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The Pomeranian Review April 1989

AmericaomeramatClub, SueiomeraLiai evae^LISHED QUARTERyjBLISHE u APRIL 19JPOMERANIAN REVIEWHartans af ^latrartaK i,iIrVHV I i SMS' OMW- r-vrCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Garton's Baby BlossomShown going Winners Dog at APC Specialty for a 5 point major under breeder judge Janice Luginsland.At stud to approved matrons.BreederOwner .avina K. Garton 1888 Canal 15 Road _ake Worth, Florida 33463 407 967-5786Ably handled byJayson A. Lynch 2830 Spessard Ave. Roanoke, VA 24015 703744-9136POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmerican IJmnrrantan ffllub, 3nr.President...........................First Vice President...........Second Vice President....Recording Secretary.........Corresponding SecretaryTreasurerOFFICERS OF THE CLUB.............................................................................Dolores Watts..........................................................................Dianne Johnson............................................................................... Nadine Hersil...............................................................................Judith Green...........................................................................Audrey Roberts.......................................1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, LA 71446.............................................................................Morris CarsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSOlga Baker.............................................................................................................. Anna La FortuneJohn Cribbs..................................................................................................................... Skip PiazzaSue Goddard................................................................................................................Mary VickersDelegate to AKC...........................................................................................................Sam Zaneoff-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POMERANIANREVIEWEditor Phyllis Ripley, 6902 E. 1st., Tucson, AZ 85710Circulation Manager John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year. Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, APOs, U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESNonMembersMembersCover................................120.00 150.00Inside Front Cover............... 65.00 80.00Center Spread....................120.00 150.00Full page...............................55.00 65.00Three-quarters page . . . .45.00 55.00Half page..............................35.00 45.00Quarter page........................ 15.00 25.00Classified Ads.........................5.00 7.00Photo Reproduction . . .10.00 10.00Color .......................................Call for pricesPictures are returned after publication.CONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos 10.00 each. Editor reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. Photos must accompany ad copy. ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED.DEADLINESNovember 15 February 15 May 15 August 15January Issue April Issue July Issue October IssuePOMERANIAN REVIEWTable of Contentsresident's Message................................5cretary's Report.....................................6PC Board Meeting............................... 10PC Annual Meeting..............................12PC Pom Specialty, New York..............16atalog, APC New York Specialty...........20lub News..............................................47ay Colony Club.....................................47olumbia Club........................................47i Cajun Club......................................... 49am Club of Michigan............................50am Club of Ok City..............................51andard for Pomeranians......................62ode of Ethics........................................64usiness Turns to Pleasure................... 66by D. Barnesi Memory of Bunny...............................68by Barbara Stafferap Sires for 1988..................................77acific Northwest News..........................80andardization......................................81bedience News...................................84bedience Rating Systems...................92og News...............................................94by Jorge and Shirley Landaew Year Wishes...................................95by Barbara Stafferams Are People Too............................96by Wendy Feistehind The New Champions..................78cross Canada.....................................100Remember When..............................101lelpful Hints.........................................102inions..................................................105by Sissy McGilllerbs and Spices For Your Dog...........106by Sissy McGillips and Yaps...................................... 107irculation Manager............................. 109idex of Advertisers..............................110Cover StoryCh. Sungold's Max of Harbin is a dream that materialized. Max has been very special to me since the first day I saw him. I just knew in my heart that he was something extraordinary. Sired by Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Ch. Harbin's Touch of Class, Max was bred by Irene and Sylvia Harbin. Thank you both for breeding such a quality Pom.Max is a brilliant clear orange with perfect legs and tremendous movement. He loves to show and has personality plus. He loves the worldStar Dust Pomeranians wants to thank Anna and Ray LaFortune for finishing this great little guy. I will be forever grateful for the excellent handling and TLC my Poms receive when they are away from home.Max has sired some gorgeous puppies that will be in the show ring in the near future.Star Dust has acquired the best bloodlines for our breeding program and is striving to produce the perfect stars of tomorrow. Puppies are expected this spring sired by Ch. Sungold's Max of Harbin and Ch. Sungold's Solo, who is a Pom Specialty winner and pictured on the back cover.Star Dust PomeraniansGail Jeub9100 61st Avenue Circle NorthMinneapolis, MN 55428 612 537-1413Handled byAnna and Ray LaFortune 619 463-2700POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENT'S MESSAGEDolores Watts 4800 Floral Park Rd. Brandywine, MD 20613 301372-8782My very first thought as your new President is to let you know how deeply honored I am. I wish to thank all those members who cast their vote my way. I also wish to express a great deal of thanks to those outgoing members of the Board and Officers who served you so well for the past two years.As I stated at the Annual Meeting in New York, this Board is here to serve the members and together, working as a team, we will surely resolve the many problems that will come up along the way. We will always be working to uphold the traditions of the APC.A special thanks is certainly in order to our Corresponding Secretary, Audrey, who along with all her many jobs, handled the Show Chairman position with such success.As a special note for those members who did not make it this year, the show was a huge success and the Marriott took care of our needs very well. The rooms were lovely, the service was excellent The main ballroom afforded us a huge ring with lots of seating for spectators. There were a few minor items that could have been a little better, but the comments made to me about the Marriott were all favorable.The Ohio Valley Pom Club is also to be commended. Under Ron Feyh as Trophy Chairman for the APC Specialty, they did a magnificent job on the trophies. As this was the first time a regional club was involved with this aspect of the show, it sets a very favorable precedent for future APC Specialties. If there are any Regional clubs who would like to participate in the future as the Ohio Valley Pom Club did, I'm sure that Audrey would be delighted to hear from you.CORRECTIONSIn the January issue, I made two mi takes that I would like to correct. On page I suggested that a dog named BK's S Speedy had just achieved a Tracking Dc title. As I well know, and does most of th Pomeranian world by now, this marveloi performer is named BK's Sir Spunky pli all his various and sundry titles. My since est apologies to Spunky, however speed he might be, and Brenda Hutton, his patiei and understanding owner handler.Then, on page 37, I forgot to add th Ch. in front of new champion Dia's Aprict Brandy Bear. Even though the first line c the ad states that she had finished he championship, it would have been nicer t have her name printed correctly in her fir ishing ad.So please look for these ads printe correctly in this issue. My apologies t these kind and loyal advertisers.The EditcAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INCThis club is devoted to encouraging th owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Porr eranian dog and the protection and ac vancement of the breed.We are currently offering membershi to all who are interested in these principle and aims.If you are interested in joining the clut please contact Mrs. Audrey Roberts, 141 S. 10th St., Leesville, LA 71446.If you only wish to subscribe to th Review contact the Circulation Manage John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, V 23047.POMERANIAN REVIEWSecretary's Reportby Audrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St.Leesville, LA 71446First, I'm back in Louisiana and we're thrilled to be here The dogs are ecstatic We have to row our pirreaux through the swamp to get to the house and I tie the dogs o the back and they swim. Just as long as ,ve're faster than the gators, they don't nind HA California was great, but we're glad to be home.Our February Specialty was a gem. The Marriott loved us and wants us back and everyone seemed to truly love the vlarriott, too. I must thank Maureen Quinlan or locating this hotel for us. BRAVO Also, ny two extremely competent and efficient stewards, Fred Bassett and Jon Marcan- Dnio. They agreed to repeat their performance next year and I'm publishing this so hey can't back out My little hospitality ady who feeds all the judges and commit- ee folks and the AKC Rep, you did a fabu- ous job. Elizabeth Dupuis has done this job or me now for two years and she's the best. Mso, congratulations on your Best in Sweeps win with your gorgeous, super, ypey homebred girl. I want to thank my rophy chairman, Ron Feyh. He sweated tails over those trophies and they were uperb The Ohio Pom Club was the trophy ommittee and they went above and be- 'ond the call of duty in donating time and noney on the trophies Thanks to Jim and udy Shearer for manning the trophy table ill day, also to Larry Rookstool for being at he trophy table all day. This was a long, iringjob.Thanks to my two old faithfuls, Marlin resser and Dave Watts. Every year they olunteerfor anything I need and always get tuck with setting up rings and taping down ilastic. Guys, I couldn't do it without you alk about efficient, I told them to meet mein the show room at 8 a.m. I got there at 730 and they had already arrived and taped down the plastic and were waiting on me Good jobThanks also to Judy Green for being the Catalog Ads Chairman. Her job isn't over yet as she'll be returning your photos.And last but not least, thank you Mr. Sam Zaneoff. Sam does several jobs for me every year. First, he always gets the floral centerpiece and the corsages and boutonnieres. This year they were particularly lovely. Sam also tends to the gate. He sells our pins and decals, the catalogs and charges visitors for getting in. This year he got some help from Mary Vickers. But best of all, Sam manages our Annual Banquet This year we had a record 93 dinners sold Sam always sees that this runs smoothly. This year the cherries jubilee was delicious Excellent job, Sam Sam has also agreed to continue this job and I'm very pleased he's so willing.I get a lot of credit on the day of the show but as you can see, this is a combined effort and all parts must work in unison to perform the job properly.In 1988, APC voted in 54 new members. APC supported entries and provided trophies for the Naugatuck KC in Conn, to benefit AIDS research, as well as for the Progressive Dog Club in New York in October.The following APC Summer Specialties were approved.Northern California Pom Club - June 9,1989Greater Baltimore Pom Club - July 5,1990Sooner Pom Club of Oklahoma City 1991ColumbiaPom Club Washington 1992AJudge's Education Committee was formed chaired by Sally Baugniet. Members are Mary McCoy and Ken Miller, with aPOMERANIAN REVIEW.BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBFEBRUARY989 DAVE ASHBEYPomsprings Pretty in PinkCan. Ch. Tynan Star Chaser O' Pomsprings x Can. Ch. Scotia Tickles Me PinkBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESNew York 1989Heartfelt thanks to renowned Pom fancier, Chris Heartz, for making our dream no longer a dream.To you, dear Edna Cirardot, thank you for all your warmth and encouragement and for being there to see it happenProudly bred, owned and presented by Mrs. Elizabeth Dupuis POMSPRINGS, REG.P.O. Box 328Alexandria, Ontario KOC1 AO 613347-22753 POMERANIAN REVIEWSub- Committee of Jackie Liddle Stacy, Sue Goddard, and Nadine Hersil. This committee is rolling along and doing an excellent job.Three new standing rules were voted in1 A judge is restricted from judging the Annual Specialty more than once in three years. Once accepted, that judge cannot do an APC Regional Specialty one year prior andor one year after the Annual Specialty that they are judging.2 All Canadians will be allowed membership at regular rates instead of foreign rates.3 The APC President, Show Chairman and Show Secretary or any member of their household, may not exhibit dogs at an APC Specialty National or Regional and this will be noted on the Premium ListYour APC Board voted to have ring standards made. Dianne Johnson designed and painted them. We were able to use them this year and they are truly magnificent.The Sooner Pom Club of Oklahoma City has been sanctioned to hold B-OB matches on June 28, 1988. Way to go Keep up the good and fast work If you haven't had a chance to go to one of their matches make a point to do so during the OK circuit They're a real fun bunchOur initial request to AKC for Obedience approval was denied. A compilation of information on obedience interested members was gathered and sent to AKC. We are waiting on their decision.On September 13, 1988 Sam Zaneoff was officially elected by AKC as delegate to APC. In another election, our new officers of the APC were chosen.President - Dolores WattsFirst Vice President - Dianne JohnsonSecond Vice President - Nadine HersilTreasurer - Morris CarsonRecording Secretary - Judy GreenCorresponding Secretary - AudreyRobertsBoard - Olga Baker, John Cribbs, Anna LaFortune, Sue Goddard, Skip Piazza, Mary Vickers.Judges 1990, Regular classes - Sally Baugniet Sweepstakes - Nadine Hersil.IOVEIV POMERANIANSoffers for saleDenny and Junior, orange males whelped 11688. Sire is by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Dam is strongly linebred Great Elms Timstopper. Bi-Mar Son N Dance Man pointed x Lovely Taffy GE Image Again. 600.00.Baby Doll, black female whelped 41588. Her conformaqtion and style is perfect but she weighs only 2 14 lbs. A gorgeous, loving littlegirl, though notfor breeding. Bi- Mar Son N Dance Man x Aija's Chocolate Fudge. 400.00.Ted, orange male whelped 112788. Sire is mostly LLL and Brown's. Dam is strongly linebred Great Elms Timstopper. DeArta's Brandy on the Rocks x Singleoak Simply Super. 600.00.Pedigrees and photos available. Victoria Lovely 12022 30th St. E.Puyallup, WA 98372 206 863-8608POMERANIAN REVIEWWe've OnCy Just Begun1.are feV-' w JIIrnsm tvii-vJ.JSZannie"ft. LessardSHattgriCa ofJiiBtfee C.DNumber One Obedience Pom For 1988Top Novice Pom For 1988ln accordance with the APCAlice Lessard 1254 Magic Sands Way Turlock, CA 953800 POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Board MeetingSaturday, February 11, 1989In Attendance Olga Baker, Sam Zaneoff, Sue Goddard, Mary Vickers, Audrey Roberts, Morris Carson, Dolores Watts, Peter Galindo, Dianne Johnson, Marlene Presser, Fred Bassett. Absent John Cribbs. APC Members Jim and Judy Shearer, Margaret McKee, Dudley Roach, Dave Watts, Edna Girardot, Jean Schroll.The meeting was called to order at 1215 p.m. by the president, Olga Baker. Minutes from the last telephone conference 8388 and the last Board meeting Feb 1988 were read by the Recording Secretary.Corresponding Secretary's ReportAudrey reported that throughout the year, 54 new members were voted upon.The APC Summer Specialties will be as follows Northern California Pom Club June 9, 1989, Pom Club of Greater Baltimore, July 5, 1990, and the Sooner OK Pom Club in 1991.The Judges Education committee chair, Sally Baugniet, had done much work and would be brought up under unfinished business. The APC "stickers" were going over well and a supply was here for sale at the Specialty.A Board hearing was held on March 23, 1988 to hear charges against member Alexandra Gonos. The outcome of this hearing was to suspend Mrs. Gonos and to recommend expulsion by the membership at the Annual Meeting.Three new standing rules were adopted. They involve Specialty judging restrictions, Canadian membership dues and that the APC president, show chairman and show secretary cannot exhibit at APC shows.Treasurer's ReportMorris furnished his end of year reports as well as a January ending balance of 14,684.65. A copy of his financial statement was given to each officer.Committee ReportsObedienceMary Vickers reported that to have obedience trials the AKC requested 'obedience biographies' on all APC members. This was compiled and submitted. We are awaiting further instructions from the AKC. It might mean having "A" or "B" matches, or direct trials.Placement standardsDianne Johnson has already carried the new markers downstairs.GonosOlga reported that Mrs. Gonos has been charged and convicted of civil matters, is in prison and in all probability will not be present at the Annual Meeting.AuditBallots having been passed out during the meeting, Sam and Sue, who acted as tellers, report that this committee will be composed of Judy Green, Tim Goddard and Edna GirardotElectionsIn like manner, Tony Tellez, Dudley Roach and Margaret McKee, as well as Audrey Roberts, will convene to count ballots.Unfinished BusinessRevision of StandardSally Baugniet is ill and cannot attend. After much discussion revolving around the proposed formatting and changes to the standard, and the input received from the Board, local clubs and members, Olga made and following statement "The Board has never voted to comply with AKC standardization, nor asked this committee to change the Standard." Peter made the motion that "we do not conform to the AKC request to standardize the Standard." Audrey seconded. This passed with 10 pro and 1 opposed. Fred motioned and Marlene seconded that "we recommend no changes to the Standard at this time." This passed unanimously. Dianne motioned that "we continued on p. 109. K'if'Ut.ZEeneZe EPcmebamanbBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner__i--' s1 4^kSPECIALIZING IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINEPuppies generally available from our own studs as well as the studs from the Great Elms Kennels ar other top kennels. Puppies priced from 200.00 and up. Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette. If n completely satisfied, return the Pom for a complete refund of the original purchase price.Congratulations to Tony Cabrera on his new Lenette champion, Great Elms Tiffany of Lenette. Tiffar was sired by Ch. Coy's Top of the Mark out of Great Elms Tiny Tiffany.Congratulations also to Ch. Great Elms Shining Star on his Best of Breed win at this year's Speciall show, and to his owners Natalie Dunfee and Carolyn Roberts. Congratulations to Ruth Beam, his breede and to his proud mother, Candy. Candy is also the mother of Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II and Cl Great Elms Pride and Joy, the number one and two Poms in the nation - and also other fine champions POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Annual MeetingFebruary 12, 1989oil Call Sign-in sheets were passed round. 54 members were present and 14 uests. A quorum was present.Recording Secretary Mary Vickers read ie minutes from the 1988 Annual meeting resident's Report Olga Baker reviewed 988, commenting on the Summer Spe- ialty held at Des Moines and the Anniver- ary Review issue. She commended Di- nne Johnson on the ring placement stan- lards she had done and the membership pplauded the same.Corresponding Secretary's Report uidrey Roberts stated we had gained 54 lew members in 1988. The APC supported ioth the Naugutuck KC and Progressive C shows. The APC approved the following ocal clubs to host Summer Specialties1989 - Northern California Pom Club6- 9-891990 - Pom Club of Greater Baltimore7- 5-901991 - Sooner Pom Club Oklahoma1992 - Columbia Pom ClubThe Judges Education Committee was 'ery busy under the leader ship of Sally laugniet. Three new standing rules have een adopted. We obtained ring placement tandards for use at our Specialties. The Dbedience Committee, under Mary Vick- rs, was continuing in their attempts to jursue holding obedience trials. Sam laneoff has been accepted as our AKC Jelegate and is representing our Club.Treasurer's Report Morris Carson resented his report giving our closing bal- ince for 1988 at 10,398.09 and a January nding balance of 14,684.65.Mrs. Baker than spoke. "This past year rour Board faced an unpleasant task where harges were made against an APC member - Alexandra Gonos. Abiding by our bylaws, a Board committee composed of Fred Bassett, Audrey Roberts, myself and our attorney, met. The charges were sustained. Mrs. Gonos is suspended and at this time we are recommending to the membership that Mrs. Gonos be expelled as a member of this Club." The president then called for the defendant. Mrs. Gonos did not appear. The charges submitted were that Mrs. Gonos used a Pom at stud without the knowledge of the Pom's owner signed and sent to the AKC, litter registration papers on the subsequent litter. Your Board has recommended expulsion and it is your duty to vote on this matter. Skip Piazza and Tony Tellez passed out ballots. The results of this secret ballot were 49-for 4 against and 1 abstention therefore Mrs. Gonos was expelled.Mrs. Baker then spoke regarding the long-standing request to change the location of this Specialty. After locating and researching our charter, the only thing necessary is for us to change our by-laws. Therefore, the Board is recommending this and it will be mailed to the membership for their vote. The president then commended Audrey Roberts, the Show Chairman, for her magnificent job this year. She also stated that Audrey had begun a new idea - having local clubs, such as the Ohio Valley Pom Club, be responsible for trophies. The black marble trophies this year were gorgeous and the Ohio Valley members were also to be commended for their useful and beautiful trophies.Mrs. Baker then called for the results of the Election Committee. The following are our new officersPresident - Dolores Watts 1st Vice President - Dianne Johnson 2nd Vice President - Nadine Hersil Treasurer - Morris Carson Corresponding Secretary - Audrey RobertsRecording Secretary - Judith GreenPOMERANIAN REVIEWStolanne PomeraniansVJsmLJm-Ch. Stolannes Stormy SequelCh. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Nighttime Nicole DeliteStormy, Thor's first son to mark the show ring, is shown winning his third major and completing championship at 1012 months of age. The outstanding pigment and excel lent movement of this cream m are credits to his great sire.Thanks to the following judges who have assisted in beginning Stolanne's second generation champions Mrs. Lorraine Masley, Mrs. Elaine Mathis, Mr. Joseph Gregory, Mrs. Victor Olmos-Ollivier, fv Glen Sommers, Mrs. Peggy Carr, Mrs. Dorothy Hobbs, and Mrs. Mildred Heald.Congratulations to Suzann Henderson on finishing Stolanne's Princing Prince and Stolanne's Swi Ginger Brown. Thanks for your friendship and confidence may this be the beginning of many fun years w PomsBreederOwnerHandlerFrances J. Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812254-3857Co-Owi Troy D. SI RR 3, Box 4 Washington, IN 47SPOMERANIAN REVIEWBoard of Directors - Olga Baker, John ribbs, Sue Goddard, Anna LaFortune, kip Piazza, Mary Vickers.The new officers were then seated.espectfully submitted,lary Vickers, ecording SecretaryId BusinessDudley Roach invited all to attend the jmmer Specialty to be held in San Fran- sco in June 1989.Darrell Baker motioned that since there as a shortage of catalogs, the marked italog be printed in the Review. Seconded i Skip Piazza, this passed.Audrey Roberts gave a report on the iow. She also asked Maureen Quinlan to and and be acknowledged, as she was e one who found this terrific new site. The 190 judges are to be Nadine Hersil for veeps and Sally Baugniet for Regular asses. Unless there are complications, e Specialty will be held here at the Marriott ain. Mrs. Roberts then announced in der the maintain this site, room checks ould be conducted after check-out. Those ith problem rooms would notbe allowed to iow again at a Specialty.Sam Zaneoff announced that 93 ople would be feasting tonight at the vards Banquet.The meeting was then adjourned.mopsis of Board MeetingJanice Luginsland explained the Judges udy Group.Phyllis Ripley's contract will be renewed. Olga Baker was re-appointed at Gazette ilumnist. It was suggested by Mary that ice this was the first time obedience vards were attained by an all champion oup, this be mentioned in the column. Dianne Johnson will assume chair of theLocal Clubs committee.5 Mary Vickers will revise the Guidelines for Hosting an APC Specialty.6 Mary also stated that conformation award requirements are nearly ready. They will be given at the next Annual Specialty. More statisticians are needed.7 Names of judges for 1990 were submitted and will be presented to the membership for their vote.NoticeConformation AwardsTo be awarded at the Annual Specialty, these awards will be based on the "AKC Awards" book from January through December of the previous year not the shows from January 1stThose wishing to help the APC by keeping track of conformation Poms, breeders and exhibitors, please contact Mary Vickers 703 960-7755.Obedience Awards will change to the new awards year, as will Junior Showmanship.WANTEDAPC member to track conformation Poms, breeders and exhibitors. Anyone interested contact Mary Vickers 703 960- 7755.POMERANIAN REVIEWI IHigh Lights1 ixzzrm\ LBEST OF BREEDSHREVEPORT KENNEL CLUBWINTER I989 photo BY SEQUEL9Ch. Tim Sues High LightsStarting the year off with a Croup One under judge Ken Miller, High Lights is pictured taking the breed under judge Dorothy Nichols, handled by Erika Moureau for breeder-owners Tim and Sue Coddard and co-owner Janice Luginsland. We are hoping to add more Bests in Show to the three he won in 1988.Tim and Sue Coddard Rt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622Janice Luginsland Rt. 1, Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316 443-5157POMERANIAN REVIEWThe 1989 APC Pomeranian Specialty New Yorkby Dorothy BonnerWith the thrill and anticipation of a wonderful Pomeranian Specialty close at and, I left my plane at the LaGuardia irport I walked to the hotel area of the ter- linal and there was a contact button to call r a courtesy car to take me to the LaGuar- ia Marriott. It was waiting for me by the me I reached the curb. The ease was so nbelievable that I had doubts that the short de had taken me to the correct place, taying for awhile in the lobby, I watched reeders arriving with stacked kennels full f Poms. Seeing happy, familiar faces was jn.For Saturday evening, our good friend am Zaneoff had arranged for snacks in a ospitality room that seemed so large that it Imost isolated the groups of folks. We put le tables together for a more chummy nvironment. Everybody retired rather arly looking forward to the event of the ear the next day.Arriving at the catalog desk rather early n Sunday, I was shocked to find all cata- gs sold out. NO MORE CATALOGS I wasVsst in Sweepstakes was awarded by Judge hristine Heartz to Pomsprings Pretty in Pink, vner handled by Elizabeth Dupuis.r.VI y-vvfJudge Janice Luginsland awarded Carton's King of Bavaria Winners Dog. Owned by Lavina Carton handled by Jayson Lynch.disappointed beyond description. I was ready to leave and go back home, as not being able to place the dogs would eliminate most of the fun for me. About this time Olga Baker rushed up to me requesting that I write a commentary for the Review. A borrowed catalog made this possible, with a "used" one promised for later. As this was the only way one could be obtained, I readily consented.There was a total entry of 1 78.SweepstakesWhen j'udge Christine Heartz appeared, she looked as if she had just stepped out of a fashion magazine wearing a short black skirt with a contrasting coat of large black and white squares. The style was most impressive. Her class winners were as followsPuppy Dogs 6-9 1. Biljonblue Babe in Toyland.Puppy Dogs 9-121. Tynan Trademark of HobbitPOMERANIAN REVIEWm.vWinnersBitch and Best of Winners went to Tynan Whispering Secreat, owned by Natalie DunfeeBest Opposite Sex and an Award of Merit weto Ch. Southland's Toast to Bev-Nor, ownand handled by Charlotte Creed.Puppy Bitches 6-9 1. Pomsprings Pretty in Pink.Puppy Bitches 9-12 1. Valcopy Wakhan She Bear.Best in Sweepstakes - Pomsprings Pretty in PinkBest Opposite in Sweeps - Biljonblue Babe in ToylandRegular Classes Puppy Dogs 6-91. Tim Sue's Harbor Lights. This was a sturdy little fellow with good conformation. Puppy Dogs 9-121. Sandtown's Teddy Bear. In conformaBestof Breed went to Ch. Great Elms Shining Star, owned by Natalie Dunfee and C. Roberts.tion, appeared nearly finished in huge coeNovice Dog1. Starlite Choco's Ko Ko Twist. Very nic black, larger.Bred by Exhibitor Dogs 1. Tru Kep's Dandee Attraction. Attracts "baby face," sable, excellent legs and ga American Bred Dog1. Pombreden's J.C. is a Super Star. Brov and white parti color. Most attractive wi lovely conformation.Open Dogs Black, Blue or Brown 1. Dover-Holihouse Kris Kring-L. Blac darling type.Best Junior Handler was awarded to Danial Baldwin showing Ch. Watt's Little Dakotah.8 POMERANIAN REVIEWpen Dog R,0,C,S. Garton's King of Bavaria. Red, medium ize, moved beautifully with head back and ip. I really fell in love with this boy.pen Dogs, Any Other Allowed Color . Suber's Li'l Break Dancer.Vinners Dog - Garton's King of Bavaria [eserve Winners Dog - Sandtown's Teddy Jeareteran Dogs. Ch. Great Elms Shining Star. Deep or- mge, compact, big coat.'uppy Bitches 6-9. Tynan Whispering Secreat. Charming aby type.uppy Bitches 9-12. Valcopy Wakhan She Bear. Black and an with good coat Jred by Exhibitor Bitches . Tomho Mega Pleaser. Dainty, adorable. Dpen Bitch, Black, Blue, Brown.. Dover-Holihouse Kitchen Witch. Shortest ossible, tiny, near perfection. Black.Zpen Bitch, R,0,C, S . Jolly Wee's Lil Chit Chat. Lovely orange, lice size, sturdy.eteran Bitch. Shadra Coal City O' Holihouse. Black, ood coat.Vinners Bitch - Tynan Whispering Secreat. teserve Winners Bitch - Jolly Wee's Lil Chit Zhat.iest of Breed - Ch. Great Elms Shining itar, from the Stud Dog class.Jest of Winners - Tynan Whispering Se- reat from the 6-9 Puppy Bitch classJest of Opposite Sex - Ch. Southland's 'oast to Bev-Nor. Also won an Award of deriL Extremely tiny and short, Black and an.Tther Awards of MeritZh. Apolloette Moonlite Gambler. Stylish vith good legs and movement Male.Zh. Pedron's Dragon the Conqueror. Fabu- ous, orange, very tiny with all of the goodies. Male.Ch. Homestead's Spit N' Polish. Sable with excellent coat, high- set tail, with good movement. Male.Ch. Silva Lade Morgan's Legacy. Orange, over-all nice. Bitch.Stud Dog Class1. Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge.Brood Bitch Class1. Shadna Coal City O' HolihouseBrace Class1. Tru-Kep's Tribute to Todd and Tru-Kep's Token of Kelly Too. Very correct and beautiful brace.Produce OnlyDover-Holihouse Basic Black.Junior Showmanship Novice Junior1. WL Lil Miss Spit Fire, Theresa MarieBaldwinOpen Junior1. Ch. Watt's Little Dakotah, Danial C. Baldwin.Best Junior Handler - Danial C. Baldwin.Kennel VisitsWe would again like to publish Kennel Visits. If you can think of someone who deserves this honor, please contact Dolores Watts, President of the APC for the qualifications.One of the things that made the Anniversary Issue so much fun was reading about so many different breeders. Let's have more articles such as those on a regular basis and really get to know the people who have the future of the breed in their hands.POMERANIAN REVIEWLove Me Tender Pomeraniansproudly presentsrI BEST OF BREED or VARIETYGREATER NAPLES DOG CLUB NOVEMBER 1988PHOTO BYCh. Mullens Bee Bopper Baby BopCh. Annons Sir Kennor x Golden Oaks Truly Amber Gold"Bee Bop" finished his championship Oct. 28,1988 under Judge Frank E. Oberstar. I want to th all the judges who thought him worthy, especially Mr. Oberstar and Mr. Robert J. Moore for his majo "Bee Bop" is the 4th champion sired by Ch. Annon's Sir Kennor, and several others are pointed. A thank you to John K. Bishop for breeding Kenny. He's a great little man. "Bee Bop" is solid, sound, 3 12 and a proven sire. Watch for Bee Bop" and "Kenny" get in the ring this summer.BreederOwner Nancy C. Mullens P.O. Box 457 Bunn, NC 27508 919 496-6052Ham Arlene Johr 831 Athens D Raleigh, 919 851-3POMERANIAN REVIEWCATALOGAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB NEW YORK SPECIALTY 1989POMERANIAN SWEEPSTAKESJudge Christine HeartzJPPY DOGS. 6 months under 9 monthsBILJONBLUE ADAMIS APEX. Owners John Constantine Rick Kinder BIJONBLUE BABE IN TOYLAND. Owners William Ferrera John Price BIJONBLUE BRYAN. Owners Biljonblue Kennels Reg.RENADA'S JUST RIGHT HOMESTEAD. Owner Roberta Shields Armetta.BALLYKIN THOR'S CHERUBINO. Owner Renee McGrath, DVM, MS i POST SCRIPT'S SPECIAL EFFECTS. Owner Suzanne G. Berney STARFIRE'S ROCKY. Owner Jose A. Cabrera HOMESTEAD'S TAR FEATHERS. Owner Gloria Setmayer. i TIM SUE'S HARBOR LIGHTS. Owners Susan Dr. Philip Conlee.BLAKE'S SIR ROBERT JOHN II. Owner Evelyn E. Blake.I SOUTHLAND JANESA BERRY TBY. Owners Charlotte Creed, Jerrie Freia Nina rry POMAUNOK MEMENTO. Owner Fran Bosmann' SOUTHLAND'S MR. EXTRAORDINAIRE Owners Marlene Marlin Presser I ANIMATION'S WILEY B. CYOTE. Owners Lorinda Vasuta Darren LaneJPPY DOGS. 9 months, under 12 monthsI TRU-KEPS TOMMY'S OTHER TOKEN. Owners Irvin Trudy Keplinger MARIE GLEN'S FIT 'N PUDGE. Owner Christine Z Caplan MILLAMOR'S MUSICAL HOBBY. Owners Eleanor W. Miller Bernard Ciliberto i SANDTOWN'S TEDDY BEAR. Owners Lois Bill Abjornson. i TYNAN TRADEMARK OF HOBBIT. Owners Frances Michelle McDonald AN-JO DANCING FIRE. Owner Anna Liselli [ TOMHO STRUTTING ROOSTER. Owner Tommi HoobanJPPY BITCHES. 6 months, under 9 monthsI TINY TYKES LITTLE HOOKER. Owner Gertrude M. Adair POMSPRINGS PRETTY IN PINK. Owner Mrs. Elizabeth Dupuis CEDARVIEW CINNAMON TART. Owner William O. Rohde I TIM SUE'S SWEET MELODY. Owners Tim Sue Goddard I STARFIRE'S JESSIE BELL. Owner Jose A. Cabrera TYNAN MINI MOVER. Owner Natalie Dunfee TYNAN WHISPERING SECRET. Owner Natalie Dunfeer JERIBETH MARSHMALLOW CREME. Owner Brittany J. GoldsmithPOMERANIAN REVIEWQjeo ejfy S'ls ' StarKBEST OFOPPOSITE SEX - WINNERSmtA- tmENNEL CLUB OF BEVERLY HILLSMISSY photor j7i^,- yCcrsi j7a7e 77reciouThe stars came out in Beverly Hills and one that really shines is "Precious." Thanks Lorraine Boutwell for this nice win over SpecialsBelieve it or not, we're baaaaaack in LouisianaShy Acres 1410 S. 10th. St. Leesville, LA 71446 318 238-1648OwnerBreederHandler Audrey RobertsCo-Owner Nancy BurnettePOMERANIAN REVIEWWATT'S LITTLE PEACHES. Owner Dolores A. Watts CRYSTAL SWEET SUGARDUST. Owner Judy Shearer CHIP-A-WAYS VELVET PROMISE. Owners Happeth A. Michael D. Jones EMCEE'S SPARKLIN SEA DIAMOND. Owner Happeth A. Jones HONEY BEE OF BRIELLE. Owners Catherine Kenneth Lefferts QUEENAIRE SOLITAIRE. Owners Dudley Wanda Roach HOMESTEAD'S TOPSY TURVEY. Owner Jean M. Hurley BILJONBLUES BERNADETTE. Owner Biljonblue Kennels. Reg. BILJONBLUE'S BELLE OF THE BALL. Owner Biljonblue Kennels, Reg.PPY BITCHES. 9 months, under 12 monthsAPOLLETTE GAMBLER'S DELITE. Owners Marlene Marlin Presser DAYBREAK'S SURFER GIRL. Owner Sherry Stauffer TANGLEWOOD ROXANN. Owner Carol J. Aubut VALCOPY WAKHAN SHE BEAR. Owners R.C. Gemmill D L. Plonkey WL LIL MISS SPIT FIRE. Owners Theresa Marie L. Carol J. Baldwin GLEN IRIS STAR AMETHYSTE. Owners Cheryl A Jackson Joel M. Taylor TRIBBLE'S LORETTA LYNN. Owner G. Garrett O'Dell DAR'S LADY BUG OF LENETTE. Owners Rosemary E. Deena A. Regoni LYNN WRIGHT'S MOONSTRUCK. Owner Donna Lynn Wrightt in Sweepstakes.............. 61. Best Opposite Sex ............................. 6.REGULAR CLASSES Judge Janice LuginslandPPY DOGS, 6 months, under 9 monthsILJONBLUE ADAMIS APEX. TM-327.448. 62788. Breeders W. Ferrara John Price. Ch. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond - Ch. Biljonblue Morroco's Magic. Owners John istantine Rick Kinder, 5015 Hawthorne St, Philadelphia, PA 19124 ILJONBLUE'S BABE IN TOYLAND. TM-327.448. 62788. Breeders William Ferrera i Price. By Ch. Idlewylde's Marquis Cut Diamond - Biljonblue Morroco's Magic. Owners liam Ferrera John Price. Box 568-4. Bachman Rd., Macungie, PA 18062. ILJONBLUE'S BRYAN. TM-357,847. 7788. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Idlewyld's Mar- Cut Diamond - Tomho Bad to the Bone Jessica. Owner Biljonblue Kennels, Box 568- achman Rd., Macungie, PA 18062RENADA'S JUST RIGHT HOMESTEAD. TC-955.263. 6788. Breeder Jean M. Hurley. Ch. Homestead's Spit N' Polish - Homestead's Second-Hand Rose. Owner Roberta aids Armenta. 339 Main St., Port Monmouth. NJ 07758BALLYKIN THOR'S CHERUBINO. TC-975.955. 62788. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Stole Thunderboit Thor - Ballykin Roisheen Duve. Owner Renee McGrath, DVM, 735 S. e St. Greenfield. IN 46140POST SCRIPT'S SPECIAL EFFECTS. TM-369,262. 81188. Breeder Rose Keller. By a Lade The Outlaw - Ch. Post Script's Pandora. Owner Suzanne G. Berney, 4815 WardsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 22EMCEES POMERANIANS804 740-7977Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, Virginia 2323324 XZ ZXKI 24 k 24X1 SIICCh. Emcee.s Chips of Diamor24X MX XX___it'sCp 9Ch. Emcees Hy-ChipsCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond x Emcee's Diamond ChippaProvenAt Stud to approved bitches. Fee - 150.00.Congratulations Natalie Dunfee and Carolyn Roberts owner and co-owner of Ch. Great Elms Shining Star and Ruth Beam, breeder, for the big win of Best of Breed at the New York Pom Specialty. Lavina Garton and Garton's King of Bavaria for Best of Winners at the Specialty. Diana Downy, newest addition into the Pom world out of Emcee's Simplemente Miel, free whelper and excellent mother.Ch. Emcees Golden Topo de OroCh. Emcee's Solid Gold Amigo x Ch. Emcee's Golden JaymyProvenAt Stud to approved Bitches. Fee-150.00.24 POMERANIAN REVIEWChapel Rd.. Owings Mills. MD 21117 Agent Dianne Johnson11 STARFIRE'S ROCKY. TC-994.855. 6888. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge - Ch. Bev-Nor's-N-Southland Tar-Lacy. Owner Jose A. Cabrera. 275 SW 72nd Ave.. Miami, FL 3314412 HOMESTEAD'S TAR FEATHERS. TC-971,263. 6788. Breeder Jean M. Hurley. By Ch. Homestead's Spit N' Polish - Homestead's Second-Hand Rose. Owner Gloria Setmayer. 496 Cedar Lane, Paramus. NJ 0765213 TIM SUE'S HARBOR LIGHTS. TC-961,953. 7188. Breeders Tim Sue Goddard. By Ch. Chriscendo City Lights - Tim Sue's Duchess Sabrina. Owners Susan Dr. Phillip Conlee. 2155 Olga St.. Oxnard, CA 93030 Agent Sue Goddard14 BLAKE'S SIR ROBERT JOHN II. TC-967,838. 71788. Breeder Owner. By Ch. An- non's Sir Kennor - Jan-Shars Sherry At Blake's. Owner Evelyn E. Blake. CO 8026 SR 43. Streetsboro. OH 44241 Agent Donna C. Megenhardt15 SOUTHLAND JANESA BERRY TBY. TM-366,116. 7588. Breeders Owners. By Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge - Bev-Nor's Fudge Fondue. Owners' Charlotte Creed. Jerrie Freia Nina Berry. 6618 Lost Ridge. Pineville, LA 7136016 POMAUNOK MEMENTO. TM-347.008. 71888. Breeders Gayle L. Griffin Fran Bosmann. By Ch. Silver Meadows Pep'r O'Legacy - Starlite Shantilly Lace. Owner Fran Bosmann, 7 Summit Rd., Sparta. NJ 0787117 SOUTHLAND'S MR. EXTRAORDINAIRE TM-334.734. 7988. Breeders Charlotte Creed Beverly Norris. By Ch. Southland Mr. V.I.P. O'lda -Bev-Nor N' Southland Poasty. Owners Marlene Marlin Presser, 21789 E. Hwy 4, Stockton, CA 9520518 ANIMATION'S WILEY B. CYOTE. TC-928.480. 6388. Breeder Lorinda Vasuta. By Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Prince - Ch Animation's Tweety Bird. Owners Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane. 63 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave., Akron, OH 44310PUPPY DOGS. 9 months, under 12 months20 TRU-KEP'S TOMMY'S OTHER TOKEN. TC-970.454. 22188. Breeders Owners. By Ch. Tru- Kep's Tomthumb of Theldun - Tru-Kep's Todd's Li'l Katrina. Owners Irvin Trudy Keplinger. 15039 Jarrettsville Pike. Monkton, MD21 MARIEGLEN'S FIT 'N PUDGE. TC-899.646. 31588. Breeders Leslie D. Lawrence M. Whitehead III. By Ch. Thelduns New Fudge Recipe - Marie Glen's Holly Hobbie. Owner Christine Z. Caplan. 5380 Irving Ruby Rd., Eldersburg. MD 2178422 MILLAMOR'S MUSICAL HOBBY. TC-996.782. 5888. Breeder Eleanor W. Miller. By Ch. Rock N Robin of Oakridge - Millamor's Musical Gem. Owners Eleanor W. Miller and Bernard Ciliberto. 5426 Spring Lake Dr.. Lakeland. FL 3381123 SANDTOWN'S TEDDY BEAR. TC-980,212. 41088 Breeders Owners. By Ch. Sandtown's Ravene - Ch. Sandtown's Bi-Mar April. Owners Lois and Bill Abjornson, Box 432, Sand Springs, OK 74063 Agent Nadine Hersil24 TYNAN TRADEMARK OF HOBBIT. UA-606645VG Can 4288. Breeder Natalie Dunfee. By Tynan Pacemaker - Tynan Sparkling Orange. Owners Frances Michelle McDonald. 14 Palisade PI., Hallifax. N.S.. Can. B3M 248NOVICE DOG26 STARLITE CHOCO'S KO KO TWIST. TC-982.632. 5387. Breeder Gayle L. Griffin. ByPOMERANIAN REVIEW 25Starfires Pomst4kv.BEST OF BREED or VARIETYLAKELAND-WINTER HAVEN KENNEL CLUB JUNE 1988PHOTO BY falMcCh. Great Elms Tiffany of Lenette"Blondie finished in grand style going Best of Winners, Best Opposite Sex over Specials for a 5 point major on the January Florida Circuit. Thank you, judges.Tony Cabrera 275 SW 72nd Ave. Miami, FL33144 305 266-747126 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Starlite Legacy Choco Bear - Phyner Cinnamon Twist Owners Kathryn Hartz. Patricia Foley 0. Ninatoski. 319 Ardmore Ave.. Trenton, NJ 08629BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS27 MILLAMOR'S MISTER STENTAWAY. TM-342.207. 13088. Breeders Owners. By Millamor's Rock Music Concert - Millamor's Honey Comb of Mark's. Owners Eleanor W. Miller Mary E. Hechinger, 2942 Demorest Rd.. Grove City. OH 4312328 SHRDA'S SARGENT PEPPER. TC-899.825. 2788. Breeders Owners. By Ch. Silver Meadow's Pep'r O'Legacy - ShrDa's Markie of My-T. Owners Susan C. Austin David R. Edwards, 3948 Pearl St Rd.. Batavia NY 1402029 RAZZLE DAZZLE MUSIC MAN C.D. TC-673.165. 92186. Breeder Owner By Ch. Bell's Houston Star Performer - Ch. Millamor's Roxie Music Owner Judith B. Green. 822 Parkside Blvd.. Claymont. DE 1970330 JABIL'S NAUGHTY NIGEL. TC-611.296. 2586. Breeder Owner By Ch. Jabil's Simply Sinful - Ch. Serius Persimmon. Owners Jessie W. Young Barbara A. Young. RFD 8. Box 251. Loudon. NH 0330131 AN-JO DANCING FIRE. TC-928.509. 4688. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Great Elms Fires- tarter - Pom Acres Chantilly Lace. Owner Anna Liselli. 27 President Rd., Mastic Beach. NY 1195132 TRU-KEP'S DANDEE ATTRACTION. TC-800.279. 71987. Breeders Owners. By Ch. Theldun's Dandee Sensation - KeplingePs Princess Buffy. Owners Irvin Trudy Keplinger. 15039 Jarrettsville Pike. Monkton, MD 2111133 TOMHO STRUTTING ROOSTER. TC-962.937. 42188. Breeders Tommi Hooban Carol J. Aubut. By Ch. Tomho Apricot Strut - Tomho Mud Dauber. Owner Tommi Hooban. 7 Sharon Ave . Norfolk. MA 02056AMERICAN BRED DOG35 POMBREDEN'S J.C. IS A SUPER STAR. TC-973.889. 42888. Breeders Owners. By Pombreden's Christian Major - Clark's Parti Honey Comb. Owners Barbara Robert Breden, 126-A E Wilson St . Rialto. CO 92376 Agent Patricia FoleyOPEN DOGS. Black. Blue or Brown36 WL ONE MORE NITE. TC-768.616. 103086. Breeder Carol J Baldwin. By Postscript s Fancy Caper - Post Script s Midnite Muffett Owners Beth Wicker Carol J. Baldwin. 219 Loller Rd.. Hatboro. PA 19040 Agent Jackie Rayner37 DOVER-HOLLIHOUSE KRIS-KRING-L. TC-504.201.122485. Breeders Patricia Foley Katherine Hartz. By Ch Mi-Dee Mikie of the Pines - Shadra Coal City D'Holihouse. Owners P. Foley. K. Hart D. Ninotoski. 657 2nd St.. Trenton. NJ 08611 Agent Gloria Setmayer38 POST SCRIPT'S JAZZMAN. TC 739.940. 7786. Breeder Rose Keller By Ch. Edney's Moe-Best Special Order - Post Scripts Jasman. Owners Suzanne G. Berney Rose Keller. 4815 Wards Chapel Rd., Owings Mills. MD 21117POMERANIAN REVIEW.25 - 2''wtS' Vr^mmEvansparkPomeraniansWatch forEvtmspark Gamble On Me Evanspark Glory BeeCh. Jan Le's Legacy By Design x Evanspark Sister SarahGerald J. Kripak 215 489-4957555 Evansburg R Collegeville, PA 1943 POMERANIAN REVIEW3PEN DOGS. Red. Orange. Cream or Sable5 MERRYMONT SAT'RDAY NITE FEVER. TC-851.560. 101787. Breeder Yolanda Vebster. By Ch Cedarwoood's Image of Diamond - Yolanda Traveling Tequila. Owner Patty Griffin. 2767 Calumet St. Winston-Salem. NC 27106 Agent Jon Woodring19 BEV-NOR'S STATESMAN'S ROCKY. TC-903.355. 72887. Breeder Beverly Norris. Jy Ch. Bev-Nor s Statesman - Ch. Bev-Nor s Toasty Tan-Ya. Owner Julia A. Kaniecki McCullough. 5211 Eastern Ave., Baltimore. MD 21224 Agent Donna Lynn Wright10 GARTON'S KING OF BAVARIA. TC-745.763. 12286. Breeder Lavina K Carton By h. Great Elm's Prince Charming II - Garton s Baby Blossom Owner Lavina K. Garton. 4888 Zanal 15 Road, Lake Worth. FL 33463 Agent Jason A. Lynch11 TOMHO CAVIAR DREAMS. TC-793.046. 53087 Breeder Tommie Hooban By. Ch. Tomho Apricot Strut - Ch Tomho Tim Tu. Owners Carol J. Aubut T. Hooban. 113 Depot d Westford MA 0188612 IDLEWYLD DAYBREAK FUN, FUN, FUN, TC 917.457. 112587. Breeder Fran Day Warren. By Ch King Midas of Twin Pines. CD - Daybreak's Help Me Rhonda Owners Margaret R. McKee Fran Day Warren. 2426 Sandy Hook Rd. Goochland VA 2306313 CHIP-A-WAY'S SPARKLING CHIP. TC-833.789. 61786. Breeder Owner By Ch Great lm s Prince Charming II - Ch Emcee s Sparkling Miss Model. Owner Carolyn Roberts. 706 W. Main St Mountain City TN 37683 Agent Lee McGhee14 GREAT ELMS LITTLE TIMMY BEAM. TC-980.749. 21088. Breeder Ruth Beam. By Hreat Elms Bobby Beam - Great Elms Sweet Candy. Owner Dolores A. Watts. 4800 Floral ark Rd Brandywine MD 2061315 TIM SUE'S DIXIE DYNAMIC. TC 739.224. 21787. Breeders Sue Goddard Randall Tech By Ch. Chriscendo City Lights - Jolly Wee Dixie of Tim Sue. Owners Eleanor W. Miller Sc Sue Goddard. 5426 Spring Lake Dr. Lakeland FL 3381116 WATTS-SCOTIA LITTLE DO-SI. TC-919.879. 111187 Breeder Owner. By Ch. Watt Little Do-Si-Do - Ch. Scotia A Bit of Consolation. Owner Diane Ward. 14673 Cloverdale d., Dale City VA 2219317 CUPALUV'S MY BUDDY THELDUN. TC-742.789. 112986 Breeder Patricia B. nouse. By Ch. Theldun's New Fudge Recipe - Cupaluv's A Touch of Class. Owner Patricia 3. Miller. 5050 Harmony Grove Rd. Dover. PA 1731518 STARLITE CHOCOS LUCKY ELF. TC-934.636. 33087. Breeder Gayle L. Griffin. By starlite Legacy Choco Bear - Ch Starlite Lucky Shantecy. Owners Katherine Hartz. Patri- ia Foley D. Ninatoski. 319 Ardmore Ave Trenton NJ 0862919 GOLDEN AIRES J J FLASH. TC-843.544. 102487. Breeder Sharon Masnick By Ch. rwin Pine's Tico Tico - Dupre's Kate Raising Cane. Owner Marie E. Carlough. 8 Rowland \ve. Blue Point. NY 11715DPEN DOGS. Any Other Allowed Color50 SUBER'S LI'L BREAK DANCER. TC-819.395. 102087. Breeder Suzanne G. Berney. 3y Ch. Silva Lade Littlest Outlaw - Watt's Little Surpriz Package. Owner Jean Shanholtz, shanway Acres P.O. Box 36. Woodbine, MD 21797 Agent Diane JohnsonWinners Dog............40 Reserve Winner..................23 Dogs.............. 42. Points................5afHA\BEST OF WINNERS' C RALEIGH KENNEL CLUB MAR 1988THE STANDARO IMAGECHUCK TATHANnew championFor SaleCh. Emcees Gold BrendanCh. Emcee's A Chip of Diamond x Emcee's Adorable Bit of GoldBrendan completed his championship easily with two 4 point majors. He has a fabulous coat, outstanding legs and movement. Due to other obligations, we are forced to sell.OwnersCourtney and Lindsay Kyle Rt. 1, Box 143 Galax, VA 24333 703 236-35S3D POMERANIAN REVIEWETERAN DOGS2 CH. JUSTA MENEHUNE. TC-944.432. 52481. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Edney's Moe- est Special Order - Ch. Watt's Little Itsi Darling. Owner Sharon Hiemenz, Rt 1. Remington d.. Ormond Beach. FL 32074 Agent Patricia Foley3 CH. D-NEE'S DARIN' DUFFIE. TB-772.275. 11080. Breeder Owner. By Ch. D-Nee's arin Dinadan - D-Nee's Dwadling Dumplin'. Owner Nadine Hersil. 3128 E. Luzerne, iudahy, Wl 531104 CH. GREAT ELM'S SHINING STAR. TC-072,250. 7482. Breeder Ruth L. Beam. By h Great Elms Timstopper Too - Great Elms Sweet Candy. Owners Natalie Dunfee C. oberts, RR 1. Enfield Hants Co., Nova Scotia. Canada. BOUIUC.UPPY BITCHES. 6 months, under 9 months0 TINY TYKES LITTLE HOOKER. TM-361.718. 71188 Breeder Lorraine Hicks. By Ch. Ims Firestarter - Annie Fanny of Tiny Tykes. Owner Gertrude M. Adair. Box 176. RR 1, oeymans Hollow. NY 120461 POMSPRINGS PRETTY IN PINK. VL-697.814 Can 61188. Breeder Owner. By ynan Star Chaser O'Pomsprings - Scotia Tickles Me Pink Owner Mrs. Elizabeth Dupuis. .O. Box 328, Alexandria, Ontario, Can. KOCIAO2 CEDARVIEW CINNAMON TART. TC 980.042. 62388. Breeder Joyce Fritz. By Bev- lor's El Fudge - Cedarview's Charisma. Owner William 0. Rohde. 2905 Timberwood Way. lerndon, VA 22071.3 TIM SUE'S SWEET MELODY. TM-325.141. 61488. Breeders Lee Melodie Irvin. By lel-Lee's Fuzzy Wuzapom - Mel-Lee's Little Twiddlie. Owners Tim Sue Goddard. Rt 2, ox 540. Opelousas, LA 705704 STARFIRE'S JESSIE BELL. TM-333.808. 6888. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Bev-NoPs oasted Fudge - Ch . Bev-NoPs-N-Southland Tar-Lacy. Owner Jose A. Cabrera. 275 SW 2nd Ave. Miami, FL 331445 TYNAN MINI MOVER. VQ-712.179 Can 8188. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Great Elms lining Star - Tynan Golden Tara. Owner Natalie Dunfee. RR 1, Enfield. Hants Co., Nova aatia Can. BONINO6 TYNAN WISPERING SECREAT. 997.119VQ Can 81088. Breeder Owner. By Chip- -Way Image of Stardom - Emcee's Sparkling Sheena. Owner Natalie Dunfee. RR 1, nfield Hants Co.. Nova Scotia. Can. BONINO7 JERIBETH MARSHMELLOW CREME. TC-975.268. 7188. Breeder Olga M. Baker, y Ch. Jeribeth Sir Lancelot - Jeribeth's Pand-A-Roni. Owner Brittany J. Goldsmith, 403 learview, Friendswood. TX 77546 Agent Judi Hartell8 WATT'S LITTLE PEACHES. TC-966.968. 52388. Breeder Yolanda K. Webster. By reat Elm's Bobby Beam - Yolanda's Traveling Tequila. Owner Dolores A. Watts. 4800 oral Park Rd.. Brandywine, MD 206139 CRYSTAL SWEET SUGARDUST. TC-963.391. 72488. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Bon- Ps Penwag Sundust - Chesai Crystal Belle of J's. Owner Judy Shearer. 523 Miller Ave., jgarcreek. OH 446810 CHIP A-WAY'S VELVET PROMISE TC-967.421.7688. Breeders Carolyn Roberts izabeth Pedery. By Ch. Emcee's Terrific Wee Chips - Starfrost Shining Angel. Owners appeth A. Jones Michael D. Jones, 11 Johnston Ave.. Northport. NY 11768POMERANIAN REVIEW 31Jiapian TomsyQCfi. Ymcees Wee old YettaCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond x Emcee's Terrific Wee BetsyI would like to thank the following judges who awarded Jolie points. For her single points Jam H. Moran, Raymond T. Swidersky, Ted Young, Jr., Richard Guevara, and Sue a Kauffman. For her majors, Richard A. Koester, 4 points, and Ronald N. Rella, 3 pointsA special thanks to Morris and Betty Carson for breeding Jolie and for letting me have her. Also, thanks to Mrs. James Dupre for all her advice.Now that Jol ie is finished I wil I be bringing out two very special little girls, Emcee's Sparkl in' Sea Diamond, "Sparkle" and Chip-A-Way's Velvet Promise, Velvet."OwnerHandlerHappeth A. Jones 11 Johnston Ave. Northport, NY 11768 516757-5054BreederMorris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 2323332 POMERANIAN REVIEW71 EMCEE'S SPARKLING SEA DIAMOND. TC-937.147. 61388. Breeders Morris E. Betty F. Carson By Ch. Emcee's A Chip of Diamond - Emcee's Terrific Wee Betsy. Owner Happeth A. Jones. 11 Johnston Ave.. NorthporL NY 1176872 HONEY BEE OF BRIELLE. TC-979.448. 53188. Breeders Owners By Ch. Star Gazer of Brielle - Shadowlace of Brielle. Owners Catherine Kenneth Lefferts. 117 Moriches Middle Isl. Rd., Shirley. NY 1196773 QUEENAIRE SUNFLOWER. TC-938.696. 52488. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Great Elm's Chip of Gold - Ch. Queenaire Bright Promise. Owners Dudley Wanda Roach. 612 Woodrow Ave.. Modesto. CA 9535074 HOMESTEAD'S TOPSY TURVEY. TC-989,733. 6788. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Homestead's Spit N Polish - Homestead's Second-Hand Rose. Owner Jean M. Hurley. 938 Marlin Cir. Jupiter. FL 3345875 BILJONBLUE'S BERNADETTE. TM-357.847. 7788. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond - Tomho Bad To The Bone Jessica. Owner Biljonblue Kennels. Box 568-4 Bachman Rd.. Macungie PA 1806276 BILJONBLUE'S BELLE OF THE BALL. TM-327.447. 62488. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Bell's Houston Star Performer - Tomho Cactus Biljonblue. Owner Biljonblue Kennels, Reg., Box 568^1 Bachman Rd.. Macungie. PA 18062PUPPY BITCHES. 9 months, under 12 months78 APOLLOETTE GAMBLER'S DELITE. TC-992,BSO. 41988. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Apolloette Moonlite Gambler - Betty's Ginger II. Owners Marlene Marlin Presser. 21789 E. Hwy 4. Stockton. CA 9520579 DAY BREAK'S SURFER GIRL. TC-963.477. 51188. Breeders Fran Day Warren Margaret McKee. BY Ch. Idlewylde Lavalier CDX - Ch. DayBreak's Barbara Ann. Owner Sherry Stauffer, 4601 Staghorn Dr.. Virginia Beach, VA 2345680 TANGLEWOOD ROXANN. TM-351.851.42188. Breeders Tommi Hooban Carol J. Aubut By Ch. Tomho Apricot Strut-Tomho Mud Dauber. Owner Carol J. Aubut, 113 Depot Rd.. Westford. MA 0188681 VALCOPY WAKHAN SHE BEAR. TM-376.926. 5188. Breeders Owners. By Ch. Cables Traveling Bear - Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Cover Girl. Owners R.C. Gemmill D.L. Plon- key. 734 19th Ave East. Seattle. WA 9811282 WL LIL' MISS SPIT FIRE. TM-326.168. 5688. Breeder Carol Baldwin. By Ch. Homestead's Spit N' Polish - Moe-Best Summer Luv of Watts. Owners Theresa Marie L. Baldwin Carol L Baldwin. 5678 Stump Rd., Pipersville. PA 18947.83 GLEN IRIS STAR AMETHYSTE. TC-896.744. 4588. Breeders Owners. By Ch. Jamel's Fugicle of Southland - Janesa's Maybe She Will. Owners Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor. 1038 16th Ave. South. Birmingham. AL 35205BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES85 TOMHO MEGA PLEASER. TC-798,855. 41487. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Tomho Alabaster Coyote - Ch. Ashwood Crissy of Tomho. Owner Tommi Hooban. 7 Sharon Ave., Norfolk. MA 0205686 EA-DON'S CHAMPAGNE LADY. TC-899.183. 11988. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Silver Meadows My-T Love n Joy - Hilane's Mystic Starlet Owner Donna E. Snyder. 2281POMERANIAN REVIEW 33arouiseArt and Linda Gustafson 405391-29601 Pomeramans5001 S. Peebly Rd. Newalla, OK 748571IntroducingTiggerCh. Carousel's Glass Tiger x Carousel's Special AngelTigger is a beautiful 4 12 lb. red sable. Shown in his first all breed fun match at 9 months, he went Winners Dog, Best of Breed and Toy Group 1.V34 POMERANIAN REVIEWEdwards Rd., Waterloo. NY 1316587 TRIBBLE'S LORETTA LYNN. TC-894-690. 42288. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Tribble's Autumn Sunset CD - Silver Meadows S.S. Margie. Owner C. Garrett O'Dell. 6208 Old Rt 32. Saugerties. NY 1247788 ANGEL'S LITTLE SPACEMIST. TB-64O,106. 51478. Breeder Owner. By Ch. May Morning Space Pilot - Little Angel Downy Soft. Owner Stephanie Curro. 28 Colonial Dr- Middle Island. NY 1195389 TRU-KEP'S TIA SIERRA. TC-678.964. 5486. Breeders Owners. By Theldun's Diamond Solitaire - Tru-Kep's Tiny Tia of Theldun. Owners Irvin Trudy Keplinger. 15039 Jarrettsville Pike. Monkton, MD 21111AMERICAN BRED BITCH90 VON MYERS THEMBALINA. TC-902.914. 22787 Breeder Evelyn M. Myers. By Blake's Little Duke - Von Myers Shady Miss. Owner Eileen C. Newyear. 4478 River St., Willoughby, OH 44094OPEN BITCH. Black. Blue or Brown91 DOVER-HOLLIHOUSE KITCHEN WITCH. TC-831,470. 42587. Breeders P. Foley K. Hartz. By Ch. Camelot's Mighty Thor - Camelot's Kopy Kat D'Hollihouse. Owner Jane Russell. 68-50 Burns St., Forest Hills. NY 11375 Agent Gloria SetmayerOPEN BITCHES. Red. Orange, Cream or Sable93 APOLLETTE CYSO SASSY. TC-681.693. Breeders Owners. By Ch. Apollette Lil Gold Shindig - Betty's Ginger II. Owners Marlene Marlin Presser. 21789 E. Hwy 4, Stockton. CA 92505.94 JOLLY WEE'S LIL CHIT CHAT. TC-658.115. 92786. Breeder Randall M. Freeh. By Ch. Jolly Wee Rusty of Peppi - Ch. Maranatha's Lil Tabbitha. Owners Sue Goddard Randall M. Freeh. Rt 2. Box 540. Opelousas. LA 95205.95 DAR'S LADY BID OF LENETTE. TC-923.815. 41188. Breeder K.G. Griffith. By Great Elms Bobby Beam - Tomanoll's June Bug Owners Rosemary E. Deena A. Regoni. 61-15 98th St Apt 16C. Rego Park. NY 11374.96 VALCOPY WAKHAN OH SO SNAZZY. TC-904.710. 122487. Breeders Owners. By Ch Patrick Mr. Dallas - Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style Owners R.C. Gemmill D.L. Plonkey. 734 19th Ave East. Seattle. WA 9811297 VALCOPY WAKHAN FOXIE LADY. TC-917.292. 122487. Breeders Randy Gemmill Dana L. Plonkey By Ch. Patricks Mr. Dallas - Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style. Owners Walter Carol Dederick. 18 Woodbine Ave.. Stony Brook, NY 11790 Agent Gloria Setmayer98 BEV-NOR'S JAMI OF LYNNWRIGHT. TC-696.197. 8286. Breeder Beverly Norris. By Ch Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge - Bev-Nor's Sparking Sherry. Owners Donna Lynn Wright Beverly Norris. 206 N. Tollgate Rd. 140, Bolais. MD 2101499 ADINE'S SUMMER SECRET. TC-766.435. 81186. Breeder Owner. By Moe-Best Two Time N Man - Adine's Uptown Girl of Annon. Owner Diane Ward. 14673 Cloverdale Rd.. Dale City. VA22193VARIETY GROUP FIRST jRIVERSIDE WEST KENNEL CLUB FALL 1988 6rawaagnaEllDupre's PomeraniansCh. Dupre's Sparkling Gold BusterBuster wishes to acknowledge and congratulate his offspring on their wins AC Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Amigo - top winning Pom in Canada. Owners Marlene and Frank Penn Emcee's Solid Gold Flair - Best of Breed for 3 points and also Croup 2 for 3 points. Owners, Morris ar Betty Carson. Emcee's Chip A-Holic - Winners Dog for points. Owners, Julie and Fred Noel. Dupre's Flu Flu - Winners Bitch for points. Owner, Olga Servey.Buster says, "Watch for "Lady" a super, sound, beautiful daughter with the best in movement ar temperament. A repeat of the breeding that produced Amigo, who was also bred for these qualities.Congratulations to Happeth Jones on finishing Ch. Emcee's Wee Gold Yetta. I had no doubt in yo ability to finish this nice girl.ft Show prospects available. All inquiries welcomed.BreederOwnerHandlerRoute 2, Box 878-A 318 627-5180Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. Colfax, LA 7141736 POMERANIAN REVIEW100 BEL CANTO LA CENERENTOLA. TC-544.874. 11886. Breeder Owner By Ch. Daisy's Little Bit of Jabil - Ch. Jabil's Italian Girl in Algiers. Owner Pamela R. Welsh, co J.B. Young. RFD 8. Box 251. Loudon. NH 03301101 THELDUN'S DOOWOP DITTY BYNOW. TC-622.666.41386. Breeder Billy Shull. By CH. Theldun's Dandee Sensation - Cupaluv's Say Hey Kid. Owners Billy G. Shull Jr. Susan C.B. Hill. 40 Warren Rd.. York. PA 17402102 TIM SUE'S EVENING LIGHTS. TC-813.347. 82287. Breeders Tim Sue Goddard. By Ch. Chriscendo's City Lights - Tim Sue's Brass Toy. Owners Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor, 1038 16th Avenue South. Birmingham. AL 35205OPEN BITCH. Any Other Allowed Color103 LYNN WRIGHT'S MOONSTRUCK. TC-917.591. 21688. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasty's Ghostbuster - Ch Bev-Nor's Lady Diana. Owner Donna Lynn Wright. 206 N. Tollgate Rd. 140. Belair. MD 21014Winners Bitch.............66 Reserve Winners...............94. Bitches...............36. Points...............5VETERAN BITCH104 SHADRA COAL CITY O'HOLLIHOUSE. TC-141.579. 123182 Breeder Leslie Worsen Clark By Ch Camelot's Mighty Thor T.T. - Shadra's Didett Owners Patricia Foley atheryn Hartz. 3657 Second SL. Trenton. NJ 08611 In Brood Bitch ClassJEST OF BREED COMPETITION105 CH. EMCEE'S GOLDEN TOPO DE ORO.TC-828.336. 111687. Breeders Owners. 3y Ch Emcee's Solid Gold Amigo - Ch. Emcee's Golden Jaymy. Owners Morris Betty Zarson. 9826 Waltham, Dr. Richmond, VA 23233. Dog Agent Bert Halsey106 CH. TANGLEWOOD HUMAGUMAS. TC-891.688. 121587. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Manchester's Mickey Ratont - Ch. Tanglewood One Tuff Cookie. Owner Carol J. Aubut 113 Depot Rd., Westford. MA 01886 Dog107 JAN LPS LEGACY BY DESIGN. YC-666.515. 6286. Breeder Jane Lehtinen. By Ch. fheldun's John John - Midas Chiffon Legacy. Owner Thelma M. Dunn. 3400 Carvale Dr., Aberdeen MD 21001. Dog08 TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES. TC-798.854. 53087. Breeder Owner. By Ch. 'omho Apricot Strut - Ch. Tomho Timtu. Owner Tommi Hooban. 7 Sharon Ave. . Norfolk, MA 02056 Dog09 CH. JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT. TC-804-236. 72287. Breeder Olga M. Baker. By Zh. Great Elms Prince Charming II - Ch. Jeribeth's Chula Dragonette. Owners Jeraldine C. taumgartner. MD Dr. Flora Contino. 4803 Greystone Dr.. Austin, TX 78731 Dog Agent udi Hartell10 CH. BEV-NOR'S TOASTY'S GHOST BUSTER. TC-470.496. 61785. Breeder Bev- irly Norris. By Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge - Fudge Ripple's Jo Jo. Owners Donna Lynn Vright Beverly Norris Diana Plichta. 206 N. Tollgate Rd., 140, Bel Air, MD 21014 Dog11 CH. BEV-NOR'S SOUTHLAND SINSATION. TC-778.168. 21987. Breeders Beverly slorris Cindy Silhan. By Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge - LynnwrighPs Miracle Worker.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Wu3These stars will shine in 89MorenosTakeCommandT.C.Clear light orange male.Morenos Smokey Lady By Choice SonyaSable female, sister to T.C.We are proud of these youngsters, and we hope to debut at the APC Summer Specialty. Hope to see you all there.Moreno's Mrs. Julie Moreno 1636 Claremont Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066 415583-4973 after 10 a.m. our time, please.AVy si38 POMERANIAN REVIEWOwners Beverly Norris Barbara Nagy, 7747 Meadow Rd., Pasadena, MD 21122 Dog112 CH. SOUTHLAND'S MR. V.I.P. O'IDA. TC-664.343. 112686. Breeders Ida Tarver 8 Charlotte Creed. By Ch. Southland s Toasted Fudge - Ida's Princess of Bev-Nor. Owners Edward Jenner Charlotte Creed. 5102 Cranberry Rd., Burlington, Wl 53105 Dog113 CH. GREAT ELM'S LIL BEVE OF LENETTE. TC-656.898. 92486. Breeder Helen Holt. By Ch. Beaver of Lenette - Jennifer Holt. Owner Bonnie Stetson. 852 Lakewood Blvd.. Akron, OH 44314 Dog Agent Donna C. Megenhardt114 CH. JABIL'S LITTLE ABNAKI. TC-047.592. 21882. Breeders Jessie Barbara Young. By Ch. Jabil's Simply Sinful - Ch. Jabil's Simply Serena. Owner Donald M. Gill, 242 Central St.. Manchester, NH 03103 Dog115 CH. APOLLOETTE MOON LITE GAMBLER. TC-449.188. 12384. Breeders Marlene Marlin Presser. By Apolloette Shilo - Apolloette Maiden Voyage. Owners M M Cleavenger. S. Baker. M M Presser. 34812 Coast Hwy., Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. Dog Agent Bruce Schultz116 CH. ADORABLE WATTS ITS NAME. TC-724,807. 1787. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Watt's Little Chipper of G Elms - Ch. Annon's Miss Ellie. Owner Deborah J. Kennedy. 1901 Wood lawn Dr.. Hagerstown. MD 21740 Dog117 CH. POMAUNOK ADDENDUM. TC 722.328.121586. Breeders Gayle Griffin Fran Bosmann. By Ch. Silver Meadows Pep 'R' O'Legacy - Starlite Shantilly Lace. Owner Fran Bosmann, 7 Summit Rd., Sparta. NJ 07871 Dog Agent Gloria Setmayer118 CH. BEV NOR'S NUTTIN TO IT. TC-794,237. 8787. Breeder Beverly Norris. By Ch. Bev-NoPs Statesman - Bev-Nor's Missy Miss. Owners Stephen Barbara Nagy. Rt 2. Box 221, Stephens City. VA 22655 Dog Agent Donna Lynn Wright119 CH. JAKEN'S SWEET WILLIAM. TC-809.680. 12887. Breeders Owners. By Ch. Annon's Magnum Force of Scamp - Jakens Black-Eyed Susan. Owners Jackie Ken Rayner Jr., Norway Ave., Hamilton, NJ 08629 Dog120 CH. PEDRON'S DRAGON THE CONQUEROR. TC680.178. 9686 Breeders Owners. By Pedron's Dragon Deuce - Pedron's Dragondawn. Owners Peter J. Galindo Ronald L. Welch. 611 New York. El Paso. TX 79902 Dog121 CH. STOLANNE'S STORMY SEQUEL. TC-901.816. 1888. Breeder Frances J. Stoll. By Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor - Nighttime Nicole Delite. Owners Troy 0. Frances J. Stoll, RR 3, Box 429. Washington. IN 47501 Dog122 CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR. TC-706.878. 112886. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor - 0 My Starmist Minuette. Owner Frances J. Stoll. RR 3, Box 429. Washington. IN 47501 Dog In Stud Dog Class123 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N' POLISH. TC-721.851. 10686. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Annon's Spittin' Image - Ch. Homestead's Pretty Petal. Owner Jean M. Hurley. 938 Marlin Cir., Jupiter. FL 33458 Dog In Stud Dog Class124 GLEN IRIS CHARLEMAGNE. TC-833,930. 12887. Breeder Cheryl A. Jackson. By Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge - Bi-Mar Christy. Owners Jerrie Freia Cheryl A. Jackson, P.O. Box 2775, Morgan City. LA 70381 Dog125 CH. WL DAKOTAH'S LIL' HUGGY BEAR. TC-888.284. 11387. Breeder Carol L. Baldwin. By Ch. Watt's Little Dakotah - Princess Nasheetta. Owners Mark Carol Baldwin. 5678 Stump Rd., Pipersville PA 18947 Dog126 CH. WATT'S LITTLE DAKOTAH. TC 467.135. 8985. Breeder Dolores A. Watts. By Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond - Ch. Watt's Little Kahlu'a Lu'a. Owner Carol J. Baldwin, 5678 Stump Rd., Pipersville, PA 18947 Dog in Jr. Handling Agent MarkPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3J---------------------------------------------------------- LPuff BaC Pomsv-B -Sv itBESTJUNIOR HANDLERGREATER EMPORIAkennel clubPEGINIPuff Ball's Lil Ewok CDX and Stephanie Pritchett, Age 14.Pepper has been shown the past 4 years in Jr. Showman shipand Obediencewith 15 1 st places, 6 2nds, 1 3rd, 4 4ths and 10 Best of Junior Showmanship. Toward the CDX they received 2 2nd places, losing first place in a run-off. Their scores were 193, 190 and 189. They are working toward a Utility degree. Thanks, Stephanie.Puff Ball's Mister Terrific CDX and Irene HummelOur thanks to a great team. Irene has shown Mr. T to his CDX degree with scores of 171, 189 and 185. They are working toward their Utility degree. Irene and Mr. T are also very active in therapy dog work, going to nursing homes every week.BreedersKeith and Ruth Neuway RR 1, Box 131 Mt. Hope, KS 67208 316445-248540 POMERANIAN REVIEWBaldwin127 CH. TRU-KEP'S STARMAN. TC-460-330. 42785. Breeder Trudy B. Keplinger. By Ch. Theldun's Dandee Sensation - Keplinger's Princess Buffy. Owners Irvin Trudy Keplinger. 15039 Jarrettsville Pike. Monkton, MD 21111 Dog128 CH. GREAT ELM'S FIREFIGHTER. TC-582.514. 41886. Breeder Mrs. Ruth Beam. By Ch Cedarwood's Image of Diamond - Great Elm's Sweet Candy. Owners Olga Baker Bill Henry, 2025 Sam Houston, Carrollton. TX 75006 Dog129 CH. JAMEL'S FUGICLE OF SOUTHLAND. TC-670.440. 101086. Breeders Eleanor Clark Charlotte Creed By Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge - Ch. Jamel's Smudge Orange Parfait Owners Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor. 1038 16th Ave. South. Birmingham, AL 35205 Dog130 CH. CLAIRMONT'S CAROLINA DELITE. TC-559.859. 31286. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond - Ch. Dainti Delite of D-Nee's. Owner Lance Bryson. 535 Huffman Mill Rd.. Burlington. NC 27215 Agent Pam Campbell131 CH. EMCEE'S GOLDEN JAYMY. TC-151.321. 52383. Breeders Owners. By Ch Emcee's Golden Chip - Emcee's Tartan Tam. Owners Morris Betty Carson. 9826 Waltham Dr., Richmond VA 23233 Bitch Agent Marlene Scott Halsey132 CH. DAYBREAK'S BARBARA ANN. TC 708.197.112586. Breeders Owners. By Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral CDX - Daybreak Bruiser of Idlewyld. Owners Fran Day Warren Margaret R. McKee. 304 N. Lombardy St.. Richmond, VA Bitch133 CH. MEE-GEE'S PETITE CONTESSA. TC-351,244. 82984. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Texican's Wee Will O Mee-Gee - Ch. Brasher's Bean Squirt Owner Polly Ferguson. 239 Ridge Ave., Greenville MS 38701 Bitch134 CH. SOUTHLAND'S TOAST TO BEV-NOR. TC-209,933. 121283. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Bev-NoPs Toasted Fudge - Ch. Bev-NoPs Fudge Delight. Owner Charlotte Creed. 6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville LA 71360 Bitch135 CH. POST SCRIPT'S PANDORA. TC-739.939. 123185. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Edney's Moe-Best Special Order - Post Scripts Jasman. Owner Rose Keller. 1441 Trevanion Rd.. Taneytown. MD 21787 Bitch136 CH. SILVER MEADOW'S MY-T-PRESHUS. TC-718,563. 1387. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Silver Meadows My-T Love N'Joy - Ch. Silver Meadow's Ms. Krickett Owner Jacquelyn Klein. 4146 West Lake Rd.. Silver Springs. NY 14550 Bitch137 CH. SILVA LADE MORGAN'S LEGACY. TC-105.561. 31185. Breeders Owners. By Ch. Watts Little Chipper of CE - Silva Lade Superstition. Owners Larry Dianne Johnson.,2901 Putty Hill Rd.. Baltimore, MD 21234 BitchBest of Breed.................54. Best Of Winners...................66.Best Opposite Sex.............134.Award of Merit............120. Award of Merit..................115. Award of Merit .................. 137.Award of Merit........... 134. Award of Merit............. 123.STUD DOG CLASS122 CH. STOLANNE THUNDER BOLT THOR. TC-706.878. 112886. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor - 0 My Starmist Minuette. Owner Frances J. Stoll. RR 3,POMERANIAN REVIEW 4Whid-Don's PomeraniansTwo lovely show quality males for sale.Littermates sired by Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II.Whid-Don's Knaughty Knight4 Ml lb. orange male.8 months.Took reserve from 6- 9 puppy class in second show.efvm -j 'Whid-Don'sViscountModred3 12 lb. Red male.8 months.Both boys have huge coats, good movement. For pedigree and price contactBarbara T. Whiddon 4703 Monroe Hwy Pineville, LA 7136437'14 ilMPOMERANIAN REVIEW12Box 429, Washington, IN 47501123 CH. HOMESTEAD'S SPIT N'POLISH. TC-721.851. 10686. Breeder Owner. By Ch. Annon's Spittin' Image - Ch. Homestead's Pretty Petal. Owner Jean M. Hurley. 938 Marlin Cir., Jupiter, FL 33458140 CH. SOUTHLAND'S TOASTED FUDGE TCA32,532. 5385. Breeders Owners. By Ch. Bev-NoPs Toasted Fudge - Ch. Southland Happy Birthday Bil. Owners Charlotte Creed Beverly Norris, 6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville, LA 71360141 CH. THELDUN'S DANDEE SENSATION. TB 994.986.112681. Breeder Owner By Ch. Cupa Lu\Ps Kelly Too - Theldun's Kelly Girl. Owner Thelma M. Dunn. 3400 Carvale Drive, Aberdeen MD 21001BROOD BITCH CLASS104 SHADNA COAL CITY O'HOLIHOUSE. TC 141.579.123182. Breeder Leslie Worden Clark. By Ch. Camelot's Mighty Thor TT - Shadra's Didett. Owners Patricia Foley Kathryn Hartz, 3657 Second St., Trenton, NJ 08611BRACE CLASS142 TRU-KEP'S TRIBUTE TO TODD. TC-528.708. 52985. Breeder Trudy C. Keplinger. By Tru-Kep's Token of Kelly Too - Tru-Kep's Todd's Li I' Katrina. Owners Irvin Trudy Keplinger, 15039 Jarrettsville Pike, Monkton, MD 21111 Dog, AND143 TRU-KEP'S TODD'S TREASURE TC-528,707. 52985. Breeder Trudy Keplinger. By Tru- Kep's Token of Kelly Too - Tru-Kep's Todd's Lil Katrina. Owners Irvin Trudy Keplinger, 15029 Jarrettsville Pike. Monkton. NJ 08611 BitchPRODUCE ONLY145 DOVER-HOLIHOUSE BASIC BLACK. TM-339,649. 52588. Breeders Patricia Foley Kathryn Hartz D.N. Ninatoski, 657 Second St, Trenton, NJ 08611 BitchJUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP Judge Janice LuginslandNOVICE JUNIOR82 WL LIL MISS SPIT FIRE. TM-326.168. 5688. Breeder Carol Baldwin. By Ch. Homestead Spit N'Polish - Moe-Best Summer Luv of Watts. Owner Theresa Marie L. Baldwin Carol L Baldwin. Junior Handler Theresa Marie L. Baldwin 102077. 5678 Stump Rd., Pipersville. PA 18947OPEN JUNIOR126 CH. WATT'S LITTLE DAKOTAH. TC-467.135. 8985. Breeder Dolores A. Watts. By Ch. Cedarwood Image of Diamond - Ch. Watt's Little Kahlu'a Lu'a. Owner Carol J. Baldwin. Junior Handler Danial C. Baldwin 41875. 5678 Stump Rd., Pipersville PA 18947Best Junior Handler 126.mJi'ksmV.^Tawia ammuBIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid----------------------For Sale------------------------RedOrange male whelped 111587, sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a daughter of Ch Creider's Boxcar Willie. Show quality with outstanding coat and personality. Small ears and baby faceShow ring ready. Specials quality.................................................................................................... 1,000.00Clear Orange male whelped 10285, sired by Ch. Creiders Cold Venture II and out of a daughter of Ch Great Elms Timstopper Too. This male is a proven sire of major pointed offspring from the puppy class awell as specialty winners. Excellent quality with huge coat, small ears. Show quality.......................800.00Red Sable male whelped 52086 by Ch. Creider's Smoke N Flame and out of a Ch. Creider's Sundancidaughter. Proven sire, show quality. Show ring trained. Big coat with small ears.............................800.00Red Sable male whelped 72785 that needs a 3 pt. major for his AKC championship. Crandsires are BIS Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge and BIS Ch. Sunray's Lil Beaver. This male is about 4 lbs. with beautifumovement and style. Special quality. Show ring ready. Proven sire................................................2000.00Dark Red male sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a Great Elms and Bonner bred female Full brother to a champion that has Toy Group Firsts and Specialty wins. Has major AKC points and shovring ready.............................................................................................................................................850.00.Black and Tan male whelped 11787. This is a perfectly marked black and tan male that is lead trained an show quality. Beautiful head. Sire is all Scotia breeding and his dam is a granddaughter of BIS Ch. Bev-Nor'Toasted Fudge and BIS Ch. Sunray's Lil Beaver................................................................................600.00.Red Orange female puppy sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a Ch. Creider's Smoke h Flame daughter. This is one fancy and showy little girl. If you want a winner take a look at her... 550.00 Young puppies and bred females for sale sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid.Mary A. Rosenbaum 206 838-6397 and 927-236936520 28th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003nCh. Autumn's Riveria EnchantressCh. Autumn's Cairo of Bi-Mar x Ch. Autumn's Precious Zhen ZhanWhile I wasn't looking that was a little hard to do considering she was only in the Bred-By Class, she became a champion at 9 months of age during the shows in Boise, Idaho in October. She is the type, as her sire was, who needs a household of her very own. With a lot of searching and soul searching, we found the perfect mistress for her. Even out of coat, she is "in coat" and will return to Canada in early March to seek her final three points there. Pedigree Behind The New Champions.New Owner Jacqueline Bloom 1901 N.Winchell Portland, OR 97217Co-OwnerB reeder Emily Untalan Tigard, OR 97224 503684-1730fi mSAutumn's Broadway JoeSouthland N Janesa's Mr. Tuff x Que Sera's VictoriaThis puppy boy has been busy lately going BOB from the puppy class over a special for a nice 5 point major. At the Columbia Pomeranian Club Winter Specialty he went BOS in the Sweepstakes. He is a brilliant orange with cream bib and britches with one of those rare, true baby faces. He is at home with his new owner.New OwnerDonna Pickles 8334 SE Taylor Court Portland, OR 97216 503253-8418HandlerEmily Untalan 10255 SW Kable Tigard, OR 97224 503684-1730\Princess Baby Sweet SweetSouthland N Janesa's Mr. Tuff x Autumn's CleopatraThis tiny little pro can steal many a heart. Her first time out at just 6 months, she went WB, BOW and BOS over a special, with BOB going to grandpa, Ch. Bi-Mar Bit of Tassajara. At one of the next shows, they again repeated the wins, giving her a nice 5 point major. At the Columbia Pomeranian Club Winter Specialty she went Best in Sweepstakes. She will remain here until she competes her championship and will then go to her new owner.New OwnerGail Jeub9100 61 st Avenue Circle North Minneapolis, MN 55428 612 537-1413Companion and HandlerEmily Untal an 10255 SW KableSt. Tigard, OR 97224 503684-1730POMERANIAN REVIEW 4CLUB NEWSBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB by Claire FlesnerCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Kay M. ZirkelHere at the Bay Colony Club we are mourning the death of Francis "Case" Casey. Case had a recurrence of his cancer, in addition to the many health problems he suffered in recent years. Case and his late wife Mary founded Topaze Kennels, which even now provides the background for many of our Poms. Case and Mary were among the very early members of our club and were very active in it. Both at separate times served as President It was Mary who was usually in the ring, while Case was always there doing all the grooming. He taught most of us in this area how to groom our Poms. After Mary died, Case did continue to breed and show Poms until his ill health forced him to sell the kennel. He will be missed.Our April B-OB Match will be history by the time you read this. We are looking forward to a grand turnout of entries and people.Our Annual Specialty Show is March 13, 1989, at West Springfield, MA in conjunction with the Springfield Kennel Club. The judge will be A. Schwartz. Our annual dinner and meeting will be held following the judging. All Pom people who will be at the show, whether showing or just watching, are most welcome to join us for lunch and fun-talk. Our eating time is usually around noon. Just look for the Pom poster located in the far corner. We will be there. Come and join us.Have you hugged your Pom todayAs I write this we are experiencing th coldest winter weather the Northwest h known in many years. While I wait for m pipes to thaw and my chill banes to sen more shivers, I can acknowledge my Porr as being truly Spitz type dogs. Can yo believe that with the temperatures reachir -37 degrees with a chill factor they sti want to go outside at 600 a.m. Oh well, I' just throw another log on the fire and g cozy.On Thursday January 19, 1989 tf Columbia Pomeranian Club inc. held oi Winter Specialty Show at Multnomah Exf Center in Portland, OR. Judges for tf show were Mr. David Krough for Swee stakes and Mrs. Jean Schroll as Stewar Mr. Fred C. Basset did the Breed classi with Kay M. Zirkel as Steward.Our club wishes to thank the entrar from out of state and the excellent repr sentatives of the breed they brought wi them. In our Sweepstakes, Princess Bal Sweet Sweet, owned by Susan StauachcM.JLBest in Sweepstakes was Princess Baby Swi Sweet, owned by Susan Stauacher, handled Emily Untalan.8 POMERANIAN REVIEWBest Opposite Sex went to Autumn's Broadway Joe, owned by Emily Untalan and Adrienne \dmell, handled by Emily.Ulenn and handled by Emily Untalan won 3est in Sweeps. Autumn's Broadway Joe, jwned by Emily Untalan and Adrienne \dmell was Best of Opposite Sex. He was landled by Emily Untalan.Although our entry was smaller this rear, we saw some outstanding dogs, ipecial thanks to our Canadian friends for naking the trip.Winners Dog in the classes went to .ana's Top Echelon, owned by Lana ijchorszt and handled by Ray LaFortune. 'his lovely little guy is from Temple City, CA md he later took Best of Winners. ReserveCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB. INC.dinners Bitch went to Jestom's Miss Wonder- d, owned by Tom and Jessie Stephens.ftk u 1Best of Breed went toCh. Nabob's Talk of the Town, bred and owned by Nan Shartel. Handled by Anna LaFortune.Winners Dog went to Autumn's Broadway Joe, owned by Emily Untalan and Adrienne Admell, handled by Emily. Winners Bitch went to Jestom's Miss Wonderful, bred and owned by Thomas and Jessie Stephens of Lynnwood, WA. Reserve Winners Bitch went to Daystar New Attitude, owned by R.C. Gemmill and Dana Plonkey of Seattle WA. Best of Opposite Sex was bestowed on Ch. Autumn's Riveria Enchantress, bred and owned by Emily and Louis Untalan of Tigard, OR, handled by Louis.The coveted Best of Breed went to a newly crowned champion, Ch. Nabob'sTalk1ai i i lylli fU. BESTOPPOSITEBest of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Autumn's Riveria Enchantress, bred and owned by Emily and Louis Untalan.POMERANIAN REVIEWof the Town, bred and owned by Nan Shar- tel of Rialto, CA. He was beautifully handled by Anna LaFortune. This little fellow was really struttin' his stuff. Super job by both Pom and Anna. How fitting that this lovely cream was crowned cream of the crop Congratulations to you, NanWe sincerely regret that there were problems with this year's premium lists. We have taken steps to correct this in the future. Due to illness of our beloved and most respected treasurer and trophy chairperson, we were not able to award the prizes as stated in the catalog. We wish Averil Asbeck a speedy recovery and hope to see her at our meetings real soon. We hope that the cash prizes awarded to the winners was not offensive to anyone.We all enjoyed the casual dinner and relaxing conversation at the judges dinner following the show. Our next specialty will be in July held in conjunction with the Greater Clark County KC at Hockinson Field, Hockinson, WA at their beautiful grounds. We invite you to join us for what has always been a very special show. Here's how the judging went during the next three days.Saturday at Greater Clark County KC, Winners Dog was Bi-Mar's Son and Dance Man. Reserve went to Hazel's Rock N Robbi, owned by Gladys Van Horn and Debbie Harrell. Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex went to Daystar New Attitude. Reserve Winners Bitch was Valcopy Wakhan Oh So Snazzy. Best of Breed was Ch. Bi- Mar's Bit of Tassajara, owner handled by Emily Unta- lan.Sunday at Dog Fanciers Association of Oregon, Winners Dog was Can. Ch. Chris- cendo Cause For Applause. Reserve Winners Dog went to Autumn's Broadway Joe. Winners Bitch was Princess Baby Sweet Sweet, owned by Susan Stauacher-Glenn, handled by Emily Untalan. Reserve Winners Bitch went to Valcopy Wakhan Oh SoSnazzy. Best of Winners and Best of Op site Sex went to Princess Baby Sw Sweet. Congratulations to Susan a Emily. The Best of Breed was won by Ch. Mar Bit of Tassajara, owned and handled Emily Untalan.At the Longview-Kelso Show, Jan Wee Prince O' Jeribeth took a major go Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best Breed. Congratulations to Jane Reed. W ners Bitch was Feisty's Once in a B Moon, owned and handled by Victor FeEveryone seemed to enjoy the sho and the visiting. Here's wishing everyc warm days and great shows in the com season.LA CAJUN POMERANIAN CLUB by Barbara WhiddonWe had a Fun Match January 28, 1S judged by Erika Moureau thank yi Erika. She did a marvelous job and it wa tough one. She was presented with so truly lovely puppies. Club members i guests alike turned out to enjoy the she After the match, club members had a re lar meeting conducted by club presid Sue Goddard.The 3-6 month puppy dog winner vfCenla's Little Brother was Best Puppy. He owned by A.C. Williamson.D POMERANIAN REVIEW. \V Iest Adult went to Mee-Gee's Cold Frost of mesa, owned by Polly Ferguson.Best Opposite Sex in Sweeps went to Mercer's Star Vonna, owned by Evelyn and Rollie ConleyBenia's Little Brother, owned by A.C. Wil- amson. He later was chosen Best Puppy, he 6-9 puppy dog winner was Whid-Don's maughty Knight, owned by Barbara Vhiddon. The 9-12 puppy dog winner was lubois Bullet's Bandit, owned by Charlotte lubois. The 3-6 puppy bitch winner was eptember Eve of Bre-Ray, owned by renda Hudson. The 6-9 puppy bitch win- er was Tim Sue's Socialite, owned by Tim nd Sue Goddard. The 9-12 puppy bitch tinner was Taunting Tania, owned by Vir- inia Dimick.In the regular classes, Mel Lee's Fuzzy Vuzapom, owned by Melodie and Lee Irvin ton Open Dogs. Mee-Gee's Gold Frost of mesa, owned by Polly Ferguson, won pen Bitches and Best in Match.POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGAN Specialty Show November 17, 1988Sweepstakes was judged by Mrs. Clo- er Allen and she awarded Best in Sweeps Sandtown's Teddy Bear, owned by Lois nd Bill Abjornson, handled by Nadine Her- il. Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes went Mercer's Star Vonna, owned by Evelyn nd Rollie Conley.The Regular Classes were judged byMrs. Sue A. Woodle and she chose Sandtown's Teddy Bear Winners Dog and Best of Winners. Reserve Winners Dog went to Suntwist Tomba La Bomba, owned by Nellie Sprunger. Winners Bitch went to Pris's Precious Pixie, owned by Priscilla Brown. Reserve was Mercer's Star Vonna, owned by Evelyn and Rollie Conley. Best of Breed went to Ch. Watter's Tiny Touch O' Amber, owned by Rollie and Evelyn Conley. Best Opposite Sex went to Ch. De Arta's Top Tradition, owned by Verla Dagel and handled by Nadine Hersil.The Best of Breed trophy was a Pom sketch by Christine Heartz, donated byWinners Dog, Best of winners and Also Best in Sweepstakes went to Sandtown's Teddy BearPOMERANIAN REVIEWtaAWinners Bitch went to Pris's Precious Pixie, owned by Priscilla Brown.Eleanor Miller and Mary Hechinger. Hospitality hosts Earl and Bonnie Sullivan presented a beautiful buffet, complete with sliced ham, bread, deviled eggs, vegetable tray, fruit tray, and assortment of cheese and crackers, gelatin salad, nuts, candy, cake, coffee, pop and punch.Our special thanks to Show Chairman Rollie Conley, Trophy Chairmen Paul and Debbie Birch and Hospitality Chairmen Bonnie and Earl Sullivan. Thanks to all the members and exhibitors who helped to make our show happen. Now let us look forward to May and Kalamazoo for our Spring Specialty.rBest Opposite Sex went to Ch. De Arta's Top Tradition, handled by Nadine Hersil for owner Verla Dagel.3Judge Sue A. Woodle awards Best in SpeciallShow to Ch. Watter's Tiny Touch O' Ambeowned by Rollie and Evelyn Conley.THE SOONER POMERANIAN CLUB O OKLAHOMA CITY by Ray HudsonWe had our annual Fall show on Thun day evening, November 10, 1988 at th Midwest City Civic Center. Our first San tioned B-OB Match had 27 entries with 6 persons in attendance.Our Obedience Judge was Mr. Wayn Fessenden. Puppy Sweeps was judged b Ms. Debbie McDermott and Conformatio by Mrs. Barbara Brooks. The Chief Rin Steward was Mrs. Sharon Hicks, Sho\ Secretary, Mrs.Brenda Hudson and Sho\ Chairman, Mr. Ray Hudson.The Puppy Sweepstakes winners wer DeLemas Classy Tiger, owned by Par Gault going Best in Sweeps and Puf-Prid Taunting Tiari, owned by Warren and Vii ginia Dimick going Best Opposite Sex i Sweeps.Shelly Clark, showing Double C Rebt Trapper, was the Best in Junior Showmar ship.The Regular Class judging showed repeat of the Sweepstakes winners wit Delemas Classy Tiger going Best in Mate and Puf-Pride Taunting Tiari going Be Opposite.continued on p. 1hPOMERANIAN REVIEWWee HeartsWee Hearts Teakie Too Toopresents his daughter, Wee Heart's By Request.For a Pom bred to win, contact Wee Heart's We stand behind what we sell. We have moved to the country.BreederCo-OwnerWee Hearts Cassandra Ready Estil Evans Rt. 1, Box 253 Vidalia,GA30473 912 537-2993 or 537-2382Wee Hearts By RequestSpecial is shown going Winners Bitch for 5 points from puppy class. She has 7 points to date.Special's sister will be campaigned soon. Watch for Wee Heart's Run For The Roses.OwnerLa Petite Lee McGhee 404471-4209POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Wee Heart The Stuff of breams--- -------------------- ------------------------- ------------ --------I--I---- -------------------------1V r7'Ch. Wee Heart's Just-E-Nuff x Ch. Wee Heart's Bearly An AngelDreamer finished in one week in style with four majors. Mr. Everett Dean Jr, 4 pts., Mrs. Dawn V. Hansen, 4 pts., Mrs. Jean Fancy, 5 pts., and he is shown above finishing under Mrs. Barbara Alderman for 5 pts.,We send our deepest gratitude to Cheryl Jackson for the loving care and excellent handling of Dreamer. Without you, none of this would be. Thanks, CherylThank you, Molly Cray, for believing in Justin, Dreamer's sire. Congratulations on your first homebred championHandlerCheryl Jackson Glen Iris PomsEstil Evans and Cassandra Ready Rt. 1, Box 253 Vidalia, GA 30474 912 537-2993BreederCo-Owner Molly Gray 803 648-8784POMERANIAN REVIEWlr Janesas Toasts SouthlandCh. Southlands Toasted FudgePrcxiucer of 11 champions for 1988 Bred and owned by Charlotte Creed and Beverly NorrisLil Toastie children residing at Janesa'sCh. Glen Iris Charlemagne, bred and owned by Cheryl A. Jackson and Joel M. Taylor. Co- owner, Jerrie Freia. Ch. Janesa's Hi-Struttin Daisey, 2 legs on CD, bred by Jerrie Freia and Charlotte Creed, owned by Jerrie Freia. Janesa's Hi-Struttin Finali, pointed and has 3 puppies x Ch. Southland's Mr. VIP O' Ida. Janesa's Hi-Struttin Pansy, in whelp to Ch. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster, bred and co-owned by Jerrie Freia and Charlotte Creed. Janesa's Southland Tanner, in training for CD. Janesa's Southland Vickie, in training for CD, bred by Charlotte Creed and Beverly Norris, co-owners Jerrie Freia and Charlotte Creed. Southland N Bev-Nor's Janesa, in whelp to half brother, Southland's Sir Impressive. Bred by Ida M. Tarver, co-owned by Jerrie Freia and Charlotte Creed. Southland's Toast to Ida, bred by Jerrie Freia and Charlotte Creed, co-owners Jerrie Freia and Nina Berry.Charlotte Creed Jerrie Freia Dr. Cheryl Jackson Joel M. Taylor6618 Lost Ridge P.O. Box 2775 1 038 1 6th Ave. SouthPineville, LA 71360 Morgan City, LA 70381 Birmingham, AL 35205318466-3456 504 384-7466 after 600 p.m. 205328-6603POMERANIAN REVIEWJJanesas ToastsCh. Bev-Nor s ToastmasterJBEST OFm Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nor's Missy Miss Producer of 6 champions for 1988"Master" production for 1988Ch. Bayou View Front Runner, breederowners John C. Lewis and Adam J. Verrett, Ch. Bayou View Mahogany Action, Breeders John C. Lewis and Adam J. Verrett, owners Virginia Davis and Anita Nagel, Ch. Bayou View Pop Tart, breederowners John C. Lewis and Adam J. Verrett, Ch. Janesa's Damien, breeder Jerrie Freia, owners, Leanna Rilleux and Jerrie Freia, Ch. Janesa's Renee, breederowner Jerrie Freia, Janesa's Glen Iris Sorceress, breeder Jerrie Freia, owners Cheryl Jackson and Joel Taylor..Janesa's credits Master's productivity to his sire, Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge. Thanks Beverly for letting a good one go.John C. Lewis Adam Verrett P.O.Box 1943 Morgan City, LA 70381 504384-0486Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504384-7466Virginia DavisAnita Nagel 25707 County Road Elberta, AL 36530 205386-8218POMERANIAN REVIEW\K.]iihmin tilland's Step Aside Boys ier-Ownerhand ler charlotte Creed-e -j_____Ch. Courbette's Fudge It BudgetBreeder-Ownerhandler Vicky LeitnerCh. Janesa's Hi Struttin Daisy Breeder-Ownerhand ler Jerrie FreiaCh. Southland's Toasted FudgeLi'l Toasty"He was Top Sire in 1988 with 11 champion kids, among which were Best in Show, Group and Best of Breed winners. We are proud of him.OwnerCharlotte Creed Co-Owner Beverly Norrisnd N Bev-Nor's Dynasty Ch. Southland N Bev-Nor's Tar Baby Ch. Bev-Nor N Southland Tar icer, Owners Cassandra Multi BOB winner. Owner handled by Lacyd Regina Ready Linda Brogoitti. Owner handler Tony CabreraT34cO5iaAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB AND NORTHER1JUNE 8THDEADLINES FOR ENTRIES, CATALOG ADS BANQUET - MAY 10JUDGESAPC Sweepstakes - Mr. Derial Jackson APC Summer Specialty - Mrs. Michele Billings NCPC Sweepstakes - Mrs. Helen Palmer NCPC Specialty - Mr. Garland Baker Note change from previously approved judgeSHOW SECRETARYboth shows - Mrs. Rita A. Perko 2380 Santa Ana, Palo Alto, CA 94303 415 858-1111LOCATIONHOLIDAY INN San Francisco International Airport245 So. Airport Blvd.South San Francisco, CA 1 800 452-3456 Ask for Kathryn or LaurenTo qualify for SPECIAL LOW ROOM RATE up to 3 persons per room, 52.00 plus tax, you MUST state you are associated with the Pomeranian Clubs' activities. Rate will apply June 4 through June 11 allowing you make HOLIDAY INN your headquarters if you attend the 2 all-breed shows before, and the all-breed shows following these two Pomeranian Specialties.June 5th GOLDEN VALLEY K.C. All-breed ShowJune 6th COYOTE HILLS K.C. All-breed ShowAlameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton, CA.Ace Mathews, SuperintendentNo Shows in area on Wednesday, June 7th. Chance to sight-see and shopThe NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB is supporting the Pom entries at the following two all-breed shows, both held at Solano County Fairgrounds, Vallejo, CA, across the street from the world famous Marine World Africa, USA.June 10th CONNER TRAIL K.C. All-breed ShowAce Mathews, SuperintendentJune 11th CONTRA COSTA COUNTY K.C. All-breed ShowMoss-Bow, SuperintendentTRANSPORTATIONFree 24-hour shuttle van between Airport HOLIDAY INN for you, your dogs equipment use courtesy phone in baggage area. Larger bus available UPON PRIOR NOTICE for groups arriving together, or handlers with several dogs and much equipment give airline, flight no. and estimated time of arrival.N CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTIESi 9TH, 1989DEADLINES FOR ENTRIES, CATALOG ADS BANQUET - MAY 10CAR RENTALSAvailable at Airport best to reserve in advanceAVIS 1 800 331-1212 HERTZ 1800654-3131BUDGET 1 800 527-0700 NATIONAL 1 800 328-4567DOLLAR 1 800421-6868DRIVINGFrom North or South. US 101 to South Airport Blvd. HOLIDAY INN is on East side ol freeway and clearly visible.NCPC is not responsible for ANY transportation needs of those attending the SpecialtiesSEE PREMIUM LIST for additional information, or contact Julie Moreno, Bench Show Chairman, 1636 Claremont Dr., San Bruno, CA 94066. Phone 415 583-4973.BANQUET RESERVATION FORMCOCKTAIL PARTY - 530 p.m. Garden Ballroom Foyer. Due to California's new liability there will be a No-Host Bar. The NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB will provide ample trays of assorted hors d'oeuvres and bowls of snacks.DINNER - 700 p.m. Garden Ballroom. An all-you-can-eat Buffet spread will offer a lavish assortment of salads, TWO hot entrees Beef Stroganoff with Noodles, and Chicken Breast Sauteed, breads, beverages, and dessert. Price 24.00 no refunds or cancellations after May 10, 1989.Make check payable to NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB Mail to JULE MORENO, BENCH SHOW CHAIRMAN1636 Claremont Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066Enclosed please find my check for S______________________ to cover____________ dinners at 24.00 each.Name_______________________________________________________ _Address_________________________________________________ _Clty_................ .......... .............................. Zip_______________ Phone .7To San Ftanclaeo and Bay Brldgaftox8iEnroNi oivuHOLIDAY INNSan rnANCiscn intl Ainnoni 245 South Airport Boulcvmil So. San Francisco. CA 94000ViSo. Airport Blvd. OlirampEAOJ OfAHO AVE Nj3wLGeyserville 29Middletown123HealdsburgWindsoN^a,iSl9aLakeBcrryossaRulherSI.Helena^, lordSanta 1262 Yountville ^NapaVacaviW101 RosaPetalUmASn.oma Fairfield\UlNovatoTo San Fianelaco Atrporl \ and 8n Jooo ValieloSan' RafaealleBeckeley WalnutCreekS^TVO^land GBON FRANCISCO fm .380. aan FraFiciscorancl Hayward,Moss Beac3^y\ PleasantonMalenodFremontalf Moon- MjlpiU- Sunnyvaleplo AltoO' LosnAUos HillHlllSSari ClaraSanJoseSaratogaovjne987POMERANIAN REVIEWhCh. Jamel's Fugicle O' Southland Multi Group winner. Owners Cheryl Jackson and Joel TaylorCh. Southland's Toast To Jamel Group placer, Owner-handler Charlotte CreedCh. Glen Iris Charlama BOB winner, Owner Jerrie FreiaCh. Southland's Mr. VIP O' IdaBIS winner at 11 months. Watch for Zack back in the ring.OwnersEdward B. Jenner and Charlotte Creed Southland "Rays of Sunshine"6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318466-3456Ch. Southland's Justa DreamerOwner Polly Ferguson, Co- Ownerhandler Charlotte CreedtIVW.TiCh. Ida's Prince O' SouthlandOwner Ida TarverCh. Southland N Bev-Nc Nut E. FudgeGroup Winner. OH Jan Wil--jsrPOMERANIAN REVIEW58COURBETTE'Sies Scgp...fV best ofOPPOSITE11 Ch. Courbettes Fudge It BudgetCh. Southland's Toasted Fudge x Wee Hrt's Sunrise At Courbette C.D.Leggs aren't all this gal has, and we thank the judges who recognized all her fine qualities. "Ursala" issupersound,bothinbodyandmindSheisshownherefinishingwithafour point major under Mrs. William Lehnig.This dream come true is credited to my foundation bitch, Wee Hrt's Sunrise At Courbette C.D., bred by Cassandra Ready and to sire, Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge, owned by Charlotte Creed. Qual ity plus quality equals qual ity. Look for Ursala in theobedience ring in 1989.OwnerBreederHandlerVictoria Leitner Box 338, Rt. 1 Bonnie, IL 62816 618279-3130POMERANIAN REVIEWJlirDCfErCh. Southland 3' 'Bev-SVor s 3'ut 'E. JudgeThe latest Croup winning son sired by Lil ToastyCroup I Group II Croup IV Croup IAntelope Valley KC 121188San Fernando KC 121088Orange Empire 12989Canada Del Oro KC 21289Our sincerest thanks to Dr. Haupt, Mr. Oberstar, Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Underwood.Puppies expected soon sired by Ch. Bev-Nor's Statesman, BIS Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge and own "Fudge." Thanks Charlotte for Kristol and all your help and encouragement.CHARM ACJan Wilhite 8719 N. 3rd Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85021 602 997-4042C. tZueeaune StanartSee Pedigree in Behind The New Champions.OwnerPatty Griffin 2767 Calumet St. Winston-Salem, NC 27106 919724-7562Special appreciation toWanda and Dudley Roach for letting me have him back. Estelle McDonald for showing him to great wins.Jon Woodring for finishing him.CatcA Acfcuu f\9T-wWINNERSDOG IXVv KVCLEARWATERkennelclub \Meyer P' BV \fiiiiiit777 1 m TJiewufMUMt Sat'^Dcuf 'Hcte peven,See Pedigree in Behind The New ChampionsAgentJon Woodring Rt. 3, Box 164 Advance, NC 27006 919 998-44022 POMERANIAN REVIEWSTANDARD FOR POMERANIANS7 980 revisions to the Standard appear in italicsAPPEARANCE The Pomeranian in build and appearance is a cobby, balanced, hort-coupled dog. He exhibits great intelligence in his expression, and is alert in character nd deportment.HEAD Well-proportioned to the body, wedge-shaped but not domed in outline, with fox-like expression. There is a pronounced stop with a rather fine but not snipey muzzle, zith no lippiness. The pigmentation around the eyes, lips, and on the nose must be black, xcept self-colored in brown and blue. A round, domey skull is a major fault. Light pigment n nose or eye rims is a major fault.TEETH The teeth meet in a scissors bite, in which part of the inner surface of the pper teeth meets and engages part of the outer surface of the lower teeth. One tooth out f line does not mean an undershot or overshot mouth. An undershot mouth is a major fault.EYES Bright, dark in color, and medium in size, almond shaped and not set too ide apart nor too close together.EARS Small, carried erect and mounted high on the head, and placed not too farart.NECK AND SHOULDERS The neck is rather short, its base set well back on the oulders. The Pom is not straight-in-shoulder, but has sufficient lay-back of shoulders to rry the neck proudly and high. Out at elbows or shoulders is a major faultBODY The back must be short and topline level. The body is cobby, being well ibed and rounded. The Brisket is fairly deep and not too wide.LEGS The forelegs are straight and parallel, of medium length in proportion to a ll balanced frame. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground, parallel to each other from ck to heel, and turning neither in nor out. The Pomeranian stands well up on toes. Down pasterns is a major fault Cow hocks or lack of soundness in hindlegs or stifles is a major litPOMERANIAN REVIEWTAIL The tail is characteristic of the breed. It turns over the back and is carried fl set high. It is profusely covered with hair.COAT Double-coated a short, soft, thick undercoat, with longer, coarse glistenii outercoat consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give tl proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse, standing-off straight hair. The front le are well feathered and the hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top the rump to the hocks. A soft, flat, or open coat is a major faultCOLOR Acceptable colors to be judges on an equal basis any solid color, a solid color with lighter or darker shadings of the same color, any solid color with sable or bla shadings, parti- color, sable, and black and tan. Black and tan is black with tan or rust, sharf defined, appearing above each eye and on muzzle, throat and forechest, on all legs and f and below the tail. Parti-color is white with any other color distributed in even patches on t body and a white blaze on head. A white chest, foot, or leg on a whole-colored dog exce white is a major faultMOVEMENT The Pomeranian moves with a smooth, free, but not loose action. I does not elbow out in front nor move excessively wide nor cow-hocked behind. He is sou in action.SIZE The weight of a Pomeranian for exhibition is 3 to 7 pounds. The ideal size show specimens is from 4 to 5 pounds.TRIMMING AND DEWCLAWS Trimming for neatness is permissible around t feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of I ears and around the anus is also permitted. Dewclaws, if any, on the hind legs are genera removed. Dewclaws on the front legs may be removed. Overtrimming beyond the locati and amount described in the breed standard should be heavily penalized.CLASSIFICATIONS The Open Classes at Specialty Shows may be divided color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Open Black, Brown and Blue Of Any Other Allowed Color..4 POMERANIAN REVIEWCode of Ethics1. I agree to follow the rules and regulations as set forth by the American Kennel Club as they pertain to my purebred dog operations.2. I will furnish a signed registration application or transfer with each puppy sold unless a written agreement is made with the purchaser at the time of sale that papers will be withheld.3. I will not sell my puppies to pet shops or commercial pet mill establishments, nor will I donate puppies for raffles or auctions.4. I will not crossbreed or advertise for sale puppies that have been crossbred.5. I will not give stud service to unregistered bitches.6. I will advise the purchaser of my puppy to have the puppy checked by a veterinarian within 2 days 48 hours or the sale additional time allowed if puppy is sold on Friday or Saturday. I will refund the purchase price or take the puppy back and replace it, if it is found to be unfit.7. Except for unusual situations, I will not sell my puppies at less than eight weeks of age.8. I will maintain the best possible standard of health and care in all of my dogs and see that puppies are immunized and checked for parasites.9. I will price my puppies within the breed range.10. In my breeding program I will keep alertfor and work to control andor eradicate inherited problems and conditions that are particular to my breed, and breed as closely as possible to the Standard of the Breed.11.1 will represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and try to assist the serious novice in his understanding of the breed.12.1 will try at all times to show good sportsmanship and keep in mind that the good of the breed comes before any personal benefits.Ch. Stolanne's Sweet Ginger BrownCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor x O My Starmist MinuetteGinger is shown taking second in the Toy Group under Judge Charles Deer after going Best of Breec fora 3 point major. She is our second champion from the Stolanne Kennel, joining ranks with her littermat Starlet Jan. issue, and our little Prancing Prince Jan. issue. We wish to thank the following judges foi recognizing Ginger's qualities Miss Martha Jane Ablett, Mr. Charles Deer, Mrs. Toddie Clark, Mrs. Kekt Blumberg-Kahn, Mr. Joseph Gregory, Mrs. Victor Olmos-Ollivier and Mrs. Edna Voyles.Thanks again to special friends Gail Wagner, Nancy Fry and Jenny Carlton for all your guidance anc encouragement.Our sincere gratitude to you, Fran Stoll, for letting us have this gorgeous little girl. Your enthusiasm anc dedication to the breed has plunged us head first into a new world of showing and breeding these preciou little Poms. It must be very rewarding to see four new champions in 1988 from your kennel.Chalk up another one for Stolanne, and we'll see you in the Winners CircleOwnerHandlerE. Suzann Henderson 101 Northshore Dr. Morton, IL 61550 309 266-9736Breedei Frances J. Stol RR 3, Box 42 Washingotn, IN 47501 812 254-3856 POMERANIAN REVIEWBusiness Turns Into Pleasureby D. BamesWe planned our first kennel visit out of Michigan to be a 1754 mile round trip to the Lenette Pomeranian Kennels of K.C. Griffith in North Carolina. My mother, two trav- 2ling companions and myself enjoyed such oeautiful country, hand painted by God and caressed by Mother Nature. We arrived after dark and were greeted warmly by Ken, as only a southern gentleman could. He escorted us to his kennel, a nice clean suilding with well-kept runs for the adults, and a nursery for the newborns and expectant mothers. The ready-to go pups were in large play pens. Such a variety of colors and sizes, it was hard to choose just one. Besides raising adorable Poms, Ken's other hobby is raising orchids. He has three greenhouses full of the most beautiful, huge, colorful flowers I have ever have the pleasure of viewing. Before we left he gave us each one. I had never had an orchid before so needless to say, I had a lot of firsts on this trip.As I really had come to buy a puppy, I came back to the kennel a chose a lovely little red female. Of course, the one I really wanted wasn't for sale. All breeders, I have learned, must keep replacing their own stock. A buyer comes second. As two oth- 2rs were spoken for, we decided to sleep on it. Ken offered us coffee and cake but we hadn't had supper yet so we declined his offer. We told him we would be back in the morning and returned to the motel. Mom and I talked most of the night. You'd have thought we were having a pajama party The dog we came to buy was my birthday oresent from her.Morning finally came and I could hardly wait. We had our complimentary breakfast and got right back on the road to Ken's. Wouldn't you know, the lady who had spoken for the two we had seen the night beforeRuth Beam of Great Elms Kennels, relaxing after the show.decided to take them. Our final choice was the little red show quality Great Elms female. My mom's middle name is Jewel, so we named her Dan-D's Wee Jewel of Lenette. We also bought two 8 week old males and named them Dan-D's Mister T, "Teddy," and Dan-D's Traveling Buddy.We reluctantly said our good byes and headed to Charlotte and the dog show there. Skip Piazza was showing Prince Charming and I got to meet them both. On Friday Skip took Group 2 and Saturday won the Group. And whom should we sit down next to but the queen of Poms herself, Ruth Beam and Desaree Sandifer. What an honor to meet these fine ladies. Ruth has 51 years of raising and showing Poms to her credit. They say you are never too old to learn and Ruth gave me some advice I'd like to share, "Don't ever give up," she said, "because a quitter is always a loser." She quit 15 years ago and if she hadn't come back there would be no Prince Charming today. I'm very proud of this lady and I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to meet and chat with her.continued on p. 110.POMERANIAN REVIEW e---------------- 11exican PomeraniansWe are offering for sale to show homesChampion female, almost 3 years old. Very showy, small, ornage. Ch. Tomboy's Pico Chico x Ch. Texican's Tim Sue Sie.Red sable female, almost 3 years. Proven, animated, small. BIS Ch. Texican's Great Balls O Fire x Post Script's Gypsy of Icerama.Red sable male, 1 year old. Small, cobby, Sweeps winner. Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Ch. Sha Mar Kira Lucia of Roxie.Orange male, 2 years old. Small, typey, has 3 majors. Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Jolly Wee Dixie of Tim Sue.We also have 3 proven broods, free whelpers, from 3 to 5 years old. Reasonable.Also, at this time we have show prospect puppies - males and females, champion sired. Quality pedigrees.Texican Pomeranians Erika K. Moureau 21522 Rosehill Church Road Tomball,TX 77375 713351-79078 POMERANIAN REVIEWIn Memory of BunnyA brave and endearing little PomFebruary 1984 - June 1986by Barbara StafferBack in 7 986 when I first wrote a small tribute to Bunny, one of our dearest little ones, the hurt and pain of losing her were just too great to talk about it openly - especially br Shari. The years have helped ease the pain somewhat and time has given us shining memories of this most exceptional little Pom. We feel we are now ready to share her story.Right from the start I think we knew little Sunny was only on short term loan to us. iuch a tiny bundle of cream colored fur, she iad a very hard time getting into this world it all. Her mother had a difficult time with the lelivery and had to have help from the vet. He said no Caesarean was needed but as ve stood by and watched, he did have quite i time getting hold of the puppy to help it ome. He finally managed to get the mother o push just a little more and with his help, ittle Bunny finally entered this world. Her nother Jennifer had been in labor for quite while and was obviously getting too tired to lo it all herself. At home we had tried to help iut just couldn't get a firm hold on the luppy. It would come a little way - just inough to touch - and then would recede, 'he vet said there was no physical reason hat the puppy shouldn't be born naturally. It vas not breech, nor was it too big. It was just me of those things.To all appearances little Bunny looked ine at birth. Certainly as normal as her irother who followed soon after her birth without nearly the difficulty she had experi- nced. Although it wasn't apparent then, we liscovered later that somehow, something nside her tiny head had been bruised and lermanently damaged during the birth irocess.Up until she was about 6 months old, lunny was a normal, happy, playful and aving little Pom. Then the seizures started, rom that time on, although Bunny was normal and happy in every other way, the ruthless seizures would make regular appearances. Her brother was fine and quite normal. The vet assured us that Bunny's condition was not a hereditary fault, but an unexpected happening during the birth. He advised putting her on medication to control the seizures and indicated that we probably wouldn't have her even a year.Bunny was Shari's constant and devoted companion, perhaps even more so because she was different than the other Poms. She seemed to need more love and tenderness and wasn't always able to cope with the rough and tumble play of the others, although she definitely tried. I don't think Bunny ever had any idea that she might be limited in her abilities and capabilities. She always gave her very best, even in play with the other Poms. But Shari would stop her and pick her up to get her slowed down, because if she got too tired or played too hard it would bring on a seizure.Bunny had something very special that made her almost human, nearly childlike. She would cuddle up in Shari's arms, sitting upright with her little head tucked in against Shari's neck. She would close her eyes and rest that way as long as Shari would hold her, content to be close to the one she loved and trusted the most When it was time to do some book work at the table and Shari would put her down on the floor, Bunny would come right back and stand up against Shari's legs, wedge her little head betweenPOMERANIAN REVIEW 6m JMllPOMERANIANSJes toms Miss WonderfulOur Special GirlCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge x Jestom's Dinamitesr .-WINNER'S\COLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB. INC.WINTER 1989Thanks to judge Fred Bassett for 5 points and Winners Bitch at Columbia Pom Specialty. Thanks also to Janice Luginsland and Al Williamson, breeder judges, for her other majors.AmCan Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of Coy, Specialty winner and sire of Specialty winners and grandsireof BISA. AmCan. Ch. Emcee's Good As Gold, Group winner and sire of winners. We have nothing for sale by the above males and both are home with us.Our aim is betterment of the breed.Congratulations to everyone at the New York SpecialtyLt. Cmdr and Mrs. T.L. Stephens 322 158th St. SW Lynnwood, WA 98037 206 743-35460 POMERANIAN REVIEWShari's knees and just stare up at Shari, not naking a sound. She had the most direct aze and even if you weren't looking at her, ^ou knew she was looking at you. Of course he was irresistible and almost always got aicked up and held again.As I mentioned, we are quite sure that 3unny had absolutely no idea that she was iny different than our other Poms. When he seizures would grab her, she would twist and bend with them uncontrollably, but if Shari spoke to her and held her it seemed to oothe her and she would come out of them nuch quicker. When Shari called her name, 3unny would come from anywhere she vas, even in the grip of a seizure. Amazed, watched that happen many times. The anly time Bunny couldn't respond when hari called her was during their last night ogether.Such a funny little Pom, Bunny never growled or got irritated with anyone. She didn't have a grumpy word for anyone and aer whole world was trusting, carefree and lappy. She would often sleep upside down, vith all four feet folded above her. When Sunny slept, she was really sound asleep, oo. It must have had something to do with he medication, because she wouldn't hear i thing unless you were right next to her. Sometimes she would lie down and intently be fast asleep. Again, it must have jeen the medication.When Bunny was playing she would rot around with thatfunny little crooked gait rf hers, with her umbrella tail curled over her rack as you may have guessed by now, ihe was not a show type Pom. In the venings when it was time for the canned ood treat for all the Poms, Bunny knew as oon as Shari put the can in the electric rpen. She would be the first Pom to the rate, where each was put to enjoy their ihare. She would stand in the doorway with ust her head peeking out making very jnique little yelping sounds of her very own. We've never had any other Pom makethose kinds of noises - almost like a raccoon's chatter and yodel all rolled up into one. Bunny would stay there doing that until Shari fed her first. She never missed her cue and occasionally she would spin quite rapidly in her excitement.During her second year, Bunny's medications had to be changed and regulated to try and out-guess the seizures and we were able to keep them in check. Only once in a while would they flip her over in their power. Throughout all of this, Bunny never let it affect her attitude toward us. She loved everybody and was always one of the first Poms to greet people as they came in - sometimes a little wobbly but still in there trying for the attention. She may not have been one of the most typey and beautiful of our Poms but she surely was one of the dearest and most loved.Sometimes after a seizure she would have to walk around following the walls, as her judgement wasn't too good and she walked into things. They she would snap out of it and be quite normal again.Bunny's seizures never lasted more than a minute or two and were never so severe that we felt she was in constant pain. They would sometimes not appear for days and she never had more than one or two in a day, so we never considered putting her down. She was Shari's dear friend who just needed a little more love and understanding than the others. I know that if Bunny had been suffering, Shari would have felt differently about treating her. Shari had her checked regularly by the vet, kept her up on her vaccinations and Bunny was never sick or run down. She was healthy in all other ways.Bunny and Shari were totally devoted to each other. Bunny always knew when Shari was coming home. She would be there waiting, one of the first at the door, to be picked up and hugged. Then she was content just to be near her, often laying across her lap while Shari worked at thePOMERANIAN REVIEW 7rIn Memory of Irene HarbinA Great Lady A Pomeranian Lover The wonderful mother of SylviaThis was a great person who truly loved her dogs. When she found she was dying of cancer, she gave away her loving pets to people she knew would care for them well. She died January 16, 1989 when we were in Washington on the circuit. She left us all empty to go to a greater place. She will be more than missed.Lovingly, from all the people who admired her.The Pomeranian Club of Canadawishes to invite all Pom fanciers to their3rd National Specialty Showto be held in Cornwall Ontario onSunday, September 2, 1989There will also be three additional all breed shows at the same indoor location.Why not spend your Labor Day weekend with your Northern NeighborsL.All details and Premium Lists are available from Elizabeth Dupuis P.O. Box 328Alexandria, Ontario KOC 1A0 613347-22752 POMERANIAN REVIEWable. Other times Bunny would come to the ide of Shari's bed and ask to be put up. here she would fall fast asleep in her wonderful, relaxed, upside-down way, on hari's pillow, content to be near her favor- e friend all through the night.During her second year, the seizures ame more frequently and became more avere and the medication had to be stead- y increased to help compensate. Twice a ay she got two kinds of pills as well as a quid, all tranquilizers.Bunny seemed to be more tired than sual even though she would still play and e her usual self, but we did feel she was lowing down. The medications had to be iking a tremendous toll on her whole sys- m, even though they were vital to her xistence.Throughout all of this, Bunny never omplained or gave any indication that she 'as not happy about being here with us. In ict, she became closer still to Shari want- lg to be picked up and held in her favorite 'ay.We felt that we were lucky to have her ecause, we remembered what the vet had lid about not even having her a year and ere she was nearly two and a half.So it was in June and Bunny was into er third year with us. Suddenly we noticed marked change in her. She slept most of le time and was not as playful or alert as sual. By the middle of the week she devel- oed diarrhea and some spitting up. We ished her to the vet right way. He seemed i think she had picked up a virus of some nd and put her on an antibiotic and some- ling else to control the vomiting. But Bunny 3t steadily weaker. We called the vet at Dme and told him, but he didn't seem to ink it necessary to see her again until the 2xt morning. He advised no food and only iy sips of water to help stop the vomiting. y the next morning, whatever was wrong id literally knocked little Bunny right off her eL She was too weak to even get up topotty. She had wet in her little bed which is something she would never do. Very alarmed and getting slightly upset and the vet's attitude, I called him early and took Bunny right over. He gave her IVs to help the loss of fluids and two injections, one for vomiting and another antibiotic. Then he told us to take her home and watch her, again advising no food and only sips of water. At this point, Bunny was far too weak to want food and was now refusing water as well.All of this happened within a 36 hour period, from the first time we took her to the vet. When we got her home we did just that - watched her. We were just watching her fade right before our eyes. At 8 p.m. that evening I called the vet at home, told him she was very weak and not responding to much of anything. We suggested that perhaps she could use some more IV for fluids, or . . . something. Quite curtly he said she did not need any more fluid, that what he had given her would be enough to tide her over until the next morning. We asked if there wasn't something he could do if we took her over to his hospital, just five minutes away from us and from him. His comment at that point was, "Oh you can take her over there, but I'm not going to sit up all night with her." Needless to say we did not intend to do that, but we really were disturbed by his tone and attitude.Bunny was content to just watch Shari, who stayed as close as possible and gave her little bits of water with an eye dropper to keep her mouth and tongue moist. Each time Shari lifted Bunny's head to offer her water, Bunny would gratefully lick Shari's hand and look up at her with those big, sad eyes.I watched Shari, knowing her anxiety and fear, as she and Bunny shared those long, fearful hours comforting each other. Shari often held up Bunny's little head, gently stroking her, reassuring her that she was there.Sweetheart Pomeranians0Sweethearts Gotden Dusty BoyGreat ElmsMillamor bred, Dusty is a beautifully structured 4 12 lbs. We'll be hitting the show ring this winter and we have Dusty puppies available to show homes.Kathy Carroll P.O.Box 131525 Tyler, TX 75713 214566-46487A POMERANIAN REVIEWAt midnight Bunny suddenly took a turn or the worse. Her breathing was more rapid md shallow. She wasn't responding to ihari's voice as well as before. Shari picked jp her head to offer her more water and we iuddenly knew that she was going. Shari vas crying, "Bunny, oh little Bunny, please Jon't leave me. Come back little friend." But his time Bunny just couldn't come when hari called her. All I could think of or see hrough my own tears was little Bunny going iown that long tunnel with the bright light at he end, trotting that funny little crooked gait vith her umbrella tail held high, Shari calling o her. I swear Bunny paused and looked sack, but this time she just couldn't come. \ndwithouta whimper and no knowledge of vhat was happening to her, our dear sweet ittle Bunny left us at 1220 a.m. with our ears, our memories and her lifeless body hat had always been so warm and loving.Shari and I could not nor did we try lold back the tears. It was so heart breaking o have helplessly watched his happen in uch a short time. I can't say we were un- srepared, but is always unexpected, no natter how you try to plan. The hurt is jverwhelming and cuts deeply into your leart.Shari gently wrapped little Bunny in a mall blanketand softly laid her in a box with ne of her favorite toys. We closed the box md Shari finally fell asleep on the couch vith the little box near by. But the tears just vouldn't stop. Early the next morning we adly laid Bunny to rest forever among the oses at the side of our house. As we stood here we somehow knew that Bunny was ack at home in the arms of the Good Shepherd. He had lovingly loaned her to us or a short while, but now she was back with Him. No more seizures, not more medi- ines safe, at peace and perhaps waiting to e held in Shari's arms again sometime in he future.How the heart aches for a little one that s gone so suddenly. We can still see hereverywhere, doing all the little things that only she did, leaving a void in the heart that not even all the other Poms can fill. There will always be a special place in our hearts fora little umbrella tailed lady with a crooked trot who gave her love and her life unselfishly to her family and her best friend, Shari.Her grave is covered with small pine boughs and a freshly cut rose. When it looks like rain we cover it to help keep her warm and dry. That may sound a little odd, but it makes us feel better - like we're doing something for her now because we couldn't help her before.Time will soften the sharp edge of pain. In time the memories will become warm and happy ones and in time, Shari will again hold little Bunny next to her heart.Looking back, we now think that Bunny had slowed down a great deal more than we were aware at the time in the preceding weeks. She had never really been sick before the vet said she had a virus, but she had been sleeping a lot When she did get sick, she must not have had the strength to fight it off. Surely her immune system was compromised by the years on so much medication.As for our vet's attitude, I can't say if he was right or wrong. I just know that our trust and confidence in him has diminished greatly. Both Shari and I feel that when a person accepts the responsibility of caring for the sick and needy human or animal he also accepts the fact that he may be called on when it is inconvenient to him. Further, his responsibility is also to the family of the sick individual, not just the patient. He may have felt that Bunny's prognosis was hopeless medically. He didn't say that, but he may have known. On the other hand, we needed his concern and compassion at that time not his insensitivity.When this vet first started his practice, we were one of his first, and certainly one of continued on p. 80.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7.'Pomeranian National VideoAshbey - Nutting ProductionsPhotography in MotionAmerican Pomeranian Club February 12, 1989To receive a copy of the American Pomeranian Club National Specialty held February 12,1989 at th La Cuardia Marriott, which we have video taped, edited and narrated, fill in the order form below.Visa [ ] Mastercard [ ] Check or Money Order [Name ______Address_____CityStateZipVHS tape of the show 50.00Shipping Handling 3.00Sub-Total 53.00NYS Res. add Sales Tax _________TotalFeisty's PomeraniansShow and breeding prospect. Vibrant orange. Born 92188. Sungold and Scotia breeding. Ch. CJ Masterpiece of Marks black and tan x Bi-Mar Shesa Covergirl clear orange. 500.00.Now at limited public studCh. CJ's Masterpiece of Mark'sBlack and tan. Profuse, well marked coat with a baby doll face. Full of animation. 3 12 lbs. Producing blac and rust get with typey heads, tiny, well set ears and perfect markings. Structurally sound. Stud fe 175.00.Feisty's Rebel's Razzel DazzelBlack and rust. Now in the ring. 4 lbs., coarse, stand off coat. Proven. Same excellent qualities as his abov mentioned sire. Stud fee 125.Our lines are a concentration of Sungold and Scotia - an excellent combination of lines. Pedigree always available on request.Husband and wife team Victor and Wendy Feist 6325 SE 73rd Portland, OR 97206 503774-891276 POMERANIAN REVIEWANNUAL STUD DOG REGISTERIt is a well-known adage that in seeking a stud for one's broods the surest road to success comes from selecting a stud which is from an excellent family of winning and producing dogs, which is an outstanding example of the breed himself and which has sired a number of winning progeny. There are many such Poms in this country and it should always be remembered that a study of the pedigree is of highest value in picking the most suitable stud for each particular female. It is foolish to select a stud dog ONLY on the basis of his show wins or because he is conveniently located next door.The cost of entering your dog in the Stud Dog Register is 10.00 for each entry, plus the cost of the photo also 10.00. Dogs may be entered without photos, if none is available, and a description of the dog may be inserted in the space intended for the photograph. Color will reproduce very well Polaroids are acceptable but not preferred. The best photo for reproduction is a black and white glossy. Description beneath cut is limited to twenty words. Please send copies of pedigrees that do not need to be returned. It would be nice to have the dog's color included among the details about him.The Stud Dog Register will of course, be presented just as it always has, but don't hesitate to submit full and half page ads featuring your studs. I will group all the stud ads together in one section, with the Register following all the full and half page ads. This issue will be a valuable resource for the whole country, the whole year.As in years past, we again honor the Top Stud for the preceding year with a complimentary Stud Card in this issue. The Top Stud for 1988 was Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge. He sired an amazing 11 champions in 1988 I wonder if that is a Pomeranian producing record for one year Experts, let us know He is bred and owned by Charlotte Creed and Beverly Norris. Our sincerest congratulations to both of you.DEADLINE May 15, 1989May Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Almond FudgeCh. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted FudgeCh. Lennis1 Tar Baby of Great Elms Bev-Nor's Sweet N SassyBritton's Little Miss Mfufet May Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Almond FudgeCh. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Ch. Southland's Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Southland's Fudge Delight Bev-Nor's Sweet N SassyRed Sable, 4 12 lbs.Siring BIS and Croup winners-Ch. Southland's Toasted FudgePOMERANIAN REVIEW 7TOP SIRES FOR 19881. Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge1. Jamel's Fugicle of Southland2. Janesa's Hi-Struttin' Daisey3. Bev-Nor N Southland Tar-Lacy4. Southland N Bev-Nor Nut E. Fudge5. Southland's Justa Dreamer6. Southland N Bev-Nor's Tar Baby7. Courbette's Fudge It Budget8. Southland N Bev-Nor's Dynasty9. Southland's Step Aside Boys10. Ida's Prince O' Southland11. Ch. Glen Iris Charlemagne2. Ch. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster1. Janesa's Damien2. Janesa's Renee3. Bayou View Mahagony Action4. Janesa's Glen Iris Sorceress5. Bayou View Front Runner6. Bayou View Pop Tart3. Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond1. Great Elms Firefighter2. Sharel's Southern Image3. Merrymont Image Maker4. Clairmont's Carolina Trilogy5. Sharel's Southern DiamondCh. Mac's Maybe I Will1. Nanshadow's Oh Henry Will2. Nanshadow's Hurricane Juan3. Shy Acres Our Man Friday4. Sungold's Lady Mercedes5. My Babe S.M. CrashCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II1. Harbin's Charming Touch2. Emcee's Diamond Princesa3. Jeribeth Sir Lancelot4. Sungold's Max of Harbin5. Lord Grey stone of JeribethCh. Bev-Nor's Statesman1. VIP's High Hopes2. Starfire's Valentino3. Bev-Nor's Rhea-Na Tuff-E-Nuf4. Bev-Nor's Nuttin' To It5. Bev-Nor's Echo4. Ch. Annon's Magnum Force of Scamp1. Annon's Dime A Dance2. Jaken's Sweet William3. Annon's Class Act4. Adine's Dee Dee DynaCh. Chriscendo City Lights1. Tim Sue's Brass Lights2. Jamels Texas Tornado3. Tim Sue's Dazzlin' Light4. Tim Sue's Flashing Lights5. Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge1. Ida's Mr. Toasty of Bev-Nor2. Bev-Nor's Glen Iris Renessance3. Ida's Miss Priss by Bev-NorCh. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond1. Emcee's Good as Gold2. Emcee's Solid Gold Tuco3. Emcee's I'm Hy-ChipsCh. Millamor's Mark Tradition1. De Arta's Top Tradition2. De Arta's Flaming Tradition3. Benji's Briteyed Angel Rock8 POMERANIAN REVIEW---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1Haiirlbiiirfs PomeraniansSaiys farewell tc ai truly great llaidlym\tFrank Oberstar, Irene and Ch. Tiffany's Star of India One of our favorite judges, "Mom," and our foundation bitch.Mom passed away on January 16, 1989. The Poms and I miss her more than words could possibly express. She was one of the kindest, most generous, helpful and honest ladies one could ever know. Mom took a great deal of pride in our Poms and invested a lot of time and love in them, and my dog education. We take comfort in knowing that she is now with Pappa Ralph and no longer in pain, watching and guiding us from above. She has built a solid foundation and strong guidelines, which I intend to follow and build upon.She often said that some of the best people were in dogs, and she loved and cherished the friendships she made. With rare exception, her doggy friends were the ones she held most dear and never disappointed her. I know that these friends are also suffering a great sense of loss.To all of you who have called or sent cards or spoken to me at the shows, I would like to say thank you. I will do my best to carry on for Mom.8Sylvia Irene Harbin Seattle, WA 98125 ss10759 Sand Point Way N.E.206365-1748POMERANIAN REVIEW 7IHaiirlbiiin' Pomeranians v4'Jleireimy'5'Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Ch. Harbin's Touch of ClassI have been hearing rumors and receiving inquiries about Jeremy. I would like to respond. Jeremy is alive and well here at Harbin's Poms. He is producing beautiful puppies - mostly girls. If you want a second opinion, ask Dana Plonkey and Randy Gemmill of Valcopy-Wakhan. They have had two litters sired by Jeremy - the latest had four girls. If you want another opinion, ask Dr. Morris Carson what he things of his new brood out of Emcee's Solid Gold Felicia and Jeremy. Of course I'm prejudiced, but I can hardly wait to start my new Jeremy son, Harbin's Carry on for Irene.I do have two males I'd consider selling. I would like them to go together but that's not absolutely necessary. Can. Ch. Harbin's Editorial Comment Ch. Emcee's A Chip of Diamond x Harbin's Constant Comment, needs a four point major, and Harbin's Champagne Celebration A C Ch. Harbin's Time To Pop The Cork x Harbin's Constant Comment. Their dam is a litter sister to AC Ch. Harbin's You Sweet Talker. All inquiries are welcome. Pedigrees on request.HSylvia Irene Harbin Seattle, WA9812510759 Sand Point Way N.E.206365-174810 POMERANIAN REVIEWPacific NW News and Viewsby janell ReichIn Memory of Irene HarbinIrene passed away January 16, 1989 of ancer. She took over writing this column or Erin Hundley when Erin moved to Cali- ornia in 1987 and has shared her knowledge and experiences through it for the jenefit of us all.When the Harbin's American Husky died they bought their first Pomeranian from i pet shop in Downey, California. They soon ought another from a breeder as they ouldn't have just one Pom. George and rene moved to Seattle and joined the Puget ound Pomeranian Club in 1974. Their laughter Sylvia joined them later. Irene leld all the different offices of the Puget ound Club at least once. She was Match Ihairman, a member of the Board and iditor of the Club newsletter as well as ilways being available to help the club and ts members.The Harbin's bought their foundation itch from Helen Krafcik of Tacoma in 1978. rhey worked with the Cavalier, Scotia and hen Golden Glow lines at first. Later they ncorporated the Great Elms and Emcee ines. Their foundation bitch was their firstITVIrene and Indicontinued on p. 83.In Memory of Bunny, from p. 74. his most regular, clients. With 15 or more Poms in our family we kept him quite busy and felt we were building a very good relationship with him. He would tell us to call if we had problems or questions and offered to help in any way that he could. He knew that we knew our dogs and would only call if we really needed him. We didn't disturb him on his days off with frivolous requests or silly questions. We only called if we really needed his help. But his attitude began to change. We have become increasingly uncomfortable making that after-hours call. Friends who have also used him for years have also found him increasingly distant when they have had special needs. It's as though the caring has gone out of him. We continue to go to him for regular shots and routine things because he is so close, but have turned to another vet for the complete care of our dogs.Still confused and hurt by his attitude during a most distressing time, we feel a great sense of disappointment. We can't figure what we did wrong. We spent plenty of money there we only called when we had a real emergency. It doesn't make sense. From the time that Bunny was first taken in and he diagnosed the "virus," through the time of her death, our vet was only available to us during regular office hours. Never once did he indicate that she could die at any time. Perhaps he didn't know, but with a little more attention to the situation he surely should have known. His behavior left much to be desired in helping us through a very difficult time. His rudeness and sarcasm did more than just brush us off for the moment. It helped destroy a trust and confidence that can never be replaced.POMERANIAN REVIEWStandardizationDear Dorothy,This is in response to your recent inquiry about changing breed standards. AKC by long standing policy requires certain very specific conditions to be met before a breed standard can be changed. First, a club's membership must vote on the proposed changes. When a club's membership has approved the changes the club submits them to AKC. At AKC the changes are first published in the Gazette as proposed. Following a suitable review period, usually two months, the standard is submitted to AKC's Board of Directors for approval.No standard can be changed until it has been approved by a club's membership and then submitted to AKC and approved by AKC's Board of Directors. I hope this satisfactorily explains the official requirements for changing a breed standard.Practically speaking breed clubs work in many different ways when working on their standards. This almost always involves appointing a committee, and hence, a committee chairman to be responsible for doing the work in order to prepare the standard for submission to the membership for approval.Please do not hesitate to contact me if I may be of any further assistance. My best for the holidays.Sincerely,W. Terry StacyVice-PresidentThe purpose of the Educational Coordinator will be to align the order of the paragraphs of the Standard to meet the AKC specifications. But this office has absolutely no authority to re- write or change one word of the Pom standard.Standardizing the Standard by Sally BaugnietAKC is asking all of the breed clubs arrange their standards in a common fi mat. All standards are to include cert categories and these categories are to be a designated order. This is what the co mittee had to follow in rearranging our sU dard to AKC formatParent Club Delegates Briefing Session September 15, 1987Standard FormatThe standard must be arranged in t order presented below. There must descriptions for all major headings and the underscored subheadings. Some co monly used subheadings have been list These have been included for illustrati purposes only and do not have to be us Other subheadings appropriate for t specific breed may be used in all sectioiI. General Appearance.This is the most important paragraph the standard, in the sense that it shoi spell out what the breed's most import qualities are. The General Appearan section should describe the breed's p pose and emphasize those qualities tl are critical to fulfilling its function. In sense, everything in a standard should late form to function.Remember, the General Appearar section is not the standard. It is the place cite the breed's most important qualiti These features would then be fully c scribed under their appropriate heading the body of the standard.POMERANIAN REVIEWSize, Proportion, Substance. V. ForequartersHeight is described in inches measured sm the ground to the highest point of the loulder blades. In those breeds where eight is important it is given in pounds, oportion is the ratio of height to length. ngth is usually expressed as the distance 3m the point of the shoulder to the rear- ost projection of the upper thigh or point the buttocks. Practically speaking, eeds are either square or rectangular. me breeds are just "off" square, while hers are extremely rectangular. Some dication of what is appropriate for the eed should be included, even if the indica- n is that a wide range is acceptable, ibstance includes the amount of bone.. HeadExpressionEyes include color and rim pigmentationEarsSkullStopMuzzlePlanes muzzle and skullNose include pigmentationLipsFlewsBiteTeeth'. Neck, Topline and BodyNeckToplineBodyChestRibsUnderlineTuck-upBackLoinCroupTailAngulationShouldersShoulder Blades Point of Shoulder Upper Arm Elbow Legs Pasterns Dewclaws FeetToesPadsNailsVI. HindquartersAngulationLegsUpper Thigh StifleSecond Thigh Hock JointHocks Rear Pastern DewclawsFeetToesPadsNailsVII. CoatInclude under this heading the description of the hair on all parts of the dog, and describe any trimming of the coat.VIII. ColorInclude under this heading the color and markings of the coat and the skin under the coat if skin color description is to be included. In breeds where multiple colors or color combinations are acceptable, but not all colors are permitted, the complete list of all acceptable colors and color combinations must be included in the stanPOMERANIAN REVIEW 8.dard. In such cases, any color or color combination not mentioned is unacceptable, and judges are to pass judgement on this basis. Color of eyes, eye rims, mouth, lips, nose, nails, etc., are to be given under their respective headings.IX. GaitA complete, positive description of the breed's gait should be given. Care should be taken to adequately express the importance of the breed's overall ability to move, which is usually best evaluated from the side.X. TemperamentSuch temperament description as is appropriate for the breed would not, in any way, bear on the following examination requirements of any dog brought into a show ring. All dogs in all breeds are expected to stand for examination by a judge, such examination to be as thorough as deemed necessary by the judge, including close inspection of the bite and thorough feeling for muscle tone, testicles, and any other factors the judge desires to check. Breeds normally judged on the table are expected to stand for examination on the table. In addition, all dogs must gait for the judge's examination.The APC board thought we should look at the whole standard and add, eliminate or correct anything that needed to be done to it. Some of the things that AKC wanted in each standard were missing in ours. For instance, we all know the Pom has cat-like feet It is not mentioned in our standard. Our standard states, "the hocks are perpendicular to the ground, parallel to each other from hock to heel, and neither turning in nor out"Check a skeletal diagram of a dog. The hock is the heel. We really should say, "The rear pasterns are perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other." I thinkyou get the idea.Our committee and I have been work ing on the standard for a little more than s year. We have gotten in-put from eacl other, some of you, and the APC Board When you vote for the final draft, pleas vote with understanding and intelligence Thanks to the committee, Ken Miller, Man McCoy, Sue Goddard, Nadine Hersil an Jackie Liddle Stacy.Sincerely,Sally BaugnietPacific Northwest News, continuedp. 80.champion, Tiffany's Star of India, "Indi." He daughter, Ch. Harbin's Black Gold of Indi was the first black and tan champion in tb Northwest. Indi is the dam of American Canadian Champion Harbin's Time To Po The Cork, "Corky." Corky was rankei number 7 Pomeranian in the U.S. in 1987 He went BOB at the Canadian Nations Specialty. In the U.S. and Canada he ha had multiple group firsts and placings. H was invited to the Purina Invitational. Re cently, Sylvia finished a son of Ch. Gres Elms Prince Charming II, AC Ch. Harbin' Charming Touch. The photo here is of Iren with Indi. Sylvia says Indi would only sho\ for Irene.I only had the opportunity of knowin Irene for about three or four years. I'm sur there are probably some important thing I've left out and perhaps more will be writte about her by those who knew her longer, know that I will cherish her memory b cause I always knew I could counton Irer for help, even with the most basic que tions. For those of you who were familii with this special lady, I know you will mi her.84 POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCE NEWSby Brenda Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906Just when you thought you'd heard the last about tracking, here I come again. Just after mailing the last column to Phyllis, Spunky and I were entered in another Tracking Test with my home club, Obedience Training Club of Greater Lansing, November 6. Normally if you pass a test and are entered elsewhere, you withdraw allowing an alternate who's still trying for a title into the test It's an accepted rule of courtesy in tracking because there are so many dogs vying for a limited number of tracks. Provided an alternate is available, your entry will be refunded anywhere from 20 to 50, but if there is no alternate, there's no refund. In our case all alternates were in so we ran the track. That's what I wanted to do anywayThe day was cold and very windy. The temperature was in the 20's with a 30 mph wind blowing and it was snowing like crazy. It eventually totalled 3 inches that day.rr,J LANSMCrrruMBrenda and Spunky with judges Walter B. Steward, Jr. and James Woodhall after successfully completing their 2nd AKC Tracking Test under much "less than ideal" conditionsSpunky once again got track 7. When we got to his field I was somewhat dismayed to look out and see something like cattails up to my waist which looked impenetrable. That's what we drew My only thought was "Oh, my" Spunky has refused to walk through vegetation that was thick or dense in the past When the judges signaled, I headed toward the starting flag but took a circular route through some of the cover to acquaint Spunky with it and show him that he could manage to get through it. Can he really, I thought As I put the harness on him a few feet from the first flag he took off, almost before I finished buckling it I actually stopped him at the flag to legally point out the track.It didn't matter. To him the track seemed like a paved highway. Since four people had followed the track in the rain the day before during the plotting process, the vegetation on the track itself was trampled. The long stuff on both sides rose into the air and leaned over the track in the center creating a tunnel effect Spunky just trucked right on through the tunnel at a fast trot leaving me behind to catch up while trying to keep the line untangled I could see most ofrTLBrendaand judge James Eadie present OTCH BK's Sir Spunky TD, Am. CDX,TD, U- CDX, TTPOMERANIAN REVIEWBK's Pomeraniansproudly presents Our Newest Obedience TitleTRACKING DOGftn\r. AyP"HBK'sSir Spunky CDX TD Can. UD UKC CDX TTHere's Spunky at the conclusion of a successful track in his first attempt. He is the only living Pomeranian with a TD the only male Pom ever to hold the title and just the 7th Pom in AKC history to earn a TD. The judges were Walter B. Steward, Jr. and Joyce Klamet.Many Pomeranian people have expressed interest in different kinds of activities with their dogs.When you are told you dog is too little, too wimpy or too weak to participate, don't listen. Ifyou wantto do anything, learn to listen to yourdog. Learn how the other dogs are trained, then adapt, improvise and create suitable ways to teach your dog. Use common sense in judging your dog's ability in strenuous or dangerous activities. Don't be left out just because there may not be others with small dogs doing a given event in your area.Whether it's tracking, obedience, agility, flyball, scent hurdles, herding, or any other event, LISTEN TO YOUR DOG. He'll tell you when he's mentall and physically ready to attempt what you ask. He'll tell you if your training methods are correct or too harsh. Don't give up If one method doesn't work, be creative in designing another method. Ask anyone with toy breeds how they train. Write letters, read books, attend seminars, then go for your dreamsThank you for letting us share our joy.Lovingly ownedtrainedhandledBrenda K. Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 517485-518386 POMERANIAN REVIEWthe track, but that doesn't help if the dog won't move through the cover. He finished this track in 7 minutes doing an absolutely marvelous job. Once he retrieved the article, I turned to one of the judges who'd first passed us in Ann Arbor and said, "See, it wasn't a fluke" I found out later that he'd said to the other judge, "The Pom won't pass he won't go through heavy cover." I also was told several people in the gallery said much the same thing, as well as, "Doesn't she know Toys can only sit on laps and be cute" I must say, it sure was a kick to help them eat their wordsAnd that isn't all. November 13 we were entered in the TD test given by the St. Clair K-9 Associates in Ontario, Canada. This is the home club for Glen Johnson who wrote the book, literally, on how to teach a dog to track. The judge was James Eadie. For the third time in as many attempts, we drew track 7. It was very cold out, only in the 20's, but this time there was a 40 mph wind blowing off Lake Erie which was about five miles away. In spite of the wind we started strong, made the first turn and went a very short distance when Spunky started searching he'd lost the track going straight into the wind. As I watched over the next couple of minutes, he indicated a turn to the left which I reluctantly followed. I was sure there couldn't be a turn so soon because we'd just started on this leg. He indicated a 90 degree angle and just kept drifting forward and left. As this was now downwind, I thought he must be downwind of the track it turned out the second leg had only been 30 yards long with a very acute angle about f5 degrees cross and downwind, a perfect setup to disbelieve my dog and try to direct iim elsewhere. But knowing how he tracks albeit reluctantly followed Spunky, and le was right The track made a large Z and ut back upwind. Once we were on the ourth leg and the whistle hadn't blown yet to ail us, I finally believed my dog was right, ind the rest of the track was a breeze. NoteI just received Spunky's Canadian title. It reads OTCH BK's Sir Spunky TD. In Canada a Utility Dog title is then considered to be an OTCH. I agree entirely I'm so proud of this title I could just burstSpunky may be the only Pomeranian ever to earn both American and Canadian Tracking Dog titles. Now we're off to TDX work. So far, no Pomeranian has ever earned an American TDX. In fact, statistics just released in Front and Finish show that only 1 7 of all dogs entered in a TDX during 1988 actually passed. Wish us luck.One of the most exciting parts of all this is the interest being generated among other Pom people. After the last issue of the Pom Review came out I received a phone call from Cindy Craig of Lenore, NC. In the last issue I reported on the Craigs Precious Jewel CD who had earned his CD with four 1st Places in Novice A, including a tie for 2nd HIT. Cindy says she and her husband drive a truck and take Gizzmo with them all over the country. Cindy also when she's home is training tracking with someone in the area who does Shutshund. She had no idea anyone else with a Pom did tracking too. I am looking for Cindy and Gizzmo to earn the nextTD on a Pom if I don't get one first on Sunshine. Thank you, Cindy, for sharing your story. Lois Campbell in California is also getting ready to start training Ch. Moonshadows Eye of the Tiger in tracking. As I finish this article I've received another note from Lois Morkassel and crew that they have also teamed up with someone in their area and are going to give it a try. I wish you all much luck and success. It's very gratifying to be told that our success is encouraging others.And on to regular Obedience . . .Several APC members have been showing their Poms in Open B and doing very nicely. Rosalind Goltz in New York showed Ch. Penru's Sugar Plum Fairy CDX twice in Open B. They earned a 197.5 under G. H. Davis and a 195.5 the next day underPOMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIANSDick Sally Baugniet Phone 414- 755-2994TomWSH KtHHfXSIkwNORWICH TERRIE11224 County Hyw. B Mishicot, W is. 54228IRISH SETTERSThe following adults are for sale Pomirish Scoot's Berry De Amo, ''Berry '. Whelped 7986. Ch. PomirishDesiree's C.E. Scooter ex Pomirish Chance's Swt Crm N' Sugar. 5 14 lb. orange, proven, eager stud. Very typey............................600.00. Ch. Pomirish Pruf's Jumping Jack. Whelped 12083. Ch. Pomirish Li'lGuy's Hundr'd Pruf ex Pomirish Hallel ujah's Glory. 4 34 lb. orange, sire of champions......................................................................................900.00. Ch. Pomirish Hi Ball's Dream Alex'dr. Whelped 3585. Male. Ch.Pomirish Hundr'd Pruf's Hi Ball ex Pomirish Jolly Wee Dream Whip. 5 lb. cream..............................................................................................900.00. Pomirish R.G. Tarnished Penny, "Penny." Whelped 91186. Ch.Pomirish Christopher Robin ex Pomirish Glory Reclaimed. 7 lb. orange sable bitch...................................................................................... 400.00. Emcee's Starlite Cheeta, "Cheeta." Whelped 92384. Ch. Golden Glow Regi ex Starlite's Midnight Gypsy. 6 12 lb, black bitch.... 400.00. POMERANIAN REVIEW. L. Harris. Margaret McKee had 9 scores Dsted on Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier CDX ireeder, Margaret McKee, of course in- luding a 3rd place and a 4th place.Another APC member, Lilae Shope antinued showing Rosewood's Moongold f Lilae CDX breeders, Mary and Everette lammond, out of Ch. LLL Fancy Cold loon Walker in Open A before receiving leir title. They finished April 24 and during lay went on to earn a 184, 188 and 4th lace, a 188.5, a 187 and a 191.5 and 4th lace again. I'll bet they're working hard on Itility now, because I haven't seen anything nee May. Good luck, Lilae.Also APC member Keith Neuway was usy in Open B with Puff Ball's Mister Ter- fic CDX breeders, Keith and Ruth Ann leuway. They earned their CDX in the Fall f 1987 and this Fall posted a 186, 188.5 nd 185.5. Another familiar name is Janet unkle and Trivial Pursuit CDX, "Webster." fter their 199 in Open B last June to win ligh in Trial, they've earned another 199 nd 2nd place at Rogue Valley KC under C. hyrock a 195.5 and 4th place at Klamath log Fanciers under Mrs. M.E. Rothrock nd a 195.5 and 3rd place at Mount Bache- r KC under Mrs. J.F. Urbina.ItilityThe AKC Awards shows there is one ew Utility title to report. Mary Morse and tiss Chief Suzy Morse CDX finished their ID in November. The results for the shows n that date haven't been published yet, so II let you know later where they were. Good b, Marypen AThere are multitudes of CDX titles to port. One of the most exciting was Judy iach and Niks Lil Crash of Angel Dust CD breeder, Randy Nelson. Last issue this olumn featured a beautiful picture of this dented 12 year old and Crash. This two- ome finished their CD from Novice A with 9legs, 6 placements including two firsts and an average score of 194.5. Just wait til you hear about Open In September they had scores of 197.0 and 195.0 in October they had 196.5 and 2nd place, 188.5, 197.0 and 2nd place and 196.5 and 3rd place. Six shows and three placements plus an even higher average of 195.08. Judy, when do you start giving lessons Wonderful job. And to think she got Crash when he was 3 years old Kinda shoots the old "only take a 49 day old puppy for an obedience prospect" myth in the pants, doesn't it Judy, we're very proud of you, and thank you Marian Lazzara for sharing Judy's story with us.Do you remember Charlotte Bell and Bell's Trixie-Toy of Scotia CD breeder, Edna Girardot from Ch. Scotia Quizmaster Billy Joe x Ch. Scotia Where Charity Ends They were the 8 Pom in the 1987 Delaney rankings. Last issue I reported they had two legs toward their CDX. Charlotte and Trixie finished their CDX with a 191 in Indian River DTC. Congratulations.Rita Benvilos and Peppy Vom Im- menhof CD already had two legs and now have finished the CDX with a 192 at San Mateo DTC.In September 1987 BB Red Vixen CD breeder, Rita Crone owned by Mr. and Mrs. Burton Franklin earned her CD. Just about one year later they've finished their CDX with all placings 191.5 and 4th place, 190.5, and 192.0 and 4th place.Also finishing a CDX was Nancy Menard and Novell's Texas Pistoll CD breeder, Mary Cochran. They did it with a 193, 182.5 and 194 under D. Young.Suzanne Harvey in California has been showing Skylark Kiwi CD breeder, Shirley Ann Hoffman, sired by Ch. Skylark War Banner in Open A with good results. The Awards show them with a published CDX but only two legs having been published. They are a 192 and 189.5.Lois Campbell of Fresno has madePOMERANIAN REVIEW 8Ctt. m ftube S. W. CrashEarly in the morning, the same day the Stock Market Crashed, this gorgeous little guy crashed into my world and my heartCrash finished at 1 year, 3 weeks of age. Thanks to judges Hazel Arnold and Jean Fancy for his majors, Dr. Robert Berndt and Don Rogers for the Best of Breed and Croup placement, and the other j udges who appreciated his soundness, happy personality and movement.OwnerBreeder Babe McCombs Rt. 1, Box 184BB Ola, AR 72853 501489-5510 Handled by Nancy Burnette Co-Breeder Sally BaugnietHouston Pom Specialty - BOS SweepsReg. Classes - WD 22, 5 pt. majorSan Jacinto - WD, 5 pt. major Des Moines APC Specialty - Best in Sweeps Topeka KC - BOW, 1 pt.Crab Orchard KC - BOB over Croup winning specials and Croup IV, 2 pts.Paduka KC - WD, 1 pt.Cr. Columbus MS KC - BOW, BOS, 2 pts.Crash has sired a litter xMi Babe Miss Liberty, born Nov. 21,1988. One beautiful male is for sale to a show home at a very reasonable price. Call 4-9 p.m. or weekends. __10 POMERANIAN REVIEWthe entrance into the Open ring as well. Ch. Moonshadows Eye of the Tiger CD breeder, Paul and Sandra Logan, sired by Ch. Queenaire Coup D'Etat gave it a try in Early September without success. But, being a normal stubborn Pom person like the rest of us, she tried again in last September and received a 186.5, won High Scoring Toy and a 12" silver bowl. Way to go, Lois Besides practicing jumping Bogie is a Therapy Dog, the only toy breed of six dogs in their group. I guess you know who all the patients love most She also sent me the cutest card celebrating Spunky's TD. Thanks again, Lois. Good luck with the next two legs and on your tracking endeavors.Last but certainly not least, Bernie Brown and Pomirish Twinkle Break CD breeder Sally Baugniet, sired by Ch. Desiree's GE Scooted have already started in Open too. After a very nice outing in the Gaines events in Novice, they earned a 196.5 at Sportsmens of Detroit under C.D. Maurer followed the next day with a 197.0 at Southern Michigan OTC under Roy Kaiser. They've probably finished by now, but no more legs have been published.Novice BThere is also an abundance of new CD's to report Wisconsin area APC member Marian Lazzara and Driftwood Love that Bob breeder, Marian Lazzara, by Ch. Pomirish Hi Ball Dream Alex'dr x Pomirish Movin' On CDX were reported last issue earning their Canadian CD with 2 first laces and a High in Trial with scores of 198.0 and 197.0 along the way. They've done nearly as well with their American CD. ^er blowing a 198.0 by barking throughout the entire heel free and losing 10 points, they rebounded with 196.5 and 2nd place at Peoria OTC under Mrs. D.S. Forman, 198.5 and 1st place under Mrs. S.M. Mayborne at Lyons Township DTC losing a three-way run off for HIT to Bernie Brown's Goldie and a 196.0 and 4th place under Diane Propst atKC. Way to go, Ruth. I'll bet they were tired after four continuous days of dog shows.Another APC member, Nancy Burnette and Ch. Nanshadows Hurricane Juan breeder, Nancy Burnette, by Ch. Mac's Maybe I Will and Ch. LLL Charming Gold Kandee also post a new CD title. They earned 185.5 at Southeast Arkansas, 182.5 at Mississippi State KC and 177.5 at Bayou KC. I had no idea that Nancy had ever shown in obedience. I've written her and with a little luck she'll tell us her obedience story for the next issue.A new APC name to me is Gertrude Adair and Tykies Jacki Bb of Tinytykes breeder, Ina Kniffin who earned their CD from Novice B. This past Fall they earned 173.0 at Patroon DTC, 180.5 at Northwestern Connecticut Dog Club and 171.5 at Port Chester. Barbara Carper and D'Amzis Turbo Charged breeder, Margaret Samples show a 191 and 3rd place at James River KC followed by a 193 at Richmond DOC and 195 and another 3rd place at Charlottesville-Albermarle KC under K.M. Nagler.Martha J. Chastain and M.C.'s Chocolate Kesia Bar breeder, Juanita Fid- dick have done very well, too. They earned 195 and 3rd place at Louisville KC under Chuck Bush, 196.5 and 3rd place at Indianapolis OTC under Miss J. Fox and finished with a 195 at Queen City DTC under W.C. Burger. Later they got a 194.5 at Dayton DTC under Sharon Redmer and 180 at Greater Louisville Training Club.Also with a new CD is Judith Raine C. Barrowclough and Sir Andre Beau Ju-Dith breeder, William Jones. They turned in a 193.5 and 3rd place at Raleigh KC under D.A. Levinson, 193 at Hanover, 191.5 at Durham KC, just losing a run off for 4th place and 194.5 and 2nd place at Alamance KC under E.F. Gillespie.Pauline A. Tafur and Tafur's Cel- ebraty Cid breeder, owner, out of Tafur's Tinka Tina CDX are celebrating their newPOMERANIAN REVIEW 91Mjykin kennel^BCh. Dias Apricot Brandy BearDia's Pied Piper x Dia's Brandy BearOur dandy little "A.B." finished her championship in short order this summer. Thank you to the fine judges who rewarded her excellent conformation and movement Mr. Harold Bishop, Corn Belt KC, BOW, 4 pts. Dr. David Green Doane, Danville KC, BOS, 5 pts. Mr. William Underwood, Muncie KC, BOS, 4 pts. Mrs. Jean Fancy, Lexington KC, BOB, 1 pts Mrs. William Lehnig, Mid- Kentucky KC, BOB, 1 pt.Thank you also to Jenny Carlton for the great job she did in caring for, presenting and showing our little ''Kissing Bandit." Most of all, thank you to David Hogg for letting me have this beautiful dog and for all the joy and pride that goes with owning her.11BreederCo-OwnerDavid A. Hogg 321 South 14th Street Richmond, IN 47374 317966-8878OwnerRenee K. McGrath, DVM, MS Dara Veterinary Clinic 735 South State Street Greenfield, IN 46140 317 462-5000HandlerJennifer Carlton 3200 Bruceville Rd. Vincennes, IN 47501 812886-9321I92 POMERANIAN REVIEWCD. Their record is 192.5 at Hoosier, 187.5 at Licking River, 193.5 at Queen City DTC, and 188 at Middleton DTC.Novice AAPC member Victoria Leitner is also very proud of her new CD on Wee Heart's Sunrise at Courbette breeder, Cassandra Ready. After the shaky start of a 170 at Illinois Valley KC of Peoria, they went on to a 193 and 2nd place at Corn Belt KC under Mrs. B.A. Rumsower and another 193 and 3rd place at Kennel Club of Columbus, IN under Mrs. Velma Janek. Her ad in the last Review states that Tootsie also has a Best of Breed, one finished Ch. progeny and one pointed, soon-to-be-finished progeny. Way to go, Victoria. I've also written Vicky, so maybe we'll have more news on her accomplishment next issue.Busy, busy APC member Jerrie Freia, with help from Mary Vickers and others by letter, phone and video tape, is entering the world of obedience - and we'll be glad to have you, Jerrie. She and Ch. Janesa's Hi- Struttin' Daisey have, posted their first CD leg from Novice A at Louisiana Capital City Obedience Club. Daisey took time out to whelp a litter of two puppies, so it might be awhile, but we should be seeing her in the ring in the coming months. Good luck, JerrieKaren Sumner Reardon and Frodo Lord of the Rings breeder, Bertha Atkins earned a CD this fall. They got a 196.5 and 2nd place at Pensacola Dog Fanciers Assoc. under Dr. J.C. Jordan, Jr., a 193.5 at Mobile KC, and a 196 and 2nd place at Okaloosa KC under D. Young.Stacey Stautz and M and M's Prince Wolf breeder, Gloria A. Klimeck, sired by High in Trial winner and the 1987 3 Pom in the Delaney System, Pettisfree's Puregold CD have started in daddy's pawprints. They eared a 195.5 and 2nd place at Pikes Peak Obedience Club under Mrs. M.E. Rothrock, followed the next day with a 192.5at Mountain States DTC where they lost a run off for 4th place.Please write me with your brags, failures, training questions or anything else to do with obedience or tracking. I love hearing from everyone. A big thank you again to those who have sent cards and letters about Spunky's TD. You'll never know how much I appreciate them all. One person has expressed an interest in acquiring a video tape of our tracking experience. I'd be glad to have one made for anyone who'd like one, just let me know.Keep in mind that the answering machine is always on, and I just love to talk Poms. Call any time at 517-485-5183. Til the next time, may your dog always be a happy heeler and a terrific tracker.Obedience Rating SystemsShuman System 19871. Shope's Cupid Bella Donna, CDX, L. Shope - 992. OTCh. Noah's Abra Ka Dabra, D. Bauman - 353. Trivial Pursuit CDX, J. Kunkel - 314. Midnight Shogun UD, J. Corley - 29Delaney System 19871. OTCh. Noah's Abra Ka Dabra UD, D. Bauman - 2182. I Fidget In Style CD, J. Geeslin D. Eddins - 2033. Pettisfree's Puregold, H. Tyler - 1754. Trivial Pursuit CDX, J. Kunkle - 1315. Belmare's Little Widget CD, M. Nesbit N. Nesbit -1096. Khani Choc Covered Cherry, T. Carrell - 1007. Crickett's Midnight Song Cs, J. Lawrence -978. Niks Lil Crash of Angel Dust, J. Bach - 979. Bell's Trixie Toy of Scotia, C. Bell - 8810. Mister Felix T Cat, T. Barry - 87APC MembersPOMERANIAN REVIEW 93Apples PomeraniansA8_ . ....Ch. Jan-Shars Charming BeckyBecky finished in a flash with very stiff competition and 4 majors.Feb. 4 Myrtle Beach KC 5 pts. BOS Richard KoesterFeb. 5 Charleston KC 5 pts. BOW Raymond SwiderskyFeb. 17 Asheville KC 3 pts. WB Jean LepleyFeb. 19 Greenville KC 5 pts. BOB Joe Tackerover eight specialsMany thanks to Sharon Hanson for allowing me to have Becky. Special thanks to my good friend Pam Campbell for her expert handling and care of Becky.Congratulations to Patty Griffin for finishing Ch. Merrymont Sat'Rday Nite Fever. He is a son of my Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond.Owner Joyce AppleBreeders Sharon Hanson Jane FleshmanHandler Pamela Campbell94 POMERANIAN REVIEWDog Newsby Jorge and Shirley Landafrom an article sent by Vilma Louie from Washington State, and then published in the Pom Pow Wow, Bay Colony PC Newsletter.When Elizabeth Kubler Ross wrote "Death and Dying" she changed the way many people dealt with feelings of loss related to human death."But for people who lose their pets, there is no one to talk to. There is no ritual," said Karen Anjoorian, a counselor who works with AIDS and cancer patients at a hospice in Fall River, Mass., and who has made a specialty of counseling people who suffer deeply as the result of losing a pet.Anjoorian is affiliated with Tufts New England Veterinary Medical Center and provides support to clients whose pets die.The concept of dealing with feelings of the loss of a pet with the help of a therapist is not new. Veterinary colleges, in studying the human-animal bond, are increasing their efforts to help pet owners cope with lingering grief. Six of the nation's top veterinary schools have social workers who are specially trained to counsel bereaved pet owners. The American Veterinary Medical Association, pet-food companies, and others have published pamphlets, brochures, and books on the grieving process."I am trained to help people deal with painful grief situations as they are happening. I don't think of it as therapy. Rather, I see it as intervention," Anjoorian said."I don't focus on the death aspect but try to help people work through the residual feelings that occur as a result of death."According to Anjoorian, the most common problems "have to do with feelings of alienation because people feel uneasy about expressing their grief and being misunderstood, and parents who need supportwhile easing children through the loss of a pet."More information may be obtained by writing Judy Francisco, Office of Communications, 200 Westboro Road, North Grafton, MA 01536.Obedience Statistics, continued.High in Trial PomsTrivial Pursuit CDX, Janet Kunkle, 61988 Emerald DOC OB-198.560 CD - 6 Ch's 13 CDX - 1 Ch.2 UD-1 Ch.Very Important PomsAPC Obedience AwardsNovice and Top PomAlice Lessard and "Zannie", Ch. Lessard's Shangrila of Jubilee CD OpenMargaret McKee and "Val," Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier, CDXUtilityRoz Goltz and "Morris," Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold O'Jabil UDBeginning 289, the Awards year will cover AKC Show Awards from the supplements January thru December.POMERANIAN REVIEW 9New Year Wishesby Barbara Stoffer January 1989Another year has come and gone and it is now the timeFor all of us and all our Poms to say Happy 1989.We wish you all the very best that this New Year can bring.Peace and love, good health to all and Poms to share these things.Clear and cold, starry, moonlight nights with "diamonds on the snow"Warm Spring sun, soft silvery rain and gentle winds that blow.Poms to run and bounce and play in the shade of Summer's trees.Little ones to share our times, as they try so hard to please.Burgundy, amber, russett and orange, scarlet, gold and brown.Autumn leaves, the colors of Poms, like jewels in a crown.Falling leaves and flying Poms, scattering Autumn in the yards space,Each season, like each Pom, has its own special place.Little ones that are the stars in Heaven's velvet sky,Still twinkle and look down at us even tho we've said goodbye.My Poms are perhaps the dearest friends that I will ever know.They will always be with me, no matter where I go.And so as I start another year and wonder what lies ahead,I will not dwell on things that are past but what lies in the future instead. My family, my Poms, my faith in Cod, will help to see me through,No matter what 1989 can bring, I know they will all be true.Wishing you and yours the very best that the new year can bring,And hoping you have the privilege of Poms to share in everything.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWPoms Are People Tooby Wendy FeistHave you ever noticed that your Poms are very much like your children Here in aur home we have a 19 month old son and a 2 month old daughter and, of course, the 3oms. When you throw the ball for "Maddy" the Pom, she'll fetch it back with glee, barking for more. Son Luke will also fetch the ball tor Daddy, saying "Daddy, do do" In both cases, neither child nor Pom seems to tire af the game. Just Dad.When our house Pom wants to go for a walk, she brings us a leash and waits patiently, butwill remind you with a bark or two of her presence. When Luke wants to go for a walk, he brings his shoes, his coat if he can get the closet door open, and then the stroller to you and climb in with a loud, "Do Do." The Pom is generally a bit more patient.When the Tippy cup is empty, Luke brings it to you and says "Here." If you don't get the message, he'll introduce you to the refrigerator by banging it with his little fist When the dogs' dishes are empty, they pick them up and toss them around, sending their message clearly. We switched to plastic dishes as the noise level with metal ones was unbearable.Of course, babies and puppies put anything and everything of interest into their mouths. After a day of tasting dirt, grass and other "goodies," the large bottle a Pepto Bismol is located for both child and pup.Potty training is potty training, regardless of human or canine. Changing diapers isn't much different from changing dirty newspapers. When we progress to training pants with children, the cloggy door for puppies is a close parallel. There is always the trial and error and its inevitable embarrassing moments. You know, the puddle or worse in the ring the accident ongrandma's lap.Both puppies and kids know the sound of the nail clippers and nail trimming time. And those first haircuts - it's a toss up who wiggles most.As our house is one of "dog show- aholics," true die hards, ring side training is a must. As we train the puppies for the inside of the ring, we must also train our kids for ringside. While puppies learn to walk on lead and on the mats, the kids learn to sit quietly outside the ring, even though the big doggie is so neat and really needs a hug. The puppies are coaxed with bait the kids with cookies and toys. It reminds me of the cartoon Scooby Doo, "Will you do itfor three Scooby treats"There isn't a lot of difference at eating time either. Convincing little ones, Poms or kids, that food is for eating is about the same in both worlds. It seems they would rather put it in their hair, on Mommy, on the floor sit in it, walk in it, bark at it. In both cases, a great deal of face and handpaw washing is required - on me too.And when the day is over and our children give us those beautiful smiles and the days antics melt away, our hearts fill with love and pride and we know it is all worth while. Later, as we experience all the wonderful firsts with our children, the long, late nights of worry and the pain of childbirth fade into dim memory. When our puppies grow up to be show prospects, win their first points, or become someone's prized companion, we say, "Work What work" The pictures in the mailbox and the happy phone calls make all the early tough times with baby puppies forgettable.So don't you think, as we do, that Poms are like people tooPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9r' " \In MemoriumIt is with deep regreat that we announce the death ofFrancis J. Caseyof Topaze KennelsJanuary 1989He was a true lover of the breed and a friend.We at Bay Colony Pomeranian Club shall miss him.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gml tm Keweti, Reg'd.At 300 a.m. December 20th, while bottle-feeding puppies, it popped into my mind that I failed to send in my January issue ad. I was disgustedI was not ready to end my streak, but I guess after 30 years and 3 months of not missing a single issue, that's not a bad record.Congratulations to the winners at our Specialty and Westminster.Ruth L. Beam 704 889-9233P.O. Box 937 Pineville, NC2813498 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dog's name, color, sex, breeder's name, owner's name, city and state on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that don't need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor, Phyllis Ripley, 6902 E. First. St., Tucson, AZ 85710.CH. AUTUMN'S RIVERIA ENCHANTRESS Dark Orange FemaleBreederOwner Emily and E.C. Untalan, Tigard, ORCh. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Bi-Mar Kandi Kane Ch. Autumn's Cairo of Bi-MarCh. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Bi-Mar MistyBi-Mar Carmel Candy Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Bradley's Storm WarningBradley's Black Eyed Susan Ch. Autumn's Precious Zhen Zhan Bradley's Big Bad Wolf Ch. Cedar Glen's Tiffany O' Bradley Bradley's Bonnie BobbieCH. GOLDEN AIRES LIL GOLD CADDYRed-Orange FemaleBreeder Sharon MasnickOwner Anna Liselli, Mastic Beach, New YorkCh. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Model's Solid Gold Ch. Twin Pines Tico TicoRhett Butler of Twin Pines Scarlett of Twin PinesAnwin's Tiny Honey Bug May Morning Mark of Annon Annon's Ebony Mark IIAnnon's Tassandra V. Ebony Rust Wee Heart's Our Girl FridayLittle Jay Bear Timmottion Lennis Peaches N Cream Ida Daisy Princess CocoCH. MERRYMONT SAT'RDAY NITE FEVERRed Sable MaleBreeder Yolanda K. WebsterOwner Patricia Griffin, Winston-Salem, NCCh. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickett Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Mar-Bi-Leas Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Gaylor Ch. Great Elms Model's Timstopper Ch. Coble's Traveling Bear Apple's Traveling Elvira Yolanda's Traveling TequilaCh. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Alspice Dends Spice IICH. Ml BABE S. M. CRASHOrange Sable MaleBreeder Babe McCombs and Sally Baugniet Owner Babe McCombsCh. Mac's Rare Addition Ch. Tomanoll's I Got Leggs Tomanoll'sMe-Me Ch. Mac's Maybe I WillCh. Mac's Mister Beaux Tangles Ch. Mac's Jennifer Jangles Ch. Mac's Little Lou Lou Ch. Great Elms Model's Timstopper Ch. Pomirish Desiree's G.E. Scooter Desiree's Beautiful Babe Ch. Pomirish GG Scooter's Sherry Ch. Creider's Gold Venture II Pomirish Fizz's Golden Girl Ch. Pomirish Squirts FizzViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. We invite our readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects.POMERANIAN REVIEW 99CH. QUEENAIRE STARBURSTRed Sale MaleBreederOwner Patricia Griffin, Winston-Salem, NCCh. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickett Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Mar-Bi-Leas Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Gay lor Ch. Emcee's Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcee's Terrific Wee ChipsEmcee's Golden Girl of Tammy Ch. Chip-A-Ways Diamond Keepsake Elaine's Mona Lisa Sweet Betsy of Timstopper Conway's BetsyCH. SHAREL'S SOUTHERN IMAGERed MaleBreeder Sharon Hicks Owner Babe McCombsCh. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickette Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Mar-Bi-Lea's Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Gaylor AC Ch. Hillsboro's Golden Chip Ch. Emcee's Texas PeteCh. Jabil's Stephanie of Emcee Sharel's Southern BelleCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Dupre's Sunshine Tulip TooTwin Bayou's Sunshine SequinCH. STOLANNE'S PRANCING PRINCE Black MaleBreeder Frances J. StollOwner E. Suzann Henderson, Morton, ILCh.Millamor'sMoon Rock Ch. Dixieland RockofMillamor Dixieland's Veronica Ch. Brown's Bock N RobinCh. Brown's Fancypepper Mark Ch. Brown's Fan-Magic Skeeter Gal Millamor's Magic Dragon Ch. Brown's Gambling Man Pumpkin XXVDandelion's Honey Girl Nighttime Nicole DeliteStoll's Peperino Popple Stoll's Nuggett Nicolette Stoll's Babetta NicoleCH. STOLANNE'S STORMY SEQUEL Cream MaleBreederOwner Frances J. StollCh.Millamor'sMoon Rock Ch.Dixieland RockofMillamor Dixieland's Veronica Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt ThorCh. O My Patty's Touch O Pepper O My Starmist MinuetteJoda's Starkist of Patri-Ark Ch. Brown's Gambling Man Pumpkin XXVDandelion's Honey Girl Nighttime Nicole DeliteStoll's Peperino Popple Stoll's Nuggett Nicolette Stoll's Babetta NicoleCH. STOLANNE'S SWEET GINGER BROWNOrange FemaleBreeder Frances J. StollOwner E. Suzann Henderson, Morton, ILCh. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch.Millamor'sMoon RockMillamor's Lullabyeof Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Dixieland's Style Stepper Dixieland's VeronicaMillamor'sMelody Box Ch. Mercer's Touch O'Duke Ch. O My Patty's Touch O Pepper Circle M Patty Pepper Cee O My Starmist MinuetteCh. Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer Joda's Starkist of Patri-Ark Patri-Arks Sugar SpiceCH. WEE HEART THE STUFF OF DREAMSOrange Sable MaleBreeder Molly C. GrayOwner Cassandra Ready and Molly GrayCh. Shirwood's Golden Nugget Wee Heart's Sugar NuggetWee Heart's Happy Sugar Smack Ch. Wee Heart's Just-E-NuffLennis Tequillas Sonbeam Lennis Tar-Riffick TishLennis Tar-Riffick Doll May Morning Mark of Annon Annons Ebony Mark IIAnnon's Tassandra V. Ebony Rust Ch. Wee Heart's Bearly An Angel Annon's Marquis de Tartan Wee Heart's I'm No AngelLennis Gypsy of Tar Baby100 POMERANIAN REVIEWACROSS CANADAby Chris Heartz P.O. Box 189 Brookfield, N.S. Canada BON 1C0Most of the talk in Pom circles in Canada lately has centered around plans for our third annual specialty. If you have ever thought about visiting Canada, this is an excellent opportunity. You can see the country at a perfect time of year, and to top it off, maybe even add a Canadian title to one of the "gang." The details September 2 in Cornwall, Ontario. There are also 3 all breed shows the same weekend, so there are 4 sets of points. Our Specialty judge is the well-known all-rounder Catherine De- bruyne. Sweeps will be judge by Mrs. Nancy Hooper. The all breed judges are Freeman Perry, Abe Zvonkin and George Payton.Transportation arrangements are easy. Fly your favorite airline into Montreal Quebec. Don't worry about speaking French. The show is one hour from Montreal and we will even pick you up Any further info can be obtained from Elizabeth Dupuis. He address is P.O. Box 328, Alexandria, Ontario KOC 1 AO, phone 613-347- 2275. You will find her only too willing to help. Of course, trophy donations are more than gratefully accepted Last year several American exhibitors made it to the specialty. Gloria and Steve Carlin from California, Nina Epps and Diane Rinehart from Oklahoma attended and they promised to come back again. Please come join us and them this year1988 was truly the year of the Pom. We watched the year begin with Prince Charming winning the Garden, and we felt so proud. Here in Canada our last show of '88 is Credit Valley and they choose the SurGain Puppy of the Year. Not only was the winner a Pom, but she was Ch. Chriscendo Cover Girl, owned and bred by myself and co- owned by Ed Jenner.There were several other Best in Show winning Poms in Canada in 1988. The most notable is Can. Am. Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Amigo, owned by Marlene Penny, the winner of last year's Canadian Specialty and the current top winning Pom in Canada. Can. Am. Ch. Great Elms Shining Star, owned by Natalie Dunfee, though not extensively campaigned last year, garnered several Bests. David and Carolyn Berry are very proud of their first BIS on homebred Ch. Sharian's Ruben James. Dwayne Ward's Ch. Debonne's Rock a Fella also won his first Best in Show. Our own Ch. Chriscendo Cause For Applause and Ch. Chriscendo Coco Chanel were our second and third Best in Show winners in 1988. Congratulations to all the breeders, owners and handlers for making 1988 The Year of the PomThis past issue of our Canadian Pom Newsletter was the Puppy Hopeful issue. I was reminded of an excellent article I read in another breed magazine on developing attitude in Toys. As a handler this is also one of my husband's pet peeves. There is nothing more adorable than a Pom puppy, but pick 'em up, carry them around and you stand a really good chance of never having that confident air of independence that makes a show dog. Confidence comes from conquering difficulties learning new things. Being carried around is the exact opposite. It teaches dependence and rewards insecurity. Next time you pick up that puppy hopeful, make it count trim his feet, cut his nails. Don't pick him up when he asks. Instead, try teaching him to bait. He will never thank you but you may thank yourselfPOMERANIAN REVIEW 101I Remember Whenby Dorothy BonnerAdvice to new breeders is to buy the best bitch affordable, breed her to the best male possible and hope for the best puppies. What if one cannot afford the best bitch, but the desire is to have a lovable pet and still breed her to the best male to obtain breed improvement with more lovable pets If the best female in that litter is retained and bred to another excellent male, results might be surprising. Back in my pedigrees, there is an example of just this sort of thing. It happened this way. Some Army folks named Thomson bought a Pom in Germany named Chee Si of Thomson, a female, sound but coarse, who had nothing in conformation to brag about When they retired in San Antonio, Chee Si was brought to me to breed. The resulting litter was an improvement. The family gave a couple of puppies to relatives and kept a little girl whom they called Fuzzy. Depending upon me to handle the paper work and name the puppies, they were registered under the name Tompom. I bred Fuzzy for them and a couple of females were given to an elderly aunt Some six years later, the aunt died and the Poms were returned to the Tomsons. The smaller one was very nice, but I bought the larger with the slightly longer body. They had called her Tessie. She was registered as Bonner's Wee Girl. Because of her former pet status, she was allowed to be a bedroom dog. Much to my distress, it was discovered that she was excessively dominant, desiring to murder everybody's puppies, with success in a couple of cases. However, bred to Ch. Aris- tic Wee Pepper Pod, Tessie produced Bonner's Peppertess, as beautiful a sable girl as any show-inclined breeder would be proud to own. Peppertess was never shown, but bred to Ch. Bonner's Stylepep- per Preshus a half- brother she producedBonner's Styletess Model. Model, bred back to her sire, produced Ch. Bonner's Stylewodel Wee Wag who started my Wag line of lovely champions.This entire breeding procedure took about a year for each generation, all of which proved that it can be done if one has plenty of time instead of a big bank account. Peppertess was secured in the fourth generation. She was one of the most beautiful girls obtained from any combination.Several years later, Mrs. Thomson came to be consoled. She had lost not only her husband, but her aging Poms as well. Tessie was given to her so that they both could enjoy a better life.This history is a clear lesson in line and inbreeding. Even without the best bitch, improvement can be made with quite satisfying results if someone loves the breed enough and is willing to put in the time.Patty'sPomeraniansCongratulations to all the winners at the APC Specialty and Westminster.I have Great Elms, Showstopper, Bev-Nor and Emcee lines. Quality puppies at reasonable prices.Patty Jensen 6520 Game Farm Rd. E. Mound, MN 55364 612 472-5950102 POMERANIAN REVIEWaHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063Yeek I've been writing this column for over 10 years. Poor naive me. When I volunteered to write it, I thought you readers sent in hints hints would pour in and I would edit them. I guess I get about one hint mailed to me per year. But I'm not complaining. I still get hints from you whether you know it or not. I talk to you on the phone or at shows. I watch you grooming or in the ring. I visit your kennels and I always learn something. Thank you.The phone calls this winter have been terrific. Last year a lady in New York called with a problem. Her pretty bitch wasn't winning because she was so naughty in the ring. She barked, bit the lead or her owner's pant legs, etc. I asked a few questions, then suggested that the problem was the owner's relationship with the dog. The owner was not alpha the dog did not respect her. I suggested she forget conformation training and work on being the boss. I described several dominance exercises, especially the "30 minute down."I didn't hear from her for many months and often wondered what had happened. Training advice given over the phone is not as satisfactory as in a class where demonstration and feedback are possible, and progress can be monitored. I was afraid I hadn't really helped her.Just after Christmas, she called again. Oh joy The bitch had finished her championship and the owner felt the dominance exercises had been extremely helpful. She had the good sense to ask for help when she needed it and to apply what she learned. Once again, obedience had helpeda conformation performance. For more information on establishing to proper relationship with your puppy, contact your local obedience club andor see "Super Puppy How to Raise the Best Dog You'll Ever Have." by Peter J. Volmer.Cindy called to tell me about her bitch's first litter. She said the bitch had easily spit out the two puppies in less than half an hour. Wow, I marveled, that's fast. Later I put two and two together. When Cindy had first bred the bitch she had called to ask if she could continue to jog with her dog. I said it was okay, up until the 7th week and to let the bitch tell her how much she wanted to do. So the little bitch continued to jog 2 miles a day as well as working on tracking Her superb muscle tone made whelping easy.But after whelping, problems developed. The bitch refused to eat and didn't produce enough milk. She continued to refuse to eat and to lose weight until the puppies were taken away from her at 3 weeks of age. I suspect the explanation lies in the fact that following her vet's advice, Cindy had not given the dam any extra vitamins or food during the pregnancy. Her body was not given the extra nutrition it needed not only to carry the puppies to term but to give her the strength and stamina for the trauma of whelping and the strain of nursing.More on thyroid a teacher at the local high school told me one of her Doberman show bitches was dying of congestive heart failure when, in desperation, the veterinarian prescribed thyroid pills. One year later the bitch is fine, her heart soundOnce again, this is the issue that is sent to judges of our breed. Dear judges, wil I you please help me learn What do you find out about a dog's structure when you 1 lift the rear and drop it back on the table, and 2 put your hand on the dog's back and press or bounce the dogThe prize winner this month for dumb behavior by a judge is the fellow who, standPOMERANIAN REVIEW 10 CongratulationsVery Important PomsTop Obedience Pom and Novice PomAlice Lessard and "Zannie," Ch. Lessard's Shangrila of Jubilee CDTop Open DogMargaret McKee and "Val" - Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier C.D.X.Top Utility DogRoz Coltz and "Morris" - Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold O' Jabil U.D.Three Champions who happen to be excellent obedience dogsThree owners who keep tryingCh. Allayn's Moonshine CD - Mary Allen Ch. Dendy's Lil Buttercup CD - Tammy Carrell Ch. Lilae's Animated Nikk Nakk CD - Lilae Shope Ch. Moonshadow's Eye of the Tiger CD - Lois Campbell Ch. Nanshadow's Hurricane Juan CD - Nancy BurnetteHats Offto breeders and exhibitors like Jerrie Freia, Frances Stoll and Vicki Leitner, who have gotten their feet wet and are still tryingSincerest Respectto Canadian OTCH. BK's Sir Spunky CDX, TD, UKC-CDX, TT and Brenda Hutton who proved that dreams come true - and is still tryingMary Vickers 2818 Jefferson Drive Alexandria, VA 22303 703 960-775573L, _JF104 POMERANIAN REVIEWing behind my dog, stomped his foot on the floor to try to get the dog behind us to put his ears up. It's not the best method I know to get ears to erect but, more to the point, my dog certainly did not appreciate itOne judge last fall stopped in the middle of judging Best of Breed to part a dog's coat and peer at the roots. He explained later he was determining whether the dog was a true sable or a sable-shaded orange. Very interesting. But since both colors are allowed by our standard, what difference did it make This same judge informed one exhibitor that her sable dog would be faulted for having a black mask. Huh Old standards did fault black masks, but our present standard doesn't mention it. Even if you're an expert on our breed, have bred and exhibited Poms for 40 years, or helped write the standard, it wouldn't hurt to reread it occasionally.These days almost everyone uses bait in training their dogs whether for conformation, obedience, or tracking. Bait makes training easier and more fun. It is both inducement and reward. Conformation people have always made good use of bait, but at one time some obedience instructors preached that use of bait was sinful and immoral it ruined the dog the dog would only work if it were hungry bait was bribery, etc. It continues to amuse me that many of the people who strongly oppose food in obedience don't hesitate to use it in conformation. Many enlightened trainers now know this isn't true at all. You can't train a killer whale or a chicken with a choke collar and a rolled up magazine Ed. Note not the Pom Review, I hope So we've learned to use methods that are gentler, kinder and more fun. For more inductive methods of training, read "Don't Shoot the Dog" by Karen Pryor.So what kind of bait do you use Almost anything the dog likes and that is convenient to carry in a pocket. It's fine if your dog adores clam dip, but that's awkward to put ina pocket For every day, I use cat treats, either Pounce or Bonkers. The pieces are small, although I generally bite them in 2 or 3 smaller bits, which teaches the dog to focus on my face. You want something the dog will chew and swallow quickly, so I avoid anything hard or crunchy. Some dogs prefer jerky and that works well, too. A standard recommendation in our obedience classes take a chicken hot dog, partially freeze, cut into 16 slices, cut each slice into 4 parts. These should be stored in refrigerator or freezer.For shows, I use liver with a capital L. Use either beef, veal or pork liver. Check livers are too soft and crumbly. Put in a pan and cover with water. Add a generous sprinkling of garlic powder. Simmer gently until the pink color is gone, about 20 minutes. Pour off the liquid onto the dogs' supper. They'll clean their plates Rinse the liver thoroughly. Cut up into small pieces, about 1 inch square. Place pieces on a baking sheet and bake the toaster oven is handy at 250 degrees until the pieces look dry. Put 3 or 4 pieces each in plastic sandwich bags, seal and store in the freezer. Almost any dog except one scared out of his mind will bait for this stuff. Warning your house will stink of liver and garlic for hours.Cheese and chicken are also popular baits. Most cheeses are greasy and hard to manage but tiny chunks of Cheddar or Swiss can be used. If your dog is prone to diarrhea from liver, simmer chicken breasts briefly. Cooking too long makes it stringy and messy in the ring. Of course, remove and discard the skin and cut up into chunks.If you have a bitch who is not enthusiastic about being bred and may snap at the stud, protect your male and yourself by pulling a nylon stocking all the way over her head, so that the toe of the stocking is over her muzzle. She can see and breathe, but not bite. This is a lot easier than trying to wrap something around her little muzzle.continued on p. 7 08.POMERANIAN REVIEW 10ONIONS, NATURE'S GREAT DRAWING SALVEby Sissy McGill Solid Gold Kennels 9490 Loren La Mesa, CA 92041"Then, why is he still limping" I demanded to know.Ever been in that situation The dog limps and limps, but nothing seems to cure it.I had been in San Francisco for a speaking engagement and had left my dogs in a boarding kennel. My big male had walked in, and then had limped out. After two weeks of this, we went to the vet. The visual and feeling examination revealed no swelling or heat. Cost 53. Perhaps he had gotten his paw caught in the chain link fence at the kennel and sprained something. So I waited another week. Of course, I had entered him in a show that weekend. There went the entry fee. Then we went back to the vet. The x-rays showed no breaks. The vet wrapped the foot up with salve. Naturally the Specialty was Saturday. Missed that. Also, the biggest show of the year was on Sunday. Missed that one too Then I removed the pack. No improvement. Also, the pills that the prescription called for only made him throw up for 3 days running. Into the garbage they went. With no improvement at all, I was absolutely desperate.Providence must have been working for me. I opened my Herbalist Magazine, and there was an article about the lowly onion. Now this odoriferous herb is nothing to be sniffed at. That was two-thirds of a pun, folksHerbal poultices are one of the mos important methods of applying herbs to th body. Poultices have been used since an cient times and are still an unsurpassec method of drawing toxins from the skin anc other organs of the body, reducing inflam mation, curing sores and dissolving smal cysts and tumors. A good poultice can b made from finely grated onions mixed wit whole wheat bread crumbs, and ther soaked with milk. In Egypt, they mix the onions with honey and then apply them. Fo insect stings, mash raw onions and appl immediately.OK dog, hold your nose and give me your paw. I had bought a Bermuda onior and a white one. I didn't know if there wa any difference. The Bermuda smelled the worse, so I took about half a handful o chopped onions, grabbed a paw and put the pieces between the pads. I put gauze around the foot, and then tape. The nex day, the redness between the pads seem to be less. So I repeated this the next night Asmall piece of onion had fallen out as I wa taping, but I didn't bother to undo the tape I should have. Twenty-four hours later, removed the onions. The redness was completely gone, except for the spot where the onion had fallen out It was still pink That night I applied the third application, being sure that ALL the spots were covered The next day, I removed the pack. ALL the redness had vanished. My dog proceedec to run through the house, chase birds in the yard, jump up on my couch, he is forbidder to act like a clown, and generally enjoy life Cost of the treatment. About 120th of a cent.Thinking that I had better do some research about onions, I found the folk medicine reference that said to wear a string of onions and garlic around your neck to keep your body free of colds, didn't I see this in an old Dracula or Wolfman movie] Come to find out, maybe Dracula knew tha the oil and thus the scent of onions have ar06 POMERANIAN REVIEWeffect on carbohydrate metabolism resembling that of insulin. Russian scientist, B.M. Kozo-Polianzky made tests and found that many plants contain volatile oils with atmospheric protection. For your own simple proof, crush an onion or garlic and put it under a class. Next to this place a culture of fungus, and in a few minutes all bacteria or fungus micro-organism will perish. In Moscow in 1963, scientist Vishaya Scholia received an award for the treatment of wounds and ulcers with onions. This great little bulb had high antiseptic value.So the next time your dog gets a wound, sore or cut, and nothing seems to work, try some onions on your dog and use the rest on your hamburger.Onions are just one of Nature's great cures. As I always say, try working with Nature. It pays off.SPICES AND HERBS FOR YOUR DOGby Sissy McGill Solid Gold Kennels 9490 Loren Dr.La Mesa, CA 92041European doctors have said for years that spices and herbs can keep you healthy. They can work for your dog as well. Think about these "old-fashioned" remedies.Spices and herbs, they say, contain even more curative powers for minor ailments than the store-bought drugs in your medicine cabinet. There seems to be a spice or herb for so many things.If your dog passes a lot of gas, try mixing raw chives i with his food. Chives contain silica which fights intestinal fermentation.For your young pup who is teething and chewing on everything but his chewbone, rub a clove on his swollen gum for relief. Also, if he catches a little cold, cloves with their powerful antiseptic properties are the answer again.Got an overactive dog that won't calm down, or who bounces from seat to seat in the car Try mixing thyme in with his food. Thyme is an excellent natural tranquilizer because it contains corvecra which has a tonic effect on the nerve centers. Thyme has also been used to improve coat It helps to retard hair loss by improving superficial blood vessels of the skin, whose job it is to feed the roots to the hair.Apple cider vinegar has many uses which help in food digestion. Because it is an acid, it eats up excess gastric juices which cause indigestion and stops the production of acid in the stomach.Your young pup suffering form "teenage acne" under the chin Try mustard. How you get him to eat this is up to you. Mustard contains sulphur, one of the best known treatments for skin diseases. Sulphur rids the blood of excess impurities and slows down the activities of the sebaceous glands of acid in the stomach.There is nothing better to eliminate water retention bloat than parsley. Parsley contains an abundance of potassium which combats this.Don't laugh at home remedies. Many of our modern veterinary drugs are synthetics based on these spices and herbs. Wish I could open up a Health and Herbal Store for DogsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 107Yips and YapsKUDOSRemember the old Greyhound bus advertisement, "Take the bus and leave the driving to us" That's sort of the feeling you got if you attended the Annual Specialty. Finally we were at a hotel where we were treated like paying guests. The staff was courteous, solicitous, even respectful. And the place was clean. You didn't have to examine the floor in your room for pieces of glass or plaster. The show chairman didn't have to break his back picking up debris from the ring before or during the show. You could sleep at night and not worry about wallpaper or plaster falling on you. Even the bathroom worked - correctlyThe room where the judging was held was B-l-G. You could view the ring from three sides. You could also stand in the grooming area and see what was happening in the ring. Even the carpet, done in muted neutral tones, didn't detract from our colorful Poms.You could wake up in the morning, go to the first floor and have coffee, even breakfast. Everyone is still taking about the food - it was goodIf you wanted, you could take your dog outside. You could even run out to your car in the parking lot if you forgot something. It was right there. You could even see it from your window.Many thanks, Audrey, for all the organization. Many thanks, Maureen Quinlan, for finding the impossibleSincerely,Mary VickersMAYBE I WILLCh. Mac's Maybe I Will was a consistent top producer for several years. Hisname became well known and associated with my kennel. I have continued to use combinations and variations of his name in naming my dogs. And I of course will continue to do so, however I have recently encountered two Poms named Maybe I Will and Maybe She Will with another kennel prefix attached. In researching, I found these Poms had absolutely no lineage to my Ch. Mac's Maybe I Will. I have been saving the name Shy Acres Maybe I Will for a very special dog. I feel the traditional privilege of using this name is being taken from me I would never take a name used regularly by another breeder and use it on my Poms.I realize there are other Maybe I Wills in some other lineages. I would never object to their use of these names.I wonder if the users of this name are somehow trying to intimate a relationship to Ch. Mac's Maybe I Will that doesn't existPlease, let's keep to tradition and be more creative naming our dogsSincerely,Audrey RobertsMORE INFORMATION ON NOMINEESA very competent and workaholic member of our Board of Directors was not re-elected. I, for one, am very upset I know this is a democratic procedure, but I think those voting were ill- informed. Marlene Presser has never missed a Board Meeting, no matter what area of the country it was in. She also has consistently volunteered for committees and is always there to help in any way she can. She has been a quiet member, never seeking special recognition and perhaps because of this, the members aren't aware of her value on our Board. As a fellow Board member I am aware of this. Perhaps it's partly my fault for not letting the108 POMERANIAN REVIEWmembership on important matters and on the performance of your Board. Perhaps attendance at meetings and on telephone conferences and whether or not a Board member voted in the monthly agenda should be published in the Review. Let me know how you feel. Let's not let the good ones slip between the cracks because we're ill-informed.Sincerely,Audrey Roberts100 YEARS OF PURE-BRED DOGS AND STILL COUNTING"One Hundred Years of Pure-Bred Dogs" is a celebration of a century of continuous publishing for Pure-Bred Dogs American Kennel Gazette. "Not many magazines live to be a hundred years old," notes Kenneth A. Marden, AKC president "We thought about various ways to celebrate and decided that a collector's issue was the most appropriate."The 100th anniversary edition traces the development of the magazine from its beginning as a 20 page journal devoted mainly to listings of dog registrations and dog show results to its current 200-page issues with their broad coverage of the dog world. Advances in veterinary medicine, breed histories, and in-depth coverage of dog shows as well as tips on breeding, handling and caring for dogs are all part of today's GAZETTE.The special issue of the GAZETTE will also reflect the changes in the design of the magazine over the past 100 years, up to the award-winning design used today.Advertisers have shown excellent support for the collector's edition, which boasts the largest number of advertising pages in the history of the magazine - 87.Single copies of "One Hundred Years of Pure-Bred Dogs" are available for 5.95from the American Kennel Club, GAZETTE Centennial, 51 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010.Helpful Hints, continued from p. 104.I have just returned from the Specialty in New York and what a good time we had I have been a critic of the winter specialty because of the expense and discomfort of the Manhattan hotels. Last year I chose to spend that weekend at Myrtle Beach where there were three chances at majors, three chances for obedience legs and a beach front room for 25 a night The new New York show site is a tremendous improvement over our former sites. For approximately the same price, the rooms are larger, clean and comfortable. We did not have to go up and down stairs to reach to show room. No giant columns in the middle of the show room. Grooming space was a little tight. Perhaps limiting each exhibitor to one exercise pen would help solve that problem. Food was good and the staff cheerful and courteous. A big plus for me parking was 4day instead of 40day Congratulations to Audrey Roberts and her committee The Ohio Pom Club did an outstanding job on the trophies. They were lovely.Sunday, as always, was very busy and tiring for the people with Sweeps, Regular classes, Annual Meeting, Awards dinner and then another Board meeting. No wonder many folks choose not to come to the annual meeting. And as usual there wasn't enough time for visiting and talking. We hope to add obedience competition to the National Specialties soon, and that should force us to go to a two day format, which will give us more time to enjoy all the activities.POMERANIAN REVIEW 109APC Board Meeting, from p. 7 0. send a letter to Sally commending her efforts, her previous work as well as the work she has done with the Judges Education committee and that our stand is not a reflection of her work, but our feelings about the AKC standardization. This was seconded by Sam and met with much support.Duties of DelegateFred moved that the Board affirm that the Delegate be included in Board meetings and telephone conference calls. Audrey gave the second and this passed.Information bookletsAudrey stated she was running low on these and they need to be reprinted.New Business1 Carolyn Herbel from Oklahoma will be an observer judge attending tomorrow.2 AKC Judges Seminar Study Croup to educate future judges was discussed at length. Sue questioned whether or not a dog co-owned by the observer could be shown. This is a question that should go to the AKC. Discussion on this was tabled.3 Tomorrow's specialty will be video taped by the photographer.4 Ripley's contract regarding the "Review" will be handled by the new Board.5 Jean Schroll has requested that the 1992 Summer Specialty be hosted by the Columbia Pom Club. This passed.6 Audrey requested votes for new members presented on the December agenda. All members were voted in.7 Fred resigned from his task of revising the Specialty Guidelines.8 Marlene Presser was appointed chair of the Membership Guidelines committee.9 It was recommended that Audrey send a letter to all local clubs stating our newest standing rules regarding the judges' restrictions and those officers unable to show.10 After discussion and consultation, it was recommended that tomorrow we explain to the membership our finding that aby-law change is the only thing necessary to move the Specialty out of New York City. Ballots will be mailed to the membership for their vote.11 Dianne motioned that we donate 250.00 to the University of Pennsylvania Vet School. Seconded by Dolores and passed. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.Respectfully submitted,Mary Vickers,Recording SecretaryCIRCULATIONMANAGERJohn Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION"Your inquiries answered within 24 hours"20.00 per year - Third Class Mail Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, APOs, Puerto Rico U.S.Funds Only 25.00 per year - First Class Mail Mailing Time3rd class - 10-14 days 1st class - 3-5 daysIf you move, 3rd class mail is NOT forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know your new address six weeks before you move.BACK ISSUES1980 to date - 5.00 each. Years prior to 1980 - 4.00 each. Call for availability. Anniversary Issue 1988 15.00 each Cost includes POMERANIAN REVIEWSooner Club, from p. 51In Obedience, Sherry Cook and Shan Tel's High Stakes Alex won High Score with 194.The Parade of Champions featured Ch. Slemps High Stakes Binky, owned by Mrs. J.B. Slemp, Ch. Carousel's Class Tiger, owned by Mrs. Linda Gustafson and Ch. Puf-Pride Tandilizing Tawni, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dimick.Following the judging was a Parade of Clowns in the Dress-up Parade, which was fun for all.As 1988 closes, we look back on a fantastic year for the Sooner Club. A number of our members have been successful in the show ring, our membership grew to 47 and there are more members to come in 1989. We look forward to holding an A match in April.Be sure to look for the Sooners in the show ring.Business to Pleasure, continued p. 66.I was paid another honor while at the show. Harold Codings from Fripp Island, SC asked me if his bitch won her class, would I like to take her back in the ring while he showed his champion You bet I would There were five men and myself going in for the final placings. I was so relaxed and happy, the little bitch showed as if she were mine. We were a team - and I took BOW and put 2 points on her. That made my day. I congratulated Skip, we stayed for the Group and then it was time to head for home. Again, we said goodbye to all our new Pom friends. I tucked my camera away with all the priceless pictures of my memorable visit to God's country.Each time my little Lenette Pom looks at me I remember my wonderful trip, the words of wisdom from Ruth Beam and I look forward to going again.Index of AdvertisersApple, Joyce Apple................................93Baugniet, Sally Pomirish.......................87Beam, Ruth Great Elms........................97Bloom, Jacqueline...................................44Burnette, Nancy Nanshadow................21Cabrera, Tony Starfire...........................25Carroll, Kathy Sweetheart..................... 73Carson, Morris and Betty Emcee............23Creed, Charlotte Southland..............56,57Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre.....................35Dupuis, Elizabeth Pomsprings................7Evans, Estil Wee Hearts................. 52.,53Feist, Victor and Wendy Feisty............. 75Freia, Jerrie Janesa......................... 54,55Garton, Lavina Garton.........................IFCGoddard, Tim and Sue Tim Sue........... 15Gray, Molly..............................................53Griffin, Patty.......................................60,61Griffith, Ken Lenette..............................11Gustafson, Art and Linda Carousel ....33Harbin, Sylvia Harbin....................... 78,79Heartz, John and Christine...................111Henderson, E. Suzann............................65Hogg, David............................................91Jenner, Ed................................................57Jeub, Gail Star Dust.................FC, BC, 46Jones, Happeth Hapian........................ 31Kripak, Gerald Evanspark..................... 27Kyle, Courtney and Lindsay....................29Lessard, Alice Lessard............................9Leitner, Victoria Courbette.....................58Luginsland, Janice LLL..........................15McCombs, Babe Mi Babe......................89McGhee, Lee La Petite..........................52McGrath, Renee Dia.............................91Moreno, Julie Moreno............................37Moureau Erika Texican........................67Mullens, Nancy Love Me Tender...........19Neuway, Keith and Ruth Puff Ball.......... 39Pickles, Donna........................................ 45Ready, Cassandra Wee Hearts ....52,53Rosenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar.....................43Stephens, Lt. Cmdr. and Jessie.............. 69Stoll, Frances Stolanne......................... 13Untalan, Emily......................................... 44Vickers, Mary.........................................103Whiddon, Barbara Whid-Don................41Wilhite, Jan Charmac............................ 59POMERANIAN REVIEW irCanada'sPuppy of the YearLJL kAA UNIT L________istvCan. Ch. Chriscendo Cover GirlCh. Millamor's Rock Medallion x L-R's Corg'us Sun-D RoseOwned, bred and handled Co-owned by Ed Jenner CHRISCENDOJohn E. and Christine D. Heartz P.O. Box 189 Brookfield, Nova Scotia Canada BON 1 CO 902 673-2446Owned byStar Dust Pomeranians Gall Jeub9100 61st Ave. Cir. North. Minneapolis, MN 55428 01t