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The Pomeranian Review September 1991

AmericanPomeranian^lub, IncVT PomeranianE 1 w a S MPublished B nwn m Puppy HopefulsSummer Specialty SeptemberOctober 1991r'jij i niaBEST OF BREEDLAWRENCEV1LLE 0BOOTH PHOTO-BY LENNAHlift7 m.MM5vs4 .AS--'0c^5Ch. Desirees Smokey Mt. PrinceSrSyp"4^V-,Yellow Roses Smokey Mt. DesareeYellow Roses Smokey Mt. Desaree a cream sable, shown here taking her first major in Conroe, Texas this spring. Desaree recently had her first litter of pups out of her grandsire, Desiree's Smokey Mt. Boy. We have two black tan females and a cream sable male.Watch for Yellow Roses Midas Touch, a Prince son, who will be in the show ring this fall.We currently have 2 male pups for sale, sired by Ch. Desirees Smokey Mt. Prince out of a Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond granddaughter. Both pups are orange sable. One is extremely cobby.Yellow Rose Pomeranians Annette Lynn Heise 923 Rachelle k Red Oak k Texas k 75154COVER STORY500. iEKI QR3S GQS1S Q MLet me introduce myself My formal name is Ch. Golden Aires Here I am, but my friends call me AIMEE. My "human dad" gave me my registered name because of my attitude and personality. Need I say moreI am shown on the cover receiving my first points going WB, BOW, BOB from the puppy class over Specials. My best friend Michelle Miller my agent presented me to perfection and kept me in the best condition. I won 2 points, and two five point majors as a puppy for twelve points. I had to stay home a few months to acquire a new coat. Ireentered the ring in June to acquire my last three points.My sire is Ch. Twin Pines Tico Tico and my dam is De Artas Dancing Marketta. I am proud to say I am the fifth champion for my dad and the second for my mom. They are proud tooIn the future, I will be bred to my 12 brother Golden Aires Moonwalker. My "human mom" gets stars in her eyes when she talks about this.Best wishes to my 12 sister Golden Aires Satin Doll and Sandra Gillette, Anchorage, AK.Watch for more Golden Aires kids in the ring with Michelle.We have some exciting puppies coming along, inquiries welcome.BreederOwnerGolden Aires PomeraniansSharon Masnick HCR 65, Box 745 Huger, S.C. 29450803 928-3511AgentMichelle Miller Greer, S.C.COMMITTEE CHfilRMEMAPC DELEGATE Sam Zaneoff 10 Park Avenue New York NY 10016 APC REGISTRAR Jean Schroll 12950 S New Era Rd Oregon City OR 97045 AWARDS Judy Shearer 523 Miller Avenue Sugarcreek OH 44681 EDUCATION Sally Baugniet 411 S State Street Mishicot WI 54228 LOCAL CLUBS Dianne Johnson 2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore MD 21234 OBEDIENCE Linda Gallacher 1990 Ridge Way Drive Eugene OR 97401 PUBLIC RELATIONS - Lois Hamill 4 Domenic Drive Chelmsford MA 01824 SKIN DISEASE - Cheryl Jackson 1038 16th Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 APC ARCHIVES - Sharon Shipek 4803 3rd Ave S. Great Falls MT 59405 HEALTH - Dolly Trauner 2025 Lyon St San Francisco CA 94115 MEMBERSHIP - Jerrie Freia POB 2115 Morgan City LA 70361WAYS MEANS - Lisa Smart THE POM SHOPPE - Bess Roberts YEARBOOK - Paul G. LewisPomeranian SeptemberOctober 1991 1f3 II33ff3PresidentMary Vickers1st Vice PresidentAudrey o6erts2nd Vice PresidentDavid WattsRecording SecretarydCappetH A. JonesCorresponding Secretaryprances J. Stoll Rural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501TreasurerAd Williamson POB 4207Pineville, LA 71361-4207fl[[73Sally Baugniet Carol A. QalavichMargaret Mcee Jean B. Schroll Tony Tellez Cheryl WagnerEditorJailA. QarveyPublishing HouseXT XPEDITIOIVr PUBLISHINGPO Box A, 45 Pennwood Drive Mastic Beach, NY 11951-0501 Tel 516 399-3199 Fax 516 399-3182CirculationSubscriptions Brenda . MuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Tel 517 485-5183Back-Issues Margaret MdKee2426 Sandy Hook Rd Goochland, VA 23063 Tel 804 556-3380Pomeranian ISSN 0744-8546 is published bimonthyJanMarMayJulSepNov in Mastic Beach, NY by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright 1991 by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission. Subscriptions are 30.00 per year 3rd class mail 35.00 per year 1st Class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and APOs US funds only.Custom graphics and all graphic compilations 1991 Expedition Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. All material and manuscripts submitted for publication with the exception of photos and custom graphics become the property of the American Pomeranian Club, all rights reserved. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.featuresCover Story...........................................................1Ch. Golden Aires Here I AmE Committee Chairman........................... 16S Dedication to Edna............................... 3Ednas Last Writing For .................................. 4Review Subscriptions .......................... 23Membership Problems......................... 43ArticlesFor The Dog Lovers........................................ 16Pat McDonaldPomeranian the Standard.........................18Sally BaugnietPom Color Registration Process..................26Mary VickersShowing Pleasure or Nightmare .. 41David R. EdwardsHelpful Hints......................................................42Margaret McKeeObedience News................................................48Brenda K HuttonMemories Of A Pom Litter............................50Linda TereskoOn the Matter of Charges............................. 52Happeth Jones5lub KleusBay Colony Pom Club......................................22Claire FlesnerPom Club of Greater Des Moines ... 30Betty ShortHouston Pom Club.......................................... 32Olga BakerNatural State Pom Fanciers..........................32Brenda TurnerPom Club of Michigan.....................................34Evelyn ConleySooner Pom ClubOklahoma.......................36Olga BakerColumnsTails To Tell......................................................... 6from the EditorUpdates..................................................................8from the PresidentRecording Secretarys Report......................12AKC Delegate Report....................................... 20Classifieds .......................................................... 37Behind The New Titlists.................................. 40Pom Review Repair Shop................................43Yips Yaps........................................................ 55Advertisers Index..............................................56Pomeranian Index............................................562 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian BJHWDUMEdna E. Girardot"Scotia PomeraniansApril 5,1905 - May 13.1991rv-'r.The dedicates the SeptemberOctober 1991 issue of the Pomeranian Review to the memories of Edna Girardot.Edna touched the lives of many, and was a true supporter of the American Pomeranian Club. Edna has served the American Pomeranian Club in many capacities throughout her 30 plus year involvement with Pomeranians, including [ President in the early 1960s.Scotia Pomeranians ancestry can be found in many pedigrees of fine Pomeranians throughout the breed.A 50 year plus veteran with show dogs, Edna last exhibited Ch. Scotia Shamrock Sue Ellen in the Veteran Bitch Class at the American Pomeranian Club National Specialty on February 9, 1991.For those that knew Edna, they will forever hold treasured memories of a wonderful person. For those that didnt, a truly wonderful opportunity has forever passed.Pomeranian SeptemberOctober 1991 3Her last writing for the Pomeranian RBWQIIMFor the July issue of the Pomeranian Review this article was submitted to Happeth Jones for the stories she gathered on breeders most embarrassing or frustrating moments with their stud dogs. It was held back to be included in this issue which is dedicated to Edna Girardot, and is sadly her last writing for the Pomeranian Review. Here is her letter printed just as she wrote it. Read on and enjoy the wit and charm of Edna...Hi I feel honored you should ask me for input for your article, what a clever idea. Im sure it will be interesting.I am not a good writer, now or ever, but I will give you some facts as best I can and you can be the ghostwriter. Im using this pad and not your form for at the age of 88 writing gets more difficult, so lined paper helps. If I go off the deep end and write too lengthy or rambling, just edit as you see fit. I have had so many embarrassing and amusing things happen in my life. I could write a book.1. Had a lock breeding once that lasted 2 12 hrs plus. It could have lasted longer had I not gotten a wash cloth filled with ice cubes and applied to region of tie. Being alone this was difficult as male had turned became exhausted lying down and me trying to hold them to keep from strain. In desperation I finally got the male turned and up on back of female. Scooped them up in arms got to kitchen to get ice cubes and in 15 minutes broke the tie. My fingers were nearly frost bitten and my arm numb. To be sure I did not turn female on back for ten minutesas was my usual procedure, nor did I repeat breeding the second time as I usually did. Outcome 5 nice pups unusual and really frustrating experience.2. A client came to fulfill a breeding appointment. I sensed trouble immediately as she was sure Id hurt her "Darling." She was even reluctant for me to take her and questioned me as to what I had to do and could she hold her The usual uncertainty owners of no experience have. This was getting to an irritating stage for me. Apparently she had been coached by so called friends, breeders, or whatever, that owners of studs were not to be trusted. They should be checked on every move. I always let the owner view the breeding if they wished. When I moved to FL from NY state I purposely arranged the kennel so the breeding could be viewed from my kitchen window looking into the kennel. I bred on the enclosed end counter of the sink. The owner could watch without disturbing the dog. The husband had difficulty keeping the owner in the kitchen. After the tie I did not turn the male so I could take them inside in my arms. There are not words to describe the owners behavior. She was sure her "poor baby" was being killed. She couldnt understand why she couldnt take her from me even though I explained. She didnt think I had bred them, if so why did I hold them. I went to all ends to explain, even to have her feel the lock. She wanted to see and because she saw nothing she didnt think I had bred them, that I was pretending. The tie lasted 40 minutes. I instructed her to return in two days for a secondbreeding. "No way" she said and a lot more and out she went. I had 9 weeks of phone calls and finally driving 20 miles to whelp 4 healthy fat pups. Never heard from her from that night to this. Guess this is part of the game.3. Another client stuck it out for 50 minutes while I held a bred bitch. She was nearly in a state of shock, not from anxiety over the bitch but for need of a cigarette. She was a chain smoker. Thank God I dont smoke.I have written this in a rough fashion as I am no writer. Edit as you wish if you can use any of it.Congratulations on your position as Rec. Secty of APC. Good luck, if I can help just whistle.Sincerely,Edna Girardot.PS All of a sudden I am becoming popular. Doug Roach has asked for data for his history of the breed. A regional club wants articles on brood bitches.Guess my breeding of over 150 Champions from 1961-85, having top stud and brood still of all time records I hold. My 88 yrs. makes me ancient and able to give information of long time past.Editor Note A sampling of interesting letters from Edna can be found in other recent issues of the Pomeranian Review Jan91 pg48 49-50 Jul90 pg70-71 82 Jan90 pg90-91 Oct89 pg97-98 Oct88 pg344 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian \5Q\i5In Loving MemoryofEdna GirardotmacvA treasured friend and member of the Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club. Edna lives on in the hearts of Pom Fanciers everywhere.HEAVEN KNOWSHeaven knows how much you meant to us and others, Especially those who loved you as much as a Mother.You entrusted us with our first show Pom,She entered our hearts and filled them with song.Our Punkin is gone Now, too, her first Mom.You gave us your friendship and loyalty, you made us feel as though we were family.Well miss you dear Edna - your smiling bright face, Well pay tribute to you during each and every grace.Our only wish is to see you again,Heaven knows, if and when.- Elizabeth Dupuis May 91fJn Jlouiny ^Alsnzozy of ScLna . ^itaxcLotOne of the brightest stars of the Pom World passed away May 13, 1991. While she was in her mid 80s, she was always young at heart. A treasured friend has gone, but she wont soon be forgotten.Virginia Bernard Niehouse So-Hi Pomeranians 1928-46th Ave. S.W.Seattle, WA 98116Pomeranian USWQBW SeptemberOctober 1991 5TAILS TO TELL By Gqil fi. GarveyThere are some things that just cant be changed in life. No matter how much you want to take mistakes back, you just cant do it. The last issue for example, what griefCould you explain that to me just one more timeEven though we knew we were going to be late by at least 2-3 weeks on the mailing, we were clever enough to anticipate the delay, and offer an extended deadline to the advertisers. What we didnt anticipate was the magazine taking an additional five days longer at our printing and binding contractor. Combine that with the 4th of July taking an extra two days away from the production schedule and our extended deadline became null and void for those that wouldnt find out about it until they received their issue after July 15. We couldnt extend beyond that deadline.Fortunately many of our advertisers sensed something was wrong when they didnt have their Review by the end of June and called inquiring about the magazine and deadlines. For all those that called and there were plenty of calls they found out that they did not have to scramble to get us material in a day or two, they had two additional weeks to get material in for this issue. We extended this deadline to July 15 without penalty to the APC. Meaning that you should have received this issue before the end of August, and you are now frantically trying to put together material to meet the September 1 deadline for the NovemberDecember issue.If you dont know of anybody that has received their Review by the 1st day of the month November 1 for the NovemberDecember issue, then you can bet were having some kind of problem getting the issue out the door. You can also bet that if its OUR fault our electronic publishing or our printing contractor that we will do everything possible to extend deadlines without penalty to the APC. This JulyAugust issue was the first issue we were supposed to be back on standard mailing deadlines. We missed big time. Hopefully its the last time, but if it ever does happen again, at least now you know how to read whats going on, even if you havent received your issue.I'd like to buy a vowel pleaseTwo major problems we are having is hand written material, and facsimile machine transmissions fax. We are having horrible luck with FAXS sent through the computer service CompuServe. Were loosing letters andwords down the right hand column of the page, and numerous noise problems that result in garbage characters, missing words, and sometimes sentences, paragraphs, etc. Please do not use this service to send us material.Weve also received some faxs from computer based fax machines with many of the same problems.In both cases the formatting of what comes across is horrid as well. Five to ten lines of text, and then a page feed. We are wasting considerable amounts of thermal paper on bad transmissions from both these sources. If you have to fax us something, please use any legitimate dedicated fax machine. First try your local US Post Office, then try any small local print shop in your area. Were more apt to print what you intended the first time without having to call and have a fax resent, and then another follow-up call to find out what the fax was really supposed to say.Hand written material is no longer accepted. Hand printing is fine, but anything sent in script will be returned. Were playing "Wheel of Fortune" far too often with material that is submitted in script. Its far worse when you cant "buy a vowel."Paste-up is for the birds...Something that is totally new in the Review since weve been publishing it, and something most readers may not even know, is that most of the graphic borders in the advertisements are custom. Theyre not something you merely clip out of a book and paste down, and theyre not even something that youd find on a computer clip art disk. My husband, Leo, designs most of the borders used in the magazine. While even he would tell you they are nothing to marvel at, its still nice to know that the Pomeranian Review has some one of a kind borders that you wont find anywhere else at least for a while. To see an example of what has been done, take out the last issue of the Pomeranian Review and look at the borders on pages 7,9, 19,21 including spotlight, 23,41,43,52 53, 60 61, 62 63, 66, and the back cover. In particular the borders on pages 7,21, and 23 were all done from rough sketches or bad photo copies submitted by advertisers and completely re-created here.While he doesnt have the time for and nor do we get paid for designing a custom border for any page, he likes to give me something that gives us an edge every month. If there is something in particular you like, or would like something along the lines of in your advertisements, send them in. If he has the time, you may be surprised and get your wish...6 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian.The American Pomeranian ^lub iisTm5IKwith the Pomeranian O^BWQSMYouve been waiting a long time, and now its finally happened No more screwy deadlines, weve got a schedule to keep The trains been rebuilt, and now were rolling down the tracks. Whats the end result, the bottom lineoQ.For the advertiser Thelargest circulation and readership of any Pomeranian specific publication Add to that, free distribution to qualified AKC Pomeranian Judges. Now you know that your advertisement will be seen by more people interested in Pomeranians than anywhere else. The Pomeranian Index No matter who owns or shows your dog, when they advertise orwin, readers will quickly locate your dogs photo. Combine all of this with the LOWEST advertising rates per square inch in the business, and you have to wonder why anyone would advertise anywhere elseFor the reader Youve got it all Local club reports from all around the country, complete with photos of winners Specialty reports, Chairman Reports, Obedience News, Kennel Visits, Behind the New Titlists, special articles and stories, plus the only source for all the latest American Pomeranian Club news and happenings. The largest number of photospage ratio of any other Pomeranian specific. When youre through reading, theres plenty to look at No wonder more people like Lee Neubauer look forward to receiving their Pomeranian Review more than any other single piece of mailPomeranian SeptemberOctober 1991 7UPDATES from theBy Mary VickerspresidentYou cant please all of the people all of the time. You cant please some of the people most of the time. You cant even please one person 100 of the time.These are tenets that I grew up with, that have not changed throughout the years. Right now as President of the APC, they are as close to me as the glasses on my face. Sometimes I think they are written across my glass frames.Perhaps I am seeing things "my" way, so Ill toss this question out to you. Why arent Specialties special In particular, why isnt our Annual New York Specialty specialMaybe you think it is. Maybe Im wrong to think that it could be better. Basically it was a hotly debated subject when the board met in Oklahoma at the Summer Specialty.We had just come from our NY Specialty and we were sitting in Oklahoma debating what to do about next February. We had written correspondence from attendees there, who pointed out that it was primarily "just another dog show" and not a pleasant one. For many reasons, they pointed out to us, it was not "special."Here we sit in Oklahoma at a Specialty FOR the APC, hosted by the Sooner Pom Club of Oklahoma City who cannot even give their own AKC show yet, and the comparison is as different as night and day.Do I dare say that Pom people who came to Oklahoma were catered to Yes, they were They had a fantastic timeThe hospitality that began Thursday evening was a melting pot of new and old friends. For someone like me who did not know these people, it was a chance to meet many new people and put faces on "names," that I have only seen in the AKC Awards books. Even Sallys "judges symposium" was open to the breeder, exhibitor, Pom lover, and not just to judges as in the case in NY. Both the hospitality and the judges seminar were educational for the fancier.The show itself was in a spacious and nearly new community center. They even had a welcoming sign on the outdoor marquee. There were spectators e.g. the general public who came. One comment I repeatedly kept hearing was "this is so different then NY this past year." There were grooming areas, concessions, and TIME You could walk up to someone and have a conversation with them. You could sit and learn about the breed......about Pom people. If hungry or thirsty, food and8 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeraniandrink were right there, at reasonable and normal prices despite a captured audience.Trophies. Why is it that the Summer Specialty trophies are always wanted, even possessively guarded, while the NY trophies are left behind for the hotel staff Yes folks, it has happened on more than one occasion. They were not left behind in OklahomaSooner Pom people provided us with a catered Native American dinner. We witnessed a colorful explosion of multi-talented American Indians in full costume, doing dances for which they have received world-wide awards.Not to let the Specialty stop when the day was over, the following day held great promise. The Sooner Pom Club rented the entire penthouse restaurant at Remington Park, a quarter horse racetrack. A full day buffet was served. A race was named in honor of the American Pomeranian ClubO.K., I bet you are saying "this club must really be rolling in money." Wrong. They have less than the APC has and you know how bad the treasury balance is with us.They do have fantastic, willing workers, who think and plan. They have a tremendous leader in Ray Hudson, who organized and kept pushing all to do their best. Brenda, his wife, you could never pin down. She was always rolling with the punches. Pam Gault - always smiling while dispensing food, coffee, and sodas. Judy Orr - never sat down until the "grab bags" were auctioned and then had to keep getting up to collect her "wins." Virginia Dimick -1 swear this lady has 6 arms. She kept stating she wasnt organized as she slapped prices on items, bagged goods for the Country store groomed her dogs. Linda Gustafson - organized the largest and most decorative trophy table I have ever seen in my life. These are just a few of the people that made a tremendous effort to have a really special Specialty show. My hat goes off to youWas Baltimore in 90 or Sooner in 91 a one time experience No. Summer Specialties just seem better than our Annual. I have it on good authority that Brush Prairie 1992 on the Washington-Oregon border will be an experience....especially for those with puppies or the obedience enthusiasts, see ad page 49.As for our Annual Specialty in New York this year, well folks, we are working on it. Help is always needed, so if you can volunteer or help out in any way let us know. If you cant come, Ill be blunt, send money. Your donation to the trophy fund, your support by a catalog ad, buying a marked catalog or even the video, help not only you, but the APC. How does donating to the trophy fund or a catalog ad help you It puts your name up there. It puts your name up in "lights."BrynRose PomeraniansP.O. Box 7676 r Texarkana. Texas 75503 214 832-7742\PresentsCh. Jamels Texas Kane of SharelOwned byS. W. Brenda TurnervV- V'Ticket No 0000 5.00WIN 2 ROUND TRIP AIRLINE TICKETStoMEW TOMSK DWWifor WESTMINSTER WEEKEND FEB. 1992 Sponsored byThe American Pomeranian lubDrawing to be heldAt the Little Rock Arkansas Fall ShowDo you have your tickets Well, what are you waiting forTickets can be ordered fromA1 Williamson PO Box 4207 Pinevihe, LA 71361-4207Pomeranian SJIIWOSM SeptemberOctober 1991 9If I have a chance there should be an article in this issue about the Feb. Specialty. Right now I want to mention another Specialty show.New York may have "Empire," but California has the "Golden West Toy Specialties" dedicated to the toy breeds in Southern California. Again, another contrast.Daniel Ontiveros, who is a vital representative of Pom toy people, and his wife Margaret, invited and hosted my stay there in late June. They have reasons to be proud. Their hard work along with Mitchell Wooten, who is President of Golden West, has paid off handsomely, and not necessarily in money.Although it is an outdoor show, they come completely equipped for blazing temperatures or pouring rain. This year the weather was delightful for both this event as well as the San Diego Pom Clubs Specialty, which will be moving up the coast for its yearly event.As far as the show itself, I am still so mind boggled by it, that I really cant speak or write. Perhaps I could sum it up by saying that the Pekes were in the ring next to us, yet I really didnt know they were there. Each club is an entity unto itself. It works like the principles behind Empire, but not the crowded confusion.Not only did the crazy Californians from the SanDiego Pom Club bubble over with unique graciousness, but also those representing the City of Angels Pom Club. The City of Angels Pom Club is still having a problem becoming an AKC club. One of the problems, if you can believe this, is that there are so few Pomeranians in the LA area. What few members they have are hard workers. I just saw them in action. Not only did they have many helping hands for Golden West, but they were equally involved with the Beverly Hills show that they supported the following day.Anyone who goes to any of these events will have a fantastic time, because of efforts put forth by people like these. You never go away hungry. You always go away with a happy smile on your face. I only have one negative thing to say - no obedience classes for Poms were held. Although that may have been a god send, as Beverly Hills had trees in their rings.It is not necessarily what is wrong with New York, it is more like how can it be better. How can YOU help make it bettermm tmb b mmmby Pat McDonaldNo dog shows in your area right now Do you like mysteries Do you like dogs Dog peopleSusan Conant has written a series of what is being termed "dog lover mystery" paperback books. Her first "A NEW LEASH ON DEATH" revolves around a murder at an obedience training class. Dont let the obedience put you off. Ms constant thoroughly explains dog terms to those who may not know them. "DEAD AND DOGGONE," the second in the series, caters a bit more to the conformation ring. One question that kept nagging at me was do breed people really spend 250.00 for a pair of grooming shears Other than that its pure mystery within a dog show setting.Third in the series is "A BITE OF DEATH." This one is more psychological definitely a mystery and more fun reading for those who do not need an explanation of show terminology.Being released in August is "PAWS BEFORE DYING." If it is as good as the others, make sure you read it.The entire series is in paperback. These books can be found in your local dog store under mysteries.10 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian SIBWISc0Ar-d30CfO^CfO^CfOUBee's Pomeranians Proudly presents our first champion wi i I OjpCh. Desirees Echo Brooke RustyCh. Models Timstoppers Echo x Desirees Rippling BrookeRusty finished in 4 weeks, taking BOB 3 times, and a Group II. The following week as a special he went 0 \P Group I at Kingsport KC.Our thanks to all the judges who put Rusty up. Also to handler Wade Bums for a job well done.Special thanks to Desaree Sandifer our good friends Patty Griffin, Ken Griffith, Dot Ed Martin for all jmL their help and encouragement. QMQAnnouncing 2 litters 1 f. by Ch. Merrymont SatRday Nite Fever x Ar-Bees Sweet Mona Lisa. 2 m., 1 f. by Ch. Merrymont Lil Red Bearon x RBs Sweet Sassy Brandy.OwnerAr-Bees Pomeranians Rodger Beaty 1293 Rockwood Rd. Charlotte, N.C. 28215BreederDesaree SandiferiX7 doPuppies occasionally Stud service 200.00doocsoPomeranian SWD S\H7 SeptemberOctober 1991 11Midwest City, OklahomaRecording Secretary ReportBy Hoppeth ft. JonesMay AgendaNew businessJean Schroll asked to reconsider the vote on motion 91-3-29 regarding giving the Pom Review to all judges. She did not make a motion to this effect. Margaret McKee also wishes that resolution 91-3-29 be reconsidered. She states that a member who voted with the prevailing side can make a motion to reconsider. Sally Baugniet and Tony Tellez also have sent in comments regarding this issue.Sally Baugniet questioned the lack of information on the spending of monies for the N.Y Specialty.Happeth Jones also questioned the fact that this board for four months has not been able to get information on the Specialty expenditures.It was pointed out that the club needs to keep duplicate records of its finances. When it took this board so long to get the financial records from the former Treasurer we were able to budget and plan the clubs business because the membership Secretary had kept some records of her own.Beverly Poplar was removed as Membership Chairman.Happeth Jones moved that we appoint Jerrie Freia as Membership Secretary.The charges filed by one member against another have been signed by the plaintiff, therefore the issue of whether to entertain jurisdiction now comes up for voting.All new motions without seconds were brought to the Board meeting in Oklahoma for voting.Old BusinessHappeth Jones made a motion, in the April Agenda, that the APC Board temporarily suspend giving bonuss to the Board or Officers of APC until such time the APC is recovered financially and to reevaluate before reinstating. This motion has now been seconded by Tony Tellez.Jean Schroll moved that we discontinue all bonuss to any officers of the APC. Seconded by Happeth Jones.Tony Tellez moved that the APC keep the key chains and address books and sell them at a reduced rate. Seconded by Happeth Jones.Margaret McKee moved that we give a half page ad in payment for use of copyrighted materials. Seconded by Tony Tellez.Motions with seconds mailed out for voting.BOARD MEETING MINUTESMay 25, 199112 SeptemberOctober 1991 PomeranianSJSWO\27The meeting was called to order at 800 pm in Midwest City, Oklahoma. In attendance were Mary Vickers, Audrey Roberts, Happeth Jones, Frances Stoll, A1 Williamson, Sally Baugniet, and Tony Tellez. A brief synopsis of the May agenda was read.Corresponding Secretarys ReportFrancis Stoll reported that she has signed approval for the following clubs to hold their SpecialtiesNorthern California Pomeranian Club - March 7,1992Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston - March 13,1992Dallas-Ft Worth Pomeranian Club - March 20,1992Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore in conjunction with Carroll Kennel Club - Mon., October 14,1991.Audrey Roberts moved to accept. Motion carried.Treasurers ReportAt the time A1 left home for this meeting we had approximately 7000.00 in the APC checking account... this looks better than it is, because some of our loans become due in August. Counting the loans we are still running at a 4000.00 deficit. There is concern whether the income will be enough to cover all of what is due.Mary Vickers moved to accept. Motion carried.COMMITTEE REPORTSMembership - The Corresponding Secretary has been asked to send a letter to Bev Poplar to ask her to turn over the files, applications, and checks to Jerrie Freia. She is to be notified that the board is very much aware of people who have sent in their applications and we do not have their checks. The new application form is almost finished.Ways Means - Letters have been sent to dog food companies to try to get ads for the Review. Mary Vickers asked for more ideas on how we can make money.The Pom Shoppe cant make money until we get money to buy products to sell. Sally Baugniet suggested we contact members who are artists. If club artists would each send in a drawing of a Pom they could be used for Xmas, Grooming and Sympathy cards.An art auction will be held at the New York Specialty. Sally suggested we ask the local clubs to donate items for our auction.Old businessThe voting results from the May agendaTo suspend giving bonuss to board. Adopted.To discontinue bonuss to board. Defeated.Motion to sell key chains at a reduced rate. Adopted. Motion to give a half page free ad for use of logo. Adopted.Starfires PomsROCV^mwn.i\6BEST OF BREED or VARIETYGREATER NAPLES DOG CLUB MAY 1991photo by 0iatat.Starfires Sky Rocket"Rocket" is pictured here at 9 months of age. He is now 10 months old and has taken 6 Best of Breeds and 5 group placements.OwnerTony Cabrera 275 SW 72nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33144 305 266-7471Pomeranian Sep temberOctober 1991 13Erika MoreauThe following motions from the May agenda received seconds and were voted on at the board meeting in Oklahoma.Happeth Jones moved that all club members who are charged with receiving club money must keep a record of all money they receive, and when they send the money to the treasurer they must make a copy of the record. This copy to be sent to one of the club secretaries to be designated who will keep said record on file.Motion adopted 7-0.Happeth Jones moved that all club members who are charged with spending club monies must keep a record of such spending. To give such record to the appropriate chairman or treasurer and to make a copy of such record to be sent to one of the club secretaries to be designated to keep on file.Motion adopted 7-0.Happeth Jones moved that is such files ever reveal spending of club monies on obviously non club, or non authorized items that the spender must repay such funds to the club.Motion adopted 6-1.Happeth Jones moved that all club members who upon submitting documentation that they are on disability or Social Security only be charged 15.00 for membership dues when the increase becomes effective.Motion adopted 6-1Happeth Jones moved to amend March resolution 91-3-29 so as to strike the language "that all judges be sent the Review" and substitute "that the Pom Review be sent to only those Pomeranian judges who respond in the affirmative to the questionnaire."Motion adopted 7-0Mary Vickers moved that motion 91-4-22 regarding the LaCajun Pomeranian Club as hosts of the 1994 Specialty be tabled until proper procedures have been followed.Motion to table adopted 7-0.Margaret McKee made a motion that all Review subscriptions begin with the March issue.Motion defeated 0-7Happeth Jones moved that we consider whether the actions alleged in the charges, if proven, constitute conduct prejudicial to the best interests to the club or breed.Motion adopted.It was decided to send a check for the price of a half page ad to Bay Colony. This check to be sent out now.Mary Vickers made a motion to confirm that the Financial Committee Report was accepted and voted on by the board of directors in July 1990 and has been in effect.Motion adopted 7-0.The following were accepted for membershipNew members SponsorsNina James Berry Sue Goddard14 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian SJW07201 Larry Street Iowa, LA 70647 318582-6690Lois Holmes Charlotte Creed14319 West A.J. Rouyea Road Jerrie Freia Gonzales, LA 70737 504 622-3560Judy R. ONeil Mildred Reese7670 Hwy 2 Opal DumlerCommerce City, CO 80022Peggy Roberts Dan Mercer1650 Phelps Ave Janice LuginslandFremont, NE 68025 402 721-8758Roberta Kerr Jacqueline Klein346 Tremaine Ave Joyce UrbanKenmore, NY 14217-2536 716 877-5886New businessThe position of Membership Secretary is being changed to a Membership Committee. We do not have the money for new Rosters or new membership cards. The membership Chairman Jerrie Freia will have to type out a constitution and bylaws for the new people coming in.Hawaii needs parent club permission for their local Specialty. They havent given a date yet. Fran will drop a postcard to Michael Thorstad for the date and the particulars.Jean Schroll moved that the APC pay only for dinners for the judges used.Mary Vickers said she sees no reason why the President has to have their dinner paid for as they are not doing anything. Happeth Jones, Sally Baugniet and Mary Vickers all made amendments.The amended motion reads - that the APC pays only for dinners for the judges used, their spouses and the Show Chairman.Amended motion adopted 7-0.Happeth Jones stated that we need to increase the ad charges for the rest of the pages in the Pom Review. We have increased the full page ads to 75.00. To break even we would have to charge 120.00 for a full page ad. It takes four full page ads to pay for one page of type.Happeth Jones moved that we increase the ad charges of members for a half page ad to 45.00. Motion adopted 7-0.Happeth Jones moved that we increase the ad charges of members for a quarter page ad to 30.00. Motion adopted 7-0.Happeth Jones moved that we charge 20.00 for the - Vid msumm viVv..\rsi2.InsBas3SP3^111UMmti777T7X12 5. C C3 52. RZtmXMlXW^SrSsiBiSV PROFTANSi2VSj ". ,'JHh MUX t.y BEST OF BREED OR VARIETYotssROANOKE KENNEL CLUBI raffrtyffflfnmfr 7xCh.Merrymont Spring Fever"April"Sire Ch. Merrymont Satrday Nite Fever ROM Dam Ch. Great Elms Karen of Lenette ROMBreederPatricia J. Griffin 2767 Calumet St. Winston-Salem, NC27106 919 724-7562Owner S. R. White Rt 2, Box 845 Rockville, VA 23146 919 749-3236Pomeranian \7DS\5SeptemberOctober 1991 15l10th business card size.Audrey Roberts moved that to amend this motion to include contract for 100.00 for the year. Amended motion adopted 7-0.Jean Schroll moved that APC go with the Empire Specialties at least one more year.There was discussion about how APC lost over 3,000.00 at the Empire Specialty Show. The board received numerous and very compelling letters from members stating how unhappy they were with the Empire Specialty Show. Motion defeated 0-7.Happeth Jones moved to go to the Marriott if nothing better is found. Motion adopted 7-0.Because of the high costs of the NY Specialty the board discussed the possibility of raising the entry fees. The board also discussed the possibility of making a constitutional amendment to hold the Specialty outside NY. This was discussion only and no actions or motions were made.Sally Baugniet moved that we call Fred Bassett and ask him if he could possibly help us out as Show Chairman. Motion adopted 7-0.After very careful consideration the members for the Committee on hearing the charges were chosen. The Parliamentarian advised the board on the legal and fairest ways to conduct the hearing.Margaret McKee moved that we amend the FinancialReport pg.3 item 1 to read for all events or projects with either income or expenses estimated to exceed 2000.00, the chairman MUST submit a budget to the board for approval prior to incurring any expense. Adopted 6-1.Margaret McKee moved that the chairman for such event will be responsible for collection of funds, transmittal of such funds to the treasurer, keeping of financial records, and making a full report after the event to the board. Adopted 7-0.Margaret McKee moved that no post dated checks may be issued. Motion adopted 7-0.Happeth Jones moved to amend the existing requirement 6 in the financial report to require the President and treasurers signatures. Adopted 7-0.Margaret McKees name will be published as Assistant Circulation Manager. Requests for back issues will go directly to her.The club will retain two issues each of the Pom Review for Archives.Mary Vickers moved to accept Sharon Shipek of Montana as Chairman of the Archives Committee. Adopted 7-0.Mary Vickers moved to accept Dolly Trauner as Health Committee Chairman. Adopted 7-0.Tony Tellez moved to adjournedMeeting adjourned 400 am 52691. Yl\KBEST OF BREED or VARIETY 9RIVERHEAD KENNEL CLUB 1991 KERNANHapians Little Yankee Boy"Casey" is shown going Best of Breed over Specials one a BISS winner for a 4pt major. The next day he took BOW. Casey only needs three single points to finish."Show quality male puppy available"OwnerHandlerBreederHappeth A. Jones 11 Johnston Ave Northport, NY 11757 516 757-505416 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian^^70Kneisler PomeraniansProudly Introduces..."Hot Bod"AND..."Scarlet"Allayns Miz ScarletThis very sound, typy bitch is Hot Bods litter sister. She also has been placing well in large puppy classes. She is very up headed quite stylish.BreederMary Allan Rt3, Box 531A Wagoner, OK 74467 918 485-3010OwnerHandlerMaria Kneisler 9151 S. Darlington Ave Tulsa, OK 74137 918 492-0520Nice quality young bitch for sale "We feed Science Diet"Allayns Feel The HeatCh. Allayns Sinnerman Toast x Great Elms Becky of LenetteHes Hot he knows it Hes been out placing well in large puppy classes. Look for him in the Fall. We feel by then he will be one Hot property. Hot Bod is co-owned by his breeder, Mary Allan.Pomeranian September October 1991 17Thg Pomerqniqn S the StandardBy Sally BquqnietA short time ago, I received a phone call from a Multi-group judge, who was fresh from a Pomeranian judging assignment the day before. She was very upset over the Poms that came into her ring obviously scissored, not just trimmed. She said many of these Poms were good Poms that did not need to be scissored. She couldnt figure out what on earth prompted these exhibitors to that extreme point, when the standard is very specific on this.To refresh your memory, the Pomeranian standard allows trimming for neatness around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint "Trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is also permitted. Overtrimming beyond the location and amount described in the breed standard should be heavily penalized."Very few of us are purists. She and I both agree that using a thinning shear on a few stragglies is possible, but using a regular sculpturing scissor to shape the Pom in the same manner that a Poodle is scissored is not only contrary to the Pom standard, but very unnecessary.Let us think about some breeds, other than the Pom. The Poodle standard gives you various acceptable clips that are allowed in the show ring. If a Poodle comes into the ring with a clip other than that specified in the standard, it "shall be disqualified." What if the Maltese, ShihTzu or Yorkie were shown in a cut-off or clipped coat Would they place or be put up.... or would they be excused for altering the natural appearance of the dog What if a Pekingese would be shown with a scissored coat or with the coat on front or hind quarters cut off so judges could see the "well up on feet." etc.I have posed some "what ifs," to hopefully get you, as exhibitors or judges, to think about the things that are done to the Pomeranian, contrary to the standard. How would you act or react to trimming some other breeds which say nothing in their standard about it Wouldnt it change th look of those other breeds Dont you think extreme overtrimming is changing the look of the Pomeranian Isnt this altering the natural appearance of the Pomeranian, contrary to that which is stated in the standard What are you going to do about it Ignore it, and do what you dam well please, no matter what the standard statesOur new Pomeranian standard format has just been approved by A.K.C. the original purpose of the Standardization Committee, as told to me three years ago, was to organize the standard into the format A.K.C. required and then find any discrepancies and change, modify or clarify the standard accordingly. For almost two years, my committee and I worked on these changes or18 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian RBWOSMmodifications. Just when we were to the point of - "Shall we word it this way - or shall we word it that way," the board said, "We arent going to change it at all." Two A.P.C. Boards ago.It was a struggle to convince them to at least put it into the new format which was required by A.K.C. This we did, without changing anything. I thought they would have seen how ridiculous it read without some change in wording and how much was missing in our standard compared to the outlined format that A.K.C. wanted.Instead, the board sent it to the membership to o.k. without any changes. It then went to A.K.C. for approval. We now have to wait for five years before any changes can be made. That is what I call - up the creek without a paddle. Now you know the "rest of the story."I would like those of you, who have a problem with any portion of the standard to rewrite the portion, exactly the way you would like to see it appear in the standard. Submit it to me and I will keep it on file until we can follow through, re-think those portions and in four years submit any possible changes to the membership. We would then be ready to submit the members approved changes to the A.K.C. in five years.The standard that was published in the May 1991 Pomeranian Review, really included the "Interpretation and Elaboration of the Pomeranian standard," which was approved by the last board in February 1990. A word to the wise This is what the new judges are learning and being tested on. If you choose to ignore it, dont complain. You will have to suffer the consequences.Thought for the month.... A habit is something you never know you had until you tried to quit it.BIG IMPACT LOW PRICEThe Pomeranian Review now offers BUSINESS CARD advertisement spaces at more than affordable prices.Just 20.00issue or, you can run your business card for an entire year for just 100.00. Certainly a worthwhile, effortless way to keep you and your kennel name in front of readers all year long Business card ads will have a page of their own shortly.Anna Liselli Long Island, New York516 281-8246 Wie^e Qttaity i a- AN-JOPOMERANIANSCh. Bayou View Teacher s Pet 4rrrXJJi illitLouisiana vK-MAY1991 0Ranes Photom"Bunny" is congratulated by her sire, Ch. Bayou View Front Runner, and her grand dam, Ch. Bayou View Sugar TV Spice and our many other champions on her new title.Bunny was breederowner handled to a very fast championship in stiff southern competition.Thanks to the following judges for the wins and their nice comments Mrs. Wm. Lehnig, Joan Alexander, James Cava Haro pictured, Ken McDermott, Glenda Dawkins and Mrs. Geo. Wanner.f'"h , t\ i P.O. BOX 1943 MORGAN CITY, LA 70381 504 384-0486jBdyOllCVie\\^T^omefkniarjs JOHN LEWIS ADAM VERRETTPomeranian SJU'JTQS SeptemberOctober 1991 19fi.K.C. Delegate Reportby Sqm ZqneoffThe A.K.C. Delegates meeting took place Tuesday June 11th.It was reported that the A.K.C. will be sending letters to presidents of boards to appoint a representative from each breed club as "Public Education Coordinator," regarding the position which A.K.C. is taking toward the protection of "pure bred dogs" and to improve the attitude the public has relating to dogs.The A.K.C. plans to start a new system whereby anyone who breeds 10 or more litters in a year be inspected at least once every 3 years and possibly more often They are most concerned at pet over population.A new system will be set-up whereby one will be able to dial a 900 number as a "Referral Service." Details are being worked on.There will be a change in the Bred by Exhibitor class whereby one may show a dog in this class and yet not be owned by the breeder or members of their family.A copy of a proposed Amendment to the Constitution follows. And will be voted on at our next meeting in September.Proposed Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of the American Kennel Club presented to the DelegatesJune 11,1991Amendment to Article VII, Section 1Constitution - Section 1. The club shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of twelve 12 members, etc.Proposed - Section 1. AKC shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of twelve 12 members, all of whom must be Delegates, etc.Amendment to Article XI, Sections 1 and 2Constitution - Section 1. The Officers of the Club shall be a President, Chairman of the Board, an Executive Vice-President, one or more Vice-Presidents, an Executive Secretary, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors at a meeting which shall be held immediately following the annual meeting of the Club.The Chairman of the Board and Treasurer must be directors.The Executive Vice-President, the Vice-President, the Executive Secretary and the Secretary need not be directors.Vacancies in any one of the above offices may be filled for the unexpired term by the Directors by a majority vote of those present at any meeting.20 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian SISWOSThe Directors, by a majority vote of those present at any meeting, may determine, for such period or periods as they deem appropriate, that one or more of the above offices may remain vacant or that the same person may hold one or more of the above offices.Proposed - Section 1. The Officers of AKC shall be a President, Chairman of Board, an Executive Vice-President, one or more Vice-Presidents, an Executive Secretary, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors at a meeting which shall be held immediately following the annual meeting.The Chairman of the Board and Treasurer must be Directors. The President must be a Delegate.The President, Executive Vice-President, the Vice-Presidents, the Executive Secretary and the Secretary shall not be directors.Vacancies in any of the above offices may be filled for the unexpired term by the Directors by a majority vote of those present at any meeting.The Directors, by a majority vote of those present at any meeting, may determine, for such period or periods as they deem appropriate, that one or more of the above offices may remain vacant or that the same person may hold one or more of the above offices.PRESIDENTConstitution - Section 2. The President shall perform the usual duties of a chief executive officer, shall preside at all meetings of the Club and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors. All contracts on behalf of the Club shall be executed by him or by such other officer or officers as he may designate. In the absence or disability of the President, the Executive Vice-President, and in the absence or disability of both the President and Executive Vice-President, the Executive Secretary shall perform the duties of the President. The President shall devote his whole time to the affairs of the Club. The salary of the President shall be fixed by the Board of Directors.PRESIDENTProposed - Section 2. The President shall perform the usual duties of a chief executive officer, shall preside at all meetings of the Club and shall perform such other duties, including attendance at Board meetings, as may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors. All contracts on behalf of the Club shall be executed by him or by such other officer or officers as he may designate. In the absence or disability of the President, the Executive Vice-President, and in the absence or disability of both the President and Executive Vice-President, the Executive Secretary shall perform the duties of the President. The President shall devote his whole time to the affairs of AKC. The salary of the President shall be fixed by the Board of Directors.-ftMNMNHNHHMHHHHHNHNHNHHHHHNNHNHHMHHNNHNMHHHHHHHHStolanne Pomeraniansr\vTui f i'-- m1mmiazi-WfykrJ h'fJ-r-lKVflatterwasBEST OF DINNERS 1TAMPA BAY 1kennel clubj^JANUAFW___j1S2TMeyer Photo Byi RICKVS1 Ch. Stolannes Spritz N Spice ItCh. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Dias Ballerina BearSpritz adds another page to his sire, Tftors book of Champion get. He began his show career as a 10 month old puppy on the tough Florida circuit, winning his first major and completed his title points with a 5 point major at Shawnee, Oklahoma. He captured two BOBs from the bred-by exhibitor class, one being a win over an entry of 46 with 5 specials, including two BIS SpecialsSpecial thanks to the judges who appreciated his movement and pizzaz - we believe a Specials career is in his future.Jan. 1991 Mr. Langdon L. Skarda Tampa Bay KC WD, BOW 3 ptsFeb.1991 Mrs. Keke Kahn Marion KC WD, BOW, BOB 2 ptsMar. 1991 Mrs. William L. Kendrick Evansville KC WD, BOW, BOB 5 ptsApr. 1991 Mr. Norman L. Patton Lake Shore KC WD 4 ptsMay 1991 Mr. Alvin E. Maurer Jr Muskogee KC WD, BOW 5 ptsHHHNNNmNMHMHNNHHNNHNNHHHNNHHHbgHNftFrances J. Stoll R.R. 3, Box 429 Washington IN 47501 812 254-3857PomeranianiJtJSyWBW SeptemberOctober 1991 21ftnNnBqy Colony Pomeranian Clubby Claire FtesngrSorry to begin this article on a very sad note. Our long time member and friend, Edna Girardot died of a heart attack on May 13,1991. When she lived in New York she was a very active member and retained her membership after she moved to Florida, and then to Maryland. Many of the dogs bred here in New England carry her Scotia brand. We will miss her greatly with her cheery smile.On Saturday, May 11th 1991, we held another successful annual Specialty show in conjunction with the Springfield Kennel Club. Due to unexpected last minute commitments Dolores Watts was unable to judge our Sweepstakes, but Bay Colony Member, Donald Gill, consented to take her place at the last minute. We doubled our Sweepstakes entry in this our second year of having them. There were 13 entries, Jackie Klein judged our regular classes in her usual calm, cheery and efficient way. There were 31 entries with 2 absentees.Judges Critique Puppy Sweepstakes]udqe Donald M. GillI would like to thank the Bay Colony Pomeranian Club for giving me a second opportunity to judge the puppy sweepstakes at the annual Specialty show.I felt the entries were of good quality. I particularly liked the puppy dog placed as Best in Sweeps. He was a terrific moving dog, well balanced and very sound. The Best of Opposite puppy bitch was also sound and well balanced. Thank you for an enjoyable experience.Sweepstakes ClassesJudge, Donald M. GillPuppy Dogs 6-9 monte1st place - Libbys Sweet William Joan Rogenski2nd place - Whisper Ln Youve Said It All Beth Wainger Carol BaldwinPuppy Dogs 9-12 monte 1st place - Tomho Strutting Baby Cakes Tommi Hooban2nd place - Whispering Lane Promises Kept Mark Carol BaldwinPuppy Bitches 6-9 monte 1st place - Tangle wood Liza Jane Carol Aubut2nd place - Teakwoods How Bout Holly Laureen Ivey3rd place - Bobkat Heart of Gold Kathleen McCalskyPuppy Bitches 9-12 monte1st place - Tomho Mud WrestlerBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESTomho Strutting Baby CakesTommi Hooban2nd place - Whisper Ln An American Beauty Mark Carol Baldwin3rd place - Jan-Shar Starlight Express Gail DumoikPuppy Jr. Bitches 12-18 monte1st place - Tanglewoods Solid Gold Carol Aubut2nd place - Unicorns Golden Dream George W. Hand IIIBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESTomho Strutting Baby Cakes Tommi HoobanBEST OPPOSITE IN SWEEPSTanglewood Solid Gold Carol AubutBEST OF BREEDCh. Teakwoods How Bout HooverRegular ClassesJudge, Jacquelyn KleinPuppy Dogs 6-9 monte 1st place - Whisper Ln Youve Said It All Beth Wainger Carol BaldwinPuppy Dogs 9-12 monte 1st place - Tomho Strutting Baby Cakes Tommi Hooban2nd place - Briarhills Shot In The Dark Linda Hisert Joan DubucBred By Exhibitor1st pi ace - Whispering Lane Promises Kept Mark Carol Baldwin2nd place - Libbys Sweet William Joan RogenskiAmerican Bred1st place - Blakes Majestic Delite Too Kathleen McCalsky2nd place - Unicorns High Expectations Karen LeblancOpen, Red, Orange, Cream Sable 1st place - Jabils Naughty Nigel Jessie Barbara Young2nd place - Hells A Poppins Puppet Gloria Setmayer3rd place - Teakwoods Oliver Twist Karen Worth Laurie Ivey Open, any other allowed color 1st place - The Pines Teddy Bear Karen WorthWINNERS DOG 5 point major Whispering Lane Promises Kept Mark Carol BaldwinRESERVE WINNERS DOG Tomho Strutting Baby Cakes Tommi22 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian 513WOSMr4 u. i.if 9m x .Kingdoms Sinderella RomanceQueenaire Opening Night x Moonshadows Copper Penny, C.D.OwnerBreederHandlerRachel Capps 907 South Seventh Street Fresno, CA 93702 209 233-7818Pomeranian 5JBWQSW Subscriptions and Back IssuesSubscriptions For new subscriptions or renewals contact the circulation manager Brenda Hutton, R102 Tudor Lane, Lansing, MI 48906, 517 485-5183Brenda must get your check by the first of the month, 8 weeks prior to the date of your first issue. This is the same deadline as for advertising if you want your subscription to begin with the January issue, Brenda must have your check by Nov. 1st. If you want any earlier issues, they must be ordered as back issues from the assistant circulation manager. See below.Back issues Margaret McKee, 2426 Sandy HookRd., Goochland, VA 23063, 804 556-3380Prices Back Issues Still Available25.00 - Color Anniversary Issue Oct. 8820.00 each - Jan 75 Oct 77 May 79 Apr 80 8.00 each - Jul 77 Feb 80 Jul 81 Oct 83 Apr 86 Jan 90 6.00 each - Jul 80 Oct 80 Apr 82 Oct 82 Jan 83 Jul83Apr 84 Oct 84 Jan 85 Apr 85 Jul85 Oct 85Jan 86 Sept86 Nov 86 Jul87 Oct 87 Jan 88Jul 88 Jan89 Apr 89 Jul90 Oct 90 Jan 90Jan 91 Mar 91 May 91 Jul91 Sept91No other issues are availableMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.Pomeranian SJSWDSM SeptemberOctober 1991 23HoobanPuppy Bitches 6-9 months1st place - Tanglewood Liza Jane Carol Aubut2nd place - Teakwoods How Bout Holly Laureen Ivey3rd place - Bobkat Heart of Gold Kathleen McCalskyPuppy Bitches 9-12 months 1st place - Whisper Ln An American Beauty Mark Carol Baldwin 2nd place - Sweethills Rocky Pride Bunny Sweet3rd place - Jan-Shar Starlight Express Gail DumoikBEST OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKESTanglewood Solid Gold1st place - Tomho Mud Wrestler Tommi Hooban2nd place - Tanglewoods Solid Gold Carol Aubut3rd place - Unicorns Golden Dream George W. Hand IIIAmerican Bred1st place - Nolas Lil Miss Katrena Nola WilliamsOpen, Red, Orange, Gream Sable1st place - Smokeys Precious of Tiny Tykes Ina Rniffin2nd place - Unicorns Precious Jewel Shirley Dufresne George Hand IEWINNERS BITCHTomho Mud Wrestler Tommi HoobanRESERVE WINNERS BITCH Tanglewood Solid Gold Carol AubutVETERAN DOGCh. Scotia Quizmaster Billy Joe George Hand IEBEST OF BREED Group ID Ch. Teakwoods How Bout Hoover Laureen IveyBEST OPPOSITE SEX BIS Tomho Mud Wrestler Tommi Hoobanluck in the world.Three of our members have new championsLaurie Ivey - Ch. Teakwoods How Bout HooverGale Sharland - Ch. Pinehavens Just An IllusionTrudy Adair - Ch. Tiny Tykes Little HookerCongratulations to allAfter the judging we all gathered to enjoy our annual buffet banquet prepared by Gladys Dykstra and Sally Misuraca with the help of others. It was delicious as usual. Our annual meeting followed the banquet. The election of officers results were as followsPresident - Gladys Dykstra Vice President - Jessie Young Secretary - Alberta Mooney Treasurer - Howard Mooney Board of Directors - Claire Flesner, Amy McKay, Garrett ODell, Paula Payson, Joan Rogenski, Barbara YoungThe Merit Awards for those obtaining a championship or an obedience title on their dogs were presented toJacquelyn Klein - Ch. Silver Meadows Love Tico, Champion Trudy Adair - Emmys Gloria of Tiny Tykes, Companian Dog CDLaureen Ivey - Ch. Teakwoods Best Wishes, Champion Gladys Dykstra - Dykstras Cupid, CDXStobie Voltin - Ch. Bev-Nors Rhea-na Dallas, ChampionLife members who were presented with a special plaqueAmber Frank Burns Gladys Dykstra Carmen Ekman Ina KniffinCharles Amy McKay Sally Al Misuraca Jessie YoungAl and Sally Misuraca are leaving to live in Florida permanently. We shall miss them both a great deal. Both have been very special people and have been a great help to the club over the years. We wish them all theWe have many members out on the show circuit this summer, so we hope we can report many moreBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXTomho Mud Wrestlerchampions and obedience titlists in future editions.Our fall AKC sanctioned B-OB match will be held on Saturday, September 14th, at the home of Charles and Amy McKay in Foxboro, MA. We will be having a grooming demonstration before the match. For the second time we will be offering Jr. Showmanship Classes. We hope it will be as successful as our first one in the spring. If anyone is interested in getting directions to the match, please contact me at 38 Aldea St., Lowell, Mass. 01851Our newsletter artist from Grapeview, Washington, Mrs. Vilma Louie, visited me for eight days in May. She was able to attend her first Bay Colony Pomeranian Club Specialty and meeting. We have corresponded for almost 20 years and this was our first meeting. She is just as lovely as all her Pom drawings. I do hope it wifi not be 20 more years before our next meeting.Have you hugged your Pom today24 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranianm M toQICDa agaggg-o oCh. Mercers ExoticaCh. Bonners Kristin Staimist Ch. Bonners Co-Starlyn Newsmaker Ch. Bonners Starcrest Coquette Chesai News FlashAmCan Ch. Colliers Golden Beri Colliers Golden CharleneAmCan Ch. Maykens Sun Crickett Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Mercers Touch O DukeCh. Bonners Starcrest Minette Mercers Starlett TouchCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Mercers Dark StarTri-Dons Shadee LadeeCh. Mercers ExoticaaagagagagagagaggTo the many people that admired "Exotica" at the Summer Specialty in Oklahoma City and expressed a desire to breed to him, once again we are placing him in a location that will be suitable for you to ship to. He will be at stud with Gertrude Howell in Richardson, Texas. If you would like to see his beautiful wolf sable coloring we have a video of him that we would be happy to send you to view. He is passing his color on.Stud fee 200.00. Please contact us for details.To those that remember seeing our wolf sable bitch, Mercers Sassette at the Specialty.She told me when we got home that the reason she would not show was that she is "Expecting." Since she was exposed to Exotica ten days before the show and due to the fact that her tummy is rounding out, we are giving her the benefit of the doubt. Although she is still a stubborn brat, hense our reason for naming her "Sassette."Dan JoEllen Mercer Prarie Wind Farm PO Box 147 Big Springs, Neb 69122 308 889-3109Pomeranian 8WQ\2 SeptemberOctober 1991 25by Mqry Vickers, President, American Pomeranian QlubThere is a problem with the AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB regarding Pomeranians of certain colors becoming AKC registered. The AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB was made aware of this problem in mid-April. The APC has been working with the AKC to solve this problem since that time. It is possible that this problem occurred when the AKC moved their registration department to North Carolina. Exactly how or why it occurred is unknown.Pomeranians come in many colors. On the AKC Dog Registration Application, there is space for only 9 nine different colors. Breeds such as the Golden Retriever or the Rottweiler, use only a few of these color "boxes." Other breeds, including the Pomeranian, need many more.How is this handled by the AKCThe AKC works from 3 three color lists decided by the parent club. The first list is called "Standard Colors." This appears on the dogs registration application and is limited to those 9 "boxes" of pre-determined colors.As soon as they are accepted by the AKC computer, those colors for Pomeranians will beorange, red, cream, orange sable, black, chocolate, white, black tan and cream sable.As it occurs on the registration form, it is the easiest to use. One just has to check off the correct box showing the Poms color.The second list, although not well known, is the overflow list of other acceptable colors for that breed. It is known as the "Acceptable Color" list. For the Pomeranian it will soon include the following26 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeraniatred sable, blue sable, blue, beaver, and wolf sable.Many breeders already have a nodding acquaintance with this list. They know die color they are seeking is not listed and they write-in this acceptable color. This will continue.The third list, again not well known, is called "Markings Used In This Breed." Pomeranian breeders need to be well informed about this list. It includesblack mask, black points, blue points, brown points, white markings, tan markings, brown tips, blue tips, orange patches, red patches, cream patches, blue patches, black patches, brown patches, orange sable patches, red sable patches, cream sable patches and brindle.Although this list has been in existence since the Pom gained AKC recognition, many people are not aware of this list nor how to use it. This is both a check off list AND a write-in listLets say you have a chocolate and tan puppy - markings as if it were a black tan. Do you simply check off the chocolate box on the AKC Dog Registration Application Yes and no As it is a chocolate, you do check off "chocolate" on the registration application. However, you must also write in the words "with tan markings." This will tell the AKC that it should be registered as a "chocolate tan."The same holds true for a parti-colored Pomeranian. As the Pomeranian Standard describes the part-color as a white dog with any other color distributed in even patches, the above would be followed. "White" would be checked off on the dogs registration application and written in would be whatever color patches make up that Poms parti-color.When the APC Board made the decision to re-align these three lists in this way, particular attention was given not only to colors, but to those who study pedigrees for color breeding. For instance, the parti-colored Pom could have been made a "standard" or "acceptable" color by just calling it "parti-color." If this were done there would not have been any further elaboration of this Poms color. No one would have known if it were a white orange parti or a white black parti. By breaking down the color of the patches, a better picture of that particular Pom is given.As with any change this will require much education. The American Pomeranian Club will attempt to do this via the many Pomeranian magazines and newsletters available to the breed. However, with the high number of Pom litters that have been registered in the past years, this will only reach a small portion of those who read this article. In 1990 alone there were 26,585 Pomeranian Utters registered. The Pomeranian was 3rd out of 131 breeds. As far as individual Poms, there were 34,475. There are many Poms in this countiy alone.If you have a Pomeranian, who has been incorrectly registered because of this computer problem or whose adult coat does not match the registered color, change is possible. After the new APC changes go through the AKC computer system, you may request a change in your dogs color. Do this by sending the Poms AKC individual registration form to the AKC indicating the correct color on it and enclosing a check for 7.00 - payable to the AKC. The color will be corrected as you indicate, and a new individual registration form will be sent to you. fttceufi"Misery Loves Company" and she has plenty of it, at home with her sire, Ch. Bev-Nors Nuttin-To-It Statesman son and Dam, Bev-Nors Some Like It Hot Statesman daughter. Pictured here at 4 months, she posesses all the qualities I strive for. Watch for Lynnwrights Misery in the ring this fall.LYNNWRIGHTS POMSoDonna Lynn Wright 200-B Gateway Drive BelAir.Md., 21014 301 879-1459 oPomeranian SJSWQSM SeptemberOctober 1991 27American Pomeranian g,V llmvTvmmSn^jVWi1f4NK.f ',i---------- 1IY V Jj T ,\ ^uMumlji VSeptemberOctobier 1991 Pomeranian 0ffl7Specialty PhotosImrn i'1SXX'fxVs^.V1ibv ,rf f - iPomeranianSeptemberOctoberPomgrqniqn Club of Greater Pcs Moines, Inc.Specialty February 16,1991By Betty ]. ShortPuppy Sweepstakes Judge Mr. Arion DuitPoppy Dogs 6-9 months 1st place - Tiny Tots Dancing Bear Barbara Chance2nd place - Sysame Dylan Sue Schlienz Terri Davis3rd place - Rockys Smokey Joe Virginia Rockhold4th place - Pomacres Ragtime Jamboree Juanita FiddickPuppy Dogs 9-12 months 1st place - Starhavens RockN James Brown Janice Young2nd place - Pa Dude With An Attitude Pam LatonPuppy Bitches 6-9 months1st place - Jan Les Least We Forget Jane Lehtinen2nd place - De Artas Gold Gina M. Deane Rinehart Nina EppsPoppy Bitches 9-12 months 1st place - TOBE Sweet Princess of G.E. Tony B. Betty ShortRegular QassesJudge Miss Dorothy D. NicklesPuppy Dogs 6-9 months1st place - Sysame Dylan Sue Schlienz Terri Davis2nd place - Tiny Tots Dancing Bear Barbara Chance3rd place - Pomacres Ragtime Jamboree Juanita Fiddick4th place - Rockys Smokey Joe Viiginia RockholdPuppy Dogs 9-12 months 1st place - Starhavens Rock N James Brown Janice Young2nd place - Kindreds Jump Start My Heart Roxanne Chumbley3rd place - Pa Dude With An Attitude Pam LatonBired By Exhibitor Dogs 1st place - Sakas Short Novice Steve Kris Anderson2nd place - Jan Les Lasting Impression Jane Lehtinen Rose Hanson3rd place - Tradewinds Shy Boy Glenda Gary ShafferAmerican Bred Dogs 1st place - Finchs Raydeeo Dee Jay Diane Finch2nd place - Ken-Dalls J. Walker Red Deborah ORourkeOpen Dogs, Black, Brown . Bine 1st place - Dainti Bev-Nors Ebony Doreen FernandezOpen Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream Sable1st place - Debonnes Boxcar Willie Dewayne Ward2nd place - De Artas Gold Mist of Kenny M. Deane Rinehart Nina Epps3rd place - LLL Dazzlin Lights Headline Peggy Roberts4th place - Ks Country Little Joe Karen LudkeOpen Dogs, Any other allowed color1st place - Pom Acres Justin Tyme BJ Lola Jo StrangeWINNERS DOGStarhavens Rock N James Brown Janice YoungRESERVE WINNERS DOG Debonnes Boxcar Willie Dewayne WardPuppy Bitches 6-9 months1st place - De Artas Gold Gina M.Deane Rinehart Nina Epps 2nd place - Kindreds Nahnah Na Booboo Roxanne Bret Chumbley3rd place - Ks Country Little Too Bits Karen LudkePuppy Bitches 9-12 months 1st place - TOBE Sweet Princess of G.E. Tony B. Betty Short2nd place - Alden Miget Parti Dot-to-Dot Alden A. Janet DomraseBred by Exhibitor Bitches 1st place - Jan Les Least We Forget Jane Lehtinen2nd place - Pramadas Fuzzy Phenomenon Pamela PeatAmerican Bred Bitches 1st place - Karmuns Marday Ebony Lace Mary HouseholderOpen Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream Sable1st place - D-Nees Desert DLight Nadine Hersil2nd place - Pom Acres Sables Delight Pam Gene Laton3rd place - Pom Acres Tantalizing Tanya Juanita Fiddick4th place - Great Elms Bonnie of Lenette Thomas McCannWINNERS BITCH De Artas Gold Gina M. Deane Rinehart Nina EppsRESERVE WINNERS BITCH TOBE Sweet Princess of G.E. Tony B. Betty ShortBEST OF BREEDStarhavens Rock N James Brown Janice YoungBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX De Artas Gold Gina M. Deane Rinehart Nina EppsObedienceJudge Ms. Donna M. Larson Open B Class175 12 - Im A Candy Angel Doll U.D. Ken Kay LoweJudge Mr. Marcus Sessel Utility B Class176 - Im A Candy Angel Doll U.D. Ken Kay LoweHIGHEST IN TRIAL 176 - Im A Candy Angel Doll U.D. Ken Kay Lowe30 SeptemberOctober 1991 PomeranianTim Sue Pomeranians1 VARIETY GROUP FIRSTHUNTSVILLEkennel club SPRING 1991 C,"S-HAmCan Ch. Tim Sues High LightsMultiple BIS, BISS both U.S.A. and Canada. Pictured here with friend Joel Taylor, winning the Toy Group under Roy Ayers. While visiting, High also got two Group lls and sired two litters for Joel and Cheryl. High and Tim Sue send special congratulations to Joel and Cheryl on the birth of a future Jr. handler, CalebTim Sue PomeraniansTim and Sue Goddard Rt 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622Pomeranian SeptemberOctober 1991 31Houston Pomgrqniqn ClubBy Olqq M. BakerHi everyone again The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston has been without a POMERANIAN REVIEW column or columnist for quite a long long time now, so were back again to give a report of the Houston, Texas "doings" for hopefully every issueOur Club is blessed these days not only with some of our long-time sage members, but also with some new and vibrant and enthusiastic new Pomeranian people that are positive, excited, ambitious, ready-to-work, and the life-blood of any breed club.The Club has recently voted to plan and hold TWO Specialty shows this coming year 1992, sort of as a "test case" to see if indeed we have enough workers and spunk to actually conduct two Specialty shows each year. We had lots of Pros and Cons on this subject, both sensible and with meritPro - Breeders love and enjoy EVERY Specialty show they can attend, as they are very special, more fun than all breed shows, usually include a Sweepstakes for our puppies, and usually enjoy the advantage of having a breed judge when possible.Con - It is forever difficult to find enough actual workers to execute aSpecialty show each year_____________particularly tough to find workers in duplicate to do TWO shows annually Also, Show Chairman and Committee people say it is very difficult to advance right from one show directly into another, trying to meet deadlines, etc.So, you see It is truly a debatable issue, but Houston is going to try it and see how we fare. Incidentally, I understand fromdiscussing these ideas with other breed clubs that we are not unique. The precise same PROS and CONS outlined above are not ours alone.... every club goes through the same thing when they consider Specialty shows.Our Houston members also did an interesting thing. We purchased with Club funds a new tattoo machine that is to be available for use by every member for identification of all our individual dogs. Weve been researching to see the best methods for this identification, with a lot of input from experienced people. Do we use Registration numbers, dogs names, special code-numbers to tattoo on the little doggies We are learning. We do think, however, that this is an interesting approach for a breed club to take, providing to its membership one special benefit. Good idea, huh On this subject, wonder if all of you have been noting the numerous citations from the American Kennel Club to breeders for FAILURES TO KEEP PROPER RECORDS AND FAILURES TO HAVE THEIR DOGS PROPERLY IDENTIFIED Kind of scary, but most certainly a good approach from AKC. It is not only an effort to keep us all alert to the importance of good record keeping ourselves, but it is a positive step toward cracking down on the puppy mill and commercial operations.We have lots of winning Poms in our Houston group, with hopes for lots more for the future. Check ya later, everyone.The Natural State Pomeranian FanciersBy Brenda TamerThe first fun match hosted by the Natural State Pomeranian Fanciers, Inc., Benton, Arkansas was a huge successThe match was held Sunday, June 9th, in the banquet room of the Wilson World Hotel, Pine Bluff, Arkansas.Judges were Jimmie Brookings, Sweepstakes Charlotte Creed, Regular and Conformation Classes and Tracy Pounds, Obedience Classes.Twenty three Poms were entered with a total of 40 entries.Donaras Mister Texican, a 3-6 month puppy dog owned by Erika Moureau, was judged Best In Sweeps and Best Puppy In Match. Best Adult in Match went to Tim Sues High Dee Ho, owned by Donna L. Parkerson. High Scoring Dog in Match was Jamols Diamond HoleTara, owned by Terry and Brenda Turner.The match featured sales at the "Pom Store" of items made by club members and a door prize of a Pom afghan won by Sharon Hicks.Fran Hutchinson of Benton, Arkansas won the raffle of the king sized Pom silhouette quilt Following the Best In Match judging our AKC representative, Janice Luginsland drew the winning ticket for the quiltBy the way, some controversy seems to have arisen about the name of our club. Seems some people think the "Natural State" refers to a stance on trimming of Poms I guess grooming our long coated babies prevents many of us from studying geography. Arkansas is called "The Natural State" and is renowned for its beautiful state parks and natural scenic beauty. Oh well... education is one of the goals of our club.32 SeptemberOctober 1991 PomeranianSJSWQBMCrystal Przesents... of oun neco hopefuls"Crystal C Pepper Dust" first son ofCh. Bonners Celebrity Q OCrystal xCrystal Coral DustShown here winning a Toy Group I under noted Pom breeder Larry Rookstoolot Columbus, Ohio.Pepper has won several Toy Group placements and 2 Best in Match Jr. Puppy.Pepper has his sires super coat and is quite a little ham.You will note the name "Dust" in many of my dogs names. They are the get of Ch. Bonner's Penway Sundust, he has given us so much. Thanks Dorothy Bonner for this line"Larron Mark MoDust"Ch. L-R Mark Comet x Crystal Amber DustShown here winning Best Sr. Puppy in Match at the Licking River Kennel Club Match under judge Heather Manning of Columbus on June 8th.Mo has won several Toy Group Placements and 2 Best Jr. in Match.Thank you breeders Ron Feigh Larry Rookstool for this showy little guy.Jim Judy Shearer523 Miller Ave.Sugarcreek, Ohio 44681 216 825-4136v yr\ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X XPomeranian SeptemberOctober 1991 33Pomeranian Club of Michigan Detroit fireqby Evelyn ConleyThe Pomeranian Club of Michigan, Inc., held its annual spring show on May 26,1991 in Kalamazoo, Michigan.At noon the Sweepstakes started with Mrs. Tommi Hooban from Massachusetts judging an entry of 12 puppies. For her Best in Sweepstakes, she chose a cream male from the 12-18 month class, JOLVINS RADICAL DUDE, bred 9-lL.BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESAIRES WEE WILLY, bred by Mary Rinehart and Nina Epps. He is owned by Eleanor Miller and Sharon Masnick, and handled by EleanorrI i\-BEST OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKESTrievons Desert Storm At BKsMiller. R.W.D. trophy was offered by Gene and Elsie Talsm from Michigan.From an entry of 15 females, Mrs. Voyles chose SILVER MEADOWS BARBIE BRITE, bredJolvin Radical Dudeand owned by Joan and Melv Beech from Canada. She chose a female from the 6-9 month class, TRIEVONS DESERT STORM AT BKS, bred by Ardith Neil and owned by Ardith and Brenda Hutton, for her Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes. The Sweepstakes prizes were offered by Sam and Janet Griffith.To show our thanks forjudging our Sweepstakes, Mrs. Hooban was presented a plaque by the president, Mr. Rollie Conley, provided by the Pom Club of Michigan.Our Regular Classes were judged by Mrs. Edna Voyles from Kentucky. From an entry of 16 males, Mrs. Voyles chose MOSAIC MICRO STAR for her Winners Dog and Best of Winners. He is bred by Riki Barker and owned by Riki and Jeanne Stafford. He was handled by Jeanne Stafford. W.D trophy was offered by Mrs. Nellie Sprunger from Ohio. B.O.W. trophy was offered by Eloise Chandler from Michigan. Reserve Winners Dog went to GOLDENBESTOF WINNERSMosaic Micro Starby Jackie Klein, for her Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex. Barbie is owned by Evelyn Newyear from Ohio and handled by Rollie Conley. W.B. trophy was offered by Nellie Sprunger from Ohio. B.O.S. trophy was offered by Gene and Elsie Talsma from Michigan. Reserve Winners Bitch went to JOLVINS DOUBLE DEE, owned and bred by Joan and Melv Beech, and handled bySue Talsma.34 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeraniani9If.tBEST OF BREEDDan Dees Tiny Jack FrostFrom an entry of three in Best of Breed competition, Mrs. Voyles chose CH. DAN DS TINY JACK FROST, bred by Dorothy Baumgardner, owned by Dorothy Barnes and Jonnie Leaveck. He wasBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXSilver Meadows Barbie Britehandled by Sue Gruber, who also piloted him on to a Group IV in the Toy Group ring.B.O.B. trophy was offered by Nadine Hersil from Wisconsin.Immediately after the Specialty show, exhibitors, breeders, fanciers and friends all converged in a clean, spacious hospitality room provided by the Kalamazoo Kennel Club. Earl and Bonnie Sullivan, our clubs hospitality hosts, had prepared a fantastic buffet luncheon made possible from the generosity of the Pom Club of Michigan.Our next Specialty will be held on Saturday, November 23, 1991 at the Michigan State Fairgrounds. Sweepstakes judge will be Mrs. Carol Galavich and Regular classes judge will be Mr. Harrison Viele. r Jan Les PomeraniansHes HotHes FascinatingAnother RhythmPepper son to hit the ringA - I'TV-Ul A\JBESTINSWEEPSAMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB SUMMER SPECIALTY1991 .PHOTO BY DOWNEY4Jan Les Touch of FascinationAC Ch. Midas Fascinating Rhythm x AC Ch. Gaulkes Pepper Upper"Chunk"goes to the National Specialty and brings home the Best in Sweeps Ribbon, winning it over a very quality group of puppies. In addition we were quite proud when he took reserve to a 5 point major at the Specialty. Thank you Olga Baker for this wonderful win, I really enjoyed showing under you. As proof that we do let our good ones go to serious show and breeding homes, we are pleased to congratulate Nina Epps of Oakridge Kennels for recognizing Chunks excellent quality and taking him home with her.My sincere condolences to Joel Taylor and Dr. Cheryl Jackson on the loss of their top winning Pom Ch. Southlands Mr. VIP Olda. Thankfully this sad news was tempered with the joyous news of the birth of their son.Jan Les PomeraniansJane Lehtinen 8570 Old Mesabe Rd Iron, MNHome 218 744-5653 Work 218 744-2052 JPomeranian KSWQS SeptemberOctober 1991 35Sooner Pomerqniqn ClabOklqhomqBy Olgq Baker qt the request of Brenda S Ray Hudson"THOSE OKIE'S' REALLY KNOW HOW TO DO IT"Before we proceed one tiny inch into this article, I make my plea that EVERY FUTURE REGIONAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SUMMER SPECIALTY BE HELD IN OKLAHOMA CITY, WITH RAY BRENDA HUDSON AT THE "HELM" TO DO ALL THEinvited to judge Sweepstakes, and the competent Mr. Roger Pritchard was chosen to do regular classes. It would give me pleasure to report on every Pom in Sweeps and in classes, but timespace preclude that advantage thus I shall report major winners, not to slight any of the magnificent dogs brought to me and to Roger Pritchard for our opinions. BEST OF BREEDCenla Annie Laurie OFridayPLANNING Granted, I can be a little bit fickle, cause I recall having said a similar thing about other regional specialties... California, Oregon, Baltimore... but this time I think maybe Oklahoma has won the prize Darrell and I have just returned from our trip to Oklahoma City, and this time we didnt have a tired bone in our bodies. Just the exhilaration from such lovely fun, such special events, such a splendid dog show, and camaraderie the likes of which we havent seen in a very long time. EVERYONE was enjoying it, not just a few. We heard absolutely NO complaints, only compliments speaking well for those Sooner Pomeranian Club people who did all the work for us... our thanks, Oklahoma.A hospitality room with wine cheese and other special things began the festivities. Well, actually, on Thursday afternoon many "judge-types went to the show site for a wonderful and enlightening Judges Education Seminar on the Pomeranian, presented by Sally Baugniet, our Educational Chairman. This seemed well received by the attendees. THEN came the hospitality room with everyone there except ME... I was a good girl and stayed in my hotel room as AKC does indeed frown on judges socializing with next-day exhibitors... all reported a lovely evening.Next day... AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW The Midwest City Community Center has been reserved for this event by Ray Hudson, and a more convenient and comfortable place could NOT have beenfound_____spacious enough to becomfortable, but small enough to be "cozy" - PERFECT I was honored to have beenSweepstakesFour little "stars" emerged as my choices from their classes for that day1st place winner - Jan-Les Touch of Fascination, owned by Jane Lehtinen A most adorable little guy, coveted by everyone present, who zoomed right up into the big RESERVE win in regular classes, with his amazing ring presence and soundness.1st place winner - Allayns The Entertainer, owned by Mary AllanThe little "Entertainer" truly entertained with his lovely rich deep color, short back, and everything in theBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESJan-Les Touch Of Fascination1st place winner - Adlens Ks Country Chrisma, owned by Karen LudkeThis child didnt look like a "child but presented herself magnificently, in blooming coat, everything in place, showing perfectly. Her handler obviously pleased with his little entry did everything right, and the puppy asmr.ft \ti mBEST OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKESAdlens Ks Country Chrismawell did everything right BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Jan-Les Touch Of Fascination Jane LehtinenBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXAdlens Ks Country Chrisma Karen Ludkeright place Definitely a "show dog"1st place winner - Macs Morning Star, owned by Mrs. B.G. McDonald A marvelous, very feminine, little orange girl, with the perfect gait we love in Poms, groomed to perfection, spunky, and behaving herself I loved her.Regular ClassesHere I shall not be presumptuous to comment on Mr. Roger Pritchards wonderful choices... instead, Ill just report. He will I am sure write an article on his choices. I will, however, embarrass him by noting that on this day he was terribly HANDSOME and official36 SeptemberOctober 1991 PomeranianBLACKwith expression...Ch. Finchs He Walks On WaterOwnerDiane L. Finch Finchs Pomeranians Rural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134 515-769-2444Handled by and standing at stud withJackie Raynor 748 Norway Avenue Hamilton, NJ 08629 609-587-2586."Travis" finished unofficial from puppy class with handler Jackie Raynor and is now being specialed. Travis has 3 Best of Breed and a Group III. Thanks to all the judges who saw his "expression" and all his cheering fans This home raised, potent little all around boy loves to show and is proving himself as a sire. Puppies available.Marantha Pomsare rejoicing over our new arrival.X1 i. tiMaranthas Precious Cherub"Phoebe" is darling and you will see her in the ring very soonGloria Carlin 619 753-4854PO Box 626 Encinitas, CA 92024C2aEquipment, supplies, puppies, or showdogs. If youve got the need to move it, this is the place to do itSee page 56 for rates and informationSeveral puppies sired by Ch. Bev-Nor Southland Sinsation out of very nice line-bred bitches. Serious inquiries invited. MIA Poms, Ramona Smith, HCR4 Box 26B, Bowman, N.D. 58623 701 574-3158Rhynstone offers Rhynstone Montrey Jack 290. 5 lbs, major ptd, winner Open Dog class APC Feb. Specialty, also placed in puppy sweeps, ch. sired, huge red coat, beautiful mover, Great Elms bloodline. Grandsires are Ch. Great Elms Toby - Great Elms-Bobby Beam. Also a few pups by Ch. Rhynstone Dodger of Lenette, Am, Ca Ch. Rhynstone The Main Event, Great ElmsTomanoll bloodlines. Inquiries, Joyce Urban 716 625-8357We have puppies, sire Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, 1 Pom 1981,82,83, 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, sire of 20 chs. Sire Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman, multi group winner, sire of 14 chs. Bev Bill Norris, 7747 Meadow Rd., Pasadena, Md., 21122 301 255-13431 show prospect female, d.o.b. 42091. Show quality sire, Ch. Beaver of Lenette son full brother to Ch. Golden Aires Sherry Jubilee and Ch. Ben-Rays Lil Bella of Sherrys. Dam is Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond daughter litter sister to Ch. Merrymont Satr Nite Fever. Yolanda Webster 919 425-6968, 5126 Sumac Circle, Fayetteville, NC 28304Pomeranian SeptemberOctober 1991 37looking in the ring... looked very stern and intent on what he was doing, but underneath that facade of seriousness, I could detect an immense pleasure in what he was doing Roger was excellent with the dogs, TOTALLY thorough in examining every single piece of the dog, and later he did comment to me Judge to Judge that he especially appreciated that exhibitors did not bring to him the severely over-trimmed and sculpted exhibits that have so often been seen in the ring these days. I also noted that puppies in sweepstakes were sensibly trimmed in ONLY those allowed places, with only 2 or 3 really sculpted and scissored. Maybe a step in the right directionMr. Pritchard made the following choices for major winsWINNERS DOGPrimrose City Limits Maria Matthew KneislerCoV -frUmWINNERS DOGPrimrose City LimitsWINNERS BITCHCenla Annie Laurie OFriday A1 Dorothy WilliamsonBEST OF BREEDCenla Annie Laurie OFriday A1 Dorothy WilliamsonShe waltzed her way right to the top win, with huge crowd support, and some measure of "pride" with his owners, the Williamsons, nice folks...BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive Charlotte CreedReal cute little guy, perfectlygroomed and presented by Judi Hartell.Then came the cutest Pomeranian costume parade you can possiblyl\L_BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCh. Southlands Mighty Impressiveimagine, incredibleWhat a day To top everything off in splendor, a beautiful flowing champagne fountain in the lobby refreshed and rejuvenated all the exhibitors as they gathered for ticketdrawings for all sorts of wonderful doggie related items everything form adorable t-shirts to big crates, pens and functional things. My favorite won by somebody else, dam it was a precious Southwestern adobe looking bird house that I would have killed for.... precious The crowd was so utterly congenial, happy, pleasant... the way dog show events SHOULD BE Ray Hudson was so cute with his announcements of winners, and his cute little wife Brenda won something wonderful graft, corruption, politics, obviously.....naaahhh.That evening was a banquet to end all banquets. The Sooner Pomeranian Club had arranged for a feast of Indian things most of us had never had authentic com soup wonderful Indian fry bread, Payote meat buffalo, really, and grape dumplings, also quite "native" and different, but superb. Afterward, beautiful Plains Indians entertained the group with a colorful presentation that left the crowd awe struck, with costuming, realism, narrative to explain all, and an adorable 3 year old little guy named "Dayton" that danced his little moccasins off and enchanted the crowd Brenda and Ray Hudson had spared nothing in seeing to it that allattendees were magnificently entertained. Ill never understand how the Sooner Pom Club was able to PAY FOR ALL THAT for us Their secret.The theme for all these wondrous Specialty events was INDIAN SUMMER and the beautiful Southwestern theme of decor, in perfect taste, followed through to table decorations, flowers and giftbags for every exhibitor.On Saturday, the thoughtful Sooner Pomeranian Club arranged for early Pomeranian judging so all could have a "DAY AT THE RACES"... it worked Many, many exhibitors and attendees journeyed to the most magnificent REMINGTON PARK RACETRACK, where we had the absolute creme-de-la-creme. Pomeranian people were placed in the gorgeous penthouse "suites," and we had the bargain of the century... our fee included entry into the track, choice seating, program fee, a "tip sheet" free, the most incredible buffet all day long imaginable, and everyone there had a wonderful, fun-time, far from the "dog activities" and a lovely respite from it all. We all felt very much like VIPS.... AGAIN, the Hudsons Ray Brenda had arranged for us to have the Crown Royal treatment in that lovely place.... Maitre Ds attending to us individually and collectively... the gallery of horse-related art was in itself a special treat... what a luxurious and wonderful place. The buffet was so absolutely GRAND that we never made it past the salad section into the juicy prime ribhamand stuff food. We "parked" at the lovely shrimpoystershors douvres section.... SPLENDID We felt honored to even BE THEREThis is it Ive used up all my adjectives, but with good reason. Oklahoma out-did itself for this lovely affair, and we thank you so sincerely. Please let us come back soon.WE LOVED BEING THERE IN OKLAHOMA WITH YOU TERRIFIC "OKIES"....038 SeptemberOctober 1991 PomeranianSungold has...At public studrU5spECh. Idas Touch of Bev-Nor4VFAnna Ray LaFortune 13621 Kapowsin Hwy Graham, WA 98338 206 879-5390 Sea-Tac AirportEDY T-rVPomeranian 5W0M SeptemberOctober 1991 39Behind The New TitlistsThree generations of new Pomeranian titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent by the owner. Please send the dogs name, color, sex, breeders name and owners name, on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Pedigrees will not be returned Send copies only. Mail all information to the editor, Gail A. Garvey, Expedition Publishing, PO Box A, Mastic Beach, NY 11951.Ch. Cenla finnie Laurie O' FridayOrange FemaleBreederOwner A. C. WilliamsonCh. Tomanolls I Got Leggs Ch. Macs Maybe I WillCh. Macs Jennifer Jangles Ch. Shy Acres Our Man FridayCh. Macs Maybe I Will Sungolds Course U WillCh. Cherokees Summer Fashion Ch. Tomanolls I Got Leggs Ch. Macs Maybe I WillCh. Macs Jennifer Jangles Cenlas Sugar DumplingCh. Macs Maybe I Will Ch. Cenlas Cosmic CutieKiti Aldos Kahlua-brationCh. Phyner CarmellaChocolate Female BreederOwner Dolly B. TraunerCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Morenos Critics Choice Jubilees Rebel Ch. Phyner Bust My ButtonsCh. Phyner Night Editor Phyner Kitchen Witch Happy DancerCh. Bonners Lisastar Legacy Ch. Starlite Legacy Choco Bear Starlite Editors BWitched Phyner Black SorceressCh. Morenos Critics Choice Phyner SpellbinderPhyner Kitchen WitchCh. Moreno's Tuff To TopBlack MaleBreederCo-Owner Julie Moreno Co-Owner Dolly B. TraunerCh. Moonshadows Mica Ch. Moonshadows G Whiz Wee Bad Queenaire Ruby-Ruby Ch. Odysseys Keno WizQueenaire Whiskey Tenor Black Cherries JubileeJubilee Darin Do Ch. Bonners Lisastar Legacy Ch. Starlite Legacy Choco Bear Starlite Editors BWitched Morenos Simply BittersweetPhyner Editors Talisman Morenos Copper PenniPhyner Rave ReviewsCh. Merrymont Spring FeverRed FemaleBreeder Patricia J. Griffin Owner S. R. WhiteCh. Apples Traveling Diamond ROM Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond ROM Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch. Merrymont Satrday Nite Fever ROM Ch. Cobles Traveling Bear Yolandas Traveling TequilaApples Traveling Alspice Ch. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Apples Traveling Diamond ROM Apples Traveling Crickett Ch. Great Elms Karen of Lenette ROMTomanolls Pacman OQueenaire Tomanolls June BugBradleys Winsome WendyCh. ShrDa's Sargent PepperOrange MaleBreeder David R. Edwards Susan C. Austin Owner David R. EdwardsCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonners Lisastar LegacyBonners Little Miss Wag Ch. Silver Meadows Pepr OLegacyCh. Silver Meadows Sun-Dae Cub Ch. Silver Meadows Sparkle PlentyCh. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. Silver Meadows Love of Legacy Ch. Silver Meadows My-T Lovn JoyCh. Silver Meadows JoyO Legacy ShrDas Markie of My-TAdkins Dixie Black Jack Miss Foxie of GalladonAdkins Dixie Doll of TobyCh. Lovely Jessie Sais SoRed Sable MaleBreederOwner Victoria E. LovelyCh. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Bi-Mar Kandi Kane Ch. Bi-Mar Son N Dance ManBi-Mar Happy Hooligan of Bradley Bi-Mar Kat BallouBi-Mar Gidget of Que Sera Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Queenaire Coup DEtatQueenaire Ruby Ruby Ch. Lovely Lady Shawna-DebutanteCh. Models Bit-O-Whiz Bi-Mar Black JadeJubilee Dream Weaver40 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian SJHWOSM_ Charmd.o.b. 519191 to her play mates...Trooper Cameo',1281'.d.o.b. 22891 d.o.b. 59191"Call the Realtor guys.... I think its time we got a larger placeAn-Jo PomeraniansAnna Liselli 2 7 President Road Mastic Beach, NY 11951 516281-8246 ^mzIShowing A Pleasure Or Nightmareby David R. EdwardsJust when you think all is well in life and things are going your way at the shows out of nowhere comes a less than pleasurable experience.A few weekends ago at one of the local shows I had the pleasure and discomfort of finishing one of my Poms. I took pleasure in the fact that he had received his championship title and his fourth major. The discomfort was from call after call from other fellow exhibitors telling me about one exhibitor that was standing ringside yelling that my dog was crippled and lame and should not be in the ring. It was relayed to me that several people standing two to three rings away could not help but hear her unjust and untrue remarks and were shocked at her lack of ethics and outraged at her display.I dont mind telling you that I have always felt better winning than losing, but I have never stooped to such a level as to suggest that the winner was unsound in any way. Sometimes we all feel that the judge could have made a better choice this all depends on our own particular likes and dislikes i.e. head, coat, etc. but to stoop to such a level as bad mouthing the winner loud enough to be heard several rings away well this is without a doubt a total lack of character and taste.So, what can be done to help curb such unpleasant experiences We might choose to withhold our dogs from the show ring or file a complaint with the National Club Board orA.K.C. It would not help the situation to confront such a person ringside as one might well expect to be drawn into a rather ugly and tasteless exhibition and perhaps add to the obvious twisted enjoyment received by such a person.I would like to suggest to those members and exhibitors who are caught up in such an ugly situation, write to the National Club and voice your opinions on the subject. In doing so we might cause action to be taken to eliminate such conduct from the show sites and in doing so, make exhibiting what it truly is an enjoyable event and a pleasant one. With the only tensions being in the ring as the judge makes that final cut.We must all keep in mind that no matter how wonderful we feel our dogs are there are others with the same feelings towards their dogs. What we like or dislike in our dogs may not be what any particular judge may place. To be a graceful loser as well as a graceful winner helps to make showing a delight not a nightmare.As we prepare our dogs and ourselves for each new showing, we must all keep in mind that we are in fact representatives of our breed and should always reflect a positive image win or losePomeranian SJSWOBM SeptemberOctober 1991 41MmUjpJmH MmBy Margaret R. McKeeI apologize for the prolonged absence of this column from the Pomeranian Review. Part of the delay was my fault, a very demanding full time job more on that in the next column, but I did type up the following column and send it in in time for the March issue, but then it disappeared. Naturally there are problems in making a transition from one editor to another, and the staff of Pom Review appreciate your patience and loyalty. The magazine is a huge part of the parent clubs budget, and your support in the form of articles and ads is vital. I find it very sad that there are individuals who expect, even demand services from the APC, then advertise in a competing magazine. The editor and your officers are working very hard to produce a quality magazine. Can you do your partYour new Board was presented with a boat load of problems when they took office and they have been working very hard to get the clubs affairs straightened out. The members have been informed of our financial difficulties, and some of you have generously made loans and donations. We need something else from you your involvement. One of the reasons this club has gotten in such trouble is the past apathy of the members. The Board cares about the opinions of its individual members, so please let us hear from you Write or call about anything that concerns you. When the Board met in Oklahoma and considered what to do about the 92 Specialty, they were glad to have your letters on the subject. Believe me, your calls are logged and your letters read. Some will tell you that there is a small powerful clique whose names are usually omitted by the teller which runs everything to suit themselves. I dont know if that was true in the past, but I can assure you that that is not the case now. You elected this Board and they want to do their best for you all, as well as what is best for the club and the breed. So talk to usJUDGING BY THE STANDARD judges, what are you doing to us At a show last fall, the judge told me he thought my bitch was lovely, "elegantly put together," but she was too big. When he repeated this while handing me the reserve ribbon, I couldnt stand it. "But she weighs 4 12 pounds, and our standard says ideal show size is 4 to 5 pounds.""Oh, I know," he said, "thats fine for you breeders, butI think toys should be tiny." Oh great, I thought, you have Afghans. You dont sit up worrying whether your little bitch will be able to whelp. I find his statement very disturbing. "But I think" implies that his personal likes are more important than what breeders think. Certainly judging is somewhat objective. Every standard is flexible. Ours has fewer specifics in it than many. The weight range is one of the few specifics. It was put there by the parent club, by the guardians of our breed. The reference to 4-5 pounds was added to try to discourage the "tinier the better" approach to judging. But that kind of thinking is still out there. There are still judges happily giving points to bitches that weigh 3 pounds or less. For some judges, size seems to be a more important consideration than coat, or sound legs, or bite. They want them tiny and cute.What should us breeders do Shrug your shoulders, join the crowd, and show our tiny ones I know there are many 5 and 6 pound dogs being left at home because of this attitude. Should we vote with our feet and refuse to show under these judges That seems absurd our standard is already in black and white and judges are supposed to have read itWe have two major health problems threatening our breed skin problems and whelping problems. The APC is trying to address the former problem by setting up a fund for research and holding the seminar at the NY Specialty. The whelping difficulties and high neonatal mortality have plagued us for a lot longer than Ive been breeding. The number of misses, c-sections, dead and fading puppies can be very discouraging for any breeder. Some give up, some switch to other breeds, only we crazies try to carry on. It is difficult and expensive. We need to cooperate with each other, and we desperately need the cooperation of those who are licensed to judge our breed. I would love to hear from you on this subject. How do you feel about judges putting up the tiny ones Is this detrimental to our breed Should our standard distinguish between dogs and bitches Would judges find it easier to apply a height criterion than trying to guess weightsPerhaps you think the size of dogs awarded points in the ring has nothing to do with our whelping problems. Dog shows were originally held to evaluate and select breeding stock. Is that still true The AKC rules applying to registration and dog shows states that dog shows are42 SeptemberOctober 1991 PomeranianIdtezwjCcC9sends belated congratulations to President Mary Vickers, Huggy UD Ch. Rascal on 3 new titles.qnP .0^.oV-------- mhNell, Onyx, Caitlin, and Demi d.o.b. 1114191Ch. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD x Watts Little Pollyanna GirlCh. Mark CD x Ch. Daybreaks Barbara Ann - 3 males, 1 female whelped 51091 Ch. Great Elms Toby x Daybreaks Good Vibrations Ch. Mark CD x Ch. BAnn - 2 males, 1 female whelped 52391 Ch. Mark CD is back home with us to stay Thanks Bill and is at stud to approved bitches.Margaret R. Mckee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380a5a\ AMembership problems...If anyone applying for membership in the 3tS has been having problems, has been waiting a long time, has not heard anything on their application even if you sent it last week, for immediate attention, please contact, Jerrie Freia at address or phone number belowJerrie FreiaPom Review Repair ShopThis column will be where mistakes by us or anyone else willcan be corrected.The copy of the APC STANDARD as published in the MayJune issue of the Review had the "elaboration" that is used as notes when presented during a seminar. This "elaboration" is not an official part of the APC STANDARD. It should not have been used.In regards to "Big Brother is Watching," JulyAugust issue of the Review the line individual Poms registered in 1990 should have the number 34,475 inserted.On page 23 of the JulyAugust issue, Julie Morenos ad of Moreno Pomeranians the 5th dog on pedigree of Morenos Cafe Toy Man should be Ch. Phyner Night Editor not Edition and on pedigree of Moreno's Driftwood Twiggs the great grandsire NOT granddam should be Ch. Phyner Night EditorOn page 72 of the JulyAugust issue in the Pomeranian Index, a CD should be added to the title of "Ch. Janesas Hi-Strutting Daisy" and for "Razzle Dazzle Jeffrey" there should be no Ch. in front, but a UD, HOF at the end of his name.PO Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70361 504384-7466 It was pointed out to me that a lot of judges names were spelled incorrectly, I just want to say that a large percent I checked were sent to me that way Note from the editorPomeranian SJHWOSM SeptemberOctober 1991 43held to enable "breeders and owners to demonstrate the progress made in breeding for type and quality." Should the judge consider whether the dog before him is breeding stock There was a famous special of another toy breed who did a lot of winning of groups and Bests. He was widely reputed to be sterile. Should he have been shown Should he have wonAre we in any danger of a split between breeding stock and show stock Has it already happened I was once criticized for showing "an old brood bitch." I was proud of the fact that she was a brood bitch. She went on to earn a CD, Ch. and ROM. Ideally, shouldnt a champion bitch also be a brood bitchINTERESTING ASIDE whether a bitch free whelps apparently depends on your definition of "free whelp." I once inquired whether a very pretty small bitch had free whelped her first litter, "yes, indeed," I was told. "She free whelped all but the head"WHELPING modem science is finally coming to the aid of dog breeders. If youve had trouble getting a bitch to conceive, dont give up. My friend Terrys Newfoundland, Ducky had missed several times, and Newfie stud fees and shipping are expensive Last fall Terry used the ICG Ovulation Timing Test to determine when to breed Ducky. In November I helped deliver 9 Newfie pups. This test must be done in a vets office over several days, the cost depending on the number of days. The test looks for the hormonal surge that causes ovulation. A newer version of the test is now available which permits the breeder to test the bitchs urine at home. Cost 65.00. For more information International Canine Genetics, Inc. 271 Great Valley Pkwy, Malveme, PA 19355 1-800-248-8099.My favorite way to pinpoint when to breed is to use TesTape. This is a chemically treated paper tape sold in drugstores for diabetics to test their urine for sugar. It is available without a prescription and costs less than 4.00. Insert one end of a 1 inch strip of tape in the bitchs vulva long enough to get it wet. Remove and wait a minute. If the tape turns grass green, she is ready.I too had a problem with bitches missing. All of them were missing, even though three different studs were used. I read several articles which suggested that low grade vaginal infections might be the cause. In the articles, a series of procedures involving cultures, antibiotics, and one skipped season were described. I then mentioned this to a long time breeder of another breed. He said he had found cultures to be generally a waste of time and money. He suggested the following simpler procedure. Beginning the first day of her season, give the bitch half of a 50 mg. Amoxicillin tablet twice a day for 25 days or until youre sure shes out of season. Breed her that season.I had gone 18 months with no live puppies. I used the above procedure and bred 5 bitches. Four, including one who had never conceived before, took. Im no vet, youll need to discuss such a course of treatment with a veterinarian before attempting it. The vet has to write a prescription for the antibiotic.Okay, so your bitch has been bred to the male of your choice, now what If you are a novice, or if this is a particularly important litter, you will be eager to know she is pregnant. There are a few people who claim they can tell within days of breeding. I dont put much stock in such vague signs as the size of the vulva, or the color of the nipples. For the first 4 weeks, you cant tell and there is nothing you can do about it anyway, so try to relax. Your bitch needs no special care nor extra food, except that I do begin adding a pinch of raspberry tea leaves to her supper as soon as she is bred. Dont hassle her by turning her over to look for magic signs. Continue with her usual routine, including obedience training and showing.Some bitches go off their feed around 3 or 4 weeks of gestation. I call it "morning sickness" although Ive never observed vomiting. If a bitch normally is a good eater and then begins to pick at her dinner, that may mean she is in whelp. But if she keeps on eating as usual, it doesnt mean anything one way or the other.At 29 to 30 days, a good vet can palpate for fetal lumps. This is somewhat reliable, and reasonably safe. There is a blood test which can be done 28 to 37 days after the last breeding which is 95 accurate. The vet draws the blood in his office and sends it to ICG, the vet gets a written report in 48 hours, but the client can usually get results by calling ICG. My country vet quoted me a price of 30.00, so you can expect to pay 35 to 50. For more information, call or write ICG at the above address.At 5 weeks, I look for two favorite signs. The bitch "pops out" the distinction between the rib cage and the flank disappears. She starts putting on weight. At roughly the same time, there is a clear, gelatinous discharge from the vulva. When I see these two changes, I know she is in whelp. Now you can start giving her extra attention. I increase her supper portion slightly. She gets rounded 14 tsp. of vitamins instead of a level 14 tsp. At 7 weeks shell get 12 tsp. of vitamins. At 5 12 weeks, I add lunch cottage cheese, canned puppy meat, scrambled eggs or yogurt. I put a bowl of dry puppy food in her pen. I dont worry about her eating too much. Later on shell go off her feed and I want hr to have reserves to fall back on. I do not give calcium supplements.At roughly 7 weeks, I get the nursery ready. I put down an old shower curtain on the floor in my bedroom. I put down a thick layer of newspaper and set a 6 panel exercise pen on top, inside goes a whelping box. I have a44 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian5JBWQ\5'dGJTresstique PomsProudly IntroducingVA\V.____"Dawn"d.o.b. 1491Went BOB puppy and Group II at her first Match Show. Thank you Maureen Quinlan for letting me have your only little girl from Calvin. She means a lot to me.Tresstique Dawn of MerimaurCh. Chriscendo Calvin Klein x Apples Traveling Jewel"Billy"Major pointed, and she placed 4th in a large Open Class at this years National Specialty.Sharon Masnick thank you for this Sweet Munchkin, shes my favorite.s\lGolden Aires Billy JeanCh. Whitehaven Gol Nugget Legacy x Golden Aires Clair DeluneA special thanks to a very special lady who has helped me a lot, Anna Liselliyoure a good friend, thank you.Bonnie Harris 19 Wheat Path Rd Mt. Sinai, NY 11766 516331-3004VAVAt\\\VLA___A\\znPomeranian SeptemberOctober 1991 45custom wooden whelping box that my husband made, but I often use cardboard boxes. On a nearby filing cabinet I place the scales, a stack of clean paper towels, 3 heating pads, and the "box" of equipmentA friend was nervously expecting his first litter. His wife mentioned that he had the nursery all ready. "Ill bet you even have cotton balls," I giggled. "Why, yes." He looked puzzled at my amusement. Most lists of equipment and supplies for whelping include cotton balls, and Ive never figured out what theyre for. Here is what I use1. Thermometers 2 rectal or "stubby" for taking the bitchs temperature, 1 oral for taking the rectal temperature of tiny pups2. One pair surgical scissors with rounded tips. Most any scissors will do3. At least 2 hemostats -1 consider these essential. I put 2 on the cord and cut between them. The hemostat nearest the vulva will enable you to pull the placenta out if that should become necessary. The clamp crushes the cord so I dont have to fumble with thread to tie the cord, a procedure I hate4. Kidney pan I pour alcohol or peroxide in it and drop in hemostats and scissors after use5. Betadine or iodine solution for coating the end of the cord6. Diomino 4x or Pediatric Stat - puppy vitamins7. Nutrical8. Petroleum Jelly, for inserting thermometer9. Bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide or alcoholThis is the basic list. Over the years Ive added surgical gloves, baby oil, Fletchers Castoria for colic, baby bottles, powdered Esbilac.I also have nearby 1 a plastic dishpan to use as a puppy box for the first born while mom is otherwise occupied. 2 old tea towels or washcloths for wiping of puppies. 3 a stack of newspapers 4 a couple of large plastic trash bags. 5 notebook and pen. 6 phone and 7 paper towels.Make a list of important phone numbers, your vet, the veterinary emergency room, your midwife a friend who is experienced in whelping and the pizza take-out restaurant. Post this on the wall by the phone.About ten days before the due date, I lay the bitch on her back on my lap. Using a stethoscope, I listen for fetal heartbeats. What a thrill it is when I find that first one. A Puppys heartbeat is much faster than moms. As the days go by, the puppies heartbeats get louder. As the puppies move around less, it is easier to count the heartbeats and determine how many pups there are. I got my stethoscope from a dog supply catalog Omaha Vaccine 4.75. You could try a local medical supply business or ask your vet. Terry got hers at a dmgstore. The thing was so cheap that Ihad trouble finding my own heartbeatA week before the due date, you can have the bitch x-rayed. The little fetal skeletons on the radiograph are proof positive of pregnancy if you still need it. An x-ray will show how many pups there are and how many are breech. Since I can tell the number of pups using the stethoscope, I no longer go to the trouble and expense of getting an x-ray.On the 58th day, I start taking the bitchs temperature three times a day and recording it. A dip in the temperature to 100 degrees is the first drop. It is just a warning, and the temperature will go back up. Not every bitch has this first drop. When the temperature drops well below 100, all bets are off I cancel appointments, get a substitute for my classes, and dont leave the house. Once she begins nesting or resting her nose on her paws, gets what I call that "introspective look," I stay in the bedroom with her. I can think of nothing else. I read or watch TV and somebody else will have to fix dinner and feed the other dogs. That little mommy deserves my full attentionWhen a training friend bred her Golden bitch, she decided that the whelping would be a party, complete with champagne. I was appalled. For me, whelpings have been solitary experiences. Oh yes, my husband is frequently in the room, but rolling over, opening one eye, and inquiring "is she doing anything" is his sole contribution. Because Poms are tiny and the pups rarely come fast, one person can manage. I learned with the Newfie, however, that at least 3 people are necessary one to hold the bitchs head, one to catch that 2 pound monster, and one to clamp and cut the cord. Additional personnel were handy for recording data, answering the phone, and fetching coffee and sandwiches. However I still think my friend with the Golden made a huge mistake in that none of the people shed invited to her party had ever seen a whelping.If you can get someone to sit with you during those long hours of waiting, of course you want it to be a friend whose company you enjoy. And she can be very helpful just making coffee and poking you awake, but it is ideal if he or she has had whelping experience. Most owners are very nervous for their first whelping, and it is very valuable if the experienced person can turn the twisted baby, cut the cord with hands that arent shaking, or confidently reassure the owner that everything is going to be okay. An experienced midwife can be as valuable to you as a vet. Try to line at least one up and have her put that due date on her calendar. Do let me hear from youIf you would, like to contact Margaret, you may call her at 804 556-3380, or write to her at 2426 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, VA 2306346 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian SJU'JQIIMMar-VicIntroduces...MiratLMar-Vics Stuffd Black BearAnnons Huggy Bear from Scamp, U.D. HOF x Myway Honey BunBorn March 5, 1991, this mischief5 pup is looking for a special person who will continue to STUFF his tummy with good food, and his mind body with love and obedience exercises. FOR SALEPersonal PomsMary Vickers 2818 Jefferson Drive Alexandria, VA 22303 703 960-7755Pomeranian SeptemberOctober 1991 47By Brendq K. HuttonJust as I was about to start writing this column, an envelope arrived noted in RED on the front, "NEWS." On the back, also in RED, was "NEWS" and "OPEN IMMEDIATELY." It turns out that Lilae Shope and Bell Shopes Cupid Bella Donna CDX had some pretty wonderful news. She wrote, "The Gods were shining on us, ANDOR Bell was shining for me We QUALIFIED a 2nd time, 61691 at Erie, K.C under judge Sharon Redmer with a 180. We were the 1st in. It was exhilarating, that final go-out one of the biggestshortest problems.... The correct jump, a front and a finish, and she had her 2nd U.D. leg. Everything was sloppy, but we QUALIFIED" And for the icing on the cake, they also won first place. A huge congratulations to Lilae and Bell on this achievement. Another SOLID GOLD performance by this twosome from Utility A.Speaking of Utility, in Utility B, Joan Geeslin and I Fidget In Style UD breeder Joann Geeslin and Donna Crain Eddins out of OTCH Twinkle Little Super Star UD have added to the coffer at this little dogs OTCH points. By placing 2nd at the Greater Columbus Mississippi KC 11891 under Mrs. M.D. Coody, they earned another 7 points, for a combined total to-date of 36 OTCH points. Theyve also been scoring well from Open B with scores of 195.0 under D.E. Herald, a 196.5 under Mrs. B.J. Baker, and a 195.0 under RA. Gjevre.Open ASandy Winchatz and Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice CD breeder Kathryn Hartz and Patricia Foley - you may remember they won HIGH IN TRIAL at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimores first trial in 1990 from Open A, have gone on to finish their CDX. Following their HIT of 196.0 theyve earned a 191.5 and 2nd place at Palisades KC under G.H. Davis, a 197.0 and 1st place at Staten Island Companion DTC under J. Iermiero, and a 194.5 at First DTC of Northern New Jersey under D.A. Levinson. Congrats SandySusie Osborn has completed her legs for a CDX on Lady Dis Call Me Madamparti CD breeder Nancy Turner Diane Clark-Bryant. Their last two legs were at Klamath Dog Fanciers and Tualatin KC.Novice BJames Culver has a new CD on Karisma Love Prise breeder Jeremy Crapson. They attended trials at Mt. Baker KC, Sammamish KC and Tacoma KC in Washington State.Novice AMore brave souls have made their first foray into the obedience world. Erika Wilson of Colorado and Ginger earned their title with legs at the Terry-All KC, Evergreen Colorado KC and the Plum Creek KC of Colorado. They followed up with an insurance leg, scoring 194.0 at the Colorado KC.Also earning their first CD is Lula Cavender and Miss Ginger Sue of Sierra breeder Don McCullah. Their record includes a 194.0 and 3rd place at the Columbus All Breed Training Club, a 195.5 and 2nd place at Huntington KC under K.M. Nagler, and a 187.0 at Skyline KC.As always, call me Youll probably get the answering machine, but I sure love hearing from you. Happy heeling and terrific trackingYou may call Brenda at 517 485-51833. If youre shy of answering machines why not track her down by writing to Brenda Hutton, R102 Tudor Lane, Lansing, MI 48906.Northern California Pomeranian ClubAt its Annual meeting held on May 27, 1991 the membership voted the following people as its Officers and DirectorsPresident................Dolly B. TraunerVice President... Anne HaydenTreasurer.................Diane StevensonSecretary................Julie Moreno1636 Claremont Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066 415 583-4973DirectorsJanet Manuszak Marge Kranzfelder Lucy Buttz48 SeptemberOctober 1991 PomeranianSJGiWQIlMJMSMBM IPMMIMiMM DOTS Mthe dotsKim mmgmLTWFirst Ever, 3 Pomeranian Obedience TrialsOPS Summer Specialty Show Obedience Trial Thursday, July 9,1992PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.Specialty Show Obedience Trial Wednesday, July 8, 1992COLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.Specialty Show Obedience subject to AKC approvalFriday, July 10, 1992All Specialties have Sweepstakes and the Columbia Pomeranian Club will have a FUTURITY. Call or write about dates of breeding and whelping.4 All Breed Shows preceding, Fri., July 3rd at Coos KC, Sat., July 4th at Chintinimi KC, Sun. July 5th at Dog Fanciers, Mon., July 6th at Longview Kelso - 3 All Breeds following Specialties. Sat., July 11th at Portland KC, Sun., July 12th at Greater Clark Co. KC, Mon., July 13th at Willamette Valley KC.For more informationKathy Corbett Jean Schroll20665 S.W. Johnson 12950 S. New Era Rd.Aloha, OR 97006 or Oregon City, OR 97045 503 649-2712 503 650-0023Pomeranian SJSWOS SeptemberOctober 1991 49Mmvmwmm Qf A IPm EMmrAs a dog person for some fifteen years and before that, horses, I never thought having a litter of pups was that difficult. Collies introduced me into the world of dog breeding and brother, was I spoiled. Collie bitches just crank em out and explode with milk. I apprenticed for four years under top handlers, and whelped various sporting dogs. Same thing - no problem. Setters and Spaniels whelping is a breeze.I never used a heating pad, or even prepared myself to bottle feed. I didnt even have a bottle on hand. Never needed one.Then I got into Poms. I heard every horror story in the book, c-sections, bad milk, bottlefeeding and you better weigh those pups every 12 hours. One quarter of an ounce of loss youve got trouble.With trembling hands, I bred my first litter. Breeding any toy is an experience that can make chiropractors rich. How can you find anything that tiny in all that hairOkay, the bitch is definitely in whelp. Thats a major accomplishment forme. Now, do I prepare for this oh so "natural" event All my Pom friends are giving me advice. I write it down, hoping this will make everything work out perfect. I am prepared Guess I dont need that giant wooden whelping box I had for the Collies. I pick a cardboard box at the supermarket and feel real tacky about letting my bitch lay in there, knowing cabbages were the last residents.I take the box up to the guest room and bring my bitch in. I lay in paper and a towel and she jumps in, like the box is Carlton-Ritz. It looks so small. She loves itWhelping time is due in one week. I go to my vet and he palpates three Wow, thats great, I think ButBy Lindq fi. Tereskohow in the name of dear God can a four and a half pound bitch have three pups in her I start thinking and praying. My vet laughs at me. Hes a reproduction specialist with a great sense of humor.I come home. The bitch jumps eagerly in the cabbage box and I run off to the local pet shop. I buy up a bunch of Esbilac and three pet nurser bottles. How come the nipples have no hole Ill worry about that later. Ha, ha - famous last thoughts.Five long days go by and shes got a water sac coming out. Wonderful She whelps three in record time. The relief of it all is euphoric. To this day, I dont know how she passed those pups without killing herself. Poms are amazingWell, the litters on the ground and now my work is just beginning. Its weight gain time My calorie counter scale is finally getting used.At three days the pups start losing weight. Panic sets in. If I dont start supplementing right away I could be in real danger.I grab the nursing bottle and realize theres no hole in the nipple. Why do the manufacturers do that The least they could do is put instructions with the bottle on how to permanently pierce the latex. If I ever get reincarnated to an inanimate object in some future life, I want to be a latex nipple. Theyre indestructible and once they have a correct hole in them, theyre cherished like gold amongst Pom breeders.I try the "handy dandy Ruth Beam" method of piercing the latex. Warm the syringe over the candle, push through nipple, let cool, blah, blah. Im glad no one sees me, because I look like a junkie getting a fix prepared. What would the neighbors think They already knowIm a little strange what with scooping my yard, and owning more than "the one family mutt."An hour later and thirty some piercings later, I throw my hands up in the air in total frustration. I hear my puppies cry. Guilt sets in and I realize I need help. I call Ann Cannon and frantically explain my dilemma. Shes so calm over the phone, I feel like a patient with her therapist getting mental relief.Within minutes, I pack up the whole thing - mother, pups, heating pad and lets not forget those impermeable nipples.I load the van and troop on over to Anns. I feel like a real dope and my pride as a "dog person" is slightly dented from my lack of knowledge in toyland.Ann was great She showed me everything. How to make up a super formula, how to nurse these oh so tiny creatures and alas - put a hole in the nipple. Im seriously thinking of starting a vending service at the dog shows, selling those things for ten bucks a pop.Well, ten weeks have gone by - the first two in a coma like trance from bottlefeeding every four to five hours round the clock. I even delivered a litter of English Cocker pups for my girlfriend in that time. It was a piece of cake. To sum it all up, if you can raise a Pom litter, you can raise anything.I look in the puppy pen now and three little puffball faces bark up at me. They start shredding paper and playfight with one another. I put my hand down and one of the pups chomps on it with his little razor-like-teeth, ouch This I can definitely handle. But better yet, I cant wait until I have another Pom litter. Call me nuts, but more than that, call me a Pom breeder.50 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian ^SWOB'Slenette 3omefianianhBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Ownersra[J i Ch. Beaver of Lenette4 12 lbs. deep red. Stud fee 150.00 Beaver was one of the top studs in 1990 with 4 of his pups finishing.99^All four of the above puppies are sired by Beaver and are available to show homes. Priced from 500.00 to 800.00. 1 male and 3 females. We believe all four will be good enough to finish. Other puppies available.We specialize in the Great Elms bloodline. We do have a few ChesaiAristicBonner Poms.SATISFACTION IS ALWAYS GUARANTEED AT LENETTE.We give a written guarantee with every Pom sold.Pomeranian SIBWQSM SeptemberOctober 1991 51On The Matter of ChargesBy Hqppcth longsThe Constitution of the American Pomeranian Club gives any APC member the right to bring charges against another member for alleged misconduct detrimental to the club or breed. It is not uncommon for members to avail themselves of this right and contact the Board to press charges. Usually in discussing the problems with the Corresponding Secretary, or APC President, the people involved resolve the problem and formal charges are not filed.Recently charges were formally pressed, and at the May 25th Board Meeting at Midwest City, Oklahoma, the Board voted to entertain jurisdiction. There has been much mis-understanding and false information regarding this vote, therefore there appears to be a need to explain what happens when charges are filed.To start the process the complainant must file written charges with details together with a deposit of ten dollars and mail to the Corresponding Secretary. The secretary must then send a copy to each Board member or present them at the next board meeting.The next stage in this process is the one that causes the most confusion. In the APC constitution this stage is described as follows, "...the Board shall first consider whether the actions alleged in the charges, if proven, might constitute conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the club or the breed. If the Board considers that the charges do not allege conduct which would be prejudicial to the best interest of the Club or of the breed it may refuse to entertain jurisdiction. If the Board entertains jurisdiction of the charges it shall fix a date of hearing ..." The word "shall" when used in laws or directives means must or is obliged to. According to the APC constitution the Board must vote at this stage of the process. The Board is neither voting on whether thecharges are true or not, nor whether the defendant is guilty or innocent, but whether the charges, if true, are harmful to the Club or breed. If the majority of the Board vote that the charges, if proven true, would not harm the Club or breed the club may stop the process at this point and not hold a hearing. If the majority of the Board vote that the charges, if proven true, are harmful to the Club or breed then the Board or a committee must hold a hearing. This is what happened at the meeting in Oklahoma. The Board voted to hold a hearing.The following are fictitious examples to demonstrate how this worksExample 1Johns Pom gets loose and is picked up by the pound. John doesnt find this out until after his dog has been adopted by Bill. John admits Bill is taking good care of the dog. John brings charges to the APC claiming Bill is illegally keeping his dog. The board must decide that if it is true that Bill is keeping the dog illegally, is that fact harmful to the club or breed In this case the vote would likely be no and there would be no hearing becausea. The dog is well taken care of and therefore nothing harmful to the breed is being doneb. Nothing harmful is being done to the clubc. This would be strictly a civil matter and should be handled by the court system.Example 2Mikes Special Ch. Wonderful Pomme was poisoned at a dog show. Mikes arch rival Gary was seen near the dogs crate shortly before the dog died. Mike brings a civil suit against Gary and also files charges with the APC. The board must decide whether it is proven true that Gary poisoned the dog, that action is52 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranianharmful to the club or breed. In this case the vote would likely be yes and a hearing would be called becausea. The act of poisoning the competition is harmful to the breed. The fact that there is also a Civil suit pending would be irrelevant. Anything harmful to the breed would make it a concern of the APC.Not all situations are as clear cut and easy to decide as 1 and 2.Example 3Joe brings charges that Jennifer is knowingly breeding dogs that are passing on hip dysplasia. In this type of situation you might find some of the Board who feel this is none of the clubs business and that breeders must be free to decide how best to breed their dogs and how to weed out genetic health problems.You might find other members of the Board who think that knowingly breeding dogs that will become cripples is harmful to the breed. Whether the Board would hold a hearing on this charge would depend entirely on which opinion was in the majority.Up to the point of the hearing, only the information from the complainant has been presented. The hearing gives the person being accused the opportunity to present themselves and the opportunity to face the complainant.When the board votes to hold a hearing the next step in the process is to decide if the whole board or a committee is to hold the hearing. At the Oklahoma meeting the board decided on a committee. The committee was only to recommend, the final voting on this matter was to be done by the entire board.The purpose of the committee is to collect evidence and hear testimony. The APC constitution does not give any guidelines regarding evidence but common sense and the basic tenets of fairness and due process would apply. The burden of proof is on the complainant. The defendant is not bound to prove anything but is innocent unless the credible evidence establishes that he is guilty ofviolations of the Code of Ethics of the American Pomeranian Club and that the violations are sufficiently grave to warrant discipline as provided in the Constitution of the Club.After the committee has been appointed they must decide on the time and place of the hearing. Since the APC is a National Club with members located in different states, this is difficult. At the meeting in Oklahoma the committee was instructed to pick neutral ground. In other words do not favor the defendants state nor the complainants state. Since the club is so low on money the committee members would also have to pay for their own air fare and hotel rooms.After the place and time is decided the complainant and defendant must then be notified of the charges and the time and place of the hearing. If either party objects to the time, place or manner of hearing they can object in writing to the Committee Chairman or to the Board.Reasonable requests can be accommodated. As an example it would not be reasonable to ask for a rescheduled date the night before the hearing. All participants wold have bought their airline tickets the hotel room guaranteed and it would be an extreme hardship on the participants. It would notbe reasonable to continually ask for rescheduled hearing dates as a means to avoid having the hearing. It would be reasonable to ask for more information regarding the charges. It would be reasonable with sufficient notification to ask for a rescheduled hearing date as long as this privilege was not abused.The constitution gives very little guidance on how to conduct the hearing or where to hold the hearing. For the hearing that was voted on at the Oklahoma meeting the Committee Chairperson was advised to follow common sense guidelines in determining what evidence to admit. She was advised to avoid alleged documentary evidence that was based on pure hearsay, and to insure as far as it is possible that evidence submitted by both sides be judged inthe same light.If after a hearing the Board determines that the charges are sustained it may suspend the defendant for six months. However the key word is "may." The board could also suspend for two weeks or find the defendant guilty but impose no discipline. What the Board cannot do is expel someone from the club. They can only recommend that to the membership. Only the general membership can expel a member. The defendant has the right to attend this meeting to speak in his or her own behalf.This is the process that must be followed when formal charges are filed. Some of the major misunderstanding regarding this process area. The American Pomeranian Club presses the charges. Wrong The Board of the APC are merely impartial arbitrators, the complainant is the one pressing the charges.b. The vote to entertain jurisdiction means the Board voted the defendant guilty. Not so, the vote to entertain jurisdiction means simply that the Board voted to hold a hearing in the matter. The validity of charges are not even considered at this stage. A member could vote to entertain charges and then at the hearing vote to find the defendant innocent of the charges. On the other hand a member could vote not to entertain the charges and then at the hearing, after reviewing the evidence, vote to find the defendant. The vote to entertain jurisdiction and the vote of innocent or guilty are two different actions.c. If the defendant resigns before a hearing is held it means he or she is guilty. Wrong again. In this type of situation it can be expensive and time consuming to defend yourself. To resign before a hearing can simply mean that the accused didnt want the hassle. If a defendant resigns before a hearing the Club loses jurisdiction and a hearing to determine the validity of the charges would not be held.d. The Club is for fun. It is a social club and shouldnt accept any type of charges. First of all for theboar to refuse to participate goes against the Club constitution and also discriminates against the member bringing the charges. When applying for membership an applicant agrees to abide by the Code of Ethics on pain of disciplinary action.Second The American Pomeranian Club was not established as a Social Club, or as a Club where Pom Fanciers can get together to have fun. The American Pomeranian Club was not established to promote its members. In Article I of the Club Constitution the objectives of the club are quite clear. The Club was established for the advancement and betterment of the Pomeranian dog. The social aspects and fun are a side benefit of being a member but the main purpose is to protect and advance the Pomeranian. The breed cannot be protected if the breeds parent club does not have some mechanism for discipline. Without such a mechanism the Code of Ethics becomes meaningless.Third across this country there is a movement of anti-dog legislation. A lot of this legislation is being pushed by the animal rights activists. A cry of these activists is that AKC and the breed clubs dont regulate themselves, and therefore outside groups must do so. The message quite is clear. If we dont regulate ourselves someone less understanding of dog issues will.This process of discipline is a necessary right of the membership but it should not be taken lightly. It is an expensive proposition for the club and for the committee members who must pay out of their own pocket. It is painful for the Board as the participants will be known and may even be friends. It is not a pleasant thing to be on a hearing Board that involves people you know and have associated with. It would be damaging for the club if the Board had to spend all of its time hearing charges. Equally as damaging however, would be a club that never considered discipline.1991 53Merimaur PomeraniansCh. Merrymonts Golden ImageCh. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x Ch. Great Elms Honey of Lenette----------------------------V 'Tok0' 3Gypsys Crystal Moon of An-Jo Merimaurs Image N ThatApLk ^Merimaurs Explosive Image "Nitro" at 3 months"Crystal" at 7 12 months "Candi" at 3 monthspointed from puppy classCNitro is offered for sale to show home."D.J" is offered at stud to approved bitches.Maureen Quinlan 447 Currans Rd. Middle Island NY 11953 516 924-317654 SeptemberOctober 1991 PomeranianWflSiEMerimaur PomeraniansMerimaurs Obsession d.o.b. 1491 "Alvin".tMerimaurs Metrognome d.o.b. 1491 "Teddy"rAlvin is offered for sale to a show homePups are sired by Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein x Apples Traveling Jewel."Julie" is currently expecting a litter sired by our "D.J", inquiries welcome.Maureen Quinlan 447 Currans Rd. Middle Island NY 11953 516 924-3176MjpiSubmitted by Dan JoEllen MercerWe would like to thank the members of the Sooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma City for the wonderful time we had at their Summer Specialty. A great deal of time effort went into this event. We have attended several of these events and even helped host one and it amazes us to see the next one better than the last. If you missed this event you missed out on a lot of fun. It was good to see many old Mends again and to meet new ones.Submitted by Lee NeubauerI just wrote a letter to Brenda Hutton. I wonder if I hold the dubious distinction of having more problems receiving my Pom Review than anyone else. After all, SOMEBODY mustOf all the mail I receive, my Review is the only one I really look forward to, yet it is consistently late or even missing. I am still waiting for my 1990 July stud dog issue.Is it any wonder the "Registry" advertises prompt mailingI hate to admit that this problem has frustrated me so much that at times I could cry or scream or something maybe someday my Review will magically begin to appear on timeevery time. Do you think soLee, I know exactly how you feel Before starting to publish the Pomeranian Review, I had been a subscriber for the last 2-3 years. Brenda is not at fault for any of this mess, and even we are only at fault for the July I August issue being late read Tails to Tell in this issue and last.fgpWere thrilled the Review is the only piece of mail that you look forward toWhen we took over, we actually received a contract a full week after the MarchApril issue was to be mailed 1st late issue. Since everyone received it so late, the APC extended both the submissions and mailing deadline on the MayJune issue 2nd late issue. The JulyAugust issue... 8A 3rd late issue. m writing your reply on August 2nd this reply is affectionately known as "last minute filler" and were going to the printer on Monday. This should be an on time issue. Lets hope we can keep to schedule now that were BACK ON TRACKIf you ever miss an issue, or an issue arrives to you extremely late and you know others that received it much sooner, go down to your local US Post Office and fill out a 1510 form. That sets up a verification procedure to help the US Post Office track down the problem.PS Advertising prompt mailing doesnt necessarily mean on time issues. Other Pomeranian publications have been known to be mailed late. We also claim prompt mailing'. All that means is that as soon as we get the issues back from the printer, we start the mailing process immediately Dont be fooled by mere words that dont mean much. Publishing mailing dates and meeting them is the only claim that counts. Care to sling around a thousand pounds or so of Pomeranian Reviews with us some day -EditorPomeranian SJSWQSM SeptemberOctober 1991 55Advertisers WndexBeaty, Rodger AR-BEES....................................... 11Cabrera, Tony STARFIRE.......................................13Capps, Rachel..............................................................23Carlin, Gloria MARANTHA ...................................37Columbia Pom Club....................................................49Dupuis, Elizabeth POMSPRINGS......................IBC,5Finch, Diane FINCH ................................................37Griffith, K.G. LENEITE...........................................51Harris, Bonnie TRESST1QUE ................................45Heise, Annette Lynn YELLOW ROSE .................EFCJane Lehtinen JAN-LE..............................................35Jones, Happeth HAPIAN ........................................ 16Kneisler, Maria KNEISLER.................................... 17LaFortune Anna Ray SUNGOLD.........................39Lewis, John BAYOU VIEW ................................... 19Liselli, Anna AN-JO .......................................... 18,41Masnick, Sharon GOLDEN AIRES.................... FC, 1McKee Margaret IDLEWYLD.................................43Mercer, Dan JoEllen Prarie Wind.........................25Niehouse, Virginia Bernard SO-HI ....................... 5Ohio Valley Pom Club..................................................5Quinlan, Maureen MERIMAUR ....................... 54,55Shearer, Jim Judy CRYSTAL...............................33Stoll, Frances STOLANNE......................................21Tim Sue Goddard TIM SUE.................................31Turner, Brenda BRYNROSE......................................9Vickers, Mary MAR-VIC ........................................47White, S.R. ................................................................. 15Williamson, A1 CENLA......................................... BCWright, Donna Lynn LYNNWRIGHT ....................27Advertising ^Policies SpatesAds are placed in the magazine in the order they are received. Any ads that miss the issue deadline will be held for inclusion in the next issue. All photos will be returned via 1st class US Mail.Member Non-MemberFront Cover............................ 120.00 150.00Back Cover.......................... . 100.00 125.00Inside Front Cover.............. . 90.00 110.00Inside Back Cover............... . 90.00 110.00Center Page Spread................ 170.00 200.00Full Page............................. .. 75.00 90.0034 Page...............................,. 60.00 70.0012 Page...............................,. 45.00 55.0014 Page................................. 30.00 40.00Business Card 2 x 3.25".. . 20.00 25.00Classified Ads..................... . 5.00 7.00100.00yr for Members onlyl3xtra ChargesPhoto Reproduction................................................ 15.00eaTints grey backgrounds........................................ 7 50Reverse white lettersblack backgrounds. 5 00Mortises photos less than .25" apart..................... lO.OOeaBleeds photos printed to edge of page.... 20.00September 1 is the deadline for the NovemberDecember - Brood Bitch IssueDONlateP omeranian W ndexAdlens Ks Country Chrisma..................................... 36Allayns Feel The Heat............................................... 17Allayns Miz Scarlet................................................... 17An-Jo pups...................................................................41Ch. Bayou View Teachers Pet...................................19Ch. Beaver of Lenette................................................. 51Ch. Cenla Annie Laurie OFriday.......................BC,36Crystal C Pepper Dust.................................................33Dan Dees Tiny Jack Frost.......................................... 34Ch. Desirees Echo Brooke........................................ 11Ch. Desirees Smokey Mt. Prince.............................IFCCh. Finchs He Walks On Water.................................37Ch. Golden Aires Here I Am......................................FCGolden Aires Billie Jean..............................................45Gypsys Crystal Moon of An-Jo..................................54Hapians Little Yankee Boy....................................... 16Ch. Idas Touch of Bev-Nor........................................39Idlewyld pups.............................................................. 43Ch. Jamels Texas Kane of Sharel.................................9Jan-Les Touch of Fascination................................35,36Jolvin Radical Dude.....................................................34Kingdoms Sinderella Romance..................................23Larron Mark MoDust.................................................33Lenette pups................................................................ 51Lynnwrights Misery...................................................27Mar-Vics Stuffd Black Bear.......................................47Maranthas Precious Cherub....................................... 37Ch. Mercers Exotica...................................................25Merimaurs Explosive Image...................................... 54Merimaurs Image N That..........................................54Merimaurs Metrognome.............................................55Merimaurs Obsession............................................... 55Ch. Merrymont Spring Fever..................................... 15Ch. Merrymonts Golden Image..................................54Mosaic Micro Star....................................................... 34Pomsprings Pink Cadillac .......................................EBCPrimrose City Limits....................................................38Silver Meadows Barbie Brite.....................................34Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive............................38Starfires Sky Rocket.................................................. 13Ch. Stolannes Spritz N Spice It................................21Sungold parti Pom.......................................................39Tanglewood Solid Gold...............................................24Ch. Teakwoods How Bout Hoover............................22AmCan Ch. Tim Sues High Lights........................... 31Tomho Mud Wrestler...................................................24Tomho Strutting Baby Cakes.......................................22Tresstique Dawn of Merimaur.....................................45Trievons Desert Storm At BKs................................. 34AmCan Ch. Watts Scotia Willie Winks .... IBC Yellow Roses Smokey Mt. Desaree........................IFCUerms ConditionsAll ads are PREPAID Send your check made out to "American Pomeranian Club, Inc." for the full amount including all extras. Editor reserves the right to edit all copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much text is submitted for ad size, editor will delete text as required for ad to fit.PHOTOS and CHECKS MUST accompany ad copy ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR CLEARLY PRINTED56 SeptemberOctober 1991 Pomeranian WQ SMhoo bhh^ So zn g.^_ ^_WillieOur current multi group winnerGROUP 1ST Thank you Lawrence StanbridgeGROUP 1ST Thank you Virginia Lyne pictured hereGROUP 1ST Thank you Edna JoelGROUP 1ST and FIRST again underMr. StanbridgeOwner handled Congrats Dolores - "Youve bred one heck of a dog"4Our 1991 puppy hopefuld.o.b 122490Were quite sentimental about this girl as shes a granddaughter of our late Ch. Scotia Tickles Me Pink.Were optimistic that shell carry on our tradition of gorgeous "PINK" ladiesThanks Peggy my sister for the great photoTOMSPqiiyGSElizabeth Dupuis PO Box 328Alexandria, Ontario KOC 1 AO 613 347-2275L, M 1K .V .- - -Jl30QZ9903OtiHere she is... Our latest pride joyJC4fc1 W'_Ch.Cenla Annie Laurie O FridayCh. Shy Acres Our Man Friday x Cenla Sugar DumplingAfter Annie saw daddy win the Winter National Specialty, she simply had to follow in his footsteps by winning the Summer Specialty. Out of the classes, no less, which really finished her in a BIG way. Annie wishes to thank the following judges for seeing more than just a pretty face12691 Mr. Tom Conway Alexandria, l_A - K.C. WB, BOW, BOS, 2 pts21091 Mr. Maynard Wood APC Winter Specialty BOS Sweeps22391 Mr. Tom Conway Brazoria K.C. WB, BOW, BOS, 1 pt31591 Mrs. Erika Moureau Houston Pom Specialty Best In Sweeps31591 Mrs. Ruth Winston Houston Pom Specialty BOS puppy31691 Mrs. Bettie Krouse Houston K.C. WB, BOW, 4 pts32291 Mr. C.L. Eudy Dallas-Ft Worth Pom Specialty Best in Sweeps32491 Mrs. James E. Clark Texas Kennel Club WB, BOS, 4 pts42791 Mr. Emil Klinchhardt Panhandle K.C. WB, BOW, BOB, 1 pt42891 Mrs. G.J. Wanner, Sr. Heart of the Plains WB, BOW, BOB, 1 pt52491 Mr. Roger Pritchard APC Summer Specialty WB, BOW, BISS, 5 ptsSpecial thanks also, to Audrey Roberts and Friday and to our many friendly competitors who have pulled forsince she went into the ring. It was so nice having so many of you at ringside in Oklahoma City to see Annies big day. The applause was deafening. As for the rumor, I did NOT come out of the ring in tears, that was sweat from trying to do everything correctly for onceAl Williamson PO Box 4207 Pineville LA 71361 318445-8571