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The Pomeranian Review March 1992
PomeranianAmericanPomeranian 11 r\ v\r ri rza YVY1^lubmc R s W [I B MPublished Bimonthly Obedience Issue Marchfipril 1992EWMjW33SI533355W lif8DtfftfWALLY The MOONWALKER.........reports 3 months as a special was\\\ f rBEST OF BREED or VARIETYHENDERSONVILLE KENNEL CLUB NOVEMBER 19915H0T0 by SABRINALVr V,\JWiVA' ' - V________ __Milklll IliilUUMChampion Golden Aires MoonwalkerCh. Millamors Mark Tradition x DeArtas Dancing Marketta3 Group Is 3 Group Ms 2 Group Ills 2 Group IVs 3 Best Of BreedWally has proven himself as a producer also He has major pointed offspring in the ring. Best wishes to those expecting offspring sired by Wally..........Watch forme in 92.............Sharon Masnick HCR 65 Box 745 Huger, S.C. 29450GOLDEN AIRES POMS803 928-3511 Inquiries welcomePresented always by MICHELLE MILLER Greer, S.C. 29650ddddddddddddddd IDII COVER STORYGaiQ3 Sgi[pBgl mmog Ll2QBell fulfilled my childhood dream for a Pomeranian. She and I met nearly nine years ago and from that moment on, it has been an unbreakable relationship.She excelled above the rest from the first. "Heel Forward." Novice A was all blue ribbons, a Dog World Award and a spot in the ratings. I was hooked, not only on Poms, but on the closeness that training brought to us. We went into Open, where we successfully completed her CDX.Bell then entered motherhood by being mated to "Ch. Edneys Moe-BestSpecial Order." She produced a litter of two girls Ch. Lilaes Animated Nikk-Nakk, C.D. "Nikki" and pointed Lilaes Light N Lively "Pebbles."Back into obedience training and shown in Open B, Bell again was in the ratings. Then she took a break in the action while her Pom housemates were obtaining obedience and breed titles.Finally her vacation was over and Utility training began. Im not going to say it was easy or always fun, but she has forgiven me for the times we didnt see eye to eye.Bell made Utility an experience I learned from, a challenge where I gained patience and a love that will live in my heart forever."OH, TO HOLD MY FIRST UTILITY POM IN MY ARMS AND TO KNOW SHE DID IT ALL FOR ME" November 9,1991.CLOUD NINE Ken Lilae Shope 573 Lyonstown Road Bellefonte, PA 16823 814 355-5506A big THANK YOU to Dianna Rockey, friend and training buddy.A special thank you to Mary Vickers, Margaret McKee, Judy Green and members of PCGB, who were the first to teach me how to "walk."COMMITTEE CHAIRMENAKC DELEGATE Sam Zaneoff 10 Park Avenue New York NY 10016 APC ARCHIVES Sharon Shipek 4803 3rd Avenue ^ Birmingham ^ AL ^ 35205 APC REGISTRAR Jean Schroll 12950 S New Era Rd Oregon City OR 97045 AWARDS Judy Shearer ^ 523 Miller Avenue ^ Sugarcreek ^ OH ^ 44681 EDUCATION Sally Baugniet 411 S State Street Mishicot WI 54228 HEALTH Dolly Trauner ^ 2025 Lyon St San Francisco ^ CA ^ 94115 LOCAL CLUBS Dianne Johnson - 2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore ^ MD ^ 21234 MEMBERSHIP Jerrie Freia POB 2775 Morgan City LA 70381 OBEDIENCE Linda Gallacher ^ 1990 Ridge Way Drive ^ Eugene ^ OR ^ 97401 PUBLIC RELATIONS Lois Hamill ^ 4 Domenic Drive ^ Chelmsford ^ MA ^ 01824 SKIN DISEASE Cheryl Jackson ^ 1038 16th Avenue ^ Birmingham ^ AL ^ 35205THE POM SHOPPE Bess Roberts WAYS MEANS Lisa Smart YEARBOOK Paul G. LewisPomeranian MarchApril 1992 1UPS ta333PresidentMary Vickers1st Vice PresidentAudrey Roberts2nd Vice PresidentDavid Watts\ ^t,VcRecording SecretaryMappeth A. JonesCorresponding SecretaryFrances J. StottRural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501TreasurerAt WilliamsonPOB 4207Pineville, LA 71361-4207Satty Baugniet CarotA. JatavicdMargaret Mc9ee Jean B. Scfrott Tony Tettez Cheryl WagnerEditorJailA. JarveyPublishing HouseEXPEDITIOPUBLISHINGNPO Box A, 45 Pennwood Drive Mastic Beach, NY 11951-0501 Tel 516 399-3199 Fax 516 399-3182Business ManagerMarie CartougH8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel 516 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions CBrenda MuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Tel 517 485-5183Back-Issues Margaret McJee2426 Sandy Hook Rd Goochland, VA 23063 Tel 804 556-3380Pomeranian ISSN 0744-8546 is published bimonthyJanMarMayTulSepNov in Mastic Beach, NY by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright 1992 by the American Pomeranian Qub, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission. Subscriptions are 30.00 per year 3rd class mail 35.00 per year 1st Class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and APOs US funds only.Custom graphics and all graphic compilations 1992 Expedition Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. All material and manuscripts submitted for publication with the exception of photos and custom graphics become the property of the American Pomeranian Club, all rights reserved. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.2 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian fRSWQBMfeaturesCover Story..................................................1Shapes Cupid Bella Donna U.D.Committee Chairman........................1Reflections of Skip.......................................3Olga BakerPom Obedience Stats..................................10A Novice Speaks..........................................12Barbara McClatcheyAPCs VIP Awards.................................... 14Hall of Fame Dogs...................................14ArticlesOpen Registries..........................................16George A. Padgett, DVMRead Your Standard...................................18Barbara ChanceHelpful Hints..............................................26Margaret McKeeShow Dogs A Thing of the Past .... 26David EdwardsObedience News.........................................30Brenda Huttonlub [JJeuisMichigan Pom Club..................................20Evelyn ConleyHouston Pom Club....................................22Olga BakerSan Diego Pom Club..................................36Gloria CarlinNatural State Pom Club............................36Brenda TurnerColumnsUpdates........................................................4from the PresidentTails To Tell................................................6from the EditorNotes from the Circulation Mgr..................6Available Advertising Spots.........................6Recording Secretarys Report......................8Pom Calendar............................................23Pom Repair Shop......................................26Behind The New Titlists............................27New APC Members...................................33Yips Yaps...............................................34Advertisers Index......................................40Pomeranian Index....................................400 VftowSKIP ... WAS SK22X, HIS SERIOUSNESS, HIS SILLINESS, AND HIS SWEETNESS passed away November 18,1991... a terrible disease.We all knew the hateful devastating nature of the disease, but we kept thinking... "maybe"... "just maybe"... our close friendship dictated that we talk on the phone 2 or 3 times a week, and a couple of days prior to his death, he gently chastised me for not calling him more often. He said, "I always call you more than you call me, its YOUR turn" I said, "What a NAG you are, shut up Ill do better.SKILLSkip Piazzas skill was a sight to see in the show ring. He seemed to "become" the dog he was showing and he conditioned, groomed, and handled magnificently. I promised not to reflect much upon our uncanny win at Westminster with Champion Great Elms Prince Charming, as that is much-repeated history and only one claim-to-fame for Skip. I remember however, that respected Judge Michelle Billings wrote to me soon after the event and said, "I have never seen a twosome like Skip and Prince... never... it was as if one was an extension of the other, and it took your breath away to see them together"SERIOUSNESSPossibly one of Skips lesser attributes, as most of us loved his less-serious side the best He could however, in confidence, speak of lovely things, personal things, deep and reflective things. Skip could be wonderfully serious involving special friendships, his family, some memories. He often astonished me with his perception of people and their behavior, and those who did not know him quite as well were often surprised at his depth, and inherent intelligence.SILLINESSOh, this is my favorite Skip and I giggled so much, in many situations, like 13 year olds at a slumber party... ridiculous One of our most fun trips was to the Oklahoma circuit one year when we were campaigning Prince Charming vigorously... 12 or 15 days of roaming about in Oklahoma, motel hopping from one town to the next, just Skip, Prince and me This was one of the happiest times of all. We shared a room and I yelled at Skip for being so fastidious. I said, "Skip, NO ONE BUT YOU TAKES 7 OR 8 SHOWERS A DAY... 1 OR 2 MAYBE, BUT NOT 7 OR 8, FOR PETE SAKES" He would instantly check out the shower in each motel, and had favorites he also insisted the shower in our guest bathroom was PERFECT, with just the right hard, perfect water spray I accused him of being too eccentric about being squeaky clean. Another typical event was the night just before Skip and Prince were to go in for Best In Show at the Garden, he was a little crazy, nervous to the point of irrationality me too... Skip insisted that Darrell and I accompany him to buy "Best In Show Clothes." We went to the worse possible place to shop, one of those Hotel Mens Specialty Shops where a 24.00 shirt sells for about 59.95 We shopped and shopped and Skip picked out not one, but FOUR shirts and FOUR ties I insisted he could only wear one into the ring, but he laughingly explained he could not decide, so we bought them all He modeled all in the hotel room, finally chose a shirt and tie, and I stuck a red rose with some fem type stuff on it into his lapel... he wore it into the ring and looked beautiful. I also teased him about being the only man I had ever traveled with that took along 14 sport jackets each trip, just so he could be sure to select the right one Crazy guy with a splendid touch of vanity. SWEETNESSSkip was my best friend, no doubt about that Prince Charming was BOTH of our "best friends" no doubt about that eitherIn Pennsylvania when Skip died, I watched as two very dear friends of Skips, Richard Davis Rich and John Marcantonio Marc, who had cared for him constantly during his illness, reflected a kind of love and kinship Im not sure Ive ever seen before. Another good friend, Cheryl Wagner spoke some lovely words graveside at Skips personal request. A sad day. Skip Piazzas friends were indeed fortunate to have had him.Pomeranian MarchApril 1992 3Updates from theby Mary Vickers presidentHave you ever paged through the APC roster and wondered who are these people that are members of this, the parent club With very little thought it is easy to understand why they joined. They all admire the Pomeranian. But who are theyLast March, I sent to all the known APC members at that time there were 326 household or individual members a surveycensus form. The idea came from two sources. First, on May 1st 1990 we, as Americans, would be participating in the U.S. Census. Second, as a newly elected President, I wanted a way to get to know you better.171 forms were returned filled out This is quite an impressive number of returns. I will take the time right now to say THANK YOU for taking the time to participate. Although I heard through the grapevine that some people questioned "why" they should bother with this form, only one was returned blank. Thats OK. There is room for everyone in this club as long as they keep to the ideals and principals of the APC.Kudos to those from the state of Florida All APC members but one returned their forms.THE PERSONAL STUFF23 of the respondents are married 114. Less than 13 of those married have children living at home 30, although most have children 52. There are those who are widowed, divorced or separated. There are 14 of those that have children at home. 60 have reached the glorious, relaxing age of retirement.The biggest category of outside employment were those dealing with office work. 42 members work as either clerks, secretaries, receptionists, office managers, assistant administrators, or just plain "in an office." 8 are teachers. Nurses and Vet Assistants are tied at 6 each. Farmers are represented with 4. What happened to "real" dog people An exact dozen list their work as groomer, dog handler or are involved with running a kennel usually a boarding kennel as full-time employment. Another dozen filled in housewife as their occupation.We do have a doctor of animals. We have 3 lawyers. No Indian Chiefs, but we do have a Chef as well as a Restaurant Owner. From those responding, it can be said that the biggest majority are in the blue collar field.WHAT ELSE DO THEY DOMa Bell and similar companies like her, profit from dog people. It is true in our case. A whopping 159 of you like talking on the phone. Another 130 enjoy reading, but it doesnt show up in the magazine category. The magazines that you admit to subscribe to are118 AKC Gazette, but only 66 get the Awards supplement96 Dog World44 Dog Fancy36 Dogs USA169 Pom Review96 Pom Registry63 Pom Reader24 Kennel Review22 Dog News20 Canine Chronicle16 TNT14 Front and Finish4 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian SJSWOSM4 Dogs In Canada those that are US residents. All Canadian resident respondents receive this magazine.Computers are owned by 68 people, although several said they didnt know how to use them yet. Photography is one of the biggest hobbies as 88 of you enjoy it For the 30 of you who said you could write, get your thinking caps on. Articles for the Review are always needed.Hobbies was the most interesting category. Besides the usual fishing, camping, hunting, there are those who raise goats and horses - including miniature horses - those that water ski, and love target shooting. But all in all, the majority of you are a crafty bunch. Ceramics needlework are tied with 76 respondents, but there is another 25 or so that like to paint or draw in other mediums.WHAT ABOUT DOGS66 belong to a local kennel club. 57 have breeds other than Poms. 22 of these "others" are either champions or have obedience titles. If it is a large dog it is either a German Shepherd or a Lab 10 each. If it is a small dog it is either a Chihuahua 10, Yorkie or Pap 8, but there are several Dachshunds roaming around.18 belong to an AKC obedience club and 9 belong to another group doing obedience. 10 people wrote in that they are doing some form of demonstrations with their dogs. Usually visiting nursing homes.Quite interestingly, when a member owns less than 6 dogs, many of the dogs, either Pom or other, are spayed or neutered. 121 have their Poms in the house with them, while another 50 keep theirs in both a kennel area and in the house.THE APCS POMS77 are members of a local Pom club. Many of you wrote that there is not one near you. 30 of you do not breed at all. A different 30 have never been to a dog show. 46 have never gotten to see a Specialty. 36 have never entered a Pom at a Specialty, be it local or national, although they may have been to one. 4 members do not own a Pom at present. But thats alright. Out of the 171 respondents there are 4485 Poms over 8 weeks of age. 783 have been deemed by the AKC to be champions. Another 384 have been shown and have majors or points. 78 have obedience titles. Puppies under the age of eight weeks number 333. Another 95 Poms are confirmed in whelp.57 APC members own 1 or 2 Poms. Most members average 22. There are those who can manage much more and admit to keeping 50,60, or 70 and the highest being 85. Even if they weighed 5 pounds each, those 85 equals 425 pounds of dog -- the equivalent of 4 or 5 larger breedsThere are 2 members who are lucky enough to live only with AKC titled dogs. All their Poms have titles. Another 22 members have half or more of their Poms with AKC titles.CONCLUSIONSlightly more than half of APC members responded to this survey. The typical APC member is female, married, with children who have left home. Possibly working in an office, but could also be retired. Your Pom is a house dog, which has been in the ring and has been bred.The majority of forms were returned in the months of April May. AKC registrations records for that time show an average of dogs and litters registered to be 3000 and 2000.We are a small number of fish in a large sea. But we care about the Pom its future, its past, as well as the present. That is what makes us, the APC membership so powerful.In Loving Memory of Skip't t-1 FHFIRST6-9 MONTHS 'mAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB FEBRUARY 1990DAVE ASHBEY S ft.........................._ - ' Am.Can. Ch. Chriscendo ContrabandWe will miss Skips expertise and advice with our Poms. But most of all, his friendship.Al Patty Chapman "Chapman Kennels" 3150 S. Mill Rd. Heber City, Utah 84032 801654-5037Pomeranian 5WQM MarchApril 1992 5Talcs To Tell from theby Gail fi. GarveyeditorAre many of you familiar with the term "double entendre" Or probably a better word is misinterpretation. I have just completed one year of the Pomeranian Review, and with this issue I am starting on my second year. I have found that one of the biggest problems is MISINTERPRETATION Some of these more serious "misinterpretations" have caused minor problems, others have actually been rather funny. I will of course share one of the funny ones with you...The APC Specialty ad yes, the idea was Leos , and if I might add, I thought a very good one. This ad definitely caught everyones attention in more ways than one, and isnt that what an ad is supposed to do A few suggested an apple, well frankly that seemed a little boring Anyway back to MISINTERPRETATION. King Kong was chosen because it is a classic there was also some humor involved. I know Mary V. laughed and hooted til her sides hurt. She also had a few funny interpretations, one was that the plane was this years Specialty and Kong was last years the Empire Specialty. Another was she was Kong and the plane was the APC or vice versa however you interpret it. The best one weve heard yet was from the Show Chairman, who felt that Leo was King Kong and I guess the plane the APC Sorry Dolly, hes not that hairy. We even heard that some of you were PERSONALLY OFFENDED Give us a break.I will say one thing, we have had a few good laughs in 1991, and Ill end with a little suggestion for 1992 lighten up, let loose and just try to enjoy the magazine. We are doing our best and will continue to try to make the Review good, fun Pom readingPS I would like to take the time to thank those of you who have been very supportive of my position, as editor. I have received many lovely letters and phone calls of appreciation. And of course, thank you for sending in your ads and supporting the Pomeranian Review in 1991. Lets try and make 1992 an even better year1992 Pomeranian Reviewsavailable covers, backcovers, inside front 81 back covers and center spreadsMayJune - centerspread, back cover inside back cover.JulyAug - all are available, except front cover.SeptOct - all are available.NovDec - all are available.Call now and reserve your cover A deposit is required. We have had too many people back out at the last minute, leaving us frantic trying to find somebody to fill their spot.IN MEMORIUM OF SKIP PIAZZA Darrell and Olga lost a loved friend. "Prince" lost a "Dad" and a friend.The Pomeranian world, and the dog world lost another special contributor. Skips family, and Marc and Rich lost him, and will miss him the most.Darrell Olga Baker JERIBETH POMERANIANS207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586 713 326-2250Thank you, Gail Leo Garvey, for producing beautiful Pomeranian Reviews, also for your help in trying to put something nice together in honor of SKIP PIAZZA.Olga BakerNotes from the Circulation ManagerDue to bi-monthly publication, new subscribers please allow 10 weeks for delivery of your first issue.NOTE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS Bulk deliveries are not forwarded by the Post Office, and some first class deliveries have not been forwarded properly. THE POST OFFICE DESTROYS ALL NON-DELIVERED ISSUES Please notify me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE of address changes. DO NOT SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE EDITOR I send the mailing labels to the editor four weeks before the magazine is due in your mailbox, so address changes sent after labels have been sent to the editor may result in your magazine being destroyed by the Post Office.BULK DELIVERIES A minimum of 200 pieces are required for bulk shipment. If your renewal check or new subscription order arrives after the bulk mailing or an issue has gone out, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE THAT ISSUE. To receive a missed bulk delivery issue, you must order it from Margaret McKee as a back issue at the price of 6.00 each.6 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian SiSWOSMHair Revitalizer and Instant Anti-Static Coat Spray8 oz. pump spray..................................................................... 5.00Gallon Refill size.................................................................... 24.95Moisturizing Coat Protector EnhancerWonderful for wrapping, dematting and breaking down lacquer 7.5 oz. aerosol spray........................................................................... 4.95Super Cleaning and Conditioning Shampoo16 oz. trial size................................................................................... 6.95Gallon size.......................................................................................... 21.95Super Rich Protein Lotion Conditioner16 oz. trial size................................................................................... 10.95Gallon size.......................................................................................... 27.95Pure Cosmetic Lanolin Plus16 oz. trial size....................................................................... 12.95Half Gallon size....................................................................... 29.95Gallon size.......................................................................................... 49.95Professional Formula Whitening Shampoo16 oz. trial size................................................................................... 6.95Gallon size.......................................................................................... 22.95Self-Rinse Conditioning Shampoo and Coat Refresher16 oz. trial size................................................................................... 6.95Gallon size ............................................................................. 20.951 ALL SYSTEMS Lanolin Stabilizer Coat Retexturizer - asolution to over-conditioned, over-relaxed, over-processed coatQuart size................................................................................. 8.95Gallon size.......................................................................................... 19.95NEW ITEM1 ALL SYSEMS reintroduces Ultimate Natural Control Coat Dressing newly improved and packaged in an economical and convenient 1 lb. jar with pump top asPremium Protein Pack Pre Chalk Pure Cosmetic Skin and Coat Conditioner - a complete, non-oily conditioner and coat dressing.1 lb. jar.................................................................... 16.951 ALL SYSTEMS brings you a complete conditioning and moisturizing oil for holding, protecting and conditioning coats. Lightweight, water-soluable and safe for whitebleached, porous and very fine silky coats. Washes out easily and quickly - Its practically GOOF-Proof1 ALL SYSTEMS Humectant Moisturizing Oil Complete Cosmetic Conditioner with Evening Oil of Primrose.16 oz. size................................................................ 11.9512 Gallon............................................................................ 32.95Gallon.................................................................................. 56.951 ALL SYSTEMS Ultimate Pin BrushLarge.................................................................................... 10.00Small......................................................................... 8.50Please include 5.00 for freight CONTINENTAL U.S. ONLY. Virginia residents add appropriate sales tax. Prices quoted in U.S. dollars. UPS COD charges 3.75.1 ALL SYSTEMSProfessional Canine Grooming Products Distributed ByS.R. White Rt. 2 Box 845 Rockville, VA 23146 804 749-3236PomeranianSWOB'S MarchApril 1992 7Recording Secretary Reportby Hoppeth d. ]onesMovemberDeccmber AgendasVoting results for the pending motions listed in the JanFeb Pom Review.91-9-6 The motion that prospective members be published in the Pom Review adopted 9-291-10-1 The motion to table vote on applicants with complaint letters was adopted 9-291-10-2 The motion to forgive missing votes from two Board members was adopted 9-191-10-4 The motion to extend the Pom Review subscriptions by two months for applications that were delayed was adopted 10-191-10-13 Kennel visit to Thelma Dunn was adopted 10-091-10-27 The motion to give permission to reprint PR articles to Renee Fountain did not receive a second. Motion dropped.Mew Motion91-11-30 Margaret McKee moved that the type size in the PR be reduced in order to get more lines per page, and that all free APC Club ads be 14 page or less with the exception of one full page for the Specialty. Seconded by Happeth Jones. Motion adopted 8-2.Pending Motions01-11-9 Sally Baugniet moved that the APC Corresponding Secretary write a glowing endorsement for the Sooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma City and send it to AKC. Seconded by Margaret McKee.91-12-3 Sally Baugniet moves that the Club offer a challenge trophy in Skip Piazzas name.91-12-6 Margaret McKee moves to approve the application for membership of the application held back for review.91-12-9 Happeth Jones moves that any member who knows an applicant for membership more than three years, and has visited the applicants home quite a few times, and knows the applicant as a friend may use that personal knowledge in place of the "area requirement in sponsoring an applicant.91-12-19 Margaret McKee moves that the Board declare a vacancy.91-12-23 Audrey Roberts moves that the charge for the back cover of the PR be 100.00 for members and 125.00 for non-members. Seconded by Happeth Jones.91-12-26 Happeth Jones moves that the option for first class mail be increased by 10.00.91-12-29 Sally Baugniet moves that A1 put an expense income report together on this years Review thus far for our next Agenda so we can see where we stand.91-12-38 Happeth Jones moves that since Mrs. Rotman will not be using her free dinner we give this dinner to the Show Secretary Dudley Roach.91-12-39 Happeth Jones moves that since we have three members who are donating soda for the hospitality room we8 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian BSWQSsuspend standing rule 14 in Sec. Ill for this year keeping the option if we run short the Club could quickly purchase some soda.91-1240 Happeth Jones moves that standing rule 1 Sec. Ill be amended to add "except for commercial firms that advertise or donate to the Specialty."91-12-42 Audrey Roberts moves that Dudley Roach be appointed as Show Secretary. Seconded by Happeth Jones.91-12-43 Audrey Roberts moves that Dolly Trauner be appointed as Show Chairman. Seconded by Happeth Jones.91-12-44 Audrey Roberts moves that we pay 500.00 towards the trophies now because 45 of them are complete. Seconded by A1 Williamson.CommentsDolly Trauner was asked to be Show Chairman and Dudley Roach to be Show Secretary. Both have accepted. They both have stated they will not charge the club for travel, room, board or other expenses. Dudley and Dolly have contacted various Pom Clubs for contributions in Ednas name to meet premium and catalog expenses. At the time of this report they have pledges from Sooner and Ohio. The Northern California Pom Club voted to donate 400.00 towards the cost of the premium list. Other clubs have made pledges but their names were not available at the time of this report, but will be noted in the show catalog.In order to cut down expenses on the Pom Review the board is reducing the size of the free APC ads and the size of the type. Reducing the type size will allow the same amount of information to be printed but on less pages saving money. The postage for the July PR first class mailing cost the APC 2.59 each. The subscriber only pays .83 cents of that amounting to 518.13 the APC lost on the July issue. For the NovDec issue the APC lost 499.00. A motion is before the Board to raise the price of first class by 10.00.A letter has been sent to Cheryl Wagner noting her failure to vote and requesting that she vote or submit her resignation. No response has been received. A motion is pending to declare her position vacant.A1 Williamson reported that we have paid off the 3000.00 loan and we will be able to pay off the loans due in December.Mary Vickers is still working with AKC on the Pom color situation. She reports the colors they will list for us are cream, orange sable, black, chocolate, black tan, cream sable, white orange, white black, and white chocolate.Sally submitted for the Boards perusal the incentive package from the National Specialties Committee for the Kentuckiana Cluster held in Louisville Kentucky. This is for our information only.tJ3tU2 PcSire Ch. Southlands Sir Impressive Dam Sharels Southern Diamond TooThank you judges, for Rosies wins Edd Bivin Dorothy Nickles Sheila MeyersOwnerS.W Brenda Turner Sharon Hicks PO Box 7676 Texarcana, Texas 75505 903 832-7742nyn zy\o i'omzzanLanlovingly thanks... our handler and mentor... Sharon Hicks with Sharels Southern Bryn RosePECiALTYSHOW BESTSWEEPSKOHLERPattysPomeraniansDue to the lack of time to spend with my Poms, I am selling all of my breeding stock. Brood bitches available with Bev-Nor, Showstopper, and Emcee bloodlines. One bitch is a double Ch. D-Nees Darin Duffie granddaughter 350.00 each.Two parti-color girls with blazes. Two proven stud dogs1. Tobe Lil Bobby Of GE d.o.b. 41290 sire is Great Elms Bobby Beam bred to a Bobby Beam daughter not show quality, but throws beautiful pups 500.00 red.2. Cherylyns Take Me Too Patty d.o.b. 62090 sire is Ch. Shadomountin One Man Show and dam is Creider-Queenaire bred baby face and huge coat 500.00 orange sable.offers for sale show home only...kiVCh. Hapians Little Yankee Boy x Jam-Rs Roxy Diamond DancerPatty Jensen 8217-173rd St. E. Puyallup, WA 98373 206 847-5851Two male pups, from a 12 brother x 12 sister breeding. They carry a lot of coat, good bone and short backs d.o.b. 82291. Sires photo can be seen in the SeptOct issue of the Review.For more information or pedigree contactJoann Maresca at 516 395-3822 leave message.pending AKC confirmationPomeranian SJBWOSM MarchApril 1992 91990 Pomeranian Delaney Rating System published July 19911. Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice CD Sandy Winchatz2.1 Fidget In Style UDJoan Geeslin Donna Eddins3. Ch. Penru's Sugar Plum Fairy UDRosalind Goltz4. Baron Von Wolf Smith CDLK Smith5. Dainti Gaulkes Cameo CDD. Winkel D. Fernandez6. Pettistree ForeverHJ Tyler7. Kit Sans Kody Of San San CDBH Schapp8. Stanley MorrisAnn Griffith9. Kathys Little Zachery CEDK. Clausen10. Sweets Freda BabyT. Mitchell1990 Pomeranians Front And Foremost System published August 19911. Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy UD 221 Rosalind Goltz2.1 Fidget In Style UD 82Joan Geeslin Donna Eddins3. Shopes Cupid Bella Donna CDX 44Lilae Shope4. Shawn Of Brockton UD 31E. Hamilton"VIP" Obedience Award Winners YEAR TOP"1986 Noah's Abra Ka Dabra CDX, HOF, GC1987 OTCH Noahs Abra Ka Dabra HOF, GC1988 Ch. Lessards Shangrila Of Jubilee CD1989 Driftwood Love That Bob CD1990 Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy UD, HOF1991 U-CD Sunswept Dauntless CDX, CGC Linda GallacherTop Novice Pomeranians1986 Lessards Natsu Takara CD1987 Pomirish MovinOn CD, HOF1988 Ch. Lessards Shangrila Of Jubilee CD1989 Driftwood Love That Bob CD1990 Sunswept Dauntless CD1991 Ch. Pomirish Chances Dina Mite CD Pat Krause Sally BaugnietTop Open Pomeranians1986 Noahs Abra Ka Dabra CDX, HOF, GC1987 Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy UD, HOF1988 Ch. Idylwyld Lavalier CDX, HOF1989 Ch. Lessards Shangrila Of Jubilee CDX, HOF1990 Sillergs Total Eclipse CDX1991 U-CD Sunswept Dauntless CDX, CGC Linda GallacherTop Utility Pomeranians1986 Lessards Little Geisha Girl UD, HOF10 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian SiSWOSM1987 Noahs Abra Ka Dabra UD, HOF, GC1988 Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Of Jabil UD, HOF1989 Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy UD, HOF1990 Annons Huggy Bear From Scamp UD, HOF1991 Crickettes Midnight Song CS, UD, HOF Jimmie LawrenceHigh In Trial - All Breed I Fidget In Style UDGeeslin EddinsMemphis OTC 112590 OB 197.5 Ch. Lessards Shangrila Of Jubilee CDX, HOF Alice LessardSan Luis Obispo KC 72891 UA 199High In Trial - Specialty Im A Candy Angel Doll UD KK LowePC Des Moines 21691 UB 176 Marimars My Sweet Jackie M. MaherPuget Sound PC 82491 NA 192 Lauras Pumpkin PieL. TrzebiatowskiPC Des Moines 906.91 NA 196.5In the 1991 Awards Issue there are46 - CDs 9 - CDXs 3 - UDsPomeranians earned28 - 1st placements 29 - 2nd placements 30 - 3rd placements 17 - 4th placementsSpecial recognition goes to the following dual titled Poms OwnersCh. Moonshadows G Wiz Wee Bad CD Janet ManuszakCh. Pomirish Chances Dina Mite CD Pat Krause Sally BaugnietCh. Janesas Hi-Struttin Daisy CD Jerrie FreiaCh. Janesas Chatawa Big Orange CD Billie Ann TerryAPC "VIP" OBEDIENCE WINNERSTOP OBEDIENCE POMU-CD Sunswept Dauntless CDX, CGC Linda GallacherTOP OPEN POMU-CD Sunswept Dauntless CDX, CGC Linda GallacherTOP NOVICE POMCh. Pomirish Chances Dina Mite CD Pat Krause Sally BaugnietTOP UTILITY POMCrickettes Midnight Song CS UD Jimmie Lawrence Denotes APC Members1991 HAS BEEN A VERY GOOD YEAR FORBI-MARHOME OFMULTIPLE BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDWe finished Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Image, with championship titles in both the American Kennel Club and the International Kennel Club. He is the 20th champion sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid.Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Obsession also finished with dual titles with the American Kennel Club and the International Kennel Club. Obie is BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kids 21st champion and the 6th champion produced by Bi-Mar Kat Ballou.Ch. Bi-Mar Sugar Pie Honey finished her championship this year after being on maternity leave with several litters in between shows. She is the dam of Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Image and littermate to Ch. Bi-Mar Saucy Sadie, who also finished this year after producing two champions that each have group first wins. Sugar and Sadie are Sunny granddaughters.Ch. Bi-Mars Moonwalker finished early this year with dual titles in the American Kennel Club as well as the International Kennel Club, he is a Sunny grandson, and is now being shown in Hong Kong.Bi-Mar Whipoorwill sire of Ch. Bi-Mars Moonwalker and Pom Groves Fireglow of Bi-Mar finished the year needing one point each for their AKC championship titles.International Ch. Bi-Mar Bayou Style finished her championship in one weekend. Lookforherandherson, Bi-MarMr. Bo Jangles being shown to their AKC championships in 1992.Bi-Mar owned Poms took over 66 AKC points including 11 majors since April 20, 1991. This includes points taken in 5 states, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Washington and Wyoming. Our thanks to the judges that liked what they saw.Congratulations to Victoria Lovely on her group placements with Ch. Lovely Jessy Sais So, who is sired by Ch. Bi-Mar Son-N-Dance Man a Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid son and out of a Bi-Mar bred dam, Ch. Lovely Lady Shawna-Debutante.BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid celebrated his 11th birthday in November. He still carries a huge beautiful coat and is still siring show puppies. The legend still lives on. So if you still want an outstanding piece of the legend, now is the time. We have several beautiful linebred sons and daughters of his for sale.BI-MAR POMERANIANSMARY A. ROSENBAUM 206-833-216038711 200TH AVE S.E. AUBURN, WA 98002Pomeranian SJW0\2MarchApriI 1992 11by Bqrbqrq McCIqtchgyThe judge in an obedience class is announcing the winners. First place Golden Retriever, second place Pomeranian, third place Pomeranian, fourth place here the judge pauses "I dont know how this happened" Pomeranian. That Novice A class at an all-breed Obedience Trial should have blown away a lot of preconceived notions on the part of obedience handlers. "Working and hunting dogs are best in obedience." Small dogs are just lap dogs, especially if they are fluffy." But Poms are small dogs only in outward measurement, as many of us can testify, are big dogs at heart, Poms can beat out the competition in obedience.What is "obedienceAccording to the AKC Obedience Regulations, "the purpose of Obedience Trials is to demonstrate the usefulness of the pure-bred dog as a companion of man..." The essential commands at the lowest, or Novice level are commands that make it easier to live with a dog heel, stand for examination, come, sit, down, stay. If the dog will respond reasonably to these commands he will pass, or "qualify" in a Novice Obedience Trial. Three qualifying scores give him the title C.D, Companion Dog. At the next, or Open level requires retrieval of a dumbbell, jumping high and broad jumps, and dropping on command while coming are added. Three qualifying scores give the title C.D.X., Companion Dog Excellent On the Utility level, the dog must obey signals not vocal commands, distinguish and retrieve an "article" with the handlers scent as opposed to those with the stewards scent, retrieve one glove out of three pointed to by the handler, go out on command and come bach over the correct jump, out of two possibilities. Obviously it is far more difficult to obtain three qualifying scores for the U.D, Utility Dog degree than for the other two.The dog needs only to pass three times in order to get his degree, but if he does at all well, he is in danger of hooking his owner on the more rare atmosphere of competition obedience, trying for higher and higher points, vying for the ribbons and prizes and finally that wonderful OTCH Obedience Training Champion degree, proving that at "x" number of trials he has either taken a first or second place in Utility or Open classes.Should you train your Pom in ObedienceGiven the purpose of basic obedience training, there would seem to be no question about its usefulness to every dog owner. A dog that will sit or lie down and stay when told to do so can be kept firom begging at the table or jumping with muddy feet onto visitors. A dog that will come when called or walk quietly beside you rather than running around and tangling the leash in your legs is obviously going to be a more pleasant companion. The new AKC certificate, "Canine Good Citizen," which requires some of the same work from the dog but without competition, may someday be required of all dogs as proof of responsible ownership. A dog that obeys you in public will show off the breed well. If you tell your obedience trained dog to "sit" in front of a parent, the response is inevitable "your dog minds better than my kids". Obedience training provides for a closer bond between you and your dog than almost anything elseyou can do, because it requires you to work together neither one of you can get the degree alone. Whether you choose to go for the degree may depend on you and your dogs personality and on the amount of time you have for training and showing.Which should come first obedience or conformationWhen I started research for this article, I expected to be able to present both sides of the same issue. I had heard that dogs should be trained first in confirmation and not put into obedience training until finished in the breed ring. But, when I began putting the question to the people who should know best, those with experience in both areas, those who had put both kinds of degrees on the same dog, and even confirmation handlers, I found that there was agreement both can be taught at the same time. The problem most often cited, that the dog might sit automatically in the breed ring, can be avoided by teaching a hand signal for the stand from the very beginning of obedience training. Poms are smart enough to recognize the different collar and leash and the extensive grooming for confirmation as a signal that their own actions are to be different in the ring. And good obedience training will actually help the dog in the breed ring, since it gives control, confidence and socializing. In practice most dogs are finished in conformation first, since the training required for obedience takes more time than for conformation.In the next issue, some questions about a "Specialty." What makes it Special What is a Sweepstakes What is Futurity And whats the point of conformation competition anyway"Just the facts, Maam"When you send in an entry form to a dog show, read it first carefully, and fill in every applicable space. Dont neglect to sign the bottom of the form, and do enclose your check.Send your questions and suggestions to Barbara McClatchey, 218 East Union, Wheaton, IL 60187 or phone me at 708 665-5617.BIG IMPACT LOW PRICEThe Pomeranian Review now does business cards. For 20.00members or 25.00non-members. We also have the special price of 100per year This is one of the least expensive ways to advertise, and keep your kennel name in front of readers all year long APC members only12 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian S1SV7QSsouTHLANDGROUPPLACEMENTKENNEL CLUB ro bt'pETRULISPCe'Ch. Southlands Sir Impressive x Ch. Southlands New Year ToastBISS Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive as a one year old special has had a VERY IMPRESSIVE 1991 He has been in constant battle for 1 Pom in all systems. Watch for Mighty in 1991 -- the best is yet to come. Agent Judi HartellSouthland Charlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318466-3456Ch. Southlands Sir Impressive x Ch.Southlands Toast To JamelCh. Southlands Free Spirit finished quickly from the puppy class with impressive wins. Congratulations to the following Lynn Meyer on her numerous group placements with Mightys brother Ch. Southlands Oh So Impressive - Jo Julie James with Ch. Southlands Sir Alex So Great making the 6th ch. for his dam the Pressers with great BOB wins on Ch. Southland Make Me Famous and their BOB wins from puppy class with Ch. Southlands California Dreama -- Jan Wilhite with BOB wins from the puppy class with Dreamas brother Southlands Showstopper -- Annette Rogers with BW from puppy bitch class with Majestics Miss Liberty a Lil Toasty daughter -- Mary Allen Maria Kneisler with wins on "Lil Toasty kids"Repeat breedings available'fPBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXJRPUS CHRISTI KENNEL CLUB FALL I99I 6"Tf.sosPomeranian SJSWQSW MarchApril 1992 13the American E omeranian Qlub presents the1991 'VERY IMPORTANT POMERANIAN" AWARD WINNERSTOP WINNING DOGCh. Odysseys Keno WizBreeder Janet Manuszak Owners Janet Manuszak-Lucido and Bill Lisa SmartTOP PRODUCING DOG 2 way tieCh. Great Elms Firestarter Breeder Ruth Beam Owner Skip PiazzaCh. Tim-Sues High LightsBreederlOwner Tim Si Sue GoddardTOP WINNING BITCHCh. Pixies Buttons-N-BowsBreederlOwner Carol GalavichWML, w wmm MMS j fmr HBBS.Ch. Odessys Keno Whiz Ch. Tomho Champagne Wishes Ch. Homestead Spit Polish Ch. ShyAcres Our Man FridayROM DOGS BITCHES for 1991Ch. Merrymont Satrday Night Fever Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Ch. Queenaire Signature Ch. Emcees Chips Ahoy of Coy Queenaire PromiseCh. Raintrees Southern Belle finished with 3 - 5 pt. majors and was BOW each time in 1991.Ch. Golden Glow IMA Warrior was missed in the first list of Hall of Fame Dogs.TOP PRODUCING BITCH 9 way tie with 2 eachDeArtas Marketta Merrymont Nut N Honey DNees Demure Dutchess Ch. Patricks Miss Amaretta Ch. Queenaire Bright Promise Ch. Queenaire Signature Bev-Nor N Southlands Hope Southlands New Year Toast Apolloette A Unique PleasureBREEDER OF THE YEARPatty Griffin MerrymontEXHIBITOR OF THE YEAR 2 way tieFrancis Stoll StolannesMary Rosenbaum Bi-MarTOP JUNIOR HANDLER Carrie CochranIn Loving Memory Anthony Skip LiazzaWho unselfishly shared his knowledge and gave encouragement to a newcomer.An-Jo PomeraniansAnna Liselli 27 President Road Mastic Beach, NY 11951 516 281-824614 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian S^7QS\5 VLenette PomeraniansBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnervrbGreatElms Bobby Beam x Great Elms Heather of LenetteCongratulations to the following who finished Lenette bred Poms in 1991...1 James Procter Can. Ch. Great Elms Aubrey of Lenette2Sally Leslie Can. Ch. Alluvials Chelsea of Lenette3 Colleen Franks Can. Ch. Timmy Timstopper of Lenette4 James Procter and Can. Ch. Great Elms Tim Tim of Lenette5 Josephine Ching Ch. Wee Squeakie of Lenette finishing in 3 straight shows6Thomas McCann Ch. Great Elms Bonnie of Lenette7 Pam Yongen Ch. Great Elms Dolly of Lenette Cobles Traveling Bearx Great Elms Sabrina of Lenette no photo availableri VXCh. Beaver of Lenette x Pitti Patti of LenetteStirewalt Tomy of Cedarwood x Pitti Patti of Lenette5Chesai Dealers Choice x Bonners Celebrity Black-Gold4ff JL\wGreat Elms Tiny Tim x Dendys Betty of Lenette7-cc Vxm.Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette x Luells Fuzzy Peach of DannyWe have several show prospect puppies available.Two black and tan males for sale sired by Ch. Great Elms Beam of Sunshine. One yrs old.Pets priced from 250.00, show and breeding stock from 500.00.Satisfaction is guaranteed. If not completely satisfied return within 3 days for refund.Pomeranian W0 MarchApril 1992 15Whtjjj Mmm D^pBmG0 Mmgjmttmcmfby George G. Pqdqett, PVMtaken with permission from the GRF, Inc., NewsletterDr. George Padgett is a veterinary geneticist at Michigan State University. He has published numerous papers on the genetics of various hereditary diseases in animals.What is an Open Registry First we probably should define an "open" registry all animals are identified in respect to phenotype physical attributes and when possible, in respect to genotype genetic makeup. All information on all dogs is available to the general public. This is opposed to "closed" registries which are the common registries found in the U.S. Examples of "closed" registries are the Orthopedic Foundation of Animals OFA and the Canine Eye Registration Foundation CERF.Phenotype vs. GenotypeIn "closed" registries the only information available to the public is on those animals which are phenotypically normal. The word phenotype means the observable properties of an animal structural and functional produced by the interaction of that animals genotype and the environment. For example, with hip dysplasia you might have a normal excellent, good, fair or dysplastic borderline, mild, severe phenotype based upon a radiograph. It is what you observe or measure in an animal in regard to the trait in question. With sebaceous adenitis S A, you might have a normal, subclinical SA, or clinical SA phenotype based upon a skin biopsy.In an "open" registry, information on genotype would also be available. For example, with PRA you might have a dog who has a normal ERG phenotype is normal, but is a known carrier of the PRA gene genotype is carrier. A phenotypically normal dog who has an offspring with S A is a carrier by genotype.Benefits of an Open RegistryWe now have a nice distinction between an "open," and "closed" registry, but from a breeders standpoint, what difference does it make With single gene traits, especially those with late onset such as sebaceous adenitis, PRA, and epilepsy, it makes all the difference in the world. A closed registry does notprovide any of the information required to prevent the spread of genetic problems.An open registry allows you to "retrospectively" test mate your dogs. That is, it allows you to genotype your dogs based upon matings that may have taken place months or even years ago. The single requirement for this is the knowledge of the genotype of one of the animals involved in the mating. This, of course, you can obtain from an open, but not from a closed registry.Retrospective Test Matings Let us examine how a retrospective test mating works. Since all dogs on the average carry defective genes, perhaps as many as four or five, every mating is in fact a test mating. The problem we currently have, since we do not identify "affected" dogs, is that we do not know what the test mating is for. Remember, it is a test mating whether that was your intention or not. It is also a test mating even if it occurred before the dog developed the disease or before you knew the dog produced the disease.Example of Charlie As an example of how retrospective test mating takes place, lets take "Charlie," a Standard Poodle. His breeding history is recorded in the genetic pedigree on page 18. Take a minute to look at it before going on.Charlie was born in 1982. He was radiographed for hip dysplasia, VWD tested, had a CERF examination, and produced his first litter in 1984. He was subsequently bred 25 more times, producing a total of 174. His average of 6.69 puppies per litter, is about whats expected for a Standard Poodle.In 1987, a bitch puppy of Charlies developed a skin disorder and was eventually diagnosed as having sebaceous adenitis S A. The first report of S A in Poodles was by Rosser et al in 1987, so the disease was not known as an entity prior to this time. Unfortunately, the owner of this pet bitch never contacted the breeder, so Charlies owner never found out about this puppy.In the Summer of 1988, a champion son from Charlies tenth litter was diagnosed with clinical SA and the breeder withdrew Charlie from public stud. A second male in the same litterwas diagnosed with SA a short time later. Charlie never developed clinical SA. As time passed, several other cases surfaced. Even though Charlie was clinically normal, in 1990 he was biopsied for SA and was diagnosed subclinically affected. At that time, Charlies owner began contacting the breeders of his litters and asking them to have the offspring tested.So, where are we now Well, since Charlie is affected, all 174 of his puppies are defined carriers. Does this make Charlie a "bad" dog Not in our opinion. In fact, he is a champion and has produced 31 champions, which is 18 of all his offspring. Not badIs Charlies owner a bad breeder Not in our opinion. The disease was not known when he was first used at stud, and all the mating he made were complete before his first affected puppy was reported. There was no way the breeder could have known Charlie was affected and in fact did not find out he was affected until 1990, well after he was withdrawn from stud. Charlie still has not shown clinical signs of SA he is one of the subclinical cases.What can we learn from CharlieSo, where are we as a result of Charlie Well, if we use the knowledge that Charlie is affected, we can do something about the disease. Twenty-three bitches have been test mated for SA and at this point in time, six of the bitches have proven to be carriers. How about the rest It is probably true that the puppies from many of these matings are spread out or lost. But, if you can locate and test four puppies randomly from any of these matings and all four are normal a skin biopsy must be performed to locate any subclinical cases, the bitch is 93.7 sure to be free of the SA gene. All you have to do to establish clear dogs, is to check the already-born offspring. Many of the puppies are at the right age and everything.In addition, all 174 of Charlies puppies are defined carriers, correct Many of them have already been bred. Thus any mate bred to one of Charlies puppies has been test mated to at a minimum a carrier. Therefore, if you randomly test seven of their puppies and all are normal, the mate is 86.6 sure to be free of the SA gene.ConclusionsObviously it is not desirable to have dogs which transmit diseases like SA or16 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian K8WflS\57Kneislers Pomeranianswould like you to meet...Kneislers Toasty Miz Kaylaw0_Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Shamrocks Tarbubble V AllaynKayla is pictured here at 6 months of age. She is our next show puppy, and feel she has a lot of potential. She is nicely put together and has 4 good legs under her. She is another of our 'Lil Toasty daughters, and we would like to send a BjQ, thanks to Charlotte Creed for allowing us to use him. He has done a lot for our breeding program and we hope to get more nice puppies out of him in the future.FLASH Bev-Nors Little Showstopper pg. 13 of the JanFeb 92 Pom Review took Best Puppy In Match at the Natural State Pom Fanciers Fun Match in Little Rock, AR. This was his first time out and he enjoyed strutting his stuff forjudge Audrey RobertsOwnerBreederHandlerMaria Kneisler 9151 S. Darlington Ave.Tulsa, OK 74137 918 492-0520Puppies available, Ch. stud service to approved bitches We feed Science DietPomeranian MarchApril 1992 17Offspring of a Subclinic1al Standard Poodle Sire33 66666666r\_ 666666666'6M 6 6 6 6 66 66 666 S'0"a osa a cisowm b 6 6 6 6 6 ^ 6666666660 Oats D Cte376666666 n ,c 6666666 ^66666666 66666666 [i] 666666666 6 66666 666673 66666666 666666" 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 r\3e jr Gti ii] 6 6 b.6_______ 6 6 6 6 6 886o1286 6 [6] 6 6 6 986686ob 6 6 666666666 S186 [B] [6] 6 6 6666666 3___________________________________________________________________786 j66 6 6666 66666666^ B CSser Male O SA at age O Female 8j produced Offspring with SA0 Normal at age Q subcllnical SAGenetic pedigree of Charlie mated 26 times to 23 bitches.PRA or epilepsy, but if you have an open registry you can use the information correctly to select dogs with a greatly reduced risk of having the genes in question.At present, the only alternative to an open registry is to stumble along blindly like we have been, praying that the puppies in our next litter are normal.Requirements for an Open RegistryThe only data necessary to set up an open registry is to know the mode of inheritance of the genetic disease. At this time there has been enough data collected on Standard Poodles to be confident that S A is a recessive disorder. In other words, both parents must be carriers if any of the offspring have SA. However, we can not say with certainty at this time that SA is a simple recessive controlled by only one gene. There could be modifying genes or environmental factors that also affect the expression of the disease. We do not know what causes the large variation in age at onset, why some dogs are subclinically affected, and whether subclinically affected dogs will eventually develop clinical SA if they live long enough.For Standard Poodles, the requirements for a S A registry have been met. Now the success of such a registry falls in the hands of owners and breeders. When a registry becomes available and it shouldnt be long now it is up to you to register your dogs.Read Your Standardby Bqrbqrq Chancetaken from the Bay Colony NewsletterAs I sat at ringside recently, watching the Poms being judged, I wondered how many of the exhibitors and judges had really bothered to read and understand the standard for our lovely little breed. Turning to the lady sitting next to me who was exhibiting Poms for over 25 years and asked "what has happened to the coats" She turned to me and said "I guess they have been taking lessons from the Poodle people and sculpting coats so not a hair is out of place. The breeders arent bothering to breed for coat anymore when they can sculpt the coat to have stand-off appearance and judges put them up without penalizing for excessive trimming."Hey folks, if this is the case, the breed is in trouble Poms, according to the standard, should have a double coat ashort soft thick undercoat with longer, coarse, glistening outer coat, consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse standing off straight hair. What I saw was perfectly shaped undercoats with no coarse outer coat and the coats were about three inches scissored all over. Are we forgetting what a glorious sight a Pom in full healthy coat can look likeThe standard also says trimming for neatness is permissable around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is also permitted. Overtrimming beyond the location and amount described should be heavily penalized. This last sentence is what everyone seems to overlook or just choses to ignore.I have heard the expression many times "everyone else does it and if I dont, I wont win." This is the sort of thinking that has ruined so many breeds.When winning becomes the ultimate goal, instead of breeding better Poms that are as close to the standard as possible, mediocre dogs are the result. If judges would so heavily penalize sculpted dogs maybe this lovely little toy would remain what it is supposed to be. If breeders would breed for correct coats instead of having to artificially scissor to get the correct shape, tail carriage, head, etc..., maybe we can turn around this fetish for making our Poms look like perfectly scissored miniature ChowsA new revision for the Standard is being proposed if not already in effect at the time this is being written. Why couldnt extreme scissoring be reason to be excused from further judging instead of just being penalized If judges would have this capability and start excusing exhibitors, the extreme scissoring may stop.STOP SCULPTING Remember it must start somewhere, how about YOU Lets not continue to stick our head in the sand and pretend coats grow that way18 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian RSWBSMThe Honey DogsTo all you great, great guys married to Pom Moms.First ones at the show putting up rings, cleaning grounds and putting down mats, making sure everything is just perfect.To all who smile while hearing nagging and complaining, hold the bitch while he breeds her another back breaking job. King of the pooper scooper. Burn the papers no you cant next Sunday theres a show. Put the crates in the car. You even on occasion try to leave us at rest stops on the way to the show You just have to hang in there because we love need you all. Just hang in there big guys...You cant watch football, go to the airport and pick up a dog. Feed the pups, got to cook dinner, don't wash his fanny in the sink use the laundry tub.Why are you tired, you dont do anythingCh. Sungold's Short CircuitMhI'gj]Kwill be shown early '92'-v'r.. _vtAnna Ray LaFortune 13621 Kapowsin Hwy Graham, WA 98338 206 879-5390ffJLwClTPomeranian fftdWO \27 MarchApril 1992 19TKJ BEST OF........................Ch. Lessard's ShangriAr'NPC Specialty - BOSFeb 2,1991Handled by Janet ManuzakL 0- r - rShasta KC - Group IVJune 14, 1991 Handled by Lloyd LittleA fs0J ozm.20MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian SJSWBSMHigh In Trial -199July 28, 1991................BOTH WORLDSla of JubiiM cox, hofZannies accomplishments include the followingThree time Specialty winner Group winner with VERY limited showingDog World Awards of Canine Distinction in 1988 1989 1 Obedience Pom Top Novice Pom for the year 1988 per APC8 Obedience TOY Number 1 Obedience Pom for 1988 as published in "Front Finish" per Delaney System5 Obedience Pom per Delaney System and Top Open Pom for 1989High in Trial at Lompac Valley KC Show on July 28,1991 with a score of 199 out of Utility.Zannie has consistently received top awards in both Worlds of Confirmation Obedience during her limited showing.Zannie will be in the Conformation ring at the Northern California Pomeranian Specialty on March 13, 1992. And will be at the July Specialties in Oregon both in the Conformation ring and the Utility ringTRULY A VERY SPECIAL POMOwned Trained byAlice Lessard 1254 Magic Sands Way Turlock, CA 95388NsPomeranian SW0\E7 MarchApril 1992 21Helpful Hints by Mgrqqret R. McKggThe following is an animal control bill proposed in the Oregon legislature last year. Please read it carefully.Senate Bill 1158Be it enacted by the people of the state of OregonSection 1.1 Any person who keeps companion animals and sells or offers to sell more than one litter of puppies or other companion animals in any one calendar year, or who keeps such an animal or breeding, must obtain a license annually from the State Department of Agriculture pursuant to the followinga The annual licensing fee shall be 250.b A fee of 200 per litter shall be required for the sale of each complete litter.c A license application fee of 150 shall be paid for each companion animal six months or older owned by the applicant.2 Any person who acts or attempts to act as a companion animal broker must obtain an annual license from the State Department of Agriculture and shall pay an annual licensing fee therefor of 1,500.Section 21 Any person who houses companion animals for the purpose of selling or breeding such animals and who is licensed as prescribed in Section 1 of this Act shalla Provide at least one staff person for every five adult animalsb Insure that there is a minimum of 3,000 square feet of ground area for every 10 adult animals, with no more than 10 adult animals occupying such area at one timec Insure that all animals are provided adequate food and water in containers that are cleaned and disinfected daily. Water shall be provided at least every 12 hoursd Insure that no more than three separate breeds of dogs are kept simultaneouslye Insure that no bitch has more than one litter every other year and that no puppy under 12 weeks of age is soldf Insure that each animal is examined by a licensed veterinarian at least every six months, with verification to be filed with the State Department of Agriculture andg Insure that each animal has adequate housing, including but not limited toA Elevation of the structure above the ground sufficient to prevent dampnessB Waterproofing and insulation of each structureC Sheltered entrances on all structuresD Interior space in each structure that allows the animal freedom of movement while being small enough to retain natural body heatE Straw, hay or other acceptable bedding to be changed daily andF Solid floors not slatted or made of wire in all structures.2 The State Department of Agriculture or its designee shall inspect the housing arrangements of all animals kept by persons licensed under this court for compliance with the provisions ofthis section.Section 31 Failure to obtain the necessary license required by this Act before engaging in keeping, breeding, selling or brokering companion animals is a Class C felony.2 Buying or selling or offering for sale puppies by the litter lot is a Class C felony.3 Debarking or causing the debarking of a dog is a Class C felony.4 Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this Act by an applicant for a license is cause to deny a license application.5 Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this Act by a licensed person is cause to permanently revoke that persons license and confiscate all companion animals being kept by that person. Such licensed person in violation shall pay a fine of 10 per day per confiscated animal until such confiscated animals are placed or otherwise disposed of.Section 4For the purposes of this Act, "companion animal" or "animal" means any animal kept by a person, business or other entity for companionship, security, hunting, herding or providing assistance in relation to a physical disability.An abbreviated version of the above bill appeared in the obedience newspaper Front and Finish, along with comments opposing the bill. Based on the Front and Finish article, my friend Marion Erp commented on it in an editorial in our local obedience club newsletter"How does this bill endanger dogs and eliminate a responsible dog breeder only breeding one litter a year Remember, it is targeted for he who breeds MORE THAN ONE LITTER A YEAR and specifically for the puppy miller reference the wire cage bottoms. ["Marion appears to imply that anyone who breeds more than one litter a year is irresponsible] "If we indeed have an over population problem in dogs and we do, we need to produce fewer puppies, plain and simple. Hitting the breeder in the pocket book where it hurts just might do it. Many of the points simply address humane care of dogs others take away much of the profit margin with almost prohibitive fees. Sure, there are minor points I could quibble with. The animal rights groups must have come up with the ridiculous bit about debarking, and I think to be fair to the toy breeders, fees should perhaps be applied to the numbers of dogs produced, not litters. We could even live with the 12 week minimum age before sold part, as long as the breeder conscientiously socialized the pups for us.The puppy millers must be jumping up and down for joy. Just when truly restrictive measures are proposed which would put them out of business, fellow "reputable" breeders come to their rescue to sabotage the measures for them Is this the trend for the future What is the "responsible" breeder saying when he opposes this bill I dont want inspections, I dont want fees because I cant afford them, I want to breed my brood bitches each year instead of every 2 years, and I dont want the added expense and hassle of keeping puppies beyond 6 or 7 weeks Is this responsible Either we deal with the puppy millers or we dont. As breeders either we accept the fact that we contribute to the over population problem if we breed A LOT, or we hide our heads in the sand, blinded by the arrogant and misguided notion that we have some kind of RIGHT to breed our "gorgeous" dogs22 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian 5JWDHallmarks PomeraniansIntroduces...Sire AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein Dam AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Coco ChanelI want to thank Chris Heartz, his breeder, for letting me have a good one. Also thanks to my daughter, Michelle Hall, for a terrific job of handling. He is shown above taking BOW at the Evergreen KC under judge Luc B.For sale Showbreeding prospect male pup, whelped August 10, 1991. Sire AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Contraband, Dam Feistys Bomb Shell she has 12 pts, both majors.Geanene Hall 259 E. Sage Creek Circle Sprfngville, VT 84663 801 489-7943Chriscendo Claim To Fame4Vt \ \om alendarThe Pom Review is pleased to present for your information and reference, and at NO cost to Pom Clubs, a calendar of Pom Specialty Shows. Please send information on your upcoming shows to the editor coCalendar.mm37 CA Northern Cal PC 1 after313 TX PC Greater Houston - iss320 TX Dallas-Ft Worth PC - iss - sw r426 MI Pom Club of Michigan - se - 1 after59 MA Bay Colony PC at Springfield KC - ssse - sw r524 MI Pom Club of Michigan - ss - sw - 2 befirem a after78,9,10 WA78 Puget Sound PC - iss - sw, r ob79 OPS Summer Specialty - sw, r, ob jr710 Columbia PC - iss - sw, fut, r ob 4 all breed before then 3 after816 MI Pom Club of Michigan - se - 1 after1122 Ml Pom Club of Michigan - ss - sw - 1 beforekey - iss independent Specialty show ss Specialty show se supported entry sw sweepstakes fut futurity r regular classes ob obedience jr junior showmanshipPomeranian KSWDBM MarchApril 1992 23when we want, how we want. Sounds like what they call "an attitude" here in the South ....If I am missing some crucial point here, Id welcome some enlightenment. There certainly wasnt anything in the Front and Finish article which stated how responsible breeders would be eliminated and our dogs endangered by passing this bill. Certainly the number of dogs we could own would be reduced because of the fees is this bad. But care would be improved, provided puppy millers could afford to stay in business doubtful and provided all of this could be enforced even more doubtful -- doesnt the Dept, of Agriculture have better things to do. I guess I just dont understand why anyone would oppose more humane care for our dogs and reduced production of puppies. What is not clear is whether mongrel breeding would be included whether your neighbor is subject to the same fines, fees and restrictions if Rover accidentally ties with Fifi."Lest you think Marion is just one of those fanatic dog haters, she has owned a UD Whippet, and a Ch. UD Rhodesian Ridgeback, and currently owns a Ch. UD Irish Water Spaniel with OTCH points.Here in part is my response to Marion"Yes, youve gored my ox, and yes, there are things you dont know parts of the Oregon Bill which were not included in the Front and Finish article.First, let me explain why I would be very distressed should such a bill be proposed in Virginia. In 1991,1 bred 3 litters of Pomeranians resulting in a total of 8 live puppies, all of which were co-owned with the co-breeders. One puppy was put down for a congenital defect. I kept 4, a co-breeder kept one, and I sold 2 puppies. The gross income from the sale of those 2 puppies was 875. My expenses included, but were not limited to600 stud fees, 420 in shots and checkups, 250 a caesarian section with the total being 1270 There were additional expenses for extra food and vitamins for the dams transportation costs for sending the bitches to the studs food, vitamins, medicines and toys for the puppies and advertising. So, I show a substantial cash loss without licensing costs. If I had to be licensed according to the Oregon Bill, I would have to pay250 Section I [la] annual license fee, 600 Section I [lb] 200 per litter, 1200 Section I [lc] 150 x 8 adults it is not clear how often this is assessed. Total license fee 2050 Even if I had sold all the puppies I kept, I would still have lost money.I consider myself a responsible breeder, I breed because I want to keep some or all of the puppies. I am trying to improve the breed. There is plenty of demand for nice Pom pups. I certainly cant say Im a typical breeder. I have no idea what average would be. I would hope the average breeder takes good care of their animals and screens prospective homes carefully.Lets consider how other provisions of the bill might apply to meSection 2 1 "Any person who houses companion animals for the purpose of selling or breeding.... shall." The following provisions would then apply to me even if I have 1 or no litters, because I intend to breed.a. "provide at least one staff person for every five adult animals" I now have 16 adults including the cat. What24 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian 5]Wfl7constitutes "staff" How many hours a day must they work How much must they be paid Can I count Elaine as staff Elaine is my 14 year old daughter.b. 3000 sq. ft. 10 adult animals. It does not specify what this includes, whether indoors or out. My kennel room is 12 x 20 ft 240 sq. ft. and houses 14 Pomeranians plus occasional boarders. Can I count the area of my fenced yard As you correctly pointed out, the bill makes no distinctions based on size or activity level.c. It is easy to envision homes where there are 4 breeds present although only one is bred. I dont plan to breed Azyr the greyhound Rachel plans to get a male Gordon Setter Langhome wants a hunting dog I might take in another rescue dog - you get the picture.d. Because of their small litter size Pomeranians are usually bred at least every year and sometimes 2 cycles out of 3.e. This is definitely designed to hit the pocketbook of breeders, and enrich veterinarians. 25 per vet visit times 2 per year times 15 dogs over 6 months of age 750 per year. This would be just for checkups even if I give my own shots. It would not include veterinary bills for dentistry, dew claw removal, tail docking, maternity care, x-rays, eye exams, illness or injuries.Now, what you didnt get to see is some very disturbing language. Read carefully Sections 3 and 4 of the bill. I have real problems with the wording of these sections. Note that Section 3 requires getting the license before keeping any companion animal, regardless of whether it has been breed yet or whether it subsequently proves fertile or not. And Section 4s definition of companion animal covers every dog purebred or not, male or female, neutered or intact. So dear friend, that means you would be required to have a license in order to keep your beautiful, neutered Ch. OTCH So would owners of handi-dogs or guide dogs. How ridiculous But that is how pet ownership is endangered.The framers of this bill probably had good intentions. And we all want breeding stock to be well cared for. Even if the intention was not to put caring breeders of quality dogs out of business, this bill would do so. This bill was rightly tabled. It needs a lot of work. More thought needs to be given to enforcement. Who is going to find out how many litters Ive had or whether Ive sold any And why that terribly broad definition in Section 4 Whose agenda does that serve It is so all-encompassing as to be devastating. Surely there are better ways to get at the puppy millers, the backyard breeders, the arrogant and the irresponsible.A similar ordinance just passed in Montgomery Co. MdThis whole subject raises some important and difficult questions. How does one define or describe a responsible breeder Can it be as simple as the number of puppies or litters bred What about those who carefully investigate puppy buyers and make use of limited registrations and no-breeding arrangements Are we really opposed to inspections My kennel is usually cleaner than my house. Who is going to do all these inspections I strongly believe that any law that a governing body is unwilling or unable to enforce is a bad law. Current laws are unevenly enforced. How well are leash laws enforced in your community How would the authorities discover the existence of litters and puppies It is far easier to keep tabs on honest and responsible breeders than on puppym cLgw"1Lt\-'9 d. vI[OUEVI CHMAmHWINNERS DOG GOLDEN V MLEi K.ENNEL CLUBNOVEMBER. 1 CM-LEA PHOTO ^mbv JIMCh. Sun-Dots Major StuffCh. Sun-Dots Rambolin Strut N Stuf x Rommels Sun A Min KissWatch for Majors daughter, Sun-Dots Glory Spark with Patty Griffin Merrymont. Also watch for Majors half brother, Sun-Dots Struts Bearcat with Dudley Wanda Roach Queenaire. We also sent a playmate with Glory to Pattys - Sun-Dots Mastercard. Watch for him in the ring in 92We send our love to Ch. Sun-Dots Chewbaka this new Best In Show boy is now co-owned with Bill Lisa Smart. Chewy lives with and is shown by Adrian Alford. Thanks Al for the EXPERT care.Wait until you see this boy moveSee pedigree in Behind The New TitlistsSun-Dots Ruth Dotson 3300 School Rd. San Juan, Bautista CA 95045 408726-1868Pomeranian Si3^70 BM MarchApril 1992 25millers and backyard breeders simply because we ARE conscientious we buy kennel licenses, register our litters with AKC, get all our dogs vaccinated, attend shows, and visit the vet regularly. We are far more visible than Joe Blow who breeds a litter of Beagles, sells them cheap for hunting dogs, and doesnt worry about how many are dead or in the pound after the hunting season.We must be alert. This kind of restrictive legislature is proliferating. Word reached me shortly before Christmas that a restrictive licensing bill will be introduced in the Virginia legislature in January. As yet I havent learned the names of the bills sponsors or in which house it will be proposed. Typically, "they" can get organized. If you get whiff of such proposed legislature, act immediately. Do not assume that someone else will take care of it. Even if you are not a member, make contact with all local animal clubs. I found out about the VA bill from a bird breeder. Get organized. If local dog, cat, and bird clubs can unite to oppose unreasonable legislation, we have a chance. You are particularly fortunate if your state already has a stateShow Poqs find Household Pets,fi Thing of the Postby Povid R. EdwardsIf the Animal Rights Activists get their way both show dogs and household pets will become a thing of the pastThere are several Animal Rights Groups lobbying across the country to get into legislation bills that would make owning and breeding against the law.Two such groups are PAWS and PETA. Both seem to have hidden agendas to force legislators to pass bills that would assure 100 spayneutering of ALL cats and dogs. As you can see this would eliminate future litters making it completely impossible to obtain a show dog or catWhile these groups work to abolish all use of animals in research, and eliminate all animal agriculture as well as hunting and fishing and the use of furs be you for or against one or all. They also work to abolish commerce in animals for pet trade, ending the use of animals in entertainment and sports, stop the breeding of companion animals, including dogs and cats andPom Review Repair ShopThis column is where mistakes made by myself or anyone else, will have the chance to correct them.On page 33 of the JanFeb Review, the 3rd place winner in puppy bitches 6-9 months Ohio Valley Pom Club Specialty was Millamors Miss Golden Aire the owners should read Eleanor Miller Sharon Masnick.On page 5 of the JanFeb Review, Gladys Von Horns address was wrong, her correct address is 15902 N. E. 78th St. Vancouver, WA 98682. Also Jean Shroll would like me to inform you that there will be obedience with all three Qubs, the Columbia Pom Club was given permission.26 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranianfederation of dog clubs. Call AKC for advice. Lobby your legislators. Track the bill through the legislative process. Attend committee meetings and hearings. Be visible and vocal. Be prepared with facts, figures, and constructive counter proposals. Get a lawyer. Sometimes groups like AKC, ADOA, or the pet industry can help with legal council. There are groups out there that are opposed to all pet ownership. Do you unknowingly donate to these organizations From any group which asks for your support or donations, ask for a written statement of policies and goals. If we are not ever vigilant, we can be in big trouble.I had written a piece on proofing, since this is the obedience issue of the REVIEW, but this part is so long that if I continued, the editor might have heart failure, so Ill have to leave that subject for next time. I havent heard from a single person on the subject of leases. Did you just forget Do let me hear from you, on any topicYou may write to Margaret at 2426 Sandy HookRd. Goochland, VA 23063.require spay and neutering of all.According to the remarks made in the article published in the Seattle Times August 26, 1991 by Ingrid Newkirk, the co-founder of PETA "I dont use the word pet, I think its speciest language. I prefercompanion animals. If people had companion animals in their homes those animals would have to be refuges from animal shelters. You would have a protective relationship with them just as you would an orphan child. But as the surplus of dogs and cats declined, eventually companion animals would phase out and we would return to a more symbolic relationship... Enjoyment from a distance."The movement is gaining much support across the country as the number of unwanted dogs and cats being put to sleep increases each month. We need to begin rethinking our priorities and begin a more active movement of our own to educate legislators on the need for the showing of dogs and cats as well as the need for dogs and cats as companions to humans and the love and joy that they bring each day into our lives.The time to act is now Once the bills have been passed we all must know how impossible it will be to change or remove them. Contact your legislators and voice your opinions before it is too late. Do not be fooled into thinking that it will never happen Should such bills be passed you would have only yourself to blame.Behind The New TitlistsThree generations of new Pomeranian titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent by the owner. Please send the dogs name, color, sex, breeders name and owners name, on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Pedigrees will not be returned Send copies only. Mail all information to the editor, Gail A. Garvey, Expedition Publishing, PO Box A, Mastic Beach, NY 11951.Ch. Moreno's Merri GoldOrange Female BreederOwner Julie Moreno Co-owner Dolly TraunerSweethearts Moonshine Glow Sweethearts Wee Cinna-BearAdkins Sables Beaver Doll Ch. Sweethearts Forever BravoSweethearts Gold Masterpiece Sweethearts Gold DutchessMercers Coronet Lady ODuke Ch. Moonshadows G Whiz Wee Bad Ch. Odysseys Keno WizBlack Cherries Jubilee Ch. Morenos Sweet PeaCh. Starlite Legacy Choco Bear Morenos Touche In ToupeMoreno-N-Jubilees HollyCh. Sun-Dot's ChewbakaOrange Male Owner Ruth DotsonCh. Sun-Dots Fashion Fella Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling Gambler Rommels Ramboling Tease Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling OnCh. Sun-Dots Rambolin Man Sun-Dots Ramboling Sunshine Sun-Dots Crystal Belle Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling Gambler Ch. Sun-Dots Rambolin Strut N Stuf Sun-Dots Rambolin Madam Sun-Dots Lil Miss GingerCh. Sun-Dots Ramboling Sunset Sun-Dots Ramboling San-DollRommels Ramboling TeaseCh. Sun-Dot's Command PerformerRed MaleBreederCo-owner Ruth Dotson Owner Dudley RoachCh. Sun-Dots Just A Nip Ch. Mullers Just A Nip Jr.Blossom View Scarlet AC Ch. Mullers EncoreCh. Sun-Dots Fashion Fella Rommels Fashion TeaseRommels Ramboling Tease Ch. Sun-Dots Fashion Fella Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling GamblerRommels Ramboling Tease Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling HollyCh. Sun-Dots Ramboling Man Sun-Dots Ramboling MadamLammeys Little Miss SunsetCh. Sun-Dot's Major StuffCream MaleBreederOwner Ruth DotsonCh. Sun-Dots Fashion Fella Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling Gambler Rommels Ramboling Tease Ch. Sun-Dots Rambolin Strut N StufCh. Sun-Dots Ramboling Man Sun-Dots Ramboling MadamLammeys Little Miss Sunset Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling Man Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling SunsetLammays Little Miss Sunset Rommels Sun A Min KissCh. Sun-Dots Ramboling Man Rommels Ramboling TeaseRommels Tutti Fruti CutieCh. Prince Baker Of JeribethOrange Sable Male Breeder Olga Baker Owner Bill Beverly HenryCh. Apples Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwoods Image Of Diamond Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elms FirefighterCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms DollyCh. Cedarwoods Image Of Diamond Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II Great Elms Sweet Candy Jeribeth MLady GuinevereCh. Pedrons Mark Of The Dragon Ch. Jeribeths Chula Dragonette Gads Chula Orange MistCh. Shir-Mar's Little CaptainRed Sable MaleBreeder Margaret JohnstonOwner Bill Beverly JohnstonCh. Apples Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwoods Image Of Diamond Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elms FirefighterCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Dolly Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear Bi-Mar Tarbabys Red TeddyBi-Mar Doll Of Tar Baby Shir-Mars Windy Red TeddyCh. LLL Dynamo Dancer Of Oakridge Princess Tani Of DynamoRoyal Star Of BethlehamPomeranian 5JBWQSM MarchApril 1992 27Behind The New TitlistsCh. Southland's New Year ToastFemaleBreederOwner Charlotte CreedCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge ROMX BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROM Bev-Nors Sweet And Sassy Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMXCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge ROMX Ch. Southlands Happy Birthday BilCh. Bev-Nors Fudge Delight BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROM Bev-Nors Toast To Toasty Pomesto Lady llli Southlands Boastys HopeCh. LLL Happy Tip Top Fella Idas Happy Prancing IdealMcKameys Cherry CakeCh. Southland's Make Me FamousMaleBreederCo-owner Charlotte Creed Co-Owners Marlin Marlene PresserBIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROM Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMXCh. Southlands Happy Birthday Bil BIS Ch. Southlands Mr VIP O IdaCh. Bev-Nors Toastmaster Idas Princess Of Bev-NorIdas Magnolia Blossom BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROM Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMXCh. Southlands Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Southlands Toast To JamelCh. Southlands Fudge Generation Ch. Jamels Smudge Orange Parfait Sharels Tootie Of SunkistCh. Southland's California DreamaFemaleBreederOwner Charlotte CreedBIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROM Ch. Bev-Nor Southland SinsationLynnwrights Miracle Worker Ch. Southlands Sir ImpressiveCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge ROMX Ch. Southland Fudge Double DipCh. Bev-Nors Fudge Delight BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROM Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMXCh. Southlands Happy Birthday BilSimply ElegantCh. Bev-Nors Toastmaster Idas Princess Of Bev-NorIdas Lil Magnolia BlossomCh. Southland's Free SpiritMaleBreederOwner Charlotte CreedBIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROM Ch. Bev-Nor Southland SinsationLynnwrights Miracle Worker Ch. Southlands Sir ImpressiveCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge ROMX Southland Fudge Double DipCh. Bev-Nors Fudge Delight BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROM Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMXCh. Southland's Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Southlands Toast To JamelCh. Southlands Fudge Sensation Ch. Jamels Smudge Orange Parfait Sharels Tootie of SunkistCh. Golden fiires MoonwalkerOrange MaleBreeder Nina Epps M. Rinehart Owner Sharon MasnickCh. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Ch. Millamors TrademarkMillamors Musical Box Ch. Millamors Mark TraditionCh. Millamors Rock Music Millamors Sparkling MusicMillamors Molly Brown Ch. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Ch. Coys Top Of The MarkCedarwoods Linda Leigh De Artas Dancing MarkettaCh. LLL Dynamo Dancer Of Oakridge De Artas Wee Dancin CheriCh. Dancing Gold Muff Of OakridgeCh. Linchris Genghis PomOrange MaleBreederOwner Linda BrogoittiCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch. Southlands Toasted FudgeCh. Southlands Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Southland N Bev-Nors Nut E FudgeCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge Bev-Nor N Southlands Hope Bev-Nors Missy Miss Randys Jolly Wee Lil Ch. Jolly Wee TuffRandys Dandy Wee Sally Blanco-Gryder Heavens GiftCh. Morenos Hot Off The Press Queenaire JulianneQueenaire Charade28 MarchApril 1992 PomeranianBehind The New TitlistsCh. Linchris fi Moving ViolationOrange Sable Female BreederCo-owner Linda Brogiotti Co-owner Mary MitchellCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch. Southlands Toasted FudgeCh. Southlands Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Southland N Bev-Nors Nut E FudgeCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge Bev-Nor N Southlands Hope Bev-Nors Missy Miss Randys Jolly Wee Lil Ch. Jolly Wee TuffRandys Dandy Wee Sally Blanco-Gryder Heavens GiftCh. Morenos Hot Off The Press Queenaire JulianneQueenaire CharadeCh. Bi-Mar Sonny's ObsessionRed Orange Male BreederOwner Mary RosenbaumCh. Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanolls Juliet BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidCh. Sunrays Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Cricket By JJ Of Andrews Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear Bi-Mar Happy Hooligan Of Bradley Bradleys Naughty MariettaBi-Mar Kat BallouCh. Golden Glow Nip Bi-Mar Gidget Of Que SeraCh. Que Sera GiGi Of Golden GlowCh. Bi-Mar Sunny's ImageRed Orange Male BreederOwner Mary RosenbaumCh. Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk Ch. TomanolFs Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanolls Juliet BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidCh. Sunrays Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Cricket By JJ Of Andrews Ch. Creiders Gold Venture II Creiders Tulsa TornadoCreiders Carolina Cricket Ch. Bi-Mar Sugar Pie HoneyCh. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Bi-Mar Tia MariaBi-Mar Starlyn NewsflashCh. Bi-Mar Sugar Pie HoneyOrange Cream Female BreederOwner Mary RosenbaumCreiders Maggie Bestyet Ch. Creiders Gold Venture IICreiders Short N Sassy Creiders Tulsa TornadoCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Creiders Carolina Cricket Creiders Jezibelle Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Tia MariaCh. Bonners Co-Starlyn Bi-Mar Starlyn NewsflashLenniss Great Elms AngelCh. Trail Pasters Lady HoudiniOrange Female BreederOwner Lois CampbellCh. Models High Voltage Ch. Models Bit-O-WhizWoods Son Goddess Ch. Moonshadows G Wiz Wee Bad CD Ch. Models Red Sultan Queenaire Ruby RubyQueenaire Luv Duk Ch. Creiders Cut Across Shorty Creiders Cut Across Cory Creiders Camille Moonshadows Copper Penny CDCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Moon SpinnerJubilee Night LightCh. Ruby's Ms. Ida's Seize fillRed Sable Female BreederOwner Ruby PooleCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch. Bev-Nors ToastmasterBev-Nors Missy Miss Ch. Idas Touch of Bev-NorMcKameys Ideal Gem Idas Magnolia BlossomIdas Itsy Bitsy Angel Baby Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeBev-Nors Sweet N Sassy Ch. Idas Ms. Priss By Bev-NorCh. Creiders Cut Across Shorty Creiders Camille OldaCreiders CamillePomeranian SJSWQSM MarchApril 1992 29by Brendq HuttonProbably the biggest news to hit the APC is the FIRST EVER Obedience Trial which, as I write this in December, is being held in New York in February. Look for the May issue for details and results of that. As a new member on Prodigy, the computer service, Ive been reading about and been a part of the preparations for this great event. Many, many kudos go to Dolly Trauner, the Show Chairman, Dudley Roach, the Show Secretary, Patty Griffin, Marie Carlough, Sandra White and others for helping to put on this trial. At this writing we are confident of about 8-10 entries. We are sure hoping for more. Someone I know is really hoping for a High In Trial not me. Stay tuned to find out who gets this very first ever HIT at the National. Unfortunately, because New York in February is so distant for many and hard to get to that time of year, I dont hold any illusions about a tremendous entry. The fact is, were very lucky to be having obedience at all If youre one of the ones who supported it by your trophy donations, entries, prayers, or whatever, kudos to you too Patience and hard work have finally been rewarded.NEWS FROM UTILITY BRoz Goltz has been out there plugging for OTCH points with CH. PENRUS SUGAR PLUM FAIRY UD breeder owner and Jessie Young by CH. Jabils Pinto Hi-Tone CD x Penru Prima Ballerina OJabil CDX. Shes been posting alot of very good scores from Open B, but those points are sooo slippery, when shes placed as high as 2nd, which would earn points, there were not enough dogs entered to earn points. On June 2 they earned a 191.5, good enough for second place at the Framingham District KC. My records now show a total of 17 OTCH points. Way to go, RozAlso working out of the Utility B class is new APC member, Jimmie Lawrence and CRICKETTES MIDNIGHT SONG CS. A big congratulations to them for finishing their UD in grand style. As previously reported, their first two legs earned them a 182.0 and 2nd place and a 177.0 and 3rd place from Utility A. They finished their title with a 191.0 and 4th place from die Utility B class, then went on to earn a 196.5 and second place for two OTCH points and a 192.5 and 2nd place at Lawton-Fort Sill KC for another OTCH point, making a total in my records to date of 3 OTCH points. Way to go Jimmie and CricketteNEWS FROM UTILITY AIt is with great pleasure that I announce the other APC Utility Dog, SHOPES CUPID BELLA DONNA UD, owned of course by Lilae Shope. Belle earned her second leg in June with a 180.0 and 1st place at Eric KC under Sharon Redmer. She called to let me know their third leg came November 9,1991 at Golden Triangle under Dr. Wisecup. Lilae, I cant tell you how happy I am for you and Belle. Youve worked a long time to reach this goal. My heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS Are you working now on a CH. UDSuzanne Harvey and SKYLARK KIWI CDX breeder Shirley Ann Hoffman have completed that evasive Utility Dog title too. Im only showing two legs I think I missed one somewhere, but theyve earned a 191.5 and 1st place at SanMateo KC on 12290 and a 179.0 and 2nd place, again at San Mateo KC on 72191. CongratulationsNEWS FROM OPEN BDonna Eddings and I FIDGET IN STYLE UD breeder owner out of OTCH Twinkle Little Super Star UD have been out there working toward that ever-so-slick Obedience Trial 30 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian SJWQ\5Championship. Among a number of scores between 194.0 and higher was a 197.0 for 2nd place from Open B at the Memphis OTC under W.A. Oxandale. With an entry of 28 in the class, this was good enough to gamer another 4 OTCH points. My figures show a total of 40 points to date. Go get em FidgetNEWS FROM OPEN ABarbara McClatchey in Illinois sent me a letter about Thanksgiving time with some very good news. DAN DEES IBU ANJING CD breeder Verla Dagel has completed his CDX. 62291 he scored a 186.5 and 2nd place it was a very heave day for NQs as well as H.S. Toy and H.S. Pom, with competition. She writes, "It seems strange to me to see someone elses dog apparently do much better than mine and place lower.I know you cant second-guess the judge, but I always seem to score other dogs higher and mine lower. Perhaps its because I compare Anjings work to what I know she has done when in training a perfect 200, of course." Their second leg was at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines way to go, Barb - you made it to the Specialty with a 181.5 and 2nd place. That was followed 11291 with a 186.0 at Westside DTC and a H.S. Pom and a 195.0 11991 at Car-Dun-A1ODTC. Very nice work BarbGlenna Beck and SHADWOMANS COOL HAND LUKE CD breeder owner have completed their CDX. As reported about a year ago, they began with a 191.0 and 2nd place at Plum Creek KC of Colorado and a 189.4 and 4th at Mountain States DTC. Theyve now followed up with another 189.5 again at Mountain States DTC. In one outing in Open B they captured a 185.0 at Pikes Peak Obedience Club.Just before Xmas a letter arrived from Carol Fatheree regarding her RA-JOYS DIXIE DARLING CD Breeder Ann Nobles and their progress in the Open ring. 111891 Dixie earned her first CDX leg with a 195.0 and 1st place under Christine Wright. She finally managed her sitdown stays But, the judge had never seen a dog streeeeetch so much After that Dixie forgot her downstay again, followed by a 195.5 and 3rd place on 113091 at the Texas Tri City Obedience Club. Nice job Carol and Dixie. Keep in mind Carol, nearly everyone has trouble with those dam stays in OpenNEWS FROM UKC-CDCarol also writes that Dixie finished up the year by earning her first U-CD legs with a 195.0 and a 196.0 Not a bad way to end the yearAnd speaking of U-CDs, Marian Lazzara writes that she and DRIFTWOOD LOVE THAT BOB CDX breeder owner by CH. Pomirish Hi Ball Dream AlexDr x Pomirish Movin On CDX also earned his U-CD. His first show we went straight to the finish on the recall resulting in a 4 point deduction. He ended up with 193.5. The next day he went HIGH IN TRIAL with a 199.0. His last leg was a 198.5 and a back up leg of 198.0 and 3rd place.Marian also has ANOTHER novice Pom out, MENAGE SONATA FOXY LADY whos showing in UKC and States KC. In October Foxy earned a 198.5 and a 198.0. In the States KC she got a 197.0 and 1st place and a 194.5.NEWS FROM NOVICE BLots more news coming from Carol Fatheree. Her new dog, MOSIAC RUFF N ROWDIE RANGLER CD breeder Riki Barker, sired by CH. Chulan Star Editor was out earning insurance legs after his recent CD completion and Dog World Award. She writes that on Saturday 101291 under Michaelcontinued on page 37CongratulationstohoD0. o. OLO D9hBZXxrkxmFor being Hawaiis...1 Pomeranian for the year 1991and his rating...5 Toy in HawaiiHe is owned and loved by Clarice OganekuSandtown has a few potential males for show homes,reasonably priced.Lois Bill Abjormson PO Box 432Sand Springs, OK 74036 918 245-6915Pomeranian SJSWDll MarchApril 1992 31Michigan Pomeranian Club Specialtyby Evelyn ConteyThe Pomeranian Club of Michigan, Inc. held its Fall Specialty Show on November 23,1991.Judging our Sweepstakes was Carol Galavich, who resides in Powhatan Pt., Ohio. She chose a cute male Millamors Dance of Sourwood owned by Eleanor Miller for Best in Sweepstakes. Best of Opposite Sex went to a cute female Animations Jelly Paws owned by Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane. Doing all the work of handing out the ribbons and money as the steward was judge Mrs. Clover Allen of Grand Blanc, MI.Judging our Regular classes was Mr. Harrison Yiele, who resides in Davison, MI, with judge Mr. John AllenvIif ABEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKESAnimations Jelly Pawsstewarding. Mr. Vieles Winners Dog went to Marshires Love Letters owned by Evelyn Conley and Evelyn Newyear. Reserve Winners Dog was Millamors Dance of Sourwood owned by Evelyn Miller. He gave Trievons Always Laughing QT, Winners Bitch, Best of Winners Best of Opposite Sex. She is owned by Ardith Neil and Brenda Hutton. Reserve Winners Bitch was Aldens Parti Chocolate Chip handled by Nadine Hersil and owned by A. J. Domrase. Best in Specialty went to a handsome male, Ch. Star Havens Rock N James Brown handled by Nadine Hersil and owned by Janice Young.Veteran Dog was awarded to Ch. Jamols Pudge Royale owned by Gene and Elsie Talsma. Veteran Bitch was awarded to Ch. Watters Tiny Touch of32 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian4BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESMiNamor Dance of SourwoodsAmber owned by Evelyn and Rollie Conley.There was a total of 48 entries. Our thanks to Mr. Viele, Mrs. Galavich and Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Also thank you to Rollie Conley, our Show Chairman for his efforts in putting our show together.After the judging of the Poms, all exhibitors, friends and fanciers were invited to our hospitality room. There was plenty of food, lots of Pom talk, and a lot of smiles. Our Secretary, Bonnie Sullivan presented Carol Galavich anrWINNERS DOGMarshires Love Lettersplaque from the Club to show appreciation forjudging the Sweepstakes.Our hosts who put this all together were, Earl Bonnie Sullivan to whom we owe our appreciation and gratitude for a job well done. Everyone enjoyed sandwiches, vegetables, fruits andJ BEST OF BREEDCh. Starhavens Rock N James Browndesserts. Our thanks go to all the members who contributed so generously.It was an enjoyable day and we hope everyone will join us in Kalamazoo, Michigan for our Spring Specialty Show on May 24,1992.Specialty ResultsBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESMillamors Dance of Sourwood' f ^WINNERS BITCH, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX, BEST OF WINNERSTrievons Always Laughing Q.T.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKES Animations Jelly PawsBEST OF BREEDCh. Star Havens Rock N James BrownBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX, BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS BITCHTrievons Always Laughing QTWINNERS DOGMarshires Love LettersVETERAN DOG Ch. Jamols Pudge RoyaleP 9\VETERAN DOGCh. Jamols Pudge RoyalVETERAN BITCHCh. Walters Tiny Touch O AmbervC.IVETERAN BITCHCh. Watters Tiny Touch O AmberPomerqniqn Club ofGreater Houstonby Olqq BakerI love boasting about Pomeranians, most especially my OWN... but my boasting involves their being gorgeous, appealing, special, precious, loyal and like that... I seldom boast about their supreme intellect much to the chagrin of our "obedience-Pom-people," who insist that Poms are the most clever, intelligent, quick and most brilliant of all breeds. Training our own doggies to do anything unique or disciplined doesnt fit into my own life, nor to theirs Im afraid. Our dogs feel and we agree that they are quite wonderful just as they are...We do so admire obedience dogs. Obedience Pomeranians are the most wonderful creatures in the world. Our APC President, Mary Vickers is an excellent, accomplished obedience person, and how I do admire thatAnyway... now in our Houston Pomeranian Club as an addition to our special member, Carolyn Crockett, a great achiever in obedience with Poms, we now have CAROL FATHEREE who has been doing the most remarkable things with her Poms in obedience, drawing appreciative crowds of Houston Pom fans to ringside to watchWhile rather new to the world of dogs and dog shows, Carol Fatheree has already trained two Poms very successfully in obedience "Dixie" hasNew Members for 1992Submitted by Jerrie Freia, Membership ChairmanMary Allan918-485-3010 Rt 3 Box 531 A Wagoner, OK 74467 Nina K. Epps Janice LuginslandJohn Karen Blackwell601-843-2413 231 Sunny Lane Florence, MS 39073 John C. Lewis Polly FergusonTheresa Reeder916-726-7667 7990 Cook Riolo Rd. Sacramento, CA 95842 Sue Chewnins Marlene PresserKelly James Rogers310-402-9606 202524 Pioneer Blvd. Klakewood, CA 90715 Mary E. Wells Glenn Bernardoher CD and 2 legs toward her CDX. Dixie was also highest scoring toy in her last trial. But, more excitingly, Dixie is now competing in Agility if you havent seen agility, youve a real treat coming, and poor little Dixie is definitely the smallest "kid on the block" smallest dog competing. She has already gleaned two second places in this formal and extremely difficult competition, against many, many dogs of all sizes, races, creeds and types. Also, here is a real claim to fame for our area. We have learned that there are only three count em Pomeranians competing in this difficult agility work NATIONWIDE and guess what All three are in Houston, Texas dogs One more "Texas brag."Carol Fatheree also has trained and shown "Wrangler, now with his very own fan club. Wrangler has earned his CD, but that is only a minor "claim-to-fame" for this little performer He never scored below 195 in ten performances and he received the prestigious DOG WORLD award for having all 3 of his first shows end with a score above 195 Our favorite thing for little "Wrangler" is special because we were there to see it, and admire it, and whoop and holler for him Although a tiny little guy, he has an uncanny spirit and gutsy attitude about himself, and he gave an outstanding performance with a score of 197 to tie for High In Trial with an equally wonderful big dog who is a seasoned, long-time obedience dog with his OTCH title, and many High In Trial wins to his credit. Talk about playing with the "BIG BOYS," he lost the tie, but good grief... who cares.... HE WAS TERRIFIC Wrangler didnt quit there, at Baytown, Texas he scored a magnificent 198 and was HIGH IN TRIAL over everybody including the big guys. I must admire this, as it all seemed an impossible task. Carol was adorable as she left the ring with all sorts of prizes, surprises, awards, and things, with a stunned, disbelieving look on her face. Her love and admiration for her Pomeranians is clearly reflected in her training, handling, and attitude toward those little children of hers.CONGRATULATIONS.... the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston is proud of you.Check you wonderful Pom peoplelater, were out of here.....Olga M. BakerPomeranian flJUWOSM MarchApril 1992 33SJMr stcPBCh. Deartas Rock N JessicaA litter sister to Rock N Tradition finished with a 5 pt. major. Congratulations to her owner, Diana Nolan.Sire of these two is Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition and dam is daughter of Ch. Dearta Rock Dancer. This makes 10 champions that I know of plus a Mexican Ch. that was sired by Tradition in the short time he visited us. Thanks again to the Millers for letting him visit us6Ch. Rock N Tradition of OakridgeFinished from the classes with two BOB and two Group placements. Congratulations to Virginia Noth for finishing his brother in six shows 4 majors 2 res. A son of Rock N Tradition for sale, also a double Criscendo male.\i r NINA K. EPPSRt. 5 Box 150 Nixa, MO 65714 417 725-565838 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian KSWQllMM. DEANE RINEHART422 W. Fairchild Dr. Okla City, OK 73110 405 732-0402Our judges choice for Best of Opposite Sex was a darling sweetheart named Maranthas Precious Cherub. In spite ofOntiveros and treasurer is Margo Hollingsworth. Best wishes for another great year36 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian 5J0WOSM34 MarchApril 1992 PomeranianDEARTAOAKRIDGEMusical Katy of Oakridgealso a Tradition daughterCh. Jan Les Touch of FascinationThis little guy won the 1991 APC Summer Specialty, and went on to finish his championship with three majors, three BOB and a Group placement, all from the puppy class. Thanks Jane for his first 8 pts.IkNINA K. EPPSRt. 5 Box 150 Nixa, MO 65714 417 725-5658M. DEANE RINEHART422 W. Fairchild Dr. Okla City, OK 73110 405 732-04022222^2z2^22222222222Pomeranian 1WD\57 MarchApril 1992 35IFerms ConditionsAll ads are PREPAID Send your check made out to "American Pomeranian Club, Inc." for the full amount including all extras. Editor reserves the right to edit all copy or refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much test is submitted for ad size, editor will delete text as required for ad to fit.PHOTOS and CHECKS MUST accompany ad copy ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED or CLEARLY PRINTEDDeadline Mailed IssueJan 1st Feb 15th MarchAprilObedience IssueMarch 1st April 15th MayJuneSpecialtyWestminster Judges IssueMay 1st June 15th JulyAugustStud Dog IssueJuly 1st Aug 15th SeptemberOctober Summer Specialties Puppy HopefulsSept 1st Oct 15 NovemberDecember Brood Bitch IssueNov 1st Dec 15th JanuaryFebruary Handlers IssueAdvertising policies J SpatesAds are placed in the magazine in the order they are received. Any ads that miss the issue deadline will be held for inclusion in the next issue. All photos will be returned via 1st class US Mail.MemberFront Cover................................... 120.00Back Cover.................................... 100.00Inside Front Cover......................... 90.00Inside Back Cover.......................... 90.00Center Page Spread.........................170.00Full Page......................................... 75.0034 Page.......................................... 60.0012 Page.......................................... 45.0014 Page.......................................... 30.00Business Card 2 x 3.25"... 20.00 Classified Ads................................ 5.00Non-Member 150.00 125.00 110.00 110.00 200.00 90.00 70.00 55.00 40.00 25.00 7.00I xtraCh100.00yr for Members onlyurgesPhoto Reproduction................................................. 15.00eaTints grey backgrounds........................................ 7 50Reverse white lettersblack backgrounds. 5 00Mortises photos less than .25" apart..................... lO.OOeaBleeds photos printed to edge of page.... 20.00Advertisers [IndexAbjormson, Lois Bill SANDTOWN.................... 31Baker, Olga JERIBETH..............................................6Chapman, Patty A1 CHAPMAN............................5Creed, Charlotte SOUTHLAND.............................. 13Dotson, Ruth SUNDOTS........................................ 25Epps, Nina DEARTAOAKRIDGE.....................37,38Gallacher, Linda SUNSWEPT................................BCGriffith, Kenneth LENETTE................................... 15Hall, Geanene HALLMARK....................................23Hutton, Brenda TRIEVON.....................................IBCJensen, Patty PATTYS................................................9Kneisler, Maria KNEISLERS................................. 17LaFortune, Anna Ray SUNGOLD....................... 19Lessard, Alice LESSARDS................................20,21Liselli, Anna AN-JO................................................ 14M. Deane Rinehart DEARTAOAKRIDGE 37,38Maresca, Joann JAMS...............................................9Masnick, Sharon GOLDEN AIRES....................... IFCPoole, Ruby RUBYS...............................................35Rosenbaum, Mary BI-MAR.................................... 11Shope, Lilae Ken SHOPES................................ FCTurner, Brenda BRYNROSE......................................9White, S.R..................................................................... 7Pomeranian [IndexAnimations Jelly Paws............................................... 32Butterfly of Point Loma...............................................36Am. Can. Ch. Chriscendo Contraband...........................5Chriscendo Claim To Fame.........................................23Ch. Deartas Rock N Jessica.........................................38Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker...................................FCJams pups......................................................................9Ch. Jamols Pudge Royal............................................ 33Ch. Jan Les Touch of Fascination..............................39Kneislers Toasty Miz Kayla...................................... 17Ch. Lessards Shangrila of Jubilee CDX, HOF..................................................................... 20,21Maranthas Precious Cherub....................................... 36Marshires Love Letters...............................................32Millamors Dance of Sourwood..................................32Musical Katy of Oakridge........................................... 39Ch. Nice Guy of Point Loma.......................................36Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge..............................38Ch. Rubys Ms. Idas Seize All...................................35Sharels Southern Bxyn Rose........................................9Shopes Cupid Bella Donna, UD................................FCCh. Southlands Free Spirit........................................ 13Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive........................... 13Ch. Star Havens Rock N James Brown....................32Ch. Sundots Major Stuff............................................ 25Ch. Sungolds Short Circuit....................................... 19Sum-ays Zorro Z........................................................ 36U-CD Sunswept Dauntless CDX, CGC.....................BCTrievon Always Laughing QT..................................IBCTrievons Always Laughing QT..................................32Ch. Waiters Tiny Touch O Amber...........................33March 1 is the deadline for the MayJune -- Motional SpecialtyWestminster fi55rr Bl40 MarchApril 1992 Pomeranian \7QSMS3CProudly Presents...P5 Top Obedience Pom 1991U-CD Sunswept Dauntless CDX,CGCCh. Autumns Red Blaze of Bi Mar x Lady Dis Life Of The Parti CDX3IP'S Top Open Pom -1991 Top Novice Pom -1990"Pogo" and mom "Bizzy" are now in training for their UD titles and will be exhibiting at our Summer Specialty Shows -- ready or not Also watch for our two youngsters Tate'" and "Panda"to be out in Novice this year. ATTENTION ALL OBEDIENCE EXHIBITORS Anyone planning to enter obedience at our Summer Specialty Shows please let me know if you would like someone to room with. I would like to help everyone keep their expenses down as much as possible. We are planning an exciting week for all our obedience exhibitors including neat exhibitor packets, training facilities, motel site, practice area, hospitality room with refreshments each day, informal training discussions, CGC Test for Poms only, etc. I will be happy to send more information to anyone who writes or calls me.Linda Gallacher 503 686-23161990 Ridgeway Dr. Eugene, OR 97401rRIEVON since 195-4Trievon Always Laughing QT- .n,7BEST OF WINNERSBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXOAKLAND COUNTY KENNEL CLUBNOV.I99I PHOTO BYK. BOOTHSPECIALTYThank you Mr. Harrison D. Wee, for this wonderful win. A 5 point major in his very first show, from the 6-9 month puppy class, at the Pomeranian Club of Michigan Specialty Show.Thank you Mrs. Clover Allen for another wonderful win. A 3 point major in only her second outing.Thank you Brenda Hutton for a great job of handling herPuppies occasionallyTrievon KennelsPO Box 62 Ovid, Ml 48866 517 834-2673. \T