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The Pomeranian Review July 1991
jimerican Pomeranian Stub,9, Inc.TwirPomeranianPublished Bimonthly Stud Dog Issue Julyfiugust 1991CANOFILA ''i,-Srs.^ A cwbni a Mf7 5 I,T'.1r.r a a.4.vIvJaA0 ^ H DFL GHUPO . kim pmv. rVnmvr..aii-kX14 V, VlrsA. MnitnV Ja r^jjk"' 585B8BBHBPtc ' 'i8........................niHir. mss. 50oa. om. sua. stay mss si mom paoyPRETTY WOMANJan-Shar Y ' 'Jin 4ml I it JwLM ^ s rj.BEST OF BREED OR VARIETYDELAWARE OHIOKENNEL CLUB SHOWALVERSON nvn0i irPictured here with judge Richard Allen Koester taking BOB and 2 points over a special.1BEST OF WINNERS BEST OF OPPOSITE jRALEIGHKENNEL CLUB MARCHJOHN ASHBErHere she is with judge Kennith D. Falconi taking a 5 point major, BOW and Best of Opposite.Jan-Shars Pretty WomanSire Ch. Blakes Sir Robert John Dam Ch. Jan-Shars SaydeOwner HandlerSharon Hanson Pam CampbellPRETTY WOMANCOVER STORYHOT, Mm- 2[iL K. SJG SGJ17 SRS IK MOtfl PK0ai7No Friday doesnt have a new handler. This is his picture from finishing his Mexican and FCI Championships last July I never used the photo, and its one of my favoritesI started Friday at 10 months, he finished quickly gamering a Group I on his way to his Amer. title. He was then specialed for awhile by his owner. I then regained ownership and specialed him for a time. Then a nice offer from Kathy Bucher resulted in a visit to Oklahomaand many more Group Is. Then we took off for Canada to visit our dear friends the Dupuis of Pomsprings. We took in shows and got our Can. Championship by going Group I out of the classes This was a thrilling trip. Then in July 90 I heard Sandy Tremont was going to Mexico. I inquired and off Friday went to Mexico, where on his way to two titles, he got several Group Is .As you can see Fridays career has been multifaceted and I was considering retiring him. But a lovely couple with vision approached me and said, "I think he has a Best In Show in him" So off to Florida with Bill Lisa Smart handler Adrian Alford went Friday.Well as a breeder my ultimate goals were to win a National Specialty BIS and an All-Breed BIS. Thanks to the wonderful vision of the Smarts my dreams came true Thanks guys I certainly couldnt have done it without you Friday is happy and very loved Adrian takes impeccable care of Fri and he adores Adrian. Friday is in the absolute best condition of his life. I am so impressed with the care, love andattention Adrian and the Smarts have given to Fri But after seeing their home and other dogs I knew it would be that way. We should all be so carefully treatedFriday will be retiring later this year and he will be returning home to Louisiana. He will stand at stud here at Shy Acres. He deserves the opportunity to prove himself as a producer like his daddy.Thanks to all who have had a part in this little mans show career Thank you Adrian, you Friday are such a wonderful team. Thank you Bill Lisa, you make dreams come true Thank you Lisa for being a wonderful friend.Thanks Coompaw for breeding Fri Thank you Friday for being all Id hoped for and more Thanks to all of you who have supported Friday, I appreciate youShy AcresAudrey Charles Roberts 1410 S. 10th St Leesville, LA 71446 318-238-16483PS COMMITTEE CHAIRMENAPC DELEGATE Sam Zaneoff 10 Park Avenue New York NY 10016 APC REGISTRAR Jean Schroll 12950 S New Era Rd Oregon City OR 97045 AWARDS Judy Shearer 523 Miller Avenue Sugarcreek OH 44681EDUCATION Sally Baugniet 411 S State Street Mishicot WI 54228 LOCAL CLUBS Dianne Johnson 2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore MD 21234 OBEDIENCE Linda Gallacher 1990 Ridge Way Drive Eugene OR 97401 PUBLIC RELATIONS - Lois Hamill 4 Domenic Drive Chelmsford MA 01824 SKIN DISEASE - Cheryl Jackson 1038 16th Avenue Birmingham AL 35205WAYS MEANS - Lisa Smart THE POM SHOPPE - Bess Roberts YEARBOOK - Paul G. Lewis\ 'vWPomeranian SJBWBSM JulyAugust 1991 1w36g MsafaPresidentMary fricfcers1st Vice PresidentAudrey oberts2nd Vice PresidentDavid Wattsm\ 'VwRecording SecretaryMappctf. A. JonesCorresponding SecretaryFrances J. StoCC Rural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501 Treasurer Ad WiCCiamson POB 4207Pineville, LA 71361-4207SadCy Baugniet Margaret Mcee Tony FettezCaroC A. Qcdavich Jean 3. ScfvroCC CfizryC WagnerJM5 3l]Qss]33Sam ZaneoffEditorJaidA. QarveyPublishing HouseE XPEDITIOPUBLISHINGNPO Box A, 45 Pennwood Drive Mastic Beach, NY 11951-0501 Tel 516 399-3199 Fax 516 399-3182Circulation ManagerBrenda . Mutton R102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Tel 517 485-5183Pomeranian SJSWOSffl ISSN 0744-8546 is published bimonthy JanMarMayTulSepNov in Mastic Beach, NY by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright 1991 by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission. Subscriptions are 30.00 per year 3rd class mail 35.00 per year 1st Class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and APOs US funds only.Custom graphics and all graphic compilations 1991 Expedition Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. All material and manuscripts submitted for publication with the exception of photos and custom graphics become the property of the American Pomeranian Club, all rights reserved. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.featuresCover Story..................................................... ICan Am Ch. Shy Acres Our Man FridayOPS Committee Chairman.............................IThank You To OPS Supporters................13OPS's Kennel Visit.........................................28Shirley BradleyOPS Board Member Profile........................34Schedule of Points.........................................36Embarrassing Moments, Stud Dog . 40 Annual Stud Dog Register ..........................453 rticlesSome Illegal Pom Colors..............................16Mary VickersSebaceous Adenitis...................................... 26Sally BaugnietBig Brother is Watching.............................44Mary VickersObedience News...........................................49Brenda K. HuttonBeebles Pet Shop......................................... 54Linda TereskoQlub KleuisDallas Fort Worth Pom Club......................20Mildred Patrick Bill McKinneyBay Colony Pom Club..................................22Claire FlesnerColumnsTails To Tell....................................................4from the EditorUpdates.............................................................6from the PresidentRecording Secretarys Report.........................8Views from the Show Chairman .... 14Marlin PresserOPS Board Meeting.....................................18Judith GreenClassifieds ..................................................... 18How to Join the OPS..................................26Pomeranian Puppy Photo Contest.. 30Yips Yaps................................................58Behind The New Titlists...............................67Advertisers Index..........................................72Pomeranian Index........................................722 MayJune 1991 Pomeranian 5^W]\2icLna. ^fixcvuLot"Scotia, ^PomzianLcuxs." cffiiil5, 1905 - M.ay 13, 1991Edna passed away of a heart attack on May 13, 1991, after a brief 6 day stay in the hospital. We loved her so and she will be greatly missed by my family. My companion, advisor, and a world of knowledge is gone. A parting of the ways came at the Hills of Rest Cemetery in Inverness, Florida. I found so much comfort from a dear person, when I was told "her time had come."Edna had been pretty much on her own from about age ten. In her lifetime she accomplished so much, studying to become an R.N., which she left after a few years to build a career in the dog world, which I know many of you are aware of. One of her accomplishments that made her most proud, was that she attended the Westminster Kennel Club show for 50 years without a miss. She never really erased herself from the dogs when she retired from it, and she was the best when it came to saving pups. Edna wanted desperately to get back in the ring, so I told her "go for it," and she did She appeared in the Veteran Bitch Class at our last Specialty on February 9,1991. I worried that she may get dizzy or fall or that the crowd may not clap for the Veterans, but applaud they did, and when I saw the look in her eyes, I soon forgot all the worry.This picture of Edna was taken by the Ashbey brothers on her 86th birthday. My friend is not gone, she is just away.Dolores WattsThe dedicates the September Issue of the Pomeranian Review to Edna Girardot.Pomeranian KSWQS\57 JulyAugust 1991 3TAILS TO TELL By Cjqil A. Qqrvgyfrom the editorDid you check the LandfillI would like to begin my column with a sincere apology to Gail Jeub of Star Dust Pomeranians. Gail was supposed to have both the center spread and the back cover advertisements in this issue. As I was finishing the layout, I noticed her material was missing. I called Gail to see if she had sent her material, and after a couple days of checking, it turned out she had a cancelled check was confirmed by A1 Williamson and a frantic search began. Two weeks later, and after EVERYTHING in our offices had been rummaged through, at least half a dozen times, we gave up. Gail was kind enough to send another photo for the back cover ad you see in this issue, even though she was afraid we might lose another one You should know that in five years weve been doing electronic publishing, this is the first time weve lost ANYTHING [of course, no consolation to Gail]This is extremely embarrassing for us, but__________happens, and hopefully this will be our first and last major blunder For all we know at this point her material went out with the trash Well be replacing Gails photos for her, but it doesnt quite make up for her losing the center spread in what was a very important issue to her.Look, up in the sky, its...This has not been a good month for us My pom, Brandy, had her third and final litter back in February. She had three males and one female. The female, Cookie, literally thinks shes Super Dog Even though shes the smallest in the litter, at 12 weeks old, she was the only one that was crazy enough to even attempt and succeed to jump up onto the couch Even though I scolded her every time she did it, within two days she had this trick down pat One day as she was taunting the boys from the couch where they still couldnt get to she leaped off and smacked straight into the coffee table. She broke both bones in her front leg. This was bad enough, but the day after her leg had been set, she returned home coughing, and choking. That night the situation got worse and the coughs turned into gags. It got bad enough that4 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian SJBWQBMan 11pm trip to the emergency clinic was necessary. They kept her overnight, in an oxygen tent, and gave her anti-inflamatory, yet by 4am the next morning, she went agonal and was brought back to life after removing scar tissue that had blocked her airway. It appears that during anesthesia, the tube had scraped her throat badly enough that massive healing was taking place, and the resulting tissue is what she was gagging on, and what she eventually choked on. Now, with a swollen throat, it appeared that every time she got excited she would start to breathe fast and start to collapse what little breathing space was left in her throat Here we go again, back to the emergency clinic, this time at 10pm I was sent home and told this was normal as her throat was swollen and sore. Needless to say it was a sleepless night thinking I may lose her at any moment. The next morning at 9 am, it was off to my vet with her hanging on by a thread. She was hospitalized there for almost a full week, and came home looking and feeling much better, I am now waiting to here from a specialist to see if she has a collapsing trachea.I have to thank Anna Liselli for her much needed and appreciated company and emotional support at the Emergency Clinic visits which went into the wee hours of the morning. I guess this is all part of the game.Magazine, what magazineIf you are receiving this issue any later than you thought you would, at least you have a clue as to whats been going on here The good news As Im sure well be at least a little late, well extend the deadline for the SeptemberOctober issue to July 15th But thats a definite. No ifs, ands, or buts If its not here by the 15th that means received, not a phone call saying youll mail it, then it will have to wait for the next issue.I do hope that everyone is pleased with this issue of the magazine. If you like big issues then keep writing articles, stories, and letters. Im sure the more you have to read and look at, the happier you are about the magazine. Keep up the good work and keep those ads coming Hopefully, the next issue Ill have at least a few pleasant things to say. WhewiSouthpaw PomeraniansSouthpaw Majik Moments\cPtB,O0t4a6,best ofOPPOSITE SEXbestot""08 006 1Rough Rider Dude x Rosewoods Song of the DragonMajik wishes to thank Judge, Mrs. Wilma Hunter for giving her WB, BOW, BOS for a 3pt major, from the 9-12 month puppy class. This 3 12 lb girl free whelped and raised her first litter and is waiting for coat. Look for us back in the ring in March.Thank you, Jimmy Deana Williams Sillouette Poms, for sharing some of your best with me. Besides Majik we have Southpaw Dragon Master, ptd Ch. Texicans I Could Scream x Rosewoods Song Of The Dragon and Southpaw Collectors Edition Mar Dons Andy x Princess Kima Of Mound.Thank you, Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor Glen Iris Poms, for the wonderful and informative talks at your kitchen table, and for sharing Glen Iris Distant Caller Ch. Tim Sues Distant Lights x Wee Hearts Carolina Calling, and others with me, as well as the services of Ch. Bev-Nors Glen Iris Excalibur a Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge son, who with my Southpaw Dream Maker a BIS, BISS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid granddaughter, has produced an orange male, red sable female and to my delight a black tan female. One male may be available Look for these and other Southpaw Pomeranians in the ring this year.For sale Orange male, super, solid, sound with fantastic coat - to show home only, and black tan female, beautiful, clear, rich tan markings, good front, pretty head, nice coat - broodpossible show. These littermates whelped 1591. Sire Ch. Bev. Nors Glen Iris Excalibur sire of mult, ch.s and near chs and one of the last tightly bred sons of Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, dam Southpaw Dream Maker granddaughter of BIS,BISS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Also, clear bright orange, pointed show male - whelped 122289, sire Ch. Texicans I Could Scream Ch. Tomboys Pico Chico son outof a PedronJolly Wee dam.Stud service to approved bitches. Puppies to approved homes.Pamela T. Walken 419 Cove Creek Rd E. Godsden AL 35903 205 492-1178 late evesPomeranian SJSWtlBM JulyAugust 1991 5UPDATES from theBy Mary VickerspresidentThe human mind is a vast, complex, and yet undocumented and untouchable, piece of work. It looks like the Pom Reviews readers are the same. Look at this issue. Isnt it terrific It easily shows how large the Pom world is how involved the readers are.Tom Nutting, who has video taped our Annual Specialty show for years and breeder of Newfoundlands, says he really enjoys being around the Pom people in New York and even at the shows. According to him, Pom people look at their dogs differently. Many times in other breeds, especially larger breeds, dogs are seen as livestock. Yes, he is talking about cattle, goats and such. With Poms, however, each dog is treasured for their individuality and the effect each has on its owners life.I think this is one of the finest compliments I have ever heard about Pom people. It should be valued even more as it comes from someone outside of Poms, although not away from the dog game.Now how do you think these two paragraphs tie together Toms view of us throughout this magazine. Everyone who places an ad is showing off their Pom. They take pride in what they have, what their dog is producing, or the wins that made their Pom become a champion. In reality, the wins are secondary. Their PRIDE in their Pom is first. Their PRIDE is also in this magazine.Each and everyone who is reading this larger issue is very happy with it they wish every issue could be as nice as this one. Good articles to read, many pictures of Poms both well known and some never seen before. It wets your interest to want to have the next issue NOWYou cannot have the next issue now, but you can plan for the next issue following ones NOW. The price of a full page ad has increased to 75.00 plus 15.00 per photo, you are paying 90.00 for a full page. To myself, living paycheck to paycheck, I understand the struggle. Yet it is a worthwhile one. You do get a lot of page for your money. Now that the Review is being sent to all appreciative judges, that will be an incentive to some advertisers. But some just like showing off their dog to the fancy, or even having their dog seen for future reference. Even if you can not afford the full page, perhaps your talents lie in other areas. We are uncovering several gifted writers. What can you contributeAnother vast, complex piece of work is the computer. It is much like the brain, but its power is limited only to the human behind it. Most of the time when we are dealing with the computer, if an error is made, it can be easily fixed. In using a computer like Gail or I use, we can spot errors and fix them. We know what we are putting in, or printing on the screen. Sometimes if the error occurs on a larger computer - especially a "mainframe," it takes days, weeks, even months to fix. In the case of the AKC computer, it was not until a few people complained that the AKC was not allowing registration of certain color Poms, that the AKC computer was checked. It was working with incorrect information. We know that it will not be fixed in a few days as it has to go through many human hands, but by the time you read this, all should be corrected. See article on page 16 .Another vast, complex piece of work is all the people power used to put on a Specialty. Many people are coming forward with ideas to make our annual Specialty better than ever. Although you may think it is a bit soon to think about February, not so. All of you who like to draw, paint, are artistically inclined in that medium, or others like hand stitchery e.g. needlework, and such, thought is being given to having a DOG ART SHOW - put on by Pom people, for Pom people and featuring of course, what else Pomeranians. After you have had time to ooohhh and aaahhh over these delightful presentations, they will then be auctioned off. Start thinking about your creation and saving your hard earned dollars. With the amazing talent in the APC, your trip to the Specialty this year will allow you a few different shows to see. Another venture presented but not yet given approval is an invitational tournament similar to the TOP TWENTY competition sponsored by the Doberman Club of America. The next time you see a Doberman walk by and ask the handler about it. One thing that you should be aware of is that the Westminster Kennel Club is changing a bit. This is definite, in 1992, that is February, THIS FEBRUARY, only dogs who have completed their championships will be allowed to be entered. NO MORE CLASS DOGS or classes for dogsbitches will be allowed at WESTMINSTER ONLY SPECIALSThis human mind is switching off for awhile. It is time to read the REVIEW let more ideas settle in the sub-conscious. It is time to have other minds work on their own. Enjoy the Review Enjoy thinking and creating You can do it The proof is in these pages.6 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian SJSWQUMm as3^ Specialty 1991The proof is in the"PUTTING' and Miss Martha Jane Ablett is 'PUTTING'o-Bb -yT - siI . Vi WINNERSH II ckjPlRE SPECIALTYassociated CLUBS FEB4TEAKWOODS PINEHAVEJNTSHow 'Bout Hoover Just An IllusionWDBW WB BOSSire Ch. Southlands Janesa Berry TBYTHANK YOU MISS ABLETTLaureen Ivey 92 Webster Street Douglas, MA01516 508-476-7799Gale Sharland 80 Pine Street Raynham, MA 02767 508-823-8920m"WHERE QUALITY SHOWS"iPomeranian 5JSWD3M JulyAugust 1991 7Recording Secretary ReportBy Hoppeth fi. ]onesIn keeping with the policy of this Board of running an open board, I will be giving you reports of our monthly agendas. Unfortunately you will get these reports a couple of months after the fact, but they still will give you an idea of what is going on in your club.The agendas are really an APC board meeting by mail. Each board member writes down any motions or comments he or she wants to make and sends it to me, the Recording Secretary. This is due by the 20th of every month. I then compile all this information, make copies and mail them to each board member by the 5th of the next month. When this information is received by the Board they vote on current issues, comment on any pending votes, and submit new issues. This is mailed back to me to be included in the next agenda.Board members also call each other by phone or computer and discuss the current issues that are before the board. Whenever it is possible I also will include the information from these phone I computer calls in my reports to you. They are not officially part of the agenda but part of the workings of the club and the information is important to you.In urgent matters votes are sometimes phoned in. The normal course is for a motion to be sent in for one months agenda. Comments and votes on it are done in the next months agenda.March AgendaWe received a letter from the Bay Colony Pom Club accepting Bruce Driggers apology for using Bay Colonys copyrighted drawing. They are asking for a refund on their January advertisement as payment. There were several suggestions placed before the board. The main one being to give them the free ad. At this time no motions were made on this issue.The APC board received a letter from AKC approving our increase in membership dues.The previous Board voted for a subscription increase from 2025 to 2530 based on the proposed postage increase that came in February. What was forgotten was the increase from four issues to six issues per year. This results in the old price per issue being 5.006.20 and the current price per issue being 4.165.00. We are now receiving less8 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranianmoney for more issues.The cost of reproducing photographs in the Review are costing 12.00 to 13.00 per photo. Since the advertiser is only paying 10.00 the club has to pay the difference. We are also losing money in ads. A full page without the photo, cost us 59.48 The advertiser pays 55.00. We have to pay the difference. We also have to pay the price for all non ad pages such as articles. In order to make the Review more competitive several board members have asked that we send the Review to judges.The issue of a new editor for the Review was resolved during this agenda. A Review Selection Committee was established and they carefully studied bids submitted from Hoflin Publications and Expedition Publishing Gail Leo Garvey.Upon studying the bids submitted the committee found that Hoflins bid was higher with a shorter term. The Review would be one of many and possibly would not receive the individual attention that it should. Their proposal had an error in addition. There was also a spelling error.Expeditions presentation was flawless in regard to format, spelling, addition and was complete. The bid was for less cost and a longer contract. Their interest, aggressiveness, and attention to detail, seemed to show their desire to produce a high quality magazine. Their dog resources were few, but were offset by their current Review subscription and ownership of the breed. Therefore, the committee decided in favor of Expedition Publishing - Gail Garvey, editor.Parliamentarian Mike Jones answered some questions for the board regarding one members charges against another member. He states that the member who makes the allegation is the one who makes the charges complainant, not the board. The board is an impartial arbitrator to hear the evidence that both sides present. Mike pointed out that it is essential that the board maintain impartiality.It was mentioned that the Specialty report has not been received from Marlin. The board especially needs to know the financial reports from the Specialty. The report from Empire should have been mailed by the 1st of March.There were many phone and computer calls this agenda period between the President, the Treasurer and available board members. The former treasurer had turned over 2000.00 to Al Williamson. Mary and Al could not find out what was left in theFINCHS POMERANIANSIntroduces New Champion UnofficialApolloette Wild FireThanks to Marlene Marlin Presser for this super mover and handler, Jackie Raynor for your expertisecoaching and all the judges who made this possible. Fire is at stud with Jackie in New Jersey for a limited time.Diane L. Finch Rural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134 515-769-2444f aNDANVILLE KENNEL CLUB MARCH I99IJOHN ASHBEYFinchs He Walks On WaterThank you Frances M. Thornton for Travis 4pt major and BOB over Specials and compliments on this lovely correct mover. Owner handled.m ' X X ^" 2Finchs Raydeeo Dee JayA Finchs Wee Hearts Andy Gibb son went reserve to Travis. Thanks to Karen Munster for Dee Jays tender loving care. Areser'K\Vi\NNERS \XJKTON. WN A kennb- cu 1Pomeranian KS'ffQHM JulyAugust 1991 9remaining accounts and could not get the records from Morris until he closed his bank accounts. After paying Bruce Driggers bill and a few operating expenses only about 1000.00 was left out of the 2000.00. By the 30th day in office the president and current treasurer still did not know what the treasury balance was. They were facing close to 8000.00 in immediate expenses. They still didnt know what the breakdown of the Specialty expenses were. This was making it very difficult to manage finances, plan budgets, or to pay the club bills. Many phone calls were made asking for this information. When the current treasurer and president finally got the records they found that the club bank account was overdrawn, apparently from expenses from the Specialty. The club did not have any money to pay its bills. To keep from declaring bankruptcy our president sent out a flyer to the general membership asking for donations. All board members were asked to donate 100.00 each. This was a painful decision for our president but a necessary one to save this club.Mary Vickers received forty nine telephone calls from members who were upset that some of the Officers and Board have placed ads or articles in the competing Pomeranian magazines. The callers felt that this was working for our competition and was detrimental to the APC. Some of the callers felt that even the general membership should not advertise in the competing magazines.VOTING RESULTSThe contract on the Pomeranian Review with Gail Garvey as editor was passed. This was a call in vote.MOTIONSJean Schroll made a motion that we give a kennel visit to Shirley Bradley from Washington. Mary Vickers seconded.Mary Vickers made a motion that any new subscribers to the Pomeranian Review be charged a rate of 30.00 for issues and bulk mailing and 35.00 for those with first class subscriptions. Seconded by Happeth Jones.Mary Vickers made a motion that the cost of each picture in the Review be increased to 15.00 per picture ... effective immediately after increase is published in the Review. Seconded by Margaret McKee.Mary Vickers made a motion that the cost of the Reviews Stud Card be increased from thecurrent 10.00, plus 10.00 for the picture, to 15.00 per card plus the cost of a normal photo. Seconded by Margaret McKee.Sally Baugniet made a motion that Dorothy Bonner be given a life membership in the APC. Seconded by Margaret McKee.Audrey Roberts made a motion that all judges be sent the Review. Seconded by Mary Vickers.Mary Vickers made a motion that the following committee chairman be accepted. Seconded by Happeth Jones.Awards - Judy ShearerSkin Disease - Cheryl JacksonWays Means - Lisa SmartReview Subscriptions and back issues - Brenda HuttonMary Vickers made a motion that the APC officers and those on the board of directors, do not advertise, or submit articles unless directed by the club to any Pomeranian magazine, except for the POMERANIAN REVIEW. Needs a second.fiPRIL AGENDAThe votes sent in approved Judy Shearer, Cheryl Jackson, Lisa Smart, as committee chairman and Brenda Hutton as Circulation Manager. Dorothy Bonner was approved for life membership. Shirley Bradleys kennel visit was approved. Increase in the Review subscription rates approved - 10 yes, 1 no, and 1 abstain.Increase in charge for photos in the Review was approved -11 yes, 1 no. Increase in charge for stud cards was approved - 12 yes.The vote to send judges a copy of the Pomeranian Review was a close one but was approved - 7 yes, 5 no.Mary Vickers motion that Officers and the Board do not advertise in other Pom magazines was seconded by Happeth Jones and goes up for voting in this agenda. This issue brought in some strong written comments. The pros and cons were that this was America and the Board members had a right to advertise in any magazine they chose. Other view points were that the Pomeranian Review is a major source of income for the APC and has lost considerable advertising dollars. That we need to encourage the membership to support its club by supporting the Review and that we couldnt do that if the Board was going over to the competition.There was more discussion over the use of the10 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian KBWQBQ'QCrsV0sc'6 ^uneMUtiamProudly Presents...X.1- -'3j4fc8BEBEST OF OPPOSITECOLUMBIA MOI KENNEL CLUB 1991PHOTO BY DOWNEY -S'P iv34PPrimrose City LimitsAmCan Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Rosewood Gold Mite Brass RingHes a "Chip" off the ole block - following in his fathers footsteps Hes pictured here winning his first major, 4pts under Mr. K. McDermott. Chip is currently out with his handler,Judi Hartell, finishing his championship.We would like to send a BIG thanks to Donna Parkerson for breeding Chip and for letting us have him. You did a great job DonnaA special thank you to Mary Allan for all the guidance you have given and forgetting me started in PomsWe raise our puppies on Science Diet.Marla Matthew Kneisler 9151 S Darlington Ave Tulsa, Ok 74137 918-492-0520Pomeranian SJSWOBW JulyAugust 1991 11Bay Colonys copyrighted Logo but still no motion. This is the second agenda this issue has posted so a request for a motion went out in this agenda.The minutes from the last meeting of the former Board still havent been received. Also the book of the clubs minutes still has not been turned over. I have made many requests to the former Recording Secretary for these documents.To make this club more efficient and financially stable Mary Vickers has started drawing up budgets for committees and operations of this club. believe this is the first time budgets for this club have been established. These budgets were presented to the Board. A budget for the Specialty could not be drawn up yet because the report from Marlin still hasnt been sent in.Sally Baugniet suggested that we might sell more back issues of the Pomeranian Review if we had an index of articles for these back issues.Some new changes to the Pomeranian Review are the puppy contests for the July issue, the Pom Query and Pom Patter columns. A listing of the people who have made donations to help save this club also will be put into the Review. Mary has some members working on getting dog food companies to sponsor ads for the Review. The Pomeranian Review at this time is not even breaking even, so the price of adverti sing must be increased.Mary Vickers and Beverly Poplar found ninety members who had not responded to renewal of dues. Thirty of them apparently had not been notified. Since thirty of them were our fault and possibly many of the remaining could have been problems with the mail Mary motioned that we accept them back in, rather than have them reapply.The board received the Treasurers report for 1990. Morris Carson also mailed in all bank deposit slips and copies of checks that cover the period from January 1, 1991 until he turned over the books to A1 Williamson. A copy of the Treasurers report is included.MOTIONSHappeth Jones made a motion that the APC board temporarily suspend giving Bonuss to Board or Officers of APC until such time the APC is recovered financially and to reevaluate before reinstating. Needs a second...Mary Vickers made a motion that the ads for a full page ad in the Pomeranian Review be increased to1. 75.00 or 2. 90.00. Seconded by Happeth Jones.Audrey Roberts made a motion that we give approval to the La Cajun Pom Club to hold the APC 1994 Summer National Specialty. Seconded by Happeth Jones.Mary Vickers made a motion that a freeze on the rate all current subscribers of the Review pay from the date of vote on this motion till December 31,1991. Seconded by Happeth Jones.In the March agenda Mary Vickers made a motion that APC officers and Board of Directors do not advertise, or submit articles to other Pom magazines. This motion has been seconded by Happeth Jones and is now up for voting.Mary Vickers made a motion that we accept the ninety past due members as they come back in, rather than having them reapply for membership. Seconded by Happeth Jones.In my last Secretarys Report I forgot to list the new members who were voted in during the February board meeting. The new members areAnn Jensen Molly Brown Helen SchaapBetty Schaap Beverly Henry Bill HenryTom StevensThe Treasurers report shows that spending was cut in 1990 by 24. I would like to point out that advertising in the Pom Review was cut by 42. This was down 8,210.70 from last year. You might think of this the next time you advertise. The amount of money this club owes right now is about 8,000.00.At the time of this agenda there was not enough input yet to know if the request for donations brought in enough to pay our immediate bills. The March Pom Review has to be paid for plus the May Pom Review. I have been told that we have received a bill for the printing of the January Review. The overdrawn checks have to be covered and there are others owed money by this club. None of the board members are being reimbursed for their postage or operating expenses for the club.The board is getting some calls stating that some of the local Pomeranian Clubs are taking donations for us. Isnt that wonderful As of the date I am writing this report, the financial support from the general membership thats you has been a little discouraging. Remember we the Board are not the American Pomeranian Club, you are and you have a choice right now, whether to support your club or let it fail. .712 JulyAugust 1991 PomeranianTHE AFC WOULD LIKE TO SEND A INCEFE THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING FEOFLE FOE THEM FINANCIAL UFFOFTRED, WHITE A BLUE ROSETTESAudrey Roberts The Pom Club of MichiganDetroit AreaPURPLE A GOLD ROSETTESDallas-Ft Worth Pom ClubRED A WHITE ROSETTESHappeth Michael Jones Al WilliamsonColumbia Pom ClubShirley BradleyMorris Betty Carson Nadine HersilPom Club of Greater BaltimoreStella ReevesJean SchrollLisa Bill SmartEmily UntalanMary VickersDavid Dolores Watts Sam ZaneoffRED ROSETTESDorothy BonnerNorma GadTim Sue GoddardEvelyn C. NewyearPuget Sound Pom Club Frances StollNatalie DunfeeHoward FieldNancy FryCarol GalavichEdna GirardotNora HigbeeTommi HoobanFrances Michele McDonaldWHITE ROSETTESThe Pomeranian Club of CanadaBetty Schaap Margery Strum Paula WindierTrudy AdairAdrian AlfordSophie BemusAllison BrewsterEloise Chandler Josephine ChingHarold Collings, JrMarion CoyVera DagelPeggy DoyalJerrie FreiaSteve GonzalesK. D. GriffithDolores HaakGeanene HallAnnette Lynn HeiseBrenda HuttonSharon HughesIrwinDerial JacksonJulia Bob McCullough Margaret McKeeMrs. Norris McKameyMelissa Steve MellenLois MorkasselNeal Vicki Parlier Sue Marie Powers Jackie Chip Raynor Mildred Reese Frank Jannell Reich Bess RobertsBabe A. Stranahan Bunny Sweet Valerie Widgren Sharon L. Williams Pauline ZeccaPomeranian JulyAugust 1991 13Views From Thg Show ChairmanBy Marlin PresserThe club tried something new for 1991 for holding the Specialty, independently but in conjunction with other Specialties. We have been losing a substantial amount of money on the Specialty in the past and we had hoped this might be our last salvation.The feeling I received from the membership was that they did not like the arrangement of getting to and from the show site, the fact that we give up some of our individuality, too crowded and what I didnt like also was the fact that we are forced to use Moss- Bow MB-F as our superintendent who is too high in price for a Specialty.Money could be made by being with the Empire Specialties Association Clubs. Being this was the first year for Empire, there were a lot of bugs that arose and most of them could be worked out. Shirley Thomas did an outstanding job in putting this together.Therefore, we are back to square one. This is where we need the memberships support and help.Several years ago a motion had been made at the annual meeting for our club to hold our Specialty elsewhere, as New York was too high in price and a lot of members could not attend for that reason. It was sent out to the membership for voting and you, as the members, wanted a change. What has happened to that change I understand we need to change our charter. Why isnt someone working on this My feelings are that APC can not afford to continue putting on their annual Specialty at New York prices. My feeling is that the time of year is also wrong because of weather conditions. Maybe an annual Spring Specialty and a roving Fall Specialty would be better for the club and its members.The Garden is going to Specials only and toys are shown on Tuesday, so the Garden really does not have any bearing with our Specialtyand its entry any longer. If we were to go to a Spring Specialty in front of some All Breed Shows, the entry form the Specialty would carry over to the All Breed Shows giving more dogs an opportunity to win majors, plus the fact that all the dogs brought to the Specialty could be shown at the All Breed Shows, including the puppies, if the owner wishes. It would also give us an opportunity to have several evenings available for social events and just plain visiting.You as members, have a right to know what is going on in our club and the right to make your wishes known. Please do this, write or phone your officers and board members.The seminar on skin disease that Janice Luginsland chaired on Saturday went very nicely and was very educational. I think more of this type of events should happen with the APC supporting it.Thank you Sally Baugniet, and also Richard, for putting on an educational booth at the Specialty. I know many people enjoyed it and I hope it becomes a regular feature at our Specialties.Thank you to all my committee heads and their helpers, and to everyone else that helped me out. If I forgot to thank you in person, I am thanking you now.DON'T FORGETThe SeptemberOctober issue deadline has been extended toJuly 15thAll material for that issue must beRECEIVEDby July 15th No exceptions14 JulyAugust 1991 PomeranianrTerimar Pomeranians formerly T and T PomeraniansAm."Puppiluvs Little Ped Amber"This 4 12 lb. Ch. Emcees Solid Gold daughter is one of my foundation girls for sound body beauty. She presently has a litter by a Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman son, Rhea-Nas Hot Shot of T and T.Other litters byRhea-Nas Hot Shot of T and T xCh. Bev-Nors Statesman x Bev-Nors Too Hot Too HandleCh. Emcees Diamond Solid Gold xCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Adorable Bit of GoldRhea-Nas DBL Fudge of T and T xCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Bev-Nors Vanilla FudgeRhea-Nas DBL Fudge of T and T xCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Bev-Nors Vanilla FudgeRhea-Nas Undercover LoverCh. Bev-Nors Statesman x Bev-Nors Vanilla FudgePuppiluvs Peaches N CreamCh. Bi-Mar Sunny Go Lucky x Jeanettes Love Sweet KandiBev-Nors Toastys ClassicBIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge x Janesas TanerdoonT and Ts MischevVenus OGoldCh. Emcees Diamond Solid Gold x Bi-Mar Sweet ChereMore exciting litters to cornelSpecial thanks to my good friend Barbara Nagy of Rhea-Na Pomeranians for all her guidance and support while building quality in my program and Jeanette Majewsky of Puppiluv Kennels for lettingme purchase some of her girls.Orange, red, sables, black tan, creams whitesTim and Terry Morrow Winchester, VA 703-665-2737V.Pomeranian 5B'J7HB\5 JulyAugust 1991 15M MLEMBM, MhM DMM,By Mqry VickersThere is a problem with the AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB regarding Pomeranians of certain colors being AKC registered. From what can be found those colors affected are The cream sable, actually any sable other than orange or red different shades of the chocolate family, for instance beaver, most of the parti-colored Poms.To compound this, they have added a few different color categories including the color called "sable."It seems that this problem occurred when the AKC moved their registration department to North Carolina. Why it occurred, how it came about is still unknown. But it did occur.The AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB is working with the AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB on this problem.Until a solution is reached, to register a Pom that is - CREAM SABLE, check off the box on the form marked "CREAM" and write in on the form WITH BLACK MARKINGS. If the cream sable is from the BROWN family and carries brown points pigment write in WITH BROWN MARKINGS.PARTI-COLOREDWHITE BLACK - Check off box marked WHITE and write in WITH BLACK MARKINGS WHITE RED - Check off the box marked WHITE and write in WITH RED MARKINGSAny other parti-colors... hold off until this problem is corrected or contact the author.REMEMBER, although genetically in a white colored Pom and a parti-colored Pom can be different, a parti-colored Pom is described in the Pom standard as "is WHITE with any other color distributed in even patches." If you describe the dog as orange and white, you may confuse others who are correctly identifying the dog as a mis-marked orange with a white foot, for example.BLACK TAN - Write in on the form black tan.If you need to register a parti or any Pom that is beaver, blue, or continue to have problems contact Mary Vickers for further assistance.Unfortunately, there are only 9 nine boxes on the AKC form and at least 26 different color variations in Poms to register. The AKC states they have been sending pamphlets out with every blue slip explaining Pom color registration. It appears that those having problems with color registration are not receiving this. If it does occur, itwill help even when these problems with the computer no longer exist.When a solution is reached there is expected to be problems with SABLE marked Poms. The AKC is interpreting SABLE as a color, rather than our meaning of "with sable shadings," e.g. orange sable, red sable, cream sable, chocolate sable, etc. If SABLE is deleted from the AKC form as a color to register any color of Pom as a"___ sable," you might have to check the box off showingthe predominant color and write in SABLE or WITHBLACK MARKINGS. This is not definate, just a possibility.The APC will not be informed when the solution is put into effect form is corrected. You will see it on the form itself.Although it has always been a thought that the only change allowed an individual registration certificate was the owners address change, apparently that is not the case. With money a new certificate can be obtained showing he dogs current titles a change in the owners name as in marriage or divorce, in the owners address, and if the dog is found to be in the incorrect color category, that may be changed.If your Pom has been caught up in this "color" problem, after they go through the computer system, you may request a change in your dogs color. Do this by sending the Poms AKC individual registration form to the AKC indicating the correct color on it and enclosing a check for 7.00 - payable to the AKC.It is not absolutely necessary that the correct color of your dog be on the registration slip. What is vital is that it occurs on all future stud books and pedigrees that come from the AKC. Therefore, if your Pom is at any time used for breeding, please make sure that the dogs color is corrected in the AKCs records.Remember the new address for AKC registrationAmerican Kennel Club5580 Centerview Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 Phone 919-233-976716 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian 1J3WQ3MiKKOVftUK 1kqnbl cl\best of breedKOHLER'Putcfo, ' Autie OaliqAteTim Sues Shining Light x Jolly Wees Dusty RoseThis special girl is Pinyons first champion and home bred too Thank you to the following judgesfor the exciting wins some over specials20291 Mr. Frank Oberstar BOW BOS 3pts22491 Mrs. Margaret Renihan WB BOS 3pts30291 Mrs. Lois Wolff White WB 1pt30391 Miss Carol Hollands WB BOS 2pts30491 Mr. Roger S. Pritchard BOB 3pts32491 Mrs. Bessie V. Pickens BOW BOS 2pts40791 Mrs. Jean Fancy BOB 2ptsto finish her at 9 months of ageBreederOwnerHandlerJean Focke, Pinyon Poms 641 Robinson Drive Prescott, Arizona 86303 602-778-2082Pomeranian SJBMQB JulyAugust 1991 17fiPC Board MeetingBy Judith GreenThe Board meeting was held on Saturday, February 9,1991 at the Loews Summit Hotel in New York. In attendance were Nadine Hersil, Audrey Roberts, Dolores Watts, Mary Vickers, Dianne Johnson, Judy Green, Sue Goddard, Morris Carson, Sam Zaneoff and Anna LaFortune.The minutes of the last meeting were read. D. Johnson made a motion they be accepted as read, Sue Goddard seconded, motion carried.Presidents message D. Watts - received a letter from John Cribbs stating he would not be able to accept a position on the board the board will need to appoint a new director. Bruce Driggers resigned as editor of the Pomeranian Review due to work commitments. Several quotes were presented for prospective editors. Mike Jones, Anna LaFortune Sam Zaneoff were appointed to the Auditing Committee. John Cribbs, Circulation Manager, would like to be relieved of this position. Any volunteersTreasurers report M. Carson - A motion was made that Sally Baugniet be reimbursed for letterhead for the Education Committee, Mary3Equipment, supplies, puppies, or showdogs. If youve got the need to move it, this is the place todo it See back page for rates and informationseconded, motion carried.Corresponding Secretary A. Roberts - Dianne made a recommendation that the counting of the votes for the election of officers be changed so that the persons running for office will know if they are voted in before going to NY. They should be at the Board meeting on Saturday so they can get a feel of how things are run. Suggestions for counting the votes Get one of the area clubs to count the votes at one of their membership meetings - this responsibility could be passed from club to club each election year.Membership Secretary B. Poplar - absent.CommitteesShow Secretary A. Roberts - Audrey said that club members need to support and use the host hotel so we can take advantage of "perks" offered by management. Dolcyes made a motion that the APC make a part of the Standing Rules under Specialty show that the APC will pay the Presidents expenses to New York in February thus allowing the President to conduct the necessary board meetings and the Annual meeting of the APC. These expenses would include airfare if over 275 miles, otherwise the APC would pay for gas, tolls and parking for 2 days, 2 nights lodging in hotel2 females, D.O.B. 42091. Show quality sire, Ch. Beaver Of Lenette son full brother to Ch. Golden Aires Sherry Jubilee and Ch. Ben-Rays Lil Bella Of Sherrys. Dam is Ch. Cedarwoods Image Of Diamond daughter litter sister to Merrymonts Satr Nite Fever. Yolanda Webster 919 425-6969, 5126 Sumac Circle, Fayetteville, NC 28304Bev-Nor Poms offers new litters, Ch. sire, Ch. dam, also 2 young proven linebred females bred to Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman and Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge - reasonable. Bev Norris 301 255-1343, 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, Md 21122headquarters for APC, complimentary dinner to banquet for President and spouse if applicable with a maximum of 350.00 total. This will also apply to the Summer Specialty, Audrey seconded, motion carried. Mary made a motion that all checks for trophies for the NY Specialty be made payable to the APC and that this be printed in the premium list, Judy seconded, motion carried. Linda Terescho sent information for a Veterans Sweepstakes and Marlene Presser will check into this in more detail. Dianne made a motion that we entertain the idea of two days of showing because of obedience, the possibility of Veterans Sweeps and Club business. Audrey seconded, motion carried. Marlene will look into this also.Olga will continue as AKC Gazette columnist.Olga made a motion that the Presidents trophy be deleted from the Standing Rules, Anna seconded, motion carried. This is too cumbersome to carry around.Nominating Committee was given kudos for printing qualification of prospective board members.No unfinished business.No new business.Judy made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, Anna seconded, motion carried.A Little Something To Make You LaughSubmitted by Sally BaugnietYoure beyond help when....The Gazette, your Income Tax Refund and Playboy arrive inthe mail and you open the Gazette firstYou go to a Disney movie and watch Plutos gaitYou realize even your pajamas have a bait pocketYou havent had a new sports car in your life, but your vandealer has added a wing to his showroom in your name.Someone tells you that you look like a dog and you thank him for the compliment.Your long distance phone bill is more than your mortgage.You don't see anything unusual about the above statements.18 JulyAugust 1991 PomeranianWidgeon Cove PomeraniansProudly introduces our first champion...Ch. Bev-Nors Rhea Na DallasCh. Bev-Nors Statesman x Bev-Nors Struts Her StuffvMy heartfelt thanks to Beverly Norris for selling this superb Pom to an enthusiastic novice, and thanks as well to breeders Barbara and Stephen Nagy.. --vBE5TOF BREEDLACKAWANNAKENNEL CLUBJULYDAVE ASHBEYMy deepest appreciation to Jackie Rayner, who expertly handled Dallas, finishing him quickly in limited showing. Now hes back in Maine and has begun producing what promise to be gorgeous puppies.Thank you, Jackie for finding and loving Dallas, and for all your help and advice since then.Stobie Voltin RR 1, Box 77 S. Harpswell ME 04079 207 729-1439Pomeranian 5JBWDSM JulyAugust 1991 19pqllgs-Fort Worth Pom Club31 st Spring Spgciqlty Show By Mildred G. Patrick S Bill McKinneyOn March 22, 1991, a friday evening, the Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, Inc. held its 31st Spring Specialty Show. There were 48 dogs entered in this show with a total entry of 68. Our Sweepstakes judge was well known handler, C. L. Eudy. The entries in regular classes were judged by Barbara Camp who was an absolute delight to show under We felt fortunate to obtain both our judges and feel their experience is reflected in their excellent placements.In Sweepstakes we had 10 males and 10 bitches. The order of placements is as followsBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESCenlas Annie Laurie OFridayPuppy Dogs 6-9 mouths1st place - Glen Iris Ambassador Cheryl Jackson, Joel Taylor Hiram Stewart2nd place - Whid-Dons HighPerformance Barbara Whiddon 3rd place - Johnstoys Round Trip Ticket Bronya Johnston4th place - Jeribeth Dream A Little Dream Teresa Vieregge Olga BakerPuppy Dogs 9-12 mouths1st place - Helboys Rocky Too of Wagner Helen Bryant2nd place - Marianetes Call Me DFireman Annette Lynn Heise Marian Coy3rd place - Macs Special Secret Mrs. B. G. McDonaldPuppy Bitches 6-9 mouths 1st place - Precious Petites Cherub Claudia Pfeiffer Jean Stafford 2nd place - Tim Sue Jolly Wee Firelight Dolores Haak Sue Goddard3rd place - Tim Sues Countess Angelique Tim Sue Goddard 4th place - Milo Morgan La Fay Olga Baker Lois HankeBEST OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKESGlen Iris AmbassadorPuppy Bitches 9-12 months1st place - Cenla Annie Laurie OFriday A. C. Williams2nd place - Patricks Miss Bretta Mildred G. Patrick3rd place - Tim Sues High Dee Ho Donna L. PaikersonBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESCenla Annie Laurie O Friday A. C. WilliamsBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXGlen Iris Ambassador Cheryl Jackson, Joel Taylor Hiram StewartRegular ClassesPuppy Dogs 6-9 months1st place - Whid-Dons HighPerformance Barbara Whiddon2nd place - Glen his Ambassador Cheryl Jackson, Joel Taylor Hiram Stewart3rd place - Johnstoys Round Trip Ticket Bronya Johnston4th place - Jeribeth Dream a Little Dream Teresa Vrerrege Olga Baker20 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian 5S\5[]\t7VtBEST OF BREEDCh. Southlands Mighty ImpressivePuppy Dogs 9-12 mouths 1st place - Marianetes Call Me DFireman Annette Lynn Heise Marian Coy2nd place - Helboys Rocky Too of Wagner Helen Bryant3rd place - Macs Special Secret Mrs. B. G. McDonald1st place - BJS Little Jubilee Blak-Jak Bettye Stansell Valerie Landers1st place - Sonnydales Joshua of Gabriel Betty Grimson2nd place - Berrys Cajun S.M. Aldridge3rd place - Texicans High QassBronya Johnston Erika Moureau4th place - Prestigious Punky PG Sherry SteinmetzWINNERS DOGSonnydales Joshua of Gabriel Betty GrimsonRESERVE WINNERS DOGHelboys Rocky Too of Wagner Helen BryantThere were 14 dogs for a 4 point majorPuppy Bitches 6-9 mouths1st place - Tim Sue Jolly Wee Firelight Dolores Haak Sue Goddard2nd place - Tim Sues Sparkling Light Tim Sue Goddard3rd place - Tim Sues Countess Angelique Tim Sue Goddard 4th place - Precious Petites Chemb Claudia Pfeiffer Jeanne Stafford'P'utftien, 'Payalw- Pwufuituciti,nmr'Pn,etfoct4'TtlmixBerrys Nike Bayou Boy x Berrys Artemis of PagelewMomix is pictured at 3 months and weighs 1 34 lbs. She has a very short back, four good legs, and a huge coat.The following breedings have taken place, and we expect some super Pom puppies this summer. Berrys Nike Bayou Boy heavy coated orange son of BIS Ch. Texicans Great Balls of Fire x Pagalews Venus an orange daughter of Nike. Berrys Nike Bayou Boy x Berrys Pele of Pagalew - this is a half brother sister breeding both sired by BIS Ch. Texicans Great Balls of Fire. We expect super nice puppies. Berrys Nike Bayou Boy x Crescendo Allegretta produces free whelping bitches the previous breeding of these two produced puppies that had tremendous coats and good legs. Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster 2 producer for 88 x Pagalews Master Deezign this will be a father daughter breeding. Pedigree 34 Bev-Nor. Jan-Shars Cadeau De Joie a Prince Charming grandson on sires side and Toasted Fudge on dams side x Janesa N Pagalews Extraordinare Ch. Glen Iris Charlemagne daughter Bev-Nor and Great Elms pedigree. Jan-Shars Cadeau De Joie x Berrys Artemis of Pagalew BOB winner from puppy class and a Ch. Southlands Apollo Creed daughter.Inquiries are invited on the above breedingsI would like to thank Jerrie Freia, Sharon Hanson and Nina Berry for allowing me to get excellent stock to start my breeding program. Also many thanks to Bernie and Lois Ciliberto for my foundation bitch and all their help.Pagalew Pomeranians Paul G. Lewis 115 Crystal Way Dade City, FL 33525 904-521-3413Pomeranian SJSWOSM JulyAugust 1991 21Puppy Bitches 9-12 months 1st place - Cenla Annie Laurie OFriday A. C. Williamson2nd place - Patricks Miss Bietta Mildred G. Patrick3rd place - Eastwycks Caught Red Handed Patrick Farmer4th place - Tim Sues High Dee Ho Donna L. PaikensonAmerican Bred Bitches1st place - Wagners Golden Melody Kim Wagner1st place - HHH Terra Cotta Moonlight W. E. McKinney2nd place - Idas Miss Ruthie Ida M. Tarver3rd place - Tim Sues Tu Mini Lights Tim Sue Goddard4th place - Southlands Proud Mary S. M. Aldridge C. CreedWINNERS BITCHHHH Terra Cotta Moonlight W. E. McKinneyRESERVE WINNERS BITCH Cenla Annie Laurie OFriday A. C. WilliamsonVt 1 4BEST OF WINNERSHHH Terra Cotta MoonlightThere were 17 bitches for a 4 point majorFor the first time at this show our Club had a Stud Dog Class and a Brood Bitch Qass.Ch. Great Elms Firefighter Bill Henry Olga BakerBrood BitchCh. Patricks Miss MunchkinEntrants were as followsCh. Shir-Mars Little Captain Bill Beverly HenryCh. Tim Sues SunlightCarolyn Crockett Sue Goddard Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive Charlotte CreedCh. BaudierTexicanPico Bandito Robert Kennedy, Patrick Farmer Dale MartensonCh. Patricks Mr. Candy Man Anne S. VaughnIt was a lovely sight to see these beautiful ChampionsBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCh. Tim Sues SunlightBEST OF BREEDCh. Southlands Mighty Impressive Charlotte CreedBEST OF WINNERS HHH Terra Cotta Moonlight W. E. McKinneyBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Ch. Tim Sues Sunlight Carolyn Crockett Sue GoddardBEST PUPPYCenla Annie Laurie OFriday A. C. Williamson ^The Bqy Colony Pom ClubBy Clqire FlesnerBy the time you will be reading this our annual Specialty show will be over. I will give you a report on it in the next issue.Our spring match in March was a huge success We had 40 entries, including 9 in our first Jr. Showmanship, 9 OB entries and 3 for the Parade of Champions.In Obedience, unfortunately, we had no qualifying scores in the regular classes.Jr. Showmanship 8-131. Shayna White and Bart2. Kristina Hamill and Miahka3. Danielle Lamoureux and Marty4. April Majewski and BuddySenior Novice 14-171. Serena and Elvis2. Lisa and ChirpaWe were very pleased to see so many or our young people out there in the ring. They all did very well, and sure looked like they were enjoying themselves. I hope they all continue to be interested in showing. I wish them all the best of luck.Other breed winners wereAltered Qass - Trudy Adair and JackieBsl Pimpipy nun MattdhHow About Holly Laureen IveyBsstt AdMtt ins MateBlakes Majestic DeliteToo Kathy McCalskyB1 inn MattelHow About Holly Laureen IveyParadl IF Ctamptonns auM TiilsteEmmys Gloria of Tiny Tykes CD Trudy AdairTykies Jackie BB of Tiny Tykes CD Trudy AdairCh Silver Meadows Mb. Randy Claire FlesnerOur members have several Poms out on the circuits now, I hope I can report more new Ch.OB titlists in the next issue.We wish the new Pom Review Editor the best of luck.HAVE YOU HUGGED YOUR POM TODAY 22 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian S1SWQI1\T f Moreno s Pomeranians j ^ v"Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort." ' At stud for your considerationMorenos Knick-Nacorange sable with wolf sable markings, proven producer of chocolate, chocolate sable, orange orange sable and black. Nick carries a thick heavy coat, and produces it along with tiny ears, sweet faces and is an excellent size reducer.Ch. Annons Magnum Force Of Scamp Ch. Annons Dazzling ForceAnnons Chocolate Chip Annons Mr. Charlie BrownCh. Annons Dazzling Force Annons Dazzling Brown Sugar Annons Swiss MissCh. Bonners Lisastar Legacy Ch. Starlite Legacy Choco BearStarlite Editors B Witched Morenos Touche In TaupePatrician Queenaire Whiz Kid Moreno-N-Jubilees Holly Phyner MorticiaMorenos Cafe Toy ManMocha chocolate, proven, he does NOT carry the parti gene, even though he has some behind him on his dams side.Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Morenos Critics Choice Jubilees Rebel Ch. Phyner Bust My ButtonsCh. Phyner Night Edition Phyner Kitchen Witch Happy DancerPombredens Prayer Party Powr Hershey RoyaleVillapoms Chaca of Pombreden Morenos Phyner Sarah BrownPombredens Parti Joseph Boy Nestle Coco MixKhani Parti PrideMorenos Driftwood TwiggsDark chocolate, heavy coated, ultra cobby body, Twiggs has tiny ears, baby face and is proven.Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Morenos Critics Choice Jubilees Rebel Ch. Phyner Bust My ButtonsCh. Phyner Night Editor Phyner Kitchen Witch Happy DancerCh. Phyner Night Editor Phyner Editors TalismanPhyner Kitchen Witch Morenos Copper PenniCh. Morenos Critics Choice Phyner Rave ReviewsPhyner Night EditorAll of our studs are available only to females that have been tested clear or negative with a vets verification dated within 3 mos. of your wanting to use them at stud, for Mycoplasma and Brucellosis. Stud fee and details on request.Julie Moreno 1636 Claremont Dr San Bruno, CA 94066 415 583-4973 by appointment only, pleaseCall after 10am our time We Feed recommend Science Diet,xteV'yavPomeranian SIBWOBiE JulyAugust 1991 23Linus LittermatesVMACh. Fame King LinusOur Sincere thanks to the judges who recognized his qualityPhyllis Hamilton Haag above 4ptsJack Potts 4ptsDorothy Welsh 4ptsMargaret Young Renihan 4ptsand Denny Kodner, Group III.Linus finished in 12 shows at age 10 monthsThanks to Norman, Geneva and Ruth for all your help, and allowing me to purchase your lovely, sound Poms. My love and thanks, also, to my family for allowing me to show someone is alwaysleft home to care for the kennel.Proud OwnerHandlerPhil Brenda Segelken Rt2, Box 79 A-1 Percy, Illinois 62272 618 965-3278 Pedigree in Behind the New TitlistsBreederGeneva Pennock RR1Crawsfordsville, IN 317 794-408624 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian ^57Littermates BrotherdABEST OF BREED OR VARIETYLOUISVILLE KENNEL CLUB ARCH991 PHOTO BYK. BOOTHCh. Rambos Double Rock Top MarkThanks to the following judgesMaxine Beam, Mrs. Robert Forsyth, Dorothy Bonner, Betty Dexter, Dolly Ward, Ralph Lemke, Bettie Krause, Janice Hampton above who gave him BOB over 45 Pomsand Carol Holland, Group III.Brother finished in 14 shows.Special thanks to those who helped make Brother a Champion. Brenda Segelken for all the time and TLC in training and showing, Jane Johnston and June Coy for letting me have his sire "Ch. Wee Rambo of Coys Top Mark." Thanks to Jenny Carter for showing "Rambo" and Jean Brown for all her help, advise and encouragement. God bless you allCo-OwnerHandlerBrenda Segelken RR 2, Box 79 A-1 Percy, IL 62272 618965-3278 Pedigree in Behind the New TitlistsBreederCo-OwnerGeneva Pennock RR 1Crawfordsville, IN 3177944086Pomeranian JulyAugust 1991 25By Sally BaagnietI have been studying, observing and speaking with people that breed and show other breeds to prepare myself for the possibility of one day applying to judge other additional breeds. I overheard the discussion of some Standard Poodle people discussing SA, short for Sebaceous Adenitis, a skin disease. What they were discussing sounded much like what Pom people call "elephant skin." Since Pomeranians have several skin diseases, I inquired about their topic of discussion. Barb Ingle graciously offered to send some information to me.The Genodermatosis Foundation, Inc. publishes a free quarterly newsletter for owners, breeders and researchers interested in SA, called "Progress in SA Research." they also publish a pamphlet on SA. Permission is given to this foundation. All quotes and much information in this article are taken from the material published by the Genodermatosis Research Foundation, Inc., a non-profit corporation 1635 Grange Hall Road, Dayton, Ohio 45432. The phone number is 513-426-7060."The GRF was organized in 1990 by a group of dog owners, breeders, and veterinarians with a common interest in genetic skin disorders in dogs. The foundation provides educational and scientific support for research leading to the alleviation of animal suffering through understanding, diagnosis, treatment cure and prevention of heritable skin diseases."Interestingly enough, Pomeranians were one of the breeds listed as having been diagnosed with SAlike symptoms. All other breeds mentioned were some of the large breeds from the sporting and working groups, plus Standard Poodles. No other breeds from the toy or non-sporting groups were mentioned."Sebaceous Adenitis" inflammation and destruction of the sebaceous gland which is located around the bottom of the hair shaft under the skin is an inherited disorder. It usually appears in dogs from one to six years of age. It is not contagious. Most dogs affected with SA are healthy in other respects. It is believed to be a recessive trait where both the dogs sire and dam contribute to the genes that produce SA.""At the onset an SA affected dog will show varying degrees of hair loss or thinning, patches of dry skin may appear on the muzzle, tops of ears, or base of tail. The dogs skin may thicken as the disease progresses. Secondary skin infections are common. A strong odor may develop. A silver-gray scaling may appear. This dandruff is most commonly seen in affected Standard Poodles.""Unfortunately, current methods of treating SA do not cure the disease, but do make the dog feel and look better. Frequent bathing with a therapeutic shampoo is recommended. Antibiotics are useful in controlling secondary skin infections. Although hair may grow back where it is lost, the new hair is different in texture than normal hair."My article in the next issue will update you on the skin testing and treatment of SA currently being done. This information will be taken from the winter 1991 "Progress in S A Research" published by the Genodermatosis Research Foundation, Inc. Some local Pomeranian clubs want to support this research. The Poodle clubs are very active in their support.Folks can contact Sally by writing to Sally Baugniet, 411 S. State Street, Mishicot, WI54228mTOBe a part of the international club that bears the responsibility of promoting the Pomeranian breed to the world. The APC has grown tremendously through the caring and devotion of many Pomeranian breeders and owners,26 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian RBWQBMmuch like yourself.APC membership shows you care about the breed and take pride in ownership.APC membership shows you are concerned and want to stay abreast of all current issues affecting the future of the Pomeranian breed, whether it be health, standards, obedience, or general ownership.As of June 1st all officers and board membes have APCapplications to go out. Also, your local club president, secretary or representative to the APC Local Clubs Committee will have them available. Besides the correct dues, you need two APC member sponsors, who are not related to you or to each other or who live in the same geographic area as you do.More details are on applications.JGoldenAiresPomeraniansShares a special weekendk.Wally Cherfjj----S miimmmmGoldenAires MoonwalkerCh. Millamor Marie Tradition x DeArtas Dancing MarkettaJudge Mrs. George G. WannerGolden Aires Sweet CharityMillamors Musical Hobby x DeArtas Waltzing MatildaJudge Ms. Jodi HudspethWally was WD, BOW and BOB over Specials under judge Jodi Hudspeth and went on to a Group III under judge Mrs. George D. Wanner. Cher was WB the same day under judge Jodi Hudspeth. THANK YOU JUDGES This was certainly a weekend to remember as GOLDEN AIRES WINSOME CHERUB sired by WALLY was also WB at Riverhead Kennel Club.She is owned by Margie and Orlando Flores.To our agent MICHELLE MILLER, we extend our appreciation. We know she works hard with our Poms as they are spoiled and she seems to have the midas touch. THANK YOU MICHELLEBest wishes to LISA CONSTABLE with GOLDEN AIRES BOUNTY HUNTER.Sharon John MasnickHCR 65, Box 745 Huger, S.C. 29450 803-928-3511AgentMichelle MillerGreer, S.C.rPomeranian SJSWDBM JulyAugust 1991 27 Q5S Kennel VisitD o0 0.DWhen I first met Shirley Bradley, in 1968, she informed me she thought she was a cat lover until she ran into Florence Ryals in the same year. The first time she saw a Pom she knew this breed was for her. She purchased a lovely white puppy. Now she knows she should have shown her. It is something she has regretted ever since. She was great-grandmother to Ch. Ryals Sir Blitzen bred by Florence and currently owned by Marie Smith. It is a shame Florence did not live to see Blitzen finish, she would have been so proud, since whites do not finish that easily even yet. It certainly would have been much harder to do in 1968.Shirley decided she must breed these dogs so she obtained names of breeders from Florence and then the start of Bradleys kennels.Outside Kennel front viewShe purchased a bitch from Sally McGilbry and Edith Rose Mayes, both were daughters of Ch. Maykens Handsome Playboy, along about that time she met 6-MUHVInside KennelAlicia Kavamme now Haggerston and Alicia introduced her to dog shows. Where she met several other Pom folks including Jean Schroll. Who also owned Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash bred by Barbara Holder.She decided to breed her first litter of Poms from Maykens Fun Fun sired by Holders Flaming Fanfare. This union produced a lovely puppy. Shirley decided she would take this puppy to her and the puppys first fun match. She found that I was judging and I asked her "where did you get that puppy" this puppy finished her championship very easily and Shirley pulled out a pedigree and found she was a niece of Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash. "Jean was campaigning Texas as he was called. We became good friends and I asked Jean to handle for us and a close friendship has developed ever since. Jean has finished 7 dogs for us."Shirley bed to "Texas" several28 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeraniantimes producing several championships from those unions.Shirley found herself with 4 dogs in the ring at once, two were sired by Tomanoll dogs and two were sired by Texas. I believe they all finished.In the 70s Shirley and her daughter Cathy Cathy worked for me on and off and showed dogs for Shirley and me from time to time, decided to visit the Ft. Worth-Dallas Pom Club. There they met Estelle MacDonald and Opal Mosher and she purchased Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear a lovely deep red and a lasting friendship with these two great ladies.In 1988 Opal decided to visit the N.W. and then found she could not stay away, she visited every year until she passed away of a stroke. She is missed very much..sii .Outside Kennel side viewIn the beginning Shirley had a great success, finishing several dogs quite easily. She does not breed a lot of litters, so she has been out of the ring a lot of time.Blake PomeraniansPresents....-BEST OF WINNERSTOLEDOKENNEL CLUB SHOWJUNE 1989PHOTOS -BY AL VERSOCh. Blakes Sir Robert John IICh. Annons Sir Kennor x Jan-Shars Sherry at Blakes For sale to show home that has Showstopper bloodline."RJ" received a 5pt major at Tonawanda Valley K.C. Alexander, NY May 21, 1989 under judge Mrs. Glen Summers and a 3pt major pictured under judge Mr. Garland A. Baker at Toledo K.C. Maumee, Ohio June 3, 1989 finishing his championship. Thank you judges for his wins. "RJ" II is full brother later litter to Ch. Blakes Sir Robert John who produced Ch. Pixies Buttons-N-Bows "BB" the top winning bitch in 1990, Jan-Shars Hillbilly Heaven finished with 4, 4pt majors, three in one weekend, Jan-Shars Pretty Woman who received a 5pt major at Raleigh K.C. March 91 under judge Kenneth Falconi and Blakes Little Showstopper who is with Jackie Raynor now and will soon start workingtoward his championship. Watch for "TC" and Jackie.Please call for price and pedigree.Evelyn E. Blake PO Box 85Craigsville, W.V. 26205 304-742-3365Pomeranian ^\lQ\55 JulyAugust 1991 29Her latest dog to finish was a little male that went winners dog for 5 pts. at the Columbia Pom Specialty a couple of years ago. Right now she has a dog in the ring not owned by^ her, but bred by her.Shirley has not been a prolific breeder, just a few.In the beginning she was turned in to the dog control by someone for having too many dogs where have we heard that before for the area she lived in. So her husband, nice guy that he is, decided to sell there present house and to move to the country, purchasing 20 acres and putting the house right in the middle of the property, the runs facing the house so she can see all of them at any time. The runs arecovered so the red-tailed hawks dont have Poms for lunch. Her property is pretty woodsy. Now she has some of theShirley and Poms"powers that be" telling prospective kennel builders to go and see her kennel, it is nicely designed.Her whelping room is the spare bedroom where there areexercise pens and whelping boxes. When the puppies are old enough to leave the nest they are brought out into the kitchen area for socializing.Her bloodlines have been sold all over the country. Tomanoll is no longer available except through very few people. The pure Aristic bloodline is almost gone.Quote Shirley, "I hope that in some way I have contributed to the betterment of the breed."This kennel visit was prepared and submitted by Jean Schroll.For those wishing to contact Shirley Bradley, you may write to her do Expedition Publishing, PO Box A, Mastic Beach, NY 11951.^\i,V0'T.,Nt2Dont worry, you still have time to enter thePom Reviews First Annual Puppy Photo ContestThe deadline for the SeptOct. issue has been extended until July 15th. Dont waste any more time, get those photos in the mailLook for more details on page 11 of your MayJune issue.30 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian fjJgWDLPoini Jloma 1T^ornszaniun.i'Ch. Nice Guy of Point LomaPony Boy of Point Loma Reveler of Point LomaTedda OPoint Loma Pop Corn of Point LomaDarcy of Point Loma Molly OPoint LomaRafela of Point Loma Ch. Bonners Lisastar Legacy Ch. Starlight Legacy Choco BearStarlight Editors Bewitched Lulu Bear of Point LomaCh. Phyner Editors Talisman Phyner Lulus Back in TownPhyner New Girl in TownBreederOwner Pauline B. Hughes 1726 Crest Dr Encinitas, CA 92024 619-753-5807Handler Adrian Alford R1 Box N, 177 DeFuniak Springs, Fla 32433 904-892-4899Congratulationson your Kennel VisitProfessional Handler P.H.A. Jean Schroll 12950 S. New Era Rd Oregon City, OR 97045Shannon's PomsPuppies available sired by Ch. Scotia Little Davey and Ch. Watts Little Sir Walter. Also expecting a super black tan litter by Annons Rowdy Force.C- ,Joann Shifflett Rt 1, Box 280 Montvale, VA 24122 703-947-2347Pomeranian SJSWQSM JulyAugust 1991 31w isr9 Rubys PomeraniansP51 Plus 1VARIETY CROUP FIRSTFILL ,H0T 'lsosa kX. Ch. Idas Touch Of Bev-Nor Ch. Idas Ms. Priss Of Bev-NorEquals 2Beautiful, typy red sable females with harsh full coats and beautiful heads. Sorry about no pictures. But you will be seeing these girls in the ring soon. We thank Miss Ida for letting Ms. Priss come to live with us, and for letting us breed to that wonderful little guy "Speedy."Only one of these girls will be available to serious show home only.ILA 32 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian RSWQIIMRuby F. Poole Rte. 1, Box 190 Claremore, OK 74017 918-341-6921rt Rubys PomeraniansrrI9 Ch.Rockwoods Bills Best BuddyCh. Sand Towns Toast to the Town Ch. Sand Towns Toast of the City Sand Towns Gold Tip Sand Towns City SlickerCh. Sand Towns Toast of the Town Sand Towns Sugar BearSand Towns Gold Tip Tonos May Morning Ali-Echo Ch. Zodiacs Cavalier CommanderCh. Cavys Sensational Conquest Scotia Command Chintilly LadyCh. Scotia Treasure Dink Braum Ch. Scotia Braums Chintilly LaceCh. Speck Surprise Phoebe O'ScotiaDue to my health problems, I must offer this fine boy for sale to serious breedershow home. Buddy is an eager breeder of 4 12 lbs. siring heavily coated typy puppies with beautiful high tail sets. His career wins include BOB, Group placement, BOW and 3pt major. From line bred parents, I believe this beautiful little guy would compliment any serious breeders program. I must also offer some proven young matrons and some puppies. My bloodlines consist of Sand Town, Creider, Scotia, Precious Petites and Bev-Nor Southland-lda.Pedigrees and prices on requestRuby F. Poole Rte 1, Box 190 Claremore, OK 74017 918-341-6921________ IVM-95g Board Member ProfileD D,Hqppgth fi. longsHappeth Jones has always regarded herself as a country girl. She was bom in Kansas City, Kansas but she spent her childhood on a farm in the Ozarks of Missouri. As with most farm people she was fond of animals and especially of dogs. Her first dog was a shepherd mix named Pugs, who saved Happies life by pulling her from in front of a truck. At age 8, Happie moved with her family to Nebraska City, Nebraska in rural Otoe County. Happies grandmother had lived in Nebraska City for many years and that was the reason the family chose that place to settle.For Happie, Nebraska City will always be "Home." it had been her grandmothers home for her whole life and Happie always had a deep attachment to her grandmother and to Nebraska City. Despite being bom in the city and spending most of her adult life in suburbia, the rural farm country of eastern Nebraska, where her grandmother and great grandmother lived and worked as pioneer women that will always have first claim on her heart.After high school Happie moved to Lincoln where she met young man in the Air Force and got married. She had a child, Theresa and eventually she and her husband and child came to Long Island where her husbands family lived. The marriage did not work out and after a couple of years it ended in divorce. For the next several years, Happie was a single parent trying to work and raise a child by herself. She worked as a model and assistant buyer at Lerners until eventually she went to work first as a casework assistant and then as an examiner for the Suffolk County Department of Social Services.This was the first period in her life when Happie did not have a dog because the places where she lived did not allow dogs. When she was finally able to get an apartment that did allow pets she got her daughter a Chihuahua, named Taco.In 1973, Happie and I met. I also worked for the Department of Social Services. I was a widower with two children and on August 10, 1974 Happie and I were married. Happie, Teri and Taco moved in with me and my children, Ruth and Chris and my Collie, Royal. Everything was fine until Chris developed asthma and severe allergies. As a result both Royal and Taco had to go. Taco went to Happies mother in Nebraska and Royal was adopted by a fine family.For the second time in her life, Happie did not have a dog. As Chris grew his condition improved and finally, the doctor said we could have a dog again. About this time,Happie began to experience serious health problems. She became quite ill and was unable to continue working. She had to retire on a disability pension and for awhile it looked as though she would be a total invalid. She even had to give up her painting and drawing which had been her hobby for many years.Finally, the doctors were able to stabilize her condition and she was able to have limited activity. Now that she felt better she needed some company during the day while Chris was at school and I was at work. At first, she wanted a Chihuahua but she was not able to find one. This led her to look at other breeds. She eventually bought a beautiful Pom named Shadow. Well, Shadow may not have been a show quality dog but in every other respect she was a great advertisement for the breed. She was affectionate, amazingly smart and just the best companion a person could want.Now that she had a Pom, Happie was anxious to find out as much as she could about the breed. In February 1987, Happie attended her first Pom Specialty at the Roosevelt Hotel and got hooked. A little later Happie got her first show dog, Emcees Wee Gold Yetta Jolie. A year and a half later, Happie finished Jolie. I dont know whether I can convey the true role these wonderful little dogs and the desire they gave Happie to show played on her health improving to the extent it has.Anyone, who has been sick for an extended period, will know how negatively such an illness can affect a person. The Poms kept Happie company they entertained her with their antics they demanded her attention and they gave her something to strive for. The desire to show her dogs gave Happie the incentive she needed to fight back against her disease. While she is still handicapped, it would have been hard to believe six years ago that Happie would be able to do all she is now doing. The unstinting love of these marvelous little dogs played a very large role in her recovery.I had made it clear that I did not want a houseful of dogs like some of the other dog people we have met. Happie joined the Pom club and promised that we would never have more than a few dogs at any one time. She now has a few 12 dogs and Happie is the Pom Clubs Recording Secretary and I have decided that 12 Poms is not really so many. After all, they are very small.By Michael Jones34 JulyAugust 1991 PomeranianSJSWOHDeartaOakridge--IBEST OF BREED VARIETYCOLUMBIA IMOI KENNEL CLUB 1991PHOTO BY DOWNEYCh. De Artas Golden GinaThis little gal finished from the puppy class at 9 mos. of age.Thanks a million to the following judges.Dorothy Nickles Des Moines Pom Spec. 4pt majorKen McDermott BOB over specials 5pt majorSari Tiejen WB and Best Opposite 5pt majorLorraine Masley WB and Best Opposite 4pt majorNina Epps Rt. 5, Box 150 Nixa, MO 65714 417-725-5658OO'BEST OF WINNERS MOBEFLT IMOI \ENNEL clubT.19 gio BY 00ERock N Tradition Of OakridgeThank you Grace Moran for this 4pt BOW. All inquiries answered promptly.M. Deane Rinehart 422 W. Fairchild Dr. Midwest City, OK 73110 405-732-0402Pomeranian JulyAugust 1991 35SWWWM IF IFMiTS - MFWTMMWE EMST US, USBUDivision 1 ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSD B D B D B D B D B2 2 5 5 8 8 10 9 13 12Division 2 DE, NJ, PA, OH1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSD B D B D B D B D B2 2 5 5 9 8 11 9 15 12Division 3 DC, MD, WV, NC, KY, TN1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSD B D B D B D B D B2 2 6 6 11 10 13 11 17 14Division 4 SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, LA, AR1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSD B D B D B D B D B2 2 7 7 12 12 14 14 17 19Division 5 MI, IL, IN1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSD B D B D B D B D B2 2 5 5 8 8 9 10 12 14Division 6 MN, WS, IO, NE, MO, KS1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSD B D B D B D B D B2 2 5 5 9 8 13 12 19 18Division 7 OK, TX, NM, AZ1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSD B D B D B D B D B2 2 7 7 12 12 16 16 24 23Division 8 CO, ND, SD, MT, WY, UT, NV, ID, OR, WA1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSD B D B D B D B D B2 2 6 6 10 10 13 12 18 17Division 9 California1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSD B D B D B D B D B2 2 5 4 8 7 10 10 13 15Divisions 10,11 and 12 Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSD B D B D B D B D B2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 636 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian QSMBi-Mar Pomeranians Offers For SaleRed orange male by Ch. Bi-Mars Sunnys Phantom and out of a BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge daughter that is littermate to Ch. Bi-Mar Foxfire. Huge coat and short backed.Red orange male by a son of Ch. Southlands Apollo Creed and out of Ch. Southlands Apollo Creed daughter. Sire of this litter produced Ch. Bi-Mars Moonwalker see pedigree in behind new titlists who finished with two five and one four point major. Show quality.One male by Ch. Bi-Mars Sunnys Phantom and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. Sunny is grandsire on top and bottom of pedigree. Beautiful ears, short back and heavy coat.Repeat breeding that produced Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance of Twin Oakes and Ch. Sandtowns April of Bi-Mar. Sire is BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and dam is Bi-Mar Kate. One male and one female.Male and female out of a Ch. Bonners Lisalus Wag With Love and Ch. Chelans Mindy son that is major pointed and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter that is a full sister to BISS International Ch. Bi-Mar Shogun of Jerbos and Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Phantom.Red sable male by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. Grandsire on bottom side is BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge. Short back with small ears - excellent show quality.One red male sired by grandson of Ch. Great Elms Something Special and out of a BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge daughter should mature at 4 to 4 12 lbs. Nice quality.We have several young females that when they are bred, will be for sale including a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter that is a sister to several champions. A cream sable female that is Bonner and Bev-Nor breeding.Also available are several well bred champion sired male puppies out of producing dams. They have no major faults, but we dont consider them show quality priced at 350.00 to 500.00. Excellent coats, good bites, testicles down and sound legs.Litters expected by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Masterpiece, Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Phantom, Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Supreme and Ch. Bi-Mars Moonwalker.3VMary A. Rosenbaum 38711200th Avenue S.E. Auburn, Washington 98002 206-833-2160Pomeranian SJSWOSM JulyAugust 1991 37Marsh ire Kennels Perm. RegdWjH- -t 7. , -iV u W.MK' "1lUA isM '7L \V' f 7 ,V1 -uCh. Marshires Golden Honey Bun bAmCan Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Amigo xChip A Ways Terrific Windy Owned by Diane Mcwhinnie of Ontario, CanadaI l w hAI Ch. Marshires Little Angel bAmCan Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Amigo xWee Pastina of LenetteOwned by Marlene Frank Penney of Ontario, Can.Ch. Marshires Echoing Love Song II bGreat Elms Buddy of Lenette xCh. Marshires Golden Honey Bun Owned by Leslie and Dave Ramsay of Alberta, Can.38 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian SJBWOSMPresents...Ch. Marshires Love Connection mAmCan Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Amigo xJestome Chips Miss Molly Owned by Jeanette Whelam of Newfoundland, Can.v fcv....iCh. Marshires Love Letters mGreat Elms My Buddy of Lenette xChip A Ways Terrific Cindy Owned by Marlene Frank Penney of Ontario,Ui iPCh. Marshires Wee Chip mCh. Chip A Ways Mountain Man xChip A Ways Terrific Cindy Owned by Carrie Randle of Ontario, CanadaWe are very pleased with the quality of the above dogs. All are multi group winning dogs, and someBEST PUPPY IN SHOW winsMarlene Frank Penney 430 Kingsleigh Ct Milton Ont. L9T1XF 416-875-0269Pomeranian 5V7DS'H7 JulyAugust 1991 39Working from past experience, Happeth Jones wondered what embarrassing or frustrating experiences other breeders may have had in the past. She contacted other breeders and asked them to share their experiences with us. What follows are the responses she has received.Try, Try, and Try figainBy Happeth JonesThe first experience I had in breeding my Pom gave me the impression that breeding was easy. The owner of the stud had me sit on the floor while she helped the male. The breeding went smoothly and my bitch eventually had puppies. So I didnt foresee any problems when I decided to breed my bitch to my male.They danced around each other for a while then I sat on the floor and put the bitch between my legs, he mounted her and tried to mate her left hip, then her right hip, and then his favorite, up her back. He would work his way all the way up to her shoulder, a few times he even managed to get her head. This would go on until he eventually expended his energy and wouldnt try any more.Matings were attempted twice a day for three days with each attempt being a repeat of the first. In the beginning I had been very scrupulous about where my hands touched. After all, this was ... well... you know ... "sex." By the end of those three days all fastidiousness had gone. If I could have managed it I would have grabbed the necessary parts and placed them where they belonged. Finally, I drove fifty miles to the home of a professional handler I knew and she managed to get the breeding.Spotty and the ChurchBy Dorothy BonnerOur home in San Antonio with our growing family of Poms and house pet, was in an old aristocratic neighborhood of large colonial houses. On the comer across from us was the big Methodist Church, and the residence of the Pastor. Our son had acquired a small Fox Terrier who got along amicably with the Poms. She was independent with much ingenuity. This particular day she40 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranianwas in season and confined to Bobs room. Bobs friends had over mn the house, and when they finally left for a movie, I looked in to check that Spotty was o.k., she was GONE I called and went through our house, but no sign of Spotty. Outside, the yard was clear, but Spotty could jump the picket fence, so I opened the front gait. I could see something across the street. I crossed and there was Spotty right in front of the Ministers house securely tied with a German Shepherd. Her rear was in the air, and the situation looked hopeless. Embarrassed, I beat a hasty retreat and watched from inside the front door. Thoughts miming through my head, "who are those horrible dogs" "I dont know, I never saw them before." At least that would be half the truth. After a horrible half hour, Spotty was free and responded to my call to come back home.Hiding the BitchBy Sharon MasnickMy first show dog, and stud dog was Ch. Twin Pines Tico Tico. Tico was pointed and a proven stud when I acquired him at 14 months of age. At the time I purchased him, I also acquired a bitch with the plans of mating them on her next season. When the time arrived, I was anxious and nervous and wanted to do everything right. For two days, I held the bitch for him and he would attempt to mount her, back off, lay down and look at me. I was upset, I thought my dog wouldnt breed Thank goodness, a breeder friend came to visit and I explained what was going on. She offered to try and in two minutes we had a tie. Well, I thought she was a miracle worker We had discussed what I was doing and she asked me to show her what and how I was handling the hopeful mating. She immediately discovered my problem. Not only was I holding the bitch, but I was bending over her like a prized possession and hiding her body with mine. Poor Tico lacked room to mount her. Each time I assist at a breeding, I have to laugh at my "hiding the bitch." Thank goodness Cassandra Evans, Wee Hearts Kennel was willing to help me.The Possessive LoverBy Beverly NorrisI have been very fortunate in having no embarrassing moments yet. The frustrating experience came not long after Toasty coming home. Having him back after three years I went to breed him to one of my girls, after a tie I hold both dogs in my arms Toasty growled and tried to bite my face. He is very possessive of his mates and does not like to be disturbed during his breeding. At first I was very mad and talking to myself, I was telhng him I didntH VyVV ,-^VSjSt i^T^SiSr Vi^S-Sr n^t^-Sr V-^sSr ^Qk vL-^SjS i^SrSi i^r^S-\i vL^S^r -^r^S-V -tf^g^r^- -^r^S-Sr AiV ^^ rr^Vr VW TyT^CV VW^ WTVS^r "SW SVTTvr ^rr^^rr^^rr Vv^^Vy^ ^fvT^^rr W^ wr ^\S ^BeRRy PorasRaoiaDSPRoadk PResents Neoo Cbampioa...CLiBEST OF WINNERSBLOOMINGTON IND. KENNEL CLUBMARCH199] BOOTH PHOTO BY RITTERCh. Lynnwrights Walt DisneyCh. Bev-Nors Toastys Ghostbuster x Ch. Bev-Nors Lady DianaWe have puppies available from Walt Disney, BIS Ch. Texicans Great Balls of Fire, Ch. Southlands Apollo Creed, Ch. Tim-Sues Jolly Wee Copy Boy. Colors orange, orange sable, red sable, black tan and cream sable. All champion males at stud to approved females.Berry Pomeranians PO Box 907, 203 Larry Iowa, La 70647 318-582-6690 Handler Hiram Stewarty^-A-L. y^A-L. -A\. -^-V V-sS. -vLA,V V^V Y-A,V -w^A\. Vr'VV ^A\, JPrT^^rr ^rr "SVT 'Svr wr ^TSrA " Vr^Vr" VrTYr AVr ^yr tytayt AVrYT aSPomeranian SJSWOSM JulyAugust 1991care if he was 1 Pom for three years, you bite me and youre dead meat But as anyone I learned to cope with it, and everyone who witnessed his breedings, knows what Im talking about. Through the years it has gone from frustrating to amusing. He has no teeth now, but he doesnt know it and to this day hes 11 yrs. he has not changed.The ProblemName withheld at writers requestI had a ten month old male Pomeranian that I wanted to use at stud. The female was co-operative and the male performed like an experienced male. Everything progressed normally, although it did seem to be a long tie. Then the male went to sleep and in a few minutes the female also fell asleep - both still tied After an hour, I became concerned. At one hour and twenty minutes, I decided to go to my vet with the "problem" and watch him laugh at me. I carried both dogs to the car with my aching back. Just as I started the ignition, they came apart. It has never happened again, thank goodness.RobinBy Pauline B. Hughes"Robin" Ch. Preservenes Gold Marvel was a tiny, red male who had just finished his Amer. championship. I could truthfully say that he never turned a female down. This day Pauline Kivlin brought her little red female over from Coronado Island to breed. She told me she had to meet her daughters school bus at the Ferry, ten minutes from me, at four oclock. "Plenty of time" I said. It was then about 2pm.We chatted awhile and then introduced the two Poms. They were tied within five minutes. We checked the time two thirty. O.K. so we waited, and we waited. We made out the stud service papers to save time. Then we waited and waited some more. It got late, and at three thirty, I tried cold water, no luck. In desperation I tried to pull them apart, but gently, no luck. I got frantic. Pauline began to fidget. Finally she decided to go and come back after she picked up her daughter.At exactly 4pm, Robin slipped out, kicked his heels and looked at me as if to say, "how did I do Mama" An hour and a half, never before or since What a record for my Poms. Result was two lovely red Poms a boy and a girl.Helen's Two PekesBy Pauline B. HughesHelen had two pet Pekes a male and female. She had hoped to have puppies one day. Didnt that generally happen Seasons passed and each time she was disappointed. Finally, she gave up and decided to buy a Pom puppy from me a show puppy so we picked one out and hoped for the bestA few months later she phoned me. "Pauline, what do you think, my Pekes must have made it after all." A month later she called again. "Pauline, do Peke puppies42 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranianstart out with ears that stand up" After my "No," she said in distress. "I already sold the pretty one." I had to ask her if maybe her male puppy had been in the house with her Pekes. "Yes," she answered, but he is just a baby." I think he showed her.Sir Percy of Point LomaBy Pauline B. HughesMr. Jones wished to bring his larger female over to breed to Robin. "O.K." I told him. Robin is not intimidated by size." So they came over. We introduced them and she snapped at him. Robin snapped back saying to her, from my point of view. "You are only a girl, shut up." Mr. Jones put her down on the grass and she proceeded to run, with Robin after her. She wouldnt let him get within speaking distance of her. I was overwhelmed and embarrassed. The female had looked ready, when we checked her."Maybe she doesnt like him," I ventured. "He is so small. Let me get Percy, his son. He is bigger but also siring champions." Ch. Sir Percy of Point Loma was a lovely red sable and a bit over four pounds. Side by side he looked much larger than Robin. In those days the smaller the better, show wise and breed wise.The man agreed so I went in for Percy. I put him down and surprise of surprises the female came running over and the service was done without more ado. I could scarcely believe it. Do bitches have preferences tooPut on the SpotBy Ruth L. BeamQuite a number of years ago, a couple brought their bitch to me to be bred. A few days after she whelped, I received a call from the husband who was very upset with me because he said I had let his Pom get out and was bred to another dog as the pups had spots on them.I told the man that there was no possible way his Pom could get out of my house and that I never took a visitor outside even to relieve herself. He said he saw two dogs with spots on them in a pen at my neighbors house. I told him they were both females and assured him there was no way anyones visitor could get outside as I was the only one that had access to visitors as I lived alone.The mans wife finally remembered that she let their Pom out with her while working in her flowers for about 30 minutes a day or two before they brought her to me. One of the most exasperating phone calls I ever received was from a pet owner who wanted me to let her breed her male to one of my matrons for a puppy. The conversation was much too long to put in this space. I told her I had several champion studs. She said her male was a champion even though he had never been entered in a dog show. She wound up offering me money if I would use her male. Her ignorance was unbelievable. Im sure many of our club members have had this same experience.^ Grzandairze PometzaniansCh. Puf-Pride Royal RenditionPictured going BOB 4pt major under judge Lorraine Masley, with his breederhandler Virginia Dimick.Thanks to Paula Hartinger 4pt major finishing his championship at Kansas City. Also thanks to all the other judges who appreciated his quality. Judges J. Potts, Ms. Heald, Ms. Pickins, D. Rayne R. Koester.Also thanks to Kathy Bucher for taking his lead at two of the Oklahoma shows. Rendition is a typy, short backed 3 12 lb bundle of joy, who loved the show ring. He is siring sound, beautiful, heavy coated pups, including Puf-Pride Royal Rendezvous who was Best in Sweeps at the Sooner Pom Club Sanction A match.He is also the sire of Virginias Kashaes two litters of five LLLVMillamor Linebred. Thanks to Virginia for letting Rendition come live with us, and for taking him through his show career with her beautiful grooming, presentation and TLC. Rendition is now back home living Royal-ly,"King of the house," and is expecting 3 litters in June.At stud to approved bitches.We feed Science DietOwnerLoretta Smerchek Rt 2, Box 24 Moran, KS 66755BreederHandler________________________Virginia Dimick_________________________________________Pomeranian 5JSW0SM JulyAugust 1991 43Q. DJW 7551TJBy Mqry VickersThe APC "ISSN"Wouldnt it be nice if the POM REVIEW were like other magazines like National Geographic and carried in the small print on the first few pages those funny numbers "ISSN 0000-0000." That would mean the POM REVIEW had finally arrivedImagine my surprise when I talked with the National Serials Data the Library of Congress and found we have had one for years. Not only that but this obscure government agency has a history on us as long as the POM REVIEW has been in business They did have a problem however, they thought in 1990 we may have moved to Virginia - possibly Virginia Beach, but were not sure. They had a bit of trouble understanding that we were in Virginia, but now are in New York. Everything has been straightened out.It seems that a few years back one of the past editors applied a Second Class Mailing status from the US Postal Service to send the REVIEW. This gave us a USPS number, but that has died. Apparently any printed matter sent through the Post Office automatically gets sent to the National Serials Data Program. Once there it is given this ISSN.The ISSN stands for the International Standard Serial Number. I internationally accepted code for the identification of serials magazines, journals, newspapers and the like. The ISSN consists of 8 digits. The Pom Review is ISSN 0744-8546.What use do these numbers have It means very little to us, but brochure - "the ISSN provides serials publishers, subscription agencies, abstracting and indexing services, librarians, and purveyors of computer based reference services with a tool for economically communicating basic information" about us. Or rather what we put in the REVIEW."A database of all ISSN assignments is maintained at the Paris headquarters." Also a similar record is carried in the database of th Online Computer Library Center, which is used by over 2,500 libraries in the United State.Does this mean that you could just go to your local library and REVIEW No, but you might be able to find out that the POM REVIEW existsThe ISSN does us no harm. It is free and we are already enrolled it is more like the POM REVIEW having its own social security number. Its own international identity. But it was very strange hearing some unknown person read from a computer things about the POM REVIEW that I had no idea they knew.Now if I could only find the REVIEW on the shelves of the Library of Congress. That will come.COPYRIGHTEDThe APC has taken official steps that is we have filed the official 20.00 fonn so the POM REVIEW is formally copyright protected by registration. The same is true of our APC logo. Actually the copyright is secured automatically when any of this magazine is created. Going through with the forms and money gives us more legal standing.What this means to you ... lets say you like the Pom that appears and you want to use it on your stationary. You cannot. It belongs to the APC and has belonged to the APC since Chris Heartz created it for us. If you use it, we can actually take you to court.The same is tme of anything printed in the POM REVIEW. Lets say you place an ad in the REVIEW, you could not place the exact same ad in say, The Canine Chronicle. You can run the same picture and say nearly the same things, but not the exact same thing.There is an out. Say you read a terrific Obedience article in the March issue that you think should be republished in Front and Finish. All you have to do is ask Permission for use can be obtained.STATISTICS ON POMSAccording to the figures released by the AKC in 1990, there were individual Poms registered during that time frame. Poms by individual registration remain where they were in 1989, in 14th place out of 131 breeds.26,585 litters of Poms were registered in 1990, keeping us in 3rd. In the last 5 years there have been 150,000 Pomeranians given individual registration by the AKC. It makes you wonder how many were not registered Sometimes it is nice to have Big Brother watching. 44 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian 5J0\7O35 The is proud to present the1991 Stud Dog RegisterWithout a doubt some of the finest stud dogs to be found anywhere are shown within. Watch for their offspring and see for yourself. If its champions youd like to produce, then you should consider all of the listed dogs closely. You never know which dog will produce the nextWestminster ChampionTop Producer Two Years in a RowCh Millamors Moon Rock Ch Millamors Rock Music Millamors Marlita fim Can Ch Millamor's Rock ConcertCh Millamors Moon Rock Ch Millamors Rock Rosette Millimors Marrilynn30 Sfo SfoffflasQtB'sl ^33^7 yspfitfte Ch Millamors Moon Rock Am Can Millamors Rock Medallion Millamors Marrilynn Can Ch Chriscendo ChattelaineCh Mercers Touch of Duke Mercers Melodee TouchMercers Gayla DeeBreeder Christine Heartz Owners Sue Goddard Christine Heartz Route 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622711 points, both majors. Outstanding cream p creams and stunning show pups. Fee on reCh. Sun Rays Ambassador ROM AmMex Ch. Sun Rays Bat Man Sun Rays Lil Dovie Sun Ray's Diamond JimCh. Sun Rays Ambassador ROM Joart's Madonna ptdCh. Joarts CamilleSom SSfflfoRaps Black Jack Boy Raps Black El ToroRaps Pageant DollRap's Misty-liiteAnvMexIntWorld Ch. Sun Rays Lil Beaver Raps Pearly DawnRaps Coral BudMNMs Pomeranians Mary Gene Wells 4986 Avila Way Buena Park, CA 90621 714-994-0259Pomeranian JulyAugust 1991 45Black Tan 4 12 lbs. at stud to approved bitches. Black Tan puppies available. Inquiries welcome.Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Ch. Models Truly A Diamond Ch. Models Truly Fair Greet Elms Ter BabyCh. Apples Traveling Buddy Apples Traveling ChckettMar-Bi-Leas Goodtime GalsliragG Um3 HobqSSqCh. Apples Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Cedarwoods Pitti PattiMillie of LenetteRosewoods Timstopper Top Cat Sabrina of LenetteGreat Elms Miss PiggyCircus CircusFoxwood Barbara Don DeFord 5490 "A" St SE Auburn, WA 98002 206-833-4634Cheri Peel 15143 Foxhill Rd SE Yelm, WA 98587 206-458-3198Orange, profuse coat. Sire of specialty winner and group placing males. Throwing heavy coats, good movement and outgoing temperments.Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Millamor's TrademarkMillamors Musical Box Ch. Millamor's Mark TraditionCh. Millamors Rock Music Ch. Millamors Sparkling Music Millamors Molly BrownCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Brown's Rock N RobinCh. Browns Fun Magic Skeeter Gal Ch. Dancing Rockette of OakridgeCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Wee Dancing Robin of OakridgeCh. Wee Dancing Flame of OakridgeStar Haven Janice Young 618 W. Springfield Rd St. Clair, MO 63077 314-629-2754 Orange, 5 lbs. Heavy coat, good bone, sound with excellent movement.Ch. Millamors Trademark Ch. Millamor's Mark TraditionCh. Millamors Sparkling Music Ch. Stylestepper Mark of OakridgeCh. Browns Rock N Robin Ch. Dancing Rockette of OakridgeCh. Wee Dancing Robin of Oakridge[ii0 8i bqqwqb's U[] gypCh. Emcees Chip of Diamond Ch. Emcees Terrific Wee ChipsEmcees Golden Girl Tammy Ch. Chip ft Way's Heavenly BodyAmCan Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip Ch. Hobbit's Heavenly BodyAmCan Ch. Star Child at HobbitStar Haven Janice Young 618 W. Springfield Rd St. Clair, MO 63077 314-629-275446 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian SWNational BISS winner 1991 All-Breed BIS Group winner in 3 countriesCh. Macs Rare Addition TomanoHs I Got LeggsTomanolls Me Me Ch. Mac's Maybe I WillCh. Macs Mister Beaux Jangles Ch. Macs Jennifer JanglesCh. Macs Little Lou LouShy Oorea Off Ktam PffKloy Tomanolls I Got Leggs Ch. Macs Maybe I WillCh. Macs Jennifer Jangles Sungold's Corse Cl WillCh. Amberil Trade Secret Ch. Cherokees Summer FashionCh. Cherokees Ember FashionShyacres Audrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St Leesville, LA 71446 318-238-1648mNational Specialty BIS 1990. Group Winner. Superb structure and movement. Proven sire of sound pups. 4 12 lb. red sable.Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster Bev-Nors Missy Miss Ch. Bev-Nor'N Southland RamboCh. G.E. TimstopperToo Bev-Nor's DesareeSandees Baby Lovgaall3i Ob OsaQffasom IToQUMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Jan-Shars Magons Top MotchEmcees Lucky Gen White Havens PeachesN CreamWhiteheads Lil Bit O ShadowDARS FOXRIDGE Rosemary Deena Regoni 385 Loop Rd. Campobello, S.C. 29322 803-472-3002Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie Ch. Great Elms Model's TimstopperCh. Models Fun Bug Models Sweet LeilaniMegs Sweet Julie0[o3 SQsds Posey [LoboSSoCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Davy Ch. Great Elms Something Special Great Elms Becky Great Elms Special of SkylandPompuf Master Gold Chip Pompuf Dancing TamiPompuf Dancing Mel-O-DeeDARS FOXRIDGE Rosemary Deena Regoni Exquisite type - promising young stud, major pointed, 385 Loop Rd.tremendous orange coat, 41bs. Campobello, S.C. 29322803-472-3002rLPomeranian 5JSW0BM JulyAugust 1991 47Ch. Joda Ephibus Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Deuce LLL Lil Golden Tiara Puf-Pride LLL Tandilizer CDCh. LLL Happy Twinkling Tippy LLL Happy Twinkling TangeLLL Lil Gold Copper PennySB. S9S Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Cricket Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Gina LLL Bit 0 Gold JubilationCh. LLL Mite of Gold Sunny Rosewoods Gold Mite LegacyRosewoods Timstopper LegacyPut-PrideWarren Virginia Dimick Sound, excellent movement, lovely head, small ears, 4 12 8 Burkwaylb. orange sable. Finished with 2-5pt majors. Oklahoma City, Ok. 73115405-677-2511 ' 1bfr111 SV-.v_Ch. Petersons Scamp of Lennis Ch. Annons Magnum Force of Scamp, ROM Annons Dark Lady Ch. finnon's Dazzling ForceAnnons Eager Beaver Annons Chocolate ChipAnnons Swiss MissKl5]ffW9sas qsaQIag ftgssgQAmCan Ch. Colliers Golden Beri Collier's Golden TuffieInt. Ch. Maykens Sun Crickett Myway Honey BunCh. Phyner Black Sombrero Myway Western JubileeJubilees Diamond LilMary Vickers 2818 Jefferson Drive Alexandria, VA 22303 703-960-7755\J41b. orange sable, cobby, good layback, excellent personality and great ear set. Producing orange, red, cream sable and blacks. Stud fee 200.00 to approved bitches.Woods Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Gold NuggetCedarwoods September Dawn Desiree's Smokey Mt. BoyCh. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple Desirees Rippling BrookeDesirees Fancier Faith 939ff33a3 PffQSTSOCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Ch. Great Elms Models Timstopper Models Sweet Leilani Desiree's Model Brooke ShieldCh. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple Desires Rippling BrookeDesirees Fancier FaithAnnette Lynn Heise Yellow Rose Pomeranians 923 Rachelle Red Oak, Texas 75154 214 617-016148 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian RBWDSUffBy Brenda HuttonRecently a lovely letter arrived from Lois Hamil. She wanted me to let everyone know about the Eastern Regional Gaines Tournament which will be held in New England in 1994. The Yankee Spirit Dog Obedience Association has been formed to organize, plan and fund-raise for the event. Individual membership into the Association is 20, a one-time fee, and includes free entry the whole weekend of the event as well as a membership pin and pride in supporting obedience. Club or organization membership is a one-time fee of 200 which includes advertising in the show catalog and 10 free passes for the regional. They need to raise between 30-50,000. If youd like to be a part of this event, you may contact Yankee Spirit D.O.A., RO. Box 322, N. Brookfield, MA, 01535 or you may also call MaryJo Baldwin at 508867-5780.Utility ALilae Shope FINALLY called to tell me about her first utility leg on SHOPES CUPID BELLA DONNA CDX, after already discovering this tidbit in the Gazette Awards. I just dont understand why everyone isnt bursting at the seams to get Utility legs They managed this feat after showing in Open for several years, stopping for a couple of litters, one of which produced Lilaes first Champion which was entirely breederowner handled. This leg came as an early Christmas present December 1, 1990 at the Philadelphia DTC with a 184.5 and 3rd place under T.E. Wickel. Way to go Lilae And the next leg, CALL ME I love to share wonderful news.Jimmie Lawrence is another person whos forgotten to call me with her monumental news about Utility. She and CRICKETTES MIDNIGHT SONG CS CDX Breeder Renee Lawrence have earned 2 legs since last we heard from them. The first came September 16, 1990 with a 182.0 and 2nd place at Greater Collin KC under Mrs. BJ Baker. They then earned a 177.0 and 3rd place at Faith City KC under Mrs. C. Wright on October 28. They were also showing in Open and received a 197.0 which didnt even place at Cen-Tex KC under Mrs. S.J. Jednacz and a 196.5 and 2nd place at Oklahoma City OTC under R. Gates. Nice job Jimmie and Crickette Now lets hear from you when you have such good newsOpen ATrudy Adair is out there making her presence known. She and TYKIES JACKI Bb OF TINYTYKES CD Breeder Ina F. Kniffm have just finished their CDX.They began with a 190.5 at Rockland County KC and followed up with a 179.5 at Ulster DTC and a 189.5 and 2nd place at Central New York KC which also earned him a beautiful trophy for highest scoring therapy dog in trial.NOVICE BAmy Wolf has another CD, this time on DOVER-HOLIHOUSE DISBUDSFURU Breeders Kathryn Hartz and D. Ninatoski and Patricia Foley from Annons Image In Black N Tan x CH. Annons Lea Tar of Dover. They came out in May of 90 with a 188.0 and 3rd place at Windham County KC. Then they followed up with a 187.5 at Nathan Hale Obedience Club last November and another 187.5 at South Windsor KC.Cathy Anderson and CATES CRIMMSON LEATHER N LACE Breeder Janette Bader also did some nice work to earn a CD. In May of 1990 they earned a 180.5 at North Shore DTC. It looks like they went back to school and really improved. Last November they earned a 193.0 at Westside DTC, a 193.5 at Car-Dun-A1 OTC and a 186.0 at Fox Valley DTC. Good workTrudy Adair also has another Pom on the obedience trail, namely EMMYS GLORIA OF TINY TYKES Breeder Ina F. Kniffin, call name "Lori". They earned their first CD leg 21890 at Hartford, CT with a 172.0 under judge Sharon Redmer, who commented, "I wish I could give points for CUTE." They got their second leg 11490 at Ulster DTC with a 173.5 and finished with a 187.5 at Central New York KC 111190 and Trudy says that same day Loris brother, Jackie mentioned above, finished his CDX. She also says that both Lori and Jackie are registered therapy dogs. Trudy, its wonderful that you are able to show people that Poms are both an even-tempered, adaptable and friendly breed besides being very intelligent and desiring to please. You are a great ambassador for our breedWe hear from Helen Tyler again with her latest CD on PETTISTREE FOREVER Breeder Woodrow W. Scott. In April of 90 they earned a pair of 192.0s at Greater Ocala Dog Club and Greater Gainesville Dog Fanciers Assoc., the second earned them a 1st place. After some apparent fine-tuning they came out again in November for two weekends with 196.5 and 2nd place at Seminole Dog Fanciers Assoc, under Mrs. M.G. Jonas a 195.0 and 3rd place at Inverness Florida KC under Ken Buxton a 188.5 and 2nd place at Greater Ocala Dog Club and a 195.5 and 3rd place at Greater Gainesville Dog Fanciers Assoc, under C. Jones. Very nice job, HelenPomeranicm RBWQBM JulyAugust 1991 49We have another Bench Champion out there doing their thing with obedience. CH. JANES AS CHATAWA BIG ORANGE Breeder Jerrie Freia by CH. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Janesas Sunkist Runner, with his owner Billy Ann Terry completed their CD last November with some nice scores. At Lake Eustis KC they earned a 193.5 and 2nd place, followed by a 187.0 at Seminole Dog Fanciers Assoc. They finished with a terrific 195.5 and 3rd place at Montgomery KC under W.N. Dillard. Sounds like Jerries breeding some pretty smart Poms to meLinda Brodt also has a CD on HONEY B BEAR Breeder Phyllis McGovern. Their record is a 190.5 and 3rd place at Phoenix Field and Obedience Qub they lost a run off for 2nd place November 4,1990. They followed that with a 192.0 and 1st place at Scottsdale Dog Fanciers Assoc, and another 3rd place with a 189.5 at Prescott Arizona KC. Nice job, LindaTRU-KEP MEADOW CHABLAIS Breeder Trudy B. Keplinger out of CH. Thelduns Dandee Sensation x Keplingers Princess Buffy and her owner, Linda Bradshaw also have completed their CD. After starting with a 196.5 and no placement at Camden County KC under L.W. Blum, they went on to earn a 197.0 and 1st place the next weekend at Cape May County OTC under Ms. K.A. Hertzog and a 193.5 the following weekend at Lower Camden County DTC.Mary Straslicka has a CD on MARLORNS NO-SEE-UM Breeder Owner by CH. Blakes Sir RobertJohn x Magic Omens Storm Angel. They showed last fall earning a 180.0 at Toledo Kennel Club, a 185.5 at Lorain County KC, and a 190.5 at Medina KC.Novice AJoyce Hayes worked hard and earned a CD with SUMI II Breeder Georgia A. Me Crory. October 28 they got a 189.0 and 2nd place at Suhuaro State KC December 1 saw them receive a 191.5 and 4th place at Yuma KC followed the next day with a 181.5 at Imperial Valley KC. Congratulations, Joyce.Anna Goins is another novice with her first CD on CASEY LEE Breeder Gerada H. McAbee. It seems Ive missed a score, but Ive recorded a 194.0 and 3rd place at Lexington KC under Buss Taylor and a 188.5 at Columbus All Breed Training Qub last November.Marla Berger and her Pom WYNDAMERES LITTLE FIZZBIN Breeder Catherine E. Ferguson achieved their first CD last fall. Showing in September and November they earned a 180.5 atLogansport KC, a 191.5 at Central Indiana KC and a 191.0 and 4th place at Steel City Kennel Qub.As always, call me Youll probably get the answering machine, but I sure love hearing from you. Happy heeling and terrific trackingYou may call Brenda at 517 485-5183. If youre shy of answering machines why not track her down by writing to Brenda Hutton, 102 Tudor Lane, Lansing, MI 48906.StoCanne PomeraniansMThor, a multiple toy group and BIS winner, is proving his worth as a stud dog with several champion, pointed and promising get. He is a 5 lb. clear orange stud who is prepotent for type and quality. Stud fee 250.00Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt ThorCh. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon RockMillamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands VeronicaMillamors Melody Box Ch. Mercers Touch ODuke Ch. O My Pattys Touch-O-Pepper Circle M Patty Pepper Cee O My Starmist MinuetteCh. Patri Arks Stardust of Mercer Jodas Starkist of Patri-ArkSissys Cream N SugarBreederOwnerHandler Frances J. Stoll R.R. 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812-254-385750 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian KWQ\517Silver MeadowsV 1nmCh. Silver Meadows My-T Love N JovCh. Bonners Lisastar Legacy Sire Ch. Silver Meadows Love of Legacy Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. Bonners Lisastar Legacy Dam Ch. Silver Meadows Joy O Legacy Silver Meadows JenniferCh. Silver Meadows SS SqueakCh. Tim Sues Poinciana Star Sire Ch. Silver Meadows Scooter StarrCh. Silver Meadows Spice O Legacy Ch. Silver Meadows PeprO Legacy Dam Silver Meadows UrsalaSilver Meadows Gamblin Queen-9Ch. Silver Meadows Love JeremyCh. Bonners Lisastar Legacy Sire Ch. Silver Meadows Love of Legacy Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. Silver Meadows Lil Red Echo Dam Silver Meadows RedwingCh. Silver Meadows Echo of FunCh. Silver Meadows Love TlcoCh. Bonners Lisastar Legacy Sire Ch. Silver Meadows Love of Legacy Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Bi-Mar Happy Hooligan of Bradley Dam Bi-Mar Rose Marie Bi-Mar Tia MariaSpring 1991s exciting "expectationsCh. Silver Meadows Love Krissy bred to Squeak, due May 7. S.M. Tipper Brite a Queenaire Bright Banshee dau. bred to Ch. Tico, due May 12. Queenaire Sunburst bred to Ch. My-T, due June 14. S.M. Roseanne litter sister to Ricochet bred to Ch. Pepr, due June 27.Ron Jackie Klein 4146 West Lake Rd.716-237-5473 Silver Springs, NY 14550Pomeranian SiSWQUM JutyAugust 1991 51StoCanne PomeranianssAnr49WINNERS BEST OF OPP. SEXMARION K.C. FEB. 1991iJtBOOTH PHOTO-BT LENNAHCh. Stolannes Texas TumbleweedCh. Stolannes Stormy Sequel x Texas Fancey LadyTumbles, my first champion for 1991 is an eye-catching cream whose perfect show behavior and good movement made her a crowd pleaser. Although her show career was interupted with coat changes, she finished in style with back to back 4pt majors.Thanks to the judges who awarded her points.Mrs. Bettie Krouse WB, BOW 2 pointsMr. Timothy Catterson WB, BOS 1 pointMrs. William Lehnig WB, BOS 3 pointsMrs. Keke Kahn WB, BOS 2 pointsMr. Rolpe Lemke WB 4 pointsBreederThelma WorleyOwnerHandlerFrances J. Stoll R.R. 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812-254-385752 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian 5^Q\EA rStoCanne Pomeranians- i..Ch. Stolannes Starbeam CharismaCh. Flame of Wright Way x 0 My Starmist MinuetteCarie started her show career with a bang, winning a 4 point major her first weekend out and then back to back 4 point majors, all from the puppy class. After and absence from the show ring due to a year old shed, she returned in the fall and quickly finished to become my third 1990 champion and the fifth champion for her dam. Special gratitude to the judges who recognized her quality.March 1990 Mr. Timothy Cotterson WB, BOS 4 point majorApril 1990 Mr. Frank Oberstar WB, BOS 4 point majorApril 1990 Miss Anna K. Nicholas WB, BOS 4 point majorOct. 1990 Mrs. Robert H. Ward WB, BOW 1 pointOct. 1990 Mrs. Robert H. Ward WB, BOS 2 pointsBreederOwnerHandler Frances J. Stoll R.R. 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812-254-3857Pomeranian 5J3WM3 JulyAugust 1991 530By Lindq TgreskoThe trill of canaries poured out the door of Mr. Beebles' Pet Shop. Saturday mornings were usually busy. Located on Elden Street between Tandy's shoestore and Rexalls, the small shop hummed this sunny morning with the buzz of aquarium pumps. The smell of cedar shavings hung dustily in the air.People, usually accompanied by their kids, were buying bird seed and additions to their habitrails - a fat lady was at the checkout counter, her pudgy arms full of catnip toys.Behind the counter, half asleep on his little blue plaid cushion bed, dozed Joey, a five pound orange sable Pomeranian. The little dog had no interest at all in the activity this morning. To him it was just another boring day full of strange people and familiar sounds.Mr. Beebles was an older man - old enough to start thinking about retirement, but as with most men, afraid to let go of a business that had provided him with a purpose in life.The pet shop was not his sole source of income. Over the years, he and the Mrs. had invested in real estate. The goal was to make enough money in these investments so they could comfortably retire in Florida. Yes Sir, palm trees, sunny skies and a small bungalow with the wife would be the golden years. Maybe even get a boat, he had always dreamed of lazy afternoons on the water fishing for specks, coming home to a nice supper, a few beers on the porch.They had no kids. They had always had a dog. The first one a Collie mix named Blue. Blue was the Misses favorite color and he had one blue eye. The years passed by with the two other dogs, both mixed breeds, enjoying a good life the dogs shared with them.One rainy night in September, Mrs. Beebles came home with a towel wrapped around a small bundle. She unwrapped the towel on the living room floor at her husband's feet. Out popped a tiny ball of fluff, tail down, sniffing the rug."What the heck is that" Beebles said as he dropped his newspaper onto the floor."He's a Pomeranian, and he's got papers and I paid 500.00 dollars for him.""Where did you get the money for that""Bingo. I've finally saved up for the dog I want. His name is Joey."Joey walked over to the newspaper on the floor, tail snapping up, and promptly wet on the real estate section."See, he's already housebroken"Mrs. Beebles loved that dog, and Mr. Beebles realized this was the first dog they ever had that truly made her happy.Mrs. Beebles became very ill the following year and doctors instructed her to stay in bed. Joey laid in bed with her and remained a constant source of love and companionship for the woman until the end.Mr. Beebles spent every54 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian RSWD1Mavailable hour at the pet shop to keep himself busy. Joey accompanied him all the time now. Dreams of Florida faded. Joey even seemed to be depressed by an emptiness he couldn't understand."Excuse me Mister."A skinny blue eyed girl about 12 years old was leaning on the front counter looking curious."How much do your hamsters cost I'm saving to buy one.""They're 3.00 dollars. But you need to buy a cage for him if you don't have one.""Of course I know that" she bluntly said."I plan a habitrail too. But right now all I want is to know how much the hamster costs. You've told me that already, thank you."The kid was walking toward the door."Hey, wait a minute." Beebles whisked around the counter and stopped the kid as she was opening the door.Joey opened one eye. He sensed something was going on. He ran over to them."Oh he's so cute." The girl scooped him up and Joey promptly began licking her face.Mr. Beebles stood back. The shop was full of customers now. But the only thing he saw was Joey licking the girl's face and wagging his tail."He's certainly taken a shine to you. I haven't seen him that excited in over a year."Oh, what's his name""What's your name young lady"IN MEMORY OFRAZZLE DAZZLE JEFFREY UD, HOFDecember 17,1977 - October 9,1990l - .Its taken a long time for me to be able to write this and its still very difficult. Jeff and I did a lot, loving, laughing, crying,and the list goes on.He was a wonderful friend and is terribly missed.BreederSophie Mayes West Chester, PA5OwnerHandlerJudy Green 822 Parkside Blvd. Claymont, DE 19703 302-798-5962Pomeranian SJBWQBM JulyAugust 1991 55"Linda, sir, Linda Rhodes. What kind of dog is he""Well to answer your first question, his name is Joey, and he is a Pom a Pomeranian to be exact."Your name must be Mr. Beebles" she replied.The little dog wriggled closer up to the girl's soft blonde hair and rubbed his face along her cheek."Well aren't you a bright young whipper snapper.""Don't have to be bright to see your name on the store sign out front."Mr. Beebles was impressed. The kid was smart and attentive. But what really impressed him was the new found attitude Joey was showing. Something he hadn't seen in the little Pom in a long time. The tiny dog's eyes shined and sparked a smile in them that reminded him of his wife. For a moment his memory jolted back to a warm and good feeling. A feeling he hadn't felt since the good old days when the Mrs. was healthy and Florida was the place to be. He even thought of greyhound races. The momentary trance came to a stop by the bell clanging on the counter. A customer was impatiently standing there."Heh, what's the price of this doggie sweater It's not marked." It was one of those gaudy dog items that had a turtleneck collar and fire hydrants printed along the sides. The woman holding it was wearing a sweatshirt with the words "I Love My Dog" splashed across the front.Mr. Beebles was jolted out of his frozen stance. Linda had been oblivious to everything too. She and Joey seemed to be wrapped up in their own world. Joey's face was smiling. His little sliver of tongue curled up, ending in a point."Is he for sale" Linda asked."He certainly is NOT", Beebles retorted. "Never sold a dog anytime in my shop. Never kept a dog or even a cat here. Never saw it a necessity. Too much work cleanin up after em. Besides, it wouldn't be fair to the little buggers to be cooped up in this dusty old shop. Got enough people, like the old biddy at the counter, wantin to buy some silly canine coat for her mutt to wear."But you got Joey here.""Joey is special. He comes to work with me every day. Besides, I thought you was interested in a hamster""Well, I do want one. But he's cuter than a dozen hamsters put together"Beebles was getting agitated. The old lady at the counter was tapping on the bell purposefully."You just wait here young lady. I gotta make some sales before the natives get restless." He winked at the girl and she winked back."What a bright kid" he thought.After several purchases had been rung up, the crowd began to thin out. Linda and Joey had settled down to a corner of the shop. She was lying on the floor and Joey was bouncing around he as she wiggled her fingers in front of him."You know, I've been thinking," Beebles said. "I could use some extra help. What with the birds and cleanin up their cages and all the inventory that needs to be taken care of. Well, if you really want that hamster, you could help me out with the shop. You could get the habitrail and whole set of works in just a couple of weeks."The young girl stood up. Joey lay on the floor, his head cocked to one side. He was watching her.You mean I got a job""Gracious God girl, you not only got a job, but you can start right now Sweep these aisles real good and then you gotta take Joey out for his walk."Linda had finished sweeping the floors and rearranging pet supplies. 'Where's his leash and collar He looks like he's ready to go"The old man stood back. He was still behind the counter waiting on a few straggling customers."Well to be quite honest, I haven't taken Joey for a walk in a long time.""You've got plenty of leashes and collars here. May I pick one out for him""Sure, why not." The old man said.Linda walked over to the display stand and chose a tiny rolled leather collar with a thin leash to match. Beebles heart skipped a beat. She had picked out a blue leash and collar similar to the one his wife had when she had taken Joey for his afternoon walks. She slipped the collar on the Pom. He started hopping in the aisle. The girl and dog left the shop. Beebles watched them prance down the sidewalk. The sun was shining brightly. It's rays bounced off the girl's hair and made Joey's coat gleam as he trotted along.Two weeks passed. Beebles was reading a brochure on Florida - deep sea fishing.The sale had been a success.Linda walked into the shop. "We gotta clean out the guppie tanks today" she said.Joey ran to her feet. He sat there quietly. Ears pricked up."No fish left," Beebles replied.Linda looked around. Practically everything was gone."Sold," Beebles said. Almost everything."56 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian"Why What's going on""I'm packin it in. Goin to Florida." He scratched his head."Don't know why it took me so long to decide to go. But I've been thinking about it for the past couple weeks...""What about the shop" Linda's blue eyes were wide in shock. She looked down at the Pom. She was almost afraid to ask. "What about Joey""What about your hamster"Joey pawed gently on Linda's leg. She picked him up. He licked her face. His long guard hairs crushed softly against her cheek."I sort of lost interest in the hamster. Besides, I see they're all gone too.""Well, I gathered that much," Beebles said. "You've been so busy fussing over that Pom, I figured a dozen hamsters couldn't hold your interest now. Yep, the shop is sold. Got a pretty pennyfor it, too. Some young guy and his wife bought it. They're gonna turn it into one of those fancy cheese and wine gourmet shops, where you gotta pay your life's savings for a hunk of cheese."Linda was very quiet. She could only hear Joey's excited panting clicking in her ear."But, Beebles said, if you look behind the counter, you'll find some things I want you to have."Linda quietly walked behind the register. On the floor lay a new blue plaid cushion bed, two blue ceramic dog bowls, and a blue leash and collar. She put Joey down, and went over to the bed. She picked up the leash and collar. Joey started hopping on his back legs, front paws waving excitedly in the air."Well, can you figure it out" Beebles said.Linda's face beamed. "You don't have to be bright to figure this one out," she cried."Reckon not," he said. "Looks like Joey thinks he's goin for a walk."Linda slipped the collar and leash on the little dancing dog. The two of them raced to the door and skipped out onto the sidewalk.Beebles watched them run down Elder Street. The morning looked especially sunny today. He had lots of good feelings inside. He thought of palm trees and sandy beaches. He thought of catching blues on his own boat.He watched two happy souls skipping around the corner, and heard the young girl say, "you know Joey, blue's my favorite color."For those that would like to contact Linda, you may call her at 703 391-2617, or write to her Linda Teresko, 2905 Timberwood Way, Herndon, VA 22071.Handcrafted figurines for trophies, gifts or just for yourselfSend name, address, phone , enclose check or money order or 25 of cost in advance for c.o.d.SASAor phone for more information.1. 4" x 4" Pom Color 22.50 3. 2" x 2" Pom Color 14.00Gold or Bronze Color 20.50 Gold or Bronze Color 16.00Gold Leaf 32.50 Gold Leaf 25.00Brace any color 30.002. 3" x 3" Pom Color 18.00Gold or Bronze Color 16.00 Mrs. Elma ManiesGold Leaf 25.00 1455 Victor AveBrace any color 30.00 Redding, CA 96003916-223-5275Pomeranian JulyAugust 1991 57WP^DSubmitted by Janice YoungAfter a four year absence its nice to be back breeding and showing. I finished ten champions under my former kennel name, Cherokee Pomeranians. Quite by accident I came across a remarkable little male not ten miles from where I live. His owners were selling all their Poms due to illness. Of course I couldnt resist buying him on the spot. That male was Stylestepper Mark of Oakridge who quickly attained his championship with several Best of Breeds and twice going up over Best In Show Specials.Now comes the hard part. Building a breeding program from ground zero. We are still looking for nice bitches in his line if anyone can be of help.Im also looking for a breedable size female from my past breeding days. Does anyone know who owns Ch. Cherokees Summer Fashion Anyone who owns Poms with my old champions in the pedigree who are willing to sell something to me please write or call.The biggest difference I see in showing Poms now and showing them five years age is the grooming. So much shaping the coat. One needs to be an expert groomer to be competitive. So who do you think missed the grooming demonstration sponsored by our local Pomeranian Club Duty called and I had to work that night.Its been nice renewing old acquaintances and meeting people I had only spoken to on the phone. Carolyn Roberts, Sue White, Eleanor Miller, Norma Creider, all lovely, charming ladies who extended their hospitality to me. Thank you for making me welcome.Submitted by, Alice LessardI just finished reading the article by Margaret McKee titled Beyond AKC Obedience and would like to add my two cents worth on the Gaines Events.Each year for the past five, I and my K-9 friend, have been one of the lucky teams to be able to compete in the Gaines Regionals. I have yet to win or even place, but the honor of rubbing elbows58 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian 6JBWQ3Mwith some of the finest trainers and their dogs and to compete on this high level of professionalism is a thrill beyond words.Like everything else inflation has hit the Gaines events with the price being 60.00 to enter in Novice, Open 75.00 in Superdog. Thats still a bargain since this is for showing three times in Novice or Open, or six times in the Superdog division. The price of the entry fee also includes a great banquet and entertainment on Saturday night.Because the entries are limited to 70 in Novice, 60 in Open and Superdog, it is essential that the exhibitor sent the application off as soon as the qualifying scores are obtained. In the Regionals, the exhibitor must have three scores of 193 or above, and for the Gaines Classic, the exhibitor must have three scores of 195 or above.Yes, things are done a little different at a Gaines Event and I think for the better. There are warm up rings, where each team is allowed five minutes to get the last minute jitters out. Upon completing your performance in the ring, you are given a score indicating the number of points off and at the same time a large board is raised so the audience can see your score too. A perfect score is a zero, not a 200. For run-offs in Novice and in Open, the Off-Lead Figure Eight and Drop on Recall. A runoff in Superdog is the signal exercise.The Gaines Obedience Competitions are something to be seen whether you are into obedience or not. To see a team, be it a Pomeranian with its trainer or a Lab with its trainer, at a Gaines Event a dog and his or her trainer is poetry in motion.By the way, this years Gaines events are held at Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 15th and 16th, York, Pennsylvania on July 27th and 28th, Salt Lake City on August 10th and 11th, with the Classic at Sacramento, California on November 23rd and 24th.Thanks for hearing me out. As you can tell, I LOVE the Gaines EventsPS I will be at Salt Lake and at Sacramento competing with a Peke and a Pom.Three Generations of ExcellenceCHAMPION GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMINGA SUPERB WINNER ... and now a SUPERB PRODUCER ..."Prince" offspring are winning everywhere ... many listed in Nationwide Top ten winners Skip and Oloa are pleased to announce that Champion Prince Charming is now at stud in Texas.Stud fee 300.00JLs'i AStPlease have your girls Brucellosis tested prior to shipping ... we will appreciate it. Your girls will be met personally at Houston Hobby Airport. Be sure to telephone us when they first come in season, so we canmake arrangements 713-326-2250OwnersSkip Piazza Olga BakerBreederRuth Beam Great ElmsCHAMPION JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT - 1 POM in 1991 - Son of the famous Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II "Lance" is producing beautifully, sire of champions. Producing cream color consistantlyChampion Sir Lancelot is now at stud. Stud fee 200.00CHAMPION LANCELOTr ,LANCELOT" PUPPYgorgeous, huhOlga Darrell Baker Jeribeth Pomeranians 207 Shirleen Dr. Seabrook Texas 77586Pomeranian JulyAugust 1991 59An- Snt" ^ti-T -r t 1^ r" t" t" t^ - ^t" - ^r T^^rv t t\ rr^^r\ rr 'w t^t t t\ r-^^ t t\ t-^vtv rr -r. t t\ t tv t t\ t t V T T Tv n' T r ^ r-^Apolloette Ch. Apolloette Carbon CopyCh. Apolloette Gone-A-Lot xApolloette KatrinaCopy is shown going Group 4 from the classes, under Judge Robert C. Graham. Copy finished his championship at 10 months of age.Thank you to all the judges who appreciated his excellent movement and type.rWTi xIf-" A,"1TOYFOR SALERed Sable MaleCh. Southlands Mr. VIP Olda Ch. Southlands Mr ExtraordinareBev-Nor N Southlands Poasty Ch. Apolloette Wild FireCh. Apolloette Coast to Coast Ch. Apolloette A Unique Pleasure Apolloette Lady of Pleasure Ch. Watte Little Peter Tan Mo-Best Ch. Apolloette Coast to CoastApolloette Sparkling Fresca Apolloette MoniqueCh. Apolloette Foolish Pleasure Bettys Ginger IIApolloette Good Time JillOrange Sable MaleCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Timstopper DavyGreat Elms Sweet Candy Ch. Great Elms Something Special Great Elms Red Robin Great Elms BeckyGreat Elms Blackie Tan Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms TobyGreat Elms Woods Dori Great Elms Heather of LenetteCutshaws Lil Bit of Magic Cherie of LenetteCutshaws Sweet Turn OutMarlene Marlin Presser 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95215 209-886-5640 Pending AKC ConfirmationAt60 JulyAugust 1991 PomeranianfVkTv t v t t\ rr^Ti rr v\ t^t rr w t t t t t v t t t t t v t v t tv t v t t\ t v t-'ApolloetteApolloette SantanaCh. Southlands Mr ExtraordinareCh Apolloette A Unique PleasureSantana is shown going WB for a 3pt major under judge Tom Conway. She needs 2 points to finish her championship. Congratulations to Diane Finch on finishing Santanas litter brother, Apolloette Wild Fire, also a black and tan.I-1A 4Southlands Make Me FamousCh. Southlands Mr VIP Olda xCh. Southlands Toast to JamelFame is shown going BOB from the classes, over Best in Show and Group winning Poms. Thank you judge Eleanor Rotman. Thank you Charlotte for this lovely Wifeknrn ' Wt. 4 4fXCongratulations to Gail Garvey, best wishes as the new editor of the Pom Review.Marlene Marlin Presser 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95215 209-886-5640Pomeranian JulyAugust 1991 61Glen iris PomeraniansPresents...the next one...the best one..."EVAN"o'I4VARIETY GROUP FIRSTRIVERSIDE STkennel clubSPRING 1891 C COPR. PHOTO ITLF. SOSAVCh. Glen Iris Castle RockCh. Glen Iris Ivanhoe x Ch. Tim-Sues Evening LightsLoved Presented by Owner Erika Moureau Texican Pomeranians 713-351-9516J \ oCo-OwnersBreeders Occasional Handlers Dr. Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor Glen Iris Pomeranians 205-328-6603Show prospect puppies available64 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian ouiyAugust 1991 FOmenmian tUSWQSWBKsIs very proud to share with you our first championCan. Ch. BKs Hot And Spiceyp14VaixxNEWBEST OF CHAMPIONbreedKENTJL_- a1991swftTrievon Hi Skor Reddie x Pomirish BKs Gwenvic SabrinaIt is with great appreciation that I express my respect and gratitude to Ardith Neil of Trievon Kennels in Ovid, Michigan, both for allowing me to use her fantastic "Reddie" and for her encouragement and support of Spice. Among Spices accomplishments to date are 2 Best In Match awards, one as a 6 mos. 3 day old pup, with an entry of about 800, and again as an adult with an entry of 1,100 dogs in the prestigious Spartan Mid-Winter Fun Match. In Canada, shes defeated an Amer. Ch. twice and been awarded both a Group 3 and Group 4 And shes always been BreederOwner handled Watch for us in the states as she primarily needs only her majors to finish.Many thanks to the Can. judges who appreciated this brilliantly colored foxy moving machine.Ms. Anita Chapman Mrs. Daniell-Jenkins Mr. Robert Moore Mr. Levien deBruyne Mr. Stanley WhitmoreBOB, Group 4WinnersBOBBOB, Group 3 BOBCongratulations also to one of Reddies "other kids" Ch. Jamols Klassic Hi Time on being one of the top winning Poms for 1991.OwnerBrenda K. Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, MI 48906 517-485-5183 2Pomeranian JulyAugust 1991 65rMNMS Pomeranianshas upped the GOLD standard' MSBEST OF BREEDKENNEL CLUBMISSY PHOTOSun Rays Gold StrikeA BIG thank you to judge Alvin E. Maurer, Jr. for giving Striker these wonderful placements on 31791 at South Bay KC WD 3pt major, BOW and BOB Striker needs single points to finish.Thanks to Glenn Bernardo for the professional and beautiful way in which Striker is always presentedThanks to our friends and to the "Grand" lady herself, Fern Rodriguez of Sun Ray fame,for their unlimited supportencouragement.Congratulations to Patty Clark, Anchorage, AK. on the acquisition of her Striker son,MNMs Luv-N Strike Buster. Watch for Buster in the May Alaskan shows and the June Canadian shows.Watch for our newest boy, MNMs Presidential Candidate. No, his coat is noi an optical illusion.Super blacks expected May 8th."Portraits of Perfection"Mary Gene Wells 4986 Avila Way Bueno Park, CA 90621 714-994-025966 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian fiJW0S\27Behind The New TitlistsThree generations of new Pomeranian titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent by the owner. Please send the dogs name, color, sex, breeders name and owners name, on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Pedigrees will not be returned Send copies only. Mail all information to the editor, Gail A. Garvey, Expedition Publishing, PO Box A, Mastic Beach, NY 11951.Ch. Tiny-Tykes Little hookerRed Sable Female Breeder Lorraine Marie Hicks Owner Gertrude M. AdairCh. Apples Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwoods Image Of Diamond Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elms FirestarterCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Dolly Kniffins Golden Trinket Little Travler Of Tiny TykesKniffins SugarAnSpice Annie Fanny Of Tiny TykesCh. Jafcos Mr. Peepers Of Tiny Tykes My Windsong Of Tiny Tykes Sally Of ProvanCh. Patrick's Miss McinchkinOrange FemaleBreederOwner Mildred G. PatrickCh. Creiders Replica Of Riptide Ch. Macs Dream Man Of Robinhood Creiders Bit OSugar Ch. Patricks Mr. My Guy Of Pom GrovePatricks Mr. George Of Rosart Rosarts Miss Joni PatrickRosarts Christmas Doll Ch. Macs Gallant Man Dishaws Donar And BlitzenNolans Shady Park Gidget Ch. Patricks Miss AmarattaCh. Wilwyns Teddy Bear Ch. Wests Miss Charm Patrick LLL Mite Of Gold MinnieCh. Puf-Pride Royal RenditionOrange Male Breeder Virginia Dimick Owner Loretta SmerchekCh. fipolloette Carbon CopyOrange MaleBreeder Marlene Marlin PresserOwners Marlene Marlin Presser Marie V. ThompsonManies Lil Gold Brick Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky Apolloette Maiden Voyage Ch. Apolloette Gone-A-LotManies Lil Gold Brick Apolloette Sparkling FrescaApollos Classy Chassis Manies Lil Gold Brick Apolloette Lucky ShindigApolloette Good Time Jill Apolloette KatrinaApolloette Brandy Blazer C.D.Queen Shebas Princess Rita Espanas Queen ShebaCh. Stolanne's Starbcam CharismaOrange FemaleBreederOwner Frances J. StollCh. Millamors Moon Rock Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Dixielands Veronica Ch. Flame of Wright WayMi Boy Bronco Ginger of Wright Way Mi Miss HidiCh. Mercers Touch ODuke Ch. OMy Pattys Touch OPepper Circle M Patty Pepper Cee O My Starmist MinuetteCh. Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer Jodas Starkist of Patri-ArkPatri-Arks Sugar SpiceCh. Stolanne's Texas TumbleweedCream Female Breeder Thelma Wonley Owner Frances J. StollCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Millamors TrademarkMillamors Music Box Ch. Millamors Mark TraditionCh. Millamors Rock Music Millamors Sparkling MusicMillamors Molly Brown Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Cricket Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Gina LLL Bit O Gold WeeunCh. LLL Moongold Trapper Ch. LLL Ts Gold CrystalCh. LLL Mite of Gold SuzannaCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor O My Starmist Minuette Ch. Stolannes Stormy Sequel Pumpkin XXV Nightime Nicole DeliteStolls Nuggett Nicolette Janesas Sho Nuf Vegas Sho Nuf Grannys Rio Grandida Janesas Sho Nuf Granny Texas Fancey LadyHill's T-Nine-CRio Grandies T-Nine-C Beauty Idas Black Gold BeautyPomeranian SJSWQS JulyAugust 1991 67THE 3t POM SHOPPEff ' A \i i vys1\ \ 'V ,kmmINSTOCK NOWFor APC Members OnlyTaking orders now. Order until September 1,1991 for delivery 121591.3 12" APC logo patches with white background, blue border gold pom. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS ORDER1 patch 6.002 patches 103 patches 154 patches 20Orders after 9191 - patches will be 6.00 each.No discount on bulk.APC decals - 1 set 3.00 APC pins - 5.00Please make checks or foreign money orders payable to the APCBess Roberts - Shopkeeper 15802 Letcher Road Brandywine, MD 20613Puf-Pride Pomeranians"Angel"She was born at Xmas time, avery welcome gift, especially since this would be her moms last litter. Thus becoming our ANGEL Angel finished with 4 majors. Thank you judges, Janice Luginsland, M. McCoy, L. White, R. Prichard, R. Graham and Dr. R. Berndlh see pedigree behind new titlists. We will be bringing out two tiny Sundancersons soon, plus a grandson, who is for sale to a show home. OtherCh. sired male pups forsale LLLMillamorOakridge guaranteed finishable. Phone calls preferred 10-12pm.We feed Science DietBreederOwnerHandler Warren Virginia Dimick 8 BurkwayOklahoma City, Ok 73115 405-677-2511Ch. Puf-Pride Tandilizing Angel70 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian SJHWOSMFPr HVImcQ4KIAN CPOM IN A POCKETPerky Pomeranian with a tiny red tongue nestled in a life size pocket Pom is puffed in a realistic orange that stands out from the tee-shirt. Shirts available in white, ecru and peach.By popular demand the Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, Inc. is re-issuing our "Pom In A Pocket" design on a brand name PolyCotton blend, short sleeve tee-shirt.VXIDesign by W. E. McKinneySize Color Qty x Amount SubtotalM 14.95 L 14.95 XL 14.95 Shipping Handling 4.00 Total Due ,, ., , , Charge It VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVERMail check or moneyorder payable to Card--------------------------------------------------- Exp. Date ______Z__Name______________________________ Telephone_________________The DFW Pomeranian Club, Inc.2108 Crockett Drive St Address________________________________________________________Carrollton, Texas 75006City______________________________ State________ Zip_________Allow 3-4 weeks deliveryimmediate shipment on credit card orders. No C.O.D. or Cash orders. U.S. funds only, pleasePomeranian ^WQS\5 JulyAugust 1991 71Advertising Policies SpatesAds are placed In the magazine in the order they are received. Any ads that miss the issue deadline will be held for inclusion in the next issue. All photoswill be returned via 1st class US Mail.Front Cover...........................120.00Back Cover...........................100.00Inside Front Cover............... 90.00Inside Back Cover................ 90.00Center Page Spread..............170.00Full Page................................. 75.0034 Page................................. 60.0012 Page................................. 45.0014 Page.................................. 30.00Business Card 2 x 3.25"... 20.00 Classified Ads...................... 5.00150.00 125.00 110.00 110.00 200.00 90.00 70.00 55.00 40.00 25.00 7.00r xtra100.00yr for Members onlylurgesPhoto Reproduction................................... 15.00eaTints grey backgrounds.......................... 7.50Reverse white lettersblack backgrounds. 5.00Mortises photos less than .25" apart....... lO.OOeaBleeds photos printed to edge of page.... 20.00A dvertisers W ndexBaker, Olga Darrell JERIBETH...........................59,69Berry, Nina BERRY.......................................................41Blake, Evelyn BLAKES...............................................29Dallas Fort Worth Pom Club............................................71Dimick, Warren Virginia PUF-PRIDE...............48,70Dupuis, Elizabeth POMSPRINGS .............................IBCEpps, Nina DEARTAOAKRIDGE..............................35Finch, Diane FINCH........................................................9Focke, Jean PINYON.....................................................17Freia, Jerry JANESA................................................ 62,63Goddard, Sue TIM SUE.................................................45Greene, Judy RAZZLE DAZZLE.................................55Hanson, Sharon JAN-SHAR ......................................IFCHeartz, Christine CHRISCENDO ................................ 45Hughes, Pauline POINT LOMA ..................................31Hutton, Brenda B.K........................................................65Ivey, Laureen TEAKWOOD...........................................7Jackson, Cheryl GLEN IRIS..........................................64Jeub, Gail STAR DUST .............................................. BCKlein, Ron Jackie SILVER MEADOWS..................51Kneisler, Maria Matthew KNEISLER......................11Lewis, Paul PAGALEW................................................21Manies, Elma MANIES.................................................57Masnick, Sharon GOLDEN AIRES..............................27Moreno, Julie MORENO...............................................23Morrow, Tim Terry TERIMAR................................ 15Peel, Cheri.........................................................................46Penney, Marlene Frank MARSHIRE..................38,39Pom Shoppe......................................................................70Poole, Ruby RUBY ..................................................32,33Presser, Marlene Marlin APOLLOETTE .... 60,61Regoni, Rosemary DARS FOXRIDGE.......................47Roberts, Audrey SHYACRES..............................FC,1,47Rosenbaum, Mary BI-MAR...........................................37Schroll, Jean......................................................................31Segelken, Phil Brenda FAME...............................24,25Sharland, Gale PINEHAVEN .........................................7Shifflett, Joann SHANNON..........................................31Smercheck, Loretta GRANDAIRE................................43Stoll, Frances STOLANNE ............................... 50,52,53Taylor, Joel GLEN IRIS.................................................64Vickers, Mary MAR-VIC..............................................48Voltin, Stobie WIDGEON COVE................................ 19Walken, Pamela SOUTHPAW........................................5Watts, Dolores WATTS...................................................3Wells, Gene MNM ...................................................45,66Young, Janice STAR HAVEN.......................................46t omeranian W ndexCh. Apolloette Carbon Copy.......................................60Apolloette Santana.......................................................61Apolloette Wild Fire......................................................9Ch. Bev-Nors Rhea Na Dallas...................................19Can. Ch. B.Ks Hot And Spicey..................................65Ch. Blakes Sir Robert John II....................................29Cenlas Annie Laurie OFriday...................................20Ch. Chriscendo City Lights.........................................45Dars Great Elms Foxy of Lenette..............................47Ch. DeArtas Golden Gina..........................................35Ch. Desirees Smokey Mt Prince................................48Ch. Fame King Linus..................................................24Finchs He Walks On Water..........................................9Finchs Raydeeo Dee Jay..............................................9Glen Iris Ambassador..................................................20Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock............................................64Golden Aires Moonwalker..........................................27Golden Aires Sweet Charity........................................27Great Elms Joey of Lenette.........................................46Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming................................59HHH Terra Cotta Moonlight.......................................22Ch. Idas Ms Priss of Bev-Nor....................................32Ch. Idas Touch of Bev-Nor........................................32Ch. Janesas Hi-Struttin Daisey...................................62Ch. Jan-Shars An American Tail...............................47Jan-Shars Pretty Woman..........................................IFCJeribeth puppy............................................................. 59Ch. Jeribeth Sir Lancelot.............................................59Ch. Lynnwrights Walt Disney...................................41Ch. Marshires Echoing Love Song............................. 38Ch. Marshires Golden Honey Bun..............................38Ch. Marshires Little Angel......................................... 38Ch. Marshires Love Connection..................................39Ch. Marshires Love Letters.........................................39Ch. Marshires Wee Chip.............................................39Ch. Mar-Vics Dazzling Rascal..................................48Ch. Nice Guy of Point Loma.......................................31Pagalews Precious Momix.........................................21Pinehavens Just An Illusion.........................................7Ch. Pinyons Annie Oaklights.....................................17Primrose City Limits...................................................11Ch. Puf-Pride Bit OGold Chance...............................48Ch. Puf-Pride Royal Rendition....................................43Ch. Puf-Pride Tandalizing Angel................................70Puppiluvs Little Red Amber.......................................15Ch. Rambos Double Rock Top Mark.........................25Ch. Razzle Dazzle Jefferey......................................... 55Rock N Tradition of Oakridge.....................................35Ch. Rockwoods Bills Best Buddy............................33Shannon puppy............................................................31Ch. Shyacres Our Man Friday............................FC,1,47Ch. Silver Meadows Love Jeremy..............................51Ch. Silver Meadows Love Tico.................................. 51Ch. Silver Meadows My-T Love NJoy......................51Ch. Silver Meadows SS Squeak..................................51Southlands Make Me Famous....................................61Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive............................20Southpaw Majik Moments............................................5Ch. Star Havens Solid Gold Chip..............................46Ch. Stolannes Starbeam Charisma.............................53Stolannes Texas Tumbleweed....................................52Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor...................................50Ch. Stylestepper Mark of Oakridge.............................46Ch. Sungolds Solo.....................................................BCSun Rays Gold Strike............................................45,66Teakwoods How Bout Hoover.....................................7Ch. Tim Sues Sunlight...............................................22Ch. Watts-Scotia Willie Winks.................................IBCCh. Weehearts Glen Iris Talisman.............................6372 JulyAugust 1991 Pomeranian SiH'SQSMWere Wild About WilliewAm. Ch. Watts-Scotia Willie WinksWe welcome this exciting young dog to our home and breeding program.Our sincere gratitude to his breeder, Dolores Watts, for entrusting him to us."Willie"is already making a "WILD" impact on the Canadian show scene - details laterWillie is at stud to approved ladies, stud fee 200.Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order Postscript Aftrnoon Delight Am. Ch. Moe-Best Repeat SinsationCh. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order Ch. Moe-Best Constant Attention Pomesto Cassandra Tonos May Morning Ali Echo Ch. Zodiacs Cavalier CommanderCh. Cavys Sensational Conquest Am. Ch. Scotia Commanders Rockette Ch. Sungolds Boston Blaxie Ch. Scotias Boston's Dee Dee Alexis Ch. Sungolds Dee DeeProudly Owned ByPomsprings, Reg. Mrs. Elizabeth DupuisTOMSPtfliyGSPO Box 328Alexandria, Ontario KOC 1 AO 613 347-2275s "SOLO"One in a million A'VI4r^ Sa J S _BISS Ch. Sungolds SoloPuppies available by Solo...Stud fee on request...Other champions at stud..STAC DUST POMERANIANSBreeding for the stars of tomorrow Gail Jeub9100-61st Ave, Circle North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428it