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The Pomeranian Review May 1991
American \Pomeranian lub t, Inc.v Pomeranian S V D MPublished Bimonthly National SpecialtyWestminster May]une 1991p.K'SjgBggpir4TJL,I9JW. SG0o QSSK1 SOLLWaSG QMffiCh. Shadomountin One Man ShowL l VifLgSPECIALTY K, SHOW BESTOFBREEDKOHLER\'Tinsel" will be shown very sparingly in 1991We have moved and our new address isKathy BucherShadomountin 1325S.W. 26 Oklahoma City, OK 73108 405 632-4914\COVER STORY3kl kl m smm ebjukiOn the front cover, we are pleased to feature our Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein. A study of his pedigree is a tapestry of our better dogs. Calvin is sired by our top producer, Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion, but his dam is sired by a double Medallion grandson and out of a Medallion great granddaughter.Calvin has just returned from a 6 month stay with Ken and Eleanor Miller where he was more assessable to American breeders. We hope that those who used him will have great success with his puppies. His first puppies here at Chriscendo were outstanding, as he continues to live up to his heritage.The much admired Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster, completed his championship with BOW at the Canadian Specialty last spring. The following weekend he won his first Best in Show in Canada. Calvins daughter Ch. Chriscendo Calendar Girl also won a Best in Show her first time out as a Special, also as a puppy. Another son, Chriscendo Cognito, completed his championship in four straight shows, at 6 months, 2 weeks old. Another daughter, Am. Ch. En- jays Electric Cute, bred by JeanJenkins, owned by Burt Halsey, is doing some lovely winning in the U.S.We look forward to some new and exciting Calvin kids this Summer. We continue to strive to work together with other breeders to produce dogs who will be assets to the breed. "We should all be concerned about the future, we will have to spend the rest of our lives there."ChriscendoChristine John Heartz PO Box 189 Brookfield, Nova Scotia Canada BON ICO.........I........American Pomeranian lubPresents...1990 "Wery [Important Pomeranian" Winners.................... .......................................................................TOP WINNING DOG tie TOP WINNING BITCHCh. Jeribeth Sir Lancelot Ch. Pixies Buttons-N-Bows, GCCh. Southlands Mr Vip O IdaTOP PRODUCING DOGCh. Chriscendo City Lights, ROMXTOP PRODUCING BITCH tieCh. LLL Rockys Brass Bellringer, ROMX Shadra Coal City O Holihouse Tim Sues Duchess Sabrina, ROMXTOP OBEDIENCE POMCh. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy, U.D, HOFTOP OPEN POMSillergs Total Eclipse, C.D.X.TOP NOVICE POMSunswept Dauntless, C.D.TOP UTILITY POMAnnons Huggy Bear From Scamp, U.D., HOFTOP BREEDER TOP EXHIBITORSue and Tim Goddard Tim Sue Cheryl Jackson and Joel Taylor Glen IrisTOP JUNIORElaine MckeePomeranian SJSWQBM MayJune 1991 1PresidentMary fritters1st Vice PresidentAudrey gberts2nd Vice PresidentDavid Watts'"tH1Recording SecretaryMappetb A. JonesCorresponding SecretaryFrances J. StollRural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501TreasurerAL Williamson BOB 4207Bineville, LA 71361-4207SaCCy Baugniet CaroCA. JalavichMargaret Mcee Jean B. ScfiroCC Bony Lelez Cheryl WagnerQ03gs]i3Sam ZaneoffEditorJailA. JarveyPublishing HouseTT XPEDITIOTVf ^PUBLISHING111PO Box A, 45 Pennwood Drive Mastic Beach, NY 11951-0501 Tel 516 399-3199 Fax 516 399-3182Circulation ManagerBrenda . Mutton R102 Tudor Lane Lansing, MI 48906 Tel 517 485-5183 1991 by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission. Published bimonthy JanMarMayJulSepNov in Mastic Beach, NY by the American Pomeranian Club, hrc. Subscriptions are 25.00 per year 2nd class mail 30.00 per year 1st Qass mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and APOs US funds only.Custom graphics and all graphic compilations 1991 Expedition Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. All material and manuscripts submitted for publication with the exception of photos and custom graphics become the property of the American Pomeranian Club, all rights reserved. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.featuresCover Story.....................................................ICan, Am Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein 3Es Very Important Pomeranians . 1Puppy Photo Contest..................................12Things You Should Know.......................... 11ptEs National Specialty....................... 12Marlene PresserThank You To Supporters............... 13Annual Stud Dog Register sample 15jj rticlesSkin Conditions Seminar Report... 16Flee Fleas..................................................... 25David R. EdwardsObedience News..........................................28Brenda K HuttonThe Bite........................................................ 32Happeth A. JonesQlub 03 ewsCentral Arkansas Pom Club....................... 17Pat BarnettPuget Sound Pom Club...............................24Janell ReichColumbia Pom Club................................... 24Jean SchrollPom Club of Greater Baltimore..................26Diane M. DowneyColumnsTails To Tell....................................................4from the EditorUpdates...........................................................6from the PresidentRecording Secretarys Report......................8AKC Delegate Report.................................. 10Pom Patter....................................................25HEPS Code of Ethics..................................29Behind The New Titlists..............................31Pomeranian Standard..................................34The Pom Query............................................36Classifieds .................................................. 36Yips Yaps.................................................. 37Advertising Tips...........................................39Advertisers Index.........................................40Pomeranian Index........................................402 MayJune 1991 PomeranianAnimationLORINDA VASUTADARREN LANE 63 EAST CUYAHOGA FALLS AVE. AKRON, OHIO 44310 216 762-7567presents...Champion 14rftUmotfoH 4- Swuuy SunnyUEYICHIMP\0NWINNERSWESTERN RESERVE KENNEL CLUB INC ^ DEC 1330J0MI 0_.^SSfiSIr \L_________rShown going Best of Breed for a 5 point major at the Michigan Pom Specialty from the Bred by Exhibitor Bitch class at 7 12 months of age. Thank you Mr. Edd Biven.Best of Opposite Sex over a Special at Marion KC at 6 12 months of age for 2 pts.Thank you Mrs. Victor Olmos OllivierSunny finished with 4 majors at 8 months.Thank you Frank Oberstar, Mary McCoy, Sharon Kroghand and Dawn Vick Hansen.See pedigree Behind New TitlistsPomeranian BWOll MayJune 1991 3TAILS TO TELL fronthe_ . editorBy ill fi. GqrveyBlood, Sweat, and FearsThe first thing Id like to do is thank all the people who have been so supportive of my new position as the editor of the Pomeranian Review. It is one thing to have the support of friends and family, but I am getting encouragement from people all over the United States and Canada that I dont even know. Ive had phone conversations and letters from many wonderful people, most of the comments have been favorable, the larger size seemed to be the major controversy. Again, my sincere thanks, the encouragement is much appreciated.The one frightening comment Ive heard a couple of times now is "if this is what an issue looks like on a rush basis, I cant wait to see what it will look like when you have more time to do it" Believe me, we spent many nights until l-2am trying to get this first issue to look the way it did. It was a rush job, but we spent an enormous amount of time getting it to what appeared to be somewhat polished. Im afraid there wont be many major changes from what youve already seen. I hope thats not a disappointment. With time, the magazine will evolve, and hopefully for the better. But let me throw something at you. If you can think of something that you think would make the magazine spectacular, send me a note with your thoughts. It cant hurt, and you never know what might show up in a future issueNew York City Hey Bring the ENTIRE familyFor the first time ever I went to the Westminster show. I absolutely do not, and will not drive in the city. My 9 year old daughter, April, and I decided to take the train. The ride from Long Island isnt bad. The ride is a couple of hours long with one change of trains. Once we got into Penn Station in New York City, it was up a few flights of stairs and your at Madison Square Garden, sounds simple rightWell dont forget about the strange and colorful people you might meet on the way. We werent off the train for more than a minute, when approached by a totally "normal" looking middle age woman, who asked if we were going to Westminster and could she follow us in That seemed harmless enough, until she began calling herself my mother and my daughters grandmother. She then gave us play money and told us we could use this money to get into the show. My daughter and I tried desperately to lose this woman in the crowd, but she was sticking to us like glue, telling us that we owed it to her to wait for her, seeing as she gave us all this money She also talked abouthow nice it would be for the three of us to go to Disney World together Thank god that once we got into line to buy tickets and the crowds got laiger, she disappeared. WELCOME TO NEW YORKSomewhere over the Rainbow...After purchasing my tickets I could feel the excitement generating off people standing in line. I looked around at the beautiful pictures of past Winners, and started to feel the energy and excitement I couldnt wait to get through the doors and be a part of the thrills and excitement of Westminster. My daughter unfortunately, had other ideas of what was "exciting" and dragged me through all the vendor areas to collect free samples we must have lugged around half a dozen bags. I really enjoyed the vendor tables with all the beautiful art work and jewelry, though I must say that everything was priced incredibly high. There were plenty of food vendors which also kept my daughter happy.I finally managed to get into the exhibit area, and found it to be crowded, but there was definitely a special feeling here. The best I can explain it would be to say I felt like Dorothy did upon entering the Land of Oz I didnt know where to go first, I seemed drawn to go to the ring where the biggest crowds and most noise was. I guess being afraid of missing that BIG WIN, which may later that evening become the Group Winner, or better yet the BIS Winner I also found myself wandering through the bench area a few times, admiring all the beautiful dogs that are on display just for our personal pleasure or so it seems. This may be an awful place for the person showing the dog to have to spend the entire day, but let me tell you, it was wonderful as a spectator.One of the days highlights, for me of course, was watching the Pomeranian competition. The BOB winner "Ch. Tomho Champagne Wishes," put on a little side show that delighted the spectators. During competition he didnt seem to miss a beat, but became an absolute clown after winning BOB. He seemed to know that he had won and decided to "show off a little, kicking his feet and practically doing flips in mid air. I thought this was great, although his handler didnt seem amusedI didnt stay for the group competition. I hadnt bought tickets ahead of time for seats and thought it would be easier to see the rest on television. Watching it that evening, I felt more a part of it than ever before, I also wished I had stayed for the entire show.I felt I didnt get to see enough while we were there, there just wasnt enough time to see everything. Oh well, theres always next year4 MayJune 1991 Pomeranian 5JSWU0M3^Eenette ^PemefianianbBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnervwI Four champions standing at stud, as well as non champions.PUPPIES ARE GENERALLY AVAILABLE, AT REASONABLE PRICES.Pets are priced from 250.00, show and breeding stock priced from 500.00. Please ask for a free copy of our price list.WE SPECIALIZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINE.We do have some AristicBonner.SATISFACTION IS ALWAYS GUARANTEED AT LENETTE.We give a written guarantee with every Pom sold.Pomeranian SJSWOSM MayJune 1991 5if not sooner, and I did.UPDATES By Mary Vickersfrom the presidentLife is just a bowl of cherries. Isnt that an old adage that sure covers a lot The APC is in a bowl of cherries and sometimes there are pits.Right now, March 14th, my 32nd day as President, there are a few pits. I think I should go back to obedience and call them broad jumps It seems like I keep jumping over things. Every time I jump someone moves those boards further apart Hopefully, as I jump, I land safely. Hopefully, as I land, I complete the exercise. The only question is, do I get a perfect score I have broad shoulders, a good front assembly and some good training. Is that enough No, its not.The Review was a major problem. I worked hard on the March issue, as did our gracious and ingenious editor and her husband. I figured that the May issue would have a few more problems, but most would be solved by your support in ads and articles. I did what I could. What you see hear in this issue are your results. If it appears a little flimsy if it appears not to have covered the intended subject, you forgot to support it.The July issue is going to be a little different Already there are ads and articles coming in to the editors mailbox. It will be back on track.Another problem I was facing was just the way things are done. The organization of things so to speak. I met this head on and it is going well. A few problems here and there, but nothing that can not be handled.Obedience is a team sport. It is the dog and the handler. Fifty percent of what walks into the ring is human. Although the team has many hours of training behind it, the human side, the handler has more. The handler has gone through hours of floor instruction, many seminars and countless informal hours of talking and learning with other people.Right now on this 32nd day, I cant decide if I am the obedience dog trying to do a good job and please its master - ,the APC members. Or if I am the handler. If the handler, then I am lucky, I have many people surrounding the ring wanting me to do a good job. Standing at ringside are fellow officers and board members, individual friends, many acquaintances and many unknown APC members.The AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB is a sport and a club. It is a nationwide group of people, who are bound together by their admiration of one thing - the Pomeranian. Those truly interested in the breed join this group, when they join, they are in a sense pledging to support this group and whatever it faces. They may disagree, they may voice their opinions, but they are together in a brotherhood - in a club.When they pay their dues and join, they take on many responsibilities. One of the things that is not mentioned in writing anywhere, but is an undercover responsibility to that club, is loyalty.I could expound on this subject, but I think I am just going to bring it up and let you question it.When I became President, I knew what I was facing. I knew it would be hard acting as leader for this club. It has many problems, I had planned to act on them immediately 6 MayJune 1991 Pomeranian SJSWfllliEThe third major problem is the finances. Here I want to stop and say thank you, officially, to every officer, every board member, every member, who came forward to help. Thank you is not enough. The hurdle has not been crossed yet, but worse can not happen. We have A1 Williamson, Bev Poplar, Chip Galloway, Mike Jones and Gary Ward all who have extreme money managing experience and are very long-sighted to guide this club through a very shaky time.I said in New York that this is not the "Vickers Pomeranian Club," if it were I would be sitting pretty, as everything done would benefit me. If you placed an ad in the Review it would go to put dinner on my table, if you made a trophy donation it would pay for my limo to the Specialty. This is not "my" club. It is the AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, it is YOUR club. I pay dues as a member, I am YOUR elected president who is trying to do the best for this club, this breed. It is YOUR club, this is YOUR magazine.SUPPORT THEAmerican Pomeranian 5lub.Its YOUR CLUBPS. I mentioned in Updates MarchApril Review that the 1989-90 board voted a new standing rule to have membership meetings at the Summer Specialty. We would have liked to have a club meeting in Oklahoma, but it cannot be done formerly, because of the by-laws. Although, it may happen informally Details to follow in next issue.American Pomeranian tubHeres a fantastic opportunity to help you get CASH credit to run MORE advertising in the Pomeranian RHWOSM Keep this letter safe Youll want to make copies of the backside of this letter once you hear the good newsEARN 10.00Thats right For every new subscriber you sign up for the Pomeranian 5WQ\K7, well issue you 10.00 credit towards any future advertisements you may want to run in the Pomeranian SJSWQSM. You can even accumulate credits from every new subscriber you get until you have enough credits to pay for the entire ad Now that the judges will be receiving every issue of our magazine starting with this issue the Pomeranian 5W[I\27 is the ONLY magazine you ever need to advertise in Youll be supporting your club, and youll be sure the judges see both your advertisements and your support of the American Pomeranian SZubBut how do I find new people to sign up Easy When someone buys a new puppy from you they are very excited about their new family member and about the Pomeranian breed. Thats the best time to get a new subscriber Include one of the coupons with your puppy papers and make sure that your name and address are filled out in the Referred By section. Or, you may run into people that want to find out more about dog shows and Pomeranians in general. Again, give them a coupon with your name filled out in the Referred By section. Dont forget about gift subscriptions Gift subscriptions also qualify you for the 10.00 creditsWhen new subscribers send in their coupons with your name on them, an account will be opened in your name and your savings begin Good LuckThis is the only notice you will receive about this special promotion, yet it will run until May 1st 1992. You may use your credits any time between now and the November 1992 issue At the end of one year this program will be re-evaluated. We hope this can be continued as a regular policy of the Pomeranian SBWUSW for K1KI0B5 KHLVSincerely,The Pomeranian StaffThis offer is only valid for new subscribers at the 30.00yr bulk mailing rateeCJe -a.a 2 ^C u gMe i aS ss tyEmfafiYES Id like to subscribe to the Pomeranian SJSWQSM The official magazine of the American Pomeranian Qlub Ill get 6 bimonthly issues at the domestic rate of just 30.00 year Make checks or money orders payable to American Pomeranian QlubNew Subscriber Info Referred ByName NameMailing Address Mailing AddressCity ST ZIP City ST ZIPReturn this coupon along with your check or money order toMarie PR Carlough, 8 Rowland Avenue, Blue Point, NY 11715ce O g MC .5 O 355 vPomeranianDllYES Id like to subscribe to the Pomeranian SJSWQBM The official magazine of the American Pomeranian glub Ill get 6 bimonthly issues at the domestic rate of just 30.00 year Make checks or money orders payable to American Pomeranian SlubNew Subscriber Info Referred ByName NameMailing Address Mailing AddressCity ST ZIP City ST ZIPReturn this coupon along with your check or money order toMarie PR Carlough, 8 Rowland Avenue, Blue Point, NY 11715e 3 i c .5J QE o 355 Ss cygMYES Id like to subscribe to the Pomeranian S\7[1M The official magazine of the American Pomeranian 5lub Ill get 6 bimonthly issues at the domestic rate of just 30.00 year Make checks or money orders payable to American Pomeranian QlubNew Subscriber Info Referred ByName NameEmMailing Address Mailing AddressCity ST ZIP City ST ZIPReturn this coupon along with your check or money order toMarie PR Carlough, 8 Rowland Avenue, Blue Point, NY 11715Bfll0V'VaiA.-CJkSSfra1Apolloette Carbon CopyCh. Apolloette Gone-A-Lot x Apolloette KatrinaCopy is shown going BOB over Specials from the puppy class under Judge Dr. Samual Draper for a 3pt major. The day before at the Northern California Pomeranian Club Specialty, Copy also took the breed from the puppy class, under judge Frank Oberstar, for a 4pt major. These were Copys second and third shows and he already has both his majors.We have several male puppies for sale - Great Elms bloodlines.BreederOwnersMarlene Marlin Presser 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA95215 209 886-5640New Co-ownerHoward O. Brentz 7280 Blue Hill Dr. Suite 3San Jose, CA 95129aaB B B B a a a aPomeranian W[1B\S7 MayJune 1991 7Recording Secretory ReportBy Noppeth G. Jonesarea as the applicant.The Championship certificates and the Hall of Fame Gold Club, ROM, ROMX certificates will be mailed with the roster.The annual membership meeting was held on February 10, 1991, at the Loew Summit Hotel in NYC. The meeting was held during the annual banquet Attending were 59 members and 20 guests.President, Dolores Watts called the meeting to order. She thanked her board and the APC membership for their support the past two years. Dolores made a personal thank you to Audrey Roberts for doing such a good job. Dolores also apologized for the Pom Review being so late. She called on Corresponding secretary, Audrey Robert, who then gave the results of the election.PresidentMary Vickers1st Vice President Audrey Roberts 2nd Vice President David Watts Recording Secretary Happeth A. Jones Correspanding Secretary Francis Stoll TreasurerAl WilliamsonBoard MembersSally Baugniet John Cribbs Carol Galavich Margaret McKee Jean Schroll Tony TellezThe new board was seated. President Mary Vickers stated that she wants communication between the membership and the board. She emphasized that she wants an open board and more membership participation.Sally Baugniet reported that the APC education table at the Specialty made 284.00. There are a lot of key chains and address books that have 1991 Winter APC Specialty" printed on them, that are still available. Janice Luginsland reported on the Skin Seminar, Janice stated the club still hasnt broke even but is very close.Mary Vickers reported that John Cribbs will be unable to serve as board member or as circulation manager. The club is in need of someone to replace him.Diane Johnson reported that the board has received a bid to reproduce the Pom Review at its current size and at an 8 x 10 size, the 8 x 10 would be 600.00 cheaper. Diane made a motion, "if the board deems a quality product at a more reasonable price for going to this size will you agree to that" The motion was seconded. There were a show of hands from the membership, the motion was passed.Mary Vickers reported that there has been some confusion on sponsoring new members, the sponsor must be an APC MEMBER for two years, the sponsor does not have to know the applicant for two years. Sponsors cannot be in the same household and must live in the same geographic 8 MayJune 1991 Pomeranian 5JHW0SProposed new committeesPublic Relations CommitteePrimary purpose is promotion and communication of the APC. This committee also will be doing a few things to encourage membership participation.Ways and Means CommitteePrimary objective is to make money. Works on three levels,1. General one shot items such as raffles2. The opening of the POM SHOPPE, a mail order groupof special artistic items relating to Poms. We need artistic members of APC to get together and design things.3. Publishing an Annual Pom Yearbook.Mary Vickers spoke to the membership about her hopes for the club, she stated, "I will do my best, absolute best, to make this work and I really hope that you will too ... I cannot alone run this club. This club is your responsibility ... please join me."A motion was made for adjournment. The general membership meeting came to an end. The board meeting was held immediately afterward.BOARD MEETING MINUTES The meeting was called to order immediately after the general membership meeting.Attending Board Members Missing Board Members Sally Baugniet Audrey Roberts Maiy Vickers Jean Schroll Al Williamson Happeth Jones Carol GalavichOld businessPrior minutes were not available. The formatting of the APC standard has been sent to AKC. The new vote on membership dues passed and has been sent to AKC.Judges list for the 1992 Specialty has been sent to AKC. Oklahoma will not be able to have the first obedience at their Specialty. A motion was made for the Des Moines Specialty, seconded and passed. The bids for the Pom Review were 1. 5100.00 2. 4919.00 3. 4100.00 for reg size and 3500.00 for 8x10, editing costs on 3 not included. The board will obtain the full bid on 3.The board felt that Marlin Presser did such a good job as show chairman, they appointed him for next year. Mike Jones was appointed as parliamentarian. Olga Baker willDave Watts Francis Stoll Margaret McKee Tony Tellez John CribbsStar Haven Pomeraniansrr a r BESTOF BREED OR VARIETYWISCONSIN KENNEL CLUB JAN. 1991 BOOTH PHOTO BY JAEGERXCh. Stylestepper Mark of Oakridge right, Star Havens Rock N James Brown left.Thank you judge, Mary McCoy for a memorable day James is Winners Dog for 2pts while dad shows the Kid he still has the "stuff' and takes BOB at the Wisconsin Kennel Club Show on Jan. 20, 1991.FLASH The exciting 9 month old puppy "James Brown" makes a clean sweep at the Pom Club of Greater Des Moines Specialty on Feb. 16,1991.Going BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPS and BOB in the regular classes.Thank you judge, Dorothy Nickles for giving James a 5pt major and BOB to finish him on his championship.WOW James does it again BOB at Southeastern Iowa Kennel Club the day after the Specialty under judge, Mrs. William Lehnig.A special thank you to Nadine Hersel, my boys love you and always want to stay with you.For sale One male, one female Ch. Stylestepper Mark of Oakridge x Star Havens Stylestep Millie a fatherdaughter breeding.Litters expected in March sired by Ch. Stylestepper Mark of Oakridge x Star Havens Solid Gold Chip.Inquiries invited.Janice Young 618 W. Springfield Rd St. Clair, MO 63077 314-629-2754Pomeranian SJgWOBiK MayJune 1991 9continue as Gazette columnist and Sam Zaneoff will continue as AKC Delegate. More study needs to be done on the Veteran Sweepstakes. The Audit Committee reviewed the treasurers report. They had one question that was cleared up, everything was approved.The judges for the 1993 slate were nominated. They areRegular classes Lorraine Masley Norman Patton Ronald Rella Dawn Vick Hansen Frank OberstarSweepstakes Jean Schroll Diane Johnson Audrey Roberts Carolyn Crockett James ShearerNew BusinessCheryl Wagner was voted in as a new board member. A new membership application was approved. Twelve new applicants - 7 approved - 4 failed to comply with new sponsorship rules -1 failed to get the required number of votes. Charges were presented on an APC member, afterthe entire board has seen the charges it will decide whether the board should pursue. All proposed committees were approved.Ways and Means Committee Public Relations - Lois Hamil, Chairman Obedience - Linda Gallagher, Chairman Local Clubs - Diane Johnson, Chairman Board of Examiners Audio VisualArchivesHistorianLibrary Awards Committee needs chairmanMembership Committee needs committee members By-laws CommitteeMotion to adjourn, seconded and carried.Respectfully submittedfa.K.C DELEGATE REPORTBy Sqm L. ZqneoffSince this is my first attempt at writing my report to all of you as representative and delegate to the AKC, I would like to first thank Mary Vickers our newly elected President, our Officers and Board of Directors for asking me to continue to serve as your delegate to the AKC. I consider this a great honor, especially since Ive served for many years as a Board Member and Officer of our club. It is, and always will be my pleasure to do anything asked of me for the club that has been such an important part of my life.At the March 12th meeting of the delegate body of the AKC there was brought before us proposals that will be voted on at our next meeting in June. These proposals deal with changes being made in the Bred by Exhibitor Class, and are as follows. In order to be eligible for entry in this class, the dog must be owned wholly or in part by the person, or by the spouse of the person who was the breeder, or one of the breeders of record. If an eligible dog has been 10 MayJune 1991 Pomeranian SIBWQSMentered in the class, it then must be handled in the class by the breeder, or one of the breeders of record, or by a member of the immediate family of the breeder or one of the breeders of record. The dog would still have to be handled in the ring by a breeder or a member of a breeders immediate family. Further, this change would in all likelihood greatly increase the use of this class, and would eliminate the necessity of a breeder requiring a co-owner in order to keep the dog eligible for the Bred by Class. The AKC Board carefully considered this proposal and recommended its adoption at our next meeting. Another proposal is being considered and recommended its adoption is as follows, the three time disqualification rule was intended to eliminate situations whereby dogs were continually being disqualified and reinstated because of different interpretations of a breed standard, or because of a testicle descending as a dog matured. However, when it comes twice to the attention of the AKC that a dog is blind or deaf, or that it has been advised thatthe dog is no longer eligible to compete. These are clear-cut conditions and, if verified the AKC does not feel that it should wait for three different judges on show committees to fmd the condition to bar the dog.The board is proposing that the mle be clarified to provide that a dog that has been disqualified as being blind, deaf or castrated, spayed or changed in appearance by artificial means, except specified in the standard for the breed will be barred from future competition, unless the dogs show eligibility has been reinstated by the AKC. This would give the owner the opportunity to prove that the judge or show committee was in error in disqualifying the dog. The three time disqualification rule would still apply to disqualifications under breed standard, or to males which are found to not have two normal testicles located in the scrotum. Also at this meeting was an election of three new officers to the AKC board. Elected were, Mr. William Bergreen, Mrs. Judy Daniels and Mr. Sills.Again, I wish to express my gratitude to the club, its officers and board members for the distinguished honor serving you as AKC delegate.INTRODUCING THE 1st ANNUAL POM REVIEW PUPPY PHOTO CONTESTEvery ad submitted for our "September Promising Puppy Issue, featuring a puppy born on or after 7190 is automatically entered. The winner in each of the three categories will receive credit for a free full page ad in any issue of the Review.And the categories areTHE HDM MEVHEW SWEEPSAn unannounced judge will choose from the Sept, ads the most promising puppy. This category is judged on conformation alone.PUPPIES HMD THE CUTEST THINGSAds for this category should show puppies being puppies, and the cuter the better Judging will be based on content of the ad photo.EEST PHOTOJudged by a professional photographer on composition, layout, design and quality of the photo.As usual the deadline for the September issue is July 1st.No photos received after this date will be eligible Things you should know ... about the Pomeranian ESWOSM The APC is considering a freeze on current subscription rates, however, anyone who subscribes to the Review after 41591 will pay the new increased rates of 30.00 3rd class, and 35.00 1st class. Deadlines for the Review are absolute. If your ad or article arrives on the day after the deadline, IT GOES IN THE NEXT ISSUE If you ask Gail or Leo Expedition Publishing to create or draw something for your ad, it becomes their property. You can use it in the Review again and again, but nowhere else. Gail Garveys Expedition Publishing duties include the complete production of the Review except for the printer, whose responsibilities are for the photo reproductions, printing and binding, doing the editing, lay-out and design. She is also responsible for interfacing and working with printers, and the complete mailing operations of all issues of the Pomeranian Review. The Review is out of our hands at that point until you receive it. If you wish to renew, place a new subscription, order back issues or have a change of address, this goes to APC member Brenda Hutton whos address can be found in the front of this magazine. If your Review has not arrived on time, contact your local post office for tracing requests.Pomeranian SJSWQS MayJune 1991 11American Pomeranian Clubs February 10,1991By Marlene PresserttZ- 'y \ ' 3BEST OF BREEDcmpiRE specialty associated clubs FEB 1991 sr4FvHBEST OF BREED Ch. Shyacres Our Man FridayPuppy Sweepstakes 4th place - Rhynstone RavishingJudge Mr. Maynard Wood Rick Joyce Urban . ' lBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESExpress EnterprisePuppy dogs 6-9 months1st place - Express Enterprise Kara Greenwood2nd place - Tomho Mud In Your Eyes Tommi Hooban3rd place - Teakwoods How Bout Hoover Laureen Ivey12 MayJune 1991 Pomeranian SiSWQSMPuppy dogs 9-12 months1st place - Silver Meadows JusA Lil Teddy Jacqueline Klein 2nd place - Lynnwrights Dick Tracy Donna Lynn Wright 3rd place - Rhynstone Montrey Jack Joyce Urban4th place - Adines Dance To My Beat Diane WardPuppy botehes 6-9 months1st place - Jan-Shars Pretty Woman Sharon Hanson2nd place - Tomho Mud Wrestler Tommi Hooban3rd place - Pinehavens Just An Illusion Gale Sharland4th place - Whisper Ln An American Beauty Mark Carol Baldwin1st place - Cenla Annie Laurie OFriday A. C. WilliamsonfifVS4a r BEST OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKESCenlas Annie Laurie OFriday2nd place - Merrymont Spring Fever S. R. White3rd place - Glen Iris Very Special Eliza Sue Buddy Sauls and Dr.Cheryl Jackson4th place - Gray Dawns Cotton Candy Marsha HartmanYOU TO THEFOLLOWING FEOFLE THEM FINANCIALAudrey Roberts The Pom Club of Michigan Detroit AreaHappeth Michael Jones Al WilliamsonShirley BradleyBLUE ROSETTESJean Schroll Mary VickersNadine Hersil Lisa Bill Smart David Dolores WattsStella Reeves Emily Untalan Sam ZaneoffDorothy BonnerRED ROSETTESFrances Stoll Evelyn C. NewyearNorma Gad Tim Sue GoddardHoward FieldFEZLOWROSETTESNora Higbee Betty SchaapNancy Fry The Pomeranian Club of Margery StrumEdna Girardot Canada Paula WindierTrudy Adair Sophie Bemus Allison Brewster Eloise Chandler Josephine Ching Harold Collings, Jr Marion CoyPeggy Doyal Jerrie Freia K. D. Griffith Dolores Haak Brenda Hutton Sharon HughesIrwin Derial Jackson Julia Bob McCulloughMrs. Norris McKamey Melissa Steve Mellen Lois Morkassel Babe A. Stranahan Valerie Widgren Sharon L. Williams Pauline Zecca,mwPomeranian MayJune 1991 13BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESExpress Enterprise Kara GreenwoodBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKESCenla Annie Laurie OFriday A. C. WilliamsonRegular ClassesJudge Ms. Martha Jane AblettBEST OF WINNERSTeakwood How Bout HooverPuppy dogs -9 months1st place - Express Enterprise Kara Greenwood2nd place - Whispering Lane Promises Kept Mark Carol Baldwin3rd place - Rhynstone Ravishing Rick Joyce Urban4th place - Whid-Dons High Performance Barbara WhiddonPuppy dogs 9-12 months1st place - Mosaic Micro Star Jeanne Stafford Riki Barker 2nd place - Adines Dance To My Beat Diane Ward3rd place - Great Elms Ring Master Jose Cabrera4th place - Lynnwrighfs Dick Tracy Donna Lynn WrightNowiee Dog1st place - Posmarks Midnight Blue Maleta WallsBrad by Exhibitor Dogs1st place - Teakwoods How Bout Hoover Laureen Ivey2nd place - Rhynstone The Main Event Joyce Urban3rd place - Philbrooks Devilish Dudley Susann Stackhouse 4th place - Pomsprings Tickle Me too Elizabeth DupuisAmerican Brad Dogs1st place - Cassios Flash In The Pan J. S. Brewster M. A. Reed2nd place - Pombredens Heavnly Town Crier Barbara Robert BredenOpen, Black, Brown Blue Dogs1st place - Grafenhorsts Gucci Nicole Szary2nd place - Phyner Black Aladdin Diane CarlsonOpen, Red, Orange, Cream Sable Dogs1st place - Rhynstone Montrey Jack Joyce Urban2nd place - Hapians Little Yankee Boy Happeth Jones3rd place - ChriscendoCloudbuster Christine Heartz4th place - Piccolo Of Point Loma Pauline HughesWinners DogTeakwood's How Bout Hoover Laureen IveyReserve Winners DogExpress Enterprise Kara Greenwood5 point majorPuppy Bitches 6-9 months1st place - Merrymont Primrose Path Carolyn Turnage2nd place - Whisper Ln An American Beauty Mark Carol Baldwin3rd place Tim Sues Sparkling Lights \Tim Sue Goddard4th place - Millamors Marrike Eleanor MillerPuppy Bitches 9-12 months 1st place - Merrymont Spring Fever S. R. White2nd place - Bev-Nors Grand Finale Steve Gloria Carlin 3rd place - Pinehavens Curtain Call Gale Sharland4th place - Cenla Annie Laurie OFriday A. C. WilliamsonBred By Exhibitor Bitches1st place - Pinehavens Just An Illusion Gale Sharland2nd place - Watts Little Lindee Lou Dolores Watts3rd place - Dover Holihouse Ho Lea Terra Kathryn Hartz, D, Ninotoski Patricia Foley 4th place - Teakwoods Apple Annie Laureen IveynBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXPinehavens Just An IllusionOpen, Black, Brown Blue Bitches1st place - Lil ShaversDevastation Karen Kathy ShaverOpen, Rod, Drang, Cream Sable Bitches1st place - Pomaunok Earth Angel Fran Bosman Gloria Setmayer2nd place - Shyacres Kiddy Kan Doo Dolores Watts14 MayJune 1991 PomeranianAnnual Stad Dog RegistersDont breed to the dog next door, unless he is part of the REVIEWS "Stud Dog Register." The Annual Stud Dog Register continues to be published in the July issue BIGGER BETTER than ever.As before, stud cards will continue to be three on a page. Many subscribers across the nation, across the world, clip the Reviews Stud Register picture, pedigree and owner info to keep for years to come The cost of a stud card is now 15 for each entry, plus 15 for photo reproduction. At 30.00 it is an economical way of showing off your dog. Because of the increased size of the Review, your stud card will be larger than ever. Pictures will be closely cropped to show off the dog. Color photos reproduce very well, 35mm are acceptable, while glossy black and white are better yet. Polaroid pictures are not accepted. The description beneath the photo is limited to 20 words and three lines max. Please send non-returnable copies of pedigrees neatly typed or hand printed. Remember to include the color of your stud.Dont wait Send in all of your stud cards NOW__________________________________Ch Millamors Moon Rock Ch Millamors Rock Music Millamors Marlita fim Can Ch Millamor's Rock ConcertCh Millamors Moon Rock Ch Millamor's Rock Rosette Millimors MarrilynnOtni Ssiqi SGi SfoffBsssfixa SBiSy MgfottaCh Millamors Moon Rock Am Can Millamors Rock Medallion Millamors Marrilynn Can Ch Chriscendo ChattelaineCh Mercers Touch of Duke Mercers Melodee TouchMercers Gayla DeeBreeder Christine Heartz Owners Sue Goddard Christine Heartz Top Producer Two Years in a Row Route 2, Box 540This would be your second line of text and so on, and so... Opelousas, l_A 70570This would be your third line of text and so on, and so on... 318 543-6622The Pomeranian is pleased to honor theAPCs VIP AWARD WINNER TOP STUD with a complimentary stud card.3aa Siam SGa sady [LagGoSaCity Lights was tied for this award in 1990 and an outright winner in 1991City Lights was bred by Chris John Heartz and co-owned by them with Tim Sue Goddard. He resides with the Goddards.Pomeranian 5J\7[]7 MayJune 1991 153rd place - Watts Scotia Little Bonnie-B Virgil Laurey Seavey4th place - Golden Aires Billy Jean Bonnie HarrisWinners BitchPinehavens Just An Illusion Gale SharlandReserve Winners BitchWatts Little Lindee Lou Dolores Watts5 point majorVeteran Dogs1st place - Ch. Chriscendo City Lights Sue Goddard Christine Heartz2nd place - Ch. Silver Meadows Mr. Randy Claire FlesnerVeteran Bitches1st place- Ch. Scotia Shamrocks Sue Ellen Dolores Watts2nd place - Ch. Silva Lade Almond Joy Larry Diane JohnsonBest Of BreedCh. Shy Acres Our Man Friday W. A. Lisa Smart and Audrey RobertsBest Of WinnersTeakwoods How Bout Hoover Laureen IveyBest Of Opposite SexPinehavens Just An Illusion Gale SharlandStud Dog1st place - Ch. Chriscendo City Lights Sue Goddard Christine HeartzBrace1st place - Piccolo of Point Loma Ch. Nice Guy Of Point Loma Pauline HughesSkin Conditions Seminar Reportdedicated and interested group of over 40 attendees gathered on Feb. 9, 1991 at the Loews Summit Hotel in New York to listen to information on skin conditions of the Pomeranian. Guest speaker was Clint Lothrop, DVM, Associate Professor with the Department of Environmental Practice at the University of Tennessee.Mr. Lothrop gave a 3 hour presentation which covered the various types of possible skin conditions that occur in canines. The last session of his presentation and slide show dealt specifically with adult onset growth hormone responsive alopecia as it occurs in the Pomeranian. He showed "before" slides of what is commonly seen in severe cases of the "skin condition" and "after" slides of dogs that were recoated. He left everyone with much information to assimilate and discuss and decide how we as breeders and members of the parent club wish to proceed.Mr. Lothrop suggested that formulating a protocol for specific tests to be done by veterinarians might be the first place to start. The results of these tests could then be sent to him for his research. He also needs pedigree information for genetic research.The afternoon session was a question and answer session with the following panel Sue Goddard, Chris Heartz, Olga Baker with Janice Luginsland as moderator. The honesty and integrity of the breederson the panel is to be commended. Many of the various treatments, home-made and otherwise, were openly discussed.The new APC president, Maiy Vickers, has a serious and dedicated interest in anomalies specific to the Pomeranian as well as the board. The task now lies with the Board and general membership to carry this project forward.Special thanks needs to be given to the committee - Sue Goddard, Chris Heartz, Dana Plonkey and Janice Luginsland. Mary Vickers headed up the video production and distribution. Chris Heartz generously donated her lovely artwork for the cover of the packet which unfortunately did not carry her name. Bonnie Stetson and Executive Services of Akron, Ohio were responsible for securing a donor for the printing, etc. of the packet saving APC several hundred dollars.Printed packets are still available at 10 each by sending a check made out to Janice Luginsland, Rt 1, Box 97, Americus, KS, 66835 316 443-5157.Videos are also available at 20 each by sending a check made out to the American Pomeranian Club and sent toMary Vickers 2818 Jefferson Dr.Alexandria, VA, 22303 703 960-775516 MayJune 1991 Pomeranian SJSWQSiKCENTRAL fiRKfiNSfiSPOMERANIAN CLUBBy Pot Bqrnett 'VIA cvThe CAPC held their 4th axmual specialty fun match Dec. 1,1990 with an entry of 21 lovely Poms. Trophies were beautiful ceramic spoonrests with Pom figurines, made by Laveme Anderson. CAPC President Babe McCombs served as ring steward, assisted by Charles McNiece.Bronya Johnston patiently judged our Sweeps babies, and Erika Moureau enjoyed her job judging the regular classes.SweepstakesJudge, Bronya JohnstonV\ IQ, ^4 V4. w."I'-WmBEST IN SWEEPSCenlas Friday At TiffanysBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Glen Iris Distant WinnerCheiyl JacksonJoel TaylorRegular ClassesJudge, Erika Moureau-BEST PUPPY IN MATCHGlen Iris Pure MagicPuppy Dogs 3-6 months1st place - Glen Iris Pure MagicPuppy Dogs 6-9 months1st place - Glen his Distant WinnerPuppy Bitches 3-6 months1st place - Tim Sues Sparkling LightPuppy Bitches 6-9 monthsPuppy Dogs 3-6 months 1st place - Cenlas Friday At Tiffanys1st place - Glen Iris Pure MagicPuppy Dogs 6-9 months1st place - Glen Iris Distant WinnerPuppy Bitches 3-6 months1st place - Tim Sues Sparkling LightPuppy Bitches 6-9 months1st place - Cenlas Friday At TiffanysBEST IN SWEEPSCenlas Friday At Tiffanys Sandra Mueller1st place - Glen Iris Southern RainBEST PUPPY IN MATCH Glen Iris Pure MagicCheryl JacksonJoel TaylorBEST ADULT IN MATCH Glen Iris Southern RainCheryl JacksonJoel TaylorBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXTim Sues Sparkling Light Sue GoddardWJ,BEST ADULT IN MATCHGlen Iris Southern RainOur congratulations to the winnersMatch chairman Nancy Bartholomew wishes to thank the judges for a job well done, the exhibitors for your support, and the club members for their hard work on making this match a huge success.Our Club started out slowly, quite small, but has been growing steadily with a lot of new members recently. CAPC has been working towards AKC sanctioning and hope to get approval soon to hold B matches.Members finishing Poms in 1989 were Brenda and Terry Turner with Jamels Texas Kane "T K" and Babe McCombs with Mi Babe Soft Landing "Bump." Babe also has 14 pts both majors on her bitch Mi Babe Charming Heiress. Dee and Charles McNeice have a lovely major pointed boy out, A Reynolds Tidy Wolfie, Pat and Barney Barnett have a couple of beautiful "High Lights" kids out, Bar- net High Wins "Baby" and Bar-net High Fashion "Susie" and several of us have puppy hopefuls waiting impatiently for their turn in the ring.Make plans now to come to Arkansas next December for our next Specialty match during the Razorback Circuit, we always have majors Yall Come.Pomeranian IRSWOBM MayJune 1991 17OOOOOO O O CoooooooooooQDOloClClClClClClCClClcccClClsccctm lo^ueBEST W GROUPCAT0CT1N KENNEL CLUBJANUARY , 1991caparas photographyCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Dimonde Solitaire of Emceewhelped 102791"Ollie"is pictured here going Group I Puppy under Judge Herb Rosen at the Catoctin KC match on 12791.Thank you Skip Piazza and Olga Baker and of course, Prince for helping me to produce such special pups. A special thanks to Skip for all the advise, encouragement and help in the ring. Thank you Morris Carson for letting me have the dam of these two beautiful boys.BreederOwnerHandler Diane M. Downey 20435 Ambassador Terrace Germantown, MD 20874-3828 301 540-3828c OccccccccccccoooooogcccC0ClClClccBOccc0c18 MayJune 1991 Pomeranian SSSWQIIMooooooooooooooooooooo o.ooq00013OOwo.qQ6oooQt^n-cwcie- rde Q^Ce^nrvelCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Dimonde Solitaire of Emceewhelped 102791"Nicolas" is shown here going Group I Puppy at the Carroll Kennel Club match on 3391 under Judge W. Henry Odum III.Thank you David for the beautiful handling job you did with this little Prince.BreederOwnerDiane M. Downey 20435 Ambassador Terrace Germantown, MD 20874-2873 301540-3828HandlerDavid Sullivan 13007 Brandywine Rd Brandywine, MD 20613 301372-1744t 085u MCLLooOoooDSooOoooooom oo o o o oo o oo o os oo o o oPomeranian 5W0\57 MayJune 1991 19VCFany day of theweek...Especially...FRIDAYAmerican Pomeranian ^lub National Specialty Feb. 10, 1991 Entry 142 33 Specials Best In ShowOr O O Oi3\ i\ r7i\ CcocoCOCOCOCOCOcacaM------ 1 \C1 \\---------------------7 \1r-u a uCo-ownersW.A. Lisa Smart 1419 E Green Street Perry, FI 32347 904 584-5762Audrey Roberts 1410 S 10th Street Leesville, LA 71446 318 238-1648Int. Mex. Can. ThankyThaniBreeC. M. R Thanks C20 MayJune 1991 PomeraniannnnnnnnnnnnnritOI-------'\ A------------- l\ --------------1\ ------------ \\ -------- 1\ I-------------i\ 1\ ------------ i\ -------------\ --------------i\ f '\ --------------------------- 1\ r7T3\ W'rP^74Afi oftOF]LfBEST5 BREEDempire specialtyASSOCIATED CLUB- oFEB991IMAGEstandard----- TATHAMCHUCKD-_O------ 1 \i----------- 1 M----------- M----------- 1 \\------------ 1 \17 M---------------------- 1 \CZ M------------------- 71 Ml 1 \EJ \CJ \CJuuuuuuuuuuuuu'\Amer. Ch. Shy Acres Our Man Friday Committee ou Bill, Lisa, and Adrian - The Dream Makersk you Miss Martha Jane AblettHandlerder Mr. Adrian AlfordRoute 1, Box N-177 De Funiak Springs, Fla 32433 904 892-4899obertsoompawPomeranian MayJune 1991 21UG FOURFIRBEFf S COUNTY KENNEL CLUB SEPTEMBER_Amer. Can. Ch. Shyacres SteeplechaserCh. Tynan Starchaser OPomsprings x Ch. Shyacres Will OCoompawWhat a way to finish Group I out of puppy class Congratulations to owners Skip Piazza and Cheryl WagnerLook for "Chase"as he begins his Specials career Good LuckShyacres Kiddy Kan DooCh. Cenla Cosmic Kid x Ch. LLL Kan Too Chunky Queen BeeCongratulations to owner Dolores Watts on her many nice wins with Kiddy Especially on her 2nd place in Open Bitch at the APC National Specialty Good LuckThis breeding has been repeated.BreederAudrey M. RobertsShyacres 1410 S. 10th St. Leesville LA 71446 318 238-1648"Kcdclcf,1I122 MayJune 1991 PomeranianiIjf.iM -B. 0. S. SWEEPSTAKESNv-J A AJh iAKgSS'SSFES19914fCenla Annie Laurie OFridayCh. Shyacres Our Man Friday x Cenla Sugar DumplinAmerican Pomeranian Slub National Specialty Sweepstakes Feb. 10, 1991 Entry 57 29-28Best Opposite SexFirst Friday daughter to hit the show ring proves to be a winnerThank you Maynard Wood on this super winThank you Mr. Tom Conway for 3pts on AnnieSometimes HandlerAudrey RobertsProfessional Handling Available Shyacres 318 238-1648BreederOwnerHandlerA.C. Williams - Cenla 305 Sunnyhill Dr. Pineville, LA 71360 318 445-8371Pomeranian MayJune 1991 23pgqgt Sound Pomerqniqn ClubBy jqngll Reich tANCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUBWEBFOOT REPORTby ]eqn SchrollThe Winter Specialty was great, I attended for the first time and was pleased to meet many people. A fine job was done by Marlene and Marlin Presser, the show committee.v..WINNERS BITCH AND BOWSungolds U CanThe Skin Disease Seminar was very informative, good job Mary, Janice and all. The video and packet are well worth purchasing for yourself and your club. We are going to try and plan some fund raisers to send the proceeds to the research via APC.Congratulations new APC officers, we have a good bunch of people. The day after the Specialty the four of us from Washington Anna LaFortune, Sylvia Harbin, Jane Reed and myself explored the Big Apple and then went to Westminster. Try it next year, youll like itIncluded in my report are two photos that were left out of the last issue, from our Summer 90 Specialty.A correction from our Summer show results in the last issueWinners bitch and Best Of Winnerswas "Sungolds U Can handled by Anna LaFortune, owned by Steve Gonzales.We are currently planning our summer outdoor Specialty for Saturday, August 24, 1991 in Woodinville, Washington near Seattle. The next day on the same grounds will be Sammamish KC All Breed Show. See our ad elsewhere in this issue. RVs welcome Remember there will be obedience tooWe are also applying to have our Specialty the day before the 1992 APC Specialty at Brash Prarie. Columbia Pom Club will be putting it on and their Specialty will be the following day, then Saturday, Sunday and Monday will be All BreedBROOD BITCHEmcees Solid Gold FeliciaShows. Thats six straight days of shows Remember there will be obedience at the Specialties Wednesday, Thursday APC and Friday, we hope Columbia will be approved by themHave a good Summer and good luck at the Summer SpecialtyI have not been keeping up with all the wins lately by our Club members. I did think I sent an article for the March issue of the Pom Review, but there has been so much going on about the Review Ive forgotten.I cannot find where I reported on our Jan. 1991 Specialty so this may be old news, since I have not gotten the March Review yet, and my memory about what I wrote is not much good unless I see it in print. Unfortunately, I cannot find it on the computer, so I hope the computer hasnt goofed and left me sitting here red faced. Oh well, it wont be the first time.Emily Untalan has finished a bitch with all majors, and also has both majors on another bitch she owns, nice going Emily We had some International Shows here and Ray Mooney, Emily Untalan, Gladys Van Horn and Dorithy Trosino all finished dogs at the three day affair, congratulations to all The International Shows are quite different from ours, each dog is rated individually by three separate judges and all entered can be finished depending on the judges decision.For the first time, ever, since Ive been showing dogs a show in our area was cancelled. Seattle was unable to have their winter show because they could not find a place to have it, their usual place was being remodeled and their alternative place was on a Naval Base but, because of the war they could not use it, and time was too short to try and locate some place else. Thats all for this time.24 MayJune 1991 Pomeranian HSWOBMTHANK YOU, JERIBETH KENNELSPretty Is As Pretty Does.9vryi4...And "Cracker" is pretty fantasticJeribeth Mister Firecracker - another great Pom by Great Elms Firefighter out of Ch. Sir Lancelots only full sister knocking em dead in the obedience ring. Three shows and three qualifying scores, including one first place in a class of 36. Thanks Olga, for a super dog with tremendous heart and fabulous disposition. Look for us in Open soon.Ch. Apple Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Cedarwood's Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elms FirefighterCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms DollyCh. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II Great Elms Sweet Candy Jeribeth MLady GuinevereCh. Pedron's Mark of the Dragon Ch. Jeribeths Chula Dragonette Gad's Chula Orange Mistlvar Valerie Widgren7350 Poppy Way Golden, CO 80403 303 467-3972POM PATTERDid you just get a fantastic winNo time to get photos in the mail, the deadline is tomorrowBut you want the world to know What do you do We have a new place for you in the Pomeranian Review\Put it in the all new and exciting "POM PATTER" section at the mere cost of 10.00. The best news is theres NEVER A DEADLINEIf it arrives before we go to print AND theres still room in the Pom Patter section. IT GOES IN IMMEDIATELY otherwise it will make the next issue."CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY,"- theBOB winner at the APC National Specialty, just took a BIS on 317 at the Chattahoochee Valley KCs All Breed Show All Pom Patter announcements are limited to 50 words maximum. All Pom Patter announcements will be in their own section, not to be confused with classifieds.MBB IFMimllFrom Pqvid R. EdwardsMost of us are finding out that all of the toxins that are in different fleatick shampoos are doing more harm than good. So what do we do to help keep those pesky insects off our loveable Poms I have talked to several local Veterinarians and they all seem to share my concerns over introducing all sorts of toxins into the dogs system via the skin. The more chemicals we use on the dog the more apt we are to add to the levels of toxin in their little systems. For example most fleatick shampoos recommend that you let them stand on the dog for up to ten minutes, that is ten minutes too long to allow the toxins in the shampoo to work through the pores of the skin and spread through the dogs system.I have come across a very simple and safe formula for controlling fleas and ticks and what better time than now, with the season upon us. It can be made from ingredients found in every home and is safe for pups as well as adults. Why not try a more natural way to cut back on the fleas and ticks and give your poor little ones system a much needed breakIn a 12 ounce bottle mix 3 ounces of apple cider vinegar, 4 12 ounces of water and 4 12 ounces of Ivory Liquid dish soap. I would suggest not using this shampoo every week as it may dry the skin. As we do not bathe our breed that often, you should have no problems using it at least once a month.Pomeranian SJgWOB MayJune 1991 25Thg Pomgrqniqn Club of Greater Baltimore, Piqne M. DowneyIt seems that we have quite a lot to tell you about since our last club news was printed. To begin, let me acquaint you with our current club officersPresidentDianne Johnson Vice PresidentSue Berney Recording Secretary Lynn Galloway Corresponding Secretary Nancy Marshall Membership Secretary Toni Dickerson TreasurerChip Galloway DirectorsBetty Corbin Joyce Dembinski Rose KellerThe PCGB has issued a newsletter for nine years now called "Poms on Parade" or the POP as we commonly call it. The POP is edited by Dianne Johnson with the assistance of Nancy Marshall and Toni Dickerson. The circulation manager is Christine Capian. The six bi-monthly issues are devoted to particular subjects as the "Pom Review" now is. The February issue is devoted to the stud dog, April is for the brood bitch, June is puppy month, August is obedience time, October is filled with club award winners, and December is for wishing one and all, Happy Holidays. Non-members are welcome to subscribe andor advertise.On the show front, the PCGB was asked to decorate the ring for the 1991 APC National Specialty which was held this February in NYC. We were commended for the decorations and had a wonderful if tiring timedoing them. Thank you for the opportunity. A special thank you from this club member to those club members who did all the work.Speaking of Specialties, we are proud to announce that we have applied for, and have been granted the honor of hosting the 1995 APC Summer Specialty. Mark your calendars, fluff up your Poms and come join us in 95 for more fun in the Baltimore- Washington area.We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our club members on their wins in New York.1991 APC National Specialty Sweeps 9-12 month puppy dog4th place Adines Dance To My Beat Diane L. WardSweeps 6-9 month puppy bitch 4th place WhisperLn An American Beauty Marie Carol Baldwin Regular 6-9 month puppy dog 2nd place WhisperingLane Promises Kept Mark Carol Baldwin 9-12 month puppy dog 2nd Adines Dance To My Beat Diane M. Ward6-9 month puppy bitch 2nd WhisperLn An American Beauty Mark Carol BaldwinBred by Exhibitor Bitch 2nd Watts Little Lindee Lou Dolores A. WattsOpen ROCS bitch 2nd Shyacres Kiddy Kan Doo Dolores A. WattsVeteran Bitch1st Ch. Scotia Shamrocks Sue Ellen Dolores A. Watts2nd Ch. Silva Lade Almond Joy Diane JohnsonReserve Winners Bitch Watts Little Lindee Lou Dolores A. Watts1991 Westminster Kennel Club Dog ShowBred by Exhibitor Bitch 2nd Shyacres Kiddy Kan Doo Dolores A. WattsReserve Winners Bitch Shyacres Kiddy Kan Doo Dolores A. WattsWe would also like to thank club member Skip Piazza, for participating in the "Parade of Champions" at Westminster with Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming EL You and Prince made us all very proud, and served to remind everyone that Poms may be small, but theyre also top dogs.Why dont you join us with your future Westminster winners for our spring match, which will be held in the first part of June exact date, location and judges to be announced upon AKC approval In addition to the normal breed and obedience classes, we will also be holding a "Pom Parlor Tricks" class, as well as costume class. The proceeds of this match will be donated to Pets on Wheels.Speaking of donations, did you know that the PCGB has pledged 500 to the Canine Health Fund to help research Pomeranian skin problems We have also challenged all other Pom clubs to match this donation. So, polish up your auction gavels and handi-crafts, start baking those cakes and cookies, and please show us up with a larger donation to this worthy cause.Finally, we would like to congratulate Gail Garvey on her selection as the new editor of the "Pomeranian Review," we know she will do a wonderful job and I personally look forward to working with her, and her staff.Hope to see yall at our Spring match and in 95.26 MayJune 1991 PomeranianMorris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, Virginia 23233 804 741-3024EMCEES POMERANIANSWelcomesvCh. Emcee.s Chips of DiamondCan Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster PhilCh. Chriscendo Calvin Klein x Wests Destiny Of MedallionA special thanks to Chris Heartz for allowing us to have Phil for show and use in our kennel. P7'is at stud to approved bitches. Puppies available from full Emcee, Chip-A-Way and Chriscendo breedings.Inquiries Invited.The Pomeranian Club Of Canada Cordially Invites Everyone To Their 5th National August 31, 1991Judges for this event Mrs. Jackie Klein Pom breederall regular non-regular classes Mrs. Lynda Torrance Pro-Handler puppy SweepstakesAdded Attractions Include...k 3 All breed shows August 31, Sept 1st 2ndk Pomeranian Club of Ontario Specialty - Sept 1st judge, Shirley Limoges k Five sets of points for Pomsk Airport pick-up Montreal Dorval Airportk Transportation to and from hotelshow sightk Hospitality night, Banquet and much moreTo receive a premium list please contactElizabeth Dupuis show chairmanPOB 328Alexandria, Ontario KOC 1 AO 613 347-2275W-VPomeranian RBW OSM MayJune 1991 27By Brenda K. HuttonBy now your Oklahoma plans are made and with any luck, this issue anived before you left. As we know now, there is no obedience, but, HARK, I bring news of a planned AMERICAN POMERANIAN NATIONAL SPECIALTY OBEDIENCE TRIAL.Word has been received from the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club with the following infonmation "We are applying with APCs blessing to have our Specialty with Obedience the day before the APC summer specialty in July of 1992 in Brush Prairie, Washington. The schedule would look like thisWed, July 8 Puget Sound Pomeranian Club Specialty with obedienceThur, July 9 APC Summer Specialty with obedience Fri, July 10 Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty with obediencetrial or matchIn addition, there are 3 days of all-breed shows the weekend before. And, there are three more days of allbreed shows Im not sure if there is obedience at the all- breeds Saturday through Monday on the same grounds as the Pom specialties. All this will take place near Vancouver, Washington and across the river from Portland Oregon, very near the airport.The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club also announces their 2nd Obedience Trial at their upcoming specialty, Saturday, August 24, 1991 in Woodinville, Washington which is a suburb of Seattle. Hope some of you can go. Good luck to this hard-working ambitious group.NEWS FROM NOVICE AAs I first mentioned in the April, 1989 issue, busy APC member Jerrie Freia Janesa has entered the obedience world, and shes now finished her first Companion Dog, CH. JANESAS HI-STRUTTIN DAISEY Breeder owner. A telephone call received relates they completed their third leg March 26 at Alexandria Kennel Club. Congratulations JerrieAPC member Valerie Widgren of Colorado also wrote to tell us about her very first CD on JERIBETH MISTER FIRECRACKER Breeder Olga Baker, by Ch. Great Elms Firefighter x a Prince Charming daughter who is a full sister to Sir Lancelot. Showing in Colorado, they received a 193.0 at the Southern Colorado KC 12290 under28 MayJune 1991 Pomeranian SfHWOSMPaul Gjevre, a 188.0 and 1st place at the Plum Creek KC 21691 under Gerald Fletchall, and a 191.0 at the Colorado KC 21791 under Jean Rassbach. Congratulations to Valerie What did you think of Obedience vs. ConformationIve just been waiting to tell you about Larry and Karla Smith and their first CD dog, BARON VON WOLF SMITH breeders Flossie and Charles Butts. All during the month of September they were burning up the mats with a 196.5 and 1st place at Louisville KC under Kent Delaney, a 187.0 and 3rd place at Indianapolis OTC, another terrific 196.0 and again 1st place Greater Lafayette KC under Velma Janek, ANOTHER 196.5 and ANOTHER 1st place at the Hoosier Kennel Club under C.D. Maurer, and a 189.0 at Terre Haute KC under Dr. R.C. McGill. Whew Ill bet they had a REAL GOOD TIME Kudos, kudosCarol Fatheree has her first CD with RA-JOYS DIXIE DARLING breeder Ann Nobles. Their record includes a 185.0 and 4th place at Beaumont KC, a 191.0 and terrific 1st place at Brazos Valley KC under K.B. Miller, and another 191.0 at Austin Kennel Club.The co-owning team of Deborah Hanson and Barbara Mahoney also have their first CD with TIFFIN SABLI breeder Salvatore Cusumano. Leg 1 started last June with a 179.5 at Staten Island KC. After some refinements, they finished off a weekend in September with a 183.0 at Suffolk OTC and a 184.0 at Nassau DTC.NEWS FROM NOVICE BDue to the previous editor of this magazines creative editing, the scores and titles of two APC members, Lois Morkassel and Linda Gallacher, were combined in the January issue. Here is the correct information reprintedAPC member Lois Morkassel out of Fargo, North Dakota has a new CD on KASSELS GARDEAN SIR FUR breeder owner, out of Ch. Thelduns John John x Kassels Dandelion Down CDX. In April, May and July they earned legs at Minnesota River Valley KC, Sioux Empire KC and Twin Ports DTC of 188.5, 190.5 and 182.0. Good job, LoisAnother member of the APC, Linda Gallacher has another CD to her credit, this time on SUNSWEPTCode1.1 agree to follow the regulations as set forth by the American Kennel Club as they pertain to my purebred dog operations.2.1 will furnish a signed registration application or transfer with each puppy sold unless a written agreement is made with the purchaser at the time of sale that papers will be withheld.3.1 will not sell my puppies to pet shops or commercial pet mill establishments, nor will I donate puppies for raffles or auctions.4.1 will not crossbreed or advertise for sale puppies that have been crossbred.5.1 will not give stud service to unregistered bitches.6.1 will advise the purchaser of my puppy to have the puppy checked by a veterinarian within 2 days 48 hours of the sale additional time allowed if the puppy is sold on a Friday or Saturday. I will refund the purchase price or take the puppy back and replace it, if it is found to be unfit.7. Except for unusual situations, I will not sell my puppies at less than eight weeks of age.8.1 will maintain the best possible standard of health and care in all of my dogs and see that puppies are immunized and checked for parasites.9.1 will price my puppies within the breed range.10. In my breeding program I will keep alert for and work to control andor eradicate inherited problems and conditions that are particular to my breed, and breed as closely as possible to the standard of the breed.11.1 will represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and try to assist the serious novice in his understanding of the breed.12.1 will try at all times to show good sportsmanship and keep in mind that the good of the breed comes before any personal benefits.of EthicsPomeranian MayJune 1991 29DAUNTLESS breeder Owner by Ch. Autumns Red Blaze of Bi-Mar X Lady Dis Life of the Parti CDX. Last March they pulled a 193.5 at Timberland Valley Dog Fanciers Association 195.5 and 2nd place at Chintimini KC under Miss P. Scully and a 195.0 and another 2nd at Willamette Valley KC under Mrs. P.A. Weaver. Thanks, Lois, for the telephone call alerting me to this mix-up.Last July at the Baltimore specialty, Mary Jones and I had the pleasure to room one night with Barbara McKen- ney and ANNONS KILLER CUPCAKE breeder Ann Cannon by Ch. Annons Magnum Force of Scamp. Im pleased to report that at that time this duo had their first leg, a 187.5 from Old Dominion KC of Northern Virginia. At the Baltimore specialty they not only got leg 2 with a 196.0 under Hal Cash, but also tied for HIGH IN TRIAL. Theyve now completed their title with a 191.0 and 2nd place at Warrenton KC under Mrs. H.J. Moseley. Way to go, BarbLinda Gallacher writes of Ann Griffith and her newest Pom, OLLIE BLUE BLUSTER, co-owned by R. Morris. They earned their first leg 81090 at the Puget Sound Pomeranian Specialty with a 191.5 and 1st place, followed January 1991 at the Portland Cluster Shows with a 191.5 4th place and a 190.5, both days earning the trophy for High Scoring Pomeranian. She also writes Ann is now tracking with Ollie and should be ready to certify this spring 1991.Linda also write about Marcia Schultz from Bend, Oregon. "Her dog, ADAIRS MIGHTY MITE" earned scores of 178.5, 181.5 and 190.5. This is Marcias first Pomeranian as she has owned cockers in the past."Owner bred MCS MYSTIC MARCI ONYOX BAR breeder Martha J. Chastain out of M Cs Chocolate Keisa Bar CDX has a new CD. Last August they started with a 191.5 and 4th place in Columbus, Indiana. They followed during the fall season with a 186.0,189.0 and 178.0.Her littermate owned by Derek Traughber, DEREKS CODI CINDERS BAR, attended the same shows as his sister and earned a 183.0, 173.0, 192.0 and a 188.5. Congratulations to both Derek and Martha. Any more puppies in this litterNEWS FROM OPEN AAs just mentioned above, Linda Gallacher and SUNSWEPT DAUNTLESS just finished their CD. Well, in the meantime, a letter has just arrived announcing that theyve just completed their CDX Good job Linda Their record is comprised of a 191.5 and 2nd place at Portland KC, 11291 a 194.5 and 3rd place at Sammamich KC, 11391 a 197.0 and 1st place at Puyallup Valley KC, 11491 a 197.0 and 2nd place Tacoma KC and in February a 191.5 approximate good enough for 4th place at LongviewKelso.After these shows she explains that hes developed a problem just like his mom of going directly to heel with30MayJune 1991 Pomeranianout fronting first "Im really proud of this guy Ive entered him at the Western Regional and will enter the Classic when the premiums are out. Hope I can solve our front problem soon. His heeling has been beautiful every show between 38.5 and 39.5. We are also TRYING to track. Hes eager, pulls out on his line, knows what he is looking for, but he quarters badly and I cant seem to fix it Any ideas"Since there are other trackers who might have a similar problem, Ill answer you here Linda. I would suggest walking right beside him on the track on a very short line so that he cant get off the track. Verbally praise him when he keeps his nose down on the track. When he trys to quarter for those just starting to track, quartering is when the dog keeps criss-crossing the track instead of staying on it in a straight line put pressure on the line and command his to track, but dont let him get more than a foot or so off the ck. As he stays on the track without attempting to quarter, fall into line behind him, a very short distance at first and increase the distance as he successfully stays on track.Two years ago we heard about Rhonda Freeman and THE GINGERBREAD GIRL CDX breeder Mrs. Frank Davis earning their CD from Novice A. Theyve now gone on to complete their CDX with some nice scores.In November of 1989 they started with a 193.5 at Mid- Continent KC of Tulsa. March of 90 they earned leg 2 with a 189.0 at Tulsa DTC. Last October they finished with a 192.5 and 4th place at Greater Kansas City DTC with an insurance leg the next day. CongratulationsLast July we heard about Dawn Robertson and SUN- WAYS BLACK BREEZE CD breeder Nadine Carrik- er and their many accomplishments. Last March we heard about their HIGH IN TRIAL at the September Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines and 1st place at Wichita DTC under G.W. Fletchall. Theyve now fol- lowed-up with a 194.0 and 2nd place at Greater Emporia KC under H.W. Kohlman and a 196.0 and 1st place again at Grand Island KC under Herb Semper. Very nice job, indeed Congratulations, Dawn.One last note. It has come to my attention that Ann Tyler and CH. JANESAS CHATTAWA BIG ORANGE Breeder Jerrie Freia has a double accomplishment. Not only have they completed a Companion Dog title from the States Kennel Club, but this dog also went BEST IN SHOW at a States Kennel Club show. Congratulations to both Ann and JerrieAs always, call me and youll probably get the answering machine, but I sure love hearing from you. Happy heeling and terrific trackingYou may call Brenda at 517 485-5183. If youre shy of answering machines why not track her down by writing to Brenda Hutton, 102 Tudor Lane, Lansing, MI 48906.Behind The NewThree generations of new Pomeranian titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent by the owner. Please send the dogs name, color, sex, breeders name and owners name, on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Pedigrees will not be returned Send copies only. Mail all information to the editor, Gail A. Garvey, Expedition Publishing, PO Box A, Mastic Beach, NY 11951.Ch. Queenaire SunflowerOrange FemaleBreeder Dudley Wanda Roach Owner Patty GriffinDudley RoachCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image ROM Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too ROM Great Elms Wee Julie Ch. Great Elms Chip Of GoldCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy ROMX Great Elms Dolly Ch. Queenaire Gambling Man Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude ROM Queenaire Luvy Duk ROM Ch. Queenaire Bright Promise ROMChula Queenaire Chance Ch. Foxaire My Sweet Promise ROM Magots Sidney LissCh. Merrymont Sat'rday Mite LiveOrange Sable Male BreederOwner Patty GriffinCh. Apples Traveling Diamond ROM Ch. Cedaiwoods Image Of Diamond ROM Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch. Merrymont Satrday Nite Fever ROMCh. Cobles Traveling Bear Yolandas Traveling TequilaApples Traveling Alspice Ch. Apples Traveling Diamond ROM Ch. Cedarwoods Image Of Diamond ROM Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Merrymont NutN HoneyCh. Models Timstoppers Echo Ch. Great Elms Honey Of Lenette Great Elms Honeybun ROMCh. Merrymont Flash DanceRed FemaleOwner Dudley Wanda Roach Breeder Patty GriffinCh. Apples Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwoods Image Of Diamond ROM Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch. Merrymont Satrday Nite Fever ROMCh. Cobles Traveling Bear Yolandas Traveling TequilaApples Traveling Alspice Ch. Models High Voltage Ch. Models Bit Of WhizWoods Sun Goddess Ch. Queenaire Signature ROMCh. Queenaire Coup DEtat Queenaire CabaretQueenaire WindsongCh. Animation's Sunny BunnyOrange FemaleBreederOwner Lorinda Vasuta Darren LaneJewel Ken Crumpet N Cream Ch. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy ROM Jewel Kens Little White Dove Ch. Animations Atom AntCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Emcees SussAnna ROM Hillsboros Little Missy Ch. Shirwcods Golden Nugget Ch. Devennys Mason Dixon Dandy Annons Mischief Maker Ch. Animations ElarooCh. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy Ch. Animations Tweety BirdCh. Emcees SussAnna ROMCh. Blossom Heights FirecrackerOrange Sable Male BreederOwner Arlene John BenkoAnnons Image in Black N Tan Ch. Annons Spittin ImageAnnons Dark Lady Tina V Scamp Am Can Ch. Homesteads Spit N PolishAm Can Bda Ch. The Pines Hells A Poppin Ch. Homesteads Pretty PetalCh. Homesteads Daisy Dumpling Dixieland Disco Music Man McGuires Fantasy Super StarPittards Lovely Tashia Girl Blossom Heights Bolero]Dixielands Disco Music Man McGuires Love Disco Girl Skylark Love CharmCh. Star Haven's Rock 'M James BrownOrange Sable Male BreederOwner Janice YoungCh. Millamors Trademark Ch. Millamors Mark TraditionCh. Millamors Sparkling Music Ch. Stylestepper Mark of OakridgeCh. Browns Rock N Robin Ch. Dancing Rockette of OakridgeCh. Wee Dancing Robin of Oakridge Annons Marquis De Tartan White Havens Bill CodyCherokees Gypsy Moonbeam Star Havens Cameo AppearanceWhite Havens Mistique Eli White Havens Irish Special Kagi Gypsy ZanPomeranian SJSWQH MayJune 1991 31TismwnmBy Hoppeth fi. JonesOrpha Edwards, bundled up against the cold, walked in a narrow alley that separated the backyards of the neighboring homes. At 15 below zero it was too cold for man or beast to be outside. Orpha ordinarily would not walk when it was this cold, but with the weather turning for the worse, a trip to the store became necessary. After purchasing her items she took the short cut home, back through the alley.It was the cold that made her notice the dog. She had walked past his pen before but a dog in a backyard is not unusual. He only registered in her mind as just another facet of the suburban background. As she walked by, he came out of his make shift shelter. Surprised that a dog would be out in such cold weather she stopped and said, "hello pretty boy, oh what a pretty boy you are."He was a lovely dog with expressive brown eyes and a pretty gold color. His hair was long but not as long or as thick as a Collies. His ears were erect and he had a face that resembled a Samoyed. The pen was about six by five feet. In one comer was a flimsy dog house with only three sides, the front was open to the wind, and snow had blown in. A thick chain was attached to a stake in the ground with the other end to his collar.He came up to the side of the fence that was closest to her. Shecould see that even with his thick coat he was shivering. "Go back in the house sweetheart, you are going to freeze to death out here," she ordered. He jumped up on the fence and pushed his muzzle through the wire. Orpha walked closer to the fence holding her bag from the store in her left arm, with her right hand she reached out to pet him. He wagged his tail, but as she reached down he became frantic trying to get at her bag. "Oh, ho You smell my bologna, o.k. here you go." She reached in her bag and brought out the bologna and dumped the whole pound in his pen. He gulped the bologna down and then whined and begged for more, she watched for awhile until the cold became too much for her.All of Oiphas seventy years of life had been spent around animals. She had grown up on a farm near a little town in Nebraska called Minersville. The town no longer existed, but her country ethics were still a part of her.Orpha would never think of going to the Humane Society to report someone for keeping a dog in this condition. Her background had convinced her that a person did not interfere in his neighbors business.Orphas three room cottage wascozy and warm inside awaited her family, a little Pomeranian named "Tucker" and a Canary named "Lyrics." Orpha kept herself in good condition by going on daily walks, she easily walked one or two miles a day except in the extreme cold. While she put away her packages Orpha kept thinking about the dog, he had looked so thin and unkempt, she decided on her next walk she would check on him.During the next six months she brought food to him once or twice a week His face reminded her of a Samoyed so she started calling him "Sammy," he never seemed to have a water dish so she started bringing him water. When the spring weather came and Sammy started shedding his winter coat, she then could see just how terribly thin he was. After that she started walking past his pen every day, always bringing him food and water.The first week of June Orphas son came to visit her for a week, and she didnt go for her usual walks. After her son left, Orpha came down with the flu, for two weeks she wasnt able to see Sammy or bring him any food or water. Orpha worried about Sammy and was anxious to see him. The first day she felt well enough, she put some water in ajar and looked for something to bring for him to eat. Orpha found some left over steak which she cut up and wrapped in a napkin, the steak wasnt enough, but the only dog food in the house she needed for Tucker. She finally just"Orphq would neverthink of going to theHumane Society toreport someone forkeeping q dog in thiscondition."...for two weeks shewqsn't qble to seeSqmmy or bring himqny food or woter."32 MayJune 1991 Pomeraniangrabbed a couple of slices of bread and a light cardigan sweater and left to check on Sammy.When she reached the pen he looked pitiful. His ribs were sticking out his hair dirty and matted. He looked like he hadnt eaten since she had last fed him, "Sammy, come on boy, Ive got some food for you," she called as she bent over his pen, he was frantic She threw down the bread and watched him gulp it. Next Orpha tossed out the steak and as the steak fell to the ground the napkin stuck to her hand, she gave her hand a small shake but the napkin still stuck to her hand. Sammy swallowing the last of the steak saw her hand and the napkin moving, lunging quickly, so the food wouldnt get away his jaws closed around her hand.The sudden pain startled her and she pulled her hand back sharply, with her movement his teeth cut even further into her hand, the bite was deep and painful. She looked down at the dog, "Sammy Look what you have done" She reached in her pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, wrapping it around her bleeding hand she walked home.The bite wouldnt stop bleeding so she called a cab and went to her doctor. The doctor cleaned and stitched the wound and looking at Orpha said, "this has to be reported to the Animal Control Office." "Why The dog wasnt vicious, he was only trying to get the food off the napkin I was holding.""Mrs. Edwards there has been a lot of rabies in the raccoon population," he answered her. "This dog was kennelled outside he could easily have been bitten by a raccoon. The Animal Control people will see if he has been inoculated and they will hold him for ten days for observation. I have to notify them." Reluctantly she nodded her assent.The ten days went by slowly, she worried about Sammy and felt uneasy that he had to be placed in a shelter. It was a relief when the Animal Control officer called to report that Sammy did not have rabies. The next day Oipha rushed to his pen anxious to see him, only his pen was empty. For the next week she walked to his pen every day, and still no Sammy.Finally she called the Animal Control office to see when he would be released. When she asked about him, the Animal Control officer said, "Mrs. Edwards I am very sorry, that dog was put to sleep." "What do you mean put to sleep You didnt kill him, surely you didnt kih him""He didnt have a license or his shots and he couldnt be released without them, when his owners didnt claim him, we had to do it."Oipha cried, "oh how could you do this The bite was an accident and he was o.k., he didnt have rabies or anything else. Oh God, how could you do this"The Animal Control officer tried to calm her down. In the end the officer could only explain that the dogs are held for so many days and then, if not claimed, are killed.Orpha was heartbroken, she felt that she had caused Sammys death. On her daily walks she avoided the alleys and walked on the sidewalks in front of the homes.One day she was walking past the home of Sammys owners, on a sudden impulse she went to the front door and knocked. A young woman about age thirty answered the door. Orpha said, "hello, Im Orpha Edwards the woman your dog bit, I just wanted to tell you that I didnt mean for him to be killed. I didnteven want the bite reported. I feel just awful about causing his death.""Mrs. Edwards please dont be upset," the young woman said. "We decided that it was for the best.""I know I shouldnt have fed him, but he always seemed so hungry."The young woman looked exasperated. "The kids were supposed to feed him but you know how kids are, they would forget. I kept yelling at them but they just kept forgetting," she smiled and said, "but dont you fret about it Mrs. Edwards, as I said before it was for the best. My husband has lost his job and the Animal Control wanted us to pay for shots and a license, my husband Ben and I talked it over and decided that it was better if we left him there."Orpha was speechless. All she could think of was poor Sammy hungry, thirsty and left alone with owners that didnt care enough to buy a license to keep him alive. Finally, she looked the woman straight in the eye and said, "it was for the best, no living creature should have to live like that dog did" The young woman drew back startled. Orpha stared hard at her for a minute then turned and walked away.On her walks Orpha tried to avoid Sammys house. When she did walk by the house she averted her eyes. Two weeks later as she was passing the house some movement caught her eye. On the porch tied with a thick rope around his neck was a small puppy. He went to the end of his rope wagging his tail, obviously glad for some human company. Orpha stood looking at him her lips compressed in a thin line. After a few minutes she walked over and petted the pup and then turned and walked away. No one else would have heard her, but the pup with his acute canine hearing heard the whispered voice, "this time I will report it.""his teeth cat even further into her hand,the bite was deepqnd painful.""You didn't kill him,surely you didn't killhim Oh God, howcould you do this"Pomeranian SJSWQBiE MayJune 1991 33POMERANIAN STANDARDI. GENERAL APPEARANCE The Pomeranian in build and appearance is a cobby, balanced and short-coupled dog. He exhibits great intelligence in expression and is alert in character and deportment Elaboration The total balanced dog should have good shoulder layback and enough neck so as to carry the head proudly and high. It should have enough leg for the ground to be seen beneath it. The Pom has the look of fitting into a circle.Any deviation from the ideal described in the standard should be penalized to the extent of the deviation. Structural faults common to many other breeds are as undesirable to the Pomeranian as in any other breed, even though such faults may not be specifically mentioned in the standard.H. SIZE, PROPORTION AND SUBSTANCESize The weight of the Pomeranian for exhibition is from 3 to 7 pounds. The ideal size for show specimens are 4 to 5 pounds.Elaboration Contrary to some breeds of dogs, many Pom breeders prefer a male to fit into the lower end of the standard weight. The reason given most often is to lesson problems during whelping. Poms do have more than their share of whelping problems even though there may be some free whelping 3 pounders. Dont forget, if it is acceptable to put up a 3 pound Pom, it should be acceptable to put up a 7 pound Pom, even though the 4 to 5 pound range is preferred. Just because the Pom is a toy, 3 pounds is not better than 7 pounds. Keep in mind that 5 pounds is mid way between 3 and 7.Proportion The Pomeranian in build and appearance is a cobby, balanced, short coupled dog. The legs are of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame. Elaboration The distance from point of shoulder to root of tail is no greater than the distance from withers to ground. The proportion of height to length is important in having the total look of the Pom fitting into a round circle. We do not want a "dumpy" Pom, that is, a long backed, low legged Pom, or a Pom that is too leggy.Substance The body is well ribbed and rounded. The brisket is fairly deep and not too wide.Elaboration The depth of the chest should reach the elbow. The standard says nothing about bone. Many people would agree that, proportionately, bone as fine as that of the Italian Greyhound would be too fine and yet we do not want bone so heavy as to appear out of proportion to thetotal dog. Poms should have medium bone and always in proportion to the overall size of the dog.HI. HEAD Well proportioned to the body, wedge shaped, with a fox like expression.Elaboration The fox like expression refers to the alert characteristic of the Pom. However, in comparing the head and expression to two other "looks" which are sometimes seen in Poms, the bear or mouse look is not proper or consistent with the proper head type.Eyes Bright, dark in color, and medium in size, almond shaped and not set too far apart nor too close together. Pigmentation around eye rims must be black, except self colored in brown and blue.Elaboration Often we see a Pom with the incorrect round eye shape. This and any deviation in pigmentation will be penalized to the extent of deviation.Ears Small, carried erect and mounted high on the head and placed not too far apart.Elaboration Some Poms with a wide skull have very wide set ears, somewhat similar to the Westies ear set. The Pom ears should be set close together. It is impossible to see them set too high. This contributes to the alert fox like expression.Skull Not domed in outline. A round, domey skull is a major fault.Elaboration The coat on the Poms skull is shorter and more tightly packed than the body coat. This may give the appearance of a domey skull. Feel the skull from stop to occiput, gently with your thumb. Do not confuse profuse head hair with proper shape and stop.The width of the skull is approximately equal to the distance from the stop to occiput. The skull is always in proportion to the muzzle. The whole head is in proportion to the total dog.Muzzle There is a pronounced stop with a rather fine but not snipey muzzle. Pigment around the lips must be black, except self colored in brown and blue.Elaboration The muzzle length from the tip of the nose to the stop is approximately one-third the distance from stop to occiput. A very long, heavy muzzle is a course muzzle. A short, wide, Chow type muzzle does not fit into the "rather fine" category.Bite The teeth meet in a scissors bite in which part of the inner surface of the upper teeth meet and engages part of the outer surface of the lower teeth. One tooth out of line does not mean an undershot or overshot mouth. An under34 MayJune 1991 Pomeranian fftSWQSMshot mouth is a major faultElaboration Many Poms, having been bred down from a larger sized Arctic breed, have a problem fitting all 42 teeth in their tiny mouths. The standard heavily penalizes an undershot mouth but does not penalize an overshot or level bite to the same extent.Some Poms might have missing teeth. This could be from teeth that are pulled to make room for proper alignment, or pulled because of infected teeth. If the teeth are not cared for, it could affect the health of the whole dog. Poms are noted for tooth loss as early as 3 years of age.Nose Pigmentation on the nose must be black, except self colored in brown and blue.IV. NECK, TOPLINE AND BODYNeck The neck is rather short, its base set well back on the shoulders.Elaboration The length of the neck should be proportionate to well laid back shoulders. As an extension of the spinal column, the neck shall be long enough to cany the head proudly and high.Topline is levelBody The body is cobby, being well ribbed and rounded. Chest The brisket is fairly deep and not too wide.Tail The tail is a characteristic of the breed. It turns over the back and is carried flat, set high.Elaboration A low set tail gives the appearance of a long backed Pom. Some Poms may have a curl at the tip of the tail bone. A fault is not specified for this, but a straight bone would allow the hair at the tip of the tail to extend forward. A straight, high, flat tail set contributes greatly to the total balance of the Pom.V. ForequartersShoulders The Pom is not straight in shoulder, but has sufficient layback of shoulders to carry the neck proudly and high.Forelegs The foreles are straight and parallel, of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame.Pasterns The Pomeranian stands well up on toes. Down in pasterns is a major fault.Elaboration Pasterns are strong and parallel to each other. Dew Claws Dew claws on the forelegs may be removed. Feet The Pomeranian stands well up on toes.Elaboration The Pomeranian has small compact cat like feet which turn neither in nor out.VI. HINDQUARTERSAngulation Hindquarters and forequarters should be of equal angulation.Legs The hocks are perpendicular to the ground, parallel to each other from hock to heel, and turning neither in not out. Cowhocks or lack of soundness in hind legs or stifles is a major fault. Dew claws, if any, on the hind legs are generally removed.Elaboration The legs are of medium bone with moderately bent stifles. Unsound stifles are a problem in Poms. A very unsound stifle will be obvious if the patellas can be seen slipping in and out when the dog is gaiting. If this causes the dog to limp, of course it must be excused.Feet The Pomeranian stands well up on toes.Elaboration Its cat like feet turn neither in nor outVTI. COAT Coat type on head, legs and tail differ from body coat.Head coat Head coat is tightly packed and shorter in length than that of the bodyBody coat Double coated a short, soft, thick coat consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse, stand off, straight hair. A soft, flat or open coat is a major fault.Elaboration A ruff around the neck is created by a correct coat. A coat that droops probably is lacking in enough undercoat to hold the guard hair up to a stand off coat, or has improper soft guard hair. A long drooping Pekingese type coat is incorrect on a Pom.Tail coat It is profusely covered with hair.Elaboration Long tail hair, combed toward the head and over the body coat, adds greatly to the over all beauty and balance of the Pomeranian. Some Poms have such a long plume that the hair parts and falls to the side. This should not be faulted.Leg coat The front legs are well feathered and the hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks.Elaboration The leg coat is tightly packed and much shorter in length than the body coat. Front leg feathering extends from the point of the elbow to the bottom of the pastern. Leg coat on some Poms is more compact, giving a heavy bone look. Run your hands down the legs to feel the leg, pastern and foot.Trimming Trimming for nearness is permissible around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is also permitted. Over trimming beyond the location and amount described in the breed standard should be HEAVILY PENALIZED.Elaboration Trimming the foot for neatness can show off the tight cat like feet and strong pasterns for the well up on toes look. Knowledgeable trimming is many times done to disguise weak pasterns and slightly toe out feet. Trimming, along with brushing the hair up on the feet and pasterns, can also be done to give the look of more bone and balance to the dog.Abundant ruff around the neck may make larger ears look small. Improperly trimmed ears may make the ear appear larger than it really is. Feel the ear from the base, to ascertain ear size.Often hair on the ruff around the ears is evened offPomeranian KSWQSM MayJune 1991 35to eliminate the scraggly look. This is somewhat beyond what the standard calls for but not really sculpturing. Some people brush the bib up and shape it. Trimming around the anus is allowed. How far around is not spelled out. The hair and feathering around the hindquarters is often thinned discreetly so the dog does not look longer than it is. Some of the hair near the base of the tail that might fall over the anus is sometimes discreetly trimmed away.Other areas that are trimmed and sculptured on the Pom have not been mentioned - but are very obvious that sculturing has been done. It is up to the judge to determine how much trimming is beyond that which is allowed in the standard and penalize accordingly. Keeping in mind - THIS BREED IS NOT TO BE SCULPTUREDVIH. COLORClassifications The open classes at Specialty shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Open Black, Brown Blue Open Any Other Allowed Color.ACCEPTABLE COLORS TO BE JUDGED ON AN EQUAL BASIS Any solid color, any solid color with lighter or darker shadings of the same color, any solid color with sable or black shadings, parti-color, sable and black tan. Black tan is black with tan or mst, sharply defined, appearing above each eye and on the muzzle, throat and forechest, on all legs and feet and below the tail. Parti- color is white with any other color distributed in even patches on the body and a white blaze on the head. A white chest, foot or leg on a whole colored dog except white is a major fault.Elaboration Our standard allows any solid color withsable or black shadings. A black mask is allowed. Some judges remember an earlier standard that penalized a black mask. This is not to be penalized.The reason for the major fault listed under "Color" is to remind you that a Pom having a white chest, foot or leg on a whole colored dog except white is a mismarked parti-colored Pom. Do not confuse this with the acceptable "lighter shadings." In addition to these colors listed as acceptable, some additional colors such as brindle, other colors with tan markings and beaver do on occasion appear in the ring. Since there are no disqualification appearing in the standard, they must be faulted as a deviation of color.IX. GAIT the Pomeranian moves with a smooth, free but not loose action. He does not elbow out in front nor move excessively wide nor cowhocked behind. He is sound in action.Elaboration The Pom also should not move excessively close in the rear. It should reach with its front legs and drive from the rear. Front movement should in no way resemble a hackney gait. In side movement, the front should reach at least as far as the nose. The proper gait for the Pom should be a forward motion.X. TEMPERAMENT He exhibits great intelligence in expression, and is alert in character and deportment. Elaboration A Pomeranian is very active, brave and friendly. It was bred down from a big dog and still acts big. The Pom would challenge another dog, no matter what size. But, a Pomeranian owner will tell you there is no sweeter, more friendly, dedicated dog than theirs.-,'X .^ iTiTiTiBNvEquipment,supplies, puppies, or showdogs. If youve got the o move it, this is the place todO it See page 48 for rates and informationFor Sale - Whid-Dons Knaughty Knight D.O.B. 31088 - Sire Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II - Dam Bayou View Sho Nuf - Grange 6 pound male - Contact Terri Kirk, 3812 Hidden Springs Dr, Lexington, KY 40514, 606 223-1123Available 5491 - 8 week old black male - favorite toy is a metal scent article - attn begun - UD sire, dam in opening training - Good puppy tests. Obedience title rebate applies. Call Mary 703 960-7755.Tfie Pom QueryIn each issue there will be a questions to the readers regarding the Pomeranian. Share with us your views, personal experiences and the way you have dealt with the situation.Our first two part question to the readers follows the SeptOct. issues theme, which is geared towards those precious pups.a How do you mm away an unwanted, insistent buyerShare any bad experiences youve had selling pups.b How has the AKCs "limited registration" affectedyour puppy salesSend your response to the editor co The Tom Query Answers received to the Pom Query will be printed in the appropriately themed issues.36 MayJune 1991 Pomeranian 5JWfl\5D DSubmitted, by Morris CarsonAs a breeder and exhibitor of Pomeranians for about 18 years, I find that I always learn new lessons along the way. Many lessons have to do with the raising and showing of dogs and others have to do with people whom I meet and to whom I sell my dogs. Some are life-long friends and prove to be grateful, but there are a few who become glory seekers and use a breeder and misrepresent him.There is no way I can guarantee any dog I sell. This is why I as a breeder have a written contract saying Seller will not assume any responsibility after three days for anything that might happen to the dog or for any physical disability that might occur in the future. After three days the dog belongs to the buyer and all responsibility and liability now belongs to the buyer and the said buyer will not hold Emcee Pomeranians and its owners responsible for anything that might develop in the future. Buyer may return the dog for a full refund of original purchase price, excluding shipping charges, handling charges and crate charge if said dog is returned in good condition within the three day time limit.Most breeders that I know exercise every effort to fulfill their responsibilities, but they can not be over run or taken advantage of by novice exhibitors and glory seekers.I call to mind one instance in which a couple dropped by my home and purchased a puppy which was, I believe, around 5 months old. When he was approximately 14 months old, they became dissatisfied with his potential for show and returned him with the one stipulation that he be provided a good home. No expectation of a refund of purchase was ever mentioned at this time. Upon examination of the returned Pom, I found him to possess all characteristics and attributes necessary to attain a show championship. I did find that the Pom had not been well cared for physically or mentally. I could have resold this Pom for a tidy sum, but felt that he had gone through enough and I kept my word and placed him in a home.Although I felt no compulsion to do so, I decided in good faith to relinquish my co-ownership in another Pom previously purchased by the same couple so that they would have full value of the second Pom. Incidentally this Pom has since been sold and has completed his championship in near record time.One lesson well learned is that when someone wants a Pom "you have the best," "you are wonderful," etc etc. However, when they cant have what they want, they turn and try to besmirch your name and reputation.People will not settle their differences but will let the little innocent Poms become the victim.As a result, this couple began to call Pom breeders, friends, exhibitors and handlers to complain. They even called my attorney and implemented the following actions1. Reported me to the Veterinary Medicine Board for pretending to be a veterinarian as I used the title "Dr."2. Reported me to the Interstate Commerce Commissionas I shipped a certain dog on an airline without proper health certificate.3. Reported me to IRS as they "heard" that I was not reporting dog income on my tax return.4. Reported me to the American Kennel Club, God only knows why....5. Reported me to a Police Investigator in the county inwhich I live.At no time was a law suit filed. For the record, I have met with each of the above and they have taken no action but have found the above matter to be one of a vendetta marked by bitter hostility.I have continually been harassed over the telephone and in person. The latest incident occurred on Feb. 10th at the APC Specialty in New York, in front of Pom breeders, exhibitors and handlers from all over the United States and Canada, this couple created a scene, several times during which they demanded "their money" to which they are not entitled. Finally this "smart gentlemen" angrily and vociferously used profanity. Not even do unearned show wins entitle anyone to use vehement harassment which was humiliating, denigrating and damaging to my reputation as a breeder and exhibitor of Pomeranians. Perhaps, its time for enlightened exhibitors to get "smart."Submitted by Happeth JonesA few years ago I attended my first hospitality room at the National Specialty. It was very disappointing, there was no food, the tables isolated us from each other, and for someone new there was no easy way to get acquainted with other members. Some members when they saw this left and went to the hotel restaurant to eat.Olga Baker wrote to the Review and asked members to help make a better hospitality room and she asked everyone to bring a covered dish representing their state. The response from the membership was wonderful The men and women of this club traveling from all over the United States brought coolers loaded with food on airplanes, and this is not an easy task. Our hospitality get-togethers are now wonderful smorgasbords of fine food and camaraderie.In my opinion the Pomeranian Review has slowly been going the way our hospitality get-togethers used to be. It has been duller reading and many issues are thinner. The editors are usually blamed for this fact but the real reasonPomeranian MayJune 1991 37Im afraid is us. If we, the membership dont write and submit articles to the Review what is there to read If we the membership dont send in our ads the magazine gets thinner. Less ads, the Review wont be able to pay for itself and the club loses money. You have wonderful stories to tell and your ads help support this club. Dont get discouraged and go to the hotel restaurant, lets get together and make the Pomeranian Review a smorgasbord of stories, ads, Yips Yaps and most important of all we need your INPUT, PARTICIPATION and LOYALTY.Submitted by Margaret OntiverosThe San Diego Pom Club held its Fall Specialty on November 9th with Virginia Sivori judging the regular classes. As secretary, I had the rare privilege of spending two days with this lovely lady as her driver. We talked about Poms including the importance of black tan her mother Elsie, is 96.... still alive and alert and the people who have loved Poms from the early days of the American Pom Club. We also talked about the Progressive Toy Club in New York. Ms. Sivori is a wealth of information and a good judge. She and other such knowledgeable people, should be tapped and video taped so there vast knowledge will not be lost to those of us that are relatively ignorant of the people and events of the early years of Poms in our United States Of America. They must not be forgotten.Submitted by Lois HamillI attended the Skin Disease Seminar held in N.Y. in conjunction with the APC Specialty on February 9th. The morning session was informative for me, but then Im still a novice. The background information on fleas, allergies, pyoderma, seborrhea, etc was given to help identify what growth hormone-responsive dermatosis is not. Unfortu- natly, Dr. Lothrop among others wasnt watching the time closely. By the time he got to the main topic, less than an hour remained. The presentation on growth hormone- responsive dermatosis was hurried and sketchy. Despite the fact that Dr. Lothrop stayed beyond the 100 pm deadline, many questions were left unanswered.One of the last topics that Dr. Lothrop touched upon was his interest in continuing research on the skin conditions in Pomeranians. He said he would be happy to accept funds from the APC, but requested that one person be the point person to represent APC. He wouldnt be able to handle a deluge of money, questions, mail, samples, etc.At the beginning of the seminar, Janice Luginsland mentioned that she had done some research before selecting Dr. Lothrop as the keynote speaker. I take this to mean that Dr. Lothrop is not the only researcher working on skin problems in Poms. The September 1990 issue of "Dog World" discusses a five year study on inherited diseases in dogs. Funded by the AKC, Morris Animal Foundation and the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, the research is being done at the University of Michigan and Michigan StateUniversity. One of the researchers named from Michigan State University is George Padgett, DVM.On September 24, 1990 the Genodermatosis Research Foundation, Inc. GRF was recognized as a non-profit corporation. This foundation was set up by poodle people, but its focus is genetically inherited skin diseases, in all breeds. The GRF contacted many local and national breed clubs hoping to make this a combined effort. Poodles arent the only breed with inherited skin conditions. The more information shared across breeds, the better. Granted some conditions will be breed specific, but others will affect multiple breeds, while others may be the same condition with variances in symptoms from one breed to another. If only one breed is involved, it is hard to make comparisons.The GRFs first project is to determine the mode of inheritance of sebaceous adenitis SA in poodles through a test breeding of two affected dogs. This project is funded in part through the Poodle Club of America. One of the researchers is the same George Padgett Michigan State University working on the five year genetic study mentioned above. Poms have been diagnosed with SA. More importantly I think, is the fact that some of the same researchers are involved in more than one project, and have access to all the results.Diane Laratta of Ohio is chair of the Education Committee for the GRF. She has told me that the next meeting of the GRF is on Saturday, April 13th, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. If there is a Pom person able and willing to attend this meeting, she would be welcomed.During the afternoon discussion on skin diseases, reference was made to Dr. Lothrops request for funds. It sounded like people were ready to run right out and send him money. I think the APC through its Medical Committee should consider Dr. Lothrops work as well as the GRF and others. It may be that several people are doing similar work, or that they are approaching the problem from different directions. The committee would have to decide what direction it feels is most beneficial for our membership.Whoever we might choose to fund should have a specific goal to research, a plan for how to accomplish the goala way to prove or disprove the initial hypothesis, and a detailed estimate of costs. If progress is to be made, it is more likely to be brought about in an organized fashion with specific goals and steps, research building upon or complimenting research and good communication. Strong support from breeders as well as individual dog owners will also be necessary. It would be beneficial to dog and human alike, if tests could be developed to identify affected dogs as well as carriers of genetically inherited skin problems.If anyone would like to contact me about any of the above, write 4 Domenic Dr., Chelmsford, MA 01824 or call 508 250-013938 MayJune 1991 Pomeranian SlSWOSiKAdvertising IT ipsDo you see IMS eveiytime you look at your photosMore photo hints and clarifications When you attend a show, you may think that red is a nice flashy color that helps you stand out from the crowd, and it probably does. The problem doesnt show up until you take those excellent win photos and try to have them reproduced in black and white for an advertisement.In most cases we either reduce or enlarge your photo depending on what part of the photo you want to actually appear in your ad and a black and white negative halftone image is made for use in the Pomeranian Review.Through the black magic of photography, all shades of red reproduce darker than other colors This means that your nice bright red outfit turns either black, or a very dark shade of greyTo avoid this problem, STAY AWAY FROM RED OUTFITS Also think about where the show will be held, and under what lighting conditions your photo will be taken.Bright colors dont have to be red Youll look just as sharp in a light yellow, blue, green, tan, etc. if you are going to wear pink, make sure its a very light shade. Thebrightest color would be white, if you dareSo now youre all prepared. Youre wearing white, and you know your photo will come out fine against dark backgrounds, right What happens when you find out your photo is about to be taken in front of a white tent, outdoors, or directly in front of a freshly painted white wall indoors Be prepared Bring along a darker sweater or jacket.Many times you cant depend on the background at indoor shows. If you notice your photo is about to be taken without there being a colored wall or drape directly behind you within ten feet or so, you can bet the background of the indoor flash photo will be dark. Wear light colors in this situatioaIf you prepare for both light and dark backgrounds, and pay attention to the set-up of the where the photos are going to being taken watch the group competing ahead of you, youll know exactly what to do. Go in dressed in your fight colored clothes, or put your darker jacket or sweater on before you enter the ringIf youve been showing and winning for a while youll get a good confirmation of what were saying by looking at your old show photos.Youll really get a good feel for red shades if youve worn red in any of them and placed advertisements using the same photo for a black and white adso^AN CSTHE PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.Presents its 2nd SpecialtySaturday, Aug. 24,1991Goldcreek Tennis Sports Club Woodinville Wa.Sweeps - Jane Anderson Breed - To be announced Obedience - Dalene MclntireShow Secretary - Alan Koeller 1508 N.E. Brockman PI Seattle, WA 98125 206 365-8276TP 6^\o S1mPomeranian WQ\2 MayJune 1991 39Advertising policies 2f 5J. atesAds are placed in the magazine in the order they are received. Any ads that miss the issue deadline will be held for inclusion in the next issue. All photos will be returned via 1st class US Mail.Front Cover.................................. 120.00Back Cover.................................. 75.00Inside Front Cover....................... 65.00Inside Back Cover....................... 65.00Center Page Spread....................120.00Full Page...................................... 55.0034 Page....................................... 45.0012 Page...................................... 35.0014 Page...................................... 15.00Classified Ads.............................. 5.002xtra ChargesPhoto Reproduction.............................................Tints grey backgrounds.....................................Reverse white lettersblack backgrounds.Mortises photos less than .25" apart.................Bleeds photos printed to edge of page....Tferms 2 Conditions150.00 90.00 80.00 80.00 150.00 65.00 55.00 45.00 25.00 7.00 lO.OOea 7.50 5.00 lO.OOea 20.00All ads are PREPAID Send your check made out to "American Pomeranian Club, Inc." for the full amount including all extras. Editor reserves the right to edit all copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much text is submitted for ad size, editor will delete text as required for ad to fit.PHOTOS and CHECKS MUST accompany ad copy ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR CLEARLY PRINTEDDeadline Mailed issueMay 1st Jun 15th JulyAugust-Stud IssueJul 1st Aug 15th SeptemberOctober- Puppy Hopefuls Summer SpecialtySep 1st Oct 15th NovemberDecember- Brood BitchNov 1st Dec 15th JanuaryFebruary-J r. HandlersBack W ssues 9Brenda Hutton has back issues shed just love to send to you Research your pedigrees Find photos of your lines entire ancestry Brenda tells us some issues are already gone Collectors items for sure Call Brenda at 517 485-5183 and get yours before theyre all sold outthru - 1980 4.00ea 1980 - 1991 5.00ea0Advertisers [IndexBucher, Kathy SHADOMOUNTIN ..............IFCCarson, Morris Betty EMCEE . ................27Downey, Diane DIMONDE ................. .......... 18,19Griffith, Kenneth LENETTE................. ...................5Heartz, Christine CHRISCENDO ..........FC.BCKirk, Terry............................................... ................36Pomeranian Club of Canada................. ................27Presser, Marlin Marlene APOLLOETTE ... 7Puget Sound Pom Club......................... ................39Roberts, Audrey SHYACRES ............ 20,21,22,23Vasuta, Lorinda Darren ANIMATION .................3Vickers, Mary MARVIC ...................... ....... IBC,36Widgren, Ivar Valerie......................... ................25Young, Janice STAR HAVEN ............. ...................9Pomeranian [IndexAnimations Sunny Bunny..........................................3Apolloette Carbon Copy.............................................7Cenla Annie Laurie OFriday...................................23Cenlas Annie Laurie OFriday............................... 12Cenlas Friday at Tiffanys...................................... 17Am, Can, Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein...................FCAm, Can, Ch. Chriscendo City Lights..................... 15Can Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster........................... 27Can Ch. Chriscendo Contender.............................BCDimondes Crown Prince........................................ 18Dimondes Heir Apparent....................................... 19Emcees Solid Gold Felicia......................................24Express Enterprise................................................. 12Glen Iris Pure Magic............................................... 17Glen Iris Southern Rain.......................................... 17Jeribeth Mister Firecracker......................................25Lenette Puppies.........................................................5Ch. Mar-Vics Dazzling Rascal..............................IBCPinehavens Just An Illusion.................................. 14Ch. Shadomountin One Man Show.......................IFCShyacres Kiddy Kan Doo........................................22Int, Am, Can, Mex, Ch.Shyacres Our Man Friday..............................20,21Am, Can Ch. Shyacres Steeplechaser....................22Star Havens Rock NT James Brown........................9Ch. Stylestepper Mark of Oakridge...........................9Sungolds U Can..................................................... 24Teakwoods How Bout Hoover............................... 1440 MarchApril 1991 PomeranianLCkitH jlLomz ZE amnion\-t tJV.vii-H\1best ofWINNERSjCHESAPtAKE K-C. NOVEMBERRaines PP0,Ch. Mar-Vics Dazzling RascalCh. Annons Dazzling Force x Myway Honey BunMany thanks to Rascals very professional handler, Gloria Setmayer whose Tender Loving Care and guidance straightened this Rascal out and made him a Dazzling show Pom.A sincere thank you to the following judges who appreciated RascalBetty Munden 101390 Palisades KC 1 pointRay Swidersky 111790 Chesapeake KC 4 point majorMerrill Cohen 111890 Upper Marlboro KC Res - 4 pointsFrank Oberstar 112490 Windham Country KC4 point majorTimothy Catterson 112590 Springfield KC 2 pointsGrace Moran 112690 Holyoke KC 1 pointMignon Murray 121690 Lehigh Valley KC 1 pointCharles Deer 011291 Greater Lowell KC 1 pointEtta 0 re n stein 011391 Merrick Valley 2 pointsA heart felt thanks to Mary Florence "the boys" including making Rascal what he is today.the Blak forOnward to obedienceMary Vickers 2818 Jefferson Dr. Alexandria, VA 22303 703 960-7755 after 6 pmCan. Ch. Chriscendo ContenderCh. Chriscendo Calvin Klein x Wests Destiny of Medallion Photo by Kim BaxstromeWe salute Brads sire Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein. Brad is a litter brother to Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster. He finished very quickly in Canada, with a Group 1st and several placements. Watch for him at U.S. shows this year.Owned and Loved byDiane Carrier 2 Browns Cres. Gander, Nfld A1V 1A4Bred byChristine D. Heartz PO Box 189 Brookfield, N.S. BOB1COChrgpendo