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The Pomeranian Review January 2004

Table of Contents

Advertisers Index 92
AKC Contact Information 86
AKC/EUK Invitational 80-82
APC Board Summary Janice Russell 38
APC National Specialty Info 90
APC Officers 23
APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel 45, 46, 47
APC Summer Specialty Information 86
Ask Us Anything Annette Davis 26
Back Issue Information 92
Behind New Titlists 56
Coming Events 86
Cover Story Nina Fetter and Barbara Boehmer 16
Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder 52
International Kennel Visit 91
Judges Education Dot Martin 54
Junior Jive Jessica Christiansen 72, 73, 74
Just FUR Fun 43
Kennel Visit Pati Danielson 33-37
Kennel Visit Teresa Livezey 29-31
Kennel Visits, Future Features 22, 84
LaCajun Pom Club of Louisiana 53
Membership Report Annette Davis 22
Memorial, Thelma Dunn 9, 10, 11
Memorial, Dean Hebert 57
Memorial, Bill Henry 56
Memorial, Ch Chinadoll's Avenger 13
Memory Lane Lavina Garton 58, 59
Michigan Pom Specialty 88, 89
My First Pom Linda Mulso 60
New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel 45
Northern California Specialty 48
Performance News Barbara McClatchey 62-65
Pom Puppie Series, Caesarean Section 76-79
Pom Talk, Roxanne Collins 68, 69
President's Report Margaret McKee 24, 25
Registrar's Corner Carol Leemhuis 22
Rescue Tips Diana Downey 66, 67
Salute to Our Armed Forces 84
Subscription Card 86
Subscription/Review Information 20, 84, 93
Sunshine And Roses 84
Take A Ride On The Wild Side 70, 71
Who's Perfect, Anyway Sally Baugniet 40, 41
Ways and Means Donna Riehm 44
Website Address 23
r j -1m - iikmNIr 5P Vn'Jr7 vcK'.V7 nvSSVi S\ rX v.a x V TXi-^cPappy 4eweaNxAr3MVa Xx7,J,-Proudly Presents Two Generations Of Champions Finished completely from the Bred By Exhibitor Class Ch. DW Sazparilla Sparkler of RD and son Ch. DreamWeavers Billy The Kid411' WINNERSBITCH Hr mNEW CHAMPIONSTONE CITY kehnelclubOctoMf 5.2003 c' syi_Ch. DW Sazparilla Sparkler 01 RDCl. Macks Me No Sissy x Silva Lade Sparkler Of NansanSassy is shown going Winners Bitch for that last point to finish under Judge Peggy Hogg. Sassy finished at four years of age in between she has produced two champions from two different litters, both also finished from the Bred By Class.ri,BEST OF BREED jOR VARIETYMARQUETTEKENNEIsGbCB _______BOOTH PHOTO B\ MOMCACh. DreamWeavers Billy The KidCh. Reginapoms Gator In Motion x Ch. DW Sazparilla Sparkler of RDBilly is shown going Best of Breed over some nice specials.He did it again under Peggy Hogg, at the same show his mother finished, going Best of Breed over two top specials.Watch for Billy as a Special in the Midwest.Sassy and Billys coats are conditioned with Inflight Coat Formula.Proud BreedersOwnersHandlersLinda Pelz and Michael Wellswww.dreamweaverpom.comIntroduces Our Newest HopefulDreamWeaver N Kayra Sapphirerrrm 'ftzwA.vw . ,-, foi-iuB . ...- v - - .. i_. ^.vJ5v\ .... s. WINNERS BRED BY EXHIBITORTOY DOG FANCIERS OF NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY2003 HOLLOWAYJoarts Diamond Chips x DreamWeaver Medicine WomanShayna is shown going Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex under Judge Anne Katona from the Bred By Exhibitor class. Also at her show debut at six months old, she took Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex under Luc Boileau for her first point. Thank you both judges for appreciating Shaynas type and movement. Shaynais a Sassy granddaughter.Congratulations to all on their APC Kennel Visits.Shaynas coat is conditioned with Inflight Coat Formula.Proud BreedersOwnersHandlersLinda Pelz and Michael WellsCo-BreederKay ChaneyKayra Pomswww. dreamweaverpom. comAphrodites Pomeranians and Windkiss Pomeranianshopes you had a wonderful holiday season and wishes you aVERY HAPPY NEW YEARj Specurf cameti- jVeed tp truifmoIT vMU ,-iif'HiFa m- i iwIXph OVII'EN'-- COIJSTV ,JfCL CL.'ISpecial was named in memory of our dear friend and mentor Paula Parjson.rfWUuftZiMZptcditei ea ffieae t-k \ i-\ eedBreederOwnerLinda DeCiccoWindham, Me POMSAAOL.COMWttidioa Zpwdii ZngeCJW BreederOwnerHandlerLinda SaballShirley, Ma LLWINDKISSAOL.COMIECO..'GROUPSECONDHV,1TRAVISCOUNTY kennel club. , 1 LUKE ALLENmofOGKAPirr Li'j. \ ' \'AWhy is Sobe It...... Its his wins ... Its his face ... Its his kidsSobe has shown only 4 week-ends since July and has won...6 Best of Breeds1 GR 12 GR 4All owner handledCaryl Termell 210-494-8886 HM 210-494-7787 Rob Cary Pet Resort Trdwz wfielped 8-31-03 , . m wishes .everyone a B ^ .Happy apd Healthy New Year- ki VL Bonnie to X-C.rr'-V20 Dkcrest Avenu Middle Islan^. NY ' 953 631 205-5223tresspomsho1iriail.comayyNCh. Carolina Girl of LenetteV.AiW I V1fBEST OF OPPOSITE WINNERSVcKENNELCLUB OF BEVERLY HILLS2003 HOLLOWAYWCh. Great Elms Mr. Chips x Amssina of LenetteBreeders offline Ponxs s,Im -ijsj1440Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 K. G. Griffith - OwnerThis bitch is for sale to a good home. We believe when she coats up from her year shed she will be good enough to special.Thanks to our two very special friends for finishing Caroline for us, Al Lapuz and Vikki Oelerich.We have several show prospect males for sale and one brood prospect. Please visit our web site for additional details or give us a call.Best wishes to Pati Danielson and Teresa Livezey on your APC Kennel Visits.NEWS FLASH - CHARMING PRINCE FINISHES HIS CHAMPONSHIP BY GOING BEST OF BREED SIX TIMES IN TWO WEEKENDS. THIS IS CHAMPION 32 FOR CH. GREAT ELMS MR. CHIPS.NEW CHAMPIONSCh. Indiana Jones of Lenette X Ch. Tresstique Touch of CinnamonMy thanks to all the judges Dr. D. Green Doane, Mr. R. Filbum, Jr., Mrs. R. Zimmerman, Ms. D. Kodner, Mrs. V. Abbott, Mrs. J. Buchanan. And a special thanks to Rhodas handler Deborah Wheeler 302 238-7874.-Ch.Tresstiques Road WarriorVmmmNV- jm. . lri 1 wim m. 4kC'ZIvm.SiwmMb,\NEW CHAMPIONir T'naf. QUEENSBORO 5^ KENNEL '0iC CLUBmuVf-ytmm. W Ar 11 amX. V V.OCTOOCH j. 1003TOM 0IGIAC0M0 mnmmr.saF V,3 ASSOCIATIONme"PT. 27 2003DAVBAOMMYlOur fifth 2111 Tresstique ChampionCh Tresstiqnes Billy JeanCh. Tresstiques Treasure Trove X Ch. Tresstiques Road WarriorMy thanks again to all the judgesMrs. June Penta, Mrs. B. Clarke,Mrs. D. Cozart, Mrs. M. Purkhiser,Mr. J. Walton, and Mrs. E. Orenstein.Bonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island, NY 11953 631205-5223\In Memory of''Xohehna SumvAugust 18, 1919 - Octob er 6,2 003tYil OF BREEDTALBOT lENNEL CLUB1986ASHBEYJane LehtinenX\AjYiemoriad,unn01edun Morris081819 to 100603Jim and Thelma DunnBy Victoria LeitnerThe Pom World has lost another dedicated, longtime breeder. Thelma Dunn was interviewed six days before she passed away and revealed that she had been breeding Pomeranians for thirty-eight years. Meeting a neighbors Pom when she was a young adult sparked her fascination with the breed. Her parents had never permitted dog ownership during her childhood. How fortunate for todays Pom owners that this policy did not deter Thelma from pursuing her dream of obtaining Pomeranians. This writers dream has always been to clone her CH. Thelduns Almond Fudge. He was one memorable Pom But I digress....Thelmas first experience with owning her dream breed was a Pom mix who bit her young son. She was unable to keep that one, but was given another Pom mix which she kept for a veiy long time. Her first actual purchase was from Betty Smith. Later, Thelma was shocked to find out that one of the pair she purchased was pregnant. The bitch free whelped three pups, thus catapulting Thelma into a breeding experience spanning nearly four decades.Sophie Mays of May Morning Poms became Thelmas mentor. Thelma had to do everything herself, as Sophie believed in a handson approach to teaching. Thelma learned the importance of combining type with soundness. She also learned showing techniques from Sophie. And, later in the relationship, Thelma groomed Sophies dogs.She also became friends with Anna Cowley, Winifred Heckman, Ruth Beam and Velva Van Hoozier.Thelma Dunn Memorial Continued on Page 10JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 9Thelma Dunn Memorial Continued From Page 9Thelma prefered small, upright ears and considered good temperament and personality very important. When breeding she evaluated the bitchs sire and dam, the individual bitch and then the pedigree. She never bred on pedigree alone. Thelma evaluated pups between four and six months of age, and allowed pups to stay with their mom as long as they wanted. Bitches whelped in Thelmas bedroom and were raised in her home.If she needed to supplement a puppy, she would make a formula consisting of liquefied puppy food. Adults were fed dry Science Diet with no supplements. Puppies were handled and groomed daily in her lap.The last two males Thelma purchased were Starfire bloodlines, which went back to her original lines. She liked and started with the May Morning and Showstopper lines. She disliked greatly bad bites, cow hocks and open fonts. Her dogs were kept in runs with four of the same sex being housed together so that they could interact and play. Through her 70s, Thelma fed, groomed and showed her own dogs. She was one of the first women to wear slacks in the show ring when to do so was a no no Many will recall fondly that she was quite the character.As with many of those dedicated and beloved Pomeranian breeders who have since passed on, Thelma Dunn has left a legacy of Poms displaying her own particular brand of Pomeranian character that will hopefully be cherished and preserved in future breeders lines for decades to come.How does one describe one of natures miracle God put Thelma Dunn here on earth just to make sure that we Pom breeders were doing it right. I think she was bom with the knowledge of how to produce only the best Pomeranians and I thank God every day that Ken Bishop took me to see meet her when I was out on the east coast for the Cherry Blossom Circuit.That visit turned into a longstanding friendship. One of my most enjoyable times with Thelma was the first time I went to New York City with her. She had me drive her grandsons GMC Jimmy to New York. We followed one of Thelmas friends, which was good, since I am from the mid west where we dont have tall buildings or traffic jams. We stayed at the Roosevelt Hotel and enjoyed the APC Specialty and Westminster Kennel Club Shows.When we checked in to the hotel and went up to our room I was concerned with our room as the window was open when we walked in. My comment to Thelma was, Oh my God The window is open and someone might break in. She started laughing so hard as we were on the eighteenth floor and there wasnt a ladder tall enough for anyone to use to break in. As we left New York, we kept going in circles. Someone had changed the signs for the Holland tunnel around. We kept going around the block before we finally realized the signs were changed.We love you Thelma. You will be missed by many.Jane Lehtinen, Jan le Poms, home ofAmCa. Ch. Theldunns John John ROM Theldunns Tia Marie Theldunns New Fudge RecipeTheldunns Magic Formula Thelma and Taylor. March 2003and the offspring of these wonderful dogs.10 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review. \On October 6, 2003,1 lost my dearest friend, Thelma Dunn. Thelma was a grand lady. She dearly loved her Pomeranians. Thelma not only bred and showed Poms, she spent a very long time raising her family. She raised her two children, a grandson and then raised her great grandson. She was very busy being a mother for more years than most.We enjoyed each others company and going to shows but most of all going to the American Pomeranian Club Nationals every year together. Things will never be quite the same for me at the Nationals however, I know Thelma will be with me in spirit, giving me heck about somethingLast year, while driving to the APC Nationals, I helped Thelma begin compiling notes for a kennel visit to be published in the Pomeranian Review. We had a great time, as she shared her thoughts and experiences with the Pomeranians over the past 40 years. We laughed most of the way to Kentucky. Much to my regrets, those notes were later lost in the mail. Thelma never longed for praise or fame for breeding fine Pomeranians but had good intentions to complete the kennel visit to help the next generation of Pom lovers.I owe my friend, Thelma, everything with regards to my Poms and will greatly miss her. I will miss the showing, breeding and whelping knowledge, the good times and laughs we shared as well as the tears we shed together. I love and will miss you, Thelma Dunn.Shari Shields, Monarch PomeraniansMentor...Webster says, A wise and trusted person.When I think of one of the most precious people I have known, there are no words to describe Thelma Dunn. Advisor, tutor, sponsor, counselor, coach, yes all these words fit, but none are perfect.Most of us have two things that got us started loving our wonderful Poms. One, a mentor like no one elses mentor and two, our very first Pom again like none other.I consider myself richly blessed to have had Thelma Dunn, Thelduns Poms as both my mentor and friend. I met Thelma through a contact for the rescue, off the Internet. After a few phone conversations she invited me to her house to see a girl she was considering retiring and placing in a pet home. Unlike some breeders who would have isolated the girl and only had her to show, Thelma walked me to her kennel and one by one told me of each one and the details were amazing. I have three human children and have a hard time keeping their birthdays, etc., straight much less all these fur kidsWell, we came to one older girl and I inquired about her, Thelma told me she was ten years old and would be staying there. Of course being a woman who always seems to want that which is not available, I begged for that one. Thelma told me she was older and her health uncertain. OK, I said. I understand, now can I have that one. Thelma relented. She asked that Id take two, worried that Id be lost if something happened to the older one. Oh no, I could not take two. One dog is all I can handle HaWell, that is how my Doo-Shays Taylor Tot, and Thelma Dunn came to be a part of my life that is completely irreplaceable. Thelma gave so much love and shared her knowledge freely and gladly. Thelma at 83 years old was available hours of the day or night no vet in this world would be. She would listen and love through any trial. Though her life had seen many hardships, the loss of her husband, her child, greatgrandchild, and many others, she remained an inspiration and a beam of sunshine in a sometimes darkened world. Never ever too tired to listen, or give a kind word, a warm hug or shed a tear with me. Thelma was my absolute best friend in the world.When I look at the tiny faces of my girls, I think how blessed I am to have had such a amazing friend. Thelma has brought so much love in my life. There are days when I feel I am not cut out for the doggie dog of the Pom world, I find myself whispering her name. I can close my eyes and see that stem look she would give me when she would say, You can do this, listen to what I tell youThelma Dunn Memorial Continued on Page 12JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 11Thelma Dunn Memorial Continued From Page 11Yes, my dearest friend and mentor was always sassy, sassy, sassy. Ill miss you always Thelma, and love each of the little brown-eyed princesses you have entrusted to me forever. Our bond will go on until we meet again.Jo NorrisA dear friend will be deeply missed.Thelma and I became very close friends when my Jesse James needed a loving home.I thank God for that situation, whos to know if we would have ever crossed paths otherwise.I have never met a woman more a lady than Thelma Dunn.I visited Thelma a few days before her passing and she asked me to pray for her.I replied, I always do, Thelma.This is the prayer I prayed for youI asked the lord to bless you as I prayed for you today.To guide you and protect you as you go along your way.His love is always with you, his promises are true.No matter what your day holds, he will see you through.So when the road youre traveling, seems difficult at best, just keep your faith in God and God will do the rest.[Author unknown]So now on your journey to heaven, with all the Poms at your side, peace will be yours forever. I am thinking of you today and always Thelma.God bless you, your loving friend,Bonnie HarrisCh. Autumns Tomba La BambaCh. Theldun Almond Fudge grandson'wIc In Memory of Thelma Dunn... It was nice to have known you.In Memory of Evan...Bev, your Evan was an inspiration for Tom and I.Randys PomsRandy 360 825-2103Damascusroad Dream of AnnieDOB 052403Amcan Ch Chriscendo Colt to Arms x Bavanews Angel on Damascusroadiw yHgfib' y if. aW "fuAr-ist.I would like to give thanks to Bev Carter who sent to France this wonderful show girl. Thank you Bev for your kindness and your honesty. She is MY dreamMy hearfelt sympathies on the loss of your beloved Evan. Gone too young, he was a wonderful representative of the breed, a real treasure that brought you so many moments of joy.Annie GouraudLE BOIS DE MOQUE-SOURIS Spitz and Pomeranians www.moque-souris.com12 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewA TRIBUTE TO EVANTHE LOVE OF MY LIFEMy beautiful little boy, Evan, is gone. I thought I would have him foreverHe died where he slept - in my arms. I thought I would die too when he took his last breath. I still cant believe he is goneI got Evan in February 1997, when he was nine months old. He was my second quality read expensive Pomeranian. The first one, a girl I had bought the year before, hadnt turned out at all like she was supposed to specials quality, as reflected in the price. So I really had high hopes for this new little boy. I desperately wanted something I could special. Ill never forget the night he arrived in a snowstorm. I was surprised the planes even got in that night. But I was even more surprised when I opened the crate and took the dog out. What a disappointment. He was ratty looking, no coat, snipey muzzle, scrawny, timid and shy. I couldnt believe Id paid so dearly for yet another dud But I was stuck with him, and so I started to work with him.It took me four months before I could even get him to walk on a lead, and even then he walked with his tail between his legs and his ears down, scared to death, poor little fellow. But I took the plunge and entered him in a show in June, the Toy Dog Club of Newfoundland Specialty Show. It was only one show, but it was a start. He was thirteen months old and still wasnt walking well for me. All the daily grooming and fussing over him was starting to pay dividends. He was looking a lot better and starting to grow some coat. He surprised me that day, and probably surprised a few other people too, by taking Best of Winners for his first two points. The next set of shows wasnt until July we only have about eighteen shows a year here. I kept working with him and grooming him daily, and falling more and more in love with my sweet little boy every day.I took him out again in July. Amazingly, he had blossomed almost overnight. He was more comfortable with me and more confident in himself. He had turned into the most gorgeous Pomeranian Id ever seen. He had the hairiest legs and the tiniest ears, and such a short little back, and what a mover he was When he won the Group the very first show that weekend with me handling I always handled him myself, I thought I was going to faint. I couldnt believe it when the Judge put us at the head of the line-up. That weekend Evan garnered more than enough points with his Group wins to finish his championship. The very next set of shows he went Best in Show his first day out. I almost did faint that day The year or two I had him out, he was virtually unbeatable in the Toy ring.What a little guy he was. He didnt just win in the ring he won my heart so completely. He had the sweetest ways about him. He used to do what I called his fly catching dance. Hed twirl around like a ballerina, tossing his head in the air. It was so cute. He just did it to get attention, and it worked every time. He slept on my bed every night from the time he was about a year old. He loved going to bed. When Id get in bed, hed do this little twirl and kind of jump up in the air, flip himself over and land on his back with his head on my arm and cuddle in. I fell asleep just about every night holding Evan in my arms.Why not a show picture here you might ask. I have plenty of those from his Group and Best in Show wins, but that wasnt the way I saw him the majority of the time that was the way other people saw him occasionally. To me he was a pet first That meant he sometimes didnt show as well as he might have otherwise, but that didnt matter to me. To me he was always the best in showThis little guy was so special, the love of my life for the six and one half years that I had him. In fact, he will always be the love of my life Therell never be another Pom for me like Evan. I still cant believe my beautiful little boy is gone, I thought I would have him forever I fell asleep every night with Evan in the crook of my arm, so it was fitting he should die in my arms. How I will miss my sweet boy. You have left a hole in my life that nothing will ever fill. You were much too young to go, and youll always be Mommys little boy. I love you Evan. Youre the bestBev Carter, DamascusroadBIS Ch. Chinadolls Avenger28 May 1996 - 19 September 2003Evan is from the lovely Bavanew line, and it shows I bought him as my foundation stud, but he became the love of my life. How I miss you my darling boy Ill never forget you and I will always love you.JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review -13dad a grand time in 3ndg.x-. VVmr' Xrv.. VV .FtasWj Spice had rxwKrte i'tter pOUP-born AA2303 bV ch Sto'anne si \nthri nin9F sites, WJgit's -'ereSpop'n9BreederPDavidjA. AffojjADias PPomeraniansRichmond, IN Ph 765 866-998714 - JanuakyFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review3 ids d^endemen preferDancos Eskimo Pi X Dias Lil Bit O Spicefive point major and then PBest of dinners too at the pPomeranian Pddub ofPPentrab fndianas first speciadty for this wee Pond and in ejeceddent company. pjhanh you. respected toy jadye Jdr. frames fifupp. Jp very heartfedt win fior the breeder rf owner as they are fioundiny members of the cdub and one a past president, fl dediyhtfud eveninyfior add and admiriny conyratudations to the PPBfijf for a wondeifud event, fn very united showiny zMjaridyn adready has a four point major and a number of major reserves. dfder prettyface and sparhdiny personalty have won her juite a few nnysidefans, f am so dediyhted to have her. thianh you, favid Jdoyy. eneeOwnerHandlerAACedfy JdlcPPpratfi PPPifJii, JPiPf PBaPBjkn pPomeraniansMountain Crest Hard Rockp - aA ' XS, .rrr ri"BEST OF WINNERSDECATUR ALABAMAKENNEL CLUB2003^luisTsosa vukI .1AMM 1 I"--- r -79.' teyV'v^ vC 3 7i2\Back to back majors Decatur Alabama Kennel ClubThank you, Judge Ms. Jacqueline Stacey and Judge Ms. Kathy Bucher Sawyer.Congratulations Teresa Livezey and Pati Danielson on your APC Kennel Visits.Mountain Crest Pomeraniansid and Carlene GilstrapP. O. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423 821-1015 Email dcgilstrapaol.comJanearyFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 15The Pomeranian ReviewContentsAdvertisers Index..................................................................92AKC Contact Information......................................................86AKCEUK Invitational...................................................... 80-82APC Board Summary Janice Russell................................. 38APC National Specialty Info................................................. 90APC Officers.........................................................................23APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel............................... 45, 46, 47APC Summer Specialty Information.....................................86Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.......................................... 26Back Issue Information.........................................................92Behind New Titlists...............................................................56Coming Events.....................................................................86Cover Story Nina Fetter and Barbara Boehmer...............16Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder............................ 52International Kennel Visit.....................................................91Judges Education Dot Martin.............................................. 54Junior Jive Jessica Christiansen............................72, 73, 74Just FUR Fun....................................................................... 43Kennel Visit Pati Danielson............................................33-37Kennel Visit Teresa Livezey..........................................29-31Kennel Visits, Future Features.......................................22, 84LaCajun Pom Club of Louisiana...........................................53Membership Report Annette Davis.....................................22Memorial, Thelma Dunn..........................................9, 10, 11Memorial, Dean Hebert........................................................57Memorial, Bill Henry.............................................................56Memorial, Ch. ChinadoUs Avenger.................................13Memory Lane Lavina Garton........................................58, 59Michigan Pom Specialty................................................ 88, 89My First Pom Linda Mulso...................................................60New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel................................. 45Northern California Specialty............................................... 48Performance News Barbara McClatchey......................62-65Pom Puppie Series, Caesarean Section.......................76-79Pom Talk, Roxanne Collins.......................................... 68, 69Presidents Report Margaret McKee.............................24, 25Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis.................................... 22Rescue Tips Diana Downey...........................................66, 67Salute to Our Armed Forces.................................................84Subscription Card.................................................................86SubscriptionReview Information..............................20, 84, 93Sunshine And Roses............................................................84Take A Ride On The Wild Side.......................................70, 71Whos Perfect, Anyway Sally Baugniet......................... 40, 41Ways and Means Donna Riehm......................................... 44Website Address.................................................................. 23Front CoverJoker - Darlins Wildcard At Sirius Arne- Sirius Its Against All OddsVv a-ifrJokerand Aggie are Sirius Kennels looking to the future. I want to thank both Becky Sabourin and Lori Otis without whom Aggie would not have survived to find her stepbrother Joker at Loris. We are looking forward to them following in the path of other Sirius Kennels champions. Id also like to congratulate Rickey, Shaggy, Tony and all top five Poms for 2003.OwnerNina M. FetterSirius Kennels, Inc.5350 Mowery Road, Lima, Ohio 45801-9735 419 221-0046 Phone Email nfetterwoh.rr.comCo-OwnerBarbara Boehmer2812 Iroquois Drive, Thompson Station, TN 37179'WyncCCorCh. Pomworths Weathrman at Polo.............................................................r " - K r 'Vbw 1't,-v ^ Tv1A7-RA-.P r- P WINNERSrMFW CHAMPION l BOOTH 1Sept. PHOTO 27 byBMONICA003 MONICA Pomeranian Glut- co'Central iMtanaNt V-Weather Center Update Winners DogPomeranian Club of Central IndianaWyndCoryndior Poms Becky Sabourin and Sara OBrienwww.wyndlorpoms.comIntroducingTishas AspirationAm I u'MM-LWINNERSBESTOFOPPOSITE SEXS'1 1 SUNDAYSEPTEMBER 14, 2003ENNEl cl"cTrtofos n s VAshley is pictured winning Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex at St. Clair Kennel Club on September 14, 2003 under respected breeder-judge Mrs. Ellen Fetter. Ashley needs her majors to finishCongratulations to Pati Danielson and Teresa Livezey on your APC Kennel Visits.Afr.-'AlwaysBreeder-Owner-HandledSince 1977Lhasas and PomsPat and Fred Dieball2019 Greenwood Rd Lapeer, MI 48446 810 245-1924 tishapomprodigy.netJanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 17'\V\jncCCorCh. Wyndlor Rush to RightimSS ^if.aw1H .WINNERSV, VZJkenhelDclub INC- fa I ' V .IliSlil"'JULY 19 2003.- o7The Doright FoundationAnother Champion for AMCAN CH. Jan Shars Dudly Doright, GCAnd another congratulations to Nina Fetter for finishing her Dudly daughter, Ch. Sirius Its Against All Odds. Our thanks to Nina for finishing Rusty. Thanks also to Donna Machniak for Rustys first major.'WyncCCorWVyruilor Poms Becky Sabourin and Sara^Pomeranian JkebtetoTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. PUBLICATIONEditor........................................................................................11139 E. Camelot Ave, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217-347-5731 fame62401 yahoo.comSubscriptions...........................................................................15755 Greenway, Lansing, MI 48906 PH 517-485-5183 bkpomsearthlink.netBack Issues..............................................................................7008 Grace Avenue, Cinncinati, OH 45227 PH 513-271-3983 panachepomsnetzero.comProofreaders.............................................................................Advertisement Manager...........................................................13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704 PH 903-882-1950 Jessiemykeepsakes.netSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class.......................................45.00USPS Bulk.................................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico................... 55.00Foreign.......................................................80.00Single Issue..................................................8.00Back Issues..................................................8.00Advertising RatesFront Cover Color..................................500.00Back Cover Color...................................350.00Inside Front Cover Color............275.00Inside Front Cover BW.............100.00Inside Back Cover Color............275.00Inside Back Cover BW.............100.00Page 3, 4 Color........................................275.00Page 3, 4 BW..........................................100.00Center Spread Color..............................500.00Center Spread BW................................220.00Full Page Deluxe Color..........................250.00Full Page BW...........................................75.00Half Page Color...................................... 135.00Half Page BW.......................................... 45.00One Quarter Page.................................... 30.00Business Card 6 ....................65,double 95All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25.00 each, additional black and white photos are 5.00 each.DeadlinesAd DeadlineDec 1...............................................Feb 1...............................................April 1..........STUD ISSUE...........June 1..........COLOR ISSUE........Aug 1.............................................Oct 1...........MEMORIAL ISSUEIssue ...JanFeb MarApril .MayJune ...JulyAug .SeptOct ..NovDecThe Pomeranian Review.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........Obedience training information.........interesting, informativeSUPPORT THE APC SUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian Review Brenda Segelken, Editor 11139 E Camelot Ave Effingham, IL 62401 Or Email Make all checkspayable to the American Pomeranian Club.20 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewBI-MAR POMERANIANSOFFER FOR SALECH. JENNY REBECCA OF ALLRIDGEGROUPFIRST CALASKA KENNEL CLUB JUNE 2003BISHOP PHOTOGRAPHY1SIRE CH. MR. GEORDIE OF LENETTEDAM DAUGHTER OF son of Ch. Great Elms Mr. Chips ROMX Ch. Macks Me No Sissy JENNY FINISHED WITH 5 MAJORS AND A GROUP 1STYN Bi-Mars Country Jazz finishes at the Willamette Toy Dog Show.SHOW AND BREEDING STOCK AVAILABLEFOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEE OUR WEBSITEBI-MAR POMERANIANSMary Rosenbaum360-767-0104 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranmn Review - 21MEMBERSHIP REPORT ANNETTE DAVIS391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932 davisavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Janice C. Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N Dr., Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must received within thirty days of publication Standing Rule II 3.See the official APC Web Site http or contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERS APPROVED 113003Geneva Coats CASponsors Kay L. Adams, Alane Levinsohn Kathy Nesbit INSponsors Janice C. Russell, Lauretta J. FlynnAPPLICATIONSKaren Huntsberger AZSponsors Deranda Sharp and Alane LevinsohnStephanie A. Witt ARSponsors Pat Barnett and Patricia RowleyLinda A. DeCicco MESponsors Debra Gonyeau and Alane LevinsohnHerman H. Jr and Jennifer L. Munn VA Sponsors Maynard Wood Margaret McKeeJudy Gabbard ARPatronConnie Charles MNSponsors Jane Lehtinen K.G. GriffithREGISTRARS CORNER CAROL LEEMHUIS2318 Rose Garden Road Pittsburgh PA 15220 412-344-8257REGISTER OF MERITCascades Sunkist Cassandra BOwner Diane FinchCH Chriscendo Call To Arms DOwner Chris HeartzAn error was made in the OctoberNovember issue in Kenneth Swains ad, on page two. The correct pedigree should beCh. Sun Fun Sandy of Myrtle Beach Sire Ch. Dominic of Lenette Dam Emcees HRH Diana BearI a 91HVISUSMarch April 2004Tony Cabera and Fabian ArientiStarfire PomsMarch April 2004 Linda Pelz and Mike Wells DreamWeaver PomsPlease contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Coordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Ph. 903-882-1950 or email - JanuaeyFebruxry 2004 APC Pomersman Revewfe Pomerantan LUbtetoTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INCORPORATEDAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT.................................................................................................MARGARET MCKEEPH 804-556-33802426 Sandy Hook Rd, Goochland, VA 23063-2508 FAX 804-556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.................................................................................FRANCES STOLLR R 3, Box 429, Washington, IN 47501PH 812-254-3857 FAX 812-254-3254 EMAIL stolannedmrtc.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT..................................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1325 9th Street South, Virginia, MN 55792PH 218-741-2117 FAX 218-741-9435 EMAILjanlejanlepoms.comRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................................JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd.N Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317-924-9093 EMAIL indypomindy.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY........................................................CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972-962-3872 FAX 972-962-3872 EMAIL lovencountrypeoplepc.comTREASURER....................................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAUPH 281-351-951621522 Rosehill Church Rd, Tomball, TX 77375 FAX 281-351-6620 EMAIL texicandogaol.comAKC DELEGATE.................................................................................MARGE KRANZFELDER821 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045-9603PH 831-623-9265 FAX 831-623-2612 EMAILkranzmarhollinet.comJUDGES EDUCATION CONTACT............................................................DOROTHY MARTIN5354 Bluebird Lane, York SC 29745PH 803-831-8086 FAX 803-831-0351 EMAILedwarda.martinbellsouth.netSally Baugniet Annette Lynn Heise.BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Annette Davis Marge KranzfelderDiana Downey Greggory WatersAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgThe Pomeranian11139 East Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217-347-5731 Email fame62401 yahoo.comJanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 23From the Presidents DeskMargaret McKeeI hope you and your fur babies had a wonderful holiday season. It often is such a hectic time, and now were trying to catch up on more mundane things like kennel chores and paperwork.This fall our Elk Hill Challengers returned from the soccer tournament victorious they were the champions. I was proud of them, but prouder still that the coaches reported that they had behaved exceedingly well and demonstrated good sportsmanship. That was great Remember, I work in a residential treatment facility for disturbed teenage boys. Most of the young men arrive with poor social skills and little control of their emotions, especially anger. In addition to teaching science, Im supposed to try to teach them manners Please take your hat off in the building You may not sit on the desks in my classroom Kyle, can you introduce me to the new resident in your cottage and anger management. We try to teach them that they must be responsible for their own behavior. They are not permitted to blame others. Dont tell me what he did. Tell me what YOU did. We try to deal with our young men in a strength-based, positive manner. In dog training we call it positive reinforcement or behavior modification.I said in my last column that I think Pom people are the greatest. It isnt easy being a good sport when you really thought youd win and you didnt, or worse, lost to somebody you dont like. But most Pom people, on most occasions, come through beautifully, smile as they take the ribbon, thank the judge, and congratulate the winner. I confess that I dont find this easy to do, even with as much practice as I have had. I usually go back to my set up and gripe. I really should wait until I get in the car I have learned over the years that it is a waste of time to actually question a judge about his choices. You dont leam anything. The judge either says something vague and noncommital, or worse, says something really stupid. I must remember the fact that I have a hang-up about tiny ears or high tail sets doesnt mean the judge does. The fact that I think the judge should have picked a different special doesnt mean the judge is wrong. We breeders often disagree, as well. So take a deep breath, remember there will be another show, and youre taking home the most wonderful dog who loves you even though you lost Keep up the good job of being the most gracious, cheerful people in dogdom.24 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomekanixn ReviewI am writing this on Thanksgiving evening. We in APC have so much to be grateful for. Thanks toAll the intelligent, dedicated, brave Board members who give so much of themselves in time and energy to keep this club not only functioning, but growing and improving.The editor of Review. Unless youve done this job yourself, few people have any idea how hard she has worked to not only keep our magazine alive but improving all the time. It has truly been a labor of love.The Circulation Manager who has kept efficient records, developed procedures for serving you well, worked closely with the editor.The advertisers, who make the magazine possible and give me all those pretty pictures to look at.The Show committee, all of whom work very hard to bring you our terrific specialties.The Ways and Means Chairman, who oversees the auction and manages the Pom Shoppe, to bring in critical funds.Our AKC delegate, who attends the meetings at her own expense and regularly reports with clarity and insight.The Judges Education Coordinator, who finds qualified people to put on seminars, is keeper of our seminar materials, and puts on seminars at the National.The Membership Chairman who keeps tabs on all those applications at every step of the lengthy process, and helps put together the roster.Our Web Mistress, who keeps our website up to the second and advises the Board.And on and on and onso many people doing what they can for our club and our breed without thought of recognition. Thank you allI hope by this time you are firming up your plans to attend the APC national specialty in Louisville, Ky. If you havent made up your mind to go, it is well worth the effort. You dont have to have an outstanding show dog that you think you have a good shot of winning with to go. Many people go without an entry and have a wonderful time. There is so much to do and see. There are seminars to challenge and educate you. There is fabulous shopping, with vendors you may never have seen before. There is sightseeing for those who can find the time There is great food in the hospitality room and at the banquet. There are matches and contests for fun. There are all those incredible dogs and puppies to drool over and maybe buy. You get a chance to see and examine stud dogs who have only been pictures in a magazine. And you get to meet and visit with all those awesome Pom people. So, pick up the phone, make a room reservation, get a ride with a friend, pick a dog to bring, save your money, and COME. Ill look forward to seeing you there.JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 25Annette DavisOur question for this issue is What is hypothyroidismHypothyroidism underactive thyroid gland occurs when the thyroid does not produce sufficient levels of the hormone thyroxin. Thyroxin is a key hormone involved in nearly every metabolic process that occurs within the body. Hypothyroidism is a fairly common canine disease.Symptoms of hypothyroidism may include Weight gain Low energy levelsdepression Dry, thinning hairhair loss Dry skin Thickening of the skin Bacterial infections of the skin Hyper-pigmentation dark color of the skin Constipation Feeling cold InfertilityCauses may include Trauma or severe stress to the system especially at a young age. Low levels of iodine in the diet. A kelp and vitamin E supplement will often correct the problem in this case vitamin E helps the body properly utilize iodine. Autoimmune thyroiditis. The immune system attacks the thyroid for unknown reasons. A hypoallergenic diet i.e. lamb and rice based food omega fatty acids in the form of black currant oil and salmon oil, spirulina and vitamin E may provide relief. Your veterinarian may also determine that thyroid medication is necessary. Nutritional deficiency. Feed a premium food and offer an appropriate multi vitaminmineral supplement. Lack of light. Dont keep your dog in a dark area or turn out the lights too soon in the evening. Allow some exposure to natural sunlight and exercise each day. Idiopathic atrophy. Thyroid degeneration for unknown reasons. Medication used to treat hyperthyroidism overactive thyroid gland can cause hypothyroidism.How is hypothyroidism diagnosedA veterinarian exam and blood test are necessary, as the symptoms listed may be caused by other diseases.Our question for the next issue is I have a stud who has problems breeding. Is there anything I can doYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis, 391 N Mink Creek Road, Pocatello ID 83204, 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792, e-mail Previous Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm26 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Reviewpabys PomeraniansJrr-s4.OF WINNERSHNEW CHAMPIONLAWTON DOG FANCIERSassociationRINEHARTCh. pubys flwsome OvationBI, 33I, GC, tlOf Ch. Rubys isovgly tandin Ovation x Rubys Naughty NeborahThank you Judge William ergum for recognizing the quality of J by rewarding him his championship win.fllso, thank you Teresa Isivezey for doing such a fine job handling him. ftlso, CONSRtJTOkflTlONI T0R0IfI on your well deserved t^PC Kennel Visit. 1 am so proud of you and your accomplishments. 1 remember when we were both just kids many years ago and 1 must say that we have come a long way fly.lhow prospects and pets occasionally to approved homes.Ruby f. 18 341-6921JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 27J04ymtiuatUm6MetAyrb ^^nemmmiA - Vemfob ^loeyy 04b.fjwr Sftjrmel yjcM.^b fflufiricbe J SMittorb CotbP Pcb6y 6encA 6e6t cotAieA to fuA t04b, CffeAtyriA ^aAb^mvb^actibm. lbayeumIJoIoup4bAlA6fae6JoetAt^bA tojbwetaee quality omd beauty Jor- tbe 6wup my.Sffyftride SffitmemMamAVirginia and Warren Dimick Oklahoma City, OK 405 677-2511 Phone and Fax Pulprideaol.com1 'beda^A^AbAUede4^e4 bA mate Azw tto AzyAtos avtcA'A dee- jjct tzA A 4ZC d6WW.CONSRttTUIsflTIONIito Teresa Isivezeyon gour welldeserved feature, youve been a jog to work with and I look forward to gou handling mg poms to perfection. Thank gou so much for entrusting me with Ginger, shes a jog to show. I wish gou mang more gears of continued success in breedinghandling.tern WhiteRenegade Pomeraniansand Springs, OK. 74063 91S-245-33S5 pomeranian72msn.eom28 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewDeign 5 PomeraniansT eresa LivezeyI grew up in Missouri and became involved with dogs around the age of seven. The first dog I can remember was a black and white mix. His name was Ralphie. I was a bit ornery at this age. My Ralphie did not have a collar and it made me jealous seeing other dogs with collars. Therefore, I would sneak out and walk through the neighborhood. Any dog that was on a chain or in a pen, I would set them free and take their collar for Ralphie. The funniest episode that I remember was when I let loose a dog chained inside of a backyard. This dog was supposedly mean. As I was hiding around the comer giggling, I noticed the owner was frantically chasing the dog. My older brother would have to spend his evenings returning all of the collars that I stole.After we moved to the country, my father gave me an unbroken pony named Dapple. Dapple and I enjoyed spending quiet times together. I taught him to count and play hide and seek. Because I loved horses so much, this is where my first show experience began. My first show horse was a grade horse named Ole Dan. I showed him in the Childrens Western Pleasure class. In this type of competition, the rider competes on how well they can get the horse to walk, jog, and lope. Doing this type of showing was a hassle for my father to haul both of us around. This is when I decided to find something that was smaller to show and that I could handle doing by myself.m,-w r-liTeresa Livezey Kennel Visit Continued on Page 30S'A1V VZP. .V \Teresas Razzle Dazzle Dandy CD Savages Bo Jo CD LLL Fancy Gold Misty MornJanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranhn Review - 29My Aunt Maudie was raising Poodles and Pomeranians. I fell in love with her Poms and knew that I had to have one. Through an ad I found Sally Savage. She sold me my first Pom, a blue female named Corbins Miss Indigo Smoke. I never showed her, but she was a great member of the family. One of her offspring, a male named Teresas Razzle Dazzle Dandy, was my first show prospect. His call name was Fuzz Buzzard, a name given to him by my father. I entered him in obedience competition and was able to place a CD title on him. I practiced conformation with him in fun matches, but never entered him into an AKC show. The next dog I purchased was a show dog from Sally, named Savages Bo Jo. This was my first conformation dog, which was also shown in obedience. I could never get anything better than a reserve in conformation, but he did get his CD title and highest scoring Toy dog in an Oklahoma City show.From Janice Luginsland-Earl, LLL Poms, I received a cream bitch. I was able to put seven points on her in conformation. Next, I went to Mary Hammond of Rosewood Pomeranians and bought Rosewoods Bi-Mar Bareness. I was only able to put nine points on her. The next dog I received from Mary was a gold mine. Her name was Rosewoods Gold Mite Fantasia. I finished her in five shows with two back-to-back majors. The Rosewoods lines were perfect because they contained the LLL bloodlines.In the early 80s I moved to Oklahoma. This is when I married my first husband. He decided that I needed a Rottweiler puppy, named Barney, to show. We were doing really well. We usually received first or second in the puppy classes. Typically, the puppy classes had ten or more puppies competing. However, with my inexperience on how to handle dogs in this breed, he snapped at the judge, which ended his show career. This is when he became my best friend and protector. Barney passed away at the ripe old age of sixteen. His replacement was a Shetland Sheepdog named DCasaun Lasting Impression with a call name of Ike.Teresa Livezey Kennel Visit Continued From Page 29N'Rosewoods Bi-Mar Baroness Ch. Rosewoods Gold Mite Fantasia Designs Cock-of-The-Walkr-" aBESTOPPOSITE SEX iWINNERSt " \6EST OF WNBSSEMINOLEKENNEL CLUB1 SAUNA 1 KENNELCLUBSEPT 1 2000i i2001PhCTO Br MELIA1JDesigns Savin Time Ch. Designs Helzapoppin,Bryans first time in the ring. Ch. Designs Helzapoppin30 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewAfter the divorce, I started back into the show world. From Janice Young of Star Haven, I purchased Martins Mark Tradition. He was a son of CH. Millamors Mark Tradition. Although he did not like to show, he did produce some good puppies. These included Designs Cock-Of-The-Walk, Designs Savin Time, and Ch. Designs Helzapoppin. While attending conformation classes, I met Marilyn Gamer of Marilyns Pomeranians. Marilyn reunited me with Ruby Poole. Ruby started me on the Bev-Nor Lines. I am now crossing this line with the Creider lines in a male I co-own with Marion Bandin of Mabins Pomeranians.In 1999,1 met Bryan. After a little coercion, I was able to talk him into accompanying me to dog shows. I tried to talk him into showing, but was never successful. In one of the Springfield Missouri shows, I entered Corky, Ch. Designs Helzapoppin, and Ch. PufPride-Designs Heaven Sent a wonderful dog I purchased from Virginia Dimick. His call name was Sender and I used him to blend the PufPride lines with the Millamor. During the selection for reserve, I was in the ring with Sender. Corky was being called back into the ring for reserve. Bryan kept telling the ring steward that she is over there, pointing towards me. The steward kept saying no, I need Corky. Bryan finally realized that he was going to have to bring Corky into the ring himself. He did a good job of gaiting Corky around and ended up taking reserve. After this, I was able to talk him into showing. After a few private lessons and conformation classes, he entered Corky into his first conformation show in Salina Kansas. For his first time out in the show ring, Bryan put a four-point major on Corky.Soon after his debut in the ring with Corky, I learned that my backyard Shetland Sheepdog, Ike, was show quality. Bryan graciously offered to start showing him. He put most of the singles on the dog and a Group Four placement, but wanted me to do his majors. On Good Friday of this year, Ike became a champion. Now I am currently into breeding and showing both the Shelties and the Poms. I would like to thank everybody that has helped me along the way and for allowing me to share my story with you. i - V\r. -V^ '-RESERVE I WINNERS V. aBEST Of BREEOVARIETTswra1999-oro f EUCKD-KtffrrttVT KENNEL ai'S Or TULSA 1999sr MELIA J i Amm SmCh. PufPride-Designs Heaven Sent Designs Holly-Gram OAtom Deisgns Gold Mite Top KittyA___ - . Lys'7 ----r. y \ft ' , - .- ^A.-V-.1 'SMCh. DCasaun Lasting Impression Ch. DCasaun Lasting Impression Bryan and TeresaJanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 31omameison,9 your Jfennel Tdsit feature. Jlfay you have continued success in your show andbreediny ana r emand all the oys,OWLS850 m-6277BlackCrystal KennelsCoalBlackCrystals Bum It Up ShimmereeCongratulations to Pati Danielson on her kennel visit Pati, your knowledge and friendship are much appreciated. We love to visit you, your dogs and your kennel.Special thanks to Charlene and Gregg Waters for helping us breed this beautiful boy.Cristy and Jessica Christiansen801-576-0227 801-318-9593 BlackCrystalsescrowtech.comdPadi J aHieltMiifoui tvsiM' cleew.^J.91999 CfCervnel' 1VtAot'^om42WtPati, Ejcnaratufationson your welt deserved kennel visit. ff know kow muck tkat you love your doys ffve loved kaviny fenny and SEucy in my life, ff will miss fenny very muck and kopejully will continue to enjoy Sfucy for several'Alaeva jPmsjmt' jiloMf' ftftmaytnJitundac 0tc9yUurr STandif CfCcerUcjmore years to come.fove,CLorma Paujf SSawy SCtas^naAesPatufys Setatymacr- Cicnii, Sttackicvcljour Mom, dandy.jiiwrUiftic SBanAv32 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Reviewwma 'Mly''Hi, My name is Patricia Pati Danielson. artMfSTCifsKqlI...............[ allowing me this kennel visitMy husband, Dale, and I have lived in central Wyoming since 1981. We live in a modest three-bedroom home with a full basement situated on two acres. My husband -1 js not a big dog person but is very supportive of me in everything that I do. Hed much rather talk hunting and fishing than dogs, however. We have two adult children, homas twenty-four, and Theresa twenty-one and a son-in-law, AJ twenty-fourv-We so have three beautiful granddaughters, Jordan four, Faith three and Natalie one.ur home is set up with a dog room, which has standard 100 Vari Kennels for crat ng night, stacked ex pens three 4 x 4s and six 2 x 4s used as indoor runs dur lement weather, and a small grooming bench. I bath dogs in the kitchen sink. I puppy pens as needed. Our dog runs are right outside the back door. We haye a ncrete patio that has three 8f x 24' chain link runs off it and two larger yards her side. Two sides of the runs are wood privacy fence to help with noise and wind, yards are kept in grass to help keep the dogs cooler in the summer.Patricias Poms Kennel Cisit Continued on age 34ngsetJanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 33Patricia's Poms Kennel Visit ContimiedFrom Page 33In the summer we put shade tarps over the far end of the runs. All the runs have doghouses so the dogs can get out of our wonderful Wyoming WIND I really enjoy having them this way. I can sit at the kitchen table in the morning and have my coffee and watch the dogs. In the summer I sit on the patio and have them all right there to visit with.My life with dogs began at the age of about five. We always had a pet in the house, but thats when I got my own puppy.She was a Poodle named Schotzee. My mom had her bred at about two. We lost her and one of three puppies during an emergency Caesarean section. The two boys were mine. Mom gave Barney to one of my uncles when he was about five, but Schultz was mine until he died at about ten. The summer that Schultz died I met a girl a year or so younger then myself named Alice. Her family had a Champion Poodle and a Champion Afghan Hound. That champion thing really intrigued me Coming from rural northern Minnesota, I was not familiar with show dogs at all.The next dog I got was an Afghan Hound named Elsie. After I got Elsie, I moved in with my mom and stepdad, down by the Twin Cities. I met an Afghan Hound person by the name of Barb Preston. She encouraged me to take my first conformation class and attend my first dog show. Im sure that she does not realize what a lasting impression that she has left on me. I got to spend time at her home with her show dogs and got a taste of grooming. She allowed me to breed Elsie to one of her champion males. My first experience at breeding was not a good one. Elsie had to have a Caesarean section at the University of Minnesota, and two of the three puppies had problems and eventually were lost. The third was sold as a pet after we moved to Wyoming.Several years later I decided that I wanted another small dog and decided on a Pomeranian. That was about sixteen years ago. I started looking around the state. There wasnt much to pick from. I bought, resold or gave away several prospects that turned out not to be the quality that I wanted. I did call a couple of breeders out of state but the distance and price wererJT'il Am fedmm , --------m- ''VA-i-... i"VThe Danielsons dog runs in the back yard.not obtainable. The fact that with no track record of showing and limited access to dog shows due to living in Wyoming, they really did not seem to take me seriously. I did buy a little boy named Gizmo from a small show breeder Abe Hodges in Laramie, Wyoming. I took my first obedience classes with him. Abe encouraged me to become active in our local kennel club. I held the secretary position for a couple of years and was editor of the clubs newsletter. I was also active in several areas of putting on our dog show, everything from hiring judges, grounds clean up and trophy chairperson, etc.My first conformation show dog came from a local person, whom I helped out on occasion. I watched a litter of four that she had, three boys and one girl. I fell in love with this little girl. The woman offered her to me at half of what she was selling the males for because of my having helped with her dogs, with no guarantees as to her show worthiness. I entered my first AKC show with her at six months. She won breed no points but I was so excited I cried and went into the group ring, I WAS HOOKED. I finished her Canadian Championship on a flurry of a trip that had me mnning from my hometown in Minnesota back and forth to Canada, on the weekend that my oldest brother decided to get married. They said, Wedding, and I started looking for the closest dog show There were three shows in Canada, one hundred and twenty five miles away from the wedding. It turned out that Jane Lehtinen lived in a town about fifty miles from my hometown. After the first show34 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Reviewthat weekend, I called Jane. I did not really know her, but had read about her in some of the magazines and had met her briefly at a show in southern Minnesota in July the previous year. I told her my dog had won a group one that day and asked if she might possibly help me with her grooming. She said yes and off I went to her house. Jane graciously groomed Winnie and the next day, after the wedding, she won BEST IN SHOW and finished her Canadian Championship She was half way through her first pregnancy at the time. Jane and I have remained good friends since. The next year, one of the puppies from that litter, Penny and Winnie finished their US Championships on my arm, during the same week in June. It was so exciting to finish them both myself. That was a memorable week.Penny was sired by a beautiful black n tan out of Colorado, his name was CH. Janesas Trendsetter. Trend was owned by Judy ONeil. Trend was out of the infamous CH. Thelduns Almond Fudge and was acquired by Judy from his breeder Jerrie Friea. Judy does not show dogs anymore and I call and visit with Jerrie regularly.Winnies next litter was by a son of Trend named Ch. Wee Paws Preferred Stock Stetson. Weepaws was the kennel name that Judy was using. Diana Castro, who has been a good friend since the beginning of my dog show days, owned Stetson. That breeding produced Champions Molly and Wally.Winnie also produced Dixie. She was sired by Janes boy Barkley Ch. Millamors Make a Statement. Dixie won Best in Sweepstakes at the APC show at the Carolina cluster with Jane. That was my first National ever. I was HOOKED again. I have been to every winter national since, and a couple of summer nationals as well. I never finished Dixie but she and Ch. AJs Smokin Joe, Frazier did produce Ch. Player.Winnies last litter was whelped when she was almost eight. Ch. Sable was sired by CH. AJs Smokin Joe, Frazier as he is known. Upon finishing Sable, Winnie completed the requirements for her ROM.5 .i_XiV_Group placing Ch. Patricias Shiny LiF Penny Ch. Milnes Pride of Patricia ROM Group placing Ch. Patricias Lil Miss Molly ROMWinnies Daughter Ch. Molly has recently completed the requirements for her ROM by having produced four champions also, CH. Busy, Ch. Honey, Ch. Goldie and Ch. Killer. We also have two more of her kids waiting, hopefully to be finished to complete her ROMX.I would not have finished the dogs that I have without Nadine Hersil. She has been wonderful She put the last major on Molly. Nadine also finished Wally, Sable, Player, Busy and Honey. Mystic is out with Nadine presently and only needs two points to finish.Nadine is also responsible for a very memorable weekend in my life I wish I could have been there She took Player home with her from the Nationals in Texas one year. The first weekend out with him was Easter weekend. Those of you that know Nadine know she does not call from the shows. But the evening of Good Friday Nadine called to tell me that Player had received a five point major. Phone calls came the next two nights as well, with Player finishing on Easter Sunday by going Best of Breed for his third five point major to finish in spectacular style. Nadine said it was fate as his name was Ch.Patricia s Poms Kennel Visit Continued on Page 36 JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 35Patricia's Poms Kennel Visit Continued From Page 35Patricias Smokin Passion Play, his mom was Patricias Passion Play, and it was Easter Weekend after allIn the last year I finished Ch. Goldie, a Player and Molly daughter, and Ch. Killer, a Maxx and Molly son. While doing so I got to spend time with Greg and Charlene Waters and enjoyed their hospitality. They introduced me to Christy Christensen and her daughter Jessie. I feel a close kinship to all of them.I have to say that Jerry and Ashley Miller have become good friends. Their dogs play a very important role in my breeding program. Without them, their trust in me and allowing me to use their boys Ch. Janesas Maxx-Factor, Maxx, Ch. AJs Smokin Joe, Frazier, and Ch. AJs Image of Tally, Trip, and purchase AJs Desert Maxxine at Patricia, Maxxine, I would not have had the good fortune to have the quality dogs that I do.Several years ago I saw Cathy Anderson and some of her dogs at the APC Nationals and liked the type of dogs that she had.A couple of years ago I started talking to Cathy about incorporating her lines into mine. That is what I am currently working on by using her stud Ch. Weewyns a Walk in the Park, Jasper, purchasing a girl sired by Jasper, along with continuing the lines I have been working with for many years. Cathy has become a good friend and listener as wellI have taken things slow and easy, I am still on only my fourth generation of dogs that I have bred and have never sold a show puppy yet. They say never say never though I know where or what has happened to just about every puppy I have sold, there havent been that many, about twenty in twelve years. I enjoy seeing them on occasion. There are a few that I groom regularly. Some I only have contact with during the holidays, but enjoy it very much.I currently have three litters, a total of five puppies, and the most ever at one time. Goldie and Jasper have one orange girl. Busy and Wally have one boy and one girl, both black and tan. Maxxine and Killer have one boy and one girl, both orange.i1L_u-m rGroup placing Ch. Patricias Smokin Passion Play Ch. Patricias Sir Braveheart Ch. Patricias -No-Im Black N TanAs I am writing this, they are only one month or younger, but they are my hope towards the future The night the second litter was bom I had to take Ch. Penny in to be put down. She had had a stroke and was not doing well I guess that day I experienced the full circle of life as a breeder.Last week I lost a seventeen month old that I had taken in to be spayed. She quit breathing towards the end of surgery. They revived her but she was in a coma. This experience just reinforced having any pet spayed or neutered before it leaves my home. I would not want a new owner to experience the loss of a new pet and I feel that it helps to eliminate negativity to the new owners by the dog.I will continue to set small goals for myself, such as continuing a line of Champion ROMROMX bitches and trying to breed happy healthy dogs better than their parents. Maybe someday Ill get my Best In Show dog here in the USA I also hope to continue to make long lasting friendships that will hold up through the ups and downs of this breed. There are many people that I have not mentioned that have shown many kindnesses to me at the shows. I wish you all the best of luck in your future as well as many thanks to all of my friends and family for their support '36 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review- ^--- wi.-.-.' -'.-vAi' S '.y^f -'I.,. ''K . A -\ i1 - - 3.^v'v 7 -i FIEALLEY WANE vift ACh. Patricias Busy BeeTCh. Patricias Honey Bee Group placing Ch. Patricias Golden Bee- 1l\ , 3vekCh. Patricias Killer Bee Left Ch. Milnes Pride of Patricia ROM Right Patricias Smokin Passion Play A Me 9JL .kir\ Ch. Patricias Smokin Mystic Bee Top blacktan male and female Wally x BusyLower orange female Goldie x Jasper, orange female and orange male Maxxine x KillerJanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 37iAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomindy.netNovember Board SummaryOctober Board SummaryA motion was made, seconded and passed that we add a link in the APC web site Links section which states For a firsthand look at our wonderful breed, the Pomeranian, watch the 128th annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on USA Network, Monday and Tuesday, February 9-10, 2004. The Pomeranian has a great history at Westminster a Best In Show in 1988, and several Group lsts and other group placements. Help cheer us on this year For additional information, please log on to made, seconded and passed to award Parent Club Medallions for Best of Breed Gold, Best Bred by Exhibitor Silver and Best of Opposite Sex Bronze at the 2003 AKC Eukanuba National Championship in December. Cost of the three medallions is 75.00.Motion made, seconded and carried to offer a free business card ad to the person responsible for the sales of Business Card Advertising for the Pomeranian Review. Business Card Manager This person will send notices of expiring business card ads, solicit new business card advertising, collect the checks and send directly to the treasurer. HeShe will also advise the Review Editor which Business cards have expired for their removal.Congratulations Pati Danielson on your kennel visit. Your friendship has meant a lot to us. Your company has always been a source of joy. Warmest wishes for continued success. Were looking forward to many more years of your friendship and company. Congratulations also to Jessica Christiansen on your Junior Jive feature We are so very proud of you. Gregg and Charlene Waters3fK-nouwyVEWBLCU m MM -BES5 o IkXT ACH. SHIMMEREE PICTURE PERFECT WOWSally finished her championship on her eight month birthday. She is owned, co-owned and loved by Greggory S. and Charlene R. Waters Terry and Jordan RothellCongratulations to Tonzsa IsiVZy on hor flpC fennel Visit. Wishing you continued success.Mary flllan flllayns 91 485-104038 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewCCT O 4 5Victoria-u41 4,BEST OF OPPOSITEMAJOR CABRILLO KENNEL CLUB2003 HOLLOWAYShowcase Last DanceBISABISS Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water, HF, GC, ROMS x Ch. Showcase Charmed Im SureThanks to Judge Mr. Robert D. Sharp, for this Major win, to Curtiss Smith for his expert handling and to Diane Finch forallowing me to use Travis in his golden years.Congratulations to Pati Danielson, Teresa Livezey, and Jessica Christiansen for your features Continued success with ourwonderful breed.Showcase PonuzraniansAlane Levinsohn818352-9536 ShowcasePoms.comtWHOS FERFECrr, ANYWAYa,lct rnotSallyBaugnietAre you the PERFECT PERSON Would you like to be the perfect person Well dont look at me I havent met the perfect person, yet, and I have been around for a pretty long time. Im not so sure I would like to be that non-existent perfect person. I would have to spend so much time trying to be perfect, that I wouldnt have time for anything elseWouldnt you rather have imperfections and enjoy life a little more Let us see what life might be like...I guess not This page does not have enough space for the lives of all of the imperfect people, because we are all imperfect in different ways and would all live our lives in different ways. We could strive to be perfect, though. That might be better for the world, and us in general. Let us think of this in terms of our Poms.Those who have gone to genetics seminars given by veterinarians that majored in genetics will hear that every dog has at least five genetic faults. The trick is to breed so as to not double up on the same faults. An even trickier trick is to leam what those faults are. Studying the basics, going to seminars, reading and following the blueprint standard for our breed will help us strive to breed, buy, exhibit, and judge the Pomeranian. In order to do this we have to have the closest-to-perfect as possible to follow.Would we be right or even ethical to allow something to exist that gives incorrect information for those wanting to do their best job creating, exhibiting, or judging as close to the perfect Pom as is possible Would new people in these various fields be able to accomplish their goals with conflicting statements It would very hard to do, if not, impossible. If something is wrong we should be able to admit it and make corrections. Those of us who are teachers are used to finding mistakes, pointing them out, and having the students makes their corrections. We leam if we remember the mistakes we made and make sure we do not make the same mistakes again.It is most imperative that the most important document officially recognized by The American Kennel Club and The American Pomeranian Club, The Pomeranian Standard be as perfect as possible. Conflicting statements should not be allowed to exist.. .and yet there is a very glaring conflict in that absolute description of what the PERFECT POMERANIAN should be...that perfect Pom for which we are to strive...that perfect Pom that is to be in ones mind when breeding, exhibiting, and judging. This is the document we refer to when there is a question.. .the Pomeranian Bible, so to speak.M. sA40 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewWhat is that conflict In the third paragraph of the Pomeranian Standard, Head-.. .When viewed from the front and side, one sees small ears which are mounted high and carried erect. To form a wedge, visualize a line from the tip of the nose ascending through the center of the eyes and the tip of the ears.It is absolutely geometrically impossible for the ears to be high-set, erect ears and still be part of a wedge described, which is at conflicting angles to the proper ear-set. This description gives those persons familiarizing themselves with the detailed intricacies of the Pom a conflicting picture of that perfect Pom.The standard has always stated high-set erect ears. The wedge, described as it is, gives the Pom an almost forty-five degree angled Papillon ear-set. That is NOT the correct ear-set for the Pomeranian. The ears should not be mentioned in the description of a wedgeIn my opinion, if we are required to have a standard that describes the perfect Pomeranian and we allow this obvious conflict to exist, it makes the APC members look like they are either uncaring or unwise. Why do we not make it right Even though we know we are not perfect, this is something that should be as perfect as possible. No amount of teaching or ignoring will make our Pomeranian blueprint right. Let us at least strive for perfection in the document itself This is one very easy thing to correct.There are many of us breeding, exhibiting, and judging Poms that have not really studied our blueprint as intensely as we should for a long time. Some may never have read that standard. Please take time to not just read our standard, but also study it as intensely as you would for an exam. If we do that, Im sure it will help us work toward producing or finding that perfect Pom. The Pomeranian Standard can be found at and AmericanPomeranianClub.orgSally Baugniet, 3851 Sand Bay Lane, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235,, srbcopper.netThoughts for the day. An error doesnt become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. If you want change, you have to put in your two cents worth. Happy New Year to all May your bubbles never burstAnd more....I disagree with Sallys statement that the AKC Pomeranian Standard is easy to correct. NOT Which is why the APC Board declined to appoint a Standard Revision Committee. If one opens up the possibility of changing the Pom Standard, many will want to alter other parts. So then the whole thing will come under extensive discussion.Then we have the somewhat lengthy procedure required by AKC for standard revision. We must submit it to the membership for a vote, which must pass all changes as a package by a twothirds vote. Then the new standard must be submitted to AKC for approval.AKC permits us to change the standard only every five years. Most standards are revised rarely and a few have never been changed. Your APC Board is reluctant to open the bam door to frequent tinkering.Margaret McKee, American Pomeranian Club, Inc. President.JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 41MastsMOm Dew ch^TOpioD... Ch. Hustogs hoe "Pdfo-.A--'cJ0-5rWINNERST[SKEifEvAlirr KE S'ClI CU'lV-. - a^CH MUSTANG GOOD TIME CHARLIE X MUSTANG SALLY HPOCO IS LOVINGLY HANDLED BY DAVID FITZPATRICK. DAVID HAS FINISHED POCO IN LESS THAN A MONTH WITH FOUR BEST OF BREEDS TO HIS CREDIT OVER GROUP WINNING SPECIALS. WE CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH DAVID FOR YOUR EXPERT PRESENTATION AND WONDERFUL CARE OF OUR LITTLE BALL OF FIREAND OF COURSE WE DEEPLY APPRECIATE THESE JUDGES WHO AWARDED OUR LITTLE GUYS SOUNDNESS, TYPE AND BEAUTIFUL MOVEMENT. THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH.MR DARRYL VICE -BOWMR STEVE KEATING -BOW, BREEDMR DENNIS MC COY-BOWMRS PEGGY HOGG- BOWMR ERIQUE JORGE FILLIPPINI-WINNERSMR FRANK SABELLA-BOW DR SAM DRAPER-BOW, BREED MRS JOAN ZIELINSKI-BOW, BREED MRS ANN SUMMA- BREEDhowsJoyce Birks570 888-4195 mustangclaritycoimect.com42 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewLTjJAre you certain you can drive this thing Submitted by Lois MorkasseX1JtiljTlBarb McClatchey writes Harley came to us in early July from a pound where she was about to be put to_sleep. Because she had mange SarcopticScabies, the officer who took her in had put her in the back with the big dogs instead of up front in thfcsmall cages where they keep the little dogs and cats.We kipew no one would want to adopt her. She weighed seven and^half pounds and,in addition to the mange, had heartworm. The vet^linic treated the mange which included shaving her entirely from in front of her ears back to her tail and we fattened her up to her proper ten pounds before treating for heartworm and spaying. I fell madly in love with her, but placed her in a good home. Harleys smile tells the happy ending, she is now loved.Vr--f r14\ iGrocery store special, three for the price of one. Joanne Norris.TPWANTItOniqae and candid Pom photos are welcome. K7s dast Far Fu.vroWaysDonna Riehm ChairpersonAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc, and Means Mom4pomsaol. comHAPPY 2004 TO ONE AND ALL. If you are reading this you have been fortunate enough to survive the Holidays and you know what is really scary We have to hit the road running as our 2004 Specialty in Louisville is only weeks away. Time for me to plan the Ways and Means fundraisers and of course one of the main events is our auction.Our members and friends were SO generous last year making that auction a record-making event. We received over one hundred thirty items from over sixty donors. The items offered for auction were just fabulous, ranging from craft items, original art, custom creations, jewelry, collectibles, grooming items, toys, out of print books, and so on. I want to take the time to thank them again for their time, effort, thoughtfulness, creative talents and continued support for our Club.Jim Shearer Donna Machniak Geneva Pennock LonsCarolyn Brandenburg Darrell Baker Bill AdamsPomeranian Club of Canada Olga Baker Brenda AdamsVicky Leitner Ohio Valley Pom Club Cathy GouldNancy Reed Ken Griffith Pomeranian Club of Alfred Lapuz Lynn Webster Pauline McFarlandNina Travinsky Donna Riehm Fran StollRhapsody Rhodes Jackie Walsh Gina WilliamsDiane Finch Marcia Cox Janice RussellCaryl Schrimpsher Brenda Segelken Jane LehtinenSherri Rogers Naida Cobum Judy MehcizJulie Kradel-OBrien Suzanne Bemey Becky SabourinJoseph A. Hovermale Erika Moureau Nadine HershelLauretta Flynn Ann Berryman Cheri McDonaldCamilla Knight Bob Fiddick Walda GreenSharon Hanson Juanita Fiddick Beth ShattuckRon Smith Betsy Owens Laura MeinekeMerilyn Smith Karen Chisam Barbara PluffDeronda Sharp Mari Iffland Audrey RobertsDerrik Sharp Debbie Kingery Eleanor GriffithBest of Breed Fine Jewelry Margaret McKeeTime to start planning on what you might donate to the 2004 APC auction. The Louisville Event is sure to be even grander than last year. We need everyones support. Items can be brought to me in Louisville or mailed to my home in advance of the Specialty. I would love to have an email from all of you that will be donating items. The generosity of all our Pomeranian APC members and friends is second to none.See you in Louisville in March. Make your plans now44 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewW CtovipimsC^ctMpims Record C m[uwd fy AtlC V\jeu CXLm]0jis listed ara tinned r Sred ty APC mlwsAi^nsfc Septe4erDarlins Birthday Wish B, TP31974502, Org Sbl, CH Jan-Shars Topsy Turvy x CH Heartlands Precious Gift, Owned by Donna J Machniak Laurie Otis, Bred by Donna J Macbniak Laurie Otis.Darlins Major Commotion D, TR04700701 Org CH ReGator In Motion x Macks Chili Pepper, Owned by Laurie Otis, Bred by Donna Machniak LaurieFinchs Walkin Prim N Proper B, TP15735701.He Walks On Water x Showcase I Dream Of Genie, Diane L Finch, Bred by Diane L Finch Alane Levinsohn. Impressions The Highlander D, TP2278060T, OrgSMgjv^ Impressions Too Hot Ta Handle x Artie Poms Spirit Dancer, Owned by William E Adams Brenda R Adams, Bred by. Rachel'Latimer. Kacees Ready-Set-Go D, TP26982101, Org, CH Jan-Shars Tops Turvy x CH Kacees N Janesas Lets.Go Girl, Owned by Katy" Stalnaker Jessie Fasanella, Bred'by Katy Stalnaker.'Maranathas Starspangld Baner B, TP25464001, Org, CH Nguyen,Cory Loverboy Of GQ xJVfaranathas Lil Mistletoe CD,4 Owned by Steven Carlin Gloria Carlin, Bred by Steven Carlin Gloria Carlin.Marbils Gotcha Covered D,TP_05291201, Org Sbl, GHj^larbils Games Of Chance x Marbils Taking A Chance, Owned by Carolyn Brandenburg, Bred by Pat Yates Duncap Mari Iffland.Paradise Valley Linus D, TR06275801, Org Sbl, CH Jessicas Jessie James x Paradise Valley Sundancing Sadie, Owned by Marshall Rokos Cindy Rokos, Bredby Marshall Rokos Cindy Rokos. -nTOMfeL,.Pom Acres Honey Kan Dew Itto B, TP03835702,Dews Barter Opom Acres x Pom Acres Touch Of Klass, Own Marlene Harmon, Bred by Juanita Fiddick.Sungold Vintage Chianti D, TR03170701, Org Sbl, Phyner Jus Wonderful x Serenitys Sweet As Honey, O'E Takayama, Bred by Debbie Pearson Larry Pearson.Trudys Kentucky Blue At Aphrodite D, TR07291601,CH Trudys Country Club x Trudys Delicate Lace, Owned by LiA Decicco, Bred by Nancy Coddington.Ursa Minrs We Are Not Amused B, TR09591103, Org Sbl, CH Wee Hearts Ridn Shotgun x Ursa Minors Jelly Side Down, Owned by Barbara Krzewicki Cassandra Evans, Bred by Barbara Krzewicki.Woodroses Chase The Clouds D, TP19538301, Org, CH Jan- Shars Make My A Double x Woodroses Barbie Doll, Owned by Yvette H Oganeku Clarice M Oganeku, Bred by Yvette H Oganeku Clarice M Oganeku.Carleez Dr Zeuss - D, TP28855003, Blk Tn, CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD x CH Janesas Southern Sundown, Owned byCarol Leemhuis, Bred by Carol Leemhuis.Destinees Cloud Dancer D, TP08257401, Org, CH Destinees bikin On Cloud Nine x CH Emcees Bambee Chip, Owned byPaul Gates, Bred by Paul Gates.Finchs Breathtaking Romance B, TR03327601, Rd, CHcendo Call To Arms x Finchs Simply Breathtaking, Owned by Diane L Finch, Bred by Diane L Finch.Finchs Get Over Yourself B, TP28243001, Org, CH Finchs He Walks On Water x Cascades Sunkist Cassandra, Owned by Charles Whittemore, Bred by Diane L Finch.Finchs Peacemaker Parti D, TP27325501, Org, CH Chriscendo Call To Arms x Del Rey Revolutionary Star, Owned by Elaine Waugh, Bred by Diane L Finch.Jan Les Just A Dash Of Smoke B, TP20146102, Org, CH Jan Les Just A Dash Of Millamor x CH Jan-Les Just Smokin, Owned by Tina M Bottorff Jane Lehtinen, Bred by Jane Lehtinen. Jan-Shars Just What The Dr. Ordered D, TR12539903, Org,CH Jan-Shars Whistle Stop x Jan-Shar Minnie Pearl, Owned byIsSe Suzuki, Bred by Sharon Hanson.Mostly Tim Sue D, TR06531703, Org, CH Tim Sues Fantastic Higtfic Jeribeth High Lilly, Owned by Tim Goddard Sue GoddardfBred byyOlga Baker.Monarcs Queen Of Hearts - B, TR07568702, Org, Starfires The Lion King x CH Monarcs Mini Tornado, Owned by Shari Shields,OitlenmndaBred b^Sl^^M^dsihimmeree Fulla Pizzazz Wow B, TR09467603, Org, CHRandys Razors Edge x Kilpatricks NThunders Jazmin, Owned by Charlene R Waters Greggory S Waters Terry Rothell Jordan RotbelL Bred by Charlene R Waters Greggory S Waters Terry ..Rothell Jordan Rothell.ubers Indy Nile DMalashel B, TP09543102, Blk Tn, Pom Acres Eye Of The Hawk x CH Subers Cleopatra, Owned by Elaine Wishnow, Bred by Suzanne Bemey.Ti Amo Apollo Of Great River D, TP 12212201, Blk Tn, CH Great Rivers Lil Lord Adonis x Great River Spice Of Life, Owned by Sharon Yampiro Dr. Rosanne M Cebelenski, Bred by Sharon Yampiro Dr. Rosanne M Cebelenski.Tresstiques Fabulous Jewel B, TP09240101, Blk, CH Glen Corry Merimaur Fabio x CH Tresstiques Walkin Treasure, Owned by Barbara Burdge, Bred by Bonnie Harris.Tresstiques Road Warrior B, TP21298901, Org, CH Indiana Jones Of Lenette x CH Tresstique Touch Of Cinnamon, Owned by Bonnie Harris, Bred by Bonnie Harris.Data is received from AKC. If your name is spelled incorrectly, please check with AKC and have your name corrected with them, send a copy of the corrected AKC Certificate to the Awards Chair and it will be corrected in APC Records. In order to be eligible for APC Awards you must have been a member of the APC for one 1 calendar year.JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 45^hey s4mmiccw ^mimcinian cluA Si^slem ciecL c^xmiji0tutUmJLs reported in the jl Jdwards issues 6j' onbine reports November 1, 2002 through November 6, 2003Dogs Name1 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams2 CH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief3 CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD4 CH Jan-Shars Hail To The Chief5 CH Wang Tsu Aim To Fame6 CH Paradise Valley Royal Medallion7 CH Sundowns Keegan Xavier8 CH Belstars Sweet November9 CH Starfires Wicked Mean-N-N10 CH Cottontop Doin It BetterI I CH Pom Acres Victorious Dawn 12 CH Peachs Day Dream Believer14 CH Paradise Valley Linus^15 CH Paradise Valley Moonstruck16 CH Sugar Raes Im A Believer17 CH Starfires Robcary Sobe It18 CH Foxworth First Rate19 CH Jan-Shars Dudly20 CH Celestials ClassiSexBOB BreedPts Owners2,002I 1532 45425 34322 309D 3 27123201200D 15D 16 125D 9 125B 8 122Diane Finch Noble InglettRon Smith, Sharon Hanson Merilyn SmithCarol LeemhuisRon Smith, Sharon Hanson Merilyn Smith Mary Carlisle Brenda Segelken Marshall Rokos, Jessica Smith R Turner Camilla KnightShantra Reese Diana Gross Tony Carbrera Fabian Ariente Linda Mulso Barbara Wo 11 man Juanita FiddickBob Peitch, Elizabeth Peitzch Jessie Klein arshall Rokos Cindy Rokos J Smith, R TurnerAngela Semonsky, Virginia Watkins, Erika Moureau Caryl Fennel Schrimpsher Katy Stalnaker Charles A Stalnaker Becky Sabourin Celeste Favilla R SolanoDogs NameICH Pufpride Sweet Dreams 2CH Starfires Wicked Mean-N-Nasty 3CH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief 4CH Paradise Valley Moonstruck 5CH Jan-Shars Hail To The Chief 6CH Belstars Sweet November 7CH Pom Acres Air Jordon 8CH Paradise Valley Royal Medallion 9CH Wildwood Spirit Of Pom Acres I0CH Pom Acres Victorious Dawn I ICH Starfires Robcary Sobe It I2CH Cottontop Doin It Better I3CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright 14CH Wang Tsu Aim To Fame I5CH Sundowns Keegan Xavier I6CH Paradise Valley Linus I7CH Peachs Day Dream Believer I8CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD I9CH Foxworth First Rate 20CH Davins Midnight EclipseIfoG2 G3BIS G I17 29i4,627D2,1381,2321.2211.2001,137,0491,035.022934825821797712646564458258244G4 AII-BreedPts Owners10 26,247 Diane Finch Noble InglettTony Cabrera Fabian Ariente Ron Smith, Sharon Hanson, Merilyn Smith J Smith, R TurnerRon Smith, Sharon Hanson, Merilyn Smith Shantra Reese Diana Gross Juanita FiddickMarshall Rokos, Jessica Smith, R Turner Juanita Fiddick Juanita Fiddick Caryl Fennel Schrimpsher Linda Mulso Barbara Wollman Becky SabourinMary Carlisle, Brenda Segelken Camilla KnightMarshall Rokos Cindy Rokos Bob Peitzch, Elizabeth Peitzch, Jessie Klein Carol LeemhuisKaty Stalnaker Charles A Stalnaker Kevin Orr46 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewTp Breeder, Sura 4 "pawre-ported by JAC Novem6er 1, 2002 through September 31, 2003Tp Breeders Tp SuresDiane L Finch Sharon L Hanson Jerrie Freia Juanita Fiddick Nano Coddington K G Griffith DaOid L Gilstrap Donna Machniak Atice R Carlson Barbara Krze\Oicki Jane Lehtinen Karen Po\0er Letitia E Cannon Mari Iffland Sharon iampiro1716Jan11JV.-3CH Chriscendo Call To Arms CH Finchs He "\0alks On NOater CH Paughprints On The TTTN Crest CH Trudys Countn Club Finchs Causin A Comotion CH Great Elms Mr Grips CH Jan-Shars Dont \3orr Be Happ' D-Shars Head Ooer Heels Shars N Sfnc -Slrars Tbps' TuW'Tountain Crest Image Of Logan CH Pom Acres Thrill Of NJictorSharon L Hans Diane L Finch Jerrie Freia Alice R Carlson Donna Machniak Kab Stalnaker Nano Coddington Sharon Tampiro Bobii Earle Camilla Knight Dr. Rosanne IT. Cebelenski Juanita Fiddick Letitia E Cannon Merilfn J SmithCH Johns to' Fantas' Trip Cl l Pom Acres Atomic Enola Gaf Jan-Shars N-NJogue Cascades Sunkist Cassandra CH Dafstar Amazing At Gabels CH Heartlands Precious Gift CH Mabins Eclipse Of The Heart CH Peperie Paisley CH Subers Cleopatra CH Tresstique Touch Of Cinnamon CH Tresstiques NOalkin Treasure T-NJitles Titanic Rose Summer Rainbus \Oaterrocket Sinrplf Breathtaking luntain Crest Ronni Paugh Prints Strutn Stella Pominique Grasing Rainbows Pompuf Ianr No Lad' RavennaCatherine IT. Jessen, Juniors Chair As reported b' AKC A\Oards issues January through October November 1, 2002 through August 30, 2003 APCiearJorcten Rothell 279 Miss Nicole Williams 13Alicia "Marie NOoocl 19 Ashh Messner 12Jessica Christiansen 19 NJanessa Shaake 12Morgan NOhite 17 Tson Pate 10Jenna R. Sprangler 13 Page Elizabeth Henderson 89544433333333332222222222222222In order to be eligiblefor JAIPC Awards you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.Every effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors to the attention of the JdnnualAwards Chairperson. lfyourdogs are listed in the corrections of the JL-wards issues, please contact elly ffl. Reimschiissel before January 15, 2004 at awardsamericanpomeranianclub. orgJanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 47The Northern California Pomeranian Club presents.IVDPOS eNCAAoIpo7"O UOCP^ANTwenty-fifthLnbenched Independent Annual Specialty April 17,2004Cur specialty is held in the eyenins following the Chief Solano Kennel Club located at the Solano County Tairgounds, gateway to the heart of the l eautiful Nana-Sonoma Valley.v kr \ r cl ^ '" V ^ \-----------LJ- Vc L- y ^ fCnloy three majors in one weekend and Play at Six flags Marine World amusement nark right across the streetSpecialty Sweepstakes Judge Connelle Richards Specialty Regular Classes Judge Kim DrinkerShow Chairman Walda A. Creen, 31 336-8285 winstarpcmsaol.com_Doo-Shays Taylor TotTaylorEllie Mae My 25, 1990 - August 21, 2003I saw that you were tired And your cure not meant to be I put my arms around you And prayed go peacefully A gentle heart stopped beating Loving eyes closed to rest Ill miss you always my darlin God knows you were the bestAuthor unknownJoaynes PomsJoanne Norris1102 N 420 West Rd, Huntington, IN 46750 260-359-959642Damascusroads Caesar Augustus - nWINNERSm-Thank you to the Judge Don Rogers for this three point major at Rapid City South Dakota.Handled to perfection under Jennie Smith, Indigo Poms, Loveland, CO on Sun, Oct 19. Gus has also gotten Best Of Winners and Best Of Breed at the Southern Colorado Dog Show, in Pueblo, CO, under Judge William Robert Russell Jr. for two more points. Again handled by Jennie Smith.Gus and his owner, Mendy Hansen, Celebration Poms send their sincerest condolences to Bev Carter on the loss of Guss father andher beloved Evan.Mendy HansenCelebration Poms48 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Revewm .DAMASCUSROAD DREAM OF HOLLAND, 10 weeks oldDamascusroad PomeraniansMy grateful thanks once again to Matthew Heindl of Bavanew for Hollys lovely mother Gabby Evan was also from the beautiful Bavanew line and toChris Heartz of Chriscendo for allowing me to use Busters lovely sire, Colt Colt is half-brother to my Charlotte,BPIS CH. Chriscendo CarefreeCongratulations toPatricia Danielson of Patricias Pomeranians andTeresa Livezey of Design Pomeranians on their kennel visitsBeverley A. Carter88 Conception Bay Highway Holyrood, NL, Canada, AOA 2R0Phone 709-229-1783 E-mail Website www.damascusroad.caBIS CanAm CH. Chriscendo Call to Arms x Bavanews Gabby on DamascusroadAutumnMtn. Views Autumn PromiseCh. Regmars Mtn. View Stars Shine x Reginapoms Wild AngelWe would like to thank judgesDr. Lee Anthony Reasin WBBOWBOSMrs. Joyce Fortney WBBOSMrs. Muriel Purkiser WBBOSBreeder Judge Mr. Edward A Martin WBBOSCongratulations to Teresa Livezey and Pati Danielson on their APC Kennel Visits fellow PCCV member Lavina Garton on her Memory Lane feature and Junior Jive upcoming star Jessica Christiansen.. Ww-1I' WINNERSBIV OPP SEXBreedersOwnersRoger and Patricia DagueP. O. Box 209Stuarts Draft, VA 24477540 337-2965 PatDaguehotmail.comMountain View PomeraniansHandlerDiana Downey4705 New Line Road Gum Spring, VA 23065 804 556-2877 JxnuaxyFebruary 2004 APC Pomersnisn Review - 49m.In 6.e.-Vdlis' mmissr iWvV\Ttf"''iLmwm4 Ch.Fame Gift Of The Spirit X Wee Hearts Calendar Girl Breeder Mary CarlislemjIndianapoliswas a great weekend for Wang Tsu Poms. Shane won Group I, Group II, and BOS at the PCCI Specialty. Barney took Best Veteran in PCCI Sweeps and PCCI Specialty Award of Merit. Thanks to Sarah OBrien for handling Barney to Best Veteran in the Sweepstakes, and Sherrilynn Rogers for handling Barney to his Award of Merit. Our gratitude to Judges for these wins Lois Wolff White, Ralph Lemke, Sweeps Judge, Nadine Hersil and James Hupp.i'Barney arney lane f VtIS IV. Ajr50 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewihmiefPM and ffjrenda dfecjeMen'3vme62401yafioo. comproudly presents- s^'ywS4BEST OF BREED kLANGLEY RpKENNEL 9 UL CLUBSUNDAY MAY 25. 2003c TOM DIGIACOMO' BY J KAY KEKNANmCh. Idlewyld Precious GemFlash Group IVCh. Idlewyld Tourmaline ex Ch Idlewyld Piper of Lenette Chambersburg Area KC. Thanks Allen BucknerWhen Gem was bom I decided immediately to keep him because of his pedigree. It is decidedly a bonus that he is beautiful and loves to show. He started his career with a bang by going reserve on a 4 point major. He has definitely captured attention with his deep red color and his outstanding showmanship. Thank you to all the judges who rewarded this flashy little guy, especially Chip Rayner and for his majors. His first litter should be here by the time you read this.He, Hairy and Trove are at stud to approved bitches.Congratulations to Becky Johnson on her beautiful litter sired by Hairy Ch. Idlewyld Scepter.We mourn the loss of Thelma Dunn, personally, and for the breed. In her quiet, dedicated way, she contributed so much to Pomeranians and the APC. Her dogs, notably May Morning Social Lion, are on so many of our pedigrees. I am grateful that now she is free of pain, at peace, and back with all her dogs.Margaret R. McKee 804-556-3380 idlewyldearthlink.net2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 51Mange JinanzfeldenCanine Health ConferenceWhile the East Coast braced for Hurricane Isabel, Parent Club representatives, the AKC- CHF, and noted researchers gathered in St. Louis for the fourth Canine Health Conference. It is co-hosted by the CHF and Purina. This conference continues to provide an excellent opportunity for the parent breed clubs to exchange information on methods already tried which leads into informal brainstorm sessions of what directions could and should be taken in the future. One such presenter was Eddie Dziuk, COO of OFA and now CHIC Canine Health Information Center.As you know the CHF has been reconfigured this past spring and has moved into the AKC building in Raleigh. This influenced a slight directional change to the conference in comparison to prior ones. The presenters from the scientific community were excellent. There were just some noted absences. One of which was Dr. Gary Johnson.I will report some of the actual information shared by the researchers and relate it to Pomeranians in future individual articles. Synopsis are published in Purinas Todays Breeder and available in the AKC Gazette and on their web site. Some teasers are Mucopolysaccharidosis presently being studied in Min Pins, but possibly also found in Poms, Popular Sire Syndrome and Need for Genetic Diversity, Color Implications in Health, Probiotics to Boost Immune System, Cancer, Reproduction, Alternative Therapies, the Canine Genome Project, and Auburn Universitys Vaccination Study.rPurina Parent Club Partnership ProgramAnyone that uses Purina dog food can help Pomeranians through the AKC Canine Health Foundation and their parent club, The American Pomeranian Club. All that one needs to do is sign up as Purina Pro Club members and save the weight circles from the outside of their bags. Purina will donate 10 of their value as follows. 50 of this donation will go to the breeds Donor Advised Funds. 100 of which will be matched by the CHF to be used in this account. The other 50 of Purina donation will come to the parent club APC for use of education or rescue programs.Lets look at an example of what this means in dollars. If a person collects 100.00 worth of food circles and sends them into Purinas Parent Club Partnership Program PPCP, Purina makes a donation of ten real dollars. 5.00 comes to APC for use of education or rescue. 5.00 goes to APCs CHF Donor Advised Funds. The AKC-CHF matches this 5.00 contribution with another 5.00. So the person participating has generated 15.00 toward the welfare of Pomeranians.Not all of us use Purina dog food to feed our Poms the decision of what to feed any animal must be made on an individual basis. However, some of us own dogs of other breeds that might use these products. Or, we might have friends, family, or neighbors that will save their Purina weight circles for us.If youd like to participate in the PPCP, call toll free 1-877-776-2582,7AM to 5PM CT Monday through Friday, or apply on-line at www.purinaproclub.comWe should thank Curtis Smith for getting the contract materials to our Board in order that they consider this worthwhile fundraiser. Hopefully we will be able to tell you how this project makes a difference in the year to come.La Cajun Pomeranian Club of LouisianaPOMERANIAN SPECIALTY SHOW AND PUPPYSWEEPSTAKESSaturday, January 24th, 2004La Cajun PomeranianClubOfA i .Jtfm ouisianaPOMERANIAN SPECIALTY SHOW AND PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES UNBENCHED AND HELD INDOORS Saturday, January 24th, 2004ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY NOON, JANUARY 7, 2004Rapides Parish Coliseum Highway 28 WestAlexandria, Louisiana 71301SHOW HOURS 5pm to 9pmYall come to Louisiana and pass a good time Laisser le bon temps roulez Or... Let the good times rollSHOW SECRETARY Audrey Roberts 1984 VFWRd. Leesville, La 71446JanctaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 53fipc Jades 0daeationI have some good news and some better news.Here is the good news. Since giving you the report on the Judges comments following the presentation at the American Kennel Club Institute in June, I have been working on getting the new materials prepared.First I talked to our contact person, Mrs. Rebecca Lycan, and to Ms. Mari-Beth ONeall in Judges Education at the American Kennel Club. Rebecca is a dog person who has worked with other National clubs to create a breed CD-ROM. She explained to me what she would do, what I need to do, and how much we can put on a slide or page. It could cost between 300.00 and 500.00. It was very encouraging. This is a knowledgeable lady and she really has a handle on the whole project. I am working on this as I have been for the past year. In January, I will start to put the slides together. They need to be presented to the A P C Board next March in Louisville.1The better news. Mr. Edd Biven has agreed to underwrite this project by contributing half the cost. He will provide up to 250.00. This is very generous of him. We appreciate his interest and concern that the club moves forward with the undertaking. We will be able to proceed without having to leave out essential slides. When everything is completed, it will be possible to make a new set of transparencies and a slide presentation as well as a CD-ROM. We will be able to provide the CD at a reasonable charge to judges and others who want to learn about the breed. Seminar presenters will be able to use whatever equipment is available in all parts of the country. The presentation can be a short one twenty minutes or longer an hour plus. The ability to groom the materials to the conditions and needs of the seminar will be much more flexible. We will not use drawings, only pictures of real dogs.What we need from you. I will be contacting some of you for specific pictures that I have seen in various publications. However, I am sure that many of you have good shots of dogs, either show or candid, that would help illustrate proper pigment, variety of colors, correct eyes, ears, tail sets, etc.WE NEED THEM RIGHT AWAY.Please mail to me before Christmas. Those of you who work with Poms in Obedience, Agility, Therapy dogs, please help Candid shots of Poms playing in the snow or in the waters of Hawaii or other regions will show their versatility. How about a few with a Pomeranian being a sled dog Our breed is multi faceted. We need to show that. I know you are out there. Give something back to your breed. This effort will impact our dogs for years to come.Thank you for your help.My address is 5354 Bluebird Lane , York, S. C. 29745 tel 803-831-8086 Note new e-mail address edwardamartinbellsouth.netDot Martin is the American Pomeranian Club s Judges Education Chairperson. Dot may be contacted at 803-831-8086 or edwarda.martinbellsouth.net54 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review.. VMtV,5T,vxNEW CHAMPIONwUluul PhotoCh. Wenkests Aubrey The TerribleSire Ch. Great Elms Little Aristocrat Dam Ch. Wenkests Truly Gold N GlowThanks to Manard Wood for showing Aubrey and to Judge Thomas A. Kilcullen forRECOGNIZING HIM.Flash At the only show since his finishing weekend, Aubrey went BOS at the Soaring Gull Circuit. Thanks to Manard Wood for Aubreys excellent training.Wenkest Pomeranians Wendy and Jim Swimme P.O. Box 9604 Chesapeake, Virginia 23321 Phone 757488-7117Behind the TitlistsCH. PATRICIAS KILLER BEE DOB 111701 ORANGE SABLE FEMALE BREEDER OWNER PATI DANIELSONDOO-SHAYS MYSTIC MACGYVER CH WEE HEARTS GLEN IRIS TALISMANCH WEE HEARTS BEARLY AN ANGEL CH JANES AS MAXX FACTORCH JANESAS DAMIEN JANESAS HI-STRUTTIN MARYCH JANESAS HI-STRUTTIN DAISEYCH JANESAS TRENDSETTER CH WEE PAWS PREFERRED STOCKJANESAS MONJCEY BUSINESS CH PATRICIAS LIL MISS MOLLYCH SWEETHEARTS PISTOL PETE CH MILNES PRIDE OF PATRICIA MERCERS PRIDE OF VALCH. PATRCIAS SMOKIN MYSTIC BEE DOB 060902 ORANGE SABLE FEMALE BREEDEROWNER PATI DANIELSONCH JANESAS MAXX FACTOR CH AJS SMOKIN JOEAJS CATCH A FALLING STAR CH PATRICIAS SMOKIN PASSION PLAYCH MILLAMORS MAKE A STATEMENT PATRICIAS PASSION PLAYCH MILNES PRIDE OF PATRICIACH JANESAS TRENDSETTER CH WEE PAWS PREFERRED STOCKJANESAS MONKEY BUSINESS CH PATRICIAS LIL MISS MOLLYCH SWEETHEARTS PISTOL PETE CH MILNES PRIDE OF PATRICIA MERCERS PRIDE OF VALBehind the TitlistsCH. GENSTARS DIAMOND GYPSY DOB 080999 WHITE MALE BREEDERS REED ADAMSKAY L CHANEY OWNERS GENEVA COATSQUEENAIRE DIAMOND APPLE PAINTERS DIAMOND JUBILEENABOBS JCS AGELESS ROCKETTE JO ARTS DIAMOND CHIPSQUEENAIRE DIAMOND APPLE CH JO ARTS BELLE STARR JOARTS SUNNYQUEENAIRE DIAMOND APPLE PAINTERS DIAMOND JUBILEENABOBS JCS AGELESS ROCKETTE KAYRAS GYPSY ROSE LEEQUEENAIRE DIAMOND APPLE JOARTS DAISY MAEJOARTS DAISYIn Memory of Bill HenryBILL HENRY GEORGE W HENRY passed away December 2, 2003 at the age of sixty-five in Dallas, Texas. Bill and Bev Henry of Chestara Poms are former members of the APC. Bill proudly served in the U.S. Army from 1957 to 1960 in Pattons Armored Tank Division, doing overseas duty in Germany. He is survived by his wife, Beverly of forty three years, children and his Schipperke, Rose.Bill was a man who wore many hats. He was known as a breeder of Schipperkes and Pomeranians an all-breed professional dog handler an AKC licensed dog show judge. His smile, his humor, his practical jokes and his willingness to help anyone needing it will be greatly missed.A member of the Lone Star Schipperke Club for 28 years, he served as President and Treasurer many times over the years. He was also a member of the DFW Judges Association.In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in his memory to the Schipperke Club of America Rescue Fund, co Mary Cox, 2766 Heathfield Rd, Bloomfield, MI 48301-3413 or the Lone Star Schipperke Club Rescue, co Debbie Decker, 5100 Andalusia Trail, Arlington, TX 76017.Aoccdmig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.56 - JxnuaryFebruaky 2004 APC Pomeranisn ReviewearnIn memory of longtime Pomeranian Fancier, Dean Hebert. Carolyn Crockett was his first handler and Erika Moureau 1995- 1997 was his last handler. Carolyn and Erika went last December, just before Christmas, and picked up his remaining old dogs and placed them. He was very ill then and wasnt expected to live until Christmas. The cancer went into remission from about Feb until this past month. But when it came back, it came with a vengeance. Dean lost his long battle with lung cancer November 10, 2003.Dean HebertNov 25th, 1934 Nov 10th, 2003 My Friend.Most people only got to see the outside of Dean.That side was controlling, brash, opinionated and loud. But once you got past the surface, there was a different man.A devoted father, awesome friend. Generous to a fault. Loyal to his country, family and friends.I will miss him.Erika K. Moureau Tomball, TexasDogs Erika Moureau finished for Dean Hebert includeCh. Treasured Deans High Loansum Ch. Whid-Dons Treasured Anise Ch. Treasured Macho Man Ch. Treasured Deans Sweet Suzy Q Ch. Tim Sues Too Sweet N High Ch. Treasured Milos Meanlikdean Ch. Tim Sues High Note Ch. Treasured Deans Rollin a Loanm. VOr.rsIf ' 1 T'f_BIS Ch. Treasured Deans Hi HierarchyDean Hebert died November 10, 1903, and I am sure did not give into death without a struggle or without trying to have the last word. Dean was an extremely competitive person in all aspects of life and didnt like to lose at anything a business undertaking, a dog show, or an argument. He strived for perfection in all he did and expected no less of all around him. HE LOVED HIS POMS AND SPARED NO EXPENSE ON THEIR CARE. His Poms were an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT part of his life. BIS Ch. Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy whom I showed and so dearly loved is living his senior life with me. Archie was one of the top priorities in Deans life and truly treated as a member of his own family. Dean had many faces to many different people, and Dean will be missed by all of those people.Carolyn CrockettJanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 57My family always had a dog around and my grandfather was known for his Setters. About 1944, when I was ten years old, my father wanted to buy a Saint Bernard and decided to take us to the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York City to view this breed. Thats where the bug bit me. I felt like I was at home. He found a Saint, I found the world of Poms.A Casual Visit with557aInina Gartonby Diana DowneyMy first Pom was a light orange female named Suzy OGrady that I purchased from a breeder in Mont Vale, New Jersey. She was recommended by contacts I made at the Garden. She was a very sweet, moderately fine boned girl.After that, I purchased two half-sisters of Suzys - one red sable, and one black. I decided that I then needed a good male. I found a grandson of Ch. Sealands Money Box in upstate New York via a classified in the back of Dog World magazine. Although only ten years old at the time, I purchased him for 75.00 and had him shipped to my home in New Jersey. He arrived at the train station in an orange crate with Dinty Moore stew cans for food and water dishes. The stationmaster called my unsuspecting parents to inform them that they had a package. When my mother said that she would stop by in the morning to pick it up, the train master told her that she had to come right away because the package was ALIVE. My parents were shocked, but Frisky quickly became a member of the family.The next step in my evolution in dogs was to enter a dog show. I entered the American Bred class at the Morris and Essex show with Frisky. I arrived with him all decked out in a matching plaid collar and leash. A nice gentleman took me aside and brushed him up for me, got my armband and pushed me into the ring. Being the only entry, I started by going the wrong way around the ring. The judge kindly corrected me and we ended up going home with Reserve Winners Dog. The helpful gentleman turned out to be Joe Raba who went Best Of Breed that day with to the best of my recollection Ch. Little Dutch Master.At the end of this long day, my mothers feet were hurting and along came Mrs. Geraldine Dodge in her horse cart. The Morris and Essex Show was organized by her and held on her estate. Seeing my mothers distress, she invited us to hop in and took us to dinner that included champagne with strawberries mine was served with ginger ale. Frisky and I loved the lobster thermadorOne of my all-time favorite Poms was the late, great Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II. His breeder, Ms. Ruth Beam, incorporated the best of the American bloodlines over the years and produced consistently excellent examplesof the breed. I liked him so much that I took the first opportunity to breed to him, and that breeding produced one puppy, who became my favorite. He was noble from the minute he was bom and felt like a soul mate. He went on to not only complete his championship, but also had many group placements and a Best In Show. He was my little pitty-pat man, my Tinger - Ch. Gartons King Of Bavaria, HOF.The most helpful advice Ive received through the years was from a Cocker Spaniel breeder - to take my time and study my breed. The advice that I would pass on to a novice is this, as well as that they should be responsible for what5Ibest of breiOR VARIET Vmag ic valley ymWHNEl.CLUB SMO ^Aiftnoh ifttn' f ^ jc,JyvWLf.they produce for the dogs entire life. If you are in it for the money or the glory - go breed elephants.The best thing about owning and showing Poms is that I have had an opportunity to meet many interesting people and being able to go home with my dogs, win, lose, or draw. The worst thing is evaluating perspective owners in an attempt to make sure that the dogs go to good homes, and the bad treatment that I have seen other dogs subjected to.My only regrets are that I have no show photos of my Tinger and that I havent been able to go to shows in other parts of the country and meet the Pom exhibitors there. Going to the show in Beverly Hills has always been a special dreamof mine.As breeders, I feel we need to be very concerned with structure, type and temperament. I feel that the heavy sculpting I am seeing these days is being used to cover up poor conformation and many judges are putting these dogs up. I am concerned this may lead novices to believe these poor examples are more worthy than they really are.The funniest experience I had with Poms was the day the game warden came knocking on our door. I had a red sable girl that, when excited, used to run around with her tail straight out behind her. Apparently, he had been told that I was keeping and breeding foxes You can imagine his chagrin when I brought out my Pom and her AKC registration papers.Photos - Left page Lavina Garrison Garton at age eleven, trained as a concert violinist from the age of four. She performed at concerts in places like Carnegie Hall and Radio City Music Hall from age eight until retiring at seventeen. Right page L - R Marlene S. Halsey handling Ch. Gartons Gold Dust and Jayson Lynch handling Ch. Gartons King of Bavaria HOF Jayson Lynch and King Lavina and Teenie Lavina and Teenie Lavina, Marlene and Tan Tan._tXMYFIRSTPOMIRueLinda MiilsoShe was a four pound orange gM with a make me attitude. That was Pom Acres Image Of Buster, Rue, and my first Pom. I had been in German Shepherds during my early years, but it was time for me to slow down. I gravitated to Poms for many reasons. My mother had a Pom when I was very young, so I was familiar with their big dog attitude, but also because I found their natural beauty very attractive.Being competitive by nature, I wanted not just a pet, but something that I could show, too. Juanita Fiddick took a chance on a newby like me, and offered me Rue. She was one and a half years old and Juanita told me she was difficult to show, due to her headstrong attitude. GREAT I thought shed be an ideal dog to learn on. She certainly lived up to her dubious reputation. I spent a great deal of time trying to work with her quirks. Finally, I thought I had her ready to show, providing I caught her on a day that she was in the mood.... so I entered her in the Bloomington, Illinois cluster. This was my first show with a Pom, and there were majors both days. I guess ignorance is bliss, so off to the ring we went. I couldnt believe how willing she was.. .she was superb.... and she got the major The following day, she was almost as good. The judge was trying to decide between Rue and another bitch for the points, when in the next ring, which was empty, someone knocked over a metal chair, and the whole row went down like dominoes. Rue dropped her tail, although only for a moment, but it was the deciding factor.... and we got reserve. Regardless, I was very proud of her on both days.Due to an intestinal illness, Rues show career ended earlier than intended and shes never had puppies. I am happy to say that she is still alive and as ornery as ever at ten years of age. She still runs my household. Of course, now she has to share the house with other Poms in my life. Shes still my number one girl, and I am still proud of her today. She was the start of what was to come.60 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewKeepsakes Whispers of GinRichTHANK-YOU GINGER KILBREATH for allowing me to have the dam of this gorgeous puppy Hats off to CH.PEACHS DAYDREAM BELIEVER for your donation winks.Teresa Livezey and Patty Danielson Good luck to you both and best wishes to your future in PomsHeartfelt condolences to Beverly Carter on the loss of your treasured, Evan.We currently have a few Poms available to pet homes. No crating. No breeding. No kidding.S'ailJessie Klein - 903-882-1950PomerwithomingrdWe are pleased to announce a new Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen and the video as well as ordering, please visit our site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comAideo, email us at, or phone Pauline at 805 931-0219.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Congratulations to Pati Danielson of Patricias Poms and Teresa Livezey of Designs Poms on your kennel visits.Karen Crawford and John Pauline McFarlanejANUiSRYFEBEUiSIiY 2004 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 61r1fit .v ________ JTjBBy Barbara McClatcheyNEWS II MSORMAIEUSEFUL THINGS TO TEACH YOUR POMThe AKC Obedience Regulations tell us that the purpose of obedience trials is not just performing routines in the ring, but emphasizing the usefulness of the purebred dog as a companion to mankind. So lets talk about the usefulness of the exercises learned in Obedience along with the usefulness of a Pom.Usefulness of the exercises Recently Tuffy, my 12-year-old Pom, needed an x-ray. In the way of vet techs who have been bitten on occasion, one of the techs was about to put a muzzle on him before forcing him into a proper position on the table. But another tech, more familiar with my dogs though Tuffy didnt know her personally, said, No, Tuffy will do whatever you want him to. Tuffy, Down Tuffy downed, the x-ray was taken, and an Obedience exercise was proven useful in a real life situation. Im sure you know what a problem it is to have a Pom come running in from outside with a dangly on the rear end. Command, Stand. Stay. And clean it off before it drops onto your carpetUsefulness of the Pom 1 have, of course, taught all my dogs to retrieve certain objects for Obedience competition. Dumbbells, gloves, articles including the baby shoes and favor baskets Ive favored recently are all very well, but whats useful about this A Pom is never going to be sent to retrieve a duck, which is where the Obedience retrieve originated. Well, Im cleverI realized after my recent experience running a Rescue booth see my last column that people are happy to donate when a dog is involved in the donation. SO, I am teaching at least Tuffy and Oliver to retrieve a dollar bill and deposit it in a bucket. Gather round, people. Does anyone have a dollar bill Watch the dog put your money in our donation bucket Make it a five, and Tuffy will dance for you. Make it a ten, and Oliver will show you his tattoo. He actually does this on commandits a roll over exercise. At our next Rescue booth opportunity, we should be collecting money, if not hand-over-fist, at least paw-over-pads. If your dog can pick something up and deliver it to your hand, he can also learn to deliver it elsewhere. Do you have a toy box for your dogs toys Teach him to pick up his toys on command and put them in the box. I did this several years ago with Tuffy, and it worked well until the then puppies Taffy and Tiffany came along and began removing toys faster than Tuffy could put them away.RAULY-DOODLINGAn exercise in the Advanced and Excellent levels of Rally that will be useful for your Obedience training is62 - JaNUAKYFEBRttfiRY 2004 APC PoMERSNIAN REVIEWrthe Offset Figure 8. This involves having two cones or stewards, but most clubs will not have extra stewards available set 8 feet apart, just as for the Figure 8 in Novice and Open Obedience. However, centered between those cones, and set 5 feet apart, making a diamond shape, are two toys or bowls of food securely covered so as to let the smell drift out, but also keep dogs noses from drifting in. The trick is to keep your dog in Heel position as you do a Figure 8 around the cones, passing those major distractions on the way. Did you ever have your dog suddenly stop heeling in the ring in order to sniff something on the floor And often its no more than a tiny rock carried in on someones foot Training the Offset Figure 8I will help you teach your dog that distractions are not supposed to distract himhe needs to concentrate onheeling with you. And if you think toys wont distract the dog nearly as much as food, think again. Ive heard of one Rally judge placing bowls of tennis balls as distractions. Imagine the problem a Lab or Golden might have with that oneor even a Flyball Pom I use stuffed Longhorn cattle for my distractions when judging, and at a show in Houston in July had a Laba new OTCH dogactually leave the handlers side from across the ring upon catching sight of those exciting new toys. I thought that if the dog brought the toy back to her, I would say Take it, she would say, Give, and I would then get my toy backTry it out, but be sure that your dog learns that YOU have the goodies that he CAN getthe ones hes heeling past arent available. If you, like me, are enthusiastic about Rally, get your club to write a letter to the AKC on official clubI stationary explaining Rallys benefitsthat it will draw new people in to Classic Obedience, provide extrarevenue for the clubs, and have great spectator appeal. This is an urgent matterwe will not get Rally as a titling class until AKC is convinced that there is broad support for it.HEELINGCrystal Brown wrote a great note on training heeling on the Active Pomeranian e-mail list when the discussion was about tiny Poms heeling wide. She writes, My first Pom is terrible at heeling she has always been very wide. My newest Pom is great and stays very close while heeling. I think that part of the reason is that I was not aware of my footwork at all when I started obedience and my walking has improved I am a terrible I clod but didnt realize it until we worked on it at class. Find somewhere with a straight line. Have a friendI blindfold you and watch you walk the line. You would be amazed how hard it is to walk straight. Practicedoes help. It helps if the handler can walk a straight line as most people sort of veer into their dogs. Also try to make sure your feet are pointed in the direction you are going. This really helps on the figure eight if you turn your feet to the direction you are going. Practice without your dog. [NOTE Someone else suggested finding a place with a marked basketball courttennis courts are also markedand trying to follow the straight line.]1 also teach a Close command. I start with my dog sitting in heel position and take a small side step to the right. I command Get In, and guide the dog back into heel position with a treat in front of them and slightly to the left of them- yes, to the leftit gets them to get their butt straight held by your right hand.I Pull the leash across the backs of your legs as you take the side step. Pulling slightly back at the same timealso usually helps. This can be a lot of fun to teach and after you have your dog scrambling to get in for his treat you can start using it in motion and sometimes add a little side step to really make it a game. [NOTEThe stationary side step and the in-motion side step are Rally exercises] I also always have my head sort of tilted so my dog can watch me. I have never been one of the handlers who walk along staring straight ahead and not watching the dog. I think it might make them more likely to watch and pay attention if you are watching them. My instructor looks like a zombie in the ring, staring blankly ahead, arms rigid at her side. Dont tell her I said that I think it looks better to kind of watch your dog, more natural, just my opinion, though. E-mail me to get onto the Active Pomeranian listthere are lots of good bits of training informationthere Performance Continued on Page 641.------------------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IJanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 63 Performance Continued From Page 63RESCUE HUMORNorma French, who fosters for Second Chance Poms, shares this story about one of our little ones Tuesday night I had been asleep for about an hour when I heard all the dogs barking on the back porch. I jumped up and ran outside. A possum had attempted to come in the doggie door and my Min-Pin killed it. When I got I to the porch my tiny 3 lb precious rescue Pom Dulce with no teeth was dancing around the possum like she Iwas a Great Dane. She was so proud of herself for stopping the intruder. Needless to say, the doggie door is now closed at night, as Dulce is so tiny a blackbird could carry her off. Next time you see Barbaras sign, Attack Pomeranian, be carefulDulce may be on patrol there.A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE TITLEJulie Clemen, of Rise N Shine Poms fame Olympia, Washington, writes that Rise N Shines Christmas Wish, aka Promise, on Thursday, September 18, went first place and High In Trial at the Puget Sound Pom Club I for her first CD leg. On Friday, Promise went High In Trial AGAIN at the American Pom National Back- Ito-Back HITS Im floored. I just love this dog, and to watch her work is awe-inspiring. Shes a phenomenal obedience dog and we won lots of admirers the last two days I might add Promise is 5 years young and these were her first shows ever We were outside in 4 inch WET grass, my feet were literally swimming in my shoes, and the dye in my shoes turned my socks brown the first day The judges werent too happy eitherTITLES, WE GOT TITLESAKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYCompanion Dog IMusic to My Eyes, 83003, Marcia Messina Pattybears Irish Dream, 82303, Eileen Stops Sundown Mistress of the Night, 82403, Camilla Knight Novice AgilityChaundis Mocha Man, 81603, Sandra Connors, ILP Ebony Spitzfires Autumn Breeze, NAJ, 82003, Nadine Harmon Ursa Minors Autumn Leaves, NAJ, 82303, Diana Huntress What About Me, NAJ, 81703, Trudy Kiefer Novice Agility JumperI Finchs Commotion in Motion, NA, 82303, Judy Chandler Novice Agility Preferred IChewy Chewy Tootsie, AX AXJ, 9103, Judith Sample Novice Agility Jumper PreferredChewy Chewy Tootsie, AX NAP AXJ, 92003, Judith SampleStillcoves I Only Wanto B With You, CD AO OAJ, 9103,Randy Morris,Cynthia Bradley,Ann Morris Open AgilityApril May Wicket Moxon, NA NAJ, 83003, Todd Moxon Clemments Little Abu, CD NA NAJ, 82303, Karen R. Barth, ILP Finchs Commotion in Motion, NANAJ, 92103, Judy Chandler Open Agility JumperEpiphanee Talullah Sage, NAJ, 82303, Lorene SageApril May Wicket Moxon, OA NAJ, 9103, Todd Moxon I64 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewJr nLittle Bear, NANAJ, 91303, Nancy Marmot, ILP Ursa Minors Autumn Leaves, NANAJ, 82303, Diana Huntress Open Agility PreferredWolfie, NAP NAJ NJP, 9703, Melissa Smith, DYM, ILP Open Agility Jumper PreferredKodiak Bear On Fowlers MT., NAP NJP, 9703, Janet Sankey Agility Excellent April May Wicket Moxon, OA OAJ, 92003, Todd Moxon Master Agility ExcellentWalters Teasie Tootsie, AX MXJ, 92703, Patricia Walters Master Agility ChampionSargeant Ceasar, MX MXJ, 93103, Francis FleckUKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYUnited Companion DogUCD Jennas Cloud, Jenna Kallaher United Agility ChampionUACH Pom Acres Atomic Dragonfly,Lois Fae MorkasselDogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read a list of APC requirements for these Obedience Historical Awards and how to submit your Pomeranian, go to Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc. All Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in Obedience and AgilityDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Rescuesecondchancepoms.orgeslfmi i_ iLois Fae Morkassel and UACH Pom Acres Atomic DragonflyLJanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 65Sy OiG.nG. DoujvoyRescueTIPSYou CftH TEACHftN OLD DOG NEU THICKSMany Poms come into rescue because of house breaking issues. These are normally because people are not diligent in their house breaking or use incorrect methods in their training. Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks it just takes time and patience. Rescue personnel do it all the time in readying dogs for their new homes.However, sometimes house breaking issues are caused by a physical problem in the dog. Young dogs have small bladders and little muscle control, and so must be let out more often. They will always have to go after they eat, play and wake up. Older dogs, which have not been trained, also lack this muscle control.Some dogs have urinary problems because of undiagnosed bladder, prostate andor kidney infections. Usually, a trip to the vet and some inexpensive antibiotics take care of this problem. Those with kidney disease often require a special diet to get things under control.There are also shy dogs that do what is called submissive peeing. This is an ego problem that corrections will only make worse. Obedience training can go a long way to taking care of this problem as the dog gains confidence in what is expected of them over all.Intact males will also instinctively mark their territory, as will bitches when they are in season. These problems slowly will go away after spayingneutering as the hormone levels drop. Correct house training must also be used in conjunction with this method. Also bear in mind a male will always retain some urine so make sure they have urinated at least three times before bringing them inside.For dogs who defecate in the house, start by putting the dog on a good quality food to reduce stool volume. Also, make sure that they have been de-wormed. Make sure you take them out right after they eat, play or wake up from a nap. If they will not go when you take them out, place the sulfur end of a PAPER match in their anus. The sulfur will irritate the bowel causing them to have to eliminate. Praise them while using a command like get busy youve decided on. They will get the message eventually.While house training, here are some other suggestionsKeep them confined in a small area on linoleum with newspapers or a litter box filled with shredded paper or a piece of sod. You can block off the door to a bathroom with a baby gate or purchase an exercise pen or puppy penAn Angel Smiles...r fftLtGROUP FIRSThoosierkennel1 CLUBBrenda Segelken and Shane Ch. Wang Tsu Aim to FamePetite Acres Poms is proud to congratulate Brenda Segelken on her latest numerous big wins with Shane Ch. Wang Tsu Aim to Fame.September 27, 2003 Michiana KC Group 2September 28, 2003 Hoosier KC Group 1Three Best of Breeds at the Ft. Wayne cluster shows.Shane is currently the number fourteen Pom Chronicle Eukanuba point system and number four APC point system. Congratulations Shane for being invited and attending the AKCEUK Invitational in Long Beach, California.Shane is owned by Brenda Segelken and Mary Carlisle. In honor of Mary smiling down from Heaven, seeing her legacy go on, I send these heartfelt congratulations from all who have the honor and pleasure of knowing Brenda.Kelley ScottPetite Acres PomsMishawaka, IndianaRescue Tips Continued from Page 66to place them in in the kitchen. You can make an inexpensive x-pen by purchasing 6-8 of the old-fashioned expandable window screens the kind you put in the bottom of an open window and pull the pane down onto to hold it in place and connecting them with hinges so that they will accordion fold to be stored. Just add a little hook and eye to the two end screens so that you can attach them in a pen shape. Make sure you buy window screens that are too tall for the dog to jump over.For females, purchase small boys underwear use the slit for her tail and place a half of a light days feminine pad in it to catch any accidents she may have when you are not home.For males, purchase bellybands several APC members sell them and place a half of a light days feminine pad in it to catch any indiscretions when your back is turned. You can make your own version by cutting a mans tie in half and adding Velcro to the end so it will encircle the dogs waist. But the specially contoured bellybands made for this purpose work best.These methods should help to eliminate accidents and will hopefully keep many dogs from swelling the rescue ranks. To learn the proper training methods for house breaking, talk to your local obedience instructor or veterinarian.Pom TalK Pom Talk questions and comments may be found online at isapi.dll Members and friends may post answers and comments online or contact Roxanne Collins, 603 N Main Street, Hebron, IN 46341 FAX 219 996 7667 or pommomnetnitco.netS-H-G-B-C ^Do you give your own vaccinations, when do you begin, what type of vaccinations are given and how many do you giveYes, we do give our own vaccinations. We start puppies at eight weeks old and give Proguard Parvo only.At twelve and sixteen weeks we give Proguard 5. We do not give Lepto at all. Even though vets recommend giving Rabies at four months of age, we wait until they are six months for Rabies. Linda W.I have my vet vaccinate my Poms. He has a mobile veterinary clinic so he comes to my house. Starting at eight weeks they receive DA2PLCPV, repeated at eleven and fourteen weeks, and annually thereafter. At fourteen weeks they get the rabies vaccine, again in a year and then every three years. Bordetella kennel cough vaccine is administered at fourteen weeks and annually thereafter. Our vet used to give Bordetella as an injectable vaccine, but last time he used an intranasal on one of my Poms. I believe this caused my puppy to get kennel cough. I used to just leave the schedule and type of vaccine up to my vet since he is the expert, but now I will be paying more attention. Sandra J.Yes, I start my pups at six to eight weeks with Fort Dodge Duramune Max 5-CVK Puppy shot. I give three shots to pups, and an annual shot to dogs one to five years old, then semi-annual after that. Hope this helps. AnitaI give my own shots, the first one at eight weeks. The second shot at twelve weeks. And the third shot at sixteen weeks. I use the Fort Dodge, Duramune Max 5-CvK The Puppy Shot. This has worked very well for me and Ive never had a problem. Shari S.I personally find it much easier to take my pups to the vet for first shots I had an unfortunate experience once. A friend and I gave nine week olds their first shots. About a half hour later we had a puppy go down. She was in shock Needless to say she required a vets visit. This was an after hours emergency. I almost lost her, and it was very, very expensive From that point on, I decided that it would be easier on my nerves and pocketbook to take them to the vet for shots. Karen C.Yes I give my own vaccines. I give the five-in-one, beginning at eight weeks old then every three weeks for three vaccines. I then give a booster at one year. I do not give yearly boosters. My vet has just seen four severe cases of Lepto. So now I am vaccinating my dogs against this new Lepto strain not the old strains no longer existent, with an initial vaccine dogs over four or five months and a booster three weeks later. I also give Rabies as required by law in my region. RoseYes, I give my own vaccinations. My schedule is eight weeks, twelve weeks, sixteen weeks and six months, then never again. I never give corona or lepto. I also never give a rabies shot. I have in the past and had sick dogs and personality changes. BobiiI give my own vaccinations. I give 12 cc of liquid Benedryl thirty minutes prior to giving the shot and I give a full dose of Duramune canine distemper, adenovirus type 2, Para influenza, parvovirus vaccine mixed with Duramune canine corona virus killed virus. I give my shots at twelve weeks, sixteen weeks and twenty to twenty two weeks. Then a final shot just after eighteen months is given. I give a few drops of bordetella nasal at four weeks and again at six months and repeat yearly. I avoid rabies vaccine unless travel requires they MUST have the shot. Then I plan to stay at the vets office long enough for a reaction to manifest itself. I do have epinephrine on hand at home in case of any shot reactions, however. TerryI give the Fort Dodge Puppyshot DHPPCvk at eight and eleven weeks. I then give the Fort Dodge Puppyshot Booster DHLPPCvk every three weeks until they are over twenty weeks of age. I used to give adults the Fort Dodge Puppyshot Booster68 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Reviewevery year, but now give it every three years on the advice of my veterinarian. These are all given SQ. My vet gives the first vaccination for rabies at six months. It is followed up with another rabies vaccination at eighteen months and then once every three years. The rabies shots are normally given IM. I do not give Lyme disease vaccinations, as they have not been proven to be effective. I also do not give injectable heartworm or flea treatments as they can cause severe problems. I give bordatella intranasal only if required for a boarding situation. DianaThe first shot is given at ten to twelve weeks of age, the second about four weeks later. If the first shot is given late enough one following up puppy shot is all I give. Then a booster is given a year later. I think a lot of breeders are adopting this schedule now. JanI do not give my own shots. My vet works with me as far as charges go. I give a series of three shots, starting at nine, twelve, and fifteen weeks of age. Each puppy is thoroughly examined for any abnormalities, including patellas each time I bring them for their shots. My vet is an orthopedic surgeon. It might cost a bit more, but doing things this way, I feel I can securely represent my puppies to a buyer. Linda M.IMO the topic of vaccinations is one of the most controversial as well as most frightening topics I have ever encountered. Even in human medicine we encounter people who have reactions to the preservatives in the vaccines such as people with allergies to eggs should NEVER get the flu shot. Giving DPT vaccines to children usually will cause the child to cry and develop a fever. But what is the alternative Diseases such as diphtheria, mumps, and polio are virtually never encountered in human medicine because of these vaccines. Are the odds of a vaccination reaction greater than the risks of these diseases or vice versa I also do not believe in yearly boosters as most if not all vets advocate. I do believe in a total of three shots to yield therapeutic titers. I have also found that giving half doses just gives a false sense of security in my practice. Patients who are going to have a reaction to any of the components of the vaccines are going to have a reaction regardless of dose. Am I wrong in the assumption that dogs having a reaction do not die of the actual disease the vaccine is trying to prevent but rather anaphylaxis a severe allergic reaction or an autoimmune mediated response such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia I will NEVER give a vaccination to a person or dog whose immune system is compromised because of stress or illness. Perhaps prophylactic benedryl may offer some protection against immune mediated responses to these vaccines. As with everything in medicine it is a benefit vs. risk issue. NOTHING in life is risk-free. Rose -__I give my own vaccinations, but I dont give the first until twelve weeks. Then I follow the recommended protocol from the vets for puppies. I give the combination without lepto and I give kennel cough every six months. I also dont give the rabies until thirty days before their first show. I will wait until one year if they are not showing, and only repeat once every three years. The vet gives the rabies. StacyI give one half shot of parvo distemper at eight, eleven, and at sixteen weeks a DHPPC then again after seven months or done teething. Rabies. I avoid until after a year of age and not in conjunction with any other vaccines for three months and I also detox them with Thuja then give immuplex and Echinacea to boost their immune system. They get a booster shot a year after the last shot and then that will be it. I give kennel cough one-half cc once in their lifetime. Julie C.I do give my own vaccinations. I had my vet do the first series of shots and he also does rabies. I purchase my vaccinations from my vet at his cost so I have the freshest and highest quality possible. Until full grown I give half doses of Corona and Distemper. My puppies receive their first series of vaccinations at age ten weeks, then again at four months and nine months. For my adult dogs, they each get a full dose once a year. Here in MN Rabies is required at age six months, one year and eveiy two years after. Carolyn M.I have done both, given my own and had the vet do them. I like to follow the schedule of DHPP at eight, twelve, and sixteen weeks. I will now do Rabies at one year, and then another DHPP at one year four months. Then just Rabies every three years as required by law in my state. No other vaccines ever unless some need arose. Donna W.Once again, thanks for a fantastic response to our question. Thank you all for the outcome of this article.Question for the next issue is What typekind of heartworm preventative do you use and do you use it yearroundPlease send responses to Roxanne Collins or 219 866 4464.Opinions, suggestions and techniques found within Pom Talk are opinions of each individual author. The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and the Pomeranian Review does not endorse or recommend any procedure or accept responsibility of their use. Always consult a licensed veterinarian.JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 69Take A fUc^eOn TJtc HiW'1War s'Mif- pBy Brenda SegfelfeenYears ago Geneva Pennock Longs mother, Ruth Pennock bred Chow Chows. Geneva was only eight years old when she decided the smaller Pomeranian would be her breed. Geneva has since retired from breeding.Norman and Geneva Longs home and Hoosier Homeplace Kennel was located on a three hundred and fifty acre four-generation farm forty minutes west of Indianapolis, Indiana. Their beautiful farmhouse was constructed from trees cleared from the land.Last year, while visiting with the Longs I mentioned The Pomeranian Review was planning an article to feature strange, funny and unusual breeder encounters. It was then Norman and Geneva shared the strange whelping and veterinarian story that follows.Geneva had bred Joy, a little orange Pom, to De Arias Fancy Pepper Mark, Ch. Millamors Mood Music x Ch. Dancing Gold Muff of Oakridge. Joys delivery day finally came.The first puppy was free-whelped. Geneva was very thankful considering outside lay over fourteen inches of snow with more predicted. No one was traveling the country road, not even the postman.Joy was still huge. Geneva knew several more puppies were waiting to be bom. Three hours had past, and no more puppies, nothing. Nothing, that is, but more blowing drifting snow. Weather storm advisory had been re-issued, but still no puppies. By now, three to four foot drifts covered the country road.Waiting as long as possible for the bitch to free-whelp, Geneva began to search for a solution. Nothing could be done but call the veterinarian for some online coaching. The nearest veterinarian office was miles away. The trip would be impossible.Hesitantly, Geneva phoned her long time family friend and Veterinarian, Dr. Mary Lou Weliever. Her clinic was located over eight miles from the Long farm. Thankfully Mary Lou answered and Geneva slowly described the situation. A Caesarean section was likely needed, but howMary Lou said she would be right out. Stunned, Geneva began to relate to Mary Lou the seriousness of their road conditions. Again, Mary Lou said, Geneva, I will be right out. Now dont you worry.To the Longs amazement, forty-five minutes later there was a knock on the door. Mary Lous friend had driven her out to the farm on his snowmobile.70 - JaNUARYFeBRUARY 2004 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCertainly, the Caesarean section would need to be performed back at the office. After stuffing Joy and the newborn puppy inside an oversized coat, Geneva, Mary Lou and the driver hopped on the snowmobile and down the road they went.All went well. The Caesarean section was completed successfully. On the return trip, Geneva carried Joy, while Dr. Mary Lou snuggled six newborn puppies under her coat. Mother and all the newborn puppies had survived a storm of the century.You may want to remember and relate this unusual story the next time your veterinarian hesitates to come to the clinic for an untimely delivery or Caesarean section.DOG IMITATIONS By Camilla KnlcflifNo matter how long you have been showing, there is always that special dog that can make a fool of you. I happen to own a very sweet and pretty four-pound, orange girl who possesses this ability. In fact, she may be the all time gold medal winner. Let me explain.The bitchs registered name is Ch Janesas Distant Sundown, but we call her Dizzie. I should have known right from the beginning that she would match her name. A word of advice, watch what you name your dogs. It could come true. Dizzie was always a challenge to show but she is so pretty that I had to try.I entered her is a small show in Ohio. I had shown her several times before with mixed results. One time she would show beautifully, the next time terribly. The day seemed like any other lovely warm summer day, clear sky, no rain, and no reason to doubt that we could get into and out of the ring without making fools of ourselves. Wrong\Dizzie was in a class by herself so there was no one to hide behind. As we started around the ring, my world started to disintegrate before my eyes. I was learning that Dizzie could do dog imitations. The first was of a childs pull toy. I dont mean that she wouldnt walk, that might have been better. Have you ever seen the little toy Basset Hound pull toy with the legs attached to the side of its body and a slinky in the middle As you pull it the little legs go around frantically and the little belly stretches out but stays about an inch from the floor. This does not make an attractive Pomeranian but it was what I had on the end of my leash. She went all the way around the ring in this position, little legs flying, and belly one inch from the floor, stretched out like a Dachshund.Dizzie always stood good on the table even on her bad days on the floor. Even though we had never had a day this bad on the ground I still retained hope for the table. As I stacked her on the table, she didnt let me down she threw her head back and screamed Pomeranian type. Then the judge approached. As soon as Mr. Luc Boileau put out his hand to examine her, she crumpled into a U. He very nicely reached out and took hold of her front legs to restack them. I leaned over and took charge of her rear legs. The fight was on. Hes tugging on her front legs Im wrestling with her back. We got nowhere. After a few minutes that seemed like days with us both still bent over the dog and her still in the U, Mr. Boileau raised his eyes to look at me. All I could think to do was apologize. He looked at me and said, Down and back please.For her third and final imitation of the day, she did her Border Collie crossed with a turtle. When she came back to the judge, instead of stopping in a nice pose, Dizzie spread her front legs into the Border Collie crouch and pulled her head into her shoulders like a turtle. Now with her head moving from side to side, she looked as if she was ready to dart in either direction after the flock.Fortunately for Dizzie, there was a dear friend, Carol Leemhuis, waiting at the ring gate to take Dizzie away from me and keep her safe until I could laugh at the day.Funny, strange or downright silly Pom stories may be emailed to Camilla Knight at Thanks, Camilla, for joining the Pomeranian Review staff.JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 71arExperiences and Joys of a Junior HandlerHi, my name is Jessica Christiansen and Im fourteen. I live in Draper, Utah with my family. I have three brothers, one sister, a father and a mother. I am the youngest in my family. Two years ago, my mom and I decided to show and breed Pomeranians. We named our kennel BlackCrystals. I was thirteen the first time I showed a dog.I got my first Pomeranian when I was ten years old. She was a black puppy with a fiery attitude. She threw up on me on the drive home. I should have known she was trouble from the beginning. We ended up naming her Fiery Ashes, and called her Ashes for short. The very next day after we got Ashes my mom went with my grandmother, because my grandmother wanted a Pomeranian. The reason my mom was looking at Pomeranians in the first place, was because she was helping my grandmother find one. When she saw the cute little fluffy Pom who was the brother of the Pom my grandmother wanted to buy a beautiful little orange bitch, my mom couldnt resist. When she returned home that night, she was not alone. She had an orange sable Pom puppy and we named him Koda. Sadly, Koda later developed black skin disease, so we neutered him. Hes such a handsome Pom and his sickness made me very sad. About two months later while eating lunch, my mom and I saw an ad in the paper for a black female puppy Pomeranian. We ended up getting her and naming her Tiffany. She was adorable, and still is adored today. Sometimes shes like a little ballerina, because she stands on her two little hind feet and dances.Half a year later, my mom and I were visiting my grandmother in St George. My grandma decided to get another dog so her dog Sassy wouldnt be lonely. My mom and I went with my grandparents to look for another Pomeranian. Earlier that morning, my mom called my dad to tell him what we were going to do that day. My father joked around about us getting another Pom, but you could tell he wasnt serious. We saw72 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review.X ... anad in the paper and went to look at some puppies in Las Vegas. When we got there we saw the cutest puppy ever. He was a tan sable parti boy. Of course we couldnt resist, so we called up my father and asked him if we could get the puppy. He said yes, so we purchased the puppy. I named him Rascal. Rascal is the sweetest little boy. He is obsessed with fetch and I love him even though sometimes hes a twerp.Sassy had a puppy a little over two years ago. About three days after the puppy was bom, Sassys milk dried up. My grandma ended up feeding the puppy with supplemental milk for a long time. When the puppy was about a month and a half old, he was really weak and couldnt walk. We were very worried so we took him to the vet, but the vet didnt know what was wrong. We ended up calling a breeder in Utah to see if she could help us. She told us about a Pomeranian breeder who lived really close to us. The breeders name was Charlene Waters. We. -VCT,'M8aaaiHr0UNE 2003CLASS ' WINNERKOHLER RHT0Jessica Christiansencalled Charlene and scheduled a time to meet with her. She was wonderful about helping us. She was very generous with her time. When we met her she told us that the puppy was low on calcium and needed more for strength. My mom and I had brought Tiffany, our little black bitch with us. When Charlene saw Tiffany she told us that she had a dog that she would like to breed to her. She invited us over to her house so that we could see Stockton, the dog that she wanted to breed to our bitch. After that we started to go to the local dog shows with Charlene and her husband Gregg.One day when my mom and I went over to Charlene and Greggs house, we saw one of their orange sable bitches named Trinket. We found out that they were selling Trinket, but already had a breeder that wanted to see her and maybe buy her. We told her that we wanted to buy Trinket if the other breeder didnt. They agreed. The breeder didnt buy Trinket, so we did. Trinket was the first dog I ever showed. I showed her in the Colorado Springs show, my first show. Charlene and my mom were there at the dog show. My mom and I were helping Charlene at ringside, when unexpectedly Charlene needed me to go back into the ring with Trinket. Charlene needed to take another one of her bitches into the ring at the same time. I was nervous and wasnt actually sure what to do. I walked around the ring in my jeans and t- shirt feeling a little bit out of place. Before I knew it, I was out of the ring. Later that night my mom took me to the store to buy a dress for the next show. The next day I took Trinket into the show ring, and felt a little more confident. It was a lot of fun. After that experience, Charlene and Gregg, my mentors, taught me how to show Trinket. I would have to say if it wasnt for Charlene and Gregg Waters, I wouldnt be doing what I love today, showing and breeding dogs. It has changed my life and I plan on continuing for the rest of my life.Ever since that day, Ive been showing Trinket at dog shows, and Ive learned a lot. I love to show in the junior showmanship ring, because I feel it helps motivate me to do better and improve every time I go in. I used to get very nervous before Id go into the ring. Now Im not nervous at all, and Im always excited.EwHsliiJanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 73The progression of a beautiful parti boy. Rascal at five weeks, five months, and two years.The first time I saw the delivery of a litter of puppies in person was about two years ago. It was so wonderful and I loved it. However, the thing I love the most is raising the puppies. Last July we had a litter of puppies. I remember waiting by my bitch Tiffany for three days. Every time shed move, I would ask my mom if Tiffany was going into labor. It was midnight before she started having contractions. She had her puppies between 430 and 530 A.M. My mom and I delivered the puppies and I will never forget it. They were three happy healthy black boys. Tiffany was so excited and I was also. Their father is Stockton one of Gregg and Charlene Waters champion Poms. We kept one of the puppies and named him Coal. Coal was black when he was bom, but now he is turning silver in some areas. Ill be able to show him February 21,2004. I am very excited because hell be the first dog I both bred and show. Charlene and Gregg Waters have the brother to Coal and have named him Hawk. They plan on showing him as well.I would like to say a special thanks to Charlene and Gregg Waters, Terry and Jordan Rothwell, Pati Danielson, LeeAmber and Kathy Jessup and all the other wonderful people I have made friends with. Without these people I would not be where I am today.I consider Gregg and Charlene, my dog show parents. Gregg doesnt even let me eat candy before my meals. They have a great sense of humor and they have been a lot of fun and very generous with their time. One time we werent going to have breakfast for about an hour, so I asked Gregg if I could have a little piece of candy. He said no because it would min my appetite. After I promised that it wouldnt min my appetite, he finally agreed to let me have one. I ended up with a large two plate meal that had a little of everything on it. I was determined to eat it all, to keep my promise to Gregg. As I ate, Gregg kept trying to steal my pancakes, but I would not let him. I love going to dog shows with Charlene, Gregg and my mom, its never boring. I am especially grateful to my father for supporting me in my chosen sport and letting us leave him behind while he works and we have fun. I love my parents very much. A special thanks to my mom for all the fun we have. Also for her support, which has meant so much to me.'rLuft. f ^ ___74 - JANUAKyFeBRUARY 2004 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJan Le Pomsi__ Ank\D OfTf Ktuuti cmiQcmtR 2oo3BEST ^OF\N\NUERSh KEMP PH0TJimwVpA'VH VJan Les Just A Super StarrCh. Avalons Prince Charming X BIS AmCa Ch. Jan Les Millie Wakit of Luemar BISAbby is out of our BIS girl, Millie. She only needs three singles to finish. Millie has been a wonderful producer coming from all Theldun lines and producing so far three girls, one black and tan Ch. Jan Le Make Me a Super Starr, Jan Les Create Me A Super Starr, pointed and Abby. We hope to carry on what Thelma started withthese girls.Congrats to Pati Daniels on and Teresa Livezey on your APC Kennel Visits.Jan Le PomeraniansJane Lehtinen 213 741 2117 Judy Meheiz 414 544-13224POM POPPYThe 2004 Pomeranian Reviews will feature a series of puppy articles, particularly relating to the Pomeranian puppy. We hope you learn and enjoy this series as we share throughout the year. The following photo series were taken by Linda DeCicco and are printed with permission by Dr. Barry W. Porter, DVM of the Lake Region Animal Hospital in Windham, Maine. The article was written by APC Health and Genetics Chairman, Marge Kranzfelder. Thank you Linda, Dr. Porter and Marge.Along with technical advances, veterinary practice has become more sophisticated. Breeders are more frequently expected to leave their bitch in need of a Caesarean Section with the veterinarians receptionist. For those of you who wonder what happens between this time and that of hopefully taking home a healthy litter and alert dam, this article will provide some visual images. Thank goodness the technical advantages make the images a far different one from the first time one was performed. According to ancient lore, it produced Julius Caesar. True or not, it bears his name.Thank you, Linda DeCicco, for taking and sharing these wonderful photographs. We are very appreciative to veterinarian, Barry W. Porter, DVM, of the Lake Region Animal Hospital in Windham, Maine and assistant Marcie Whidden for realizing their cooperation will help educate us without our needing to intrude the operating room itself. The anxiety level of conscientious breeders runs extremely high during these times. Having an accurate visual imageshould help alleviate fears manifested by uninformed imaginations.You are probably already familiar with the first part of the process. The vet must do an exam to verify the bitchs present condition as well as review case history. This includes your accurate account of labor along with recent sonograms or x-rays. Since our anxiety and exhaustion affects memory and time judgments, it helps if breeders get into the practice of writing down times of our observations once labor has begun. It is also important to note if any amniotic fluid erupted water sac broken. A veterinarian might try to manipulate a puppy out that is wedged. He might also wish to try two administrations of Oxytocin with a twenty-minute interval in between to enhance contractions.The breeder must attempt to remain patient during this hurry up and wait time. This procedure is necessary before a conscientious decision to operate is made. Even for planned C-sections, an exam of the bitchs present condition must be made. Dr. Robert Hutchison, noted reproduction specialist, states that planned C-sections are becoming more common. One of the reasons for this is the statistic that more puppies will survive. Another factor is that of cost a C-section is more expensive than a natural birth, but a planned C- section is cheaper and less risky than an emergency C-section.Once the decision is made that a C-section is necessary, the veterinarian orchestrates his team into action. The operation room must be readied up with the equipment needed, sterilized instrument pack, and sterile drapes to establish the sterile field. The preparatory steps on the patient are done in a specialized treatment room or area.2A76 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewPhoto 1 shows the vet finding a vein in the bitchs right arm. The bottle probably contains a surgical scrub or alcohol to use on the injection site. This liquid generally separates the fur enough to find a vein without the need to shave the fur. Some vets administer just enough of a relaxer so that the bitch does not instinctively fight the administration of inhaled anesthesia. Some vets will use this same vein to hook up an IV to keep the bitch hydrated during the operation. Having found a vein now and starting an IV line will save time should an emergency IV medication be necessary during the operation.Photo 2 and 2A shows the first stage of administration of inhaled anesthesia. The vet is using a plastic mask cone shaped that fits over the Poms muzzle. Some vets dont use this method for larger breeds because they believe the large size masks waste gas. Using this method does help prevent unintentional throat irritation during the intubation process or need for stronger pre-op barbiturate. During this masking down process, the pictures show the vet observing the dogs process of being anesthetized and monitoring the blend of anesthesia gas and oxygen. It is important for the puppies sake to use as light a concentrate as possible. The vet will continue to monitor this blend until he is finished operating and brings the Pom up to consciousness again. Too light of anesthesia can cause the abdomen wall to move with breathing. Too suppressed breathing is readily, understandably undesirable. And the complete duration of anesthesia should be kept to a minimum. First, her extremity muscles begin to weaken. Her tongue will be able to be pulled forward more easily for intubation. Note there are two tubes attached to the mask. One is for inhalation and one to take away what is exhaled. We dont want the operating team to doze off. One of the large canisters you can just about see in the photos contains the oxygen mixture. The anesthesia generally Isoflurene comes in a fairly small vile that is attached to this equipment.Photo 3 shows the intubation process. Intubating placing a breathing tube into the trachea, through the larynx gives the vet more precise control of the anesthesia. As tight a fit as possible is desirable. The size intubation tube he tries first comes from experience. Generally if a dog is debarked, one size smaller tube is usually needed because there is generally some scar tissue to avoid. If your Pom has been debarked, it is therefore important to inform any attending vet of this history.In Photo 4, the surgical preparatory of the abdomen is taking place. It helps somewhat if your have already shaved her abdomen before labor begun. Even in a normal delivery, tangled bloodied hair can get in the way. The hair will fall out on its own anyway, some before delivery, the rest later. Even if you have used a 40 blade to clipper, undoubtedly the vet tech will want to do a touch up. Then three to five complete scrubs are done to the abdomen, particularly to the mid-line surgical cut area. Each vet has their own standard scrub routine using chlorhexidine, betadine, or alternation of both. While the vet tech scrubs up the Pom, the vet scrubs up and dons his surgical garb.Pom Puppy 2004 Continued From Page 77Photo 5 shows how each limb is restrained. The surgeon doesnt want any involuntary motion to occur. The limbs can be looped so that a speedy release is possible if necessary. Notice how the hind legs must be tied. If your bitch has a severely luxating patella, please remind your vet during the exam so extra care can be taken not to cause it further injury. It is also necessary to point this condition out because it could be common to reposition an anesthetized canine from the prepping area to the surgical table by picking up two paws in each hand and lifting the limp body. This procedure keeps the sterilized area sterile, but it can also be done differently with small animals that have poor knees. Some vet now use a heated gel pack under the patient to help retain body temperature while on the stainless steel surgical table.You see the completely draped patient as would the surgeon in Photo 6. The drapes help establish the sterile field which is extremely important to prevent infection. If you are allowed to observe, DO NOT TOUCH this draped area with anything that is not sterilized. This sounds simple until under the circumstance you unconsciously reach out to help with handing something to someone and a small part of it touches any part of the drape. Or maybe the vet attempts to hand the puppy to you to work on reviving.Encounters such as this keep most untrained assisting observers out in the waiting room. But the view of Photo 6 is also that of the surgeon it also points out the need for using cardiac and breathing monitors. The vet needs to know immediately any interruption of these two functions. Otherwise they could be deceived.We dont show a photo of the surgeon making a mid-line incision. I believe just about all veterinarians now use mid-line incisions. That was not always the case. Mid-line incisions allow access to both uterine horns, avoid mammillary tissue, and crossing major abdominal muscles.Photo 7 shows the vet pulling the uterine hom outside the abdomen wall. He will need to make another incision into the uterine wall to extract the puppy generally still enclosed in the placenta. We see the puppy still inside this embryo tic sac in Photo 8. The scalpel will easily release the puppy from this membrane sac. Photo 9 shows the vital puppys umbilical cord being clamped with a hemostat before being cut separate.The puppy is handed off to a vet tech for simulation to encourage reviving Photo 10. Remember that the puppies have received the same anesthesia given to its mother. The vet tech will rub the puppy to simulate the mothers licking process. Bringing up the body temperature will help the oxygen exchange process of those new lungs. Slinging the pup for centrifugal force to help clear mucus has its pros and cons and will be further discussed in other articles. Dopamine can also be used sparingly to stimulate breathing. CPR can be administered. Mucus can be wiped from the nose with cloth or suctioned out carefully with a human baby nasal aspirator.Meanwhile, the vet must continue the operation. He must remove placentas from the uterus. It is easy to see if there are additional pups to extract. Hecan check the uterus for any damage or malformations. Corrective steps can be taken. It is absolutely amazing at how fast a healthy uterus contracts after the puppies are extracted Photo 11. If a spay is decided for this bitch, now is when the entire uterus is cut out. Otherwise, if two incisions were made on the uterus one on each hom, the surgeon must suture each. Unlike humans, a canine uterus is shaped like the letter Y. Each segment of the Y is referred to as a hom. If he feels the abdominal cavity might have been compromised with unsterile conditions such as caused by the puppys placenta being half-way out of the birth canal before the operation started, he might do a saline wash. That means saline solution has been heated to body temperature and poured into the abdomen cavity, then suctioned vacuumed out. The abdomen wall then needs to be sutured Photo 12, glued, or, least advised, stapled.The vet usually knows how fast he works and starts to lighten the anesthesia during this end process. With todays modem anesthesia, gas is expelled by the lungs and the dog awakens rapidly. As soon as the dog begins to waken, the intubation tube is quickly removed. This is to lessen the likelihood of causing throat irritations that cause minor coughing postsurgery. Without complications, operation duration is approximately one hour, and hopefully a little less.Photo 13 shows a very vital puppy. Note its ability to remain upright on its own. And Photo 14 shows a slightly groggy mother accepting the pup for its first nursing.I have found, that if the bitch were spayed at this time, it does not affect the milk production. It is likely that the bitch isnt interested in taking care of the pup for the first twenty-four hours, especially if this was her first litter. I believe it to be pain related. You will be on duty until she can take over full care of the newborns. Also noted by Dr. Hutchinson is that he has successfully performed six or seven C-sections on each of two or three bitches.I will remind you to keep the puppies warm during the trip home. It is more important for them to be warm than with the dam if you have an average ride home. Coolers make good neonate transport devises. A surgical glove filled with warm water and clean cloths to cover them will complete the safe transport.Now, I dont dare think we are ready to do it ourselves, but I hope you are better able to visualize what happens behind those closed doors.Due to limited space, we regret we are unable to answer individual questions in print. Please address questions to Marge Kranzfelder at or a local licensed veterinarian.All procedures within this article should be performed only by a licensed veterinarian.AKC Eukanuba Invitationalm a By Walda GreenChampionshipLong Beach, California December 3,2003aisJX u I - . vcijvii .t ip 'Eypetfitions^B^-Sbir-p. -V - Sj-seir Cj-pi- EntHoei li Bja45-1422 Theydont happen frequently. I am referring to those special events like our American Pomeranian Club National Specialty, Westminster and the AKC Eukanuba Invitational Championship. Perhaps the best thing that happens at these events and the best to look forward to is the opportunities to make new friends and reconnect with old ones, you know, the ones you only get to see once or twice a year. This year at the AKCEuk Invitational Championship you could see this happening everywhere you looked. It happened at ringside and it happened at our Meet The Breed booth staffed by Alane Levinson, Cheri MacDonald and Tami Felix. These ladies did a wonderful job of introducing and educating the public about our Poms.Long Beach was beautiful, the weather a balmy 75 degrees with clear blue sky above. The Long Beach Civic Center housed the Conformation, Obedience, Agility, Junior Showmanship and Meet the Breed events under one roof, it was like one stop shopping. The Civic Center also included vendors of elegant 14K gold jewelry, custom portraits, and the everyday needs of sharing our lives with a dog. It was all there.Then there were the dogs. Each one groomed and presented to perfection, they were great ambassadors. It was exciting to see so many of the top dogs gathered in one place. Definitely a challenging judging assignment for Ms. Elaine Rigden, as each dog demanded to be noticed.Best of Breed and Group 3 - Ch. Starfires Wicked Mean N NastyBest Bred by Exhibitor - Ch. Starfires Wicked Mean N NastyBest of Opposite Sex - Ch. Pom Acres Victorious DawnAward Of MeritCh Belstars Sweet November Ch. Sirius Its All About Me Ch Starfires Vagabon Lover Ch. Starfires Wicked Mean N Nasty Best of Breed, Best Bred by Exhibitor, Toy Group 380 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewI lAKC Eukanuba Invitational December 3. 2003If.. ^Photos by Walda Green, Marge Kranzfelder and Kay Chaney.k V.TmAKCEUK Invitional Continued on Page 82JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 81_ AKC El K ilationaJ^ontLmidd g, v I l lrkRefreshments4 '\ ....v -c 'EL -- .. c7 U3v1AKC Eukanuba InvitationalDecember 3. 2003 .\u Photosby Walda Green, Marge Kranzfelder and Kay Chaney.1 iI___A'SvCJ ...82- JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewSANDPOMSPOMERANIANS'SANDRA JOHNSONN6603 Forest Ct Holmen, Wl 54636 PH 608 526-1051 httpwebpages.charter.netsandpomsFRANSUr " i_________ jWOLFIE - A PIXIE POM EXOTICS TO LOVEANDREA HUGHES EVELYN NEWYEARP.O. BOX 57 SOD, WV 25564 PH 304 756-9356WE DO NOT SHIPNEUJAHRfm \ VIVV.rLinda Pelz - Cfl760 940-4214Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Ch. Stud Serive PuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww.dreamweaverpom.comPomeranian ReviewsBackX55uesmake great gifts.Place your orders todayLaura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue Cinncinati, OH U5227 513 2 71-378 3panachepom5netzero.comATTENTIONRegional Pom Clubs Regional Pom Club Event information is published free of charge in the Coming Events. Regional Clubs receive lower advertising rates. Reports and photos of Pom specialties and matches are published free.Send coming events, reports, and photos to the editor.PARK1Tom Wilson916-689-9586 Sacramento, CA parkaveporascomcast.netPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLEJN VPomsBecky Sabourinwww. wyndlorpoms. com 989-832-3408 wyndlorchartermi.netSarah OBrien isarahnade23hotmail.comWyndlorTomsJanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 83Slum dine A SlopedCondolences to fxiends and family, of Dean Mehext.Sympathy to Dxenda Mutton on the toss of hex Dorn, Sunni. Sunni utas neaxly nineteen yeaxs old.Condolences to fxiends and family of Jhelma Dunn.Deepest condolences to the family of the tate Dill Menxy.Vktims of the fixes in Califoxnia.Eoexyone hattliny the flu vixuses.Sunshine and Roses are published at no cost. Please send or Email the Editor. I Miy Ss . We salute thecourageous men, women and their families of our armed forces. May they be safe andprotected from all harm.Ist freedom ringSMGT ANDREW PELZ USMC, HUSBAND OF LINDA PELZMSgt. Clinton A. Moureau, Son of Erika MoureauMajor Penny H. Moureau, Daughter-In-Law of Erika MoureauServing in Kuwait, Chief Warrant Officer Ken Fralick, wife of Heather Fralick Jessie Kleins daughter.Second Class Petty Officer Mike P. Jankowski, nuclear technician, stationed on The USS Montpelier submarine, husband of Beth Kerr Jankowski.March April 2004Tony Cabera and Fabian ArientiStarfire PomsADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 250.00Full Page Black White 75.00Half Page Color 135.00Half Page Black White 45.00Fourth Page 30.00All ads include one photo.AMarch April 2004 Linda Pelz and Mike Wells DreamWeaver PomsPlease contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Co-ordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Ph. 903-882-1950 or email RATESFirst Class 45Bulk Rate 37Foreign Rate 80Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 8For more information contact Brenda Segelken 217-347-5731 fame62401 yahoo.com84 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email Iffland11290 Old Lake Road Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email pomsawaylegypt.netTresstipePomeraniansMarbilPomeraniansXrJdhBonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island NY 11953 631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comfvaloviJCh. Avalons Prince Matchabelli Monte Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.FINCH'SPOMERANIANS Ltd.BIS, BISS, Ch Finch's He Walks on Water,ROMX Ch Reginapoms Patrick O'Finch's Ch Finch's Dream Walkin'Ch Finch's Walkin' After Midnite Ch Finch's A Noble Tradition Ch Finch's The Legend Continues Ch Rnch's Mr. Bold N Beautiful Ch Pufpride Sweet DreamsBlack, Chocolate, Orange, Black . Tan Partis, Stud ServiceDiane L Finch28453 530th, Kelley, IA 50134 515 769-2444dfinchhuxcomm.netAudrey Tpfjerfs"Jlovmyfy 7-tandfiny Toys"Shyacres.comShyacreshotmail.com337-392-2094JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 85SkPomeranian Clubaf Central IndianaCOMING EVENTSLa Cajun Pomeranian Club of Louisiana Specialty Show and Puppy Sweepstakes January 24, 2004Rapides Parish Coliseum, Alexandria, LouisianaPom Club of Greater Iowa Specialty February 14, 2004 Iowa State FairgroundsAPC NATIONAL SPECIALTYMarch 8, 9, 10, 2004 Specialty Judge Janice Earl Sweepstakes Judge Nadine Hersil Louisville, KentuckyNorthern California Pom Club Specialty April 17, 2004Solano Co. Fairgrounds, Napa Sonoma ValleySan Diego Pom Club May 2004APC SUMMER SPECIALTYPending AKC ApprovalSeptember 2004 Indianapolis, INPCCI SPECIALTYPending AKC ApprovalSeptember 2004 Indianapolis, INVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at http www. americanp omeranian c lub. orgMASTERCARD AND VISA ACCEPTEDAMERICAN KENNEL CLUB, INC.AKC Headquarters260 Madison Ave, NYC 10016 212 696-8200Open 830-415 ET weekdays except holidays AKC Operations Center 5580 Centerview Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606 919 233-9767Open 830-500 ET weekdays except holidays httpwww.akc.orgindex.cfinMARAPBIL2004 APC Pom ReviewLFebDIGITAL and EMAIL FILESPhotos for publication must be scanned at 300 DPI when emailing photo files. Set digital cameras minimum 3.5 MP to the highest setting BEFORE taking digital photos for publication in the APC Pomeranian Review. Email all photos, ad text and payment form MasterCard and VISA accepted tofame62401 yahoo.comLetters to the Editor, Yips and Yaps are welcome. Send to The Pomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 or email LThe Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Subscription ManagerBRENDA HUTTON15755 Greenway Lansing, MI 48906 Ph 517-485-5183 Email bkpomsearthlink.netYearly Bi-Monthly Subscriptions45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico80 ForeignSubscription CardNAMESTREET ADDRESSfCITY. STATE, ZIPCODE. COUNTRY iLTtAfPHONE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESSVISAMASTER CARD CREDIT CARD NUMBER -d^YEXPDATECARD HOLDER SIGNATURE86 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewCatherine Jessen4165 E 100 NorthElusive Toys Rigby id 83442208 745-5267PomsandJBUSINESS CARD ADVERTISING RATESSmall Ad 65.00 Large Ad 95.00Six issues, one photo included.Millamor Pomeranians- Ken Eleanor Miller1777 Orange Picker Rd Jacksonville, Florida 32223 PH 904-260-4308 millamorbellsouth.netM1V 'U A9oiniansv w rwShari ShieldsOdenton, MD 21113301-261-3727sshieldserols.comMountain View PomeraniansMtn View Stars ShinePat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 Phone 540-337-2965tU 3Ay l-O'HSShow and pets available occasionally. HandlerOwnerBreederDodd TUehDtoh237 Groveland Dr Howell, MI 48843 517-546-7446Rich_DonnaMhotmail.comJSA REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S Waters Charlene R Waters1625 East 11400 South Sandy Utah 84092-5428 801-571-4959SHIMMEREEMSN.COM Quality PomeraniansanesasPOMERANIANSJerrie Freia1072A Landry Lane, Morgan City, LA 70380 Ph 985-384-7466 Fax 985-384-8628 www.janesa.com6009 Edgewater Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78412 361-991-5410 361-993-4059 fabyanpomssbcglobal.netJanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 87Pomeranian Club of MichiganPom Specialty November 28, 2003By Donna Machniakcv_GBOpNtSitfOITThePomeranian Club of Michigan would like to thank all of the Pom fanciers that entered or supported our specialty this year. We had many new Pom people that came to watch and enjoyed the hospitality the food was plentiful and delicious and the friendship everyone offered. We would like to congratulate all of the winners this year.Sweeps Judge - Ms. Sharon Griffin6-9 mo dogs1- Darlins Wildcard at Sims - Nina Fetter2- Sims Its Only Make Believe - Nina Fetter3- Sims Believe it or Not - Nina Fetter9-12 mo dog1- Tishas Kravin Snickers - FredPat Dieball2- DreamWeavers Enduring Freedom - Mike WellsLinda Pelz3- DreamWeavers Northern Lights - Mike WellsLinda Pelz6-9 mo bitch1- Majis Gabriella of Pawegre - James MeKiemanPat Murk2- Sirus Its Against All Odds - Nina Fetter3- Tmdys Country Girl - Becky SabourinSarah Obrien4- Sundowns Horizon Aint Misbehavin - Laurie Otis9-12 mo bitchDHCrew-N-Darlins Gator Bay - Donna'Machniak T ' ..Best Junior Puppy - Majis Gabriella Of Pawegre,V15-18 mo Senior dogCarmas James Colburn - Mary Ann Cargo 12-15 mo Senior bitch1- Tishas Asperation - FredPat Dieball2- Darlins SumThinToTalkAbout - Nina FetterDorthy Ashbey3- Angelicpoms Christmas Angel - Mona Seering15-18mo Senior bitch1-Sapphires One Night Stand Beth ShattuckBest Senior Pup - Sundown-N-Darlins Aces-N-EightsBest Veteran 7-9years - CH Wyndlor Toy Story - Donna MachniakRegular Classes - Judge Edmund Sledzik6-9 mo dog1- Darlins Wildcard at Sims - Nina Fetter2- Sirus Its Only Make Believe - Nina Fetter9-12 mo dog1- DreamWeavers Enduring Edition - Mike WellsLinda Pelz2- Trudys Snidley Whiplash - NancyBob Coddington12-18 mo dog1- Sirus Here I Am - Nina Fetter2- Carmas James Colburn - Mary Ann Cargo3- Sundowns -N-Darlins Aces-N-Eights - Laurie Otis 88 - JamiaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewiBred By Dogs1- Mai-T-Tois G.I.Joe - Angela Nisbet2- Dream Weavers Northern Lights - Mike WellsLinda Pelz3- Tishas Kravin Snikers - FredPat Dieball4- Sirus Believe it or Not - Nina FetterOpen BBB1-Weewyns Take It To the Limit - Cathy AndersonOpen ROCS1- A Promise Kept to Lenette - Coleen Scott2- DHCrew Rock-N-Rumble - R Workman3- Pixies Walkin In Sunshine - Carol GalavichWinners Dog - WeeWyns Take It to the Limit Reserve - A Promise Kept of Lenette6-9 mo puppy bitch1- Sundown Horizon Aint Misbehavin - Laurie Otis2- Majis Gabriella of Pawegre - James McKiemanPat Murk3- Trudys County Club - NancyBob Coddington4- Wyndlor Its My Wish - Becky SAabourinSarah OBrien9-12 mo bitch1- Tishas Kravin Kit Kat - FredPat DiebalL2- DHCrew-N-Darlins Gator Bay - Donna Machniak12-18mo bitch1- DarlinSumthinToTalkAboutSirus - Nina FetterDorthyAs2- Angelicpoms Christmas Angel - Mona Seering Bred By Bitches Ay j gfa ________1- Trudys Turly Magical - Nancy Bob Coddington2- JessLeighs Shimmering Starr - Cyndi Vande Hosf3- Tishas Asperation - FredPat Dieball4- Sapphire One Night Love Affair - Beth Shattuckv \Open ROCS1- Patricias Smokin Mystic Bee - Pati Danielson2- Sapphires One Night Stand - Beth Shattuck3- Trudys Cut Me Loose Hailey - AnnRichard HorvitzAOACSundown On Fowlers Mountain - Connie FowlWinners Bitch - Sundown Horizon Aint Misbehave Reserve - Patricias Smokin Mystic BeeBest of Breed - Ch Pardise Valley Linus- Marshall RokosRobin Turner BOW - Weewyns Take It To the Limit BOS - Sundown Horizon Aint MisbehavinJunior Showmanship Novice Jr1- Mariah Seering2- Jenna Spranger Open Senior 1-Stephanie BurdickBest Jr Handler - Mariah Seering '0 ii'-1yQ7.A.2nr--AiSk.Vr--i- vk-iJmiuaeyFebsuaey 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 89APC National SpecialtyMarch 8, 9, 10, 2004Attention all Pom lovers, fanciers and enthusiasts. Mark your calendar for March 8, 9, 10, 2004. Join us in Louisville, KY for five funfilled days of Dog ShowsMondayTuesdayWednesday, March 8, 9, 10 APC National Specialty Friday, March 12 Kennel Club of Columbus, Indiana Saturday, March 13 Evansville Kennel Club Sunday, March 14 Louisville Kennel Club Cindy Boulware, Show Secretary 972 962-3872 or Gregg Waters, Show Chairman 801 571-4959 or Jack Onoffio Superintendent 405 427-8181 or www.onoffio.comSpecialty Rooms and Travel ArrangementsThe American Pomeranian Club will hold its specialty at the Executive Inn, 978 Phillips Lane, Louisville, Kentucky 40209, Telephone 1-800-626-2706. We have a block of rooms at a special rate of 79.00 plus applicable taxes per night. Reserve a double, or king room at this rate for 1-4 guests per room. The 79.00 rate will be good from March 07 to 15, 2004. The reservation deadline is 020804. When making your reservations be sure to mention that you are with the APC dog show, for the group rate.RV Parking will be located at the fairgrounds across the street from the Hotel. Hook ups are available. For reservations phone 502 367-5000.The Louisville Airport is located across the street from the Hotel. Executive Inn will send a van to pick you up. You may call them from a courtesy phone in the airport. Executive Inn asks that you pick up your luggage before calling.APC JudgesMrs. Janice Earl, Regular Classes Ms. Nadine Hersil, Sweepstakes Ms. Jeanne Ohmann, ObedienceCatalog Advertising Inside Front Cover 50.00 Center spread 80.00 Outside Back Cover 55.00 Inside Back Cover 45.00 Full Page 35.00 12 Page 20.00 14 Page 15.00 Add 10.00 for each photoAdvertising in the APC catalog gets you noticed. Dont miss out on this opportunity to show off your latest Specials Pom, new Champion or new puppy hopeful.Contact Advertising Chairperson, Roxanne Collins at 219 996-7643 or if you have anyquestions or need help with your ad. Send your ad copy and payment check, Visa or MasterCard to Cindy Boulware, 6450 Rolling Heights Cir, Kaufman, TX 75142. Or you may email your ad to All postal mailed photos will be returned.TrophiesOur Trophy Chairpersons are Jane Lehtinen and Juanita Fiddick. They have some wonderful trophies planned for this year. Please support your club and the efforts of Jane and Juanita, and donate generously to the trophy fund. Jane may be reached at 218 741 -2117 or Juanita may be reached at 319 989-2199.Special EventsB Match, Hosted by the Pom Club of Central Indiana SeminarsInformation Pending final plans.90 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewIN^KNATIONALEdited by Joan BehrendJackie Walsh interviewed Pom breeders in the U.K. at dog shows, asking how they care for and exhibit their Poms. Thanks, Jackie and Mrs. Lynn Webster, for sharing this information with our readers.Here are the responses from Mrs. Lynn Webster of Pomlyn Kennels.Lynn grew up in a farming family, owning pigs, cattle, etc. Her first breed was Rough Collies, and she has owned horses since 1980 as well. She lives in the Midlands and is a member of the Northern Pom Club, and is the Pomeranian breed representative at The Kennel Club.Lynn shows, breeds, and judges Poms. In the U.K. most dogs are breederowner handled. She has between fifteen and twenty Poms she keeps on six acres, which includes an orchard and paddocks. The girls live in the orchard in their own mobile home, and the dogs live in the dog room. The puppies stay in the kitchen until they are six months old.Lynns first Pom was purchased in 1977, from Jenny Shrewsbury Presservenes. Her first champion was bought from Jenny at five months old. Lynns kennel started to produce well when she bought a proven brood, which did not have the same bloodlines as her dogs, but was very similar in type and style. Lynn prefers to use her own males for stud.Her average litter size is between two to four puppies. C-sections are rare for her bitches however, if she needed one, it would cost approximately 200 British pounds for one approximately 350.Lynn occasionally will use holistic remedies but always uses Cauphlyum on her bitches during the last stages of whelping. She had a recurring problem in her kennel with ear mites but now controls that with Thomet.Jackie spoke with Mick Titchner, of Tuttsclump Kennels.Mick has always enjoyed animals, showing cattle Queens Cows, known as the Windsor Jersey Herd at the age of sixteen. Mick started in dogs with Rough Collies and German Shepherd dogs, and started in Poms in 1975.Micks first bitch was taken to a dog from Heather Moore of the Paddockwood Kennels, producing two bitches. As they were close friends, Mick was able to use Heathers dogs, which contained Hadleigh and Pattakins lines, which are the lines that make up Micks kennel today.Mick breeds and occasionally shows, but he is unable to judge anymore as he lost his sight some years ago in a bad accident.Mick keeps approximately twenty Poms on twelve acres of land about an hour drive from London. The dogs live in kennels, but come into the house for socializing and when whelping. Mick mostly uses his own studs, but when he goes outside his kennel, he doesnt go completely away from the same bloodlines. He breeds a bitch approximately four times unless she is a difficult breeder, and his litter sizes are one to two puppies per litter. He does have a lot of c-sections, for which he pays about 300 British pounds about 500.Mick uses microchips to identify his dogs ever since a top stud dog was stolen from him. He has just started to use holistic medicine to care for the dogs and replace vaccinations and is very pleased with the results. His health advice is to feed well, watching their weight, and give the dogs garlic, brewers yeast, and keep the animals free from parasites. This makes for a healthier animal.JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 91AdvertisersAhlers, Liz.......................................................................8Allan, Mary...................................................................38Bachus, Doris................................................................32Banks, Don....................................................................32Banks, Marilyn..............................................................32Berryman, Ann..............................................................94Birks, Joyce...................................................................42Boam, Sharon................................................................32Boehmer, Barbara..................................Front Cover , 16Buske, Randy................................................................12Carlson, Alice...............................................................87Carter, Beverley............................................................49Christiansen, Cristy and Jessica....................................32Crawford, Karen...........................................................61Dague, Roger and Pat................................................49, 87Davis, Annette and Erik................................................85De Cicco, Linda..............................................................4Dieball, Fred and Patricia.............................................17Dimick, Warren and Virginia.......................................28Fetter, Nina.............................................Front Cover, 16Finch, Diane..................................................................85Freia, Jerrie...................................................................87Garvey, Gail....................................................................8Gilstrap, David and Carlene.........................................15Gouraud, Annie.............................................................12Griffith, Ken and Eleanor...............................................6Hacker, Ruth...................................................................8Hansen, Mendy.............................................................48Harris, Bonnie..................................................6, 7, 8, 85Hennagin, Mary Hobson...............................................32Hogg, David..................................................................14Hughes, Andrea............................................................83Iffland, Mari..................................................................85lessen, Catherine...........................................................87Johnson, Sandra............................................................83Johnston, Bronya..........................................................28Keplinger, Irv..................................................................8Kieffer, Dianne.............................................................95Klein, Jessie..................................................................61Knight, Camilla...............................................................8Koenig, Sandy...............................................................32Kripak, Jerry...................................................................8LaCajun Pom Club of Louisiana..................................53Lehtinen, Jane.............................................................8, 75Levinsohn, Alane..........................................................39Machniak, Donna..........................................................87McFarland, Pauline......................................................61McGrath, Renee............................................................14Me Kee, Margaret.........................................................51Mehciz, Judith............................................................8, 75Miller, Gerald and Ashley............................................32Miller, Ken and Eleanor................................................87Miller, Pat.......................................................................8Molina, Leeza...............................................................93Back IssuesTo order back issues, mail check toAssistant Back Issues Manager, Laura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue, Cinncinati, OH 45227, 513 271-3983 panachepomsnetzero.comAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 8.00The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year IJSPS Bulk, and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USA and APOs. CanadaMexico Puerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 80 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible for the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.Nash, Glenna.....................................................................32Newyear, Evelyn...............................................................83Norem, Kathy....................................................................95Norris, Joanne....................................................................48Northern California Pom Club..........................................48OBrien, Sarah..........................................................18, 19, 83Paige, Donna......................................................................32Pelz, Linda................................................................2, 3, 83Picon, Teresa...........................................................Back CoverPoole, Ruby.......................................................................27Roberts, Audrey................................................................85Robertson, Rhonda............................................................32Rosenbaum, Mary........................................................21,85Rush, Sandra......................................................................32Saball, Linda........................................................................4Sabourin, Becky........................................................18, 19, 83Sargent, Marva..................................................................32Schrimpsher, Caryl..............................................................5Scott, Kelley......................................................................67Segelken, Phil and Brenda..............................................8, 50Shields, Shari...................................................................8, 87Slaymaker, Larry...............................................................32Slaymaker, Sandy..............................................................32Stroh, Marcia.....................................................................32Swimme, James and Wendy.............................................55Twelve Days of Christmas................................................32Waters, Greggory and Charlene....................................38, 87Webster, Hal........................................................................8Wells, Mike...............................................................2, 3, 83White, Jera.........................................................................28Wilson, Tom......................................................................8392 - JanuaryFebruary 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewIntroducingFI INCH'S RETRO SOM OF THE REVOLUTIONOn 102505, at the Angeles Candor Dog Club show, under Judge Mrs. Janet Allen Jacobsen, Revo went Winners Dog and Best Of Winners for his first two points Thank you for this winCongratulations to Patty Danielson and Teresa Livezey on your kennel visits. May great things continue in yourfuture.To the family and friends of Thelma Dunn She will be remembered in Poms forever.My condolences to 3ev Carter on the loss of your beloved Evan.LEESA MOIINARETRO ROMSSouthern California-. '. I .CH Chriscendo Call To Arms x Finchs Jet Blackm 9Give a gift that lasts all yearI First Class USPSYearly Bi-Monthly Subscriptions45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico80 Foreignonly 45.00 Subscription ManagerBRENDA HUTTON15755 Green way Lansing, MI 48906 Ph 517-485-5183 Email bkpomsearthlink.netannah an the 'Wifftaj Place your orders today4AMCANINTBISS CH. CRICKETS BOBBIE SOX SPECIAL-R6iw x.. 3 PHOTOGRAPHYBEST IN SPECIALTYPOMERANIAN CLUB OF ONTARIOJULY 2002iill'"fBwffr AA'M__Ch Heartlands Top Notch Tradition X Lucky Delights Lil CricketI would like to thank Judge Jaqueline Rushy for this wonderful win Thank you to all judges for gnizing Bobbies outstanding qualities, Ken Miller, Dorothy Nichols, Michelle Billings, Eugene Blake, Jean Fancy, Darrell Baker, William Bergum, Luc Boileau, Arlene Benko, James Reynolds, Ed Martin, andB.D. Alderman.Bobbie hopes to meet you at WestminsterAlways BreederOwnerHandledMill nSiPw 1l LwaL 521 Layfield Rd East Ridge, TN 37412 423 894-1782 Cell 502 494-22813sI1IBESTOFBREED i f October 19.2003by GregJk'itcY'S'ev, SCh. Paughprints On The Mtn Crest ROM X Heartlands Amber CrystalBoogie garnered seven points from the puppy classes, including a Best of Breed win over a lovely special, and was not shown again until fall. At his second weekend out, he finished in fine style at the Springfield, Illinois shows with back to back majors and a Best of Breed win over beautiful specials from the open class Many thanks to Judge Jacqueline L. Stacy for Boogies first major and Best of Breed win. Also thanks to Judge Joseph V. Rachunas for his second major.A very special thank you to Brenda Segelken and Fran Stoll who helped both days making sure Boogies pictures were just right Your kindness and support are truly appreciatedDianne KiefferHeartland PomeraniansBreederExhibitorCo-ownerwww.patsites.comHeartlandPomeraniansKathryn J NoremEagle Creek PomeraniansExhibitorCo-owner www.patsites. comEagleCreekPoms-L icon omeramansNew Champion BBE Picon s Sweet Su^arsBEST OF BREEDi a-Thanks to all of the judges for their recognition of this Bred By girl.Judge Mrs. Margaret A. ReedJudge Dr. Sam DraperJudge Mrs. Myron Corky GaugerJudge Mrs. Grace MoranJudge Mr. Raymond T. SwiderskyJudge Mrs. Dorothy 0. HutchinsonJudge Mrs. Etta B. OrensteinSire Cases Gold Strike Of Lenette Dam Ch. Picon's Precious Rock1ayvUjNEWCHAMPION BESTOF OPPOSITE AND WINNERSot WINNERSIt 23iQUEENSBOROKENNEL CLUB. INC UKBreeder, owner, handled Teresa PiconShirley NT 631 399-3759 Fax 631 399-6042