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The Pomeranian Review May 1993
American Pomeranian Club,mnmmtan tanuPublished Bi-Monthly May June, 1993 9CH. BLAKES JUST ME AND MY SHADOWDedicated to breeding excellent Pomeranians to the Standard.OFNick and PamCh. Cinnabars Little NikitaCh. Chriscendo Calvin Klein x Ch. Tim Sue To High HeavenThank you to Chris Heartz for the generations of linebreeding which produced Nicks sire.. Sue Goddard who bred his dam... Vicki Clendenin, Nicks breeder, for letting him come to Elan... Pamela Campbell for completing his championship for us in five shows...We have two young litters sired by Nick indicating his possession of a highly desirable genotype. Two extremely promising males from these litters are available. Nick is not only wonderful to look at and live with, but can produce as well.ELANMr. and Mrs. David Dahlenburg PO Box 4688 Newark, Delaware 19715 302 368-2070----------------------------------------------1Dedicated to breeding excellent Pomeranians to the Standard.j"Nick"Ch. Cinnabars Little Nikitawith two of his daughters from his first two litters aVAnaElans Anastasiax Johnstoy Elan High FidelityThis is an outstanding litter appearing linebred on paper, but inbred in appearance uniform beautiful heads, golden coloring, dark pigmentation, superb stand-up coat with proper texture and smashing temperaments."Donna"Elans Madonnax Idas Little GradeAnother Grade puppy who will hopefully follow in the footsteps of her two group placing Champion half-sisters Ch. Elans Infinity and Ch. Elans Devil Sorceress.Donna is outcrossed.ELANMr. and Mrs. David Dahlenburg PO Box 4688 Newark, Delaware 19715 302 368-2070I IContents...Secretarys Minutes..........................................4Presidents Message.........................................3Membership Report..........................................6Specialty Report Dolly Trauner.................. 10Sweepstakes Critique Dianne Johnson.........11TBR Critique Wendy Feist..........................16Obedience News Linda Gallacher...............17Showing Dogs Kristi Shearer......................22Behind the New Titlists..................................25Pom-Pourri Eve Smail.................................27Color Genetics Shirley Ann Hoffman...........31Northern Reflections Elizabeth Dupuis........ 33City of Angels Glenn Bernardo...................34Kennel Visit to Chriscendo............................47Top Poms List Jean Schroll.........................52Much Ado About Sally Baugniet................5ARegional Club News......................................55Pom Standard Vincent Matta..................... .59JULY ISSUE IS THE STUD ISSUEOne-third page 3-generation pedigree One picture For only 30.00h. AJtnCh. Blakes Just Me And My Shadow Cover Story"Shad" received his first points on August 16, 1992, and finished his championship on October 24, 1992 at 10 months of age under Judge Helen Lee James and very, very stiff competition.We would like to thank all of the judges for his wins, especially Jean Fancy and James Reynolds for his four-point majors.Also, thank you Jackie Rayner for your expert handling and TLC. Shad and Jackie are impatiently waiting for new coat so that he can begin his specials career. Shad is standing at stud call Jackie for details.We would like to congratulate Marlene Penney and "Gator" on his big wins. Thanks Marlene for loving Gator.Future Kennel VisitsJuly lssue...Dorothy Bonner of Bonner PomeraniansSeptember lssue...Charlotte Creed of Southland PomeraniansBonner Kennel VisitBecause Dorothy has been ill, Joan Reilly will write her kennel visit. Joan asks that you send anecdotes or other information that she can incorporate in the Visit. Dorothy will very much enjoy being remembered. Send toJoan Reilly 26093 Hwy 281 North San Antonio, TX 78258 Phone 512 980-2667Miiienuciri rumeraman uiuo 3 Pornmniati Bmtoof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.rmPresident...........................First Vice-President..........Second Vice-President....Recording Secretary.........Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer...........................AKC Delegate..................Officers of the ClubRural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501 POB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207Dolly B. Trauner ... Emily Untalan.....Jim Shearer...Beverly Henry .Frances J. Stoll... Al Willliamson....Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsSally Baugniet Happeth A. Jones Margaret McKee Sharon Masnick Brenda Turner Mary VickersPomeranian ReviewEditor........................................................................................................................................Dudley Roach612 Woodrow Avenue Modesto, CA 95350 Phone 209 529-5270Business Manager......................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions..........................................................................................................Brenda K. HuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues.............................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380 Subscriptions6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription.................Foreign.........................................First Class....................................Single Copy..................................Members IFull Pane________ 00......30.00......45.00......35.00........6.00NonMembers.....7000Half Page................ .....40.00...... .....45.00Quarter Page.................20.00...... .....25.00Photos each................10.00...... .....10.00Front Cover, BVJ........ 120.00......... 150.00Color........................ ...375.00.......... 400.00Back Cover, BW.........80.00...... .... 100.00Color........................ ... 250.00......... 275.00Inside FB Cover..... ....70.00...... .....80.00Color........................ ... 195.00.... .... 200.00Center Spread.......... ... 140.00......... 150.00Color........................ ...390.00..........400.00Business Card .............10.00...... .....15.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateJanFeb.......... ............Nov. 10...... ...Dec. 15MarApr........ ............Jan. 10....... ... Feb. 15MayJune...............March 10...... ....Apr. 15JulyAug........ ............May 10...... .. June 15SeptOct........ .............July 10...... ...Aug. 15NovDec........ .......... Sept. 10....... ....Oct. 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all CoversMinutes of APC Board Meeting Marriott Hotel, New York February 5,1993 Kappeth Jones, SecretaryPresident Mary Vickers called the meeting o order. In attendance were Mary Vickers, A1 vVilliamson, Dave Watts, Happeth Jones, Sally Baugniet, Jean Schroll, Sam Zaneoff, Fran Stoll, and Margaret McKee. The minutes of the last meeting were read.Committee reportsCorresponding Secretary See General Membership Meeting.Treasurer A1 Williamson reported that January, 1993, started with 4,825.09 in checking. Total receipts were 6,360.50. Total expenditures were 527.86. Ending balance for January 10,657.73. Savings account has 7,303.89. Total assets at end of January are 17,961.62.Pomeranian Review Dudley Roach reported that the JanFeb issue made a profit of 1,418.29, and he expects to make around the same profit with the next issue. The printer will be billing APC directly. Dudley stated that the March issue is bw but that the next five issues will be color. He said that the response for the smaller size has been tremendous.Show Chairman See General Membership MeetingAwards Committee See GeneralMembership MeetingMembership Committee See General Membership MeetingPublic Relations Lois Hamil reported that Dog World is not getting very good ad responses. The ads in Dog Fancy are getting excellent results. Fran still needs an updated breed booklet.Penny and Jim Dees, Kelly Reimschiissel, Mitsuo and Marit Hattori were accepted for membership.Unfinished Business93-02-01 That the Recording Secretary carry motions through second readings even if theyre accompanied by seconds, unless a deadline must be met. Yes 8 - no 1.93-02-02 That we let the issue of the poll stay as it is as Dudley has received enough comments so that we do not have to spend the extra money for a mail out. 9 yes - 1 no.It was discussed that the statistics Jean is going to do in the Review must note that there is a difference between the APC awards system and the statistics.New Business93-02-04 Motion to drop the ad in Dog World. 10 yes - 0 no.93-02-05 Motion that Fran Stoll, as corresponding secretary, send a thank you letter to Brenda Hutton and Jerrie Freia for the marvelous work they have done. 10 yes - 0 no.Dave Watts asked the Board if the Edna Girardot Trophy can be dropped as it is so difficult to deal with. Mary mentioned that there are some people who have two legs on it. Sam Zaneoff will check it out with AKC.93-02-06 Motion that we charge 35.00 for first class PR for the next couple of issues and the new Board can decide if we need to get more. 8 yes - 2 no.Mary Vickers asked the Board to come up with a list for AKCs "Committee on Criteria for Change in Appearance of a Dog by Artificial Means" questionnaire.The Board spent time on the By-law revisions. Suggesting some changes and voting and approving Sections up through Article HI, Section 2. The revisions will take further work and when final version is approved, they will be submitted to the membership.APC General Membership Meeting Marriott Hotel, New York February 6,1993President Mary Vickers called the meeting to order. The minutes from the last years membership meeting were read and approved.Corresponding Secretary Fran Stoll reported that she signed approval to hold Specialties for 22 Pom Clubs. She sent 18 letters to Judges, Club members and AKC. She sent out 365 information booklets received 60 pieces of mail and mailed andmerican romeranian uiud breceived ballots for 1994 Judges and election of club officers and directors.Treasurers Report A1 Williamson reported that the annual financial report shows 54,333.36 in receipts and 49,795.99 in expenditures. Resulting in a profit for 1992 of 4,537.37.AKC Breeder Referral Contact Brenda Segelken reported that she sends lists of breeders from the Roster. She asks that if one doesnt want to be on a list she must have this in writing.APC Registrar Jean Schroll gave out the awards for ROM, ROMX, and Gold Club for BIS wins.Awards Judy Shearer stated that her awards statisticians for the 1992 year were Evelyn Blake, Patty Griffin, and Linda Gallacher with Mary Vickers doing back up. Certificates were made and donated by Dudley Roach, conformation awards donated by the Ohio Pom Club and obedience awards were donated by Linda Gallacher all at no cost to the Club.Local Club Committee Diane Johnson stated that there is little response or interest from the local clubs for this committee.Membership Committee Mary Vickers read a lovely letter that Jerrie received from the son of Mrs. Tankesley of Dixieland Kennels.Public Relations Publicity has been placing ads for information in general on the Pomeranian breed and ads for the Pomeranian Review and APC in Dog Fancy and Dog World.Show Chairman Dolly Trauner said the show is not over so she reported on the TBR show. This activity brought in 418.50.Election Fran Stoll read the results of the election. There were 260 ballots returned. The following were elected to officePresident, Dolly Trauner First Vice-President, Emily Untalan Second Vice-President, Jim Shearer Treasurer, A1 Williamson Recording Secretary, Beverly Henry Corresponding Secretary, Fran Stoll. The Directors are Sally Baugniet, HappethJones, Sharon Masnick, Brenda Turner, Mary Vickers, and Margaret McKee.The new officers then took office.Presidents Messageby Dolly B. Trauner 2025 Lyon Street San Francisco, CA 94115In accepting the election to the post of President of APC, I addressed the membership as follows"The good ship APC, with Mary as its captain and a good crew aboard, has successfully navigated a two-year trip. There may have been troubled waters at times, but with skill, hard work, and due caution, the ship has reached safe harbor."We are about to embark on a new voyage, with a new skipper at the helm. However, many of the old crew will still be on board to help guide the ship through uncharted waters, and to avoid storms and we wont run aground."It is your ship. It belongs to you all. This skipper and crew are here to do your bidding. We need your advice and instructions on the direction you want your ship to go...which new lands to visit, which new passengers to take on board.We will do our best to serve you well, and to return your ship at the end of this voyage in as good a condition as we find it today."Quite a few familiar faces return to the Board, or as Chairmen of a Standing Committee, such as the Bylaws and Standing Rules Revisions Committee chaired by Jean Schroll. The Breed Standard Committee is again chaired by Sally Baugniet, whose original work was never allowed to be completed due to pressure from AKC to meet the deadline for publication of the 1991 Complete Dog Book.Our new Board Members are First Vice President, Emily Untalan, from Tigard, Oregon. Though relatively new in Pomeranians, Emily formerly owned and trained her own Labradors for Field Trial competition. She has had considerable business experience that will be an asset to the Club. Next is Second Vice President, Jim Shearer, from Sugarcreek, Ohio, whose wife Judy, continues as Chairman of the Awards Committee. A third new face is Beverlylenry from Carrollton, Texas, in the position if Recording Secretary. Beverly is also the ine to contact for information about the ipcoming Summer Specialty in ieptember-now being referred to as the Texas Jamboree for 1993. Can I learn to iquare dance in time to get in on the fun In iddition, we are pleased to welcome Directors Sally Baugniet, Sharon Masnick, Vlargaret McKee, Happeth Jones, Brenda Turner, and Mary Vickers.Combining Health and Skin Disease under me heading, the new Chairman of the Health md Genetic Problems Committee will be iienee McGrath, DVM, MS, of Greenfield, IN. The Ways and Means Committee will be o-chaired by Mary Vickers and Peter Galindo.As more and more members acquire home computers, many are discovering the ease, speed, and economy of communication with me another by means of an electronic bulletin board called Prodigy. It offers E-Mail for private correspondence and a public board for open discussion on a vast array of topics. Ive been told that the Pom board is the most heavily used of any of the breed boards for serious subject matters, as well as just chit-chat.Desktop publishing abilities are being acquired by some members. Dudley Roach, the Pom Reviews new editor, demonstrated his ability with the Premium List and Catalog for the 1992 and 1993 Annual Specialties, but had prepared those items for NCPC for the past 3 or 4 years. So it was no surprise to those of us in his area that he could produce a magazine of the quality of the first issue of the Pom Review for 1993. We find Happeth Jones, Beverly Henry, Jerrie Freia, and Brenda Hutton, Pom Review Circulation Manager, also involved with desktop publishing, and there may be others not yet heard from. Hellooo, out there Let us know who you areMy main message to the membership is this Please tell me what this administration can do to make you feel you are an important and needed participant in all this Clubs activities. It is your Club, for without your membership the Club would not exist. It is the American Pomeranian Club, not the Club of any special region. I think the makeup of the new Board and the Committee appointments reflect this.Membership Reportby Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381New Members for 1993 Penny Dees Box 1141Banning, CA 92220 714 849-3904 SponsorsGlen Cruz Bernardo Margaret OntiverosMitsuo, MD, and Marit Hattori46-459 Hulupala Place Kaneohe, HI 96744 808 895-8200 SponsorsEllen Takayama Michael M. ThorstadKelly D. Reimschiissel667 North 550 East American Fork, UT 84003 801756-2092 SponsorsGeanene Hall Wendy FeistApplications for MembershipVincent and Rachel M. Chavez2245 N. Vagedes Avenue Fresno, CA 93705 209 268-4168SponsorsJanet Manuszak-Lucido Dudley RoachMiguel Galindo EventesC Garcia Morato No 2 47007 Valladolid, Spain 83-472844 SponsorsPeter J. Galindo Shararah LisebethJulio Delgado FranciscoC Garcia Morato No 2 47007 Valladolid, Spain 83-472844 SponsorsPeter J. Galindo Sharah LisebethJuan Gomez11600 Bob Mitchell El Paso, TX 79936 915 591-3577 SponsorsPeter J. Galindo Olga BakerSTUD ISSUEAs you know, July has traditionally bee the Stud Issue of the Review. Breeders loc forward to this issue so that they can plan th special breeding which will produce th elusive Best in Show or High in Trial winnt which we all strive for.Edwin D. Hebert100 Dairyman Lane Lafayette, LA 70506 800 321-5894 SponsorsCarolyn Ann Crockett Olga BakerBrian Incorvaia83-52 Talbot St. 1C Kew Gardens, NY 11424 718441-5840 SponsorsPeter J. Galindo Olga BakerBarbi Kutilek1840 Monterey Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 415 872-1795 SponsorsJulie Moreno Margaret KranzfelderJohn A. and Barbara J. Moran13742 Tennessee Avenue Astatula, FL 34705 904 742-2734 SponsorsSue Marie Powers Olga BakerGail Rodgers38 Washington Avenue Staten Island, New York 10314 718 494-1847 SponsorsMaureen Quinlan Susann PhilbrookDanny and Terry Wilford3120 Cormorant Drive Jacksonville, FL 32223 904268-3510SponsorsCarolyn Ann Crockett Olga BakerThe Review is pleased to offer one-thir page, 3-generation pedigree, and a picture c the dog for 30.00.This is money well spent because th Review goes to the majority of serious Poi breeders across the country. We hope you wi take advantage of this opportunity to preser your stud to the Pomeranian fancy.NoticeMany of the Pom sketches used in the advertisements of this publication were drawn by Chris Heartz of Chriscendo Pomeranians.They cannot be used in any way other than in the Review.Bev-Nor PomeraniansBev-Nor Poms offers puppies by our newest Group I and Specialty Winner Ch. Bev-Nors Special Edition son of Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman-Top Producing Stud Dog-APC-1992. We also offer a stunning red orange daughter to a show home.Bill and Bev Norris 7747 Meadow Road Pasadena, MD 21122 410255-1343Correction PagePage 35...The Morans live in Astatula, FI.Page 30... AC Ch. Rhynstone Ravishing Rick was BISS at the Pomeranian Club ol Ontario not the Pomeranian Club of Canada.Page 37... The contact person for the Columbia Pomeranian Club is Jean Schroll 12950 New Era Road Oregon City, OR 97045.Forever a Whole New WorldPictured at 5 months of ageLV03dAt3Abus pedigree includes Ch. Odyssey's Keno Wiz, Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II, and Ch. Chriscendo Cachet.Congratulations Chris and John Heartz-your influence in Pom-dom is farand wide.Marge Kranzfelder415572-0149rjejejejjejjGm iv^i iucii r un1^1 aiiiaii viuuOPsSey pomertAward of Merit Winner at Westminster Kennel Club, 1993r iAWARD OF MERIT1THEWESTMINSTERKennel clubcebUAR^9'1chuck tathab_Ch. Odysseys Shadow of KenoThank you, Judge Edd Bivin "Shadow" looks for a bright future. More Keno kids starting this Spring.Owner Agus KosasihCo-Owner Breeder Handler Janet Manuszak-Lucido 209 276-9443Specialty ReportDolly B. TraunerIt snowed most of Friday, the day before he 73rd Annual APC Specialty. The Show Committee, Board members and exhibitors aegan arriving to a warm welcome by the lotel staff. It seems they all love our little Poms and look forward to this annual event. Again, using the hotels brass stanchions, Ground Chairman Jim Shearer measured out and attached handsome white plastic chain as ring rope, borrowed courtesy of the Ohio Pom Club. Judy, his wife, added gorgeous arrangements of red silk flowers and streamers to each stanchion. Chief Ring Steward, Julie Moreno, helped direct hotel staff in placing tables and chairs, while Ring Stewards Jean Schroll and Nancy Wharton checked on ring supplies. Trophy Chairman Sally Baugniet arranged the Clubs drape over the hotels tiered tables, and with assistant Maureen Quinlan began unpacking the array of trophies to be given out over the next two days. Mary Vickers held her last Board meeting, but much of the business was deferred for the new Boards attention.Saturday dawned sparkling clear and bitter cold. Ice was everywhere underfoot and parkways had turned into toboggan runs. Some were closed due to multiple pileups, causing delays everywhere. Stewards for the Obedience ring were again supplied by courtesy of the Obedience Stewards Club. A trip usually taking one hour for Obedience Chairman Marie Carlough took three hours this time. Obedience Judge Pat Scully graciously accommodated to the late arrival of the jumps and proceeded with judging some classes out of order until Marie arrived with the equipment. Ms. Scully made the Obedience instructive and enjoyable for exhibitors and spectators by her detailed explanation of the nature and purposes of the various exercises being performed.A leisurely lunch break ensued before the first classes of Sweepstakes were called. Sweepstakes judge Dianne Johnson was patient and gentle with those youngsters still unsure and not yet able to take it all in stride. The quality of the 44 entries was such that it must have been difficult to pick winners from among so many that deserved to win.The event that everyone had been looking forward to, the 2nd Annual Tack Box Rat Show, was next on the schedule. Wendy Feist, whose fame as a TBR judge was not yet widely known, adjudicated on an entryIU _____ .......................................whose quality ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous An outstanding entry was Happie Jones Ch. Liber-Ratchee, dressed in flowing white satin cape and seated at his piano-complete with candelabra the whole ensemble on its tractable stage. Another hot contender from Louisiana whose name I didnt catch was a delinquent renegade from a Hells Angels motorcycle mob. Dressed in de rigeur black leather pants and jacket, he cut capers on his down-sized Harley Davidson that would turn Evil Knieval pea green with envy. Neither of these multiple BIS winners took home the cheese so to speak. The nod for top spot went to a homebred whose handler, Peter Galindo, outdid all others in style and manner of presentation-not to say, in bribing the judgeA cash bar at the lower level gave all a chance for refreshment and relaxation before trooping into the meeting room for potluck snacks and the Annual Meeting, the Minutes of which appear elsewhere in this issue. The newly elected Officers and Directors were introduced to the members present. Following adjournment of the Annual Meeting, the new Board held its first meeting, the Minutes of which also appear in this issue.Frank Oberstars first assignment was an entry of 4 in Junior Showmanship, followed by the Regular and Non-Regular classes for the breed. The wins in all segments of this Specialty are listed elsewhere. Suffice it to say that the Pom world can be proud of the quality of dogs, and the caliber of showmanship, exhibited once again at this top annual event for our breed. Ch. Starfires Totally Tempting, bred and owned by Jose Cabrera, and presented by Pamela Campbell, was Mr. Oberstars choice for the top spot over others with enviable win records.The banquet this year was conducted buffet style. The only complaint heard was that the selection of desserts ran out of Pecan Pies too soon I dont know if anyone tried the bread pudding for which the Marriott is famous I had it in the restaurant the next day and it is mmmmm-mmmm good. Judy Shearer presented the awards for the Top Winners, Top Breeders and Top Exhibitors-and other certificates for the numerous new championships and obedience titles earned by our members. There remained a number of items from the Silent Auction table, one of them an original painting by Audrey Roberts of Poms in the Kitchen-one of them trying to drink milk out of an old fashioned milk bottle Ma, I thought all milk came in cardboard cartons. As auctioneer, Peter Galindogallantly rose to the occasion and whipped the crowd into a frenzy of bidding, sending Olga Baker home with a red sweatshirt bearing the logo for "Obedience University" emblazoned in white on its front.So ended the 73rd Annual Specialty and Meeting-the 4th one held at the LaGuardia Marriott Hotel. It would appear that, again, there was no financial loss on the event. A detailed financial report is being prepared and will be published.Winners BitchDars Foxridge Mings CendreeIICANanian.5T. 1993Best of BreedCh. Starfires Totally TemptingaBnBest of Opposite Sex Ch. Chriscendo ClassicaT OF NERSAMERICANPOMERANIANCLUBFEB. 6 7,1993 ASHBEYPHOTO BY TOM NUTTlNCgWinners Dog, Best of Winners Absolutes Magic MountainSweepstakes Judging Critiqueby Dianne JohnsonI look forward each year to the Americai Pomeranian Club Specialty. This year wa extra special for me because you the member voted to have me judge the Sweepstakes What an honor to be respected by your peer enough to have them want your opinion oi their darling puppies and hopeful up anc coming champions.I look forward each year to seeing friends and colleagues from across this wonderful nation, who are dedicated to the Pomeranians Friday, as we prepared to leave for New York the weather was beautiful, warm foi February and sunny. Saturday and Sunda the weather left a lot to be desired, but whc cared We didnt have to leave the hotel. Monday was again sunny but a lot cooler-nice for traveling.Saturday, as I watched the first class file into the ring, I thought WOW These really look nice-then as I started examining them individually, I must say I was impressed. All the puppies I placed and several of the ones I didnt place should have very proud parents. Im sure that most of them will finish their championships.The winner of my 6-9 puppy class was Wee Hearts Fan the Flames bred by Cassandra Ready Evans and owned by Cassandra and Marlene and Marlin Presser, a very nicely put together Pom of heavy sable color with good balance and movement. He seemed to be a little more interested in playing and pitching woo with the ladies when he came back in the ring for best in Sweeps than he did in showing. Many times I have had puppies especially young male puppies completely forget all their training when they entered the1 But I loved his spirit I thought he was narvelous.My first place 9-12 puppy dog was Someday leza Corker bred by Lorene Bradbury and iwned by Lorraine Hartup. He is a heavy oated orange with a beautiful head and xpression he moved nice and was showing ticely, and he was ultimately my Best Ipposite Sex in Sweepstakes.The 6-9 bitch class was my largest class as veil as having the most quality puppies. I wish could have given more than just four ribbons n this class. My winners was Subers impressive Indeed bred by Suzanne Bemey ind owned by Sue and Diana Downey. She is i lovely orange sable in beautiful condition ind showing as if she had been doing it all her ife. She had to work hard to win this class because all placements were in close contention for first prize. She was also in close contention for Best in Sweeps.When the 9-12 bitch class walked into the ring, my eyes immediately went to a beautiful arange lady that was practically hollering, 'Hey, look me over" When it was her turn on the table, I was even more impressed. What a lovely bitch I would have loved to stick her in my pocket and headed for home. She was G. Elms Little Mandy Gal V Watts bred by Ruth Beam and owned by Dolores Watts. She was my Best in Sweepstakes.As I was judging this Sweepstakes, my heart began to fill with pride about the achievements of you, the Pomeranian breeders. You are doing a marvelous job improving the quality of our wonderful Poms. Type was exceptional so judging was not reduced to sifting through the dogs of type trying to find soundness. I found on the whole heads to be very nice with good expressions and pretty faces and very appealing. Coats were good overall the quality was not too cotton like, and on the most part good condition. The rears have improved quite a bit over the years making it a pleasure not to be standing in a ring full of cowhocks.There are two areas that definitely need the attention of dedicated breeders. They are bites and low in shoulders.I was a little disappointed in the number of bad bites I found. Remember an undershot mouth is a major fault and overshot is a minor fault. I also found a few wry mouths. This is an important undertaking for Pom breeders. Teeth can be a problem in toy dogs. To begin with their small sized muzzle can cause a problem with placement of teeth as well as quality of dentition. Dont forget there are dogs with excellent dentition as well as goodbites, and good teeth are inherited so make that an important part of your overall requirements when choosing your stud dogs and brood bitches.I urge Pom breeders to recognize the problem of "low in shoulders" and work diligently to correct such an unappealing structural fault. This fault throws the whole balance of the dog out of kilter and destroys the overall movement. It keeps the head and neck from flowing smoothly into the shoulder and destroys the topline. End of soap box.I had someone question me, so I will tell you my theory about Pomeranian size. If I have before me a Pom that has good type, structure, and movement and no major faults, I dont care if it weighs 3 pounds or 7 pounds, it is within the standard and should not be discriminated against because of personal preference to large or small Poms.As I close this letter, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for such a wonderful time in the Big Apple at the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. 73rd Annual Specialty.TfESCANlN ANHOTOBest in Puppy Sweepstakes G Elms Little Mandy Gal V Watts\NAESIRICANIRANIANLUB7,1993 EY PHOTO,1 NUTTINGBest Veteran in Sweepstakes Ch. Homesteads Spit N Polish ie-''.ftdaa,siij'S' ...yteriTBR Show Critiqueby Wendy FeistI was honored to be allowed to judge this ears Tack Box Rat Show. My very capable ing stewards were Carolyn Crockett and Olga laker. These fine ladies kept things orderly nd kept me on my toes. They filled in as iooper scoopers and garbage collectors, and, or some unknown reason, spectators felt a leed to toss some in the ring. All of which vas very recyclable.There were many lovely rats to choose from his year. My choice was a difficult one, but ilas, I could only choose one best rat My hoice was a stylish, yet pleasantly simple ipecimen owned by new Second ice-President Jim Shearer. This rat has a irofuse coat and proper nose and tail. With a nost proper set of feet a judge has yet to udgeMy best Opposite Sex to Best of Breed went o a bedazzeling beauty owned by Erika Moreau. This rat bitch I must say was dressed o the ninesMy Winners rat and Best of Winners rat went to a very unusual specimen to judge. Both owner and rat were a unique team to say the least. My Winners Bitch rat was a lovely blue specimen owned by Patricia Foley, who as we all know is famous for her exotics, and in the rat show she was true to form.I must thank Julie Moreno for all her assistance in the collecting of fines and other unmentionables. Show Chairperson, Dolly Trauner, was the best She made it a special event. She provided rats at a fee of course to those who forgot theirs. She and her helpers took entries and the list goes on As new APC President, she will truly get the job done This pair had some truly insightful advice.I am proud to announce that this years TBR show earned the APC a record breaking 418.50 We all had a fun time, and it was through the participation of all involved that made it an event to remember.The overall quality of my entries was fantastic. A few areas could be worked on. Looser leads, no scissoring, no rats smoking, no hair weaves, and dyeing of rats needs to be worked on. I did have a great concern over the lack of exhibitors knowing the sex of theirrats Come on, People, its just a matter of knowing the birds and bees Gosh And for those who dont know all rats must be spayed or neutered This is very disruptive as you well know how prolific this breed is-stud servicing in the rings is forbiddenMy list of more memorable fines I hesitate to list, but in fairness to those who asked for it, here it is. Stealing. This was a problem this year. The fine was one to five dollars depending on the number of offenses. Touching. A few exhibitors had a problem keeping their hands to themselves. Need I say more Obscene language and gestures. You know who you were. Such carried a five dollar fme for each offense. Assaulting the judge. This is a 10.00 fme and no exceptions. The judge has healed nicely. Criticizing the judge by exhibitor or onlooker. This offense carried a fine, each fine given according to the comment. Making the judge blush. This carried a five dollar fine. Grooming a non-rat. This rule was strictly enforced and carried a one dollar fine.This event encourages good, not so clean fun For those who dont know how all this works, here it is. The spectators and the exhibitors alike are encouraged to bribe the judge and ring stewards as this action can weigh heavily on the judges decision The standard will be available later in the year. I am pleased to announce that I am chairing this event next year in New York The trophies will be big, big, big You will all be surprised so save your dollars and get to work on your prospects If you would like to donate to the trophy fund, or have a trophy you would like to donate, let me know. All will be mentioned in the premium list and catalog.Ringside involvement was outstanding, and I want to thank you all. Ill never forget it The time just flew by. I hear it took two hours to judge this event. It must be remembered that this is an important fund raiser for our Club And we all have a good time in the process, and next year....well...stay tuned and watch your mail boxes for details for next year.Obedience NewsbyLinda Gailacher 1990 Ridgeway Drive Eugene, OR 97401 503 686-2316I have had no correspondence from readers recently, but the Gazette Awards issues brought news of heavy Pom obedience activity October through December.My own dogs have had somewhat of a vacation from training lately. Pogo had a problem with the skin on the pads of his feet actually peeling off, leaving raw spots that were painful for him to walk on. My Vet has still not found the cause, but Pogos feet are finally doing better. Bizzy was spayed. I had decided not to breed her again until she had earned her UD. Then I realized that she would be way too old to whelp puppies when that momentous day occurred I had the surgery done while she was in a sweet, loving, eager-to-please mood. Someone told me that I might lock in these personality traits I can only hope At the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty we had a breakthrough She not only jumped the Bar jump-she jumped it twice. The following weekend, I thought we might actually have a chance. However, Bizzy had other ideas. When I sent her for her glove on the directed retrieve exercise, she ran out to the correct glove, sniffed it, stared at it for a moment...and then ran happily back to me without the glove. Incidentally, she did a beautiful job on the rest of the exercises, including the directed jumpingThe Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty had only myself and Ann Griffith entered with 4 dogs in the regular classes. This was not a large enough entry for a qualifying leg, not that it mattered. None of our dogs managed to earn a qualifying score. Our two non-regular entries and Anns brace did a nice job. My "Sundae" Sunswept Hot Fudge Sundae UD was High Non-Regular from the Veterans Class closely followed by Anns Ollie Blue Bluster CD from Graduate Novice. Ollie will be out in Open very soon.Alice Lessard has a new puppy in her life. I understand that this little "Keno" son is just dynamite Be watching for "Odysseys Just Do It" in both the conformation and obedience rings. Alice says little "Nike" is just what she had been looking for. Another dog that could excel in both ringsExciting news Another Pom has earned her UD Lindsey of Dover-Holihouse UD finished with 5 qualifying scores in Octoberand November after earning her first leg June. I met Lindsey when she was just puppy. At the time she belonged to Dia Bauman ownertrainer of OTCH Noahs Ab Ka Dabra. Diane was in Washington to do seminar and had brought Lindsey along. Beii very "into" partis, I was very taken with tl orange and white girl. Congratulations owner Bonnie BuchananLindsey is the second dog bred by Kathn Hartz and Patricia Foley to finish a UD Sane Winchatzs Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ii finished in 91. These ladies have been ve supportive of obedience, not just in placir many good dogs in obedience homes, but al offering wonderful obedience prizes at number of specialty shows. Im sure all Po obedience exhibitors join me in offering the two a big thank youTwo other dogs have earned their Utility le "Penny Lane Is In MY Heart CDX" earned second leg with a 184 and first place this dc earned its first leg with a 192.5 which was als first place. I have this dog listed with tw different owners. Does anyone have an further information they can send me on th dog She was shown in Tennessee an Alabama last fall. "Driftwood Love That Bo CDX" owned by Marian Lazzara earned hi first Utility leg in style with a score of 196 an first place. They defeated 40 other dogs in th Utility A class Super job, MarianNew Obedience Titles from the January an February Gazette are as followsNew UDLindsey of Dover-Holihouse UD owned b Bonnie Buchanan and bred by Kathryn Hart and Patricia Foley earned their UD with a 2nc 3rd, and 4th placement from Utility A. Supe job, BonnieNew CDXMiss Royal Red CDX owned by Earl am Vivian Anderson, bred by Stanley and Diam Hall finished her CDX with 3 first placement and 2 second placements. This great team hac just finished their CD in November of 91 cant wait to see how they do in UtilityPomirish Sugar Cane CDX owned bjMarian Lazarra and Sally Baugniet and brec by Sally finished with scores in the 190s anc a first and fourth placement. Marian is keeping herself busy with a dog in Utility and one it Open. She also co-owns one the new CDs but I dont know if she showed it or not. Lei me know Marian You have done your usual great job of training these dogs.Silver Meadows Beau Jangles CDX ownedy Eleanor and Charley Hamilton and bred by acquelyn Klein finished their CDX from the pen B class with scores in the 180s. CongratulationsSunswept Fifty Fifty CD is owned and bred by me. I wrote about Panda in the last issue.Please let me hear from youNew CDAnnons Peterbilt CD owned by Jerusha jurvin and bred by Ann Cannon really burned ip the rings competing for their CD. They amed 2 firsts, 3 seconds, and 1 fourth in ough, east coast competition I have watched Arusha competing at Gaines events with her JTCH Border Collie. This will be a team to vatch.Benjamins Licorice Kisses CD is owned jy Gail Culver and bred by Tina Vaughan. This team earned their title with scores of 185, 189, and 189.5 from Novice B. I met this pair it the Timberland Valley KC show last fall. Ben is a darling little Pom with a very unusual Brindle coloring. Gail hopes to have Ben rained for Open this year. Keep up the good work you two.Ellie Maes Chubby Checkers CD is owned and bred by Eleanor Wolfe. I wrote about this beautiful little black and white Parti in the last issue. Good luck in Open, Ellie MaeGregorys Egyptian Princess CD is owned by Rosemary and Gregory Evans and bred by Joann Shifflett. This little lady finished her CD from the Novice A class with scores in the 180s. The Evans are now showing another dog in Novice and well soon be hearing about another CD Well look forward to seeing you in OpenMeaghan OFlaherty CD owned by Judith Niles and bred by Carolyn Elliott finished their CD from the Novice A class with scores of 190.5,180, and 177. Good job.Menage Sonata Foxy Lady CD is owned by Sulie Greendale-Paveza, Lori Fink, and Marian Lazarra and was bred by Lori Fink. Im not sure which of the owners is showing this dog. They have done a really nice job, with scores in the 190s and a first place from the Novice B class. Well doneRusticglens Zippity-Doo-Dah CD isowned by Jodie Durbin and bred by Dawn and Jane Consic. I love the name. This team finished their CD with scores in the 190s and 2 fourth placements from Novice B.HIGH COMBINEDHIGH IN TRIAL OBEDIENCEAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBFEB. 6 6 7,19H gASHBEYPHOTO ev tou nuttinC-jHigh Scoring in Trial, APC 93 Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice UDCommittee Chairpersons for 1993AKC Delegate.................................... Sam ZaneoffBy-Laws and Standing Rules.............Jean SchrollMembership.....................................................Jerrie FreiaCirculation.................................................... Brenda HuttonAsst Circulation..........................Margaret McKeeBusiness Manager..........................Marie CarloughAwards.............................................................. Judy ShearerShow Chairperson 1994.................. Jean SchrollAKC Gazette Columnist...................................Olga BakerAKC Breeders Referral..............Brenda SegelkenJudges Education.............................Sally BaugnietHealth..................................Renee McGrath, DVMWays and Means.............................................. Peter GalindoPublic Relations.....................................Lois HamilTack Box Rat Chairperson............................Wendy FeistMmerican romeraman oiud 1OH WOWPomeraniansPresenting our new Champion...iisi".MAJOR BEST OF WINNERS"1ORANGE EMPIRE DOG CLUB tma MISSYphotoCh. BoJas General JacksonCh. Sun-Dots Ramboling On x Sun-Dot's Black Rose-Sgg3SPicturedis "Jackie" recently finishing his Championship with a 5-point Major under Judge Arley D. Hussin at the Orange Empire Show in San Bernardino, CA.Thank you to all the Judges for the recognition youve given Jackie.4492, BOW, Mr, Alfred Treen 8992, BOB, Mr. Roland Adameck over Special 82392, BOW, Mrs. Jacklyn Hungerland 91392, BOW, Mrs. Eberhardt 101792, BOS, Mrs. Ana Schneider-Louter 13193, BOW, Mr. Alley D. Hussin.Special thanks to Ruth Dotson, Sun-Dot Pomeranians and to Breeder Janice Perna, BoJays Pomeranians on her First Homebred ChampionLinda Florer OwnerHandler209431-5650ED ITLm\cA Ch. TLC Bon JoviCh. TLC Is A Prince Too x TLC Sweet ThingBam Bam, Pictured with Frank G. Nishimura, and handler, Madeline Patterson, after taking Toy Group I on 12293 at the Tualatin Kennel Club Show. Thank you, Mr. Nishimura. Many thanks to all the "Oregon aunts and uncles" who made this win possible. Without your participation, this would not have been as wonderful and thrilling.jiiOwnersDaniel and Margaret Ontiveros 2981 Calle Cumbre San Diego, CA 92139 619 475-2531BreedersCarol and Tom Gillespie 5012 Dallas Hwy NW Salem, OR 97304 503 370-81671jiicalamiid luaii rumciamciii viuui Kneislers would like to announce our first Champion of 93 ,J-V 3m.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXALEXANDRIA KENNEL CLUB SPRING 1993 C___ owI SPRING 'P"- T f. SOSA ICh. Kneislers Toasty Miz KaylaKayla is pictured here with handler Patsy Wade, PHA. Thank you Patsy and Judi for her last 8 points. I would also like to thank the following judges for seeing a Champion in her M. Bryant, A. Czech, J. Sturm, S. Thom, and B. Brooks.Kayla is my first Champion for the year with several more close behind her Watch for us at the Spring and Fall shows.I have a few promising puppies available to the proper homes-mainly nicely bred Bev-Nor, but also a few nicely bred LLL Millamor pups.See Pedigree in Behind the New Titlists.Owner Breeder Handler Maria Kneisler 9151 S. Darlington Avenue Tulsa, OK 74137-4006 918 492-0520Handlers Judi Hartell, PHA Patsy Wade, PHA 4838 Canyon bend Austin, TX 78735 512892-1761All our Poms love Science Diet Small Bites FShowing Dogs A Miss America with Fur Contestby Kristi ShearerMy mother-in-law, God rest her sanity, tises dogs-little dogs. Dom Deluises, or mething like that. Her mother has a bumper icker on her car that says, "Ask me about my randdogs."Now, I really am a dog lover, but these ty-bitty things are not dogs. They are fur alls with eyes. I have lymph nodes bigger lan these things.I like big dogs because you can squeeze em nd hug em. If you squeeze and hug these ttle buggers, you end up with Pomeranian lly in your hand.When I hadnt been married too long, I tade the mistake of telling my mother-in-law tat I had always wanted a St. Bernard."Oh, yuck" she said. "Do you want some gly, hairy thing slobbering all over you""I married your son, didnt I"And thats another thing that makes me rad.My mother-in-law also breeds these dogs, he takes her females to other breeders for tud service and provides her own stud ervice.Well, in lieu of paying a huge stud fee, I Lecided to marry Kim instead. When I xpressed dissatisfaction with her son, my nother-in-law refused to take him back."What do you want from me she asked. You got two good breedings out of him"Yeah, in 10 years of marriage.My in-laws travel all over taking their dogs o dog shows. If youre unfamiliar with dog howing, just think of it as Miss America with ur and a strange "perfume."I remember the first time my mother-in-law lad a dog qualify as a champion. There was hampagne and food, good cheer and aughter-for her. I could just imagine what tar was thinking "Look at Miss Leashjerker ver there. Living it up, while Im imprisonedin this stupid thing. How come I do all the work and she gets all the fun. Maybe shes just jealous that Im prettier than she is."If a Martian were to land in the middle of a dog show, with all the Air Streamer campers, grooming paraphernalia and assorted canines and their owners, theyd have quite a tale to tell their leaders. I can just imagine their report"The Earthlings have a curious way of dealing with their young offspring. To begin with they put them on long cord-like things they call leashes, parade them around other Earthlings, who then choose their favorite. These favorites are then shoved into a small carton-like object while the older Earthlings gorge themselves on food and beverage."What would happen if the dogs decided to turn the tables on us I can imagine my mother-in-law standing on one of the exhibition tables having her legs and teeth checked and evaluated. In fact, I think Id rather like to see her in that position. I think Id kinda like to be the judge even.If dogs ruled the world, these are things we just might see President George Keeshond would promise two fire hydrants in every garage. Our Vice-President might even have an intelligent thought in his head. The hit shows of the season might be "Designing Dams," "Home Training Improvement," and "Knots-in-my-Fur Landing."Oh gosh. Think Ill quit now. Im "dog tired and suffering from "flea-bitis."Future Kennel VisitsJuly Issue...Dorothy Bonner of Bonner PomeraniansSeptember Issue...Charlotte Creed of Southland Pomeraniansmiiencciii rumeianiari uiuu-43,1Tresstique PomsiSEXOPPTresstique Dawn of MerimaurCh. Chriscendo Calvin Klein x Apple's Traveling JewelMy thanks to Judge Charles Deer for appreciating Dawns good qualityDear JessicaJ.s1Congratulations Jessica on your many wins in the Junior ring and your professional handling in the Breed ring.Thank you so much for ALL your help. I couldnt have done it without you.Love,MomOwner Bonnie Harris 19 Wheat Road W Mt. Sinai, NY 11766 516331-3004njHandler Jessica HarrisT2T-------^4 Is,In loving memory ofCHINOOKWINDSCongrautulates Chris and John Heartzon theirKennel VisitWe have a few puppies sired by Great Elms Tiny Tim for sale to show homes only.Chinookwinds Kennel Perm. Reg.Ann Fulton Box 226Guy Alberta T0H1Y0 403 925-3616M. Marie Jatczak January 4,1993Proud owner of Pomtown Poms 308 E. 13th Street Danville, IL 61832 Dearly missed by all who knew her.QUEENAIRECongrautulationstoChris and John Heartz on the occasion of their Kennel VisitQueenaire, Reg. Dudley and Wanda Roach 612 Woodrow Avenue Modesto, CA 95350 209 529-5270illillllllAmerican Pomeranian Club 2Behind the New TitlistsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free if sent in by the owner. Please send the dogs name, sex, owners name, city, and state, and breeders name on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor.Ch Absolutes Magic MountainOrange MaleBreeder Robert and Jeanne Blank Owner Robert and Jeanne BlankCh Bev-Nors Statesman Ch Rhea-Nas Country DJ of Jan-Shar Rhea-Nas Rhapsody in Red Ch Jan-Shars Mountain DewCh Model's Timstoppers Echo Great Elms Mountain Mama Great Elms Woods Dori Ch Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch Bev-Nors Toastmaster Bev-Nors Missy Miss Jan-Shars MadonnaCh Bev-Nors N Southlands Rambo Jan-Shars Semi SweetShell Barks Jessee CoulterCh Glen Iris Academy AwardRed Sable MaleBreeder C.A. Jackson J.M. Taylor Owner Janet CoxCh Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch Southland's Toasted Fudge Ch Southland's Happy Birthday Bil Ch Southlands Mr VIP Olda Ch Bev-Nors Toastmaster Ida's Princess of Bev-Nor Ida's Magnolia Blossom Ch Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Ch Sharels Southern Diamond Sharel's Southern Belle Jamels Texas Kala of SharelCh Southland's Fudge Generation darnel's Precious Miracle Girl Sharels Tootie of SunkistCh Glen Iris Mr AmbassadorRed Sable MaleBreeder C.A. Jackson J.M. Taylor Owner Mr. and Mrs. Charles NelsonCh Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch Southlands Toasted Fudge Ch Southland's Happy Birthday Bil Ch Southlands Mr VIP Olda Ch Bev-Nors Toastmaster Idas Princess of Bev-Nor Idas Magnolia Blossom Ch Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch Sharels Southern Diamond Sharel's Southern Belle Jamels Texas Kala of SharelCh Southlands Fudge Generation Jamels Precious Miracle Girl Sharel's Tootie of SunkistCh Tim-Sues Sparkling LightsOrange FemaleBreeder Tim and Sue Goddard Owner C.A. Jackson J.M. TaylorCh Millamors Rock Music Ch Millamors Rock Concert Millamors Rock Rosette Ch Chriscendo City Lights ROMX Ch Millamors Rock Medallion Ch Chriscendo Chatelaine Mercers Melodee Touch Ch Jolly Wee Im A Pepper Too Jolly Wee Duke of the West Ch Jolly Wee Joy of Peppi Tim-Sues Duchess Sabrina ROMXCh Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock Ch Tim Sues Angel Sabrina Tim Sues Patri-ArkrViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.AVWe invite our Readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects. Jh Glen Iris Distant RiderOrange MaleBreeder C.A. Jackson J.M. Taylor Owner Nina BerryCh Millamoris Rock Concert Ch Chriscendo City Lights Ch Chriscendo Chatelaine th Tim Sues Distant Lights Jolly Wee Duke of the West Tim Sues Duchess Sabrina Ch Tim Sues Angel Sabrina Ch Texicans Wee Will OMee-Gee Ch Mee-Gees Touch of Frost Ch Brashearis Beau Squirt Slen Iris Fantasy FrostCh Chriscendo Western Express Wee Hearts Glen Iris Fantasia Wee Hearts Shadys ShastaIh Glen Iris Castle SecretOrange FemaleBreeder Jackson Taylor Stewart Owner Maria KneislerCh Texicans Wee Will OMee-Gee Ch Mee-Gees Masterpiece, CD Stansoes Hidden Treasure Glen Iris Ivanhoe Ch Chriscendo Western Express Cherokees Autumn Orange Luells Scarlet OHairy Ch Bev-Noris Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Bev-Noris Toastmaster ROMX Bev-Noris Missy Miss ROM Ch Janesas Glen Iris SorceressCh Bev-Noris Toasted Fudge ROMX Bev-Noris Janesa Toast Bev-Noris Missy Miss ROMCh Lynnwrights MiseryOrange FemaleBreeder Donna Lynn WrightOwner Donna Lynn WrightCh Bev-Noris Toasted Fudge Ch Bev-Noris Statesman Bev-Noris Tess Ch Bev-Nors Nuttin-To-ltCh Great Elms TimstopperToo Bev-Noris Missy Miss Great Elms Honey Bun Ch Bev-Noris Toasted Fudge Ch Bev-Noris Statesman Bev-Noris Tess Bev-Nors Some Like It HotCh Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette Bev-Noris Sparkling Sherry Molly of LenetteCh Keislers Toasty Miz KaylaOrange Sable FemaleBreeder Maria KneislerOwner Maria and Matthew KneislerCh Thelduns Almond Fudge ROMX Ch Bev-Noris Toasted Fudge ROMX Bev-Noris Sweet and Sassy Ch Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Thelduns Almond Fudge ROMX Ch Southland Happy Birthday Bil Ch Bev-Noris Fudge Delight Ch Moreno's Critics' Choice Moreno's Singleton by Choice Morenos Phoebe Shamrocks Tarbubble V AllaynCh Shamrocks Little Image Maker Shamrock's Ebony Angel Olmage Gold Gems Sabrina SunriseCh BoJays General JacksonOrange Sable Male Breeder Janice Pema Owner Linda FlorerCh Sun-Dot's Fashion Fella Ch Sun-Dots Ramboling Gamblor Rommels Ramboling Tease Ch Sun-Dots Ramboling OnCh Sun-Dots Ramboling Man Sun-Dot's Ramboling Sunshine Sun-Dots Crystal Belle Ch Sun-Dots Strut N Stuf Ch Sun-Dots MajorSun-Dots Ramboling San Doll Sun-Dots Black RoseFosters Tony the Tiger Almar's CricketLavemes Cherry SherryMcKameys Sundown KennelsMrs. Norris McKamey 1112 Sycamore Dr Le Claire, Iowa 52753-9630 319 332-5809Puppies to love, breed and show prospects, stare wants clearly.Bloodlines are Cavalier, Millamor, Sungold. Great Elms, Browns, Creider, Hoods, Emcee, English Preservenes, Cynpeg and, HadleighPom-PourriPom News from the United Kingdom and Europeby Miss Eve SmailI am delighted to be able to add something new to the already excellent Pomeranian Review. Let me introduce myself to you. I am a British Breeder of some eighteen years in Poms and live in Scotland just outside Edinburg. My Toybox, Reg. Poms have achieved many top awards in the UK, and I have several top Champions around the world. Hopefully I can bring you news and views from outside the USA and bring to you items of interest which all Pom lovers love to hear.It is Christmas Eve as I write, and most British Pom breeders are looking forward to Crufts Dog Show, which is the start and highlight of our showing year. To those who have never been to the UK and especially Crufts, our shows are on a huge scale despite the size of our country. Most all Breed Championship Shows will have an entry of about 10.000 to 14,000 dogs, and they are held over three and sometimes four days, with different Groups of combinations of Groups on each day. Crufts is held in Birmingham, about 100 miles from London, over four days, and the entry is about 16,000 dogs. There 156 Poms entered under Breed Judge Mr. S. Findlay-Bissitt Cygal Poms.The National Exhibition Centre is a huge complex which amply houses both exhibitors and the many stalls which exhibit every thing doggy you can imagine. The huge scale of the show makes it breathtaking. It was held in London for many years, but this new venue makes life much easier for parking , and the like.You cannot just enter Crufts your dog has to qualify at a Championship show throughout the year. A first or second in one of three age classes, or a first, second, or third in the higher classes is required. Easy you might think, but at every Championship show in the UK, you will get between 60 and 150 dogs present on that day, so winning is not so easy. Breeders are also Championship Judges. Who better to judge them than those who breed them. Let me explain the UK system of finishing, or "making up" a Champion. We have 6-9 months puppy, 6-12 month puppy, 6-18 months Junior, Post Graduate, Limit, and Open for each sex. Post Grad and limit are classes which you must not enter a Championor dogs which have won a certain numbei firsts. Open is the class where all Champi and dogs reaching their Championships h to go. We have no Specials Class. In orde become a Champion in the UK your mal female has to beat every other Pom of tl sex on that day, including Champions, so can see how a British Champion is a re prized dog which may have had to beat upward dogsClass winners come in and compete fc Challenge Certificate or "CC" and you n three under three different judges to becorr Champion. There is a Reserve CC offered, this does not count to a Championship am used, only should the CC winner disqualified, to show who the ju considered next in line.We may also show our dogs in South Ireland. There, the system is a little differ Instead of Challenge Certificates, they awarded Green Stars. These range from point up to ten points, with five and ten be majors. You need 40 points for a Champi and again all Champions compete against dogs entered. You may be proud to hear t my own American and Irish Champi Muller Kazar Sungold Illusion at Toyboi the top Pom there to date with my own Ir Champion Toybox Bubbling Over, be knocked off the top spot by him. Illusion v sent to me by your own Anna LaFortu Bubbling Over is now in the USA with Ly Heise of Texas, so it really is hands across i water. When you win a Group over here, il really something as the Toy Group has all members competing, and the number of T dogs at a Championship show is 2,000 4,500. Group wins do not count towards Championship in the UK, but they do Ireland, although they do count towards D of the Year and Top Dog.I will have a six-hour drive to Crufts and overnight stay. I will spend a lot of money, tired, and have sore feet. Before the six-hc drive home, I will swear NEVER to do again....until next year. I will write you account of the show next time. Pom lovers the same all around the world we wish o lives away waiting until that very special ne puppy can make it into the ring and want pack it all in when things go wrong. At the e of the day, we are all still there, thinkir doing, and talking Poms. I hope to talk Por with all of you soon.BAYOU VIEWProudly Presentsi VCh. Bayou View Brass Bandit"Bandit" is our most recent Breeder Owner handled Champion. He finished by taking Breed over top specials for a 5-point Major under Mr. Robert Moore pictured. Special thanks to ringside for noticing him and complimenting us on his super quality, movement, and showmanship. We thank the following judges for appreciating this nice black and tan boy Shirley Thomas, 3 points Roy Keiser, 1 point J. D. Russell, 2 points Mrs. George Wanner, 1 point Betty Moore, 1 point Eleanor Rotman, 2 points Marilynn Ellis, 3 points Robert Moore, 5 pointsV vicBayOu^VieWTbmeictniaijsP.O. BOX 1943 MORGAN CITY, LA 70381 504 384-0486JOHN LEWIS ADAM VERRETT 5lP4Color Genetics as Applied to the Pomeranian, Part IIIby Shirley HoffmanFor the more than 27 years I have been in the fancy, misunderstanding and confusion have been synonymous with the term "beaver." No one appears to know anything about it. Many attempted to attach significance to the color of the wild beaver. That is futile because the color of that rodent differs from area to area. To my knowledge, the term is not used to describe a color in any other breed although the color is accepted in several of them. It is time to remove the mystery to a degree which leaves no room for doubt.The present standard says, "The beaver dog is a dark beige." It further states, "eye rims and nose should be self-colored in blues or browns." It neglects to specify that beaver belongs in the brown class. If a standard is going to recognize a color, at least let it describe this color so it may be understood and recognized. Above all, make it a color which is possible in nature. No wonder there is confusion.One point must be clearly established The beaver dog is liver, or if you prefer, chocolate in genetic constitution. He can never produce black in any part of the body ie, coat, skin, nose, lips, eye rims, pads, or nails. He is a chocolate dog belonging to the yellow series, which means he can be any intensity from rich chestnut red through the oranges, and because of the gene cch to cream, to light lemon yellow if influenced by ee in which case there would be little or no shading dark to light on the undersides of the body.If the animal is orange because of the gene av, he can be light orange or a rich red orange with varying degrees of light shading. If the dog is sable in constitution, he will have chocolate tipping on the guard hairs instead of black because he cannot produce black ie, chocolate-sable, and also showing shading to lighter hues on the underside of the body and tail. Some persist in the belief that beaver can be only chocolate-sable this is untrue and those ideas should be corrected.All of these colors are accompanied by varying degrees of liver pigment in the nose, eye rims, and lips ranging from deep pink, fawn, tan, and shades of brown, depending on the degree of dilution exerted by the bb dilution genes. As a general rule, nose color will be more intense in the puppy than in the adult.Since bb dilution genes affect pigment in all areas of the body, eye color will range fromamber to brown, will be generally lighter color than those of orange, red, and sable do with black noses. Bums and Fraser "A d which has the formula bb apparently cann produce any black pigment anywhere in t body it is, therefore, no use in breede demanding a black nose or the very dark ey in such dogs. In fact, in all breeds in whi liver is permitted, the standard of poir permits brown noses and lighter eyes with tfc coat color. Rather illogically, the san concession is not always made to liver-nos yellow dogs eg, Cocker Spaniels."Breeders and judges have been condition to discriminate against anything but bla points on sable, red, and cream Pom therefore, a beaver is rejected as having po pigment, scoffed at as being inferior becau of his light nose, eye rims, and eyes. They c not have enough genetic knowledge recognize what they are looking at.Twenty-three years ago, a breeder of 5 years experience, pointed out to me a Pon with a coat the color of a ripe apricot wii liver points as being an excellent beav specimen. Beaver, then, is any shade c lemon, cream, orange, red, or chocolate sab] in which no black hairs appear any where i the coat. Nose and eye rim color range froi deep pink to shades of brown. Somewh lighter eyes are permitted.Summary of GenesA SeriesAs allows the distribution of dark pigmer over the whole body surfaceType-Newfoundland, Chesapeake Ba Retriever black, chocolate, and blue Pon depending on influence of genes other than A of course.Ay restricts markedly the areas of pigmen and in its most complete expression produce a clear sable or tan dog. Type-Basenji, Irisl Terrier Sable in this instance does no necessarily refer to the term "sable" a described in the Pomeranian Standard, bu rather to all shades of yellow fawn througl gold to dark mahogany and may or may no have a few dark or black hairs scattered ove the whole body or restricted to certain areas. I may also include individuals which have hair with some dark topping.A1 produces the bicolor varieties black and tan, liver and tan, and the like. All olr\rr-aP 030SiIBESTOFX5WINNERSAMERICANPOMERANIANCLUB1093Y PHOTONUTTlNOgiASHBEY-1BIS Ch. Absolutes Magic MountainTrophy Presenter Fran Stoll123 Norm Patton-Breed over 3 Specials, 5 points 227 Frank Oberstar-BOW at the APC Specialty pictured 5 points 213 Michelle Billings-Breed over 3 Specials, 4 points Joan Alexander, Group IV 220 Frank Oberstar, Breed over top Special Elaine Mathis, Group I Frank Oberstar, BEST IN SHOW to finish, 5 pointsAll this at just seven and one-half months of age Our thanks to the judges who made this short but sweet journey to his Championship so memorable.BREEDER OWNER HANDLERJeanne Robert Blank 16060 Brookside Drive Buchanan, Ml 49107 616695-7308jmtKAruAnbmvvMVi .WINNERSv SiVAMERICANo POMERANIAN 'M CLUBFEB. 047,1993 A3H0EY PHOTO 'Gr BY TOM NUTTWSQ-.v_Dars Foxridge Mings CendreeDars Great Elms Fox of Lenette x Dars Foxridge Ming Dawn Trophy Presenter Sam ZaneoffThank you very much, Frank Oberstar, for this exciting win at the National picturec Cendree also has majors under Norman Patton and Dolly Ward. Our thanks to Susan Maifor handling Cendree at the APC for us Phone 513 521-6016All dogs at Absolute are conditioned on Science DietSpectacluar AbsoluteAgus Kosasih Jeanne and Robert BlankIndonesia Breeder 616 695-7308Rosemary Regoni Deena Swinney 803 472-3002The Pomeranian Breeders WorkshopPurposeThis workshop is hereby formed for the sole purpose of educating experienced breeders and novices in all aspects of the care, breeding, and exhibiting of the Pomeranian with the special consideration and guidance of the American Pomeranian Club and the American Kennel Club, and must be done in an unbiased manner.GoalsTo perform monthly seminars to act out the purpose of the workshopTo perform monthly socialization classes for the purpose of socialization of Poms and the training of the exhibitor both novice and experienced.Place of MeetingRotation of sites that are to be held in homes af breeders when classes need many Poms for group participation.A centralized location to be in the city of Los Angeles for classes that do not require Poms for the group.Guidelines1 Each monthly seminar will be conducted 3y mediators and shall have approximately wo hours for such seminar. Subject matter svill be discussed at each semi-annual meeting f the General Membership.2 The mediators of each class should consist of, but not be limited to one xperienced breederexhibitor and at least two rovices. The mediators must give an oral md written presentation and provide time for roup participation.3 Membership will be accepted on an open asisno sponsorship needed. No liscrimination will be tolerated under any brcumstances except in cases deemed larmful to the workshop.4 A Coordinating meeting will be held very six months to discuss any mprovements, suggestions, or comments on he classes and to ensure that the future lasses are implemented. All members are illowed at this meeting, and decisions will be lased on the majority rule of the members iresent.5 The yearly membership donation will onsist of 20.00 per household and will only ie used to purchase or to allow theft inis worKsnop win in no way participate with any Specialty Pom Club or All-Breed Club nor endorse either.2 This workshop will in no way participate with any Specialty Pom Show or All-Breed Show nor endorse either.3 Membership will not participate in conversations dealing with show wins, puppy sales, stud service, or any similar personal matters during any of the classes.4 No one is allowed to use the name of a breeder, their dogs, or their businesspersonal ethics in a destructive or derogatory manner at any time, especially during a seminar. Any person or persons reported using the workshop against another will be expelled from attending any further classes for a period of one year from the time of such action and may only be reinstated upon the consent of the Coordinators.5 No one is allowed to use the phrase "I never..." or I never had..." in any manner that pertains to Poms. Only the phrase, "I have not experienced..." or a similar phrase but without the specific word "never" may be used during a seminar. The penalty for this is .50 cents for each "never" phrase used.6 The membership is asked to refrain from all conversation during each class. Please raise your hands if you want to be heard. Each and every one will have a chance to voice his opinion, but all opinions must be made in a positive fashion onlyAll guidelines, rules, and regulations are to remain unchanged and intact to ensure that the sole purpose is carried out and protected from political interests.Any new guidelines, rules, and regulations shall only be made with the approval of the General Membership and must be in accordance with the existing guidelines, rules, and regulations. This act should only be performed at the Coordinating Meetings.PositionsAll positions will be appointed by the General Membership by majority rule at the General Meetings, and they shall serve a term of two years.If a position should become available prior to its term limit, the current person shall appoint a replacement who he feels is a competent person to replace him with until the next Coordinators Meeting Generalnmeraman.Miiiencan roinerariian oiuuMeeting at which time the General Membership may replace the vacancy.The General Coordinator is the person in charge of ensuring that the guidelines set by the workshop are upheld at all times and remain totally nonprejudiced and unbiased in their approach to matters concerning the workshop. He also works directly with its membership and mediators to ensure a smooth running class.The APC Coordinator works directly with the APC Committees on education, skin disease, and health or any other APC Committee that is needed for the education of its members excluding those whose purpose is in any way political or biased.The AKC Coordinator works directly with the AKC to ensure of updated information on new rules or regulations, and the like...again, only those activities of the AKC that are not in any way political or biased.The Mediators are comprised of both experienced and novice breedersexhibitors. They shall provide the membership a written and oral presentation of their prospective class and shall also provide for group participation of such class. There is no limit to the mediators involvement except that they must communicate prior to the class to coordinate it smoothly.The Librarian is in charge of keeping inventory of all materials donated or purchased by the workshop and have an ongoing list of who borrows the materials. A one month deposit equal to the amount of the material borrowed is required.The Treasurer is in charge of all donations, fund raising, and the like, and must at all times be ready for an audit called by either the membership of Coordinators. Any transaction of money must have approval of the Coordinators or its membership. The Treasurer must not live in the same household as the Coordinators for safety reasons.Sample Topics The Pomeranian Type AKC Rules and Regulations, Local and State Laws Grooming the Pomeranian Conformation Handling Shows and Muscle Conditioning Physical Genetics of the Pomeranian Color Genetics of the Pomeranian Breeding the Pomeranian Whelping the Pomeranian Neo-Natal Care to Weaning Pomeranian Puppies Vaccines and Immunology Socialization of the Pomeranian and Parasitology.504 384-7466 After 700pmJanesa s PomsP.O. Box 2775Jerrie Freia Morgan City, LA 70381JIM JUDY SHEARER V g 7523 MILLER AVE. f W . 4 SUGARCREEIC, OHIO 44681 '12161852-4136MEM8ERSAMERICAN POM CLUB ANDOHIO VALLEY POM CLUB' 5v\POMSDaniel OntiverosWmMargaret OndvaQoUsun Pomeranians"Home Raised"Ch. Stud Service 619 475-2531Puppies Occasionally 2981 Calle CumbreCold. RodOrange Saa Diego, CA 92139MIA PomsOffers for sale a light orange sable male whelped 42592. He is sired byCh. Bev-Nor Southland Sinsation out of a daughter of Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge.Ramona J. Smith HCR 4, Box 26 B Bowman, ND 58623 701 574-3158fcS'-aa]-ESTONP ^ CL0BfFEB 93- 9Dars Foxridge E-Z RiderA SPECIAL WeekendThe same weekend as Cendree was awarded Winners Bitch at the National Specialty, "Easy" took Best of Breed, over Specials, from the Puppy Class Our thanks to noted breederjudge Sally Baugniet.Rosemary E. Regoni Deena Regoni Swinney 385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322 803 472-3002Mmerican romeraman uiudCanAm Ch. Chriscendo ClassicaCh. Great Elms Firestarterx CanAm Ch. Chriscendo ClassiqueTf CWasBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX o-VAMERICANPOMERANIANCLUBTHANKS FOR THE MEMORIES co-owned with Robert and Doug Stratton co-bred with Judy GreenCHRISTINE D. AND JOHN E. HEARTZ, P.O. BOX 186, BROOKFIELD, N.S., CANADA, BON 1C0902 673-2446ChrgpendoFOXWORTHWm ySsivssCan Ch. Foxworths PhotocopyCan Ch. Tim Sue Chriscendo Typecast x Wests Destiny of MedallionWith limited showing in the US, owner-handled, "Ashley" has a Group 2, Group 4, and is major pointed. In Canada, she is a multi BIS winner.Congratulations to our friends, Chris and John Heartz. We would like to thank them for letting us have Ashleys sire and dam and for sharing their experience and knowledge with us.BreedersChristine Heartz and Pamela DodsworthObPamela Dodsworth and Larry Fox438 Gondola Point Road Rothesay, NB, Canada E2E 1C9 506 849-8120American Pomeranian jiudV Fancy Face Poms-P m \ t4^BESTOF BREEDOH VARIETYMcKINLEY KENNEL CLUBDIANA ALVERSON A1VERSON PHOTO_Jan-Shars RJs Knight RiderCh. Blakes Sir Robert John x Ch. Jan-Shars SaydeShown owner handled to BOB January, 1993, at McKinley KC Show. Thank you Judge Mrs. Etta B. Orenstein for his win over some very nice Poms. A special thanks to his breeder, Sharon Hanson, for letting us have this gorgeous little guy.Watch for him in the ring this spring as he continues for his championship.Also watch for Blakes Tammy Wynette in the ring this summer after maternity leave. Thank you, Evelyn Blake, for this gorgeous little red girl out of Ch. Blakes Sir Robert John x Blakes Sir Kennors Babydoll A Ch. Annons Sir Kennor daughter.-^SGCBO0EXaOwnedand loved by Louis and Betty Gorby 275 Cambridge Drive Aurora, OH 44202 216 562-2166Bred by Sharon Hanson Route 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966Blake's PomeraniansPresents M 01yWINNERSBESTOFThe Beat Goes on At BlakesCh. Annons Sir Kennor x Blake's Bubblin Blair"Sonny" thanks to Jackie Rayner is "Sunny" as he is a very happy little boy, and she brings out the BEST in all my dogs. Sonny is pictured Going BOW with very stiff competition under Judge Mr. Emil R. Klinckhardt at the Genesee Valley KC. Sonny has 6 points to his credit and is FOR SALE to a show home. Call Jackie for details. Sonny congratulates his brother "Gator" for his New York winsBreeder Evelyn E. Blake P.O. Box 85 Craigsville, WV 304 742-3365Handler Jackie Rayner 748 Norway Avenue Hamilton, NJ 609 587-2586Blake's PomeraniansPresentsGeorsina1UJSWatObedience3rd BEST PUPPYGROUP IN GROUPIN1992STCan Ch. Blakes N Marshires RenegadeCh. Annons Sir Kennor x Blake's Lady Dis Lil PrincessPictured with Judge Mr. Archie Wamock. "One picture is worth a thousand words." "Gator finished his Canadian Championship in 3 days going multi-Best Puppy in Show. His last win under Judge Krause with an entry of 2,000 at the age of 8 months. Thanks, Judges, for seeing his fine qualities. Gator has been proven-call for details. FLASH Gator won Back to Back 4-point majors at the Niagara Falls showsBreeder OwnerEvelyn E. Blake Marlene and Frank PenneyP.O. Box 85 430 Kn9sleigh CourtCraigsville, WV a Milton, Ontario, L9T1X8304742-3365 ^ 416875-0269Chris and John--Congratulations on your kennel visit from your 1 fansiKI clt VsAm Can Ch. Chriscendo City Lights ROMXAt home with Tim Sue PomeraniansSire of 28 Champions several more close to the title including Best in Show and many group winners.This picture was taken February 15,1993. He will be nine years old in June.City Lights is co-owned byTim and Sue Goddard Rt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318543-6622miiici iiQii i-vi i ici dillcx11 uiuu[ft mrmmf'4r.miHBESTH SHOWBISA and BISS Ch. Soutlands Mighty Impressive"Mighty" continues to be Mighty Impressive. Mighty is pictured going BIS at Olive Branch. Thanks Judge Beth Speich BIS and Merril Cohen BOB and Group I. Many thanks to Judge Joan Alexander BOB, Jack Russell Group I. and Raymond McGinnis, Jr. BIS for Mightys most recent BISA in San AntonioCondolences to family and friends on the death of Mightys owner, Elfredo Lawrence. Also, condolences to Beverly Norris of the loss of the great one BISA, BISS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge. Condolences to Jerrie Freia on the loss of Ch Bev-Nors Toastmaster.Breeder Co-Owner Charlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456Agent Judi HartellCo-Owners J.C. Baumgartner, MD Nancy Spelke4HALLMARKCongratulations to Chris and John Heartz on your kennel visit. We thank you for all the Chriscendo Poms you have entrusted to us. Wewish you all the best AC Ch. Chriscendo Contraband Chriscendo Calamity Chriscendo Claim to Fame Chriscendo Caliope Chriscendo Cloisonne Chriscendo Camille and Mary and her Calvin kidsGeanene and Michelle Hall HALLMARK POMS 259 E Sage Creek Circle Springville, Utah 84663 801 489-7943 VanSAl and Pat Chapman CHAPMAN KENNELS 3150 S. Mill Road Heber, Utah 84032 801654-5073THE POMERANIAN CLUB OF ONTARIOPROUDLY PRESENTS OUR 1993 Pomeranian Club Specialty Dog Show in conjunction with The Cornwall District Kennel Club on September 5th, 1993 Cornwall Civic Center Complex Cornwall, Ontario, CanadaFree luncheon offered for Pomeranian NTAEvening Barbecue Dinner fiveexhibitors and Puppy Sweepstakes......................................John DrainConformation...........................Jayne Forsytheowners entered. Obedience High in Trial.......................CDKC Judgeminutesaway.Please contact for entry formsCA Show Services 7 Vin Vista Drive Ontario, Canada L0C 1M0AC Ch. Shavian's Rockin RobinBEST IN SPECIALTY vPOMERANIAN CLUB OF CANADAOCTOBER 1992 IKRON "ROBBIE"Cdn Ch. Fanfares Twinklin Red Robin x Cdn Ch. Cristyhills Carmen OSharianwObThank you Judge Lorraine Boutwell for this exciting winCongratulations to Mary Porter, breeder and Therese Reeder, owner of Ch. Willowbreds Vegas Monsoon, on your new Champion. AC BIS Ch. Sharians Ruben James x Sharians Arizona Rose.SHARIAN PERM REGD David and Carolynn Berry 10038 140th Street Surrey, B.C. V3T4M7 604 583-67681AmCan Ch. Chriscendo ClassiqueAmCanBda Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion x Chriscendo CassandraAmber and all of us at RAZZLE DAZZLE wish to congratulate Chris and John on their well deserved kennel visit. Amber is the mother of AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Classica owned by Chris and Doug and Robert Stratton and Can Ch Razzle Dazzle Classique owned by Chris and me-both of these girls are Canadian Best in Show winners. Amber also has two pointed grandchildren out of a third sister Devon that are waiting to be shown. We wish to thank Chris and John for all their help, advice, and especially, thank you for Amber Note new phone number.Congratulations to Chris, Doug, and Robert on Cassies BOS at the SpecialtyJudy GreenClaymont, DE 19703 \IJrazzledazzle798 3023822 Parkside Blvd 302Minenucin rumtrdmcin uiuu 4Kennel Visit to Chriscendo3John and Chris Heartz and a bevy of Chriscendo PomsIt has been 12 years since our last kennel visit, and there are many changes. We have moved to the country, a new home on three acres overlooking a lake. We have built a larger kennel to accommodate Johns boarding and handling business. There is a separate Pom room, with a large adjoining exercise area. We have incorporated a Nursery Room just off the Family Room where we socialize all our puppies. There is an exercise yard just outside the door for expectant, and nursing mothers and puppies.Sadly, the original dogs are gone now. Can. Am. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion, his daughters Can., Am. Ch. Chriscendo Coy Coquette and Carlotta, but through their offspring, they live on. We have added a few more new females, which we are carefully incorporating into our breeding program. Our males are strongly linebred on Medallion, and we constantly evaluate each breeding with a long range plan for quality and consistency. In our last visit Medallions champion get numbered four. Today he has become on of the breeds most influential sires in Canada with 28 Champions and 10 American.We bred two of Medallions kids together, his first son, Can., Am. Ch. Chriscendo Causin A Commotion 15 BIS in Canada owned by Fred and Kay Baxstrome, to Can., Am., Ch Chriscendo Carlotta, a Canadian BIS winner from the puppy class. They gave us Can., Am. Ch Chriscendo Causin Comment, who wouldsire Confetti, dam of Calvin Klein. Causin A Commotion also sired multiple BIS winner. Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cause For Applause, who was one of the top Poms in Canada. Medallion also produced top offspring for others. Can., Am., Ch. Bavanews Master Skylark, multiple BIS winner and top producer for Matt Heindl. Can., Am., Ch. Bells Chriscendo Carmichael, multiple BIS winner in the US and Champion producer for Rex and Betty Bell. Our own Medallion daughter, Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine, bred to Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip, produced Am. Ch. Chriscendo Western Express, siring some beautiful puppies for Cassandra Evans. When Chatelaine was bred to Ch. Millamors Rock of Dixieland, she produced Can. Ch. Chriscendo Charisma, Canadian BID winner from the puppy class. But before selling Chatelaine, she was bred to Can., Am. Ch. Millamors Rock Concert. That son grew up to become Can. , Am. Ch. Chriscendo City Lights ROMX. "Peter" has achieved super status as a sire thanks to his co-owner Sue Goddard, to whom we will always be indebted. "Peter" has produced more than 20 American Champions including the BIS winning boys Ch. Tim Sues High Lights, Harbour Lights, and Distant Lights. His grand children are starting to come into their own too. The first one who comes to mind is Cheryl Jackson and Joel Taylors Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock, who was Best of Breed at the Garden this year. "Peter" visited us for a short time lastritThe Houseear and when bred to Calvin Kleins sister produced the young BIS winner, Can. Ch. Vlaracaibo Masterplan, for Fred and Kay Baxstrome.A Chatelaine daughter, Chriscendo Cassandra, was bred to Medallion and produced a lovely litter of three, all hampions, Can. Ch. Chriscendo Castile, Can. Ch. Chriscendo Castle Rock, who is still an excellent producer for Matt Heindl. The other sister became Can., Am. Ch. Chriscendo Classique, co-owned with Judy Green. Classique is best known as the dam of the lovely Can., Am. Ch. Chriscendo Classica, sired by Ch. Great Elms Firestarter. She is co-owned with Dough And Robert Stratton. She was Top Pom in Canada the past two years and has five BIS wins in Canada. Classica was Best Opposite Sex at this years APC show in February.Our own Medallion son, Can., Am Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein, has just been awarded ROM status both in Canada and the US. Calvins Champions total 16, eight in each country. He, too, is producing Best in Show winners, Can., Am. Ch. Chriscendo Cover Girl, who won the prestigious United Kennel Club Show in Montreal as a puppy. Before she left with her new owner, Ed Jenner, she won the Puppy of the Year Competition. She went on to win several Groups in the US.Calvin was bred to a Medallion daughter and produced two champion brothers, Ch. Chriscendo Contender, a multiple Group winner, owned by Diane Carrier, and our Can., Am Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster, who is also a Best in Show winner. He left behind some lovely puppies after his visit with .7 . -A -I "-7 .... . .The Kennel. AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Calvin KleinMorris and Betty Carson. Several are pointed or nearing their titles.Our breedings are always thought out well in advance. We often find ourselves planning who we will breed puppies to even as they lay in the whelping box We study each female with both her pedigree and her physical structure in mind. We try to retain the sound legs and bodies, and reach for the elusive "type" and work towards combining the two. We always keep in mind a "picture" of what we want to produce. We do very few true outcrosses, choosing to use dogs whose producing abilities as well as their pedigrees, we admire. We always prefer dogs who go back to the "roots" our dogs go back to. We concentrate the gene pool, remembering that the quickest death of a line is constant outcrossing. People often rush to buy or breed to the current winner. The hybrid produced is a strong healthy offspring that often has many of the characteristics of both parents, but when combined into another line, often spells disaster.We tend to breed our females for two or three litters, and then keep a daughter to carry on. We place section bitches in pet homes, and often make our best producers available to breeders who can provide these girls a "retirement" out of a kennel situation. We feel a kennel is hardest on older dogs, and we have always been able to find wonderful homes for our girls who have given us so much.All our puppies are whelped in the Nursery Room we usually have very few litters at one time so each gets very individual attention. As soon as the puppies start walking, we start table training, andbvc tc..'d.xy-viAmCan Ch. Chriscendo Coco Chanelserious grooming. They spend evenings with us so we not only watch their personalities develop but evaluate each puppys conformation. Lead training is not done until the puppy willingly follows us, that seems to be the least traumatic way At three months, we separate the pet puppies from the litter, and we run on any potential show puppies until they are at least six months old. We are just as careful where we place puppies as we are in how we breed them. It is important to put each puppy where he can reach his fullest potential. What good is a top producer with someone with no bitches to breed, or the top show dog with someone who never Specials a dog. The most difficult thing is that we have so few puppies, and we just dont have enough to share with everyone. We feel we have put many puppies with just the right people and are eternally grateful to those people who have made sure each has the best chance.Much has changed, but so much remains the same. We still keep our numbers at 10-15 adults. We still plan every breeding with the next generation in mind. We still value the long time friendships of breeders like Ken and Eleanor Miller, Tim and Sue Goddard, and all the new friends we have made over the years. We thank everyone who continues to support us and admire the dogs. Our biggest thanks goes to Kim Baxstrome who not only takes all the beautiful photographs of our dogs, but is as devoted to them as we are."Vision without effort is just dreaming.Effort without dreaming is wasted.But with effort and dreams, great thingscan be accomplished."Haiku KennelsAloha, Chris and John Heartz from the balmy skies of Hawaii to the less than balmy but beautiful Nova Scotia. Thank you so much for letting us have Sidney and Lisa Ch. Chriscendo City Heat x Ch. Chriscendo Calista. They are enjoying the climate, and Sidney has already had a remarkable influence on our kennel, siring fine puppies Mahalo. May you continue to produce exceptional Poms.Marit and Jim Hattori HAIKU KENNELS 46-459 Hulupala Place Kaneohe, HI 96744 808 235-8200Hobbit Pomeranians, Perm. Reg'dFrances A. McDonald Michelle F. McDonald 14 Palisade PlaceCongratulations to Chris and John on their Kennel VisitHalifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3M 2Y8 902 443-8536aiiiciiuciii rumeicJMiciii uiuuphNERCongratulations to John and Christine Heartz on their Kennel Visit. So many beautiful Poms have come to the ring with their prefix and have won our heartz.Special thanks to Christine for so generously sharing her art work with so many of us...for the APC logo in particular, but also for the many clever Pom drawings done for NCPC in 1989, the year this club hosted the APC summer specialty, and that our new editor of POM REVIEW is now using to embellish many of the ads and the catalogs he has done for the last two APC Winter Specialties.Dolly B. Trauner and the Phyner Poms 2025 Lyon Street San Francisco, CA 94115 415346-5314AshbeyNutting PRODUCTIONSPhotography in MotionAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.February 6-7, 1993 020693-565All our tapes are narrated to identify each dog.One Tape 45.00 Additional Tape 30.00Tape A Puppy and Veteran Sweeps, Junior Showmanship, and Parade of ChampionsTape B Regular and Non-Regular Classes and BOBShipping and Handling add 3.00 New York State Residents add Sales TaxAvailable in all International Formats Check Money Order Master Charge VisaAshbey Nutting Productions Ballston Spa, NY 12020239 East High Street 518 885-1027Top Poms List 1993Breed PointsC------------------------------------------- -------- 'Dogs Name Owner Group Breed01. Ch. Cassio's Rash in the Pan.................... 114696..... ....1262........ Moreau Jackson ... ....4454...... ....100103. Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge.......... .......... Rinehart Epps....... ....4997...... .....85304 Ch Odysseys Keno Wiz...................................Lucido Machline........5428...... .....779OS Ch Finchs He Walks on Water............... ............. Diane Finch......... ....5462...... .....71706. Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive........ .....Baumgartner Spelke ....4035...... .....679.............Dean Hebert......... ..... 198...... .....48008. Ch. Dochlaggie Dagwood........................................L. Lopez............ .... 1442..... .....45809 Ch Phyner Gold Jackpot........................... ........ Trauner Moreno.... ....2143...........403.......Jose Cabrera......... .... 1662..........390.............. J. Lehtinen.......... ....1856...........3861 Ch Sun-Dots Chewbaka.......................... .......... Dotson Smart....... ....1761...... .....30913. Ch. Tim Sues Electric Lights................. ........FarmerKennedy... .....904...... .....290........... J and R Blank........ .....485...... .....22815 Ch. Tim Sues Distant Lights................... .......Goddard Ramirez.. .... 1063..........22016. Ch. Aristo Phantom of the Opera............ ........ConleeCrawford... ....1110...... .....21917. Ch. Sweethearts Pistol Pete.....................................J. Milne..................562...... .....201.............E. McDonald........ ..........0...... .....199................V. Lovely...............1189...... .....19320. Ch. Millamoris Dance of Sourwood.........................E. Miller........... .....596...... .....181Group Points01. Ch. Cassio's Flash in the Pan..................................R. Koeppel........... .11469.... ...1126202. Ch. Finchs He Walks on Water............. ..................D. Finch............. ...5462.... ......71703 Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz.................................. Lucido Machline..... ...5428.... ......77904. Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge.................... Rinehardt Epps........ ...4997.... ......85305. Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock................................. Moreau Jackson .... ...4454.... ....100106. Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive..............BaumgartnerSpelke. ...4035.... ......67907. Ch. Extane Vanilla Fudge Sunday....................ShipekPresser.......... ...2164.... ......13208. Ch. Phyner Gold Jackpot..................................Trauner Moreno...... ...2143.... ......40309. Ch. Jan Les Willie Makit.......................................J. Lehtinen........... ... 1856.... ......38610. Ch. Sun-Dot's Chewbaka...................................Dotson Smart............1761.... ......30911. Ch. Starfires Totally Tempting............. ................J. Cabrera............ ...1662.... ......39012. Ch. Dochlaggie Dagwood........................................L. Lopez............. ... 1442.... ......45813. Ch. Lovel Jessie Sais So......................... .................V. Lovely........... ...1189.... ......19314. Ch. Aristo Phantom of the Opera.....................Conlee Crawford.... ...1110.... ......21915. Ch. Tim Sue's Distant Lights..........................GoddardRamirez... ...1063.... ......22016. Ch. Tim Sue's Electric Lights..........................Farmer Kennedy.... ....904.... ......29017. Ch. Stollane Mystique Starlet................................... F. Stoll........'..... ....603.... ......18118. Ch. Millamoris Dance of Sourwood.........................E. Miller............ ....596.... ......18119. Ch. Merrymont American Express..... 591 12320. HHH Texas Two Step............................. .............P. Hendricks.......... ....580.... ......100While we have compiled this report with care, we do not claim absolute accuracy. This is not the method for choosing the APC Annual Awards. Jean B. Schroll, ColumnistKennel Management Systemc Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Management Computer Services, Modesto, CAFully automated pedigree system with integrated database function and abilitiesThe Kennel Management System is designed to take the work out of managing a multiple generation pedigree system. KMS is a complete management system designed to save you time while giving you more information than you thought possible. Once the individual animal is entered in the system, it will automatically be placed in all subsequent pedigrees where required. A full range of reports are available to assist you with the task of "managing" your information in a professional way.Individual animals and multi-generation pedigrees are easily maintained and may be found using the single key search function. Each animal's record contains a broad range of information including title, registration number, litter number, obedience title, color, birth- date, owner, breeder, and many other related data elements. A special screen design allows you to "scan and view" records prior to changing or deleting them. Whelping and medical records are available for each animal and are easily updated as needed.The Kennel Management System is designed to run on an IBM Personal Computer or 100 compatible using PC DOS 3.0 or later PC DOS 3.3 is recommended. The system will operate using dual floppy drives however, a hard disk is recommended for increased operation speed and increased data storage capabilities. 640K of memory is recommended for efficient operation. The system delivered is capable of determining whether you have a color, or monochrome, system,however, you may also select the color settings. KMS is delivered with over 200 different printers available. You select the appropriate printer during the installation process. You may change this selection at any time.HIGHLIGHT FEATURES The Kennel Management System is delivered with pre-printed Show Entry forms which may be automatically printed using the system. Identify the animals you wish to create a show entry form for and load the forms in your printer. The program will automatically print the entry forms with the appropriate information. Makes that tedious task of filling out entry forms a breeze Prepare Litter Registration reports automatically from the data you have entered into the system. No more repeated typingOffer to 'Pomeranian Review" SubscribersKennel Management System gQf QQDiscount Price of............... ............... 6.00 ShippingA savings of 50.00 Off list Price of 139.00SpecialFeatures1. a multi-generation Pedigree System Manager. Virtually no limit to the number of generations that may be viewed.2. Pedigree structured data entry available in addition to single record management.3. fully integrated system requires data to be entered one time only.4. quick and easy search utility which quickly finds any animal in system.5. quick access help screens available.6. full range of reports available including multiple generation pedigrees.7. reports may be printed with all records or a selected group.8. allows single animal or pedigree" entry of records.9. full add, edit, delete capabilities.10. full range of color adjustments.11. automatic preparation of the Litter Registration Report.- [ _ RETURNCOUPON WITHORDER_ ] ManagementCOMPUTERSERVICESIP.O. Box 3573 Modesto, CA 95352 209 578-2731Name of Kernel,Name of Owners _ Address__________City_ . State. . Zip .Phone ______ _________ -________________ 95.00 Enclosed [ ]Inventory of POM SHOPPEitem quantityPedigrees from Great Elms..........................-..........................................6.........Pencil Drawing of Pom Head by DJB 9 x 12".....................................1.........Pom Figure with Mirror Trophy from 1993 Specialty........................12........Large Circle wPom in Middle wMirror................................................4.........Note Cards wPom by Babe '86 6 in Pack...........................................24........Small Key Ring wPom Head on White Tile.........................................16........Lucite Pom Figure Key Ring..................................................................17........Wooden Pom with "Welcome Friends"...................................................2.........lams Pet Foods Aprons red...................................................................4.........Crocheted Dresses on Dolls Toilet tissue cover..................................7..........Plaster Pom Head magnet....................................................................1..........Plaster Pom Pin...................................................................................... 1..........Plaster Pom Earrings 4 pierced, 2 clip-ons......................................... 6..........APC Pins.................................................................................................67........1000's of large and small APC Decals one large, two small, setPRICE25.00..25.00....2.50....4.00....3.00....5.00....6.00....2.00....4.00....3.00....150....2.50....2.50....5.00....3.00Much Ado About Anythingby Sally BaugnietHats Off and Down to the Nitty GrittyAs many of you know, we have elected our APC slate of Officers. As always, some have changed some have stayed the same. You, the members, have spoken. Im sure we would all like to thank our past officers and all who worked to get our club out of the red. With our new president at the helm, it is full steam aheadMany of us are financially strained and are unable to contribute monetarily, but we can still contribute our time, thoughts, and actions to benefit the American Pomeranian Club and the Pomeranian breed. When we joined this Club, we accepted this responsibility. We must keep in mind, we are in it for the good and welfare of APC and the Pomeranian, not for ourselves.Our new President, Dolly Trauner, has asked me to chair the Pomeranian Standard Committee. We have already started to work on this, but do want your input. Would each of the local Pom clubs form a Standards Committee Send the name of your club, club presidents name, corresponding secretarys name, and the name of your Standards Committee chairman to me ASAP. Please include addresses and phone numbers. We would like this information immediately following your next meeting. Be sure you put it on your "New Business" agenda.The purpose of the local clubs committee is to review the Pomeranian Standard, make any changes deemed necessary, then write any paragraph with changes exactly as it is to be presented for final approval. If there are disagreements on any changes no doubt there will be perhaps your committee will want to submit two wordings of the same paragraph.I do not want this to cause friction in any club. Please think and discuss intelligently and calmly. If your club chooses not to participate in this venture, please let me know that, also.All recommended paragraph changes are due by December 1, 1993. Send them to Sally Baugniet 411 State Street Mishicot, WI 54228. Or FAX them to 414 755-2994. Meanwhile the APC Standards Committee will be working on our own, while waiting for your input.Thought for the day "A goal is a dream with a deadline."mi lit mo dii rumerdiMdii oiuuArea Club NewsCentral Arkansas Pomeranian Club by Nancy BartholomewThe Central Arkansas Pomeranian Club held its "B" Specialty Match on December 5, at the Hall of Industry L.R. following the judging of the Arkansas Kennel Club Best in Show. Judging Sweeps was Silky breeder, Shauna Jones, who recently moved from California to Oklahoma. Regular classes and Junior Showmanship were judged by well-known Malamute breeder, John Penland, of Cholla Kennels.In the Sweeps, Ms. Jones went with the 6-9 month puppy dog, Cheyennes Im A Timmy Too for BISS. Timmy is a lovely little boy owned by Elizabeth Flynnof of Plano, Texas. For BOS, Ms. Jones picked Chas-T-Dees Me Me from the 9-12 month class. Me Me is a heavily coated girl with a darling face. We should be hearing good things about these youngsters in the future.In the Regular Classes, Mr. Penland agreed with Ms. Jones that Timmy was a pretty special little guy and placed him Best Puppy in Match. Best Adult went to the Dee McNieceBabe McCombs entry My Babe Alpha Romero. Alfie is a small Pom with a gorgeous deep red color and typical Pom expression.Junior Showmanship was won by Diane Luthy from Picota, OK, with her little 6-9 month puppy dog Knieslers Mark N Tradition. Everyone was impressed by Mr. Penlands judging. He gave the youngsters lots of tips on becoming a successful handler. These tips being gleaned from many years os successful exhibiting. We thank him for taking the time to help these youngsters that hope to become tomorrows stars.CAPC also hosted a great pot luck supper for all exhibitors and judges. The food was delicious, and everyone enjoyed getting together and talking on their favorite subject, Poms. There was a table full of Pom items hand crafted by members, and the gorgeous pieces given for Best in Sweeps and Best in Match. BISS trophy was a 30" wooden cut out of an old fashioned little girl with a Pom on lead. For BIM, there was a lovely ceramic Pom lamp made and donated by member LaVeme Anderson.Out thanks to all of you who have supported our matches over the years. We hope to make our next December "B" match better than ever. Were looking forward to seeing you all then.A iR. TVBest in MatchCheyennes Im A Timmy TooDianne Luthy Junior ShowmanshipJULY ISSUESTUD REGISTERKENNEL VISIT TO DOROTHY BONNERSooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma CityOn Thursday, November 5, 1992, the Sooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma City held its first annual licensed Specialty Show. Sweepstakes began at 600 p.m., judged by Carmen Spears of Clinton, OK. There was a total of 10 entries. Carmen had a wonderful time judging these lovely youngsters.Regular classes began immediately after Sweepstakes, judged by H.R. Bill Norris from Dallas, Texas. He had an entry of 44 dogs in regular classes and 2 junior entries. Demonstration classes included Parade of Champions, Dress Parade, and Agility classes. The Sooner Pom Club members wish to thank all exhibitors and spectators for their support of our first Specialty we hope to see you at many more. A big thank you to our Show Chairman, Secretary, and the many committees for a very successful first endeavor.SweepstakesPuppy dogs, 6 months under 9 months1st Berrys Very Special Charlie.............owners Moreau BerryPuppy dogs, 9 months under 12 months1st Shondells Sir Rock-A-Lot.......................owner Sherry CookPuppy bitches, 6 months under9 months1 st Allayn's Hotlips Houlihan...........................owner Mary AllanPuppy bitches, 9 months under 12 months 1st DeArta's Barbie Doll...........................owner Rinehart EppsBest in Sweepstakes Allayns Hotlips Houlihan Best Opposite Sex Berrys Very Special CharlieRegular ClassesPuppy dogs, 6 months under 9 months1st Kneislefs Rock N Tradition...... Maria and Matthew KneislerPuppy dogs, 9 months under 12 months 1st Carousel's Country Bumpkin............ owner Linda GustafsonBred by Exhibitor dogs1st Mi Babe J.D. Justa Dent............. owner McCombs JacksonAmerican Bred dogs1st Puf-Pride RoyalmarkTrendtn............owner W and V DimickOpen dogs1st Macs Cando owner................................ Mrs. B.G. McDonaldWinners Dog Macs Cando Reserve Post Oaks Steal the ShowPuppy bitches, 6 months under 9 months1st Post Oaks Easter Lily..................................owner Pam GaultPuppy Bitches, 9 months under 12 months1st DeArtas Barbie Doll...........................owner Rinehart EppsBred by Exhibitor bitches1st Allayns Nut N Honey................................ owner Mary AllanAmerican Bred bitches1st Ben-Ji Bouncing Bubble.............................owner Judy SamsOpen bitches1 st Tim Sue's Sparkling Lights...............owner Jackson TaylorWinners Bitch Tim Sues Sparkling Lights Reserve DeArtas Barbie DollBest of Breed Macs Lucky Legend Best of Opposite Ch. Allayns Dazzlin Gold DarlinBest Junior Handler Justin Lane Campbellmi lit mo cm ruiiitidiiidii viuu vJ Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimoreby Diana DowneyOur specialty show was held on October 12th in conjunction with the Carroll KC show. The theme was Columbus Day and the ring and grooming area beautifully decorated accordingly. The food tables overflowed with sumptuous dishes contributed by the members and no one went home hungry. And the entry was, in a word-FABULOUS So many beautiful Poms in one place was such a treat I know our judges had a tough time deciding between one gorgeous Pom and the next. The following is a list of their placementsSweepstakesJudge Nadine HersilPuppy dogs, 6 months under 9 months1st Clairmont's Max in Carolina...............................Lance BrysonPuppy bitches, 6 months under 9 months1st Aldens Penelope of Silva Lade........................DL JohnsonPuppy bitches, 9 months under 12 months 1st Elan's Devil Sorceress.................................M D DahlenburgBest in Sweeps Clairmonts Max in Carolina Best Opposite Aldens Penelope of Silva LadeRegular ClassesJudge Mr. Fred BassettPuppy dogs, 6 months under 9 months1st Clairmonts Max in Carolina..............................Lance BrysonPuppy dogs, 9 months under 12 months1 st Emcees Cloudbustef s Image...........M Roantes M CarsonPuppy dogs, 12 months under 18 months1st Dimondes Hot Rock.........................................Diana DowneyBred-by-Exhibitor dogs1st Tomho Strutting Muskrat...................................T S HoobanOpen Dogs Black, Brown, Blue1st Annons the Main Man......................................... Ann CannonOpen Dogs Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1st Cinnabars Little Nikita..............................M D DahlenburgOpen Dogs AOC1st Idlewyld Onyx................................................Margaret McKeeWinners Dog Clairmonts Max in Carolina Reserve Cinnabars Little NikitaPuppy bitches 6 months under 9 months1 st Clairmonts Jenny in Carolina...........................Lance BrysonPuppy bitches 9 months under 12 months 1st Elan's Devil Sorceress................................ M D DahlenburgBred-by-Exhibitor bitches1st Silverwoods Happi Lee......................................Bess RobertsAmerican Bred bitches1 st Jan-Shars Amazing Grace.............................Sharon HansonOpen Bitches Red, Orange, Cream, Sable 1 st Tomho Strutting Merri Lee...............................S T HoobanWinners Bitch Tomho Strutting Merri Lee Reserve Elans Devil SorceressVeteran Bitches1st Ch. Chriscendo Classique....................................Judith GreenBest of Breed Ch. Great Elms Little Demetrius............................Dolores WattsBest of Opposite Tomho Strutting Merri Lee Best of Winners Clairmont Max in CarolinaBrood Bitches1st Dimonde Solitaire of Emcee.............................Diana DowneyOur Best of Breed winner, Ch. Great Elms Little Demetrius, went on to a Group I under Judge Roy Ayres, Sr. Congratulations, Dolores.PCGB Picnic Fun MatchSeptember 13,1992 Judge Rose KellerPuppy Dogs, 2-4 mos.1st Breezy................................................................................Terry MorrowPuppy Dogs, 4-6 mos.1st Regina Poms Luv-A-Gator................................R R NunnPuppy Dogs, 6-9 mos.Ice.............................................................................................Terry MorrowPuppy Dogs, 9-12 mos.Glory........................................................................M C BaldwinAdult Dogs1st Silva Lade Phearless Phrank...........................................L PeltzBest Dog Silva Lade Phearless Phrank Puppy Bitches, 2-4 mos.1st Elans Devil May Care...............................M D DahlenburgPuppy Bitches, 4-6 mos.1st Hersey............................................................... M C BaldwinPuppy Bitches, 6-9 mos.1st Subers Devine Design...........................................Sue BemeyAdult Bitch1 st Jody..................................................................MC BaldwinBest Bitch Elans Devil May Care Best in Match Elans Devil May Care Best Opposite Silva Lade Phearless Phrankpittlbraaks ^tmtcg lameraitumsSusann Stackhouse Philbrook Behind such well-known bloodlines as Box 1070 Rancocas Road Mount Holly, NJ 08060 609 267-4644 Cedarwood Creiders Bi-Mar BonnerShow, breeding and pet Most colors including parti's D-Nee Great Elms Pombreden Sun-RavBeginning with this issue, we will publish a series of articles done in 1945 dealing with the interpretation of the Pomeranian Standard. The articles are taken from the AKC Gazette and authored by Mr. Vincent Matta who was secretary of the APC for many years. Our thanks to Mrs. Ruth Beam for submitting them.Interpretation of Pom Standard Part IIn order to be of real help to the beginner, I believe that a breakdown in detail of the Pomeranian Standard should be made so that it will assist the newcomer in interpreting the various items. In my opinion, this Standard is a very good one but it is, of necessity, condensed to a great degree and, while clear enough to those well acquainted with the breed, cannot help being a bit of a problem to the uninitiated. However, before I plunge into this work, I want to make clear that this interpretation is not intended as an official one, but is only an expression of opinion based on personal study of the breed, long association with the same, plus a deep consideration for the opinions of well-known judges and breeders. The different items will be considered separately and in the order given in the Standard. I shall begin at the beginning. Here it is"Appearance-The Pomeranian in build and appearance should be a compact, short-coupled dog, well-knit in frame. His head and face should be fox-like, with small erect ears that appear sensible to every sound he should exhibit great intelligence in his expression, docility in his disposition and activity and buoyancy in his deportment. 10 points"That is almost clear enough. A Pom must be short, compact, and well-proportioned. Old timers say "a Pom must be square," meaning that to be rightly shaped, he or she must measure as much in height as in length and besides, when the proper amount of coat is present the expression "as broad as he is long" fits very well. In a nutshell a Pom that looks like a veritable ball of fur when viewed from any angle has the ideal appearance. The well-knit frame requires a fairly broad chest with well-rounded up ribs. No matter how small, a Pom must be sturdy and solid.As to the fox-like head and face, beware ol taking that too literally for even though the outline is wedge-shaped in both, a real Poms head does not look like the head of a fox and there is-or there should be-no mistaking one for another. The sensibility of ears to every sound should not be taken to mean that the ears must work up and down or sideways continuously. A sound should make a Pom prick his ears and hold them there.The docility and intelligence of expression goes with the head and eyes and will be discussed when we get to those points. The activity and buoyancy of deportment is what is usually referred to as action and movement. The Pom must stand on his toes and not on flat feet and his moving must be free and easy and vivacious-and not sluggish. A Pom is not a lap dog and loves to stand on his good legs and use them.Second item of the Standard in the next issue.Bonner Kennel VisitBecause Dorothy has been ill, Joan Reilly will write her kennel visit. Joan asks that you send anecdotes or other information that she can incorporate in the Visit. Dorothy will very much enjoy being remembered. Send toJoan Reilly 26093 Hwy 281 North San Antonio, TX 78258 Phone 512 980-2667STUD ISSUEAs you know, July has traditionally beer the Stud Issue of the Review. Breeders look forward to this issue so that they can plan thal special breeding which will produce that elusive Best in Show or High in Trial winnei which we all strive for.The Review is pleased to offer one-thirc page, 3-generation pedigree, and a picture of the dog for 30.00.This is money well spent because the Review goes to the majority of serious Poir breeders across the country. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity tc present your stud to the Pomeranian fancy.Back IssuesMargaret McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 558-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret McKee, Assistant Circulation Manger. The following back issues are still availableBack Issues Still Available25.00 eachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan 75.........Oct 77........May 79. April '808.00 eachJul 77..........Feb '80.......Jul 81.....Oct '83Apr'86........Jan '806.00 eachJul '80.........Oct '80.......Apr 82....Oct '82Jan '83........Jul '83........Apr'84....Oct'84Jan '85....... Apr '85.......Jul85...... Oct '85Jul '86.........Sept '86....Nov '86....Jul '87Oct '87.......Jan '88........Jul '88......Jan '89Apr '89......Jul '90.........Oct '90....Jan '90Jan '91....... Mar '91.......May '91 ....Jul '91Issues from Sept '91 to Nov '92The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Modesto, CA, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30.00 per year 3rd class mail 35.00 per year 1st class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.krAdvertisersAPC Pom Shoppe...........................................54Ashbey Nutting Productions........................51Berry, David and Carolynn Sharian............ 45Blake, Evelyn E................................FC, 40,41Blank, Jeanne Absolute...............CenterspreadCreed, Charlotte Southland......................... 43Dahlenburg, David Elan..............Inside FC, 1Dodsworth Fox Foxworth..........................38Florer, Linda Oh Wow...............................19Freia, Jerrie Janesa.......................................35Fulton, Ann Chinookwinds..........................24Goddard, Tim and Sue Tim Sue..................42Gorby, Louis and Betty Fancy Face............39Green, Judy Razzle Dazzle..........................46Hall, Geanene Hallmark............................. .44Harris, Bonnie Tresstique............................23Hattori, Marit and Jim Haiku.......................50Heartz, Chris and John Chriscendo............. 37Jatczak, Henry.................................................24Kennel Management System......................... 53Kneisler, Maria.............................................. 21Kosasih Lucido.............................................. 9Kranzfelder, Marge Forever Yours............... 8Lewis Verrett Bayou View........................28McDonald, Frances Hobbit..........................50McKamey, Mrs. Norris Sundawn................26Moreno Trauner.............................. Inside BCNorris, Bill and Bev Bev-Nor........................7Ontiveros, Daniel and Margaret...............20, 35Philbrook, Susann.......................................... 58Pomeranian Club of Ontario......................... .44Roach, Dudley and Wanda.............................24Scott, Florence..........................................B CShearer, Jim and Judy Crystal.....................35Smith, Ramona MIA................................... 35Trauner, Dolly B. Phyner............................511'rSmrjy.ilmiFIRSTINPORTLANDkennel clubFALL 1992 rCh. Morenos Perri WinkleCh. Sweethearts Forever Bravo x Ch. Morenos Buttercup BlossomPerri is pictured here taking his first Group I at ten months of age under Judge Elaine Mathis and handled superbly by Don Walker. Perri is a multi-group winner and he is currently the top winning West Coast Pom.BreederOwnerJulie MorenoCo-OwnerDolly Trauner415 583-4973 after 1000 a.m. our time, please.FAN-C POMERANIANSII 'vJtTi1^ wm-y.ACFan-Cs Rock StarCh. Jan Les Ragtime Rock x Fan-Cs Gee Gee Can CanRock Star is our first Champion here at FAN-C. Thanks to Jane Lehtinen and Janice Young for sharing their Champions with us.Jane showed "Buddy" and finished him in timely fashion in the United States and impressively finished him in Canada undefeated.OwnerFlorence and Carl Scott 604 Chouteau Granite City, IL 62040HandlerJane Lehtinen 502 Grand Avenue Eveleth MN 55734 III