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The Pomeranian Review September 1992
AmericanPomeranian^Slufemc.9Pomeranian a W Q B MPublished Bimonthly Puppy Hopefuls SeptemberOctober 1992r----------------- ,11k^4SGQ. 3[LBffi] BS K05 0 MBS G0BJAN-SHARSr3 A l- a r- iAPPLE DUAAPLINCh. Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo x Ch. Jan-Shars Whistlin DixiePictured above taking a 5 point major with judge Mrs. Elaine Mathis. It was a great day for Jason and the dogs, Jan-Shars the Real McCoy also took a 5 point major and Jan-Shars Amazing Grace was reserve winners bitch. Thank you Mrs. Mathis.Proud Owner BreederSharon Hanson - Renick, WV 24966 304 497-2446HandlerJason Lynchtnnie tooiz a tnoftical vacation, event uiotiutfy, anct...LOOK mat She Did0000000000000000000000000U iXGROUPSECOND V7 mFBDERACION CAN0F1L DE PUERTO RICO MAY 6 - 10, 1992 photo byCenla Annie Laurie OFriday600000000000000000Shes now an American, Puerto Rican, South American, International Champion, and Champion of the Americas-92. On the way she took a Group IV and a Group II, competing against Akitas, Chows, Spitz, Samoyeds, Keeshonden, Malamutes, Afghans and similar sized dogs. The judges still succeeded in finding her. She also became the Bell of the Ball with the spectators as usual.Thank you, Audrey and Friday, for your valuable assistance in helping to bring Annie about.BreederOwnerHandler A. C. Williamson 305 Sunny Hill Drive Pineville, LA 71360-5565gUlaptr\kmCh. Allayns Sinnerman ToastCh. Southlands Toasted Fudge, ROMX x Ch. Carousels Angel for AllaynSinnerman took a two-day vacation "South of the Border" and took BOB both days with a Group 2 and Group 3. Many thanks to Kellie Broughton, PHA, for her excellent care and presentation. He will return in September, hoping to complete his Mexican Championship.My Spring litters produced an embarrassment of riches -- almost all males A few will be available to genuine show homes. All are carefully linebred -- mostly Southland, Gabriel Timstopper. Photos, pedigrees and prices on request. All inquiries answered promptly. Letters preferred. All Allayn's Poms are raised on Science Diet Mary Allan Rt 3, Box 531A Wagoner, OK 74467 918485-3010If erms ConditionsAll ads are PREPAID Send your check made out to the "American Pomeranian Club, Inc." for the full amount including all extras. Editor reserves the right to edit all copy or refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much text is submitted for ad size, editor will delete text as required for ad to fit.PHOTOS and CHECKS MUST accompany ad copy ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED or CLEARLY PRINTEDDeadlineJan 1MailedFeb 15March 1 Apr 15May 1 June 15July 1 Aug 15Sept 1 Oct 15Nov 1 Dec 15IssueMarchApril Obedience Issue MayJuneSpecialtyWestminster Judges Issue JulyAugust Stud Dog Issue SeptemberOctober Puppy Hopefuls Summer Specialties NovemberDecember Brood Bitch Issue JanuaiyFebruary Handlers IssueAdvertising policies SpatesAds are placed in the magazine in the order they are received. Any ads that miss the issue deadline will be held for inclusion in the next issue. All photos will be returned via 1st class US Mail.MemberFront Cover........................................ 120.00Back Cover...................................... 100.00Inside Front Cover.......................... 90.00Inside Back Cover........................... 90.00Center Page Spread.......................... 170.00Full Page............................................. 75.0034 Page............................................... 60.0012 Page.............................................. 45.0014 Page.............................................. 30.00Business Card 2 x 3.25"... 20.00 Classified Ads.................................. 5.00Non-Member 150.00 125.00 110.00 110.00 200.00 90.00 70.00 55.00 40.00 25.00 7.00r xtragh100.00yr for Members onlylargesPhoto Reproduction................................................... 15.00eaTints grey backgrounds......................................... 7 50Reverse white lettersblack backgrounds. 5 00Mortises photos less than .25 apart..................... lO.OOeaBleeds photos printed to edge of page.... 20.00dvertisers [IndexAllan, Mary ALLAYNS...........................................IBCBernardo, Glenn GOLDCREST.................................25Blank, Jean Robert ABSOLUTE.......................... 13Conley, Evelyn LYN-LEE ..................................... 21,23Evans, Cassandra WEE HEARTS........................FC, 1Garvey, Gail GGS...................................................... 19Griffith, K. G. LENETIE ........................................... 17Hall, Geanene HALLMARK...................................... 15Hanson, Sharon JAN-SHAR ................................... IFCKneisler, Maria KNEISLER.........................................5Kosasih, Agus SPECTACULAR ............................... 13Masnick, Sharon GOLDEN AIRES .................... FC, 1Neuway, Keith Ruth PUFF BALL....................9,11Newyear, Evelyn NEUJAHR..................................21,23Penney, Frank Marlene MARSHERE....................7Pomeranian Club of Canada......................................... 19White, S. R..........................................................................3Williamson, A. C. CENLA........................................ BComeranian U ndexCh. Allayns Sinneiman Toast.................................... IBCCh. Cenla Annie Laurie OFriday...............................BCChriscendo Cloisonne.................................................... 15Ch. Feistys Bomb Shell................................................. 15GGs Puppy..................................................................... 19Glen Iris Castle Secret..................................................... 5Goldcrests Crown Dragon............................................ 25Ch. Golden Aires Kip A Wee Heart........................FC, 1Hallmarks Lights and Music....................................... 15Jan-Shars Apple Dumplin........................................... IFCJan-Shars Color Me Fancy............................................ 18Ch. Jan-Shars Mountain Dew....................................... 13Larron Mark Mo Dust................................................. 18Lennette Pups................................................................. 17Ch. LLL Dazzlin Lights Headliner................................9AmCan Ch. Marshires Love Letters.................... 18,21Ch. T.T.T, Hi Lites Jazzman Puffball......................... 11Marshires Love Sonata.................................................... 7Ch. Nabobs Dime Store Cowboy..................................23Puff Balls Mister Terrific CDX................................... 11Ch. Rhea-Nas By Bev-Nors Shasha............................ 13Ch. Ron-Di-Lees Dazzlin Bambi...................................9Silver Meadows Barbi Brite..................................... 18,23Ch. Tim Sues Dazzlin Light...........................................9Tomho Strutting Muskrat............................................ 18REMEMBER Sept 1 is the deadline for the NovDec -- Brood Bitch Issue donlate28 SeptemberOctober 1992 PomeranianMfiRYLfiND OREGONBURLANE CAT DOG BOUTIQUE VSince 1964 i VDonna Lynn WrightOWNERDana BaschMANAGER200 Gateway Drive Bel Air, MD 21014 Behind Harford Mall879-1459DIANA M. DOWNEY 301 540-382820435 Ambassador Terrace Germantown, MD 20874-2873POMERANIANS CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVERSHandling Most AKC Breeds Champion Stud Service Occasional PuppiesSUBERgtPOMERANIANSSuzanne Berney Deer Park Kennels4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 301-655-8330 ^ OHIOAnimationHAVE POMS - WILL TRAVELStud Service... Grooming Puppies for Show or PetLORINDA VASUTADARREN LANEr63 EAST CUYAHOGA FALLS AVE.AKRON, OHIO 44310 2 16 762-7567JIM JUDY SHEARER523 MILLER AVE. SUGARCREEK, OHIO 44681 V 216 852-4136MEMBERSAMERICAN POM CLUB ANDOHIO VALLEY POM CLUBSmPOMSHave Motor Home - Will TravelJ.J.s Dog MotelJEAN SCHROLLALL-BREED HANDLER ALL NORTHWEST CANADIAN SHOWS DOG CAT BOARDING12950 S. New Era Road 503 650-0023Oregon City, Oregon 97045TEXASChestara PomeranianssM-cV-AceAt StudCh. Great Elms Firefighter sons Ch. Shir-Mars Little Captain Ch. Prince Baker of JeribethBill and Beverly Henry2025 Sam Houston Circle Carrollton, Texas 75006 214 416-1504 Auspicious DistributorsShareVs 'PomeraniansVSharon sticks 934 Ctear Creek.nbtarkana, 9X 75503 403831-4028LOaiSIfiNfiJerrie Freia504 384-7466 After 700pm01444P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381Pomeranian BWQSM SeptemberOctober 1992 27continued from page 24an attorney about bringing legal action against us. Based on those bizarre occurrences, we decided to protect our printer from the same type of incidents. We have an excellent working relationship with our printer, and do not need that relationship affected by someone within the APC.I have succeeded in getting other copies since then, but always with the name of the firm blocked out, and only a total figure.One copy did have a breakdown, which showed the halftones or something were being overcharged for, and for which we were given a credit of a few hundred dollars. There is no way of knowing how frequent this may may have unknowingly occurred.EP The last TWO invoices Al has received show a breakdown of charges. This is prior to his making this statement. By the middle of August, he has received three. The correction he refers to was the result of our disputing the invoice once those charges were evident. We have no way of knowing whether or not this has occurred in the past.The statement "no one ever asked anyone here for the name and address of the printer"is totally incorrect. I have no proof, however, as all this was handled by phone.EP Our original statement is correct as printed in the last issue.The last statement is correct, as I have never yet been able to talk to Gail, as only Leo takes calls.EP Gail has had as many substantial phone conversations with Alas I have.As for their last paragraph, Happie was not at the meeting when Leo handed out his letter, and she probably never received a copy. I would agree with her comments that the notes taken at that meeting were not sufficient to be classed as minutes, as I have a copy of them as given to her. There was no one at the meeting really qualified to take minutes, considering the way the meeting went.Sally did the best she could, probably better than anyone else could have.EP While we have no idea of content, there was plenty being written during that meeting. We dismiss the notion that anv board member at that meeting was not qualified to take minutes.Happie, Sally, Dolly, you girls move over. Whether or not the above comments are accepted andor published, Im sure I will now become a member of your club. So be it.EP We are not aware of any current difficulties with either Sally, or Dolly. Possibly this new club also needs a magazine Addendumsubmitted by Al WilliamsonAs expected, a phone call arrived which resulted in a very long protest of the above statements as being incorrect. Supposedly I did not state in exact wording "I want copies of your printers invoices" when I asked that terms of our contract be fulfilled, as I needed a breakdown of printers costs in order to prepare a financial study. These words were not specifically spoken for several months, until after an audit of my books began. Leo keeps saying that such information is not needed in an audit, only their invoice is enough. Im not a lawyer and am going on experience I had in my previous work. I found the26 SeptemberOctober 1992 PomeranianBWQ3\B7government can and do ask for unbelievable things. He keeps saying that APC did not ask for the contract to contain that statement, but was put in by Expedition Publishing. Regardless, if its in there, do it.EP During our first year of publication, Al never referenced our contract, nor imply that terms of our contract be fulfilled in any shape, manner, or form. We believe we had a very professional relationship with Al, and worked for many months trying to get a better breakdown of our printers costs for him. We have complied with the printers invoice clause for the last four issues and will continue through the Nov Dec 1992 issue. If we continue after that time, the clause will be removed.I did not say that he used the words "It is none of your business" when he was refusing me the information. I said "In quite plain terms" so that the meaning was very plain.EP Unfortunately we read that as we were very rude, which was not the case.I do apologize to Gail for the statement concerning her. I had forgotten that she had called me to see if I had certain information in my files, and I had called her back a couple of times concerning that. After 75 years of acquisition, my memory bank is running on overload and I have found no way to add more chips. It does cause a very slow response at times.Leo seems to feel that Happi should have received a copy of his letter, as he brought 14 copies and there were only 11 of us there. Nothing was said about could one of us get a copy to her, and I am sure none of us knew of his concern that it be published until after we had an opportunity to read it after the meeting.EP As a portion of that letter addressed problems we have had with the Recording Secretary, in addition to problems with the APC in general, we cant conceive why that letter and minutes from a three hour meeting would not be distributed to every elected officer. When the letter was first discussed in our meeting, I stated that we wanted this letter in the APC archives.I know that I talk very slowly for Northerners, and I admit that I type even slower, so sometimes my brain gets ahead of my 2 or 3 fingers and words may not convey my meaning. In the future there will be no phone calls, only letters, and these will be carefully read and corrected as necessary.One final comment. Leo states that he did tell MV and me that he would show us the originals of the printers invoices at the 1993 Specialty if he was there. I do not recall hearing that, but what good would it do a year after they were needed I seem to be on a totally different wavelength. My apologies for such length.EP The offer was made to dispel any potential rumors from some that the copies you have received are not actual copies, period. The offer was made to Al and Mary as they are two elected officials we have dealt with from the start that we respect. After reading AT s first letter, I had a hard time believing we ever had the SAME phone conversations. At least the second letter attempts to clear, or explain some of the differences. There are still too many for our liking, and we offer no explanation, yet stand by our statements. L.G.KM KM c KM KMGOLRCREST POMERANIANSProudly PresentsGoldcrests Crown Draqon7R-s,fh.' X1Goldcrests Crown Prince x Sues Misty Dawn of Pepper ToDragon is shown above taking Best Puppy In Sweepstakes at the Beverly Hills KC, supported by the City of Angels Pomeranian Club. Our sincerest thanks to Mrs. Dorothy Keller co-founder of the City of Angels Pomeranian Club and a highly respected breeder for this prestigious victory. A special thanks to Mrs. Barbara Jarmulok on Dragons Reserve Win at the San Diego Pomeranian Specialty the day before, over a competitive entry of 14.Many years of intense research and strict breeding practices are exemplified through the quality of our show winning progeny. Individualized attention and training have put forth the glamour that our dogs exhibit. Type, soundness, and huge coats culminate to establish the GOLDCREST line. Congratulations to our dear friends, Mary Gene Wells of MNMs Poms-R-Us, for their recent triumph by taking Best of Winners at the Santa Ana Valley KC with their precious MNMs LiF Baberi, sired by our top-producing stud -- BabearBREEDERSOWNERSHANDLERSGlenn C. Bernardo Kelly J. Rogers951 West 223rd Street Torrance, CA 90502-2246 310328-4224Pomeranian KSWQSM SeptemberOctober 1992 25and Charly Hamilton and bred by Jacqueline Klein finished his CD from Novice B with scores of 177, 186,194 and 186.5.Congratulations to all of youBefore I close this column Id like to pass along a training tip I picked up from a Lee Pulis Seminar. This idea has really been working wonderfully with a couple of my dogs and not at all with a few others. Try it on on your own dog and see if it helps. Anyway, one of my new Novice dogs could only do a nice front if my hands were in front of me, no hands - no front or he would sit way too far out. Lees idea solved the problem in just TWO TRAINING SESSIONS Make yourself a square using 2 pieces of PCV pipe 13" long and 2 pieces 9" long adjust the size to fit your own dog attach together with 4 elbow pieces, you teach your dog to do his front into this square which is placed in front of you in the front position. If your dog hesitates about getting into the square which is placed in front of you in the front position. If your dog hesitates about getting into the square, teach this by removing the 9" end closest to the dog this makes a chute gently guide the dog into his chute on leash untilhe is comfortable with it. Next use your flexi lead or long line to teach him to enter the chute from a distance. The next step is an off lead recall. When he can do this with no problem close the end of your chute. The dog must now come into the square to do his front. When you can do recalls off leash with the dog coming into the square, paint the pcv pipe a little at a time to match the color of the surface you are working on. These squares can also be used to polish your finishes. I just love using these They are light weight and easily come apart to fit into your training bag. They sure save a lot of wear and tear on your back though if your Pom sits slowly you will still need to bend over and enforce the sit.Next issue well have a complete run down on all the Specialty Shows.Happy HeelingLinda Gallacher 1990 Ridgeway Dr., Eugene, OR 97401 503686-2316.0 Tmjpisubmitted by Wendy FeistRe-mem-mem, Re-mem-member Brush Prairie, Washington and the good times forever, laughing, showing, doing whatever we like best no matter the weatherCamping out beneath the stars so high, beautiful Poms that catch our eye, showing together you and I, hope we never say good byeWhile sitting and day dreaming about the up and coming National thinking about the showing, and the weather and remembering the past summer National at the same location about 4 or 5 years ago, I just came across this little ditty and though I would share it with those that are coming to the celebration and those who cant make it this time but might be encouraged to make it next yearI wrote this myself.submitted by Al WilliamsonExpedition Publishing Note Our comments are in italics, preceded by EPThe following comments are being faxed in hopes of beating the July 1 deadline, as my July-August PR has just been received. In this current issue some statements by Expedition Publishing JulyAugust - Page 6 require rebuttal.Audit Committee I categorically deny ever being told that I could see the original printers invoices. I had asked several times for copies of these to be furnished, in accordance with terms of our contract and which was not being done.EP lThe offer to see the original invoices was made to Al. 2 At no point in time during 1991 did Al ever refer to our contract, or ask for copies of our printers invoices. Al did request we provide him with a better break down on charges from our printer, which we were working on.My interest was to get a break-down of the printers charges to use in preparing a study of our costs in the magazine. All I was getting was a line item of the EP invoice listing "Qty 1 PrintingBinding of 1000 copies Pom Review plus Half-tones,IIIstats, tones, X dollars".When my books began being audited, the Committee questioned these unsupported charges and wanted more information.EP The support for these charges are provided by OUR invoice. That is what the APC pays, our invoice, nothing else.Eventually I succeeded in getting a copy of the printers invoice to them, which also consisted of a single line similar to the above. I was told that he would not furnish them with a breakdown of prices.Surprisingly, the heading of the printers invoice, giving the firms name and address, was covered when the copy was made. When the reason for this was made, I was told in quite plain terms that such information was none of our business.EP In the simplest of terms Al was informed that it was none of the Audit Committees business There is a difference. I was very careful not to make any references to Al directly, nor the APC in general, as we had no cause to be at odds with Al. The Audit Committee is confirming expenditures made by the APC. If an invoice matches a check amount, then the transactions can only be confirmed as correct. The copy of our printers bill, whether the name is blocked or not, is only a supporting document that complies to the terms of our contract. Its amount is issued on our invoice, which is a complete invoice for all services performed by Expedition Publishing. The clause that specifies we supply a copy of our printers bill, in addition to APC copyright protection was installed by us to show above-board operations and to protect the APC. We have suffered repeated petty accusations by some within the APC leadership, and one APC Officer advised us she had consultedcontinued on page 2624 SeptemberOctober 1992 Pomeranian5J3WQM-JlzE zJ\l.U,jCL\ ^PomzcinLCLn,"Two new champions"BEST OF WINNERSGENESEE COUNTY KENNEL CLUBMAT1992 PHOTO BYK. BOOTH"Tooter"Ch. Nabobs Dime Store CowboyWhat fun Tooter and I had obtaining his championship. The comment that was expressed the most by the judges that liked him was, "very typey." Our thanks goes to the judges that appreciated him."Barbie"Ch. Silver Meadows Barbie BriteHer record speaks for itself, finishing with 4 MAJORS - 5-4-3-5 of which two were Specialty wins going BOS over top winning specials on the way.OwnerEvelyn Conley 20075 Vining Rd.New Boston, Ml 48164 313 753-9245OwnerEvelyn Newyear 4478 River St. Willoughby, OH 44094 614 946-1226WINNERSNEW CHAMPIONSPECIALTY KALAMAZOO KENNEL CLUBMAT1992 PHOTO BY K. BOOTHBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXPomeranian SeptemberOctober 1992 23By Lindq GqllgchcrI have good news and bad news to share with all of you first the bad...APC President Mary Vickers lost her precious HUGGY ANNONS HUGGY BEAR FROM SCAMP UD this spring. Although Hugs had some health problems, this still came as a shock to all of us. My sincere condolences Mary, I know Huggy will be greatly missed.On a brighter note Alice Lessard reports that her ZANNIE CH. LESSARDS SHANGRILA OF JUBILEE has earned her UD In July of 91 Zannie had earned her first UD leg with a 199 and HIT. Then, after a few problems in the ring Alice put her back in training. This spring at the Santa Rosa show Alice did not remember the dates Zannie earned a 193 12 for her 2nd Utility leg and a 2nd place. At Bakersfield she was 1st in Utility A wit ha 196 to finish her UD. Two insurance legs were added in Reno with a 193 12 for 1st place the first day and another leg with what Alice called an "unmentionable" score. It seems that Zannie was pulling some of those typical "Pom things" like trying to go straight to finish and not wanting to sit, so Alice decided to correct her in the ring Needless to say, the judge was less than pleased and their score reflected this. Congratulations to both of you Alice and Zannie will be working toward their OTCH now. Hopefully they will start picking up some points when they head to Oregon and Washington for the summer shows and Specialties.Jimmie Lawrence and her CRICKETT UD went HIT at Baytown KC, Inc with a 198 from Open B Keep up the good work you two That first Open B 1st toward your OTCH is a real milestone.Barbara McClatchey writes that her ANJING CDX earned her first UCDX leg with another HIT Barbara and Anjing are getting close to being ready for Utility. There is also a youngster waiting in the wings at the McClatchey house. TUFFY will soon be making his debut in Novice.I received a very nice letter from Lois Morkassel which I would like to share with you."....Id like to let you know that I have realized a dream thatI have had since 1986 - to have all my Poms earn their AmCan CDs. As of April and May, CINSULAS CYMORDL CYMER has earned her AmCan CD. That makes all 8 - a "full house.""We started in 1990 with preparing her for Novice, and in Nov. her knee joints were grossly swollen so we quit. In July of 91 her joints were back to normal and my time was my own again so we started back in Novice. I had her entered in a Sept, show which was really too soon, but we had our first goal met under difficult conditions when she didnt leave the ring to go to my husband. She is my husbands dog She did every exercise but our heeling wasnt spectacular. The judge must have thought we were nuts I was so excited with my "NQ" because she stayed in the ring. A month later we earned our first leg with a 189 and Dad was outside the ring.""We were signed up for the Nov. 2nd and 3rd shows in Minneapolis, but because of the blizzard, we couldnt get there. The following weekend we were signed up for the Duluth, MNshow. The day before we had rain and ice so I started out Sunday morning to see if we could get through. We made it in and Duluth was still digging out from 30" of snow from the previous weekend. The judge started the ring a half hour early, which I didnt think they were supposed to do. Cymer qualified with a 190 It really helped the long drive home."Then with the weather and our business I didnt show her again until April 4th at the Minneapolis shows. She earned a 185 12.""On May 8,9 10th we showed Mid-Canada Dog Shows in Winnipeg. She earned a 192 3rd in Novice B the first day, 190 12 5th the second day, and 192 12 5th the third day. Quite a rewarding trip for a 7 year old dog.""Diane Baumans methods really helped and special friends that I train with have been great problem solvers and support while we worked with 8 very different personalities to achieve our AmCan CDs.""Reading about others efforts in the magazines is always an inspiration. I appreciate the people who will report wins that have scores below the 190s, not everyone can have high scores, and when the CD is printed after a dogs name, it doesnt list the scores or the placements. That someone cares to work with a dog is SPECIAL. That someone will take a NQ and learn from it - evaluate how to get your point across to the dog is VERY SPECIAL. Not everyone can have high scores. All dogs are not the same, nor are all trainers and exhibitors the same. If all dogs could get high scores the testing would be re-evaluated and made more difficult. A 171 can be very special and exciting. Please keep reporting all scores when possible."Thanks Lois, your letter is a real inspiration to all of us We should all try to remember that an Obedience title, regardless of the scores earned, takes dedication, hard work and a special bond between dog and trainer. When the shows are over, all of us, those that earn high scores and those that earn a 170, all have the same reward. A very special companion that because of the time, training, and love we have put into him, is a joy for life.There were no new UD or CDX titles listed in the May or June AKC Awards. Our new CDs are as followsBAYOU VIEW RED DEVIL owned by Ann Pat Cuccurello and bred by John Lewis and Adam Venett finished his CD last year but for some reason was just published in the May Awards issue. A belated congratulations This little guy finished with a 193 average.JOHN-CODYS MISSY CRUMPET owned by Carlota John Cloney and bred by Leigh Bruner finished her CD from Novice A with scores in the mid 180s.SMOKEYS ELVIS PARSLEY owned by Garrett ODell and bred by Ina Kniffin finished his CD from Novice B with scores in the mid 180s and a 3rd place at the American Pom Club Specialty in February.HEARTLANDS TYLER ELFKIN owned by Judy Collier and bred by Rose Hartman finished his CD from Novice B with scores of 192 -177 and 186.SILVER MEADOWS BEAU JANGLES owned by Eleanor22 SeptemberOctober 1992 PomeranianSJSV7QSM-Jlzz J\l EitjaiOmZlCLYLLCMl, "Gizmo"BEST IN SPECIALTYSPECIALTY KALAMAZOO KENNEL CLUB MAY1992 PHOTO BYK. BOOTH wAmCan. Ch. Marshires Love LettersGiz is such a joy to show, and we are very proud of him, for his soundness is not often seen. He truly deserves all his accomplishments. Our thanks goes to many judges that recognized him as an outstanding Pomeranian.OwnerHandler Evelyn Conley 20075 Vining Rd. New Boston, Ml 48164 313 753-9245BreederMarlene Frank PenneyOwnerEvelyn Newyear 4478 River St. Willoughby, OH 44094 614 946-1226Pomeranian September October 1992 21Behind The New TitiistsThree generations of new Pomeranian titiists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent by the owner. Please send the dogs name, color, sex, breeders name and owners name, on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Pedigrees will not be returned Send copies only. Mail all information to the editor, Gail A. Garvey, Expedition Publishing, PO Box A, Mastic Beach, NY 11951.Ch. Golden fiires Kip fi Wee HeartOrange MaleBreederOwners Sharon Masnick Cassandra EvansCh. Millamors Trademark Ch. Millamors Mark TraditionCh. Millamors Sparkling Music Ch. Golden Aires MoonwalkerCh. Coys Top of the Mark De Arta's Dancing MarkettaDe Artas Wee Dancing Cherri AmCan Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Western Express Can Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine Wee Hearts Summer SongElks Elfin Magic of Lennis Elks Brandy LikkerD'Oro Magic Dragon of LennisCh. Feistys Bomb ShellOrange Sable Female BreederOwner Wendy Victor FeistScotia Mark of Distinction II Ch. CJs Masterpiece of MarkCh. CJs Crystal Isadora Feistys Rebels Razzel DazzelClarks Cute Dana Boy Feistys Elegant Highlights Kathys CocoaCh. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero Ch. Sungolds Dyn-O-Moe Rider Sungolds Cozy Rider Feistys Brandywine CoolerScotia Mark of Distinction II CJs Rum and Coca-ColaCJs Shelly of Chestnut GroveCh. Great Elms Bemice of LenetteOrange Female Breeder K. G. Griffith Owner Karen SausmanCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie Great Elms Tiny TimCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Dolly Bonners Tribute to Trilette Chesai Golden ChallengerColliers Golden CharleneDorcas of LenetteGreat Elms Tar Baby Tinker Bell II of Lenette Diana of Lenette20 SeptemberOctober 1992 PomeranianSJBWQS^iCh. Sun Rays Gold StrikeCream MaleBreeder Fern Rodrigues Owner Mary Gene WellsCh. Sun Rays Ambassador ROM AmMex Ch. Sun Rays Bat Man Sun Rays Lil Dovie Sun Rays Diamond JimCh. Sun Rays Ambassador ROM Joarts MadonnaCh. Joarts Camille Raps Black Jack Boy Raps Black El ToroRaps Pageant DollRaps Misty-NiteAmMexIntWd Ch. Sun Rays Lil Beaver ROM Raps Pearly DawnRaps Coral BudCh. LLL Hi Lites Jazzman PuffballRed MaleBreeder Janice Luginsland Owner Keith Ruth NeuwayAmCan Ch. Millamors Rock Concert AmCan Ch. Chriscendo City LightsCan Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine AmCanMexInt Ch. Tim Sues High LightsCh. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock Ch. Tim Sues Angel SabrinaTim Sues Charlies Angel Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Cricket LLL Charming Gold BonanzaCh. LLL Dancing Gold Gidget LLL Bonanza Gold StellaAll-Star N Hadleigh Yogi Ch. Clayhaven Sweetwater Sioux LLL Happy Country DameCh. Odyssey's Shadow of KenoOrange MaleBreederOwner Janet Manuszak LucidoCh. Models Bit-O-Wiz Ch. Moonshadows G Wiz Wee Bad Queenaire Ruby Ruby Ch. Odysseys Keno WizQueenaire Whiskey Tenor Black Cherries JubileeJubilee Darin Do Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Moonshadows MicaQueenaire Ruby Ruby Moonshadows Tiffany RoseCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Moon SpinnerJubilee Night LightGGs PomeraniansPresents...Ruffles- 6 wks old d.o.b. 22392Gail A. GarveyP.O. Box AMastic Beach, NY 11951 516 399-3199"Feed Me Momma, FEED ME"Y' -cv.W VVOMt'RSVhimylCLU'B Of CJVH'DA cMjmotJtL sPECiALVyDate - Friday, October 23,1992Place - Tradex Center at Abbotsford Airport about 1 hour east of Vancouver B.C. Host - Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers of British Columbia3 DAY ALL BREED SHOW THE DOGWOOD CLASSIC ANDB.C. TOY CLUB SPECIALTYEqual - 5 point shows one location Show Secretary - Western Dog Shows LTD. P.O. Box 3070 MPP, Kamloops, B.C., V2C 6B7 Phone 604 577-3777 Fax 604 577-3500 Other Info - Gerda Hill 604 794-7345 Join us - we look forward to meeting you.7TX- OHmn\Pomeranian OS SeptemberOctober 1992 19Pom Club of Michigan, Inc. Specialty ShowBy Evelyn ConleyThe Pomeranian Club of Michigan, Inc. held its annual Spring Specialty show on Sunday, May 24, 1992 in Kalamazoo, Michigan.Although the weather left a little to be desired, the Specialty was very successful with a total entry of 60 dogs, with two lovely ladies forjudges, doing sweepstakes and regular classes, what more could you want And to top off a fine show, a hospitality room was available where exhibitors, breeders, judges, fanciers and friends got together for lots of good food and a good time.Our show started when Ms. Nadine Hersil entered the ring as our Sweepstakes judge. For her Best In Sweepstakes, she selected Tomho Strutting Muskrat, owned by TommiSandi Hooban, and shown by Robert Blank. Her choice for Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes went to Jan Shars Color Me Fancy, owned by JeanneX y K 25.BEST OPPOSITE IN SWEEPSTAKESJan Shars Color Me FancyBlank and shown by Ron Feyh.To show our thanks for doing such a tough job, Nadine Hersil was presented a plaque from the club.Then the Regular Classes began with Mrs. Clover Allen, a very lovely person and gentle with the dogs. For her Winners Dog and Best of Winners she selected Larron Mark Mo Dust owned by Judy Shearer and shown by Ron Feyh. This nice win finished Mo. The Reserve Winners Dog went to Mercers Mostly Duke, owned by Evelyn Conley Evelyn Newyear and shown by Rollie Conley.For her Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex she selected Silver Meadows Barbie Brite, owned by Evelyn Conley Evelyn Newyear and shown by Rollie Conley. The Reserve Winners Bitch went to Pom Acres Kelsy Kan Too, owned by J. Parisek J. Fiddick.Best in Specialty went to AC Ch.IfKXsBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESTomho Strutting MuskratMarshires Love Letters, shown by Evelyn Conley. He is owned by Evelyn Conley and Evelyn Newyear.From this Specialty, two champions were made, friends were made, and everyone was made welcome.The Pom Club of Michigan holds two Specialties a year and now we welcome you to our Fall Specialty onf 9J3PWINNERS DOGBEST OF WINNERSLarron Mark Mo Dustt'. 'fVaJw-.BEST IN SPECIALTYAmCan Ch. Marshires Love LettersNovember 21,1992. Sweepstakes judge will be Carol Wainwright and our Regular Class judge will be Clinton Harris, subject to AKC approval.Come join usf- fr-nWINNERS BITCHBEST OF OPPOSITESilver Meadows Barbi Brite18 SeptemberOctober 1992 PomeranianJls.ns.tts,,Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road u Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner0rVCONGRATULATIONS TO...Deena and Rosemary Regoni on finishing their new Ch. Dars Great Elms Fox of Lenette Foxy.Sire Ch. Great Elms Models Timstopper, Dam Great Elms Special of Skyland.James Proctor and his big 5 pt win with Master Mark of Lenette. Sire Ch. Apples Traveling Rambler, Dam Libby of Lenette.Dixieanne Bennett on her new Ch. Lady Dragon Slayer of Dixie, Sire Ch. Beaver of Lenette 7th Ch., Dam Great Elms Rose of Tiana 3rd Ch. by Beaver. Breeder Sherry Adams. Finishing with a 5 pt. major.Don Daniels on his big 5 pt win with Marydons Tobias of Lenette. Sire Great Elms Tiny Tim, Dam Ar-Bees Vivian of Lenette.Colleen Franks and her many wins with her Lenette Poms.A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR HANDLERSJackie Raynor for finishing Ch. Challengers Susanna of Lenette, Sire Ch. Wee Challenger of Lenette, Dam Great Elms Susanna of Lenette.Pomeranian 5'JQM SeptemberOctober 1992 17San Piggo Pom Club SpecialtyBy Margaret OntiverosThe theme for this years Summer Specialty was "The Pomeranian A Timeless Tradition." Naturally, the trophies had to reflect the theme, so clocks made of California redwood were beautifully made and lovingly presented to all who received ribbons. The three top awards were clocks made of dark red burlized redwood. The winners and reserve winners received 10" Anniversary Clocks. The first placings received large Pomeranian silhouette cutout clocks and the second through fourth placings received medium Pomeranian silhouette cutout clocks.PuppySweepstakesJudge Mrs. Linda Love BanghartPuppy Bogs 6-9 months1st place - Millamors Striking Music Gaila Brickus2nd place - Goldcrests Crown Dragon Glenn Bernardo Kelly Rogers3rd place - VIPs Caviar Dreams Margaret Daniel Ontiveros4th place - Xtasis Talk of the Town Gary Elsie HullPuppy Bogs 9-12 months 1st place - Conjers Crimson Banner Connie Jerry BrownPuppy Bitches 6-9 months1st place - Del Sols Delta Dawn Susan Conlee2nd place - Xtasis Peaches-N-Cream Gary Elsie Hull3rd place - Queenaire Gold Poppy Dudley Wanda Roach4th place - Melodans Dina-Mite Baby Melonie Dan ShugartBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Del Sols Delta DawnBEST OPPOSITE IN SWEEPSTAKESMillamors Striking MusicRegular ClassesJudge Mrs. Barbara JarmolukPuppy Bogs 6-9 months 1st place - Goldcrests Crown Dragon Glenn Bernardo Kelly Rogers2nd place - Millamors Striking Music Gaila Brickus3rd place - VIPs Caviar Dreams Margaret Daniel OntiverosPuppy Bogs 9-12 months 1st place - Conjers Crimson Banner Connie Jerry BrownBred by Exhibitor Bog 1st place - Goldcrests Imperial Warrior Glenn Bernardo Kelly Rogers2nd place - Xtasis Talk of the Town Gary Elsie HullOpen Bogs Red, Orange, Cream Sable 1st place - Bo Jas General Jackson Greg Linda Florer2nd place - Goldcrests Crown Prince Glenn Bernardo Kelly Rogers3rd place - RCs and Peppers Wee Tuff Stuff Ronald Call Sheree Hughes-Irwin4th place - Odysseys Shadow of Keno Janet Manuszak-LucidoOpen Bogs Any Other Allowed Color1st place - Sunrays Zorro-Z Penny Dees2nd place - Possum of Point Loma Pauline HughesWINNERS DOG - 5 point major Sunrays Zorro-ZRESERVE WINNERS DOG Goldcrests Crown DragonPuppy Bitches 6-9 months1st place - Xtasis Peaches-N-Cream Gary Elsie Hull2nd place - Del Sols Delta Dawn Susan Conlee3rd place - Melodans Dina-Mite Baby Melonie Dan Shugart4th place - Queenaire Gold Poppy Dudley Wanda RoachPuppy Bitches 9-12 months 1st place - Pens Snow Lady Hawk Penny DeesAmerican Bred Bitches 1st place - Maranthas Precious Cherub Steve Gloria CarlinOpen Bitches Red, Orange, Cream Sable1st place - Del Sols Fantasy Harbor Michael Karen Crawford2nd place - Floreta of Point Loma Pauline Hughes3rd place - J Windfalls Gold D Light Susan Robert Johnson, DMVWINNERS BITCH - 4 point majorDel Sols Fantasy HarborRESERVE WINNERS BITCH Xtasis Peaches-N-CreamBEST OF BREEDCh. Aristos Phantom of the OperaBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Ch. Maranthas Liberty BelleBEST OF WINNERS Sunrays Zorro-ZAfter the close of the show, all exhibitors and Pom lovers gathered between the motorhomes of Fern Rodrigues and Daniel Margaret Ontiveros for a sumptuous potluck feast and gab session. It was followed by a money-making drawing for many items including a Pom bed or two, food and grooming aids. In the evening, some of the attendees participated in a potluck barbecue and continued the gab fest until late in the night. A good time was had by all.16 SeptemberOctober 1992 Pomeranian5JBW0SMPonIntroduces...Ch. Feistys Bomb ShellSire Feistys Rebels Razzel Dazzel Dam Feistys Brandy Wine CoolerPictured finishing her championship at Wine Country KC, Napa, CA.Breeder Victor and Wendy FeistPedigree in Behind New Titlists this issue.oK.,HE CKMIWOlt fBEST OF I OPPOSITEAPRILCALLED PHOTOHallmarks Lights and MusicSire AmCan Ch. Chriscendo City Lights Dam Millamors Musical HallmarkPictured taking WD for a 3 pt major at Silver State KC, Las Vegas, NVBreeder Geanene HallChriscendo CloisonneSire AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein Dam Chriscendo CeciliaPictured at her first show taking BOW from 6-9 month puppy class for a 3 pt major at Silver State KC, Las Vegas, NV.Owned by my daughter, Michelle Hall and her BreederCo-owner is Chris Heartz.Geanene Hall 259 EHallmark PomsCreek Circle Sprinqville, Utah 84663 801489-7943Pomeranian SH\5fl3\27 SeptemberOctober 1992 15all your dogs and your entire house and kennel. Yours is a private home, not a public place of business. It is certainly all right to keep sick or out-of-coat dogs or bitches with puppies in the nest out of sightIf the buyer says he does want the dog, offer him a chance to go home and think about it especially if he has never owned a Pom before. Discourage spur-of-the-minute, whim buying. Thats what pet shops rely on. Most people, however, dont want to let that adorable little fuzz ball get away.If you are dealing with someone long distance, all information must be exchanged by mail or phone. Most likely, the prospective buyer is looking for a show dog or breeding stock, and knows something about Poms. It is essential that your description of the dog be as detailed and HONEST as possible. Tell why you are selling the dog. Include any flaws in your description. Then let the buyer decide whether he can live with big ears or light eyes or a tail that cuts to one side. Better that than have him discover when the pup gets off the plane that it has the one fault he hates the most and the poor puppy must be shipped back. Send several pictures of the pup, as well as pictures of the sire and dam when you send the pedigree.SENDING THE PUPPY HOME Once the terms of the sale have been agreed upon, try to answer fully all questions on care and training. You will, of course, urge them to take the puppy to a veterinarian within forty-eight hours as required by our code of ethics. The Commonwealth of Virginias Consumer Protection Act gives buyers ten days for this vet examination.I provide the following to my pet puppy buyers1. A complete health record including shots, fecal checks, etc.2. A pedigree.3. A list of instructions on how to feed and care for a puppy.Make suggestions on how to help him adapt to his new home and how to housebreak him. Warn them about the 4 month old uglies, if your line goes through this leggy, coatless stage. Tell them what to expect at teething time. If you sell a lot of puppies, have these instruction sheets photo copied.4. A pamphlet on obedience training, including when and whereto sign up for puppy classes.5. A few baby pictures6. A "goody" bag, containing sample sizes of the dog foods I recommend picked up at the shows, a pin brush, a rawhide chewstick, and a few Milk Bones.7. The aforementioned bill of sale.I show them the kinds of collars and leads I use and suggest places where they can be purchased. I explain the use of crates and urge the purchase of one. I show them the various books on Poms, the Pomeranian Review and general dog care books.Finally, I ask them to bring the puppy back at seven or eight months so I can give the owner grooming lessons. This also allows me to see how the puppy turned out. "In the meantime," I tell them, "call me any time you have a question."Keep in mind that your goal for every sale is NOT the money, but that both purchaser and puppy be happy. .Summer Specialty PromotionA Full Page Ad to Appear in the NovDec Issue 70.00Special advertisement rates are in effect for those Poms that placed at the APC Summer Specialty 1st thru 4th, points, BOB, BOS, HIT, Sweeps or participated in the Parade of Champions.You may place a full page advertisement in the NovemberDecember issue for the low rate of 70.00, and that includes photo processing costs. This advertisement must be run on the Pomeranian that makes the placement, or participated in the Parade of Champions, but the picture does not need be from the specialty.Normal deadlines apply see back page. If your show photo has not arrived by the deadline, you may submit the advertisement WITH an alternate photo. You will have an additional TWO WEEKS to submit the show photo September 15th. If the show photo does not arrive at Expedition Publishing by that time, your alternate photo will be used in your advertisement.14 SeptemberOctober 1992 PomeranianIRBWQBMWhat an "Absolutely Spectacular" PairCH. JAN-SHARS MOUNTAIN DEWbreeder - Sharon Hanson CH. RHEA-NAS BY BEV-NORS SHASHAbreeder - BarbStephen NagyDewey is shown above taking another Group placement. We are eagerly awaiting the' arrival of his first kids. Shasha is shown finishing her championship with her 3rd major a 5 pt. i This deep red bitch excels in movement, and won all her points still lacking in coat. Look for more young hopefuls in the ring nowTomhos Strutting Muskrat - Best in Sweeps at Michigan Specialty Jan-Shars Color Me Fancy - Best of Opposite Sweeps, Michigan Specialty Jan-Shars Levi Strauss -- Soon to be out with Sue Malek.SPECTACULAR KENNELSAgus Kosasih IndonesiaAll dogs at ABSOLUTE are conditioned on Science Diet Feeds.pending AKC confirmationABSOLUTE POMS Agents Jeanne Robert Blank 16060 Brookside Dr. Buchanan, Ml 49107Pomeranian SeptemberOctober 1992 13buyers that your price is too high. I always point out that the ugly Poms in a nearby mall are going for twice as much. Or a Pom breeder may accuse you of undercutting prices. It is a hard choice between "what the market will bear and not "gouging the public."ADVERTISING How you advertise your puppies depends on the area you live in, whether they are pet or show, how many you have to sell, and the media available to you.1. The best method is word-of-mouth or the breeders grapevine. Let all your Pom friends know what you have to sell how many, sex, color, pet or show, and price. This assumes that you gladly return the favor by referring puppy buyers to them. Also pass the word to people who have bought puppies from you.2.1 havent found ads in the local newspapers to be worthwhile Ive never gotten a single serious buyer from one. Most of the callers felt my dogs were too expensive. Perhaps if you have a lot of pups to sell, or if you are in a large metropolitan area, you may feel differently.3. If they are show quality, by all means advertise in the Review. Its not really the best place to advertise pets, unless you are taking an ad anyway. Same thing is true of show catalogues.4. Local dog clubs may allow notices on bulletin boards or ads in newsletters. But check and see if it is permitted. My obedience club strictly forbids ads for the sale of dogs. Many pet shops and grooming shops have bulletin boards where you can put up a notice.5. The Virginia Federation of Dog Clubs and Breeders annually publishes a breeder directory. Under each breed is the name of the parent clubs corresponding secretary. For each breeder, the name, address, phone number, and codes for "puppies occasionally," "stud service," "champion stud service," etc., are given. To be listed in this directory, a breeder must be a member of a Virginia dog club and be sponsored or approved by that club. Not everyone who applies is approved.These directories are used by dog clubs, veterinarians, and grooming shops to refer puppy buyers. Most of my phone calls about puppies come from this source. And it costs me nothingRemember, pet buyers will be local. Few people looking for a pet are willing to travel to get it. Theyd rather spend 600 in a pet shop for a mediocre dog than drive two hours up the road to pay 400 for a nice one. Someone looking for a show quality dog is usually but not always not only willing to pay more, but are willing to travel or have it shipped.THE INTERVIEW Your initial contact with most buyers will be over the telephone. As.much information as possible should be exchanged at this point to save time and disappointment later. You can tell if theyre vaguely shopping for a small dog, or whether theyre just dying for a Pom. If they ask for a female, find out if theyre really adamant. More than once people who have wanted a pet bitch have bought males and been thrilled with them after I assured them that a neutered male is a super pet and just as clean as a female.If the price, sex, color and age seems to be what the caller is looking for, set up an appointment for an interview. Ask that the whole family come if possible. Do not give your address to anyone who suggests he might just drop in. For Heavens sake, dont appear too eager to sell the puppy. Of course, you will straighten up the living room and bathe the pup before the12 SeptemberOctober 1992 Pomeranianappointed hour. Be sure there is no lingering doggy odor in the house. You might want to get a sitter for you own small children that might distract you during negotiations. Get out your photo albums, the puppys pedigree and shot record, the registration paper, and the puppys baby pictures. Brush up the sire and dam. Place framed championship certificates, obedience certificates, and rosettes strategically around the room. Type up a bill of sale which includes the following information breed, sex, date of whelping, color, sires name and number, dams name and number, litter number or AKC registered name and number and price. Date can be added later. Such a bill of sale should also include any strings attached, in addition to the purchase price - such as requiring that the animal be neutered, attend an obedience class, be shown, or that the breeder get a puppy back. Think twice about such strings, as they are difficult to enforce. I once required that a puppy be spayed before she was a year old. To "enforce" this, I kept the papers and told the owners I would refund 50 on proof of spaying. I still have the papers and the 50.When the prospective buyers arrive, offer them a cup of coffee. They will probably want to see the pup immediately. While they play with him, ask any questions. Have they ever owned a Pom before Why did they pick this breed Are there any other animals in the home Number and ages of children in the home House or apartment Is the yard fenced Are they interested in obedience training Do they plan to breed You will have to use your instincts to try and decide if these are genuine pet buyers or are they just posing. Sometimes people claiming to want only a pet are really looking for breeding stock but only want to pay a pet price. They may be fronting for a puppy mill or a pet shop. This has happened A woman in the D.C. area advertised a Siberian Husky puppy in a local newspaper. Returning home on a Sunday afternoon, she found that the daughter had sold the dog in her absence to a Mr. Harrison not his real name. Something about the situation alarmed her and she began investigating. The next morning she phoned area pet shops. "Yes," said a clerk at one store, "Mr. Harrison works here, but hes out right now." She hightailed it over to the store and there sat her puppy in a cage She got him back, while Mr. Harrison grumbled that he shouldnt have used his real name.Observe the children playing with the puppy. Are they gentle and patient Be especially cautious of children under eight. I say this not only as a breeder, but as a mother of three children. Some kids are great with Poms, but others are NOT. Be certain that the wife and mother welcomes this addition to her household. She is likely to have a large share in the care and rearing of the pup. Be cautious if the puppy is intended as a surprise giftYou have a RIGHT to find out as much as possible about the prospective owners, to assure yourself that this is a suitable home for your precious puppy. And if youre uneasy about the situation, you have the perfect right to say "No, Im sorry."The buyer also has rights to certain information. He should be shown the pedigree. He has a right to see the dam, the sire or a picture of him, and the littermates. Since the dam is likely to be out of coat, you should have pictures of her in full coat. Be honest in predicting the pups eventual size and color. If you have other beautiful dogs in your home and want to show them off, thats fine. But you need not give in to any demands to seeo Qrs oHo oHo 0000 ow orb oPuff Boll PomsPresents our newest champion...Ch. LLL Hi Lltes Jazzman PuffballAmCanMex lnt Ch. Tim Sues High Lights x LLL Bonanza Gold Stella OHG QJazzy finished with a 4 pt major at the Sunflower Cluster weekend.Special thanks to Audrey Roberts, who handled him through most of his points. It was a thrill for me to put on the last points.Also thanks to Janice Luginsland for letting us have him.For the present he is at home at Star-K-Kennels.OwnersQ0ooKeith Ruth Neuway24209 S. Haven Rd.Becky StarkRt 3, Box 3 Udall, KS 67146 316 782-3627 Mt. Hope, KS 671080316 445-2485o 0 0 0 0 W- -O0oo Ow o00 SzjJ 00 0O 0^0 0000 0000 0^0 0000 0^0 0^0 00Puff Balls Mister Terrific CDXCh. Jaconic Parkway x Aces Puff Ball UD, CGCMr. T died May 1992, after spending almost 9 years loving everyone he came in contact with. No one was a stranger to him. He will be missed by all his friends.He had been very active in his therapy work, with his constant companion Irene Hummel. They worked with adults and children at least twice a week. He helped in nursing homes, blind children schools, mental institutions, etc.Thanks for loving Mr. T for us Irene. He will be missed by everyone, for he was, truly a 0 very special Pom.Puff Boll Pomspays tribute to a very special Pom...-0000X A000BreedersKeith Ruth Neuway24209 S. Haven Rd. Mt. Hope, KS 671 08 Q0G r,4 tv Q J c do Ld w kd Pomeranian SeptemberOctober 1992 11By Margaret McKggMy last column may have seemed a little strange because every time I had said the judge would REWARD a dog, the editor had put REGARD. Those were typos, folks I just didnt want you to think I had a weird vocabulary.I am concerned about the accuracy of information a novice to our breed might hear or read. At a show this spring, a friend and I were congratulating a fellow exhibitor on her major. "Its about time," she said with apparent exasperation. "He ought to be finished. Hes been in ten shows" You may have read a "rule" that said something like if the dog has been in x number of shows and doesnt have at least a reserve, he isnt worth showing. Who makes up these rules How did they choose the number x Whether a particular dog wins is dependent on so many other factors besides the quality of the dog the quality and quantity of your competition, the way your dog is presented, the way your dog shows, whether the judge is playing politics or games, whether the judge is competent or not, the judges personal preferences, and plain old luck. I can remember several years ago watching a dog NOT my breeding that I thought was lovely being shown and consistently losing. I finally asked the owner, a novice, if I could examine the dog. My opinion was confirmed he was beautiful. So why wasnt he winning I never did figure out why, but the owner hung in there and the dog did finish. It is very easy for novice exhibitors to get discouraged. We dont need to make it worse by passing on rules that arent really helpful.I am sure that somewhere along the way you have heard or read some breeder claim that they can pick their next big winner at birth. That may be a very daunting pronouncement for a novice. I say its nonsense I can only tell two things while pups are still wet whether they are alive and what gender each is. Even color is iffy. When they are tiny, Im not worried about whether this is the next Prince, but whether Im going to be able to keep it alive Of course, those that make this claim are perfectly safe in doing so because who can prove them wrong We are not there when the babies are whelped and when they are six weeks, three months, and six months to check on their progress and to determine if the orange male in the green collar was truly the next show pup. So novices, dont be concerned as you look at those tiny newborns that dont really even resemble Poms yet, and dont feel you have to evaluate and make any choices yet. You are not stupid. There is plenty of time for choosing later.With the May issue, I have now been writing this column for the Pomeranian Review for 14 years. Now, thats longevity I have worked with six editors. I have never been happy with the title of the column, but I guess it is too late to change it now. Im still not good about meeting deadlines or answering letters, and probably never will be. I do find the column a challenge and love hearing from you, whether by mail or at shows. My loyalty to the club and to this magazine keep me going, cause the pay sure is lousy Your kind comments are my only compensation and are much appreciated.The following is a rewrite of a column that appeared in the 10 SeptemberOctober 1992 Pomeranian 5W0B^7February, 80 Review.SELLING PUPPIESYour precious puppies have survived their first six weeks, and youve decided sadly that you cant keep them all. So now you must think about selling some. Thats easier said than done. The first step is toGET THEM READY Mine get a temporary DHLPP shot at 6 or 7 weeks. Now they are ready to greet the public, so I start "getting them out." I take them everywhere I can think of primarily to our obedience club and to relatives homes to expose them to strange people, places and dogs. I ask everyone to pet and play with them. This exposure is invaluable for developing confidence. I also begin getting them used to toe-nail clipping, ear trimming and brushing.EVALUATE THE LITTER This is maybe the hardest part of all. I wish I could give you a neat formula for deciding which to keep and which to sell, which will be show quality and which wont. Alas, there is no such formula. Its an educated guess, at best. Most experienced breeders can ruefully tell tales of the pup they kept that just didnt turn out and the pets they got rid of that grew up gorgeous. Just resign yourself to the fact that whatever you decide, its a gamble.Experience in watching puppies grow up does help. If it is your first or second litter, you may want to ask a fellow breeder for advice. Try to get the owner of the sire or the breeder of the dam to take a look at them. They have a better idea of growth rates and an eye for spotting potential. For me, the best time to evaluate puppies is at eight to twelve weeks of age. At this time I can get a glimmer of ultimate size, legs, bites, shortness of back, and tail set. If any of these are bad at this age, they are not likely to improve. Temperament can change, but you want one that is basically happy, friendly and likes to be petted.In choosing a pup for yourself, there are a lot of factors to consider. What do you need Male or female Do you want to breed it Train in obedience Do you need a particular color How much space do you have If you can only keep one, look for a promising female of breedable size. I like for females to be about two pounds at eight or nine weeks. If you are limited in funds or space, dont be tempted to keep a gorgeous but tiny female. On the other hand, dont sell a very promising puppy for a pet just because you really could use the money.Now that youve decided which, if any, to keep you must decide whether the others are show or pet quality. Then you are ready to set a price on each one. Consult other breeders in your area. I also keep an eye on the outrageous prices charged by local pet shops. Take into consideration how much you have invested in this litter, the quality and titles of parents, past producing records of the parents, any faults the pup may have, the age of the pup, how many shots it has had, and the demand for Poms in your area. Here again, there is no formula for determining price. More than once Ive seen breeders use a "100 per point" formula to price older dogs, and it frequently results in an overpriced dog. Once you have set a fair, carefully considered price, stick to it. You may get criticism from petQ0 o0^0 Qg gQg gQg gQg q0g oQo 0Q0 gQG G GGooooPuffBollPomsn 9JP' Ch. Tim Sues Dazzlin LightAmCan Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Tim Sues Dazzlin Lady LuckTO HIS SONSENDS CONGRATULATIONS..TO HIS DAUGHTERGGGGGGGGGISfGGGGGGGGOCh. LLL Dazzlin Lights Headliner Ch. Ron-Di-Lees Dazzlin Bambi AKC pendingCh. Tim Sues Dazzlin Light x Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold Katrina Ch. Tim Sues Dazzlin Light x Puff Balls Ray of SunshineOOOBreeder Janice Luginsland Owner Peggy Roberts Rt 1, Box 81 Nickerson, NE 68044Breeder Keith Ruth Neuway Owner Dixie Hampton Rt 1, Box 212 Liberal, MO 64762GGGGPedigrees and stud fees available on request.Keith Ruth Neuway24209 S. Haven Rd. Mt. Hope, KS 67108 316 445-2485 GGGG GwG GG-iG GQ JG GGGG GGJG G^VG Ok JO OPomeranian SeptemberOctober 1992 9fiKC pglgqqtg ReportBy Sam ZqncoffThe AKC meeting which took place June 9, 1992 was a sheer delight. During the morning session which for the first time was conducted by new AKC Chairman John Ward, was very well accepted by the delegate body. For the first time there seemed to be an air of decorum between the delegates and members of the AKC. It was nice to witness this kind of climate.The most important item discussed at this forum was the idea of back-to-back shows. The AKC has approved a numberof clubs to hold back-to-backs. Approvals have been limited, and certain criteria have had to be met. This type of arrangement has been approved for all breed clubs. The sites used for these back-to-back shows have been in the show giving clubs area.At the later afternoon session each delegate was handed a questionnaire form which is to be sent to the AKC.We also discussed options by which clubs would be able to award trophies to breeders, and to have Awards of Merit which would be published in the Premium list. We put this item on our agenda for our next meeting in September.I must say I came away from this meeting feeling quite convinced that the delegate body and the AKC are off to a good understanding with one another. Perhaps the message by the delegates have finally taken affect.New APC Applicants fas of 630921NameJames S. Linda Rae Flint311 S. GibsonPrinceton, IN 47670812-385-3609SponsorsFrances J. StollJennifer CarltonNameKenneth E. Mary H. McKenzie 905 Kevin St.Kannapolis, NC 28183 704-932-4685SponsorsSharon Masnick Dorothy F. MartinWilma J. HillPO Box 175Pointblank, TX 77364 409-377-2503Riki BarkerOlga BakerNoell J. Pilat23902 Carmelia Dr.Hayward, CA 94541510-538-0644Alice R. Lessard Janet ManuszakNew APC MembersNameJeaneanne Blank16060 Brookside Dr.Buchanan, MI 49107 616-695-7308SnonsorsFrances J. StollNadine HersilNameLauren Ivey92 Webster StDouglas, MA 01516508-476-7799SnonsorsBess P. Roberts Judy GreenChristine Z. Caplan5380 Irving Ruby Rd.Eldersburg, MD 21784 410-795-7067Joyce DembinskyBess P. RobertsDianne Kieffer7523 North State Rd. 101Milan, IN 47031812-623-2290Diana M. Downey Frances J. StollBertha C. Cornwall17 Abbot St.Westford, MA 01886 508-692-2916Claire FlesnerGrace BennellB. Krazewicki1028 Walnut St.Newton Highlands, MA 02161 617-244-3615Gale SharlandGail DumiokMichael A. Karen M. Crawford 4149 Seattle AveLas Vegas, NV 89121 702-456-0189Mary VickersSue ConleeXimara B. Larson1088 Nepsic Rd.Glastonburg, CT 06033 203-657-2753Arlene Benko Jackie RaynorPaul A. Gates23720 Clarksburg RdClarksburg, MD 20871 301-540-2485Dianne JohnsonDiana M. DowneyHenry, Jr Barbara Weiman303 Schuster LaneJamesburg, NJ 08831 908-521-1858Patricia A. Foley Dave WattsMarsha Hartman2400 Bear Run Rd.Taneytown, MD 21787 410-751-1561Joyce DembinskyBess P. Roberts8 SeptemberOctober 1992 Pomeranian 5J\7H[3\E7ZPerm LReijiIVLHarshire"Establish I98O4^0 Jinjjsleijjh. Cl, cMilion, Ontario JCQTI^X-8 416875-0269Introducing -- MARSHIRES LOVE SONATAit 1A'rTs GreatElms My Buddy of Lenette x Marshires Love Me TenderOur newest little show girl. We will be showing her this summer on both sides of the boarder. Congratulations to Evelyn Rollie Conley for winning Best of Breed with AC Ch. Marshires Love Letters at the Michigan Pomeranian Specialty. This dog was 4 Pomeranian in Canada for 1991 with only a few months of showing.Marshire Kennels was awarded the honor of 1 Pomeranian Breeders in Canada for 1991uAiorlene . rank ^PenneyPomeranian fftSWOHM SeptemberOctober 1992 7Recording Secretary ReportBy Hoppeth fi. JonesJuneJuly AgendasResults of pending motions posted in JulyAugust Review92-03-04 Motion to delete words in Standing Rule V-2 was adopted. 12-092-05-04 Motion for Treasurer to decide the location of the APC bank accounts was adopted. 11-092-05-11 Motion to not charge commercial rates was adopted. 11-092-05-14 Motion that the Board must have time-to read and discuss the PR contract before signing was adopted. 11-0Motions92-06-10 Audrey Roberts moves that the records of the Virginia savings account be forwarded to Al. If this has already been done then this motion can be dismissed. Seconded by Happeth Jones. Motion adopted 10-0.92-06-11 Audrey Roberts moves that Fran Stoll write to the Dallas Fort Worth Pom Club and remind them of the summer specialty guidelines and request they submit their judges for our approval. Seconded by Happeth Jones. Motion adopted 11-0.Pending Motions92-06-03 Happeth Jones moves that before our general meeting in February a form on which one can write motions be issued to the members. The motions must be returned to the Board in time to be on the Presidents Agenda for the general meeting. This should give the membership more participation in the club. Seconded by Al Williamson. Motion up for voting.92-06-06 Sally Baugniet moves that we drop the monthly reports on breed titles from AKC beginning with June 30, 1992. Seconded by Al Williamson. Motion up for voting.92-06-23 Audrey Roberts moves that any comments Mr. or Mrs. Garvey would like printed in our magazine be first submitted to this board for approval. Seconded by Al Williamson. Motion up for voting.92-06-09 Mary Vickers moves that the Board approve Jean Schroll as chairman and Dolly Trauner on a By-laws committee. Needs a second.92-07-10 Happeth Jones moves that any ad that can be construed as an attempt to damage the reputation of another person must be referred to the entire Board of Directors for a determination before it can be published. Needs a second.92-07-13 Sally Baugniet moves that a Sunshine Committee Chairman be appointed. Their name published along with directions to contact the Chairman with names of members sick enough to have been confined to the hospital for a period of time andor congratulations on a new baby. Needs a second.92-07-16 Happeth Jones moves that Section 2, H of the Constitution is and should be interpreted as referring to thepublic disclosure of the results of the election and does not preclude private communication of the results to the winners prior to that time. Needs a second.92-07-17 Jean Schroll moves that we try having our 1994 Winter Specialty at the Kentucky Cluster and see what happens. Needs a second. Will need membership approval also.CommentsThe following were elected for membership Paul Barbara Gates, Xiomara Larson, Dianne Kieffer, Barbara Henry Weiman, Laureen Ivey, Basi Krzewicki, Marsha Hartman, Karen M. Michael Crawford, Berthe C. Corwall, Christine Z. Caplan, Jeananne Robert Blank. More details will be in the membership report.The nominating committee for our next elections are Jean Schroll Chairman, Dolores Watts, and Nadine Hersil.The Treasurer has opened up a savings account for APC. As of this writing the Treasurer still has not received an original invoice for printing costs.The Board has received a letter from a Marketing firm claiming to be buying dogs for another country that supposedly has a diminished dog population. This firm wants us to mention their company in our publication so you the dog breeders can contact them directly to sell puppies. There is no name on this letter just an address. They want large numbers of dogs. They did not go through AKC. If a country needed dogs you would think they would have gone through AKC. BE AWAREIf you are not happy about something please let us know. We genuinely want to do what is best for this club and its members.6 SeptemberOctober 1992 Pomeranian SJSWOSMKneisler sThe Secrets out.... and shes nearly a championGlen Iris Castle SecrettAAm WWW_ ___________._____________ _Ch. Glen Iris Ivanhoe x Ch. Janesas Glen Iris SorceressIn limited showing as a puppy, Secret is well on her way to her breed title. She is a very beautiful, typey puppy and is maturing into a gorgeous bitch. She is one of our newly acquired foundation bitches and we are looking forward to next spring, when shell be bred.Secret would like to send licks kisses to her breeders Dr. Cheryl Jackson, Joel Taylor and Hiram Stewart, AND I would like to say thank you for such a beautiful bitchI have several show prospect puppies for sale to proper homes. All our dogs are conditioned on Science Diet OwnerHandlerMaria Kneisler9151 S. Darlington Ave 0 Tulsa, OK 74137 0 918492-0520Pomeranian SV7QSM SeptemberOctober 1992 5UPDATES By Mqry Vickersfromthe presidentIve been excited for weeks. Shortly after this deadline, Im leaving on a jet plane for the Pacific Northwest. It is SPECIALTY TIMEBrush Prairie, Washington will be the site of 3 count them, 3 Pom Specialties followed by 3 all-breed shows. For anyone with a Pom be they in breed or obedience, that is 6 shows. Six times to show off your Pom.Entries are pretty good. The APC Summer Specialty has 124 dogs for a total of 175 entries. Puget Sound Pom Club and Columbia Pom Club have nearly the same. Obedience at the APC has 25 entries. Of course Linda Gallacher has at least 5 of those entries. As obedience chairman she wants everyone who qualifies to get a legal "leg." Despite everyone saying they are coming, she knows things happen and it only takes 6 at a Specialty trial for official legs. So Linda is providing "insurance."It has been six years since the Summer Specialty was at Brush Prairie. I have many fond memories of that time. Good food for one. I remember a table spread that kept being replenished for days. To Jean Schroll, who is the catalyst for this event Jean, that glass-blown Pom statue which was THE trophy the last time, gets dusted weekly. I cant wait to see what it is for 1992. Sincerely hope I can take one home, whatever it is.Hockinson Field is a unique place. I cant remember if just the Greater Clark County KC was involved or if Portland KC came in, but someone purchased several acres of land just to have dog shows. It was written up in the AKC Gazette a few years back. It is very pro dogs and exhibitors. They have even landscaped so that when the trees grown they will shade the rings Besides having a club "house" for meetings and such like pay phones, there is THE WALL. This wall is one of the greatest places in the country to have your picture taken when you win. Many of you will remember it as the backdrop for the picture "Obedience Specialty Not Yet." You can bet I have something in mind for the wall and obedience this time. Especially as it will be the APCs 2nd obedience trial.New York and even placing at the Annual National Specialty is THE place to be. Dont discount the Summer Specialties. The win is very prestigious and you can bring your family along to enjoy the local sights. In case you want to mark your calendars, rumor has it that the Houston Pom Club has just voted to come in with Dallas-Ft Worth, and the APC for another 3 days of Specialties in September 1993. Followed by 3 all-breed shows. Looks like we are doing it again.93 Dallas-Ft Worth 94 La Cajun Louisiana 95 Baltimore MarylandPOSTSCRIPT 71492I got to do it again. At the APC dinner, I got up and announced lower priced ads for those winning at the Summer APC Specialty Cluster.Those winning a placement 1st thru 4th, points, BOB, BOS, HIT, Sweeps or in the Parade of Champions are entitled to place an ad in the NovDec Specialty issue of the Review4 SeptemberOctober 1992 Pomeranian 5W0\2deadline Sept. 1 at the special rate of 70 for a full page ad, photo included. This must be on the Pom that makes the placement, but the picture need not be of that win.- SUMMER SPECIALTY WINNING POMS Ch.Cassios Flash In the PanAPC - BOB, BISPortland KC - BOB, Group IGreater Clark County KC - BOB, Group IWillamette Valley KC - BOB, Group I, BISCh. Chriscendo Classica APC- BOSCh. Lovely Jessie Sais So CPC - BOB, BISCh. Sungolds Short Circuit PSPC - WDCh. Valcopy-Wakhan Dress To Kill Portland KC - BOSApolloette Top Brass PSPC - WDAutumns Peterhilt A Truck CPC - WD, BOWCherlyns Time For Pattys Portland KC - WDDupres Sparkling Gold CharmCPC-WB Portland KC - WBGlen Iris Castle Secret PSPC - WBJan-Els Duke of EarlGCCKC- WDPom Groves Repeating Echo WVKC - WD, BOWSilverwoods Happi Lee GCCKC - WB, BOSTLCs Kandy Kissy WVKC- WBTreasured Deans Hi Hierachy APC-WDTomhos Strutting On A Catwalk APC - WB, BOW CPC - BOS WVKC - BOSHair Revitalizer and Instant Anti-Static Coat Spray8 oz. pump spray............................................................... 5.00Gallon Refill size............................................................... 24.95Moisturizing Coat Protector EnhancerWonderful for wrapping, dematting and breaking down lacquer 7.5 oz. aerosol spray........................................................ 4.95Super Cleaning and Conditioning Shampoo16 oz. trial size........................................................................... 6.95Gallon size.................................................................................. 21.95Super Rich Protein Lotion Conditioner16 oz. trial size............................................................... 10.95Gallon size.................................................................................. 27.95Pure Cosmetic Lanolin Plus16 oz. trial size.................................................................. 12.95Half Gallon size................................................................. 29.95Gallon size......................................................................... 49.95Professional Formula Whitening Shampoo16 oz. trial size........................................................................... 6.95Gallon size.................................................................................. 22.95Self-Rinse Conditioning Shampoo and Coat Refresher16 oz. trial size .-............................................................... 6.95Gallon size......................................................................... 20.951 ALL SYSTEMS Lanolin Stabilizer Coat Retexturizer - asolution to over-conditioned, over-relaxed, over-processed coatQuart size.......................................................................... 8.95Gallon size........................................................................ 19.95NEW ITEM1 ALL SYSEMS reintroduces Ultimate Natural Control Coat Dressing newly improved and packaged in an economical and convenient 1 lb. jar with pump top asPremium Protein Pack Pre Chalk Pure Cosmetic Skin and Coat Conditioner - a complete, non-oily conditioner and coat dressing.1 lb. jar.................................. .-.......................... 16.951 ALL SYSTEMS brings you a complete conditioning and moisturizing oil for holding, protecting and conditioning coats. Lightweight, water-soluable and safe for whitebleached, porous and very fine silky coats. Washes out easily and quickly - Its practically GOOF-Proof1 ALL SYSTEMS Humectant Moisturizing Oil Complete Cosmetic Conditioner with Evening Oil of Primrose.16 oz. size........................................................... 11.9512 Gallon............................................................ 32.95Gallon.................................................................. 56.951 ALL SYSTEMS Ultimate Pin BrushLarge................................................................... 10.00Small.................................................................... 8.50Please include 5.00 for freight CONTINENTAL U.S. ONLY. Virginia residents add appropriate sales tax. Prices quoted in U.S. dollars. UPS COD charges 3.75.1 ALL SYSTEMSProfessional Canine Grooming Products Distributed ByS.R. White Rt. 2 Box 845 Rockville, VA 23146 804 749-3236Pomeranian 5JW0\5 SeptemberOctober 1992 3FFBsQff8PresidentMary Viewers1st Vice PresidentAudrey o6erts2nd Vice PresidentDavid WattsT ^-b-JbarRecording SecretaryMappeth A. JonesCorresponding SecretaryFrances J. StoCCRural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501TreasurerAl WilliamsonPOB 4207Pineville, LA 71361-4207Sally Baugniet Carol A. JalavicfiMargaret McKee Jean tB. ScfirollAony Aellcz Cheryl WagnerEditor QailA. QarveyPublishing HouseE XPEDITIOPUBLISHINGNPO Box A, 45 Pennwood Drive Mastic Beach, NY 11951-0501 Tel 516 399-3199 Fax 516 399-3182Business ManagerMarie CarCougfi8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel 516 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions Brenda . MuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Tel 517 485-5183Back-Issues Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Rd Goochland, VA 23063 Tel 804 556-3380Pomeranian SJHWUBM ISSN 0744-8546 is published bimonthy JanMarMayJulSepNov in Mastic Beach, NY by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright 1992 by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission. Subscriptions are 30.00 per year 3rd class mail 35.00 per year 1st Class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and APOs US funds only.Custom graphics and all graphic compilations 1992 Expedition Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. All material and manuscripts submitted for publication with the exception of photos and custom graphics become the property of the American Pomeranian Club, all rights reserved. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.2 SeptemberOctober 1992 Pomeranian 5JI3W0I3M\peaturesCover Story.................................................... 1Ch. Golden Aires Kip A Wee HeartCommittee Chairman.......................13 rticlesHelpful Hints............................................. 10Margaret McKeeObedience News........................................22Linda Gallagher5 lub iUeiusSan Diego Pom Club............................... 16Margaret OntiverosMichigan Pom Club................................. 18Evelyn ConleyColumnsUpdates...........................................................4from the PresidentRecording Secretarys Report..................6AKC Delegates Report................................8New Members...............................................8Behind The New Titlists........................... 20Yips 8l Yaps................................................. 24Business Cards........................................... 27Advertisers Index.......................................28Pomeranian Index....................................28COVER STORYsua. mv mss gosortOn the cover we are pleased to feature our Champion Golden Aires Kip A Wee Heart, the little guy who is helping us to fulfill our dreams...Kip was a beautiful puppy always full of himself and demanding attention. Sometimes, his attitude and animation have been hard to contain.This youngster started his winning ways with a four point major at eight months, followed by BEST OF BREED wins over specials from the 9-12 month puppy class.We expect great things from Kip in the specials ring this fall with JEAN SCHROLL.He has proven himself as a producer with some beautiful babies growing up at Wee Hearts and Golden Aires.Proud breeders ownersSharon MasnickGOLDEN AIRES POMS 803 928-3511Cassandra EvansWEE HEARTS POMS 912 537-2382 Pending AKC confirmationCh. Millamors Trademark Ch. Millamors Mark TraditionCh. Millamors Sparkling Music Ch. Golden Aires MoonwalkerCh. Coys Top of the Mark De Artas Dancing MarkettaDe Artas Wee Dancing Cherri Ch. Golden Aires Kip A Wee HeartAmCan Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Western Express Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine Wee Hearts Summer SongElks Elfin Magic of Lennis Elks Brandy LikkerDOro Magic Dragon of LennisCOMMITTEE CHAIRMENAKC DELEGATE AWARDS LOCAL CLUBS PUBLIC RELATIONSSam Zaneoff Judy Shearer Dianne Johnson Lois Hamill10 Park Avenue 523 Miller Avenue 2901 Putty Hill Road 4 Domenic DriveNew York, NY 10016 Sugarcreek OH 44681 Baltimore, MD 21234 Chelmsford, MA 01824APC ARCHIVES EDUCATION MEMBERSHIP SKIN DISEASESharon Shipek Sally Baugniet Jerrie Freia Cheryl Jackson4803 3rd Avenue 411 S State Street POB 2775 1038 16th AvenueBirmingham, AL 35205 Mishicot, WI54228 Morgan City, LA 70381 Birmingham, AL 35205APC REGISTRAR HEALTH OBEDIENCE THE POM SHOPPEJean Schroll Dolly Trauner Linda Gallacher Bess Roberts12950 S New Era Road 2025 Lyon Street 1990 Ridge Way DriveOregon City, OR 97045 San Francisco, CA 94115 Eugene, OR 97401 YEARBOOKPaul G. LewisPomeranian SJSWOSM SeptemberOctober 1992 1