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The Pomeranian Review September 2004
Table of Contents
Advertisers Index 92APC Board Summary Janice Russell 48
APC National Specialty Info 49,82
APC Officers 33
APC Statement 58
APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel 61, 62, 63
APC Summer Specialty Information 49
Ask Us Anything Annette Davis 38
Back Issue Information 90
Behind New Titlists 72
COLOR 86, 87, 88, 89
COLOR Examples 89
Coming Events 82
Cover Story Sharon Hanson 16
Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder 66, 67
Jessica Christiansen Dedication 20
Jon Christiansen 21
Junior Jive Danielle Miller 68, 69, 70
Just FUR Fun 90
Kennel Visit Bobii Earle 54 - 57
Kennel Visit Diana Solano 42 - 47
Kennel Visits, Future Features 48, 82
Membership Report Annette Davis 32
New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel 61
Oops, We Goofed 72
Performance News Barbara McClatchey 74 - 77
President's Report Margaret McKee 34, 35
Registrar's Corner Carol Leemhuis 32
Salute to Our Armed Forces 80
Subscription Card 84
Subscription/Review Information 71,82, 84
Sunshine and Roses 84
Swedish Pomeranian Club Specialty 78, 79
The Way I See It Sue Lucatorto 64, 65
Ways and Means Donna Riehm 60
Website Address 48, 71
CH Jan-Shars Your Not The Boss Of Me Front Cover
The Official Publication of the American Pomeranian A Club, Inc.V-Xfi-.ktu 200C9r'V80^ V T''ILmrcfGROUPfourthk iSOUTHERN INDIANA KENNEL CLUB, INC.SUNDAY MAY 30,2004raA.SjD6UT bVWDIN6, 0UT51D6 TH6 PIP-6lanyBrooke isOwner Melvina317539-8102 Melangston6a_ tkA i'4-It44 lu"v5MNAlj 'Mma rrrimJWA^ ^ 1 M \m\wvS KOHLER1 - JiptS l\l ' Irrrr-MLSN6\M yeAP- L6L6PATI0NCh PJs Music Man X Millamors Golden GemThank you to the judges Betsey Leedy and Beverly Lehnig who appreciated his beauty.Bubba got both his majors that weekend.Congratulations and best wishes to everyone featured in this ReviewOur prayers are with the Christiansen family and those who lost their precious dogs in the tragic accident.Co-OwnerHandlerAharon ^hipeVc406 452-9104 ftBreederOwnerMelvina Langston317-539-8102Ch. Heartlands Flash GordonrML' IJW Ia-rA'N 9rj nAIWINNERSNEW CHAMPIONWHEATONKFNNEL club1X4 A. BOOTHuuWWvv\\ Ch. Pierce Arrows Justin Time X Heartlands A Flash of EleganceMy first show boy, Flash finished with a 4 and 5 point major as well as the singles needed for his Championship. My thanks to the judges who appreciated Flashs qualities. A very special thank you to Flashs breeder and my friend Dianne Kieffer who allowed me to bring Flash home and helped to teach me some of the tricks of the tradeKathryn J. Norem Eagle Creek PomeraniansOwnerExhibitorwww.eaglecreekpoms.comDianne Kieffer Heartland PomeraniansBreederwww.heartlandpomeranians.comCh. Heartlands Dragonfly DSubermwmmmx^m sk WINNERSMAJOR WIN I4LA1 LD FORTC[AJST.BISBISS Ch. Subers Presents Atom Ant X Heartlands Devil or AngelCrystal finished her Championship at her very first show out after her maternity leave by obtaining her fourth 4-point Major My thanks to the judges that appreciated my little Crystals qualities. Another very special thank you to Crystals breeder and my friend Dianne Kieffer who allowed me to bring her homeKathryn J. Norem Eagle Creek PomeraniansOwnerExhibitorwww.eaglecreekpoms.comDianne Kieffer Heartland PomeraniansBreederwww.heartlandpomeranians.comShe may he ue hut ihe'd uniting.1 fe 4V.,r. cU--rri- ' V ^V _ JW. X \^jima miNOMLummous miUrsa Minor's Sea Change X Ch. Ursa Minor's Something BlueBlue was once a popular color in the ring. Here at Ursa Minor. I am working hard to breed, show and finish heavy-coated pale blues. Pictured here is "Berry, daughter of the only living blue American champion. Berry is part of a breeding program which includes both typey, full-coated blues and blue-factored champions. As writer Milo Denlinger said more than 50 years ago, A good blue Pom is a very beautiful sight. I hope to do my part to make this a color more people will see in the ring.Barbara KrzewickiURSA MINOR POMERANIANSNewton Highlands. Massachusetts - ursa_minor_pomsyahoo.comCh. Mountain Crest Hard RockC5s.-eF.7REST ChloeRock was beautifully presented by his breeder Carlene Gilstrap. We are proud to have him join us here at Glen Iris and Cuilean.All our hopes and prayers go to Jessica, Cristy and Tricia as they face a bright future together with old and new friends that are so glad that they are hereCongratulations to Bobii Earle, Diana Solano and Danielle Miller on their visits.Good Luck this fall at the shows.Flash Glen Iris Elixir of Cuilean finishes at 10 months Many thanks to Nina FetterBreedersDavid and Carlene GilstrapMountain Crest Pomeranians KOwnersDr. Cheryl A. JacksonGlen Iris PomeraniansDr. Lawrence MyersCuilean Kennelsevanpomsbellsouth.netTom Thumb PomsTom Thumb Poms remembers Simones Irish Eyes Are Smilin, Danny a Ch. Iddy son.A 4 pound little Pom who refused to show, but in 4 litters producedBISS Ch. Oregons Tickle My Fancy Danny won at 11 months, entry of 59. Pomsbreederowner Sandra Baker And my Silent Sunlite Little red Boo had to be returned from a handler, too spoiled. I will show him.Simone s Irish Eyes Are Smilin4Fancys Utter Sister Misty just started her show career and has 2 Majors at almost 5. And the 3rd sister has 7 points and a beautiful little boy, owner Kelly Smith.Though I will not be able to get to many shows, I will be breeding to Boo, and selling the pups. Ch. Iddys other son. View From The Top, Baby Bitty, has been in 2 shows this year. RW and BOB over a Champion from Bred By for his first point.I will always miss you, my Danny Boy. He was my 2nd litter of Poms.Naida Cobum - Tom Thumb Poms - Bend Oregonhttpwww.tomthumbpoms.comwould like to thank Jim and Doris Wheeler for entrusting us with the last of their beloved dogs of Cascade Kennels. We are honored and blessed to call you our friends.4I.V----- Jes parti pups,We would also like to extend our well wishes and prayers to Cristy, Jessica, Tricia and their families.i ..MyndCor PomsNew CH. Wyndlor Its My Wish I1P\msBISS Ch. Sirius Its Sable Adam X Wyndlor Three WishesOur thanks to the judges who made it possible.Thanks also to Nina Fetter, Ginas co-breeder for finishing her.Pending AKC confirmationftWe send our prayers to the Christiansens for their speedy recovery. Also condolences to Gregg Charlene Waters, Pati Danielson, and the Christiansens on the loss of their dogs.Becky Sabourin989 832-3408 wyn dl or charterm i .net M mm iin m nV.S' o9' 1 '1A t-^jriraofmrajEL MlONTEENNELCWlThank you to Mrs. Ann D. Hearn for BOW at Mensona KC and to Leonard Reppond for BOB at Del Monte KC. And thank you to Catherine for sharing this boy with mePictured here at 10 weeksFLASH - Pavarotti goes BOB under Judge Robert Sturm.AMCAN CH CHRISCENDO CLASSICO DIOGENIOR SMOKE AND MIRRORSCAN CH CHRISCENDO CLASSIC ILLUSIONPAVAROTTICAN CH. CHINADOLLS MICHEALANGO CAN CH. PINECRESTS ITS CRYSTAL CLEAR LUXYS CONTESSA OF PINECRESTCH. JAN-SHARS STAR BANDIT CH. STARS CALIFORNIA HIGHWAYMANSTAR HAVEN RIGHTIOUS ROXANNE IJU-MARS TOLL HOUSE OF LENETTE STARS WILD IRISH ROSESTARS ANDROMEDA OF CIN-STARBreederCatherine and Paige Bolahood Pinecrest Poms Bowmanville OntarioOwnerHandler Walda Green Winstar Poms Ben Lomond CaBreederCo-Owner Melinda Bullene Talico Poms 140 York Ct Vacaville CA 95687OwnerHandler Walda Green Winstar Poms 8120 Harvard Dr Ben Lomond CA 95005Dear Jessica...Our best wishes and heartfelt prayers are with you and your family for a speedy recovery. You are an incredible young lady and an inspiration to all of us.10 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewBreeders of -fme Porvts slivce i5j1440Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 - K. G. Griffith - Owner\ .-t. 'A AAAAAA.Ch.Music Maker of Lenette x Angela of LenetteFour females, all big enough to breed and we hope all good enough to show.We have litters due by Ch. Music Maker of Lenette, Ch. Charming Prince of Lenette, Ch. Magic Touch of Lenette and Ch. Great Elms Little Cricket. Check our website for further details.WE ARE HAVING A KENNEL REDUCTION SALE. WE HAVE KEPT SOME EXTRA FEMALES FOR BREEDING, THINKING THAT THE GREENHOUSES WOULD BE CLOSED BY NOW. THIS HAS PROVEN TO NOT BE THE CASE, SO WE MUST SELL ABOUT A DOZEN BRED FEMALES. FOR SALE ONLY TO HOMES THAT RAISE AND SHOW POMS.Best wishes to Bobii Earle and Diana Solano in being featured in this issue. ^Our sincere condolences to Jessica and the entire Christiansen family on their tragic accident. Also, our condolences to those who lost dogs in this terrible accident.CORRECTION from our ad in the last issue. Ch. Indiana Jones of Lenette has sired only 5 champions, not 25. Brenda, I know that is your first mistake, so you are forgiven. The Review with all your hard work has been great and the cover last time was just fabulous with that lovely Fran Stoll.VASeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 11SPCINGWCCD PCHECANI4NSI47ij mmm AKENNEL CLUE B MARCH 2004 t\H BESTOF 1WINNERSKEMP PHOTOZmajor m__ ____Hr CREST AT SPRINCMCCRThank you Judge Houston Clark for making Vinny feel right at home in Franklin, TN, with back-to-back major wins.Congratulations to Bobii Earle and Diana Solano on your APC Kennel Visits. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Christiansen, Waters and Danielson families.Rebecca Jackson513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35634 256 757-9837 Springwoodpoms KBreederCo-owner Carlene GilstrapHI. Crest PomeraniansOwnerHandler Rebecca JacksonSpringwood PomeraniansSPPINOWCCP POMERANIANSVINNar ^' . COUNTRY MUSIC TULLAROMA KENNEL CLUBti2004MARCH BESTuc OFWINNERSMI CREST AT SI I IM HI1IThank you Judge Barbara D. Alderman for this major win.Special thanks to all the Pom People for your support and encouragement. We are very excited about Vinnys new litter of show hopefuls.Rebecca Jackson513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35634 256 757-9837 Springwoodpoms aol.comBreederCo-owner Carlene GilstrapAit. Crest PomeraniansOwnerHandler Rebecca JacksonSprinswccd Pomeranians\ 'eyLIJUNE 12th 13th 2004eevtxfa \r-CH. Mountain Crest Hard RockRockGlen Iris Rock Star x Mountain Crest CloeOur heartfelt sympathy goes to the Christiansen family on their terrible accident.Our continued thoughts and prayers will be with you during the next months of recuperation.Mountain Crest PomeraniansOwnerBreederExhibitor David and Carlene GilstrapP. O. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 Email OwnerDr. Lawrence Myers, DVM Dr. Cheryl Jackson14 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomerrmsn Review3^a,l-1I T rvi \iWiMountain Crest Talking BackAngelAm.Canadian CH. Stolannes Back Talk x CH Warrior Princess BeBeThis pretty girl quickly got her singles and is looking for majors. Keep an eye out for her this fall.Thank you, Judge Ms. Jean Fournier, for this nice weekend of wins.Congratulations to Bobii Earle and Diana Solano on your kennel visits and Danielle Miller on your Junior Jive feature. May you all have continued success.Mountain Crest PomeraniansOwnerDavid and Carlene GilstrapP. O. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 Email dcgilstrapaol.comBreederCo-owner Ann BerrymanSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - ISThe Pcmeranian ReviewContentsAdvertisers Index.............................................................92APC Board Summary Janice Russell..............................48APC National Specialty Info....................................... 49,82APC Officers....................................................................33APC Statement................................................................58APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel.............................61, 62, 63APC Summer Specialty Information................................49Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.......................................38Back Issue Information....................................................90Behind New Titlists..........................................................72COLOR...........................................................86, 87, 88, 89COLOR Examples...........................................................89Coming Events.................................................................82Cover Story Sharon Hanson............................................16Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder....................66, 67Jessica Christiansen Dedication......................................20Jon Christiansen..............................................................21Junior Jive Danielle Miller....................................68, 69, 70Just FUR Fun...................................................................90Kennel Visit Bobii Earle............................................54 - 57Kennel Visit Diana Solano....................................... 42 - 47Kennel Visits, Future Features....................................48, 82Membership Report Annette Davis................................. 32New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel..............................61Oops, We Goofed............................................................72Performance News Barbara McClatchey...................74 - 77Presidents Report Margaret McKee........................... 34, 35Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis.................................32Salute to Our Armed Forces............................................80Subscription Card............................................................84SubscriptionReview Information..........................71,82, 84Sunshine and Roses........................................................84Swedish Pomeranian Club Specialty...........................78, 79The Way I See It Sue Lucatorto...................................64, 65Ways and Means Donna Riehm......................................60Website Address..........................................................48, 71Trent Ccver9Photoby www.moonlightmajichoto.comLeft to rightCH JAN-SHARS YOUR NOT THE BOSS OF MESire - Ch. Jan-Shars Mini MeDam - Ch. Jan-Shars Olivia Newton PomOwner - Judy Paris and Tish CannonAt 9 months 6 breeds, 3 group 2s, and 2 group 3s.JAN-SHARS MINI COOPERSire - Ch. Jan-Shars N SyncDam - Ch. Jan-Shars Beauty Is My BusinessJAN-SHARS GETTING RAVE REVIEWS Sire - Ch. Puffprides Sweet Dreams Dam - Jan-Shars Kiss and TellJAN-SHARS SEA BISCUITSire - Ch. Jan-Shars Mini MeDam - Ch. Jan-Shars Fairest Of Them AllOwner - Tish Cannon and Sharon HansonftJessica get well quick. My thoughts are with you.Sharon poms janshar.comLil PonberosA AMillion Bucksres i.' s- - - ' ' , k. r 1 mr.'s "v-ir4 3 i i .,i 1 "tv,u\.,V'- 3BEST OF BREEDINDIANHEAD KENNEL CLUBSUNDAY MAY 30,2004eTtforos sy...AIn very limited shows, our brindle boy is currently at 11 points only needs one major to finish his Championship from the Bred By Class.Were so proud of himBucky has a Group 2 and 2 Best of Breed Wins plus in Bred By Competition he has a Breed win and a Group 1.Flash - Bucky wins Best Of Breed over Specials under Judge Michele Billings.Thank you to all the judges who appreciated Buckys quality and soundness. Bucky has sired his first litter of 2 beautiful girls. Congratulations on your APC Kennel Visits Bobii Earle Bobiis Poms and Diana Solano Rodi Poms.Our most sincere thoughts and prayers go out to Jessica Christiansen, her family and friends injured in the RV accident, losing beloved Poms on the way home from a show. Hugs to you all and Best Wishes for a speedy recovery.Ron Ant Skerrvf C^rtwri^htLil-PotiterosA Poms RestPAUGH PRINT POMSis having a MAJOR good time receiving 5 majors in 3 weekends.iBEST OF OPPOSITEMAJOR WINPADUCAH KENNEL CLUB JUNE 2004MEYER PHOTO By DonCh. Paughprint Pennies From HeavenCh. Paughprints on the Mtn Crest x Paugh Prints StrutN Stella This is the 18th Champion for Logan.-r5ft"May 29 Southern Ind KC June 5 Paducah KC June 6 Paducah KCMrs. Dorothy Hutchinson BOWBBMrs. Keke Kahn WBBOSMrs. Peggy Hogg WBBOSvVV.Wewould like to send thanks to the Judges who saw the quality in our girls.We have a Champion male and Champion female available that would make a nice addition to someones breeding program.Paugh Prints Ive Gotta SecretCh. Paughprints Tradition Rocks On x Legendary Leilani of Oakridge She has both her majors at 6 'A months old.June 12 Southeast Missouri KC June 13 Southeast Missouri KCMr. Stephen Hurt Mr. James FrederiksenWBBOSWBBOSSherri Alspaugh812-925-6477paughprintpomspeoplepc.comwww.paughprintpoms.comWamAiam PomsTHANK y014.JESSIE KLEIN, A SILLy TEXAN, FOR.ENTRUSTING BERRIE TO ME. IT WAS A HOOT FINISHING BERRIES CHAMPIONSHIP. NOW I AM ENJOyiNG raising HIS WONDERFUL PUPPIES.RANDY'S FtAC-KLEBERRIE FINN ch. kceepsatees Benae x Rnrvdy's t Believe A Magic tm. Marlene Presser - Apollostte Pom.sRANDY'S STRAWBERRIE SHO-R.TOAKB - RANY'S THRILL ON BLABERRIE FHLL - RANDY'S FRANKENBERRIEOh. Keepsnfees Berrle Traditional x Rady's Nxtt-NH-oweyOweof the Berne boys will be available.DChW\Ch. ' tferne TraditionaC Proud Da 1TKFi Uld8 ' PoiTLSu'R-CUAsdlj, WA 300 S2S-2103 p0HA.fu.lly rwy ta wg leatweb .tom. http www.g eo titles. to m.ra wd y spo m.sp 0 m.s. htm.13CuchjBerrie.-"AVP m e iHTrrRTiim0 m i sb e withlWTgvjirflWe are pleased to announce a new Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms from head to toe.For more information about Karen and the video as well as ordering, please visit our site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, or contact Pauline at or by phone at 805 459-1047.We would like to thank Mike and Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use Amlnt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Congratulations to Bobii Earle of Bobiis Poms and to Diana Solano of Rodis Poms on your APC Kennel Visits.Karen, John and I would like to wish the Christiansen family a safe, speedy recovery. We also extend our sincerest condolences to them, Gregg and Charlene Waters and Pati Danielson on the loss of their beloved Poms in this terrible accident. Our prayers are with you all.Karen Crawford and John Pauline McFarlane____________________________________________________________________________r-eOekdkzVJeetend our ivishes and -prayers for a safe and speedy recovery for Cristy, Tricia and Jessica Christiansen who were hurried in a tragic motor home fire while on their way home from shows in Colorado.9pne of the dogs couhd he saved. Our hearts also go out to the owners of these dogs, Qregg and Char hern Waters, Tati Daniehson and, of course, the Christiansens.UFifteen-year-o id Jessica was to start the ninth grade this fad. Under normah circumstances, this is a thriving and trying time for any teenager. She now has a greater chahhenge ahead of her.Jessica, we are ad here for you to share your journey. Our hopes and prayers wid he with you every step of the way. fou are a hrave, strong young woman who is up to the new chahhenges that hie ahead in your hife.When the going gets tough, remember, we wid he there for you, and we wid have you wrapped in ribbons - purphe, of course, as we ad know that purple is for winners. And a winner you are.Qod hless you ad, your Tomeranian familyWritten by her father, Jon Christiansen, August 1, 2004Jessica RaNae Christiansen is my daughter and sweetheart. She is 15 years old and lives in Draper, Utah, a suburb of Salt Lake City. As many of you know, she, her mother, Cristy, and older sister, Tricia, were injured burned in a motor home explosion and fire while returning from a dog show in Colorado. As of the writing of this article, Jessica is still in the Bum Trauma ICU at the University of Utah Hospital but is well on the way to a full recovery. Her skin graft surgery went well, and her other bums are healing well. We are hopeful that she will be able to leave the hospital sometime in the next few days to continue her recovery from an aunts home near the hospital. Frequent returns to the hospital will be needed, so her aunts hospitality is a great help. Jessicas entire family extends heartfelt thanks to the many friends of Jessica and her mother who have showered them with love, concern and prayers.For the past few years, Jessica and her mother have been enthusiastically involved in the breeding, raising and showing of Pomeranians. They have been unselfishly tutored and helped by expert friends in Utah and other states. They have been made to feel welcome by many others at shows, homes, meetings and events. I would love to mention names, but I fear that I would overlook some. You all know who you are many thanks to all of you.Jessica is an incredible young lady with hazel eyes and beautiful dark blonde hair. Her hair is so long and pretty that the paramedics who lifeflighted her to the hospital and the doctors and nurses at the hospital did not follow the standard procedure of cutting a bum victims hair. They said they didnt have the heart to do so. I am pleased to report that her hair is as lovely, despite the fire.Jessica is an honor roll student with nearly straight As in every report card. She has achieved this academic success even though she has missed many days of school due to out-of-state dog shows. How can I not let her go when she continues to do so well despite the absences Her favorite school subject is art, but she excels at math and science.Some of Jessicas favorites are Food - anything from Cafe Rio dessert - chocolate cake sports - dog showing color - lime green activities - shopping and hanging with friends at the mall place - home.Jessica is a serious dog handler who has been learning from some of the best. She usually handles Pomeranians but also handles other breeds. Last year, she ranked second in the nation for junior handlers of Pomeranians. Until her accident, she was well on her way to another great ranking this year. Recently, she won Best Junior Handler at a show in Utah, and then she took second place out of 21 competitors in the open senior class at a show in Denver. As soon as she can, she will be back in the ring handling her own dogs and those of other breeders. It is a sport that she loves. Although Jessica has a competitive spirit, she has made many friends among other junior handlers and values those friendships much more than her success in the ring. When her friends win, she is genuinely happy for them.Last May, Jessica finished her first Pomeranian champion, Trinkett, with a 4-point major. Tragically, Trinkett was lost in the fire that injured Jessica. Optimistically, I expect that there will be many other champions in Jessicas future, especially with the help and support of her many friends. Jessica is lovingly committed to Pomeranians but is also eyeing a couple other breeds to which she can expand her love of dogs. We will see how that develops.Jessica has many other interests. Here are just some of them photography, especially animal photography learning to groom dogs learning Spanish hanging out with her sister swimming and soccer drawing and art collecting Breyer horses and Ty Beanie Babies singing writing poetry and playing computer games with her bothers and dad.Of all the good things I can say about Jessica, two have dramatically stood out the last three weeks since her accident. First, I am amazed at how brave and strong she is, especially in the face of a great deal of physical, emotional pain and discomfort. She is fighting hard to get better and is succeeding at it. She has endured respirators, tubes, IVs, surgery skin grafts, wound treatments, therapy, dressing changes, confinement to bed, and frightening flashbacks with commendable courage. Second, she is a loving person who cares for others. She has seemed more concerned about her mother and sister than her own well-being. She has mourned the losses suffered by her friends who also lost dogs in the fire more than her own losses. She loves the friends who have visited her or sent cards or email messages to her with kind thoughts. Not only is she in their hearts and prayers, but they are in her heart and prayers.As a father, I love Jessica very much, and I am very proud of her.You may email or donate to a PayPal account for Jessica Christiansen at or write Jessica Christiansen, 1452 East Peach Orchard Court, Draper, Utah 84020SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranisn Review -21Cristy, Jessica and Tricia,You all mean a great deal to me, and youre always in my heart and prayers Set back after set back you keep picking yourselves up, brushing off and moving on. All the signs of true Pomeranian breeders and exhibitors Your future is bright and youll always have a friend to call on when the need arisesPali Danielson 307 265-3305 patipomsyahoo.comHey Jessica,You will never know how many of us are out here sending positive thoughts and prayers for your recovery. I remember a young woman who was a guest on the Oprah show. She, too, had bad burns, including all of her head and face. She was so positive and optimistic about her recovery and the progress she had already made. Oprah asked her if she ever felt down or depressed. She said, Yes, but I only allow myself to cry and feel sad for 5 minutes a day. Her sister set that amount of time for her to feel sorry for herself so the rest of the day could be devoted to recovery and rehabilitation.Buff WebbHi Jessi. was so sorrp to hiear oft poor ftamidp s horriftiv accident and the doss oft pour previous Poms, fJust wanted to sendpou a messape oft encourapement. There are manp peopde prapinp ftor thie cjucdest reouerp possihde ftor pou and pour ftamidp. Hanp in toere pirdBade' HlcComhs... Hfi Bade PomeraniansA special message for Jessica Christiansen As you recover, keep a smile on your face and a positive attitude You have so very many friends at your side and across the country due to the warmth of the Pomeranian community I am introducing to you a new kennel dedicated to sound temperament and structure in Poms Wishing you a whole recovery Peace and Love from Fujitsu Poms Diane Luett and our fur family,Showcase Catch Me if You Can LeoWeepaws Magic in the Moonlight Magic-22 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewjrTiffany a blackcap capuchin joins Jessie Klein and Jacqueline Reddin'Williams in celebrating all of the people mentioned here. Special monkey kisses go out to EVERYONE who could use oneTo Jessica Christiansen. At this moment in time, you can be sure there are many people standing on the curb, at your road of life we are but two of them. Hang in there sweetheart we re right there with you."Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content." Helen KellerWishing Bobii Earl and Diana Solano the very BEST in Poms You guys have a great yearKeepsake PomeraniansJessie Klein 903 8821950www.mykeepsakes.netPresident Yorkies Jacqueline ReddinWilliams www.DomaineduPresident.comSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranuuj Review - 23Jessica,Of all the things we could wish for today, we wish for your speedy recovery We have heard great things about you, your zest for life, and your caring ways. We have heard about your courage and strength, how it shines inside you like a light. We know you will be better for all of this and life will be good again. Love from all of us to youLeesa Molina Retro PomsBob Pietzsch Peach's PomsLaurie Otis Horizon PomsDiane Mohn ExhibitorLinda Pelz DreamWeaver PomsDeborah Sullivan Babydoll PomsJessica, May you feel the warm embrace of the whole Pomeranian community as we think of you. You have the reputation of being so many things to so many people, but the strength you have inside is yours alone. Sir Winston Churchill once said, "Rites rise highest against the wind not with it" YOU are gonna soar We want to be there when you do. Were waiting, sweetheart Your Pom friends,Laura Meineke Panache PomsShelley Martin Poeby PomsGale Rivers Gayel PomeraniansAngie hesbit Maidrtoi PomsVirginia Dimick Pufpride PomeraniansValerie Allridge Alaska Poms A"You are always a valuable, worthwhile human being, not because anybody says so, not because you're successful, not because you make a lot of money, but because you decide to believe it and for no other reason." Wayne DyerJessica, We are cheering you on, like you've never been cheered for before Always remember no matter where you are at any given moment, there is a Pom breeder standing right beside you. It may only be in spirit, but we are there Qod bless you in your recovery, and always. Our hearts go out to all of your family and your friends.Carol MooreWee Bonny Bears PomsRenee Suppe De Marco PomeraniansElizabeth Heckert Silhouette PomeraniansJen Hryniuk Jenuwane PomsKaren Crawford Xitable PomsCassandra Evans Wee Heart Pomeranians^eUca,fyies aie bewcUngf thifr specials wifa ly yu cviefooct aritV'e' Qi'eM' 'SPooncwulTielcMtWWW. comSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 25PCCVPOMERANIAN CLUB O CENTRAL VIRGINIA, INGet Well Soon Cristy, Jessica and TriciaCongratulations to all the winners at the National Summer Specialty.Christine BousquetHelen BrinnMoms CarsonThomas Childrey. IVCharles Midge ClarkPat Roger DagueLinda DeCiccoDiana DowneyArnold Marquetta FowlerLavina GartonMark Greynolds Dede Brittney Hamilton Elizabeth Heckert Billie Hurst Sally Jenkins Becky Johnson Dawn Kopf-Collins Cathy Lasota Karen LorraineRoselie Malone Margaret McKee Junior Jennifer Munn Laurie Caroline Newell Ellen Kira Parkin Diane Duane Ruff Jackie Woody Sanderford Dianne Thompson David VernonOur most heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to Jessica, Tricia, Cristy and Jon Christiansen. God Speed for a speedy recovery and may the future be even brighter than the past. Our condolences to everyone who has Pom Angels now at the Rainbow Bridge.Ron Sherry Cartwright - Lil-Ponderosa Poms Regd Ron Julia L Smith - Julias PomsBest wishes to the Christiansen family and the owners of dogs lost in the tragic accident. Men and Jackie Raynor - Jaken0athea^gefr oah ty aJh irvveUveet inthetewiihteaecietent in ^ehymcto^ eAfieciattif^eUca and the^hviiJian^enRantij ffiuhe 0tan^t^i jllaalin 2Ptflaiten^ P^e^' 'jJfichtcehte PomThinking of you Jessica.Congrats to Bobii and Diana on your kennel visits Mickey Stephens - Sunrunner Poms 915 821-8200httpwww.cyher-paws.comsunrunnerJessica, Cristy and Tricia, I hope you have a speedy recovery. Sandra Johnson - SandpomsJessica, i do hope you. have a very speedy aiud complete rec-overij. My sincere corudoleruies on the Loss of ijour beloved Poms. My condolences to the waters and panielson families oiv the loss of their beloved Poms, also, sincerely, plana Solano - Rodi's Poms26 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewJessica, the whole Pomeranian Fancy is thinking about you and your family at this time. We offer you the gift of our prayers and heartfelt best wishes for the smoothest recovery possible. You take care, sweetheart We are in your corner and hope that this message will lift your spirits. Consider yourself hugged today and every dayYour friends in PomsKay and Reed Adams Kayra PomsDeborah Barrett DePNay PomsAlice Carlson Fabian PomsTeleha Coolman TC PomsAnita Farr,An tom PomsDiana Gross Belstar PomsJessica,Nay you feel the love we send your way in this message from our hearts. If we could be there with you now, we would. Each of us in turn would kiss your cheek and smooth your hair. If we could sing a song for you, we would, but I'm afraid none of us can cany a tune We hope this cracks a smile on your pretty face. Keep up the recovery we re pulling for youJackie Hirshberg Barbara Krzewicki Alane Levinsohn,Tinker Toi Poms Ursa Ninor Pomeranians Showcase Pomeranians Shannon Johnson Carol Leemhuis Larry Lopez\ Doo'Shay Pomeranians Carleez Pomeranians lialston Poms jLSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 27We are praying for the total recovery of Cristy, Tricia and Jessi Christiansen.Our deepest sorrow to the Christiansens, Gregg and Charlene Waters, and Pati Danielson on the loss of their dogs.Dick and Sally Baugniet Pomirish Kennels WlFL baugnietdcwis.comyon 9spggjy t^covsy,lug LuestortoCases 1orosr9DiiDS lorsl Jfevc yrk\\feepsW2 Joroersnisios Ooteio, CswdsJessicawithMy thoughts and prayersarevou and the familyMy sppathy and best wishes toall who lost their dogsTom WilsonPark Avenue Poms1Get well JessicaL British Lane Midnight MadnessChyna took a Puppy Match Group 4 at Black Hawk Kennel Club.Wendy ChambersMvitM Hane ^ometautansLostant, Illinois Pomeranianfacesaol.com28 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranmn Reviewr r Our sincere wishes for a speedy recoveryfor Jessica Christiansenand her whole family, also our condolences to the Christiansens, Charlene Waters and Pati Danielson on the loss of their dogs.Opal Dumler - O-My Poms Nancy Thomas - Thomas Poms Mendy Hansen - Celebration Poms Paula Ohlemacher - Star Dreamer PomsVJessica, Cristy and Tricia...You remain in our thoughts and prayers.Wishing you Gods Blessings and a speedy recoveryDonna RiehmRiehm Pomeranians Murphysboro, IllinoisFran StollStolanne Pomeranians Washington, IndianaJanice RussellCin-Jan Pomeranians Indianapolis, IndianaAoet fyfiheAto eMcaawclsflaMwlycjv a ^leeot^^tt'ieco^wmj. ^DcmifeyU a^ict towe to evMfone who tctthe ttua4y accidenttnShhaM SrhielchtvumMtC'QctnTori. JvlaMflcMrct304J 264 3727tohieMbkQeMh. camyfrjS\mommmsHoping for a speedy and full recovery,Jessica Christiansenand your family. Hope to see you back in the ring in the future.Betsy 660 890-2255SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 29We are keeping Jessica Christiansen Pomeranian Junior Handler, her mother, Cristy, and sister, Trieia, in our prayers and hope to see them back, at shows when the time is right for them.Congratulations to obii Carle - Bobiis poms and Diana olano - Podi poms on their kennel visits and to Junior handler Danielle Miller on her Jive visit.DeJay pomsDonna Maehniak Dana Coventry www.DeJaypoms.eomd^vcl ^9 vcoeu^l ]imm2ter tlx liewAW'.orJo NorrisJoaynes Pomeranians Huntington, INDeb Hollander Special D Pomeranians Beech Grove, INV'-tyeUf"tyou-one a ovuuti fo Keep, cop the cyieott cocniJLove, 'Dcuuede cutxt Ceuotede Widest30 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewBI-MAR POMERANIANS PRESENTSBI-MAR POMS AROUND THE WORLD5MrBEST IN SHOW BI-MARS MONTI SHOWN AND HANDLED BY GODA JUGILIENE, LITHUANIAMONTI IS A REPEAT BREEDING TO CH. BI- MARS AMAZING GRACE RED BARON.Heres wishing a speedy recovery to the Christiansen family on their recent tragedy.ftCongratulations to Diana Solano, Rodis Poms on her APC Kennel Visit.SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR WHAT WE HAVE AVAILABLE WWW.BI-MAR.COMBI-MAR POMERANIANSMary Rosenbaum 145 Fay Road360-767-0104 Chehalis, WA 98532LOYEWishing Diana Solano well on your APC Kennel visit.Thanks for taking care of MYHussie.Sire Ch. Keepsakes Berrie Traditional^ ' -^7Dam Alanna Showins Juliet My thoughts and prayers are with you, Jessica and your family. My heart goes out to you and your future.Paulette HomannALANNA POMS Lacey, WashingtonWe would like to say THANK YOU to those who supported and sent their congrats for our kennel visit feature in the last issue. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated.Donna Riehm, Fran Stoll, Linda Pelz, Mike and Liz Wells, Sue Lucatorto, Fat and Fred Dieball, Ken and Eleanor Griffith, Bonnie Harris, Dan and Tammee Felix, Teresa Picon, Clarice and Yvette Oganeku, Carolyn Brandenburg, Lauretta Flynn, Ron and Sherry Cartright, Joyce Birks, Joan Behrend, Jo Norris and Deb Hollander, Donna Machniak, Dana Coventry, Mary Stephens and Deb Buchanan, The PCCI Members, Jessie Klein, and Jackie Hirshberg. And to my very special friends for their sweet words and encouragement Linda Lewis, Linda Mulso, Becky Sabourin, Cathy Carbo, Tammee, Linda R and Jo, too.I also want to send our congrats out to Bobii Earle and Diana Solano on your well-deserved features. Both you ladies are an asset to our breed and I adore your Poms.Sincere condolences to Patti Danielson, Char and Gregg Waters and Cristy, Jessica and Trisha Christiansen on the loss of their precious Poms in that tragic accident.We wish Jessica, Cristy and Trisha the speediest of recoveries and send all our love and support to help you thru the tough times.Roxanne Collins and the Rissami RianftSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 31REGISTRARS CORNER CAROL LEEMHUISMEMBERSHIP REPORT ANNETTE DAVIS391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 davisavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review are to go to Janice Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46222. Comments must be received within 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APC Web Site or contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERS Geno Sisneros MNSponsors Jose Tony Cabrera, Jane LehtinenLetitia and Orville Cannon CASponsors Greggory Waters, Sharon HansonBillie Hurst VASponsors Patricia Dague, Diana DowneyMichael Parrott and Shalon Parrott MSSponsors Linda Pelz, Tammee FelixChristine Bousquet VASponsors Patricia Dague, Diana M. DowneyMelvina Langston INSponsors Sharon Shipek, Lauretta FlynnLloyd R. Franques II and Linda Franques ARSponsors Nina Epps, Bronya JohnsonSharon D. McDaniel MISponsor Diane Finch, Jane LehtinenCyndi Vande Hoef MISponsors Becky Sabourin, Linda PelzLaurie Kinsman CanadaSponsors Chris Heartz, Jane LehtinenJudy Chandler CASponsors Diana Finch, Donna MachniakCristy Christiansen and Jessica Christiansen UT Sponsors Pati Danielson, Charlene WatersElizabeth A. Molina CASponsors Sharon Hanson, Alane LevinsohnTom Wilson CASponsors Betsy Owens, Noble Inglett2318 Rose Garden Road Pittsburgh, PA 15220 412 344-8257HALL OF FAMEZorro D Diddle Owner Julie VanoniREGISTER OF MERIT CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright Owner Becky SabourinMEMORIAL ISSUENovember December Pom Review Deadline October 1, 2004Ttie perfect Christmas giftfor those favorite hard-to-bu'f-for friends A new subscription or extended subscriptions make great Christmas gifts.The Pomeranian F-evieviContact us directly before December 15, and a. Gift Card ITdFd or Email will be mailed to the recipient before Christmas.32 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewTA\V nr3.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT....................... .....MARGARET MCKEE2426 Sandy Hook Rd Goochland. VA 23063-2508PH 804 556-3380 FAX 804 556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT..................................................................... ...........FRANCES STOLLR R 3, Box 429, Washington, IN 47501PH 812 254-3857 FAX 812 254-3254 EMAIL stolannedmrtc.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT1325 9th Street South, Virginia, MN 55792............JANE LEHTINENPH 218 741-2117 FAX 218 741-9435 EMAIL janlejanlepoms.comRECORDING SECRETARY................................................................. ..........JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317 924-9093 EMAIL indypomindy.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY....................................................... ...CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972 962-3872 FAX 972 962-3872 EMAIL lovencountrypeoplepc.comTREASURER.......................21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375........ERIKA MOUREAUPH 281351-9516 FAX 281 351-6620 EMAIL OF DIRECTORS.............Sally Baugniet Annette Davis Diana DowneyAnnette Lynn Heise Marge Kranzfelder Greggory WatersSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 33From the Presidents DeskMargaret McKeeWPlease note The Presidents column was written before the Christiansens tragic accident.On her way to a dog show on a Saturday morning last June, Becky Johnson was involved in an automobile accident. Beckys vehicle was totaled. Becky was hurt, but her dogs were not. As we were traveling in separate cars, I was unaware of the problem until a sheriffs deputy showed up at my grooming set-up to tell me what had happened and ask if I could take the dogs. Becky later was able to remember that the deputy had volunteered to take the dogs to the show and asked to whom to deliver them I immediately checked each dog. They had blood on them, but I could find no sign of injuries and concluded that it was Beckys blood. Becky had taken them out of the crates to check them but doesnt remember doing so. The deputy told me to which hospital Becky had been taken and indicated her injuries were not serious and shed probably be released that afternoon. As I assumed Becky was in good hands, I focused on the dogs.As always, dog people are the greatest. As word spread, other exhibitors not all Pom people came forward to offer help. Which one do you want me to brush Ive never handled a Pom but Ill sure try. I can hold a dog at ringside. When we discovered that Beckys puppy was entered in Bred-By, that simplified things considerably. Without the puppy, there was no chance of a major. Without that, there was no point in showing her Open dog, who probably wouldnt show for anyone but Becky.As soon as Pom judging was over, I went in search of a phone book to try to get the hospital phone number. Luckily, I found one in the Fairgrounds office. I was able to reach an emergency room nurse who assured me that Becky was now awake What She hadnt been before and was now in X-ray. She said Becky was anxious about the dogs and that she would convey the message that the dogs were fine. She also said she would have Becky call me as soon as she got back from X-ray. That never happened. As soon as groups were over, I again called the hospital but learned little. I packed up all the dogs, took them to the motel, made sure they were comfortable, changed into jeans, and headed for the hospital. Fortunately, I knew exactly where it was as I had passed it on the way to the show that morning.In the emergency room, I found Becky was hurt worse than I had been led to believe. She had a broken foot, broken ankle which would probably require surgery, a long gash down her forehead through her eyebrow, a concussion, and lots of scrapes and bruises. Apparently, she hit the windshield. She was not thinking clearly and needed help making decisions. It took me 2 hours to convince her to let me call her parents. I was directed to a phone and began making numerous phone callsto the dog sitter, a coworker, her parents, the sheriff and state police trying to find her vehicle. As time went on, I began asking when Becky was going to be admitted. I got only vague answers. I finally had to get more assertive, insisting that they get her up to a room. The nurse said they were waiting for the splint to be applied to her leg. Whats the hold up I demanded. The splint cart has been standing here for an hour. They finally got motivated and eventually got Becky to a room. This, I discovered, was typical of the lackadaisical care provided during her stay. They failed to bring her food at appropriate times. Her meds were not brought on time. Once when they had been given, it was not properly recorded. When I went to see her Sunday after the show, I discovered the bandage on her face had been removed and not replaced for over four hours. When I left, she was still asking that the bandage be put back on I was not happy with the quality of care I observed and was anxious to get her out of there to a hospital closer to her home but had no power to make that decision for her. When I wasnt there, they told her she couldnt leave.One problem was that Beckys ID, credit cards, and checkbook had been locked in her vehicle, which no one could get to until Monday. Fortunately, I have the same insurance company as Becky and could provide her with34 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Reviewan 800 number to call to ask about her coverage. I had two phone cards, so I could leave one with Becky to make calls from the hospital, while I kept the other one.Sunday morning, I took all Beckys stuff with me from the motel. I sent Beckys personal dogs home with a neighbor who happened to be at the show with her Pug. The client dogs went home with me to be delivered to the owner. I packed up all Beckys show stuff with mine. Good thing I have a big vanBack at the hospital, I tried to convince Becky to get out of there as quickly as possible. I volunteered to put her in my van somehow and take her wherever she wanted to go. Her parents were due to come Monday afternoon and Becky wanted to wait for them. I wanted to stay with her but had to get home as my husband had to go out of town and there was no one to care for my dogs. In the end, she had surgery on her leg the next afternoon, which went well. The next day, her parents took her home to their house. She is recovering nicely, still on crutches. She is not able to drive yet and hasnt bought a new vehicle.What can we learn from this1. Try not to travel alone. Of course, many of us try to travel with friends in order to save money on gas and motels. But if someone is there to look out for you if you happen to get hurt, it is a godsend.2. Carry a phone card so you can make all those long distance calls from a hospital or pay phone that are going to be necessary.3. If you are conscious, make sure the rescue personnel give you your purse or wallet and it doesnt get left in the vehicle. You may need your insurance card, phone card, credit card as well as your drivers license.4. Make a list of the dogs that are with you, the tattoo numbers, brief description, list of owners names and phone numbers, and who at the show you authorize to take the dogs. Many local authorities dont want to be bothered with the animals and will simply turn them over to Animal Control or the pound. Be sure something in your purse tells your home phone number and several emergency contacts.5. Never, never let a dog ride loose in the vehicle Never A loose dog can cause an accident. In case of an accident, the loose dog may get out of the vehicle and panic-stricken flee. It could get hit in traffic or be lost for days.6. Always use the very best quality crates. Becky had five crates in her truck. Two were broken beyond use, but the dogs in them were OK. The three better crates were fine.7. Thank goodness for modem technology. Almost everyone has a cell phone. If you dont and you are traveling, you need to get one If the vehicle breaks down on some road other than the Interstate, you wont have to wait for hours for help to be summoned. At most show sites, public phones are not readily available, and it is great to whip out a cell phone from pocket or purse.8. Make friends with show personnel. Have a ready smile and a cheery greeting for the gal who takes your money at the gate, the grounds chairman, the parking person, and the superintendent. It was because the grounds chair knew me that the deputy was able to locate me so quickly.9. Be aware of things you pass as you drive to and from the show site. Look for veterinary clinics, freestanding emergency rooms doc-in-the-box, hospitals, as well as restaurants and antique shops.10. Be aware that you do not have to stay in a hospital if you dont want to. If you want to go to a different hospital, perhaps one closer to home or one you know to be better, you can insist on it. Your insurance may cover the cost of an ambulance to transport you. Try to have a friend or family member with you when you convey this decision to the medical personnel so they can back you up.11. Dont hesitate to ask dog people for help. If you have a problem, most doggie folks are terrific. I had numerous offers of help to care for the dogs. The superintendent sought me out the next weekend to ask how Becky was. When handler Susan Giles heard that Becky had admired the Group I trophies, an embroidered pillow with a crab and shells on it, she gave me hers to take to Becky to cheer her upSoon members will be getting the report of the nominating committee. Take the time to give some thought to what you want to see in the future for this club. Look at what has been accomplished in recent years. What do you see as issues for the Board in the coming years Then, take the time to study the biographies that have been submitted by the good people who have agreed to ran for office. When that ballot arrives, you want to cast your vote promptly and intelligently.SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Revew - 35BAYSTAR INNOCENT TILk 1Best of BreedMajorL FiveValley Kennel Club June 2004Roberts PhotosIBest of WinnersCh. Ksudas Major Expectation X Ch. Daystar Indian SummerDaystar and Velma Kelly send prayers and well wishes to the Christiansen family.Diana Solano, thank you for your contributions to showing and breeding Poms in our area. You and Bob have been a driving force, encouraging us to strive for excellence. Congratulations on your kennel visit and may you have continuing www.geocities.comdaystarpomsBISS AMINTL CH SHIMMEREE FULLA PIZZAZZ WOW41hvfAMINTL CH Randys Razors Edge X Kilpatricks NThunders Jazmin BreedersOwnersHandlers Terry Jordan Rothell and Greggory Charlene Waters Pizzazz and ALL the WOW Pomz gang join Jordan and I in wishing Cristy and Jessica a speedy recovery. You have come to mean so much to uswe think of you as family and my heart stops when I think we might have lost you both I hope you know how much we love you and you are in our thoughts and prayers more now than ever. We have many more adventures ahead to share so get well soon Congratulations to Diana on her kennel visit and continued success to Rodis Poms and the Solano family.Always,Terry and Jordan RothellWOW Pomz Enumclaw, WA 360-825-342336 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewAPHRODITES POMERANIANS\ -wMachoAphrodites Macho ManBlue is still the love of my life. I can't thank Nancy Coddington of Trudy's Pomeranians enough for this wonderful boy. His son Macho has become my little shadow. Hopefully, he and his sister will mature almost as nicely as Dad. Thank you Mickey Stevens for Anastasia, their dam, a Jake granddaughter. She is a wonderful producer. She is the dam of my Ch. Aphrodites Enduring Freedom. We at Aphrodites send our heartfelt well wishes to the Christiansen family. Our prayers are with you for a fast and full recovery. A special get well to Jessica. Vou are in our thoughts always. Last but not least, congratulations to Bobii Earl and Diana Solano on your kennel visits.Introduces Our New Hopefuls- v4BelleAphrodites Ma Belle AmieiSTR.MELJ8flAV fD4UUmBlue\Aphrodites PomeraniansLinda DeCicco Windham, Maine 207 892-6676SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranisn Review - 37Annette Davis6k UOur question for this issue is What is the best day to breed my PomBitches typically have their first estras also called heat or season between six and nine months of age. Because a bitch is immature at this age, it is not considered a good practice to breed her until her second season. The bitchs season is divided into four periods. The first period is called Proestrus. The start of Proestrus is marked by a bloody discharge, followed by swelling of the vulva. This period generally lasts for 9 days. Ordinarily, the bitch will not accept a stud during Proestrus. The second period is called Estrus and also lasts for 9 days. Often the bloody discharge will begin to change to more of a clear discharge at the start of Estrus. A surge of LH Lutenizing hormone usually triggers ovulation within 48 hours of the onset of Estrus, however, the time that ovulation occurs can vary widely and explains the need for more than one breeding to take place. It is during Estrus that a bitch will accept a stud and fertilization can take place. If a mating occurs at the right time, pregnancy will result. Regardless of whether or not the bitch is pregnant, the 3rd period Diestrus follows and lasts for 60- 90 days. The 4th period, Anestrus follows and lasts 3 or more months until the cycle begins again. There are differing views on the viability of sperm and ovum, but most agree that sperm from a young, healthy stud are viable for at least 48 hours in the vaginal tract and that ovum are viable for approximately 72 hours. Only bitches and studs in good health, that are good representatives of the breed should be used for breeding.The ideal days to breed your bitch when possible are days 10, 12 and 14.1 generally start trying on day 8. Most bitches will not be ready for breeding this early so dont force her to stand at this point if she doesnt seem to be ready. There are two good reason to start early. 1 Its easy to miss the start of Proestrus, especially when your bitch keeps herself very clean, therefore your day count may be inaccurate. 2 Some bitches do not follow the textbooks and have shorter cycles than normal. I have far fewer misses when I start early.Sometimes when the puppies are whelped, there will be a puppy that is considerable smaller than the others. For many years it was believed that was because some puppies in the litter are more premature than the others. It is now known that this is not the case. The reason that you get small pups in some litters is because they have disadvantageous placenta placement or faulty placentas, not because they are more premature than the rest of the litter. When the surge of LH lutenizing hormone stimulates the bitchs eggs to be released, they are all released within a short period of time. There is only one surge of LH per heat cycle. The reason that more than one breeding ensures a larger litter is because you are keeping a supply of fresh, viable sperm ready for the time that the eggs are released. If the sperm is too old when the eggs are released, it is not as viable and some or all of the eggs may miss fertilization. If numerous puppies implant in the same uterine horn, there may not be enough room for good placenta placement for all - thus some will receive more nourishment and be larger than others. Faulty nutrition or hormonal deficiency mainly lack of progesterone can also cause poor placentas for the entire litter and result in tiny or weak puppies.Our question for the next issue is My Pom litters often experience diarrhea. What causes it and what can I do about itYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis, 391 N Mink Creek Road, Pocatello ID 83204 208 234-0932, FAX 208 234-0792 Email davisavalonpom.com38 - SeptOct 2004 XPC Pomeranian ReviewIi liiiuin Pcmeranians 'v.Doha Sanle.coaynatulationo on yonn, hennel uidit. 'tyum doyd one heantifyd, and can't thanh yon enonyh the opportunity to own one o your, ieauti^ul hoyd. enjoy haoiny h. Dohiid Demolition Wan Omicha here with me, and, m excited, about haoiny hid jyndt yrandchildren on the yround. Hio, conyratnlationd to Diana, Solano o ffiodi Pome on yarn fennel vicit and Danielle Wilier junior fyioiny dpmtliyht.Our dympathieo to the hnidtiandeu family ad wed ad the TOaterded and the Danieldond on your loco oh your beloved doyd in the trayic accident. Qeooica. yon ve amayed do many people and we\e all do proud o^ yon jpin beiny do dtrony. 0Udty and Dticia, we hope each day id, a little briyhter.Ch. Bachman's Precious Jewel Oh. Ccbiis Pemditicn Man CmichcCheri McDonaldSan Dimas, CA wscM.bachmanpcms.ccmft'PMWiaUat 'Pzeettthf , ^_ i'5FIRST POINTSLOS ENCINOS I KENNEL CLUB i 2004 HOLLOWAYCh. Nguyen Cory Loverboy of GQ X Ch. Bachmans Lady LexusI am pleased to be Co-Owner and Handler of Cooper, who is shown winning WDBOW under respected judge Mr. Edd Biven for his first 2 points. Thanks to Cheri McDonald of Bachman Pomeranians for allowing me to co-own this flashy, well-balanced and nice-moving boy.Congrats to Bobii Earle, Diana Solano and Danielle Miller on their features this month.A special prayer to Jessica Christiansen and her family during this difficult time.Kcvim Setf 'Pombfrcadia,. ^ali^owia, leMteojxM,Qycihoo-. cantSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 39CR Pomeranians Starlight Paws proudly team up to present..."smmER"Show Report April 3, 2004 June 30, 200417 Best of Breeds and 11 Group PlacementsOne Group 1 Charlotte McGowanFour Group 2 Stephen Hubbell Paula Hartinger Sally Villas Betty KrauseFour Group 3 Arley Hussin Fred Bassett Robert Forsyth Jackie HungerlandTwo group 4 Alan Harper Mrs. Robert ForsythCh. Rodi's CR King of GondorrrEJf.J_____u.PROI'1ut v- GROUPSECONDa KOHLERk.\We look forward to watching Strider work his magic with Deena Simon at the end of the lead.Congratulations on your Kennel Visit, Diana Thank you for trusting us with Strider.He has made so many dreams come true. We think he is fabulous.Jessie Cristy Christiansen Our thoughts and prayers are with youBred for excellence in temperament, type, soundness, movement, and health.We do genetic testing OFA patellaOFA HipsThyroidCERF.Robert and Celeste SolanoCR Pomeranians 360-352-4635 httpcrpomeranians.homestead.comRon Merilyn SmithStarlight Paws '-Wodis-vDiana Solano and OnmiShelton, WashingtonBest of BreedBest of WinnersHumean Ridge Kennel Club July 2003Roberts Photosiana and Robert SolanoI was born in England and raised in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. When I was eleven, my mother, my sister and I joined my father, who had moved down to the Los Angeles area in California. My father moved there to look for work. My mother and father divorced a year after that move. I lived in the Los Angeles area for many years, before moving to Shelton, Washington.a irjiKi"i Shelton is a rural town. Its main industries are growing Christmas trees and the Simpson lumber mill. Until Wal-Mart came to town, we had to do most of our shopping in Olympia, the state Capital, which is about 25 miles away. We are close to lots of rivers, lakes, forests and the Puget Sound. Its a nice place to raise kids and dogs. There is one High School, which the students sometimes have to travel by school bus for one hour, each way. However the population is growing and we have had to build another Middle School. Our old Middle school is now a Junior High School, with grades 8th, 9th, and 10th grades. The new Middle School has grades 6 and 7. The High school has more room, as they have 10th, 11th and 12th grades. We also have a lot of retirement peoplemnf'and summer homes.My husband, Robert is from Mexico and is the oldest of twelve children. I met him at a dance in the Los Angeles area. He hardly spoke English when we met and I dont speak much Spanish at all. I still dont know how we communicated in those early years, but we did. Robert has j gone to a few shows with me and he helps out with the dogs at home.He has built the dogs a yard and recently put in a small pond. He also put up a covered area, so in the winter time the dogs can go out side without getting wet. He really enjoys the puppies and when he comes home from work, he goes over to say hi to them and the pups love it. Some times when we let the puppies out to play in the kitchen, hell join us with the playtime.mRobert and I have been married for 40 years. We have two children daughter, Marcie and son, Bob. Marcie is married and has four children. They have a beautiful home in Shelton, not far from us. Her passion is antiques. My two granddaughters are interested in animals. The oldest one, Brigitte, has helped me show my puppies at fun matches.She is engaged to marry my friends, Sue Cook of Rain Beaus Poms, grandson. Sue had met my granddaughter and wanted her grandson to meet her, so we arranged a meeting and they have been together ever since. We tell everyone that it was the Grandmas Connection that got the two of them together. They are planning a March wedding. The youngest granddaughter, Amanda, wants to show Brigittes Pug at some matches, but she doesnt work at training him to behave, so it may not happen. My two grandsons are more into the video games.'Srv '.-.rlmsDiana Solano and Pom pups Ch.Rodi'^My RocltyHoaoL Il'' i rastThe Solano home. Woctftbattnel Visit Continued on Page 44Rodi's Kennel Visit Continued from Page 43We later adopted two of our foster children, Joey and his sister Shamra. Joey is no longer living with us, so there is just Shamra, who is almost 16 years old, at home. Shamra has a small interest in showing and she does go to a few shows with me and has shown on occasion. I think she likes going to the shows to meet the teenage boys. She is very good at watching the puppies when they are little and when I have to go to a show that is any distance away, she is in charge of taking care of them. She really does like socializing them. She is such a mother hen. Lately, shes been helping in the lead breaking of the young pups, so maybe she will do more showing in the future.I got started in Poms about 14 years ago with a couple of pet Poms, here in Shelton, Washington. I bred one litter, to see if I would like it. After that, a friend invited me to go to a dog show and that was where I saw what I really wanted in a Pom. They were so beautiful. I also found out that it would be hard to find anyone who would sell me a nice quality Pom. So I decided that I would have to breed what I wanted.With the help of a friend, Shirley Larimer, I acquired two brood bitches from Mary Beverage. Shirley let me use a male that she acquired from Patty Bartels and thats how I got started with my line. My first show dog was a white and chocolate female parti named Smidge. She had my heart from that first moment that I laid my eyes on her, running around the floor of my friends house. She was so tiny that at four months, we had to cut off the ankle part of a sock to make a sweater for her. I didnt get anywhere in showing her, as she was not only a parti, she didnt grow very much and she remained very small. Being a newcomer to showing didnt help.My first success in showing was with a male that I bred using Shirleys male as stud. His name was Ch. Rodis Mr Rocky Road. Rocky was a very special dog. Thanks to Marlene and Marlin Presser, we were able to get him into the top ratings for 2 years.In 1996 he ended the year as the 3 Pom for the breed. Not bad for only showing locally. I lost Rocky in Dec of 2000 to kidney failure.Rocky was also one of my foundation studs. The other foundation stud was a male I got from Beverly Norris. His name was Bev- Nors State Of Affairs Shawn. He was a beautiful red in color and one of my prettiest Poms. He hated the show ring, so we gave up on showing him. We lost him to the Rainbow Bridge in December 2002 at 11 years of age. Both of my foundation studs produced some wonderful Poms for me and I still continue with their lines today.4V41FJ ^" Shamra playing with pups in the kitchen, t ik a 1- . - VS-"-v -v--rv"- i.. ' L __ - . ii-.i_tr- J, -'K- 4jlr-MggfeSB\emifUL,-VxruTiAs far as what type of breeding I do, I probably do line breeding and out crossing the most. Rocky was an outcross and he was one of my best Poms. Im now where I need to get some new lines into my breeding program as I have no girls that I can take to my males that are not related except for one girl. I did do a breeding with a Houston daughter and bred her to Justin and then I reverse the breeding and took a Justin daughter to Houston. I did get some nice pups from those breedings. Two of them are now champions and one is pointed.With the help of good friends, Sue Cook and Lynn Travis, I was able to produce some of my show Poms. We were able to use each other studs, so we didnt need to have a lot of males in the house. Lynn didnt like to show, so whenever she had a nice show Pom, she would give it to me and I would show it. Lynn is not raising Poms anymore, as she moved and she isnt set up to have Poms. She has horses now. Sue has helped me out in many ways. She got one of my stubborn males, Ch. Rodis Just One Look Justin, to breed. It was not an easy task and now he breeds very well. In fact, I have a champion daughter of his, Ch. Rodis Over The Rain Beau Rainie, which a good friend, Debbie Carr, helped me finish. On their last time out, they got a Group 4. Not a bad way to retirea girl.My son, Bob, was my handler for many years. He showed Ch. Rodis Black Gold Houston into the top 20, two years in a row. Again, not bad for showing locally and Houston being a black and tan, and, he received his championship from the Bred-By class.Bob met and married Celeste Favilla of Celestials Poms. They have their own line, CR Poms. They have a couple of my breedings and they are incorporating them into their line. They have done very well with one from my breedings, Ch. Rodis CR King Of Gondor Strider. There is a story behind him. I had 2 litters and I was growing them out. There were 3 boys and 2 girls in the 2 litters. Strider had a brother, Legolas, and a sister, Elentari. I felt Strider might be bigger than I wanted, so I petted him out to an older couple. They brought him back after a few days, saying they were having problems with their adult children and didnt feel it was fair to the dog to be putting him through that kind of stress. Poor Strider was very stressed out when he came back and I called my son. He and Celeste came over that night. They primarily came over to take a look at Elentari, but as they watched Strider play in the kitchen, Celeste instantly saw something in him that no one else had. It was decided that Bob and Celeste would not only take home Elentari, but Strider as well and get him back to good health. Two days later, I was told by Bob that Celeste was in love with Strider and she thought that I was wrong on him getting too big. knew then that Strider had found a permanent place not only in their home, but their hearts as well. I was teased by quite a fewIRodis Kennel VisitContinued on Page 46Rodis Kennel Visit Continuedpeople for selling Strider as a pet. They couldnt believe that I had done that. At my vets clinic, the ladies working there, ask how is the pet boy doing and then they giggle. Even one of our local judges, whom have put my dogs up, BUT not with me showing them, has made a comment about the incident. When I asked him why he doesnt put me up when I show my Poms, he replied, What do you expect when you dont know a good dog and you sell them as pets The teasing has died down, but every once in a while someone reminds me.I did feel that I owed Bob for all the years that he handled my dogs for me, so I let him and Celeste have Strider and Elantari as these two dogs had everything that Bob and I worked on over the years, in their pedigrees. This way Bob could keep a little of what he helped breed, into their new line. We also co-own a few Poms, so now I can get some females that I need, into my breeding program. I like being a small breeder and this really helps me out.Recently an old friend, Louise Guyton, contacted me and said that she needed a new hobby. She has several rescue Poms and two of my Poms, Sam and Cindy, and they all live in Shelton. Louise has been going to some of the shows with me, as she wants to learn everything she can, plus we have a fun time going out, even if we do get lost once in a while. Louise always says, We are not lost, we know where we arent. Louise isnt sure if she wants to get into showing, but would like to have a couple of litters a years and see where that takes her.There is yet another lady, Renee Decklar, here in Shelton, that wants to leam to show. She is trying to breed her own show Pom and has a litter of 3 Poms. She has sold the male and kept the 2 females. She hopes one of them will be nice to enough to get her started in showing. We also go to some of the shows together. Having someone to go to the shows with has put some of the fun back into showing for me.I also met Jeff Kunz, he Emailed me and we struck up a friendship. He came down from Lynnwood with his family and saw my dogs. He bought one of my male pups, Dior. I also talked to Sue about Jeff. She met him, liked what she saw and sold him a female. Jeff is so refreshing, as he sees things with new eyes, jumps in and then asks, What do I do All three Jeff, Renee and Louise have joined our local Pom club and are working members. They also like to make things for the Poms. They steal ideas for dog beds, pens, etc. It is amazing what they come with.I must say that being a mentor is fun. If any of you get the chance to become one, do it Jeff has shown Rodis Runaround Sue Susie for me on a couple of occasions and he looks good out there in the ring. Renee is very excited about getting into the ring and she has shown one of my pups at our clubs local fun match. The look when she took 1st in her class was priceless. I knew she was hooked on showing. We may still see Louise in the ring, if she produces that special little Pom that should be shown.Bev Nor's State Of Affairs'llCh Rodi Over The Rain BeauV 9NTCh. Rodis Just One Look-'-.A s. NV... Ch. Rodis Ureally Got Ahold OnmeMary Allen once told me that champion males are a dime a dozen, that since I wanted to remain a small kennel, that I should only keep the boys that I feel are truly special in my heart and sell the rest. That was some of the best advice I ever received. It has worked for me and I tell new comers the same thing.My biggest disappointment has been growing out that cute little Pom and not have it turn out the way you hoped it would. You put time into working and training the pups, then they hit the age where anything can go wrong. You sweat out the bites going right, the personality for the ring and all of the rest of the things that make a show dog. Then one day you realize the pup isnt what you were hoping for and you decide to sell it, only to find out that people want a younger pup.I love owning Poms. They are so loving and each has their personality. I hope to have Poms as long as my health will let me. I think it will so lonely not to have a Pom or two around the house.There are two shows that are very special to me. One of them was the 1st time one of my dogs won a Specialty Show. I thought it always happened to someone else, not to one of my dogs, but Rocky proved me wrong on that. He won 4 of them and two of them were back to back. The second time was when my son showed Rockys son, Ch. Rodis Just One Look Justin at a Specialty Show when he was just 10 months old. Justin won everything a male could win, starting with Best In Sweeps. He then won Best Bred-by, Winners dog, Best of Winners and Best Of Breed. He won the breed over several nice specials.I dont have a specific way of evaluating my puppies. I watch them at play and see how they stack up and move naturally. Personality is very important to me as well. Ive also done some testing of patellas, but not a lot. I very rarely sell for show, as Im a small breeder and I cannot guarantee a replacement if the pup doesnt work out. I dont feel that it is fair to the buyer, to have to wait for a replacement.JmmggmThere are many health factors that Im concerned about concerning our breed. Patellas, thyroid, skin problems, c- sections are just a few of them. j.I would love to see the show standard a bit more lenient on their bites, as I dont feel its a health issue as much as it is a cosmetic problem. I do feel that if there are two Poms deserving of a win, that then the best bite should be the tiebreaker. Many of us have petted out beautiful Poms because of the bite not meeting the standard. Some Poms start to lose their teeth at an early age and Ive even heard of a story where someone thought their Pom was finished and had the teeth cleaned and the vet pulled a couple of teeth and then the owner found out that the dog was not finished after all. The dog was beautiful but never did get his championship and he was deserving of it.I think the best thing about owning Poms is the unconditional love they give you. Each has its own personality and they make life very interesting.Lastly, I want to thank the Pomeranian Review for asking me to do this article. I feel very honored to be able to do it.Srrs-jtAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr. Indianapolis. IN 46222 Email indypomindy.netJune Board SummaryThere was no business discussed that required a vote.July Board SummaryWhen a good article is submitted from another source, for publication in the Review, with the authors permission, a free copy of The Pomeranian Review will be sent to the author of the article, if it is requested.The board accepted the contract for the Pomeranian Review Editor as offered.MASTERCARD AND VISA ACCEPTEDmisJudy Green - Razzle Dazzle Poms Hal Webster D H CrewAdvertising deadline Oct. 1,104Please contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Co-ordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Ph. 903-882-1950 or email the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgThe perfect Christmas giftfor those favorite hard-to-buf-for friendsA new subscription or extended subscriptions maKe great Christmas gifts.The Pomeranian Review]Contact us directly before December \tj. and a 6iift ard four preference.LISPS or 6mail will be mailed to the recipient before Christmas.To place your order, please contact Cheri McDonald at 909 394 7923, or - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewAmerican Pomeranian Summer Specialty 2004Thursday, September 23, 2004andPomeranian Club of Central Indiana, Inc. SpecialtyFriday, September 24, 2004 Pomeranian Club of Central IndianaFour Points Sheraton, Indianapolis, IN, 7701 East 42nd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46226 Phone 317-897-4000. Located on the east side of Indianapolis, with easy access off Interstate 465.Hospitality room on Wednesday evening Banquet Thursday night with raffles and auction.There will be a microchip clinic.All-Breed Shows - Sat. Sept. 25, Michiana Kennel Club and Sun. Sept. 26, Hoosier Kennel Club - Indiana State Fair Grounds.Sherri Alspaugh, Show Secretary 812-925-6477paughprintpomspeoplepc.comJanice Russell, Show Chairperson317-924-9093indypom indy.netThursday APC - Judge Beverly Lehnig APC Sweeps - Cindy Boulware Friday PCCI - Judge Steve Hayden PCCI Sweeps - Jeanne Blank Obedience - Thursday - Judge Mr. R. J. Janek Friday - Judge Mrs. V. J. Janek-ftCases Strike While Shes HotAKA Sizzles and Sue Lucatorto and the family of Cases Fomeranlana would like to thank everyone for well wishes on our recent APC Kennel Visit.Contrats to Sobii Earle, Sobii Poms and Piana Solano, Rodis Poms on your kennel visitsSue LucatortoCaeee PomsFloral Park, NY casespoms1aol.comSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 49Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself-f S'.V rBREEDOFBEST\VARIETYORKENNEL CL OFPASADENA_5PHOTOS by KITz_RonnieBISABISSAm. Can Ch. Jan-ghars Dudiy Doright x Dupres gparKiing Gold Patina"Ronnie is shown goingBOB for a point major under Judge Isabeii toffers.ThanKs to all the Judges who have appreciated "Ronnies great movement and showy attitude.Were at 8 points now with l major.Always breeder owner handled, watch for us in Southern California.Congratulations to Bobii Earle on your Kennel visit this month. Best wishes to Jessica Christiansen on a very speedy recovery.Breeder, owner handled Lana price lanapriceearthlinK.nethttphome.earthlinK.netianaspomeranians50 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Reviewivuzf lpu kzve em nty ivtftirutfitoi tutd ntevtfon, ut Mto4t o ziimy fUewt. IRwee DeMviV\AThis is Mi Babe Armdn Dangrous of Elle owned by Stephanie Witt and myself and handled by Trish Rowley. Danny has 3 -3pt majors and needs only 2 singles to finish.Diana, I have enjoyed visiting with you both times I was in Washington. I wish you continued success and many more beautiful ChampionsBobii, you have some beautiful fur kids, and I hope you have continued success with your Poms.Babe McCombsMi Babe Pomeranians babespoms tcworks.netSunglo Pomeranians PresentThe Beastie Boys"We would like to thank respected breeder judge Mrs. Kathy Bucher Sawyer for this fabulous win.Sunglo's Havin A Black N Tan-Trum WDBOW for his first Major. RWD was none other than his littermate Sunglo's Just Lookin For Trouble.Doesn't get much better than that Special thank you to David and Carlene Silstrap for allowing Ch. Mountain Crest JJ to visit the West CoastWe would like to extend our sympathies to the Christiansen, Waters and Danielson families on the loss of their cherished Pomeranians. Jessica, Trisha and Cristy, your spirit and strength have been an inspiration to us allSunglo PomeraniansBreederOwnerHandledDan Tammee httpshome.att.netsunglopoms___ .9tRESERVE WINNERS3EST OF WINNERSTOY DOG BREEDERS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA2004 HOLLOWAYBISS Ch. Mountain Crest JJ x Ch. Sunray Rider's Samantha RoseSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 51Mtn. View PomeraniansCh. Mtn Views Autumn PromiseCh. Regmars Mtn View Stars Shine x Reginapoms Wild AngelAutumn is shown here completing her championship under Judge Robert Sharp. Thank you also to Dr. Reasin, Joyce Fortney, Murrel Purkhiser, Ed Martin, Janice Purdue major, George Heitzman, Clinton Harris and Sally Vilas major for acknowledging her exceptional type and movement.1nIE5T0Forrosm anNEW CHAMPIONAutumn is in whelp to Ch. Dimonde s Twice Enticed but will return to the ring when her duties in the whelping box have ended.RISING STARMtn Views This Sweet Dream1BEST OF OPPOSITE ouHENKEL CLUEMAYzoomt wn r mMarbbls Gimme A Chance x Terimars Ebony Of Mtn ViewPea is shown here winning her first points. Thank you Mr. Usherwood.Pea is in whelp to Marbils Ch. Ace High Dealer. She will also return to the ring once she re-coats.Congratulations to Bobii Earle and Diana Solano on your Kennel Visits and to Danielle Miller on your Junior Jive. Wishing a speedy recovery to Cristy, Jessica and Tricia Christiansen.Autumns Handler Diana M. Downey Gum Spring, VA 804-556-2877 Dimonde earthlink.netBreedersOwners Pat Roger Dague Smarts Draft, VA 540-337-2965 patdague hotmail. comPeas Handler Mari Iffland Benton, IL 618-435-6127 pomsawaylegypt.net52 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian RevieweeBears and Nans PomsWould like to send a get well Wish to Cristy, Jessi, and Tricia.fuRIO GRANDE KENNB- CLUB MAY 2004y BEST N BREEDr cKQHLBt PHOTO . ,3ESt OF 'KtCGa.Nans Wishin N HopeinWish is singled out and searching for those 2 tiny little majors to, ,BEST OF WINNERSJmKENNEL CLUB OF TEXARKANAJUNE2004o GARDEN STUDIO. INC.PHOTO BY SHIRLEYNans Are You Ready For ThisReady has 3 majors and is searching for his final points to complete his championship. Wed also like to congratulate Junior Jive Danielle Miller on her article this month.OwnerHandlerGina lamsGeeeare Edgewood, NM 505-417-4373BreederOwnerHandlerNancy ReedNans Ore City, TXSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - S3APC Kennel Visit80611 EAR LEBOBII'S POMSNEW CHAMPIONJUPITER-TEWSKENNEL club I2014L JlMy name is Bobii Earle and my kennel name is Bobiis Poms. I am married to a wonderful, understanding and gracious man, Lew Earle, a practicing dentist near retirement. Without his loving patience and lack of complaint for living in a dog house, I would not have accomplished anything in this world of little dogs.As a very small breeder, I am very flattered by the request to have a kennel visit. I suppose it takes all types and sizes of kennels to make up this wonderful Pomeranian world we have with each having different experiences and stories to tell. Here is mine.Tino at 12 weeks Nonsense Scoop at 7 monthsI have been one of the very lucky and blessed ones. Not that I havent had heart break, few havent, but the overall experience has been wonderful.It all started out with having a twin sister that bred and showed Yorkies. I had a Doberman. After my last Doberman died, I decided I would rather have a small dog but I couldnt decide what I wanted. I knew I didnt want a Yorkie as I didnt want all that grooming, and terriers are terriers. I had been going to shows with my sister, Jacqui, and kept drifting around to the other rings to see what was available. The Pomeranian kept calling me. Those fluffy little balls of fur were so wonderful and wanted so much to please. They won my heart. Then the work began to find one.I had absolutely no interest in breeding, showing, or handling ever, ever, ever. I was looking for a pet. Eventually I found one through a handler at one of the shows. A little twelve week old bitch with a fear of people. All she wanted to do was cling and be held close. She stole my heart. Punkin started it all.Now came the lucky part. My sister decided she wanted to have two breeds as she liked Punkin so very much and Tony and Fabian of Starfires Kennel had a wonderful little show quality bitch available for sale, a CH Starflres Superman half sister. She decided to buy Starfires Folly. To make a long story short ,she decided having two breeds just didnt work and guess who ended up with the show quality bitch, f or full price of course. Again, I was never going to show, breed or handle, ever, ever, ever.I was still going to the shows to watch my sister and I had contact with Tony and Fabian. Jacqui had purchased Folly with the ability to breed once with any Starfire dog so I decided to breed my bitch. I happened to love Superman so decided I wished to breed to him. I had no knowledge about breeding, just the desire to have a puppy by that wonderful dog. Now I know what a lucky choice it was because it was a half brother and half sister breeding and it couldnt have been a better choice. I was really lucky because Tony and Fabian let me breed to him.The result of that breeding was a litter of three puppies, two males and a bitch. I was told by a number of people, when the pups were twelve weeks old to place the boys and keep the girl. My vet said one of the males was so bad she couldnt even help him surgically. He was eastie, westie, front and back. I did sell one to a pet home, the largest one but couldnt part with the one bitch and the male my vet disliked so much. I just felt so sorry for him. Now the lucky part, the boy ended up an IntlAm Champion and a special no more eastie,westie and the girl a finished champion. Tony wanted to special him, but he was too close to mom and wouldnt show for anyone else. Guess what I had to show him. I was never going to breed show or handle, ever, ever, ever. He still finishedBobiis Poms Kennel Visit Continued on Page 56I W-rfrf- -fftBIS Brace Scoop and Pavarotti Delilah, Tinos sister in my first litter. Premiers Jewell Lee, Tinos daughter.Bobiis Poms Kennel Visit Continued From Page 55quickly and my feelings werent even hurt when a judge while taking winning pictures with me said It only goes to show, if the dog is good enough it doesnt matter what the handler does. He wasnt putting me in my place, he was praising my dog, the one I was never going to breed, show or handle, ever, ever, ever.His name is IntlAm Ch Bobiis Valentino Magic Mini, AKA, Tino and his sister is CH Bobiis Delilah Magic Sparkle. Not only did Tino special but won BOB at a Pomeranian Specialty in North Carolina and six International BIS, all being handled by me. Ha, Ha.The next lucky part. I was approached by someone who couldnt keep their dogs and asked if I wished to purchase two other Starfire bitches, a Superman daughter, Guillys Waiting to Exhale, Lolita, and a Starfires Im Too Sexy daughter, Guillys Lotto Winning Babe, AKA Lotto. I couldnt turn them down. Now what would you do Of course, I had to start breeding these lovely little ladies, and I had that wonderful combination of half brother and half sister from Starfires Superman to act as my foundation plus another wonderful Starfire bitch as well.. I was on my way to doing absolutely everything I stated I would never ever do.I have been blessed in that I finished Tino, Delilah, and Lolita. Also Tinos sons, CH Bobiis IB Stuff N Nonsense, AKA, Nonsense, CH Pavarotti Just Magic, AKA Pavarotti, CH Bobiis IB Vanilla Ice, AKA, Scoop, and his daughters, CH Bobiis Angel With Attitude, AKA Farrah and CH Premiers Jewell Lee, AKA, Jewell Lee. There are several little Tino sons waiting to be shown to get his ROM. Only one more to go.The second generation Nonsense has been bred twice and has two champions to his credit, CH Bobiis Demolition Man Omicha, AKA Demo, and Bobiis IB Chevas Regal, AKA Chevy. Scoop has a beautiful little cream daughter that at three and a half months has all the ear marks of a champion, and will be shown when she comes of age. I have spent most of my time showing mostly males as they are my favorite because of the girls hair problems when coming into season.Here is the next lucky part. I have always stayed within my own dogs for breeding but have felt for some time that I needed to breed out and after seeing Parker at Nationals last year and then seeing his son Luther being shown by Tony and Fabian I decided Parker was the one for me. I called Noble Inglet and set up the arrangement for the breeding and my little bitch came into heat immediately just like I planned it, ha, ha. Within a week I was in Missouri sitting on the floor with Noble breeding Parker and my Lalique and having a wonderful visit with Betsy Owens.Tino Strider Scoop at 10 monthsSixty two days from that trip I was blessed again with two beautiful little Parker boys. Bobus Return of the King, AKA, Strider, and Bobiis Lord of the Rings, AKA, Frodo bom on August 26, 2003. At this writing I now have another Champion, CH Bobiis Return of the King. Strider finished on July 10, 2004, in West Palm Beach at 10 months old. He will be specialed. I was able to finish him completely in BBE so I will be getting my first BBE Medallion and an invitation to the Eukanuba Show as a BBE Champion coming up in January.- ' J ' \ -r_ , a w1 aBHaggig . ' - \ ' Striders brother Frodo will be starting to show in September, the next available show in Florida. He is just as beautiful as his brother and I feel certain he will finish just as quickly.Now after reading all this, dont you agree with me that I have been unbelievably lucky and blessed I met the right people at the right time and bingo I-things just happened. I place all this luck and blessing in the laps of Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti. Without their gracious agreement to breed their dogs with mine and to help me get started, I would be sitting at home without a home full of little balls of loveable, gorgeous little delights. I would not be breeding, showing and handling dogs, never, never, never.I would like to finish this off with a little story about what happiness I feel our little ones can bring to others. This little story speaks for itself. It is called Im Not Just a Pretty Face as told by that Pretty Face. See Page 60Lolita, Superman daughter before being trimmed. Lolita after grooming. Omicha, Nonsense son.hr47Tina at 8 12 years old Limoges, Tino daughter. NonsenseNOT JUST A PRETTY FACEI have been loved, cuddled, pampered, trained, bathed, trimmed, brushed and groomed to perfection. Then shown off bragged about and had tons of pictures taken. I was shown and shown and shown Now a Champion Now a Special What a life Who would complain about that ME What good is it when I am treated like just another pretty face I am on the receiving end all the time. There has to be more to life than this. It is important to me to be able to give as well as receive. I am known for my loving ways and wanting to please, but I am only able to show it to my family and friends. There has to be more to life than this.There IS more to life than this. Oh, BOY I went to visit some people who really needed ME. There was a lovely elderly man sitting in a wheel chair. His wife was taking him around She stopped and told me she and her husband had Pomeranians long ago and he loved them soooo much He wasnt, for some reason, able to speak to me. I was placed on his lap and he gently held me close to his heart. I pushed my body all four pounds of it as close as possible and snuggled there, feeling such contentment and love. When I looked up I noticed tears were flowing from his eyes. My mom gently said, You know Scoop loves you and wants to make you happy. Can you smile for him He did. A big, wide, wonderful smile, all the time the tears were running down his face. I stayed with him as long as I could. I didnt want to leave him, but there were others I needed to see and touch that day. I promised I would see him again as soon as possibleI visited about fifteen people that day, some in wheelchairs, some in beds some just walking around the halls. A lot of them held, talked to and petted me, but there were some who didnt talk, I mean not in words. I would he on their beds next to them with a hand touching me, not moving. I would occasionally catch just a glimpse of a smile, or a twinkle in the eye that wasnt there before. I knew they could feel my love. You know how it feels when someone you love holds you close You can feel the warmth and love just running through you. Thats how it was There IS more to lifeI went back a week later. Unfortunately my special friend who could smile and cry at the same time was no longer there. He had gone to Rainbow Land to be with his own special little friends. I miss him.I CAN give as well as receive. There IS more to lifeI can proudly say I am a full-fledged Therapy Dog. The people I visit are being cared for by a Hospice organization called VITAS. I'will continue to visit these wonderful people, not for them, but for me. THERE IS MORE TO LIFE Im not Just A Pretty Face.Inf 1Am CH Bobiis IB Vanilla Ice, AKA, Scoop.Typed for Scoop by his mom, Bobii EarleAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, Membership Chairperson,391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Email Membership applications may also be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgIf you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact The Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692.You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.58 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewPINECREST KENNELS REGDBOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADACAN.CH. PINECRESTS CECILIADiogenoir Smoke and Mirrors X Can.Ch. Pinecrest Its Crystal ClearBreeding champion quality Pomeranians in a rural home setting. Puppies available occasionally.1iPinecrestCatherine RR3. Station Main Bowmanville, Ontario Canada L1C 3K4Kennels Regd.Paige Bolahood^ 905 bolahood speedline.caNNr.-VWINNERSAIntroducing LaCueva Kennels Newest ChampionCH CASCADE'S DYNAMIC MAGIC MANMillamors Dynamic Chip X Cascade Bev-Nor Black VelvetMany thanks to Judges Mr. Norman Patton and Dr. Robert Smith for the back- to-back majors that finished Magic at the Owensboro, Kentucky shows on Julyl7 and 18. Magic is a sweet little boy who has had his ups and downs in the show ring. A leg injury put him out of commission for a little while after getting his first points, then he decided to blow coat and was out for another 3-4 months. He had just come back in coat and Owensboro was his first weekend back out. What a thrill it was to finish him his very first weekend back out. I want to dedicate these wins to our 2 Junior Handler in Poms, Jessica Christiansen. She has been an inspiration to many of our Junior Handlers.Jessica,When you are ready....give me a call.. .and we will make sure you have another Special Pom to show and love. Hang in there, SweetieCongratulations to Bobii Earle, Bobiis Poms and Diana Solano, Rodis Poms on your Special features, and to all of you with those beautiful Poms of Color. You can pass a few my way anytime you feel like itSHERRI LYNN ROGERSLACUEVA KENNELDayton OH 45433, 937 275-4062SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 59WaysDonna Riehm ChairpersonAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. and Means...Hello Pom Family and Friends,Your APC Ways and Means continues to market The Pom Shoppe items and we thank you for your support. The following items are still available but it would be best to contact me prior to sending funds to check on the availability of items, sizes, etc.Prints by renowned artist Chris Heartz2003 Specialty Edition Meet Me In Kentucky2004 Specialty Edition The Race Is On print a few matching number sets still available Please dont miss out on owning what is sure to after print set.Sweatshirts with The Race Is On artwork Tees with The Race Is On artworkCoffee Mugs with The Race Is On artworkAPC Illustrated Standarda must read for anyone in Poms, beautiful colorAPC set of three logo decalsthese look great on vans, tack boxes, etc.APC Lapel Pin members only 5.00All prices include shipping. Make checks payable to APC and mail to Donna Riehm, 669 Ava Road, Murphysboro, Illinois 62966. Contact information email addy Phone 618-684-4644I want to apologize to Eleanor Griffith, Ken Griffith, and Sally Baugniet as your names were omitted from the final draft of my last article. Your donations to the APC Auction in March were much appreciated. SO SORRYint 45.0045.00 a highly sought28.0018.0010.00lustrations18.505.00krzv60 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewNew Champions May 2004Champions of Record are Confirmed by AKCCH Atlayn's Archangel Of Allridge 0 by CH Cascade's Sunkist Shadow x Lakeway N RagdoH's Candy Apl. Owned by Jack Rowe. Bred by Valerie Allridge Mary Allan.CH Amber Glow Of Lenette B by CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Maude Of Lenette. Owned Bred by K. G.Griffith.CH Ar-Bee's Sir Dudley D by CH Firebrooks Justin Thyme x CH Ar-Bee's Princess Taleeka. Owned Bred by Rodger K. Beaty.CH Beau James American Spirit D by CH Petipom He Ain't No Saint x Beau James Dark Promise. Owned byTersa Lyn Haynes Wallace Haynes II. Bred by Cynthia P. Wallen.CH Candyfloss Lord Wilton D by Candyfloss Peter Pan x Candyfloss Devil In Disguise Owned by Bonnie Stetson Hedeko W. Strasbaugh. Bred by Hedeko W.James Strasbaugh.CH Chars Living'Doll B by Finch's Cascade's Musical Melody. Owned Bn Meyer.CH Chas-T-Dee Always SomethThe Next Generation x Chas-T-D Bred by Charles Dee McNei CH Chateau Acres Dealin Ai Sharper Image x CH Finch's Owned Bred by Gloria KnCH Cheyennes Thundering Little Elian x Cheyennes SiMcLaughlin. Bred by ColleenfrramcB. CH Finchs Chars Walk This Way B by CH Finch's He ^ Walks On Water x Finch's Havin A Blond Moment. Ownedmsx x HickCa motiletTChanceenoired u AcresWinner II. __. by Gri Owned byComing ian Stark. Bred-Pufpride byeCrabyby Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Diane L. Finch ^Charlotte Meyer.CH Finchs Dream ComeTrue D by CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finch's Some Kinda Wonderful. Owned by - Wahyuni Wibowo. Bred by Diane 1_CH Finchs Main Attraction B by Attraction x Finch's Jet Black. Owned by by Diane L.Finch.CH Finch's Xcite Dramatic Ei Sweet Dreams x Finch's Flash Poii Diane L. Finch. Bred by Karen CH Foxworth Fame And Glory BFanfare x Star Havens Time For Glory.Rokos Marshall Rokos. Bred by Karia Mil R. Dodsworth Lany E. Fox.CH Heartlands Dragonfly DSuber B by CH Suberi Presents Atom Ant x Heartland's Devil Or Angel. Ownei Kathryn J. Norem. Bred by Robert Kieffer.CH HoHi'ls A Dream For Teralee B by Doo-Shay's SI Circuit x CH Southpaw Of Sisnben. Owned by Leanne T. Wilkins Christine Creasey. Bred by Christine Creasey Anna M. Benedetto.CH Jan Le's Create Your Own Super Starr B by CH Avalon's Prince Charming x CH Jan Le's Millie Wakit Of Luemar. Owend by Jane Lethinen Bonnie L. Martin. Bred by Bonnie L. Martin Jane Lehtinen.CH Janesa's Applause, Please D by CH Janesa's For Keep-Sake x Janesa's Goodness Sake's Alive. Owned Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Jan-Shars Its Good To Be Queen B by CH Jan- Shars N Sync x Canton Black Diamond. Owned Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jan-Shars Southern Bell B by CH Jan-Shars Johnny Be Good x Janesa's N' Jan-Shars Cotton Top. Owned by Lala Grindle. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH JJ's Not That Kind Of Angel D by CH Mercer's Utmost Crown Prince x CH Jj's She Talks To Angels. Owned by Julie Javemick Jana Klein. Bred by Julie Javemlck.CH Lana's Pleased To Meet You D by CH Nguyen,Cory Loverboy Of GQ x Lanas Sugar Babie. Owned Bred by Lana Price.CH Legendary Rose Of Ivon B by CH Rubys Lovely Stand In Ovation x CH Mabins Tinseltown Rose. Owned by Lavonne Beard Dwight D. Beard. Bred by Lavonne Beard Marion Banding.CH Noble's I Wanna Talk About Me B by CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Sungold's I Do What 1 Like. Owned Bred by Noble Inglett.CH Noble's People Will Talk B by CH Pufpride SweetCH Finch's Walkin' In Rhythym. Owned Bred byess Pursuit B by CH Pufpride Sweet jfs N Noble's Brittany. Owned BredSweet Victory B by Promise's Take A___________ jx Promise's Hope Of A Miracle. Owned bySuzette Ledford Jerome Ledford. Bred by Sandy Resterhouse.H Reon Shilo V Am-Ette D by CH Am-Ette On The Rocks x Park Hilts Martina. Owned by Irene N. Smith Geri Arnold. Bred by Geri Arnold Irene N Smith.CH Shimmeree Heaven Sent B by CH Shimmeree League Asst Leader x Shady Parks Kalasic Melody. Owned by Cristy Christiansen, Charlene R. Waters, Jessica Christiansen Greggory S. Waters. Bred by Greggory S. Waters'iChariene R. WatersCH Sundown-N-Dariin's Aces-N-Eights D by CH J Sundowns Little Casino x Karokels Just Gimma A Chance. Owned by Laurie Ohs. Bred by Camilla Knight.CH Sundown's Be All You Can Be D by CH Pom Meadows Cedar Of Lenette x Sundown's Miss United States. Owned Bred by Camilla Knight.CH TIc'srKfng Titan's Ariel B by CH Indiana Jones Of Lenette x Renee Of Lenette. Owned by Connie Charles. Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Trudy's Aiming For The Top B by CH Jan-Shars Dudly Dori^Rjt^Trudy's Cream Delite. Owned by Nancy ''--'ington. Bred by NancyOii B by Lil Dariins Power V Trudy's x 3irt. Owned by Linda McPherson. Bred by Coddington.Trudys Snidley Whiplash D by CH Jan-Shars Dudly right x Trudys Cream Delite. Owned by Nancy Coddington Robert Coddington. Bred by Nancy Coddington.CH Trudy's Take Me Home D by CH Trudy's Chip N Dale x Trudy's Baby Doll. Owned by Elizabeth Schley. Bred by Nancy Coddington.CH Velocity's Simply No Regrets D by CH Indiana Jones Of Lenette x Susitnas Temper N A Teacup. Owned Bred by Daniel Yona.CH Zanara's Sand Pebbles B by CH Zanara Glen Iris Braveheart x Zanara's Sand Dragon. Owned by Carolyn G. Brandenburg. Bred by Sarah Walker.5American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an New Champions are received from AKC and published as space permits Corrections need to be submitted with a copy of the corrected AKC Championship Certificate to by January 15, 2005SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 61American Pomeranian ClubJanuary 11 2004 ThROuqh July 7, 2004 as REpoRTEd by tIie AmerIcan KenneL ClubSop in Ireeb SystemWinsRANk Name Sex BOBV1 CH PufpnidE Sweet Dreams D 772 CH StarFwe's Wicked Mean-N-Nasty D7 CH VAlcopy BATboy 4 CH SundowN's Keeqan Xavi 7 CH FiREbRooks Tob6 CH jAN'SliARS Comi7 CH StarR re's Rol8 CH SiRius It Wasi9 CH Laraj'us Cosi10 CHRodi'sCRTotaLPoinrs Owners1,178 NobU iNqleTT, DiANE L. FiNch847 Toniy CbRERA, FAbiAN ArIente. PARduE, M. PareIue, Ron SMiTh,SMiTh iqkr287 Ron SMiTh, SUaron Hanson, MERilyN SMirh1 277 CaroI ScrimpsIier267 CiNNy Aulik, Mart Lou LaFLer24Leste SoLano, R. SoLanoRANk NameCH StarR re's Wicke Nasty12747CH PufpRide Sweet DreamCH VAlcopy BATboy CH SuNdoWN's KEEqAN XavIer CH StarHre's RobcARy Sobs It289 Lee Cook14Ef 18r NdOR D jSSop in p mArftOUpI 11 IIISex Bl IVEAN1774 7 2 26,1OrOOwners, FAbiAN ArIenteE iNqlETT, DiANE L. FiNcfat pARdllE, M. PARduE, RON SMiTh, MERilyN SMiTh1,687 CamiLIa KNiqhT2 1,622 CaroI ScRiMpshcR6 CH Rodi's CR KiNq oF KoNdoR D 1 4 7 2 1,620 CeIeste SoLano, R. SoLano7CH jAN'ShARS CoMMANdER N' Chief D 1 4 4 1,774 Ron SMiTh, SIiaron Hanson,8 CH LARAjus Cosmic Kid D 1 7 1 2 927 L. Newbold9 CH FiREbRooks TobAsco FUsco D 1 2 2 917 Lee Cook10CH LiL DarUns 1 Cot ThePower D 1 1 1 1 871 Joanne ReEd62 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewTop Breeder, Exhibitor, Sire DamKelly D. ReiMschiissEl, AwarJs CkAiepERsoN January 1, 2004 Ttutouqk June 30, 2004 as REpoRTEd by The American KenneI ClubTop Breeders Top SiresDiane L. FiNch ShARON L. Hanson CAMilU KNiqhT Juanita FiddickK. C. CRiffiTh Nancy CoddiNqTON Noble InqIett Annette Rister CIiarIotte. Meyer Jane LehTiNEN Jerrie FreiaShARON H Annette RisTi ChARloTTE Noble iNql ArIene A. ClfARl0TTEDiane L. Fi HazeI MHIer Jerrie FreIa RobiN WATANAbeCH PufpRidE Sweet Dreams 12BRyNROSE IcuddAbEENACONTENdA 3 CH HowIenE'TeaIira Impero 3CH iNdiANA Jones Of Lenette 3FiNch's Causin' A Comotion 3CH FiNch's He WaIIis On Water 2CH Janesa's For Keep'SAkE 2CH JAN'ShARs Dudly Doniqhi 2AN'Shms Mini Me 2Furs N SyNc 2's Utmost Crown Prince 's MillioNdollAR BAby isTy Autumn Glow 211cCHorsVeIvetWyNdloRBl Su\' J.CHRCHAik Justmorn It RiqhTACElivER TwistDamsUao ANqels WhAT I Like n A Star IMMA A ChANCEOf HowUne on RockN RobiN rever Spirit Cream DeUte22222222222222CAThERIIas REpoRTEd by AKC AwARds Issues January ThRouqhiorsIn, JuNioR's ChAiRNovEMbER 1, 2002 ThRouqh OcrobER 31,2007 ARC YearJopdEN RoThell 184jESSiCA Ch RisTIANSEN 42DanIeILe MKIer 40TAylOR lltviN 23STEphANiE BuRdick 22MARIAh SEERINq 15Julie DoRThy JohNs 12Miss NAOMi Jean Bryant 9Jenna R. SpRANqER 8AliciA Marie Wood 7Tic Pomeranun Review includEs aII Pome ram Ian ExhibrroRs m TkEiR publicArioM. American Pome ran Ian Club MemBeis are Norid wiih an . In ondER to bE EtiqibU For APC AwARds qivEN at tNe AnnuaL Banquet you must Iiave bEEN a MEMbER For one 1 caIencUr year.Every eFFort is maiIe to coMpib accurate sTATistics. PIease bidNq any errors to tIie attention of iln AnnuaI AwARds CluiRpENSON. IF youR doqs are lisTEd in tBe "coRRECTioNs" of The AKC AwARds issues, pIease contact KeUy D. REiMsckiissEl at AWARdsAMERKANpOMERANiANcblb.ORq btfoRE JANUARY 17, 2004.SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranusn Review -"The way i sec ita Mi MoreSue LueatortoAKC licensed Judges responses are welcome and appreciated.Contact Sue at Email, phone 718 470-6267.In the past this column has asked Judges to give their view on the Pomeranian breed, future wishes and concerns for the breed. They are also allowed to state what improvements they feel have been made in the breed and also what they expect from exhibitors.We are now expanding the column to include the Pomeranian exhibitors viewpoint and hope they will share their thoughts and expectations. May we learn together from others who share their knowledge and experience within this article.In this edition we welcome Pom exhibitors Jane Lehtinen and Margaret Jennings.Please note Judges and Exhibitors interested in being featured may contact Sue Lucatoro at Photos will be included in the articles to help associate names and faces.Margaret Jennings Ontario, CanadaI bought my first Pom in May of 1990 and started exhibiting in September 1990. My first show dog was a bitch. The reason was that I only wanted one Pom. Now, I know that is not possible. I was first attracted to the breed because I was looking for a small dog and I decided I also wanted a coated dog. I loved the face and expression of the Pom.At the present time, I am concerned about the Pom size. A lot of breeders are trying to breed Poms too small.When I am preparing for a show I usually bathe and trim a week before so the coat has a chance to settle down but this depends on the coat texture. I use a good quality shampoo made for harsh coats. When brushing at the show I also use a conditioner made for harsh coats.In my opinion, it is most important to a show Pom that is clean and well groomed. They also must have a good expression that says,Look at me.I routinely condition a dogs coat for showing by feeding a good quality food. I use an organic supplement and if the skin is dry I use omega oil.I feel the most overlooked quality of the Pomeranian, in the AKCAPC Standard is that too many dogs are judged on their color. Structure and movement should come first.m.tMargaret Jennings64 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomerknirn ReviewWhile I am showing, I expect the judge to be pleasant and gentle with the dog, especially if it is a puppy.For any newcomers to exhibiting, before the show it would be advisable for you to watch the dogs ahead of you. Pay attention to what pattern the judge asks you to do. Be on time. Have your dog under control and dont let it sniff around other dogs. I prefer to use a small ringside table for the dog to stand on. Be aware of the big dogs.I will never forget my first time in the ring I wore my armband on the wrong arm.Dog show superintendents should assign toy dogs to outside end rings, especially if outdoors. There should be an area set aside for toy size crates so people with multiple entries can put the dog in the crate while showing a second one.Jane Lehtinen - MinnesotaI have been an exhibitor since 1977. My first Pom was a dog. It was just easier to find a good male than a female. The best advice was to buy a good brood and breed out. I have always been a breederownerhandler but I do take others on occasion.My main concern with the breed is that we are seeing too many nice dogs go bald. It is a shame that these dogs are being used in a breeding program and producing more problems. Our club has to pull together and raise money to help determine what is causing this and hopefully create a database of affected and carrier dogs so we know who to breed to and stay away from.I was attracted to Poms because my parents always had Alaskan Malamutes. I just liked the spitz breeds plus they dont whine. I never liked Lassie.I believe the most important attribute of a Pom is their temperament. Without that you dont have a showdog. To improve the breed I would like to see better legs on the Poms.When I am getting a dog ready for the dog shows I bathe the day I leave, do feet, nails, and any trimming that needs to being done. I prefer to use a good shampoo made for a harsh coat. I dont use cream rinse.I routinely condition a dogs coat for showing by using a good quality dog food such as Canidae for a starter. I add a supplement, which there are many to choose from. I usually like to add cottage cheese to the dogs food.To offer a suggestion to newcomers, I would find the best dog YOUR money can buy. If it is a female, breed it to the male that will do the best for you. Train your puppy before you go into the ring. Dont use the ring as a place to train your dog. Go prepared to the show with not only a trained dog but have all your equipment you need. Dont keep hitting up fellow exhibitors for stuff.I feel the most overlooked quality of the Pomeranian in the AKCAPC Standard is a short backed, balanced dog with a good coat and pretty head type. Sad to say we dont see enough of them in the ring today. Judges have to put up some dogs that lack breed type because of the poor legs and unsound movement. They will put a dog up that is so-so because they dont understand our standard. I have lost to dogs that never finish because judges think that that is the best dog.To dog show superintendents, put me on in the mid-morning so I can sleep in.Judges, on the day I am showing in the ring, the one thing I expect is an honest opinion.To the majority of toy judges, the Poms are not supposed to be a short-legged, long-bodied dog. Read our standard and really learn what it means.-7nJane LehtinenSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 65HEALTH AHD GEHETICSMange JiwuvzfaldeK'ZUPDATESPomeranian Charitable TrustWe are proud to announce that the Pomeranian Charitable Trust has become a reality. Our attorney has been stepping us through the filing process to establish this non-profit, tax-deductible trust. The Trust has been established its hank account open. You might be unaware that the Homeland Protection Act made this a little more complicated then was previously experienced.Besides the generous individuals donations that were made during the National in March, I must thank the foresight of the Clubs and organizations that gave the PCT initiating funding. Last summer APC dedicated the Red River Valley Pomeranian Club donation to our start-up fund. The Portage Legacy Loundations contribution from Canada came through APC. Sand N Sage Pomeranian Club of Southern California donated 1631.82. And theNorthern California Pomeranian Club donated 2000.00 to be considered as a possible establishment of endowment fund. That brings this years total to approximately 6,600.00 to date in funding that will go directly to benefit Pomeranians wellbeing.The Trustees assure you that all donations will be carefully and efficiently used to maximize their effectiveness. We can do this now that all the paperwork is complete. We will report how specifically this money is to be spent to the APC board and that should be ready to publish by the next Review. This upcoming years focus will be directed as promised toward research into the alopecia problem.6,600.00 is a lot of hard earned money. But it pales when you consider the cost of research. Besides individuals, I would like to challenge other clubs to make a donation. Any donation to the PCT is now completely and directly tax-deductible.University of Tennessee StudyIn the MayJune 2003 issue of the Pomeranian Review I mentioned that Dr. Linda Prank was interested in studying the clinical assets of our alopecia problem. Her work could help us identify what actually happens to cause the hair loss and find a possible treatment, at least for some of our cases. This would be a big breakthrough. I want to assure you that it is NOT in conflict with the DNA research that is going on at the University of Missouri. Both sets of researchers are open to sharing their information. We definitely need both types of information. Both are pieces of this large puzzle. As they fit their bits of gathered information together, there could be the breakthrough we have been wanting.Allow me to share the description of Dr. Franks research in her own wordsIn a recent study I found that approximately 60 of dogs with alopecia X on melatonin had some hair regrowth. I am trying to understand how melatonin works and hope that this may help us understand the cause of the hair loss. One thing that melatonin does is block estrogen receptors. That is why it is recommended in women with some forms of breast cancer. I want to look at hair follicle estrogen receptors before and after 3 months of melatonin. I will supply the melatonin and will pay for shipping of biopsies to me. The biopsies do have to be shipped overnight to me on the day that the biopsy is taken. I am only using neuteredspayed Pomeranians in this study and their hair was not to have grown back after neutering. Also, hypothyroidism and cushings disease need to be ruled out before they can be entered in my study.Dogs can be hypothyroid but that their hair did not grow back on thyroid supplement. The owners need to be willing to have 2 biopsies taken a routine diagnostic procedure at the first visit and again after 3 months of melatonin. Attached is a questionnaire for owners to see if their dog is a candidate. They can email it to me along with a picture of their dog and then I can contact them directly.Study Questionnaire1 Is your dog a Pomeranian2 Is your dog neutered3 Does your dog suffer from hair loss4 Was an endocrine disorder hypothyroid and Cushings syndrome ruled out as to the cause of the hair loss5 Is your dog currently on any medication for its condition6 Is the medication helping7 Would you be willing to participate in a study focusing on understanding the cause of this hair loss8 If your dog is on medication and the hair has not grown back, would you be wilting to stop administering the medication for two months previous to the beginning of the study9 Has your dogs skin turned a dark color since the onset of the hair loss10 If chosen for the study would you be willing to bring your dog in for a minimum of two veterinary visits11 If chosen for the study, would you be willing to allow 2 biopsy samples to be taken at each visit12 If chosen for the study would you be willing to administer the medicationLinda A. Frank, MS, DVM, Diplomate, ACVDEmail address lfrankutk.eduProfessor of DermatologyUniversity of TennesseeDepartment of Small Animal Clinical SciencesC247 Veterinary Teaching HospitalKnoxville, TN 37996-4544 USAPlease note that no identification of the dog nor its pedigree need be given. Therefore, even a Pomeranian dog from rescue with this condition could be used. Please ask others to help if you know of anyone that might not have seen this request.I feel we are always asking for samples of some sort, be they blood or tissue. Only with your cooperation will we possibly find out answers that will help every one of us. But most of all, you can take this opportunity to help our Poms. Danielle MillerrHi, my name is Danielle Miller. I am 12 years old. I live on the Great Plains of Colorado with my family.Im the youngest. I have a mother, father, older sister and older brother. We live on a farm and have lots ofanimals a horse, Quaker parrot, parakeet, cats, dogs, chickens, and fish. We home-school and I love it most of the time. I love how it gives me all the time I need for shows, but I do not like math. Id rather just read, read, read.My Mom first started showing Golden Retrievers in 1999. I went with her to a show and watched the junior showmanship competition. It looked like fun, and then I started bugging her that I wanted to do it.The next show she went to she started looking for a juniors dog for me. She was thinking Golden, so was my dad. But at this show she met Charlene Waters, a Pomeranian breeder. They talked more and more and after finding out Mom was looking for a juniors dog, Charlene had68 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review_an idea and offered my Mom a beautiful little Pom bitch named Cherry. Dad is not a little dog person, so it took a while, but finally he agreed. A few weeks later, ON my birthday, in fact, we got Cherry off the plane. That was the first time I met her. She was SO adorableBefore I ever got to take Cherry into the ring, I met Jessica Christiansen. She already showed Poms in breed and juniors. The very first time I met her, she kneeled down and showed me SO much about showing Poms I learned so much from her and she is still my BEST show friend.Cherry had a rough start with us, but in June of 2003 in Colorado Springs, CO, I walked into the ring for the first time. My very first show ever, in a class of 11 Novice Juniors, I walked out with a 4th place ribbon I loved it. I was 11 years old.m9 f '' wd___Danielle and Cherry after taking Reserve Winners Bitch at Longmont, Colorado, May 30, 2004Cherry is the only dog I have shown in juniors so far, so she is my favorite. I love Cherry very much and I hope she will live a long and happy life. She is so cute. She squeaks like a mouse sometimes, dances on her hind legs and barks a really cute high pitched bark when she wants out, in, or to come out of the yard with us. It is adorable and I love her to death I am excited for when we breed her and she has puppies. But then, Ill have to show a different dog for a while, wont IIve helped my Mom with her Golden Retriever litters. The puppies sure are cute. I think when I grow up I would like to continue showing dogs, especially Poms, and go to college to become either a veterinarian, or a veterinary technician. But always I will have my dogsOne of the things I like best about junior showmanship is making new friends. I love doing the best I can and learning more each time I go in the ring. I watch my friends, most of whom have been showing longer than me. I have made a lot of friends, with Jessica being my best friend. Jessi and I love to shop at the vendors. My other friends are Dani, Brenden, Alyssa, Lindsey, Alana, Anna, Meaghan, Emily, Samantha, and Brittany. In my spare time at the dog shows I hang out with my friends a lot. We have a really good time.One time when we were at a big show, I was having so much fun hanging out with my friends that after I got done showing Cherry in the breed ring, I wanted to hurry and show my friendsDanielle Miller Junior Jive Continued on Page 70SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 69_Danielle Miller Junior Jive Continued from Page 69\AVmtEBt-'r.n t_,,Vs. I .Ti.i ti c. 1Danielle and Cherry at a fun match. Boy, it was HOTV.v-rCherry napping on her bed. She is so cuteBreezy is my moms show Golden. She and Cherry are best friends.the ribbons we had won. It wasnt until later that Mom and I realized we hadnt gotten pictures with the judge. And that was the day Cherry got her 4-point major, too Boy, did some of Moms friends grump at us for thatIve made some good adult friends and acquaintances at the shows, too Lisa Goodman, Debbie Carr, Cristy Christiansen, Paula Ohlmacher, Mendy Hansen, Gina Williams, Jenny Smith, and Curtiss Smith. And of course Charlene Waters I have learned so much from watching you and talking to you. Thank you to you all for all the tips and help you have given me in the last year, since I started handling.I have a few people I want to thank specifically. Thank you so much to Charlene Waters for giving me a wonderful little girl. I love her dearly. Thanks to Dad for allowing me to get Cherry and start showing. Thanks to Mom for getting me into showing and taking me to shows with you. Thank you to Grandpa McCrillis for sponsoring my shows, and to Grandma for wanting my clothes clean. Thank you to everyone I know for all the support you give me while I am doing the sport that I love.A very special thanks to Jessica, for all the tips you gave me and are still giving me to help me improve on my handling, and for being my friend Keep fighting. We are all praying and pulling for you, my friend Get well SOON. u70 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewT[je JPotnerantan UrbtetoTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. PUBLICATIONEditor..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham. IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401 yahoo.comSubscriptions..............................................................................................................................................................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comBack Issues.......................................................7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227Proofreaders..................................................Advertisement Manager,13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TXBusiness Card Manager,2814 East Blackhurst Road, Midland. MI 48642.......................... Laura Meinekepanachepomshotmail.comJoan Behrend, Becky SabourinaPH 903 882-1950PH 989 832-3408IsJessie Klein Becky SabourinWyndlorchartermi.netesSubscription6 issues per yearUSPS First Class.......................................45.00USPS Bulk........JpQ...............\.............. 37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico....................55.00Foreign............... 5ykj.................100.00Single Issue......... .................................. ....10.00Back Issues................................................ 10.00AdvertisingFront Cover Color.....................S..........600.00Back Cover Color................................... 450.00Inside Front Cover Color................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..................125.00Inside Back Cover Color................300.00Inside Back Cover BW..................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color................................300.00Page 3,4,5,6 BW.....................................125.00Center Spread BW................................ 250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.......................... 275.00Full Page BW......................................... 100.00Half Page Color.......................................150.00Half Page BW...........................................60.00One Quarter Page.....................................40.00Business Card 6........... Small 70, Large100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25 each additional black and white photos are 10 each.Deadlines3s.Ad Deadline IssueDec 1...................................................... JanFebfcJeb In......\... ............... MarAprilApril 1.ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1................COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1.....................................................SeptOctOct 1................. MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDecHPThe Pomeranian Review..official A. P. C. publication.sent to Breed Group Judges .reasonable rates.quality reproductions.only source of APC Archives .provides APC news and reports .APC Specialty coverage .Regional Pom Club coverage .obedience training information. interesting, informativeSUPPORT THE APC SUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian Review Brenda Segelken, Editor 11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401 Or Email Make all checkspayable to the American Pomeranian Club.SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 71[ehind the TitlistsMTN. VIEWS AUTUMN PROMISE BITCH ORANGE SABLE DOB 101899 BREEDEROWNER ROGER AND PAT DAGUESTARFTRES ALTER BOY CH. SWOOD BRICOR REGINAS PLANSILVERWOODS STRUTTING ASHLEY CH. REGMARS MTN. VIEW STARS SHINECH. REGINAPOMS LUV A GATOR TERRIMARS LOOKIN TOTALLY AWSOMTERRIMARS CHOCLAT ADDITIONCH. GREAT ELMS FIRESTARTER TERRIMARS CLASSIC AMER LEGEND TERRIMARS CREAM N SIGAR REGINAPOMS WILD ANGELRHEA-NAS HOTSHOT OF T AND T TERRIMARS YOU GO GIRLTERRIMARS CARDINAL LADYCH. BLUEROCKS TALK ABOUT ME ORANGE MATEBREEDEROWNERiBILLIE HURSTEMCEES GRAN DORITO CHIPS CH. EMCEES TAKEN A CHANCE EMCEES DESIRE FOR CLOUDS EMCEES LIL RED DORITOEMCEES GRAN DORITO CHIPS WOODS GLITTER-N-GOLD GREAT ELMS MISS REDHAVENS HUNTER ON THE RUN PUPPY LOVES ROBIN HOOD GREAT ELMS LADY BLOSSOM BLUE ROCKS SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA WOODS BLAZE OF GLORY PUPPY LOVES LIL JAMIEGREAT ELMS CHARLENE OF LENNETTEMemorial IssueJovemberDecember 2004 Please include a Memorial ab to those special frienbs, family anb Poms. Pomeranian Review will feature a Memorial to Ch. Razzle Dazzle Texas Hoebown, bvj Charlene Waters Deadline October 1, 2004We apologize for the OOPS We goofed- 2'UTRinsoN'ii RTioKfJi. The stunning July August 2004 Pom Review Cover and Cover Photo Story photos are by Lasting Images Portrait Studio, Barbara Stoll, photographer.f r- r.LiIBehrs Pomeranians wneFl Joan Behrend , ^ Ronkonkoma, NY il779 ^.coWtiwonCh. Indiana Jones of Lenette, bred and owned by K. G. Griffith currently has produced 5 champions. We apologize the number was incorrect in the JulyAugust Review.72 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewCh. Vintage Brandy fllgxandramUovGROUPiNFIRSTSHOWMAUIMKEif. Ch. Sandalwood JI Marty Jr. x vinta SiKpxi is shown winning hpr first BOB and Croup I at the Valley Isle Kennel Club show under Mrs. Jane Kay. Thank you Mrs. Kay for this very prestigious win. She completed her title breederowner handled late last year and started her -specials earppr this year with a raueh better handler, orinne fliguehi fallas. They make a great team 1 must thank orinne for convincing me to send her to Maui and to my dear friend Shari f ukuyama for making it possible. Shari not only transported her to Maui but also was on hand to groom and help with picture taking. Thanks, orinne and Shari, for without you two 1 would not have been able to have sueh a thrill, my first Croup win with a bitchCongratulations to Sobii Carl of Sobiis poms and iana Solano of Rodis Poms on their features in this issue.I sure had a great time chatting with iana at the summer nationals in Olympia last year.My prayers are also with Jessica, Cristy and Trieia Christiansen for a full recovery after -their recent tragic accident.Vintage - 011en Takayaroa_ SrpedprGWnpr .vintagehawaiiyahoo.comrsews li msORMANCEby Barbara McClatcheyAGILITY SPECIAL COLUMN-PART IIMore Agility stories from the members of ActivePomeranian, a Yahoo Group listHELP FOR THE DISABLEDUrsa Minors Autumn Leaves, a 7 lb. Pomeranian, has achieved more than just agility titles. She has done something more.She has helped her disabled ownerhandler, Diana Huntress, overcome many challenges. Diana Huntress, a young woman with severe Rheumatoid arthritis, never thought that she would be competing in agility but yet once spring comes, weekends are booked with trials. Diana is unable to run, bend, or stand for very long. Walking for more than 50 yards is a chore but with Autumns drive cheering her on, Diana moves with grace.mju' ' .. TY tttAutumn overAutumns drive and active nature have helped Diana learn ways to exercise despite her disability. They exercise together and have established an incredible bond that only other agility enthusiasts can comprehend. They trust each other incredibly. There are some trials that Diana is unable to make because of flare-ups but Autumn is very understanding and comforts mom with some kisses on the nose.Autumn is an amazing little dog. Autumn doesnt run much in training, as her handler cannot keep up. Diana takes extra medication before a trial so she is able to move more fluently on a course. Autumn knows the difference between a trial and practice and increases her speed to meet the demands of the course.Autumn has achieved NAD AC titles O-NAC, v-NJC and two legs on her open standard title. In ARC she is competing in excellent jumpers and open standard. She also is a member ofASCA and has her RS-N and JV-N. Autumn also has her CGC.-Autumn on the pause table.L_ _ _ 74 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewJrrvDandeLOIS MORKASSELS AGILITY POMSCan OTCH, UCDX, UAG1I Kassels Dandelion Down UD,AD, OA, NAC-V, CGC, ROM, HOF, ThDesv, VCCX 1983 - 1998 Dande was my first Pom, first purebred dog, and first obedience and agility dog. We started agility in 1988 when a club member inquired about interest in a new sport emerging in the dog world. Dande always inspired me to new challenges and we embraced this new game. We started with Kramer equipment which many years later evolved into UKC agility. Dande and I participated in a demo in St. Paul in 1989 and received a qualifying score. The most startling difference in equipment from the past and todays was the weave poles. The demo had plastic storage-box fire hydrants for the weave poles Ergo the origin of the push -pull method of training the weave poles. After the first few months of agility in the club, the man who got us started wanted to move on to other activities. 1 wanted agility, so I became the class instructor and chief equipment mover. When I realized that USDAA would be the venue available to title in when showing in the Twin Cities MN, I embarked on an equipment-building career. I continue in these roles today. Dandes first qualifying title was earned in USDAA in 1992 at a time when dogs didn't need registration numbers and 1 qualifying score earned the title of AD. She earned the NA and OA in AKC before the jumpers classes were available. TheAPC recognized her in 1995 as the First Agility Pom. Dande earned the UKCs UAGIand UAGI1 and 58 points toward the 100 needed for the UACH. Dande started in agility when she was 5 and continued until shortly before her death at 14 12. Dande ran with speed and joy and wasnt all that accurate. Most of her problem was me and that I didnt know how to use body handling to communicate my wishes to her. I got scolded a lot Dande was a wonderfully fun little Pom who had tons of fans who came to watch her joy on the agility field. She made people rethink their impressions of small dogs. Dande ran the 12" division, except in the NAD AC veteran class where she ran 8".KatieUACH, UCD Kassels Gar-de-an Sir Tifikat AmCan CD, NA, CGC,ThDesv, VCCX 1986 - 2002Katie was Dandes daughter and my second agility Pom. She was a totally different experience. Whereas Dande embraced agility, Katie had to mature into the idea. When 1 first introduced her to agility equipment, I would beg and plead to get her to do 2 things after which she would run to the nearest person, jump in their lap and plead with them to contact PETA and the Humane Society to report me for torturing her. I left her alone for 3 years. When she was 8, I asked her if she had any interest in agility. At an age where a lot of dogs retire, she said she thought it might be fun. We embarked on a most amazing career. I showed Dande and Katie at the same time and it was a thrill to run mother and daughter at the same trials. Katie always played second fiddle to Dande. 1 dont remember training her because 1 only had a few minutes each week to train both girls. I would go to the training building as early as possible from work and set the whole floor by myself for the class and then use 5 - 15 minutes to train my dogs before teaching up to 3 classes that night. I can imagine what our current instructors and class members would say if they trained under those conditions. Katies agility career kept her busy from 8 - 12 years of age. She, too, earned the NA before the jumpers classes were offered. Katie had her own fan club. Her style was different from Dandes. She liked to work closer and didnt like to be wrong. She ran slower than Dande, but her accuracy was incredible. She showed her joy on the agility floor with her own gusto running in the 8" division. We had a lot of fun in UKC. I would usually run Dande first, then grab Katie and run her and then put Katie up to grab Dande and show in Utility. Katie always seemed slower than Dande who ran with unbridled joy and a lot of the time on courses that she invented. After Dandes death, I found I didnt know how to run Katie without Dande. 1 had always focused the warm up and pre-run jitters on Dande. Katie had no clue how to dealPerformance Continued on Page 76Ii 'VVSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Revew - 75r ------- nPerformance Continued From Page 75 "with the nut case that Dande just accepted. After retraining the human, Katie was able to earn her UAGI, UAGII and UACH. When I went back over her career statistics, I was amazed to find that out of 41 UKC runs, Katie had qualified 39 times and earned 2 agility HITS and 3 HCs. She was a once in a lifetime experience that I didnt realize until after the fact.UACH Pom Acres Atomic Dragonfly NA, NAJ, NAP, NJP,CGC, ThD esv, BPDX 1999 Flitteris the next generation of agility Pom. I have a focus on therapy now and she is truly awesome in that role. She can switch roles and play the agility game too. She works her heart out for me, but doesnt have the build and the joy in running agility to generate the speed for the upper level AKC classes, so she is introducing me to another aspect of the agility game the preferred classes. The preferred classes runat 4" below the regular class jump height division and have an additional 5 seconds added to the standard course times. That means that Flitter runs in the 8" regular class division and in the 4" preferred class division. We get a lot of teasing about didnt the pole setters set the jumps Dande and Katie taught me about communicating with body language. Flitter is refining the knowledge. Flitter likes to work with more lateral distance than many people would expect. Lateral distance is the space the dog is working away from the handler on a parallel line. Judges have had to jump out of my path so I can be the best distance away from Flitter to handle her the way she wants. Flitter is probably best known at agility trials for her laid-back approach to waiting between agility runs. She likes to lie in my arms or on my lap on her back as though she doesnt have a bone in her body. All the exhibitors want whatever she had to combat their nerves before running.____-Flitter ....didL4'O. 'rXPomAcres Iridescent Dragnfly CGC, 2002- Iri is my latest challenge. She, too, was chosen for her temperament for therapy work. Iri is quick and serious and delightfully silly. Iri is well on the way to showing me wonderful things in agility. She has already shown me that learning the teeter before any other contact obstacle makes the dog walk and a frame easy to understand. Iri will debut in the July and August UKC trials.A sincere Thank You to Juanita and Bob Fiddickfor Flitter and Iri Therapy Dogs Deluxe and Agility Dogs Delightful.TITLES, WE GOT TITLES[If anyone knows Joyce Hance see below, UDX, please ask her to get in touch with me]AKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYCompanion DogMickey Bohman CD, 41304, Christine and SherryBohmanPrys Shena Cheries Spitfire CD, 41704, Vemell and Joe Pry, ILPCourbette Encore Summer Song CD, 42504,Erika WilsonSusans Spice N Everything Nice CD, 42504, SusanPierceK Bar Js Klondike Bar CD, 52204, Carla Brown Kramie Pendriss CD NA NAJ, 52204, PeggyJL___________76 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewrMcgrath, ILP Utility Dog ExcellentTucker the Third Muskateer UDX, 4204, Joyce Hance, ILP Novice AgilityKramie Pendriss NA, 52104, Peggy Mcgrath, ILP Tappy, NA NAJ, 52804, Keiko Izumi, ILP Novice Agility JumperKielys Honey Dew NAJ, 41104, Amanda Kiely,ILPKramie Pendriss CD NA NAJ, 52204, Peggy Mcgrath, ILPPixie Sunsocks Schoenberg NAJ, 52904, Toni Steve Schoenberg Novice Agility PreferredMartis Mini Oreo NAP NJP, 4304, Marti Halifko Dawns Cork in a Bottle MX NAP MXJ, 5104, Dawn Jecs, ILPTaffy of Peaceful Pakers NA NAP NAJ NJP, 5804, Sandra James Lockwood, ILP Novice Agility Jumper PreferredStans Black Sky is the Limit NJP, 4304, StanHalifkoTaffy of Peaceful Pakers NA NAP NAJ NJP, 5804, Sandra James Lockwood, ILPLittle Tykes Playhouse CD OA OAJ NJP, 52904, Sherri AlspaughNotorious Tory Borealis NAJ NJP, 53004, Colleen Marie Crowe Open AgilityBarbaras Little Sunbeam CD OA AXJ, 41804, Barbara Pater, ILPEbony Spitzfires Autumn Breeze AO AOJ, 42504, Nadine Harmon, ILPUrsa Minors Autumn Leaves OA OAJ, 52304, Diana Huntress Open Agility JumperFinchs Comotion in Motion OA OAJ, 4404, Judy ChandlerSeiters Cant Touch This NA OAJ, 5104, KimSeiterLymans Little Lazer Jet NA OAJ, 51604, Judy Thompson, ILP Open Agility PreferredWhat About Me OA OAP OAJ NJP, 41804, TrudyKieferChewy Chewy Tootsie AX OAP AXJ NJP, 51504, Judith SampleOpen Agility Jumper PreferredWolfie OAP NAJ OJP, 4304, Melissa Smith DVM,ILPAgility ExcellentFinchs Comotion in Motion AX OAJ, 42404, Judy ChandlerBarbaras Little Sunbeam CD OA AXJ, 41804, Barbara Pater, ILPExcellent Agility JumperBarbaras Little Sunbeam CD OA AXJ, 41804, Barbara Pater, ILPChester Copperpot OA AXJ, 5104, Frances Fleck Tasmanian Devil Copperstopit CD NA AXJ, 5204, Sara Langston Agility Excellent PreferredKodiak Bear On Fowlers MT. AXP AJP, 52904, Janet SankeyExcellent Agility Jumper PreferredKodiak Bear On Fowlers MT. AXP AJP, 52904, Janet Sankey Master Agility ExcellentSilver-Bearss Ebony Spitzfire AX MXJ, 42404, Nadine HarmonWalters Dame Cheeky MX MXJ, 53004, PatrieciaWaltersMaster Excellent JumperKodiak AX MXJ, 4304, Sheryl Petruska, ILP Silver-Bearss Ebony Spitzfire AX MXJ, 42404, Nadine HarmonSunrunner Keegan AX MXJ, 41004, Terri Crook Cody Joe C Man MX MXJ, 52204, Carol Mehlhaff Master Agility Champion 3MACH3 Muffys Fluffy Muegge CDX, 53004, Shirley MichaelsUKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITY United Companion DogUCD Sparky the Charming Boy, Mary Sundholm United Companion Dog ExcellentUCDX UACH Clemments Little Abu, Karen BarthDogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go to .American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. Ah Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Pomsin Obedience and AgilityDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or Email meRescue secondchancepoms.orgLSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 77Swedish Pomeranian ClubChampionship ShowMay 20, 2004 - Orebro, Sweden AnnabodaKilsberg Leisure CentreBy Lynn WebsterMrs. Christine McCutcheon of Kiriemuir was invited to judge the Swedish Pomeranian Club Championship Show but as she had attracted an entry of 110 dogs, the Club needed a second judge. As I was Christines chaperone they extended the invitation to me.My task was to judge the four classes of puppies, 4-6 months and 6-9 months for dogs and bitches.The winner of the first class dogs 4-6 months Fjallsippans Bill INTUCH Mulahis Gemini x Heather Bells Midnight Sun a small compact orange dog, lost all his puppy coat and just starting out with his adult coat, good body, entire.Winner of 2nd class and Best Dog puppy dogs 6-9 months Taa Palatis U Rock Moon NUCH Taa Palatis Moon Rocket x Taa Palatis Created by Noble Art cream with hint of wolf sable in a big soft puppy coat, sweet expression, nicely put together and good size.Winner of 3rd class bitches 4-6 months Little Pompoms Miss McPhee Little PomPoms Mistletoe Joe x Little Pompoms Gypsy Rose small orange bitch, very feminine, nicely put together, just would have liked a little more of her.Winner of 4th class Best Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy bitches 6-9 months Tiny Jewels Touch of Class SUCH NUCH NV-03 Tom Puss King of the Hill x INTUCH NORDUCH FINUCH KBHV-00 NV-01 SV-02 Toranos Lolitha an absolutely gorgeous cream bitch, ultra compact, beautiful head and expression, correct mouth, high tail set, well ribbed and nicely covered, showed like a veteran, and moved true fore and aft. See photo.I had had the privilege of judging the whole Show in 2000 and it was interesting to note that they had progressed with their own, British, and American bloodlines and were producing more uniformity of size.78 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewBlack has definitely come to the front, as in Britain and had improved the quality and refinement of a Black. Oranges appear to be losing out on depth of colour.Best in Show and Best Bitch was Kate Bergh Piccolo Poms Itsy- Bitsy Nina Ricci SUCH NUCH DKUCH KBHV-01 Callevys Karies x Piccolo Poms Nusy Miss Fidji. See photo.2nd Best in Show and Best Dog was Hege Pettersens NUCH Taa Palatis Moon Rocket NUCH Taa Palatis Don Crisando x NUCH SUCH Taa Palatis Anny A New Start. See photo.Christine and I traveled on every mode of transport except a boat to get to our destination and we had left sunny Britain to a springtime Sweden. On the day of judging it was every sort of weather you could think of and we judged outside, the sun shone, it rained, it hailed and the sun shone again but it was cooler.The hospitality was so good that it did put the weather into the background and we both definitely enjoyed our day.Photos from the topBest In Show and Best BitchPiccolo Poms Itsy-Bitsy Nina Ricci 2nd Best In Show and Best Dog NUCH Taa Palatis Moon RocketBest PuppyTiny Jewels Touch of ClassK00 Joan C. 13ehrendLong Island, New York m 631 366-2330 httpwww.geocities.comlilbehrs_poms Handling Services Limited Boarding AvailablePinecrest KennelsChampion Pomeranians Mancester TerriersPI_Catherine Bolahood 905 697-24882404 Reg. Road 57 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K4bolahood speedline.cawww.pomeranians.cawww.manchesterterriers.caMemorial EditionNovDec 2004 Pomeranian Review Please send include your memorials and dedications to friends, family and Poms lost throughout the year.A special Memorial to Sawyer,Ch. Razzle Dazzle Texas Hoedown,by Charlene Waters will be featured.The November December 2004 Pomeranian Review will feature a specialHoliday Greeting section.Fourth page greeting card ads are only 40.00. This includes one photo. Get those Poms and Pom puppies and take some great shots to share with us. Photos may be sent to Deadline October 1, 2004.NEEDED NEEDEDRegional Pom ReportersLike to write Love the Pom scene Then we need you. The Pomeranian Review is looking for several qualified people across the US to report on Pom clubs, shows and other functions of the Pom world. If you think you would make a great Regional Reporter, please contact the editor as soon as possible.We need you9 - 11 WE WILL REMEMBER.v, -c1.1This photo was forwarded from one of the last U.S. Marine companies in Iraq. They would like to have it passed to as many people as possible, to let the folks back home know that they remember why theyre there and that they remember those who have been lost.The proud warriors of Baker Company wanted to do something to pay tribute to our fallen comrades. So since we are part of the only Marine Infantry Battalion left in Iraq the one way that we could think of doing that is by taking a picture of Baker Company saying the way we feel. It would be awesome if you could find a way to share this with our fellow countrymen. I was wondering if there was any way to get this into your papers to let the world know that WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN and are proud to serve our country. Semper Fi, 1st Sgt Dave JobeFURTHER READING ON COAT COLOR Further reading on blues, and genetics of coat color in generalSHOW POMERANIANS, by Lilia Ives, published by Our Dogs Publishing Co, Manchester, England, 1911.THE POPULAR POMERANIAN, by Mrs. E. Parker, Popular Dogs Publishing Co, England, circa 1930.THE COMPLETE POMERANIAN, by Milo G Denlinger, Denlingers Publishing, Silver Spring, Maryland, 1950.BREEDING AND GENETICS OF THE DOG by Anne Fitzgerald Paramoure, Denlingers Publishing, Middleburg, Virginia, 1959.THE INHERITENCE OF COAT COLOR IN DOGS, by Clarence C. Little, Howell Book House, New York, 1967.GENETICS OF THE DOG by Malcolm B. Willis, Howell Book House, New York, 1989. httpwww.itahangreyhound.orgcda.html explains Color-Dilution Alopecia in great detailhttpskyway.usask.caschmutzdilutions.htmlTYRP2 this link not only contains excellent material on dilution, hut also shows a photo of ah four self-colors in one shot.httpbowlingsite.mcf.comGeneticsGenetics.html possibly the best and most easily-understood reference on coat-color genetics, kept current by updateshttpnetpet.batw.netgeneticsdog.i.color.html a link on canine eye color80 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewSANDPOMSPOMERANIANSfifeSANDRA JOHNSONN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, Wl 54636 PH 608 526-1051 httpwebpages.charter.netsandpomsFRANSUftr.' iWOLFIE - A PIXIE POM EXOTICS TO LOVEANDREA HUGHES EVELYN NEWYEARP.O. BOX 57 SOD, WV 25564 PH 304 756-9356WE DO NOT SHIPNEUJAHRorOChel esSpecializing in parti and parti- factored Pomeranians 4ATina GunnerCh. Finchs Parti Time TinaCh. Finchs Peacemaker Parti Elaine Waugh OhioCheryl Kerrkeishaches chelanes. com New Hampshire44 \Iu \S'.-,LindaPelz - 7X254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww.dreamweaverpom.comJacemda Pomsmm - py.,v.-a i 'TVA ,ifiJennifer Falk810 387-9570 faslkstergreatlakes. netCindy Golden321 638-4291 www. j acindapoms. comPARKillTom Wilson916-689-9586 Sacramento, CA parka vepoms comcast.netPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLE yndCor PomsBecky 989-832-3408 wyndlor chartermi.netfVyncCCorTomsSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 81Pomeranian Clnbof Central IndianaAPC SUMMER SPECIALTY September 23, 2004 Four Points Sheraton Indianapolis, INPCCI SPECIALTYSeptember 24, 2004 Four Points Sheraton Indianapolis, INShow Secretary Sherri Alspaugh 812 925-6477 See page 45 for more information.Central Arkansas Pom Club Speciality Show Saturday, September 25, 2004 700 PM Hot Springs Arkansas babespomstcworks.netPom Club of Central Virginia Specialty Match October 2, 2004J. Sargeant Reynolds Comm. College Parham Campus in Richmond, VA. Diana Downey Dimondeearthlink.netThe East Texas Toy Dog Fanciers will host their second Toy Dog Fun Match October 8,2004 in Canton, Texas. Lori Burchett at 903-876- 1900 Kristi Bounds at 903-566-7749 or royalbounds yahoo.comS' EVENTS2005AKCEukanuba National Championship Saturday and Sunday January 15 -16, 2005 Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida Pomeranian Judge Joe C. WaltonToy Group Judge Enrique Jorge Filippini, Buenos Aires, Argentina Best In Show Michele Billings of Ft. Lauderdale, FLWestminster Kennel ClubMadison Square Garden, New York, New YorkWestminster Kennel ClubFebruary 14-15, 2005 Toys Monday, Feb 14Pomeranian Judge Mrs. Anne Katona, Morgan Hill, CA Toy Group Judge Mr. Kenneth McDermott, Newburgh, NY Best In Show Judge Mrs. Lynette Saltzman, Westport, CTAmerican Pomeranian Club National Specialty Obedience Trial March 14, 15, 16, 17, 2005 Executive Inn, Louisville, KY Sweepstakes Judge - Maynard WoodJunior Showmanship, Regular Non-Regular Classes Judge - Fred Bassett Obedience Judge - Richard Mullen Show Chairperson - Diana Downey Show Secretary - Cindy BoulwareKENNELVISITSiovember December 2004Judy Green - Razzle Dazzle Poms Hal Webster - DH Crew PomsDeadline Oct. 1,2004Please contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Coordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Ph. 903-882-1950 or email RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESFirst Class 45Bulk Rate 37Foreign Rate 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55ingle Issue 10For more information contact Brenda Segelken 217-347-5731 fame62401\J82 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email http Iffland11290 Old Lake Road Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email pomsawaylegypt.netTresstipePomeraniansAm 'NBonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island NY 11953 631-205-5223 tresspoms'Pomenattiattmii4rCh. Avalon's Prince Matchabelli "Monte" Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.JPatrimsVomeramans19CH. PATRICIA'S LIL MISS MOLLY ROMCh. Stud service available to approved bitches Puppies and Adults available occasionallyPad Umielvn616 Mystery Bridge Road Evansville, WY 82636 307 265-3305 Email patipomsyahoo.comNeat stuff for sale on EbayEbay Seller ID-'I nmcresProfessionaf TJandfinj Audrey Jd. 337-392-2094 Cell 713-204-7225 Assisted by Jessica JohnsonSeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 83hair will tend to thin and break on the ears and paws, possibly because these are areas tnat are mucn in mouuu. 1 JU.C- UKJKJ-y iiitxjr uxuw -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------thin.However, the great blue Poms of the past are often described as having huge, harsh, correct coats with no hair loss. Therefore, it is entirely possible to establish a line of blue Pomeranians free of hair problems. If there can be a good thing about a Pom with alopecia, it is that blue Poms showing hair breakage will show it very young. By the time a blue Pom is old enough to breed, it will have manifested this trait if affected by it, and can be avoided in a breeding program. One rule of successfully breeding blue Poms is to avoid purchasing young puppies as foundation stock. The very best scenario would be to buy stock a year old or older, and preferably from an established line long free of hair loss.As with any exotic, good type can be bred into a line by outcrossing foundation dogs to the best show stock available and naturally, this will usually mean breeding to an orange or sable. Because dilution is a recessive that probably few orange dogs carry, it may take several generations for blue dogs to appear in ones new line, but the improvement in type is worth the extra investment of time. However, as blue Poms were once so popular, the dilution gene may float along from the distant past and crop up in any orange line hopefully as a pleasant surprise. If this is so, one may produce blues in their first-generation outcross to an orange.There is a second problem in blue Poms, although not as serious an issue as hair loss the bronzing that affects the coats of many blues. This unattractive discoloration is more apt to happen in darker blues. Historically, breeders of blues held that the lighter a blue, the clearer the color.How to create a lighter line of blues has been a subject of much debate, one theory being to breed blues to cream dogs to lighten the color of the progeny. However, the gene which gives rise to cream is the C gene, which dilutes ONLY yellow pigment, not black. An example of a dog affected by this gene is the cream sable orange has been diluted to cream, but any black in the coat remains. Since a self-colored solid blue lacks yellow pigment in its coat, there is no chance, that breeding tcTa cream will affect blue color. ''Hi ^ nn f\1 ' AY\.Thus it can be seen that there are some problemsto overcome in breeding solid blues. Is this color worth thettouble Historically, of course, blue Pomeranians have existed in our breed from its beginning and were common in the show ring long before orange Poms. We might not have a time machine, but the words of Milo Denlinger might help us visualize one of these early blue show Poms, when he described Ch. Blue Boy in his 1950 book THE COMPLETE POMERANIAN^ Tie was not only_gorgeous in respect to his color, a clear, light, unflecked blue which he retained throughout his life, but he was also sound and typical and carried a long coat of correct texture which stood right off from his shapely body.Breeding great blues may not be easy, but once it was routinely done by many breeders. Is the show ring complete without the blue PomeranianBRINDLE BY JANE LEHTINENThe brindle pattern is one of the most fascinating patterns of our breed. My first experience with the pattern was with a dog called Can. Ch. Jayens Teacup Tiger. He was, and is still, one of the most typey Pomeranians of any color or pattern I have seen.It started back in the 1970s with a chocolate bitch that Marge Gorman sent to Thelma Dunn to be bred to Dunns Little Tomstopper. According to Thelma, she was one of worst bitches that she had ever gotten in to breed. She wanted to kill any thing that got near her including Thelma. Her dam was a German import but she was a lovely type so Thelma bred her for Marge. I am sure that the ensuing pattern that was bom was a surprise to both Thelma and Marge. So Boulder River Paco A Paco was bom out of a total outcross. He had lots of type to give his sons and daughters. Joan Grant was sold Boulder River Paco a Paco. Ive been told that he was shown a few times in California but did not do well as the judges did not know what to do with the pattern. So off to Canada he went to be part of Joans breeding program. From there I found Jayens Teacup Tiger, a grandson of Paco, in Winnipeg owned by Til Lavovich. She was just starting his show career and I fell in love with this dog and had to breed to him. From that breeding came the foundation stock that produce three American Champions and one almost finished lacking only a few singles and a major to finish. When I look at the brindles that have come from this dog I see Tiger as he was back in theH980s. His and his grandfathers type have carried on though many generations of dogs.i f ATo obtain this pattern one must have two dogs that either carries the gene or one has the pattern on i5its body to -produce it. Just because they havebrindle behind them does not mean that they will produce the pattern. I am assuming that the chocolate bitch must have been a brindle chocolate as being Dunns Little Tomstopper was a red sable. Therefore, if both were solids-with no brindle markings they should not be able to produce the pattern. Joan Grant told me that she bred-outthe brindle-pattern by breeding_only the solid-ofFspring.,oher brindles and to this day has not had brindle come from her dogs even if they were doubled up on the hope that they both carried the brindle gene. From my experience, I have tried to breed two brindle bred oranges together and did not come up with brindle whereas when I breed brindle to orange I got 50 brindle, and brindle to brindle, 100 brindle. I have never crossed colors such as black, black and tan or blues with this pattern because when others have they have either lost the pattern or ended up with muddy patterns. When we rewrote the standard we tried to make it clear about the dog being an orange dog with black stripe but so far we have ended up with black and tans that have stripes running up and down the orange on the legs and black dogs with lots of orange that have black faces and black legs but have a lot of orange hairs on the back and pants that are not striped but are registered as brindle.Also breeding brindle to black loses the pattern, as the black is dominant. You end up with dogs that are all black. We all end up with mismarks in all the patterns. My first brindle was a black bitch with a few brindle markings on her legs and sides but really basically was what we call a bad black that carried the brindle gene. All of my brindles go back to her. One of my rules is I only breed orange to brindle and brindle to brindle. I have found that I keep a pretty clear orange brindle this way. It took me many years to produce both of my champions and only from keeping only the best and placing the rest in pet homes. Although I have seen brindle come out of solids that should have not produced brindle as they did not have any listed behind them, it still can happen. When you dilute the color with blacks, blues, browns, etc. you lose that strong orange color and end up with dogs that are not as pretty. As a rule one does not mix the patterns as you will end up with dogs that are not the correct pattern or you will lose that pattern altogether.As the brindle gets older it changes color, turning into to a black dog. Both Ch. Jan Les Color Me Badd and his sister Ch. Jan Les Rumm Tumm Tigger started out as an orange dog with brindle stripes which they were bom with. As life went on they turned black with orange hairs running though. All of my brindles as they aged darken up, and lost that wonderful pattern. See Page 80 for a list of additional reading resources on coat COLOR.88 - SeptOct 2004 APC Pomeranian Reviewr 9.^ 'h tWOLFSABLE PARTIBLUEL rV_1V ' viifcL CREAMREDCHOCOLATEI.STiV.B9r.WHITEORANGEBRINDLEft- -rsr' r I missed the ending of another good movie Joey submitted by Roxanne Collins.4 \t.v.rMom forgot me Never Mom Mom Hey, Mom, I am down here Y00J100, Mom Owned by Dolly Pierson.Back lues1----------------- To order back issues, mail check toAssistant Back Issues Manager, Laura Meineke7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227, 513 271-3983panachepoms hotmail.comAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00bPat Dagues Vegas chilling out before a show.The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 80 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible for the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.0772^m4\nCktaitif Wu lSoPhotoCh Wang WhopperJunior x Ch. Great Elms FAME-us DollyRanger finished at the Champaign, IL Kennel Club shows with two five point majors, two Best of Breeds and a Group 2 from - Bred By Exhibitor class. Thanks to Rangers many ringside admirers. Watch for Ranger as he begins his specials career. Our constant prayers are with the Christiansen, Waters and Danielson families.May God continue to give you His strength and courage throughout these very difficult times.BredOwnedHandledThe Pomeranian ReviewAdvertisersAdams, Reed and Kay.................................................27Allridge, Valerie.......................................................... 24Alspaugh, Sherri..........................................................18Baugniet. Dick and Sally.............................................28Barrett. Deborah.......................................................... 27Behrend, Joan C...........................................................80Berryman, Ann............................................................15Betz, Karen..................................................................39Bolahood, Catherine and Paige...............................59. 80Bounds, Kristi..............................................................25Bounds, Royal............................................................. 25Burchett, Lori...............................................................25Buske, Randy...........................................................19, 26Carlson, Alice..........................................................27. 85Cartwright. Ron and Sherry....................................17, 26Chambers, Wendy....................................................... 28Collins, Roxanne.........................................................31Coolman. Teleha..........................................................27Coventry, Dana............................................................30Crawford, Karen......................................................19, 25Coburn, Naida................................................................8Dague, Robert and Pat.............................................52, 85Danielson. Pati........................................................ 22. 83Davis, Annette and Erik.............................................. 83DeCicco, Linda............................................................37Decklar. Renee............................................................51Dimick. Virginia..........................................................24Domrase, Alden A. and Janet R..................................93Dumler. Opal...............................................................29Earle. Bobii..................................................................94Evans, Cassandra.........................................................25Falk, Jennifer...............................................................81Farr, Anita....................................................................27Felix, Dan and Tammee..............................................51Finch, Diane.................................................................85Freia, Jerrie..................................................................85Green. Walda...............................................................10Gilstrap. David and Carlene.....................12, 13, 14, 15Griffith. Ken and Eleanor............................................11Gross. Diana.................................................................27Hansen. Mendy............................................................29Hanson, Sharon.....................................Front Cover, 16Harris, Bonnie..............................................................83Heckert. Elizabeth....................................................... 25Hirshberg. Jackie......................................................... 27Hollander, Deb.............................................................30Homann, Paulette........................................................ 31Hryniuk, Jen.................................................................25Hughes, Andrea...........................................................81Hurst, Billie................................................................. 93Iffland, Mari................................................................ 83Jackson. Cheryl......................................................... 7, 14Jackson. Rebecca.....................................................12, 13Jennings, Margaret...................................................... 28Johnson, Sandra.......................................................26. 81Johnson. Shannon........................................................ 27Kelly. Velma................................................................36Kerr, Cheryl.................................................................81Klein, Jessie.................................................................23Krzewicki. Barbara................................................... 6. 27Langston, Melvina......................................................2, 3Leemhuis, Carol...........................................................27Lehtinen, Jane..............................................................96Levinsohn, Alane...........................................................27Lopez, Larry...................................................................27Lucatorto, Sue........................................................... 28, 49Luett, Diane................................................................... 22Machniak, Donna...................................................... 30. 85Martin. Shelley...............................................................24McCombs, Babe........................................................22, 51McDonald. Cheri........................................................... 39McFarlane. Pauline........................................................19Meineke, Laura.............................................................. 24Miller, Danielle and Chantelle..................................... 30Miller, Ken and Eleanor................................................85Mohn. Diane...................................................................24Molina, Leesa.................................................................24Moore, Carol..................................................................25Myers, Dr. Lawrence...................................................7, 14Norris. Jo........................................................................30Nesbit, Angie................................................................. 24Newyear, Evelyn........................................................... 81Norem, Kathy...............................................................4, 5Ohlemacher, Paula.........................................................29Otis, Laurie.................................................................... 24Owens, Betsy.................................................................29Pelz. Linda.........................................................24. 81. 95Pietzsch, Bob..................................................................24Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana.............................49Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia.............................26Power, Karen................................................................. 36Presser, Marlene........................................................19, 26Price, Lana..................................................................... 50Raynor, Ken and Jackie.................................................26Reed, Nancy...................................................................53Riehm, Donna................................................................29Rivers, Gale....................................................................24Roberts, Audrey.............................................................83Rogers, Sherrilynn.........................................................59Rosenbaum, Mary.....................................................31. 83Rothell, Terry and Jordan..............................................36Russell, Janice................................................................29Sabourin. Becky..........................................................9, 81Scott, Kelley.................................................................... 8Segelken, Brenda...........................................................91Shields, Shari.............................................................29. 85Shipek, Sharon.................................................................3Smith. Joseph...................................................................2Smith. Julia L.................................................................26Smith. Nancy................................................................. 94Smith, Ron and Merilyn................................................41Solano, Diana.................................................................26Solano, Robert and Celeste........................................... 41Stephens, Mickey...........................................................26Stoll, Fran.......................................................................29Sullivan, Deborah.......................................................... 24Suppe, Renee................................................................. 25Takayama, Ellen............................................................73Thomas, Nancy..............................................................29Waters, Gregg and Charlene..........................................85Waugh, Elaine............................................................... 81Webb. Buff.....................................................................22Wells. Mike...............................................................81. 95Williams, Gina...............................................................53Williams, Jacqueline Reddin.......................................23Wilson, Tom..............................................................28, 81AI HEN EGEN1N-. -r Jfc- rr-truriu--- -TKS atel-5r ^rfiKS - X- 2rm6810Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072 815 728-0559, Fax 815 653-5106k V BlueRock PomeraniansitltZMAJORWy y, ipresents'Toby is pictured here going BOB over specials for his second major under Judge Don Sutton. Mr.Sutton also awarded Toby a Group 4. The following weekend, Judge Joe Walton also awarded him BOB over specials to finish. His first weekend out as a special, Ms. Maijorie Underwood also awarded him BOB. Thank you Mr. Sutton, Mr. Walton and Ms.Underwood. Thank you also to Dr. David Doane,Herb Rosen, Ken Miller, Florise Hogan, William Devilleneuve and Dennis McCoy major.' JWatch for Tobys sons, BlueRocks TalkOf The Town pointed, 2004 Grand Futurity Winner, handled by co-owner Diana Downey, and BlueRocks Happy Talk, handled by co-owner HelenBrinn. Ch. BlueRocks Talk About Me' E mCongratulations to Danielle Miller on your Junior vBreederOwnerBillie Hurstimcees Lil Red Dorito x BlueRocks Southern MaJwliaJive and to Bobii Earle and Diana Solano on your Kennel Visits. \ ^Wishing a speedy recovery to Cristy, Jessica and Tricia Christiansen.Roseland, VA434 277-9128bluerocktffiJynchburg.netHandlerDiana M. DowneyGum Spring, VA 804 556-2877 Dimonde earthlink.netA coicAlul note to , Si 'in , ' 2 . 7Scoot, StnicLesicuul onefact VMXMUW4Utt to MlCfiOUr7iuzfiy,Dtyo be-ze in, 'PCoziclo. Tfle, cute oonoy, cue one not clooe, euouyA ^ ct^c voUt. tAou^U^ mcL fioacyeno one uUtA you,. lJe ouiA oc could 6c tAenc to aAoto you, 6otu vnucA uac cane.Ch Bobu s Return Uf the.irv ir lFStricter1 fSr, Scoop-dIEGENDAKY MSpresents...Special prayers tc the Christiansen family for theirspeedy reccyeriesP.S. We have 2 neutered beys locking fer their special hemes.LegendaryPomsNancy Smith Norwood, HO 417 746-474C smittygetgoin.netI.y-ASs rBESTliBREEDVARIETYCITY IMflJEFFERSONKENNEL JULY2004PHOTO BY DOWNEYMI lll klllThanks toBetsy Owens for his wonderful presentationThanks to breeder Atari Iffland for allowing Pete to be my boyMarbirs Legendary Irish Ccffee66PeteomeraniansProudly Introduces Our 3rd Generation ChampionCH DreamWeavers Sparklin Fire Rose. Rosie .Si v.BEST OF WINNERSNEW CHAMPIONalamo area toy dog club2004COPR PHOTO BYik LUIS F. SOSAW 504-689-999^BREElVRREi A_XCH DREAMWEAVERS FIRE DANCER X PRIMETIME DAYS OF WINE N ROSESRosie started out with a bang at 6 months old by taking back-to-back 4-point Majors. She did it again by taking her third 4- point Major 2 weeks later. Unfortunately, she broke her leg in March, needing only 1 point to finish.Rosie was back in the ring, mid-June and finished in style with a 3-point Major in July under Judge James Reynolds.We wish to thank all the judges who have appreciated this well-moving beauty Jeffery Bazell, Charlotte Patterson, VickiAbbott, Dolores Maltz and James Reynolds.We also wish to Thank Michael and Shalon Parrott of Ragdoll Poms for letting us lease Rosies dam.Proud BreedersOwnersHandlersLinda Pelz Michael Wellswww.dreamweaverpom.comBlack Is BackJan Le Pomeranians introduce our newestN'V ^VHJIkWINNERSBADGER KENNELlci BKcarl CLUBVflOlS^May 2. 2004 C K. BOOTH\CH. Jan Les Dont Be SillySire Ch. Jan Les Just A Dash Of Millamor Dam Ch Castile's SilhouetteOur first black in 25 years that we have bred. Thank you Geno Sisneros for breeding Serious Mom and Curtis Van Leur for letting me Co-Breed this litter.Owner Jane LehtinenJan Le Poms