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The Pomeranian Review May 1992
American 1'Pomeranian5lub I, Inc.9vT PomeranianKigaliPublished Bimonthly National Specialty May]une 1992 \iO'9VARIETY GROUP A PLACEMENTGREATER MIAMI viC DECEMBER 1991 PHOTO BT____________________________________ST01P]^gS M0SSQK1 ^GmOSGagw1mJAN-SII AltH aITKmi opI2cSB^3l\a-JClvt t 9a IPSfflP1991 0 Baines Photo mmmCh. Blakes Dynamite RockDam Jan-Shars Shelly At BlakesOwner Sharon Hanson mwm3rda 119192grOpen DogQUsM0K2OSire Ch. An non's Sir KennorBreeder Evelyn BlakeCh. Blakes Dynamite Rock finished with a four point major under Edith Nash Hellerman with a BOB over specials.Congratulations to all the New York winners, especially Ch. Jan-Shars Mountain Dew, Award of Merit winner. He is expertly shown by Jeanne Blank and owned by Agus Kosasih.304-497-2289 nightso304-497-2446 STORYS3ff0ffo3 MOssO 33ij[Qa3GaaA"5. '46.m- 4 FIRSTM i BRED BY EXHIBITORmOPwmBred by Dog"Missile" is my dream for a Pomeranian. Shown at left, taking 1st place in the Bred-by-Exhibitor, class at this years APC National Specialty in New York. Missile has a beautiful physique with a gorgeous pedigree.His mother is a full sister to Ch. Bev-Nors Tanyas Crissy, the bitch that won the National this year, his father a half brother to this same bitch.As a breeder my ultimate satisfaction is to breed good Pomeranians, but this one will be very hard to surpass.StarfiresTony Cabrera 275 SW 72 Ave Miami, FL 331445S COMMITTEE CHAIRMENAKC DELEGATE Sam Zaneoff 10 Park Avenue New York NY 10016 APC ARCHIVES Sharon Shipek 4803 3rd Avenue ^ Birmingham ^ AL ^ 35205 APC REGISTRAR Jean Schroll 12950 S New Era Rd Oregon City OR 97045 AWARDS Judy Shearer 523 Miller Avenue ^ Sugarcreek ^ OH 44681 EDUCATION Sally Baugniet 411 S State Street ^ Mishicot ^ WI ^ 54228 HEALTH Dolly Trauner ^ 2025 Lyon St ^ San Francisco ^ CA ^ 94115 LOCAL CLUBS Dianne Johnson ^ 2901 Putty Hill Road ^ Baltimore ^ MD ^ 21234 MEMBERSHIP Jerrie Freia POB 2775 Morgan City LA 70381 OBEDIENCE Linda Gallacher 1990 Ridge Way Drive ^ Eugene ^ OR ^ 97401 PUBLIC RELATIONS Lois Hamill ^ 4 Domenic Drive Chelmsford ^ MA ^ 01824 SKIN DISEASE Cheryl Jackson - 1038 16th Avenue Birmingham AL 35205THE POM SHOPPE Bess Roberts WAYS MEANS Lisa Smart YEARBOOK Paul G. LewisPomeranian fRS'JQSM MayJune 1992 153f5 tftf[]33l3PresidentMary Vickers1st Vice PresidentAudrey p6erts2nd Vice PresidentDavid WattsTWRecording SecretaryMappetH A. JonesCorresponding Secretaryprances J. Stott Rural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501TreasurerAC Williams onPOB 4207Pineville, LA 71361-4207SaCCy Baugniet Margaret Mcee Aony IeCCezCaroCA. QaCavick Jean B. ScHroCC Sam ZaneoffEditorQailA. JarveyPublishing HouseE XPEDITIOPUBLISHING NPO Box A, 45 Pennwood Drive Mastic Beach, NY 11951-0501 Tel 516 399-3199 Fax 516 399-3182Business ManagerMarie CarCougfi8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel 516 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions Brenda MuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Tel 517 485-5183Back-Issues Margaret McFe2426 Sandy Hook Rd Goochland, VA 23063 Tel 804 556-3380Pomeranian 5JBV7O0M ISSN 0744-8S46 is published bimonthy JanMarMayJulSepNov in Mastic Beach, NY by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc, Printed in die U.S.A. Copyright 1992 by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission. Subscriptions are 30.00 per year 3rd class mail 35.00 per year 1st Class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and APOs US funds only.Custom graphics and all graphic compilations 1992 Expedition Publishing. All rights reserved Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. All material and manuscripts submitted for publication with the exception of photos and custom graphics become the property of the American Pomeranian Club, all rights reserved. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.2 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian SJSWQB\peaturesCover Story......................................................IStaifires Mission AccomplishedCommittee Chairman..........................INational Specialty..............................12Gail A. GarveySpecialty Westminster Traveler . 20Jean SchrollThe Rat Race.................................................22Audrey RobertsHelpful Hints................................................ 24Margaret McKeeAnnual Stud Dog Register sample .. 53rticlesCommunication..............................................7Audrey RobertsSilence A Mistake........................................28David EdwardsDear Diary Part H.................................... 32Lois HamiUHow 3ES Judges Are Selected..............36Audrey RobertsObedience News...........................................42Linda Gallacherlub GO ewsBaltimore Pom Club....................................38Diana M. DowneyColumbia Pom Club.....................................44Jean SchrollPuget Sound Pom Club................................46Janell ReichColumnsUpdates............................................................4from the PresidentRecording Secretarys Report....................... 6Pom Repair Shop..........................................26Behind The New Titlists...............................40New 3tS Members....................................41Yips 81 Yaps................................................ 52Business Cards..............................................59Advertisers Index..........................................60Pomeranian Index........................................60.J^b\X^^ .-^^^M\vXvXX-V-xx---Aa a\ft' ..... \ , a\, a\I ^IIII IIII0 '. Ar. a\^ lII'r Xll, AXo^"n - Studymimi Kingdom Sinderella RomanceQueenaire Opening Night x Kingdoms Vintage BeautyCh. Odysseys Lady RoseCh. Moonshadows G-Wiz Wee Bad, CD x Moonshadows Tiffany RoseA AIIv yh iBreederOwnerHandler Rachel C. Capps 907 South Seventh St. Fresno, CA 93702 209 233-7818mV y Pomeranian fSWOtM MayJune 1992 3UPDATES from theBy Mary VickerspresidentEverytime I think about the Specialty in New York this Winter, very slowly a smile breaks out upon my face and I get these good feelings, warm feelings, that everything is alright in the Pom world. The Specialty was w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-1You, the members, said you wanted a Specialty to be special. To borrow one phrase that I heard "our Specialty should be a celebration of the Pom." It was.It could not have happened without YOU. So many of you gave so much of yourselves to make it work. You should be proud of what you accomplished. I think the APC may have found another "breed" of Pom person. This "new breed" is the person who comes to the Specialty to work, to have fun while working, and incidentally show a dogThis Specialty broke all past records. The entry of 200 dogs for a grand total of 297, is one new record that is easily seen. Going to a 2 day event, introducing Veterans Sweepstakes Obedience Classes is something I cannot take credit for as plans for this were put forth by the previous Board Officers. It rounded out this celebration.The catalog another record breaker. 84 pages big No, it didnt take 84 pages to record all the entries. It was this large because of YOUR support in taking out ads. YOU did it as individuals and YOU did it as clubs to cover the cost of printing this keepsake.The trophy fund the second time in recent years that the trophy fund secured donations that paid for the actual trophies and left money over to cover the cost of the rosettes and such. YOU did it here alsoI am now going to confirm a rumor that you might have heard. This Specialty also goes on record as the one to make the most money. Plagued by a long record of thousand dollar losses for each Specialty, this one MADE five-thousand dollars YOU did it This money made goes back to you as it gives the APC better financial footing to promote and protect the Pomeranian breed.There is another record broken by this Specialty. One which has not been stated before and you may have little knowledge about. This is the first Specialty where SO MANY INDIVIDUALS WORKED TOGETHER together as individual members of the APC together as a team to produce this event. In the past it was usually one person who shouldered the entire weight, calling out to one or 2 others for help. For the 1992 Specialty there were more than 25 people who sat down before the event planning for it, and came to NY willing and ready to carry out these plans My hat is off to you. YOU did itThere are a few people that I would like to spotlight right now and say thank you.To Dolly Trauner Dolly took over the reins in late October and accomplished the impossible. Her ability to lead, to ask "why" "what," to find people and place them in strategic jobs, to wring blood out of turnips is a large reason we all are so happy. Thank youTo Dudley and Wanda Roach what a team Coming in again in October, Dudley produced the Premium list, had the catalog ads well in hand when illness caused him to be4 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian 8JSWQSMhospitalized right at the closing date for entries. Of course there was also the computer crash to deal with Wanda steps in to deal with a sick husband, a sick computer and stacks of entries. Most of us were stunned when Dudleys doctor refused to let him fly. All that work, including that glorious catalog, and they had to sit at home and not be part of this event that they poured so much of themselves into. This is one of those times when these two little words seem so insufficient, but Dudley Wanda, thank youThe following people had some impact on us in NY. You should know about them.First is Patricia Marinaceio. Pat is not an APC member. Her breed is Afghans. She was the winner of our airline ticket raffle. Pat thought about it and with the graciousness that only a winner knows, she turned back the prize to the APC. In her name a donation has been made to the Skin Disease Study and our heartfelt thanks go out to her.Sharon Hicks. Sharon sold the most airline raffle tickets out of all those being sold across the country. In appreciation for her efforts, Sharon was recognized at the APC dinner and has been enrolled in the APCs Hall of Fame.Linda Teresko. You have enjoyed reading Lindas articles in the POM REVIEW. When the 1991 DOG WRITERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA writing competition nominees were made public in January, rumor had it that the POM REVIEW captured 2 nominations Linda Tereskos "BEEBLES PET SHOP" published in the JulyAugust 1991 issue, was one that was nominated. Congrats LindaHappeth Jones, Happie couldnt be at the APC dinner on Sunday night She was sent with our blessings over to the DOG WRITERS AWARDS BANQUET. Throughout our dinner I kept waiting for the phone to ring with a report from Happie. About 15 minutes after we broke up, the call came. Within an hour, a happy Happie waltzed into the Marriott lobby with THE MAXWELL MEDALLION draped from her neck. Her story "THE BITE" published in the MayJune 1991 issue of the Review had won Happie was officially greeted with many hugs, kisses and a bouquet of flowers on behalf of all of us.So here you have it folks A very special Specialty groups of people working on individual levels and team levels to pull this club together the finances not as bad as they have been but there is still room for improvement and the Pomeranian Review, back to being the award winning publication that we all know it is.But dont rest on your laurels Reflect and remember well your win, your accomplishment, but use what got you there to keep going forward. The best is yet to come if you keep working. The Specialty Committee is already planning to do it even better next year.There were mistakes made. There were things that could have been better if done differently. I know one person who really made several mistakes. Me My shoulders are broad enough to accept responsibility for all of them. One that makes me cringe is that again I forgot to appoint someone to "write-up" the Specialty for publication in this issue. Well, you will have to do with the pictures and you know what they say... "a picture is worth a thousand words." If you want to know more ask someone who was there or see the entire Specialty on videotape. I know for me it brings back all those good warm feelings.Ka Lee Pomeranian,vT'3fIt1 V.r fVsxa presentstheir first Pom and first Champion...Ch. Rosewoods Sunmark RosetteCh. Luells Sunny Macho Man x Rosewoods Sunmark Dixie RockA special thanks goes to Betty Claire for her loving care and handling of "Rosie" to her championship. Rosie finished with four 3 point majors, 1 pt. and 2 pts. A special thanks to the following judges Mrs. Josie Mitchell, Mr. Norman Patton, Dr. Harry Smith Jr., Mrs. William Lehnig, Mrs. Geraldine Taylor and Miss Anna K. Nicholas.Breeders Mary A. Everette L. HammondOwnerPhyllis K. Fulmer 2112 W. Lakeview Benton, AR 72015Handled Exclusively byBetty Claire Peacock 101 Patrick Dumas, AR 71639Natural State Pomeranian Fanciersofotc 'urn _ JComing SoonWE WANT YOUR FAVORITE RECIPES... AND YOUR DOG'S TOO.ManiasSend us all of your favorite recipes... delicious goodies for both people and dogs... to be published in a cookbook geared especially for dog fanciers. Include your name, your kennel name if you have one, and your town and state and be recognized for your culinary expertiseThe Natural State Pomeranian Fanciers appreciate your support in this project. Send your recipes by July 31st, 1992 toArmetha Reynolds4267 Salt Creek Road Benton, AR 72015 501794-2542Pomeranian SJB'yQUi MayJune 1992 5Recording Secretary ReportBy Happeth ft. lonesMinutes of fiPC Board Meeting Marriott Hotel, New York February 7.1992President Mary Vickers called the meeting to order. All of the Board except for Cheryl Wagner were present. The minutes were read and approved.Committee ReportsCorresponding Secretary Fran Stoll said that Board member Cheryl Wagner has sent in her letter of resignation.Treasurer A1 Williamson reported that we finished 1991 with a balance of 5,511.22. All loans have been paid. For January the treasury has a little over 10,000.00. 92-02-01 Audrey Roberts moved that if we have enough money we open a 2000.00 savings account. Margaret McKee seconded. Yes 7 - No 3 - Abstain 1.Awards Committee Judy Shearer reported that the awards certificates were all made and donated by Dudley Roach. The plaques were donated by Patty Griffin. There was no cost to the club.Ways Means Committee The airline ticket raffle was very successful. Armetha Reynolds and members of the Natural State Pom Fanciers have donated a quilt to be raffled at the Specialty.Membership Committee The 1992 Roster will be printed in March. It was hoped that enough people would pay their dues by the due date of January 1st, so that the 1992 Roster could be available at the Annual Specialty. As of Jan. 10th, 84 members remained delinquent, therefore this could not be done.From now on new applicants will be published in the Pom Review before voting. Applications will take about four months to process.Show Chairman Dolly Trauner reported on the size of the entry 297, the catalog 84 pages, and current show finances. When the show was over and she was able to do a complete report, we came in with a profit of 4,538.93. She thanked the club but refused the offer of a free dinner, she said "Dudley and I agreed... we were not going to charge this club for anything." 92-02-02 Sally Baugniet moved that the Board extend appreciation to Dudley Roach and Dolly Trauner by sending them a card and putting a notice in the Pom Review. Seconded by Dave Watts. Yes 11 - No 0.Publicity Chairman Lois Hamill stated that we need to update our breed booklet. She reported on the placed ads in Dog Fancy, Dogs USA, and Dog World.Judges Education Committee Sally Baugniet reported that she sent 52 flyers to judges at the Oklahoma seminar. She also sent out 35 bibliography and elaboration of the standard to judges with intent to apply for Poms.Old BusinessJean Schroll said she did not get the last Agenda and Audrey got hers way past the deadline for voting. 92-02-03 Margaret McKee moves that we forgive Audrey6 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian S\J7and Jeans missing votes. Seconded by Happeth Jones. Yes 11 NoO.VOTINGRESULTS ROM THE JANUARY AGENDA91-12-42 Dudley Roach was approved as Show Secretary.91-12-43 Dolly Trauner was approved as Show Chairman.91-11-06 approved combined catalog for Summer Specialty.91- 11-09 to send letter of endorsement for Sooner Pom Club adopted.92- 01-12 approved Sallys article for printing in the Pom Review.92-01-13 we will not allow animal activists to advertise in the Review.92-01-41 amended motion to allow A1 to bring his report on the PR to the NY meeting.91-01-40 changed our standard rule to allow free catalogs to commercial advertisers. Dolly had reported that advertisers needed to show the whole catalog instead of just a tear sheet.91-12-09 we amended the motion regarding membership requirements. The amended motion now goes up for voting. Full motion listed elsewhere in these minutes.91-12-19 the Board has declared a vacancy.91-12-26 the charge for first class mailing will be raised by 10.00 to cover the actual costs.91-12-38 a free dinner for Dudley has been approved.91- 12-39 the standing rule regarding the supplying of soda has been suspended for this year only.Donna Parkerson, Armetha Reynolds, and Maria Kneislerhave been approved for membership.Unfinished BusinessTHE FOLLOWING MOTIONS RECEIVED SECONDSAND WERE VOTED ON AT THE MEETINGMotions with an are new motions.92- 01-17 Happeth Jones moved that we nicely refuse ads from any who still owe us money until payment is made. Seconded by A1 Williamson. Yes 11 - No 0.92-01-22 Original motion amended and now reads Happeth Jones moves that we send and official letter to Mrs. Marinaceio in gratitude for giving us back the winning raffle ticket. Seconded by A1 Williamson. Yes 11 - No 0.91-12-03 After much discussion on the practicalities of offering a challenge trophy in Skips name. Sally rescinded her motion.91- 12-09 original motion amended now reads Happeth Jones moves that any member who knows an applicant for more than three years, and has visited the applicants home quite a few times, and know the applicant as a friend may use that personal knowledge in place of the "area requirement" in sponsoring an applicant. Seconded by A1 Williamson. Yes 9 - No 0.92- 01-11 Sally Baugniet moved that we find a new Editor for the Pom Review before the contract for the current one expires. Seconded by A1 Williamson. Yes 3 - No 8. Motion defeated.92-02-04 Jean Schroll moved that we look for a new Editor before the 60 day deadline. Seconded by Audrey Roberts. Yes 11 - No 0. Motion adopted. This may seem confusing. What they mean is that we approved a motion to have otherrUntac PosneMuiMt PteAwtA...Feisty RGS Shes UnforgettableWatts Little Feisty PDQ x Glenwood Shani DancerHere is Fergie, winning Best of Opposite Sex in her first show from the puppy class. Thank you Elmer Grieve for loving her like we do. This is just the beginning, look out world here she comesCo-BreederCo-OwnerWendy Feist704 Turner-----------------------------------------Shelton,WA 98584 206 427-9380 co-BreederRosa Gercia-Seeley------------------------ 2153 Cyprus Landing Dr.Atlantic Beach, FL 32233Co-OwnerHandler 904247'5384Nita Mauch1279 Chestnut St. ---------------------------------------Clarkston,WA 99403 509 758-4234rS. t.LE s,-.n 6 .VEN\S W\ Stevw _v 94mmwuwgwMmby Audrey RobertsIf enough members communicate with the Board one on one, the more the members wants, likes, and dislikes will be honoredI seldom hear an honest expression of needs and wants from members. Usually I hear rumors and complaints. Tell me what you want and need and I WILL LISTEN Then tell 11 other board membersRumors When you hear rumors ask yourself1. Who is spreading the rumor2. What is their motivation3. What do they have to gain by perpetuating it4. Is this heresay If so remember the Telephone Game. A phrase is whispered from ear to ear and what is repeated at the end in no way resembles the original phrase. This is the flaw of heresay5. Can I conclude from the information received if this is rumor is it 100 correct If not, dont spread it Let it stop with youRumors alienate us and breakdown communication There are two things that will factionate a club very quickly rendering it ineffectualComplaints I want to hear your complaints Yes, really But if you can possibly take the time beforehand to come up with some constructive corrective measure to deliver with your complaint it would facilitate the resolution greatly Help me help you, lets work together. Strings of complaints wear thin, but bound together with constructive and creative ideas, it creates innovation and resolution.This club is becoming much more innovative. New ideas are contagious and when the gears run smooth it encourages more participation This is beginning to happen. New merging with old and more participation are making the club move forward in the right directionIm not the President so Im not here to give a state of the union message, but the state of the APC is on track, the recession is over, a balanced budget is here and prosperity is around the corner thanks to great efforts by many, many fabulous Pom loversLets Keep On TrackPomeranian 5SM0SW MayJune 1992 7bids available at contract signing time.Sharon Hicks sold the most raffle tickets.92-02-05 Sally Baugniet moved that Sharon Hicks be given a Hall of Fame certificate. Seconded by Jean Schroll. Yes 11 -NoO. Motion adopted.92-02-06 Margaret McKee moved that the President and Auction Chairman select a prize from the auction table and give it to Sharon Hicks. Seconded by Jean Schroll. Yes 11 - NoO.New ApplicantsRodger K. Beaty, Krista A. Oremus, Brandy A. Williams,Donald R. Daniels, and Ronald B. Call were all elected formembership in the APC.New Business92-02-07 Margaret McKee moved in Article I Section 4 b of the By-laws the word "March" be deleted and the word "February" substituted.Article I Sec 2 states "Dues are payable on or before the first day of January of each year." Since dues notices are mailed in November, Section 2 gives them a full 30 days to pay, and my motion would give them another 30 days grace. Old wording gives a full 90 days. My motion would make sure dues are paid before the Annual meeting. Seconded by Happeth Jones. Yes 11 - No 0.92-02-08 Happeth Jones moved that Fran send a letter to the Garveys asking for copies of the invoices from the printing house used to print the Pom Review. The copies are to be for every issue published so far and to continue for every future issue. Seconded by Mary Vickers. Yes 11 - No 0.92-02-09 A1 Williamson moved that we donate 50.00 to the skin study program in Patricia Marinaceios name. Seconded by Mary Vickers. Yes 11 - No 0.92-02-10 Sally Baugniet moved that we eliminate standing rule Section IV - 3. This is the rule that says the Editor of the Pom Review cannot be a member of APC. Seconded by Jean Schroll. Yes 11 - No 0.92-02-11 Audrey Roberts moved that we change standing rule Section 1-2, to change the word "years" to the word "terms." As this is what the rule was supposed to mean. This is the standing rule that states the President can only hold office for two consecutive years. Seconded by Sally Baugniet. Yes 11-NoO.92-02-12 Sally Baugniet moved that we still keep the requirements for a kennel visit except that we can get people with those qualifications who have never had a kennel visit or not had a kennel visit for at least ten years. The backward count of the ten years would start with the issue under which they are being considered. Seconded by Margaret McKee. Yes 11-NoO.TFH Publications is going to publish a book written by Olga Baker about Pomeranians. They want APC to endorse it. They will give APC picture and text approval. In return they will give APC a share of the profits, and a 5000.00 donation to our rescue fund.92-02-13 Audrey Roberts moved that we consider the proposal from TFH. Seconded by Happeth Jones. Yes 11 - No 0.91-02-14 Mary Vickers moved that the LaCajun Pom Club host the 1994 Summer Specialty. Seconded by Dave Watts. Yes 11-NoO.92-02-15 Mary Vickers moved that we hold a moment of silence on Sunday before the start of the shows for Edna and the other APC members who have recently died. Seconded by Carol Galavich. Yes 11 - No 0.Mary Vickers announced that she has appointed Brenda Segelken as our Breed Referral person. For people who call AKC and want to know where to find a Pomeranian they will be referred to Brenda. Mary stated that AKC still needs a Public Education Co-ordinator. Fran Stoll was asked and accepted.92-02-16 Audrey Roberts moved that we limit our nominations for obedience judges to three judges and that we make the nominations the same time we nominate the conformation judges. Seconded by Dave Watts. Yes 11- NoO.At the end of the meeting the Board declared an executive session. All non-board members were asked to leave. Nominations and a vote for the Board vacancy were made. Sam Zaneoff was elected to fill the vacant position.Sally Baugniet moved to adjourn. Tony Tellez seconded. Motion adopted.fiPC General Membership Meeting Marriott Hotel. New York February 8.1992The annual membership meeting was called to order by President Mary Vickers. In attendance were 60 members and 13 guests. The minutes were read and approved. All Committee reports were the same as reported above in the Board meeting minutes except forCirculation Managers Report Brenda Hutton reported that the mailing labels are mailed out on the 1st of the even months. She must get them to the Editor before the 15th. She is on such a tight schedule that if you send in your renewal on the 2nd of the month you will miss the next issue.Registrar Jean Schroll asks that everyone please send in their information so she can send them their certificates.Ways Means Committee Lisa Smart reported that we made 290.00 at our TBR show, bribing all our judges. She told the membership that the winner of the raffle, an Afghan breeder, donated the ticket back to the club. For the Pom Shoppe she would like to take work from talented members, advertise it in the Pom Review and take off a little bit for the Pom Club. The Peke Club has been doing this for years successfully. Lisa asked if anyone has any ideas on the yearbook or recipes for a cookbook the club is doing to please contact her.Judges Education Sally Baugniet reported on the Judges seminar in Oklahoma The Seminar brought in approx 190.00.Corresponding Secretary Fran Stoll stated that if any club hasnt received a card from her about AKC approval for their Specialty and know that their club is coming up let her know.The Judges elected for 1992 areDianne Johnson for SweepstakesFrank Oberstar for Regular Classes.Show Chairmans Report Dolly Trauner was called to give her report and the membership gave her a standing ovation. Dolly said. "The membership as a whole came together to pull this clubs socks up off the ground. This show has the biggest8 MayJune 1992 Pomeranianr FOR SALE21789 - International and American Ch. Bl-Mar Sunnys Obsession.This is the 6th champion by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of Bi-Mar Kat Ballou. Obbie has a baby doll face, short back and outstanding show personality. Specials quality show home.5587 - Ch. Bi-Mars Foxfire by BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and out of a Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image and Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too granddaughter. Has free whelped 3 litters of outstanding pups. Still can be specialed. Very short backed with big coat and small ears. Very showy.11589 - Red sable male by Ch. Le Cheries Hot Fudge Ripple and out of a daughter of Ch. Desirees Rippling Fudge. Very short backed with small ears. Proven stud. 750.00102487 - Red female by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid out of a daughter of Ch. Creiders Smoke N Flame Dam of International Ch. Am. Ch. Bi-Mars Moonwalker. Requires c-section. Beautiful and very short backed. 550.00112587 - Red female by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a Ch. Creiders Boxcar Willie daughter. Very nice, free whelper. Full sister to champions. 750.0011490 - Red sable male by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Masterpiece and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. Here is a very short backed, huge coat, small eared, show quality male. Weighs 4, has been started. 1000.0011091 - Brilliant red male by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Phantom and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. This one I had planned to keep and show. He is outstanding, very fancy and must go to a show home.1191 - Red female by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a Sunny daughter. Repeat breeding that produced Brandy owner handled to 14 AKC points plus a Toy Group 1st. 1000.0082089 - Red female, granddaughter of Ch. Creiders Smoke' N Flame and out of a Great Elms Bobby Beam daughter. This is the sister I had planned to keep and show. Free whelper and nice enough to show. 750.0081389 - Red sable female by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge daughter. Brood female, that free whelps show quality pups. 850.0011991 - Orange male grandson of Ch. Bonners Lisalus Wag With Love and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. Big coat, baby face and very nice quality, could be shown to championship if worked with. Pet priced at 400.00.We have available a year old line-bred son of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid that took Best of Winners 3 point major his first time shown. Several outstanding puppies by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid that are show quality, plus bred females.Serious inquiries only. No calls after 830 p.m. on week nights.BI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum206 833-216038711 200 Avenue S.E.Auburn, WA 98002Pomeranian SJWQ MayJune 1992entry in the history of the club. We are going to be financially successful also. The turnout and support for this memorial has been most heartening... Going back to the Marriott was a wise move. I thank all for helping make it a success.1992 Summer Specialty Jean Schroll got up and said the only thing she had to say was "You all come. She asked that people who are driving let her know so she can arrange parking for them.Old BusinessThere was none presented.New BusinessMary Vickers announced that the Summer Specialties will be1992 Bush Prairie Washington1993 Dallas Fort Worth Pom Club1994 LaCajun Pom Club of LouisianaMary Vickers asked Marie Carlough, Audrey Roberts, Patty Griffin, Elizabeth Dupuis, Sandra White, Mike Jones, Lisa Smart, Judy Jeff Shearer and Dolly Trauner to stand up. She said that these are the people that brought you the Specialty, they deserve a big round of applause. Dolly got up and said there were two people who were not here who deserve the greatest thanks of all. Dudley and Wanda Roach. The membership applauded them with enthusiasm.Jean Schroll made a motion to adjourn. Mike Jones seconded. Motion adopted.Minutes of fiPC Board Meeting Marriott Hotel, New York Meeting Resumed February 8,1992The Board resumed right after the general membership meeting. This is a continuation of the Meeting started February 7, 1992.92-02-17 Happeth Jones moved that we retain Sam Zaneoff as AKC delegate. Seconded by Carol Galavich. Yes 12 - No 0. 92-02-18 Happeth Jones moved that we ask Olga Baker to continue as Gazette columnist. Seconded by Jean Schroll. Yes 12 - No 0.92-02-19 Jean Schroll moved that we ask Dolly Trauner and Dudley Roach to be Show Chairman and Show Secretary for next year. Seconded by Mary Vickers. Yes 12-NoO. Hospitality will be left up to the Show Chairman.92-02-20 Audrey Roberts moved that Marie Carlough be asked to function as a Pom Review liaison assistant to Mary. Seconded by Mary Vickers. Yes 12 - No 0.Three judges for obedience in 1993 were suggested. Since it is too late to put them on the ballot for 1993 they will be called in the following order.1. Patricia Scully2. Victoria Brown3. Don LarsonThe Show Chairman would handle this.92-02-21 Audrey Roberts moved that we put a 100.00 limit on the fee or expenses for an obedience judge. Seconded by Jean Schroll. Yes 12 - No 0.The following judges have been nominated for 1994Sweepstakes Regular ClassesDolores Watts Dawn Vick HansenAnna LaFortune Alan HarperA1 Williamson Ken McDermottAudrey Roberts Darrell BakerSue Goddard Sam Zaneoff92-02-22 Jean Schroll moved that we select Dolly Trauner, Julie Moreno, Wanda Roach for the Audit Committee. Seconded by Sally Baugniet. Yes 12 - No 0.92-02-23 Dave Watts moved to table Louisville we get more information about our charter. Seconded by Jean Schroll. Yes 12-No0.92-02-24 Margaret McKee moved that we notify DallasFort Worth Pom Club that everything looks good. Seconded by Sally Baugniet. Yes 12 - No 0.Jean Schroll moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fran Stoll. Motion adopted.February 9,1992 after the show the Board had an informal, informational meeting with Leo Garvey of Expedition Publishing, regarding the Pomeranian Review.Expedition Publishing noteWe requested an unscheduled meeting at the specialty, when on Saturday we learned there had been at least one motion on Friday night to remove us as the publishing house, and Gail as Editor, for the Pomeranian Review 92-01-11. While that motion was defeated 8-3, there were other motions passed that set the stage for our removal at the end of our contract 92-02-04 92-02-10.I returned Sunday afternoon for the meeting. We have not received a copy of the minutes from that meeting, yet I believe there was an official quorum with more than 10 board members present. At least one motion for action was made by the APCat that meeting.We discussed many items including communications, deadlines, and perceived personal conflicts.We conclude that many of the problems resulted from lack of communication, or perceived personal conflicts. We attribute other problems to some board members misunderstanding exactly what we have been hired to do, and what our responsibilities are.We submitted a four page letter that we had been composing since December. We asked for that letter to be included in those minutes, and requested that a copy be filed into the APC archives. This letter was basically a 'Year in Review' no pun intended type of report. It outlined problems that we have had in producing the Pomeranian Review, and problems we have faced with an extremely small number of members, subscribers, advertisers, and board members or club officers. We also outlined the few occasions when we had made mistakes worth mentioning.That letter also offered suggestions for improvement of the Pomeranian Review, and where, in our opinion, the Pomeranian Review needs help. We also restated our position of viewing the APC as a business concern and protecting that concern in our editorial decisions. At a minimum, the letter will keep us from the rumor mill in future years. Future board members will be able to read exactly what has taken place to date, and not have to rely on others memories, or opinions.The meeting lasted nearly three hours, and I believe that most, if not all, walked away satisfied with the results of the meeting. Of course, sometimes you never know for sure...10 MayJune 1992 PomeranianHair Revitalizer and Instant Anti-Static Coat Spray8 oz. pump spray.............................................................................................. 5.00Gallon Refill size............................................................................................. 24.95Moisturizing Coat Protector EnhancerWonderful for wrapping, dematting and breaking down lacquer 7.5 oz. aerosol spray........................................................................................ 4.95Super Cleaning and Conditioning Shampoo16 oz. trial size................................................................................................. 6.95Gallon size........................................................................................................ 21.95Super Rich Protein Lotion Conditioner16 oz. trial size..................................................................................... 10.95Gallon size....................................................................................................... 27.95Pure Cosmetic Lanolin Plus16 oz. trial size................................................................................................. 12.95Half Gallon size............................................................................................... 29.95Gallon size....................................................................................................... 49.95Professional Formula Whitening Shampoo16 oz. trial size................................................................................................. 6.95Gallon size........................................................................................................ 22.95Self-Rinse Conditioning Shampoo and Coat Refresher16 oz. trial size................................................................................................. 6.95Gallon size........................................................................................................ 20.951 ALL SYSTEMS Lanolin Stabilizer Coat Retexturlzer - asolution to over-conditioned, over-relaxed, over-processed coatQuart size......................................................................................................... 8.95Gallon size........................................................................................................ 19.95NEW ITEM1 ALL SYSEMS reintroduces Ultimate Natural Control Coat Dressing newly improved and packaged in an economical and convenient 1 lb. jar with pump top asPremium Protein Pack Pre Chalk Pure Cosmetic Skin and Coat Conditioner - a complete, non-oily conditioner and coat dressing.1 lb. jar.............................................................................. 16.951 ALL SYSTEMS brings you a complete conditioning and moisturizing oil for holding, protecting and conditioning coats. Lightweight, water-soluable and safe for whitebleached, porous and very fine silky coats. Washes out easily and quickly - Its practically GOOF-Proof1 ALL SYSTEMS Humectant Moisturizing Oil Complete Cosmetic Conditioner with Evening Oil of Primrose.16 oz. size......................................................................... 11.9512 Gallon......................................................................... 32.95Gallon................................................................................ 56.951 ALL SYSTEMS Ultimate Pin BrushLarge................................................................................. 10.00Small................................................................................. 8.50Please include 5.00 for freight CONTINENTAL U.S. ONLY. Virginia residents add appropriate sales tax. Prices quoted in U.S. dollars. UPS COD charges 3.75.1 ALL SYSTEMSProfessional Canine Grooming Products Distributed ByS.R. White Rt. 2 Box 845 Rockville, VA 23146 804 749-3236Pomeranian \7Q\2 MarchApril 1992 11American Pomeranian ClubsKMOqidqO [p33Qa[l7 \hw POffaS IM^QFebruary 8, and 9.1992by Gail fi. Garveyn^SBEST OFM rf. -EE4.BEST OF BREEDCh. Bev-Nors Tanyas CrissyJudge's Critique, Puppy Sweepstakes by Jean SchrollWhat a thrill it was to be asked to do the Sweepstakes for the American Pomeranian Club, and to do the first ever Veterans Sweepstakes.It was sad that it had to be because we lost Skip Piazza shortly before this Specialty.There were so many lovely puppies, at least 10 that could have won or been placed in each class. Im proud of you Pom folks. I believe we are getting where we are going. There were really no puppies that could not have won at any given time.My Best in Sweepstakes choice, Heartlands Special Treasure was lovely and I feel will be a big winner. He also went Winners Dog in the Regular Classes the next day. Best of Opposite Sex was also a lovely girl, Tomho Strutting Merri Lee, looking every bit what she is, a girl.Both dogs showed to perfection.I found out Best in Sweeps had only been shown two previous times and was Winners Dog at one of the shows for a 4 point major.I also loved the 9-12 month Puppy Dog class winner, Tynan G.S.T. He was feeling a little under the weather from the trip and could have shown a little better, but that did not detract from his quality.Pinehavens Smooth Sailing, 9-12 month Puppy Bitch winner looked like the other three. A truly matched set, and such a thrill to be able to find enough puppies that look enough alike, to be sure we are headed in the right direction.I felt 2nd, 3rd and 4th in each class were quality in every way, plus many others that could have been 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th. There just werent enough ribbons for all of them. So many will finish easily, and I will watch for them in the coming months to see how they fare.Puppy SweepstakesJudge Ms. Jean Schroll4.A JSBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESHeartlands Special TreasurePeppy Dogs 6-9 months 1st place - Heartlands Special Treasure Dianne Kieffer2nd place - Watts Little Keokis Shylo Dolores Watts3rd place - Great Elms Little Demetrius Dolores Watts4th place - Pomsprings Wild Thing Elizabeth Dupuisrr jBEST IN VETERAN SWEEPSTAKESCh. Silva Lade Almond JoyPeppy Dogs 9-12 months 1st place - Tynan G.S.T. Natalie Dunfee 2nd place - Glen Iris Luckdragon Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor3rd place - Bev-Nors Special Edition Beverly Norris4th place - Sourwoods Rambling Thunder Doris Warren12 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian SJSWOSfPerm ffteg 'd'Mars hire''Esta6Cisft 1980430 XingsCeigh Ct SvfiCton, Ontario LtfIIX8 416 875-02690vAm. Can. Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Amigo Multi BIS Multi BISSAmigo Marlene attended the National Specialty in New York for the first time and we would like to say we had a "Great Time." Congratulations to all of the WINNERS of the day Amigo would like to say thank you to all of the many admirers that he gained through this show. We were both overwhelmed by your remarks. Amigo is at stud to approved matrons. All bitches are received at the Toronto International Airport, which is accessed by many of the U.S. airports. Marshire Kennels are the 1 Pomeranian Breeders in Canada for1991 and we owe this to "Amigo".SvCartem franfcJPmneyPARADE119192of ChampionsPomeranian fUBWBW MayJune 1992 13Peppy Bitches 6-9 months 1st Place - Pinehavens Smooth Sailing Gale Sharland2nd Place - Sungolds Red Lace Anna LaFortune3rd Place - Merrymont Carolina Fever Patricia Griffin4th Place - Eastwyck Texican Jazz Erika MoureaumgkBEST OF WINNERSHeartlands Special TreasurePeppy Bitches 9-12 months 1st Place - Tomho Strutting Merri Lee Tommi Hooban2nd Place - Animations Jelly Paws Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane3rd Place - Trievon Always Laughing QT Ardith Nell4th Place - Tim Sues Tu Sweet N High Tim Sue GoddardVeteran Dogs, 6 years and under 9 years 1st Place - Ch. Watts Little Dakotah Carol Baldwin2nd Place - Ch. Millamors Copyright Sue Goddard Eleanor Miller3rd Place - Tynan Star Chaser OPomsprings Elizabeth Dupuis4th Place - Ch. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond Margaret McKeeVeteran Dogs, over 9 years 1st Place - Ch. The Pines Hells A Poppin, ROM Gloria Setmayer2nd Place - Ch. Watts Little Chipper of G. Elms Dolores WattsVeteran Bitches, 6 yrs. and under 9 yis. 1st Place - Ch. Silva Lade Almond Joy Larry Dianne Johnson2nd Place - Ch. Scotia Shamrocks Sue Ellen Dolores Watts3rd Place - Emcees Simplemente Miel Diana Downey Morris Carson4th Place - Ch. Great Elms Honey of Lenette Patricia GriffinVeteran Bitches, 9 years and older1st Place - Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna ROMX Audrey Roberts 2nd Place - Shadras Coal City OHolihouse Patricia Foley Kathryn HartzBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Hearlands Special Treasure Dianne KiefferBEST OF OPPOSITE IN SWEEPS Tomho Strutting Merri Lee Tommi HoobanRegular ClassesJudge Mr. Lawrence StanbridgePuppy Dogs 6-9 months1st Place - Heartlands Special Treasure Dianne Keiffer2nd Place - Great Elms Little Sparky Dolores Watts3rd Place - Starfires Totally Tempting Jose Cabrera4th Place - Pomsprings Wild Thing Elizabeth DupuisJVWINNERS BITCHTomho Opal JeanPoppy Dogs 9-12 months 1st Place - Pixies Justa Bit of PJ Donna Megenhardt2nd Place - Tru-Keps Nemo Dream Master Irvin Trudy Keplinger3rd Place - Glen Iris Luckdragon Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor4th Place - Tynan G.S.T. Natalie DunfeeBred-by-ExMbitor Dogs 1st Place - Starfires Mission Accomplished Jose Cabrera2nd Place - Pomarons Smokey Mt.Sensation Marian Coy3rd Place - Razzle Dazzle BalladeerJudith Green4th Place - Blakes N Megs Essence of PJ Donna MegenhardtAmerican Brad Dogs1st Place - Great Elms Little Demetrius Dolores Watts2nd Place - Starfires Popeye Gale Sharland3rd Place - Tim Sues Flying Tu High Tim Sue GoddardgiKsaSwmm BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCh. Watts-Scotia Willie Winks4th Place - Idlewyld Tourmaline Margaret McKeeOpen Dogs, Red, Grange, Craam Sable1st Place - Merrymont Torchbearer Patricia Griffin2nd Place - Mighti Dainti Lord Peter Pom Pauline Langevin3rd Place - Blakes Dynamite Rock Sharon Hanson4th Place - Bi-Mar Tny Tyler of Kitkor Kaye SukeforthOpen Dogs, Black, Brown Bine 1st Place - Dover-Holihouse Mighty Thor Kathryn Hartz Patricia FoleyOpen Dogs, Any Other Allowed Color 1st Place - Idlewyld Onyx Margaret McKee2nd Place - Finchs Rhynstone Childs Play Joyce UrbanWINNERS DOG - 5 POINT MAJOR Heartlands Special Treasure Dianne KiefferRESERVE WINNERS DOG Merrymont Torchbearer Patricia Griffin14 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian SJS'JUSMoJrievon since 1954Trievon Always Laughing QThrS'Mr'fYl\ PLACING pj 9-12 MONTHS 1 '-'i4 SWEEPSTAKES4 V'SWELrbIAI\to AMERICAN " - 1 POMERANIAN V. CLUBfeFEBRUARY 8 9, 1992ashbey photoopsOPS 1C.National Specialty9-12 month female puppy sweepstakes 3rd 9-12 month female puppy class 3rd m3rd119I9XZPuppy BitchPuppy Bitch Puppies occasionallyTrievon Kennels PO Box 62 Ovid, Ml 48866 517 834-2673 kyPomeranian SJBWOSM MayJune 1992 15Peppy Bitches 6-9 months 1st Place - Merrymont Carolina Fever Patricia Griffin2nd Place - Elans Infinity Dianna Downey Melissa Dahlenburg3rd Place - Jan-Shars Apple Dumplin Sharon Hanson4th Place - Benrays She is a Bella Benson RayVBEST JUNIOR SHOWMANAmy BatznerPeppy Bitches 9-12 months 1st Place - Tomho Strutting Merri Lee Tommi Hooban2nd Place - Lynnwrights Misery Donna Lynn Wright3rd Place - Trievon Always Laughing QT Ardith Nell4th Place - Whisper Ln N Everything Nice Carol BaldwinBred-by-ExhMtor Bitches1st Place - Teakwoods How Bout Holly Laureen Ivey2nd Place - Pinehavens Smooth Sailing Gale Sharland3rd Place - Lynnwrights Dark Victory Donna Lynn Wright4th Place - Elans Inclination Melissa DahlenburgAmerican Bred Bitches1st Place - Wee Hearts Divine Design Gail Dumiok2nd Place - Merrymont Never On Sunday Anne Hendler3rd Place - Pomanauk She Demon Fran Bosmann16 MayJune 1992 PomercmianOpen Bitches, Red, Qrg, Cream SaMe1st Place - Tomho Opal Jean Tommi Hooban2nd Place - Pomsprings Pretty In Pink Elizabeth Dupuis3rd Place - Golden Aires Winsome Cherub Marjorie Luis Flores4th Place - Bev-Nors Hey Look Mia Over Beverly Ferguson Cathy SheridanOpen Bitches, Black, Brown Bine1st Place - Elans Cocoa Melissa David Dahlenburg2nd Place - Ballykin Magie Noire Renee McGrathWINNERS BITCH - 5 POINT MAJORTomho Opal Jean Tommi HoobanRESERVE WINNERS BITCHElans Cocoa Melissa DahlenburgVeteran Dogs1st Place - Ch. Watts Little Dakotah Carol Baldwin2nd Place - Ch. Millamors CopyrightSue Goddard Eleanor Miller _Natural State Pom Fanciers of Benton, Arkansas donated this beautiful quilt for the APCs fundraising raffle.Veteran Bitches1st Place - Ch. Silva Lade Almond Joy Dianne Johnson2nd Place - Shadras Coal City OHolihouse Patricia Foley Cathryn Hartz3rd Place - Ch. Great Elms Honey of Lenette Patricia GriffinBEST OF BREEDCh. Bev-Nors Tanyas Crissy Donna Lynn Wright Beverly NorrisBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXAm. Can. Ch. Watts-Scotia Willie WinksElizabeth DupuisBEST OF WINNERS Heartlands Special Treasure Dianne Kieffer HIGH IN TRIAL OBEDIENCEDover-Holihouse Fire N Ice UDStud Dog1st Place - Ch. Watts Little Dakotah Carol Baldwin2nd Place - Ch. Watts Scotia Willie Winks Elizabeth Dupuis3rd Place - Ch. Elans Inferno David Melissa Dahlenburg4th Place - Ch. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond Margaret McKeeBrood Bitch1st Place - Ch. Animations Elaroo Lorinda Vasuta2nd Place - Shadras Coal City OHolihouse Patricia Foley Kathym HartzJunior Showmanship CompetitionNovice Junior Class1st Place - Amanda Ivey Teakwoods How Bout Holly2nd Place - Jessica Harris Tresstique Dawn of Merimaur3rd Place - April D. Garvey GGs Little Storm TrooperOpen Jnmior Class1st Place - Amy Batzner CH. Pomirish Hiball Dream Alexdr2nd Place - Carrie Cochran AM CH. Jerebeths Prince-Put-Up-PatOpen Senior Class1st Place - Amber White Merrymont Federal Express2nd Place - Theresa Marie L. Baldwin CH. Watts Little DakotahBEST JUNIOR SHOWMANAmy Batznerm m m un m H m nm IvXv.',' .'.VWMliiIT3m-m.' N1Vr'Tj5V1 .-wrV. ' rI.S'v FIRSTOBEDIENCE ft r . "CLUB-irOs\in no, iw xtw51wi jjjH5IHIGH SCORING CHAMPION IN TRIAL 1ST NOVICE BCH. MAR-VIC'S DAZZLING RASCALHow delightful to be at the 1 ST APC OBEDIENCE TRIAL and to take 1 st place, getting Rascals 1st CD leg. To be honest I was disappointed in the score 188, until I realized how well named he is. Thats RASCALAfter arriving home the doctors decided that my left wrist is broken. Many thanks to my roomies, Margaret Rachal McKee, and Sharon Hicks, who dressed me and carried all my stuff, and to Lois Hamill for taking care of Huggy Rascal.Mary Vickers 2818 Jefferson Dr. Alexandria, VA 22303 703 960-7755OPObedience1st119 9 2Novice B. iImsL\iiiiiii SSifc- xPomeranian iJBWOSW MayJune 1992 17Obedience TrialsJudge Mrs. Eleanor L. RotmanGraduate Novice1st Place - Emmys Gloria of Tiny Tykes CD Gertrude AdairNovice Class A1st Place - Tinytales Sorcerers Apprentice Diane McWhinnieNovice Qass B1st Place - Ch. Mar-Vics Dazzling Rascal Mary Vickers2nd Place - Pomsprings Tickle-N-Tell Thelma MacDonald3rd Place - Smokeys Elvis Parsley Garrett ODellOpen Qass A1st place - Animations Simon Carole BrayOpen Qass B1st place - Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice UD Sandra Winchatz2nd place - Razzle Dazzle Music Man CDX Judith GreenVeterans1st place - BKs Sir Spunky CDX,TD Brenda HuttonVeterans Open1st place - Annons Huggy Bear From Scamp UD,HOF Mary VickersHIGHEST SCORING DOG IN TRIALDover-Holihouse Fire N Ice UD Sandra WinchatzSONNyDALG pOmeRANl ANSCh. Sonnydales Joshua of Gabrielr iiSPECIALTYSHOW\ DINNERSKOHLER pending AKC confirmationPrecious Petites Gabriel x Berrys Cherries Jubilee"Josh"finished with limited showing. Orange d.o.b. 12989. Thanks to all the judges who saw the wonderful qualities in this Gabriel son. Josh has BIS winners on both sides of his bloodline.offers the following puppies for sale...1. Male Female d.o.b. 1692 Ch. Berrys Sonny Delight x Sonnydales Daisy of Gabriel orange sable, short back, baby face, show prospects.2. Male d.o.b. 1192 cream, short back, small faced, show prospect.Pedigrees and photos available upon request.Sonnydale Pomeranians 939 E. Westbrook St. West Point, MS 3977318 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian SJSWQS1'i-s SOM.33FIRST AUAMERICANBREDAmerican J POMERANIAN CLUBFEBRUARY 3 9. 1992VSHBH PHOT.'BY TOW cOPSSweepstakes3rdwmPoppy DogGreat Elms Little DemetriusThis Specialty was Demetrius' first show and we are pleased with his first placement in American Bred Class. He also went third in the 6-9 Sweeps with a class of 22 entries. We also wish to congratulate the following dogs and their owners for the spot they captured at the SpecialtyAmCan. Ch. Watts Scotia Willie Winks Owner Elizabeth DupuisCh. Watts Little Dakotah Owners Carol Mark BaldwinB.O.S., APC Specialty 1992 2nd Place Stud Dog Class, APC Specialty 1992Veteran Dog1st Place Stud Dog Class, APC Specialty 1992f51stAm. Bred DogAs most everyone knows, our entry for this year was the greatest we ever had and I would certainly be remiss if I did not say, especially as Ex-Officio President of the APC, THANKS to all who came out for their club and supported it in every aspect, from entries down to all the committee projects. I understand every project made a big showing. "Hats off" to D. Trauner, and all her Committees for the superb job they did in taking over and getting the show put together. Were Looking forward to seeing everyone again next year.4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, Md. 2061 3 301 372-8782Pomeranian MayJune 1992 19oTks TudwUs mud TMIbmMitmum f m Sam Wml Mmmmfsm WmmsmmMmWsmMmmiSmr TrrmmJkwby ]gqn SchrollWxwfaLmDJlwIbThursday morning, up at 400 A.M. to be to the airport by 530 A.M. My flight was leaving at 700 A.M., or so I thought. Anyway, I arrived in plenty of time. The flight was scheduled to go to Seattle and land there, I presumed to pick up food and coffee, none of which was served on the flight to Seattle, and by the time we get there, Im having caffeine withdrawal symptoms. We were unable to land because Seattle was fogged in, so we flew over the airport for at least an hour, if not more. They finally decided it was hopeless and we were going to have to go back to Portland. I swear the pilot was flying backwards it took so long to make the return trip, and still no coffee We arrived back at Portland two or so hours after we left and landed. We had no information about what the plane was going to do. Finally, we were told after off loading a good size passenger list, that we were going to fly to New York straight from Portland and they were trying to get some food, coffee, and fuel. After a couple of hours they were finally ready to leave with a roughly 40 passengers, on one of the really big planes. There was plenty of space left to nap or do whatever you wanted. Anyway, the crew ended up with a cold lunch, of which mine was one chicken wing and a small cookie.From then on, the flight to New York went as planned, except I was to be in New York at 445 P.M. I had to meet my friend and roommate, Nancy at her airline gate that arrived at 515 P.M. wouldnt you know, they even got there early, Nancy waited for me and found out that I was going to be late 830 P.M. so she decided to go to the hotel and wait for me. At 830 I called the hotel to see if she had arrived and she had, but they wouldnt let her go up to my room until I called, because her name was not on the reservation form. She spent the entire time until I called waiting in the lobby.The next three days went pretty well. I was to judge the sweepstakes classes, and what a nice, glorious experience it was. It was an honor to be asked, and to have such lovely puppies to judge. I shall write another article on this, because this weekend was really Special in many ways and will be unforgettable.We had made arrangements to move into a hotel in New York City for the Westminster Show. After our banquet we got a cab to go downtown. When we got there our hotel was surrounded by firetrucks We waited for over an hour in our cab until the firetrucks left. We then went to check into the hotel, a little leery by now, but at that time the only game in town for us, since we had the reservation since October, 1991. We finally get to the counter to register and there is a person complaining that their key wouldnt fit in their door, so the receptionist gave them another room, and thinking I had not heard this, proceeded to give us THAT room. Not knowing if there were any other rooms available we took it. When we got to the room, of course, the key didnt work and we had to call security to let us in. Wefinally got into our room and started to unpack. At 200 A.M. the desk calls to say Nancy must come and register, well we decided this could wait until later in the morning. Later in the morning came earlier than we planned... someone called the room at 800 A.M. wanting to know something about film, or so Nancy thought, but wasnt sure so she turned the phone over to me. I couldnt understand the man at all and he finally decided I never would understand him, so he hung up.Our plan by this time was to change hotels, if we could. Off to breakfast we went, entering the hotel dining room, we were told there was only breakfast or brunch, and to help ourselves. We did of course, including pouring our own coffee. We never did see the waiter. After serving ourselves, we went up to pay the bill -- 14.00 for a stale roll, a tablespoon of scrambled eggs, 3 slices of bacon and 2 cups of coffee this wasnt for 2, it was per person. Actually the bill came to 14.02 each and the cashier very nicely let us have it for 14.00.Off to Westminster we went. We met some of Nancys friends and they told us they had a room at another hotel and the friends they were supposed to stay with didnt show, so would we like to stay with them We were pleased to do so, but our trials were not over yet. We arrived back at our hotel only to find out the maids had gone on strike and there was no room service. The rooms were not clean at best.We had a lot of luggage, mostly because Nancy hadnt known one suitcase would be sufficient We decided to get a cab to move us, so the doorman calls a cab and asks us where we want to go, we decided it best if he didnt know where we were going, so we told him shopping this is any womans excuse. We were very lucky in that we got a very nice cabbie and we told him we were moving one block and needed help to do so. He was very accomodating and said okay. We get across the street in front of the hotel only to find the city was doing some work in front of the hotel. There was no place for our cab to park and unload. So, I jump out of the cab and ask the fellows if they could move one of the barricades so our cab could get in to unload us, and believe it or not they did. We managed to get unloaded, find a bellboy, and go up to the room Nancys friends had given us a key. We put our stuff in the room and a loud speaker yelled all over the hotel "the fire is out, so everyone can return to their room." While we were moving, the hotel had a fire on the 30th floor and they were sounding the all clear.The return trip to Portland was uneventful and very dull for lack of activity.20 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian 5JBW0BMRodi's Poms would like to introduce..."C-More"is pictured here at 10 months of age winning "Best Toy Puppy" in Group at the Bell Vernon Fun Match on 2992. Thank you Judge Marilyn Brantley and thank you Wendy Feist for letting us have C-More.Also, look for our new boy, Bev-Nors Road Warrior, affectionately known as "Patrick,as soon as he is ring ready. Thank you Beverly for entrusting him to us, he is just what we needed.We also have some puppies for sale out of a Ch. Shadomountin One Man Show son and a Ch. Emcee Texas Pete granddaughter d.o.b. 21992. Inquiries welcome.Diana Solano SE 83 Millcreek Ridge W. Shelton, WA 98584 206 426-5887Feistys Suddenly C-MorevBESTPUPPT IN GROUPA WATCHBELL-VERNONPtufctWta bj 9'Steven RossmmdAfcuttingduetto 24.239 East High St. Ballston Spa, NY 12020 518 885-1927PHOTOGRAPHY IN MOTIONAmerican Pomeranian Qlub, Inc.February 8 9, 1992 020892-565All of our tapes are narrated to identify each dog. To order Send name and address along with thefollowing info One Tape 45.00 Additional Tape 25.00 Tape A Puppy Vet Sweeps, Jr. Show Parade - . Tape B Regular Non-Reg. Classes BOB - .Shipping Handling .Check MO - MC - Visa Sub-total . NYS Res. add sales tax County .TOTAL .Card .Signature,Exp. date _____ Telephone.Pomeranian SJ3W0 3 MayJune 1992 21by fitidrgy RobertsIm here to announce the winning of another Best In Show by Shyacres progeny. There was a stupendous entry of 2500 The lavish show was held in the Queens Suite of the LaGuardia Marriott. It was a most marvelous room filled with priceless antiques and crystal chandeliers. A more breathtaking location could not have been found.There was ample room for all, and you could see perfectly from all angles Spotlights highlighted each entry as they entered the ring. Their names were lit up by 100s of lights. This show put Westminster to shame There were many very influential judges and important potentates in attendance There were very official VIPs from all over the country and most other countries watching the stimulating events of the evening.The most honorable and respected judges, Mr. Don Walker and Mr. Jeff Nokes teamed up to judge this show of shows They were decked out splendidly in tuxedos and flaming pink cumberbuns. The sight of them took my breath away This was the first for me to show under a panel of judges and I feel this made for a more worthy winIn an unprecedented decision by these intellectually superior judges, an Open Bitch took Best In Show Specialty This very young bitch had previously won a National Sweepstakes of over 500 entries. The show world was already buzzing about this exceptional girl All over the fancy, from judges to breeders, and especially by all the jealous exhibitors weve been so deservedly beating Yes this bitch is heads and tails above any of her competitorsThe rest of you may as well stay home and rotI must take a moment to dispel rumors of my bribing judges Come on you tiny minded folks, would I do that Then another rumor I heardwas that my sponsors, the Smarts, were offering BMWs to the judges Come on now you ungrateful losers would we do thatOf course we would Rumor is true It cost my a pretty penny to win that BISS When youve got sponsors like the Smarts its great It only cost us 2500.00 and 2 Beemers. One for each Mr. Nokes and Mr. Walker, Happy Driving But it was well worth it, cuz we won the 1st Annual NTRA National Specialty Oh, what is NTRA That stands for National Tack Rat AssociationHopefully by now youve figured out this is a spoof But it really happened, just as Ive told it, and was a tremendously hysterical, fun, crazy, and profitable event hosted by APC at our Specialty this year. The idea is to bribe, lie, cheat, and claw your way to a win with your Rat squeaky toy on a leash. Ive never had more fun I did all the things Id always wanted to do in the ring and everything not allowed from hanging money out my shirt to stuffing it in judges pockets to stepping on the competition to bad mouthing the competition, and mostly splitting a gut in laughter. It was wonderful therapy and fun for all.This will be an annual event My entry was Shyacres Bugabutt Ratt. She wore her diamond studded necklace into the ring and was presented on her lovely, quilted, handmade, one of a kind, luscious pink, embroidered ring mat She simply took the show by stormIm looking forward to next year where I plan to bring The Red River Rat and give away Harley Davidsons and my rat and I will be wearing black leather and lace Hope to see you there SuckersThank You,Audrey Roberts Shyacres Always a Rat AboveThe idea is to bribe, lie, cheat, and claw your way to a win The rest of you may as well stay home and rot0nc^ .22 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian 5WQ[1\5TBR SPECIALTY WINNER Shyacres Bugabutt RattPresenting.Ch. Rhvnsfone Ravishing RickIALEXSMITHPHOTOGRAPHS ^ ' frSPECIALTY,GROUP 4 ft. ^rCRE0ifvm"Ricky"went to the Ontario Toy Club Specialty and came home with BOB over 5 lovely Specials from the classes and a Group 4. Thank you judge Miss Maxine Beam for your lovely comments on him. Rickys first time out as a Special was at the APC National in NY, although he didnt do anything there, 2 weeks later he took the Breed both days at Wyoming KC 222 and Niagara Falls KC 223 over some lovely Specials.Ricky will be Specialed locally and stands at stud here at Rhynstone.Puppies expected in Spring.Hi itMmJoyce Urban of Champions6068 Fisk Rd. Locport, NY 14094 716 625-8357Pomeranian SJSWOSMMayJune 1992 23by Mqrqqret McKggWe just returned from a wonderful trip to New York for the American Pomeranian Club National Specialty. It was an historic weekend. It was the largest Specialty ever 200 dogs and 297 entries. Which proves the point some of us have been trying to make for years Westminster is no longer the drawing card. Make the Specialty comfortable, fun, convenient, and SPECIAL and the exhibitors will come. The Empire arrangement of 91 was very inconvenient for most exhibitors. This year we were back at the Marriott where the affordable rates gave us attractive, comfortable rooms and a ballroom that was exclusively ours for the duration. Parking was free for APC participants who stayed at the hotel. I really liked having my hotel room right upstairs from the show site since I invariably seem to have underage puppies with me that I want to keep an eye on. And my daughter was very happy to take advantage of the indoor swimming pool.This was the first time weve had a 2 day show, and what a welcome change that was We were able to add more events obedience, veteran sweepstakes and the Tack Box Rat Competition. There was more time for fun and conversation, as well as business. We werent so rushed and frazzled. Board meetings lasted only until midnight instead of til 400 AM The annual meeting did not get short shrift. There was time for anyone to speak who wished to. The raffles and auction added to the fun as well as adding much needed money to APCs coffers.And for the first time in years, the Specialty did not lose money. It showed a profit One reason the show operated in the black is the numerous donations. Several clubs and individuals donated money to cover printing costs. Show Chairman Dolly Trauner and Show Secretary Dudley Roach did not ask for reimbursement of legitimate expenses and of course, gave countless man hours of labor for which we have paid others in the pastThe actual amount of profit is debatable. In her very prompt financial report to the board, Dolly includes as income the profits from the 50-50 raffle, the quilt raffle, the Tack Box Rat Competition, and the auction. This money was raised through the efforts of the Ways Means Committee and should be credited to that committee. I know, it all goes into the APCs account, but it is not only a matter of proper bookkeeping but of giving credit where it is due. The Show Committee pinched pennies, shopped around for the best deal, bargained with the hotel to shave costs, but it didnt show, as it was a QUALITY EVENT.It was a tremendously successful Specialty. The list of people who made contributions, large and small, is very long. Lots of people worked very hard to make this a wonderful weekend. Elizabeth Dupuis solicited enough donations to the trophy fund to fully pay for all the charming trophies and the rosettes. Joel Taylor secured enough ads to pay for the printing of the beautiful catalog. Julie Moreno was Chief Steward. The two Ring Stewards, Jeff Nokes and Don Walker, were outstanding. Working behind the scenes for many months wereMary Vickers and Mike Jones making arrangements with the hotel. Those of you who donated items for the auction and for the hospitality room were generous, and we appreciate it. Patty Griffin was Hospitality Chairman, Sandra White put together the great goodie bags each exhibitor was given. She also handled banquet reservations. In addition to the auction, Lisa Smart organized the hilarious Tack Box Rat Competition and made all those clever ribbons decorated with clockworks for the winners. Bess Roberts assisted by members of the Baltimore Pom Club, manned the Pom Shoppe table which, like the auction table, was out in the hall where they couldnt see the ring. Marie Carlough rounded up the stewards and jumps for obedience. The judges Eleanor Rotman for Obedience, Jean Schroll for Sweeps, and Skip Stanbridge for Breed were pleasant, efficient, and really seemed to enjoy their assignments. Most importantly, Dolly Trauner and Dudley Roach took over the vital jobs of Show Chair and Show Secretary on very short notice, worked very hard, and came through for the APC magnificently. Unfortunately, Dudley landed in the hospital about the time entries closed. Most exhibitors didnt realize it as entries were processed, the catalog printed, and acknowledgements mailed, seemingly without a hitch. But Dudley and Wanda were unable to come to New York to enjoy the fruits of their labors and to hear all the compliments. To all who contributed in any way to this TERRIFIC SPECIALTY, CONGRATULATIONS THANK YOUThe Board is considering the possibility of moving the National or Winter Specialty out of New York and out of February. We frequently hear complaints that New York is too expensive. That is true, but for most of us the Long Island venue is more affordable than Manhattan. Can we do better We are trying to find out. You complain that NY isnt centrally located. The Summer Specialties that move around the country are supposed to meet that need. Even so, they usually dont pull as big an entry as NY, and it is difficult to get a quorum for meetings. You complain about NY traffic and I concur. I hate that traffic in Brooklyn and Queens, to say nothing of ManhattanYou may remember that in 1989 APC members were asked to vote on a By-law change that was advertised as permitting us to move out of New York. In fact it really doesnt do that. We will probably need another By-law change moan. We are still chartered in New York State and are required by NY to hold our annual meeting there. We are inquiring of a lawyer the best way to handle that I should think we can incorporate in all 50 states if we want to.What do you want the Specialty to do for you What kind of site do you want Do you want the show held in a motel Is outside okay Do you want it in a resort area where you can go sightseeing Do you want seminars Would you want to go to 3 days It seems to me we are missing a wonderful opportunity by not holding a seminar of class on health, training or breeding. Okay, raise your hands. Who wants to chair that committeeOne suggestion were considering is the Louisville, KY24 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian SJBWQB'SHawaii's I PomeranianaNDOWfor1991Ch. Sandtowns Teddy BearCh. Sandtowns Ravene x Ch. Sandtowns Bi-Mar April. r, r,DDBEAR"TeddyBear is shown winning the Toy Group under Judge Clinton Harris at the Kona Coast Kennel Clubs Show on February 15, 1992. Handled by Tim Glavan our good friend.We want to thank Lois and Bill Abjornson for letting us have this gorgeous boy and "Flossi," Ch. Sandtowns Sweet Socks. "Flosst' is " Teddy Bears" sister and is a Group placing Pom.We feed Science DietClarice and Yvette Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Rd.Kanohe, HI 96744 808 235-8142Pomeranian R1WDIIM MayJune 1992 25cluster in March. The Tar Heel circuit in Raleigh, NC also in March has also been mentioned. What about St. Louis, where the Dog Museum is Is there a perfectly wonderful cluster or circuit in your area that you would like considered Do let us hear from you.One of our Board meetings in New York was an almost 3 hour session with Leo Garvey of Expedition Publishing. We were trying to find ways to continue to improve the quality of the Pomeranian Review as well as improve our service to our readers and advertisers. When APC entered into the contract with Expedition a year ago, we had 2 specific areas we wanted to improve. One was the look, the appearance of the magazine. We wanted clearer print, clear pictures, and fewer typographical errors. Oh those typos That has now been achieved. You now have to search to find typos, instead of finding six per page. The Pom Review looks greatWe also wanted to get the magazine out on time. We made this abundantly clear to Expedition, and they have responded with very prompt mailings. The contract gives the Board the right to delay printing, for example if a Specialty occurs right before a deadline. But Expedition doesnt have that right. So they handle this by adhering strictly to the deadlines. If your ad or article is not in their hands by the 1st, too bad. They dont wait until the deadline passes to start putting the magazine together. It is essentially laid out and ready to roll when the 1st arrives. Now this has been hard for some of us to adapt to. We have, for the entire history of the magazine, been used to deadlines that were flexible. I knew if I mailed my column sometime around the deadline date, it would be included in the next issue. No longer. It must get to New York before the 1st of the month. Im going to try to start thinking that the 25th is the deadline. Maybe that will help you to.It will also help you if your copy is neatly typed. Send good quality pictures. Original prints are best. Leo told us one story of trying to use a picture tom from another publication. Trying to fix that so it would print clearly turned out to be expensive. Be sure to put your name, address, phone number and dogs name on the back of each picture.In order t try to improve communication between Expedition and you, the reader, writer or advertiser, the Board decided to appoint a liaison. I assume this is announced elsewhere in this issue. If you have questions about deadlines, ad costs, or space available, call the liaison. If you have complaints, call the liaison. If you have questions about circulation, when to renew your subscription, or you want to report that your Review didnt arrive, call Brenda Hutton. If you want back issues, call me. Incidentally, an issue becomes a back issue as soon as Expedition has sent out the bulk mailing. All other questions, call the liaison. We want to help you, and were really trying to improve communications.Food for Thought Department When a business decides how to spend its advertising budget, it looks at which media will target the specific audience it wants to reach. Then it decides on how to reach the most people for each dollar spent. When you advertise in a Pom magazine, you are targeting a specific group of people. Are you getting the most for your money The Pomeranian Review has the highest circulation amongst serious breeders and exhibitors, including judges who have specifically asked for it. Yes, the editor of the Pomeranian Review did attend the National Pomeranian Specialty.26 MayJune 1992 PomeranianThe You Cant Win Department Mary Vickers has received the following complaints1. We had to pay a toll to drive from Northern New Jersey to the show site. Mary chuckled when she thought of the over 20 she and I would pay in tolls round-trip.2. Her Review arrived too early HuhAn Actual Hint make your own carpet freshener. Mix 12 cup baking soda and 12 cup cornstarch with 15 drops of oil of rosemary, pennyroyal or citronella. Sprinkle the powder on the carpet, let it sit for at least 15 minutes, then vacuum. This is supposed to repel fleas as well as odors. Since the only carpeting I have is in the upstairs hall, I havent tried this.More food for thought Dont ever undertake a volunteer job for a dog club for the praise or adulation you will receive. The praise will never be enough. Do it for the satisfaction of helping your club, to pay back the sport and breed that have meant so much to you, and for the wonderful feeling of a job well done.I am a lousy correspondent translation I dont write letters but I do love hearing from you. And this column needs your thoughts.Above beyond the call of duty, Mary fell shortly after we arrived in NY and presided the whole weekend with an untreated broken wristYou may write to Margaret at 2426 Sandy Hook Rd. Goochland, VA 23063.Pom Review Repair ShopThis column is where mistakes made by myself or anyone else, will have the chance to correct them.On page 33 of the JanFeb Review the owners of the 4-6 month puppy dog - 3rd place winner was omitted from the report, the owners are Lois Betty Gorby.In the MarApr issue of the Review on page 23, the judges full name was not given -- it should have read Luc Boileau, also Geanene Halls home state is UT not VT.A mistake was made on page 14 of the MarApr Review, the Top Winning Dog for the APC - VIP Awards, there is only one owner, Janet Manuszak-Lucido.On the IBC of the MarApr issue a mistake was made, the 2 photos are of the same female puppy, Trievon Always Laughing QT, I listed her as a male in the first photos paragraph and a female in the second photos paragraph. He is a she Sorry about that.On page 39 of the MarApr issue of the Review it has been pointed out to me that Ch. Jan-Les Touch of Fascination was not the winner of the 1991 APC Summer Specialty he won Best In Sweepstakes, the winner of the Specialty was Ch. Cenlas Annie Laurie O Friday owned by A1 Williamson.On page 27 of the MarApr issue of the Review the owners of Ch. Shir-Mars Little Captain are, Bill Beverly Henry.TRU-KCP POMCRAHIANProudly Presents...Tru-Keps Nemo Dream Master dob 5491i SWS2ndHl9l9ZlPuppy Dog"Nemo"placed 2nd out of 14 in the 9-12 puppy dog class at the APC Specialty.Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning AliceSocial Lions Little Ink Spot d.o.b. 9282Prince of Shannon Keplingers Miss Kitty Muffin PieTru-Keps Token of Kelly Too Tru-Keps Tribute To Todd from my braceTru-Keps Todds Lil Katrina Tru-Keps Duskys Lil DebbiePost Script Drummer Boy Cheridel Kep Evening DuskCheridel Echo of GingerIrvin Trudy Keplinger 15039 Jarrettsvllle Pike Monkton, MD 21111 410666-2098Pomeranian 5J1W0SM MayJune 1992 27immmmssby pqvid R. EdwardsAfter the Pomeranian Review published my last piece on the hidden agendas of some animal activist groups, I received several calls and letters from individuals. They voiced concerns how one might support the fight to place controls animal use in research, and continue to feel that the breeding and exhibiting of dogs is okay.I have had many a sleepless night wondering myself how one could proclaim to be an animal lover and still breed dogs. To help understand just what is going on around ones self you need to have the opportunity to view both sides of any given picture. I hope through the writing of this piece to offer up to all just that.As you may or may not be aware, we as breeders and exhibitors have been targeted for protest by a radical segment of the animal rights movement. I have heard of individuals releasing dogs from their protective crates while on show grounds causing much fear among those exhibiting. We have been advised to travel in packs, if you will, or to purchase locks for our crates. Some manufacturers have begun the marketing of crates with built in lock systems. This is all well and good if they have not made the mistake of making all the locks universal i.e., one key fits all. What totally amazes me is that anyone who would proclaim so loudly to be an animal lover would blatantly endanger an animal by releasing it in unfamiliar surroundingsEach time that you are bombarded with the overwhelming numbers of dogs and cats that are destroyed each year in your local shelters, I am certain that you cringe. Now you can see what effect these statistics would have on your local politician This is one way that the animal activist groups gain ground in their movement. When one can supply in black and white numbers that demand something be done to any individual or group it is certain that steps will be taken. As we as individuals and as a group sit silently back others gain momentum in their fight to control who, when, and where any, if any, breeding will take place. I am certain that all are appalled at the conditions of dogs kept in puppy mills and would like nothing more than to see them shut down. You must be aware that this is the picture that animal activists project of all dogs bred. It would be of no value to their movement should they show a well-maintained kennel with well cared for animals living in clean conditions and bred only when conditions are perfect.We need to take it upon ourselves to begin an education program to offer up another side to what is quickly becoming a one sided debate Through our individual breed clubs as well as our national breed club, we are able to reach out to numerous breeders and pet owners advising them of the potential nonstopping movement. Through our publications we might suggest ways in which our membership might voice its opinions as individuals or as a collective body. Perhaps it would behoove our Board of Directors to draw up a form letter that all might follow to send to his or her legislator in support of our rights to breed and exhibit our dogs.One only need to take a close look at what has happened in this country with the Pro Life versus Pro Choice movements to see just how out of control things might become. History proves that it is close to impossible to change laws once they have been set into play. Do we sit silently by then try to react once it is clear we have lost It is not my desire to dictate your train of thought on the matter but perhaps hit on a nerve that will cause you to react.We need to show the animal activist and Legislators that we are responsible breeders, therefore projecting a positive image to lessen the effects of what is being projected to date. Perhaps as a group, or individuals, we should take a stand for spaying or neutering all dogs to be sold as household pets with no exceptions. Perhaps by policing ourselves we can help prevent others from taking over. If a dog is not sold to a fellow breeder or exhibitor, it is not necessary for it to remain unaltered. Get together with your fellow dog fanciers and discuss ways in which to word written sales contracts to make certain that the dogs you sell are indeed altered. I have found that the threat of a fee to be paid for each pup produced by any dog sold as a pet does encourage one to alter the animal. Seems that hitting one in the pocket these days is the way to get ones attention Often buyers remark that the prices asked for the pups in the Toy Group are high and the added expense of the spaying or neutering is just too much. You might think of lowering the prices asked and inform the buyer that this is being done to help curb the cost of the alteration.No matter what your feelings may be, you owe it to yourself to voice your opinions you must be heard To remain a silent voice in a crowd is a waste of perhaps that one voice that might help change the opinions of others. Make some noise be heard even a loud voice in the woods will fall on the ears of one creature big or small. Think about what is needed to help in the fight for your rights as a breeder and exhibitor and offer suggestions to others be open to new ideas get involvedWhat totally amazes me is that anyone who would proclaim so loudly to be an animal lover would blatantly endanger an animal by releasing it in unfamiliar surroundings28 MayJune 1992 PomeranianVsS8'ATit4 AWARD OF MERIT-AMERICAPOMERANICLUBfc W-.H. 'iCH. JAN-SHARS MOUNTAIN DEWWe are pleased to introduce "DEWEY" who is pictured above winning an AWARD OF MERIT at the APC Specialty in New York, his first time out as a Special. Thank you Mr. Stanbridge for this exciting win. DEWEY finished in Grand Style with four majors in a row. Our thanks to the following judgesMrs. E. Young BOW 4 pointsMrs. E. Rotman BOW 3 pointsMrs. P. Hartinger BOB over 3 Specials 4 points and a Group IIMr. N. Aubrey-Jones BOB over 2 Specials 4 pointsWatch for DEWEY as he starts his Specials careerAWARDof MeritOWNERSAgus Kosasih Indonesia Sharon Hanson Jeanne BlankBREEDERSharon Hanson JAN-SHAR 304 497-2446HANDLERJeanne Blank ABSOLUTE 616 695-7308See pedigree in Behind The New Titlists All dogs at "ABSOLUTE" are conditioned on Science Diet Feeds Pomeranian 5WQ0\57 MayJune 1992 25i VrI4f-HBUSE.i0 M iXAnG 547V . -As0.a 0lid 28 ire '' OH.PmKoulMLX79 Ti Carlos ItalianMiCh. Tim Sues Distant Lights, pictured here with co-owner Humberto Ramirez on his way to Best in Show.The Toy Group in Mexico City is one of the most highly competitive groups at this time. At any show in the country you can find several multiple Best in Show Winners in this one group.In six shows "Dizzy" won 6 Best of Breed, 6 consecutive group 1sts and 1 Best in Show All Breed at the most prestigious dog show in Mexico City "The Winter International."This is an exceptional Pomeranian noted for his outstanding movement, correct breed type and exceptional showmanship.BreederCo-Owner Tim Sue Goddard Rt 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-662230 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian SJSWQSM Sue s Distant LightsW3If31VARIETYGROUP FIRST \. iTOY GROUP\ ' W ' j . ,rCo-OwnerHumberto Ramirez B. Gonzaga 4208 Frace. CD. De Los Ninos Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico C.P. 45040Ch. Tim Sues Distant Lights, pictured here with Ericka Moureau winning the Toy Group under judge Ken Miller. Westminster Award of Merit.We are proud to present "Dizzy" in the USA rings for 1992, expertly handled by Ericka Moureau.A special thank you to Tim Sue Goddard for their support and confidence as well as the great opportunity to show and co-own such a PomXX0-----KX0 -^30frjO0OGEE^OfcPomeranian SJSWOIIM MayJune 1992 31IHksmr HMmrtyj IPmrt S sm ms mmwgjrU]]by Lois Hamill30 Jan 9 1Dear Diary,Ive known since I went looking for Molly that I wanted to show her in conformation. Ive heard many things which made me nervous about conformation as opposed to obedience. Ive heard that it is cutthroat political judges put up certain dogs because of the human attached to the lead judges prefer oranges competitors are friendly until you win theyre snobby and wont talk to you when you win, etc. I wouldnt have described obedience like that, at least not when I first started. Now that I have become more aware of competition for OTCHs, the Gaines competition, and what competition is like for scores of 197 and up I might qualify my description of obedience competitors.Well, by the time Molly arrived, I had gotten over my fear or at least I had scraped up enough nerve to try. This change of heart was due to Clyde, a low maintenance dog and Nancy, who was willing to teach, train, demonstrate, critique, hand hold, and trust me with a dog good enough to finish.Now that I have some idea of how ring procedure goes and what I should do, I have to figure out how to train Molly. Clyde was very well trained when I got him. However, what I see as my most difficult task is to learn how to properly groom Molly for the show ring. She isnt what Id call low maintenance. I have made efforts for two years to groom my pet Pom. Ive worked on ears and feet and seen coat changes in a male puppy as he grew to adulthood. However, I still see a big difference between Mishka and what I see in the show ring. I know my grooming abilities are not what I want them to be. I really dont know who to ask for help. Nancy knows Poms a bit, but I dont characterize them as her primary breed. My local club doesnt have many experienced active exhibitors. There is one person there I might talk to, but it will take some work to get together. Ive been attending local shows on and off for the last two years watching the Poms, so I have an idea of who shows Poms but isnt attached to the local club. This doesnt yield much either. The people whose dogs I admire in the ring either live far away, dont know me, or both. Well, I guess I will have to work on thatHow to train Molly was I bit of a puzzle but easier to handle than the grooming. I have an idea of how I want Molly to behave from working with Clyde and observing the Pom ring.27 Feb 91I called Nancy for some hints on how she got Clyde so well trained. She gave me her impression of the Pom temperament very emotional, fragile, their feelings get hurt easily, they panic as opposed to getting stubborn. Nancy recommended using variety for baiting, use many different treats because who knows when you will forget "the usual" and have to substitute something last minute. Try many different things food, toys, words, leaves on the ground, noises, etc., to get Molly to work. What doesnt work as bait one day may work three days later. Again, you should have more than one trick to get your dog to go, otherwise what do you do when that doesnt workNancy suggested starting with table work, get Molly used tostanding, laying down, being groomed, etc., on the table. Hopefully, if she is comfortable and used to the table, she will be comfortable at the edge of the table rather than cowering or crouching back away from the edge. Work towards baiting Molly on the table without a lead. Next, progress to baiting her into a stack on the floor without a lead. Then, add the lead to floor work.I had heard or read regarding lead breaking, the suggestion of just tying something around the puppys neck and letting the puppy drag the line around behind to get used to it. Nancy recommended not letting Molly drag the lead, chew on it or play with it. Her reasoning made sense. If a puppy starts off with the lead following her, she will come to expect it to continue to do so, potentially creating a problem for the ring where the puppy should follow the lead. Start the puppy off right and dont confuse it with inconsistency. The same applies to chewing on or playing with the lead. This isnt desirable behavior in the ring, so dont teach that it is okay, then suddenly not allow it any longer. This would be very confusing. Nancy also felt that teaching Molly that the lead means work would produce a more consistent performance. Nancy suggested some cue words to get Molly to move out and to stand still. Lastly, Nancy suggested getting Molly to do whatever I asked of her quickly as opposed to giving up for a week hoping that shed do it later. I should firmly make her do as I ask.Well, I have tried to keep Nancys suggestions in mind, tried to work indoors and out, in a variety of weather and bugs. I try to remember not using the same old piece of cheese. It gets moldy after awhile anyway.14 Apr 91Today was Mollys first match. It was at an outdoor site Id been to before and enjoyed. The weather was pretty nice. Molly was the only puppy in her class 3-6 months with 3-5 Pom puppies going for best puppy. I didnt expect to win anything, but I did want Molly to have a very positive experience for her first time in the ring. I had heard of judges roughing up puppies and scaring them so badly that they wouldnt show again. Fortunately we had a very understanding judge. I mentioned this was Mollys first time. Molly was steady on the table and let me show her bite but she didnt really want to walk. I have seen people dragging reluctant puppies in the ring and always felt bad for the puppy. I was there to train Molly and didnt feel dragging would help her. I offered her bits of cheese. She would walk a little, get a bite of cheese, walk a little, get some cheese. I left it at that.28 Anr91What luck Two kennel clubs held breed only matches yesterday at the same site one in the morning, one in the afternoon, then another match today elsewhere. What a workout Molly gaited very nicely for the morning match. She didnt need bait every other step. She didnt hop or run. She was a little squirmy on the table though.We had a nice long lunch break in the shade with good32 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian \70S\Ecompany, human as well as Pom. I got a good lesson on how to trim feet. Despite the shady break and temperatures in the 70s comfortable, not hot, Molly wasnt as lively in the afternoon. Her gait wasnt as nice either. When we went back in for best Pom puppy, Molly dove for the shade of the judges table. Today Molly generally behaved pretty well, no major balking or table squirming. It was a successful weekend in that Molly got quite a bit of ring time in just two days, which was also a bit of a test of her stamina. I saw some improvement in gait, with no major problems on the table. Molly had a happy attitude about the whole affair.I started a notebook to record Mollys progress at matches and shows. I include information like dates, locations, sponsoring kennel clubs, travel times, judges, placements, and comments about our performances what happened.6-8 Mav 91Mollys first adult tooth is in, in the center of the upper jaw.16 Mav 91Molly lost her first baby tooth, from the bottom center. The bottom teeth are looser than the top ones.19 Mav 91Two to three puppy teeth are out8 Jim 91Two to three more puppy teeth are out from the upper center.13 Jun91I have been checking Mollys mouth every day so that I can tell the difference between puppy and adult teeth. They are all so small. In one of my conversations with Mollys breeder, she suggested wiggling the loose teeth to help them fall out. Today I managed to wiggle one out. I put it in a small, clear plastic bottle to keep.29 Jun91I pulled another tooth out today. Most of the incisor teeth are gone. Molly is 30 weeks old now. She still has all her puppy canines as well as a complete set of adult canines. The adult canines have been in one to three weeks now. Molly had a good bite before all these teeth started coming in now Im not so sure.3 Jul 9.1Molly has two complete sets of canine teeth, and has had them for some time now. I cant say for sure how long. It could be just one week, but it could be as much as three weeks. I cant seem to get the puppy canines out myself. They are in pretty firmly. Frankly, Im getting worried that theyve been in too long. I guess I had hoped to save some money and wiggle all the teeth out myself, but it doesnt look as if that will happen. Whats worse is now Im worried that my niggardliness will cost me Mollys good bite.I called the vet and made an appointment for the 10th to have him check Mollys mouth.10 Jul 91Dr. B says that once there are two complete sets of canines in, it is certainly time to remove the puppy ones. Two to threeweeks of a double set can be enough time to push the adult teeth the wrong way and ruin a good bite. He also suggested that a puppy might need teeth pulled twice, once for incisors, and once for canines, depending upon the time they took to come in. In any case, he agreed it was time to pull Mollys teeth. I left Molly overnight so he could operate first thing in the morning.11 July 91I picked Molly up this afternoon. She had the four canines removed as well as a pre-molar and one incisor. I gently checked her bite before we left the vets. It looked questionable. I am hoping that the bite will be all right8 Aug 91In early July, Mollys adult canines appeared to point in towards the middle of her mouth. They even pointed somewhat towards the back. Not at all the direction they should have been going. Now the upper left incisor is generally where it should be, but could still improve. The upper right is not as good as the left. I keep watching and checking. Slowly, slowly the teeth are moving in the right direction, so I may not have been too late. Thank goodness.16 Aug 91Molly is nearly nine months old now. Ive been watching legs, teeth, nails, training and male dogs. Seems as if maybe it is time to try the show ring, but I dont really know how to tell whether were ready. I signed Molly up for a pair of States Kennel Club S.K.C. shows and a nearby AKC show, all in September. SKC is a nice way to start off because they will probably be smaller shows.8 Sep 91Molly now has half of her SKC challenge certificates. Well go back again when she is over 15 months to finish. The weather was quite hot and yellow jackets were everywhere due to the recent hurricane. Some dogs even got stung. Molly was the only Pom both days, but she got some competition in the puppy and adult groups and took a placement in every group. She placed last only once The judge today knew Poms a bit and said Molly needed to mature and get more experience.6Qct.91.The September AKC show and yesterdays didnt do much for us. There werent any points for us, and we were basically just going about the place. Quite discouraging considering the kind of dog I thought I had. No, she may not be Specials quality, it is too early to say, but Molly is certainly good enough to finish. I also realize that you dont win every show along the way. Clyde went four straight shows without a point, then a 4 point major, three more shows without anything, then went 2 points, 4 points, 3 points, and finished. Clyde also won classes against competition or went RWD along the way. Molly has largely been going dead last. I dont know what the problem is. Perhaps I should check the judges more. I suppose I could blame professional handlers, but I really think it is something else.lgNpy 9.1.I showed Molly both Saturday and Sunday this weekend in Boston. I was very disappointed and depressed when I got home - continued on page 36 Pomeranian\QS\27 MayJune 1992 33So3ocfiaT5DocS3oc5oXoXoXoXoXaXaxaxoXX0XiXaII5'ocft5fiX9caXoXaxOxaxBIS Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt ThorxBEST IN SHOW i inA1lCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor x O My Starmist MinuetteCh. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor salutes his son, Heartlands Special Treasure owned by Dianne Kleffer who was Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Winners at the American Pomeranian Club National Winter Specialty in New York. We are so proud of him and believe he has a very bright future.Thor is also proud of his sister, Ch. Stolanne Mystique Starlet who won an Award of Merit at the APC Specialty in New York. Thor is at stud to approved bitches fee 250.00.OwnerBreederHandler Stolanne PomeraniansFrances J. Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-385734 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian SJSWOS^I9y^unununu^ununununununununununununun^Ql3oco3ocIoIIoXOIHeartland's Special Treasure90o452OFBESTW WINNERSN.e AMERICAN J POMERANIAN CLUBFEBRUARY R 9. 1992tt.f pworo row PSBESTin Sweepstakes BESTHeartlands Po Dianne Kieffe 7523 N. State Rd. 101 Milan, IN 47031 812 623-2290BIS Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Wee Hearts High SocietyWhat an exhilarating day Heartlands Special Treasure, better known as "Skipper" won Best in Sweepstakes at the APC National Winter Specialty in N.Y. and then doubled the excitement the next day as he went Best of Winners over the largest entry at an APC National Specialty. The perfect day was completed when he was chosen for an Award of Merit, the only winner chosen from the classes.A special thank you to Skipper's supporters who loved him and knew he would do it, and to Fran Stoll and Jenny Carlton for their expert handling of him. Also, congratulations to his Aunt "Starlet" on her Award of Merit win.of WinnersanAWARDLima Jof Merit^XoXoXXoXXQXoXXoXXoXoXaXXQXQPgPxqAW8MmUji4Pomeranian 3'J0\2 MayJune 1992 35- continued from page 33 yesterday.Molly again went last place. Saturday she won her puppy class because she was the only puppy but the judge didnt appear to consider her for WB. I will say that I have prepared better other days, but I dont think that was it. Sunday she went second of two in her puppy class. I worked very hard on her grooming the week before getting ready for the weekend. Im not always conscientious about frequent cutting of nails. I cut her nails once a week for three weeks before these shows. Her feet have never looked smaller. I did her ears a little differently and even trimmed a little extra hair hanging out at the shoulders. That was a concession for me as I dont like Poms which appear heavily trimmed. I brushed and brushed to try to get her coat to stay up.Im trying hard, but I just dont have the foggiest idea what it is that these judges are looking for, or what it is that Molly and I are missing. Spectator admissions were 5 both days. Between costs and schedules, I went alone. I had no one to observe or critique. Those who often accompany me are no more knowledgeable in Pom conformation than I am, so cant help me much anyway with critiquing. I believe Molly is finishable. Whether it is grooming, handling, judges who dont know Poms, Mollys look not being "typy" enough whatever the heck "typy" is anyway or another bitch actually being better, I dont know. If I dont know, how can I modify anything to improve our success It wouldnt be hard just to give up and quit. I dont know what Im doing. I dont mind losing to a sounder dog, yet I just read one judges opinion as non-working dogs, movement really isnt so important for Poms. She is more interested in type or looks. Great I get one with good legs for obedience and other considerations and the judge isnt even going to count that for anything. Not all Poms have good legs, you know.I know Im a novice, and that it takes time to learn things. I realize that there are Pom people who have put in their dues to get to the current success they are lucky enough to enjoy today. I also realize that every one of them would be likely to say that so and so helped them along the way. I dont make friends quickly or ask favors easily, and am in awe of all the respected Pom people. I feel as if Im beating my head against the wall and dont know how to get better.22 Nov 91Molly was due to blow coat starting a month ago, but nothing is coming out. I think it is due to our colder weather in the Northeast. Since she didnt blow, and these November shows are pretty close, not to mention a reduced class fee for puppies at some shows, I figured Id a shot. I think today we did our best ever. I liked the judge and knew he looked for movement, which I figured we had. I resorted to some grooming techniques Id rather not have had to use. As Dolly Partons character in Steel Magnolias says, every girl needs a little help. My friend Sharon came with me and kept me calm. I think I went in with a very positive frame of mind. We looked good, moved well, were given serious consideration by the judge. Even though we didnt even get reserve, I felt as if I was treated fairly and am content.24 Nov 91Today is not notable for what happened in the ring, but rather after. A friend of a friend, both of who live out of the36 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian SSSWOBMarea, video taped Molly for me. She taped her gait and up close. Laurie also gave me her opinion of Molly. She thought maybe the front legs were moving wrong. Another long distance friend gave me some grooming hints. I will mail the video out tomorrow to the breeder.25 Nov 91Some early results on what is going on. By way of the computer, Maryann says Laurie has reported in and the results are Yes, Molly is show quality her rear is more than passable the front is off because the chest is still too narrow there is no undercoat I may be trying too hard. The consensus is to pull her and wait for coat. Although it is hard to wait, the results are pretty definitive that we should pull her from the show ring..1 Dec 91The breeder called. Molly is definitely out of coat. She is pleased with the basic body structure. She suggests breeding Molly to help widen the chest, although it will also come about on its own with more time to mature. We also discussed a few handling tips to get her head up, to walk more straight and keep her attention.I guess I feel somewhat relieved at the diagnosis. I am certainly grateful for my long distant helpers, wish they were closer, but I am disappointed too. I have seen other Poms Mollys age or younger at these last four shows with no better coat go WD, WB, BOW, BOS. One was younger and from the puppy class too. This puppy had a coat that looked like cotton candy. Certainly a coat like that looks as if it would stand up with no problem. How are they placing better with no better coat Ah, the mysteries of life. ^How the fiPC selects flqtionql Specialty Judgesby Audrey RobertsHow do those five names of Regular Class Judges and those five names of Sweeps Judges magically appear on the ballot you receive each yearThe procedure has been in place longer than Ive been around the APC. I wont discuss the merits of the procedure, but will explain itYour Board, during their final Board Meeting on the National Specialty weekend sit around a table trowing out names until we get about fifteen to twenty judges, then we cast secret ballots to eliminate all but five names. This is repeated for Sweeps and now will be done for three Obedience Judges. The results are five Regular Judges, five Sweeps Judges, and 3 Obedience Judges. This is then mailed to you and you vote on one in each catagory. Voile we have judges for our National Specialty1. Why does the Board get to pick This is one of our prescribed duties and you voted us in2. Do I, as an APC member have any input Yes, and no Have you ever gone to a board member and said Please put JQ Publics name in forjudge If you will say this to me, I will most definitely submit the name. Have you ever gone to many Board Members and asked them to consider this judge whos name will be submitted If you do, the chances of JQ Public being one of the five on the final ballot would go up tremendously3. If the Board Member isnt receptive to you, GO TO ANOTHERlMXXMrXoMXXXMrXoMHMrXoMrXoXXoXMXXMlHX1sAXJLoX52oooCh. Stolanne Mystique Starlett . \W-.-tnBPVffi,V3 STFIRrNeAWARDOF MERIT Vc AMERICAN JZB POMERANIMif CLUBM'Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor x O My Starmist MinuetteOnce again Starlet ran with the best of them and came up a winner, as she was chosen for an Award of Merit at the APC National Specialty in N.Y. It was the perfect "Big Apple" conclusion as her nephew, Heartlands Special Treasure had already won Best in Sweepstakes, Best of Winners, and an Award of Merit. Congratulations to his owner, Dianne Kleffer -- hes one heck of a puppyBreederOwnerHandler Stolanne Pomeranians Frances J. Stoll RR 3, Box 249 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-3857AWARDI 1919Zof MeritlcIPc2to3oc3oc^ocI3ocIoXoXDCsxnPomeranian May June 1992 37Thg Porngronign Club of Grgqtgr Baltimoreby Diana M. PowngyWe have had 2 matches since I last wrote. The results are as followsB-OB MatchJune 9.1991ObedienceJudge Ruth ChaseRue-Novice1st place - Nansan Adorable Ballerina Debbie KennedyNovice A1st place - Rocky Darlena ConteNovice B1st place - Rocky Darlena ConteRegular ClassesJudge Rose KellerPeppy Dogs 3-6 months 1st place - Silva Lade Phearless Phrank Dianne Johnson2nd place - Bogie Mark Carol Baldwin3rd place - Bonjovi Sue Bemey4th place - Scud Debbie KennedyPeppy Dogs 6-9 months 1st place - Dimondes Heir Apparent Diana Downey2nd place - Dimondes Crown Prince Diana Downey3rd place - Apples Travelin Diablo DElan Melissa DahlenburgPeppy Dogs 9-12 months 1st place - Bud Carol Baldwin Beth Wainger2nd place - Bev-Nors Something Special Beverly Ferguson Beverly Norris3rd place - Mozzy Toni DickersonKeepsake Christine CaplanPeppy Bitches 6-9 months1st place - Subers Little Whistle Bait Sue Bemey2nd place - Bev-Nors Mia Beverly Ferguson Catherine Sheridan3rd place - Emcees Golden Charo DElan Melissa Dahlenburg.PRE-NOVICE OBEDIENCENansan Adorable BallerinaPoppy Bitches 9-12 months 1st place - Suber Little Beau Peep Sue BemeyBEST PUPPY BITCH Silva Lade Phull O Phizz Dianne JohnsonBEST PUPPY IN MATCH Bud Carol Baldwin Beth WaingerNovice Dog1st place - Freddie William RhodeOpen Dog1st place - Sir Winston Raleigh Button Paul Barbara GatesBEST PUPPY DOGBud Carol Baldwin Beth WaingerPeppy Bitches 3-6 months 1st place - Silva Lade Phull O Phizz Dianne Johnson2nd place - Leeza Debbie Kennedy3rd place - Garbo Mark Carol Baldwin4th place - Moondances Ko-KosBEST ADULT DOG Sir Winston Raleigh Button Paul Barbara GatesNovice Bitch1st place - Watts Ittybits Toni DickersonOpen Bitch1st place - Rosie Mark Carol ABEST ADULT DOGSir Winston Raleigh ButtonBaldwin2nd place - Dimonde Solitaire of Emcee Diana Downey3rd place - Elan the Ladyhawk Kathy EllisBEST ADULT BITCHRosie Mark Carol BaldwinBEST ADULT IN MATCHRosie Mark Carol BaldwinBEST COSTUMEWatts-Scotia Little Peanuts Sue BemeyBEST PARLOR TRICK DMDs British Red Coat Diana DowneyPicnic Fun MatchSeptember 8.1991Judge Jeff DickersonPeppy Dogs 2-4 months 1st place - Subers Little King Tut Sue Bemey2nd place - Dimonde-Gartons Chip Royale Diana Downey3rd place - Booda Margaret McKeePeppy Dogs 4-6 months1st place - Tedi Nancy Marshall2nd place - Jordie Judy GreenPeppy Dogs 6-9 months1st place - Nikki Margaret McKee2nd place - Bonjovi Sue Bemey3rd place - Bogie Carol Mark Baldwin4th place - Bonkers Sue Bemey38 MayJune 1992 PomeranianPrajjpy Dogs 9-12 months 1st place - Dimondes Heir Apparent Diana Downey2nd place - Dimondes Crown Prince Diana Downey3rd place - Chuck Carol Mark BaldwinBEST PUPPY DOGSubers Little King Tut Sue Bemey2nd place - Adines Dance to My Beat Diane WardBEST ADULT DOG Bud Carol Mark BaldwinNoras ffinddn1st place - Suber Little Beau Peep Sue Bemey2nd place - Happy Margaret McKeePuppy Bitches 2-4 moEths1st place - Dimonde-Gartons June Royale Diana Downey2nd place - Elans Inclination Melissa Dahlenburg3rd place - Elans Infinity Diana Downey Melissa DahlenburgBEST PUPPY IN MATCHDimonde-Gartons June Royale1st place - Happi Lee Bess Roberts2nd place - Emcees Little Chips Destinee Paul Barbara Gates3rd place - Emcees Sweet Chips Destinee Paul Barbara Gates4th place - Uno Carol Mark BaldwinPuppy Bitches 6-9 moEths 1st place - Silva Lade Phull O Phizz Dianne Larry Johnson2nd place - Lucy Rose KellerPuppy Bitches 9-12 mouths 1st place - Gabi Sue BemeyBEST PUPPY BITCHDimonde-Gartons June Royale Diana DowneyBEST PUPPY IN MATCH Dimonde-Gartons June Royale Diana Downey1st place - Bud Carol Mark BaldwinOpen Bitch1st place - Razzle Dazzle Rhapsody Judy Green2nd place - Nansan Demi Plie Nancy Marshall3rd pi ace - Lovie Mark Carol BaldwinBEST ADULT BITCHRazzle Dazzle Rhapsody Judy GreenBEST ADULT IN MATCH Bud Mark Carol BaldwinBEST IN MATCHBud Mark Carol BaldwinWe had a lot of fun at these matches and congratulate all of the winners. Be sue to check the January, 1992 edition of the AKC "Awards" for the results of our Specialty, which was held in conjunction with the Carroll Kennel Club show on 102491.The club also gave out its 1991 awards at the Picnic Fun Match. The recipients wereMembers who finished champions or were the breeders of champions that finished in the past year.Carol Mark Baldwin, Arlene Benco, Ann Cannon, Julie McCullough, Barbara Nagy, Skip Piazza, Jackie Raynor, Bess Roberts, Mary Vickers, Dolores Watts and Beth Wicker.Top Breeder 1991 tie this yearCarol Baldwin Dolores WattsTop Obedience ExhibitorLilae ShopeTop Breed ExhibitorAnn Cannon, Dianne Johnson DoloresWattsPerfect AttendanceSue Berney, Betty Corbin, Chip Galloway, Lynn Galloway, Toni Dickerson Dianne Johnson FIDO Faithful Industrious Devoted One Award Toni DickersonBEST ADULT IN MATCHRosieOn a sad note, we lost two of our long time members in 1991, with whom I am sure you all were acquanted. Edna Girardot passed away on May 13th and Skip Piazza on November 18th. They are both sorely missed and will not be forgotten.The American Pomeranian SlubWould like to congratulate...Happeth Jones and Linda Teresko on being nominated by the Dog Writers Association of America for stories they had each written in the Pomeranian Review.Happeth SL. JonesFor excellence in the category ofShort fiction"The Bite'which appears in the MayJune issue of the Pom Review on page 32.Linda Teres hpFor excellence in the category ofShort fiction"Beebte s Pet Shopwhich appears in the JulyAug issue of the Pom Review on page 54.Happeth went on to win the prestigious Maxwell MedallionCongratulations to both of you, and good luck in 1992Pomeranian fjJBWOBM MayJune 1992 39Behind The New TitlistsThree generations of new Pomeranian titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent by the owner. Please send the dogs name, color, sex, breeders name and owners name, on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Pedigrees will not be returned Send copies only. Mail all information to the editor, Gail A. Garvey, Expedition Publishing, PO Box A, Mastic Beach, NY 11951.Ch. Jan-Shars Mountain DewOrange Sable Male Breeder Sharon HansonOwners Sharon Hanson, Agus Kosasih Jeanne Blank Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman Bev-Nors TessCh. Rhea-Nas Country D.J. of Jan SharCh. Bev-Nors Statesman Rhea-Nas Rhapsody In RedBev-Nors Vanilla Fudge Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Models Timstoppers Echo Majestic April Love Great Elms Mountain MamaCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Woods DoriGreat Elms Dark SweetyCh. Glen Iris Star Diamond, CDRed Sable FemaleBreeder C.A. JacksonJ.M. TaylorOwner Patty HechtBISS Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge, ROMXCh. Southlands Happy Birthday Bil AC Ch. Jamels Fugicle of SouthlandCh. Southlands Fudge Generation Ch. Jamels Smudge Orange Parfait Sharels Tootie of Sunkist Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond Ch. Twin Pines Diamond Chips Scarlett of Twin Pines Wee Hearts Carolina CallingAC Ch. Chriscendo Western Express Wee Hearts Miss Poppin Fresh Wee Hearts TanyaCh. Glen Iris Distant LadyOrange FemaleBreeder C.A. JacksonJ. M. TaylorD. HobartAC Ch. Millamors Rock Concert AC Ch. Chriscendo City LightsCan. Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine Ch. Tim-Sues Distant LightsJolly Wee Duke of the West Tim-Sues Duchess SabrinaCh. Tim-Sues Angel Sabrina Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Bev-Nors Glen Iris ExcaliburBev-Nors Tarred N Feathered Ch. Glen Iris Lady GuenevereAC Ch. Chriscendo Western Express Wee Hearts Glen Iris RapunzelWee Hearts Shadys ShastaMosaic Ruff M Rowdie Rangier CDOrange Male Breeder Riki Barker Owner Carol L. FathereeCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonners Co-Starlyn NewsmakerCh. Bonners Starcrest Coquette Ch. Cheelan Chesai Star EditorCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Mercers Starla MistLa Posh Maim of Sir Echo Colliers Golden Tuffie Ch. Myway Sunni Gem of CollierCh. Mayken Colliers Dreamette Myway Thats LovelyCh. Macs High Pockets Myway Country BreezeMyway Country GirlCh. Linchris Genghis PomOrange MaleBreederOwner Linda BrogoittaMay Morning Social Lion Thelduns Diamond SolitaireCh. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Thelduns Diamond TeddyDaisys Mini-Todd O Theldun Thelduns Bonnie KateThelduns Bit O Sunshine Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge Ch. Southland N Bev-Nors Tar-Baby Bev-Nor N Southland Poasty Urichfis Pom Pa ZazzShamrocks Tar-Tanion Ch. Shamrocks A Dash of Nut-Meg Shamrocks Golden FantasyCh. Hapian's Little Yankee BoyOrange MaleBreederOwner Happeth A. JonesCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Twin Pines Tico TicoScarlett of Twin Pines Golden Aires JJ FlashCh. Emcees Sparkling Gold Mico Dupres Kate Raising CaneDupres Dancing Diamond Amy Ch. Models Truly A Diamond Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Models Solid Gold Ch. Emcees Wee Gold YettaCh. Emcees Terrific Wee Chips Emcees Terrific Wee BetsySweet Betsy of Timstopper40 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian SJSWQBMBehind The NewCh. Cutie's Zachary of CenlaMaleBreeder A.C. Williamson Owner Audrey RobertsShyacres Bugabut RattTBR Nat. BISS 92 Breeder Sandra White Owner Audrey RobertsCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonners Lisastar LegacyBonners Little Miss Wag My way Tamis Cenla FuzzyCh. Bonners Costarlyn Newsmaker My way TamaraMyway Emily TomanolPs I Gott Leggs Ch. Macs Maybe I Will ROMXCh. Macs Jennifer Jangles ROM Ch. Cenlas Cosmic CutieTami Js Aldo Bear Kiti Aldos Kahlua-bration Kiti Raz-Ma-TazEng. Ch. La Chenga Deki Eng. Sv. Int. Ch. Eridanus Bennington La Chenga CortinaBIS Eng. Sv. Nord. Fr. Ger. Int. Can. Ber. Ch. Leika Paynintheass Eng. Ch. La Chenga Deki Nord. Ger. Int. Ch. Manorfields Minnie Eng. Ch. La Chenga Betsi-Su Nord. Ger. Int. Ch. Cygnets Prince Phillip BIS Ch. Cygnets Willard top producer 90 91Eng. Sv. Int. Ch. Cygnets Lilabet Ch. Cygnets Gouda Gal Best Dam Rat of the year 91Ch. Cygnets Willard Ch. Sygnet Gets The Cheese Cygnets CheddarMembership UpdateJerrie Freia Membership ChairmanNew Members Sponsors Therese L. Reeder Marlene Presser Christine Z. Caplan Joyce DembinskyMary Allan Nina K. Epps 7990 Cook Riolo Rd. Sue Chewing 5380 Irving Ruby Rd. Bess P. RobertsRt 3, Box 531 A Janice Luginsland Sacramento, CA 95842 Eldersburg, MD 21784Wagoner, OK 74467 916-726-7667 410-795-7067918-485-3010Bob E. Armetha Reynolds Bertha C. Cornwall Claire FlesnerRoger K. Beaty Ken G. Griffith 4267 Salt Creed Rd. Charlotte Creed 17 Abbot St. Grace Bennett1293 Rockwood Rd. Sharon Masnick Benton, AR 72015 Sharon Hicks Westford, MA 01886Charlotte, NC 28215 704-598-6073501-794-2542 508-692-2916Kelly James Rogers Glenn Bernardo Michael A. Karen M. CrawfordJohn W. Karen A. Blackwell 20524 Pioneer Mary E. Wells 4149 Seattle Ave Mary Vickers231 Sunny Lane John C. Lewis Lakewood, CA 90715 Las Vegas, NV 89121 Sue ConleeFlorence, MS 39073 601-845-2413Polly Ferguson 310-402-9606 702-456-0189Brandy A. Williams John C. Lewis Marsha Hartman Joyce DembinskyRonald B. Call Dorothy Keller 2992 4th St. Barbara Whiddon 2400 Bear Run Rd Bess P. Roberts17209 E. Millburgh Rd. Sheree J. Hughes Berwick, LA 70342 Taneytown, MD 21787Azusa, CA 91702 504-384-4859 410-751-1561818-334-3781New Applicants Basi Krazewicki Gale SharlandDonald R. Daniels, Jr. Dixianna H. Bennett Jeananne Blank Frances J. Stoll 1028 Walnut St. Gail Durniok4630 E. 101st Carolyn Tumage 16060 Brookside Dr. Nadine Hersil Newton Highlands, MA 02161Anchorage, AK 99516 Buchanan, Ml 49107 617-244-3615907-346-1143 616-695-7308Lauren Ivey Bess P. RobertsMaria Kneisler Nina K. Epps Paul A. Gates Dianne Johnson 92 Webster St. Judy Green9151 S. Darlington Ave. M. Diane Rinehart 23720 Clarksburg Rd. Diana M. Downey Douglas, MA 01516Tulsa, OK 74137 Clarksburg, MD 20871 508-476-7799918-492-0520 301-540-2485Henry, Jr Barbara WeimanKrista A. Oremus Susan C. Austin Dianne Kieffer Diana M. Downey 303 Schuster Lane Patricia A. Foley154 Elmgrove Rd. Joyce Urban 7523 North State Rd. 101 Frances J. Stoll Jamesburg, NJ 08831 Dave WattsRochester, NY 14626 Milan, IN 47031 908-521-1858716-723-8844 812-623-2290Address Correction Deceased Life MemberDonna L. Parkerson Nina K. Epps Xlomara B. Larson Arlene Benko Mark Vitale Mrs. Elsie Sivori2100 N. 25th M. Diane Rinehart 1088 Neipsic Rd. Jackie Raynor 25-18 44th StBroken Arrow, OK 74014 Glastonburg, CT 06033 Astoria, NY 11103918-355-2571 203-657-2753 718-777-2684Pomeranian MayJune 1992 41by Lindq GqllgchcrIm sure I speak for most Pom obedience enthusiasts when I say Brenda will be greatly missed as our columnist. Thanks a million Brenda for a job well done. We wish you well in your conformation endeavors and hope to find you back in the obedience ring working on dual titles one of these days.For those of you that dont know anything about me or my obedience background, a very brief resume. I have been showing my Poms in obedience since the early 70s and have also shown in conformation, finishing two champions one homebred. My husband and I are currently sharing our home with five Poms 1 retired UD, 2 CDXs and 2 young hopefuls and a retired UD Sheltie. I work part-time as an Animal Control Officer, a job which is sometimes frustrating, but also very rewarding. All my dogs are much loved and spoiled rotten housepets. I share the same training goals, problems and frustrations that the rest of you do and hope this column will address, discuss and maybe even help solve those problems. Ill be sending out questionaires in the near future in hopes of finding out what YOU want from your obedience column.Due to financial difficulties, I was unable to attend our National Specialty in February. This was the first time ever that obedience has been offered in our National Congratulations to all who exhibited at this historical first Mary Vickers was kind enough to give me the results of this Trial which are as followsHIGH IN TRIAL Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice UD - ownerSandy WinchatzUtility classes had no qualifiersOPEN B1st - Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice UD - Sandy Winchatz -196 2nd - Razzle Dazzle Music Man CDX - Judy Green High Scoring Bred by3rd - Idlewyld Charm Bracelet CDX - Margaret John McKee 4th - Tykies Jacki Bb of Tiny Tykes CDX - Trudy AdairOPEN A1st - Animations Simon CD - Carol Bray -184 12NOVICE-B1st - Ch. Mar-Vics Dazzling Rascal - Mary Vickers -188 High Scoring Ch2nd - Pomsprings Tickle-N-Tell - Thelma McDonald 3rd - Smokeys Elvis Parsley - Garrett ODellNOVICE A1st - Tiny Tales Sorcerers Apprentice - Diana McWhinnie -191 GRADUATE NOVICE1st - Emmys Gloria of Tiny Tykes CD - Trudy Adair -134 VETERAN NOVICE1st - BKs Sir Spunky CDX - Brenda Hutton -194VETERAN OPEN1st - Annons Huggy Bear From Scamp Am. UD, Can. CD, HOF -172 12Hopefully many of you will be able to attend the 3 Summer Specialty Shows in Brush Prairie, Washington this July. Besides these Specialties there are 4 All-Breed Shows the week before and 3 All-Breed Shows the week after, ALL WITH OBEDIENCEThe Specialty shows will be held outdoors. Ring conditions are good with nice lawn and baby gates. Shaded areas will be provided for our exhibitors. The weather in July is usually mild but come prepared for anything. Its not unusual to need a sweater or a jacket Transportation can be provided to and from our host hotel.We will also be holding a Canine Good Citizenship test for Poms only. Entries can be made the day of the show. BE SURE TO BRING PROOF OF YOUR DOGS RABIES VACCINE WITH YOU. This is required by AKC for all dogs taking the test. Formal obedience training is NOT required for this test though it is helpful. I will be happy to send anyone who is interested information about the test.If you will be attending the Specialties and would like to share a room with another Pom exhibitor please let me know, also whether or not you are a smoker. We have put together obedience exhibitor packets with lots of neat goodies for both you and your dogs. A great hospitality room with refreshments will be available to everyone. A practice ring with jumps will be available at the hotel site. This will be an event not to be missed. Please contact me for further information and to be put on the mailing list for show premiums.I received exciting news from Patti Hecht in Georgia concerning her tiny 3 12, red Pom "Pixie" Glen Iris Star Diamond. "Pixie" completed her CD in 3 shows, all with class placements The first leg was earned at the Jacksonville KC show in May of 91, with a score of 191, 2nd place and High Scoring Toy Dog. Her second leg at the Savannah KC show on 1492 brought her 1st place with a score of 193. The following day Pixie earned a 180 which was good for 3rd place and High Scoring Toy at the Jacksonville KC show. Patti says Pixie is a joy to train. This diminutive Pom loves to train and show which Patti attributes to training with food. "Pixie" was purchased from Cheryl Jackson as an obedience prospect. Cheryl had advised Patti that this bright little girl showed exceptional spunk and intelligence even as a tiny baby. "Pixie" is now in training for her Open CDX title, so watch for this tiny ball of fire later this year. CongratulationsPlease call or write and tell me about YOUR special Obedience Pom.Linda Gallacher 1990 Ridgeway Dr., Eugene, OR 97401 503 686-2316.42 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian fjJBWOSWoD VIoShyacres PresentsoZack is shown going BOB from Open class over BISS and Group winning specialsThank YouMildred Bryant for this lovely 5 pt. winZack was shown a total of L 8 timesOOOn ..if.-JZack finished with1 - 3 pt. major2 - 5 pt. majors 1 - 4 pt. majortBEST OF BREEDVARIETYSOUTHEAST ARKANSA KENNEL CLUB I99IPHOTO 6T PETRULIS P v MV 1.V c\WINNERS NEW CHAMPION as rACADIAN KENNEL CLUB SPRING 1992 C cop- "^OSAoThank YouFrancis Thornton for our finishing 4 pts.Thanks toJanice Luginsland for 3 pts. and to Everette Dean for 5 pts.Thanks Al for letting Zack come home with me and the kidsZack will be shown in J.S. by Jessica Roberts.See Pedigree in Behind The New TitlistsCh. Cuties Zachary of CenlaOwnerHandlerAudrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St. Leesville, LA 71446Shyacres318238-1648BreederA.C. Williamson CenlaIf] 01 ""OilIi oi ..........Till ...........IOlA^......................iim............................iim...........................wm Pomeranian SJSWQSM MayJune 1992 43Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty Reportby lean SchrollThursday morning Jan. 16th dawned warm and rainy in Portland, Or. for the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty. Im not sure, but it is a Specialty that has been going on for more than 30 years.Classes started at 1100 am with Mr. John Fund judging the sweepstakes classes. The entry this year was not large but filled with quality. We were sorry Dianne French missed the sweepstakes due to a delay with the airlines, but she arrived for the regular classes, and we were happy to see her.BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESExtane Vanilla Fudge SundayMr. Fund went to work, right on schedule finding his Best in Sweepstakes with Sharon Shipeks Extane VanillaJLVrBEST OF WINNERSExtane Jelegadink of FanfarePressers almost always support our Specialty. We are glad they come even though they quite often have to drive through the ice and snow and over the mountains in the winter. That shows real dedication to the breed.Next came the Futurity with Mr. Ollie Click judging, Mr. Click gave best in Futurity to Valentinos Don Juan owned by newcomer, Anne Vittori and bred by Gladys Von Horn. Mrs. Von Horn also bred and owned Best of Opposite Sex in Futurity, Gladyans'mA 'BEST OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSApolloette Champagne SplashFudge, a home bred beautiful red dog. Best of Opposite Sex was won by Apolloette Champagne Splash a bitch bred by Marlin and Marlene Presser, and owned by Scott and Toni Smith. The44 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian SJSWDUWmi.WINNERS DOGValcopy-Wakhan Perry EllisSunrise Serenade.Dr. Harry Smith judged the regular and non-regular classes. Best of Breed was Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz, a lovely light orange cream. Winners dog and Best of Winners was Valcopy-Wakhan Perry Ellis bred and owned by Dana Plonkey and Randy Gemmil. Winners bitch was another homebred from SharonIABEST OF BREEDCh. Odysseys Keno Wiz Shipek. This was from the 6-9 month puppy bitch class, her name, and this is a tongue twister that Im glad I dont have to pronounce, Extane Jelagadink of Fanfare. I asked Sharon where she came by the name, and for the life of me I cannot remember what she told me.Best of Opposite Sex was owned by Dr. E. Eken and was Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Dress to Kill.The stud dog class was won by Anna LaFortunes Ch. Sungolds Circuit Breaker.The brace class was won by Rose Schroeders perfectly matched black tans. Rosehills Lil Mink Murkin and Feistys Rebels Outlaw.Do remember that we are hosting the National Specialty on July 9th 1992 and that Puget Sound Pomeranian Club is having their Specialty at the same location on July 8, 1992 and Columbia Pomeranian Club will be on July 10, 1992. With three all breeds following. Also we need trophy donations for all Pom Clubs. See you thereThere will also be a judges education seminar at the Mark IV in Vancouver Wednesday night after the Puget Sound Salmon feed beginning at 800 pm.4BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCh. Valcopy-Wakhan Dress to KilloO'oooo OlSftyacrcs Salutes....\-or.FIRSTVETERANpO SWEEPSTAKES1 VIrCLUBOur VeteranCh. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna ROMXAt 12 12 "Old Suzanna"sure looks good to me She came from Luziana, a Specialty to see Thanks guys for all the applause Suzie wasnt too thrilled to be there, but she did enjoy the yummy bitesCongratulations to..............Elizabeth Dupuis and her AmCan Ch. Watts-Scotia Willie Winks on his Best Opposite -- APC National Specialty A well deserved win on a super moving over 9years boyAnd GIRLFRIEND, I surely do like what hes producing, as is evidenced by my bringing home his son POMSPRINGS WILD THING to show in the statesHES WILD - HES WONDERFULAnd soon hes coming to a ring near youAudrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St. Leesvllle, LA 71446 Shyacres 318 238-1648VETERANBITCHon D [ DOC11 1oDOCPomeranian May June 1992 45Puggt Sound Pomeranian Club Specialtyby ]qngl ReichI hope many of you are planning to come out to the National Specialty this Summer in beautiful Washington State. We are having our Specialty Wednesday, July 8th, the APC Specialty is Thursday, July 9th and the host Club, Columbia Pom Club will have their Specialty on Friday. There will be lots of good N.W. cuisine and activities, plus 3 days of All Breed Shows the following days, all at the same park. Hope to see you thereThis first photo is from our last Summers Specialty Ch. Morenos Merri Gold went Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex. It is owned by Julie Moreno and Dolly Trauner. I did not have a photo of her for the last publication.We had our first Winter Show in January with a very good entry, especially considering it was a Friday. Our Judge for Sweepstakes was Barbara Switzer, and many thanks to our ring steward Doug Johnston. -- i- ilk - HI . MgWB, BOW, BOS Ch. Morenos Merri GoldPuppy SweepstakesPoppy Dogs 9-12 mentis1st place - Jan Els Duke of Earl2nd place - Feistys Suddenly C-MoiePoppy Bitches 6-9 montis 1st place - Harbins the Strong Survive 2nd place - Sungolds Red Lace 3rd place - Aijas Kahlua Creme and LaceJunior Bitches 12-18 months1st place - Patchworks Smidge of RodisBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Jan Els Duke of Earl Janell ReichBEST OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPS Harbins the Strong Survive Sylvia HarbinBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESJan Els Duke of Earl Regular ClassesJudge Shelia VerhulstPuppy Dogs 6-9 months1st place - Bev-Nors Little ShowstopperPuppy Dogs 9-12 months 1st place - Jan Els Duke of EarlBred toy Exhibitor Dog1st place - K Ls Valley Mr. BudOpei Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream Sable 1st place - Cheyennes Pepper Sky 2nd place - Harbins Editorial Comment 3rd place - Southland N Janesas Typhoon4th place - Roguelands Ace of TrumpOpen Dogs, Blade, Blue Brown 1st place - Posmarks Midnight BlueOpen Dogs, Any Other Allowed Color 1st place - Feistys Suddenly C-More 2nd place - Burgundy Lil JackpotbPeppy Bitches 9-12 months WINNERS DOG1st place - Patchworks Confetti Cheyennes Pepper Sky Gale RiversBEST OF BREEDCh. Two Ts Feisty Autumn GloRESERVE WINNERS DOG Harbins Editorial Comment David JachalkePuppy Bitches 6-9 months1st place - Harbins the Strong Survive 2nd place - Sungolds Red Lace 3rd place - Aijas Kahlua Cream LaceAmerican Bred Bitches1st place - Lovely Gabrielle-DebutantOpen Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream Sable1st place - Autumns Cara Mia Lil Karat 2nd place - Lovely Cassandra of K L 3rd place - Sungolds Short CakeOpen Bitches, Black, Blue Brown 1st place - Prides Prairie DustOpen Bitches, Any Other Allowed Color 1st place - Patchworks Smidge of Rodis 2nd place - Patchworks ConfettivBEST OF OPPOSHE SEX IN SWEEPSHarbins the Strong Survive46 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian1992COLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB INC.HOSTSthe American Pomeranian lubNATIONAL SPECIALTYThursday July 9, 1992Puget Sound Pomeranian Club. Inc.Wednesday July 8, 1992Columbia Pomeranian Club. Inc.Friday July 10, 1992All Specialties have Sweepstakes and Obedience. The Columbia Pomeranian Club will have a FUTURITY. Call about breeding date, Gladys Von Horn 206 892-01884 All Breed shows preceding, Fri. July 3rd Coos KC, Sat. July 4th Chintinimi KC, Sun. July 5th Dog Fanciers, Mon. July 6th Longview-Kelso -- 3 All Breeds following Specialties Sat. July 11th Portland KC, Sun. July 12th Greater Clark Co. KC, Mon. July 13th Willamette Valley KC.For more information contactKathy Corbett or 20664 SW Johnson Aloha, OR 97006 503 649-2712Jean Schroll 12950 S. New Era Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045 503 650-0023THE HOTEL IS THE MARK 205, VANCOUVER, WA1-800-426-5110 OR 206-256-7044.This is just across from the Portland Airport. If you will call them they will send a car for you or let us know and well do our best. We will provide transportation to the show grounds if needed.Room rates begin at 43.00 and there is a refundable 25.00 deposit and 5.00 per dog.We will have a hospitality room.rM rBEST OF WINNERSCheyenne Pepper Sky WINNERS BITCHAutumns Cara Mia Lil Karat Emily Untalan Wendy FeistRESERVE WINNERS BITCH Lovely Cassandra of K L Blake JonesVETERAN DOGCh. Idas Touch of Bev-NorBEST IN SHOWCh. Two Ts Feisty Autumn Glow Dorothy Trosino, Wendy Feist, Emily UntalanBEST OF WINNERSCheyennes Pepper Sky Gale RiversBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Dress to Kill E.B. Ekens, E. McCuen, D. PlonkeyBEST PUPPYHarbins the Strong Survive Sylvia Harbin1f o\1 nWINNERS BITCHAutumns Cara Mia Lil KaratSTUD DOGCh. Sungolds Circuit Breaker Anna LaFortune nSi BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCh. Valcopy-Wakhan Dress to KillHope to see you all at the APC Summer Specialty Write me, Janell Reich, PO Box 464, Arlington, WA 98223 for P.SP.C. Premium list and write Jean Schroll for the APC Columbia Pom Club Premium lists. After the Wednesday Specialty we will have dinner for exhibitors, we hope to hire the local Indian tribe to cook salmon and possibly venison. After dinner there will be a Judges Seminar on Pomeranians at the hotel.A Stog f mqwmmmrSs jTmr gfe ^mmrdissCompiled by lean SchrollROM Dogs ROM BitchesROMX Dogs 20 ch. puppies ROMX Bitches 6 ch. puppiesOne obedience title per dog or bitch only counts toward the ROM-ROMX.HALL OF FAMEis for dogs or bitches that have received an All-Breed Best in Show orHigh in Trial A Two Hundred Score Dogs siring 50 or more titled offspring Bitches producing 25 or more titled offspring This is awarded for first Best in Show, High in Trial only. Since you can enter the HALL OF FAME only once with the same dog or bitch.GOLD CLUBDogs winning 100 or more Best of Breeds Bitches winning 50 or more Best of Breedsand or Best of Opposite Sex.Dogs or bitches winning 3 - 5 POINT MAJORS never 48 MayJune 1992 Pomeraniangoing less than Best of Winners Back to back group 1 's Back to back Best in Shows Back to back High in Trials An Obedience Score of 200 2 Published Passing TracksThese titles cannot be published in AKC events but may be used on all other advertising.The winners of these awards were published in the October 1990 Pom Review and those that were not published, may send all information to receive your award to Jean Schroll, 12950 S. New Era Rd., Oregon City, OR 97045.Some of the latest winners of these awards were published in the March 1992 issue of the Pom Review, this is not a complete list. There will be others published as they come in. I particularly need the Obedience folks to notify me. I do my best to find all those that qualify, but I do need your help.6 ch. puppies 4 ch. puppiesoa i 0k.4a KCan. OTCH, Am CDX, U-UD, AmCa TD, TT, GCr4JD VETERAN OBEDIENCE 4. AmericanrwifeThank you to Eleanor Rotman for awarding Spunks a 194.0 in Veterans. Not bad for my "old man" of almost 10 years, who came out of retirement to participate in this trial. A huge THANK YOU to all who worked to achieve the dream - THE FIRST APC OBEDIENCE TRIAL. It was with great pleasure that I witnessed the enthusiasm and interest of those who watched and applauded every performance.It was truly a memorable event, never to be repeated.Congratulations to the Show Committee on pulling off the MOST TERRIFIC and largest Specialty in history. And another huge THANK YOU to all the board members who spent most of their free time in meetings to allow this club to move forward. Were grateful for all your efforts.Puppies due April 1st from Trievon Hi Skor Reddie x Trievon Desert Storm at BKs see pg. 34, Sept. 1991 issue. Inquiries welcome.t5Obedience1stassaveteransBrenda K. Hutton BKs Pomeranians 517 485-5183Pomeranian MayJune 1992 49rW-oftSubmitted by Happeth Michael JonesTo the members ofAPCAt Westminster my husband ran into Lawrence Stanbridge the judge of our regular classes at the Specialty. Mr. Stanbridge remarked that he had enjoyed our show so much. He said the Pom exhibitors were so nice and were so obviously happy for the winners. What Mr. Stanbridge had observed was indeed an accurate description of our show. Comradship, good sportsmanship, and a strong feeling of unity existed at this show. This made for just a lot of plain old fashioned fun.Putting the special back into the Specialty did not happen by accident. Many members gave of their time, money and ideas to make this happen. At the top of the list are Dolly Trauner and Dudley Wanda Roach. Dolly paid for all her own expenses and even refused a free dinner in order to not cost the club anything, she made dozens of long distance phone calls at her own expense, for the club. She got this job at the last minute and made it work. Dudley did all the work on the premium list and 84 page catalog, and when he ended up in the hospital he didnt tell us about it, but kept on working with Wanda doing what he couldnt do. Everything was done beautifully and on time. I dont think we have ever had such a beautiful and large catalog. These three made many calls for donations and ended up getting enough that the premium list and catalog were completely paid for. In my heart I believe that their attitude of giving started the ball rolling. Because soon everyone started pitching in.There are others that also made this show special. Elizabeth Dupuis who did a fantastic job getting trophy donations, Mary Vickers who fought against a lot of criticism to get us back to the Marriott, Patty Griffin and Sandra White who made the TBR show a reality. Before I go further, for those of you who were not there and do not know what a TBR show is, a TBR is that tack box rat that you use to bait your dogs with. Well, we had a show just like a regular dog show except we bribed the judges with money under our rats or other unethical means. Everyone got into the fun of this and no group of comedians could improvise as well as our TBR exhibitors.Lisa Smart, Sandra White and Audrey Roberts sat in the hallway to man our auction and Pom Shoppe giving up the pleasure of seeing the show in order to help. There are so many others whom I am forgetting to name. Like all the clubs who donated money, all of you who advertised, all of you who donated to the trophy fund, and all of you there that did work for the show.I just want to say thank you everyone for your contributions. You made this the biggest Specialty ever in the history of the club, a Specialty that made a profit of over 4000.00, but most of all you created a feeling of all of us belonging together in this club.IV\YoSubmitted by Elizabeth DupuisFrom your NY 92 Trophy ChairDuring our banquet, it was most unfortunate that I wasnt given the opportunity to address you, the membership, regarding some information pertaining to our trophies.Please allow me the following space...The total cost to the club for the entire trophy package was 1800. Through everyones generosity, we raised 2564. This giving the APC an extra 764 to use elsewhere towards Specialty expenses. Through the grapevine, Im told that our 92 funds raised were second only to the late Edna Girardots 90 efforts. Well done everyoneAs proper etiquette would prescribe, those individuals who donated their own special awards deserve verbal, in this case written acknowledgement. To Melissa David Dahlenburg, Jerrie Freia, Mary Picone and Sue Goddard please accept our sincere gratitude Through the excitement of the event a section of general trophy fund donators names were mistakenly omitted from the catalog... belated thanks and apologies to Gertrude Howell Dolly Trauner Mrs. J. Smith Donna Lynn Wright Elaine Way Sharon Hanson Chris Heartz Paulette Zecca Rosalind Goeltz Judy Green Verla Dagel Andrea Hall Marian Lazarra Fran Stoll Tom Burrows, Cheryl Wagner and the late Skip PiazzaOur trophies were gorgeous and the entire event delightfully successful. Hats off to everyone who contributed to the NY National Specialty weekendSubmitted by Alesha MarieIt is gratifying to see we are making some progress in the areas of anti-dog legislation. San Mateo recently rescind their spay and neuter requirements for all cats and dogs and have instead, put higher licensing fees on un-neuteredspayed animals and require breeders to obtain a license. That makes sense. As we become better organized and focus our energies on continuing the fight, we need also to remind ourselves of some basics.In our last Pom Review, the brief article by David Edwards "Show Dogs and Household Pets, A Thing of the Past" and the article in the NovDec issue by Elizabeth Dupuis, "Puppy Auction Atrocity," focuses on our need to closely monitor the activities of irresponsible breeders, and radical individuals who would curtail our way of life. If you are fortunate enough to have access to Kennel Review, there have been a series of articles written recently by Patti Strand on this subject The most profound was the one in the Nov. 1991 Issue Doctors, Dolphins, Dogs, the Real Dirt and What You Can Do. Ms. Strand details a50 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian jSWOSM^umtose ^PomeftamansWe are ready for SpringTim Sues Distant DreamsCh. Tim Sues Distant Lights x Sweet Loves Magic LightsD.D. is shown taking BOS under judge Elaine Ridgen for her second major. She lacks only 2 points to finish her championship.PSQBEST OSITE SEXRI-STATE NNEL CLUB 1991BY PETRULIS6TVV"3BEST OF WINNERS OZARKS KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 1991PHOTO BY DOWNEYAllayns Dazzlin Gold DarlinCh. LLL Dazzlin Gold Mike x Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold Koquette C.D.Darlin is shown winning BOW and BOS under judge Dr. Jacklyn Hungerland winning a 4 point major out of the puppy class.oOOwnerHandler Donna L Parkerson 2100 N. 25thBroken Arrow, OK 74014" We feed Science Diet"Pomeranian 5SSW0ST27 MayJune 1992 51number of things we can all do to assist in the fight including getting rid of all animal rights language, jargon and semantics you may have unconsciously incorporated into your vocabulary. If anyone is interested in this article I will be happy to secure the rights for its publication in the PR.We are making progress slow though it may be but it is imperative we continue our vigilance and make every effort to improve our attitude and sense of responsibility toward our breeding practices.Along these lines, I noticed a short article in the last Pom Review written by Barbara Chance taken from the Bay Colony Newsletter. It follows along the same line as an article I wrote for the PR a year ago. It is important to reiterate the necessity of following the standard and taking responsibility for our actions. I fully support and open registry such as the one outlined in the article "Why Have "Open" Registries" by George A. Padgett, DVM taken with permission from the GRF, Inc., Newsletter.I feel it is necessary to comment on the letter from Sally Baugniet in the last issue Yips Yaps. Though I do not know the content of the article in question, I can say for sure that the Pom Reader and the Pom Registry will not go away - even if we ignore them. To prevent a member of the Board from expressing an opinion in another related medium is foolish and archaic. The individuals who subscribe to the aforementioned publications, have a need for the same information and opinions as appears in the Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club. Are we not pursuing the same goals The betterment of the Pomeranian as a breed Heaven knows the breed needs all the help it can get. It might be time to examine the practices related to the fixing of advertising rates, content in general there has for a number of years, been a lack of real content in this magazine, though I will say of late, there has been an improvement and I hope it continues forever, paid advertising from quality vendors, subscription prices, realistic postage costs, etc. A question can be asked is the focus of this publication to impress judges and other exhibitors Or is this publication the "Official" publication of the club a source of information on our breed Once that question is answered and a focus determined, then the quality will improve. This is not, by the way, a criticism of the Publisher who made a decision which needed to be made by the Board.It might also be useful to look at the reasons why the Reader and the Registry came into existence in the first place. My guess is there needed to be a forum where a breeder, with limited funds, could advertise. You cannot gamer a greater number of ads in this magazine or any other magazine for that matter by raising rates out of the reach of the majority. If you were to lower the rates on all ads except for the covers and centerspread you might find more people willing and able to advertise in this publication and therefore have more dollars in the coffer. I cant afford the prices and Im sure Im not alone.By the way, Ms. Baugniet --1 for one, feel you have contributed above and beyond the call of duty and your credentials as a breeder, judge and Board Member are above reproach Go for itSubmitted, by Audrey RobertsPersonal ViewsI believe in freedom of speech. I also believe in employeeemployer exclusivity. I as a member of the APC Board of Directors subscribe to the opinion that an employeeemployer situation therefore exists. What does this mean If my employer is a publisher of a magazine and Im on staff I would expect to be fired if I submitted my writing to a direct competitor. This is how I feel about the Pomeranian Review. I will not advertise in, or write for another Pomeranian publication. It is also my opinion that this should include all Board Members. However, having said that, I will defend to my dying breathe others rights to disagree exercise their freedom of speech any way they deem proper. Other members of this board write for, subscribe to, and advertise in other Pomeranian magazines. This is their right and I bow to their rights, but I dont have to agree with the ethics of their choicesThis subject came up because a motion was made to ask Board Members not to advertise in, or write for any direct Pomeranian competitor. In order to allow for discussion this motion was seconded. In a parliamentary meeting discussion cannot ensue without this second This motion was then promptly defeated by a large majority. To dispel rumors, this motions intent was not to include APC General MembersAs stated in an editorial of a competitors publication, the Board was not "Stupid" to entertain and second the motion Since when is discussion of a shared opinion stupid The second wasnt "even more stupid" as its purpose was to allow discussion. The holder of the second voted no on the motion Although I share the opinion I voted no because I wont condone legislating opinions or ethics. This is a personal choice each Board Member should make for themselves. I agree to disagreeSubmitted by Lisa SmartWays Means CommitteeI would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you wonderful Pom people for all the lovely items donated for our auction at this years National Specialty in New York, and a special thank you to ARMETHA REYNOLDS who made the beautiful quilt for the raffle. This years Specialty was a huge success in more ways than one. We could not have done it without you, Thanks again, and I look forward to seeing everyone next year52 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian SWQS\5The Pomeranian is pleased to honor theVIP AWARD WINNING TOP STUD DOGS a two way tiewith a complimentary stud card.[fo0 Tram COa^jtoa[foa PQiraaQGrfiQGrThe Annual Stud Dog Register, is featured in the JulyAug issue of the Pomeranian Review. Stud cards are three on a page. The cost of a stud card is 15 for each entry, plus 15 for photo reproduction. The description beneath the photo is limited to 20 words and three lines max. Please send 3 generation non-returnable copies of pedigrees neatly typed or hand printed. Remember to include the color of your stud.Dont wait Send in your stud cards nowAm. Can. Ch. Tim Sues High LightsMultiple BIS, BISS in both countries. ROM sire. Stud fee 250.00Ch. Millamors Rock Music Am. Can. Ch. Millamors Rock Concert Millamors Rock Rosette fim. Can. Ch. Chriscendo City Lights ROMXAm. Can. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Mercers Melody Touch3ouDa Sola. TTIIsd S33 [Haglii [LQgGaSa Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Ch. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon rockRandys Brandy of Jolly Wee ROMX Ch. Tim Sue's ingel SabrinaCh. Jeribeths Ivan Ideal Tim Sue's Charlies AngelTim Sue Patriark CharlieOwners Tim and Sue Goddard Rt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622ACh. Great Elms FlrestarterCh. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling DiamondApples Traveling Crickette Ch. Cedarwood's Image of DiamondMar-Bi-Leas Sun Fella Cedarwoods Pitti PattiCedarwoods Lady GaylorSIh. Oiragfc HBtma PQffQaSouSoiWoods Sparkling Nugget Cedarwoods Gold NuggetCedarwood September Dawn Great Elms Sweet CandyGreat Elms Red Robin Great Elms DollyGreat Elms MollieOwner Jon Marcantono RR1 Box 527B Avondale, PA 19311Pomeranian 5JSWQSM MayJune 1992 532901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore, MD 21234 410 661-7289cy4 rnGarre Sc Statute iubttsnttCh. Silva Lade Almond JoyenI knew 'LKitten " was special the minute she was bom. She was the color of dark chocolate, in 3-5 days her tan points began to appear. Her little face was so cute with tan eyebrows - I thought chocolate with nuts - Almond Joy - perfect We were going to call her Joy, but one day Larry said she looks more like a kittenthan a dog", so 'LKitten ' she has been ever since. She is a wonderful companion and a credit to the Pomeranian Breed.v ' - - -1 5. '____________________________"JitUn"Head Study, 1989FIRSTChocolate Tan Champion in HistoryAPC Veterans Sweepstakes Winner Largest APC Entry Ever"JUUnAPC Veterans Sweepstakes 1992OPSVETERANBITCH6 - 9 years'LKitUn"" Kn " A \ Group I Lancaster KC Match 1984Congratulates her Granddaughters TOMHO STRUTTING MERRI LEE APC 1992 BOS Sweepstakes Breeders Bess Roberts, Tommie Hooban Owners Tommie and Sandi Hooban ELANS COCOA APC 1992 Reserve Winners Bitch BreederOwner David Melissa Dahlenburg54 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian WHS\2v.v.v.vlv IejWINNERSCUBIj ,r-^ reserves-jtZTr AMERICANf POMERANIANElans CocoaCh. Bev-Nors Statesman x Silva Lade Joys SilhouetteJudge Mr. Lawrence Stanbridge - Handler Mrs. Jackie Raynor BreederOwners Mr. Mrs. David K. DahlenburgAmerican Pomeranian lub 1992 SPECIALTY RESERVE WINNERS BITCHWe are very proud of this lovely black bitch. Thank you to Judge Stanbridge for this wonderful win and Jackie Raynor for her superb handling, particularly her ability to correctly pace this marvelous moving bitch.ELANMr. Mrs. David K. Dahlenburg PO Box 4688 Newark, DE19711 302 368-2070WWinners BitchPomeranian 8JBW0SM May June 1992 55CANADA'6 TOP POM 1991MilCAN. AM. CH. CHRISCENDO CLASSICACh. Great Elms Firestarter x Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo ClassiqueWe have so many people to thank - Doug and Robert Stratton who sacrificed a lot to do the best for this little girl. Doug, part of a great team in the ring. To Robert for his continual support. To Judy Green who raised Cassie and let her come to Canada with us at 3 months. To Don Walker and Jeff Nokes who finished Cassie in California. To the late Susan Hillman who showed Cassie on several occasions when Doug couldnt be there. A big thank you to all Cassies wonderful fans. We couldnt have done it without youChriscendoWATCH FOR CASSIE IN 1992Co-Bred by Judy Green, Razzle Dazzle. Co-Owned with Christine Heartz, Doug and Robert Stratton.CHRISTINE D. AND JOHN E. HEARTZ P 0 BOX 189BROOKFIELD, N.S., CANDADA, BON 1C0 902 673-2446Pomeranian. SJBWOHW May June 1992 561II T111 Ti11 T1T1 11T111T1 11T1 11T1 TiT1 Ti.T1 l ^111T1TiT1Iil11TliM1 TT 111 1a1-T11Ti 1T1Ti 1T1Ta T1T 11I11Ti1111TIiT T11 1ii -LjliTiTE A K WOOD HOW BOUT HOLLY5223'A . FIRSTtiUfi BREDBY EXHIBITORs.A Arecipient of the Edna E. Girardot Memorial Trophy for first in the Bred-by Bitch Class. "Holly" is full sister to the 1991 PCAWD, BOW Ch. Teakwoods How Bout Hoover, also from the Bred-by Class.0PS1stBred by BitchAnd... Amanda taking 1st place with "Holly" at the 1992 A PC National Specialty in the Novice Junior Class.OPS1stNovice JuniorBREEDEROWNERHANDLERLaureen IveyJR. HANDLERAmanda S. IveyTEAKWOOD POMERANIANS92 Webster St.Douglas, MA 01516 508 476-7755FIRSTJR. SHOWMANSHIP, AMERICAN VI POMERANIAN CLUBwiw'i' IWNiPomeranian 5JSW0BM May June 1992 57Wee hearts Devine Designo'W1st Place - American Bred Bitch Class American Pomeranian Qlub 72nd Specialty ShowCongratulations to the on a WONDERFUL Specialty weekendCo-OwnersGail Durniok Gale Sharland 140 South Washington St. Norton, MA 02766 508 285-604058 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian 5J\70S\2greeter.Cassandra Regina ReadyOPS1stAm. Bred BitchMARYLAND OREGONDonna Lynn WrightOWNERDana BaschMANAGER200 Gateway Drive Bel Air, MD 21014 Behind Harford Mall879-1459DIANA M. DOWNEY 301 540-3828CAT DOGBOUTIQUESince 1964 C f m onee c7e nne20435 Ambassador Terrace Germantown, MD 20874-2873POMERANIANS Handling Most AKC BreedsCHESAPEAKE BAY Champion Stud Service RETRIEVERS Occasional PuppiesSUBER^POMERANIANSSuzanne BerneyDeer Park Kennels4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 301-655-8330fix fix ft ^xvOHIOAnimationHAVE POMS - WILL TRAVELStud Service... Grooming Puppies for Show or PetLORIHDA VASUTADARREN LAMEr'iV63 EAST CUYAHOGA FALLS AVE.AKRON, OHIO 44310 216762-7567JIM JUDY SHEARER523 MILLER AVE. SUGARCREEK, OHIO 44681 216 852-4136MEMBERSAMERICAN POM CLUB ANDOHIO VALLEY POM CLUBT mjPOMHave Motor Home - Will TravelJJ.s Dog MotelJEAN SCHROLLALL-BREED HANDLER ALL NORTHWEST CANADIAN SHOWS DOG CAT BOARDING12950 S. New Era Road 503 650-0023Oregon City, Oregon 97045TEXfiSChestara PomeraniansAt StudCh. Great Elms Firefighter sons Ch. Shir-Mars Little Captain V Ch. Prince Baker of JeribethBill and Beverly Henry2025 Sam Houston Circle Carrollton, Texas 75006 214 416-1504 AuspiciousDistributorsShards 'Pomeranians vV. T- \ cSharon sticks 934 Ctear CreeltTexarkana, IX 75SO3 403831-4028Now you can keep both your name and your kennel name in front of all Pomeranian subscribersall year long Turn the page for pricing details on a low cost way to advertise. Youll be glad you aidPomeranian SJSMQB May June 1992 59dvertisers JudexBlank, Jeanne ABSOLUTE............................. 29Cabrera, Tony STARFIRE...........................FC,1Capps, Rachel KINGDOM................................ 3Columbia Pom Club............................................47Dahlenburg, Melissa David ELAN..............55Dumiak, Gail.......................................................58Feist, Wendy FEISTYS.....................................7Fulmer, Phyllis KA LEE....................................5Goddard, Tim Sue TIM SUE..................30,31Grimison, Barbara SONNYDALE................. 18Hanson, Sharon JAN-SHAR..........................IFCHeartz, Christine John CHRISCENDO .. 56Hutton, Brenda BKS.......................................49Ivey, Laureen TEAKWOOD............................57Johnson, Dianne Larry SILVA LADE .... 54Keiffer, Dianne HEARTLANDS....................35Keplinger, Irvin Trudy TRU-KEP............... 27Kneisler, Maria KNEISLER...........................BCKosasih, Agus.....................................................29Lynn Wright, Donna LYNNWRIGHTS........IBCMauch, Nita NIMAC..........................................7Natural State Pom Club........................................ 5Neil, Ardith TRIEVON................................... 15Oganeku, Clarice Yvette.................................25Parkerson, Donna PRIMROSE........................51Penney, Marlene Frank MARSHIRE........... 13Roberts, Audrey SHYACRES.....................43,45Rosenbaum, Mary BI-MAR...............................9Solano, Diana RODIS.....................................21Stoll, Frances STOLANNE.........................34,37Urban, Joyce RHYNSTONE............................23Vickers, Mary MAR-VIC................................ 17Watts, Dolores Dave WATTS..................... 19White, S.R.......................................................... 11Advertising Policies SpatesAds are placed in the magazine in the order they arereceived. Any ads that miss the issue deadline willbe held for inclusion in the next issue. All photoswill be returned via 1st class US Mail.Member Non-MemberFront Cover............................... 120.00 150.00Back Cover............................... 100.00 125.00Inside Front Cover.................... 90.00 110.00Inside Back Cover..................... 90.00 110.00Center Page Spread................... 170.00 200.00Full Page.................................... 75.00 90.0034 Page.................................... 60.00 70.0012 Page.................................... 45.00 55.0014 Page.................................... 30.00 40.00Business Card 2 x 3.25"... 20.00 25.00Classified Ads.......................... 5.00 7.00100.00yr for Members onlyl_jxtra ChargesPhoto Reproduction......................................... 15.00eaTints grey backgrounds................................ 7.50Reverse white letters black backgrounds. 5.00 Mortises photos less than .25" apart............. lO.OOea60 MayJune 1992 Pomeranian SsJIlWQSMomeranian J ndexAllayns Dazzlin Gold Darlin.......................... 51Apolloette Champagne Splash............................44Autumns Cara Mia Lil Karat ........................... 48Bev-Nors Little Showstopper...........................BCCh. Bev-Nors Tanyas Crissy.................. IBC, 12BKs Sir Spunky OTCH,CDX,U-UD,TD,TT,GC ... 49Blakes Dynamite Rock..................................... IFCCan. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Classica.....................56Ch. Curies Zachary of Cenla............................. 43Cheyenne Pepper Sky.........................................48Dimonde-Gartons June Royale......................... 39Dover-Holihouse Fire N' Ice UD....................... 16Elans Cocoa.......................................................55Am. Can. Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Amigo .... 13Extane Jelegadink of Fanfare..............................44Extane Vanilla Fudge Sunday.............................44Feisty RGS Shes Unforgettable...........................7Feistys Suddenly C-More..................................21Ch. Great Elms Firestarter.................................53Great Elms Little Demetrius.............................. 19Harbins the Strong Survive................................46Heartlands Special Treasure................... 12,14,35hit. Mex. Am. Ch. Tim Sues Distant Lights .. 30,31Jan Els Duke of Earl...........................................46Ch. Jan-Shars Mountain Dew.............................29Kingdoms Sinderella Romance........................... 3Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna ROMX.............45Ch. Mar-Vics Dazzling Rascal......................... 17Ch. Morenos Merri Gold................................... 46Nansan Adorable Ballerina.................................38Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz....................................44Ch. Odysseys Lady Rose.....................................3Ch. Pomirish Hiball Dream Alexdr.................. 16Ch. Rhynstone Ravishing Rick...........................23Rosie....................................................................39Ch. Rosewoods Sunmark Rosette........................5Ch. Sandtowns Teddy Bear............................... 25Ch. Silva Lade Almond Joy.......................... 12,54Sir Winston Raleigh Button................................38Ch. Sonnydales Joshua of Gabriel.................... 18Starfires Mission Accomplished.................. FC, 1Ch. Stolanne Mystique Starlet.............................37Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor...........................34Teakwood's How Bout Holly.............................57Tim Sues Distant Dreams..................................51Am. Can. Ch. Tim Sues High Lights.................53Tomho Opal Jean................................................ 14Trievon Always Laughing QT........................... 15Tru-Keps Nemo Dream Master..........................27Ch. Two Ts Feisty Autumn Glo..........................46Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Dress To Kill..............44,48Valcopy-Wakhan Perry Ellis...............................44Ch. Watts-Scotia Willie Winks.......................... 14Wee Hearts Devine Design.................................58The Deadline for the Julyfiugust Stud Card Issue is May 1st Don't be lateDEADLINE EXTENSIONS If you receive this magazine via 1st class mail, you can check for automatic deadline extensions. Add two weeks to the envelope Postmark date. If that date is later than the 1st, then you now have the new deadline date. This method DOES NOT apply to bulk mailingsLYNNWRIGHT'S1C3jrfar vA1" BEST OF BREEDJN. j AMI RICAN ' 3 POMERANIAN CLUBiftIP3GVi K i 1 I I i I l I I I 1 m t Hi iCh. Bev-Nors Tanyas Crissy B.I.S.S.Winning BOB at the National Specialty in NY, with the largest entry in history, was a BIG day for us. I would like to thank Judge Lawrence Stanbridge for this win, but also for a fun and exciting day for everyone."Crissy"finished from the puppy class with BOS over Specials several times.Oct 91 she went BOS at the Greater Baltimore Pom Club Specialty, Nov 91 back to back BOB and a Group 2nd. So far 1992 looks very promising. The win in NY was a great tribute to her sire, Ch. Bev-Nors j Statesman and her dam, Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tanya.OwnerHandlerDonna Lynn Wright 200 Gateway Dr. Belair, MD 21014 301 879-1459Co-OwnerBev NorrisWDJBnJl119192OF BREEDHere he is again...Bev-Nors Little Showstoi er1W I N N E R SST. JOSEPH KENNEL CLUB 1992PHOTO BY PETRULIS6m-----_BISCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge x Great Elms Andrea of LenetteYou first met 'Spanky' in the JanFeb 1992 issue of the Review as a 4 month old puppy. Well... here he is as a 7 12 month old puppy winning a 3 pt major under judge Paula Bradley. This is only his 2nd time out and he is really a "Little Showman" Watch for him in the Spring as weve only just begun Spanky will be up for stud to select bitches only.I would like to send a special thank you to my husband, Matthew for being patient and supportive of me with my dogs. I love you'Kayla' MarApr 92 Review would like to say hi to her sister 'Lacey' who is now owned and loved by Mrs. Doris Wekenhoff of West Germany. Good luck in the show ringWe have a few nice show prospect puppies for sale and a nice young, proven bitch to the proper home.'We feed Science Diet"OwnerHandler Marla Knelsler 9151 S. Darlington Ave Tulsa, OK 74137 918492-0520