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The Pomeranian Review January 1993

CjAmerican Pomeranian Club, inc.frnnmntatt iftimuPublished Bi-Monthly JanuaryFebruary, 1993^ .y^-0'JVtfV i restof 0R variety iM1LORAIN COUNTYMBSFm -MSBS2HJ822A2^ illCh. Bonners Celeberty Q OCrystalspWSrlARtgigsJv ,A voXHitJTdBESTOFSt hX'v mArOPPOSITEisy^TySAN JACINTO -oSKENNEL CLUB1992 ASTRO-SERIESSHIRLEY DAIGLECh. Jan-Shars Pretty As A PictureSire Ch. Jan-Shars In Living Color x Jan-Shars NickiPretty is pictured above with our very capable handler, Joanne Reed, and Judge Ruth Davidson taking a 3-point major. Watch for Jan-Shars Flesh and Blood and Jan-Shars Garth Brooks now with Joanne. Pretty is being specialed with Jeanne and Robert Blank..Proud Owner and Breeder Sharon Hanson Rt. 2, Box 263Y^Mi\ Renick, WV 24966304 497-2446 days 304 497-2289 nightsvs ihroirnmian Sflttoof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.vsOfficers of the ClubPresident..........................First Vice-President........Second Vice-President...Recording Secretary.......Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer..........................Rural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501AKC DelegatePOB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207....... Mary Vickers... Audrey Roberts........ David WattsHappeth A. Jones ....Frances J. Stoll...... Al Williamson....... Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsSally Baugniet Carol A. Galavich Margaret McKee Jean B. Schroll Tony Tellez Sam ZaneoffPomeranian ReviewEditor.......................................................................................................................Dudley Roach3507 Tully Road-Suite 196 Modesto, CA 95356 Phone 209 529-5270Business Manager...................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions......................................................................................Brenda K. Hutton102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues..........................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions 6 Issues per yearDeadlinesUS.............................. .........30.00 Issue Ad Deadline DateForeign...................... .........45.00First Class US... .........35.00 [Vc 15Single Copy............... ...........6.50MarApr..................Jan. 1................. . Feb. 15NonMembers Members MayJune... .........March 1............... ..Apr. 15Full Page...........................65.00 .. .........70.00........40.00 .. .........45.00 JulyAug..................May 1................ .June 15Quarter Page....................20.00 .. .........25.00Photos each.....................10.00 .. .........10.00 SeptOct........ ..........July 1 ................ . Aug. 15Front Cover, BW .......120.00. .......150.00.......375.00 . .......400.00 NovDec..................Sept. 1 ...................Oct. 15Back Cover, BW.. ........80.00 .. .......100.00Color.................................250.00 . .......275.00Inside FC BC....................70.00 .. .........80.00 Some flexibility possible in deadline. PriorCenter Spread.......... ........140.00 . .......150.00 notice required.2 color photos.... .......390.00 . .......400.00 Reservations and Deposit required on allBusiness Card...................10.00 .. .........15.00 CoversClassified Ads....................5.00 ... ............5.00Contents....ColumnsSecretarys Page Happeth Jones............................3Much Ado About AnythingSally Baugniet.........................................................17Obedience News Linda Gallacher........................18News from Juniors Sarah J. OBrien..................21Registrars Comer Jean B. Schroll......................28Behind the New Titlists............................................38Helpful Hints.............................................................42 Ch. Bonners Celeberty Q OCrystalDelegates Report Sam Zaneoff............................50Julo Poms Derial Jackson......................................52Membership Report Jerrie Freia.........................54ArticlesPictured here winning Best of Breed under Judge Kathleen Kolbert. "Sunny" came to us three years ago from noted Pomeranian breeder Dorothy Bonner. He was finished at Western Reserve later that year under Judge Dawn Vic Hansen.The Importance of Attitude Barbi Kutilek..20Color Genetics Shirley Hoffman..........................21How Do I Put a Canadian Title on My Dog Marlene Penney.....................................................49A Novice Speaks Breed Rescue Barbara McClatchey.............................................60Regional Club NewsDallasFort Worth Mildred Patrick.....................24PCGB Diana Downey............................................57NCPC Janet Manuszak-Lucido...........................59Webfoot Report Jean Schroll..................................3Kennel VisitsMarch tssue.n.arrell and Olga Bakers Jeribeth PomeraniansMay Issue___Chris and John HeartsChresoendo Pomeranians Jufy lssue..Dorothy Bonner's Bonners PomeraniansSend your congratulatory adsSunny has been quite an asset to our breeding program, producing coats "to die for." He has one champion son and two others who are pointed.He weighs 5 pounds and is a total "ham" in the ring. Weve specialed him a little this year. He has several BOBs and a Group 3 under Judge Ed Dixon to his credit. We joke a lot about his many Group 5s.Sunny is at stud, but we do not accept shipped bitches as we are too far from the airports.f Thank you, BreederDorothy Bonner 26093 Hwy 281 N San Antonio, TX 78260 512 438-2256Proud OwnersJim and Judy Shearer 523 Miller Avenue Sugarcreek, OH 44681 216 852-4136 ^Congratulations to the Shearers and their Crystal PomsSecretarys Pageby Happeth A. Jones, Recording SecretaryOctoberNovember AgendasResults of pending motions in the NovemberDecember Review92-09-05 Motion to poll the membership regarding our change in size of the Review was adopted. 6 yes, 2 no, 1 abstain.92-09-10 Motion to have Sunshine Committee include sympathy cards. Passed 9 yes, 0 no.92-09-11 Motion to require nominees to secrecy has been tabled.92-09-13 Motion to approve potential visit list for kennel visits was passed. 9 yes, 0 no.92-07-17 Motion to hold our 1994 Winter Specialty in Kentucky was defeated. 3 yes, 7 no.Motions92-10-03 Jean Schroll moves to table motion 92-09-11. This is the motion to require nominees to keep it secret if they are elected or defeated. Seconded by Happeth Jones. Adopted. 9 yes, 0 no.Pending Motions92-10-06 Margaret McKee moves that the Recording Secretary revise the Standing Rules annually, after the annual meeting, by adding any motions passed in the previous year which establish policy. Seconded by A1 Williamson. Motion up for voting.92-11-02 Margaret McKee moves that we purchase from Dolores Watts 128 back issues of the Pom Review at a total cost of 1024.00. Needs a second.92-11-03 Jean Schroll moves that we publish the ratings of Poms in the Pom Review. Seconded by Happeth Jones. CommentsNoelle J. Pilat, Mary and Kenneth McKenzie, Wilma J. Hill, and Linda Rae Flint have been elected to membership.The Board has received a letter from AKC regarding their February 1993 issue which will pay tribute to influential stud dogs of the past. AKC requests we send in a name of a stud dog to so honor.Darrell Baker and Dolores Watts have sent in their acceptance letters for judging the 1994 Specialty.The By-laws committee has submitted their recommendations for updating the Constitution and By-laws of APC. This has been a major undertaking and it will take the Board a while to review carefully their recommendations. The major change in theConstitution would be to allow APC to hold the Annual meeting and therefore the Specialty outside of New York. When the Board approves a final draft, it will go to the membership for voting.Webfoot Reportby Jean SchrollThis has been the year of the worst drought in Northwest History, so this is not much of a Webfoot report. I think webfeet have dried up and gone away.There has been very exciting news in poms in the Northwest. We have had our National Specialty in July. What an exciting time that was. Over 100 dogs at all three specialties. The class wins were divided among several winners. The most consistent winner was a gorgeous bitch owned by Tommi Hooban. She finished at these shows. She also won all three sweepstakes either best or best opposite.Robert Koepel has a new special that is lovely. He won the American Pomeranian national under Leslie Rogers-also all three all-breed shows winning the group every day and Best in Show at Willamette Valley on Monday.Victoria Lovelys Ch. Lovely Jessie Sais So won the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty, and Anna LaFortunes Ch. Sungolds Short Circuit won the Puget Sound Specialty. Congratulations to all the winners.I did not go to many shows in August so I dont have a lot of news. September began with a 5 day circuit, and there were wins by several different specials, and at least one class dog won the breed. There were not many group placements either.We have a new show added to the WenatcheeEphrata Moses Lake weekend making three shows at one place. I was not able to attend, but I understand the location is beautiful. Maybe next year.Sharon Masnick has a Pom in the NW, and he traveled to Canada and completed his championship in 3 shows winning the group one day to finish.Sharons Pom won 4 BOBs in Idaho, but, unfortunately, went to Canada again and did not have such a good time.The Canadian National was held this time in Canada, with several California folks coming up and different dogs winning the breed each day. Natalie Dunfees sisters dog won the breed two of the five shows.tJesinISmEJENut 3COLUMBIANA COUNTY KENNEL CLUB. INC r-vCh. Great Elms Sweet PepperThe American Pomeranian Club is indeed fortunate to have Dudley Roach as editor of the Pomeranian Review. Im sure Wanda will be his able assistant. Our club and non-club subscribers have much for which to look forward.Congratulations to Dolores Watts for two of her recent champions, Great Elms Little Sparky and Great Elms Little Demetrious--both sired by Ch. Great Elms Master Mark.Congratulations also to Tony Cabrera for one of his recent champions, Great Elms Ring Master, sired by our Great Elms Gold Nugget.PLEASE SUPPORT OUR NEW EDITORRuth L. Beam Pineville, NC 28134P. O. Box 937 Ph 704 889-9233American Pomeranian Club 5Proudly presentsjyrrv ^bk__v iM ti tmAmours It Aint Over Yet C.C.Ch. Morenos C.C. Jr. By Choice x Woodrose Tammy GirlOn 81692 at West Oahu match "Ricco" won BB and Group 2 under Judge June Fannel. From the American Bred class, he won his first 5-point major 92692 under Judge Derek Rayne at Windward. Then, on 10392 at Kona, he was BW and BOS for 2 points under Judge Mr. L.E. Stanbridge. On 10492, at Orchid Island, he was BW and BOS for 2 points under Judge Mr. Peter Thomson.Thanks to all the judges that found Ricco worthy of his wins.My sincere thanks and deep appreciation to Clarence and Josephine Ching for their unselfish help and friendship.The very best to Dudley on becoming Editor. Im sure he will do a great job, and Im sure the magazine will be greatOwnerHandler Amours Poms and PoodlesShirley Ann K. Leus,3655 Kawelolani Place Honolulu, HI 96816 808 732-7427ajiwuxaI mMBKS EYE OF THE STORM,nreaALEXSMITHPHCTtOGBAiKiSWEEPSTAKES'WINNERMMERMUtlTrievon HI Skor Reddie x Trievon Desert Storm at BKs"Smooch" began his show career in Canada by winning Best in Sweepstakes and Reserve Winners Dog at the Pomeranian Club of Ontario Specialty show. He followed with another win from the Bred-by-Exhibitor class and Best of Opposite Sex over 2 specials at the London Canine Association all-breed show. Thank you judge James Reynolds Im very, very proud of this gorgeous 3 bundle of showmanship and am having a tremendous time exhibiting him. My ongoing gratitude to Ardith Neil for her help, support, and encouragement.Best of luck to Dolly Trauner and committee as you organize and implement the 1993 APC specialty show it will be difficult to top your outstanding efforts of 1992My heartfelt condolences to Bill Smart and his family. Lisa will be greatly missed.BREEDER Brenda K. Hutton Ardith R. NeilOWNERHANDLERBrenda K. Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 517485-5183IOOOOOIE BLACK POMJCH. FINCH'S HE WALKS ON WATERBEST IN SHOW AND BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW'Yf45.r. lJBreeder Owner Diane L Rnch Rural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134 515 769-2444Thanks to Judge Barbara Dempsey Alderman and handler Jackie RaynerHandler Jackie Rayner 748 Norway Avenue Hamilton, NJ 08629 609 587-2586 Fwars pomPresents...VrBEST3 mPIONEER- ICh. Golden Aires Stormin NormanOur thanks and appreciation to Judge Edd Embry Bivin and to Agent, Joyce McComiskey.BREEDER Sharon Masnick Golden Aires Poms 803 928-3511OWNER Joan Rogenski Libbys Poms 603 357-4554American Pomeranian Club 9sum hii Era hi iiIIIIIIIII4-m4Bonner's Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Ch Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch Queenaire Doodad Ch Queenaire Gambling DudeBlossom Views Proud Promise Queenaire Luvy Duk Queenaire Dark Velvet Ch Queenaire Coup d Etat SireCh Models Mr Roberts Ch Models Red Sultan Majestic April Love Queenaire Ruby RubyBlossom Views Proud Promise Queenaire Luvy Duk Queenaire Dark Velvet Ch Lovely Lady Shawna-Debutante Ch Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch Models High Voltage Models Bewitched Ch Models Bit-O-WhizCh Models Son of Fun Woods Sun GoddessMagics Little Miss Cuddles Bi-Mar Black Jade DamCh Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch Queenaire Gambling Dude Queenaire Luvy Duk Jubilee Dream WeaverQueenaire Headliner Jubilee Rebel Black Mandy BCONGRATULATIONS,DUDLEYfrommmmi thLOVELY POMSGroup Placing Shawnas Offspring includeBISA and BIS Ch Lovely Jessie Sais So Rated 6, Sept C.C. and 7, Sept TNT from competing in 9 showsGroup PlacingCh. Lovely Organized ChaosCh. Lovely Gabrielle-DebutanteIIII9IIVictoria Lovely 1406 54th Ave.ESuite P Tacoma, WA 98424HI ymt HB BE HH IIM 0phyNERCh. Phyner Gold Jackpot's winssince June 1, 1992Wins JudgesGroup One Mrs. PostgateGroup Two Dorothy Nickles Emil Klinckhardt Beverly LehnigR. LemckeMrs. G. DawkinsGroup Three Ruth Davidson George Payton Roy L. Aures, Sr.Best of Breed Dorothy Nickles Sam Draper Ruth Davidson Beverly Lehnig Lydia C. Hutchinson R. LemckeMrs. G. Dawkins Mrs. V. Buchanan Dr. Harold Smith Paula HartingerBeautifully presented as always by exclusive handlers Don Walker and Jeff NokesCo-Owner Julie Moreno---------------------------DollyB.Trauner2025 Lyon StreetSan Francisco, CA 94115____ 415346-5314phyNERrCh. Phyner Gold JackpotAnother Group 1st for "Jackie"------ --------------------DollyB. Trauner2025 Lyon StreetSan Francisco, CA 94115415 346-5314phyNER1-Ch. Phyner Gold JackpotAnother Group Placement, and still in the Top Ten Poms for both Breed and Toy Group FOR THE SECOND YEARDolly B. Trauner2025 Lyon StreetSan Francisco, CA 94115415346-5314American Pomeranian Club 13vphyNERrW,IftlI, 13A MAJOR best ofBREEDTACOMAkennel CLUBJUNECM-LE.A PHOTO .Phyner Black AtomMorenos Mr. G. Whiz x Ch. Phyner Black MoleculeffcrUDolly B. Trauner2025 Lyon StreetSan Francisco, CA 94115 ly. 415346-5314DhVNER-4Phyner Black AtomThat 2nd Majorfife------ --------------------DollyB. Trauner2025 Lyon StreetSan Francisco, CA 94115415346-5314American romeraman uiud 15phyNER- --j-. SUMMER 1992'MMPhyner Black AtomAPC Summer SpecialtyReserve Winners Dogfrom the BlackBrownBlue Class over 7 other contenders for Reserve that were 1st place winners in their classes, or 2nd in ROCS Class.Dolly B. Trauner2025 Lyon StreetSan Francisco, CA 94115y 415346-5314BILALOUiCh. Phyner Bilalou Mystic MelodyPhyner Stormy Knight x Phyner Black SorceressAnother champion has been added to those from the Phyner line of quality black Poms. Owned by Bill and Lucille Buttz, this little black girl finished largely owner-handled. Many thanks to Joanne Reed for putting the final major on her.BILALOU POODLES AND POMSBill and Lucille Buttz 5659 McLaughlin Newark, CA 94560 510 797-3865 rMuch Ado About Anythingby Sally BaugnietA Puppy Mill-Who MeorWhos a Knockin at My DoorEvidently in their quest to get at the Puppy Mills, AKC will also get after us. Exactly what the animal "rights" people want Is AKC playing right into the hands of the animal "rights" fanatics I will not deny the need to raise dogs in a clean environment, insure protection from the weather, provide proper food, water, love, training and exercise for our dogs, but I have yet to see or hear the official AKC definition of a Puppy Mill. Is it a place that raises over a certain number of litters a year Is it someone that owns more than a certain number of dogs on their premises Is it denying the normal needs of a the dog Define "normal" Is it a person who thinks that a dog does not need love, training and exercise Just what is and what is not a Puppy Mill The animal "rights" people dont want anyone to raise any animal. They want every animal to be in the wild, not for any use except just to look at....I have yet to see or hear theofficial definition of a puppy mill.Obviously someone that does not own a dog is not a puppy mill, or-is that not so obvious Someone who puppy mills might have dogs owned, on paper, by different relatives or friends. They may even have those dogs on the property of those friends or relatives. What ever it is, you had better put your books in order and get identification on your dogs. You seem to be treated exactly like a Puppy Mill.A few months ago the AKC delegates voted to have people inspect the records of those persons who raised ten or more litters a year. As I understand it, that has changed without a delegate vote. I have no idea how that happened, but it seems as though anyone who breeds even one litter is subject to the same scrutiny that an AKC inspector demands or requires. We dont even know the qualifications of these inspectors or where they come from. Who, when, and how have they been trained Do they knowanything about dogs Are we given any credit for knowing anything about dogs fif someone comes to your house requesting to see your dog records and has to be able to identify each of your dogs without your help, must you let that person into your house If you dont want to be suspended by AKC, you do. Is this really America Shades of the Nazi gestapoHave you noticed all of the people printed in the July Gazette who have been suspended by AKC for failing to comply with the record keeping and identification or practices as required by "Chapter 3A of the Rules applying to Registration and Dog Shows" Thirteen persons paid or must pay 500 each for a months total to AKC of 6500. This will probably pay for costs of the inspectors and AKCs record keeping. I dont know how they collect it. These people are suspended for a period of from 5 to 10 years.What are some of these people doing I have noticed a lot more Shih-Poos, Peek-a-Poos, Lhasa-Peek, etc. ads. It probably will come to the point where the letters "AKC before dogs advertised in the paper, or elsewhere, will disappear. That is not to say "Pure-Bred" dogs will not be bred they just wont be registered with AKC The pathetic part about this is, those people will get the same price as those of us who breed for show, and sell those that arent show quality but make wonderful pets. You know that every pup in a quality litter is not of show quality.It probably will come to the point where the letters "AKC" before dogs advertised will disappear.I called the National Dog Registry for information on a tattoo machine. It costs 350 initially for the kit. I suppose you would have to shave the hair off the place you would tattoo. A Pom is so small it would be hard to get ID numbers on its inside flank. Supposedly, tattoo discomfort is OK, but animal "rights" people think tail docking and ear cropping discomfort is not. The pain endured for spaying or neutering is OK, though, because it serves the animal"rights" peoples purpose which is to spay and neuter until the companion animal is spayed and neutered out of existence. We are getting double standards, folks.Do some of these things bother me They sure do. Wait until the criminals find out they can get into your homes by telling you they are here for AKC and flash their fake badges. I wonder how many dog people will be robbed, molested, killed, etc. by impersonators. I wonder where AKC will be then Has AKC become an anti-American animal-rights organization, or have some of those people infiltrated that club and worked their smooth talk on officials just as they have in the political field and on the general publicThought for the month If it wasnt for the hot water, the tea kettle wouldnt sing.Obedience Newsby Linda Gallacher 1990 Ridgeway Drive Eugene, OR 97401Once again the Pom Review has a new editor. Im anticipating many changes for the better. One welcomed change is the return to the smaller sized publication. Dudley, best wishes and congratulationsIve had very little correspondence from readers lately. Lois Campbell wrote to confirm her UD on Ch. Moonshadows Eye of the Tiger, UD..."We made it UD Bogie and I have shown from 391 to 71991.The first leg was earned on January 23rd, 1992, with 45 dogs entered-4 qualified. Bogie was fourth place.The second leg was May 31, 1992, and the third leg on July 19, 1992, where he was second place with a 190 score."When I got the motivation together, Bogie got his obedience together. What a team NOW he loves to work. I had control all along,I just didnt know it. Learning to read your dog and what makes him a happy and willing worker is 90 of the team work."My first UD-1 learned so much 1 love obedience and how close it brings me to my Poms. I did not know what Happy Heeling was until Bogie DID IT"Congratulations, LoisLois Morkassel writes..."Labor day weekend was very exciting for us. A labor of love so to speak. Kassels Dandelion Down, AmCan CDX, CGC, ROM, AD, finished her UKC CD on Saturday.She had 2 legs from the previous April shows. Her scores were 192,188, and 191 12 three shows in a row. Her son, Kassels Gar-De-An Sir Plus, AmCan CD, CGC, also finished his UKC CD in three shows the same weekend His scores were189, 189, and 184 12."UKC is really fun, and I think it is a great complement to training for AKC and CKC events. Instead of the group down after the group sits, there is an honor dog the dog does the down stay with the handler across the ring while the working dog does the heel on leash and figure 8. The recall is done over a solid jump once the height of the dog. These are the only differences in the Novice class. There are more differences in the Open and Utility classes."This makes a nice transition to AKC and CKC Open classes with jumping and out of sight sits and downs. If anyone is thinking about showing UKC, I strongly urge you to go ahead. More titles for your training"Thanks, Lois, and congratulations I have been showing a little bit in UKC shows also. Its a lot of fun and the atmosphere is more relaxed than at AKC shows. Ive been recommending that new exhibitors show UKC first to gain some formal ring experience before going on to AKC shows. Its also nice to get a Novice dog out more before that long stretch between Novice and Open.I finished a CD on Bow Dover-Holihouse My Best Bow at our local Emerald Cluster Shows with two legs and scores in the lowAmerican Pomeranian Club 19190s. Id like to tell you a little bit about this wonderful little dog.I was contacted by Ingrida Gasaway early last summer regarding a dog that had been returned to her. Ingrida had originally gotten Bow from his breeder, Kathy Hartz, and then had sold him to an 8-year-old girl as a 4-H Dog Obedience project. Bow lived and trained with little Amy for more than a year then, serious family problems caused the dog to be returned to Ingrida. Ingrida told me that she and Kathy would like to see Bow earn his CD title and did I have any ideas for an obedience home. I didnt have the time to take on another obedience dog I already had 4 in active training at that time, but I kept thinking about the little guy. He had been a pampered house pet and was now back in a kennel situation. I finally told Ingrida that I would take Bow and try to find him a home. Shortly after bringing him home, I discovered that the dog was terrified of anything moving behind him and scared to death of large dogs anything bigger than a Pom In checking with his former owners, Ingrida was told that Bow had been attacked and seriously injured by larger dogs earlier in the year.I tried taking Bow to classes but he became so frightened by the other dogs moving around him that he could not even sit in the middle of the room without screaming and flinging himself at the end of this lead.I would have placed Bow in a quiet, adult home at that point except for one thing. Bows favorite thing in the world is his obedience work All of my dogs love to do obedience, but when I put a collar and lead on Bow, he would radiate with joy. I found that little Amy had done a fantastic job of training him and he knew all of his Novice exercises. All that was needed was a bit of polish, and I had a dynamite obedience dog on my hands. Just one little problem-at this point in time, they dont send obedience judges to your home and give you titles for work done in your back yard. Too bad, huhIngrida, Kathy, and I decided to enter Bow at the upcoming Pom specialties and also entered him at the Portland Dog Fanciers show the weekend before the Specialties. I stayed with a friend in her motorhome on the show grounds and took Bow into the building the night before. He was veryfrightened of the barking dogs, but we played ball and did some fun training, and he relaxed a little bit. The next morning, I took him into the building early and let him have plenty of time to adjust to the noise and the crowds before he went into the ring. Bow was very nervous, but I did a little heeling around the outside of the ring, and he calmed down some. Luckily the obedience end of the building was much quieter and less crowded than the breed ring area.In the ring, Bow was nervous and kept turning around when he heard the judge walking behind him. On the recall, he twirled around when he got to me and sat with his back to my legs so he could see what was coming behind him I was worried about the stays, but he was steady and qualified that day with a 191 12The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club Specialty show was held the following Wednesday. The show was outside and Pomeranians were the only breed of dog on the grounds that day. Bow was a star and worked like he does in my back yard. He ended up with a score of 197 12 for first place in Novice B and High in Trial.At the APC Specialty, he again worked well. I had another dog entered in Novice so had a friend handle Bow on the stays. He went down on the sit stay. I dont know why it was just one of those things that can happen. At the Columbia Pom Specialty, he did a beautiful job. By now there were many other breed specialties going on. While we were doing our group down, several Boston Terriers got into a big fight right outside the ring where the Poms were lying. I could see how nervous Bow was getting-he finally sat up just seconds before we were sent back to our dogs.I entered Bow twice on the local Emerald cluster. The obedience rings are in a separate building from the breed rings but draw large entries and huge numbers of spectators. Bow was very nervous and again kept spinning around in the ring to see what was behind him He also turned his back to my legs on his recall each day. Despite this, he still managed scores in the low 190s Im so proud of his previous owner, Amy, who did such a wonderful job of training himNew obedience titles from the Septemberand October issues of the Gazette are as followsNewUDCh. Moonshadows Eye of the Tiger, UD, owned by Lois Campbell and bred by Paul and Sandy Logan.New CDXAnimations Simon, CDX, owned by Carole Bray and bred by Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane finished his title with 1 firsts and one second place Im looking forward to hearing about these two in utility next. Keep up the good work.New CDBaggys Golden Nugget, CD, owned by Sandra and Wayne Bagnail finished with a 193 for 1st place, a 191 12 for third place, and 196 for 1st place all from Novice ABilfrosts See N Choco Spots, CD, owned by Jayne Hoemke were showing in Novice B and earned scores of 195 for 3rd place, 195 for 2nd place, and 189. I wish I knew what color this dog was I love the name Chocolate Parti maybePinx Frolic in Fur, CD, owned by Helen Leavenworth earned scores of 196 for 3rd place, 190 12 for 1st place, and 180 for 4th place. There was also an insurance leg with a 190 Good Job.Wee Ruff N Tuff, CD, owned by Sheila Wheeler and Eloise Peterson first earned two scores of 190 in 1991. Then, in May of this year, he came back and earned another two scores of 185 12 and 191.Animations Ben Ali Gator, CD, owned by Carole and Misty Bray finished his CD with scores of 191, 183, and 192. This dog was bred by Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane. I think Misty was the handler. Please correct me if Im wrong. CongratulationsDel Sols Harbor Patrol, CD, owned by Noelle Pilat and bred by Sue Conlee. I had the great pleasure of watching this team at out summer specialties where they earned their CD. They have a record of one first place, 2 seconds, one third, and one fourth. They are very close to being ready for Open, but Noelle is going to be showing Bubba at the Gaines Regional, so will hold him out of Open for a while.Maranathas Lil Petra, CD, owned andbred by Gloria Carlin finished her CD with scores at each of the Pom Specialties. Petra is a beautiful little dog and a steady worker. Hopefully, Gloria will go on to Open with her.Souvenir Country Charm, CD, owned by Donna Haworth and bred by Nan Shartel is another beautiful little Pom that turned in lovely performances and finished her CD at the Summer Specialty shows. They were High in Trial at the Columbia SpecialtySun-Dees Second Chance, CD, owned and bred by Dorothy and Jack Keller finished their CD with scores of 187, 179, and 178 12.Congratulations to all of youUntil next issue....Happy HeelingsThe Importance of Attitudeby Barbi KutilekMany exhibitors often fail to realize the importance of attitude in the ring. Even though grooming and presentation are key factors, it is your attitude that transmits to your Pom and affects his behavior. That leash is more than control it works like an extension cord, linking your feelings to those of your Pom. Consequently, your Pom knows when you are happy or upset. And he knows when youre not paying attention to his every move.Since you have only a few short minutes to portray all that has been taught to your Pom and all that youve learned yourself, there is no time to fumble or to forget when your number is called. Be happy and proud of the Pom youve worked with so hard, and express this to the judge by smiling at your Pom. Smile at the judge also, but smile courteously and briefly, since the Pom is the main reason why you are in the ring. You dont want the judge to notice your face, you want him to notice your Pom Dont keep continual eye contact with the judge, because you want him to keep his eyes mainly on your Pom. If you keep your eyes on your Pom and smile nicely, the judge just may take that extra glance needed for him to decide upon giving you and your Pom that blue ribbon.Experiment with your Poms emotions. Find out what makes him strut his stuff, and what makes him misbehave. When your Pom pleases you in the ring, praise him Tell him you love him, or how beautiful he is. If you are uncomfortable with verbal praise, talk to him with your eyes, or tell him by touching him. And if he acts up a little, correct him gently-and reassure him-he needs this too And if all else fails-SMILEBNews from Juniorsby Sarah J. OBrienBeginning with the January issue, we plan to do a column dedicated to Juniors. My intent with this column is to give some insight on Junior show people. It is my hope to achieve an awareness of what it is like for Juniors out there, whether it be in breed or in Junior Showmanship. I also hope to inspire, through this column, more juniors to get out there and show their dogs, and to get more adults to encourage these young people who are so eager. It is the juniors who are the future of this great sport With the guidance and support of enthusiastic and knowledgeable folks, the sky is the limit.I myself, have just started showing within the last year. The first Pom I ever saw was Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II when he took the Garden. My passion from that moment has been Poms. I have a lovely red sable named Whitley, who I am showing in breed and in juniors.We tentatively plan to ask guest junior judges, selected breed judges, and other junior handlers to contribute to this column. Our purpose is to get more juniors involved and get them in the breed ring. Some of the topics I wish to touch upon are etiquette, what junior judges expect, dress, class conflicts, and the like. Please, as a junior or "other," feel free to write me with suggestions or experiences you have had.I would like to thank Dudley Roach for giving me the opportunity to do this column, and Fred and Pat Dieball for their guidance, and Patty Griffin for Merrymont Kiss Me Quick.Write to me if you have news for this column at 5869 Kingfisher Lane Clarkston, MI 48346.QColor Genetics as Applied to the Pomeranianby Shirley Ann HoffmanIt is difficult to condense this complex subject about which volumes have been written to a few pages. Certainly, no attempt will be made to cover all facets of the subject. Since each of the sciences gives rise to vocabulary unto itself, it is almost impossible to avoid the use of terms with which the uninitiated is unfamiliar. At the risk of appearing repetitious, I will attempt a brief description of such terms in parenthesis subsequent to the term in question.Coat color in the dog is the result of the combined chemical activity of a number of hereditary units genes. There are at least ten pairs of chromosomes units which house genes in cells on which more than twenty-four types of genes in various combinations affecting coat color are located and, without a doubt, many modifiers which have, as yet, remained unidentified. Combinations of known factors make possible over one thousand colors and color combinations in the German Shepherd alone.Coat color in the dogs is not a result of blending of pigments as one would do in mixing paints. Coat color is the chemical interaction of, or combined, or related action between gene pairs which affect the visible color of the animal. As an example, one would not breed a black dog to a white one always expecting to produce blue coat color in the resultant get, although a blue animal could result from such a mating providing both parents possessed the recessive gene designated a for blue dilution and each parent transmitted a to the puppy. The blue gray coat of the progeny would not be produced because of a blending of the black and white colors of the parents, but because each parent endowed the get with gene a for blue dilution which is recessive and must be present in a pair in the individual which exhibits this color, provided the genes were present in the parents for transmission. These same dogs could just as well have produced black, white, parti-color, orange, sable, beaver, chocolate, or cream. Obviously, every Pomeranian does not carry all genes for production of every color possible in the breed.As a general rule, little can be determined about the full coat color producing potential of a dog by merely observing his visible color appearance. The reason for this is that a certain gene for a color factor can produce one color when inherited along with one given group of color influencing genes and can manifest an entirely different color in the animal when as few as one gene in the group is inherited in a manner which would alter this arrangement in another individual.In order to avoid confusion, symbols, explanations, and quotations will be according to the book authored by Little, Inheritance of Coat Coloring in Dogs except when otherwise noted.Genes come in pairs. One gene of the pair is inherited from the sire the other is inherited from the dam. Members of a pair of genes can be alike or unalike. The various forms of a gene which can occupy the same site location-locus in a chromosome are called allels. In the dog, four loci for coat color have been identified which may contain any one of four allels and six loci which contain two each. It is important to remember that the "masking or concealment dominance" of a gene is often but not always imperfect or incomplete. Where this is the case, an animal possessing two different members of a gene pair shows visible and simultaneous characteristics dependent on each of them. Hutt-"One feature common to all polygenic characters a group of genes which collectively control inheritance is that individual animals show different degrees of the inherited trait, and in a large population one usually finds a continuous gradation range." Color is influenced by modifier genes in the color gene complex.Color is also influenced by the degree to which a gene is able to function. One gene, As for black, may cause intense black pigment to be laid down heavily in the hair while another As gene may lack the strength to cause such intense laydown in pigment because of some minute chemical difference in the two genes which are basically the same and perform essentially the same function. The number of genes and the myriadcombinations into which they may be manipulated by nature plus individual gene strength must be taken into consideration.Several genes influence a dog to be cream, orange, red, or sable it would take chapters to explain. Briefly, there are creams, oranges, and reds which have little or no shading of the same color from dark to light because of a pair of recessive genes which also prevent any black hairs appearing anywhere in the coat. Because of the restriction of black, these dogs can be basically black, sable, orange, red, or black and tan however, without a breeding test they cannot be distinguished from the Ay orange in which black hairs can form in the coat but need not be present. Ay types are in the majority in the breed. Since Ay animals make up the larger population in the breed and since black can appear in the coat of an otherwise orange dog of this type, black hairs and light sable shading should not be penalized. Dogs of Ay constitution have shadings of the same color from dark to light on the belly, chest, underside of the tail, breechings, and leg feathering.The difference between shading on the muzzle of an orange sable and a black muzzle of an orange or sable and a black muzzle would be difficult indeed to determine. This would be due to modifiers present in acting consort with the causative genes and gene potency. While many animals carrying the dominant genes for masking may have black hairs at the roots, more will have shaded muzzles which are light at the root with black tipping. Some animals will exhibit such little gene strength as to have a mere shadow across the muzzle which would be difficult to discern.It appears that judges and breeders prefer an absolutely jet black Pom with no hint of other color present. I would like to quote Little in connection with the masking factor Em and the black As. "When EmEm black mask is found in combination with ASAS dark pigment over whole body, a superb black animal should be produced."Little "When Em replaces E in tan-pointed aa animals, the tan areas disappear from the head."Continued in the next issueauiiumucjii ruinerariicin uiuu 23I 8Meet a very important Puppym.yMSr_oMorenos Dandi LionCh. Odysseys Keno Wiz x Ch. Morenos Sweet PeaThe first result of a Keno daughter bred back to him....Dandi is pictured taking his first points from the puppy class on the Idaho Circuit. Our thanks to Judge Dr. Robert J. Berndt AND as always, our handlers, Jeff Nokes and Don Walker-the winning teamFLASH Dandi took a Best of Breed at the Mt. Baker Show on November 1st under Judge Melbourne T. L. Downing beating 3 specials, one of whom was a Best in Show winner. He went on to a Group 3 under Judge Dr. Samuel Draper. How nice for an 8-month old puppy Yes, we are proud...We feed and recommend Science Diet for all of our Pomeranians.Appointments gladly made We are proud of our Poms,BreederOwner Julie Moreno Co-Owner Dolly Trauner 415 583-4973r1Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club Specialty Showby Mildred PatrickOn Friday, September 18, 1992, the DFW Pom Club held its 33rd Annual Fall Specialty Show. Sweepstakes began at 200, followed immediately by the Regular classes.The Sweepstakes judge was Carolyn Crockett of Houston, Texas. She had a total of 13 entries. Carolyn had a great time judging these babies-they were all so beautiful, and she did a wonderful job.Regular classes were judged by Dorothy Nickles of Fort Worth, Texas. Dorothy was interviewed by our local ABC affiliate prior to the judging, and she wore a microphone during the judging. The following Monday evening, highlights from the Pom Specialty were shown on the 600 news. They also gave her background and her activities as a judge such as being the ONLY judge to be licensed as All-Breed in conformation and licensed for ALL Obedience classes. She is eligible to judge all over the world. She was, of course, her lovely, adorable self and did a tremendous job of judging.Most of the exhibitors and judges attended the after-show dinner at Roberts restaurant, a few blocks from the show site. It just happened to be Bronya Johnstons birthday didnt say a word about how many, Bronya. Several of her friends had a birthday surprise for her-her very own gorgeous male stripper She was not prepared for this and when she looked up there was a policeman coming through the door. She made a comment about "real" policemen dont wear their hair that long. Anyway, he came over to her and started his routine She was a very good sport about it all.The members of the Club would like to thank all the exhibitors and friends for supporting our show-you make them, after all. Also thanks to the Show Chairman and all of the Show committee for a job well done.9Best of Breed Ch. Dochlaggie Dagwood4Winners Dog and Best Puppy Chestaras Hail to the ChiefOFSEXOHLERWB, BW, BOS Velvet Touch BeautifulBOS to Best in Sweeps Sonnydales T. Robin FalknerMmeriudii rumercJMicJM uiuu ZDDallas Fort Worth Pomeranian Club Specialty ShowmXJWJVJANX,-.FirstFirstFirstFirstSeptember 18,199235 entries 18 Dogs, 13 Bitches, 4 BOB CompetitionSweepstakes 13Judge Carolyn CrockettT\Puppy Dogs, 6 mos. and under 9 mos.. Berrys Very Special Charlie............................. Owner Nina M. BerryPuppy Dogs, 9 mos. and under 12 mos.Sonnydale's T. Robin Falkner................. Owner Barbara H. GrimisonPuppy Bitches, 6 mos. and under 9 mos.....Whid-Don's Rose Mary.........................Owner Barbara T. WhiddonPuppy Bitches, 9 mos. and under 12 mos.......Pom Grove's Felicia..........Owner Kenneth and Francis FreemanBest in Sweepstakes Pom Groves Felicia Best of Opposite Sex Sonnydales T. Robin FalknerRegular ClassesJudge Dorothy NicklesPuppy Dogs, 6 mos. and under 9 mos.First..........................Berrys Very Special Charlie............................... Owner Nina M. BerryPuppy Dogs, 9 mos. and under 12 mos.First...........................Chestara's Hail to the Chief..................Owner Bill and Beverly HenryOpen Dogs ROCSFirst........................Whid-Don's High Performance........................Owner Barbara WhiddonWinners Dog Chestaras Hail to the Chief Reserve Whid-Dons High PerformancePuppy Bitches, 6 mos and under 9 mos.First........................Chas-T-Dees Look at Me Now........Owner Charles and Dee McNeicePuppy Bitches, 9 mos. and under 12 mos.First.................................Pom Groves Felicia...........Owner Kenneth and Francis FreemanBred-by-Exhibitor BitchesFirst........................Chestara's Sheschiefly Ginger..................OwnenBill and Beverly HenryOpen Bitches ROCSFirst...............................Velvet Touch Beautiful.................................Owner Janet BordelonWinners Bitch Velvet Touch Beautiful Reserve Johnstoys Musical ComedyBest of Breed Ch. Dochlaggie Dagwood Best of Opposite Velvet Touch Beautiful Best of Winners Velvet Touch Beautiful Best Puppy in Classes Chestaras Hail to the ChiefWatch for these Kennel VisitsMarch lssue--Darrel and Olga Bakers Jeribeth Pomeranians May Issue-Christine and John Heartz Chriscendo Pomeranians July lssue--Dorothy Bonners Bonners PomeraniansSend in your congratulatory adsSum-InfsPresenting the BIS PomeranianCh. Sun-Dots ChewbakaAfter a successful show career with handler, Adrian "Al" Alford, Chewy is now at home and at stud with owner, Ruth Dotson. We are pleased to offer a few, select puppies for sale.Congratulations and good luck to Dudley in his new position as Editor.1Ruth Dotson 353-C East 10th St. 216 Gilroy, CA 95020 408 726-1868 Morning calls best.Minenucin romeraman uiud 27MM1 Pnr,wp,wrjmi....Queenaire Diamond AppleSire Ch. Apples Traveling Diamond Dam Foskeys Foxy LadyCh. Queenaire Handsome StrangerSire Queenaire Diamond Apple Dam Ch. Queenaire Bright Promise, ROMX\1 r _______Jo-Arts Marilyn pointedSire Queenaire Diamond Apple Dam Jo-Arts MadonnaJo-Arts GoldilocksSire Queenaire Diamond Apple Dam Jo-Arts MinnieWe want to thank Rollie and Evelyn Conley for finishing Ch. Jo-Arts Belle Starr, another Queenaire Diamond Apple daughter out of a Handsome Stranger daughter.We thank our friends, Dudley and Wanda Roach, for letting us have Queenaire Diamond Apple Star and Ch. Queenaire Handsome Stranger Buster.Art and Joy Davison 39560 Glenwood Court f Murrieta, CA 92362 714698-0016 Registrars CornerJean B. Schroll 12950 S. New Era Road Oregon City, OR 97045Requirements for Historical AwardsROM Dogs..................6 titled offspringROM Bitches.4 titled offspringROMX Dogs.20 titled offspringROMX Bitches............6 titled offspringOne obedience title per dog or bitch onlycounts toward the ROM-ROMX.Hall of Fame requirements are as follows...All-Breed BIS or High in Trial or Two Hundred Score or Dogs siring 50 or more titled offspring or Bitches producing 25 or more titled offspringThis award is for the first BIS or HIT only. You can enter the HOF one time only with the same dog or bitch.Gold Club requirements...Dogs winning 100 or more Best of Breeds or Bitches winning 50 or more Best of Breeds or Best of Opposite Sex or Dogs or bitches winning 3 5-point majors never going less than Best of Winners or Back to back Group Is or Back to back Best In Shows or Back to back High in Trials or An Obedience score of 200 or Two published passing Tracking TestsWhile these titles may not be published in AKC events, they may be used in all other advertising.Please notify me when one of your dogs qualifies for a category. I particularly need the Obedience people to let me know. I do my best to find all those who qualify, but I do need your help.Register of Merit Dogs and BitchesCh. Beaver of Lenette Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein Ch. Great Elms Firefighter Ch. Great Elms Firestarter Homesteads Second Hand Rose Ch. Macs Jennifer Jangles Maranathas Lil Charity, CD Ch. Millamors Mark TraditionCh. Merrymont Satrday Night Fever Ch. Queenaire Bright Promise Ch. Queenaire Signature Ch. Randys Super Sport Shadras Coal Citty of Holihouse Ch. Singleoaks Image of Great Elms Silver Meadows Redwing Ch. Stolannes Thunderbolt Thor Ch. Tim Sues Duchess Sabrina Ch. Tim Sues Little Love Bug Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style Ch. Watts Little DakotahRegister of Merit Excellent Dogs andBitchesCh. Bev-Nors Statesman Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Ch. Queenaire Bright Promise Ch. Tim Sues Duchess SabrinaHall of FameCrickettes Midnight Song, UD HIT Mosaic Ruff N Tuff Rangier, CD HITGold ClubCh. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Ch. Lovely Jessie Sais SoMIA POMSHome of Ch. Bev-Nor Southland Sinsationsends congratulations to Dudley Roach on his first issue of thePomeranian Review.Quality Pups and young Adults AvailableBev-Nor, Southland, Berry, Rhea-Na, Millamor, and other quality bloodlines.Ramona J. Smith HCR4- Box 26B Bowman, ND 58623 701 574-3158American Pomeranian Club 29msXiM-JlZE P omziaiuaiuA 4.4.4. rr1rZ3Sr oo'Krn.BISS and Multi-Group Placer AmJCan. Ch. Marshires Love Letters and Mercers Mostly Duke Needs Major to finishOwner Handled. 132 points earned in 1992 101091 to 101092 which equates to 6 champions and 5 others needing only a major to finish.We will now be able to accept a limited number of dogs from select clients. References and fees upon request. Evelyn and Rollie Conley 20075 Vining Road New Boston, Ml 48164 313 753-9245 Xyn-X ll J\fElijah omaaiitaiiiAAmiCan. Ch. Marshires Love Letters Breeder Marlene and Frank PenneyCh. Silver Meadows Jus A Lil Teddy Breeder Jackie KleinJV , m_____Ch. Silver Meadows Barbie Brite Breeder Jackie KleinEvelyn and RoJIie Conley 20075 Vining Rd. New Boston, Ml 48164313 753-9245 Evelyn Newyear 4478 River St Willoughby, OH 216-946-1226i 'yi- dYmJailyCh. Nabobs Dime Store Cowboy Breeder Robert and Barbara BredenCh. Janesas Lovin Dreams Breeder Jerrie FreianCh. Jo-Arts Belle Starr Breeder Joy DavisonEvelyn and Rolbe Conley 20075 Vming Rd. New Boston, Ml 48164313 753-9245 Evelyn Newyear 4478 River St. Willoughby, OH t 216-946-1226 torCh. Janesas Star DusterCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge x Ch. Janesas Glen Iris Star StruckDusty was major pointed by her BreederOwner and finished by the able team of Cheryl and Joel. We would like to thank the following judges M. Hill, E. Jenner, R. Filburn, K. Kahn, J. Mitchell, F. McCoy, Mrs C. Humphrey, and N. Patton.Breeder Owner Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381HandlersCheryl Jackson Joel Taylor 1038 16th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205uwiMiBEST OF WINNERSBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXMT. PLEASANT,MICHIGANKENNEL CLUBUNEqg PHOTO BYK. BOOTHCh. Janesas Lovin DreamsCh. Jamels Fugicle of Southland x Hi Line Janesas TrendSHE WAS A DREAM TO SHOWBreederJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466 After 6 p.m.Handlers Evelyn Conley Rollie Conley 20075 Vining Road New Boston, Ml 48164 313 753-9245Owners Evelyn Newyear Evelyn ConleymPaKv^ 111 .K -X. . ,.. 1it r'j'A [ - V-r\a^r.\.J -.^r . VE-.r^-rWINNERS i T4ICh. Janesas Penrus Bel CantoCh. Bev-Nors Toastmaster x Berrys Precious JanesaWe would like to thank the judges who appreciated this young dog B.Esporite, Mrs. K. Kolbert, R. Filburn, R. Gurin, Mrs. J. Alexandria, J. Moran, and A. Harper.BreederJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466OwnerRosalind Goltz 3317 Rugby Road Durham, NC 27707 919 419-1164mBEST OF WINNERSGRTR. PANAMA CITY DOG FANCIERS ASSOCFALL 1991 COPR. PHOTO BYL. F. SOSACh. Berrys Lil JeepmasterCh. Bev-Nors Toastmaster x Berrys Precious JanesaJeep, and his handler, Joel Taylor, are pictured with Judge Mrs. Charlotte P. Patterson. We would like to thak the following judges Mrs. C. Patterson, Mrs. L. Wiseman, E. Jenncr, and Mrs. E. Rotman.BreederJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466Handlers Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. TaylorOwners Bar-Jon Barbara and Johnny Messner2249 Suwannee Drive Marrero, LA 70072Barbi Kutilik, a new Pom friend shared from the Chow Fancy and a wonderful Teammate for Billy. A New Year brings things new, fresh, and excitingMarge Kranzfelder1777 Beach Park Blvdm. ftjfeV' \ff . f.VA^. 7^Truffles, a gorgeous deep chocolate girl, pointed from the 6-9 class pictured with Barbi. Congratulations to Dudley, our new editor extraordinaire.Foster City, CA 94404 415 572-0149Behind the New TitlistsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free if sent in by the owner. Please send the dogs name, sex, owners name, city, and state, and breeders name on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor.Ch Jo-Ras Good Luck CharmRed and Sable Female Breeder Joan Laird Schrader Owner Teresa ViereggeQueenaire Charlemagne Ch Mac's Dan-D-LionCh Mac's Jennifer Jangles Macs Take Me Along SireCh Macs High Pockets Tomanoll's Candy Kiss Tomanoll's I Got Troubles Ch Silva Lade Midnight Caper Wee Heart's Stormy Weather Wee Hearts Nutra Sweet Donoras Shady Lady DamShamrocks Tar-Tanion Conaras Lily Dee of Mindy Mind O My Own From LennisCh Extane Jelegadink of FanfareOrange Sable Female BreederOwner Sharon ShipekCh Edney's Moe-Best Special Order Ch Watts' Little Peter Tan Moe-Best Ch Moe-Best Constant Attention Ch Apolloette Coast to Coast Sire Manies Lil Gold Brick Apolloette Sparkling Fresca Apollos Classy Chassis Ch Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch Southlands Toasted Fudge Ch Southlands Happy Birthday Bil CCh Fanfares Sweet and Sassy Dam Ch Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch Fanfares Penny Serenade Fanfare's Image of HarbinCh Extane Vanilla Fudge SundayRed MaleBreederOwner Sharon ShipekMay Morning Social Lion Ch Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch Dunns Little Tina Preshus Bev-Nors Fudge Fantasy SireCh Great Elms Little Man of Lenette Bev-Nors Sparkling Sherry Molly of LenetteCh Watts Little Peter Tan Moe-Best Ch Apolloette Coast to Coast Apolloette Sparkling Fresca SHs Montana Madam DamCh Watts' Little Do-Si-Do Ch Watts Little Country Bumpkin Watts Little Crisco of ScotiaCh Queenaire Handsome StrangerOrange Sable MaleBreeders Dudley and Wanda RoachOwners Art and Joy DavisonCh Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch Apples Traveling Diamond ROM Apple's Traveling Cricket Queenaire Diamond Apple SireCh Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond ROMX Foskeys Foxy LadyFoskeys Wendy the Pooh Ch Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch Queenaire Gambling Dude Queenaire Luvy Duk ROM Ch Queenaire Bright Promise ROMX Dam Chula Queenaire Chance Ch Foxaire My Sweet Promise ROM Magots Sidney Lissrv.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.We invite our Readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects.-\JCh Odysseys Shadow of KenoLight Orange MaleBreederOwner Janet Manuszak-LucidoCh Model's Bit-O-Whiz ROM Ch Moonshadows G Wiz Wee-Bad Queenaire Ruby Ruby ROM Ch Odysseys Keno Wiz SireQueenaire Whiskey Tenor Black Cherries Jubilee Jubilee Darin DoCh Queenaire Gambling Dude ROM Ch Moonshadows MicaQueenaire Ruby Ruby ROM Moonshadows Tiffany Rose DamCh Queenaire Gambling Dude ROM Chy-Moon Spinner Jubilee Night LightCh Dupres Sparkling Gold PearlOrange Female TD-266058 BreederOwner Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr.Ch Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch Emcee's Sparkling Gold Mico Emcees Sparkling Hot Tamale Ch Dupres Sparkling Gold Buster SireCh Emcee's Texas Pete Dupres That's My Dolly Dupres Ideal Mystery Girl Ch Emcee's Sparkling Gold Mico Ch Dupres Sparkling Gold Buster Dupre's Thats My Dolly Dupres Dancing Busters Lady DamCh Jeribeths Ivan Ideal Dupres Lets Dance Ivan Dupres Cajun Dancing GirlCh Dupres Sparkling Gold CharmOrange Female TM-77813802 BreederOwner Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr.Ch Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch Emcee's Sparkling Gold Mico Emcees Sparkling Hot Tamale Ch Dupres Sparkling Gold Buster SireCh Emcees Texas Pete Dupre's That's My Dolly Dupres Ideal Mystery Girl Ch Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch Emcees Tiny Mite of Tico Emcees Tar TanDupres Sparkling Gold Tia DamDupres Spark in the Night Dupre's Diamond Boomer Rang Dupres Dancing Diamond AmyCh Jo-Arts Belle StarrRed FemaleBreeders Art and Joy Davison Owner Lyn-Lee Neujahr PomeraniansCh Model's Truly-A-Diamond ROM Ch Apple's Traveling Diamond ROM Apples Traveling Cricket Queenaire Diamond Apple SireCh Emcees Solid Gold Diamond ROMX Foskey Foxy LadyFoskey Wendy the Pooh Queenaire Diamond Apple Queenaire Handsome StrangerCh Queenaire Bright Promise ROMX Jo-Arfs Sunny DamCh Cheap Shot Jo-Art's Roxanne Sunrays Lil DovieCh Dimondes Crown PrinceOrange MaleBreederOwner Diana M. DowneyCh Apples Traveling Diamond ROM Ch Cedarwood's Image of Diamond ROM Cedarwood's Pitti PattieCh Great Elms Prince Charming II ROM SireCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy ROMX Great Elms Dolly Ch Emcee's a Chip of Diamond DMDs British Red Coat, CGC Jestoms Happy Chips Dimonde Solitaire of Emcee DamCh Emcee's Terrific Wee Chips Emcees Simplemente MielEmcee's Adorable Bit of Gold ROMCh Phyner Bilalou Mistic MelodyBlack Female TD-983003 Breeder Dolly Trauner Owner Bill and Lucille ButtzCh Morenos Critics Choice Ch Morenos Night Storm by Choice Morenos Black Trinkette Ch Phyner Stormy Knight SireCh Morenos Critics' Choice Ch Phyner Black Molecule Phyner Spell Binder Ch Bonner's Lisastar Legacy Ch Starlite Legacy Choco Bear Stariite Editors BWitched Phyner Black Sorceress DamCh Morenos Critics' Choice Phyner Spellbinder Phyner Kitchen WitchCh Nabobs Dime Store CowboyRed MaleBreeder Barbara and Robert Breden Owner Lyn-Lee and Neujahr PomeraniansCh Kazars Spectacular Kid Ch Kazars Short Stop Kazars Nancy JaneNabobs Snow Boots of Sungold SireCh Muller's Just a Nip, Jr Sungolds Snowy Mittens, CD Mullers Gypsy Tambourine Pinkys Cherokee Warrior Ch General of Bonita Cindy Lea ModenPombredens Faith of Sarah DamCh Purtee Skoshi Tom-Tom Pombredens Maid in Heaven Lawrence's Sassy LassyAmCan Ch Marshires Love LettersOrange MaleBreeders Marlene and Frank Penney Owner Lyn-Lee and Neujahr PomeraniansCh Great Elms Timstoppers Davy Ch Great Elms Something Special Great Elms BeckyGreat Elms My Buddy of Lenette SireCh Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette Great Elms Peaches of Lenette Luell's Fuzzy Peach of Danny Ch Emcee's Chips of Diamond Ch Emcee's Terrific Wee Chips Emcee's Golden Girl of Tammy Chip-A-Ways Terrific Cindy DamStarfrost Bold New Venture Chip-A-Way's Golden Patty Sweet Betsy of TimstopperCh Silver Meadows Jus A Lil TeddyOrange MaleBreeder Jacqueline KleinOwner Lyn-Lee and Neujahr PomeraniansCh Tim Sue's Poinciana Star Ch Silver Meadows Scooter Star Ch Silver Meadows Spice 'O Legacy Ch Silver Meadows SS Squeak SireCh Silver Meadows Pep'r 'O Legacy Silver Meadows UrsulaSilver Meadows Gamblin' Queen Ch Bonners Lisastar Legacy Ch Silver Meadows Pepr 'O Legacy Ch Silver Meadows Sparkle Plenty Silver Meadows Twinkle DamBi-Mar Happy Hooligan of Bradley Bi-Mar Rose Marie Bi-Mar Tia MariaCh Silver Meadows Barbie BriteOrange FemaleBreeder Jacqueline KleinOwner Lyn-Lee and Neujahr PomeraniansCh Great Elms TimstopperToo ROM Ch Great Elms Chip of GoldGreat Elms Sweet Candy ROMX Queenaire Bright Banshee SireCh Queenaire Gambling Dude ROM Ch Queenaire Bright Promise ROMX Ch Foxaire My Sweet Promise ROM Ch Silver Meadows Love of Legacy Ch Silver Meadows My-T Love N Joy Ch Silver Meadows Joy O Legacy Ch Silver Meadows My-T Preshus DamCh Silver Meadows Starmister Ch Silver Meadows Krickette Silver Meadows RedwingCh Sun-Dots Glory SparklerLight Orange Female Breeder Ruth Dotson Owner Patty Griffin and Ruth DotsonCh Sun-Dot's Ramboling Gamblor Ch Sun-Dots Rambolin Strut N Stuf Sin-Dots Ramboling Madam Ch Sun-Dots Major Stuff SireCh Sun-Dots Ramboling Sunset Rommels Sun A Min Kiss Rommels Ramboling Tease Ch Sun-Dot's Fashion Fella Ch Sun-Dots Ramboling Gamblor Rommels Ramboling Tease Sun-Dots Sheisa Lady DamCh Sun-Dots Ramboling Man Sun-Dots Ramboling Madam Lammey's Little Miss SunsetCh Great Elms Little SparkyOrange Male Breeder Ruth L. Beam Owner Dolores WattsCh Apples Traveling Diamond Ch Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Cedarwood's Pitti Patti Ch Great Elms Master Mark SireCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy ROMX Great Elms Dolly Ch Emcees Chips of Diamond Ch Emcees Terrific Wee Chips Emcees Golden Girl of Tammy Chip-A-Ways Terrific Lisa DamCh Emcee's Terrific Wee Chips Chip-A-Ways Terrific Windy Chip-A-Ways Golden PattyCh Great Elms Little DemetriusOrange Male Breeder Ruth L. Beam Owner Dolores WattsCh Apple's Traveling Diamond Ch Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch Great Elms Master Mark Sire Cedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy ROMX Great Elms DollyCh Great Elms TimstopperToo ROM Ch Great Elms Models Timstopper Models Sweet Leilani Great Elms Buttons DamCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Honeybun ROMGreat Elms Tan Fanny of LennisCh Shy Acres Kiddy Kan DoOrange Female Breeder Audrey M. Roberts Owner Dolores WattsCh TomanoH's I Got Leggs Ch Macs Maybe I Will Ch Macs Jennifer Jangles Ch Cenla Cosmic Kid SireTami's J Aldo Bear Kiti Aldos Kahlua-bration Kiti Raz-Ma-Tazz Ch Macs Maybe I Will Ch Shy Acres I Kan Too Ch LLL Moongold Kelly Ch LLL Kan Too Chunky Queen Bee Dam Ch LLL Moongold Trapper LLL Trappers Gold Binky LLL Happy Twinkling TangeCh Watts-Scotia Bonnie-BOrange FemaleBreederOwner Dolores WattsCh Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney ROM Ch Edneys Moe-Best Special Order ROM Postscript Aft R Noon Delight Ch Moe-Best Repeat Sinsation SireCh Edneys Moe-Best Special Order ROM Ch Moe-Best Constant Attention ROM Pomesto Cassandra Tono's May Morning Ali-Echo Ch Zodiacs Cavalier CommanderCh Cavy's Sensational Conquest ROM Ch Scotia Commanders Rockette DamCh Scotia Just Dandy Little Man Scotia Elexis Nautee NanetteCh Scotia Bostons Dee Dee ElexisIn MemoriamThe Officers and Board of the American Pomeranian Club regret to inform the membership of the deaths of three of its members-Mr. Robert Goodrich, Mrs. Lisa Smart and Mrs. Ann Hayden.Mr. Robert Goodrich Bob originated the famous Models Pomeranian Kennels. Dogs of his breeding figure prominently in many of the leading bloodlines of today. The 1993 American Pomeranian Club Specialty is dedicated to his memory.Mrs. Lisa Smart was an active supporter of the Pomeranian and the American Pomeranian Club. She unselfishly dedicated much time to their promotion. She and her husband, Bill, exhibited several BIS Poms over the years.Mrs. Ann Haydens original fame was gained from the breeding and exhibiting of Yorkshire Terriers under the prefix Roban. Ann was a long time member and worker for the NCPC. For the last few years, Ann enjoyed judging the Toy Breeds for which she was licensed.We extend our heartfelt sympathy and condolences to the families of these three highly regarded individuals. They will be missedDaniel OntiverosmWyMargaret OntiverosQoCdsun Pomeranians"Home RiicedCh. Stud Service 619 47S-2531Puppiet Occeeiofully 2981 Celle CumbreCo lad RodjOrmje Sen Diego. CA 92139NoticeMany of the Pom sketches used in the ads of this publication were drawn by Chris Heartz of Chriscendo fame.They cannot be used in any way other than in the REVIEW. They do not become the property of the advertiser. We hope you enjoy them.Our thanks and appreciation to ChrisHelpful HintsbyMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, Va 23063AwardOur obedience club gives out annual awards at our Christmas dinner, but there is one award that can be given out at any time of year-the Golden Poop Award. This award was created by a small group of members and meant to be an inside joke, but rapidly grew in popularity. There was certainly a need for it. The actual award is a small pile of extruded concrete which looked a lot like you-know-what, and it was gilded and sprinkled with glitter. It is given to someone who has just said something insulting, catty, or tacky. It is given by the current holder, and the recipient must keep it until he or she can properly award it to someone else. All those hearing an unkind remark may cry, "Golden Poop" but it can only be awarded if the current holder is there. Thats one of the drawbacks of the awards rules. Two of our members are no longer eligible for the award as we have declared them to be professionals.The existence of the Golden Poop Award has been healthy. We can call attention to hurtful, inappropriate remarks but do it in a humorous way. Most of us are a little more careful in what we say. The American Pomeranian Club could use an "award" like this. The vast majority of Pom people are wonderful, generous, kind people. However, it sure would be nice to have a gentle, humorous way to chastise someone for a tacky remark.Alarming TrendThis year I have noticed with alarm a trend by shows to forbid crates at ringside. Premium lists have for many years had a line about crates must be confined to the grooming area or no crates at ringside. We toy people have assumed that this meant you couldnt set up crates by the ring and leave them there all day. We took our crates to ringside only long enough to show the dogs, then returned them to the crating area, lately, more and more clubs ignore common sense and safety and are rigidly enforcing this rule.At Gloucester Kennel Clubs spring show, they had set up a small tent between thegrooming tent and the rings. It was called a "staging area," where crates could be left for only a few minutes I think it was 20 minutes and were marked to be sure the time limit was observed. Crates could be carried no closer to the rings. When I tried to do so, I was told by a committee member that AKC required them to enforce this rule. Im sure AKC doesnt care. I had 3 entries in Poms, all class males. I had to rush back and forth between the ring and the staging area to get each dog. The judge had to wait while I and others did so. What was alarming was the path from Ring 2 to the staging area was filled with a herd of Rottweilers waiting outside Ring 1. I wasnt thrilled about scurrying through them with a furball in my arms.What makes this so annoying is that 2 to 4 stacked crates at ringside takes up a lot less room than 2 or 3 extra people holding the dogs and certainly less than my Greyhound lying on a towel. The rule apparently doesnt apply to those short-legged grooming tables. No one forbids them at ringside. Show committees had better wake up and smell the ground roast or theyre going to lose entries from small dog people. If this happens to you, dont just fume. Seek out the show chairman and calmly tell him or her why it makes sense to permit small crates briefly at ringside, and assure him or her that if they persist with this misguided policy, you will take your entries elsewhere.On the RoadTraveling is stressful. Some dogs travel better than others. It is an owners or handlers job to do everything possible to keep the dogs happy and comfortable when on the road. Carry enough water from home in plastic jugs to last the trip. At the end of the day, try to find a secure area where they can get out and run. Exercise is a good way to relieve stress. I wont stay anywhere unless I can take the dogs in the room with me. I carry foods that I think they will find irresistible. It is important that the dogs keep eating.Your SuccessYou have done it Youve achieved that lofty and long-sought goal. Of course you deserve your success, whether it be your first homebred champion, an OTCH, a BIS, or a national ranking. But I can say withAmerican Pomeranian Club 43certainty, that you didnt do it by yourself. While youre enjoying your moment in the limelight, take time to thank those who helped you get there.Your long-suffering spouse or partner. While your spouse may not share your passion for competition, he or she has given emotional and financial support. Shes been tolerant of late dinners or has taken care of your dogs in your absence. Hes put up fences or built jumps or whelping boxes.Your children. They, too, help care for the dogs. They eat pizza one more time. They hold leads at ringside, and set up and take down x-pens. They socialize puppies.Your boss. He understood when you needed that Friday off. She was patient when you were bleary-eyed after an all-night whelping.Your instructor. Your vet. Your fellow club members. The statistician who keeps the records for those national rankings or the club awards.The show committees that worked so hard putting on shows and even harder putting on obedience trials. The stewards, the parkers, the runners, the clean-up crews, the trophy donors all deserve mentioning.Your dog. He doesnt know why he does all this stuff, just that you want it, and he loves you.Take time to express your gratitude.The BoardAs I write this, my term of office on the Board of Directors is coming to an end. It has certainly been an experience I have served many years on the board of my obedience club, but being on the Board of a national club is different. It takes longer to get anything done. The "Agenda," which is also the minutes, is sent out around the 5th of the month. Board members are supposed to send in motions, comments, and votes by the 20th. Thus, with allowing time for seconds and discussion, it can take three months for a motion to pass. Except for meetings at specialties, all discussion is on paper, in the agenda. This isnt nearly as satisfactory as face-to-face conversations where facial expressions and tone of voice help clarify meaning. In person, theres no need to be brief and theres much more give and take. On the printed agendas, several of the Board members rarely "say" anything. Because things move slowly, or because they cant attend meetings, many members assume theBoard isnt doing anything. Im delighted that the Review is now regularly publishing reports from the Board, but these are condensed. They are not full minutes. So most people have no idea how hard your Board has worked these past 2 years. But they have.A new Board will assume office a few weeks after you read this. I do hope youll give them your whole-hearted support. They will sacrifice time and money in order to serve your club. They deserve cooperation and appreciation. If you have suggestions or complaints, its okay to talk to your local board member at ringside at the shows, but it is even more helpful if you write your comments and send them in. Volunteer to serve on a committee. Current committees and their chairmen are listed elsewhere in this magazine. If there is no committee to deal with a need you see, suggest a committee and volunteer to head it. If there is a problem-you didnt get an award or an issue of the Review-please dont assume that the entire Board is incompetent or that it is a personal attack on you. Pick up the phone and call the person responsible. If you didnt get your championship certificate, call the awards chairman. If you didnt get the Review, call the Circulation Manager. And. if you get the chance, say "Thank you" to an officer or other worker.I personally want to thank Mary Vickers for being at the helm at a difficult time in the clubs history. In spite of health problems, Mary has worked extremely hard for you in dealing with major financial problems, forming new committees, trying to keep officers and chairmen on task, being liaison with the former editor I can tell you thats a job I did not envy, and on and on. I suspect thats two years shes glad to see end. It has been a labor of love, with very little appreciation and lots of criticism from the membership. Thanks, MaryMARCH ISSUEObedience Emphasis KENNEL VISITDarrel and Olga Bakers Jeribeth PomeraniansAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBS ANNUAL SPECIALTY SHOW AND OBEDIENCE TRIAL February 6 and 7 at the La Guardia Marriott44 r U Hid ail let 11 ReviewDUPRE'S POMERANIANSAnnounces Another Champion-4rvBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCALCASIEU KENNEL club SPRING 1992 COP"ATnBSOSACh Dupres Sparkling Gold PearlCh Dupres Sparkling Gold Buster x Dupres Dancing Busters LadyPearl is pictured receiving one of her point wins toward her championship. She is an inbred daughter of Ch Dupres Sparkling Gold Buster. See pedigree in Behind the New Titlists. There are more to comeInquiries InvitedBreederOwnerExhibitorMrs. James R. Dupre Sr.Route 2, Box 878-AColfax, LA 71417318627-5180vrvDUPRE'S POMERANIANSAnnounces Still Another Championfib.STTYLER, TEXASCLUBKENNELEG-Ch Dupres Sparkling Gold CharmCh Dupres Sparkling Gold Buster x Dupres Sparkling Gold TiaCharm completed her championship shortly after returning home from her many nice wins at the summer specialties and all-breed shows in Oregon. She is now owned by Frank and Marie Hueston of Canada and is being shown for her Canadian Championship by them.Inquiries InvitedBreederOwnerExhibitor Mrs. James R. Dupre Sr. Route 2, Box 878-A Colfax, LA 71417 318 627-5180 rNew Owners Frank and Marie Hueston RR 3, Dobbin Road Peterborrough, ON K9J 6X4FMARTAOAKRIDGIProudly Presents our BIS Boylorm3ImBESTINSHOWV MO0ERLYMO KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 1992PHOTO BY DOWNEY fthiCh. Rock N Tradition of OakridgeSpecial thanks to Judge Rose Ellen FetterBreederOwners Nina K. Epps M. Deane Rinehart Rt. 5, Box 150 Nixa, MO 65714Handler Nancy Burnette 501 988-2532American Pomeranian giud 47's'Sun-Dots Strutz BearcatBred and co-owned by dear friend, Ruth DotsonGail AlexanderOur Handler and FriendDudley and Wanda Roach 612 Woodrow Avenue Modesto, CA 95350 209 529-5270CREIDERS POMERANIANSPRESENTS FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION...SvXwWINNERS5RALEIGH KENNEL CLUBmarchJOHN ASHBEYCh. Sun-Dots Command PerformanceWe are pleased to offer for sale a number of very promising puppies sired byCreiders Tulsa Tornado, Ch. Great Elms Chip of Gold, Ch. Creiders Winterhawk, Ch. Sun-Dots Command Performance, Sun-Dots Strutz BearcatWe also have a number of Queenaire bitches bred to the above studs.Mrs. Norma Creider Rt. 9, Box 674 Tulsa, OK 74107'^1 WmAmerican Pomeranian uudHow Do I Put a Canadian Title on my Dogby Marlene PenneyHave you ever thought about not only putting an American title on your dog, but adding a Canadian Championship as well How impressive to have your dog win more than one title. But, how do you do this Where do you startIn order to show your dog in Canada, you must obtain an ERN Number Event Registration Number. To receive an ERN Number, simply do the following send a photocopy of your dog's registration certificate a Canadian money order for 35.00 payable to Canadian Kennel Club be sure to provide your full address faxed requests will be accepted, but, if you select this method, include a Visa or Mastercard number, expiration date, and cardholders name and signature.The Event Registration Number must be applied for within 30 days of the first day of entering a CKC event.The address isCanadian Kennel Club 100-89 Skyway Avenue Etobicoke, Ontario Canada M9W 6R4 FAX 416-675-6506After you have your number and are at a show, the point system works as follows A dog awarded WINNERS at a Championship show held under the CKC Dog Show Rules shall be credited with a number of championship points ranging from 1 to 5 and the determination of the number of points to be credited to a dog awarded WINNERS shall be provided as followsDogs Competing......1.............2...........3-5...........6-9......10-12...........13Points Allocated.......0..............1..............2...........3.................4................5Includes the dog awarded WINNERSTo determine the number of championship points earned by a dog awarded WINNERS, total all the dogs in competition which the dog defeated, directly or indirectly, for the highest of the following official breed awards Winners, Best of Winners, Best of Breed, and Best of Opposite Sex and then consult the schedule above. The new system provides for additional points if a dog awarded WINNERS also places in the group, as listed hereunderDOGS COMPETING AT GROUP LEVELGROUP LEVEL 13 or more breeds 10 to 12 breeds 6 to 9 breeds less than 6 breeds1st 2nd 3rd 5 4 34 3 23 2 12 1 14th2111A class dog awarded Best in Show at an All-Breed Championship Show will be credited with 5 points inclusive of any points earned at the breed or group level. In no case may a dog earn more than 5 points at a single show.Now that I have explained this, let me give you an example. Your Pomeranian OPEN bitch comes to a Canadian Show. She already has her ERN Number and the total entry for the show is 4-4-1-0 4 males, 4 females, 1 male special, 0 bitch special. She wins Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, and Best of Breed so she has won 3 points. Remember to count your owndog She then goes on to win a Group III with 14 breeds competing, so she will win another 3 points. However, you can only win 5 points on one day, so she will receive a total of 5 points.A Canadian Championship consists of 10 points. These points must be awarded by 3 different judges. Unlike the US shows, in Canada there are no majors involved on the road to a championship.Also a plus that we have in Canada is puppies We have Best Puppy, Best Puppy in Group, and Best Puppy in Show wins. You do not receive any points for this, but we do have a lot of fun with young dogs at the shows.It would be fun to have a Canadian Championship on your dog. If you would like more information, contact Marlene Penney at 416-875-0269. I have finished several dogs for US owners and breeders and would love to handle your Pom if you are unable to bring the dog yourself.Courtesy of the Buckeye BarkerDelegates ReportSeptember 15,1992 Meeting by Sam ZaneoffI attended the Cocktail Party the evening before the Delegates Meeting. I find it necessary to do so because it gives Delegates and AKC personnel the opportunity to socialize with one another.I arrived at the Delegates meeting at 845 a.m. in order to get an early start. There was an overflowing crowd of delegates from all parts of the country attending. As we sat-many had to stand-and listened to AKC Chairman, Mr Ward, deliver a slate of changes relating to AKC trophies and new procedures. This information will be published in the Gazette. However, here is a brief synopsisChapter 8 AKC TrophiesRepresents option by which clubs would be able to offer trophies to breeders, which could be published in a premium list.Proposed Changes in italicsSection 6. All prizes offered in a premium list of a show, must be offered to be awarded in the regular procedure of judging for outright award to the owner or breeder of the dog. The show-giving club will be solely responsible for the distribution of prizes awarded to the breeder of a dog within 30 days after the completion of the show.Section 9. At all-breed shows, prizes may be offered on a three-time win basis for the following awards, provided permanent possession goes to the owner or breeder winning the award three times, not necessarily with the same dog, and furtherprovided such prizes are offered by the show-giving club itself or through it for competition at its shows only Best in Show, Best in any one group class. The show-giving club will be solely responsible for the distribution of prizes awarded to the breeder of a dog within 30 days after the completion of a show, where they have been won for the third time.Section 10. At specialty shows, prizes may be offered on a three-time win basis for the following awards, provided permanent possession goes to the owner or breeder winning the award three times, not necessarily with the same dog, and further provided such prizes are offered by the specialty club itself, or through it for competition at its specialty shows only Best of Breed or Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed where a specialty club considers the classes at an all-breed shows as its specialty show, there can be no award for Best of Breed in those breeds in which there are varieties, Best of Variety of Breed or Best Opposite Sex to Best of Variety, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, and Winners Bitch, and first in any regular class. The show-giving club will be solely responsible for the distribution of prizes awarded to the breeder of a dog within 30 days after the completion of a show, where they have been won for the third time.Each Delegate was provided with a bound book entitled A Users Guide to AKC Rules for Record Keeping and Identification. This is an excellent booklet, and I asked that one be forwarded to our secretary, Happeth Jones, for our club reference.This meeting was rather lengthy but covered much ground. I came away feeling I had gained a great deal of knowledge.Hawaiis 1 Pomeranian for 1991 and 1992'fMb,VVVARIETYGROUP eJS . -.v..Group Winning Ch. Sandtowns Teddy BearCh. Sandtowns Ravene x Ch. Sandtowns Bi-Mar AprilShown winning a Group IV under noted judge Mr. Derek Rayne. Many thanks go to Shirley Ann Leu and Dru Thorstad for showing Teddy Bear when Yvette could not go into the Group because of a conflict with her Shih Tzu.We Feed Science Diet.Clarice and Yvette Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744Phone 808 235-8142 FAX 808 247-4967o ja jore nCJc...............................rE rr^The Julo Pomeraniansby Derial JacksonThe Julo line was started in England after World War I by Mrs. Julier. She had a big winner named Julo Prince Chemie. His sire was a dog that had its name changed several times which could be done in England at that time. In the American pedigree which I got from Mrs. McCaskill, he is listed as Hackney Perfection. In other English pedigrees, he is Chiswick Flame or Burney of Fairvert. By whatever name, he was sired by Prince Pertinax, one of the founders of the orange color in Pomeranians. Chemie was the sire of Int. Ch. Radium of Dara, American Ch. Pall Mall Sunbright Cherryman, and Julo Red Light. There were others of Mrs. Juliers breeding that were big winners, including English Ch. Goldspeck Sun, found in the pedigrees of most of the Poms of today. It is also Julo Red Light which is important to us in America, for he is the founder of the American Julo line.In the mid 1920s, Mrs. A. T. McCaskill of Minneapolis acquired Red Light who had become a Canadian champion. Mrs. McCaskill had purchased Blegbie Sable Fairy of Pomona, a daughter of the famous English Champion Perivale Memento. When bred to Red Light, she produced Ch. Julo Happy Boy, Mrs. McCaskills first great winner. He was shown 22 times and went BOB 15 times and 9 times best toy. He was the sire of Ch. Julo Sonny Boy, Ch. Julo Teddy Boy and many other winners. He was the grand sire of Ch. Julo Rajah, Jr., one of the greatest winners of his time 1933-1935. He was the son of Julo Rajah by Ch. Little Rajah. He was a brilliant red orange and a real beauty-unfortunately, he was not at stud. The earlier Julo Poms were criticized by some for having a rounder eye and softer coats, but admired for their beauty and small size. Mrs. McCaskill tried to correct the eyes and coats with breedings to dogs such as Ch. Little Emir and, later, Ch. Sealand Career. She was successful in this venture as one could see in Julo Career, Wee Wonder, and Masterpiece.Orange Kewpie, a daughter of Red Light out of a daughter of Red Light was bred to Ch. Little Rajah and produced Julo Rajah see above. Bred to Rajahs brother, Ch. Little Emir, she produced Emirs Little Daughter, which, when bred to Ch. Julo Happy Boy, produced Julo Realization.Julo Realization was a three and a half pound bright red orange of excellent type but a poor shower so did not become a champion. All the later Julo Poms were descended from him and Ch. Julo Happy Boy. They include Ch. Julo Career, Ch. Julo Perfection II, Ch. Julo Wee Wonder, Ch. Julo Masterpiece, Ch. Tiny Tots Julo Wee Wonder, and the like. Today, the Poms descended from Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod, Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper, Ch. Riders Sparkling Gold Nugget, and so many others go back to Red Light, Happy Boy, and Realization.Pedigree of Julo RealizationHackney Perfection Julo Prince Chemie QueenieCCh Julo Red Light Sun BoyJulo Her Ladyship Guendolyn Ch Julo Happy BoyPerivale Mintage ECh Perivale Memento Happy GirlBlegbie Sable Fairy of Pomona Kasper Waynflete GoldfireSherdon MarigoldCh Stomnlight of Dara Twilight of PomonaBourkes Lady Sunshine Ch Little Emir Fox T rotLittle Houdini Girl ManolaEmirs Little DaughterJulo Prince Chemie CCh Julo Red Light Julo Her Ladyship Orange KewpieCCh Julo Red Light Sunny CarolynNaughty Giri of PomonaH'1Julo Rajah, Jr., Julo Realization, Julo Happy BoyAmerican Pomeranian Club 53In Memory ofIJacques Filspictured at 10 years of ageCongratulations to Dudley Roach on his new venture.Derial C.S. and Frances M. Jackson 752 Albion Road Columbia, SC 29205A Big Thank Youto you, my loyal clients for putting your trust in me all these years of handling for you.I appreciate all of you, and I will miss you and your dogs very much.Congratulations to Dudley Roach, new editor of the Review, f Jean B. Schroll 12950S. New Era RoadOregon City, OR 97045t.Membership Report as of 9192by Jerrie Freia, ChairpersonNew MembersJames S. and Linda Rae Flint311 S. Gibson Princeton, IN 47670 812 385-3609 SponsorsFrances J. Stoll Jennifer CarltonAudene French2340 N. 675 E N. Ogden. UT 84414 801782-1531 SponsorsClaire Flesner Brenda HuttonWilma J. HillP.O. Box 175 Pointblank, TX 77364 409 377-2503 SponsorsRiki Barker Olga BakerKenneth E. and Mary H. McKenzie905 Kevin Street Kannapolis, NC 28183 704 932-4685 SponsorsSharon Masnick Dorothy F. MartinNoell J. Pilat23902 Carmelia Drive Hayward, CA 94541 501 538-0644 SponsorsAlice R. Lessard Janet ManuszakNancy SmithRt. 1, Box 171 Norwood, MO 65717 417 746-4740 SponsorsNina K. Epps Janice G. PannellTeresa Viergge1300 Connally Waco, TX 76711 817 752-7035SponsorsMarian Coy Annette Lynn HeiseWarren and Pamela Yongen21777 N. Cumberland Road Noblesville, IN 46060 317 773-5912 SponsorsRenee McGrath, DVM Frances J. StollApplications for MembershipPenny DeesBox 1141Banning, CA 92220 714 849-3904 SponsorsGlenn Cruz Bernardo Margaret OntiverosLouis and Betty Gorby275 Cambridge Drive Aurora, OH 44202 216 562-2166 SponsorsEvelyn E. Blake Sharon L. HansonMitsuo, MD, and Marit Hattori46-459 Hulupala Place Kaneohe, HI 96744 808 895-8200 SponsorsEllen Takayama Michael M. ThorstadAgus KosasihJ1. R. 8. Fatmawati No. 12 A Jakarta 12410, Indonesia 62-21-7503221 SponsorsSharon L. Hanson Evelyn E. BlakeKelly D. Reimschiissel667 North 550 East American Fork, UT 84003 801 756-2092 SponsorsGeanene Hall Wendy Feistri i iti iuui i i uiiiiaiiiun wiumLm 1LIPresents1A PSSungoldsRudySungolds Gold Boy x Sungolds Kristen CameoA special thanks to Anna LaFortune and Rudys former owner, Adrian "Al" Alford, for letting us have Rudy.Thanks to Janet Manuszak-Lucido for her expertise in showing him for us. He is a joy to be with.Also look for our new girl, Jubilees Gypsy Rose Lee. Thank you, Lorene Bradbury, for letting us have Gypsy.0Vincent and Rachel Chavez 2245 N. Vagedes Avenue Fresno, CA 93705 209 268-4168UI GROUP TWOgateway toy dog fanciersaugust i 1992Star Havens Dynamic LoveSee my sire on the Back Cover...BISS Ch. Star Havens Rock N James Brown...MillamorBonnerLennis out ofStar Havens Love StoryCreider and Great Elms8IIDinah and her lovely sister are for sale to show homes only. Inquiries invited.We have several exciting litters expected in November-mostly Millamor.ft ft ft ft ft ft ftiJanice Young 618 W. SpringfieldSt Clair, MO 63077 314 629-2754The Pomeranian Club of Greater BaltimoreWe have had a change of administration since I last reported to you. Our new officers areOfficers and BoardPresident................................................................................................Paul GatesVice-President................................................................................Dianne JohnsonTreasurer...........................................................................................Chip GallowayRecording Secretary................................................................Melissa DahlenburgP.O. Box 949 Elkton, MD 21921Membership Secretary....................................................................Nancy Pistorio2516 Canterbury Road Baltimore, MD 21204Board of DirectorsSue Berney, Betty Corbin, Toni DickersonThank you to all the members of the past administration. You all did a wonderful job.We also have a new Circulation Manager for our club newsletter Poms on Parade as the old manager, Christine Caplan had to retire so she could go back to school. The new POP Circulation Manager is Ms. Toni Dickerson 8919 Yvonne Avenue Baltimore, MD 21236.1 should mention that we are very proud of the fact that the POP now has over 100 subscribers nationwide and is continuing to grow thanks to our excellent newsletter staff. Advertisements should still be sent to editor, Dianne Johnson 2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore, MD 21234.We also held a match on June 21, 1992, at the beautiful Deer Park Kennels in Owings Mills, MD, owned by members Sue and Stu Bemey. The results are as followsPCGB B-OB MatchJune 21,1992SweepstakesJudge Joyce DembinskyPuppy Dogs, 3-6 Months 71st... Regina Poms Luv-A-Gator.....................................Regina and Robert Nunn2nd.... Rodney...............................................................Larry and Dianne Johnson3rd.... Watts' Little Cysco..................................................................Dolores Watts4th.... Crystiques Academy Awards.............................................Christine CaplanPuppy Dogs, 6-9 Months 11st... Ben-Chees Good Fortune of SBK............................................Darlene ContiPuppy Dogs, 9-12 Months 21st... Tru-Keps WinterWhite...........................................Irvin and Trudy Keplinger2nd.... Adorable Dancing Star.......................................................Debbie KennedyBest Puppy Dog Regina Luv-A-GatorPuppy Bitches, 3-6 Months 91st... Whitney.................................................................Larry and Dianne Johnson2nd.... Watts Lady Catherine of Wellington Valley...........................Carol Hilleary3rd.... Subefs Devine Design................................................................Sue Bemey4th.... Penelope..............................................................Larry and Dianne JohnsonPuppy Bitches, 6-9 Months 61st... Miss Demeanor....................................................Larry and Dianne Johnson2nd.... Elan's Devil Sorceress.................................David and Melissa Dahlenburg3rd.... Elans Diabolique..........................................David and Melissa Dahlenburg4th.... Razzle Dazzle Rain Dancer........................................................Judy GreenPuppy Bitches, 9-12 Months 11st.... Wee Wanda Watts..................................................Laura and Jerry MaimanBest Puppy Bitch Miss Demeanor Best Puppy in Sweepstakes Miss Demeanor Best Opposite Sex Puppy in Sweepstakes Regina Poms Luv-A-GatorVeteran Sweepstakes, DogsCh. Watts Little Love Bug............................................................Debbie KennedyVeteran Sweepstakes, BitchesSilva Lade Fizzies Finale...............................................Larry and Dianne JohnsonRegular ClassesJudge Sue BemeyPuppy Dogs, 3-6 Months 81 st.... Watts Little Cysco.................................................................Dolores Watts2nd....Rodney................................................................Larry and Dianne Johnson3rd.... Regina Poms Luv-A-Gator....................................Regina and Robert Nunn4th.... Crystiques Academy Awards.............................................Christine CaplanPuppy Dogs, 6-9 Months 11st... Ben-Chees Good Fortune of SBK............................................Darlene ContiPuppy Dogs, 9-12 Months 31st.... Tru-Kep's Winter White.........................................Irvin and Trudy Keplinger2nd....Dimondes Hot Rock..............................................................Diana Downey3rd.... Adorable Dancing Star.......................................................Debbie KennedyBest Puppy Dog Watts Little CyscoPuppy Bitches, 3-6 Months 91st.... Watts Lady Catherine of Wellington Valley............................Carol Hilleary2nd....Whitney...............................................................Larry and Dianne Johnson3rd.... Penelope.............................................................Larry and Dianne Johnson4th.... Elans Moon Glow of Puff Ball.......................................David and Melissa DahlenburgPuppy Bitches, 6-9 Months 6. 1st.... Elans Diabolique..............................................................David and Melissa Dahlenburg2nd....Razzle Dazzle Rain Dancer........................................................Judy Green3rd.... Elans Devil Sorceress.................................David and Melissa Dahlenburg4th.... Miss Demeanor................................................... Larry and Dianne JohnsonPuppy Bitches, 9-12 11st.... Wee Wanda Watts........................................... Laura and Jerry MaimanBest Puppy Bitch Elans Diabolique Best Puppy In Match Elans DiaboliqueNovice Dogs 11st.... Whispering Lane Show Stopper..............................................Darlene ContiOpen Dogs 51st.... Dimonde's Crown Prince...........................2nd....Pom Springs Wild Thing............................3rd.... Tru-Keps Follow That Star........................4th.... Theldun's Cinnamon Toast.......................................Diana Downey................Dolores WattsIrvin and Trudy Keplinger ..................Shari ShieldsAmerican Pomeranian Club 5Best Adult Dog Dimondes Crown Prince Novice Bitches 21st.... Watts Little Mouse of Markesa..................................................................Toni Dickerson2nd.... WL Little Sweet Thing...............................................................................Toni DickersonOpen Bitches 61st.... Silverwoods Happi Lee.............................................2nd.... Watts Little Kimmy Kiddy Chip.............................3rd.... Phizz...........................................................................4th.... Dolly.............................................................................Bess Roberts and Tommi Hooban................................. Dolores Watts............Larry and Dianne Johnson.......................................Paul GatesBest Adult Bitch Silverwoods Happi Lee Best Adult in Match Dimondes Crown Prince Best in Match Elans DiaboliqueCostume ClassThree-month old Marc won wearing a lavender baby hat and diaper seated in a small, yellow baby doll stroller.Dimondes Crown Prince Best Adult in MatchElans Diabolique Best Puppy in Match, BIMWe had a lot of fun at this match as always. Congratulations to all of the winners and thank you to the judges.On September 13th we will be holding our famous Picnic Match and Auction. If youve never been to this match, you dont know what youre missing The Poms in the match are always gorgeous, the food at the picnic is always sumptuous, and the auction articles are fabulous I will be reporting on the results of this match in the next issue along with the results of our specialty show which will be held on October 12th in conjunction with the Carl KC show.On a sad note, I am sorry to report the death of honorary member, Bob Goodrich, of the famed Models Pomeranians. Bob was a long-time member and will be missed.Congratulations to Dudley Roach. I look forward to working with you in your new position as editor of the Pomeranian Review.News from the Northern California Pomeranian Clubby Janet Manuszak-Lucido The Club Officers and Board for 1992 are as followsPresident.........................................................Marge Kranzfelder Forever YoursVice-President.................................................Janet Manuszak-Lucido OdysseyTreasurer.................................................................Diane Stevenson Pom-AdorsSecretary............................................................................Barbi Kutilek KutchinaBoard of DirectorsRachel Chavez, Linda Florer, Janice PernaThis past summer, we coordinated one of our meetings with a "puppy party." This gave the members an opportunity to show off our young hopefuls and gave the babies an opportunity for socialization. Our lovely friend from Hawaii, Shirley Lieu, acted as "judge." There were no winners or losers, just a lot of fun had by all.We are currently making plans for our annual Pom Specialty to be held next March 13, 1993, in Pleasanton, California. This is an indoor show with wonderful facilities. We would love out-of-state competitors. Please contact any Board member or Officer for assistance in lodging, traveling to the show, etc.Our new secretary, Barbi Kutilek, is doing a wonderful job on our monthly newsletter and is looking for other clubs willing to exchange newsletters. For exchange or subscription information, please contact Barbi at 415 872-1795 or write her at 1840 Monterey Drive San Bruno, CA 94066.Congratulations to the club members whose dogs won Award of Merits at the Summer National Specialty Dolly Trauner and Julie Moreno Ch. Phyner Gold Jackpot Marlin and Marlene Presser Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky-9 years old from the Veterans class and Janet Manuszak-Lucido Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz.The club also congratulates our member Dudley Roach on becoming Editor of the Pomeranian Review. This club knows first-hand the quality work he produces and wishes him well on this new endeavor.A Novice Speaks Breed Rescueby Barbara McClatcheyA lot has been written recently in the various dog magazines about breed rescue. Like many of you, doubtless, I had assumed that there was very little need for that sort of thing where Poms are concerned. But before I moved from Illinois, I happened to see a list of dogs available for "adoption from the local pound, and that list included a Pomeranian. Because I was moving, I was unable to do anything about that dog, but determined that I would do what I could about a similar situation after I moved.By asking around this column gives me a good excuse to be nosey, I have learnedthat there are a number of local Pomeranian Clubs that are doing breed rescue work already, but that the APC does not yet have an overall breed rescue policy. I plan to write more on this subject as I get information, but at this time, Id simply like to propose a set of guidelines for rescue.I realize that the parent club may not have money to actually sponsor breed rescue, but I do think that there ought to be guidelines for regional clubs and individuals to use. After all, one of the objects of the club is "to do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed." And it would seem logical to base those guidelines on our already existing "Code of Ethics."Our Code of Ethics includes the promise, "I will not sell my puppies to pet shops or commercial pet mill establishments, nor will I donate puppies for raffles or auctions.""Breed rescue" that involves buying puppies or dogs from abusive kennels, pet mills, or auctions actually goes against the spirit of that promise, since it supports those enterprises and tells the owners that there is a profitable "market" for Poms. They dont, after all, care who buys the dogs, so if someone is buying, it will raise Pom production by the pet mills. Therefore, one aspect of our breed rescue definition should be that Breed rescue does not include thepurchase of puppies or dogs from pet mills, auctions, or abusive kennels if those establishments are still active. It does include rescue if the establishment has been shut down local clubs and individuals areencouraged to work toward closing those places. Breed rescue does include obtaining dogs from animal shelters, both public ana private. It includes receiving dogs from private sources where personal circumstances, such as the death of the owner, would otherwise cause the dog to be placed in an animal shelter, it also includes the care of abandoned, abused, or neglected dogs. Club and individuals engaged in breed rescue are encouraged to maintain contact with police departments, veterinarians, ana animal shelters, as well as with local kennel clubs, so that abandoned or neglected Pomeranians that come to their attention may be saved through breed rescue. Rescued dogs should have thorough medical wore done, just as would be expected for the breeder by the Code of Ethics. Dogs should be immunized and free from parasites before being placed out.The money for purchase, care, and veterinarian bills is, of course, another issue. Probably individual clubs would have their own methods of handling the situation. My instinct is to suggest that veterinarians be asked for sizeable discounts, and that people who cannot do breed rescue be asked to contribute toward a fund for remaining costs, except for ordinary care. Poms are so small that the food bill isnt likely to break anyone But When club funds or contributions are used to fund breed rescue, careful records of contributions and expenditures should be kept by the rescuers and by the sponsoring club, if any. Careful records should also be kept for each dog, including any available information about the dogs past, registration papers, if any, medical records, and any problems noted by the rescuer. Copies of these records should go with the dog to its new owners. Rescuers should exercise care in choosing a new owner for the rescued Pom, attempting to match the dogs personality ana problems with a compatible owner and family situation. Rescuers should be available to the new owner for advice and assistance, and should be willing to take the dog back if the placement does not work outI would love to receive comments from any of you on this question of breed rescue, if you or your local club have been doing rescue, please write to me about it Ill try to put all the replies together in at least one more column. Send your comments to Barbara McClatchey 57 Poplar Court Lake Jackson, TX 77566, or call me a 409 297-7383.Kennel VisitsMarch Darrel and Olga Baker May Christine and John Heartz July Dorothy BonnerPatty's PomeraniansGreat Elms Emcee Millamor Bev-Nor LinesFor SaleLitters sired by Ch. Harbins Editorial Comment Tobc Lil Bobby of Great Elms Great Elms Bobby Beam Cherlynns Take Me Too Patty Ch. Shadomountin One Man Show"fPatty Jensen 8217 173rd Street E Puyallup, WA 98373 206 847-5851 J.,My Dog by Sue SoaresYou re akoays there When I need you, tDevoted, [oving and true. h[p one coudd zuishfor Anything iMore, than a faithfulfriend Cife you.EY POMERAPresents.'mV4BISSCh. Odysseys Shadow of Kenoto debut in be handled by breeder Janet Manuszak-Lucido for new owner, Agus Kosasih.of -3V2tOwnerAgus Kosasih BreederHandler Janet Manuszak-LucidoIfTerrace4578Fresno CA 93722Phone 209 276-9443FAX 209 275 8057American Pomeranian Club 63Presents...N ,9-Queenaire Tuff Muffin SarahSire Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz Dam Queenaire California GoldThanks, Dudley and Wanda, for letting us have Sarah. We love herOur boy, Bo-Jas General Jackson, now has 10 points and one major. He is sired by Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling On and out of Sun-Dots Black Rose.Linda Florer 7605 N. Cheryl Avenue Fresno, CA 9371164 Homeraman hteviewpresentsMORENOS MAGNOLIA BLOSSOMM.Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz x Morenos Blossom Elegance GWMagnolia has just begun her show career, competing in the 6-9 month class. Thank you to judges Mr. Richard Bauer, Mrs. Dorothy Bonner, and Mrs. Ruth Davidson pictured for the nice wins....and to Julie Moreno for sharing such a shining STAR with meSee you in New York at the National SpecialtyBreederOwnerJulie Moreno1G36 Claremont Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 415 583-4973 Co-Owner HandlerBarbi Kutilek1840 Monterey DriveSan Bruno, CA 94066 415 872-1795GUYS N SMS POMERANIANCh. Wee Squeakie of LenetteMR\EUGROUPr4-rwTHE INSTANT CHAMPION-3 shows, 3 5-point majors, 3 Best of BreedsLast year there was a small whirl-wind that hit the Islands-Squeakie At Windward, his first show, he was Best of Breed under Judge Grace Moran at his second show, Kona Coast, he took the Breed and a Group 4 under Judge Dr. Robert J. Brendt at his third show, Orchid Isle, he again took the Breed and Group 4 under Judge John Ellieff.He did us and his breeder, Mr. Kenneth Griffith, proud. He was lovingly shown by Shirley Ann K. Leu for his owner, Josephine Ching. He is at stud by private treaty.Josephine Ching 2829 Booth Road Honolulu, Hawaii 96813CongratulationstoCh. Sandtown's Teddy Bearfor being Hawaii's1 Pomeranian for the years 1991 and 1992He is owned and loved by Yvette and ClariceOganeku.We are happy to announce that our 7-month old Sandtowns Lovin Teaspoon took Best of Opposite at North Western Arkansas under Judge Dorothy Welsh.Lois Bill Abjornson PO Box 432Sand Springs, OK 74036 918 245-6915American Pomeranian uiudmgsiiiRtrkijatltrib02S1.BEST WINNERSOFWESTBURYKENNEL ASSOCIATION jcTHOTOI SEPT 92HAPtAN'S GOLDEN MICROCHIP Ch. Hapians Little Yankee Boy x ChipAWay's Velvet PromiseMikey came to join our family in August of this year. Since then in five shows he has two Reserves and three Best of Winners. This gives him a total of 10 Points with both majors. Many many thanks go to his breeders Happeth and Mike Jones for fetting me have this great tittle guy and for using my JJ who is Mi key's grandsire. Mikey is always owner hancfled.. ' vY tVMuch Good Luck to you, Ducfley, on your new undertakingMikey loves Science DietMarie Carlough 516 363-95248 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715WATTS WANsGROUPFIRSTCARROLLKENNELCLUBGreat Elms Little DemetriusCh. Great Elms Master Mark x Great Elms ButtonsDemetrius started his show career by talcing first in the American Bred class at our National Specialty, 1991, under Judge L. Stanbridge. Having been shown in only 19 shows, and at the age of 15 months, he has done the following Susquenango-M. Billings-BOS 5 pts. Chenango-R. Guevara-BOW 3 pts.S. Maryland-B. Jarmoluk-BB 2pts. Houston Specialty-D. Ward-BOW 4pt Cypress Creek-A. Harper-BOW 4 pts OVPC Super Match-BIM126 EntriesPCGB Specialty-Fred Bassett-BB Carroll County-Toy Group I Langley-Joe Gregory-BB Gloucester-M. Wood-BBMy special thanks and deep affection to Ruth Beam for parting with this little guy. He is just another example of the gorgeous Poms she continues to produce.Demetrius has a very profuse coat and is very sound. His movement is extremely good.See Pedigree in Behind the New TitlistsWe feed all our Poms Science DietWatts Poms301 372-8782WATTS'POHERAMAhsCh. Great Elms Firestarter"Smokey" was one of two Top Producers for 1991. He is a sound heavily coated little guy with a beautiful personality. He has been with me over two years, and I have recently obtained full ownership of him from his co-owner, Cheryl Wagner.He is available at stud to approved bitches.. 'iVCh.Great Elms Little SparkySire Ch. Great Elms Master Mark Dam Emcees Terrific Wee LisaSparky finished very rapidly to his championship with majors. He is a beautiful light orange also and is half-brother to Ch. Great Elms Little Demetrius.See pedigree in Behind the New TitlistsAll puppies are fed on Science DietWatts Poms 301 372-8782mmmCh. Shy Acres Kiddy Kan DoSire Ch. Cenla Cosmic Kid Dam LLL Kan Too Chunky Queen BeeMy special thanks to Audrey Roberts for letting me have "Kiddy." She is a beautiful light orange, heavy coated girl. She picked up several majors on the way to her championship.lBEST OF OPPOSITEMASON A DIXON KENNEL CLUB APRILDAVE ASHBETCh. Watts-Scotia Little Bonnie-BSire Ch. Moe-Best Repeat Sinsation Dam Ch. Scotia Commanders RocketteBonnie recently finished her championship with a 4-point major by going WB and BOS under Judge Bill Farrara at Catonsville Kennel Club. She is a full litter mate to CanAm Ch. Watts-Scotia Willie Winks who was BOS at our February, 1991, Specialty.See pedigree in Behind the New TitlistsAll puppies are fed on Science DietWatts Poms301 372-8782niiici iuqii rumciamaii viuuThe American Pomeranian Club Inc.will hold its Annual Specialty Show andObedience Trialat theLaGuardia Marriott Hotel onSaturday and Sunday, February 6 and 7,1993Reservations should be made directly with the hotel 1-800-228-9290Rate 89.00 plus tax--Single or Double OccupancyReservations will be held until 600 p.m. unless guaranteed for late arrival by first night's room deposit by check or one of the following credit cards Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche.This Specialty Show is dedicated to the memory of Bob Goodrich Models.JudgesAll Obedience ClassesMs. Patricia ScullyAll Sweepstakes ClassesMs. Dianne JohnsonAll Breed Classes and Junior ShowmanshipMr. Frank OberstarPlan to attend the Annual Banquet buffet-style on Sunday evening, The cost is 33.95 per person. February 7. Contact Ms. Patty Griffin for tickets and information.2767 Calumet Street Winston-Salem,North Carolina, 27106. Phone 919 724-7562For Premium Lists and information, Contact Dudley Roach, Show SecretaryFor trophy donations, send to Mrs. Sally Baugniet 411 S. State Street Mishicot, Wl 54228 Phone 414 755-2994For catalog ads Contact Dudley Roach. Prices include 25.00 full page, 15.00 half page, Booster 5.00. Each cut picture is 9.00. Send toDudley Roach 3507 Tully Road Suite 196Modesto, CA 95356NEW YORK NEW YORKBack IssuesMargaret McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 558-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. The following back issues are still availableBack Issues Still Available25.00 eachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan 75........Oct 77......May 79. April 808.00 eachJul 77........Feb 80......Jul 81......Oct 83Apr 86.......Jan 806.00 eachJul 80.......Oct 80......Apr 82 ....Oct '82Jan 83......Jul 83.......Apr 84 ....Oct 84Jan '85......Apr 85......Jul 85......Oct '85Jul '86........Sept 86... Nov '86 ....Jul 87Oct '87......Jan '88......Jul '88.... Jan 89Apr 89......Jul '90........Oct '90... Jan 90Jan 91......Mar91.......May'91 ....Jul 91Issues from Sept 91 to Nov '92A PC Committee ChairoersonsAPC Delegate................. .........Sam ZaneoffAPC Registrar.................Awards......................................Jean Schroll........Judy ShearerEducation..............................Sally BaugnietLocal Clubs.....................Obedience........................... Dianne Johnson ....Linda GallacherPublic Relations.............. ............Lois HamillSkin Disease...................APC Archives.......................Cheryl Jackson......Sharon ShipekHealth......................................Dolly TraunerMembership.................... ...........Jerrie Freia.........Bess RobertsYearbook................................Paul G. LewisThe Pomeranian Review ISSN0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Modesto, CA, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are S30.00 per year 3rd class mail 40.00 per year 1st class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.AdvertisersAbjomson, Lois Sandtown..........................66American Pomeranian Club.........................71Beam, Ruth Great Elms, Reg......................4Bennett, Irene.................................................8Buttz, William and Lucy Bilalou..................16Carlough, Marie............................................67Chavez, Vincent and RachelVi-Rae........................................................55Ching, Josephine Guys N Gals..................65Conley Lyn-Lee, Neujahr......................29-31Creider, Norma Creiders...........................48Davison, Art and Joy Jo-Arts.....................27Dotson, Ruth Sun-Dots.............................26Dupre, Mrs. James R.,Sr.Dupres.................................................44-45Epps, Nina and Rinehart, M. Deane Dearta Oakridge.......................................46Finch, Diane Rnchs.....................................7Florer, Linda..................................................63Freia, Jerrie Janesas............................32-35Hanson, Sharon Jan-Sharis ..........................................................Inside FCHattori, Dr. Jim and MaritHaiku......................................................Inside BCHutton, Brenda BKS................................... 6Jackson, Derial and Frances........................53Jensen, Patty Pattys Poms.......................61Kutilek, Barbi Pomstar................................64Kranzfelder, Marge Forever Yours ...................................................CenterspreadLeu, Shirley Amour.......................................5Lovely, Victoria Lovely.................................9Manuszak-Lucido, Janet Odyssey.............62Moreno, Julie Moreno's..............................23Oganeku, Clarice and Yvette Woodrose..................................................51Ontiveros, Daniel and Margaret Goldsun......................................................43Roach, Dudley and WandaQueenaire, Reg.........................................47Schroll, Jean B. JayJays...........................53Shearer, Jim and Judy Crystal.................FCSmith, Ramona J. Mia................................28Trauner, Dolly B. Phyner.......................10-15Young, Janice Star Haven.......................... 56, BCWatts, Dolores Watts Poms................... 68-70ukuI ^Ch. Haikus Fox FireSire Ch. Queenaire Kamikazu of Haiku x Ch. Apples Traveling PollyFeaturing Haikus first home-bred champion. She was bred and owned by Marit, and lovingly handled by Jim. Many thanks to our dear friends, Wanda and Dudley Roach for their remarkable breeding which enabled us to produce this lovely bitch.Kitsuma finished at Windward and went on to take the breed at Kona Coast and Orchid Island. Additionally, love and appreciation go to Josephine Ching for her encouragement and to Clarence Ching-a very special human being.Dr. Jim and Marit Hattori 46-459 Hulupala Place Kaneohe, HI 96744 808 235-8200'tlUiBEST IN SPECIALTYOAKLAND COUN1Y kennel clubI N O V .i q Q P H O T O R V' 1,1 K. BOOTH MJBISS Ch. Star Havens Rock N James BrownSt. Clair, MO 63077 314 629-2754Janice Young 618 W. Springfield Road