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The Pomeranian Review May 2004

Table of Contents

Advertisers Index 100
APC Board Summary Janice Russell 23
APC General Membership Meeting 24, 25
APC National Specialty Results 44-47
APC National Specialty Photos 48-58, 65
APC Officers 17
APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel 61-63
APC Statement 21
APC Summer Specialty Information 22, 98
Ask Us Anything Annette Davis 20, 21
Back Issue Information 100
Bay Colony Pom Club 38
Behind New Titlists 76
Breeding Dynamics Deborah Lynch 65
Coming Events 98
Cover Story Noble Inglett, Diane Finch 10
Crufts Kennel Club 93, 94, 96
Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder 66
Judges'Education Dot Martin 70
Junior Jive Nicole Williams 88, 89
Kennel Visit Deborah Gonyeau 33-37
Kennel Visit Becky Sabourin 28-31
Kennel Visits, Future Features 21
Letter From the Editor 76
Membership Report Annette Davis 16
Memory Lane Eleanor Miller 77-81
New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel 61
Performance News Barbara McClatchey 82-86
Pomeranian Charity Trust Costume Contest 67
Pom Club of Central Virginia 40, 41
Pom Club of Greater Des Moines 90, 91
Progressive Kennel Club Joan Behrend 68, 69
President's Report Margaret McKee 18, 19
Registrar's Corner Carol Leemhuis 16
Review Rates 96
Stud Pedigrees 71-75
Subscription Card 98
Subscription/Review Information 14, 98
Sunshine and Roses 98
Way I See It Sue Lucatorto 42, 43
Ways and Means Donna Riehm 60
Website Address 17
Yips N Yaps 76
onteraman^ VrftrtMVtji -.^wmWa Jfu-,r5Tsm. r' "'VatJBESTOFBREEDVARIETY12 , kC s'.V ^7'g s,^OuiSyi_i_rENrCKj \NATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004 S2GSBL"ftSS_fa1 1^7 HBEST INSWEEPSTAKESANATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004MAKING A SPLASH AT LENETTE X TRESSTIQUE ROSEMARY, .r r Thank you, Nadine Hersil, for T.C.s Best In Sweepstakes.Thank you Linda Smith for expert handling of T.C.Jan-LeJane Lehtinen Virginia, MNMen sJackie Rayner Hamilton, NJW^v...8S3 a kV i\Ch Sundowns Hide N Zeek CD x Raine-Bets Wrapped N RibbonsV-------------------K'K\Congratulations Debby on your kennel visit and best of luck with your new boy....Tag.It has been a pleasure to watch him mature.U \ "X. \r vCongratulations Becky Sabourin on your kennel visit. Well deserved... ur v \v' \Thanks Eleanor Miller, Mill amor Poms, for sharing your Pom memories in Memory Lane.Jerrie Freia iC' jCj\ _ Debby Cionyeau. i .^POMS proudly presents our newest championCh. Firebrooks Tabasco Fiascoy iBEST OF WINNERS BESTBRED BY EXHIBITORNATIONAL SPECKMARCH 2004Bigcongratulations to Noble and Parker for winning B.O.B. at the APC National.Two of myfavoriteguysWow What a surprise - what a weekA big Thank you to Judge Janice Earl for finding Toby worthy for WD, BOW, and Best BBE at the APC National Specialty in Louisville, Kentucky, March 10, 2004.To Judge Danny Moore, a heartfelt Thank you for our First Place BBE Dog our ticket to winners class, and a spectacular end to our dayTo Judge Nadine Hersil for our first place in 12-18 Sweeps Class.We are thrilled about our first leg on the Thelma Dunn Memorial Challenge Trophy for Best Bred By Exhibitor Dog. Thank you again, Judge Janice Earl. Tobys last major, 5 points, thanks to Judge Anne S. Katona for WD at Evansville Kennel Club, Saturday March 13, 2004.Lee D. Cook POMS704 282-0745704 289-2021Case Pomenanians is proud to announceCh. Cases Liberty Belle At Lil Behrs AKA Libby was Best of Opposite Sex at the Progressive Dog Club in NY this year. Thank you, Judge Ralph Lemke.Congrats to my daughter, Silvia, for her placement in Jr. Showmanship at the APC Nationals in Kentucky.7'^s- 77^ jBEST OF OPPOSITE mi 4TH PLACE JUNIOR HANDLprogressive dog club FEB 2004 sss1 NATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004Many thanks to Margaret Jennings for her placement in the Veterans class with Amer. Can Ch. Merimaurs Best Cases Scenario.We would like to Congratulate Deb Gonyeau and Becky Sabourin on their kennel visits.Susan Lucatonto - Case PomeraniansQueens, NY 718 470-6267casespoms 1 www.angelfire.comny5casespomsA Fa m -A.'-VAC\A'"- 1Jr KENNEL y yMax.CLUB, INC. "'ll'K. BOOTHCH STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR CH HEARTLANDS SPECIAL TREASURE WEE HEARTS HIGH SOCIETY CH HEARTLANDS BOSANOVA DANCERCH ROCK N TRADITION OF OAKRIDGE HEARTLANDS HEAVEN SENTU If HEARTLANDS PENNIES FROM HEAVENtMleay CH. TISHAS RAISIN-A-RUKUSTINY JOYS GENTLEMAN MOZ CH WATTS LITTLE BULLITWATTS LITTLE JEANE ANNE TISHAS JEST KEEP ON DANCINTISHAS RICOCHET CH TISHAS SING-A-SONGCH TISHAS JAMMIN SMOREWatch for Alex kids this summer.Congratulations to Becky Sabourin of Wyndlor Poms on your well-deserved kennel visit. Also, congratulations on all of Dudlys show accomplishments you are both great. Wishing you many Dudly champions.Congratulations to Eleanor Miller on her many accomplishments as a breeder and exhibitor of many great Millamor Pomeranians over the years.Always Breeder-Owner-HandledPat and Fred Dieball2019 Greenwood Rd Lapeer, MI 48446 810 245-1924 tishapomprodigy.netSince 1977Lhasas and PomsgAl.At,Jk-.A9lAsl2-,Asl.breeders of flive Poms sL^ce 15571440Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 www. lenettepoms. com K. G. Griffith - Owner1'V- V1ST PLACE9 T O 12DOGNATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004MAGIC TOUCH OF LENETTESire Ch. Music Maker of Lenette Dam Nikki of LenetteMagic is shown winning the 9 to 12 Month Class in the sweepstakes at the APC National, March 2004.Thank you, Nadine Hersil, for this nice win, and thank you, Vikki Oelerich, 516-795-4058 for doing such a fine job in presenting Magic. This little fellow recently won five Best of Breeds in two weekends out and needs one point to finish.jAWe have puppies on the ground sired by Music as well as our newest Champion, Charming Prince of Lenette. We alsohave puppies sired by Ch. A.J.s Smokin Joe.JLPlease visit our Web site for the latest information on our litters, or give us a call. Our puppies are generally priced from 800.00 to 1,500.00. Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette. If not completely satisfied with your puppy, return itwithin three days for a refund.Best wishes to Becky Sabourin and Debra Gonyeau in being featured in this issue.MayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 7Trudys PomeraniansTrudys Pomeranians would like to congratulateDecky Sabourin of Wyndlor Pomson her APC Kennel Visit. We cannot thank you enough for our Ch. Dudlykids. We wish you continued success.Congratulations toDebbie Gonyeau of Jenn De Pomoon her APC Kennel Visit. We hope you have a good time showing Snickers,Sara, and Spice.Congratulations toEleanor Milleron your Memory Lane article. I admire your beautiful Poms.Please visit our Web site www.trudyspoms.comDob and Nancy Coddington41m. C4I. -H-ftlSCENDO fl-ft-E-E-ft Jl-fiLby Can. Ch. Peppipoms Classically Yours ex Chriscendo Cameo Rosepending AKC notificationc 4s----aKWINNERS BITCHNATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004We were thrilled when Camryn won Winners Bitch and Best Puppy at the APC Specialty in Louisville, KY, under breeder judge Mrs. Janice Earl. The icing on the cake was to finish her that weekend with two more 5 point wins Thank you to judges Mrs. Wendy Paquette and Mr. Forest McCoy for her other two majors and to her fan club who cheered her on.Congratulations to all and thank you to everyone who made this Specialty the best ever. Good dogs, good friends, good times, a weekend to rememberM-RISCENDOChristine D. and John E. Heartz PO Box 189, Brookfield, Nova Scotia Phone 902 673-2446 Email Or visit our website www3.ns.sympatico.cachriscendoMayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 9The Pemeranian ReviewContentsAdvertisers Index........................................................... 100APC Board Summary Janice Russell..............................23APC General Membership Meeting............................24, 25APC National Specialty Results................................. 44-47APC National Specialty Photos............................. 48-58, 65APC Officers.....................................................................17APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel................................... 61-63APC Statement................................................................21APC Summer Specialty Information.................................22, 98Ask Us Anything Annette Davis....................................... 20, 21Back Issue Information..................................................100Bay Colony Pom Club......................................................38Behind New Titlists.......................................................... 76Breeding Dynamics Deborah Lynch................................65Coming Events.................................................................98Cover Story Noble Inglett, Diane Finch...........................10Crufts Kennel Club.............................................. 93, 94, 96Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder......................... 66JudgesEducation Dot Martin...........................................70Junior Jive Nicole Williams............................................... 88, 89Kennel Visit Deborah Gonyeau..................................33-37Kennel Visit Becky Sabourin......................................28-31Kennel Visits, Future Features........................................21Letter From the Editor......................................................76Membership Report Annette Davis................................. 16Memory Lane Eleanor Miller......................................77-81New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel..............................61Performance News Barbara McClatchey...................82-86Pomeranian Charity Trust Costume Contest.................. 67Pom Club of Central Virginia........................................... 40, 41Pom Club of Greater Des Moines....................................90, 91Progressive Kennel Club Joan Behrend.......................... 68, 69Presidents Report Margaret McKee................................ 18, 19Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis.................................16Review Rates...................................................................96Stud Pedigrees........................................................... 71-75Subscription Card............................................................ 98SubscriptionReview Information......................................14, 98Sunshine and Roses........................................................98Way I See It Sue Lucatorto........................................ 42, 43Ways and Means Donna Riehm......................................60Website Address..............................................................17Yips N Yaps..................................................................... 76Trent CeverNSBIS MULTI BIS SBIS CH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS, ROMThe Dream DogHaving been the 1 Pom Breed in 2002 and 1 All Systems as well as a top 20 All-Breed 2003 we could not be prouder of his past. However, it is his future and legacy that truly make him a Special dog.Having become a ROM by the age of three with enough get close enough to assure him a ROMX by the age of four. He has produced BIS multiple Specialty winning kids including WD and two of the Award of Merit winners at the 2004 National. He sired both BOB BOS winners at the 2004 Westminster Shows. All of this and there are many wonderful kids around the world that we expect Special things from.Thank you to all who have supported Parker this past year, and GOOD LUCK to all the owners of Parker kids. We wish you all the best.OwnerHandler Noble Inglett Breeder Virginia Dimick Co-Owner Diane FinchCongratulations to Eleanor Miller on a well deserved visit. Millamor is a household word in the Pom world, and without her hard work in breeding, we would not have the winning dogs that are out there today. Eleanor is one of the pioneers of these lovely Pomeranians. We owe a lot to her diligence. Thank you, Eleanor.Bubba is half Millamor.'pomesiavriGMSkaio-tt Skifeek 4803 - 3rd Ave. South Great Falls, Mt. 59405 406-452-9104PomwithomingrdWe are pleased to announce a new Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms from head to toe.For more information about Karen and the video as well as ordering, please visit our site at http www.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, or contact Pauline at or by phone at 805-459-1047.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Congratulations to all the winners at the National Specialty. Also, congratulations to Becky Sabourin of Wyndlor Poms and Debbie Gonyeau of Jenn De Poms on your APC kennel visits and Nicole Williams for your Junior Jive article.Karen Crawford and John Pauline McFarlaneMayJune 2004 - .APC Pomeranian Review - 11After all these years she is stillMis-Behave'NNAf 7JtWMVi pir4R .1 \BITCH6 TO 9JSWEEPSTAKESVETERANNATIONAL SPECIALTYMika Cti^So^jpaw Ter alee Mis-Beha\ stuff around thelteg one time just to sa] those youngsters jiiM how it is done. Iclass out of six anjdthe following day'took her classfgNfras proud,to test off her show outfit ara stpit her Cshe had been at'theCNationals. Mika w anted to show all ^feterhns Sweepsyo^years young, shetook 2nd in her av took her class dmkwent on to win Bib Veterans. x sv -iTeralee Poms would also likSto congratulate Ancija Marie Woods on whining Top Junior Handler at the Nationals and for beilf^awarded Fourth Place Junior Handler Ayvdrd in 2003 by The American Pomeranian Club., iWd.expecting bigger and better thmgs from you this year Aliciaand I want that stfityou won in. Love yourspond AuntJ .IVpojtieraniansI ' -'VLeanne Wilkins 603 674 5805 Teraleetotalnetnh.netAR ST nrfrt1\'1m- aK3 tAXTlIMPI BEST OF BREED v OR VARIETY NEW CHAMPION'^'-Wiu CH.SAL-MAR STORMY NIGHTEmcees Sal-Mar Cody Medallion X Woods Bit of Honey Brittany Can.Am. Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster X Emcees Solid Gold Tinker To-Ch. Great Elms Little Tiger X Great Elms Lady BlossomStormy, shown going WD, BOW, BOB over some nice specials, finished from the Bred By Exhibitor Class. Thank you, Judge William Cunningham, for recognizing the quality of Stormy, for his 4 point major win and championship. Thank you, Judge Mrs. Lydia Hutchinson, for his 3 point major at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Specialty Show and to all the judges who rewarded him.BreederOwnerHandler SALLY A, JENKINS 540 672-56097712 White Oak Road Rapidan, VA 22733 Jensalmaraol.comMayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 13Wlje Pomeranian l\ebietoTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. PUBLICATIONEditor.................................................................... .11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731.................Brenda Segelkenfame62401 yahoo.comSubscriptions...........................................PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Back Issues.........................................................7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227Proofreaders....................................................... .Advertisement Manager.................................. .13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704 PH 903 882-1950'..........................Cheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comLaura Meineke panachepomshotmail.comJoan Behrend, Becky Sabourin......................Jessie Kleinpomtymeyahoo.comBusiness Card Manager..............................................2814 East Blackhurst Road, Midland, MI 48642.............................................PH 989 832-3408...................Becky SabourinWyndlorchartermi.netSubscription^^ j6 issues per yearUSPS First Class.......................................45.00USPS Bulk............................................... 37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico................... 55.00Foreign.................................................... 100.00Single Issue........................................ ....10.00Back Issues............................................ 10.00Advertising KatesJ s.Front Cover Color................................. 600.00Back Cover Color.................................. 450.00Inside Front Cover Color...................... 300.00Inside Front Cover BW........................ 125.00Inside Back Cover Color........................300.00Inside Back Cover BW......................... 125.00Page 3, 4 Color........................................300.00Page 3, 4 BW..........................................125.00Center Spread Color..............................600.00Center Spread BW................................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.......................... 275.00Full Page BW.........................................100.00Half Page Color...................................... 150.00Half Page BW.......................................... 60.00One Quarter Page.................................... 40.00Business Card 6 ...................70,double 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25.00 each additional black and white photos are 10.00 each.Deadlines Ad Deadline IssueDec 1...................................................... JanFebFeb JL.................................................MarAprilApril 1..................... ...STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1...............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1..................................................SeptOctOct 1.......MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDece Pomeranian Reviewofficial A. P. C. publication sent to Breed Group Judges reasonable rates.quality reproductions.only source of APC Archives .provides APC news and reports APC Specialty coverage Regional Pom Club coverage .Obedience training information .interesting, informativeSIPPCCT THE APC SLPPCPT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian Review Brenda Segelken, Editor 11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401 Or Email Make all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.14 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004BI-MAR POMERANIANS PRESENTS xWINNERSmCOMBINED SPECIALTY CLUBS OF MID IOWA2004PHOTO BY MELIA ^w s4 ri73 'lCH. BI-MARS AMAZING GRACE RED BARONCHARLIECHARLIE FINISHED TAKING THE MAJORS BOTH DAYS AT THE COMBINED SPECIALTIES AT THE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER DES MOINES.BEAUTIFULLY PRESENTED BY NADINE HERSIL, CHARLIE FINISHED WITH THREE 4 POINT AND ONE 5 POINT MAJORS.THANK YOU, NADINE, FOR SUCH A BEAUTIFUL JOB.CONGRATULATIONS TO DEBORAH GONYEAU, BECKY SABOURIN, ELEANOR MILLER AND NICOLE WILLIAMS ON THEIR REVIEW FEATURES.WE HAVE SEVERAL NEW LITTERS. CHECK OUR WEB SITE WWW.BI-MAR.COMBI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum360 767-0104 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532MayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 15MEMBERSHIP REPORT ANNETTE DAVIS391 N. Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 davisavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Janice C. Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N Dr., Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be received within 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APC Web Site or contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERSRobert Coddington MISponsors Donna J. Machniak, Becky SabourinAnna Ransom CASponsors Linda Pelz, Patricia L. Rowley Joanne Norris INSponsors Thelma M. Dunn, Roxanne CollinsBeverly A. Carter CanadaSponsors Christine D. Heartz, Matthew HeindlAPPLICATIONSMargaret R. Johnson VASponsors Margaret McKee, Edward A. MartinTammie L. Ford NCSponsors Rodger K. Beaty, Sharon HansonJoan Carroll KYPatronHelen Brinn VAPatronRandolph S. Arand LASponsors Juanita Fiddick, Jane LehtinenMichael Parrott MSSponsors Linda Pelz, Tammee FelixCeryl A. Jackson ALSponsors David Gilstrap, Jerrie FreiaWendy Chambers ILSponsors Diane L. Finch, Brenda SegelkenREGISTRARS CORNER CAROL LEEMHUIS2318 Rose Garden Road Pittsburgh, PA 15220 412 344-8257REGISTER OF MERITCh Dominic of Lenette DOwner Anek SanehmahakulGOLD CLUBDimonde Flynns Fling CD BOwner B McKenney D Downey Rise N Shine Christmas Wish BOwner Julie ClemenMACH Judys Itzy Bitzy Mitzi MX MXJ B Owner Judy Thompson CH Pom Acres Air Jordan DOwner Juanita Fiddick CH Wildwood Spirit Of Pom Acres D Owner Juanita Fiddick CH Canefryes Tater Tot BOwner Shari M. Fukuyama Laurella PangHALL OF FAMETiny Tim Pendelton UD DOwner Wendy DonnellyMACH Judys Itzy Bitzy Mitzi MX MXJ BOwner Judy ThompsonCH Pom Acres Air Jordan DOwner Juanita Fiddick CH Wildwood Spirit Of Pom Acres D Owner Juanita FiddickCOLORs16 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004tEfje Pomeranian JRebtetoTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INCORPORATEDAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT................................................................................................. MARGARET MCKEE2426 Sandy Hook Rd., Goochland, VA 23063-2508PH 804-556-3380 FAX 804-556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT..................................................................................FRANCES STOLLR R 3, Box 429, Washington, IN 47501PH 812-254-3857 FAX 812-254-3254 EMAIL stolannedmrtc.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT...................................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1325 9th Street South, Virginia, MN 55792PH 218-741-2117 FAX 218-741-9435 EMAILjanlejanlepoms.comRECORDING SECRETARY............................................................................JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317-924-9093 EMAIL indypomindy.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.......................................................... CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972-962-3872 FAX 972-962-3872 EMAIL lovencountrypeoplepc.comTREASURER....................................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAUPH 281-351-951621522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375 FAX 281-351-6620 EMAIL texicandogaol.comSally Baugniet Annette Lynn Heise.BOARD OF DIRECTORS.Annette Davis Marge KranzfelderDiana Downey Greggory WatersAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Web site httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgThe Pomeranian Review11139 East Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217-347-5731 Email fame62401yahoo.comMayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review -17From tire Presidents DeskMargaret McKeeG]rab your thesaurus, and start looking up superlatives. We just had another fabulous National Specialty in Louisville. It just keeps getting bigger and better.The fun officially kicked off Sunday afternoon with a budget meeting, followed that evening by the beginning of the Board meeting, which continued the next morning. We managed to sandwich in three very well-attended seminars before the obedience trial began promptly at 5 p.m. with a fine entry of 19. As always, there were some frustrating misses, some lightning fast recalls, and some charming heeling. Congratulations to Wendy Donnelly on her High in Trial. While the trial was going on the grooming room filled quickly, and the Ways and Means Committee Donna Riehm and Carolyn Brandenburg set up an amazing array of auction items. Then the participants in the Costume Class gathered to be judged by Camilla Knight and Bob Fiddick. What a super bunch of clever costumes we saw. And all that fun raised money for a great cause, the newly formed Pomeranian Charitable Trust. See Marge Kranzfelders column.Tuesday found us bright and early in the ballroom to watch Nadine Hersil sort through all those fabulous puppies in Sweepstakes. So many beautiful babies And, of course, the Veterans in Sweeps were just awesome, bringing tears to your eyes. In between, we tried to visit all the great concessions set up around the edge of the ballroom. After the conclusion of sweeps, the Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia set up for a Fun Match. This is a year-old club, and they probably were just as glad the entry wasnt as huge as at last years match. I suspect Judge Erika Moureau had a grand time going over all those youngsters. After the match, a quorum convened for the Annual Meeting. At this meeting, we announced the inauguration of new club pins with attached bars to recognize continuous years of faithful membership. Also announced were the selection of new Life Members John and Christine Heartz, Olga and Darrell Baker, Eleanor Miller, and Jean Schroll. Please see minutes summary elsewhere in this issue and the full minutes in the Roster.The good newsbad news for this specialty is that we had a recordbreaking entry Judge Janice Earl was overloaded, and Judge Danny Moore graciously agreed to take up the slack. The judges were alternated in the same ring, and both worked efficiently our wonderful stewards Sally Baugniet and Charlene Waters did everything possible to keep things moving quickly, but the sheer numbers made us run long. Sadly, some exhibitors did not read their judging program carefully, did not realize that classes were not in the usual order, that there were not 2 rings, and a few missed their classes. At one point, the AKC rep came and asked Gregg Waters show chair when he was going to set up a second ring outside We never did figure out if he was kidding, but at that point, it wouldnt have done any good. Janice appeared unruffled and proceeded without appearing rushed to come up with her beautiful winners. What an exciting finish Alas, the Brussels Griffon Club had been waiting for us to finish to start their sweeps, and they rushed in while we took pictures, and took pictures, and took pictures. Then off to the banquet. Our tireless Hospitality Chairman Kelly Reimschiissel had managed to coerce the hotel into giving us a bigger room which easily accommodated the 180 people who enjoyed the delicious buffet and final auction. Was it a coincidence that the tins of mints on the tables were Parkers Mints The party favors were mugs with this years specialty logo on them. A plaque was displayed recognizing the 13 years of efforts by our recently retired Assistant Circulation Manager Brenda Hutton. The final auction included some truly fabulous and unique items, including the color cover of next18 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004years winter specialty catalogue. Congratulations to all the successful bidders. Ill let Donna have the fun of announcing the incredible total of fund-raising efforts for the 3 days in her column.Yes, there were glitches due to the huge entry. I feel we were over scheduled. I never got to the hospitality room, and it was only open for a few hours. I personally dont think we need 3 seminars, a fun match and a costume class. Your Board immediately began looking at ways we can make next year better. Tentatively, this is what we are looking at for next years gala in Louisville. Since the academic competition is no longer at this hotel, we can get the ballroom all day Monday. So, we can set up Sunday night and start sweeps first thing Monday morning. Tuesday will see the judge you voted for we havent asked her yet judging dogs and juniors. Annual meeting will still be Tues. night. Wed. the same regular class judge will do bitches, non regular and Best of Breed. That should finish us up in time to get dressed up in our finery for the banquet. It is one of my personal pet peeves that people who get dressed nicely to show come to the banquet in jeans. We are negotiating with the Brussels Griffon Club to hold our obedience trial with them. This would save us some money and guarantee the Brussels exhibitors legs. The obedience people have been complaining for 3 years that they would prefer to be at the end of the 3 days rather than at the beginning. Well, we DID hear you and heres your chance. For most of the rest of us, Thursday can be a day of rest or sightseeing before hitting the all-breed shows at the Fairgrounds.By the way, Onofrio refused to let me set up reserved grooming for Pom exhibitors at the Fairgrounds as weve done in the past, but the hundred Pom exhibitors on Friday seemed to manage OK. Becky, Rachal, and I went over on Thursday morning to grab some grooming space, then wandered around checking out the concessions. We got some of those great ice cream cones and wandered into the arena in time to watch three pretty Poms run agility. What a thrill. I would really like to see an agility demonstration as part of our festivities at the hotel next year.What makes all this happen is the hard work of some wonderful, dedicated Pom lovers. These individuals work for our club NOT for the fame and glory. It is impossible to thank them enough. They have to do it for the satisfaction of jobs very well done and doing something for the breed and club they love so much. Show Chair Gregg Waters kept his cool under difficult circumstances. He quit as chair for 2005, then promptly volunteered to continue to do a lot of the job such as hotel arrangements and building and grounds. Our Show Secretary Cindy Boulware also was Show Secretary for the Brussels Griffon club and worked round the clock for weeks before the big event. I fully expected her to show up pencil thin with big bald patches on her head from tearing her hair out She didnt she looked great as always. Kelly attended to myriad details of hospitality, including hand-delivering thank you notes to anyone who contributed or helped in any way. Then she switched hats to provide and hand out all the title certificates and awards. Jane Lehtinen and Juanita Fiddick were trophy co-chair this year, and terrific trophies they were. I mentioned our seemingly tireless conformation stewards, Sally and Charlene. One of our junior handler entries pitched in to steward obedience. Marge Kranzfelder ran the costume contest and sold catalogues. Cheri McDonald, Becky Sabourin and Brenda Segelken manned the Review table and presented new subscribers and anyone renewing subscriptions nice tote bags with the national logo. Very successful bribe Bob and Juanita Fiddick and the PCGD donated our drop dead gorgeous new black and gold table tops with the APC Logo, handmade lovingly by Juanita. Members of PCCV sat in a hotel room putting together the new club membership pins. Various roommates fed and exxed dogs and put up with our late hours and crankiness. Lots and lots of people pitched in and fetched and toted and ran errands and made it all happen in spectacular fashion. Thank you, thank you, thank youMaybe you would like to help out but havent been asked. Maybe we just dont know about your skills and abilities. Let us know. Volunteer Specifically, we need someone with an interest in history to take over our archives. Contact Cindy Boulware. We need someone to chair the Audit Committee. Help Contact any Board member. Profound thanks to Terry Rothell who did such a meticulous job on the last audit.I hope you have already begun making plans to attend our Summer National in Indianopolis, September 23,2004. See you there. MayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 19Annette DavisOur question for this issue is What is hypoglycemiaHypoglycemia or low blood sugar is a possible problem with all toy breed puppies. Veterinarians who have not had a lot of experience with toy puppies may misdiagnose the condition as viral hepatitis or encephalitis. As a toy breeder or pet owner, it is important to recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia and know how to treat it. Hypoglycemia is easily treatable in the early stages but fatal if allowed to progress. Many puppies are lost needlessly to hypoglycemia because of ignorance on the part of their owner or veterinarian.The first sign of hypoglycemia is the puppy slowing down and then acting listless. The puppy will then begin to tremble or shiver. This is a reaction caused as the brain is starved for glucose. The trembling is followed by a blank stare and the puppy lying on his side. He may also experience convulsions. After a time, the puppy will become comatose. His body will be limp, lifeless, and the tongue and gums will be a grayishblue color. The body temperature will be subnormal. The puppy may even appear to be dead.If caught in the early stages, treatment is simple. Rub Nutri-Cal Karo syrup will do if you have no Nutri-Cal on the puppys gums, under the tongue, and on the roof of the mouth caution do not use honey. Get a heating pad or heating blanket, and slowly warm the puppy to proper body temperature. If the puppy responds, all is well. Feed a quality canned food right away you may want to mix it with egg yolk, and dropper feed some Pedialyte or Gatorade. Monitor the puppy to be sure that the condition does not recur. Be sure to eliminate the stress that caused the episode if at all possible.If caught in the more advanced stages, treatment is more complicated. Always assume that the puppy is alive. Rub Nutri-Cal or Karo in the mouth, and carefully insert a small amount in the rectum. Slowly warm the puppy to normal body temperature 101-102 degrees F and keep him warm continuously with light heat. If the puppy still does not respond, carefully eye dropper Pedialyte, Gatorade, dextrose solution or Karo water into the mouth, a little at a time. Call your veterinarian and inform him that you have a hypoglycemic puppy. He will prepare a warmed dextrose solution to inject subcutaneous and may put your puppy on an FV drip. Request a fecal exam. Your puppy may have intestinal parasites such as worms, coccidia, or giardia that need to be eliminated immediately. A bacterial infection may also be present and antibiotic treatment necessary. If your puppy has been given glucose injections, it is probably a good idea to treat him with antibiotics so that infection does not occur. Your vet will likely recommend a prescription canned dog food such as AD to give as your puppy recovers. You can finger feed the AD as is from the can and add Pedialyte or Gatorade to the drinking water. You must also keep the puppy warm at all times. Of course, use prudence, and do not overheat or dehydration will occur. In severe cases you may need to force feed AD for a time and give Pedialyte with a dropper. Give B vitamins to stimulate appetite. As your puppy improves, he will begin to eat on his own and then you can gradually phase back in his regular food.It is important to understand that, just because a puppy has an episode of hypoglycemia, it does not mean that the puppy is truly hypoglycemic. True hypoglycemia is a chronic condition caused by overproduction of insulin by the pancreas. Even though the pancreas may normally function properly, toy puppies can still have an isolated hypoglycemic incident in reaction to stress. Hypoglycemic incidents are almost always preceded by a stress of some kind. Some examples of common stresses include weaning, teething, vaccinations, a change in environment, shipping, overhandling, cold temperatures, intestinalparasites, infections, anorexia, etc. Many puppies simply play too hard and stress their system or forget to eat. I have heard of young males experiencing hypoglycemia when a female in heat is around. They become so worked up over the female that they do not eat, and their blood sugar drops.Tiny dogs often do not have the fat reserves to supply adequate glucose in times of stress or when they do not eat regularly. Hypoglycemia most often occurs when the puppy has not eaten for several hours. This is not always the case, however. A puppy can have eaten recently and still show signs of hypoglycemia if his system is stressed and the food has not been digested and assimilated. It is important to free feed toy puppies a highquality food. Toy puppies simply have too high of an energy level to be restricted to scheduled feedings. Most do fine if switched to scheduled feedings when they reach adulthood, but they must have access to food and water at all times when they are puppies. If you like to give your puppy canned dog food, you can schedule the feeding of the canned but allow access to kibble at all times.A summary of important reminders is as follows1 Always keep Nutri-Cal or Karo com syrup and Pedialyte or Gatorade the clear kind without artificial color is preferred on hand. This is the quickest way to revive a hypoglycemic puppy.2 If you ever see your puppy becoming listless or lying on his side and acting unresponsive, IMMEDIATELY mb Nutri-Cal or Karo on his gums, under his tongue, and on the roof of the mouth. Slowly warm him to normal body temperature with a heating pad. Feed him and dropper Pedialyte or Gatorade into his mouth as soon as he responds. Call your veterinarian if the puppy does not quickly respond.3 Keep your puppy from chilling, and free of parasites, and minimize stress.4 See that your puppy eats often and maintains a proper body weight.5 Do not overhandle your puppy. Be sure to allow him rest time and alone time. Like all babies, puppies need to have a regular schedule of rest, meals, play and potty.Our question for the next issue is What is the best way to potty train my PomJulyAugust 2004KENNELRoxanne Collins .Kissami Poms y iS ^Sue Lncatorto ^Cases PomsPlease contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Co-ordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Ph. 903-882-1950 or email Pomeranian Club, Inc.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, Membership Chairperson, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Email Membership applications may also be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Web site http www.americanpomeranianclub.orgIf you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact The Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692.You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.MsyJune 2004 - APC Pomeranusn Review - 21rmmAPC September 23, 2004 PCCI September 24, 2004-ft ifPomeranian Club of Central IndianaPlan to come to Indiana September 2004 for some Hoosier Hospitality.American Pomeranian Summer Specialty 2004 hosted by Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana, Inc.U Thursday, Sept. 23 Friday,Four Points Sheraton Indianapolis, IN, l accessHospitality rooni2004 pending AKC approvalst side of Indianapolis, with easy\^4 zh-Banquet Thursday night with raffles and auction.There will be a-microchrp-elrnic.Plan now To join us for the fun ,\ r . ,Weekend shows following the specialties Michiana Kennel Club and Hoosier Kennel Club held nearby at the Indiana State Fair Grounds. Superintendent Roy Jones Dog Shows.Show Secretary Sherri Alspaugh 5400 Lee Acres Dr. - --Boonville, IN 47601 '812-925-6477paughprintpomspeoplepc.comShow Chairperson Janice Russell 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr.Indianapolis, IN 46222 317-924-9093 indypomindy.net22 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004iFebruary Board SummaryBrenda Hutton will be presented with a plaque at the APC Specialty in Louisville this March 2004 in appreciation of her years of service to the Club as the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager.A consecutive year of membership bar pin for Life Members was instituted.The fee of 10.00 for Junior Membership dues was established.March Board SummaryMembers who are suspended as a result of lapsed dues may have their consecutive years status reinstated if they reapply within 6 months of the original due date and their application is accepted by the board.Motion 040301 Motion made and seconded to increase the Review rates. Motion carried. The New rates will be effective with JulyAug issue with covers already reserved grand fathered at the present rate.Motion 040302 Motion made and seconded to allow Margaret McKee to sell the back issues in her basement on E-Bay. Motion carried.Motion 040303 Motion made and seconded to approve the Power Point CD presentation on the Breed Standard as presented subject to minor modifications. Motion carried.Motion 040304 The 2001 Audit was reviewed and accepted as reported with a motion and a second. Motion carried.Motion 040305 The 2002 Audit was reviewed and accepted as reported with a motion and a second. Motion carried.Motion 040306 Motion made that the Foreign Household dues be made 60.00 U.S. currency per household with two adults. Seconded and motion carried.Motion 040307 Candidates for life membership were nominated. Those nominated were Darrell and Olga Baker, Jean Scholl, John and Chris Hertz and Eleanor Miller. All have accepted the position. Motions made, seconded and carried.Motion 040308 Amotion was made, seconded and carried for APC to provide the Parent Club Medallions for the Eukanuba Nationals.Motion 040309 Diana Downey was nominated for Show Chairman 2005. Motion made, seconded and motion carried.Motion 040310 Motion made and seconded to pay the show secretary 4.00 per entry not including the sweeps entries. Motion carried.Motion 040311 AKC has a 2.00 per entry event fee, therefore a motion was made to raise the APC entry fee to 30.00 with 15.00 fee for sweeps and puppy. Motion seconded and motion carried with 8 yes and 1 no votes.MayJuke 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 23B.American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Membership Meeting MinutesMarch 9, 2004 - Louisville, Kentucky Janice Russell, Recording Secretary3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomindy.netMeeting called to order at 750 pm by President Margaret McKee. Attendance There were 42 members and 9 guests present.President Report This will be Margarets last time to hold the annual meeting, as her office term will be up. It has been a privilege to serve, and she is grateful for the opportunity because she is proud of the way the club has grown and changed. Last two years audit have been reviewed and are completed. The club is in good shape, healthy and continues to grow. We have seen the review almost die, be reborn and grow again. The specialty was moved to a new site, and obviously people like it, as this is the biggest specialty ever in the breed history. We are looking at changing some things for next year if it can be worked out, not only for conformation but also obedience, as they would like obedience on the last day. Looking at how we can fix the need to hire a second judge. Nominating Committee has been appointed, but the people have not been confirmed.Recording Secretary Report The minutes of the last meeting were dispensed as they were previously published. Motion by Nadine Hersil, second by Brenda Segelken and motion carried.Corresponding Secretary report Received several updates for officers and boards from the regional clubs but not from all of them, so be sure to send in the information when you change officers and boards.Part of Cindys job is to answer mail from the public. Recently, the electronic lists have had things on them which are not correct. Please call or write to Cindy for answers to questions dont listen to rumors. If she cant answer, she will take it to the board for an answer.Treasurer Report The year-end expenses were 74,229.53 with Income of 77,040.56 for a year-end profit of 2,811.03.Show Chair This will be Greggs last year doing show chair. He has enjoyed it and will continue as Grounds Chair next year.Show Secretary Due to a mistake on Nadine Hersils ad, she will receive a free ad next year. We had 484 entries. Next year, Cindy will have two phone lines and two fax machines. Things will be better Front Cover - Going to auction next years front cover. The centerfold and inside and outside back cover will now be in color and will be drawn. If interested in the inside back cover, outside back cover or the centerfold, will take names and draw for them. Will draw four names so, if a person changes their mind, we can go onto the next person.Patti Danielson is doing trophies next year, and already a couple places are taken so, if know you want one let, her know now.Cindy explained the catalog price went up 2.00 because it was 105 pages and she did comb binding due to the size. She has 1- Vi weeks to get the catalogs done after the close.Hospitality Report Kelly Reimschiissel expressed her thanks for support from local clubs and individual people for the food and monetary donations. One club donated their members to be greeters at the door and enjoyed it so much they will do it again next year. If anyone has any ideas for hospitality, email them to Kelly.Ways Means Donna Riehm said she and Carolyn Brandenburg had tagged well over 100 items. She expressed her thanks for peoples generosity, both in donating and purchasing. They had a great day with over 700.00 on the Buy It Now tables. They will put some items on a silent auction tomorrow, with the balance going to the auction after the banquet. Two original art works by Chris Hertz are going as a set in a raffle, so be sure to buy tickets. Had a wonderful year last year, selling items throughout the year for a grand total of 8,409.00 at year-end.24 -APC Pomeranian Review - May^une 2004Judges Education Dot Martin reported we had three Judges Seminars last year Florida, Oklahoma, and the AKC Judges Institute. We now have a new Breed Standard Seminar CD that has been completed. It has 78 slides and is in Power Point. Over 100 photos were scanned. The board viewed it Monday morning and approved it. Dr. Lou Gutherie charged the club 200.00 to do the Power Point presentation and has requested the money be donated to the Canine Health Foundation. Dot is selling them to persons attending the mentoring seminars. They are also on sale for 10.00 as show specials. She has ordered 50 more copies for tomorrow and has 15 left to sell tonight. Ed Bivens wanted to see the CD completed and offered to contribute to the expense.Margaret McKee said this has been a real labor of love for Dot to see the project through, and sadly, due to other projects and responsibilities, Dot has resigned to pursue them.Review Brenda Segelken said send in ads. She introduced the new Circulation Manager, Sherri McDonald. She said Joan Behrend and Becky Sabourin are proofreading articles for the Review. Brenda thanked Brenda Hutton for her years of service as the circulation manager. She introduced the Advertising Manager, Jessie Klein. Also, Joan Behrend and Bonnie Harris, who volunteered to get advertising in their part of the world. We still need a West Coast person. There will be an increase in advertising prices effective with the JulyAug issue. Two front covers are still available for this year. If you have any suggestions for the Review, please send to Brenda or Margaret.Health Genetics Marge Kranzfelder reported she was asked to look into forming a separate entity to help Pomeranians and protect donations for the use of Pomeranians. Since we cover 50 states there are many different laws for non-profits. It was decided in order to maximize dollars that are raised a trust would be best and provide a full tax writeoff for your donations. We are in the process of filing papers now. We can continue to give money to CHF as before or do other projects that involve education or rescue. Trustees are Cindy Boulware, Marge Kranzfelder and Janice Russell. Dr. Gary Johnson will continue to do research for us either as a separate entity or through the Canine Health Foundation.The proceeds of 1,365 from Deborah Lynchs seminar will go toward the PCT. The costume contest with Judges Bob Fiddick and Camilla Knight had some very creative costumes, and all had a good time.Debra Barrett fronted the cute chocolate Pomeranians with the profits going for the Pomeranian Charitable Trust. Also, an oil painting donated and painted by Pom owner Jean Stumpf is to be raffled, with the proceeds to benefit the PCT. Cindy helped her by providing assistance and answering her questions.In the future, there will be two sets of jewelry donated by Loretta Swift with proceeds for the PCT. Skin tissue can be sent if spay neutering in lieu of blood samples for gathering of DNA.Budget A group met Sunday to work out a new budget. They came pretty close last year.Nominating Committee Headed by Erika Moureau with two other members. However, they have not been contacted at this time.Report on PCCV Match Had 74 entries. They gave 355.00 in cash prizes plus articles made and donated by Debra Kingery and Mari Iffland.Margaret McKee thanked Juanita Fiddick and the Des Moines Iowa Club for the donation of the two table covers with the APC logo for the Trophy and Photo tables. The club donated the funds, and Juanita made them. They will make and donate another for the judging table for next year.Local clubs are encouraged to send in your club news to the Review. Let us know what your club is doing.Years of membership Margaret read the list of members and their consecutive years of membership for presentation of 5,10,15,20 and life membership pins. PCCV members assisted in getting them put together and handed out.Life Members The announcement of persons who were nominated for and accepted Life Membership are Chris and John Hertz, Eleanor Miller, Darrell and Olga Baker and one other who had not been contacted at that time. Jean Schroll has now been contacted and accepted.The summer nationals will be in Indianapolis, IN, September 23 and 24,2004.Meeting was adjourned at 920 pm. MayJtjne 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 25'WyndTor TomsfMulti BISABISS AmCan Ch. Jan-Shars Dudly Doright, HOF, GCDudly is at stud to approved bitches. Pedigree on request.OFA Hips Good, OFA Patellas Normal, OFA Thyroid Normal, OFA Cardiac Normal, CERF Eyes Normal9'Becky SaBourin2814 E. Blackhurst Rd. Midland, Ml 48642 989 832-3408 wyndlorchartermi.netAVyncCCor TomsDudly welcomes his son.vMulti BISS Ch. Wyndlor Doin It RightBISABISS AmCan Ch. Jan-Shars Dudly Doright X Absolute Wyndlor Gold CharmDooey is a multiple specialty and multiple group winner in his own right. Dooey is co-owned with Linda MulsoOur condolences to Linda on the loss of her husband, Wally.'Becky SaBourin2814 E. Blackhurst Rd. Midland, Ml 48642 989 832-3408 wyndlorchartermi.netA ___________i__i -\V oJ n'AVyncCCor TomsHey Mom, can I have a Pom Sure Chris, whatever... Little did I know that short conversation would change my life.I have been in dogs for about 25 years. I started in Shelties and finished a few in the U.S. and in Canada. I was limited to the number of shows I could go to as Chris was growing up and was busy with sports and music. He kept my hus- 'Becky Sa6oUrin CLYlcC band, Jack, and me pretty busy. We loved evJAmCanCFl Jan-Sfiars DucCCxi Doriadt erV m'nute ' One summer Chris startedgoing to the shows with me, and it is there thathe decided he wanted a Pom. His reason Well, they stayed small. Shannon Johnson had a litter at that time, and, after a few visits, Doo-Shays Jazzin Jordache became a member of our family. This little dog won a unique place in my heart. Seven years later, our family lost him to an anesthetic reaction. Jordie, as he was called, took a special part of me with him. It was then that I knew that I couldnt live without a Pom. So, Priscilla and Bobby joined our family.It was not long when I decided to switch solely to Poms. After some research, I contacted Jeanne Blank of Absolute Poms. I waited patiently for an available puppy. I got two bitches, Misty and Maddie, who became the backbone of our Pom family. Misty became Ch. Absolutes Magic Mist ROM. She is the dam of Ch. Wyndlor Cast A Spell Patty, Ch. Wyndlor Magical Mist Summer,Ch. Wyndlor Absolute Spellbinder Luke who is now owned by Daphne Bowyer and Ch. Wyndlor Amazing Grace Gus. Maddie Absolutes Rev It Up is the dam of Ch.Wyndlor Toy Story and Wyndlor-N-DJs Oliver Twist ROM, both owned by Donna Machniak.The next Pom to join our family was Forever Asvapects of Love, a black and tan who was born before his time. He is the sire of three champions. Alex had all of his minor points and seven major reserves when he was retired.With my breeding program progressing nicely, I knew that I needed an outcross. Jeanne and I decided to combine forces and search for that dog who would complement our programs. It took us over a year, but our persistence paid off at the national specialty in Dallas where we found Jan-Shars Dudly Doright. Dudly came home with us a few weeks later. He finished his title quickly while still in the puppy classes and picked up a few group placements on the way. It was then that we thought that perhaps he might have a future as a special. While we were waiting for him to coat up, I took him to Canada where he finished his title in one weekend going winners male at both the Pomeranian Club of Canada and the Pomeranian Club of Ontario.I didnt know where Dudlys specials career would take him, but he exceeded my expectations. He earned six Bests In Show, one Best In Specialty Show, many Awards Of Merit, multiple group ones and many group placements. The most memorable weekend was at the National in Kentucky and the weekend Kentucky cluster. No one was more excited than I when Sue Talsma showed him to an Award Of Merit under Mr. Melvin Beech at the National. At the all breed shows he won the breed each of the four days. On the first day he won a Group II. The next three days he won the groups and on the fourth day at the Louisville Kennel Club show, he won his second Best In Show beating many top specials including Mick, the beautiful Kerry Blue Terrier. I will always remember that as a very special weekend.Dudly retired as Multi BISABISS AmCan. Ch. Jan-Shars Dudly Doright HOF, GC. He attends a show once in a while just for fun. Now our goal for him is his ROM. He has four champion get, including Ch. Wyndlor Doin It Right Dooey owned by Linda Mulso who is a multiple specialty winner and a multiple group winner in hisDEseew-TctJLAmCan Ch. Jan-Shars Dudly Doright1ifct.____Ch. Absolutes Magic Mist1 o xIMOUNT \ PLEASANT MICHIGAN H KENNEL CLUB June 7.1mQ BOOTH PHOTO-- Itt JAEGERCh. Wyndlor Cast A Spellown right. Dooey has joined the stud force here due to the generosity of Linda Mulso. We are looking forward to the opportunity to use this boy to continue the family tradition.Our dogs are all in the house. We have a tri-level, and they have the middle level all to themselves. They are kept in pens made of PVC pipe which is easy to clean and virtually impossible for the dogs to injure themselves. We have a door that goes out directly to the fenced area which consists of a half an acre with three individual areas.We free feed the adults an excellent, quality dry allnatural food. The babies are fed the dry food softened and mixed with canned food and cottage cheese. I dont have a set time that I wean puppies. Some moms are ready earlier than others, so I play that by ear. I only supplement if an individual dog has a specific need.The moms go into my office when the whelping date is near. There I can keep a close eye on their appetite and general health. I am fortunate to work for a veterinarian where I am able to take the moms in daily when they are nearing their due date. After the puppies are born, they stay next to my bed so I can hear everything that is going on. At two weeks of age, they move back into my office where they stay until they are weaned. They then move into the kitchen where they get accustomed to everyday life.I have always had a great interest in the breeding aspect of the sport of dogs. I have used line breeding, inbreeding and out crossing with success. The key is to find what dogs produce the qualities you need and then use them well. Pedigrees can be a great roadmap to a breeder however, the pedigree is only as good as your knowledge of the dogs on that piece of paper. Research the dogs that you want to line breed on. Check out hisher progeny. Do they look like the dog you have in your minds eye Where is your roadmap taking you three generations down the road I always try to look at breedings with the next couple of generations in mind. What am I breeding for, and where am I going with that when I hopefully get itThe sport of dogs is more fun if you have great friends to share it with. Thank you, Jeanne Blank,for sharing your best. Thanks to Nina Fetter for also sharing and helping to get the puppies out and finished. To Sue Talsma who showed Dudly throughout most of his specials career. To Alane Levinsohn, who has proved that friends can be competitive and still remain best friends. To Linda Mulso who took Dooey and made him a star as well as a producer. To Donna Machniak who didnt let me give up on Gus. To Sarah OBrien who has a great future in the world of Poms. Last but not least to my husband, Jack, who stays home while I am at shows and takes great care of the young aspiring show dogs and my retired family companions.And for those of you who wonder what happened to my son Chris He is approaching 30, is happily married and teaches first grade for the Midland Public Schools. His wife, Amy, teaches fifth grade in the same district.Hey Chris, can I have a grandchild Sure, Mom, whatever..._Wyndlor Toy Storynwr1 mik mmJWl X V Ch.Wyndlor Rush To Right-___Absolutes Rev It UpCh. Absolutes Against All Odds9WWyndlor Its My WishAphrodites Pomeraniaiiswould like to introduce our upcoming starsMariraDe DeAphrodites MoonstruckAphrodites B cuz You Loved MeDe De and Maria were botk entered at tke APC Nationals in tke 6-9 Montk Puppy Class. De De was skown by Vikki Oelerick and Maria ky Donna Mackniak. Tkank you kotk lor a super jok I am proud to say tkat kotk girls made tke cut witk De De coming in 5tk Irom a lakulous line up. We kad a wonderlul time and would like to congratulate tke winners.I would also like to congratulate my good Iriend Dekky Gony eau on ker kennel visit. I wisk you muck success witk your new kakies and future breeding program.Linda DeCiccoAphrodites PomeraniansWindham, ME PL 207 892-6676P omsaaol.com4iAlVj HelloEveryoneMy name is Debby Gonyeau. Together with my daughter, Jennifer, and her boyfriend, Todd Spinner, we are Jenn De Pomeranians. I am a member of the American Pomeranian Club as well as our local Saratoga All Breed Kennel Club. Jenn and Todd are also members of Saratoga Kennel club.We are extremely honored to be asked to do this kennel visit. There are so many people to thank that there wouldnt be room left if I listed them all. We have made some really great friends. When we are at the shows, we have so much fun. I would like to someday write a book called On the Way to Best InShow. It would be about all the fun and not so fun things that happen long before you are actually in the ring. From cars that break down on the way to 1130 p.m. donut runs.I have been married for 24 years to a great guy named Chris. Besides Jennifer, we also have three other daughters, Crystal 22, our oldest who is married and has a son, Dylan two, our first grandchild, Tiffany, who is 13 and Kendra, who is nine. My mother, who is 86, also lives with us.Tiffany is just starting to show and has a longcoated Chihuahua named Gizmo. Kendra is a special needs child due to birth trauma. We both almost didnt make it at the time of her birth, but through Gods grace we are both here. We live on a 55- acre farm in Upstate New York, just north of Albany in a town called Clifton Park.We have not been in Poms very long, just under five years. So, in every sense of the word, we are novices. Our beginning actually started when I was pregnant with Jennifer over 19 years ago. I have always loved Poms, and just before I learned I was pregnant with Jenn, I finally found the Pom of my dreams. His name was Foxy, Bates Tiny Prince of Perfection. I showed him at a fun match, and we actually took Best Puppy in Match. My father passed away soon after Jennifer was bom and my mother wasnt in the best health so we sold our farm and moved to where we now live. When we sold our farm I also sold Foxy back to his breeder and put my love for Poms on hold for a few years.Like many of you, I also showed horses for a while. I had an Arabian gelding named Fred Oak Meadow Charade that I showed through the New York State Saddle Horse Association. He and I won All Around Pleasure Champion. At the same time I occasionally showed a palomino Saddlebred. Before my father passed away, we also had a little black pony that used to pull a cart in the summer and a sleigh in the winter. It was lots of fun.I even tried my hand at breeding the horses a little. We had one foal that was bom three and a half weeks premature.What a time we had saving her. I took a week off from work, and I had to milk the mother out every two hours and feed her through a stomach tube for the first three days. After that, my husband, who is a welder, made leg braces for her with the help of my vet, and then I would have to lift her up every two hours so she could nurse. At the beginning, we almost lost the mare too because she had colic so bad. The baby had to have a plasma transfusion and also different types of shotsJennDe Kennel Visit Continued on Page 34ri\ ,___ m s___ JennDeKennel Visit Continued fromevery six hours. We named her Whinny because every time she heard myfootsteps in the bam she would whinny. Only with Gods help did she makeit. My girlfriend still has her and her mom.Finally, about five years ago, I knew it was time to try and find another Pom. I saw an ad in a local want ad digest so I called. He was a chocolate Pom. I went to look at him and fell instantly in love. So I brought him home. Soon after I got him, I thought about possibly breeding him. I was given a name of a breeder that might have a chocolatewhite party, Sandy Shaneyfelt of Southpaw Poms. I contacted her and she sent us Syble, the sweetest little girl you could ever ask for. So we bred Syble and Pooh. They became the proud parents of three little babies, two chocolates and a sable.During that time I also put up a Web site and had the pups pictures on there. We were contacted by many people regarding these pups, but one person named Jan Young also inquired about them. I know that they were pet quality and I believe I told her that at the time but the more we talked the more I learned. Since we were so new with the Poms, I had no idea that Jan had many champions. But after a while she told me about a year old boy she had named Star Haven Tradition of Glory aka Teddy. I will never forget when we went to the airport to pick him up. We couldnt believe that someone would send us such a beautiful PomI had contacted Sandy, and she also had a year old boy, Southpaws Causen-A Comotion aka Mike. So within a week of each otherd we had two show prospects, Mike and Teddy. We decided that we would go to a show close by in Ballston Spa, NY. We had entered Mike but didnt know that Teddy would be here in time so he wasnt entered. We had no idea how to show groom Pomeranians. We had been told that you dont groom the competition so we were on our own. With me ringside, Jenn took Mike in the ring and just followed what everyone else did. Needless to say they didnt win, but we were bitten by the show bug. After that we started going to handling class. Then in October there was a show that also was nearby so we entered both Mike and Teddy. As I mentioned before we didnt have any one who would help us with grooming, so we took Mike and Teddy to the pet groomer. But as luck would have it, the judge that day gave Mike Reserve Winners Dog to a major. We didnt even know that we could have a picture taken. A lady named Garrett ODell told us. We will always treasure that picture but will show it to no one. During these shows, it was a two-day show, a very nice lady named Donna Majewski, approached us and asked us if we would like some help with grooming. Of course we said yes, and thanked her so much She showed us how to round their ears and a few other small grooming tips. Our next show was a couple of months later. It was a three-day show, Friday through Sunday. On Friday, the judge was very nice but when we looked at the other dogs in the ring, our pet groomed guys with rounded ears just didnt look like the others. So when we got home from the show that day, we found a picture of a show Pom and a pair of scissors and Jenn tried to make Mike and Teddy look as close as possible to the beautiful Pom in the picture. It seemed like it took forever. Saturday came and off to the show we went. Only this time, both Mike and Teddy looked much more like the other dogs in the ring. Were we ever surprised and thrilled when on Saturday Jenn and Mike took WDBOW for his first point. The following day, Teddy and I took WD for his first point.We continued to show, and Jenn and Mike added points here and there. We also started going to shows farther away, mostly in Springfield, MA. That very nice lady named Donna was there at most of them and we became good '" 'A I-2First row Grandson Dylan, Tiffany Second row Mother Laura, Kendra iThird row Crystal, John, Debby, Chris, Jenn, Todd23jBates Tiny Prince of Perfection F Mandy and WhinnyfACh. Star Haven Traditionfriends and to this day still are. But also during this time, she offered to take Teddy and see if she could put points on him. Well, she sure did. She put his first major on him at the Bay Colony Pom Club specialty show and continued until she finished him in late November of that year. We can never thank Donna or his breeder, Jan Young, enough for our first champion. Teddy now enjoys the life of a lap dog.During that summer, Jenn met a nice boy named Todd. During the shows that are held eveiy August in Ballston Spa, NY, Todd came to visit her. On Saturday night of these shows, there is a fun match that is held every year. During this years fun match, Todd was there. We handed him a dog and said, Have fun. Jenn ended up getting Best Puppy in Match with a little bitch puppy that year.In the fall of that year, Jan Young sent Jenn a little girl for her to show, Star Havens Rock-N Etta James. Jenn finished Etta from the puppy classes with three majors by the beginning of April. Sandy also sent us a little boy named Atom. By the time Atom was ready to be shown, Mike had been pointed out. So Atoms first show with Todd at the end of the leash was the Bay Colony Pom club specialty. Atom did real well, but it was Mikes turn to shine that day. He took WD for a four point major. He also took BOW, and Jenn was specialing Etta, and she took BOS at the specialty. That win left Mike with only that remaining major to get to become a champion. Jenn showed him the next day where there was a major, but it wasnt his turn to finish just yet.The next sets of shows were the following month in Springfield, MA. Mike had been entered all week, but there was only a major on the Friday of those shows. Im sure the rafters in that building had to be inspected when Mike took WD for his final major He again took BOW and Jenn had her first champion, CH. Southpaws Causen-A Comotion. He was completely handled by his owner and a junior at that.Mikes story doesnt end as a lap dog. It ends on a much sadder note. Mike taught us firsthand about one aspect of why Poms are called the heartbreak breed. Lets fast-forward a couple years just for now to finish Mikes story. When I got home from work one day in December 2002,1 noticed Mike was acting strange. Nothing I could put my hands on just different. But by the next night Jenn was hand feeding him, so off to the vets she went with Mike. The vet did extensive blood work, x-rays, etc. on him. They thought the first night he might have cancer of the kidneys. She said they would give him chemo and call Jenn in the morning with results of the blood work. The vet called her in the morning and said she needed to talk to her. When Jenn got to the vets, she brought her in the back where Mike was, and Jenn just knew that she was going to tell her he wasnt going to make it, but when Mike saw her, he stood up and wagged his tail. The vet didnt have the heart to put him to sleep at that point. His blood work showed that he didnt have cancer, he had Canine Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia. He lived for approximately 6 months. His ashes now rest in a silver music box on Jenns bookshelf.Right after Mike became Champion Mike. It became Atom and Todds turn. Atom took his first point the first weekend in August, and he was finished by early November out of the 12-18 month puppy class with two four point majors and also a Group 1 win. What a thrill that was. Todd and Atom were quite the team Atom was sent back to Sandy a few months after he finished.Jenn and Todd have put several points on several different dogs. Todd showed a sweet little girl for Linda DeCicco, named Aphrodites American Dream akan-. ----ROV WKLCH.Southpaws Causen-A ComotiondiStar Havens Rock-N Etta JamesI A i'' VAlLtY' T" \KCNNCL x Wr ' cLunAphrodities American Dream-Aphrodities Wings of Dreams JennDe Kennel VisiUZontinued on Page 36 1JennDe Kennel Visit Continued from Page 35Shawnee. She just needs that final major to finish. I have usually been ringside mom, but Ive also put points on a couple of dogs and will be in the ring this year for sure.Jenn has become very active in our local kennel club. She has taught handling class that our club hosts. She has also been the Toy Group judge with Todd as her ring steward for the fun match that our club hosts during the August shows. She has branched out and has shown other breeds that include Boxers, Shiba Inus and Pugs. She has a Shiba Inu that only needs that final major to finish and has finished a pug for a friend of hers. Both Jenn and Todd have been called upon many times to handle different breeds of dogs while they were at shows. Jenn would like to someday become a judge and is already working on becoming a professional handler.fLCh. Puglands Beau Tai Jenn judging a fun match.We have met many wonderful people during these years, Donna Majewski and her flying scissors as well as Joan Rogenski. We have spent many, many hours just having a great time at the shows. We also met Linda DeCicco through our friends Donna and Joan. We purchased a beautiful black and tan girl from her Aphrodites Wings of Dreams aka Windy that only lacks her final major to finish and will be a true asset to our breeding program.Speaking of breeding, we have done very little up to this point, a couple litters here and there. We even tried a parti litter once. But unfortunately, they all were of pet quality. Any puppies that we have bred up to now have wonderful permanent pet homes and have been spayed or neutered. The more we learned about the Pomeranian the more faults we began to see in the dogs we had. Of course, we know that Pooh, at 12 pounds, was not within the standard at all, and the pups that were produced also hit the 9-121b range, so he was no longer bred but is now Tiffanys companion. Although Syble was within the standard as far as her weight, her second litter was by c-section, and we had her spayed at the time. She now keeps my mother company while we are all at work or school. Like many of you, we knew we had to rethink our breeding program. I knew enough that I didnt breed what I had other than what I mentioned above because all the dogs we had seem to all have major faults, such as size, luxating patellas, etc. So, we placed all the kids that we had hoped to be in our breeding program in wonderful pet homes.Linda DeCicco has really helped us with trying to restart or actually start our breeding program. She bred both Teddy and Mike before he got sick, but unfortunately, neither produced well. Although we will try Teddy again, as he is well within the standard and a beautiful boy, it apparently just wasnt the right time.We also purchased a cute little boy from Linda named Tommy. Unfortunately, he didnt turn out but he has taken on a much greater role in our family. As I mentioned before, my youngest daughter, Kendra, is a special needs child. She has a sensory problem. She cannot be woken up in a hurry as her skin seems to need to be woken up its really hard to explain but thats the way it is. Anyway, when I wake her up in the morning, I have to start by rubbing her back and arms so she wakes up slowly. Every morning, Tommy will follow me into her room and jump on her bed, and he has actually taken over for me by rubbing his whole body against her back many times back and forth. And when shes awake, he licks her face and sits there with her until shes fully awake and its time for her to get dressed for school.Linda had suggested that we sell him as a pet, but he had decided before I could do that that he would be Kendras personal therapy dog. We have even brought him to the hospital when my mother was there as Tommy takes his therapy work very seriously. He seems to think that is what he is meant to be, and I have to say, I agree with him. No one taught him, he just does it.We have a beautiful black boy from Margaret Jennings of Weepawz Kennels in Canada. Weepawz Man in Black at Jenn De aka Manny. He has already taken best of breed twice and will be back in the ring as soon as he coats back up from hisSTrr VI PLACE mWC F E fc' BESTNATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004 JLSHAWANGUNK KENNEL CLUBvWeepawz Man in Black at JennDe Tradys In A New York Minute Janesas Tag You Are It aka Tagsyear shed. We cant thank Margaret enough for this beautiful boy and also her friendship and her continued support and help. We also have a young boy from her, Weepawz Orange Julius at Jenn De aka Julius who will be making his ring debut this summer.We also contacted Nancy Coddington of Trudys Pomeranians, whom Linda got her beautiful Blue from, and she sent us Trudys In A New York Minute aka Snickers. Snickers is just starting his show career. Donna Majewski showed him at a two day show in Wrentham, MA in November where he took WDBOW both days and BOB over a special one of the days for his first points. At those same shows he also took back-to-back Best Puppy and Toy Puppy group 1.Vikki Oelerich showed Snickers at this years nationals where he made the cut in the 9-12 month sweeps and took 1st in open ROCS class. What a thrill for us She also showed him at the shows following the nationals and placed 3rd on Saturday and 2nd of Sunday. Thank you so much Vikki Im sure it wont be long before hes Ch. Snickers.We are so thankful to Nancy for entrusting us with Snickers and also two beautiful girls, Trudys Almond Spice AKA Spice and Trudys Midnight Serenade aka Sara who will also be making their ring debut this Summer and will be bred to Snickers when they are old enough.We also have a beautiful boy from Jerrie Freia, Janesas Tag You Are It aka Tags. Tags was also shown at the Nationals this year. During his visit at the nationals he sure turned many heads. Im sure it wont be long before hes Champion Tags We are so grateful to Jerrie for entrusting us with this exceptional boyWith the help of many wonderful people, and Im sure I have forgotten to mention someone, we now have some real nice kids that will be in the ring soon. We have a couple waiting in the wings and have a wonderful re-start to our up- and-coming breeding program, Im sure we will have a bred-by in the ring real soon.Again, I would like to thank everyone who has helped us in the past and is presently helping us and for all future help. We look forward to many, many more years in the wonderful world of Pomeranians and seeing many of you ringside. May God bless you allDebby, Jenn And ToddJenn De PomeraniansYou are cordially invited to tyeBay Colony Pomeranian ClubCoI orV-oQ O'ar'a ooL'inxZ2004Annual Specialty May 22Held in conjunction withThe NorEast Toy Dog Cluster May 21 - 24 Wallace Civic Center1000 John Fitch Highway Fitchburg, MABreed Judge Mr. Roy W. Keiser Jr. Sweepstakes Judge Ms. Joy S. BrewsterAGILITY OBEDIENCE TRIALS Four All-Toy Shows Spacious Parking FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT MR. Thomas W. Baldwin P.O. Bodc 143 Ludlow MA 01056 Email Website yttpwww.classictoydogclub.org38 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004Sunglo PomeraniansThe Beastie Boys Av, A' 'M ",r j imwri.We want to thank David Carlene Gilstrap for letting BISS Ch Mountain Crest JJ visit California allowing us to use him. We are excited about this litter. The "boys" will be making their debut this June.Sunglo would like to congratulate Becky Sabourin and her beautiful Wyndlor Pomeranians on her well-deserved kennel visit. Congratulations to Debbe Goneau and her beautiful Jenn De Pomeranians. We wish you both continued successCongratulations to Eleanor Miller and her beautiful Millamor poms as she takes us on a visit down Memory Lane.Congratulations to Nicole Williams on her Junior Jive feature. You are our Poms' future. We wish you continued success.Sunglo PomeraniansBreederownerhandledDan Tammee FelixBISS Ch Mountain Crest JJ x Ch Sunray Rider's Samantha sunglopoms 619-282-5520Thinking of you.Congratulations, Dad... and Grandpa, too... on your outstanding wins at the APC National Specialty in Louisville, KentuckyCh. Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco WD, BOW, Best BBE and the first leg on the Thelma Dunn TrophyCh. Pufprides Sweet Dreams Best In Show SpecialtySantee Pomeraniansiphamie J. Pimeaultspineaultmsn.com1 A.FIREBROOKS AIM TO PLEASECh. Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco X Firebrooks Unchained MelodyMayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 39PCCVPOMERANIAN CLUB OF CENTRAL VIRGINIA, INC.Specialty Fun Match Judge Erika Moureau March 9, 2004 Louisville, KYResultsBy Diana DowneyPuppy Dogs, 4-6 mos. 12 showing out of 14 entries1 - Weewyn Bar-Bs Doin It Our Way - Cathy Anderson2 - Carleez Dbl Dbl Toil And Trouble - Lauri Otis, Linda Pelz3 - Ursa Minors Blue Note - Barbara Krzewicki4 - Kacees nTCs Lil Trooper - Teleha M. CoolmanPuppy Dogs, 6-9 mos. 9 showing out of 11 entries1 - Foxworth Five Speed - Pamela Dodsworth, Larry Fox2 - DamascusRoad DonJuan DeMarco - Renee Suppe3 - Dream Weavers Dancing With Fire - Michael, Shalon Parrott4 - Shimmeree Leader Of The Band - Gregg, Charlene WatersPuppy Dogs, 9-12 mos. 1 showing out of 1 entry1 - Jolvin Ringmaster - Joan, Melvin Beech, Ann SimmonsPuppy Bitches, 4-6 mos. 11 showing out of 12 entries1 - KaCees Talk The Talk - Katy, Charles Stalnaker2 - Foxworth Foxy Roxy - Pamela Dodsworth, Larry Fox3 - Panaches Notable Snooty Fox - Laura Meineke4 - Dolly - Suzanne BemeyPuppy Bitches, 6-9 mos. 11 showing out of 11 entries1 - Stolannes Song Of The South - Fran Stoll2 - Finchs Xcite Dramitic Entrance - Diane L. Finch3 - Jolvins Black N Tanner - Joan, Melvin Beech4 - Elans Executrix - Melissa DahlenburgPuppy Bitches, 9-12 mos. 3 showing out of 4 entries1 - Chriscendo Career Girl - Christine D. Heartz2 - Kalos Jessica Of Glen Iris - Cheryl Jackson, Larry Myers3 - Greeneudes Venus Of Lenette - Joyce BirksBEST PUPPY IN MATCHFoxworth Five Speed - Pamela Dodsworth, Larry Fox BEST PUPPY OF OPPOSITE SEX Chriscendo Career Girl - Christine D. Heartz 40 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJhne 2004Dogs, 12-18 mos. 2 showing out of 2 entries1 - Sablewood Shades Of Dalton - Laureen Kinsman2 - Ty - Alana DillonBred-By-Exhibitor Dogs 1 showing out of 1 entry1 - Rob Carys Devil Made Me Do It - Caryl, A.Todd ScrimpsherOpen Dogs 6 showing out of 6 entries1 - Lancelots Rainmaker - Alta Davis2 - Adams Thunder And Lightening - William, Brenda Adams3 - Hollilys Sparks A Flyin - Mary Lou North, Christine Creasey4 - Cases Ever Ready Eddie - Sue Lucatorto, Deb ProcBitches, 12-18 mos. 5 showing out of 5 entries1 - Marbils Voodoo Doll - Laura Meineke, Olivia Dillon2 - Angelicpoms Christmas Angel - Mona and Mariah Seering3 - Finchs Chars Kiss NTel Parti - Charlotte Meyer4 - Marbils Sweet Polly P.B. - Janette and Joe DallyBred-By-Exhibitor Bitches 1 showing out of 1 entry1 - Weewyns Dance With The Wind - Cathy AndersonOpen Bitches 4 showing out of 6 entries1 - Trinket - Gregg, Charlene Waters, Jessica, Cristy Christiansen2 - Hyatts Love Me Tender - William, Brenda Adams3 - Royal Tee Shelby By Lancelot - Angela Blocker4 - Weepawz Case Of Black Beauty - Susan LucatortoBEST ADULT IN MATCHRob Carys Devil Made Me Do It - Caryl, A. Todd ScrimpsherBEST ADULT OF OPPOSITE SEXWeewyns Dance With The Wind - Cathy AndersonBEST IN MATCH Total 66 Poms, 74 entriesFoxworth Five Speed - Pamela Dodsworth and Larry FoxPOMERANIAN CLUB OF CENTRAL VIRGINIA, INC.Judges Critique - Erika MoureauFirst, I would like to thank all the members of the Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia for inviting me to judge their match. And thank you for the beautiful basket full of goodiesThe match had an excellent entry of 74 dogs, with 66 dogs actually showing.Quality in the puppy classes was very strong in both sexes, making decisions difficult, since I had only 4 ribbons.My Best in Match winner was a lovely young male, who moved well, showed well and had great type. If I were still showing dogs, I would have begged for him to go home with me. But, there were several dogs in hot contention with him. On the down side, there were several undershot bites and some close rears.Erika K. Moureau Tomball, TX.aHiBEST INMATCHJMARCH1- RxBEST OPPOSITE ADULTbest w mADULT ft. I DOSiMARCH 2004otos by Karen Chisam and Donna MaclmiakejiM yv. . 41MayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 41Hft American Pomeranian Club, 3nc.National Specialty ResultsLouisville, Kentucky - March 8, 9, 10, 2004By Sally BaugnietThe 2004 American Pomeranian Club National Specialty was held at the Executive Inn, in Louisville Kentucky, March 8, 9, and 10. The motel is located across the street from the fairgrounds, where the all-breed shows are held.On Monday evening March 8, Ms. Jeanne Ohmann from Louisville, Kentucky, judged 17 Obedience entries. The complete APC National Obedience report can be found in Performance News and Views.Ms Nadine Hersil, from Cudahy, Wisconsin, judged Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes on Tuesday. The Puppy Sweepstakes had an entry of 131, with 21 absent. Eighteen Veteran Sweeps were entered. None were absent. Nadine has bred and shown Poms since she was a little girl. She has handled Poms for a long time and does a great job handling and judging them.Junior Dogs, 6 months, under 9 months 1 JAKENS SPLASHIN IN THE RAIN Owner Jane Lehtinen Jackie Rayner2 FOXWORTH FIVE SPEED Owner Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox.3 LIL PONDEROSA AMILLION BUCKS Owner Sherry Cartwright.4 JAN-SHARS NEMO Owner Sharon HansonJunior Dogs, 9 months under 12 months 1 MAGIC TOUCH OF LENETTE Owner K. G. Griffith 2 CHRISCENDO COMMUNACADO Owner Christine Heartz 3 JOLVIN RINGMASTER Owners Joan Melvin Beech Ann Simmons4 ELANS WICKED WAYS Owner Melissa DahlenburgSenior Dogs, 12 months under 18 months 1 FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCO Owner Lee D Cook 2 SABLEWOOD SHADES OF DALTON Owner Laureen Kinsman3 MOUNTAIN CREST HARD ROCK Owner David Carleen Gilstrap, Dr L Meyers Dr Cheryl Jackson 4 TOYLANDS CLASSICAL COMPOSER II OwnenPatricia CarneyJunior Bitches, 6 months under 9 months 1 SHOWIN S PRIMA DONNA Owner Audrey Caywood 2 JAN- SHARS BLING BLING Owner Sharon Hanson 3 JOLVINS BLACK N TANNER Owner Joan Melvin Beech 4 STOLANNES SONG OF THE SOUTH Owner Frances StollJunior Bitches, 9 months under 12 months 1 CHRISCENDO CAREER GIRL Owner Christine D. Heartz 2 TRUDYS LADY LILY Owner Linda Me Pherson 3 COTTONTOP IN LOVE AGAIN Owner Linda Mulso 4 CHELANES SCARLETT OHARA Owner Cheryl Kerr Elaine WaughSenior Bitches, 12 months under 18 months1 INCHALLAHS HEAVENS TO BETSIE. Owner Heike Wehrle Tanya Wehrle2 MY PRECIOUS SPARKLING BLACK DIAMOND Owner Oscar Ramiro Nanette Zoe Torres Ocasio3 TLCS KING TITANS ARIEL. Owner Connie Charles.4 WEEPAWZ CROWNING GLORY. Owner Melodie GaultBest Junior PuppyJAKENS SPLASHES IN THE RAIN Best of Opposite Sex to Best Junior PuppySHOWINS PRIMA DONNA Best Senior PuppyINCHALLAHS HEAVENS TO BETSIE Best of Opposite Sex to Best Senior PuppyFIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESJA KINS SPLASHIN IN THE RAINVETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge Ms. Nadine Hersil Veteran Dogs, 6 years under 9 years1 CH JOLVINS LEGACY OF GINGER Owner Joan Melvin Beech.2 CH WANG TSU WHOPPER JUNIOR Owner Brenda Segelken3 CH MERIMAUR BEST CASES SCENARIO Owner Susan Christine Lucatorto4 CH SUBERS PRESENTS ATOM ANT Owner Suzanne BemeyVeteran Dogs, 9 year over1 CH HEARTLANDS IN THE NICKA TIME Owner Robert Kieffer2 CH JANES AS N JAN-SHARS CHANCE Owner Camilla Knight.3 CH TRADITIONS LEGEND OF OAKRIDGE Owner Tom B Davidson David L Lamb4 CH JAN LES COLOR ME BADD Owner Jane LehtinenVeteran Bitches, 6 years under 9 years1 CH FOXWORTH FIVE STAR TRADITION Owner Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox2 CH SOUTHPAW TERALEE MIS-BEHAVEN Owner Leanne T. Wilkins Sandra Shaneyfelt3 CH ALLAYNS AGENT ORANGE Owner Mary Allan4 CH MOUNTAIN CREST JUMPIN JESSIE Owner Sherri Alspaugh David GilstrapBest in Veteran SweepstakesCH FOXWORTH FIVE STAR TRADITION Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran SweepstakesCH HEARTLANDS IN THE NICKA TIME44 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004On Wednesday, the APC had the judging of their Regular Specialty Show. Because AKC allows a judge at a specialty show to judge a maximum of 200 dogs per day and this specialty had 314 entered with a total of483 entries, the APC was required to get an additional judge for the overload. The judge hired was Mr. Danny Moore from Greensboro, NC, who did a wonderful job of filling in and judging 109 entries that our regularly hired judge, Mrs. Janice Earl from Kimberling City, MO, overdrew.JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIPJudge Mr. Danny Moore. There were 9 entries, 1 absent.Novice Junior1 MARIAH SEERING Angelic Poms Christmas Angel Owner Mona Mariah Seering.2 OLIVIA DILLON Marbils Voo Doo Doll Owner Laura Meineke Olivia Dillon3 KATELYN LAUNDERVILLE Kamalas Skip To My Lady Lucy Owner Katelyn Launderville4 SILVIA DALY Cases N Procs Every Reddy Eddie Owner Susan Lucatorto Deb ProcacciniOpen Junior1 ALICIA MARIE WOOD Ch. Doo-Shays Flyin Solo Owner Christine Creasey, Anna Benedetto Barbara Pater2 ALANA DILLON Alanas Mai Tai Down Under Owner Alana DillonOpen Senior1 NAOMI BRYANT Jeddy Bears Memory Owner Naomi Mary Jean Bryant2 JESSICA CHRISTIANSEN Shimmeree Heaven Sent Owner Jessica Christiansen, Cristy ChristiansenBest Novice HandlerMARIAH SEERING Best Open HandlerALICIA MARIE WOODBEST JUNIOR HANDLERALICIA MARIE WOODREGULAR CLASSES were judged by Judge Mrs. Janice Earl unless otherwise noted. Numbers of entries and absentees in each class may not be completely accurate. Janice formerly known as Janice Luginsland was a breeder-owner-handler of many Pom champions. She later worked for the American Kennel Club as a Field Representative.Puppy Dogs, 6 months under 9 months 28 entered, 7 absent, 1 DQ Mrs. Earl1 STARLIGHTS CALIFORNIA NAVIGATOR Owner Shari M Fukuyama Lynn Kamiya2 FOXWORTH FIVE SPEED Owner Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox3 ROB CARYS DEVIL MADE ME DO IT Owner Caryl F Scrimpsher A Todd Scrimpsher4 MOUNTAIN CREST HARD ROCK Owner David Carlene Gilstrap, Dr Lawrence Myers Dr Cheryl A JacksonPuppy Dogs, 9 months under 12 months 19 entered 3 absent1 CHRISCENDO COMMUNACADO Owner Christine Heartz2 FINCHS DREAM COME TRUE II Owner Wahyuni Wibowo3 JAN-SHARS DR PHIL Owner Sharon Hanson4 EXOTIC TERMINATOR Owner Molly McDaniel Judy StoneDogs, 12 months under 18 months 13 entered, 3 absent - Judge Mr. Danny Moore1 OAKROSE LET FREEDOM RING Owner Charlotte Meyer Diane Finch2 MT. CREST AT SPRINGWOOD Owner Rebecca B Jackson Carlene Gilstrap3 SABLEWOOD SHADES OF DALTON Owner Laureen Kinsman4 BAR-JONS-JANESAS TIGER HUNTER Owner Barbara MessmerAmerican Bred Dogs 5 entered, 2 absent - Judge Mr. D. Moore1 CHARS PARTI TIL YOU TUCKER Owner Deborah Stoehr2 FINCHSCHARS WALKIN HOT STUFF Owner Mariah Seering3 HOLLILYS SPARKS A FLYIN Owner Marylou North Christine CreaseyBred-by-Exhibitor Dogs 17 entered, 6 absent - Judge Mr. D. Moore1 FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCO Owner Lee D Cook2 JAN LES DONT BE SILLY Owner Jane Lehtinen3 ROB CARYS DEVIL MADE ME DO IT Owner Caryl F Scrimpsher A Todd Scrimpsher4 MOUNTAIN CREST HARD ROCK Owner David Carlene Gilstrap, Dr L Myers Dr Cheryl JacksonOpen Dogs, Black, Brown, Blue 1 entered - Judge Mr. D. Moore 1 APAWS MYT WHIRLWIND Owner Robin MurrayOpen Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable 24 entered, 3 absent Mrs. Earl1 TRUDYS IN A NEW YORK MINUTE Owner Debra Gonyeau2 TOKIE TIMES WORTH WAITING FOR Owner Mr C Prakit Mr T Chaivat3 LANCELOTS RAINMAKER Owner Alta Davis4 STOLANNES DOIN IT MY WAY Owner Donna Riehm Frances StollOpen Dogs, Any Other Color, Pattern Or Variation 7 entered, 1 absent Mrs. Earl1 FINCHS MAX A MILLION II Owner Mary Hoskins Mary Collins2 EXOTIC REMINISTE LITN FLASHES Owner Judy Stone3 FINCHS CHARS ROCK N ROLL PARTI Owner Charlotte Meyer4 MARBILS DOWN AND DIRTY Owner Patricia Dague Mari IfflandWINNERS DOG 5 POINTSFIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOReserve Winners Dog FINCHS MAX A MILLION IIAPC National Results Continued On Page 46MayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 45APC National Results Continued from Page 45Puppy Bitches, 6 months under 9 months 25 entered, 3 absent Mrs. Earl1 STARFIRES FRANSESCA Owner J Cabrera FabianArienti2 NOBLES STEP ASIDE BOYS Owner Noble Inglett3 JAN-SHARS BLING BLING Owner Sharon Hanson4 STOLANNES SONG OF THE SOUTH Owner Frances StollPuppy Bitches, 9 months under 12 months 17 entered, 6 absent Mrs. Earl1 CHRISCENDO CAREER GIRL Owner Christine D. Heartz2 TRUDYS LADY LILY Owner Linda McPherson3 CHARS LIVING DOLL Owner Charlotte Meyer4 PIXIES APRICOT BRANDY Owner Carol Galavich Donna Megenhardt Evelyn NewyearBitches, 12 months under 18 months 9 entered, 1 absent - Judge Mr. D. Moore1 LAKEWAYS LUV LEE Owner Elaine Way2 TLCS KING TITANS ARIEL Owner Connie Charles3 JANESAS FLIGHTS OF FANCY Owner Deborah K Barrett4 STOLANNES PEACH SCHNOPPS Owner Janice C RussellAmerican Bred Bitches 2 entered, 1 absent - Mr. D Moore 1 HOLLILYS A DREAM FOR TERA LEE Owner Leanne Wilkins Christine CreaseyBred-by-Exhibitor Bitches 18 entered, 1 absent-Mr. D. Moore1 JAN LES STRIPE UP ANEW ONE Owner Jane Lehtinen2 INCHALLAHS HEAVENS TO BETSIE Owner Heike Wehrle Tanya Wehrle3 STARFIRES MARY LOU II Owner Jose Cabrera Fabian Arienti4 STOLANNES I LOVE DESI Owner Frances J. StollOpen Bitches, Black, Brown, Blue 6 entered, - Mrs. Earl1 MY PRECIOUS SPARKLING BLACK DIAMOND Owner Oscar Ramiro Nanette Zoe Torres Ocasio2 CHARS WALKIN N A WINNING WAY Owner Charlotte Meyer3TRESSTIQUE GR8 MEMORIAL BARBQ OwnerBonnieHarris 4 SAPPHIRES DANCING IN THE DARK Owner Beth ShattuckOpen Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable 18 entered, 3 absent- Mrs. Earl1 TOKIE TAILORED TO WIN Owner C. Prakit T. Chaivat2 WEEPAWZ CROWNING GLORY Owner Melodie Gault3 DIAS GENTLEMEN PREFER OwnenRenee McGrath DVM, MS4 JAN SHRS BREWIN UP A STORM Owner Sharon HansonOpen Bitches, Any Other Color, Pattern, or Variation 2 entered Judge Mr. D. Moore1 JESSLEIGHS SHIMMERING STARR OwnenCyndiVandeHoef2 LOVELY WORTHER WEIGHT N GOLD Owner Victoria E. LovelyWINNERS BITCH 5 POINTSCHRISCENDO CAREER GIRLRESERVE WINNERS BITCH TOKIE TAILORED TO WINVeteran Dogs, 6 years under 9 years 9 entered, 0 absent Judge Mr. D. Moore1 CH JOLVINS LEGACY OF GINGER Owner Joan Melvin Beech2 CH SUNDOWNS LITTLE CASINO Owner Camilla Knight3 CH SUBERS PRESENTS ATOM ANT Owner Suzanne Bemey4 CH WANG TSU WHOPPER JUNIOR Owner Brenda SegelkenVeteran Dogs, 9 years over 5 entered, 3 absent - Judge Mr. Danny Moore1 CH JANESAS N JAN-SHARS CHANCE Owner Camilla Knight2 CH FAME GIFT OF THE SPIRIT Owner Brenda Segelken3 CH TRADITIONS LEGEND OF OAKRIDGE Owner Tom B Davidson David L LambVeteran Bitches, 6 years under 9 years 3 entered, 1 absent Judge Mr. Danny Moore1 CH SOUTHPAW TERALEE MIS - BEHAVEN Owner Leanne T. Wilkins Sandra Shaneyfelt2 CH MOUNTAIN CREST JUMPIN JESSIE Owner Sherri Alspaugh David GilstrapVeteran Bitches, 9 years over 1 entered - Judge Mr. D. Moore 1 CH ABSOLUTE MAGIC MIST Owner Becky SabourinBest of Breed Competition, 54 entered, 8 absent Mrs. EarlBEST OF BREED CH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS BREEDER VIRGINIA DI YIICK OWNERS NOBLE INGLETT DIANE FINCHBest of Winners FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOBest of Opp Sex to Best of Breed CH FOXWORTH FIVE STAR TRADITION BreedersOwners Pamela Dodsworth Larry FoxBest VeteranCH JOLVINS LEGACY OF GINGER.Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran CH SOUTHPAW TERALEE MIS - BEHAVEN Best Puppy in Regular Classes CHRISCENDO CAREER GIRL.Best Bred-By-Exhibitor FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCO.Judges Awards of MeritCH STARFIRES WICKED MEAN - N - NASTY Owner Capt. Jean Heath, W H Cosby, J. Cabera, F. Arienti CH VALCOPY BATBOY. 121300 Owner Janice Melvin PardueCH JAN-SHARS COMMANDER N CHIEF Owner Ron Marilyn Smith, Derrik Deronda Sharp CH FINCHS ROLLING LIKE A RIVER Owner Theo DockettCH FLASHINGSTARS PARTING SHOT Owner Marie Jacques C Surtees46 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 20041American Pomeranian Club, inc.Sweepstakes Judge Critique - Nadine Hersil Louisville, Kentucky - March 9, 2004First of all, let me say what an honor it was to have been chosen by the membership of the American Pomerian Club to pass judgment on the future and the past of our breed.As I had commented at the banquet, the rear assembly of our breed has improved so dramatically over the last 10-15 years. The problem of the obvious slipping patella in the ring seems to have diminished quite a bit but has not totally disappeared. What worries me more during the last 2-3 sweepstakes assignments that I have judged is the bite problems. Not specifically overshot or undershot but not the correct scissors bite. If you look at the transition in head types we have had over the last several generations going from extreme baby face such as the Chihuahua head which has a reputation for notorious bites to the lovely middle of the line heads that are now apparent, it is no wonder that the bites and lack of under jaw have suffered.Now on to the beautiful puppies. As always, the puppies were breathtaking. There were so many puppies that I would love to have considered higher, but, with the quality in these classes, it just wasnt possible. And the beautiful rainbow of color black, black and tan, partis, brindles, chocolates, creams, reds and, of course, orange.My 6-9 dog winner and eventual grand sweepstakes dog Jakins Splashin In The Rain, who is a beautifully marked black and tan, free- moving, well-balanced dog with great ring presence. 9-12 dog was Magic Touch of Lenette with an exquisite head and type. 12-18 dog Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco was the winners dog in the classes and completely finished and polished in coat and structure. 6-9 months bitch Showins Prima Donna is a nice moving young lady with reach and drive for a lovely side picture. 9-12 bitch Chriscendo Career Girl, the winners bitch in the regular class, has an elegance and style that belies her young age. 12-18 bitch InchAllahas Heavens to Betsie is the complete package of balance and movement.My most difficult decisions came in the Veterans Class. Those old-timers really gave their all and most were so excited to get back in the ring again that it literally brought tears to my eyes. Ch. Heartlands in the Nick ATime 9 yr and older, the beautiful chocolate dog that I placed best in match at his 1 st show at 3 months of age and now had the opportunity to judge again at his last show made my skin tingle. After I had literally asked the audience if anyone else would like to do this I had the pleasure of giving the best veteran to Ch. Fox Worths Five Star Tradition 6-9 yr the class BOS winner. This lady gave everything to this win her condition, attitude, and movement were flawless. BOS went to Ch. Nickie and honorable mention to Ch. Jolvins Legacy of Ginger 6-9yr whose movement was certainly not that of an old-man.May I take this opportunity to thank the committee members for their kindness and generosity Sally Baugniet was a helpful and efficient steward. Remember, club members, that this was your national specialty you are the reason that this event was history making. I was president of this club back in 1980. I suggested that we move the specialty, from New York to a more central location and got some very strange and disturbing looks along with a definite no. Your support and attendance at this show is the proof that my idea and the committee decisions made since then were not in vain. Thank you all for coming to Louisville, and see you next yearAPC Specialty Results Continuedfrom Page 46NON-REGULAR CLASSESStud Dogs 7 entered, 3 absent - Judge Mr. Danny Moore1 CH DREAMWEAVERS FIRE DANCER Owner Linda Pelz Michael Wells2 CH SUNDOWNS HIDE N ZEKE, CD Owner Carol Leemhuis3 CH MUSTANGS GOOD TIME CHARLIE Owner Joyce Birks4 CH FINCHS ROCKIN PARTI Owner Charlotte MeyerBrood Bitch 4 entered - Judge Mr. Danny Moore1 CH JANES AS SOUTHERN SUNDOWN Owner Carol Leemhuis2 MARBILS TICKLE YOUR FANCY Owner Mari Iffland Donna Riehm3 CH PATRICIAS LIL MISS MOLLY Owner Pati Danielson4 PRIMETIME DAYS OF WINE N ROSES Owner Michael Shalon Parrott Linda PelzBrace 2 braces entered - Judge Mr. Danny Moore 1 JOLVIN CROWN JEWEL Owner Joan Melvin Beech1 JOLVIN CROWN JUBILEE Owner Joan Melvin Beech2 FINCHCHARS ROCK N ROLL PARTI Owner Charlotte Meyer 2 CH FINCHS ROCKIN PARTI Owner Charlotte MeyerThe APC Specialty was very successful, never a boring moment. We had seminars, a doggy costume contest, match, annual meeting and awards banquet, all of which will be written up and presented by another member for this issue. If you werent there in 2004, be sure you make plans now to come next year. You wont be sorryMayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 47fje American Pomeranian Club, 3nc.National SpecialtyLouisville, Kentucky - March 8, 9, 10, 2004- a 2. MERITWARDV .NATIONALClCH STARFIRES WICKED MEAN-N-NASTYBEST OF BREEDVARIETY m \NATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004-- vAWARD OF MERITNATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004CH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS CH FLASHINGSTARS PARTING SHOT' - 2mAWARDOF MERITAWARD MERITAWARD M E R I TiNATIONAL SPECIALTYNAL SPECIALTYARCH 2004NATIONALiFEf i-lT'NATIONALCHCH FINCHS ROLLING LIKE A RIVER CH JAN-SHARS COMMANDER N CHIEF VALCOPY BATBOY48 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004mtAmerican pomerantatt Club, 3nc.National Specialty-Louisville, Kentucky March 8, 9, 10, 2004aBEST OPPOSITE o-.-I miNATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004 3 -A.I r- BEST OF WINNERS BESTBREO BY EXHIBITORNATIONAL SPElift.'"-xx WCH FOXWORTH FIVE STAR TRADITION FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCO- _- .- V2\C. IRESERVE WINNERS OOG. RESERVE WINNERS BITCH VNATIONAL SPECIALTYNATIONAL SPECIALTYNATIONAL SPECIALTYFINCHS MAX A MILLION II TOKIE TAILORED TO WIN CHRISCENDO CAREER GIRLMayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 49'T\ruNATIONALMARIAH SEERING ANGELIC POMS CHRISTMAS ANGEL CH JANESAS SOUTHERN SUNDOWN CH DREAMWEAVERS FIRE DANCERtTOft American Pomeranian Club, muLouisville, Kentucky - March 8, 9, 10, 2004 Yijaak-SWEEPSTAKES ^^B . IIBEST V LVETERAN B^ I ysfcALlijNATIONALSPECIALTYMARCH 2004ABESTSWEEPSTAKESM iCh. Fox Worth s Five Star TraditionNATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004jJAKENS SPLASHIN IN THE RAINi1^ V SWEEPSTAKESBESTSENIOR Am m 4BmV'NATIONAL SPECIALTYInchAllaha s Heavens to BetsieSO - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004V-we svXm m1 4xr d V.rssj fflP'mVvs-'iSi 0MayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 51.lVti 1 MWSPTma.xmmm19a.tagWmmjmmK 4rWf X 0fik 4 yfV- ,i m52 - .RPC Pomeranirn Review - MayJuNE 2004Vm 3...IT-41 T1 IX-3'Xr EiVr^.W.MayJune2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 53___ ______Mlr.1Vi54 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004Ill,1mMayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 55K vr',4t 4_TW1 ur--J, ^W\ k4V. -r Sr-rw\ iBsJ^ ^ ^ FrJ"-- , 1X^pw r ] if I----Uil jt l _ -- I '56 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004.rh1 59 jj'TyivrfXj - vi - .rAPCBoard Meeting , ^ m.ii4 yLMayJune2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 57r4 k71 r_-3IV4 \L 'k-HrIsTJkdit. SS Bmsr, aw\58- APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004Lana's Pomeranians Lands Aint it good to 3 ACiveCongratulations to Becky Sabourin of Wyndlor Poms on your APC Kennel Visit.Thank you so much Becky for letting your lovely Dudly get together with one of my girls to produce beautiful healthy babies that are welcome additions to my showing and breeding program. Watch for me in the ring this year with Dudlys kids Ronnie and Angie.Congratulations to Eleanor Miller for over 40 years down memory lane. Your dedication to the breed will be recognized by all Pom lovers forever.Lana Pricelanapriceearthlink.nethttphome.earthlink.netlanaspomeraniansAngie44rCh. Jan-Shars Dudly Doright x Dupres Sparkling Gold PatinaLinda Peiz, Liz Michael Wells would like to thank the Pomeranian Review for allowing us to do our kennel visit. We would also like to thank die following people who supported our visitMichael Shalon Parrott Char MeyerDavid Darlene Gilstrap Fred Pat Dieball Ken Griffith Jessie Klein Nancy Smith Lana PriceKaty Charles Stalnaker Ron Sherry Cartwright Virginia Warren Dimick Roxane Collins Dan Tammee FelixBeverly Carter John Pauline McFarlane Karen Crawford Sherrilynn Rogers Randy Buske Marlene Pressor Bob Liz Pietzsch Fran Stoll Valerie Allridge Cheri McDonald Derrick Deronda Sharp Ron Merilyn SmithCongratulations to Jenn De Poms and Wyndlor Poms on their Kennel Visits.DreamWeaverLinda Peiz and Michael WellsHewitt, www.dreamweaverpom.comVVMayJhne 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 59Donna Riehm ChairpersonAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.WaysMeansGreetings one and all.v\ Louisville, Louisville, How I love you Louisville. Can you believe our biggest Specialty of all time came and went so quickly, and didnt we have a fantastic timeI attended Specialty for nine or ten years sitting ringside watching the classes, making notes and marking my catalog, watching my Poms compete, hanging out in Hospitality, attending seminars, buying at the auction and savoring every moment. And you know I HAD NO CLUE and it never crossed my mind that there were those hardworking, dedicated individuals who made those Specialties happen. They had invested LOTS of time before and during the show. Catalog ads were sold, trophies were painstakingly thought about and created with the hope that trophy donations would be there, catalog sale tables were manned, T-shirts were designed and sold, ways and means auction items were asked for with the hope buyers would stay after the banquet meal and help support the cause by bidding on donations, hospitality was planned, and folks were there to greet you with food and drink, seminars were planned months in advance, the show rings were set up and plastic put down, tables were set up for vending, a huge banquet was planned, certificates were given out for top performers by an individual who had invested many hours tracking the stats, raffles were planned and tickets sold. I could just keep the list going.Now, I can tell you based on personal experience, PAYBACK IS TOUGH. I have had the responsibility of Ways and Means the past three years. Im still not sure how I got the job. I first heard about it when it was announced at the general membership meeting Im thinking a close friend who will remain anonymous must have raised her hand on my behalf. Ways and Means is a time-consuming job. Is it fun, absolutely, is it important to the club, you bet, but most importantly I have been afforded the opportunity to work side by side with those individuals that make Specialty happen. They are a dedicated, hard working, fun loving, and professional bunch. If you have not noticed them, as I did not for so many years, you need to take the time to get to know them, volunteer for a committee, meet your APC Board, Officers, Committee Chairs, and find out how their efforts make things happen.And that is only half of the joy my job brings as I also have the pleasure of working with some of the MOST TALENTED, GENEROUS, FUN LOVING folks ever. You made it happen for Ways and Means again this year with a RECORD BREAKING volume of donations and sales. With the help of super- woman Carolyn Brandenburg we tagged well over 160 items. Beautiful items, handcrafted items, collectible items, items that were purchased just so they could be donated to APC. I had a new comer to our breed that generously donated multiple collectible Pomeranian prints that raised hundreds for APC. It is gratifying for me each year to see those same individuals bring in those very special items again and again, and to experience first hand the wonderful folks that purchase items during the Silent Auction and that stay after the banquet buying items in support of our Club. I think each year that we just cant top the last year, and yet our members and friends just keep showing that level of commitment, and we just keep growing our ability to support our National Club. THANK YOU. And thank you to all who made Carolyn and my job so much fun. We loved meeting you, we loved the conversation, and we thank you so much for supporting the APC.PS Be sure to read this report in the next issue for a list of our auction donors and auction results.zf.-v Ji60- APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004Jleto ChampionsChampions of Record Are Confirmed by AKCKelly ReimschiisselJanuaryAnimations Patti Mayonnaise B by CH Great Elms Wee Chipper x Animations Belle. Owned Bred by Darren Lane Lorinda Vasuta.Darlins Wildcard At Sirius D by Wyndlor-N-DJS Oliver Twist x Darlins Love Me, Love Me Not. Owned by Nina M Fetter, Bred by Laurie Otis Donna J. Machniak.FinsarsMakinWavesParti D by CH Finchs Peacemaker Parti x Finchs Come Parti With Me. Owned Bred by Diane .Charlotte Meyer.Foxwudz Classic Edition D by CH Great EL Great Elms Patsy. Owned by Bonnie Stetson, Bred byFebruaryJennings.Gaulkes No Telling D by Making Miss Me Me. Owned Bred by Eh Gourmet Howlene-Teahra Caviar Impero x Truffles Love Me Tender. I Otaguro Robin Watanabe, Bred byt Salvador.4sh'ArLenette x Gaulkese-3SHowlene-C" Hia L. S _______f -iJessicas Casanova x eeler Patricia A-it'Chlbert,- , sMf Versacefcc Talicos P6Vato_-J by Linda Ann Bosnich. ose Icuddabeenacdntenda red by Annette. Rister,IBi-Mars Amazing Grace Red Baron D by Bi-Mars Bandalero x Bi-Mars Ima Sugar Plum. Owned Bred by Mary A. Rosenbaum. Conans Rocky MTN Mornin B by CH Tim Sues Rocky MTN Gold x Mia Conans Top OThe Mornin. Owned Bred by Nancy Applegate.Damascusroads Ceasar Agustus D by Chinadolls Avenger x JJamascusroads Joyful Noise. Owned by Melinda L. Hansen. Bred ' A Carter.rlmsumthintotalkabutsirius B by Wyndlor-N-DJS Oliver ^Of A Kind. Owned by Nina M. Fetter y Donna J. Machniak Laurie Otis.. D by CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x ned by Pongsakom Pongsak. Bred byFins A Finchs Walk' Diane L. Finch.s Walkin OnJlands BosaTsova pes McKerinan JamesLabeau My Secret ina Magic Isabella Of Lenette. Owned bBred by Patricia A Gilbert.Larajus Cosmic Kio D by Spirit. Owned by Laura L. New Majesties Change Your Luck x Southlands Tell Me A Secret.Charlotte Creed, Brenda Turner Majis Gabriella Of Pawegre B1 Dancer x CH Pawegre Outrageous.Patricia Murk. Bred by Patricia Mm^^McKerinan.Marbils Tickled Pink B by CH Park A\ e'S tStep^j 'Upsjglay Marbils Tickle Your Fancy. Owned by Kathytauderville ' .Mari Iffland, Bred by Donna S. Riehm Mari Ifflancr^^J^ F Oasis A Life Of Riley B by Dhcrew Rock-N-Rumble x Oasis Silver. Charm. Owned by Sherrilynn J. Rogers, Bred by Renaye Peas Blues Breaker D by CH Puf Pride Cloudbreaker x Crest Ugotme On My Knees Owned Bred by Bob Pietzsch.' Sal-Mar Stormy Night D by Emcees Sal Mar Cody Medallion x Woods Bit Of Honey Brittany. Owned Bred by Sally A. Jenkins. Sundowns DZiner Genes At KC D by CH Janesas Hurrah For Sundown x CH Sundowns Ready Or Not. Owned by Katy Stalnaker Charles A Stalnaker, Bred by Camilla Knight.Sungolds Dixie Darlin B by CH Sungolds Darlin x McKameys Flirts Diane. Owned by Janet Moor, Bred by Anna G. Lafortune. Vip-N-Odyssey Turbo Arger D by CH Odyssey-Vips Movin Vilation x V I P Raisin Cane O Kandi. Owned by Fran Smith- Milteer Janet Lucido. Bred by Fran CH Finchs He Walks On Water x FuKhs Dial-A-Babljfjwned by Elizabeth Cockrill. Bred byo Boo Kitty Diane IN Finch. Gar-Vs - Gar- -.A-Boo. Owned' oreverSharon Hanson.Gar-Vs Dandy Little Lion x CH by Gail A Garvey.____ _ Golden Aires Do It Agin x'EfehrajJi3bideii Aire Tessa. Owned-by Vivian Sun. Bred by Barbara C. Veils. . r'JJan-^Shars Summer Rain Bj by CH Jan-Shars If Looks Could Kill sfjiwned by Karen Huntsberger .omBug At., Jan-Shars Whos Afraid Of.y'a Woof B by CH Jan-Shars Shaquille ONeal,. CH Jan-Shars Queen Amidala. Owned by Ron Smith Merilyn J. Smith Derrik Sharp Deronda Sharp. Bred by Sharon Hanson-..Janesas-Dont You Wish B by CH Janesas For Keep-Sake x N Featherd. Owned Bred by Jerrie Freia.s The- Golden Snit B by CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD 'Jagepl^SrJan-Shars Lady Dia. Owned by Carol Leemhuis ie Freia. Bred by Jerrie Freia. ai-T-Tois GLL Joe D by CH Crestview Billy The Kid Bon-R x GH Destinys Lady Of The Lake. Owned Bred by Angela Nisbet. Ozarks Travelin Dude D by CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Chrisdens Mystique Of Ozark. Owned by Karen Jolley Nancy Smith. Bred by Karen Jolley Dennis Litonjua.Starfires Sexy Orange Passion D by Starfires Im Very Sexy x Starfires Juanita. Owned by Lloyd Franques Ii Linda Franques, Bred by Jose A. Cabrera Fabian Arienti.Sundown Horizon AinT Misbehavin B by CH Sundowns Keegan Xavier x Karokels Just Gimma A Chance. Owned by Laurie Otis, Bred by Camilla Knight.Windsors Wild Orid B by CH Karizmas Bad News Bear x CH Velvet Touch Southern Belle. Owned Bred by Shauna Jenkins.American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an .New Champions are received from AKC and published as space permits. Corrections need to be submitted with a copy of the AKC Championship Certificate to awardsamericanpomeranianclub.orgby January 1, 2005MayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 61op preeber, Cxfntittor, ^tre amJanuary 1, 2004 through February 29, 2004 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTop BreedersDiane L. Finch Camilla Knight Cynthia M. Bradley Donna J. Machniak Jerrie FreiaLaurie Otis Sharon HansonTop ExhibitorsCynthia M. Bradley Jerrie FreiaNina M. FetterTop DamsNonTop SiresCH Pufpride Sweet Dreams'-Ts Feisty Autumn Glow Wyndlor-N-DJS Oliver Twist juniorsessen, Juniors Chair1 Awards Issues January throughortedOctober 31. 200j APCovemberJordan Rothell Stephanie Burdick Mariah Seerina0322\Jenna R. Spranger Kira M. ParkinChelsea Nicole PermsMiss Savannah SourknihindOorrApologies toDonna Machniak and Laurie Otis who finished Ki Kacees N Janesas Lets Go Girl, owned Donna Mai October 3, 2003.Want-A-B, B, by CH Jan-Shars Topsy Turvy x CH urie Otis and bred by Katy Stalnaker. She finished onTeresa Picon who finished Ch Picons Sweet Sugar, B, by Cases Goldstrike Of Lenette x CH Picons Precious Rock, owned and bred by Teresa Picon. She finished on October 25, 2003.Camilla Knight should have been listed under Breeders having finished 4.The Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.Every effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors to the attention of the Annual Awards Chairperson. If your dogs are listed in the corrections of the AKC Awards issues, please contact Kelly D. Reimschiissel at before January 15, 2004.62 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004American Pomeranian Clubop 10 preeti internJanuary 1, 2004 through March 11, 2004as reported by the American Kennel ClubRankDogs Name Sex1 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams D2 CH Starfires Wicked Mean-N-Nasty D3 CH Valcopy Batboy4 CH Starfires Robcary Sobe5 CH Gold Card At Sirius6 CH Jan-Shars Commai7 CH Sirius It Wasnt8 CH Majesties Ch8 CH Sundowns Ki10 CH Darlins Majo10 CHAjsTuffAsWins Total BOBV Points14 516Rank Dogs Name1 CH Starfires Wicked Mean2 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams3 CH Valcopy Batboy4 CH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief5 CH Starfires Robcary Sobe It6 CH Lil Darlins I Got The Power7 CH Starfires Vagabon Lover CH Sirius It Wasnt Me9 CH Vip-Odyssey Pocket Rocket10 CH Canefyres Tater Tot11211Annette RistCamilla K Donna Mi Howard S97^2 54tionDJsmstemupIfnuary 1,1as report04 throughbv'the Americ ClOGroupSex BIS I II I'dlrfMWWMtSbbe1 ''ty14796i 789697436D 4 3D 314310289OwnersNoble Inglett, Diane L. FinchTony Cabrera, Fabian ArientePardue, Melvin Pardue hrimpsherB. Boehmeraron Hanson, Merilyn Smith ary Lou Lafler,otte Creed,Brenda Turner,S.TurnerLaurie OtisOwnersTony Cabrera, Fabian Ariente Noble Inglett, Diane L. Finch Janice Pardue, Melvin Pardue Ron Merilyn Smith, SharonHanson Carol SchrimpsherJoanne Reed Ana Paola A Rasera Ginny Aulik, Mary Lou Lafler Janet Lucido, Fran SmithShari M Fukuyama, Laurella PangEvery effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors to the attention of the Annual Awards Chairperson. If your dogs are listed in the corrections of the AKC Awards issues, please contact Kelly D. Reimschiissel at before January 15, 2004.MyJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 63LaClieva Kennel presents....Cascades Dynamic Magic ManThis sweet little orange sable boy is well on his way to being the newest Champion at LaCueva Kennel Pomeranians and Smooth Fox Terriers with eight points under his belt. The last male out of Millamors Dynamic Chip, he has a heritage to hold up.Congratulations to Eleanor Millamor Magics Grandma on her Memory Lane article and to Becky Sabourin and the WyndlorAbsolute clan, and a belated Happy Birthday and Congratulations to Debbie Gonyeau and her beautiful Jenn De Poms.Sherrilynn Rogers LaCueva KennelDayton, OH 45433, 937 275-4062Millamors Dynamic Chip X Cascade Bev-Nor Black Velvet'"V --------------1.. 1JCcA1 ^Km IThank you Mrs. Keke Kahn for this nice major winTo Eleanor Miller, Millamor Poms, Thanks for the memories.Congratulation to Becky Sabourin, Wyndlor Poms and Debbie Gonyeau, Jenn De Poms on your Kennel Visits.Janice RussellCin-Jan Indianapolis, INCfi StoCannes Xeep Tm 'RoCCin x Cfi. Jan-Cs SparkCe NTraditionStolannes Peach Schnoppsm NW I N N E R SMAJOR WIN^SSSxHOOSlE^W^kennel ' bnPS club BOOTH PHOTO w64 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJiine 2004T'ri.jJPi miAIs - J- Contracts Seminarey Young, Attorney-At-Law arch 8, 2004ifV-\'aTMayJune2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 65HEALTH AND GEHE1KSMwige JOumzfetdeKKentucky Learning Fun X Caring SharingIn the previous issue of The Pomeranian Review, we proudly announced the establishment of the Pomeranian Charitable Trust. In Kentucky, we updated those present of its formation progress and moved into action for initial fundraising. The purpose of the PCT is to be able to handle funds going to the direct welfare of Pomeranians, be it for education, health, or welfare. It allows Pomeranian people to safeguard the funds for use to directly affect Pomeranians. It doesnt draw any differentiation between the show and pet world. Once established, the charitable trust will offer benefactors direct tax deductions for their donations.The very first activity offered at the National Specialty in Louisville was a very well- attended breeders education seminar entitled Breeding Dynamics presented by Debra Lynch. The first hour included information on basic genetics and highlighted steps to achieving outstanding success. The seminar concluded with a panel of respected Pom breeders and judges evaluating young Pom bitches. As you can imagine, two hours flew by. Our intent is to continue to present seminars of this caliber in the future. And we are looking into the possibility for making similar materials available via CD for those unable to attend in person. Any further developments along this line will be announced in The Pomeranian Review and the APC web site. Thanks to the generous donation of the speakers fee, after expenses, the seminar produced 1365.00 for the PCT.Right after we watched the very impressive obedience competition, The Race Is On Costume Contest commenced. The audience was flabbergasted with the amount of creativity on display Judges Bob Fiddick and Camilla Knight needed those bribes to help in their very tough decisions. The real Kentucky Derby held in April will be challenged to match the glamour of the Belles and Beaus in their finery, the enthusiasm of those in the infield, or the heart of those in competition. Considering one picture is worth a thousand words, I wont even begin to recount the details of the costumes. All the Poms took up the challenge with their good spirits. But the image that will be etched in my mind forever is the heart displayed by the three-legged, but certainly not handicapped, sulky winner I have been bribed not to produce a CD of the human competitors singing, galloping, or cheerleading for more audience contributions. This fun activity added 430.00 to the PCT.There was another fund-raising project of delicious gourmet chocolate Poms that we attempted for the first time this year. Pom enthusiasts must be on a health conscious effort this spring, for this project barely broke even with expenses. We still must thank Deborah Barrett for enabling this project. It is heartening that people are self-motivated to assist Pomeranians.The beautiful oil painting raffled for PCT would be worthy of a featured location in any of our homes. It also came to us via a gifted artist Pom lover that wanted to give back to Pomeranians. The raffle raised 780.00 for PCT. For private viewing, contact the lucky winner, Carolyn Brandenburg.The perfect nightcap to a wonderful banquet arrived from our loyal Canadian supporters in the fonn of a 500.00 check from The Portage Legacy Project. A nice touch were the Maple Leaf flags flying high around that table to the north.r,r9Da-daaa. Bottom line. Give yourself a BIG hand. The PCT total raised at the National is 3,075.00of AllridgeEleanor Ken MillerMillamors impact on the breed is legendary Millamor contributes strong influence in Dreams pedigree by way of Oakridge, Chriscendo, and LLL. It shows in her beauty and performance. I know you will appreciate this picture of Dream untrimmed.I enjoyed visiting with you in Louisville and wish you continued success.Dream won her championship quickly with accomplishments that included Best of Breed over specials, multiple Toy Group placements from the Bred By Exhibitor class, and 3rd Place All-Breed Btch of the Year APC 2002.Congratulations to Becky Sabourin, Wyndlor Poms and Debbie Gonyeau, Jenn De Poms on your Kennel Visits.Valerie Allridge Anchorage, AlaskaCh. Millennium DreamD.O.B. 01-01-01M6CostumeContest3 L V'A71i A\6sheriff lilt-nil al lJ\ [11 C'juIc KumIit Kona"ZsaZsa mZaZ' -MayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 67The Progressive Toy Dog Club ShowFebruary 6, 2004 - Manhattan, New YorkBy Joan Behrend Photos by Bruce and Joan BehrendBEST OF BREED Ch. Paradise Valley Royal Medallion Breeder Marshall and Cindy Rokos Owners Marshall Rokos and Robin TurnerBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Ch. Cases Liberty Belle at Lil Behrs Breeder Christine and Susan Lucatorto Owners Joan C. Behrend and Susan LucatortoBEST OF WINNERS WINNERS DOG BEST PUPPY Magic Touch of Lenette Breeder K. G. Griffith Owner K. G. Griffith RESERVE WINNERS DOG Gar-Vs Irish Cream Breeder Gail A. Garvey Owner Sharon YampiroWINNERS BITCH Great Rivers Gota B Init T Winit Breeders Sharon Yampiro and Diane Pollard Owner Lisa Aiello RESERVE WINNERS BITCH Great Rivers Tiamo Lets Hav a Ball Breeders Sharon Yampiro and R. Cebelenski Owner Sharon YampiroThe Progressive Toy Dog Club Show is in the Pennsylvania Hotel in Manhattan, across the street from Madison Square Garden. Many Westminster competitors arrive in Manhattan early to compete at this exciting prestigious show. The Pomeranian judge this year was Mr. Ralph M. Lemke of Indianapolis, 2x68 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJiine 2004The Progressive Toy Dog Club ShowFebruary 6, 2004 - Manhattan, New York4._^USTTOFBEST OFaW-NlvLf.S KrE 'CMi ' rZOtWBr_MayJune2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 69AMINT CH DREAMWEAVER SPARKLIN FIRECRACKER CH apples traveling rambler, ROMCH SOURWOODS RAMBLING THUNDER MERRYMONTS BIT O HONEY CH DESERT THUNDER OF LENETTECH APPLES TRAVELING RAMBLER, ROM MACKS RAMBLING GYPSY, ROMMUNCHKINS ONE-FIFTY-ONECH ELANS FIREWORKS SILVA LADE BACK DRAFTCH SILVA LADE NEW BREEZE BLOWING SILVA LADE SPARKLER OF NANSANNANSAN FIRE N ICE NANSAN HOT ICECH SILVA LADE PISTOL PACK1N MAMA3LINDA PELZ MICHAEL WELLS HEWITT, TX LPOMERAOL.COM WWW.DREAMWEAVERPOM.COMTriscuit is our first Bred By Champion. He has the correct harsh coat, beautiful movement, patella, thyroid and cardiac checked excellent. He is 5 12 lbs. Stud service by private treaty.CH DREAMWEAVER FIRE DANCERLINDA PELZ MICHAEL WELLS HEWITT, TX LPOMERAOL.COM WWW.DREAMWEAVERPOM.COMCH SOURWOODS RAMBLING THUNDER CH DESERT THUNDER OF LENETTEMACKS RAMBLING GYPSY, ROM AMINT CH DREAMWEAVERS SPARKLIN FIRECRACKERSILVA LADE BACK DRAFT SILVA LADE SPARKLER OF NANSAN NANSAN HOT ICECH DARS FOXRIDGE ERIC PADDISON CH MACKS ME NO SISSYGREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPERS ELLIE CH DW SAZPARILLA SPARKLER OF RDSELVA LADE BACK DRAFT SILVA LADE SPARKLER OF NANSAN NANSAN HOT ICESesame is our 2nd generation, and though small, moves extremely well. He has great layback, a beautiful orange coat. Weighs 4 lbs. He was Best Stud Dog at the 2004 Pomeranian Nationals. With one daughter lacking one point to finish and one son maj or pointed. Stud service by private treaty.CH. DIMONDES TWICE ENTICEDl iId'3,Diana M. Downey, 4705 New Line Road Gum Spring, VA 23065-2234 804 556-2877, Dimondeearthlink.netCH. GREAT ELMS FIRESTARTER ROMX ORGCH. ELANS INFERNO ORG SBLSILVA LADE JOYS SILHOUETTE BLKELANS DOUBLE ENTENDRE CR SBLCH. APPLES TRAVELIN DIABLO DELAN DK ORG CH. ELANS DIABOLIQUE BLKSILVA LADE JOYS SILHOUETTE BLKCH. APPLES TRAVELING RAMBLER ROM DK ORG CH. APPLES TRAVELIN DIABLO DELAN DK ORGAPPLES TRAVELING COURTNEY DIMONDES SATIN SEDUCTRESS 9DK ORGDMDS BRITISH RED COAT, CGC DK ORG DIMONDE SOLITAIRE OF EMCEE, ROMX ORGEMCEES SIMPLEMENTE MIEL ORG SBLSampson finished his championship with multiple BOBs over specials and a group placement from BBE. Excellent layback and tail set. Small high set ears. Correct movement from all angles. Approved bitches only.72 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004AVALONS TA-LORD MADE FOR MAR-DMERRYMONFF SPIFFIN IMAGE MORENOS I LAN WARRIOR OF HY JAN LE CH GUYSNGALS ORANGE KRUSH CH MORENOS SPECIAL AMIGOCH JANESAS VERY SPECIAL JAN-SHAR MORENOS LIL GOOD N SPECIALJANESAS FOR GOODNESS SAKECH SWEETHEARTS FOREVER BRAVO CH AM CH CAN CH MORENOS PERRIWINKLE CH MORENOS BUTTERCUP BLOSSOM AVALON-N-MORENOS MELISSACH GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II ROMX RUDYS CHARMING ALANDA OKLACH RUBYS GATOR MAIDEN OKLAHOMAMar-D Pomeranians Mary StephensDebi Buchanan PO BOX 2162 Cave Junction, OR 97523 541-592-5161We have had fun with Peanut this last year. He is pointed now and we would like to thank all the judges that have giving him his start. Thank you all.CH LACUEVAS PEPPERED PALOMINO4SHERRILYNN J. ROGERS, LACUEVA KENNEL DAYTON, OH 45414, 937 275-4062AMCAN CH ABSOLUTES SOLE SURVIVOR AMCAN CH ABSOLUTE WYNDLOR SOLID GOLD WYNDLOR ABSOLUTE GOLD DIGGER CH LACUEVAS PEPPERED PALOMINOAMCAN CH ABSOLUTE HARLEYS SON DAVID CH D-ZINES ABSOLUTE STUNNERCREIDERS EVELYN BY D-ZINEThis beautiful clear orange, cobby, full-coated little boy with good bone has been producing excellent type and movement with wonderful temperaments. Not at public stud. Stud service by private treaty only to approved bitches. Puppies available occasionally.CH LACUEVAS PISTOL PACKIN PETEJSHERRILYNN ROGERS, LACUEVA KENNEL DAYTON OH 45414, 937 275-4062AMCAN ABSOLUTES MINI BIKE PARADISE VALLEYS JUKEBOXGOLDEN AIRES GYPSY ROSE CH LACUEVAS PISTOL PACKIN PETEAMCAN CH ABSOLUTE HARLEYS SON DAVID CH D-ZINES ABSOLUTE STUNNERCREIDERS EVELYN BY D-ZINEThis spirited little orange sable boy showed with gusto and a love for the ring and has several BOBs. Breedings have been extremely limited with this little boy but he has produced nothing but girls to date, still waiting for that little boy to follow in his footsteps Not at public studstud service by private treaty only to approved bitches. Puppies available occasionally.MayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 73CH. PEACHS BLUES BREAKER KAT---------TT---------------WPS r iPEACHSPOMS - BOB PIETZSCH 214-986-0391 pommaniacaol.comAMCAN CH CHRISCENDO CALVIN KLEIN ROMX AMCAN CH CHRISCENDO CLOUDBUSTER WESTS DESTINY OF MEDALION CH PUF PRIDE CLOUDBREAKERPUF-PRIDE TANDILIZING TOPPER PUF-PRIDE TAUNTG TIPPERPUF-PRIDE TAUNTING TASHACH HEARTLANDS TOP NOTCH TRADITION CH PAUGHPRINTS ON THE MTN CREST ROM MTN CREST MISS HOLLYWOOD CH MTN CREST UGOTME ON MY KNEESCH GREAT ELMS MR CHIPS MOUNTAIN CREST RONNI ROMMOUNTAIN CREST MARIANSmall typie creamlight orange, beautiful face, excellent movement, pigment, and temperament. Finished fast from the 6-9 mo. puppy class.CH. PEACHS DAY DREAM BELIEVER... wPEACHS POMS - BOB PIETZSCH 214-986-0391 pommaniacaol.comCH ROCK N TRADITION OF OAKRIDGE CH ALLAYNS ROCKN REBELLIONALLAYNS LIL POLLY FLINDERS CH RALSTON PUFPRIDE DREAMERCH DE ARTA TUF CRICKET OF SANTAR RODONS DEARTA CARDENSPUF PRIDE ROYAL SQUEAKCH ROCK N TRADITION OF OAKRIDGE, ROMX CH TRADITIONS LEDGEND OF OAKRIDGE MERRY ROCK MUSIC OF OAKRIDGE TRADITIONS LITTLE WINGROLLING OAKS ROWDY REBEL PEACHS CINNAMON SASSYROLLING OAKS BABY PUMPKINPIE Specials quality, group winner multiple group placer, heavy boned, proven producer. Breeder Bob Pietzsch, Owner Bob Pietzsch Jessie KleinBISS GC CH. FINCHS ROLLING LIKE A RIVER IKE-------- U-------^----------------------------1 FINCHS BORN SWEET SCOTTIECH FINCHS HE WALKS ON WATER i I FINCH'S AMBROSIA MYSTERY CH FINCHS WEE HEART ANDY GIBB FINCHS BABY LIKES TO ROCKIT FINCHS FLASH BACKDockiloc Kennel - Owners Theo Dockett Carlos Santana P.O. BOX 23031, Little Rock, AR 72221-3031 HmFax 501941-3133 www.dockilockennel.comFINCHS BORN SWEET SCOTTIE CH FINCHS HE WALKS ON WATERFINCHS AMBROSIA MYSTERY CH FINCHS WALKIN IN FASHIONCH FINCHS WEE HEART ANDY GIBB FINCHS BLACK FAD FASHIONKRIEGERS DOMINO DOLLYDockilocs extends appreciation to judges Janice Earl and Jackie Rayner for Ikes Awards of Merits at the 2003 and 2004 Nationals. Ike is at public stud to approved bitches. If you are looking for correct structure, proper head carriage, good coat, wonderful expression, excellent temperament, and movement to die for, then Ikes your choice74 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004CH. KISS OF FIRE OF LENETTET, ' d HStolanne Poms Fran Stoll812 254-3857 Fax 812 254-3254stolannedmrtc.netGREAT ELMS MOODY RED RHUDY CH GREAT ELMS TOPBRASS OYOLNDAYOLANDAS TRAVELING TEQUILA CH YOLANDAS N GOLDEN AIRES DUKECH CEDARWOODS IMAGE OF DIAMOND YOLANDAS TWINKLE OF IMAGEYOLANDAS TRAVELING TEQUILACH GREAT ELMS TOPBRASS OYOLNDA CH YOLANDAS N GOLDEN AIRES DUKE YOLANDAS TWINKLE OF IMAGE MAUDE OF LENETTECH GREAT ELMS TIM TOPPER AUDREY OF LENETTETIANA OF LENETTERed, 5, finished with 4 majors, great movement.Produces brilliant color, good movement champion progeny.Stud fee 300 negative brucellosis required.CH. STOLANNES HEY LOOK ME OVERrStolanne Poms Fran Stoll812 254-3857 Fax 812 254-3254stolannedmrtc.netCH WEE HEARTS GLEN IRIS TALISMAN ROM CH JANESAS MAXX-FACTORJANESAS HI-STRUTTIN MARY CH AJS SMOKIN JOECH MYSTARS BON CHANCE AJS CATCH A FALLING STARJANESAS HI-STRUTTIN KATIECH RUBYS ONE MAN SHOW ENCORE CH MO BETA STAR STOPPERGLEN IRIS MISCHIEF MAKER CH MO BETAS FLUFF BUTTCH MERRYMONTH SATRDAYNITE FEVER CH MO BETA OF LENETTEBECKY OF LENETTEOrange sable, 4, Toy Group Winner.Produces blacktan, very sound legs champion progeny.Stud fee 300 negative brucellosis required.Ch. Stolannes Starr Of The PartiAStolanne Poms Fran Stoll812 254-3857 Fax 812 254-3254stolannedmrtc.netWEE HEARTS COLOR GUARD MO BETA SKOCHE BITDI BEARWOODS SUGAR BEAR STAR HAVENS PATCH OF NIGHTMO BETA AMERICAN GRAFFITI MO BETA KANDA PANDAMO BETA KANSAS FLOWERALDENS ALL AMERICAN PARTI MO BETA AMERICAN GRAFFITI POMARONS I.C.PRIZES MO BETA MARDI GRAS PARTIMO BETA SKOCHE BIT MO BETA PARTI KISSESMO BETA KANSAS FLOWERBlackwhite parti, 4 12, finished with 3 majors, sound legs, proven stud.Stud fee 400, negative brucellosis required.MayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 75Fehind the TitlistsCH. OASIS A LIFE OF RILEYDOB JAN 16, 2002 ORANGE FEMALE BREEDER RENAYE WORKMAN OWNER SHERRILYNN ROGERSCH REGINAPOMS READY TO RUMBLE DHCREW RUFF-N-READYUNDERWOODS SADIE T OF DHCREW DHCREW ROCK-N-RUMBLEDHCREW MAXIMUM AGENDA ROM CH DHCREW ELIZABETHAN AGENDALARRONS THE SOUNDS OF MUSICT C LOVER BOY OMANOR HILL NIGHTWINDS WOOLLY BULLY BRUTUSREGALS JANEWBY SHEZAPEPPEROASIS SILVER CHARMLILYGAP THE BEES KNEES BEAU JAMES MASQUERADE PARTIBEAU JAMES EVENING AFFAIRCH. PEACHS BLUES BREAKERDOB APRIL 18, 2003 CREAM MALE BREEDER BOB PIETZSCH JESSIE KLEIN OWNER BOB PIETZSCHAMCAN CH CHRISCENDO CALVIN KLEIN ROMX AMCAN CH CHRISCENDO CLOUDBUSTER WESTS DESTINY OF MEDALION CH PUF PRIDE CLOUDBREAKERPUF-PRIDE TANDILIZING TOPPER PUF-PRIDE TAUNTG TIPPERPUF-PRIDE TAUNTING TASHACH HEARTLANDS TOP NOTCH TRADITION CH PAUGHPRINTS ON THE MTN CREST ROM MTN CREST MISS HOLLYWOOD CH MTN CREST UGOTME ON MY KNEESCH GREAT ELMS MR CHIPS MOUNTAIN CREST RONNI ROMMOUNTAIN CREST MARIANyiPI N YAPSI wish breeders would put in their ads the correct registered name of the dog they are advertising. Some people only put the call name in their ads, and you even have a very few who are dishonest and deliberately change the registered name for their ads. In my ads, I always put the registered name of the dog being advertised along with the sire and dam plus the breeders name if it is someone other than myself. Let us give credit where credit is due.K. G. GriffithFrom the PF EditorAs the Pomeranian Review Editor, one interesting area of the job is on-press color correcting, as seen in the photos below. --- Jrv^r\mEZEditor, Brenda Segelken, color corrects the MarchApril 2004 Pomeranian Review with guidance from Pressman, Wayne.' 3i I Brenda and Shane at the Printing Company.Brenda checking ink density.-.c fllI-CSR Steve Fox welcomes Brenda and Shane.76 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004Forty-plus years of memories There have been many wonderful and exciting moments during that time, and I still have the desire and determination to continue breeding and showing Poms foreverMy entire life, I have always had at least one dog.Being an only child, my parents evidently realized that my dogs were very important to me. As a child, I had two red Chows that I particularly loved.After Ken and I were married we were living in an apartment that would not allow a dog. We bought our first house, and then we went looking for that small furry Pom.Our first Pom was a newspaper pup, and I have always said that, if she were alive today, she would still be growing. Our second Pom wasnt any better. I had learned more about the type and quality that I wanted. These two went as pets, and I started over.We met Leonne Ricketts, who had been a Pom breeder, a judge and also was the author of THE COMPLETE POMERANIAN. She guided us to a good breeder-Eleanor Miller and Ch. Millamors Golden KeyMe c72m si ---ACasual Visit withEleanor Miller Millamor Pomsby Marcia Coxwhere I purchased my first quality Pom. Leone showed me how to train, trim and groom a Pom and how to enter a dog show. She also taught me to always study pedigrees and to look for type, quality and soundness. I guess I would have to place the blame or credit on Mrs. Ricketts for starting me on this enjoyable lifetime love of Poms. My husband recently stated that we could be millionaires today if we hadnt gone into Poms Our money has always gone to the Poms, purchasing the best Poms that we could find, expenses of traveling all over the country, going to dog shows, show entries, vet bills, whatever dog food that I felt was best, and the list goes on.I recommend to anyone wanting to breed for quality, do your homework first. Study pedigrees seriously. Go see as many Poms on those pedigrees that you can find. We traveled constantly to dog shows and to the top breeders to have the background knowledge so we could move forward and hope to breed for the quality that we desired.Memory Lane with Eleanor Miller Continued on Page 78Memory Lane with Eleanor Miller Continued from Page 77vsmnoosierkennel club first imroup' .'ijtT . ACh. Millamors JitterbugPlltCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Millamors MarkettaAlways remember those outstanding breeders of the past worked very hard to produce the type and quality that is behind all of our outstanding Poms of today. Give them credit for all that they did. Believe me, they deserve lots of credit and praise.I graduated from Ohio State University and taught school for several years. I loved teaching, but also I needed the money to purchase the top quality Poms that I wanted. Yes, I really did love teaching. Guess Id have to say my heart has always directed me to do my best in whatever I am doing.From our experiences in seeing so many Poms of the past, it gave me the direction that I wanted to go with my love for Poms. I have always wanted a very pretty head, huge coat, as short a body as possible with a high tail set. I want a good front, good body and chest, and then a straight true rearOne needs to study lots of Poms to determine their own ideas of the type and qualities that they desire as they start on their own breeding program. It is very helpful to have a good mentor to help guide you, but you still need to remember you have to research the pedigrees, study the qualities that you really must have. I wish you the best. Study those pedigrees constantly, and try to see as many of those dogs in person if they are still alive.I feel so fortunate that I saw so many of the great Poms of the past during my beginning days of breeding and showing. I actually saw many outstanding Poms that are behind my Poms of today.We were invited to Isidore and Gladys Schoenbergs home in San Antonio, TX, the Aristic Poms. What a memorable experience. I feel so fortunate to have had this wonderful opportunity to see all of their beautiful Poms. Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod was my ideal to strive for. We went to Dorothy Bonners home and saw all of her beautiful Poms. Dorothy was the breederowner of Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus who was a son of Wee Pepper Pod. Dorothy also loved beautiful heads, lots of coat and a beautiful profile. Dorothy was a wealth of information and I had always hoped she would write a book on Poms so we all could benefit from her knowledge.uAV-_,v VV rCh. Millamors MarkettacCh. Millamors Special Edition Ch. Millamors Rock MusicWe became good friends of Margaret Tankesley of Dixieland Poms, Chattanooga, TN and visited her often. Margaret had Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper who was a son of Ch. Stylepepper Preshus. When Margaret had to go in for surgery, we would take most of her Poms to our house to keep for her until she had recovered. We did a lot of breedings together. I loved Margarets spirit and vitality. I often told her that she sure had more energy than I had and that she must be younger than me. She would carry a big armful of her beautiful Poms up and down her many steps as I came trailing slowly behind her with only one Pom. She had a large, beautiful Colonial home and she was accustomed to those stairs. I have never had many steps in any of my homes. We have done a lot of long distant moving through the years, which isnt easy with all the dogs and equipment.Another outstanding Pom breeder whom we visited many times was Bob Goodrich, Model Poms in Hampton, VA. I always loved talking with Bob. He always had so many beautiful Pom kids, including Ch. Models Son Of Fun, Ch. Models Gold Memento, Ch. Models Satina, and Ch. Models Magic Spell. The list of his Poms that I loved could go on and on. Bob was very critical of his dogs and kept only the best. He had old scrapbooks filled with photos and articles of Poms of the past. I always wanted to spend hours talking with Bob to get some information to help me in my breeding program. Those scrapbooks were so full of important information.Also in Virginia was Thelma Gunter of Thelcolynn Poms. I fell in love with her Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Showstopper and was fortunate to buy three of his sons who are behind my Poms today.These Breeders were very successful because they kept and used their very best dogs in their breeding program.Today, I have all of these wonderful memories. I have always bred to get the type and qualities that I want. Even today, when I do breed a litter, it is with the idea that I will hopefully get that new outstanding Pom that I truly want.I have met so many wonderful people all through the years and have many friends whom I have enjoyed and loved during this time. Being an only child and then having an only child, a son, friends are very important to me. I haveMemory Lane with Eleanor Miller Continued on Page 80Memory Lane with Eleanor Miller Continued from Page 79- J 4-vCh.Millamors Rock Traditonv' Ch. Millamors Music Man Ch. Millamors Melody MissrijrIr.__- jCFour Millamor Girls-5v 4rW-F. 'mI _Three Millamor Puppiesbeen fortunate through the years to have a husband who shares my love for dogs. This is really a great help, as it requires a lot of time and resources to try to be successful. Ken and I celebrated our fiftieth wedding anniversary in August of 2003. Life has been wonderful. I have definitely slowed down the past five years. I was diagnosed with cancer in 1999. Then a stupid accident while carrying bowls of dog food, I fractured my hip in 2000. After that I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis. I am still full of determination and love to continue with my Poms. I believe the Poms keep me feeling younger.I have never had the desire to set any records. All that I ever wanted was to breed and show what I loved. That is why I show my own dogs. I love it.Probably one of my Poms more familiar with the Pom breeders of today would be my Ch. Millamors Marketta. I finished her undefeated from the puppy class. She was a champion just past seven months of age. She went on to become the number one Pom bitch and still holds this record at this date.One of my first loves was a Pom I bred and showed was Ch. Millamors Music Man. I won five group firsts on him. He developed pneumonia and never could be shown again. I also showed and finished his litter brother, Ch. Millamors Jitterbug and won a group with him. Their mother, Millamors Red Mist ROMX, gave me nine champions, two boys and seven girls, which I showed.Ch. Millamors Moon Rock was a show dog and a producer. I won ten group firsts and many group placements on him. He produced numerous champions. Many of his champion children were also group winners.A son of Ch. Moon Rock was my Ch. Millamors Rock Montegram. I showed him to nine group firsts and many placements. Another son of Moon Rocks was my Ch. Millamors Rock Music. I won the Toy Group with him from the puppy class. Also, his litter brother, Ch. Millamors Rock Dust finished his championship. Another Moon Rock son was AmCan. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion who I sold to a friend in Canada. He produced many champions for her along with many champion grandchildren. Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor, also sired by MoonCh. Jitterbug and Ch. Music ManV -VCh. Millamors Moon Rockk Millamors Red Mist ROMXCh. KeyJOTk i' V .J,__ - ,Ch. Millamors Makin MusicMillamor male puppyRock, can be found on a lot of pedigrees today. He was also a group winner. I showed and finished both him and his litter sister.One of my Poms that many of you have probably have heard about was Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition. He produced many champion offspring and grandchildren and is often seen in pedigrees today. The list could go on and on, but I have tried to give you a number of my favorite Poms of the past. Through forty-plus years I have had many favorites.Most everyone knows that I do not like to ship my Poms. I rarely ever put a Pom on a plane unless it is on the plane with me. Many years ago, I had a female ready to breed and wanted her bred to a male that I greatly admired. My husband and a friend were flying to that city on company business, so I made arrangements for my husband to take the girl with him. He went to the airport, checked her in, and then the two men went to the restaurant. When they came out of the restaurant, the plane had left. My Pom was on the plane, and my husband was still at the airport. I about collapsed I never tried that idea again.In reading the questionnaire to write this article, one of the questions is In your opinion, what is the greatest concern for the Pom of tomorrow Well, I do have my opinion. The APC Standard has been revised too many times unnecessarily. Now we have a standard that leaves too much for individual interpretation. The standard is supposed to be the blueprint for the breed. It is supposed to outline the ideal Pom for breeders to continue to work and strive for. It should not ever be changed to accommodate what people are breeding but rather the goal for people to breed toward. In my opinion, the Standard has been opened up to include something for everyone with little regard for the Pomeranian. Also, we need to concentrate on getting high tail sets to give us the beautiful profile that a Pom should have.Thank you Brenda and Marcia for inviting me to write this article on my memories for the Pom Review. Also, sincere thanks to every Pom breeder of the past and to all of my wonderful friends who have helped me with my breeding program through the years. I love you all Thanks. Eleanor Millerm ORMAIEby Barbara McClatcheyTHE SPECIALTYResults are in from the APC National Specialty Obedience Trial, and here they arelst Place in Open B TINY TIM PENDLETON CDX, owned, bred, and shown by Wendy Donnelly. Timmys great score of 195.5 also gave him High in Trial and Best Bred by Exhibitor. Timmy actually had his UD title already, but evidently not before the entries were sent in. Wendy dedicated Timmys HIT to her student, Melody Mizer, who is ill with cancer. Melody trains her Pug and Sheltie in Agility and Obedience.lst Place in Novice B LITTLE MISS TURBO OA, OAJ, bred by John Rentschler and owned by Mona Gitter, DVM. My secret reporter calls her Mona Gitters I want your attention so Ill bark during the stays to make sure you look at me dog.2nd Place in Novice B TOMMIHAWK CD, owned, bred, and shown by Wendy Donnelly.3rd Place in Novice B COURBETTE ENCORE SUMMER SONG bred by Victoria Leitner and owned by Erika Wilson.The Non-Regular Classes are always a lot of fun to watch, and here are those resultslst Place in Veterans MIL-PINES MIDNIGHT SPECIAL CD, owned, bred, and shown by Margery Sturm. What a great score for a veteran197.52nd Place in VeteransTOMMIHAWK CD, owned, bred, and shown by Wendy Donnelly.lst Place in BraceTOMMIHAWK CD and TINY TIM PENDLETON CDX, owned, bred, and shown by Wendy Donnelly.2nd Place in Brace MIL-PINES MERRY MELODY CD and MIL- PINES MYSTIC MIRAGE CD, owned, bred, and shown by Margery Sturm.We need to institute a Best Brace Bred by Exhibitor award, if were going to have this kind of competition going mmmak m82 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004rSPEAKING OF SHOWSDeb Neufleld in Florida wrote this about the people who work to put on the shows we all love. It applies to Conformation and Agility, as well as ObedienceMost of us move through life without appreciating the simple beauty around us. We move along past fields of wild flowers without really seeing them beautiful in their simplicity, they are just part of the scenery we expect and often go unnoticed.Obedience trials are much the same. We arrive in time to show our dogs, visit with friends, and go on home without much notice of the event itself. We havent noticed the dedicated Club members who worked for weeks or months to set up the event, beginning with contracting Judges. Or those folks who provide hospitality so the Judges are well cared for and can give their focused attention to your performance. The Trial Secretary, who stays up all night arranging things so the event flows smoothly. The person who prepares and mails the Premium List, and the work that went into that Catalog. A Trophy Chairperson, who had some wonderful and unique ideas for what you would win.You havent noticed the folks who work and sweat to roll mats and set up tables, gates, and jumpsboth before and after the event. The people who take a vacation day from work so they can Steward and stand on their feet all day working for youthe exhibitorwithout pay and often without even lunch, or maybe with just a hot dog to wolf down and so many more who never get noticed or mentioned. And like an Olympic performance, when things go well you never notice all the work training, and heart that went into the event we take for granted. Without all those wonderful peoplethat great Unseen Forcethere would be no Obedience trials.So the next time you show your dog, stop and look at the rings, the tables, the trophies, the Judges who stand all day, the stewards who stand with themand try to appreciate that simple beauty. Think about the dedication and work it took to produce the event, and really see the beauty around you.Part of that beauty is pride in the eyes of the workers who made the event happen for you. Take just a moment to let them know how much their efforts mean, and dont forget to take your turn to grow the wild flowers.IN MEMORIAMStillcoves I Only Wanto B With You CD, NAP, NAJP, OA, OAJAnn Griffith writes from Oregon I am devastated to report the loss of my precious Hootie. He died early this morning February 20. He was 6 Vi years old. Its impossible to imagine life without him. Hootie and I fell head over heels in love the moment we laid eyes on each other. He was a dream come true.iHootiePerformance Continued on Page 84MayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 83Performance Continued From Page 83Hootie was stunningly beautiful and drew fans to him like flies to honey. He wanted to do anything I wanted him to do, at full throttle. In the Agility arena, he was unmatched in his lightning speed, gorgeous jumping style, and the ability to be handled from very far away. He showed the Border Collies how Rally Obedience should be done. He loved Flyball. He loved playing soccer with the biggest ball he could find. The horse play balls were just right. When we snuggled, he wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me just like a human baby. He slept on a pillow next to my head and watched TV in my lap.We had an appointment tomorrow with a tracking judge to attempt certification. I had dreamed that he might be the first VCD1 Pomhe had only the TD left to earn.They broke the mold when they made this special little dog. I am beside myself with grief. Please think of me. I know most of you have precious Poms of your own. It is so hard. It feels unbearable right now. I know Ill get through it somehow, just like we all do, but the pain is horrible.Ann, all our hearts go out to you as you work your way through recovery. I am always reminded of Kiplings famous line, Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware, of giving your heart to a dog to tear. Their lives are so short and especially when the death happens unexpectedly young, but we would not choose not to have had our special friends.EXERCISING YOUR DOGWhen I first started showing a dog in Obedience, of course, I had no idea what people were talking about when they told me where I could exercise my dog. I had a sort of picture of a Fitness Center with treadmills and four-legged exercise bikes. But I soon learned that exercise, in dog show terms, had nothing to do with fitness. So now, when I really want to talk about dog fitness, I have to put exercise in quotation marksOn the Active Pomeranian e-mail list join us by e-mailing there has been some discussion about how to keep a Pomeranian physically fit. A popular suggestion is to purchase a lunge whip from a horse tack shop. One list member has an 11 foot whip another has a 25 footer she says that way she doesnt have to run around, but the dogs can run big. A toy, a piece of fake fur, or even a piece of genuine rabbit fur is tied to the end of it, and the dog chases it as you move it back and forth. It should be kept just in front of the dog so that he anticipates catching it, and he should be allowed to catch it on occasion so that the success keeps him hopeful of more. Im off to the horse tack storeA FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE TITLEWendy Donnelly writes about Tiny Tim Pendleton CGC, CDX, and now UD Utility Dog is not an easy title to come by, especially with our intelligent, creative little Poms. But Timmy earned his on Saturday, February 14, at the Spartanburg Kennel Club show under judge Rose Doan, with a score of 185. Wendy writes, Some of these mistakes were my handler errors. I am going to have my trainer duct-tape my hands and mouth shut so I dont give both signal and verbal commands on the moving stand when starting the heelL__ _ 84 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004Jr "" Isegment. I hope, Wendy, that you will duct-tape one or the other. You need to give either a signal or a verbal commandFrom the time of Timmys Utility debut at the summer specialty in Des Moines until the time he earned his UD, it took 17 months and 10 days. What No hours and minutes in there But whos counting] Part of that time he was showing in Utility A, and the rest of the time, actually less than a year, he was in the B classes.I am proud of this boy. Now to get the application in for the Pomeranian Hall of Fame. Im grinning from ear to earTITLES, WE GOT TITLESAKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYJ Companion DogLuvpoms Painted Gypsy CD, 11004, Carlota Cloney, ILPTwo Ts TLC Krackeijack CD, 11704, Carroll Tom Gillespie Dorothy Norman Trosino Companion Dog ExcellentSassy Girl Sheffield CDX, 121303, Lisa Sheffield Im Truly Scrumptious Too CDX, 2804, Joan Bennett Novice Agility JumperChaundis Mocha Man NANAJ, 21704, Sandra Connors, ILP Rise N Shines So Dam Cute NAJ, 21904, Julie ClemenStillcoves Chaundi Moody Blues NAJ, 21604, Teresa Connors Cynthia James Bradley Novice Agility PreferredStillcoves I Only Wanto B With You CD, OA, NAP, OAJ, NJP, 21804, Randy Morris Cynthia Bradley Ann MorrisOpen AgilityCinnamon CD, OA, OAJ, 121403, April Morrissey, ILP Excellent Agility JumperTeddy Schoenberg AX, AXJ, 121303, Toni Schoenberg Miss Natashas Kit-N-Kaboodl AX, AXJ, 2404, Teresa Tuttle I Master Agility ExcellentLord Peter Of Bristol Court MX, MXJ, 21704, John David Connie ZiebaMaster Agility ChampionMACH Toyrific LiFbuttons, 122703, Anne Kathy Flessner Master Agility Champion 3MACH3 Bouncin Bundle of Bear CDX, 2304, Shirley MichaelsUKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYUnited Companion DogUCD Gidgets Cinnamon Prince, Mike Caroline Smith United Agility IUAGI Kodiak, Sheryl PefruskaDogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go . Performance Continued on Page 86I_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ MayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 85. Congratulations toBecky Sabourmo-f WyAdlor Pomson your well deserved Kennel Visit.Vie wish you all the best with your beautiful Poms.Debby., JeAA cmd3enn ue Pomera.Aia.AsJanesas Tag You Are It aka TagCh. Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD x Raine-Bets Wrapped N Ribbons Breeder Jerrie FreiaJanesas Pomeranians Owner Debby Gonyeau Jenndepomacmenet.netThank you to Jerrie, Tags breeder, for letting us be owned by this wonderful boyPerformance Continued From Page 85APC TOP OBEDIENCE POMS 2003APC Top Novice Obedience PomeranianRJs Chance to Rock at Sundown, CD, Carol Leemhuis APC Top Winning Obedience PomeranianRJs Chance to Rock at Sundown, CD, Carol LeemhuisAPC Top Flyball PomeranianLord Peter Of Bristol Court MX, MXJ, John David Connie ZiebaAmerican Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. Ah Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in Obedience and AgilityDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Rescuesecondchancepoms.org86 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 20042^ 2^ 7^ 2^ 2^ 2^DamascusroadHolly and the rest of the Pom gangCongratulatesBecky Sabourin, Wyndlor Pomeranians andDebby Gonyeau, Jenn De Pomeranians on their kennel visits.Special congratulations to Eleanor Miller Millamor Pomeranians on her Memory Lane feature.Beverley A. Carter 88 Conception Bay Highway Holyrood, NL, Canada, AOA 2R0Phone 709-229-1783 E-mail Website www.damascusroad.caDAMASCUSROAD DREAM OF HOLLAND, 10 weeks oldBIS CanAm CH. Chriscendo Call to Arms x Bavanews Gabby on Damascusroadm.A,H fVfVCongratulations Alicia Marie Wood for a well deserved 2003 Fourth Place Junior Handler Award with 22 points in your first year of showing, and Best Junior Handler at the Specialty.I would also like to say congratulations and thank you for showing Winston, Hollilys Sparks A Flyin. Winston placed third in the fun match and third in his class, with your guidance, at your first APC National Specialty. You did a wonderful job handling him.Congratulations to Chris and Winston for his FUN in the Parade of Costumes and second place. I heard he was a true gentleman.Congratulations to Mika, CH. Southpaw Teralee Mis-BehaveN, handled by her owner Leanne Wilkins, on taking second in Veterans Sweeps in the 6-9 years old and taking first in her class of Veterans 6- 9 years old BOS Veterans, Wednesday.Mary Lou North MaraLee Pomeranians MayTune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 87CJ'' , NICHOLE WILLMy name is Nichole Williams. I live in Firth, Idaho with my mom, dad, and older sister. I grew up in Rigby, Idaho. Then I moved to Rexburg where I had six sisters and one brother. My love for Pomeranians began when I was ten years old, when we got our first babe, Elusive Toys Imagine That. We nicknamed her Ginney.I had originally started showing Wire Fox Terriers at eight years old. I won Best of Breed with my first Fox Terrier, Moe. When I got my first Pom, Cathy suggested I take her into Junior Showmanship. I then got my three wins in Novice Junior and moved into the tougher class, Open junior.In July 20,2002,1 got my next show dog, Pom Poms The Andy Man Can. His first time out the following spring, he got his first major of five points at the Jordan Utah shows.In my spare time, I hang out with friends, play with my dogs, read, and help care for the dogs. At home I spend a lot of time caring for my upcoming show Pom babies. I go to handling classes and our clubs fun-matches. I also attend monthly dog club meetings. Our conformation club is very supportive of our esteemed Juniors. I dance for the Firth Pantherettes Dance Team. Then I go hang with friends and go to slumber parties.In the future I plan, on going to college so I can become a cosmetologist and show dogs for my other career. Also, later, I want to become a foot doctor.88 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004I would like to take the time to thank my mom for taking me to shows and allowing me to make all this possible. Then I would like to thank my dad for being supportive for us being gone sometimes to shows.Thanks also to Catherine and Lee - Amber Jessen for giving me a start in Pomeranians. Also, thanks, Ingrid Kooda and Jessica Christiansen for being a good friend at shows.Thanks to all the wonderful Juniors in the show ring and The American Pomeranian Club. I would also like to say, being in the Pomeranian Review is a great honor. Juniors, dont be afraid to take risk in life to make your dreams come true.I57_UTAH VALLEY ftINCCLUBKENNEL2003MAY AOFBESTWINNERS-KOHLER_a_MayJune2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 89Reported by Juanita FiddickOur February Specialty was held one week later this year and we didnt have twelve inches of snow like February of 2003.Sweepstakes Judge Miss Melissa Fomeris had an entry of eleven nice puppies.Best In Sweepstakes was Amber Glow of Lenette, bred and owned by K.G. Griffith.Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes was Cottontop Missouri Gambler, bred by Linda L. Mulso and owned by Merilee Kraft.Ms. Terri Lydden judged the regular classes with an entry of thirty-one.Winners Dog Bi-Mars Amazing Grace Red Baron, bred and owned by Mary Rosenbaum.Reserve Winners Dog Finchs Dream Come True II, bred by Diane Finch and owned by Wahyune Wibowo.Winners Bitch Pawegre Panache of Maji, bred by James McKieman and owned by Patricia Murk.Reserve Winners Bitch Bahstoys Lil Kaufman Trinket, bred by Linda Blessing and owned by Marti Kaufman.Best Pomeranian Ch. Pufpride Sweet Dreams, bred by Virginia Dimick and owned by Nobel Inglett and Diane Finch.Pomeranian Club ofiGreater Des MoinesBest of Opposite and Best of Winners Pawegre Panache of Maji.High In Trial was presented to Deb Watson and Shenanigans Jack Frost UD AX AXJ with a score of 193.5.As usual we had a nice variety of items donated for our auction. The auction helpes finance our club so we can provide nice trophies and put on two specialties every year. Thanks to all who donated and bought the wonderful Pom related items.Congratulations to all the exhibitors and winners on the wonderful quality of Poms we had at our specialty. Hope to see you all in SeptemberKHWlUViPa . .iMJ sIA' 90 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004Pomeranian Club ofGreater Des MoinesHiMKXifA1MayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 91cfierJvu.9A alwaMA044 .cfiwftUnWl^UG4M'^044JVc44^ fyiftfntlltyi ifr QcinS it Sftlte...fylfhew ltintfA aie done ueU they ccee cocydh dola^ dliydd Wmo have a Atae^cdImcch... .my hed fey lAe^4od lldn^yliah hoMe^ed Icy hedone Adcme^ ddiah.Sarah OBrien Julie Kradel OBrien10056 Clark RD, Davisburg, MI 48350 248 981-316692 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004AramO'Enifts2D04CritiqueJean E. Almond Alteta PomsPhotos by Ellen Takayama-Itwas truly a great honour to be invited to judge Pomeranians at Crufts 2004 . The entry was a high depth of quality as you would expect from the most prestigious dog show in the worldMy Challenge Certificate Dog and Best of Breed winner Pomanna Silver Arrow at Jacobian commanded my attention as soon as he entered the ring he is a wolf sable with the most beautiful of heads and expression, a short back with a high tail set, giving that round appearance that is what we want to see in a Pom. In full coat that has the most wonderful coarse texture. He showed with an attitude that said, Im the greatest and he was. He gained his crowning third certificate on the day and became a UK Champion. He was also pulled out in the last eight of the Toy Group.My bitch Challenge Certificate Winner was Pyropom Melissus, a striking orange sable with a neat overall appearance. Sweetest of heads with a feminine expression, a good dual purpose sized bitch.It is a day that I will never forget having such beautiful dogs to judge and the appreciation of the audience watching.The 2004 Crufts Dog Show will be televised May 22 on Animal Planet at 8 P.M. EST.Crufts 2004 Continued on Page 94c nifts 2004101st CRUFTS DOG SHOW - ENGLAND - by Ellen Takayama CRUFTS HISTORY The first organized dog show in England was held on June 28 and 29, 1859. There were 60 entries of. Pointers and Setters with only one class held for each breed. The dogs were unidentified except for their kennel names.By 1870, it was decided that a controlling body was necessary to legislate in canine matters. On April 4, 1873, a meeting was held in London, which marked the founding of The Kennel Club.After graduating from college in 1876, Charles Cruft turned his back on his fathers jewelry business much to the dismay of his parents. His first job was selling dog cakes in London. His employer sent him to Europe to endorse the company, and, while in France in 1878, he was invited to organize and promote the canine section of the Paris Exhibition.Mr. Cruft started management of some dog shows in 1886 and founded the worlds greatest dog show in 1891, putting his name to the event. After a long and successful career, Charles Cruft died in 1938, and his widow tried to continue the tradition by running the shows for a few years. It proved too demanding for her, and she asked The Kennel Club to take it over with the understanding that the founders name remained.The first show under The Kennel Club was in 1948 at Olympia. In 1979, there was a change in venue from Olympia to Earls Court and another change in 1991 to the Birmingham National Exhibition Center NEC due to the increasing numbers of exhibitors and visitors.CRUFTS TODAY Crufts is the only championship show that demands a qualifier either by inclusion in The Kennel Club Stud Book or by appropriate wins at championship shows during the previous year from all entrants in the show rings. It is officially recognized in the Guinness Book of Records as the worlds largest dog show. There are 24 other all-breed championship shows of equal merit on paper in the UK, but none of them is as well-known or as well-publicized as Crufts.This years entry of 21,622 dogs 15,000 owners was the third highest entry ever, with 644 dogs from overseas 22 countries, including 36 from the United States. By comparison, only 2,500 AKC registered champions compete at Westminster, the most prestigious show in the U.S., which limits entries for its event at New Yorks Madison Square Garden. There were 177 breeds shown with two U.S. judges at this years show. The show runs four days in five halls with 34 rings in the NEC with over 250,000 square feet of space and there are 400 vendors selling their wonderful wares. It is not unusual to walk 10 miles in one day when you shop at the five halls. Expected are one hundred and thirty thousand visitors, including 5,000 from overseas.Noted American judge Anne Rogers Clark has said, You come to Westminster to win. You go to Crufts to show your dog. In England, the family pet is also the family show dog. There are only a handful of professional handlers in England, so mom, dad and the kids look at showing dogs as a family affair. The British are serious breeders, but their philosophy is that it is an amateur sport.JUDGING SYSTEM To enter Crufts, all dogs must have qualified at championship shows throughout the preceding year. Having qualified, each dog can be entered in an appropriate class either on an age basis or in a class designed to reflect the dogs past show successes such classes are, in fact, grades.There are seven different classes for both dogs and bitches. The first four are age classes, and the last three are classes governed by the dogs winning record.The first class judged is the Veteran class, which consists of dogs over 7 years of age.The next is the Special Puppy class which is open to puppies 6 to 12 months of age.The Special Junior Puppy class is for dogs 6 to 18 months. The Special Yearling class is for dogs 6 to 24 months of age.The Post Graduate is for dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or five or more first prizes at championship shows.The Limit class is for dogs which have not won three Challenge Certificates under three different judges or seven or more first prizes in championship shows.The Open class is open to all dogs and is the only class in which the champions can be entered.Championships in England are very difficult to attain as you are always competing against the champions for the coveted Challenge Certificates. To attain a title, you must win three Challenge Certificates under three different judges, one of which must be when the dog is over a year of age. The Reserve Challenge Certificates are also very prestigious, and the people use them in advertising their wins. Not all shows offer Challenge Certificates, as the Kennel Club decides which shows and where and how many CCs a breed is allowed in one year. Pomeranians have 25 sets of CCs, 5 for the breed clubs and the rest at all breed championship shows. Many breeders may never finish their dog if there is a champion that is winning all the time.Awards are given for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, Reserve and VHC Very Highly Commended for the first 6 classes. The Open class has the same awards with additional awards for HC Highly Commended and C Commended. Ribbon colors are a little different with Red for 1st, Blue for 2nd and Yellow for 3rd.WINNERS There were 155 Pomeranians entered, with 125 actually shown. The judge was a breederjudge, Mrs. Jean Almond of Alteta Pomeranians. Her winners were as followsVeteran Dogs1 Veltuds Hot Flame owned by Mrs. M Kelsall of Brookside kennels and bred by Mr. John Powell Mr. Garry Medcraft of VeltudSpecial Puppy Dog1 Janomas Pot Black ownedbred by Janice Moore of JanomaCrufts 2004 Continued on Page 96SANDPOMSPOMERANIANS3 SANDRA JOHNSONN6603 Forest Ct, Holmen, Wl 54636 PH 608 526-1051 httpwebpages.charter.netsandpomsRANSUKSmWOLFIE - A PIXIE POM EXOTICS TO LOVEANDREA HUGHES EVELYN NEWYEARP.O. BOX 57 SOD, WV 25564 PH 304 756-9356WE DO NOT SHIPNEUJAHRorOChel esSpecializing in parti and parti-factored PomeraniansTina GunnerCh. Finchs Parti Time TinaCh. Finchs Peacemaker Parti Elaine Waugh ewaughwoh. rr. com OhioCheryl Kerrkeishacheschelanes. com New HampshireH \Linda Pelz - 7JF254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show . .iS,,Jacinda PomsVa-lTr.-4.V rr ' E - itm, -rKilmLSIJennifer Falk810 387-9570 faslkster greatlakes. netCindy Golden321 638-4291 www. j acindapoms .comPARK1Tom Wilson916-689-9586 Sacramento, CA parkavepomscomcast.netPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLEBecky'WyndtorTomsMayune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 95Crufts 2004 Continued from Page 94 Special Junior Dog1 Pakovs Mack the Knife ownedbred by Astrid Ogalvie of Pakov Special Yearling Dog1 Bilijees Link ownedbred by Bill, Jean Stone of Bilijees Post Graduate Dog1 Bryandee Pistachioi King owned by Mrs. J. A. Mr. P. J. Hemms and bred by Mr. Brian Hopkins of Bryandee.Limit Dog1 Carive Periwinkle of Cabana owned by Mrs. Helen Scarfe of Cabana and bred by Miss C. Iveson of CariveOpen Dog1 Pomanna Silver Arrow at Jacobian owned by Miss Janet Burker of Jacobian and bred by Mrs. M. E. Welsby of Pomanna2 Veltuds Rhian owned by Mrs. Lynn Webster of Pomlyn and bred by Mr. John Powell and Mr. Garry Medcraft of VeltudDog Challenge Cert. BOB - Pomanna Silver Arrow at Jacobian Bitch Challenge Certificate - Pyropom Melissus Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate - Bilijees Link Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate - Veltuds RhianThe BOB winner was a lovely wolf sable and beat six champions in the open class, and this was his third CC, which completed his championship. The bitch CC winner was a dark orange sable also from the open class, defeating three champions. The Reserve CC dog winner was a fairly young dark orange dog from the special yearling class. In winning the Reserve CC, he also beat the six champions in the open class. The Reserve CC bitch winner was a deep orange colored bitch from the open class and beat the three champions which were also in that class.Veteran Bitch1 Ch, Sableways Sweet Surprise owned by Mr. Mason and Mrs. Frances McKinnon of Rosegrange and bred by C. E. MasonSpecial Puppy Bitch1 Altinas Selene owned by bred by Mrs. C. D. Holman of Atlina Special Junior Bitch1 Keisyl Crystal Fairy ownedbred by Sylvia Pope of Keisyl Special Yearling Bitch1 Bilijees Bounty at Ledanoli ownedbred by Bill and Jean Stone of BilijeesPost Graduate Bitch1 Chambecc Celtic Charm ownedbred by Mrs. J.Phillips of Chambecc Limit Bitch1 Pomeyre Precious Pearl owned and bred by Mr. Richard and Mrs. Linda Eyre of PomeyreOpen Bitch1 Pyropom Melissus owned by Mrs. Margaret Hart of Gavinburg and bred by Mrs. Helen Turnbull of PyropomKENNELRoxanne Collins T r.KissamiPoms 1 J T"OSne Lucatorto ' ^^Cases Poms JulxAngust 2004Please contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Coordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Ph. 903- 882-1950 or email noticed that most of the Poms I saw at Crufts had very pretty head types with the wonderful layback, which makes their tails touch their heads. Their standard calls for a finer bone you do not see the chunky legs we see on our American Poms. The Poms were lovely, and I had a wonderful time watching the show as well as shopping until I dropped the following days.I would like to thank the judge, Mrs. Jean Almond and the winners who were so cooperative in letting me take pictures for the Review. I would also like to thank Pom Judge, Mrs. Jacqui Walsh of Jacquis, for providing me detailed information on how the shows are run in the UK.ADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESFirst Class 45Bulk Rate 37Foreign Rate 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact Brenda Segelken 217-347-5731fame62401 yahoo.comJ96 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004VBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email .is p.mmmMari Iffland11290 Old Lake Road Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email pomsawaylegypt.netTresstiqnePomeraniansf fIrABonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island NY 11953 631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comsCh. Avalon's Prince Matchabelli Monte Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.FINCH'SPOMERANIANS Ltd.BIS, BISS, Ch Finch's He Walks on Water,ROMX Ch Reginapoms Patrick O'Finch's Ch Finch's Dream Walkin'Ch Finch's Walkin' After Midnite Ch Finch's A Noble Tradition Ch Finch's The Legend Continues Ch Finch's Mr. Bold N Beautiful Ch Pufpride Sweet DreamsBlack, Chocolate, Orange, Black 8t Tan Partis, Stud ServiceDiane L Finch28453 530th, Kelley, IA 50134 515 769-2444dfinch h uxcom m. netmjacresProfessional Tdcmdfimj Audrey Jsi. 'RobertsShyacreshotmail. com 337-392-2094 Cell 713-204-7225 Assisted by Jessica JohnsonMayJune 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 97Pcmeranian ReviewC^OUUmglUIl, i\.uuui auu .u,..vjCollins, Roxanne........................................................... 43Cook, Lee.........................................................................4Crawford, Karen............................................................11Dague, Pat......................................................................99Danielson, Patricia.........................................................98Davis, Annette and Erik.................................................97Decicco, Linda...............................................................32Dieball, Fred and Patricia................................................6Dockett, Theo.................................................................74Downey, Diana.............................................................. 72Falk, Jennifer................................................................. 95Felix, Dan and Tammee.................................................39Finch, Diane.....................................Front Cover, 10, 97Freia, Jerrie..................................................................3, 99Golden, Cindy............................................................... 95Gonyeau, Deborah...................................................... 3, 86Griffith, Ken and Eleanor................................................7Harris, Bonnie........................................................ 97,101Heartz, John and Chris.....................................................9Hughes, Andrea............................................................. 95Hurst, Billie................................................................. 101Iffland, Mari...................................................................97Inglett, Noble..........................................Front Cover, 10Johnson, Sandra.............................................................95^Jenkins, Sally...................................................................... 13f Jessen, Catherine................................................................ 99^Kerr, Cheryl........................................................................95Langston, Melvina.......................................................102Lehtinen, Jane..................................................................2Lucatorto, Sue............................................................. 5, 71Machniak, Donna...........................................................99McDonald, Cheri......................................................... 104McFarlane, Pauline........................................................11Miller, Ken and Eleanor................................................ 99Newyear, Evelyn........................................................... 95North, Mary Lou............................................................87OBrien, Sarah and Julie................................................92Pelz, Linda....................................................... 59, 72, 95Pietzsch, Bob................................................................. 74Pineault, Stephanie........................................................ 39Pom Club of Central Indiana.........................................22Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 8U jzu.uuAugust 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 80 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible for the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Web site at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgPrice, Lana..................................................................... 59Rayner, Jackie..................................................................2Roberts, Audrey.............................................................97Rogers, Sherrilynn.................................................. 64, 73Rosenbaum, Mary...................................................15, 97Russell, Janice................................................................64Sabourin, Becky..............................................26, 27, 95Santana, Carlos.............................................................. 74Shields, Shari................................................................. 99Shipek, Sharon.............................................................. 11Stevens, Mary................................................................73Stoll, Frances.........................................................75, 102Waters, Gregg and Charlene..........................................99Waugh, Elaine................................................................95Wells, Michael..................................................59, 72, 95Wilkins, Leanne.............................................................12Wilson, Tom.................................................................. 95CHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402 San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 Email cheribachmanpoms.comYearly Bi-Monthly Subscriptions45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 Foreign98 - APC Pomeranian Review - MayJune 2004 NAMEA. STREET ADDRESSCITY. STATE. ZIPCODE. COUNTRYPHONE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBERA..VISAMASTER CARDCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE JBlueRock Pomeranians Like father, like sonKenneth E. MillerDennisMcCoy majorHerbert H. RosenDr. David GL DoaneFlorise M. HoganWilliamDevilleneuve-BEST OF WINNERS22mMJoyce G. FortneyBLUEROCKS TALK ABOUT ME TOBY BLUEROCKS TALK OF THE TOWN ARTHUREmcees Lil Red Dorito x BlueRocks Southern Magnolia BlueRocks Talk About Me x Del Rey Pebbles Is A GemThank you to all the judges that have acknowledged the quality of this father and son. Look for them in the ring along with another Toby son, BlueRocks Happy Talk.Congratulations to all those featured in this issue, the Nationals winners and the new APC Life Members.BreederOwner HandlerBillie Hurst - Roseland, VA Diana Downey - Gum Spring, VA434-277-9128 804-556-2877 Dimondeearthlink.netuThank you Vikki and Peter for letting me use Mozart. He gave me beautiful pups.Congratulations to Becky Sabourin on your kennel visit. I cant wait to get out your way for a visit.Is Proud To Introduce TRESSTIQUES GR8 MEMORIAL BARBQChinadolls Pianoman X Ch Tresstique You Go GirlPlacing 3rd in her class at the National Specialty43RD PLACENATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004Bonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Ave. Middle Island, NY 11953 631 205-5223 tresspomshotmail.comMLS New Year Celebration aka BubbaCh. PJs Music Man X Millamors Golden GemCongratulations to Eleanor Miller on her well-deserved Review Visit. It is an Honor to know you, own your dogs, be advised by you and befriended as well. I owe you much, in more ways than I can mention here. You have and continue to contribute much to the world of the quality Pomeranian. Hats off to you Eleanor, you are quite The Diva, and deservedly so.BreedersMelvina Michael Langston OwnerMelvina Langston 317-539-8102 Co-OwnerSharon Shipek 406-452-91043 0cT i rr9 9S II oThis is your opportunity to SHARE AND SHOW OFFYOUR GORGEOUS POMS INAFL COLORSEleaner, Congratulations on your feature, A Trip Down Memory Lane. Two ot my greats, Ch. Thor and Ch. Starlet are grandchildren ot one ot your greats, Ch. Millamor s Moon Rock. Thank you tor -these memories and may yOu be blessed with many more.Congratulations, Becky, on your kennel visit. Thank you tor all your contributions to the Pom world and may the cards hold lots ot purple and gold tor yOu.Fran Stoll ot Stolanne Poms C8IZ 25H-3857 sto lannedmrtc .netLil-Ponderosa sends CONGRATULATIONS to all the APC National Winners.It was so thrilling to be part of a record setting APC National Show and see so many beautiful Poms in one building. My only regret is that I wish I had enough time to meet all of you. We were overwhelmed, and had a wonderful time for our very first outing with ourbrindle puppy, Bucky.We were thrilled to not onlymake the cut each time, withvery stiff competition, but alsoto place in the ribbons for every show entered 3 out of 4 days, and then being only one place short. ThankYoutoall the judges who appreciatedour brindle puppy Buckyand made our debut so much1NATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004Congratulations to Becky Sabourin of Wyndlor Poms, Debbie Gonyeau of Jenn De Poms, and Eleanor Miller, Millamor Poms, and everyone else on theirfeature in Poms. Our best to all the wonderful Pom people everywhereHappyTrailstoyou.Ch Dreamweaver Cloudi Jumper Lil Ponderosa AMillion Bucks brindle Lil Ponderosa BeDazzled brindleM At.- J.A3RD PLACE6 TO 9 DOGRon and Sherry Cartwright Lil-Ponderosa Poms 715-874-6936 httpwww.lilponderosapoms.comCongratulations to my friend, Becky Sabourin, and to Deb Gonyeau on your kennel visits.Also to Eleanor Miller for her years of contributions to Poms.Wishes everyone a happy holiday season. Spring has sprung at our house, with a colorful littervCH Great Rivers Cupids Arrow X Lil Behrs Every Ready ReprisedJoan C. Behrend 631 366-2330Long Island, New York www.geocities.comlilbehrs_poms lilbehrs_pomsyahoo.commoEEachman PomeraniansIntroduces the Boys of 2CC4m 'IV V DiamondwwBachmans Precious DiamondWe, c.'V'i mml-iZA.i V- W--SireBISS Ch. Mountain Crest JJ DamCh. Bachman's Precious Jewel-eederOwnerHandler Cheri McDonaldCoonerBachmans Mini Cooper N CameoSireCh. Nguyen, Cory Loverboy of "GQ" DamCh. Bachman's Lady LexusLoved Handled by Co-Owner Karen Betz, Cameo Poms Arcadia, CAcameopomsyahoo.comVvV''.- n \ ' . _ rCongratulations to Becky Sabourin of Wyndlor Poms and Debra Gonyeau of Jenn De Poms on your well deserved Kennel VisitsCheri McDonald - Bachman Pomeranians - San Dimas, CA -