, quite a model of perfection. I must mention his head as it was excellent He had perfect dark almost black eyes with no tendency to be round or popped as so many bing shown then had. They were perfect size and shape, oblique not round. His ears were small. His general appearance was one of great beauty and appeal. He went from Open Dogs to Second in the Toy Group at the Westminster show. He quickly made his title undefeated in the breed and was quickly retired to fulfill his duties as a stud. He was immediately successful. In his first litter for Mrs. Maria, he sired Ch Moneybox Gold Coin and Ch. Moneybox Cashier. The dam of these two wasPage 75their assigned task in which they serve. New Motion found in March Agenda -voted iown-MOTION FAILEDNew Motion made by Fran Stoll to replace 00-02-01All APC board members and appointed officials shall only communicate in official business utilizing the APC title. Communication expressing a personal opinion shall not include the APC title.Charlotte Creed Seconded. Motion passed.Brenda Turner will head the audit committee.Names of judges for 2002 Specialty were discussed.Margaret McKee will correspond with a woman who wishes to donate back issues of the Pom Review dating back to 1986.Margaret McKee makes a motion to sell all back issues from July 1980 and on for 8.00 each.Charlotte Creed seconds. Motion passed.Names on the nominating committee will be submitted by April 20, 2000.Wanda Roach moved to adjourn at 514pm. Linda Brogiotti Seconded Meeting is adjourned.APC General Meeting 32100735pm - Meeting was called to order by President Jim Shearer. No annual meeting in 1999 so there were no minutes to be read. Jim Shearer gave a brief summary of the APC Board meeting on 32000The club By-Laws, Constitution, Code of Ethics, and Membership Application will be put on the APC website.Judges Seminar Booklets will be sold for 10.00 each.Illustrated Standard will be reprinted and sold for 15.00 each.Corresponding Secretary ReportBrenda Turner remarked that we had a very good year with phone, mail, and e-mail correspondence. There is a lot of interest in our breed, and our website has generated even more interest than usual.Treasurers ReportWanda Roach reports on our 1999 Finances.64,709.18 - total yearly income 58,159.30 - total yearly expenses 6,549.88 - total net profit Account Balance as of 1299 - 13,326.63Page 76Committee ReportsShow CommitteeAll present gave a big round of applause to Wanda and Dudley Roach for putting on this years show. Everything going smoothly so far with more to come. More entries this year than last year. Congratulations to Wanda and Dudley.2001 APC Specialty will be in Louisville, Kentucky. Jim Shearer will be Show Chairman, Show Secretary will be Cindy Boulware. The dates are March 13,14, 2001.Donna Lynn Wright reports on Summer Specialty being hosted by The Pom Club of Greater Baltimore, will be held in Towson, Maryland at the Sheraton. The dates are July 4 - 6, 2000. PCGB will be hosting a cruise on 4th of July night, a judges seminar presented by Charlotte Creed, shirts are for sale, and 5 other all-breed shows are there also. All preparations are going well.Ways Means ReportDonna Lynn Wright states that Auction Items are being collected and displayed in ballroom. Auction will be held following the banquet Wednesday night.Breeder Referral ReportJane Lehtinen has received many calls this year, with no complaints.Breed Rescue ReportLinda Brogoitti reports that Diana Downey is our Rescue Co-ordinator. Non APC members do sometimes help with Pom Rescue. Rescue averages 5-20 calls a week. Everything is going well.Awards CriteriaMargaret McKee states that the board has decided to return to the original wording for performance titles.They are as followsROM - 4 titled get for bitches 6 titled get for dogs ROMX - 6 titled get for bitches 15 titled get for dogsHealth Genetics ReportMarge Kranzfelder tells us that Dr. Edwards will be here at 8am on Wednesday 32200 to take DNA samples free testing for the first 150 samples. A certificate will be supplied for 10.00 per sample if you request one. Dr. Gary Johnson is the contact if you want to participate in the Alopecia Study. He would like to have affected dogs as well as unaffected and siblings. Alopecia testing does require a blood sample. They are searching for what common genetic markers and chromosomes are present.AKC Delegates ReportMarge Kramfelder gives us an update of the Annual Board Elections for the AKC.Membership ReportWanda Roach reports for Annette Davis who was not present. March 1st was the delinquent date for APCPage 77GH's POMERANIANSBreeders of quality Pomeranians Ch. Stud service toapproved Bitches PuPPles OccasionallyG. H. Rumbaugh Sheila Fields Phone817 838-2004 Fax 817 222-1091 E-Mail ghpomsairmail.netfountain View 9oms540-337-29659at a, 9jger agueE-mail patdaguehotmail.comP.O. BOX 209 201 Falling Rock Drive Stuarts Draft. VA 24477An excellent breed education tool forPomeranian VideoVHS 30-minute program"Selecting Caring For Your Pet Pomeranian"every breeder's library1-800-570-3647IMinds 24.95 eachVolume discounts availablePetiyom PomeraniansPat Cummings903 S. Market Box 279 Maryville, MO 64468 660-562-2572 Dogs5aol.comBonnell s Linetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm Dixon, IL 61021w.CH. STUD SERVICE QUALITY PUPPIES HOME RAISED LOVEDDaniel Taylor Jr.Bonnie McIntosh-Taylor360-458-P0MS 7667 Yelm, Washington504 384-7466 After 700pmJanesa s Poms1072 A Landry Road Jerrie Freia Morgan City, LA 70380Page 78S.W. and Brenda TurnerBrynR-OsePOMERANIANS3910 Concord Place Texarkana TX 75501 903-832-7742^ran SmithflandHrQrmkrP VV.'4702 Avenue -i 1 Talmdale CS 33661 661-266-3527Xafasic PomeraniansJulie Kallbacka 3703 Hancock Rd. Magna, UT S4044 801 252-3417Ch Mini Mr\ icc Puppies occasionalIQlliSseyroiBllliBIHon of Mdti SIS8155Cbwopioo Odyueys Keoo VuMO CC COM fcdLnwr. VC, rSWZ-i1 Poro 1991 APCSreeitrQuntrHtrrdlcrJanet Manusza^-LucidoMU W. Ellery, Fretoo. CA 957H Vtjone 559458-0556 CHOiS'SSWSKeOOViP_ Hifapwwtanicuii Gina Jhuuittf8152714 UleadV Qiand. Jet, HO. 815C 97C-243-42C0Z-mail je^pomaolMunMILLWMOHI POMSA0en and Eleanor Miller 1777 Orange Tidier Rgad Jackonvdle, Florida 32223PM 904-260-4308oXvatm ipfPomewmccmd'^LSjy-vCh. Avalon's Valentino Starfire Ch. Moreno's Special Amigo AmCan Ch. Moreno's Perri Winkle 3 Pom in the USA 1993Annette Eric Davis 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail Web site Lovingly raised puppies available. Reasonably priced, inquiries welcome.Page 79dues to be sent to Annette Davis. There is a 5.00 extra charge for dues received after this date.Judges Education ReportCharlotte Creed tells us that the seminars are doing well. Dot Martin is in the process of doing a seminar. Sally Baugniet did one earlier, as well as Charlotte herself held one in Arizona. Charlotte will be holding another at the summer specialty in Baltimore on July 3, 2000.Unfinished Business NONE New BusinessSally Baugniet made a motion from the floor as a recommendation to make Sophie Mays a lifetime member of the APC.Lynn Heise seconded. Motion passed.Vote 30 - Yes O-No810 pm -Wanda Roach made a motion to adjourn Brenda Segelken SecondedCalled Second Board Meeting 32100Called to order by Jim Shearer at 905 PMWe have a motion to take under considerationthe Life Membership of Sophie Mayes.Jim Shearer read the qualifications for a Life Member. The issue was discussed.Margaret McKee made a motion that the board accept the following statement in answer to this motion made at the annual meetingWhile the board recognizes Sophie Mayes many years of service to the APC and The Pom Review and her extensive contribution to the breed, the clubs by-laws do not permit the board to award lifetime membership to her.Linda Brogoitti seconded. Motion passed.Jim Shearer made a motion to adjourn 920 PM.Brenda Turner seconded.REGISTRARS CORNERby Jean SchrollGold ClubCh. AJs Smokin JoeRegister of Merit Hall of FameCh. Pixies Seel Magnolia Ch. AJs Smokin JoeCh. Jan-Shars Sinbad of VelvetouchRegister of Merit ExcellentCh. Odysseys Keno WizPage 80San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty02252000by Margaret OntiverosOur annual San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty went off with nary a hitch orFriday, February 25, 2000. We began with a Sweepstakes for all poms 6-12 months Next was an obedience demonstration with Annaray Rhien and her eleven year old partfemale, Sungolds Geez Louise and La Rae Brown with her brace Sungolds MokeDarbee, six years old and Sungolds Justa Minit, 5 years old. Our last minute judge change, Joy Davison, did a lovely job of judging regular classes of our independem specialty. We broke for our potluck lunch then held a costume parade with 6 delightful entries an angel, a biker dude winner, a clown, an elephant, a musketeer, a wolf ir sheeps clothing. They were all delightful Dan Felix and Dan Ontiveros were orn judges. The festivities concluded with a large raffle of unique items.SweepstakesJudge Ms. Lanie McKennon6-9 months puppy dogs1. Finch's One Cool Dude.....................................................................owned by Karen Crawford2. Jan-Shars Its A Jungle Out There.................................................owned by Sharon Hanson3. Goldsun Charger Sparkle .......................................owned by Daniel and Margaret Ontiveros9-12 months puppy dogs1. Sungoid's Frankie...............................................................owned by Patricia H. Andrasovsky6-9 months puppy hitches1. Finch's Runaway Bride..........................................................................owned by Barbara Fluff2. Goldsun Chianti Rose...............................................owned by Daniel and Margaret Ontiveros9-12 months puppy bitchss1. Canton White Fantasy.......................................................................owned by Sharon HansonBest in SwBBps Finch's One Cool Dude Best Opposite Canton White FantasyRegular ClassesJudge Mrs. Joy P. Davison6-9 months puppy dogs1. Finchs One Cool Dude......................................................................owned by Karen Crawford2. Jan-Shars Its A Jungle Out There................................................owned by Sharon Hanson3. Goldsuns Charger Sparkle ....................................owned by Daniel and Margaret Ontiveros9-12 months puppy dogs1. Sungolds Frankie................................................................ owned by Patricia H. AndrasovskyBred-by-Exhibitor dogsPage 811. Sunglo's Sudaniel Fortesque ..........owned by Bruce Economy, Andrea Rose, and Daniel andTammee Felix2. Cuba Jax ...............................................owned by Jerica and Chade Green and Carole Moorepen dags ROCS1. Sungold Phyner Jus Wonderful..............................................2. Sunglo's Pompano .................................................................3. Toyrific Dion Diablo ............................................................4. Montefinos Crowned Flyer..................................................pan dags AOAC1. Jan-Shar's Only The Shadow Knows ...................................................owned by Sharon HansonWinners Dog Sungold Phyner Jus Wonderful Reserve Sunglo's Pompano6-9 months puppy bitches1. Finchs Runaway Bride..........................................................................owned by Barbara Pluff2. Goldsuns Chianti Rose owned by Daniel and Margaret OntiverosBred-by-Exhibitor bitches........................................................owned by Letitia Cannon.....................................owned by Tammee and Daniel Felix...........................................................owned by Maya HunterpBn bitches BBB1. Finch's Walkin' In Fashion.........................................................................owned by Diane Finchpen bitches ROCS1. Canton White Fantasy .........................................................................owned by Sharon Hanson2. T-Villes Some Bunny Loves Me .owned by V. Gilleland, L. Cannon and G and L. GoldbaumWinners Bitch Finch's Walkin' In Fashion Reserve Canton White Fantasy1. T-Villes Titanic Rose ..2. Sunglo's Secret Desire3. Toyrific Grey Poupom .. owned by Anna LaFortune owned by Janet Sue Lange......owned by Maya Hunter.....owned by Michael RuizmWinner Costume Contest Trophy tablePage 82Sungold's Happy CamperVeteran bitchowned by Annaray RhienBest of Breed Ch. Pominique N Nobles Dark Vader owned by Alane Levinsohn Best of Opposite Ch. Sunrays Riders Samantha Rose owned by Tammee and Daniel FelixBest of Winners Sungold Phyner Jus Wonderful Best Puppy in Regular classes Sungolds Frankie Brood Bitch Ch. Sunray Samantha RoseIt is with great sadness that we report the death of one of our best supporting members on Wednesday, February 23. Her name Roberta Corkill owner of a BIS Pom Ch. TLC Gladiator, Portugese Water Dogs, aHavanese, and other breeds.The rain stayed away all weekend until about 3 p.m. Sunday afternoon. First year, in a long while, we were dry in February.Best of Breed Fine JewelryCONFORMING TO BREED STANDARDS0 011111iHi...Just a note to let you know that our latest designs of fine jewelry are now available and may be seen on our web-site.Please call, fax or send us an e-mail if you ha ve any questions. We can also customize any of the illustrated pieces of jewelry - specifically for you.Jack W. BenjaminFfiriam Benjamin1111111111110 0STUDIO 800.992.1927 FAX 516.594.0934 e-mail P.0. Box 484 Valley Stream, NY 11582Page 83Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moinesby Juanita FiddickOur first specially show of the new millennium started with a snow storm on the Thursday before the showforecasters predicted up to a foot of snow.All the trophies were loaded in the motor home. Bob and I, and the Poms, were ready. Now we had to wait and see if we could make it. Luck was with us for by late Friday afternoon, the roads were already cleared, and we headed for Des Moines. We got there safe and sound.Saturday morning, we were ready. News reached us that our judge was stranded in Denver, Colorado, and she wouldnt be able to leave until 300 p.m., if then.Sweepstakes were scheduled for 300 p.m. and the Regular Classes at 315. We had a quick lesson in what to do without a judge.The judges available were not toy judges, but we could use them Luck was with us once more. The specialty judge for the Shetland Sheepdogs would be finished shortly before ours started. She agreed to do our specialty also. Thank you, Mrs. Maureen Metzger.Our Sweepstakes judge was Ms. Rhonda Nagy. Entries were small4 with one absent, but we had 3 nice young males exhibited.6-9 months puppy dogs1. Pom Acres Thrill Of Victory ..............................owned, bred, and handled by Juanita Fiddick2. Tradewind's Classie Cruiser................................................owned and bred by Glenda Shaffer9-12 months puppy dogs1. Jan Les Maker of Time.......bred by Jane Lehtinen and owned by Jane Lehtinen and DuaneGaulkeBest in Swoops Jan Lo's Maker of TimeRegular ClassesWinners Dog Pom Acres Thrill of Victory owned and bred by JuanitaFiddickReserve Wildwood Spirit of Pom Acres bred by Elizabeth Hafferman andowned by Juanita FiddickWinners Bitch Pom Acres Atomic Vixon owned and bred by JuanitaFiddickReserve Pom Acres New Days Dawn owned and bred by Juanita FiddickBest of Breed Ch. Cascades Sunkist Shadow bred by Doris Wheeler andowned by Pat Cummings Best Opposite Pom Acres Atomic Vixon Best of Winners Pom Acres Thrill of VictoryOur February specialty ended with lively bids on our silent auction. We wold like to thank everyone for their contributions. For every show we have wonderful Pom items that are one of a kind. Thanks to the talent and generosity of our members and the exhibitors that buy our novelties so that our club can continue to offer nice useful trophies.Page 84mmiPage 85vvmTelephone419 8453170bjpomsgte.net4ExtanePomeranians^ ,' -Sd jj-lSm W JvSharon Shipek-4803 3rd Ave. So.BreederHandler Great Falls, MT 59405406 452-9104 Fax 406 452-4105Great Elms and Lenette LinesBrenda Duncan P.O. Box 486Milton-Freewater, OR 97862 509 525-4347 e-mail httpwww.patsrtes.comDuncanPomeraniansLOVELY POMERANIANS\jOVtLfVictoria E Lovely 1406-D 54th AveE Tacoma, WA 98424-1284 253 863-8608 home fax Email LovefyPomaAOL.comFINCHS POMERANIANSBIS, BISS Ch Finch's He Walks On Water, RDMXCh. Raginapoms Patrick OTinch's Ch Finch's Dream Walkin'Ch. Finch's Walkin' AitBr Midnita Ch Finch's A Noble Tradition Ch Finch's The Legend ContinuesWhiteRedOrange end WhiteBlack and WhiteBlack and Tan parti puppiBs Stud ServiceDiane L. Finch 28453 630th KBllBy, IA 50134 515 769-2444 dfinchdlpcpartnernet www.fmchspoms.comPage liiiuiaru.ri Uul Inc Hull laiefile dil ^vy gookmaics JjUicns Decroi Wirdo'- Hcdis 1 52 a m o P V Ic-jd Prri j Fnd Stop JGo let hftxAvm prodogs oomkjrnapcincteK htmVhat'c New J ''ha'.'sCoo'- j Deotraliz-n J f-rt tearch Psopte Sc^wsreJAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. V V . . V V VThe American Pomeranian Clnb. Inc. is a non-profit organization. The APCtze .merntiiliU'u iruinfacfj itandarroremrfdMmeBrder.ReferraletnlfransiDirectoryCut.foflpa f TerrAKEvents Uhl,onuaisniinSfe0 0C3iCfta^r l. Cti" '.iMTOWiLuim aLLoa ialo.otljePomeranianiReuiciun NAME KENNELNAMEPHONENUMBERCOOESsre legend bcltmBiwy, -SoxiMurf Dwmgi Mil, ,DSBounnaSborae comDowney, Diana M. Sdror Sprme MTDsnofldefflbieoteoni3utriPinoleSssaii410 655-3055 534-355Ss-301 184-52si exBE. EX H. C 5. Gurvin, Jurmha K.BrlLesiik UHLL--iI. 55 ,-_3M Ofc. KShield. ShariTinKy- 1JX 11. CCII'I 577-501 l .,5 E5_ ETC 5. i a., i - -r.a_.ihttp www. m A m erica n. Po m .Cl u bPage 87AdvertisersBack IssuesMargarBt R. McKbb,- 2426 Sandy Hook Road,- Goochland, VA 23063,- 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 1988S20.00 BachJan 75--------Oct 77-------- May 79---------April 808.00 sachJul77--------Feb80-----------Jul 81-------------Oct83Apr 86------Jan 80---------- Jan 908.00 sachJul 80-------Oct 80-----------Apr 82-----------------Oct 82Jan 83-------Jul 83----------- Apr 84-----------------Oct 84Jan 85-------Apr 85-----------Jul 85------------------Oct 85Jul 86-------Sept 86--------Nov 86-------------Jul 87Oct 87------Jan 88----------- Jul 88------------------Jan 89Apr 89------Jul 90------------Oct 90----------------- Jan 91Mar 91------May 91--------- Jul 91from September on except Aug. 97 which is 15.The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year 3rd class mail, 45 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.MmV .'VAPC Web Page...................................................87Best of Breed Jewelry........................................83Elizabeth Cockrill........................................ 70, 71Norma Creider...................................................18Pat Cummings....................................................78Pat and Roger Dague......................................... 78Annette and Eric Davis................................42, 79Brenda Duncan...................................................86Eukanuba................................................Inside FCDiane Finch........................................................86Jerrie Freia..........................................................78Marilyn Garner................................................Front CoverDavid and Carlene Gilstrap................................58Manuel Gonzalez and Terry Miller...................66Judy Green......................................................... 50K.G. Griffith.......................................................46Sharon Hanson.........................................2, 3, 6, 7Beau James Poms...............................................86Julie Kallbacka...................................................79Camilla Knight.............................................62, 63Marge Kranzfelder.............................................54Jane Lehtinen......................................................47Alane Levinsohn................................................19Larry Lopez........................................................15Victoria Lovely............................................14, 86Janet Lucido.......................................................79Bonnie Maclntosh-Taylor..................................78Ashley and Jerry Miller......................................67Eleanor Miller....................................................79Mind's Eye Productions.....................................78Gina Nunnery.....................................................79Pedigree........................................................... Back CoverLinda Pelz and Michael Wells...........................43Peter A. Petterson...............................................55G.H. Rumbaugh and Sheila Fields....................78Sharon Shipek....................................................86Fran Smith-Milteer............................................79S.W. and Brenda Turner....................................79Suzanne and Maricarroll Verlinde.....................18Charlene and Greggory Waters.........................51Virginia Watkins................................................59Page 88The American Pomeranian Club Officers and Board wish to thank all the people who supported the 2000 National Specialty with donations and entries and assistance. We are profoundly pleased and appreciative. THANK YOUCongratulations to all the winnersWe also want to thank the Dallas-Fort Pomeranian Club for providing the ring equipment and for all they did in pre-show arrangements. We are especially pleased for all the work they did. It was really appreciated.Our June Kennel Visit will be Janet Manuszak-Lucidos Odyssey Pomeranians. Odyssey is the home of the famous BIS, BISS Odysseys Keno Wiz ROMX, GC, HOF. Your supporting ads are very welcome.Our Tribute for the June issue will be to the illustrious top sire BIS, BISS Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water ROMX, GC, HOF. He has probably become the most famous black Pom in the history of the breed in terms of accomplishments. Your supporting ads will make an impressive addendum to the Awards section in this issue. Your supportive ad will be mostappreciated.7TcnktV\HU.4w.'V. t jTop 1skD a c2 PEDIGREE IS THE BEST- It IlitS THIN