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The Pomeranian Review January 1992

AmericanPomeranianlub IncPublished Bimonthlyv PomeranianRifBii Handlers Issue JanuaryFebruary 1992s[jaQ oqjigd bkos sw bsk11AmCh.Jan-Shars Pretty WomanSire Ch. Blake's Sir Robert John Dam Ch. Jan-Shars Sayde Rambo grandson Sire - Rambo, Dam - Rambo daughterWatch for Pretty Woman as a special with Jason Lynch.I would like to thank everyone who called offering their condolences on my loss of Rambo. He was truly one of the Greats and a loss I wont soon get over.Sharon Hanson 304 497-2446COVER STORYSUL mm QRQS SOSITILSRISING TO NEW HEIGHTS.vUCH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK1990 was a great year at Glen Iris. Campaigning Zac to 1 Pom in most systems and receiving the APC Top Exhibitor Award were honors to be cherished forever. But then came Evan. Evan hits the ring with an intensity and charged excitement that is impossible to ignore. His brilliant orange coat, unsurpassed side gait and unique smile, have made him a consistent winner for all three of his handlers Erika, Cheryl and Joel. We are especially pleased since Evan was one of those hand-reared puppies that are, for crazy Pom breeders, a labor of love.Due to the invasion of our home by the worlds best baby in this respect, we are very kennel blind, we are forced to sell many of our cherished monsters, including finished champions and promising puppies.Co-OwnerBreedersGlen Iris Poms Cheryl JacksonJoel Taylor 205328-6603m Co-Owner Texican Poms Erika Moureau 713 351-95163Sg COMMITTEE CHAIRMENAKC DELEGATE Sam Zaneoff 10 Park Avenue New York NY 10016 APC ARCHIVES Sharon Shipek 4803 3rd Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 APC REGISTRAR Jean Schroll 12950 S New Era Rd Oregon City OR 97045 AWARDS Judy Shearer 523 Miller Avenue ^ Sugarcreek ^ OH ^ 44681 EDUCATION Sally Baugniet 411 S State Street Mishicot WI 54228 HEALTH Dolly Trauner 2025 Lyon St San Francisco CA 94115 LOCAL CLUBS Dianne Johnson 2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore MD 21234 MEMBERSHIP Jerrie Freia POB 2775 Morgan City LA 70381 OBEDIENCE Linda Gallacher 1990 Ridge Way Drive Eugene OR 97401 PUBLIC RELATIONS Lois Hamill 4 Domenic Drive Chelmsford MA 01824 SKIN DISEASE Cheryl Jackson 1038 16th Avenue Birmingham AL 35205THE POM SHOPPE Bess Roberts WAYS MEANS Lisa Smart YEARBOOK Paul G. LewisPomeranian 5JWQH7 JanuaryFebruary 1992 1is siFasQfsPresidentMary Vickers1st Vice PresidentAudrey Roberts2nd Vice PresidentDavid WattsRecording SecretaryJdappeth A. JoneswCorresponding SecretaryFrances J. Stott Rural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501TreasurerAd WilliamsonPOB 4207Pineville, LA 71361-4207Sadly Baugniet Margaret Mcfree Tony TellezCarol A. Jalavich Jean T. Sdvrott Cheryl WagnerEditorQail A. QarveyPublishing HouseE XPEDITIOPUBLISHINGNPO Box A, 45 Pennwood Drive Mastic Beach, NY 11951-0501 Tel 516 399-3199 Fax 516 399-3182Business ManagerMarie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel 516 363-9524CirculationSubscriptionsBrenda Mutton R102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Tel 517 485-5183Back-Issues Margaret Mcdee2426 Sandy Hook Rd Goochland, VA 23063 Tel 804 556-3380Pomeranian KS'SQSSJ ISSN 0744-8546 is published bimonthy JanMarMayTulSepNov in Mastic Beach, NY by die American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright 1992 by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission. Subscriptions are 30.00 per year 3rd class mail 35.00 per year 1st Class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and APOs US funds only.Custom graphics and all graphic compilations Copyright 1992 by Expedition Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. All material and manuscripts submitted for publication with the exception of photos and custom graphics become the property of the American Pomeranian Club, all rights reserved. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.\peaturesCover Story....................................................... 1CIl Glen Iris Castle Rock3I Committee Chairman...........................1Our Juniors Speak ....................................... 10What Is The PHA.........................................14Linda TereskoA Novice Speaks.............................................18Barbara McClatchey^P^ Specialty Info.........................................373ES Annual Meeting ...............................39ArticlesThe Game..........................................................8Patty GriffinMore On Skin Disease.................................. 22Lois HamillMore On Matter of Charges................ 25Margaret McKeeHelpful Hints........................................26Margaret McKeeObedience News.............................................38Brenda K. Hutton5lub ijeiusPuget Sound Pom Club................................29Janell ReichOhio Valley Pom Club.................................32Judy ShearerColumnsUpdates..............................................................4from the PresidentRecording Secretarys Report........................6AKC Delegate Report......................................8Classifieds ..................................................... 28Pom Repair Shop........................................... 28Behind The New Titlists................................34JilfPS New Members....................................36Pom Calendar.................................................35Yips Yaps.....................................................39Advertisers Index............................................40Pomeranian Index......................................... 402 JanuaryFebruaiy 1992 Pomeranian 8J'i70l3\E-xXx xXx XkIn Loving Memory of Sungolds Snowy Mittens C.D.Therapy dog 1984-1991We were a class act, my little lion with a big heart. You will be deeply missed.Annaray Rhien Pom Mom the ClownMy darling daughter my heart bleeds for you. No one knows as much how you feel as I do. You lost your working partner as well as your best friend. Remember all the love she gave you while she was here. Dont let your other 3 girls feel your grief. They love you too.Anna LaFortunexxx XwwX- -X-fcer -XfcgKvwiFAwv'^ J . " r0lL 1. C VI v.fV ft1 yjt.'. m-VU- -ra- x sY.'SJ rAPomeranianJanuaiyFebruary 1992 3UPDATES from theBy Mary VickerspresidentHAPPY HOLIDAYSWith these words I am covering all that you celebrate within this issues timeframe. It is, however, a New Year.My parents taught me on New Years Eve to sit down and reflect on the past year. Thereafter, I was supposed to figure out goals and exactly how I would change for the approaching time period. This is not a bad thing to do. But APC, you are rushing me a bit, you see it is Halloween as I write this.The APC has had a hard time of it in 1991. My term as President started off with a new different Pom Review, including a new editor. It has faired well. There is still room for change. One of the changes that you saw in the October issue is that we are now opening up to commercial advertising. Although, it was a hard decision to make, ads representing products useful to the breed is not a bad idea. Information on rates are available from Gail as Editor or Marie Carlough as the Pomeranian Review Business Manager.Writing Maries name brings to mind that she was never formally announced to you. It was found that many people forgot to send their payment in with their ads. Others miscalculated or were confused by the change in advertisement costs. Marie Carlough volunteered to help. She was put to use with the title Pomeranian Review Business Manager. Marie has been kept very busy writing notes to you so that everything balances correctly. Keep in mind that Marie follows up on "our little omissions." Ads payments SHOULD be sent together.Financially 1991 was a disaster for the APC. On the thirtieth day of my term, it was uncovered that the APC was a hairs breath away from bankruptcy. It was everted only by the generous response from YOU and many local Pom Clubs. I wish there was enough space to say thank-you to all that helped. I will spotlight Lynn Heise, Marion Coy the Dallas Ft. Worth Pom Club. If it were not for their efforts in the air-line ticket raffle, several of your officers and board members would have "jumped the ship." Another person to be thanked is Lisa Smart. I cant begin to tell you how many ideas she has come up with to give you something for your money. Lisa, as Ways Means committee head, will be directing the auction in New York. Hearing about the articles coming in for the auction has me salivating. I also want to say thank-you to Brenda Hutton, Margaret McKee, Jerrie Freia, Happeth Jones A1 Williamson and many other chairmanchairwomen who have subsidized their appointments partially with their own funds. No one ever told us that in 1991 re-imbursement would be soquestionable. But financially things are looking better. Consistant equitable money management are prime factors that are a weekly worry.Another sore spot this year was the Board learning about Article VTH in our by-laws. My phone rings weekly with someone complaining about a member, or many times a non-member, wanting them thrown out of the Club, or somehow or another their pound of flesh. 99.9 of these complaints are handled without official charges being brought It is the 1 that brings so many ramifications as well as tears.Although it occurs in February 1992, the Specialty and Annual Membership Meeting have been on our minds throughout the year. It is back at the 198990 site -- the La Guardia Marriott - right across the street from the NY La Guardia Airport. For those of you flying, remember to contact American Airlines at 1-800-433-1790, ask for STAR NUMBER S06Z2RJ for a 40 discount on flights in the Continental U.S. For those of you driving and staying at the hotel, parking is FREE. Unfortunately we could not arrange discounted parking for day trippers, but it is much less expensive than in the city.A Specialty should be SPECIAL. It should be a dog show, but a place where members and those interested in the breed can meet, have fun and exchange information. These are our goals for the 92 Specialty. You will have to tell us if they are metNew this year is the Veterans Sweepstakes which will be held on Saturday. The October Gazette had a terrific article on Vet Sweeps. It is just like Puppy Sweeps, except it is time for those "oldies but goodies" over 6 years to strut their stuff. It is also a fantastic place to show off those Poms finished a while back who are behind many of our current dogs. Your entry in this class, as well as in the Parade of Champions can be neutered or spayed. Neutered or spayed Poms cannot be entered in the non-regular Veterans Dog or Bitch classes held on Sunday.Susan Conlee also had to resign as Show Chairman. Luckily for us Dolly Trauner stepped in and has done a fantastic job of putting it all together.For those of you who cant be there in person, dont be left out of the APC quilt raffle. Tickets can be purchased by mail from Lisa Smart at 1.00 each. For those of you who will be there, the Annual Membership Meeting will be held Saturday night at 730 but check at the hotel for the room .See you at the Marriott.4 JanuaryFebruaiy 1992 Pomeranian SJSWDSWa mmsiML wmmmm wm mdmmdem,Puget Sound Pom Club with ObedienceWednesday July 8, 1992American Pomeranian 2lub with ObedienceThursday July 9, 1992Columbia Pomeranian Club - Obedienceif approved by AKC in timeFriday July 10, 1992swMk MLR BjsxBdLMttoFUTURITY with Columbia Pom Club, get your bitch nominations inSend to Gladys Von Horn, 15902 N.E. 158th, Vancouver, WA 98685 206 892-0188TROPHY DONATIONS NEEDED for all 3 ClubsSend APC and CPC to Ray Mooney, Box 20145, Portland, OR 97230 Send Puget Sound to Alan Koeller see address belowOur hotel will be the newly remodeled Mark IV. They have airport transportation,1-800-426-5110. If you are driving weve done our best to have a parking place for you.For more information contactJanell Reich19910 106thAve Arlington, WA 98223 206 435-5978Shirley Fund12340 S.E. MiH St Portland, OR 97233 503 253-0586Jean SchroII12950 S. New Era Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045 503 650-0023APC - CPCPremium lists Kathy Corbett, 20665 S.W. Johnson St., Aloha, OR 97006 503 649-2712 Premium list for Puget Sound Alan Koeller, 1508 NE Brockman PL, Seattle, WA 98025 All Breeds Ace Mathews, Box 86130, Portland, OR 97286-0130Pomeranian SJSWQ \E JanuaryFebruaiy 1992 5Recording Secretary ReportBy Hoppeth fi. JonesSeptemberOctober AgendaVoting ResultsIn the last Secretarys Report there were twelve pending motions. The voting results are as follows1. The motion to include the name of the person who makes a second in the Agenda was approved. 8-0.2. The motion to dedicate the 1993 Specialty to Bob Goodrich was approved. 8-0.3. The motion to vote on applications for membership as they are received instead of waiting for two Agendas was approved. 8-0.4. The motion that only the Board can refuse to print an article in the Club magazine the Pomeranian Review was approved. 7-1.5. The motion to give recognition to members who have made an exceptional contribution to the club and the breed did not receive a second. Motion dropped.6. The motion to give recognition to twenty year consecutive members was approved. 8-2 1 abstain.7. The motion to appoint a committee for establishing kennel visits was approved. 8-3.8. The motion to send a copy of the Pomeranian Review to the AKC library was approved. 11-0.9. The motion to ask editors to print appeal of Canine Defense Fund was approved. 9-2.10. The motion to make anyone who writes bad checks pay by bank check was approved. 10-111. The motion that a report on specialty preparations be submitted to the Board as they progress was approved. 8-0.12. The motion to eliminate the APC copyright was defeated. 8-2 1 abstain.Pending Motions91-9-6 Margaret McKee moves that the Secretary publish names of prospective members in the Pomeranian Review. Members have thirty days from date of publication to send in comments to the Recording Secretary. These comments would then be forwarded to Board members along with the application and endorsements. This motion would take effect February 1, 1992. Seconded by Sally Baugniet91-10-1 Jean Schroll moves that we table the vote on the new applicants who the Board has received negative letters about until we speak to their sponsor or find out more information about them. Seconded by Mary Vickers.91-10-2 Happeth Jones moves that the Board forgive the missing votes of Dave Watts and Sally Baugniet. Needs a second.91-10-4 Mary Vickers moves that we extend the Pomeranian Review subscription by two issues for those whose applications were delayed. Seconded by Happeth Jones.91-10-13 Happeth Jones moves that we issue a kennel visit to Thelma Dunn. Needs a second.91-10-27 Mary Vickers moves that the APC Board give permission to Renees Fountain to reprintcopy photos, letters and any other information from the Pomeranian Review, to be used in her series of books. Needs a second.CommentsIn September only eight of the Board members voted. This was enough votes to pass any motions but not enough to vote in new members. This resulted in a delayed vote for four applicants. Dave Watts, Cheryl Wagner, Audrey Roberts and Sally Baugniet failed to vote. This makes three votes that Dave and Cheryl have missed. Sally Baugniet reported that she didnt receive the Agenda with the ballot therefore could not vote. Dave Watts reported that he mailed the vote in. Cheryl Wagner also missed voting in the October Agenda. This is four missing votes for Cheryl. A missed vote is counted as a missed meeting. Four missed meetings is cause for replacement.At the beginning of this Agenda time period the treasury showed a balance of 2348.69. Mary Vickers spoke to A1 and he reported that the balance at the end of Sept, is 7000.00. However, we have a 3000.00 loan due for repayment and the Pomeranian Review bill is due the end of October. So we could be back to zero balance again. Membership renewals start in November and that will help. We have received enough trophy donations to pay for the trophies and some extra to help pay for other Specialty expenses.We are still not getting enough ads to pay for the Pomeranian Review, this is costing the club money every issue. On the positive side the Pomeranian Reviews circulation is increasing considerably. In the past few months we have acquired 300 more subscribers.Some other issues placed before the Board during SeptOct wereThe Pomeranian Review copyright, kennel review requirements, negative letters regarding an applicant, the loss of our show secretary and the search for a new one, the board needing more information on the specialty, the roster, and considerable work on reviewing voting for many new applicants.Jerrie Freia received the records from the former Membership Secretary. Jerrie is drawing up a roster of members. The problem is we do not have the money to print it The roster is now completed. The next step is to get the money for printing and mailing.6 JanuaiyFebruaiy 1992 PomeranianJfs Country Pomeraniansoffers for sate - Ch. Xts Country Littte Poo Bits'1mv8,Bitsy finished with 4 majors and a Group placement from puppy class. She went on in limited showing as a Special and garnered multiple Best in Breed and a Group placement. She has great potential in taking Best in Show as a Special.Send inquiries toKaren Ludke O 6869 S. Hollywood Road O Baileyville, IL 61007 O 815 938-3468 Bitsy was handled exclusively by Mike Linda Fleming, 309 367-2793Pomeranian Q g\2 Januaiy Februaiy 1992 7fi.K.C. Delegate ReportBy Sqm ZqngoffThe AKC delegates meeting was held Tuesday Sept. 10,1991, at the Waldorf Astoria, which was temporary headquarters for their scheduled meeting.At this meeting the delegates voted on many Constitution and By-law amendments. There were at least 7 that were voted on. Adopted at this meeting were rules applying to the registration and Dog Shows. Proposed amendments to the Retriever Field Trial rules, Board of Directors election meetings and quorum, Article XI applying to AKC officers.Those that were not adopted Article VIII Board of Directors Nominating Committee and proposed amendments to rules applying to registration and dog shows. All these Amendments which were voted on will appear in the Gazette since they are rather lengthy it would be difficult to write up each of them.I am sure that by the time my column is published itTfhm mwbby pqtty GriffinRemember Kenny Rogers line in the song The Gambler "Youve got to know when to holdem, know when to foldem, and know when to walk away"I believe this is the key to success in the show ring as well as breeding. It should be easiest to interpret this to our breeding program, what to keep, what to sell, and when to look for new bloodlines, but the show ring If youve been showing for years and consistently finishing dogs in short order, then you know if a puppy has what it takes or not. But if this is your first fitter, the decision may not be so easy. What do you do Hopefully you purchased your bitch from a knowledgeable, caring breeder. Thats the first place to go. She knows basically what her puppies should look like at any given age, and by comparison can make an educated evaluation a fancy word for guess, seeing as when dealing with animals thats about all you can do. If the breeder of the bloodline youre interested in fives half way across the country, ask for a video tape.WARNING DONT ASK ANYBODY, IF YOU REALLY DONT WANT TO KNOW. THE ANSWER MAY NOT BE WHAT YOU WANT TO HEARNow, lets say you have decided to "holdem." "Poopis" has finally grown up, walks on the lead, and even stands still. The BIG DAY, her first show arrives. One of three things happen1. She wins YEAH2. She gets a ribbon beating several in her class.GOOD3. Shes put at the back of the fine. BOOIf she was a 1, youve got a flyer or got lucky either8 JanuaryFebruary 1992 Pomeranianwill be published in the Gazette. I will send copies to Happeth Jones so that she can send them to any of the Board Members who wish a copy.The highlight of this meeting was a new video the AKC has just completed called "Best Friends." It was presented at this meeting from the Communications Dept, head by Wayne Cavanough. I must say I enjoyed every moment of it. I took the liberty to order a copy and am having it sent to Sally Baugniet who is our Coordinator. Every club that inquired has received a free copy. I believe you can receive a free copy by writing to Mr. Cavanough at AKC. I wanted to be sure our club had a copy of this important film.Also at this meeting was the formal election of Mr. Robert G. Maxwell, who was elected President. Mr. Maxwell up until this time was Chief Executive Officer.Even though this was a lengthy meeting, I found it most enjoyable.If there are any further questions regarding this meeting please dont hesitate writing me. I will be pleased to reply.way, you got lucky. Go for it.If she was a 2, theres hope. Take a good honest look at the dogs behind her as well as the ones in front. Compare, honestly, look for good qualities in them and faults in your own kennel blindness is DEADLY. Perhaps yours only needs a little more maturing, more training or someone with more experience at the other end of the lead. If she looks like she belongs with this company and placed well, shes worth keeping, shell more than likely finish her championship.If she was a 3, give her a few more chances. But set a limit, the experts say six shows. If she still is at the back of the line or not even in the ribbons, then youre only throwing good money after bad. Pull her, if she is sound and only lacking a few qualities or glamour or attitude, she may make a good producer providing she has a solid pedigree with a history of producing.As to folding, I dont mean throw in the towel and call it quits. What I mean is rethink your breeding program. If youve been breeding 5 or more years and your champion took a year or more to finish, then the problem is you. Remember kennel blindness. Now is the time to either clean house and start over, or maybe youre not breeding what you have to their best advantage Not all bloodlines are compatible. Perhaps youre in a breeding rut. Its so easy to just use your own male or the dog down the road, because hes close or cheap. You can take two perfect dogs, breed them, and get nothing but pet quality simply because the fines arent compatible or dont compliment each other. Look around for something you like in an entirely different line. Try it, you might like it It just might be the right CLICK for your bitches. You may contact Patty by writing to her at Patty Griffin, 2767 Calumet St., Winston-Salem, N.C., 29802.Dar's Foxridgevy3EST SEXOPPLANCASTER KENNEL CLUB INC m MAY 1909o'SEXBEST OPP \GENESEE TALLEY KENNEL CLUB INC JULY BBS rWinning Ways...vii OPP SEXto--y5With grateful thanks to our very capable handler,Deena Regoni,for consistently terrific showingDars Foxridge - 385 Loop Rd. ^ Campobello, S.C. 29322 ^ 803 4723002PomeranianJanuaryFebruary 1992 9brother. I have 4 Poms, C.J., Elliot, Simo, and Gator. I would go to dog school and shows with my aunt Carole, and I really wanted a dog of my own to train. When I was 5, Lorinda Vasuta told us of a puppy Judy Shearer from Sugarcreek was selling. We went out to see him. His name is C. J., short for Crystles Court Jester. His father is Ch. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy. He won all kinds of trophies and ribbons. We fell in love with him and took him home. He is blonde like my hair. He is my best friend. We play together and take walks together. I take him to Papps Dog School once a week. By the time I was 7, C.J. had his CD and now we have 2 legs toward his CDX. I am too young for Junior Handling, so I show with the adults.The judges are always nice to me. C.J. and I entered a look alike contest and won first prize. We were also in a talent show at school. I took him to school one day and he was a big hit when I put him through his show routines.Showing and training C.J. helps me to be patient and helps me to be more confident in myself. It thrills me when he wins and I learn to be a good sport when we lose.I wouldnt trade C.J. for any other kind of dog. When1 get older I would like to have more Poms.Flash Misty just dropped a quick note to say on Oct. 28,1991 she put a CDX on C.J. Congratulations to them both.Julie and her Poms "fidam" "ilex 5 "Grizzly"My name is Julie James. I am 16 years old. I go to Middletown High School in Middletown, Ohio. I also work parttime at McDonalds.In breed and Junior Showmanship I have worked with2 special Poms. Adam was my first Pom. He is 4 years old. I also worked with Alex for two years. Both are males.I also showed a black male Pom in obedience and put a CD on him. His name was Grizzly.I show in the confirmation ring and Ive put 2 points on Adam and 4 points on Alex.I also belong to 4-H. In 19901 showed a male English Springer Spaniel. I won a chance to go to the Ohio State Fair and represent my age group that were experienced handlers. I did not place, I found out this year that I got a perfect grade in showing but in 4-H the important thing is that you know all about the parts of the dog, diseases, grooming and the care of your dog.At the fair we were judged by veterinary students and asked a few questions about our dogs. I did not do good in this and it counted for a big part of my score and really messed me up.The first time I showed in Junior Showmanship was at a fun match. A friend sent me in the ring and I had no idea what to do, so I watched her daughter. This was about 6 years ago, at that time they also asked questions about the 12 JanuaryFebruary 1992 Pomeranianno more Juniors. A year or two later I found out that they no longer asked questions in Juniors so I got back in.I started in Novice Junior and now because of my age I am in Open Senior. When you get to this level it is very competitive and the other kids are good and you are sometimes up against your friends. Ive found most all of the judges to be nice.The strangest question I was asked was the first time I went in the ring at 10 years old and they asked me how many teeth did a dog have At that time I had no idea. I want to be a professional handler someday.Jessica and her Poms, "Sandy" "Dawn"My name is Jessica Harris, Im 13 years old and I go to school at Mt. Sinai Jr. High.My mother had a Pom when she was a kid and loved her so much she wanted another one, and decided to show Sandy for a hobby and got hooked. Sandy didnt turn out for show and thats how I got started in Jr. Handling.Sandy was already trained very well, my mom worked with him a lot, so I had no trouble in the ring. He did everything he was supposed to, I had very little to do. I placed everytime with Sandy until a Boxer got loose and attacked him. After that he was too afraid, and would always look over his shoulder. So now I show Dawn our puppy. Shes a nut and not trained. I do most of the work with her even though my mother shows her in the puppy class, she pays all her attention to her Open Bitch.I finally started to win with Dawn. I find if I tire her out before I go in the ring she does better. She shows better for me now than for my mother, my mom gets mad "I love it" Ha Ha So my mother said I could show Dawn in the breed ring. Up until now the only time I went in the breed ring was when my mother took both classes. Im excited about that.I find for the most part the kids in Junior Handling are really nice, but they are there to win. Im not that competitive, I could care less if I win or lose except against my mother, we joke about it, and Im glad we have a hobby to share.The judges in Junior Handling really take their time in judging, unlike the breed ring where youre in and out so fast I dont like it when the judge walks around you and you have to stay out of his way, I think it confuses the dog as well. Other than that 1 just love being around all the dogs, not just the Poms.I hope to have a Shetland Sheepdog some day and my final goal is to become a judge.See you in the ring Editors note Wed like to thank all of our junior handlers for taking the time to write Its nice to see people so young taking on the responsibility and discipline of being a succesful handler10 JanuaryFebruaiy 1992 PomeranianKneislers Pomeranians Welcomes.The New Kids On The Block"f Ir '.Yes Hes as cute as he looks...Bev-Nors Little ShowstopperBIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge x Great Elms Andrea of LenetteSpanky is pictured here at 4 months of age. He was entrusted to us by his breeder, Bev Norris, and we thank her because he has all the attributes we desire. We named him "Little Showstopper" because thats exactly what we feel he will be. Watch for him in the SpringAnd... A new addition to our foundation stock...Allayns Against All OddsCh. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Shamrocks Tarbubble v AllaynGinny came to us already major pointed by her breeder Mary Allan. She is a very sound, stylish bitch who is just coming back into coat after her 1 year shed. Watch for her to come back in styleWe also have puppies for sale, also two young bitches and a young male. Inquiries welcome, phone calls preferred.OwnerHandler Maria Kneisler 9151 S. Darlington Ave Tulsa, OK 74137 918 492-0520rC, .O'-. Vtit _ _"Wefeed and recommend Science Diet"Pomeranian SiSWOS JanuaryFebruaiy 1992 13WIkmii M TkBby Lindq fi. TereskoThe AKC was founded in 1884 by amateur sportsmen interested in establishing a uniform set of rules for the holding of dog shows. From that day to this, the Board of Directors, responsible for the operation of AKC, has been made up of dedicated amateur sportsmen.For some years prior to 1922, a movement was on foot to organize the Professional Handlers of dogs and while there was some enthusiasm among the dyed-in-the-wool dog men, it was not until 1926 that the Professional Handlers Association became an established fact. The first real assembly took place during the Sesqui-Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia in 1926. Established by Leonard Brumby, Sr., he remained their first President from 1926-1945.Back then, people were limited by geography and transportation.There were not yet any motor homes to turn showgrounds into campgrounds. People went to dog shows in trains at times. In those days, the assistants slept with the dogs. Handlers worked for one person, as opposed to today, in which a handler is hired by several clients.Large kennels became a thing of the past, like the benched show, which was a great learning tool for both novice and pro. The absence of benched shows has taken away one of the great opportunities for observation and communication with other dog people.Brumby felt handlers could all do more for themselves and for the business, if they got together and combined talent, talk, etc. Handlers were licensed in 1950 by the AKC, or they could not show dogs professionally.AKC dropped the licensing of professional handlers in 1977. This created mixed feelings by some in the PHA, since they felt dropping control on this group would allow anyone to call themselves a professional. The only group that was left to control the people was the PHA. At that time, they changed a lot of their by-laws and methods of control to keep up the level of competency in the profession.Today an applicant for PHA membership must have 10 years active involvement with show dogs and must have handled professionally for five years. The person must meet with at least four PHA zone representatives. A year14 JanuaryFebruaiy 1992 Pomeranianafter the applicants letter of intent is received, kennel facilities are inspected and the applicant is advised on forwarding an application.The PHA also sets standards for kennel and transportation safety as well as courtesy and professionalism. The group also conducts seminars and lectures, sponsors club functions and opposes legislation not in the best interest of the dogs.Young people interested in handling as a profession can do a great deal to give themselves a head start. If you are under sixteen and if you or any member of your family owns a purebred dog, you can begin to learn your profession in the Junior Showmanship ring. Junior Showmanship classes are available at most dog shows and matches. They are open to youngsters ten to sixteen years old, and it is the quality of the handling, not of the dog, that is judged.Another excellent way to learn, is to find a good professional handler in your area who is willing to take you along on show trips as a helper. If neither of these options is possible, you can learn a great deal by reading books about showing dogs, by studying the standards of all the breeds, by going to as many dog shows as you can find in your area, and by watching and asking questions.Professional handlers are a vital part of the dog show world, and they are generally among the most respected members of the fancy. To request a PHA membership list, contact Kathleen Bowser, Secretary, Professional HandlersAssociation, 15810 Mount Everest Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20906I am gratefully thankful to my dear friend, William Trainor, who has served as a hard-working President of PHA for at least 11 years of his still successful career in dogs. His invaluable information from the archives of the PHA has made this article possible. Thanks Bill, youre the BESTexcerpted from The Professional HandlersAssociation Reporter, February, 1953. Careers for Dog Lovers, Lynn Hall. Talking with Trainor, Dog World, January 1991.Today an applicant for PHA membership must have 10 years active involvement with show dogs and must have handled professionally for five years,GjaxA 'PomeicuUttit4lyBEST OF BREED VARIETYNEW CHAMPIONTOPEKA KENNEL CLUB 1991PHOTO BY DOWNEYVZ-Jr,Ch. Ozarks Mighty MiteClairmonts Carolina Diamond x Apples Ozark Dream"Flipper" finished his championship before reaching 11 months of age, and has since gone on to win many Best of Breeds and 2 Group IPs in limited showing.Watch for his first offspring Ozarks Fairy Tale Princess to hit the shows after the first of the year.Puppies for sale occasionallyKaren Greg Crouch PO Box 5002 Springfield, MO 65801 417725-6678Pomeranian 5SV7QI3M January February 1992 15by Bgrbqrq McCIqtchgyWhen you are a beginner in the purebred dog world, knowing nothing but wanting to learn, you may be willing to ask the questions, but not even know what the questions are. Having found myself in precisely that position, I offered to write this column for the Pomeranian Review. They very kindly accepted my offer, thus giving me a reason for asking the questions I would otherwise be reluctant to ask lest I seem ignorant I am and too forward really Im not thats why I like this column. In each issue I plan to use the subject of that issue, to give me an excuse to approach the "pros" with the questions of a beginner, and to report their answers to you. Each column will also contain a "nitty-gritty" section with some basic genuine-first-time-beginner-without-mentor information that section will be at the end of each columnIf you have any suggestions for that section, anything youve learned that you wish youd known the first time around, or if you have a question youd like me to research, please feel free to write or call me. My address and phone number can be found at the end of this article.What is a handlerMost simply, the "handler" is anyone showing a dog in the ring. You go to conformation classes to learn to "handle" your own dog. If a friend says, "Ill show your dog for you," then that friend is your dogs handler at that time. But, as more commonly used, a handler is a professional a person who takes money from you in exchange for showing your dog, and who may also take some time grooming and preparing your dog for the ring, during which time the dog may board with the handler. This person may "handle" on a part-time or full-time basis.Should you use a handler to show your dogBreeders and owners who do and dont use a handler are in agreement about the questions you need to ask yourself in making that decision. The first question is that of expense. It is definitely expensive to show a dog to a championship, whether by yourself or through a handler. In addition to the entry fees currently 15-20 per show, showing your dog yourself will cost you money for fuel and perhaps an overnight hotel stay unless you go all out and buy a van a major expense and in any case you still pay a camping fee. A handler will charge you from 25 to 70 per show in addition to the entry fee some will charge a mileage fee and many will charge a bonus if your dog makes Best of Breed, Group, or Whoopee BestIn Show any money prizes from showing also go to the handler. You can expect to pay 25 a week and up for the dog to board with the handler while preparing for the shows. But, a handler may cost less in the long run if you must pay someone to care for your other dogs while you are away at shows. And if you dont show your own dog as well as a handler would, the entry fees, etc., for the larger number of shows needed to finish can run almost as much as a handler.The second question to consider is the matter of time. Because a handler knows which judges prefer your "type" of dog i.e., which ones are strong on good heads, movement or coat, and which shows are likely to provide the required major points, she may finish your dog more quickly than you can yourself. A professional handler already knows what you as a beginner must learn painfully how to groom, trim, and show off your dogs best qualities. Many breeders cannot be objective about their own dogs, cannot see the good points to be shown and the bad points to be, if not concealed, at least downplayed. Additionally, your time may be partially occupied with weddings, bar mitzvahs, graduations, or Christmas pageants, so that you are unable to get out to as many shows as can the handler. If you want your dog finished quickly, you may prefer a professional.Another important consideration is your own pleasure. Many breeders enjoy the thrill of showing and winning in the "Bred by Exhibitor" category. If you are pleased with your attempt to breed to the standard you may want to be out there with your dog when he wins instead of hearing about it later. Those who do this say the thrill of "beating the best" is something they wouldnt miss. Other breeders say they dont want to be away from their other dogs at home, that loving and caring for them is more important than leaving them to a stranger for a long series of weekends while showing one or two dogs.Perhaps most important is your own comfort with your dog and your comfort with the handler. If you have spent a lot of time accustoming the dog to your voice and your way of handling, you may not want to send him out with someone else. Certainly if you trust your dog to a handler you must have complete confidence in herhim.How do you pick a handlerThere are many kinds of handlers which you select should depend on your own comfort level with the various possibilities. Full-time professional handlers do nothing16 January February 1992 Pomeranian SJSWOSHair Revitalizer and Instant Anti-Static Coat Spray8 oz. pump spray............................................................. 5.00Gallon refill size............................................................. 24.95Moisturizing Coat Protector EnhancerWonderful for wrapping, dematting and breaking down lacquer7.5 oz. aerosol spray...................................................... 4.95Super Cleaning and Conditioning Shampoo16 oz. trial size................................................................ 6.95Gallon size.......................................................................20.95Super Rich Protein Lotion Conditioner16 oz. trial size................................................................. 9.95Gallon size.......................................................................27.95Pure Cosmetic Lanolin Plus16 oz. trial size................................................................11.95Half Gallon size.............................................................. 29.95Gallon size.......................................................................49.95Professional Formula Whitening Shampoo16 oz. trial size................................................................. 6.95Gallon size.......................................................................21.95Self-Rinse Conditioning Shampoo and Coat Refresher16oz. size.......................................................................... 6.95Gallon size.......................................................................20.951 ALL SYSTEMS Lanolin Stabilizer Coat Retexturizer -asolution to over- conditioned, over-relaxed, over-processed coatQuart size........................................................................ 7.95Gallon size.......................................................................19.95NEW ITEM1 ALL SYSTEMS reintroduces Ultimate Natural Control Coat Dressing newly improved and packaged in an economical and convenient 1 lb. jar with pump top asPremium Protein Pack Pre Chalk Pure Cosmetic Skin and Coat Conditioner - a complete, non-oily conditioner and coat dressing.lib. jar.........................................................................16.951 ALL SYSTEMS brings you a complete conditioning and moisturizing oil for Holding, Protecting and Conditioning Coats. Lightweight, water-soluable and safe for white bleached, porous and very fine silky coats.Washes out easily and quickly - It's practically GOOF-Proof1 ALL SYSTEMS Humectant Moisturizing Oil Complete Cosmetic Conditioner with Evening Oil of Primrose.16 oz. size.................................................................11.9512 Gallon.................................................................32.95Gallon.......................................................................56.951 ALL SYSTEMS Ultimate Pin BrushLarge.........................................................................10.00Small......................................................................... 8.50Please include 5.00 for freight CONTINENTAL U.S. ONLY. Virginia residents add appropriate sales tax. Prices quoted in U.S. dollars. UPS COD charges 3.75.1 ALL SYSTEMSProfessional Canine Grooming Products Distributed ByS. R. White Rt. 2 Box 845 Rockville. VA 23146 804 749-3236Pomeranian KSWDBM JanuaryFebruary 1992 17else. They frequently have trucks or enormous vans for carrying up to 40 or 50 dogs at a time. And they usually show many different breeds at the same shows. There are also part-time handlers, often Pom breeders themselves and therefore specialists.Your first order of business should be to talk to other Pom breeders and exhibitors whom you may know. Ask them whether they are happy with a particular handler. Is the dog returned in good condition Has he suffered a negative personality change, or does he appear happy Does the handler provide "tear sheets" telling where your dog placed in the show and ribbons as they are wonGo to a show and watch the handlers. A handler is identified in the show catalog, which you should buy, as the "agent". How well is the dog groomed Does the handler take time to play with the dog before going into the ring to get the dog "up" How does the dog respond to the handler Does the dog seem to be having fun, or does he appear scared Poms especially seem to need a little extra attention in order to respond well in the ring if the handler doesnt have or take the time to make friends with the dog before show time, it will be apparent in the dogs happy or unhappy expression. Watch the ears and tail especially for clues.You may want to have the best handler, sparing no expense, but do you want to have your dog showing with a handler to whom you must ship him, and where you cannot watch the shows If you are especially concerned about him, you may prefer to use a handler who fives near enough for you to visit occasionally.Finally, talk to the handler you are considering. Just as in choosing a doctor, you should find someone with whom you are comfortable, who seems to talk to you on a level that you can understand. Will your loving household pet be crated or in a kennel alone for most of the time Does the handler take the dogs for walks while they are boarding If this handlers primary breed is the bloodhound, how much does he really know about your PomAre judges prejudiced in favor of handlersSome people will say that judges show favoritism to the dog shown by a professional handler over the owner-exhibited dog. This can occur, especially when a judge is new or a little bit uncertain of herself, and when there are two dogs of approximately equal quality to choose between. For the most part, though, what is in the professional handlers favor is experience in grooming and preparing the dog for the ring, in knowing what a judge prefers in the breed, in understanding the way the judge prefers to see the dogs placed on the table, and in the confidence that comes with experience, a confidence that "travels down the leash to the dog." A nervous handler18 January February 1992 Pomeranian 5JSWQSMwill have a nervous dog.Even if you decide to use a handler, and especially if you decide not to, a conformation class if one is available is a wise investment of your time and money. Then if you decide to hire a handler, you will be better able to appreciate what she is doing for your dog. And you may find that you have a knack for handling and enjoy it so much that you show your own dogs and later become a professional yourself. As the people whom I questioned about this subject kept emphasizing, even the best breeders and handlers were once beginners.In my next column, I will take a look at the world of dog obedience what it is, and should you get into it And how, where whenDid you know thisOne dog book in Great Britain warns owners of Pomeranians to be careful when taking them to shows. Because they were so recently bred down to the toy size, they tend to think of themselves as big dogs and may attack a larger dog just for the fun of it."Just the facts, Maam"Our "nitty-gritty" for this issue regards finding out about dog shows. Your local pet store or even your local drug store may carry Dog World, which has a section listing all the dog shows for the next month. If you subscribe to the AKC Gazette, and you should if you are serious about showing, you will receive an events calendar which fists shows for the next three months. Pure-Bred Dogs American Kennel Gazette, 51 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010. The one year subscription rate is 24.00. For more detailed information, you need to write to the superintendent for the show you are interested in. The fisting will say something like "Crowe, SUPT." You then look for Crowes address in a separate section in Dog World that is at the beginning of the show fisting in the Gazette it is near the front of the calendar. When you write, you should request a "premium list," which will tell you how and when to enter the show, as well as how to get there and where to park. You should also ask to be put on the mailing fist for all shows near where you live if you specify an interest in Pomeranians or in obedience, that will help to get the right information to you. If you want to receive all mailing for shows near you, you should write to all the superintendents a post card will do who supervise shows in your own state and nearby states. And watch for ads in the Pomeranian ReviewSend your questions and suggestions toBarbara McClatchey, 218 East Union, Wheaton, EL 60187 or phone her at 708 665-5617.s enette ^Pomekanianb3 champions standing at stud as well as non champions.PUPPIES ARE GENERALLY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE PRICES. Pets priced from 250.00, show and breeding stock priced from 500.00.Please ask for a free copy of our price list.We specialize in the Great Elms bloodline. We do have some AristicBonner Chesai.Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette. We give written guarantees with every Pom sold.Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerrVCh. Great Elms Timmy Timstopper x Desirees Lil Mans LoveThats the word to Brenda Segelken, Percy, IL. for all her help. For showing, grooming and being a friend to turn to. Also, to Wilma Jean Brown, Indianapolis, IN. and Jennifer Carlton, Vincennes, IN. I truly appreciate all of your time, effort and friendship.Hoozier Homeplace KennelsGeneva Pennock Long R1Crawfordsville, IN. 47933Pomeranian SJSV7QSM JanuaryFebruary 1992 19Merrymont presents7kCh. Merrymont Gold FeverMerrymont Never On SundayzrAXCh. Queenaire SunflowerCh. Merrymont Flash Dance' Ch.Merrymont Spring FeverCh. Sun-Dots Command Performance 4'Ch. Merrymont Torchbearer Merrymont Federal Express Sired by Ch. Merrymont Satrday Nite Fever20 JanuaryFebruary 1992 Pomeranian 5JSW011Mcztyntfzonu zih,j iFLclzzclNovember 18, 1991It is with deep regret that the American Pomeranian Club informs you of the death of Anthony Skip Piazza. Skip passed away on November 18,1991.Everyone was looking forward to seeing Skip judge the Puppy Sweepstakes at this years Annual Specialty in New York Jean Schroll will now preside.The American Pomeranian Club will dedicate the MarchApril issue of the Pomeranian Review in Skips memory.Family and friends have asked that anyone wishing to, send donations in Anthony Skip Piazzas name toAmerican Foundation for AIDS ResearchATTN Joseph Guimento1515 Broadway, Suite 3601New York, NY 10036-8901As most people know, Skip Piazza was the co-owner, and handler of Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II. Together as a team they won Best in Show at Westminster in 1988.Olga Baker co-owner, Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II a close friend of Skip, has already submitted an excellent piece for the MarchApril issue. We suggest that if you have any material you would like to submit, that you do so immediately.V yIa Winning Combination in 1991iTALJon Wood ring FeverThanks a million, guys We couldnt have done it without you.Patty Griffin 2767 Calumet Street Winston-Salem, NC 27106 919 724-7562Pomeranian JanuaryFebruaiy 1992 21Mmm m Mmby Lois HqmillIt has been some time since my last copy of the latest GRF newsletter summer 91 arrived. More time than I had wanted actually, but it contains some ideas that I found very interesting none the less.First, the veterinary conference I had heard about turned out to be the annual meeting of the American College of Veterinary Dermatology. It was held April 27th - May 1st, in Scottsdale, Arizona. The only skin disease discussed that I know of to date, was Sebaceous Adenitis. Others were discussed Im sure, they are just as unknown to me.In June, Dr. Robert W.Dunstan DVM, spoke at the Poodle Club of Americas PCA National Specialty. This talk is supposed to be available on videotape from PCA. Perhaps borrowing this video should be looked into. According to the summary of this talk in the GRF newsletter, four diseases exist which could all be lumped together under the same name of SA. These four have overlapping characteristics and are similar in some ways however, they are also very different, even clinically, in others. Im sure this adds to the confusion of diagnosis as well. SAType I is the variety predominantly associated with Standard Poodles. Other long coated breeds such as Old English Sheepdogs, Samoyeds and Akitas have also been seen with this variety. Type I is characterized by severe inflammation of the sebaceous glands. The glands are quickly destroyed and replaced by scar tissue fibrosis. Clinically, symptoms are generally seen along the dogs topline. Scaling or hair loss is often seen first on the nose, withers, base of tail or top of ears. There is a definite variation in degree of severity from case to case.S A Type 2 appears most often in short coated breeds including the Vizsla. There is again severe inflammation around the hair follicle and sebaceous gland, but not the rapid destruction. Sometimes there is very little progression of the disease even over a period of years. Dr. Dunstans thought is that this disease obscures the sebaceous glands, but does not destroy them. For Vizslas, treatment with Accutane seems to stop the inflammation. Subsequent biopsies show sebaceous glands are still present. Clinically very different from type I, symptoms for Type 2 are often blotchy areas of hair loss, especially on the head.The third disease which could be called SA is demodecosis. This is caused by a mite which lives in the hair follicle. It is one of two types of mange. Biopsies of dogs with demodecosis show inflammation around the hair follicle, but not focused on the sebaceous gland. Any breed can be affected by demodecosis.The fourth disease in this group is idiopathic cause unknown periadnexal surrounding the hair follicle andassociated structures granulomatous inflammatory reaction composed primarily of macrophages dermatitis. It is what it says, an inflammation surrounding the adnexi hair follicle and associated structures without focusing on the sebaceous gland. Clinically this disease is very isolated occurring as swollen bumps on the muzzle. Primarily Collies and Golden Retrievers are affected.One of the reasons it may be useful to make a distinction between these four types of SA is that they dont all respond the same way to treatment. Treatment of the symptoms, ie. topical treatments appears to work best for Type I. However, Type 2 will respond to Accutane and Cyclosporine. They appear to treat the disease itself, not just the symptoms. Demodecosis responds to treatments which destroy the mite. Idiopathic periadnexal granulomatous dermatitis appears to respond to chemotherapeutic agents.At the Breeders Forum held in conjunction with Dr. Lothrops "Skin Seminar" in February, mention was made of topical treatments which had a variety of success in combating our mystery skin disease. However, there were also cases cited of dogs which had been put on medication of various types. Are black skin, elephant skin, hyperthyroidism, adult onset growth hormone alopecia different names for the same ailment Are some or all of them different aspects of the same general disease as with the four types of SA Is part of our difficulty caused by having multiple varieties of one disease This would allow for some commonality between the varieties yet enough differences between them to confuse diagnosis.Testing done by Poodle people to date has generally meant taking a 6mm approx 14 inch skin sample from a particular part of the dog. The skin sample is then examined to check the condition of the sebaceous glands.At the Breeders Forum held in conjunction with Dr. Lothrops "Skin Seminar" in February, mention was made of topical treatments which had a variety of success in combating our mystery skin disease.22 JanuaryFebruary 1992 Pomeranian 5WQ\2A.K.CC.K-CBP 1-S15-44BPPS2Spreading Love From Canada to the U.S.A.We present you with...Love LettersO.w1PTW4PTB.pts- Q4M45Can. Ch. Marshires Love LettersCompiled byMarlene Frank Penney 416-875-0269 Thank you Marlene Frank from the bottom of our...yyyyyyyyyOwnersEveleyn Conley Evelyn Newyear20075 Vining Rd 4178 River StNew Boston, Ml 48164 Willoughby, Ohio 44094313-753-9245 216-946-126POlThIranian.P' s- 66P o,siITThe problem is that the sample is so small that it could appear normal when actually the dog is affected. Larger samples of skin increase the accuracy of the analysis. An SA affected dog will probably be correctly identified. A "normal" dog can not be identified to the same degree of reliability.Because of the difficulty of positively identifying "normal" dogs, the GRF is investigating the possibility of an open registry. A closed registry like those for hips or eyes registers only normal dogs. An open registry would register affected dogs and carriers. Breeders would be able to send the registry a pedigree and ask which dogs on the pedigree, if any, were affected or carriers. I think it takes some courage to contemplate such a registry and be willing to list dogs with it.Dr. W. Jean Dodds is a well known specialist in autoimmune problems. She had some interesting thoughts to share regarding SA. She suggested the possibility of environmental factors provoking SA in a dog which is genetically predisposed to the disease. Thus it might be possible to minimize environmental factors which cumulatively would promote immune dysregulation. Suggested environmental factors include drugs, chemicals, modified live virus vaccine combinations, toxins, stressSilver MeadowsWe welcome inquiries on the following litters d.o.b. 91691 1 M 1 F red-orangeCh. Silver Meadows Love of LegacyCh. Silver Meadows Love JeremySilver Meadows Redwing Silver Meadows Pepr O Legacy Silver Meadows Petite PeachCh. Silver Meadows Love Meghand.o.b. 91891 2 F orangeCh. Silver Meadows Scooter Starr Ch. Silver Meadows SS Squeak Silver Meadows Ursula Ch. Silver Meadows Scooter Starr Silver Meadows SS Bon-Bon Bi-Mar Rose Maried.o.b. 92191 1 M orange sableCh. Silver Meadows Love of Legacy Ch. Silver Meadows My-T Love N JoyCh. Silver Meadows Joy O Legacy Ch. Silver Meadows Pepr O Legacy Silver Meadows TinkleBi-Mar Rose Maried.o.b. 92991 1M creamCh. Silver Meadows Love of LegacyCh. Silver Meadows My-T Love N Joy Ch. Silver Meadows Joy O Legacy Queenaire Bright Banshee Silver Meadows Tu-lt BriteSilver Meadows My-T Treasure Ron Jackie Klein 4146 West Lake Rd.716-237-5473______________Silver Springs, NY 14550situations. This apparently includes all flea products excepting natural ones, I would guess and even Heart Guard. Use of natural foods without chemical preservatives was also encouraged. I hope readers will not interpret the above as saying that modified live vaccines, Heart Guard and flea products are not safe to use. Dr. Dodds specifically mentions the vaccines in regard to SA. My point is that environmental factors may affect our dogs. The specifically mentioned environmental factors may affect the immune system. Apparently Dr. Dodds is seeing an increase in autoimmune diseases in general, not just SA.Well, this is getting long winded now. Although Poms have been diagnosed with SA, I think the above includes some good points to ponder in regards to diseases besides SA.Credit for the information in this letterarticle should be given to the GRFs newsletter and its editor Diane Laratta. Again, if you would like to be on the mailing list for the newsletter there is no charge send your name and address to GRF, 1635 Grange Hall Rd., Dayton, OH 45432. Back issues are available as well as a brochure on SA.PattysPomeranianshas moved to Puyallup, WA and will be reducing breeding stock at reasonable prices.Great Elms, Showstopper Emcee lines.our new addressPatty Jensen 8217-173rd St, E Puyallup, WA 98373 206 847-5851i24 JanuaryFebruary 1992 PomeranianMtm m TkB MMtsir f Ohmrgj^by Margaret R. McKggIm so glad that Happeth Jones wrote in the SeptOct issue of the Review on the matter of bringing someone up on charges and clarified the procedure. The Board of the American Pomeranian Club is sometimes accused of being apathetic, of doing nothing, of being slow to act, and on at least one occasion, of violating by-laws. It is important for you to be aware of the by-laws that the Board must follow in every case no matter what our personal emotions may be and in the most recent case, did follow.Happy is right that it is the Boards duty and APCs right to discipline members. Every organization whether it be a dog club, a garden club, or a church has to have a set of disciplinary procedures in order to protect itself. That is why our Constitution has Article VIII "Discipline" which describes this procedure, and why at the bottom of the Code of Ethics which every member signs, it states that the applicant has read the Code of Ethics and agrees to "abide by them on pain of disciplinary action under ARTICLE VIII of the by-laws of this Club." The Club must protect its good name in order to protect the breed.Happy describes, in part, the procedure followed when one member brings charges against another member. There are, however, three important omissions from her description.I. The only charge that can be brought against a member is "conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Club or the breed." This is according to by-laws ART. VIII, Sec. 2. But the member bringing the charge must also specify the actions or deeds of the accused that have endangered the Club. For example, Mrs. Joe Smith may accuse Miss Mary Jones thus "I charge Miss Mary Jones with conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Club in that 1 on Oct. 1, 1990 at the Timbuctoo Kennel Club show she did loudly tell ringsiders that I breed nothing but unsound dogs, and 2 in a letter dated Nov. 27,1990 she stated that all of my animals are crippled and diseased." In this totally fictitious example, everything after "in that" is called the specifications. The Board must consider whether the specifications if true, would be damaging to the Club or the breed. Making this decision, as Happy so rightly points out, is very difficult. It is a tremendous responsibility. How would you decide on the above exampleThe by-laws, ART. VIII, Sec. 2 state "the Corresponding Secretary shall promptly send one copy of the charges to the accused member by registered mail together with a notice of the hearing..." Please note that this only requires the secretary to state the charge which isalways the same and doesnt mention the specifications. This is a weakness in our by-laws. Certainly the defendant must be apprised of the specifications in order to prepare a defense. In the case the Board voted on May 25,1991, the charge letter sent to the defendant did not include the specifications, which may have led the defendant to claim-inaccurately that he hadnt been sent a copy of the charges. He did get the charges, but not the specifications.We need also to be aware that just as there is a distinction between "charges" and "specifications," there is a distinction between specifications and evidence. The evidence to support the charges should not be presented nor considered at the time the Board discusses whether to entertain the charges. If the Board does vote to entertain jurisdiction, then the evidence as well as any defense is presented at the subsequent hearing. In the case of Miss Jones, Mrs. Smith might bring witnesses to state that they heard the ringside statements and a copy of the alleged letter. Hearsay evidence is permitted, according to Roberts Rules of Order.II. By-laws, ART VIII, Sec. 2 states that the hearing must be scheduled "not less than three 3 weeks nor more than six 6 weeks thereafter..." This is, in my opinion, a narrow span of time, given the farflung nature of membership. If you agree that those three weeks is not enough, you would have to change the by-laws. Nevertheless, that is what is required, and that is exactly what was done in the May 25th case. Again, by-laws were adhered Happy says that the by-laws do not clearly describe how to conduct the hearing. This is misleading guidance is available. ART. IX "Parliamentary Authority" of the APC Constitution states that "the rales contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws." And Roberts has plenty to say about how such hearings shall be conducted. See Roberts pages 543-554.I have been involved as a Board member of Richmond Dog Obedience Club, Inc. in 5 such hearings. In one case I was the "manager" of the case against the defendant. Hence my familiarity with this section of Roberts. One point which concerned the RDOC Board in one case was "what do we do if the defendant tries to resign" We consulted the local parliamentary society and were told not to accept the resignation.In the May 25th case, the defendant did subsequentlyPomeranian KS'JJQSM JanuaiyFebruary 1992 25tender his resignation. I was strongly opposed to accepting it. I do not agree that the Board loses jurisdiction simply because the accused resigns. Our by-laws ART. I, Sec. 4 permit a member to resign if he is "in good standing." Roberts Ch. XX, pg. 550 states "from the time the accused has been thus notified," the charge letter "all of his rights as a member of the society except as relative to the trial are suspended pending disposition of the case." Also on pg. 545 "the society has no obligation to suggest or accept such a resignation at any stage of the case..." In my opinion once a member received the charge letter, he ceased to be in good standing and had lost the right to resign. If such a procedure is permitted, everytime someone is brought up on charges, if the defendant doesnt want to fight it, he just resigns.I am also opposed to permitting such a resignation because it is manifestly unfair to the complainant. The Board has voted to entertain jurisdiction and take a look at the evidence, but the whole procedure is aborted and the person bringing the charges doesnt get his day in court. Nor is the defendant vindicated. A resignation should not be permitted to render the Board powerless to act on behalf of the Club and the breed. A resignation may appear to be an easy way out for both the defendant and the Board, but it is not fair to all concerned, and leaves issues unresolved.Helpful Hints by Mqrqqret R. McKeeSeveral typographical and grammatical errors cropped up in my last column. They seemed to congregate in one paragraph, "What should breeders do Shrug our shoulders, join the crowd, and show our tiny ones I know there are many 5 and 6 pound dogs being left at home because of this attitude. Should we vote with our feet and refuse to show under these judges Should the APC send out a letter to judges That seems absurd our standard is already in black and white and judges are supposed to have read itI began substitute teaching when we moved to the country 5 years ago. I like the flexibility of being able to say "no" if I have a litter due or want to go to a week-day dog show. The pay is nothing great since I have a degree, take home is about 37day but it helps with entry fees.This Spring I had a long-term assignment at Elk Hill Farm School, a residential treatment facility for disturbed teenage boys. Some of them are mentally ill, many have learning difficulties, most are from dysfunctional families, and all are there courtesy of the courts. I taught science and math. It was stressful and challenging, and to my surprise, I loved it Class sizes are small, about 6, which means I got to know everyone in school quickly. It also26 JanuaryFebruary 1992 Pomeranianmeant personal attention was not only desirable but possible. Teachers have to be flexible as emotional outbursts are frequent. The entire school may have to shut down 2 or 3 times a day to deal with a problem. Once or twice a week Id take a dog to school with me. The boys would have been happy if Id brought one everyday. The Greyhound would lie on her mat behind my desk, or the Pom du jour stayed in a crate. The boys were permitted to play with them only during breaks between classes. Each dog was given a nickname by the boys. Azyr, the Greyhound is "Crack Dog" because shes so skinny and looks like shes on crack. Charm became "Ragdog" Noel was "Mopdog," and the black tan Nikki was "Nicky Six." On days there was a dog in the room, the boys were calmer, more focused and more cooperative. Boys who didnt have science classes would come in to visit. I considered the dogs "teachers aides." The residents were fascinated by the obedience exercises. This gave me openings to discuss discipline. Each time I brought the Greyhound, we could usually find 1 or 2 suckers who thought they could beat her in a race. The boys all are required to jog 10 miles a week and most consider themselves in good shape. Azyr was never beaten, regardless of the amount of headstart the boy was given, and she had many admirers "on the hill." This led to wonderful discussions of "form follows function" and why her structure permitted her to run so fast.Sadly, the principle of the school, a dog lover herself, finally had to ask me to quit bringing the dogs. It was against the rules. Its hard to imagine that in the 90s that some bureaucrat somewhere is so out of touch that he hasnt read about the value of animal - assisted therapy, but there it was. Nobody could explain to me why I could have 2 fish tanks, a hooded rat, a tarantula, and 6 guinea pigs in the classroom but not my clean, well-behaved dogs.This Spring I had a "swimmer" puppy. I had read about them but in all my years of breeding, I had never seen one. The diagnosis is unmistakable. The puppy looks flat, and all four legs stick out to the sides. He reminds you of a turtle. He can get around the whelping box, but is not up on his legs the way a 2 week old puppy should be.Why a puppy becomes a swimmer is not known. The theory that an only puppy gets too much milk and gets too fat would fit my situation, but doesnt explain why there can be 3 swimmers out of a litter of four puppies, nor why there are so few swimmers in Poms since we frequently have singleton litters.Brenda Hutton had gotten her swimmer going by forcing her to walk between the boards of her broad jump see Jan. 90 Review, pg 64. This is good physical therapy, but I guessed it would call for considerable time and effort from the breeder. Being lazy, I decided to tryRhynstone presentsA2 New Champions..... r - SfeSsM 5 r.V- - -AtAm. Can. Ch. Rhynstone The Main EventCh. Rhynstone Dodger of Lenette x Ch. Rhynstone Lady in RedSpecial thanks to my friend Jen Hryniak for finishing Mattys Canadian championship in short time and getting a Group III with him.and....Ch. Rhynstone Ravishing RickCan. Ch. Tiperons Dandy Lion x Wynd meres Terra Cotta RoseFinished with 4 majors.Both champions at stud.We have top quality puppies by these studs as well as other champions. Reasonably priced. Inquiries invited.See pedigree in Behind The New Titlists.RhynstoneJoyce Urban 6068 Fisk Rd.Lockport, NY 14094 716 625-8357Pomeranian KSWQSM JanuaryFebruary 1992 27hobbling, which was mentioned only briefly in one of my books. Using an 8 inch strip cut from old pantyhose, I tied his back legs together, approximately in the position theyd be in for a normal standing puppy. The nylon was soft, stretchy and cheap. The hobbles were changed at least twice a day as they got wet. He was hobbled for 10 days, and there was never any irritation to the skin or damage to the fur. He didnt seem to find them uncomfortable. They permitted him to get up on his feet and move around more quickly. On the second day of hobbling, my son returned from the nursery to report that Hotrod was doing victory laps Once on his feet, he was getting more exercise. When we changed the hobbles, wed put him down on the floor without them to play with the Greyhound. This gave him some different exercise, and gave me a chance to evaluate his progress. When we took the hobbles off for good on the tenth day he looked and moved like a perfectly normal puppy. The vet examined him at six weeks and was impressed. He admitted that sometimes swimmers have to be euthanized. At 3 12 months Hotrod still appears perfectly normal. For more on swimmers, see DOG WORLD, Mar 91, pg 18.Rustys story is textbook case. He was bom in Iowa, sold to a broker in Nebraska, then to a Doctor Pet Center in Mechanicsville, VA. He was purchased there for 529 by a young mother. Her children were 3 years and less than 1 year old. Rusty was too much trouble and was turned in to a Humane Society. They placed him in a foster home. The dog was then adopted by a young single woman. Two months later, she called me for advise. She thought he was too wild, too energetic, too destructive. She was having trouble housebreaking him. I talked with her in length. It was obvious she spent very little time with him. "Why did you get this dog" I asked. "I live alone, and wanted a companion," she replied. "Yes, but are you a companion to him" There was a long pause. "Thats what my motherasked," she said softly. I offered to take the dog and try to find him a suitable home. She brought the dog to me within the hour.Oh my The AKC papers say he is a purebred Pomeranian. He weighs 15 pounds. You name a fault, hes got it. Flat coat, light eyes, long back, huge ears, looong nose, but undershot Hes a dark orange but his papers say he is wolf sable. AKC can turn backflips and come up with 3 lists of colors and markings see Sept. Review, pg 26 but it doesnt cure the idiocy of supposed "breeders."And yes, Rusty is hyper, combine that with a high pitched bark, and you can see why he was too much trouble. I also suspect that he was roughly handled as he greatly resented my touching his collar when I first got him.He is now neutered, wormed, up-to-date on his shots, and on heartworm preventative. He is keeping his cage clean and goes in it more willingly. Hes learning basic manners and now gets along with the smaller Poms. He seems eager for attention and likes being petted. Im hoping to find a home with children old enough to appreciate an energetic companion.Isnt it sad that I have to do this Ideally, breeders dont sell to brokers or pet shops, and are willing to take back any pup they sell. Breeders screen their buyers and wont sell to an inappropriate home. Breeders give advice and assistance. They recommend obedience training. Puppy farm operators do none of the above. It is not an ideal world yet.The subject of leasing comes up from time to time, and I must confess to total ignorance here. For example, how does the fee to the owner compare to an out-right sale price for the same dog If you have any experience with leasing a dog, would you drop me a note or give me a call Id like to gather enough information to do a piece in this column on it.On the second day of hobbling, my son returned from the nursery to report that Hotrod was doing victory lapsPom Review Repair ShopThis column is where mistakes made by myself or anyone else, will have the chance to correct them.In the Dahlenburg ad, NovDec Review page 15 in the second paragraph after the word temperament. The sentence should have read Genotypically, he passes on his short back, layback, coat, temperament and sound legs...Don't forget your.,..c\e jVft-1 Ads ^ for the MarchAprilObedience IssueDeadline is January 1, 1992JanuaryFebruary 1992 Pomeranian KSWOBM4Membership's-W5Saturday, February 8, 1992 730 pm approx at the La Guardia MarriottePuget Sound Pomcrgnign Club Specialtyby ]qnell ReichOur second Specialty was held August 24th at Goldcreek Tennis Club and was dedicated to the memory of our dear friend and member Edna Girardot. It was a beautiful setting and a beautiful warm day, our Sweeps judge Jane Anderson did a thorough job of going over the puppies.1st place - Nabobs Talk About Harlem2nd place - Pawriers Lil Red Tia 3rd place - Patchworks Smidge of RodisBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Jan Els Duke of Earl Janell ReichPuppy SweepstakesPuppy Dogs 6-9 months1st place - Jan-Els Duke of EarlBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Bradleys Cream Delight Shirley BradleyPuppy Dogs 9-12 months1st place - Scatter Creeks GummieBear2nd place - Two-Ts Feisty Autumn Glow3rd place - Scatter Creeks Clown PrinceBEST OF OPPOSTTE SEX N SWEEPSTAKESBradleys Cream DelightJunior Dogs 12 and under 18 months1st place - Aijas Lin Chi-Town Hustler2nd place - Autumns Cara Mia Lil RiderPuppy Bitches 6-9 months1st place - Bradleys Cream Delight 2nd place - Prides Queen Elizabeth 3rd place - Allayns Rev N Star Susan 4th place - Prides Prairie DustPuppy Bitches 9 months and under 12Obedience judge, Dalene MclntireNovice AMarimars My Sweet Jackie score 182Novice BSouvenir Country Charm score 120 12Open AStanley Morris score 180 12HIGHEST SCORING DOG IN TRIALMarimars My Sweet Jackie Mary E. MaherThis was Marys first time showing a Pom in obedience and then to win High in Trial really made it special Sorry I didnt have a photo to send, hope to get one for the next issue.The Conformation Classes were judged by Nancy Riley who came all the way from New York to judge our show and the All Breed Show the next day. She had many fine Pomeranians to go over and then we had a very large potluck with lots of yummy food. The only problem was the bees, they were hungry that dayiBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESJan Els Duke of Earltoo After the potluck we had a raffle with many great dog prizes. A big thank you to Ingrida Gasaway for getting so many great donations. Also for donating the huge gorgeous rosettes for the Puppy Sweeps prizes.Regular ClassesPuppy Dogs 6-9 months1st place - Jan-Els Duke of EarlPuppy Dogs 9-12 months1st place - Scatter Creeks GummieBear2nd place - Scatter Creeks Clown PrinceJunior Dogs 12 and under 18 months1st place - Aijas Lin Chi-Town HustlerBred by Exhibitor Dogs1st place - KLs Valley Mr. BudOpen Dogs1st place - Two-Ts Feistys Autumn Glow2nd place - Can. Ch. Jestoms Chances Are3rd place - Southland N Janesas Typhoon4th place - Cheyennes Pepper SkyOpen Dogs Black, Brown or Blue1st place - Forever Sha-Mar Pick PocketOpen Dogs Any Other Allowed Color1st place - Posmarks Black ForrestPomeranian 5JSWQSM JanuaryFebruaiy 1992 292nd place - Patchworks Bachelor PartiWINNERS DOG Two-Ts Feistys Autumn Glow W. Feist, E. Untalan Dorothy TrosinoRESERVE WINNERS DOG Forever Sha-Mar Pick PocketPuppy Bitches 6-9 mouths 1st place - Morenos Merrigold 2nd place - Bradleys Cream Delight 3rd place - Allayns Rev N Star Susan 4th place - Prides Prairie Dustf. BROOD BITCHCh. Valcopy-Wakhan My StylePuppy Bitches 9 mos. and under 121st place - Autumns Cara Mia Lil Viki2nd place - Pawriers Lil Red Tia 3rd place - So-Hi Autumns Rosy DreamsOpen Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream Sable1st place - Aijas Raz-A-Ma-Tazz 2nd place - TLC Kandy Kiss 3rd place - Bradleys Mystical Mariah 4th place - Valcopy-Wakhan Red Riding HoodOpen Bitches, Brown, Black or Blue1st place - Nabobs Talk About HarlemOpen Bitches, Any Other Allowed Color1st place - Feistys Spice of LifeWINNERS BITCHMorenos MerrigoldJulie Moreno Dolly TraunerRESERVE WINNERS BITCHAijas Raz-A-Ma-Tazz Ingrida GasawayVETERAN DOG1st place - Ch. Bi-Mar Bit ofTassajaraEmily UntalanBEST OF BREED Ch Phyner Gold Jackpot Dolly Trauner Julie MorenoBEST OF WINNERS BEST OF OPPOSITEMorenos MerrigoldJulie Moreno Dolly TraunerBROOD BITCHCh. Valcopy-Wakhan My Style Janell ReichI did not receive a photo of the Best of Opposite Sex Pom nor the Veteran Dog, if those people will contact me and send me one I will put it in the next issue. I received my Pom Review today realizing I have 3 days for this to get to the editor.-53WINNERS DOGTwo-Ts Feistys Autumn GlowI hope all of you will try and make it out to the beautiful Northwest for the Summer APC Specialty at Brush Prairie in July. Our Specialty will be on Wednesday the 8th. The 9th is the APCs Specialty - both willifiJ iBEST OF BREEDCh. Phyner Gold Jackpothave obedience Followed by three days of All Breed Shows, all on the same grounds There will be lots of Northwest cuisine and lots to do and see in the beautiful Columbia Valley, hope to see you there^ Equipment, supplies, puppies, showdogs. If youve got the need to move it, tins is the place to do it see page 40 for ratesCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudgesire 1 Pom 1981,1982,1983,24 Best in Shows, 5 Specialties, sire of 20 chs, and sire of the only black tan to ever go Best in Show, announces the arrival of 2 new litters.Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman - multi group winner, sire of 14 chs. announces the arrival of a new litter, dam is Ch. Bev-Nors N Southlands Who Me, group placer, Specialty Winner. 5 month old sable male sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman out of a Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge daughter, Bev-Nor Poms, Beverly Bill Norris, 7747 Meadow Rd., Pasadena, MD 21122301255-1343.30 January February 1992 PomeranianXXZ-. r. Mxx3 .x'BEST OFV,BREED RxxSAND AND SEA KENNEL CLUB XX1991 BARBER PHOTO^55XX3Apples Travelin Diablo DElan"Devil"Breeder Joyce Apple Born December 13, 1990Judge Richard Guevara OwnerHandler Lissa DahlenburgShow Sand and Sea Kennel Club, August 11, 1991 PUPPY DOG, FIRST WINNERS DOG 3 POINT MAJOR e BEST OF WINNERS^0 BEST OF BREED and...FOURTH IN TOY GROUPThank-you Judge GuevaraELANMr. Mrs. David K. Dahlenburg PO Box 4688 Newark, Delaware 19715 302 368-2070Pomeranian REVIEW January February 1992 31Ohio Vqltey Pom Club Specialty Matchby ]udy ShearerMy goodness, I think weve done it again Another "Super Match" 222 entries. Congratulations Larry Rookstool and Ron Feyh A very nice job. We appreciate the hard work and thought put into this.Hospitality on Saturday evening was great fun. Getting together and talking Poms with folks you havent seen for a while and meeting new ones, is always a major event. Joining us was Pomeranian Registry editor Phyllis Ripley who was here to cover the match for that really super publication. It was very nice to get to meet her and visit for a bit. Shes a nice lady and very dedicated to her job.Many thanks to all of you for your support and to a lovely lady Sue Goddard who did a thorough but patient job of judging. To our Ring Steward Monique Devine, also a new AKC judge, I might add, who did a good job, well done.Sue called her first class into the ring at 1100 am A little later than planned because the match crew couldnt move fast enough me included. The Junior puppies were shown with a short break after.The Senior puppies followed with a break thereafter. During this break, a skit was presented by Larry Rookstool and I. This was totally off the cuff as Larrys tape player decided it was not going to work. We both entered the ring in wheel chairs. Larry in his old man mask, minus the rest of his costume cause he didnt have time to get into it, I wore an old flannel nightie with a bandanna tied around my head and my glasses perched on the end of my nose and an afghan across my lap. In other words, I looked like a complete idiot fooled Eleanor Miller though. Larry managed to find some music if you can call it that on the radio andwe kind of did a dance with our wheel chairs. This was not easy as Larry had given me the chair with the little wheels and I had to push my chair with my toes. Thats quite a chore for a little old lady We thoroughly enjoyed making complete fools of ourselves and judging by the laughter ringside, so did everyone else. Larry has promised to fix the tape player for the next time.The Adults were judged and then Best In Match. I wouldnt have wanted to be in Sue Goddards place for all the tea in China What a tough decision Beautiful puppies and wonderful quality throughout the entire matchThe classes were followed by the Parade of Champions. As in every other class, I had entered, I managed to be the last in the ring. In this instance it proved to be to my advantage as I got to witness, close up, these magnificent examples of the breed. Fantastic dogs Almost too gorgeous to be real There were approximately 14 here.The costume contest followed with an array of witches, monsters, clowns, a hula girl hula dog, a Pom dog sled, and much more. This was won by Theresa-Marie Baldwin who pushed her Pom in a pumpkin around the ring in a baby carriage. Congratulations, Theresa-Marie A near tragedy occurred when one of Dorothy Barnes Poms, "For All Seasons" decided she was going to jump out of the wagon. I have been assured by Dorothy that the dog is alright. You just had to be there to appreciate this event.A Pom afghan made and donated by Ruth Young was raffled and won by George Hand in of Massachusetts. George sold 125 raffle tickets on itThe regular raffle went on for quite some time and I think everyone who bought a ticket won something.The 5050 raffle was won by Tony Short of Iowa, LA.A sit down dinner catered by the Holiday Inn was held around their indoor pool. A lovely setting, a good meal, and lots of Pom friends. What a perfect way to end an exciting day.Following dinner, Larry, Ron President Jim Shearer, conducted an auction on several items donated to the club. That was fun and a great success, even though I didnt get my "cushion."Members recognized at the dinner for their special contributions to the match were awarded blue rosettes by Chairman Larry Rookstool. These members were Nellie Sprunger, accepting for her sister who had made and donated two afghans, Ruth Young who made and donated the Pom afghan, Jim Doris Wheeler and I, who made the Pom figurines for the dinner tables, Vicki Clendenin, who typed up the catalog, and last but not least, Larrys Co-Chairman, Ron Feyh.The Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club would like to thank everyone who contributed in any way to this Super Match. And to you, the exhibitors, from 20 states, Canada, Hawaii Puerto Rico, we love yaWe apologize for the delays in the program and promise you faithfully, it will not happen again. So dont stay away The Winners are as follows.PEppy Dogs 2-4 mrmuHhs1st place - Jenuwayne Rumor Has It Jen Wayne Hryniuk2nd place - Heartlands My T Fine Dianne Kieffer3rd place - Great Elms Little Sparky Dolores Watts4th place - Crystal C Sun Dust Judy ShearerPeppy Bitch 2-4 months1st place - Pom Acres Flash Danser Roxanne Chumbly2nd place - Toylands Rapunzel of LancelotDebra Robertson32 JanuaiyFebruary 1992 Pomeranian Q\K73rd place - Armons Play It Again For Sam Ann Cannon4th place - Pom Acres Tiny Tornado Juanita Robert FiddickPiEppy Dogs 4-6 mnumtihs 1st place - Sourwoods Dance of Millamor Eleanor Miller2nd place - Stolannes Rebel Rouser Frances Stoll3rd place - Jan-Shars RJs Knight Rider4th place - Cedafhurst How Can It Be Jan Le Jane LehtinenPuppy Bitch 4-6 months1st place - Stolannes Thoradora Bella Frances Stoll2nd place - Elans InfinityDana Downey Melissa Dahlenbuig 3rd place - Elans Inspiration Melissa Dahlenburg4th place - Tobe Madison of G E Tony Betty ShortPuppy Dogs 6-9 months 1st place - Star Havens Terrific Dancer Janice Young2nd place - Jan Les What A Sport Jerianne Rowe3rd place - Subers Great Balls Of Fire Suzanne Bemey4th place - Cascades Litl Dyna-Mo Doris WheelerPuppy Bitch 6-9 months1st place - Un-Named Jo Julie James2nd place - Watts Little Bunny Baby Dolores Watts3rd place - Millamors Miss Golden AireEleanor Miller Sharon Hanson 4th place - Toylands Heaven Sent Debra Robertson Pat Camey Puppy Dogs 9-12 mouths 1st place - Apples Travelin Diablo DElanMelissa Dahlenburg2nd place - Cinnabars Little Nikita Vicki Clendenin3rd place - Crystal C Pepper Dust Jeffrey Bazell4th place - Dimondes Crown PrinceDiana DowneyPuppy Bitch 9-12 months 1st place-Pom Acres Little Miss May Thg Darcy Jon Overfield2nd place - Subers Little Whistle Bait Suzanne Bemey3rd place - Marshires Sparkle of Love Barbara Bradley-Sykes4th place - Tru-Keps Becky of SunnybrookIrvin Trudy KeplingerAdult Dogs1st place - Whisper Ln Youve Said It AllBeth Wainger Carol Baldwin 2nd place - Can. Ch. Might Danti Lord Peter Pom Marlene Penney3rd place - Pixies Constant Sir Prize Carol Galavich4th place - Rhynstone Monterey Jack Joyce UrbanAdult Bitches1st place - Can. Ch. Jenuwayne Sweet Talker Jen Wayne Hryniuk2nd place - Annons Angel In The Mist Delores Erletberg3rd place - DArms Sweet Sweet Honeybun Doris Pressley4th place - Whispering Ln Hugs N KissesMark Carol BaldwinBEST JUNIOR PUPPYPom Acres Flash Danser Roxanne ChumbleyBEST SENIOR PUPPYStar Havens Terrific Dancer Janice YoungBEST ADULT BEST IN MATCH Can. Ch. Jenuwayne Sweet Talker Jen Wayne HryniukJudges Sue GoddardFantastic is the only word to describe the OHIO VALLEY POMERANIAN CLUB MATCH from the "judges" standpoint I could not believe the entry, and then to see the quality that was present, was such a surprise. I would have to say that the quality was certainlyequal to, or surpassed that of a National Specialty.The large classes required cutting after initial examination. I do feel that many future champions left the ring in these cuts, but it would have been impossible to reasonably give a fair evaluation to so many lovely puppies.I found myself looking for a Pom with substance, without being coarse, soundness and type. I love a pretty head and I had so many with lovely heads and expressions. I did penalize some exquisite tinys, as just too small for me, although they will undoubtedly finish. I tried to judge the puppies on what they were, right that day, and not on what they would be at maturity, and some less exciting puppies could very well mature to be better than some chosen.Most matches are hard pressed to draw a good adult entry, but not so here where many adults looked like Specials and will no doubt have Specials careers.At the point I had to choose Best InMatch, I was faced with a dilemma, as any of the class winners could easily have gone Best In Match, but I chose a lovely adult bitch who was in all ways correct. I made the remark that a bitch like this is worth her weight in gold. Later I learned that she had whelped several litters and is a Canadian Champion.Larry Rookstool, Chairman and Ron Feyh, Co-Chairman are certainly to be applauded for the wonderful job they did in orchestrating this event. Their long hours and expense involved, paid off in producing, what was, in my experience, an unequalled Pom Event The tireless hours many club members spent in making gifts and prizes and those who donated so generously, were certainly appreciated.I am glad to have had the opportunity to say thank you so much, for asking me to judge. I know I will never forget Sunday, October 20, 1991 in Columbus, Ohio. It will remain one of the major thrills of my lifetime.ian JanuaiyFebruary 1992 33Behind The New TitlistsThree generations of new Pomeranian titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent by the owner. Please send the dogs name, color, sex, breeders name and owners name, on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Pedigrees will not be returned Send copies only. Mail all information to the editor, Gail A. Garvey, Expedition Publishing, PO Box A, Mastic Beach, NY 11951.Ch. Patrick's Mr Macho ManRed MaleBreeder Mildred Patrick Owner Lillian StricklinCh. Apples Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elms FirefighterCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms HollyCh. Macs Dream Man of Robinhood Ch. Patricks Mr My Guy of Pom Grove Rosarts Miss Toni Patrick Patricks Miss MunchkinDishaws Donar and Blitzen Ch. Patricks Miss AmarettaCh. Wests Miss Charm PatrickCh. ]an-Shars Pretty WomanOrange Sable Female BreederOwner Sharon HansonCh. Petersons Scamp of Lennis Ch. Annons Sir KennorKennors Lady Tina Ch. Blakes Sir Robert JohnCh. Bev-Nor N Southlands Rambo Jan-Shars Sherry at BlakesHansons Dolly Parton Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster Ch. Bev-Nor N Southlands Rambo Bev-Nors Desaree Ch. Jan-Shars SaydeCh. Bev-Nor N Southlands Rambo Jan-Shars Semi SweetShell Barks Jessee CoulterCh. Golden fiires Contessa CelloBlack Tan Female Breeder Sharon Masnick Owner Benson E. RayCh. Shirwoods Golden Nugget Ch. Wee Hearts Bit of Gold Dust Little Shirley of Shirwood Ch. Golden Aires Priceless GemJackpot of Lake Mathews Little Copper Penney IIMasons Golden Dream Girl May Morning Mark of Annon Annons Ebony Mark IIAnnons Tassandra v Ebony Rust Golden Aires LadyCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Lenniss Gypsy of Tar BabyDeburgers Panda Jo LeeBenRas Sundancing SimonOrange MaleBreederOwner Benson E. RayCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Twin Pines Tico TicoScarlett of Twin Pines Golden Aires Magic MarkoCh. Emcees Sparkling Gold Mico Dupres Kate Raising CaneDupres Dancing Diamond Amy Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Twin Pines Tico TicoScarlett of Twin Pines Golden Aires Rock N RobinAnnons Ebony Mark II Wee Hearts Our Girl FridayLennis Peaches-N-CreamCh. Whitehaven Gol Nugget LegacyOrange Male Breeder Sue White Owner Benson E. RayA Little Chip of Shirwood Ch. Shirwoods Golden Nugget Adkins Cavalier Flopsie Ch. Wee Hearts Bit of Gold DustCh. Shirwoods Golden Nugget Little Shirley of Sherwood Sanibel Snaffle L-Rs Disco Boogie Bear Dias Baby Baron BearDias Cuddle Bear Dias Chatter Box BearCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Dias Sugar Princess BearDias Penelope BearCh. BenRays Golden Josh'N EnvyOrange MaleBreederOwner Benson E. RayCh. Sunrays Gold Gems President Ch. Tomboys Pico ChicoGold Gems Shannon M Lady Ch. Texsuns Lone StarGold Gem Itsa Texican Tiger Zacharys Lady ShebaTaffys Candy Buffet Ch. Shirwoods Golden Nugget Ch. Wee Hearts Bit of Gold Dust Little Shirley of Shirwood Golden Aires Heart of GoldJackpot of Lake Mathews Little Copper Penney IIMasons Golden Dream Girl34 JanuaryFebruary 1992 Pomeranian 5JHW0SMBehind The New Titlistsfim. Can. Ch. Rhynstone Main EventRed Sable Male BreederOwner Joyce UrbanCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Bobby Beam Great Elms Dolly Rhynstone Dodger of LenetteGreat Elms Sweet Pepper Great Elms Jessica of Lenette Anastasia of Lenette BIS Can. Ch. Tiniest Toys Fine N Dandy Can. Ch. Tiperons Dandy LionCan. Ch. Tiperons Catch Me if You Can Ch. Rhynstone Lady in RedTrevion Hi Skor Reddy Wyndmeres Terracotta RoseTrevion Whisper of DestinyCh. Rhynstone Ravishing RickRed Sable Male BreederOwner Joyce UrbanWoods Wee Gold Dandy BIS Can. Ch. Tiniest Toys Fine N Dandy Pixies Janette Star Can. Ch. Tiperons Dandy LionBoulder River Masked Bandit Can. Ch. Tiperons Catch Me if You Can Can. Ch. Tiperons Custom Copy Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear Trevion Hi Skor Reddie Bradleys Nicole Wyndmeres Terra Cotta RoseCh. Charkens Bright Sparkle Trevion Whisper of DestinyTrevion Saucy Twinkyom S alendarThe Pom Review is pleased to present for your information and reference, and at NO cost to Pom Clubs, acalendar of Pom Sf Calendar.111 WA116 OR28,9 NY37 CA313 TX320 TX426 MI59 MA524 MI78,9,10 WA816 MI1122 MIPuget Sound PC - sw, fut, r 2 after Columbia PC - iss - sw, fut, r 3 after IS ANNUAL SPECIALTY - sw, r, ob jr 28 obedience, puppy vet sweeps 29 regular classes juniors Northern Cal PC 1 after PC Greater Houston - iss Dallas-Ft Worth PC - iss - sw r Pom Club of Michigan - se - 1 after Bay Colony PC at Springfield KC - ssse - sw r Pom Club of Michigan - ss - sw - 2 before, 1 after78 Puget Sound PC - iss - sw, r ob 79 Summer Specialty - sw, r, ob jr710 Columbia PC - iss - sw, fut, r ob 4 all breed before then 3 after Pom Club of Michigan - se - 1 after Pom Club of Michigan - ss - sw - 1 beforekey - iss independent Specialty show ss Specialty show se supported entry sw sweepstakes fut futurity r regular classes ob obedience jr junior showmanshipPomeranian SJSWQSM JanuaiyFebruaiy 1992 35New 3f5 Membersfor 1991Submitted by Jerrie Freia, MembershipGail M. Durniak140 S. Washington St. Norton, MA12766Carol L. Fatheree7006 San Pablo Houston, TX 77083Phylis Ann Griffith14648 NE San Rafeul Portland, OR 97230Donna J. HobartRt 2 Box 88 Hayden, AL 35079Diane L. JohnsonPO Box 2323 Valley Center, CA 92082Edith LandingerRt 7 111 Tiffany Longview, TX 75602Donna J. Machniak237 Groveland Howell, Ml 48843Barbara McClutchey218 East Union Wheaton, IL60187Kathleen L. McKinney17625 SE Crystal Lane Milwaukee, OR 97267Terry Lee Morrow1068 N. Frederick Pike Winchester, VA 22601508-285-6040 Gale Sharland Clair Flesner713-879-1949 Tony Tellez Darrell Baker503-256-0959 Jean Schroll Gladys Vanhorn205-352-9509 Joel Taylor Ywonnelee McGhee619-749-4486 Glenn Bernardo Margaret Ontiveros903-757-9334 Olga Baker Erika Moreau517-546-7446 Evelyn Conley Bonnie J. Sullivan708-665-5617 Marian Lazzara Victoria Leitner503-659-9506 Gladys Vanhorn Jean Schroll703-667-7490 Barbara Nagy Jackie RaynorFern Rodrigues8122 Royal Circle Dr.El Cajon, CA 92021Janice C. Russell3540 Kessler Blvd. N Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46222Fran Smith4702 EastAve R-11 Palmdale, CA 93550Jessie M. Stephens322 158th St SW Lynnwood, WA 98037Wanda Lewis2378 Rt 193 Carol Dorset, OH 44032Richard VanWinkle2378 Rt 193 Carol Dorset, OH 44032Mark Vitale25-1844th St.Astoria, NY 10019Stobie P. VoltinRR 1 Box 77 S. Harpswell, MA 04079Pamela T. Walker419 Cove Creed Rd East Gadsden, AL 35903Gary E. Young, SrRt 1 Box 219 Medaryville, IN 47957619-443-9946 Margaret Ontiveros Glenn Bernardo317-924-9093 Renee McGrath, DVM Frances J. Stoll805-272-9526 Linda Brogotti Dorothy Keller206- 743-3546 Virginia Niehouse Shirley Bradley216-858-2232 A. Galavich Donna Megenhardt216-858-2232 A. Galavich Donna Megenhardt212-333-3152 Happeth Jones Peter J. Galindo207- 729-1439 Jackie Raynor Claire Flesner205-492-1178 Ywonnolee McGhee Cheryl A. Jackson219-843-8751 Brenda K. Hutton Mary HammondIf you or anyone you know are interested in becoming a member of the American Pomeranian lub, please contact the Membership Secretary, Jerrie Freia at POB 2775, Morgan City, LA 70381.Or call her at 504-384-7466 after 6pm, CST.36 JanuaiyFebruary 1992 Pomeranian 5WQ\S7American Pomeranian lubis proud to present itsnnual specialtyShowMarriott Hotelfree courtesy shuttle from LaGuardia AirportLaGuardia Airportconvenient frequent flights [safe from Kongs reach]Long Island, New Yorkjust minutes from New York CityFebruary 8, 19921st Obedience Trial 1st Veteran Sweepstakes Puppy SweepstakesFebruary 9, 1992Regular Classes Non-regular Classes Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Brace Junior ShowmanshipParticipate in the Parade of Champions Obedience Title HoldersFor more info premium list contact Dudley Roach Show Secretary 612 Woodrow Avenue Modesto, CA 95350 209-529-5270m fr.O'\VActionn 091OVssiii oo0MS\9mt RafflessMSSSv sriIPomeranianJanuaryFebruary 1992 37PHOTOS and CHECKS MUST accompany ad copy ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED or CLEARLY PRINTEDDeadlineJan 1stMailedFeb 15thMarch 1st Apr 15thMay 1st Jun 15thJuly 1st Aug 15thSept 1st Oct 15thNov 1st Dec 15thIssueMarchApril Obedience Issue MayJuneSpecialtyWestminster Judges Issue JulyAugust Stud Dog Issue SeptemberOctober Puppy Hopefuls Summer Specialties NovemberDecember Brood Bitch Issue JanuaryFebruary Handlers IssueAdvertising policies SpatesAds are placed in the magazine in the order they are received. Any ads that miss the issue deadline will be held for inclusion in the next issue. All photos will be returned via 1st class US Mail.MemberFront Cover.................................120.00Back Cover................................. 100.00Inside Front Cover.................... 90.00Inside Back Cover..................... 90.00Center Page Spread.................... 170.00Full Page....................................... 75.0034 Page...................................... 60.0012 Page...................................... 45.0014 Page....................................... 30.00Business Card 2 x 3.25"... 20.00 Classified Ads........................... 5.00Non-Member 150.00 125.00 110.00 110.00 200.00 90.00 70.00 55.00 40.00 25.00 7.002xtra100.00yr for 2fjK Members onlyargesPhoto Reproduction......................................... 15.00eaTints grey backgrounds................................. 7 50Reverse white lettersblack backgrounds. 5 00Mortises photos less than .25" apart............. lO.OOeaBleeds photos printed to edge of page.... 20.00Lenette pups....................................................... 19Can. Ch. Marshires Love Letters.......................23Merrymont Federal Express................................20Ch. Merrymont Flash Dance...............................20Ch. Merrymont Gold Fever.................................20Merrymont Never On Sunday.............................20Ch. Merrymont Satrday Nite Fever...................21Ch. Merrymont Spring Fever.............................. 20Ch. Merrymont Torchbearer................................20Ch. Moonshadows G Wiz Wee Bad, C.D .... 38Ch. Ozarks Mighty Mite................................... 15Ch. Phyner Gold Jackpot.....................................30Ch. Pinehavens Just An Illusion....................... 11Ch. Queenaire Sunflower....................................20Ch. Rhynstone Ravishing Rick........................... 27AmCan. Ch. Rhynstone The Main Event .. 27Sungolds Snowy Mittens C.D..............................3Ch. Sun-Dots Command Performance...............20AmCan. Ch. Tim-Sues High Lights.................BCTwo-Ts Feistys Autumn Glow..........................30Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan My Style..........................30Advertisers [IndexConley, Rollie Evelyn LYN-LE ................. 23Crouch, Greg Karen OZARK...................... 15Dahlenburg, Mr. Mrs. David ELAN............ 31Garvey, Gail GGS.........................................IBCGoddard, Tim Sue TIM SUE......................BCGriffin, Patty MERRYMONT.....................20,21Griffith, Ken LENETIE................................... 19Hanson, Sharon JAN-SHAR .........................IFCJackson, Cheryl GLEN IRIS............................FCJensen, Patty PATTYS.................................... 24Klein, Jackie SILVER MEADOWS ................24Kneisler, Maria KNEISLER............................ 13LaFortune, Anna SUNGOLD.............................3Long Pennock, Geneva HOOZIERS.............. 19Ludke, Karen KS COUNTRY...........................7Manuszak, Janet ................................................38Puget Sound Pom Club Specialty..........................5Regoni, Rosemary DARS FOXRIDGE............ 9Sharland, Gale PINEHAVEN......................... 11Taylor, Joel GLEN IRIS.................................. FCUrban, Joyce RHYNSTONE............................27White, S.R ......................................................... 17January 1st is the deadline for the Marchfipril -- Obedience IssueBETdonlate40 January February 1992 Pomeranianspecialty which finished their CDX.Congratulations, JudyMargaret also reports that a McKee puppy, Idlewyld Jewel Thief CH. Great Elms Toby x Daybreaks Good Vibrations major ptd. is going to her new home with Maggie Patton. Maggies an AKC obedience judge. We can probably be looking for her CD scores coming up.Helen Tyler wrote recently to share with us that PETTISTREES PUREGOLD CDX Breeder Woodrow38 January February 1992 Pomeranian fBWQIlMShe says, "My boy is the apple of my eye and now working in Open. Hes the first Pom Ive worked in obedience, and Ive fallen in love with the Pom breed"Janet Manuszak also wrote to share the story of her first ever Companion Dog title that she earned on "Murphy," CH. MOONSHADOWS G WIZ WEE-BAD breeder Sandra Logan in three consecutive trials in one weekend. The first was the Sun Maid KC with a score of 191 and 2nd place, the second was a score of 192.5 and_Ch. Moonshadows G Wiz Wee-Bad CDApril Si Troopertake the tri-state area by STORMGGs Little Storm TrooperCh. Black Tye And Tails x GGs Lil Bit OBrandyApril Trooper are pictured on Fire Island shortly after their BOB win at the Delaware Valley KC Match, Sunday, Oct. 27th. They went on to take a Group I This same match they also received a 4th place ribbon in the Junior Handling ring. April and Trooper have been in only 4 matches, and have taken 3 BOB Puppy and 2 Group firsts. They have been in the Junior handling ring twice with a 2nd and 4th place ribbon, all against large entriesWatch for this SUPER team at the point showsBreederOwnerGail A. Garvey PO Box AMastic Beach, NY 11951 516 399-3199HandlerApril D. Garvey PO Box AMastic Beach, NY 11951 516 399-3199AmCan Ch. Tim Sues High Lights, Multiple BIS, BISS in U.S.A. Canada---AUGUST1991 O Baines Photo"High"sends special thanks to his handlers for this past year -- pictured taking 1 of 9 Group firsts so far in 1991, in limited showing, with Joel Taylor pictured here and also shown by his and our long time friend, Erika Moureau. High was 5 years old in July.Tim Sue PomeraniansTim and Sue Goddard Rt 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318543-6622