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The Pomeranian Review November 1992

AmericanPomeranian^lub, IncPublished BimonthlyxPomeranianBrood Bitch Issue NovemberDecember 1992r\A4best of breedOR VARIETYZ2STEEL CITY KENNEL CLUB iPRIL992 PHOTO BY S. BOOTHsua. w-sGataRS m^tooki mw--M\-A 1''Au LJ - VPOtTOV IN MOTION"'y'yiui' ' VWa-j'm-fnnM prettv as a pictureSire Ch. Jan-Shars In Living Color Dam Jan-Shars NickiPictured with Judge Charlotte Patterson and Handler Jeanne Blank\ \ i, XpC^ x.' A -x -A Vir^ \ , f v-\ -a yr n\ i X ^________ \ \ A V-. j11 \ v-u rvl-A \ \ Vs \ VC '-X\\NxC' -'.'a \ \ vs 5 fv \ .xdl-f\ \ \ \ \\ \ tl A k\WW^A x.^ X \ V. V \lUN-fHMM UMUZIN6 CPUCESire Ch. Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo Dam Jan-Shars Semi SweetPictured above with Judge Clint Harris and Handler Jason LynchProud Owner Breeder f'y, y-.....................MtMl-------- 1 HMBONHlINfONl^BHff-1 1Rt 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966 304 497-2446 days 304 497-2289 nightsinu_jUBEST SEXOPPOFm.LCOVER STORYsea. mwDewey has indeed been a dream come true I first saw him on a video at 6 months of age sent to me by his breeder Sharon Hanson. I knew he was the dog for me Many of you saw him in NY, his first time as a special winning an Award of Merit, and many fans. He has since won numerous Group placements, as he is learning how to be the ultimate show dog. Most important is what he will do as a sire. We currently have some gorgeous pups out of him, to be shown in early 1993. I would like to thank Agus Kosasih Indonesia for trusting my judgement on Dewey, and for your constant support. To his breeder Sharon, thanks for sending me your best\ Last, but not least, thanks to my good friend Sue Malek for handling Dewey to many wins while Im on "Maternity leave."AgentJeanne Blank616 695-7308Owner Agus KosasihBreeder Sharon Hanson304 497-2446G20UPjt7ECOMMITTEE CHAIRMENAKC DELEGATE Sam Zaneoff 10 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016APC ARCHIVES Sharon Shipek 4803 3rd Avenue Birmingham, AL 35205APC REGISTRAR Jean Schroll12950 S New Era Road Oregon City, OR 97045AWARDS Judy Shearer523 Miller Avenue Sugarcreek, OH 44681EDUCATION Sally Baugniet 411 S State Street Mishicot, WI54228HEALTH Dolly Trauner2025 Lyon Street San Francisco, CA 94115LOCAL CLUBS Dianne Johnson 2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore, MD 21234MEMBERSHIP Jerrie Freia POB 2775Morgan City, LA 70381OBEDIENCE Linda Gallacher1990 Ridge Way Drive Eugene, OR 97401PUBLIC RELATIONS Lois Hamill 4 Domenic Drive Chelmsford, MA 01824SKIN DISEASE Cheryl Jackson 1038 16th Avenue Birmingham, AL 35205THE POM SHOPPE Bess RobertsYEARBOOK Paul G. LewisPomeranian SJHWQSIE NovemberDecember 1992 1\ 'VTOT3Ql3PresidentMary Vidors1st Vice PresidentAudrey Roberts2nd Vice PresidentDavid WattsRecording SecretaryMappetb A. JonesVCorresponding SecretaryFrances J.StoCCRural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501 Treasurer AC Wiltiamson POB 4207Pineville, LA 71361-4207SaCCy Baugniet Margaret McJee Fony TeCCezCaroCA. JaCavicfi Jean B. ScbroCC CficryC WagnertUDQ[M][E[lsl[I R3W03\59EditorQaiCA. JarveyPublishing HouseEXPEDITIOPUBLISHING NPO Box A, 45 Pennwood Drive Mastic Beach, NY 11951-0501 Tel 516 399-3199 Fax 516 399-3182Business ManagerMarie CarCougfi8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel 516 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions Back-IssuesBrenda . Mutton Margaret McJeeR102 Tudor Lane 2426 Sandy Hook RdLansing, Ml 48906 Goochland, VA 23063Tel 517 485-5183 Tel 804 556-3380Pomeranian RSWIISM ISSN 0744-8546 is published bimonthy JanMarMayJulSepNov in Mastic Beach, NY by the American Pomeranian Clujb, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright 1992 by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission. Subscriptions are 30.00 per year 3rd class mail 35.00 per year 1st Class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and APOs US funds only.Custom graphics and all graphic compilations 1992 Expedition Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part is prohibited without express written permission.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. All material and manuscripts submitted for publication with the exception of photos and custom graphics become the property of the American Pomeranian Club, all rights reserved. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.2 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian SJBWQSMfeaturesCover Story............................................. ...... ICh. Jan-Shar Mountain DewArticlesThe APC Summer Clusters.................... .......8Sally BaugnietHeating Pad Tragedy.............................. .... 12Evelyn BlakeA Novice Speaks...................................... .... 20Barbara McClatcheyObedience News...................................... .... 24Linda Gallagherlub OOewsThe Puget Sound Pom Club.................. .... 14Janelle ReichColumnsCommittee Chairman................... .......1Updates.................................................... .......4from the PresidentTales to Tell............................................. .......5from the EditorRecording Secretarys Report.... ....... 6New 3ES Members............................ ....... 9Yips Si Yaps............................................. .... 21Behind The New Titlists......................... .... 32Business Cards........................................ .... 35Advertisers Index.................................... .... 36Pomeranian Index.................................. .... 36Hair Revitalizer and Instant Anti-Static Coat Spray8 oz. pump spray.......................................................................... 5.00Gallon Refill size......................................................................... 24.95Moisturizing Coat Protector EnhancerWonderful for wrapping, dematting and breaking down lacquer 7.5 oz. aerosol spray..................................................................... 4.95Super Cleaning and Conditioning Shampoo16 oz. trial size............................................................................ 6.95Gallon size................................................................................... 21.95Super Rich Protein Lotion Conditioner16 oz. trial size............................................................................ 10.95Gallon size................................................................................... 27.95Pure Cosmetic Lanolin Plus16 oz. trial size................................................................. 12.95Half Gallon size................................................................. 29.95Gallon size................................................................................... 49.95Professional Formula Whitening Shampoo16 oz. trial size............................................................................. 6.95Gallon size................................................................................... 22.95Self-Rinse Conditioning Shampoo and Coat Refresher16 oz. trial size............................................................................. 6.95Gallon size................................................................................... 20.951 ALL SYSTEMS Lanolin Stabilizer Coat Retexturizer - asolution to over-conditioned, over-relaxed, over-processed coatQuart size..................................................................................... 8.95Gallon size....................................................................... 19.95NEW ITEM1 ALL SYSEMS reintroduces Ultimate Natural Control Coat Dressing newly improved and packaged in an economical and convenient 1 lb. jar with pump top asPremium Protein Pack Pre Chalk Pure Cosmetic Skin and Coat Conditioner - a complete, non-oily conditioner and coat dressing.1 lb. jar............................................................... 16.951 ALL SYSTEMS brings you a complete conditioning and moisturizing oil for holding, protecting and conditioning coats. Lightweight, water-soluable and safe for whitebleached, porous and very fine silky coats. Washes out easily and quickly - Its practically GOOF-Proof1 ALL SYSTEMS Humectant Moisturizing Oil Complete Cosmetic Conditioner with Evening Oil of Primrose.16 oz. size........................................................... 11.9512 Gallon...........................................................32.95Gallon................................................................. 56.951 ALL SYSTEMS Ultimate Pin BrushLarge.................................................................. 10.00Small.................................................................. 8.50Please include 5.00 for freight CONTINENTAL U.S. ONLY. Virginia residents add appropriate sales tax. Prices quoted in U.S. dollars. UPS COD charges 3.75.1 ALL SYSTEMSProfessional Canine Grooming Products Distributed ByS.R. White Rt. 2 Box 845Rockville, VA 23146 804 749-3236Pomeranian SJSMQSW NovemberDecember 1992 3By Mary Vickers presidentUPDATES from, theI am going to ask you to play a little game right now as you read this. What I am asking you to do is read the following three paragraphs, then sit back and think about it before you read further. Fantasize a bit. Let your imagination run wild. Make sure you are comfortable.Begin now...Wherever you are sitting at the moment, look around you. Are you drinking coffee or soda Look at the glass, the cup. Look at the furniture in your room. Are there pictures of your favorite Pom around Your family Look at them. A TV Look at it. Is there a lamp on Think about the light that comes from that lamp. Will your telephone ring interrupting your reading Are there books around Magazines Paperwork things like AKC registration forms that you were going to fill out and send Letter to friends or bills you are intending to pay later Look at your collection of Pom figurines. Pick your favorite, the one you would not give away for love or money. Look at the clothes you are wearing now.When you have looked at all the things around you that you take for granted, imagine, if you will, that the only thing left in your room is you the clothes you are wearing the chair you are sitting on. All else is goneThink about that for awhile and then continue reading.You can try but you cant really imagine how it feels to have all your possessions, all the things you take for granted, gone. Those who have been through something devastating can.Hurricane Andrew damaged Southern Florida and parts of Louisiana in late August. There are no members or subscribers of the APC or Pom Review in the "tent city" area of Florida. Well-known Pom exhibitor, Tony Cabrera lives right on the fringe. He had no electricity or useful water for a time, but escaped almost unscathed.Morgan City, LA is a different story. There are 3 APC members there, Jerrie Freia, John Lewis and Brandy Williams. THEY ARE FINE, all have minimal physical damage of some sort, but that has been corrected. Some psychological damage probably remains.I do know that all 3 heeded the evacuation order. Jerrie and Brandy went to their respected families, John Adam headed for a motel in Baton Rouge. I know that Jerrie packed her car with Poms, some dog supplies and their AKC papers and didnt pack any clothes. One of her many wishes during her "exile" was a dry pair of shoes. All three were worrying about what they would find on their return if anything. As both Jerrie and John live in mobile homes, the possibility that nothing would exist was strong.As each drove back to their developments, spirits sagged as they saw the devastation. Some houses, some places they knew well were not there or not livable. Luckily, both mobile homes a few blocks away from each other were up-right and in place. Trees were down, fences swayed and doors were hard to open, but they were intact and personal possessions remained. The damage was controllable.Brandy Williams lives in a brick house, she lost a roof, or 4 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian 5i'J7QI3'ffipart of one, but it was replaced by the time I heard the report that she arrived home.The disaster did not stop there. It continued for weeks.Electricity was non-existent. Jerrie whelped two bitches hoping her supply of batteries would hold out. She finally got a generator that made things much more bearable but not near normal. John already had a generator on his premises. Brandy survived by hooking up to a neighbors generator.Water coming from a damaged supply was questionable. Was it contaminated Who knew But without air-conditioning try keeping Poms cool hydrated in the heat and humid swampland of the South.How do you cook without electricity or gas You dont. You eat out of boxes and cans, especially if you have a manual can opener. You could barbecue outdoors. But when your meat supply was refrigerated or in a freezer without power for days, you dare not use that. If you have gasoline you drive to the shelter for a hot meal. Remember that electricity is needed to pump gas. Gas was in short supply.Phone service was erratic. Many of us could call into the area sometimes getting a connection, but maybe not the house you wanted. Weeks went by before they could call out. Even then there were disconnects.They are surviving. They are very lucky. As you read this life probably back to normal.Although we have no members or readers in Florida, their plight continues and will for a long time. Considering the large number of Poms in the country, there must be Poms there somewhere. If not Poms, other dogs. If you havent already done so, open your pocketbook. Call 1-800-AKC-TELL and ask where to send your donation. Sit back in your easy chair in your comfortable room with all your familiar belongings around you and hope that nothing like this ever happens to you.Club business... The APC Board this year overturned a long standing rule that a member can not be the editor of the Pom Review. With the next issue Dudley Roach Queenaire, Reg. will take the reins of this magazine. Many things are in store for the readers. A return to the original size and COLOR. Dudley has a lot up his sleeve. Give him a call at 209 529-5270.Talcs To Tell By Gqil fi. Gqrvgyfrom the EditorFor those of you who may not be aware, my two year contract as Editor of the Pomeranian Review is complete. The APC has chosen a new editor starting with the JanuaryFebruary 1993 issue, Mr. Dudley Roach address below. I wish Dudley all the luck in the world for a successful reign.1 would like to say that I have enjoyed editing the Pomeranian Review and have met many nice people along the way. I would be lying if I said it was all smooth sailing it was not yet, the good feelings and new friendships I have gained have far out-weighed any negatives we had to deal with.There are many that have supported me throughout the last two years, by your continued advertising, and supportive letters that have helped me immensely. Id like to take the opportunity to name a few Mary Allan Allayn, Jeanne Blank Absolute, Marie Carlough Rickgarbob, Evelyn Rollie Conley Lyn-Lee, David Edwards ShrDa, Nina Epps Oakridge, Ken Griffith Lenette, Sharon Hanson Jan-Shar, Bonnie Harris Tresstique, Chris John Heartz Chriscendo, Maria Kneisler Kneislers, Anna Liselli AN-JO, Sharon Masnick Golden Aires, Evelyn Newyear Neujahr, Marlene Frank Penney Marshire, Rosemary Regoni Deena Swinney Dars Foxridge, Mary Rosenbaum Bi-Mar, Lisa Smart, Brenda Segelken Fame, Linda Teresko Timberwood, Brenda TurnerBrynRose, Dave Dolores Watts Watts, and the list goes on and on, too many to mention in so little space, so forgive me for not continuing. You all have my sincerest thanksWhen we started publishing the Pomeranian Review it was merely to prove our expanded capabilities. We needed to prove that we could produce and deliver a timely, quality publication. We succeeded in doing that long before composition restrictions were placed on us that have asthetically hurt the magazine.I enjoyed doing a dog breed magazine so much, that I am now pursuing another breed magazine. We are even toying with the idea of an all toy breed magazine. Who knows what the future will actually bring, yet I hope that some day our paths will cross againPlease send all material for future Pomeranian Review issues toDudley Roach 612 Woodrow Avenue Modesto, CA 95350IntroducingCh. 9doonshadozv Eye of Tie Tiger U.CD.Finished 71992 Santa Barbara Show 2nd place 190 ScoreWe did it, What a team. What a year.Lois Campbell 1600 E. Los Altos Fresno, CA 93710iVc-11Pomeranian NovemberDecember 1992 5Recording Secretary ReportBy Moppeth G. ]onesfiugustSeptember AgendasResults of pending motions posted in the SeptOct Review92-06-03 Motion that before our general meeting a form to write motions on be given out was adopted. 9 yes,-2 no, 1 abstain.92-06-06 Motion to drop the monthly reports from AKC on breed titles was adopted. 5 yes, 4 no, 1 abstain.92-06-23 Motion that any comments by Mr. Mrs. Garvey be subject to Board approval before being published in the PR was adopted. 10 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain.92-06-09 Is an incorrect number, the motion is number 92-07-09. The motion to approve a by-law committee was approved. 9-0.92-07-10 Motion that ads damaging someone are to be reviewed by the board was adopted. 9-0.92-07-13 Motion to approve a sunshine committee was adopted. 9-0.92-07-16 The motion to notify winners of our election before the general meeting was amended to notify the nominees of the results before the general meeting. This amended motion now number 92-07-16a was adopted. 8-1.92-07-17 The motion to have our 1994 Winter Specialty at the Kentucky cluster was first ruled to be out of order so did not go up for voting. On further review of the constitution it was revealed that the constitution does not compel us to hold the Specialty in NY. So the motion goes back into the Agenda for voting. It has been seconded by Frances Stoll.Motions92-06-20 Jean Schroll moves to accept Dudleys offer to do the Pom Review in the color cover, smaller size. To begin when our contact with Expedition Publishing expires. Seconded by Sally Baugniet. Motion adopted. 8 yes, 3 no, 1 abstain.92-07-32 Margaret McKee moves that we contract with Dudley Roach to edit the Pomeranian Review. Size and color of future Pom Reviews to be decided at a later vote. Seconded by Happeth Jones. Motion adopted. 5 yes, 4 no, 3 abstain. Motion 92-07-32 92-06-20 conflict with each other. Our Parliamentarian says that in a case where there is a direct conflict and no set rule the motion receiving the highest number would take precedent. Therefore motion 92-07-20 will be the one implemented.92-07-31 Margaret McKee moves that we notify Expedition Publishing that we will not renew our contract with them to publish the Pomeranian Review. Seconded by Jean Schroll. Motion adopted 12-0.92-09-01 Happeth Jones moves that with the start of the new Editorship and size of the Pom Review, we reduce our current price scales for members and non-members to the following Price amounts to be mailed out on separate flyer This scale is to be tried for the first three issues and if found to be non-supporting will then be revised as necessary.Seconded by A1 Williamson. Vote done by telephone poll. Motion adopted.92-09-02 Jean Schroll moves that we revise the amount of the full page ad. Seconded by Happeth Jones. Vote done by telephone poll. Motion adopted.Pending Motions92-09-05 A1 Williamson moves that if we do poll the membership for their wishes on the size of the Review that such information as the above regarding cost effectiveness that he has given the board be given to them, as few people would think of it, otherwise. As Treasurer he is quite concerned. Needs a second.92-09-10 Sally Baugniet moves that the Sunshine committee include sympathy cards for the death of a member or members immediate family as defined by AKC. Needs a second.92-09-11 Sally Baugniet moves that if 92-07-16a is passed, that the Officer and Board of Director nominees of the APC are to be notified prior to their election status, providing they first agree to keep that status confidential until is is announced at the Annual meeting. Needs a second.92-09-13 Sally Baugniet moves that we approve the committee sheet and the potential visit list for kennel visits. Needs a second.CommentsThe Board received a bid from Dudley Roach to edit the Pomeranian Review. He offered lower costs, color option for cover, two color center spread and is working to try to get a color cut for inside pages. He offered to merchandise the magazine and search for suitable articles and contributors. He advised the Board that he has plenty of filler to take care of empty white space that he views the Board as his employer and it is not his place to editorialize or censure. He further advised the Board that he considers himself a professional person and will go out of his way to be objective, helpful and courteous to all advertisers and subscribers. The Board accepted his bid.The Board has adopted a motion to reduce the advertising rates in the Pom Review for three months. If enough volume in ads and member support keep the magazine from losing money the rales will stay reduced.There is some discussion about taking a poll of the entire membership regarding their feelings on the size change of the Review.The Board has approved Audine French, Pamela Warren Yongen, Theresa Vieregge, and Nancy Smith for membership in APC.The Corresponding Secretary reports that the results of the election for 1994 Winter Specialty judges were Darrell Baker for the Regular classes and Dolores Watts for Sweepstakes pending their acceptance.The Treasurer sent in a six month summary that shows so far this year we have taken in more receipts than expenditures.6 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian RBWQSM'm. jjIJR. SHOWMANSHIPFIRSTPLACEARIVERHEAD KENNEL CLUB r JULY , 1992' 6 TOM Dl GIACOMO y____fipril and Trooper...What a SUPER TeamLeft Photo Shows April taking her first point with Trooper in the Novice Junior ring.Bottom Photo Shows April taking first place with Trooper at a Sanctioned Match.I would like to thank my daughter April for doing such a great job handling Trooper. Watch for April in the conformation ring on her first handling assignment with Gypsys Crystal Moon of AN-JO.- t- L fi S W _3 fipril W'h"SnTtooPonsSsssSwjBreederOwnerGail A. GarveyPO Box AMastic Beach, NY 11951 516 399-3199HandlerApril D. GarveyJR. SHOWMANSHIPFIRSTPLACELONG ISLAND KENNEL CLUBAUGUST1992Pomeranian 1BWQ3M NovemberDecember 1992 7By Sqlly gquqnigtWhats new in clusters The American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty clustered with two other Pomeranian Specialties. Thats whatThree Pomeranian Specialties were held at the same show site on three consecutive days. Wednesday July 8th the Puget Sound Pom Club held their Specialty show, Thursday the APC Summer Specialty was held, Friday was the Columbia Pom Clubs Specialty. These were followed by three all-breed shows on the next three days. This all took place at Brush Prairie, Washington at an outdoor show site owned by an all-breed club.Jean Schroll was the coordinator for the APC July Specialty and being President of the Columbia Pom Club, had double-double duty. It was truly a most enjoyable cluster. Jean and her crew did an excellent job.Wednesday night Jean and Nadine Hersil took charge of presenting a Pomeranian Seminar as the first part of the Judges Study Group. It was open to Judges, breeders and exhibitors. I understand it went well, with lots of discussion, a variety of colors in Poms there for examination, and a great educational experience. I was unable to fly in until later Wednesday night, due to circumstances beyond my control.On Thursday, APCs show, Nadine, Bessie Pickens and I were the mentors for ringside discussion with those judges who were there for the Judges Study Group. This took place during the actual judging. The exhibitors of some of the excellent quality Poms were gracious enough to allow the studying judges to go over their Poms after the judging and picture taking was over. Thanks to those exhibitors, also. Thursday evening was the banquet, which was very well attended. We even had the honor of the presence of our AKC Representative, Pom lady, Janice Luginsland. She was bright-eyed and bushy tailed But then, who wouldnt be, surrounded by all of us Pom breeders and exhibitors Lets hear it for us Do you know what is nice about us We can still have smiles and a good time even when we dont win. That is what counts with a real Pom person. If you havent reached that point, you are missing something. Work on it By the time you have become a real Pom person, Ill bet you will be a winner too.A Resume of the Two Pom Clubs Show ResultsPuget Sound Pomeranian Club, Inc.Sweeps Judge Rita LaVerneBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Tomho Strutting On the Catwalk - BreederOwners Tommi Sandi Hooban BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Cinnabars Buttonfly Levi - BreederOwner Vicki ClendeninJudge Anne HaydenWINNERS DOG Apolloette Top Brass - Breeder Marlene Marlin Presser, Owners Marlene Presser Rosemary SmalleyRESERVE WINNERS DOG Cherylyns Showtime for Pattys - Breeder Cheryl Bergerson, Owner Shirley Larimer8 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian mENWWWINNERS BITCH Glen Iris Castle Secret - Breeder Cheryl Jackson, Joel Taylor and Hiram Stewart, Owner Maria KneislerRESERVE WINNERS BITCH J Winfalls Gold D Light - BreederOwners Susan Robert Johnson BEST OF BREED Ch. Sungolds Short Circuit- BreederOwner Anna LaFortune BEST OF WINNERS Glen Iris Castle Secret BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED Glen Iris Castle SecretColombia Pomeronign Club, Inc.Sweeps Judge Tony TellezBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Tomho Strutting On the Catwalk - BreederOwners Tommi Sandi Hooban BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy - Breeder Claudia Wallace, Owner Dean HebertFuturity Judge Carol WilliamsBEST IN FUTURITY Rosehills Simply Ma Va Lous - BreederOwner Rosemary SchroederJudge James ReynoldsWINNERS DOG Autumns Peterbilt A Truck - BreederOwner Emily UntalanRESERVE WINNERS DOG Phyner Black Atom - BreederOwner Dolly TraunerWINNERS BITCH Dupres Sparkling Gold Charm - BreederOwner Mrs. James Dupre, Sr.RESERVE WINNERS BITCH Glen Iris Castle Secret - Breeder Cheryl Jackson, Joel Taylor and Hiram Stewart, Owner Maria KneislerBEST OF BREED Ch. Lovely Jessie Sais So - BreederOwner. Victoria LovelyBEST OF WINNERS Autumns Peterbilt A Truck BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED Tomho Strutting On the CatwalkBEST IN PUPPY CLASSES Dupres Sparkling Gold CharmThe fi.P.C. Summer SpecialtySweepstakes Judge Mrs. Claudia Pfeffer Total Puppy Sweeps was 13 dogs, 19 bitches6-9 month Poppy Dogs, 8 entered1st place Cinnabars Buttonfly Levi - BreederOwner Vicki Clendanin9-12 month Peppy Dogs, 5 entered1st place Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy - Breeder Claudia Wallace, Owner Dean Hebert 6-9 month Peppy Bitches, 9 entered1st place Del Sols Delta Dawn - Breeder Sue Philip Conlee, Owner Susan ConleyAN-JO 8i GGs PomeranianspeBlFBBmtUeeGGs Summer Breeze of AN-JOAN-JO Dancin Autumn Spectrum x GGs KP ExtraordinairBreezy is a beautiful, extremely sound puppy with personality plus We are looking forward to getting her out in the show ring. Her pedigree is a Showstopper Great Elms combination. Breezys mother "Cookie" is a 4 12 pound, very typy, orange sable. Her sire "Spec" is a handsome, red sable with a gorgeous head that he is passing on to his get. Spec lacks only a few points for his championship. Breezys sire, grandsire and half-brothers photos can be seen on pg. 27 of the JulyAug 1992 Pomeranian Review, her dams puppy photo can be seen on pg. 30 of the JulyAug 1991 Pomeranian Review Puppy Photo Contest Ad.BreederBonnie LemaireCo-ownerAN-JO Pomeranians Anna Liselli27 President Rd. Mastic Beach, NY 11951 516 281-8246Co-ownerG.G.s Pomeranians Gail A. GarveyPO Box AMastic Beach, NY 11951 516 399-3199New APC Members New APC ApplicantsNameAudene French 2340 N 675 E N. Ogden, UT 84414 801-782-1531Nancy Smith Rt 1, Box 171 Norwood, MO 65717 417-746-4740Teresa Vieregge 1300 Connally Waco, TX 76711 817-752-7035Warren Pamela Yogen 21777 N. Cumberland Rd. Noblesbille, IN 46060 317-773-5912Sponsor Claire Flesner Brenda HuttonNina K. Epps Janice G. PannedMarian Coy Annette Lynn HeiseRenee McGrath, D.V.M. Frances J. StollNameLouis and Betty Gorby 275 Cambridge Dr.Aurora, OH 44202 216-562-2166Mitsuo Hattori Marit Hattori 46^459 Hulupala PI Kaneohe Hawaii, 96744 808-895-8200Agus KosasihJl. R.S. Fatmawati No 12 A Jakarta 12410, Indonesia 62-21-7503221Muriel Melodie Fleurs 14350 St Martin Des Besaces 14St Martiin Des Besaces, France 31-68-7140Sponsor Evelyn E. Blake Sharon L. HansonEllen Takayama Michael M. Thors tadSharon L. Hanson Evelyn E. BlakePomeranian SJSWOS'E NovemberDecember 1992 99-12 momis Flippy Bitches, 10 entered 1st place Tomho Strutting On the Catwalk - BreederOwners Tommi Sandi HoobanBEST IN PUPPY SWEEPS Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy. A very nice cobby orange.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN SWEEPS Tomho Strutting on the Catwalk Total Veterans Sweepstakes was 36-9 years Veteran Dog Ch. Deverys Diamond Chip - BreederOwner Devery Sandra Davis 9 years and older Veteran Dog Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky - Breeder Marlin Marlene Presser, BreederOwner Betty Schaap6-9 years Veteran Bitch Ch. Lessard Shangrila of Jubilee, UD - Breeder Lorene Bradbury, Owner Alice Lessard BEST IN VETERAN SWEEPS Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky, what a nice Pom A real showman, ever ready to giveem all a run for their money.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN VETERAN SWEEPS Ch. Lessard Shangrila of Jubilee, UDJudge Mr. Leslie B. RogersTotal entry 104, 43 Dogs, 35 Bitches, 2 Veteran Dogs, 23 Best of Breed 14D, 9B, 1 Stud Dog6-9 month Puppy Dog, 10 entered1st place Cascades Broadway Joe V L-R - Breeder Doris Wheeler, BreederOwner Ron Feyh 9-12 month Pupjsy Dog, 6 entered, 1 absent 1st place Nolas Joshua Fudge - Breeder Nola Williams, Owner Kathryn Hartz D. Stephen Turner Bred by Exhibitor, 7 entered1st place Apolloette Top Brass - Breeder Marlene Marlin Presser, Owner Marlene Presser Rosemary Smalley American Bred Dogs, 2 entered1st place Shyacres Friday Edition - Breeder K. Martin, Owner T.J. Stewart Sandra DavisOpen Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream Sable, 12 entered, 1 absent 1st place Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy - Breeder Claudia Wallace, Owner Dean Hebert Open Dogs, Black, Brown Bine, 4 entered 1st place Phyner Black Atom - BreederOwner Dolly Trauner Open Dogs, Amy Other Allowed Color, 2 entered 1st place Sun Rays Zorro-Z - Breeder Fem Rodrigues, Owner Penny DeesWINNERS DOG Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy, this fellow was a very nice orange, with little high set ears, which were always up there to express his alertness. Nice rear movement too.RESERVE WINNERS DOG Phyner Black Atom6-9 month Puppy Bitch, 9 entered, 1 absent1st place Dupres Sparkling Gold Charm - BreederOwner Mrs. James Dupre9-12 month Puppy Bitch, 9 entered, 2 absent1st place Tomho Strutting On the Catwalk - BreederOwner Tommi Sandi HoobanNovice Bitches, 1 entered1st place Desert Win Can-Win - Breeder Cinda OConner, 10 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian SJSWQSMBreederOwner Avanda Phillips Bred by Exhibitor Bitches, 9 entered1st place Sungolds Lil Suzie - BreederOwner Anna LaFortuneAmerican Bred Bitches, 1 entered 1st place Desert Win Can-Win Open Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream Sable, 6 entered 1st place TLC Kandy Kisses - BreederOwner Tom Carol GillespieOpen Bitches, Black, Brown Blue, 1 entered 1st place Morenos What A Doll - Breeder Julie Moreno, Owner. Phyllis MartinWINNERS BITCH Tomho Strutting On the Catwalk, this fuzzy puppy was just 10 months old. She carried her head "proudly and high," a pretty picture from the side. This must have finished her for she was moved to Specials the next day. RESERVE WINNERS BITCH Dupres Sparkling Gold Charm, obviously a nice showy puppy. She went Winners the next day.Veteran Dog, 2 entered1st place Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky - Breeder Marlene Marlin Presser, BreederOwner Betty SchaapBEST OF BREED Ch. Cassios Flash In the Pan - Breeder Joy Brewster and M.A. Reed, Owner Robert A. Koeppel, this is a very nicely presented orange who took BOB at Saturdays Portland K.C. show and on to a Group I.BEST OF WINNERS Tomho Strutting On the Catwalk BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED Ch. Chriscendo Classica - Breeder C. Heartz J. Green, Owner Chris Heartz, Robert Douglas Stratton BEST IN PUPPY CLASSES Tomho Strutting On the Catwalk AWARD OF MERITCh. Odysseys Keno Wiz - Breeder Janet Lucindo, BreederOwner Jose M. Machlene Ch. Chriscendo Classica - Breeder C. Heartz J. Green, Owner Chris Heartz, Robert Douglas Stratton Ch. Nice Guy of Point Loma - BreederOwner Pauline B. HughesCh. Phyner Gold Jackpot - Breeder Dolly Trauner, BreederOwner Julie MorenoCh. Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky - Breeder Marlene Marlin Presser, BreederOwner Betty SchaapGOLDSUN POMSMZpresent its newest run for the purple...\TLC BON JOVI known as Bam Bamraii I- r mhf , rrBEST OF WINNERSvC1SAN LUIS OBISPOTI KENNEL CLUBJ U L Ve92 BERGMANPHOTOThis four pound treasure has brought us some very special new friends. He was beautifully handled by Jerry Moon when he took third place in the Open Orange Class at the Specialty at Brush Prairie, WA. Thank you Daryls Flaata for finding him. Thank you Carol Tom Gillespie for allowing us the pleasure of owning him. Thank you to the judges who found him worthy of the purple.Mr. Harvey N. Berman Mr. Cyril Bernfeld Ms. Lena B. Wiseman Mrs. William Lehnig Mr. Derek G. RayneOwned byMargaret K. Daniel OntiverosSan Diego, CA 92139 619 475-25311 pt, BW 3 pts, BW1 pt2 pts, BW3 pts, BW\Handled byMadeline PattersonCamarillo, CA 93012 805491-3776Pomeranian ^SWOB'S NovemberDecember 1992 11HcBmitmgj IPm TpmgmdfcvBy Evelyn BlqkgThe most horrifying experience of my life happened to me on Saturday morning May 9, 1992. The weather person had predicted rain for the day and it had already began to sprinkle, so I settled back on the couch for another cup of coffee, hoping the rain would not last long or maybe go around us.At this time in the morning I would normally be letting my Poms out for their morning run and into cleaning for a couple of hours before lunch. It was 820. I heard a commotion coming from the back porch where I keep the girls with puppies. It is unusual for such a disturbance from them. They dont bark at each other. So I left my good tape that I had started to watch and headed for the porch. As soon as I got through the door between the living room and dining room, I spotted the flames on the porch. I said to myself, "Oh God, No. Dont let anything be wrong with my dogs." A friend had just gone through fire in her home from an electric heater in her bathroom. The heater was automatic but had not shut off and had overheated. They were both pretty badly burned trying to rescue their Poms and some of their belongings. The Poms must have panicked and hid so it was too late for them. There were three lost that day.I still had that on my mind when I saw flames coming from where my dogs were. I opened the door that leads out from my kitchen and the room was dark with smoke, but I saw immediately where the fire was. "Dolly," a bitch with 3 puppies in her box, with a heating pad under it, was standing on her back legs hugging the cage door, trying to stay away from the flames. All of the girls were scared and barking. I opened the cage door, Dolly flew out and disappeared into the kitchen. I reached into the cage hoping to get the fire out and save those puppies. I knew the box was flimsy and the sides were in flames, so I dumped the contents on a throw rug in front of the cage, and threw the box out the door to the patio, leaving the door open to clear the smoke. I hurried back and found the puppies stuck to the remains of the heating pad. I gathered them up and headed for the phone. I tried to call my Vet at home but the line was busy. The puppies were screaming with the pain and I didnt know what to do. I went to the bathroom and let cold water run on the worst part of each pup. The largest pup, a female, was the worse. She had a piece of skin gone from her left leg and her stomach was blistered. The small female had parts of her upper lip gone and her stomach was also burned raw. The puppies were one week old that Saturday and I had been hand-feeding the small one from the beginning.I was in a state of shock and still trying to think of what to do I tried again to contact my vet... line still busy I was still holding the puppies close, wrapped in a towel, still crying in agony. I was crying too, and in a frantic state. I ran to the bathroom, hoping to find something for the bums. I found a tube of Desitin and put some on the stomachs of both and the leg of the one with the skin gone, headed for the phone again, but called the Vet Clinic this time. It was now 855 and he opens at 900. Bunny, his receptionist said he wasnt in yet I told her to have him call as soon as he came in because I had an emergency. She began asking questions about what had happened. I didnthave time to tell her so just asked her to be sure and have him call. She wouldnt have known what to do any more than I did My husband came in to the house for a cup of coffee, smelled the smoke and asked what happened. I told him and he told me of an old bum remedy his mother had used. He said to peel a potato, scrape it real thin, and put the scraping on the bums. I figured it was worth a try. I put the potatoes on a paper towel and laid the puppies on the potatoes. They began to quiet down.It had now been one hour since I saw the flames and my Vet had still not returned my call. I decided to call again. Bunny said he was with a client. By that time, I was boiling mad I told her that I didnt care if he was with 50 clients, I wanted to talk to him NOW She could tell by the sound of my voice that I was really upset and after what seemed like hours, he finally came to the phone. I told him I needed to know what to do for these burned babies. He started to tell me just to put them down but knows from experience that I am not as quick to do that as some people. He told me to do most of what I had basically already done, but to give them electrolyte water to replace the fluid they had lost and start them on Amoxi-Drops for infection. He said if they lived five days, they would probably make it.The puppies seemed to be resting much easier now, so I took the time to see if I could tell what caused the fire. The heating pad was lying on the throw rug where I had dumped it, but when I picked it up, the cord was lying about 6 or 8 inches from where it goes into the heating pad. All the insulation was burnt away, leaving bare wires, and the whole comer of the pad where the wires connect, was burnt away. My husband drove me to a nearby store where I purchased 8 new heating pads, a heavy duty extension cord, and an enclosed steel multiple outlet. When we arrived back home, the smallest female could not drink nor take the Amoxi-Drops, so I decided to put her down. Maybe I should have done this sooner, but life is so precious to me, especially when its a "fur ball." Anyone who knows me can tell you how many sleepless nights I have spent trying to save a puppy. Shortly after returning from the store, the largest female died. She was so full of fluid, she was three times bigger than normal.Tomorrow will be a week since that awful day and the little male is still living. His coat was scorched off and he had two real bad bums on his back. Id like to think that the potato may have helped his burns. I found out later that putting anything greasy on a bum retains the heat. I have made a lot of mistakes since becoming involved with these little Poms, and will probably make a lot more, but each time, I learn from them. I know that we must keep these babies warm until they are older, but I have not felt relaxed enough to use my new heating pads. Maybe... in time... I dont know, Im scared I cant force myself to put them under my babies. What if that happens when Im not home Or maybe just out at the kennel, like I normally would have been that morning. I shudder to think of what might have happened.Editors note Evelyn reported that after 2 weeks, the remaining puppy did die, most likely the result of lung damage.12 NovemberDecember 1992 PomeranianI V7'U4et OKotkwnlO ' SBVjk.BEST OFBREEDVARIETYmmNORTHWEST ARKANSASkennel CLUB1992PHOTO BY mz jCh. Shady Park Chip of the RockAmCan Ch. DeArtas Rock Music x Nolans Shady Park LLL Brandi"Chips" is pictured going BOB from the open class over three nice specials at the Northwest Ark K.C. under judge Edna Voyles. He finished his championship under judge Ken Miller at Cedar Rapids K.C. on June 20,1992 going BW for a 3 pt major. Thanks to the other judges for recognizing him Al Treen, D.V. Hanson, R. Pritchard, S. Woodle, B. Moore, and G. Fancy. Many thanks to M. Deane Rinehart for putting 4 pts on him and for all of my friends who loved and admired him. Chips is noted for his outgoing personality, soundness, tiny ears, and good movement 4 12 lbs..Congratulations to Shirley Garrison on her showing Nolans Shady Park Ringo A Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel grandson winning a 3 pt major her first time out with him.At stud to approved bitches, pedigree in Behind the New Titlists. - We recommend Science DietBreederOwnerHandlerDiana L. Nolan 5122 N. W. Parkdale Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151 816741-1650Pomeranian NovemberDecember 1992 13Opera Dogs Red, Orange, Cream Sable 1st place - Cherylyns Showtime For Pattys Shirley Larimer2nd place - Pcmgroves Repeating Echo Kenneth Frances Freeman3rd place - Jer-Mars Classic Gold Chip Tammy Corbin4th pi ace - Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy Dean HebertOpera Dogs Black, Browm Blue 1st place - Grafen Horsts Moritz Evelyn Newyear Evelyn Conley 2nd place - Posmarks Midnight Blue Maleta WallsOpera Dogs Amy Other Allowed Color1st place - Sun Rays Zorro-Z Penny Dees2nd place - Dacars Little Image of Joey Shirley Bish David Jachalke3rd place - Patchworks Parti Package Lynn TravisWINNERS DOG Appolloette Top BrassRESERVE WINNERS DOG Cherylyns Showtime For PattyspjWINNERSDOGApolloette Top BrassPuppy Bitches 6-9 months 1st place - Pom Groves Felicia Kenneth Frances Freeman2nd place - Del Sols Delta Dawn Susan Conlee3rd place - Sungolds Babe Ruth Anna LaFortune4th place - Jo Arts Marilyn Art Joy DavisonPuppy Bitches 9-12 months 1st place - Glen Iris Castle Secret Maria Kneisler2nd place - Tomho Strutting on the Catwalk Tommi Sandi Hooban 3rd place - Gladyans Fancy Hooker Gladys Van Horn4th place - Pom Acres Jessica Too Juanita FiddickPuppy Bitches 12-18 Mouths 1st place - Apolloette Champagne Splash Scott Toni Smith2nd place - Silverwoods Happi Lee Bess Roberts1 t MLBEST OF WINNERSBEST OPPOSITE SEXGlen Iris Castle SecretNovice Bitches1st place - Desert-Win Can-Win Cinda OConner Avonda PhillipsBred by Bitches1st place - Sungolds Lil Suzie Anna LaFortune2nd place - Stolannes Bearly Made It Frances Stoll3rd place - Starlite Chocos Cream Delite Gayle Griffin4th place - Waistar Aijas Such A Brat Ingrida Gasaway Dianne SaltsnBEST OF BREEDCh. Sungolds Short CircuitOpera Bitches Any Other Allowed Color 1st place - Aijas Magpie Ingrida Gasaway2nd place - Patchworks Confetti Amber HayWINNERS BITCHGlen Iris Castle SecretRESERVE WINNERS BITCH J Windfalls Gold D LightVeteran Dogs1st place - Ch. Idas Touch of Bev-Nor Anna LaFortune2nd place - Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky Marlene Marlin PresserBEST OF BREEDCh. Sungolds Short Circuit Anna LaFortuneBEST OF WINNERS, BEST OPPOSITE SEX BEST PUPPYGlen Iris Castle Secret Maria KneislerNon-Regular Class - Stud Dog 1st place - Ch. Idas Touch of Bev-Nor Anna LaFortuneOpen Bitches Red, Orange, Cream Sable1st place - J Windfalls Gold D Light Susan Robert Johnson2nd place - Valcopy-Wakhan Red Riding Hood R. Gemmill DJL. Plonkey 3rd place - Avalons Hawaiin Punch B.Dignowity H. Dowden4th place - TLC Kandy Kisses Tom Carol GillespieObedienceJudge Noreen Gonce Cartwright also Jr. Showmanship JudgeNovice Class A1st place - Pens Snow Ballerina, Score 184 Penny DeesNovice Qass B1st place - Dover-Holihouse My Best Bow, Score 197 12 Amy Wold Ingrida Gasaway2nd place - Del Sols Harbor Patrol CGC, Score 195 12 Noelle Pilat16 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian WHS'Scf-rs _. w, 1ft kilI VETERANDOGaward ofTHE AMERICA] POMERANIAN Clfi3-i_Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready RockyRocky is shown above at the B National Summer Specialty at Brush Prairie, Washington, July 9,1992. Rockv won the Veterans Sweepstakes, and the Veterans Class and also received the Award of Merit in the Best of Breed competition. Our sincerest thanks to Judge Leslie B. Rogers for this prestigious award. We feel this is very special as our Rocky will be ten years old this December. We also thank everyone at ring side for the applause givento Rocky, you really helped make his day.Ownea ^ ri __________ , f____ ^ OwnerBreederBetty Schaap ^-33. I I ^ Marlene Marlin Presser6942 Richman Way 21789 E. Highway 4Sacramento, CA 95828 Stockton, CA 95215Pomeranian RUMOURS NovemberDecember 1992 17^KtteisCer's pcrys tribute tok JLBubblesh i i1 r_Shamrocks Tarbubble V AllaynOut of her last 3 litters she has had 4 bitch puppies who are all pointed and 1 that is finished. Plus 1 who is well on her way to her German championship She let me know she was a brood bitch when we tried to take this pictureIWsmmKaylaKneislers Toasty Miz KaylaA Bubbles daughter x Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge. She is a joy to own and show She has both majors and is just coming out of her 1 year shed.SecretX.-.c.4 iW-_4 'lGlen Iris Castle SecretCh. Glen Iris Ivanhoe x Ch. Janesas Glen Iris SorceressWe went to the Nationals and came home a "Winner." Shes pictured here taking a 5 point major and BOS over 8 Bitch Specials We went there to have fun and get her 2nd major and she did it the very first day at the PSPC Show. She now has 13 points and will be shown this fall.OwnerHandlerMaria Kneisler 9151 S. Darlington Ave Tulsa, OK 74137-4006 918492-052018 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian 5JSWQHMa few of our gir[s._Trinket4j i'Li. Allayns Shining Gold TrinketCh. Millamors Mark Tradition granddaughterTrinket is one our 2 MillamorLLL bitches. These 2 girls have been blessing us with beautiful show pups. Watch for their kids in the future.SEESmcpfus...... we have a hay for safeKneislers Rock N TraditionCh. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Kneislers Top Notch NikkiMikey is 4 months old in this picture and will be 7 months when this is published. He has done nothing but get better with age. His daddy is a multi group placer and winner and he is a son to granddaughter breeding on Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition. He will be show conditioned and trained this fall.I am very proud of the dogs 1 have in my breeding program. Thanks to the breeders who have trusted me with their show prospects and to the breeders who have allowed me to breed to their gorgeous dogs that have enabled me to produce my own show dogs over the past few years. And especially to my mentor, Mary Allan, goes a thousand thank yous I have several other Bev-Nor bred bitches who you will see in the future that are now coming into their own Yes, PuppyJuvenile UGLIES Please call or write with any inquiries. All our dogs are conditioned on Science Diet Small Bites Pomeranian 5J\7Q\S7 NovemberDecember 1992 19MikeyJTHIGH IN TRIALDover-Holihouse My Best Bow3rd place - Souvenir Country Charm, Score 180 12 Donna Haworth4th place - Maranthas Lil Petra, Score 176 12 Gloria Steve CarlinOpen Class B1st place - Lady Dis Call Me Madamparti, Score 178 Susie Bill OsbornGraduate Novice1st place - Ollie Blue Buster CD, Score 190 12 Ann Griffith Randall MorrisHIGHEST SCORING IN TRIALDover-Holihouse My Best Bow, Agent Linda Gallacher Ingrida Gasaway Amy WoldBEST JUNIOR SHOWMANJennifer Cariasco Aijas Shesa MiraclePet Rescue Fundmake checks payable to Pet Rescue Palm Beach Kennel Club co Bob Ecker 10002 Mahogany Lane Tequesta, FL 33469 1-407-575-6429or call Dale Adams 1-407-622-3709Please help the animal victims of Hurricane Andrew.David R. EdwardsShrDa5729 Lake Ave Orchard Park, NY 14127 716-822-3434A WMdBy Barbara McCjatchgyIm sorry to jump in like this in a column I had hoped would be dedicated to good things only, but Id like to express a novices distaste for the kind of bickering that goes on in the Pomeranian Review. There is no need, Im sure, to be specific about any particular instance. Its just that it seems to me that the Review should choose between being a dog-centered magazine or a club voice. If the latter, it need not be more than a print out on somebodys word processor if the former, then lets make it a genuinely Pom centered magazine with articles and interviews and pictures and reports on trials -- and put the club "politics" and arguments onto a print-out from somebodys word processor. Its no wonder that the competition Pom magazines are successful in getting subscriptions and ads. I feel this way in particular because I have started offering a subscription to the Pom Review as a trophy for high-scoring Pom in Novice A at my obedience club. Brenda Hutton came up with the gorgeous gift certificate for it. But it is my experience that beginners are repelled by the bickering who wants to join a club or read a magazine with that sort of thing going on, especially if youre not involved in it yourself I wonder if I should continue offering that trophy. Nuffsaid.To breed or not to breed that is the question.Whether tis nobler in the owner of a bitch to suffer the slings and arrows of outraged judges or to make a decision against the sea of puppies and by a spaying end them. Not that Pomeranians produce an ocean of puppies, but parodies of Shakespeare must allow for a certain exaggeration.Is your brood bitch worthy of breeding Olga Baker is one breeder who, busy as she and Darrell are, always seems to make time to help the beginner. She suggests that the most important thing for a novice to look for in a brood bitch is a good, sound pedigree. Whether you think of breeding a bitch you already have, or whether you are looking for one, remember that what makes good puppies is the genes of bitch and stud combined.If for some reason, you dont already have a pedigree to look at, get one ordinary looking, even homely females with good background often give birth to beautiful puppies. Try not to get your bitch from a newspaper ad at a bargain price youll probably get the worst of the bargain, though of course sometimes miracles do happen. You could also win the lottery. Be careful about buying from someone who sounds like a used car salesman, trying to talk you into buying, since good brood bitches are not in such great supply that they must be pushed to sell. Rather, go to a breeder whose reputation shows you can trust him to give you good advice.Besides relying on a breeders advice, the novice should learn to see Poms clearly for herself. One good way to learn is to buy or borrow the AKC Pomeranian video, where you can see for yourself what "cowhocked" means. A good quality Pomeranian will have a pretty Pom head, without big ears or a long muzzle. She will have a reasonably short back, though breeders frequently prefer the brood bitch to have a slightly longer back. The coat is of vital importance a show quality coat will stand off the body, while the coat of a pet quality dog may lie flat, like a cats hair. Pom legs should not either bow out or turn in, and the stifles should be reasonably sound, not popping out of their own accord. A brood bitch may be slightly larger than is usually seen in the ring, up to the breed standard of 7 pounds, but should not be as small as the allowed 3 pounds.Olga also has some advice for experienced breeders when asked for help by a novice. She suggests that breeders are sometimes too quick to make a judgement call without ever seeing either the bitch or her pedigree. Like the novice looking toward breeding, the owner of a stud dog, or the breeder giving advice to a novice, should look first at the pedigree, since despite the fact that the bitch is owned by someone new to the Poms or to dog breeding in general, there may be identifiable breeding behind her. If the pedigree is not appropriate, or the female20 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian SJSWQSMJls-nztis. 5J-om.icuv,LcLn,5,Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road u Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner,wCh. Great Elms Timmy Timstopper x Sherrys Rose Tiana of LenettePuppies are generally available at reasonable prices. Pets from 250, show and breeding stock from 500.00. Free price list available upon request.We specialize in the Great Elms bloodline. We do have some Chesai and Aristic-Bonner Poms.Satisfaction is guaranteed at Lenette. Return your Pom within 3 days for a refund if not satisfied.A BIG thank you to our handlers, Jackie Raynor and Linda Fleming for doing such a nice job in showing and finishing, Ch. Great Elms Bernice of Lenette Great Elms Tiny Tim x Dorcas of Lenette. In very limited showing with Linda, she picked up 5 Best Of Breeds.We salute Bob Goodrich and his life long commitment to breeding fine Pomeranians. We are very proud that almost all of our Poms have some Model Poms behind them.PomirishKennelsRichard Sally Baugniet 411 S. State St.Mishicot, Wl 54228 Phone or Fax 414-755-2994Whelped 5-4-92 1 male, 1 female - orange sableWhelped 5-9-92 1 cream female,1 orange maleGreat ElmsCreiderPomirishSome very promising pups available. We will be tattooing all or our Poms.OLIO0 c\IIIsubmitted by Sharon HansonI thought I should take a minute and give a little credit, where credit is due, and thats to our Editor, Gail Garvey, and her husband Leo. I have always found them easy to work with, and they do a great job on the Pomeranian Review. The extra time they spend on each ad certainly shows through. Thank you Gail Leo - keep up the good work.From the editorThank you Sharon, it has been our pleasure to work with you. If you read my column Tales To Tell you will know that we are no longer producing the Pomeranian Review, and it will be the people like yourself that I will miss most. Thank you again for your continued support throughout my two years as Editor.Pomeranian WQ\27 NovemberDecember 1992 21is definitely pet quality, Olga suggests diplomacy. This dog is someones adored and cherished pet, so while honesty is good, it need not be cold and insulting. Remember the man who complimented a woman on her impossible hat by saying, "My, that really is a hat" The novice to whom you are being rude now may be the Pom person of 10 or 20 years from now, and may even be judging your dogs.Literary PomeraniansIf youre like me, when you got your first Pomeranian, you began to notice Poms everywhere. My own field being literature, I particularly notice it when a Pomeranian shows up in a novel or story, as in Andre Chekhovs "The Lady with the Dog." Gurov "saw, walking on the seafront, a fair-haired young lady of medium height, wearing a beret a white Pomeranian dog was running behind her." The womans name was not known to most of the other tourists, she was called simply "the lady with the dog."In the enlightened restaurants of Europe, dogs are allowed on the premises, so that one evening as Gurov was at his table in a garden restaurant, and the lady with the dog sat at a near-by table, he beckoned coaxingly to thePomeranian, and when the dog came up to him he shook his finger at it. The Pomeranian growled, Gurov shook his finger at it again. The lady looked at him and at once dropped her eyes."He doesnt bite," she said, and blushed."May I give him a bone" He asked, and when she nodded he asked courteously,"Have you been long in YaltaAnother Pom I noticed recently is in Beatrix Potters childrens book, The Tale of the Pie and the Patty Pan, which includes Duchess, a Pomeranian who is invited to tea by the cat Ribby. Before going out, Duchess looks in the mirror to brush her beautiful black coat. She is "a most genteel and elegant little dog," though she does eat "a little fast rather big mouthfuls." Asked if she takes sugar with her tea, she replies, "Oh yes, please and may I have a lump upon my nose" The original of Duchess was a dog in Beatrix Potters village of Sawrey, in Englands Lake District, which was, the writer said, "never much to look at herself, though a most valuable dog."The Smallest PomeranianA recent advertisement for Compudyne, a PC computer company,pictures a Pomeranian on a scale and declares, "We are to notebooks what Griselda of Skyland was to Pomeranians the lightest, at 1 lb., 12 oz." I assume Griselda was full-grown at the time. Does anyone know anything else about her And does she really hold the record for lowest weight among PomsTry thisFor bait in Conformation, or training rewards in Obedience, use "hot dog jerky. Slice a turkey hot dog crosswise onto two paper towels on a microwave safe plate. Cover with a paper towel and microwave on high for about 5 minutes, depending on your microwave oven and the thinness of your slices. Turn over once about half way through. The hot dog dries firm and grease free, and every dog Ive met loves it.Send questions and comments to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566, or call me at 409297-7383. If youve read this column before, you may notice that Ive moved. My first act here was to get a fence built, which proved on the first day to be not yet Pomeranian proof. Anyone have any ideas on how to close a gap between wood fence and termite infested ground str Equipment, supplies, puppies, y showdogs. If youve got the need to move it, tMs is the place to do it see page 56 for rates and informationoffers for sale from the Bev-Nor line"VELVET TOUCH IDEAL GEM" dob 22690A beautiful, red sable, heavy bone heavy coated, provenstud.Sire Ch. Idas Touch of Bev-Nor multiple group winner "SPEEDY"Dam Pandys Spark of Enchantment 500.00 Janet Bordelon 1460 Hwy 3054 Alexandria, LA 71303 318445-0143 Also available, Ch. sired and Ch. dam puppiesrf\'ert\SGNe''O' qS- \\e'A \Wtwe\3-ri \vto'0 to0'iA \wAawa\e SB\et \e5 \\e9V atft aW5WeOM \eo9Vtea e\a Aa.vstw A'c AWeat'122 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian RSWQBM2nd Annual Pomeranian ReviewPuppy Photo Contest WinnersCongratulations to our 2 lucky winners, they are entitled to a free full page ad in any issue of the Pomeranian ReviewTHE POM REVIEW SWEEPSconformationAnd the winner is...Glen Iris Castle Secretowned by Maria Kneislerpg. 5 SeptOct 1992 Reveiwt-M i'ti iAf iPUPPIES DO THE CUTEST THINGSAnd the winner is..."Ruffles"bred by Gail A. Garveypg. 19 SeptOct 1992 ReviewDo you have any puppies at your house Keep those cameras handy. Next Septembers "Puppy Hopefuls" issue of the Pomeranian Review will be holding its 3rd Annual Puppy Photo Contest All Pom puppies bom between July 1,1992 and July 1,1993 are eligiblePomeranian NovemberDecember 1992 23By Lindq GqllqchcrWell, Ive put the summer Specialties behind me with a big sigh of relief. Organizing the obedience, acting as Obedience Chairman and then trying to show 5 dogs, some in multiple classes, was just a bit much. Im afraid I was getting pretty crabby as the week came to an end.Mary Vickers has agreed to write about the Specialty Obedience and the class results so I wont cover it in this column. I do want to say that it was a real pleasure meeting all of the obedience exhibitors. What a great bunch of people All had a great sense of humor and displayed good sportsmanship. Of course these qualities are necessary when showing a Pomeranian in obedience. The most helpful thing for all of us exhibiting was coming to the realization that we were dealing with the same problems. It would take an entire column to list the ingenious things that our little darlings did to show us who was REALLY in charge. Dogs that were nearly flawless in our training sessions thumbed their little noses at us when they got in the ring. I think I may have found one answer to this - if you show enough dogs at the same show one of them is bound to do well My Novice dogs have yet to develop a repertoire of ring tricks so they behaved quite well. On the other hand, the more advanced dogs have their ring performances down to an art and put on quite a show not the show I wanted to see however JoEllen Corleys "Luke" not only varies the Utility exercise to suit himself but has the gall to back talk his trainer in the processThe obedience classes were video taped at the APC Specialty so if you are interested in obtaining a copy please let me know.Following the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty a Canine Good Citizenship Test was held. All 8 of the Pomeranians entered passed the test and received their certificates including JoEllen Corleys 11 year old "Hoppy" Midnight Shogun UD and "Bubba" Del Sols Harbor Patrol CD who is owned and trained by Noelle Pilat but was handled in the test by his breeder Sue Collee. Sue advised me that the dog barely knew her - never the less the two came through the test with flying colors Other CGC recipients were "Luke" Im A Wee Bit Flashy CDX owned and handled by Joellen Corley. "Rascal" CH Mar-Vics Dazzling Rascal CD owned, bred, and handled by Mary Vickers. "Petra" Maranathas Lil Petra CD owned, bred, and handled by Gloria Carlin. "Kody" Kit Sans Kody of San San CD owned and handled by Helen Schaap. "Sundae" Sunswept Hot Fudge Sundae UD owned and handled by myself and "Bow" Dover-Holihouse My Best Bow owned by Amy Wold and Ingrida Gasaway, and handled by myself. Ill be doing an article in the next obedience issue explaining the CGC test.I received a note from JoEllen Corley with the exciting news that "Luke" U-CDX Im a Wee Bit Flashy CDX has earned his Canadian CD. The dates and scores are as follows August 4th - 192 12 for 2nd place. August 5th - 194, August 6th -194, August 7th -190 12 for 2nd place, August 8th -191 12 for 2nd place, and August 9th - 191 12 for 3rd place.24 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian SJBWDBMJoEllen also writes that they took a Brittany with them and he and "Luke" exchanged placements for each day. They came home from their 10 day trip with 2 new Can. Breed Champions, and 2 CDs. Congratulations JoEllenId like to share with you another letter I received from Lois Morkassal"I was so glad to see in the last issue of the Pom Review that Carol Fatheree and Dixie were written up about their agility titles."After doing a little research, there are two other Poms with Agility Dog titles and at least one with an Advanced Agility Dog title. Charlene Fruechte with "Bear" has shown in Washington. Laura Yarbrough and "Cody" are a fantastic team from Texas that I got to see at the Lake Elmo, Mn. June event. That little dog can fly He is working toward his Master Agility Dog title.At that same event, Dande and I were the first dog in the first class of the day to run the starters course. We ran with no course faults and no time faults to earn our Agility Dog title. To give some perspective on the difficulty of earning titles, of the 57 dogs that ran the course that day on all levels, only 6 had qualifying times with no course faults to earn titles or legs.This is a fantastically fun sport to be involved in. The USDAA Agility is a challenge to learn and run. We dont run qualifiers for the Regionals because I cant go to the Texas Nationals so dont want to get my hopes up on the outside chance that we would qualify and take away someone elses chance.Dande shows in Obedience, and when it came to learning the dumbell for Open, I am convinced that her attitude would have been totally different without Agility. When I first put the dumbell in her mouth, she put all four feet on the bells - pushed and screamed We worked through all that at home, but the only class I took her to during that time was Agility, as a reward. I didnt realize how smart that was until later, because we did all sorts of jumping for fun during that class. When it came to jumping the high jump and broad jump - she knew what "hup" meant and could concentrate on the form of the jumping instead of just the jumping itself. It seemed like the sessions with the dumbell werent so bad if she knew we were going to class to "play." She eventually accepted the dumbell and now will pick up dimes or pieces of paper for me. Articles are no problem and gloves are a riot. I attribute a lot of her attitude and probably mine to Agility, because it gave us a game, so life didnt get too serious.I highly recommend Agility. I have a couple of dogs who have little confidence and after learning some of the obstacles such as the dog walk, teeter and tunnels, they have a different attitude and are much more confident I also have a couple of dogs who I wont jump because of "bad knees that love the tunnels, dog walk, teeter and weave poles and weave loops. They do no jumping, but do all the other obstacles I dont have an A-frame at this time, but would only use a lower setting with a mild incline for them. They are all so pleased with themselves. I actually use an agility obstacle ie tetter, tire jumpmar presents their new stars"TimBi-Mars Grasshopper Bi-Mars Foxie LadyI want to thank my husband, Byrl for showing Bi-Mars Grasshopper from the 9-12 month puppy class under Dr. Houpt to Reserve Winners and the following day taking Reserve Winners on our puppy female, Bi-Mars Foxie Lady from the 6-9 month puppy class under Betty Krouse at the Brush Prairie Clusters. This was Hopper and Ladys first shows.My thanks to judges, Ronald Rella and Lorraine Boutwell for back to back group placements on Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Obsession, breeder, owner handled at the Nisqually and Olympic Kennel Club Shows.FOR SALE ickirkirfcickitkirtrkirk-ticki^ickirk'k 61690 Ch. Pom Groves Fireglow of Bi-Mar sired by Ch. Tim Sues Neon Lights and out of Ch. Wagners Golden Dream. Litter sister also a champion. Very short back and huge coat plus big enough to breed.8488 Ch. Bi-Mar Whipoorwill sired by Ch. Southlands Apollo Creed and out of a Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster daughter. Excellent stud, very short back with tiny ears. Finished with four majors and is the sire of an International and American champion plus pointed offspring.892 Two red males, repeat breeding that produced toy group 1st winner, Ch. Bi-Mar Tiny Tyler of Kit-Kor. Sire is Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Masterpiece and out of a Great Elms Bobbie Beam daughter. Very baby faced with small ears, short backs. Show homes only.5587 Litter sister to Ch. Bi-Mars Foxfire. Sired by BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and out of a Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too granddaughter. Free whelper.112090 Red male by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of Bi-Mar Tia Maria. Tia is AKC major pointed and is a champion producer. Littermate took a major the first time shown. This male is my pick.3492 Red sable male by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid out of Creiders Camelia Olda multiple champion producer. Very nice quality and personality.51392 Two red female puppies by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a Ch. Bi-Mar Impressive daughter. Line bred on Sunny, very outstanding show quality.51292 Red orange male by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Masterpiece and out of Ch. Bi-Mars Sugar Pie Honey. Very nice pup with excellent bloodlines and show quality.n sow rMlWMSMMfdMmmf mkUTlo1mo 3Mihm9 ra mmPomeranian NovemberDecember 1992 25or weave poles as a stress breaker. My dogs really have responded to this type of training with enthusiasm and "whats next" attitudes... all 8 of them.Also, Ive learned a lot about my handling from videos of me running my dogs just for fun. Ive learned to "clean up" my handling with more uniform signals and this is setting us up nicely for Utility with all the signals there.Ive learned more from Agility than anywhere else that Dande is my partner and deserves to have some say in what signals are used and what we can expect from each other. We ran unsuccessfully for the titles of Agility dog in 2 previous events. She had the speed if her handler could have made proper handling decisions, so I couldnt blame her confusion on anyone but me. She did know what to do, I just didnt tell her correctly, and that is so much more evident in Agility then Ive ever seen in obedience. But each time I learned how to "fix me"Ive also seen muscles formed that are comparable to those built up from running hills by using the ramps A-frame, dog walk and teeters. Its a good way to tone a dog - not to mention a very sneaky way to get in some human aerobics with lots of bending and twisting.The dogs attitudes are great and its tough to get a handler that doesnt loosen up and get into praising their dog within 2 sessionsAnyway, Dandes Agility Dog title makes her the first Agility dog in North Dakota, the first Pom in the midwest and the 4th Pom in the United States Titling events for the USDAA have been available since 1990s spring.Dandis full name is Kassels Dandelion Down AmCan CDX, CGC, ROM, AD. She was 8 12 years old when she earned her AD. Were now working toward our UKC titles and AKC and CKCs UD tide."Thanks a million Lois for a wonderful letter... Im really anxious to give Agility a try. It sounds like a lot of fun and I know my dogs would enjoy it. Is there anyone else out there doing Agility with their Poms Id love to hear from you.New titles in the July and August AKC Gazette Awards issues are as followsNew OPCH. LESS ARD SHANGRILA OF JUBILEE UD - owned and handled by Alice Lessard, bred by Lorene Bradbury and Sandra Logan. She was written up in our last issue.Rumor has it that Lois Campbell finished a UD on her Ch. Moonshadows Eye of the Tiger. I have not heard from Lois nor has this been confirmed in the Awards, so Ill have to wait until our next issue to give you more information.Hew CPXsPOM ACRES HONKY TONK MAN CDX - owned by Kaye Lowe and Juanita Fiddick and bred by Juanita Fiddick, finished his CDX with two lsts, a 3rd and a 4th placement. Great jobTEAKWOODS TAP DANCER - owned by Patricia McMahon and bred by Laureen Ivey, earned a 2nd place while showing for his CDX. Keep up the good workWell be watching for you guys in Utility soon...Hew CPSCHARMINS ROYAL FLUSH CD - owned by Barb Dressier and bred by Judith Mehciz. These two really burned up the Novice rings heading for their title, two lsts, three 3rds and one 4th placement with a 195 average.26 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian 5J3WQSi3CINSULAS CYMORIL CD - owned by Lois Morkassel and bred by F. Gail Pell was written up in the last Pom Review issue.COPPER PENNY XXIV - owned by JoAnn Albert Wille and bred by Connie Brongiel was shown in Novice A and earned a 4th place while going for his title.COPPERMIST CRUISER CD - owned by Lucille Torbett and bred by Leslie Manley earned his title from Novice A with three 4th placements and scores of 192,189 12 and 191. DAN DEES SPARKLING THEODORA - owned by Sylvia Dale and bred by Verla Dagel finished their title in September of 91 but have just been published. A belated congratulationsKATHYS CASS N CARRIE - owned by Kathy Clausen and bred by Bonnie Esham did a super job in Novice A with scores of 192, 185, 191 and 188 12 and included a 1st and 3rd placement.STARFISH DUSTY MILLER - owned by Patricia Miller finished their CD with nice scores of 194 12, 196 12 and 186 12.MASONS CHARCOAL TEDDY BEAR - owned by Monica Mason and bred by Rhoda Hadlock finished from the Novice A class. Good workTYVOLAS DUSTY CAVALIER - owned by Cynthia Martin and bred by Susie Herron also did a nice job, showing in the Novice A classes and earning one 1st place.Congratulations to all of you and keep up the good work.My "Bizzy" earned her first Utility leg her first time out with a 192 and 1st place she was the only qualifier in the class. She then decided to do Utility HER way and blew the next couple of shows. Ill be back for another try at our upcoming cluster in September.Before I close, I would like to recommend that anyone who has not already done so - buy or borrow TERRI ARNOLDS video tape "Attention Handling." It is really wonderful and Ive been using it with great success on my new Novice dog "Panda." The tape is 50.00 plus 4.00 shipping from JJ Dog Supplies, PO Box 1517 Dept F, Galesburg, IL 61402.Happy heelingLinda Gallacher 1990 Ridgeway Dr., Eugene, OR 97401 503 686-2316anw m mi9'99.fiCiT1LNrds\riCh.Silver Meadows Mr. PrecociousMost of us will agree that all Pom puppies are cute. Here, we present the "finished product," at age 6 12 yrs., in huge, correct textured coat with all his teeth in tact in that happy faceLitter news co-owned litter 3 M, 2 F 6-4-92 by Ch. Bonners Pendart Champagne out of S.M. Whistle O My-T2 M, 1 F 8-3-92 by Ch. Squeak out of Queenaire Sunburst 2 M, 1 F 8-27-92 by S. M. Im a Pepper Too x S. M Tu-it Brite 2 M 8-28-92 by Ch. Precocious above x S. M. TinkleOpportunity Gorgeous dark orange sable male champion, 5 lbs., 6 yrs old, proven naturalstud willingly accepts assistance 12 Silver Meadows - Bonner, 12 Bi-Mar bloodline.Ron Jackie Klein 4146 West Lake Rd.716 237-5473 after 9 p.m ET Silver Springs, NY 14550Pomeranian NovemberDecember 1992 27s^sassssKRSiWsesfissasiSicss^saassftsssavssvss^siseeyBBSSiUisssKSQissssssfiVfiSA^ssProudly Honors our Foundation FemaleMaranathas Lil Charity C.D., R.O.M.V-BIS Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver x Gold Gems Cavaliera Rustica"Charity Lynn" has always been a very special gal.During obedience training and showing she became my favorite pal.Shes not only a terrific mother, but also an awesome watch dog, loving companion and friend. Charity would even sit for hours and watch Steve pull weeds, right up to the endAs you can see on the following page, Charity has four titlists to her name.However, what you dont see are the numerous dual-titled group placing grand children and even aBest Puppy In Show in Canada prize claim.Charity always shows with a smile and a twinkle in her eye when on her lead.She certainly in every way is a tribute to the breed28 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian SWQrxCh. Maranathas Li I CalebaCh. Maranathas Lil HallelujahSire Ch. Queenaires Triple ScotchMaranathas Miracle of God C DvSire Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Cabal lerroMaranatha s Lil Petra C.D.. C.G.C____Sire Ch. Sungolds Kazar QuarterbackSteven and Gloria CarlinPost Office Box 230626 Encinitas, CA 92023-0626 Telephone 619 753-1914..Sire AmCan. Ch. Maranathas Lil Benjamin,X X X X X X X X X ' vXX.'IXX'.X'i,'Y X. X ""X XXX X X XX X X X X X X Pomeranian NovemberDecember 1992 29^ American Pomeranian Club NTrophy DonationsFebruary 6th and 7th, 1993Best of Breed.......................................................40.00Best of Winners.................................................... 20.00Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed................. 30.00Winners Dog.........................................................20.00Reserve Winners Dog.......................................... 10.00Winners Bitch...................................................... 20.00Reserve Winners Bitch........................................ 10.00Best in Sweepstakes.............................................. 15.00Best Opposite to Best in Sweepstakes.................. 15.00Best Junior Handler.............................................. 10.00High in Trial..........................................................20.00High Combined Open and Utility......................... 15.00High Scoring Bred-by-Exhibitor............................ 7.00High Scoring AKC Champion of Record............... 7.00All Regular and Non-Regular Classes All Sweepstakes ClassesFirst Place.............................................................7.00Second Place.......................................................... 6.00Third Place............................................................. 5.00Fourth Place............................................................ 4.00 ATrophy DonationI enclose ________for________________________Trophy Class if it is available. If that class is already spoken for, use the donation where needed.Name......................................................................Kennel Name.........................................................^ American Pomeranian Club ^ Catalog Advertising February 6th and 7th, 1993Note to Members and FriendsI was surprised and delighted by the unexpectedly bountiful ad sales and donations from Members and Friends for the last Specialty. Pom people do come through when needed. If we can match or exceed last years contributions, it will be wonderfulAdvertising Rates Circle choiceFull Page................................................25.00Half Page.................................................15.00Booster..................................................... 5.00Picture each............................................ 9.00Deadline January 4,1993 Some flexibility may be possible-call 209 529-5270Circle each property you want in your ad.Borders Fancy Intermediate Plain NoneAdditional Graphics Yes No^ NOTE Put AD copy on the back of this page, jCatalog AdvertisingAddress..........CityStateZipPhone.............FAX................SignedSend toVVSally Baugniet 411 S. State Street Mishicot, WI 54228 414 755-2994Premium List deadline November 16,1992Cash donations accepted any time. Donors not listed in the Premium List will be listed in Catalog. Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.Please fill out and return.NameKennel NameAddressCityStateZipPhoneFAXFee Enclosed Send toDudley Roach 612 Woodrow Avenue Modesto, CA 95350 Phone 209529-5270V J30 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian SiBWOSMFir BiR Ch. Starfires PopeyePopeye finished in limited showing. He is a 4 lb. deep red sable. He loves to show and has a face that will melt your heart. He is producing gorgeous pups. Call for pedigree and pictures. Im selling out a lot of my kennel and have a six month old show puppy bitch for sale. I also have a couple of younger show prospects for sale.A-SA\\\\V\\\\v\ s\\\Sire Ch. Starfires Valentino Statesman son Dam Starfires Poliana00 0PINEGale Sharland 80 Pine St. Raynam, MA 02767 508 823-8920Pomeranian NovemberDecember 1992 31Behind The New TitlistsThree generations of new Pomeranian titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent by the owner. Please send the dogs name, color, sex, breeders name and owners name, on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Pedigrees will not be returned Send copies only. Mail all information to the editor, Gail A. Garvey, Expedition Publishing, PO Box A, Mastic Beach, NY 11951.Ch. Lynnwright's Dick TracyOrange Sable Male BreederOwner Donna Lynn WrightMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge ROMXCh. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROMCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Bev-Nors Sweet SassyBrittons Little Miss Muffet Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROM Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman Bev-Nors Tess Bev-Nors First LadyCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROM Ch. Bev-Nors Lady DianaBev-Nors Summer LoveCh. Silver Meadows Jus fi Lil TeddyRed MaleBreederOwner Jacquelyn KleinCh. Tim Sues Poinciana Star Ch. Silver Meadows Scooter StarrCh. Silver Meadows Spice O Legacy Ch. Silver Meadows SS SqueakCh. Silver Meadows Pepr O Legacy Silver Meadows UrsulaSilver Meadow Gamblin Queen Ch. Bonners Lisastar Legacy Ch. Silver Meadows Pepr O LegacyCh. Silver Meadows Sparkle Plenty Silver Meadows TinkleBi-Mar Happy Hooligan of Bradley Bi-Mar Rose MarieBi-Mar Tia MariaCh. Silver Meadows Mr. PrecociousOrange MaleBreederOwner Jacquelyn KleinCh. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper K Goldmist Ch. Silver Meadows Starmister Oak Hill Thorn Silver Meadows GeraldineSilver Meadows Gay Melody Mercers Dash O Duke Ch. Silver Meadows Lil Red Echo Silver Meadows Lil Echo Silver Meadows RedwingCh. Models Son of Fun Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of FunCh. Silver Meadows KatydidCh. Stolannes Highway to HeavenOrange MaleBreederOwner Frances StollCh. Millamors Trademark AC Ch. Millamors Im a Windjammer Millamors Rock Rosette Ch. Frys Magic KamehamehaCh. Dixielands Rock of Millamor Ch. Frys Magic JeanneFrys Charming Muffy Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Ch. Dixielands Rock of Millamor Dixielands Veronica Ch. Stolanne Mystique StarletCh. O My Pattys Touch O-Pepper O My Starmist MinuetteJodas Starkist of Patri-ArkCh. Moonshadows Eye of the Tiger l.D.Orange MaleBreeder Paul Sandra Logan Owner Lois CampbellCh. Queenaire Gambling Man Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Queenaire Luv Duk Ch. Queenaire Coup D ETatCh. Models Red Sultan Queenaire Ruby RubyQueenaire Luv Duk Ch. Model Mr. Robert Ch. Models Red SultanMajestic April Love Queenaire Ruby RubyBlossom Views Proud Queenaire Luv DukQueenaire Dark VelvetCh. Shady Park Chips of The RockRed Orange MaleBreeder Diana L. Lucille NolanOwner Diana L. NolanCh. Millamors Moon Rock ROM Ch. Millamors Rock Music ROM Millamors Marlita AC Ch. De Artas Rock MusicCh. Robinhoods Instant Rerun De Artas Dancing DeliteCh. LLL Charming Gold Buttercup Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Cricket Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Gina Nolans Shady Park BrandiNolans Shady Park Winchell Nolans Shady Park HeatherNolans Shady Park Misty32 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian SJSWOS'ffiI Jl f. \ I X. yJ-M ^ ' XUi" EST OFDinners7Ch. Stolannes Highway To HeavenCh. Frys Magic Kamehameha x Ch. Stolanne Mystique StarletWhen "Haley" came home to live with me again after being gone several months, he seemed more eager than ever to please, especially in the show ring. His huge coat, pretty face, and deep red-orange color were very popular with the judges.A special thank you to those who awarded him pointsMrs. Joan Gordon Alexander Mr. Frank E. Oberstar Mrs. Dawn Vick Hanson Mrs. Georgia Buttram Mr. Melbourne T. L. Downing Mrs. Charlotte P. Patterson Haley is a proven stud, his first puppies are promising He joins his brother Comet as the second champion for his specials dam. See his pedigree in "Behind the New Titlists."BreederOwnerHandler4 points, BOW 2 points, BOW5 points, BOW1 point, WD2 points, BOW 4 points, BOWFrances J. StollStolanne PomeraniansR.R. 3, Box 429 O Washington, IN 47501 812254-3857Pomeranian NovemberDecember 1992 336\\ .MUPOVSl5r'\HrsVft er A- L etiweeiWINNERSGREENVILLEKENNEL CLUB JULY 1992ovBW mAiseCvuheHin. 2BEST OF WINNERSS ALABAMAK.C.AUG1992CMing was sired by our BIS Ch. "Fievel." She is a granddaughter of Ken Griffiths Ch. Beaver of Lenette.Bred, Owned and Loved byRosemary Regoni and Deena Swinney 385 Loop Rd. Campobetlo, SC 29322 803 472-300234 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeranian SJI1W11SMOHIO lOWfiJIM JUDY SHEARER523 MILLER AVE. SUGARCREEK, OHIO 44681 216] 852-4136MEMBERSAMERICAN POM CLUB ANDOHIO VALLEY POM CLUBWjPOMSLOUISIANA504 384-7466 After 700pmJanes a s PomsP.O. Box 2775Jerrie Freia Morgan City, l_A 70381McKameys Sundawn KennelsMrs. Norris McKamey 1112 Sycamore Dr Le Claire, Iowa 52753-9630 319 332-5809Puppies to love, breed and show prospects, state wants clearly.Bloodlines are Cavalier, Millamor, Sungold, Great Elms, Browns, Creider, Hoods, Emcee, English Preservenes, Cynpeg and, HadleighTheAmerican Pomeranian Slubwould like to wish everyone aStappy ShCoCiday SeasonMerry ChristmasJCappy JhanukJsahJtappy IhanksjjivinyDSCappy 9ezv year1 . ssOTO mPomeranian. 5W01\E7 NovemberDecember 1992 35dvertisers [IndexBaugniet, Sally POMIRISH ............................21Blake, Evelyn BLAKES ...............................BCBlank, Jean Robert ABSOLUTE ............FC, 1Bohnert, Judy EQUINOX .............................. 15Bordelon, Janet VELVET TOUCH..................24Campbell, Lois......................................................5Carlin, Steven Gloria MARANATHA .. 28,29Garvey, Gail GGS.....................................7,9,23Griffith, K. G. LENETTE ...............................21Hanson, Sharon JAN-SHAR .........................IFCHarris, Bonnie TRESSTIQUE ..................... IBCKlein, Ron Jackie SILVER MEADOWS .. 27Kneisler, Maria KNEISLER................. 18,19,23Kosasih, Agus SPECTACULAR ...............FC, 1Liselli, Anna AN-JO ......................................... 9Nolan, Diana SHADY PARK......................... 13Ontiveros, Margaret Daniel GOLDSUN . 11 Presser, Marlene Marlin APOLLOETTE . 17Regoni, D R DARS FOXRIDGE................34Rosenbaum, Mary BI-MAR.............................25Schaap, Betty..................................................... 17Sharland, Gale PINEHAVEN .........................31Stoll, Frances STOLANNE .............................33White, S. R ...........................................................3Advertising Policies SpatesAds are placed in the magazine in the order they are received. Any ads that miss the issue deadline willbe held for inclusion in the next issue. All photoswill be returned via 1st class US Mail. Member Non-MemberFront Cover............................... 120.00 150.00Back Cover............................... 100.00 125.00Inside Front Cover.................... 90.00 110.00Inside Back Cover.................... 90.00 110.00Center Page Spread................... 170.00 200.00Full Page................................... 75.00 90.0034 Page.................................... 60.00 70.0012 Page.................................... 45.00 55.0014 Page.................................... 30.00 40.00Business Card 2 x 3.25"... 20.00 25.00Classified Ads.......................... 5.00 7.00100.00yr for 31S Members onlyli xtra urgesPhoto Reproduction......................................... i5.00eaTints grey backgrounds................................ 7 50Reverse white lettersblack backgrounds. 500Mortises photos less than .25" apart............. lO.OOeaBleeds photos printed to edge of page.... 20.00Pomeranian \jndexAllayns Shining Gold Trinket........................... 19Ch. Apolloette Elver Ready Rocky.................... 17Apolloette Top Brass.......................................... 16Bi-Mars Foxie Lady...........................................25Bi-Mars Grasshopper.........................................25Blakes Me And My Shadow............................BCCinnabars Buttorifly Levi................................. 14Dars Foxridge Ming Dawn................................34Dover-Holihouse My Best Bow..........................20GGs Little Storm Trooper...................................7GGs Puppy........................................................ 23GGs Summer Breeze of An-Jo............................9Glen Iris Castle Secret............................. 16,18,23Golden Aires Billie Jean..................................IBCCh. Homesteads Spit N Polish.......................IBCJan-Shars Amazing Grace.................................IFCCh. Jan-Shars Mountain Dew.........................FC, 1Jan-Shars Pretty As A Picture...........................IFCKneislers Rock N Tradition.............................. 19Kneislers Toasty Miz Kayla............................. 18Lennette Pup.......................................................21Ch. Maranathas Iil Caleb...................................29Maranathas Lil Charity CD, ROM....................28Ch. Maranathas Lil Hallelujah..........................29Maranathas Lil Petra CD, CGC.........................29Maranathas Miracle of God CD........................29Ch. Moonshadow Eye of The Tiger UD...............5Can. Ch. Schimmels Maestro........................... 15Ch. Shady Park Chips of The Rock................... 13Shamrocks Tarbubble V Allayn....................... 18Silver Meadows Mr Precocious..........................27TLC Bon Jovi..................................................... 11Tomho Strutting On A Catwalk......................... 14Tresstique Lil Orphan Annie............................IBCCh. Starfires Popeye..........................................31Ch. Stolannes Highway To Heaven...................33Ch. Sungolds Short Circuit.............................. 16REMEMBERNov 1 is the deadline for the ]anFeb -- Handlers IssueDONTLATE36 NovemberDecember 1992 Pomeraniana Tresstique Pomswould like to thank..."Gopher" "Billy"1fh0 'i'mI0CHARLEST1MCh. Homesteads Spit N Polish Golden Aires Billy Jean"Annie"es0if\G^ vo^m mMTresstique Lil Orphan AnnieBonnie Harris19 Wheat Path Rd. Mt Sinai, NY 11766 516 331-3004Blake's PomeraniansIntroducesMake's Me My Shadow. loh3VB E S T OFW I N N E R S^GREATER LOWELL mi \ KENNELtCLUBSIfCCLlJ__Ch. Blakes Sir Robert John x Jan-Shars Shelly At BlakesWatch for "Shad," "Cher," and Shads littermate, "Punky" with Jackie Raynor this Fall.Shad received his first 2 points, his first weekend out at Greater Lowell K.C.Thank you Judge Mrs. Eleanor L. Kotman. Thanks Jackie for loving and caring for my "lil fuzz balls."OwnerEvelyn E. BlakePO Box 85Craigsville, WV 26205 304 742-3365Handler Jackie Raynor748 Norway Ave. Hamilton, NJ 08629 609 587-2586