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The Pomeranian Review January 1989

AmericanPomeranianClub, 3ncomeramanLviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLYANUARY 1989wrq ^.r-- 2 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Jan Shar's Home BrewCh. Bev-Nor N Southland's Rambo x Jan-Shar's Foggi NotionQ' oBEST BREEDOFPicturedheretakinga4 point major over 5 specials Pictured here with judge Mary McCoy taking a 5 at 8 months of age out of puppy class. Judge Peggy point major, also out of puppy class. 8 12 monthsDillard Carr. old.anThe next day, another 5 point major under judge Alan Harper. Thank you, JudgesNamed 'The Beast" for his attitude of being just a bit better than the other dogs, Beasty is a product of a father-daughter breeding that worked. We would like to thank Mary Linger for leasing us her beautiful male, Golden Oaks Annon's Image. He's a welcome addition to our breeding program.For sale Seven month old show quality female sired by Ch. Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo, out of Ch. Jan-Shar's Sky High, a Rambo daughterFLASH - Beasty finished with a 3 point major November 12 at Salisbury, MD under Richard Allen KoesterOwnersJane Fleshman Rt. 2, Box 375C Lewisburg, WV 24901304497-3190Sharon Hanson Rt. 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966 304497-2446HandlerPam CampbellPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmerican Pomeranian Eluh, Jttr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident.............................................................................................................................Olga BakerFirst Vice President ........................................................................................................Sam ZaneoffSecond Vice President.....................................................................................................Sue GoddardRecording Secretary.......................................................................................................Mary VickersCorresponding Secretary............................................................................................Audrey Roberts1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, LA 71446 Treasurer........................................................................................................................Morris CarsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSDolores Watts John CribbsPeter Galindo Marlene PresserDianne Johnson Fred BassettDelegate to AKC..............................................................................................................................Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor................................................................Phyllis Ripley, 6902 E. 1st St., Tucson, AZ 85710Circulation Manager.........................................John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year. Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto, Rico, APOs. U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESNonMembersMembersCover..................................120.00 150.00Inside Front Cover.................65.00 80.00Center Spread.......................120.00 150.00Full page................................55.00 65.00Three-quarters page ... .45.00 55.00Half page................................35.00 45.00Quarter page...........................15.00 25.00Classified Ads..........................5.00 7.00Photo Reproduction ....10.00 10.00Color.........................................Call for pricesPictures are returned after publication.CONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos 10.00 each. Editor reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. Photos must accompany ad copy. ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED.DEADLINESNovember 15 January IssueFebruary 15 April IssueMay 15 July IssueAugust 15 October Issue4 POMERANIAN REVIEWTable of ContentsAPC Summer Specialty 6by Rose HansenSecretary's Report 8Tracking Pom - A Dream Come 12True, by Brenda K. Hutton Carolina Pom Club 22Columbia Pom Club 22DallasFt. Worth Pom Club 24Pom Club of Des Moines 28Ohio Valley Pom Club 28Don't Look Now 34by Dr. Alvin Grossman New Ideas 36by Wendy FeistWestern Interstate Obedience 38by Linda GallacherHelpful Hints 42Behind The New Champions 48Obedience News 54Good Judges Don't Look Only For 62Faults, by Anna K. Nicholas I Remember When 54by Dorothy BonnerCorrections 70Yips and Yaps 72Puget Sound Pom Club 74Circulation Manager 76More on Vaccines 77by Victoria LovelyIndex of Advertisers 78AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breedingand exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the club, please contact Mrs. Audrey Roberts, 7559 Pasito Ave., Cucamonga, CA 91730.If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047.Cover StoryCh. Shy Acres Our Man Friday, a pleasant surprise He's the pup I tried so hard to sell, but fate stepped in and I kept him long enough for Nancy Burnette to meet him. She saw something in this eight month old, naked pup that I had failed to see. In six short weeks she transformed him into a very special dog. He finished his championship with four straight wins and a Group 1, all from puppy class. This was one of many Group 1 s to follow. He also had the honor of being chosen our 1988 National Sweepstakes winner. He is currently rated in the Top Ten Pomeranians.I wasn't expecting Friday to be that one special dog that every breeder dreams of. I guess I was kennel blind, but not in the ordinary sense of the term. All credit goes to Nancy, who gave this little guy a total "attitude adjustment" and created a winner. Well, Nancy, guess those psychology course weren't in vainI would also like to thank Nancy for allowing Ch. Nanshadow's Hurricane Juan to be with me in California. He will stand at stud here at Shy Acres.OwnerNancy Burnette Nanshadow 913 Shall Court Jacksonville, AR 72076BreederAudrey Roberts Shy Acres 7559 Pasito Ave.Cucamonga, CA 91730 714 629-1653POMERANIAN REVIEWBks Pomeraniansproudly presents Our Newest Obedience TitleTRACKING DOGSfc- ' Mi.VV . o,9nBksSir SpeedyCDX TD Can. UD UKC CDX TTHere's Spunky at the conclusion of a successful track in his first attempt. He is the only living Pomeranian with a TD the only male Pom ever to hold the title and just the 7th Pom in AKC history to earn a TD. The judges were Walter B. Steward, Jr. and Joyce Klamet.Many Pomeranian people have expressed interest in different kinds of activities with their dogs.When you are told you dog is too little, too wimpy or too weak to participate, don't listen. If you wantto do anything, learn to listen to yourdog. Learn how the other dogs are trained, then adapt, improvise and create suitable ways to teach your dog. Use common sense in judging your dog's ability in strenuous or dangerous activities. Don't be left out just because there may not be others with small dogs doing a given event in your area.Whether it's tracking, obedience, agility, flyball, scent hurdles, herding, or any other event, LISTEN TO YOUR DOG. He'll tell you when he's mentall and physically ready to attempt what you ask. He'll tell you if your training methods are correct or too harsh. Don't give up If one method doesn't work, be creative in designing another method. Ask anyone with toy breeds how they train. Write letters, read books, attend seminars, then go for your dreamsThank you for letting us share our joy.Lovingly ownedtrainedhandledBrenda K. Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 517485-5183POMERANIAN REVIEW3American Pomeranian Club Summer SpecialtySeptember 9, 1988 Des Moines, Iowa by Rose M. HansenIt was a lovely September day, the temperature in the low 80s. The show site was like a huge picnic pavilion with plenty of room for the seven different dog specialties that were to be held that day. It was going to be a very busy day and things were already starting to get geared up. The grounds out back were beginning to look like a camp ground and it was only Friday. It was already half full.Somewhere on that lot a Pomeranian puppy was about to be born and the owner was hoping the birth would be all over so she could attend the National Pomeranian Specialty in a few hours. Her luck held and a cream female was born about 1 p.m. Mother and baby were fine.When 4 p.m. arrived, the Sweepstakes judging started with Miss Nadine Hersil in the ring. If you have ever seen Miss Hersil judge you know the whole time she is judging she is having a great time. She loves to put her nose up to each one and get a kiss, and the puppies adore her. She is very kind and easy on them, but she has an excellent eye for quality and does her appointed job well. Miss Hersil awarded Best in Sweep- stakes to Mi Babe S M Crash, owned by-VBest of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes went to lestom's Miss Wonderful, owned by Jessie and fom Stephens.0'lBest in Sweepstakes went to Mi Babe S M Crash, owned by Babe McCombs.Babe McCombs and Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes to Jestom's Miss Wonderful, owned by Jessie and Tom Stephens.After the judging, Miss Hersil was to have some special remarks for Jane Lehti- nen when she saw some of the views Jane had taken with her Cam-Corder. Jane taped the Sweepstakes and the Regular classes, and it was shown in the Hospitality room the next evening. All were very pleased with the quality of the dogs.After the Sweepstakes judging we had a pot luck dinner put on by the host club, The Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines,fWinners Dog went to Jan-Le's Ragtime Music, owned by Jane Lehtinen.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7nfWinners Bitch and Best of Winners went to Jestom's Miss Wonderful, owned by Jessie and Tom Stephens.Inc.At 6 p.m. it was time for the Regular Classes to begin, j'udged by Mrs. Janice Luginsland. She placed Jan-Le's Ragtime Music, owned by Jane Lehtinen Winners Dog for 5 points 20 dogs. Reserve went to Rocky's Chip of Gold, owned by Virginia Rockhold. Winners Bitch was awarded to Jestom's Miss Wonderful, owned by Jessie and Tom Stephens, also for 5 points 14 bitches. Reserve Winners Bitch went to Beltane Such a Spree, owned by Paul and Barbara Curry.Best of Breed went to Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Amigo, owned by Marlene and Frank Penny. Best of Winners was the Winners Bitch, Jestom's Miss Wonderful and Best of Opposite Sex was Ch. Cher- lyn's Ain't She Sweet, owned by Cheryl Bergerson.^3A6.0-W.PHOTOBest of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Cherlyn's Ain't She Sweet, owned by Cheryl Bergerson.speV Sr^ fir i iI FBREEDBESTG.D.VSEPTEMBERPHOTOOLSONBest of Breed went to Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Amigo, owned by Marlene and Frank Penny.Mrs. Luginsland is a very business-like judge and gets in the ring and really goes to work. She knows what she is looking for and is pretty consistent. She has been a breeder for a long time and knows what she likes and what she does not like, and did a very good job. Her Best of Breed dog was from Ontario Canada. He sure could move and although he did nothing the rest of the weekend, he is a very pretty boy. This is his first year out and I think the owner said he was top Pomeranian in Canada this year.There were nine Champions and one Veteran dog competing for Best of Breed and all were present. They were some of the nicest Poms I have ever seen. Most stayed on for the next three days of judging as well.continued on p. 68.BREEDBEST PHOTOOLSONEnjoyingthe victory with ownerhandler Marlene Penny, is Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Amigo.8 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARY'S REPORTby Audrey RobertsMr. Sam Zaneoff is now officially our new delegate. He was approved at the last AKC Board Meeting. Congratulations again, SamNew members recently voted in areE. Suzanne Henderson 101 Northshore Dr.Morton, IL 61550 309 266-9736Sponsors Frances Stoll, Nancy FryCheryl Jackson and Joel Taylor 1038 16th Ave. S.Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603Sponsors Polly Ferguson, Nancy BurnetteTammy M. Carrell 5272 Old VA Springs Rd.Roanoke, VA 24014 703 342-3915Sponsors Patty Griffin, Mary VickersGeorge and Jane Reed 27575 Wilson River Hwy Tillamook, OR 97141 503 842-2455Sponsors Irene and Sylvia Harbin, Mary RosenbaumRosemary E. Regoni 12 Sunnyside Lane N. Chili, NY 14514 716 594-8695Sponsors Susan Austin, David Edwards February SpecialtyOur Specialty this year will be on Sunday, February 12, 1989. We have changed the location to the LaGuardia Marriott at the LaGuardia Airport. This will be much easier for those flying in. Also I'm told it will be much easier for those driving. Daily parkingis adjacent to the hotel and costs only 4.00 a day. For those attending Westminster there is a bus at 6.00 that allows dogs, or you can get together with friends and take the coach van available through the hotel to carry 14 people with dogs for 7.00 per person.This hotel wants our business. It is a new hotel, only 5 years old. Several restaurants are available 7 days a week in the hotel. A pool is located in the hotel as well, with a sauna and jacuzzi. For you athletic types, an exercise room and health club are also available. A single or double room is available at 95.00 per night, plus tax. Reservations can be made by calling toll free 1- 800-228-9290.You asked for a change and here it is Let's all attend and make this a Super Specialty. Our judging line-up is great with Janice Luginsland of Americus, KS doing Regular and Non Regular classes and Christine Heartz of Nova Scotia, Canada doing Sweepstakes. What ore could we ask The agenda is Saturday the 11th from 6-9 p.m. Hospitality Room with cocktails and finger food for 150 eople, catered by the hotel. Sunday, the how from 8 a.m. until Annual meeting immediately after Best in Show. Dinner aid Awards Banquet 800 p.m. Sunday .Plans are also in , le making for the Summer Specialty. It will be June 8, 1989. It is sponsored by the Northern California Pomeranian Club. It will be held at the Holiday Inn in San Francisco. For more information contact Julie Moreno at 415-583- 4973 and see their ad elsewhere in this issue.Spirit.. .Style . ..Showmanship ...ay - ' x' MlmmrfenMCfi.Jamel's Fuqicle of SouthlandGroup 1 - Channel City KC - Mrs. George Wanner, Sr.Skyler is pictured taking a very competitive group during the prestigious Santa Barbara Weekend. His first daughter is turning heads everywhere she goes. Watch out for Amy, a.k.a. Glen Iris Star AmethysteHandled byMike Kemp Assisted by Scott SommerOwnersC.A. JacksonJ.M. Taylor 1038 16th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-660310 POMERANIAN REVIEWIntroducingPhyner Sweet SuccessOrange-Sable Bitchac1 Vi 'Winners Bitch under breederjudge Sally Baugniet at San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty, held in conjunction with Del Sur KC all-breed show."Sweetie Pie" is by Ch. Phyner Bust My Buttons black and out of Phyner Morgana Le Fey black. Add to our "Coming Attractions" in Browns, our chocolate girl, Phyner Carmella by Ch. Phyner Bust My Buttons x Phyner Black Sorceress a Choco daughterOwnerDolly B.Trauner 2025 Lyon St.San Francisco, CAHandlerJeff NokesPOMERANIAN REVIEW 11"MinnieIIssyVa Ch. Phyner Black MinikinBest of Breed at San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty 111288 under respected breederjudge Sally Baugniet. Minnie was also Best of Breed at Bahia K.C. the day before, and at Cabrillo K.C. the day after this Pom Specialty.OwnerDolly B. Trauner 2025 Lyon St.San Francisco, CA 94115Perfectly presentedas always by Jeff Nokes, handler 714 780-479212 POMERANIAN REVIEWTracking Pom - A Dream Come Trueby Brenda K. HuttonAs I write this it is late Friday evening. I'm so excited with anticipation I can't sleep. Sunday morning Spunky aka BK's Sir Spunky AKCUKC CDX, Can. UD and I will get up around 5 a.m. to leave for Ann Arbor, Ml for our first attempt at a very long coveted Tracking Dog title. It's been a wonderful year, although at times very frustrating and hard.This year I completely stopped training in Obedience. The goal for the year was for Sunshine to earn a Tracking Title. The last TD earned on a Pom was by Claudia Frank on Silvakress Viva UDT in 1978. There have only been 6 Poms ever to earn a TD. I would love to earn the next one. Sunshine was targeted because she is so willing to please and seems to enjoy any time or activity spent with her. Spunky has not been working well for several years now and seems to now dislike tracking after loving it initially. So, in mid-April, Sunshine and I started tracking. She liked what we did, but I had serious doubts about her. Even though we were out at least once a week, she did not seem to be catching on at all. One week she's do fairly well, the next week she didn't seem to have a clue to what we were doing. I half-heartedly tried tracking with Spunky as well, but it was an uphill battle. As a six- year- old, he really becomes stubborn about some things.Finally, after about six weeks of intensive effort, Spunky came to the point where he just quit. His attitude at home was deplorable and I couldn't even get him to come willingly when called. As a result, I quit tracking with him and totally ignored him for weeks.Summer came early this year, combined with the worst drought we'd had in my lifetime. The fields dried up. Dry vegetation does not hold a scent, so tracking becamevirtually impossible. From early June until mid-July we did not track at all. It was just so hot and dry, any attempt would have been counterproductive. In mid- July it cooled into the high 80s and I said to myself, "If we're going to get a title this year, we'll just have to do the best we can and train anyway." By now I'd decided to start training Spunky again. An unbelievable change had come over him. Suddenly he seemed more anxious to please than I'd seen him since he was a puppy. As an experiment, I took him with Sunshine and me one day, tracked her, and then laid a short track for him. To my delight he willingly worked the track He made mistakes, but he was tryingTaking the dogs tracking involves a lot of effort and time. I would get home from work, grab the dogs after they'd exercised, jump in the car and head for the fields alfalfa and grass at Michigan State University. After arriving I'd leave them in the car and walk in a set pattern in the field. A track usually would have about 4 changes in direction, work the wind in at least three ways, and be 300 to 400 yards long. Laying one track could well require me to walk in the field 500-600 yards. Then I'd either take that dog out to track, or go ahead and lay another track for the second dog. The dog is then put into a harness and using his nose, follows the scent of disturbed vegetation where I walked. At the end of the track is a leather glove I've left which they must find. By the time both dogs have been run on their tracks and we arrived back home, it would have taken us the better part of three hours.Although we had been taught to only track once or twice a week at most, we began going out 3,4 and 5 times a week. Sunshine was coming along nicely, but she didn't seem to have quite the same ability asPOMERANIAN REVIEW 13Garfois P insaIml.kVma oi juavanaCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Garton's Baby BlossomPictured going Best of Opposite at Hendersonville KC under Judge Toddie Clark for 2 points. At stud to approved matrons.WinterOwnerLavina CartonSummer4888 Canal 15 Road P.O. Box 151Lake Worth, FL 33463HandlerDillwyn,VA23936305 967-5786 804983-2517Jayson A. Lynch2830 Spessard Ave.Roanoke, VA 24015 703 774-913614 POMERANIAN REVIEWSpunky. Spunky went no where but up. He improved slowly but steadily as we got into August. My feet and legs, which I thought would fall off after the first 3 or 4 nights began to gain endurance. Though I'm not a walker, I found myself walking what seemed to equivalent of a couple of miles, in alfalfa sometimes up to my waist. Soon my lungs did not feel as though they would burst after laying a track, and sometimes I'd even have enough energy to come home and do other work.An amazing thing began to happen. Spunky began doing extremely well in tracking, and the better he did the more obedience he became overall, and the more affectionate he became. I watched him growing younger before my eyes. This six year old dog now acts like he is two. He's playing with the new puppy, jumping up on the bed with ease and trying to jump into my arms like he used to. He can't wait to greet me at the door and is full of wet kisses. He's even jumping off the bed and the second step of the porch - things he's never done in his life. He has so much energy and just seems remarkably happy. If we never get a TD, I am simply delighted with getting my old dog back.Then came the big day, September 4, 1988. Spunky certified on a regulation track under a real tracking judge. In order to enter a TD test, the dog must "certify, " meaning he has passed a test under similar conditions to a real Tracking Test in the presence of an AKC judge. The judge then issues a form stating the dog is ready to enter a test. We are now halfway to the TD title for Spunky it has been miles and years coming.Sunshine tried several times during September to certify but things just didn't work for her. Then in mid-September I realized why she was having so much trouble. She had a terrible bladder infection and to make matters worse, the puppy had come in season. Even though Sunni is spayed, the urine test indicated that she was sloughing red blood cells or, as the vet put it,having a sympathetic heat cycle. Wonderful Between being in pain, on medication and in a false heat, Sunni was physically unable to track.So Sunni has to start all over again and Spunky is going to be in a test in two days. I'm confident he'll do well because he has become a tracking dog with purpose. When he's out there very little seems to bother him. He is intent on the track. He and I are almost telepathic. I trust him to stay on the track and work it to the best of his ability. We're prepared and ready, confident we'll be able to pass.With some decent weather and a little luck it should be a piece of cake. As I write this, I'm not so much nervous or frightened of failing as I am joyful and anticipatory of this great event. Even the best dogs fail, so I won't be crushed it this happens, but I don't think it will.It's all over now, but you'll have to read to the end to know what happens.Sunday was very cold. At 5 a.m. when we got up there was a very heavy frost outside. It was only about the fourth morning this fall that we'd had any frost, and it was by far the hardest one. No one has had the chance to work under these conditions. It was about 25 degrees and looking mostly like Christmas. We went through our morning routine and left the house about 6 a.m. for what was expected be to about a 1 12 hour drive. We arrived at the test headquarPOMERANIAN REVIEW 15Our Newest "Brown" ContenderPointed from Puppy Classledldlii99 ^mmAimncirfs Mr, Clliaiiriliie IDirowir3 lbs., Dark BrownOwned and Loved byJulie Moreno and Dolly B. Trauner 1636 Claremont Dr.San Bruno, CA 94066 415583-2973 After 10 a.m. our time pleaseHandled and presented with pride and perfection by Jeff Nokes.16 POMERANIAN REVIEWters about 715 a.m. and were almost the first ones there. After taking dogs out to exercise, my friend and I went inside for a cup of coffee. What a mistake When you get out in the field, Mother Nature calls, NOW At 8 a.m. all the entrants were there and a drawing was held to determine what track each dog would run. We drew 8th and track 7. I had no idea how fortunate we were going to be.After the drawing, everyone loaded into their cars to drive the two miles or so to the first tracking field which had tracks 1 through 5. The sun was coming up but wasn't giving off much heat yet. The first dog went into this grassy field that was completely white with frost. It failed about half way through the track. The second dog ran its track and passed. By now the frost was beginning to melt. There was about a 10 mph wind blowing from the west. The third dog, a Basset Hound, was not about to walk around in this frozen grassy field, so he too failed. My friend was next with her Great Dane. Now there was quite a fog created by the frost as it melted. As we found out later, these conditions cause the scent of the track to come up right off the ground, and in a breeze it just brows away. Well, the dane did fine until they reached a portion of the field where the height of the cover changed from a few inches to a couple of feet. It was cut in a straight line and the breeze blew the scent of the track right down the row. The dog followed which was not where the track was so it failed also. The next dog, a Golden Retriever, had much the same experience. Thank heavens there were no more tracks in this fieldNow everyone loaded into their cars again to follow the Field Marshall to the next field about five miles away. It contained tracks 6 and 7. It was about 1030 a.m., the breeze had died down to about 5 mph, the sun was shining beautifully and was about 45 degrees. You should have seen this field It was alfalfa, a perfect tracking cover, about six inches tall, very sparse inspots and filled in with nice short field grass. The Golden Retriever passed on his half of the field and now it was our turn.I could not have asked for rfiore perfect conditions. I felt very confident now, and not at all nervous. It was up to Spunky. I spoke with the judges for a minute, then walked out to the starting flag and fitted the harness to the dog. We walked up to the flag and Spunky took off immediately. As he got about 30 feet from the flag, something happened across the road at a nearby house which sounded like a rock falling on a piece of sheet metal. It seemed to spook him slightly, but he recovered quickly and went on about the business of tracking. He took several minutes reaching the first turn, then took the turn confidently. The next leg seemed like miles, but was about 150 yards. Once again he indicated loss of track, very nicely worked the corner and took off on leg 3. This part of the field had a little less alfalfa and more grass, so he kept going a foot or so off the track checking himself, then would come back to the track and trot on. Again he indicated the corner, got himself situated and took off. About here I started breathing again. I could see nothing within the expected range of the track which should cause him any trouble, and he had everything "well in nose." He reached the next corner where he circled repeatedly in small, tight circles.Normally this would be an indication that the article left at the end of the track usually a leather glove was near, but he couldn't seem to locate it. However, at this point the ground was very bare and sparsely covered and I couldn't see anything. About the time he located another leg to the track, I lifted my arm to tell the judges that my dog had indicated finding something. If there had been a glove there and I walked up and found it, without that indication from me to the judges, we would have failed. It turned out there was no article there, and Spunky had only been working a corner. As he continued to track and IPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1Lovely LadyShawna-Debutante' ' i i- 8. FS. s5\msu.rShawna is shown above taking Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex for a 3 point major under Mrs. Wanner. Shawna's short back, petite features and thick deep red sable coat of proper texture contribute to her lady-like appearance. Her movement is outstanding, being smooth and free but never loose. A delightful little girl, one who makes me very proud.Lovely PomeraniansVictoria E. Lovely 12022 30th St. E.Puyallup, WA 98372 206 863-86088 POMERANIAN REVIEWeached the spot where he had been cir- ling, 1 thoroughly checked the ground for a love and didn't find one. Spunky was con- idently going on up the hill tracking, so I new we were all right. NOTE You can ndicate to the judges any number of times hat you've found the article and be wrong, tutyou will fail if you don'ttell them when the Jog really does find it. The dog isn't required to retrieve or pick up the article, but f they do, then there's no doubt he found he article.This turned out to be the last leg which vas on a diagonal going kitty-corner up the till. Spunky would go a few feet on the track, hen check either up or down the hill to be iure he was right, then come back to the rack and continue. I was pretty sure we vere on the last leg and so kept a sharp eye tut in case he should give the slightest ndication of finding the glove. I needn't tave worried. When he reached the glove ifter about 60 yards, he picked it up and urned to me with it in his mouth and started rotting to me on a retrieve.The rest is a blur. I do know that I creamed really loud, because the whole qallery at the foot of the hill heard me and tegan to clap and shout in approval. I fell to ny knees and gave that dog the biggest hug te's ever had I guess you know, if you've ver met Spunky, that he knew he had done omething extraordinary. He was wearing he biggest Pom grin you ever did see That noment is one I shall always cherish, like vinning the Super Bowl, World Series and Haines Classic rolled into one. I had re- nembered to bring a video camera with me, tnd sure enough, someone else in the test wrought a camera so I taped her and she aped us. We have the whole track on video ape, from start to scream If I wear it out Defore making a copy for Mary Vickers, I'm oing to be in big troubleThe next five tracks were all in beautiful alfalfa fields. However, the wind picked up ibout 20 mph and the rains came in buck- ets. Every dog after us got drenched and sodid the people But all the rest of the dogs passed. As it turned out, we had one of the two best tracks of the day.Earning this title has really been a dream come true. It did not come easily. We worked very, very hard. I've quit more times than I can count, gone through hundreds of aspirin and hours with the heating pad on sore muscles. We've been out in the pouring down rain, 90 degree heat, up and down hills, frozen our butts off and worried about ticks and Lyme Disease. But the feeling you have following a dog who is working a track is unbelievably satisfying. You know, Poms used to pull sleds and were working dogs. To see them working again is a thrilling sight. I only wish those people who have contacted me about tracking a Pom were closer so I could more easily lend support and help where I could. That is a commodity in short supply when you've tracking a breed of this stature.Getting a tracking title on any dog requires a lot of patience, work and practice. When you've done it with a Pom, you've had to be as good as most and better than the rest. Believe me, you've really accomplished something and probably become closer to your dog than you ever thought possible. Even more than in regular obedience, you and your dog are a team. Only this time the dog is in charge. Very quickly you find out that to try to out-think the dog or the judges will result in failure. Tracking with a Pom is a supremely satisfying experience. Spunky and I wish "Good Luck" to anyone working on a TD and "Happy Tracking."POMERANIAN REVIEW 1Hapian PomsBROOKHAVEN KENNEL CLUBSEPTEMBER1988Dl GIACOMOEmcees Sparklin' Sea DiamondCh. Emcee's A Chip of Diamond x Emcee's Terrific Wee BetsySparkle is my newest addition to Hapian Poms. At her first match show she took a Croup 1 and made the BPIS cut. A very special thank you to Morris and Betty Carson for letting me have her.Congratulations to Mrs. James R. Dupre, breeder of Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Amigo, and his owners Marlene and Frank Penny, on Amigo's winning the APC Specialty in Des Moines.OwnerHandlerHappeth A. Jones 11 Johnston Ave.Northport, NY 11 768 516757-50540 POMERANIAN REVIEWChfgpendo. 1 VACbn.Ch. Goco Chaneby Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion x Desaree Chriscendo Cafe"Chelsea" finished in Canada at 10 months of age and is now a multiple Croup and Best Puppy in Show winner. One month later, she has won her first all breed Best in ShowWe send congratulations out to litter sister Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chanterelle, owned by Joyce Obuck. "Chloe" also finished quickly with a Croup 1 and Best Puppy in ShowChrgpsndoJohn E. and Christine D. Heartz P.O. Box 189Brookfield, N.S., Canada BON 1CO 902 673-2446POMERANIAN REVIEWSaving the BqJ till7rGover Girlby Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion x L.R.'s Gorgus Sun D RoseIt may be his last puppy, but what a puppyWe have all ourgirls bred and are expecting puppies this FallWinter. At this time we have 2 young champions available to the right homes. These are top quality. Please call us for further information.ChripsndoJohn E. and Christine D. Heartz P.O. Box 189Brookfield, N.S., Canada BON 1 CO 902 673-24462 POMERANIAN REVIEWCLUB NEWSCAROLINA POMERANIAN CLUB by Yolanda WebsterThe September meeting of the Caro- ina Pomeranian Club was held in Raleigh, AC.Even though this was only our second neeting we already have some exciting hings planned. There will be a match in ebruary at the Piedmond Kennel Club luilding in Charlotte, NC. This match will be leld in conjunction with the Charlotte Dog raining Club's match. For more informa- ion contact Dot Martin, Rt. 2, Box 30, Rock Hill, SC 29450 803 377-7718.I hope everyone had a nice holiday eason. I wonder how many of you spent ihristmas and New Year's over a whelping ox waiting for another of God's blessed vents. As a relative newcomer to breed- lg, I wonder if that child-like anticipation lat seems to overwhelm me every time a helping approaches, ever subsides. I ope not because that's my "Christmas" no latter what time of year it is.We have a great bunch of people in our lub. Everyone is so helpful. We invite you join us. For more information, contact Dot Hartin at the address above. We have a onderful newsletter, thanks to Ramona aldridge. She has done a wonderful job eeping us all up to date. We appreciate her fforts.Good luck to everyone at Westminster nd let's show 'em again this yearUntil next time, remember that a little elp goes a long way. Take the time to help imeone. You will be greatly appreciated r itCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Emily UntalanAs Secretary of this Club and a very dive exhibitor I get around a lot, yet notreally. We find ourselves making numerous trips between the ring and the RV, especially since I usually travel with a professional handler who also feeds me quite well as she is an excellent cook So, we traipse back and forth from 8 a.m. to 530 p.m., except in Canada where you're running from 8 a.m. to 1030 p.m. I travelled to Vernon, B.C. a year ago last October for a five day show and we were entertained, wined and dined with BBQ's almost every night. However, this trip to Vancouver offered no wine, no dine and lots of trotting. Besides the regular classes we had 800 calls for Puppy Sweeps, 345 call for Group V Specialty and 500 call for a Breeders Cup - plus Puppy Group competition, etc. There was no time for lunch, let alone dinner and a cold sandwich was 6.95 Our rig did exceptionally well, walking away with our share of the ribbons and money. The Canadians make sure however, that you require a return visit by not awarding anyone enough points to finish in one trip. No offense meant to you Canadians but it does seem to end up that way. The entries in Canada were exceptional, especially in the Toy Group. I hear some fantastic Poms are hanging around there and will soon make their debut. Rumor has it a little boy by the name of Teddy Ruxpin is being kept in hiding until he recoats.Fun Matches are all around us now. It seems the thing for Clubs to do and rivalry is dauntless. We had a Sanctioned B match on the 12th of November, followed by an allbreed match and a Group V match on the 13th, in two different areas of the city. Friends of the Pomeranian sponsored the all breed match and did exceptionally well with 187 entries, 47 of those being obedience.The Club has accepted two new members. Kay Zirkel, a former Sporting and Terrier judge out of California, and a JuniorPOMERANIAN REVIEW'D'lecupti1 -r'IllWINNERSTEXASkennel club1988PHOTO BY PETRUUSp\SiWM m'2iOitocCjUKnten TftteaicWindjammer's Sundae Supreme x Anadors Summer BreezeDreamer is pictured winning his first major under Judge Roy L. Ayers. Thank you Judge Ayres appreciating "small packages."Our sincere thanks to Jeanne and Mickey for the TLC given to 'The Baby" while he is in their caiLate Release - Nov. 6, Tulsa, OK - Thank you BreederJudge Dorothy Bonner for a 4 point majoiOwnersSonny and Riki Barker 218 Van Winkle Dr.Lake Jackson, TX 77566 409 265-6672HandlJeanne VerH BreecWindjammer Po4 POMERANIAN REVIEWmember, Kim McKinney. Welcome to the world of dog exhibitors. We have a number of persons who wish to join the club who are outside of our district, so the Club is going to look into adding an associate membership category to our by-laws.Our Winter Specialty is quickly ap- oroaching and everyone is eagerly awaiting he judgement of Fred Bassett. This will be our 23rd Annual Winter Specialty. After this many shows, it becomes a problem to choose placement awards. It is surprisingly linful how many items one can classify jsing the title "Decorative Art" I don't know ibout you, but my Decorative Art sure col- ects a lot of dust. The Club is seriously considering using monetary awards, start- ng with our Summer Specialty. The values vill vary only with BOB, while the WD, WB, SOW and BOS all remain the same. The hree Challenge Trophies of course, will ilways be there. At least this way, you will et a useful award - perhaps enough to celebrate by going out to dinner or even covering part of your entry fees.I have a correction to make from our jly Specialty. Jambos Royal Rascal had he correct breeder listed, however, Nora ligbee is the owner.It has never been the policy of the Club a pay for pictures sent to the Review for pecialty wins. Only Best of Breed is printed s a courtesy. Each picture costs 10.00 to rint and that cost has come out of my ocket. Since it is almost impossible to ollect on these, it will no longer be done, hose who wish to have their pictures in- luded as part of the Specialty report must quest it in advance and pay in advance. ur show schedules always fall so close to ly Review deadline that it is impossible to orrespond with the winners on whether or ot they want their photos included. The hotographer is excellent as he gets my ictures to me in less than three days, then lere is a mad rush normally Federal Ex- ress to get them to Phyllis.I understand there are some recent winners out there I don't get to quite all the shows but if you don't mail me your results, I can't report themAnd our Anniversary issue ... wasn't it a work of art Simply beautiful. Thanks, Phyllis and everyone who helped to make it so.DALLASFT. WORTH POMERANIAN CLUBFall Specialty Show by Mildred PatrickThe DallasFt. Worth Pomeranian Club held its Fall Specialty Show on Friday, September 23rd, 1988 at Amon Carter Square in Ft. Worth, TX. The Sweepstakes began at 6 p.m. with an entry of eleven beautiful puppies. Our Sweepstakes Judge was Mrs. Dorothy Williamson and this is the way she placed them6-9 Puppy Dogs1. Shir-Mars Little Captain, Johnston2. Carousel's Nickelodeon, Gray 9-12 Puppy Dogs1. Dignity's Texican Venture, Moureau2. Windjammer's Mosaic Dream, Barker3. Lord Greystone of Jeribeth, Baumgart- nerCantino4. Spurrs Whisky Ginger, BusseyBest of Winners was Lord Greystone of Jeribeth, owned by Baumgartner and Cantino.POMERANIAN REVIEW 211POMERANIANSLt. Cmdr. and Mrs. T. L. Stephens 322 158th St. SW Lynnwood, WA 98037206 743-354671 T J MJestoms Miss Wonderful"Bitzy" would like to say thanks to ...Dianne Johnson, who gave her Best Bitch at the Balitmore Pom Club Match when she was only 5 months old Mrs. Loftusforthe points at the Centennial in Toronto Leslie Rodgers for Best Puppy in Croup at the Centennial in Toronto Janice Luginsland for a 5 point major and Best of Winners at the American Pom Specialty in DesMoines Nadine Hersil for Best Opposite Sex in Sweeps at the same show Al Williamson for another major in DesMoines Anita Chapman for_ BOB and Croup 3 in Canada Hans Brunotte for the points and William Bergum for finishing her at the Toy Specialty with WB, BOS and Best Puppy in the Toy Sweepstakes.We are happy that those judges, mostly breeder judges, thought as we do that she can move on the best of legs, has lovely showmanship and style. We think she fits the Standard for size and type. Her dam is our own home-bred Jestom's Dinamite, a daughter of our lovely producing Red Robin son of the late LennisTar Baby of Great Elms. Bitzy'ssire is Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge, a top producing Pom, who still has it all together with super legs. Thanks Bev, for the use of him.Our Am.Can. Ch. Emcee's Good As Gold has been shown four times in Canada and has BOB and Group 1 and 199 12 out of 200 points at the Vancouver Classic under several different judges who evaluated him. We thank Gerda Hill for showing him to these wins and taking care of him while we were out East. To Jean Schroll, thanks a million for finishing Pepi in the States and Canada.Am.Can. Ch. Emcee's Good As Gold, Am.Can. Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of Coy, coowned with B. Deford, Christyhills Wise Guy, son of Good As Gold out of Jestoms' Goldust, grandson of Emcee's Simply Miel half sister to Ch. Emcee's Chiquite DeOro- National Specialty winner 1988, will be welcome additons to our breeding program. We have nothing for sale and nothing at public stud.6 POMERANIAN REVIEW-.A- Jestof Opposite Sex went to Shir-Mar's Windy Jed Teddy, owned by Johnston.3-9 Puppy Bitches1. Shamrock's Tia Maria, Marion 3-12 Puppy Bitches1. Desiree's G.E. Lil Man's Love, Sandifer HeiseRegular classes with an entry of 33 dogs were judged by Mr. A.C. Williamson and after careful deliberation his placements were as follows6-9 Puppy Dogs1. Shir-Mars Little Captain, Johnston2. Carousel's Nickelodeon, Gray 9-12 Puppy Dogs1. Lord Greystone of Jeribeth, Baumgart- nerCantino2. Spurrs Whisky Ginger, Bussey3. Windjammer's Mosaic Dream, Barker4. Dignity's Texican Venture, Moureau Bred by Exhibitor Dogs1. Tuf-Pride Bit of Gold Chance, Dimick Open Dogs1. Rhapsody's Brigadoon, McClary2. Mac's Tomanoll Tomball, McDonald3. Tim Sue's Dixie Dynamo, MoureauGod- dard4. Shadow's Major Meddleson, Bush BradfordWinners Dog - Lord Greystone of Jeribeth Reserve Winners Dog - Rhapsody's Brigadoon v".aBest of Breed was Ch. Sharei's Southern Diamond, owned by Sharon Hicks.6-9 Puppy Bitches 1. Shamrock's Tia Maria, Marion 9-12 Puppy Bitches1. Desiree's G.E. Lil Man's Love, Sandifer HeiseBred by Exhibitor Bitches 1. Tim Sue's Duchess Delight, Goddard Open Bitches1. Shir-Mar's Windy Red Teddy, Johnston2. Wagner's Golden Dream, Freeman3. Tim Sue's Sunlight, CrockettGoddard4. Gray's Chattanooga TuTu, Gray Winners Bitch - Shir Mar's Windy Red TeddyReserve Winners Bitch - Tim Sue's Duchess DelightMr. Williamson picked as Best of Breed, Sharei's Southern Diamond, owned by Sharon Hicks. His Best of Winners was Lord Greystone of Jeribeth and Best of Opposite Sex was Shir-Mar's Windy Red Teddy.Congratulations to all of our winners and a very big thanks to both Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Williamson and our many exhibitors for their contributions in making this another successful show. Thanks also to our Club members and committees for all of their hard work.POMERANIAN REVIEW 27Cfi. Mercers ExoticaBEST OFWINNERSEW CHAMPIONRAPID CITY KENNEL CLUBTfleyei ii him 11 mmV9s-rr. rChesai News Flash x Mercer's Starlett TouchExotica is pictured completing his championship at the Rapid City, SD show. He is a true, correct, wolfsable. We have always wanted a dog this color and now we have him - and he's a champion, no less He is producing this color. See his pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Dan and JoEllen Mercer P.O. Box 147 Big Springs, NE 69122 308 889-31098 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER DES MOINES Fall Specialty Show by Betty J. ShortAs you probably all know by now, Mr. Darrell Baker, our intended judge, fell and broke his leg so Mrs. Sally Baugniet filled in for him and did a fine job. The winners were as followsWinners Dog for 5 points went to Muller Kazar Sungold Illusion owned by Richard Muller of Yuma, Arizona. Reserve Winners Dog went to Jan-Le's Ragtime Music, owned by Jane Lehtinen of Iron, MN.Winners Bitch was Beltane Such a Spree, owned by Paul and Barbara Curry of Mukwonago, Wl. Reserve was Sungold's Peggy Sue for owner Steve Gonzales of Grand Junction, CO.The Veteran Dog winner was Ch. Midas Rock Tempo, owned by Jonathan and Roberta Massey of Iron, MN.Best of Breed went to Ch. Pedron's Dragon The Conqueror, owned by Peter Galindo and Ron Welch of El Paso, TX. I believe he went on to take Group 2 the same day and Group 1 on Monday.Thank you all for coming to our show. We were so afraid the temperatures would be in the 100s and we were all relieved that they were only in the 80s.It has been a great year for the Pomeranian breed, starting with the win at the Garden last February. May you all have great wins in the future and let's all try to breed Poms that make us proud.OHIO VALLEY POMERANIAN CLUB by Barbara StofferWell here I am again, trying the "catch the Fall before if leaves." The Autumn leaves are so very pretty here in Ohio. Sometimes I just like to get out and take a walk on these very precious days. Of course the Poms think that's just great.They love to scamper through the crisp leaves and try to catch the ones that are still falling from the trees. We've had a few really chilly, windy days and nights already, so I know Old Man Winter truly is just around the corner. But with all my Poms to snuggle up and keep me warm, I never worry. They like the Winter too.OVPC held its first Pom Specialty Match in October at the Holiday Inn in Akron. The facilities were just great. The turnout was very good and the Poms had a ball. Best Senior Puppy was Kra- La-Mar Bit O' Honey, owned by Doris Presley. Best Junior Puppy and Best in Match was Crystal Sweet Stardust, owed by Jim and Judy Shearer. By the time this issue comes out we will have had our Medina supported entry at the Christmas Classic weekend in Cleveland. More about that next time.As most everyone knows by now, OVPC is in charge of the trophies for the APC Specialty in New York in February. Ron Feyh is handling all the details and donations.We are proud to say that Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming is continuing his winning ways with several more Bests in Show. He is also producing some very nice puppies. Ch. Great Elms Pride and Joy is also getting some good looking puppies on the ground. We'll be looking for all of them at the upcoming shows. Carol Galavich and Donna Megenhardt have finished so many of their Poms this year that I just can't keep up with them all. Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane of Animation Kennels have also finished their puppies in the past few weeks and are getting ready for their newest protege. Shari Stoffer Kubankin of Idle Acres Kennels finished her Ch. Idle Acres Pinball Wizard, then in his first time out as a special he went Best of Breed over a very good Pom entry at the Western Penn KC show. Shari is now showing Pinball's son Idle Acres American Tale, who is well on his way with 7 points. Bonnie Stetson's Ch. Great Elms Lil Beve of Lenette is also doing well at continued on p. 74.POMERANIAN REVIEW 2Sitn 3rt0 Kljarkmagtte1siBEST OF WINNERSKENNESAWKENNEL CLUBOCTOBER 1988PHOTO BY SABRINAACh. Southland's Toasted Fudge x Bi-Mar ChristyRoyalty speaks for itself.Charlie is named in honor of Charlotte Creed, who owns his sire and handled him to hisfirst points.FLASH - Charlie finished with Best of Breed over specials at Cahaba Valley KCBreederOwnerHandlerCheryl A. Jackson Glen Iris Pomeranians 1038 16th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603OwnerTrainerJerrie Freia Janesa's Pomeranians P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 416 384-74660 POMERANIAN REVIEW2PCome to the city by the Bay Come and see the bridge and play Come to gather in the lights Come to a place with lots of sights.Come to be with one and all Come and really have a ball Come to show and hope to win Come and keep a happy chin.Come with Poms, fluffy and cute Come, have fun, don't give a hoot Come to the city by the Bay Come and wish that you could stay.Co with hearts filled with joys Co with lots of little toys Co with lots more than you came Go from being part of the game.Co knowing you had lots of fun Co maybe having even won Co from knowing from where you went Go know knowing you spent and spent.Co with knowing we a 11 did wel I Go with knowing you all made it swell.Come Celebrate With Us.All inquiries toMrs. Julie Moreno Bench Show Chairman 1636 Claremont Dr.San Bruno, CA 94066OVJNE8 9w JPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3S5Come To California With Pomeranians, Go Home With ChampionsIn Southern California4 Shows, same location May 26th - May 29th.L.A. County Fairgrounds, Pomona, CA In Northern CaliforniaJune 3, Reno KC Reno, NVJune 4, San Juaquin KC Stockton, CAJune 5, Coyote Hills KCJune 6, Golden Valley KC, both at Alameda Co. Fairgrounds, Pleasanton, CAFollowed byJune 8, 1989American Pomeranian Club Summer SpecialtyJudgesMichelle Billings, Specialty Dariel Jackson, Sweepstakes June 9, 1989Northern California Pomeranian Club SpecialtyJudgesTom Stevenson, Specialty Helen Palmer, Sweepstakes Subject to AKC ApprovalsBoth Specialties held at Holiday Inn, So. San Francisco adjacent to SFO Airport. Free pickup and delivery of you, your dogs and equipment.For information, Premium Lists for these specialties contactJulie Moreno, Bench Show Chairman 1636 Claremont Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 415583-4973Still MoreJune 10 - Donner Trail KC June 11 - Contra Costa KC Supported Entries Both shows at same location Solano Co. Fairgrounds, Hwy 37, Vallejo, CAPlan now to attend - 12 shows in two weeks Drive ... or fly and rent a car Easy to do inCalifornia.3i f 9kVrBESTOF WINNERS u ATLANTA KENNEL CLUBOCTOBER 1988ijhoto by SABRINA ACh. Clairmonts Carolina TrilogyCh. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond x Ch. Dainti Delite of D-Nee's"Elaine" is a full sister to Ch. Clairmont's Darin1 Delite Megan and Ch. Clairmont's Carolina Delite Molly, who was last year's Number One Pomeranian bitch. Continuing in the Clairmont tradition of her ister Molly who finished in 4 days straight, Elaine finished in 2 weeks.3-1 -88 Virginia KC 5 pts. WB Mrs. Mary McCoy3-2-88 Old Dominion KC 5 pts. WB Mr. Alan Harper3-15-88 Atlanta KC 5 pts. WB,BOW, BOS Mrs. Sari TietjenNever dreaming that Elaine would finish so quickly we decided to exhibit her in the shows she was ready entered. Out of five shows, she received 3 BOB over specials and 2 BOS.Iwnerance BrysonHandlerPamela CampbellWINNERSVIRGINIA KENNEL CLUBiCOkn4POMERANIAN REVIEWDon't Look Nowby Dr. Alvin GrossmanOld Satchel Page of baseball fame ed to say, "Never look behind you for you ver know what's catching up." Another ell turned phrase states, "Every organiza- n needs Torchbearers. These are people ho discover new ideas, systems of innova- ns and lead the charge to have them tplemented." Torchbearers must always pect that for everyone who agrees with em, there will be ten other on the sidelines ying, "It can't happen here."I am bemused as I listen to and read the jlemics from old time dog people, mostly dges, bemoaning AKC's recent attempts upgrade the training and qualifications of dges. For years many of these same ople fired salvos at the Kennel Club ometimes with cause for its handling of jplications for additional breeds. They anted something done. Well, AKC has Ted It took a while, it took changes on the nard, it took staff changes and it took jshing and pulling from the outside but it ippened. So .. . what do the anointed say t won't work here." "They didn't consult me my group," "It was better in the olden iys."What in the world did the Dog Press rite about B.C. before changeThey wrote about an ultra conserva- e, obstinate AKC that wouldn't change, at's what they wrote about And AKC was 1 easy target. It couldn't move to get out of e way of the slings and arrows that came way. Finally, the monolith moved. In fact moved so fast it created an avalanche. It vept away many of the old boy ties and mnections and the ability of some to use e system to their advantage. Now these ople are the loudest in their condemna- an of a system they cannot manipulate nor iow what its impact may be.Admittedly, AKC has been somewhat 2avy handed in its righteous approach to lange. But they have shown they aresincere. After all, this change in approach is new to them too. They need to be given the opportunity to shake out the system, to see what works and what doesn't. They have already made some adjustments and shown themselves inclined to learn from experience. I doubt that any of us could suggest a better approach that would be accepted by the vast majority. Human nature being what it is, even the great Bill Cosby couldn't gain consensus on a new approach for licensing judges.All right, so where are we We are right in the middle of the biggest upheaval in the history of AKC, that's where. AKC officials have both ears to the ground and their noses sniffing the breeze doesn't that make an interesting posture trying to decide if they went too far, haven't gone far enough or should they just hang tight where they are.I would like to pass along a valuable piece of advice for the AKC. An old sergeant in Basic Training once told me, "Keep moving. A moving target is much harder to hit than a stationary one. That way you keep your opposition off balance make them react to you instead of being pinned down and an easy target for snipers." After years of being pinned down, AKC is on the move and it's plain uncomfortable to those who had a stationary target to snipe at in the past.Now, lest this be thought to be a ringing endorsement of the AKC let me hasten to say it is not Like many judges I have had my brushes with AKC authority. No, I don't love them, but I don't hate them either. I recognize the role they play and I recognize theirs is the only game in town and if I want to continue to play, I had better master the ground rules. I just happen to think that today's game is a whole lot better than yesterday's. Hey, they didn't have tocontinued on p. 36POMERANIAN REVIEW 3mQJIS 31gv,3r\ tfegs25C- A A A ' CA A\ A AA A AA A A\A A s^ A y\ A AAA\ A AA A^ A a A A\ A AA A A^ A X A\ A yA A\ A AA^ A a A VAAA A AAA A A AAAA A AA A A A AA a 4 AAAA A AA A AAAAA A AA A A A ASffiEPStWSSAAA A AAAAurns.MASS UNO A AAAA A ARetard or SIEVTOWSSA A AAA 'AAAutumns River in EnchantressCh. Autumn's Cairo of Bi-Mar x Ch. Autumn's Precious Zhen ZhanAlmost 10 months old and once she started winning 5 RWB, she was defeated only once by an itsy bitsy She is 5 pounds of trouble, but the judges love her. Some of their comments "What a fantastic coat," "She has no back," "And she can move too," "She belongs in the Terrier Croup" but he still gave her WB, BOW and BOSIn Canada she won all three days plus a Puppy Croup and went Best in Sweeps over 60 some puppies. ecdhlcAutumn's PomeraniansEmily and E.C. Louis Untalan 10255 S.W. Kable Tigard, OR 97224 503 684-1730umPOMERANIAN REVIEWNew Ideasby Wendy FeistOver the long hot summer, we ran ross some new ideas to help our own nail hobby kennel and thought we'd share em with you.The heat this year was something else. 'e had to come up with new plans to keep e dogs cool to avoid heat stroke, not to ention measures to keep the odors under jntrol.Keeping cool was a major concern and e discovered a great solution while visiting e Fair. The 4H kids kept their exotic bun- es cool using ice blocks frozen in pop Dttles. It worked great. Instead of the pop Dttles, we used plastic gallon milk jugs and ft a 2 inch space at the top to allow for ex- ansion when the water freezes. They are eat for home and travel. You can also put em in front of a fan and make a mini aporative cooler.If you use exercise pens to barracade artain areas of your house and you, like e, have a few that can bamboozle their ay out of the pen, the water jugs can be ed as weights so the dogs can't nose their ay out.The odor problem was solved very mply. We found that putting the stick -up r freshners on our electric fan freshened e entire room without the overpowering rfume that the aresol cans cause. It is ng lasting and can simply be attached to e grill on your fan.Have you ever noticed how there just ver seem to be enough pages in your Jdress book Well, I've solved the prob- m. Using a small 3 ring binder, purse or -iefcase size, and taking a blank page out my previous address book, I use the tlarger on a Xerox machine and make the ght size to fit the binder. I purchase divid- s made for theld in Pasadena, California, illowed by Las Vegas in 1990.1 hope to bethere with at least one Pom and maybe two if everything goes as planned, he small binder for separating the letters and you can add new pages without changing to a new address book every time you need more space.Here's a more cost effective, less mess and not as time consuming way to flea dip your Poms. It seems so wasteful to dip the suggested way. By mixing the chemical the same way as advised on the container and pouring it into a spray bottle, you can cover more dogs per gallon. You still saturate the dogs but because you can control the application better, your dog doesn't stand in a puddle of dip that you have to throw away. We use this technique about every 3 weeks.We have found a good reference book, one that is great for the beginning breeder and those who just want to brush up as well, called The Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook, by Delbert G. Carlson, DVM and James M. Giffin MD. Another book that we have found particularly helpful is the Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals by Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co. Since my husband is a paramedic, he likes to know all he can about a drug before using it on the dogs and this book has been like a bible for us.Don't Look Now, continuedchange. They could have stonewalled it for another twenty years. There was criticism but I didn't see anyone ready to storm the Bastille.So change is here. Change is always uncomfortable. Most people would prefer to live with the demons they know rather than chance facing unknown ones. For me, let's cast the demons out and get on with it.POMERANIAN REVIEW\VlmbYKIN KENNEL^Dias Apricot Brandy BearDia's Pied Piper x Dia's Brandy BearOur dandy little "A.B." finished her championship in short order this summer. Thank you to the fine judges who rewarded her excellent conformation and movement Mr. Harold Bishop, Corn Belt KC, BOW, 4 pts. Dr. David Green Doane, Danville KC, BOS, 5 pts. Mr. William Underwood, Muncie KC, BOS, 4 pts. Mrs. Jean Fancy, Lexington KC, BOB, 1 pts Mrs. William Lehnig, Mid- Kentucky KC, BOB, 1 pt.Thank you also to Jenny Carlton for the great job she did in caring for, presenting and showing our little "Kissing Bandit." Most of all, thank you to David Hogg for letting me have this beautiful dog and for all the joy and pride that goes with owning her.11BreederCo-OwnerDavid A. Hogg 321 South 14th Street Richmond, IN 47374 317966-8878OwnerRenee K. McGrath, DVM, MS Dara Veterinary Clinic 735 South State Street Greenfield, IN 46140 317462-5000HandlerJennifer Carlton 3200 Bruceville Rd. Vincennes, IN 47501 812 886-9321B POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Western Interstate Team Competitionby Linda GallacherThe morning had finally arrived and we ere on our way to Anchorage, Alaska. I iad been looking forward to this trip since jly when Sundae bless his heart won a ilacement on the Oregon WIOC Team. We ere to be one of the two Open doghan- ller's on the six member team.The Western Interstate Obedience iompetition better known as WIOC volved from the California NorthSouth ompetition about 12 years ago. Each year jams from northern and southern Califor- ia would compete for the top team in the tate. Some of the other western states xpressed an interest in the competition nd now there are five states and a Cana- lian province involved. They are California, Jevada, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and British Columbia.This competition places emphasis on ne team rather than the individual. A team made up of two Utility, two Open and two Jovice doghandlers. Each dog is judged ice it is a two day event and the team ith the highest total score wins. Each state as its own method of choosing its teaminda and Sundae at work in the WIOC Compe- ition.members. Some have individuals submit their obedience scores for the year and choose the applicants with the highest average scores. In Oregon we have a match competition with two AKC obedience judges. Each doghandler is judged twice once by each judge and in each class the two with the highest average score become team members. The club that sponsors this competition Oregon Obedience Enthusiasts or OOE also pays a good portion of the teams' expenses - this year it covered air fair and lodging. Each year a different member state hosts the WIOC competition. This was the first year for Alaska to do so.I had competed on the team last year with my Sheltie, but had been determined to earn a spot on the team with one of the Poms for the Alaska trip. Three years ago Janet Kunkle competed with her Pomeranian, Webster. Other than them I don't know of any other Poms being on one of the teams. There is usually a Papillon or two competing but larger dogs predominate.In 1987 the competition was in British Columbia. It was the first time I had competed on a team and I loved every minute of it. Cheering each other on, consoling each other if a score was not as high as hoped, sightseeing together, enjoying new restaurants it was all wonderful. Anyway, it was something I looked forward to being part of again.I was a little worried how well Sundae would travel. He had spent the first three years of his life getting car sick if I so much as jingled my car keys. He had been fine for the last year, but I wondered if the sound and vibration of the plane from his soft sided bag would set him off again. I needn't have been concerned. He was relaxed throughout the flight, only getting excited when lunch was served.POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Oregon WIOC team placing second in the Alaska two day event.The weather was beautiful and we had a gorgeous view of the snow covered mountains as we flew into Anchorage. My travelling companions and teammates included Marvin with his Border Collie, Laura Carolyn with her Sheltie, Buddy Arlie with her Poodle, Robin and Bobbie with her two Shelties, Jiffy and Caper. All the dogs arrived in good spirits and didn't seem to have minded their 5 hour flight. A car was rented at the airport and we made our way to the hotel. The first thing one notices about Anchorage that sets it apart from other large cities is the number of sea planes. I think I saw more small planes than I did cars It must be a nightmare for the air traffic controllers. Flying is the only way one can get around most of Alaska. The next surprise was finding a sled dog team quartered behind our hotel. They spent quite a bit of their time "singing" and Sundae thought it was great fun joining in with his big cousins. Up until then he had only had an occasional siren to sing with.We spent a full day sightseeing, following one of the driving tours listed in a book the hotel provided for us. Sundae and Robin insisted on joining us and threatened to sing the whole time we were gone if we refused While exploring the Portage Glacier, Sundae puzzled for quite awhile over some moose droppings he found. Though we never saw one, their droppings wereEVERYWHEREThe competition began on Saturd morning. All the group stays were done fir This was followed by each team memt drawing a number to determine the order judging. Utility was judged first, followed Open and then Novice. Our only miss exercise for the day was when one of c Utility dogs knocked the bar off during t directed jumping exercises. This or amounted to a 20 point deduction as tl exercise is broken into two parts in tl competition with 20 points allotted to ea part. There is no such thing as a dog failir He just loses the number of points availat for that exercise. Sundae did a nice jc though he lost points for hesitating befc going over the high jump and for a ft crooked finishes.That evening at the banquet o speaker was John Suter. He runs a team Standard Poodles in sled dog races, inclu ing the Iditarod It was fascinating He d cussed his breeding program, feedir conditioning, housing, etc. Now I'm ready put together a Pomeranian team just ki ding I figure it will take about 50 or them pull the sledOn Sunday we again did all the groi stays first. Novice was judged first this tin- followed by Open and finally Utility. O team made it through all the exercises wi no major points lost. I was very proud Sundae. He worked wonderfully. Oregi came in second, only 6 points behind t winning California team.The sportsmanship at these WIC competitions is outstanding. Everyoi cheers on each competitor, regardless which team they are on. Everyone is frienc and thoughtful and the atmosphere is i laxed and positive.I highly recommend this type of comp tition to all obedience exhibitors. If you ha an interstate competition available in yo area, try out with your Poms. They will enji it as much as you will.Next year the WIOC competition will 1 continued on p. . Tim Sue's Brass Lights, d by Tim and Sue Goddard, ned and shown by Ron 'h Ohio.rentampionsWe Bring Good19IrCh. Jamel's Texas Tornado, bred by Eleanor Clark and Sharon Hicks, co-owned and shown by Joel Taylor.Already a Group winner.Ch, ChviscetuV . Tim Sue's Dazzlin' Lights, bred by Tim and Goddard, owned by Ruth Ann Neuway KanCh.Tim Sue's Flashing Lights, bred by Tim and Sue Goddard, now owned by Joyce O'Buck Canada.2, Box 540Tim and Sue GoddardOpelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622t Things To Life1mJTTim Sue's Dixie Dynamo, bred by Sue Goddard and Randy Freeh, co-owned and shown by Erika Moureau Texas 3 majors.Tim Sue's Dixie Dynambred by Sue Goddard a Randy Freeh, co-own and shown by Elean Miller Floridjto City LightsNeTir4Tim Sue's Sunlight, bred by Tim and Sue Goddard, co-owned and shown by Carolyn Crockett Texas 4 majors.Tim Sue's Duchess Delight, bred and owned t Tim and Sue Goddard Louisiana Both majors, 1 pts. from puppy class. Now raising a litter sired b Ch.Millamor's Copyright.As you see, we do part with some good ones.POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063Wow Isn't the Anniversary Issue won- erful All those gorgeous color pictures 1y personal thanks to all who made it ossible our hard-working editor, those ho wrote articles, those who sent in treas- red older pictures, and especially the ad- ertisers who gave us those wonderful pic- jres. If you haven't done so already, order n extra copy or two, and seal them in a zip- Dp plastic bag. They're sure to become col- sctors items. Five years from now you'll be ble to give a priceless gift to a protege or iffer a unique trophy at a regional specialty.I cannot emphasize too strongly the mportance of keeping good records. There lave been a number of articles in the Re- iew on how to keep comprehensive rec- irds. You must do so to protect yourself vhether you breed or show in conformation r obedience. One big reason you must eep meticulous records is that AKC can ind does foul up.Last spring we finished our bitch on fuesday. The following Saturday and Sun- Jay we moved her up to specials class. Two veeks later, she was proudly nursing her irst litter. Two or three weeks after that we eceived a letter from AKC inquiring as to vhy we were showing that bitch as a special ince she wasn't finished We punched up ner record on the computer and, the next business day, called Show Records phone 212-696-8281. We thought we knew vhere the problem lay. The day she fin- shed, two male dogs had been printed in he catalogue as bitches. But that was only he beginning. AKC had recorded our bitchas WB and BOS over a special for 3 points. In fact, there was no bitch special and she had also won the BOW award which gave her 4 points. Show Records admitted they had taken the markings from the catalogue instead of the judge's sheets. Oops.If you use a handler, both you and the handler need to keep track of those precious wins. You should use a double system. In addition to marked tear sheets, record wins in a log or in your computer. Also keep your ribbons and show pix. The photo of the judge standing there holding the BOW ribbon is good proof.If you don't get Show Results, the official AKC publication of all titles and show and trial results, get hooked up with a friend or club that does get it. Check your records against it to be sure AKC is publishing your wins and titles correctly. This is especially important if your dog is ranked in one of the many conformation Phillips, Knight, Rout- ledge, Canine Chronicle or obedience Shuman, Delaney point systems. All tabulators must get their information from Show Results. If you find a mistake, write a letter to AKC Show Records Department stating in which volume and on which page the error occurs and the correct facts. Send a copy of your letter to the tabulator of the particular system you're interested in. Follow up with a note to the tabulator pointing out the volume where the correction is printed by Show Results.Show superintendents also make mistakes. These can be mildly annoying or disastrous. Unfortunately, if you've been showing for years, you may have gotten careless about scanning the entry acknowledgement cards for errors as they come in. I've been having a running battle with MFB, Inc. for over a year about the ages of my dogs and kids. It began when they assigned 18-year-old Rachal's birthPPP5KN,iIVnewton kennel club .BEST IN SHOW,1VTru-Kep Pomeranians3f ik.", R5TJeremy and JoeyPresenting one of, if not the top winningBraceofall time. In 19 Brace shows, they have 15 Best in Sho\wins.Jeremy and Joey are mirror twin brothers, 3 12 years old and they still love to work together. BornMa 29, 1985 they are sired by Tru-Kep's Token of Kelly Too Toto and out of Tru-Kep's Todd's Lil Katrin Trina.OwnerBreederHandlersIrvin P. and Trudy B. Keplinger 15039 Jarrettsville Pike Monkton, MD 21111 301 628-7108 or 666-20984 POMERANIAN REVIEWate to 10-year-old Elaine. After repeated erbal and written requests they corrected lat one but for good measure, they also ssigned Elaine's birth date to the dog. It lappened to be the same dog I was show- ig in obedience. Only a few people ques- oned why I was showing an 11 year old dog l Open B I continued to occasionally pro- ast to MFB. This fall, I began showing a nale in Puppy Class. Imagine my horror ine day when the steward who knew me lersonally and had given that dog a Best in latch came over to ask why I was showing i seven year old dog in Puppy Class My ibedience dog's correct birth date had been iven to the puppy.Now this was serious. This was cause or AKC to take away his wins. Back home, carefully checked to see which shows had een affected. Fortunately, only one 2 point vin and a RWD were in danger. I called both 4FB too late show records mailed and \KC. Detailed letters were sent to AKC Show Records and MFB, to follow up the rails.Beware the "Puppy Uglies." This is that iwkward stage most puppies go through iround four or five months of age. Do you lave another name for this period To me 'The Ugly Stage" is pretty succinct. Some nuppies suffer its effects more profoundly han others. Some lucky few, due to their enes, seem to skip it altogether, because hey grow adult coat before losing the puppy uzz. During this stage, the average puppy oses his puppy coat dramatically. As a onsequence, his ears appear larger and iis legs longer. The lack of fur will alter your aerception of the head and expression. Fie oes through the misery of teething. His tail arriage may go off. Related to teething He may be shyer than before, or refuse to walk on lead. This is a normal stage, but. .Do not make decisions about thepuppy during this period. Puppies should be evaluated at 8 to 10 weeks for show quality. If you have elected to keep the pup, or sell it only to a show home, do not be tempted to change your mind during the ugly period. Even an experienced breeder can be fooled by this ugly duckling. Wait until the pup is 7 or 8 months old to make any other decisions.By the same token, it would be very difficult to buy a puppy in this stage, even if you are knowledgeable and you trust the wisdom of the seller. Last summer a young couple contacted me about a puppy. Since I would be travelling to their city in a few weeks, I volunteered to bring the puppy for them to see. Alas, the puppy was a little over 4 months when they saw her, and so unpromising Who could blame them when they decided not to buy her Not I She was too little, too leggy, a dull color, and carried her tail off her back. Now as I write this, she is 6 months old, has grown and bodied up, is getting pretty, and starting to walk on lead and bait. If you are looking to buy a puppy and you don't have a practiced eye, wait until the puppy is out of this difficult period. Your alternative is to gamble on the breeder's experience and reputation, and the pedigree. For breeders, the best advice during the puppy uglies is, "have faith."Thyroid problems are fascinating. We're hearing more and more about canine thyroid deficiencies, but there is so much more we don't know. Even the symptoms are elusive and confusing. The classic symptoms include weight gain, hair loss, and sensitivity to cold. A dog may not have all the symptoms at the same time. Huggy had a weight problem of long-standing while carrying a lovely coat. Val's weight was fine, but lost his coat. Other symptoms may be less obvious. Clancy the Bloodhound had horrendous ear infections which were drivPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4Pom town PomsVVA, - .,BEST OF BREED OR VARIETYKISHWAUKEE KENNEL CLUBJULYPHOTO BY\ PCh. Twin Pines Jack SpratProud son of Ch. Twin Pines Diamond Chips and Twin Pines Gypsy.Thanks to the following judgesMr. Harvey Berman Mrs. Elaine YoungMrs. Georgia Buttram Mrs.MildredHealdMrs. Betty Dexter Mrs. Margaret YoungBreederMr. John CribbsOwner-HandlerMarie Jatczak 121 Morris Ave.Bellwood, IL60104 312 544-3002 FFPOMERANIAN REVIEWig both his owner and her vet nuts to say thing of poor Clancy. The vet had done jrgery once and was threatening to do it ^ain when Clancy's thyroid deficiency was iscovered. Since he has been on thyroid ills, no more ear infections Trout, a Border ollie, had a very low sperm count prior to lyroid therapy. Now he's a proud papa, ometimes thyroid affects behavior subtly n obedience dog is just inconsistent in erformance.Diagnosis isn't always easy. Dogs may st in the "normal range" for canines, but ill respond well to therapy. Besides, what normal for beagles my not be normal for omeranians. Imagine my vet's surprise 'hen I informed him that regardless of how al's blood test turned out, I would want him ut on thyroid pills to challenge his symp- ims. Sometimes this course of action is ecessary. In Val's case, he tested very w so the vet wasn't on the spot. I do not commend your attempting thyroid ther- py without your vet's advice. As for any ealth problem, you and your vet should 'ork together.The latest thyroid story Theresa re- orted that Babar, a German Shepherd og, had become unable to bark. He tried ut he couldn't. One vet suggested that it 'as due to low thyroid huh and sure nough, he tested low. I haven't heard yet if lerapy has restored his bark.Some researchers think that thyroid eficiencies are very widespread in urebred dogs. We don't know if there are ny breeds or bloodlines that are unaf- cted. Is it inherited Probably, but we on't know to what degree, and what other tctors may affect its expression. For years omeranian breeders have hidden this roblem like leprosy, sometimes denying its xistence. We need to put honesty and nowledge together to eliminate this syndrome.Remember earlier columns on collapsed tracheas I got the following letter from Fran Warren"To update your discussion of collapsed trachea When Mighty again began to snort and cough, he was so distressed I though 1 would lose him. A night in an oxygen tent at the emergency vet did wonders. Regular vet then prescribed tranquilizers. A call to the NC State Vet school reached another surgeon. When I asked if I should schedule the operation, she said that the surgeon I spoke to before had in no way understated the danger of the operation. She said wait. That if he got so bad that death was imminent, to buy portable oxygen and bring him in.Recently he began to cough badly and I hauled out the tranqs. One eighth of a pill quieted him down. If you tell your readers about tranquilizers, tell them to start with the lowest dosage possible. My instructions were to give 18 to 14 pill. I first gave him 1 4 and it turned him into a zombie. Tranqs in this case seem more effective than cough suppressants. The bronchial dilator that was obtained from NC State did no good at all. It's hit and miss and owners must keep looking till they find the right treatment for their dog."Thanks, Fran, for taking the time to share with us. The secret now for managing Mighty seems to be to keep him from getting excited, as that is what brings on his spells. This means he can't go anywhere, even out to my house to visit. When visitors go to Fran's house, they shouldn't take dogs, especially not bitchesGood grief, I'm out of space and three more topics to cover. There's always the next issue. In the meantime, do let me hear from you and what subjects interest you. Take time to have fun with your dogs.f .fj^Eenette^Pcme'iamanbBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Ownere.m\LnVe.rSpecializingin Great Elms Breeding.Puppies generally available from our own studs as well as the studs from the Great Elms Kennel. Puppies priced from 200.00 and up. Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette.8 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of the American omeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dog's name, color, sex, reeder's name, owner's name, city and state on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Please end copies of pedigrees that don't need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor, Phyllis Ripley, 6902 . First St., Tucson, AZ 85710.iH. BLACK'S SIR ROBERT JOHNed MalereederOwner Evelyn E. Blake, iraigsville, WVCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Ch. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis Lennis Cavalier Tangie h. Annon's Sir KennorCh. Theldun's John John Kennors Lady TinaSeamist Little Dutch Lass Ch. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster Ch. Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo Bev-Nor's Desiree an-Shar's Sherry At B lakes Ch. Don-Ra's Foxfire Hanson's Dolly Parton Nancy Eleisonh. courbette's fudge it budgetHack and Tan FemaleIreederOwner Victoria Leitner, Bonnie, ILCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev Nor's Toasted Fudge BevNods Sweet and Sassy h. Southland's Toasted FudgeCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Southland's Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Bev Nor's Fudge Delight Ch. Lennis' Tequila Sunrise Lennis' Teakie Too Angelica IIVee Heart's Sunrise at Courbette CDCh. Scotia JD's I'm the Pied Piper Wee Heart's Lullaby of ScotiaScotia Nugget's Happy G's TammyCH JAMEL'S TEXAS TORNADOOrange-Red MaleBreeder Eleanor Clark and Sharon Hicks Owners J. Taylor and E. Clark, Birmingham, ALCh. Millamor's Rock Music AC Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Millamor's Rock Rosette AC Ch. Chriscendo City LightsACBda Ch. Millamor's Rock Medal lion Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Al-Kay's Piece of the Rock Lynn Wee Honey Sharel's Tootie of SunkistAl-Kay's Gay Don Juan Al-Kay's Pixie DawnFox Flame's Misty GirlCH. JANESA'S GLEN IRIS SORCERESSRed Sable Female Breeder Jerrie FreiaOwners C.A. Jackson, J.M. Taylor, H. Stewart,Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet N Sassy Ch. Bev-Nor's ToastmasterCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Bev-Nor's Missy MissGreat Elms Honeybun Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet N Sassy Bev-Nor's Janesa ToastCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Bev-Nor's Missy MissGreat Elms HoneybunViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. We invite our readers to express their views on all pertinent subj'ects.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4EMCEES POMERANIANS804 740-7977Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, Virginia 23233 Ch. Emcee.s Chips of Diamo------TheBear Facts\mi xVO WraJLAC Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold AmigoCh. Emcee's Golden Jaymy1Ch. Emcees Golden Topo de OroAC Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Amigo x Ch. Emcee's Golden JaymyThere Is No Bear Like Snow Bear"Snow Bear" finished at 11 months with 4 majors, shown and finished by his handler, Bert Halsey. Bert, we thank you.Bear is proven and at public stud to approved bitches only. POMERANIAN REVIEWH. MERCER'S EXOTICAiolf Sable MalereederOwner Dan Mercer, Big Springs, NECh. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonner's Co-Starlyn Newsmaker Ch. Bonner's Starcrest Coquette hesai News FlashAC Ch. Collier's Golden Beri Collier's Golden CharleneAC Int Ch. Maken's Sun Cricket Ch. Mercer's Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Mercer's Touch O DukeCh. Bonner's Starcrest Minette tercer's Starlett TouchCh. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Mercer's Dark StarTri-Don's Shadee Ladeeh. stolanne mystiquerange Sable FemalereederOwner Frances J. Stoll, Washington, INCh. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamor'sMoon RockMillamor's Lullabye of Tim Sue h. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Dixieland's Style Stepper Dixieland's VeronicaMillamor's Melody Box Ch. Mercer's Touch O' Duke Ch. O My Patty's Touch-O-Pepper Circle M Patty Pepper Cee My Starmist MinuetteCh. Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer Joda's Starkist of Patri-Ark Patri-Ark's Sugar SpiceVEE H'R'T'S SUNRISE AT COURBETTE C.D.Grange Femalereeder Cassandra ReadyJwner Victoria Leitner, Bonnie, ILCh. Lennis' Tar Baby of Great Elms Ch. Lennis Tequilla Sunrise Tigger Little Tonya ennis' Teakie TooCh. O My Traveling Man Angelica IIO My African Queen Ch. Scotia W Girl Little Joe Dandy Ch. Scotia JD's I'm The Pied Piper Ch. Sungold's Dee Dee Vee Heart's Lullaby of ScotiaCh. Scotia Foxxy's Golden Nugget Scotia Nugget's Happy G's TammyCh. Scotia Robins Mama's Happy GirlCH. KENNEY'S GOLD MIST CASPEROrange MaleBreederOwner Sallie Sajonce, Memphis, TNCh. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Tamboy Emcee's Tartan Tam Dupre's Sparkling Gold BlockCh. Emcee's Chip Off The Old Block Dupre's Ms Goldie of BlockerRoyal Pasha Doll of Cinquay Dixieland's Dandy Gold Tim Ch. Kenney's Gold Mist Lotus Blosm Kenney's Gold Mist Zuber Ch. Kenney's Gold Mist Lotus Blosm Ch. Dixieland's Style Stepper Dixieland's Gold Mist CherreCh. Dixieland's Dragonfly DesignCH. IDLEACRES PINBALL WIZARDOrange MaleBreederOwner Shari Kubankin Stoffer, Allaince, OHJewel Ken Flaming Fantasy Jewel Ken Crumpet N' Cream Adkins White Camellia Ch. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy Adkins White Christmas Jewel Ken's Little White Dove Lady Snowball of Coram Ch. Julie's Star Brother Black River J.B.'s Star O'Hara Black River Scarlett O' Hara Idle Acres Sparkle of the NiteCh. Black River Jac In The Box Black River Lic-Or-lsh Stik Pixie's Joyfull CricketCH. SNOWFIRE'S GARFIELDOrange MaleBreeder Gilbert Lee DodgeOwners John Price and Bill Ferrara, Macungie, PAJeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamor's Moon RockMillamor's Lullabyeof.Tim Sue Snowfires AmadollMillamor's Sun Dance Mi-Los Rosie of SnowfireMi-Los Mischief of Lady Tracy Ch. Sunwink of Highland Icerama's Scotch and Soda Icerama Jili Q Sunshine Ch. Snowfire's Scotch MisterCh. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Mi-Los Chiquita of Snowfire Mi-Los Heidiv - ^3rbBEST OF WINNERSILLINOIS VALLEY KENNEL CLUB OF PEORIA MAY 1988PHOTO KATHLEEN KIDDCz. Stolannes Trancing PrinceCh. Browns Rock N Robin x Nighttime Nicole DelitePrince is a spunky little master showman that will steal your heart. He is very classy, stylish and soli as a rock. All his points were by majors taken over a short period of time. We wish to thank the followin judges for recognizing an excellent black like Prince Mrs. Dawn Vick Hansen, Mr. Arnold K. Bishop, Mis Martha Jane Ablett and Mrs. Hazel Y. Arnold.WewishtothankallthePom people for navigating us through unknown waters with our first show do Thank you Gail Wagner, Nancy Fry, Jenny Carlton and all the others who told us when to go in and out c the ring.A very special thanks to the lady that can produce the superior quality Poms like Prince and our littl orange female, whom you will probably see in the next issue. Thank you Fran Stoll, for all the priceless hel and for letting us have this little fellow. The line of consistently winning Poms you have been developin along with your champions are a tribute to your effort We'll see you in the winners circle.OwnerHandler E. Suzann Henderson 101 Northshore Dr. Morton, IL 61550 309 266-9736Breeds Frances J. Sto RR 3, Box 42 Washington, IN 4750 812 254-385POMERANIAN REVIEWBlakes PomeranianspresentsnoBlakes Little Tina PreshusCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge x Blake's I'm Sir Kennors Baby''April'1 is shown winning her first 2 points under Judge Keke Blumberg. She had to take time out to raise her family of 2 daughters and 1 son, but she wil I be back in the ring soon. April was bred to her grandsire Ch. Annon's Sir Kennor.Evelyn Blake P.O. Box 85, Rt. 205 Craigsville, WV 26205ruinCRAniAn reviewPOMERANIAN REVIEWBlakes Pomeraniansproudly presentsrii-\rCABEST OF BREED OR VARIETYGRAND TRAVERSE , KENNEL CLUBAUG.1988 BOOTH PHOTO S. B.wmmwCh. Blakes Sir Robert JohnCh. Annons Sir Kennor x Jan-Shar's Sherry At Blakes"R.J." finished his championship August 19 going Best of Breed and Group 4 under Judge Lorraine Masley. Thanks to all the judges who gave R.J. his wins, especially Toddie Clark and Lorraine Masley for his majors. Thanks Donna for your patience and TLC.Evelyn Blake P.O. Box 85, Box 205 Craigsville,WV 26205mcy in cooperation.Next is, for me, some very thrilling ews. At about 1115 a.m. Sunday, October 3, 1988, the Pomeranian world and the st of the dog world for that matter saw ^cognized the newest Tracking Dog. The eason it's so thrilling for me is that it was iK's Sir Spunky - my dogYes, Spunky finally certified in Septem- ier and the Ann Arbor, Ml tracking test was he first one we entered. We were informed hat there were 23 entries for the 12 tracks ivailable, and our entry had been drawn as Llternate 8. This meant we had virtually no hance of being in the test. However, as hese things can sometimes get a little nessed up, I received a call from the test .ecretary the Monday before the test that le'd made a mistake and we were not 8th dternate, we were 8 dog - we were in the est Well, we went down there Sunday norning, had a beautiful track, perfect conditions and Spunky really rose to the occasion with a truly outstanding tracking performance. My thanks once again to Ardith Neil for selling Spunk to me so many years ago. He is now the 7th Pom ever to earn an AKC TD, the first male Pom ever and the only living Pom with a TD. For all the details, see the article elsewhere in this issue.Do you remember last April I mentioned a dog from Novice A, Niks Lil Crash of Angel Dust CD, owned by Judith Bach.v-,mixrJudy Bach with Nik's Lil Crash of Angel Dust CDWell, do I have a surprise for you. Marian Lazzara sent me a picture of Judy and Nik. Judy is 12 years old Novice A is pretty scary for most people, but apparently not for Judy. With the encouragement of her mother who I understand trains a Sheltie and a GSD she qualified in nine trials with an average score of 194.5. They had two 196, one 196.5 score, two 1st places, two 2nd places, a 3rd and a 4th. And Judy didn't even get Nik until he was three years old. Judy, I knew you had done a good job, but my hat is really off to you According to Marian, they might be ready to tackle Open yet this fall.Utility This And ThatThere is a new Utility Dog title that I'm very pleased to report. Susie Piatti in Iron Mountain, Ml has completed a UD on Feather CDX. As Utility titles go, I think she's done a fabulous job. Leg 1 was a August of last year with a 190.5. It was followed September 14 with a 181.5 at Oshkosh KC in Wisconsin and then on May 21 of this year, they got a 178. Congratulations, SusieWisconsin must be a good place to get UD legs. I'll have to try it soon. M. Morse has been showing Miss Chief Suzy Morse CDX there. In Open B they've been getting scores this spring between 186 and 191. Last November they got leg 1 with a 181.5. It has been followed March 6 of this year with a 192 under Judge Kent Delaney. Keep on trying Only one leg to go.OpenAPC member Linda Gallacher has been busy this summer. Earlier this year she and Bizzy, Lady Di's Life of the Parti, competed in the Gaines Regional in Las Vegas. Now they're busy training for the Gaines Classic. Good luck to them. Linda also reports being on the Oregon "team" that attended the WIOC Western Interstate Obedience Competition held this summer in Anchorage, Alaska. As a mem-------------------r -w w i ii i i\,uiuu.i y . \i i hi cm, itwas a very fine job done by AKC and thefor Examination has been eliminated.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5^ccrAsy h7zeaztaiFor SaleAA . ATcAza AuwiceAJoatMmiACh. Southland's Toasted Fudge x Ida's Peachy GirlFinished with 2 five point majors, a four point major and 2 single points6l. ATcciA JHs Expecting puppies from g,ojA Aeo- MrfmgBIRMINGHAM KENNEL CLUB SPRINC 1989 9 PHOTO BTVICh. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge xCreider's Camilla O' Ida4aCh. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster xIda's Magnolia BlossomIda Tarver 318 443-3733102 12 Gordon St. Pineville, LA 71360POMERANIAN REVIEWi8ber of the team she and Sunswept Hot Fudge Sundae competed in Open and their team came in second, a mere 6 points behind the winning team from California. It seems that despite the flight and being a poor traveler, Sundae enjoyed the experience and did a wonderful job. Congratulations, Linda She also says that Sundae is doing very well with all the Utility exercises. He's been at several matches recently and she intends to begin showing him after March 1 when the jump heights are reduced. She's hoping for a very quick three legs and perhaps will campaign him after that. We'll watch for them.So, Linda has a full schedule training and showing two Poms. What else does she do Train another Pom, of course. She has a Bizzy son, Pogo, who is at this writing 10 months old. About Pogo she says, "I'm really excited about him. He has lots of drive and tremendous desire to please. I love training him almost as much as he enjoys being trained, and am anxious to get him out. However, with all the potential he shows, I hope I'll be able to hold off showing him until he's really ready."Also training out in Oregon is Janet Kunkle with Trivial Pursuit CDX. On June 19 she and Webster showed at the Emerald DOC under M. J. Bavilacque in Open B. They won their class with a 198.5 which also earned them High in Trial Way to go, Janet.As I reported that issue, Marian Lazarra and Pomirish Movin' On CD finished their CDX work May 7 at the Ft. Wayne OTC with a 192.5 Since then they've earned a 191, 192, and 194 and 4th place.There are three new CDX titles to report. Rita Banvilos with her Pom, Peppy Vom Immenhof CD, finished their CDX on Aug. 14. They got a leg last year with a190.5 at Sacramento DTC, followed by a second leg June 12 with a 189 and 3rd place at Contra Costa KC in California. Their 3rd leg hasn't been published yet, so I don't have the score.Also with a new CDX is Lee Ron'sJigger Full O' CD, owned and bred by Leslie and Ron Dubbs. After two legs last year of 171 and 177.5, they did more training and really improved. Jigger got his 3rd leg May 7 with a 191.5 and 1 st place from Open A at the Jackson OTC in Memphis, TN under Mrs. G. Pugh. Good job.Our last CDX is very special. It belongs to Mike and Nancy Nesbit on Belmare's Little Widget CD who is an OTCH Twinkle Little Super Star son. You'll remember that Widget was the 5 Pomeranian in the Delaney System in 1987. Now he's finished his CDX in short order. Leg 1 was a 195 under Mrs. S. Jacobson 2 came July 2 with a196.5 and 2nd place under H.W. Kohlman, Sr. They followed the next day with a 192.5 and 1st place at Mississippi State KC. Nancy and Mike were also on the show committee for the Gaines Regional during this time along with Donna Eddins. They had both Fidget and Widget entered in the tournament, but due to their responsibilities on the committee, didn't work dogs much. They did well but didn't place. An interesting part of Nancy's letter to me dealt with the differences between Fidget and Widget, and their mom Twinkle. Donna tells Nancy, "Widget is meaner and more aggressive. That's why Mike likes him. Widget definitely proved to Mike that Poms aren't "sissy" dogs. Fidget is extremely consistent in his obedience work. Where Twinkle had to run through the exercises in each new building to get used to a new environment, if Fidget does an exercise in the training building, he'll do it anywhere."Nancy also says, "Every Jan. 6 we have a big joint birthday party at Dogwoods for Widget and Fidget with their entire class in attendance. A cake with the appropriate greeting and names is available for the people, and treats are supplied for the dog guests. Widget and Fidget are both now into their Utility training." Good luck to both.Helen Tyler has started showing Pettis- free's Puregold CD in Open. So far they've earned Leg 1 with a 194 and 1 st place, folPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5Lighting Up The Mid West4 .' ^^ j omJS4 aI mbest in showCOLUMBIA 3SEJlNELCLUB i9Hnun it PETRtHJSMOBERLY MO. KCBEST IiY SHOW ^aam ...a \Ch. Tim Sues High LightsPictured winning his third Best in Show at Columbia Kennel Club October 8, 1988 under Best in Show Judge Mrs. Betty McHugh. Handled for owners by Marlene Rickertsen.BreederCo-OwnerTim and Sue Goddard Rt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622Co-OwnerHandlerfor first Best in Show Janice Luginsland Rt. 1, Box 97 Americus, KA 66835 316443-51570 POMERANIAN REVIEWowed by a 196 and 1 st place at Plum Creek CC under R.C. Little. You may remember his dog. His first Novice leg was a 198.5 ind HIT followed by two 197 scores and two irst places. So far every qualifying leg has een a 1st place in his class. That's why he vas the 3 Pom in the Delaney rankings for 1987.Another Delaney ranked dog for 1987, 3ell's Trixie Toy of Scotia CD 9 Pom also tas earned a couple of legs in Open. May 20 they got a 190 and the next day, a 188. Trixie is owned by C. Bell.Also in Open A, Lois Campbell reports naming a first CDX leg on Moonshadows Copper Penny CD. It came Sept. 24 with a core of 186.5, good enough for Highest Scoring Toy. For their effort, besides a leg, they took home a very lovely 12" silver bowl. Lois sounds to me like she's a great deal of fun. Recently she and Alice Lessard were showing at the same trial and Lois has wonderful things to say about that. She also is in the process of trying to put together a video on Poms. She wants to show them doing Novice, Open, Utility, Tracking and Herding. She wrote to me, "I am looking for someone that teaches Herding in California. Gizzy can and does herd chickens. She knows what to do, but I don't. I need someone to teach me the signals and how to motivate her. Everyone tells me Gizzy cannot be a natural herder, but she is""At a fun match our judge, Alice Sams, teaches herding. She lives near me and is going to start us out on ducks. It is so exciting. Bogie is learning to track. I love what I am doing. I am sure more people would enjoy it if they tried it."Novice BAPC member Marian Lazzara is now showing one of Drifter's sons, Driftwood Love That Bob. Last fall they went to the London, Ontario cluster in Canada. Bob pulled out a 191.5 and a 195. This fall they went to Sarnia and he finished his Canadian CD in style. They got a 198, 1st place inNovice B and High in Trial the first day, followed by a 197, 1st place in Novice B again and missed HIT by 12 point. Good job, Marian Last year she also showed him once in AKC and he managed a 188. However, that's not quite the story. It seems that Bob was having so much fun during that show that he barked during the whole heel free exercise, including the sits. His score before being penalized for "misbehavior" was a 198Another APC member, Lois Morkas- sel, has earned another CD on Kassells Gardean Sir Plus breeder Lois Morkassel, by Ch. Theldun's John John x Kassel's Dandelion Down CD. April 16 saw a 189.5, May 1 a 184, followed by July 15-17 a 194,189.5 and 185.5. Good job, LoisGarrett O'Dell has been at it again.He's put a CD on Tribble's Tearose O'Ti- nytykes breeder Ina Kniffin. After their leg last November, they earned a 184 Jan. 30 at Princeton DTC and a 187 May 21 to finish their title.Joanne Statler earned a CD on Ce- darhurst Lolli Pop Rock breederowner, dam is Miss Dragonfly of Kandeeland CDX. They did it April 15 and 16 with a193.5 and 189.5, finishing up May 8 with a187.5 and 3rd place.Kenneth and Kay Lowe also earned a CD on Pom Acres Kan Too Patrick breeder Juanita Fidd ck, sired by Ch. Shy Acres I Kan Too. Leg 1 was May 14 with a 191 and 3rd place, May 21 was a 186.5, legs 3 and 4 were June 25 and 26 with scores of 182 and 185.Novice AThis month we have lots of CDs coming from Novice A. This first is from Trilvie Haynes from Redding, CA on Kit San's San San Buck. Leg 1 was a 189 and 4th place leg 2 came the following day with a 192 and 3rd place at the Chico Dog Fanciers Assoc, where they also won Highest Scoring Toy leg 3 came Sept. 4 with a 191.5 and 3rd place. Recently I received a letter continued on p. 77.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6casts her spellCft. Janesrts Glen Iris Sorceress4 pt. major - Mr. Frank Oberstar Best in Sweepstakes, Houston Pom Club - Mrs. Ruth Winston 4 pt. major - Mr. Richard Guevara BOB over specials from puppy class - Mrs. Peggy Carr Group 1 - Mr. Bill Bergum 3 pt. major - Dr. L. EsporiteA Group Winning Champion Bitch at 10 Months of AgeFlash Group 1, Louisiana KC. Breed - Mr. E. Jenner Group - Dr. W. Houpt.BreederJerrie Freia JanesaHandlerCo-Owner Hiram Stewart Hiwin's KennelsOwnersCheryl Jackson Joel Taylor Glen Iris Pomeranians Birmingham, AL 205 328-6603r2 POMERANIAN REVIEWGood judges Don't Look Only For Faultsby Anna Katherine NicholasAre judges nowadays inclined to overemphasize faults rather than virtues in appraising the quality of the dogs before hem in the ring The question has been discussed recently, and gives us all food for bought. It is my personal opinion that such s not the case that judges base their decisions on the over-all picture, and that small defects in the perfection of this picture fall nto their proper proportion when final comparisons are made.Fault judging carried to excess would ae a destructive sort of judging, for while we are concentrating on one feature which is jndesirable, we may well be losing numer- dus good points which are of real value to he breed. The experienced judge or fancier ealizes this fact. He also realizes that a completely faultless dog has not yet been aroduced.Certain factors are essential to a wor- hy show dog. Adherence to breed type and he special characteristics of which it consists is of prime importance, along with soundness, style and balance. One never sees a truly great show dog which does not excel in these attributes plus temperament and ring presence, while even the most famous winners do possess minor faults. If judges based their decisions on faults alone, many worthy champions might never have made the grade, for they all possess them to some degree. But these faults are so far out-balanced by positive points in an excellent dog as to seem almost trivial by comparison.The constructive approach to judging dogs, in or out of the ring, is the appreciation of the beauty of each dog. It is quality which we are seeking - a fact which sometimes seems overlooked by the public in the eager search for faults.To those who are determined to emphasize their favorite faults, and to condemn any dog which may possess them, I urge a careful study of the Standard involved for a more realistic and impartial outlook. A light eye is undesirable, but is it of more importance than combined balance, overall type, and general quality Should an otherwise excellent dog be condemned completely for a slight imperfection in the carriage of his tail Some faults are, of course, more serious than others depending on the breed, for in these cases essential breed character is involved. Thus I like the point system in breed Standards, as this serves, along with a basic knowledge of breed history and the purpose for which it was originally developed, to guide novice fanciers on which features of the breed are to be considered of major importance and which are minor.How often have you sat at ringside watching the judging of a quality-filled class, and been aghast upon hearing the comments of the other spectators All they seem to recognize are faults - and evidently do not see nor value, or in the least appreciate, the beauty and excellence of these dogs. To them the over-all picture is comcontinuedon p. 76.POMERANIAN REVIEW 63Frys PomeraniansFrys Magic KamehamehaFrys Mai Tai MagicNTN.wjmmmiAC Ch. Millamor's I'm A Windjammer x Ch. Fry's Magic JeanneThese littermates are shown winning Winners Dog and Winners Bitch out of the puppy classes at 7 12 months of age. Thank you Judge Edith M. Izant for these wins.We are proud to announce that Jammer is now a Hoosier. Thank you Jeanne Stafford for letting us have AC Ch. Millamor's I'm A Windjammer, and special thanks to Eleanor Miller for breeding him.BreederOwnerNancy L. Fry RR 2, Box 371 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-4528Co-OwnerHandlerJennifer Carlton 3200 Bruceville Rd. Vincennes, IN 47591 812 886-932164 POMERANIAN REVIEWI Remember Whenby Dorothy BonnerReportedly, an average dog breeder lasts about five years. We wonder if the average Pom breeder lasts that long or if, after an attempted litter, he rates that designation at all. If his brood bitch is pet type, some success if often achieved in quantity of puppies, but lacking in show prospects. After experimenting in the pet field, the breeder often realizes that there is another world - the world of shows - and he exhibits a few of his progeny. His kennel blindness and ignorance tell him that his Poms are "fully as good, if not better, than those who are winning." Then, for his consistent losses, he blames outright crookedness and incompetence of judges. Finally, he purchases a better type and his luck changes, resulting in some wins. Now he seems to have the ultimate and breeds with confidence. From here on, anything can happen and usually does, with a show-type brood. There are lucky exceptions, but a champion, easy-whelping brood is a blessing, valuable beyond measure. If too many troubles develop with wounds that refuse to heal, the entire operation is brought to a stand still. To persist, one must develop a hard shell with the ability to rise above hardships with enough love of the breed and desire for the best, that going forward is the only consideration. There are many reasons why one stops breeding, a few examples being cited.A real temptation to give up might have been caused by my little Cuddles. She is short and cobby a real championship type. She first gave me by section a couple of girls who matured at 2 12 pounds each beautiful, but such a breeder's disappointment that they were sold as pets. Then, Cuddles was bred several seasons without results. Finally, there was a free-whelped litter of three tinies, the last one DOA. Bottle fed in addition to nursing, one puppy began gaining weight with hope of saving the other. On the third evening after feeding and making sure that all were calm and comfortable in the hot-pad nest, I retired with confidence. After my disappearance, Cuddles became busy tearing up papers in the baby bed. She then carried the babies out of the nest and buried them in the shredded papers, ending her maternal duties. In the morning, I was horrified to find the puppies cold and dead from exposure. Cuddles was returned to the kennel and she spend the next few days mourning for and asking me to return her puppies. After several more non-conceptions, Cuddles rewarded me with two four- ounce kids by section, nursed them amply and was a perfect mother. The male from this litter finished and won a group for his purchaser. The show-type female grew large enough to reproduce - a reward for persistence.Another hard-core breeder resisted the urge to transfer to a non-doggy field when tragedy struck. After several misses, her prized show-type girl was finally in whelp. The first puppy was born dead, and the second barely alive. Thinking that this was all, the breeder rushed the weak puppy to a nearby vet, leaving the mother who was apparently in good shape. The vet was unable to save the puppy so the breeder hurried home only to find the mother dead. Beside her was a large puppy drowned in an unremoved sack. The mother had choked on the afterbirth which was still clogging her throat. This was an accident that could have been prevented. The self-reproaching variety are the worst kind and the breeder is to be congratulated for continuing.A similar experience in my own kennel was so traumatic as to be a temptation for transferring myself to less emotional activities. Stylecandy Honey was a five-pounder, gorgeous a breeder's dream. She quickly finished her championship and gave me hope of being a prolific brood. Everything shaped up perfectly until she was in labor. Though restless, she had settled down in continued on p. 68.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6Jf Pomsprings Poms Tqvr-'4 BEST OFOPPOSITE, xS50CUuwctu miwoiGm. Ch. Pomsprings Ribbons-N-LaceHolly is our third champion to be sired by Ch. Tynan Star Chaser O' Pomsprings. She was also our third champion for 1988 Her sole litter brother finished with a Croup 1 and Group 2. The breeding has been repeated. See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Pomsprings Pretty In PinkPlum is our puppy hopeful for 1989. She is a gorgeous 34 sister to our Ch. Pomsprings Tickle Me Too and is another wonderful pupsired by Chase.Hope everyone has a safe trip to New York. See you there\BreederOwnerHandlerMrs.Elizabeth Dupuis P.O. Box 328 Alexandria, Ontario Canada KOf 1AO 613 347-2275 JfPOMERANIAN REVIEW6CA, A7ca Jr. yTaafys Ayy AEeo- jVorAtragedy was in store for me as I came home hat sad day. I was gone just one hour. How I wish I tad never left, because when I returned a fire truck vas outside my house. Mr. Toasty was gone forever, don't know if I'll ever get over losing him and the others so very dear to my heart.I thank Ida Tarver for giving me the chance to jwn such a quality dog. I did get to save some of his ittle children, so I'll be selling some of these puppies o help me get a place to start over.Sadly missed by Janet Bordelon and Ida Tarver 6639 Third St. Alexandria, LA 71303 318445-01434Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge xCreider's Camilla O'ldaIOVEIV POMERANIANSoffersFor SaleBI-MAR LOVELY BUTCH CASSIDY5 lbs, heavy bones, hugh red-orange coat, outgoing Sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid 550.00.At StudBI-MAR SON 'N' DANCE MAN4 12 lbs, excellent clear orange coat, beautiful movement, adorable face Sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid AKC pointed Proven stud, siring typey pups with great movement Fee 175.00.BI-MAR LOVELY BUTCH CASSIDY At stud until sold Fee 125.00 Photos and pedigree available.Victoria LovelyBlake Jones 12022 30th St. E.Puyallup, WA 98372 206 863-8608PattysPomeraniansShow and Breeding Stock for SaleGreat Elms, Showstopper, Emcee, Models, Bev-Nor lines.Show prospectsBlack and tan male, born 51888 400.00.Sable male and female born 92188, very nice.Patty Jensen 6520 Game Farm Rd. E. Mound, MN 55364 612 472-5950Carrell's Traveling NatashaCh. Coble's Traveling Bear x Levi's Lil Hip PocketWe are pleased to have Tasha, one of those rare showablebreedable girls. She has the proper hars stand-off coat which is seldom seen just like her daddy's, a beautiful face and lots of showmanship. She is only nine months old and just started her show career recently.OwnerHandled byFred and Judy Noell 4915 Pomeroy Rd. N.W. Roanoke, VA 24017 703 344-4408J m "Bred bTammy Carre 5272 Old VA Springs Rt Roanoke, VA 2401 703 342-391POMERANIAN REVIEW,8Remember When, continued from p. 64.ler nest when my doorbell rang. Rather distraught and hurried, I put the lid of her jaby bed down, forgetting to lock the catch. \ salesman at the door kept me busy for a ew minutes until he was convinced he vould not be invited in. Then I rushed back o an unbelievable sight. Honey had pushed ter head under the lid of the baby bed and t had clamped down, hanging her. Contin- jal efforts to revive her were in vain, as bregoing a life so precious to me seemed jnbearable. All of my efforts were spent in tope of resuscitation until it was too late to ave the puppies. She was buried with all ntact, so I never knew how many there vere. She had looked so natural that I could tot believe that she would not gasp and areathe again.Many other instances could be cited as ausing Pom breeders to give up com- aletely in less than five years. Even I considered the "no more" route. However, all of my Dther little "love bearers" begged me to ontinue and care for them. I could not nake them orphans. After a while, I hoped for other little "Honeys," and still do.Classified Ads3uppies out of Ch. Pombreden's Heavenly Foy Boy. One black and white male nice narkings but no blaze, and one black and vhite female with white chest and socks. Both are 9 months old. Also available, one 11 month old orange male out of Ch. MiDee Vtikie of the Pines. Call or write Susann Stackhouse, Box 1070 Rancocas Rd, Mount Holly, NJ 08060, 609 267-4644.APC Summer Specialty, cont. from p. 7.The Winners Dog went on to win two out of three days, finishing his championship with two more majors.The show finished up around 9 p.m. and everyone was tired but looking forward to the next three days of showing.Some of the members of the host club were disappointed that the entry for the Summer National Special was so small 55 others were disappointed that only two of the Board Members attended - Fred Bassett and Peter Galindo. We had hoped to show that although the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines is small, we can put on a very nice show, which we did. Everything went well and the whole long weekend was a success.Your Dues Are DueIf you haven't received a renewal form, contact me.If you do not renew by March 1, 1988 you absolutely will not appear in the Roster No exceptionsI will not hold up the Roster as I've done in years past for late renewals.Sorry to be so blunt but I want the Roster to go out in April as it shouldThank you for your cooperation.Audrey Roberts SecretaryPOMERANIAN REVIEW 6'5 Box 338Bonnie, IL 62816 Courbette618 279-3130 618 244-7056z,A tribute toWee Hearts Sunrise At Courbette C.D.Beauty, Brains and Function3Pictured here taking the breed under judge Don Rogers, Tootsie has since gone on to greater achievements. She recently proved her competence in the obedience ring earning her C.D. title easily in three straight trials with second and third placings.In the whelping box Tootsie has really proved her worth by producing Ch. Courbett's Fudge It Budget in her first litter and the pointed, soon to be finished, Courbett's Heart of Gold in her second litter. Way to go, Toots What's nextInquiries invited on November puppies Bev-Nor's Double Fudge x Ch. Courbette's Fudge It Budget a linebreeding on Theldun's Almond Fudge. Black and tan expected. See bitch's pedigree in Behind The New Champions.0 POMERANIAN REVIEWtCorrectionsV8l5Sh. Phyner Tea Muffin, first chocolate to finish Ch. Phyner Man About Town, finished at 10 n 20 years. months under Anne Rogers Clark at Lompoc .-.v4h. Phyner Black Molecule, dam of Phyner tormy Night pointed.[1" TH. -Tr 7 Ih. Phyner Black MinikinThe four pictures on this page were published in the Anniversary Issue, October 1988, and the names were wrong on all four. I have reprinted the photos so that the names and pictures will go together in the readers mind.My most sincere apologies to Dolly Trauner for this terrible mistake. I still don't know how it happened and feel just awful about it. Again, I'm so sorry.Another mistake was made on page 180, Victor and Wendy Feist's ad. Their address is 6325 SE 73rd - not SW as printed. I apologize for this error and hope that it has not caused anyone to be inconvenienced.It was brought to my attention that many of the articles did not continue on the pages indicated. The last few days of putting together the Anniversary Issue were so hectic, I must beg your forgiveness once again. In fact, the end of Mary Vickers' article on obedience in the 1980s disappeared altogether. So sorry, folks. A book that size truly is a monumental task and more than one person can do flawlessly in a short amount of time. Ten years from now I'll have a better idea of what is involved.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7I74\ _a,aVARIETY GROUP FIRSTriverside estKENNEL CLUB FALL 1988 0 rCh. Dupres Sparkling Gold BusterBuster is BackBuster is pictured adding another Croup win to his record under judge Mr. Charles Nelson, his first tirr out after an absence no fault of his of approximately 18 months. He still has what it takes and loves to shov He will continue to be specialed on a limited basis.Buster and Dupre's Mona Lisa of Diamond send congratulations to their son, AmCan Ch. Emcee Solid Cold Amigo, who is building a very impressive record. He won the Canadian Pom Specialty in July ar then the APC Summer Specialty in September. Amigo also has a number of BISA, Croup wins ar placements in Canada. Amigo is always owner-handled by Marlene Penny. Way to go, MarleneBuster and Dupre's Candy Raining Cane wish to congratulate their daughters and their owners c acquiring their Canadian Championships Can. Ch. Dupre's Miss Tamara, owned by Marlene and Frar Penny of Canada and Can. Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Treasure, owned by Frank Houston of Canada.Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. 318 627-5180Dupre's PomeraniansBreederOwnerHandlerRoute 2, Box 878- Colfax, LA 7141POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS AND YAPSove Notestear Phyllis,Just a brief note to thank you for the ANTASTIC job you did with this issue of le Pom Review.I know you and Sam must have spent lany long hours gathering all that material.I for one do appreciate all your efforts, enjoyed this issue greatly.Take care and keep in touch.laire Flesner tear Phyllis,Just had to drop you a note to tell you ow breathtaking the Pom Review is. I've ad it in my hands every day since it arrived, at yourself on the back lady. A job well oneorinda Vasuta tear Phyllis,The Anniversary issue was fabulous he color photos are unbelievably gor- 2ous I'm so glad I ordered extras. They ill make beautiful Christmas gifts. That is, I can bear to part with them. Congratula- ans on a job well done.I'm sure it will be mentioned elsewhere i this issue, but I want everyone to know lat the obedience jump heights are going awn There have been some rule changes well which Brenda will discuss in her alumn but the most important thing, as far I'm concerned, is the jump issue. As of larch 1, all dogs will jump 1 14 their height lown from 1 12. I am sure that one of the adding factors in AKC's changing the sights was the number of breed clubs icluding ours that requested the lower eight. Thanks to all of you for helping ithappenLinda Gallacher Dear Phyllis,FANTASTIC Anniversary Issue I can't think of enough superlatives to adequately describe my enthusiasm for this wonderful issue. The color pictures were outstanding.I especially loved that gorgeous shot on page 80 from Jabil Kennels, and I wonder if the same photographer did the absolutely precious picture on page 225 with the Pom and the Wolfhound. Fanstastic work, or marvelous luck This will be a collectors item and I'm going to get some extras for gifts. Phyllis, this is certainly a job well done Special thanks to all who contributed - we've all done something of which we can be very proudSue Goddard Special Champions Dear Phyllis,Every once in a while my husband Reg does something so unselfish and so worthy that I really wonder why he chose mme as his partner in life This past September the Canadian Guide Dogs For The Blind held another pet walk-a-thon to raise funds for their cause. Once again, Reg and our loving pet Muffin participated. Together they raised over 1,500.00 and were the single largest contributors. What a tremendous effort on both their parts. Collecting that kind of money in such a tiny town in unbelievable, as is Muffin's making the entire 6 miles she isn't very young.It's this kind of total devotion that makes life worth so much The pride and respect 1 have for my own loved ones ascontinued on p. 74.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7Mee Gee PomsandGlen Iris Pomsvr'E ama-w,Ch. Mee Gee's Touch of FrostCroup 1 - Nashville KC - Mrs. F. Thornton Group 3 - Clarksville KC - Mrs. K. Blumberg-KahnVRuckus - the cream sable that can\Polly Ferguson 239 Ridge Avenue Greenville, MS 38701 601334-9569MOVECheryl Jackson 1038 16th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-660374 POMERANIAN REVIEWClub News, continued from p. 28. the shows. We're very proud of all our hard working members who continue to show their beautiful Poms. Poms have really made a mark in the world of show dogs this past year. Of the top 100 in the Toy Group, eight are Poms Routledge Point System. I think that's really super.OVPC members are working hard at several different projects that are pending forthe coming months. I'll fill you in on them next time. The sun has gone down and the wind is getting chilly again. The last of the lovely leaves have fallen from the maple at the side of the house and the Poms are all curled up, napping at my feet, except for Penny Peabody who is right by my side on the chair she's always close no matter where I am. It's getting late so I'd better cut this off. Twilight on a beautiful autumn evening is great when it's shared with my little friends.Happy Poms to all, until next time.PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB by Victoria LovelyHappy New Year, Poms and Pom People I would like to invite you all to our B- OB Specialty Match. It will be held in Seattle on Saturday, February 18th, the day before the Seattle Kennel Club show.Our club has recently accepted more new members than we can shake a stick at. From August to October, we have gotten 7 new members and there are 5 more applicants including one from Australia Welcome new members and thank you applicants.We have two new champions in our club. They are Mary Rosenbaum's Bi-Mar Sonny's Masterpiece and Frank and Janell Reich's Valcopy-Wakhan My Style. Irene and Sylvia Harbin have started out an adorable baby girl, Harbin's Go For The Gold. Dana Plonkey and Randy Gemmill have done quite well with Valcopy-Wakhan Oh So Snazzy. Jane's Wee Prince O' Jeribeth, owned by Jane and George Reed has reallybeen taking our local shows by storm. Bi- Mar Son N Dance Man, owned by Victoria Lovely and Blake Jones, took Best in Match at a well-attended B-OB all breed match.I wish I had some more exciting news for you. Not this time, but I promise I will work on it. Keep up the good work everyone. Take care and may 1989 be your best year yetYips and Yaps, continued from p. 72.well as all other Pom Fanciers who are involved in special programs, is overwhelming.You are the ones who deserve CHAMPION before your names.Elizabeth DupuisGreat SpecialtyDear Phyllis,We would like to thank everyone forthe great time we had at the Des Moines Specialty and APC Summer Specialies. Everyone worked hard to put on these Specialties and the trophies were just wonderful. A special thanks to Virginia Rockhold who did the most lovely oil painting of a Pom. We were the lucky winners of this fantastic piece of art and it will be treasured for many years to come as a reminder of the good time we had. This event was a stop over for us on our long journey back to Seattle.Once again, thanks to you all. You did a fantastic job of everything. Hope we may get to meet you all again one day.Thanks, Phyllis, for a super Pom ReviewJessie and Tom StephensPOMERANIAN REVIEW 75Ch. Jamel's Texas TornadoiVVPim mSIaremThe Texas TornadoHits the Gulf Coast. ..Pensacola KC Group 4, Dr. W. Field Mobile KC Group 2, Mrs. E. Mathis Okaloosa KC Group 1, Mrs. F. ThorntonContinues East with numerous breed wins.Last sighted in Atlanta ...Classic City KC Group 3, Mrs. Jean LepleyOwnerHandlerJoel M.Taylor Glen Iris Pomeranians 1038 16th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603Co-OwnerBreeder Eleanor Clark Jamel's Pomeranians 212 Redwater Rd. Wake Village, TX 75501 214 832-138976 POMERANIAN REVIEWCIRCULATIONMANAGERJohn Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION"Your inquiries answered within 24 hours"20.00 per year - Third Class Mail Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, APOs, Puerto Rico U.S.Funds Only 25.00 per year - First Class Mail Mailing Time3rd class - 10-14 days 1st class - 3-5 daysIf you move, 3rd class mail is NOT forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know your new address six weeks before you move.BACK ISSUES1980 to date - 5.00 each.Years prior to 1980 - 4.00 each.Call for availability.Anniversary Issue 1988 15.00 each Cost includes postage.It has come to our attention that some of the Anniversary Issues are coming apart. We are very sorry about this problem. When the magazines were assembled, the Editor stood and watched the operation and requested that the normal spot-check for bad magazines usually about 1 every 100 magazines be doubled, so that every 50 or so magazines was checked to be sure they were secure. In spite of that effort, some magazines are coming apart nevertheless. It is very frustrating to the Editor and the Circulation Manager to have this happening, because we want everyone to have a perfect magazine. Part of the problem is that shiny paper was used so that we would get the very best possible reproduction of the color pictures, but the slick surface does not allow the glue to stick as well as it does to other kinds of paper. Please use care in handling your issue. If you can reglue the loose pages by pulling back the spine and reinserting the pages, you probably will have a satisfactory result. If you have tried your best and your book just won't be repaired, contact the Circulation Manager. If you are willing to pay the postage cost of 2.50 for each issue that is bad, your magazine will be replaced. The postage cost is so high that the Club cannot pick up this expense to replace your book. We hope that you will be happy with this arrangement.Good Judges, continued from p. 62.pletely lost in the triumphant discovery of flaws, which seems to fill them with a feeling of superior knowledge and well being, and the satisfaction of appearing more expert in appraisal than their neighbor and - in all probability - than the judge. Let us remember, however, that it is not difficult to ferret out flaws, or faults, in the conformation of any dog, and requires little in the way of special talent. It is the recognition of quality which requires true knowledge, plus that "eye for a dog" which is a competent judge's greatest asset. The person who can "spot" a future winner - who can appreciate his potentialities and foresee his brilliant future - is the one who is a real expert. We all can find faults, or follow the pattern of another's decision, but the judge with true ability is the one who recognizes a worthy dog on sight. We may miss him entirely, though, should we allow ourselves to become too busily absorbed in hunting faults to fully recognize the over-all picture, as seems to be the case with many fanciers.POMERANIAN REVIEW 77Obedience News, continued from p. 60. from Trilvie and some very lovely pictures of Buck and one of Elma Manies' dogs. It seems Trilvie bought her first stud dog from Elva. They're now working on their CDXs together.The next CD was earned by Terry Giardina on Cocoa Pebbles breeder Doris Doss. They earned a 187.5, 197 and 1st place,and a 193 and 2nd place. Very nice work.Cindy and Bradley Craig also got their CD on Craigs Precious Jewel breeder Elaine Leaird. They earned a 194 and 1st place under J.T. Winn a 196 and 1st place under Mrs. L. J. Danner a 195.5 and 1st place under J.T. Winn and a 197.5 and 1st place under J.B. Chappell. They won a runoff for 1st place on their last leg with a Golden Retriever, won, then tied a Utility Dog for 2nd HIT. Very nice work None too shabby to take 1 st place on every leg. I sure hope this little girl goes on to Open.Richard and Frances Dohrmann earned a CD on Country Crib's Rusty Shadow breeder John Julsrud. Their scores were a 192, 191.5 and 190, all in Minnesota.Claribel Held earned a CD on Topazes Wee Dawny breeder Patricia Walker. I so far show two scores 191 and 2nd place and 193.Julie James got a CD on Big Bite of Black Licorice breeder Kay Page and out of a CD dam. Their scores were 178 and 3rd place, 185 and 2nd place and 186.5 and 3rd place, showing in Ohio and Kentucky.Robert and Cynthia Mohrmann earned a CD on Ashley's Bit O' Honey breeder Areta and Kiler Hanson with scores published so far of 189 and 4th place and 195 and 2nd place under Mrs. H. L. Thomas.Susann Stackhouse is another new owner of a CD on Poppin Peanuts breeder owner. They've earned a 191.5, 190.5 and 185.Our last new title is on Blache's Petite Poncho Bear, owned by Stephen Blache and bred by Brenda Segelken. They got a continued next page.More on Vaccinesby Victoria LovelyI would like to tell you about a recen experience I had involving a vaccine. I hac heard that Kennel Cough was goin around, so I got out all my vaccine information and learned that the three most common vaccines for Kennel Cough are parainfluenza, adenovirus type 2 and bordetella Given these three vaccines a dog is supposed to be 90 protected from Kennel Cough. I checked to see if my combo shoi had any of these. Yes, it has parainfluenzc and adenovirus type 2. OK. So I'm missing bordetella. I purchased a bordetella vaccine made by a popular and reputable company. Three Poms were given the shot. The first one had no reaction. The second vomited all day and the third vomited and soon became lethargic and disoriented. She was given 14 cc of epinephrine for shock and some sugar water in case of hypoglycemia. It didn't help. She still looked awful. After about one hour of no signs of improvement, she was taken to the vet. First he turned off the lights in the exam room and shone his light in her eyes. Her pupils were pinned and had no reaction to the light. The vet concluded that my Pom had Cerebral Edema fluid on the brain. This is apparently a very strange and rare reaction to a vaccine of this type. He said that if a dog is going to have a reaction, it usually gets fluid on its lungs which causes rapid breathing and quivering. The vet gave my little one a shot of two types of cortisone. He explained that she was shaking because she had a severe headache. Then he said that her symptoms would be gone by that evening and sure enough she was fine.There is nothing worse than seeing one of our little friends suffer. It's really frustrating giving vaccines to help protect them from terrible diseases and then having the vaccine itself almost wipe them out. Please note I am not saying that all bordetella continued next page78 POMERANIAN REVIEWObedience News, continued.174, 176.5, 176 and 176 over the course of a year. Congratulations to all the new title holders.At the risk of being redundant, I would like to share again how thrilling it was to put a TD title on Spunky. The most wonderful part has been all the encouragement and good wishes from so many of you nice people who have written to me about it. This was really meant to be shared. I'm finally becoming able to convince myself they we've really done it, because for so long it has looked like an impossibility. I can't imagine anything giving a bigger rush than the feeling I had when Spunky turned to me with the glove in his mouth. Really, if you've ever thought about tracking, don't discount it just because it's hard and takes a lot of effort. You get back what you put in, and tracking gives back in so many, many wonderful ways.Once again, the answering machine is always on, so call me with your news or if you just need an ear. The number is 517 485-5183. And may your dog always be a happy heeler.More on Vaccines, continued.vaccines will make your dogs very ill. Remember, one of my Poms had no reaction to the shot at all. I just hope the knowledge of my unfortunate experience can help someone some day. If anyone reading this has had good or bad experiences with certain vaccines, I would be interested in hearing about them.WIOC, continued from p. 39.held in Pasadena, California, followed by Las Vegas in 1990. I hope to be there with at least one Pom and maybe two if everything goes as planned.Index of AdvertisersBarker, Sonny and Riki Mosaic 23Blake, Evelyn Blake 52,53Bordelon, Janet 66Bryson, Lance Clairmont 32,33Carlton, Jennifer 63Carson, Morris and Betty Emcee 49Clark, Eleanor Jamel 75Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre 71Dupuis, Elizabeth Pomsprings 65Ferguson, Polly Mee Gee 73Fleshman, Jane Jan-Shar IFCFreia, Jerrie Janesa 29Fry, Nancy Fry 63Garton, Lavina Garton 13Goddard, Tim and Sue Tim Sue40,41,59Griffith, Ken Lenette 47Hanson, Sharon Jan-Shar IFCHeartz, Chris and John Chriscendo20,21Henderson, Suzanne 51Hutton, Brenda BK 5Jackson, Cheryl Glen Iris 9,29,61,73Jatczak, Marie Pomtown 45Jensen, Patty Patty 66Jones, Happeth . Hapian 19Keplinger, Trudy and Irv Tru-Kep 43Leitner, Victoria Courbette 69Lovely, Victoria Lovely 17Luginsland, Janice LLL 59McGrath, Renee Ballykin 37Mercer, Dan and JoEllen Mercer 27Moreno, Julie Moreno 15Noell, Fred and Judy 67Roberts, Audrey , Shy AcresCover, 79Stephens, T.L. and Jessie Jestom 25Stewart, Hiram Hiwin 61Stoll, Frances Stolanne 55Tarver, Ida Ida 57Taylor, Joel M. Glen Iris 9,61,75Trauner, Dolly, Phyner 10,11,15Untalan, Emily Autumn 35POMERANIAN REVIEW 79California Dreamina4x r'l aAOPPOSITE SEXSAN GABRIEL VALLEfKE.NNEL CLUB NOVEMBER 88MISSY photoShy Acres Maybe PreciousCh. Mac's Maybe I Will x Shy Acres Shasta FizzleThey said we couldn'twin withoutahandler They said we couldn't geta major But first time out on the coast, wedid both Thank you, Ruth Davidson, forthe4 points. California, here we areThey also said I wouldn't find a friendly soul THEY LIED California folks are great I've never been made to feel so welcome Great shows, great folks Ya'II come to CaliforniaShy Acres7559 Pasito Ave.Cucamonga, CA 91730 714629-1653POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club,Inc.69th Specialty Show and Sweepstakes February 12, 1989Laguardia Marriott 102-05 Ditmars Blvd.E. Elmhurst, New York 11369JudgesRegular and Non-Regular Classes - Janice Luginsland Sweepstakes - Christine HeartzSaturdayHospitality Room catered by Hotel 6-10 p.m.SundaySweepstakes and Show After Show - Annual Meeting Awards Banquet catered by Hotel 800 p.mThis is the change you asked for Let's make it a big success.Send entries toAudrey Roberts, Show Chairman co2321 Blanco San Antonio, TX 78212 714629-1653