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The Pomeranian Review March 1991

AmericanPomeranianQlub f, Inc.Pomeranianw a s wPublished Bimonthly Obedience Issue Marchfipril 19911 _____ 1i Klagig^ Boaif Pfsa Sssmap sDQfflga a ga japJan-ShartCh. Jan-Shars Hillbilly HeavenCh. Blakes Sir Robert John x Ch. Jan-Shars SaydeHeaven went to Ohio with one 4 point major she came home a Champion with 3 more majors.Dec. 13 - Lorrain County K.C. Elaine Rotman pictured above 4 ptsDec. 14 - Medina K.C. Luc Boileau, 4ptsDec. 15 - Richland County K.C. Alexander Schwartz, 4ptsI would like to thank Evelyn Blake for allowing me to use R.J. Hes producing some beautiful dogs.Handler Pam CampbellBreeder Sharon Hanson 304-497-2446Heaven now belongs to Mario Panlilio Jr.COVER STORYANMWS MUGGY BEAM FHOM SCAMP,AMER. U.D., CAN. C.D.X., HALL OF FAMEIf the Pom world did not know it before, they do now. Huggy has his Utility Dog Title The great day was September 23, 1990. That was also the day he was retired. At least I retired him not so by his standards. He is still after me to "work." Occasionally we do an open run-through. His bark and his flashy retum-to-heel position are still there.Utility was hard. Not the training, nor the matches, but the shows. It was in the ring where Huggy would show his intelligence and stubbornness by changing the AKC exercises, doing them his way. It was also there that he would teach me how to handle any other obedience dog I ever plan on showing again.Many people gave up on Huggy getting his UD. I did. He had received his first leg in November1989. He was brought out again in the spring. On June 1st, I gave up. A very good friend of mine, Linda Lundgren of SKOOF Shelties, had up until that time allowed me to cry on her shoulder with every nq. Having trained with her, having traveled to shows with her, Linda knew Huggy COULD do the exercises. She strongly believed he could get the next two qualifying legs. She took Huggy to her home, to matches and then to shows. At first she was worried that Huggy would not work for her. Wrong. Huggy did not care if he was working utility with her or her husband Charley. Linda and Huggy got the second leg in August form the Utility B class.There was one show in September that Linda could not show Huggy in the "B" class. I entered him in the"A" class to my great relief and utter amazement, he qualified for the title leg.Huggy has always been a terrific ambassador for the Poms. He has gathered many friends and supporters from his first show in novice A to the present day. He is the 78th Pom to get the UD. In all probability at a little over age ten and a half, he is the oldest Pom to ever gain any title. First and foremost though, Hugs is my best friend. The only regret I have is that he left the confirmation ring with only a major and points. Emotionally I could not return him to the breed ring.Huggy plays with open nowadays and for exercise goes to the park to track. A T.D. is not in his future. There is a time to call it quits, besides there are four other Poms who need to be worked. Soon it will be their turn in the rings.Mary Vickers 2818 Jefferson Drive Alexandria, VA 22303 703-960-7755The standards by which all Pomeranians are judged has just been increased...VT...and its an3 merican PomeranianlubexclusivePomeranian RSWOSiH MarchApril 1991 13iS [l3Qff3wPresidentMary Vidors1st Vice PresidentAudrey gberts2nd Vice PresidentDavid WattsSRecording SecretaryMappetft A. JonesCorresponding Secretaryprances J. StoCC Rural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501TreasurerAd WiCCiamsonSaCCy Baugniet CaroCA. Qalavich Margaret Mcfree Jean B. Sckrott Tony TeCez CfieryC Wagner Sam Zaneojf A'KC DeCegateEditorJail A. QarveyPublishing HouseT XPEDITIOAJ ^ PUBLISHINGPO Box A, 45 Pennwood Drive Mastic Beach, NY 11951-0501 Tel 516 399-3199 Fax 516 399-3182Circulation ManagerBrenda . Mutton R102 Tudor Lane Lansing, MI 48906 Tel 517 485-5183 1991 by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission. Published bimonthy JanMarMayJulSepNov in Mastic Beach, NY by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 25.00 per year 2nd class mail 30.00 per year 1st Class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and APOs US funds only.Custom graphics and all graphic compilations 1991 Expedition Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. All material and manuscripts submitted for publication with the exception of photos and custom graphics become the property of the American Pomeranian Club, all rights reserved. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.2 MarchApril 1991 PomeranianfeaturesBeyond AKC Obedience................................24Margaret MckeeHeeling Footwork..................................... 28Marian Lazzara A Confirmation Person Enters The Obedience Ring.........................32Jerrie FreiaObedience News............................................. 40Brenda HuttonObedience Stats And More...........................44Mary VickersArticlesCover Story.....................................................1Annons Huggy Bear from Scamp Am UD Can CD HOFAPC Kennel Visit...........................................35Annons PomeraniansQlub K]eusDallas Fort Worth Specialty....................... 12Mildred G. Patrick Bill McKinneyColumbia Pom Club Specialty.....................14Jean SchrollSan Diego Club Specialty.............................18Gloria CarlinMichigan Specialty........................................ 20Evelyn ConleyColumbia Webfoot Report............................22Jean SchrollNatural State Pom Fanciers.........................22Brenda TurnerColumnsTails to Tell........................................................6from the EditorUpdates.............................................................. 8from the PresidentCorresponding Secretarys Report. 10APOM SIG....................................................20Behind The New Titlists................................43Advertisers Index............................................48Advertising Policies 8t Rates....................... 48Pomeranian Index..........................................48T.he standards have nn8DSdl by almost 73\ Thats right, each page is now 73 larger than the old formatm. already have the highest circulation, the highest reader- ship. and more information and news than any other Pomeranian publication, but it just wasnt enough.T he American Pomeranian Clubs PomeranianSiSWQUM will now set the new standard in size, content, quality, and value\jfere moving forward with larger photos, more show reports, obedience news, regular columns, and more feature articles. More of what youve come to expect from the publication by which all other Pomeranian Magazines are judgedan the coming months youll see exactly what were talking about. The club is making a concerted effort to put more into the Pomeranian RIIWQII every issue. By increasing page sizes see examples on the following two pages you are given a format from which everyone will get a better, closer look at your pride and joy. The text size has increased as well, making you hang on every word, instead of searching for ito go ahead, explore and enjoy, and dont forget to give your feedback to your club officers. After all, its your club and your magazine. Get involvedPomeranian RSW0S\5S MarchAprU 1991 3iPresents our first Champion...Cfi. Stiver Meadows fficfiochetThe picture and show record speak for themselves. Thank you Jackie Klein, he is a pleasure to own.10- 27-90 TuledoK.C BOW11- 17-90 Lima K.C. BOW11- 24-90 Progressive K.C. BOW12- 08-90 Saxon K.C. WD12-09-90 Ingham K.C. BOW3pts4pts5pts2pts2ptsHandlerRollie ConleyOwnerEvelyn Newyear4478 River St Willoughby, Ohio 44094 216-946-1226Co-owner Evelyn ConleyPedigree in behind the New Titlists4 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian 5JW0\5LfiRGE fiPS WITHLOW PRICES SENDSHOCK WfiVESTHROUGH POMCOMMUNITY...Theres your old full page ad, down in the bottom right comer of this page.On the left, your new full page ad. Notice the increase in size. A full 73 largerThe new half page ad is either 7.5 inches wide and just under 5 inches tall or 10 inches tall and just under 3.5 inches wide. The choice is yours.The new quarter page ad is just under 3.5 inches wide and just under 5 inches tallNo matter what size you decide on, theres plenty of room to display all those great photos. In fact, take either a half page ad, or full page ad, youll probably come up with writers cramp and still have room to include a three generation pedigree for all to see Wow, what a thoughtLarger ads, laiger type, a lot more to be seen and read. Youll be able to examine that..................Left The new full page format is 73 larger in space than the old full page format. At present, there is no price increase on this spaceRight The old full page format sure looks small now. If you prefer the old size to the new, consider using a full page ad just like this page i.e. keep your ad the old size, and use the rest of the page to run your own advertisement articlestud, bitch, puppy, or show dog like never beforeThe price Well, someone goofed big time here folks. The club officers and board members havent finalized anything yet. Sure theyll be increases. A 73 increase in size has to be made up somewhere.So whats all this mean to you Hurry Go through every photo of every Pomeranian youve ever owned. Load em up in a truck, plane, train, or automobile and get them here quick dontforget the copy You know the APC cant afford these prices foreverPrices may never be this low again Nows the time to send in everything you have for the next issue The club officers and board members could have all of this figured out by the time you read this, so the time to act is NOWPrice increases shoud be announced here first, so that means you might only have one issue to take advantage of these rates. Need we say morePresents our first Champion...Cd. Silver Meadows Ricftocftetx.XfThe picture and show record speak for themselves. Thank you Jackie Klein, he is a pleasure to own.10- 27-90 Tuledo K.C BOW 3pts11- 17-90 Lima K.C. BOW 4pts11- 24-90 Progressive K.C. BOW 5pts12- 08-90 Saxon K.C. WD 2pts12-09-90 Ingham K.C. BOW 2ptsHandler Rollie Conley OwnrEvelyn Newyear 4478 River St Willoughby, Ohio 44094 216-946-1226Pedigree in behind the New Trtlistsfip-pmerEvelyn ConleyPomeranian MarchApril 1991 5TOILS TO TELL Jrom the By Gqil fi. Garvey edltorIm not really sure where to begin. As you may have noticed there have been quite a few changes made. First we have a new slate of officers congratulations good luck to all. Second a new Review editor thats me and third a whole new format for the Pomeranian Review.In the beginning...Let me first explain how I ended up as the new editor. The afternoon of December 18th I got a call from a friend knowing I have a desktop publishing business telling me that the APC was looking for a new editor. By the evening of the 18th, my husband, Leo who is also my sales representative got on the phone with the APC President, Dolores Watts. After a few phone conversations, Leo was asked by Dolores to give a presentation in New York City at the annual board meeting.Things began to snowball...On February 9th, Leo was at the meeting fully prepared. Desk Top Publishing can entail a lot of different type jobs. We hadnt done anything that looked like the Pomeranian Review in the past especially with all those photos. We went to the trouble of having a mock proposal cover in the old, smaller format made to show the committee that we could produce something similar to what they had in the past We also put together presentation packages for each board member, and had contracts ready to be signed so that we could start on the March issue right away. A decision was not reached that night. The board was considering changing the Pomeranian Review to a larger format what you have here based on a quotation received by another publishing house.Back to square one...We had to start all over again. Gathering infoimation on number of pages, size, volume. We even had to change the entire format we used the first time for quoting so the board could compare apples to apples not oranges. Another couple of trips to the printing house to get another quotation for the new, larger size. On Saturday, February 16th, we faxed the new quotation to Mary Vickers the new APC President. Four hours later we were contacted by Mary and told the committee had selected us, and all that was required was confirmation by all officers. We were also told that Brace Driggers would be sending us all the material for the March issue Now, keep in mind that by February 15th, the March issue is supposed to be in the mail and on its way to youPlay ballWe received the package on February 16th and the mad dash began. Mind you, as I write this March 3rd the committee still has not confirmed us as the new editorpublisher. The contracts are still in the mail, somewhere, and we expect to have them by the end of this week., so I ask you to please bear with me. I will get the Review back on track, by making it my FIRST PRIORITYPardon our appearance during remodeling...Its one thing to become the new editor and publisher under normal circumstances. Its quite another when you inherit, a publication that is already late when you receive it. Its even worse when you inherit something that has just changed its format, and basically has to be redesigned from page one right through to the last pageWhat Im getting at is if you see a large number of typos, some formatting that just doesnt make sense, or anything else that would send the words off with her head through the community, bear with me. By the time we get to the third issue, things should be pretty much settled, and the format will be complete.If you have any constructive criticisms, or good ideas, please send them. I cant promise theyll happen, but every bit and everybody can help.Submit what you like to see...If you are a committee member of a local club, make sure there is something from your chapter in every issue Make it a top priority Last but certainly not least, lets make those reservations for the back cover and both inside covers of the Review. How about a nice center spread advertisement You can call, write, or fax to find out which issues are available. Lets work together at making this magazine something to be proud ofEtc...On a personal note, I do love the breed and am the proud owner of a lovely orange female named "Brandy," who is very special to me. I have no intentions of showing Poms, but I go to a few local shows on occasion to cheer on the friends I have met since I bought her 4 years ago. I have been a subscriber to the Pom Review since 1987 and have acquired quite a few back issues. I have always enjoyed the Pomeranian Review and this makes the quality of the magazine very important to me.Sincerely,6 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian tRlWQSMJLun. -Jls,s. lPo ms xan. LanZPzzn...199\Cz.JLyn-JHe aMiss cAA OtlCLdfzcunfiL Lon.Hz. M.excx a Skax ^Vonna. CSz. llXamor A -Cyn- I'jsg aM.atleLa.- I-KIJJ ' JkAHz. cM.E.iaex a Ski.k H^anex H^an a^izxcex and SoeCyn Gontzyr'V- 1dj. eSlIavt HlAeadouJi. H^Lofzoof.k SoeLyn cNsjuayeax and Susfyn ConleyThanks to all who made this possible, judges, breeders friends. Ch. stud service, puppies and adults occasionally.Evelyn and Rollie Conley 20075 Vining Rd New Boston, Ml 48164 313-753-9245Pomeranian ^SVTOSM MarchAprU 1991 7UPDATES By Mqry A. Vickersfrom the presidentFrankly folks, Im a bit embarrassed about having my name show up in print here. It is not that I am embarrassed about being President, I am not. But, I have Huggy on the cover and the accompanying cover story I ghost wrote the kennel visit and there is all the obedience information. Then there is the ad about videos. It does look as if this is "my" issue. It does look like one person is "taking over" the APC. Although this may be your first impression, I do NOT want it to become a fact I plan to work very hard to make sure this does not become true Quite simply, I thought this would be Dolores end of office message. The Garveys inform me that this was already done in the January issue. It is February 23rd as I write this and I have yet to receive my January issue.When I made a decision to run for this office, I spent many hours no, days - O.K. months looking at the problems this Club has and attempting to find solutions. One of the first things I did was view the Club as a business. In actuality it is, although a non-profit one and does not pay workers. Lets talk about problems and possible solutions.The major problems in my opinion facing the Club are communication, organization and finances.To meet the communication problem - at the banquetmeeting when I took office, I made all the elected officers bring chairs to the front of the room and sit there so all could see who they were. You elected them. They are YOUR very visible people who run the Club. They are YOUR elected officials. I then declared that the Board would be an "open" Board. What that means is any business brought before the Board can be and is expected to be discussed by the Board members and YOU. They are to seek you out and ask your opinion AND they are to bring back YOUR ideas. The only time when the Board can be closed or silent is when we need to protect the identity of a personkennel, etc. This was only the first step towards the problem. There are many more to comeTo change the organizational problem - I presented to those members present and then to the Board the followinga Only Sally Baugniet can continue to be a committee chairperson Education Judges and general. All other Board members can be on a committee if they choose, but cannot be a chairman. This is so we de-centralize responsibility and get more members active in running the Club. But, each and every Board member can choose or will be assigned as a delegate or liaison to a committee. Their responsibility to those committees is to give their experiences and communicate what those committees are doing to the Board and make sure this info reaches the membership.b I will eagerly accept anyone who wishes to work for this Club, this breed, if they have the experience, the background, the qualifications and the willingness to work, even if they joined this Club yesterday Apparently the Board took this to heart. John Cribbs who was by your vote elected as a Board member, had decided not to serve if he were elected. This left a vacancy on the Board which was then filled as by our by-laws. Surprisingly, although several names were tossed out, Cheryl Wagner won a majority vote. Cheryl got her Poms accidently, as she puts it Cheryl has been in Samoyeds for 18 years, she has a tremendous background in dogs, showing, whelping and in clubs. She was as stunned as many of you are by her being appointed, and she promises to do her best.c As "we" dont know each member individually, in the March roster will be a membership survey and Pom census. From the info we get back, we hope to learn a lot more about YOU, what you do, and how you do it. The census will be about the number and type of Poms you own and what you are doing with them. In the year 1989 there were 32,000 Poms that got AKC registration papers, and almost 25,000 separate litters who got papers. How many of these belong to APC members What control, what representation do we really have in the Pom world Are we really doing all that is in our power to protect and advance the interests of our beloved breed You may feel these are strange questions, but what are the answers I hope each of you will take the time to fill out the survey and return itd The Board then graciously and enthusiastically approved these committeesArchives Historian and LibraryAudioVisual and Computers AwardsBoard of ExaminersEducation Judges and General HealthHealth - sub committee Skin DiseaseLocal Clubs Membership Secretary Obedience Review Liaison Public Relations Ways MeansIf anyone out there is interested contact myself or any of the Board people.Financial problems - we do not need a balance of 100,000.00 but we need to stop running a zero, near zero or under zero balance three months out of the year. To stop this the Ways Means committee is beginning to8 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian SISWOSM Jg,', i St1^fienelte meiaman^Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner9Great Elms Joey of Lenette x Great Elms Prissy of LenetteOne female is still available from this litter.Puppies are generally available. Please request a free copy of our current price list. Reasonably priced and satisfaction is guaranteed.We specialize in the Great Elms bloodline. Four champions standing at stud.Several top show prospects available now.A free sample copy of our Pomeranian newsletter "Let's Talk Pom Talk" isavailable upon request.Congratulations to all the winners at our N.Y. Specialty show.Pomeranian 5JHWQBM MarchApril 1991 9function, although they still need people. It will operate on three levels.1 One shot deals such as raffles, auctions at Specialties, etc.2 The opening of the POM SHOPPE. The shopkeeper is Bess Roberts in MD.3 An Annual Yearbook about Poms covering the previous year. That would include titled Poms, Award winners, etc. from 1990 published in a 1991 book. Needed is person, or persons to make this happen NOW, this year. Someone to collect the ads, perhaps do lay-up and design, and find a printer. One of you out there is capable of this, or maybe one of you can go out on a limb and give it a tryMore about the happenings in New York.....First, if I was not elected President, I thought these ideas good enough to bring to the new Board and came to the membership meeting prepared to present them at the Board meeting. As I was elected, I got to give out many of my ideas straight to the members. I would like to thank each and every board member who stayed in that Board meeting until 330 AM All of us hope that no other Board meeting will last that long again. I hope, under me, it wontSecond, the 1991 Annual Specialty will go down in everyones memory for a very long time. The previous Board decided to try going with Empire Assoc. Specialties in NYC, this one time. We tried it. It seemed to be the unanimous decision of those members present NOT to do it again, what an understatement We wish those who continue with Empire Specialties the best. Someone will take our place. We are going back to our own Specialty. A Specialty should be just that, SPECIAL. A 2 day format is being discussed. We will have obedience in NY next time and what is this about a "Veterans Sweepstakes" Youll hear more about this later.Third, the Skin Disease Seminar was absolutely, positively, the very best thing to happen to the Pom world. Janice Luginsland is to commended for a remarkable job. It is a shame that we now know what she is capable of just as she is leaving us. Anyway, see for yourself, as the video tapes from the Seminar are available see ad elsewhere. The topic of researching to find out about this problem has started and will continue as soon as the chairperson receives approval.Fourth, the Summer Specialty is May 24th in Midwest City, Oklahoma. It is hosted by the Sooner Pom Qub. If enough Board members are going we will try to have an APC membership meeting. If not enough Board members come, or we are lacking a quorum, we will just meet in a group and talk But, dont let that stop you from talking to me before that.About me...I am always open to your ideas and opinions. Phone calls after 530 pm EST are best, but the answering machine is always working. I am a nightowl and am not bothered by calls after 11 pm. To give some members a laugh, "wrong is wonderful," but "demand sweetly," Diane Bauman, APC member, author, etc.. Think about that. Another is "we are on an expedition into great expectations," Bev Poplar after GarveysExpedition Publishing was chosen to do the Review. Ill cover this in future columns.In closing, this is YOUR Qub. I am an APC member who would like to see the BEST for this Qub, this breed and the membership. YOU have responsibilities to this Qub. One of them is your involvement on the level that you can do. Please give of yourself. If a few interested Pom people gave 15-30 minutes a month to work for this Qub, that totals out to many hours in the end and a much better organization in which to have pride. I am proud of my Poms. I am proud of my efforts that have been put into this Qub. I dont expect you to be like me, each of us is different But please help out anyway you can, it will be greatly appreciated.Sincerely,Corresponding Secretory ReportBy Audrey RobertsThis is the last time Ill write you this report. Im going out and will be your new Vice-President Francis Stoll RR 3, Box 429, Washington, IN 47501, 812-254-3857 will be your new Corresponding Secretary. Please send all correspondence, club business and show requests to her.In New York new officers took office Mary Vickers - President, Audrey Roberts - 1st Vice-President, David Watts - 2nd Vice-President, A.C. Williams - Treasurer, Francis Stoll - Corresponding Secretary, Happeth Jones - Recording Secretary, Board Members Sally Baugniet, Carol Galivich, Jean Schroll, Tony Tellez, Margaret McKee and John Cribbs.John Cribbs has resigned from the board and Cheryl Wagner was appointed to replace him.Olga Baker will continue as our Gazette Columnist.Sam Zaneoff will continue as our A.K.C. Delegate.I enjoyed being your Secretary for the last 4 years. Thank you for letting me serve you.If I can be of any help to anyone in my new capacity, Ill be glad to hear from you10 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian SIBWOSCourbette Proudly PresentsCh. Courbette's Fudge It Budget, C.D.' 3 RD lEG IN C.D.9ni SON PHOTO . "Ursula" is pictured at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines Obedience Trial after completing her third leg in three straight trials for her Companian Dog Title. She is my first dual-titled Pomeranian, and it has been a rewarding experience to breed a Pom with the credentials to achievethis status. I credit this to the outstanding dogs behind her.My utmost thanks to obedience instructor and friend, Joyce Morris. Hats off to all the hard workingmembers of the Pom club in Des Moines alsoOwnerBreederHandler Victoria Leitner Route 1, Box 338 Bonnie, IL 62816 618 279-3130Pedigree in behind the New TitlistsPomeranian MarchApril 1991 1131 ST FALL SPECIALTY SHOWOF THE PfiLLfiS FORT WORTHPOMERfiMfiN CLUB, INC. 1990 By Mildred G. Patrick S Bill McKinneyOn Friday September 21, 1990 the Dallas Fort Worth Pomeranian Club held its 31st Fall Specialty Show There were 36 dogs entered in this show with a total entry of 48 Our Sweepstakes judge was the well known breeder, Audrey M. Roberts. The judge in the regular classes was Mildred Bryant. We felt fortunate to obtain both our judges and feel their experience is reflected in their excellent placements.In Sweepstakes we had 6 males and 6 bitches. The order of placements were as followsSweepstakes ClassesJudge, Mrs. Audrey M. RobertsLvA BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESGlen Iris Castle RockPuppy Dogs 6-9 months1st place - Glen Iris Castle Rock Erika K. Moureau C.A. Jack- son2nd place - Tim Sues Electric Lights Tim Sue Goddard3rd place - Uptons Shadow Of Rocki Dori Upton4th place - Colliers Scamp Of Bucky Lula Mae CollierPuppy Dogs 9-12 months 1st place - Sweethearts Wee Image Of Gold Annette Lynn HeiseFlippy Bitches 6-9 months 1st place - Tun Sues Star Light Tim Sue Goddard2nd place - Jeribeth Jolly Wee Too Olga M. BakerPuppy Bitches 9-12 months 1st place - Puf-Pride Tandalizing Angel Warren Virginia Dimick2nd place - Glen Iris Southern Rain J. Patrick Farmer, Robert S. Kennedy Joel M. Taylor3rd place - Tim Sues Copy Of An Angel Bronya Johnston Sue GoddardBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Glen Iris Castle Rock Erika K. Moureau C.A. JacksonBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Tim Sues Star Light Tim Sue Goddards. .BEST OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKESTim Sues Star LightRegular ClassesJudge, Ms. Mildred Bryantr ^BEST OF BREEDShadowmountin One Man ShowPuppy dogs 6-9 months1st place - Glen Iris Castle Rock Dr.C.A. Jackson J. Taylor2nd place - Uptons Shadow Of Rocki Dori Upton3rd place - Colliers Scamp Of Bucky Lula Mae Collier4th place - DFW Pom Hercules Donna MotleyPuppy dogs 9-12 months 1st place - Sweethearts Wee Image Of Gold Annette Lynn Heise Marian Coy2nd place - Puf-Pride Tmy Sunchaser Warren Viiginia DimickAmerican Bred Dogs 1st place - Pomerons Marshmallow Fudge Diane B. HillOpen Dogs1st place - Aflayns Sinnerman Toast Mary Allan2nd place - Dupres Sparkling Gold Toy Janine G. Pannell3rd place - Jeribeths Prince Put-Up Pat Olga M. Baker4th place - Prestigious Punky PG Sherry D. SteinmetzWINNERS DOGGlen Iris Castle Rock Erika K. Moureau and C.A. Jackson12MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian KtlWOUVCTim Sue PomeraniansiftCh. Tim Sue's HighfalutinfimCan Ch. Tim Sue's High Lights x fimCan Ch. Chriscendo CharismaSpecial thanks to Carolyn Crockett for making a lady of her and for her first major.Thanks also to Bronya Johnston who ran some excess energy off her whileI was in the ring with another entry.Lu Te finished with 3 majors. Subj. to AKC.Bred and Owned and will be bred soon byTim Sue Pomeranians Tim and Sue Goddard Rt 2, Box 54C Opelousas, LA 70570 318-543-6622Pomeranian 5JSW0SM MarchApril 1991 13jjQ rfffl fjABEST OF WINNERSGlen Iris Castle RockReserve WinnersUptons Shadow of Rocki Dori UptonNumber of points awarded was 3 with 14 dogs competing.Puppy Bitches 6-9 months1st place - Jeribeth Jolly Wee Too Olga M. Baker2nd place - Tim Sues Star Light Tim and Sue GoddardPuppy Bitches 9-12 months 1st place - Glen Iris Southern Rain J. Patrick Farmer, Robert S. Kennedy^ and Joel M. Taylor 2nd place - Tim Sues Copy of an Angel Bronya Johnston and Sue GoddardPuf-Pride Tandilizing Angel Warren and Virginia DimickAmerican Bred Class Prestigious Kelsie Conasta Sherry D. SteinmetzOpen Bitch1st place - D Judges Morning Magic Annette Rogers2nd place - Chestaras Charming Rhapsody Bill Beverly Henry 3rd place - Tim Sues Highfalutin Tim and Sue Goddard4th place - HHH Heather Forever Mine Laura GilliesWINNERS BITCH D Judges Morning Magic Annette RogersReserve Winners Bitch Jeribeth Jolly Wee Too Olga M BakerCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYThere were 13 bitches present for a 3 point majorBest of Breed saw four specials entered, it was a beautiful sight to see so many dogs in this competition.BEST OF BREED Shadowmountin One Man Show Kathy BucherBEST OF WINNERS Glen Iris Castle Rock Erika K. Moureau C. A. JacksonA IMBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXD Judges Morning MagicBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX D Judges Morning Magic Annette RogersWe would like to thank all our exhibitors for their entries We owe a debt of gratitude to both our judges on their fine placements. We will look forward to seeing everyone again in March. Everyneedsbodyportin pocket.By ]gqn SchrollOn January 17th 1991 Mr. Harvey Berman judged our Jan. Specialty, there were 43 dogs entered with only 3 absentees. Jessie Stephens judged the sweepstakes, there were 15 puppies for her to judge. Her Best in Sweepstakes was a 6 month puppy named Jessie Sais So, owned by Victoria Lovely. Best of Opposite Sex was Apolloette Marmalade, owned by the Pressers.Tom Stephens judged our second Futurity and his Best in Futurity was a small red beautiful color, but then Im prejudiced, I love red dog owned by Gladys Von Horn named Gladys Tribute to Timmy. Best of Opposite Sex was Autumns Cara Mia Lil Karat owned by Emily and E.C. Un- talan.Best of Breed and Best of Winners was Dainti Bev-Nors Ebony a very nice black. Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex was Pickles Special Autumn Lady, owned by Emily and E.C. Untalan. There were nice 5 point majors in both sexes. All in all it was a very enjoyable Specialty. Dinner followed for all including the judges, which was a lot of fun.Turn to page 33 for ordering info14 MarchApril 1991 PomeranianCh. Janesas Hi-Struttin DaiseyCh. Southlands Toasted Fudge xCh. Janesas Rou Lette"Daisey" finished with all majors, after several setbacks, broken front leg, and P.G. She acquired her first leg for her C.D. in the state of motherhood and her 2nd leg with puppies around her. She will be in a "normal" state, hopefully, for her third leg in January of 1990.Ch. Janesas Hi-Struttin UbetCh. Bev-Nors Toastmaster xCh. Janesas Hi Struttin Daisey"Ubet" pictured going best of winners at the Dallas Specialty. Her obedience training will start after her first litter.Janesas Pomeranians Jerry Freia POB 2775Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466Ir'jLRrmikSPECIALTYSHOWiV1best ofWINNERSKOHLER VPomeranian MarchAprll 1991 15Janesas Southland TannerCh. Southlands Toasted Fudge xJanesas Bev-Nor Tanner"Tanner" acquired her first leg at the Pom club of Greater Baltimore. She is pictured acquiring her 2nd leg at Upper Marlboro Kennel. She will be shown only after she coats up from her litter of a great black and tan puppy, "Phantom."Janesas Pomeranians Jerry Freia POB 2775Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-74663v.- - - '. .. . _. - -\ . ... . . i-t. .---.v-.f'c Please note rebate program on bottom of this page.Im very pleased to offer this program on my puppies. Janesas breeds for soundness of body and mind.REBATE CONSIDERATIONSIn the belief that the Pomeranian is a dual purpose dog and acknowledging that no exhibitor can ever be compensated for any title but feeling that some reward is necessary... Of Purchase Price Of Purchase PriceCH 20 TD 10CD 5 TDX 10CDX 10 OTCH 25UD 15Janesas Pomeranians Jerrie Freia POB 2775Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466Mary Vickers 2818 Jefferson Drive Alexandria, VA 22303 703-960-775516 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian 518WO SJra4Janesas Struttin At BlakesCh. Bev-Nors Toastmaster xCh. Janesas Hi-Struttin DaiseyThis very heavy sable sound boy is a litter mate to Ch. Janesas Hi-Struttin Ubet. He is being shown by the very able team of Cheryl Jackson and Joel Taylor for co-owners, Lois Holmes and Jerrie Freia. Thanks Cheiyl and Joel. After he is finished in confirmation ring, he will be shown in obedience by his co-owner Lois Holmes.s,. rWINNERSLOUISVILLE KENNEL CLUB SEPT.1990 PHOTO BYK. BOOTHring2ft gp umVBEST OF BREEDMISSISSIPPI COAST KENNEL CLUB FALL 1990 0PHOTO BYL. SOSAJanesas Pomeranians Jerrie Freia POB 2775Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466Lois Holmes14319 West A J Rouyea Rd Gonzales, LA 70737 504-622-3560Glen Iris Pomeranians Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor 1038 16th Ave South Birmingham, AL 35205 205-328-6603Pomeranian 5J\70 MarchApril 1991 17Sfili DIEGO POM CLUBSPECIALTY SHOWBy Gloria CarlinGreetings from sunny, gorgeous, fun filled San Diego Our club had its annual Fall Specialty on November 9, 1990 over at our favorite Berry Street Park. There are a lot of shade trees and lush grass, a beautiful setting.BEST OF SWEEPSTAKESBev-Nors Grand Finalem BEST OF WINNERSJo-Arts Goldustin Sweeps was given to the heavy coated Crawfords Moonwalker Boy owned by Karen Michael Crawford and shown by Susan Conlee. The prizes were lovely crystal pieces and the rosettes were huge and fun to win-BEST IN SHOWCH. Del Sols Mighty Murphy "Dusty" is now a new champion. Congratulations WB and BOS were happily received by the Sweeps winner, Bev-Nors Grand Finale. An exciting debut for this little lady Best of Breed was gladly accepted by Ch. Del Sols Mighty Murphy owned and shown by Sam Levine out on holiday from Wisconsin. Congratulations to everyoneFollowing the judging, we gathered around for our clubs famous buffet luncheon. We spent a super afternoon sharing stories with our judges and guests. Many thanks to all for a terrific day Our Specialty judge was the popular Ms. Virginia Sivori and the Sweep- stakes was capably handled by Mrs. Erin Hundley. Best in Sweeps was awarded to the adorable Bev-Nors Grand Finale owned and shown by Gloria Carlin. Best of Opposite SexviBEST OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKESCrawfords Moonwalker Boy trBEST OPPOSITE SEXBev-Nors Grand FinaleMs. Virginia Sivori seemed to thoroughly enjoy judging her classes. She was very gentle yet efficient. Her nod for WD and BOW went to JoArts Golddust owned and shown by Kimberly Read. With this win,Be sure to attend two upcoming Pomeranian Specialties on the west coastCo-Sponsored by theSan Diego Pomeranian Club and the City of Los AngelesPomeranian ClubJune 22nd 23rdSee page 29 for details18 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian SJSWOIIMPuf-Pride Pomeraniansr1-\O-BESTOPPOSITE SEXGRTR. EMPORIAkennel club1990photo by PETRULISt-Puf- Tandilizing AngelAngel has 3 majors and has been a delight to show. She will probably already be a champion by this publication. Thank you judges Janice Luginsland, Lois White, Mary McCoy and Roger Prichard also thank you Dorothy Bonner for your compliments on this sound little girl.We have puppies available, LLLMillamorOakridge including some from Angels sister, Puf-Pride Tandilizing Tawni x Ch. Puf-Pride Bit 0 Gold Chance. Most are champion sired. Inquiries invited.We raise our puppies on Science Diet.BreederOwnerHandler Warren and Virginia Dimlck 8 Burkway OK City, OK 73115 405-677-2511Pomeranian 8JSW0BM MarchApril 1991 19POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGAN SPECIALTYBy Evelyn ConkyThe Pomeranian Club of Michigan, Inc. held its annual Fall Show on November 25, 1990 in Detroit, Michigan. Judging the Sweepstakes was Ms. Kristina Collins from Illinois. With an entry of seven puppies, she selected Pom Acres Sable Savanna, handled by Nadine Hersil, for her best in Sweepstakes. This was a female bred and owned by Juanita Fid- dick. For Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes she chose a male Starhavens RockN James Brown, bred and owned by Janice Young. He was also handled by Nadine Hersil.Later, after the judging of the Poms, Ms. Collins was presented with a plaque from the Club to show our appreciation.At 1200 Noon, Judge Mr. Ed Bivin entered the ring, and enjoyed his job of judging from an entry of37. For his Winners Dog, handled by Nadine Hersil, he chose Auroras Alibi, owned by Mary Henderickson and bred by C.J. Liddle. This win finished the dog to receive his Championship Certificate from A.K.C. Reserve Winners Dog went to Jol-Vinsns frBEST OF BREEDAnimations Sunny BunnyRadical Dude, bred and owned by Joan Melv Beech.Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Breed all went to a 7 month old female owned and bred by Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane. This nice female was Animations Sunny Bunny from the Bred by Exhibitor Class. Reserve Winners Bitch went to Pom Acres Sable Savanna, handled by Nadine Hersil and owned by Juanita Fiddick.With 4 Specials entered, Ch. Jamols Klassic Hi Time received Best of Opposite Sex. He is handled by Sue Talsma and owned by Bema- dine Pauli.Once again, a hospitality room was available for all exhibitors, fanciers and friends. Once again, Bonnie and Earl Sullivan did a marvelous job as our host and hostess. Thanks to all the members that contributed toward our buffet table and to everyone that made our Specialty a success.Next Specialty will be our annual Spring Show, held in Kalamazoo in May 1991. See you thereAPOM SIG By Mary VickersFace it folks the computers are here to stay Do you have YOURS Do you have a modem Are you "online"Are you connected to PRODIGY How about COMPUSERVEI am on the first two. How about meeting on-line We can talk about Poms. Chip Galloway, Happeth Mike Jones are already talking. Audrey Roberts, A1 Williamson and Jean Schroll will be linked up soon.Prodigy is definitely cheaper than regular long distance telephone. We can play for hours COMPUSERVE is the best, but more expensive.Send E-mail to my private box and include your ID so we can communicate. My P ID isKJXB 11 A, if you forget Im in the directory under Alexandria Virginia.Got to go. Someone just asked a question about the difference between the toy, miniature and standard sized Pom.Visit with you "on-line". Ed note A colonright paranthesis shows a smiling face. Rotate the page and youll _______ see it. This is typical computer slang -D full faced laughing wink__________Thispublication is the sole property of theAmericanPomeranianlub, Inc.Hit8 MboSupport it20 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian SJ3'7 2ST Ul-lAXO aOu 2LT72We have for sale 2 males out ofCh. Silver Lades Littlest OutlawxCh. Lilaes Animated Nikk Nakk CD, Can CD3012Vi.Ken Lilac Sfiope Lilacs Pomeranians R2, POB66 Beliefonte, PLL16823 814-355-5506Pomeranian RSWBS MarchApril 1991 21COLUMBIAPOMERANIAN CLUBWEBFOOT REPORTBv Jean SchrollI did not get my article done in time for the January 1991 Pom Review, so some of this will be old news. There has been a lot of things taken place since I started this article. We have had some of the most bitter weather the Northwest has ever seen. The first white Christmas in 50 years. Hope this makes the March issue and Ill try to keep this up a little better, no article every two months though probably about every 4 months.Its really hard to feel like a Web- foot when we havent seen any wet stuff for some time. Its like summer as I start to write this report. October 1st, and its 83 degrees.It is hard to report on everything if people dont tell me what theyve done. I did hear that Tom and Carol Gillespie finished their two home breeds at Tualatin K.C. in July, congratulations Tom and Carol. Its always a pleasure to finish a dog you have bred.I was not at the Seattle K.C. show and have no idea what happened there. After looking up in the different catalogs I have for some of the shows in August and September the CPC members did not do much. We are still having majors at almost all the shows. I have a feeling our points are sure to go up in 1991.The Parent Club has granted The Columbia Pomeranian Club the National Specialty in July of 1992. It will be held at Brush Prairie, Washington. The CPC hosted the national in 1986 and it was such fun. Were hoping ya all Texas Drawl come. Big plans are underway.NATURAL STATEPOMERANIANFANCIERS. INC. BENTON. ARKANSASBv Brenda TurnerOn January 13, 1991, a new Pomeranian breed club was established by charter members of the Natural State Pomeranian Fanciers, Inc., of Benton, Arkansas.Many charter members have owned, bred and exhibited Poms for years and they were joined by novices interested in the breed.The club members are dedicated to encouraging and promoting quality Pomeranians for companionship, conformation and obedience showing. They plan to work toward advancement of the breed through education and exhibition.Club officers are Armetha Reynolds, President Peggy Geyer, Vice-President Phyllis Fulmer, Secretary and Zora Bowman, Treasurer.The first order of business was to plan a fun match for Sunday, June 9th at 6pm in the banquet room of the Pine Bluff Convention Center. The fun match will be a part of the circuit of Arkansas shows held that weekend in Springdale, Fort Smith and Pine Bluff.A Pom rescue committee was established and several fund raising projects were planned.The raffle of a beautiful Pom silhouette quilt will be the first major fund raiser for the group. The drawing for the quilt will be held at the match.For more information on the club, the match or the quilt raffle, contact Phyllis Fulmer, 2112 W. Lakeview, Benton, AR 72015, 501 778-6581 or Aimentha Reynolds, 4267 Salt Creek Road, Benton, AR 72015, 501 794-2542. Lets make it the biggest Specialty yet Please Olga dont break anything this time, but be sure you come prepared well bring the crutches.With permission from AKC we hope to have 3 Specialties and 3 all breed shows on the same weekend. Puget Sound Pom Club has been asked to join us, and have said they will if permission is granted from AKC.Vancouver K.C. had one of our members Gladys Von Horn picking up some points on a new puppy. And Emily Untalans "Sam" won the group at Timberland Valley K.C. it was the first time this year we had a Pom from our club win the group in our area, a nice change.At Portland K.C. the biggest win our club made was a reserve by a bitch belonging to Emily Untalan. Until next time... ^3 dvertising IT ipsIncluded in the advertising price is a custom designed ad. Well layout the text and size and crop the photos. Specify if youd like a border around your ad, or whether you just want the facts. Little text and plain borders allow the largest photos.If you want your dog to look its best you should follow this advice. Professional photos are best 35mm photos can be great 110 photos WILL produce blury results never use instant photos As always, black and white photos will produce the best results.Full page ads with a large photo area can handle 100- 150 words. Keep your word count under one hundred, and theres room for a three generation pedigreeHalf page ads can handle 50-75 words. Keep word counts under 50 and add a three generation pedigree22 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian 8K3W0\27Bi-Mar Pomeranians has moved to the Pomderosa Ranch in the shadow of Mt. RainierWe specialize in Pomeranians with correct double coat, soundness andoutgoing personalities.Offering for sale young show stockOne red male out of Ch. Bi-Mar Foxfire daughter of BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudgeand sired by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Phantom son of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid.Show quality with tiny ears.Two red sable males out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter littermate to Ch. Bi-Mar Sonny Go Lucky and sired by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Masterpiece. Heavy coats sold as breeding stock only. No major faults. 450.00Three red orange males by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a pointed daughter of his. Dam is littermate to International Ch. Bi-Mar Bit of Tassajara and she carries both Great Elms and Bonner bloodlines. Show homes only.One red male by Ch. Bi-Mars Sunnys Masterpiece and out of a Great Elms Bobby Beam daughter. Exquisite head and very classy. Excellent show and breeding quality.BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid is now the sire of 19 champions. All have been Bi-Mar bred and we would like to congratulate the current two to finish. Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Of Twin Oaks and Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Phantom. see pedigree in new champions.We are expecting several new litters sired by "Sunny", now is the time to own a piece of the legend. Call us to reserve your puppy sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and join a long list of National, Regional, Specialty Best in Show, Group 1st winners and International Champions.Flash - Sunny is the proud daddy of three girls out of Bi-Mar Sugar Pie Honey Sugar had both majors as a puppy and needs four single points for championship and will be shown after this litter she is a Sunny Granddaughter and half sister to BISS Ch. Creiders Butterfly Of Love.We are also expecting litters from Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Masterpiece, Bi-Mars Sunnys Phantom and Ch. Bi-Mars Sunnys Supreme.Bi-Mar PomeraniansMary A. Rosenbaum 206-833-216038711200th Ave S.E Auburn, WA 98002Pomeranian OBM MarchApril 1991 23Mmjm JhxsMmmBBy Mqrqqret Mckegreprinted from the JulOct 1985 ReviewsMost of you are familiar with competition to get AKC obedience titles. You may not be aware of other ways many of our Pomeranian obedience exhibitors compete for fun and recognition.RATING SYSTEMSJust as there are rating systems for ranking the top conformation dogs, so there are various rating systems for comparing and recognizing top performing obedience dogs. Many breed clubs have their own rating and award systems for example, Gazehound magazine ranks all sighthounds. The two best known all-breed rating systems are the Shuman System and the Delaney System. The latest yearly results 1983 for the Pomeranian were published in the January Review.According to the Shuman System in 1983 no Poms ranked in the Top Ten Toys. The Top Toys did include 8 Papillons, 1 Yorkshire Terrier and 1 Pekingese. Except for breeds like Shelties and Goldens, which dominate obedience, only the top four are listed in each breed under this system.Via the Delaney System, again no Poms appeared in the Top Ten. However, the Top Ten Toys were represented by 9 Paps and 1 Chihuahua.The difference in breed platings shows how different each system is in the way they are organized. The Shuman System considers only Open and Utility dogs and awards points based on qualifying scores. The Delaney System awards points for High in Trial and class placing dogs, regardless of score. Novice dogs are included.The disadvantage of both of these systems is that they reward the dog that is shown many times. So theexhibitor with an excellent dog but limited funds who gets his 3 legs and goes home has little hope of placing in these rating systems.Considering that Toy Poodles are top winners in obedience, you might wonder that there are no Toy Poodles in the Top Ten. That is because in obedience all Poodle varieties are considered part of the Non-Sporting Group.NON-AKC COMPETITIVE EVENTS - GainesThe Gaines Regionals and the Gaines Classic Obedience Competitions are the "World Series" of obedience. There are 3 Regionals and one Classic each year. They are sponsored by Gaines Dog Food in conjunction with mini Obedience Association, the originators of the Classic.A Regional is a two day event of three shows two shows on Saturday, the Red Show and White Show, while the Blue Show is held on Sunday. An exhibitor must compete in all three shows for which a single entry fee of 40.00 is charged, Entries are limited and the dog must qualify. There are three divisionsNovice - a dog must have his CD but not more than two legs toward the CDX. The CD must have been earned with three scores averaging 193 or betterOpen - the dog must have a confirmed CDX but not have completed the UD. The dog must have at least 3 scores of 193.Super Dog - must have a UD with three scores averaging 193 or better in Open B, three scores of 193 or better in Utility, or be an OTCh.When competing in a Gaines event, all scores are counted and averaged for the three shows. While a NQ" or "bust" in Novice or Open will probably eliminate an exhibitor from contention, Super dogs compete in both Open and Utility so an NQ score might be significant.In each division, the top ten placing dogs are recognized with rosettes, cash and trophies. In addition the first place dogs in Novice and Open and the first three places in Super dog receive round-trip air fare for themselves and their dogs to that years Classic competition.While the AKC regulations for obedience are fol24MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian KSWQSMmi-jo PoMEmLimProudly introducing litter mates "Spec and Autumn"An-Jo Dancin Autumn SpectrumAn-Jo Dancing Fire x Ch. Golden Aires Lil Gold CaddyPictured at 10 monthsIn limited showing both pups were pointed from the puppy class.My sincere thanks to the judges who recognized their quality.\"Spec"An-Jo Dancing Autumn FantasyAn-Jo Dancing Fire x Ch. Golden Aires Lil Gold CaddyPictured at 9 months Major pointed at 6 12 months going BOW for a 4 point major.Af iitimmmif"Autumn"Our Heartfelt Congratulations to Gail Garvey. Best wishes for youre success as the new editor of The Pomeranian Review.BreederOwnerHandler Anna Liselli 27 President Rd. Mastic Beach, NY 11951 516-281-8246Pomeranian SWQ\S7 MarchApril 1991 25lowed in most areas, the Gaines competitions have been responsible for some fine innovations. Practice or warm-up rings are provided. The exhibitor is handed a card as he leaves the ring with his score on it Simultaneously the score is displayed for the audience. The idea of run-offs being a full heel free pattern, done individually and scored, came from these competitions and has now been adopted by the AKC.WORLD SERIES OF DOGOBEDIENCE TOURNAMENTThe Detroit-Windsor Dog Obedience Association sponsors this non-AKC event. Exhibitors enter under AKC or CKC rules depending on which country the title was earned. In Top Dog competition, the country selected applies to both Open and Utility classes. The 193 average is again a pre-requisite. The 10 dogs earning the highest average scores in each division receive engraved awards and cash prizes.These trials attract the creme de la creme of obedience exhibitors. It is considered an honor to be asked to judge or steward. Do try to get to one, Youll see some absolutely breath taking performances.DOG WORLD AWARDS"Dog World" magazine sponsors two distinct categories of awards for those enjoying the sport of canines.The "Award for outstanding service" may be given by a club who wishes to honor a hard-working club member. This award, only one per year, may be given by any dog club - breed, obedience, field or tracking.The "Award of Canine Distinction" is the one that is the most talked about in obedience circles. To earn this honor a dog and handler must either receive scores of not less than 195 in three consecutive trials or win all three obedience degrees - CD, CDX, UD - within a period of nine months from the first class, either in Canada or America.UNITED KENNEL CLUBNo, not the kennel club from England but the other registry in the United States. Obedience has not been around very long in the UKC - since 1979. Their regulations were revised January 1, 1985 and now includes Utility. Rules are similar to the AKC but there are differences. For instance, when competing for a title you must present your dogs original registration certificate to the entry taker. At the obedience trial, obedience classes are held before conformation. When the trial begins the first class is Utility, then Open B, Open A and on downward. While waiting your turn, you can practice on the grounds, although not in a ring. Qualifying score is 170 out of 200 with the old 50 but 2 of your 3 legs can be earned under the same judge. Titles when received are written preceding the dogs name with a "U"before them, The UKC is a working dog registry and feels the title is as important as the dogs name.U-CD. Thirty-five points are allowed for the "honoring exercise". This exercise is a long down - owner in a different part of the ring - while another dog is brought into the ring and does the heel on lead and figure eight. The honoring dog is then scored and leaves the ring. The working dog continues with the stand for exam, heel free and recall over the high jump. Yes, you read correctly ... recall or the high jump, but understand, UKC dogs jump their height at the shoulder or even less if your dog measures 9 12 inches, he jumps 8 inches. Group exercise follows and is the one minute sit.U-CDX. Guess what The honoring is now done with the handler out of sight, but within the same time span. Heeling off lead is different too, as a steward is used as a distraction. The purpose of this exercise is to resemble real-life walking a dog on a public street. The steward does not talk nor block the path of the dog. The steward is just walking by. Drop on recall, different Yes. When you down the dog, the judge indicates to the steward that is standing nearest to you to walk toward the dog. When the steward passes the dog, you call the dog to you. Retrieve on flat, retrieve over the high jump are as the AKC, except for the height of the jump. Broad jump however, is twice the shoulder height of the dog with a minimum of 16 inches. Group exercise is a three minute out of sight sit.U-UD. It begins with Group signal and heeling. Sounds like a team recall but it is not. The handler and dog do the heeling and signal while other dogs maximum of 5 are honoring with their handler in the ring. Scent discrimination is only on metal with five articles. Directed "marked" retrieve is three white gloves but numbers 1 and 3 are only twenty feet away from you. The judge rotates the glove order, i.e. dog 1 - glove 1, dog 2 -glove 2, etc. Directed "signal" retrieve is where you send your dog out, stop him halfway, have him turn and sit and then have him retrieve either glove 1,2 or 3. Think seriously about this and glove 2. Consecutive recalls are next - one with a drop and one without. Directed jumping is last and is the same as AKC.FOREIGN TITLESCanada - For many people, Canada is just a quick trip away, so the opportunity to add a foreign obedience title is relatively easy. Also, those long, flowing Rosettes are extremely eye-catching.A thorough explanation of "how to register" a dog for Canadian shows was given in the May 85 AKC Gazette. So if you are serious, read that article or write to the CKC.The regulations are about the same that we are used to with the AKC. However, jump heights for all breeds are shoulder height. Run-offs are still done together.26 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian LUV-M-POMSPiif A 4NwaVJ8N^"x.5\v-feBEST OFBREED RIO HOHDO3wRtf_ _ ___Luv-N-Poms would like to introduce our first champion, Joarts Golddust. "Dusty" is a well linebred, true orange dog from the famous Sunray line of over 65 champions. He has far exceeded our expectations by producing many show prospect puppies with a lot of coat factor. His son Cory will soon follow in DustysLuv-N-Prints.Dusty had a very exciting show career. In the limited time of showing he has taken 2 BOBS, including one over a specials. He took a 5 pt major at Beverly Hills, he also took a 4 pt and a 3 pt major at the Pomona Circuit. He then finished in grand style at the San Diego Pom Specialty. I would like to give a big thank youto the following judgesMrs. Georgia E. Buttram..... 5 point majorMs. Carolyn Herbel............... 4 point majorMr. Charles C. Johnson....... 3 point majorMrs. Isabell Speisht.............2 pointsMs. Virginia Sivori................2 pointsI would like to give a big Luv-N-Print thank you to all my friends for their helpJoy Art Davidson Breeder Mary Gene WellsRichard Camacho Handler Fern RodruguesJonathon Coa And especially my family.Luv-N-Poms Kim Read 405 N. Lee Fullerton, CA 92633 714-992-4195CHPomeranian MarchApril 1991 27Dogs may perform all or some of the regular exercises, Utility dogs are asked to perform all or part of the signal exercise. Differences that you need to be aware of in Novice showing 1 the stand for exam is done on lead 2 if your dog has a CD title from the U.S., you must enter Novice "B" 3 the group exercises may be held after a section minimum of 6 dogs or maximum of 15, or at the end of class 4 if you are the only dog entered in your class and you qualify, you still get your leg.A thorough reading of the regulations is extremely important because of slight differences. You can obtain yours from the CKC, 2150 Bloor St, Toronto, Ontario M6S 4V7.Bermuda - How does a nice vacation on an island with 4 obedience trials in a lovely garden sound to you Are you off and running Caution In Bermuda your dog does not stay with you. He stays in the show kennels provided. But showing in Bermuda is filled with hospitality. Your dog is well cared for and so are you Exhibiting there is a delightful experience. The dogs in advanced classes are judged in order of size. They start with the largest breed and work their way downward to the smallest. This means two things First, the stewards dont have to run around all the time changing the jump heights, by the way, dogs in Bermudan trials jump their shoulder height, secondly, you dont have to be afraid of the big Rottie rolling over on your dog on the stays. The Rottie is far away from you.Bermuda is very health conscious, they want absolute proof that your dogs have been immunized against rabies and parvo. Health certificates and import permits are extremely important but are easily obtained from your own vet and also from the Bermudan show vets. Again, close scrutiny of the rule book is necessary, but it is mostly as we know it. For more information contact The Dog Training Club of Bermuda, POB 1406, Hamilton 5, Bermuda. Cost is 2.00 for a copy of BKCs Obedience Trial and Tracking Regulations.Mexico - Really wanted to include our southern neighbor and FCI regulations, but I dont have them in time for this article. When received they will be published, sorry.PUBLICATIONSThere are two basic publications available for obedience enthusiasts. Front and. Finish is a monthly newspaper that keeps the dog trainer supplied with the newest thoughts in training, as well as current standings and upcoming trials. They have several geographical columns as well as breed columns. Notable for us is the monthly column "Training With Toys." Subscription rate is 18.00 a year. POB 333, Galesburg, IL, 61402.Off Lead is also a monthly magazine running along the same lines as the above, but perhaps with more depth in their Most of you are familiar with competition to get AKC obedience titles. HEELING FOOTWORKby Mqriqn Lazzcrqreprinted from the Jan 85 ReviewWhen I run into any sort of heeling problems, the first thing I look at is my own footwork. I have found that my Poms work better if I walk the same way, with the same type of turns and halts every time. Good footwork can help cue your dog when you turn, change pace, halt and especially on the figure eightThe first thing to look at is the size and speed of your steps. As there is not too much you can do about your shoe size, you can adapt your steps to fit your dog. Remember though, this does not mean to slow up. You keep your normal pace. Just reduce the size of your steps. Same advice on the change of pace. Watch your feet Change pace accordingly but keep your footsteps the same size.Lagging on the turns, especially28 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranianthe about turns is usually due to poor footwork also. However, in this case it is the amount of steps taken on the turn as well as the size of steps. Toy dogs do not work well on the pivot turns. They need extra time to get their little bodies around our big ones. Because it is against AKC rules to slow up and wait for your dog or adapt your pace, you must make up that extra time by taking more steps. I take up to four steps on the about turn which cues my dog to the turn, two steps to make my turn, and one step coming out of the turn which again cues my dog to straight heeling once again. This can also help any wide heeling problems.Footwork is equally important on the figure 8, especially on the outside post dog is on the outside. In order for your Pom to keep up you must take double the steps you took on the outside post. This is kind of tricky to do as you must not break your starting pace. Any slowing up or choppyheeling will be points off for adapting your pace or lack of natural smoothness. It will also throw your dog off his pattern resulting in wide circles or lagging. All this is done by changing the size of your footsteps. Small steps on the outside turns and larger ones on the inside turn. Progressions from large to small steps and small to large ones are done in the middle section of the figure 8. And speaking of those posts, try to hug them as closely as possible without touching. The smaller your circles are, the smaller the distance your Pom must travel. It helps to practice the figure 8 by yourself first to master your footsteps and then add your dog. A good figure 8 does not come over night.Of course this wont be the ultimate answer to all your heeling problems but its still worth thinking about. Before you start popping, pulling or jerking and putting all the blame on your dog, first make sure you are not the culprit TWOSOUTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN SPECIALTIESLos Angeles Memorial Sports Arena 3939 South Fugueroa Street Los Angeles, CACome one, Come allSAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB, INCwith theGOLDEN WEST TOY CLUB, INC.Saturday, June 22,1991Send advertisements toDiane Johnson 27150 Oakmont Rd.Valley Center, CA 92139Send trophy donations toDaniel Ontiveros 2981 Calle Cumbre San Diego, CA 92139 619-475-2531Jack Bradshaw Superintendent 213-727-0136CITY OF LOS ANGELES POMERANIAN CLUB supported entry ofKENNEL CLUB OF BEVERLY HILLSSunday, June 23,1991Send trophy donations toJack Keller 818-885-8335William G. Antypas, Jr. Superintendent 818-796-3869 or 796-3996StiSIPomeranian SJBWQS MarchApril 1991 293IUchgarbob Preente.WINNERS"JJ" has garnered 14 points including a five point major, all owner handled.He is also the sire of three lovely children that are now being shown. All are pointed. Many thanks to Sharon Masnick for this great little guy, also thanks Sharon for, Mary Mary and Pammy.Golden Aires JJ FlashCh. Twin Pines Tico Tico x Dupres Kate Raising CaneJJs son, "Jimmy" is pictured winning the breed from the puppy class over major pointed entries, now have a JJ daughter out of Happeth Jones Chip-A-Ways Velvet Promise. Many thanks Happie.-1 BEST OF BREEDcNEWTONkennel clubSEPTEMBER1390DAVE ASHBET1S '.Rickgarbob Diamond JimGolden Aires JJ Flash x Wasfarets Precious PamdoraGood luck to Gail Garvey, the new Editor of The Pom Review.Marie E. Carlough 8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 516-363-952430 MarchApril 1991 PomeranianH API AN POMERANIANS'2A. m WINNERS1990 -im---.Hh. , ATHAM . J2Hapians Fancy Gold TrinketGolden Aires JJ Flash x Ch. Emcees Wee Gold Yetta"CASEY"Thank you Marie for letting me use JJ. I am so pleased with what I have gotten from him and my Ch. Emcees Wee Gold Yetta.Flash - Casey just placed second in the large open class at the National Specialty."TRINKETTrinket is shown here going WB. On her left is her sire, "JJ" going WD. At Trinkets first show at age 6 months she went BOS over a group winning special.BEST OF WINNERS ftWALLKILL KENNEL CLUB JANUARY 1991JOHN ASHBEYHapians Little Yankee BoyGolden Aires JJ Flash x Ch. Emcees Wee Gold YettaGood luck to Marie Carlough with Hapians Rickgarbob Sea Rose, another JJ daughter. Also, good luck to Gail Rogers with Hapians Summer Empress.Hapian Poms would like to wish the best to Gail Garvey our new Pomeranian Review editor.Happeth Michael Jones 11 Johnston Avenue516-757-5054 Northport, NY 11768Pomeranian MarchApril 1991 31A mfoFmmm JPBimuMnittmm ith hdmmm MimBy ]grrig Freiq..."when you put the championshiptitle on that dog, you'll damp him." 1was taken qbqck, but she was correct.First, I am an older woman. Retirement is right around the comer. Ive had a good time in dogs, with dogs.Ive had dogs since I was a child, but Poms only in the last 14 years.About five years ago my daughter, Vanessa, made an interesting statement when I returned home from showing a Pom. It went something like this "when you put the championship title on that dog, youll dump him." I was taken aback, but she was correct. I gave a lot of special attention to training and showing dogs, and once they were finished, it could almost be said they were forgotten. They really were not, but the type of attention paid to them changed. The Poms even agreed. When the crates and show gear came out, they got excited. Each hoped they would be the one to go in the crate. There had to be something more. There had to be something the dogs and I could do after they were finished.I watched obedience for awhile, but nobody came out and offered anything. I read all that I could, especially what was in the Review. I didnt want to make any long distance calls. I kept hoping someone would just turn up at my door and show me where to go and how to do things. Margaret McKee had an ad in the Review with her phone number. I made the call. We talked for awhile and shegave me Brenda Hutton and Mary Vickers phone numbers. Eventually, I called Brenda. I got excited about this obedience thing, but again stopped.One of the reasons why I would get excited and stop is because there was no one doing obedience where I lived. To get to a training class it was 100 miles one way to New Orleans or Baton Rouge. The few classes I saw in the area did well with German Shepherds jerking them around the ring. I didnt think this was how I wanted to train MY Poms.I really liked what I saw with obedience trained dogs. I liked the teamwork side of if I wanted to train, but there was no one near to train with. I saw no way it could be done.One day my phone rang. The caller said "this is Mary Vickers. Why havent you called me" I told her my problems. Leave it to Mary to come up with an idea of training by long distance. We started with phone calls and got to sending video tapes back and forth. It took her more than a year, but somehow or other shefound me a group of people to train with. I finally entered my first obedience match, then another and yet another. I kept thinking I was doing poorly, but Mary who wasnt even there knew I was putting myself down. At that point I still did not know how to evaluate myself.I really wanted to put a Pom in the ring. I kept feeling that it was now or never. I knew if I did not put somebody in soon, I may never do it. I rushed Daisy and her score proves it. Although, I started with Daisy, I really wanted to train Tanner. I knew Tanner could go on and do advance work. Mary suggested going to Diane Baumans camp that was to be held in Florida. It was going to be an expensive and long trip, but her methods suited me. As I had an opportunity to train with a "master," I decided why not I went to camp.Once there I became addicted. Five days were too few to learn eveiything I needed. I learned a lotThe Baltimore Specialty was a few months down the line. I really wanted to go I was afraid that Tanner was not ready. Even when I got there I was still thinking I was not going to put her in the ring, unless she could do better than score 185 points.Mary watched me work Tanner. She32 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian 5H3'JQ\STwo brand new, limited edition sweatshirt designs, by artist W.E. McKinney, are being offered for a short time by the Dallas Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, Inc., as part of our non-profit fund-raising efforts They cue available in a PolyCotton blend, brand name sweatshirt with Raglan sleeveso o o oDESIGN A "POM FAMILY" MotherPomeranian, two puppies and butterfly are in bright red with distracted puppy in dramatic black Sweatshirt color is white.DESIGN B "POM IN A POCKET"Small, light gray Pomeranian with tiny red. tongue rests in life size pocket. The Pom in the pocket is puffed, making it stand out from the sweatshirt in realistic bas-relief Sweatshirt color is white.Exclusively offered byOoooJediatetonpot onmemshipCardCreditcanorders___MediumSweatshirts___Large Sweatshirts___XLarge SweatshirtsTotal Style A Sweatshirts 23.95ea .DESIGN APOM FAMILY Includes 4.00 shipping handling for each sweatshirtDESIGN B___ Medium Sweatshirts___Large Sweatshirts___XLarge Sweatshirts POM IN A POCKET___Total Style B Sweatshirts 26.95ea Includes 4.00 shipping handling for each sweatshirtTotal Design A Sweatshirts Total Design B Sweatshirts Order Total _ _ M , . Charge It VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVERMail check or moneyorder payable to Card -------------------------------------------- ExP-Date LName______________________________ Telephone_________________The DFW Pomeranian Club, Inc.2108 Crockett Drive St Address_________________________________________________________Carrollton, Texas 75006City______________________________ State________ Zip__________Allow 2-3 weeks deliveryimmediate shipment on credit card orders. No C.O.D. or Cash orders. U.S. funds only, pleasePomeranian MarchApril 1991 33I will bg going to campagain......1 can dream aboutgetting a 200 score.said that I was definitely going into the ring. Once again, Mary was right. My score was 192.5 and was low because I bumped into Tanner on a left turn.Two days later at Upper Marlboro Kennel Club, Mary turned to me and said "go and warm up for run-off." What this means is that there is a possibility that I may be tied with another dogowner team for one the placements. She had told me about this many times before. I seriously understood what it meant and began to warm up. Mary was right. Mary was more than right Tanner and I won the run-off. We took first place with a score of 195 and beat 25 other novice "A" dogs, just 5 points short of that perfect 200 scoreDaisy will be going into the ring to get her third leg in January. Tanner has to wait until she coats up. I do not like showing a bitch who is out of coat, if I can help it In 1991, Tanner will also be in open. Mary, I finally understood that you can teach a novice dog the open drop-on-recall.I will be going to camp again. I must learn about the utility obedience level. Camp is the only place where I really have contact with a large number of obedience people. There is still no one nearby to train with. I can dream about getting a 200 score. Remember, I am a competitor at heart, I still spend most of my time at the conformation ring. Luckily, my conformation friends and fellow breeders support my obedience activities. Besides Mary, they give me the most support.The best to come out of all of this, is that my Poms truly enjoy training, even when I am not doing the right thing. I understand my dogs much better now. I appreciate a dog for its outer beauty, but I appreciate even more their personality. Obedience training has given me more insight into what is under their coat I understand my dogsmuch batter now. I appreciate a dog for it'souter beauty, but I appreciate even moretheir personality.NEW gpcsCOMMITTEESThese are the new APC committees. Are there any that capture your attentionDO YOU HAVE SPECIAL INTERESTS BESIDES POMSDO YOU WANT TO MAKE THE APC BETTERDO YOU LIKE WORKING WITH OTHERS THAT SHARE THE SAME INTERESTSArchives Historian and Library - need someone for thisAudioVisual Computers - Needs a chairman and workers. An electrifying groupAwards - We need people who enjoy the white AKC Award Book and another to keep track of Junior Showmanship. Contact Judy Shearer in Ohio.Board of Examiners - duties investigate and submit data to Board regarding possible problems with the Pom breed. For instance, the items revealed by the SurveyCensus. Needed a lot of peopleBy-laws - who likes doing theseEducation - Judges General - need people interested in this. Call Sally Baugniet. Health - Someone interested in the health of Poms Sub-Committee - Skin disease, we can always use more help.Local Clubs - WANTED a representative from every local Pom Club in the USA Contact Diane Johnson.Membership Secretary - we have Bev Poplar in VA. but she could use help.Obedience - Linda Gallacher in Oregon wants to know about youReview Liaison special duties related to the Pom Review. We need someone here too. Public Relations - promote the Pom Promote the ClubWays Means - make money for the Qub and have lots of fun Several ideas on file. Looking for more. Definitely looking for more people.Interested Contact the person mentioned in that heading, the Prez Mary 703-960-7755, or any of the other Board people. 34 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian SJSWtlBM 5tfg Kennel Visitmmm9m IPmmrmmmmHi Im Tan-Tar. I belong to Ann Cannon and am the official greeter here at Annons. You see I live in the kitchen and one of my many duties is to meet all humans who enter and wait sometimes very patiently to be picked up and loved. Another big job I have is to ride herd on all the kitchen dogs and make sure they mind their manners.I get to meet many different people. Most people who come here spend time visiting, especially if they are beginners to breeding or showing Poms. When Annons Pomeranians first started, many people helped Ann by telling of their experiences with Poms and giving advise. Ann believes in giving back what she is given.There arent too many Poms in the kitchen. Sometimes there are a lot. It all depends on whether Ann is going to shows or not. All poms who are showing stay here, even those who may be going in a few months. They get table training, grooming, and lots of human attention. I get to tell them all about shows, what to expect and how they should behave there. These young ones now a days have no mannersThere isnt any part of my job that I dont like. Well, Ann did bring in a lot of birds and I refuse to have anything to do with them They might be pretty to look at, and some like the canaries have a very sharpsong, but they are mindless creatures. Besides they are up in cages high above my head. They have names like show dogs. There are a Blue and Gold Macaw, Umbrella Cockatoo, Eclectus, Blue Front Amazon, Sun Conures, and then Finches and Parakeets. Ann sometimes brings her favorite down here to the kitchen. Her favorite is Max. Max sat on the chair the other day and we had a good long talk. Max said she is a girl and she is a Yellow Nape Amazon. Max is pretty neat She even goes to dog shows with Ann Lucky birdI dont miss going to shows. I had my time in the sun so to speak. Believe me it was fun. I attracted much attention. Being black and tan caused a big ruckus. I was the second or third black and tan in the country to finish after a real long time. I know that my grandpa, Tar-Baby, Ch. Lenniss Tar Baby Of Great Elms was the first to get his championship.One of the best things about showing was going to live with Marlene and Bert Halsey. Talk about being treated well. They had three of us Scamp Ch. Petersons Scamp of Len- nis, ROM kids down there at different times. Lil Love Ch. Annons Lil Love from Scamp and I used to compare notes. I always wanted to go back to Marlenes. Not to live mind you, just to visit. I mean, I was the first champion for Annons. That gives me very special privileges, like being the official greeter, so I prefer being at home.Us Scamp kids were an impressive group. We have had an effect on the breed. Besides us three, he produced several more champions. Eight I think and Huggys obedience titles. Hugs was here all last week, still preening over his UD. He has a right to be proud, but we are all capable of it He just had Mary Vickers as an owner who was interested in doing obedience.Speck Ch. Annons Speck Of Scamp is in the back of the house, waiting for the next girl to turn up. Kenny Ch. Annons Sir Kennor, ROM Specks litter brother, by what I hear around the kitchen table, is out in West Virginia with Evelyn Blake. He is doing very well in all respects.There is one thing I can say about the Scamp boys and their sons, theyM'" m i 3E1 Ann Cannonwith a promising puppyPomeranian SJSWUSM MarchApril 1991 35do know how to treat a girl right when the time is proper. I think though, the best stud around here was Mikey. Maybe it was because he placed in so many groups, and that gave him such a man of the world attitude but he was good. Im almost sure he produced seven champions and one obedience titlist. I miss him a lot.Besides being my half-brother, he was my friend.His son Petey Ch. Annons Repeat Performance takes after him. Petey is black and tan like me.Oh I know, see that picture on the wall of two dogs on a table and all those people Please get it down. Heres more Scamp kids. This is Bandit Ch. Cedarviews S. Bandit Of Annon and Dyna Ch. Annons Lil Bit Of Dynamite when they went winners dog and bitch at Westminster years back. Bandit is handled by his owner Joyce Fritz. Doesnt his rich mahogany red sable color show up nicely on that white suit Thats Dynas owner, Diane Ward beaming so happily.So many people thought Bandit was a chocolate, sometimes color in Poms can be so confusing. Ann likes the different colors, so she knows all about them. I know there has been every color of Pom in the kennel at one time or another. Right now there are 3 blacks, 9 black and tans, 2 beavers, 1 chocolate and tan, 2 chocolates, 3 creams, 2 cream sables, 3 partis, 3 reds, 1 red sable almost like Bandit a white and a few token oranges or orange sables. Some years you couldnt find an orange show Pom here if you tried. You couldnt even convince Ann to breed for that color. But she has bred and finished ten orange or orange sable Poms. Intotal, she has bred 21 champions, and there are many more who are finished out of them. The most impressive thing, especially for a color breeder, is that she has finished or pointed a Pom in all but two colors.Ann likes color breeding, she was lucky that when she started there were still some long-time color breeders around who shared their experiences with her. People from the kennels of Pashdohls, Artie, DeBurgers, and Paragons to name a few. Not only did they give her tips about colors, but breeding in general. There are things they told her that she keeps doing today. Like, never double up on a fault no matter how good the pedigree looks. Color in Poms is meaningless if you do not have proper structure and soundness.Ann flips over parti colored poms. Before they came back in style, she was trying to breed them. Some ladies who lived up in the mountains told her they had "Spotted Poms." It turned out they were perfectly marked partis. Ann took one,Jodie, who came from many generations of partis.Every time Ann bred her to a parti stud, of course,Jodie threw only solids or sables.How many times have I heard Ann say "Mendels pea theory should be put in the garden to grow peas, not Poms." Apparently you have to know the law to know what you CAN get, but that does not mean you will get it. Especially sincePoms only have a few babies at a time. She was very excited when she got a show quality girl that she named Comet Ch. Annons Come To The Parti. Comet was finished and owned by Pat Foley Kathy Hartz. As always Ann is still trying for another oneIt is not only the partis, but the other colors that excite her. What kennel today has line-bred blacks, or chocolates like the old days Or even line-bred black and tans If someone is breeding color, they have a very slow time of it. They must create their own gene pool to breed from, and there is little market for pets.Whatever happened to wolf sable Ann firmly believes that it is a lost gene. She is off and running when she hears someone has one. Each time she has been disappointed to find a cream sable, or an orange sable. Too many people do not know color. There are even people out there who say "he was bom a wolf sable, so that is what he must be," but you cant pick him out in a crowd of orange Poms. It is the same with many creams, they may be bom a cream, but if the adult coat proves to be orange then it is an orange, not a cream.Talking about creams, Ann has Coyote Ch. Tomhos Alabaster Coyote from Tom- mi Hooban here. He is a cream and a very nicely put together one at thatJust look at all those puppies over there. It is so nice to have the puppies so close. The kitchen opens out into the family room and the pups almost look like they are with us. There is only a plexiglass divider separating us. I can sit here on my mg and watch their antics. Watching is about all I do. Ill be 13 years youngi 2Ch. Annons Dandie Kit Katthe recessive maleCh. Cedarviews S. Bandit Of Annonrich mahogany red sable36 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian WHS'SANNONS POMERANIANS DESCENDENCY CHARTCH. PETERSONS SCAMP OF LENNIS, R.O.M.CH. ANNONS TAN TARCH. ANNONS LIL LOVE FORCE OF SCAMPCH. ANNONS MAGNUM FORCE OF SCAMP, R.O.M.CH. ANNONS DAZZLING FORCECH. ANNONS THE NOOG MAN CH. MAR-VICS DAZZLING RASCAL CH. ADINES DEE DEE DYNA CH. ANNONS DIME A DANCE CH. JAKENS SWEET WILLIAM CH. ANNONS CLASS ACT CH. ANNONS REPEAT PERFORMANCE ANNONS KILLER CUPCAKE, C.D.CH. CEDAR VIEWS S. BANDIT OF ANNONS CH. ANNONS LILTE BIT OF DYNAMITE CH. ADINES DEE DEE DYNA CH. ANNONS SPECK OF SCAMP CH. ANNONS SIR KEN-NOR, R.O.M.CH. BLAKES LADY DI ANNONS LENNIS CH. MULLENS LENNIS SUZETTE CH. BLAKES SIR ROBERT JOHN CH. MULLENS BEE BOPPER BABY BOP CH. BLAKES SIR ROBERT JOHN II CH. BLAKES BARBIE DOLL CH. ANNONS REPEAT PERFORMANCE ANNONS HUGGY BEAR FROM SCAMP, U.D., H.O.F.CH. ANNONS DANDIE LEGENDCH. ANNONS DANDIE KIT KAT ANNONS LUCILLE BALLCH. SUN FOX I LOVE LENNIS ANNONS IMAGE IN BLACK N TANCH. ANNONS SPITON IMAGECH. JAKENS FANCY LACE BRITCHES CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH CH. BLACK TYE AND TAELS ANNONS MARQUIS DE TAR TANCH. ANNONS LEA TAR OF DOVERCH. DOVER-HOLIHOUSE REBEL ROUSER CH. DOVER-HOLIHOUSE LIL BIT O REBEL ANNONS LADY DONNA TARTANCH. ANNONS GOLDEN NUGGET ANNONS MISCHIEF MAKERCH. DEVENNYS MASON DIXON DANDY ANNONS EBONY MARKCH. WEE HEARTS BARELY AN ANGEL LADY SHALIMARCH. ANNONS LADY NORREL CH. ANNONS MISS ELLIECH. ADORABLE WATTS ITS NAME ANNONS PARTI MANCH. ANNONS COME TO THE PARTIAnn Cannon 10504 Crocket Road^ JSokesville, VA 22123 703-368-1341pauTadvertisementPomeranian RBWOS MarchApril 1991 37this summer. I do not want to have too much to do with the younger set. Not that young anywaysYou came here for a tour and I am not minding my manners Do you know how to do the "Pom shuffle" To get through the puppies you never pick up your feet as you normally do when walking, you just shuffle them along. Ann says she lives "in the worlds largest doghouse." There are Poms throughout the house except for two rooms. The "Pom shuffle" is very important.Almost everything is see-through gates, somewhat like the plastic divider. We do have wire crates, if we ever want or need to use them. A unique thing about Annons is that nobody is ever crated. You can see that here with the puppies and it continues throughout the house.After we go through a regular door, there is the back room where most of the adult dogs are kept. Since this entire floor is below ground level and the windows are up by the ceiling, Ann made enclosed "ramps" so we can always go outside whenever we want. Running the ramp is fun and easy to do. The ramps open into the enclosed yards, so we get plenty of exercise. Did you know we have two acres of fenced yards to run and play in"Hi, Kit Kat" Ch. Annons Dandie Kit Kat, "havent seen you in awhile." Kit Kat turned out to be very important to Anns breeding program. Not only does he carry Show- stopper and is orange, but he throws huge coats and recessive colors.That smaller room, off the side is where I would probably be if I were not so special. Ann uses it for the geriatric Poms."Hi Image" Annons Image In Black N Tan, Image went to shows and he is pointed. Ann felt his value was in what he was producing, so he stayed at home. He is the last living son out of Ruth Beams Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image. Some of the pups out front are his. "Image, go run the ramp." Watch him go up the ramp. Hell end up in the geriatric yard. Their yard is special. It is the only one that is not connected to the others.The room on our left is the nursery, this is probably where Aim can be found. See, there she is. We dont have crates in here either. There are big pens for each mom and pups. Ann even decorated this room with nursery wallpaper. While we all deliver our puppies in Anns bedroom, we come down here when the pups are 10 days old. It is much closer to the kitchen for food stuff. Ann is always in here picking up and playing with the puppies. It has got something to do with socialization and making sure they are off to a good start in life.You need to go outside to see the yards, but we have to do the "Pom Shuffle" back to the kitchen and go out the kitchen door. It would be very nice if you carried me. A lot easier getting through to the kitchen and I do not DO the kitchen steps.Of course you can let the kitchen dogs outside with us. They will run up the steps into the kitchen yard. We get much exercise from climbing the steps beside the yard. Ann feels very strongly that Poms should have the same movement as any working, herding of sporting dog. We might be little but that is no excuse for faulty fronts or rears. Type, proper structure and soundness have been Anns goalssince the beginning, no matter what color the Poms coat may be. Even when she has dogs here from other owners to take to the shows, she sticks to her beliefs.Isnt this a great place to just sit and play with the dogs or even groom them You get a good view of the property from here. There is over 20 odd acres, over there is Anns RV, it is her pride and joy. I used to think it was a big monster, until I realized that it was a moving home that went to dog shows. When you leave be careful with that RV. I can see how large it is, but Ive heard that it has 33 feet Guess you have to do the "Pom shuffle" around it tooWell, it is past my nap time. If you dont mind, I think Ill lie down in the sunshine. Dont worry about taking me inside. Ann will be out shortly to check on us. She always does.Im so glad you came, I always enjoy a visitor. Well talk some more next time. Im feeling tired now. Hope you had a good time. SUBMISSIONDEADLINESThe MayJune Issue was March 15thThe JulyAugustIssue is May 1stThe JulyAugust Issue will be mailed promptly by June 15th so dont be late, submit your material NOWNext IssueNational Specialty JulyAugust IssueStud IssueGet those stud cards ready NOWFCh. Annons Tan Tarthe story teller38 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian RBWOSMANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF THE 5S'S POM SHOPPE9OME7TIN STOCK NOWAPC decals set of large and small - 3.00 APC pins - 5.00 APC members onlyCOMING SOONAPC mugs and patchesNEEDEDAPC artistic members who will help design one-of-a-kind items for sale in the POM SHOPPE. We are not sure how many of you there are, or who you are, so please, if you are interested in sharing your talents with the APC, contact Bess. Youll do yourself, the Club and each buyer a BIG favorSend a sample of your work to our shopkeeperBess Roberts 15802 Letcher Road Brandywine, MD 20613cPS'sfitil Qd.X,.Everyone loves the Anniversary issues, right Remember your high school yearbook Now how about one for our beloved PomsA hard bound, leather like, classy and very treasured collection of Poms from the past, including those titled or winning in 1990.Special sections for APC "VIP" award winners, BIS, BIS-S, APC Specialty winners and Reserves, local Specialty winners, Group winners, HITS, Award of Merit, new titlists, registry inductees, top producers and Juniors. There will be an area for local club ads, breeders and handlers. This will be a "dog" book Blown-up pictures of your dog will be used rather than the complete picture. Start looking for your best pictures of your Poms. Start planning your ad under one of the categories above.o.Details to followBe prepared for a very quick deadlinePomeranian ^7QS7 MarchApril 1991 39Mmmmm smmBy Brenda K. HuttonThis column begins with some unfortunate news. There will NOT be obedience at the 1991 Summer Specialty in Oklahoma this May after all. After receiving the trophy solicitation and noting obedience was not mentioned anywhere, the show chairman was contacted. The Sooner Pom Club sent their show plans to AKC last September not knowing the APC had been approved for obedience by the time they found out it was too late to include obedience. At this writing I do not know when or where the APC will have its first obedience trial, but I will pass on the news when available. There are some efforts to try to put on a separate trial sometime in late 1991 show plans must be submitted six months prior to trial, but at this time plans are incomplete. If you think you might not be on a mailing list to receive information when it is available, send your name and address to me. Ill be sure you get a premium list when ready.Now for some really GOOD NEWS. Roz Goltz and Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy UD breeder Rosalind Goltz Jessie Young, by Ch. Jabils Pinto Hi- Tone CD x Penru Prima Ballerina OJabil CDX have earned another 2 points toward that ever-elusive OTCH title with a 196.0 and 1st place at Trap Falls KC under J.S. Glazman from the Open B class. Theyve also earned several other placements from both Open B and Utility B. My calculations show them with a total of 11 OTCH points to date. Along the way theyve amassed a record which make Roz and Sugar the Top Obedience Pom in 1990 in the APC Congrats, CongratsNever one to stand on past laurels however, Roz also reports that she and Sugar made one more trip to Bermuda this fall. On the very first day they earned the third leg toward their Bermuda Utility Dog title. Sugar is now the only Pom to have ever earned three UD titles, and shes a breed Champion too Roz writes, "Im just thrilled and so very proud of her. It was difficult in Bermuda this year with the heat and grass, but she did it in the first trial." CONGRATULATIONS Roz and Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy, AmCanBer UDH Were proud and delighted for you as you bask in the glow of these magnificent accomplishments. We know youve worked very hard to make them happen.Recently I had the opportunity to interview BemieBrown. You remember the numerous placements and High In Trial at International Kennel Club of Chicago on Pomirish Twinkle Break CDX breeder Sally Baugniet, sired by Ch. Desirees GE Scooter during 1988 and 1989. As I was talking Poms at a local breed show, this man in a red nylon jacket just walked up to me and began to stroke and talk to my dog as I held her in my arms. "How dare he touch this dog without asking permission" I thought As quickly as he approached, he left, never acknowledging me at all. It occurred to me that this man must have some affinity for Poms to be so bold, and as I watched him, his face began to look familiar its published every month in Front and Finish. Knowing Bemie Brown had gone HIT the previous day at the obedience trial, and that he was entered in the trial at this show, it became apparent who he was. Without further delay I approached him and introduced myself.It is true that Twink had become the great Couch Potato, only rarely accompanying Bemie to trials, and then usually as a lap wanner. While expressing great affection, Bemie admits that training Twink was quite the challenge. In fact, he claims it took him seven months to train the dog to retrieve Twink never did like obedience very much, so he is now retired, never to earn a UD. But even while Bemie was earning his 94th HIT on his Golden that day, he expressed his desire to train another Pom soon. He does agree with Diane Bauman in the opinion that a serious competitive Pom must be as large as possible, very sturdy and have the appropriate attitude and inclination to hold up to the competitive situations of stress and traveling.MORE NEWS FROM UTILITYThe last issue reported that LaRae Brown and Laraes Midee CDX breeder Melody Jackson had earned their first two UD legs, both with 1st placements. Well, they made it leg 3 with another 1st on August 12th with a 189.0 at South Bay Kennel Qub they followed it with a 188.0 and a 2nd place later that month at Silver Bay Kennel Qub of San Diego. A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to themAlso the last issue included news of the first two legs on a UD earned by Kenneth and Kay Ann Lowe on Im A Candy Angel Doll CDX breeder Lynda Sondag. They finished in August with a 178.5, good enough for 1st place at the St. Joseph Kennel Club in40 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian ^IIWQSMVelvet Touch PomsCh. Idas Danish Delite By Bev-NorCh. Bev-NodsToasted Fudge x CreHets CameSa OldaThank you Ida Tarver for letting me purchase this beautiful daughter of the two Poms I think the most of. She will be the backbone of my kennel. I still miss her full brother which I lost in the 1989 tragedy, "Ch. Idas Mr. Toasty By Bev-Nor."Puppies available in "Bev-Nor" line, also nice brood bitches.Janet Bordelon 1460 Hwy 3054 Alexandria, LA 71303 318-445-0143LIfeu'i"Dana"IDAs Pomeraniansthe American Pomeranian QlubComplete Sell Out... PRESENTS 0 0 0Only a few left...Multiple Group I winner and other champions.Ida Tarver 102 12 Gorden St Pineville, LA 71360 318-443-3733A video on "Skin Diseases" In The PomeranianAvailable by sending your 20.00 check made out toMary Vickers 2818 Jefferson Dr. Alexandria, VA 22303-1335All money goes to Skin Research FundPomeranian Si3WQ MarchApril 1991 41Missouri.NEWS FROM OPEN BLinda Gallacher and Lady Dis Life Of The Parti CDX breeder Nancy Turner and Diane Clark-Bryant have been doing well in the Open B class. They earned a 4th place at Olympia Dog Fanciers Assoc, last May, and 195.0 and 2nd place at Puyallup Valley Dog Fanciers under Mrs. R.N. Tabaka, and HIGH IN TRIAL at the 1st trial held by the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club on August 10th. Way to go, Linda and DiLilae Shope and Shopes Cupid Bella Donna CDX have also been competing in the Open B ring in 1990. Among their accomplishments was a 196.0 under Dr. W.G. Wisecup at Golden Triangle OTC, a 195.0 and 1st place under Hal Cash at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore, a 194.5 and 4th place at Bald Eagle KC of Williamsport and a 192.0 and 4th place at Altoona Area Kennel Assoc. Nice job Lilae and BellNEWS FROM OPEN ADawn Robertson and Sunways Black Breeze CD breeder Nadine Carriker who were introduced in this column in July of last year, have begun their quest for a CDX. They began by going HIGH IN TRIAL at the second trial given by the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines with a 195.0 from the Open A class under J.S. Beck, Jr. They followed the next weekend with a195.5 and 1st place again in Open A at Wichita DTC under G.W. Fletchall. Hopefully their next leg will be published soon.One person Id really like to meet is Gladys Dyk- stra. She has earned still another CDX, this time on Dykstras Cupid CD breederowner out of Dykstras Roxann of Topaze UD last June they earned leg 1 with a 196.5 and 1st place at Hockamock KC under R.A. Gagnon leg 2 came in August with a 188.0 and another 1st place at Cheshire KC in New Hampshire leg 3 was a 191.0 and 3rd place at Holyoke DOTC. Nice job, Gladys. Good luck on your UDAnother person Id like to meet is Trilvie Haynes in Redding, California. Shes just finished her CDX on Kit Sans San San Buck CD breederowner. Leg 1 was last June with a 176.0 at Reno KC leg 2 was a 192.5 and 1st place at Two Cities KC followed by a 188.0 and 3rd place at Rogue Valley KC and a 183.5 at Southern Oregon KC. Congratulations, TrilvieNEWS FROM NOVICE BIm particularly proud to announce APC member Ruth Ellis has earned another of her many CDs, this time on BKs Sunshine Samantha breederco-owner Brenda K. Hutton out of Can. OTCHTD BKs Sir Spunky CDXTD, U-UD, TT x BKs Sunshine Supergirl AmCanU-CD, TT. They began with a 183.0 and 3rd place at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines followed by a 192.5 at Des Moines OTC and a42 MarchApril 1991 Pomeranian SJSWOSM192.0 at Fond Du Lac County KC. Ruth describes their experience in the ring as being somewhat absurd. It seems Sam likes to heel about a foot and a half ahead of her while looking back to say "Hurry up, Mom," then scooting into heel position on the halt. I hate to tell you Ruth, but she comes by that trait very honestly via her Dad. She also likes to zoom in on the recall and bounce off her legs, sometimes landing in the perfect sit, sometimes on RUTHS RIGHT SIDE. Oh well, its only points off, right, Ruth Good job.Victoria Leitner in Illinois has earned another CD, this time on Ch. Couibettes Fudge It Budget breederowner out of Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Weeh RTs Sunrise At Courbette CD. In August they earned a 183.5 at Lawrence Jayhawk KC and a 185.0 at St. Joseph KC, both in Missouri. In September they finished with a 187.0 and 2nd place at the 2nd trial given by the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines and a 188.0 the following day at Des Moines Obedience Trial Club.APC member Lois Morkassel has earned another CD, this time on Kassels Gardean Sir Fur breederowner by Ch. Thelduns John John x Kassels Dandelion Down CDX. This spring and summer they rolled along with a 188.5 at Minnesota River Valley KC, a 190.5 at Sioux Empire KC and a 182.0 at Twin Ports DTC.Lois wrote me recently about her exploits in the ring and recent accomplishments. It seems that shes been showing in Canada as well as here, finishing a CDX on Kassels Dandelion Down, AmCan. CDX. And besides Am. CDs on Kassels Gar-de-an Sir Plus "GI", Kassels Gar-de-an Sir Pant "Spot," and Kassels Gar-de-an Sir Tifikate "Katie," she and her gang have all earned their Canadian CDs. By the way, they are all littermates out of Ch. Thelduns John John x Kassels Dandelion Down AmCan CDX. And this completes a CD on all five of Dandes pups. Congrats Lois She also writes that this completes AmCan CDs on 7 dogs and AmCan CDX on 1 dog since 1986. She also reports one more unrelated Pom will be going for its CD this year, 3 potentials for CDXs and Dande is beginning training in Utility. "No wonder I feel like Ive gone to the dogs some days." Lois, keep up the great workCarol and Marcus Olson hit the mats in Alaska last July and August with Auroras Colt Forty Five breeder Betty Lea Webley, sired by Ch. Pom-Chris S- Dandy-Copy. In two weekends they amassed a 182.0, 188.5,180.0 and a 174.0 respectively at Cook Inlet KC 2 trials in July, the Dog Obedience Training Qub of Anchorage, Alaska and the Obedience Training Club of Chugiak. This is the first obedience Pom Ive seen earning legs in Alaska. Does anyone know of any othersAnother new CD belongs to Karen Marx and Trouble Sport breeder Nancy Goff. They began with a 194.5 at Santa Ana Valley KC and concluded with a 188.0 at Santa Maria KC and a 187.5 at Ventura County Dog Fanciers Assoc.J and L Hoemkes latest CD is on Jesse. In one weekend they collected a 188.0 and 1st place at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines, a 194.0 and190.5 at Des Moines OTC and KC. What a way to make your weekend count Congratulations.Our last new CD from Novice B is by Dorothy Marie Wood on JDs Golden Prince breeder Janet L. Hovey. They earned a 186.5 at Great Salt Lake DTC, 192.0 at Bonneville Basin Kennel Assoc, and another 192.0 at Utah Valley KC.AND ALL THE NEWS FROM NOVICE AAPC member from Minneapolis, Gail Jeub, and Star Dusts Prestigious Pandi breeder Janice Lotze have earned their very first CD showing in Minnesota and Wisconsin. They recorded a 191.5 and 1st place at at Duluth Kennel Club 188.0 at Indianhead KC and finished with a 195.0 and 1st place at St. Croix Valley KC under R.E. Koscielak. Nice work Gail.Some time ago, a very nice lady, Barbara Mc- Clatchey from Wheaton, Illinois contacted me to inquire about an obedience teacher in her area. Weve spoken several times by phone now and shes written a couple of times. Just before Christmas she called me to give me the good news she and Dan Dees Ibu An- jing breeder Verla Dagel have earned their Companion Dog title. She related their accomplishments as follows 1124 a 193.5 and 2nd place at Steelcity KC, 1125 another 193.5 and 2nd place at Lake Shore KC, 122 a 192.5 at Western Waukesha County TC also got a trophy for H.S. Pom in Novice A, and a 190.0 and 2nd place again on 1217 at KC of Yorkville under Barbara Goodman. She called to tell me about the Steel City "meet" where they won 2nd place, a Pom won 3rd place Lisa Dobos and Lisas Mickey Mouse, breeder Jean Rodriquez, and another Pom won 4th place Marie Breger and Wyndemeres Little Fizzbin, breeder Catherine Ferguson. "Boy, that Golden in 1st sure did look out of place," she said. Then she sent me a picture of the 3 Poms, thanks very much, Barb. Im still chuckling Nice job, and I sure hope your husband gets better so he can accompany you to your next meets in Open.Co-owners Deborah Winkel and Doreen Fernandez and Dainti Gaulkes Cameo breeder Duane Gaulke by Ch. Stubers Ruppert of Norsk Hill x Dainti Lady Cassandra did a very nice job on the way to their Companion Dog title. Their first outing was a 193.0 and 2nd place at Indianhead Kennel Qub, followed by a 191.0 and 1st at the Pomeranian Club ofGreater Des Moines, a 196.5 and 2nd place under Mrs. N.E. Craig at Des Moines OTC and an insurance leg at193.5 at Keomah KC.Another first CD belongs to Samantha Dawson and Little Katie May breeder Ramona Alvarado. They earned a 189.0 in January of 1988 at Rio Hondo KC in California leg 2 was a 188.0 in October 1988 at Kennel Qub of Pasadena they finished with a 196.5 and 1st place with a marvelous improvement, at Santa Barbara KC under H.W. Schreiner. Congrats to Samantha1990 was a very good year for Poms in obedience. We had the most Utility Dog titles published in one year, a total of 6. And two of them went to the same person, Kay Lowe. First, her Im A Candy Angel Doll finished all her titles within one year, which earned them a Dog World Award of Canine Distinction. Her title was published in August, just one month after the UD was published on her Minute Of Whispering Pines. And, as reported earlier, one of our long time favorites, Gladys Dykstra, has just had published a new CDX on Dykstras Cupid.Are you still with me Ive got a hypothetical question to pose. Exhibitor X is at the local Obedience Trial showing her Pom in advanced level classes. Exhibitor X is also entered in Novice with a second dog, a medium sized long coated breed. After doing a very nice job with the Pom figures they earned a 197-198 they are shocked to receive their score. The judge has docked them 5 points for "handler adjusting to the dog." Upon further questioning the judge states that heshe observed Exhibitor X in the ring with the laiger dog, that the exhibitor took larger steps with that dog than with the Pom, heeled at a faster pace than with the Pom, and was observed when leaving the Pom on the sitstay during the recall exercise to take larger steps when walking away than were taken during the heeling. What comments lets keep it printable, please do we have about this judgeAs always, call me and youll probably get the answering machine, but I sure love hearing from all of you. Happy heeling and terrific tracking to you all this year.Readers wishing to contact the author may write to Brenda Hutton, 102 Tudor Lane, Lansing, MI 48906 or call her at 517 485-5183. MembershipAll requests for membership applications should be directed to our new Membership Chairman, Ms. Beverly Poplar. You may send your requests to Beverly at 1098 Seaview Avenue, Woodbridge, VA 22191. All completed forms should be sent to the same address.Pomeranian SJSWQBM MarchApril 1991 43Behind The New TitlistsThree generations of new Pomeranian titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent by the owner. Please send the dogs name, color, sex, breeders name and owners name, on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Pedigrees will not be returned Send copies only. Mail all information to the editor, Gail A. Garvey, Expedition Publishing, POB A, Mastic Beach, NY 11951.Ch. Glen Iris Castle RockOrange MaleBreeder CA JacksonJM Taylor Owners Erica Moureau Cheryl A. JacksonCh. Texicans Wee Will O Mee-Gee Ch. Mee-Gees Masterpiece CDStansoes Hidden Treasure Ch. Glen Iris IvanhoeCh. Chriscendo Western Express Cherokees Autumn Orange Luells Scarlet OHairy Am. Can. Ch. Millamors Rock Concert Am. Can. Ch. Chriscendo City LightsCan. Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine Ch. Tim-Sues Evening LightsLLL Charming Gold Top Brass Tim-Sues Brass ToyDaniels Tinker Toy of Tim-SueCh. Bev-Nor's Glen Iris ExcaliburRed Sable Male Breeder Beverly NorrisOwners Dr Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. TaylorCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Tina Little PrechusMay Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge BIS, BISS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Bev-Nors Sweet N Sassy Bev-Nors Tarred N FeatheredCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Bev-Nors Missy MissGreat Elms Honybunfinnon's Huggy Bear From Scamp, CID, HOFBlack Male Breeder Ann Cannon Owner Mary VickersCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image, ROM Ch. Lenniss Tar-Baby-of-Great Elms, ROM Great Elms AngelCh. Petersons Scamp of Lennls, ROMLenniss Tom-Tom Lenniss Cavalier TangieLennis Spungold Julie Bonners Tomtess Red Chambers King TutRoyalettes Roseann King Tuts Little SpookieTeddys Wee Little Black Velvet Angelas Little Black VelvetLittle Princess Star KissCh. Courbette's Fudge It BudgetBlack and Tan Female OwnerBreederHandler Victoria LeitnerCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeBev-Nors Sweet N Sassy Ch. Southlands Toasted FudgeCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Southlands Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Delight Ch. Lennis Tequila Sunrise Lenniss Teakie Too Angelica IIWee Hrts Sunrise At CourbetteCh. Scotia JDs Im The Pied Piper Wee Hrts Lullaby Of ScotiaScotia Nuggets Happy Gs TammyCh. Bi-Mar Sunny's PhantomRed Orange MaleBreederOwner Mary A. RosenbaumCh. Tomanolls Tiny Town Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanolls Juliet Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidCh. Sunrays Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Crickett by JJ of Andrews Creiders Maggies Bestyet Ch. Crieders Boxcar WillieCreiders Short N Sassy Bi-Mar Chili of SandtownCh. Sandtowns Toast of the City Sandtowns Flash of GoldSandtowns Sat Night SpecialCh. Bev-Nor's Rhea Na DallasRed Sable MaleBreeder Barbara Stephen Nagy Owner Stobie VoltinCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeBev-Nors Sweet N Sassy Ch. Bev-Nors StatesmanCh. Great Elms Tar Baby Bev-Nors TessGreat Elms Sable Missy May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Bev-Nors Struts Her StuffCh. Great Elms Something Special La Cheries Cinnamon Imperial La Cheries Caramel Kist44 MarchApril 1991 PomeranianAmerican Pomeranian ^lub SpecialtyMay 24, 1991Hosted by theSooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma CityatMidwest City Civic CenterFor more information contactMr. Ray Hudson 10920 Blue Fox Drive Edmond, OK 73034 405 341-9216Fly American Airlines - the official airlines of the American Pomeranian Club. Call 1-800-433-1790. The APC discount is filed under Star S06Z2RJheldsho^sedond2'an2625MayWe would like to thank all the men and women that served or fought in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. Your dedication, skill, and expertise has proven to all the world that the United States of America is ready to protect the rights of free people everywhere.We dedicate our first issue to the wounded, and to the families of all those lost in the conflict. While the majority of the country rejoices in victory, there are many whose lives have tragically been disrupted. For the wounded, we wish a speedy recovery. For the survivors of those lost, we can only wish you well. Your loved ones sacrifices will never be forgotten. Our thoughts will be with you always.Gail LeoExpedition PublishingPomeranian 5J3W1SM MarchApril 1991 45WMMooo1989 Pomeranians Delaney Rating SystemPublished August 19901. Cricketts Midnight Song, CS, HOLawrence, Jimmy2. Pomirish Twinkie Break, HOF Brown, Bernie3. I Fidget In Style, HOFGeeslinEddins4. Lindsey Of Dover-HolihouseBuchanan, Bonnie5. Ch. Lessards Shangrila Of JubileeLessard, Alice6. Sunways Black BreezeRobertson, Dawn7. Lady Dis Life Of The PartiGallacher, Linda8. Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy, HOF Goltz, Rosalind9. Asti Spumante IIBarr10. Idlywyld Charm Bracelet Mckee, MargaretPoms 1989 Front And Foremost Shuman SystemPublished September 19901. Cricketts Midnight Song, CS, HOF 93 Lawrence, Jimmy2. Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy, UD, HOF 80Goltz, Rosalind3. Pomirish Twinkie Break, CDX, HOF 63 Brown, Bernie4. I Fidgit In Style, CDX, HOF 57GeeslinEddins"VIP" OBEDIENCE AWARD WINNERSYEAR 'TOP"1986 Noahs Abra Ka Dabra, CDX, HOF, GC1987 OTCH. Noahs Abra Ka Dabra, HOF, GC1988 Ch. Lessards Shangrila Of Jubilee, CD1989 Driftwood Love That Bob, CD1990 Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy, UD, HOFRoz GoltzTOP NOVICE POM1986 Lessards Natsu Takara, CD1987 Pomirish MovinOn, CD, HOF1988 Ch. Lessards Shangrila Of Jubilee, CD1989 Driftwood Love That Bob, CD1990 Sunswept Dauntless, CDLinda GallacherAPC MembersTOP OPEN POMS1986 Noahs Abra Ka Dabra, CDX, HOF, GC1987 Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy, CDX, HOF1988 Ch. Idylwyld Lavalier, CDX, HOF1989 Ch. Lessaitfs Shangrila Of Jubilee, CDX, HOF1990 Sillergs Total Eclipse, CDXRuth EllisTOP UTILITY POMS1986 Lessards Little Geisha Girl, UD, HOF1987 Noahs Abra Ka Dabra, UD, HOF1988 Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Of Jabil, UD, HOF1989 Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy, UD, HOF1990 Annons Huggy Bear From Scarp, UD, HOFMary VickersHIGH IN TRIALDover-Holihouse Fire N Ice, HOF Sandra WinchatzK-9 Essex 1-21-90 NB 1991 Fidgit In Style, UD, HOF Donna EddinsJ Geeslin Greenville MS 6-30-90 OB 197.5HIGH IN TRIAL - SPECIALTYTinas Fuzzy Mitten, CDXTina GodfreyPC Des Moines 2-17-90 OB 191Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice Sandra WinchatzPC Baltimore 7-5-90 OA 196Lady Dis Life Of The Parti, CDXLinda GallacherPuget Sound PC 8-10-90 OB 194Sunways Black Breeze, CDDawn RobertsonPC Des Moines 9-7-90 OA 195In the 1990 "Awards" Issues there are50-CDs 12-CDXs 7-UDs330 LEGS were tracked for38-1st42 - 2nd25 - 3rd24 - 4th places.Special recognition goes to the following dual titled Poms ownersCh. Courbettes Fudge It Budget, CD Vicky LeitnerCh. Mee-Gees Masterpiece, CD Cheryl Jackson Donna Hobart Ch. Watts Little Love Bug, CD Debbie Thurman Kennedy184172167144124948680727146 Mar chApril 1991 Pomeranian tBSWQSMAPC "VIP" OBEDIENCE WINNERSTOP OBEDIENCE POMCh. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy, UD, HOF Rosalind GoltzTOP OPEN POMSillergs Total Eclipse, CDX Ruth EllisTOP NOVICE POMSunswept Dauntless, CD Linda GallacherTOP UTILITY POMAnnons Huggy Bear From Scamp, UD, HOF Mary VickersTITLES 1990 AKC SHOW AWARDS BY ISSUEMonth CH CD CDX UD TOTALCH TOTTOT OB.Jan 14 2 1 17 14 3FebMar141151212113141172Apr 8 1 1 10 8 2 Since 1940 when the 1st PomMay 15 4 19 15 4 CD was published to AKCJun 17 7 1 1 26 17 9 awards thru December 1990Jul 31 5 1 37 31 6 there have been -1,311 CDAug 29 12 1 1 43 29 14 290 CDX 78 UD.Sep 28 1 1 30 28 2Oct 29 4 30 29 4 Compiled by M. VickersNov 15 4 1 2 22 15 7 Source AKC GazzetteDec 21 5 2 1 29 21 8 1988-1990TITLES 1989232 50AKC SHOW AWARDS12 6BY ISSUE300 232 68Month CH CD CDX UD TOTALCH TOTTOT OB.Jan 19 4 2 1 26 19 7the return of....Feb 17 7 2 26 17 9MarApr512 1513512 1 Mjp JXjmO,MayJun152417 21633152419 Come on people get thoseJul 27 5 3 35 27 8 letters in, lets get thisAug 21 2 2 2 25 21 4 column back to the way itSep 20 6 28 20 8 used to be way back when.OctNov14202511 11726142036 We have a few good lettersDec 21 3 4 29 21 8 for the next issue. Lets215 43 17 4 279 215 64 keep them comingTITLES 1988 AKC SHOW AWARDS BY ISSUE As you may have noticed noMonth CH CD CDX UD TOTAL CH TOTTOT OB. letters were printed for "YipsJan 22 1 3 1 27 22 5 And Yaps" this issue, weFeb 26 6 3 35 26 9 received only one that willMarApr7121181371211 be printed in the next issue.May 22 4 1 27 22 5 Mail letters to the editorJun 16 8 1 25 16 9Jul 24 5 3 32 24 8 Gail A. Garvey Expedition PublishingAug 25 5 1 1 32 25 7Sep 21 6 1 28 21 7 POb AOct 15 2 1 18 15 3 Mastic Beach, NY 11951Nov 18 5 1 24 28 6 or fax us atDec 12 2 2 16 12 4 516-399-3182220 44 19 2 285 220 65Please print neatly or type letters.Pomeranian SJBWOSM MarchApril 1991 47Advertising policies 2 SpatesAds are placed in the magazine in the order they are received. Any ads that miss the issue deadline will be held for inclusion in the next issue. All photoswill be returned via 1st class US Mail.Member Non-MemberFront Cover............................ .. 120.00 150.00Back Cover............................. .. 75.00 90.00Inside Front Cover................. .. 65.00 80.00Inside Back Cover.................. .. 65.00 80.00Center Page Spread............... .. 120.00 150.00Full Page................................ .. 55.00 65.0034 Page................................. .. 45.00 55.0012 Page................................. .. 35.00 45.0014 Page................................ .. 15.00 25.00Classified Ads........................ .. 5.00 7.003xtra ChargesPhoto Reproduction............... . lO.OOeaTints grey backgrounds... 7.50Reverse white lettersblack backgrounds 5.00Mortises photos less than .25" apart...... . lO.OOeaBleeds photos printed to edge of page... 20.00Uerms ConditionsAll ads are PREPAID Send your check made out to "American Pomeranian Club, Inc." for the full amount including all extras. Editor reserves the right to edit all copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much text is submitted for ad size, editor will delete text as required for ad to fit.PHOTOS and CHECKS MUST accompany ad copy ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR CLEARLY PRINTEDDeadline Mailed., issueMar 15th Apr 30th MayJune-National SpecialtyWestminster JudgesMay 1st Jun 15th JulyAugust-Stud IssueJul 1st Aug 15th SeptemberOctober- Puppy Hopefuls Summer SpecialtySep 1st Nov 15th NovemberDecember- Brood BitchBack issues 9Brenda Hutton has back issues shed just love to send to you Research your pedigrees Find photos of your lines entire ancestry Brenda tells us some issues are already gone Collectors Items for sure Call Brenda at 517 485-5183 and get yours before theyre all sold outthru - 1980 4.00ea 1980 - 1991 S.OOeaAdvertisers [IndexAPC POM SHOPPE.......................................................39APC Skin Disease Video................................................ 41APC Yearbook.................................................................39Bordelon, Janet VELVET TOUCH...........................41Cannon, Ann ANNON.................................................37Carlough, Marie RICKGARBOB..............................30City of Los Angeles Pom Club.......................................29Conley, Evelyn Rollie LYN-LEE............................. 7DFW Pomeranian Club, Inc..........................................33Dimick, Warren Virginia PUF-PRIDE................ 19Freia, Jeriy JANESA..............................................15-17Goddard, Tim Sue TIM SUE................................ 13Goeltz, Rosalind PENRU ..........................................BCGriffith, K.G. LENETTE..............................................9Hanson, Sharon JAN SHAR.................................... IFCJones, Happeth Michael HAPIAN.........................31Leitner, Victoria COURBETTE .............................. 11Liselli, Anna AN-JO.....................................................25Newyear, Evelyn NEUJAHR........................................ 4Read, Kim LUV-N .......................................................27Rosenbaum, Mary BI-MAR .......................................23San Diego Pom Club.......................................................29Shope, Ken Lilae LILAE........................................ 21Sooner Pomeranian Club...............................................45Tarver, Ida IDA............................................................41Vickers, Mary MAR-VIC....................................... FC,1Pomeranian WndexAn-Jo Dancin Autumn Spectrum..................................25An-Jo Dancing Autumn Fantasy...................................25Animations Sunny Bunny............................................. 20Annon Puppy................................................................... 35Ch. Annons Dandie Kit Kat..........................................36Annons Huggy Bear From Scamp UD CD HOF . FCCh. Annons Tan Tar......................................................38Bev-Nors Grand Finale.................................................18Ch. Cedar-view's Bandit Of Annon..............................36Ch. Courbettes Fudge It Budget, C.D.........................11Crawfords Moonwalker Boy........................................18D Judges Morning Magic..............................................14Ch. Del Sols Mighty Murphy....................................... 18Glen Iris Castle Rock................................................ 12,14Golden Aires JJ Flash.................................................... 30Hapians Fancy Gold Trinket....................................... 31Hapians Little Yankee Boy...........................................31Ch. Idas Danish Delite By Bev-Nor.............................41Ch. Jan-Shars Hillbilly Heaven.................................IFCCh. Janesas Hi-Struttin Ubet....................................... 15Ch. Janesas High Struttin Daisey................................ 15Janesas Southland Tanner............................................16Janesas Struttin At Blakes........................................... 17Ch. Joarts Golddust................................................. 18,27Lenette Puppies................................................................. 9Ch. Lyn-Lee Miss Mona...................................................7Ch. Mercers Star Vonna.................................................7Ch. Mercers Street Dancer............................................. 7Ch. Millamors Lyn-Lee Matilda....................................7Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy.....................................BCPuf-Pride Tandilizing Angel..........................................19Rickgarbob Diamond Jim .............................................30Shadowmountin One Man Show...................................12Ch. Silver Meadows Richochet.....................................4,7Ch. Tim Sues Highfalutin............................................. 13Tim Sues Star light........................................................ 1248 MarchApril 1991 PomeranianJust remember...Everytime you look back here to find someones ad, you could have been looking at your ownReserve your covers, and inside covers now.iirwt, M h ^^Tj iJl t 'nif iSugar Plum"Youre The Top7 APC Obedience Pom - 1990eVJtWeCLH'4,teo\tF ptrCh. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy Amer., Berm., Canadian, U.D.Sugar received her 3rd U.D. in November 1990 and thus became the first Pom ever to have earned three utility titles. She is the FIRST AND ONLY Ch. Pom with OTCH 1989 "The Plum" - was the top APC utility Pom- tied for top obedience Pom in Canada- was the 2 Pom in the Shuman System- was the only Ch. Pom in National ratings1990 brought many placements in Utility B and Open B, a high combined score and Highest Scoring Pom and Toy Dog Awards.Loved, Owned and Trained By Rosalind Goltz 914 725-5159KN NNU70 Sulgrave Rd Scarsdale, NY 10583I ^ iJ'in111 r1 i11^ij