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The Pomeranian Review July 1990

7mAmerican Pomeraniato Club farm.Stud Issue July 1990GROUP 1 FROM THE CLASSESManatee Kennel Club 51390FLASH Finished with Best of Winners' under judge Josie Mitchell. i 4kv 44 A 4I 4 4 4 Pictured with Dr. David Green Doane going Group I.Ms. Susan Chisholm-Jones awarded Dusty BEST OF BREED OVER SPECIALS Thank you judges for a very exciting dayThank you Bemie and Lois Ciliberto for presenting Dusty at his best Thank you Carolyn Roberts for Dustys mom and for letting us use Dustys dadP.O. Box 1303M4 Siias32056 ,65 ud 'Lk Bl,d1904j 752-5285 Land 01Lakes p, 34639813 996-3977BreedersOwnersFAIR WINDSM.L. Dunn M.A. CraftWE FEED SCIENCE DIET.Pom Review July 1990\BEST OF WINNERS 5S 'CAROLINA KENNEL CLUB MARCH 1990DAVE ASHBEYCH JAN-SHARS MOON STRUCKSire Ch. Bev-Nors N Southlands Rambo Dam Bev-Nors Fancy FreeShow prospect male and females for saleOwner HandlerSharon Hanson Pam CampbellRt 2, Box 263 Renick, W.V. 24966 304-497-2446Pom Review July 1990Cover StoryvCougar, this issue's cover dog, was chosen by us to bid farwell to a special girL.CAN Ih. SCOTIA TICKLES ME PINK. She was our first champion and in turn gave us our very irst hombred champion, Cougar. We acquired Punkin from her breeder, Edna Girardot, ind then lept into the world of Poms. Punkin introduced us to the glamour and sccitement of N.Y. in February. An addiction shared by many She was our love and our herished companion - we will miss her deeply.CAN CH. POMSPRINGS PRETTY IN PINK was her second champion. Plum was elected as Best in Sweeps in February of '89 - a high which continued to soar as she became lanada's top female that same year A nifty little girl with her own distinct presence.POMSPRINGS has bred Group winning and placing Canadian champions and we ilways try to keep the numbers down to insure proper attention is received as by each uzzy friend. We try to attend various U.S. regional as well as summer National specialty hows as they enable us to combine showing with vacationing and socializing.We look forward to the 90's with great anticipation. Who knows, as a fellow Pom nthusiast said, maybe one of our TICKLES ME PINK children will have a little "Punk- nseed" for us to lovePOMSPRINGS REG.Mrs. Elizabeth Dupuis P.O.Box 328 Alexandria, Ontario Canada KOC1AOFeaturesresident's Report..........................................................................................5ecording Secretary's Report......................................................................5happenings Around The Country............................................................11bedience News............................................................................................19helpful Hints...............................................................................................41Remember When.......................................................................................46Dn Borrowed Time".................................................................................47hud Directory.............................................................................................49ehind The New Champions......................................................................62ips and petits chiens Les plus populaire de Quebec".................................. 80Pom Review July 1990IP Kfi fulfill HDof theAmerican 'Pomeranian Ctub, Inc.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident..............................First Vice President.............Second Vice President.........Recording Secretary............Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer..........................................DoloresWatts.....................................Dianne. Johnson........................................Nadine Hersil..........................................Judith Green.......................................Audrey Roberts1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, La. 71446 ........................................ Morris CarsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSOlga Baker John Cribbs Sue Goddard Delegate to AKC.Anna La Fortune Skip Piazza Mary Vickers ...... Sam ZaneoffPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditorPublisher............................E. Bruce Driggers, P.O. Box 8129, Norfolk, Va. 23503-8129Circulation Manager.............................Lt. Col. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, Va. 23047Printer.....................................................................................................................Variety PrintingPublished quarterly January, April, July, October in Norfolk, Va. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year. Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, APOs - U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make Checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.Photos are returned to advertisers following publication.ADVERTISING RATES MembersCover...............................120.00Inside Front Cover..............65.00Center Spread................... 120.00Full Page.............................55.00Three-quarters page............45.00Half page.............................35.00Quarter page....................... 15.00Classified Ads.......................5.00Charge Reproduction..........10.00NonMembers150.0080.00150.0065.0055.0045.0025.007.0010.00CONDITIONSAllads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos 10 each. Editor reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINESPhotos must accompany ad copy.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDNovember 15 February 15 May 15 August 15January Issue April Issue July Issue October IssuePom Review July 1990Well folks, I really got mud in my face from what I wrote in the first issue compared to the actual product. And I don't deny anyone from throwing as much mud as they'd like. But please, hear me out.Things got off to a bad start with the late past deadline arrival of copyphotos that I was told had to get in the April issue. Those items amount to photos of the APC Specialty and annual reports dealing with APC happenings. Also, I had no front cover until I received from the circulation manager material he had received from the previous editor. Included in this was a listing of who had reserved the front cover for the April issue. I placed the call to the advertisers well after the deadline and they immediately put their info together and forwarded it all to me. All of these things put me behind two weeks.Then delivery of the final product to the printer, found two other dog magazines already there being worked on. Pom Review became project number three. I was then forced to locate another printer. This one was two hours away from me. I had seen products they had produced and knew that some of those products had won awards So I was quite confident that they would published a quality product for us. I was assured they could get it back to me by April 20. As we know, that didn't happen.And then when I did get the final product, I was sick as I'm sure most of you were. I was honestly ashamed to mail it to you I couldn't believe that something I had worked so hard on could become such a total wreck at least from my trained eye Needless to say, I then became extremely angry. I marked a copy of the issue in bright, vivid red ink of all the areas that were bad. This was sent to the company via their sales manager. I allowed three days to pass then contacted the company and discussed my displeasure. From that point, Morris Carson, APC Treasurer also got involved in the negotiating aspect of reducing the price on the publication costs. This was agreed to and the company wanted to print this issue to get back their "good" name and added the two color production you see at no cost as a way of apologizing to the club and it's subscribers for doing such as horrid job on the April issue.As you have received the July issue, you already know that you have received it earlier than usual. I meant to prove to you my letter in the April issue was factual and that I could deliver a quality product - on time I hope this will re-establish some faith in my abilities. I will never be able to apologize enough to smooth the past over. But this and future issues will, I hope, earn your trust again.I'd like to thank all of you who have written to me or have talked to me via the phone on your feelings about the April issue. Most of you have been extremely kind and realize the dilema that I was going through. Your thoughtfulness was and is very heartwarming. Thanks so muchOne final thing that I feel is very important. Many of you are putting entirely too much writing in your ads. You need to be concise and to the point. All that writing really detracts from the overall ad and at the same time makes it necessary to reduce the size of the photos that you have submitted. We may have to start limiting the number of words you'll be able to submit, if you don't do the cutting yourself before that happens.Good luck at the Summer Specialty I hope most of you have exciting news and advertisements from it for the October issue.Corrections...The Pom Standard in the April issue was printed minus a very important paragraph on Body Coat. This is the ommission as submitted by the Standardization Elaboration CommitteeBody Coat Double-coated A short,soft, thick undercoat, with longer, coarse glistening outercoat consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse, standing-off straight hair. A soft, flat or open coat is a major fault.Pom Review July 1990Presidents MessageAs I again address the membership, I realize that time keeps going by and here we are with the Summer National just around the corner. This summer it is very special to me as the Pom Club of Greater Baltimore is hosting the APC Summer National Specialty. What a treat to hve everyting going on almost in my back yard I hope to see many of my personal friends and acquaintances there. The Baltimore Pom Club has been very busy getting things ready for both shows. Let me take this opportunity to congratulate them for a job that I know will be "well done" and also congratulations to all of you lucky winners.Hopefully we will have enough Board members present to call for a Board Meeting. I have had several requests from the members for items they would like to see brought before the Board. Some of these area. the publication of 6 issues per year for the Pom Review.b. an increase in dues and Pom Review subscriptions.c. the prospect of having a semi-annjual meeting of the membershipThe Nominating Committee is also preparing to put before the membership a slate they feel will take care of the needs of the APC for the next two years.Until next time,Sincerely yours in Poms, DoloresRecording Secretarys ReportAudrey Roberts1410 S. 10th St. Leesville, La. 71446 318 238-1648Nominating Committee SelectedDiane Johnson, Jon Marcantonio, Mary McCoyUpdate on Constitutional By-LawTo allow moving the show from New York, if petitioned.This was returned by AKC for an opinion to be obtained from the New York Department of State as to whether state laws require use to remain in New York. The statement received from the Department of State says our By-Laws are an internal matter and they have no jurisdiction. I sent this on to AKC and have not received an correspondence back.Specialty '91, New YorkAPC has been invited along with other specialty clubs to hold a combined specialty in New York for '91. This will be in the New York Ship Terminal on the Wharf in Manhattan. The facility is enormous with tons of room for rings grooming. Free rooftop parking is available Several hotels are in walking distance. Combining gives us many economic advantages with the facility along with the hotels. The APC board has approved this change I will keep you informed as plans are finalized.New MembersFred Judy Noell Janine Pannell4915 Pomeroy Rd, N.W. Roanoke, Va. 24017 703 344-4408120 Trio Lane Edwardsville, II. 62025 618 692-6186cont on page 65Pom Review July 1990Recording Secretary's Reportcont. from page 5Steven Melissa Mellen 255 E. St. Clair Romeo, Mi. 48065 313 752-4489Dixie John Chapman 1008 W. Estes Way Phoenix, Az.. 85041 602 268-8661CorrectionsPatricia Neujahr 1012 Michael's Ave. Monroeville, Al. 36460-2520Sharon Masnick 803 928-3511Beverly Poplar vice Brenda PoplarDorothy Martin 5354 Bluebird Lane York, S.C. 29754 803 831-8086Jim Judy Shearer 216 852-4136AdditionsDaniel Margaret Ontiveros - add Goldspun Poms 619 475-2531Ray Benson addBR, EX - Ben-RayMary Gene Wells Mary McClung4986 Avila Way 929 S. Holly DriveBuena Park, Ca. 90621 Oklahoma City, Ok. 73110714 994-0259 MNM's Poms-R-Us BR, EXPom Chris's BR, EX, H 405 737-3674APC NOTEMembership in APC now stands at 430. This is an increase of almost 35 over the 1985 membership of 322.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\CRESCENDO OFFERS FOR SALECH. MILLAMOR N CRESCENDO PEPSI HI orange sable female 287Ch. Bev-Nor's New Creation x Millamor's Musical BoxSee pictures page 99 of July 1988 Review page 61 of October 1989 Review Honestly evaluated youngsters and young adults available.Bemie Lois Ciliberto 9605 Land O' Lakes Blvd.. Land O' Lakes, FI. 34639 813-996-39776 Pom Review July 1990JANES POMSEmcees, Models, Great Elms and Corn Duke linesCh. Janes Wee Prince OJeribethTexCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Jeribeth's ToastiiMultiple Group Winner, owner handled Thank you Olga and Darre Baker for this great little guCh. Tillabays AnnybanannyCh. Emcee's Sparking Jody x Tillabay's Cotton CandyJane Reed 224 Johnson Road Winlock, WA 98596 206 262-3761VPom Review July 1990POMERANIANS of POINT LOMApresents theBest in Show Winning Team.V 5Alvadee Nice Guy Piccolo WandaThis picture was taken winning the Toy Group under Judge Nishimura on the way to BIS at the Orange Empire Dog Show, Jan. 28,1990. Pauline B. Hughes, handling.This was also the fourth BIS Brace for Piccolo and Wanda.Pomeranians of Point LomaSince 1940 Pauline B. Hughes1726 Crest Dr., Encinitas, Ca. 92024 619 753-5807Pom Review July 1990Ch. TIM SUE'S HIGH LIGHTS, Best in Shows, Best in Shows Specialities won his IOC Best of Breed, under judge Hazel Arnold, at Beaumont Kennel Club, April 29, 19 Expertly handled by Erika Moureau for the past year and a half.HIGH LIGHTS thanks Erika for this milestone in his career, and special licks for former owner Janice Luginsland who put his first Best in Show on him. Thanks also to Marie Rickertson for her expert handling in the previous year.HIGH LIGHTS congratulates four more Champions finished this springAMCAN CH. LLL HIGH LIGHTS BRASS LASSIE, breederowner Janice LuginslaiCH LLL HIGH LIGHTS BRASS DOLL, breeder, Janice Luginsland owners, FryCarltCH TIM SUE'S HIGH TIDE, breeder, Tim and Sue Goddard owner, Florence ScottMany other HIGH LIGHTS kids are major pointed and should finish soon.Bred and owned byTim and Sue Goddard Rt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 3U543i662^Pom Review July 1990PHOTO BTK. BOOTHWfflD-DONS AMAZING GRACETimeSues Spark of Light x Dupres Gold Miracleacie is pictured taking WB, BOW, BOB for a 5 pt. major under noted judge Mrs. verlyLehnig. THANK YOUSpecial thanks also go toMr. Norman Patton - WB, BOS, 2 pts.Mrs. Lena Wiseman - WB, BOS, 1 pt.icie is a brilliant orange, sound in movement with a spitfire personality that's hard to s. Thank you Peggy Doyal for entrusting her to me, Sue Goddard for leading me to and Genny Dupre for all your support and encouragement.OWNERHANDLER Janine G. Pannell 120 Trio Lane Edwardsville, IL 62025 618 692-6186Happenings Around The CountryApril 19, in Edmonton, Alberta, the Fourth National Specialty of the Pomeranian Club of Canada was held. Captain Uwe Fisher of West Germany assessed the largest entry in the history of the breed in Canada 61 entries. Captain Fisher was extremely thorough and efficient as he moved through the classes, taking tim to critique each exhibit. He in fact dismissed several Poms, but did so with good reason and courtesy. His placements were as followsJr. Puppy Dog, Hobbits Panic Button, owners Michele and Frances McDonald.Sr. Puppy Male, Chriscendo Cloud- buster, owner Christine HeartzJuvenile Male, Candyman of Char, owner Mary UshkoOpen Male, Schimmel's Paddy Pomkin, owner Janet BarretJr. Puppy Female, Pandalows Prancing Becki, owner Ruth LoweSr. Puppy Female, Spitfyre Lovely from Jayenn, owner Joan GrantJuvenile Female, Jayenn's Ha Penny Pikkinokka, owner Til LabovitchCanadian Bred Female, Bavanew's Silver Sparkle, owner Joyce ObuckOpen Female, Millamor's Hellion of Webwood, owners J. Obuck Sue Goddard Best of Breed, Ch. Bavanews Somewhere In Time, owner Matt HeindlBest of Opposite, ChristihilTs Here's Trouble, owner Gerda HillWinners Bitch, Spitfyre Lovely From JayennBest of Winners and Best Puppy, Chriscendo CloudbusterThe entire weekend was fun and because of the variety of types and judges opinions, several different dogs won the breed through the weekend. Ch. Tynan's Bits N Bites, owner Natalie Dunfee, won Sweepstakes and the Breed and went on to place in the group at the Toy Dog Club of Alberta under Merrill Cohen, and the nextPom Reviewday under Jane Kaye. Mr. Kashiwagi chose Somewhere in Time and Edd Bivin chose Gloria Carlin's Ch. Marantha's Lil Ben- hamin. All three evenings, Pom puppies were in the running for Best Puppy in Show. The first evenin, Mat Heindl's Bavanew's Starfighter won Puppy in Show under Edd Bivin. The next night, Chriscendo Cloudbuster, owned by myself, won Puppy in Show. So it was definitely a winning weekend for Poms. We look forward to a bigger and even more successful specialty next year if that7s possible.The Specialty was followed by a general meeting and I really felt it was an excellent one. Because our national club is relatively young, and our country is so large, we seem to have a distance disadvantage. This meeting enabled us to discuss topics that just can't be worked on through correspondence. We are currently working on Standards revisions and it is being coordinated through Till Labovitch, who is working under tremendous pressures from all sides. Only Till would be able to handle this. We all look forward to a clearer standard in the new format. Thanks to Till from all the members of the Pomeranian Club of Canada.And while we are giving our thanks, a Big One goes out to Rick and Judy Page for their hospitality over the weekend. Rick chauffered everyone around despite having a business to run and Judy filled in for Till who was out of the country until a couple of days before the Specialty. She put the Breed Booth together and we won 2nd place. Thanks also to all the breeders who lent their valuable scrap books, photos and precious breed momentoes that enabled us to win.Had a nice note from Jenny Hryniuk Noonan to say that her homebred Ch. Tiperons Dandy Lion took a 4 pt. major in September of last year. Jenny reports she will be away from the shows for a while as she and her husband, Wayne, await the arrival of their first child. And they aren't the only ones awaiting the Stork. We hear Reg and Elizabeth Dupuis are planning for a playmate for their son Billy - arrival scheduled for September. We are all doing whatJuly 1990 11Across Canadacont. from page 11Bay Colony Pomeranian ClubBy Claire Flesner38 East Aldea St.Lowell, Ma. 01851Our May 12 Specialty was a huge success. There were 23 entries with six entries in our first ever puppy sweepstakes.Puppy SweepstakesJudge Donald M. Gill - DogsPuppy 6-9 Months - First, Teakwood's Best Wishes, owner Laureen Ivy Second, Silver Meadows S.S. Martin, owner Claire Flesner.Puppy 9-12 Months Dogs - First, Tomho Strutting Bush Baby, owner Tommi Hooban.Judge Garrett O'Dell - BitchesPuppy 6-9 Months - First, Razzle Dazzle Chapsody, owner Christine Heartz and Judith Green.Puppy 9-12 Months - First, Teadwood's Apple Annie, owner Laureen Ivy Second, Pinehaven's Impatient Lucy, owner Gale Sharland.Best in Sweeps - Judge Garrett O'Dell - Tomho Strutting Bush Baby Best of Opposite, Teakwood's Apple AnnieRegular Classes - Judge Mrs. Etta B. OrensteinPuppy 6-9 Months Dogs - First, Teakwood's Best Wishes Second, Silver Meadows S.S. Martin.Bred By Exhibitor - First, Tomho Strutting Bush Baby, Second, Mar-Vic's Dazzling Rascal, owner Mary Vickers Third, Razzle Dazzle Music Man CD- onwer Judith Green.American Bred - First, Teakwood's Jumpin Jake, owner Sharon Consolati.Open - Red, Orange, Cream Sable Dogs - First, Philbrooks Fancy Flome James, owners K. Hartz, P. Foley S. Stockhouse Second, Karadam Tarz-N-Tarz, owner Paula Payson.Winners Dog - Tomho Strutting Bush Baby Reserve Winners, Teakwood's Best Wishes.Puppy 6-9 Months Bitches - First, Razzle Dazzle Chapsody Second, Pinehaven's Impatient Lucy.Bred by Exhibitor - First, Teakwoods Apple Annie Second, Tomho Lucinda Mae, owner Tommi HoobanOpen - Red, Orange, Cream Sable Bitches - First, Tanglewood Roxann, owner Carol Aubut Second, Emmy's Gloria of Tiny Tykes, owner Trudy Adair Third, Karadam Bits-N-Bits-N-Bits, owner Paula Payson Fourth, Tiny-Tykes Little Hooker, owner Trudy Adair.Winners Bitch - Teakwood's Apple Annie Reserve Winners, Tanglewood Roxann.Best of Breed - Ch. Homestead's Spit N Polish, owner Jean Hurley Best of Winners -TomhoStrutting Bush Baby, owner Tommi Hooban Best of Opposite - Ch. Philbrook's Mama's Lil Jewel, owners Deborah Wheeler Susann Stackhouse.Wewishtothankallofourjudges. Don and Garrett For handling our first sweep- stakes show very nicely and professionally. Etta Orensteain for her always cheerful self and for handling our precious Poms ever so gently.We all enjoyed our annual buffet after the judging and as per usual we all ate too much. Many thanks to Gladys Dykstra and her crew for this. We then held our annual meeting with election of officers which are as followsPresident - Gladys Dykstra Vice President - Jessie Young Secretary - Alberta Mooney Treasurer - Howard Mooney Secretary in Training - Lois Hamill Board of Directors - Claire Flesner, Amy McKay, Barbara Young, Sally Misuraca, Fran Fillette, Garrett O'DellThe trophies this year were handled by Paula Payson and George W. Hand III. They were made of crystal with our club logo. Everyone commented on how pleased they were with this year's trohpies.Two members were voted in as life members - Ina Kniffin and Jessie Young.Many of our babbies - well youngsters - are out in the show circuit this summer. We wish them all well and hope to be able to tell you in the October issue that they all ob12 PomReview July 1990rsay i^oionyCont. from page 12tained their championships or CD's.Have you hugged your Pom todayDallas-Forth Worth Pomeranian Club, Inc.31st Spring Specialty Show Report By Mildred G. Patrick and Bill McKinneyOn Friday, March 23,1990, the Dallas- Forth Worth Pomeranian Club held its 31st Spring Specialty Show. There were a total of 85 dogs entered with a total entry of 126 Sweepstakes judge was the very knowledgeable Skip Piazza, while the judge in the regular classes was the well known Janice Luginsland We were very fortunate to have had such depth in our judges with their wealth of experience in breeding and handling PomeraniansIn Puppy Sweepstakes we had 19 males and 22 bitches. The order of Mr. Piazza's placements were as follows Puppy Dogs 6- 9 months First, Mac's Tag Along, owner Bonita Gray Second, Mosaic Only A Dream, owner Mrs. Riki Barker Third, Rosewood's Masterpiece, owner Mary A. and Evert L. Hammon with Shy Acres Friday Edition, owner Kimberly Martin, fourth. Puppy Dogs, 9-12 Months First, Berry's Sonny Delight, owner Barbara H. Grimison Second, Patrick's Mr. Ted E. Behr, owner Mildred G. Patrick Third, Sweetheart's Jack Frost, owner Maty K. Gibson Fourth, Sweetheart's Glowing Embers, owner Le Ann Keasler.Puppy Bitches, 6-9 Months First, Susan's Help From Estelle, owner Susan Y. Ferguson Second, Chestara's Charming Rhaposody, owners Bill Beverly Henry Third, Southlands Sweet N Sassy, owner Charlotte Creed Fourth, Tim Sue's Highfalutin, owners Tim Sue Goddard. Puppy Bitches, 9-12 Months First, Janesa's Hi- Struttin UBet, owner Jerrie Freia Second, Chesai-N-Starfire's Bon-Bon, owner Jose A. Cabrera Third, Charmac's Here She Is, owner Jan Wilhite Fourth, Southland Simply Elegant, owner Charlotte Creed. Best in Sweepstakes went to Berry's Sonny Delight. Best of Opposite in Sweeps was Janesa's HiSPECIALTYSHOWBestof BreedSPECIALTY SHOWIJmBEST IN SWEEPSKOHLERBest in SweepstakesStruttin UBet.In the Regular Classes, Janice Luginsland j placed her winners as follows Puppy Dogs, 6-9 Months First, Reynolds Royal Sharel Ninja, owner Armetha Reynolds Second, Mosaic Only A Dream Third, Rosewood's Masterpiece Fourth, Mac's Tag Along. Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months First, Berry's Sonny Delight Second, Sweetheart's Jack Frost Third, Patrick's Mr. Ted E Behr Fourth, Sweetheart's Glowing Embers.Bred by Exhibitor's Dog was Sweetheart's Wee Cinna-Bear, owner Kathy Carroll and Second went to Wagner's Little Classie Kat, owner J. Ruth Wagner. American Bred Dog was Benji Hot Shot Tradition in first owner by Mr. J.D. Slemp and Chris McClung. In Open Dog, First was awarded to Sharon's Tasmanian Devil, owners Sharon Neil Poin-Corvo with second going to Patrick's Mr. Dallas Lights, owners Colleen Dough Sinor. Third was Uptown's Rockin City Lights, owner Dora Upton leaving Prestigious Punky PG, owner Sherry D. Steinmeta, to take Fourth.Pom Review July 1990 13Dallas-Ft. Worthcont. from page 13Winner's Dog was Sharon's Tasmanian Devil. Reserve went to Patrick's Mr. Dallas Lights. Number of points award was Five There were a total of 31 dogs entered.Puppy Bitches, 6-9 Months First, Susan's Help From Estelle Second, Southlands Sweet and Sassy Third, Starfire's Jackelyn, owner Jose A. Cabrera and Chestara's Charming Rhapsody finsihed in Fourth. Puppy Bitches, 9-12 Months First, Janesa's Hi-Struttin UBet Second, Ruby's Gator Maiden Oklahoma, owner Ruby F. Poole Third, Chesai-N-Starfire's Bon-Bon and Fourth, Charmac's Here She Is. Rrst place in Bred by Exhibitor Bitches was Sweetheart's Miss Cameo, owner Kathy A. Carroll. Placements in American Bred was Rrst, Slemp's Starlet From Pom-Chris, owner Mrs. J.B. Slemp Second, Mercer's Chelsie of Dal-Lea, owner Gertrude A. Howell and Third, Cortney Huff, owner Cortney Erin Huff.Open Bitch placements were First, Tim Sue's Light of Destiny, owners Tim Sue Goddard Second, HHH Gidget Will, owners Annette L. Heise and Sandra L. Mueller Third, Dal Lea's Moon Light News, owner, Gertrude A. Howell and Fourth, Shamrock's Tia-Maria, owner Sheila Marion. Winners Bitch went to Janesa's Hi- Struttin UBet and Reserve to Susan's Help From Estelle. There were 34 bitches for five pointsBest of Breed competition saw nine specials entered It was a beautiful and unusual sight to see so many lovely Pomeranian champions at one place and at one special time Best of Breed was Kathy M. Bucher's dog, Ch. Shadowmountain One Man Show Best of Winners was awarded to Janesa's Hi-Struttin UBet with Best of Opposite going to Ch. Tim Sue's Socialite, owners Richard Bronya Johnson.We would like to thank all of our exhibitors for making this one of our largest shows ever Competition was intense, excitement ran high, the dogs were beautifully groomed and expertly handled, making this show in the very truest sense of the word After the show, everyone convened at the Holiday Inn at Interstate 30 for an after showPom ReviewU1XUIC1 Ui Lcu iuiBarbeque While the buffet was wonderful, the company was as warm as the food and we all had a great time.The judges critiqued their placements for us with both candor and humor, Janice Luginsland commenting that she regretted that she wouldn't make but one entry truly happy Skip Piazza' scomments were appreciated by all and both judges did a wonderful job with their respective classes We want to extend our warmest thanks and appreciation to them bothNews From The CarolinasReporter - Patty Griffin 2767 Calumet St.Winston-Salem, NC 27106 919 724-7562NEW OFFICERS FOR 1990 President - Dot Martin V. President - Sharon Masnick Secretary - Judy McCall Treasurer - Lance Bryson Board of Directors - Doris Warren Harold Collins Roger BeatyNEXT MATCHOur next match will be held in Columbia, SC on August 18, 1990 in conjunction with the Piedmont Kennel Club Dog Show. As a result of large turn out of entry in Pineville in April, Don Wilson, President of the Columbia Kennel Club has offered us the opportunity to sponsor a Supported Entry at their show on August 19. A Supported Entry is a big step toward holding a Specialty. Our members have donated trophies for almost every class offered. Puppy classes will be divided. I know most of don't show in the heat of the summer, but please make these shows an exception. The building is air conditioned.POM PRINTSChristine Heartz has graciously offered us copies of her lovely Pom Prints entitled 'The Four Seasons" to sell as a moneymaking project. You can purchase individcont.on page 15July 199014From The Carolinascont. from page 14Best in Matchual prints for 20 each or the complete set for 75 by sending your check to Lance Bryson, 535 Huffman Mill Road, Burlington, NC The prints will be delivered at the Match in Columbia on August 18,1990.MATCH REPORT - April 7,1990 As reported by Jodi HudspethMatch Chairman, Jodi Hudspeth Trophy Chairman, Harold Collins Dinner Committee, Ken Eleanor Griffith Ring Stewart, Pam Campbell Silent Auction, Judy McCall JUDGESSweepstakes, Dariel Jackson Regular Classes, Jon WoodringSWEEPSTAKES Pupy Dogs, 3-5 monthsFirst, Tanglewood's Flashy Dancer 10-10-89 breederowner, Verl and Anita Thompson Second, La Petite Sparky's Pride 'N Joy 1-6- 90, breederowner, Lee McGhee Third, La Cheries McFoxfire 11-19-89, breeder owner, Judy McCall Dot Martin.Puppy Dogs, 9-12 monthsFirst, Apple's Traveling Rambler 6-23-89, breederowner, Joyce Apple Second Chip- A-Way's Chips of Aristo 6-22-89, breeder, Carolyn Roberts, owner, William Dse Blanc.Puppy Bitches - 3-5 monthsFirst, Ar-Bee's Mona Lisa 1-20-90, breeder owner, Rodger Beaty Second La Petite Snugasabuginarug 1-6-90, breederowner, Lee McGhee Third, Golden Aires Hy Hopeii-i-ey, Breederowner, bharon Masnick Fourth, La Cherie's Test For Fudge, breederowner, Dot Martin.Puppy Bitches - 5-7 monthsFirst, McKenzie's Dolly of Dendy 10-26-89,breederowner, Mary McKenzie.Puppy Bitches - 7-9 monthsHrst, Glen Iris Tropical Storm 8-27-89, breeder Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor, owner, Mary McKenzie Puppy Bitches - 9-12 monthsFirst, Glen Iris Hurricane Angelique 6-5-89, breederowner, Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor Second, La Petite Chippa Sugar 7-7-89, breederowner, Lee McGhee Third, CC's No Laughling Matter 4-8-89, breeder owner, Curtis Mack.Best in SweepstakesBest in Sweepstakes Glen Iris Hurricane AngeliqueBest of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes Apple's Traveling RamblerREGULAR CLASSES Puppy Dogs - 3-5 monthsFirst, Tanglewoods Flashy Dancer Puppy Dogs - 6-9 monthsFirst, Golden Aires Moonwalker 8-23-89, breeder, Nina Epps, owner, Sharon Masnick Puppy Dogs - 9-12 monthsFirst, Apple's Traveling Rambler Second, Chip-A-Way's Chips of Aristo.Bred by Exhibitor DogFirst, La Cherie's Lil Qunicey Beam 2-26-89, breeder, Jerry Love, owner, Dot Martin. Open DogsFirst, Love Little Jon Tuckahoe 12-8-86, breeder, Jerry Love, owner, Margaret Samples. cont. on page 16Pom Review July 1990 15From me ^aronnascont from page 15Puppy Bitches - 3-5 monthsFirst, La Cherie's Test For Fudge Second, Warren's Fancy That, breederowner, Doris WarrenPuppy Bitches - 9-12 monthsFirst, Glen Ms Hurrican Angelique Second, La Petite Chippa Sugar.Best in Match Apple's Traveling Rambler 6-23-89, breederowner Joyce Apple Best of Opposite Sex Glen Ms Hurrican Angelique 6-5-89, breederowner, Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor.Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines, Inc.By Tony ShortWe held our first Obedience trial February 17,1990 along with our regular specialty.Our club's interest in OB came about when we hosted the National Specialty in September of 1988. We had enough new members that was interested in OB to try to get sanctioned.We held our last A trial in September 1989 and applied with AKC to hold OB with our February Specialty.We feel we had a very successful show. Our two judges were Mr. Charles Anderson and Mrs. Mary Lou Doak. We had an entry of nine. Mr. Anderson judged Novice A and Novice B with an entry of three. Mrs. Doak judged Open A, Open B and Utility A. Winners were as followsNovice A C R Flamming Glory Man 187 Pam Gene PattonNovice B Pomirish Sugar Cane 183 12 Marian Lazzara Sally Baugniet Open B Tina's Fuzzy Mitten CDX 191 Tina GodfreyHighest Dog in Trial Tina's Fuzzy Mitten CDX 191 Tina GodfreyOur sweepstakes judge was Marcia Hostetler with an entry of ten dogs.The winners were as followsPuppy dog, 6 to 9 mosLucky Pups' Timstopper Magic Lois McCrae 161 f y tv 14. ulvo.Saka's Short Round Steve Kris AndersonPuppy bitches, 6 to 9 mos Pramada's Huffy Phenomenon Pamela PeatBest Puppy in Sweepstakes Saka's Short Round Best of Opposite SexPramada's Huffy Phenomenon Our conformation Specialty was judged by Mr. Robert Moore with an entry of 36 dogs and one brace.Winenrs are as followsPuppy dogs, 6 to 9 mosLucky Pups' Timstopper Magic Puppy dogs, 9 to 12 mosPom Acres Ragtime Rowdy Juanita HddickBred by Exhibitor dogsJan Le's Rock My World JaneLethinenOpen Red, Orange, Cream andSableGamlan's Itoba First Run Joyce B.WinkelsOpen AOCPom Acres Justin Tyme B.J. Lola Jo StrangePuppy bitches, 6 to 9 mos Pramada's Fuzzy Phenomenon Bred by bitchesJan Le's We Meet Again JaneLehtinenAmerican Bred bitchesGreat Elms Bonnie of Lennette Thomas McCannOpen bitches black, brown, andbluePom Acres Latoya Sable JuanitaHddickOpen bitches red, orange, cream and sablePatty's Moe Best Look at Me Dwayne WardWinners DogJan Le's Rock My World Reserve Winners DogSaka's Short Round Winners BitchPatty's Moe Best Look at Me Reserve Winners BitchPramada's Fuzzy Phenomenoncont on page 17Pom Review July 1990Greater Des Moinescont. from page 16Best of Breed and Best of WinnersPatty's Moe Best Look at Me Best of Opposite SexCh. Ken Nor's Viscount Ewok Jane Lehtinen Elaine Terry Best BraceCh. PomPuf Wee Sparklin Dragon Ch. Sir Gemini's Dragon GwenHodsonWe are looking forward to our September Specialty which is September 7, 1990.jytj.vFanciersMt. Rainier Pomeranian Fanciers ClubBy Wendy FeistWe are now half way into our second year, the sun is shining, summer is in the air And as promised, our second year will also be a year to rememberMy goodness, there is so much to report on, I don't know where to begin. In March, we had a specialty fun match with a great turn out for Poms of many shades and fanciers.BIM Puppy went to a cute bitch "Sandy," owned by Victoria Lovely and Blake Jones and BOS Puppy went to "Monster," owned by Rosemarie Schroeder. BIM Adult went to "Dennis," owned by Victoria Lovely and Debbie Hart and BOS Adult went to "Princess," owned by Tom and Carol Gillespie. We had a grand total of 33 entries.Best In Sweepstakes went to "Princess," Best Veteran to "Circus Bear," owned by Caryl Prince. Best Junior went to Christopher Schroeder. Highest Scoring Pomwent to "Mischief," owned and handled by Nora Higbee with a score of 194 Worst Brace went to "Mariah" and "Prince," owned by Carol Gillespie. Best Trick winner was "Prince." We thank everyone who participated and came out to support this event. We look forward to seeing you at our June match Need more information on the June Match Contact Blake Jones, 1202230th St. E., Puyallup, Wa. 98372.The membership is proud to announce that we will be the 1991 Winter National Trophy Committee The chairman will be our President, Victoria Lovely. We trust and stand behind our elected President and feel that as our leader, it is truly an honor that she should have. Send all inquiries to Victoria Lovely, 12022 30th St. E., Puyallup, Wa. 98372 or Wendy Feist, 6325 SE 73rd, Portland, Or. 97206.Next, I must tell you all about an upcoming project The membership will be presenting a 1991-92 18-month calendar That's not all We will be picking the featured photos via a PHOTO CONTEST The photos to be headlined will be selected by a panel of non-members. In an effort to include as many photos as possible, we will be putting in honorable mentions. It is our goal to have the chosen photos in COLOR The judging is scheduled to begin in September Write me or call if you are interested.Our Directory is being printed as of this writing and by the time your read this, it will be available to you. We are proud to say that there as as many studs as bitches. It will feature over 100 Poms of many shades of the Pomeranian Rainbow And Poms from Coast to Coast To those of you who caught wind of this project late, I'm sorry. We will be putting together a second issue next spring and we hope you will join us To get your copy of the directory, just send 5 plus 1 postage to me and we will gladly mail you one, two, three...As our club creed states The purpose of the Mt. Rainier Pomeranian Fanciers To enhance the educational growth of all persons interested in the Pomeranian To strive for perfection of the breed and To be helpful and courteous at all times. This is something we all truly try to live by. We hold educational events after meetings andcont. on page 1SJPom Review Tulv 1990 17Mt. Rainiercont. from page 17sometimes have quizes or guest speakers or demonstrations. And most important, we are friendly and helpful to each other and those around us. The Pom truly does come first with us.We would like to congratulate members Jane and George Reed on all their recent wins and their new champion Jane's Lil Merri Puppins. And the Canadian championship won on Ch. Jane's Wee Prince O' Jeribeth. Jane's Sparkling Gold Peanut, I hear, has both majors. Congratulations also go out to Jessie and Tom Stephens on Jestom's Lovely Toy Soldier. I hear he has been catching the judges' eye.Well try not to get too sunburned or rusted, as the case may be. Until the next time....Puget Sound Pomeranian ClubBy Janell ReichOur club is busy planning our first Licensed Specialty Show. It will be held Friday, August 10,1990 in Seattle. There will be two all breed shows on Saturday and Sunday put on by the Seattle and Nisqually Kennel Clubs. We are very honored to have the American Pomeranian Club President, Delores Watts, as our Puppy Sweepstakes judge. We hope Edna will come tooThe Conformation Judge is Toy judge, Alexander Sandy Schwartz, Jr. We are pleased to be the third Pomeranian Club to be granted to hold obedience at our Specialty in 1990. Our obedience and junior handling judge is from our area and she is Betty Winthers. The club is offering beautiful rosettes for all the classes as well as crystal and silver trophies. We will put on a pot luck so all can visit. We have lots of wonderful prizes donated for our raffle Hope to see you thereCongratulations to club member Dana Plonkey as he was recently approved to judge Pomeranians. Our club now has two Pom judges.Congratulations to Ch. Harbin's CarryPom Reviewing on for Mom, as he placed fifth out of 99 all breed puppies at the Kennel Review Magazinelams Dog Food Tournament of Champions Invitational in Detroit, Michigan.PSPC continues to help the community by teaching handling classes this year. At our April meeting, DVM Thomas gave a lecture on coat and skin care. At every meeting, members donate cans of dog food or dollars to the local Senior Citizens Food Bank to supply dog food for senior's pets.Thank you to Wendy Feist for writing such great articles for our club in the Pom Review this past year.Anyone wishing further information about our Specialty, please contact the Show Chairman, Alan Koeller, 1508 N.E. Brockman Place, Seattle, Wa. 98125 206 365-8276. Entries close Wednesday, July 25,1990Greater St. Louis Pomeranian ClubBy Janice YoungWe have been hard at work forming a new Pom Club to serve the area of Missouri and Illinois. We held our first meeting May 1 and were pleased with the energy and enthusiasm of those present. We are fortunate to have Barbara Chance and Pat Phillips who bring to us their experience in other breed clubs.We are devoted to the advancement of the Pomeranian breed. Membership is available to all interested persons. Plans are being made for education projects duch as grooming, ring procedure conformation, and discussion of the breed standard. We also want to help educate the public to the importance of buying their puppy from a breeder.Members recently finishing a Pom to a Championship are Florence and Carl Scott, JOLLYWEEMUSICOFTIMSUE. Theyalso need only a few points to finish a High Lights son. Linda Harris, BENJI'S PUNK ROCK TREADITION. Janice Young, STY- LESTEPPER MARK OF OAKRIDGE. And the REALLY big news is Virginia North has bred her first litter in 20 years and has two precious girls.cont. on page 19July 19901831. J-.OU1Scont from page 18Club members and prospective club members, please let me know of your show wins for our next column.Webfoot ReportBy Jean Schroll 12950 S. New Era Rd. Oregon City, Or. 97045This article will only be about members of the Columbia Pomeranian Club and local people since we have someone else covering Washington.1990 started really well for the members of the Columbia Pomeranian Club. Jack Hookie and Ray Mooney finished their Angel with 4 majors. She finished at Seattle. Tom and Carol Gillespie got some more points on their homebred. It should put him close to finishing.Timberland Valley KC saw Dennis Larson's Damata Heman winning the breed. Class placements for this show have escaped me since I didn't write it down when it happened. No one has told me who did what at Peninsula FDA. So there is not a report.I have just finished a seven show circuit and will try and get this down before I forget. Palous Hills DF had an entry of 14. Jack and Ray's new girl was reserve. Lewis and Clark on the same weekend had an entry of 14 also and I must mention this as Marie Smith is a Washingtonian but her dog is handled by a CPC member. Ryals was winners dog. The part about Blitzen that is different is that he is white. He was also winnersdog at Yakima fora4pt. major. And also one very type dog with good pigment.The shows at Moses Lake, Wa. were not as cold s they have been in the past, so it was more of a pleasure. PH A has been having an all breed puppy match there on Monday evening. What fun it is I was honored to be asked to judge and enjoyed it very much.Pom Reviewon a score of 1 to 100. It was different and it is amazing how close the two of us were on the different breeds. The fellow that was judging before me raises Corgis and so I thought when this Corgi came in the ring I would certianly mess up, but low and behold I did not We were only 112 points apart. This happened on almost every breed we did and we were fortunate enough that a Beagle we judged, ended up going Best in Match.None of the members did anything worth mentioning the rest of the circuit.The weekend of Mother's Day there were two shows and none of our members did anything. That's all for this one.Obedience NewsBy Brenda K. Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, MI 48906In the April issue it was announced that the Baltimore Pomeranian Club has been approved to hold the first Pomeranian Specialty Obedience Trial July 5,1990. Hooray, hooray However, it turns out this will NOT be the first Pomeranian Obedience Specialty. Unbeknownst to me or it would appear most other people doing obedience with Poms the Pomeranian Cub of Greater Des Moines was approved, and they held the first obedience trial February 17,1990 in Des Moines, Iowa. I discovered this astounding tidbit while checking the April issue of the AKC Awards Magazine. Congratulations to themThey had a total of 81 each in Novice A and B, 1 in Open A, 3 in Open B and 2 in Utility A. Judges were C.W. Anderson and Mrs. M.L. Doak. Qualifiers were Tina Godfrey and TINA'S FUZZY MITTEN CDX, 1st place in Open B with a 191, which also was High In trial PG Laton with C R FLAMING GLORY MAN in Novice A with a 187 and Marian Lazzara in Novice B with POMIRISH SUGAR CANE with a 183.5. I would hope there is more about this monuJuly1990 19i\ew mas un rue mocKSire Ch. Theldun's Dandee Sensation Dam Evanspark CicadaInquiries invitedGerald J. Kripak 555 Evansburg Rd.215-489-4957 Collegeville, Pa. 19426 Pom Review July 1990^FOR SACf^BEV-NORS BREAKDANCER4.Sire Ch. Bev-Nors Southland SinsationDam Bev-Nor CenterfoldLooking for a good homeGerald J. Kripak 215-489-4957555 Evansburg Rd. Collegeville, Pa. 19426Patty's PomeraniansPatty's Jingle JanglesPuppies and breeding stock including partis for sale at reasonable prices. Great Elms, Showstopper, Emcee linesPatty Jensen 6520 Game Farm Rd, E. Mound, MN 55364 612 472-5950Pom Review July 1990 2YolandasCh Great Elms Irmstopper Image Ch Models Timstopper Echo Majectic April Love Ch Beaver of LenetteMaples Rowdy Boy Tinkerbell of LenetteLennis Dragon Lady Ch Apples Traveling Diamond Ch Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Yolanda's Twinkle of ImageCh Cobles Traveling Bear Yolanda's Traveling TequilaApple's Traveling AllspiceBabar DOB 12-20-89Barbar is shown during his uglies. He is a light orange, heavy coated boy. He should mature around 5-5 12 lbs. He would make a great addition to a new breeding kennel or one that wanted to breed Great Elms line. Show 400Babar would like to say hi to his litter sisters, Larron Show O Diamonds O Yolanda, with Ron Feyh in Ohio and Watts Lil DeeDee of Yolanda in Maryland with Dolores Watts.Babar would also like to say watch for Great Elms Top Brass to be in the ring with Jackie Rayner.Yolanda Webster 5126 Sumac Circle Fayetteville, N.C. 28304 919 425-696822 Pom Review July 1990Arv'ABEST OF WINNERSKENNEL CLCH. DESIREES SMOKEY MT. PRINCEDesirees Smokey Ml Boy x Desirees Model Brooke ShieldPrince is 4 lbs., with a gorgeous deep orange sable coat, great ear seat and very outgoing personality. This young champion finished in April 1989 with three majors. He is a fine mixture of Great Elms and Bev-Nor lines. He is producing nicely structured, cobby puppies in sable and clear orange. He is also throwing his gregarious personality. See pedigree in Behind New Champions.Watch for Princes puppies in the show ring this fallMany thanks to his breeder, Desaree Sandifer, who has since retired from Pom breeding due to health reasons. I now have Princes sire and dam residing with me in Texas. Prince would also like to thank Tammy Cartwright, who handled him to his championship.Stud fee upon request and shipping is through DallasFL Worth International Airport.Annette Lynn Heise Yellow Rose Pomeranians 434 Justice Dr.Cedar Hill, Tx. 75104 214 291-2682Hand painted wooden paper towel holders make great trophies or birthdayChristmas gifts for your Pom fancier friends Send a photo of your favorite Pom and we will do our best to duplicate it Paper towel holders are on a crockery blue blue gray heart shaped base. Send 20 plus 1.50 shippinghandling fee to Annette Lynn Heise, Yellow Rose Pomeranians, P.O. Box 452, Cedar Hill, Tx. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Please include your telephone number and address with your order.fPom Review July 1990 2mental event elsewhere in this issue.It's too bad the De Moines people didn't let the rest of us know about their upcoming trial, or they might have had a much larger obedience entry. If the information appeared in the AKC Upcoming Events, no one knew to look for it. We've been waiting so long for the first obedience trial, that to find it has slipped right past you without your knowledge is very disappointing. As for the rest of us, hopefully we meet at the 2nd ever Pomeranian Obedience Specialty in Baltimore, Maryland on July 5.Secondly, I understand that not only has the first obedience trial been held, but there were a total of 4 trials scheduled for 1990. Besides the Des Moines winter trial and the Baltimore July trial, Des Moines is having a second trial sometime in August, AND the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club in Seattle, Wa. is having their first trial Friday, August 10,1990. All of you who have been working hard for years to make this dream happen are to be congratulated. Hard work and perseverance have won out over apathy and indifference Pat yourselves on the back for a job well done. And I hope everyone who is desirous will find the time and money to attend one of these trials.Before going into the new titles, I should explain last Thanksgiving I was laid up with pneumonia for several weeks and have not been operating on all cylinders since. Because Phyllis didn't run the January article, it was published in April. Now we've got six month of titles to report. With the normal delay in AKC publication, some of these results are nearly one year old. They are no less cherished by the owners and still provide some insights about judges for the astute among us.New Utility DOG TitleWonderful news comes from theUtility rings of Arkansas and Mississippi. Jo Ann Geeslin, Donna Crain Eddins and I FIDGET IN STYLE CDX breederowners, son of OTCH TWINKLE LITTLE SUPER STAR finished their UD January 20, 1990. They started with a 194 Dec. 3 at Little Rock DTC followed by a 195.5 and 2nd place Dec. 17 at Jackson OTC under W.I. O'Regan then aObedience Newscont. from page 19188.5 at Mississippi State KC and an insurance leg the next day at Greenville Mississippi KC. CONGRATULATIONS At the same time they were earning their UD, Hdget was also being shown in Open B and earning 1 HIGH IN TRIAL, 3 placements and 4 scores above 195. Now, just when you think there aren't many FIRSTs left to be won, how would you like to have not to mention be the breeder of the first OTCH Pomeranian OUT OF an OTCH Pomeranian It would seem well within the reach of this powerful team. You might also remember that Fidget has a brother named Widget with Mike and Nancy Nesbit who's earned nearly all placements through his CDX and should be coming out in Utility any time now.Open A new COMPANIAN DOG EXCELLENT titlesTina Godfrey and TINA'S FUZZY MITTEN DC breeder Betty Klass mentioned in the opening, finished their CDX last fall. April and Mary 1989 say a 190 and 2nd place at Waterloo KC and a 192 at Battle Creek KC where I met them. They finished with a 186.5 at Cyclone Country KC of Ames, Iowa and a 193.5 at Mason City KC last October.Bonnie Buchanan and LINDSEY OF DOVER HOLIHOUSE CD breeder Kathryn Hartz Pat Foley have been working hard since last summer, and it's paid off with a new CDX title. They earned a 193.5 Nov. 26 at Magic Valley KC a 195.5 and 1st place Dec. 3 at Palmetto OTC under M. Cohen and a 189.5 and 4th place at Greater Columbia Obedience Club.Lois Campbell and CH. MOONSHAD- OWS EYE OFTHE TIGER CD breeder Paul and Sandy Logan, sired by Ch. Queenaire Coup UEtat have also completed their CDX. After starting in Sept, of 1988, they've gone on to get a 185 June 30 at San Luis Obispo KC a 193.5 at Sun made KC of Fresno and a 189 and 4th place the next day at Fresno DTC.\ Carrell and KHANI CHOC COVERED CHERRY CD breeder Connie Hendricks have their new CDX. They earned a 195 March 1,1989 at Roanoke KC under O.J. Montgomery a 195 March 24,1989 at Durham KC and now finished with a 189cont. on page 2524 Pom Review July 1990at Richmond DOC Oct. 21. Congratulations to them.Martha Chastain has been out with M C'S CHOCOLATE KESIA BAR CD breeder Juanita Fiddick. In Open A they wound up with a 187.5 at Greater Louisville Training Club a 193 at Central Ohio KC 195 and 3rd place at Middletown DTC under L.G. McCoy and a 192 and 2nd place at Greater Louisville Training Club.Jerry Dietz and PENS AUGUSTA WIND CD breeder Penny Thomas did a very nice job earning their CDX. Dec. 10 earned them a 198 and 2nd place at Antelope Valley KC they lost a run off for a 1st place under H.C. Jahelka. Jan. 28 they got a 197 and 1st place at Orange Empire Dog Club under A. Vanderburg Feb. 4 saw a 195.5 and 4th place at the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills under H.W. Kohlman Sr., followed by a 197 and 2nd place Feb. 18 at Motoc DOC under Mrs. D.A. Ward.Judy Lofgren and SPINACH FTTZ CD breeder Anna Marie Hetland, mentioned in this column about a year ago, have also finished their CDX. Aug. 19 they earned a 197 and 2nd place at Valley Hills OB Club under W.R. Phillips Oct. 21 saw a 192 and 4th place at Conejo KC followed by a 189 Nov. 12 at Cabillo KC.Kenneth and Kay Lowe earned both a CD and CDX on I'M A CANDY ANGEL DOLL breeder Lynda Sondag since our last excursion through the Awards. Their CD was earned the weekend of Sept. 9,1989 with a 195.5 at Des Moines OTC under M. Sessel. 193 at Des Moines KC and 193 at Keomah KC. In October of 1989 they went on to earn their CDX with the following record 187 at Mason City KC under Ms. D.M. Larson 194 at Minneapolis KC 193 at Bellevue DPC pf Nebraska losing a run off for 4th place and a 185.5 at Greater Lincoln Obedience Club.Elma Manies also finished a CDX on GOLD DUST PANDY MANIES CD breeder Louise Forrester. They got two more legs Sept. 23 and 24 with a 194 at Davis DTC and a 191.5 at Sacramento DTC.Mary Morris From the Muskegon, MI area has finished a CDX on MR BO JANGEuoeaiencer\ewscont. from page 24Pom ReviewGraveling. And wouldn't you know it, be finished at my home club, the Obedience Training Club of Greater Lansing, Dec. 9, 1989 while I was home with pneumonia, so I didn't even get to see it. DRAT The last time I saw Bo, he was just a little 3 pound squirt, but boy does he put on a show Congratulations, Mary.Novice B new COMPANION DOG titlesMargaret McKee has been busy with CH. IDLEWYLD MARQUIS CUT DIAMOND breeder Margaret and John McKee, Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier CDX x Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD who is coowned by Bijon Blue Kennels. They were burning up the mats last fall. Here goes192.5 at Dog Owners Training Club of Lynchburg 190 and 2nd place at Roanoke KC 193 and 4th place at Danville KC 192 and 4th place at James River KC 195.5 at Warrenton KC under R.H. Cash 181 at Virginia KC178.5 at Old Dominion KC of Northern Virginia 183 at Mount Vernon DTC and 190.5 at RockCreekKC. Phew,whatashow Althis was between September 17 and October 15.At the same time and in the same trials glutton for punishment Margaret and IDLEWYLD CHARM BRACELET breeder Margaret and John McKee, Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone CDX x Ch. Idlewyld Star Pendant CD were in constant competition with Diamond. Their showing was as follows 192.5,188.5,193,196 at Warrenton KC losing a 3-way run off for 3rd and 4th place under R.H. Cash, 195.5 and 1 st place at Virginia KC under J.B. Chappell, 197 and 3rd place under Mrs. J.C. Patton, 190.5,191.5,192 and 194.5. It was lots of fun seeing these two battling it out trial after trial. Margaret, perchance do you have any stories about this duo By the way Margaret, do sits and downs ever get any easierThe owners of I'm not sure who showed him DOVER-HOLIHOUSE HEV'ENLI HASH breederowners Pat Foley, Katheryn Hartz and D. Ninatoski, sired by Ch. Pombreden's Heavenly Toy Boy have a new CD to their credit. Dec. 2 they began with a 195.5 and 3rd place at Philadelphia DTC under Ms. K.A. Hertzog Jan. 28 saw a 109.5 at Princeton DTC, and Feb. 26 earned them a 189.5 at KC of Niagara Falls. cont. on page 26July 1990 25cont. from page 25Diane Clark-Bryant has successfully completed a CD on LADY DI'S CALL ME MADAMPARTI. They did it with a 186 at Vancouver KC 192 at Dog Fanciers Assoc, of Oregon 189 at Idaho Capital City KC and a 189.5 and 4th place at Lizard Butte KC.Debbie Kennedy recently completed a CD on CH. WATTS' LITTLE LOVE BUG breeder Dolores Watts, sired by Ch. Watts Little Peter Tan-M-Best. They earned a 183 Nov. 11 at Salisbury Maryland KC a 192 Nov. 12 at Mispillion KC and a 190 at Dauphin DTC.Jimmie Lawrence and CRICKETTES MIDNIGHT SONG CS CDX breeder Renee Lawrence recently contacted me. She is a very busy lady who teaches obedience classes, has put a UD on a German Shepherd and is working very hard to learn Teri Arnold's methods. Crickett will be 6 years old in June. Besides having earned a CDX, he placed 10th in the last Gaines Tournament he attended having been in first place Friday, 2nd place Saturday until he was distracted by what Jimmie described as a totally atrocious problem with flies in the arena on Sunday. In the Memphis Gaines he placed 24th out of 70. This year he will attend at Arlington, Texas Gains tournament in Open. Among his recent accomplishments are a 198 in Open B for 1st place at Tyler OTC under Mrs. G. Pugh. Unfortunately, he was not the winner of the run off for High In Trial.Janetta McKay and DONARA RAMBO LESTER breeder Nancy Shellman earned a CD last Labor Day weekend with a 185 at Bayou KC a 191.5 at Red River OTC and a184.5 at Longview KC.Alice Richardson and HONEYBEAR'S TRACY LEE breeder Loretta Nelson did very well on their CD. May 14,1988 started with a 193 at Springfield KC followed by a 195 Nov. 13,1988 at Nathan Hale Obedience Club. One year later, they've finished with a 192.5 and 4th place at South Windsor KC and with a 188 insurance leg at Springfield KC. Talk about patienceDawn Robertson and SUNWAY'S BLACK BREEZE breeder Nadine Car- riker did very nicely earning their recentPom Review197 at Des Moines OTC under J. Sessel 197 and 4th place at Des Moines KC under R.N. place 194.5 at Keomah KC under John Blenkey looks like they missed a Dog World Award by .5 of a point 193.5 and 4th place at Greater Emporia KC 196.5 and 2nd place at Hobbs New Mexico KC under Kate Pankin and a 191 and 1st place at Grand Island KC.Eileen Stopa and DOVER'S HOLI- HOUSE SNO FLOWER breeder Daniel T. Chen earned a CD last fall with a 183 at Shrewsbury DTC a 170 at South Windsor KC and a 180 at Windham County KC.S. Winchatz and DOVER-HOLI- HOUSE FIRE N' ICE were extraordinary in earning a CD. Wouldn't you know, Awards hasn't been published their title, so I don't know who the breeder is January 21 they earned a 199,1st place and HIGH IN TRIAL at K-9 OTC of Essex County, N.J. under J.Iermiero. Jan. 27 they earned a 198.5 and 2nd place at Princeton DTC followed Feb. 18 with a 197.5 and 2nd place at Staten Island Companion DTC under N. Friedman. What a beautiful jobNovice A new COMPANION DOG titlesFay Cleary and POMPUF SPARKLIN FIRE CHIP breeder Gwen Hodson, Ch. Pompuf Fancy Fire Disco earned their first ever CD in three straight days. Sept. 9,1989 saw a 179 at Des Moines OTC followed with a 181.5 at Des Moines KC and 183.5 at Keomah KC.Patricia Farrington and TIKE'S LITTLE TEDDY BEAR breeder Nancy Charles Brenneis got their first CD last fall. They began with a 183.5 at Oklahoma City OTC a 190 at Tulsa DTC a 171 oops at Oklahoma City KC a 178 at Oklahoma City OTC and a A182.5 at Town and Country KC.Lawrence and Joann Giesting, along with MS FOXY LADY IV breeder Fred Judy Tiemeyer have a new CD. In October they won a 190.5 at Middletown DTC a 178 at Hamilton DTC and a 182 at Queen City DTC.Charles Gillespie and GIZZMO MOG- WAI breeder Ruth Ann Hamm earned their CD with a 186.5 at International KC of Chicago April 2,1989 followed by a 185.5 at Starved Rock KC in July and a 186 at NashJuly199026ville DTC in September. I'm always intrigued by people who show in obedience at a benched trial. It seems to me that benching is predominantly for the breed dogs, not obedience dogs. For me, they seem to uncomfortable, hot, busy and too-o-o-o tiringMary Olsen and RED FOXES ROBIN breeder Barbara J. MacCracken, sired by Metros Red Robin CD have earned their first CD. Aug. 19 they earned a 182 at Olympic KC followed by a 183 at Timber- land Valley Dog Fanciers Assoc, and a 181 at Spokane KC.D. Rogers and LORD ALZADO PEPPERCORN earned their CD with a 183 at Memphis OTC, 185 at Little Rock DTC and a192.5 and 3rd place at Memphis OTC.Kenneth Torress has finished his first- ever CD with POMERENIE LITTLEFOOT breeder Lela F. Madison. Their three legs cam with a 182 at Cudahy KC, a 185.5 at Elkhorn KC and a 187.5 at Kenosha KC.Just a reminder, when you are at a trial, or even your local obedience class for that matter, keep a close eye on both your own dog AND on all the other dogs. Recently someone related a story to me regarding a Pom being bitten by a German Shepherd during obedience classes. It seems the GSD had bitten before this incident and was on probation in the class, being required to either be on a lead, long line or muzzled at all times. While practicing the retrieve on the fiat, the GSD was sent for the dumbbell. He started in that direction, broke off and headed straight to the Pom, who was on a sitstaynexttohismom. Luckily mom saw him coming and quickly scooped the Pom into her arms, but the shepherd managed to grab a mouthful of hair and bruise the Pom. At this point it's uncertain whether the Pom will return to obedience. Although mom is a very experienced exhibitor, the dog has been severely traumatized by this experience. We cannot be paralyzed or we will never be able to participate, but constant vigilance cannot be over emphasized. Be careful out thereEven though we don't have great numbers of people having Poms in obedience, alot who do are dedicated to both theObedience Newscont. from page 26Pom Revieworeea anu iu uucuicutc. Lumig uuo oia month span we've seen 10 new CDXs and 1 UD. Suddenly, it seems like overnight there are not one, but three local Pom clubs approved to hold obedience trials. Chances are very good that the American Pomeranian Club will also be approved to hold obedience trials, possibly as early as summer of 1991. These developments represent several years of hard work by many people in widely scattered parts of the country in a variety of capacities. I believe it also represents the obedience arm of the APC in encouraging each other, sharing ideas and goals, support of obedience by the APC, space devoted to obedience in the Pom review, and breeders all over the country lending their support with paperwork and helping at fun matches to see our wonderful Poms shown in all aspects offered by the AKC. Just look at all the new awards offered by the APC for obedience accomplishmentsWhen I first became involved with the APC, the question was, "Why be involved with this club There's nothing here for me." We are now a more well-rounded club which has more than ever to offer to anyone with a Pom. We should take pride in the giant strides made. Let's enjoy the glow of our accomplishments while they are still new, then set even higher goals. Anyone interested in the first ever Pomeranian Specialty Tracking Test We have some lovely grounds here in Michigan and great judges.As always, the answering machine is always on, but beware your phone bill if I'm home. Call me at 517 485-5183. Here's hoping your dog is always a happy heeler and a terrific trackerJuly 1990 27rUiVlElYAIMiiX \^LUU Ur liuu J iSPECIALTY SWEEPSTAKES6A bi dS3^ 4-^... 2isy^UrP JKKks oJSC rmylu.THURSDAY, AUGUST 9,1990REGULAR CLASSES - MRS. DOROTHY BONNER, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS SWEEPSTAKES - MR. SAM ZANEOFF, NEW YORK, NEW YORKTHREE ALL-BREED SHOWS, AUGUST 10,11,12New Superintendent Newport Dog Shows and Jack Onofrio Premium Information Tony Tellez, P.O. Box 203, South Houston, Texas 7787-0203AFTER SHOW DINNER The Stables Steakhouse, 7325 South Main RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO JULY 25,1990ONTACT Jean Nichols, 19715 F.M. 2920, Tomball, Texas 77375 or call 713 861-2286Pom Review July 1990Timberwood KennelsWhere the Livin is EasyA"is'vw' lS1990-vCEDARVIEW'S PRIME TIMEJoey ispictured going WD and BOW for a 3 pt. major under Dr. Jacklyn Hungerland. The following week, he picked up another major under Eleanor Rotman by going BOS over specials.Our pretty cream bitch, Great Elms Dollie of Lenette, picked up a 4 pt. major at Chesapeake KC of Maryland, going WB BOW under judge Kenneth D. Falconi.Always OwnerHandledTimberwood Kennels703 391-2617William Rohde Linda Teresko 2905 Timber Wood Way Herndon, Va. 22701Pom Review July 1990 29STOLANNE POMERANIANS'1ST. LOUIS 00G BREEDSit 4. __Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt ThorThor, a beautiful heavy-boned, clear orange 5 lb. dog, is shown winning another Toy Group First. Thank you judge Toddie Clark for this exciting win. Congratulations to the owners of new Champion Thor offspringCh. Bally Kins Thors Cherubino - owner, Dr. Renee McGrath Ch. Dias Drummer Boy Bear - owner, David A. Hogg Ch. Tia-Lings Cherry Blossom - owner, Paula McBayGood luck to other Thor kids in the ringStud fee 200BreederownerhandlerFrances J. Stoll R.R. 3, Box 429 Washington, In. 47501 812 254-385730 Pom Review July 1990ROSEWOOD POnEft^NX^NS since 1959l J7C9i. ROSEWOODS MASTERPIECEFinished in nine weeks time at 10 mos. of age with 16 points, all from the puppy class except the final major.Thanks to all the judges who gave him his wins and SPECIAL THANKS to the following for contributing the genes to produce this little MasterpieceNina Epps, Janice Luginsland, Tim Sue Goddard, Olga Baker, Ken Eleanor Miller-CT \VMaster at 4 monthsExpertly handled by Kathy BucherSee pedigree Behind New ChampionsMary A. Everette L. Hammond Rt 1, Box 90 Eolia, Missouri 63344 314 485-8888Pom Review July 1990 31Shyacrestmyj . at3REEDVARIETYTOWNl COUNTRYkennel club1990photo by PETRULISIntv Mex., Can., Am. Ch. ShyAcres Our Man Friday Multi Group Winner National Sweepstakes WinnerPictured taking Group HI Breed under one of our favorites, LoraineMasleyThank you Sandy Tremont for taking Friday to Mexico to get his International Mexican ChampionshipsCh. Friday is at stud by Private Treaty.Congratulations to my daughter Sheilah Roberts on her first Best Junior Handler She is showing her dog Ch. Cenlas Cosmic Kid. Co-owned with A1 WilliamsonInt. Mex. championship pending2 Pom Review July 1990S fly acresSV54ShyAcres Will O'CoompawShow n going Best of Winners Best of Opp. on the Strawberry Cluster. My daughter Shy is doing her customary excellent job of handlingFLASH Can. Ch. Shyacres Steeplechaser wins Canadian title in 2 weekends with Adult Group II two Groups His 1 Puppy Group. All at only 7 mos. Thank you Elizabeth Dupuis for your excellent handling care of RacerCh. Cenla's Cosmic CutieCongratulations to A1 Williamson onthechampionshipofCutie She was a love to show She currently has 3 pups by Ch. Friday. Congratulations A1 on your other 4 Ch. Friday pups.P.S. All four dogs pictured are sired by Ch. Macs Maybe I Will R.O.M.FLASH Steeplechaser gets a Puppy B.I.S.ShyacresAudrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St.Leesville, La. 71446 318-238-1648Pom Review July 1990APOLLOETTE'VVSB'.1 , 'p'.JrvSouthlands Mr. ExtraordinaireCh. Apolloette A Unique PleasureExtra" is well on his way towards his championship. Thank you Charlotte for this special boy. He is producing lovely puppies.We are offering FOR SALE a black tan male and his litter mate, a black tan female, whelped May 25, 1989. Both are show quality. Sire and Dam are pictured on this page. Pedigree below.Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge Ch. Southlands Mr. VIP OTda Idas Princess of Bev-Nor Southlands Mr. Extraordinaire Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor 'N Southland Poasty Bev-Nor's Missy Miss Ch. Watts' Little Peter Tan Mo-Best Ch. Apolloette Coast to Coast Apolloette Sparkling Fresca Ch. Apolloette A Unique Pleasure Ch. Apolloette Foolish Pleasure Apolloette Lady of Pleasure Apolloette Calamity JaneMarlene Marlin Pressed 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, Ca. 95205 209 886-564034 Pom Review July 1990'1^LmyrvV1 -417 Vr SNUGGLE PALS AUTUMN MINKCh. Wharton's Seppl Von Honig x Autumn's Lil Black GemShown on the Eastern Washington Circuit in April, with a well wind blown, cold soggy handler, Pat Straight. I noticed she managed to keep him dry, which is more than I could do Thank you judge Flosie M. Hogan."Sam" went on, two weeks later, to win under Grace Moran at the Olympia Kennel Club. Sam is getting there, slow but sure. We have a lot of extremely nice dogs in the ring right now and they are all taking their turns at winning.Congratulations all you tough competitorsAutumn's has sold their home in Tigard and will be building around my Poms in Ridgefield, Washington. I'm sure all my mail will catch up to me, eventually.AUTUMN'S Emily E.C. Untalan 10255 S.W. Kable St.Tigard, Or. 97224Pom Review July 1990'1XCAN. CH. CHRISCENDO CLOUDBUSTEROur exquisite little Cloudbuster finished his Canadian title with a Group 1st and Best of Winners at the Canadian Pomeranian Specialty. The following weekend, as a Special, he went all the way to Best in ShowWe look forward to seeing his first puppies, but we havent told him he will have to take a backseat to his visiting southern friend, Multiple BIS winner, CH. TIM SUES HIGHLIGHTS.John and Christine HeartzP.O. Box 189 Brookfield, Nova Scotia,Canada. BON ICO 902 673-2446 Pom Review July 1990OeLema PomeraniansIntroduces Budcaibest of breedALASKAKENNEL CLUBKC PHOTOCh. DeLemas Touch DGlassCh. Carousels Glass Tiger x Carousels Touch OClassOur thanks to Benny Margaret McDonald, Buds new owners, to all the judges that saw the promise in him and to Dale Martenson for handling Bud to his championship.Our thanks to Art Linda Gustafson, Carousel Pomeranians, for allowing us the honor of owning Buds mother, Classy Ch. Creiders Coca-Cola Cowboy x Ch. Creiders Jessica and for the opportunity to breed her to Ch. Carousels Glass Tiger. This breeding has con- sistantly produced desireable offspring such as Bud. Watch for Classys kids in the futureDeLema PomeraniansDelbert Pam Gault 125 Blueridge Road East Newalla, Ok. 74857 ^405 391-6199Janesa'sHi-StruttinUBeteSPECIALTYSHOW1BOSSWEEPSA KOHLERStrutted her stuff at theAPC DaUas-Ft. Worth SpecialtyBOS in Sweeps Judge Skip Piazzar\Best of Winners Judge Janice LuginslandA BIG TEXAS THANKS to both judges who recognized her quality.BreederOwnerJanesas PomsJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775Morgan City, La. 70381 504-384-7477 338 Pom Review July 1990fBif4 WtoWINNERS BITCHASHEVILLECH JANESAS GLEN IRIS STAR STRUCKCh. Jamels Fugicle of Southland x Ch. Janesas Glen Iris SorceressJoel did it again. Star finished the weekend after winning at the National Specialty all majors with Joel on the lead. Judges were Mrs. Alderman and Mrs. Sledzk. The proud breeders of this very typey, sound bitch are C.A. Jackson, Joel Taylor, H. Stewart, and Jerrie Freia.JANESAS GLEN IRISCheryl A. Jacksonin winsJerrie Freia Joel M. Taylor Hitman StewartPO Box 2775 1038 16th Ave. S. 731 Taylor St.Morgan City, Ok Birmingham, A1 Kenner, La.70381 35205 70062504-384-7466 205-328-6603 504-466-7234Pom Review July 1990The diagon PomiiF\VhfIAFIRST IN GROUPKOHLER"Teen,.ElS CH PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR HOF-GCAVAILABLE BV PRIVATE TREATY BteedeAA-OumeAAPetei Gdink ^ Ron Welch611 NEW YORK - EL PASO, TX 79902 - 915542-0753Helpful HintsBy Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, Va. 23063 804 556-3380There were several typos in my last column, two of which drastically changed the meaning of the sentences. First, when I was talking about lagging while healing, what I had actually written was 'Tm convinced that the best way to teach a dog to lag is the Koehler method." When describing Brian McGovern's training techniques, I did not write that "He uses lots of tiny toys on the leash," although that is certainly an intriguing picture What I wrote was that, "He uses lots of tiny tugs on the leash."Probably by the time you read this, the Baltimore and Summer APC Specialty will be over. The members of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore will have heaved a huge collective sigh of relief. They've been working toward this event for years, and putting on back-to-back specialties is hard work.There are a lot of people out there that you don't know, who make your doggie activities possible. These are the people who work behind the scenes to put on shows, matches, trials, and Gaines events. These are the people who put together seminars and clinics. They teach obedience and handling classes. They bake cookies, write letters, order ribbons, sell T-shirts, solicit ads. They spend hours in front of the computer making mailing lists, typing premium lists, preparing newsletters, and compiling statistics. They get cauliflower ears from talking on the phone - consulting, advising, planning. They donate trophies. They arrange for show sites, port-o-potties, jumps and baby gates. They mow grass or direct you to a parking place. These volunteers are essential to all aspects of the sport of dogs. They do it for neither pay nor glory, but are motivated by their love of dogs and their fellow dog people. And without them, we wouldn't have the shows, matches, picnics, newsletters, classes, seminars, trials, and parties that make our lives so interesting.So the least we can do is say "ThankPom ReviewIOU CllilCi VCuaujr wi ui u ----------------showor match chairman, the trophy donor, or the class instructor know you appreciate their efforts.Look for ways you can make a contribution - in time, effort, money, or all three. Speak up and volunteer. Don't wait to be asked or begged. Ask the chairman where he needs help most. Or offer to do a specific job "I don't have much time, but I can pick up judges at the airport." "I want to show that weekend so I'll work on advertising." "I always learn something when I steward." I don't care how busy you are, how old or young you are, or how rich or poor your are, there are ways you can make a valuable contribution to your club. Your energy and time are needed. And you'll find that pitching in is fun.I said in my last column that Baltimore's specialty would be the first independent Pomeranian obedience trial. Ooops. In February, Des Moines quietly beat us to the punch. I guess they didn't realize how very special those obedience classes were. And later this year, Puget Sound Pom Club will offer obedience classes at their specialty to be held on August 10. Way to go It is important not only to offer these classes, but to publicize them so you get maximum entries. Hey, regional clubs are truly starting to appreciate obedience. Hurray Now let's hope AKC notices and gives APC approval to hold trials.In January of '89, I attended a Volmer Super Puppy Seminar. Since then, I've been using an adaptation of that curriculum to teach puppy classes at the obedience club. In May, I gave a talk to a local CollieShelty Club about the classes. Wow, did that cause a stir. A week later, a woman called who said she'd been leery of obedience classes, but when could she sign up She said she now realized that many of hei dogs' problems could have been solved ir puppyhood, if she had just known what tc do.Rrst, let's once again tackle tha hideous dragon "Don't train them in obedi ence 'til you've finished the championship.' Far too frequently, I've met dog owner whose breeder had sternly warned them no to take the puppy to obedience class becausi it would mess up their performance in conJuly 1990 4WATTS POMERANIANSCH GREAT ELMS TOBYUrnBEST OF WINNERS rock creekkennel clubAPRIL1990JOHN ASHBEYChampion 31TOBY was also shown very limited and finished very quickly. He is a very gorgeous "typey" Pom, sound movement and a head piece that"says its all."Again, my special thanks to Skip Piazza for bringing TOBY out of his shyness into the Champ he is today.Dolores Watts Brandywine, MD 206134800 Floral Park Road 301-372-8782Pom Review July 1990i Ir-nvWATTS POMERANIANSCH WATTS LITTLE HALF HOURJT''fSUS at.Champion 32Half Hour is shown in picture taking RWB at our APC Specialty with David. Her show career was very short as David finished her in record time.We thank all those judges who pointed her and to Edna thru whose expertise we are enjoying Half Hour even being here.Half Hour finished her championship with a 3 pt. major under Fred Basset at Chester Valley K.C. on 12 May 1990.Watts Poms 301-372-8782Pom Review July 1990Helpful HintsCont from page 41formation. I'm here to tell you that's utter nonsense. And I have the right to tell you because I've personally owned 6 dual-ti- tleists and handled others. Of mine, 4 had the CD before completing the championship. But won't the obedience trained dog sit in the conformation ring No, why should he if you don't tell him "sit" He has learned the "stand" command as well. The only dogs I've handled who frequently sat in the conformation ring were ones who never set paw in an obedience class.On the contrary, obedience training improves the performance in the breed ring in many ways. They stand still on the table. They know food rewards must be earned. They focus attention on you and are not easily distracted, even by a bitch in season They have more self-confidence.We all agree we want Super Puppies - dogs who are poised, friendly, alert, confident, and out-going. Dogs who respect and obey their owners, can handle new situations, are capable of learning, and able to do their "job." To achieve this takes effort on part of both breeder and owner.0-3 Weeks. We begin on day One, he day the puppies are bom. For the first 3 veeks of the puppies' life, as their brains and senses slowly begin to function, they are aandled daily - stroked, examined, turned jn their backs, weighed. I talk to them. I lold them against my cheek and croon to hem. Even though they are in isolation in ny bedroom, the television and radio provide a variety of sounds. The kids are in and mt. I run the vacuum cleaner.3-7 Weeks. Provide toys - rawhide hews of different sizes and shapes, tiny queakers, a ball from a jacks set. While ou're cleaning the X-pen, let them run round the room and investigate. Make oises. Drop an empty cardboard box or a an. Praise the puppies who go to check it ut.When the weather is good, I take vem out as they've had shots, they gradu- lly are introduced to the other Poms, the cat ad the Greyhound. We start taking short des in the car. They get to go to a club reeting and be passed around, or visit a iend's kennel. At eight weeks, they're old l Pom Reviewenougn, physically and mentally, to start class.First Week of Class. In teaching this class, I keep in mind that the majority of participants are NOT going to compete in obedience. There may be one who is interested in conformation or hunting the rest are pet owners many are first time dog owners. So the first night of class we talk a lot about dog psychology. We explain that their puppies are not little people in fuzzy suits, but are really funny looking wolves. Owners are taught dominance exercises, to establish that the owner is alpha. We tell them what it means to be a "den animal," and explain the importance of using crates. Their homework for the first week is1. Practice dominance exercises 5 times each, every day.2. Take puppy for a walk every day. Puppy is allowed to pull on leash. 3 days a week walk is taken in a new place.3. Once a day, puppy is allowed to meet a new person.4. Reading assignment in textbook.You may be surprised that we don't permit much play among the pups during the first weeks. The may greet each other by touching noses while owners hold collars. Those collars, by the way, are adjustable nylon buckle collars that we provide.Second Week. We meet problems head-on. This is that the majority of people come to class for, and we like to deal with behavioral problems while they're minor. Barking, chewing objects, jumping up on people, and nipping or biting people are handled with a variety of approaches - a shaker can, collar and leash, and bean bag. Scruff shake and alpha wolf rollover are used for aggression. We talk more about housebreaking and give them a pamphlet about use of crates.Controlled walking is introduced. The lead is held with both hands. The lead is "popped" only if the pup is pulling away from and thus looking away from the owner. Printed homework sheets are given for all 8 weeks.Third Week. Controlled walking is continued. Puppies are taught to sit and come on hand signals. We want the pups' attention focused on the owner. The ownerCont on page 45July 1990Helpful HintsCont. from page 44can't nag "Sit, sit, SIT" if he isn't permitted to say "sit" at all. Food is used to teach these exercises. You'd be amazed at how quickly the pup responds and starts plopping his fanny on the floor and looking up.Fourth Week. Controlled waking continues. Owner now holds lead in one hand and encourages pup to stay on left side. Recalls are done by having owner call puppy away from a distraction, owner is not permitted to use command "front" to cal his dog in addition to the signal. "Stay" is introduced. A grooming demonstration ends the class.Fifth Week. Principles which we've been applying are pointed out Do each exercise 3 times, then take a Time Out play. Fast feedbackpraise or correction must be quick. Teach any exercise in small steps. During most exercises, all verbalization is happy talk.We then show them how to apply the above principles to agility work. This is great fun for everyone. It really boosts the puppy's confidence. During the next four weeks the pups play soccer with a real soccer ball, jump through hula hoop, go up and down ramps, and race through round and rectangular tunnels.By this time, I've been able to carefully observe the puppies personalities. Some of the owners have received private counseling. Now we divide the room up with baby gates, and I divide the puppies into play groups by size and personality types. The owners are ordered to remove the leashes and stand back against the wall. The owners are surprised, and at least two are frightened. Each play group has one of my assistants assigned to it, but we rarely need to interfere. Because of their prior experiences and the separation into groups, the pups play happily together. My assistants and I get a big kick out of this, and it is also another learning experience for the pups. For example, the Boston Terrier had done a good job of convincing his owner and the other pups' owners that he was aggressive. I put him in the play group with the big goofy Golden Retriever and the two Labs. Camper quickly decided he could playPom ReviewSixth Week. We finally shov owners "down," again with food. We ex plain how to phase out food on other exer cises. Distractions are added to controllec walking and recalls. More agility work an play groups.Seventh Week. Play retrieve i demonstrated. Importance of exercise anc proper diet is discussed. 'Stay" is added ti "down." All exercises done with distrac tions.Eighth Week. Graduation. Every thing is reviewed. Any remaining or nev problems are discussed such as digging' Owners are encouraged to continu training...Most do.It is astonishing even to me, ho\ much these pups learn in eight short week It is fun to watch their little mins grow a rapidly as their young bodies. By the end c the class, most of these puppies are bij awkward 5 and 6 month olds. But the owners have control, and know how to de with the backsliding that inevitably occui when puppies teethe.If you think about it, you can se how such a program would be advant geous to the Pom headed toward the bree ring. He learns to walk on lead on your le side. He learns to watch your hands. K learns he is a pretty special fellow who ca competently perform around other doj even big ones, in strange situations, an with all kinds of distractions. Standing on table is no bigdeal to a pup who had climbe a ramp, crossed a bridge 3 feet off tl ground, and descended another ramp. A out-and-back in grass is a piece of cake to dog who can do formal recalls through tunnel.Obedience training has change dramatically over the years. There is mo emphasis on positive, gentle method Training is more creative, flexible, and fu So check out a school or club near you. Ifye have questions about the Volmer pupj curriculum, please call or write me.As president of the obedience clu I get newsletters from other local clubs. Tl following is from the April Chickahomii Dog Fanciers "Smoke Signals""The first time I attended an obecJuly 1990Helpful HintsCont from page 45snce trial, I was totally confused by everything I saw. The people and dogs in this ring tvere doing totally different things from the people and dogs in that ring. Suddenly my jye fell on an adorable little orange puffball md I was captivated."I later learned that not even play- ng children or a neighbor's cat could deter rim from bounding over a jump in pursuit f a dumbbell and it was returned smartly vith a twinkle in his eye that seemed to say, 1 DID IT" Watching this little dog sent me unning to sign up for my first obedience lass."Pooh" became ill last week. He pent the day at the vet's and was then ransferred to ICU for the night. The prog- losis grew worse and worse and finally his iwner had to make the decision every dog iwner dreads. His labored breathing eemed to ease a little as he heard his heaved owner's voice and felt the gentle touch if her hand. He felt her tears falling on his ead and seemed to understand the pain rould soon be over."Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral CDX was re first Pomeranian I ever met "in the fluff' nd he was a wonderful ambassador of the reed. His quality and versatility are evi- enced by the titles in front of and behind his ame. To see him was a delight - to know im was to fall in love and a privilege."It still hurts to talk about im...tears are yet so ready to flow. I have ot been able to tell his owner what "Pooh" leant to me. In time I will. It helps a little for te to think that "Pooh" has joined his lother "Chatter," in the life beyond, over le Lost Horizon."The newsletter arrived just five ays after "Pooh Bear" died, and I dissolved i tears again. This tribute was written by indra White. Sandra and I met shortly ter she bought her first Tibetan Terrier, iends of hers were neighbors of mine, and le began dropping over to watch Pooh and aractice. Gradually over the years, Sandra id I became good friends. Last December, le bought her first Pomeranian, and she ent with me on that last trip to the vet.Still, I had no idea what PoohPom Reviewuicam iu iiu x jlilc Vci xCdiL6CU Uldl Xlfci WcXSpartially responsible for her becoming involved in obedience. The point is - you may not know just how much influence you and your Poms have. You never know who is watching as you groom, train, or show. I always ask people who call to inquire about puppies how they got interested in the breed. Occasionally, someone mentions seeing a Pom at a demonstration or in the obedience ring. If you're a handler, you never know who's observing to see how careful and concerned you are about your charge. At shows, that spectator you just brushed off might have been a future puppy buyer. Let's all be careful to be sure that our influence is a positive one.I Remember WhenBy Dorothy BonnerSeveral years ago, I wrote an article on my little "adopted" Pom, Melody. She belonged to my friend, Sue. Sue had a bad heart with repeated sessions at the hospital, during which time Melody would stay with me. As soon as she was able, Sue would call, and Melody and I would meet her at the front gate. The reunion was always joyful.Melody was about eight years old when Sue was confronted with a triple bypass and asked if I would care for Melody permanently if the operation was not successful. Sadly, it was not. Melody lived in my bedroom and made the best of the change in her life. But she had absolute faith that Sue would eventually come for her at the front gate, and Melody always waited there whenever it was possible.At fourteen years, Melody had a stroke which left her front legs useless and stretched to each side, with her chest flat on the floor. Undaunted, she learned to make swimming motions which pushed her along to desired places. Yesterday, I carried her out to the yard and placed her near the front door beside her water dish. She always enjoyed the sunshine and the weather was lovely.Assuming that she was OK, I forgot about her until time to feed in the early afternoon. Looking out at her, it was no surprise that she had made her way to theCont on page 47July 1990I Remember WhenCont from page 46front gate and seemed to be sleeping there.No - not sleeping - Melody was dead. At last, it had happened. Sue had finally come for Melody and the waiting was over.Their reunion was always such a joyous time, so I must not grieve, although my heart aches for the little Pom that I had grown to love.On Borrowed TimeBy Marye Picone and Anna LiselliThis article should be entitled "On Borrowed Time" you will clearly understand why as the story unfolds. Anna Liselli of Mastic Beach, New York, had high hopes for a little four-legged fellow she bred named Bubba, a one and a half year old male Pom. He was he "special one" - full of life from the day he was bom. He grew, developed, and soon was ready to show. Off to the show ring he went with Anna, and was shown for a few months before tragedy struck.As Ann reflects upon the events that led to this, she remembers that this little dynamo began to slowly change loss of appetite, listlessness, and muscle tone...BUT no lameness, soreness in the joints, or a rash. Hot weather and a bitch in season, surely, these were the causes of the unusual behavior. The first true warning signs were frequent urination and an increase water-intakeBubba was then taken to the Shirley Veterinary Hospital, Shirley, New York. There he was put under the care of Dr. Susan Troka. A physical exam, routine lab work, Lyme Titer, and urinalysis were performed. Results of the lab work conformed a diagnosis of Lyme's Disease with kidney involvement. Since Bubba's condition was deteriorating, hospitalization for intensive treatment was recommended. Intensive care consisted of intravenous antibiotics, specifically, Chloramphenicol.During his five days stay, Bubba ate minute bits given by the staff and yet lost weight - went from five pounds to four pounds. Anna's help was requested."Each day I visited, he ate a littlePom Reviewmore emu SllUWtXl a 1UUC muic ciuiiuoxaomI was elated He would be going home soon He did come home and still ate poorly. Ther totally refused food, regardless of what was offered. Perhaps, force feeding might help I made up a formula of goat's milk and fee him one teaspoon using a syringe. He die not accept this at all. Vomiting began soor after. By the next morning he was dehy drated and looked sick. Back to the vet h went to be put on intensive care. It wa "touch and go" as to whether he. woulc survive."Now it was confirmed that then was severe kidney damage, i felt that per haps it would be best for his sake to "let go.' With continued encouragement from fam ily, friends and Dr. Troka, we did not give uj on him. His veins begem to collapse s intravenous feeding was becoming an im possibility. He was weaned off intravenou and fluids were given by injection under th skin. He was still in serious condition but i was thought that home would be the bes place for him with "TLC.""When he came home, the nighl mare began. At this point I felt I was tortui ing him. he totally refused to eat any of th U.D. diet. I then had to force feed very twhours using a syringe.........mashing the U.Euntil it become gruel-like. He also had t take an antibiotic three times a day. This wa forced. IgavehimNutricalfourtimesada to build up his strength. After a few days c forcing the pills down his throat, a light wei off in my brain. Why not combine Nutric, and the contents of the capsule Hooray H kept the food down but still did not appee to be improving...attitude was deterioratin to the point where he was not fighting ir any longer. He began to accept his fat That's when I realized I was in trouble. L was losing his fighting attitude. I felt he w going to give up. At that point I called tf vet and we discussed trying a differei diet....which worked"He was put on K.D. kibble an accepted it. I started handing him one piec at a time. By the end each day he would ha\ consumed the prescribed amount. All fon feeding ended and he slowly was changir in appearance, regaining weight and back his "Sassy Self."July 1990Cont on page 50uTH V_yiffSrV 7k1AnHomeof Top Producing Sire and Dam 1988 - Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge Lil Toasty - A Sire of 11 Chs. in 1988 and Bev-Nor 'N Southlands Poasty - dam of 3 Chs. in 1988.Congratulations to Jerrie Freia on her very deserving wins on Ch. Janesa's Hi-Struttin Ubet and Ch. Janesas Glen Iris Star Struck. Congratulations also to Bennie Sandy Nelson on their wins with Southlands Rebel Creek TJ., Marlin Marlene Presser's wins with Southland's Mr. Extraordinaire. All are Lil Toasty grandchildren.Congratulations to Joel Taylor Cheryl Jackson on very impressive wins with BIS Ch. Southland's Mr. VJ.P. O'Ida, Gayle Sharland on finishing Ch. Southland's Janesa Berry TBY, and Debbie Hall on wins with Southlands Fanny Mae Fudge. All are Lil Toasty kids and he now has 18 Chs. total.Puppies availableCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge318-466-3456 Pineville, La. 71360Pom Review July 1990PomeranianReview1990 Stud Dog DirectoryOn the following pages as well as elsewhere in this issue, we are pleased to present many of the top stud dogs of the past, the currently leading sires, and also many of the up-and-coming names.Although the number of champions sired by a stud dog is only one way of assessing the influence of that particular dog, a large number of winning offspring is one of the main causes for pride in a stud dog owner.The Pom community certainly has a lot of pride going around.The best of the best...Pom Review July 1990. LA CHERIES HOT FUDGE RIPPLEange sable, Stud fee 150May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus CH. BEV-NORS FUDGE RIPPLECh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Bev-Nors Sweet and SassyBrittons Little Miss Muffett Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Model's Timstoppers Echo Majestic April Love LA CHERIE'S SHE'S GOT PIZZA2Ch. Model's Timstoppers Echo La Cherie's Caramel Kist Minous La CherieLACHERIE Dorothy F. Martin 5354 Bluebird Ln.York, S.C. 29745 803-831-8086BI-MAR FLAMING STARmge sableieder Mary RosenbaumCh. Tomanoll's Tiny Town Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanoll's Juliet BIS CH BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID Ch. Sum-ay's Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Crickett By JJ of Andrews Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanoll's Juliet BI-MAR MUSIC AND GINCh. Simmy's Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Crickett by JJ of AndrewsLACHERIE Dorothy F. Martin 5354 Bluebird Ln.York, S.C. 29745 803-831-8086. PUF PRIDE BIT O GOLD CHANCEind, excellent movement, lovely head, small , 4 1 2 lb. orange sable. Finished with 2-5 najors.Ch. Joda Ephibus Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Deuce LLL Lil Golden Tiara PUF-PRIDE LLL TANDILIZER CDCh. LLL Happy Twinkling Tippy LLL Happy Twinkling Tange LLL Lil Gold Copper Penny Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Cricket Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Gina LLL BIT O GOLD JUBILATIONCh. LLL Mite of Gold Sunny Rosewood's Gold Mite LegacyRosewood's Timstopper LegacyPUF-PRIDE Warren Virginia Dimick 8 BurkwayOklahoma City, Ok. 73115 405-677-2511Pom Review July 1990CH BLACK TYE AND TAILS'SA dynamic compact 4 lb. black and tan with personality plus. Available to approved bitches only.INTfMEXJCANAM CH SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY4 34 lbs. orange Multi Group Winner National Sweeps Winner Private TreatyCHIEFCH GREAT ELMS FIREFIGHTERrSire of Champions. "Chief" is a 2 34 lb. full brother to Prince Charming. Totally sound, adorable. Stud Fee 200.Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Ima Annon's Image in Black 'N' Tan Annon's Tani Fanni of Scamp CH ANNON'S SPITTIN' IMAGECh. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis Annon's Dark Lady Tina V Scamp Annon's Dark Lady Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Ima Ch. Post Scripts E-Mage-N-Me Edney's Miss Patty Cake CH HOMESTEADS DAISY DUMPLING Prideswood Little Man Homestead Lark O' Prideswood Prideswood Molly BrownROYALDeborah Wheeler 240 Readington Rd. Branchburg, N.J. 08876 201-707-8915 member of APCCh. Mac's Rare Addition Tomanoll's I Gott Leggs Tomanoll's Me Me CH MAC'S MAYBE I WILL R.O.M.BIS Ch. Mac's Mister Beaux JangL Ch. Mac's Jennifer JanglesCh. Mac's Little Lou Lou Tomanoll's I Gott Leggs Ch. Mac's Maybe I Will R.O.M.Ch. Mac's Jennifer Jangles SUNGOLD'S CORSE U WILLCh. Amberil Trade Secret Ch. Cherokee's Summer Fashion Ch. Cherokee's Ember FashionShyacres Audrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St.Leesville, La.Ch. Model's Truly a Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickette CH CEDARWOOD'S IMAGE OF DIAMOb Mar-Bi-Lea's Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Gaylor Wood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Gold NuggetCedarwood's September Dawn GREAT ELMS SWEET CANDY Great Elms Red Robin Great Elms DollyGreat Elms MollieJERIBETH KENNELS Darrel Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Tx. 77586 713-326-2250Pom Review July 1990PRINCE"r GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING Utraordinary in every way. Top producing m in the nation. Sire of Best in Show dogs, id fee 300Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickette CH. CEDARWOOD'S IMAGE OF DIAMOND Mar-B-Lea's Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Gaylor Wood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Gold NuggetCedarwood September Dawn GREAT ELMS SWEET CANDY Great Elms Red Robin Great Elms DollyGreat Elms MollieOwnersOlga Baker Skip Piazza207 Shirleen Dr. RR1, 527B Church RSeabrook, Tx. 77586 Avondale, Pa. 19311 713-326-2250 215-268-2266Ff GREAT ELMS FIRESTARTERmnee's full brother. Very sound and up on .412 lbs. Producer of Group winners, d fee 300Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickette CH CEDARWOOD'S IMAGE OF DIAMOND Mar-Bi-Lea's Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Gaylor Wood's Sparkling Gold Nugget Cedarwood's Gold NuggetCedarwood's September Dawn GREAT ELMS SWEET CANDY Great Elms Red Robin Great Elms DollyGreat Elms MollieICERAMAS POMERANIANS Skip Piazza John Marcantonio RR1 1527B Church Rd. Avondale, Pa. 19311212rayLANCEh jeribethS sir Lancelott in Show winner. Beautiful cream with jet black ment Son of Prince Charming from Ch. dam. 1 neranian in the Breed. Stud fee 300Ch. Apple s "i . _ Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Cedarwood's Pith Patti CH GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING H Cedarwood's Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Dolly Pedron's Dragon Deuce Ch. Pedron's Mark of the Dragon Pedron's Mark of Dixie CH JERIBETH'S CHULA DRACONETTE Goldstorm of Highland Gad's Chula Orange MistTri-Art's Happy Lady BugJERIBETH KENNELS Darrell Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Tx. 77586 713-326-2250Pom Review July 1990SONNYCH RHAPSODY'S MOONLIGHT SONATAfProven, magnificent pedigree 3 34 lbs. At stud now - 150. Puppy photo - finished from puppy dassCH GREAT ELMS MODELS TIMSTOPPER412 lbs., orange. Proven sire of top quality offspring. Stud Fee 150CH BEAVER OF LENETTEV -412 lbs., red. Sire of two champions for 1990 and more on the way. Stud Fee 150Ch. Apple's Traveling uiamond Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Cedarwood's Pith Patti CH GREAT ELMS FIREFIGHTER Cedarwood's Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Dolly Ch. Pomirish Cristopher Robin Ch. Pomirish Robin's Top ShelfCh. Creider's Woodrose Bitta Cl PRESTIGIOUS TOP TRICKEdgewater's Raunchy Boy Prestigious Tricky Trixie Edgewater's PrancerJERIBETH KENNELS Darrel Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Tx. 77586 713-326-2250Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Agau Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Great Elms LindaCH GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPER TOOCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Ima Great Elms Wee JulieTiny Toy's Sissy Joy Ch. Model's Son of Fun Ch. Model's Fun BugCh. Model's Lady Bug MODEL'S SWEET LEILANICh. Julie's Star Brother Megs Sweet JulieMeg's Little Tiger LadyLENETTE POMERANIANS K.G. Griffith 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 704-938-2042Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Agaj Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Great Elms LindaCH MODEL'S TIMSTOPPER ECHO Ch. Model's Son of Fun Majestic April LoveBoda's Topaze Merry Baby's Little Bitsey Maples Rowdy Boy Maples VickeyTINKER BELL OF LENETTE Lennis' Teakie Too Lennis Dragon Lady Tigger Little TonyaLENETTE POMERANIANS K.G. Griffith 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 704-938-2042Pom Review July 1990CH WEE CHALLENGER OF LENETTElbs., orange. Stud Fee 150Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Model's Timstopper Echo Majestic April Love CH. BEAVER OF LENETTE Maples Rowdy Boy Tinker Bell of LenetteLennis Dragon Lady Bonner's Tribute To Trilette Chesai Golden ChallengerCollier's Golden Charlene DORCAS OF LENETTEGreat Elms Tar Baby Tinker Bell II of Lenette Diana of LenetteLENETTE POMERANIANS K.G. Griffith 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N.C. 228081ZS32243CH GREAT ELMS BEAM OF SUNSHINEn - 1-12 lbs., orange sable. Full brother to Ch. reat Elms Honey of Lenette. Stud Fee 150Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Great Elms LindaCH GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPER TOOCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Great Elms Wee Julie Tiny Toy's Sissy Joy Wood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Gold NuggetCedarwood's September Dawn GREAT ELMS HONEYBUNCh. peterson's Scamp of Lennis Great Elms Tanfanny of Lennis De Burgers Wee EbonyLENETTE POMERANIANS K.G. Griffith 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 704-938-2042GREAT ELMS TINY TIM12 lbs., orange. Full brother to Ch. Great ms Shinning Star the all time top winner in rnada. Stud Fee 150Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Great Elms LindaCH GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPER TOOCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Great Elms Wee JulieTiny Toy's Sissy Joy Wood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Gold NuggetCedarwood's September Dawn GREAT ELMS SWEET CANDY Great Elms Red Robin Great Elms DollyGreat Elms MollieLENETTE POMERANIANS K.G. Griffith 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 704-938-2042Pom Review July 1990SWEET JAKEN OF LENETTEBlack and Tan. Stud Fee 100CH MERRYMONT LIL RED BEAMON412 lbs., red sable. Short back. Producing super legs and movement. Stud Fee 200 to approved bitches.CH MERRYMONT SATURDAY NITE FEVERIII3f414 lbs., Red sable. Producing type and soundness. Group winner at 6 months. Stud Fee 200 to approved bitches.Ch. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis Ch. Annon's Magnum Force of Scam Annon's Dark Lady CH. JAKENS SWEET WILLIAM Annon's Image in Black Jakens Black-Eyed SusanJaken's Black Orchid SF Ch. Bonner's Co-Starlyn Chesai News FlashCollier's Golden Charlene GREAT ELMS PRISSY OF LENETTE Great Elms Tar Baby Great Elms Annice of Lenette Sabrina of LenetteLENETTE POMERANIANS K.G. Griffith 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 704-938-2042Ch. Great Elms Timstopper To Ch. Great Elms Model's Timstopper Model's Sweet Leilani CH COBLE'S TRAVELING BEARCh. Apple's Traveling Diamon Apple's Traveling ElviraAn win's Fortune Cookie Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickette APPLE'S TRAVELING ALSPICE Dan Rastus By Dendy Dendy's SpiceDendy's Tiara LeaPatty Griffin 2767 Calumet St. Winston-Salem, N.C. 27106 919-724-7562Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickette CH CEDARWOOD'S IMAGE OF DIAMC Mar-Bi-Lea's Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Gaylor Ch. Great Elms Model's Timstopj Ch. Coble's Traveling Bear Apple's Traveling Elvira YOLANDA'S TRAVELING TEQUILACh. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Alspice Dendy's Spioe IIPatty Griffin 2767 Calumet St.Winston-Salem, N.C. 27106 919-724-7562Pom Review July 1990CH MERRYMONT SATRDAY NITE SPEC LS14 lbs., Flaming red. Group II and 4 BOB's m the puppy class. Stud Fee 200 to proved bitches.CH RHYNSTONE COWBOYCh. Apple's Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Cedarwood's Pitti Path CH MERRYMONT SATURDAY NITE FEVER Ch. Coble's Traveling Bear Yolanda's Traveling Tequila Apple's Traveling Alspice Ch. Model's Truly a Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickett CH GREAT ELMS KAREN OF LENETTE Tomanoll's Pacman O'Queenaire Tomanoll's June BugBradley's Winsome WendyPatty Griffin 2767 Calumet St. Winston-Salem, N.C. 27106 919-724-7562Wood's Wee Gold Dandy Can. Ch. Tiniest Toy's Fine 'N' Dandy Pixies Jonetta StarCAN CH TIPERONS DANDY LION Boulder River Masked Bandit Can. Ch. Tiperons Catch Me If You Can Can Ch. Tiperons Custom Copy Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Trievon Hi Skor Reddie Bradley's NicoleWYNDMERE'S TERRA COTTA ROSE Ch. Chackens Bright Sparkle Trievon Whisper of Destiny Trievon Saucy TwinkaRHYNSTONE POMSB winner at 10 months. 5 12 lbs., Shaded red. ge, harsh coat, tiny ears, almond eyes, heavy bone h beautiful legs. Proven stud. Stud Fee 200 iwboy is also for sale.YNSTONE DODGER OF LENETTEA Joyce Urban 6068 Fisk Rd.Lockport, N.Y. 14094 716-625-8357Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie GREAT ELMS BOBBY BEAM Great Elms Red Robin Great Elms DollyGreat Elms Mollie Ch. Great Elms Something Special Great Elms Sweet Pepper Great Elms DollyGREAT ELMS JESSICA OF LENETTECh. Tomanoll's Wee Short Stack Anastasia of LenetteGreat Elms Rosa of LenetteRHYNSTONE POMSstarted show career. 2 Best in match as puppy. 5 Joyce Urbannajor 5 pt. reserve to date. Brilliant red orange, 6068 Fisk Rd.2 lbs. Great mover, sound legs, proven at 8 1 2 Lockport, N.Y. 14094iths. Quality puppies. 716-625-8357Pom Review July 1990RHYNSTONE THE MAIN EVENT Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Great Elms Bobby Beam Great Elms Wee Julie RHYNSTONE DODGER OF LENETTE Great Elms Sweet Pepper Great Elms Jessica of Lenette Anastasia of Lenette Can. Ch. Tiniest Toy's Fine 'N' Dandy Can. Ch. Tiperon's Dandy lionCan. Ch. Tiperon's Catch Me If You Can CH RHYNSTONE LADY IN RED Treivon Hi Skor Reddie Wyndmere's Terra Cotta Rose Treivon Whisper of DestinyJust started show career. As of 9 mos. of age has 5 pt major and 4 pt reserve 4 lbsv shaded red, huge coat, tiny ears. Loads of personalityRHYNSTONE POMS Joyce Urban 6068 Fisk Rd. Lockport, N.Y. 14094 716-625-8357AM CAN CH CHRISCENDO CITY LIGHTSimwCh. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Millamor's Rock Music Millamor's MarlitaAM CAN CH MILLAMOR'S ROCK CONCERT Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Millamor's Rock Rosette Millamor's Marrilynn Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Am. Can. Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Millamor's MarilynnCAN CH CHRISCENDO CHATELAINE Ch. Mercer's Touch of Duke Mercer's Melodee Touch Mercer's Gayla DeeTop producing stud dog for 1989, 20 Chs. to date. Sire of Best in Show dogs, and many group winners. Stud Fee 200CHRISCENDO Sue Goddard, Co-owner Co-ownerbreeder, Christine Heartz Rt 2, Box 540 Opelousas, La. 70570 318-543-6622CH TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS Ch. Millamor's Rock Music Am. Can. Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Millamor's Rock Rosette AM CAN CH CHRISCENDO CITY LIGHTSAm. Can. Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallio Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Mercers Melodee Touch Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock Randy's Brandy of Jolly Wee CH TIM SUE'S ANGEL SABRINA Ch. Jeribeth's Ivan Ideal Tim Sue's Charlie's AngelTim Sue's Charlie Patri-ArkMultiple BIS, multiple SBIS. Sire of top winning bitch '89 and numerous other champions, on his way to becoming a top producer. Stud Fee 200.CHRISCENDO Tim and Sue Goddard RL 2, Box 540 Opelousas, La. 70570 318-543-6622Pom Review July 1990.fBautiful dog siring champions.TIMSUE'S SPARK OF LIGHT irange, huge coat. Stud Fee 150rm sues dixie dynamiteLAange, very short back, pretty face, id Fee 150.iiuuviunu 7 cljJLtCh. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Dixieland's Dragonfly Delite CH MILLAMOR'S TRADEMARK Ch. Millamor's Rock Music Millamor's Musical Box Millamor's Marlarky Ch. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamor's Moon RockMillamor's Lullabye of Tim Sue MILLAMOR'S ROCK ROSETTECh. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Millamor's MarrilynnLou-Lan's April GoldCHRISCENDO Sue Goddard, Co-owner Eleanor Miller, Co-ownerbreeder Rt 2, Box 540 Opelousas, La. 70570 318-543-6622Ch. Millamor's Rock Music Am. Can. Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Millamor's Rock Rosette AM CAN CH CHRISCENDO CITY LIGHTS Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch Jeribeth's Izzisit Ch. Jeribeth's Ivan Ideal Jeribeth's Odal Baker TIMSUE'S CHARLIE'S ANGELCh. Mercer's Young Duke of Tim Sue Tim Sue's Charlie's Patriark Sissy's Cream N SugarWHID-DON'S POMS Barbara T. Whiddon 4703 Monroe Hwy.Pineville, La. 71360 318-640-2993Ch. Millamor's Rock Music Am. Can. Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Millamor's Rock Rosette AM CAN CH CRISCENDO CITY LIGHTS Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Ch. Tim Sue's Mark of the Dragon Tim Sue's Gay Butterfly JOLLY WEE DIXIE OF TTM SUECh. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Randy's Dixie Star of Jolly Wee Kyzer's Misty StarWHID-DON'S POMS Barbara T. Whiddon Co-owner, Sue Goddard 4703 Monroe Hwy., Pineville, La. 71360 318-640-2993Pom Review July 1990rrLn. Donner s Laxiaotyic uuao XK,jCh. Bonner's Kristin StannistCh. Bonner's Pepper K Gold Mist CH. BONNER'S LISASTAR LEGACYCh. Bonner's Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonner's Little Miss WagBonner's Sunfire Mischief Ch. Mac's Gay Terrific Ch. Playboy of Golden AcresCh. Duchess of Golden Acres SUE'S GOLDEN MELODYToy Boy of Toy Town Peaches of Golden AcresDenices Dainty MignonWHID-DON'S POMS Barbara T. Whiddon 4703 Monroe Hwy.Pineville, La. 71360 318-640-2993"Today he is back to his normal weight but is still in compromised kidney function. He is closely watched...for excessive urination, change in attitude, fluctuation in weight, change in stool color or consistency. He lives "On Borrowed Time.""All this would not have taken place if I were not encouraged by his caringveterinarians Drs. Tepper and Troka and my friends and family who held my hand through this ordeal. That is why I offer my helping hand now. If anyone needs encouragement or information, feel free to contact me 516-281-8246 or Dr. Susan Troka of the Shirley Veterinarian Hospital 516-281- 8820."Bi-monthly publication for the lovers of Toy Dogs. Full page,8 12 x 11 format Featuring articles on breeders and judges for future issues, important health info, news items, obedience accomplishments, show results, breed columns - combined with loads of appealing photos and layout. Monthly publication is final goal with use of color.Each issue mailed to all Toy Judges.Subscription Rates25 yearly sent second class bulk mailing 35 Canada and Foreign yearly. All first class mailings at this price. All outside Continental U.S. mailings must be first class.Send ads and subscriptions to Toy ParadeP.O. Box 8129 Norfolk, Va. 23503-8129Introduces1VICAN CH MIDAS FASCINATING RHYTHMnCan Ch Midas Rock Tempo x Dixielands Music Box\ combination of Show stopper and Millamor brought us Dayne. By the ime ad gets in we hope to have her mished down here. Dayne needs inly two points to finish her Am. Championship- Dayne has a date vith AmCan Ch. Midas Ragtime lock before he goes home to live vith Bobby. Thank you Bobby for he joy of having him here with us. rVe will miss him.See pedigree in Behind New Cham- lions.See pedigree in Behind New ChampionsThanks Roberta Jon Massey for letting us have Rhythm. Hes just like his mother. We hope to continue on where you left off Bobby, so we introduce his first daughter.CAN CH JAN LES JOHNNY HATES JAZZAmCan Ch Midas Fascinating Rhythm x Can Ch Jan Les To Hot To TouchJan Le Kennel PhoneJane Lehtinen Home 218 744-56538570 Old Mesabe Td. Work 218 744-5859Iron, Mn. 55751Pom Review July 1990Also from JAN LEDaynes grandmother. Thank you Sandra Orford for finishing Pepper in both countrys for us. Pepper has two sons that will be shown this year. Jan Les Lasting Impression, co-owned by Rose Hansen of Highview Kennels, Beldenview, Wi. and Jan Les Mark My Word, retained by us. We also hope to have their sister Jan Les Slightly Off The Mark, in the ring sometime this year.See pedigree in Behind New Champions4nAMCAN CH GAULKES PEPPER UPPERAmCan Ch Ken Nors Dont Letem Kid x Gaulkes Buttom UpWeve had fun with this one. At mos, 3 weeks, Tillie went BOS ove special for her first 4 pt. major and t next day went BOB over a special a on to Group 1 for a 5 point major. S lacks just 4 singles to finish.FLASH Another Jan Le Pom finish - Am Ch Jan Les Rock h World finishes with 4 majors. 1 brother to Rhythm.JAN LES UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN AmCan Ch Jan Les Ragtime Music x Thelduns Tia MarieJan Le Kennel PhoneJane Lehtinen Home 218 744-56538570 Old Mesabe Rd. Work 218 744-5859Iron, Mn. 55751Pom Review July 1990hsemnd The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dog's name, color, sex, breeder's name, city and state on a separate sheet of paper, typed or neatly printed. Please send copies of peditrees that don't need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor, E. Bruce Driggers, P.O. Box 8129, Norfolk, Va. 23503- 8129.CH. TIM SUE'S LIGHT OF DESTINY CH. TIM SUE'S KNIGHT LIGHTBreedersowners Tim and Sue Goddard Breeders Tim and Sue GoddardOwner Elanor W. MillerCh. Millamor's Rock Music AmCan Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Millamor's Rock Rosette AmCan Ch. Chricendo City LightsAmCan Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Can Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch Ch. Millamor's Moot Rock Am Can Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Millamor's Marrilynn Wests Destiny of MedallionCh. Millamor's Rock Music AmCan Ch. Millamor's Rock Conert Millamor's Rock Rosette AmCan Ch. Chriscendo City LightsAmCan Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Can Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch Ch. Jolly Wee I'm A Pepper To Jolly Wee Duke of the West Ch. Jolly Wee Joy of Peppi Tim Sue's Duchess SabrinaWests Star Crystal Wests Bon StarlynCH. JOLLY WEE MUSIC OF TIM SUE Breeders Sue Goddard and Randall M. French Owner Florence ScottCh. Millamor's Rock Music Am Can Ch. Millamor's Rock Conert Millamor's Rock Rosette Am Can Ch. Criscendo City LightsAm Can Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Can Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Ch. Jolly Wee Pistol Pete of Peppi Rnady's Jolly Wee Georgia_Peach Jolly Wee Lady of PeteCh. Millamor's Rock Music Joll Wee Meloday of Rock MusicRandy's Georgia Girl of Jolly WeeCH TIM SUE'S HIGH LIGHTS Breedersowners Tim and Sue GoddardCh. Tim Sue's Angel Sabrina Tim Sue's Charlie's AngelCH. TIM SUE'S HIGH TIDE Breeders Tim and Sue Goddard Owners Sue Goddard and Bronya JonstonAm Can Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Am Can Ch. Chriscendo City Lights Can Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Ch. Tim Sue's High LightsCh. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock Ch. Tim Sue's Angel Sabrina Tim Sue's Charlie's Angel Am Can Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Am Can Ch. Chriscendo City Lights Can Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Tim Sue's Tu Mini LightCh. Shy Acres Pom Thumb V Jeribeth Jeribeth's Tu Tu Mini Tim Sue Jeribeth's ToastieCH. JOLLY WEE'S LIL PIZZAZZ Owners Tim and Sue GoddardCh. Millamor's Rock Music Am Can Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Millamor's Rock Rosette Am Can Ch. Chriscendo City LightsAm Can Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Can Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock Randy's Brandy of Jolly Wee Ch. Tim Sue's Angel Sabrina Ch. Jeribeth's Ivan Ideal Tim Sue's Charlie's Angel Tim Sue's Charlie Patri-ArkCh. Randy's Toppers Red Robin Ch. Jolly Wee My Mr TuffyCh. Randy's Preshus Wee Wendy Jolly Wee Tops For Mr TuffyRandy's The Rode of Jolly Wee Jolly Wee Rocky's Bit O Sass Randy's Wee Dandy Delight Randy's Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee PeppiMads Fancy Duke's Wee Wendy Ch. Jolly Wee Peppi's Pizazz Ace Hi's Wee Teddy Bear Randy's Brandy of Jolly Wee Randy's Pride and Joy of DukeJuly 1990 conL on page 6362 Pom ReviewBehind New Champscont. from page 62CH. CENLA'S COSMIC CUTIE Orange femaleBreederowner A.C. WilliamsonCh. Mac's Rare Addition Ch. Tomanoll's I Got Leggs Tomanoll's Me-Me Ch. Mac's Maybe I WillCh. Mac's Mister Beaux Jangles Ch. Mac's Jennifer Jangles Ch. Mac's Little Lou Lou Pomirish Jack 'n the Box Tami's J. Aldo BearTonia's Cavaduke Contessa Kiti Aldo's Kahlua-brationNolan's Delta Dragonfly O' Lad Kiti Razk Ma-TazKiti Jack's Jill 'n tne BoxCH. GOLDEN AIRES MOONGOLD SCAMPOrange maleBreeder Sharon MasnickOwners Patricia Brooks and Sharon MasnickCh. Model's Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Model's Solid Gold Ch. Twin Pines Tico TicoRhett Butler of Twin Pines Scarlett of Twin Pines Anwin's Tinyhoney Bug Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Emoee's Sparkling Gold Mico Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Dupre's Kate Raising CaneCh. Emcee's Diamond Solid Gold Dupre's Dancing Diamond Amy Dupre's Cajun Dancing GirlCH. APOLLOETTE GONE-A-LOT Orange Sable male Orange male Breederowners Marlene Marlin PresserCh. Tinkler's Lil' Hay Boy CD Marties Lil Gold Brick Manies' Simi Wintu Ch. Apolloette Every Ready Rocky Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Apolloette Maiden VoyageJubilee's rebel Millamor's Melody Box Ch. Tinkler's Lil' Hay Boy CD Manies Lil Gold Brick Mannies' Simi Wintu Apolloette Sparkling Fresca Prine Winkies' Sparkling Apollo's Classy Chassie Blossom View's MelindaCH. GOLDEN AIRES SHERRY'S JUBILEE Orange sable female Breeder Sherry Adams Owner Sharon MasnickCh. Great Elms Timstopper Image Ch. Model's Timstopper Echo Majestic April Love Ch. Beaver of Lenette Maples Rowdy Boy Tinker Bell of Lenette Lennis Dragon Lady Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Rose of TianaI Ch. Coble's Traveling BearSherry's BuPn of Bear's Pualani TikkaCH. DESIREE'S SMOKEY MX. PRINCE Orange Sable male Breeder Desaree N. Sandifer Owner Annette L. HeiseWood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Gold NuggetCedarwood's September Dawn Desiree's Smokey Mt. BoyCh. Bev-Nor's Fudge Ripple Desiree's Rippling Brooke Desiree's Fancier Faith Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Ch. Great Elms Models Timstopper Model's Sweet Leilani Desiree's Model Brooke Shield Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Ripple Desiree's Rippling Brooke Desiree's Fancier FaithCH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOROwner Frances J. StollCh. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamor's Moon RockMillamor's Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Dixieland's Style Stepper Dixieland's VeronicaCh. Mercer's Touch O'Duke Ch. O My Patty's Touch-O- Pepper Circle M. Patty Pepper Cee O My Staratist MinuetteCh. Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer Joda's Starkist of Patri-Ark Patri-Arks Sugar Spicecont. on page 64Pom Review July 1990 6CH. PUF-PRIDE TAUNT'G TIARA Orange femaleBreederowner Warren Virginia Dimick HammondCh. Apple's Traveling Diamon Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Cedarwood's Pitti Patti Ch. Great Kims FirefighterCedarwood's Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Kims Dolly Ch. Dixieland's Rock of Millamor Tiny Sun Dancer of OakridgeCh. LLL Charming Gold Buttercup Ch. Puf-Pride Tandilizing TawniCh. LLL Happy Twinkling Tippy LLL Happy Twinkling Tange LLL Lil Gold Copper PennyCAN. CH. JAN LE'S JOHNNY HATES JAZZ Red maleBreeders J. Lehtinen Elaine Terry Owner Jane LehtinenCh. Dixieland's Rock of Millamor's Ch. Midas Rock Tempo Midas Hopeful Moment Ch. Midas Fascinating Rhythm Ch. Millamor's Rock Music Dixieland's Music Box Dixieland's Sweet Music Dunn's Little Tomstopper AmCan Ch. Theldunnn's John John Thelsunn's Bonnie Heather Can Ch. Jan Le's To Hot To TouchAmCan Ch. Ken Nor's Don't Let Em Kid Ya Am Can Ch. Gaulkes Pepper Upper Gaulkes Button's UpCANAM CH. GAULKES PEPPER UPPER Orange Female Breeder Duane Gaulke Owner Jane LehtinenDunn's Little Tomstopper AmCan Ch. Thelsun's John John Theldun's Bonnie Heather Ch. Ken Nor's Don't Let Em Kid YaAm Ch. Golden Glow Sir Regfinald Semist Little PuppyGolden Glow Patti Cake AmCan Ch. Wilma's Golden Partyboy Ch. Gaulkes Jingle Jangle Blackorby Little Toy Gaulke's Button UpCh. Highview Gaulkes Fuzz Buzz High view DeldHigh view's Black DahliaBehind the Champscont. from page 63CH. ROSEWOOD'S MASTERPIECE Orange maleBreederowners Mary A. Everette L.Ch. LLL Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Joda Ephibus Joda Lady Suzette Ch. LLL Mite of Gold SunnyCh. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Gina LLL Lil Gold Copper Penny Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Golf Moon Walker Ch. LLL Lil Gold Moonshine Rosewood's Moon Gold MadonnaACB Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Can Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine Mercer's Melody TouchAMCAN CH. KEN NORS VISCOUNT EWOKOrange maleBreeders J. Lehtinen J. Statler Owner Jane LehtinenCh. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Dixieland's Rock of Millamor Dixieland's Veronica Ch. Midas Rock TempCh. Diceland's Little Bagatelle Midas Hopeful Moment Parka's Brilliant Little Luci Paradise Prince Wonder Bear X-M Teddy Pooh BearAnador's Admberino Bonmnie Joe Ken Nor's Bobbin Lace XM Ch. Sisson's Amberino Joe Andor's Amberino Bonnie Joe Vergins Cavilier Tiny ToyCH. MIDAS FASCINATING RHYTHM Orange male Breeder J. R. Massey Owner Jane LehtinenCh. Millamor's Moot Rock Ch. Dixieland's Tock of Millamor Dixieland's Vemonica Ch. Midas Rock TempoCh. Dixieland's Little Bagatelle Midas Hopeful Moment Parka's Brilliant Little Cod Ch. Millamor's Moot Rock Ch. Millamor's Rock Music Millamor's Marlita Dixieland's Music BoxCh. Millamor's Rock Music Dixieland's Sweet Mujsic Dixieland's Little Ambercont. on page 6564 Pom Review July 1990iSeiuna me uaampsconL from page 64AMCAN CH. JAN LE'S RAGTIME MUSIC Orange maleBreederowner Jane LehtinenCh. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Dixieland's Rock of Millamor Dixieland's Vemonica Am Can Ch. Midas Ragtime Rock Ch. Bonner's lisastar Legacy Midas Sunny LegacyBonner's Beautiful Tangerine Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Millamor's Rock Music Millamor's Marlita Dixieland's Music BoxCh. Millamor's Rock Music Dixieland's Sweet Music Dixieland's Little AmberCH. GLEN RISI SUMMER HEAT Orange femaleBreeders C.A. Jackson J.M. Taylor Owners Dr. C.A. Jackson Eleanor W. MillerAmCan Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert AmCan Ch.Chriscendo City Lights Can Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine Ch. Jamel's Texas TornadoAl-Kay's Piece of the Rock Sharel's Tootie of Sunkist Al-Kay's Pixie Dawn BIS, BISS Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster Bev-Nor's Missy Miss Janesa's Maybe She WillCh. Janesa's Whatta Gambler Janesa's Precious Love Darkahl's Because Ima LoveCH. MEE-GEE'S MASTERPIECE, CD Breeders George Pauline Ferguson Owners C.A. Jackson Donna Hobart JacksonCh. Scotia President Jim Ch. Sum-ay's Gold Gems President Ch. Sum-ay's Cupie Doll Ch. Texican's Wee Will O'Mee-Gee Sir Tobius of Birch wood Tamara Tara Morrison Joda Miss Joleya Jeribeth's Izzisit Ch. Jeribeth's Ivan Ideal Jeribeth's Idol Baker Standoe's Hidden TreasureCh. Myway Memory Maker Myway Czarina Astrea Stansoe Myway Country GirlAM 1CH. JAN LE'S ROCK MY WORLD Orange maleBreederowner Jane LehtinenCh. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Dixieland's Rock of Millamor Dixieland's Veronica AmCan Ch. Midas Ragtim Rock Ch. Bonner's Lisastar Legacy Midas Sunny LegacyBonner's Beautiful Tangerine Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Millamor's Rock Music Millamor's Marlita Dixieland's Music BoxCh. Millamor's Rock Music Dixieland's Sweet Music Dixieland's Little AmberCH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE TEMPTRESS Orange femaleBreederowners C.A. Jackson J.M. TaylorCh. Texican's Wed Will O'Mee-Gee Ch. Mee-Gee's Masterpiece, CD Stansoe's Hidden Treasure Ch. Glen Iris IvanhoeAC Ch. Chriscendo Western Express Cherokee's Autumn Orange Ludl's Scarlet O'Hairy Dixieland's Rob-Roy of Pla-Mor Ch. Pat-El Sensational Rob Roi J Sir Echo's Sweet and Sassy Vanhass Pat-El Rock N'RobinDixieland's Rob-Roy of Pla-More Pat-El Peppermint Patti J Pat-El Bit OTerrific MischiefCH. GLENWOOD'S THOR Breeders C. A. Jackson D. Hobart Owners Donna Hobart, J.M. Taylor C.A.May Morning Sodal Lion Ch. Thddun's Almond FudgeCh. Dunn's Tina Little Preschus Bev-Nor's Glen Iris ExcaliburBIS, BISS Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Tarred N'Featherd Bev-Nor's Missy Miss AmCan Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Chip AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Western Express Can Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine Wee Heart's Glen Iris RapunzelCh. Scotia JD's I'm the Pied Piper Wee Heart's Shady's Shasta Sulls Shady Ladycont. on page 66Pom Review July 1990 65cont. from page 65CH. WEE CHALLENGER OF LENETTE Orange maleBreederowner K.G. GriffithCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Model's Timstoppers Echo Majestic April Love Ch. Beaver of Lenette Maples Rowdy Boy Tinker Bell of Lenette Lennis Dragon Lady Dormer's Tribute to Trilette Chesai Golden Challenger Collier's Golden Charlene Dorcas of LenetteGreat Elms Tary Baby Tinker Bell II of Lenette Diana of LenetteCH. MERRYMONT LIL RED BEARON Red sable male Breeder Joyce Apple Owner Patricia J. GriffinCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Ch. Great Elms Model's Timstopper Model's Sweet Leilani Ch. Coble's Traveling BearCh. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Elvira An wins Fortune Cookie Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickett Apple's Traveling Alspice Dan Rastus By Dendy Dendy's Spice Dendy's Tiara LeaCH. MERRYMONT ONE NITE STAND Red femaleBreederowner Patricia J. GriffinCh. Apple's Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedawrood's Image of Diamond Cedarwood's Pitti Patti Ch. Merrymont SaPrday Nite Fever Ch. Coble's Traveling Bear Yolanda's Traveling Tequila Apple's Traveling Alspice Ch. Model's High Voltage Ch. Model's Bit of Whiz Wood's Sim Goddess Ch. Queenaire SignatureCh. Queenaire Coup D-Etat Queenaire Cabaret Queenaire Windsongtr.-vpresentsits First Specialty Show Friday, August 10,1990 Seattle, WashingtonSweepstakes To Be Announced Conformation Alexander Scwartz, Jr. ObedienceJr. Handling Betty WinthersContact Show Chairman Alan Koeller 1508 NJE. Brockman Place Seattle, Washington 98125 206 365-8276NOTE Entries close 7259066 Pom Review July 1990PUPPIES, PUPPIES AND MORE PUPPIES AVAILABLEBy the time you get your July Pom Review, we should have approximately 15 litters of well bred Poms from the following studsCh. Great Elms Models Timstopper, Ch. Beaver of Lenette, Ch. Great Elms Timmy Timstopper, Ch. Great Elms Something Special, Ch. Great Elms Beam of Sunshine, Great Elms Tiny Tim, Timmy Timstopper of Lenette, Chesai Dellers Choice and others.Males priced from 250 Females priced from 500Black and Tan male for sale sired by Ch. Southlands Apollo Creed. Mostly all Bev-Nor and Southland breeding. Excellent pedigree and reasonably priced. One year old.Congratulations to Sharon Masnick on her new champion bitch sired by our Ch. Beaver.We will be glad to put you on our mailing list to receive our free offerings on Pom puppies and young proven matrons and occasionally a young proven stud."Let's LaO^JPom cIaO^4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N.C. 28081K. G. Griffith, Editor Phone 704 938-2042Published Bi-Monthly Subscription 6.00 Yearly 8.00-CanadaIN THIS ISSUEIaARTICLES ON BREEDING POMS QUESTIONS FROM OUR READERS KENNEL VISITSSEND A STAMPED SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE FOR A FREE SAMPLE COPYA NEWSLETTER FOR POM BREEDERS, BY POM BREEDERS TO HELP EACH OF US TO BREED A BETTER POMERANIANDUT'RJE'S 2Proudly PresentsrBUrBrBLES"' . .Bubbles pictured at 512 months of age is super and sound and bubbles over with personality. She will be our next show girl. She has a full litter mate brother that will be available and inquiries are welcomed.Congratulations to Lavinia Garton and Ch. Garton's Gold Dust.Congratulations to Janine Pannell on your recent Best of Breed, 5 point major,with Grade.BreederOwnerExhibitor Route 2, Box 878-AMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. Colfax, La. 71417318 627-5180EOLDEII HIRES HU msour second Champion for 1990xJBEST OF BREEDGRTR. FREDERICKSBURGKENNEL CLUB APRIL 1990IOHN A5HSEYVCHAMPION GOLDEN AIRES SHERRY'S JUBILEECH. BEAVER OF LENETTE X GREAT ELMS TIANAA Champion at 11 months and in less than a month3- 26-90 Lumberton KC - Barbara Jarmoluk - 4 pts.4- 1-90 Laurel Highlands KC - Tim Catterson - 1 pt.4-15-90 New River KC - Richard Mullen - 2 pts.4-17-90 Gr. Fredericksburg KC - Eleanor Rotman - 4 pts.4-19-90 Shawnee KC - Dorothy Bonner - 4 pts.Julie is shown winning WB, BOW and BOB over specials under judge Eleanor Rotman. i BIG THANK YOU to all the judges who thought Julie worthy. A very special thank you tc Geoff Browne who presented Julie so beautifully to all her wins.To Julie's breeder, Sherry Adams, we appreciate her allowing Julie to join us.Golden Aires Inquiries Welcome AgentJohn Sharon Masnick 803-982-3511 Geoff BrownHCR 65, Box 745 1915 Hickory Dr.Huger, S.C. 29450 Harleysville, Pa. 19438Pom Review July 1990 6MUIA XC4J9On May 7, 1990 I received my April Issue of the Pomeranian Review first class Mail Upon opening the envelope saw the lovely photo of Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II very well presented except for copy across the floral arrangement. Admired "Prince" always enjoy seeing a picture of him. Then flipped the book over to see what was on the back cover well you have a copy and have read the Editors Ad. as I have. Then opened the back cover to scan the alphabetical listing of advertisors I didn't find it. Had this been deleted by our "NEW EDITOR" This page is valuable for a cross reference I use it as a reference guide to refer to across the years. I use it to see what this and that breeder was showing 2-3 or 4 years ago also for a ready reference for a telephone number or address if I need to contact an- ather breeder. How will I ever quickly ever find who advertised who in the April 1990 Issue.Most of the photographs were very dark aoorly screened detail lost in reproduction. The Ads were poorly put together with large xld ugly type, photos squeezed to make oom for the large type used. Most were xxarly positioned margins were very uneven the editors ad on the back cover not entered not proof read. Did he pay for his dSo Please put the alphabetical page back n improve the sloppy layout correct the loppy page positioning return the Review a the Prestigious Publication it was. I will hen renew my subscription and advertise ccasionally support the Review. If I run an d you better bet I will send in Camera ready opy.Barbara Whiddonielow is a response to the above letter by the iitor. It was chosen to run the above letter tactly as it was received by the originator, no liting of grammar, sentence re-structuring or sertiord deletion of punctuations.As I tried to explain in Opening Views of is issue, there were a lot of unfor seen problems ith this issue which I feel was to be expected due the newness of obtaining PR Pom Review.In a letter, very similar to the one above, thati Pom Reviewficers and Board of Directors, she ended with a post script that she had retired after 23 years in ad layout and design and was also an instructor in photo offset printing. An admirable career indeed. But photo reproduction is based on the photo submitted. Dark backgrounds, which most photos submitted consist of, require an immense amount of camera play to lighten, thus taking the chance of distorting the focus of the photo - the DOG This is a printer area, not an editor area.And no there was not listing of advertisers because there were not an additional three pages needed to make a completerun. Remember, it takes four pages of layout to make one run. Count the pages in the April issue - 96. That means it was an even number thus not allowing the advertiser's page. This is not an intended continual plan of mine to leave this page out. And yes, I paid 65 for the back cover ad. Check with the treasurer.Sloppy page positioning was not due to my layout. This again was a printer problem. Some people would prefer a larger type to better attract the eye. I think layout and design concepts may have progressed a bit since Ms. Whiddon's active time in the field.Anyone is free to write me and send for a copy of my actual page layouts in the April issue at a cost of course. You ivill find they were perfectly straight and even borders were marked for each photograph. Did you see any photos with borders in the April issue No, again, printer neglect.I appreciate Ms. Whiddon's concerns, which are also mine, and every other subscriber of PR. Through exchanges such as this, I bdieve we all share a closer bond.By the way Ms. Whiddon, issuance of tear sheets of stud issue copy is not something that has been normally done in the past, so I have been told. If anyone cares for such, an additional charge loill be levied. The printer is currently working up a price for this, per page.Ed.I did not have time to get this in the April issue so, at this late date I need to express my gratitude for the reception and praise I received for the trophy display at our National Specialty. I even received congratulatory cards in the mail for a job well done. I surprised myself by covering all expenses of trophies, special award plaques, gifts, shipConton page 71July 1990ping, engraving, printing and postage for flyers and then a tidy sum up and above all costs. This in spite of the fact that I had taken the job at a late date.The Pom figurine on top of the oak grain frame, the APC logo on the front and identification of the event with placement and date engraved on a black plate made them even more special. I have won hundreds of trophies that unless I marked them, I had no idea of when or where I got them. There were no Pom figurines in my early days of showing.To be able to attend the annual Specialty was a special award in itself - to visit with "old timers" meet "new comers," witness so many beautiful Poms at one time, and note the changes that have taken place. I hope they never fully take away their natural beauty and soundness.I am especially thankful for having been given so many active years, friends and associates. This was made evident this past Christmas season. I had Dolores' daughter she calls me Grandma make me copies of the awards offered in trophies for all four places in all classes. Was late getting my Xmas cards out, so enclosed a copy with my card telling my friends how honored I was to be Trophy Chairman for this big event. This resulted in nearly half of my donations coming from my personal friends. They were so happy and proud for me they wanted to help. Know for a fact that many could not afford this but they did so saying they were giving themselves an Xmas present of good feelings. This is true friendship. I only wish each of you can experience what I have in my 85 years. Just remember and realize you can be the one walking up front receiving a special award for Breeder of the Year, etc., as you witnessed at the banquet last February and eventually being in my position, reflecting back on what has been.I cannot resist telling you of another experience and reward I had this past year to see the female - Watts Little Half Hour - win first in Bred by Class and on to RWB at the February Specialty. Why Because she was a 41 2 oz. babe that whelped while Dave and Dolores were away to shows. After an allYips and Yapscont from page 70iLiglll. Vlgu UUd UVUV. gui MIX. , no life signs, white feet and tongue. I worked fervently with all the knowledge at my command and in exactly thirty minutes she let out a faint gasp. Through blinding tears I had her breathing 75 normal an hour later, when another girl made her appearance and fifteen minutes later, a boy. Both lively and O.K.By the time Dave and Dolores arrived that evening, mother and pups were resting comfortably. "Half Hour" had to be put on mother to nurse and supplement feedings for three weeks. I watched for and expected brain damage but luckily, it did not occur. To watch her develop into a beautiful female, win BOS only a puppy herself to best adult at the Ohio Match, 3 points acquired before the Specialty, two 4 point majors back to back following and then finish championship later, made my days. All the money in the world could not buy me a greater gift for my efforts. Am sure she will bring me more pleasant moments as time passes. I couldn't resist telling you breeders about this experi- enceandhowshegothername. Too,itmight give someone in the incentive to not give up and maybe save another beautiful boy or girl.Now I have another project in progress, a male pup, "Corkie," of a one pup litter by C-section. This after 15 hours from first appearance of membrane before we got help. He always needed assistance getting on mother to nurse and supplementing four times a day by bottle. When time to feed soft food, he was slow to catch on which necessitated force feeding until finally he licked baby food from finger, then spoon and at 8 weeks of age, was eating from a dish as I held him up on the counter. Now he is eating fairly normally in the pen and as of this writing, going in and out of the pet door. He will be dynamite, if he grows.These special things I am able to do keep me busy and reaping one reward after another. "Never a dull moment." Looking forward to seeing you at the Summer Specialty in Baltimore and in the meantime, keep your chin up and always step forward Edna Girardotcont. on page 72Pom Review July 1990 1cont. from page 71Dear Bruce,First, let me apologize for not getting an ad in for the April Review. Time just got ahead of me and yet I did have so much to boast about. I should have gotten an ad in to crow Co-owner of the Top Producer for '89, CITY LIGHTS tided with Prince, breeder owner of our wonderfully producing bitch DUCHESS 7 chs. to date and she is only 4, and most exciting and very unexpected, Top Breeder.We are so proud and as I said in new York after the presentation of the award, it would not have been possible if those great people had not shown the dogs they bought from us. It doesn't do any good to produce a good dog if it is not shown. So I am very greatful to those people. Only one of the champions that we produced in 1987 was shown and finished by us.I am very impressed with this first issue, for you, of our favorite dog publication, The Pomeranian Review, and congratulate you on a job very well done.Sue Goddard Opelousas, LADear Editor,May I offer one more opinion to the very old and frankly, burned out, subject on trimming or sculpturing of the Pomeranian.We seem to be running out in all directions. Let me run a little further.The standards states Any trimming beyond location and amount described should be heavily penalized.1 The amount described on legs is none. Would a judge favor a Pom with legs shaved to bare skin in the back up to the first joint, all possible hair between and around toes cut off NO-O-O-O-O-OWould we take such drastic steps with our precious show Pom We "round" the legs md feet, carefully trimming each hair to give he impression of "little posts." Looks nice, loesn't it2Unruly hairs ears and anus only A Ears - OK - according to the itandard "edges only," Most people know vhere the edges of the ears are.Pom Reviewother story all together. A lot of people think "around the anus" is around and around and around - all the way around to the head. You trim around the anus - OK - then, you trim the pants they're around the anus, aren't they. Youtrimalittleoffthebaseofthetail. It's around the anus, isn't it Belly hair too long Trim some off. It's around the anus somewhere Then there's the bib and mane, shucks, trim it too - you're still around the anus.My impression isToday's Pom is trimmed to the standard. Unruly hairs around the anus. So quit your bitchin'. Besides, the heavy penalty could be a class win, a best of breed, or even a best in show for a nicely well rounded, show groomed Pomeranian.'Joann Shifflett Montvale, VADear Editor,Here we go again with excessive trimming I really don't want to start on this, but someone has to. I would be the first to complain about excessive trimming, HOWEVER, there are those Poms who really need it.When I entered, now Ch. Autumn's Cairo of Bi-Mar and a producer of two Champion bitches, in his first show, at six months, the judge walked up to the table and remarked, "oh, what a cute baby Chow Chow" Sorry, forget it, I have had it That 4 dog went home and this amateur sheared at least two inches of hair off him, ALL AROUND He then finished in thirty days I swore no one was ever going to make that remark about my Poms again. I also had to do it to his two daughters.All three have an abundance of long coarse, thick coat, which stood straight out and granted, they probably looked like baby Chow Chows but the judge didn't have to insult my dogs That, to me, is hitting below the belt., especially as a breederowner handler, as I take a tremendous amount of pride in what I own and how I breed. A lot of time goes into studying pedigrees as well as who is going to be bred to whom.Then we can turn the coin over. I have Cont. on page 73July 19902had three persons accuse me of sculpturing my latest dog, Sam Hey, with him, I am very lucky, he was bom that way. He requires a very minimum amount of trimming and looks perfect. I dare anyone to find a scissor mark on him. In the five years that I have been showing Poms I have only seen one judge dump a dog because, as he told the handler, he was sculptured. I should know, I sculptured both of them the week before Don't get me wrong, she was an all around lovely proper sized bitch with everything going for her.Judge Dr. J. Hungerland once remarked at an open session in Idaho, "you can sculpture the dog anyway you want, but you cannot hide the structure and faults nor change the gait and that is what I look for."In general, it all boils down to the dog. What makes the dog look good. Are his ears where they should be is his bone proper what about his animation his tail set his movement his balance It sounds like we are trying to be the only breed who requires everything about our standard to be perfect before they can win. AND, what about the judges who can't get past a baby face Where, in the Standard, does it say a Pom has to have a baby face Believe me I know, I've done it myself. Then we have the judges who want itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny from the song and will put up such a BITCH, over specials, as BOB We have all been there and it's no fun. Poms have coats from tons of soft open coat to extremely long thick, coarse coats. However, that does not change the structure under what ever coat. As long as that is correct, why not have a coat to compliment that structure Why should a 4 Pom look like 7Too much fuss is being made about sculpturing. How many of you have casually walked through our instant cities and observed the "Nordic" dogs being trimmed and powdered They do more than their share of BIS's. We, as a small specialty club, cannot fight the system of judges and breeder judges. The old judges will still do what they want and our young judges will, as well, do what they want. Sculpturing is really secondary. Should we not concernYips and Yapscont. from page 72Pom Reviewourselves with structure, sound movement, our adorable anim on, our cute ears and adorable faces I dc t love my human children because they a e Seautiful-Ilovethem because they are beai dful inside Are dogs suppose to be far superior to humans, perfect in every respect Let's get real - Poms aren't' wining because of superior being - take a look at the other end of the lead Watch the judge's eyes. I have a Lab and have seen it happen and must admit, did it myself I have handed my Lab off to a handler who could win under that judge. I am guilty. I am guilty with my Poms as well. The Lab standard is 22 12" - 24 12". My Lab considered a breederjudge dog - is at the bottom of the standard. They are in the process of changing that standard to 24 12 - 2612" so field dogs can enter. Does that make my dog obsolete Yet, he is still what the English demand and is a field dog He can clear a 4' fence, from a stand still. They want them to clear a 6' fence One learns the tricks fo the trade very quickly. Let's be honest, we use what we can - when we can.We have breederjudges who sculpture and lacquer, in our area, who do more thar their share of winning under these conditions, and just because we are not judges, w cannot do itPeople are somewhat the same way - mi two daughters look fantastic with their long thick dark mane of hair. Mine is extremeli coarse and thick and looks better very, ver shortWin a few, loose a lot and keep smiling I do I am a bom competitor one who i engaged in selling or buying goods or serv ices in the same market as another and lov to compete to contend in rivalry, as for prize or in business as competition contes between rivals a match. The effort of two c more parties, acting independently, to se cure the custom of a third party by offerin the most favorable terms is what it is a about. Webster still defines it well an human nature will still follow that defin tion.Emily UntalanTigard, Or.cont. on pageJuly 1990Dear Mr. Driggers,We are sending you our Report on the 31 st Spring Specialty Show of the Dallas Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, Inc, 1990. While this report is probably going to just miss your deadline for this issue, we feel this report would be of interest to your readers in this upcoming issue.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and just want you to know that we will be more timely with our reports in the future. We would certainly appreciate this favor if it is something you can do for us. If not, we will understand and will hope to see this report published in the subsequent issue.Thanks for your help and cooperation in this matter and we want to wish you every success with your new endeavor with this publication. We really enjoyed your first issueBill McKinney,Acting HistorianTo The Editor,I was very upset with my advertising. I did not ask you, now instruct you, to crop my pictures. If and when I want my pictures croppsed I will place a 8 12" x 11" piece of paper over them, whowing you exactly how I want the picture to appear, otherwise I want those judges in my pictures. The second pictures looks a littel stupid consideirng I mentioned "the personable Mary Dee Lin- demaier, Judging Sweepstakes" and she isn't even in the Picture I do a lot of advertising in the Review and would like my ads entered as instructed.We did not even get the Review until May 10th, so this article may not even make it considering our deadline is May 15.Emily Untalan Tigard, Or.Vfs. Untalan,Perhaps I might have been incorrect on the Topping ofthephoto on page 70 of the April issue, lut you did write on your sample copy sent in toxips ana lapscont from page 73please crop to center subjects more, no borders."I cropped, I felt, per your instructions, centering in on the handler and dog. Afterall, the dog is the actual focus of the photos. You gave no instructions on the other two photos so I cropped again, to focus more on the handler and dog. With well over 20 people advertising in each issue, I cannot remember what everyone likes, or dislikes in their ads, unless I am specifically told. Yes, Mary Dee Lindemaier was half cut our of the one photo but this was a printer error trust me. Ido apologize to you and Mrs. Lindemaier for this. Every attempt is being made in the future to get better control of printer responsibilities and not have such happen again. But please, your precise instructions are a must I am not a mind reader. If I'm not told, then I will use my on judgement, as editor's have every right to doEd.Dear Bruce,First, I would like to congratulation you on your first issue of the Review.Secondly, I fully meant to have an ad in the July issue, but since I have had my April copy only a few days, it slipped my mind how close the deadline was, as I was in the habit of having a month or so to get my ad in for the next issue. I'm sorry - I'm 77 years old and am forgetful.Ruth BeamDear Mrs. Beam,You have nothing to be sorry for. It was a delight to receive your card and your congratulations on the first issue. The issue did get out rather late, you are not in any way to blame. Besides, you're not 77 years old No my dear, youre 77 years young. And I know the large numbers of subscribers to Pom Review agree that your knowledge far exceeds your youthful years.I only hope that I am able to accjuire a portion of your vast knowledge in dogs by the time if I'm lucky to reach your youthfulness. You are truly a treasure.Ed.cont. on page 7874 Pom Review July 1990 W I N N E R SDANVILLEKENNELCLUB MARCH 1990JOHN ASHBEYCH GARTON'S GOLD DUSTSire Ch. Carton's King of Bavaria Dam Dupre's Little Diamond LuluShown here taking her first major points under noted Toy Judge, Mrs. Wilma Hunter at Danville KC, then reserve majors at Alamance KC under Mr. Thomas C. Conway, and Durham KC under Mr. Robert J. Bemdt and Piedmont KC under Mr. Clint Harris. Completed championship with four majors in two weeks on the Carolina Circuit. Many thanks to Mrs. James R. Dupre for Dupre's Little Diamond Lulu.FLASH BOB, Salisbury KC, Dr. Harry Smith, BOB Furniture City KC, Melbourne Downing and Group 3, Mrs. Ruth Tongren BOB, Greater Clarksburg KC, Dr. W. Everette Dean and Group 2, Jim Cavallaro BOB, Beckley, W.V., James Cavallaro and Group 1, Roy Ayres and BOS, New River KC, Richard Mullen finished at Charlotte.BreederOwner Lavinia K. Garton 4888 Canal 15 Rd.Lake Worth, FL 33463 407-967-5786 Winter 804-983-2517 summer , nights onlyDusty is expertly handled and cared for by Mrs. Marlene Scott Halsey Blue Ridge, Va. 24064PINEHAVEN KENNELS PRESENTS1s_Ak'MAGEtjTHAMPWJCH. SOUTHLANDS JANES A BERRY TBYTary Baby is pictured winning a 4 pt. major at the Progressive Kennel Club Show. We would like to thank Ed Jenner for this win. He is a wonderful showman and finished very quickly. He has sired some beautiful puppies in the short time I have had him. Quality produces quality as his son Johnny proves.I .yM sueslarJmmL ._SL._JiX. _Lj. __ . _PINEHAVENS MAN IN BLACKJohnnys orange litter brother may be available to a show home. Bom 12228980 Pine St.Gale Sharland508 823-8920Raynham, Ma. 02767Pom Review July 1990OH. LyN-LEE nxss MON.9Our first generation of Millamor-Mercer blend. Out of retirement in January 1990 to get her 2i major and finished under judge Mrs. Nancy Riley. Producer of champion an group placing get.pictured at 9 monthsLyN-LEES NEWEST CHAHPIONSOH. MERCER'S STAR. VONN^Best of Winners to championship in April 1990 under judge Dr. Sam Draper.Specialed only 3 times to date, 2 BOB and 1 BOS over group winning specials.A pretty cream with very good pigment.uiEvelyn RoIIie Conley 20075 Vining Rd. New Boston, Mi. 48164Pom Review July 1990VELVET TOUCH POMSFOR SALE - Breeding Show Quality puppies.Sires CH IDA'S TOUCH OF BEV-NOR, Group 1 winner, IDA'S JAN SPARKLE OF BEV- NOR - 12 brother to Ch. Ida's Touch of Bev-Nor, VELVET TOUCH MR. TOAST-BUSTER, son of Ch. Ida's Mr. Toasty by Bev-Nor.Grand Sire BIS CH Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge, red sable, orange sable, black tanVelvet Touch Kennel Janet Bordelon 1460 Hwy. 3054 Alexandria, LA 71303 318-445-0143IDA'S POMERANIANSFOR SALE - Show quality puppies. Sires CH. IDA'S TOUCH OF BEV-NOR, Group I winner and CH. IDA'S PRINCE OF SOUTHLAND. Dams IDA'S MISS PRISS BY BEV-NOR and IDA'S LITTLE GRACIE - went from puppy class to winners bitch, picked up a 5 point major at Dallas Specialty. CREIDERS CAMILLIA O'IDA, producing champions. Check back issues for picture of my dogs.Ida Tarver 102 12 Gordon St. Pineville, LA 71360 318-443-7333rips and Yapsont. from page 74[ello,My name is Debbie Baird and I am the wner of two beloved Samoyed's.During the last several months, based n my own dog's experiences, I have been tensively researching the drug-induced atoimmune diseases. At this point, I have ason to believe that there are certain drugs rhich can induce the autoimmune or im- lune medicated diseases in individual dogs r certain breeds. As part of my research, I lt it necessary to conact you on your breed.Some of the drugs which concern me re tetracycline, trimethoprim-sulfona- lide, novobiocin, sulfamides, propylthiura- .1, and some of the hormone drugs predni- alone, etc.. Many of these drugs are in smbination drugs labeled under a different ame.Some of the visual signs may be pig- lentation loss of the lips, nose, andor eye- ds, crustiness of the lips andor nose ometimes may only be known by touch, ny other mucus membrane areas genitals, nus, etc.. Other than the visual signs thedogs can still appear to be their normal selves no fever, etc..I would like to know if you are aware of any such problems within your breed If so, could you tell me what drugs were involved and what were the adverse effects reactions of those drugs Also, do you know of any dogs who have or have had PemphigusPemphigus Erythematosus, an autoimmune disease Any additional information you could offer pertaining to this subject would be greatly appreciated and helpful.Thank you for your time and information. For your response, my address is listed below.Debbie Baird 4602 Del Paso Circle Pasadena, Tx. 7705Ed's note Some Pom people may have run across such indications mentioned in the above letter. Ms. Baird may have sent this letter to us due to the Sptiz background associated with the Pom and Sammy. If you feel you can be of any help to her, please write to her with your information.8 Pom Review July 1990Cont. on page 79Dear Mr. Driggers,Enclosed 25 check for quarter page ad in July issue of Pom Review. Thank you for handling our ad so nicely in April Issue. You did a nice job But please continue the advertiser index in subsequent issues. It's so hard looking up particular breeder's ads and one's own without it Thanks, again.Lois CilibertoNote The following letter was actually addressed to Brenda Hutton, Obedience News and she forwarded it to me. I thought it proper to be placed here.Dear Brenda,I had written you before the April deadlin but guess it got lost in the shuffle.As abit of correction, or addition to Obedience News on page 79, April edition Gold Dust Pandy Manies, CDX added 3rd leg with a score of 194 on 92489 at Davis Dog Training Club, and as an insurance leg the next day with a score of 19112 in Sacramento Dog Trainin Club Obedience Trials, both held in Dixon, Ca., with over 200 dogs entered in Obedience each day. Her breeder, Louise ForresterPandy received Hi scoring Toy trophies both days, and also won a trophy in Davis trial for "highest scoring dog to finish her CDX title" that day. Open AAt the Nor-Cal Dog Training Club in Redding, Ca. end of the year party we received a club trophy for Hi Scoring member and a sweatshirt with club logo on the back and Hi Scoring Member on the front.We will be going to Shasta, Chico, and Two Cities shows June 15,16 17 to try for Utility Title. It would be thrilling to finish Utility Title this year.We are sorry, too, that Spunky didn't get to finish title in '89, but just bet that Spunky and you soon will. I may try tracking with Pandy later if we can get that UD title this year. Her nose seems pretty good in the scent articles.Best of Luck,Elma ManiesYips and YapsCont. from page 78Pom ReviewAnother CompanionHaving spent close to 20 year showing and breeding on a limited basis ani having observed the progress that has bee made towards the enhancement of the breec I decided to take the big step toward s becorr ing involved with Poms again. This time, Tr making a firm and serious committment t showing and breeding quality Poms.After considerable research of th various lines, attending numerous show reading thru many issues of the Pom Rc view, as well as reading and keeping up wit show results from the AKC Gazette, I sougl out the breeders with the lines that would b my foundation stock.My purchase turned out to be th opposite. Instead, I ended up-minus squat one.Realizing that no one can total forsee the future of a four month old pupp I am taken back at the fact that a well-estal lished breeder can be so far off in their recon mendation when selling a show quality Poi that "should have no problems finishing."At the age of fourteen months, m dog, although at first sight, would be consic ered "pretty," has numerous faults two ai major, would only serve as a deterant if use in a breeding program.I am still looking for that "sped Pom," but I am somewhat leery, because I c not wish to acquire another "loving compaj ion."If anyone can offer me some suj gestions as to how to avoid this type i situation, I would appreciate hearing fro you.Sincerely,Gerald J. Kripak565 Evansburg Rd.Collegeville, Pa. 19462Hi Mister Bruce,We loved the Review Very w done We are predictably getting son negative comments but this will pas Anytime you "rock the boat" someone w be displeased Oh Well.Congratulations That was Cont. on page 8July 1990uc9 pcuvs milieus IjCSlus populaires de Quebecr E. Bruce DriggersThe English translation to the headline "Quebec's most amazing doggies." Some you may have heard of them, some may ive seen them, but not all know about them t least not in the U.S..John Cribbs, Pom Review's circulation anager, recently sent me the accompany- g photos not all were used, an article out a Canadian magazine and a letter from arc Desrochers, owner of these very popu- r and amazing little Pomeranians.I thought by re-writing a bit of the ar- le and including some historical facts m Mr. Desrochers would be of interest to iu. His Poms are truly the best ambassa- irs that you as Pom owners and breeders uld ask for. I was simply fascinated.The writer of the Canadian article a ige told of a jaunt to the old city of Que- c during a judging assignment. The intentthe narrow cobblestone streets and the numerous artists and crafts people at work. What he found was the performing troupe of 12 Pomeranians.According to the judge, all Poms were off lead and were putting on some pretty amazing tricks for the huge crowd. The judge sat down on a bench that had two steps and at a single command from the Mr. Desrochers, the dogs jumped to attention six sat on the lower step a black one and a white one jumped into his arms and four others sat beside him, two on each side.Another command was given and they all formed into ranks like trained tiny solders and marched to a set pattern much like soldiers are taught to. At another command, all rushed towards the crowd of enthusiastic spectators to receive much loving admiration and attention.When the performance was over, Mr. Desrochers, suitcase in hand, called the dozen Poms and all disappeared, still off- lead, down a narrow cobblestone street.iiftPom Review July 1990.Lies reins rumeramaiiscont. from page 80Amazing But those of you who own and love the breed, know what intellect hides behind those little eyes of light. And according to Mr. Desrochers, his troupe is the first to do Pet Therapy in the province of Quebec.It all started in 1982 and while walking his first 3 Poms, Mr. Desrochers passed by a home for the elderly during the lunch hour and some.nurses encouraged him to bring the Poms inside through the back door, of course to see the residents. He did this secretly three times. Then he heard on the TV program "60 Minutes" about Pet Therapy being done in the states for the first time.At this time, he now has five Poms, and he goes to the same home for the elderly and got kicked out of the lobby without getting a chance explain the reason for his presenceA few weeks later, Mr. Desrochers wrote an article on Pet Therapy and told of his experience at the home. A year and a half later and under new management, Mr. Desrochers was contacted by the new management and asked if he would be interested in starting the Pet Therapy again. He started with just once a week, then went to twice athe third year, he was visiting once ever two weeks. This has been continual sine 1984He has extended his services to visitin areas as far as 100 miles away from horn His jaunts carry him to homes for retarde children, the blind, crippled, the aged, etcHe and his troupe have become s popular that there are official Canadian po cards with the Poms on them see the pyr mid photo and t-shirts with laser imprinl of the 12 dogs and their names are being sol throughout the region. Also imprinted o the t-shirts is, "Les petits chiens les plu populaires de Quebec," - "Quebec's mo amazing doggies."ClassifiedsPuppies due late July-August. Repeat ths produced champions and major pointe puppies. Expect reds orange. - Cl Rhynstone Cowboy x Rhynstone Dodger Lenette. Reasonable. Contact Joyce Urbai Rhynstone Poms, 6068 Fisk Rd, Lockpoi N.Y. 14094, 716 625-8357.r4.-.vI KPom Review July 1990 8h assignment to take over so hurridley "done good."Here is my stud ad stuff. Do hope it is prehensive enough. Skip and I are sharing a t and back page so be sure to put ours ither front and back. Also, Bruce, we would to buy 100 extra copies front and back ve they call them "tear sheets." I always r them - but since I do not know the price, t wait for you to bill me for that part. Skip lid be sending his 2 stud cards soon. Also, he pay for 12 of Prince's ad since we co-own ittle "man".Regards - call if you need help or have stions.Olga Bakerr Bruce,Enjoyed the open view of yourself in \pril Pom Review. Until I saw your picture, i no idea who you were but I have seen you ty times at shows. I have shown dogs since so have seen many handlers come and go. I ved Sporting dogs and Hounds from the 60's. Due to health problems, I went to a toy d - the Pom. I purchased Sungold Gay alier in late '59 and the late Frank Ashbey he i 15 miles from me in N.Y. state finished him then the late Clara Alford took him in Febru- 1960 as her priority dog. She retired the great c - Tic Ta Shaun after BIS Westminster 1960.I have had soem exciting times showin is - breeding over 150 champions - after hasing and finishing Cavalier and Personal quest - long gone but still holding record of nost champion get. Carey had 66 American 6 foreign champions and Per. Conquest, 15. male reached 39 and just this year, 3 bitches hed 10 ch. get. I doubt if Carey's record will y be broken. I am a life member of APC for ral years now and life member of Sporting and Hound breeds.Had the honor of taking trophy chair- ship of our last February national specialty .Y. I had a great showing and covered all the arses, plus.I am living with Dave and Dolores ts here in Maryland. Dolores, as you know, irrent President. She purchased her first is from me some 20 years ago.3s and Yapsit. from page 79Pom ReviewGood luck as editor of our Pom Review. May see you someday at a show. I'll make certain to say hello.In the interest of Poms.Edna GerardotDear Bruce,Sorry to be so late with our ad copy. I will try to do better next time. We have just returned from a convention and I got behind on many things.Overall, I think you and the printer did a good job on the April Pom Review. Some of the pictures were a little dark and small but I am sure with time you will improve there.Could I offer a suggestion to you when space allows in the Review Why don't you go back to the older Pom Reviews of the 50's, 60's and 70's and re-print some of the better articles. There is a wealth of knowledge in those old Pom Reviews. I think the biggest criticism I have heard is that after you remove the ads, show wins and obedience, there has been little or nothing at all left in some issues. Originally the Pom Review was for Pom Breeders to help them but we have seemed to have gotten away from our primary objective. Many issues have had absolutely nothing in them to be helpful about breeding Poms.The APC is suppose to supply you with all back copies for you to use or at least this has been the custom in the past. So much has changed in the club that I wouldn't be surprised if they were not doing this. If they do not do this for you and do not have a complete set of Reviews, have Dolores contact me and I can help in this area. We have an extra set of most all of the back issues during the first years.Keep up the good work.Ken GriffithDear Ken,Your point is zvell taken and a super idea. I will contact Dolores and any others that will be necessary to see if your suggestions would be possible. I think re-printing the wealth of knowledge stored in those old volumes would be of immense interst to the newer Pom people of the day.Why don't you search through some of the old issues you have and send me copies of some very good articles.July 1990EdLA CHERXES POHERylNl^NSOur First Homebred, Owner Handled ChampionA........CH. LA CHEJXXES HOT EUCaE JXXPPLECh. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple x La Cheries Shes Got PizzazThanks to judge R. Steven Shaw for this major win. See pedigree Behind New ChampionsBreederOwnerDorothy F. Martin 5354 Bluebird Lane York, S.C. 29745 803-831-8086Pom Review July 1990 8LLOETTEMarlene Marlin Presser. .34 MERRYMONTPatty Griffin............................................... 5556UMNSEmily E.C. Untalan................... 35 PATTYSPatty Jensen. .21ISCENDOJohn Christine Heartz............36 PEDRONSPeter Galindo Ron Welch............................40SCENDOBemie Lois Ciliberto.............6EMADelbert Pam Gault........................37RESMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr...................68l WINDSM.A. Craft M.L. Dunn.........IFCHREJanine G. Pannell................................10TONSLavinia K. Garton...........................75N IRISCheryl Jackson Joel Taylor.........BCDEN AIRESJohn Sharon Masnic............. 69LAMASSkip Piazza John Marcantonio...52SIda Tarver.................................................782SJane Reed.............................................. 7PINEHAVENGale Sharland..................................76POINT LOMAPauline B. Hughes.........................8PUF-PRIDEWarren Virginia Dimick..........50IBCROSEWOODMary A. Everette Hammond.........31ROY ALDeborah Wheeller...................................51RHYNSTONEJoyce Urban..............................5657SOUTHLANDCharlotte Reed...............................48SHYACRESAudrey Roberts.........................32335STOLANNEFrancess J. Stoll................................3TTMBERWOODWilliam Rohde Linda Teresko.,29 TIM SUETim Sue Goddard.......................95758LEIane Lehtinen....................................6061SSASJerrie Freia..................................3839SHARSharon Hanson.................................1BETHDarrell Olga Baker............515253HERIEDorothy F. Martin.....................50852TTEK.G. Griffith...................... 53545567CIRCULATION MANAGERJohn Cnbbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, Va. 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONYour inquiries answered within 24 hours"20.00 per year - Third Class MallRales apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, APO's, Puerto Rico U.S. Funds Only25.00 per year - First Class MaillMailing Time3rd Class -10-14 days 1st class - 3-5 daysVELVET TOUCHJanet Bordelon.........................78WATTSDolores Watts......................................4243WHID-DONSBarbara T. Whiddon.................5859YELLOW ROSEAnnette Lyn Heise.....................23YOLANDASYolanda Webster............................22Gerald J. Kripak...................................................2021If you move, 3rd class mail is not forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know your new address six weeks before your move so that the Review will move with youBACK ISSUES 1980 to date - 5.00 Years prior to 1980 - 4.00 ea. Call for availability.Pom Review July 19901 rtaBESTOPPOSITE SEX,HUTCHINSON KENNEL CLUB 1989PHOTO BY PETRULIS\ M___Cli. PuJ-Pricte Tauntg Ttaru See pedigree Behind New ChampionsA joy to show - A joy to live with - thanks to the judges who appreciated her soundness showmanship, especially to Toddie Clark - 4 pL major Bill Norris - 3 pt. major and win.PuJ-PrtcePomeraniansWarren Virginia Dimick8 BurkwayOklahoma City, Ok. 73115 405 677-2511\ AAPuJ-PrideTaunt9 Tempresfollowing in her sistersfootsteps but taking a maternity leave before returning.Pom Review July 1990 M a Very Import railVARIETYGROUPPIEDMONT KC APRILBaines PhotoB.I.S. Ch. Southland's Mr. V.I.P. OldaOWNERS HANDLERSCheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor Glen Iris Pomeranians Birmingham, Alabama 205 328-6603BREEDERS Charlotte Creed Ida Tarver