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The Pomeranian Review April 1990
American Pomeranian Club, Inc.mmmmApril 1990D AIssueAPC Speci M Charming IIChampt- .VW '-5r. -IR2i0 01 i AIIIPage 2 April 1990Pom Review__________________________JAN-SHAR-Ch. Jan-Shars Whistlin DixieCh. Bev-Nor 'N Southland Rambo x Great Elms Almost HeavenPictured here with judge Tom Baldwin taking a 4 pt. major.Jan-Shars In Living ColorLittermate to Dixie pictured above. Shown here with judge Glenda Dawkins taking a 4 pt. major over 4 male specials and was RWD at Pom National Specialty SEXOPr1Rambo produced 6 champions in 1989 with very limited breeding and no outside stud. We're very proud.Ch. Jan-Shars An American Tail group placer, owner Ellen RobertsCh. Jan-Shars Charming Becky, owner Joyce AppleCh. Jan-Shars HillBilly Classic group winner, owner Dee ShepherdCh. Jan-Shars Sayde, owner Sharon HansonCh. Jan-Shars Jeanne Joy, owner Sharon HansonCh. Jan-Shars Home Brew, owner Sharon HansonBreederOwner Rt 2 Box 263 HandlerSharon Hanson Renick, W.V. 24966 Pam CampbellFLASH CH. JAN-SHARS AMERICAN TAIL went Best of Breed at \\the American Pomerican Club National Speciality on February 11,1990 JPom ReviewApril 1990 Page 3Pomeranian Reviewof theAmerican Pomeranian CCu6, Inc.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident..........................First Vice President.........Second Vice President....Recording Secretary........Corresponding Secretary.Treasurer............................................................Dolores Watts.................................Dianne Johnson....................................Nadine Hersil......................................Judith Green..................................Audrey Roberts1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, La. 71446 ....................................Morris CarsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSOlga Baker John Cribbs Sue Goddard Delegate to AKC.Anna La Fortune Skip Piazza Mary Vickers ......Sam ZaneofFPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditorPublisher........................E. Bruce Driggers, P.O. Box 8129, Norfolk, Va. 23503-8129Circulation Manager........................Lt. Col. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, Va. 23047Printer......................................................................................Royster Printing Services, Inc.Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Norfolk, Va. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year. Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, APOs - U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make Checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.Photos are returned to advertisers following publication.ADVERTISING RATESMembers....120.00NonMembers150.00InsideFront Cover...........65.00 80.00Center Spread........... .....120.00 150.00Full Page................... ......55.00 65.00Three-quarters page..........45.00 55.00.......35.00 45.00Quarter page.....................15.00 25.00Classified Ads....................5.00 7.00Charge Reproduction........10.00 10.00Photos must accompany ad copy.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send paymentfor space ordered and reproduction of all photos 10 each. Editor reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINESNovember 15 Februaiy 15 May 15 August 15January Issue April Issue July Issue October IssuePage 4 April 1990Pom ReviewTable of ContentsPresident's Message................7Annual Report.......................11APC Specialty Report...........19APCs VerySpecial Awards.................23APC StandardizationReport..................................27APC Judges StudyGroup Report.....................34Club News..............................35Across Canada.......................46Helpful Hints.........................47Kennel Visit PEDRONSPoms................58Obedience News.....................77Those StrangePhone Calls.........................81Behind The NewChampions...........................851898 Pom PointYips and Yaps........................87Results.................................91Pom Points Schedule.............92Co-Owning Can Be An Enriching Experience.........94JSCover StoryCHAMPION GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING IIExtraordinary, one-in-a-million, little dog1988 BEST IN SHOW WESTMINSTER WINNER - FIRST POMERANIAN IN HISTORYSire of multiple group-winning, Best In Show winning, Speciality-Winning offspring, many, many fine Champions, every one of which has made us and Prince extremely proudIn New York, Ch. "Prince" was honored asTOP-PRODUCING STUD DOG POMERANIAN FOR 1989While we have known that Prince was consistently producing across the nation, this was still an unexpected excitement for us to be so honored for Prince. Top breeders are breeding to "Prince," and LOVING resultsPRINCE CHARMING has done what no other Pomeranian in the world has every done. Also, on a personal level, Prince has done so much for us personally, has given so much to us, has done so much for Pomera- nian-lovers, and now he is clearly demonstrating his excellence once again, by being a top producer of excellence as well, thereby NOW giving TO THE BREED We salute CHAMPION GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II, and we also salute the offspring and those owners who showed them to titles, making it possible for him to become top-producing stud dog.Thank you, everyone, for appreciating this amazing little dog, as we do.Skip and OlgaNow sire of two BIS winners...the lovely Ch. Garton's King of Bavaria and Ch. Jeribeth's Sir LancelotPom ReviewApril 1990 Page 5Opening Views...No pretenses are made when I say that I am extremely happy to be the new editor of the POMERANIAN REVIEW. But, at the same time, I can appreciate what Phyllis has been going through on being notified that a new editor had been hired. In fact, I sympathize with her. I was not on the decision making end of this situation but I make no apologies for having been selected.Word has already reached me that there is some dissatisfaction with this decision and that rumors have been flying faster than humming birds. But that is human nature for you. But getting facts straight at this point and dispelling any rumors is all important.I did not actively go out and seek to take over this publication. It was only after a board member of APC saw the premier issue of the toy magazine I recently started TOY PARADE - see ad this issue and notified other board members, that I was contacted by one of APC's board members in soliciting my interest. I believe the board thought my bid, the look of TOY PARADE and my experience in this field warranted offering me the opportunity to produce this lovely publication for its subscribers.I have nearly 20 years of experience in the fields of journalism, editorship andmarketing that provide the mechanics in giving me the ability to produce a quality product. My dog association nearly matches those years having been, originally, a Yorkie fancier breederhandler for 14 years. My family's love and admiration of the Whippet and Greyhound find these breeds our cup of tea and recently we added the rare breed Coton de Tulear, the Royal Dog of Madagascar. Iownthe champion Greyhound litter sister to Margaret McKee's "Azyr" that she spoke of in her column last month.I am a very active member of the Virginia Beach Kennel Club and have served as past President currently nominated again for the position, Vice- President current and past, Secretary, Education and Publicity Chairperson and Show Chairperson of numerous shows. I am the editor of that club's monthly newsletter and I get called on to do a lot of Toy BreedsGroup Match judging.Now I realize all of that probably wasn't necessary, but I wanted each of you to know who I am and where I am coming from. I am not some fly-by- night individual who is in this game of dogs and publishing just for the bucks.I truly love what I do and I hope that theCont. on page 6Page 6 Pom Revie wApril 1990Opening Views corn, from page s future we share with the POMERANIAN REVIEW will be a long and happy one for all of us.This column will probably not be an every issue item from me. But I will write one when I feel the need is there to get some views across. Those views may very well come through letters received from you and talking to those of you I see at shows. They may come from other dog related topics that I come across and feel are very important for the Pom fancy to be aware of. In any case, when this Opening Views column does appear, you will know it is there not to merely spout verbiage across the page just to hear myself talk or boost my ego, but to further enlighten and educate each of you.Your letters and comments will always be welcome. There are hundreds of ideas out there that I have not thought of that help continue to make this publication one of pride for all who see it. Please keep the lines of communication open.I plan to reinstitute the use of photos of those writing columns for the Review. Those of you who regular write a column should search through the mounds of photos and choose one that you feel is particularly pleasing to yourself. If you don't have one, have one made. I think this is at least one way that the APC and the Review can show its appreciation to you for taking the time to write these informative columns for all to read. Believe me, I appreciate the efforts each of you put into writing.As of this issue we basically start from scratch. I cannot honor any commitments that the former editor had made regarding page reservations, etc. If you know that you want specific placement in future issues, you need to contact me immediately so that we can get those reservations made. Phone calls are great andthey will be returned in the order taken by my answering machine. But remember, reservations will only be honored if a follow-up letter is received with funds enclosed per our phone agreements. I already have the inside front page for the July issue and January '91 front cover reserved. Make your reservations nowSome subscribers have already queried me on the possibility of color in their ads. Color cannot be used unless there is a total of four pages needed for such. This is because runs by the printer will be made in sets of four pages together. Color would be needed on each of those four pages in order to make the cost affordable for those wanting it. This means any type of color, whether it be borders, lettering, or the photos itself. Front and back covers are an exception because the price would include the heavier weight of paper utilized on the cover, and thus only those two pages would be run in color. As always, if you are interested in a color cover front back, call me for those prices.E. Bruce DriggersNOTICEAnyone needing to send articles andor ads to meet a deadline should send such to9631 18th Bay Street Norfolk, Va. 23518804 480-4904April 1990Pom Review Page 7Presidents MessageApproximately 6 weeks ago, the APC held their Annual Specialty with a record entry of207poms. This entry was second only to the Centennial show. A great deal of thanks goes to all those who gave of their time to see that everything was prepared for the show, especially to my household members, Edna, who did such a terrific job with the trophies, and to my David, who took care of the Grounds, etc. A very special vote of thanks to Audrey, our Show Secretary, as she did another great job this year.Janice Luginsland graciously accepted to cover the story of the Specialty for you. Also, highlights of the Annual Meeting are enclosed in this issue.The attendance for the Annual Meeting was quite pleasing in numbers and I hope all left the meeting with the assurance that your Board of Directors is hard at work trying to resolve the problems that exist in the club. The membership was also introduced to Mr. Chip Galloway from Baltimore, Maryland who was gracious enough to take his time and do a beautiful audit of the club's books for 1989. The Board of Directors also appointed the Audit Committee, consisting of Tim Goddard, Joyce Dem- binsky and Jon Marcantonio, all of whom met on Saturday, February 10, and they elected to accept Mr. Galloway's report as theirs and so gave their decision to the Board. There were a few serious discre- pencies noted in Mr. Galloway's audit and the membership was made aware of these items at the Annual Meeting. Also, several recommendations were made by Mr. Galloway in reference to the Club's finances and I hope to see several of these items adopted. I have already appointed Dianne Johnson, our First V.P., to Chair a Finance Committee. This committee was formed to guide the club in their financial affairs. Dianne is open to suggestions that members would care to submit tothis committee. The Board will be also looking into the status of the Club's books for the year 1988.The hospitality the night before the show was a huge success with plenty of liquid refreshment for one and all, as well as many fancy dishes brought in by the members from all over different parts of the country. I know the hospitality was a success as it went on into the late hours and people were comfortably scattered in the hospitality room, flowing over into the halls. I only wish we had asked the members to list their dishes and I could have given some special mention at this time. In any event, there was enough participation in this event that the treats lasted for two days plus. My thanks to all of you who got involved in this.Again this year there were many favorable comments as to how well everyone liked the Marriot as our Show headquarters. As we have not had official notification from the American Kennel Club on our constitutional change, it is reasonably safe to assume that the show will be held at the Marriot next year.I also feel that the membership was thoroughly pleased with the first presentation of the Awards. There were 14 different awards given in both the fields of conformation and obedience. Mary Vickers, our Awards Chairman, has also planned an article on this for this issue.Until the next issue,Sincerely yours in Poms, Dolores Watts, Pres.Page 8 Pom ReviewApril 1990CHAMPION GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II 1988 BEST IN SHOW WESTMINSTER WINNERI -JnLA.TOP-PRODUCING POMERANIAN STUD DOG -1989Owners Skip Piazza and Olga BakerPresenting CHAMPION JERIBETHS SIR LANCELOT - Outstanding cream son ofChampion Great Elms Prince CharmingSt A"Lance" Number 1 Pomeranian in the Nation - In the Breed - 1989 Recipient of Kal- Kans Top Dog in the Breed Award - Multi-Group winner - Pomeranian Specialty Winner - Top-Winning Cream Pomeranian in History - Owned by Olga Baker, J. Baumgartner F. Continan Shown by Judi Hartell, PHASKIP PIAZZA, AND OLGA AND DARRELL BAKER congratulate our good friends, Peter Galindo andRon Welch PEDRONS Pomeranians - El Paso, Texas on your Kennel Visit and express admiration for the unique planned breeding program that has consistently produced fine quality winning Pomeranians.Late Breaking News...Sir Lancelot was Best In Show all breeds at AustinOlga and Darrell Baker Skip Piazza - The Kennels207 Shirleen Drive Church Road 527-BSeabrook, Tx. 77586 Avondale, Pa. 19311Pom ReviewApril 1990 Page 9 ^ C presents...TISIf SUT, 'S Oil TIMOSTim Sue's Hi Lights x Jolly Wee's Lil Pizzazz61BEST OF WINNERSacaoiana KENNEL CLUB SPRING 1990 0 PHOTO BYL. SOSAmThanks to Sue, Timer has 11 points including a 4 and 5 point major. Timer has very good movement, sound body and legs and a wonderful disposition. A joy to own. Thanks to Tim and Sue Goddard for allowing us to own both Tim Sues Hi Times and Jolly Wee Music of Tim Sue. JoJo is pictured in the Jan. 1990 issue, pg. 21 and 48 of the Pom Review.Owners BreedersFlorence and Carl Scott Sue Goddard and handler604 Chouteau Randall FreehGranite City, D. 62040VPage 10 April 1990Pom ReviewBI-MAR POMERANIANS offers FOR SALERed male whelped 52889 by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a Ch. Creiders Boxcar Willie daughter. Repeat breeding that produced Ch. Bi-Mar Sho-Gun of Jerbos BOB at Iowa Specialty 1989 and Bi-Mar Sonnys Phantom major pointed, Very sound and typey.Red male and female whelped 81389 by CIS Ch. Bi-Mar SUndance Kid and out of a BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge daughter. Dam is littermate to Ch. Bi-Mar Foxfire finished with 5 point major over an entry of 19 females. Sound legs and top quality bloodlines.Orange female whelped 3689 by Ch. Bi-Mar Impressive pictured on front cover of Dog World 190 issue and out of a Ch. Tomboys Pico Chico daughter. Very short backed and high ears.Red male and orange male whelped 10589 by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunny Supreme finished with 4 majors and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. Dam is littermate to International Ch. Bi-Mars Bit of Tassajara. Line bred on BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid with Bonner and Great Elms bloodlines included. These pups have huge coats, short backed with beautiful legs. Started on leads, show quality. Show homes only.Red female whelped 122487 sired by a son of Ch. Creiders Cut Across Shorty. Free whelper.Red male whelped 11989 sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. Beautiful head with small ears, hughe coast....Show Home Only.We are expecting new litters by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and a major pointed son of Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond.Mary A. Rosebaum 36520 28th Avenue South206 838-6397 Federal Way, Washington 98003Pom ReviewApril 1990 Page 11AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGSUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1990The Annual Membership Meeting was held at the LaGuardia Marriott Hotel following the Speciality show. In attendance were 75 members and 15 guests.The meeting was called to order by President, Dolores Watts. The minutes of the last meeting were read Sue Bemey made a motion they be accepted, Elizabeth Dupuis seconded, motion carried.President's Message - Dolores extended thank you's to Nadine Hersil and Sally Baugniet for the super fantastic job of judging to Mary Vickers for the wonderful job she did on the new awards. The1989 Audit Committee report will be done by Chip Galloway. Mr. Bruce Driggers is the new POM REVIEW editor. Phyllis Ripley had insisted on, and written a contract and the Board choose not to renew it for several reasons, she was not fired. If Mr. Driggers does not do a good job, we will hire another editor. Dolores then read a letter written by Bruce that will be in the first REVIEW.Corresponding Secretary A. Roberts - there were 67 new members voted in in 1989. Several new standing rules were adopted by the Board. The following clubs will hold the summer speciality 1990The Pom Club of Greater Baltimore,1991 Sooner Pom Club of Oklahoma, 1992 Columbia Pom Club of Portland, Oregon, and 1993 the Dallas-Ft. Worth Pom Club. The By-law to move from New York is to the AKC and we are waiting for an answer.Treasurer's Report M. Carson - the books were thoroughly audited for 1989 and a report is available for any memberwishing to see it. Mr. Chip Galloway addressed the membership re. the audit and was available to answer questions. The Board is going to have 1987 and 1988 audited. Morris thanked Chip for his help. Judy Green made a motion the Treasurer's report be accepted, Elizabeth Dupuis seconded, motion carried.CommitteesFinance Committee Dianne Johnson - members will consist of the Treasurer Morris Carson, Chip Galloway, and Gary Ward, who is also an accountant. This committee will oversee the financial policies of the Club, set up budgets for various projects during the year, draft expense account forms for the chairmen of committees to use, should oversee the general financial status of the checking, savings and inventory accounts of this Club and take steps to see that this Club becomes financially stable. This committee will work to reconcile the books that are in question. Peter Galindo stated that the By-laws say a written list of expenditures is required - Dianne thanked Peter for his input and will do so. She also asked for any other help.A check for 1570 from Coast Dog Shows was lost and not posted to our account. Coast is either out of business or has new owners and we might not get this money back. We are trying to trace any formercurrent owners of Coast. The Treasurer is not bonded and the Board is looking into this matter.Unfinished BusinessJudges Education Study Group Janice Luginsland - this was held thisCont. on page 12IPage 12 April 1990Pom Review Annual Report cont. from page XIpast weekend with the help of the AKC and was very successful. It also made 12.76. Thank you's were extended to Janice and Sally Baugniet, Judges Education Coordinator.Marian McCoy addressed the membership about a deal American Airlines is interested in offering us. They want to be our airline and will offer us up to 45 off our and our dog's tickets.Fred Bassett made a motion that the Board give the Judges Education Committee 100 for printed packages to send to judges. Joel Taylor seconded, motion carried.Sue Bemey made a motion to adjourn, David Watts seconded, motion carried.Respectfully submitted,Judy Green Recording SecretarySecretarys ReportNew Standing Rules1. All bills will be paid on the 1st and 15th of the month with the Treasurer sending them to the President for signature and final mailing Nov. 892. At the National Specialty, lunch will be provided for our 2 judges, our President, Hospitality Chairman, 2 stewards, the Show Chairman, the President's spouse, and the AKC Rep3. The Board of Directors monthly agenda will be mailed by the Corresponding Secretary by the 5th of every month. All incomine information andvotes by Board members must be received by the Corresponding Secretary by the 20th of every month. Nov. 894. Snacks and liquid refreshments for the hospitality room at our annual Specialty shall be provided by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Oct. 895. The following individuals or a member of their household will not exhibit dogs at any APC Specialty show Show Chairman Show Secretary, and further this will be so noted on Premium lists for APC shows. Oct. 89The Dallas-Ft. Worth Pomeranian Club has been approved to hold the 1993 Summer National Specialty. Tentative plans are to hold the show at the location of the South Fork Ranch from the TV show Dallas fame.As you know our National Specialty has come and gone. Surprises for some and disappointments for others. All in all it was a wonderful show. The entry was the largest non special occasion ever. The hospitality room was a huge success. Thanks Olga for suggesting it and thanks to the many, many members who took up luggage space and car space to bring so many wonderful goodies. We fed everyone for several days.New York is always exhausting. Being on the Board I get absolutely no sleep from Friday until I leave on Monday. There are meetings after meetings.I wish to comment on some rumors and misconceptions which were circulated in NewYorkandbeforeNewYork. Themost vicious seemed to circulate concerning our new Review and the past Review.First of all the Review was shown to be so very profitable by some members. In fact the Review in 1985 lost a total of 5400.Cont. on page 13April 1990Pom Review Page 13Secretary's Report cont from page 12In the years that followed, the loss was not as much but was still substantial, costing this club much money. In 1989 the Review made a profit of 5592.30. However this was made up of a once every ten years income of the sale of Anniversary issues for a total of 11,000. Which means the Review in a normal year would have lost money. Figures from Phyllis were circulated showing consistent profits which were inaccurate.The other rumor concerning the Review was that all ads must be presented in camera ready form. This is totally false. Ads may be presented in the same condition you have always presented your ads.The next rumor was that Phyllis would edit the review for 5.00 per page when the actual fact is the Board has Phyllis' written bid for 25.00 per page. The average cost for Phyllis has been 37.00 per page. This is due to extra fees charged on the Anniversary Issue. On top of that charge we have paid an average of 36.00 per page for the printing and mailing costs. Giving us a total cost of 73.00 per page. Mr. Driggers will charge us only 10.00 per page and the cost on printing will be reduced. This will be a considerable savings. Please members, lets support our Review, it is the only Parent Club Publication approved by APC. It's the best and we will from here on out only make it better With the costs being curtailed the topic of going to 6 issues is being discussed again. We need to be assured the ads will be there to support it. Only you members and non-members who put in ads can let us know thatBack to the show The Annual Dinner had a record turnout The awards were terrific And Mary Vickers was witty and made the anticipation rise by her secretive tactics. Congratulations to the many award winners. Thanks to Sam Zancoff for a customary well done job on the dinner. The trophies were lovely this year andall credit goes to Edna Girardot who did a terrific job as the Trophy Chairman. Credit also goes to the Watts who were her committee. Thanks to Dave Watts and Rejean Dupuis for doing the work on the Grounds committee. They were up until 130 a.m. Saturday night putting the ring together and stayed after the show to take the ring down. I need some volunteers to help with this job next year Many, many thanks go to my sister who isn't a member or even an owner of a Pom who manned the Hospitality room and must have retrieved 100 buckets of ice. Thanks to the many who helped her. The Judges Education Seminar was a big success. Thanks to Janice Luginsland, Sally Baugniet, Jackie Stacy, Nadine Hersil, Ken Miller and every one who participated and helped in any way. Plans are underway for the seminar next year. Talk is going on about a Membership seminar. No thanks goes to Continental Airlines who lost one of my briefcases with VIP files in it. It has yet to be found In it were the list of marked catalog recipients, some member files which I can get copies of and most importantly, my yearly working files copies of these are being sent to me by Dolores.Last but not least thanks to our two judges this year. Nadine Hersil and Sally Baugniet. They did an excellent job and as I heard many times that weekend, they certainly made a statement I thoroughly enjoyed bunking with Sally as she is quite an educator and many lively and informative conversations were hadNew MembersCont. on page 14New Members com. from page 14Brenda Jane Poplar 1098 Seaview Ave.Woodbridge, VA 22191 703-494-2265Paul Barbara Curry W310 S9511 Hwy 1 Mukwonago, WI 53149 414-363-7385Page 14 Pom ReviewApril 1990Carolyn Tumase PO Box 871209 Wasilla, AK 99687 907-376-2565Patricia A. Allen E. Chapman 3150 S. Mill Rd.Heber, UT 84032 801-654-5073Diana Courtney Northrop 4503 Josephine Ave. Beltsville, MD 20705 301-595-7355Michael D. Jones 11 Johnston Ave. Northport, NY 11768 516-757-5054Ivar Valerie Widgren 7350 Poppy Way Golden. CO 80403 303-467-3972Lois Campbell 1600 E. Los Altos Fresno, CA 93710 209-431-6539Daniel Margaret Ontiveros 2981 Calle Cumbre San Diego, CA 92139Evelyn C. Newyear 4478 River St.Willoughby, OH 44084 216-946-1226Janice Y oung618 W. Springfield Rd.St. Clairm, MO 63077 314-629-2754Deborah Wheeler 240 Readington Rd. Branchburg, NJ 08876 201-707-8915Heidi Batzner 3123 N. 12th St. Sheboygan, WI 53083 414-452-7735r ONEOAK POMERANIANSGreat Elms-Sungold-Model-Muller-Millarnor linesLitters due in April and May - Inquiries InvitedWe offer a free mailing of planned breedings for 1990. Send us your name and address and we will send you the mailing for no charge. Thank you.Avonda Phillips ^P.O. Box 64 Selma, Or 97538 503 597-4207 J.Ch. Janes Wee Prince of OJeribeth TexApril 1990Pom Review Page 15UCh. Great Elms Prince Charmin II x Jeribeths ToastieMultiple Group Winner, owner handledThank you Olga and Darrell Baker for this great little guyCh. Tillabays Annybananny....i VCh. Emcees Sparkling Jody x Tillabays Cotton CandyJANES POMSEmcees, Models, Great Elms, and Com Duke lines Jane Reed 224 Johnson Rd.Winlock, Wa. 98596 206 262-3761Page 16 April 1990Pom ReviewHARBINS POMERANIANSProudly and Lovingly presents our new SPECIALCH. HARBIN'S CARRYING ON FOR MOMHarbin's Editorial Comment x Ch. Harbin's Poetry in MotionJudge Roland AdemeckThank you to the following judges for seeing the quality of this youngster. Mikie finished his championship at 9 mos. of age and his first group placement and first specialty BIS at 14 mos.Richard Hammond, -2 pts. Shirley Thomas - Gr. 3Maretha Olmos-Olivier - 4 pts. Roland Ademeck - B.I.S.S.Martha Ablett - 2 pts. 1st BOB Bessie Pickens - 3 pts.Tom Fitzgerald Australia - Gr. 2 Frank Sabella - 3 pts.Denny Kodner - 3 pts.Also a SPECIAL THANK YOU to RANDY GEMMILL for his interest in and assistance of Mikie, and to RAY ANNA LAFORTUNE for being SO SPECIAL and such good friends. Mikie wishes to send congrats Best Wishes to HARBINS CARRY ON FOR IRENE - David, owned by Linda Gallagher, 2 majors taken care of, now go get the restSylvia Irene Harbin 10759 Sand Point Way, N.E.206 365-1748Seattle, Washington 98125April 1990Pom Review Page 17c HARBINS POMERANIANS^Announces our latest litter - and WHAT A LITTERSired by Harbins Champagne Celebrity son of Ch. Harbins Time To Pop The Cork Dam is Emcees Solid Gold Felicia Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond daughter. Breeding is solid Emcee and Great Elms. Felicia free whelped this letter without any. human assistance.Available to breedingshow homes are 2 females 3 males. All are potentially show quality and also obedience prospects. Two females should be as good a brood as Felicia.All inquiries welcome and pedigrees sent on request. Call between 6 9 p.m. PST or write toHARBINS POMERANIANS 10759 Sand Point Way, N.E.Silvia Irene Harbin Seattle, Wa. 98125206 365-1748Shady' Parly PomsThank you, Nina Epps and Mary Deane Rinehart for letting us have "Rocky" and his half brother "Captain."Both are proud fathers of two daughters of Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine, born 190. Mil- lamor x LLLDiana L. Nolan 5122 N.W. Parkdale Rd. Kansas City, Mo. 64151 816-741-1650Am. Can. Ch. De Artas Rock Musicf1 VPage 18 April 1990Pom ReviewLenette PomeraniansaBEST OF BREED or VARIETYDANVILLE KENNEL CLUB wmcm euWJTOBTCh. Beaver of Lenette Ch. Great Elms Models TimstopperChampions at stud to approved bitches - 150.00We offer three champions at stud. The above two plus our newest, Ch. Wee Challenger of Lenette. Challenger finished on the Florida circuit with a 5 pt. major as a puppy. As soon as he coats up we will let you see what he looks like. He is a clear orange and sired by Ch. Beaver of Lenette. He is a grandson of Chesai Golden Challenger.Puppies generally available from our studs and other top studs from the Great Elms Kennel of Ruth Beam. Congratulations to Ruth and her Toby on winning WD at our Speciality.Please call or write to receive our free offerings. Puppies prices from 250.00 and up.Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 Phone 704, 938-2042 K.G. GRIFFITH, OwnerApril 1990Pom Review Page 19A.P.C. National Specialty - New York City, Feb. 11,1990 Judge's Critique Sally Baugniet, Mishicot, WIThere were a total of 151 entries for me to judge, 55 in Regular Dog classes 53 in Regular Bitch classes 2 Veteran Dogs 1 Veteran Bitch 3 Stud Dogs 1 Brood Bitch 5 in Junior Showmanship Competition 34 in Best of Breed.Puppy Dog 6-9 mo. 17 entered, 1 absent.1st, Chriscendo Contraband Canadian bred dog, breeder Christine Heartz Sire Ch. Pedron's Dragon the Conqueror x L.R.'s Gorgus S-H-D Rose owner Patty Chapman from Utah.This puppy had a foxy expression, had nice high set ears and used them well. His gait was the best of my four placements in this class.Puppy Dog 9-12 mo. 4 entered, all present.1st, Silverwood's May Tomho Breeder Bess Roberts Sire Ch. Tomho Apricot Strut x Siverwood's Full House Annie owner Bess Roberts Tommi Hooban from Massachusetts. This puppy dog was nice overall. He was not as outgoing as I would like, but well put together.Novice Dog 1 entered, 1 present.1st, Pombredens Li'l Choc. Elisha, Breeder-owners. Sire Pombredens Li'l Blue Elijah x Pombredens Hevnly Her- shy Gal owner Barbara Robert Breden. This was the only one in its class and was a chocolate.Bred by Exhibitor Dog 5 entered, 1 absent.1st, Tru-kep's Dandee Attraction, Breeder Trudy Keplinger Sire Ch. Theldun's Dandee Sensation x0vOBEST OF BREEDAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB FEBRUART 16 90DAVE A5HBETBest of BreedKeplinger's Princess Buffy owners Irwin Trudy Keplinger. Very nice dog overall with beautiful movement.American Bred Dog 3 entered, all present.1st Pomaunok Memento bred by Gayle Griffin Fran Bosmann Sire Ch. Silver Meadows Pep'r O'Legacy x Starlite Shantilly owner Fran Bosmann.This dog was a very nice dog overall and looked good when gaiting.Open Black, Brown. Blue Dog 1 entered, absent.Open Red, Orange,. Cream Sable Dogs 16 entered, 8 present.1st, Great Elm Toby bred by Ruth Beam Sire Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond x Great Elm Wood's Dori owner Dolores Watts. This nicely coated male was very typy. He moved well and was my choice for Winner's Dog.2nd and Reserve Winner's Dog was Jan Shars In Living Color bred by Sharon Hanson Jane Fleshman Sire Ch. Bev- NoFN Southland Rambo x Great Elms Almost Heaven Owner Sharon Hanson. This dog was a very close second to Cont. on page 20Page 20 Pom ReviewApril 1990 I f'W1wBEST OF WINNERS 6C'.- ri __________ WBest of WinnersBest of Opposite Sex Winners Dogz'mmmBEST OF OPPOSITEBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESAMERICA POMERANIAN lFEBRUARYBest in Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex in SweepstakesJudges Critique Cont. from page 19 Winner's Dog.Open Any Other Allowed Color Dogs 5 entered, all present.1st Pombredens Hevnly Town Crier, breeder-owners Sire Ch. Na-Bob Talk of Town x Pombreden's Hevnly Son Shine Owner Barbara Robert Freden. This dog was entered as a solid-colored white with darker shadings of the same color. He would have been equally as correct as a cream with lighter shadings in the ROCS class. There is absolutely no reason for me to have disqualified this dog for being in the wrong color class when the standard states "... any solid color with lighter or darker shadings of the same color...".What does bother me is a black and tan whose tan markings in the places specified in the standard are not really tan, but are cream or a shade of that color on the rear and tan in only the front markings. The standard does not really allow for that The only thing left for a judge to dois penalize to the extent of the deviation, just as we must do in dogs which appear to be trimmed beyond that which is allowed in the standard.Back to my critique After a twenty minutebreak, 13 lovely Puppy Bitches in the 6-9 mo. class came into the ring. 2 were absent. 1st, in this class was Mer- rymont On Nite Stand Breeder-owner Patrica Griggin Sire Ch. Merrymont Sat'Rday Nite Fever x Ch. Queenaire Signature. All of these placements were very nice in their own right. Size and type varied, but the 1st place pup in this class displayed extremely good movement and showmanship. I'm sure all four of these "Kids" will go on to complete their title.Puppy Bitches 9-12 mo. 10 entered, all present.1st, Janesa's Glen Iris Starstruck, bred by C.A. Jackson, Joel Taylor, H. Stewart and J. Freia Ch. Jamel's Fugicle of Southland x Ch. Janesa'a Glen Iris SorceressCont. on page 21April 1990Pom Review Page 21Judge's Critique Cont. from page 20Owners Jerrie Freia and Joel Taylor. What a outstanding Pom This young lady displayed great front, rear and side carriage. She had the required fox-like expression, used her high-set ears and showed like a charm. This is one who seemed to call out to me and say,"I'm the greatest, take me." She was, too and I did She not only took her class, but she took Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex.I found out later that Nadine had given her Best in Sweeps.Bred by Exhibitor Bitches 7 entered, 1 absent.1st, Watts Little Half Hour Breeder- owner Dolores Watts Sire Ch. Watt's Little Chipper of G. Elms x Ch. Watt's Little I'm a Raisinette. A very nice head, nice size for a bitch, good shoulder lay- back, an alert showy bitch with excellent coat.American Bred Bitch 3 entered, 1 absent. 1st, Pine Acres 'Jolly Jill Toro Breeder- owner Gertrude Brown Sire Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond x Mullen's G E Tarbaby Angel. A typey bitch, also entered in Junior Showmanship. See Best Jr. Handler.Open Black, Brown Blue Bitches 2 entered and shown.1st, Shadra's Rave On Bred and owned by Leslie Gerald Clark, Jr. Open Red, Orange, Cream Sable Bitches 14 entered, 4 absent.1st, Garton's Gold Dust Breeder- owner Lavina Garton. This was a very nice sized bitch. She was very typey with good coat.Open Any Other Allowed Color 2 entered and shown.1st, Homesteads Night-Spice bred by Jean Hurley Sire Ch. Homestead's SpitN'Polish x Homestead's Second-Hand Rose Owner Jean Hurley Roberta Shields-Armetta. This Black Tan had a nice coat and good size for a bitch.Veteran Dogs 2 entered and shown.1st Ch. Watt's Little Chipper of G. Elms Breeder, Ruth Beam Sire Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too x Great Elms Honeybun Owner Dolores Watts.Both Veterans were nice in their own right two different types, completely. The winner of this class was a little larger dog, had a high tail set and beautiful coat.Veteran Bitch 1 entered and shown.Ch. Emcees Golden Jaymy, bred and owned by Morris Betty Carson Sire Ch. Emcees Golden Chip x Emcees Tartan Tam. She was a very nice sized bitch with a huge coat and pleasant head showed like an old pro. Best of Breed Competition 36 entered, 7 absent.An overwhelming entry of gorgeous Poms and not an easy task to sort out.Best of Breed, Ch. Jan-Shar's An American Tail, bred by Jane Fleshman Sire Ch. Bev Nor N'Southland Rambo x Jan Shar's Magon's Top Notch, owned by Ellen Roberts. This red-sable beauty had a very nice head, high set ears, which he used to his advantage, high set tail, beautiful correct coat, four good legs, etc. You get the idea, a terrific little dogWe had other beautiful examples of our breed in the show. I was unable to give them all awards, but those who were given an award of merit wereCh. Homestead Spit N'Polish, Breeder-owner Jean HurleyCh. Starfire's Cristina, Breeder- owner Jose CabrenaCh. Starlite Legacy Choco Bear, Cont. on page 22Judge's Critique Com. from page 21Breeder-owner Gayle GriffinCh. Tim Sue's High Lights, Breeder- owner Tim Sue Goddard Janesa's Glen Iris Starstruck, Breeders C. A. Jackson, Joel Taylor, H. Stewart J. Freia Owners Jerria Freia and Joel TaylorStud Dog 3 entered and shown.1st Ch. Watts Little Chipper of G. Elms, owner Dolores Watts Brood Bitch 1 entered and shown.1st Ch. Jeremy's Mi Mandy of Tiny Tykes, owner Ina KniffinJunior Showmanship Competition 5 entered, 1 absent duplicate entry Novice Junior Ch. W L Dakotah's Li'l Huggy Bear Handler Theresa Baldwin.Open Junior Ch. Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD Handier Elaine McKee.Open Senior Pine Acre's Jolly Jill Toro Handler Amber White.Best Junior Handler Amber White.I cannot let this critique end without mentioning the fact that too many Poms had to be "heavily penalized", as the standard states, for over trimming. We had a seminar the day before our specialty for people that had applied or sent their intent to apply to judge Pomeranians to A.K.C. These people were sitting ringside with resource people to discuss and learn from the Poms at the specialty. It would send a mixed message to these people and be hypocritical to teach such when judging.One other fad that I hope will cease immediately, is the use of lacquer hair spray on Pom coats. I have never felt so many sticky coats on so many Poms. This is a foreign substance in the coat and is not allowed by A.K.C. I did not excuse those Poms immediately, but I could not consider them or bring them back for the final cut. One of these times you arePage 22 Pom ReviewApril 1990going to find a judge that will excuse you on the spot and mark the book as such. We are making Poms more like Poodles every day with scissors and hair spray. Please, study your standard This is what the judges are being taught because you complain about the judges and judging. It is time for you to educate yourself in your breed and quitcherbel- lyaching.I'm sorry, I aifi scolding again. Thanks for the privilege of judging this specialty. You will never know how much it means to me. It is an honor.Sincerely,Sally Baugniet A.P.C. Judges' Education CoordinatorA Better Tomorrow forAnimalsPlan for tomorrow for dogsA gift in your will can promise that dogs will be healthier tomorrow. Let your love for dogs live forever.APCs Very Important Pom AwardsAward year is based on the information published in AKC AW ARDS - January to December issues.TOP WINNING DOGto the APC member whose dog defeats the most dogs in all-breed or specialty competition.TOP WINNING BITCHto the APC member's bitch who defeats the most dogs in all breed or specialty competition.TOP STUD DOGto the APC member's Pom dog producing the most titlelists in the awards year.TOP PRODUCING BITCHto the APC member's Pom bitch producing the most titlelists in the awards year.TOP OBEDIENCE POMto the APC member's Pom defeating the most dogs in obedience.TOP NOVICE POM TOP OPEN POM TOP UTILITY POMin each category, to the APC member's Pom who has the highest average of any 3 scores in the 30 days allowed for that title.TOP JUNIOP SHOWMANto ANY Junior while showing a Pom in Junior Showmanship Classes who has defeated the most Juniors in all-breed or specialty competition.BREEDER OF THE YEARto the APC member-breeder of the most titlelists published in the awards year. Each published title receives one point. If there is a co-breeder this point is split equally. All co-breeders must be APC members for the titled Pom to be considered.EXHIBITOR OF THE YEARto the APC member who has finishedApril 1990Pom Review Page 23 the most titlelists in the awards year. Each published title gains one 1 point. If there are co-owners, this point is split equally. All co-owners must be APC members for the titled Pom to be considered.THE FOLLOWING ARE HISTORICAL AWARDS AND ARE OPEN TO ANY POM OWNER.They also are TITLES conferred by the APC and as such may be used by the breederowner when referring to that Pom. They cannot be used when entering Poms at AKC events. Certificates for these TITLES are available from the APC Registrar, Jean Schroll. The owner must request this certificate and supply necessary data regarding attainment who, what, when, where, AKC dates. An update will be published periodically in the Pom Review.REGISTER OF MERIT ROMDOGS producing 6 or more titlelists.BITCHES producing 4 or more titlelists.A title comes from either bench CH, obedience CD - NOTE - only the first obedience title is credited, or field TD - NOTE - only the first tracking title is credited.REGISTER OF MERIT EXCELLENT ROMXDOGS producing 20 or more titlelists.BITCHES producing 6 or more titlelists.Title restrictions as above in ROM.HALL OF FAME HOFfor a Pom who attains any one of the following BlSall-breed HITall-breed title of CH-CDXtitle of UD an AKC score "200" Dogs producing 50 titlel- ists Bitches producing 25 titlelists.Cont. on page 24Page 24 Pom ReviewApril 1990APC Awards Cont. from page 23GOLD CLUB GCfor a Pom who attains any one of the following1 Dogs winning 100 BOB's or Bitches winning 50 BOB's or BOS.2 Wins CH with 3 five point majors never less than Best of Winners.3 Back to back Group l's.4 Back to back BIS all-breed.5 Back to back High In Trials.6 An obedience score of "200".7 Published 2 two passing tracks.VERY IMPORTANT POMS - '89 OBEDIENCETOP NOVICE POM -DRIFTWOOD LOVE THAT BOB, Breederowner- Marian LazzaraTOP OPEN POM - CH. LESSARD'S SHANGRILA OF JUBILEE, CD,Alice Lessard Breeder -Lorene Bradbury Sandra LoganTOP UTITLITY POM - CH.PENRU'S SUGAR PLUM FAIRY, CDX, RosalindGoltz breeder - Roz Goltz Jessie Young'TOP" - TOP OBEDIENCE POM - DRIFTWOOD LOVE THAT BOBJUNIOR SHOWMANSHIPTOP JUNIOR - Justine Tina BrogottiCONFORMATION TOP WINNING DOG - CH. TIM SUE'S HARBOR LIGHTS, owners - Susan Phillip Conlee Breeder - Sue Tim GoddardTOP PPODUCING DOG - 7 each - CH. CHRISCENDO CITY LIGHTS, owners - Sue Tim Goddard Chris Heartz Breeder - Chris HeartzCH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II, owners - Skip Piazza Olga Baker Breeder - Ruth BeamTOP WINNING BITCH - CH. LLL HIGH LIGHTS GOLDIE HAWN,owners - Bonnie Stetson Janice Lug- insland Breeder - Janice LuginslandTOP PRODUCING BITCH - 3 each - GREAT ELMS SWEET CANDI, owner - Ruth BeamJERIBETH'S TOASTIE, owner - Olga BakerTIM SUE'S DUCHESS SABRINA, owners - Sue Tim GoddardBREEDER OF 1989 - Sue GoddardEXHIBITOR OF 1989 - Sharon HansonAPC Registrar - Jean Schroll12950 S. New Era Rd. Oregon City, Or. 97045 Awards Chair - Mary Vickers2818 Jeffrerson Dr. Alexandria, Va. 22303A\ POM SIG - By Mary VickersFace it folks, the computers are here to stay Do you have YOURS Do you have a Modem Are you "online"Are you connected to PRODIGY How about COMPUSERVE PC-LINKI am on the first two. How about meeting on-line We can talk about Poms.Prodigy is definiately cheaper than regular long distance telephone. We can play for hours COMPUSERVE is the best, but more expensive.Send E-Mail to my private box and include your ID so we can communicate. My P ID is K J X B 11 A. If you forget, I'm in the directroy under Alexandria, Virginia.Visit with you "on-line". April 1990Pom Review Page 25aVCRESCENDO INTRODUCES CRESCENDO MCGUIRE PEPE LE PEW aka THE FOZMcGuires Macho of Millamor x Crescendo PrestissimaWE THINK HES SPECIAL HE THINKS HES SPECIAL Come the summer shows well know...IN MEMORIAMFAIR WINDS TWINKLING DIAMOND - TD Page 69, January 1990 ReviewA RED FIREWHOSE FLAME WENT OUT IN SUDDEN DIREAugust 10, 1987 - December 16,1989Le Stork Due March A City Lights grandaughter and A Ch. Millamors Mark Medallion daughter bred to TDs full brother, Shining StarTerrific Wee Chips grandson.Old Enough to evaluate If, lm-Millamors Musical Hobby x Emcees Chelsea of JerMar. Linebred young males on MillamorChriscendo. Evaluation age.Bcrnie Lois Cilibcrto 9605 Land O Lakes Blvd.Land OLakes, FI. 34639 813 996-3977Page 26 April 1990Pom ReviewDE ARTAOAKRIDGEThanks to Ken Eleanor Miller for letting Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition visit us. LOOK WHAT HE PRODUCED FOR US Others with points and promising kids coming up.CH. De ARTAS TOP TRADITIONNina Epps Rt. 5 Box 150 Nixa, Mo. 65714 417 725-5658M. Deane Rinehart 422 W. Fairchild Dr. Ok. City, Ok. 73110 405 732-402Ir fillCH. STYLESTEPPER MARK OF OAKRIDGEAMCAN CH. DE ARTAS FLAMING TRADITION no photo of litter brother ch.sCH. BENJIS BRITEYED ANGEL BENJIS PUNK ROCK TRADITIONROCK lacks 2 pointsand her litter brotherApril 1990Pom Review Page 27A.P.C. Education Coordinator and Standardization Report, Sally Baugniet, ChairmanThe A.P.C. board approved the "Interpretation and Elaboration of the Pomeranian Standard" and also approved the "Official Standard for the Pomeranian" in the A.K.C. format. A.K.C. requires us to adhere to their format.The Standard was put into A.K.Cs format. No words or content was changed from the standard which now exists. The only change was the order in which it was arranged.The "Interpretation and Elaboration of the Pomeranian Standard" is the result of the new format and an explanation of the various parts of the standard. Those explanations were taken from the Standard andor Elaboration changes which were recommended by the members of theStandardizationand Education Committees. The explanations are separated from the Standard itself under the headings "Elaboration". We are using this document in our education seminars and as material requested by judges who have applied to A.K.C. to judge Pomeranians.Once the Standard format is approved by the membership and A.K.C., we have five years to make any changes. Please contact me if you have any comments or suggestions on the "Elaboration" for future Standard changes orinclusions. The "Standard" and the "Elaboration" are as followsThe Required New Format of the Pomeranian StandardI. GeneralAppearance The Pomeranian in build and appearance is a cobby, balanced, short-coupled dog. Ho exhibits great intelligence in his expression and isalert in character and deportment.Elaboration The total balanced dog should have good shoulder layback and enough neck so as to carry the head proudly and high. It should have enough leg for ground to be seen beneath it. The Pom has the look of fitting into a circle.Any deviation from the ideal described in the standard should be penalized to the extent of the deviation. Structural faults common to many other breeds are as undesirable to the Pomeranian as in any other breed even though such faults may not be specifically mentioned in the standard.II. Size, proportion and SubstanceSize The weight of the Pomeranian for exhibition is from 3 to 7 pounds. The ideal size for show specimens are 4 to 5 pounds.Elaboration Contrary to some breeds of dogs, many Pom breeders prefer a male to fit into the lower end of the standard weight. The reason given most often is to lessen problems during whelping. Poms do have more than their share of whelping problems even though there may be some free whelping 3 pounders. Don't forget, if it is acceptable to put up a 3 pound Pom, it should be just as acceptable to put up a 7 pound Pom even though 4 to 5 is preferred. Just because the Pom is a Toy, 3 pounds is not better than 7 pounds. Keep in mind that 5 pounds is mid-way between 3 and 7.Proportion The Pomeranian in build and appearance is a cobby, balanced, short-coupled dog. The legs are of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame.Elaboration The distancefrom point of shoulder to root of tail is no greater than distance from withers to Cont. on page 28Page 28 Pom ReviewApril 1990 Pom Standard Cont. from page 27ground. The proportion of height to length is important in having the total look of the Pom fitting into a circle. We do not want a "dumpy" Pom, that is, a long-backed, low-legged Pom, or a Pom that is too leggy.Substance The body is well- ribbed and rounded. The brisket is fairly deep and not too wide.Elaboration The depth of the chest should reach the elbow. The standard says nothing about bone. Many people would agree that, proportionately, bone as fine as that of the Italian Greyhound would be too fine and yet we do not want bone so heavy as to appear out of proportion to the total dog. Poms should have med ium bone and always in proportion to the overall size of the dog.III. Head Well proportioned to thebody, wedged-shaped, with a Fox-like expression.Elaboration The fox-like expression refers to the alert character of the Pom. However, in comparing the head and expression to two other "looks" which are sometimes seen in Poms, the bear or mouse look is not proper or consistent with the proper head type.Eyes Bright, dark in color, and medium in size, almond-shaped and not set two wide apart nor close together. Pigmentation around eye rims must be black, except self-colored in brown and blue.Elaboration Often we see a Pom with the incorrect round eye shape. This and any deviation in pigmentation will be penalized to the extent of the deviation.Ears Small, carried erect and mounted high on the head and place not too far apart.Elaboration Some Poms with a wide skull have very wide set ears, somewhat similar to the a Westie's ear set. The Pom ears should be set close together. It is impossible to see them set too high. This contributes to the alert fox-like expression.Skull Not domed in outline. A round, domey skull is a major fault.Elaboration The coat on the Pom's skull is shorter and more tightly packed than the body coat. This may give the appearance of a domey skull. Feel the skull from stop to occiput, gently, with your thumb. Do not confuse profuse head hair with proper shape and stop.The width of the skull is approximately equal to the distance from the stop to the occiput. The skull is always in proportion to the muzzle. The whole head is in proportion to the total dog.Muzzle There is a pronounced stop with a rather fine but not snipey muzzle. Pigment around the lips must be black, except self-colored in brown and blue.Elaboration The muzzlelength from the tip of the nose to the stop is approximately one-third the distance from stop to occiput. A very long, heavy muzzle is a course muzzle. A short, wide, Chow-type muzzle does not fit into the "rather fine" category.Bite The teeth meet in a scissors bite in which part of the inner surface of the upper teeth meet and engages part of the outer surface of the lower teeth. One tooth out of line does not mean an undershot or overshot mouth. An undershot mouth is a major fault.Elaboration Many Poms,having been bred down from a largerCont. on page 29April 1990Pom Review Page 29Pom Standard Cont. from page 28sized Arctic breed, have a problem fitting all 42 teeth in their tiny mouth. The standard heavily penalizes an undershot mouth, but does not penalize an overshot or level bite to the same extent.Some Poms might have missing teeth. This could be from teeth that are pulled to make room for proper alignment, or pulled because of infected teeth. If the teeth are not cared for, it could affect the health of the whole dog. Poms are noted for tooth loss as early as 3 years of age.Nose pigmentation on the nose must be black, except self-colored in brown and blue.IV. Neck. Topline and BodyNeck The neck is rather short, its base set well back on the shoulder.Elaboration The length of neck should be proportionate to well-laid back shoulders. As an extension of the spinal column, the neck shall be long enough to carry the head proudly and high.Topline is level.Body The body is cobby being well ribbed and rounded.Chest The brisket is fairly deep and not too wide.Tail The tail is characteristic of the breed. It turns over the back and is carried flat, set high.Elaboration A low set tail gives the appearance of a long backed Pom. Some Poms may have a curl at the tip of the tail bone. A fault is not specified for this, but a straight bone would allow the hair at the tip of the tail to extend forward. A straight, high, flat tail set contributes greatly to the total balance of the Pom.Shoulders The Pom is not Straight-in-shoulder, but has sufficient layback of shoulders to carry the neck proudly and high.Forelegs The forelegs are straight and parallel, of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame.Pasterns The Pomeranian stands well-up on toes. Down in pasterns is a major fault.Elaboration Pasterns arestrong and parallel to each other.Dew Claws Dew claws on the forelegs may be removed.Feet The Pomeranian stands well-up on toes.Elaboration The Pomeranian has small compact cat-like feet which turn neither in nor out.VI. HindquartersAngulation Elaboration Hindquarters and forequarters should be of equal angulation.Legs The hocks are perpendicular to the ground, parallel to each other from hock to heel, and turning neither in nor out. Cowhocks or lack of soundness in hind legs or stifles is a major fault. Dew claws, if any, on the hind legs are generally removed.Elaboration The legs are of medium bone with moderately bent stifles. Unsound stifles are a problem in Poms. A very unsound stifle will be obvious if the patellas can be seen slipping in and out when the dog is gaiting. If this causes the dog to limp, of course, it must be excused.Feet The Pomeranian stands well- up on toes.V. ForequartersCont. on page 30Page 30 April 1990Pom Review Pom Standard Cont. from page 29Elaboration Its cat-like feet turn neither in nor out.VII. Coat Coat type on head, legs and tail differ from body coat.Head Coat Elaboration Head coat is tightly packed and shorter in length than that of the body.Body Coat Double-coated A short, soft, thick coat consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse, standing-off straight hair. A soft, flat or open coat is a major fault.Elaboration A ruff around the neck is created by a correct coat. A coat that droops probably is either lacking in enough undercoat to hold the guard hair up to a stand-off coat, or has improper soft guard hair. A long drooping Pekingese-type coat is incorrect on a Pom.Tail Coat It is profusely covered with hair.Elaboration Long tail hair, combed toward the head and over the body coat, adds greatly to the over-all beauty and balance of the Pomeranian. Some Poms have such a long plume that the hair parts and falls to the side. This should not be faulted.Leg Coat The front legs are well feathered and the hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks.Elaboration The leg coat is tightly packed and much shorter in length than the body coat. Front leg feathering extends from the point of the elbow to the bottom of the pastern. Leg coat on some Poms is more compact, giving a heavy bone look. Run you hands down the legs to feel the leg, pastern and foot.Trimming Trimming for neatness is permissible around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is also permitted. Over-trimming beyond the location and amount described in the breed standard should be HEAVILY PENALIZED.Elaboration Trimming thefoot for neatness can show off the tight cat-like and strong pasterns for the well- up-on toes look. Knowledgeable trimming is many times done to disguise weak pasterns and slightly toe-out feet. Trimming, along with brushing the hair up on the feet and pasterns, can also be done to give the look of more bone and balance to the dog.Abundant ruff around the neck may make larger ears look small. Improperly trimmed ears may make the ear appear larger than it really is. Feel the ear from the base, to ascertain ear size.Often hair on the ruff around the ears is evened off to eliminate the scraggly look. This is somewhat beyond what the standard calls for but not really sculpturing. Some people brush the bib up and shape it. Trimming around the anus is allowed. How far around is not spelled out. The hair and feathering on the hindquarters is often thinned discreetly so the dog does not look longer than it is. Some of the hair near the base of the tail that might fall over the anus is sometimes discreetly trimmed away.Other areas that are trimmed and sculptured on the Pom have not been mentioned - but are very obvious that sculpturing has been done. It is up to the judge to determine how much trimming is beyond that which is allowed in the standard and penalize accordingly. Keeping in mind - THIS BREED IS NOT TO BE SCULPTUREDCont. on page 32Pom ReviewApril 1990 Page 31APOLLOETTEo VCASHNtKi-9Apolloette Gone-A-LotTraveler is shown going Winners Dog and Best of Winners for a5pt. major at The Columbia Pomeranian Specialty in January 1990 under Judge Roland Adameck. Thank you Mr. Adameck. Traveler needs a major to finish his championship.Marlene Marlin Presser21789 E. Hwy. 4 Stockton, CA. 95205209886-5640 After 600 pm. weekdaysPom Standard Corn. from page 30 Vm. ColorClassifications The openclasses at Specialty shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Open Black, Brown Blue Open Any Other Allowed Color.ACCEPTABLE COLORS TO BE JUDGED ON AN EOUAL BASIS Any solid color, any solid color with lighter or darker shadings of the same color, any solid color with sable or black shadings parti-color, sable and black tan. Black tan is black with tan or rust, sharply defined, appearing above each eye and on the muzzle, throat and forechest, on all legs and feet and below the tail. Parti- color is white with any other color distributed in even patches on the body and a white blaze on head. A white chest, foot, or leg on a whole colored dog except white is a major fault.Elaboration Our standard allows any solid color with sable or black shadings. A black mask is allowed. Some judges remember an earlier standard that penalized a black mask. This is not be be penalized.The reason for the major fault listed under "Color" is to remind you that a Pom having a white chest, foot or leg on a whole-colored dog except white is a mis-marked parti-colored Pom. Do not confuse this with the acceptable "lighter shadings". In addition to these colors listed as acceptable, some additional colors such as brindle, other colors with tan markings and beaver do on occasion appear in the ring. Since there are no disqualifications appearing in the Standard, they must be faulted as a deviation of color.IX Gait the Pomeranian moves with a smooth, free, but not loose action. HePage 32 April 1990Pom Reviewdoes not elbow out in front nor move excessively wide nor cowhocked behind. He is sound in action.Elaboration The Pom also should move excessively close in the rear. It should reach with its front legs and drive from the rear. Front movement should in no way resemble a hackney gait. In side movement, the front foot should reach at least as far as the nose. The proper gait for the Pom should be a forward motion.X. Temperament He exhibits great intelligence in its expression, and is alert in character and deportment.Elaboration A Pomeranian is very active, brave and friendly. It was bred down from a big dog and still acts big. The Pom would challenge another dog, no matter what size. But, a Pomeranian owner will tell you there is not a sweeter, more friendly, dedicated dog than theirs.American Pomeranian Club, Inc.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact Mrs. Audrey Roberts, 1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, Al. 71446.If you only wish to subscribe to the Review, contact the Circulation Manger, John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, Va. 23047.April 1990Pom Review Page 33cv Is 3rffisfj 'pjflt CaratCh. Emcees A Chip of Diamond x Jestoms Happy ChipsBRIT isshown here going Winners Dog for 2 points under Mrs. Edna Voyles. Thank you Mrs. Voyles.OWNERHANDLERDIANA M. DOWNEY 20435 Ambasssador Terrace Germantown, MD 20874-2873 301 540-3828BREEDERMORRIS E. CARSON 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024Page 34 April 1990Pom ReviewAPC Judges Study Group ReportThe first American Pomeranian Club Judges Study Group at a National Specialty was held at the LaGuardia Marriott Hotel in New York on Feb. 10 and 11, 1990.The following committees were involvedJudges Education Committee Sally Baugniet, ChairmanMary McCoy Ken Miller Sub CommitteeJackie Liddle Stacy Sue Goddard Nadine HersilJudges Study Group Committee Janice Luginsland, Chairman Fred Bassett Ken MillerThe agenda on Saturday was as follows Welcome . and Introductions.Viewingof the AKC Pom Video Elaboration of the Standard History of the Breed Question and Answer period. The group reconvened Sunday morning in a reserved section of the ring with breed resource people to answer their questions during the judging. Seven incoming judges participated either on Saturday andor Sunday. Those judges were participated were Anthony J. DeMaula, Jr., R. Wayne Gurin, Marcia K.Hostetler, Margaret Mill Materna, Dorothy C. Poole, Joe C. Walton and Ruth Winston.These committee members participating felt the comments by the incoming judges were as beneficial to us as our input hopefully was them.I owe special thanks to Mary Vickers for furnishing us with a TV with VCR complete with Pom video. Jackie Liddle Stacy and Nadine Hersil for allowing Ch. Duffie to come out of retirement for use as one of our demonstration dogs. Also to Audrey Roberts for furnishing three puppies for the hands on. All of the committee members assisted with the exception of one who was unable to attend. Elizabeth Augspaugh from the AKC Judges Education Dept, is to be commended for her assistance with the planning, fliers, mailing labels, etc. The APC Hospitality room was available to those judges for refreshments during the break between judging which was appreciated since the line was so long to the restaurant. Last, but certainly not least, I thank the APC Board of Directors for allowing us to set up and hold this first Judges Study Group. I personally believe it is one of the best tools currently available to produce more knowledgeable judges.Janice Luginsland, Chairman Judges Study Group 1990 Natl. Spec.XApril 1990Pom Review Page 35City of Angels Pomeranian ClubBy Doreen Vander TuinAt our November 1989 meeting, we viewed a video tape of our October match. Interesting enough, the dogs were not the topic that took over the discussion, but handling techniques thoroughly picked apart. Examples of poor handling technique in some ways were more illustrative than those handlers who were doing everything right and made presenting a dog for judging look effortless. Actually, SEEING mishandling and how it can effect the overall impression the ringsiders and judge get of a dog being shown sure brings the message home to those of us watching.One thing for sure, all handlers both male and female should take care to bend the knees when reaching down to scoop up your Poms to put them on the table. Besides being better for your back then bending at the waist, you don't realize how BAD it looks from ringside with human rear ends sticking up, waving in the breeze Give the spectators a break and add some grace to the presentation of yourself and your dog in the ring by being aware how you move in the ring, as well as how your dog looks.Table etiquette seems to give most handlers the worst problems, just what to you with your hands when the judge is going over your dog Take some advice from the junior handlers When the judge goes to one end of the dog, you move to the other end. A hand on the rear of the inexperienced dog when the judge is going over the head is okay, as well as a reassuring hand on the chest when the judge is messing around with the rear. What looks most impressive is the handler that just stands quietly, hanging on to the lead, and lets the judges do their job with the minimum amount of interference. If your dog moves a foot as the judge is looking at the end in question, it seems alright to move an unobtrusive hand in and straighten things our if you can stay out of the judge's way. Quite a few judges in that situation will replace the foot themselves, which is probably the best thing to happen in that instance. A handler that is constantly messing around with the dog's feet and legs, or has a comb whipping in and out of the judge's field of vision, just seems to slow down the process and annoy the judge in some instances. Bottom line is it is better to table train the dog before you get in the ring and cut down on the wrestling matches in public.In December, we had our Holiday get-together with plenty of Pom talk and food, and then we got back down to business in January to plan out the new year. Plans are going forward for our next match on April 22,1990. The site has been reserved, a judge contacted and confirmed with the required paperwork sent to the AKC. Our capable newsletter editor, Connie Brown who is doing a bang- up job of keeping the membership informed of club doings has been handling some preliminary details that promise to make this match one worth attending for Pom exhibitors.For information regarding Pom activities in this area, please contact the City of Angles Corresponding Secretary Doreen Vander Tuin -1230 Plum Avenue - Simi Valley, VA 93065 - 805 522-7094.Bay Colony Pomeranian ClubBy Claire FlesnerBy the time you are reading this,we've already had our first match of the year. I am certain it was a great success as usual.Cont. on page 36Page 36 April 1990Pom ReviewBay Colony Cont. from page 35We are now excitingly looking forward to our annual Specialty show on May 12,1990 in West Springfield,MA.It will be held in conjuction with The Springfield Kennel Club at the Expo grounds.The judge for the regular classes will be Mrs. Etta Orenstein.This year for the first time ever, we are having a puppy sweepstakes. We are doubly excited about this Our judges will be for dogs,Mr. Donald Gill. Mrs. Garrett O'Dell will judge bitches and Best in Sweepstakes.After the judging ALL POMERANIAN EXHIBITORS are invited to our.annual FREE buffet.We will be located in a comer room near exit 7. Just look for the pom posters.Congratulations to Eileen Stopa on her second pom C.D. Miss Bear got her final two legs over the Thanksgiving weekend in Springfield.Also, congratulations to Ina Kniffen for her fist place win in the Brood Bitch class at the A.P.C.Spec. in N.Y. in Feb. with Ch Jeremy's MI Mandy of Tiny Tykes, Smokey's Elvis Parsley and Smokey's Precious of Tiny Tykes. Congratulations, also to Paula Payson with her 3rd placement with Karadarn Bits- N-Bits in the BBE class.HAVE YOU HUGGED YOUR POM TODAY Columbia Pom Specialty January 1990 ResultsBy Jean SchrollWell, we got off to a rousing start for 1990 with an entry of 52. Our biggest yet It was wonderful As usual, there were afew glitches but nothing too disasterous. It is not the fun the summer show is because of it being winter time, it must be held indoors. The Expo Center in Portland does not allow us to have food so there is not our usual pot luck that is so much fun. It does not make for a thrill when one must have Poms ready by 8svwvsesHOWOLSWWinners DogOverall, I felt the quality of dogs and bitches were pretty nice. Winners Dog was Apolloette Gone-A-Lot, bred and owned by Marlin and Marlene Presser. Winners Bitch was Ginleoaks Angel at Warlord's, owned by Ray Mooney and Jack Hookie and bred by Charles Hun- saker. Best of Breed was Ch. Harbin's Carrying on for Mom, bred by Irene Sylvia Harbin and owned by Sylvia. Best of Opposite for the second speciality in a row was Ch. Autumn's Cara Mia Monique, owned and bred by Emily Unta- lan.Our judge was Roland Adameck who is always a pleasant person to be around and Mary Dee Lindemaier did our sweepstakes. Not only is she a nice person, she is a pretty lady. She is the wife of one of the local photographers. Her choice for Best In Sweepstakes was Snuggle Pals ASutumn Mink, owned by Emily Untalan Joanne Blank, bred by Emily and Donna Pickles, by Ch.Cont. on page 37Columbia Spec. Cont. from page 36April 1990Pom Review Page 37iO 4is4Winners BitchWharton's Seppl Von Honig out of Autumn's Li'l Black Gem. Best of Opposite Sex was Pickles Special Autumn Lady also bredowned by Emily and Donna.Judges CritiqueThank you all so very much for the lovely entry of Pomeranian puppies. I sincerely enjoyed my first assignment in the Toy ring. I must say I was delighted at the overall quality of the Pom puppies that were shown to me. Many, many people had commented to me on how poor the quality and movement was in this particular breed. I found them to be overall very sound on thedown and back and side movement was equally impressive.I had correct coats for the most part. Only one did not accommodate theStan- dard. Overall type and size was within the standard. I did see more poor bites that I had anticipated. Their sweet faces and small, at attention ears allowed me a smile and enjoyment with each individual I examined. I was disappointed to have one puppy that would not allow me the privilege of an examination.My best mover in the Sweeps was a light colored male. He was very sound and I gave him his class but in the end found him to be a bit larger than I liked.My Best in Sweeps was a very lovely, typey male that was also a good mover. He presented himself to his fullest potential. I think this boy will go places when he matures. My Best of Opposite bitch was also of lovely type and I must tell you, I was delighted to find after all the judging was completed that I was consistent.Mary Dee LindemaierifssrFanciersBy Victoria LovelyWe always seem to have so much news and so many club activities to tell about, that it's hard to know where to begin.Our NORDIC DOGS MATCH was held on January 28. The weather was something else. There were warnings from the highway patrol being aired on the radio telling people to stay home. I suppose it had something to do with the 35 miles per hour wind gusts with rain.Nevertheless, we had 49 entires including Chows, Malamutes, Huskys, Schipperkes, Norwegian Elkhounds and of course Pomeranians. Conformation judging was done by Joan Zielinski and Alicia Heggerston. Obedience and "Grand Turkey" by Linda Gallachcr. JuniorShowmanship by Blake Jones, and Sweepstakes by Tom Stephens.Let me stop fora minute and explain Cont. on page 38Page 38 April 1990Pom ReviewMt. Rainer NewsCont. from page 37'Turkey Awards". The idea was given to us by club member, George Reed. We give a black ribbon to those exhibitors who goof-up, or the puppies won't walk or spin around or have an "accident" in the ring. This gives each of the puppies or exhibitors another chance in the ring when they come back in for "Grand Turkey". It's really a lot of fun for both exhibitors and spectators.Anyway, Best of Breed Pom and Group 2 went to an adorable, very showy red-orange boy "Jestom's Lovely Toy Solder," owned and handled by Jessie Stephens. Best of Breed Pom Adult and Group 3 went to "Feisty's Rebels Razzel Dazzel," an attractive little black tan owned and handled by Rosemarie Schroeder. Two outstanding Schipperkes won Best Puppy and Best Adult in Match.There are a great deal of people who don't realize that Poms are "Nordic" or "Spitz" dogs. The nice display of dogs at our match with double coats, prick ears and tails curled over the back was a real eye-opener for many. I was interested to hear from a breeder that some Schipperkes are born with tails and some are not. She went on to say that if they are allowed to keep them, Schip tails do curl over their back.Our Annual Election and Christmas Dinner was held in December. New officers are President - Victoria Lovely Vice President Committee Chairperson - Blake Jones Treasurer - Cathie Rovetta-Brown and RecordingCorre- sponding Secretary - Wendy Feist, 6325 SE 73rd, Portland, OR 98206.I am very proud and pleased to say that as of our February meeting, the Mr. Rainier Pom Fanciers has 33 members We started with 4 members back in January '89 Thank you members Yoursupport is pricelessClub sweatshirts and t-shirts are available. Our mountain Pom logo is printed in 3 different colors on the front. White sweatshirts are 20 pink or yellow t-shirts are 12. Please include 1 per shirt for postage. MRPF monthly newsletters are available at 8 per year. Send orders to MRPF, 12022 30th St. E, Puyallup, WA 98372.The MRPF is proud to introd uce and independent "Stud DogBrood Bitch Directory". This directory will feature photos pedigrees of Poms and of course will specialize in the exotics. Please send all inquiries to Wendy Feist.Congratulations to the Puget Sound Pom Club, "Washington's only licensed Pom Club," on their new point show status.Well, that's all for now. Have a great summerNorthwest News and ViewsBy Jane ReedWell, 1989 is behind us and for me it has been a great year I hope it has been as generous to all of you. I won't bore you with all the wins but I would like to share with you my views of the year's experiences. There are a lot of conflicts on the many levels of the dog show world. I'm sure exhibitors from other areas have their consternations as well.I would like to focus on the positive. We get enough of the negative - it has its purpose and I like to think of it as helpful to grow, but we need the kudo's also.Many times this last year, my Prince Charming son "Tex" took group placements. On these great occasions, we were cheered on and heartily supported by our other Pom exhibitors. I want to tell you how grateful I am for this support I would personally like to thank Tom Cont. on page 39April 1990Pom Review Page 39Northwest NewsCont. from page 38Carol Gillespie, Tom Jessie Stephens, Black Jones, Victoria Lovely, Jiggs Alicia Heggerston, Victor Wendy Feist, Ray Mooney and Jack Hookie. No one realizes achievements without the help of those about them and our year has been special due in part to the support of these people. Pom people do support each otherThere is another experience I would like to tell you all about. For the firs time in my life, I traveled to Alaska to show dogs of course. What a great time Not only does Alaska have beautiful scenery, beautiful and well bred Poms, but really nice Pom people I have never been treated better I was all alone and unfamiliar with the area but was soon put to ease by Alaskan hospitality. A special thanks goes out to Carolyn Turnage and Dixieanne Bennette for receiving me so cordiallyOne last note - I would like to congratulate the Mt. Rainier Pomeranian Fanciers on a very successful first year. The club puts out a very informative newsletter and has held 4 very successful matches in 1989. The tremendous growth in membership of this club speaks for the work and efforts of its members.The Ohio Valley Pom ClubBy Judy Shearer, SecretaryWhat a WEEKEND What a MATCH What a JUDGE What a group of super people and gorgeous puppiesThe OVPC Specialty Match held November 26, 1989 at the Holiday Inn Akron, Ohio will no doubt be the talk fo the fancy for some time to come.On Nov. 25 while match chairperson Bonnie Stetson was off to the airportto pick up Judge Lawrence Standbridge, co-chairperson Dona Megenhardt along with hubby and Ring Steward Rick Megenhardt met with Jim and I and daughter-in-law Kris at the Holiday Inn around 4 p.m. to set up. Others wandering in to help were members Bob and Fran Johns and Jim and Doris Wheeler.No sooner was the ring set up than tiny little balls of flu ff of all colors began appearing from all over for practice. Some of our exhibitors were delighted to leant they had no ring mats to get those babies used to as we showed on carpet.After much toting, sign hanging and room finding, we all adjourned to the Ballet Room to enjoy meeting Pom People and visiting with the old. Snacks, drinks and a good time were enjoyed by all. I have yet to decide who took the most pictures - Jim and I or Joe McGinnis.Sunday dawned a snow free day as Bonnie had promised everyone. On arriving at the match around 9 a.m., we found puppies till practicing. We assume they did leave the night before. Jim, along with grandson and junior member, Ron Shearer, unloaded all our dogs and gear and was off to help Donna with more toting. I did a lot of visiting, directing exhibitors to grooming rooms, and cuddling puppies my favorite job.At promptly 12 noon, our announcer Joe McGinnis, along with ring steward Rich Megenhardt, called the first class into the ring. At 430, Judge Standbridge announced his final winner.With 192 entries, 151 of those actually exhibited. We had exhibitors representing 19 sates, as well as 4 cities in Ontario, Canada.The results were as followsPuppy Dogs 2-4 monthsEntry 20 POM ACRES JESSE JAMES - Juanita FiddickPuppy Dogs 4-6 monthsEntry 21Cont. on page 40Page 40 April 1990Pom Review Ohio Valley Cont. from page 39JbBest Adult in MatchBest of Opposite SexTNT I'M A TEDDY TREVIE TOO - Dolores Stanger Marcia DoanePuppy Bitches 2-4Entry 23 RAZZLE DAZZLE RHAPSODY - Judy Green Chris HeartzPuppy Bitches 4-6 monthsEntry 16 FLUFFALO VE's ANGEL IN DISGUISE - Barbara McCrimmonBest Junior Puppy - POM ACRES JESSE JAMES - Juanita FiddickPuppy Dogs 6-9Entry 17WL BAD LANDS TERRITORY - Mark Carol BaldwinPuppy Dogs 9-12Entry 8CHIP AW AYS MOUNTAIN MAN Marlene Frank PenneyPuppy Bitches 6-9Entry 21SILVA LADE FANCY BRITCHES SuzanneG. Berney2 .Best Senior PuppyBest Puppy in Match Puppy Bitches 9-12Entry 13 BEV-NOR'S I LOVE LUCY - Donna Lynn WrightBest Senior Puppy - BEV-NOR'S I LOVE LUCY - Donna Lynn WrightBest Puppy In Match - The Junior Puppy - POM ACRES JESSE JAMESBest Adult in Match - LYNNWRIGHT'S WALT DISNEY - Donna Lynn Wright 25 entriesBest of Opposite Sex to Best Adult in Match - WATT'S LITTLE HALF HOUR - Dolores Watts 28 entriesOur judge, Lawrence Standbridge, surely deserves a medal for his never ending patience and understanding. Not all of our babies were leash broken and some a little scared, but he was always patient, gentle and kind - to bothCont. on page 41April 1990Pom Review Page 41Ohio Valley Cont. from page 40 puppies and exhibitors. His good na- tured sense of humor put even the most novice of novices at ease. Dozens of letters received since the match confirmed this.Judge Standbridge's comments after the match "Overall, I found the quality of the entry to be quite satisfactory. From my point of view, the day was educational, rewarding and very enjoyable."Veterinarian in attendance, Dr. James Radcliffe, told some very amusing stories form his practice in West Virginia. Dr. Radcliffe is a very nice man with a terrific sense of humor. He also has that special knowledge that it takes to administer to our special loves, the Pom. He was constantly bombarded with questions and very patiently tried to answer them all. We have all been teasing Carol Galavich about her "special vet." But she just will not agree to let him move further northChairperson Bonnie Stetson then presented thank you gifts to her staff. Co-chairperson Donna Megenhardrt was presented with a beautiful life-like painting of Bonnie's P.J. Ch. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY in appreciation of he help with the match.Bonnie then drew the pre-entry prizes - early entry prizes by non OVPC members and early entry prizes by OVPC members. No one went away empty handed.This was followed by a delicious dinner for all exhibitors catered by Maxwell's restaurant, there in the Inn. No one went away hungry eitherTo top off a fabulous dinner and weekend, a group of young people called ETC a performing show choir from Akron, performed beautifully for the attendees. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all.From our match chairperson, Bonnie Stetson, this message'We believe this match was a great success. It could not have been done without the help of all our members. Donna and I are very grateful for the support we have received, not only from our own club, but from Pom Clubs all over the United States.I am particularly pleased with the good sportsmanship and support I saw displayed at this match. It has reaffirmed my belief that Pom peopl e are some of the nicest people around the show ring."We of the OVPC would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for all your cards and letters regarding the match and to all those 151 exhibitors - THANKS - for making it happenPomeranian Club of Michigan Detr oit AreaBy Evelyn ConleyThe Pomeranian Club of Michigan, Inc., held its second annual Specialty Show on November 25,1989.Starting our show at 1245 p.m. was Sweepstakes judge Mrs. Anna Park with a total of 12 entries. Her selection for Best in Sweepstakes was a female from the 9- 12 class - O'ANN'S PRECIOUS BRASS IMAGE, owned by Doris Pressley and handled by Mary JBish. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes was a male from the 9-12 months class - TIM-SUE's KNIGHT LIGHT, owned by Eleanor Miller.Starting the Regular Classes at 115 p.m. was Mrs. Stanley Whitmore with a total of 33 entries. Her Winners Dog and Best of Winners was DOO SHAY'S SOCIAL STETSON, owned by David Gibbons and Shannon Johnson. Reserve Winners Dog went to STYLEPEPPER MARK OF OAKRIDGE, owned by Janice Young and handled by Nadine Her- sil.Cont. on page 42Page 42 April 1990Pom ReviewMichigan Detroit Area Specialty Cont. from page 41VBest of Breed Best of Winner Opposite1aSTnfBest in SweepstakesThen the Grand Finale with Best of Breed Competition. For Best of Breed, Mrs. Whitmore chose a beautiful male CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR, owned by Frances Stoll. For Best of Opposite Sex she chose a lovely female - CH. LLL HIGH LIGHT'S GOLDIE HAWN, owned by Bonnie Stetson and Janice Luginsland.After this very successful show, everyone was invited to our hospitalityroom. A wonderful luncheon was enjoyed by all. Our thanks goes to Earl and Bonnie Sullivan for doing such a wonderful job as our club's hospitality host and hostess.It was a very enjoyable day and now we're looking forward to another successful show and very enjoyable day in May, 1990. We invite you to join us in Kalamazoo, Michigan on May 27,1990 for our annual Spring Specialty.Corrections...In Jean Schroll's Northeast News Jan. 1990 article, she reported on the upcoming Columbia Pom Club's winter show. That particular paragraph should have read"The Columbia Pomeranian Club is preparing for their winter show to be held in Portland at the Pacific International Livestock Center, better known as Expo on Thursday, January 18, 1990. Judge will be Mr. Roland Adameck from Hawaii for the regular classes and Mary Dee Lindemaier for the Sweepstakes.Show secretary will be Averil Asbeck, 3746 S.E. Carruthers, Portland, Or. 97214. Entries will close on Jan. 5,1990. Hope to see you all there."Litter BasketMIA POMS offers a typey male and female whelped 82489. Sire is BT son of Ch. Bev-NoPs Toasted Fudge. Dam is a daughter of Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge. Ramona J. Smith, HCR 4, Box 26B, Bowman, N.D. 58623, 701 574- 3158April 1990Pom Review Page 43The Puget Sound Pomeranian ClubBy Wendy FeistThat's right We will be holding our summer specialty "Point" show this summer. Date to still be announced. The show committee has been formed and plans are underway. Obedience and JuniorShowmanship will be offered. For more information please contact Alan Koeller, 1508 NE Brockman Place, Seattle, WA 98125. He will be Show Chairman and Show Secretary.All calendars have been sold and I thank those who generously supported this project. I had a lot of fun doing this project and it couldn't of happened without all of the support I received.The handling class we put on each week is going strong Not only is it educational, but it is a needed source of revenue.Congratulations to all members who have some recent wins Randy Gemmil and Dana Plonkey have been doing well as have Mary Rosenbaum who has finished two new champions, "Ch. Bi-Mar Sunny Supreme and Ch. Bi- Mar Foxfire." Jane Reed and her "Ch. Jane's Wee Prince O' Jeribeth" are continuing to do well in the ring with another group one and group two.Sylvia Harbin with her "Ch. Harbin's Carrying On For Mom," better known as "Mikie," has won a couple of breeds and a Group Three "Ch. Feisty's My-T-Fine" has also won a Best of Breed owned by Victor and Wendy Feist. Their "Feisty's Bom Shell" has also won another point. Kay Magee went reserve winners with her little boy, handled by Janell Reich.A big welcome to new members Billy and Bonnie Simpson.Our monthly news letter publication, Poms and People, has lost one hcc of an editor-Jane Reed Thank you Jane forall your hard word and dedication you always give. I will greatly miss all of your editorials The new editor will be Alan Koeller at the address mentioned above.This will be my last club report I'm passing the writing on to the show committee who are much more informed on the latest happenings so that no news is missed.San Diego Pomeranian Club, Inc.By Margaret OntiverosOur Fall Match, October 7, was a resounding success with 23 entries. Our capable judge was Mr. Ed Dickinson. The weather was sunny and pleasantly warm typical of Fall in San Diego. Warm fellowship and good food potluck style was enjoyed by all all in attendance.The Fall Speciality was held in conjunction with the Del Dur Kennel Club on November 12. Mrs. Kim Dickinson Krug was the Sweepstakes Judge. The trophies were of crystal. We had a very early showing time so the club provided coffee and donuts to the Pom exhibitors.We are busy planning our 1990 SpecialtiesThe first will be held Saturday, June 23 at the Los Angeles Sports Arena, along with other Toy breeds, who are members of the Golden West Dog Club, Inc. Our sweepstakes judge is Mr. Bobby Shultz and the regular classes will be judged by Dr. Houpt. The superintendent is Jack Bradshaw and the closing date is June 5. The next day will be the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills show at the same location.The second will be held Friday, November 9 at the Berry Street Park in Lemon Grove a city in San Diego County. The superintendent is Barbara Lowe.Cont. on page 46Page 44 April 1990Pom ReviewPuget Sound Pomeranian ClubWashingtons Licensed Pomeranian ClubOProudly Presents Its First Licensed Pomeranian Specialty Show including Obedience, Jr. Handling, Sweepstakes Breed Alexander Schwartz ObedienceJr. Showmanship Betty WinthersFriday, August 10,1990Seattle Christian School Seattle, Washington 1 mile south of SeaTac AirportSend for information, Premium, Entries toShow ChairmanL. Alan Koeller 1508 N.E. Brockman PL Seattle, Wa. 98125 206 365-8276Spend 3 days in Scenic Seattle2 ALL BREED SHOWS Sat., Aug. 11 - Seattle KC, Seattle Coliseum Spt. RRSun., Aug 12 - Nisqually KC, Olympia Spt. Brownso i'VAN o'April 1990Pom Review Page 45r SAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.asWwill hold an Independent Speciality Sweepstakes on Saturday, June 23, 1990 at the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena 3939 Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CAin conjunction with five other Toy Breeds who are members of the GOLDEN WEST DOG CLUB, INC.To acquire a premium contact JACK BRADSHAW at P.O. Box 7303, Los Angeles, CA 90022. Telephone 213 7227-0136. On the following day, the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills will hold its All Breed Show atthe same site.For further information, contact Daniel N. Ontiveros a member of the Board of Directors of the GOLDEN WEST DOG CLUB, INC. at 2981 Calle Cumbre, San Diego, CA 92139. Telephone 619 475-2531after 4 p.m. PSTThe San Diego Pom Club and the City of Angels Pom Club will be supporting the entry so...COME FOR THE WEEKEND AND ATTEND THE FIVE TOY SPECIALTIES SATURDAY AND THE KENNEL CLUB OF BEVERLY HILLS SHOW SUN DAY. We are planning pot luck barbecues...and special parking for "Pomeranian" motorhomes arriving Friday between 9-12 PM PST.Page 46 April 1990Pom ReviewSan Diego NewsCont. from page 43Please, put these two dates on your calendar and plan on joining us for exciting days of good food and warm friendship. There will be a variety of classes offered including Sweepstakes, Brace and Team, and a Champion Parade.Several of our members have moved to the Pacific Northwest area. Although we are sorry to see them go, we have acquired new members so our numbers remain about the same. It is hoped that everyone and their Poms will have a great 1990.Webfoot Report 1990By Jean SchrollWell, 1990 has started in our area with a few new arrivals. Emily Untalan has a new baby bred by Emily and Donna Pickles out of Ch. Wharton's Seppl Von Honig that went Winners Dog at our first show of the New Year and Richard Lackey has a dog up here with our new California transplant, Anna LaFortune and he won the breed and Gr. I at the same show. Winners Bitch at this show as BiMar Foxfire owned bred by Mary Rosenbaum. The next day, Winners Dog was Jambo's Royal Rascal owned by Nora Higbee and bred by Shirley Bradley. Both got nice 5 pointers out of these shows. Winners Bitch was owned and bred by E.C. and Emily Untalan.Our January 1990 Specialty will be history before you read this and I will include the judges comments elsewhere.Big majors in our next four local shows. Three majors won by Jack Hookie and Ray Mooney's bitch Angel. Two majors on a homebred by Rom Carol Gillespie. Emily and Louie Untalan finished a bitch with her 4th major, as well as a BOS. Mary Rosenbaum got a couple of BOS' with a new championbred by her. Janet Hovey went home with a major on a nice black she owns. Best of Breed was shared by Sylvia Harbin, Richard Lackey, and all the owners of Tim Sue's Distant Lights. Also a few group placements but no group I's.There is an error in the ad for the Columbia Pomeranian Club's page ad, advertising the beginning of our first Futurity. The date is July 13,1990 instead of July 20. Be sure and put this in your memory banks. The Futurity should be fun and certainly different than anything offered before in Poms. Also there was an error in my last Webfoot Report and I sure would appreciate it being fixed even though our January Specialty is over. Some words were left out of it making it appear that our show secretary, Averil Asbeck, was judge. Such is not the case. Mr. Roland Adameck was our judge. And the original article states that.Across CanadaBy Chris HeartzFreshly back today from the American Pomeranian Club Specialty. Two sleepless nights and a day and a half of Pom Talk Living in a place like Nova Scotia, you learn to 'live" for events like this. It's a wonderful chance to renew old acquaintances, meet new friends, learn and watch the greatest array of Poms in North America. I would highly recommend everyone attend National Specialties when ever possible. They are our breeds' showcase. Not only is it a wonderful experience, but it's a great way to get a fresh focus on your own breeding program. I find myself going home to plan litters, for better puppies,for next year's Specialty. Canadians attending this year's American Specialty were the "regulars" Natalie Dunfee, Frankie and Mickie McDonald, Reg and Elizabeth Dupuis, and myself. While noncofusdidCont. on page 47Across CanadaCont. from page anything spectacular this year, we did come home with a few class placements. The "highlight" for me came at the Awards banquet when Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo City Lights was named Top Producing Pom Sire in the U.S. for 1989, tied with Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming. It makes me very proud as a Canadian that we are making a valuable contribution to the breed. So much depends on where each and every puppy is placed. The best show dog in the world is wasted unless he is shown, and the best producer in the world is wasted if he is never used. Congratulations to all the owners who finished dogs last year, to make this very special award possible, and my personal thanks to Sue Goddard, Breeder of the Year,who I co-own City Lights with for her hard work and dedication.And speaking of awards,the Top Five Poms in Canada for the first half of 89 are as followsCh.Chriscendo Cause For Applause owner J.ObuckCh. Emcee's Solid Gold Amigo F. and M. PenneyCh. Bavanew's Time After Time R. and S. LariviereCh. Chriscendo Calvin Klein C. Heartz and E. MillerCh. Forever Teddy Ruxstable L. Rogers As you read this, our 4th annual Canadian Specialty will be underway. Held in conjunction with the Edmonton Kennel Club's 80th Anniversary Show, it promises to be the largest entry ever. I'll have a full report for you in the next issue. The interesting array of judges,from Germany and the U.S. will hold some surprises in store for everyone I'm sure. We hope that some of our U.S. friends will be joining us. See you thereHelpful HintsBy Margaret R. McKeeAs I write this, the national specialty is a few days away. Specialties are so exciting, so much fun. Even if you don't have a dog ready to show, do make an effort to attend the next specialty near you. You can learn so much, meet lots of wonderful people and a few weirdos and have a qreat time. Here in the mid-Atlantic states, we're very excited that the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore has been granted a license by AKC to hold our first Specialty. It will be the day before the APC summer specialty. What makes Baltimore's show unique is that it will be the first time an independent specialty has offered obedience classes You don't wantto miss that. Mary Vickers has been working diligently for years to get AKC approval for obedience classes for APC, but we're still waiting.Pretty soon, you'll be gearing up for flea season. You know you must treat house and yard as well as dogs. But don't forget to spray or bomb your car, van, or motor home. Those critters can be lurking anywhere the dog has been.I got a letter from a fellow trainer. Her dog is doing well in novice training, but she lags. The following is my answer to her. Now wait, you conformation people, before you turn the page, you might find some hints here for dogs that don't like to walk on lead." Ahh lagging A very common problem with Poms. My newest CD, Charm, is a terrific heeler, fast and attentive and I can take no credit for it except I've tried not to screw her up. Okay, so what do you do As with any training situation, you need to be able to read your dog. What is her general temperament Why is she lagging1 She could be thumbing her nose at you. In that case, I would try the pinch Cont. on page 50April 1990Pom Review Page 47Page 48 April 1990Pom ReviewAmerican Pomeranian ClubTOP JUNIOR HANDLER OF 1989Justine Brogoitti and her friend and "co-conspirator'' LINCHRIS SKE BE DO.Lf m. , jawf mBESTJUNIORHANDLERKOHLER1We're very proud of Justine and Ske. They began working together just 2 years ago in Junior Showmanship competition and qualified for the finals at Westminster in February. She also handles other breeds in the conformation ring while taking college courses and being on the Honor Roll in high school.LINCHRIS POMERANIANSChristopher Linda Brogoitti 1011 W. Campbell Ave. Phoenix, Arizona 85013 602 265-4946Pom ReviewApril 1990 Page 49LINCHRISCh. Theldun's Diamond Teddy see Behind New ChampionsMany thanks to Thelma Dunn for your help 'Theodore" began his show career in July by going BOB twice over Group winning specials and finishing with a 4 pt. major under noted breeder judge Joy Davidson in December'Theodore'A"Butler"Ch. Southland 'N Bev-Nors Tar-Baby Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nors 'N Southland Poasty"Butler" finished with 3 majors, the first a 4 pt. major from the puppy class. Puppies available soon. Stud fee 200 to approved bitches.Also puppies available out of Ch. Bev-NoFs Statesman aCh. Toasted Fudge granddaughter and Ch. Southland 'N Bev-Nor Nut E Fudge a Ch. SouthlandToasted Fudge daughter.LINCHRIS POMERANIANSLinda BrogoittiJustine Brogoitti 1011 W. Campbell Ave.Phoenix, Arizona 85013 602 265-4946Helpful HintsCont. from page 47 collar. But from what you said in your letter, I would guess that this is not true of your do2 More likely, she is a littl e timid and or confused. She may be hanging back to see what's going to happen next. Are you going to halt or turn She wants to be prepared. She wants to please, and this is her way of trying to do what you want. So punishment is really counter-productive. I'm convinced that the best way to teach a dog not to lag is the Koehler method jerk, jerk, jerk.Let's start over. Use your buckle collar and a loose leash.".There were specific problems in my correspondent's letter that made me suggest a loose lead. Normally in this situation, I would suggest no slack, a solid lead, or a binding technique in order to insure that the dog worked in heel position. "If you can, you might want to tie the leash to your waist to free up both hands. Put your food in your right hand. Use your left to point out the focal point on your left leg. I do not require that they look into my face while heeling looking at my left leg is good enough for me. Now, let's make it fun I'll bet your dog didn't lag in the conformation ring. Think back in the breed ring, you did few turns, no fast or slow, no sits.Start off fairly slow, go only three steps, release and praise exuberantly. No halt or sit. Gradually increase speed and number of steps, always ending with release and praise. As she gets the idea, and is happy about it we're trying to rebuild her confidence begin heeling in.large left circles dog on inside. Once you're sure she understands what "heel" means, you may want to add Diane's Bauman correction for lagginggently reach out, take hold of collar or fur and bring her up to heel position, point to your leg, praise I'vePage 50 April 1990Pom Reviewused this correction on Val, a very soft dog, but rarely. Knoing I'm capable of such a correction, he responds quickly to voice and the pointing finger.Before you consider adding turns or halts to your heeling, work by yourself i.e. without the dog on footwork and body cues. It is your job to warn your partner what you are going to do. If possible, get an experienced trainer to watch you, or betteryet videotape you, to see if you are giving clear, consistent cues to your dog."After I mailed that letter, I attended an obedience seminar conducted by Brian McGovern. Brian is a Briton who lives in the Netherlands. He puts a lot of emphasis on stylethe dog must work with both attention and enthusiasm. A few brief pointers gleaned from this seminar1. Don't try to work on style and precision at the same time. When you work on precision perfect heel position, perfect fronts work slowly.2. When working on style, add lots of enthusiasm and game-playing. Don't worry about precision. "Games" while heeling include a quick pat on the nose, ear scratching, shoving the dog's head down.3. He uses lots of tiny toys on the leash while saying "Good boy, clever bo\' Because the tugs are associated with happy talk, the dog doesn't resent the leash when it is used for correction.4. A trap a lot of people fall into is practicing or working doing an exercise as it is done in the ring too much instead of continuing to train.5. His description of competition in Europe was fascinating. Heeling can last for 8 minutes and include 20 or 30 turns in advanced classes. There is no jumping. Almost all the dogs which compete are Border Collies and shepherds. I don't want to trade However, the idea of having the steward call commands makesCont. on page 51April 1990Pom Review Page 51Helpful HintsCont. from page 50 wonderful sense.There is a difference between a breeder and a Breeder. The former is the owner of a bitch who has puppies. Rationalizations about "sex education for the kids" or "fulfillment for the bitch" not-withstanding, he is motivated mainly by money. He doesn't know much about genetics nor does he study pedigrees. Choice of a stud is probably dictated by proximity. He may give the puppies shots and have them wormed. They are sold as soon as they are weaned. And once they are gone, he doesn't worry about what's happening to them.A Breeder is a more conscientious and responsible individual. He breeds only if he plans to keep a pup, and is sure he can sell the others. He is hoping to improve the breed or at least improve on what he has. He wants to produce gorgeous, healthy pups that will make superior pets. He thoughfully plans the mating, and selects a stud based on his pedigree, his phenotype, and his progeny. The puppies are supervised, innoculated, and wormed. Prospective owners are care-fully screenedare there young chidren, is the yard fenced, are there other animals His sales contract includes a health guarantee.A story I heard in January may illustrate the difference. A woman contacted a breeder several states away about purchasing a pet puppy. An agreement was reached. The seller either failed to find out or didn't care that the buyer has a 4 year old child. The buyer mailed a check.Before the puppy could be shipped, the buyer went to visit a local woman who operates a pet-sitting service and took her young daughter with her. The pet-sitter is also a Pom Breeder. It quickly became apparent to her that, because of the child, this was not an appropriate home for a Pomeranian puppy. She convinced the buyer that the Pom would not be safe with the child. The buyer called the seller and tried to cancel the sale. The seller adamantly refused, and put the puppyon a plane The pup is now with the pet sitter while a better home is sought. The buyer will probably take a financial loss on any sale. And the breeder cashes the check and doesn't give the puppy another thought.How much thought do you give to naming your puppies There are two names to beselected theregistered name and the call name. AKC has some regulations governing the naming of dogs. Unfortunately, these are not well publicized. They are included in a booklet titled "AKC Policies and Guidelines for Registration Matters", available from AKC, 51 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10010.1 assume it is free.1. The right to choose the name of the puppy belongs to the person registering the dog. Breeders who fill in the name on the blue slip are violating AKC policy, but I don't think there's much anyone can do about it, If you want to name the pup before you sell it, you pay the 6 and register the puppy.2. Names are limited to 25 letters. Spaces, hyphens, and apostrophes are not counted.3. You must use the standard English alphabet. While you may use hyphens and apostrophes, you may not use symbols like ,, or periods or commas or diacritical marks such as accent grave or unlaut.4. Kennel names are protected by AKC only if they are registered and are used as a prefix. Idlewyld is not registered there is nothing I can do if someone chooses to use it. Great Elms is a registered kennel name. You may use it as a prefix for your dog's name only if Ruth Beam gives you permission in writing. However, there is nothing to stop you Cont. on page 52Page 52 April 1990Pom ReviewHelpful HintsCont. from page 51from putting it in the middle or at the end of your dog's name, even if your dog isn't even remotely related the the Great Elms dogs. Nothing except ethics, that is. This sort of abuse goes on all the time.5. Do not use arabic numerals anywhere in the name. If you want to have a number, you'll either have to spell it out or use roman numerals. Roman numerals may not be used at the end of the name. "AKC reserves the right to assign roman numerals for identification purposes. AKC permits thirty-seven 37 dogs of each breed to be assigned the same name." Thus we can have Poms named Fluffy XXI, Fluffy XXII and so on.Incidentally, if you've seen a blue slip lately, you may have noticed 2 changes. You no longer put down a second choice of name. If the first meets all other guidelines, they'll just tack a number on. The second change is the elimination of "other" as a color choice. This is to keep people from getting creative and putting down colors that aren't in the standard, such as "oatmeal","sandy", or "alabaster".All of the following are forbidden6. Use of any unearned AKC titles or words like champ, champion, or sieger.7. Obscenities or terms that are derogatory to any race, creed, or.nationality. Several naughty names have gone through, thanks to.creative spelling.8. The words kennel, dog, male, stud, sire, bitch, dam, or female.9. Breed names alone.10. "Names of prominent people living or recently deceased." Now that's a surprise So how did Liz Taylor, Goldie Hawn, and Calvin Klein get through11. You may have been told that you can't use the name of a commercial product such as Pepsi or Chrysler. This "rule"is not in AKC's booklet.When choosing a registered name, try to pick something memorable and pro- nouncable. Foreign phrases make that more difficult. Try to avoid trite and cutesy. Pom people have overdone 'Tittle", "tiny", and "wee". It seems to me to "little" in a Pom's name is redundant. Creativity and originaltiy are welcome. One of my favorite Pom names is "Spinach Fitz", a delightful play on the breed name Finnish Spitz.Call names should be brief, one or two syllables. It should not be similar to any household or obedience command. To test out a, I imagine myself using it for the recall in the obedience ring.PresentingThe Pomeranian 1990-1991 Stud DogBrood Bitch DirectoryPresented By The Mt. Rainier Pomeranian Fanciers5.00 each ad, 10.00 per photo, 1 photo per page or 30.00 for 3 ads. 5.00 Booster PageFor more information contact Wendy Feist 6325 S.E. 73rd Portland, Or. 97206 503 774-8912We encourage you to advertise all your colors of the Pomeranian RainbowDeadline for receiving your material is May 1,1990Come Join The FunApril 1990Pom Review Page 53HAPIAN POMSvrRESERVEWINNERS mPLAINFIELD KENNEL CLUB SEJOHNCHIP-A-WAYS VELVET PROMISEVelvet took a trip to Texas for a little honeymoon with Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II. The results were these two gorgeous boys.HAPIANS EMPEROR MAXIMUS HAPIANS IMPERIAL AUGUSTUSMAX GUSThank you Carolyn Roberts for Velvet and especially for all your help and advice. Thank you Olga Baker and Skip Piazza for letting me breed to Prince and Thank you Olga for your patience with this nervous mom.Happeth and Michael Jones 516 757-505411 Johnston Avenue Northport, N.Y. 11768Page 54 Pom ReviewApril 1990t ROCKY99-WirBEST breedHHN0VERkennel club meOCT 09CH. PINES ACRES' SUN OF IMAGECh. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x Emcees Diamond Gold Dancer3 12 lb. light orange. Rocky was Reserve Winners Dog at the 1989 Westminster KC Show. Shown above finishing his Championship under noted Toy Judge Wilma Hunter. Thanks to all the judges who saw his quality.Rocky was handled by Junior Handler Amber White, gran- daughter of owner-breederGERTRUDE BROWN PINE ACRES KENNEL5004 Kyle Drive Raleigh, N.C. 919 876-0527AT STUD TO APPROVED BITCHESPUPPIES AVAILABLEAnd ROCKY KidsApril1990Pom Review Page 55dairies PhotoPINES ACRES RAMBLIN MAN PINE ACRES BETSYPine Acres Sun of Image x Merrymonts' RufflesPine Acres Ramblin Man left took a Group ONE while littersister Pine Acres Betsy right went Best of Opposite Sex at the Raleigh Might Match in January.BreederOwner Gertrude Brown 5004 Kyle Drive Raleigh, N.C. 27504HandlerAmber White, Junior Handlergrand-daugher of breederownerPage 56 April 1990Pom ReviewGREAT ELMS TOBYShown above taking WINNER'S DOG at the American Pom Speciality. My very special thanks to Skip Piazza who put so much of his "magic touch" into Toby's training.Sire Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamon Dam Great Elms Woods' DoriWATTS LITTLE HALF HOURIShown winning Reserve Winners Bitch at the APC Specialty, handled by David Watts.Sire Ch. Watts Little Chipper of G. Elms Dam Ch. Watts I'm A Little RaisinetteWatts Poms4800 Floral Park RoadBrandywine, Md. 20613 301 372-8782April 1990Pom Review Page 57CH. WATTS LITTLE CHIPPER OF G. ELMSCHIPPER is shown winning the Veteran Dog Class at the APC Specialty, Feb. 1990. He showed well for Sue Whaley as he hadn't been on a lead in a long time. He rallied to the occasion and enjoyed himself and certainly made me happy.CHIPPER is shown below also taking the Stud Doe Class at the APC Specialty. He is pictured with his get, Ch. Silva Lade Morgan's Legacy, owned by Dianne Johnson, and Watts' Little Half Hour pointed, being shown by David Watts. So it was a double thrill for me. Chipper has at least 10 champions to his credit and several more pointed. He is still active at stud and is one of the best here in the Watts Kennels.Sire Ch. Great Elms Timstopper II Dam Great Elms HoneybunBrandywine, Md. 20613 301 372-8782Watts Poms4800 Floral Park RoadPage 58 April 1990Pom ReviewVisiting with PEDRONS PomsBy Pat AndersonPEDRONS is derived from Pedro Galindo and Ronald Welch. For that matter, it could easily could have been Mex-Tex, as Peter was born in Mexico and Ron was born in the Texas Panhandle In any case, this family of Pomeranians, which now boasts quite a few impressive credentials, had a very humble beginning in 1966 for the two young men - Ron was 24 and Peter a mere 18.While visiting a long time friend in Lubbock, Texas at the Kennels of Edi- rene, they learned that Ed and Irene Vaughn were in the process of retiring. They could keep only a limited number of dogs in the city and were faced with reducing their stock. Peter fell in love with a bright-eyed, ten-year-old bitch named Miss Fancy Pants of Edirene who was sleeping under a chair. This was Peter's first time to see a Pom and twenty all at once, no less The Vaughn's were happy to place her with the boys as this also relieved them of having to euthanize a loving pet who had shown at Westminster. "Was this in England" Peter asked, much to Ed and Irene's chuckles.Back home in El Paso, Fancy Pants became the darling of the neighborhood and rejuvenated with loving care and attention, especially that of Louie Woo, the mail carrier, who to this day delivers the mail at Pedrons. Fancy Pants lived seven years with the boys and died peacefully one sunny spring day on the front porch waiting for Louie's affections.Although Fancy Pants was ample fulfillment, Peter and Ron also yearned for a bouncy fur-ball of a puppy and not finding one for sale locally, they were faced with breeding their own. Recognizing that the boys were hooked on Poms, the Vaughns shared their years of experience, along with their champions and breeding stock. With this came two broods, Samantha and Spicette, as well as a show male with both majors, was to have a dim future because of what was developing in Texasthe Duke and The Duke-Look. The delightful fur-ball puppies started to arrive, but, they seemed like last year's fashions. The boys knew immediately that changes had to be instituted but how Front view of Pedons "dog house" in midwinter.Ron felt that even a plain-jane wearing last year's frock should have a go-at- it, so he joined the local kennel club to attend the training classes. This led to their very first dog shows in Midland, Texas to exhibit under a very austere Bill Field and an even more austere Dorothy Nickles The boys never imagined that their first dog show judges would eventually become dear friends to this day. Their dog was certainly out-classed by Jeribeth's Doodle Bug and Williams Lucious Teddy, the latter to be theirs in the future. The good from this first experience was that they realized and acknowledged the fact. This was the seed that made them so determined to have a winning show dog. This was the time when Duke's get were hard to beat, this was the time the look was changing, for the better, the boys add.Cont. on page 59April 1990Pom Review Page 59PEDRONS PomsCont. from page 58At this time the only Pomeranian champion in El Paso was Col. Brandenburg's Ch. Williams Stonewall Pepper, who had come from the Williams Kennel in Phoenix, Az. Tom and Hattie Williams, a retired couple then in their seventies, bred extensively for the show ring. They, too, welcomed these novices and shared their years of experience, their quality breeding stock, and their imprint on the boys runs deep. When the Williamses retired from active breeding, Peter and Ron acquired all their champions and broods. The addiction was complete. The Pomeranians had become an avocation.Ron with an arm-full of Tank sons who will start their show careers in 1990.Although they had the champions and the breeding stock, the end results were not producing the Texas-type dogs that were winning groups. Peter and Ron started a revitalization program to enhance the good stock on hand that was wearing tired and thin. By shipping only a few broods to certain key studs, homebred champions began to be realized. There were three key studs Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland, Ch. Jeribeth's Dragon Killer, and Major Dink of Sunray. Joy and Art Davison were quite instrumental in helping the boys channel the best of the genes to achieve the type of Pom they wanted.Joy and Art generously loaned Ch. Jeribeth's Dragon Killer to Pedrons for nine months during which time he bredaRon holding Tank and his two full brothers from a subsequent litter.every conceivable bitch on the place. In fact, they still have two very, very old Killer offspring Ch. Pedrons Dragon Charmer and Pedrons Dragon Deuce, sire of their multiple group winner Ch. Pedrons Mark of the Dragon and their multiple Best in Show winner, Ch. Pedrons Dragon the Conqueror, aka TANK. Peter and Ron came to know virtually every dog in their pedigrees and learned what to capitalize upon and what combinations to avoid.By 1978, the Pedrons line was firmly established, and to honor the legendary DUKE, from where the potent genes flowed, they began using the DRAGON motif in their dogs' names. Needless to say, meeting Duke and his owners Darrell and Olga Baker in 1970 in their home in Eeer Park, made a lasting impression on the newcomers.Over the years the canine residents of Pedrons, champions or not, have left their prints in one form or another little quirks here, unique mannerisms there, pleasing andor annoying habits everywhere, great expectations but unworthy results or vise-versa but in its entirety, the endeavor of breeding quality at Pedrons has been more than a mere ful- Cont. on page 60Page 60 April 1990Pom ReviewPEDRONS PomsCont. from page 59Some of Pedrons distinguished awards and certificates and some of their Pom art collection.fillment of a pleasurable hobby it has become an integral, inseparable part of two individuals' past, present and future lives.Both fond and sad memories come to mind as Peter and Ron called out the names of so many kids gone-by and some of their current VIP's Ch. Artistic Lady Pepperette, Ch. McKamey's Sun- dawn Gold, Ch. Williams Little Sandy Boy a group winner, Ch. Williams Lucious Teddy, Ch. Pedrons Stylish CoCo Wag, Ch. Pedrons Luv-Bug's Top Tune, Ch. Pedrons Dragon Charmer Top producing bitch of 1984, Ch. Pedrons Mark of the Dragon multiple group winner, number 2 top sire for two years, and number 6 Pom in 1980, Ch. Jo- Art's Treasure of Pedrons, Ch. Pedrons Treasure O' the Dragon, Ch. Pedrons Chynna Dragon, Ch. Pedrons Dragon- mark multiple BISS winner, multiple group placements, and the number 1 Pom in breed for most of 1984, and Ch. Pedrons Chula Dragon mark owned by Norma Gad at Chula's.And of course, the culmination of any breeder's dream their first homebred champion Best in Show Winner CH. PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR, better known as Tank, was born a beautiful puppy on September 6,1986. Peter and Ron still "adrenalize" when re-telling the whelping. He was either going to be beautiful as they sensed or he was going to very undesirable as they had not whelped anything like him before and they were not disappointed with Tank's development, as the former turned out to be the case. The puppy was "cantankerous," thus the name Tank. Peter has shown Tank on a limited basis in 32 all-breed shows and in 7 specialities. As such, his record to date is 2 Best in Show All-Breeds, 1 Best in Show Speciality, 12 Group First, 7 Group Seconds, 4 Group Thirds, 2 Group Fourths, 1 Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, and 2 Awards of Merit at the APC Specialty in New York. His first time out at six months, he won his first major at the Houston Pom Specialty and the following month at the ripe age of seven months, he was a multiple group winning puppyAt Pedrons, only Tank has the run of the house. The puppies are born in elemHHiMmwMoreToy Group First rosettes and plaques acquired over the years.vated porta-pens in the TV room and are housed indoors until fully immunized at which time they are allowed to cavort in exercise pens on the front porch. This is especially effective as they grow accustomed to car noises, people walking by, and of course, Louie, the venerable, dog- loving mail carrier. In fact, when thereCont. on page 61April 1990Pom Review Page 61PEDRONS PomsCont. from page 60are no dogs on the porch, Louie will knock at the door as to ask why not The puppies' tenure on the porch is also when they begin their lead training. Ron, a school teacher, starts training classes in front of the house and gives each puppy a daily grade how they do on the pavement, how they do on the sidewalks with obstacles to cross, and how they do on grass. At about six months, young pups join the adult dogs in an adjacent run off the back porch, but they do not actually co-mingle until they are mature. The adults have individual feeding and sleeping pens in the dry basement, which is cool in the summer and warm in the winter.The doggies chores at Pedrons are a joint effort. One thing, however, Peter does not do "bottoms." Dirty bottoms fall to Ron each afternoon when he gets home from work. If there is a need to tidy-up dirty rears, Peter will have already affixed a list on the refrigerator of those needing that service this is the only time Peter doesn't own any dogsAs to their views on dogs, dog show judges, dog shows, dog people, and what is on the horizon for their dogs, they haveA disarray of the Pedrons girls and their one Affenpinscher pet, Dolly.very definite opinionsPeter and Ron believe that a Pom as an entity is like "personality," subject tomA "squeezed" view of the basement compartments for the adults.change because of many variables. The basics, of course, are there in the written standard however, semantics and the way in which each individual interprets beauty or perfection don't necessarily go hand in hand. They feel that this is the binding force toward individuality as breeders, and that only the breeders can be the architects of the breed standard and the choreographers of its implementation.Variety It is what they perceive is good about dog show judges. The human factor is wonderful. Ron, the literature teacher, likens the judging of dogs to the interpreting of a literary work of art properly presented by its creator. Literary criticism also has its written guidelines, and he adds that it is also human nature that some of us do not have that latitude to judge and can work only in a "right-wrong" format. Fortunately, they feel that these self-appointed guardians of the breed are, mercifully, in the minority who will neither make nor affect a lasting impression on the breed mediocrity under the guise of arrogance cannot be improved.As for dog shows, they are emphatic that each exhibitor is responsible for what dog shows will come to that individual attitude dictates the degrees of enjoyment or displeasure. One shouldCont. on page 62Page 62 April 1990Pom ReviewPEDRONS PomsCont. from page 61 not go to a show expecting instant gratification. The rewards, as Peter and Ron always advice new-comers, come after one makes a sincere and pursuant effort to learn as much as possible about the breed they tell novices to pick a type that pleases them, study those pertinent pedigrees, to set their sights on a definite breeding program, strictly adhering to it with modifications only when the need arises.Peter and Ron enjoy dog people. They see dog people as being like anyone else, but with a different hobby. If you nurture friendship, that will be the result. Dog people are competitive as they should be, dog people take pride as theyshould. For Pedrons, some of the best, most memorable and fun times have been spent with those "gone to the dawgs"Sadly, in a way, some of the sweet, smiling faces at Pedrons are getting quite old and may seem old-fashioned to some, but Peter and Ron are becoming "oldies-but-goodies" too. Pedrons has a good start on the horizon for the 90's with several fine pups that will continue and enhance its lines of "sweet faces that smile."PEDRONS Poms Peter J. Galindo Ron Welch 611 New York El Paso, Tx. 79902 915 542-0753Great Elms Kennels, Regd.Congratulations to Peter Galindo and Ron Welch for their Kennel Visit Ch.G.E. Timmy Timstoper Out of coat - No trimmingTimmy was shown by Skip Piazza. Finished his Championship in 21 days after winning first points, including 2 three and 2 four point majors. Timmy is the 18th champion out of our Sweet Candy and sired by Bobby Beam.Ruth L. Beam 704 889-9233P.O.Box 937 Pineville, N.C. 28134April 1990Pom Review Page 63FEISTYS POMERANIANS OFFERS FOR SALECH. FEISTY'S MY-T-FINE I'm a single, orange happy go lucky proven stud who is looking to broaden his horizons At just a year and a half, I really know how to please the ladies I have produced a true blue son and an orange and sable son and daughter. As studly as I am, my dad feels I need more action than I'm getting at home. I began my show career at eight months with a five point major and finished my championship with a five point major at the July '89 Northern California Pom Specialty. In my limited time as a special, I have one BOB under my collar. I really enjoy showing and when I'm properly dressed, I'll be ready to try my paw as a special again. As with all children, Mom and Dad find it hard to let go, but it's time to leave the nest so that I can truly fly You can see me in the Oct. '89 Review as a puppy along with my pedigree. My sire is a black and tan, so there is every possibility that I may produce black and tan.FEISTY'S REBELS OUTLAW Well,I'mablackand rust boy. I was born this past July and I'm a half brother to My-T-Fine. Mom says I should mature a solid four pounds. I have been to a few matches, have done well and by the time this is published, I'll have started my show career. I have nice bones and lots of coat and a very pleasing head. I too, am ready to leave the nest to a serious show home as showing is a great pleasure to me. My dam's side is mostly Great Elms.Pedigrees and pictures available upon request. All phone calls and written requests are answered very promptly These two boys can really enhance a serious breeders breeding program.We would like to congratulate th ePUCET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB on their first point showCongratulations to the CPC on another show and good luck on the July Show.We'd like to send a special thanks to the Fiddick's for our newest black and tank boy, "Feisty's Bandit of Pom Acres" and thank you Delores Watts for letting us have such a special Timmy son, "Watt's Little Feisty PDQ." Look for both of these special boys in the ring this spring.Congratulations to all the Mt. Rainier Pomeranian Fancier's Winners at the March Match.And last, but not least, a BIG thank you to the Ohio Valley Pom Club for all the hospitality. YOU all went above and beyond the call of duty Same time next yearHUSBAND AND WIFE TEAM 6325 SE 73rdVICTORY AND WENDY FEIST PORTLAND, OR 97206503 774-8912Page 64 April 1990Pom ReviewAnnual Stud Dog RegisterIt is a well-known adage that in seeking a stud for one's broods, the surest road to success comes from selecting a stud which is from an excellent family of winning and producing dogs, which is an outstanding example of the breed himself and which has sired a number of winning progeny. There are many such Poms in this country and it should always be remembered that a study of the pedgree is of highest value in picking the most suitable stud for each particular female. It is fooolish to select a stud dog ONLY onthebasisofhisshow wins or because he is conveniently located next door.The July issue of Pom Review each year is considered to be the Stud Issue. This issue will be a valuable information and pictorial resource for the whole country, the whole year, and maybe, for many to come. Deadline for the Stud Issue is May 15,1990.The cost of entering your dog in the Stud Dog Register is 10 for each entry, plus the cost of the photo also 10. Dogs may be entered without photos, if none is available, and a description of the dog may be inserted in the space intended for the photograph. Color will reproduce very well Polaroids are not acceptable. The best photo for reproduction is a black and white glossy. Description beneath the photo is limited to twenty words. Please send copies of pedigrees that do not need to be returned. The dog's color is also very important in the description. The Stud Dog Register will of course, be presented just as it always has, but don't hesitate to submit full and half page ads featuring your studs.Pom Review is proud to pay honor to the two Top Studs for 1989, both having produced seven champions. Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II Skip Piazza Olga Baker, owners Ruth Beam, breeder and Ch. Chriscendo City Lights Sue Tim Goddard Chris Heartz, owners Chris Heartz, breeder share the spotlight as the top studs of 1989.Usually, this is done with the use of stud cards. But since no photo or pedigree were provided for use in such a format, we'll just extend our hearty CONGRATULATIONS to the owners and breeders.Pom ReviewApril 1990 Page 65rck nof d DJi Pom DaA jl ^ TV. R P Anorc I av Drvari A annannlic Kl C wM'4345 Rogers Lake Roao Kannapolis N C. 28081 Phone 7041 938-2042 HCcMarch 1990 IN THIS ISSUE3u SUPublished Bi-MonthlyThe latest on elephant hid problems in Poms.How to solve problems between Pom breeders and customers. Is ethoxyquin the real culprit in our dog foodHow to make your own ear drops that really workShould a bitch be bred her first heatIf you are not already receiving Lets Talk Pom Talk please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to receive a free sample issue.This newsletter is for Pom breeders who are really trying to breed better Poms. It contains no advertising, no show results, no obedience news. It is designed to benefit only Pom breeders. Items in this newsletter come from information received from other breeders and other publications. We invite all breeders to send informationto be printed.Have a question that pertains to breeding Poms If so, then write Lets Talk Pom Talk and it will be answered in the newsletter.Have a gripe you want to share Then let us publish it for you. Subscription rate 6.00 per year.K.G. Griffith, EditorPage 66 Pom ReviewApril 1990as55FIRST ANNUAL INDEPENDENT POMERANIAN BREED AND OBEDIENCE SPECIALTY SHOW THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1990HOLIDAY INN TIMONIUM, MARYLANDJUDGESSweepstakes Christine Heartz Regular Classes Robert Reedy Obedience Classes Hal CashWEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1990 - Hospitality RoomTHURSDAY, JULY 5, 1990 - DinnerCruiseFRIDAY, JULY 6, 1990 - After Show Banquet Auction of Pomeranian Memorabilia and Other Interesting ItemsDONT MISS - Upper Marlboro Kennel Club - Saturday, July 7, 1990 National Capital Kennel Club - Sunday, July 8, 1990SHOW SECRETARYChip Galloway 10057 Whitworth Way Ellicott City, MD 21043 301 461-4643April 1990Pom Review Page 67AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SUMMER SPECIALTYFRIDAY, JULY 6, 1990Hosted by the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore, Inc.HOLIDAY INN TIMONIUM, MARYLANDJUDGES' Sweepstakes Jackie Liddle StacyRegular Classes Mary McCoyWEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1990 - Hospitality RoomFRIDAY, JULY 6, 1990 - After Show BanquetDONT MISS - Upper Marlboro Kennel Club Saturday, July 7, 1990 National Capital Kennel Club Sunday, July 8, 1990SHOW SECRETARYChip Galloway 10057 Whitworth Way Ellicott City, MD 21043 301 461-4643Page 68 April 1990Pom Review siCH. MI BABE S.M. CRASHCrash is finally home from the specials circuit and we are excitedly anticipating 2 Crash litters in March. Good luck to Sally Baugniet with your new Crash puppy bitch out ofCh. Pomirish GG Scooter's Sherry.Photo by Michelle PerlmutterPresenting a Crash sonMI BABE SOFT LANDINGWinners Dog - Des Moines Fall '89 Speciality - 5 pt. major Winners Dog - Southeast Mo. - 2 pts."Bump" has a beautiful head, heavy,proper textured coat, and great rea rmovement. He is for sale to a show home. Write or call for pedigree and more info.Handled by Nancy BurnetteC7IftuJ vW.f 'M4Tsidy F 1 Mi PaBePomeraniansApril 1990Pom Review Page 697CH. SHAREL'S SOUTHERN IMAGE"REBEL" is producing lovely puppies. We are very pleased with a recent litter of two males and a female. Dam is a Ch. Pomirish Pruf's Hi Ball daughter.One of the males will be for sale. Inquiries welcome. Write or call for pedigree and picture.Presenting a REBEL son MI BABE ONCE FOR REBELOnce has a 4 pt. major and 2 single pts. Congratulations to his proud new owner, Eula Gierer.Pictured taking Winners Dog from the puppy class under judge Maxine Beam. Handled by breeder.Babe McCombs Rt 1 Box 1266 Ola, Arkansas 72853501 489-5510 Please call 4 to 8 p.m. central time or weekendsPage 70 April 1990Pom ReviewAUTUMNS LAUNCHES THE NEW YEAR IN AN IMPOSING WAY-------BESTOF WINNERSAMMAMISHennel clubWINTER 1989SNUGGLE PALS AUTUMN MINKAC Ch. Wharton's Seppl Von Honig x Autumns Lil Black GemCommandeering the maximum points accessible at any exhibition, this small fellow conquered the hearts of all.January 13th with breederowner.Pom ReviewApril 1990 Page 71-----And Keeps Going------------SNUGGLEPALS AUTUMN MINK SamWith the personable Mary Dee Lindemaier, Judging Sweepstakes, January 18thBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESCOLUMBIA OMERANIAN CLUBYYlNitn4 JPICKES SPECIAL AUTUMN LADYAutumn's Broadway Joe x Autumn's Dawn of Red BlazeThumbsThis stylish petite Lady is undefeated in her class and picked up two Reserves. Shown with Super Novice handler, Jackie Bloom.Owners Untalan PicklesPage 72 April 1990Pom Review- - -And Going- - CH.AUTUMNS CARA MIA MONIQUEMoniqueNow in retreat and awaiting her first encounter at motherhood. Bred to Ch. Sungolds Rider Almond Roca A Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge son. Jackie Bloom handling for breeder owner.wBEST OF WINNERSNEW CHAMPIONDOG FANCIERS ASSOCA770U OF OREGONWINTER 1990NEWCH. AUTUMNS CARRIBEAN HURRICANECh. Autumn's Cairo of Bi-Mar x Bi-Mar Scarlet DragonflyShe never won a single point - but finished with four majors. The elusive E.C. Louie acquired the final two in consecutive weekends. Pedigree Behind New Champions. BreedersOwnersAUTUMNS Emily E.C. Untalan 10255 S.W. Kable St. Tigard, Or. 97224April 1990Pom Review Page 73STAR STRUCKvr-.4Janesa'sGlen Iris Star StruckCh. Jamels Fugicle of Southland x Ch. Janesas Glen Iris Sorceress"Star" is pictured winning 5 pt. major from the 6-9 Pupy Class under Judge Mrs. Eleanor L. Rotman. The proud breeders of this very typie sound bitch are C.A. Jackson, Joel Taylor, H. Stewart and Jerrie Freia.Co-BreederOwner JanesasJerrie Freia P.0. Box 2775 Morgan City, La. 70381 504 384-7466Co-Breeeder Glen Iris Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor 1038 16th Ave. S. Birmingham, Al. 35205 205328-6603Co-BreederHiwinsHirman Stewart 731 Taylor St. Kenner, La. 70062 504 466-7234Page 74 April 1990Pom Review Janesa's Glen Iris STAR STRUCK AtAPC Specialty, New York 1990Best In Sweeptstakes Judge Miss Nadine HersillWinners Bitch Best of Winners Best of Opposite Sex Award of Merit Judge Mrs. Sally Baugniet"Star" was presented by her co-breederco-ownerJoel TaylorCo-BreederOwnerJanesasJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, La. 70381 504 384-7466Co-Breeeder Glen Iris Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor 1038 16th Ave. S. Birmingham, Al. 35205 205328-6603Co-BreederHiwinsHirman Stewart 731 Taylor St. Kenner, La. 70062 504 466-7234April 1990Pom Review Page 75STAR STRUCK-3,l BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB FEBRUARY 1900OAVE ASMOETm'uPage 76 April 1990PomWEST. UBETMiwtw-w\ssK.E.HNE.L CLUBCOTt V-yJanesa's Hi-Struttin UbetCh, Bev-Nors Toastmaster x Ch. Janesas Hi-Struttin Daisey'Tibet" pictured winning 3 pts. and BOS at under 9 months from the Bred by Class under Judge C. S. Deer. This breeding has been repeated and several others of comparable breeding, resulting in several female puppies that are looking for new homes. Inquiries are welcome.Janesa's Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, La. 760381 504 384-7466April 1990Pom Review Page 77OBEDIENCE NEWSby Brenda HuttonWe have almost the greatest news possible to report to you. The Baltimore Pomeranian Club HAS BEEN APPROVED by the American Kennel Club to hold a licensed Obedience Trial in conjunction with their Speciality this summer. Write in Thursday, July 5,1990 on your calendar and plan to attend. The Trial Chairman is Margaret McKee Helpful Hints columnist. Write to her for information. The APC specialty is scheduled I believe for Friday, July 6 and will have conformation only. If you want to be a part of this first time ever in the United States AKC Sanctioned Pomeranian Obedience Specialty, start saving your pennies now and put in for your vacation time. It should be a great timeFLASH - The obedience members of the Pom Club of Baltimore will host "Site, Stay Talk" beginning at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, July 4 in the Hospitality Room at the Holiday Inn, Timonium, Maryland. Come tell us about your Poms. Get suggestions on training. Meet Pom obedience people...Mary Vickers, APC Obedience ChairNow for the old news. The remainder of this column was supposed to have been run in the January issue. It was both mailed as hard copy and sent to the former editor on diskette compatible with her computer. But due to the oversight on her part, it wasn't included in the magazine. She forgot to transfer the file from WordPerfect to Pagemaker and never missed the column when proofing her work. I apologize for her as it made for somewhat less of an Obedience issue than it should have been. It's my hope this will not happen with the new editor.We open with some really marvelous news. APC member Rosalind Goltzis really cooking. As you may remember, she finished the first and only ChampionUtility Dog combination on a Pomeranian with Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold O'Jabil UD breeder Morris and Betty Carson last October. She's done it again. Ch. Penru's Sugar Plum Fairy CDX breeder Rosiland Goltz and Jessie Young out of Ch. Jabil's Pinto Hi-Tone CD x Penru PrimaBallerina O'Jabil CDX finished her Utility Dog Title this October. To top that, she had already finished her Canadian UD in August and was the top obedience Pom in Canada for 1988. Sugar Plum is now the first and only Champion Pom with a UD in two countries. Not content with that, Roz left October 30 for Bermuda to attend a five show circuit to try for their Bermuda UD. She reports they did earn two legs toward that elusive UD with two first placements. She'll have to go back again for that third leg. Some people try to tell us that a good quality Pom can't do obedience, tracking, flyball, etc. It's people like Roz who dispell this myth. Roz, we're all so proud of you, Morris and Sugar Plum Keep up the outstanding work.Just a thought, but has the APC ever considered recognizing the breeder producing the most obedience titled Poms or the highest level obedience titles in a year or maybe in a decade How about something for breeders producing the dual titled Championship and Obedience Pom Let me know what you think or if you have any other ideas along this line. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have even more breeders interested in what we do in obedience and willing to sell us the sound, healthy dogs needed for participation both in the breed ring and the obedience ringCont. on page 78Obedience NewsCont. from page 77MORE UTILITY DOGSLast issue I reported on Linda Gallagher's new UD on Sunswept Hot Fudge Sundae CDX breeder Betty Jo Mason. Now I have the scores and dates. Their first leg was March 12 with a 184.5 at Timberland Valley Dog Fanciers Assoc. following June 14 and 18 with a 186.0 at Snake River Canyon KC of Idaho and a178.5 and 3rd place at Pocatello KC. I'm just so proud of the both of them. Sometimes maybe most of the time when you're working for a UD you reach a barrier after CDX work. Maybe the dog burns out, maybe you do. But almost everyone finds Utility extremely difficult and I feel it takes like a lifetime to earn, if it's ever achieved. Many, many people give up. Linda and Sundae had their share of problems and heartaches. Congratulations, Linda, on sticking it out and being persistent. This one doesn't come easily, so it holds the greatest satisfaction for most of us. Some of the rest of us have either been there or are still stuck and we all salute you, Linda.Speaking of persistent and stuck Mary Vickers and Annon's Huggy Bear From Scamp CDX, Can. CD breeder Ann Cannon have been working on Utility now for a long while, too. She and I have shared many a cry on being stuck he won't do it What am I doing wrong What's wrong with his nose, dam those jumps anyway, etc. Mary just phoned to tell me "HUGGY GOT HIS FIRST UD LEG YESTERDAY" Or words to that effect. The message was delivered in something between a squeal and a scream. Talk about solid gold It came 11589. His performance was sparkling, so much so that he barked with joy throughout all the exercises. Guess who didn't care As he did his secondPage 78 April 1990Pom Reviewgo-out and approached the bar jump my Gosh, he's going to do it he cleared the jump with about 10" to spare and came in directly to heel position, losing more bunches of points after all that barking for a no front. As the judge was shaking his head, feeling sorry for not getting that front. Mary is just about screaming to herself "SAY EXERCISE FINISHED" I understand everyone near the ring just exploded when the judge finally released them. Mary's reaction to the barking and no front was, "I don't care We got a leg" Congratulations Mary seems so small, but good luck getting those next two legs quickly.A new UD title also goes to Eleanor and Charley Hamilton on Shawn of Brockton, CDX breeder MerleSloughter. They finished this year. I think I'm missing a leg, but I have a 191.5 earned April 2,1988 at Kanadasaga KC, a 183.0 June 30 of this year and 3rd place at Susque-Nango KC, and a 186.0 July 1 at Chenango Valley KC. Obviously, they're people who've stuck it out, tooMary Morse and Miss Chief Suzy Morse UD breeder Gertrude Wolczewski, after recently finishing their UD, are still out there showing. I've recorded two scores, Junel0andll,al91 and a 192 at Milwaukee DTC and K-9 OTC of Menominee Falls. Maybe we're trying for the next Pom OTCHNEW CDX TITLESOnce again, Linda Gallacher is in therewith another new title. Lady Di's Life of the Parti CD breeder Nancy Turner and Diane Clark-Bryant have finished their CDX. Last issue I reported a 196.0 and 1st place and a 197.0 and 1st place. They went on to finish with a 195.0 and 3rd Place at Spokane KC under H.C. Jahelka a 191.0 and 3rd place at Inland Empire Kennel Assoc. and a 192.5.and Cont. on page 79April 1990Pom Review Page 79Obedience NewsCont. from page 783rd place at Spokane Dog Training Club. Nice going, Linda And to think she was doing Utility at the same time with Sundae. This is a Dog World Award if these were her first three shows. How about it, LindaColleen Bennett and Silver Meadows Mr Munchkin, CD breeder Jacquelyn Klein, sired by Ch. Silver Meadows Starmister have also earned a new CDX. They went out the month of June to earn a 190.0 and 3rd place at North Country Kennel Club a 187.0 at Syracuse OTC and a 195.0 and 2nd place at Susque- Nango KC under R.J. Ambrosio. Another very nice job.In earlier columns I've mentioned Judy Bach and Niks Lil Crash of Angel Dust, CDX breeder Randy Nelson. Marian Lazzara wrote me about this duo and I had the marvelous opportunity to meet them during the Memorial Day Weekend Circuit in Kalamazoo, Michigan this year. A nicer young person you'd never hope to meet nor a more supportive mother than hers. Unfortunately, I did not have the chance to see them in the ring, but we visited and had a very nice time.I hope to let Judy write a little something about Nik because they have a very interesting story. Anyway, after six shows in Open A to earn their title they were carrying a 195.08 average. Keeping on with the tradition, they also got a 196.0 and 4th place, a 197.5 and 1st place at Fox Valley DTC under Ms. L. Fitzgerald and a 195.5 under W.A. Oxandale. Memorial weekend in Open B they earned a 195.5 under John Blenkey who's known to be a very tough judge. Judy, keep up the good work. We hope to see you in the Utility ring in a year or so.Just about two years ago I reported that Trish Barry put a CD on Mister Felix T Cat breeder Ed and Jessica Stark. They've now gone out and in a week's time earned their CDX. In May they received a 191.0 and 4th Place at Rio Grande ODC, 189.0 at Sandia DOC, and a 193.0 and 1st place at Chaparral KC. I'm keeping an eye out for her because I noticed that she put a UDT on a Toy Poodle in 1987. Maybe she's planning some tracking for her Pom next.Elma Maines, who finished a CD on Gold Dust Pandy Maines CD breeder Louise Forrester in June of 1988 is working on a CDX this year. So far they've got a 186.5 and 2nd Place at Shasta KC on the 16th and a 191.0 and 1st Place at Two Cities KC on the 18th. Nice jobNEW CD TITLES FROM NOVICE BAPC member Lois Morkassel has been rather busy herself during 1988. After putting a CD on Kassels Gardean Sir Pant, CD breeder owner, by Ch. Thelduns John John x Kassel's Dandelion Down, CD in April, 1988, she's put another CD on another dog I assume is a littermate. Kassels Gardean Sir Tifikat same breeder,sire and dam as above went out to earn their CD on one weekend. July 14th saw them earn a 188.0 at Iron Range DTC, the 15th brought a 180.0 at Twin Ports DTC, the 16th tired yet saw a 174.5 at Duluth KC. Good work, LoisMargaretta Patton got a CD on Desiree's Spice of Life breeder Desaree Sandifer. They earned a 181.0 at Charlotte DTC, a 184.5 at Greater Columbia Obedience Club and a 180.0 at Palmetto OTC between March and June.Tamara Patty also finished a CD on Ambcrlite Ashcly Dancer breeder JoyceCont. on page 80Obedience NewsCont. from page 79Haire Bowles. In April they earned a 180.0 at Orlando DTC and a 181.5 at Imperial Polk Obedience Club of Lakeland, Florida. Their last score in August has not yet been published.Ann Davis has done really well with One Little Tough Kid breeder Dawna Jones. They started a little slow with a 193.0 and 3rd place at Kanawha OTC in West Virginia a 188.0 at Mount Pleasant, MI KC, then picked up a 196.5 and 1st place at Grand Traverse KC under Jim Ham to finish their CD. Next they got a196.5 and 2nd place at Mountaineer KC under K.M. Naglerback in West Virginia a 194.0 at Huntington KC and a196.5 and 3rd place at Magic Valley KC under R.E. Murphy. Nice job, indeedJanet Feldmann and Patricia Foley also put a CD on Dover-Holihouse Le- Roy Brown breeders Pat Foley and Kathryn Hartz sired by Ch. Pombreden's Heavenly Toy Boy. They got a 182.0 at Princeton DTC, a 183.0 at Bayshore Companion Dog Club, a 188.5 at Philadelphia DTC and a 186.0 at Trenton KC.Gerald and Beverly Keller were successful with Holly Snowflake breeder Richard Edwards. They started out in Novice A with a 177.0 in 1987, then finished in Novice B with a 183.5 at Beaver Valley Training Club and a 182.5 at Golden Triangle OTC May 6 and 7.NEW CD TITLES FROM NOVICE AFrom Novice A we begin with Robin Weiss and Snuggle-Up Zackery breeder Mrs. William Urban. They managed nicely with a 194.0 and 3rd place at the International KC of Chicago where Bernie Brown went High in Trial with Pomirish Twinkle Break, CDX a 181.0 at Wilmington KC a 194.0 atPage 80 April 1990Pom ReviewBadger KC and a 193.5 and 3rd place at Starved Rock KC.Jeanette McKay earned her first CD on Honeyluv Fanciful Taffey breeder owner. They received a 187.0 at Longview KC, a 193.0 at Red River OTC and a 185.5 once again at Longview KC. All these trials were in Texas.Teena Householder worked her way to a CD with Charcoal's Little Cinder breeder owner. They got a 190.0 and 1st place at Little Rock DTC, a 187.0 at Memphis OTC, followed by a 195.5 and 1st place again at Little Rock DTC under Miss L.M. Neeb.Linda and Helmut Fleisch also earned their CD on Nancy of Bald- winsville breeder Marjorie Von Bergen. They got a 188.5 and 4th place at Onondaga Kennel Assoc. a 190.0 at Finger Lakes KC a 193.0 and 3rd place at St. Lawrence Valley DC a 189.5 and 4th place at North Country KC and a 189.0 at Syracuse OTC. All these trials were in New York.Sandra and Devery Davis earned a CD with Ch. Devery's Diamond Josh breeders owner, sired by C. Millbrook's El Gran Caballero. They posted a 187.0 at Pocatello KC a 186.5 at Eagle Rock KC, and a 190.0 and 2nd place at Snake River Canyon KC of Idaho. They had the chance to see Linda Gallacher at Snake River earn that precious Utility leg. I hope they were watching and learning.Our last CD is by Jean Furgiuele on Red Feather Fritzy breeders Kermit and Darlene Henningsen. They've posted a185.5 at Beaver Valley Training Club, a 187.0 at Golden Triangle OTC, and a179.5 at Kittanning KC, all in Pennsylvania.I'm sorry to report that Spunky did Cont. on page 81April 1990Pom Review Page 81Obedience NewsCont. from page 80not earn his American TDX this year. We've been working really hard all year and made wonderful progress. Right after learning he had been drawn and was in a TDX test, the weather here turned very dry. The vegetation became very dry and difficult to hold a scent. He would have some problems tracking on a 30 minute track, and was very unsure and confused on a three hour old track. As luck would have it we drew a field of newly mown hay with very little greenery in it after two weeks of beautiful, 70 degree, dry weather. He started out ok but went the wrong way on the first turn and failed. In that test 9 out of the 10 dogs entered failed, most of the handlers lamenting the dry weather, so it turns out our problem was the same experienced by everyone else. But we won't give up I hope to find a test this spring with suitable grounds to give it a try again. However, this means we'll have to keepworking all winter. UGGGGGGHHHI do have one bit of good news. My terrific twosome, BK's Sunshine Supergirl AMCanUKC CD, TT breeder Ericka Moureau and BK's Sir Spunky, CDXTD, Can. OTCHUDT, U-UD, TT breeder Ardith Neil were entered in race competition at the July 2 trial of The Obedience Training Club of Greater Lansing. Out of the lO braces entered, we finally took a first place with a 386.5. Everyone said they did really well that day so I was very pleased.That's all the news I've got this time around. Call or write in your brags, results, questions, etc. at 517 485-5183 anytime. If you have any ideas or suggestions about changes we can make to this column to make it more interesting, change the name, etc., let's hear from you. Here's hoping your dog is always a happy heeler and a terrific trackerThose Strange and often funny Telephone Calls on the PomBy Jo Ann ShifflettDear Fellow BreedersDo you ever get Those calls Calls that make you wonder "Is it all worth it"" Calls you cannot believe are happening. I would like to share a few of the such calls I have received and believe it or not - They are realHello I want you to tell me everything I need to know about breeding Pomeranians. I've already got my male. Bought him from the pet shop. Got a special deal on him. Only cost 150. They'uz wantin' to move him. He had been there four months. He's a real cute feller. Solid black with a white star on his chest and three white feet. Makes him unique. Pet shop man said this wuz a real rare color.Weighs about nine pounds. He's only six months old. Guess I'll have to wait another month or so to breed him.Reply Have the dog castrated and call me in the morning.Hello Hi This is Bruce. My puppy is just sitting over in the corner, acting real strange. He yelps every once in a while. He's not normally like this. I'm concerned, of course, he did get hung up in the pen last night.Reply He must have gotten hung up in his pen last night. Better take him to the vet right away.Hello Do you raise the short haired Pomeranians or the long haired Pomeranians Cont. on pace 82Page 82 April 1990Pom ReviewStrange Phone CallsCont. from page 81Reply I raise Pomeranians.are 3 to 7 pounds and your toys are 3 to 7 pounds. You are not making any sense.My neighbor raises poodles. Let me give you her number.Hello I'm looking for a Pomeranian puppy. I ain't gonna pay more than 100 dollars this time. Seems like every time I pay a big price for a dog something happens to it. My first one got run over - paid 400 for it. The next one got killed by our neighbor's Doberman - paid 300 for it. My mutt I had before these Poms lived to be 16 years old.Reply Take your 100 dollars, buy a used chain link portable kennel, go to the SPCA, adopt a mutt and keep him in itHello My puppy has been throwing up all day. He is really sick.Did he eat anything he shouldn't have No. Uh, well, my husband did give him about a half a cup of bacon grease this morning. It's supposed to be good for the coat. The puppy loved it. Ate it so fast he got choked a couple of times.Reply Give him one raw egg white do not feed your dog grease anymore.Hello Yes. I am interested in purchasing a puppy. I saw that fantastic pom - Prince Charming - I want one just like that. Reply Sorry, I can't help you.Hello I'mcallinginresponsetoyourad. I'm looking for a female puppy to go with my male.Reply What lines are your male from What do you meanWhat line What does his pedigree sayOh I don't fool with pedigrees. They are too much trouble. All I want is a female that's not related to my maleHello I want a toy Pomeranian. Are yours toys, miniatures or standards Reply The Pomeranian is classified as a toy breed - Adult weight 3 to 7 pounds. Listen Lady - you say your standardsHello I have a 12 full blooded Pom and I'm looking for a nice male to breed her with. The way I look at it, if I breed her with a 100 full blooded Pom, the puppies will look more like Pomeranian ians. The mother is a beagle cocker spaniel mix.Reply No. The way I look at it is the puppies will look like a 34 Pomeranian, 14 beagle cocker spaniel mix and there are already thousands of those waiting in dog pounds to be adopted. Have your dog spayed and call me in the morning.Hello I have a very nice AKC registered male Pom. I was wondering if you would like to use him with one of your females. I don't want to become a breeder. I just want something from him. I like him so much.Reply Sorry, I have my breedings planned for the next five years, and several champions in mind. Your dog's offspring may take after the mother - keep this in mind.I would love to hear from other breeders who have had unusual questions asked of them and how they replied.MApril 1990Pom Review Page 83r Ch. Nolas Lucky Charm-Sugar Hillr\-rBEST OF WINNERS t4 lb. red sableAnother group placer and multi-B.O.B. offspring from Ch. Prince Charming II and Great Elms Luvy of Lenette who was pointed and pictured in the 688 issue of the Pom Reader.Charm finished his championship with a 4 pt. major in August '89 at the Shrewsbury K.C. under judge Edd Embry Bivin.My sincere thanks to all the judges who found him worthy and to his trainer, William J. Trainor, for his superb handling and his sincere belief in this little charmer.At stud to approved bitches.Owner-Breeder HandlerNola Williams - Sugar Hill William J. Trainor57 Richards Ave. Westford-Ho KennelsPakton, Mass. 01612 Lovette Road508 754-8996 Oxford, Mass. 01540Page 84 April 1990Pom ReviewShyacres3Shyacres SteeplechaserCan. Ch. Tynan Star Chase OPomsprings x ShyAcres WillOCoompawRacer is the new Puppy Hopeful at Shyacres. His career will begin in Canada with his Godmother, Elizabeth Dupuis. Hopefully hell complete his Canadian title in time to arrive in the U.S.A. for our summer national specialty in BaltimoreCongratulations Baltimore Club on your Point StatusCongratulations Peter Galindo on your Kennel VisitGood Luck Bruce Driggers, our new EditorShyacresAudrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St.Leesville, La. 71446 318238-1648April 1990Pom Review Page 85Behind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dog's name, color, sex, breeder's name, owner's name, city and state on a separate sheet of paper, typed or neatly printed. Please send copies of pedigress that don't need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor, E. Bruce Driggers, P.O. Box 8129, Norfolk, Va. 23503-8129.CH STYLESTEPPER MARK OF OAKR1DGEOrange MaleBreeder Nina K. Epps M. Deane Rinehart Owners Janice Young, St Clair, Mo.Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Millamors TrademarkMillamors Musical Box Ch. Millamors Mark TraditionCh. Millamors Rock Music Ch. Millamors Sparkling Music Millamors Molly Brown Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Browns Rock N RobinCh. Browns Fan Magic Skeeter Gal Ch. Dancing Rockette of OakridgeCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Wee Dancing Robin of OakridgeCh. Wee Dancing Flame of OakridgeCH EMCEES GOLDEN SEA RAIDER Orange Male Orange Male Breeder Morris and Betty Carson Owners Bill and Lisa SmartCh. Emcees Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcees Terrific Wee ChipsEmcees Golden Girl of Tammy Ch. Emcees A Chip of DiamondCh. Models Gold Memento Ch. Emcees Sparkling Miss Model Emcees Sparkling Hot Tomalc Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcees Terrific Wee ChipsEmcees Golden Girl of Tammy Emcees Terrific Wee BetsyJolly Timstopper Sugar Boy Sweet Betsy of Timstopper Conways BetsyCH GREAT ELMS TIMMY TIMSTOPPEROrange MaleBreeder Ruth L. BeamOwners Ruth L. Beam, Pincville, N.C.Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper TooGreat Elms Wee Julie Great Elms Bobby BeamGreat Elms Red Robin Great Elms DollyGreat Elms Mollie Woods Sparkling Nugget Cedarwoods Gold NuggetCedarwoods September Dawn Great Elms Sweet CandyGreat Elms Red Robin Great Elms DollyGreat Elms MollieCH BI-MAR SON N DANCE MAN Breeder Mary A. Rosenbaum Owners Victoria Lovely Blake JonesCh. Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanolls Juliet BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Bricket by JJ of Andrews Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear Bi-Mar Happy Hooligan of Bradley Bradleys Naughty Marietta Bi-Mar Kat BallouCh. Golden Glow Nip Bi-Mar Gidget of Que SaraCh. Que Sera GiGi of Golden GlowContinued on page 86New Champions Cont. from page 85Page 86 April 1990Pom ReviewCH BI-MAR FOXFIRESable FemaleBreeder Elsa Raidma Beverly Norris Owners Mary A. RosebaumCH BI-MAR SUNNYS MASTERPIECE Red Orange Male Breeder Mary A. Rosenbaum Owners Mary A. RosebaumCh. Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. TomanolTs Juliet BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidCh. Sunrays Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Cricket by JJ of Adrews Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear Bi-Mar Happy Hooligan of Bradley Bradleys Naughty Marietta Bi-Mar Kat BalloC. Golden Glow Nip Bi-Mar Gidget of Que SeraCh. Que Sera GiGi of Golden GlowCH BI-MAR IMPRESSIVESable Male Red maleBreeder Mary A. RosenbaumOwners Helen Howicki Marcia DoaneC. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeBev-Nors Sweet and Sassy Pomesto Midsummer Knight Pomesto Muri Pomesto Magic NelliPomesto Magic Minnie Ch. Lancer of Sunray Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver Sunrays Regina Bi-Mar FluffyCh. Scotia Caviliers Jungle Jim Bi-Mar Cricket by JJ of AndrewsGay Bit of Bi-Mars My CheriCH THELDUNS DIAMOND TEDDY Breeden Thelma Dunn Owners Linda S. BrogoittiCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Thelduns Diamond Solitaire Ch. Blair's Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina PreshusMay Morning Sweet Mary Ann May Morning Social Lion Daisys Mini-Todd OTheldun Jabil Daisy Mae Thelduns Bonnie KateThelduns Diamond Solitaire Thelduns Bit OSunshineCedarviews Bronze Q B DollMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Dunns Little Tina Prehus Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Bev-Nors Sweet and SassyBrittons Little Miss Muffet Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Desirees Supper Topper Sandees Victoria Bev-Nors Little BitCh. Great Elms Timstopper Image Desirees Beautiful BabySandees Christmas MistletoeCh. Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanolls Juliet Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidCh. Sunrays Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Cricket by JJ of Andrews Ch. Creiders Cut Across Shorty Ch. Creiders Smoke N Flame Chambers Christie Love Creiders Miss-B-Haven of Bi-Mar Creiders Marty Robbins Crediders Orange CalicoCreiders Toast Town FinaleCh. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Bi-Mar Kandy Kane Ch. Autumns Cairo of Bi-MarCh. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Bi-Mar MistyBi-Mar Carmel Candy Ch. Varneys Zodiac Cavalier Scotia Jackpot DandyCh. Scotia Dandys Treasure Chest Bi-Mar Scarlet DrgonflyCh. Babes Teddy Too Scotia Something SpecialCh. Scotia Specky Molly Xmas NoelCII BI-MAR SUNNYS SUPREMEBreeder Mary A. Rosenbaum Owners Mary A. RosebaumCH AUTUMNS CARIBBEAN HURRICANEBreederowners Emily R.C. UntalanNew Champions Cont. from page 86April 1990Pom Review Page 87CH SHAMROCKS A DASH OF NUT-MEG Orange sable Female Breeder Sheila M. Marion Owners Linda S. Brogoitti Jan WilhiteBIS Ch. Lennis Tequilla Sunrise Gold Gems Tar Burt of Lennis Lennis Tamados Lady Shamrocks Tar-TanionArtistic Glamerous Ku-Lee Shamrocks Candy KissShamrocks Baby Snooks Ch. Sunrays Gold Gems President Ch. Tombays Pico ChicoGold Gems Shannon M Lady Shamrocks Golden Fantasy Henry VI SaashaJeannies CookieCII BENRAYS SUNDANCING SIMON Orange MaleBreederowner Benson E. Ray, Charleston, S.C.Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Twin Pines Tico Tico Scarlett of Twin Pines Golden Aires Magic MarkoCh. Emcees Sparkling Gold Mico Dupres Kate Raising CaneDupres Dancing Diamond Amy Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Twin Pines Tico Tico Scarlett of Twin Pines Golden Aires Rock N RobinAnnons Ebony Mark II Wee Hearts Our Girl FridayLennis Peaches-CreamYips and YapsDear EditorThis letter is in regards to comments in the Pom Review about excessive trimming. At the risk of sticking my neck out, I'd like to address this issue. I'd like to ask Isn't dog showing supposed to be a sport - not life and death. And, aren't rules made to be broken - or at least changed from time to timePersonally, I think Pomeranians are much more beautiful trimmed and whether or not anyone else will admitCH IDLEWYLD MARQUIS CUT DIAMOND, CD Orange MaleBreeder Margaret McKee Owners Bill Ferrara, John Price Margaret McKeeMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone, CDXGolden Tiara Dam Beastie, CDX Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier, CDX Ch. Julies Star Vega Ch. Idlewyld Star Pendant, CDMay Morning Small Talk CD May Morning Social Lion Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone, CDXGolden Tiara Dam Beastie, CDX Idewyld Hope Diamond, CD Ch. Julies Star Vega Ch. Idelwyld Star Pendant, CD May Morning Small Talk, CDagreeing with me, it's quite obvious that almost everybody does agree, because almost everybody trims Otherwise, it would not be such a big issueTrimming does not change the look of the Pom to such an extent that one could "cheat" by trimming. A good groomer only enhances what is already there. If trimming took away from the beauty of the Pom, then a trimmed one would not win in the ring, such is certainly not the case.Our standard at present, further separates the professionals from most owner handlers. Only the professionals are usually good enough at trimming so it looks "natural" and "untrimmed." To change the standard to disqualifying for over trimming would make the professionals improve their techniques even more thus leading to nearly all Poms having to be pro-handled to compete and win. It would be directly penalizing amateur handlers. Is this what we want to happen to our breedIs it not time to put outdated rules away and change with the times ReCont.on page 91Page 88 Pom ReviewApril 1990DU CP S CP O CMC CE CACI PL PisINTRODUCESPRISSYLGntMtS HMTttSBURG K.EHHEL CLUBconDUPRES BUSTERS MS PRISSY Ch. Dupres Sparking Gold Buster x Dupres Candy Raising CanePrissy is pictured in a BOS win for 2 points under judge Geraldine R. Taylor. Prissy is full sister to CAN CH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD TREASURE owned by Frank Marie Hueston and CAN CH. DUPRES MISS TAMARA owned by Marlene Frank Penny.CH. DUPRES SPARKLING GOLD BUSTER and EMCEES DIAMOND CHIPPA send, their congratulations to their 2 new champion offspring CH EMCEES CHIP A HOLIC owned by Fred and Judy Noell and CH EMCEES SOLID GOLD FLAIR owned by Carolyn Roberts. I now own the dam and have repeated the breeding. Buster Chippa are the proud parents of another beautiful litter that will be available for purchase.Congratulations are also in order for CH. DUPRES THIS IS HARBINS WINDY owned by Jessica A.D. Penson LeRoy C. Penson, Jr. for completing her championship with some very impressive wins and DUPRES DANCING DINO owned by Toby Santistevan on your recent Best of Winners.Pedigrees on Dupres Poms now reflect three to five generations of my breedings basically on the Model Great Elms lines.Congratulations to PEDRON POMERANIANS of Peter Galindo and Ron Welch on your Kennel Visit.INQUIRIES WELCOMEDBreederOwnerExhibitor Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr.Route 2, Box 878-A Colfax, La. 71417 318 627-5180EMCEES POMERANIANSApril 1990Pom Review Page 89Xj224Ch. Emcees Golden Sea RaiderCh. Emcees A Chip of Diamond x Emcees Terrific Wee BetsyRaider, shown receiving a 5 pt. major at Sara-Bay Kennel Club, by judge Virginia Sivori. Our thanks to Lee McGhee for showing Raider to his finish.Raider is owned by Bill and Lisa Smart.Breeders - Morris and Betty Carson - See pedigree Behind Champions. Raider is proven and is at stud to approved females.WATCH FOR - Raider's half brother - Emcee's Mr. Biff, owned by Bill and Lisa Smart and shown by Lee McGhee. Biff started his show career at 7 12 months.A few puppies available. Inquiries invited.Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive EMCEESRichmond, Va. 23233 804 741-3024Page 90 April 1990Pom Review-t rfCAN.AM.BDA. CH. MILLAMORS ROCK MEDALLION ROMJanuary 1, 1977 - December 24, 1989MEDALLION. His passing marks, for us, the end of an era, as well as the end of the decade.MEDALLION. His first year in the ring, was Top Pom in Canada 1978. His second year, he was again Top Pom, Number 2 Toy, and Number 10 All Breeds. He won more points in a single year than any other Pom in the histoiy of the Breed, a record which still stands. He won 12 Bests in Show, and almost 60 Group First before retiring.MEDALLION. We hope he will always be remembered, not for his show record, but for his ability as a producer. While not used extensively, his contribution to the breed, both in Canada and the U.S., is remarkable. To date he has 29 Champions in Canada, 9 are Best in Show winners, 17 Group-winners, and 10 are American Champions. His kids have won more than 35 Best in Shows in Canada. Others have gone on to become Top Producers themselves.MEDALLION was all of these things, but more important, is the special place he will always have in our hearts.CHRISTINE D. AND JOHN E. HEART2, P.O. BOX 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S., CANADA, BON 1C0902 673-2446 -Chrgpendo April 1990Pom Review Page 91POM POINTS FINAL FOR 1989 AS OF FEB. GAZETTE FROM JANUARY , 1989 THRU DECEMBER 31,1989CH. TIM SUES'S HARBOR LIGHTS 12226 CH. JERIBETH'S SIR LANCELOT 5569 CH. LLL HIGHLIGHTS GOLDIE HAWN 4655CH. TIMSUE'S HIGHLIGHTS 3317 CH. JAMOLS' KLASSIC HI TIME 3134 CH. HOMESTEAD'S SPIT POLISH 28CH. CHRISCENDO COVER GIRL 2230 CH. WHARTON'S SEPPL VON HONIG 2198CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING 1808CH. BEV-NOR'S NUT-E-FUDGE 1680 CH. TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES 1649CH. APOLLOETTE MOONLIGHT GAMBLER 1608CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY 1414 CH.GARTON'S KING OF BAVARIA 1208 CH. STOLANE'S THUNDERBOLT THOR 1203CH.JAMEL'S TEXAS TORON ADO 1107 CH. JANE'S WEE PRINCE OF JERIBETH 1089CH. JAN-SHAR'S HILLBILLY CLASSIC 1024CH. JAMOL'S FUGICLE OF SOUTHLAND 659CH. WEE HEART'S JUST ENUFF 612FINALS BEST OF BREED 1-1-89 TO 12-31-89CH. JERIBETHS SIR LANCELOT 1010 CH. TIMSUE'S HIGHLIGHTS 905 CH. LLL HIGHLIGHTS GOLDIE HAWN 806CH. HOMESTEAD'S SPIT POLISH 734 CH. WHARTON'S SEPPL VON HONIG 620CH. TIMSUE'S HARBOR LIGHTS 524 CH. TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES 367 CH. JAMOL'S CLASSIC HI TIME 356 CH. STOLANE'S THUNDERBOLT THOR 346CH. CHRISCENDO COVER GIRL 338 CH. JAMEL'S TEXAS TORNADO 325CH. APOLLOETTE MOONLIGHT GAMBLER 280CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY 253 CH. BEV-NOR'S NUT-E-FUDGE 251 CH. JANE'S WEE PRINCE O'JERIBETH 224 CH. MI-BABE S. M. CRASH 199CH. JAMOL'S FUGICLE OF SOUTHLAND 183ANOTHER NOTE TIM AND SUE GODDARD ARE THE BREEDERS OF THE YEAR. CONGRATULATIONSStatistics compiled by Jean Schroll, who assumes no liability for absolute correctness. Information obtained from AKC Gazette as of February 1990 issue.Yips and Yaps cont. from page 87gardless of how the standard reads now or in the future, the trimming fad just would not be eliminated. Because this fad is a wonderful look that most people seem to likeI also think that trimmed Poms have a better chanceof winning groups and Best In Shows because they look like show dogs. Natural Poms quite often look like someone's pet and sometimes appears straight out of the kennel I say, let's go the extra mile, go to some extra trouble and make our Pom s look their very best in the ring, up to the full potential.Do we APC members want to hold our breed back because of this one line in our standard or arc we willing to change and improve and move aheadThere are some serious things to consider disqualifying in the ring, such as slipping joints, open fontanels, and poor temperament. Let's keep perspective what is REALLY best for our breed.Is there anyone out there not afraid to admit they feel this very same wayTammy Carrell Roanoke, Va.Page 92 Pom ReviewApril 1990Pom point schedulesThe following are the number of Poms required for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 point entries at AKC shows in the May 1989 established 12 Divisions of the United States1 POINT 2 POINT 3 POINT 4 POINT 5 POINTDivision 1Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York 2D2B 4D4B 7D7B 8D8B 10D11BDivision 2Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio 2D2B 5D5B 8D8B 10D10B 15D12BDivision 3District of Columbia, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Nonh Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee 2D2B 5D5B 9D8B 11D9B 15D12BDivision 4South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas 2D2B 6D6B ' 11D11B 13D12B 16D15BDivision 5Michigan, Illinois, Indiana2D2B 4D4B 7D7B 8D9B 10D12BDivision 6Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas 2D2B 5D4B 8D7B 11D9B 16D13BDivision 7Oklahoma, Texas, N ew Mexico, Arizona2D2B 7D6B 12D11B 14D13B 17D17BDivision 8Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon.2D2B 5D5BWashington9D8B 11D11B 16D16B2D2B 5D5BDivision 9 California 9D9B 11D11B 16D16B2D2B 3D3BDivision 10 Alaska 4D4B 5D5B 6D6B2D2B 3D3BDivision 11 Hawaii 4D4B 5D5B 6D6B2D2B 3D3BDivision 12 Puerto Rico4D4B 5D5B 6D6BApril 1990Pom Review Page 93Congratulations to Pete and Ron from Pat and Davis Anderson, Wee Bit's Poms, proud owners of DeArta's Mood Rock Dancer.lThanks for sharing your knowledge and helping our kennel grow. Misses Larry, Moe, Curley say look out Daddy, BIS Ch. Pedrons Dragonthe Conqueror.Patricia R. David S. Anderson, 137 Laura Gale, Canutillo, Tx. 79835Patty's Jingle JanglesPatty's Bev-Nor Teddy Ruxpin x Ch. Patty's Do It For Dude SputzOFOPRSEXJluth kxTJJRER 12.1939 photo TER'"Patty's Pomeranians is movitig to Graham, Washington this summer''For SaleGrandsons and granddaughters of Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond and Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeAlso one parti-color litter, plus brood bitchPatty Jensen 6520 Game Farm Rd. E. Mound, Mn. 55364 612 472-5950Page 94 Pom ReviewApril 1990Co-Owning Can Be An Enriching ExperienceBy Wendy FeistTo co-own or not to co-own is a valid and important question I believe before any one takes on an arrangement such as this, one must fully understand what it means to co-own. The breeder who is parting with and the buyer who is buying a dog on a co-own contract, must fully understand that each partner owns equally Being a co-owner doesn't mane that you own less than the owner mentioned first on the papers It means to own jointlyIt can be hard for a breeder to let go of the idea that the dog isn't fully his hers still and it can be equally hard for the new owner who has paid hard earned money for a dog to realize that he must share equally in all the aspects that entail co-owning.If you believe this with you head and your HEART, you are truly ready to have a chance at a wonderful experience. I fully believe in co-owning and have had some good times and learned a lot in the process. It's like a lot of relationships in life it doesn't just work on its own YOU MUST PUT EFFORT into it. It isn't all give and take.I believe in always having a contract agreement in writing before buying or selling. With co-owning it is of the utmost importance You must contemplate possible situations that can arise and be sure to cover these and all the bases in the contract. Even between friends Several years down to road you may have forgotten anything verbal you may have promised. The following is an example of what I would include on a long term co-own contract1 The name and address of each party involved with an inclusion of any change of address or phone number.2 This statement can be vital shouldthings go array This advice comes from any attorney when asked about putting together a legal document. "Any legalaction will be done in________________City and__________ State."3 All the information on the AKC papers should also be included.4 General medical care and up to keep is a must If it is a bitch, what if there is a c-section How will expenses be covered Or non-regular problems, such as a broken leg Death5 I then cover all details relating to breeding. In a bitch, you would covera How you choose a studb How is the stud paid forc If you use your own stud, a no fee statement should be includedd Which partner will handle the details pertaining to the breeding.You would follow the same suit if it should be a male you are to co-own. And what about brucellosis testing6 In a bitch, you must decide how you will split any litters. What if only one puppy is produced Who will do the whelping What if you need a c-sectio-,, what vet will you use7 With which party will the dog reside What about boarding and feed expense8 It is also important to record in the contract how much the dog was purchased for and what was required of each partner.9 What about showing and all the expense it entails What if a handler is needed10 An account ledger should be kept with all receipts for each expenses.11 A clause should be included should a partner wish to terminate their part of the contract.These are just a few basics. But the Cont. on page 95Pom ReviewApril 1990 Page 95Co-owning cont. from page 94point is to give you an idea of some important things to consider when writing up and entering into a co-owning contract. Trust your instincts and feelings you have about the people you are getting involved with. If something doesn't set right with you about a prospective partner, check it out Something small in the beginning could turn out to be a mountain in the futureAnother point that should be mentioned in writing the contract is the type of print and print size must remain the same throughout the contract. If you use hand writing, it should all be done in hand writing. It it's done in all caps, it should all be done in caps, etc. I think you get the point.Be consistent. It really can work and be a good experience for you as it has been for me.CIRCULATION MANAGERJohn Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, Va. 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Your inquiries answered within 24 hours20.00 per year - Third Class MailRates apply to U.S , Canada, Mexico, APO's, Puerto Rico U.S. Funds Only25.00 per year - First Class MaillMailing Time3rd Class -10-14 days 1st class-3-5 daysIf you move, 3rd class mail is not forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know your new address six weeks before your move so that the Review will move with youBACK ISSUES 1980 to date - 5.00 Years prior to 1980 - 4.00 ea. Call for availability.K KPOMERAN I AN NAT ' I_________________________ W I D El K K^5 M fc e rPHOTOGRAPHY IN MOTIONrsl l -t -t m cpPRODUCTIONB239 East High St., Ballston Spa, NY 12820 1518 885-192702110-565AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB FEBRUARY 11, 1990To receive a copy of the American Pomeranian Club National Specialty held February 12, 1989 at the La Guardia Harriott, which we have video taped, edited and narrated, fill in the order form below._______________________________ Cl MasterCard [] VisaCard Number Check or Honey Order enclosed._______________________________ VHS tape of the Show 50.00Expiration Date Shipping Handling 3.00Sub-Total 53.00_______________________________ NYS Res. add Sales Tax _________________Signature Total _____________FOR THE FIRST TIMEA truly affordable magazine dedicated to the TOY BREEDSTOY PARADEDedicated to TOY LOVERS worldwide. Published by a knowledgeable Toy enthusiast atuned to the needs and desires of Toylovers.Published Bi-Monthly, featuring important health info, a veterinary column, news items, feature articles on breeders and judges, obedience accomplishments, show results, breed columns - all combined with loads of appealing photos and layouts, in a full 812" format. Monthly publication is final goal with use of color.Mailed to ALL TOY JUDGES.Subscription Rates25 Yearly second class bulk mailing35 Canada and Foreign yearly. All first class mailings at this price. All outside Continental U.S. must be first class.Advertising Rates 55 Full Page 35 Half page 20 Quarter Page 150 Front cover Photo and dog's n ame only - printed info inside 165 Center spread each page to include one photo 90 Other coversAll covers and page 1 by reservation onlyNOTE Inside back cover is available each issue for tribute to a deceased dog. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS COVER. Submissions are taken in order of receiptAdvertising and subscriptions to be submitted with payment U.S. Funds to TOY PARADE, P.O. Box 8129,Norfolk, Virginia 23503-8129 804 480-4904PUBLISHED BY EDITOR OF THE POMERANIAN REVIEW