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The Pomeranian Review July 1993

American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Wijf Pommnian SruimPublished Bi-Monthly July August, 1993Ai.vSiBEST OF WINNERSmKENNEL CLUB EPHOTO BY K. BOOTH 'CH. MERCERS MOSTLY DUKEPHyNEE HlCPHy EEOWN-vVKIB '. 1Mi' -Mr-S n.vx --i LiLn1 KACHINA c. KENNEL CLUBBEST " IOPPOSITESEX HaKOHLRConditioned and Presented by Jeff Nokes and Don WalkerBreeder OwnerDolly B. Trauner 415 346-5314ar iniIARJAitSfBES\ QfrNNJan-Shars My Achy Breaky HeartCh. Rhea-Nas Country DJ at Jan-Shar x Jan-Shars KizzyReba is pictured taking BOW under Judge Mrs. Grace Moran with handler and co-owner, Barbi Kutilek.Congratulations to Dorothy Bonner on her Kennel Visit'x- BreederOwner Sharon Hanson Rt 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966 304 497-2446Co-Owner Barbi KutilekiContents...Presidents Message Dolly Trauner............4Secretarys Page Beverly Henry.................4Membership Report Jerrie Freia.................5Judging Shirley Hoffman............................6Much Ado About Sally Baugniet..............20Pom Standard Vincent Matta....................21Notes on Pomeranians Derial Jackson........22Correction Page............................................23New Color List Dolly Trauner...................29Obedience News Linda Gallacher.............32Northern Reflections Elizabeth Dupuis... 34 OCh. Mercers Mostly Duke Cover StoryBehind the New Titlists................................36Kennel Visit Joan Reilly............................39Top Poms Jean Schroll..............................45Media Alert...................................................48Regional Club News.....................................49Stud Register................................................55The Pomeranian Review goes to JudgesDont miss out on the opportunity to allow your dog to be seen not only by other Pom Fanciers, but by Judges as well.A small investment may very well be a profitable one for you.HERE COMES MOSTLY What a pleasure it has been to watch this guy grow up. He weighs 4 12 pounds and stands on four perfect legs. When a dog of this quality appears, we have to give thanks to all that made him possible. By looking at his six generation pedigree, we find that Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly appears nine times and Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist seven times. Over the years the blending of these two dogs has proved to be our "golden cross."Several years ago we had the pleasure of visiting the Bakers and seeing Duke on his own territory. You get to know a dog when he is in his own home. Mostly possesses the same attention getting personality that Duke did.We would like to thank his handlers, Rollie and Evelyn Conley for presenting him in the show ring and for the wonderful care they gave him while he was in Michigan. Special thanks to Gertrude Howell for the use of his sire, Dal-Leas News Banner. We feel very proud to have bred this dog, for at long last, we feel we have come very close to having our very own "Duke." He will be at stud in at our kennel in Nebraska.Future Kennel VisitsSeptember lssue...Charlotte Creed of Southland Pomeranians November Issue...Julie Moreno of Morenos Pomeranianslp Jtommnum JUutoof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.President...........................First Vice-President..........Second Vice-President....Recording Secretary.........Corresponding SecretaryT reasurer..........................AKC Delegate..................Officers of the ClubRural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501POB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207Dolly B. Trauner ... Emily Untalan.....Jim Shearer...Beverly Henry .Frances J. Stoll... Al Willliamson....Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsSally Baugniet Happeth A. Jones Margaret McKee Sharon Masnick Brenda Turner Mary VickersPomeranian ReviewEditor.........................................................................................................................................Dudley Roach612 Woodrow Avenue Modesto, CA 95350 Phone 209 529-5270Business Manager......................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions..........................................................................................................Brenda K. HuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues............................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380 Subscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class subsorintion.......................30.00Foreign................... ......45.00First Class............... .. . 35 00Single Copy............ ........6.00NonMembers MembersFullPage......................65.00............70.00Half Page.....................40.00............45.00Quarter Page................20.00............25.00Photos each................10.00........... 10.00Front Cover, BAA........ 120.00......... 150.00Color........................ ...375.00.......... 400.00Back Cover, BW.........80.00.......... 100.00Color...........................250.00.......... 275.00Inside FB Cover.........70.00...... .....80.00Color........................ ... 195.00......... 200.00Center Spread.......... ... 140.00......... 150.00Color........................ ...390.00.......... 400.00Business Card .............10.00...........15.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateJanFeb......................Nov. 10.... ....Dec. 15MarApr........ ............Jan. 10....MayJune...............March 10..........Apr. 15JulyAug....................May 10......... June 15SeptOct........ .............July 10.........Aug. 15NovDec..................Sept. 10...... ....Oct. 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all CoversPresidents Messageby Dolly TraunerOnce a dog has been individually registered with AKC nothing in that registration can be changed. WRONGLike many other breeds, Pomeranian puppies are seldom bom the color they will become as adults-or even as teen-agers. The owner of a dog incorrectly registered as to color can apply to AKC for a new registration certificate showing the dogs correct color. AKCs records will also be changed to show this correction. Anyone ordering a certified pedigree from AKC on which colors are indicated will thenceforth receive a pedigree showing the colors as corrected.It is not uncommon for the inexperienced person, looking at a very young puppy that is destined to mature as an orange-sable, to believe it will retain its present dark color into adulthood. Many such puppies are being incorrectly registered as "wolf-sables," a color of extreme rarity in an adult Pomeranian. The true wolf-sable Pom shows no hint of orange in its areas of light coloring. In this respect the color is often compared to that of the Keeshond or Norwegian Elkhound. If there is any warmth to the light areas, the Pom is actually a dilute orange- or cream-sable.About three years ago, AKC reprogrammed its computerized registration software to handle colors by numeric code. Some how, some Pom colors fell through the cracks and-although "wolf-sable" got put on the blue slip-cream-sable got dropped altogether. AKC was refusing to accept cream-sable as a legitimate color designation for Pom registrationsI am happy to announce that Pamela Mathews, AKC Director of Registrations, has been most helpful and cooperative in correcting and expanding the entire list of colors for Poms, both as to those most common colors listed on the blue slips, and those other less common colors that AKC will also accept. This is a preliminary announcement of these changes and improvements. More details will be published as soon as AKC has effected the necessary changes to enable it to issue blue slips bearing the updated listings.Pomeranians are not known to have serious eye problems, but some conscientious owners are taking the time and trouble to have their dogs eyes checked for possible hereditary problems. Chief among the eye problems that do occur in the breed are cataracts. These aregenerally small, do not seem to progress, and, therefore do not appear to cause much, if any, visual impairment. Nevertheless, these owners having checked, especially the breeding stock, are to be commended. Even more to be commended are those taking the additional step of having those normal eyes registered with the Canine Eye Registration Foundation at Purdue University. A permanent number is assigned to those applying for registration of normal dogs, as is the case with OFA registration. What may not be generally known is that this registration information, from both OFA and CERF, is being incorporated by AKC in their computerized record of that individual dog. This has been especially important in some breeds plagued with genetically caused diseases that often result in blindness.During 1992 some 22 Pomeranians had their eyes checked by a Veterinary Ophthalmologist and the results reported to CERF by the examining doctor. Of these, 17 were found to have normal eyes free of genetic or other defects 5 were found to have problems ranging from Keritoconjunctivitis Sica Dry Eye to Cataracts.Jerrie Freia is owed a vote of thanks and appreciation by the Board and the Club for the very attractive job done on the 1993 Roster. It is complete, informative, and artistically done.Keep tuned to this station for further news and informationSecretarys Pageby Beverly M. HenryVoting Results93-03-01 In order to provide relief for the many non-smokers on the Board, A1 Williamson moves that we provide a non-smoking rule during all board meetings, with a 10 minute break provided periodically for the smokers to go elsewhere if they are unable to wait for the meeting to adjourn. This would also apply to any club members who wish to sit in on the meetings. Seconded by Beverly HenryResults Unanimous - in favor93-03-02 Dolly makes a motion asking for authority to place a reorder for medallions. Seconded by Sharon MasnickResults Unanimous - in favor93-03-03 Dolly moves, seconded by SharonMasnick, to amend the By-Laws Article I, MembershipSection 1. Eligibility. There shall be 3 types of Membershipa Regular Membership. Shall be open to all persons residing in the United States and CANADA who are 18 years of age and older, who are in good standing with the AKC, who subscribe to the purposes of this club and the code of Ethics.b Delete "Foreign" and amend toAssociate Membership. Shall be open toJUNIORS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE AND TO RESIDENTS OF COUNTRIES OTHER THAN THE U.S. AND CANADA and who subscribe to the purposes of this club. Such members MAY NOT VOTE OR HOLD OFFICE.c Unchanged.Results 8 in favor, 3 abstentions93-03-04 Dolly moves, seconded by Sharon Masnick, to amend the By-Laws Article 1, MembershipSection 2. Dues. Regular membership dues for active members residing in the U.S. and Canada for single persons shall be SET BY THE BOARD BUT NOT TO EXCEED 50.00 for husband and wife shall BE SET BY THE BOARD BUT NOT TO EXCEED 50.00. ASSOCIATE MEMBER DUES FOR JUNIORS AND MEMBERS RESIDING ELSEWHERE THAN IN THE U.S. AND CANADA SHALL BE SET BY THE BOARD BUT NOT TO EXCEED 50.00 FOR SINGLE PERSONS OR HUSBAND AND WIFE.93-03-05 Happeth Jones moves that each Board member submit 3 names for a Sweepstakes judge to Beverly for inclusion in the Agenda. All the names would be listed and each Board member would vote for five. The five getting the most votes would go on the ballot. Seconded by Dolly Trauner.Results 11 in favor, 1 against93-03-06 Dolly moves that authors of regular columns, including Club news reports, limit their report to one single-spaced typewritten page that only licensed Specialties be reported as separate from Club news, and are not reported below 1st place in every class and finally, that reports of licensed Specialties be allowed to include two photos without charge. Seconded by Sharon MasnickResults 5 in favor, 6 against, 1 abstentionMembership Reportby Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381New Members for 1993Lucille Buttz5659 McLaughlin Avenue Newark, CA 94560 510 797-3865SponsorsMrs. Dolly B. Trauner Julie MorenoLinda Florer7605 N. Cheryl Avenue Fresno, CA 93711 209 431-5650SponsorsJanet Manuszak-Lucido Dudley RoachAlesha Marie1042 Willow Creek Road A-111-113 Prescott, AZ 86301 602 771-8152 SponsorsJean B. Schroll Victoria LovelyLinda H. Nelson1400 High Avenue Metairie, LA 70001 504 885-0894 SponsorsJohn C. LewisMrs. John R. Dupre, Sr.Applications for MembershipTerry Toombs Blanchard701 E. Jefferson Park Avenue Jefferson, LA 70121 504 835-5013 SponsorsMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr.Audrey M. RobertsCande Lee FreemanP.O. Box 9001 Torrance, CA 90508 310 549- 2707 SponsorsMary Wells Kimberly E. ReadBeverly Pollen3758 67th Avenue W Tacoma, WA 98466 206 564-0201 SponsorsWendy A. Feist Jane E. ReedJudgingby Shirley Ann HoffmanWhen judging any breed, one should have the standard of perfection firmly in mind. The standard, however, does not explain everything a judge must know, how he should go about his assignment, nor can it possibly eliminate, entirely, the element of personality or dictate the degree of a judges integrity.Great judges, like great show dogs, are bom not made. These people have a natural aptitude, an instinct for knowing when a dog is put together properly. Judging assignments are easy for them they enjoy their work and one feels comfortable in the ring when exhibiting under such a judge. He does not lose his patience when confronted with an awkward novice, but rather he corrects with a gentle hand. He is a gentleman who is sure of his ability to evaluate a dog.Anyone attempting to assess comparative merits in dogs of any breed should familiarize himself with correct structure as it involves bones and muscles, the interaction and correctness of which allows a dog to propel itself in any gait with the least amount of waste motion. Lack of correct structure will slow and tire a dog as surely as will a defective heart, inadequate or diseased lungs, poor circulation, or anemia therefore, it is essential that parts must be correct as they relate to the whole in order to achieve soundness in any animal. Poor or defective engineering can best be detected in a dog when it is being gaited at a trot. A clever handler can sometimes cover up or minimize some of these faults by gaiting the dog at a more advantageous speed or by showing the animal on a tight lead, this to such a degree that the front feet sometimes make no contact with the ground. Should this be the circumstance the judge may certainly request that the dog be gaited at the speed on which he wishes to make his appraisal. He may also demand that the dog be gaited on a loose lead. Failure to comply with such a request on the part of the handler should make any judgesuspicious and would be ample reason for downgrading the specimen.An inexperienced or careless handler can foul a dog to such an extent that the animal appears faulty in gait when actually he is not.A dog in poor condition will not be able to move out smartly, be alert, and be buoyant in action. Whatever the cause, on closer examination, even the animal which appears to have correct action may be found to lack muscle tone and development, be too fat, or so thin he cannot navigate properly.Many fanciers and some judges give little credence to soundness and condition in the toy dog preferring to dismiss these features as superfluous in such breeds as do not perform an act of work. Such judging is not in the best interest of any breed since structural faults cannot be eliminated if they are perpetuated by the pillars of the breed as champions.The toy functions mainly as a companion and alarm dog. The very fact that the toy must take many steps to cover the same distance covered by a large breed with one step makes it mandatory that he not be encumbered by poor engineering. In order to perform his duties properly, he must have stamina therefore, he must be put together properly. Remember, you must judge each do as he is in the ring that day, not as you think he may be in the future.One must be on guard that he not judge negatively. A judge who sees only the faults of a dog may pass up a nice specimen. By the present AKC schedules, you have about three minutes to judge each dog.As the dogs enter the ring-judge, dogs, and handlers may relax until the ring steward affirms all dogs entered in that class are present or declared absent. The judge then asks exhibitors to move the dogs counterclockwise in a circle around the ring on a loose lead. As the dogs move, the judge looks at each dog which moves in turn as it gaits around the ring. There is usually at least one dog which catches his eye as being well put together and which is moving in a sound, correct gait, presents an overall picture as being a good representative of the breed.How does the dog carry its head, its tail Does he have good ring presence, appear at ease as he gaits Does he waste a great deal of motion going up and down, or does he move smoothly around the ring Does he pick up his feet Shuffle Can you find a major fault in this otherwise goodlooking dog by watching it gait If not, mark this standout for number oneContinued on page 54Presenting...The FOXRIDGE BOYSFIEVELThe son of Ch. Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo, Fievel is a BIS Champion and winner of the 1990 National Specialty. He is the sire of Champion pups of excellent structure and movement.A regal 4 12 poundsFOXYCh. Dars Great Elms Fox is the sire of Dars Foxridge Mings Cendree, winners bitch at the 1993 National Specialty. Foxy consisently sires exquisite pups with great show potential.4 12 pounds of Pridet Tf.A.PADDYPaddy is a son of AC Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein. He has excellent bone and faultless structure which he is passing on to his gorgeous pups. His first sone recently took breed over Specials, from the puppy class.A 4 12 pound DynamoDARS FOXRIDGE currently has pups sired by all three studs.Rosemary E. Regoni 385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322 and Deena A. Regoni Swinney803 472-3002Bi-Mar Pomeranians Offers for Sale113092 Red male by BIS Cb. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of Ch. Bi-Mar Sugar Pie Honey. Show quality, excellent personality with big coat.100192 Red male by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Phantom and out of Bi-Mars Butterfly of Love. Show quality, big coat, short back and high ears. Will mature around 4 pounds.092892 Red female by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Supreme out of Bi-Mar Summer Sunshine. Show quality with big coat and outgoing personality.112090 Orange male by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of Bi-Mar Tia Maria AKC pointed daughter of Sunnys and Champion producer. Boomer has a 3 point major first time shown. Also his red full brother also show quality is for sale.091091 Red male by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Supreme and out of Bi-Mar Summer Sunshine. Hopper was shown last year at the summer specialties and was Reserve Winners from the puppy classes with big entries. His dam is sister to 6 Champions.050587 Ch. Bi-Mar Foxfire by BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and out of Bev-Nors Little Bit. She will be sold vet checked in whelp to Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Supreme. Free whelper at 1,000.072588 International Ch. Bi-Mar Bayou Style sired by Ch. Southlands Apollo Creed and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter, free whelper. Dark red, quality female. Style is the dam of two red sable males, 8 weeks old by Ch. Bi-Mar Whipoorwill, one will be for sale. Show quality.050691 Red sable female by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. Show quality and free whelper.081389 Red female by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge daughter. Show quality and free whelper.022693 Red female by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Phantom out of a Great Elms Bobby Beam daughter. 34 sister to Toy group winner, Ch. Bi-Mar Tiny Tyler of Kitkor. This is one exceptional show puppy.Two 8 weeks old red females by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. One will be for sale.Mary A. Rosenbaum 206 833-216038711 200th Avenue S.E. Auburn, Washington 980029ta X-7f\KlrAzC r."t ' nyBESTOFWINNERSCh. Creiders Prince Dom PerignonCh. Great Elms Chip of Gold x Creiders Katy Marie"Perry" finished his championship at the Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers show on April 17,1993, by going BOB over some lovely specials. He was awarded three majorsand shown only 7 times.We want to thank Norma Creider for letting us have Perry. Many thanks goes to his handlers, Gail Noblissa and Newton Young on finishing Perry in a short timeScience Diet Fed2wOwned byClarice Oganeku and Margo and Marvin Koga 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744Phone 808 235-8142 FAX 808 247-4967 SftMERGER POMERANIANS r ."Cutter"Introducing Mercers Cookie Cutter, who is full brother to this month's Cover Dog, "Mostly Duke. We hope that he will follow in his big brothers footprints. Photo at 10 months of"Harley"This little guy is Mercers Harley Davidson, who is yet another fine son of Mercers Carey who is the dam of Mostly and Cutter. This makes the 3rd fantastic male she has produced for us. This one is sired by Ch. Rock N Mark of Oakridge. We think he is pretty neat Photo at 4 months of age.We would like to send our sincere congratulations to Dorothy Bonner on her Kennel Visit. We are much in her debt for contributing so much to our breeding program over the years. We wish her many more years with her dogs.We will have puppies available this summer sired by our four champion males.Dan and JoEllen Mercer 308-889-3109 Big Springs, Nebraskaoizuzt, ^LfoIli6, [PoYnzialnLcLYi,is pleased to introducen0nii'" ._ 9. Jan-SharsStetsonpictured at 7 months of ageMarge KranzfeldercMiomoslChampion Morenos Perri WinklePern, a 4 12 pound red sable, is the top winning Pom on the West Coast, placing consistently in the group.Champion Morenos Perri WinkleSweetheart's Moonshine Glow Sweethearts Wee Cinna-Bear Adkins Sable's Beaver Doll Ch Sweethearts Forever BravoSweethearts Gold Masterpiece Sweethearts Gold Dutchess Mercers Lady ODuke Great Elms Bobby Beam Ch Sharels Southern B and B Sharels Southern Belle Ch Morenos Buttercup Blossom Moreno's Mr. G Whizz Morenos Blossom Elegance G.W. Morenos Sable TemptressWe are proud to introduce our new boy, Armani, to our stud force.Many thanks to Brian Incorvaia and Tony Cabrera for allowing us to acquire him.He will be an asset to our family of Poms.Starfires ArmaniCh Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch Bev-Noris Toasted Fudge Bev-Noris Sweet and Sassy Ch Starfires Sky RocketCh Bev-Noris Statesman Bev-Noris Katrina of Starfire's Ch Bev-Noris Toasty's Tanya Ch Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch Coy's Top of the Mark Cedarwoods Linda Leigh Ch Great Elms Tiffany of Lenette Ch Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Tiny TiffanyCh Great Elms Jeany of DendyWe are also proud to introduce our second new boy, Rousty, to our stud force.Thanks, Evelyn, for trusting us with Rousty. He will do us both real proud I am sure.Rousty is a heavy coated red sable.Blakes RoustaboutCh Petersons Scamp of Lennis Ch Annons Sir Kennor Kennoris Lady Tina Ch Blakes Sir Robert JohnCh Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo Jan-Sharis Sherry at Blake's Hansons Dolly Parton Ch Annons Sir Kennor Kennoris Sir Little JoeBlake's Tarbaby of Wee Hearts Blakes Little Miss ShortBlake's Wee Golden Bobbie Boy Little Miss Prissie Missie Our Little Misty DawnAll of our Poms are conditioned on Science Diet...Julie Moreno 415583-4973By appointment only.... after 1000 a.m. our time please...1Dreamerd\iISFIRST9-12 MONTHSAMERICANPOMERANIANCLUBMcGuires Wish Upon A StarDreamer is shown taking first place at the American Pomeranian Specialty, New Yor from the 9-12 month class class of 10, his second show, under Judge Frank Oberstar.Many thanks to Goldie McGuire for allowing us to own Dreamer and Brenda Segelken, our handler and friend.Watch for Fame Chip of the Great Rock, "Chips" to be shown soon.Our deepest sympathies to the family of Ruth Pennock.FLASH ...Dreamer went Winners Dog at the KC of Columbus, Ind. show for a 4-point major over 16 dogs under Judge Joseph Gregory.OwnersRussell and JoAnn Kern 604 S. State Street Freeburg, IL 62243 618539-3984HandlerFAMEBrenda Segelken 4836 Jasko Road Percy, IL 62272 618 965-3278BreederGoldie McGuire P.O. Box 1055 Eagle Lake, FL 33839 813 533-8247 d\f BUja^Presents"WAGS"Ch. Janesas Very SPECIAL Jan-Sharu sr.AWags went from the puppy class to Best of Breed over Specials and on to Group 4 under BreederJudge Mrs. Warner.Wag s first time out as a Special, he took the Breed and went on to a Group 2 under Judge William Bergum._This little guy is indeed special as his name implies. Many thanks to Jerrie Freia for sharing him with us. He will be offered at stud to select bitches on a limited basis.Owner and Handler Evelyn Conley 20075 Vining New Boston, Ml 48164 313 753-9245Breeder Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466OwnerEvelyn Newyear 4478 River Street Willouughby, OH 44094 216946-1226IZ,E, ^f\feAjljatzKPresentsour Whites and CreamsFinished in 1992'OD3kuk.Ch. Mercers Mostly DukeProducer of Whites and CreamsCh. Joarts MarilynOut and about in 19934^Mercers Cookie CutterRepeat of MostlyNabob Start the NeujahrightOwner Evelyn NewyearMany thanks to Dan Mercer, Art and Joy Davison, and Nan Shartel for the pleasure of sharing their best with them.White and Cream stud service available.I.gigsDimonde KenneCAt Stud to Approved BitchesCh. Dimonde's Crown PrinceCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II, ROM, HOF x Dimonde Solitaire of EmceeVIrTTESVILLEIMARLENNELLUB1992HBEY"Ollie" finished with Multiple Best of Breeds Over Specials for majors. He is clear orange, extremely sound, with good coat and texture, short back, good bone, high ear set, beautiful layback, and scissor bite. He covers ground like a true miniature working dog.Ollie is the sire of Subers Impressive Indeed pointed, multiple BOS, Puppy Toy Group I Subers Ill Impress You Specialty Best Jr. Puppy, BPIM Subers Royal Connection Puppy Toy Group ICongratulations to Christine Caplan Crystique on her new Ollie litter and to Dianne Johnson Silva Lade on her impending Ollie litter.BreederOwner HandlerDiana M. Downey 20435 Ambassador Terrace Germantown, MD 20874-2873 301 540-3828 American romeranian oiud 1 -mmDimonde KennelmsAt Stud to Approved BitchesADimondes Hot Rockmajor pointedCh Cedarwoods Image of Diamond, ROM Ch Great Elms Firestarter, ROM Great Elms Sweet Candy, ROMX Ch Elans InfernoPost Script Pen N Ink Silva Lade Joys Silhouette Ch Silva Lade Christmas Joy Ch Emcees A Chip of Diamond DMD's Bristish Red Coat Jestom's Happy Chips Dimonde Solitaire of EmceeCh Emcees Terrific Wee Chips Emcees Simplemente MielEmcees Adorable Bit of Gold, ROM"Elvis" is an orange sable with excellent pigment. He is sound, with a good coat and texture. He has a short back, good bone, small ears set high, almond eyes, beautiful layback, and scissor bite. He covers ground with true reach and drive.Hiss-mJAKEMultiple Group and Best in Show Winner-------- -------------- -W . i-rln-ffisSsi '4v' 'VV." -V-'-1 - ' i o.11iiwihi. vIBM 2 ..Ch. Rock N Tradition of OakridgeCh. Millamors Mark Tradition x daughter of Ch. DeArta's Rock DancerThank you, Harold BishopBreederOwnerNina Epps Rt. 5, Box 150 Nixa, MO 65714InquiriesNancy Burnette 501988-2532 Iv^v-vi^XXvMUSICFinished his Championship with back to back Best of Breeds and a Group IV1 Ch. Nanshadows Music of OakridgeCh. Nanshadows Hurricane Juan x Ch. Sparkling Music of OakridgeThank you, Peggy CarrBreederOwnersNina Epps and Nancy BurnetteRt. 5, Box 150 Nixa, MO 65714Much Ado About Anythingby Sally Baugniet 411 S. State Street Mischicot, Wl 54228Color Me...To be, or not to be that is the question. Pomeranian coat color is a subject widely discussed. Being an educator, with an Art major, I work with many hues of color. Pomeranian colors can range from the Irish Setter reds to whites or almost whites. Shades of that total spectrum are acceptable Pomeranian colors. Various shades of reds can blend into a dark orange, which blend into a light orange. Some people may call a very light orange, a dark cream. Creams can range from dark cream to light cream. Other breeders may call a very light cream, white.Our Pomeranian Standard allows, among other colors, any solid color with lighter or darker shadings of the same color. Before we discuss other colors, let us go back to our color classification that may be used to divide the open class at a Specialty Show.The Standard says the open class may be divided at a Specialty show. It mentions nothing about dividing the open class at an all-breed show, but it can be done if the entry is large enough to warrant it. Some clubs do it, if it is warranted or not.A number of years ago, most of the all-breed shows divided their open classes. The classes were divided into different color classifications than those that were allowed at Specialty shows, Open Orange Open Any Other Allowed Color. Many exhibitors who were not aware of this differentiation, or were not careful enough, were disqualified for being entered in the wrong open color class at a Specialty. The APC Board, at that time, was instrumental in having AKC change the All-breed open color classes to correspond to the Specialty open classes. That is, as it is now stated in the Pomeranian Standard, Open Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Open Black, Brown, Blue Open Any Other Allowed Color.When Open was divided into Open Orange Open Any Other Allowed Color, there used to be arguments over whether a Pom in the Open Orange class was sable, if it had only a few black hair tips on the body coat, or if it was truly a sable, with black guard hair tips on itsentire body coat. They argued over whether a dark cream was orange or a light orange was dark cream. To hopefully end the "color" arguments, the Open classes were divided into those classes currently stated in the Standard. There need not be arguments over whether a Pom is orange, red, cream, or sable, because those colors are all in the same Open class. Consequently, there need not be any concern in the show ring, whether a Pom is black, blue, or brown. Those colors are all in the same Open class. This left the parti-color, black and tans, and white in the Any Other Allowed Color class. These are the only other colors described in the Standard.You would think this would end color classification discussion. Not quite Since creams are in the ROCS class and whites are the AOAC class, a very light cream with lighter whitish shadings, or a white with darker creamish shadings could be in either of those classes, since any solid color with lighter or darker shadings is allowed.Granted, whites or creams, or your perception of same, are in the minority, but there are more light creams whites currently being shown than when I campaigned my first ones. Does anyone remember Ch. Pomirish Cr. Puffs Only Chance Since Chance, there have been many good creams shown. The Bakers "Prince" son is one that comes to mind.Dolly Trauner has been diligently working toward producing the near perfect black Pom and top quality chocolates for many years. The gene pool has increased for parti-colors since the first parti champion, Madam Butterfly. Numerous black and tans are now being shown. In fact some shows, in certain areas of the country, have more "other" colors than orange. It is gratifying to see breeders trying to perfect the quality of the "other" color Poms and to see more judges giving them equal consideration, according to the Standard. Some of the "other" color show-breeder kennels that come to mind are Dover-Holihouse, Aldens, Silva Lade, Southland, Finch, Gravenhorst, Ballykin, Forever Yours, and Feisty. I may have left some out, but lets see you advertise. Show the judges the quality is here, and you mean business.Now back to the original intent of this article.There are some colors in the Pomeranian that are not mentioned in the Standard. Beaver, brindle, chocolate and tan, blue and tan. There is a one and only chocolate and tan champion, Silva Lade Almond Joy. Those colors do exist Should we exclude these unmentioned colors in our Standard or continue to deny them Should we say that all colors are acceptable There are presently no disqualifications. Should we say a blaze on a parti-color is preferred, as the Papillon Standard does we want the color paragraph of the Standard to remain unchangedTo be, or not to be that is the question. If it is to be changed, rewrite that paragraph exactly as you would like to see it worded in the Standard, and send it to me before December 1, 1993. What color should we color you Indifferent, or involvedThought for the month Everything comes in cansI can, you can, we canInterpretation of the Pom Standardby Vincent Matta 1945The second paragraph of the Pomeranian Standard is devoted to the head which, in importance, is comparable to the coat and to the structure of the body. I quote "The head should be somewhat foxy in outline or wedge-shaped. The skull being slightly flat, large in proportion to the muzzle which should finish rather fine and be free from lippiness. The teeth should be level and no account undershot. The head in its profile may exhibit a little stop which however must not be too pronounced and the hair on the head and face must be smooth or short coated. 5 pointsLest the limitation to five points allotted above might give the wrong impression on the importance of a correct head in a Pom, let me point out that, as will be seen later on, five more points are allotted to the eyes, five to the ears and five more to the nose. These features being component parts of the head total 20 points.Perhaps the part of the Standard coveringthe head is the most difficult to explain in words that will give the novice the exact picture of what a Poms head should be, and the fact that there is a tendency among fanciers to stretch the interpretation of the Standard to fit personal ideas adds to the confusion. Let us try, however, to look at the Standard in a rather impersonal way for, after all, our goal must be to visualize the perfect head of the perfect Pom in the hope that sometime we might see one.First of all let us not assume that the phrase "somewhat foxy in outline," means that the head of a Pom should look like the head of a fox, for one could never be mistaken for the other. The only thing in common is the wedge-shaped outline, nothing more. As a matter of fact those words are there just to emphasize the difference between a Poms head outline and that of the short-faced toy breeds like the Pekingese, not to encourage too-long a muzzle in proportion to the rest of the head, which does not really belong to a typical Pom.The skull should be somewhat flat and not round or dome-like, or what the fanciers call apple-headed. It should be rather large in proportion to the muzzle, which should be rather fine at the finish, thus giving the true wedge-shaped outline. The mouth should be well shaped, hence free from lippiness lips too thick are bound to spoil the line of the mouth. The same can be said about the teeth which should be sound and level.Note that while Standard stresses a serious fault the undershot teeth or jaw lower teeth or jaw protruding in respect to the upper ones that does not by any means imply that the overshot teeth of jaw upper teeth or jaw protruding over the lower can be considered correct, for this is also a fault and only slightly less serious. The ideal is and remains the level mouth and teeth.As to the heads profile, I note that the Standard says that it "may" exhibit a little stop. Far from me to become a critic of the Standard, but it seems to me that there was a slip there and the word "may" could well be changed to the word "should, for the word "may" implies the permission of "stop" is only a concession while as a matter of fact-unless we want to advocate Collie-headed Poms-said stop is a requirement without which we could not have a typical Pom head. By the way, this "stop" is evident in thenMulti BIS Specialty WinnerCh. Odysseys Shadow of Keno...Stepping in where Keno left off....lN STYLErCh. Odysseys Keno Wiz x Moonshadows Tiffany RosePictured taking Best of Breed at the Northern California Pomeranian Club Specialty on March 13,1993 under Judge Mr. Everett Dean.FLASH Group 3 under Judge Mr. William BergumOwnerAgus Kosasihc^Co-OwnerBreederHandlerJanet Manuszak-Lucido 209 276-9443niiicii^ctii rumcrcimdii VIUD"SOCK" IT TO EMLATTS' pomekmHam,6SmChamplain ClubV-r puppy showBEST1923_Can. Ch. Watts Little SocratesAnother Group winning boy from our kennelA Canadian "Hat Trick"3 Breeds3 Group Placements including first3 Best Puppy in ShowsI feed Science DietDolores Watts 4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613 ^ 301 372-8782 ^FLASH Socks finished May 11thr j - "Qirjgpendo .............. IIn the beginning, Can. Ch. Chriscendo Dancing Stariett was our foundation bitch. She was sired by Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist, and out of Millamors Dancette. She gave us our first two litters, our first two champions, and our first two Best in Show winners, Can.Am. Ch. Chriscendo Coy Coquette and Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Causin A Commotion, who is behind almost all of our dogs today. Dorothy Bonner has always been a friend, a mentor, and a source of I inspiration. \ THANK YOU DOROTHYCHRISTINE D. AND JOHN E. HEARTZ, P.O. BOX ie9, BROOKFIELD, N.S.. CANADA, BON 1C0902 673-2446JCh. Merrymont Satrday Nite Fever x Queenaire Blaze of GloryCh. Merrymont Satrday Nite Fever Great Elms Lydia of Lenette Puppies are generally available at reasonable prices Pets from 250.00. Show and breeding stock from 500.00 Free price list available upon request We specialize in the Great Elms bloodline. We do have some Chesai and Aristic-Bonner Poms Satisfaction is guaranteed at Lenette. Return your Pom within 3 days for a refund if not satisfiedWe congratulate Dorothy Bonner on her many years of breeding fine Poms. Few breeders have contributed as much to the breed as Dorothy has.Lenette Pomeranians 1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081704 938-2042 K. G. Griffith, OwnerKennel Reduction Opportunity Ymbers Y\Due to my recent health problem, we feel it is necessary to reduce numbers at Silver Meadows. Quality-bred broods and studs will be offered, as well as a few youngsters for show. These are Poms we kept and raised for ourselves, and are not just "pet quality." Bloodline is our own, Silver Meadows, which has for many years been based primarily on Bonner breeding.Write or call for listing. Best time for calls is 8-11 p.m. E.D.T. If possible, state your wants, so we can better recommend the right one for you. Priced very reasonably honest evaluations Satisfaction Guaranteed.P.S. We will still be working with a few of our favorites, as well as enjoying our "old folks."Congratulations to Dorothy Bonner on her Kennel Visit.Jacquelyn Klein 716 237-54734146 West Lake Road Silver Springs, NY 14550PHYNER POMS send Congratulations and Best Wishes to Dorothy Bonner on her Kennel Visit. We all hope for her continued recovery from illness, and her return to ringside.We recognize and are grateful for her great and lasting contribution over the years to the development and improvementof our beloved breed.Dolly B. Trauner Phyner Poms 415 346-5314oCONGRATULATIONSSincerest congratulations to a dear lady, Dorothy Bonner, on your kennel visit.With Love and AdmirationErika K. Moureau Texican PomeraniansHALLMARK POMS- 'Ch. Hallmarks Lights and MusicAC Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Millamors Musical HallmarkWe are offering for sale, a few select Poms of Millamor, Tim Sue, and Chriscendo lines. ContactGeanene Hall 259 E. Sage Creek CircleSpringville, UT 84663 801489-7943New Color List Being Adopted by AKC by Dolly TraunerFor those of you who have run into difficulties in getting your Pomeranians registered on the basis of color, Good NewsAbout three years ago, AKC updated some of its computer programs, one of them being the program listing coat colors of all the breeds then recognized by AKC. The list adopted for Poms at that time was fairly limited. It included several terms that had never appeared in the breed standard, such as "Silver." Some were simply synonyms for Orange, such as, "Golden," "Fawn," or "Blond." Theseextraneous terms crowded out some of the legitimate terms, such as Cream-Sable. Breeders who had formerly experienced no difficulty registering a Parti-color weresuddenly required to describe theirParti-colored Poms as "White with Black Patches."Individuals attempting on their own to get the problems resolved reported negative responses from AKC personnel. They were sometimes required to submit color photos of the dog for someone at AKC to make a determination as to the acceptability of the color designated on the blue slip by the breeder. One reported response from an AKC person was that all existing lists had been furnished by the respective parent clubs. This spurred me, as your new President, to contact AKCs Director of Registrations, to learn the facts and try for a solution. The Director, Pamela Mathews, is a charming lady-knowledgeable, understanding and fully cooperative. As of this date 60393, I have received her verbal approval of a revised color list, and her assurance that a formal written approval will be in the mail shortly.The blue slips will contain 14 choices, instead of the current 9. It includes the 13 colors most commonly seen in Poms, and the term, Parti-color. To register a black Parti-color, the breeder will check the color Black, and the Pattern Parti-color. Rarely seen colors, such as Wolf-sable or White, will not appear on the blue slip, but are available on an alternately acceptable list. Black Mask and white markings are considered patterns and will also be available on the alternate list. A Black Masked Orange Pom would have thecolor Orange circled on the blue slip, and th pattern Black Mask written in.Previously, when AKC has asked for a colo photo, the final determination was made b someone at AKC. Henceforth, when a colo designated by a breeder is questioned b AKC, and a color photo requested, the matte will be referred to the American Pomerania Club board for a ruling.The proposed list does not provide for Doberman-patterned Pom to be registered as Black Cream or a Black Silver. The breed standard asks that the tan be of a rid color, and that it appear in specific areas Neither the dilution of the tan to a much lighter shade, nor a failure of the tan to appea in all designated areas, changes the dogs basic genetic make-up from being anything other than Dobie-pattemed.The choices that will be appearing on the blue slips will be as followsCOLORSRedRed-sableOrangeOrange-sableCreamCream-sableBlackBlack and TanChocolateChocolate and TanSableBlueBlue and TanPATTERNSParti-ColorThe additional choices on the Alternate List will beCOLORSBeaverBrindleChocolate-sableWolf-sableWhitePATTERNSBlack Mask White MarkingsCH. FAME. 7IV1 vS3Wa__Ch. Wee Rambo of Coys Top Mark x Watch Fobs Brite CherryThanks go to Brenda who always knew he was special and expertly presented him through the classes and on to multiple Breed and Group wins-and many heartfelt thank-yous to his breeder, Geneva Pennock Long for allowing us the pleasure of owning this very special boy. Her mom, Ruth, is sadly missed. We know she would have enjoyed Showys wins.thShoaumDonna S. Riehm R.R. 3, Box 652 Murphysboro, IL 62966 AvSHOWTIMEfk1VyfMGROUP THREE\BELLE - CITYKENNEL CLUB \J MARCH1993kN SCHWABPHOTOGRAPHYr\ Jrv- ' Thank you, Judges1092 Helen Lee James.... 4 points1092 Joe C. Walton...........5 points1192 Lena Wiseman..........4 points0393 Peggy Smith ... BOB 5 points0393 Mildred Bryant.........Group 30493 Lucretia Dye...................BOB05930593059305930593Sharon Krogh......,.........BOBCharles Scott................BOBSharon Krogh...........Group3David Krogh.................BOBRalph Lemke............Group 2Exclusively handled and Co-owned byPercy, IL 62272 618 965-3278Brenda Segelken 4836 Jasko Road FAMEObedience Newsby Linda Gallacher 1990 Ridgeway Drive Eugene, OR 97401 503 686-2316We have finally enjoyed our first day of nice veather in over a month. It has been the vettest spring in many years. All the parks, chool yards, and other grassy areas are too oggy to walk on. With the outdoor shows starting soon, Ive been desperate to start raining outside. Ive really gotten spoiled by laving two training buildings available at all imes. It is so nice not having to haul jumps rom place to place. No wonder my dogs lerform so poorly at the outdoor shows...I lardly ever train outside and never in poor weather. The dogs all think an outdoor ring is m invitation to run wild Pogo is the worst, tie is seldom serious about obedience on the jest of days. Outdoors he can go totally wild ind forget what he is doing in the middle of an exercise. The send aways are the worst-on Dccasion, he has kept on running for the sheer ioy of it, or he will not wait for my jump command before flying toward the jump of his choice. Anyway, with many shows just around the comer, I really need to get busyThe only shows I have attended in the last few months have been UKC. Pogo finished his CJ-CDX in March. I showed Panda twice in April for his first two Novice legs. He won Novice B both days and was High in Trial one day. Im glad to be able to get him in the ring again. With the competition match for our state Interstate team coming up in June and the Gaines Western Regional in July, we need as much ring experience as we can get. Fun matches seem to be few and far between in our area these days.Super good news from Patti Hecht in Georgia. She writes"We did it Pixie is now Glen Iris Star Diamond CDX The first time I showed her in Open was at the Savannah Kennel Club show on Tekyll Island, Georgia, in a drizzling rain uoors. What a heart She worked as if conditions were perfect in all exercises except the Drop on Recall. Perhaps she didnt see my hand signal because of the rain."The next show was February 20th in Pensacola, Florida, where she received her first leg with a score of 190. The next day shereceived her second leg with a 193 12, third place. We lost second place to a Sheltie in a run off. Her third leg and CDX took place in Clearwater, Florida, March 6, 1993 with a score of 187. She lost 10 points on the heel free. She got so excited on the fast that she ran in a circle around me New ring trick Im in shock that I am now training her in Utility. Pixie is my first dog in obedience competition, so we are both learning as wego-"Great job Patti and Pixie Good luck on your Utility training.New Obedience Titles from die March and April issues of the AKC Awards are as followsNew CDXJohn Codys Missy Crumpet owned by Carlota and John Cloney and bred by Leigh Bruner finished her CDX with scores of 177, 178, and 183 from the Open A class. This team had just finished their CD in February of 92 Good workSumi II owned by Joyce Hayes and bred by Georgia McCrory finished her CDX with 2 third placements. CongratulationsSunnfoxxs Felicia Mae owned by Lillian and Margaret Zentgraf and bred by Rosalie Nace finished her CDX from the Open B class with super nice scores of 195 12, 196, 193 12, and 196 12.Whisper Ln Walk the Wild Side owned by Darlena Conte and bred by Carol Baldwin finished his CDX from the Open A class. This little son of Ch. Watts Little Dakotah earned a 1st and a 4th placement on his way to this title. Nice jobNew CDI Can Twinkle Too owned by Joanne Geeslin and Donna Eddins and bred by Mike and Nancy Nesbit. These are the folks that put an OTCH on Twinkle Little Super Star. Ill be expecting great things from this new little girl. On her way to the CD title she earned scores of 196 12, 195 12, 198, and 195 12 with three lsts and one third placementKeena Dell owned by Katherine Bonitz and bred by Marilyn Haug finished their CD withnmencciM rumeraman uiuu S3scores in the 180s from the Novice A class. We hope to see you in Open soonOh Be Won owned by Karen Sharp and bred by Nancy Robel finished his title with scores of 189, 190 12, and 191. Keep up the good workPettistree Maximum Overdrive owned by Helen Tyler and Ginger Burrison and bred by Dorothy and Christine Mullen finished his title in December at the Central Florida Kennel Club show. This team earned scores of 182 12,181, and 186. CongratulationsCuddle Inns Tiny Paws owned by Kay Page and bred by Donna Smith. I watched this team perform at our Portland shows in January. Im ashamed to say it, but if kay had taken her eyes off this little guy for even a second, I would have whisked him away This little black and tan boy won the hearts of everyone who saw him work This guy is a little devil with a twinkle in eye He seemed to love the attention he was getting from the crowd as he pranced around the ring. I hear that Kay might have him ready for Open in time for our summer specialty show so maybe Ill get another chance to steal him My next Pom has got to be a black and tan...if only I can find one just like this one This team earned scores of 181 12, 191 12, 189, 186 12 from Novice B.Sereenas Chirpa at Tribble owned by Garrett ODell and bred by Serena and Barbara Chrisjohn. This pair finished their title at the Obedience Training Club of Essex City New Jersey in January. Their scores from the Novice B Class were 173, 174 12, and 175. Nice going you twoWith all the spring and summer shows coming up. Ill expect to hear good news from all of you Drop me a line and let me know what is happening in your part of the country. Has anyone been to a good seminar We had Sylvia Bishop from England back again this year. She is just wonderful Id like to hear your seminar experiences, good or bad.Until next month....Happy Heeling rcGlen Iris Star Diamond, CDX Patti Hecht, proud MomBrynRose PomeraniansBrenda Terry Turner P.O. Box 7676 Texarkana, TX 75505 903 832-7742Inquiries WelcomeFUTURE KENNEL VISITSSeptember...Charlotte Creed of Southland PomsNovember...Julie Moreno of Morenos PomsThe POMERANIAN REVIEW goes to JudgesNorthern Reflections--Ehby Elizabeth Dupuis"Mommy, are we there yet" I only had to nswer that question 54 times enroute to lorida-stopped in Virginia and invested in ome ear plugs My hubby and I are brave ouls...driving a total of 2800 miles with a six ear old, 2 12 year old, and a 12 month taby Then, again, maybe Im confusing iravery with insanity. Florida was, once again, uper fun and our trip was highlighted by 'isiting friends in the Baltimore area. What ver encouraged them to welcome a tribe like isThe Chriscendo kennel prefix is worldly enowned and proudly Canadian. Belated ongratulations to Chris and John Heartz and pecial thanks to the APC for honoring our Canadian mascots once again I know many ellow country men who feel much pride when lomeone mentions their kennel name. Thank fou, John and Chris, for all your contributions md knowledge sharedHeard that Ch. Foxworths Photocopy, a ovely girl bred and owned by Pam Dodsworth md Larry Fox, is nearing her American title md has picked up a few Group placements to aoot A first Best in Show win for Brenda and Bob Gibson on their homebred boy, Ch. Pomanias Rebel with a Cause. I think I spotted the Gibsons hovering 3500 feet above Dolores Watts just finished another Canadian champion, Ch. Watts Little Socrates, finished in three shows with a Group I, two seconds, and all 3 Best Puppy in Shows Dolores, was that you on that cloud beside the Gibsons Ch. Blakes N Marshires Renegade, owned and shown by Marlene Penney, has already picked up both his US majors. AC Ch. Chriscendo Classica is in the Maritimes with her co-owner Chris Heartz. "Cassie" is scheduled for an eastern Canadian campaign this year. Good luck to her entourage and a howdy to her co-owners out in British Columbia, the Stratton brothers now if that dont sound country anuff fo yaden Im tone deaf. Lastly, and most importantly, congratulations to Colleen Franks of BC who was chosen Pedigree Pal Breeder of the Year for Poms Well done everyoneJanet Deleeuw, editor of the Pom Club of Canadas newsletter, has been doing a spectacular job. The club sent its February issue to all Pom judges, and complimentaryletters have been pouring in since Anyone wishing to receive the PCOC newsletter may do so by joining the club-please address all enquiries to Gerrie Bucsko, Box 385, Irricana, Alberta TOM 1B0. Please note The ad which appeared on page 44 of the last Review which promoted the Pom Club of Ontario specialty had an incomplete address for the show secretary...C A Show Services 7 Vin Vista Dr. Ingleside, Ontario KOC 1M0 or better yet phone 613 537-2634. Anyone wishing to receive information pertaining to the Pom Club of Canada National Specialty should give a call to Leslie Ramsay at 403 663-2163. The National is being held in September in Alberta. A pretty way to get to the province of Nova Scotia is to drive to Bar Harbor, Maine, and board the CN Ferry which will take you across to Yarmouth, NS. The ferry ride is just over 6 hours and saves you about an hour and a half of drive time. Once in Yarmouth you might want to take the Lighthouse Trail which brings you to Halifax. Another scenic route is the Cabot Trail which takes you around the gorgeous Cape Breton Island. Take your time and enjoy the views and taste a lobster or two Of course, this province has its share of special folks and terrific Poms so my suggestion to you is to schedule a "pom break. Youll find our Canadian Maritimers most hospitable indeedBouquets Brickbats my little fun centerBouquets to my baker man who never misses a Fridays delivery of fresh baked bread and about a flash from the past One of the benefits of living in rural Canada Brickbats to the considerate NOT person who opened the crates of two top Pom contenders at a recent show and let them loose near a busy road. Remember Pal, what goes around comes aroundBeing taught to always end on an up note...a true friend once told me when I was feeling down way down that true friendship is unconditional. You know she was very right and much loved. As weve all heard at one time or another, if you can go through your life and have been able to count five true friends...then you have lived a blessed life Five friends to you allIf any reader has any questions, suggestions, or requests for this column, please contact Elizabeth Dupuis at RR1, Box 138 North Lancaster, Ontario KOC 1Z0 or phone 613 347-2275.Miiiencciii rumeiaman uiuu 3bOCCOURBETTES recipe for a fun-filled champion....CH. COURBETTES U STOL MY HEART-rr.....Combineone gorgeous-bodied father, Ch. Stolannes Classique Comet, with one personality-plus mother, Ch. Courbettes Fudge It Budget, CD, and let "cook" with tasteful judgesBetty Moore.........................SpointsBarbara Jarmoluk.................1 pointVera Bistrim.........................1 pointJan Wilhite..........................4 pointsJack Potts............................3 pointsPaula Hartinger...................4 pointsThank you Fran Stoll, Renee McGrath, and Janine Pannell for your contributions to my treasured recipe. Good luck to you allBREEDEROWNERHANDLERVictoria Leitner Bonnie, IL 62816Rt. 1, Box 338 618279-3130 [Behind the New TitlistsCh Fame ShowtimeOrange MaleBreeder G. PennockOwner B. Segelken and D. RiehmCh Millamoris Mark of Dixieland Ch Coys Top of the Mark Cedar Woods Linda Leigh Ch Wee Rambo of Coys Top Mark AC Ch Coy's Lucky Eight Coy's Sunrise SerenadeCoys Fance Pepper Scariette Jaspers Golden Teddy Teddys Golden Watch Fob JJ's Golden Charmin Watch-Fobs Brite CherryMaximilans Bright Buttons Cherries Brite Flame Gambling Man's CherrieU-CDX Kassels Dandelion Down AC CDX CGC ROM ADOrange Female Owner Lois Morkassel Breeder Betty Jo MasonPombreden's BT Disciple O God Villamero Blue Boy Pombreden Pombredens My Blue Heaven Sir Szilagyi John BoyCh Purtee Skoshi Tom-Tom Gorrin Cute DannaCute Doll of Hadleigh McKamey Palmers Petro of Blossom View Ch Edans Fire Cracker Gold Gems Contessa Masons Baby DollCrones Dandy Andy Masons Lil Bit O'Heaven Crones Bee Jay GirlCh Goldcrests Imperial Warrior4 lb Orange Sable Male BreedersOwners G. BemardoK. Rogers504 384-7466 After 700pmJanes a's PomsJerrie FreiaP.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381JIM JUDY SHEARER ^ g p523 MILLER AVE. SUGARCREEK, OHIO 44681 \ \ t ^216852-4136 N ^ ^MEMBERSAMERICAN POM CLUB ANDOHIO VALLEY POM CLUB POM SMIA PomsOffers for sale a light orange sable male whelped 42592. He is sired byCh. Bev-Nor Southland Sinsation outof a daughter of Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge.Ramona J. Smith HCR 4, Box 26 B Bowman, ND 58623 701574-3158AC Ch Janels Duke of EarlOrange MaleBreederOwner Janel ReichCh Sun Rays Ambassador ROM Ch Sun Rays Bat Man ROM Sun Rays Lil' Dovie IntMex Ch Del Sols Lil Babear Sun Ray's President Jim Beau -el Sols Ruth Sun Rays EnjoliCh Sun Rays Ambassador ROM Ch Sun Rays Bat Man ROM Sun Ray's Lil Dovie IntMx Ch Riders Angel of Goldcrest Ch Alexsands Golden Whisper Riders Golden PeachRiders Cupie Dolls SungoldCh Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch Great Elms Prince Charming II Great Elms Sweet Candy Ch Janes Wee Prince OJeribeth Ch Jeribeth's Ivan Ideal Jeribeths Toastie Jeribeth's Idol Baker Singleoak Image of Great Elm Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Idolmaker Stariites Lucky Charm Ch Valcopy-Wakhan My Style Hazel Wee Pepper Pod Ch Valcopy-Wakhan High Style Hazel Gay SherryFINCH'S POMERANIANS92 APC Top Breederproudly presentsAPC 92 Top Winning DogCh. Finchs He Walks On WaterV Best In Show All Breed Best in Specialty Show Hall of Fame Gold Club Award Westminister Award of Merit Multiple Group WinnerThank you JudgesBreederOwnerDiane L Finch Finchs Pomeranians Rural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134 515769-2444My grateful thanks to my handlers who made this possible Jackie Rayner Ann Terry Bobbie Glaser Cathy AndersonALL OUR LOVE TODOROTHY BONNERA Remarkable Lady Indeed Congratulations on your great success in 3 careers Dancer....Pom BreederExhibitor....AKC JudgeNSDorothy holding Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist1980Ch. Bonners Lisalus Wag With Love, sire of our first Champion Ch. Cheelan Chesai Strutter-Litter mates Red Pod and Wee Pod. BIS quality apparent at two monthsWe are proud to have Starmists last son, Bonners Starpuff Power and Starcos last son, Chesai News Flash and Pennys last son, Bonners ChesaiPentoy Legacy.THANK YOU, DOROTHY, FOR OUR SOLID FOUNDATIONCHESAI POMERANIANS Robert and Joan Reilly210 980-2667 26093 Hwy 281 NorthSan Antonio, TX 78258Kennel Visit to Bonners Pomeraniansby Joan Reilly5Dorothy and Ch. Bonners Pendart Challenge and Ch. Bonners Modene News SpecialWhen my husband, Bob, retired from the military in 1967, I purchased a pair of toy poodles and bred a few litters. It was fun, and my little silver male was in great demand in our area. I even tried my hand at showing. It was at one of those shows that I first saw a show Pom as opposed to the spitzy type. I knew right there that the Pom would be my breed. I also zeroed in on a particular type. Dorothy has a magic eye when it comes to Poms. She saw her ideal many years ago and has worked consistently ever since to duplicate him. The BonnerAristic Poms stood out, even to me, a complete novice. Thats what I wanted. I met Dorothy Bonner shortly after.Over the years, we have become good friends. When Frank Bonner died in 1980, Bob and I moved to San Antonio to be closer and to care for the Poms while Dorothy was on a judging assignment. I feel very fortunate to have seen some of the Bonner Poms that are now way back in the pedigrees.She was bom and reared in Corpus Christi on the Texas Coast. Her father was mayor of Corpus at one time. Her mother was the epitome of the genteel southern lady and could never understand Dorothys involvement with the Poms. She thought sheshould do something more ladylike and useful like "growing roses."Dorothy said, "As a child, I felt an intense love for all little animals, especially dogs, as they loved me in return. We had a family dog, a small Fox Terrier, who was my pal and companion. The dog was never allowed in our lovely home as my mother was unsympathetic and my father was away most of the time. During my years at the University, a campus dog, a large collie, was my daytime companion and usually accompanied me from class to class. He returned to his home at night as I lived in a dormitory."Her love for and involvement with dogs continued through the years. Fox Terriers continued to be part of the family until the first time she saw a Pomeranian. Early in her marriage to Frank Bonner a wonderful and sweet man they were transferred to New York City. Frank was an Electrical Engineer for General Electric.A whole new world opened up for Dorothy in New York. She had taken extensive dance training in Texas and became a dancer in many, many stage shows on Broadway. She was offered the lead in what promised to be a very successful musical. Because it meant going out of town for an extended period, Dorothy turned it down. It was then offered to another young trooper, Imogene Coca. Imogene, of course, took it and we all know what happened there. Dorothy went in another direction, for which the Pom world will be forever grateful.AvDorothy and son Robert and her first Pom, Aristic Pitti SingtuIt was during her stay in New York that Dorothy saw her first Pomeranian. One of the other dancers, a tall, slim elegant lady had a beautiful little Pom that she carried around with her. Dorothy fell in love with the Pom and knew that she, too, would have one.Upon their return to Texas, they settled in San Antonio, and Dorothy opened a large dance studio. She not only taught children, but she also taught their teachers. She gathered students and their teachers from all over the city and organized a kiddie review. She was invited to put on these dance reviews during intermission at the very elite Majestic theater. They were a great success, and in appreciation, the Majestic theater gave Dorothy her very first Pom She was black and tan and out of one of the Aristic Kennels first litters. Her name was Aristic Pitti Sing, AKA "Baby." She immediately became a member of the family going everywhere they did. She attended dancing school, seminars, out to dinner, etc. She was trained to stay in her little basket until summoned. She could understand a large number of words and knew all of the dance instructors by name. It was not until after Babys death at age 14 that Dorothy decided to become a breeder. She went back to the Aristic Kennel for her foundation stock.Her early Poms were Aristic as well as some of the lines that were behind the Aristic Poms-Julo, Dixieland, and the famous Matta Poms. Dorothy has a keen eye for what she likes in a Pom and had a good deal of success from the start. When Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod came upon the scene, Dorothy recognized a superior type and prepotency not experienced before. He was everything she wanted, with type, soundness, and a magnificent coat, plus the ability to pass these qualities to his get. He was also the ultimate show dog, having been show four times with 4 groups and 2 Best in Shows. She bred everything she had to Pepper Pod, and the daughters were bred back to him In a "hold your breath" move, the half brothers and sisters were bred to each other, further concentrating the gene pool. Champion after champion came out of these close breedings, and she quickly established her own type.When Stylepepper was bom, Dorothy again recognized the same qualities and potential that she admired in his famous sire. She was right. Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus sired many champions and was also a Best in Show winner, taking his first Bestat his first show. Shown 14 times with 13 BOB, 11 group placings-5 of them firsts, and 4 BIS. He was also, thankfully, easier to breed. Pepper Pod preferred the ladies to be of his own kennel, and was reluctant to accommodate outsiders. Only Dorothys ingenuity carried her through some of the most successful breedings.Stylepepper was lost at a rather young age, but he left many get carrying his and his sires superior genes. As an example of the prepotency of this line, Stylepepper had a brother named Wee Pepper. Bonners Wee Pepper Preshus was never shown because of an unfortunate incident resulting in his death at about one year of age. He did live long enough to sire Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. There is hardly a kennel that doesnt have these great Poms behind them.Several wonderful Poms came along after Pepper Pod and Stylepepper, but the next one that stood out to Dorothy was Starmist, and she was right on the button. With his very first litter, his value as a stud was apparent. Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist proved to be all that his breeding would indicate. He, too, produced over 20 champions, 21 or 22. I dont have an accurate count as some finished after his death and some were conceived while Starmist was with a handler. Starmist produced some of the most beautiful Poms I have ever seen. His sons have in turn, produced many, many champions.At one time Dorothy routinely kept three separate strains of her own line, and so had her own outcrosses. Stylepepper and Pepper Pod were behind all three strains. One wasrAristic Mighty Cutethe line Starmist came from, one was called the "Wag" line, and the third was the notable "Showstopper" line. After Franks death, Dorothy decreased her stock and bred the last of the Wag and Showstopper girls to Starmist. The results were more champions. Out of the WagStarmist cross came Ch. Bonners Lisastar Legacy, another producer of note.Legacy was loaned to Jackie Klein of Silver Meadows for a year and she finished several champions out of the litters that resulted from the visit.He was used sparingly at the Bonner Kennel at that time, as Starmist was still alive and producing. When Gayle and Tom Griffin made their first visit to the Bonner Kennel, Gale had a bitch in season, and at Dorothys suggestion, she was bred to Legacy. The litter produced Ch. Starlite Legacy Choco Bear, one of the nicest chocolate Poms to ever come along, also a champion producer. In looking at Legacys pedigree, there was no indication that he could produce chocolate. He had a chocolate and tan sister, however, so that although it was not likely to happen, it surely could. Were glad it did.Ch. Bonners Co-Starlyn Newsmaker was another very prepotent stud. He was the only get out of Ch. Bonners Starcrest Coquette, she being out of a litter of three identical females all of which finished their championships early on. Dorothy did not especially like their color, silver cream, and sold Minette and Trilette. She finished Coquette from the puppy class and later bred her to Starmist, producing Starco. Trilette went on to produce champions for Trill Duncan and later, Karen Holder. Minette is the dam of Dan Mercers most fabulous Ch. Mercers Touch ODuke. Ch. Bonners Starlyn Prissy Puff was the sire of the three sisters, as well as other champions. Dorothy has never bred especially for color, and any color that was not pleasing to her, was sold early on. Her preference is for bright reds and oranges. She never kept or bred to a black and tan but because of the tightness of her breedings, this as well as other exotic colors are still carried in the genetic makeup of her Poms. Starco produced a wolf sable son, and through his last son, Chesai News Flash, he is the grandsire of Ch. Mercers Exotica, a beautiful wolf sable bred by Dan Mercer. He also produced many black and tans as well as black and silver. Another Starco son, Ch. Cheelan Chesai Star Editor, regularly produced chocolates as well as black and tan.Because Starco was a cream, he was not used extensively for several years. He was mostly the "outside" stud because he was so easy to use, and refused no one. The outside stud was the one used on most visiting bitches unless someone had a preference. When Dorothy realized that he was seldom producing creams and when he did, the pigment was strong, with no fading, she started to use him more often. Like those before hem, he had the fantastic ability to produce a gorgeous puppy regardless of the mothers type or lack of type. I have always been thankful to have his last son, as well as Starmists last son.Dorothys latest champions are sired by Bonners Starlyn Modart. Dorothy sold Modart to Karen Holder now LaBonte at 3 months. Karen rarely shows her Poms but has sold many that have finished their championships. She has bred to the Bonner line for over 20 years. Karen sold Modart to me at age seven. Dorothy and I bred Modart with good news and bad news. He was almost exclusively a female producerhis daughters rarely got up to three pounds. Modart sat idle for awhile. Dorothy took the plunge again, hoping for a male with the type we knew he could produce. She bred "Penny" to him since Penny rarely produced a girl and Bingo, got Ch. Bonners Pendart Challenge from the first try and Ch. Bonners Pendart Champagne for the second. This was a Starmist son x a Starmist daughter breeding.Encouraged by Dorothys results, I tried again, this time with a 6 pound black andA.Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshustan bitch. Her first litter was five red sable females, all breedable size. My next try was another large bitch, a cream girl. This would be her last litter. As it turned out, Modart died six weeks before the birth of this litter. I expected an orange litter and was presented with 6 puppies-four white, 1 cream, and 1 cream sable-five of them were girls, all breedable size. We were truly thankful for this heritage.Lots of things happen with a concentrated breeding program such as Dorothys. She loves sweet, easy-going Poms, and as a by-product of selling off the problem kids, her Poms have the most delightful temperaments you can imagine. The other side of the coin, she hates climbers, but that climbing gene runs through generation after generation. In case you dont think thats inherited, all of Dorothys climbers trace back to one line, the "Gorgeous" line. Penny was a climber Bonners Starlyn Gorgus Penny as was her mother Gorgus and her grandmother, "Mischief." Mischief was bred to Aristic Pepper Pods Gorgeous, also a climber, which reinforced their remarkable athletic abilities. Although Challenge and Dart do not climb, their get do...and do...and do....The present location of the Bonner Kennels is straight north of San Antonio at the beginning of what is called Hill Country. It is on a rocky hill in a very heavily wooded area. There are ten acres of beautiful Live Oak trees that provide cool shade during the hot summers of South Texas. The house and kennel are attached in an "L" shape with the outside runs going off to the center of the "L", parallel to the house. Dorothys bedroom opens to the outside runs where she can see all of her Poms and the front entrance to the kennel office and trophy room. The Poms have ample space inside and out. The outside runs are 30 foot long and the Poms love them. They also get to see everyone thatomes to visit as the runs are on the front of me kennel building facing the circular drive. V'''ors always get rousing welcome much ei. yed by office is a tiny sunporch at the end of .ennel building. All transactions aremd out here. The Trophy room is between the office and the kennel itself and everyone meets the puppies here.Dorothy keeps a very large ledger in her office into which all events are meticulously recorded. Every visitor is recorded along with any information pertaining to the visit. Every puppy ever bom at the Bonner kennelis recorded in that ledger, including the birth order, name chosen, and critique. All sickness are chronicled with symptoms, medicines, etc., on a day to day basis, including success or failure. All show records as well as show critiques judges included and expenses are recorded. Dorothy has spent hours making entries into the ledger. I have spent many enjoyable hours reading it.There has always been a bedroom Pom, some by choice and some by demand. Occasionally the number of Poms allowed into the bedroom will grow to three or four, a real difficulty for Dorothy because of her asthma that has plagued her all of her life. The current bedroom Pom is Goldie. She is there by demand, a climber who comes and goes at will straight out of the Gorgeous line. The only way to control her would be to cage her and since Bonner Poms are not caged, Goldie has free run of the entire house and kennel.Back in the pedigrees you will see the name Pepper-K. This is a combination of Pepper Pod and a most prolific bitch, Aristic Mighty Cute, the foundation bitch for the future generations of the Pepper Pod line. She has continued to use a portion the sires and dams names in each of their get down through the generations and can recall pedigrees based on the name combinations, a very useful formula.Like all Pomeranian breeders, Dorothy has had some of the most exciting experiences tempered with some of the most crushing low points. One of the mostCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist-\iiiciluaii ruiiieiciMicui uiuu 4Sexciting times was taking Stylepepper to his first show. Dorothy took both winners dog and winners bitch and hoped the bitch would go best of winners for the major. Later, the judge told her he was unable to give the bitch BOW because there was not a Pom there who could beat her little male. He WAS unbeatable and went on to take Best in Show that day. Dorothy has bred many BIS Poms but that was the most exciting win of all.Along with good, many unpleasant experiences are also part of the Pom world. So many promising puppies are lost before they have a chance to make a mark. One sad incidence occurred with Stylepeppers brother, Wee Pepper. He was never shown because Stylepepper was out in the ring at that time. Olga Baker had sold a little bitch as a pet and when she was grown, the family wanted to breed her. Olga suggested they take her to the Bonner Kennel, which they did, and history was made on the spot. Dorothy always had a little male to prove so she selected Wee Pepper for the little bitch. A very fortunate choice that resulted in the birth of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. Wee Pepper was lost to a heat stroke, caused from running up and down the fence line. When Dorothy returned from town one day, she found the little fellow "down" and he could not be revived.We all have stories that read like nightmares, but I have taken Dorothys advice. Though sometimes we must learn the hard way, we must never let the same thing happen twice, whenever Dorothy sees a broom standing on its bristles, she chastises me, remembering the promising puppy lost to a perforated intestine. I have learned to look over an area or situation very carefully, with regards to how a Pom could get hurt, escape, separated from their water, etc.Dorothys total involvement with her dogs led her to the next step. She is a licensed AKC judge, and has two groups-toy and nonsporting. Her judging assignments have carried her everywhere over the last 20 plus years. Her great sense of humor has carried her through some harrowing experiences as well as some of the most enjoyable trips. She loves finding an outstanding dog in any breed and will keep track of it throughout its show career, and being a true breeder, she watches carefully to see what it produces.The greatest thing I have learned from Dorothy is patience. She has a most unique perspective of time, having learned over along period, what is important and what is not. She is a very sympathetic listener and advises new comers with kindness and courtesy. She willingly shares her many, many experiences and expertise. She smiles a lot and goes about her business, which is growing Poms....not roses. - . . - Lr. . trs'-A^ -vCh. Bonners Co-Starlyn Newsmaker1s'rCh. Bonners Lisastar LegacySnlkmitPays tribute to Mrs. Dorothy Bonner and to her Ch. Bonners Starlyn Prissy Puff, ROMrLSire of ourCh. Camelots Whispering Shadow ..Wit'Grandsire of our Goldcrests Whispering DawnIllustrious ancestor of our Ch. Goldcrests Imperial WarriorWe also pay tribute toCh. Bonners Pendart Challengesire of ourGoldcrests Angelic Challenge and last but not leastCh. Bonners Pendart Champagnesire ofBonners Katho Dart Wee Beautycurrently owned by Joan Reillyand the sire of our Bonners Goldart BouquetGlenn Bernardo Kelly Rogers 2561 Merced AvenueSouth El Monte, CA 91733-1923 818448-1601Top Poms List 1993Breed Points. . , , ----------DogsName..................... ................... ...... ......Owner Group Breed01 Ch. Cassios Flash in the Pan................. .............R. Koeppel........... ...2074.... .....33102 Ch. Starfires Totally Tempting............. ...............J. Cabrera............ ....714.... .....22003 Ch. Moreno's Perri Winkle..................... ........Moreno Trauner.... ...1376.... .....14504 Ch. Finch's He Walks on Water............. .................D. Finch............ ....462.... .....10505 Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain............ .............R. J. Blank........ ... 1069............8506 Ch. Southland Im So Impressive.......... ..........Meyers Laffer....... ......84.............8307 Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive....... .....Baumgartner Spelke ... 1830............8108 Ch. Great Elms Little Demetrius........... ................D. Watts............ ....187...... ........5909 Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock....................... .......Moureau Jackson .. ....375...... ....5710 Ch. Jan-Sharis Johnny Be Good............ ...............S. Hanson........... ....118.............5611 Ch. Extane Vanilla Fudge Sunday......... .........ShipekPresser..................0.............5412 Ch. Dorian Grey Isegrim........................ ...............B. Gossett............ ........o.... .. 4613 Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge......... .........Rinehardt Epps...........115...... ......4514 Ch. Jan's Willie Makit............................ ...............J. Lehtinen...............331...... ......4415 Ch. Glen Iris Luckdraaon....................... .........T. S. Goddard...........153...... ......4216 Ch. Haiku's Fox Fire............................... ................M. Hatton........... .... 130.... ....4217 Ch. TLC Bon Jovi................................... ........M. D. Ontiveros.... ....233...... ......4018 Ch. Ben Rays Sundancing Simon......... ..................B. Ray............... .......0...... ......3519 Ch. Deartas Tuf Cricket of Santer........ .......Pritchard Rinehart... .... 123..... ......2820 Ch. Bayou View's Brass Bandit............................Lewis Verrett.................0...............27Group Points01 Cassios Flash in the Pan......................................R. Koeppel...............2074............ 33102 Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive.............Baumgartner Spelke .. .. 1830........... ..8103 Ch. Morenos Perri Winkle..............................Moreno Trauner..........1376............ 14504 Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain..........................R. J. Blank............1069............ ..8505 Ch. Starfires Totally Tempting.............................J. Cabrera..................714............ 22006 Ch. Finchs He Walks on Water..............................D. Finch..................462............ 10507 Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock...............................Moureau Jackson .... ....375.... 5708 Ch. Jan's Willie Makit............................. ...............J. Lehtinen............ ....331.... ..4409 Ch. TLC Bon Jovi................................... ........M. D. Ontiveros.... ....233.... 4010 Ch. Jan-Sharis Flesh and Blood.............. ...............S. Hanson............. ....223............. .1811 Ch. Great Elms Little Demetrius.............................D. Watts................... 187............ .5912 Ch. Fame Showtime................................ ...............D. Reihem............ .... 173.... 9513 Ch. Glen Iris Luckdragon.................................T. S. Goddard........ .... 153............ .4214 Ch. Treasured Dean's Hi Hierarchy........ ................D. Hebert............. ....139............. .1715 Ch. Haiku's Fox Fire................................................M. Hattori................130............. .4216 Ch. Deartas Tuf Cricket of Santer......... .......PritchardRinehart.... .... 123............ .2817 Ch. Jan-Sharis Johnny Be Good.............................S. Hanson............. ....118... 5618 Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge....................RinehartEpps................115............. .4519 Ch. Pom Acres Inchalla Shortchng...................Wehrie Fiddick........ ...111............. .2620 Ch. Mac's Steppin Out..........................................E. McDonald........... ...105............. .14While we have compiled this report with care, we do not claim absolute accuracy. This is not the method for choosing the APC Annual Awards.Jean B. Schroll, ColumnistTim Sue PomeraniansIntroducing our newest "special" additionCh. Glen Iris Luckdragon1WlFdJCh. Glen Iris Castle Rockx Ch. Glen Iris Lady Guenevere"Hans is pictured winning a Best in Show Specialty on March 19, 1993, at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston under Judge Tim Robbins. Hans is a joy to show and to own, and is producing so well. He is a nice, soft cross to our line, and we do want to thank Joel and Cheryl Glen Ms for letting him come to live at Tim Sue.Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Dorothy Bonner. We all owe you so muchOpelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622Tim and Sue Goddard Rt. 2, Box 540Crystal PomeraniansCh. Bonners Celeberty Q OCrystalN\ AGROUP 3Ch. Mullers Celeberti x Bonners Rosecham Cutie"Sunny" is shown here winning a Group 3 under the late Judge Edd Dixon. Thank you, Dorothy Bonner, for this precious boy. We adore him. Our goal here at Crystal is to keep the Bonner line going for you.Congratulations on your Kennel Visit and thank you so much for this gorgeous line you have given us.We wish you continued recovery from your illness.Jim and Judy Shearer Sugarcreek, OH 44681 523 Miller Avenue 216852-4136Elans Secret Agent, Elans Anastasia, Elans Emissary Ch. Cinnabars Little Nikita x Johnstoy Elan High FidelityChampions in Black, Red, Orange, and Orange SableMr. and Mrs. David K. Dahlenburg Newark, Delaware 19715P.O. Box 4688 302 368-2070Mexico City, Mexico 011 52 5 525-4850MEDIA ALERTAll dog enthusiasts must be aware that, on March 18th, the Humane Society of the United States HSUS announced a proposed breeding ban for all cats and dogs in America.The ban is voluntary for one year. If the voluntary ban does not work, HSUS will seek a mandatory moratorium on all breeding for two years. They have launched a media campaign to promote this ban. Their story appeared on the front page of the March 19th edition of USA Today and was the subject of the USA Today Editorial. Usa Today supports the ban. They are asking for people to call in to express their opinion. It is extremely important that everyone interested in the welfare of dogs and the right to own and enjoy dogs in America call the toll-free number at USA Today to oppose this unreasonable and unenforceable ban.CALL TODAY 1-800-828-0909 FAX 1-703-247-3134Talking points to consider for your phone call This is America-we stand squarely for theright to own and enjoy the companionship of our pets."Overpopulation as described by animal rights radicals is a fund raising myth. The real data from animal welfare groups, epidemiologists, and leading universities such as tufts, show a dramatic and constant reduction in the number of pets euthanized, a downward trend which has continued for over 20 years.Education, not legislation, and the efforts of responsible breeders in placing dogs with spayneuter contracts are the real reasons for the decline in euthanasia.The numbers of euthanasia that HSUS is reporting have no scientific basis-they are a fund raising ploy.Wouldnt it make more sense for HSUS to put their energy into requiring that all shelter animals are spayed or neutered before offered for adoptionThe shelter problem is largely a result of stray cats and irresponsible pet owners-neither are likely to comply with a breeding ban. The responsible breeder is the only target.Prohibition did not workRegional Club NewsNorthern California Pomeranian Clubby Janet Manuszak-LucidoThe NCPC held its fourteenth Specialty Show on Saturday, March 13, 1993. Our judges were the respected Mr. Everett W. Dean, Jr. of Richmond, Virginia, for the Regular and Non-regular classes and Mrs. Gail Alexander, a good friend of the club, for Sweepstakes.The weather was beautiful and cool for our coated friends. The Specialty was held inside a large, airy building. We shared our judge, the ring, and hospitality with the local Pekinese club, who showed in the ring following our judging. The pot-luck lunch and raffle were better than ever. The grand prize drawing was for a portable television set which was won by our ever faithful friend, Lucy Buttz. Unfortunately, Lucy was unable to attend our show due to illness. Our club wishes her a speedy recovery. Another member, Linda Florer, made an afghan to donate to the raffle. It was envied by everyone. Thank you, Linda. We also had an auction for a hand-painted bag, also made by Linda, and it fetched a good price as a club donation. .IBOB--Ch. Odysseys Shadow of Keno owned BOS--Ch. Lessard Shangrila of Jubilee, UD by A. Kosasih and J. Manuszak-Lucido owned by Alice Lessard P74WD, BW-Odysseys Polar Eclypse owned by WB-Wee Hearts Slightly Sinful owned by Janet Manuszak-Lucido Marlene Presser, Cassandra Evans and MarlinPresserBest in Sweeps-Wee Hearts Insta-Gator owned by Marlene Presser, Cassandra Evans, and Marlin PresserBest Opposite in Sweeps--BoJays Collectors Item owned by Janice and Robert PernaNorthern Virginia Pomeranian Clubby Mary VickersYears ago Pom fanciers met after Pom judging at Old Dominion KC show to form a local Pom club. It was decided that the Baltimore area could better support a club. One in the DC area could come later. Thus, the Pom Club of Greater Baltimore was formed. PCGB is a vibrant organization that is known throughout Pom-dom.One year ago, on the Fourth of July, a club that would serve DC metropolitan area was formed. Early contact was made with AKC because of the closeness of Baltimore. NoVa Poms area is limited because of this closeness, but does cover the nearby suburban DC metro area with Prince William county as its southern most border.Within a few short months NoVa Pom Club gained 20 members has had two fun matches is producing "Fuzzies," a bi-monthly newsletter has assisted the Virginia Federation in fighting impending dog legislation has sincerely studied having a Pom rescue service and is responsible for many Pom fanciers across the nation wearing "Sparkling Sam" tee-shirts.Coming full circle, NoVa Pom supported the 100th Old Dominion Kennel Clubs show with trophies, another meeting and a fun-filled luncheon.More is in the plans, so stay tuned.The Bay Colony Pomeranian Clubby Claire FlesnerOur annual Specialty Show was held on Saturday, May 15th in conjunction with the Springfield MA Kennel Club in West Springfield, MA. The entry was one of our largest ver. This was our fourth year offering Puppy Sweepstakes and the entry grows each year.Club member Judy Manuel judged the Puppy Sweeps with an entry of 14. She picked Gale Sh^rlands Pinehavens Ropin the Wind for Best in Sweeps. Best of opposite went to L. -.reen Iveys Teakwoods Im a Wee Heart Too.The regular classes judge was highly respected Thomas W. Baldwin. He drew an entry of Iis choice for Best of Breed went to Diane Finchs BIS, BISS black Pom, Ch. Finchs- Walks On Water handled by Jackie Raynor. BOS was Barbara Krzewickis Ch. Pinehavens Minnie Pearl. WB and BOW was Trudy Adairs Riadas Little Anni Oakli who was capable handled by her exclusive handler James Terrell. WD was Tomho Indian Red of LEte owned by Howard Sklar.Trudy still hasnt come down from cloud nine-she is the breederowner of Riadas Little Anni Oakli. This was Oakis first major and now only needs 5 more points to finish her championship. Oaki is well known for always carrying her pink bunny everywhere she goes.She, along with Trudys other Foms, is a Therapy Dog and visits hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and hospices.Paula Payson provided simply beautiful trophies for all the winners. The Best of Breed trophy was a Prestige Soup Bowl Best of Opposite was a 40 ounce Pitcher and Best of winners was given a 10 x 12 picture frame. Winners Dog and Bitch were each presented with cheese and cracker sets, and Reserves each received candy jars. All first places in each class received a Bay Colony glass coffee mug. All the trophies had the Bay Colony Logo on them. Each entrant in all classes each received a Pom Placemat and a Goody bag with items donated by Bil-Jac.Immediately following the Pom judging, we had our annual buffet for all Pom exhibitors as well as Bay Colony members. Our President, Gladys Dykstra, as usual organized our sumptuous buffet. There was a plentiful and delicious supply of food for all. There is no way that anyone could have gone home hungryAfter the buffet, we tried to hold our annual meeting. In the past, weve always had a small comer room at this indoor show to ourselves. This year, the room was not available, so we set up in a comer of the show site. This was the only flaw in an otherwise perfect day, and it was a major one, specifically, no one could hear what was going on during the meeting due to the noise and the din of the crowd that goes along with a large indoor show. I counted 40 members or 34 of our membership at the meeting-this was the largest meeting weve ever had. It was spoiled by the overwhelming noise that couldnt be helped. We hope to find a solution to this problem before next year. Most of the major business was tabled until our Fall Match. Election of officers was completed and the Merit Awards were handed out. The new slate of officers is as follows President, Gladys Dykstra Vice President, Jessie Young Secretary, Bertha Cornwall Treasurer, Susan Cornwall Board of Directors Claire Flesner, Amy McKay, Garrett O'Dell, Paula Payson, Joan Rogenski, and Barbara Young.Garrett ODell and Trudy Adair had a special educational booth, promoting Poms along with the AKC educational program. Their bigger than life pictures of their Poms drew a big crowd and many compliments. Their Poms were also there in person to show offOur next event is our AKC sanctioned B-OB Match on September 18, 1993, at the McKays residence in Foxboro, MA. Donald Gill will be the Breed Judge, and Frank Farinacci will do obedience. Obedience judging will begin at 1130 a.m. and Breed will begin with Junior Showmanship at 1200 noon. We will also be offering the AKC Canine Good Citizenship Testing at our match that will be evaluated by Sue Cornwall.Many of our members are out on the summer show circuit, so I hope that I will be able to report several new Champions and Obedience Titlists in the next issue.HAVE YOU HUGGED YOUR POM TODAYThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore, Diana M. DowneySeveral of our members did very well at the 1993 APC Specialty in New YorkAPC SpecialtyFebruary 6-7, 1993Obedience-Judge Patricia ScullyNovice A 11st--DMDs British Red Coat 2nd leg 170................................Diana M. DowneyOpen A 21 st2 Whisper Ln Walk the Wildside, CD 164..........................Darlene ConteVeterans 21stldlewyld Charm Bracelet, CDX 196..................................Margaret R. McKee2ndCh Watts' Little Love Bug, CD 158.5...................................Debbie KennedyVeterans Open 11stldlewyld Charm Bracelet, CDX 181.5 Margaret R. McKeeSweepstakes-Judge Dianne JohnsonPuppy Dogs, 6-9 132nd--Watts' Little Socrates...............................................................Dolores A. WattsPuppy Dogs, 9-12 103rd--Tomho Strutting Head Honcho................................Tommi and Sandi Hooban4th-Elans Night Music.............................................Melissa and David DahlenburgPuppy Bitches 6-9 131st--Subers Impressive Indeed.......................Diana Downey and Suzanne BemeyPuppy Bitches, 9-12 61st--G Elms Little Mandy Gal V Watts...........................................Dolores A. WattsAlso Best Puppy in SweepstakesVeteran Dogs, 6-9 years 44th--Ch. Watts Little Love Bug, CD...............................................Debbie KennedyRegular Classes-Judge Mr. Frank E. OberstarBed-by-Exhibitor Dogs 91st--Watts Little Socrates...................3rd--Adine's Dance To My Beat..........American Bred Dogs 41st-Daybreaks Little Deuce Coupe...3rd--Subers Little King Tut................Open Dogs, ROCS 122nd--Emcees Cloudbusters Image.... Open Dogs AOAC 41st--ldlewyld Onyx...............................Open Dogs BBB 11st--Elan's Night Music........................Puppy Bitches, 6-9 151st--Elans Devil May Care.................2nd--Whisperin Ln Double Trouble.... Puppy Bitches, 9-12 61st-G Elms Little Mandy Gal V Watts2ndEmcee's Jackie Lou......................Novice Bitches 21 st-Pomsprings Wee Wanda Watts... Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitches 104th-Adorable Dancing Little Bit..........Veteran Dogs 53rdCh. Watts Little Dakotah.............4th--Ch. Watts' Little Love Bug...........Stud Dog 21st--Ch. Watts Little Dakotah.............2nd-Ch. Dimondes Crown Prince.......Award of MeritCh. Great Elms Little Demetrius...................................................Dolores A. Watts.............................................Diane L. WardFran Day Warren and Margaret R. McKee .........................Terry Bilzand Sue Bemey........Marlene Roantes and Morris Carson.....................................Margaret R. McKee..................Melissa and David Dahlenburg..................Melissa and David Dahlenburg.............................Mark and Carol Baldwin.........................................Dolores A. Watts.........................................Morris E. Carson........................Laura and Jerome Maiman.........................................Debbie Kennedy..........................................Carol T. Baldwin.........................................Debbie Kennedy..........................................Carol T. Baldwin........................................Diana M. Downey.........................................Dolores A. Wattscongratulations to all the exhibitors and breeders. Hope to see yall at our Spring match.LaCajun Pomeranian Club of Louisianaby Sue GoddardPlan A" Sanctioned Match 51 entries Judge Mr. Douglas WilsonPuppy Dogs, 9-121st--Treasured City Tycoon..............................................................Claudia WallaceNovice Dogs1 st--Roxies Little Joe...........................................................................Helen FranksBred-by-Exhibitor Dogs1st--Bar-Jon's Lil Jeep Master, Jr...................................................Barbara MessmerAmerican Bred Dogs1 st--Donaras Super Hero.................................................................Nancy ShellmanOpen Dogs1stTim Sues Harbor Pirate.........................S. and L. Levin, S. Goddard, R. FreehPuppy Bitches, 6-91st--Glen Iris Charieens Missy..............................................................Lena NelsonPuppy Bitches, 9-121st--Whid-Dons Cassandra Cameo.................................................................Barbara WhiddonNovice Bitches1st--Tim Sues Copy of an Angel............................................Tim and Sue GoddardBred-by-Exhibitor Bitches1st--Bar-Jons Lil Minnie Toast........................................................................Barbara MessmerAmerican Bred BitchesTim Sue Day Trip to Johnstoy...........................Sue Goddard and Bronya JohnstonOpen Bitches1st--Texican's Rainy Day......................................................................................Erika MoureauBest in Match--Tim Sues Harbor Pirate Best Opposite-Glen Iris Charieens MissyVaH.1 01_Best in Match Tim Sues Harbor PirateBest Opposite in Match Glen Iris Charieens MissyContinued from page 6spot. Compare the remaining dogs in the ring in the same manner, making a mental note of prospects for second, third, and fourth places.After the dogs have circled you two or three times, stop the exhibitors at the position in the ring where you wish them to be. The signal should be given to the handler who was first in line when you started them moving. This is courtesy. Dont forget you have an audience to play to. If possible, line the handlers up so the dogs are visible to the spectators at ringside.You must now walk down the line of dogs looking at each in turn. You may notice something you didnt notice before. On closer inspection you might notice an especially nice expression or a poor one, large or misplaced ears, a dog badly down on pasterns, one low in the shoulder and high in the rear, cowhocked or wide behind, feet which ar thin, splayed or flat and long rather than well-arched feet, round as cats, WELL up on toes. Make a mental note to check further when the dog is put on the table for examination.Make sure the table is secure. A table which wobbles never allows a dog to relax and be at his best. It should also have a surface on which the dog will not slip. I prefer a judge who allows only one dog at a time on the table for examination as usually both dog and handler have more advantage in one position at the table than they would at some other spot. When more than one exhibitor must use the table, the first handler to table always takes the choice position, the others must shift for themselves giving an advantage to the person in the choice location. If you feel you must compare two dogs together on the table in order to ascertain which has more merit, you may request the two exhibitors to place their dogs on the table together after you have examined all the others in turn.Starting with the dog first in line, instruct the handler to place his dog on the table. Since this person if first on the table, allow a few seconds for him to arrange coat and stack his dog. Those coming to the table after him will be able to groom quickly and stack while the first dog is being gaited, causing no delay.Approach the dog from the front, gently raise your hand to the dogs muzzle, speak to him if you wish, in a pleasant tone, "Hello, Boy", or some such comment. Look for head wedge, taper of muzzle, width ofmuzzle as compared to skull width, ear placement, size of ears, placement of eyes, size and shape of eyes and of eye rims, color of nose and lips, color of coat on muzzle, depth of stop. Feel skull shape and look for slightly flat skull required by the standard. Expression is important in the Pomeranian. You are going to have to invent a noise which will cause the dog to come to attention and bring his ears up into an alert position. One cannot determine true Pom expression when the ears are plastered back.Check front legs for straightness. Is the dog down in pastern, knuckled over Dont be fooled by leg coat. Heavy coat on a fine-boned dog can make a fine-boned dog look coarse, heavy muzzle coat can make a muzzle appear coarse, and untrimmed ears can make small ears look large. Check these points by feeling them to make certain each feature is in proportion for the build of the dog as a whole. Does the dog toe out or in or do the toes point straight ahead Is the elbow out from the body or does it hug the rib cage nicely If the chest is shallow, elbows may even be set in under the ribs causing the dog to have a "pinched" look in front. Look at the head from the side, now face to face again. Does the dog appear lippy Or does the upper lip fit nicely with the lower lip giving a clean appearanceYou may prefer asking the exhibitor to show you the dogs bite or you may wish to examine the mouth yourself. Are the teeth straight, even, and clean Are they all there-six between the canines in both upper and lower jaw. Many toy breeds have teeth missing in the lower jaw. This should not count too heavily against the dog unless two specimens of equal quality must be considered on the basis of fine points. The standard says, "One tooth missing or out of line does not constitute an undershot or overshot mouth." Correct bite is a scissors bite and an even bite is permissible. English dogs tend to be overshot while American dogs have problems with undershot jaws as a general rule. Do not confuse tooth alignment with jaw formation. There is a difference. Since you will be handling many animals, should you suspect you have handled a dog which is ill, excuse yourself and wash your hands thoroughly before you examine another. Saliva is the most expedient method of transferring disease from one dog to another. If you are concerned in the extreme, have the ring steward call for the show veterinarian.1993 STUD REGISTER for theAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBCh. Models Bit-O-Whiz Ch. Moonshadows G Whiz Wee Bad Queenaire Ruby Ruby Ch. Odysseys Keno WizQueenaire Whiskey Tenor Black Cherries Jubilee Jubilee Darin' Do Ch. Phyner Gold JackpotCh. Moreno's Critics' Choice Ch. Phyner Bust My Buttons Phyner Kitchen Witch Ch. Phyner Sweet Success Ch. Phyner Night Editor Phyner Morgana Le Fey Phyner MorticiaPHYNER POMERANIANS 415 346-5314To very approved bitches onlyr.Proven Stud. In Top Ten Poms for 1991 and 1992. Bred and owned by Dolly B. TraunerCh. Models Bit-O-Whiz Ch. Moonshadows G Whiz Wee Bad Queenaire Ruby Ruby Ch. Odysseys Keno WizQueenaire Whiskey Tenor Black Cherries Jubilee Jubilee Darin Do Ch. Morenos Tuff to TopCh. Bonners Lisastar Legacy Ch. Stariite Legacy Choco Bear Stariite Editors B'Witched Morenos Simply Bittersweet Phyner Editors Talisman Moreno's Copper Penni Phyner Rave ReviewsPHYNER POMERANIANS 415 346-5314To very approved bitches onlySiring blacks, chocolates, cream-sables Bred by Julie Moreno Owned by Dolly B. Trauner and Julie MorenoCh. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel Edneys Mitey Isis Delight Ch. Shadomountin One Man Show Ch. Moe-Best Special Order Watts Little Black N TandyCh. Watts Little Ebony of Scotia Cherlyns Take Me Too Patty Ch. Apolloette Foolish Pleasure Apolloette For Your Eyes Only Apollos Golden Pebbles Cherlyns One More TimeRosewood's Bold Venture Cheriyn's O-So-Snazzy Cheryl's Set the StylePatty Jensen 8712-212th St. Ct. E. Graham, WA 98338-8022Cherlyns Take Me Too Patty Orange Male 206 847-5851Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge ROM Ch. Glen Iris Charlemagne Bi-Mar ChristyCh. Janesas Wee Paws Pom Express Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster ROM Janesa's SableHi Times Krack Attack Wee-Paws Janesas Pom Express Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge ROM Ch. Janesas Trendsetter Janesas Sunkist Runner Wee Paws Hells AngelCh. Bev-Nors Toastmaster ROM Janesas Monkey Business Hi Times Krack AttackWee-Paws Janesas Pom ExpressGreg and Frances Vogel Orange Male4800 Lakeview Estates 205 339-3088Northport, AL 35476Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi Ch. Jolly Wee Im a Pepper Too Randy's Brandy of Jolly Wee Jolly Wee Duke of the WestCh. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Ch. Jolly Wee Joy of Peppi Randy's Pride and Joy of Duke Tim Sues Dandy DukeAC Ch. Millamors Rock Concert AC Ch. Chriscendo City Lights Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chattelaine Tim Sues Angel LightCh. Jeribeth's Ivan Ideal Tim Sue's Charlies Angel Tim Sue's Charlie Patri-ArkNorma C. Gad 5908 Upper Valley Road El Paso, TX 79932Red Orange Dog2 Majors and Winning 2 lovely litters on the ground-more comingCh. D-Nee's Darin Dinadan Ch. Finallys Danny Boy of Luells Luell's Finally a Timstopper Ch. Luells Spartan WarriorCh. Luells Stormy Nite O' Cardnl Luells Angelic Sparklin Rain Luells Darlin of Duke Aldens Spirit of SpartanCh. Toy Town's Dandy Com Duke Ch. Luells Cajun Dragonfly Myway Misty Bayou Dragonfly Luells Peg O My HeartCh. Luells Stormy Nite O Cardnl Luell's Stormy Valentine O Luv Luells Flaming April LoveNorma C. Gad 5908 Upper Valley Road El Paso, TX 79932\-1^Orange MaleMajor pointed producing outstanding puppies consistentlyCh. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Apples Traveling Diamond ROM Apples Traveling Crickett Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond ROM Mar-Bi-Leas Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Gaylor Ch. Great Elms Firestarter ROM Woods Sparkling Nugget Cedarwoods Gold NuggetCedarwoods September Dawn Great Elms Sweet Candy ROMX Great Elms Red Robin Great Elms Dolly Great Elms MollyDolores A. Watts 4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613Ch. Apples Traveling Diamond ROM Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond ROM Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elms Master Mark Cedarwood's Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy ROMX Great Elms DollyCh. Great Elms Little DemetriusCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too ROM Ch. Great Elms Model's Timstopper Model's Sweet Leilani Great Elms ButtonsCedarwood's Gold Nugget Great Elms Honeybun ROMGreat Elms Tan Fanny of LennisDolores A. Watts 4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613Register of MeritProducing quality puppies consistentlyV cl AAmerican and Canadian Champion Multi BISS and Group WinnerCh. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II Great Elms Sweet Candy Ch. Janes Wee Prince O Jeribeth Ch. Jeribeths Ivan Ideal Jeribeths Toastie Jeribeth's Idol Baker AC Ch. Janels Duke of Earl Singleoak Image of Great Elm Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Idolmaker Stariites Lucky Charm Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan My Style Hazel Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan High Style Hazel Gay SherryJanell Reich P.O. Box 464 Arlington, WA 98223SEX.-, .Stud fee and more information upon request.BreederOwnerHandler 206 435-5978 eveningsDaniel Ontiveros Margaret OndverosQoCdsun Pomeranians"Home Raised"Ch. Stud Service 619475-2531Puppies Occasionally 2981 Calle CumbreCobaft RedOrmge San Diego, CA 92139McKameysSundawn KennelsMrs. Norris McKamey 1112 Sycamore Drive Le Claire, Iowa 52753-9630 319 332-5809Puppies to love, breed and show prospects. State wants cleariy.Bloodlines are Cavalier, Millamor, Sungold, Great Elms, Browns, Creider, Hoods, Emcee, English Preservenes, Cynpeg, and HadleighKennel VisitsSeptember...Charlotte Creed November...Julie MorenoCongratulationsandBest Wishes toDorothy BonnerAPCLife Member Breeder Exhibitor JudgeAPillar of the BreedBack IssuesMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. The back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan 75... ....Oct77... ...May 79.. .. April 808.00 eachJul 77.......Feb80... ...Jul 81... ....Oct00uApr 86.. ...Jan 80 ... ...Jan 906.00 eachJul 80.... ...Oct80... ...Apr82... ....Oct 82Jan 83... ...Jul83.... ...Apr84... ....Oct 84Jan 85... ..Apr85... ....Jul 85.... ....Oct 85Jul 86.... ..Sept 86... ...Nov 86... .....Jul 87Oct 87... ...Jan 88 ... ....Jul 88.... ....Jan 89Apr 89.. ...Jul90.... ....Oct90... ....Jan 91Mar91.. ..May 91.. ....Jul 91Issues from Sept 91 on...The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Modesto, CA, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.The Pomeranian Review is sent to judges.Kennel visitsSeptember...Charlotte Creed November...Julie MorenoAdvertisersG. BemardoK. Rogers Goldcrest................4Evelyn Conley Lyn-LeeNeujahr............14, 1Norma Creider.............................................B1Mr. and Mrs. David Dahlenburg Elan...........4Diana M. Downey Dimonde....................16, 1Nina Epps Oakridge.................................18, 1Diane Finch Finchs.....................................3Jerrie Freia Janesas.....................................3Norma Gad Chula.....................................56. 5Tim and Sue Goddard Tim Sue...................4Ken Griffith Lenette.....................................2Geanene Hall Hallmark................................2Sharon Hanson Jan-Shar..................................Marit Hattori Haiku..................60, Inside BChristine Heartz Chriscendo........................3Patty Jensen....................................................5Russell and JoAnn Kern.................................LJacquelyn Klein Silver Meadows.................2A. KosasihJ. Manuszak-Lucido.....................2Marge Kranzfelder Forever Yours...............1Victoria Leitner Courbettes........................3Mrs. Norris McKamey Sundawn................51Dan and JoEllen Mercer Mercers 10, CoveJulie Moreno Morenos...............................Y.Erika Moureau Texican..............................2SClarice Oganeku Woodrose..........................1Rosemary Regoni Dars Foxridge...................Janell Reich....................................................51Robert and Joan Reilly Chesai....................31Donna S. Riehm............................CenterspreacMary Rosenbaum Bi-Mar.............................1Jim and Judy Shearer Crystal..................36, 4'Ramona Smith Mia......................................3fDolly Trauner Phyner................27, Inside FCBrenda and Terry Turner................................32Greg and Frances Vogel South Star............51Dolores Watts Watts..................................25HAIKUHaikus Rainbow of DawnChriscendo City Heat x Haikus Musical Annie"Niji" took reserve both days at the Windward show at the age of six months. A new star brightens Haiku Kennels.Mitsuo, MD and Marit Hattori46-459 Hulupala PlaceKaneohe, HI 96744808 895-8200HAIKUELmmK s.A wHIhr 7T- -y.i 1NtN L.1hmupwii - r-m j Ch. Creiders Oueenaire HawkCh. Creiders Winterhawk x Queenaire September MornThanks to Dudley and Wanda Roach and Norma Creider for this superb male. Hawk says, See my sire on the Back Cover."Mitsuo, MD and Marit Hattori46-459 Hulupala PlaceKaneohe, HI 96744808 895-8200I11I1111111I A1 Vill1l1l1 9ii' 'i1i' A\ , r lA\ d i11 V11rircii V V1I ri f-iI111 ,-i1Ir A11mm1'periIISI PiW.'kdV-,v- -IEaJalaJalaJalalaJaJalElEiEiElEJElElElElEJEMBMEJElBlEJElElElElElElEJEiEJElEJElEJEJBJEMEJEJEJEJEJEJEJEJBlEJEMEflECh. Creiders WinterhawkTulsa, OK 74107 918446-6839Mrs. Noirma Creider Route 9, Box 674