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The Pomeranian Review July 1989

itera i j5 3bC7i9BESTof rBREEDKOHLER POMERANIA RE ^ aa- gfffflennek latest star jar gh CTOiMV7" riKOHLERGA. GAAGAA2yi AA^its, ATAumiAemaShown taking Best Opposite Sex at Dallas-Ft. Worth Pom Specialty 32489 under Judge Jack Russell. Thumbelina is sired by Ch. Tim Sue's High Lights, BISS and multiple BIS winner, and out of Ch. LLL Dazzlin' Gold Katrina, WB, New York Specialty 1988.Thumbelina is expecting a litter by Ch. Chriscendo City Lights in late May. This would not have been possible except for the herculean efforts of numerous dedicated people who assisted in her transportation. Salutes to you allJanice Luginsland Rt. 1, Box 97' Americus, KS 66835 316443-5157POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran ftomprantatt OUub, Jnr.President..............................First Vice President..............Second Vice President....Recording Secretary............Corresponding SecretaryTreasurerOFFICERS OF THE CLUB...................................................................................Dolores Watts................................................................................Dianne Johnson......................................................................................NadineHersil......................................................................................Judith Green.................................................................................Audrey Roberts.......................................... 1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, LA 71446...................................................................................Morris CarsonOlga Baker............John Cribbs...........Sue Goddard.........Delegate to AKCBOARD OF DIRECTORSAnna La Fortune........ Skip Piazza......Mary Vickers......Sam ZaneoffPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor............................................ Phyllis Ripley, 6902 E. 1 st, Tucson, AZ 85710 602 721 -7620Circulation Manager.............................................. John Cribbs, RL 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year. Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, APOs, U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESNonMembersMembersCover.....................................120.00 150.00Inside Front Cover.................... 65.00 80.00Center Spread.........................120.00 150.00Full page................................... 55.00 65.00Three-quarters page ....45.00 55.00Half page...................................35.00 45.00Quarter page............................. 15.00 25.00Classified Ads..............................5.00 7.00Photo Reproduction .... 10.00 10.00Color ...........................................Call for pricesPictures are returned after publication.CONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos 10.00 each. Editor reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. Photos must accompany ad copy. ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED.DEADLINESNovember 15 February 15 May 15 August 15January Issue April Issue July Issue October Issue4 POMERANIAN REVIEWTable of ContentsPresident's Message ..................................... 5Classified Ads............................................... 5Bay Colony Pom Club ....................................8News From The Carolinas .............................8Carolina Pom Club Match ............................10Ohio Valley Pom Club...................................14Puget Sound Pom Club ............................... 16Sooner Pom Club......................................... 20Behind The New Champions........................24I Remember When........................................28Carved Prehistoric Figurine..........................32The Stud Register 1989 ...............................37Give Me An Old Blanket .............................. 52by David EdwardsObedience News...........................................54Helpful Hints ................................................ 62Across Canada ............................................ 66Why Do We Do That...................................70by Dr. Alvin GrossmanAre you guilty ............................................. 76Showaholics .................................................82by Wendy FeistYips and Yaps...............................................86Circulation Manager......................................88Index of Advertisers .....................................90Cover StoryCh. Tim Sue's High Lights is pictured on the front cover winning Best of Breed at the Dallas-Ft. Worth Pomeranian Specialty, expertly handled by Erika Moureau for owners Sue Goddard and Janice Luginsland under Judge Jack Russell.High Lights is a breeder's dream come true. He is a multiple Best in Show winner, but to a breeder more importantly, he is proving himself to be an outstanding producer. He has three beautiful champion daughters and many other offspring now being or soon to be shown. He is passing on his magnificent coatand the outgoing personality that makes them a joy to show.We extend heartfelt thanks to High's sire Am. Can. Ch. Chriscendo City Lights and to City Lights' breederco-owner, Chris Heartz. Thanks also to Ch. Tim Sue Angel Sabrina, High's dam, who deserves much credit for coat and type.Very special thanks to High's co-owner, Janice Luginsland for finishing him at 9 months of age with two group firsts and his first Best in Show at a year and a half.High sends congratulations to his 34 brother back cover, puppy dog Ch. Tim Sue's Harbor Lights, and his owner Susan Conlee for his recent Best in Show.BreederOwners Tim Sue Pomeranians Tim and Sue Goddard Rt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622POMERANIAN REVIEW 5 .PRESIDENT'S MESSAGEDolores Watts 4800 Floral Park Rd. Brandywine, MD 20613 301 372-8782one involved can get their jobs done. I know we all tend to forget at times but it is a lol easier to get your dues in to the APC than tc have to go through the process of rejoining.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.With Summer fast approaching many exhibitors are gearing up for the Summer Specialty in California. I have been told that everything is just about ready and I am sure it will be a tremendous success.When I took the Presidency in February of this year, I never expected I would spend so much time on the phone. I welcome these calls as a lot of them come from newcomers wantingtogetintothe Pom breed. They seem to be thirsting for knowledge and someone to answer a million questions. It brings back my memories of when I started several years ago.Your Board is busy working on the issue which went out to the membership in a poll vote last year. Also, we are presently updating the Summer Specialty Guidelines booklet which had not been revised since 1980. We have a committee working on our Membership requirements. At the Annual Dinner Banquet we will also present awards for Top Stud Dog, Top Brood Bitch, Top Exhibitor, Top Breeder, etc. for the first time. This information will be made available to the members as soon as we have completed our project.I would like to touch base with you in regard to membership dues. The time has just recently gone by for renewing our memberships. At the end of the courtesy deadline there were still 30 some members who had not renewed. A second notice was sent out to these members and most of them replied. However, the Annual Reports and Membership Roster was held up beyond the deadline to allow for this further extension of time, thereby enabling everyone to be listed in the Roster. It would be nice in the future if we could try and adhere to these dates so everyThisclub is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection anc advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership tc all who are interested in these principles anc aims.If you are interested in joining the club Please contact Mrs. Audrey Roberts, 1410 S 10th. St., Leesville, LA 71446.If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, Johr Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047KENNEL VISITThe October 1989 issue will feature c Kennel Visit once again. We will travel tc Ohio and the Animation Kennels of Lorindz Vasuta and Darren Lane. Please remembei them with congratulatory ads when you are sending ad copy for the August 15, 1985 deadline.CLASSIFIED ADSQuality Parti Pom puppies available this summer. Rainbow of colors Lynn Travis 5890 Collins Rd. E., Pt. Orchard, WA 98366 206 871-1071Pagalew Pomeranians offers a litter of 4 borr May 4. Sired by the Number 2 sire for 1988 Ch. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster xCrescendo Alle- gretta. Inquiries invited. Paul G. Lewis, 115 Crystal Way, Dade City, FL 33525 904 521 34136 POMERANIAN REVIEWDupre's Pomeranians5Vv r4 5._ _Dupres Sparkling Cold ToyCh. Dupre's Sparkling Gold Buster x Emcee's Diamond Chippa"Toy" is pictured at 10 months of age winning BOW for a 3 pt. major at Newman K.C. under Judge Mrs. Lena B. Wiseman. My thanks to Mrs. Wiseman for recognizing Toy's qualities, and to Mr. Harry E. Pennington for the tender loving care and professional presentation given Toy. Toy, like his sire Buster, is very eye catching, with a beautiful temperament and loves to show.Congratulations to Frank and Marie Hueston of Ontario, Canada on finishing your new Canadian Champion Dupre's Sparkling Gold Duster with some very impressive wins. Your love, care and exhibition of Dusty is greatly appreciated as he is special.Show prospects currently being evaluated. All inquiries welcomed.OwnerBreeder Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. Rt. 2, Box 878-A Colfax, LA 71417 318 627-5180HandlerMr. Harry Pennington 2263 Coosawattee Dr. Atlanta, GA 30319POMERANIAN REVIEW 7Can. Ch. Dupre's Sparkling Cold Dusterr 7uft 769Mfta4aoALEXSMITHNEWGROUP 3 id.CHAMPIONST. CATHERINES___"Dusty"Dusty, another quality offspring ofCh. Dupre's Sparkling Cold Buster and Dupre's Diamond Cold Buttor who is major pointed with four 3 point majors is pictured winning one of his nice Group placements from th classes. Dusty completed his Canadian championship easily in less than a month taking Breed and Grouf placements over specials. Many thanks to his handler Mr. Luke Ehrichtof Kleinburg, Ontario and Judges Mrs B. McHugh, Mrs. M. Thomas, Grace Edwards, Ed Dixon, Aris Mackie, Charles Deer and Margaret Young.OwnerFrank and Marie Hueston RR 3, Dobbin Rd. Peterborough, Ontario Canada K9J 6X4 705 742-2576BreedeMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr Route 2, Box 878- Colfax, LA 7141 318 627-5188 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POM CLUB by Claire FlesnerOur Annual Specialty Show , banquet and meeting was held May 13 atWestSpring- field, MA in conjunction with the Springfield Kennel Club.There were 22 breed entries and 2 obedience entries.Breed judge was Alexander C Schwartz, Jr. and he chose Ch. Tomho Mega Pleaser, owned by Tommi Hooban for Best of Breed. Best of Winners went to Bel Canto La Cener- entola, owned by Jessie and Barbara Young. BestofOppositeSexwenttoCh.Tanglewood Humagumas, owned by Carol Aubit.After the judging we all enjoyed our annual buffet banquet prepared by President Gladys Dykstra and friends. We held our annual meeting after we had all stuffed ourselves.We elected the following officers President - Mrs. Gladys Dykstra Vice President - Jessie Young Treasurer - Howard Mooney Secretary - Alberta Mooney Board of Directors - Claire Flesner, Amy McKay, Barbara Young, Fran Richardson, Sally Misuraca and Garrett O'Dell. Award plaques were presented to all who had finished a champion or obtained an obedience title in 1988. Several new members were voted in at this meeting.We have lost two more members. Pam Welch died in February after a long bout with lymphoma. Pam's pride and joy was her beautiful mother-daughter brace who had back to back Best Brace in Show and 2 Brace Group Firsts. She was also a successful artist and many of her drawings have been selected for Cats Magazine and Irish Wolfhound and Golden Retriever publications. Pam and her dog family can be found on pages 225, 226 and 227 of the 1988 Anniversary Issue of the Review.Then in early May Norma Craven died suddenly. Norma dabbled in obedience with her Poms, butwas mostly noted for her hand crafted pillow sweaters of dog portraits. Weraffled off one of her Pom pictures at this meeting. Many of us will remember her as a quiet, unassuming person who was forever being the most helpful, unselfish person you would ever wantto meet. That's the way she was.We will miss both of these lovely ladies very much.Have you hugged your Pom todayNEWS FROM THE CAROLINAS by Patty GriffinThe Carolina Pomeranian Club has completed its first-year with success. We now have 63 members, many of whom are active exhibitors. We can't wait to get together at the shows to see each other, especially the new enthusiasts. You would find it hard to believe how we all pull for each other. We have held a few of our meetings at area shows and that always guarantees large entries. Our members have finished a large number of champions this year alone and many others are well on their way. I'm sorry I don't have a complete list to report at this time.Our treasury is in the black as a result of the generous donations to our silent aution held in conjunction with our Fun Match back in February. We have a lot of talented people in our club as was evident by the many handmade items.Our new officers for 1989 are Patty Griffin, President Steve McCall, Vice President Dot Martin, Secretary Lance Bryson, Treasurer Roger Beatty, Pat Brooks and Jerry Love, Board Members.We wish to extend a big thank you to Chris Heartz. She graciously donated a set of Pom prints The Four Seasons to our club. We are conducting a raffle for them. The tickets are 1.00 each and can be obtained from Lance Bryson, 535 Huffman Hill Rd., Burling Sif . SJ . 'Ornette ^PcmefianianbBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, INI. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner9355Ch. Great Elms Models TimstopperFee 150.00Standing at stud to approved bitches. 4 12 lbs., Deep orange. Free color picture and pedigree upoi request "Topper1'would have had an illustrious show career but he was sold just as soon as he was finished. Hi consistently beat BIS champions from the classes on his way to becoming a champion. We thank Ruth Beam his breeder, and Elaine Barbour, his previous owner, for allowing us to have this most exceptional stud.Puppies available and litter due from Topper as well as from the following studs Ch. Great Elms Pride an Joy, Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince, Ch. Great Elms Something Special, Ch. Great Elms Master Mark, Ch. Grea Elms Beam of Sunshine, Great Elms Topper of Lenette, Ch. Beaver of Lenette, Ch. Jakens Sweet William Ch.Watts Little Peper Tan Mo-Best, and Ch. Watts Little Blackjack.Please call or write for price list We offer our free newsletter to Pom breeders who are sincerely interestec in working together to breed a better Pom.Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette.Congratulations to Ruth Beam and hertwo newest Champions, Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince and Ch.Grea Elms Master Mark. Both of these fine champions are full brothers to Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II and Ch Great Elms Pride and Joy. Sired by Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x Great Elms Sweet Candy, dam of i champions including the top Pom in the USA and Top Pom in Canada.0 POMERANIAN REVIEWon, NC 27215. The drawing will be held at ur Fall Match in November.Speaking of our Fall Match, itwill be held it the Piedmont Kennel Club Show Grounds n Pineville, NC in conjunction with the Pied- nontShow. This is a three day circuit, so plan in attending. There certainly should be ma- ors. And bring those puppies alongCAROLINA POM CLUB MATCH by Patty GriffinThe Carolina Pomeranian Club held ts first Fun Match on February 25,1989 atthe Piedmont Kennel Club show ground in Pin- eville, NC. In spite of a heavy snow storm the day before, we had a nice turnout of lovely Poms. Upon arrival we found the building already warm and our ring set up - big enough or a Great Dane Specialty. Our little babies would have needed a nap before completing a full lap We quickly remedied the situation by pulling the mats in, arranging potted mums supplied by Lance Bryson between the mats and the gates, and moved the trophy table inside the ring. No one would have ever known this was our first venture. We drew a good audience from the obedience match being held at the other end of the building. Even seen a Pom puppy that couldn't get aBest Puppy in Match La Cheries Oreo Double Fudge. BreederOwner Handler Dot MartinBest Opposite Sex Puppy, Queenaire Suntlame. Owner Handler Patty Griffinlot of attentionTrophy Chairman, Judy McCall had selected paper weights featuring our club logo for each class winner and large trophies for the Bests. The President's Trophy for Best in Match was a Pom print with a black and gold frame.Our Match Chairman, Lance Bryson, had forethought enough to bring along two very capable friends, Pam and Harry. Pam stepped in and handled our entry table and replaced our snow-bound ring steward. Harry was everywhere makinghimself useful, especially handling our very successful silent auction.Our judging was expertly handled1Best in MatchBest Adult went to Great Elms Sweet Prince. OwnerBreeder Ruth Beam11V"S iCJ.BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidBI-MAR POMERANIANS Mary A Rosenbaum 36520 28th Ave. South Federal Way, Washington 98003 206 838-6397 206 927-2369FOR SALERed sable male, whelped 51086 by Ch. Creider's Smoke N Flame x a Ch. Creider's Sundance daughtei Proven sire, show quality. Show ring trained. Big coat with small ears.............................................................800.0Dark red male whelped 5886, sired by BISCh. Bi-Mar Sundance KidxaCh. Bonner's Co-Starlyn Newsmake daughter. Full brother to Ch. Bi-Mar's Bit of Tassajara. Proven sire, major pointed. Huge coat and show rin ready to finish......................................................................................................................................................850.0Orange male whelped 1389 by Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince full brother to BIS Ch. Great Elms Princ Charming x a daughter of Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge. Show quality with great personality....................... 750.0Red male by BISCh. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid xaCh. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter full sistertoCh. Bi-Mar Sunn Go-Lucky. Beautiful coat, baby faced and show quality. Puppies out of this same bitch are already majc pointed. Whelped 3289......................................................................................................................................850.0Several young show puppies by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, as well as several bred females.A "Sonny" grandson was Reserve Winners Dog from the 9to12 Puppy Class at the American Pom ClubSpecialt in New York for 1989.So if you want a winner, buy from a bloodline that has proved to be competitive all across the country.2 POMERANIAN REVIEWTuwest Opposite Sex Adult La Cheries Maid To Order. wners Dot Martin and Judy McCallwithout a complaint from a single exhibitor iy Maynard Wood, one of the most re- pected Pom handlers and Derial Jackson, Dng-time Pom enthusiastand columnist. The election of the male entry and Bests was 4aynard's responsibility, while Derial made is picks from the bitches. The results follow.'uppy Dogs 2-3 months. Majestic Bear of Lenette, breederowner ien Griffithuppy Dogs 4-5 months. Great Elms Tar Bear of Lenette, breeder wner Ken Griffith. Great Elms Timmy of Lenette, breederInterest ran high at our auction table.nnrt s lr-Margaret Samples and Maynard Wood admiring the Best in Match Trophy while Derial Jackson and Sweet Prince get acquainted.owner Ken Griffith Puppy Dogs 6-9 months1. La Cherie's Oreo Double Fudge, breeder owner Dot Martin2. Great Elms My Buddy of Lenette, breeder owner Ken GriffithBest Puppy Dog - La Cheries Oreo Double FudgeOpen Dogs1. Great Elms Sweet Prince, breederowner Ruth Beam2. La Cheries Little Sir Echo, breederowner Dot Martin3. Desiree's Echo Brooke, breeder Desaree Sandifer, owner Rodger BeatyWinners Dog - Great Elms Sweet PrincePuppy Bitches 2-3 months1. Great Elms Jewel of Lenette, breeder owner Ken Griffith2. La Cheries Licorice Liebchen, breeder owner Dot MartinPuppy Bitches 4-5 months1. McFoxfires Midnite Miricale, breeder JimmyCrane, ownersjimmy Crane and Judy McCallPuppy Bitches 6-9 months1. Queenaire Sunflame, breeder WandaRoach, owner Patty GriffinPuppy Bitches 10-12 months1. Tabitha of Lenette, breederowner KenpFIRST.fruD DOGAMERICAN ERANIAN CLUBEBRUARY DAVE ASHBETCh. Southlands Toasted FudgeLil ToastyTop Producing Stud 1988I'm so proud of "Lil Toasty." He's everything I had hoped for and more. He's pictured winning the Stud Do class at the American Pomeranian Club Specialty under Judge Janice Luginsland with four of his sons - multipl Group winner Ch. Jamel's Fugicle of Southland with Cheryl Jackson, BIS Ch. Southland's Mr VIP O' Ida wit Tony Cabrera, BOB winner Ch. Glen Iris Charlemagne with Jerrie Freia and puppy dogSouthland's Janesa Berr TBY with Marlene Presser. Thanks gang, for your help in New York and a special thanks to Cheryl Jackson fc the idea to enter "Lil Toasty" in the Stud Dog Class.Charlotte Creed 318 466-3456Southland - Rays of Sunshine6618 Lost Ridg Pineville, LA7136C4 POMERANIAN REVIEWGriffithBest Puppy Bitch - Queenaire Sunflame Open Bitches1. La Cherie's Maid to Order, breeder Dot Martin, owners Dot Martin and Judy McCall Winners Bitch - La Cheries Maid to Order Best Puppy in Match - La Cheries Oreo Double FudgeBest Opposite Puppy in Match - Queenaire SunflameBest Adult in Match - Great Elms Sweet PrinceBest Opposite in Match - La Cherie's Maid o OrderBest in Match - Great Elms Sweet PrinceParade of ChampionsCh. Watt's Little JoJo of Great Elms, breeder- owner Ruth L. Beam dogCh. Queenaire Starburst, breeder-owner Patty Griffin dogCh. Merrymont Image Maker, breeder-owner Patty Griffin dogCh. Queenaire Signature, breeder Wanda Roach, owner Patty Griffin bitchOHIO VALLEY POM CLUB by Judy ShearerThe O.V.P.C. celebrated its second birthday at our All-Toy breed match in Akron on March5,1989. A beautifully decorated birthday cake was donated by Ron Feyh, Larry Rookstool and Mary Pflaum. It was enjoyed by all following the match, including judges lim and Margaret Materna, two very lovely people.We've had an extremely busy year. In October of 1988 we had our Pom Specialty match at the Holiday Inn, Akron-South. There were lots of precious little babies to complicate judge Dee Lathram's decisions. Best Jr. Puppy was Crystal Sweet Sugardust, owned and bred by Jim and Judy Shearer. Best Sr. Puppy was Kra La Mar Bit O Honey, owned and bred by Doris Pressley. Best Adult wasCrystal Lite of L-R, owned and bred by Jim and Judy Shearer, with Best in Match overall going to the Jr. puppy, Crystal Sweet Sugar- dust.Using a Halloween theme, Chairperson Linda Meade also planned a costume contest which was won by Ch. Animation's Babe From Toyland and her junior owner who were wearing identical costumes. The owner is the daughter of Rebecca Parks, who surely spent much time making those nice costumes. Mary Pflaum judged this contest for us. It was a very difficult job as there were so many cute and original costumes.A Parade of Champions followed and included Ch. Emcee's O Suss'Anna, Ch. Animation's Babe From Toyland, Ch. Jer- ibeth's J-B Star and Ch. Bonners Penwag Sundust. Such proud little animalsOur supported entry with the Medina Kennel Club on December 16,1988 in Cleveland drew an entry under Judge Dorothy Bonner of33 Poms. Winners Dog was Windjammer's Mosaic Dream, owned by Riki Barker. Best of Opposite was Gatekeeper's Brat Pak-Rhatt, owned by Debbie McLellan. Best of Breed was Ch. Jeribeth's J-B Star, owned by Jim and Judy Shearer. O.V.P.C. expresses sincere thanks to all who supported us at this show.We were honored to be asked to chair the trophies for our Parent Club at their National Specialty Show in New York this year. Some very nice comments were received on our trophy table and choice of trophies. The O.V.P.C. and its members donated all the major prizes. O.V.P.C. President Ron Feyh was chief organizer of this affair and deserves much praise for all the time and energy he invested.And speaking of praise, Audrey Roberts and Sam Zaneoff and crews deserve lots of it. The Show went along very smoothly and the banquet at the Marriott was superb. These people sure know their businessOur All-Toy Match at Akron in March was won by a darling little Peke, owned byCft. Great Etms Prince Charming IIFirst Pomeranian in History Best in Show, Westminster Kennel Chib, 1988Prince congratulates his champion children listed below. There are many others, but we've been unable to stay on top of their winnings and championships. Please drop us a note and tell us about yours Ch. Emcee's Diamond Princesa Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Prince - multi group winner Ch. Harbin's Charming Touch Ch. Jane's Wee Prince O' Jeribeth Ch. Lord Greystone of Jeribeth Ch. Jeribeth Sir Lancelot - a multi group winner Ch. Jan-Shar's Fuzz BusterCh. Carton's King of Bavaria - Winners DogAPC Specialty, New York 1989. We're very proud of this exciting Prince Charming son, a consistent Group placer, now out and being shown. CongratulationsOlga and Skip are proud of the unbelievable winning and now, for his extraordinary producing. Aren't we luckyPrince is producingthe qualities in his offspring for which he is famous-the total soundness, shortness of body, correct huge coat, special showmanship and that "look" of what a Pomeranian should be.With limited stud use due to an extensive show career, Prince has still clearly demonstrated exceptional quality in his get. Multi-group winners, many fine champions and lots of exciting, upcoming new stars, sired by Prince Charming. Stud Fee 300.00.Owner OwnerSkip Piazza Breeder Olga BakerPennsylvania Ruth Beam Texas215 268-2266 713 326-225016 POMERANIAN REVIEWChris and Pat Dresser. Dorothy Kralik won the Bestjr. Puppy with her little Papillon, and Karen Frame had the Best Sr. Puppy with her Shih Tzu. As chairperson for this match, I found myself with very little to do, thanks to my super work crew. They're the best So I just had to amuse myself by playing with all those sweet, cuddly puppies and visiting with their friendly, outgoing owners. It was a tough dayOur Awards Banquet and elections are scheduled for June. The Nominating Committee really on the ball have presented their slate of officers already. It reads President - Jim Shearer Vice President - Bonnie Stetson Treasurer - Ruth Young Secretary - Judy Shearer Board of Directors - Ron Feyh, Larry Rookstool, and Carol Calavich.New members welcomed into the club in the past few months are Edna Cirardot, Vicki Clendenin, Skip Piazza, Pearl Fuhrer, Dorothy Silver, Mary Pflaum, and Paul Williams.Our next Pom Specialty Match will be held on Nov. 26. Location to be announced. You won't want to miss this one. Chairperson Bonnie Stetson and helper Donna Megen- hardt have really been busy. Lawrence Stanbr- idge will be our judge for this Super Match. Some of the prizes include a video camera and a trip for two to a choice of the Bahamas or Las Vegas Watch for more information on this real soon.We will again be supporting the Medina Kennel Club Show in December.Bring all those pretty Pom kids and join us for both eventsTill the next time, smile. It gets great returnsPUGET SOUND POM CLUB REPORT by Wendy FeistDespite the snow, ice and rain this past winter, we all managed to continue lots of activities from club events to attending shows near and far. Now the sunshine is with us just in time for all the outdoor events.One such event was our breed booth at the Seattle Kennel Club show. With so many people in attendance it was a challenge for our members to answer all the questions. We had put together a video that was presented to interested passersby. Information on the Pomeranian and the club was handed out and a club scrapbook was on hand for viewing. Many thanks for a job well done to all those members who made this event a success It was the perfect way to educate the public about our special breed.The ongoing senior pet food drive continues to help those in need. Pet food donations are brought to each meeting and later distributed. Keep up the good work and remember those cans of dog food. Bring them to the next meeting.We now offer an Associate Membership. For more information contact Janelle Reich, Corresponding Secretary, 19910106th Ave. N.E., Arlington, WA 98223. It's the perfect type of membership for those who wish to belong, but have been unable to attend regularly due to conflicting activities or long distances.On April 9, 1989 we held our Sanctioned B Match. It was a tremendous success Food was sold - fantastic cheese cake that was simply sinful, turkey and the works on croissants, and these are just the highlights Our raffle table was filled with lots of donated goodies. The trophy table was a splendid display of various crystal pieces. Thanks to everybody who donated. It was a perfect day for a match - beautiful sunshine at about 70 degrees. Who could askfor more Itwould be unfair of me to say thank you to specific individuals as I could easily forget a helper.APOLLOETTESKMKr "At'-1 .vMl________ ,.'KalKaNSPECIALTfBEST INNOR. CAL CALIFORNIAtry1L11988 FOX A COOK.I. WARREN 408-726-3787Ch. Apolloette Foolish PleasureZack" came out of retirement at age 712 years to say HI and to show everyone how good he was looking. Judge Beverly Lehnig agreed and awarded him BOB at the Northern California Pomeranian Specialty. Thank you Beverly.Puppies Available - Show and PetMarlene and Marlin Presser 209 886-564021789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 9520518 POMERANIAN REVIEWThere were so many. I can honestly say that I've not attended a Pom Match where so much team work was evident. It was the entire team that made it a hit, not just one person. I feel lucky to have been a part of it. Living here in Portland it was a bit of a drive but every mile was well worth the effort. Everyone was treated so special as though we had just flown in from China. If you couldn't make this event, you really missed out. Be sure to join us at our next Sanctioned Match in the near futureIt was a pleasure to show under Judge Mary Ann Nixon. She was very professional and ready to give a bit of help and lots of patience to those puppies who decided to play "dust mop" rather than walk on lead. Blake Jones was a helpful ring steward, making sure that all made it to the ring and into the proper class. For some this was their first time at a match and he helped put armbands on exhibitors, watched a pup or two for the busy exhibitors and was generally very pleasant.First in the ring was the Obedience Competition under Judge Nora Higbee. It was fun and educational to watch as Nora always does a fantastic job, giving 100 of herself all the time. The winner was Julie Lindgren with her "Buffy."Nora also judged Junior Showmanship and the winner was Ryals Sir Blitzen with owner Viola Children.Next came the Regular Classes and the winners are as follows2-4 month Puppy Dog1. Ryals Sir Blitzen, Viola Children 6-9 month Puppy Dog 1. Tomanolls Lucky Strike, Shirley Bradley Open Dog1. Bandit, Alicia HeggerstonBred by Exhibitor1. Ryals Sir Blitzen, Viola Children4-6 month Puppy Bitches1. Valcopy Wakhan Holly Co Lightly, Gemmilland Plonkey6-9 month Bitches 1. Feisty's Image of Covergirl9-12 month Bitches1. Bi-Mar's Heather of the Valley, Katherine Bartos-NegriOpen Bitch1. Harbin's Co For the Cold, Sylvia HarbinBred by Exhibitor1. Circus Circus Summer Samba, Barbara and Don DefordBest Puppy and Best in Match - ValcopyWakhan Holly Co LightlyBest Adult - Harbin's Go For The GoldBest Puppy and Best in Match Valcopy Wakhan Holly Co Lightly. Owners Dana Plonkey and Randy Gem- mill.There were 2 in the Exhibition class - Marjorie Baer and Julie Lindgren. Thank you to all exhibitors and spectators. There was a total of 19 Pomeranians shown. Considering that there were several other matches in the area that day, we had a fantastic turnout.The Club wishes to congratulate the following members and their new championsVictoria Lovely and Blake Jones finished Ch. Bi-Mar's Son N Dance Man, known to all as Danny. This spunkyfellow went BOB the first time in the ring as a Special. Is this a start for a young special, or what19tw qkL Q0-, S-1 \v\ 5C^ms \yyy- - i 7"vtern mu l feurTv- V lGROUPPLACINGSHAWNEE KENNEL CLUB 1989 KERNAN2z. cSi Zt7 zcxrood''s.ezA[ozazt'^.ufiLiszMy first homebred champion. Thank you Judge Mr. Robert C. Graham for your encouraging words when at the age of 7 months and his first show, you gave him Best of Breed. Since then under the caring, expert handling of Jackie Rayner, he's gone on to capture nine more Bests of Breed and four Group placements. What a teamA special thank you to Mrs. Sue A. Kauffman for his Group placementTo all the Judges who saw his special qualities, my heartfelt thanks. Words cannot express my joy.See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Bess P. Roberts 15802 Letcher Road Brandywine, MD 20613301579-6462J0 POMERANIAN REVIEWJane and George Reed finished Jane's Vee Prince O'Jeribeth, known to most as the lot and spicy Tex. He already has several SOB and a Group win under his belt.Congratulations to the following mem- ers on their recent wins4ary Rosenbaum with Bi-Mar's Sugar Pie Joney, who won a 5 point major Randy 3emmill and Dana Plonkey on Valcopy Vakhan She Bear, also a 5 pt. major winner it only 10 months of age Victor and Wendy eiston Feisty's Once In Blue Moon, another i pt major winner at 10 months and Feisty's ly-T-Fine, who at 8 months won a 5 pt. najor. Congratulations also to Nora Higbee ind Ingrida Gasaway on their Reserve wins.This writer feels it is more important to nention how individual members are doing upporting our breed and mentioning their pecial wins rather than giving exact stats rom the shows. The AKC Show Awards rublication does the job much better and it Jiminates tedious reading here. Further, I von't worry about hurting anyone's feelings y missing a placement We'll just talk about ill our members' accomplishmentsBy the time you get this the Summer Specialties will be over so congratulations in idvance to all the winners.THE SOONER POMERANIAN CLUB OF OKLAHOMA CITY, INC by Ray HudsonWe had our Annual Spring show on riday evening, April 14,1989 at the Midwest lity Civic Center. Our Sanctioned "A" match lad 50 entries with 91 persons in attendance.Our Puppy Sweepstakes was judged by 4s. Peggy J. Bush of Dallas, Texas and Regu- ir Classes by Mr. Fred C. Bassett of Fort Vorth, Texas. What a fantastic job they both lid. The Chief Ring Steward was Mrs. Susan erguson. The Show Secretary was Mrs. Brenda Judson and Show Chairman Mr. Ray Hudson.The Puppy Sweepstakes winners were HHH Forever Ember, owned by Peggy Hendricks going Best in Sweeps, and Benji Hot Shot Tradition, owned by Nina Epps and Mary Rinehart going Best Opposite Sex in Sweeps.The Regular Classes judging showed almost a repeat of the Sweepstakes winners and Benji Hot Shot Tradition going Best in Match and HHH Forever Ember going Best of Opposite.The Parade of Champions featured Ch. Carousel Class Tiger, owned by Mrs. Linda Gustafson AmCan Ch. De Artas Rock Music, owned by Nina Epps and Mary Rinehart Ch. Wee Robins Dancer of Oakridge, owned by Nina Epps and Mary Rinehart Ch. Carousel's Miss Bo Jangles, owned by Linda Gustafson and Ch. Puf-Pride TandilizingTawni, owned by Warren and Virginia Dimick.Following the judging was a Dress-up Parage with 12 entries. What a fun event it was. The gallery laughed throughout.Earlier in the evening we had a covered dish dinner for guests and members. The food was out of this world. We have fantastic cooks in our club. Everyone ate too much, but it was enjoyed by all, nonetheless.I want to thank all of you who showed and attended on behalf of the club. Your support is greatly appreciated. What a great job you all did. It takes all of us working together for better shows.I am proud of this ambitious, hard working club. The membership has grown to 53 with more coming next month. Two members finished champions in the month of February - Brenda Hudson and Mary RinehartBe sure to look for the Sooners in the show ring.We are looking forward to ourfirst point show.POMERANIAN REVIEW 21c. J parouse r omeramansArt and Linda Gustafson 405391-2960Ck CGlass TigerPuppies Available5001 S. Peebly Rd. Newalla, OK 74857E Clio Creider5 Coca ColaKrAmerican Canadian Mexican andInternationalCh. Bi-Mar Bit of TassajaraWho would have known a little dog of 14 months, known as "Little Shit" could have gone so far That was how old he was when I purchased him. He apparently never missed an opportunity to lift his leg on the nearest person, judges included. Three days at home and I could not have asked fora more perfect gentleman. He still has his hang-ups, such as never eating in a corner, being terrified of fly swatters and stopping showing if yanked by the lead. He will only show for me and show he does, no matter how hot, cold or wet the weather may be. The word "handsome" to him, means it's time for a bath and I will find him bouncing around my feet He matured late and was not shown as a Special until he was four years old. The 1988 final ratings has him as 7 in the Nation.His use as a stud dog has been very limited and then he has basically produced bitches, who are, luckily, producing some nice mixed litters. He has finally given me a son who isfour months old and shows every indication of being just like papa. His first two litters of granddaughters are now all in show homes and five are in the ring.Now, at almost 6 years of age, he deserves to go into semi-retirement Puppies occasionally. See Stud Register for fees and pedigree.Thank you, JudgesCanadaWDBOB over 3 specials Group IIIMexican and International May 4, 5, 6, 7,1989 BOB and Group 1 BOB and Group II BOBBOB and Group IIIBessie Pickens USA Mr. James Reynolds Canada Mr. Paola Donina ItalyMr. Antonio Barone Brazil Dr. Vaterio Rivero Mexico Mrs. Dorothy Welsh USA Mrs. Elaine Young USAOwnerHandlerEmily Untalan 10255 S.W. Kable Tigard, OR 97224oi V IV,S\UoI ,t 'I5. t 1rdfclFEutRACION iptCANOFILA lI MEXICANAOEPRin.^MFlYD 8V L -.,\0l"- id GrnkUoB.4aumtF ll Til W7 it AHA r.24 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dog's name, color, sex, breeder's name, owner's name, city and state on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that don't need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor, Phyllis Ripley, 6902 E. 1st St., Tucson, AZ 85710.CH. ANIMATION'S WILEY B. CYOTEOrange MaleBreeder Lorinda VasutaOwner Lorinda VasutaDarren LaneCh. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II Great Elms Sweet Candy Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold PrinceCh. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Harbin's Touch of ClassCh. Harbin's Black Cold of India Jewel Ken Crumpet N' Cream Ch. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy Jewel Ken Little White Dove Ch. Animation's Tweety BirdCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Ch. Emcee's Suss'Anna Hillsboro's Little MissyCH. FRY'S MAGIC KAMEHAMEHAOrange MaleBreederOwner Nancy Fry and Jennifer CarltonCh. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Ch. Millamor's Trademark Millamor's Musical Box AC Ch. Millamor's I'm A Windjammer Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Millamor's Rock Rosette Millamor's Marrilynn Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Dixieland's Rock ofMillamor Dixieland's Veronica Ch. Fry's Magic JeanneMaximilian's Brite Buttons Fry's Charming Muffy J.J.'s Golden CharminCH. FRY'S MAGIC PRUOrange FemaleBreederOwner Nancy Fry and Jennifer CarltonCh. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Dixieland's Rock ofMillamor Dixieland's Veronica Ch. Brown's Rock N RobinCh. Brown's Fancypepper Mark Ch. Brown's Fan Magic Skeeter Cal Millamor's Magic Dragon Pixie's Maximilian Maximilians' Brite Buttons Hot Shot's Brite Delite Fry's Charming MuffyJitterbug's Jingle-Jangle Joy J.J.'s Golden Charmin Gay Golden CharmCH. GLEN IRIS STAR AMETHYSTEOwner Cheryl JacksonCh. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Ch. Southland's Toasted FudgeCh. Southland Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Jamel's Fugicle of SouthlandCh. Southland's Fudge Generation Ch. Jamel's Smudge Orange Parfait Sharel's Tootie of Sunkist Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster Bev-Nor's Missy Miss Janesa's Maybe She WillCh. Janesa's Whatta Gambler Janesa's Precious LoveDarkahl's Because Ima LoveViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. We invite our readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects.POMERANIAN REVIEW 25Tim Sue Pomeraniansj__Stud Fee 200.00.Ch Tim Sue'sCh. Chriscendo City LightsCh. Millamor's Rock MusicAC Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Millamor's Rock Rosette AC Ch. Millamor's Rock MedallionCan. Ch. Chriscendo ChattelaineMercer's Melodee TouchCongratulates 4 new champion children Ch. Tim Sue's Duchess Delight Ch. Tim Sue's Sunlight Ch. Tim Sue's Harbor Lights BIS Ch. Tim Sue's Dixie DynamicAt home withTim and Sue GoddardBreederCo-Owner Christine HeartzHigh LightsAC Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert AC Ch. Chriscendo City LightsCan. Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Ch. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon RockCh. Tim Sues Angel Sabrina Tim Sue's Charlie Parti-ArkCongratulates his newest champion daughterLLL High Lights ThumbelinaBOS to her sire at the DallasFt. Worth Specialty.Breeder-Co-Owners Tim and Sue Goddard RL 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318543-6622Co-Owner Janice Luginsland Stud Fee 200.006 POMERANIAN REVIEWIH. HILANE'S FRICK3Iack Male3reeder Jerome Cushman and J. Ravner Dwner Lorinda Vasuta and Darren LaneCh. Bonner's Lisastar Legacy Ch. Silver Meadows Pep'r O' Legacy Ch. Silver Meadow's Sparkle Plenty Ch. Ea-Don's Mister SandmanCh. Shadra's Battery Not Included Hilane's Mystic Starlette Hilane CielCh. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Snowfire Pecan Sandy Mi-Lo's Rosie of Snowfire Ch. Lady Diana of HilaneHuegel's Cannonball Express The Pines AradiaThe Pines Charlie's AngelCH. IDLEWYLD DAYBREAK FUN, FUN FUNDark Orange MaleBreeder Fran Day WarrenOwners Margaret R. McKee and Fran DayWarrenCh. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Mecee's Solid Cold Diamond Model's Solid Cold Ch. King Midas of Twin Pines Model's Majestic Prince Anwin's Tiny Honey BeeTinners Cotton Candy Dolly Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Ch. King Midas of Twin Pines Anwin's Tiny Honey Bee Daybreak's Help Me RhondaCh. Idlewyld Gemstone CDX Daybreak Bruiser of Idlewyld May Morning Small Talk CDCH. LLL BIT OF GOLD DANIELLEOrange Sable FemaleBreeder Janice L. LuginslandOwner Nancy L. Fry and Jeffifer CarltonCh. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Cricket LLL Lil Cold Copper Penny Ch. LLL Charming Gold BrandywineCh. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Gina LLL Lil Gold Copper Penny Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Cricket LLL Charming Cold Bonanza Ch. LLL Dancing Cold Gidget LLL Bonanza StellaAll-Star N' Hadleigh Yogi Bear Ch. Clayhaven Sweetwater Sioux LLL Happy Country DameCH. SILVERWOOD'S MOZART'S JUPITEROrange Sable Male BreeaerOwner Bess RobertsCh. Watts Little Chipper of Great El ms Ch. Watts Little WahooWatts' Little Crisco of Scotia Silverwood's Foul Play O' WattsCh. Wynningway's Ever Reddy Ch. Wynningway's Tiffgem O' Scotia Ch. Scotia Braum Tiffany Gem Great Elms Tiny Jamie Ch. Watts' Little Dynasty of Great Elms Great Elms Sugar Roberts Little Pitty PatPom Acres tbony Chip Lalynnes Puff PuffLalynnes SugarshamCH. SOUTHLAND'S SIR IMPRESSIVEMaleBreederOwner Charlotte CreedCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy Ch. Bev-Nor's Southland Sinsation Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Lynnwrights' Miracle Worker Pom Run's Lit Nioca May Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Southland Fudge Double DipCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Delight Bev-Nor's Sweet and SassyCH. TIM SUES DUCHESS DELIGHTFemaleBreedersOwners Tim and Sue GoddardCh. Millamor's Rock Music AC Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Millamor's Rock Rosette AC Ch. Chriscendo City LightsAC Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch Ch. Jolly Wee I'm A Pepper Too Jolly Wee Duke of the West Ch. Jolly Wee Joy of Peppi Tim Sue's Duchess SabrinaCh. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock Ch. Tim Sue's Angel Sabrina Tim Sue's Charlie's AngelPOMERANIAN REVIEW 2THE LGDKOur first Calvin" puppies continue to please us. As always, there are not many. Our goal continues to be to produce a few quality puppies, combining type, style and soundness.We are pleased to announce that "Calvin" will be at stud with Skip Piazza. We hope you will take advantage of his visit and have some of your own "Calvin" babies. His pedigree is listed in the Stud Register.Co-Owned with Eleanor W. Miller, MillamorOwned and bred byJohn and Christine Heartz P.O. Box 189 Brookfield, N.S.Canada BON 1 CO 902 673-2446Can. Am.Ch.At Stud with Skip Piazza R.R. 1, Box 527B Church Road Avondale, PA 19311 215 268-2266Calvin Kleina Photo by Kim Baxstromecenaa28 POMERANIAN REVIEWZH. TIM SUE'S HARBOR LIGHTSvfalebreeders Tim and Sue Goddard Dwner Susan ConleeCh. Millamor's Rock Music AC Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Millamor's Rock Rosette VC Ch. Chriscendo City LightsAC Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch Ch. Jolly Wee I'm A Pepper Too Jolly Wee [Juke of the West Ch. Jolly Wee Joy of Peppi rim Sue's Duchess SabrinaCh. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock Ch. Tim Sue's Angel Sabrina Tim Sue's Charlie's AngelZH. TIM SUE'S SUNLIGHTemaleBreeders Tim and Sue GoddardDwners Tim and Sue Goddard and CarolynIrockettCh. Millamor's Rock Music AC Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Millamor's Rock Rosette VC Ch. Chriscendo City LightsAC Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch Ch. Jolly Wee I'm A Pepper Too Jolly Wee Duke of the West Ch. Jolly Wee Joy of Peppi "h. Tim Sue's Sunshine SabrinaCh. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock Ch. Tim Sue's Angel Sabrina Tim Sue's Charlie's Angel"H. DIA'S APRICOT BRANDY BEARDrange FemaleBreeder David A. Hogg, Richmond. IN Dwner Renee McGrath, Greenfield, INCh. Millamor's Mark Reflection L-R's Disco Boogie Bear Chatter Boxl-R Dia's Pied Piper BearCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Dia's Sugar Princess Bear Dia's Penelope Bear Ch. Millamor's Mark Reflection L-R's Disco Boogie Bear Chatter Box of L-R Dia's Brandy BearMi Boy Bronco Dia's Penelope Bear Wells' Mandy Lee Remember Whenby Dorothy BonnerSoot the Black Labrador, our former friend, does not visit us any more. Since his disastrous experience here during a daily excursion, he probably takes a long path around our acreage which he imagines is equipped with booby-trapped fencing to be avoided at all costs. However, I did run into his owner the other day who told me about a funny situation, incidently triggered by Soot.This was how it was told to me"Last month a real nice family moved in to the place adjoining ours and we felt fortunate to have such amiable friends. Their kids had a big white rabbit that seemed a valued pet. Last weekend they took off in their mo- torhome for a couple of days at the coast. During that evening, everything seemed normal, but we really did notseeSoot, or miss his usual request to come in for the night. The next morning I opened the front door and there sat Soot on the porch with the neighbor's dead rabbit in his mouth. I was horrified to image the neighbor's homecoming and the inevitable loss of friendship. Soot was reluctant to give up the rabbit, although he probably considered it a valuable gift to me, unmangled but very dirty. Devious thoughts entered my mind, and a "way out" defeated that of an honest confession. So I gave the rabbit a bath and carefully dried his fur. Then I walked over next door and put him back in his hutch. Soot took the loss quite casually and we saw that he was in the house early that evening."The neighbor returned on Sunday and I dreaded contact with him. My heart sank with the sight of the neighbor coming up our driveway. After small talk of a pleasant weekend, he finally confided, "A funny thing happened while we were away, something that we cannot explain. Our rabbit died and we buried him just before leaving and after we returned, the children found his body back in the hutch."rExoticaCh. Mercer's Exotica is a 4 12 lb wolfsable. We haven't met anyone who has not complimented us on his exciting color. He has produced this color as well as black and tan. He also has the breeding behind him to carry through with the qualities that we desire in a Pomeranian. Stud fee 150.00.Dan and Joellen Mercer P.O. Box 147 Big Springs, NE 69122 308 889-3109Cft. Mercers ExoticaCh. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonner's Co-Starlyn Newsmaker Ch. Bonner's Starcrest CoquetteChesai News FlashA1C Ch. Collier's Golden Beri Collier's Golden CharleneVC Int. Ch. Maken's Sun Cricket Ch. Mercer's Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Mercer's Touch O DukeCh. Bonner's Starcrest MinetteMercer's Starlett TouchCh. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Mercer's Dark StarTri-Don's Shadee Ladee"V30 POMERANIAN REVIEWO rentier s Butterfly of LoveCreider's Tulsa Tornado x Ch. Creider's Spoonful of SugarThis lovely, orange sable bitch attained her championship in four weekends of shows. Flawlessly presented by Kathy Bucher, Love was undefeated after her first win.A big'thank you" to Dudley and Wanda Roach for allowing their Ch. Great Elms Chip of Gold to visit me. Chip is a grand specimen of his lineage, a full brother to Ch. Great Elms Shining Star and a half brother dam's side to Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II Chip will be at public stud while in Tulsa.Mrs. Norma Creider Rt. 9, Box 674 Tulsa, OK 74107 918 446-6839POMERANIAN REVIEW 31iieenaire,Clio Great El ms Gulp of GoldCh. Great Elms TimstopperToox Creat Elms Sweet Candy Handler Kathy BucherBecause of the many requests for stud service on Chip, we have sent him to his most devoted admirer, Mrs. Norma Creider, to stand at stud temporarily.Choice puppies at a reasonable price available. Inquiries are invited.Dudley and Wanda Roach 612 Woodrow Avenue Modesto, CA 95370 209 529-5270t Av "'m^ i MlChip's Agent Mrs. Norma Creider32 POMERANIAN REVIEWCarved Prehistoric Figurine of the Pomeranian ProgenitorDear Mrs. Ripleylam a member of the American Pomeranian club, but have been residing in West Germany the past 20 years. I am also a member of the German Pomeranian Club Verein Fuer Deutsche Spitze.I thought perhaps the subscribers to the Pomeranian Review might enjoy reading the following enclosed story about the prehistoric progenitor of the present-day Pomeranian. Mrs. Eyke Schmidt-Rohde, correspond- ingSecretaryofthe German Pomeranian Club and Director of the Archives for the German Pomeranian, sent me the enclosed material, which I condensed and translated. Mrs. Schmidt-Rohde is also a leading journalist for the FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale in West Germany. She is the author of a book on the German Pomeranian and has published many articles on this and other Spitz breeds here in West Germany.As you know, the origin of the modern Pomeranian can be traced back to Germany.Most sincerely,William Ledbetter Kronthaler Weg 14 6236 Eschborn-2 West GermanyWork recently done underground brought this carving of a little black Pomeranian-like dog back to the light of day after having been buried nearly 22 centuries. This little carved figurine height 2 inches length 2 23 inches made of black amber jet and found along with three pieces of pottery and a black amber ring jewel had probably belonged to the female member of a Germanic tribe after cremation, as was the burial custom of Neolithic Stone Age man in Central Europe around200 B.C., her ashes along with treasured personal belongings had been collected and buried in an urn, which resembled a bucketshaped earthenware pot. Recently these items were all discovered purely by chance deep underground beneath the cellar of an old house being renovated, which is located at the Market Square by the White Tower in Darmstadt, West Germany 25 miles south of Frankfurt.ra Black amber or jet is a fossil petrified hardwood. This little black figurine clearly represents the progenitor of our modern Pomeranian. Carved with a knife around 200 B.C., this tiny model amazingly shows breed characteristics most typical of our modern Pomeranian the neat, wedge-shaped little head with a fine muzzle and ears mounted high on the head unfortunately, the ear tips of the figurine were mutilated. The legs, also stubbed unfortunately, were originally at least twice as long as those which the figurine now embodies. The tail, so characteristic of our modern Pomeranian, turns over the figurine's back and unmistakably proves this ancient dog's identity as a representative of the Spitz family, to which our modern Pomeranian, of course, belongs.POMERANIAN REVIEW 33Great Elms Kennels, Reg'd- -'BESTOF WINNERS oCAROLINA KENNEL CLUB MARCH1989 DAVE ASHBEYCh. Great Elms Sweet PrinceStud fee 150.00 Full brother to Prince CharmingShown exclusively by Margaret Samples of Amzi Poms.We also have another new champion - Ch. Great Elms Master Mark, also a full brother to Prince Charming and litter brother to Ch. Great Elms Pride and Joy, Ch. Great Elms Fire Starter and Ch. Great Elms Fire Fighter.Five champions at stud to matrons brought to kennel. Stud fees 100 and 150. Congratulations to Dolores Watts for her new champion Watts Little Peaches, sired by our Great Elms Bobby Beam.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937 Pineville, NC 28134 704 889-923334 POMERANIAN REVIEWThis ancient carving of our Pomeranian's progenitor, as pictured here, is notan isolated finding. Up until now, eleven similar figurines, all of which date back to the late NeolithicStoneAge, have been discovered at nine different locations within a 50-mile radius of Frankfurt, West Germany. Of these eleven models, four were carved from black amber jet and the others were molded from kaolin clay or bronze.According to a prominent German Archaeologist, Dr. Werner JornsSuch ancient figurines of the Pomeranian progenitor were commonly made and treasured by female members of Germanic tribes originally inhabiting the Elbe River regions of North Germany. Numerous works of art which have been discovered here in Germany since the turn ofthe century and which date back to the late Neolithic Stone Age, a period of frequent and recurrent Germanic tribal migrations from present-day Denmark and North Germany into Central Germany, Northern Austria and Switzerland and a period in which the Germanic tribes peacefully co-existed with the Celtic tribes of the new regionstothesouthintowhichtheym igrated, show that this ancient progenitor of the present-day Pomeranian was always the most- treasured household companion."Mrs. Eyke Schmidt-Rohde, leading FCI journalist and prominent canine expert of West Germany, whose primary interests focus on Pomeranians and other German Spitz varieties, writesFossil skeletal remains, which archaeologists have discovered all over the world, prove that the dogs of Stone Age man belonged, without exception, to the Spitz family, of which the Pomeranian is an important member. The close bond between the lives of man and Spitz, which dates back thousands of years, is documented clearly by drawings and sketches on the walls of caves in Spain, Italy, Scandinavia and the Sahara, in pictures on Greek vases and Roman coins, in tinyfigurines of prehistoric Spitz dogs buried with their owners, as well as by amulets belonging to various ancient tribes, for example the Elamites and the Vikings. Due to superb utility characteristics, adaptability, intelligence and minimal maintenance requirements, the Pomeranian and other Spitz breeds have remained for mankind, whom they have faithfully served since time immemorial, an indispensable, invaluable life-supporter. Today one can scarcely fathom or imagine how much throughout the centuries the Pomeranian and other Spitz varieties have contributed to man's welfare. As an unbribable guard, they have watched over his house, household, homestead and livestock, have guided their masters safely through the wilderness, have comforted the lonely, have warmed babies, tiny toddlers and the elderly with their heavy, dense coats and warm bodies all Spitz breeds have a normal body temperature of ca. 102 degrees Fahrenheit - and as a last resort, they have saved their masters from starvation as a final food source."Pictured below is the best of the other ten discoveries within a 50-mile radius of Frankfurt, West Germany. This figurine is also carved from black amber jet stoneBlack Amber Figurine found near Frankfurt, West Germany in 1950 dated 200- 100 B.C.BEST OFBREED . Li_iWILLAMETTE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB WINTER 1989ruiLJj Ch. Danny Danny is shown above winning Best of Breed his first time out as a special. The weekend before, Dan finished by going WD for 5 points and BOW and BOW. Thankyou judges Jean Lepley, Lucretia Dye, and Sharon Krogh pictured above.For Sale by OwnersHandlersVictoria Lovely and Blake Jones 12022 30th St E.Puyallup, WA 98372 206 863-860836 POMERANIAN REVIEWMARSHIRE KENNELS, Reg'd,mAm, Can. Ch. Emcees Solid Gold AmigoIn limited showing Amigo has achieved Multiple Best in Show and Best in Specialty Show wins Number 1 Pomeranian in Canada Number 3 Toy Dog in Canada 1988 Producing beautiful puppies.Marlene and Frank Penney 416 875-0269MARSHIRE KENNELS, Reg'd.430 Kingsleigh Ct. Milton, Ontario, Canada L9T 1X8POMERANIAN REVIEW8 POMERANIAN REVIEWmI ItCH. SUNGOLD'S SOLOCh. Sundot's Just A Nip Ch. Mullers Just A Nip Jr.Blossom View Scarlet Ch. Sungold's Kazar's QuarterbackCh. Sundot's Ramboling Man Mullers Rambolin' Rose Mullers Best Bett La Ritas Takesonetoknowone Ch. Quesera Spirit of La RitaLa Ritas Top Doll By Kash Ch. Sungold's Portrait of Que SeraGolden Glow Sugar George Ch. Cigi of Golden GlowCh. Bet-lou Little Dukes Joy4 12 lbs. Red SableBest of Breed Pom Specialty winner. Gorgeous head, harsh coat, tiny ears. Stud fee on request.VCH. SUNGOLD'S MAX OF HARBIN5 lbs.Brilliant orange with outstanding legs and movement. Stud fee on request.CH. AUTUMN'S ROMAN OF BI-MAR5 lbs.Orange sable with extremely short back, utstanding legs and tremendous coat. Stud fee on request.Star Dust PomeraniansGail Jeub9100 61st Avenue Circle North Minneapolis,MN 55428 612-537-1413Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Cedarwood's Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elms Prince CharmingCedarwood's Gola Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Dolly Ch. Model's Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Model's Solid Gold Ch. Harbin's Touch of ClassCh. Jestom's Tim Image Ch. Harbin's Black Gold of India Ch. Tiffany's Star of IndiaStar Dust PomeraniansGail Jeub9100-61 st Ave. Circle North Minneapolis, MN 55428 612-537-1413Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanoll's Juliet Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidCh. Sunray's Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Cricket by JJ of Andrews Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanoll's Juliet Bi-Mar MistyCh. Golden Clow Nip Bi-Mar Carmel Candy Bi-Mar Kandi KaneStar Dust PomeraniansGail Jeub9100 61st Avenue Circle North Minneapolis, MN 55428 612 537-1413POMERANIAN REVIEWPHYNER STORMY KNIGHT5 lbs.Jet black, tiny ears, outstanding legs and movement, fantastic personality. Has 9 points including a 4 point major. Stud fee on request.Ch. Queenaire Gambling Du Ch. Moreno's Critics' Choice Jubilee's RebelCh. Moreno's Night Storm by ChoiceDaPs Shoe Shine of Nickey Moreno's Black Trinkette Audrey's Little Buffy Ch. Queeanire Gambling Du Ch. Moreno's Critics Choice Jubilee's Rebel Ch. Phyner Black MoleculeCh. Moreno's Critics' Choic Phyner SpellbinderPnyner Kitchen WitchStar Dust Pomeranians Gail Jeub9100 61st Avenue Circle North Minneapolis, MN 55428 612 537-1413J.CH. SOUTHLAND' N BEV-NOR'S TAR BABYBlack and TanMulti BOB winner, finished with 3 majors, the first a 4 point major from puppy class. Puppies available Stud fee 200.00Ch. Theldun's Almond Fud^ Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted FudgeBev-Nor's Sweet ana Sassy Ch. Southland's Toasted FudgeCh. Theldun's Almond Fudj Ch. Southland Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Deligf Ch Theldun's Almond Fudg Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted FudgeBev-Nor's Sweet ana Sassy Bev-Nor N Southland PoastyCh. Great Elms Timstopper Tc Bev-Nor's Missy MissGreat Elms Honey BunLinda Brogoitti 1011 W. Campbell Ave. Phoenix, Az 85013 602 265-4946\ 5.CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THORGroup winner, multi group placer, clear orange, heavy bones, 5 lbs., one champion son this year, another son major pointed. Stud fee 175.00Ch. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamor's Moon RockMillamor's Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Dixieland's Style Stepper Dixieland's VeronicaMillamor's Melody Box Ch. Mercer's Touch O Duke Ch. O My Patty's Touch-O-Pepper Circle M Patty Pepper Cee O My Starmist MinuetteCh. Parti-Arks Stardust of Mercer Joda's Starkist of Patri-Ark Parti-Arks Sugar SpiceStolanneFrances J. Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-3857POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. SOUTHLAND'S TOASTED FUDGETop producing Sire 1988 with 11 champions. Sire of BIS and Group winners.CH. SOUTHLAND'S MR. VIP O' IDABIS at 11 months. Watch for his puppies soon.I LCH. SOUTHLAND'S SIR IMPRESSIVESir finished with 3 majors and one BOB over specials.May Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted FudgeCh. Lennis'Tar BabyofGreatElms Bev-Nor's Sweet SassyBritton's Little Miss Muffett May Morning Social Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Ch. Southland's Happy Birthday BilCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Delight Bev-Nor's Sweet SassyBreedersOwnersCharlotte Creed Southland 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted FudgeBev-Nor's Sweet ana Sassy Ch. Southland's Toasted FudgeCh. Theldun's ATmond Fudge Ch. Southland Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Delight Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster Bev-Nor's Missy Miss Ida's Princess of Bev-NorMcKamey's Ideal Cem Ida's Magnolia Blossomlaa's Itsy Bitsy Angel BabyOwnersEdward Jenner and Charlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted FudgeBev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy Ch. Bev Nor's Southland SinsationCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Lynnwrights Miracle Worker Pom Runs Lit Nioca May Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Almond FudgeCh. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Southland Fudge Double DipCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge DelightBev-Nor's Sweet and SassyOwnerBreederHandlerCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456POMERANIAN REVIEW 4PUF-PRIDE BIT O GOLD CHANCE4 12 lb orange sable, lovely head, small ears, sound, excellent movement, 12 points to date.CAN. AM. CH. CHRISCENDO CALVIN KLEIN4 12 lb. orange Group winner Canada and U.S.LCh. Joda Ephibus Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Deuce LLL Lil Golden Tiara Puf-Pride LLL Tandilizer C.D.Ch. LLL Happy Twinkling Tipp' LLL Happy Twinkling TangeLLL Lil Gold Copper Penny Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Cricket Ch. LLL Charming Cold Brandywine Ch. LLL FAncy Cold Gina LLL Bit O Gold JubilationCh. LLL Mite of Cold Sunny Rosewood's Gold Mite LegacyRosewood's Timstopper LegacyWarren and Virginia Dimick 8 BurkwayOklahoma City, OK 73115 405 677-2511Ch. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamor's Moon RockMillamor's Lulabye of Tim Sue Can. Am. Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Millamor's Marilynn LouLans April Cold Ch. Chriscendo Causin A Commotior Ch. Chriscendo Causin Comment Ch. Chriscendo Carlotta Chriscendo ConfettiCh. Emcees Sparkling Chip Chriscendo CassandraCan. Ch. Chriscendo ChatelaineCHRISCENDOChristine D. and John E. Heartz P.O. Box 189Brookfield, Nova Scotia, Canada BON 1CC 902 673-2446Ch. Scotia President Jim Ch. Fury's Bullet of Sun RayCh. Ballerina of Sun Ray Ch. Sun Ray's AmbassadorCh. Lancer of Sun Ray Ch. Sun Ray's Lil Rosette Sun Ray's Scarlet Ch. Fury's Bullet of Sun Ray Ch. Sun Ray's AmbassadorCh. Sun Ray's Lil Rosette Sun Ray's Lil DovieCh. Fury's Bullet of Sun Ray Sun Ray's Lady-Ora-TanSun Ray's Cold-RavenFern Rodrigues 8122 Royal Circle El Cajon, CA 92022 714 443-9946CH. SUN RAY'S BAT MANRed SablePOMERANIAN REVIEW12n.SEX I'I PhoebeCH. FRY'S MAGIC KAMEHAMEHAOrange. Very typey.AC CH. MILIAMOR'S I'M A WINDJAMMEROrange. Specialty and Croup winner. Sire of several champions.AC CH. EMCEE'S SOLID COLD AMIGOHeavy coated, 4 12 lb. dark orange. Multi BIS and BISS winner. Producing Beautiful puppies. See full page ad this issue.Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Ch. Millamor's Trademark Millamor's Musical Box AC Ch. Millamor's I'm A Windjammer Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Millamor's Rock Rosette Millamor's Marrilynn Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Dixielands Rock of Millamor Dixieland's Veronica Ch. Fry's Magic JeanneMaximilian's Brite Buttons Fry's Charming Muffy JJ's Golden CharminFry's Magic Pomeranians Nancy Fry Jennifer Carlton RR 2 Box 371 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-4528Ch. Dixieland's Style Stepper Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Dixieland's Dragonfly Delite Ch. Millamor's TrademarkCh. Millamor's Rock Music Millamor's Musical Box Millamor's Marlarky Ch. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamor's Moon RockMillamor's Lullaby of Tim Sue Millamor's Rock RosetteCh. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Millamor's Marrilynn LouLan's April GoldFry's Magic PomeraniansNancy Fry Jennifer Carlton RR 2, Box 371 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-4528Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Cold Mico Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Ch. Dupre's Sparkling Cola Buster Ch. Emcees Texas Pete Dupre's That's My DollyDupre's Ideal Mystery Girl Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Emcee's Diamond Solid Cold Emcee's Adorable Bit of Cold Dupre's Mona Lisa of Diamond Ch. Jeribeth's Ivan Ideal Dupre's Ideal Mystery GirlDupre's Cajun Dancing GirlMarshire Kennels, Reg'dMarlene and Frank Penney 430 Kingsleigh Ct.Milton, Ontario, Canada L9T 1X8 416 875-0269POMERANIAN REVIEW 4CAN. CH. TYNAN STAR CHASER O' POMSPRINGSRed Sable, 4 12 lbs. Sire of National Sweeps, Group winning and placing champions. At limited stud to approved ladies. Fee 200.00iCAN. CH. POMSPRINGS TICKLE ME TOOHuge, harsh orange coat. 5 lbs. Croup placer and US ptd. First litter on the ground. At limited stud to approved ladies. Fee 200.CH. JESTOM'S CHIPS FIRST EDITIONOrange sable. Multi group placements and wins. Sire of champion offspring.Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Imag Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie AC Ch. Great Elms Shining Star Cedarwood's Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Dolly Ch. Lennis' Tar Son's Image Ch. Emcee's Negrito Lindo Lennis' Red Amber Tynan Brazen RaisonEng. Am. Ch. Home James of Rosskrc Can. Ch. Coldblackacre Tynan Tylish Jayday's Dolly DaydreamPomsprings, Reg.Mrs. Elizabeth Dupuis P.O. Box 328Alexandria, Ontario KOC 1A0 613 347-2275Ch. Creat Elms Timstopper's lma Ch. Creat Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie AC Ch. Great Elms Shining StarCedarwood's Cola Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Creat Elms Dolly Ch. Scotia Treasure Dink Braum Scotia Braum's And Noel's Hutch Ch. Scotia Specky Molly Xmas No Can. Ch. Scotia Tickles Me PinkCh. Scotia Gadabout's Maxmillia Ch. Scotia Max's Platnum Queen Scotia Trails End Awhey We CoPomsprings, Reg.Mrs. Elizabeth Dupuis P.O. Box 328Alexandria, Ontario KOC 1AO 613 347-2275Ch. Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcee's Chips of DiamondEmcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of CoyCh. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamon Emcee's Golden Girl of Tammy Emcee's Tartan Tam Moren's Smokey Joe Tiffany's Puff of SmokeCron's Soda Price First Lady Ch. Tiffany's Star of IndiaRosewood's Timstopper Shado' Tiffany's Tammy of RosewoodRosewood's Timstopper PollyDaystarKaren Power N. 4180 Silver Lane Rathdrum, ID 83858 208 687-079114 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. QUEENAIRE STARBURSTRed Sable 4 12 lbs. Stud Fee on requestGREAT ELMS JOEY OF LENETTEPerfectly marked black and tan, 4 12 lb. Stud Fee 150.00PAWEE HEART'S HANDY MAN4 12 Bright Red Orange. Pointed get.Ch. Model's Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Apples Traveling Diamond Apples Traveling Crickett Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Mar-Bi-Leas Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwoods Laday Gaylor Ch. Emcee's Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcee's Terrific Wee ChipsEmcee's Golden Girl of Tammy Ch. Chip A Way's Diamond Keepsake Jolly Timstopper Sugar Boy Sweet Betsy of Timstopper Conway's BetsyCircus Circus Foxwood Barbara Don DeFord Cheri Peel5490 "A" St. SE 15143 Foxhill Rd. SEAuburn, WA 98002 Yelm, WA 98597 206 833-4634 206 458-3198Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Models Truly Fair Great Elms Tar BabyCh. Apples Traveling Buddy Apples Traveling CrickettMar-B-Leas Coodtime Cal Ch. Apples Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Cedarwood's Pitti Patti Millie of LenetteRosewood's Timstopper Top Cat Sabrina of LenetteGreat Elms Miss PiggyCircus Circus Foxwood Barbara Don DeFord Cheri L. Peel 5490 "A" St. SE 15143 Foxhill Rd. SEAuburn, WA 98002 Yelm, WA 98597 206 833-4634206 458-3198Ch. Scotia Colleen JJ's Major Dink Sir BassezzCh. Scotia Dandy's Treasure Chest Wee Heart's Tuffer N LoveCh.Scotia JD's I'm The Pied Piper Scotia Honey Rose SerinaCh. Scotia Braum Chintilly Lace Ch.Scotia Colleen JJ's Major Dink Sir BassezzCh. Scotia Dandy's Treasure Chest Wee Heart's Luvin KuddlesCh.Scotia ID's I'm The Pied Piper Wee Heart's Lullaby of ScotiaScotia Nugget's Happy G's TammyWee Hearts PomeraniansCassandra Ready Rt. 1, Box 167 JJ Graniteville, SC 29829 803 593-3600POMERANIAN REVIEW 4CH. EMCEE'S A CHIP OF DIAMOND4 12 lb. Orange Stud fee 150.003mMMCH. EMCEE'S I'M HY CHIPS3 12 lb. Clear Orange. Stud fee 150.00.CH. EMCEE'S GOLDEN TOPO DE ORO4 12 lb. light orange Stud fee 150.00Ch. Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcee's Chip of Diamond Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Ch. Emcee's Terrific Wee ChipsCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamoi Emcee's Golden Girl of Tammy Emcee's Tartan Tam Ch. Model's Mr. Roberts Ch. Model's Gold Memento Ch. Model's Lil Julie Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Miss ModelCh. Majestic Sparkling Diamonc Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Emcee's Tartan TamEmcee's Kennels Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Dr. Richmond, VA 23233 804 740-7977Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamon Ch. Model's Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Model's Truly Fair Ch Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Model's Son of Fun Model's Solid ColdModel's Bewitched Ch. Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcee's Chips of DiamondEmcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Emcee's Diamond CnippaCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamoi Emcee's Golden Girl of Tammy Emcee's Tartan TamEmcee's Kennels Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Dr. Richmond, VA 23233 804 740-7977Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Gold Mi Ch. Dupre's Sparkling Cold Buster Dupre's That's My Dolly Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold AmigoCh. Emcee's Diamond Solid Cc Dupre's Mona Lisa of Diamond Dupre's Ideal Mystery Girl Ch. Hillsboro's Golden Chip AC Emcee's Golden ChipCh. Jabil's Stephanie of Emcee Ch. Emcee's Golden JaymyCh. Lennis'Tar Baby of Great Eli Emcee's Tartan TamBritton's Little Miss MuffetEmcee's Kennels Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Dr.Richmond, VA 23233 804 740-7977D POMERANIAN REVIEWMERRYMONT LIL RED BEARONCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Great Elms Model's Timstopper Model's Sweet Leilani Ch. Coble's Traveling BearCh. Applets Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling ElviraAnwin's Fortune Cookie Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickett Apple's Traveling AlspiceDan Rastus of Dendy Dendy's Spice IIDendy's Teira Leai lb. red sable. Short back, excellent legs, super lay back. 2 Best in Match and 4 Match Toy Croup 1s before suffering a neck injury as a puppy. Proven. 100 to approved pitches.CH. MERRYMONT SAT'RDAY NITE FEVER3 12 lb. red sable. Medium bone, short ack, nice lay back, good legs, heavy coat. Cr. 1 at 6 months and 3 BOB in limited lowing. Producing oranges and reds. Fee 200 to approved matronsCH. TIM SUE'S HARBOR LIGHTSMulti BIS winner. Orange. Stud fee on request.P.J. Griffin 2767 Calumet St. Winston-Salem, NC 27106 919 724-7562Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickett Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Mar-Bi-Lea's Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Gaylor Ch. Great Elms Model's Timstopper Ch. Coble's Traveling Bear Apple's Traveling Elvira Yolanda's T Ch Apple'sDendy's Spice IIraveling Tequila. Apple's Traveling Diamond Traveling AlspiceP. J. Griffin 2767 Calumet St. Winston-Salem, NC 27106 919 724-7562Ch. Millamor's Rock Music AC Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Millamor's Rock Rosette AC Ch. Chriscendo City Lights AC Ch. Rock Medallion Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch Ch. Jolly Wee I'm A Pepper Too Jolly Wee Euke of the West Ch. Jolly Wee Joy of Peppi Tim Sue's Duchess SabrinaCh. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock Ch. Tim Sue's Angel Sabrina Tim Sue's Charlies Patri-ArkOwnersBred by Dr. Philip and Susan ConleeSue Goddard 2155 Olga St.Handled by Oxnard, CA 93030Joanne Reed 805 485-0857POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. POMAUNOK ADDENDUM4 12 lb. orange sable, excels in coat, legs, shoulder layback, proper eye and temperament.CH. POMAUNOK JUST A SPECK5 lb. red orange sable, excels in coat, tail set, tiny ears, sweet head with good wedge and stop.AM. CAN. MEX. I NT.CH. BI-MAR BIT OF TASSAJARAFlashy, 5 lbs., bright red, heavy coated. Multi Gr. winnerplacer. BISS. Perfect legs and movement. Stud fee 250.00.Ch. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonner's Lisastar Legacy Bonner's Little Miss Wag Ch. Silver Meadows Pep'r O' LegacyCh. Silver Meadows Sundae Ci Ch. Silver Meadows Sparkle Plenty Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Ft Lennis Tennessee Golden Boy Sunfox Skree MarrRiki Tiqi Tar of Lennis Starlite Shantilly LaceJubilee Lucky Chance Ch. Starlite's Lucky ShanticyStarlite's Ramboling FanticyPomaunok PomsFran Bosmann7 Summit Rd.Sparta, NJ 07871 201 729-7275Ch. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonner's Lisastar Legacy Bonner's Little Miss Wag Ch. Silver Meadows Pep'r O' LegacyCh. Silver Meadows Sundae Ci Ch. Silver Meadows Sparkle Plenty Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fi Lennis Tennessee Golden Boy Sunfox Skree MarrRiki Tiqi Tar of Lennis Starlite Shantilly LaceJubilee Lucky Chance Ch. Starlite's Lucky ShanticyStarlite's Ramboling FanticyPomaunok PomsFran Bosmann7 Summit Rd.Sparta, NJ 07871 201 729-7275Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Town Tall Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanoll's Juliet Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidInt. Ch. Sunray's Little Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Cricket by JJ of Andrew Ch. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonner's Co-Starlyn Newsmaker Ch. Bonner's Starcrest Coquett Bi-Mar Starlyn NewsflashCn. Great Elms Timstopper Tot Lennis' Great Elms AngelGreat Elms Angel of LenetteAutumn'sEmily Untalan 10255 SW Kable Tigard, OR 97224 503 684-17305 POMERANIAN REVIEWH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING IIExtraordinary in every way. Producer of any champions. Group winning kids. Stud Fee 300.XV7 5SSCH. SHY ACRES POM THUMB V. JERIBETHl 14 lbs. excellence of pedigree, sound- sss, perfect legsmovement, siring beautifully, gorgeous head. Stud Fee 150. CH. JERIBETH'S SIR LANCELOTdulti-group winner. Beautiful cream with t black pigment. Son of Prince Charming am Ch. dam. Proven sire. Stud Fee 200.Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling DiamondApple's Traveling Crickette Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Mar-B-Lea's Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Caylor Wood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Cold NuggetCedarwood September Dawn Great Elms Sweet CandyGreat Elms Red Robin Great Elms DollyGreat Elms Mol lieOwnersOlga Baker Skip Piazza207 Shirleen Dr. RR1, 527B Church R Seabrook, TX 77586 Avondale, PA 19311 713 326-2250215 268-2266Ch. Robinhood's Replica Rerun Ch. Robinhood's Instant Rerun Mac's Anticipation LLL Skip-A-Roo Mitey Dandy Ch. Joda Epnibus Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Gina Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Moon Walker Ch. LLL Lil Gold Moonshine LLL Moongold Simply SerenaLLL Charming Gold Bonanza LLL Scooter of Clay Haven LLL Happy Country DameJeribeth KennelsDarrell and Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586 713 326-2250Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwood's Image oFDiamond Cedarwood's Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming IICedarwood's Cola Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Dolly Pedron's Dragon Deuce Ch. Pedron's Mark or the Dragon Pedron's Mark of Dixie Ch. Jeribeth's Chula DragonetteGoldstorm of Highland Gad's Chula Orange MistTri-Art's Happy Lady BugJeribeth KennelsDarrell and Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586 713 326-2250POMERANIAN REVIEWrCH. GREAT ELMS FIREFIGHTERAlready siring outstanding quality, Chief is a 2 34 lb. full brother to Prince Charming. Totally sound, adorable. Stud Fee 200.Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickette Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Mar-Bi-Lea's Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Caylor Wood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Cold NuggetCedarwood's September Daw Great Elms Sweet CandyGreat Elms Red Robin Great Elms DollyGreat Elms MollieJeribeth Kennels Olga and Darrell Baker 207 Shirleen Dr.Seabrook, TX 77586 713 326-2250Photography in MotionAshbey-Nutting Productions239 East High St., Ballston Spa, NY 12020 518 885-1927American Pomeranian Club February 12,1989To receive a copy of the American Pomeranian Club National Specialty held February 12,1S at the LaGuardia Marriott, which we have video taped, edited and narrated, fill in the order fo below.Card Number 11 Mastercard [ ] V[ ] Check or Money Order enclosedExpiration DateVPiS tape of the show 50Shipping and Handling 3.Sub-Total 53,NYS Res. add Sales Tax __TotalSignature POMERANIAN REVIEWVal copy-Wakhanpresents another new homebred champion shown taking Best of Breed from the classesVi. m\vw\'WENATCHEE ' KENNEL CLUB SIMMER Of l1^Pfctor^y r- STEVEN ROSSCh. Valcopy-Wakhan Oh So SnazzyCh. Patrick's Mr. Dallas x Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High StyleFLASH Top showgirls sired by Ch. Merrymont's Sat'rday Nite Fever xTop producer Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan gh Style to top show homes only. Whelped Feb. 89.Jcopyma L. Plonkey 815 Manor Way derwood Manor, WA 98037 36 743-1601Wakhan Randy Cemmill 734 1 9th Ave. E. Seattle, WA 98112POMERANIAN REVIEWVal copy-Wakharvt.. ML- V. 7BEST OF DINNERSGREATER CLARK COUNTY KFHHELCLUBJMIUMnCALLED PHOTO 7Ch. Daystar New AttitudeLibbey is sired by Ch. Jestom's Chips First Edition and out of a Ch. Great Elms Shining Star daughter. Th you Karen Power for letting us acquire Libbey.Show puppies available from an Image son out of a Prince Charming granddaughter. Top show hoionly.ValcopyDana L. Plonkey14815 Manor WayAlderwood Manor, WA 98037206743-1601Wald Randy Gem 734 19th Ave Seattle, WA 98'POMERANIAN REVIEWGive Me An Old Blanket or Towel Any Dayby David EdwardsI sometimes think that we try so hard make life just a little bit more comfortable r our kennel dogs, that we go that one step a far. Right about now you might be wonring how this could be possible. I would e to take this opportunity to share an perience with you and perhaps by doing , say you money and most of all, the life of fear little friend.We all have our favorite four legged and that is allowed the total comforts ofour zy homes unfortunately, it is quite impos- ile to allow full run of the house to every- e. If you are anything like myself you try to end as much time in your kennel area as ssible with the other members of your dog nily. I am constantly thinking of ways to ike kennel life a bit more confortable for se dogs. After all, don't they deserve it ten friends who are not breeders or exhib- rs comment on how cruel it is to see these le darlings on cement and behind bars and hat a terrible life they must have." No itter how many times I've tried telling these ople that none is ever neglected they all reive the best of food and care and of urse, as much exercise and attention as I t give, 1 still felt badly. I began to wonder t wasn't in fact cruel.My thoughts turned to the kennel itself, ire through catalog after catalog, searching the one thing that would make their lives ittle better. All at once, there it was My irch was over. Huge, cedar-filled dog beds is was it what I had been seeking. They re so big that they would surely make my e ones comfortable. I had a king sized ter bed they should have a proportionate d bed on which to stretch out.The day the beds arrived i quickly ran ough the kennel area picking up those old vels and blankets, heading for the garbage 1 to throw them away. Never again wouldmy little ones have to scratch and pull towels and blankets in every direction to achieve that perfect shape into which to drop. No. They would have these nice, new, huge beds. And they deserved it I felt relieved.Last week, perhaps Monday or Tuesday, I decided to gather up all the beds, remove the covers and give them a good washing. I am sorry to say the beds get used for more than just sleeping. It was a real nice, warm day and everyone was running and jumping through the high grass. After a good long washing, I interrupted play long enough to dump all the covers into the dryer with a nice fabric sheet. I do it for my clothes they deserve as much.I went about my chores and when I returned to the wash room to check the dryer I could hear this tiny, tinkling sound like there were pins bouncing around in the dryer. My first thought was that there was something wrong with the machine. I opened the door and removed the covers. I just about lost my breath at the sight of more than a hand full of metal shavings in the bottom of the dryer. I was frantic, thinking that the dryer would blow up or die right there on the spot. I went back to the kennel to put the covers over the beds when I reached one pen and found shiny pieces of metal all over the area. I thought, My God, this stuff is everywere." Then reality setin. Theshavings hadn't come from the dryer orthe covers. They were in the bedding - the cedar bedding. I took the bed out and examined it in the sun. Spreading newspapers all over, I began dumping the bedding out. First came the cedar shavings and foam. Then came what looked to be very tiny stones and hundreds of metal shavings. I couldn't believe my eyes. What if one of the dogs had chewed on the bed and swallowed this stuff I sprang into action and I haven't moved so fast in a long time. Beds were flyingPOMERANIAN REVIEWIrP.IMjYWN kennel^BEST PUPPY IN MATCH AT 13 WEEKS11M 139fltesafeBallykins Orange RoughyDe Arta's Foxy Man x Dia's Brandy BearIt's hard for us to clam up about our lil' shrimp. Although he was a small fry in a big pond, he beat them all - hook, line and sinker. Here is Ruffy winning the Toy Croup at the Central Indiana KC, AKC sanctioned Match in Indianapolis under Mr. Don Johnson. He went on to win B.I.M. over a large entry - his first time out.His dam, Brandy, enjoyed having a winning kid so much with Ch. Dia's Apricot Brandy Bear, she decided to do it again this year. See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Thank you, David Hogg, once again for letting one of the good ones get away... to me - and for all your invaluable guidance and encouragement.vvj OwnerHandlerRenee K. McGrath DVM, MS Dara Veterinary Clinic 735 S. State St.r11. Greenfield, IN 46140 317462-5000BreederDavid A. Hogg Dia's Pomeranians 321 So. 14th St. Richmond, IN 47374 317 966-88781 POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCE NEWSby Brenda HuttonFirst I must apologize for the short length this column. We've been very busy at my use. Recently we acquired an Aerostar ini-van which is something I've been dream- g of getting for about four years now. Sec- id, I've had some very sick doggies for most a month. Quite a number of dogs who tended a particular weekend of shows in y area became symptomatic with diarrhea id vomiting shortly after the show. I had at- nded with Sabrina, but it was Sunni who ime down with diarrhea a couple of weeks ter. It was a full 12 days before any of the edication seemed to kick in, or it may have st been the virus working through her sys- m. A week later now Spunky has come iwn with the diarrhea which shortly turned ry bloody combined with vomiting. I guess u know I had a panic attack. And wouldn't u know, all this is happening just when it's neto write this article. Anyway, since I don't ive my homework done, I'll apologize and port all the new titles published in the AKC vards during the last quarter.ew Champion DogsAPC member July Green finished a CD i Razzle Dazzle Music Man she's the eeder, too out of Ch. Bells Houston Star irformer x Ch. Millamor's Roxie Music.Jean Spalding and Pat Foley earned a CD i Dover-Holihouse Fair E Tail breeders Pat ley and Kathryn Hartz. Cary and Babette ldie earned their CD on Foxie Little Gizmo reeders Billilligan and EvieMilligan. From the Kalama- o, Michigan area Carole Watson earned a 3 on Pomirish Change O Pace Area breeder lly Baugniet and Jo Ann Dinsmore out of l. Pomirish Desiree's C EScooterx Pomirish illelujah'sGlory. Carole has another Pomi'r- i Pom named Pacer who I believe has his 3X. Virginia and Warren Dimick got theirCD on Puf-Pride's Lil Tandilizer breeders Virginia and Warren Dimick and Jan Hoskins outofCh. Lil Mite of Gold Deuce x Lil Happy Twinkling Tange.Another CD is on Sungolds Snowy Mittens owned by Annaray Rhien breeders Lillian Muller and Mrs. J.L. Weltz out of Ch. Muller's Just A Nip Jr. x Muller's Gypsy Tambourine. Ourold friend GarrettO'Dell along with Sally Willig have finished their CD on Trouble's Tomboy At Tribble breeder Sal Lico sired by The Trouble With Tribbles CD. Our last new CD is on Spinach Fitz owned by Judy Lofgren breeder Anna Marie Hetland.New Companion Dog Excellent TitlesOur one new CDX tide by an APC member belongs to Alice Lessard in California. She and Zanny have been having a good time this Spring. They went on the Raisin CircuitMarch 31 through April 3 and earned a 196.5, 197.0, 197.5 and 194.0 it was 85 degrees and horribly humid that day in Bakersfield which completed their title along with 3 first placements and one 2nd place. Way to go, Alice They were out again the next weekend in Santa Cruz earning a 197.5 and 3rd place and a 189.0 and 4th place again, terribly hot weather. They finished up their Open A career April 22 with a 197.0 and 2nd place. They were entered on the 23rd, but there were very violent winds and lots of rain that day, so they went home instead. After earning the High Novice Dog from the APC last year, I'm sure Alice is very happy with this outing in Open. Maybe Zanny will win High Dog each year with each new title I believe they're training now for Utility. Keep it up, Alice. We're all very proud of your accomplishmentsAs you've probably guessed, Bernie Brown finished a CDX on Pomirish Twinkle Break CD breeder Sally Baugniet also sired by Ch. Pomirish Desiree's G E Scooter. He and Alice are neck and neck in the national ratings for High Pom, so they've both done wonderful jobs. I understand Bernie has modified hisPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5rPomsprings, Reg.f3fn- s'-BESTPUPPY IN SHOWOTTAWAkennel clubCan. Cfi. Tomsprincjs Pretty In VinkCan. Ch. Tynan Star Chaser O' Pomsprings x Can. Ch. Scotia Tickles Me PinkPlum, as of her 11th month birthday, has accumulated 4 Best Puppy in Show - Edd Bivin Harold Robinson above, Eileen Fraser and Max Magder. 2 Group First - Max Magder and Patricia Miller 3 Group Second 2 Group Third and 7 Puppy GroupsHer sire and 34 brother can be seen in the Stud Register.Bred, Owned and Presented byMrs. Elizabeth Dupuis P.O. Box 328Alexandria, Ontario KOC1AO 613 347-22750 POMERANIAN REVIEWyle with Twinkle and they really look great igether inthe ring. Cheryl and Eddie Hutson Iso finished their CDX on Penny Lane Is In ty Heart CD breeder James E. Pittman.Inited Kennel ClubI hope this won't sound too much like lowing our own horn, but old Mr. Spunks 3K's Sir Spunky - breeder Ardith Neil has one it, made history that is, once again, larch 18,1989 after an approximate two or as it been three year absence from the bedience ring, he earned the third and final g toward a U-UD and became the first omeranian in history to have earned this lost coveted by me, anyway title. And to zhatdo I owe this accomplishment Track- ig, tracking, tracking This folks is a new dog. ince he's become so successful in the area of acking, his confidence has increased stead- y and mightily to the point where his ttitude has become, You think I can't do lis I'll show you" He doesn't always jump, r do things just right, but he's again having jn doing obedience work. We don't push it 30 much, and really train very little. My aeling is that he knows his stuff, the problem if he will do it on a given day. And so far in le ring, he's righton top of his game. Besides appily doing limited obedience work, it's d-o-o wonderful to see him playing and Dmping with the puppy like he's never done efore in his life. When we go outside he just jns and runs and runs. Tracking seems to imjustabiggameand no work at all. It's the lost remarkable transformation I've ever seen l a dog. If you'd seen him two years ago, ou'd never believe him now.So far we've been out tracking several mes in cove' that's rather difficult for him to andie. We've gone through some briar latches, some swale, and been out in fallow oodsy fields with overgrown grasses and uch. So far he's hand ling it all quite well, only eeding to be encouraged and coaxed to go Trough some really difficult cover. Two years go he would have quit and totally refused tomove. The last time out he started quartering back and forth over a leg where we weren't even close to a corner. It turns out he was on the scent of a dead mouse. When he found it would you would have though he had found the most wonderful thing on earth Fortunately I was able to talk him into dropping it instead of eating it and them continuing on the track. I hope this isn't boring your socks off, but I'm just amazed at the transformation and I want to share it with everyone. My message DON'T GIVE UPAs you'll be reading this in July, I hope wherever you are you're having a nice summer and that Spring Trials were very good to you. Think aboutgetting involved with someone in your area, doing tracking or some other fun activity. You and your dog may just find there's more to dogs than conformation shows, obedience trials and work, work, work As always, I'm looking for reports on your doings and love to share your good news. Call me at 517 485- 5183. May your dogs always be happy heelers and terrific trackersOld Blankets, continuedin every direction, but all landing in the same spot - the garbage can I have written to the distributor from whom I received the beds, informing them of my find, as well assending them a FREE sample of their contents. I have certainly learned a lot from this experience and I hope that anyone else who might have bought durable, comfortable dog beds filled with cedar from Master Animal Care will be alerted to the potential hazard for their pets. In fact, any type of stuffed bedding probably should be checked. I have kept particles from the beds in case the distributer or manufacturer should question me and I would think anyone else finding suspicious contents in a bed would be well advised to do the same.My dogs are back on blankets and towels. They aren't fancy but I know what's in themPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5At V,[btvtzi^jfazrts TOmntci of ^albcvtsBreeder Art and Joy Davison "Bianca," shown here at 14 weeks of age, is a beautiful built and extremely heavy coated orange female. She will t making her debut in August. Special thanks to her breede for entrusting Bianca to us. This short backed, lovely little g has lots of pizzaz and personality. Good luck to her brothe who also will be debuting around the same time. Bianca w be exclusively handled by Michael and Glenn.Congratulations to Ch. Sun Ray's Rose Anna on her ne championship, owned and bred by Fern Rodrigues of St Ray Kennels. Congratulations also to Ch. Tim Sue's Harb Lights on his new championship and his first Best in Show the Conejo Kennel Club - owned by Dr. Philip and Sus Conlee and bred by Tim and Sue Goddard.Jgmrt"Stacy," shown here at 11 weeks of age, is a half-sister to Bianca and the result of the remarkable blend of Jolly Wee and Sun Ray lines. Sound and also very heavy coated, with a touch of elegance, she is a one of a kind lady. She will make her grand appearance in the ring starting in August. Watch her. She's a beaut Special thanks to her breeder for letting us have such a wonderful girl. She'll make all of us proud. She'll also be handled by her new ownersWe here at Coldcrest Pomeranians strive for quality, soundness, and type and obtain them through the help and advice of long-time breeders. We are extremely proud to begin our show careers with such gorgeous specimens as Bianca and Stacy. Thanks againr .1rMichael S. Bandy 20524 Pioneer Blvd213 402-9606 eveningsGlenn C. Bernar Lakewood, CA 907'ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssZ83Z-W9 eizje jaq [[eo jo eSOZZ XL 'uojsnon las-ns Jajidnf ot'S l 'lUoSiy XpuQ -jq pejuoo aseay 686 l '6 L Xnf oi joudspeui aq isnw suopeAjasajj -Aqjjx gXSQ 'aV S ^e3lS sq iv\jauu[p Moqs jaqv e0Z0-Z8SZZXL 'uojsnoHipnos 'eozxog Q'd 'P1Auoxujoq uopeunojuiuimuiajg -oijjouospef pue SMOqs 8oq uodMatsI nuapuajuuadns mon 686 L '9 S 'V IsnSny 'sMoqs paajq-e aajq^IW 'uosipef 'ayoqeq jap0- u3je 'sjw - saEsd33v\s XN 'Suuds J3Ais 'U3x uXanboef-sjyq- sassep jen8aysaoanf686i ' isnonv 'Avasanmpue ftieioads uosnoH laieajg o qnjgAuoi"0H9bti 5TSi Xiaswmmfv'M'CS7r W5J i MH2YXHXoygygggggggggsgggygggyg^sgyysssggg^sygsyss5ggsM3IA3LJ NVINYHHWOd 8POMERANIAN REVIEW ceitanerCh. Beitane Such u SpreeSire Ch. Millamor's I'm A WindjammerDam Ch. Karlee Holiday FlareFinished with two 5 pt. Specialty wins and RWB at the 1988 APC Summer Specialty. Group 2 and 3 in limited showing.Linebred MiUamor, a fall breeding is planned.4ofmkrj- dim Sue's Just J3. uBright LightSire Ch. Chriscendo City Lights Dam Tim Sue's Just A RoseBest of Breed over 4 champions under Ed Bivin at Lake Shore KC.4 4 v-f'...Also the home of Ch. Karlee Twenty Four Karat, multi-Group winner when his show career was abruptly ended by an eye injury.Paul S. and ftazbaza h. LJuzzy310 s95ZZ tiykwaif 0 Mukuonago, QJisconsin 53Z49 ----------------------------4Z4 363-7385----------------------------------0 POMERANIAN REVIEWOur 12th ChampionAnImationcCh. Hilane's FrickCh. Ea-Don's Mister Sandman x Ch. Lady Diana of HilaneBreeder Jerome Cushman and J. RaynerOur gratitude to Jerry Cushman for allowing us to bring Frick home to live at Animation. He is an extremely heavy coated little boy with personality plus. Ourthanks also to Dr. Harry Smith and Mr. Jack Russell for awarding Frick his majors. He was expertly and lovingly handled by Darren.Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane 63 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave.Akron, OH 44310 216 762-75767POMERANIAN REVIEW 61and our lucky 13th^9 J_AnImationCh. Animation's Wiley B. CyoteCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Prince x Ch. Animation's Tweety BirdWiley B. is a 3 34 lb., very typey orange brat His impish behavior is my constant amusement. He finished at 11 months of age. Our thanks to Mr. John Lusk and Miss Maxine Beam for awarding Wiley his majors.BreederOwnerLorinda Vasuta Darren Lane 63 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave.Akron, OH 443102 POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret McKeeIt's interesting to attend other breed Decialties and compare with ours. In April I articipated in the Tibetan Terrier Club of merica National Specialty which was held n Friday of the Cherry Blossom Circuit. The ntry has huge Including Sweepstakes and ibedience, it was 348 Why I confess I'm lystified. The show site was outdoors the reather was very cool, damp and breezy, he judge was an all-rounder who did an ccellent job of sorting throught he large asses. He looked at movement.The trophy table was meager, embar- issing compared to the amazing display put a by the Ohio Pom Club at our February aecialty. The motel was okay, the banquet Vicious. They conducted their annual meeting uring the banquet, which I suppose in- eased attendance for the meeting. After the leeting 10 p.m. there was an auction, but e didn'tstay as we had to get up early 430 ir the monster 4200-entry Old Dominion annel Club Show the next day.Given all that, why was the entry so large a breed rarer than ours I don't know. I ispect it's not any of the factors usually iggested, but their members' attitude to- ard specialties. Perhaps they know that one es not go to a Specialty just to win points or DB. One goes to learn, to see and be seen, ne goes to watch the dogs, perhaps to look r stock to buy or to evaluate studs. If you are oud of what you're breeding, you want to ow it off to your fellow fanciers. At a iecialty, you're not just presenting your dog the judge, but to ringsiders as well. You go Specialties to have fun, to participate in the her activities. It's great to see old friends id make new ones. Here's your chance to Jt faces with those names you've read about lere are small local specialties as well as two itional ones each year. Make plans to attend specialty soon. You deserve itA correction on that last column that was chicken" livers, not "check" livers. No ethnic slur intended Sorry Editor I also discovered another reason a dog won't bait for liver besides fear - a young male who knows there are three bitches in season outside the ring and three more at home. He could care less about bait If you don't have time to cook, or forgot and left the bait in the freezer, find a grocery store with a deli and buy sliced roast beef or chicken.Two women moved to this area last fall from west of the Mississippi. Before moving, each had contacted me for information about local clubs and training classes. Both were interested in obedience and tracking with their big dogs. And there the similarities ended. Two days after Mrs. A arrived she was signed up for an obedience class and was out tracking with some of my friends. She volunteered to teach a class and steward at our upcoming trial. She has since joined our obedience club. Bubbling with energy and enthusiasm, she has been generous in sharing her time and talent.Ms. B attended one club meeting and decided she didn't like the way we do things. The meeting was too long, too many committee reports, not enough programs. She concluded that our club didn't do enough for its members I don't know what besides free training classes, 4 parties a year, two trials, awards, a newsletter, free seminar, etc. she thinks we need to do for members. Her club in Texas did everything right She attended one all-breed club meeting and dismissed that group too. She has volunteered to do nothing but criticize. At a show in April she was very scornful of the trainingand handling by the obedience exhibitors she had observed. This from a woman who is not teaching a class, not training a dog, and not exhibiting a dogAre you like one of these women - a worker ora critic Certainly constructive criticism is needed, but I for one am more willing to listen when the criticism comes from aPOMERANIAN REVIEW 63Announcing our first homebred championUV7JNEW CHAMPIONBEST OFWINNERSDURHAM KENNEL CLUB MAR 1989rHsrAZXhiftCh.CarrelPs Po Widdle PookieLennis's Red Denim Levi UD x Midas Lullaby in RagtimePookie is a 4 lb., very bright clear orange. He was proudly owner-handled all the way to his championship. Thank you to the following judges for his wins Mrs. Toddie Clark, WD, 1 pt. Mrs. Sari Tietjen, BOB over Specials, 4 pts. Mrs Olmos-Olivier, BOB over specials, 2 pts. Mrs. Ruth Tongren, BOW, 1 pt., Mrs. J.E. Clark, BOW, 2 pts. Mr. Bob Graham, BOB, 2 pts., Mr. Everett Dean, BOW, 4 pts.Tammy Carrell 703 342-39155272 Old Va. Springs Rd. Roanoke, VA 24014POMERANIAN REVIEW34worker.Several years ago I hear that one should decide right from the beginning, before you auy your first bitch, how big a kennel you can efficiently manage and stick to it. Very good advice. Most of us let the numbers of dogs increase without a plan. Like Topsy our kennels "just growed." Fartoo many of us wake up one day to realize we have too many dogs.But the above advice is hard to follow. Few of us know in the very beginning how many dogs is "too many." We may not have any reason to know what our limitations of space, time and energy are. Sometimes we have to find out the hard way. Another drawback to the rule is it presumes that you get rid of old or unproductive dogs to make way for younger, more promising animals. Some people are able to do this quite easily. Will you I can't. My oldsters stay here I currently have 13 Poms in residence. Three don't belong to me they're here to be trained and shown. Of the remaining 10, 5 are over the age of 8. That's not pragmatic or efficient, but I can't think of getting rid of my old guys.But I have learned that about 15 Poms is my limit. More than that and I'm not taking proper care of them or giving them enough attention. Too many animals frequently leads to burn-out and the over-loaded owner over reacts and gets rid of all the dogs. To avoid exceeding your limit, grow slowly. Buy one dog, not three. Keep one out of the litter, not the whole litter. Give yourself time to build not only your breeding program but your store of knowledge.How can you tell if you've exceeded your limit Try asking yourself some questions1. Does every dog in the kennel get petted and talked to each day2. Do you know the names and ages of all yourdogs Don'tlaugh I knowofatleastone breeder who had to ask the kennel help the names of the dogs.3. Has each dog been groomed in the last 2 weeks4. Are you getting further and further behind on your vet bill Do you wonder where you are going to get the money to pay your feed bill5. Do you just slop something in each dog's feed dish, or does each one get his own supper individually prepared as to amount of food, vitamins, and any special medicines or supplements6. Are you looking for ways to cut corners like not getting shots or heartworm pills Do you only go to the vet in an emergency7. Is it getting harder and harder to motivate yourself to fix their dinner, cut their nails, or bathe and dip8. Is it impossible to get away for a weekend because there is no one to care for the dogsNo cricitism is implied in the above questions. A "yes" answer to one does not make you a bad person. Only you can decide how many dogs you can comfortably care for. However, we all need to stop occasionally and evaluate our kennel and how it is affecting our financial situation and our family life.What do you use for bedding Newspaper is adequate, but I like for my doggies to have something clean no ink and soft, something they can rearrange and bunch up it they wish. Towels are good. I like the fact that I can wash them in hot water and chlorine bleach. I can buy nice thick white ones inexpensively at the wholesale supply house Price Club. Towels are often used as loss leaders so it's not hard to buy colorful ones cheaply. Avoid ones with fringe that could tangle a tiny foot or a toenail. Be sure to see the related article in this issue on bedding.Mutt Mats are sold by mail ads in Gazette or, rarely at shows. These mats are very well made of sturdy, quilted material. The toy size is perfect for a 100 Vari-Kennel. They wear well and are resistant to snags. If your club is looking for a money-raiser, theZerick Co. will give you a good discount on quantities.An inexpensive alternative are small braided or rag rugs. You know, like the onesPOMERANIAN REVIEW 65Puf-Pride Pomeranians- oBESTOPPOSITE SEXHUTCHINSON KENNEL CLUB 19 8 9PHOTO BY PETRULISWfPTPuf-Pride Tauntg TiaraShown here winning her first points under Judge Charles Deer. Her next win was under judge Lois Whit at the Panhandle K.C. of Texas. Thanks to these judges who appreciated her soundness, movement am personality. She and her sister, Puf-Pride Taunt'gTemptress have been waiting in the wings to grow up and botl are now making their presence known in the ring.We have several show prospect puppies available.Dams are LLL, LLLRobinhoodMillamor lines. Sired b Puf-Pride Bit O Cold Chance See Stud Register.Warren and Virginia Dimick 405 677-2511Puf-Pride Pomeranians8 Burkwa- Oklahoma City, OK 731116 POMERANIAN REVIEWACROSS CANADA by Chris HeartzI want to share more news about the ipcoming Canadian Specialty, Saturday ieptember 2, 1989 in Cornwall, Ontario. Headquarters will be at the Travelodge. There s a get together planned for Friday evening, i banquet after the specialty and an'Annual General meeting on Sunday evening. With hree all breed shows and two puppy sweeps twill be a great chance to finish or put points f one of your "kids." Contact Elizabeth Dupuis, TO. Box 328, Alexandria, Ontario, Canada COC1CO.In other Club news, 1988 is our 10th Anniversary. Officers of the club are as fol- owsresident - Cerda Hillice President - Michelle McDonaldSecretary - Til LabovichTreasurer - Carolynn BerryDirectors - Elizabeth Dupuis, Brian O'Reel,Ann Fulton.If you are interested in joining the club ind receiving our newsletter please contact larolynn Berry, 580 Prairie Ave., Port Coquitlam B.C., Canada VOJ 1Z0.Congratulations to the Top Ten Poms in Zanada for 1988, and to their owners and sreeds.I. Can. Am. Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Amigo, vt. and F Penneyl. Ch. Forever Luxton Pern Pickle, L.B. Rogersi. Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Cover Girl, C. Heartz1. Can. Am. Ch. Great Elms Shining Star, Ch. Roberts N. Dunfeej. Ch. Chriscendo Cause for Applause, C. Heartz5. Ch. Chriscendo Cocoa Chanel, Ch. Heartz 7. Ch. Schimmels Princess Lia Lei, T.L. Corbin 3. Ch. Ch. Tynan Time Piece, N. Dunfee 3. Ch. Debonne's Rocka Fella, D. Ward 10. Am. Can. Ch. Harbin's Time To Pop The Zork, S.l. HarbinTop PuppyForever Teddy Ruxstable, L.B. Rogers.Congratulations to all Hope to see you in Cornwall.Helpful Hints, continuedyour mother put on the floor in front of the backdoor. I watch for K-Martto putthese on sale and buy a half dozen.I had a wonderful chat yesterday with a young woman who had recently acquired a Pom and needed some advice. I mentioned an upcoming Pom match and invited her to attend. She said she would love to come. Could she bring her Pom since she was only pet quality She went on to explain how she had had snobby breed people look down their noses at her pet quality Dobe when she showed in obedience.Awful And we Pom conformation exhibitors are also guilty of the same snobbery. Many of us act as though, if a Pom isn't show quality i.e., as pretty as my dogs then it isn't even a Pom and shouldn't be out in public. Shame on us Was your first Pom a champion Mine sure weren't. My first two Poms were sweet, smart, talented and, I thought, gorgeous. They weren't by my present standards, but they were beloved pets who gave their owners love and pleasure, and charmed crowds in the obedience ring. Since we occasionally have pet quality dogs to sell, it's a darn good thing there's room in this world for these wonderful dogs Let's all be very careful not to hurt the feelings of pet owners by disparaging their precious beasties.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6J^cin -SLar0.'V.M \ A\, i^ ' is'CL m-Sk ar i J^eanieCh. Bev-Nor N Southland's Rambo x Ch. Great Elms Jeany of DendyPictured taking a 4 point major under judge Mrs. Victor Olmos Olivier.Congratulations to Ikuko Nagasako and Ch. Jan-Shar's Tootie Do Kyokushin in Rio Dejanerio, Brazil. 4 shows, 2 Group placements and 2 Group 2 wins. Congratulations also to Joyce Apple and Ch. Jan-Shar's Charming Becky - finished with 4 majors.Jeany Joy pictured here taking a 3 point major under judge Kenneth D. Falconi.FLASH Jeany Joy completed her championship Pending AKC Confirmation.HandlerPam CampbellBreederOwnerSharon Hanson Jane Fleshman 304 497-2446Uf558 POMERANIAN REVIEWFry's Magic Pomeranianspresents t 4J IE IF WX1hrSTEELCITY KENNEL CLUBAPRIL 14 1939TOY GROUP 2 ND.Ch. Frys Magic KamchannchaAC Ch. Millamor's I'm A Windjammer x Ch. Fry's Magic Jeanne"Meha" is shown here winning a Group 2 under Judge Martha Jane Ablett after finishing his championship in style taking a BOB under Judge Merrill Cohen fora 4 pt. major over specials Many thanks go to these two judges along with judges Dawn Vick Hansen, Edith Izant, Michelle Billings, Frank Oberstar, Betty Moore, Grace Moran, Thomas Baldwin and Raymond Filburn, Jr.BreederOwner Nancy Fry Rt 2, Box 371 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-4528Co-OwnerHandlerJennifer Fry Carlton 3200 Bruceville Rd. Vincennes, IN 47591 812 886-9321POMERANIAN REVIEW 6Fry's Magic Pomeranianspresents our new additionBESTOFOPPOSITECRAB ORCHARD KENNEL CLUBLLL Bit O Gold DanielleCh. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine x LLL Bonanza StellaWe want to thank Janice Lugisnland for letting us have Danielle, she's already become a very special girl in our home and is well on her way to her own championship. Thanks also go to Judge Emil Klinckhardt for this BOS win in DuQuoin, IL.FLASH Danielle completed her championship at the Illinois Capitol Kennel Club 52889OwnersNancy Fry Jennifer Carlton Rt. 2, Box 371 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-4528BreederJanice Luginsland Rt. 1, Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316443-515770 POMERANIAN REVIEWWhy do we do thatby Dr. Alvin GrossmanSometimes late at night I sit up and vonder just why I acted so stupid at a meet- ng earlier in the day. This random thought hen triggers thoughts about other times when acted like a 10 year old. It seems like I have in endless supply of these episodes.As I sit here I wonder why I can't, without i great deal of searching, remember all the imes when I acted with all the confidence of he "highly intelligentperson I am. Why is it ve remember the bad stuff for longer than the ood stuffRight now my most vivid recollection in logs is the first time one of my dogs took a test of Breed in a large Specialty Show. One f the competing exhibitors came up to my landler and said, "Congratulations. Too bad le didn't deserve it" Now that's a statement will never forget. On the other hand, the first test in Show win is but a dim memory today. Vhy is it the bad crowds out the goodJust the other day Bill Walsh, whose earn, the San Francisco 49ers had just won luper Bowl XXXIII, held a press conference. Ls he walked into the room applause broke ut among the media. It was a rare tribute. It eemed to be an ovation for three Super Bowl vins in eight seasons, for the dramatic touch- lown drive that won this one and for Walsh, vho engineered it all.His reactionI see none of our local press were clap- ing."On the field Walsh seems unflappable. Dff the field he, like us poor dog show ixhibitors, seems to remember every snip of riticism. He feels the criticism increases every 'ear.Walsh has three Super Bowl rings. Why vould he care if someone writes that he nade the wrong call on third and fiveI've thought over the years about whybad news and bad feelings tend to crowd out the good and have come to the conclusion that pain makes a much more searing impression on the brain than reward. I know this statement will provoke a negative response see, already it's happening from all of you who have taken courses in Child Psychology for you have learned that positive rewards are better than negative ones. Well, think again As some of you may know I made my livingfor manyyearsasa "shrink" and now I am finding out that some of my most cherished theories may not hold water any more. Being in the Dog Game will certainly challenge your oft held belief in the goodness of man.It's too bad that most of us cannot separate our petty day- to-day concerns from the importance of the big picture. Those who cannot often go off and lick their wounds and call itaday. Is there anywonderthatfive years is the average run of an exhibitor. Who needs that kind of flak in a sport that's supposed to be enjoyable.There is nothing so fearsome as an exhibitor who feels he has been done wrong. Look out Intheirblindfurytheywillattackanyand all things in sight, including friends who they thing stand in their way.Recently I had the misfortune to be on a bench show committee that had to declare a dog ineligible to continue to compete in a non regular class. The handler and owner of the dog in question accepted the decision. However, other competing exhibitors and some "self styled experts" questioned the knowledge, heredity and integrity ofthecom- mittee as a whole. They suggested such things as rejudging the class the book had been marked and awarding the win to the BOS so the show could go on. They were almost hysterical. It's amazing what some people believe are the rules of the AKC. ApparentlyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7'And the stars keep falling on Alabama...rmVm.T' AT.CHATTAHOOCHEE VLY OOG CLUB SHOWMAR 1989 .. PHOTOS BY _J^ ALVERSON IACh. Glen Iris Star AmethysteCh. Jamel's Fugicle of Southland x Janesa's Maybe She WillSkyler's first little star finished with all her points from the Puppy or Bred-By classes. Look for his other nev stars on the horizonPuppies Available.BreedersOwnersHandlers Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor 1038 16th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603POMERANIAN REVIEWnhe rule book isn't read until after the fact. Vhy do they do thatRetrospective Falsification is a big word or forgetting what it was like before. It hap- jens in dogs a lot. Get a group of old timers ogether to talk and you hear tales of old great uzy Q. "Now there was a bitch. Beat all omers she did. There hasn't been another ike her in the breed. These dogs today have 'ery straight fronts, too much coat, etc., etc." And do you remember old Jeff Throgwhistle, low there was a judge. He could remember ivery dog that had even been under him and ill its faults and good points. Now there udges today-well, it's not worth your time or noney to go in under most of them. Yep, the udges of today just ain't worth their salt." Hey, these statements aren't made up. They ire examples of conversations that take place it nearly every dog gathering.Let me clarify the Retrospective Falsifica- ion concept. A number of years ago a famous Jroadway producer was talking to friends ibout taking advantage of the current nostal- ia craze and bringing back some of the old amous operettas. His friends were impressed vith his astuteness as a business man feeling lecould save a great deal of money doing this ince he had warehouses full of old costumes ind scenery. He laughed at their naivete. He jointed out that the main audience for these evivals would be people who had seen the hows before. It was his experience that they emembered them as very gaudy and colorful ind therefore he was going to invest large urns of money in more splashy costumes and cenery otherwise they would accuse him of jutting on a pinch penny production. They ictually visualized the show as much more olorful and gaudy than it had been. Their nemory played tricks on them, i.e., Retro- pective Falsification. That's why they did hat And that's why we see the past as better han today. We don't have reality in front of is and it's easy to insure that the dog of the jast is better than the one we are looking at.I would wager to say that even if thefamous English Setter Ch. Rock Falls Colonel orthe equally famous Boxer Ch. Bangaway of Sirrah Crest were lined up in a class with the top dogs of their breed of the past five years, the choice would not be that obvious.Human nature being what it is we can expect competition to bring out the competitive nature we all have. However, how it's expressed is another matter. Naturally none of us likes to lose a competitive event in which we enter. After all that's why we are there - to win. Losing is the pits. However, over the years I have learned more from losing than winning. The winner doesn't ask himself why he won he just accepts it as his due. The loser on the other hand tries to figure out why it happened. It could be his dog was not set down properly, it had too much coat for this judge, the dog screwed up on the return gait and was sidewinding, etc., etc. If we can use this analysis to improve the performance next time around we can get better and better. If, on the other hand, we use scapegoating techniques such as blaming the judge's eyesight or inferring he is crooked, then we have learned nothing and are headed for the exhibitor scrapheap.FOR YOUR INFORMATIONThe AKC sends me statistics on litters and dogs registered and I found it interesting to note that Pomeranians were number 4 in litter registrations in 1988 with 22,475. They are up from number 6 in 1987 when there were 21,063 litters registered. In individual dog registrations, there were 30,516 in 1988 making the Pom the number 14 breed. In 1987 it was number 16 with 27,911 dogs registered.POMERANIAN REVIEW 11Evanspark Pomeranians4,Our newest starEvanspark Glory Beesoon to be shownGerald Kripak 215 489-4957555Evansburg Rd. Collegeville, PA 1942674 POMERANIAN REVIEW^urvcjjlcL JCosnruil^MOVEDAnna and Ray LaFortune 13621 Kapowsin Hwy Graham, WA 98338 near Tacoma206 879-5390In Loving Memoryfiftr HeidiHeidi was our Itty bitty love. She filled our lives with happiness and gave us all of her love. Heidi will line in our hearts and memories all of our livesThis memorial given by Charles and Marcella NorthVelvet Touch PomsAKC Puppies Bev-Nor and Emcee LinesJanet Bordelon 1460 Hwy 3054 Alexandria, LA 71303 318 445-0143POMERANIAN REVIEW 75LIGHTS CAMERAanother CITY LIGHTS child completes championship1 mg4S5iTNEW CHAMPIONWINNERS. ................................ .CH. TIM SUE'S SUNLIGHTSunlight is show finishing her championship under prestigious breeder-judge Darrell Baker. Sunlight finished with four majors under the following four judgesDarrell Baker Michelle BillingsRobert Moore Dolly WardCo-Owner and HandlerCarolyn Crockett 215 Westmoreland Houston, TX 77006 713 630-0627Co-Owner and BreederSue Goddard Route 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622'6 POMERANIAN REVIEWAre You Guiltyby Gail JeubAre you guilty of the following Thinking about all the money your next tter or litters of puppies will bring Breeding that little three pound bitch ecauseyou spentX number of dollars for her nd you have to get your money back in uppies, even though she is too small to vhelp by herself.i Not giving each of your Poms individual .ttention seven days a week.I Breeding to any bitch regardless of her [uality just to get that stud fee. i Selling precious little Pom puppies to people vho you know will just breed them to death.Just stop and think - are you guilty of any if the above Put yourself in your Poms' ilace. Would you want to be treated that vay I know you wouldn't Let's treat our oms like they should be treated. Remember, ou are a god in the eyes of your Pom. Read A Dog's Prayer" and you will better under- tand how your Pom thinks.A Dog's PrayerTreat me kindly, my beloved master, for io heart in all the world is more grateful for indness than the loving heart of me.Do not break my spirit with a stick, for hough I should lick your hand between theblows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me do.Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footstep falls upon my waiting ear.When it is cold and wet, please take me inside for I am now a domesticated animal, no longer used to bitter elements, and I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth .. . though had you no home, I would rather follow you through ice and snow than rest upon the softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land. For you are my god, and I am your devoted worshipper.Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I should not reproach you with it dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst. Feed me clean food that I may stay well to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side and stand ready, willing and able to protect you with my life, should your life be in danger.And, beloved master, should the Great Master see fit to deprive me of my health or sight, do not turn me away from you. Rather hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon or eternal rest.. . and I will leave you knowing with the last breath I drew my fate was ever safest in your hands.Idlewyld and DaybreakrWUNAU in the Family 1RHONDArCharactersCh. Idlewyld Daybreak Fun, Fun, Fun WunCh. Daybreak's Barbara Ann Wun's auntDaybreak's Fizzgig B'Ann's half sisterDaybreak's Help Me Rhonda Wun's mother and B'Ann and Fizzy's sisterScenesVirginia Kennel Club - Wun is WD and BW Fizzy takes WB from Puppy Ch. B'Ann is BOB over a male special. Judge, Dr. David Doane.Southern MD KC - Wun goes WD, BW and BOB over a special Fizzy is RWB to a 4 pt. major. Judge, M.L.T. Downing.Charlottesville-Albemarle KC - Wun is WD to finish Rhonda takes WB and, with 12 year old Elaine handling, BOB over 3 specials Judge, Keke Kahn.Warrenton KC - Rhonda WB, Wun BOB over specials. Judge, Merrill Cohn.Thank you to all the judges who appreciated style, balance and sound movement.Puppies hoped for in June sired by Ch. Wun, Ch. Mark, and Ch. Val CDX.Ch. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond is staying with us for a few months while we train him in obedience. He is by Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier CDX out of Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD, and he is the sire of the BOS in Sweeps at the National Specialty. He is at stud to approved bitches.IDLEWYLDMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380DAYBREAK Fran Day Warren 304 N. Lombardy St. Richmond, VA 23220 804 358-787078 POMERANIAN REVIEWCz. Wee Jiearts Just Ti NuffGROUPCHARLESTON KENNEL CLUB INCFEB 1909e_dHANOVER KENNEL CLUB 7 . .r FEB 1989Justin is shown taking a Group 2, handled by his proud owner. Many thanks to Jimmy Bridges for handling him to several breed wins.Followingjustin's serious surgery, and after his recovery, he will be handled exclusively by Jimmy.Thank you Mr. Raymond T. Swidersky.Justin was Group 4 under Mrs. Michelle Billings the same weekend. Thanks to Mike Scarborough, Justin's friend, for handling him to this win.WEE HEARTSCassandra Ready Estil Evans Rt1, Box 253 Vidalia, GA 30474 912 537-2993POMERANIAN REVIEW 7Wee Jiearts Winds WarningWe have repeated this breeding. Pups will be for sale. There are two females and one male, sired by Shamrock's Tar-Tanion bt x Wee Heart's Choco Belle chocolate.Estil Evans Cassandra Ready Rt. 1, Box253 Vidalie, CA 30474 912 537-2993f-_r'LV,Announce the arrival of their lovely family of girls, two black and one orange. They have huge stand-off coats, real Pom type. Two are for sale.80 POMERANIAN REVIEWBE2DORALPUBLISHINGTHE DORALVIDEOSERIES\WV\.1Xrtmz yT3 I\ rjKtis anas \r[fiS poiwgltIp poau.1 Getting Started in Purebred DogsRalph and Grace get bitten by the purebred dog "bug" and look to buy their first pedigreed dog. Learn how they go through the decisionmaking process of which breed, which breeder and finally arrive at an intelligent decision involving how to buy that all-important first show dog.2 SportsmanshipThis fascinating program concentrates on the good things about the dog game and points out ways we can truly contribute to a great sport. It emphasizes good sportsmanship and gives telling examples of both good and bad behavior. As the times are reviving the amateur approach to dog shows, this program is one with which we can all identify.3 Fundamentals of Gait"Rudolph," Ralph and Graces Siberian Husky, is now a highly- competitive champion. When a famous judge awards the prize to another competitor, Ralph and Grace wonder why They consult a top judge and embark on one of the best learning experiences of their short life in dogs. An eye-opening and highly informative presentation of a difficult subject presented in a lucid and straightforward manner.4 The Basics of HeredityHow can a complex subject such as genetics be made understandable to the average breeder One way is to have cartoons highlight difficult points another way is to use language that will strip away the complexities. Both methods have been utilized in this video which makes a difficult subject easier to understand. In a relatively short time span, The Basics of Heredity illuminates this scientific field so that one can immediately make use of ones new knowledge to breed better dogs.7 Choosing A Professional HandlerRalph and Graces Siberian Husky, "Rudolph," turns out to be a real winner. Share their thrills and learn how you should go about selecting that ONE professional handler who can bring out the best in your dog. Learn how Ralph and Grace go about studying the problem and the hard logic that was used to make a sensible decision. A light-hearted and factual discussion of an important decision.8 Campaigning A Specials DogLearn all about life in the fast lane competing at local and national levels. Learn about the pitfalls and pratfalls of campaigning "THAT dog." Find out how national rankings can determine winners and why this happens. This video provides you-the exhibitor-with a keen insight into the whys and wherefores of the "specials" ring. Hidden costs, rivalries ... all of the "inside scoop about campaigning a champion9 Come Blow Your HornMany of us wonder how to attract attention to our dogs-whether it be for campaigning a top champion or to interest others in using your dog at stud. This lively video shows how the owners of a new champion explore the ways and means of ballyhooing their dog. Learn some amazing facts about the advertising game while you laugh away the time it takes to see this program.There are nine programs in this complete series designed to take a total novice from purchasing their first good puppy right through to learning how to be a top breeder. Directed and narrated by Dr. Alvin Grossman-an award-winning author who was a successful breeder, exhibitor and is now an AKC judge. Illustrated by Joe Murray-a highly acclaimed cartoonist. These videos are presented with a light and humorous touch and they hold your attention all the way through5 Puppies, Puppies, Here They Come Ready or NotYou are ready to become a breeder. The well-thought-through first litter is about to arrive. On your mark, get ready, get set and go A humorous but information-packed program of how to prepare the bitch and how to whelp the litter including all the common complications. What to do, when to do it, and-best of all-HOW to do it. Probably the most complete video of its type available today.6 Raising The LitterThe logical follow-up to the above program. Using explicit cartoons with the voice of experience produces a well-documented and informative program for both the novice and experienced breeder alike. How to pick the good ones, which puppies to keep, why puppies go bad. All this and much, much more is covered in this video.ORDER TODAYI'd like a single video 24.95 ea., a "3-Pack" 49.95, a "6-Pack" 89.95 or all 9 videos 139.951 4 72 5 83 6 9Three Pack A "Three-Pack B Three Pack C"OR consider our Rental Program of 29.95 Postage for any one 3-Pack Perfect for club meetingsInclude in your order your name, address, and phone number along with the video numbers you wish to order and your check or money order. DON'T FORGET to add postage of 3.50 for single or 3-Packs or 5.00 for 6- or 9-Packs.DORAL PUBLISHING EO. Box 596 WilsonviHe. OR 97070POMERANIAN REVIEW 81L4rBEST OFNNERS rMOCOLUMBIAKENNEL CLUBPETRULISPHOTO-Am.Can. Cfi. Te Artas Rod^MusicCh. Millamor's Rock Music x De Artas Dancing DeliteRocky finished his American championship with four back to back majors, shown exclusively by coownerbreeder Mary Deane Rinehart. Thanks Jane Lehtinen for handling him to his Canadian championship.He is now with his new owner Diana Nolan and her Shady Park Poms in Kansas City, MO. Our love goes with him.Nina K. EppsOakridge Kennels RL 5, Box 150 Nixa, MO 65714Mary Deane RinehartDe Artas Kennels 422 W. Fairchild Dr. Midwest City, OK 73110 405 732-040282 POMERANIAN REVIEWShowaholicsby Wendy FeistAre you a showaholic Here are a few symptoms to look for when diagnosing a showaholic.1 When you look at those in your area who began showing about the time you did, are you one of the few still involved2 When your litters of puppies are old enough to go to a new home, do you find thatyou are keeping more to grow out than you have to sell3 When asked if you do any handling, is your answer usually no as you have your own to show Do you encourage them to show their own and tell them where to find the next handling class4 Leaving the ring after losing do you say to yourself, There will be other shows," and "It was fun seeing everybody again," or "After all, you can't win them all," or even one of Jane Curtain's lines, "It was an honor just being nominated" Do you say anything to try and stay positive5 When you go a month without a show do you feel as though you're going through withdrawal. Do you find yourself planning the next three months of shows, working harder on the upcoming puppy's training, the only relief in sight the next show6 When planning the family vacation do you get out the showcalendar just to see which shows are in the "general" vicinity. Ifyou're going to be in the area ...7 Do you make it a point to get to as many of the shows this year that you couldn't make the year before do you try to add just one more state to the list you already include in your regular showing schedule8 Do you travel 5 hours one way for a one day show, and a one pointer to boot After all, a point is a point, rightIf you answered yestojustone of the above symptoms, you have the makings of a showaholic. I'm sure you kn ow otherslikeyourself. Theyarethe ones who always congratulate you when you win compliment you on how well your dog performed even though you didn't place remembered not only your dogs' names but your name as well.It's my opinion that to be a showaholic is what it takes to be a long-time player in the show game. These are but a few symptoms. I'm sure there are hundreds more. It is the one disease that should definitely be encouraged, with no attempt whatsoever made to cure it. Showaholics will be responsible for keeping our breed in the ring.POMERANIAN REVIEW 83MNMs Poms-R-Us',N ,NJJolly Wees Looking GoodJolly Wee Dan's Desert Dust x Maranatha's Christmas AngelWords cannot express our gratitude to Mrs. Randall M. Freeh of the renowned Jolly Wee Kennels for hei generosity in allowing LG to come stay with us. Randy heard about the passing of our super puppy "JJ' and immediately contacted us to ask if we would like to co-own LG, in hopes that he would help ease our sorrow. We were thrilled and flabbergasted but managed to squeak out a "yes" and a tearful "thank you."LG has consistently taken Group 1 's at the matches as well as a Best Movement in match win over 53 dogs of all breeds. He is now making his AKC show debut and we know he will continue to amaze us with his performance. Watch for him - you too will be amazed by his wonderful movement and animation.Gratitude and thanks do not seem enough to offer Randy in appreciation for what she has done for us. I can only say that we are honored by her confidence in us and we hope to make her very proud of LG.Co-OwnerHandler Mary E. Wells 4986 Avila Way Buena Park, CA 90621 714 994-0259OwnerBreeder Mrs. Randall M. Freeh 733 N. Booth Rd. Kennesaw, GA 30144 404 926-601134 POMERANIAN REVIEW Pomaunok PomsWaiting his turnPOMAUNOK MEMENTO "Mickey"Mickey was captured in this candid photo at 7 months of age, waiting to catch the judge's eye. He's a full younger brother to Ch. Denny and Ch. Speck.Fran Bosmann Summit Rd.Spartz, NJ 07871 201 729-7275MerrymontWishes to congratulate the following on their new purchasesCheri PeelCh. Queenaire StarburstCh. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond x Ch. Chip-A-Ways Diamond KeepsakeMelvin and Patti BarnettCh. Merrymont Image MakerCh. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond x Foskey's Foxy LadyVerl and Anita ThompsonMerrymont Made of Honey Ch. Merrymont Image Maker x Merrymont Nut 'N HoneyGreg and Karen CrouchMerrymont Trick 'R TreatCh. Merrymont Image Maker x Merrymont Nut 'N HoneyWatch for Merrymont Sat'rday Nite Spec'l to make his debut soon. This 3 lb. orange male is hotter than a 2 dollar pistol Elliot" is the first son of Ch. Merrymont Sat'rday Nite Fever x Ch. Great Elms Karen of Lenette.LP.J. Griffin2767 Calumet Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27106 919724-7562 JPOMERANIAN REVIEW 8y mv K_ Xfr --------VK MVIdas PomeraniansCh. Idas Lil MelodeeFinished with a five point and 2 four point majors. Sired by Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge and out of Ida's Princess of Bev-Nor.BreederOwner Ida Tarver3V.__ ^THRONATEESKA KENNEL CLUB FEBRUARY 1989d^PHOTOBT BONNIEIdasLil GraciePictured taking a 5 point major at the Dallas Pom Specialty. Sired by Ch. Ida's Touch of Bev-Nor and out of Creider's Camelia O' Ida.BreederOwner Ida Tarver 102 12 Cordon St.Pineville, LA 71360 318443-3733I'vLWINNERS OFKOHLER16 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSOP STUD FINAL STATISTICSDear Phyllis,I now have the data in for the complete 'ear of 1988 for the Top Producing Sire. The jnly changes from what you have published ireCedarwood's Image of Diamond would nove from third place to second place with he addition of one more son, Queenaire jtarburst.Ch. Emcee'sSolid Cold Diamond moves rom fifth place to third place with the addi- ion of Emcee's Tiny I Am and Emcee's Wee Sold Yetta.I am taking the 1989 statistics using the Sazetteyearso next April you will have all the Jogs at the time of publishing.Yours truly,Happeth JonesCOLOR ISSUEThe Anniversary Issue is so gorgeous, I hink we can all agree it is a keepsake. It is a hame to wait another ten years for an issue with color in itso I am recommendingthatthe Pomeranian Review have a special color issue every two years instead of 10 so that hose who want to show everyone our special Poms in color may do so. If we wait ten years, that special Pom that we breed may well be retired and we would therefore miss the opportunity to feature that dog in the next color issue.Perhaps a questionnaire of some sort could besentouttoeveryonewhosubscribes to the Review and get their opinion too.I know I refer to my Anniversary Issue all the time and I'll bet many other readers do as well. Howdoyoufeel about my idea Would you support color every two years Write the editor and let her know. And speaking of theeditor, Phyllis goes way beyond the call of duty to produce such fantastic issues. Many, many thanks, Phyllis for a great jobSincerely,Gail JeubIf advertisers want to designate an issue a year or every two years, whatever, we can certainly do that. It is important that we have a group of ads at least 16, 32 or more is better so that our costs remain affordable. In a color issue a full page ad would cost 250.00. This cost would not be applicable in issues other than a color issue, as it is the group of ads that gives us this low cost. We are dividing the overall cost among more people, thereby making each advertiser's share smaller.There would be one color picture per page with color borders and color type. Black and white pages would also be available with color borders and type at 60.00 additional i.e., full page bw photos 60.00 for color border and type. More than one photo would be available for black and white ads. Cover costs will have to be figured separately.If this sounds like a good idea to you, talk to your friends and the Board and let's set it up. I'm willing. It is a tremendous amount of work, but well worth the effort when you have the final result in your hands. Oh yes, when you are considering which issue to designate, consider the April issue. It goes to all the judges. Editor.POMERANIAN REVIEW 87Pattys PomeraniansCh. Patty's binomite of Bren PayBorn 5985 1,000.00Ch. Creider's Replica Riptide Ch. Robinhood's Replica's Rerun Queenaire Gin Fizz of Hoods Dandy Replica's RerunCh. Russell's Fox Flame Tynee Pom-Chris ChatterboxChris's Terrific Aristocrat Ch. Russell's Fox Flame Tynee Pom-Chris Dynamic Miracle Chris's Terrific Aristocrat Hudson's Little SisterJimbo's Captain Midnight Misty Midnight VIIJackie's Nimble Nickiet Patty Jensen 612 472-5950Patty's Parti Panda of bossmarFOR SALEBreeding quality possibly show BT male born 6488. Mostly Great Elms, Show- stopper lines. 350.00.Possible show quality sable female, born 42289, mostly Great Elms and Show- stopper line grandsire, Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge. Parti litter due 6389, Sire Prestigious Lucky Star Parti pg. 61, Oct. '88, Pom Review Dam Patty's Parti Panda of Dossmar.6520 Game Farm Rd. E. Mound, MN 553648 POMERANIAN REVIEWtegistrable breeds applying for ILPs will require leutering.At the May 9,1989 Board Meeting, the Board 5f Directors approved the policy that will require Jogs of registrable breeds to be neutered before ILP applications are granted. This would not apply to Jogs of the Miscellaneous Class breeds. This will aecome effective September 1,1989.The Board, acting to close a loophole on indiscriminate breeding of unregistrable dogs of regis- jable breeds and the use of the Indefinite Listing Privilege as an alternative form of registration with unregistrable dogs being bred on the basis of the ILP number, approved the following policyEffective for applications for Indefinite Listing Privileges received after September 1, 1989, for an unregistrable dog of a registrable breed, all such applications much be accompanied by a certification from a veterinarian or animal shelter verifying thatthe dog has been spayed or neutered.The American Kennel Club's primary function is to regulate the breeding and exhibition of registered pure-bred dogs. The issuance of an Indefinite Listing Privilege for an unregistrable dog is striclty a discretionary accommodation.Certification that a dog has been spayed or neutered must be attached to all application forms received by AKC after September 1, 1989. The fee for an ILP remains 25.00. ILP dogs continued to be eligible to be entered in Obedience Trials or in Tracking Tests only.This spayneuter requirement for application for an Indefinite Listing Privilege applies only to registrable breeds and not the Miscellaneous Class breeds Australian Kelpies, Border Collies, Canaan Dogs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Chinese Crested, Chines Shar-Pei, Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs, Miniature Bull Terriers, Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, and Spinoni Italiani.CIRCULATIONMANAGERJohn Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONYour inquiries answered within 24 hours"20.00 per year - Third Class Mail Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, APOs, Puerto Rico U.S.Funds Only 25.00 per year - First Class Mail Mailing Time3rd class - 10-14 days 1st class - 3-5 daysIf you move, 3rd class mail is NOT forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know your new address six weeks before you move.BACK ISSUES1980 to date - 5.00 each. Years prior to 1980 - 4.00 each. Call for availability. Anniversary Issue 1988 15.00 each Cost includes postage.V1 MAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB Lapel Pins5.00 eachTo order your pin, contactAudrey Roberts 1410 South 10th Street Leesville, LA 71446POMERANIAN REVIEW 8F-Watts PomeraniansCh. 28"I,Ch. Watts Little PeachesGreat Elms Timmy Beam x Yolanda's Traveling TequilaPeaches finished her championship from the puppy classes, capturing a Best of Breed and a 5 point major along the way. Many thanks to those judges who pointed her.Fisherville KC., BO W, 3 pt. major. M. Cohen Annapolis K.C., BO B, 5 pL major, Mr. M. Howard. Wyoming Valley K.C., WB, BOS, 4 pts., Mrs. L. T. Bueno Tidewater K.C., BOW, 2 pts., Mr. Ken Miller. Southern MD K.C., WB, BOW, 4 pL major, Mr. M. DowningWatts Pomeranians 4800 Floral Park Rd. Brandywine, MD 20613 301372-878290 POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX OF ADVERTISERSBaker, Olga Jeribeth.........................15,48,49Bandy, Michael Coldcrest ..........................57Beam, Ruth Great Elms .............................33Bernardo, Glenn Coldcrest ........................ 57Bordelon, JanetVelvet Touch ..................... 74Bosmann, Fran Pomaunok....................47,84Brogoitti, Linda..............................................39Carlton, Jennifer Magic...............................42Carrell, Tammy............................................. 63Carson, Morris and Betty Emcee ...............45Conlee, Susan......................... Back Cover,46Creed, Charlotte Southland ................. 13,40Creider, Norma Creider...............................30Crockett, Carolyn ......................................... 75Curry, Barbara Beltane............................... 59DeFord, Don and Barbara............................ 44Dimick, Warren and Virginia ........................65Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre ........................ 6,7Dupuis, Elizabeth Pomsprings ............ 43,55Epps, NinaOakridge ...................................81Freeh, RandyJolly Wee .............................. 83Fry, NancyMagic................................42,68,69Cemmill, RandyWakhan........................ 50,51Goddard, Sue Tim Sue .................FC, 25,39Griffin, Patty Merrymont.........................46,84Griffith, Ken Lenette...................................... 9Gustafson, Art and Linda .............................21Hanson, Sharon Jan-Shar.......................... 67Heartz, Chris and John........................... 27,40Jackson, Cheryl Glen Iris ...........................71Jenner, Ed..................................................... 40Jensen, Patty Patty ..................................... 87Jeub, Gail Stardust.................................34,39Jones, Blake................................................. 35Kripak, Gerald Evanspark ......................... 73LaFortune, AnnaSungold ........................... 74Lane, Darren............................................60,61Lovely, Victoria ........................................... 35Luginsland, Janice.............Inside Front CoverMcGrath, Renee .......................................... 53McKee, Margaret Idlewyld ......................... 77Mercer, Dan and Joellen.............................. 29North, Charles.............................................. 74Peel, Cheri Foxwood.................................. 44Penney, MarleneMarshire .......................... 36Piazza, Skip............................................. 15,48Plonkey, Dana.........................................50,51Power, Karen............................................... 43Presser, Marlene and Marlin........................ 17Ready, Cassandra ............................ 44,78,79Rinehart, M. Deane..................................... 81Roach, Dudley and Wanda......................... 31Roberts, Bess.............................................. 19Rodrigues, Fern........................................... 41Rosenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar......................... 11Stetson, Bonnie..................Inside Back CoverStoll, Frances............................................... 39Tarver, Ida Ida............................................ 85Taylor, Joel Glen Iris ................................. 71Untalan, EmilyAutumn...................... 22,23 47Vasuta, Lorinda....................................... 60,61Warren, Fran Day......................................... 77Watts, Dolores Watts ................................. 89Wells, MaryMNM......................................... 83POMERANIAN REVIEWK-9 Private Benjamin goes AWOL to capture Croup 1 at Central Ohio ICC. under the command of Karen Fitzpatrick for presentation to noted Judge Martha Jane Ablett.9CENTRAL OHIO KENNEL CLUBAPRIL 23 1989TOYCh. LLL High Lights Goldie HawnSire Multiple Best in Show Ch. Tim Sue's High Lights 3 Pom for 1988, Kennel Review system Dam Ch. Rocky's Brass BellringerProud OwnerBonnie Stetson 852 Lakewood Blvd Akron, OH 44314 216 753-9331Proud BreederCo-Owner Janice Luginsland LLL Kennels Rt 1, Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316443-5157rCh. Tim Sue'sHarbor Lights3VOwnersDr. Philip and Susan Conlee 2155 Olga St Oxnard, CA 93030 805 485-0857Breeder Sue Goddard