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The Pomeranian Review July 1992

AmericanPomeranian^lubmcPublished Bimonthlym'VT Pomeranianr a w q a m SMrf Dog ssmo ]ulyfiugust 1992toi5C'4 r...aa pVv.n3 ra9L"vH' ,r. - 5GGa TO rs PSQSW ftfMMffi mWn1II1CH. ALLAYNS FEEL THE HEATCh. Allayns Sinnerman Toast x Great Elms Becky of Lenette1 Hr. mlA_122Youve met our young upcoming stud "Spanky," now meet our mature stud You first saw "Hot Bod" in the SeptemberOctober Pomeranian Review as a puppy hopeful, well... Hes now a finished stud and ready to produce. Hot Bod finished with 3 majors, 3-2-2-3-2-4 and would like to thank judges, L. Seligman, R. Winston, J. Russell, M. Bryant, E. Bivens and C. Herbal for seeing a champion in him. He will be at stud to approved bitches at his co-ownerbreeders home. Watch for his first puppies to be in the ring this Fall.Thanks Mary tor his last 4 pointsWe have a few show prospect and pet puppies for sale.OwnerHandler Marla Kneisler 9151 S. Darlington Ave Tulsa, OK 74137 918 492-0520b\Co-ownerBreeder Mary Allan Rt 3, Box 531A Wagoner, OK 74467 918 485-3010COVER STORYBOSS 3JGa TO TaS PBDSW MK1G0 mMAs winter turns to spring and summer, another show season begins. With new adult maturity, confidence and style Ch. Two Ts Feisty Autumn Glow Franko kicks off his second season leaving puppyhood behind.We thank all the judges who found Franko worthy and to all the future judges wholl fall in love with him like spring flowers and summer sunshine. We toast you and welcome you to the celebration.Wed like to thank all his ringside supporters, and all the helpers who gave generously of their time without asking for anything in return.We welcome all fanciers to the Northwest for the APC Summer National and congratulations to all the winners See ya thereFrankos pedigree is available in the Greater Willamette Valley Pomeranian Club Stud Dog, Brood Bitch Directory.OwnerWendy Feist 206 427-9380Co-ownerHandlerDorothy Trosino 503 256-4470Co-ownerBreederEmily Untalan 503 668-8470COMMITTEE CHAIRMENAKC DELEGATE Sam Zaneoff ^ 10 Park Avenue ^ New York ^ NY ^ 10016 APC ARCHIVES Sharon Shipek ^ 4803 3rd Avenue Birmingham ^ AL ^ 35205 APC REGISTRAR Jean Schroll ^ 12950 S New Era Rd ^ Oregon City ^ OR ^ 97045 AWARDS Judy Shearer ^ 523 Miller Avenue Sugarcreek OH ^ 44681 EDUCATION Sally Baugniet 411 S State Street ^ Mishicot ^ WI ^ 54228 HEALTH Dolly Trauner 2025 Lyon St San Francisco ^ CA ^ 94115 LOCAL CLUBS Dianne Johnson ^ 2901 Putty Hill Road ^ Baltimore ^ MD ^ 21234 MEMBERSHIP Jerrie Freia POB 2775 Morgan City LA 70381 OBEDIENCE Linda Gallacher ^ 1990 Ridge Way Drive ^ Eugene ^ OR 97401 PUBLIC RELATIONS Lois Hamill ^ 4 Domenic Drive ^ Chelmsford ^ MA ^ 01824 SKIN DISEASE Cheryl Jackson X 1038 16th Avenue ^ Birmingham ^ AL ^ 35205THE POM SHOPPE Bess Roberts WAYS MEANS Lisa Smart YEARBOOK Paul G. LewisPomeranian RSWOIIM JulyAugust 1992 1T.Xis3Pg lte3ff3PresidentMary Vickers1st Vice PresidentAudrey o6erts2nd Vice PresidentDavid Watts\ 'VUrRecording SecretaryMappetf. A. JonesCorresponding SecretaryFrances J.JtoTRural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501TreasurerAC WilCiamsonPOB 4207Pineville, LA 71361-4207 Ogqsdg'sSaCCy Baugniet Margaret Mcee Aony AeCCezCaroCA. Qalavicfi Jean B. ScfiroCC CfteryC WagnerPSSDQffiaiDB^IBEditorQaitA. JarveyPublishing HouseEXPEDITIOPUBLISHINGNPO Box A, 45 Pennwood Drive Mastic Beach, NY 11951-0501 Tel 516 399-3199 Fax 516 399-3182Business ManagerMarie CarCougfi8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel 516 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions Brenda MuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Tel 517 485-5183Back-Issues Margaret Mcee2426 Sandy Hook Rd Goochland, VA 23063 Tel 804 556-3380Pomeranian RBWOBOT ISSN 0744-8546 is published bimonthy JanMarMayJulSepNov in Mastic Beach, NY by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright 1992 by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission. Subscriptions are 30.00 per year 3rd class mail 35.00 per year 1st Class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and APOs US funds only.Custom graphics and all graphic compilations 1992 Expedition Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. All material and manuscripts submitted for publication with the exception of photos and custom graphics become the property of the American Pomeranian Club, all rights reserved. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.2 JulyAugust 1992 Pomeranian 5JSW0 QWfeaturesCover Story............................................... 1Ch. Two Ts Feisty Autumn GlowCommittee Chairman.....................1Stud Cards.............................................. 10j3 rticlesHelpful Hints.......................................... 18Margaret McKeeObedience News......................................26Linda GallagherA Novice Speaks.....................................28Barbara McClatcheyLeft In The Dark.....................................30Valerie Widgrentub QG ewsDallas Fort-Worth Pom Club...............15W. E. McKinneyColumnsUpdates.......................................................4from the PresidentRecording Secretarys Report.................6APC Judges Study Group........................8Pom Repair Shop....................................16Behind The New Titlists.........................22New Members............................................8Yips Yaps..............................................32Business Cards........................................35Advertisers Index.....................................36Pomeranian Index..................................36Hair Revitalizer and Instant Anti-Static Coat Spray8 oz. pump spray..................................................................... 5.00Gallon Refill size..................................................................... 24.95Moisturizing Coat Protector EnhancerWonderful for wrapping, dematting and breaking down lacquer 7.5 oz. aerosol spray................................................................ 4.95Super Cleaning and Conditioning Shampoo16 oz. trial size........................................................................ 6.95Gallon size............................................................................... 21.95Super Rich Protein Lotion Conditioner16 oz. trial size........................................................................ 10.95Gallon size............................................................................... 27.95Pure Cosmetic Lanolin Plus16 oz. trial size........................................................................ 12.95Half Gallon size...................................................................... 29.95Gallon size............................................................................... 49.95Professional Formula Whitening Shampoo16 oz. trial size........................................................................ 6.95Gallon size............................................................................... 22.95Self-Rinse Conditioning Shampoo and Coat Refresher16 oz. trial size........................................................................ 6.95Gallon size............................................................................... 20.951 ALL SYSTEMS Lanolin Stabilizer Coat Retexturizer - asolution to over-conditioned, over-relaxed, over-processed coatQuart size................................................................................. 8.95Gallon size............................................................................... 19.95NEW ITEM1 ALL SYSEMS reintroduces Ultimate Natural Control Coat Dressing newly improved and packaged in an economical and convenient 1 lb. jar with pump top asPremium Protein Pack Pre Chalk Pure Cosmetic Skin and Coat Conditioner - a complete, non-oily conditioner and coat dressing.1 lb. jar.................................................................... 16.951 ALL SYSTEMS brings you a complete conditioning and moisturizing oil for holding, protecting and conditioning coats. Lightweight, water-soluable and safe for whitebleached, porous and very fine silky coats. Washes out easily and quickly - Its practically GOOF-Proof1 ALL SYSTEMS Humectant Moisturizing Oil Complete Cosmetic Conditioner with Evening Oil of Primrose.16 oz. size............................................................... 11.9512 Gallon...............................................................32.95Gallon...................................................................... 56.951 ALL SYSTEMS Ultimate Pin BrushLarge....................................................................... 10.00Small....................................................................... 8.50Please include 5.00 for freight CONTINENTAL U.S. ONLY. Virginia residents add appropriate sales tax. Prices quoted in U.S. dollars. UPS COD charges 3.75.1 ALL SYSTEMSProfessional Canine Grooming Products Distributed ByS.R. White Rt. 2 Box 845 Rockville, VA 23146 804 749-3236Pomeranian SJSWQSM JulyAugust 1992 3UPDATESfrom theBy Mary VickerspresidentThink back to when you got your first dog. Your first AKC dog. Remember when you found out there was a magazine just for "YOUR" breedThink a bit harder. How did you find out about it How did you find out about the Pomeranian ReviewlI know in my case there was no real breeder to assist me. I answered an ad in the newspaper and bought from a backyard breeder who had no knowledge of the APCs existence. Wanting to know all about my new found fuzzy friend, I combed libraries for any mention of the word "Pomeranian." It was in a pet store while choosing between toys that I found Dog World. In the small print in the classified ads was a notice about the Pomeranian Review.I remember the excitement I felt at that time. Maybe this would be the place that would teach me all about Poms and what I could do best for my little charge.The Pomeranian Review taught me a lot. I wasnt into breeding or showing, and within a few years I let my subscription lapse. After meeting Ann Cannon and getting Huggy one of my first questions was about the Pomeranian Review. I knew it was not sold on street comers and it changed addresses frequently. Being ever-helpful, Ann supplied me with the most current address and subscription information.My way of finding the Pomeranian Review can be echoed by many of you. I didnt want to join the parent club. I didnt think I was really qualified, nor could it be of any benefit. I just wanted a connection with other Pom owners. I just wanted to read about Poms and leam about them.In spring of 1991, the APC considered ways of promoting the Pomeranian Review. To the APC members we released "coupons", so you would not have to write out the info to give to puppy purchasers. Just give them with all the rest of the paperwork that the buyer gets from you. Nice thing about these coupons, you get a kickback. Every time a Pomeranian Review subscription that vou refer comes to Marie Carlough, you get a 10 credit on account to apply towards future advertisements you may want to place. Now you dont have to use these coupons to get your deduction. Have the new puppy owner write to Marie Carlough address on page 2, and along with their subscription check, have them mention your name so you get the appropriate credit.Im all for continuing this "coupon" idea. It has worked to a degree.According to the AKC in 1991, there were 28,494 Pomeranian litters registered. We, unfortunately, maintained third place out of 133 breeds. Not all were bred by APC members. I know that for a fact. As far as individual Poms, the AKC counted 41,034 registered.So why did the APC audit show that the Pomeranian Review lost 9,304.00There are people out there who need the Pomeranian Review. There are people out there who want the Pomeranian Review. They know authority, and the parent clubs magazine should be the best authority on the breed. You, when you breedand sell puppies, you are the connection. Three hundred new subscribers would have erased that deficit. Without too much thought I am sure APC members sold that many puppies lastyear.The board knows all these figures. Every once in a while one of them will say, almost in a whisper, that what we should do is cease putting out the Pomeranian Review. Maybe go to just a newsletter.This makes my blood boil No Pomeranian Review] Ill defend to my dying day the Pomeranian Reviewl To me it is the only thing that holds the APC together. To me it is the history of our breed. To me it is the future of what is going to happen to our breed. To me it is a brag box. To me it is an exchange of information.There are many areas of the magazine that could be improved, and they are being studied. If the base of subscribers went up, we could give more back to you, the reader, and the advertiser. More in this case might mean a decrease in the cost of advertisements, or the reproduction of photos. More in this case might mean no change in the subscription rates. I am not sure exactly what, but I will seriously work on giving more back to you financially, if you work on increasing the Pomeranian Reviews subscription rate. USE THOSE COUPONSFIGHTS BACKThere are many reasons why the Pomeranian Review lost money in 1991. Your elected officials knew all along that the prices they were charging for first class mailings, advertisements, and subscription rates didnt cover their costs.Theres nothing wrong with a non-profit organization subsidizing its promotional efforts, and the Pomeranian Review has been the premiere Pomeranian magazine for years, a treasure the club should be proud ofExpedition Publishing has opened its computer Bulletin Board System BBS for APC subscribers to use. Read the latest on the Pomeranian Review, and the APC. Write messages, and send mail to your fellow Pomeranian ownersbreeders. To help lower APC costs, read onExpedition Publishing BBS 516-399-1928 modemBaud Rates Supported 300,1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12,000 and 14,400 baudComputer Terminal Settings 8 bits, 1 stop, no parityBest Times to call 24 hoursday, seven days a weekCost ITS FREEIf you know how to use transfer protocols like Xmodem orZmodem, and know how to use file compression programs like ARC, or LHA, then you can call once a month, capture all the latest information and be off the system in just 10-15 minutes Then read everything off-line at your leisure. Well be informing the APC of heavy discounts on every full page of text articles or reports that are uploaded directly to our system for use in the Pomeranian ReviewlEXPEDITIOPUBLISHING N4 JulyAugust 1992 Pomeranian SJV0LIn JAzmoxy Of Jolly Wees Pom Papaan.^W. ^PculC ^xzcfz, cSx.cdf wondsifuL ftiand. cdf Lind. and. Cooing gzntaCman.UfU ffPomzianian aro did lias Cozt a atauncA s.ufxfi.oitaL. Du.r Coos and i.ymfiazy to tsRandy and tis family.StAgC an d td^LoJzLz, CL^on and SmiCyAmerican Pomeranian ^lub, Inc. Presents aJUDGES STUDY GROUPIn conjunction with the 0t5 National Summer SpecialtyJuly 8th and 9th 800 p.m. Fee 15.00 Breed Seminar Hands-on Evaluation of Dogs Tutoring at RingsidePLACEJuly 8th July 9thMarc 205 Brush Prairie, WAVancouver, WA1-800-426-5110 or 1-206-256-7044Forjiirther Information and registration, contact Salty Baugniet, 411 South State St., Mishicot, WI 54228 414 755-2994TPomeranian 5J3W03 JufyAugust 1992 5Recording Secretary ReportBy Hoppeth G. jonesfiprilMay Agendas Motions92-03-19 A1 Williamson moves that the Board furnish instructions as to where he should open our APC savings account so that it can be done in a proper manner. Seconded by Happeth Jones. Motion adopted. 8-0.Pending Motions92-03-04 Happeth Jones moves that Standing Rule V-2 be changed to remove the words "Note On a voluntary basis Audrey Roberts is sending out awards on Champions and Obedience titlist to all members. Seconded by Margaret Mckee.92-05-04 Jean Schroll moves that the Treasurer should have all our bank accounts where heshe wants them for better control, needs a second.92-05-11 Margaret Mckee moves that there be only two rates for ads in the Review. Member and non-member. In other words, there shall be no commercial rates. Needs a second.92-05-14 Happeth Jones moves that any new contract between the APC and Editor of the Pom Review must be drawn up sufficiently ahead of the contract signing date to give each Board member a chance to read, discuss and suggest changes. Needs a second.CommentsIn the last Secretarys Report I left out some comments on motion 92-02-07. The lack of these comments make it appear that the Board is changing by-laws without the members approval. What should have been included is the following "Mary Vickers says the above motion would mean a constitutional change. Margaret McKee says she is willing for this motion to be on hold until we can add other items that need constitutional changes. This way we can save money by just using one mailing to the membership and AKC. Every member receiving or spending club money is supposed to send a copy of their financial records to the Treasurer and a duplicate to the recording secretary. The only members who have done so are Marie Carlough, Joel Taylor, and Dolly Trauner. If you are handling club money please send in a duplicate copy of your transactions to the recording secretary.For the 1993 specialty the AKC application forms have been filled out The show dates will be Feb 6th 7th. Sally Baugniet is trophy chairman. Patty Griffin continues as hospitality, assisted by Estelle McDonald. Frank Oberstar and Dianne Johnson have both accepted their judging assignments. Lisa Smart has notified us that the raffle prize will be a magnificent afghan throw. Last year the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore gave the APC a loan. We repaid this loan and PCGB returned the check to us as a donation, thanks PCGB.AKC has notified us that effective Jan 1, 1992 AKC will require an interview for all applicants for Obedience judging. Applicants wishing to apply to judge breeds are encouraged to make known their intentions to appropriate clubs and officials.The policy against soliciting assignments does not apply. The purpose is to give additional experience to those desiring approval for judging whether first time or additional breed.The audit committee reports that they cannot certify as correct any financial transactions for the first couple of months in 1991 before the books were turned over to Al. The records for that period are incomplete and in disarray.The Audit committee reports that they cannot certify as correct the financial transactions relating to the publication of the Pomeranian Review. The contract with the Editor states that "the full amount or outside costs incurred will be supported by a fully detailed invoice from the outside printing house used. The invoices supplied to the APC and the Audit committee have the letterhead name of the printer blocked out. When asked the Editor refused to give the name and address of the printer to our Treasurer. Except for the last invoice there is no breakdown of the costs being charged.The 1991 specialty lost 4,472.142.The 1992 specialty made a profit of 5,049.93.The club lost 2,110.22 in 1991.The Pomeranian Review lost 9,304.06 in 1991.The club would have made 7,193.84 if we did not have thePR.The committee certifies that all other financial transactions are correct and that the treasurers ending report of 123191 is correct. The committee recommends that a more detailed record such as a balancing journal be maintained on a monthly basis.A copy of 1994 APC National Specialty ballot will be mailed with the new rosters to all members.Expedition Publishing NoteWe do not enjoy having to reply repeatedly to motions or comments that appear in this report, but often find it necessary.92-05-14 The APC has been informed twice that we will not submit another bid for the Pomeranian Review until the next set of elected officials are in place in 1993. We have advised the APC that we are willing to negotiate a three issue extension that will bring us through the May I June 1993 issue. As we deal almost exclusively with the APC President, we have serious concerns as to who the next APC President might be. Our working relationships with Dolores Watts 1st Past President, and Mary Vickers have been professional, and a pleasure.Audit Committee Our printers name is blocked to protect him from some of the same petty and unjust scenarios that we have been subject to by an extremely minute number within the APC leadership. The APC President and Treasurer were both informed that they, and they alone, may see the original invoices. No one ever "asked" anyone here for the name and address of the printer, and therefore could not have been "refused" as incorrectly stated above. More grievously, the editor never spoke with the treasurer concerning this invoice issueOur last issues comments We were informed by the Recording Secretary that what little she received from our meeting in NYC could not be considered minutes and that she has never seen our four page letter. We specifically asked for that letter which we consider very important to be entered into that meetings minutes, and the APC archives, so that future APC Officers could see exactly what has taken place in our first year. We now believe the only chance anyone will ever find that letter in the future is to make it available to any concerned APC member. If you are an APC member in good standing, send a SASE, and 3.00 to cover processing costs to get your copy.6 JulyAugust 1992 Pomeranian 5WflHeartland's Take A Chance"Chancey"HEABPOMERANIANS-VKHearlands Little Bit O Ritz x Wee Hearts Witching OursChancey is pictured going BOB under Judge Peggy Dillard Carr, at the Du Quoin, IL show. She went on to receive a Group IV from Judge Robert Moore. Chancey will be whelping her first litter on Memorial Day, by Heartlands Special Treasure, my National Specialty and Sweeps winner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FLASHHeartlands Special Treasure finished his championship May 10th at the Mad River Valley show going BOW and BOB.Dianne Kieffer7523 N State Rd. 101 Milan, IN 47031 812 623-2290Pomeranian JulyAugust 1992 7fi.K.C, Delegate Reportby Sqm ZqneoffId like to take this opportunity to thank the Board of Directors of the American Pomeranian Club for once again appointing me to serve as the Clubs delegate, and for electing me to fill the Boards vacancy position.The March 10th meeting in my opinion is most exciting. At this time elections to the AKC Board takes place and therefore creates a lot of excitementThe evening before the annual meeting affords one the opportunity to visit with each of the candidates getting their views etc. While Im not obligated to attend the evening before I find it necessary to do so. Its hardly ever that any other toy dog delegate attends. I think its important.At the actual AKC meeting on Tuesday the delegates have an opportunity to hear all the candidates give a three minute speech regarding their credentials before voting. It is quitegratifying to see how much of a handle the delegate body has on the AKC.Elected to the Board was James G. Phinizy who won a first ballot victory, followed by Elaine Young who narrowly missed being elected on the first ballot. Walter F . Goodman, who had to wait till the 4th ballot for his election. The newly elected Board Chairman is Jack Ward, a highly prized treasurer on the AKC Board who was elected to replace retiring Chairman Louis Auslander. It is my opinion Mr. Ward will do an outstanding job as chairman. The Board then appointed Mr. Sills as Mr. Wards replacement as treasurer. A gentlemen who is highly capable for this job.The other important issues that came before the delegates was to vote on the revisions of Article VII of the Constitution and By-laws, covering meetings of the Board of Directors, and an Amendment to Chapter 5 Section 19 of the dog show rules concerning having the show trial manual on hand at all events. Both these issues were slightly revised before voted on by the delegates.Many thanks for your continued confidence in me. I will do all I can to make our club proud. The fi.P.C. Judges Study Groupby Sally Bquqnietfi.P.C. Judges Education CoordinatorIck, yuck No, Im not referring to the bad faces and comments on poison bottles to alert kids. I just got through licking over 50 envelopes to judges and judges organizations, in preparation, to notify judges of our Pomeranian Study Group. Im going to use a wet sponge for the stamps.Because I believe it is just as necessary to educate exhibitors and breeders on the Pomeranian and the Standard, our Judges Study Groups are open to anyone interested in participating in the first nights session on July 8th at 800 p.m. at the Mark 205 hotel in Vancouver, Washington.We will show the A.K.C. Pomeranian Video, discuss the Pom standard, see and examine some good examples of the Pomeranian and try to answer any questions you may have. Well give a written test, just for fun, after our discussion. On July 9th we will have ringside tutoring for Judges during the actual judging of the Pom Specialty at Brush Prairie, Washington. The tutoring at ringside is for participating judges and the invited breed experts to discuss and answer questions that may come up during the A.P.C. Specialty judging about the Poms. The cost for the seminar is 15.00. Soft drinks and snacks will be provided.aApplying For Membership 042892NameCarol Cochran Rt 4, Box 1725 Porter, TX 773654 713-354-2609Diane L. Finch Rural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134 515-769-2444Audene French 2340 N 675 E N. Ogden, UT 84414 801-782-1531Nancy Smith Rt 1, Box 171 Norwood, MO 65717Teresa Vieregge 1300 Connally Waco, TX 76711 817-752-7035Warren Pamela Yogen 21777 N. Cumberland Rd. Noblesbille, IN 46060 317-773-5912SponsorCarolyn Ann Crocket Olga BakerJackie Raynor Joyce UrbanClaire Flesner Brenda HuttonNina K. Epps Janice G. PannellMarian Coy Annette Lynn HeiseRenee McGrath, D.V.M. Frances J. Stoll8 JulyAugust 1992 Pomeranian SJB'JJOSM2rievonNew Champion - finished from the puppy classTRIEVON ALWAYS LAUGHING QTThanks to the following judgesHarrison Viele 5 pts. Clover Allen 3 pts. John Wood 2 pts. Leslie Hiltz 2 pts.Ed Jenner 4 pts.Puppies occasionallyATrievon KennelsPO Box 62 Ovid, Ml 48866 517 834-2673ALLAYNSoffers for saleBlack tan stud prospect, wh. 10491. Well marked, good bite, pigment, coat and bone. Sound legs. Sire Ch. Allayns Sinnerman Toast Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Ch. Carousels Angel For Allayn - Gabriel daughter Dam Allayns MLady Alicia Ch. Southlands Sir Impressive x Shamrocks Tarbubble V Allayn - Champion, major pointed pointed produce. 550.00.Lightly sabled orange male, wh. 71191. Perfectly darling, could be shown, but weighs only 2 14 pounds at 8 months. Sire Allayns Livin Daylights Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Allayns Rock Opera - ptd Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition daughter Dam Allayns Sweet Sorcery 13 pts, 1 major mostly LLL breeding. 650.00Mary Allan Rt 3, Box 531 A Wagoner, OK 74467 918 485-3010IN MEMORIUMAnnons Huggy Bear From Scamp UD HOF Bye, Hugs. Well miss you.Your buddies and admirers at IdlewyldIdlewyldAt StudCh. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD orange Idlewyld Onyx black tan major pointed Daybreaks Little Deuce Coupe creamFees, pedigrees, and pictures on request.Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Rd.Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380Pomeranian SJBWDB JulyAugust 1992 9American Pomeranian Slub 1992 Annual Stud Dog RegisterWhen youre ready to produce that next litter of champions, look no furtherOnce again the Pomeranian 5HW]3W presents only the cream of the cropCh. Millamors Rock Music Am. Can. Ch. Millamors Rock Concert Millamors Rock Rosette fim. Can. Ch. Chriscendo City Lights ROMXAm. Can. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Mercers Melody Touch id. am. ft. TTflim ffl33 OOBgft LBglftSsCh. Millamors Moon Rock Ch. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon rockRandys Brandy of Jolly Wee ROMX Ch. Tim Sue's fingel SabrinaCh. Jeribeths Ivan Ideal Tim Sues Charlies AngelTim Sue Patriark CharlieOwners Tim and Sue Goddard2025 Rt. 2. Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622Stud fee 250.00Am. Can. Ch. Tim Sues High LightsMultiple BIS, BISS in both countries. ROM sire.Ch. Great Elms FirestarterCh. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Apples Traveling DiamondApples Traveling Crickette Ch. Cedarwood's Image of DiamondMar-Bi-Leas Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwoods Lady Gaylor ft. [3a3 BQID3 POlfQSSSlffSQffWoods Sparkling Nugget Cedarwoods Gold NuggetCedarwoods September Dawn Great Elms Sweet CandyGreat Elms Red Robin Great Elms DollyGreat Elms MollieOwner Jon Marcantono RR1 Box 527B Avondale, PA 1931110 JulyAugust 1992 PomeranianaCh. Shir-Mars Little Captain412 pound, red sable. Stud fee 150.00Ch. Apples Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elms FirefighterCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms DollySGa. SQoa[M^i["3 Ha] SapSstoCh. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear Bi-Mar Tarbabys Red TeddyBi-Mar Doll of Tar Baby Shir-Mar's Windy Red TeddyCh. LLL Dynamo Dancer of Oakridge Princess Tani of DynamoRoyal Star of BethlehemOwnersBill Beverly Henry2025 Sam Houston Circle Carrollton, TX 75006 214 416-1504it2v M,M Am. Mex Ch. Prince Baker of JeribethLight orange sable.Stud fee 150.00Ch. Apples Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elms FirefighterCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms DollyOeu Ktoa SOU. EBqHm off SoloedCh. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II Great Elms Sweet Candy Jeribeth M'Lady GuinevereCh. Pedrons Mark of the Dragon Ch. Jeribeth's Chula Dragonette Gads Chula Orange MistOwnersrBill Beverly Henry2025 Sam Houston Circle Carrollton, TX 75006 214 416-1504Ch. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Apples Traveling DiamondApples Traveling Crickett Ch. Cedarwood's Image of DiamondMar-Bi-Leas Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwoods Lady GaylorSBi. Direa SObbs PMBgfoitoffWoods Sparkling Nugget Cedarwoods Gold NuggetCedarwoods September Dawn Great Elms Sweet CandyGreat Elms Red Robin Great Elms DollyGreat Elms MollieOwnersrBill Beverly Henry2025 Sam Houston Circle Ch. Great Elms Firefighter ROM Carrollton, TX 750062.6 pound, orange 214416-1504Stud fee 200.00. Pomeranian5JSW0I1M JulyAugust 1992 11Ch. Millamors Trademark Ch. Millamors Mark TraditionMillamors Sparkling Music Ch. Puf-Pride Royal RenditionCh. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine LLL Bit O Gold WeeunCh. LLL Ts Gold CrystalSill. 17Q lQEil92t7a]3Bells Golden Bear Ch. Bells Golden SandpiperBells Golden Sun Goddess Puf-Pride Klassi KelseyRobinhood Burning Embers Puf-Pride Classi AspencadeLLL Sunny Gold KarrieOwnersiWarren Virginia Dimick 8 BurkwayCh. Puf-Pride Royal Rendezvous Oklahoma City, OK 73115Beautiful, wtiny ears, sound,, heavy coat, great movement. 405 677-2511Finished with BOB over chs in 3 show clusters. For sale.rWCh. LLL Mite of Gold Deuce Puf-Pride LLL Tandilizer CDLLL Happy Twinkling Tange Ch. Puf-Pride Bit 0 Gold ChanceCh. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine LLL Bit O Gold JubilationRosewoods Gold Mite LegacySQa. TtopposCh. Dixielands Rock of Millamor Tiny Sun Dancer of OakridgeCh. LLL Charming Gold Buttercup Ch. Puf-Pride Tandilizing TawniCh. LLL Happy Twinkling Tippy LLL Happy Twinkling TangeLLL Lil Gold Copper PennyOwnersWarren Virginia Dimick 8 BurkwayCh. Puf-Pride Tandilizin Topper Oklahoma City, OK 73115Excellent pedigree. Expect pups with beautiful faces, 405677-2511heavy coats, soundness, substance and good movement.IAv\s. Multi- BIS, BISS Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz, HOFLight orange, 4 12 pounds, call for terms.Ch. Models High Voltage Ch. Model's Bit-O-WhizWoods Sun Goddess Ch. Moonshadow's G Whiz Wee Bad, CDCh. Models Red Sultan Queenaire Ruby RubyQueenaire Luvy Dukgltl. sl^339703 Korn MBsCh. Queenaire Double Scotch Queenaire Whiskey TenorCh. Queenaire Bright Promise Black Cherries JubileeCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Jubilee Darin DoBlack Mandy BOwnersJanet Munuszak-Lucido Jose Machline 4578 W. Terrace Fresno, CA 93722 209 276-944312 JulyAugust 1992 PomeranianCan. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Causin CommentA beautiful pedigree and still producing at 10 years. Really sound, short backed with coat and bone.Ch. Millamors Moonrock Can. Am. Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Millamors MarrilynnCan. fim. Ch. Chriscendo Causin fi CommotionCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Ch. Chriscendo Dancing Starlet Millamors DancetteSob,, 3aaa Slii. SM333B39 SoosOb So[u[jb3b8 Ch. Millamors Moonrock Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Millamors Marrilynn Can. fim. Ch. Chriscendo CariottaCh. Millamors Mascot O Dixieland Ch. Bells Misty MasqueradeBells Happy Lady LuckOwner Christine D. Heartz PO Box 189 Brookfield, N.S Canada BON ICO 902 673-2446Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamor's MoonrockMillamors Lulabye of Tim Sue Can. fim. Ch. Millamor's Rock MedallionCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Millamors MarrilynnLou Lans April Gold risDa SQa SM333B39 SoMb DMbCan. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Causin A Commotion Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Causin Comment Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Cariotta Chriscendo ConfettiCh. Emcees Sparkling Chip Chriscendo CassandraCh. Chriscendo ChatelaineOwner Christine D. Heartz PO Box 189 Brookfield, N.S Canada BON ICO 902 673-2446SOBCan. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Calvin KleinGroup winner, BIS in Canada Sireof13chs. Group and BIS winners. Producing sound, stylish pups with lots of coat and bone.Ch. Millamors Moonrock Can. Am. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Millamors Marrilynn Can. fim. Ch. Chriscendo Calvin KleinCan. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Causin Comment Chriscendo ConfettiChriscendo CassandraSOB lu. SM333B39 S09GQ303^97Ch. Millamors Moonrock Can. Am. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Millamors Marrilynn West's Destiny of MedallionCh. Chriscendo Western Express West's Star CrystalWests Bon StarlynOwner Christine D. Heartz PO Box 189 Brookfield, N.SCan. Am. Group winner, BIS winner in Canada. Tiny 3 12 Canada BON ICOlb., excellent front. His first pups are very promising. 902 673-2446Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo CloudbusterPomeranian SJSWQBM JulyAugust 1992 13Ch. Models Truly A Diamond Ch. Apples Traveling DiamondApples Traveling Crickett Ch. Cedarwood's Image of DiamondMar-Bi-Leas Sun Fella Cedarwoods Pitti PattiCedarwoods Lady GaylorSGa. oD39ia QuangoCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Echo Majestic April Love Ch. Great Elms Honey of LenetteCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Honey BunGreat Elms Tan Fanny of LennisOwner Maureen Quinlan 103 Currans Rd.Ch. Merrymont Golden Image Middle Island, NY 11953"DJ" is a 5 pound orange sable 516 345-3839producing superior, stylish pups.^ M9Merimaurs Metrognome"Ted" is a 3 12 pound clear orange, he is starting his show career at 15 months. Ted is proven, with available puppies.Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Millamors Marrilynn Ch. Chriscendo Calvin KleinCh. Chriscendo Causin Comment Chriscendo ConfettiChriscendo CassandraM3if9[u]aaiif1'3 KteaffogmomoCh. Apples Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwoods image of Diamond Cedarwoods Pitti Patti tipple's Traveling ]ewelCh. Models Timstoppers Echo Great Elms Debbie SueGreat Elms ButtonsOwner Maureen Quinlan 103 Currans Rd.Middle Island, NY 11953 516 345-3839The Pom Reviews 2nd Annual Puppy Photo ContestEvery ad submitted for our "September Promising Puppy Issue,"featuring a puppy born on or after 7191 is automatically entered. The winner in each of the 3 categories will receive credit for a free full page ad in any issue of the Review.THE POM REVIEW SWEEPSAn unannounced judge will choose the most promising puppy.This category is judged on conformation only.PUPPIES DO THE CUTEST THINGSAds for this category should show puppies being puppies, and the cuter the better Judging will be based on the content of the ad photo.BEST PHOTOJudged by a professional photographer on composition, layout, design and quality of the photo.The deadline for the September issue is July 1st. No photos received after this date will be eligible.14 JulyAugust 1992 Pomeranianpqllqs-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club Specialty Reportby W.E. McKinneyFirst and foremost, we want to thank each and every one of our exhibitors for their entries You have made this Springs Specialty our most successful since our Spring Specialty of 1992, with thirty dogs, twenty bitches and nine Best of Breed entries in Regular Classes and twenty entries in Sweepstakes Our Regular Class judge, Joe Tacker, commented about the "improvement in the breed the last ten years" and about the "quality" of the entries he judged, with special words of praise for the beautiful puppy classes at this show Our Sweepstakes judge, Ray Hudson commented on that SAME quality in the puppies he judged and added at the after-show dinner that not only were our dogs of good quality, but most were groomed according to the Standard. Looks like tough competition for Best of Breed in the area in the upcoming years. We ought to see some beautiful winners Were proud of the job our breeders and exhibitors are doing, by the wayPuppy SweepstakesBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESPomsprings Wild ThingPuppy Dogs 6 UHHQS. and under 9 maos.1st place - PomSprings Wild Thing Elizabeth DuPuis2nd place - Mi Babe Alpha Alberto Babe McCombs Charles and Dee McNeice3rd place - HHH Texas Two Step Peggy Hendricks4th place - Treasurd Deans Hi Hierarchy Dean HebertPuppy Dogs 9 mos. and under 12 mos.1st place - Star-K Frankie Doux Bonte Danny Becky Stark2nd place - Pomarons Smokey Mt. Sensation Marian CoyV'MSr WINNERS DOGSonnydales Joshuas GabrielPuppy Bitches 6 mos. and under 9 mos.1st place - EastwycK Texican Jazz Erika Moureau2nd place - Tim Sues Hoity Toity Carolyn CrocKett3rd place - Southlands For Your Pleasure Brenda S. W. Turner4th place - Sweethearts Her Highness Gwen SpringfieldPuppy Bitches 9 mos. and under 12 mos.1st place - Sharels Southern Silhouette S. W. and Brenda Turner Sharon HicKs2nd place - Coria Bewitching Enchantress Carolyn Crockett3rd place - Tim Sues Tu Sweet N High Tim Sue Goddard4th place - Pomarons Smokey Mt. Shadow Marian CoyBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESPomsprings Wild Thing Elizabeth DuPuisBEST OPPOSITE IN SWEEPSEastwycK Texican Jazz Erika MoureauH-\BEST OF BREEDCh. Odysseys Keno WizRegular ClassesPuppy Dogs 6 mos. and under 9 mos.1st place - HHH Texas Two Step Peggy Hendricks2nd place - Yellow Rose Smoky Mt.Special Annette Lynn Heise3rd place - Jeribeth Industrial-Size Olga M. Baker4th place - Pomsprings Wild Thing Elizabeth DuPuisPuppy Dogs 9 mos. and under 12 mos.1st place - Pomarons Smokey Mt Sensation Marian CoyBred by Exhibitor Dogs 1st place - Star-K Frankie Doux Bonte Danny Becky StarkOpen Bogs1st place - Sonnydales Joshua of Gabriel Barbara Grimison2nd place - Milos Mistchief of Avalon Sarah Goodrich3rd place - Pom Groves Repeating Echo Kenneth Frances Freeman4th place - Blakes American Gladiator Evelyn Blakes and Nina BerryWINNERS DOG 5 point majorSonnydales Joshua of Gabriel Barbara GrimisonRESERVE WINNERS DOGHHH Texas Two Step Peggy HendricksPuppy Bitches 6 mos. and undo 9 mos.1st place - OzarkS Chantilly Lace Greg Karen Crouch2nd place - Sweethearts Her Highness Gwen Springfield3rd place - Southlands For Your Pleasure Brenda S. W. TurnerPomeranian IllS'JTQilM JulyAugust 1992 154th place - Tim Sues Hoity Toity Carolyn CrockettPuppy Bitches 9 mos. aond under 12 mos. 1st place - Sharels Southern Silhouette S. W. and Brenda Turner Sharon Hicks2nd place - Pomarons Smokey Mt.Shadow Marian Coy3rd place - Coria Bewitching Enchantress Carolyn CrockettBied by Exhibitor Bitches1st place - Ozarks Touch of Class Greg Karen Crouch2nd place - Sharels Southern Bryn Rose S. W. and Brenda Turner Sharon HicksOpen Bitches1st place - Jo-Ras Good Luck Charm Teresa Vieregge2nd place - Wee Hearts Latest Fashion Cassandra Regina Ready3rd place - Tim Sues Tu Sweet N High Tim Sue Goddard4th place - Jan-Shars Lucille Ball Nina BerryTt mfBEST OF WINNERSOzarks Chantilly LaceWINNERS BITCHOzarks Chantilly Lace Greg Karen CrouchRESERVE WINNERS BITCHJo-Ras Good Luck Charm Teresa ViereggeBEST OF BREEDCh. Odysseys Keno Wiz Janet M. Lucido Jose MachlineBEST OF WINNERS BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX five point major Ozarks Chantilly Lace Greg and Karen CrouchAfter the show, many of us retired to Dos Gringos Restaurant for a little Tex-Mex cuisine and a lot of visiting While there, President of the Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, Mildred Patrick, made a special awards presentation of certificates to members who had finished champions this year and last. Total awards--TEN We hope to make this award ceremony an annual eventWe wish to express our thanks to both our judges, having done an excellent job with their large classes in what seemed to be at times a ring too small given our large entry The dogs didnt seem to take up a lot of space, but the handlers seemed a little crowded We hope no permanent damage was done to anyones movement At any rate, as you can observe by the photos of this show our judges both did a very consistent job of judging as evidenced by the similar "type" of their winners We want to thank them for a very commendable jobSottnydale Pomeraniansoffers for saleCh. Sonnydales Joshua of GabrielSCh. Precious Petites Gabriel x Berrys Cherries Jubilee"Josh finished with limited showing. Orange d.o.b. 12989. Thanks to all the judges who saw the wonderful qualities in this Gabriel son. Josh has BIS winners on both sides of his bloodline. His pedigree is available upon request.Barbara H. Grimison601494-4163939 E. Westbrook West Point, MS 39773Pomeranian Repair ShopEveryone makes mistakes This is where we correct themPomeranian Review MayJune 1992 IssueBack Cover Judge Doris Loekenhoffs last name was spelled incorrectly.National Specialty Report The CD was left off Ch. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD, not once, but twiceNatianal Specialty Report The 4th placement in Am. Bred Bitch Class, Biljonblues Bea Happy owned by Margaret McKee.Page 18 Advertisement There was some confusion in Sonnydale Pomeranians ad layout. This ad meant to indicate that Ch. Sonnydales Joshua of Gabriel is for sale, see advertisement on this page, this issue. This same dog is shown in this issue on page 15, taking Winners Dog at the Dallas Fort-Worth Spring Specialty.16 JulyAugust 1992 Pomeranian finish...WINNERSCOLUMBIA KENNEL CLUB RIL 1992BONNIEOUTSTANDING ALL THE WAYDARS FOXRIDGE LATEST CHAMPION.."FOXY"Pomeranian ^7Q\E7 JulyAugust 1992 17by Margaret McKccI returned from the Tar Heel Circuit in March seething over the number and extent of overtrimming on the Pomeranians and the fact that judges were not only not penalizing it, but regarding it. How can judges justify this Some excuse themselves by saying the exhibitors are at fault because they bring these overtrimmed specimens into the ring. True, and if judges would start penalizing it, and making it clear to the handlers that this is what they are doing, exhibitors would quickly change their ways. I can think of one breeder judge who has stated to handlers why he didnt put them up, and you take him an overtrimmed entry at your peril. Unfortunately, he seems to be part of a small minority.Other judges complain that our standard is asking too much of them by asking them to penalize over trimming. How can they not put up a fine dog just because the handler got too busy with the scissors they ask. What utter nonsense Lots of standards describe coat presentation and expect judges to abide by those restrictions. Dear Judge, would you have the audacity to regard a Lhasa with a topknot put up with a bow Would you give points to a nice Poodle that was in a pet clip and not in one of the trims allowed by the standard If a Komondor was not properly corded, would you shrug and say, "Oh well, I like the dog, in spite of what your standard says" Of course notA handler once told me that overtrimming wasnt the fault of the dog and wasnt hereditary, and therefore shouldnt be penalized. Wrong The judge is supposed to judge the total package on that day, and that includes presentation. Few judges will regard a dirty, ungroomed dog, no matter how fine a specimen it is. They arent going to be pleased with an exhibit that has fleas or mats. They should take into consideration whether the dog is at proper weight or has good muscle tone. Training and conditioning arent inherited but are part of the total picture the judge must look at.So we, the Parent Club, have a perfect right to tell the judges, through the standard, how we want our dogs groomed. AKC tells judges they are supposed to penalize hairspray. We tell judges we want our dogs to have a double coat including coarse guard hairs. So many dogs today look like theyre running around in fuzzy underwear because guard hairs have been trimmed off. Dogs with long correct standoff coats are actually losing because of it Our standards asks that, hind quarters are clad with long hair or feathering from top of rump to the hocks." emphasis is mine. How can you not tell the difference between long straight skirts and dogs so trimmed that only a slight layer of curly fuzz covers their behinds Judges, you have an absolute duty to reread our standard and judge accordingly Just as you have the power to withold ribbons from unworthy specimens, you have the right not to give placements and points to dogs whose handlers have cut and sprayed every little hair on their dogs bodies. If it looks odd to you, theres probably a good reason.If gale force winds are blowing, but the coat is undisturbed, something is wrong. Dont excuse every short fuzzy coat as puppy coat. Poms are not supposed to be perfectly sculptured18 July August 1992 Pomeranianlike a Bichon or a Poodle, please judges, show a little courage and integrity and do the right thing by our breed.Breeders and exhibitors, if you agree that this is a problem, please write to the APC Board and let them know how you feel, make suggestions for actions the Board can take, and then support the Board. Stop whining that you have to sculpture your dogs to be competitive and take properly groomed beauties in the ring. Take a look at the picture of Little Timstopper or Ch. Moneybox Gold Coin on page 217 of the Anniversary Issue thats how a Pom ought to look Be inspired to breed, groom, and show one that looks like that.In March of 1991 the Pomeranian Club Great Britain held its 100th Anniversary show. The President of that club, Mr. Robert Flavell, judged. The CC winner and BOS was an American bitch, Am Ch. LLL Highlights Thumbelina at Cygal, freshly out of quarantine. She went on to complete her English championship and win BIS at the prestigious U.K. All Toy Dog Society event. The judge commented "It is some years since I was confronted with, with the exception of her feet, an exhibit that was completely untrimmed." So much for all those vociferous protests from the English that they dont sculpture Anyone who has ever been to Crufts knows that they do. But the important point is that a fine, properly untrimmed specimen can win, even in EnglandEach new litter is an adventure, and no breeder should ever be complacent about new babies. It was to be Indias third and last litter. When a C-section became necessary for the last puppy, we went ahead and spayed her. Only the last puppy, a 7 ounce bitch, lived. For the first two weeks, everything went great. On the 14th day, I began to wonder why her eyes hadnt opened yet. My daughter called me at work to say the pup was frothing at the mouth. Odd. The only other time Id seen a puppy do that was when the mother snapped at it. When I got home after work, both mother and daughter appeared to be fine. I left the room for less than an hour. When I returned, there was blood in the bed. An exam revealed tiny cuts around the puppies eyes. Had she clawed at her tightly shut eyes I wondered. I cleaned her up. An hour later, when I checked her again there were more and larger cuts. It was baffling. As long as anyone was in the room with her the mother behaved normally permitting the puppy to nurse, nuzzling her and cleaning her. I could only conclude that the dam had, for some unknown reason, inflicted the wounds. So I took the puppy away from her. I put the pup back in with the dam only long enough to nurse or only if someone was in the room watching TV.That evening the baby quit eating and spiked a temperature. Sugar water from a baby bottle took care of both symptoms but this pup did not give up easily. By the next evening she had developed a horrible infection. Her whole head had swollen and pus oozed from every cut Her right eyeball had sunken into her head. I feared that one of the bites may have punctured the eyeball. I pried her eyelids open but could see nothing. This was one sick puppy.As I headed for the veterinarians office the next morning,r-O\VCh. Emcee's Rosita OsitaCh. Emcee's Golden Topo de Oro x Gypsy Rose of Dogwood Lane"Rosie" prefers to be around people rather than other dogs and has an outgoing personality. These two traits along with Mike Thorstad's expert guidance enable her to start at a late age of 2 12 years and still complete her championship within 6 months on March 15, 1992. She is shown here with judge Roland Adameck and Mike Thorstad at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii Specialty Show.I want to thank a number of people who made all this possible. Morris and Betty Carson for allowing me to have her Mike Thorstad who saw her potential, convinced me to show her, and handled her all the way Dru Thorstad members of the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii for their support Ellen Takayama for the special "winner-losers" coffee and whose positive, cheerful attitude I hope to emulate the Pom breeders throughout the country who willingly shared their knowledge and to the following judgesMrs. Grace Moran - Windward Hawaiian Dog Fancier's Association - WB BOS - 3 ptsMr. Roland Adameck - Pomeranian Club of Hawaii - Specialty - WB BOW BOS - 5 ptsMr. Edward Loebe - West Oahu Kennel Club - WB BOS - 3 ptsMr. J. Graham Head - Hawaiian Kennel Club - WB BOS - 5 ptsOWNERROGER LAU P.O.BOX 27991 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96827PHONE 808 524-3877 FAX 808 523-8851Pomeranian SJSMBS JulyAugust 1992 19euthanasia crossed my mind. I was sure she was going to be blind in at least one eye. But she had two things going for her she was a girl every breeder needs girls and she was a fighter. She was hanging in there.The vet, too, was baffled by the dams behavior. I had taken her with me but an examination revealed no physical problem that would cause her to act in such an uncharacteristic manner. The vet gently pried open the babys eyelids, he could see no eyeballs at all. He gave me some amoxicillin and I went home to cope and hope. That night I put warm compresses on her head, then gently pressed the pus out. She hated it, screaming her outrage. I didnt mind. It meant she wasnt dying.The next day I took mother and puppy to work with me. I left puppy with India to nurse and be kept warm except when I left the classroom. The improvement in the puppy has dramatic The swelling went down quickly. The problem had first begun on a Monday the vet saw her and antibiotics were started Wednesday morning. Saturday morning she opened her eyes and both eyeballs where there Testing indicated she could see. Wow Talk about a happy endingWe continued to let her nurse with supervision for another 2 weeks. Mother appeared to be getting less and less patient with her so I weaned her at four weeks of age, much younger than usual. Weaning went quite well and we promptly took off forthe Specialty in New York. She traveled well and had a ball in the hotel in NY.Molly is now 3 12 months old and very healthy and strong. What caused her mother to attack her Some undetected ailment She had no temperature, her appetite was fine no symptoms. Was she concerned that her puppys eyes hadnt opened yet Well never know. This problem was caught early because we checked regularly on her, even though shed always been a good mother. Should you have a similar problem, dont assume the dam is a rotten mother. Check the mothers health first. Try to be sure shes feeling fine. Then hang in there problem litters can be raised. After all, they are PomsAre you a part of the solution Have you joined the APC Have you communicated with a Board member about your concerns Have you volunteered to be on a committee Have you written an article for the Review The club and the breed needs you. What subjects do you want to see discussed in this column or elsewhere in the Review Do let me hear from you.You may contact Margaret by writing to Margaret McKee,2426 Sandy HookRd. Goochland, VA 23063Puppies are generally available at reasonable prices.Pets from 250.00. Show Breeding stock from 500.00.Free price list available upon request.We specialize in the Great Elms bloodline. We do have some Chesai and Aristic-Bonner Poms. Satisfaction is guaranteed at Lenette. Return your Pom within 3 days for a refund if not satisfied.Jlznzttz ^J-omzrlCLrL^cu^Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner cVCh. Apples Traveling Rambler x Great Elms Gracious Lady20 JulyAugust 1992 Pomeranian \2Iv5JSJiVelvet Touch Poms2 New Champions...14iiix8ini3inAm14iiorai414nii N414Iii414.. v414.14414.1414414.1411II14144141414414XX414.141441414414.1414414114414.Ch. Velvet Touch Flash of Bev-NorSire Ch. Idas Touch of Bev-Nor SpeedyDam Ch. Velvet Touch Vanilla FudgeThis little male lived up to his name "Flash." He had a 3 pt major, came home for his year old shed. Hiram Stewart picked him up at the Alexandria show in January and started showing him. To his surprise 5 shows in a row finished him, 1 - 3 pt major, 3 - 2 pts,1 - 4 pt major.Stud service available.Also champion sired champion dam puppies available.Ch. Mr. Toastys Lil Bit of HopeSire Ch. Idas Mr. Toasty By Bev-Nor Dam Jans Velvet Touch RufflesThis beautiful girl finished her championship on March 15,1992 and is now at home and will be offering pups for sale this Fall from Ch. Velvet Touch Flash of Bev-Nor.V9Velvet Touch Poms Janet Bordelon1460 Hwy 3054 Alexandria, LA 71303 318 445-0143LL.S.-TPomeranian StS'JOSM JulyAugust 1992 21Behind The NewThree generations of new Pomeranian titiists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent by the owner. Please send the dogs name, color, sex, breeders name and owners name, on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Pedigrees will not be returned Send copies only. Mail all information to the editor, Gail A. Garvey, Expedition Publishing, PO Box A, Mastic Beach, NY 11951.Ch. Challenger's Susanna of LenetteOrange Female BreederOwner K. G. GriffithCh. Models Timstoppers Echo Ch. Beaver of LenetteTinker Bell of Lenette Ch. Wee Challenger of LenetteChesai Golden Challenger Dorcas of LenetteTinker Bell II of Lenette Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms Pride and JoyGreat Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Susanna of LenetteCh. Dendys Lil Sirus Great Elms Rosa of LenetteDendys Rose E of Great ElmsCh. Tim Sue's Distant DreamsOrange Sable FemaleBreeden Sue Goddard Peggy DoyalOwner Donna L. Parkerson Sue GoddardCh. Millamors Rock Concert AC Ch. Chriscendo City Lights Chriscendo Chattelaine ACM Ch. Tim Sues Distant LightsJolly Wee Duke of the West Tim Sues Duchess Sabrina ROMXCh. Tim Sues Angel Sabrina Ch. Millamors Rock Concert AC Ch. Chriscendo City Lights Chriscendo Chattelaine Sweet Loves Magic LightsVestas Magic the Dragon Ch. Tim Sues Magic LoveTim Sues A Lotta LovinCh. fillayn's Feel the HeatOrange Sable MaleBreeder Mary AllanOwners Maria Kneisler Mary AllanCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch. Southlands Toasted FudgeCh. Southlands Happy Birthday Bill Ch. Allayns Sinnerman ToastCh. Precious Petite Gabriel Ch. Carousels Angel For Allayn Ch. Creiders Jessica Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Coys Top of the MarkCedarwoods Linda Leigh Great Elms Becky of LenetteCh. Dendys Lil Sirus Great Elms Rosa of LenetteDendys Rose E of Great ElmsCh. Puf-Pride Royal RendezvousOrange MaleBreederOwner Warren Virginia Dimick Ch. Millamors Trademark Ch. Millamors Mark TraditionMillamors Sparkling Music Ch. Puf-Pride Royal RenditionCh. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine LLL Bit O Gold WeeunCh. LLL Ts Gold Crystal Bells Golden Bear Ch. Bells Golden SandpiperBells Golden Sun Goddess Puf-Pride Klassi KelseyRobinhood Burning Embers Puf-Pride Classi AspencadeLLL Sunny Gold KarrieCh. Puf-Pride Taunt'g TempresOrange FemaleBreederOwner Warren Virginia DimickCh. Apples Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elms Firefighter ChiefCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Dolly Ch. Dixielands Rock of Millamor Tiny Sundancer of OakridgeCh. LLL Charming Gold Buttercup Ch. Puf-Pride Tandilizing TawniCh. LLL Happy Twinkling Tippy LLL Happy Twinkling TangeLLL Lil Gold Copper PennyCh. Patty's Bev-Mor Teddy RuxpinRed Sable Male Breeder Patty Jensen Owner Wendy FeistCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social LionMay Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina PreshusMay Morning Sweet Mary Ann Sissons Silver Dollar AC Ch. Anadors Dragon Smasher Pomirish Little Matilda Pattys Precious PixieMoe-Best Tan-Talizer Pattys Shasta of DamonsA Love Note From Lennis22 JulyAugust 1992 PomeranianBehind The NewCh. Mr. Toasty's Lil Bit of HopeFemaleBreederOwner Janet BordelonCh. Moonshadow's G Whiz Wee Bad. CDOrange MaleBreederOwners Janet Manuszak-Lucido Jose MachlineCh. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeBev-Nors Sweet and SassyCh. Idas Mr. Toasty By Bev-NorCh. Creiders Cut Across ShortyCreiders Camelia OldaCreiders CamilleCh. Janesas Whatta GamblerMarys Grand ShampionHi Times Krack AttackJans Velvet Touch RufflesMitchells Jal BolBryants Fitsy PandoraRosebuds Mary KitelCh. Great Elms Timstoppers ImageCh. Models High VoltageModels BewitchedCh. Models Bit-O-WhizCh. Models Son of FunWoods Sun GoddessMagics Little Miss CuddlesCh. Models Mr. RobertsCh. Models Red SultanMajestic April LoveQueenaire Ruby RubyBlossom Views Proud PromiseQueenaire Luvy DukQueenaire Dark VelvetCh. Velvet Touch Flash of Bev-NorMaleBreederOwner Janet BordelonCh. fillayn's The EntertainerOrange Sable MaleBreederOwner Mary AllanCh. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeCh. Bev-Nors ToastmasterBev-Nors Missy MissCh. Idas Touch of Bev-NorMcKameys Ideal GemIdas Magnolia BlossomIdas Itsy Bitsy Angel BabyCh. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeCh. Southlands Toasted FudgeCh. Southlands Happy Birthday BillCh. Velvet Touch Vanilla FudgeMarys Grand ShampionJans Velvet Touch of HoneyBryants Fitsy PandoraCh. Bev-Nors Fudge RippleCh. Precious Petites GabrielEdneys Mitey Isis DelightCh. Shadomountin One Man ShowCh. Edneys Moe-Best Special OrderWatts Little Black N TandyCh. Watts Little Ebony of ScotiaCh. Precious Petites GabrielCh. Macs Top TuneCh. Macs Beaux of ScarletCh. Allayns Dark KrystalMorenos Singleton By ChoiceShamrocks Tarbubble V AllaynShamrocks Ebony Angel-O-ImageCh. Ida's Petite Delight by Bev-fiorMaleBreederOwner Ida TarverCh. fillayn's Dazzlin' Gold DarlinOrange FemaleBreeder Mary AllanOwner Donna L. ParkersonCh. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeCh. Bev-Nors ToastmasterBev-Nors Missy MissCh. Idas Touch of Bev-NorMcKameys Ideal GemIdas Magnolia BlossomIdas Itsy Bitsy Angel BabyCh. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeCh. Southlands Toasted FudgeCh. Southlands Happy Birthday BillIdas Delight of SouthlandCh. Bev-Nors ToastmasterIdas Princess of Bev-NorIdas Magnolia BlossomCh. Joda EphibusCh. LLL Gold Mite of Gold DeuceLLL Lil Golden TiaraCh. LLL Dazzlin Gold MikeStalkers Timmy LeeSunsations Burnt MuffinLLL Peaches and CreamCh. Joda EphibusCh. LLL Gold Mite of Gold DeuceLLL Lil Golden TiaraCh. LLL Dazzlin Gold Koquette CDCh. Jeribeths Ivan IdealCh. LLL Kaptivating Katy ROMXCh. LLL Moongold KellyPomeranian SJ\5Q^7 JulyAugust 1992 23Behind The NewCh. Elan's Infinity Cinsula's Cymoril fimCan CDOrange Sable Female Cream Sable FemaleBreederCo-Owner Melissa R. Dahlenburg Breeder F. Gail PellOwner Diana M. Downey Owner Lois Fae MorkasselCh. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond, ROM Sissons Silver DollarCh. Great Elms FirestarterGreat Elms Sweet Candy Ch. Elans InfernoPost Script Pen and Ink Silva Lade Joys SilhouetteCh. Silva Lade Christmas Joy Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster Ch. Idas Touch of Bev-NorIdas Magnolia Blossom Idas Little GradeCh. Creiders Cut Across Shorty Creiders Camillia Olda Creiders CamilleAnadors Silver N Smoke Pomirish Matilda Anadors Silver SprocketScotia Trails End Dark Folly Anadors Silver N GoldPomirish Little Matilda Pomirish Cavs Bit OHadleigh Ch. Pomirish Pooh Bears Bitty Imp Pomirish Pooh Bear Cinsula Darlin AmyPomirish Cavs Bit OHadleigh Anadors Darlin ClementineAnadors Cavalier TaffyCh. Fame Gold find GlitterFemaleBreeder Geneva PennockOwners Brenda Segelken Geneva PennockCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Coys Top Of The MarkCedarwoods Linda Leigh Ch. Wee Rambo of Coys Top MarkAmCan Ch. Coys Lucky Eight Coys Sunrise SerenadeCoys Fancypepper Scarlett AmCan Ch. Millamors Mood Music Deartas Fancy Pepper MarkCh. Dancing Gold Muff of Oakridge Peppers Golden RocketteCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Rocks Golden RocketteRocks Wee Gold DustCh. Glen Iris LuckdragonOrange MaleBreeders C.A Jackson, J.M Taylor D. Hobart Owners Cheryl A. Jackson, Joel M. Taylor Erica Moureau Ch. Mee-Gees Masterpiece CD Ch. Glen Iris IvanhoeCherokees Autumn Orange Ch. Glen Iris Castle RockAC Ch. Chriscendo City Lights ROMX Ch. Tim-Sues Evening Lights Tim-Sues Brass Toy Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge ROMX Ch. Bev-Nors Glen Iris ExcaliburBev-Nors Tarred N Feathered Ch. Glen Iris Lady GuenevereAC Ch. Chriscendo Western Express Wee Hearts Glen Iris RapunzelWee Hearts Shadys ShastaIda's PomeraniansCh. Idas Petite Delight By Bev-NorFinished his championship with 2 - 3 pt majors,1 - 5 pt major, 2 - 2 pts, and took Best of Winners at all of these shows. Sire Ch. Idas Touch of Bev-Nor Speedy, Dam Idas Delight of Southland. Stud service available, he is proven and is very small. Also beautiful proven, male Pom for sale.Ida Tarver 102 12 Gordon St. Pineville, LA 71360 318 443-3733v .24 JulyAugust 1992 Pomeranian RHWIIB112587 Red orange female by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a Ch. Creiders Boxcar Willie daughter. Sister to Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Phantom and Ch. Bi-Mar Bandit of Jerbos. 500.0011490 Red sable male by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Masterpiece and out of a Bis Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. Short backed, huge coat - show quality.81389 Red sable female by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a daughter of Bis Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge. Free whelping brood that produces show quality puppies. 750.0072390 Red sable granddaughter of Ch. Creiders Smoke N Flame and out of a Ch. Creiders Coca Cola Cowboy daughter. Big coat, free whelper. 700.0082089 Red female by a son of Ch. Creiders Smoke N Flame and out of a Great Elm Bobbie Beam daughter. Show quality free whelper.112090 Red orange male by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of Bi-Mar Tia Maria. Show quality. Littermate was shown once going Best of Winners for his first major. This male is just as nice. My pick of litter.4491 Red sable female by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Supreme out of Ch. Bi-Mars Foxfire. Specials quality - big coat. Show home only.5587 litter sister to Ch. Bi-Mars Foxfire. Sired by Bis Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and out of a Ch. Great Elms Timmstopper Too granddaughter. Free whelper 60011589 Red sable male by Ch. La Cheries Hot Fudge Ripple and out of a Ch. Desirees Rippling Fudge. Line bred on Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge. Show quality, proven stud. 650.11091 Red male by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Phantom and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. Fancy specials quality.1191 Red orange female by Bis Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a Bis Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. Show quality 1000.0011690 Red orange female by Bis Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of Ch. Bi-Mar Sugar Pie Honey. Show quality 1000.00In 1991, Bi-Mar was rated the number one show kennel in the U.S. and due to other interests, we are reducing our show and breeding stock. Several young champions, bred females and started show individuals for sale.M-MARMARY ROSENBAUM 206-833-216038711 200TH AVENUE S.E. AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98002Pomeranian tJjHWDSM JulyAugust 1992 25by Lindq GqllgghcrHi The first order of business for this column is to share some of the correspondence I have received and then to catch everyone up on our new obedience title holders.Carol Fatheree has been VERY busy with both of her dogs. MOSIAC RUFF N ROWDIE RANGLER CD won the top Novice Dog award from her obedience club, Bellaire Dog Obedience Club, with a 197 12 average Rangiers scores were not published in the AKC Awards in time for APCs 1991 awards but he will be hard to beat for the 1992 standings.On Saturday, January 25th at Alexandria Kennel Club, Carols other Pom RA-JOYS DIXIE DARLING earned her CDX with a 195 and 1st place. Carol says "to make the day interesting there were Poms entered in Novice, Open and Utility. The Utility Pom did not qualify but Dixie and the Novice Pom both earned titles that day. On Sunday, January 26th, Dixie and Carol were again 1st with a 192 and were the only qualifiers. Congratulations on your new CDX CarolIn February, Carol showed Rangier and Dixie as a brace for the first time and won 1st with a score of 195. Then on March 15th she again won 1st in the Brace class at Houston Kennel Club with a 193.Carol and Rangier did an outstanding job at the Gaines Eastern Regional in Florida, posting scores of 196,195 and 198 Carol writes, "This was my first Regional and I thoroughly enjoyed it." Rangier was the only Pom competing. Super job Carol, all of your hard work has certainly paid off heck, Im thrilled if my dogs just qualify at the Gaines events Carol and Rangier will be competing at the Gaines Central Regional next. Good luck to you bothCarol is also involved in Agility work which I know little about. This sport is just starting to gain some interest in my area. Carol writes "My girl, Dixie has a new title RA-JOYS DIXIE DARLING CDX AD. AD stands for Agility Dog. At the Flashpaws Agility trial in Houston on April 11th we won 1st and titled in the Starters Agility Class. We were the shortest dog competing at 7 12 inches tall. The closest to our height was 10" ironically another Pom named Cody. Cody already has his AAD Advanced Agility Dog title and is also from Houston. We also placed 4th in pairs where we were paired with a Cocker Spaniel named Rose. On Sunday at the RUK9 Agility Trial we won 1st in out titling class, 3rd in the Gamblers Class and a 2nd in the jumpers class. We also won 3rd overall Mini Jumpers mini includes the 12 and 18 dogs. Needless to say, it was a great weekend."Boy, and I thought I was busy with MY dogs Keep up the good work Carol.Barbara McClatchys DAN DEES IBU ANJING CDX has now earned her U-CD. Their first time out they earned a 197 12 and HIT from Novice B. The following weekend they scored a 196 each day. Good job BarbaraThe following new titlests were taken from the AKC Gazette Awards issues January through April.NEW UPShopes Cupid Bella Donna - Lilae Kenneth ShopeNEW CPACrystals Court Jester CDX - Carole Misty Bray Idlewyld Charm Bracelet CDX - Margaret McKee Razzle Dazzle Music Man CDX - Judy Green Dan Dees Ibu Anjing CDX - Barbara McClatchy Black Magics Victoria Falls CDX - Dr Sandra Woods Ra-Joys Dixie Darling CDX - Carol Fatheree Stanley Morris CDX - Ann GriffithNEW CPContesas Little Bit O Pepsi CD - Galynn WorkmanLauras Pumpkin Pie CD - Laura MartelMighty Mite Sparky CD - D Jeanne FordyceMosaic Ruff N Rowdie Rangier CD - Carol FathereePom Acres Honky Tonk Man CD - Kay Lowe Juanita FiddickRafter Bar Js Sampson Phar CD - Marcia BeckerThe Black One CD - Judith LofgrenBenjy CD - Irene SaipeButtons Bright Scooter CD -Judith MehcizDevon of Lancaster CD - Dolores LaveryMiss Royal Red CD - Earl Vivian AndersonBears Christmas Coco Boy CD - Charlene FruechteGlen Iris Star Diamond CD - Patricia HechtMarloms Nugget of Gold CD - Mary StraslickaJamels Diamonds Ho Le Tara CD - Brenda SW TurnerMy girl "Bizzy" finished her U-CD with a 198 and HIT. Also, "Pogo" earned his first U-CDX leg with an embarrassing performance that Id rather not talk about he does that sometimes. Its hard to believe that by the time you read this our Specialty Shows will be upon us. Ive been getting notes from potential exhibitors all over the country so I am hoping we have a good turn out. Ive come to the realization that 3 of my 4 regular class entries will NOT be ready to exhibit by July. With the 2 Novice dogs I will probably only show them twice so I can take them back into the Novice ring at a later time when they ARE ready. As for the 2 Utility hopefuls, well I just hope they look like trained dogs having bad days, not like untrained dogs. Im planning to have fun regardless of what happensHappy heeling, until next time.You may contact Linda by writing to Linda Gallagher1990 Ridgeway Dr. Eugene, OR 97401or call503 686-2316.26 July August 1992 Pomeranian SJ9W0J3WV-J70 PomeraniansGRANDSIREAN-JO Dancing FireSIRE major pointedAN-JO Dancin Autumn SpectrumProudly presents our newest boy He is our 3rd generation...Ch. Great Elms Firestarter x Pom Acres Chantilly LaceAN-JO Dancing Fire x Ch. Golden Aires Lil Gold Caddy-------------------------------------- LSpectrum^xCh. GoldenAiPiiTirG^jj-g^.QaOC^nmiWhat a way to start "Chase"found his pot of gold at just 3 months old, his first time out.BEST IN MATCHOn The Spot Fun Match - Judge Linda Ozelis - April 25,1992Anna Joseph Liselli 27 President Rd. Mastic Beach, NY 11951 516281-8246Pomeranian JulyAugust 1992 27by Barbara McClathchgyThe Submarine PomeranianFrom time to time in this column, I will include unusual facts about Poms and their history - This story comes from the U.S. Navyin July of 1944, the naval submarine USS Gurnard was preparing to leave port in Fremantle, Australia, near Perth, when suddenly a small black Pomeranian dashed on board. Machinist Mate Bill Gleason, noticing the dog, turned her around and gave her a little shove to head her back to shore. But the Pom, like all Poms determined to have her own way, refused to go. So Gleason tucked her inside his jacket and went onboard.Penny, as she was named, perhaps because she was as small as one, was the ideal size for a submarine stowaway, weighing less than five pounds - it wasnt long however, before most of the crew knew of her presence and conspired together to keep knowledge of that presence from the officers. But by the time the sub next refueled, at Darwin, Australia, the Captain was the only one still in the dark.The Captain saw the light rather quickly when he stepped barefoot into physical evidence of Pennys presence. Penny and Gleason were summoned before the Captain and given a thorough-going lecture on the Naval regulations forbidding the presence of a dog on a war vessel. Then Lieutenant Commander C. H. Andrews took Penny into his own arms and Im betting that she kissed him and announced that she could remain as long as she didnt cause any trouble.Penny, now an official member of the crew, was allowed all over the sub. She made four war patrols with her crew and earned Combat Submarine insignia with one star. But being a member of the crew of a war vessel did not automatically exempt Penny from civilian cowardice. During one very close depth bombing, she went Missing in Action and was subsequently located, trembling violently, under the Captains desk in his cabin.Penny left the Navy in May of 1945, electing to return permanently to civilian life in Ohio with Machinist Mate Gleasons mother. She died there many years later in Gleasons mothers arms.The SpecialtyThe National Specialty is over, and the Summer Specialty is ahead of us. Local clubs will be having their own Specialties. But what exactly is a specialty And what makes it "special" as compared to an all-breed showThe specialty show draws a large entry of your favorite breed. At the average all breed show, as you know if youve been to even one, you must look hard to find the Pomeranians even when the entry is large enough for a major, the Poms are few and far between. But the entry at the specialty, especially a National Specialty, draws in up to 10 times more dogs than the all-breed show. "All the best" dogs, handlers, and owners are there its your chance to see for yourself what makes the Prince so Charming, aside from being TV photogenic. Since we now28 JulyAugust 1992 Pomeranianhave obedience at the specialties, you can be sure to see a Pom entry in obedience, watching the fun as that little dog that, like yours, once didnt like to retrieve anything, races out to get the dumbbell and bring it back. And, since APC meetings are held at the National Specialties, its your chance to meet other members and see the officers in person.What is a SweepstakesThe point of a sweepstakes lies in the "take." When a club decides to hold a sweepstakes, they set aside a certain part of the entry fee to be divided up among the prize-winners usually this is about 50-80 of the entry. The more entries there are in a sweepstakes, the greater the prize money. The sweepstakes, not being a regular class, is also a good opportunity to give practice to potential breed judges not only is it better practice than matches, considering the usually large entry, but since the dogs must be entered also in the regular classes, the match judge can compare her own placements with those of the judge in the regular classes. And a sweepstakes offers an opportunity for good practice for your puppy and another place to show him off. Send questions and comments to Barbara McClatchey, 218 E. Union, Wheaton, Illinois 60187 or call at 708 665-5617.Available covers and centerspreads in the following issues of the Pomeranian Review-1992SeptOct- Puppy Hopefuls Inside front, inside back, back cover and centerspread.NovDec - Brood Bitch Inside front, inside back, and back cover.-1993Everythingis available...Call now and reserve your cover or centerspreadAll reserved positions in the Pomeranian Review require a 25 deposit.Puf-Pridc PomeraniansCh. Puf-Pride Royal Rendezvous3 Show clusters a new champion, with a BOB over champions at 3rd show. He is winning Group placements and is being offered FOR SALE.Sound, substance of body and legs with abundance of coat. Personality to steal your heart in a minute... and he can MOVEThank you Barbara Becker for presenting him to his last major and group placements. Thank you judges, B. Moore, S. Shaw, E. Ridgen, M. Ellis, J. Thacker, D. Kodner and R. Prichard. He is now at home with Barbara Becker, who will special him on a limited basis. For more info, contact Barbara at 417 876-2469, Eldora Springs, MO., or you may contact Virginia address phone below.We also have another new champion Ch. Puf-Pride Tauntg Tempres, see picture wher Ch. sister inside back cover of July '90 Review. Congratulations to Ch. Great Elms Firefighter, Tempres is his 7th champion\llm,v.wWe feed Science Diet BreederOwnerHandlerWarren Virginia Dimick ^ 8 Burkway Oklahoma City, OK 73115 ^ 405677-2511Pomeranian. JulyAugust 1992 29by Valeric WidqrenI am writing this article with the hope that my experience will make you take notice if something doesnt look quite right with your dogs eyes. I have a gorgeous red sable Pom, "Cracker," who is 2 12 years old. He got a little large for conformation so I decided to give obedience a try. He finished his CD at the age of 1 12 his second leg consisted of beating 37 other dogs including a run-off against a Golden Retriever I started training for Open at a much slower pace and things were going fine. This past January I noticed that Crackers eyes looked peculiar to me, but I could not pinpoint what was wrong. They seemed to have a slight blue hue to them and looked very spooky in photographs. On February 1, Cracker got his yearly vaccinations along with a cursory eye checkup. My normal vet assured me his eyes were fine. I thought that, as a layman, I was being overly paranoid and that the vet must be right. On Valentines Day when I got home from work, Cracker seemed to have gone totally blind since that same morning. He could not see my hand in front of him with a piece of food, he could not retrieve his toys, and he was afraid to go anywhere in the house where there wasnt a bright lightThe next day I took him to another vet who has a strong interest in opthamology. She looked into Crackers eyes with a simple pin light and told me that his optic nerves were very swollen, his retinas were white and totally dead, there were spots of hemorrhaging in his iris, and that there were very few blood vessels feeding his retinas. In other words, the backs of both eyes were damaged to the point that he was 98 blind he can see an occasional shadow and nothing could be done for him.That was on Saturday morning. This vet was very concerned that, since Crackers "blindness" seemed to happen so quickly, there might be something bigger going on that could endanger his life. With a lump in my throat the size of a basketball, I called Colorado State University CSU and consulted with their Opthamology department. With three specialists on staff, I made arrangements to meet with one on Sunday morning. They drew blood and ran a series of tests immediately. The tests were inconclusive as to what exactly had happened to Crackers sight. They have ruled out Progressive Retinal Atrophy PRA as the culprit. The optic nerves were the primary cause, the retinas a casualty of optic nerve neuritis. Dr. Roberts of CSU feels that the optic nerve neuritis was caused, most likely, by a virus. By tapping spinal fluid, there is a chance we might find out what virus it was I will not risk paralyzing...the backs of both eyes were damaged to the point that he was 98 blind and nothing could be done for him.Cracker to find out.I took CSU several photographs of Cracker covering the past 10 months. Even though his eyes appeared overly-dilated as early as July, I did not recognize a problem because his eyes looked dark and clear. Cracker had bravely compensated for his lack of vision until a number of photo-sensitive cells in his eyes began dying at such a tremendous rate each day that he could compensate no more. As pet owners and breeders, there are two very simple tests we can do to alert ourselves to a problem at an early stage. Once a month, take just a few minutes to do the following1. Put your hand over one of your dogs eyes, take your other hand and close it except for your index finger. With a quick motion, go toward the dogs open eye several times with your finger be careful not to touch the lashes. Each time your finger comes close to the eye it should blink. Do this with both eyes.2. Get a flashlight and go into a dark room. Cover each eye individually shine the light into one eye, then cover the other eye and repeat to check for pupil dilation. Each pupil should be large and as the light shines into the eye, the pupil should constrict in size. This is an almost instant response.If your dog fails either of these two simple tests, get them to an Opthamologist. If I had been aware of Crackers eyes not dilating correctly when the problem first started, he might have sight today. As a result, he will never realize his potential inobedience. He will never again see my face light up when I get home from work. His future and mine are forever changed. However, because of his great heart and strong spirit, I know that together, we will overcome his new fear of darkness with lots of love and trust.Please write to me, if you have ever encountered eye problems with your Poms and what experiences you have had. Id like to know if Cracker is an isolated case.He will never again see my face light up when I get home from work. His future and mine are forever changed. yyYou may write Valerie at the following addressValerie Widgren 7350 Poppy Way Golden, CO 80403Editors Note Cracker can be seen, along with Valarie, in the MayJune 1991 issue of the Pomeranian Review, page 25. We wish you both well...30 JulyAugust 1992 PomeranianShrDa Proudly Presents - AmCan Ch. ShrDas Sargent Pepperv.\\ MMMKV 'f' ALEXSMITHPHOTOGRAPH1 99Ml '"aSTcoww-1 "EwacujL- INEWpmaMPION -----------------------d"SARGE"is pictured above receiving his final point for his Canadian title he finished in \ the states with 4 majors. We would like to thank all of the judges who admired him \fenough to place him. Sarge is a Pomeranian who possesses a winning personality and a glamorous coat. Handled by Mary Jane Vergien to both titles There are 2 of his get here at ShrDa awaiting new homes. Photos and pedigrees available to serious inquiries only.BreederOwner "Feeding Science Diet" HandlerDavid R. Edwards Mary Jane Vergien5729 Lake Avenue 7741 Michael RoadOrchard Park, NY 14127-1125 Orchard Park, NY 14127-1125716 822-3434 716 662-7905Pomeranian JulyAugust 1992 31GOLD GOLD GOLDBeautiful 14 kt. gold nugget bracelet - 22 PWT. Jeweler appraised at 895.00 replacement value. Drawing to be held Thursday, Nov. 5, 1992 at our first AKC licensed Specialty. Tickets are 1.00 each or 6 for 5.00.Send donations toSooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma City, Inc.PO Box 30252 Oklahoma City, OK 73110 need not be present to wino0 Submitted by Mary AllenDear LoisKwitcherbellyakin I have, perhaps, "paid my dues at least the first couple of instalments but I resent the small amount of success that I enjoy being so airily dismissed as "luck." I took a lot of time and made a lot of effort to learn as much as I possibly could about the Breed. I did not sit around and wait for other, more successful, exhibitors to come and beat down my door to give me advice I put myself out on a limb and asked for it. Most Pom people are kind, helpful and extremely generous with their time and knowledge. If they feel you have a genuine desire to learn, they will go all out to help you, but you have to ask, and be prepared to go a little out of your own way to receive that advice.A Pom is more than a pair of legs If you havent learned "what the heck type is anyway" I suggest you find out, for without type, a dog is just a dog. It is that "look" which embodies the features of the Breed Standard that makes a Pom a Pom.The Pom Standard states that a Pom "exhibits great intelligence in his expression, and is alert in character and deportment." Does that make you visualize a dog that is "very emotional, fragile, their feelings get hurt easily, they panic as opposed to getting stubborn" Ask any experienced exhibitor they will tell you that their major worry is that their diminutive0charge will try to tackle the Rottweilers waiting to go in the adjacent ring. A Pom doesnt know that he is tiny. He thinks he belongs in the Working Group.Finally though I could go on and on, but Im sure you get my drift by now a puppy is a puppy, and it is unrealistic to expect "a consistent performance." Not too many dogs finish from the puppy classes, so that dog had better enjoy itself, and feel that the show ring is a great place to be. Your intelligent, alert Pom does not find that much fun in standing to attention, and will soon learn to dread going through the gate if thats what you expect him to do.I realize that you are a novice, I realize it is hard to "get your foot in the door," and I actually remember watching my first Poms breeder in the ring, and copying everything that she did right on down to carefully showing off my gals less-than-perfect ear set she was perfect to me and I remember picking up a mile high stack of ribbons of any color other than purple, but that was part of the apprenticeship. There are very few instant successes in this world. Even fewer in the dog world. Work hard, and one day you will be as incensed as I was by a "poor little me" article. Oh Advice Cut those nails EVERY week. Conditioning a show dog is a continuous commitment, not something you do three weeks before a show.32 JulyAugust 1992 Pomeranian\ JVi'Gizmo'ELLJCLiiis3Euini5sWarnmP Mmm oAm. Can. Ch. Marshires Love LettersGizmo finished his Can. Championship in 3 shows and with limited showing won 6 B.P.i.S. ending up 4 Pom in Canada for 1991. Always breederowner handled.The Am. Championship was as easily obtained finishing with a 5 pt. Specialty win. Pictured with his new owner taking a Group 2, his second time out as a special."WATCH FOR THIS LITTLE GIZMO"Puppies possibly available, too young to evaluate.Owners Breeder OwnersEvelyn Conley Frank Marlene Penney Evelyn Newyear20075 Vining Rd. 416 875-0269 4473 River St.New Boston, Ml 48164 Willoughby, OH 44094313753-9240 216946-1226Pomeranian KHWQIIM JulyAugust 1992 33-JLEEPresents you with...ELLjCLlCh. Silver Meadows Jus A Lil TeddyShown finishing his championship under prestigious Judge Michelle Billings. Teddy finished quickly with 3 majors, going BOB over top winning specials in the process. He is endowed with excellent movement and a huge harsh coat shown untrimmed. He is a tribute to his breeder J. Klein and his Bonner background.Our girls currently in the ring...m mPixies Constant Joy of R.J. Silver Meadows Barbie BriteFor Sale Ch. L.R. Rock Medal -- Millamor bredMedallion - Son out of Moonrock Daughter7 Evelyn Conley Owners Evelyn Newyear ^7 20075 Vining Rd. 4478 River St. ^7 New Boston, Ml 48164 Willoughby, OH 44094 ^7 313753-9245 X \\ \\ \ V\ \216 946-122634 JulyAugust 1992 PomeranianMARYLAND OREGONBURLANECAT DOGBOUTIQUE VSince 1964 ^ DIANA M. DOWNEYDonna Lynn WrightOWNERDana BaschMANAGER200 Gateway Drive Bel Air, MD 21014 Behind Harford Mall879-1459301 540-3828f.mon de Q^Ce^vne20435 Ambassador Terrace Germantown, MD 20874-2873POMERANIANS Handling Most AKC Breeds CHESAPEAKE BAY Champion Stud Service RETRIEVERS Occasional PuppiesSUBERfePOMERANIANSSuzanne BerneyDeer Park Kennels4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 301-655-8330OHIOAnimationHAVE POMS - WILL TRAVELStud Service... Grooming Puppies for Show or PetLORINDA VASUTADARREN LANEr63 EAST CUYAHOGA FALLS AVE.AKRON, OHIO 44310 216 762-7567JIM JUDY SHEARER ^ g j.523 MILLER AVE. SUGARCREEK, OHIO 44681 216 852-4136MEMBERSAMERICAN POM CLUB ANDOHIO VALLEY POM CLUB ' wPOMSHave Motor Home - Will TravelJJ.s Dog MotelJEAN SCHROLLALL-BREED HANDLER ALL NORTHWEST CANADIAN SHOWS DOG CAT BOARDING12950 S. New Era Road 503 650-0023Oregon City, Oregon 97045TEXfiSvtOOPChestara PomeraniansAt StudCh. Great Elms Firefighter sons Ch. Shir-Mars Little Captain Ch. Prince Baker of JeribethBill and Beverly Henry2025 Sam Houston Circle Carrollton, Texas 75006 214 416-1504 CAuspiciousJ DistributorsShareVs Pomeraniansm T,JSharon934 CCear Creek.Texarkana, IX 75503 403831-4028Now you can keep both your name and your kennel name in front of all Pomeranian subscribersall year long Turn the page for pricing details on a low cost way to advertise. You'll be glad you aidPomeranian JulyAugust 1992 35dvertisers [IndexAllan, Maiy ALLAYN...............................................9APC Judges Study Group...........................................5Bordelon, Janet VELVET TOUCH..........................21Conley, Rollie Evelyn LYN-LEE.................33,34Dimick, Virginia PUF-PRIDE........................... 12,29Edwards, David SHKDA.........................................31Feist, Wendy FEISTY..........................................FC,1Griffith, Ken LENETIE............................................20Grimison, Barbara SONNYDALE.......................... 16Heartz, Christine John CHRISCENDO .. 13Henry, Beverly........................................................... 11Kieffer, Dianne HEARTLAND..................................7King, Don Emily.......................................................5Kneisler, Maria KNEISLER..................................IFCLau, Roger.................................................................. 19Liselli, Anna Joseph AN-JO................................27Manuszak-Lucido, Janet.............................................12Masnick, Sharon GOLDEN AIRES......................IBCNeil, Ardith TRIEVON..............................................9Newyear, Evelyn NEUJAHR..............................33,34Quinlan, Maureen MERIMAUR............................ 14Regoni, D. R. DARS FOXRDDGE .................. 17Rosenbaum, Mary BI-MAR ....................................25S. R White.....................................................................3Segelken, Brenda FAME.........................................BCSooner Pom Club........................................................32Tarver, Ida IDAS POMERANIANS......................24Advertising policies SpatesAds are placed in the magazine in the order they are received. Any ads that miss the issue deadline willbe held for inclusion in the next issue. All photoswill be returned via 1st class US Mail. Member Non-MemberFront Cover.................................... 120.00 150.00Back Cover.................................... 100.00 125.00Inside Front Cover......................... 90.00 110.00Inside Back Cover.......................... 90.00 110.00Center Page Spread........................ 170.00 200.00Full Page......................................... 75.00 90.0034 Page.......................................... 60.00 70.0012 Page......................................... 45.00 55.0014 Page......................................... 30.00 40.00Business Card 2 x 3.25"... 20.00 25.00Classified Ads............................... 5.00 7.00r xtra100.00yr for Members onlyurgesPhoto Reproduction................................................ 15.00eaTints grey backgrormds....................................... 7 50Reverse white letters black backgrounds. 500Mortises photos less than .25" apart..................... lO.OOeaBleeds photos printed to edge of page.... 20.00omeranian J ndexCh. Allayns Feel The Heat......................................IFCAN-JO Chase-N-Rainbows.........................................27AN-JO Dancin Autumn Spectrum...............................27AN-JO Dancing Fire................................................... 27AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein....................... 13AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Causin Comment. 13AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster........................ 13Dars Foxridge "Foxy............................................... 17Ch. Emcees Rosita Osita........................................... 19Ch. Fame Gold And Glitter........................................BCCh. Golden Aires Sweet Charity...............................IBCCh. Great Elms Firefighter ROM............................. 11Heartlands Take A Chance...........................................7Ch. Idas Petite Delight by Bev-Nor...........................24Lenette Pups.................................................................20AmCan Ch. Marshires Love Letters...........................33Merimaur's Metrognome............................................ 14Ch. Merrymonts Golden Image................................. 14Ch. Mr. Toastys Lil Bit of Hope................................21Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz...................................... 12,15Ozark Chantilly Lace.................................................. 16Pixies Constant Joy of RJ...........................................33Pomsprings Wild Thing............................................ 15AmMex Ch. Prince Baker of Jeribeth....................... 11Ch. Puf-Pride Royal Rendezvous............................... 12Puf-Pride Tandilizin Topper....................................... 12Ch. Shir-Mars Little Captain..................................... 11Ch. Silver Meadows Jus A Lil Teddy........................33Ch. Sonnydales Joshua of Gabriel........................ 15,16AmCan Ch. ShrDas Sargent Pepper.........................31Silver Meadows Barbie Brite......................................33Ch. Trievon Always Laughing QT................................9Ch. Two Ts Feisty Autumn Glow..........................FC, 1Ch. Velvet Touch Flash of Bev-Nor...........................21REMEMBER ]uly 1 is the deadline for the SeptOct -- Puppy Hopefuls doTTLATE.36 JulyAugust 1992 Pomeranian \ \ \yAiy-z VAaW7a\WaaWaVA 7\ s\ \ 7\ \ \S V VVT7N 7A77VW7 \\ harming obustlegantappy\ \v \\ \ \IImT\ -M'w "...\ -V'\ if v4 1 \tvytZs\ \ \\ BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXGREENVILLE KENNEL CLUB FEBRUARY I992PHOTO BY fata \ \\ i\Champion Golden Aires Sweet CharityMillamors Musical Hobby x De Artas Waltzing Matilda JUDGE - Paula Bradley AGENT- Michelle MillerWe are proud to present CHER our latest champion who is a combination of all of the above adjectives.Special thanks to Paula Hartinger and Paula Bradley for her majors.\Sharon MasnickBreederOwner HCR 65, Box 745 Huger, S.C. 29450GOLDEN AIRES POMS803-928-3511Michelle MillerAgentGreer, S.C.W zf v_\ y w X V.L 37\\aWa\ ^ 77\\ 7V\ 7A \ N NCh. Wee Rambo of Coys Top Mark presents another specials quality champion...vwWINNERSlBLOOMINGTON IND. KENNEL CLUBMARCH1992 BOOTH PHOTOBY RITTER 1 'M"Glitter"proves there are no dull moments showing Poms. Her antics delighted the crowd ring side, while embarrasing her mom. Thanks, Geneva for allowing me to show such a sound, delightful, spirited sometimes too spirited, biting at my hemline, while going around the ring little gal 5 lbs..Judges who recognized and appreciated Glitters attitude and soundness wereDana Plonkey - 5 pts BOW Mary McCoy - 3 pts BOSPam Peat shown - 5 pts WB Ed Jenner - 3 pts WB.Glitter will retire from the ring to prove her worthiness as a mother before being specialed due to whelp in June x Ch. Fame Piece Of The Rock.Thanks Geneva, Norman and Ruth for being such great friends, coworkers, and encouragers Thanks, Suzann Terry Henderson for the use of Ch. Stolannes Prancing Prince to fulfill Nancy Frys wishes. Thanks also to Russell and Jo Ann Kern and Donna Riehm for your faith in me. God bless you allPedigree in Behind New TitlistsCo-ownerHandlerBrenda Segelken FAMERt 2, Box 79A -1 Percy, IL 62272 618 965-3278Co-ownerBreederGeneva Pennock Long HOOSIERS HOMEPLACE HHPSRt 1, Box 307 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 317 794-4086Watch for Fame Showtime, co-owned by myself and Donna Riehm, and Fame Rock of Gilbralter and Fame Rock a Babee owned by Russell and Jo Ann Kern.