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The Pomeranian Review October 1989
American Pomeranian Club, 3fnc.Published QuarterlyP omeraaiai 6 view October 1989Vm I11 I 1IBEST OF OPPOSITERALEIGH KENNEL CLUB MAR 198TATHAM PH0TStar Dust PomeraniansBlossom Heights PomsBlossom Heights FirecrackerCh. Homestead's Spit N' Polish x Blossom Heights Bolero - 9 pts.10 pts., 1 majorPictured taking a Best of Breed win under judge Josi vtitchel, handled by breeder- Dwner Arlene Benko.Ajoytohave, Firecracker s the little dog with a big heart He las personality, showmanship and quality, winning 8 out of 10 shows.SCKWABlossom Heights Show BizBlossom Heights Show Biz wins another Best of Breed over a special at the Brevard Kennel Club Show under Judge Wilma Hunter. Biz now has 14 pts., 1 major.Blossom Heights Poms Arlene and John Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach. FL 33407 407 842-5591Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran ftommman Eluh, jhtr.President ..........................First Vice President...........Second Vice President....Recording Secretary.........Corresponding SecretaryTreasurerOFFICERS OF THE CLUB.............................................................................Dolores Watts..........................................................................Dianne Johnson.............................................................................. Nadine Hersil............................................................................... Judith Green...........................................................................Audrey Roberts.......................................1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, LA 71446.............................................................................Morris CarsonOlga Baker.........John Cribbs.........Sue Goddard......Delegate to AKCBOARD OF DIRECTORSAnna La Fortune....... Skip Piazza.....Mary Vickers..... Sam ZaneoffPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor......................................... Phyllis Ripley, 6902 E. 1st., Tucson, AZ 85710 602 721-7620Circulation Manager.........................................John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year. Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, APOs, U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESNonMembersMembersCover............................... 120.00 150.00Inside Front Cover............... 65.00 80.00Center Spread....................120.00 150.00Full page...............................55.00 65.00Three-quarters page ... .45.00 55.00Half page..............................35.00 45.00Quarter page.........................15.00 25.00Classified Ads.........................5.00 7.00Photo Reproduction . . 10.00 10.00Color .......................................Call for pricesPictures are returned after publication.CONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos 10.00 each. Editor reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. Photos must accompany ad copy. ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED.DEADLINESNovember 15 January IssueFebruary 15 April IssueMay 15 July IssueAugust 15 October IssueTable of Contents Cover Story'resident's Message..................................... 5by Dolores Wattsecretary's Report......................................... 8by Audrey Roberts^PC-NCPC Specialties ............................. 16by Dolly Traunerfennel Visit.................................................. 30Columbia Pom Club .................................. 35Dallas-Ft. Worth Club................................. 36Delaware Valley Club................................. 40om Club of Greater Baltimore.................... 40om Club of Michigan ................................. 42uget Sound Club........................................ 46Ian Diego Club............................................ 48At Ranier Club........................................... 50Aebfoot Report.......................................... 51Behind The New Champions..................... 56Second Opinion ......................................... 62by Happeth Jones.earn To Help Yourself............................... 68by Wendy FeistMong Myway.............................................. 72by Molly MillerPacific Northwest News and Views .... 74Dbedience News......................................... 76by Brenda HuttonRemember When .................................... 84by Dorothy BonnerHelpful Hints................................................ 86by Margaret McKeePrince of Poms .......................................... 92by Pauline B. Hughes lust How Safe Are Our Dogs' Beds .... 94 by David Edwards1988 ........................................................... 96by Pauline B. HughesTips and Yaps ..............................................97Circulation Manager................................... 100Index of Advertisers .................................. 101Hi,Let me introduce myself. My formal name is AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Cachet, but everyone calls me "Peaches." I am one of the girls that resides at Star Dust Pomeranians.My dad is Ch. Coy's Top of the Mark and my mom is Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cash- mere. I was bred by Christine Heartz who knew I had the potential to be a winner.I started my show career when I was 6 12 months old by winning Best Puppy in Show in Canada. I was expertly handled by John Heartz. I won a total of 7 Best Puppy in Shows while in Canada. I am also a multiple group winner as well as having multiple Croup placements to my credit. I am told that this is quite an accomplishmentforagirl. I have free whelped two litters and plan to return to the show ring again soon.I will be specialed as soon as I get my coat back from my summer shed. You all know how that goes. As soon as my coat comes back look out'cuz I'mcomin' I will be out strutting my stuffIn future issues I will introduce you to some of my Pom friends at Star Dust Pomeranians.See you at the shows.Arf Arf"Peaches"Puppies Available Breeding for the stars of tomorrowOwnerStar Dust Pomeranians Gail Jeub9100 61st Avenue Circle North Minneapolis, MN 55428 612 537-1413uPRESIDENT'S MESSAGEDolores Watts 4800 Floral Park Rd. Brandywine, MD 20613 301 372-8782I had the good fortune of attending the APC Summer Specialty and the NCPC Specialty in June in San Francisco, California. The NCPC Club worked very hard getting it all together and it paid off as everything was superb. Congratulations to Julie Moreno and all her hard workers. The entries were very good and there were so many quality dogs there in competition. The banquet was especially nice and I'm sure no one walked away hungry. Mrs. Billings did a quality job judging as always, as did Mr. D. Jackson, the Sweep- stakes judge for the APC Specialty.I had been looking forward to this trip as having been out to the West Coast before,I was able to see and enjoy so many of you nice guys out there. I had my buddy, Edna, with me too. We did not expect to hit any cold weather but do express our thanks to the Roaches and Jean Schroll for the loan of their wintercoatsforourentirestay. Dave co u I d n't make this trip but keep everything intact back on the homefront. Thanks again Dolly, for my lovely President's banner which now hangs in my kennel.I had hoped to have a Board meeting while there, but unfortunately there were not enough Board members present for a quorum.The recent vote sent to all members pertaining to the Constitutional By-Law change was approved. Our next step is to obtain AKC approval as provided in our Constitution.Also, the 1991 slate of judges for the APC Specialty was voted on by the membership and Mr. Maynard Wood will be the Sweeps judge and Mrs. M. J. Ablett thejudge for the regular classes.The revision of the Summer Spe cialty Guidelines Booklet has been corr pleted and is extremely well done by Mar Vickers. It is being presented to the Boar for final consideration. When the bookie gets the Board's approval for printing, eac regional club will receive a copy for the records.Hope to be able to report some def nite information to you in the next issu regarding the Awards to be given at our ne National Specialty.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging th owning, breeding and exhibiting of thi Pomeranian dog and the protection am advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership t all who are interested in these principles am aims.If you are interested in joining the club Please contact Mrs. Audrey Roberts, 1410 S 10th. St., Leesville, LA 71446.If you only wish to subscribe to the Re view contact the Circulation Manager, Johi Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047KENNEL VISITThis issue we are pleased to visit the kennel of Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane in Akron, Ohio. Many thanks to them fo having us, and to Barbara Stoffer for writ ing their story so well.To qualify for a Kennel Visit, yoi must have been a member of APC for iyears. Nominations are encouraged, as we would like to continue this tradition.Ch. Dan-Ds Tiny Jack Frost4WaBEST OF WINNERSNEW CHAMPIONBATTLE CREEK KENNEL CLUB MAY1989 BOOTH PHOTO BY RITTERtL 1Ch. Emcee's Tiny Mite of Tico x Foxy Lady BaumgardnersMany thanks to Dr. Morris Carson for his encouragement through my years of select breeding and from his foundation stock, Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond, now comes our first home grown championFrosty finished in grand style. Shown here with judge Kenneth Falconi - BOW and 5 pt. major. The same weekend he took BOW and 5 pt. major under Judge Carol Holland and BOW and 5 pt. major under Alvin Maurer Jr. At the Pomeranian Club of Michigan Sweepstakes under Mr. Francis Wright, he was Best Opposite Sex. Later that day he was RWD under Mrs. Victor Olmos-Ollivier. All Frosty's points were earned in Michigan. My sincere thanks to these judges who saw his worthiness. Last but not least, my gratitude to Lorrie Carlton, a splendid handler, who cared for and showed him to perfection - a perfect team.OwnerBreederHandlerDorathy Barnes 34851 Beacon Livonia, Ml 48150 313 522-2772HandlerLorris Carlton 29625 Munger Livonia, Ml 48154 313 421-11446Ch. Dan-D s Tiny Jack FrostVLIVONIAKENNELCLUB INC APRIL I3B9Ch. Emcee's Tiny Mite of Tico x Foxy Lady BaumgardnersShown here taking his first point under j udge Elaine Rigdon atthe Livonia Kennel Club.I want to thank everyone fortheir support. A special thanks to my co-owner and mom, who was always there, and my best friend and often right hand, Louise Crowe.Congratulations to Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane on finishing your two new champions. Good lucktoShari Staffer. She just needs one majorto finish. Regards to Dupre Poms, nice going with Lady, Buster's daughter. Dan-D wishes Lyn-Lee continued success. We all wish Lorrie Carlton a speedy recovery after her ankle injury,FLASH Frosty is a new Daddy He has taken a Group 3 and 4 since he finished. What a Pom We are so proud of him.Stud fee on request.OwnerHandlerBreederDorathy Barnes 34851 Beacon313522-2772 Livonia, Ml 481507SECRETARY'S REPORT by Audrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St Leesville, l_A 22303 703 960-7755There has been some confusion on the Treasurer's Report in the Roster. In an effort to save the Club a lot of money, I chose to include only one of the 36 pages of Dr. Carson's voluminous and very accurate Treasurer's Report. I perhaps chose the wrong page. This is however my fault and not Dr. Carson's. Included with this report is an update sent to me by Dr. Carson. This will perhaps more fully explain the state of the money affairs of APC.Your Board has been working very hard on updating several guidelines. The Summer Specialty Guidelines are currently being gone over for approval. Mary Vickers has headed this project and has come up with an excellent new guide. When approval is complete new copies will go out to all Specialty Clubs.The Board is also in the process of approving some new yearly awards. This effort is also headed up by Mary Vickers. Some awards being considered are Breeder of the Year, Exhibitor of the Year, Show Dog of the Year, Top Obedience Pom, Top Obedience Exhibitor, also an ROM and ROMX. This is a Register of Merit. T o receive this a dog must have produced a certain number of Champions ROMX beingfor a larger amount of Champions produced. Another consideration is fora Gold Club. Members in this group must qualify by winning back to back Group Firsts, or back to back Best in Shows, or qualifying in Obedience with a perfect 200, or getting 100 Best of Breeds, or for bitches, 50 Breeds, etc. There are all in the works. We will soon have the guidelines and requirements,andthe exact awa rdswhichwewillbe offering.I have a severe problem associated with my move back to Louisiana. The U.S.P.O. has failed to continue my forwarding as long as I had requested. I recently received a largebatch of mail from the folks who now occupy our home in California, some dated back to February. Hopefully they sent me all that came to them. But it is possible some mail was lost. If you have written or sent a member application and you have not received word from me, then please drop me a note. I apologize for this inconvenience.I wish to congratulate Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane on their Kennel Visit. We are trying to continue this tradition on a regular basis. Nominations are welcome from all members foranyone who you think would enjoy a Kennel Visit. The requirements are that they must have been a member of APC for at least 5 years. Once they have received a Kennel Visit they are not permitted another. This is so more members will be permitted this privilege.Respectfully Submitted,Audrey RobertsMEMBER CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONSFrances Casey 60 Wilbur St.Raynham, MA 02767Diana M Downey 20435 Ambassador Terrace Germantown, MD 20874 Br, ExCurtis Mack 248 Main St.Leesville SC 29070 803 532-2909 Br, ExNEW MEMBERSGary Allen Ward 14673 Cloverdale Rd.Dale City, VA 22193 703 670-DOGS Excontinued on p. 82.8Feisty's Pomeranianspresents two new champions for their young sire, Ch. CJ's Masterpiece of MarkssM 4c-Ch. Feisty's image of CovergirlCh. Feistys My-T-Fine"Mighty" started his show career at 8 months of age and finished at 11 months. Thank you Jean Schroll for your professional presentation, and the extra TLC you always give. Many thanks to the judges who awarded him points Joan Alexander, William Bergum,Mr.Adameck, William Field and Garland Baker.Mighty is out of Feisty's Brandy Wine Cooler. FJeisnowa proven sire. See his pedigree in Behind The New ChampionsWe thank all our ringside friends who are always there with words of encouragement and support. Congratulations to the Animation Kennel on your Kennel Visit..We are lucky here in the North- westto haveso many shows available to us in a short period of time. "Footsie" started at 8 months of age and finished just a day before her 9th month birthdayOur lines consist of mainly Scotia and Sungold breeding. Thank you Anna LaFortune and Edna Girardot, for without your hard work in creating these lines we wouldn't have these special kids.Once again, thanks Jean and a big thank you to all those j udges who found her special.Footsie's dam is Bi-Mar Shesa Covergirl.Breeders and Owner Handlerswhenever possibleVictor and Wendy Feist 6325 SE 73rd Portland, OR 97206 503 774-8912V C...AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INCFinancial Statement for period January 1, 1988 to December 31,1988alance brought forward in savings account 12-31-88otal Interest paid for year 1988otal cash in account at end of year 1988ExpensesJanuary major expenses Jan. ReviewFebruary editor and printerMarchApril extra Pom Reviews for all judgesSpecialtyMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober Editor and printer of Anniversary November issue of Pom ReviewDecemberotal Expenses for year 1988ialance brought forward in checking account 12-31-88DepositsJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberTotal Deposits for year 1988 .ess ExpensesDeficit for year 1988 Due to cost of Anniversary Issue of Pom Review 3alance in checking account 12-31-88Dash in Savings Account 12-31-88Dash in Checking Account 12-31-88Drand Total Checking and Savings 12-31-88Respectfully Submitted Morris E. Carson, Treasurer8,026.99375.788,402.768,840.284,469.481,570.0610,050.872,062.881,420.787,050.39500.00228.7312,915.4815,597.039,089.6373,895.615,504.273,693.964,048.845,006.243,845.00685.00913.009,840.951,033.601.855.50 27,081.505,268.254.968.5068,240.3473,895.615,655.275,402.774,995.325,402.7710,398.09SouthlandCh. Southland N Bev-Nor's Dynasty owned by Cassandra ReadyCh. Southland's Apollo Creed owned by Nina BerryM.Ch. Southland N Bev-Nor's Tar Baby owned by Linda BrogoittiCh. Bev-Nor N Southland's Tar Lacy owned by Tony CabreraSouthland proudly presents four of Bev-Nor N Southland Poasty's champion kids. Tu 1 was Top Producing Bitch 1988 Kennel Review. All of the above kids are sired by Top Producing S 1988 Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge. "Tu Tu" is bred and owned by Charlotte Creed and Beve Norris.Southland Rays of SunshiCharlotte Creed 318 466-346618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 713777 URIVER K.C.TIN SHOWLICKING ftfVEKENNEL^ CUf SiA .-Ch. Great Elms Pride And JoyMultiple Best in Show winner.Thank you Lenora Riddle.PJ's daughter, Great Elms Jewel of Lenette was Group 1 from the Puppy Class at Pontiac K.C.Owner Breeder HandlerBonnie Stetson Ruth L. Beam Karen Fitzpatrick216 753-9331 215 521 -299212Ch.OwnerBonnie Stetson 852 Lakewood Blvd Akron, OH 44313 216 753-9331r\ n n 11JAAj High Lights Goldie Hawn40 Shows this year - 27 Croup placements.11 Croup I's 9 Croup 2'sBreederOwneJanice Luginslam Rt. 1, Box 9. Americus, KS 668i 316 443-515HandlerKaren Fitzpatrick 215 521-299213't. "S'TOY GROUPSECONDTOLEDOKENNEL CLUB SHOWJUNEPHOTOS BTOh. Great Blms Lril Beveof LrenetteCroup 2Thank you, Garland BakerWith two other specials in the ring, Beve gets left home to be a housepet most of the time. He is a beautiful four and one half pound orange dog that deserves to be in the ring. We hope to find the time to get him out more. Watch for him - he truly is special.Bonnie Stetson 216 753-933114Owner852 Lakewood Blvd. Akron, OH 44314Ch. Crystal Jewel TiaraTia is the daughter of Animation Kennel's foundation stud, Ch. Cinquay Yankee Dood Dandy. Tia and I wish to send our congratulations to Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane of Animatic Kennels on their Kennel Visit this issue.OwnerBonnie Stetson 216 753-9331BreedJudy A. Sheari 216 852-4131The APC-NCPC Summer Specialtiesby Dolly B. TraunerCold Wind, gustingto 35 mph, rushed own from the arctic. The sun hid behind ray murk the entire day. Exhibitors from warmer climates repeated every bad word ver said about San Francisco's unique sum- lerweather, while natives glumly hoped the ext day would be better.Venue for the 1989 APC Summer Spe- ialty summer was the rear of the San rancisco Airport Holiday Inn. Rooms on hree sides of the asphalt parking area con- aining the ring provided ringside viewing hrough picture windows in comparative omfort for spectators and those exhibitors lot needed in the ring at the moment. Every- ne wore except while in the ring a name tag ittached to a souvenir badge - blue, with the an Francisco emblem of the Golden Cate Sridge and the APC Pom in white these dentified our group from other hotel guests, md helped put names to unfamiliar faces vithin the group.The dogs seems to love it The ancient ilood of their northern ancestors responded nappily to the chill, and we envied their fur oats.Even the dullness of the sky failed to dim he brightness of the masses of silver trophies ill winners down through 4th place took at east one shining memento home with them. Diane Stevenson, Trophy Chairman had mounted a beautiful display. The Trophy able and ring stanchions were further decorated with blue and gold floral arrangements and pom-poms created by Decorations Chairman, Marge Kranzfelder. Marge also created the souvenir Pom plant-sticks, the Pom mobiles, and the floral arrangements in baskets thatappeared atdinner. Dog biscuits shaped as bones and fire hydrants, and "people" biscuits shaped like Poms,were also distributed at dinner - both homemade by DollyTrauner and her assistant. Marge had fashioned the Pom cookie-cutter from one that started life as a chowChief Ring Steward, Al Craber, himself a multi-breed judge, assisted by Lucy Buttz, expertly handled their jobs with ease and grace, finding the right trophies for the classes from among those loading the table even when Diane was exhibiting in the ring and unable to point them out. Rita Perko, also a multi-breed judge and long experienced as a Show Secretary, answered questions and supervised the event "by the book." Rita and Lucy had been borrowed from their Poodle interests. Both are long-time friends of the Show Chairman, Julie Moreno, whose long involvement with Toy Poodles preceded her entry into Poms. Al Craber is loyal to his Shih Tzus but willing to help out his friends for this important occasion.NCPC President, Wanda Roach, and husband Dudley, their work on the Specialties completed beforehand, could relax a bit and concentrate on showing some of their Queenaire Poms. Dudley's computer had run red-hot for weeks, composing the Premium Lists, the insertin the April issue of Pom Review, the ads the other "non-guts" portions of the catalogs, and the Dinner Programs. He said, "Never again" but is already planning to do the same job for the November NCPC Specialty Desktop publishing has taken him by storm.From So. Carolina, the Sweepstakes judge, Derial Jackson, shrugged off the cold and conducted his assignment with smooth calm, starting at 1000 a.m. A gentleman of true southern charm and manner. It was unfortunate that time did not allow us to sit at his feet to hear him tell of the famous dogs and breeders of the past Little Emir, Little Rajah, Blue Boy, Mrs. Matta, and the manyolhati ^amtvnnmmannounces a new champion \Ch. Doctors Pepper CFNapoleon is shown above taking BOW for a 4 pt. major to finish under Judge Mr. Williar Usherwood at Beverly Hills. Also pictured is his owner, Sheree Hughes-lrwin, DVM - a proud me mentfor all of us. FLASH 3 Best of Breeds at Del Sur under Miss Francis Thornton, Shoreline unde Mrs. Etta Orenstein, and Long Beach underMrs. Elaine Mathis. Thank you all so much for seeing th boy's excellent qualities. Many thanks also to all the j udges who helped finish our beautiful black bo Napoleon is a heavy-coated, cobby and very sound little guy who is very tightly linebred on th famous Jolly Wee line. He will be at public stud for 200 to approved bitches. Watch for his littei due out of Ch. JD's Bella Donna, Maranatha's Lil Maggie Rose, Cobb's Easter Bonnet of Dan an Cobb's Babe of Pepper Too. Inquiries welcomeOwnerSheree Hughes-lrwin, DVM 21206 Greeley Road Bakersfield, CA 93312 805 589-2573HandlerGlenn C. Bernardo 20524 Pioneer Blvd Lakewood, CA 90715 213 402-9606Co-OwnerBreeder Howard and Lola Fiel Star Rt. 3, Box 4500- Tehachapi, CA 9356 805 821-7191ithers he knew personally and wrote about s the first Pom columnist for Dog World nagazine. The Regular Classes started at 100, fter a deli lunch in the Hospitality Suite for ast and crew. The Judge, Mrs. Michelle Sillings, demonstrated once again the exper- ise and professionalism we had glimpsed iriefly on TV when she found The Prince for iest in Show at Westminster in 1988. She is is warm and kind as she is lovely to look at. Ven the losers - and there had to be many in he larger classes - appreciated the thorough- less of her judging, and the knowledgeable nanner in which each dog was examined, ihe was overheard later to say that she had lever seen an entry of overall excellent qual- ty ever - and that any one of the 13 Poms she iad moved into the first 7 places int he Specials class could have been Best of Breed.On both day, NCPC took the option low allowed byAKC the non-regular, multi- mtry classes were scheduled before judging Jest of Breed. The Stud Dog class of 3 entries vas of outstanding quality and beauty and ncluded champions among the get. This cheduling insures that such classes, so important to the breed, receive the ringside ittention they merit. The final class for Best of Jreed then becomes the Grand Finale it hould be.A bit later, butterflies from caterpillars ouldn't compare with the transformation to he silks and satins of the ladies, or the jackets ind ties of the men attending the cocktail party and banquet. Dinner was an all-you- an-eat buffet that received high praise from 5ven the most experienced and exacting ipecialty-goer, accustomed to the usual rub- per chicken and withered peas of most hotel panquets.We were especially honored with the presence of the grande-dame of Poms, Edna 3irardot Scotia Kennels, and another APC jfe Member, Pauline Hughes Point Loma Poms. Edna had come out from Maryland Mth APC's new president, Dolores Watts. Darrell Baker, his broken leg mended, was looking svelte wife Olga was divine in a white version of a gay 90's gown. From 18Hawaii, Betty Aona, Ellen Takayama and Shirley Leu attended. Shirley is staying on for the wedding of the Moreno's younger daughter later this month a wedding on top of chairing two specialties Julie will have earned her 6-week vacation visiting Shirley in Hawaii later this fallFrom Wisconsin came APC's 2nd Vice President Nadine Hersil, accompanied by APC's Education Chairman, Sally Baugniet. Randy Blackburn from Utah had donated one of his oil originals of a Pom head for Best of Breed. Her stunning white hair and youthful face identified Norma Creider in the crowd. Sue and Tim Goddard had their table in stitches with their wit and good humor. Victoria Lovely and friend Blake Jones from Puyallup, WA, looking so young, but wise and knowledgeable beyond appearances. Estelle McDonald - but, more of her later The Ontiveros made off with the top prize. It's not enough that he's the President of the San Diego Pom Club, the tiny TV-Clock-Radio from the raffle was on his winning ticket. Darn I had my eye on it Jean Schroll from Columbia Pom Club Connie and Tony Tellez, a handsome couple Janice Luginsland, from Kansas who had judged the Winter Specialty in NewYork earlier this year all graced us with their presence. The guest who came the farthest was George Walther from West GermanyAn early ending of the day for most to rest up and get ready for the next day's events.Next day, Friday, the NCPC Specialty - another day of wind and gloom, broken only briefly on occasion by a wan sun offering weakwarmth. Everythingfrom the day before had to be cleared away tables chairs, ropes and stanchions. Now, it all had to be set up again hotel rules. We owed much to Grounds Chairman, Brad Bradbury, and his assistant Mac McConnel, for muscling those weighty items back and forth. Mac doubled as catalog salesman, and Brad lent his ringside room as Hospitality "annex" for the coffee urn and some edibles - the Suite being some distance away, and hot coffee a lifesaver for manyTimt erwoo ezmeJLsK,ftCedarview lyinnamoERoxanne" is pictured going WB, and BOS for a 4 point major under j udge Toddie Clark. A special thanks to her breeder, Joyce Fritz, for letting us have this pretty red bitch.Always Owner Handled Timberwood Kennels 703 391-2617William O. Rohde and Linda Teresko 2905 Timber Wood Way Herndon, VA 22071Congratulations from our gang to Jayson and Ting on their first Best in Show.Way to go, Guys.- . 11igid attendees.The Sweepstakes Judge, Helen Palmer, a beloved former member of the Club. She nd husband, Fred, are now retired and living i Capitola, their days of breeding and show- lg their little Poms over but far from forgot- n.The Trophy table had taken on a new ppearance. Along with the crystal offered by ie Club were many wonderful items, hand- ladeand donated by Estelle McDonald ring nats, colorful chintz pads appliqued with a 'om and butterfly and quilted Pom-sized orduroy bean-bag cushions and the show eds How to describe them Shaped like a ligh-topped fleece clipper, made of colorful ralico prints and quilted, large enough for a ingle Pom to hide in its toe or for two pups o curl up for a nap, these were the prizes veryone hoped to win For Best of Breed, he shoe-bed was a rendition of the well- cnown white athletic shoe and bore a trade- nark" tag - REBARK.Mr. Garland Baker from Oklahoma udged the Regular Classes. Selections of 30th the Friday judges differed somewhat fom the day before, giving a wider distribu- ion of the points and prizes awards for both days are listed elsewhere in this coverage.And when the last ribbon and trophy vere distributed, the crowd dissolved - to ight-see in the city, or to prepare for compe- ition for more silver trophies at the NCPC supported Pom entries of the two all-breed shows on the weekend.The lovely APC trophy table.American Pomeranian Club Specialty ResultsSweepstakes - Judge Mr. Derial JacksonPuppy Dog 6-9 Months1. Rhapsody's Moonlight Sonata, Olga Baker2. Tim Sue's Jolly Wee Copyboy, Nina Berry3. Lovely Gentleman Jeffrey, Victoria Lovely4. JJ's Promises To Keep, Jean Schroll Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months1. Feisty's My-T-Fine, Victor and Wendy Feist2. Tim Sue's Just A Bright Light, Paul and Barbara Curry3. Tim Sue's Travel Light, Tim and Sue Goddard4.Southland Mr. Extraordinaire, MarleneandMarlin PresserPuppy Bitches 6-9 Months1. T-J's Angel's Annie Oakley, Theresa L. Reeder2. Feisty's Image of Covergirl, Wendy Feist3. Phyner Carmella, Dolly Trauner4. Wee Heart's Sudden Sinsation, Nancy ShellmanPuppy Bitches 9-12 Months1. Maranatha's Liberty Belle, Steve and Gloria Carlin2. Forever Sin-sational Choice, Marge Kranzfelder3. Bo-Na' Skylark Dream, Robert and Naida DowneyBest in Sweepstakes Rhapsody's Moonlight Sonata Best Opposite in Sweepstakes Maranatha's Liberty BelleRegular Classes - Judge, Mrs. Michelle BillingsPuppy Dogs 6-9 Months1. Rhapsody's Moonlight Sonata, Olga Baker2. Tim Sue's Jolly Wee Copyboy, Nina Berry3. JJ's Promises To Keep, Jean Schroll4. Lovely Gentleman Jeffrey, Victoria Lovely Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months1. Pens Little Snow Wizard, Penny DeesDupre PomeraniansSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSZeOo. TofyNftoKSVisBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXNEW CHAMPIONALEXANDRIAesmKENNELCLUB ------- FALL 1989 cPH0T BY. SOSA iCh. Dupre's Sparkling Gold DollIt's so nice to have you where you belongDolly is pictured completing her championship. Thank you, judges for her nice wins Mr Jane Kay - WB, BOW, BOS for 5 points Mrs. Kenneth Miller - WB, BOS for 5 points Mrs. Chark Nelson - WB, BOW, BOS for 2 points Miss Frances Thornton - WB, BOS for 2 points Mrs. Janie Lugisland - WB, BOS for 3 points pictured.Dolly accomplished these wins shortly after fulfilling her duties as a mother of 2. Watch fc the son of "Dolly To," littermate to Dolly.Congratulations to Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane of Animation Kennels on your Kenn Visit, and to Dorathy Barnes on your new Ch. Dan-D's Tiny Jack Frost. May you have many moreAll inquiries welcomed.BreederOwnerHandlerMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. Rt. 2, Box 878-318 627-5180 Colfax, LA 7141ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss21est in Sweepstakes went to Rhapsody's Moonlight onata, owned by Olga Baker. J udge Derial Jackson..Southland Mr. Extraordinaire, Marlene and Aarlin Presser slovice Dogs. Sundance XXXV, Valerie Kirkwoodtmerican Bred Dogs. Phyner Jubilee Brown Study, DollyTrauner . Sun-Dot's Mo Than Enuf, Diane Steven- onRuth Dotson3pen Dogs. Doctor's Pepper CF, Sheree J. Hughes and .ola Field. Tim Sue's Travel Light, Tim and Sue God- JardI. Tim Sue's Just A Bright Light, Paul and Barbara A Curry1. Apolloette Gone-A-Lot, Marlene and Marlin VesserWinners Dog - Doctor's Pepper CF Reserve Winners Dog - Phyner Jubilee Brown StudyPuppy Bitches 6-9 Months1. T-J's Angels' Annie Oakley, Theresa Reeder2. Phyner Carmella, DollyTrauner3. Texican's Minority, Erika Moureau4. Wee Heart's Sudden Sinsation, Nancy ShellmanPuppy Bitches 9-12 Months1. Bo-Na' Skylark Dream, R. N. Downer2. Maranatha's Liberty Belle, Steve and Gloria Carlin3. Forever Sinful Lace By Choice, Marge Kranzfelder4. Odyssey's Lady Rose, Rachel CappsBred By Exhibitor Bitches1. Forever Sin-sations Choice, Marge Kranzfelder2. Fiddler's Green Yoeman Janice, Phyllis and Jefferson GreerAmerican Bred Bitches1. Tellez Simply Rocky's Hope, Tony Tellez2. Sun-Dot's Sweet Stuff of Rommel, Susan MorrisOpen Bitches1. Mac's Autumn Fantasy, Mrs. B.C. McDonald2. Shamrock's Tia Marie, Sheila Marion3. Jeribeth's Little Britches, Ermengarde SweeneyOlga Baker4. Feisty's Image of Covergirl, Wendy FeistBest Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes went to Maranatha's Liberty Belle, owned by Steve and Gloria Carlin.Winners Bitch - Mac's Autumn Fantasy Reserve Winners Bitch - Shamrock's Tia MarieVeteran Dogs1. Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky, Marlene and Marlin Presser2. Ch. Apolloette Foolish Pleasure, Marlene and Marlin Presser3. Ch. Patrick's Mister Larry, M. Husband Veteran Bitches1. Ch. Pompark's Little Magnet, Marie ThompsonEthel Parker2. Ch. Queenaire Glory Huntress, Dudley and Wanda Roach55.0 N' VSPECIALTY BEST OF BREED . w mrAHOUSTON COMBINED SPECIALTY ASSOCIATIONFALL 1989 6 PHOTO BYL SOSAf ____'00000000000000000000000000Ch. Mi Babe S. M. CrashCh. Mac's Maybe I Will x Ch. Pomirish CC Scooter's SherryBest in Show Specialty "CrashCrash makes a hit in Houston again Pictured winning Best of Breed atthe Pomeranian Clut of Greater Houston Specialty over a large entry and several lovely Best In Show specials.Crash is a natural showman with a delightful animated personality. Always shown tc perfection by expert handler, Nancy Burnette.Thanks, Judge Jacquelyn Klein Thanks, Nancy Thanks, Houston I haven't come dowr from the clouds yetOwnerBreederBabe McCombs Rt. 1, Box 184BB Ola, AR 72853 501489-5510HandleiNancy Burnette Co-Breedei Sally Baugniei2Vinners Dog and Best of Winners went to Doctor's epper CF, owned by Sheree J. Hughes and Lola Field.iest of BreedIh. Tim Sue's High Lights, Tim and Sue DoddardJest of Opposite SexIh. LLL Highlights'Goldie Hawn, Sue God- lard and Janice Luginsland Jest of Winners Doctor's Pepper CFitud Dog ClassI. Ch. Moonshadows G Wiz Wee Bad, Janet vtanuzak. Ch. Sun-Dot's Rambolin' Strut N Stuf, Ruth DotsonI.Maranatha's Lil Benjamin, Steve and Gloria CarlinBest of Breed went to Ch. Tim Sue's High Lights, bred and owned by Tim and Sue Goddard. Handled by Erica Moureau. Judge Michelle Billings.-HrBest Opposite Sex went to Ch. LLL High Lights Goldie Hawn, owned by Sue Goddard and Janice Luginsland.Winners Bitch went to Mac's Autumn Fantasy, owned DyMrs. B.G. McDonald.Judge's Critique, APC Sweepstakes by Derial JacksonIt was a delight to see so many lovely puppies and I feltvery privileged to be able to judge them. The very good quality of these Poms and those of the Regular classes made it very hard to make choices.In the Puppy Dogs, 6-9 months, first was Rhapsody's Moonlight Sonata, owned by Olga Baker and bred by Pat McClary. He is a real stunner. Second was Tim Sue's Jolly Wee Copyboy, owned by Nina Berry and bred by Sue Goddard and Randall M. Freeh. He is an24\L KJ"r'hB^enefe ^Pome'ianianbBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner.v.miVTheblack and tan puppies pictured above are sired by Ch. Jaken's Sweet William oran puppies by Ch. Beaver of Lenette sable pup by Ch. Great Elms Model's Timstopper.Puppies available or litters due from the following studsCh. Great Elms Models Timstopper, Great Elms Bobby Beam, Great Elms Tiny Tim and Cl Beaver of Lenette.Congratulations to the following who have bought puppies from usDixieanna Bennett and her new Canadian Ch. Abra Cadabra of Lenette, finishing in on weekend. Sired by Stirewalt Tomy of Cedarwood x Great Elms Anzac of Lenette.Pat Duncan and her new Ch. Piddy Pat's Texas Cowboy, sired by Chesai Golden Challeng x Great Elms Charlene of Lenette.Bonnie Stetson and Great Elms lewel of Lenette, goingGroup 1 from the puppy class at 9 montf of age. Sired by Ch. Great Elms Pride and Joy x Great Elms Tiny Tiffany.Joyce Urban and RhynstoneDodger of Lenette, going Best in Match on at least two differei occasions. Sired by Great Elms Bobby Beam x Great Elms Jessica of Lenette.cellent puppy, rich in color with good ction. Third was Lovely Gentleman Jeffrey, red and owned by Victoria E. Lovely. He is stylish light orange. Fourth was J.J. Promises o Keep, bred by Donna Pickles and owned y Jean Schroll. He is a nice orange and good lowman.In the Puppy Dogs 9-12 class, first was eisty's My-T-Fine, owned by Victor and tendy Feist. He is a typey orange with a ood head, coatand action. Second was Tim ue'sjusta Bright Light, bred by Tim and Sue loddard and owned by Paul and Barbara lurry. As you would expect, he is very good, ice coat, bright orange and a good mover, hird was Tim Sue's Travel Light, bred and wned by Tim and Sue Goddard, half brother a the above as both are by Ch. Chriscendo lity Lights as we Ch. Tim Sue's High Lights, ne Best in Specialty winner. Fourth was outhland's Mr. Extraordinaire, bred by Iharlotte Creed and Beverly Norris and owned iy Marlene and Marlin Presser. He is a dark able of good quality.In the Puppy Bitches, 6-9 months, first v'as T-J's Annie Oakley, bred and owned by "heresa Reeder. She is a lovely little rich irange, good coat and excellent mover. Second vas Feisty's Image of Covergirl, owned by Vendy Feist. She is a good-coated red or- mge. Third was Phyner Carmella, bred and iwned by Dolly Trauner. Carmella is a very ypey chocolate. Onedoesn'tsee many really ood chocolates, and she is definitely a good ne. Fourth was Wee Heart's Sudden Sensa- ion, bred by Cassandra Ready and owned by Jancy Shellman. She is a nice sable.In the Puppy Bitches, 9-12 months, first vas Maranatha's Liberty Belle, bred and owned y Steve and Gloria Carlin. She is an ex- remely sound and excellent mover. She needs oat, but she is personality and type plus, iecond was Forever Sin-sational Choice, wned by Marge Kranzfelder. She is a very lice black, good color and sweet face. Third vas Bo-Na Skylark Dream, bred and owned jy Robert and Nadine Downey. She is an ippealing light orange. Fourth was ForeverSinful Lace by Choice, bred and owned by Marge Kranzfelder. She is a rich deep orange and a good showman.For Best in Sweepstakes, I put up Rhapsody's Moonlight Sonata. He is a bright orange, barely six months old, but what a showman. He walked into the ring as though he owned it. He's a real beauty. For Best Opposite Sex, Maranatha's Liberty Belle, in her own right a real showgirl.I thoroughly enjoyed being there and congratulate Julie Moreno, the ring stewards and all others responsible for such a tip top show.Judge's Critique, APC Regular Classes by Michelle BillingsThis year the site for the National Summer Specialty was the South San Francisco Holiday Inn at the airport. This made it especially convenient for the exhibitors and judges alike. The host club, the Northern California Pomeranian Club, headed by Julie Moreno and her committees, left no stone unturned in tending to everyone's needs. All that was lacking was the weather as it was unseasonably cold, even for San Francisco. Much of the ringside was huddled under blankets to watch the judging.Winners Dog went to Doctor's Pepper CF, a gorgeous 5 year old black dog. In my opinion he is the best black that I have seen in years with a good head, superb coat texture and outline. He is an exceptionally good mover and showed very well.Winners Bitch was awarded to Mac's Autumn Fantasy, shown in full bloom. I understand this win finished her championship and that she was 4 weeks or so in whelp. With few noted exceptions, I did notfeel that the quality in the classes was that strong.The Specials class however, was a different story as there were about five or six dogs and a bitch that one would be happy to have almost anywhere for a Croup 1 st at the very least. Finally I selected Ch. Tim Sue's High Lights for Best of Breed and his daughterWe'd like you to meet Bruce9tfe--. _rlfSn.M.-...officially known as Can. Ch. Tynan Trademark of Hobbit, Bruce is a continuing sour of enjoyment for us.In the showring, Bruce has done quite nicely with limited showing. In New York in February, managed to win his class in puppy sweeps and went second in the regular class. Considering that self-pitying owner was semi-conscious with the flu, he won these placements on his own, with no hr from this so-called "handler"Here at home, Bruce finished his Canadian title with a number of group placements includi a group first from the senior puppy class.Bruce participates in a local Kennel Club's Pet Therapy program, visiting various nursing horn He has managed to gain a sizeable fan club for his neat little selfMany thanks to his breeder Natalie Dunfee for allowing this super sound little guy to come usCongratulations to Darren and Lorinda on their Kennel Visit.Frances and Michelle McDonald 902 443-8536Hobbit Pomeranians14 Palisade Pla Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3M 2h. LLL High Light's Goldie Hawn for Best opposite Sex. The outstanding blackdog was est of Winners.The breed dog was in full coat, has a eat outline and coat texture and stands on iur beautiful legs. He shows very well stand- g still, but fights the lead and needs more aining in this area.The buffet dinner that evening was very od and a good time was had by all.I want to thank all of the exhibitors for leir support in the wonderful entry and just ope they enjoyed themselves as much as I id.idge's Critique, NCPC Regular Classes y Garland BakerFirst I would like to thank the Northern alifornia Pomeranian Club for the invitation judge their specialty June 9, 1989. I also ould like to thank the exhibitors who hon- red me with such a nice entry.The overall quality was very good. The uppies were as sound as anywhere I have idged.My Winners Dog, Feisty's My-T-Fine ame from the Open Class. He was very eady, mature and of true Pomeranian type, selected the 6-9 month puppy, Rhapsody's Joonlight Sonata for Reserve. He is a real omerand acted like he knew what it was all bout. Nice type and tremendous coat aldinnersDog went to Feisty's My-T-Fine, owned by ictorand Wendy Feist Handled byjean Schroil.IPBest of Breed went to Ch. Jeribeth's Sir Lancelot, owned by J.C. Baumgartner MD, Dr. G. Contino and Olga Baker.0Best Opposite Sex wentto Ch. LLL Ft ighlights Goldie Hawn, owned by Sue Goddard and Janice Luginsland.ready. One to be watched in the future.My Winners Bitch and also Best of Winners was Jeribeth's Little Britches from the Open class. She was very sound and a true mover. Reserve went to Sanrito's Sho- Nuff Beauty Lite from the Open class. She was a very close second to my winners. What more can I say.The Best of Breed line up was so outstanding. There were several that were so close in quality and any one of them could easily have gone Best of Breed. Ch. Jeribeth's Sir Lancelot was a sound, well balanced quality dog with coat in full bloom and a true showman.The Best of Opposite Sex, Ch. LLL High Lights Goldie Hawn was truly an elegantcontinued on p. 708AnimationLorinda Vasuta Darren Lane 63 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave. Akron, OH 44310 216 762-7567ySt r'lThank you, Pom Review from the whole clan, for paying us a visit.Cennel Visit he Animation Kennelorinda Vasuta and Darren LaneLocated in the center of busy and busing Akron, one of Ohio's largest cities, is a nail piece of Pom Paradise that you just ouldn't believe unless you saw it. The set- ng is almost like a Fantasyland. Once you nter the gates at Animation, you leave the sphalt and concrete world behind. More nan half an acre of green grass, trees, flowers nd shrubbery are landscaped in such a way lat you have the feeling you've entered a tory-book forest, secure from the rest of the ^orld by what seems like miles of 6 foot tockade fencing.Six years ago when Lori nda first saw this mall parcel of land with its rustic house a ind way of saying it was a little tumble-down nd overgrown, she had a special feeling bout it that it could be one of dreams come rue. It did take a lot of hard workand time but was tru ly worth it. As a matter of fact the city hought so too, for the North Akron Board of 'rade awarded Lorinda their beautification ward for property improvement. Now be- lind the attractive wood fence thatsurrounds he yard and hides this beautiful fairy tale cene lives the amazing and somewhat magi_ApproachingAnimation Kennel from the street, you irst see the grooming shop.Lorinda and Darren were married this past summer in their lovely family of Animation. At the present time this family consists of Lorinda Vasuta, Darren Lane and fourteen Pomeranians. Lorinda and Darren were married in a lovely garden ceremony in their back yard this past July 8, but wait, I'm getting a bit ahead of the story hereBack at the beginning, once upon atime a very young and somewhat naive little lady started on her journey down "the yellow brick road. As in the original story, a faithful pet was always with her. In Lorinda's case her companion at first was not a Pom but in fact a lovely American Eskimo which became her first show dog in obedience. After attending her first AKCall breed show, Lorinda become hooked and in order to continue on her journey to the land of Oz" and her objective, she needed an AKC registered dog to accompany her. Influenced mainly by a childhood admiration of Rin Tin Tin and not really knowing which breed to try, Lorinda chose a German Shepherd. During the next two years of showing in this highly competitive breed, she quickly learned the hard way most of the tricks that an expert handler needs to know - and also that there really are witches, scarecrows and a few tin men out there. Although the German Shepherd breed did not turn out to be exactly what she wanted, Lorinda did want to continue showing. Thinking back to her American Eskimo, she tried to pictureJOsomething as close to that breed as possible. At that time Lorinda had limited living space, so after coping with the big Shepherd for two years, she was ready for a small dog. It was then that she decided on Poms. Immediately she was as addicted to this endearing breed as she had been to the whole idea of showing in the first place.In November of 1977 Lorinda purchased her first Pom from an area breeder with the intention of showing it. Unfortunately with this Pom she did not realize her dream. Two other Poms in the two years that followed were shown but did not finish.At this time, Lorinda was fortunate enough to acquire Dandy. He was the ideal type that she was looking for. They really took to each other right away and so the first mystical faint dream of Animation Poms was born. Champion Cinquay's Yankee Doodle Dandy was outstanding in many ways, both in the show ring and at home. Together, he and his determined owner started a small dynasty of consistently sound and typey Poms that have earned a place in the breeding and exhibiting arenas of the Pom world. Dandy himself has made his mark on Pom history, particularly on the Ohio Poms being shown today.After studying different lines, searching for a mate for Dandy, Lorinda finally chose the Emcee line. Because of its special look, it struck her as being exactly what she was seeking. She contacted Morris Carson and-7 lVr- .sssn5-after some deliberation, he was finally co vinced that she was a suitable buyer. K Carson is as discriminating and cautious abc placing his Poms as Lorinda is about placi hers.When Lorinda went to visit Emcee she got her first look at Anna-Banana. At months of age, Anna was a bit of an uj duckling, but Lorinda knewthatthis little la was exactly what she wanted to take home Dandy. Morris made her promise that s would not show Anna unless she turned c to be good enough. He felt that otherwise might reflect on the high standards he expe of the Emcee Poms. To make a long stc short, Anna is now Ch. Emcee's Suss'Am and she was Top Producer in the Unto States for 1987 She is 4 12 pounds and h free-whelped 4 puppies in 3 of her litte Between Anna and Dandy, Animation Ke nel had its beginning.The name Animation wasfirstsuggestt to Lorinda by a friend who had observt Dandy in the ring and commented on f exceptional animation, expression and b havior. To this day that particular comme has followed the Animation Poms wherev they go. Continuing with that suggestion,. of the Animation Poms are named after ar mated cartoon characters.In 1986 Darren Lane became an ir portant part of Animation. He loved tl Poms and started right in helping Lorinc and he learned well. During his first yeJ 1m sle Poms'sleeping quarters. Notice the lovely quilt m the 1988 APC Specialty.arren showed several Poms and finished to of them. He was awarded Newcomer the Year by the Ohio Valley Pomeranian ub, of which Lorinda and Darren are two the founding members. It seems that arren had taken to Poms like a duck to ater. He developed a very special way of s own with them and they really respond him with interest and affection. Darren also a very loving part of Lorinda's life, igether they have even higher dreams for limation.Some of their dreams are already coming a reality as there are now nine lampions living at Animation - Ch. Emcee's jss'Anna, Ch. Animations'Tweety Bird, Ch. nimation's Raggedy Ann, Ch. Animation's veet Pea, Ch. Animation's Lucy Little, Ch. nimation's Atom Ant, Ch. Animation's Ela- o, Ch. Animation's Wiley B. Cyote and Ch. ilanes Frick. Ch. Cinquay's Yankee Doodle andy died in 1987. There are several other Dms carrying the direct Animation bloodies that live with loving owners elsewhere - h. Animations' Mr. Magoo a Croup win- r, Ch. Animation's Sylvester The Cat, and h. Animation's Babe from Toyland. Many her Poms in Ohio carry the Animation oodlinesand have excelled in the show ring id breeding programs.Ch. Animation's Atom Ant is probably ie most noted of the winning AnimationPoms. He is their first Croup winner and in his career as a special, many of his Best of Breed wins were over Best in Show specials. Atom has several champion and Group placing get.The first thing you see when arriving at Animation is the grooming shop at the front of the house. Lorinda has had her own grooming business for 11 years now and is considered one of the best. Lorinda's Dogs of Distinction has earned much regard and comes very highly recommended in the Akron area. Animation Poms is a small kennel, producing two litters per year. The majority of their Poms have completed their championships. They do not breed for the purpose of selling their Poms, rather for the betterment of the breed and competition in the show ring. Although many of Lorinda's dreams have already begun to be realized, she hopes to consistently produce Poms with that special look thatwill identify them as Animation Poms. And perhaps to someday produce a Best in Show Pom that comes up to Lorinda's standards.The Poms at Animation do not live in a separate kennel building. Each one is a treasured family member and lives with Lorinda and Darren in the house. They do havesep- arate sleeping quarters at night or for special occasions, butthey mostly have the run ofthe house. I have been there many times and it is always clean and neat. There is no hint of doggy smells and is a most unique operation. All living accommodations are upLorindarelaxing with a special friend. JUk ^ I xi10..vw. -. Inthe lovely garden area of Animation Kennel with "the gang."stairs for both Poms and people. The grooming shop occupies the downstairs rooms. I might also add that not every Pom at Animation is a show dog. There are a couple of pets too. All are loved and cared for with equal TLC. The Pom friends that have passed away rest in a peaceful shaded glen in the woods behind the gazebo that Darren built.Upstairs, the room that contains the sleeping quarters for the Poms is adorned with the beautiful Anniversary quilt that Lorinda and Darren won in the raffle at the 1988 Specialty in New York. The walls of the living room are home to a beautiful collection of individual paintings of several of the Animation Champion Poms. The portraits are unique and bring out the special character of each Pom they portray. Lorinda was awarded Breeder of the Year for 1988 by the Ohio Valley Pom Club and her trophy, along with Darren's, is proudly displayed in the living room. Many trophies and awards adorn the walls of the grooming shop reception room downstairs. A beautiful showcase contains a special prized collection of dogs of different breeds. Animation also treasures one of the most complete and beautiful collections of Pom figurines and artifacts that I have ever seen.The atmosphere is always warm and friendly at Animation, although it retains one of the busiest and most hectic schedulesyou can imagine. But there always seems be time for a friend, time for a chat and til for a loving pat to a cherished Pom frierSince Darren joined Lorinda at Anin tion they have built together a solid fount tion for their future, retaining a firm footht in the past by continuing to breed and exhi top quality Poms. For those of us who ha been seeking the elusive dream, Animati Kennel is a shining example of what ha work, dedication and lots of love can do.As I close the gate and walk away frc Animation, my thoughts and part of my he still remain. The impression of tiny Pom prii scamper across my mind, and faint Pc voices ring in my ears. It is definitely a spec wonderland to visit. Just ask Mickey Mou Elaroo, Wiley B. Cyote, Tweety Bird, Ate Ant, Lucy Little and the rest of the gang.American Pomeranian Clu Lapel PinsTffi5.00 eachTo order your pin, contactAudrey Roberts, APC Secretary 1410 South 10th Street Leesville, LA 714463L _-Jest Opposite Sex went to the Winners Bitch, Au- umn's Cara Mia Monique, breederownerhandled ly Emily Untalan.Other class winners were Justin's Little iamson from American Bred Cladyan's Me- "uff-Stufffrom Bred By Exhibitor and Jambo's Hoyal Rascal from Open. In bitches Cla- lyan's Bush Baby won 6-9 month bitches io-Na's Skylark Dream won 9-12 month itches and Valcopy Wakhan She Bear won 3pen.The Sweepstakes was very ably judged jy Mrs. Lee Easton. Best in Sweepstakes was Harbin's Carry On For Irene, owned by Linda Sallacher. Best of Opposite Sex was Starlite Ihoco's Dream Delite, owned by Gayle Griffin. 3ther class winners were Southland N Janesa's 'yphoon, owned by Emily Untalan. Aija's Ihinhuet Black Saphire, owned by Nancy Hunt and Ingrida Gasaway.Many thanks must be given to the people hat worked so hard - the beautiful trophies jyTom and Carol Gillespie, the many ads for ur catalog by Wendy Feist, the very success- ul by Tom Gillespie. All in all, everyone vorked very hard to make our specialty suc- essful and it certainly was.We had our usual pot luck with John Jye cooking. A fine job he does. A great time vas had by all and I'm notsureall those folks here were Pom people, but we had so much ood it didn't seem to matter. It certainly ppeared that everyone enjoyed both food nd company.16Dallas-Ft. Worth Pomeranian Club Specialtyby Mildred G. PatrickOn March 24,1989 the Dallas-Ft Worth Pomeranian Club held its 30th Spring Specialty show atAmon Carter Jr. Exhibit Building in Ft. Worth, TX. We had a total entry of 87 dogs. Our trophies were crystal and were beautiful displayed on the trophy table.Our Sweepstakes judge was Tony Tellez, President of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston. He had an entry of 27 adorable puppies - 6 males and 21 females. As usual, Tony did a wonderful job of judging and he picked them as followsPuppy Dogs 6-9 months1. Patrick's Mr. Macho Man, Patrick2. Tim Sue's Jolly Wee Copyboy, Goddard FreehPuppy Dogs 9-121. Uptown Rockin City Lights, Upton2. Patrick's Mr. Dallas Lights, Patrick3. Carousel's Eye of the Tiger, Gustafson PritchardPuppy Bitches 6-9 months1. Tim Sue's Socialite, Johnston2. Bren Ray September Dawn, Hudson3. Jeanette's Valiant Tigra, Jeanette Ford4. Mayken's Colliers Sweet Dream, Mayes Puppy Bitches 9-12 months1. Puf-Pride Taunt'g Tiara, Dimick2. Jan-Shar's JeanyJoy, Hanson3. Shy Acres Pinky Will, Roberts4. Carousel's Sweet Melody, Gustafson PritchardBest in Sweepstakes Uptown Rockin City Lights Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes Tim Sue's SocialiteWe were very proud and pleased to have such an efficient and qualified judge in1990 and we hope to see all of you there.1431 n rjj oiJMexarrirra JZiee BanosJVkxsanfr fennelsIs announcing the continuation of Alexsand Kennels by her family, daughter Athena, son Steven and husbandCus.Sandy started a life long dream she had, and her family will continue the Alexsand line. We want to thank Gertrude Jacoby, Anna LaFortune, Pat Monahan, Richard Lackey, Karen Pruitt, Lois Downs, Jack Wahl and countless other friends and associates.With the knowledge passed to us by Sandy, we shall achieve her dream. She loved all her "babies," and has passed that legacy on to us. The "Best in Show" and "Westminster" champions shall continue from Alexsand Kennels.Athena Marie Gonos Steven Gregory Gonos Gus GonosBreedersOwners Alexsand Kennels 6222 E. Via Estrella Scottsdale, AZ 85253 602 991-8391. Jack Russell. He had some of the most autiful Poms in the world presented to him d his placements wereppy Dogs 6-9 monthsPatrick's Mr. Macho Man, PatrickTim Sue's Jolly Wee Copyboy, Goddardjchppy Dogs 9-12 monthsPatrick's Mr. Dallas Lights, Patrick Johnston's Dandy Lion, Johnston Upton's Rockin City Lights, Upton Puf-Pride Spa-Shul R'Quest, Dimick ed by Exhibitor Dogs Sweetheart's Wee Care Bear, Carroll nerican Bred DogsDrummer's Hope of Elm Krest, Romero pen DogsCollier's Chip of Tuffie, Schoenfelt Desiree's Smokey Mt. Prince, Heise Carousel's Eye of the Tiger, Gustafson itchardDonara's Pequeno Caballero, Littleinners Dog allier's Chip of Tuffie serve Winners Dog esiree's Smokey Mt. Princejppy Bitches 6-9 monthsTim Sue's Socialite, JohnstonBren Ray's September Dawn, HudsonflT3. Yellow Rose's HHH Hot Lips, Heise4. Jeribeth Marshmallow Creme, Goldsmith Puppy Bitches 9-12 months1. Ida's Little Grade, Tarver2. Boni-Poms Sun-Shine Sadie, Cray3. Puf-Pride Taunt'g Tiara, Dimick4. Carousel's Sweet Melody, Pritchard Novice Bitches1. Mercer's Chelsie of Dal-Lea, HowellBred by Exhibitor Bitches1. Jeribeth Plan for a Princess, BakerAmerican Bred Bitches1. Mayken Collier's Sweet Dream, MayesOpen Bitches1. Desiree's CE Li'l Man's Love, Sandifer Heise2. Jan Shar's JeanyJoy, Hanson3. Jeribeth's Little Britches, SweeneyBaker4. Tim Sue's Evening Lights, JacksonTaylorWinners Bitch Ida's Little Grade Reserve Winners Bitch Desiree's GE Li'l Man's LoveThere were 8 champions in Best of Breed competition and it was a spectacular sighttosee all of these beautiful Pomeranians in the ring at one time. Mr. Russell's winners were for Best of Breed - Ch. Tim Sue's High Lights, owned by Tim and Sue Goddard. Best of Winners wentto the Winners Dog Colliers Chip of Tuffie and Best Opposite Sex went the Ch. LLL High Lights' Thumbelina, owned by Tim and Sue Goddard and Janice Lugins- land. Best Puppy in Show was Ida's Little Cracie.After the show was over we all adjourned to Sardona's for an Italian dinner and had a wonderful time visiting with all our of Breed went to Ch. Tim Sue's High Lights, bred id owned by Tim and Sue Goddard. Handled by ica Moureau.Bev-Nor Poms pay tribute to our constant companionCh. Thelduns Almond FudgFudge passed away June 19,1989. Although gone, he left with 40 champions to his credit a others nearly finished, including Best in Show, Croup and Specialty winners. A King of Kings, he his mark on the breed.Although gone, Fudge will live on through his son, Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge who F 24 Best in Shows, 5 Specialty wins and was 1 Pom for 3 years and his grandson, Ch. Bev-No Statesman. Though only shown for 2 weeks, he is a multiple group winner.Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge congratulates his 3 sons on being Top Producers for 1981 1 Ch. Southland'sToasted Fudge, 2 Ch. Bev-Nor'sToastmasterand 3 Ch. Bev-Nor's Statesma plus he was tied for 5.Puppies by Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge and Ch. Bev-Nor's Statesman.Bev and Bill Norris 301255-13437747 Meadow R Pasadena, MD 21V.Delaware Valley Pomeranian Club by Debbie HallThe Delaware Valley Pomeranian Club nducted its 1989 Fun Match on June 10, i89 on the grounds of the lovely home of k and Lois Horan in Wrightstown, New sey. Thanks to our grounds keeper Jack aran, who solved a few mud problems. We d a beautiful day despite all the rain that eceded the match.The trophies, trophy table and a beau- j hand-made table cover made by Leslie ark were all donated to the club by Leslie, slie also made the table floral display and e hand printed Pom T-Shirts and sweat irts that we sold to benefit our club. Thank 'U for a super job, Leslie And, thanks to all you who supported this effort.Our judge was the very capable Gail jbertson who awarded Best Puppy to Silva de Joy's Silhouette, owned by David and elissa Dahlenberg Best Opposite Sex Puppy Shadra's Full Steam Ahead, owned by islie andjerry Clark Best Adultto The Pines at Stuff, owned by Lois L. Horan and Best pposite Sex Adult to Posmark's Black For- t, owned by Maleta Walls.We have elected a new Board of Direc- rs for the Club. They arePresident - Susann Stackhouse Vice esident - Leslie Clark Treasurer - Dianne lylor Recording Secretary-Vivian Higgins arresponding Secretary - Christine Post aard Members Class of 1990 - Jack Horan id Roberta Shields-Armetta Class of 1991 - ebbie Hall, Robert Bohrer.At our September meeting we are hav- g a "Welcome Back From Summer" covered sh dinner, coordinated by Roberta Armetta id Debbie Hall. We plan to feature the Dog eps video at our October meeting. Also in ctober our club will be supporting the ogressive show held in New York City.Our membership has grown considera- y since its inception two years ago. We are I busy with shows this time of year, but we ill keep everyone posted on our activities.Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore, Judy GreenAnother year of the PCCB is coming to a close. We're holding our annual election in September and the new slate of officers is President - Dianne Johnson Vice-President- Sue Berney Corresponding Secretary - Judy Green Recording Secretary- Lynn Calloway Membership Secretary - Joyce Dembinsky Treasurer - Chip Calloway Board of Directors - Rose Keller, Skip Piazza, Dolores Walls.Our annual picnicbirthday partyauction is being held on Sunday September 10 at the home of Stu and Sue Berney. This is always great. It's a covered dish picnic and the auction is wonderful Some lovely handmade Pom items are always available fro- mour talented members and, wow, do they bring a good priceWe are zipping right along in our quest to hold our own Specialty in conjunction with the APC Summer Specialty in July 1990 We held our first A-OA match in May and the AKC approved it. Now we are planning our second A-OA match for the end of October and hopefully that one will also be approved. What a lot of work this planning and fun isIroquois Pomeranian Club by David R. EdwardsOur club recently held its Specialty Fun Match with the help of the Wyoming Valley Kennel Club and Eileen McNaulty, who permitted us to use a space on the grounds the same day they held their match, saving the club an added expense. We had a real nice entry of 20 Pomeranians. Our judge for the event was Pat Mucher of Perry, New York, who did an excellent job and was more than patient with the puppies, who much preferred bunny hopping through the mud to gaiting. Sharon Cirven our Chairman, spent most the day labeling trophies, acting as steward and playing photographer. I have no idea where she found the energy. The club'sDattas Went To Canadaif4VFIRSTGROUPINCan.Cft RazzCe DazzCe Music Man AmCan CCh. Bell's Houston Star Performer x Ch. Millamor's Roxie MusicIn only four shows, Dallas earned his Canadian Championship by going Croup1 pictured above, Group 2 and Croup 3 and BOW. At the same time, he rushed into the obedience ring and earned his Canadian CD with a High in Trial, and class placings of 2nd and 3rd - and they say you can't show in breed and obedience at the same timeThank you, Chris Heartz, for handling Dallas to his Croup 1 and Group 2. Thank you, Luke Ehricht, for finishing him with BOW in Toronto.Dallas only needs some single points to finish his American Championship.BreederOwnerHandlerJudith B. Green 822 Parkside Blvd. Claymont, DE 19703 302 798-5962o-'-5.'L2st in Match at the Iroquois Pom Club Fun Match was odger, owned byjoyce Urban.lembership was more than generous with onations for the trophy table, which looked reat. I guess you could say the club went all utforitand it showed. BestPuppy in Match rent to Joyce Urban's Dodger. Best Oppo- te Sex went to Jackie Klein's Tiptoe. In the dult classes, Best Adult went to Jerry Cush- lan's DJ's Gypsy and Best Opposite went to ue Austin and Dave Edward's Lee. A good me was had by all.On May 20, Mr. Jerome Cushman gave le members a grooming demonstration. Sue ustin and Sharon Girven taped the demon- ration for future viewing for those members 'ho missed it, and for future reference. Shirley artz was kind enough to furnish the Pom. he demonstration took about 2 hours, giving II time to ask questions, as well as to trade elpful hints on conditioning coats and such, proved to be quite an interesting and fun- lied day. I can justimagine what some Poms 'entthrough the day after their owners heard lat demonstrationOurclub is exchanging newsletters with ur other clubs, one of which is from Can- da. Itgives us all a chance to share ideas and eep up to date of the goings on. Other clubs light like to consider doing the same. Were re sure enjoying it.From all of us at I PC, best of health and aod luck in the ringPomeranian Club of Michigan by Evelyn ConleyThe Pomeranian Club of Michigan, Inc. held its annual Spring Specialty show on May 28,1989 in conjunction with the Kalamazoo Kennel Club in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It was a very successful event with the judges being Mrs. Victor Olmos Ollivier for the Regular Classes and Mr. Francis Wright doing the Sweepstakes.At 1200, Mr. Wright started our show by judging Sweepstakes.He was rewarded with an entry of 12 puppies. As there were 2 absentees, he had 3 handsome males and 7 pretty females from which to make his selection. For Best in Sweepstakes he chose an orange female, Blake's Barbie Doll, bred by Evelyn Blake and owned by Donna Megen- hardt, Carol Calavich and Evelyn Blake. She was handled by Donna Megenhardt from Ohio. For Best of Opposite Sex he chose a cream male, Dan-D's Tiny Jack Frost, bred by Dorothy Baumgardner and owned by Dorathy Barnes. FJe was handled by Lori Carlton from Michigan.2Best in Sweepstakes went to Blake's Barbie Doll, bred by Evelyn Blake, owned by Donna Megenhardt, Carol GaJavich and Evelyn Blake.Sweethearts Golden Boy DustyNrUA blend of Great Elms Timstopper and Millamor, Dusty placed every weekend of the four shows he entered.5-14-89 Denton, TX Best of Breed under Judge Richard D. Hammond. 6-10-89 Fort Smith, AR Best of Breed under Judge W. E. Field 6-25-89 Abilene, TX Best of Winners under Judge W. E. Field. 8-5-89 Houston, TX Best of Winners under Judge Frances M. Thornton.Thank you judges for these four majors.SweetHeart Pomeranians P.O. Box 131525 Tyler, Texas 75713-1525It Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes went to Dan-D's lyjack Frost, owned by Dorathy Barnes.After the picture taking, Mrs. Victor mos-Ollivier, very neat and very much a ly, entered the ring and went to work. With absentees, she was presented with 9 dogs d 19 bitches to select Winners Dog and inners Bitch. Going over the dogs thor- ghly, but gently, as our little friends should , she made her selections. Winners Dog is Dia's Mr. Brandon Bear, bred and owned David Hogg. He was handled by Paula eBay from Indiana. For Winners Bitch she ed the same one Mr. Wright did, Blake's rbie Doll, and further placed her Best of inners.With four beautiful specials to look er, she chose a lovely female, Ch. LLL High5.rOl,rnners Dog was Dia's Mr. Brandon Bear, owned by ivid Hogg.i.Winners Bitch and Best of Winners went to the Sweep- stakes winner, Blake's Barbie Doll, owned by Donna Megenhardt, Carol Galavich and Evelyn Blake.Lights Goldie Hawn for Best of Breed. She is bred by Janice Luginsland and co-owned with Bonnie Stetson. She was handled by Karen Fitzpatrick.For Best of Opposite Sex, Mrs. Ol mos- Ollivier chose a handsome male, Ch. Great Elms Li'l Beveof Lenette. He is bred by Helen Holt and owned by Bonnie Stetson.Ch. Jamol's Pudge Royale was presented by his owner, Gene Talsma, in the Veteran Class. Agent Karen Fitzpatrick presented Ch. Great Elms Pride and Joy in the Stud Dog Class for owner Bonnie Stetson.Exhibitors, breeders and fanciers of our breed were all welcome to our hospitality room for a buffet luncheon. Thanks to the-r,,Best of Breed went to Ch. LLL High Lights Goldie Hawn, owned by Bonnie Stetson and Janice Luginsland. Handled by Karen Fitzpatrick.L\^4WINNERSJEFFERSON CITY MO. KENNEL CLUB 1989PHOTO BY PETRULISL i i i Ch.Ms. Molly of Twin PinesSpecial thanks to our friends Janice Luginsland and Deane Rhinehart who have supplied us with their time, advice and encouragement.We would also like tothankVirginia Dimickforthebackto back majors, and the other judges for their support in making Ms. Molly's championship possible.OwnersJack and Carolyn Phillips Rt. 4, Box 276 Singing Hills Chanute, KS 66720BreederJohn Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047yjtof Opposite Sex wenttoCh. Great Elms L'ilBeve enette, owned by Bonnie Stetson.lerosity of members, our hospitality room s a success again Special thanks goes to I and Bonnie Sullivan who hosted for us.In the hospitality room the trophies re presented to the winners. Mr. Wright s given a plaque to show our Club's appre- tion for judging the Sweepstakes.Donna Megenhardt was a winner once re in our hospitality room. She held the ky ticketforthe Vari-Kennel thatwe raffledWe had good sportsmanship between libitors, good cheer and good food. We J a very good showNext show time, our annual Fall show, vember 25, 1989, to be held in Detroit,. Come join in the fun.Puget Sound Pomeranian Club by Wendy FeistWe have been lucky this year. The ather has been rather mild compared with summer.We have now begun a new fiscal year J the membership has elected a new slate officers. They are President-Janelle Reich e President - Dana Plonkey Treasurer - nk Reich,Board Members - Nora Higbee, ndy Feist, Barbara DeFord, Mary Rosen- jm and Bernard Niehouse.This club has been putting out a fantastic newsletter for years. Aside from the fact thatthe club is in my hometown and this is my special breed, it was the newsletter that first drew me to it. It is sent out regularly and is fantastic for advertising new litters so that all your Pom friends get the news. Its name is "Poms and People" and also includes a section on show results and another on medical issues, plus much more. If you enjoy getting Pom publications then this one is a must. A one year subscription is only 10.00 and it is published monthly. For more information, please contact our dedicated editor, Jane Reed, 224 Johnson Rd., Winlock, WA98596.We are truly a growing club with 36 members to date and more in the application process. We'd like to welcome our newest member, Byrl Rosenbaum. As we grow in numbers we also growin knowledge. We stay informed on our state's animal legislation acts, those newly imposed and the current laws. We keep abreast of all the latest changes in the AKC and we are nearly to our goal of a point show. Interested in more information, please contact our newsletter editor.A big congratulations to the following members and their new champions Randy Cemmill and Dan Plonkey have two new champion girls, Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Oh So Snazzy and Ch. Day Star's New Attitude. Wendy and Victor Feist also have two new champions, Ch. Feisty's My-T-Fine and Ch. Feisty's Image of Covergirl.Best wishes to the following club members who also have been doing some great things in the ring Victoria Lovely put Winners Dog and Best of Winners on her cream sable, Lovely Gentleman Jeffrey and several points on Lovely LadyShawna-Debu- tante.Nora Higbee won a major on Jambos Royal Rascal.Randy Cemmill and Dana Plonkey must be extremely proud ofValcopy Wakhan Holly Co Lightly. She was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Breed from the 6-9 puppy class over a nice specialpagakftr Pamsw A^rrgs JVrimris of PagalafriCh. Southland's Apollo Creed x Janesa's LeeannaMissy is shown winning Best of Breed under Miss Frances M. Thornton at the tender age of seven months. Many thanks to Nina Berry and Jerrie Freia who bred Missy and entrusted her to my care. She is a great mover with a sparkling personality.Mythanksalsogoto Bernieand Lois Ciliberto for my foundation bitch, Crescendo Allegretta and all the assistance and encouragement they have given me.Watch for Pagalew N Kelly's Masterplan, sired by Ch. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster x Janesa's Leeanna, with Cerrie Kelly.Paul C. Lewis 115 Crystal Way Dade City, FL 33525 904521-3413Valcopy-Wakhan She Bear has also been lining more points.We are currently working on some xciting projects and I hope to report more bout them next time. As you read this it's robably mid October and we will be shifting a slower pace as the busy show season ows down again. Take a big, deep breath id relax, getting ready for a happy holiday ason. Best wishes to all and good luck with iur new show prospectsSan Diego Pomeranian Club, Inc. by Fern Rodrigues.mBest of Breed went to Ch. Tim Sue's Harbor Lights, bred by Sue Goddard and owned by Dr. Phillip and Susan Con lee.On Friday May 19,1989 The San Diego omeranian Club held its Spring Specialty id Sweepstakes. Judges for the show held at le Berry Street Parkin Lemon Grove, Califor- ia were Mr. Mitchell Wooten for Sweep- akes and Mr. Arthur J. Davison for Regular lasses.The day was perfect. In the Sweep- akes, Best was won by Elegant's Tiara Jewel, A'ner handled by Connie and Jerry rown,bred by Samuel and Linda Levin. Best ipposite Sex in Sweepstakes went to Pen's ttle Snow Wizard, breeder,owner,handled Penny Dees.In the Regular classes, Winners Dog ent to Lor-Di's Check Mate, breeder, owner,TTJ 'SPECIALTY BERGMAN PHOTOinners Dogatthe San Diego Specialty went to Lori's Check Mate, breeder, owner, handled by Diane ikle.handled by Diane L. Finkle. This very pretty orange boy is from Valley Center, California. Reserve Winners Dog went to Elegant's Baron Von Ruff Ruff, owned by Connie and Jerry Brown and Samuel and Linda Levin, bred by Elegant's Pomeranians and handled by Connie Brown. Winners Bitch went to Sun Ray's Batman's Star, owned by Samuel and Linda Levin, bred by Fern Rodrigues of Sun Ray Kennels and handled by Kim Dickinson. This beautiful red sable bitch went on to take Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex, as well as finishing her championship that day. Reserve Winners Bitch went to Sun Ray's Red Velvet 11, owned by Samuel and Linda Levin, bred by Ellen Frank and handled by Samuel Levin. Best of Breed went to Ch. Tim Sue's Harbor Lights, owned by Susan and Dr. Phillip Con- lee, bred by Sue and Tim Goddard, and beautifully presented by Joanne Reed.Best Brace went to Ch. Sun Ray's Cold Banner and Elegant Baron Von Ruff Ruff, a fatherson combination owned by Samuel and Linda Levin and Connie and Jerry Brown, handled by Sam Levin. BestTeam wenttoCh. Sun Ray's Cold Banner, his littermate's sons, Elegant's Baron Von Ruff Ruff, Elegant's Ruff Tuff Creampuff, and Banner's half sister, Sun Rays Li'l Angela. The cream team is owned by Samuel and Linda Levin and Connie and Jerry Brown, handled by Connie Brown. It was a unique experience to see four poms moveFame.m wBEST OF WINNERS ST. CHARLESiST'\mPHOTO BY PETRULISmFame Great ExpectationsCreaty" may not fit her size 4 lbs., but she has great legs, great conformation, great coat and a great personality. Creaty is a super little gal who, despite her handler, has won under judges Frank Oberstar, WB - 4 pts. Alex Schwartz, WB, BOW, BOS - 4 pts. Frank Sabella, WB, BOS - 2 pts. and Lucreita Dye, WB, BOW, BOS - 3 pts. Thank youThanks to all my Pom friends who have consoled us when we were defeated, and to those who have encouraged us to continue. A special thanks to my friends and fellow exhibitors forthe overwhelming applause, cheers and hugs when we have won. You are such a super bunch of peopleBreederOwnerHandler Phil and Brenda Segelken RR 2, Box 79 A-1 Percy, IL 62272618965-3278 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iound the ring in unison.Our Parade of Champions had Ch. imata Ma Va Lous Marvin, bred by Darlys aataand owned by Margaret K and Daniel ntiveros.The fun was not over yet as the club onsored a pot luck luncheonbridal shower surprise Kim Dickinson. Kim was very 3teful and she had to press her father into Iping transport two carloads of presents ime. A great time was had by all in atten- ince - good dogs, good food and good ends. It was the essence of all San Diego imeranian Club shows.We are eagerly anticipating our next ecialtyin November, to beheld in conjunc- n with the Del Sur Kennel Club.. Rai nFanciersMt. Rainier Pomeranian Fanciers by Blake JonesBeginning January 24th of this year, a w Pom Cub was formed to serve the central ea of Washington state. This club, the Mount inier Pomeranian Fanciers, is devoted to e advancement of the entire Pomeranian eed in all its colors and markings. The club's embership is available to any interested rson, regardless of where they live. Cur- ntly we have 19 members, two thirds of hich are active exhibitors, with an average 2 new applications per month. The club is oud of its education projects and also its hedule of 4 matches per year.The Club's first match, held in March, id 34 entries. It was judged beautifully by S judge Jane Anderson.The education projects this year con- ted of grooming, health care, ring procedure conformation and obedience, breed history,and breed standard, followed by a discussion on colors, illustrated with examples of nearly every Pom color, supplied by club members.The second match, held at the base of scenic Mt. Ranier in the small town of Eaton- ville, had another 34 entries. New Pom judge Joan Zielinski was both friendly and professional, showing a great deal of patience with young pups unwilling to cooperate on a day with temperatures in the 90s. The Pom rainbow was well represented with white, cream, orange, red, black, chocolate, black and tan, and parti colors or white and black, white and chocolate and white and orange in attendance. The class winners were as followsObedience Mary Olsen with Robby Jr. Showmanship Andrea Erickson with MollyPuppy Dogs 3-6 monthsKing Kong, Jane ReedPuppy Dogs 6-9 monthsLovely Organized Chaos, Victoria LovelyAltered DogSarge, Cindy MohrmannNoviceRaymond the Great, Joy Crapson Puppy Bitch 3-6 months Feisty's Nuttin' Honey V CJ's, Wendy and Victor FeistPuppy Bitch 6-9 monthsLovely Gabrielle-Debutante, Blake Jones andVictoria LovelyPuppy Bitch 9-12 monthMis Chief, Jane and George ReedAltered bitchAmy, Debbie HartNovice BitchFudge, Victoria LovelyOpen BitchJane's Li'l Merri Puppins, Jane ReedBest Puppy in Match - Lovely Organized ChaosBest Alter in Match - AmyBest Adult-Jane's Li'l Merri PuppinsMost Outgoing - Mandy, Karen SageThe club would like to thank its many supporters, both entrants and donors and of course, members for making these matches successful. The next MRPF match will be held in Olympia on October 14 before the Olympia KC show on the 15th. Please feel free to join us at this next event. For any MRPF information, contact Marcia Bohlmann.Club officers are President - Victoria Lovely Vice President - Blake Jones Treasurer - Debbie Hart Committee Chairperson - Blake Jones Secretary - Marcia Bohlmann, 11612 202nd Ave. E., Bonney Lake, WA 98408.Webfoot Report by Jean SchrollIt's been some time since you have read a webfoot report and with our really wet spring itseemed appropriate. The rain is good for the lawns but doesn't do much for the gardens. There are many things going on in our Pacific Northwest. There are some really nice dogs being shown.The Eastern Washington Circuit brought out several new dogs. Wendy Feist has a new little male and we won one of the shows. This dog also picked up two majors at Rogue Valley and Eugene. Dennis Larson has a new male from Daryls Flaata and he won two majors and a best of breed. Ed and Nancy Wharton's special won several breeds and a Croup 2. Tom and Jessie Stephens finished their bitch. Dana Plonkey and Randy Gem- mill finished a bitch that they co-own. Emily Untalan and Gail Jeubgota second major on a bitch.Wendy Feist has a new little girl that has two 5 point majors. She is just eight months old and finished on the Idaho circuit.I have just returned from the APC National and I'm sorry to say it was a huge disappointment. First of all, San Francisco's weather did not cooperate. It was extremely cold and these shows were held out doors inthe parking lot of the Holiday Inn. There vs no decent places to park, in spite of it bt in a parking lot Two favored persons vs allowed to park adjacent to the show rii The rest of us had to park at least a half r away from the rings and carry our dogs to to the rings. I had four dogs entered and a member of the APC. One of the favc ones had only one dog entered. I had par next to the rings and was told to move then someone else was given the spot I in. I felt unwanted.I cannot believe there was not an inc place to have these specialties. All Holi Inns I've been in have ballrooms and t rent them to clubs and other groups.In spite of the hardships, my dogs very well. Wendy and Victor Feist's male \ his class at the Sweepstakes, their 6-9 me puppy bitch was 2nd in her class,and my male was 4th in his class. Wendy and Vicl male Feisty's My-T-Fine was Winners Dc NCPC for 5 points, finishing in fine style' four majors. Feisty's Image of Cover Girl Reserve Winners Bitch at some of the breeds and finished her championship quiI was proud to handle these fine dogs to t championships.The Columbia Pomeranian Club S mer Specialty is now history. Everyone se to have a good time at these shows on private grounds, owned by Greater C County Kennel Club. For all the details, pi see the Columbia report at the beginnir this section.Entry FeesPrior to the day of the match ................................................... 4The day of the match ............................................................... 5OhioPomeranSPECIALTPre entries must be received by Friday, November24,1989. Mail to Bonnie Stetson, Match Chairman, 852 Lakewood Blvd., Akron, Ohio 44314. Make checks payable to the Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club.Entries close at 11 a.m. the day of the match. Judging will begin promptly at noon.In the interest of encouraging pre entries, the Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club will hold a raffle at the banquet using entry forms of all dogs that were pre-entered and were also exhibited at the match.Holiday Inn - Interstate 77 anc Akron Sunday, NovelThis is an in Match Hours 9 BanquetFree for each exhibPre-Entry PrizesFirst Entry Drawn .... Second Entry Drawn Third Entry Drawn .. Fourth Entry Drawn Fifth Entry Drawn ....Portable Mobile CellularPhone..................................100 Cash................................... 75 Cash................................... 50 Cash....................................25 CashLawrence E. Sta Ontario,RegularPuppy 2- Puppy 4- Puppy 6- Puppy 9-1 Adult - OMatch CommitteeBonnie Stetson, Match Chairman 852 Lakewood Blvd. Akron, Ohio 44314 Phone 216-753-9331Donna Megenhardt 8026 SR 43Streetsboro, Ohio 44241 Phone 216-626-4368Dogs with Major Points may\95KKKAf52Trophy ListValley lian ClubY MATCHAkron South i Arlington Road J Ohiomber 26, 1989door match.1 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 5 p.m.itor and one guest.mbridge, Judge CanadaRosettes are offered forthe first FOUR places in each class by the Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club.Best Puppy in Match......................... Panasonic Video CameraPanasonic Video Recorder Pink and Green Rosette Video Tape of the Match 40 Pounds Hill's Science Diet 8x10 Color Picture Engraved Brass picture FrameBest Adult in Match.......................4 Days, 3 Nights 2 PersonsChoice of Las Vegas or Bahamas Airfare and HotelOrange Rosette Video Tape of the Match Vari-Kennel 100 40 Pounds Hill's Science Diet 8x10 Coior Picture Engraved Brass Picture FrameClasses 4 months 6 months 9 months i 2 months pen Classnot be entered or exhibited.LAJK-h6CVBestof Opposite SexTo Best Adult.................................................Pomeranian ClockLavender Rosette Vari-Kennel 100 40 Pounds Hill's Science DietBest Senior Puppy........................................Pomeranian ClockGreen and Pink Rosette Vari-Kennel 100 40 Pounds Hill's Science Diet Ring MatBest Junior Puppy........ ............................... Pomeranian ClockGreen and Pink Rosette Vari-Kennel 100 40 Pounds Hill's Science Diet Ring Mat53utumn's is pleased to present...r v tvv1ai. Autumn's Cara Mia MoniqueSouthland 'N Janesa's Mr. Tuff x Autumn's Lil Black GemMonique" is a Little Bit granddaughter and finished in grand style with three 5 point majors. She went BOS at our Specialty over two specials bitches, repeated the win the following day, then on Sunday, after being moved up, she again went BOS in the pouring rain She has a red, thick coat with a coarse texture. All of her points are from the Bred-By class. She will be specialed until she blows coat. Thank you judges Sharon Krogh, Grace Moran pictured above and Frank Nishimura.Pedigree in Behind The New Champions.BreederOwnerHandlerEmily and E.C. Untalan 10255 S.W. Kable St.Tigard, Oregon 97224"Our Guarantee is Your Satisfaction"and some youngsteiiPickles Autumn Ice BearBest Puppy in Match at 12 weeks.He is a Broadway Joe son and really too young to evaluate, but he sure is fun. His half brother went Best Puppy in Match in the afternoon. Bear just tuckered out Shown with Judge Jim Moran.Breeder Donna Pickles Owner Laura and Emily Untalan JJ o...Autumn'sCarribeanHurricaneShownhere winning the Croup at Dog Fanciers Fun Match with Judge Lee Easton. She is a half sister to AC Ch. Autumn's Riveria Enchantress. She is quickly coating up and has just started her show career.BreederOwner Emily and E.C. Untalan 503 684-1730Behind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of imerican Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the i name, color, sex, breeder's name, owner's name, city and state on a separate sheet of r, typed or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that don't need to be re- d. Mail all information to the Editor, Phyllis Ripley, 6902 E. 1st St, Tucson, AZ 85710.AUTUMN'S CARA MIA MONIQUEliederOwner Emily UntalanCh. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster Bev-Nor's Missy Miss thland N Janesa's Mr. Tuff Janesa's Rebel of Chip Precious Janesa GemJanesa's Take A Chance Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Ch. Bi-Mar Bit of Tassajara Bi-Mar Starlyn Newsflash imn's Lil Black Gem Scotia Jackpot Dandy Bi-Mar Scarlet Dragonfly Scotia Something SpecialCAROUSEL'S COCA COLA COWBOYige Sable Male derOwner Linda GustafsonCh. Creider's Timothy Topcat Ch. Creider's Cut Across Shorty Creider's Joy of T-Town Creider's Coca Cola CowboyCh. Sandtown's Toast of the Town Creider's Toast Town Finale Creider's April Shadowdance Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie ders Carolina Cricket Ch. Creiders Sundance Creider's Jezibelle Creiders KathyCH. DAN-D'S TINY JACK FROSTCreamLt. Orange MaleBreeders Dorathy Barnes and DorothyBaumgardnerOwner Dorathy BarnesCh. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Model's Solid Cold Ch. Emcee's Tiny Mite of TicoCh. Lennis's Tar Baby of Great Elms Emcee's Tartan TamBrittons Little Miss Muffet Chippie De Le Shape Nickles JackMisty Po Carbi Foxy Lady Baumgardner's Jake Popi Bab BuehrerPrincess Poco ChanCH. FEISTY'S MY-T-FINEOrange MaleBreederOwners Victor and Wendy FeistCh. Scotia Specky Happy C's Return Scotia Mark of Distinction IICh. Scotia Joe D's Tiddley Dee Dum Ch. CJ's Masterpiece of Marks Shellcrest Sparkling Kolie Ch. CJ's Crystals Isadora Harbin's CC Crystal Clear Ch. Millbrook's El Gran Caballero Ch. Sungold's Dyn-O Moe Rider Sungold's Cozy Rider Feisty's Brandy Wine CoolerScotia Mark of Distinction II CJ's Run and Coca ColaCJ's Shelly of Chestnut GrvsViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. We invite our readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects.Starfires ^TomsAtBESTOFOPPOSITEL XLAKELAND WINTER-HAVEN KENNEL CLUBFLORIDAStarfires ^RockyBIS Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge x Ch. Bev-Nor's N Southland Tar-Lacy a Ch. Southland Toasted Fudge daughter breed winnerRocky has 2 breed wins from the classes over specials.His litter sister finished at 9 months old.Tony Cabrera 275 SW 72nd Miami, FL 33144 305 266-7471FEISTY'S IMAGE OF COVERGIRLige FemalederOwner Wendy FeistCh. Scotia Specky Happy G's Return Scotia Mark of Distinction IICh. Scotia Joe D's Tiddley Dee Dum CJ's Masterpiece of Marks Shellcrest Sparkling Kolie Ch. CJ's Crystals Isadora Harbin's GG Crystal Clear LaRita's Takesonetoknowone Ch. QueSera Spirit of La Rita LaRita's Top Doll By Cash Aar She's A Covergirl Ch. Golden Glow Nip Ch. Que Sera CG's Barbi DollCh. Que Sera GiCi of Golden ClowGREAT ELMS SWEET PRINCE GREAT ELMS MASTER MARKnge MalesederOwner Ruth BeamCh. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickett Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Mar-Bi-Lea's Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Gaylor Wood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Gold NuggetCedarwood's September Dawn at Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Red Robin Great Elms Dolly Great Elms Molly. RHYNSTONE LADY IN REDJ Sable BitchederOwner Joyce UrbanWoods Wee Cold Dandy Can. Ch. Tiniest Toys Fine N Dandy Pixies Jonetta Star n. Ch. Tiperons Dandy LionBoulder River Masked Bandit Can. Ch. Tiperons' Catch Me If You Can Can. Cn. Tiperons Custom Copy Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Trevion Hi Skor Reddie Bradley's Nicole mdmeres Terra Cotta RoseCh. Charken's Bright Sparkle Trevion Whisper of Destiny Trevion Saucy TwinkaCH. STOIANNE MICA ROCKELLEOrange Sable Female BreederOwner Frances StollCh. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamor's Moon RockMillamor's Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Dixieland's Style Stepper Dixieland's VeronicaMillamor's Melody Box Ch. Mercer's Touch O' Duke Ch. O My Patty's Touch-O-Pepper Circle M. Patty Pepper Cee O My Starmist MinuetteCh. Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer Joda's Starkist of Patri-Ark Patri-Arks Sugar SpiceCH. TIM SUE'S EVENING LIGHTSOrange FemaleBreeders Tim and Sue Goddard Owners Cheryl A. JacksonJoel M. TaylorCh. Millamor's Rock Music AmCan Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Millamor's Rock Rosette AmCan. Ch. Chriscendo City LightsAC Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch Ch. LLL Fancy gold Cricket LLL Charming Cold Top Brass Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Gina Tim Sue's Brass ToyCh. Tim Sue's Mark of the Dragon Daniel's Tinker Toy of Tim Sue Tim Sue's Calesea Foxy WunI was delighted to see so many Club reports this issue. Thank you for sharing.Thanks also to Happeth Jones, a new writer for the Review. It was great to see an article from Molly Miller again. David Edwards has begun a "David Horowitz" type of column and it will be fun to watch it grow. It was fun reading a couple of articles by Pauline Hughes. I hope she will write again. Thanks again to our regular contributors - Margaret McKee, Brenda Hutton, Dorothy Bonner - you make the reading greatPhyllisRhynstone Pomeranians-AiBEST WINNERSKENNEL ASSOC INCMARCH 1389Ch. Rhynstone Lady in RedCan. Ch. Tiperon's Dandy Lion Wyndmere's Terra Cotta RoseFinished at 11 months with 4 jors. We would like to thank the juc who pointed her Mr. Hammon BOW, BOS, 5 pts Mrs. M.K. Bryt WB, BOS, 2 pts. Mr. J. Hill - WB, 3 Mr. Glen Sommers - WB, 4 pts. Glen Sommers - WB, 5 pts..Rhynstone PomsBreederOwnerHandler Joyce Urban 6068 Fisk Rd.Lockport, NY 14094 716625-8357proudly presents our first championand her litter brotherRhynstoneCowboy'Barney" needs only 4 minor point to finish. He has had a Best of Breed over 4 specials at 10 months. My sister, Karen Wnek and I co-own Barney. He stands at stud with Karen.I would like to thank all the Pom people for their friendship, especially Jenny Noonan for her help, friendship and the use of the beautiful stud dogs.Puppies occasionally.Virgo Shelties and PomsKaren WnekLivingston St.Lancaster, NY 716 683-9050A'BESTmrieitDAVE-4---CS-vNShm IN GROUPIs TOY .[HE BATTIEFORDS KENNEL AND OBEDIENCE CLUBJUNE 1989i-iCrescendo HonorsCan. Ch. Jer Macs Classic Gold Chip owned by Tammy Corbin and Mavis Dustow of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 403 455-2388le Beginningle Middle End In Sight atch For HimChipper is a voyager on an odyssey. He is very special. He was bred by Carolyn Roberts and went backtoMorris Carson as his sire was Ch. Emcee'sTerrific Wee Chips. From there he journeyed to Jerry and Mary Beverage in Little Rock. His next port o' call was at the home of Bernie and Lois Ciliberto.Chipper stepped from his flight crate with his colors flying. He demanded to be shown now." Consequently he voyaged to the home of Tammy Corbin in Canada to grasp the golden ring of his destiny.His very first shows, 13 back to back, Chipper achieved the following 1 BIS, 1 BOB Toy Specialty, 7 Cr. 1, 2 Cr. 2, 1 Cr. 3, 2 Cr. 4.Chippervoyagesto Florida this winterto be shown by Bernie Ciliberto, where Lois will hug him warmly once again. Howwe regretted ettingthisguygo. Buthewas a true CLASSIC COLD CHIP off a very good breeding block and deserved all he could get, and as soon as he could get it Chipper has a select harem atTammy's including her top female, Canadian Ch. Schimmel's Princess Lia Lei, and 2 Crescendo gals.WAY TO GO, CHIPPERmie and Lois Ciliberto13 996-3811 after 10 a.m. EST9605 LO'L Blvd Land O' Lakes, FL 34639mNew ChampionMillamor N Crescendo Pepsi HiBred by Eleanor Miller, shown, owned and loved by Bernie and Lois Ciliberto.The following FOR SALECh. Crescendo Forte 486 Orange female - see Review July '88, pg. 98. Good dam, ne sections. Think quality get, not quantity. Ch. Millamor's Mood Music x Ch.Crescendo Counter I - see Review, Oct. '85, pg. 65.Crescendo Daphne 4889 Orange female. Double linebred on Ch. Great Elm's Shining and Ch. Tynan's Tag Along, half brothersister breeding. Sound breedingshow potential.Crescendo and Golden Aire Aria 886 Red orange female. Ch Chriscendo Western Exp daughter. Free whelping dam of 7 females, 1 male in 3 litters. Brood only.STORK REPORT63089 2 females Western Express dau. x Shining StarTerrific Wee Chips grandson63089 2 males Millamor's Musical Hobby x Ch. Crescendo Counterpart71589 1 male Millamor's Musical Hobby x Ch. Crescendo ForteDue August Ch. Tim Sue's City Lights grdau out of Western Express dau. xMillamor's Musical Hobby - linebred on Moon Rock.Bernie and Lois Ciliberto813 996-3811 after 10 a.m. ESTCRESCENDO9605 LO'L Bl Land O' Lakes, FL 34Second Opinionby Happeth JonesWhen I started looking for a toy dog I d no intention of ever breeding dogs. I .nted a male puppy abouttwo months old, ferably a Chihuahua. Instead I ended up di an eight month old female Pomeranian, e seller advised me to bring her back to be 2d to one of her males. Shadow became my st beloved pet and is probably the most elligent dog I have ever owned. She is the ison my husband and I became hooked on s marvelous breed. So naturally we felt we inted more like her and at eighteen months age we had her bred.Up to four weeks post breeding there is no sign of pregnancy but by five weeks e started to bulge. At seven weeks she was nostas round as a watermelon. She waddled ittle but was active and appeared to be very althy. Therefore, I was surprised to learn at Shadow's litter sister, Tina had almost 2d when she was due to have her puppies.Tina had been bred and became ill a 2ek before she was due to whelp. The terinarian did an emergency c-section and o spayed her. It seems Tina had a strange ad of blood disease and had become se- rely anemic and almost died on the oper- ng table. To insure that Shadow did not ive the same problem I asked for the name the vet who had treated Tina and made an ipointment. On the day of the appointment ladow appeared as healthy as usual. I ex- ained to the vet that Shadow was a litter ter of Tina's. She told me that she didn't iow what had been wrong with Tina. It was e strangest thing she had ever seen. Some- ing had made Tina so anemic that she had illapsed and when the vet did the c-section na almost died during surgery .The vet took a blood sample from ladowand the results showed that Shadow as anemic. I was given a tonic with iron in it id told to bring Shadow back in two days. At e second appointment another blood testwas done and Shadow's anemia had not gotten better. The vet told me if I allowed the pregnancy to continue, Shadow could possible die. When I expressed confusion that a dog that look so healthy could be that ill I was told that should could collapse at any time.There were several things that concerned me. First the vet kept stressing the need to spay Shadow. I felt she should be more concerned with preventing this collapse that Shadow could have. Second she keptsayingthatShadowcouldcollapseatany time but she wouldn't do a c-section until after Shadow was in labor. This bothered me as I felt that if the Vet was correct in her diagnosis the sooner the puppies were removed the sooner their drain on Shadow would be stopped.Also, Shadow was acting very unlike her normally friendly self in that she showed an extreme dislike of the vet I told you she was intelligent. After I left the vet's office I decided that I did not like this woman and 1 did not want her to do the surgery.,The next day I wentto another vet and he did a blood test and told me that Shadow was slightly anemic but that she was handling it. He said that Shadow wasn't sick at all and that a c-section was probably more dangerous for her than being slightly anemic. I went home and started feedingShadow liver. I had read that anemia could be caused in a pregnant bitch as a result of insufficient amounts of vitamin C to handle the added demands of pregnancy. So I added Vitamin C to the liver. Shadows next blood test was normal and a few days later she free whelped four lovely puppies. She subsequently whelped a second litter of three with no trouble at all and she is still a healthy, active Pom.I eventually became interested in breedingand exhibiting Poms and purchased a show quality bitch which I subsequently bred. This girl did not show any signs ofry" pmMmaJiL.Sir Bruce The Boldof MetrosTomanoll's Lucky Strike x Kat Bar's Foxe' Babe - a Ch. Tomanoll Tiny Teddy Bear grdau.Thank you Marie Smith for this flashy little guy who's starting out with a bang in the Tomanoll tradition. Opal would have been proud of him.Thank you, judge Grace Moran.Shirley Bradley 16111 78th Ave. E.Puyallup, WA 98373 206 848-4813ignancy but about the third week she rted going off into a corner and did not nt to doanything but sleep. Thinking that was a sign of pregnancy I didn't worry ut her behavior. She never did gain weight1 by the sixth week I began to suspect that was not pregnant. One night in the sev- h week post breeding she suddenly had a avy, odorless cream-colored discharge.She was not acting very ill but I knew s discharge was not normal and immedi- ily took her to a 24 hour emergency vet. e emergency vet diagnosed pyometra and vised that the only way to save her was to ay her as soon as possible, preferably mediately. He also told me that there was treatment with prostaglandin but in his perience is was not successful. I told him2 was a valuable breeding bitch and asked here was any possibility thatsomething else uld be wrong with her. He said no but cided to x-ray her.When he showed me the developed ays he said that one did not show an larged uterus but that on the second x-ray felt that was some enlargement. He sold 2 she must be drinking excessive amounts water and when I told him that she was inking normally he very emphatically said e was d ri nki ng lots of water and I just had n't iticed it. Meanwhile my Pom had perked i at being out and was barking whenever e heard another dog and generally was not ting very ill. When I pointed this out to the the admitted that she was in no immediate inger and that she probably could go 24 urs before she had the surgery done. My isband took me aside and reminded me of e incident with Shadow. So I decided to get second opinion.When we returned home I read the rm I had received from the emergency vet id noticed that the vet had written that diographically there was no noticeable ilargementof the uterus. This was in direct intradiction to what he had told my hus- md and myself. The contradiction bothered eand I began to doubt him. I got out all my\books on dog health and I read as much as I could on pyometra and I came across a paragraph on endo metritis.This paragraph stated that the symptoms for endometritis were similar to pyometra except that radiographically the uterus is not greatly enlarged.The next morning, armed with this book and the x-rays from the night before, I went for a second opinion. I asked this vet whom I shall call Dr. F. about the possibility of endometritis. He neither answered me nor gave me an opinion, nor did he examine my dog, but instead called the emergency vet. After he spoke to him, he then diagnosed pyometra and wanted to do the surgery that day. When I asked about treatment with prostaglandin he said I was grasping atstraws and he didn't even know if he could locate a supply of there hormones.I didn't feel that Dr. F had given me a true second opinion but had only repeated what the emergency vet had told him, so I left without making arrangements for the surgery . I then called a Pom breeder who lives a considerable distance from me but whom I knew had a vet who was very experienced with reproduction problems in small dogs. This vet agreed to see me that day.Dr. K, as I will call him, said my pom bitch was too young and was simply not sick enough to have pyometra. He suspected endometritis. However, if she did turn out to have pyometra he recommended treatment with prostaglandin. He had successfully treated several dogs with these hormones. Dr. K did a blood test and found that my bitch's white blood count was considerably elevated. My Pom was put on antibiotics for ten days and she responded immediately. After treatment, another test was done and it showed her white blood count had returned to normal. Dr. K said that if she had pyometra the elevated blood count would not have responded to the antibiotics. A vaginal culture was also taken and showed no infection. Dr. K feels she can be bred successfully at her next season.continued on p. 94EvilElegant...Exciting...and just a little bitimCh. Tim Sues Evening Lights"Evil Eve" finished with 3 majors, Breed wins over specials and a Croup 3 under Lorrai Masley. Special thanks to Tim and Sue Goddard for letting Eve light up our nights and days and cc gratulations to Ch. Chriscendo City Lights on another champion daughterClen Iris PomsCheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor '1038 16th Ave. So.Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603J2yn-J2sE ZPi omEZCMLCin'VwoWINNERS flv\iBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX AOAKLAND COUNTY KENNEL CLUB IAY388 PHOTO BYK. BOOTH.1Kz. zA[e.XC.X A ^.UitLns. ^oz JZjrz-J2s.E.Thanks to the j udges that thought she was deserving of all her awards as muchas her owner was delighted in showing her.5 pt. major - Mr. Alvin Mauer Jr. 4 pt. major - Mr. Ken Miller 4 pL major - Dr. Harry SmithOwnersEvelyn and Rollie Conley 20075 Vining Rd.New Boston, Ml 48164BreederDan Mercer Route 1, Box 147 Big Springs, NEJlyn-JlzE. omszcinLCirziJ 1-IfVSs' BESTOF BREED OR VARIETYGENESEE CTYKENNEL CLUB SHOWMAY 1989PHOTOS AIVERSOHtdz. zA[i[amo,i 5 durz^A\is.tThanks to the judges who appreciated good structure. Misty proved to her owner what a pom will do out of love and loyalty.3 pt. major - Mrs. Jean Lepley 3 pt. major - Mrs. Dorothy Welsh 4 pt. major - Mr. Garland BakerOwner and Handled byEvelyn Conley 20075 Vining Rd.New Boston, Ml 48164Co-Owner Breeder Eleanor Miller 8631 Worthington Rd. Westerville, OH 43081Learn to help yourselfby Wendy FeistWhen you call a vet because your dog ick or injured there are a few basic ques- is you need to be able to answer immedi- ly to help your vet andor the receptionist p you the best and fastest way. However ny of us are simply unaware of the type of jrmation that is most helpful. Further, by ring good information at your fingertips j may be able to save money in the long i by avoiding a misdiagnosis.Even with all his training, a vet can't gnose a dog properly without good an- ers to some basic questions and these estions can vary from office to office. Your I will usually be screened bythereception- before you speak to the vet. If you don't sent your problem giving all the facts, a ious problem that should be seen as an urgency may not be treated as such or nething that could have waited until day'll might end up costing you many times re than necessary because you panicked d went to an emergency vet service at 1 n.Of course the most important thing is t to panic This is sometimes easier said m done but taking several deep breaths d forcing yourself to take one step at a time absolutely necessary. My husband is a ramedicand he taught me to do the follow- things before calling the vet. These sug- stions are in reference to an ill dog, not a matose or badly injured dog in which case u call the vet first to notify them of your linent arrival so they can be ready.First, do a head to toe evaluation. The iad is first. Are the eyes bright or dull or udy Is there a discharge or excessive aring Is there any discharge from the nose e the ears clean or is there a dark or light lild-up present Open the mouth and check color. Is it nice and pink or is it sort of gray there any tenderness or swelling in the headareaNext check all the limbs for soreness or swelling or anything that doesn't look to be normal. Check the chest area for labored or rapid breathing, or again anything that doesn't look or sound quite right. Is the abdomen distended or bloated Is it hot to the touch or bright redCheck for dehydration. You should be able to gently pinch the skin and see it bounce back immediately. Urine output gives you an indication of dehydration also, but be sure you know how much and how frequently the dog is urinating. In a severe case you'd see it in the mouth. How does the coat look - healthy, or dry and flakyCheck the anus. Is it swollen, irritated. How do the anal glands look I'm surprised how many people don't know that the anal glands need to be emptied Have you noticed any scooting How do the stools look Are they normal or is there diarrhea present. Is there blood, a foul odor, or strange color in the stool When was the last fecal check done Has there been a normal amount of urine output What does it look like - clear, or extremely dark in color any sign of bloodHow is he eating What is he eatingTake your dog's temperature.Now it's time to call your vet. Don't let office staff intimidate you. If you feel you aren't getting the kind of response you need and you can't talk to the vet at the moment, ask to speak to a tech. Before leaving for the vet's office, get a stool sample. Even if it looks normal it could contain parasites that can cause intestinal irritation. If the urine looks abnormal bring a sample. An easy way to do it is to use a syringe. All samples should be fresh, but if you can't get to the vet's right away, refrigerate the sample and be sure to tell the person reading it what time it was collected. Be sure you know what kind ofcontinued.Chuckie sends...TOMSP5 GSMmiPomsprings Flaming StarAnother Chase son, pictured at 9 12 weeks.Congratulations to his half sister, Can. Ch. Pomsprings Pretty In Pink, on finishingher puppy career in grand style by winning her 13th Puppy Croup 9th Croup placement and 5th Best Puppy in Show She'll be a hard act to follow, but Chuckie's getting ready.Congratulations to his Cajun Canine friends on their new titles - AC Ch. Shy Cares Our Man Friday and Can. Ch. LLL Shy Acres Sugarcane Kan. Way to go, Audrey Fry is Audrey's first dual titled homebred, but we're certain not her last. Sugar is co-owned by Audrey and Janice Luginsland. Fry is now a Croup winning Pom in two countries. What a successful trip north for the Roberts familyChuckie's Owner and BreederMrs. Elizabeth Dupuis P.O. Box 328 Alexandria, Ontario KOC 1AO 613347-2275IPC, continued from p. 28.jng lady that gave it her all. Very well lanced and also in full coat.You could tell my Veterans Dogs and ches had been around a while but were I willing to give it their all. Quality was I evident. First place Veteran Dog went Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky. First ice Veteran Bitch went to Ch. Pompark's tie Magnet.In judging the Stud Dog class it was y to see the similarities between the id dog and their get. The get of my first ice dog Ch. Sun Dot's Rambolin' Strut N if, were very uniform and complimented ch other.Thanks again to you and your club ambers for the hospitality extended me d my wife.Note to Julie Moreno, Show Julie,Just a note to tell you what a great ccess the two Specialties were and that I cognize the part you played in making b weekend so delightful.I especially want to thank you for your urds of praise and hospitality given me. t for a moment I realized what a stand- 5 ovation means to "old timers" in the ovie field or whatever. That recognition as something of a surprise. I thank you so jch. I was asked several times at all the ows for my autograph and to have my cture taken with this and that one.I am so grateful to everyone and I am re to help anyone just for the asking. Any owledge I have I will gladly share. I am joying my life here with Dolores and ive and the Poms. I am very active in the tivities here and hope I am fortunate to ive a few more years of such fun.I admire your success in Poms and sh you continued and greater success. ain, my sincere thanks and admiration.Ina CirardotLearn to Help, continued.fecal check is done as many parasites can be missed on the old standard test.Never feel silly asking questions or questioning a treatment. If you have been breeding dogs for a while and have had quite a bit of experience with veterinary treatments, you may have some good insights into treatments yourself. If something seems different or unusual, ask questions. Questions can always be posed in a non-threatening, polite manner so that the vet won't take offense. A good vet will answer any questions without a problem, especially when he believes that you are truly interested in your dog's well-being.After a treatment, be sure to ask when you are to call back with the results. Before leaving the office be sure you know what to expect. How soon should your dog start acting better If the symptoms don't change, how are you going to reach the vet What exactly should you look for If this vet won't be available, will his partner be advised so that you can turn with confidence to a new person If you are concerned aboutyour dog and have to call at night let your vet decide if your dog needs to be seen. If he isn't helpful or worse, is rude, it's time to find a new vet.This may seem like a time consuming procedure and it is if you wait until your dog is really sick to start using it. Practice these techniques every time you groom your dog. You will be able to evaluate your dogs in minutes and probably be able to have a better idea of each dogs' general health. Furthermore, it will help your puppies when they do go to the vet because they will be used to this kind of examination.Remember, your dogs can't speak for themselves. They need you to use all your powers of observation to maintain their care. Your vet can be much more helpful to you if you can help him. He can't read your mind so knowing what kinds of information will help him treat your dog will make you a very powerful team and get the fastest, best care possible. \POM TOTE BAGSLovely nylon tote bags in navy blue with above logo in white. They are easy to wash and easier to pack, plus hold a lot.Makes an ideal Christmas gift for your Pom friends, or a special thank you. All will be shipped after November 1. Order yours now10.00Make checks payable to Julie Moreno 1636 Claremont Drive San Bruno, CA 94066Morenos PomeraniansOur Poms will dance for you tooMy thanks to all of you who attended our Summer Specialties here in California. I enjoyed meeting you and making new Pom friends.We congratulate all the winners and hope you had funMrs. Julie Moreno 1636 Claremont Dr.San Bruno, CA 94066 415 583-4973 after 10 a.m. our time, please. .ie0S'iauv mALONG MYWAY by Molly Miller P.O. Box 717 - 77574 League City, TX 77574The events that I am going to discuss are k'eral months old. I purposefully did not ite about them for several months because lid not want anyone to try to discern the rticipants. Of course the events described olved specific individuals, but the prob- m is a general one that needs to be ad- essed.National breed clubs work continually develop and maintain a breed standard at properly depicts their breed. Judges who e licensed by AKC to judge these breeds are pected - nay required - to judge to the best their ability by these AKC approved stan- irds. A judge does not have the latitude to dge by his own preferences, nor does he ivetherighttosetasidesectionsofabreed's indard. However, this is being done by me judges.My example of this took place at a large ow which had a five point major in Poms, y bitch was reserve. While I would have ed to have had the major, I was not shocked ifferent people see dogs differently until e judge explained his placing. He said, ou r bitch has too much coat. Cut about half it off." I did not respond to this and he oceeded to tell me howto sculpture a coat i the whole Pomeranian. Then I was shocked, lis man is a well know, and, I had thought itil this discourse, an ethical judge. Stunned this flagitious disregard of the standard I sponded, You knowthe national club does at approve of that."I know it," he quipped, and his attitude lid I do not care.Of course my fellow exhibitors had to low what the long in-ring discussion was. I a sooner had explained, than another shocked hibitor arrived. To him this judge had said lat since the points were higher in one sex lan the other he would award BOW to the newith the lower points. Exhibitors all knowjudges often do this, and most do not object it the quality is relatively equal, but AKC has specific rules concerning the awarding of BOW. This particular exhibitor was shocked because he too was an AKC licensed judge and was acutely aware of how often AKC cautions judges not to do this. By announcing what he was doing, this judge once again was saying, "I am above the rules."The exhibition of purebred dogs under the auspices of AKC is a huge machine. Its millions of parts can function smoothly only when each functions according to its rules. In this case the judge ignored the written standard and AKC directions to judges and placed dogs according to his whim. This is unfair to all of the exhibitors, not because the dogs placed were not decent dogs - in this case they were - but because all of the exhibitors did not have a guideline by which to work. The guideline of the standard tells breeders and exhibitors which dogs to select for exhibition and breeding. Without the security of this guideline, exhibition and breeding plans are senseless chaos.Please, do notshout"Kill the judge." This is not a head hunting column. The judge was wrong, but who allowed him to be wrong I did, and you did - or at least our counterparts in the club for which he was judging did. We know that there is a certain percentage of the human race that either through ignorance, egoism or dishonesty will not follow the established rules. These people we cannot change, but we do not have to hire them to judge. It is the responsibility of each active exhibitor to learn which judges adhere to the rules of AKC and which judges do not. This is a large order the requires team work within a club. It also requires that exhibitors of long standing remain active in the selection of judges. When a judge, such as the one above, it hired the judge selection process of this club has failed. Such a man could be hired through ignorance - he had a "name" or through dishonesty - he will put me up. Neither reason is acceptable and an active membership can circumvent such choices.Announcing a new championIs"----m w.'w- "Bl\- TZ01Cfi.Finchs Wee Heart Arufy GibbAndy is a very animated 4 red. Special thanks to Anna La Fortune, who finished him i j ust one month's showing. Thanks to all the j udges who saw his special qualities. Words cannot expre my joy. Andy's first litters will arrive in SeptemberOctober.Puppies available by Ch. Tim Sue's Moon Rocket and Ch. Pomirish Robin's Top Shelf. Par and black litters due soon. Watch for Finch's Ima Perfect Parti Tu perfectly marked whiteblack already winner of all her puppy matches and Finch's Shesa Black Sensation Ch. Tim Sue's Moo Rocket's unbelieveably gorgeous black daughter at the shows coming soon.OwnerDiana L. Finch Rural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134 515 769-2444Breeder HandlerCassandra Ready Anna LaFortun13621 Kapowsin FHighwa Graham, WA 98337Whatever the club's judge selection ocess, the people making the selections uch choose judges who, to the best of their lility, judge in accordance with the AKC les and the breeds' standards. Everyjudge's lowledge varies from breed to breed, but honesty does not. It he disregards one eed's standard, it may be assumed that he ill have no respect for the standard of lother breed. An honest judge will gain lowledge throughout his career. He can be lucated by a breed that he does not judge all. A dishonest judge cannot be educated, a rejects rules.A show's value rests not on its space, or parking lot, or even its number of restrooms, show's value rests on the decision of its dges. If they do not do a good job, all of the her aspects of the show are valueless. The jrsons whose placements can be respected ter the emotions of winning or losing cool, ake showing meaningful. They place dogs r reasons according to the written stan- irds.These honest judges may have a difficult ne. They do not have the staunch and vocal ipport of those they "always put up." Since eyjudge dogs, they may put up a dog that es not belong to one of the "in crowd.11 ccasionally such a judge will not place a ell known dogs because on that day he was Dtasgood as a lesser known one. All of these ings the persons selecting judges hear in idition to the standard loser's complaints id winners joy. The selectors then add all at they see. Slowly judges who respect the b they are asked to do emerge. These dges make the show - and the sport of pure- red dogs. Club members you and I must icrifice time and effort to find them and sure their assignments.PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWS by Jane Reed 224 Johnson Rd.Win lock, WA 98596I have taken on the job of writing this column since the passing of Irene Harbin. I only hope I can do it half as well as she did. We all miss her so very much.My husband George and I have recently moved from Oregon to Washington and subsequently missed the last issue. We are still getting settled so I haven't attended any shows and unless I do, I don't know what happened. Please exhibitors, write or call me with your wins and the results of the shows that you attend. It will be more fun for everyone.The results of the Columbia Pom Specialty are reported elsewhere in this issue so I won't detail that show again.I can report to you about the Tualatin Kennel Club on Sunday July 23, judged by Lorraine Boutwell. Winners Dog and Best of Winners went to Bi-Mar Sho Cun of Jerbo's, bred by Mary Rosenbaum and owned by Jerry and Doris Owens. Reserve went to Tillabay's Mickey Finn, bred by George and Jane Reed and owned by Kathleen McKinney. Winners Bitch went to CJ's Dark Magic at Raintree, bred by Pete Castaneda and owned by Ray Mooney and Jack Hookie, shown byjean Schroll. Best of Breed went to Ch. Wharton's Seppl von Honig, bred and owned by Ed and Nancy Wharton, shown by Jean Schroll.There will be many more shows coming up in August and September to report on and I will try to give you all the information I can. Until then, give all the little pups a hug for me.Bayou Views Newest StarsVb asBayou Views Country CheersMetairie Kennel Club Winners Bitch, Best Opposite Sex2 pointsMrs. Joan AlexanderMississippi State Kennel Club Winners Bitch, Best Opposite Sex3 points Mr. Ed JennerHandled by Hiram StewartBreederOwner John Lewis and Adam Verrett P.O. Box 1943 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-0486Bayou Views Brandy KissesMeri-Miss Kennel Club Winners Bitch 2 points Dolly WardHattiesburg Kennel Club Winners Bitch, Best of Winners 2 points Hans BrunotteHandled by Co-owner, Adam VerrettN-n.-r -2 '1\t\ MINUSGood luck to the following with their new Bayou View show prospectsBayou View Lovejoy, owned by Mike, Cathy and Regan Hebert of Baton Rouge, LABayou View Demon of Eastwyck, owned by Robert Kennedy and Patrick Farmer of Pasadena, Bayou View Music Man, owned by John Blackwell and Karen Evans of Florence, MSOBEDIENCE NEWS by Brenda Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 517 485-5183We start with a big congratulations to rgaret McKee and Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier X. They're the Number 1 Pomeranian in annual First and Foremost rating of Open J Utility Obedience Dogs for 1988. Be- d them are I Fidget In Style CDX, J. eslin and Donna Eddins Pomirish Twinkle akCDX, Bernie Brown and Niks Lil Crash \ngel Dust CDX, Judy Bach. It's wonderful ee Margaret out there in first, and I'm also y pleased to see Judy Bach up there too. I ently met her at a show. Itseems thatwhen got Nik he had some difficulties to over- ne that only someone with infinite pa- ice and understanding could have tack- I. Judy has done a really beautiful job with dog. Congratulations to all the winners.Vicky Leitner, APC member from Bon- , Illinois wrote a nice letter I'd like to share h you. After reporting her first ever obedi- e title on Wee H'RT's Sunrise at Courbette , she wrote "Yes, the CD on Tootsie was ' first. I had attended classes with my glish Springer Spaniel several years ago but ever showed her. I read Diane Bauman's ok and attended one of her clinics. Fantas- Basically I train alone as there are no ibs around here. At present I am working otsie's daughter, Ch. Courbette's Fudge It dget. I have only four Poms presently after en years in Poms. Eventually I would like have dual titles on all of them or even more, ms are active, athletic dogs if bred properly d I feel they deserve the opportunity to owtheir stuff. Don'tyou feel sorry for all the m owners who don't try obedience They're ssing out on alot of FUN" Vicky, I sure do ght onTrudy Adair, APC member from Coey- ans Hollow, NY also wrote after I reported her newest obedience accomplishment, a 3 on Tykies Jackie BB of Tinytykes CD.She's been working on and off for 28 years with Poms and German Shepherd Dogs. After putting 5 titles on 4 CSDs she got out of showing dogs for a number of years and returned to the sport after her husband passed away three years ago. She is retired, has Jackie's sister Lori, another Pom Loni, two non-Pom dogs and Jackie, purchased in Dec. 87. Jackie has not only earned his CD, but has a certificate from Therapy Dogs International for his work at nursing homes giving obedience demos and lots of love to the elderly. Trudy says, "I have determined that the Poms are every bit as smart as the Shepherds and a bit more attentive." Thank you, Trudy, for sharing your story with us.And on to the scores and titles.UTILITYBig, big news in Utility. Linda Gallacher reports that Sunswept Hot Fudge Sundae CDX finished his Utility Dog title. It seems they started training in March of 1988, stopped for the summer, then started again in the fall. She reports their first leg came this past March and finished up this summer on an Idaho circuit. While earning his title he had one first place and two third placements. Good job, LindaLast issue I reported on a new UD on Miss Chief Suzy Morse CDX breeder, Gertrude Wolszewski, owned by Mary Morse. I knew of a 181.5 and a 192.0 score. Well, they finished with a 198.0 and 4th place at Westside DTC, a 185.5 and a 193.0. Nice job, Mary.Ken and Kay Lowe, after finishing a CDX on Minute of Whispering Pines CD breeder, Lynda Sondag in September of 1988 have earned their first Utility leg. They got it April 22 with a 181.0 at Mason City KC in Iowa. Only 2 to go.OPEN BAs reported earlier, APC member Mar- garetMcKee has been busy with Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier CDX breeder,owner. In 5 outings between November 1988 and March 1989 they won a first, third and fourth from OpenCarousel PomeranianArt and Linda Custafson 405391-29605001 S. Peebly F Newalla, OK 748W wVf.Ch. Carousels Coca Cola CowboyCh. Creider's Coca Cola Cowboy x Creider's Carolina CricketPedigree in Behind The New Champions.Expertly handled by Kathy Bucher, Pokey won a 3 pt major his very first show under judge Norma L. Patton. His second major came when he went WD, BOW and BOS at the Toy Specialty in Colorado under judge Mrs. Elaine Young.Congratulations to Norma Creider on her Best in Show win with Ch. Creider's Butterfly of Love.Congratulations to Animation Kennel on their Kennel Visitincluding a great score of 196.5 under Jim am at Skyline KC.Also APC member Rosalind Goltz has en showing Ch. Penru's Sugar Plum Fairy DX in Open B this spring. They've amassed 191.0, 193.0, 191.5 and 197.5 and 4th ace under R.A. Gallant for their efforts. ep it up, Roz.We could write a book about Bernie own and Pomirish Twinkle Break CDX feeder, Sally Baugniet, sired by Ch. De- ree's GE Scooter. Since finishing their CDX ey've been burning up the mats with some eat scores. In 12 outings they are averaging 36.25 and have two 3rd and a 4th. How- er, in addition they have a High in Trial at ie celebrated, benched, huge I heard 50,000 eople International Kennel Club of Chi- ago. That's a great way to show off our onderful breedPEN ALinda Gallacher is working on a CDX 'ith Lady Di's Life of the Parti. So far I have acorded for them a 196.0 and 1st place at ihintimini KC under Mrs. B. Gaines and a 97.0 and 1 st place at Willamette Valley CD nder Mrs. P.A. Weaver.Do you rememberour High in Trial Pom ettisfree's Pure Cold breeder, Woodrow cott, owned by Helen Tyler He finished his D in three legs, all first placements and the rstwith a HIT. He's now been busy in Open oing much the same thing. From Open A he arned a 194 and 1 st place at Pikes Peak, 196 nd 1st place at Plum Creek KC of Colorado nder R.C. Little and has finally finished his DX with a 192.5 and 1st place at the Greater Gainesville under Miss L. M. Neeb. It Doks like maybe he's moved from Colorado d Florida, so keep an eye out for them.Last October I reported on a CD for Jane hornburg and Wagner's Tex Terrific breeder,. Ruth Wagner. They've now gone out to inish their CDX. They did it with a 190.5 at an Jacinto and a 187.0 at San Antonio. Good ob.Earlier I reported on a CDX on Novell's 'exas Pistoll CD, owned by Nancy Menardbreeder, Mary Cochran. Since earning his title in Open Athis team finished with a 196.0 and 3rd place at Brazoria, a 193.0 and 3rd place at Fort Bend and a 193.5 this past April in their first outing in Open B.Ken and Kay Lowe who are busy in Utility at the moment, are also busy in Open. They've finished a CDX on Pom Acres Kan Too Patrick CD breeder, Juanita Fiddick, sired by Ch. Shy Acres I Kan Too. They did it by earning 187.5 at Mason City KC, 184.5 at Waterloo and 185.0 and 4th place at Quad Cities.If you go back to the 1988 issues you'll find some wonderful mentions on Crickettes Midnight Song CS CD breeder. Renee Lawrence and her owner, Jimmie Lawrence. This very successful team has continued its winning ways into the Open ring. They started with a 195.5 and 1st place at Fort Bend under Mrs. J. Morgan. They followed it up with a 198.0 and High in Trial at San Jacinto under F. H. Grover, 197.0 and 1st place at Oklahoma City under R. N. Ayres and a 192.0 and 4th place at Longview. Me thinks we'll hear more about this little dog. Does anyone in TexasOklahoma area know this gentleman or anything about their trainingNOVICE BAPC member Lois Morkassel has done a nice job puttingaCD on Kassels Cardean Sir Pant breeder, owner sire Ch. Theldun's John John. They started June 1988 with a 185, raised that to a 190.5 in November, topped it still further with a 191.5. in April at Minnesota River Valley KC under Mrs. M.L. Doak, had a 188 the following day and a 192.0 at Granite City.Another APC member, Marian Lazzara was showing Driftwood Love That Bob CD breeder, owner Ch. Pomirish Hi Ball Dream Alex'drx Pomirish Movin'on CDX in Novice B. In April I reported 4 legs and a new CD. After those they continued while they could in Novice B earning 198.0 and 1st place at Westside under Ms. L. Fitzgerald, 195.5 at Glenbard, 197.0 atCar-Dun-Al under Linda Scanlon, 196.0 and 4th place under RonLovely Lady Shawna-DebutanteQueenaire and Model... back in the ring and certainly ready to go. Shawna has been a home-body for a wh because on the same day she won her first major, she also got pregnant. This petite 4 12 lb. miss fre whelped 2 beautiful babies, a boy and a girl, sired by my Australian Pom, Creskens Golden Bo Shawna's kids, Lovely Organized Chaos, Brumbie, and Lovely Gabrielle-Debutante, Cabbie1 v\ be hitting the ring as soon as they're properly dressed." Little Brumbie already has a Toy Group 1 a breed match and a Best Puppy in Match MRPF Specialty Match. As of this writing, Shawna has bee to 5 shows since playing Mom, with 4 WB and 3 BOS.Lovely PomeraniansVictoria Lovely 206 863-86087liser, 196.0 and 4th place at Western aukesha under Pat Krause, 197.5 and 1st ace at Rand Park under Mrs. S.M. May- rne, 197.5 and 2nd lost run-off for 1st at orthwest Chicago under Chuck Bradshaw id 198.0 and 3rd place atYorkville under '.C. Burger. Whew I'd love to see Marian id Bob and Alice Lessard and Zannie work- gteam together What a run I recently saw arian and Bob and he's a real get-up-and- er. Nice job, Marian.APC member Judy Green was reported the last issue to have earned a CD on azzle Dazzle Music Man breeder, owner h. Bells Houston Star Performer x Ch. Mil- mor's Roxie Music. She did plenty of show- g. They started in November of 88 with a36.5, in December earned a 192.5 and 4th ace, 193.5 and 4th place, 195.0 and 2nd ace, in January 89 they got a 191.0,184.0 id a 196.5 and 2nd place at Annapolis ider R. J. Cash in February. Another great b.Would you believe I left out a new title sttime APC member Brenda Hutton me nally finished a CD on BK's Sunshine Super- rl Can CD, U-CD, TT breeder, Erika loureau, sired by Ch. Texsun's Lone Star, fter getting her first legin December of 87 a 94.0 we got busy to finish with three 193.0s. he fourth leg was at the HUGE Detroit ennel Club show under John Benkey who's nownasaverytoughjudgewhileinthenext ng, the Flyball competition was going on. I ave never in my life shown during such a razy situation and was very pleased to wind p with such a good score. We entered the Vorld Series of Dog Obedience, but being 0th alternate wasn't quite close enough to et us in.Lois Campbell in Fresno, California 2ports that Lorene Bradbury and Sandra ogan loaned her Ch. Jubilee Whisper of tica breeder, owner sired by Ch. Moon- hadows Mica to train and show to a CD. The vo legs published so far are a 189.5 at Kings C of California and a 197.0 at Sun Maid inder Mrs. H.L. Thomas. Lois reports theirthird leg came at Bakersfield with a 4th place and 4 trophies.We have another High in Trial Pomeranian The team of John Blackwell and Karen Evans finished a CD on JK's Brandi Von Walzen Berg breeder, Lohoma L. Frazier. Their first leg was 196.0,1 st place and High in Trial atMississippi Coast KC under Mrs. S.L. Gomez. They followed up with a 191.5 losing a run off for 4th place and a 188.5.Holly and Jill Webster worked very hard for their CD on Southland's Mark Up breeder, Charlotte Creed with scores of 184.5,190.0 and 4th place and 184.0 from Novice B.Bonnie Buchanan has been very busy with Lindsey of Dover Holihouse breeders, Kathryn Hartz and Patricia Foley. In March and April of this year they won the following 190.0,3rd place 197.0,1st place under D.A. Levinson 198.0,1st place, 2nd High in Trial under K.M. Nagler 196.5, 1st place under J.T. Winn 193.0 and 197.5,2nd place losing therun off. Another fine performance.Emily and Don King have a new CD on Ace Hi's Kingcastle Kid breeder, Stephanie Ann Martin, sired by Ch Ace Hi's Wee Stormy Rebel. The only scores I found on them are a 181.5 and 176.5.Jerry Dietz has earned a CD on Pens Augusta Wind breeder, Penny Thomas with some wonderful wins. Somehow I managed to overlook their record sheet in my book. They started September 88 with a 198.5,2nd place losing a run off at Santa Ana under judge J.W. Lewis. Then they earned a 197.5, 1st place at Conejo under Mrs. S. L. Long 198.0 at San Gabriel under Mrs. B.M. Regan,196.5 at Cabrillo under Miss N. Pollock and195.5 at Imperial Valley under Mrs. N.E. Craig. Nice job indeedDeborah Julnes also completed a CD on Little Skookums' Tulie Bug breeder, Marie T. Smith, sired by Ch. Ryals Flying High. The two scores published so far are 191.0 and193.5, 3rd place.NOVICE ATerri Lynn Chorek and Chorek's SweetPattys Bev-Nor Teddy RuxpinCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge x Patty's Precious Pixie7 'L vm.B - Thank you, Ken Miller Teddy's Croup 2 win, and M Margaret Young for the 4 po major.Puppies available.Patty Jensen6520 Came Farm Rd. E. Mound, MN 55364 612 472-5950Now Hear ThisThe Central Arkansas Pomeranian Club will hold a Specialty Match Friday, December 1 following the Best in Show judging at the South Eastern Arkansas Kennel Club show in Little Rock, AR. In addition to ribbons and rosettes, there will be prizes for Best in Sweepstakes, Best Opposite in Sweepstakes, Best in Match, Best Opposite to Best in Match, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and first through fourth places in the regular classes and Sweepstakes.All of you planning to attend the Arkansas shows please bring your babies and preteens along too so we can see how lovely they are. The judges haven't been confirmed yet, but they will be knowledgable Pom lovers.Pre-entries will be 3.50 with a closing date of November 15. Entries at the show will be 4.50 and will be taken ringside.For pre-entries, you may use a plain sheet of paper or a regular AKC entry from the Gazette.Send your entries toNancy Bartholomew, Show Chairman Rt. 1, Box 182 Ola, AR 72853 501489-5733iGrizzly breeder, May Stapleton have earned their first CD. In December 88 they earned a 191.0 and 192.0, followed by 185.0, 4th place and a 191.0 and 3rd place.Marie Faura has earned her first CD on Sasha Marie Faura breeder, Marta Milagros Matos in Puerto Rico. They worked forscores of 190.0, 188.0, 190.0, 4th place.Cheryl Barr and Asti Spumante III breeder, Bonnie Schindler teamed up for their first CD this spring. They've received a196.5, 2nd place at Santa Clara under R. P. Mueller, 195.5, 2nd place at Santa Clara underJ.F. Ten Eyck, and 192.5,4th place lost a runoff at County-Wide DTC.Valarie Wolfe and Foxy Wolfe breeder, Charles Edwards, sired by Ch. Morroco's Running Bear have also earned their first CD. They got a 195.5,1st place at Berks County, a 189.5, 2nd place at Mt. Nittany DTC and a189.5 at Harrisburg.The last issue I reported on my dogs having some sort of illness causing diarrhea. Yes, everyone is fine. Itturned outafterthree weeks of misery to be Ciardia. Ciardia is a protozoan and very difficult to find. We found one Ciardia protozoan in a normal firm stool sample from Sabrina my newest who was notill, but none in the dogs who were ill. It seems that in a dog with diarrhea you will only find it in a very fresh stool, less than one hour old. After messing around all that time, we treated with Flagyl for five days and it was totally cleared up. Itdidn't turn out badly but sure was a pain while we had it.Looking back over these records it seems we have three High in Trial dogs here. I don't know if that's a record, but it sure strikes me as interesting. There are still few of us out there, but the quality of the work our Poms are doing is very nice and very competitive. Someone must be doing something right.As always, the answering machine is always on and I love to talk Poms. Call me anytime at 517 485-5183 with your results, brags, questions unfortunately I answer the phone much faster than I do letters or whatever. Until then, may your dog always be a happy heeler and a terrific tracker.82New Members, continued from p. 8Yolanda Webster 5126 Sumac Cr.Fayetteville, NC 28304 919 425-6968 Br, ExJennifer Carlton 3200 Bruceville Rd. Vincennes, IN 47591 812 886-9321Christie R. Bidwell 13491 Alcott Way Broomfield, CO 80021 303 466-6607 Br, ExRoberta Shields Armetta 339 Main St.Port Monmouth, NJ 07759 201 787-8596 ExBonnie Stetson 852 Lakewood Blvd Akron, OH 44314 216 753-9331 Br, ExGail Jeub9100 61st Ave. Cr. N. Minneapolis, MN 55428 612 537-1413 Br, ExMary Jones 1905 Burman Rd. Deford, Ml 48729 517 683-2819Sylvia Harbin 10759 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA 98125 206 365-1748 Br, Exi0UthIand1i___Southland^ Make Me FamousSouthland expresses our sincerest condolences to Bev, Bill and Billy Norris on the loss of a great one, Fudge. He was not only a great contributor to the Pom fancy, but Fudge was their pet. He will be greatly missed.But, Bev, look forward to the future, for Fudge lives on within many of his offspring. For example, Fame, pictured above, goes back to Fudge eighttimes. At 3 12 months of age he has won the Louisiana Pom Club puppy match and a Croup 2 at the Baton Rouge all-breed match. Watch for Fame soon in the show ring.Charlotte Creed 318 466-3456Southland6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 713608I Remember Whenby Dorothy BonnerOne day, many years ago, I steered year around a kennel parked in theShoen- rg Aristic driveway. Gladys explained that e Pom inside had just been returned from e airport, a daughter of Pepper Pod sold for ecurrentshow price of 75.00 and unliked the purchaser. As making up her mind to II was always a major decision with Gladys id she was unhappy about the circum- mces, I decided without examination being daughter of Pepper Pod was recommenda- n enough for me to buy Mona on the spot, egistered her as Aristic Wee Peppersweet. le was appreciated and loved and bred ice to her sire resulting in a son, Bonner's ppersweet Red Pod. He was fantastic from e beginning and collected points at an early e. When almost finished he went Best of reed in Houston over a well-known han- er's entry and the aging judge volunteered at this was the best Pom he had ever seen, le handler repeated his remark to her nployer, a successful breeder-exhibitor, who mtacted me with an offer of 1,000 with pportunities that were beyond my personal oility at that time. There was a promise that ed Pod would be finished and specialed as mg as he was able to win. As the sale was icomplete, the nextweek I showed Red Pod Corpus Christi under the same old judge 'ho had liked him so much at Houston, anfident of picking up the few points lacking finnish. Feeling badly, the judge sat in a hair while we moved the dogs back and rth in front of him. With absolutely no icognition, the handler was placed first and ed Pod fourth. Later, the purchaser called lat she still wanted to buy him but was mbarrassed to tell anybody that she had aid 1,000 for a fourth place winner. That as a lot of money in those days. The handlerfinished Red Pod at the next show and in a short time the little fellow won a number of Groups and Best in Shows. But when the first brood appeared he tragically refused to become a stud. Abruptly taken out of the show ring, he was sent back to me, hopefully to train. Having no girls in season at the moment, he was taken out to the Aristic Kennels where a proper mate was found. Using all of my skills developed for his often reluctant sire, the mating was finally completed, resulting in a lovely puppy. Red Pod was also bred to one of my retired broods just for the practice. She did not conceive as was expected, but no others came in at that time. The Aristic puppy looked to be a reproduction of Red Pod and I visualized what he mightdo for the breed, even with the difficulties of breeding. I wanted to own him again, however his purchaser was cheered by his action and insisted that he be shipped back to her immediately. This was done with the offer to tell her some of my Pepper Pod breeding methods with the refusal, "Not necessary. If you can breed him, I can." I never really knew what happened in that category, but heard that the purchaser said that she had too many studs who were anxious to breed to fool around with one who wasn't. So Red Pod was retired for awhile, then shown again to win a Best in Florida. The purchaser than advertised thatshe had given him away as a pet and the Schoenbergs received a Christmas card from some Irish Wolfhound breeders with Red Pod sitting in an upholstered chair. I never heard from him again and never tried as the situation looked hopeless. His little son died before maturity and the thought of what he could have produced haunted me long afterward.Stolanne PomeraniansCh. Stolanne Mica RockelleCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor x O My Starmist MinuetteMica is shown beginning a winning show career by taking a 5 point major underMrs. Dolly Ward. She quickly finished her championship, following in thefootsteps of hertwolittermate sisters, Ch. Stolanne Mystique StarletandCh. Stolanne's Sweet Ginger Brown. Thanks to the judges who recognized her fine qualities Mrs. Dolly Ward - 5 pts., WB. BOW Mr. Harvey Berman -1 pt., WB, BOW, BOS Mrs. Grace Moran - 3 pts., WB, BOW, BOS Mrs. Dawn Vick Hansen - 2 pts., WB, BOW, BOS Mrs. Cynthia Sommers - 1 pt, WB Mrs. Lucretia P. Dye - 4 pts., WB, BOS.BreederOwnerHandlerFrances J. Stoll R.R. 3, Box 429 Washington, Indiana 47501 812 254-3857HELPFUL HINTS by Margaret McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Rd. Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380It certainly has been an eventful sum- sr I have several stories to tell you. I like lecdotes because I think they're not only itertainingand instructive, but you're more ely to remember a story for future help an an analytical dissertation.Early one June morning two women tiled separately, each wanting an older male. Amazingly, I seemed to have what tch wanted. The first buyer arrived in the orning. She had owned a Pom for many tars and wanted another. She seemed to eet all my criteria. She took one look at agney and fell in love. Cagney is three years d and has never conceived. She is gorgeous, Jt there is no point in showing her if she on't have puppies. I warned the woman iat Cagney was shy and sensitive. She and le dog clung to each other. When she rotested that the price was too high, her usband said, "If you want her, I just won't lake the truck payment this month" They aid cash and left, armed with a big bag of og food, treats and instructions for her care, was so happy Cagney was going to be in a ome where she'd get lots of attention and Ffection.Late that afternoon the second woman rrived to look at Pearl. Pearl had been a Doiled rotten imp who was returned to meat ge seven and was now approaching her 9th irthday. The woman's father had had a ekingese for 16 years. Having recently re- red as well as lost the Peke, he'd become epressed. The woman felt Pearl would be erfect to cheer him up. Again, it sounded ke a great situation.One hour after leaving with Pearl, the oman called to ask if she could return her. seems her mother had had an allergic eaction to the dog After having a Peke for 16 ears I didn't question her, just told her tobring the dog back. Shortest sale on recordAbout a week later, the woman who had bought Cagney called to say she wasn't eating well. I was really surprised because Cagney had been a good eater. I asked questions, gave advice, and assured the woman that no dog deliberately starves itself.After another 5 weeks, she called again to complain that Cagney wasn't eating well and her vet had said to call me. She implied the vet had examined the dog recently, but I laterfound out that wasn't true. I again asked questions, but gathered that she wanted to return the dog. I said, "She must be homesick. Bringher back." Herhusband was here within an hour. I was appalled at the sight of the dog he handed me. She was limp and lethargic. She had weighed 4 pounds when I sold her now she was down to 3 and 38 pounds. She was too weak to stand. Her undercoat was gone. She was clean and well-brushed, but covered in huge fleasI immediately bathed and dipped her. Then I gave her some Nutrical and began coaxing her to eat. She declined all the goodies - canned dog food, canned chicken, Vienna sausage, yogurt, rice pablum - that usually tempt sick dogs. Finally, in desperation, I offered her some dry puppy food Eukanuba Puppy Food come in tiny nuggets and she ate it So I kept a small pile of puppy food by her nose, so she didn't even have to life her head to eat. I put Pedialyte in her water dish. When I carried her outside, she was able to urinate. I was so alarmed at her weakness, I was afraid she was dying. I watched her closely, continuing to give her Nutrical and puppy vitamins for the iron. The next day while giving her the Nutrical, I noticed hertongue and gums were nearly white. Boy, was she anemic I called my vet, described her symptoms and what I was doing for her. I wondered if she needed a transfusion. He assured me that, since she was not vomiting,I was doing everything possible. Thank goodness she was keeping down what she ate. She continued to urinate, but I never saw her drinking, so I forced herto swallow PedialyteHallmark PomeraniansOffers For SaleCh. Tomanoll's I Cot Legs Ch. Mac's Maybe I WillCh. Mac's Jennifer Jangles Ch. Sungold's Casino of KazarCh. Que Sera Spirit of LaRita Ch. Sungold's Portrait of Que Sera Ch. Que Sera GiCi of Golden Clow 3 Male PuppiesCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Ch. Millbrook's El Gran Caballero Ch. Millbrook's Suzetta Ch. Sungold's KaratCh. Sungold's Candy man Sungold's PeggySungold's TammyCh. Tim Sue's Mark of the Drag Ch. Vesta's Magic The Dragon Tim Sue's Poinciana Pamela Ch. Jolly Wee Magic of Tim SueCh. Tim Sue's Mark of the Drag Jolly Wee Dixie of Tim SueRandy's Dixie Star of Jolly Wee1 Male PuppyCh Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Randy's Jolly Wee SparkyRandy's Dandy Classy Lass Sungold's Kazar CleoCh. Sunray's Halo's Little Lord Damata Maybalen Lee Lyn-Mar's PansyA long overdue thank you to Anna LaFortune for my foundation girls.Ceanene Hall ,. 259 East Sage Creek Circ801 489-7943 Springville, LItCongratulations CongratulationsAnimation Kennels Darren Lane and Lorinda Vasutfrom AnimationNeujahr PomeraniansBonner and LLL Bloodlineson your Kennel Visit.We wish you many, many years of championsEvelyn C. NewyearJim and Judy Shearer4478 River StreetWilloughby, Ohio Crystal Poms44094 523 Miller Ave.216 946-1226 Sugarcreek, Ohio 44681216852-4136squirting it into the back of her mouth with syringe. When she began fighting this procure, I wasgreatly encouraged.After three days she began to get stronger nd her old silly personality began to reap- ear. Now that she was out of the woods, I oked more carefully at the report from the uyer'svet. He had examined her 2 days after ley bought her. The report does not mention nding anything wrong, but she was given an nema Why, for crying out loudSo what happened to Cagney Was this full-blown case of canine anorexia I don't link it was abuse. I think the buyer meant ell but didn't handle the situation properly, oor Cagney was stressed by being in a new lomeso her appetite was off. Thevetvisitand nema upset her more, further decreasing ler appetite. Meantime, she got an awful flea nfestation which contributed to her anemia, rom there it was a downward spiral. I sold a erfectly healthy dog and got back a desper- itely ill Pom. She's sitting beside me now on he bed, cuddled close, wagging her tail. Her veightis back to 4 lbs. I'll never try to sell her igain, but this won't discourage me from elling an older dog in the future. Poms are an idaptable breed, and placements usually vork well.Beware the dangerous bungee Bungee ords are very handy items. Oh, you know hose stretchy rubber or nylon cords with a look on each end. I've used them for years o secure paraphernalia on the dolly, to at- ach one crate atop another in the van, or to dose an x-pen whose pin has been bent. On i trip to West Virginia dog shows in July, my riend Sandra and I were unloading her van at he motel. We were preparing to take x-pens aff the rack on the front of the van when my ingers slipped off the bungee and the hook flew up and smashed me in the face. I felt like I'd been punched by a fist. I dashed back into the motel room and grabbed a handful of ice out of the cooler. As Sandra helped me wrap ice in a towel, I could see my upper lip was cut from my nose down into the red part. I told her we'd better find a doctor. The dogs werealready safely in crates in the air-conditioned room. We drove to a small hospital two miles away. By the time we walked in, the towel and my shirt were quite bloody. I sat down at the desk and the girl asked, "Would you like to see a doctor It's a good thing I couldn't talk, as I might have snapped, No, I just came in to get out of the heat" Because talking was so difficult, I handed her my drivers license, my husband's business card, and my insurance card. That answered most of her questions.In triage, a nurse took away my ice probably, I know now, a big mistake and taped a big wad of cotton over my upper lip. That was the extent of the examination. I asked that a plastic surgeon be called and the triage nurse agreed it was a good idea. One hour later I was informed that the plastic surgeon on call had refused to come "for a simple facial laceration." Angry and bewildered, Sandra and I left and went to another hospital in downtown Charleston where, after another hour's wait, I was told that they couldn't get a plastic surgeon either. I asked the MD on duty to stitch it up, sternly warning him that I keloid. Three hours after the accident, I left the hospital with 6 stitches in my face. The next day at the show I looked awful, the swelling was so bad. But I was lucky. My eyes weren't hurt, I didn't lose a tooth and my glasses weren't broken.What can you learn from this Well, it's no fun getting hurt, but if you're away from home it's worse. Always carry plenty of ID, including medical insurance cards, who to notify in case of emergency, blood type, drug allergies and whether you wear contacts. If you are unconscious or in shock, this may be the only way to get information on you. A first aid kit in the car is smart. I also have a small one in my tack box. My make-up case had band-aids, antibiotic ointment and analgesic tablets. I always carry assorted sizes of plastic bags and towels so making ice packs the next day was no problem. Be assertive in dealing with medical personnel. Ask then insist. The squeaky wheel does get the grease in emerMorris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, Virginia 23233EMCEES POMERANIANS804 740-7977Ch. Emcee.s Chips of DiamcABEST OF WINNERSSPARTANBURG KENNEL CLUB JULY 1988oto by SABRINACh. Emcees Golden Sea RaiderCh. Emcee's A Chip of Diamond x Emcee's Terrific Wee BetsyRaider, a master showman, pictured above with his handler, Marlene Scott Halsey. Raider started his show career by going Winners Dog at Huntington Kennel Club and Best of Winners at the Spartanburg Kennel Club. In all probability, Raider will have his championship soon. Congratulations to Raider's new owners Bill and Lisa Smart of Perry, Florida.Congratulations to Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane on their Animation Kennel Visit I have followed this kennel for many years and I have admired the quality, type, showmanship and thought put into all of the beautiful Animation poms. Lorinda and Darren, just keep up the good work of a quality breeding program.At this time we have a few promising puppies for sale to show homes. Inquiries invited.ency rooms. If you're quiet, stoic, and pa- ent, you 'll wait a long time. And, of course, e carefulwith those bungeesLinda Teresko called to tell me that her rettyshow puppy had chewed the fur off her et. The veterinarian diagnosed it as a con- ict allergy, probably caused by carpet deo- orizing powder Love My Carpet that Linda ad used on her den carpet. The vet said he'd een about 25 similar cases. The bitch was iven a cortisone shot and quit chewing within 4 hours. Linda then tested to see if it was that arpet that had caused the allergy. She kept ie puppy off of it for two weeks, then put her n the rug for 10 minutes. The feet immedi- tely became inflamed again.The vet says the problem is the perfume l the commercial carpet powders. Plain baking oda would safely do the same job. I've also ised Sevin powder on carpets with no prob- m. Carpet people have told Linda that these lowders really aren't good for the carpet or he vacuum cleaner. It's probably impossible o get it all outofa rug with a vacuum cleaner, suggested to Linda that she get her carpet team-cleaned by a professional.Sandra White had a worse foot-chew- ng problem with one of her Tibetan Terriers. Slick "was maturing and ready to show when iandra called to accuse my daughter of doing i horrible job of trimming his feet. Rachal rooms for Sandra. But the trimming contin- ied Those sturdy teeth removed all the hair rom his feet, then began working his way up ill four legs. He's a gorgeous dog, but there vas no way to hide the damage. Of course, iandra tried everything. Rubbing alcohol and Bitter Apple" on his feet proved to be useless. 4arlene Scott Halsey suggested mixing red jepper with petroleum jelly and coating his eet. On a lesser dog than Slick, it probably vould have worked. By now the damage was jp to his hips. We racked our brains to try to igure out why. Finally, Sandra found a combination that worked. First, she moved him but of the show kennel room into the room vith the retired, spayed matrons. Sandra had emembered that a bitch had been in seasonwhen the problem started. Second, she coated the feet and legs with oil of mustard. Whew, this is strong stuff If you have a foot or tail chewing problem, try the other hints first. If you decide to use the oil of mustard, go outdoors to apply it on a calm day. Wear goggles and rubber gloves. Yea, Slick is growing coat.A personal plea to show chairmen the most important people at your show are the exhibitors. Without them, there would be no need for concessionaires, spectators, judges, or AKC reps. While the comfort and convenience of the latter are important, itshould not be at the expense of exhibitors. This was prompted by the Charleston showwhich was not the most pleasant I've attended. Both entrance ramps were blocked by motor homes. We were charged a 3.00 parking fee, but there was insufficient parking space and the attendant was no help. After I'd finished setting up 7 crates, 2 grooming tables, 2 tack boxes, a cooler and an x-pen, the show chairman told me to move as she wanted to put a late-arriving concession in that spot. It had not been so marked. I pointed to my ugly, swollen face, told her I'd justgotten out of the hospital and asked her where she was going to put my stuff. I did not move. All this was so unnecessary if a little proper planning had been done.I hope you are reading this with two Poms in your lap. Please write or call.CLASSIFIED ADSProudly announcing the birth of Sue's Image of Harbor Lights and his sister, Sue's Delight of Harbor Light. Both outstanding with massive coats. Sire Ch. Tim Sue's Harbor Lights x Sun Ray's Ami - pointed.Litter of 3 puppies due sired by Ch. Doctor's Pepper CD x Sue's Cobb's Babe I'm A Pepper Too. Both sire and dam sired by Ch. Jolly Wee I'm A Pepper Too. Inquiries invited. Sue Soares, 8810 Merrill Ave., Chino, CA 91710 714 947-4223Vatcopy-Wakhan"Hotly"SNfPUYALLUPVALLEYG FANCIERS PRING 1989Vacopy-Uakhan Hotly Go LiyhttyCh. Southland's Apollo Creed x Valcopy-Wakhan Seattle SueHolly is shown going Best of Breed for a 4 point major over a special her first time out.Top show puppies available to top show homes only.Valcopy Dana L. Plonkey 14815 Manor Way Alderwood Manor, WA 98037 206 743-1601WakhanRandy Cemmill 734 19th Ave. E. Seattle, WA 98112Prince of Poms His Storyby Pauline B. HughesI was whelped atthe Great Elms Kennel here it seems that many of America's top inning Pomeranians have been born. Now is so that I am the most famous of them all scause I am the first and only Pom to win est in Show at that prestigious Westminster ogShow which has been held atthe old and uw new Madison Square Garden since before ie century turned. It is still going strong, hat a tradition and me, me, me, best of all. heeWhen I first entered the world, Ruth earn was right on hand to help be get going id grab the first nipple available. I was a go- tter even then. She kept me strong and ealthyfrom the start so I am very fond of the rst human I ever saw.As I grew I found that those big things ailed people admired me very much. I liked lat and learned to strut and show off so that ley exclaimed and talked baby talk to me. hey all seemed to want me to go along with lem as they left. Ruth always said, no." ventually though it happened and now I elongto Olga BakerandSkip Piazza, people ove very much. They must have caught Ruth t a weak moment.Actually I own those two legged things istead of their owning me. Early in my uppyhood I found that prancing around and oking at people with love in my eyes got me ist about anything I wanted. What funAfter awhile 1 was taken to big places here there were lots of other dogs, all sizes, napes and sounds. The barking was very iteresting all kinds - lows, high, rumbles, elps, and shrieks. They called the areas dog hows. I wanted to explore, but found I was xpected to stay more or less in a certain ection. There were little fellows that looked ke me, that is sort of. I always felt superior.I was expected to walk on the end of a tring around, and up and back, beside afoot. That was easy and fun, too. Standing on a table to meet a new person was exciting. I loved to watch gleaming eyes as I was checked all over. Then, after leading my guy around the ring a little more, all I had to do was walk over to a big wooden thingthat had a number One on it. There were other numbers but I got the habit of going to that one. I kept the human I had at the other end of the string in good tow to get there fast. I learned that this meant I was beating them all.I loved the brushing, clipping and undivided attention that I got before each Show Event. I was always willing to cooperate at the shows because everyone made so much of me when I finished. I just lapped it up. I learned to walkto perfection, stand to perfection and in fact, I soon became a perfect Pomeranian. I'm sure of it as so many said so.After awhile 1 got to investigate those different looking dogs when I went into a space called a Group Ring. I had to stay there longer but soon found I had to do the same old thing on the end of a string. However, there was added a lot of noise called clapping which made it more exciting. I always headed for my number, but sometimes had to settle for 2, 3 or 4, because some judges liked another shape better than mine. Many of the dogs didn't get to go to any number, in which case they were said to lose. I felt sorry for them. I didn't do that very often.Twenty four times this year I pranced to the Number One and found that after that I got to get nearer to several other dogs that all looked like giants to me. Butthey smelled like dogs and had a human with them also. I found that I had to walk at the end of the line as they could run faster than I. But they did what I did except for standing on the table. They would in most cases overlap it. I still got to look the judge right in the face. Maybe the eye contact did it, but twelve times this pastMNM's Poms-R-UsSneak Preview of Coming AttractionsJust a sampling of the fantastic things we have planned for 1989Ch. Doctor's Pepper CF x Cobb's Lutece of ChapsNapoleon see this issue is a BIS Ch. Jolly Wee I'm A PepperTo son and a double Work Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi grandson. Lulu see Ann. Issue is a double BIS Ch.Jolk Wee I'm A Pepper To granddaughter and a triple World Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Pepp Great granddaughter.Ch. Doctor's PepperCF x MNM's A Lulu of A Jolly WeeWeezie is a World Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi Granddaughter on her sire's sid our Moe - see Ann. Issue and is out of our Lulu listed above.Ch. Sun Ray's Bat Man x Mason's Brightest StarBat Man see 1989 Stud Reg. is out of a father daughter breeding and his sire is Ch. Sur Ray's Ambassador. He's a gorgeous boy as well as a Croup Winner - heavily inbred anc linebred by Fern Rodriguez of Sun Ray Kennels. Boobers is a granddaughter of Ch Finally's Danny Boy of Luells and a great granddaughter of Ch. D-Nee's Darin's DinadanCh. Sun Ray's Bat Man x Del Sol's Penny Candy100 solidly in-bred and linebred to the Sun Ray line. What a pedigree this litter has Penny is a Ch. Sun Ray's Fire Cracker granddaughter, a double Ch. Sun Ray's Ambassado great granddaughter and a Ch. Scotia President Jim great granddaughter.Pedigrees and information on these, as well as other upcoming"box office hits," available upon request.I wish to offer thanks to many people, some of whom are Fern Rodrigues Sun Ray - the foundtain of knowledge Randy Freeh Jolly Wee - for taking a chance Sue Conlee De Sol - for giving us a break Judy Evans Ju-Paws - mid-wife and crisis support Glenr Bernardo Coldcrest for being a dear friend and working together, and to everyone thai has helped us or been with us along the way - a heartfelt thank you to you allMary and Cene Wells 4986 Avila Waj714 994-0259 Buena Park, CA 9062193Just How Safe Are Our Dogs' Bedsby David EdwardsSince my last article titled, "Give Me An Old Blanket or Towel Any Day" appeared in the July issue of the Pomeranian Review I have received many telephone calls from other breeders and pet owners all asking the same question, "What can I do to safe-guard my dogs against the risk of swallowing obviously hazardous materials that make their way into the dog beds"I have since received a letter from both Master Animal Care and the manufacturer, Fiexi-Mat Corporation, expressing their concerns over my findings. The manufacturer has offered to replace the beds at no charge to me. The letter was quite apologetic and educational. According to James N. Elesh, President of Flexi-Mat , The foam comes from suppliers ranging from automobile seats to kitchen chairs the cedar is a by-product of lumber mills. Since we do purchase these products from other companies we are somewhat at their mercy. It is very difficult to catch small particles such aswhatyou found in one of our beds." We, as dog owners seem to be at the mercy of such companies as Flexi-Mat with much more at risk from an oversight of an employee.So what can we do First, I think we all owe it to our dogs to examine each dog bed we receive. This may mean taking a brand new bed apart and dumping its contents on the floor, sifting through it to make certain there are no hazardous materials inside, and then sewing it up again. Second, if indeed you do find any such materials you should notify the retailer and track down the manufacturer of the bed and let them know as well.We owe it to our dogs to carefully inspect each item we buy for them. When new babies join a household, people go from room to room child-proofing the house. They check each toy to be sure there are no dangerous parts that could injure the childor come off and be swallowed. This is precisely the thinking process we should employ every time we purchase toys or bedding for our dogs.If enough letters are received by the retailers and manufacturers of all dog products, their quality control personnel will have to begin taking a closer look at how those products are made before they are shipped. Even when that day finally comes we are still completely responsible for the welfare and safety of our dogs.Prince, continuedyear I got Best in Show. Then we got beautiful ribbons I never gotto play with them and a lot of big things they call trophies. Cameras flashed bright lights at me. I had to get used to that. The complete adulation from my people and others is rewarding.I heard the other day that they have People Dog Shows but call them Beauty Pageants. Only the young girls compete so I am sure they can't be as important as ours. What happens to all those nice men Maybe they are only the clappers, or have to stay home to take care of puppies.Come to think of it, I like the girl Pomeranians much better than the boys. Back home they often come to play with me. I hear that there are often surprising results. Beautiful puppies Oh, well. When is the next dog showSecond Opinion, continued from p. 64.I would like to add and you can draw your own conclusions that the emergency vet's total charges to spay my girl would have been almost 600.00. The second vet, Dr. F. would have charged 300.00. Dr. K, the vet who did not want to spay, would have charged under 200.00.I hope this story of my experiences will help someone else who runs into a similar situation. It at all possible, see more than one vet. My two poms would have been spayed unnecessarily if I had not gotten a second opinion.94Great Elms Kennels, Reg'dVWINNERSDOGPIEDMONT KCBaines PhotoCh. Great Elms Master MarkThe fourth champion out of a litter of four Stud Fee 150 to matrons brought to the kennel.Many thanks to David Watts for putting two 5 point majors on Mark.Congratulations to Dolores Watts for her latest champion, Great Elms Timmy Beam, sired by G.E. Bobby Beam. I did not name either of them.Congratulations to Animation Kennels for their Kennel Visit.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937 Pineville, NC 28134951988by Pauline HughesThis year might well be called the year of the Pomeranian. It all started with Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming winning Best in Show at America's most prestigious dog event He took the crown as his right, and with the usual Pom expression which clearly says, "I love you and isn't this fun." He might have added, "You know, I really kept up with those other big dogs."Michelle Billings, a beautiful lady and renowned judge was applauded for her choice and insight. Skip Piazza never missed a trick in his expert handling and Olga Bakerflewon clouds for weeks. What gloryRuth Beam, his breeder, feels that her long dedication to producing better and ever better Pomeranians has paid off. This is a laurel she well deserves. Many, many top winning dogs have been of her breeding and she has her bloodline mixed somewhere in most of our outstanding champions of today.Ruth has been planning to retire lately. She states that fifty one years is long enough. It is, after that one more litter. Me too and many others What is a Pom home without a few of those little busy fluff balls The feel of them, the sound of them, the puppy smell, and even the cleanup after them. It is a delight. The love they give usNow back to our Pom Prince. Olga states that once she saw him she felt an immediate kinship. She wanted to own him. Eventually with help of Skip Piazza she was able to do so. Showing seemed to be born in the little fellow. He seems to love it and his buoyant attitude and precise gait make him a delight to judges and exhibitors alike.Winning became a routine experience for him, even Group 1. But taking Best in any all breed show is something else. He now has nineteen. We Pom people expect many more.We hear he has some outstanding kids too and is on the way to being a top producer. We salute you, Prince Charming.Ruth Beam is also very proud of Ch. Great Elms Pride and Joy, owned by Bonnie Stetson. He has four Bests in Show already. It is not often a breeder has the two BIS top places in the same year filled by dogs she has produced. We congratulate her.Sue Goddard has been active in the American Pomeranian Club for several years. She has also been a serious breeder-exhibitor. In this 1988 her Ch. Tim Sue's High Lights has three BIS wins. Janice Luginsland is the co-owner. He has two Champion daughters in the ring to prove his worth.The Pressers have the pleasure of their Ch. Apolloette Moonlight Gambler being a top winner and staying among the elite for quite awhile. He has a BIS win to his credit and so does Ch. Homestead's Spit 'N Polish, owned by HurleyEnbel.Kennel Review gave the top winners for the eighties to include these others Ch. Lennis's Tar Lacey Foxfire, Jenner 1980 Ch. Bev- Nor's Toasted Fudge, NorrisJenner 1981, 1982, 1983, Ch. Coy's Top of the Mark 1984, Ch. D-Nee's Darin Duffie, Hersil 1985, Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel, Pfeffer 1986, and Prince Charmingfor 1988 and so far this year ahead.Ch. Gabriel has been a favorite of mine. He come to California from time to time where I can seen him. I was impressed with Ch. Darin' Duffie too when I saw him at the Summer Specialty in California. I am hoping to see many of our best Poms on the West Coast this year. The APC Summer Specialty should attract many and there is always the big Beverly Hills show and of course, Santa Barbara. The welcome mat is always out.96Yips and YapsSPECIAL-TYMy trip to California for the APC and NCPC specialties and other shows following was exhilarating as far as I am personally concerned. I was with Dolores Watts, who being president of APC, gave limelight to my visit. How lucky can one beFlight out and return were uneventful. However, our early morning return time was cancelled for reason of the plane scheduled being crippled. The substitute took time and made for a wait and later arrival home. Quite acceptable versus a crash or whatever. As is always true, it is exciting to go but of course, so good to get home. Dave had done a commendable job of home duties so all was in good order upon our return. Weather was considerably warmer than what we had experienced on the west coast. It was cold and windy the entire stay though no rain, and the sun shone most of the time. Both Dolores and I wore heavy coats loaned us by Wanda Roach and Jean Schroll and the Pressers had an extra chair for me. Having spent my high school and college days in California I should have remembered the possibility of chilly weather especially in the San Francisco area.The show committee and NCPC members did a splendid job of hosting the Specialties. Theirs was the day following the Parent Club. Hospitality, service, rooms, food, trophy display and decorations gave evidence of many hours of planning and work. The banquet was especially outstanding for the food was excellent and nicely served. The evening following was entertaining and interesting.When I said the trip was exhilaratingfor me, I meant just that and more. I was seated atthejudges table with Michelle Billings who judged the regular and non-regular classes, and Derial Jackson who did the Sweepstakes.I have known both of them for a long, long time - Michelle in the ring, whom I dearly admire and respect, and Derial, whom Ithought of as a walking encyclopedia of info mation. He has generously shared much of with me. Also at our table were Julie Moren Bench Show Chairperson and Dolly Traune officer of NCPC. These two were no strange as I have known them fora longtime. Seate at my right was Dolores Watts, our AP President. As you all know I now live with hi and husband Dave. There are not wort suitable to express the love and admiration feel for them. They are my savior and bem factor.After the food was enjoyed by all personally thought it was super, Julie toe over the podium as spokeslady. She pr fessed not to be much of a speaker but thought differently, for she kept everyone attention. After clever repartee, she thanke her committee, judges, exhibitors and men bersofthe NCPC for their help in making th specialty a success. Introductions started wit each person, table to table, standing u[ giving their name and state they were fron Her comments were both amusing and ente tainingasshe proceeded. My great shockan surprise came when Juliewenttosomelengt talking about a lady honorary member an past president of the Parent Club with favoi able and flattering statements and suddenl asked me to stand and be recognized. Wit somewhatwobbly legs, I managed to rise an as I did so, the entire audience stood u awarding me a standing ovation. I felt muc as the late Lucille Ball must have felt whe given her last ovation on TV. Needless to sa\ tears came to my eyes and thoughts of, "Ho\ great it is" to know people understand, car and recognize you for whatyou are and hav accomplished. It made me aware of the fac that just maybe my efforts had in some wa contributed to all the hopes and joy our bree has given us. For certain, I am at a loss to fin proper words to express my gratitude to a concerned.9The judges were asked to comment. Of ourse Michelle is so popular. She is knownand dmired by every Pom person for her Best in how award to a Pom at the Westminster how in '88. Whata thrill that was I watched on TV. Michelle looked so beautiful and onfident and to all Pom lovers, she was. Her peech was short but rewarding with praise nd some suggestions for improvement Derial ave a little insight of the breed history.Tickets were sold for one dollar each nd numbers drawn and whomever had that lumber approached atable laden with pack- ges of all shapes and color to chose his or her em. This continued until the last one was aken. Each opened their choice which brought i variety of laughs, oohs and aahs. I was lucky o select one that contained a powder blue weat shirt with a Pom head sketched on ront.As for me, the entire stay was an all new ball game" not as an exhibitor but as a relebrity. Many asked for autographs, others vanted me to pose with them for a picture. They say "everyone has their day" and I surely lad mine. Haven't returned to full reality of ill that took place but I am writing this nessage to let my friends and admirers know am most appreciative of their expression of ood thoughts and wishes.One more thing I would like to say is hat I have been named General Education loordinator. Sally Baugniet had more work han she could handled but she still retains he position of Judges Education Coordina- or. I shall make every effort to fulfill my duties. I am honored to have been given such esponsibility.aithfully yours,Edna GirardotDBEDIENCE BREEDINGAre there people I know there are, ince I'm seeing it in bits and pieces in the Review and the Anniversary Issue who breed 3oms with an eye to obedience as thea majorconsideration How do they go about it Is there any consensus or scientific basis on which to work, or is it as itseems to have been in the old days in show breeding-just a matter of picking the two best dogs for whatever you want and breeding them I've read some things on breeding for obedience that seem to indicate that too many genetic possibilities are involved, i.e., willingness to work, intelligence, patience, etc.I know that not looki ng for such th ings at all can result in problems I can't count the number of people who have admired my Pom, Anjing, with such great surprise I thought they were such nervous dogs." She goes with me almost everywhere, and has even helped me teach Sunday School - and she's notyet 9 months old. I'm willingto take partcreditfor raising, socializing, training, etc. In fact, I'll take all the creditanyonewantto give me, but much of it must be due to better breeding than these people were seeing in the past. But how do I, when Anjing grows up enough and has all those degrees, go about doing anything about it myselfOr maybe there's a book out there that has all THE ANSWERSSincerely,Mrs. Barbara McClatcheyTRIMMINGI feel I must write aboutall the trimming that is going on in Poms. It is about time we take a firmer stand as a club and stop hiring and showing under the judges that are ignoring our standard.There is not much use in having a Standard if it is going to be ignored. It is being ignored by people who are judging and who, in the past have had something to say about over-trimming.The Standard states "Overtrimming shall be severely penalized." In my opinion, and I'm sure in the opinion of a lot of other Pom people, it is disappointing to see the judges continuing to put these dogs up. Granted,they are generally nice quality dogs but in order to put a stop to the overtrimming, the judges are going to have to take a firm stand and put them down. We, as a club, could make ita disqualification and stick to it. There are APC members who judge who are just as guilty as the all-rounders. Until some of these member judges start following the Standard, it will be hard to get others to do so.If I had wanted a poodle I would have gotten one. Their trimming is just fine since their standard calls for it.Even novices are able to spot the trimming, so I am sure it is not hard for licensed judges to discern. Unless, as the old saying goes, they are all blind. Maybe they are, but some are awfully young for that to be setting inMaybe the new thing we are creating could be called something else - an unpoodle or something equally ridiculous.Poms are a real thing of beauty when in full coat. Judges, please start doing the job you were hired to do.Sincerley,Jean SchrollWe have just returned from the Rogue Valley and Eugene shows, both held at the beautiful Valley of the Rogue State Park. What a lovely place to hold a show and the entry was 24 lovely Poms. Best of Breed the first day was Ever Ready Rocky, shown by Marlin Presser and I agreed with that placing completely. They went on to Croup 2.The second day the judge put up an otherwise lovely Pom except that the skirt was bobbed off, giving the Pom a round behind with no long hairs at all in the rear. Two other handlers also showed Poms bobbed off in the rear. Are we going to let the judges put up these bobbed Poms without a complaint. I AM NOTAfter the judging was completed I confronted the judge with the Standard. He asked me if I would put down an otherwiseperfect specimen for a little overtrimming, told him I certainly would that the Standari says overtrimming should be "heavily penal ized."I did not have a Pom conformation tha day only in obedience.Sincerely,Elma ManiesTHANKSJust returned from the two specialties ii South San Francisco, California. The North ern California Pom Club did a lovely job o hosting the two events. Getting to know somi of our Northern California neighbors outsidi the ring was special. Thanks for the littli things you did to make us feel welcome Meeting newcomers to Poms is always highlighted treat.Congratulations to the deserving win ners, in particular the outstanding blacl Doctor's Pepper CF, handled nicely by Gleni C. Bernardo. Visiting with APC friends in eluding Nadine, Dolores, Sally and Edna anc making new friends in a sober environmen was unique and much appreciated.Looking forward to our fifth APC Sum mer Specialty in 1990. Don't forget San Diegc Pom Club's independent specialty on Satur day, June 23,1990 in the Greater Los Angele Area of California, Golden West Dog Club. I will be a Toy Clubs Specialty Show similar tc the Great Western Terrier Specialties ShowSincerely,Daniel and Margaret Ontiveros COLOR ISSUE Dear Phyllis,Hurray I am ready for another coloi issue My other one is getting worn out sc count mein. Bytheway,arewegoingto have a Brood Bitch RegisterSincerely,Emily Untalan9How many people want a Brood Bitch Register I am sure willing because I've always out so much importance on bitches, but when I tried to offer it a few years ago, the interest really wasn't too keen. We could do it the same way we do the Stud Register, if it's all right with the Board. I'd be happy to do it. Let me know.The January issue has been traditionally set aside for obedience, the April issue goes to the judges and the July issue is the Stud Register. It's too late this year but next year we could have a Brood Register in the October issue. There's plenty of time to work on your friends and spread the word. Let's go for itP.S. I have received a great deal of support for the idea of an annual color issue. Now all we have to do is decide which issue and how soon we want to do it. I'll work up a price schedule and print it in the next issue. The prices probably won't be as attractive as they were for the Anniversary Issue, so prepare yourselves. Color is really special and really special'' is often really costly. I hope you will work on getting some really spectacular photographs of your really spectacular dogs. Show photos are nice for recording the event, but it is possible to ask the show photographers to take casual shots elsewhere on the showgrounds, when the show is nearly over and they aren't being called from one ring to the next. Croup time is a good time. Dog show photographers are familiar with shooting dogs and how to make them look their best. You may be surprised at the reasonable cost of having such a photo taken, considering the hassle of getting your dog ready, waiting for good weather, and bribinga friend with a good camera to help youThe EditorCIRCULATION MANAGERJohn Cribbs Rt 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION 'Tour inquiries answered within 24 hours"20.00 per year - Third Class Mail Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, APO's, Puerto Rico U.S. Funds Only 25.00 per year - First Class MailMailing Time3rd class -10-14 days 1st class - 3-5 daysIf you move, 3rd class mail is not forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know your new address six weeks before you move so that the Review will move with youBACK ISSUES1980 to date - 5.00 Years prior to 1980 - 4.00 each. Call for availability.Anniversary Issue 1988 15.00 each Cost includes postage. Supply limited.100Index of AdvertisersBarnes, Dorathy Dan-D ............................ 6,7Bartholomew, Nancy....................................81Beam, Ruth Great Elms..............................95Benko, Arlene and John ............................ IFCBradley, Shirley.............................................63Cabrera, Tony Starfire ................................57Carroll, Kathy Sweetheart...........................43Carson, Morris and Betty Emcee.................89Ciliberto, Lois and Bernie....................... 60,61Conley, Evelyn and Rollie ................... 66, 67Creed, Charlotte Southland................ 11,83Dupre, Mrs. James R. Dupre .................... 21Dupuis, Elizabeth Pomsprings....................69Feist, Victor and Wendy Feisty.....................9Field, Howard and Lola ................................17Finch, Diana Finch .....................................73Cemmill, Randy Wakhan ...........................91Gonos Family Alexsand .............................37Green, Judith................................................41Griffith, Ken Lenette....................................25Gustafson, Art and Linda.............................. 77Hall, Ceanene Hallmark..............................87Hughes-lrwin, Sheree................................... 17Jackson, Cheryl Glen Iris ........................... 65Jensen, Patty Patty.....................................81Jeub, Gail Stardust ....................Front CoverLane, Darren Animation..............................2Lessard, Alice Lessard............... Back CoveLewis, Paul Pagalew ..................................4iLewis, John Bayou View.............................7Lovely, Victoria Lovely ............................... 7McCombs, Babe Mi Babe........................... 2McDonald, Frances and Michelle ..................21Moreno, Julie Moreno ............................... 71Newyear, Evelyn Neujahr........................... 8Norris, Bev and Bill Bev-Nor ...................... 3fOhio Valley Pom Club .................... 34, 52, 5Phillips, Jack and Carolyn............................45Plonkey, Dana Valcopy..............................91Roberts, Audrey................................ 102,103Rohde, William Timberwood...................... 19Segelken, Phil and Brenda Fame................ 49Shearer, Jim and Judy Crystal................... 87Stetson, Bonnie ............................ 12,13,14,15Stoll, Frances Stolanne...............................85Taylor, Joel Glen Iris...................................65Teresko, Linda Timberwood ...................... 19Untalan, Emily and E.C. Autumn 54, 55Urban, Joyce Rhynstone............................ 59Vasuta, Lorinda Animation..........................29Verrett, Adam Bayou View..........................75Wells, Mary and Cene MNM.......................93Shy AcreskA,i i i .-50 "VxI-'A 5^ . A v ' - - -s- X Ed C XtlALEXSMITHIVALLEY KENNEL CLUB1989- \y r ,Ch. Shy Acres Can. Ch. LLL Shy AcresOur Man Friday Sugarcane KanWe went to Canada and took on the best they had. We came home with two new Canadian Champions. Also a Croup 1, 2, 3. Ch. Friday finished in 3 shows with 2 Croup placements and 1 Croup win against Canada's top toys.Our lovely lady "Sugar" finished in 5 shows with 5 BOS. The beautiful blonde pictured above is my daughter Shy, who handled and finished SugarThank you Mr. S.W. Hood for our Croup 1.Audrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St. Leesville, LA 71446 318 238-1648Sugar's Co-OwnerCo-Breeder LLLJanice Luginsland102Shy AcreseyFriday and MeGosh itfeltgood to be re-teamed with my favorite boy, even though it will be briefShown taking Group 3 on our Canada trip. Thanks Lawrence StanbridgeCh. Mi-Babe S M CrashCongratulations to Babe McCombs, Nancy Burnette and Crash on their BISS at the Houston Pom Club Specialty. Crash is a half brother to Friday.VmALEXSMITHIOTOGRAPHY-GROUP 3rdKARS COMMUNITYRECREMTONASSOCk.-10^Sretfyy 55 yCs, Pretty Qo s m V VwRw W558. w_____5. jfesarc'S SAaujrcci- of^inee 3QSCCompanion Dog Excellent TitleDog World Awards of Kanine Distinction in 1988 and 1989.Acknowledged by the AKC as the Number 1 Obedience Pomeranian and Top Novice 'omeranian for the year 1988.A Specialty winner.Zannie will be at the Northern California Pomeranian Club Specialty on November 24, 989, and will be campaigned in the Utility Class in 1990.ireeders orene Bradbury andra LoganOwner and TrainerAlice Lessard