The below is strictly the text lifted via OCR from an issue of The Pomeranian Review. To view the actual issue please download the original PDF file.

The Pomeranian Review July 2004

Table of Contents

Advertisers Index 88
APC Membership Application 59, 60
APC Board Summary Janice Russell 34, 35, 36, 39
APC Officers 19
APC Statement 21
APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel 67, 68, 69
APC Summer Specialty Information 79
Archives 41
Ask Us Anything Annette Davis 22
Back Issue Information Laura Meineke 88
Behind New Titlists 56
City of Angels Pom Club Results 86, 87
Color 50 - 55
Coming Events 84
Cover Story Fran Stoll 12
Filler Pom Carolyn Brandenburg 43
German Spitz Diana Downey 90, 91
Getting To Know You Joan Behrend 58
Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder 44,45
Junior Jive Kaitlin Blowney 72, 73
Just FUR Fun 61, 89
Kennel Visit Roxanne Collins 24 - 28
Kennel Visit Sue Lucatorto 30 - 33
Kennel Visits, Future Features 82
Membership Report Annette Davis 18
New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel 67
Northern California Pom Club Results 80
PCCI Specialty 79
Performance News Barbara McClatchey 62-66
Pom Puppy Weight Growth Chart 74
Pom Shoppe 39
Pom Talk, Roxanne Collins 70, 71
President's Report Margaret McKee 20, 21
Registrar's Corner Carol Leemhuis 18
Salute to Our Armed Forces We Will Remember 57
Subscription Card 84
Subscription/Review Information 16, 82
Sunshine and Roses 84
Take A Ride On The Wild Side Camilla Knight 78
The Way I See It And More Sue Lucatorto 37
Upcoming Stars Information 82
Ways and Means Donna Riehm 38
Website Address 19
XTheOfficial Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc\K\sCH. STOLANNES ITS MY TURNrJ-v BEST OF BREED OR VARIETYtMAURY COUNTYkennel clubAKC EVENTLYNN M.VERS0N 200'alverson photo ITURNER is a beautiful boy and a joy to watch compete. He is a bundle of Pom attitude and has enjoyed an exciting specials career.Best of Breed Judge C. C. YochumBest of Breed Judge Ann HearnBest of Breed Judge Joe WaltonBest of Breed Judge J. RachunasThank you JUDGESAnd special thanks to Turners best friend and Handler, Debbie Kingery. Thanks Debbie, he is always SO happy and looks terrific.Donna RiehmRiehm PomeraniansMurphysboro, IllinoisFran StollStolanne PomeraniansWashington, IndianaCongrats to Sue Lucatorto and Roxanne Collins on your featuresCH. JAN-SHARSA-----nBESTOFOPPOSITECOLUMBIA MO KENNEL CLUB MARCH 2004PHOTO BY DOWNEYfFINISHED AT 7 MONTHS 2 DAYS OLDSIRE-CH. JAN-SHARS N SYNC DAM - CH. JAN-SHARS SNOW WHITEPICTURED HERE WITH HANDLER PAM DZIUK AND JUDGE DENNY MOUNCE.SHARON HANSON -BREEDER AND OWNERSharon L. Hansonwww.janshar.compomsjanshar.comEagle Greek PomeraniansThis truly awesome boy has started his show career with a big bang Slys first win, as an 8-month-old puppy, was Best of Breed and aToy Group 3 placement He went on that same weekend to receive a 5 point major and Best of Breed over a very nice special. Thank you to the judges, Christine Salyer Anderson and Carl Yokum for appreciating the quality of this outstanding boyKathryn J. NoremEagle Creek PomsSo many thanks to Diane Finch, Slys breeder, for allowing me to bring this boy home. Sly has been so much fun to show Your ongoing support, encouragement, and confidence are so very much appreciated fr. 4Diane L. FinchFinchs PomsrOwner Exhibi tor www. eaglecreekpoms. comBreederwww. finchspoms. com sVgroup rPLACING I2-,Ar. imr Jti t- ^ i 4Finch s Awesome On All Fouras -t1'iCh.Finch s Walkin After Midnite X Finch s Precocious Debutant4TmlL. i Tjr - J' -1Photo by Gene Goldberger 516 795-1153IMgi-fIT 3bl1111 CP-Qo 'A. IPTi\\ \ vV- V" TCmgpratulations to mg wife, Sudan, an Her kennel uisit. 7 admire Her expertise in raiding^ and producing- sfiow- Tomeranians. 'Bent of lucks oilwags. oce, "Ed"Mam, Congratulations orngour kennel mit. you are touted bg our fantilg friends for gaur extension Tameranian knowledge 7 am lookings forward to the Cades Tomeranian Tanfare Continued Succeed- oinnaMam, Congratulations on gear cantinueds success, you- fume demonstrated to our fantilg tfuat witfi dedication, fiardworks and faitd, acMemments are infinite, your paddion for pomeranians and ttie sport cannot be formulated into words.7 cannot wait to dee tfe kennel uidit Lone, CfriddgMom,Congratulations on gour kennel irnit. 7 just want to tell gam that gam are tfie best Tomeranian dfuaws person 7 know-. 7 lone gou-. Lone, Silma7 want to congratulate gou, Mom, on gaur Tomeranian acfiiemments. Tfuank gam for teachings me about dags, you fume inspired me to bejust like gam.CfridtinarDreamWeaver PomeraniansProudly introduces our new puppy hopefuls, DreamWeavers Thunder Cloud, aka Austin, and DreamWeavers Rainn Fire, aka Abilene. Austin is now owned by Sandra McCutcheon in Austin, TX.We wish to congratulate our good friends, Roxanne and Michael Collins, on their well-deserved kennel visit.Linda PelzMichael and Liz Wellswww.dreamweaverpom.comMPurinaCHAMPIONNEWMAJORWINNERSFinger LakesKennel ClubMarch 28,2004 eJohn AshbeyCM, CASS'S M PROCS EVER READY EDDIECh Great Elms Master Mark org Ch Starfires Nicolas El Grande org sbl Starfires Marina org Cases Gold Strike of Lenette orgGreat Elms Little Fonzi red Great Elms Little Sweetum redChip a Ways Terrific Lisa orgTHANK YOU, JUDGES, FOR RED'S MAJOR WINS,I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO THANK DOMNA MACHNIAK FOR HER EXPERT HANDLING AND PRESENTATION OF RED.Cases Goldstrike of Lenette Cases Seans Striker orgErin N Cases Hello Dolly org Cases Brindle Bundle of Joy brndAm.Can.Ch.Merimaurs Best Case Scenario blk Cases Chocolate Kisses choc brndCases Coco of Cohoes chocpartiSUE LUCATCmOBEST WISHES TO ROXANNE COLLINS ON HER KENNEL VISIT.CASE'S POMS. QUEENS. NEW YORK718 470-6267 WWW.AN GELFIRE.COMMY5CASESPOMSTishas Kravin Snickersti\-WINNERSPvHyicuwtty \ VoeuVApril 24,2004 K. BOOTH Snickers is pictured winning a 3 point major at Progressive Dog Club of Wayne County on April 24, 2004, under Mrs. Peggy Carr. Thank you. This was Snickers third major win.Congratulations to Roxanne Collins and Sue Lucatoro on your kennel visits. AAlways Breeder-Owner-HandledSince 1977Pat and Fred Dieball2019 Greenwood Rd Lapeer, MI 48446 810 245-1924 tishapomprodigy.netLhasas and PomskkkkAgukkkkk _ kkkkk'kkk'kkbreeders, offline Pours sLn,ae 1J5J1440Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 K. G. Griffith - OwnerilfsBnlTBREEDSWINNERSBEST I OFm ,1 BRUHSW\CK igk8kkkk,Ch. Magic Touch of LenetteSire Ch. Music Maker of Lenette Dam Nikki of Lenette Judge Sue WoodlePresenting one of our newest champions. Thank you, Vikki Oelerich, 516 795-4058, for doing such a fine job with Magic. He is now retired and just loves his new role with the girls. His first puppies are due soon.We have 5 new litters sired by BIS winner Ch. A.J.s Smokin Joe, 3 litters sired by Ch. Charming Prince of Lenette and 1 new litter sired by Ch. Music Maker of Lenette. We have litters due by the following studs Ch. Firebrooks Tobasco Fiasco Winners Dog at our spring APC National, Ch. Great Elms Little Cricket and our top producer, Music Maker of Lenette. Please visit our website, or give us a call. Our puppies are priced from 800.00 to 1,500.00.Best wishes to Roxanne Collins and Sue Lucatorto on your kennel visits.A GREAT BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO DANIEL YONA ON FINISHING HIS FIRST CHAMPION, CH. VELOCITYS SIMPLY NO REGRETS. This is champion No. 25 for Ch. Indiana Jones of Lenette.A special thank you to Nadine Hersil for finishing one of our broods, Ch. Amber Glow of Lenette. Amber is sired by Parker.Congratulations to Diane and Noble on Parkers 30th Best In Show.JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian ReviewAAApAVyncCCor Pomss introduces...lCNIjcSAGINAWVALLEYKENNEL'llLIBAprilBOOTH PHOTO"..."VWyncCCor Its My WishBISS Ch. Sirius Its Sable Adam x Wyndlor Three WishesGina is pictured winning a 5 point major by going Breed over Specials under Anna Wanner.Gina is handled by her co-breeder, Nina Fetter.Congratulations to my friend Roxanne Collins and also to Sue Lucatorto on the occasion of their kennel visits. Thank you, also, to everyone who supported my kennel visit in the last issue.Becky Sabourin989 832-3408'Tlvv\ 3 v _____________TA- rzW-i ..- r' _ SLWINNERSBEST OF OPPOSITESPRINGFIELD \ 'id ItU V l. S4Z- TOM NUTTINGftYPliPI I r liliiTresstique GR8 Memorial BARBQMy thanks to judges Joseph Gregory, Betty Flavell, and Albert Wight for appreciating this pups good quality.Congratulations to Roxanne Collins and Sue Lucatorto on your kennel visitsBreederOwnerHandlerBonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Ave., Middle Island, NY 11953 631 205-5223 tresspomshotmail.comJulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 11The Pomeranian ReviewContentsAdvertisers Index............................................................. 88APC Membership Application...................................... 59, 60APC Board Summary Janice Russell............ 34, 35, 36, 39APC Officers.................................................................... 19APC Statement................................................................21APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel............................ 67, 68, 69APC Summer Specialty Information................................79Archives...........................................................................41Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.......................................22Back Issue Information Laura Meineke...........................88Behind New Titlists..........................................................56City of Angels Pom Club Results................................86, 87Color......................................................................... 50 - 55Coming Events.................................................................84Cover Story Fran Stoll..................................................... 12Filler Pom Carolyn Brandenburg.....................................43German Spitz Diana Downey...................................... 90, 91Getting To Know You Joan Behrend...............................58Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder.................... 44,45Junior Jive Kaitlin Blowney.......................................... 72, 73Just FUR Fun...............................................................61, 89Kennel Visit Roxanne Collins..................................24 - 28Kennel Visit Sue Lucatorto.......................................30 - 33Kennel Visits, Future Features........................................82Membership Report Annette Davis..................................18New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel.............................. 67Northern California Pom Club Results............................ 80PCCI Specialty.................................................................79Performance News Barbara McClatchey...................62-66Pom Puppy Weight Growth Chart................................... 74Pom Shoppe....................................................................39Pom Talk, Roxanne Collins......................................... 70, 71Presidents Report Margaret McKee...........................20, 21Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis.................................18Salute to Our Armed Forces We Will Remember.............57Subscription Card............................................................ 84SubscriptionReview Information.................................16, 82Sunshine and Roses........................................................84Take A Ride On The Wild Side Camilla Knight...............78The Way I See It And More Sue Lucatorto......................37Upcoming Stars Information............................................82Ways and Means Donna Riehm......................................38Website Address..............................................................19Trent CoverI II. Stdlanne s Starr Of The PartilingoRingo is my first parti puppy, and I guess I would say this is a story of beginners luck. Due to birth complications, he spent his first week in an oxygen tent and nursed with a foster mom. From the beginning, I recognized his quality and just kept cautioning him, Dont get uglyHis show career began at 9 months of age, and yes, I had my problems getting some judges to look beyond his color. However, he finished with three majors, and I am most grateful to those judges who recognized the quality beneath the color.Good luck to Sandy Johnson, who has Ringos first puppy, and she is as nice as her sire. To those breeders who want to try their luck at partis, Hang in there, its well worth the waitSTOLAIE POMSFran StollR. R. 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 Phone 812254-3857 Fax 812254-3254 Email stolannedmrtc.netft fixated leyfiiebnvus,ViV5lralii52iixviUiVJ\M\ MMJlEx ^kennel cm tft. 72004 besi Of N, OPPOSE ^ C KOHLERI \N\UUBSNew Ch. Avalons Angelina AngelCh. Dominic of Lenette x Avalons Queen Nefertiti NeffyThanks to handler Cathy Jessen for doing such a good job with our little Angel. Good luck to Sandra Johnson with her new Avalon kid, Mario, in the ring now with Nadine Hersil.OwnerBreederAnnette Eric DavisAvalon Pomeranians208 234-0932 www.avalonpom.comHandlerCatherine JessenElusive Toys208 745-5267 www.ElusiveToys.comJulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 13BRITISH LANE IDEA IN MOTIONSavannahSavannah has both majors and is taking time out to have a family. She was bred to PETITE ACRES BLUE OF HEARTLAND. Pups are due mid-June.WINNERSMAJORtm.wA7\oriw__AS IFINCHS HESA GOLD INVESTMENT ex WILDWOODS YOU GO GIRLChynaBRITISH LANE MIDNIGHT MADNESSChyna is parti-factored she goes back to Fame and Finchs lines. She will be with Brenda at the summer national.ettbp ChambersLostant, Illinois Pomeranianfacesaol.comSpring and Savannahs coats are condition with inflight coat formula.prittef Laneprtttsf lane BomsSpringn'CH BRITISH LANE SWEET SPRINGCH WANG TSU WHOPPER JUNIOR X CH FAME SWEET SUCCESSSpring has been bred to the breathtaking MOJO,CH FINCHS A HEART THROB WALKIN. Spring is due mid-June.pritfej lane enbjp ChambersLostant, Illinois Pomeranianfacesaol.comSpring and Savannahs coats are condition with inflight coat formula.Pomeranian IxebietoTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. PUBLICATIONEditor....................................................................11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731................Brenda Segelkenfame62401yahoo.comSubscriptions...........................................PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692..........................Cheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comBack Issues.........................................................7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227Proofreaders.......................................................PH 513 271-3983............................Laura Behrend, Becky SabourinAdvertisement Manager......................................................................................................................................................................................................Jessie Klein13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704 PH 903 882-1950 Jessiemykeepsakes.netAssistant Advertisement Managers.....................................................................................................tfr ...........................................Joan Behrend, Walda GreenBusiness Card Manager................................................................................................................................................................................................Becky Sabourin2814 East Blackhurst Road, Midland, MI 48642 PH 989 832-3408 Wyndlorchartermi.netSubscriptions-6 issues per yearUSPS First Class........................................... ..........45.00USPS Bulk.................................................... ..............37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico........................ ...............55.00Foreign.............................................................................. ............100.00Single Issue................................................... ............10.00Back Issues..................................................jl................ ...........10.00mAdvertising DatesFront Cover Color........................................ ........600.00Back Cover Color......................................... .......450.00Inside Front Cover Color............................. ........300.00Inside Front Cover BW.............................. .........125.00Inside Back Cover Color........................................ .........300.00Inside Back Cover BW........................................... .........125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color................................................. ...........300.00Page 3,4,5,6 BW....................................................... ...........125.00Center Spread Color................................................. ...........600.00Center Spread BW.................................................... .........250.00Full Page Deluxe Color............................................ ............275.00Full Page BW............................................................. .........100.00Half Page Color.......................................................... ...........150.00Half Page BW............................................................ ..............60.00One Quarter Page....................................................... ..............40.00Business Card 6..............................Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1................................................................ JanFebFeb 1...............A...................................................MarAprilApril 1.............ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1......................COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1..................................................................... SeptOctOct 1......................MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDecThe Pomeranian Review.official A. P. C. publication.sent to Breed Group Judges .reasonable rates.quality reproductions.only source of APC Archives .provides APC news and reports .APC Specialty coverage .Regional Pom Club coverage .obedience training information .interesting, informativeSUPPORT TUP APC SUPPORT TUE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian Review Brenda Segelken, Editor 11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401 Or Email Make all checkspayable to the American Pomeranian Club.16 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004Chars parti Til you TuckerA1K-a As1ST PLACE AMERICAN BREDEHmINATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004Cb. finchs Rockin parti X Rossmar Miss Sparkle Bred by Char Meyer of Chars pomsOwned and missed bykittle fkookum pomsfeborah toehr360 427-S5S5Tucker is lovingly handled by Cynn Meyer.TflflNR yOQ toJudge Banny Moore for this nice placement and Judge Richard V.Miller for his first point.JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 17REGISTRARS CORNER CAROL LEEMHUISMEMBERSHIP REPORT ANNETTE DAVIS391 N. Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 Letters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review are to go to Janice Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46222. Comments must be received within 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APC Web Site or contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERS BOARD VOTE 053004Margaret R. Johnson VASponsors Margaret McKee, Edward A. MartinTammie L. Ford NCSponsors Rodger K. Beaty, Sharon HansonRandolph S. Arand IASponsors Juanita Fiddick, Jane LehtinenWendy Chambers ILSponsors Diane L. Finch, Brenda SegelkenAPPLICATIONSMichael Shalon Parrott MSSponsors Linda Pelz, Tammee FelixBillie Hurst VASponsors Patricia Dague, Diana M. DowneyOrville Letitia Cannon CASponsors Greggory S. Waters, Sharon HansonGeno Sisneros MNSponsors Jose Tony Cabrera, Jane LehtinenChristy Jessica Christiansen UTSponsors Pati Danielsen, Charlene R. WatersMelvina Langston INSponsors Sharon Shipek, Lauretta FlynnJudy Chandler CASponsors Diane L. Finch, Donna MachniakLaurie Kinsman CanadaSponsors Christine Heartz, Jane LehtinenCyndi Vande Hoef MISponsors Becky Sabourin, Linda PelzSharon D. McDaniel MISponsors Diane L. Finch, Jane LehtinenLloyd R. and Linda Franques ARSponsors Nina K. Epps, Bronya Johnston2318 Rose Garden Road Pittsburgh, PA 15220 412 344-8257Register Of Merit Jan-Shars Gone And Done It BOwner Sharon Hanson Jan-Shars N-Vogue BOwner Sharon Hanson CH Jan-Shars N Sync DOwner Sharon Hanson Wyndlor-N-DJs Oliver Twist DOwner Donna MachniakRegister Of Merit ExcellentJan Shar Minnie Pearl BOwner Sharon HansonGold ClubMACH Riverstones Rockin The Boat MX MXJ Owner Trish WhitleyHall Of FameMACH Riverstones Rockin The Boat MX MXJ Owner Trish WhitleyFinchs Comotion In Motion AX, OAJ Owner Judy ChandlerVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at http www.americanpomeranianclub .orgAPC Membership Applications ContinuedChristine Bousguet VASponsors Patricia Dague, Diana M. DowneyGail Lorenzo WVPatronElizabeth A. Molina CASponsors Sharon Hanson, Alane LevinsohnTom Wilson CASponsors Betsy Owens, Noble Inglett Jan Young MOSponsors Roxanne Collins, Linda L. Mulso18 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004-3-AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT............................ .....MARGARET MCKEE2426 Sandy Hook Rd., Goochland, VA 23063-2508PH 804 556-3380 FAX 804 556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.............................................................................. .............FRANCES STOLLR R 3, Box 429, Washington, IN 47501PH 812 254-3857 FAX 812 254-3254 EMAIL stolannedmrtc.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.1325 9th Street South, Virginia, MN 55792.............JANE LEHTINENPH 218 741-2117 FAX 218 741-9435 EMAIL janlejanlepoms.comRECORDING SECRETARY........................................................................... ...........JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317 924-9093 EMAIL indypomindy.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.......................................................................................CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972 962-3872 FAX 972 962-3872 EMAIL lovencountrypeoplepc.comTREASURER..........................21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375..........ERIKA MOUREAUPH 281351-9516 FAX 281 351-6620 EMAIL OF DIRECTORS.................Sally Baugniet Annette Davis Diana DowneyAnnette Lynn Heise Marge Kranzfelder Greggory WatersJulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 19I n in the President's DeskMargaret McKeeFrom the PresidentI left something out of my last column, for which I apologize. Dorothy Martin is looking for someone to take her place as Chairman of the Judges Education Committee. Dot has worked very hard in this position. She has organized the Mentors Classes and the Mentoring Program at the National. She has either put on or found someone to do numerous seminars around the country. Finally, she has completely redone the audiovisual materials we use for those seminars, substituting photos of actual dogs for drawings and putting it all on CD-ROM. Quite understandably, Dot now wants to devote more of her time and energy to her own dogs, to judging and other pursuits. If you think you would like to try your hand at this interesting job, contact any Board member to volunteer, or contact Dot for more information.A friend in another breed and I were discussing her recent trip to England. I mentioned a certain kennel name. She dismissed it, saying it was only a high class puppy mill. Ive thought about that phrase a lot. Is it even possible, or is it just an oxymoron We all think we know what a puppy mill is. We use the term disparagingly, and all agree a puppy mill is a terrible thing. Weve seen the pictures of raids on TV of blatant examples where poor quality dogs are kept in wire cages, poorly fed, never exercised or groomed, bred season after season, and we have no trouble agreeing that that, indeed, is a puppy mill. But what about the large commercial kennels where, reportedly, the dogs are kept in immaculate conditions What exactly is your definition of a puppy mill Is it limited to the standard of care Is over a certain number of dogs taboo, regardless of care, while under a certain number is OK What is that number Does the owner have to know the name of each dog without peeking at the cage card Do we count the number of minutes of attention each dog gets per day Are they petted, played with, talked to, and groomed I know some famous kennels past and present that would fail the simple number test.Must the kennel owner show in conformation to avoid the puppy mill appellation If the dogs are well-socialized, well cared for, and healthy but intended solely for the pet market, do we look20 - APC Pomeranian Review - JuiyAugust 2004down our collective noses at the breeder What if the owner shows in obedience, herding, or agility Are we then more tolerant Is a championship the be-all and end-all for determining whether this is a breeder we admire or scorn Id love to hear your thoughts on defining puppy mill.One of the privileges of being President is I can use this column as a soapbox to complain about my pet peeves. One of those is exhibitors who show dogs who do not need single points, only a major, at a show where the entry is sufficient for only single points. Oh yes, Ive heard all the excuses Ive paid my entry fee, and Im entitled to show. True, but to what end Does your ego need boosting that much to take points you dont need If I win the breed, and the bitch goes op over the bitch special... OK, maybe. I could get a major by winning the group Yeah, and lightning could strike. The last person who said that didnt even get the breed, let alone the group. Im not talking about the situation where there is a major entry, but youre not sure everyone is going to be there, and you take your dog in the ring in the hopes that the major holds. Im talking about where there are not enough dogs of either gender to make a major even if one goes BOB or BOS. It is perfectly legal - its not against AKC rules - to show a dog that has singled out. BUT it is very poor sportsmanship. It is the height of selfishness to take single points you dont need away from a dog that does need them.Conversely, I get really annoyed at exhibitors who dont make every effort to show up when it is a major entry. I feel there are very few excuses for not getting your dog in the ring to hold that major. If you are really sick and the dog is entered in BBE, OK. Nothing you can do. But if you are sick and the dog is in Open, call a friend to take the dog to the show for you. Well find someone to groom and show it. If the dog is sick, your priority, of course, is to care for it. There will be another show. But if it is poor weather, thats not a great excuse. The rest of us got there. If you are miffed that you lost on Saturday, thats not a good enough excuse not to come on Sunday. Be considerate, folks. Theres going to come a time youre going to be very anxious for a major and youll want the rest of us to show up.Its all a matter of Pom people being considerate of one another. And Pom people are the best people in dogdom.American Pomeranian Club, Inc.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, Membership Chairperson,391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Email Membership applications may also be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgIf you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact The Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692.You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomerknisn Revew - 21Annette DavisOur question for this issue is What is the best way to potty train my Pom1 If you are having trouble house training, have a physical exam, fecal, and urine sample checked by your veterinarian. Parasites, urinary tract infections, and other health problems are a leading cause of house training problems.2 Feed only premium food. Avoid sudden changes in your Poms diet.3 Until he is reliably house trained, never allow your Pom to wander the house unattended. Use a crate or play pen when you cannot personally supervise your dog. Immediately take him for potty when you let him out of his crate. No, this is not cruel unless overused. Your Pom will come to think of his crate as his den and will appreciate having a place of his own.4 Schedule feedings to two or three times per day. Remove any leftovers after 30 minutes. Note Because toy puppies are prone to hypoglycemia, scheduled feedings are not advisable until your puppy is at least 6 months old.5 Take your puppy outside for potty often - especially first thing in the morning, after meals, and after naps.6 Decide on a verbal cue such as potty to use each time you take your dog outside. Say hisher name first and then POTTY. Reward him with lavish praise, a small treat, petting, etc., as soon as he goes.7 If your dog has an accident inside, tell him firmly, No, and then take him outside. Yelling at or hitting your dog is counterproductive and not advised Clean the accident area with an enzyme cleanser so he will not be attracted to it again.8 If your dog is a pet, have him neutered or her spayed. A neutered pet is much easier to house train. Male puppies neutered before 6 months of age generally do not lift their legs. Older males often continue to leg lift even after they are neutered.9 If you cannot take your dog outside, you can train to puppy pads or newspaper. If you train to newspaper, do not leave your good newspaper lying around or you may find little surprises on it. Litter box training is not recommended, as the litter can be dangerous if ingested.Our question for the next issue is When is the best time to breed my PomYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello ID 83204 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail davisavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm22 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004The "Beastie Boys"Sunqlo's Havin A Black N Tan-Trum Sunqlo's Just Lookin For TroubleBISS Ch Mountain Crest JJ x Ch Sunray Rider's Samantha RoseWe would like to congratulate our friend Roxanne Collins on her feature this month. We also would like to congratulate Sue Lucatorto and her Cases Pomeranians. We wish you both continued success.Sunglo Pomeranians Dan and Tammee Felixsunglopomsatt.nethttphome.att.netsunglopoms619-282-5520PRESENTSMALASHELS UPTOWN GIRLCongratulations, Sue, on your APC Kennel Visit.BreederOwner Elaine Wishnow 2351 E. 17th Street Brooklyn, NY 11229 malasheltiepommsn.comThank you, Dr. Smith, for Tesss first 2 points and BOB at 7 months.It is fun being your friend.Handler Vikki Oelerich 79 N. Walnut Street N. Massapequa, NY viktrespomsaol.comJulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 23Pomeranian Review Kennel VisitrJ rJS SrMike and Roxanne CollinsHello to everyone First, I need to start by thanking my husband, Mike, for his support and help over the years. Without him, I would not be able to thank the Pom Review for asking me to do this visit. He is my backbone in this endeavor. He is my shoulder to cry on and my ears to listen when I encounter the many heartbreaks that come along with this breed. Mike has many times saved one of our Poms life, by either dislodging whatever they choked on or by mouth to mouth when a few have been playing too rough and had the wind knocked out of them. He is my chief Pom-sitter when I am away at shows. The times he does travel with me, he is my loadunload, set uptear down man, and my driver. He is my heart and soul in all I do.Now, I can go on to thank the Pom Review for asking me to do this feature. I am very honored to be asked, although I was surely not ready for it, as I have not been in Poms all that long. I still have many things to learn, with only six years of breedingshowing experience. However, I have enjoyed and had animals all my life..-2Imj 'n'The Collins home. - -mpond_____ __f yin ........... . v.- 4K7 .. . ,M 'flowerbed '24 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004Now, I present to you the story of my kennel and how we came to be. I am Roxanne Collins. Finding a kennel name was not easy at first, but with the help from my husband once again, we managed to find a very appropriate one. Mike said they are always wanting in your lap and in your face, giving kisses whenever they can. He suggested we name our kennel Kissami Kennels.It is Mikes fault I fell into this breed and he will tell you so himself. His sister came upon Puddles who was being given away by a friend of hers. Mike brought her home for my birthday. She was two years old. Sadly, I only had her about four months before she went into renal failure. After four days in the vets office on IVs, I had to make the decision to put her down. That was in late January of 1995. In March, I happened to be reading the paper and saw an ad for Pomeranian puppies, so Mike and I went and looked at them. As you can guess, I came home with Jazmin, a.k.a. Jazzy, as my early Mothers Day present. Her registered name was Roxys Sweet Jazmin Delight. Her name fit her perfectly. She was very sweet, a pure delight in my life. Little did I know when we got Jazzy, though her life was short, she would leave a lasting impression on mine.Every once in a while, there is a dog special enough to open someones heart to a whole new world. The world I am speaking of is one that takes a special kind of person. It is the wonderful world of dogs breeding, raising, training, grooming, showing, and loving.The dog that opened my eyes to this exciting and fulfilling world was indeed Jazmin. Jazzy was not only a gift from my husband but a gift from God as well. She had a heavenly personality, really beyond belief, with a passion in life for water. She would literally sit in her water pan while drinking. She would actually chase the rain, and she loved to lie in any puddle of water no matter how big or small. I could go on for pages describing the crazy antics that made her special.I learned many lessons in my first few years with Poms. I learned the importance of being a responsible pet owner through the loss of my Jazmin and two others. I also learned cruelty when one of my babies was stolen from my yard. I learned my lessons the hard way, but that brought me to another aspect of what I wanted to do because of Jazzy. I had no idea at that time there was a different world for dogs out there called conformation showing. Debbie Kingery was responsible for introducing me to showing. For that, I thank her. She invited me to a show where she had her Gizmo entered. As I watched, I knew I wanted to try my hand at showing. When I arrived home, Mike and I decided the five dogs we owned at the time were to be spayedneutered and placed.A part of my mission in life is to try to stress the importance of being a responsible pet owner. I want people to know that they should fence in their yards, keep up with vet visits, spayneuter their pets, etc., and be dam sure they are ready for the heartaches of breeding before they jump in with both feet IRoxanne Collins Kennel Visit Continued on Page 26Roxanne Collins Kennel Visit Continued From Page 25encourage people to read the Thinking of Breeding article on my Website.In May of 1997,1 made a phone call to Clarice Oganeku of Woodrose Kennels and acquired Woodrose Dressed To Kill, a.k.a. Andy. He was here in the states with Nadine Hersil. I brought Andy home, and we got acquainted and practiced. I immediately fell head over heels in love. In November of the following year, I entered him in the Steel City Kennel Club show and went WD for his first two points. From that moment, I knew I wanted to show and raise Poms. On a very sad note though, we lost Andy in June of 2003.Next came the smartest thing I could have ever done, I made a phone call to Judy and Jim Shearer. I called to speak to Judy about some problems I was having and to ask questions about the decisions I was making. We quickly became good friends, and I ended up calling her Mom. I had the utmost respect for her because she took the time to speak with me when others would not. She took me under her wing and become my mentor, my Pom critic, confidant, and most importantly my friend. We lost Judy in January 1999, and I was devastated. Who was I going to call on now for help Jim Pops and I stayed in contact. He helped me then and still does at times.After that, I contacted Janice Young and got a female, StarHaven Righteous Destiny. Shortly after that, I became good friends with Linda Mulso and acquired Rocky, Ch. Cottontop Rocketeer, who became my first champion. Unfortunately, we lost him in March 2004. Linda and Jan have been wonderful to work with to achieve what I am after in my breeding program.Rocky sired some lovely puppies. One is Can. Ch. Kissamis Roadside Attraction, a.k.a. Sid. He goes back to the Crystal dogs I acquired from Jim and Judy. Ch. Crystal Bud-N Promise is his great granddam.Ann Berryman took Sid with her to Canada in July of2002 and finished him. She also put his first major on him. I am working on the other. Ann also finished Rocky with that last elusive maj or. In July of2003, Ann took another Rocky son to Canada and quickly finished him. This one is now known as Can. Ch. Kissamis Destined To Rockit, a.k.a. LiT Man who is out of Destiny. I put both Majors on LiT Man and am hoping to finish him. I dont get to shows as often as Id like. That can put a damper on getting points needed to finish a dog I have been fortunate enough to attend the Nationals for the last four years. I encourage anyone who has the chance to attend to do so. It is an experience one will never forget. I have had the opportunity to meet some wonderful Pom breeders and make new friends each year.I have a puppy hopeful, Kissamis Obvious Attraction a.k.a. Obie, who is out of Kissamis Symbol Of Freedom, sired by Sid. Obie is the result of half- brotherhalf-sister breeding. I hope he stays as nice as he looks now. At 14 weeks, he has no back.Sid also produced a very nice female I hope to show this year, Kissamis Travelin Attraction, a.k.a. Gypsy. She is the last daughter of CH Crystal BudN-Promise, a.k.a. Missy. Missy is now retired, but she is still holding the Queen Bee position in our home. Missy is the love of Mikes life, next to me of course. I hope that is next to me. Missy may argue that pointI consider us to be very small-scale hobby breeders. We produce around three litters a year and house ten to fifteen dogs. There have been times when we have had around eighteen Poms in our home. For some reason, I always end up keeping puppies, and I do rescue so they can accumulate quickly.Our dogs live in our home and under our feet. Puppies are whelped in my bedroom or master bathroom. They are given attention and socialization on a daily basis. At four weeks of age, they are moved to the dining area where they are introduced to new sounds and numerous other pets. Pups receive lots of love and hugs from the kids who frequent our home. This is, of course, after hands are washed and sanitized.I want to also make people aware of the dog limit laws out there. I did not know they existed until we had a royal fiasco with my neighbor in July of 2000. He shot three of my dogs with a BB gun. Due to the mess and all the hassle my neighbor caused, we moved to a new place twelve miles south of where we previously lived. Please check with your local planning commission on the limit laws of your towncounty. I wouldnt want anyone to endure what we went through.We are a much happier bunch out here in the country. Our little ranch home is situated on just a tad over four acres. We have cornfields surrounding us and the neighbors are wonderful. Thankfully about an acre separates us from them.Being out here allows me to enjoy my passion for all animals. In the eight months we have been here, I have acquired numerous tree frogs, turtles, and a variety of goldfish for my back yard garden pond. I look forward to goats, chickens and possibly a horse and cow we hope to have in the next few years. I enjoy watching various types of birds that come to feed on our feeders and the wildlife I see in our backyard and beyond.In the meantime, I am trying to figure out a way to add on a room to the far east end of the house that will be twenty by twenty-eight foot. This will give the dogs their own room, yet still allow them to be in the house away from our kitchen and dining area. Things are always a work in progress, around here with not only the house but also the dogs. I hope to continue bettering my breeding program as well.- ' 'V' \I have three wonderful children, Lisa, 23 Randy, 21 and Jessica, 20. I do not have fancy pictures of them because they are not fancy kids. They are just down-to-earth, normal kids who are what they are. I respect each one of them for their own uniqueness. I have three beautiful grandkids Michael 5, Kaylee 2, and Makayla 1. Grandma adores them and I try to get them whenever she can. Lisa, the mother of our grandkids, lives about half an hourRoxanne Collins Kennel Visit Continued on Page 28Roxanne Collins Kennel Visit Continued From Page 27from us. Jessica lives in Hebron with her boyfriend and hopes to someday be a respiratory therapist, but at 20, she may change her mind yet again.Randy still lives with us. He is now attending the International Academy of Design and Technology he is in his second year. He holds a 3.9 grade average, and I am very proud of him for that.I hope that someday if I am asked again to do this feature I will have many more champions and much more input on the breed to contribute as well as a couple more grandchildren.For now, I write a small article for the Pom Review called Pom Talk. I try to ask questions not only to help myself gain knowledge, but also, to help others.Please continue to send me your answers and your input. We can all learn from each other no matter how little or how long we have been in the breed.I want to wish Sue the very best with her Cases Poms. May you have many more champions in your future. It has been a pleasure getting to know you through Email and a joy meeting you.Again, I sincerely want to thank the Review for asking me to be a part of this feature. I hope you all enjoy my small take on this wonderful breed we have all come to love.If you are ever in our area, please do not hesitate to give us a call. We would love the opportunity to show you a good oT fashioned Mike Collins bar- b-que Sincerely and love to all, Roxi and the Kissami Klan. COTTONTOP POMSCongratulations Roxanne Collins on your kennel visit. You are very special to me, Roxi. You are kind, giving of yourself and always there for those in need. I dont know what I would have done without my wonderful Pom friends after I lost my husband. You, Roxi, Cathy Anderson, Mary Bonnell and Becky Sabourin have given some of my kids a home, so I wouldnt lose everything I have worked so hard for. So many have sent well wishes. Thanks are not enough. God bless you all.Ssincla Temporary address as of July 1 Linda Mulso 400 W. Railroad Street Kingston, IL 60145 815-784-5307Congratulations are also in order for Sue .Lucatorto on her kennel visit. Oh. CottOfltOp Doifl It BsttOfCongratulations to Caitlin Blowney on her article in this issue of the Pomeranian Review. You are a very talented young handler, Caitlin. Of course, Im just a wee bit predjudice since you happen to be my niece. Keep up the good work.xQXX Picon's Tiny DancerPicon Pomeranians p'-f_SIRE AM CAN CH MERIMAURSS BEST CASE SCENARIO X CH PICONS PRECIOUS ROCKCongratulations and best wishes Sue Lucatorto and Roxanne Collins on your kennel visits. Sue, may your fun and success continue. EnjoyOwnerHandler Teresa Picon 631 399-3759 Fax 631 399-6042 PomS551C.S.comAPC Kennel VisitCasesPomeraniansw'Sue LueatortoWe would like to thank the Pom Review for asking us to share our common love of Poms with their readers.I am Sue Lueatorto. My family and I are Cases Pomeranians.CASES Poms began as a hobby of mine and then became a family project that has incorporated all our family members. The C represents both Christine, age 25 and Christina, age 8. A is for Anna, age 27. S is for Sue thats me, and E is for Ed my spouse of 34 years. The last, but not least, S is for Silvia, 11 years old.In some way, everyone in the family became involved in the sport, whether driving to dog shows or 3 a.m. runs to the vet in an emergency. Little by little they all became involved. We are happy to be very centrally located in Queens, New York. We have easy access to the neighboring states of Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and New Jersey. This makes attending the dog shows much easier.I am Office Manager for a Podiatry practice located in Queens, New York. Resolving insurance issues is the favorite part of my work. Ed and I are very proud of our two daughters, Anna and Chrissy, and their recent accomplishments in obtaining their Masters Degrees.Our younger daughter, Christine Chrissy, believes beginning as a junior showman has helped her immensely. Chrissy started to exhibit dogs at the age of 11 in conformation. She went on to get a few Best Of Breed and Group placements. School obligations interfered with attending dogs shows, so unfortunately she about had to stop showing.Our eldest, Anna, had tried her hand at Obedience for some time but never had the inclination to be involved in exhibiting. She enjoys teaching the Poms basic obedience. For a few years, she had taken some of the Poms to the local nursing home for Pet Therapy. Anna is always involved in the Poms care and has made many midnight runs whenever an emergency has occurred. Ed and I feel, as parents, that the sport of exhibiting dogs has helped our girls build character and learn the true value of sportsmanship and socialization.Ed and I have been foster parents for the last 14 years. We take great pride in watching our juniors put forth effort and succeed. All of the children that have spent time in our home love to have a pup to hold on to when they are feeling a bit insecure. Poms make the best listeners. The temperament of this breed is exceptional.We purchased our foundation male, Rocky, from Maureen Quinlan. Rocky made his debut, winning a 4 point major at the Progressive Dog Club, his first show. That was 9 years ago. To continue Rockys success story, Ch. Cases Liberty Belle at Lil Behrs a granddaughter of Rockys was this years Best Of Opposite Sex winner at theK5SKr , ,i j-j. C-l 'R -firu.,.- IT' .4..same show. I am very pleased to have bred Libby, j t I have always enjoyed traveling to the dogs shows and meeting people. I find that as I travel more, I have enlarged my circle of friends and acquaintances. Naturally, we all have the love of dogs in common.Due to my busy life style, I frequently use a handler for my dogs. I have to take my hat off to those who are so dedicated to the sport of exhibiting dogs that they are out every weekend, including holidays.Margaret Jennings of Canada and I first met in Ballston Springs, NY, while attending a dog show. Margaret went on to finish Apollo to his Canadian Championship in the summer of 2003. Margaret has successfully shown Apollo in the Nationals in Kentucky for 2 years now, and he has placed both years. Due to our friendship, I have learned a great deal about the Canadian Kennel Club and now own several dogs that are registered in both countries. I do hope to attend my first Canadian Specialty this year.Joan Behrend and I co-own Cases Liberty Belle at Lil Behrs. Joan showed Libby to her Championship in the year 2003. Libby was also Best of Opposite at Progressive Dog Club this year. Joan and Libby have made quite a nice team, and place in the ribbons at numerous shows. I have enjoyed being co-moms withSue Lucatorto Kennel Visit Continued on Page 32The Lucatorto hornBEST OF OPPOSITEPROGRESSIVE DOG CLUB FEB 2004Ch. LibbySue Lucatorto Kennel Visit Continued From Page 31- UK.CJ' JUNIOR HANDLER1V.iChristina''i V ",f9FIRSTPLACE SHOWMANSHIPmohawkVALLEY'J kennel1OPENE M .....m PLACE JUNIOR HANOL1NATIONAL SPMARCH tBESTBREEDEES'3t4TH PLACE OPENJoan. We look forward to Libby offspring in the future, which would make a fourth generation of Champions for Cases poms.Donna Machniak recently finished my Ever Ready Eddie to his Championship with 3 majors in less than a months time. Thank you, Donna, for the support, encouragement, care and presentation of my dog. We had the opportunity to have Apollo Merimaurs Best Cases Scenario represent the color black at the 2004 Westminster Dog Show. I feel that poms of color have made great strides in completing Championships. I would like to continue to see poms of color progress and be judged on an equal basis with the oranges and reds. My current puppy hopefuls are Apollo daughters Picons Best Scenario of Case Betsy, bred by Terry Picon and Weepawz Case of Black Beauty, Beauty bred by Margaret Jennings.I own an internet list called Pomlovers, which is located on Yahoogroups. The purpose of the list is to exchange information and broaden interest in educating ourselves about the Pomeranian breed. It has been a wonderful experience to meet so many wonderful people that have been Internet friends.For the last two years, my extended family daughters, Christina and Silvia, and I have traveled, along with some friends, to the APC Nationals along with some of our dogs. We have been fortunate enough to have placed in the ribbons both years. The girls have enjoyed the excitement of the Nationals. They both placed in the Juniors ring. I enjoy the NationalspmU-' ji7n tSWEEPSTAKESVETERANlceVBEST OFWINNERS igppgslT PUPFvKSiSPECIALTYDONAu- T 1 T' it a i Slltllltand the idea of meeting so many people who share my love of poms under one roof from all over the United States and other countries.I have recently begun writing a column for the Pomeranian Review titled The Way I See It. It is primarily about judges and their opinions about judging Pomeranians. I look forward to working with the American Pomeranian Club members.My biggest pet peeve is the over-vaccination of dogs. I cannot believe that owners are pushed to have dogs continually vaccinated. Owners are still being encouraged to vaccinate on a yearly basis. I believe as breeders we should have more credibility attesting to the fact that we vaccinate. I had recently placed a pup vaccinated, with a contract and the labels from the vaccine on the contract. The vet would not accept it for his records and revaccinated the dog less than two weeks later. He asked the owner, How do I know it was actually done I had the pleasure of attending a seminar on vaccinations recently. Jean Dodds is a wonderful speaker and has many success stories. There is much to learn about over-vaccination and its long-term effects on animals. The best advice I have received is, Condition your dog from the inside out.One of my hopes for the Pomeranian breed is that colors will be accepted on an equal basis as long as the quality of the dogs is the same. While dabbling in color in the hopes of producing a champion color Pom, I wish that judges would be more attuned to color. I have shown my parti on a limited basis and been asked what the color is and if the color is accepted in the standard.One of my most memorable dog shows took place on Long Island last year when Apollo black finished with a 4 point major going over 4 specials dogs to capture Best of Breed. On the same day, Libby red was Best Of Opposite Sex to Apollo, and a cream pup, sired by Apollo was Best Puppy. What a great day ALL THESEDOGS WERE OF COLORAt this time we have six champions to our credit four were homebred. We hope to continue exhibiting and producing a champion line of Poms.American Pomeranian Club, IncBoard SummaryJANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email mdypomgmdy.netMarch 7 and 8, 2004,Louisville, KentuckyAttendance - Meeting called to order by President Mar- Show Chair Gregg Waters gave his report. Had signs for garet McKee. Those in attendance were Cindy Boulware, -the grooming room and asked that no exercise pens be set Jane Lehtinen, Marge Kranzfelder, Fran Stoll, Gregg- up inside.Me stated would look into adding the other room Waters and Janice Russell. Guests present were Dot Mar- for next year. The Sweeps judge had arrived and Regular tin and Brenda Segelken. 1^ 'Judges would be in Monday. Trophies are here.Show Secretary Cindy Boulware reported the catalog is 105 pages and she used comb binding on the catalogs and produced Ring Stewards sheets. Gregg and Cindy hired a second judge for the fourth year in a row. There were 485 Entries, with 316 Dogs and 9 juniors entered, making it the largest Nationals ever for APC.Recording Secretary - The reading of the minutes from the previous Board Meeting was dispensed.Corresponding Secretary - Still sending out the Breed Booklets. Sent show approval letter to the Sooner Pomeranian Club for their May 14, 2004 show.bC mh'I \\ 'vim lIfpSSu V jPfIncoming Correspondence - Received letter from AKC advising APC that Darrell Baker was approved as our new Delegate at the February 7, 2004 AKC Board Of Directors meeting.IIPTreasurer Report - Provided by McKee.3-N , -,.2003 Income Review 43,224.75 Show Income 20,205 All Other Income 13,610.812003 Expense Review 49,862.78 Total Show 16,140.81 All Other Expense 8,225.94Net Income for the Year 2,811.03Budget - The budget for 2003 was discussed. Show expenses and Review expenses were over budget with dues and National Specialty income less than estimated. Ways and Means exceeded their estimate. Budget for 2004 was given with a total of 80,950.00.Ways and Means Report -^Presented 2003 Total Sales of 8,409.00. It was agreed Ways and Means did a fabulous job. The Board discussed that we need a theme each year and need club members to do drawings, paintings, etc.Web Link - Janice Russell reported that all web links were checked and Diana notified to break any links that were necessary.ospitality reported 162 Banquet Reservations. Kelly Reimschiissel also said she was putting one of the Awards booklets on each table to be won by someone at the table.Review - Brenda Segelken reported the foreign subscriptions are losing money due to postage. After discussion, it was decided to remove the regular foreign rate of 80.00 and have 100.00 Foreign Airmail. The back cover is not always sold, and she would like to offer it to commercial people so it will be sold each issue. Jane Lehtinen said she would discuss this with a Nutra Max representative when she sees them next week. New rates were proposed. These rates were discussed and motion made, seconded and carried to accept the rate increases.34 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004March 2004 APC Board Summaiy ContinuedNew rates will be effective with JulyAug issue with covers already reserved grandfathered at the present rate. The resignation letter from Brenda Hutton was presented to the board. Margaret McKee then displayed the plaque that would be given to Brenda Hutton for her years of dedication as the Subscription Manager. Margaret mentioned we need to get local clubs to send information for the Review on what they are doing, and a Where are they now was suggested.carried. We need to appoint an audit committee for 2003 and decided to ask for volunteers.Unfinished Business - Margaret McKee ask Cindy Boulware to let her know of any back issues of the Pom Review she was missing and they would be shipped to her. We decided to put a notice in the Review asking that, if any prior years, APC Historical records were located, an officer or board member be contacted.Back Issues - The back issues Margaret has were discussed, and it was suggested we put them on E-Bay to sell.Motion was made, seconded, and c to order.It was decided the Subscription Manager for the Review should be the person to send notices out to Judges to see they want to receive the Pom Review. Jane Lehtinen notify Cheri McDonald.Recessed until Monday 800 A.J o ^ ___ ____Attendance - In addition to those previously present, Diana Downey and Erika Moureau were present with Brenda Segelken and Kelly Reimschiissel attending as guests.f ^ition on the Breed StanJEC- Dot Martin gave b dard CD for judges edui nice, and the board expr presentation was very eir appreciation. A fewign Household dues was discussed, motion made, seconded and carried that dues be made 60.00 U.S. currency per household with two adults.Breed Flyer - Marge updated us that she needs a couple of line drawings to finish the flyer. Should be completed within six-weeks.ew Business - Reviewed the standing rule regarding 3 of the products being added for a service fee. We dischangeswere mentioned. The board approved the Power ' cussed whether the percentage should be raised, but dePointCD presentation on the Breed Standard subject to minor modifications. Dot said due to other responsibili- ties and projects she wanted to pursv resign as JEC.cided to leave it at the JY M, sent rate.that she needed to The 20 Year Members list was reviewed for candidates for life membership. The candidates nominated were Darrell and Olga Baker, Jean Scholl, John and Chris Heartz Awards Report - Kelly Reimschiissel gave her report. Fin- and Eleanor Miller. Motions made, seconded and all mo- ished Pomeranians for 2003, Conformation 305, Obedi- tions carried. All have accepted, ence 31, Agility 130 and Tracking 1 for a total of 467. '0 "Gazette - Olga Baker was appointed to continue her po- Historical Awards - The requirements for Gold Club and sition as the Gazette Columnist and graciously accepted. Hall Of Fame were discussed. It was decided to leave them as they are with no changes.Health Genetics - Marge Kranzfelder reported that the Canine Health Foundation and Dr. Johnson had parted ways, but that Dr. Johnson, University of Missouri, would continue to work with us directly. Funds can be directed into the Pom Charitable Trust to be used for health research, education and rescue issues. Funds can be sent to Canine Health Foundation through the Pom Trust.The AKC Eukanuba Nationals in January 2005 was discussed. It was decided APC will support a booth and allowed 100.00 for it. Margaret will contact a member who will be asked to handle the booth for APC.The Parent Club Medallions for the Eukanuba National were mentioned. A motion was made, seconded, and carried for APC to provide the Parent Club Medallions for the Eukanuba Nationals. Cindy Boulware will notify AKC.Audits - The 2001 and 2002 Audit was reviewed and accepted as reported with a motion, a second and motionNominating Committee - Erika Moureau will chair the committee with two other members to be asked to beAPCBoard Summary Continued on Page 36 JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 35APC Board Summary Continued from Page 35come committee members. Alternates were also selected.The Parent Club conference will be held October 22, 23, and 24 of October in Cincinnati, Ohio. Marge Kranzfelder and Fran Stoll were requested to be the APC representatives.2005 Show Chairman was discussed with Diana Downey being nominated Show Chairman. Motion made, seconded, carried. Gregg Waters will continue to be the Grounds Chair. Patti Danielson will be phies for the 2005 APC Nationals.v.Show Secretary for 2005 was discussed. Cindy gave a report on the catalogs and explained cost this year. She asked if we would be willing to pay 4.00 per entry, Motion made, seconded and carried to pay the show secretary 4.00 per entry not including the sweeps entries.The front cover wasilpSissed wifrl respect make it fair to those interested in purchasing it. i cussion, it was decided to auction the cover at the Banquet. It was decided a drawing for the Back outside, Back Inside and Inside Centerfold for those interested persons ' who submit their names.The 50-year anniversary issue for the Pomeranian Review June 2008 was discussed with Brenda Segelken. We mentioned depending on the size of the anniversary issue it could require the issue to have the backbone glued, which would be an additional cost. Also, it would need a heavier cover. The cost for the Anniversary issue would not be included in the regular subscription. It would be a charge established after more information is known. Postage and shipping would also need to be considered. Brenda will investigate the cost and advise.ow do we encourage the obedience people to join APC fter discussion, we decided they could start as a patron. We also mentioned holding a seminar for juniors to get them more involved.Gregg Waters brought up the issue of adding the cost for the Review into the dues. After considerable discussion, we decided we needed to know the number of memlWe next discussed how to lessen Cindys duties more. It was decided that we would see if another member would enjoy doing the historian position.Meeting recessed until 800 P.M. Cal P.M.2005 Louisville Show - The days were discussed to see if APC could pick up the ballroom on Monday. In this manner, we could maybe avoid hiring a second judge. The fee for a judge was discussed in relation to the same judge on two days. It was decided the contract should state words to the effect under 200 entries, 600.00 and they pay all their own expenses, but if over 200 entries then, 800.00 plus two night hotel charges. Interest from PCCI about holding a specialty in Louisville was expressed. With there being another club in the ball room on Thursday, it was suggested PCCI should look into holding a specialty at the fairgrounds Thursday. Indiana needs go back to their club to see what they want to do.The board selected the judges for the 2006 APC Nationals. They will be sent out to the membership for voting.that presently subscribe to the Review. This was tabled pending more information.r \ IM The officers and board positions were discussed with respect to members not attending the annual board meeting in March. It is the only face-to-face meeting we have. It is realized that emergency things can always come up to prevent us from attending. It was decided that the nominating chair could discuss the necessity of being present at the annual board meeting when talking with the proposed officerboard nominees.der 920SfCD- e colors for registration forms were talked about, and Diana Downey explained her chart. This was discussed with no resolution. Tabled at this time.There is now a 2.00 AKC Event Fee processing fee per entry. Our entry fee was discussed. A motion was made to raise the APC entry fee to 30.00 with 15.00 fee for sweeps and puppy classes n. Motion seconded and carried.Motion to adjourn was called for by the president, and Fran Stoll made a motion to adjourn with a second by Jane Lehtinen. Meeting adjourned 1110 P.M. 'Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgMASTERCARD AND VISA ACCEPTED36 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004"The It"avid hAoveAKC licensed Judges responses are welcome and appreciated. Contact Sue at Email, phone 718 470-6267.William J. Mott, New YorkWilliam J. Mott represents three generations of serious participation in and dedication to the sport of dogs.As an active professional handler who showed his first dog in 1955, Bill came up through the ranks the old- fashioned way, with dedication and hard work. He worked for some of the sports most notable handlers including Ric Chashoudian, Jimmy Butler, Dorothy Hardy and Bobby Barlow. During those early years, Bill participated in Junior Showmanship on the West Coast. Additionally, he has worked as a private handler and kennel manager for a number of years.In the course of his career as a handler, he has finished over 200 champions, representing all seven variety groups and won groups with dogs from four of the seven groups. He held an AKC handlers license which covered most Sporting Breeds, all Hounds, some Working, all Terriers, Toys and Non-Sporting Breeds.Bill has bred over 85 champions, three Best in Show winners and a dozen Group and Specialty winners and is approved as a judge for 18 Breeds in 5 different Groups, and Junior Showmanship.Bill was a professional handler for 28 years and, since its inception in 1995, a Certified Professional Handler. He was also a member of the Dog Handlers Guild for more than 20 years.Bill writes, I have been judging for the last 4 years. I had also judged back in the 80s for one year. When I retired from handling, I wanted to further myself in our Great Sport. I became a judge as I wanted to continue to leam.I have owned, Smooth Fox Terrier, Norweigan Elkhound, and a couple of other breeds on a one time basis. I have lived with the breeds that I have shown as a handler. I have shown and finished a couple of Poms. Here is an interesting fact Poms are a Giant Spitz in a small package. I always enjoy showing and judging Poms, as they are brave at heart.When showing a Pom to me, I expect clean, well behaved dogs, and good manners from the exhibitors. In order to improve an average show Poms presentation, exhibitors should know their Poms good points as well as its bad points.JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 37WaysDonna Riehm ChairpersonAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. and MeansThis is the follow-up report I promised you last issue. We had just returned from a fabulous Specialty in Louisville, and, thanks to so many of you, we experienced another record-breaking fundraising event. Your generosity surpassed all expectations. You brought over 160 items in support of our club, beautiful items, handcrafted items, one-of-a kind collectibles. I could go on and on. We were able to raise over 11,000.00. I cannot say thank you enough to the donors listed below but also to our members and friends that purchased items at our Buy It Now, Silent Auction and Banquet Auction. Many of our donors were our purchasers as well.THANK YOU DONORSDebbie Stickland Juanita Fiddick Carlene Gilstrap Suzanne BemeyVirginia Watkins Bob Fiddick Beth Shattuck Christy ChristiansenJackie Walsh Betsy Owens Becky Sabourin Jessica ChristiansenErika Moureau Karen Chisam Audrey Roberts Lauretta FlynnPauline McFarlane Christine Creasey Estate of Nancy Frye Jenny CarltonKaren Crawford Bay Colony Pom Club Maijorie McGee Wendy DonnellyKelly Reimschiissel Janette Dally Pom Club of Canada Donna MachniakJoe Dally Cheri McDonald Ann Berryman Debbie CarrFran Stoll Carolyn Brandenburg Cindy Vandettoet Becky JohnsonJoan Behrend Roger Lau Karen Lorraine Margaret McKeeLaura Meineke Dreamscape Mari Iffland TimbercreekCat WeilJanice Russell Hiram Stewart Debbie Kingery Sherry CartwrightJoanne Norris Linda DeCicco Valerie Allridge Nadine HersilBarbara Pluff Brenda Segelken Judith Mehciz Sandra JohnsonDiana Downey Noble Inglett Roxanne Collins Katy StalnakerWalda Green Geneva Pennock Brenda Adams Bill AdamsPat CameyDavid GilstrapKathy LaudervilleDonna RiehmCathy GouldWith the volume of merchandise, we had coming in, I hope we did not forget anyone. Please notify me if you were a donor and we missed listing your name.We still have a very few of the 2003 Specialty Chris Heartz prints Meet Me In Kentucky and the 2004 Specialty Chris Heartz prints The Race Is On. These are beautiful prints and truly collectible. The set is truly stunning.Check out the ad in this issue for other wonderful items still available for purchase. We have sweatshirts, tees and mugs with the Chris Heartz The Race Is On art work, copies of the Illustrated Standard, APC lapel pins and sets of APC decals. The decals look great on tack boxes, vehicles, etc.38 - APC Pomeranian Review - JugyAugust 2004American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomindy.netAPRIL 2004 APC BOARD SUMMARYEvery APC member will receive, at no charge, one APC membership pin and one 5, 10, 15 and 20 consecutive year bar as it is earned. If a member wishes to have a second pin and bar set or if the member needs to replace a lost pin andor bar, they will be charged a fee set by the APC Board.New membership pins will be sold as replacements for 5.00 each, postage included, and the year bars for 2.00 each, postage included. Each member is entitled to one free pin with bars. Subsequent pins and bars may be purchased at these prices.If any prior yearsAPC Historical records are located, please contact an officer or board member.MAY 2004 APC BOARD SUMMARYAmended previous motion to make Foreign Household dues 45.00 U.S. Currency for two adult members living in same household.THE POM SHOPPEItems for salePrints by renowned artist Chris Heartz2003 Specialty edition Meet Me In Kentucky 45.002004 Specialty edition The Race Is On 45.00both prints are nearly sold out...some matchingnumber sets still availableSweatshirts with The Race Is On artwork 28.00Tees with The Race Is On artwork 18.00Sizes M,L,XL,XXLCoffee mugs with The Race Is On artwork 10.00APC Illustrated Standard 18.50APC set of decals one large, two small 5.00APC Lapel Pin members only 5.00All prices include shipping. Make checks payable to APC and mail to Donna Riehm, 669 Ava Road, Murphysboro, Illinois 62966gSQuestions Email mom4pomsaol.comJulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 39mimim [iliKi n iiii I OF WINNERS EES OF OPPOSITEkt,MAUI SHOWLE OfSCCh. Islands Here We Go X Woodroses SylviaCraps is shown winning a three point major going BOW and BOS over two very nice champions.Mahalo to Dr. Lusk for this nice win.His other wins are Mrs. Lorraine Boutwell Mr. Timothy Catterson Mrs. Jane Kay5 points, BOW 3 points, BOW 3 points, BOWCraps needs a single point to finish his championship, at the young age of 8 months. He has now 14 points, with four majors. He is always shown by his BreederOwner, Yvette.Congratulations to Roxanne Collins and Sue Lucatorto on their kennel visits.WHERE QUALITY COUNTSWoodroseClarice and Yvette Oganeku45-232 Lilipuna Road, Kaneohe, HI 96744 Email Ph 808 235-8142Pomeranian postal stamps from various countries, cigarette card j Pomeranian cigar band, bridge tally, key chains, playing card, card, Pom pin, Humpty Dumpty Potato Chip coin, 1924 dog tax tag and vintage Pom notes. ua SOcBermuda 5af 1y85cST. VINCENT A tWS--Li-- vjT\ \vrnu,V0ffif PorneranianH P BIjATAPM fl JL f 1994THE GRENADINES 2EflE2H ZJ.OD PRK I- SPANERA Koos Doa' V"'\nesssJlK'''.143 spy.,1Pomeranian.Pomeranian"3T.r-n t- . .. - LOULOU - nt POMANIEw Ll 9O Su t01 e6 t.AMS1Pb3Sf2\mAmerican Pomeranian Ctu6, Inc. ArchivesJulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 41ftoAos ic nrnnn r is proud to introduce our newest ChampionPofnSryBEST OF WINNERSBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXGOLDEN TRIANGLE KENNEL CLUB OF MISSISSIPPIMAY9004 GARDEN STUDIO. INC.PHOTO BY GREGnew championClCH Zanaras 5and PebblesBIS CH Zanara Glen Iris Braveheart x Zanaras Sand DragonThank you to all these judges who recognized Pebbles soundness and correct movementMrs. Myron Corky Gauger - 3-point major Dr. Robert Berdnt - 4-point major Chuck Herendeen - 5-point major Michelle Billings - 5-point majorPebbles finished will all majors, three of those were back to back in one week-end. I am so proud of this girl She does it all. She not only has a beautiful dense coat, great structure, fabulous movement and wonderful personality, she free whelps gorgeous puppies. What morecould I ask forThank you Sarah Walker, Pebbles breeder, for allowing me to be owned by Pebbles. I would take 10 more bitches just like her. A HUGE thank you to Ann Berryman who finished 3 of my Poms in 13 months. She gets the best out of my Poms, grooms them to perfection, and theyadore her.Congratulations to Roxanne Collins on her kennel visit. May you have many more purple ribbons and much success in the w helping box.OwnerCarolyn Brandenburg Kalos Email kalospomspeoplepc.comxTHEBy Carolyn Brandenburg9mPebbles^Trying hard to get that one last major on a lovely bitch I have, I decided to enter a second bitch as a filler to try to boost the points. I looked around my kitchen to see who I could take, and the only other bitch that was in coat was one who had never been on a lead in her life. She was 3 years old. She looked pretty good, so I entered her. I only had time to work with Pebbles twice before we left for the show. I figured that, as long as she would walk and didnt do anything horrible, she wouldnt be excused and she would count towards the points. I checked the count on line, and both days were majors. I knew that a friend had finished one of her two bitches who had been entered, and she offered to let me take the other one to hold points. So, off I went with my two bitches and my friends. We were staying with another friend who lived closer to the show. We decided to set up the night before because that show site is notorious for not having enough grooming space. I took Pebbles with us so I could walk her again.The next morning, I decided to thin Pebbles pants out because she was looking a little long to me. I had her on the grooming table and picked up the scissors to thin her britches, and I made one cut on the left side. Oh, Noooooo I had picked up the straight scissors, instead of the thinning shears and cut a huge chunk out of her pants The friend I was staying with was very gracious and trimmed Pebbles britches to look as even as she could. We showed that day, and Pebbles didnt win after all, she wasnt supposed to. My bitch, who needed the major, got Reserve Winners Bitch.The next day we worked more on Pebbles pants and went into the ring. This was Pebbles fifth time on a lead. Windy, my bitch who just needed a major, didnt win, but Pebbles was Winners Bitch for a 4 point major. WOW I needed a picture of this win I put Pebbles on the table, which was a low coffee table. I dont usually like this kind of shot because the dog is smaller in the picture, but I didnt say anything. The photographer got everything lined up. He squeaked and threw a toy to get Pebbles attention. It got her attention all right she thought he was playing with her and she flew off the table I was really glad I hadnt said anything about using a regular show table, because Pebbles would most likely have been hurt had she jumped off. The judge asked if she did anything else for entertainment, and then we had the picture made.Since Pebbles had a major, I figured I had better show her more. I took her to a couple of other shows, and she was Reserve Winners Bitch to majors in two of them. Because of my work schedule, I couldnt go to some of the other upcoming shows, so I asked Ann Berryman to show Pebbles.Pebbles had blown coat but still didnt look too bad, so Ann picked her up on the way to a three-day show which was 5 point majors in bitches and very heavy competition. Pebbles got Reserve Winners Bitch on one day, 2nd and 3rd, in an open class of eight, the other days.The next set of shows was also a 3-day cluster. Ann had told me that Pebbles had blown even more coat, and she was in season, but she was entered, so we decided to show her. Pebbles got a Best Of Winners for a 5 point major the 1st day, Winners Bitch for a 3 point major the second day, and Best Of Winners for a 5 point major the third day, despite being out of coat and flagging.Pebbles had received 4 majors and 17 points, and became CH Zanara Sand Pebbles on Mothers Day. Filler bitch Ha She showed me Moral of the story Dont count out those filler poms. Trim them up and take a good look at them. You may have a diamond in the rough and end up with a new champion sooner than you think.JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 43mI T.3BMarge Kranzf elderCanine Reproduction Gems - Part IIIn the MarchApril 2004 issue of the Review, I shared information presented in a seminar by noted canine reproduction specialist Dr. Robert Van Hutchison. That article concentrated on facts concerning male reproduction. This article will turn our attention toward bitches. Like the first article, generally I will pass along facts for you to consider and not attempt to necessarily explain or interpret at this time. However, I expanded the LH testing information using another of Dr. Hutchisons published articles.Bitch PhysiologyTheir first reproductive cycle usually occurs when they are between 6 and 12 months of age.The average time between cycles is 7 months.A cycle consists of four stages proestrus, estrus, diestrus, and anestrus.Bitches are bom with 500,000 potential ova.Progesterone wears white and black hats has good purposes and also damaging potential.Past six years of age, the bitch drops 33 13 of her reproductive potential.Prolapsed vagina happens with season cycle. Bitch may need to be Aled. It is just caused from fluid in the tissue. It is more likely to happen in some breeds particularly bronchial- cephalic ones ex. Pugs.Maximizing Conception RateThe use of estrogen monitoring vaginal smears cytology is not an acceptable or a consistent method of timing the bitchs breeding cycle. This method does not equate with ovulation timing or indicate that ovulation has actually occurred.Todays preferred method is to find the Luteinizing Hormone LH spike. This should be done by blood tests, not urine.The release of the LH occurs for a 12 to 24 hour period. Due to this short duration of LH in the bloodstream, daily testing must be done. LH is species specific, and levels cannot be confirmed by sending the serum to an outside lab. No laboratory in the United States is currently running canine LH on a commercial basis. Serum can be sent to him red topped your vet will know how tests cost 42. in his Ohio clinic.The release of progesterone from the ovary and its subsequent rise to 2 to 3 ng nanograms signals LH release from the pituitary gland and denotes the start of the ovulatory process. The rise of progesterone to greater than 5 ng indicates ovulation has occurred. 63 days post ovulation is day of delivery.Once the ovulation day has been confirmed, insemination timing can be planned depending on the anticipated life of the semen being used. He is contrasting natural breedings versus using fresh, chilled, or frozen semen. Sperm survival times are 5 to 6 days for fresh, 2 to 3 days for chilled, and 1 day for frozen. All eggs are ovulated within a 12-hour period of ovulation. The maximum litter size occurs 2 to 5 days postovulation.Historically, there has been concern that shipping bitches can cause them to come out of heat. Finally, here is a scientific agreement. Cortisol release needs to be considered when doing progesterone testing. Stressed bitches may have a delayed period between a rise of 2 to 3 ng and the time that the progesterone rises greater than 5 ng. Some bitches under stress have been shown to not ovulate even after a rise of progesterone above 2 ng. It is essential, when using progesterone testing, to confirm that the bitch has risen above 5 ng and has indeed ovulated. However, once their level goes above 5, they cant unovulate, so it would then be OK to ship this bitch for breeding.Other factors that affect litter size are health of the uterus including age of the uterus and genetics. Inbreeding reduces litter size.Progesterone tests can be done every 3 days starting after day 5 or 6 of bleeding. If the heat is silent no bleeding test for estrogen level first.Silent heats are more likely to occur in Toy breeds, particularly Poms.Diestrus occurs 6 days postovulation.Serum LH testing can be used to see if bitch has been spayed.ProgesteroneRise triggers LH release Not species specific can send to any lab Postovulation rise lasts 60-75 days Not effected by pregnancyTests level above 5 use fresh semen right away use chilled in 48 hours and frozen in 72 hours.Split-season cycles when the bitch comes right into another season are more common in Northern breeds.Prolonged Inter-Estrus interval greater than 12 months between cycles Check progesterone levels, thyroid function, cortisol and glucose levels, ultra-sound ovaries, and laparotomy.Estrus InductionScientists still do not know what triggers the bitch into season. It is not FSH follicle stimulating hormone and not estrogen. Desorelin implants to the vaginal area will trigger a season in 6 days. Prostaglandin used in horses and cattle does not work in canines at all.False pregnancyProves bitch did ovulate.Bitch over responds to what normally happens. Does not cause pyremetria as some vet books say.Estrus PostponementReasonsBitches being shown, field trialed, hunted, etc. Allows uterus to rest.Protects uterine lining from progesterone.How NOT to Progestational drugs Ovaban, Megace, PrononeProgestational drugs have bad side effects, including endometriosis.How to Cheque Drops, now called MiboleroneMibolerone is a liquid, given orally. It is made from male hormones, thus promotes coat growth and muscling. Cheque Drops were taken off the market for about 18 months. It was reintroduced under the name of Mibolerone. It is an androgenic medication. It must be started 30 days before cycle. The bitch must have had her first estrus cycle already so that growth plates are closed otherwise, a weedy appearance might occur similar to animals which have undergone very early spayneuter. Average of 70 days before recycling occurs once medication stops.Mibolerone side-effectsThickened hair coat MasculinizationEpiphora mucous around vulvaClitoral enlargement and vaginal mucous Occasional liver irritationI would like to note that Dr. Hutchison is more confident that using Miboterone is safe and even a good thing because it does not promote uterine aging from progesterone than I am at this time. I would like to give this more a test of time. I believe he spoke differently at earlier seminars.Another observation I would like to note is that, regarding two reproductive challenges, silent heats and split seasons, Poms have a double whammy the first because they are Toys the second, because they are Nordic.There is even more material covered at this seminar, enough that I will share it in another Review issue. Meanwhile, enjoy the summer with your Poms, be they proestrus, estrus, diestrus, or anestrus.CD2^tuIltlDSfiXgDD ClllDD yOT kgDDgl yMI you hm Worksd listd to Schiele your gosh. KeysS to wore 9J better things to cornelmYIa1ST PLACENOTIONLmimitv FlyDDLoretoJ Toros317 272-7318AFINA POMERANIANScongratulates ^ojyion her featurePgyiyou are one of the nicest peophe Ive met since 6ecoming involved in Poms. You are definitely an asset to our 6reed. I Coohforward to seeing you and your 6eautifuC Poms whenever I come to the states. Best wishes to you, yourfamiCy and ad your fur 6a6ies. You are a winnerLinda LewisJakarta, Indonesia cfina-pomsc6n. net. idSilvi TKcactaco^PiPictured is our latest pride and joy, Silver Meadows T.J.s Dancealot, aka Dancer. His first points were majors 4 points and 3 points, owner handled in Bred By Exhibitor class. Notice his good straight front, unstacked, and tiny high-set ears. Also, no excessive trimming of coat. Side views coming later.We are expecting June litters. Keep us in mind for your special puppyBelated congratulations to Darrell and Olga Baker on their Reader feature. Without Poms, we would never have known these very special people. Another plus for our breed The delightful friends we meet. Pom friends are the bestfriendszW tfadzic KCeitt,585 237 5473Email 4146 West Lake Road Silver Springs, NY 1455046 - APC Pomeranian Review - JelyAugust 2004Lil-Ponderosa AMillion BucksWe are very proud of our little brindle boy Bucky" for taking a Major as his first points in Madison, WI where the judges appreciated his soundnessJudge Peggy Dillard-Carr WD BOW Best Bred-By ExhibitorJudge Judy Moss Best Bred-By Toy Group 1We knew he was special and were so thrilled with his debut at the APC National Specialty in KY where he was in the ribbons each day. See previous issue inside back co ver for photos and info.Bucky wins 2 more points at Wis Rapids, WI., going WD and BOW from the Bred-By Class takes Best of Breed and a Group 2 under Judge Keke Kahn at Indianhead Kennel Club, WI.FlashBuckya.Congratulations Roxanne Collins Kissami Poms and Sue Lucatoro Case Poms and everyone featured may all your dreams come trueHappy Trails to all ...Ron and Sherry Cartwright - Lil-Ponderosa Poms 715-874-6936UKandard littioCongratulations to Roxanne Collins and Sue Lucatorto on your features this month and luch success in the future with your lovely Poms.sum1m MIIPhotos Phyllis EnsleyDEJAY POMS PRESENTS' rn' i kJ ADuncans Celtic GcBreederSireDamOwned byBrenda Duncan Chinookwinds Irish Rover Tresstique Graceful Mary Donna Machniak Dana Coventry Louise AvruninTheres no artTo find the minds construction in the face He was a gentleman on whom I built An absolute trustKing Duncan Shakespeares Macbeth Act I, Scene 4Dejay PomsExpert grooming, handling and exhibiting Dejay is involved in Pom rescuewww. Del ayPoms.comBLACK AND TANPARTIBLACKREDORANGEWHITE--- v" - ^^r .3BRINDLE REDSABLE CREAM SABLEThe Pomeranian Review thanks the writers of the following articles. Due to limited space, this article will be continued in the SeptemberOctober Pomeranian Review.The AKCAPC Pomeranian Breed Standard - COLORAll colors, patterns, and variations thereof are allowed and must be judged on an equal basis. Patterns Black and Tan - tan or rust sharply defined, appearing above each eye and on muzzle, throat, and forechest, on all legs and feet and below the tail. The richer the tan the more desirable Brindle - the base color is gold, red, or orange-brindled with strong black cross stripes Parti-color - is white with any other color distributed in patches with a white blaze preferred on the head. Classifications The Open Classes at specialty shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream, and Sable Open Black, Brown, and Blue Open Any Other Color, Pattern, or Variation.Black and Tan PatternBy Mari IfflandBlack and tan pattern dogs were not accepted, according to the AKC standard until the early 1970s. That standard did not allow for other colors of the point pattern. It allowed only for a black dog with tan or rust, sharply defined, above each eye and on the muzzle, throat, and forechest on all legs and feet and below the tail.Black and tans had been around for a long time, but they were used in breeding programs, not for show. The black and tans kept the pigment dark on the orange offspring. So it has only been about thirty years since breeders started to think of a black and tan as a show prospect.The quality of black and tans has improved greatly since then. We see many beautiful black and tans now with proper harsh coats and wonderful structure. Breeders are working for a better quality black and tan, and it shows.The easiest thing to get a grasp on with the genetics of black and tan is that it is a pattern not a color. The point pattern is a recessive gene. There are several genes that can modify the point pattern, causing it to look sable or solid colored.With any recessive gene, it needs to be carried by both parents to produce it in the offspring. We often hear from breeders that they had a black and tan pop up and there was no black and tan in the dogs pedigree. A bit more research would show that there actually was black and tan behind the dogs, but perhaps it had been registered incorrectly with AKC especially very minimally marked black and tans that were registered as black or the dog did indeed carry the point pattern gene but it had been masked by another gene causing the dog to appear solid or sable.It is fun to try to figure your odds of getting a particular color, and it is simple to do. You have to keep in mind that the odds are based on 100 puppies, so in your tiny litter of two, you may not get what you expect. I am also taking great liberties with the correct abbreviations, and I am greatly simplifying the genes that could cause modifications of the pattern. This is only meant to be a short article to give a basic idea of how we produce black and tans it is not intended to be a class in genetics.Color Continued on Page 52JdlyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 51When you breed a black and tan to a black and tan, your results will be black and tan. All of the puppies will carry the point pattern gene. Again, what you see may not be a perfect black and tan other genes may mask it to a dark sable or black, but be assured that the puppy does indeed carry the point pattern gene.If you breed two sables that have each produced black and tan, you have a one-in-four chance to get a black and tan and three-in-four chance of factored puppies they carry the black and tan gene, but they are orange or sable.A black and tan bred to an orange that has produced black and tans brings your odds to four out of four factored puppies and two out of four black and tan puppies.Here is how to do the squareTo simplify, I will use p for a point pattern or black and tan, and S for a solid colored dog Each parent carries two genes for a pattern, so the sable dog that produces black and tan would be Sp. One gene for solid and one gene for points. Solid is dominant over the point pattern, so this dog is a solid with a factor for a point pattern.In this example, the sire is a solid orange dog that carries a gene for black and tan. The dam is also an orange bitch with a black and tan gene. Sires contribution is in BOLD.Write the sires combination on the top line one in each column. Now, copy the one letter DOWN the column. If the combination is Sp, put an S in the two boxes in column one, put a p in the two boxes in column two.Write the dams combination on the side, to the left of each row. Now copy each letter ACROSS the row. If the combination is Sp, put an S in the two boxes in row one, put a p in the two boxes in row two.SIRES pD S SS solid colored puppy Sp solid with black and tan geneAM p Sp solid with black and tan gene pp black and tan puppyFor this example, we will use a black and tan sire pp and an orange dam that carries a black and tan gene SpSIREP PD S Sp solid with black and tan gene Sp solid with black and tan geneAM p pp black and tan pp black and tanAll of the puppies that were produced in this litter carry a pattern gene. They could all produce a black and tan if bred to a black and tan or a black and tan factored bitch.The nice bright rust colors come from the deepest oranges behind your black and tans. If all the oranges in the pedigree are lighter orange, then your rust points will be more tan.There have been some great black and tans in the ring lately, but we are seeing less of them. Seems a few years ago they were extremely popular, and we saw more. Now we are seeing some more exotic colors and less black and tans. Perhaps it comes and goes and the black and tans will be more prevalent in the ring in the future. I certainly hope so52 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004BLACKBy Mari IfflandI probably should have started this article with the blacks. They are easier to understand but, since black and tan is my favorite, I gave it preference.Black is a dominant gene. If you want to produce black, breed to a black. Of course, there are modifying genes that can affect this but, in the interest of keeping things simple, a black dog carries at least one black gene. An orange dog does not carry a black gene. Since the gene is dominant, if a dog carries it, it will be a black dog.IKSSo, you can figure it this wayIn this example, the sire is black but carries an orange gene. The dam is orange. Sires contribution is in BOLDSIRED o AM oBBo black with orange geneooo orangeBo black with orange gene oo orangeIn this example, the sire that two black dogs canis black with an orange gene and the dam is black with an orange gene. So, you see produce an orange offspringSIRED B AM oBBB blackBo black with orange geneoBo black with orange gene oo orangeSome of the top winning Poms have been black. There are several incredible blacks in the ring right now. The quality is thereThese articles have been fun to write. I have always enjoyed playing with genetics. I would highly recommend the following books for a better understanding of genetics The New Pomeranian by Sari Brewster Tietjen, Practical Genetics for Dog Breeders by Malcolm Willis, and Genetics of the Dog by Malcolm Willis.PartiBy Diane FinchParti poms come in three different patterns and all of the colors any solid or patterned pom can come in. I personally, prefer distinct, vibrant colors in the parties such as black, dark chocolate, black and tan, orange and red.Black__The three patterns are 1 Extreme piebald - This parti pom has primarily a white body and can have color on head and a blaze or it can have less than that color on the head i.e. no blaze and it can also have color around the base of the tail usually does - body of dog would have no spots. 2 Piebald - This is a parti pom that has at least 50 white and has color spots on the body - may or may not have a blaze. 3 Irish Marked - this pattern is more color than white and often but not necessarily does resemble the markings of a sheltie. A mismark is a solid colored dog with one or two white stockings Ive only seen them on the front.Color Continued on Page 54 JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Revew - 53Some countries old traditional standards call for piebald partis to be bred to piebald partis. I am speaking from experience when I say, it is impossible to make big enough strides in getting enough quality in the partis if only piebald parti and piebald parti are mated. In the show ring it does NO good to have the pattern if there is not sufficient conformation quality to be competitive and I believe a parti needs the whole package i.e., needs to be considerably better than its solid competition. And it does not work to breed just any solid to a parti if you want to improve the conformation quality of the partis. When you mate a parti bitch to a super typey, potent stud, the bitch should have as many good attributes a parti can have. If you mate a solid bitch to a parti stud, she should be exceptionally typey and have the bone, leg coat, and body coat. Then mate her female offspring to a parti stud that has the attributes that partis usually dont have i.e., bone and leg coat and profuse body coat. A solid stud or bitch bred to partis needs to be able to contribute what the partis dont usually have my experience has shown me that any lesser quality just produces pets. I feel that 95 to 99 of unpatterned male pups born of partisolid genes need to be pets only.When we breed into the solids to improve the quality of partis, often we can get irish marked partis or mismarks. It is valuable to work towards the piebald parti pattern. In order to put more white in the irish marked partis and the mismark, the extreme piebald plays an important role in that goal. Therefore, all patterns are needed so as to not impede the progress in breeders ability to produce quality in parti poms. The irish marked and extreme piebald patterns and mismarks are the stepping stones into breeding extremely typey solid poms into a parti program to attain conformation quality. Breeding piebald to piebald just gets a piebald pattern it got me nowhere in breeding for quality. I knew I had to produce super quality in order to be competitive in the show rings with partis.Partis needed good movement, good showy attitudes, a pretty face and have the appearanceconformation of the winning poms that have the good bone and leg coat and consistent profuse body coat. I already knew that the Chriscendo line crossed well with my Travis line, and, since some of my parties had Travis in them, I knew I needed a Chriscendo male. I felt I knew the formula getting the Poms was the problem. Fortunately, Christine Heartz had seen my parti breeding program firsthand and eventually agreed to allow Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Call To Arms come to visit my parti and solid girls. It is from this visit that I got three parti gened males and two parti gened females. I had one other parti girl with Chriscendo in her pedigree and she produced the first Finch parti champion.One of my parti boys a Travis grandson bred one of my champion solid Millamor bitches from which I got two nice broods. My plan is to have both sides of the pedigree have Chriscendo somewhere in the pedigree, which I believe will produce puppies with the attributes partis havent had in the past but need in order to be competitive. I have been amazed at how rapidly the formula has worked and how successful it has been. It is really a very simple formula. But because partis are recessive, this makes them harder, too, and definitely shows why breeding piebald to piebald with the hopes of getting better was a dead end proposition. Our gene pool just isnt that abundant or that good yet, and it will take some time to stamp in the conformation quality in the parti patterns.54 - APC Pomeranian Review - JuiyAugust 2004I have learned that to have a nicely centered blaze in the majority of parti breeding stock will give that marking to the majority of offspring. The best way to avoid getting offspring with misshapen color markings on the head is to use nicely blazed heads in the breeding stock. Only todays standard in the U.S. says anything about the preference of a blaze. Parti breeders are the true gamblers in the breed because if there is a half parti gened parent, a litter of 3, at best, will have two piebalds and one unpatterned pup. So already youve lost 13 of the litter. The positive in raising partis is that the partis are the true intellects and athletes of this breed.I believe all the tough competition of all kinds from all colors and patterns are what have made our Poms so much improved in such a very short time and it will continue to be that way as long as we keep it open for all to compete. Conformational quality is my goal and if I get a color or pattern I desire, thats just frosting on the cakeWhites - My Own ExperienceBy Sharon HansonI started buying whites for my program about 5 years ago. The first ones I obtained wouldnt breed and so I bought more whites in an effort to begin a quality program based on whites to add to my oranges. Most were pretty poor quality, typical white, with flat coat, no leg hair, big ears, and sharp long noses.I took those bitches and bred to some of my champion males and fortunate for me, some will throw white and cream. I use white very loosely in this article, because to date I still dont have a pure white but rather all have some cream or lemon in their coats somewhere. Most have a cream top coat. Its hard to know what to call them. They are as much white as cream.Mostly l get pets...breeding white is like starting with a new breed. The only time I breed white to white is to get white breeding quality as I have found that breeding two whites will not give me show quality. I have many whites and creams and many carriers. All carry some portion of a champion orange pedigree. This of course lessens the chance for white, but frankly if I cant get good whites I dont want them. I will say they have certainly improved over the last 3 years, but it is slow going.I have had some success with Ch. Jan-Shars Snow White, thanks to the breeding of Jerie Freia who bred the bitch, and Dan Mercer who owned the male. Snow White has produced well. Her last female Ch. Jan-Shars Bling Bling finished with 4 majors in less than 6 weeks. I also have another female out of her thats also very nice Jan-Shars Pepsi.Im still looking for a show quality white to breed to some of the white carriers but thats hard to find. Ive added several pictures to go with this article so you can see the progress Ive made. Im getting there slowly but surely. There is no sure fire formula, no paved road to follow but rather a persistence in continuing to follow my gut. My own instinct coupled with common sense helps with my choices in any given breeding. Like any other color, whites must continue to be bred to the best quality, typiest Poms. The product of those breedings must come back to the whites if one hopes to produce quality in that color, continued sept Review^CH PEACH'S DAS2 DfSE.AH BELIEVER..offW____Igalsfion-Pa^PpIde Cpeeonep X ftreidlftions LIftftle IfJlngBdVie peeexVes d Besft cV Bjeed dft ftbe Sooner Pcneiictnidn Clitb oV OfeldliondSpeeidlE^ imder respoefted judge TOrs. Cdrol^n Herbel.a ERADrcioH eoHBinaEs^HOEE Ddnd. 9-112 puppz dog, bred emd eo-otiaied b Oeasie Klein, tftenft Best OV Ifiinners dft ft Ilia adnie sliotulPEACH'S POIHSS14 986-0391Lil Behrs PomeraniansCongratulations to my friend, Sue Lucatorto, on your kennel visit. Thank you for sending Libby to our home. I have enjoyed our Libby partnership, and hope it leads to many CasesLi T Behrs champion grandchildren.Also congratulations to Roxanne Collins, I wish you many champions in your future. Best wishes for continued success to Junior Showman Caitlin Blowney.Thank you, Sharon Yampiro for letting me use Beau, CH Great Rivers Cupids Arrow.Joan C. BehrendLil Behrs Pomeranianshttpwww.geocities.comlilbehrs_pomsbehind the TitlistsCH. AVALONS ANGELINA DOB 083002 FEMALE BREEDER ANNETTE DAVIS OWNER ANNETTE DAVIS...CH. APPLES TRAVELING RAMBLER CH. MILLAMORS DANCE OF SOURWOOD MERRYMONTS BIT O HONEY BIS CH. DOMINIC OF LENETTECH. APPLES TRAVELING RAMBLER MACKS RAMBLING GYPSYMUNCHKINS ONE FIFTY ONECH. STARFIRES NICOLAS EL GRANDE, ROM CH. AVALONS VALENTINO STARFIRERUBYS CHARMING ALANDA OKLA AVALONS QUEEN NEFERTITICH. STARFIRES ARMANI AVALONS TIFFANY OF ARMANIAVALONS FOXY MISS CHIEVOUS56 - APC Pomemukn Review - JulyAugust 2004These photos were sent from one of the last U.S. Marine companies in Iraq. They would like to have it passed to as many people as possible, to let the folks back home know that they remember why theyre there and that they remember those whove been lost.The proud warriors of Baker Company wanted to do something to pay tribute to our fallen comrades. So since we are part of the only Marine Infantry Battalion left in Iraq the one way that we could think of doing that is by taking a picture of Baker Company saying the way we feel. It would be awesome if you could find a way to share this with our fellow countrymen. I was wondering if there was any way to get this into your papers to let the world know that WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN and are proud to serve our country. Semper Fi IstSgt Dave JobeT. -\I m' c- 3 A. -.'T-fMi L-V5Csf CVS6'yi\srs.-0i-My name is Joan Behrend, of Lil Behrs Pomeranians. I have been asked by the APC to help contact advertisers in the Northeast for the Pomeranian Review. I am looking forward to this position because I love the opportunity to talk to my fellow Pom fanciers.Just a little about me I am married 28 years to Bruce, a Vice President for a local savings bank. We have two sons, Michael and Glen. Mike has one last semester at Dowling College, and Glen has just received his Bachelor of Science and will be working at PSEG, the utility company of New Jersey.My kennel is small actually, my kennel is a three-bedroom ranch. There is no part of the house that the dogs dont spend time in. Up until just recently, they all slept in my bedroom. Now that Glen has his own apartment, his room has become the dog room. I am amazed at theGettingToKnowYouiJoanBehrendAssistant Review Advertising ManagerGetting To Know You will introduce the many talentedfine folks that bring you the APC Pomeranian Review.amount of belongings my dogs have acquired. They rival any newborn baby in space occupied.In order to spend more quality time with the poms that no longer see the show ring, I have taken up agility classes with two of them. They love this activity they clamber to the door on class day. This summer I will be bringing my older girl, Chloe, to her first trials.I am a member of the American Pomeranian Club and Treasurer for Brookhaven Kennel Club, an all-breed club here on Long Island. Brookhaven is a rather active club, doing one point show and three match shows per year. Monthly meetings and club activities have kept me busy. This year, Brookhaven is attempting to run agility trials. Our match show is a two-day event this summer, which will precede a point show.I am always available to answer questions about advertising in the Pomeranian Review. Please feel free to phone me at 631-366-2330, or send an Email to - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAegust 2004r "iAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Please type or print clearlymNOTICE Except for patrons, applications must be endorsed by TWO members in good standing a who have been APC members for two 2years or more b who have known the applicant two 2years or more c who do not reside in the same household d who are not related toeach other or to the applicant. Applications must be accompanied by the correct dues amount in US funds.Answer ALL questions. Pay particular attention to the Sponsors Section.This application is for SINGLE HOUSEHOLD FOREIGN JUNIOR t PATRON see reverse Name____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________Occupation______________ ________ ___ __________________________________________________________________________________________2nd Household Applicant if applicable_____________________________________________________________________________________________Occupation____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Address______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________Phone _________________________________________ Fax___________________________________ E-Mail________________________________URL____________________________________ Kennel Name______________________________________ Do you participate in Rescue_________Were you previously an American Pomeranian Club member______________________When______________________________________________Was prior membership under another name____________ If yes, what name___________________________________________________________Are you a if yes, please indicate breeder exhibitor obedience exhibitor Judge handler How many showstrials have you entered in the last three 3 years____________How many Pomeranians do you own___________ Are yourPomeranians American Kennel Club registerable_______Have you ever been suspended from the AKC__________ if you have been suspendedfrom the American Kennel Club, please tell us why, when, and how long on a separate sheet of paper._________________ ________________________List memberships in any all-breed, specialty, or obedience clubs in which you now or have been a member. Give dates.List memberships in any local Pomeranian clubs. Give the dates you were a member and the club Presidents' namesDo you subscribe to the Pomeranian Review__________Are you willing to support the goals and projects of the American Pom ClubSPONSOR REFERENCE 1How long have you known the applicant_____________ Have you met the applicant in person_____________Have you been in theapplicant's home________ Why do you recommend the applicant for membership use a separate sheet ofpaper if neededPrint Name--------------------------------------------------------- Signature--------------------------------------------------------------- Dale------------------------------------SPONSORREFERENCE 2How long have you known the applicant____________ Have you met the applicant in person_____________Have you been in the applicant'shome______ Why do you recommend the applicant for membership Use a separate sheet ofpaper if neededPrint Kamc-Signature-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date------------------------------------APCMembership Application Revised 0603 Pg. 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 59Lr iCurrent Dues to be Included with this ApplicationSingle Membership - United States Resident 25.00 Foreign Resident 30.00Household Membership - United States Resident 40.00 f Patron Minimum 15.00 donationJunior Membership - United States Resident 25.00Note Payment must be in US Funds. VisaMastercardPay Pal Accepted 3 surcharge for credit card Pay Pal payments. -Household Membership means 2 people over the age of 18 living at the same address.-Junior members are under 18 years of age - they may not vote or hold office.f Patrons are individuals who wish to contribute to the APC but do not meet the sponsorship requirements for membership.Patron status is not a prerequisite to obtaining APC Membership. Patrons may not vote or hold office. Their names will be published in a special section of the Roster and they will receive a copy of the Roster annually.Make checks or money order in US funds payable to the American Pomeranian Club and mail toMrs. Annette Davis 391 North Mink Creek Rd Pocatello, ID 83204 davisavalonpom.comCode of EthicsI agree to follow the regulations as set forth by the American Kennel Club as they pertain to my purebred dog operations.1 will furnish a signed registration or transfer with each puppy sold unless a written agreement is made with the purchaser at the time of sale that papers will be withheld.I will not sell my puppies to pet shops or commercial pet mill establishments, nor will I donate puppies for raffles or auctions. I will not crossbreed or advertise for sale puppies that have been crossbred.I will not give stud service to unregistered bitches.I will advise the purchaser of my puppy to have the puppy checked by a veterinarian within 2 days 48 hours of the sale additional time allowed if the puppy is sold on a Friday or Saturday. I will refund the purchase price or take the puppy back and replace it, if it is found to be unfit.Except for unusual situations, I will not sell my puppies at less than eight weeks of age.I will maintain the best possible standard of health and care in all of my dogs and see that puppies are immunized and checked for parasites.I wifi price my puppies within the breed range.In my breeding program, I will keep alert for and work to control andor eradicate problems and conditions that are particular to my breed and breed as closely as possible to the standard of the breed.I wiU represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and try to assist the serious novice in his understanding of the breed.I will try at all times to show good sportsmanship and keep in mind that the good of the breed comes before any personal benefit.I, an applicant for membership in the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. or patron certify that I have read the Code of Ethics and agree to abide by them on pain of disciplinary action under ARTICLE VIII of the By-Laws of the Club.Print Name_______________________________________ Signature________________________________________ Date_________________DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iDate received__________Date published___________ Date accepted__________Membership packet sent on____________Date dues received_________ Check No.______________ Current POMERANIAN REVIEW subscriber Yes No APC Membership Application Revised 0603 Pg. 2I______________________________60 - APC Pomermmn Revew - JulyAugust 2004Jr v j i'-' ' i. -" - i f - ri -.r rThelittle Chia- Poms are Journey, 10 months old and Bandit, a 14- year-old rescue, owned by Dohna Wasielewski.I-tv0. ' _S ^-f V L - r- - .. -.1-"r . ' . . I . ' ' 3^ VvTv.v L 1 . - u-T' si-T tv f]rr .'JX-' .df i'-v.. c_WANTED Onxqae crod candid Fora photos are welcome. Its dost Far Fan.r mum7 \by Barbara McClatcheyAGILITY SPECIAL COLUMNPartIWhen I asked the Agility people on the Active Pomeranian Email list for contributions of stories and pictures for this column, I had no idea that I was opening the floodgates until I pulled myself, dripping, out of the flood of wonderful material. So, this will be a 2-parter.The first two stories will be from two different Judys. Here is Judy Thompsons story of her MACH Master Agility Champion Judys Itzy Bitzy Mitzi HOF, GCBACK-YARD BRED Mitzi is a 7-year-old Pomeranian, obtained from a friend whose husband at the time was a back-yard breeder of Cockers and insisted she breed her re-homed Pom. I first saw Mitzi, one of the two surviving puppies out of a litter of four, on July 4, 1997. It was love at first sight, and she went home with us that night at 7 weeks of age.SHY AND FEARFUL From the minute I saw her, Mitzi was bonded to me like glue. She was a quick learner, and excelled in clicker training. She was very shy and fearful with other people, and I trying to socialize her, we entered many obedience classes. I hoped to enter competition obedience with her, but her refusal to Stand for Exam and allow a stranger to touch her made this an impossible goal.PATELLA PROBLEMS I remembered an article I had seen in the local newspaper a year before, and decided to try her in agility to build up her confidence. We went to an introductory workshop, and by the end of the evening, Mitzi was performing all of the obstacles. We signed up for classes, but at the first class, at one year of age, she blew out her right patella. We spent the summer letting her heal after surgery, working on a few agility obstacles such as weave poles, rebuilding her strength and taking more obedience classes. But at age 1 Zi, her other patella went when she was outside in deep snow. Luckily, my stepson is an excellent orthopedic vetFINALLY Mitzi started her real agility training at age 2, a year later than planned. We entered our first trial in August of1999, won a lot of blue ribbons, and I was hooked. By December, she had earned her AKC Novice titles, as well as several titles in NAD AC and CPE. By the third year, on the way to the MX and MSJ, we started traveling to more trials that were farther away. Mitzi adores me and will try to do anything I ask she very consistently qualified, but did not have the speed for many placements. In August of2003, we spent three days at an agility training camp and learned methods to increase her speed.62 - APC Pomeranian Review - JelyAugust 2004 JrCL UMSY HANDLERCOMPETENT DOG Mitzi almost got the points for her MACH in November at the Pontiac Silverdome, but I managed to knock over a jump we had already done and we were disqualified Clumsy Handler Error . But on Thanksgiving weekend in 2003, Mitzi had a clean run and earned her MACH, which requires 20 qualifying scores in both Standard and Jumpers classes on the same day, as well as 750 points earned by seconds under Standard Course Time. It was an exciting momenteven Greg Beck, the judge, was jumping up and down. We ran around the ring as the crowd cheered, carrying the MACH bar from the last jump while Mitzi did every obstacle along the way. Friends andfellow competitors were waiting at the finish line with hugs, pictures, a MACH ribbon and pin, champagne, hats, and decorationsa real celebration. She was the eighth Pomeranian in the U.S. to earn this title.SMART DOG I swear Mitzi knows that she is now a MACH dogshe has much more confidence and speed on a course, which unfortunately sometimes causes her to choose the wrong obstacle when she is running ahead of me Playing in agility has given us many new friends from all over Michigan and the surrounding states, as we continue to compete and hope to reach the MACH2.Judy Chandler writes about Garp, Finchs Commotion in Motion AX, HOF THE ZOOMIES Garp is the first dog I ever trained he has been trialing for nearly two years. We got I off to a rocky start, and I had to endure many trials [Is this a pun, Judy] observing Garp design his ownI course, since he frequently got the zoomies. He has become quite a good, focused agility dog, although we will occasionally zoom just for the sheer fun of it.A BUSY MONTH In one month, April 2004, Garp finished AKC Open Jumpers, earned his AKC Agility Excellent, got one qualifying leg toward the Master Agility Excellent and one MACH point, earned two legs toward his USDAA PI title, earned I h is NAD AC Outstanding Novice Jumper Certificate, earned 30 points toward his NAD AC Outstanding Open Agility Certificate, and won High in Trial Open Dog at the NAD AC Pepper Memorial Trial in Carson City, Nevada.Performance Continued on Page 64 JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 63Garp, Finchs Commotion in Motion AX, HOFi-Mitzimer-iPerformance Continued From Page 63And then I got an e-mail from a Pom. Ill let her introduce herselfA ROUGH START My name is Tippi or, officially, MACH Riverstones Rockin the Boat AD, NAC, NJC. . I started life in a small trailer home where there were . LOTS of dogs of all sizes also living there. I dont like to talk about it much as there are some things Id i rather forget. The people there meant well and loved \ me a lot said I was their favorite dog, but I had \ been bred twice before I was 2 years old. Ive never 1 seen my babies since. Sigh.A NEW MOM Around the time I was 2 years old, andjust after my 2nd litter, my original ownersdecided to downsize as they were moving. My new mom found out about me and had been looking for a small dog with experience with big dogs to get along with her two Australian Shepherds. Weve been together ever since.A NEW HOME So here I was in my new home. Id already had a serious talk with these Aussies to be sure they knew that I was not to be messed with. My new mom got me spayed, and we spent a lot of time together going for walks, playing with toys, tug, and all sorts of fun treats came Yum We went and got tested to be a certified Therapy Dog and passed. But since I have a fear of floors that are anything other than carpet and am afraid of being picked up, my mom thought it best not to pursue this for me. So we tried going to agility classes , just like my Aussie brothers and sister. It was FUNPATELLAS My career in agility began. There was a brief scare that I had loose patellas. The vet thought I needed surgery, so mom stopped training for a while to avoid hurting my knees any more. Actually, they felt okay, and I never skipped a beat. Mom continued to build up my strength and stamina and very slowly we got back to doing agility without having had surgerywhew.FAST DOG Pretty soon we were zipping, jumping, weaving and climbing again, and I was having a BLAST Id gt so excited that Id grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr all around the course sometimes mom wasnt fast enough and make the judges laugh. Over time I got so fast that there were a few times I was High in Trial at a showfaster even than all the Border Collies at the show Mom was proud of meTOP POM We did agility for many years, and for several of those years I was the top agility Pomeranian in the country, according to Front and Finish. I earned lots of titles in different venues, participated in several AKC National Championship shows, finally we got our MACH title in AKC agility. Wooo HoooBig partyRETIREMENT I retired at 11 years old, a little more than a year ago. Id been doing agility since I was 3 Iyears old, and quite frankly, things were aching a bit. We went to massage therapy a lot to feel better. Ive been really enjoying not doing those dam weave poles I get to run and play with my brothers and sisters on our 25 acre ranch in Colorado, rolling in all kinds of stuff, getting dirty and coaching my new Pomeranian sister Tribble on how to be a great agility dog for mom.TippiL ___________64 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004rTippis mom, Trish Whitley, says that she has just learned that Tippi is using the computer again. The last time that happened, they got a few boxes from Thompson offers some hints for increasing a Poms energy level, which she worked out because Mitzi tended to lose energy later in the day, especially with a trial outdoors in warm weatherSNEAKING FOOD Mitzi and Lazer have been known to open and devour boxes of Christmas food that came in the mail and were thrown under the tree unopenedon one occasion last Christmas, I had to piece together little bits ofpaper to see what they had eaten so that I knew what to thank my friend for sending. Luckily, it was a box of Key Lime cheesecakes, not chocolate. I told her they were delicious and disappeared quickly They are always digging through my bags in the days after trials to see if Ive forgotten to remove any food. I am getting better at that, but occasionally I miss something, and they finish off a pack- age of treats.KEEPING WEIGHT DOWN For the past 6 months I have been feeding my Poms about 20 pieces of good kibble and two mini carrots in the AM, and 15 pieces plus pumpkin or unsalted green beans for dinner. I have managed to get 2 pounds off Mitzi shes a larger Pom, and this has helped considerably with her speed. Lazer has lost about Vi pound, which puts him at 5 3A pounds, which is right for him.POWER TREATS I feed Mitzi bite size Zuke s Power Bones or Zukes Hip Action Natural Endurance Treats at trials. I break one or two treats up into small pieces about 15-30 minutes before a run and give her the majority of the pieces. If she has two runs a day, I do this before each run if we have four or more runs, I do it before the early runs and maybe once later in the day. She now hits the start line all revved up and really ready to go, and no longer has problems making time in AKC Excellent JWW. Instead of being 1 second under to 1 second over time, she is now consistently 4-6 seconds under time. There is some sugar in these treats, but also a lot of other good natural ingredients and vitamins.No matter what your performance venue, you can join our conversation by e-mailing ActivePomeranian- .TITLES, WE GOT TITLES AKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITY Companion DogPomde Firsthymn Grandquarry CDX OA OAJ, 32004, Debra Watson Utility DogTiny Tim Pendelton CGC UD, 21404, Wendy and Janet Donnelly J Novice AgilityPepe NA NAJ, 3704, Leslie Smith, ILP Seiters Cant Touch This NANAJ, 31904, Kim Seiter Novice Agility JumperFinchs Little Rompin RussellmaniaNANAJ, 32804, Lillian Knight Pepe NAJ, 3604, Leslie Smith, ILP Novice Agility PreferredPom Acres Atomic Dragonfly NA NAP NAJ NJP, 32104, Lois Morkassel What About Me OA NAP OAJ NJP, 2704, Trudy J S KieferPerformance Continued on Page 66I------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IJdlyAdgust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 65r1 Peifoimance Continued From Page 65Novice Agility Jumper PreferredPom Acres Atomic Dragonfly NA NAP NAJ NJP, 32104, Lois Morkassel What About Me OA NAP OAJ NJP, 2704, Trudy J S Kiefer Open AgilitySergeant Ts Smoking Gun OA OAJ, 22904, Randall B. Tichenor, ILP Open Agility JumperTasmanian Devil Copperstopit CD NA OAJ, 3604, Sara Langston Ebony Spitzfires Autumn Breeze NA OAJ, 22904, Nadine Harmon Agility ExcellentHallie AX AXJ, 32704, Suzanne Record, ILP Excellent Agility JumperFoxfire Jack CDX NA AXJ, 21504, Gail L Donaldson Master Agility ExcellentCody Joe C Man MX AXJ, 31404, Carol MehlhaffLord Peter Of Bristol Court MX MXJ, 11704, John David Connie Ziebaft,TKKeoki, Lord Peter Of Bristol Court MX MXJ 'v -Keoki, Lord Peter Of Bristol Court MX MXJ__UKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITY United Companion DogUCD Sparky the Charming Boy, Mary Sundholm United Companion Dog ExcellentUCDX UACH Clemmenf s Little Abu, Karen BarthDogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go to Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. Ah Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in Obedience and AbilityDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Rescuesecondchancepoms,org66 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004 JMarchi^eto CfjamptonsChampions of Record are confirmed by AKCCases N Procs Ever Ready Eddie D by Cases Goldstrike Of Lenette x Cases Brindle Bundle Of Joy. Owned Bred by Deborah Procaccini Susan Lucatorto.Cloverdale Lyric Of Lenette B by CH Indiana Jones Of Lenette x Great Elms Little Miss Muffet. Owned by Jane A. Zimmerman, Bred by K. G. Griffith.Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco D by CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Firebrooks Citrus Twist. Owned Bred by Lee D. Cook. Howlene-Teahra Dab O Shalimar B by CH Howlene-Teahra Impero x Pinnacle Holly Of Howlene. Owned Bred by Arlene A. Otaguro, Hazel Miller Robin Watanabe.Jan-Shars Brewin Up A Storm B by CH Jan-Shars Dont Worry Be Happy x Jan-Shar Minnie Pearl. Owned Bred by Sharon Hanson.Jeddy Bears Memory D by Blitzens Mica Delight x Shalas Crystal Delight. Owned by Naomi Bryant Mary Jean Bryant. Bred by Darlene M. Fode.Pinnacle IM StakinMy Claim D by CH Sandalwood Ji Marty JR. x Sandalwood KG Anya. Owned by Joan H. Kaneshiro. Bred by Roger M. Lau Joan H. Kaneshiro.f 11 Pomhavens Classically Bentley D by CH Pomhavens Nip NTuck x Pomhavens Pretty Lil Rain Drop. Owned Bred by Colie P. Beland.Raffinans Foxtrot To Indigo B by Raffinans Starfrost Of Millamors x Raffinans Ashley Of Nabob. Owned by Jennifer Smith. Bred by Teresita A. Hughes.Tradewind Can You Catch Me D by CH Pom Acres Atomic Dictator x Tradewinds The Beat Goes On. Owned Bred by Gary Shaffer Glenda Shaffer.Tresstique You Go Girl B CH Ti Amos Zeus Of Great River x CH Tresstiques Fabulous Jewel. Owned by Benson E. Ray, Bonnie Harris Sharon Masnick. Bred by Bonnie Harris.AprilHowlene-Teahra Precious Cargo D by CH Howlene-Teahra Impero x Pinnacle Holly Of Howlene. Owned Bred by Arlene A. Otaguro, Hazel Miller Robin Watanabe.Jan-Shars Bling Bling B by CH Jan-Shars N Sync x CH Jan-Shars Snow White. Owned Bred by Sharon Hanson.Jan-Shars Kats Meow B by CH Jan-Shars Mini Me x CH Jan-Shar N Janesas Kitty Cool. Owned Bred by Sharon Hanson. Keepsakes Berrie Traditional D by CH Peachs Tradition Texas Rock x Leslies Daystar Sabrina. Owned by Jessie Klein. Bred by Carl Klein Jessie Klein.Kouteries Lil Man Of Chipawa D by Colliers Yabba Dabba Doo x Chipawas Seminole Kita Music. Owned by Leslie Stoen. Bred by Mark Ward.Ksudas Major Expectation D by CH Morenos Special Amigo x CH Great Elms Abegail. Owned by Suzanne Kirkbright David Kirkbright. Bred by Suzanne W. Kirkbright, Brenda Duncan David W KirkbrightLarajus American Pride D by Park Avelrajus Rock DCasba x Wee Hearts Rockon At Showcase. Owned by Christine Endow. Bred by Laura Newbold.Magic Touch Of Lenette D by CH Music Maker Of Lenette x Nikki Of Lenette. Owned Bred by K. G. Griffith.Majesties Artistic Impression B by Brynrose Icuddabeenacontenda x Majestic Evanda Holypom Pkav. Owned by Annette Rister Charlotte Creed. Bred by Annette Roger Rister.Majesties Dream Come True B by Brynrose Icuddabeenacontenda x CH Southlands Mo Cher. Owned Bred by Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed, Brenda Turner S W Turner.Nobles Step Aside Boys B by CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Sungolds I Do What I Like. Owned Bred by Noble Inglett. Palisades Phoenix Rising Of Larajus B by Velvet Touch Versace x Talicos Forever Spirit. Owned by Ellen Smith Laura L.Newbold. Bred by Linda Ann Bosnich.Park Aves Playintricks On You D by CH T-JS Rockn Wee Willy Wimzee x CH Park Aves Turn N Tricks. Owned Bred by Diane Stevenson Tom Wilson.Pnderosas Star Dust Of Chips D by CH Great Elms Mr Chips xAvalons Angelina B by CH Dominic Of Lenette x Avalons Queen CH Hilcrest Rising Star O Ponderosa. Owned by Tammie L. Ford,Eliryn M. Davis, Joyce K. Smith Chuck Milne. Bred by TammieL. Ford Joyce K. Smith.Nefertiti. Owned Bred by Annette Davis.Candlebrite Keep DHope Alive B by Scullybraes Playing For Keeps x Candlebrites Classic Rock. Owned by Terry J. Rothell.Bred by Edward Pauls Lisa Pauls. FWTBfciD-N-Hs One Mo Rebel In Camelot D by CH D And Hs Camelots Miller.Last Rebel x CH Dover-Holihouse Fudge Medley. Owned Bred Pomworths Stylin Firecracker D by Finchs Styling An Profiling xby Kathryn Hartz Patricia A Foley. Archers Cleopatra. Owned Bred by Chris Woodworth.Damascusroad Don Juan De Marco D by CH Chriscendo Call To Arms x Bavanews Star Of Damascusroad. Owned by Renee Suppe. Bred by Beverley Carter.Finchs Golden Opportunity D by CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finchs Walk Upon A Star. Owned Bred by Diane L. Finch. Finchs Max A Million D by CH Finchs Walkin After Midnite x CH Finchs Walkin In Fashion. Owned by Mary Sue Collins Mary C. Hoskins. Bred by Diane L. Finch.Gaulkes Wee Albert D by Jan Les Maker Of Time x Gaulkes Last Sparkle. Owned Bred by Duane A. Gaulke.Gayels Juxtadream B by CH Gayels Juxamazing x CH Gayels Ms Oakley. Owned Bred by Gale A. Rivers.Heritage Quacks A Smile B by CH Heritage N Search Of Heroes x CH Benaires Penny Lane. Owned Bred by Karen Hanlon Michael P. Hanlon II.Pom-Havens Mighty Mouse D by CH Wyndlor Doin It Right x Pom-Havens Shim Shim Sharea. Owned Bred by Patricia L. MillPufprides Pillow Talk D by CH Pufprides Milliondollar Baby x Pufpride-Ralston Rockn Robin. Owned by Warren G. Dimick Virginia Dimick. Bred by Warren G. Dimick Sanlee-Antoms Final Answer D by CH Sanlee-Antom Academy Awards x Sanlees Musical Mandolin. Owned Bred by Anita J. Farr.Showins Cry Wolf Cry Wolf B by Sho-Wins Rite On Wolf Boy x Mauis Nikita. Owned by Cheryl Roberson. Bred by Barbara RaymondStolannes Song Of The South B by CH Stolannes Keep Em Rollin x CH Stoln Song Of The Magic Past. Owned Bred by Frances J. Stoll.Tokie Times Worth Waiting For D by CH Tokies Mercury x Tokie Chetah Of Fire.Owned by ChaivatTangkaravakun Prakit Chularojmontri. Owned Bred by ChaivatTangkaravakun.American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an . New Champions are received from AKC and published as space permits. Corrections must be submitted with a copy of the AKC Championship Certificate to by January 15, 2005.JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomernwn Review - 67American pomerantan ClubJanuary 1, 2004 through May 1,2004 as reported by the American Kennel Clubop 10 preeti EpsteinWins TotalRank Name Sex BOB V Points Owners1 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams D 33 938 Noble Inglett, Diane L. Finch2CH Starfire's Wicked Mean- N-Nasty D 34 704 Tony Cabrera, Fabian Ariente3CH Jan-Shars Commander N- Chief D 16 265 Ron Smith, Sharon Hanson, Merilyn Smith4 CH Valcopy Batboy D 12 221 J. Pardue, M. Pardue, Ron Smith, Merilyn Smith5CH Sundown's KeeganXavier D 13 208 Camilla Knight6 CH Starfire's Robcary Sobe It D 17 206 Carol Schrimpsher7 CH Sirius It Wasn't Me D 13 146 Ginny Aulik, Mary Lou Lafler8 CH Gold Card At Sirius D 10 120 Nina Fetter, B. Boehmer9 CH Antom's Jes Walkin' Tall CH Paradise ValleyD 8 10410 Moonstruck D 4 99 J. Smith, R. Turnernp 10 group i^yatemRank Name Sex BIS IGroup II III IVTotalPoints Owners1CH Starfire's Wicked Mean- N-Nasty D 11 21 5 4 2 20,085 Tony Cabrera, Fabian Ariente2 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams D 6 17 6 3 3 9,609 Noble Inglett, Diane L. Finch3CH Starfire's Robcary SobeIt D 1 1 3 3 1,309 Carol Schrimpsher4CH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief D 1 4 3 1,191 Ron Smith, Sharon Hanson, Merilyn Smith5 CH Valcopy Batboy D 2 2 1,115J. Pardue, M. Pardue, Ron Smith, Merilyn Smith6CH Sundown's KeeganXavier D 1 2 1 775 Camilla Knight7CH Lil Dariins I Got The Power D 1 1 1 703 Joanne Reed8CH Vip-Odyssey Pocket Rocket D 3 568 Janet Lucido, Fran Smith9 CH Starfire's Vagabon Lover D 1 1 413 Ana Paola A Rasera10 CH Aj's Tuff As Nails D 1 1 386 Howard Sklar68 - APC Pomeranian Review - JuiyAugust 2004Top Breeder, Exhibitor, Sire DamKelly D. Reimschiissel, Awards Chairperson January 1,2004 through April 30,2004 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTop Breeders Top ExhibitorsDiane L. Finch 7 Sharon HansonSharon Hanson 5 Annette RisterAnnette Rister 3 Arlene A. OtaguroJuanita Fiddick 3 Charlotte CreedArlene A. Otaguro 2 Hazel MillerCamilla Knight 2 Robin WatanabeCharlotte Creed 2 Brenda TurnerCindy D. Ford 2 Cynthia M. Bradley1Cynthia M. Bradley 2 Diane L. FinchDonna J. Machniak 2 Duane A. GaulkeDuane A Gaulke 2 Jerrie FreiaHazel Miller 2 Laura L. NewboldJerrie Freia 2 Leslie SmithK. G. Griffith 2 Nadine HarmonLaurie Otis 2 Nina M. FetterLinda Ann Bosnich 2 S. W. TurnerRobin Watanabe 24333332222222222Top SiresCH Pufpride Sweet Dreams 5Bryn rose Icuddabeenacorrtenda 3CH Howlene-Teahra Impero 3Blyssfrankenberry Partitobe 2CH Two-Ts Feisty Autumn Glow 2Velvet Touch Versace 2Wyndlor-N-DJS Oliver Twist 2Top DamsFinchs Walk Upon A Star 2Pinnacle Holly Of Howlene 2Pom Acres White Diamonds 2Talicos Forever Spirit 2Top JuniorsCatherine M. Jessen, Juniors Chairas reported by AKC Awards Issues January through February November 1,2002 through October 31, 2003 APC YearJorden Rotheli 164Jessica Christiansen 42 Julie Dorthy Johns 12Danielle Miller 40 Miss Naomi Jean Bryant 6Stephanie Burdick 22 Jenna R. Spranger Taylor Irvin 22 Kira M. Parkin 6Mariah Seering 12The Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian exhibitors. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.Every effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors to the attention of the Annual Awards Chairperson. If your dogs are listed in the corrections of the AKC Awards issues, please contact Kelly D. Reimschiissel at before January 15,2005.JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 69L[S___1 mirtSwgPom TalK Pom Talk questions and comments may be found online at isapi.dll Members and friends may post answers and comments online or contact Roxanne Collins, 6405 W. 65ON, Fair Oaks, IN 47943, Ph. 219 866-4464 or 6VOur question this month is if you sell a Pom as a show prospect and it does not turn out show quality, what do you do1. Replace the Pom right away and if you did not have one what would be the time limit2. Refund the purchase price3. Replace with a different sexI think your question actually tells it all. If I am selling a show prospect then I do not guarantee it to turn out show quality. If you left the second half off of that, then it would be very different. I always believed that the purpose of a puppy being sold as a show prospect was that they were not guaranteed as show quality but that they had great potential at the age they were being placed, which is usually at a younger age around ten weeks to five months. Everything should be understood ahead of time and preferably all in writing so no one ends feeling cheated. If you are going to place a puppy as a prospect, then you should not be asking the same price as a puppy that is six months old or one that is already pointed. The purchaser has to understand that they are taking a gamble and it could end up either way. They could end up with a wonderful show dog that they got for a more reasonable price or they could end up with a pet and lose some money in the process and have to start their search all over again. I guess you could also get a show prospect that was an adult dog. Perhaps they have all the looks and type that would make them a champion but their temperament is a little shy or they have never been ring trained so it is your risk to see if you can get the dog to blossom and become more outgoing and if you want to spend the extra time training them and hope it all works out in your favor. It would also be different if you were selling a show prospect and guaranteed that they turnout showable. Then you usually pay show dog price and then you would get a replacement or partial refund if it did not turn out showable. Same deal though, get it all in writing and understood by both parties. What if they turn out drop dead gorgeous and BIS type material but the temperament is just not there Do you guarantee both aspects I do not guarantee a show prospect as I place under prospect terms. If I had a puppy that was older and placed as a show dog, then I would be obligated to compensate the buyer if something went wrong for some reason. I usually place all puppies on an individual basis. GailellenReplace the Pom right away and if you did not have one what would be the time limit Depends if we have a replacement or not as we dont have a lot of litters. Also, they are being sold as a prospect not as much money as guaranteed show, which means, they have the potential for being show, but are not being guaranteed show. Do you ever refund the purchase price Only if they come down with a genetic disease in the first year. Do you ever replace with a different sex No. LindaI dont sell to show people for that reason. If l dont keep them, I sell all my puppies as pets to loving homes. I have bought Poms for show and some have turned out and some did not. Buying a puppy, no one knows how they will turn out. Its a gamble. If you want a show prospect, buy a Pom over six months old. That still doesnt mean you can finish this dog. How well is he trained, who is handling and who is your competition play a factor in this. Its a big game. Dont sit around crying and bad mouthing a breeder who sold you something that did not turn out the way you like. Go onMany years ago when I first began my search for show quality Pomeranians, I learned the difference between show prospect and show quality the hard way. Lets just say that I have a few really expensive pets. I am still willing to risk buying70 - APC Pomeranian Review - JhlyAugust 2004a beautiful, well pedigreed show prospect puppy and take the gamble. I enjoy socializing the little puppies myself. I dont sell many dogs but when I sell a show prospect I always make it clear and even have it clearly in the contract that a show prospect means that the dog may turn out to be show dog or may not. The dog does not have any disqualifying faults at the time of sale. I give the buyer the option to return the dog within three days. I make sure the buyer understands the dog may or may not turn out and that is the risk they take buying a puppy.I have not sold any show prospects that did not turn out. I err on the side of putting a show dog in a pet home rather than a pet in a show home. If I sold a show prospect that did not turn out I would not refund or replace the dog if it did not stay show quality. SandraIt is my belief that people buying a show prospect are placing a lot of faith in your knowledge as a breeder. Our standard practice is to replace a show prospect with another show prospect when available. We do not have a time limit, but would try to replace with the same sex. If the new owner wants to keep the dog as a pet and we agree that the dog is not a show prospect, we will sell the owner a show prospect at a pet price. We would consider refunding the purchase price, less a handling charge, should the dog be returned to us in the same health and mental status it was sold in. DerondaWell, I have not produced enough to sell to a show home yet, but I would work with the purchaser, considering all options so they were happy with the settlement as well as me. I would offer a replacement first if I was expecting anything to be available soon, or if the preferred I would offer to refund the purchase price. WaldaWhen I have bought show prospects from various breeders it was what you see is what you get. Take your chances unless otherwise stated in a contract. If I sold a dog as a breeding or show dog and the dog developed a problem that they cannot live up to what they were sold as the animal should be altered and I would send a replacement as soon as I had one. But then Im small potatoes to some breeders who have waiting lines for their show puppies and have previous obligations. So how that would work I guess would depend on them. JulieFirst, I would ask the person their preference. I think that all show quality puppies should come with a money back guarantee. Remember you are only as good as your word As to waiting, I think no longer than a few months is fair. Perhaps you have a litter on the ground that just needs to mature. VeronicaI take back any puppy for any reason and usually refund all the monies. I am not a large breeder so to replace one might take quite some time. I am very fair and honest in dealing with owners and want them to like the puppy as much as I do. I have a saying that I live by and it has helped me quite a lot in my boarding and grooming business. The customer is always right.SueI do not breed. I am strictly a handler but do have my own Poms. Im just going to put my two cents worth in on how I would want a breeder to treat me if a show prospect I had purchased did not turn out. I would expect to have the dog replaced within a year if one was not available right away. I would consider the opposite sex, providing it was show material. If nothing was available within a year, I would like the purchase price refunded so that I could move on to another dog, unless the breeder could make suitable arrangements agreeable to everyone involved. This is just my opinion, from my standpoint. SherryIf I sell a Pom as a show prospect and it doesnt turn out, this is what I do. 1. Replace the Pom right away, and if you did not have one what would be the time limit I let the client decide if they want a replacement or refund and which breeding that I have available, they would want to put into their breeding program. However, I do place a time limit of one year for any adjustments. 2.Do you ever refund the purchase price Yes, I do if that is what the client wants. 3.Do you ever replace with a different sex Not usually, but it is up to the client and what I may have at the time. JerrieThank you again for sharing your procedures with us.Our next question is What are your suggestions to controlcombat diarrheaconstipation in puppiesdogsPlease respond to Roxanne Collins, 6405 W650N, Fair Oaks, IN 47943 Phone 219 866-4464 or e-mail^Opinions, suggestions and techniques found within Pom Talk are the opinions of each individual author. The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and the Pomeranian Review does not endorse or recommend any procedure or accept responsibility of their use. For specific information concerning sales and contracts, seek individual legal council.JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 71Qa y'i - VFIRSTPLACEiGRTR. FREEPORT IIU KENNEL CLUB SEPTEMBER 2003DOWNEY PHOTO BT DIANE Wit.i'Aw^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Tr-J CaiIin BbwneyEver since I was a little girl I have wanted to be around animals. At a young age, I had dogs and cats I was happiest when I was with them. When I decided to show dogs, I began thinking of what breeds I liked Australian Shepherd, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, but Pomeranians never showed up on that list. It turned out that I didnt choose my breedit chose me.Ive always had large dogs from my beautiful blue merle Australian Shepherd when I was two, to my now ten year old German ShepherdSiberian Husky rescue, Bailey. Since the day we rescued her from a shelter at the tender age of four weeks, she has always been my best friend. Ill never have another dog in my life quite like Bailey, and now that shes getting older, I cherish every moment that I have with her.72 - APC Pomersmrn Revew - JulyAugust 2004. -A i HMQI began talking to my aunt, Linda Mulso of Cottontop Poms, about dog shows when I was about twelve. She agreed to teach me, and let me show one of her dogs in Junior Showmanship. This was no easy task The dog, Fancy, was untrained. I found out firsthand at my first handling class how stubborn Pomeranians can really be Fancy and I met once a week at handling class, and after just a few months we were ready for our first show the International Kennel Club of Chicago dog shows in 2002, where we placed second each day we were entered. Shortly after the shows, Aunt Linda moved to Missouri, and I was without a dog.I spent my dog-less months handling dogs for other people at my handling class, such as American Staffordshire Terrier, Beagle, Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers and an Alaskan Malamute, plus a Komondor and Tibetan Spaniel at shows. Those few short months opened my eyes to the possibility of becoming a professional handler.Then, my own little Pom arrived. My parents and aunt kept her a secret until three weeks before she came in June 2002. She was just a tiny puppy when I first started showing, and turned out the be a gorgeous little girl by the time she came home at 8 months. Her name is Cottontop Whatcha Doin, otherwise known as Lindsay. Shes a CH. Wyndlor Doin It Right daughter. Lindsay is more than I could ever hope for in a show dog. She loves to work and knows that shes good at it. Although she does throw in some very bad behavior once in a while to keep me on my toes Shes a lot smarter than one would think. Sure, she steals things and barks when a leaf falls 300 yards away, but there are some brains in that little headAs a sophomore at Marengo Community High School in Marengo, Illinois, Ive begun to think about what I want my future to hold. Ive thought of doing a number of things, from professional handling to dog grooming. However, my main interests, right now, are going to the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. Id like to become a holistic veterinarian and specialize in nutrition and reproduction. With a heartbreak breed like Poms, I figured knowing a lot about reproduction would come in handy. I also plan on breeding and showing Poms. Ive also thought about going to an art school to further develop my skills as an artist.I recently was awarded 9 Junior Handler at the APC National Specialty in Louisville, but the award should really be Lindsays. Without her, I wouldnt have been able to achieve this honor. She and I have great teamwork, and she does her best at every show. No ribbon or award can match the feeling I get when Lindsay shows beautifully and knows it.JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomerxnisn Review - 73Pom Puppy 2004Chart of Weights2 12 2 34 3 12 4 14 4 12 5 12Birth 3 oz. 4 oz. 5 oz.oz. OZ. oz. oz. oz. oz.1 week 3 34 4 5 5 12 6 12 7 8 9 9 122 weeks 5 5 12 6 12 7 9 10 11 1212 13123 weeks 6 7 8 9 11 13 14 16 17124 weeks 7 8 9 12 11 13 15 17 19 215 weeks 8 9 11 13 15 17 19 12 22 2412 176 weeks 9 11 12 15 12 20 22 24 2714 197 weeks 10 12 12 17 12 22 2412 27 30218 weeks 11 13 16 19 12 24 27 29 33179 weeks 12 15 12 20 23 26 29 32 3510 weeks 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 3811 weeks 14 17 21 24 27 31 34 37 4212 weeks 15 19 22 26 30 33 37 41 4513 weeks 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 4914 weeks 17 22 26 30 34 39 43 47 5215 weeks 19 23 28 32 37 41 46 51 5616 weeks 20 25 30 34 39 44 49 54 5917 weeks 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 57 6218 weeks 22 28 33 37 43 48 54 60 6519 weeks 23 29 34 39 44 50 56 62 6720 weeks 24 30 35 41 46 52 58 64 7021 weeks 25 31 36 42 48 54 60 66 7222 weeks 25 32 37 43 49 56 62 68 7423 weeks 26 33 38 44 50 57 64 70 7624 weeks 26 33 39 45 51 58 65 71 7825 weeks 27 34 40 46 52 59 66 72 7926 weeks 27 34 40 47 53 60 67 73 802 12 3 12 412 518Months 2lbs lbs 3lbs lbs 4ibs lbs 51 bs 12bs 6 lbsThis generic weight chart has been passed around by breeders for many years. Different lines of Poms mature at different rates. Weight adjustment may be needed. This chart is only for reference and comparison.74 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004Congratulations,5ueon your well-deserved kennel visitFrancine HellerPoms of ClymerCongratulations uoAiBEST OF BREEDhF CHWflOK1QOTH SHOWCh. Mizrimaurs Sjzst Cases esznario Thank you for th years of friendship, and for showing my Chelses Ch Merimaurs Timeless Imago two sons, Rocky and flpollo pictured to their championships to help her attain her ROM title. Sood Isuek in your kennel visit and in all your future pom adventures.IsOVjZ,Mauroon QuinlanMszrintaur poraszraniansConrMu\sifiyr\ toRoxahhc CollinsAtib the KissAmi K1av\ on \\our wcH-beserveb APC Kennel VisitWe wisVi vjon niAm\ more f^bnlovis Poms in \\our breeding ATtb sKow pro5r^ms.Our mncK Aboreb KissAmi Kibs - TiArA, Tootsie Anb StArbAbvj, sav WAV TO GO GIRLJo NorrisJoAvpies PomsHuntington, TNDeb KollAnberSpecial D PomsBeecVt Grove, TNKIRBY GETS HIS FIRST POINTSDeb Hollander and Jo Norris are elated to announce Kirby Jenuanes Caught You Lookin, picked up his first two points under the expert handling of Laura Meineke.He is our FIRST show potential Pom.Thank you Judges and Laura for appreciating Kirbys potential. We are thrilled Watch for this handsome young man to be in the ring on the way to his championship this summer.Big thanks to Jen Hryniuk of Jenuanes for entrusting us with this spectacular boyCongratulations to Kelly Scott of Petite Acres and Kathy McClain of Weebit Poms, on Dinos A Promise Kept of Lynette, recent wins. He is well deserving.Jo NorrisJoAVjvtes PomsHuntington, TNDeb Ho1JAnterSpecial D PomsBeech Grove, TNJhlyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 75Wijndlor-N- DJ s Oliver Twist ROM and DeJatj Pomswould like to wiskBecky SaLourin, Wyndlor Pomskelated congratulations on your kennel visit in tke last issuealso, Debbie Gomjeau, Jen De Poms and Eleanor Milleron your memory lane article.4Congratulations to Sue Lucatorto, Case Poms on your kennel visit. It was a pleasure linisking Ck. Cases N Procs Ever Ready Eddie. Congratulations to Roxanne Collins and to Junior Handler, Caitlin Blowney on your features.White male available DOB 22704 contact me for more info.Donna Maclmiak and Dana Rick DonnaMkotmail.comPomwith ommrdWe are pleased to announce a new Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe.For more information about Karen and the video as well as ordering, please visit our site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo or contact Pauline at or by phone at 805-459-1047.We would like to thank Mike and Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Congratulations to Sue Lucatorto of Cases Poms and Roxanne Collins of Kissami Poms on your APC Kennel Visits and to Caitlin Blowney on your Junior Handler feature.Karen Crawford and John Pauline McFarlane76 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004Mar-D Pomeraniansa.Si ,Avalons Ta-LorD Made For Mar-DWe would like to thank the following Judges for the acknowledgement of the quality of our Peanut Mrs. Lois Wolff White, Fred Bassett, Mr. Clay Coade, Mrs. Roberson and Darryl Vice. We would also like to thank Diane Stevenson for Taken Peanut and continuing to show him.Congratulations to Roxanne Collins of Kissamis Kennels for her kennel visit. It has been wonderful talking to you and thank you for Our Manny he is doing just great. We love him a lot. Congratulations also to Sue Lucatorto of Cases Poms. Much success and we wish the both of you the best with you beautiful Poms.Mary Stephens and Deb Buchananhttpuser.cavenet.compoms 541-592-5161IL 7N^oncpnaCA Co 'dAbxxcmne 'ApoAACnA on Aten toeAA-deAemjed AcenneA naUC QpwarnC Co CAwunA Awn fen aACAi Awe die jfAve Co Awn dPontA and CAie Awe CAwyjpove AacA Co ua Se Anoa^AlAucAjo^ andAau^AiCon Co own Aumne uxA ^feanAie and Afenacie aiAien we AoaC CAie Aove o^own Aife, ddcfefej C yeanA ayo. Adloxi Aata Aecome a Cnue feiend and veny Aoved Ay, aAA ua 'Wan Cwo AiCCAe yCnA Aume Aeen aocA an aAAeC Co own AaveA and aje UKonC CoCAianAVAloocanne Co CAie -maccA WfAe Aove you WAlexCongratulations toErika Wilson and Courbette Encore Summer Song, CDon the occasion of completing the AKC and UKC Companion Dog titlesGreat trainer Great dog Winning combinationSire, Ch Courbette's Road Show, CD, NA, GC is proud of his twotitled daughters, as is their breeder,Victoria Leitner.Pomeranian Club of Central IndianaWe would like to congratulate our memberRoxanne Collins of Kissami Pomeranianson her Kennel Visit.Best wishes for your continued success.Visit our Web Site at httpwww.angelfire.cominpcci index.htmlThe Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana---------------------------------I--------------JulyAugust2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 77y Camilla KnigfitTraveling to dog shows in a motor home can create interesting situations. When I travel, all of my fury kids go with me. That means 20 to 25 of my own and 5 to 15 belonging to those traveling with me. People from the other world regular mortals who dont show dogs cant believe that I do this by choice. But we have developed a workable system. We set up expens in a circle around the door so we just have to open the crate doors and Poms pour into the yard. Weve been accused of setting up enough ex-pens to fence in the south forty. Keep this picture in mind as I tell you the rest of the story.Many times the show is far enough away that we have to stop to give the dogs a break or spend the night. I hate to pay for a campsite if Im only going to sleep a few hours and then be on the way again. Wal-Mart welcomes campers to use their parking lots at no cost. All they ask is that you to park on the outer edges of the lots, and they usually have all night security. Are you now picturing my motor home in the Wal-Mart parking lot with the south forty fenced inWe all know that Poms are people magnets, but did you know that they also have a magnetic effect on cars No sooner than the dogs are out, here come cars from all directions. Old ones, new ones, big and small ones all appear. Mom, Dad, kids and Grandma have to see the puppies and they have a hundred questions. The first question is always, How much Then there is, How many Followed by, How oldOne evening in a parking lot in Washington, Pa., I spent over an hour answering these same questions over and over again as new fans joined the circle around the ex-pens. I tried to explain that none of them were for sale, these were show dogs, and we were on our way home from showing them. I thought this explained everything. One sweet lady listened closely, and then just before she left, she thanked me for taking the time to come to Wal-Mart to show my dogs.Those of you who know me know that I am seldom at a complete loss for words. Later that day, a gentleman managed to put me in that position. He pulled his car along the side of the ex-pens. He didnt get out, just sat there shaking his head. After all of the usual questions, he looked at my friends and me and asked, Do you do this instead of having a manBy the next afternoon, I was home. While the dogs were all enjoying the back yard, I went inside to check my email. There was a short note from a friend who lives 4 hours away. She knew of my passion for Poms and dog shows and had to ask if it was I. It seems that her aunt lives in a small town in Pennsylvania and saw the strangest thing in the Wal-Mart parking lot.Take A HideOn ThePomeranian Club of Central IndianaSeptember 23, 2004 September 24, 2004Plan to come to Indiana September 2004, for some Hoosier Hospitality.American Pomeranian Summer Specialty 2004hosted byPomeranian Club of Central Indiana, Inc.Thursday, September 23 and Friday, 24, 2004Four Points Sheraton, Indianapolis, IN 7701 East 42nd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46226317-897-4000located on the east side of Indianapolis, with easy access off the interstate.Hospitality room on Wednesday evening Banquet Thursday night with raffles and auction.There will be a microchip clinic.Plan now to join us for the funWeekend shows following the specialties Michiana Kennel Club and Hoosier Kennel Club held nearby at the Indiana State Fair Grounds. Superintendent Roy Jones Dog Shows.Show SecretarySherri Alspaugh 5400 Lee Acres Dr.Boonville, IN 47601 812-925-6477paughtrintpomspeoplepc. comShow ChairpersonJanice Russell3540 Kessler Blvd N. DrIndianapolis, IN 46222317-924-9093indvpomlndv.netThursday APC - Judge Beverly Lehnig APC Sweeps - Cindy Boulware Friday PCCI - Judge Steve Hayden PCCI Sweeps - Jeanne BlankObedience will be offered.JulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 79Northern California Pomeranian Club, Inc,Specialty Show Report9-^ C AsJScVApril17, 2004 by Vivian StarkThe Northern California Pomeranian Clubs annual specialty was held this year at the Solano County Fairgrounds, and was organized by our club President, Walda Green. Trophies and ribbons were organized by Diane Stevenson and Hospitality by Laura Newbold. Tom Wilson organized the raffle, which included a grand prize of TV and DVD player. The regular class judge was Ms. Kim Brinker, Sweepstakes judge was Ms. Donnelle Richards, and ring steward was Ginger Hudson.Judge Ms. Donnelle RichardsBest in Sweepstakes Showins Prima Donna Owner Audrey CaywoodBest Opposite in Sweepstakes Cinbows Hot to Trot Owner Cindy L. BowlingJudge Ms. Kim BrinkerBest of Breed in SpecialtyCh. Jimcins Larajus Johnny FridayOwner David and Laura NewboldcookWinners Dog in Specialty Larajus American Pride Owner Christine Endow\E 'CHAMWINNERSBest Veteran in Specialty photo not available Ch. Jan-Shars The Puck Stops Here Owner Barbi Kutilek and Sharon HansonBest Opposite Sex in Specialty Palisades Phoenix Rising of Larajus Owner Ellen Smith Laura Newbold.ncccksar -V A gfril________Winners Bitch and Best of Winners in Specialty Showins Prima Donna Owner Audrey CaywoodPLOO80 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004SANDPOMSPOMERANIANSmSANDRA JOHNSONN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, Wl 54636 PH 608 526-1051 httpwebpages.charter.netsandpomsFRANSUma A ffiWOLFIE - A PIXIE POM EXOTICS TO LOVEANDREA HUGHES EVELYN NEWYEARP.O. BOX 57 SOD, WV 25564 PH 304 756-9356WE DO NOT SHIPNEUJAHRorOChel esSpecializing in parti and parti- factored PomeraniansTina GunnerCh. Finchs Parti Time TinaCh. Finchs Peacemaker Parti Elaine Waugh ewaughwoh. rr. com OhioCheryl New Hampshire\Linda Pelz - 7W254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww.dreamweaverpom.comJacinda Poms-. v'.Vii'V-,Jennifer Falk810 387-9570 faslkstergreatlakes. netCindy Golden321 638-4291 PromiseMe3 aol. com www.jacindapoms.comPIRKIfflll'PomTom Wilson916-689-9586 Sacramento, CA parkavepomscomcast.netPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLEBecky Sabourinwww.wyndlorpoms.com989-832-3408wyndlorchartermi.netfVyndtorTomsUStPS_________JhlyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 81\\'fc \e.tx.\w Share ourw-UPCOMING dTAPbplacing an ad in thetPomeratan 2XebtetomLater, when four "Upcoming Star" has earned its AkC championship or AC performance title, maKe a photocopf of the original "Pomeranian Review UPCOMING STAR ad and enclose it with four ad announcing their new AKC title and receive a 10.00 discount. Send us four Upcoming Star ad todafK1NM9IIIVISITSSepteniberOdober 2004Bobii Earle - Bobirs Poms Biana Solano - Bodis PomsPlease contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Co-ordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Ph. 903-882-1950 or email RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESFirst Class 45Bulk Rate 37Foreign Rate 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contactBrenda Segelken 217-347-5731 fame62401 yahoo.com__________________ __________________82 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004BI-MARPOMERANIANSnBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fex 360 767-0105 email http www. bi-mar. comMarbilPomeraniansfilSSiMari Iffland11290 Old Lake Road Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email'mMVBonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island NY 11953 631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comiwztoti 'PomeMUtiavta-\'SS.-Ch.Avalon's Prince Matchabelli "Monte" Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.FINCH'SPOMERANIANS Ltd.BIS, BISS, Ch Finch's He Walks on Water,ROMX Ch Reginapoms Patrick O'Finch's Ch Finch's Dream Walkin'Ch Rnch's Walkin' After Midnite Ch Finch's A Noble Tradition Ch Finch's The Legend Continues Ch Rnch's Mr. Bold N Beautiful Ch Pufpride Sweet DreamsBlack, Chocolate, Orange, Black Tan Partis, Stud ServiceDiane L Finch28453 530th, Kelley, IA 50134 515 769-2444 dfinchhuxcomm.netnvj acresRrofessiomf 'Handfimj Audrey Jvt. ' 337-392-2094 Cell 713-204-7225 Assisted by Jessica JohnsonJulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 83JPatricia 'sromeramans'1V- - -1CH. PATRICIAS LIU MISS MOLLY ROMCh. Stud service available to approved bitches Puppies and Adults available occasionally1ati \"Danielson616 Mystery Bridge Road Evansville, WY 82636 307 265-3305 Email patipomsyahoo.comNeat stuff for sale on EbayEbay Seller ID- danielsonpomsSutidfUneQet melt uuhe and a peedy wecoocxy to fBecky Saomin, on he ieccnd caxpal tunal wtyexy.Cux condolence to- the family, of, fPete tPetewen on the Co of fu Alothex, JVancyAlonaco.Cux incexe condolence to fane JCehtinen and family on the Co of hex mothex in Alay.Speedy xecaoex, Siaxkwia JlcClatchey... total knee xepCace- ment the fixt meek in fane.Sunshine and Roses are published at no cost. Please send or Email the Editor.COMING EVENTS-----"^1 Sept.0ct 2004Al'C Pom LI Pome of CepPomeranian Club3f Central IndianaMASTERCARD AND VISA ACCEPTED 2004AugustSeptemberOctober2004APCRBAmEARLEIAiA SOLMAPC SUMMER SPECIALTY September 23, 2004 - Judge Beverly Lehnig Four Points Sheraton Indianapolis, INPCCI SPECIALTYSeptember 24, 2004 - Judge Steve Hayden Four Points Sheraton Indianapolis, IN Show Secretary Sherri Alspaugh 812 925-6477 paughprintpomspeoplepc.comAMERICAN KENNEL CLUB, INC.AKC Headquarters260 Madison Ave, NYC 10016 212 696-8200Open 830-415 ET weekdays except holidays AKC Operations Center 5580 Centerview Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606 919 233-9767Open 830-500 ET weekdays except holidays orderdesk.akc. org httpwww.akc.orgindex.cfinThe Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Subscription ManagerCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402 San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 Email cheribachmanpoms.comSubscription CardYearly Bi-Monthly Subscriptions45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignCITY. STATE. ZIPCODE, COUNTRYVISAMASTER CARDCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE84 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004Elusive ToysCatherine Jessen4165 E 100 North Rigby ID 83442 208 745-5267PomsandToyPoodlesjCmsJoan C. f3ehrendm. Long Island, New York 631 366-2330httpwww.geocities.comlilbehrs_poins Handling Services Limited Boarding AvailableMillamor PomeraniansKen Eleanor Miller1777 Orange Picker Rd Jacksonville, Florida 32223 PH 904-260-4308 millamorbellsouth.netH^PomaaniansShari ShieldsOdenton, MD 21113301-261-3727sshieldserols.comMtn View Stars ShinePat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 Phone 540-337-2965A REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S Waters Charlene R Waters1625 East 11400 South Sandy Utah 84092-5428 801-571-4959SHIMMEREEMSN.COM Quality PomeraniansanesasPOMERANIANSJerrie Freia1072A Landry Lane, Morgan City, LA 70380 Ph 985-384-7466 Fax 985-384-8628 www.janesa.comiDE eMy'-HPr. - i ^ Show and pets available occasionally. HandlerOwnerBreederDoddi1 MschiMals237 Groveland Dr Howell, MI 48843 517-546-7446Rich_DonnaMhotmail.comtee6009 Edgewater Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78412 361-991-5410 361-993-4059 fabyanpomssbcglobal.netJtjlyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Revew - 85PVmCity of Angels Pomeranian Club Specialty ResultsThursday, May 27,2004Sweepstakes-Mr Irving Bonios6-9 Puppy Dogs1- Jan-Shar's Your Not The Boss Of Me-Judy Paris Letitia Cannon2- Jan-Shar's Mini Cooper-Sharon Hanson3- Sungold's T.N.T.-Anna LaFortune4- Bachman's Mini Cooper N' Cameo-Karen Betz . Cheri McDonaldOpen Dog-ROC1- Kandi Matthews Gone N A Flash-Jacklin Matthews2- Clairmont's Majic Moments-Elizabeth GrunwaldOpen Dog-AOAC1-Aljen's Fashionably Gorgeous-Alfredo Lapuz Robin Clemens6-9 Puppy Bitches1- VIP N Kandi Ann Flyn Rockets-Sharon Herbert Susan Clark2- Retro's Hanae Mori-Elizabeth Molina3- Mathews Starspangled Victory-Dorothea Williams4- Jan-Shar's Heaven N Your Eyes-David Jessica Solis9-12 Puppy Bitches1- Lana's Ain't It Good To B Alive-Lana Price2- Mathews Motley Mischiefmaker-Dorothea Williams3- Cheyenne's Love To Ace-Steven Gloria Carlin6-9 Puppy Bitches1- VIP N Kandi Ann Flyn Rockets-Sharon Herbert Susan Clark2- Lana's Life In The Fast Lane-Lana Price3- Jan-Shar's Heaven N Your Eyes-David Jessica Solis9-12 Puppy Bitches1- Lana's Ain't It Good To B Alive-Lana Price2- Cheyenne's Love To Ace-Steven Gloria Carlin3- Mathews Motley Mischiefmaker-Dorothea WilliamsBest In Sweeps-Jan-Shar's Your Not The Boss Of Me Best Opp in Sweeps-VIP N Kandi Ann Flyn RocketsRegular Classes-Mrs. Janice Pardue6-9 Puppy Dogs1- Jan-Shar's Mini Cooper-Sharon Hanson2- Bachman's Mini Cooper N' Cameo-Karen Betz Cheri McDonald3- Sungold's T.N.T-Anna LaFortune4- VIP-Kandi's Willy Wonka12-18 month Dogs1-Sungold's Touch of Sugar Ray-Dorothea Williams Bred By Dogs1- Jan-Shar's Your Not The Boss Of Me-Sharon Hanson Leticia Cannon2- Sunglo N Showcase Play it Agin Sam-Dan Tammee Felix3- DJ's Surprise Package-Donna JohnsonBred By Bitches1- Jan Shar's Fantasia-David Jessica Solis, Letitia Cannon Sharon Flaxson2- Sunglo's Sinnamon Sugar Plum-Dan Tammee Felix3- Bachman's Sweet Miata-Cheri McDonaldOpen Bitches-Roc1- Kalasic Out Of the Ashes-Gloria Carlin Julie Kallbacka2- Kandi's Sweetest Kisses-Susan Clark Veteran Bitch1-CH. VIP'S Wild Angel-Fran Smith Janet LucidoBest Of Breed competitionCh Genstar's Diamond Gypsy-Geneva CoatsCh Kayra N Genstar Kaitlyn-Geneva CoatsCh Finch's Dream Come True ll-Wahyuni WibowoCh Pominique Chasing Tatonka-Cande Mike GordonResultsWD-Jan-Shar's Your Not The Boss Of Me-Judy Paris Tish CannonRWD-Kandi Matthews Gone N A Flash-Jacklin MatthewsWB-Jan-Shar's Fantasia-David Jessica Solis, Leticia Cannon Sharon FlaxsonRWB-VIP N Kandi Ann Flyn Rockets-Sharon Herbert Susan ClarkBISS-Ch Finch's Dream Come True ll-Wahyuni WibowoBOW-Jan Shar's Your Not The Boss Of Me BOS-Ch. VIP's Wild Angel86 - APC Pomeimotsn Review - JulyAugust 2004iIV .4m\ii1-TbS^ v V1V'if mm -rt3ff"tassl3 LSK sJulyAugust2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 87The Rcifieranian ReviewAdvertisersAPC Pom Shoppe..........................................................39Avrunin, Louise........................................................48, 49Behrend, Joan..............................................................5, 85Birks, Joyce....................................................................47Brandenburg, Carolyn...................................................42Carbo, Cathy..................................................................77Carlson, Alice................................................................85Cartwright, Sherry.........................................................47Chambers, Wendy.....................................................14, 15Coventry, Dana.........................................................48, 49Dague, Pat......................................................................85Danielson, Patricia.........................................................84Davis, Annette and Erik............................................13, 83Dieball, Fred and Patricia................................................8Falk, Jennifer.................................................................81Felix, Dan and Felix......................................................23Finch, Diane...................................................................83Flynn, Lauretta...............................................................46Freia, Jerrie....................................................................85Griffith, Ken and Eleanor................................................9Hanson, Sharon................................................................3Harris, Bonnie...........................................................11, 83Heller, Francine.............................................................75Hirschberg, Jackie......................................................... 95Hollander, Deborah....................................................... 75Hughes, Andrea.............................................................81Iffland, Mari...................................................................83Jessen, Catherine............................................................85Johnson, Sandra.............................................................81Klein, Jackie...................................................................46Klein, Jessie...................................................................93Leitner, Victoria.............................................................77Lewis, Linda..................................................................46Lucatorto, Ed, Anna, Chrissy, Silvia,Christina.................6Lucatorto, Sue..................................................................7Machniak, Donna......................................48, 49, 76, 85McFarlane, Pauline........................................................76McKee, Margaret...........................................................92Miller, Ken and Eleanor................................................85Mulso, Linda..................................................................29Newyear, Evelyn........................................................... 81Norem, Katherine.............................................................4Norris, Joanne................................................................75Okaneku, Clarice and Yvette.........................................40Pom Club of Central Indiana................................77, 79Pelz, Linda.................................................................. 6, 81Picon, Teresa..................................................................29Pietzsch, Bob and Elizabeth..........................................56Eack IssuesTo order back issues, mail check toAssistant Back Issues Manager, Laura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227, 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 80 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible for the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Web site at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgQuinlan, Maureen...................................................................75Riehm, Donna...........................................................................2Roberts, Audrey.....................................................................83Rosenbaum, Mary..................................................................83Sabourin, Becky...............................................................10, 81Scrimpsher, Caryl..................................................Back CoverSegelken, Phil and Brenda.....................................................94Shields, Shari..........................................................................85Stephens, Mary.......................................................................77Stoehr, Deborah......................................................................17Stoll, Fran........................................................Front Cover, 2Waters, Gregg and Charlene..................................................85Waugh, Elaine........................................................................81Wells, Mike.........................................................................6,81Wishnow, Elaine....................................................................23Wilson, Tom...........................................................................81Jr.vl ^-vct'Stay back, this bar jump Vis for us big boys 'mm L'.Future-\A3 performance agility stars. Submitted by Lisa Goodman.Ha, I showed you. Now she knows who the REAL future agility starjtJWere bestest of buddies Submitted by Joanne Norris.MTEDI ODlqae and ccmdTd Pom photos are welcome. Its M Far Fan.JdlyA0GUST 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 89The German SpitzBy Diana DowneyThe Pomeranian is actually the smallest member of the Deutscher Spitz family - the Toy German Spitz or Zwergspitz.The next size is the Small German Spitz aka Miniature German Spitz, German Spitz, Klein, Kleinspitz or Victorian Pomeranian followed by the Standard German Spitz aka Medium German Spitz, German Spitz, Mittel or Mittelspitz. The largest size is the Giant German Spitz Great German Spitz, German Spitz, Gross or Grossspitz. There is also the Keeshond German Wolfspitz which is considered the oldest of the German Spitz varieties and should be 43-55 cm 16.93-21.65 inches.German Spitz are the oldest European breed of dog and were originally divided into only Grossspitz 40 cm or more and Kleinspitz 28 cm or less. Later, they were divided into the five size varieties mentioned above. When Pomeranians were first recognized in this country, Zwergspitz and Kleinspitz were registered as Pomeranians. They were divided into two classes for showing under 7 lbs. and over 7 lbs. 7 Ups. Shortly afterwards, the 7 Ups were disallowed from showing, but the AKC still had to honor their registrations, just as they have to register white, black and colored Keeshonden, which in Europe would be registered as Grossspitz.According to the FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale, PomeraniansZwergspitz are 18-22 cm 7.09-8.66 inches. Kleinspitz are 23-29 cm 9.06-11.42 inches. The Mittelspitz are 30-38 cm 11.81-14.96 inches and the Grosspitz is 42-50 cm 16.54-19.69 inches. American Eskimos Standard, Miniature and Toy are in essence white Grosspitz, Mittelspitz or Kleinspitz.Some registries such as the AKC use a weight standard for Pomeranians instead of, or in addition to, the height standard. It is always a maximum of 7 lbs. Large American and Canadian Poms seen in the ring are generally in the 9-9.5 inch, 5.5-6 lbs. range. European Poms tend to be finer in bone than North American Poms. Originally, North American Poms were imported from Europe - most from England. Today the tables have turned and many North American Pomeranians are being exported to the lands of their ancestors.When exhibited in FCI shows, all German Spitz, including Pomeranians and Keeshonden, are shown in Group 5 Spitz and Primitive Types, Section 4 European Spitz. All other registries place the Pomeranian in the Toy Group.The Spitz family is very large and includes such breeds as the Malamute, Siberian Husky, Schipperke, Chow Chow, Shar Pei, Shiba Inu, Akita, Finnish Spitz, Samoyed, Norwegian Elkhound and many other breeds. The German Spitz clan are part of the European group of Spitz. The other Spitz divisions are Nordic Northern and Asian Spitz.The AKC maintains a Foundation Stock Registry for the German Spitz. Believe it or not, some of what we think as poorly bred Pomeranians in this country could be show quality German Spitz in Europe. But, because the German Spitz has very little visibility as a breed here in the United States, people who purchase them do not understand that they are getting one variety with anothers name. Pomeranians are now regarded as a separate breed, rather than a size variety, by many registries where they can no longer be interbred with the other varieties.So, the next time someone asks you if you have a Toy or Teacup Pomeranian, just tell them you only breed Zwergspitz.PomeraniansZwergspitzKleinspitzMittlespitzGrossspitzKeeshondWolfspitzFCI Height18-22 cm 7.09-8.66 inches, under 18 cm undesirable 23-29 cm 9.06-11.42 inches30-38 cm 11.81-14.96 inches42- 50 cm 16.54-19.69 inches43- 55 cm 16.93-21.65 inchesFCI ColorsBlack, brown, white, orange, grey-shaded, other colours Black, brown, white, orange, grey-shaded, other colours Black, brown, white, orange, grey-shaded, other colours Black, brown, white Grey shaded Zwerg actually means dwarf or midget in German and Spitz means Pomeranian. The term other colours covers all shades of colour, such as cream, cream-sable, orange-sable, black and tan and particolour with white always as main colour. The black, brown, grey or orange patches must be distributed over the whole body.90 - APC Pomeranian Review - JulyAugust 2004The German SpitzCH. OLLYWOOD DU BOIS DE MOQUE-SOURIS Breeder Annie Gouraud V. w-4V -6fKLEINSPITZ CREAM CH. OLIVIA DU BOIS DE MOQUE-SOURIS Breeder Annie GouraudBLACK MITTLESPITZ BITCH CH RIKARLO GRAF STEFFI Breeder Lorraine Smart, UK.. ,1ORANGE MITTLESPITZ BITCH CH TEMPORE BRIGITTE BARDOT PIPSA Boeder Laura Ruotsalainen, FinlancfKLEINSPITZ WjHITE OPALINE D'ARLAL Breeder C. GranaeJulyAugust 2004 - APC Pomeranian Review - 91Proudly presentsICj- i.9xXi vGROUPPLACINGITUcufccWn .vizvvfLOX'iA wlr . 2004JOW ASHflCY i.....-1___vJi. idiewyid Precious oemCh. Idlewyld Tourmaline ex Ch. Idlewyld Piper of LenetteThe red dog is hot In his last seven outings, Gemmy has garnered 7 BOBs and two group placements Group II at Bucks County Kennel Club over 266 Toys, including many of the top toys in the country. Thank you, Judge Paolo Dondina pictured Group IV at Mattaponi Kennel Club over 164 Toys. Thank you, toy expert Judge Ken Miller Ch. Gemmy is at stud to approved bitches, along with Ch. Hairy and Ch. Trove. We offer for your consideration Gemmys half brothers, whelped April 5, by Ch. Idlewyld Treasure Trove ex Ch Idlewyld Piper of Lenette.Margaret R. McKee ItiTlTfcS n teVp....CM. KEEPSAKES BERRIE TRADITIONALCurrently at STUD in Washington through January 2005n ,1mm VIS.. Vr1KV r- n to3mvmm4.Hi TS Berrie is one of those dogs who can go from one hand to the next and never miss a beat. Outstanding head carriage, a perfect bite, zero luxation, and out of a strong line of free whelpers on both sides are some of his best attributes. For credits and details seewww.mvkeeosakes.netKeepsake Pomeranians 903 8821950 Congratulations to our most recent features Debbie Gonyeau, Becky Sabourin and Eleanor Miller last issue, also Roxanne Collins Sue Lucatorto this monthmPKVriSSS__d i dj...kvBPr.PROPi ATSBEST OFBREEDVARim 11pDENTON 4EL CLUBC2004T PHOTO CHIPAWAS SCOUTS HONORSCOUT WAS AWARDED WB, BOW AND BOB AT THE DENTON KENNEL CLUB SHOW,UNDER JUDGE STEVE KEATING THANK YOU, STEVE, FOR SUCH AN HONORTHANK YOU CINDY BOULWARE FOR YOUR HELP, FRIENDSHIP AND SUPPORT. WITHOUT IT I WOULD HAVE NEVER DISCOVERED THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DOG SHOWSBACK HOME, CASPER, OPIE AND TEDDY SAY, WAY TO GO SCOUT ITS NICE TO HAVE A STAR IN THEFAMILY.ALSO, CONGRATULATIONS TO ROXANNE COLLINS ON YOUR KENNEL VISITTINKER. TOf POMSJACKIE HIRSHBERG DALLAS, TXBEST IN SHOWBIG SPRING KENNEL CLUBLUKE ALLENBESTIN SHOW Judge Joan Gordon Alexander - Group Judge Mrs. Alane GomezOwner HandledCaryl Fennell ScrimpsherHome 210-497-8886 Rob Cary Pet Resort 210-494-7787