The below is strictly the text lifted via OCR from an issue of The Pomeranian Review. To view the actual issue please download the original PDF file.
The Pomeranian Review November 2004
Table of Contents
Advertisers Index 76APC Board Summary Janice Russell 43
APC National Specialty Info 70
APC Officers 19
APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel 45, 46, 47
APC Summer Specialty 22, 23, 24, 25, 54, 55, 56, 57, 65
Archives 29
Ask Us Anything Annette Davis 30
Back Issue Information 76
Behind New Titlists 41
Book Report Joan Behrend 72
Charitable Trust Foundation Update 43
Coming Events 70
Cover Story Ch Firebrook's Tabasco Fiasco 12
Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder 52, 53
Judges Critiques 29
Just FUR Fun 77
Kennel Visit Judy Green 34 - 36
Kennel Visit Hal Webster 38 - 40
Kennel Visits, Future Features 18, 43, 74
Letter from the Editor 41
Membership Report Annette Davis 18
New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel 45
PCCI Pom Specialty 26, 27, 28
Performance News Barbara McClatchey 62, 63, 64
Pom Club of Central Virginia Futurity 68, 69
Pom Club of Greater Des Moines 60, 61
Pom In Vogue 58, 59
Pom Talk Roxanne Collins 66, 67
President's Report Margaret McKee 20, 21
Registrar's Corner Carol Leemhuis 18
Salute to Our Armed Forces 75
Subscription Card 74
Subscription/Review Information 16, 74
Sunshine and Roses 74
The Way I See It Sue Lucatorto 42
Ways and Means Donna Riehm 44
Ways and Means Pom Shoppe 44
Website Address 19, 29
Ch Firebrook's Tabasco Fiasco Front Cover
The Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.k TMaasfl -r-V Aro CLaCueva Kennel Presents its Future CastFrom Left to RightLaCueva DHCrew Twist N Shout Pepper LaCueva Dirty Dancing PatrickLaCueva Pit Pat Paddiwack Itsy Bitsy LaCueva Noble Nite Twain PercyLaCueva Noble Twain Twadition PollyannaO'mH LL2Ni4hmK.CAugustev Photo4jI i [fern wA i'AIsS'sfey vfeiPNGRANDSWEEPSTAKESrWfOMEfrIThejudges are all flipping over our little black boy. Above is Mr. Flip with handler Karen Chisam winning Grand Sweep- stakes at the National Summer Specialty under Cindy Boulware. Many thanks to the judges that can appreciate a beautiful black boy Also, thanks to Karen for all of her love and hard work she puts into our dogs and to his breeder Diane Finch for allowing me to own this wonderful boyH3ppyHo11d3ysOwner Danielle SartainDasar Handler. Keircn ChlScimBreeder Diane FinchFinchs Pomeranians www.finchspoms.com1MoriArc Pups Ife V L K_i \agm9.tfO^OTfUE^ootjZ^f PomcsFSimoaDi Smi[pitl[ioDatoDfS rail tBG Washes t Joa [retell mxsl orfo^ giai fcriendg Husi MeB^ster, era tkheor terara0 wosilfeo fiisMttg feetfe Rtimiied raDHappy HoMIdS^s ft al arac^ may the Mw acr te full f PURPLE RHSBGNiS.teg] Shields301 261-3727 sshiekMNrols.cJJ-ah.hucJJolLcL au iJewel and her latest kids Diamond and Precious, along with all the other Bachman Pomeranians wish everyone a very Happy Holiday season.Congratulations to Hal Webster and Judy Green on their well deserved kennel visit.Bachman Pomeranians Cheri McDonaldCh. Bachman's Precious Jewel9 Bachman's Precious Diamond Bachman's Precious Ul Jevrel sired by BISS Ch. Mountain Crest JJ WWW. bachmanpoms. com F ,r cc 99 -u-r^r'\ 'm-4BEST OF BREED m TOR VARIETY ir asirrngTSH'SF rMT. PALOMAR KENNEL CLUB 21 jg\ PHOTOS by KIT2004 AGh. Showcase Hot TopicBISS Ch. Mountain Crest JJ x Ch. Showcase Charmed Im SureSpecial thanks to Judge Carolyn Herbel for this Best of Breed, major win over some lovely specials to finish Ozzies championship. Thanks always to my co-breeder and handler, Curtiss Smith for his professional presentation.Congratulations to Judy Greens well-deserved kennel visit and continued success with your lovely dogs.May your stars continue to rise. Congratulations also to Hal Webster on your kennel visit.Sympathies to the Waters for the loss of BISS Ch. Razzle Dazzle Texas Hoedown.howeas Pomeraniansfllansz lsvmsohnBurbank, California818 352-9536 website ShowcasePoms.comWyndTor PomsIntroducesAVi' ..WINNERS MAJORlJBCJ 5 T ,1m,1 SATURDAY- rINN EL CLUicTtforos syCh. Trudys Wyndlor Causin HavocBISABISS AmCan Ch. Jan-Shars Dudly Doright ROM, HOF, GC X Trudys Cream DeliteGreta is the third champion from this combination to finish. Shown by her breeder, Nancy Coddington, Greta finished with four majors. My thanks to Nancy for finishing her and to the judges that gave her these wins.My condolences to Charlene and Gregg on the loss of Sawyer.Becky Sabourin989 832-3408 wyndlorchartermi.netBreeders offeree Rouxs sln.ce 1ysy1440Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 - K. G. Griffith - Owner-cSi JkiiV 9GROUPPLACINGVMONTICELLO. NY 7 \ Kennel Clubto -m.CH. MAGIC TOUCH OF LUNETTESire Ch. Music Maker of Lenette Dam Nikki of Lenette Handler Vikki OelerichCH. MAGIC TOUCH X DEE DEE OF LENETTEThis is the first litter for Magic.j44444444We have litters due by Ch. Music Maker of Lenette, Ch. Magic Touch of Lenette, Ch. Charming Prince of Lenette, Ch. Great Elms Little Cricket, and Ch. Paughprints On the Mtn. Crest. We want to thank the Gilstraps for allowingus to breed to Logan.We would like to express our graditude to Ruth Beam for allowing us to bring Ch. Great Elms Little Cricket into our kennel. Cricket is an exceptional little fellow and BISS winner. He is now at public stud to a limited number of approved bitches for a limited time. We know a number of breeders have for years wanted to breed to the Great Elms studs, but could not due to Ruths age and not being able to meet dogs at the airport. Stud fee is 350.00.Best wishes to Judy Green and Hal Webster for being featured in this issue.The weekend of September 24 was a good weekend for Lenette puppies.Katy Stalnaker with her two 7 months puppies did the following Male by Music won 5 points his first show andfemale by Music won two 4 point majors.Angela Blocker won WD with her 7 month old Music pup his first show.Thank you, girls, for buying and showing your Lenette puppies.Thank you, Vikki Oelerich for showing our new puppy in his first shows this same weekend. Band of Gold of Lenette won two Best Of Breeds, two majors and two toy group firsts puppy.Give us a call or visit our website www.lenettepoms.com444444444NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomerxnmn Review - 7cwt minim, Stood met tBeaa, andLil Behrs Ever Ready Reprised X Ch Great Rivers Cupids ArrowBest Of Breed3tuu6ell StaumLil Behrs Valentine Canchlie's l n limitedt 1'Jf ffiABEST OF BREED KBXX t \2i SEPT. 5, 2004 JOHN ASHBEYAt 7 months oldBOB - Westchester KC - Judge Margaret Reed BOB - Lehigh Valley KC - Judge Jacqueline RaynerBoth Russell and Honey have gone BOB and BOS over specials from the Bred by Exhibitor Class My thanks to the judges who recognized the quality in these puppiesLil Behrs Pomeranians Joan C. Behrend8 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review631 366-2330 BreederOwnerHandlerthe HedidJh make owe hearts flutterBest Of BreedMoneyLil Behrs Honey Nut Clusterfee,mrr.'T- VS I'-e-i-s BEItr.ssS3SIwpnn tufnVtr'i\l't-ri umzmmtA e\lmis i Li 3BESTOF BREED 1mmrsBOB - Somerset Hills - Judge Michael Canalizo BOB - Schooleys Mtn. KC - Judge Mrs. William Kendrick BOS - Elm City KC - Judge Steve Hayden BOS - Lehigh Valley KC - Judge Jackie Rayner BOS - Berks County KC - Judge Carolyn Herbel BOS - Northwestern CT DC - Judge Ingela GramMy thanks to Sharon Yampiro for the years of knowledge and hard work behind your Cupid and Beau, the foundation behind these beautiful puppies.To Judy, Charlene and Gregg. I am very sorry about the loss of Sawyer. You all know how much I thought of him and the breed will be poorer for his passing.rNovemberDecember 2004 ARC Pomeranisn Review - 9NEWCPAMPICN HI CPEST AT SPPINGWCCD"VinnCh. Pierce Arrows Justin Time x Mountain Crest AbbyThank you Judge Mildred Bryant. Going BOWBOB'T11- Jr- xCOLUMBUS K.C. AUG. 2004GRAY PHOTO BY CATHY1Thank You Judge Peggy Hauck. Going BOWBOBrBEST OF BREEDNEW CHAMPIONMACON KEMJEL CLUBAUG. 2004GRAY PHOTO BY CATHY1Special thanks to Judge Sandra Goose Allen for the highest of compliments.Congrats to Judy Green. Razzle Dazzle Poms and Hal Webster, DHCrew Poms. Continued prayers for the Christiansen, Waters and Danielson families.MORE EXCITING NEWS Vinny goes BOB both days at Murfreesboro. Thank you Judge Canalizo and Judge Kendrick.Rebecca Jackson513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35634BreederCc-Cwner 256 757-9837 OwnerHandlerCarlene Gilstrap Rebecca JacksonUt. Crest Pomeranians Springwood PomeraniansWinstar PomvPinecresl's Perfect PavarottiPavarotti won Best of Breed under Mr. Robert Sturm on August 1. Pavarotti was also awarded Best of Winners by Mr. William Bergum at the Sir Francis Drake KC on September 12. He is now well on his way to his American Championship. The following weekend he obtained his International Championship winning two Group 2s on the way Thank you to thejudges who have recognized his qualities.Congratulations to Judy Green, Razzle Dazzle Poms, and to Hal Webster, DHCrew Poms, on your kennel visits this monthWinstar Poms - Ben Lomond CaliforniaNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 11The Rcmeranian ReviewContentsAdvertisers Index................................................................................................76APC Board Summary Janice Russell........................................................43APC National Specialty Info................................................................................70APC Officers.......................................................................................................19APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel..............................................45, 46, 47APC Summer Specialty.22, 23, 24, 25, 54, 55, 56, 57, 65Archives...............................................................................................................29Ask Us Anything Annette Davis..................................................................30Back Issue Information.......................................................................................76Behind New Titlists............................................................................................41Book Report Joan Behrend........................................................................72Charitable Trust Foundation Update..................................................................43Coming Events....................................................................................................70Cover Story Ch. Firebrook's Tabasco Fiasco..................................12Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder........................................52, 53Judges Critiques.................................................................................................29Just FUR Fun......................................................................................................77Kennel Visit Judy Green.................................................................34 - 36Kennel Visit Hal Webster...............................................................38 - 40Kennel Visits, Future Features.........................................................18, 43, 74Letter from the Editor.........................................................................................41Membership Report Annette Davis............................................................18Memorial Ch. Razzle Dazzle Texas Hoedown.,48, 49, 50New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel..................................................... 45PCCI Pom Specialty..........................................................................26, 27, 28Performance News Barbara McClatchey.............................62, 63, 64Pom Club of Central Virginia Futurity...........................................................68, 69Pom Club of Greater Des Moines................................................................ 60, 61Pom In Vogue...............................................................................................58, 59Pom Talk Roxanne Collins................................................................. 66, 67Presidents Report Margaret McKee..................................................20, 21Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis.......................................................... 18Salute to Our Armed Forces...............................................................................75Subscription Card...............................................................................................74SubscriptionReview Information..................................................................16, 74Sunshine and Roses...........................................................................................74The Way I See It Sue Lucatorto................................................................. 42Ways and Means Donna Riehm.................................................................44Ways and Means Pom Shoppe..........................................................................44Website Address...........................................................................................19, 29Trent CcverDe-Jay Poms presentsCh. Firebrooks Tabasco Fiascot TobySire Ch. Pufprides Sweet Dreams Darn Firebrooks Citrus Twist Breeder Lee CookFollowing in his fathers footsteps, Toby since April 21 to September 12 has already taken2 Group I ] Group Q 2 Group ID 2 Group IVWatch for Toby in the Specials ring inProudly and lovingly owned by Lee Cook, Donna Machniak, Dana Coventry Handled by Donna MachniakCli. Pom Acres Rios Gempending AKC confirmationw Vmi BAnar^.lI'M N ^ m,IS........ nW\BEST OF OPPOSITEMAJORBURLINGTON KENNEL CLUB AUGUST 2004DOWNEY PHOTO BY-SHIRLEYSCli. Classics Diamond Rio x Cli. Pom Acres New Days DawnThanks to Glenda Shaffer for showing Gem and to all the judges who saw the beauty and movement in this lovely bitch. Special thanks to Mrs. Mildred Bryant, who gave Gem a 5 point major and Best of Opposite Sex at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines Specialty over two champion females.PROUDLY PRESENTINGDHCREW ROCK-N-RUMBLE^5i\y-TCh. DHCrew Ruff-N-Ready X Ch. DHCrew Elizabethan AgendaRummy is my beautiful redsable boy and my first show Pom. He has 11 points and recently has been shown in the Ohio area looking for that last major. In an extremely llimited breeding program he hassired Ch. Oasis A Life of Riley.I will always be grateful to Hal Webster for my start in this breed and for allowing Rummy to become a part of my life. My husband and I wish nothing but the best for Hal and all the DHCrew Pomeranians.Watch for our puppy, Horizon Afterwhile Crocodile, who is featured on the back cover.Cindy OnoskoColumbus, Ohio 614 459-673214 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranmn ReviewMANY thanks to Marlene Presser and Randy Buske for handling Berrie to an Award of Merit at the APC National Specialty Berrie will remain in Enumclaw, WA for an undetermined period of time, where he is siring some exciting puppiesCongratulations to Judy Green and Hal Webster on your features this month.Heartfelt condolences and deepest concern for my friend, Larry Lopez, on the passing of his mom. To all who lost beloved Poms, deep sorrow still lingers but time will heal.Take care, and much love.Jessie Klein Keepsake Pomeranians 903 882-1950rmit4.'1y fwz.. vvoCM. Keepsakes Berrie Traditionafe1-.faCH. Keepsakes Berrie TraditionalCurrently at STUD in WAHappyHolidaysTinGloCongratulations to our dear friendHal Websteron his much-deserved kennel visitDan and Tammee Felix Sunglo Pomeranians sunglopoms httphome.att.netsunglopoms5-j.We ipomerantan 3ebtetoTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. PUBLICATIONEditor...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscriptions...............................................................................................................................................................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comBack Issues......................................................................................................................................................................................................................Laura Meineke7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227 PH 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comProofreaders...........................................................................................................................................................................................Joan Behrend, Becky SabourinAdvertisement Manager.......................................................................................................................................................................................................Jessie Klein13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704 PH 903 882-1950 Jessiemykeepsakes.netAssistant Advertisement Managers...................................................................................Joan Behrend, Walda Green winstarpomsaol.comBusiness Card Manager................................................................................................................................................................................................Becky Sabourin2814 East Blackhurst Road, Midland, MI 48642 PH 989 832-3408 WyndIorchartermi.netSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class.......................................45.00USPS Bulk.................................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico................... 55.00Foreign.....................................................100.00Single Issue................................................10.00Back Issues................................................10.00Advertising PatesFront Cover Color..................................600.00Back Cover Color...................................450.00Inside Front Cover Color..................300.00Inside Front Cover BW....................125.00Inside Back Cover Color..................300.00Inside Back Cover BW....................125.00Page 3,4, 5, 6 Color.................................300.00Page 3,4,5,6 BW.....................................125.00Center Spread BW................................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color..........................275.00Full Page BW.........................................100.00Half Page Color...................................... 150.00Half Page BW.......................................... 60.00One Quarter Page.................................... 40.00Business Card 6............Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25 each additional black and white photos are 10 each.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1....................................................... JanFebFeb 1....................................................MarAprilApril 1........ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1...............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......................................................SeptOctOct 1..................MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDecThe Pomeranian Review..........official A. P. C. publication..........sent to Breed Group Judges..........reasonable rates..........quality reproductions..........only source of APC Archives..........provides APC news and reports..........APC Specialty coverage..........Regional Pom Club coverage..........obedience training information..........interesting, informativeSUPPORT THE APC SUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian Review Brenda Segelken, Editor 11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401 Or Email Make all checkspayable to the American Pomeranian Club.16 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewSpecial Thanks to Ozzys breeder, Sue Cook for allowing me to have him in my life to love. Our time together was much too short, but every moment is treasured.Thanks to his many fans who cheered him on. He will always be the true Wizard of Aahs in our hearts. Ozzy was my first show Pom and, hopefully, wont be my last.Buff Webb BuffPomsIn loving memory ofRain Beaus Wizard of Aahs OZZYApril 19, 1998 -July 30, 200313 points, both majorsA5 s zb 9Pomeranian Club of Central IndianaThe Pomeranian Club Of Central Indiana would like to THANK EVERYONEfor their support of The APC Summer Nationals and the PCCI Specialty.You came from near and far to join us and we truly appreciate it. Thanks for joining us and for all your help. Congratulations to ALL the winners.We still have a limited supply of Pom Power Specialty Tote Bags, T-Shirts and Sweatshirts in L, XL and XXL. Order todayIf you missed out on getting them please contact Donna Riehm at mom4pomsaol.comTotes 20.00 T-Shirts 15.00 Sweatshirts 25.00 Prices do not include shipping.m-. aV4KrQuality Pomeranian Throws are available from the PCCI for your enjoyment, or the perfect gifts for those hard to buy for friends. Place your order now for abeautiful Pomeranian throw or two, with a beige background. 50.00, plus shipping. Contact Janice Russell at for information.NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 17REGISTRARS CORNER CAROL LEEMHUISMEMBERSHIP REPORT ANNETTE DAVIS391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204208 234-0932 davisavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Janice Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr., Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be received within 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APC Web Site http or contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERS NoneAPPLICATIONSHeike and Robert Wehrle ILSponsors Juanita Fiddick, Nancy CoddingtonMary Stephens ORSponsors Roxanne Collins, Cindy L. BowlingLana Price CASponsors Cheri McDonald, Alane LevinsohnMelissa Spranger MISponsors Louise Marie Crowe, Donna MachniakJanet L. Wodrich ILSponsors Mari Iffland, Donna S. RiehmElaine Wishnow NYSponsors Victoria Oelerich, Suzanne BemeyShari M. Fukuyama HISponsors Ellen Takayama, Clarice OganekuCarolyn Smith Patron Lisa Sheffield PatronNancy B. Young OHSponsors Camilla Knight, Carol LeemhuisPongsakom Pongsak, Nissara Komwithayawon Thailand Sponsors Betsy Owens, Tony Cabrera2318 Rose Garden Road Pittsburgh, PA 15220 412 344-8257REGISTER OF MERIT Pinnacle Holly Of Howlene BOwners Arlene Otaguro, Hazel Miller and Robin WatanabeHALL OF FAMEGOLD CLUB CH Howlene-Teahra Impero DOwners Hazel Miller, Arlene Otaguro and Robin WatanabeGOLD CLUBCH Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Owner Beverly NorrisKENySherri Alspaugh Paugh Print Poms JanuaryFebruary 2005Sharon Hanson Jan-Shar Poms MarchApril 2005Please contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Co-ordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Ph. 903-882- 1950 or email - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review-\.4'W n K y \b.-ML -_\\aVa1AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT.................................................................................................MARGARET MCKEEPH 804 556-33802426 Sandy Hook Rd., Goochland, VA 23063-2508 FAX 804 556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT................................................................................. FRANCES STOLLR R 3, Box 429, Washington, IN 47501PH 812 254-3857 FAX 812 254-3254 EMAIL stolannedmrtc.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.................................................................................... JANE LEHTINEN1325 9th Street South, Virginia, MN 55792PH 218 741-2117 FAX 218741-9435 EMAILjanlejanlepoms.comRECORDING SECRETARY.......................................................................... JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317 924-9093 EMAIL indypomindy.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY..........................................................CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972 962-3872 FAX 972 962-3872 EMAIL lovencountrypeoplepc.comTREASURER...................................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAUPH 281351-9516Sally Baugniet Annette Lynn Heise21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375 FAX 281 351-6620.BOARD OF DIRECTORS.Annette DavisEMAIL texicandogaol.comMarge KranzfelderDiana Downey Greggory WatersNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomerxnian Review - 19From the Presidents DeskMargaret McKeeI was so disappointed that I was unable to attend the Summer National in Indiana. Im sure it was wonderful. Knowing that club and how efficient and hard working they are, Ill bet everyone had a good time. Its just rotten luck that that was the same week my mother chose to take her 4 daughters to the beach to celebrate her 91st birthday. Congratulations to everyone who attended you are all winners.One of the duties that go along with being President of almost anything is responding to letters of complaint. They are invariably complaints. Very few write to praise. Thats just human nature. Im still chuckling about the letter that bitterly criticized the show committees efforts and especially the host hotel in Louisville. Our correspondent felt certain that a superior site could easily be found in Louisville. We urged our correspondent to, by all means, go ahead and locate a better hotel. We never got a response.More recently, I received a letter from a woman who had a very unfortunate experience buying a Pomeranian puppy from two men she describes as dog brokers. But she lashes out at APC and responsible breeders rather than at the people who caused her problem. The following is my response to herAs I read your letter I was prepared to be sympathetic, but then at the end you turn your understandable anger on innocent people. The American Pomeranian Club is just that, a club. We have no police powers. We can discipline only our members for ethical violations. Our members sign a Code of Ethics. None of the people you mention are members of the American Pomeranian Club. What would you have us doMore to the point, what is your responsibility in this situation Were you a good consumer Did you make every effort to educate yourself and research the breed before you made a purchase Did you go on line and look at the APC website Did you contact our breeder referral Chairman and get her guidance and recommendations When you met with these men where did you meet Was it in a home, a kennel, or a parking lot someplace Did you ask to meet the breeder or to see the parents of the puppy Why werent you suspicious that you had no contact with the actual breeder Did you get a bill of sale Did the bill of sale include a health guarantee Had the puppy been given any shots Had it been checked andor treated for worms You dont say how old the puppy was at the time of purchase. Generally, responsible breeders dont sell Pom puppies until they are about 10 weeks of age. A 1-pound puppy sounds very small to me. I am astounded at the price you paid for the puppy. While you are in a different part of the country from me and prices do vary, 2650 seems excessive for a pet quality puppy. Was a necropsy performed to try to determine cause of death20 - .NovemberDecember 20J4 APC Pomeranian KevewWhat have you done since to try to right this wrong Did you contact the brokers or the breeder to get a refund Certainly one is in order if the puppy only lived 2 days. Have you contacted your local or state office of consumer affairsI am sorry that you had such an unfortunate experience. But your anger is directed at the wrong people.Okay, so why am I telling you this Is this not a case of preaching to the choir Not necessarily. First, how careful are you in your doggy dealings I suspect most of us are more careful with strangers than with friends. We do too much assuming when dealing with friends. I know I have. I once used the stud of a dog belonging to someone whose name you would recognize. I assumed she would offer return service as I always do in the case of a miss. Imagine my surprise, after the breeding had taken place and I was presented with the stud contract, that there would be no return service. Fortunately, the bitch conceived. On another occasion, I failed to have a signed contract in hand before the dog came into my home. Numerous problems arose, and it almost cost us the friendship. So reread that last paragraph and make sure you are being a careful consumer.Another question that arises is Are there ways that APC or AKC can do a better job of educating the dog-buying public Clearly, this woman made numerous mistakes. I was appalled at what she paid for the dog. She also said she paid over 300 in sales tax. I have to wonder who she handed that sum to, the brokers How could anyone do any research at all and think that was a reasonable price for a pet puppy Of course, it is the same people who are happily forking over 5000 for a labradoodle My daughter called to say she had seen the prices being paid for designer dogs and that she was coming over with her clippers and she and I were going to revive the Toy Munchkins scam and get rich. Of course, she was joking. But I do have to wonder how gullible people can be. If you have suggestions for ways APC can improve our education efforts, please do let the Board hear from you.Have you seen those silly commercials on TV where saying Thank you seems to miraculously transform an embarrassing situation to one of sweetness and light They are very annoying commercials, because what should be said is, Im sorry. Why is that so hard for us to say We choke on those words. I can think of 2 Pom people right now who owe me an apology. At least one of them is turning back flips to avoid speaking to me. I really dont expect to hear Im sorry from either one. How sad. The inability to say those 2 little words could damage a relationship. Stop and think. Do you owe someone an apology It doesnt have to be a big production. No tears need to be shed, just 2 little words that will go a long way to soothing feelings, healing hurts, and maintaining friendships.This is my last column as your President. I have mixed feelings as I leave office. Partly, I am relievedIt has been a big responsibility and time consuming. Now maybe Ill have time to train my own dogs. Now I wont have to meet the deadline for this column. Seven different editors of Pomeranian Review can tell you I am not good at meeting deadlines Now I wont spend so many hours on the phone and sitting in front of the computer. But I am sad too. It has truly been a learning experience for me. Ive been able to work with some amazingly talented and wonderful people. Ive gotten to meet so many more of you. Ive had a front row seat while the club faltered, struggled, grew, and came out the better for it. Thank you for the privilege. I know you will give the new APC Board your generous support.NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomerrnian Revew - 21American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty September 23, 2004Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Specialty September 24, 2004 Indianapolis, IndianaLs.i.fIk____The American Pomeranian Clubs 2004 Summer Specialty was held at the Four Points Sheraton, Indianapolis, Indiana September 23, and 24, just 5 miles from two all breed shows held at the Indiana Fair Grounds.The festivities began on Wednesday night, September 22, with a Show N Go Obedience Trial followed by a Puppy Fun Match hosted by the PCCI and judged by the well-respected Becky Sabourin of Midland, Michigan.3-9 Puppy Dog Horizons Tequila Sundown, owner Laurie Otis 6-9 Puppy DogHorizons The Rock of Ali-Mae, ownerKelly Nichols 3-6 Puppy Bitch Marbils Wild Angel At Stoln, owner Fran Stoll 6-9 Puppy BitchSandpoms Mea Tuf Cookie, owner Sandy Johnson 9-12 Puppy BitchDias Flashy Bianca at Stoln, owner Fran Stoll BEST PUPPY IN MATCH Horizons Tequila Sundown Open Adult MaleFranken Berrie, Owned by Randy Buske Open Adult FemaleCottontop Whatcha Doin, owners Caitlin Blowney Linda MulsoBEST ADULT Cottontop Whatcha DoinAPC SWEEPSTAKESMs. Cynthia Boulware, Kaufman, Texas judged the APC Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes on Thursday. Cyndi has 18 yrs inconformation with Poms and 12 years as a rescue coordinator. She did a great job judging and is very well regarded.Junior dogs, 6 months, under 9 months1 LORELANDS MARCHIN TO AUGUST, owner Laurette Flynn2 HORIZONS THE ROCK OF ALI-MAE, owner Kelly and Brandon Nichols3 ELANS NIGHTF1RE, owner Melissa Dahlenburg4 ARTIC POMS-WYN-LIGHTNING-STRKS, owner Julie Volkheimer Sharry ChristiansonJunior dogs, 9 months, under 12 months1 FINCHS WALKING WITH DASAR, owner Danielle5 attain2 MOUNTAIN CREST SPECIAL DESIGN, owner David Carlene Gilstrap3 PIXIES CRIMSON KISSES, owner Loreiei SibetSenior dogs 12 months under 18 months1 SHOWTNS POWERBALL, owner Audrey Caywood2 FINCHS HARRY POTTER, owner Lauretta Flynn John FlynnJunior Bitches, 6 months under 9 months1 STARLIGHTS PIXEL PERFECT, owner Ron Merilyn Smith Deronda Derrik Sharp2 STARFIRES NASTY BE ITCH, owner Jose Cabrera Fabian Arienti3 ELANS NIGHTSTAR, owner Melissa Dahlenburg4 WEE HEARTS SKYS THE LIMIT, owner Laurie OtisJunior Bitches, 9 months under 12 months 1 MOUNTAIN CREST SPECIAL EDITION, owner David and Carlene Gilstrap22 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review2 PIXIES LUV AT FIRST BITE DSUBER, owner Suzanne G Bemey3 DIAS FLASHY BIANCA AT STOLN, owner Frances J StollBEST JUNIOR PUPPYFINCHS WALKIN WITH DASARBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST JUNIOR PUPPYSTARLIGHTS PIXEL PERFECTBEST SENIOR PUPPYSHOWINS POWERBALL GRAND SWEEPSTAKES WINNER FINCHS WALKIN WITH DASARVETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge Cynthia Boulware Veteran Dogs, 6 years under 9 years1 CH SUBERS PRESENTS ATOM ANT, CDX, owner Suzanne G. Bemey2 CH JAN SHARS DUDLY DORIGHT, owner Becky Sabourin3 CH DESERT THUNDER OF LYNETTE, owner Linda Pelz Michael WellsVeterans Bitches 6 years under 9 years1 CH CRICKETS BOBBI SOX SPECIAL, owner Ann MBerrymanVeteran Bitches 9 years and over1 CH STOLANNES BURNT SIENNA KISS, owner Frances J StollBEST IN VETERAN SWEEPSTAKESCH SUBERS PRESENTS ATOM ANT, CDX, OWNER, SUZANNE G. BERNEYBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST VETERAN IN SWEEPSTAKESCH STOLANNES BURNT SIENNA KISS, OWNER FRANCES J. STOLLAPC SPECIALTYRegular classes were judged by Mrs. Beverly K. Lehnig from Jeffersonville, Indiana. Mrs. Lehnig, a breederowner of Silky Terriers, has many AKC Champions to her credit.Puppy Dogs, 6 months under 9 months1 ELANS NIGHTFIRE, owner Melissa Dahlenburg2 LORELANDS MARCHIN TO AUGUST, owner Lauretta Flynn3 AJS MADE IN NAWLINS, owner Ashley Jerry Miller4 LACUEVAS DIRTY DANCING owner Ron Wood James Causey Sherrilyn RogersPuppy Dogs, 9 months and under 12 months1 FINCHS WALKING WITH DASAR, owner Danielle Sartain2 NOBLES BORN TO PERFORM, owner Noble Inglett3 PIXIES CRIMSON KISSES, owner Loreiei SibetPuppy Dogs, 12 months and under 18 months 1 SHOWINS POWERBALL, owner Audrey Caywood2 NOBLES XCENTUATE TH PAWSITIV, owner Pongsakom Pongsak3 FINCHS HARRY POTTER, owner Lauretta Flynn John FlynnBred-by-Exhibitor Dogs1 DREAMWEAVERS ENDURING FREEDOM, owner Linda Pelz Michael Wells2 MOUNTAIN CREST SPECIAL DESIGN, owner David Carlene Gilstrap3 STOLANNES WHOS YOUR DADDY, owner Frances J Stoll4 APOLLOETTE TOP PRIORITY, owner Marlene Marlin PresserAmerican Bred Dogs1 DH CREW ROCK-N-RUMBLE, owner Cindy OnoskoOpen Dogs, red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 JENUWANE LOOK IM THE CANDY MAN, owner Margaret Brown2 WEE HEARTS THE THRILL IS BACK, owner Casandra Ready Evans3 ELANS IMPERSONATOR, owner Melissa Dahlenburg4 MNMS ACE HIGH BIDS FURST, owner Mary WellsWINNERS DOG 5 POINTSJENUWANE LOOK IM THE CANDY MAN RESERVE WINNERS DOG SHOWINS POWERBALLPuppy Bitch 6 months and under 9 months1 STARLIGHTS PIXEL PERFECT, owner Ron Merilyn Deronda Derrick Sharp2 PEANNETES WAVE OF DREAMS, owner Anne Hendler3 WEE HEARTS SKYS THE LIMIT, owner Laurie Otis4 ELANS NIGHTSTAR, owner Melissa DahlenburgPuppy Bitch 9 months and under 12 1 PIXIES LUV AT FIRST BITE D SUBER, owner Suzanne G Bemey12-18 month Bitch1 FIREBROOKS ELECTRA OF AR-BEES, owner Lee D CookAmerican Bred Bitch1 PEANNETTES EXCITMENT WAVE, owner Anne Hendler Bred By Exhibitor Bitch1 STARFIRES FRANSESCA, owner Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti2 MOUNTAIN CREST SPECIAL EDITION,owner David Carlene Gilstrap3 FIREBROOKS DAYDREAMS, owner Lee D CookNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 23APC Summer Specialty Continued from Page 234 STOLANNES SUCKER FOR CUTE, owner Frances J StollOpen Bitch, Black, Brown, Blue1 SAPPHIRES DANCING IN THE DARK, owner BethShattuckOpen Bitch, Red Orange Cream Sable1 STARFIRES NASTY BE ITCH, owners Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti2 MOUNTAIN CREST TALKING BACK, owners David Carlene Gilstrap Ann Berryman3 SAPPHIRES ONE NIGHT LOVE AFFAIR, owner Beth Shattuck4 MONARCS CLASSIC BUTTERFLY, owner Sherrilyn RogersOpen Bitch, Any Other Allowed Color 1 JESSLEIGHS SHIMMERING STARR, owner Cyndi VandehoefWINNERS BITCH 5 POINTSSTARFIRES NASTY BE ITCH RESERVE WINNERS BITCH STARFIRES FRANSESCABEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST VETERAN CH DESERT THUNDER OF LENETTEAWARD OF MERITCH RODIS CR KING OF GONDOR OWNERS ROBERT, CELESTE SOLANO RON, MERELYN SMITHCH KEEPSAKES BERRIE TRADITIONAL OWNER, JESSIE KLEINCH CRICKETS BOBBIE SOX SPECIAL OWNER ANN M BERRYMANCH NOBLES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED OWNER NOBLE INGLETTCH VALCOPY BATBOY OWNERS RON MERILYN SMITH JANICE MELVIN PARDUEStud Dog1 CA CH JENUWAYNE MADE YOU LOOK owner Jen Hryniuk2 CH CASCADES DYNAMIC MAGIC MAN owner Sherrilyn RogersBrace1 ELANS NIGHTFIRE owner Melissa Dahlenburg ELANS NIGHTSTAR owner Melissa DahlenburgVeteran Dog, 6-9 YEARS1 CH DESERT THUNDER OF LYNETTE, owner Linda Pelz Michael Wells2 CH JAN SHARS DUDLY DORIGHT, owner Becky Sabourin3 CH SUBERS PRESENTS ATOM ANY, CDX owner Suzanne G BemeyVeteran Bitch, 6 years and under 9 years1 CH CRICKETS BOBBIE SOX SPECIAL, owner Ann MBerrymanObedience Novice B Classes1 LEL CHEROB BCNU AT COURBETTE Score 191 owner, Victoria Leitner Open A Class1 BALLYKIN COMMANDO CODY, CD. Score 179 owner, Paulette ZeccaHIGH IN TRIALLIL CHEROB BCNU AT COURBETTEOWNER, VICTORIA LEITNERVeteran Bitch, 9 years over1 CH STOLANNES BURNT SIENNA KISS, owner Frances J StollBEST OF BREEDCH STARFIRES JOSESINA IS NASTY BREEDEROWNERS JOSE A CABRERA-FABIAN ARIENTIBEST OF WINNERSJENUWANE LOOK IM THE CANDY MAN BEST OF OPP SEX CH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS BREEDER VIRGINIA DEVHCK OWNERS NOBLE INGLET DIANE FINCHBEST PUPPY IN REGULAR CLASSES STARLIGHTS PIXEL PERFECT BEST BRED-BY EXHIBITOR DREAMWEAVERS ENDURING FREEDOM BEST VETERANCH CRICKETS BOBBIE SOX SPECIALa-.GRANDSWEEPSTAKES24 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewBEST OF BREEDVARIETY-njBEST OPPOSITEV'1 1W ra sTIONAL SPECIALTY IATI0NAL SPECIALTY. Vil'IJ4VII.I.'y, i rLLi- "AWARD OF MERITMERITWARD OF MERIT AWARD OF MERITSP'NATIONAL SPECIALTYvRONALS ECIALTY NATIONAL SPECIALTYG2M ii.V'5...CRHIGH IN TRIAL OBEDIENCE NOVICE BWINNERS BITCHBEST OF WINNERS BEST ^ . v'.-ERA1V JItW I,NATIONAL SPECIAL _ 1NATIONAL SPECIALP NATIONAL SPECIALTYUk U^kNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 25Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana September 24, 2004I,' ' 1ft. iResultsPCCISWEEPSTAKES JUDGE JEANNE BLANK6-9 Puppy Dog1 LORELANDS MARCHIN TO AUGUST, owner, Lauretta Flynn2 AJS MADE IN NAWLINS. owner, Ashley Jerry Miller3 ELANS NIGHTFIRE, owner Melissa Dahlenburg4 HORIZONS THE ROCK OF ALI-MAE, owner, Kelly Brandon NicholsPomeranian CMI of Central Indiana9-12 Puppy Bitch1 MOUNTAIN CREST SPECIAL EDITION, owner David Charlene Gilstrap2 PIXIES LUV AT FIRST BITE DSUBER, owner Suzanne G Bemey3 DIAS FLASHY BIANCA AT STOLN, owner Frances J Stoll4 TRUDYS PUTTING ON THE RITZ, owner Nancy Robert CoddingtonBEST JUNIOR SWEEPSSTARFIRES NASTY BE ITCH BEST OF OPP SEX TO BEST JR SWEEPS LORELANDS MARCHIN TO AUGUST BEST SENIOR SWEEPSJENUWANE CAUGHT YOU LOOK N GRAND SWEEPSSTAREFIRES NASTY BE ITCHVeteran Sweeps Dog 6-9 yrs1 CH DESERT THUNDER OF LENETTE, owner Linda Pelz Mike Wells2 CH SUBERS PRESENTS ATOM ANT, CDX, owner, Suzanne G BemeyBitch 9 yrs1 CH STOLANNES BURNT SIENNA KISS, owner Frances Stoll9-12 Puppy Dog1 TRUDYS MAXIMUM RETURN, owner Anne Horvitz Nancy Coddington2 FINCHS WALKING WITH DASAR, owner Danielle Sartain3 PIXIES CRIMSON KISSES, owner Loreiei Sibet4 MOUNTAIN CREST SPECIAL DESIGN, owner David Carlene GilstrapBEST VETERANCH DESERT THUNDER OF LENETTEBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST VETERANCH STOLANNES BURNT SIENNA KISSPCCI REGULAR CLASSES JUDGE STEVE HAYDEN12-18 Dogs1 JENUWANE CAUGHT YOU LOOK N, owner Debbie Hollander2 SHOWINS POWERBALL, owner Audrey Caywood3 FINCHS HARRY POTTER, owner Laurette John Flynn6-9 Puppy Bitch1 STARFIRES NASTY BE ITCH, owner Jose Cabrera Fabian Arienti2 STARFIRES PIXEL PERFECT, owners Ron Merilyn Smith and Deronda Derrik Sharp3 ELANS NIGHTSTAR, owner Melissa Dahlenburg4 WEE HEARTS SKYS THE LIMIT, owner Laurie Otis6-9 Puppy Dog1 AJS MADE IN NAWLINS, owner Ashley Jerry Miller2 HORIZONS THE ROCK OF ALI-MAE, owners Kelly Brandon Nichols3 NOBLES MIDAS TOUCH, owner Richard Wilson Noble Inglett4 LORELANDS MARCHIN TO AUGUST, owner Lauretta Flynn 9-12 Puppy Dog1 NOBLES BORN TO PERFORM, owner Noble Inglett2 TRUDYS MAXIMUM RETURN, owner Anne Horvitz Nancy Coddington3 FINCHS WALKIN WITH DASAR, owner Danlette Sartain26 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review12-18 Dogs1 NOBLES XCENTUATE TH PAWSITIV, owner Pongsakom Pongsak2 PJS HEART THROB OF SEEKERS, owner Joseph Smith Melvina Langston3 SHOWINS POWERBALL, owner Audrey Caywood4 FINCHS HARRY POTTER, owner Lauretta John FlynnBred By Exhibitor Dog1 MOUNTAIN CREST SPECIAL DESIGN, owner David Carlene Gilstrap2 ARTIC POMS-WYN-LIGHTING-STRKS, owner Julie Volkhelmer Sharry Christian3 STOLANNES WHOS YOUR DADDY, owner Frances Stoll4 TRUDYS JACKS ARE BETTER, owner Nancy Robert CoddingtonAmerican Bred Dog1 DHCREW ROCK-N-RUMBLE, owner Cindy OnoskoOpen Dog, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 ELANS IMPERSONATOR, owner Melissa Dahlenburg2 JENUWANE LOOK IM THE CANDY MAN, owner Margaret Brown3 NOBLES HARDLY HUMBLE, owner Ann Sullivan4 STOLANNES DOIN IT MY WAY, owner Donna Riehm Frances StollWINNERS DOG 5 POINTSELANS IMPERSONATOR RESERVE WINNERS DOGNOBLES BORN TO PERFORM6-9 Puppy Bitch1 STARLIGHTS PIXEL PERFECT, owner Ron Merilyn Smith and Deronda Derrik Sharp2 SANDPOMS MEA TUF COOKIE, owner Sandra Johnson3 WEE HEARTS SKYS THE LIMIT, owner Laurie Otis4 POM ACRES ETHEL OF MEJO, owner Melvina Langston Joseph Smith9-12 Puppy Bitch1 PIXIES LUV AT FIRST BITE DSUBER, owner Suzanne Bemey2 TRUDYS PUTTING ON THE RITZ, owner Nancy and Robert Coddington3 DIAS FLASHY BIANCA AT STOLN, owner Frances Stoll 12-18 Bitch1 FIREBROOKS ELECTRA OF AR-BEES, owner Lee Cook American Bred Bitch1 PEANNETTES EXCITEMENT WAVE, owner Anne Hendler Bred By Exhibitor Bitch1 STARFIRES FRANSESCA, owner Jose Cabrera Fabian Arienti2 MOUNTAIN CREST SPECIAL EDITION, owner David Carlene Gilstrap3 STOLANNES SUCKER FOR CUTE, owner Frances Stoll4 MARBDL-RIEHM MINT JULEP, owner Mari Iffland Donna RiehmOpen Bitch, Red Orange Cream Sable1 STARFIRES NASTY BE ITCH, owner Jose Cabrera Fabian Arienti2 MONARCS CLASSIC BUTTERFLY, owner Sherrilynn Rogers3 MOUNTAIN CREST TALKING BACK, owner David Carlene Gilstrap Ann BerrymanOpen Bitch, Any Other Allowed Color1 JESSLEIGHS SHIMMERING STARR, owner CyndiVandehoefWINNERS BITCH 5 POINTSSTARFIRES FRANSESCA RESERVE WINNERS BITCHSTARLIGHTS PIXEL PERFECTVeteran Dogs, 6-9 yrs1 CH JAN SHARS DUDLY DORIGHT2 CH SUBERS PRESENTS ATOM ANT.CDX3 CH DESERT THUNDER OF LENETTEVeteran Dog, 9 yrs 1 STARFIRES THE LION KINGVeteran Bitch, 9 yrs1 CH STOLANNES BURNT SIENNA KISSBEST OF BREEDCH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMSBREEDER VIRGINIA DIMICKOWNERS NOBLE INGLETT DIANE FINCHBEST OF WINNERS STARFIRES FRANSESCABEST OF OPPOSITE SEX CH STARFIRES JOSESINA ISNASTYBEST PUPPY IN REGULAR CLASSES NOBLES BORN TO PERFORMBEST BRED-BY STARFIRES FRANSESCA BEST VETERAN CH JAN SHARS DUDLY DORIGHT BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST VETERANCH STOLANNES BURNT SIENNA KISSStud Dog1 CA CH JENUWAYNE MADE YOU LOOK2 CH CASCADES DYNAMIC MAGIC MAN Brace1 ELANS NIGHTSTAR, owner Melissa Dahlenburg ELANS NIGHTSTAR, owner Melissa DahlenburgObedience Novice B1 LIL CHEROB BCNU AT COURBETT, owner Victoria Leitner High In Trial LIL CHEROB BCNU AT COURBETTE Veterans Obedience1 BALLYKIN COMMANDO CODY, CD Score 194NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomerknisn Review - 271'inirBEST OPPOSITET'"i" - 'BEST OF BREEDVARIETY- .BEST OF WINNERS BESTBRED BY EXHIBITOR NEW CHAMPION lomirjnijn CiuSI.-r.tr3i IndianaeWINNERS DOGV VNEW CHAMPION ,WM1i.9V1__SWEEPSTAKESBESTVETERANV BRAND SWEEPSTAKES Mi4 X A- r\,C'TiD28 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewJudges CritiquesSubmitted by Jo Norris and Laura MeinekePCCI Puppy Match Judge, Becky Sabourin Becky noted the puppies in the fun match all had great bites. She felt the puppies she put up were well balanced with good movement, nice bone, and well coated. She noted she would like to see shorter and smaller muzzles with more finish of the underjaw.Cindy Boulware would like to thank the APC for the honor of judging the APC Summer Sweepstakes. Cindy felt the overall quality of the Poms was nice and most should finish their championships. Other points she noted were coat quality and top lines were nice, and only one incorrect bite was found. She felt the biggest improvement should be made on the Poms fronts and mentioned a few of the bitch entrants to be rather shy. Cindy said, I had a great time. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed the shows, especially the Sweepstakes judging assignment.No report from Beverly Lehnig.Our PCCI Sweepstakes Judge, Mrs. Jeanne Blank stated, I enjoyed the 9-12 month class very much, and liked the 12-18 months a lot. The 6-9 Bitch I put up had ring presence and asked for the win from the moment she entered the ring. Mrs. Blank loved the entire entry and the veterans, too. Some weaknesses she noticed were roach top lines and low tail sets. She commented winners she chose, Had nice profiles and good movement, with nice top lines.The PCCI Specialty Judge, Mr. Steve Hayden, commented he had a nice time judging and observed several good fronts and rears. He would like to have seen more leg and less round eyes. Mr. Hayden entertained the crowd as he spontaneously offered one exhibitor a tissue when her Pom continually sneezed on the down and back.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgMASTERCARD, VISA AND PAYPAL ACCEPTEDATTENTIONRegional Pom Clubs Regional Pom Club Event information is published free of charge in the Coming Events. Regional Clubs receive lower advertising rates. Reports and photos of Pom specialties and matches are published free.Send coming events, reports, and photos to the editor.Regional Reporters are neededPlease contact the editor if you can help.MAwericanPowC1ubArchivesnWHAT IS A WOLF SABLEMany breeders and yes, judges too are under the impression that a wolf sable is either 1. an extremely DARK orange sable or 2. a tiny replica of a Keeshond. Our former Standard says Sable colored dogs must be shaded throughout as uniformly as possible, with no self colored patches. In ORANGE SABLE, the undercoat must be a light tan with deeper orange guard hairs ending in black tippings. In WOLF SABLES, the undercoat is light gray with a deeper shade of steel gray guard hair ending in black tippings.Thus, a wolf sable is NOT like a small Keeshond, as the latter is required to have cream-colored legs and feet, but is in color more like a Norwegian Elk- hound, a study in shades of GRAY. A true WOLF SABLE is extremely RARE.Our present Standard which permits ALL sabled colored Poms does not des- criminate against the lovely CREAM SABLES, the deep RED SABLES or even the BROWN TIPPED or BLUE TIPPED SABLES, none of which were allowed in the show ring under the old Standard.From the April 1975 Pomeranian ReviewNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Revew - 29Annette DavisOur question for this issue is My Pom puppies often have diarrhea. What might be causing it and what can I do about itAs long as you feed premium food, normal Pomeranian stools are small, firm and without foul odor. A change in normal stools is a red flag that something is amiss. There are several common causes of diarrhea in canines.Stress - Changes in food or water, weaning, vaccinations, shipping, temperature fluctuations, etc. can cause stress related diarrhea. Non-infectious diarrhea can be easily and safely treated with Pepto Bismol, Kaopectate or veterinary KaolinPectin preparations. Oral electrolyte solutions such as Pedialyte or Gatorade can also be used to avoid dehydration and replenish electrolytes.Protozoan Infections - Coccidiosis and Giardia are common protozoan intestinal infections. They can cause severe diarrhea and dehydration in puppies. Symptoms are soft foul smelling stools that may contain mucous and blood. In severe infections, the stools may look like they are entirely composed of mucous and blood. If you notice these symptoms, take your puppy to your veterinarian for a fecal. It is important to note that protozoa are shed intermittently and may not show up on the first fecal. Coccidiosis is best treated with the drag sulfadimethoxine brand name Albon as prescribed by your veterinarian. If Giardia is confirmed, the drag Fladgyl metronidazole is often prescribed. University studies have also shown that Panacur fenbendazole is effective against giardia, although it is currently licensed for the treatment of worms only.Worms - For the good health of your Pom, it is very important to keep him parasite free. Parasites such as worms can cause diarrhea, rob nutrients from your dogs body, and make him more susceptible to disease. Take a stool sample to your veterinarian. If worms are present, then you will need to follow a worming program for your Pom.There are many safe and effective worming products available. A favorite with toy breeders is called Nemex II pyrantel pamoate. Nemex is available from most pet supply catalogues. Nemex is active against common worms such as roundworms and hookworms, but will not affect tapeworms. If tapeworms are a problem, it will be necessary to obtain a prescription medication from your veterinarian. Panacur fenbendazole is safe and effective against most worms including some tapeworms. Panacur for canines is only available by prescription. Panacur is available over the counter in preparations labeled for horses and cows.Other Causes - There are numerous other causes of canine diarrhea such as bacterial infections, viral infections, cancer, colitis, etc. Stubborn or serious cases of diarrhea should be treated with the assistance of your veterinarian. A tiny Pom can quickly succumb to dehydration or hypoglycemia if you fail to correctly manage serious cases of diarrhea.Prevention - When there is a problem with diarrhea or infectious disease, it is important to clean all fecal matter promptly and disinfect all kennel surfaces, bedding, and toys daily. Coccidia are not destroyed by Chlorox and many other disinfectants. It has been shown that they are readily destroyed by Ammonia and old fashioned Lysol Concentrate 1 part Ammonia or Lysol to 10 parts water. Do not use plastic food or water dishes. Pathogens can stay in the crevices. Use stainless steel, crock style, or glass food and water dishes. Change drinking water often and clean the foodwater dishes with a mild ammonia solution regularly. Separate all infected dogs as much as possible. It is imperative that you do not allow the infected animal to become dehydrated. Supportive care and oral electrolyte solutions are helpful. Keep your puppy warm and away from drafts. B Vitamins may not be given during the Albon treatment. Albon works by inhibiting folic acid, therefore B Vitamin supplements with folic acid may negate its action. One of the negative side effects of antibiotics and Albon is the destruction of beneficial intestinal bacteria leaving the animal more susceptible to pathogens. Whenever antibacterial medications need to be given, a probiotic supplement or plain yogurt during treatment and for a few weeks after treatment is completed is useful to re-establish beneficial intestinal bacteria.Our question for the next issue is What is the best way to find a good Pom breederYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions to Annette Davis, 391 N Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello ID 83204,208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email Previous Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.eomPomCare.htm30 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewTo our friend Judy Green we wish you continued success and congratulations on your feature.\mIHLEBa.nd J-ajVy.rWe would also like to express our gratitude to all of you who shared your hearts with us during this most tragic time.Condolences to everyone who loved Sawyer and to all of you who lost loved ones.Jon and Cristy Christiansen, and familyCongratulations to our good friendJudy Greenon your kennel visit. Your longstanding friendship is a treasure.Many thanks go out to all who have expressed theircondolences on the loss of our beloved Sawyer.Gregg and Charlene Waters Shimmeree Pomeraniansv-fa_yygL.ird-S. ta-ZsLe. Moe^donoicyiatul4tioityiewJudytuidtowe IQzffite uoffile 'PomOwe wetl deoemedWr'Kewtel vioit'WioAwy cotttwuedcmawe frttovieeuccete- wUvictOVlomAamvVavidA__P omemniansCongratulations Judy Green, and dedicated breeder, on your deserved kennel visit. Thank sharing Razzle Dazzles Sound me. Kenda s her athletic Heartfelt condolences tcrNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomerknwn Review - 31obA'C'Vyi^ vcb-^ frlvcw tvO'pe^wfo'AThese two beautiful puppies are the product of my first litter ever.They are sired by the lovely BIS BISS Am Can Ch. Foxworth Fast Lane, owned by Dr. Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox, and are out of my Meadow, Razzle Dazzle Bluegrass MusicCh. Traditions Legend of Oakridge x Can Ch. Chriscendo Call Girl.I cant thank Pam Larry enough for all they did to help make this breeding a reality.Breedersowners Elizabeth Heckert Judith B. GreenSto iajNeither of these two beautiful babies would be here if not for Judy Green, Meadows co-owner and breeder. Judy, I will always be indebted to you for all the knowledge you have bestowed upon me, for your support and encouragement, and most of all for letting me own the lovely Meadow who is not only a beautiful and sound girl herself, but has proven to be worth her weight in gold in the whelping box, by free whelping two such beautiful puppies. Congrats on your much- deserved kennel visitSincere condolences to Charlene Gregg Waters on the loss of their Sawyer. I had the pleasure of seeing him at twome pleasure ot seeing rum at iwu jt ^ . Nationals. What a sad loss for our breed. ^AAp^LwirvtAJElizabeth Heckert Silhouette www.silhouettepoms.com32 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomerhnisn Review L n Best wishes to my best friend,Judy Greenon your well-deserved APC Kennel Visit.Judy, through the years you have always been a true friend.Whenever the going was rough, you were there.When there were good times to share, you were always there.I know my future will be better, because you will be there.If ever I had a wish for everyone in the world, it would be for everyone to have a great true friend like you. Thank you, Judy.Love always, JackieJackie Rayner - Jaken PomeraniansHamilton, New Jersey 609 587-2586 .Congratulations to Hal Webster - DHCrew Poms and toJudy Green - Razzle Dazzzle PomsCongratulations Hal Webster of DHCrew Poms. It was fun putting 2 - 4 pt majors on now Ch. DHCrew Ruff-N-Ready and 4 pts including a major on DHCrewRock-N- Rumble for you. Continued success with your Poms. DonnaCongratulations Hal, I am so glad I had the honor of starting Ruffy on his way to his championship and whelping some litters for you. We had fun in the past years. Good luck in your future. AngieBest wishes to Hal and Judy for continued success and a happy and healthy 2005. DanaDeJay PomsDonna Machniak - Dana Coventry 517 546-7446 - 248 540-4888 Mai-T-Toi Poms Angie Nisbet 585 394-1394We are wishing everyone a healthy and happy New YearCh. Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco4 V-21K4-wA.Y-iiiNovemberDecember2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 33A'v'JLJudy Grelnit. What an honor Thank you to the 9WOW the Parent Club inviting me to do a kennel visit, staff of The Pom Review for asking me Lets get startedHi, my name is Judy Green and I live in the second smallest state, Delaware. Im right off I- 95 but if you blink traveling on this interstate, youll miss me If youre traveling north or south on 1-95 and have some time, call me and we can visit in personJudy Green and AmberLike most people, Ive had a lifelong love of dogs especially German Shepherds. In the beginning I was involved in obedience and when my Shepherd died in the late 70s we decided to look for something smaller. It just happened that my papergirl came to the house and brought her three month old cream colored Pom puppy with her. Well, I fell in love with the attitude and the looks of this lovely little creature and thus began the search of finding a Pom for obedienceI made some phone calls and happened to get in touch with Sophie Mayes. She had two males available and I was invited to come and see them. What a day that was Not only was Sophie there but Thelma Dunn and Goldie as they were all working on The Pom Review Little did I know that years later I would be doing a kennel visit for the Parent Club. Anyway, I picked out one of the boys and came home with a 7 month old red sable dog that I named Razzle Dazzle Jeffrey.Sophie was teaching obedience classes at the time and I enrolled Jeffrey and started my second dog in obedience. He eventually earned his UD and was OTCh pointed. While showing Jeffrey in obedience, I attended many dog shows and always watched the Pom judging. Now I wanted a show dog On with the searchI loved the look and elegance of the Chriscendo line so I contacted Chris Heartz and she had a 6 month old bitch from Eleanor Miller that was available. Bill and I jumped in the car and met Chris and John in New Hampshire and I came home with Millamors Roxie Music Roxie, my first champion and mother of my first home-bred champion and the love of my life, AmCan Ch Razzle Dazzle Music Man, AmCan CDX Dallas.At the Specialty in 1985, Chris said she had a daughter by AmCanBer Ch Millamors Rock Medallion and asked if I would like to co-own this puppy with her. Of course I said yes and in the fall of 1985, Can Ch Chriscendo Classique came to live with me Amber had finished quickly in Canada and had three Best Puppy in Shows to her credit. Amber was an absolutely elegant, exquisite little bitch who was a delight to show and quickly finished her American championship. Amber is the heart and soul of Razzle Dazzle and everything we have traces back to her.About six years ago, a 15 year old girl who lives close by contacted me saying she was very interested in Poms but she didnt have one and wanted to know if she could come over and see mine. Now, to be honest, this didnt quite thrill me. Oh good grief, a 15 year old girl Against my better judgment, I invited her to the house, and boy, am I glad I did It was Elizabeth Heckert who has since become my good friend and co-owner of Razzle Dazzle Bluegrass Music Meadow and we now have two lovely puppies on the ground out of AmCan Ch Foxworth Fast Lane Cruise.Because of Elizabeth, I found out that Can Ch Chriscendo Call Girl Dream was available from Chris. Dream is an Amber great- granddaughter. In December 2001, Dream came to live with me. Bred to Ch Traditions Legend of Oakridge, Dream producedMeadow and Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance Stetson who needs 4 singles to finish. I also repeated the breeding of AmCan Ch Chriscendo Call to Arms Colt by breeding Dream to Foxworths Frontier Spirit. I have two girls out of this breeding, Razzle Dazzle I Can Can- Can Paris and Ch Razzle Dazzle Wedding March Bridey.When I was showing Stetson, he already had Breed over a special for a major and some single points, I decided I wanted to have more fun in the ring so I took Bridey out as a 7 month old puppy. Well, she went BOB over a special for a 4 point major, BOS over a special for another major and then finished by the time she was 9 months old with FOUR majors Several times Stetson and Bridey split the points including a major. Unfortunately, I lost Dream in July but hopefully her legacy will live on in her daughters and sons.Shortly after Dream came here, I heard that Candlebrites Cuz Im Worth It CC, bred by Lisa Pauls might be available. I called Lisa and-ske-and I co-owned this lovely little bitchjvho is also an Amber great-granldaughter. I bred her to Colt and h^d-two girls fromt-L r' -v4 An1 a o I \ x t L i r D aaIxt TslAncrvn D r \ m r -10 1 a Fo'7r7la--V Annl 11C10 nnrl tToo 10Showmanship. C was brecTagain thiTtime to Stetson .ar^^n April 14 hadjwo boys. At this would have-put pictures of them in this visit buftHey are^nonths old,aad-rrrtb midst^fthe I has since draped out of Poms and G3 now airmine. Thank you, Lis CC has again been bn November.iyi yv^u. ciiiva j uiuwi -1 'aire still looking goodjmd Iad is due about midaulsIve finished several champions and obedience title holders but the dogs that stand out in my mind include AmCan Ch Chriscendo Classique, our heart and soul. AmCan Ch Razzle Dazzle Music Man, AmCan CDX Dallas the love of my life. U-UD Razzle Dazzle Concerto, UDX Presto, the Top Obedience Pom in 2000 co-owned and handled by Lilian Zentgraf.Of course a kennel visit would not be complete without the mention of BISS Ch Razzle Dazzle Texas Hoedown Sawyer the winner of the 2000 National in Texas owned by Charlene and Gregg Waters. What a thrill when Charlene called me from Texas to say he had won I was alone in the house and wanted to shout it to the world but there was no one to listen. Instead I picked up the phone and ran up the phone bill Sawyer was lost in a tragic accident in July 2004. My regret is I never bred anything to him and I had planned to. Sawyers sister Ch Razzle Dazzle Willows Song group placing died in October 2003 but their sister Ch Razzle Dazzle Winters Song is still alive and living with me. So is their mother Summer. t i....Jeffrey, our first Pom Roxie, our first champion Dogs living the good lifeAll the dogs live in the house with us, confined to the family room and kitchen. Its almost dog proof with laminate flooring, leather furniture and throw rugs that can be picked up and washed. We have a large, enclosed back yard where the dogs spend some time when they are so inclined We try to keep the number of dogs in single digits but that doesnt always work At this point in time, we have ten dogs which includes four oldsters who will live out their lives with us. Growing out puppies can keep the number higher than we like but there really isnt any alternative, is thereLooking back on my time in Poms, Ive been fortunate to have met many wonderful people who have shared their ideas, thoughts and advice with me. For the past 20 years Chris Heartz has been a big force in my breeding program and just about anything Ive done in Poms and hopefully shell help me for the next 20 years. She entrusted me with Amber, advises me who to breed to and gives me advice anytime I ask. Thank you, Chris, because without you, there would be no Razzle Dazzle. Elizabeth is one I can talk with about pedigrees, Poms and dogs in general - she has also done my website and has done an absolutely beautiful job. Thanks, Liz To visit and see puppy pics and pedigrees go to www.angelfire.comde2razzledazzleRazzle Dazzle Continued on Page 36Razzle Dazzle Continued From Page 35I dont do a lot of breeding and when I do its to keep me in the ring -1 LOVE showing dogs Down the road, my breeding program includes breeding Dream and CCs sons and daughters. Who will they be bred to I dont know at this point but the decision will need to be,made soon. -^rrMy husband - what can I say about fins wonderful man He wasnt a dog person when-we married but he quickly picked up on what needed to be done and how,to'doit. He"takes care of ddgs'and puppies, cleans up pee and poop, feeds the kids when Im gone and is an all arouncLwonderfuhperspn. He also contributes money to the cause-wEen needed. Thank-you, Bill for all yourrsupport-andOnce again, thank you to the staff of The Pom Review - its been an honor 'w. u.inraftu v urocrL. - L,CIUBX 4'.StA_B[5TBREEDhAI_____Top to Bottom, Left to RightDreamKennel Room KenneJ RoomDallas, the love ofm^life ^ ^ Stetson,- our handsome stfid muffin Thejovely Bridey, our newest champion Stetson at21 months-old AmQan Ch. Chriscendo Classrgue Amber, our heart and soul' .KmNEW CHAMPIONBEST OF WINNERS AND OPPOSITECH. TRESSTIQUES N GGIS INDY SUMMERTo my good friend Judy Green - continued success with all future Razzle Dazzle babies. Also good luck to my Ohio friend Hal Webster of DHCrew Poms.My sincerest condolences on the loss of Sawyer go out to all who loved him.Watch for Evanspark Trouble In Dodge, "Wyatt.Jerry Kripak Evanspark PomeraniansTjaa^ratuallany asid\\to- our-JrieruAJfucjA^ fAreerc of dtaeWe'QAazze Aom orejour- ureA-ceseroeelAusiel clPslt.dCso- our- sincerest concAoeaces to- AurtAt ffucAf asy wel a ouireno So fregup Waters^ on tio os ofSaeoter-.Pur- tAotUjfAls at tAis time remoter osite al of tAose- affected h^ tAu trcupeef.y[cAlew ^ctmdrualanffenrufer- Sc- ffuniar - Hayes, VA httpwww.geocities.comachillespomeraniansV Ja.-i6'J0j 649-4549 \xt-oli t CL Congratulations JudyYou certainly deserve this honor.You have contributed so much to the Pomeranian breed and have been a joy to know. Thanks for your friendship and guidance throughout the years. All the best, kiddo Heres to many more years of continued successSuzanne Warfield570 754-7398 Willowood Toy Dogs vvillowoodlosch.netNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranmn Review - 37CLUJVrUCfi'DHCrew Poms originated in January of 1997. After many years of having pet Pomeranians, Nathan and Sissy. Sissy lived to fourteen years and Nathan to seventeen years of age. They were very tough losses for us emotionally. We loved Nathan and Sissys personalities, devotion and attitude so much. We started going to shows to see the Pomeranians being shown and hopefully meet breeders in our area. Naturally we became interested in learning more about the breed and looking into a possible show prospect.We also joined the Ohio Valley Pom Club in late 1996. Joining a breed club is a great way to meet people that are knowledgeable about your breed as well forging new lifetime friendships. I want to thank everyone in O.V.P.C. for their great friendship and knowledge they have bestowed on me in the past years.We started in the show ring with a little girl who just didnt like to show. Sadie became a wonderful pet. We decided to breed her once we found the stud that we thought would complement her. We then started to look for a bitch that was more of the type we wanted to start our line and possibly show. We wanted nice bone, cobby structure, pleasing head, and a nice ear set. This isnt the easiest prospect to find, especially just starting out. It was a frustrating search. The search took nearly six months, many phone calls, visits to breeders, and travel.We luckily were in correspondence with a breeder from Virginia during this time, Regina Nunn. We traveled and visited with Regina and her family. Reginapoms was producing and showing beautiful sound Pomeranians. Once we got to know each other, Regina offered us a sound girl that was very outgoing with a sweet expression. We also were able to see a couple of her offspring and liked what she was producing. Her name was Daisy, Reginapoms New Agenda. Needless to say Daisy went home with us and became DHCrews foundation bitch. Daisy achieved her ROM this past year. Her champions produced are Ch. DHCrew New Yr. Revolution,V5 5V'____________Chance - 6 months Ch. DHCrew Brand Of The GatorRevy, Ch. DHCrew Brand of the Gator, Brando, and Ch. DHCrew Gator Agenda, Genny, all sired by Ch. Reginapoms Luv-A-Gator ROM. Also, Ch. DHCrew Cinco De Mayo, Mavis, sired by Ch. DHCrew Ruff-N-Ready. Daisy also produced a male Max that did well as a puppy at matches but was my Mr. Reserve at shows, as he was a little bigger boy with a huge coat, great bone and nice movement. Without Regina we would not have the solid foundation that I based DHCrew upon. Daisy is behind much of my breeding program today. Thank you again ReginaWhile at Reginas, she had a spitfire of a puppy bitch Lana, Dimondes Zeigfeld Girl, bred by Diana Downey. We had nothing to show at that time and Regina asked if I wanted try training and showing Lana. Lana was a handful and taught me a lot. What attitude Once Lana understood what I wanted from her in the ring she finished at eleven months with three majors. She was the first dog I finished and she will always be special.We noticed a male Regina had just finished, named Ch. Reginapoms Ready to Rumble, Phillip. We thought he would complement our Sadie. He had nice coat, good bone, great movement and attitude. We sent Sadie to Phillip when she came into season and she produced two puppies one of them being Ch. DHCrew Ruff-N-Ready, who is one of our main studs today. Ruffy produced Ch. DHCrew Cinco De Mayo Mavis is owned by Laurie Otis and Linda Pelz, and Ch. DHCrew Mai-T-Toi Manic Monday Bang is owned by Angie Nisbet of New York. Also, DHCrew Rock-N-Rumble, just needs one major to finish, is owned by Cindy and Mark Onosco of Columbus, Ohio. I have a five-month-old male puppy, Mac, out of Ruffy that is promising. Only time will tell.Max, my Mr. Reserve, was used for breeding twice before placed into a pet home. He, of course, produced very nicely hindsight is twenty-twenty. He produced Ch. DHCrew Elizabethan Agenda, Beth, here at home and Ch. DHCrew Sunkist Lineman, Tyler, owned by Wendy Garcia of New York. Beth has one champion offspring Ch. DHCrew Mai-T-Toi Manic Monday, Bang, and others being shown and pointed. DHCrew Rock-N-Rumble Rummy, DHCrew Illuminisque Novel Meg Meg has nine points with a major owned by Jackie Moore of West Virginia, DHCrew Hotrod Showdown Agenda, Genna, has nine points and a major owned by Mary Mullen of Florida. Meg and Genna were sired by Trestique-N-GGs Showdown, Jessie. Genna has been bred to group placing Ch. Teri-Dans Hash Dance, Flash, and is believed to be expecting soon.ACh. DHCrew Ruff N Ready Ch. DHCrew Gator AgendaNow that we had Daisy and I was showing Lana, I kept my eyes and ears open for another bitch to bring into our breeding program. I always liked the quality that Jim and Doris Wheeler of Cascade Kennels of Dayton, Ohio had produced. Their males that I saw in the ring were always nice movers and produced nice puppies. Jim and Doris are members of O.V.RC. so I was able to keep abreast of new pups and possible bitches they had available. I acquired a bitch that was sired by their Ch. Sunkist Golden Rod, Roddy. Her name was Cascades Sunkist Amber, Amber. Amber produced two champion offspring Ch. DHCrew Sunkist Lineman and Ch. DHCrew Sunkist Cinnamon Twist. Twizzy is now owned by Sherrilynn Rogers. Amber is now owned by Pat and Walt Gilbert of LaBeau Poms in Orlando, Florida. They also own Ch. DHCrew Reginapoms Salute to Larron, Byron.Daisys other offspring are producing well. Ch. Brando has a male showing, DHCrew Wind Me Up At Thelduns. Alvin is owned by Betty and Robert Willis of Pataskla, Ohio. Alvin is now major pointed. Ch. DHCrew Gator Agenda, Genny, produced DHCrew-N- Darlins Gator Bay. Bay is major pointed with seven points. A repeat breeding produced Ch. DHCrew Horizon Bay Breeze co-owned by Laurie Otis and myself. Breezy finished out of puppy classes at 8 months. The girls were sired by Ch. Dis San Francisco Bay.Ch. Genny has been bred and hopefully expecting, though it is too soon to tell. Megs owner, Jackie bred her to Ch. Puffprides Sweetdreams. Meg and Parker pups are now a little over six months of age and are pictured in this article. Two girls, Destiny and Fancy, and one boy, Chance. Fancy went reserve winners bitch her first show. Just recently she won Best of Breed in Butler,DH Crew Continued on Page 40DH Crew Continued From Page 39Pennsylvania, and Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite at Corland, Ohio. Im very excited for Jackie and her litter out of Meg and Parker. I think she will have a great time showing this litter. Congratulations JackieMy overall goal is to produce puppies with good structure, soundness, with nice temperament and attitude. I am always looking to improve what Im producing. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. You try to learn from those times. I breed three to four litters a year, trying to keep the quality for show homes or for showing and breeding myself. DHCrew Poms can be contacted by phone, 614 475-1640. Please leave a message with return phone number and I will return your call as soon as possible. I work a lot of hours so catching me at home can be hard to do. You can also contact by snail mail at 2300 Colfax Ave. Columbus, Oh. 43224.There are a few people to thank for their help, wisdom, guidance, and friendship over the years. Sherry Lawall showed and finished Ch. Brando and Ch. Beth. They both adore her. Get better soon Sherrilynn Rogers, who is a good friend and wonderful handler. She showed both Ch. Mavis and Ch. Twizzy to their championships and put a five point major on Ch. Genny. Thank you for every thing Sherrilynn Donna Machniak put two four-point majors on Ch. Ruffy and a major on his son Rummy. Donna also has shown Bay to her seven points with a major. Continued success Donna Angie Nisbet who put Ch.Ruffys first points on him and let me breed Amber to her Mai-T-Tois Arizona Tumbleweed that produced Ch. Twizzy. Laurie Otis who has helped me out with showing, breeding and keeping puppies alive. Without her Bay and Breezy would not be here today Laurie is currently showing Rummy. Carol Leehmis who supplied her girl as mother to Breezy. Thank you again I am so sorry for your loss Carol. Shari Shields of Monarc Poms who has been a great friend from the beginning and has let me purchase one of her males to use in my program. Shari is always there to lend an ear when I need one. Continued success my friend Sarah Walker of Zanara Poms. Thank you for your friendship and being MoJos mom. I want to thank the Review for the honor and opportunity to do this kennel visit. Im very appreciative and continued success.w4Ch.DHCrew Cinco De Mayo DHCrew Luminesque Novel Meg DHCrew-N-Darlins Gator Bayr. Ttjvvjv.v .-ftrfr vr1'_ Ch. Revy, Chevy, Ch. Brando, Rummy Destiny - 6 months Fancy - 6 monthsCongratulations Hal on [our Kennel feature You have viorKed veq hard through the ears, and it shows in our beautiful Poms Keep up the good worKRobert and P-egina Nunn P-eginapomsbehind the TitlistsiCH. FAME LONE RANGER RED MALE BREEDEROWNER BRENDA SEGELKENCH FAME CHIP OF THE GREAT ROCK CH FAME GIFT OF THE SPIRIT CH FAME HIS SPIRIT CH WANG TSUS WHOPPER JUNIORCH WEE HEARTS THAT NUFF WEE HEARTS OLD FLAME BURNING WEE HEARTS JASMINEGREAT ELMS LITTLE FONZI CH GREAT ELMS LITTLE CRICKETCHIP-A-WAYS TERRIFIC LISA CH GREAT ELMS FAME-US DOLLYGREAT ELMS LITTLE FONZI GREAT ELMS SYBLGREAT ELMS MANDYMtn. View Pomeranians CongratulatesHal Webster and DHCrew Pomeranians on a well-deserved Kennel Visit. Best of everything in the future Roger and Pat DaguePUPPY HOPEFUL Mtn. Views Light My Fire EmberCh. Marbil's Games Of Chance X Mtn. Views Winter HopeX"3a.Xmi-AXV'"'A- '-f - . iif'Roger and Pat Dague Mtn. View PomeraniansStuarts Draft, VA.Letters Lrem the EditcrBelow is a photo of the special Pomeranian Review Wrapped in Purple Ribbons, accented with lime green that was mailed to Jessica Christiansen. We wish Jessica and the Christiansen family the best and continued healing.VNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 41"The way see it'LucatortoJudge Daniel AugustusPennsylvaniaJudge Daniel Augustus has been an AKC Licensed Judge for the last 7 years. He decided to apply for his judging license because he felt it was the next logical step in his career after owning and living with Pomeranians, Miniature Pinschers, Poodles, Whippets, Afghans, English Cockers, Norfolk Terriers, and Kerry Blue Terriers.In Canada, he has bred and shown his own dogs. He bred three champions and loves the Pomeranian breed.AKC licensed Judges' responses are welcome and appreciated. Contact Sue at Email casepomsl, phone 718 470-6267.Also, be professional, kind and gentle, especially to the pups. I do believe the most important assets to a show Pom is attitude and soundness. I would like see the breed improve by having sounder movement. Just because they are a toy breed doesnt mean they cannot have proper movement.For those that are new to exhibiting, my suggestion is to keep your ears and eyes open pay attention to experienced breeders or handlers and learn from them. Also be aware of what the judge wants in their ring watch the classes before you to gain some of this knowledge.For dog show superintendents pertaining to specifically the toy breed, I believe toy dogs should be allowed to have crates ringside for the safety of the dogs. I would like to say to the majority of judges, Please look at the bottom end of the lead and NOT the top end.SueAL_rTo quote Mr. Augustus, Poms are such little dynamos and a complete package. From my exhibitors in the ring, I expect courtesy to the dogs, other exhibitors and myself.My suggestion for improving the presentation of the Pomeranian in the ring is good training so that the dog shows itself.Donna J. MachniakDelay Poms - MichiganI have been involved with the dog show world since 1990. I am primarily an agent I show and finish Poms for others. I also have finished ones I have ownedbred. I was first attracted to the breed when a friend gave us a Pom when I was first married. I neverforgot this Pom and when our kids were grown and gone I wanted another one.In conditioning dogs for the show ring, I feel bathing regularly keeps coats in good condition. I do not use conditioners. Some Poms look better right after a bath so they are bathed the day before the show. Some look better a week after a bath so they are bathed early. Trimming I do the day before the show and final touches at the show. I use as few products as I can, including hair spray, and again the products are different for each dog.As for food, some dogs need little other than a good brand name dog food others need more in the way of products, like vitamins and things that add extra calories to the diet.I feel the most overlooked quality of the Pomeranian in the AKCAPC Standard, is the General Appearance. Our standard calls for the Pomeranian to be compact, short backed. It has a soft dense coat with a profuse harsh-textured outer coat. His heavily plumed tail is set high and lies flat on its back also, the gait of a Pom is smooth, free, balanced and vigorous. He has good reach in the forequarters and strong drive with his hindquarters. Each rear leg moves in line with the foreleg on the same side to achieve balance. His legs converge slightly inward toward a center line beneath his body. The rear and front legs are thrown neither in nor out. The topline remains level, and his overall balance and outline are maintained.My future concerns for the breed are its health problems, including hair loss. I have not seen the problems getting any better after all these years.When I am exhibiting, my expectations from the judge are the following I expect the judge to give all the dogs in the ring equal time and attention when it is your turn to be evaluated.When exhibiting, always retain your sense of humor. I will never forget when a lead got out of my hand and the Pom took off, it was a good thing the rings had gating because he was heading for an open door. He stopped at the fencing and I caught him. Needless to say after that I am very careful of where the lead is now.42 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomernimi ReviewAmerican Pomeranian Club, IncBoard SummaryJAN CE RUSSELLL3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomindy.netAUGUST 2004 BOARD SUMMARYThe electronic copy of the Stud Book will be sent to the Club Historian to be kept in the Archives. If a committee or club member needs a copy of the Stud Book, either monthly or occasionally, the Historian will electronically forward a copy to them.A copy of all contracts that involve APC must be filed with the recording secretary. As legal documents this file is available to present APC board members only.The Judges Education CD will be sold to anyone wishing to obtain one for 10.00 each, plus shipping if applicable.A letter will be written to AKC immediately voicing our concerns about the public listing of litter registrations.A SeptemberOctober Pomeranian Review issue adorned with purple ribbons will be sent to Jessica Christiansen. Postage paid by APC.KENySherri Alspaugh Paugh Print Poms JanuaryFebruary 2005Sharon Hanson Jan-Shar Poms MarchApril 2005Please contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Co-ordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Ph. 903-882- 1950 or email Pomeranian Charitable TrustThe Pomeranian Charitable Trust is pleased to announce its first donation has been made. The PCT sent 500.00 to the University of Tennessee study under Dr. Linda Frank melatonin effects on Alopecia X to use toward veterinary costs not covered by other means. Please refer to the SeptOct issue of the Pomeranian Review for contact information if you have a Pom eligible for this study. The more participants, the more reliable the results of this study will be. The PCT is also in communication with the University of Missouri to see how it can directly help their DNA study.NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 43Donna Riehm ChairpersonAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.4-42' ^rV_____ JilLiD USfclDAYTHE POM SHOPPEItems for saleLimited Edition Prints by renowned artist Chris Heartz2003 Special Edition Meet Me In Kentucky2004 Special Edition The Race Is OnTees with The Race Is On artwork Sizes M, L, XL, XXLPlease email for size availability prior to sending checkCoffee Mugs with The Race Is On artwork These are very niceAPC Illustrated Standard A must read for anyone in PomsAPC set of decals one large, two smallsThese look great on vehicle windows, tack boxes, etc.APC Lapel Pin members onlyAll prices include shipping. Make checks payable to APC a Donna Riehm, 669 Ava Road, Murphysboro, Illinois 6296645.0045.0018.0010.0018.50 5.00 5.00d mail toQuestions email or call 618 684-4644Thank you to all our members and friends who continue to purchase items in support of our American Pomeranian Club.44 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewNew ChampionsChampions of Record are Confirmed by AKCJuneCH Animation's Olivo Oyl B CH Finch's N Animation's Popeye x CH Animation's Tik Tak. Owned Bred by Darren Lane'S Lorinda Vasuta.CH Bahstoys Lll Kaufman Trinket B Grafenhorsfs Silver Bandit x RafFinans MissAbby Of Emcee. Owned by Marti Kaufman. Bred by Linda Blessing.CH Bluerock's Talk About Mo D Emcee's Lil Red Dorito x Blue Rock's Southern Magnolia. Owned by Billie Yeager Hurst Bred by Billie Yeager Hurst.CH Chelane's Scarlet O'Hara B Elaine's Opes Gone Fishing x Elaine's Lit Lizzie Borden. Owned by Cheryt Kerr 8 Elaine Waugh. Bred by Elaine Waugh.CH Cinnakees Dragonfly At Bretica B Cinnakees Pendragon x Cinnakees Watch This. Owned by Penny L. Lewis, Cathy M. Cinnamon Gamy R. Cinnamon. Bred by Cathy Cinnamon Garry R Cinnamon.CH Cr Classic Attitude B CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second x Daystar Sophistication. Owned by Celeste Solano Robert Solano Lori Drew. Bred by. Robert Solano Celeste Favilla Solano.CH Fame Lone Ranger D CH Wang Tsu Whopper Junior x CH Great Elms Fame-Us Dolly. Owned Bred by Brenda SegelkenCH Flnebrook's Code Red Of Ar-Bee'S D Finch's Jumpin' Jack Flash x Firebreak's lfs About Thyme. Owned by Rodger K. Beaty. Bred by Lee D. CookCH Heartland's Rash Gordon D CH Pierce Arrows Justin Time x Heartland's A Flash Of Elegance. Owned by Kathryn J. Norem. Bred by Robert Kieffer.CH Jan Le's Chatter Box B Jan Le's Master Of The Chase x CH My Faith Of Lenette. Owned Bred by Jane Lehtinen.CH Jan-Shars Fantasia B CH Jan-Shars Mini Me x CH T-Villes Isn't She Wovewe. Owned by David Solis, Letitia Cannon Sharon Hanson Jessica Solis. Bred by Letitia E. Cannon Sharon L Hanson.CH Jan-Shars Nemo D CH Jan-Shars Fresh Off The Farm x CH Jan-Shars Oh You Beautiful Doll. Owned Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jjs Victorian Angel D CH Mercer's Utmost Crown Prince x CH Jj's She Talks To Angels. Owned by Brenda Heimbach. Bred by Julie Javemick.CH Kitsan Poppln Country B CH Lil Darlins Die-Hard Dakin x Kitsan Oneoak Hot Stuff. Owned Bred by Tritvie V. Haynes.CH Lynnwrlghts Majestic Deva B CH Majesties Wolfman Jackx Watts Little Matchgirl. Owned by Annette Rister Charlotte Creed. Bred by Donna Lynn Wright.CH MTN Views Autumn Promise B CH Regmans MTN. View Stars Shine x Reginapoms Wild Angel. Owned Bred by Patricia Dague Roger A. Dague.CH Mountain Crest Hard Rock D Glen Iris Rock Star x Mountain Crest Cloe'. Owned Bred by Carlene Gilstrap David Gilstrap. CH Paughprint Pennies From Heaven B CH Paughprints On The MTN Crest x Paugh Prints Strutn Stella. Owned Bred by Sherri Alspaugh.CH Pufpride Scarlet Rose B CH Pufpride's Milliondollar Baby x Pufpride-Ralston Rockn Robin. Owned by Lavonne Beard Dwight Beard. Bred by Warren G. Dimick.CH Retro's Anastasio D Rnch's Retro Son Of The Revolution x CH Jan-Shars Mother Nature. Owned by Karen Huntsberger Elizabeth Molina. Bred by Elizabeth A. Molina.CH Star Haven Blazin' Comet D CH Wyndlor Doin' It Right x Star Havens Spirit Medicine x Owned Bred by Janice Young.CH Starfire's Mary Lou B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Starfire's Table Dancer. Owned Bred by Jose A. Cabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Sundown's Come Ry With Me B CH Janesa's Talley Ho x Sundown Mistress Of The Night CD. Owned by Carol Leemhuis Camilla Knight Bred by Camilla KnightCH Vision O Bumin Love At Beau James D T C Lover Boi Manor Hill x Dreamtime Midnight Tanayia. Owned by Cynthia P. Wallen. Bred by Audrey M. Renz.CH Weepawz Crowning Glory B CH Weepawz Dancing Bear x Weepawz Medi Kate. Owned by Melodie Gault. Bred by Margaret Jennings.CH Wonderland's Holly Berry Of Topaz B CH Tisha's A Lil Bit Gusto x Kilpatricks Wonder Thunder. Owned by Linda L. Buchanan. Bred by James McKieman.JulyCH American Pride Of Allridge B CH Finch's He Walks On Water x Bi-Maris Diamonds And Pearls II. Owned Bred by Valerie Allridge.CH Articpoms Iron Will D CH Daystar Lil Red Rooster Zuran x CH Aurora's-Smokin-Pistol. Owned by Sharry L Christianson. Bred by Sharry L Christianson Julie A Volkheimer.CH Bobirs Return Of The King D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Bobii's Lalique Of GR Elms. Owned Bred by Bobii Earle.CH Cascade's Dynamic Magic Man D Millamoris Dynamic Chip x Cascade Bev-Nor Black Velvet Owned by Sherrilynn J. Rogers Bred by Doris Wheeler.CH D H Crew Horizon Agenda Bay Breeze B CH Di's San Francisco Bay x CH Dhcrew Gator Agenda. Owned by Hal Webster Jr. Laurie Otis. Bred by Hal Webster.CH Dreamweavers Sparklin FIro Rose B CH Dreamweavers Rre Dancer x Primetime Days OfWine'n'roses. Owned Bred by Linda Pez Michael WellsCH Falksters Magical Golden Sportscar D CH Lynnwrights Houdini x Falksters Little Miss Daisey Duke. Owned by Jennifer Falk Cindy Golden. Bred by Jennifer Falk.CH Rnch's Moonlight Sonata B CH Finch's Walkin After Midnite x CH Finch's Shesa Lil Brick. Owned by Marilyn Robertson. Bred by Diane L. RnchCH Glen Iris Elixir Of Cuilean D MNM N Shamai Lancer O Zanara x Castle Hermione Of Glenris. Owned by Dr. Cheryl A. Jackson Lawrence Myers. Bred by Cheryl Jackson CH Jan Le's DonT Be Silly D CH Jan Le's Just A Dash Of Millamorx CH Castile's Sillouette. Owned by Jane LehtinenBred by Jane Lehtinen Curtis L Van Leur.CH Jan-Shars You'Re Not The 8oes Of Me D CH Jan-Shars Mini Me x CH Jan-Shars Olivia Newton Pom. Owned by Judy Paris Letita E. Cannon. Bred by Sharon L Hanson Letita Cannon.CH Jolvin Opaline Peannete Royale D CH Jolvin's Legacy Of Ginger x Jolvin Promise Kept At Opaline. Owned by Anne Hendler. Bred by Joan Beech Melvin Beech.CH Lydon Honey Bee B Bi-Maris Honey Boy x Rodi Lydon Lexis. Owned Bred by Lori L Cole.CH Paradise Valley Blazing Brodie D CH Diogenoir The Next Generation x Paradise Valley Cierra. Owned Bred by Marshall Rokos Cindy Rokos.CH Razzle Dazzle Wedding March B Foxworth Frontier Spirit x Chriscendo Call Girt. Owned Bred by Judith B. Green.CH Starfires Josefina Is Nasty B CH Starfire's Wicked Mean-N- Nasty x Starfire's Strawberry Marmelade.Owned Bred by Jose A. Cabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Starlights Ready For Takeoff D CH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief x Jan-Shars Martina McBride. Owned by Ron Smith, Merlyn Smith, Deronda Sharp Derrik Sharp. Bred by Ron Smith Merilyn Smith.CH Wyndlor lfs My Wish B CH Sirius lfs Sable Adam x Wyndlor Three Wishes. Owned by Becky Sabourin. Bred by Nina M. Fetter Becky Sabourin.American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an New Champions are received from AKC and published as space permits. Corrections need to be submitted with a copy of the corrected AKC Championship Certificate to awards^americanpomeraniancl tMtorg by January 15,2005NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomersnikn Revew - 45American Pomeranian ClubJanuary 1,2004 through September 5,2004 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTop 10 Breed SystemRank Name SexWinsB0BVTotalPoints 0wnersl CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams D 78 1578 Noble Inglett, Diane L Finch2 CH Starfire's Wicked Mean-N-Nasty D 49 843 Tony Cabrera, Fabian Ariente3 CH Sundown's Keegan Xavier D 35 567 Camilla Knight4 CH Firebrooks Tobasco Fiasco D 30 559 Lee Cook5 CH Valcopy Batboy D 38 541 J. Pardue, M. Pardue, Ron Smith, Merilyn Smith6 CH Larajus Cosmic Kid D 31 443 L New bold7 CH Rodis CR King of Gondor D 26 396 Celeste Solano R. Solano, Ron Smith, Merilyn Smith8 CH Starfire's Robcary Sobe It D 24 326 Carol Schrimpsher9 CH Sirius It Wasn't Me D 24 295 Ginny Aulik, Mary Lou Lafler10 CH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief D 18 285 Ron Smith Sharon Hanson, Merilyn SmithTop 10 Group SystemGroup Totalank Name Sex BIS 1 II III IV Points Ownersl CH Starfire's Wicked Mean-N-Nasty D 15 34 5 5 2 26,108 Tony Cabrera, Fabian Ariente2 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams D 12 39 19 6 6 21,617 Noble Inglett, Diane L Finch3 CH Valcopy Batboy D 6 2 4 4 2,875 J. Pardue, M. Pardue, Ron Smith, Merilyn Smith4 CH Sundown's Keegan Xavier D 6 6 5 2,356 Camilla Knight5 CH Rodis CR King of Kondor D 1 4 4 2 1,8 31 Celeste Solano, R. Solano, Ron Merilyn Smith6 CH Starfire's Robcary Sobe It D 1 1 4 1 3 1,671 Carol Schrimpsher7 CH Firebrooks Tobasco Fiasco D 1 2 2 3 1523 Lee Cook8 CH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief D 1 1 4 4 1554 Ron Smith, Sharon Hanson, Merilyn Smith9 CH Lil Darlins I Got The Power D 1 1 1 3 1266 Joanne Reed10 CH Larajus Cosmic Kid D 1 4 1 2 1244 L New boldAmerican Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an In order to be eligible for APC Aw ards given at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.Every effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors to the attention of the Annual Awards Chairperson. Ifyourdogs are listed in the corrections of the AKC Awards issues, please contact Kelly D. Rejmschiissel at before January 15, 2005.46 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomerknmn ReviewTop Breeder, Exhibitor, Sire DamKel ly D. Reimschiissel, Awards Chairperson January 1,2004 through August 30,2004 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTop Breeders Top SiresDiane L finch 14 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams 13Sharon L Hanson n CH Jan-Shars Mri Me 4Jane Lehtiien 6 Brynrose Icuddabeenacontenda 3Cauda Knight 5 CH Fnchs He Wafts On Water 3Nancy Coddtagton 5 CH Finch's Waftta After Mkinite 3Juanita fidcick 4 CH Howlene-Teahra Impero 3K. G. Griffith 4 CH Indiana Jones Of Lenette 3Noble taglett 4 Ftach's Causin' A Comotion 3Annette Roger Rister 3 CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second 2Charlotte Meyer 3 CH Diogenoir The Next Generation 2Darren Lane 3 CH Jan Le's Just A Dash Of Manor 2Fabian Arienti 3 CH Jan-Shars DucBy Doright 2Jerrie Freia 3 CH Jan-Shars N Sync 2Jose A Cabrera 3 CH John's Legacy Of Gtager 2Jufie Clemen 3 CH Mercer's Utmost Crown Prince 2Lorinda Vasuta 3 CH Fufpride's Mondotar Baby 2CH Sundown's Hide N Zeke CD 2CH Two-Ts Feisty Autumn Glow 2Top Exhibitors CH Wyndlor Doin' It Flight 2U Darfins Power V Trudy's 2Sharon Hanson 7 Maktag A Splash At Lenette 2Jane Lehtiien 5 Perrien's Cuddly Jessiah 2Annette Rister 4 Velvet Touch Versace 2Charlotte Creed 4 Wyndlor-N-DJS Ofiver Twist 2Noble taglett 4Arlene A. Otaguro 3 Top DamsCharlotte Meyer 3Cindy Rokos 3 Bfyss' Sugar Magnofia 2Darren Lane 3 CH Jj's She Tafts To Angels 2Diane L finch 3 CH Sungold's 1 Do What 1 Lie 2Hazel Mer 3 Ftach's Waft Upon A Star 2Jerrie Freia 3 Karokels Just Gtama A Chance 2Laurie Otis 3 Pimade Holy Of Howlene 2Lortada Vasuta 3 Pufpride-Ralston Rockn Robin 2Marshal Rokos 3 TaScos' Forever Spirit 2Robin Watanabe 3 Trudy's Cover Girl 2Trudy's Cream Deite 2Junior Stats not available.The Pomeranian Review indudes ai Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publcation. American Pomeranian Ckib Members are noted with an . h order to be efcpbie or APC Awards given at the Annuai Banquet you must have been a member for one I calendar year.Every effort is made to compie accurate statistics. Please bring any errors to the attention of the Annual Awards Chairperson. I your dogs are isted in the 'corrections" of the AKC Awards issues, please contact Kely D. ReraseIwssei at before January 15, 2005.NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranisn Review - 47Ttie Op A MOW l04APC MEMORIAL By Charlene WatersC\ lAttU P Attic T CKA Hocdo WhWhen I first thought of writing this story it didn't have an ending. Now it does. Its not the one Id have given it if I could have ^chosen, but life never affords you that option.Gregg and I started showing Pomeranians in 1992. In 1995 we came into a little money and decided to go to the American Pomeranian Club National Specialty and the Westminster show in New York. We didn't plan to take dogs, but just watch, learn, and experience New York. Once there we met a lot of people from across the country.These wonderful people, both new to showing Pomeranians and long time breeders have since become good friends and acquaintances. That year there was a large group from Texas. They made quite an impression on us There were long time breeders whose kennel names were infamous to us. Gregg and I were in awe of the shows as well as New York. Most important to this story is Jackie Rayner and Judy Green.I met Jackie first in the grooming room. I think I was drawn to her because she looked a lot like Greggs aunt, Alice a some-what familiar face.Aunt Alice has a wonderful sense of humor, and has always teased Gregg mercilessly. I introduced myself and explained this to Jackie. Those of you who know her will understand what an open invitation that was. I introduced her to Gregg and she started right in, and hasnt stopped since. Jackie was traveling with Judy Green and she introduced us. We discussed dogs, and lines of dogs and discovered we were working with similar pedigrees. I asked Judy if she had anything available. Of course she didnt at that time. I asked her to keep us in mind when she did.National in New York. When we got home we put enough money aside to go again the next year. After two APC Nationals, we were hooked. We have attended every one that we possibly could since.In 1998 the summer national was held in Ohio. Gregg couldnt attend due to his work schedule. I planned to attend with two friends, Patty Chapman from Salt Lake and Jane Reed from Washington State. Once there I again met Judy Green and Jackie Rayner. This time Judy had two beautiful male puppies. She was keeping the darker of the two the other one was for sale. Two years before I had asked for consideration on a puppy of either sex, but now I didnt think that I needed a boy. I had just breed and kept a very nice male from my own breeding, Shimmeree League Asst Leader. Stocton is named after a Utah Jazz basketball player, John Stocton. Hes an orange sable that I just love. At first I liked the pup Judy was keeping. I thought he was more my type of head, but the light orange boy was very cute and did have something about him. I asked Judy to move him down and back so I could see him move. She smiled sheepishly and stated, Hes not lead broken, but hell follow me. Judy called him and they went down and back together. He moved so nice. He had a broad nose, fat cheeks, and those fat furry legs that I just loved. Jackie said she liked Sawyer the best and didnt know why Judy wasnt keeping him. I ran to get Patty Chapman to see these puppies.9XA\rWhile in New York, we realized that the APC nationals were moving to Texas in two years. 1996 would be the last APCI had three teenagers at home and our money situation was back to normal the teenagers spent it as fast as we could make48 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC PoMERSNiflN Reviewit. I thought if Patty would buy this boy he would be in Utah and I could breed to him. Patty liked him and his pedigree, but she wasnt as taken with him as I was. By the end of the shows she decided not to get him. On the last day, at the last minute before we had to leave, I decided to spend a good portion of our Christmas money to buy him. Christmas turned out good, and we had a lovely new puppy as well as other nice presents. Gregg loved him as much as I did. We were both glad he had said that if I had to have him then go ahead and bring him home. Razzle Dazzle Texas Hoedown now lived in Utah at Shimmeree Kennels.It was fall in Utah and we only had a few more shows before winter shut us down. Sawyer needed to walk on a lead, or at least I thought so. Sawyer didnt think so. He was nine months old and putting something around his neck was not on his agenda.Youd have thought I was killing him. We went to a nearby park to try it out. First a regular show lead. I had a fish on a string. Maybe a loose collar and a snap-on lead Not any better. OK, an obedience chain and a snap-on lead. Oh dear, what a painBack to the regular show lead. About this time, a person with a Golden Retriever jogged by. Sawyer dashes out ahead to follow the Golden. He was very smart. It only took him about a minute to figure out that being out in front hurt his neck a whole lot less. This still wasnt perfect, but it was better.Now it was time for Sawyers first fun match. In our area there are matches in the spring and then again in the fall. We went to as many as we could. September had some local shows. October had some to travel to. We entered Sawyer in puppy classes then in the spring open class. We showed Stocton in Bred By Exhibitor. Between the two of them we did very well that year. Stocton finished his championship in the fall of 1999. Sawyer still needed one major. We entered Sawyer the San Jose, California shows in February of 2000, hoping to finish him. There were three days of shows. A Pomeranian Specialty was on Friday, and two allbreed shows on the weekend. If he didnt finish on Friday or Saturday, then Dorothy Welsh was judging on Sunday. She had already given him a single point and if there was a major we might have a shot at it. Our strategy worked. He finished on Sunday under judge Dorothy Welsh. Back home 800 miles one-way. We only have eight shows in Utah in a year. Ten in Idaho we were able to attend, 225 to 370 miles away, and four in Las Vegas, 412 miles one way. All other shows are 500 miles or more away and require major planning to attend. Utah is what I call dog show purgatory.Before we left home we had entered Sawyer at the upcoming APC Nationals in the Open Class. We called the show Secretary to move him up to Best of Breed class as a special. Did we make it in time to be a special in the catalog Yes Texas here we come.It was my third APC National in Texas, but was Greggs first. This would be his first APC National since New York. AKC was collecting Pomeranian DNA at a discounted rate. We took Stocton along to get his DNA work done, too. We also invited long time friends, Jeanette Gibson and her daughter Mindy that we used to show Cocker Spaniels with, to come along. Mindy had a Pomeranian she was showing in Junior Handling. APC didnt offer a Junior class that year but they came along for the all breed shows.The morning of the Nationals was very exciting. I had shown class dogs at the APC National before, but never a special. This was the first time in the specials ring for both Sawyer and I. I didnt bring a class dog. I groomed Sawyer for the dog classes. Then I groomed him again for the bitch classes. I was very nervous. I groomed him again for the Best of Breed classes. This seemed like a very long day already, and I hadnt even gone in the ring yet. The Best of Breed class was huge. The judge Jackie Klein split the group into two groups. We were in the second group. More waiting. I paced in the hall, went to the restroom, groomed Sawyer again, and paced some more. Sawyer wasnt nervous, he loved to be there. Stocton was distracted when he showed, he noticed every noise or bark outside the ring. Sawyer on the other hand was very attentive. He looked at you with adoring eyes and hung on every word. Watching your hands for the slightest command, then a piece of bait. If the bait didnt come fast enough he would give you a little fake sneeze. Which always made me laugh. Sawyer had become a showman, and he was really on that day. The waiting only made him more intense, wanting to be in the ring. We went in for our turn. Sawyer was really on. We made the cut. Judge Klein lined us up and brought in the cut from the other group. I then saw where I was standing. Ahead of me by one or two others was Nadine Hershel with Fraiser, Ch. AJs Smokin Joe. Behind me was Erika Moreau, Im not sure of the special she had, but I was aware he was a top dog and a major contender. At first Judge Klein went up and down the whole line taking in all the nice dogs. Then her distance seemed to shorten up. She would look at Erikas dog shake her head then walk up to where Fraiser was and shake her head again. At first I thought I was just lucky to be between them. Then as she walked back and forth I realized that she was looking at Sawyer, too. Now it was more intense. Sawyer felt it and got more intense, too. It seemed like forever. In my mind I was saying, Give it to us. You know you want to. When she pointed to Sawyer my mind left my body. I took two steps forward and got totally lost. In a conversation about a year later I found out that Tish Cannon came up to give me a hug and congratulations and I asked what I was supposed to do now. She pointed out the first place sign. I dont remember this. At the same time outside the ring Greggs mind left with mine. Noble Inglet brought him back by kissing Gregg on the top of his head Gregg was sitting then, told him to go join his wife. The rest is still a blur of hugs, congratulations, and tears of joy. Later that night Jim Shearer asked us if we really knew the scope of what had just happened We said of course we did, we have shown dogs for over 15 years even though we were fairly new in Poms.We specialed Sawyer through 2000, 2001, and 2002, owner handled 90 of the time. We placed as high in the rankings as fourth,Sawyer Memorial Continued on Page 50NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 49Sawyer Memorial Continued from Page 49but always in the 20. We received an invitation to the first Eukanuba Invitational in Orlando, Florida. Gregg and I were able to attend. We showed Sawyer in the APC Nationals in Baltimore and received an Award of Merit. We also showed him at the Nationals in New Orleans, Des Moines. Iowa, and Kentucky. We received a second invitation to the Eukanuba invitational but were not able to attend.Sawyer retired in the fall of 2002 just before his fifth birthday. He traveled with us most of the time in 2003 but missed being in the show ring. Through 2003, we had been mentoring Cristy and Jessica Christiansen. In 2004, we offered to let Jessica show Sawyer in the Junior Handling ring. Jessica had become quite a good handler showing a bitch we co-owned, Ch. Shimmeree Heaven Sent Trinket. Showing a bitch in the Junior ring can be difficult at times. Trinket didn't always show well being in the classes and Junior ring. Sawyer seemed to be a good solution. I was planning to bring him out as a veteran in the APC National in Kentucky in 2005. This seemed a good way to get him ready. Sawyer and Jessica started out in Las Vegas in April 2004. They had been practicing at the spring matches and thought they were ready.Sawyer was very excited to be in the ring again. Jessica and Sawyer didnt place in Las Vegas but soon found their rhythm and placed in the ribbons every time after that. Sawyer looked forward to going with Jessica. At our local shows in May, Gregg and I took the motor home and stayed on the grounds. Cristy and Jessica drove back and forth. The second morning of the four-day show, Cristy and Jessica were a little late arriving to the shows for an early Junior class. Their van pulled up. Jessica scooped Sawyer up out of the exercise pen and ran off to the ring. From that time on, as soon as Jessica arrived. Sawyer would start to whine, then bark, Shes here, shes here. Lets go to the ring. Jessica showed him from April to July, and Sawyer never gave me a second look in that time. He had a new showgirl Jessica was his new special person. He looked at her with those adoring eyes and never missed a beat, always the showman.On July 10 and 11 Cristy, Jessica, and Trisha Cristys oldest daughter drove an older motor home they had just bought to the Eagle Colorado shows. I came in my car. The plan was to stay with them on the grounds then go to Denver to fly to the Houston shows with another friend to get a puppy for her. I was showing a dog in the Bred By Exhibitor Class, Shimmeree Quick Silver Q, also a Bred By bitch, Shimmeree Perfict Harmony Harmony, my Bred By Chihuahua bitch, Sandia Shimmeree Special Order Cricket, and my newest acquisition, a Tibetan Spaniel, Topaz Precious Gem at Shimmeree Topaz. Harmony is a Sawyer daughter and took Best of Breed on the second day following in her fathers footsteps. After the shows I headed to Denver. Topaz went home to Denver with her breeder for some special training. Q went with me to Denver then to Houston. Sawyer, Harmony, and Cricket stayed with Cristy and Jessica to go back home. Cristy and Jessica had four of their own dogs with them. One of the four dogs was Ch. Shimmeree Heaven Sent Trinket, a bitch we co-owned bred to Sawyer, due on July 17. They also had Rosie their puppy from Camilla Knight, Tori their puppy from Pati Danielson and Tiffany, their pet and brood bitch. They also were transporting a champion bitch for Pati Danielson Sable.Cristy, Jessica and Trisha spent the night and headed home on the 12th. It was a very hot day, well over 100 degrees. The area between Grand Junction. Colorado, and Green River, Utah, is desert. We dont know what started the explosions, but the motor home blew up. Cristy. Jessica, and Trisha barely got out with their lives. All three were badly burned, and all the dogs were lost.Up until that time. Sawyer lived a charmed life. Everything he did turned out well as we planned. Sawyer got a chance to show again and do what he loved. He will always be remembered as he was. He will never grow old or get feeble. He will forever be a legend in my mind.All of our dear Pom friends we lost that day will be dearly missed.\- I 1 e EDiiIK BEST OF BREErUTAH BEEHNt OJJSTCRUTAH VA11 AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLU SPECIALTY SHOW MARCH 2000'll -__V2004 iAPRIL best juniorI iiHANDLER 11 KOHLER- mm50- NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewIN MEMORY OFBISS Ch. Razzle Dazzle Texas HeedeivnLi-\beehive TOY GROUP of UTAHSEPTEMBER 2001a0FIRSTGROUPe KOHLER TChar, remember when you first saw Sawyer and he wasnt even leash brokenI can remember you telling me how you had to work to get him trained for the ring. What a lovely job you did with his training and his show career.His group placements and his win at the National in 2000 were highlights of my years in dogs. You two made a wonderful picture together and his love for you was obvious.Thank you for the memoriesGregg and Charlene, you have my heartfelt condolences on the loss of this lovely boy. My one regret is that I never bred to him even though I planned to some day.May his legacy live on in his children and grandchildren.Judith B. GreenBreeder www.angelfire.comde2razzledazzle email razzledazzlepomsaol.comGregg and Charlene WatersOwnerHandlerHEALTH m GEHETICSJicvtge JuuvzfeldePom fanciers soon realize it doesnt take much time to occur between enjoying a healthy Pom to worrying about a critically ill one. Below is an excellent article written by Julie Kallbacka about one such possibility. It is important for all of us to remember this as a possibility because a veterinarian that hasnt yet seen in hisher practice that something considered insignificant in a larger breed could cause severe pancreatitis in your Pom and might miss the proper diagnosis. I feel almost any imbalance of their body systems could result in this condition. In other words, a gut imbalance due to parasites, medication doses, dietary change or other unrelated shock, trauma or disease. One of the first pets I had sold to an avid gardener said her puppy was just playing with some dried leaves before needing five days of intensive care for pancreatitis. After that incident I have cautioned Pom owners against having their Pom tidbited by guests at their parties. It could prove fatal. I will underline Julies point that pancreatitis can occur as an acute one time occurrence however, at least for quite a while, that individual seems more susceptible to reoccurrences if not become completely chronic.Pancreatitis, A Nightmare for a Pom OwnerSeveral years ago I became quite familiar with pancreatitis in Poms the hard way, when my beautiful young male, Ch Kalasics Just A Little Too Cute, suffered a severe acute Pancreatitis attack after ingesting about a teaspoon of rinsed and drained lean ground beef I had mixed with rice into his normal kibble. The effect on him was immediate. He presented with what we Pom breeders usually identify as hypoglycemic shock. He became weak and he staggered. He looked dazed and appeared to convulse a little. My immediate reaction was to think that he was choking, so I grabbed him and attempted to dislodge whatever might be stuck in his throat to find that he was not choking at all. He then began vomiting violently at which point I phoned my vets answering service and awaited his return phone call. By the time I got off the phone with the answering service Too Cute was fading even more and had began to lose his bowels. I treated him with drops of sugar water while waiting for my vet to phone. Within a very few minutes the vet called back and based on my description of what was going on he advised giving Too Cute some Pepto-Bismol or other stomach coating medication that I had on hand. I only had Kaopectate, which I gave him as it does have coating action. The vet asked if I had any Tagamet or similar drug on hand. I had prescription Pepcid and the vet advised me to give Too Cute just a tiny sliver of this. He stayed on the phone with me until Too Cute stabilized and did not seem so shocky. He then told me to continue this supportive therapy through the night and not to hesitate to call if Too Cute should go into shock again. The vet remained on the phone with me for 45 minutes or so and we finally arranged to meet at the office in the morning as long as Too Cute remained stable until then. The next 8 hours went by very slowly. Too Cute continued to vomit and he had some bloody diarrhea throughout the night. I knew I had to keep him hydrated and prevent hypoglycemia if I was going to get him through this so I administered a subcutaneous injection of fluids that I keep on hand for puppy emergencies but this only seemed to make him go into shock again. I could only assume that he just could not take the additional pain caused by the injection. So, I kept him hydrated with Pedalyte enemas instead. At 730 a.m. we were at the vets office with a stable but still very sick little Pom boy. Exam and blood tests confirmed the vets suspicion. Too Cute did indeed have severe, acute pancreatitis.My vet explained to me that pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in which pancreatic enzymes auto-digest the gland. The pancreas is a glandular organ that is tucked under the stomach and duodenum first part of the small intestine. It has two functions 1 to produce the enzymes needed to digest food, and 2 to produce hormones, including the hormone insulin, which facilitates the metabolism of glucose sugar and amino acids proteins. Under normal conditions, digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas are activated when they reach the small intestines. In pancreatitis, these enzymes are activated prematurely while still in the pancreas instead of in the small intestines. The intensity of the disease will depend on the quantity of enzymes that are prematurely activated. Severe acute pancreatitis occurs whenexcess active enzymes spill on to the pancreas and though the digestive tract undiluted by the normal digestive process. This causes burning and inflammation with severe pain and accompanying shock. It may also cause damage to surrounding organs, such as the liver, bile ducts, gall bladder, and intestines. This damage to the digestive system can lead to necrosis and secondary bacterial infection of the bowels as well as chronic inflammation of the pancreas. Acute severe pancreatitis is life threatening and some dogs do not survive the initial attack. The condition is extremely painful and is usually characterized by severe vomiting, diarrhea and cramping. It is this intense pain that causes the seemingly neurological symptoms that make the dog stagger and sometimes appear to convulse or become paralyzed.After confirmation of pancreatitis through physical exam and blood tests, Too Cute was given Flagyl to prevent infection of the injured bowels, Torbagesic to relieve pain, Tagamet to control stomach acid production and minimize the chance of another acute episode, and prednisone to help reduce the inflammation. I was sent home with instruction to continue the supportive care along with some dire warnings about the condition becoming chronic and admonitions to call immediately if Too Cute showed even the slightest change for the worse. It took several days before I breathed any sighs of relief. It was over 48 hours before Too Cute would drink on his own and it was over 72 hours before he would even try a taste of the prescription dog food. Supportive care had to be provided during that time and I did not leave him alone for a second.Too Cute finally recovered from this initial attack and was able to slowly get off most of his medicines after several weeks. However, he remained on regular daily doses of Tagamet for a year before we were able to take him off of that and just use it as needed. Unfortunately Too Cute did indeed develop chronic pancreatitis. The attacks from these were quite mild in comparison to that first bout and we successfully managed them by making sure the medications were on hand to administer at the first signs of discomfort. Supportive therapy was provided as needed whenever he did not feel like eating. A modified diet was also required to help prevent attacks. Too Cute eventually learned how to tell me when he was having an off day even before he had any visible symptoms and on those days he would get his meds as a precaution. We played a balancing act to keep him from building up resistance to the medications and keeping him medicated enough to avoid attacks. Too Cute eventually learned what he could and could not eat and when. Sometimes he would just beg so pathetically that we would give in and treat him to a tiny bit of whatever he was begging for and he would have no problems. At other times he would appear fine but if any kind of treat were offered to him he would run for his crate with head down and tail tucked from just the thought We left it up to Too Cute when and what he would eat, but he never again received anything remotely fattyAs a breeder, one of my questions concerning pancreatitis was whether or not the condition was hereditary. My vet explained that in some breeds it is believed to be an inherited tendency and some breeds do have a marked increase in the rate of occurrence of pancreatitis than do other breeds. But he also told me that in the tiny Toy breeds it does not take much to induce an attack in an otherwise healthy dog with no genetic predisposition. These little dogs are very fragile and it does not take much to throw their systems out of balance Fatty foods are the usual culprits for inducing pancreatitis, but other foods have been known to trigger the condition too. Thus a Pom owner should always be aware of what their Poms are eating and to be on the watch for symptoms of pancreatitis. Pom owners should also know what to do if they suspect a case of pancreatitis. Because the most obvious immediate symptoms appear to be neurological in nature it is easy to over look the pancreatitis diagnosis. Prompt treatment of pancreatitis is required to minimize damage and severity of symptoms. I also take some precautions to try to avoid ever having to deal with an acute attack of pancreatitis again. I never mix anything with my dogs kibble any more. If they get treats, they get them with my full attention on them, both while they are eating and for 30 minutes after, just in case If I had not seen Too Cute go down after eating his meal that night I do not think he would have survived. I believe he would have been gone within minutesI should also mention that as part of the supportivepreventive therapy I gave Too Cute acidophilus supplements to help improve the health of the bowels. During the acute attack I dissolved the acidophilus in the enema solution I used to keep him hydrated, and then later as he began to take his prescription food, I added the acidophilus to that. Too Cute received acidophilus supplements daily for the rest of his life and I believe that these supplements helped restore and maintain more normal functioning of his damaged digestive tract. Too Cute passed away last year due to an aneurysm. He led a happy full life despite his chronic pancreatitis.right lobe of the pancreasesophagus\duodenumileumcecumstomachjejunumleft lobe of the pancreastransverse colondescendingcolonJulie Kallbackarkb vm N r.fa-.- - . ij SI-7 c . V^S.^ .r^'-f swy V'Mb sarrVI'uU3w ,. r1 r 1 '-r -' 11vg vXE l V1 ', ij, ^54 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewJi_ iV rvSts. 3\^VIn i 1 iSeptember 2004 APC and PCCI Specialties Indianapolis, Indiana 1y.j a.rmv.-NA18ft V mms2vIE97^-f.- -5 V T\^ - wHUJ5r V'45ftfNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 5556 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomerankn Reviewr4 -Le,.I .VIfA W"S 1 s -\.NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 57loi.. onViMincVogue Noun Fashion, the prevailing style popularity.It all started with an innocent phone call from a friend, Elaine Wishnow. Hey Sue, I have a modeling assignment I cant fill. I thought you might be able to help out They are looking for about five light colored Poms to walk on a lead held by a model. Can you help me out I know that you have some light colored dogs.I immediately started taking inventory, trying to figure out who would classify as, in someone elses opinion, light colored. This sounded like something I would love to do. Spend the day in Greenwich Village, be part of a modeling assignment, and get paid. How lucky can you getThe agent we had was a wonderful person, and I met some other Pom owners that were called to assist in fulfilling the menu for five light colored Poms.After making all the arrangements to travel into New York City, we were advised to bring about five dogs of different colors, just in case the director and producer changed their minds at the last minute as to what they wanted.My daughter, Silvia, and I arrived in the city and were directed to a studio where the shoot was to take place. It was huge There were all sorts of things going on. We were told at this point to roll with the punches and be flexible. The agent we had was a wonderful person, and I met other Pom owners that were called to assist in fulfilling the menu for five light colored Poms.A Great Dane was also part of a photo shoot, and we were on line AFTER him. This Great Dane was not only HUGE he was not in the mood for the Poms that were not used to his size. Needless to say, they were not happy with him either and proceeded to let him know. It was decided by the agents that the Great Dane should go first because he was getting a bit nervous.I was pleased I had thought to bring the exercise pen. I got the Poms settled in a comer in an alleyway near the studio where we would be working, yet far enough away from the nervous Great Dane.We were to begin at one pm. Everyone that passed near us was so nice and friendly that you didnt mind waiting. Several models had stopped by and were socializing with the dogs. It was interesting to watch the models having their hair done over and over in different styles, changing outfits, shoes, and accessories.We had to practice several times with the owner of the other dogs. The shoot required five Pom leads to be held in the right hand of the model. She was to step forward and the dogs were all to move at the same time, naturally, in the same direction This was not an easy feat with people walking all around, photographers taking pictures, people testing the lights in the area, hairdressers, people fitting the models clothes, assistants running back and forth with the correct accessories.I have to say we were treated wonderfully, with great consideration taken for the well being of all the dogs. A wonderful lunch was58 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewStoCannes Peact ScfinoppsCh Stolannes Keep Em Rollin x Ch. Fan-Cs Sparkle N TraditionThank you Judge Erika Moureau for this nice major win.Congratulation to Judy Green - Razzle Dazzle Poms, and Hal Webster - DH Crew Poms on your Kennel Visits.ijantce KitSSeCCCin-Oan'PomeraniansIndianapolis, IN indypomindy.netvmkaVogue Continuedshared and we were all invited to help ourselves. The Poms thoroughly enjoyed sampling some of the delicious meats.The Great Dane had, for some reason, held up the production and we had to wait nearly five hours to continue. Of course, the Great Dane had to use the potty, and in doing so had to pass right near the Poms.Finally, at 700 pm, we were called and the producer of the shoot had to pick the dogs he wanted to use. We had to practice the scene over and over again. All of a sudden, he decided that five Poms were too much. He wanted only three. Then the colors of the dogs were not what he wanted. Next, he was not happy with the size of one of the dogs. Finally, he said, We are going to change the whole layout.The models hair was redone straight this time. They turned on a wind machine. By this time some of the dogs were really quite unhappy. The director then changed the color of the models suit. He looked around pointedly at my little red girl, Cassie, who is NOT a light color and said, That is what I want. The new suit was beige and the red color of the Pom fit perfectly Once westarted, lights were flashing, wind was blowing and we were finished in less than 20 minutes. My Cassie was chosen because of her color, size and weight. She also tolerated the wind machine well.Naturally, we were all paid, but the other Pom owners were disappointed that Cassie was the only one used for this particular shoot. We went home tired, but very happy To be quite honest, we were just plain lucky that day that our Cassie was chosen to be photographed.We were very impatient for the next 3 months for the magazine to be published. Until this time, I had absolutely no idea of the amount of time and energy that goes into one photo.Please look for our Cassie Ch. Cases Repeat of Show Time on page 218 of the September 2004 edition of Vogue.Brenda Segelken my hat is off to you as editor of the Pom Review. I have a NEW appreciation of all the tireless tasks that you perform to get the Review out on time Thank you asking me to share my adventure. 'Vo'NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomerxnirn Review - 59Pomeranian Club of Greater DeSWEEPSTAKESJUDGE Ms. Judi BendtPuppy Dogs 6 Mos and Under 9 Mos.1BSS PROMISES CHANCE TO HONOR FAITH - BREEDER OWNER Sandra Resterhouse2 FINCHS WALKING WITH DASAR - BREEDER Diane L Finch OWNER Danielle Sartain3 CLASSICS CAN YOU SAY HEMI - BREEDER Pat Gross Amy Gross OWNER Roberta TompkinsPuppy Dogs 9 Mos and Under 12 Mos.1 JAN SHARS UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU - BREEDER OWNER Sharon HansonJunior Dogs 12 Mos Under 18 mos.1 POM ACRES HOT ROD LINCOLN - BREEDER Juanita Fiddick OWNER Bonnie and Gwen HodsonMoines, Inc.9032004Report by Juanita Fiddick Puppy Bitches 6 Mos. and Under 9 Mos.1OSS CASTILE EVELYNNE DGLEN IRIS - BREEDER Geno Sisneros Cheryl Jackson Isabel Taylor OWNER Dr. Geno Sisneros.2 PATRIOTS PRIDE N GLORY - BREEDEROWNER Merilee A Kraft3 CLASSICS IVANNA WIN - BREEDEROWNERS Pat Gross and Amy Gross4 STARFIRES NASTY BE ITCH - BREEDEROWNER Jose Cabrera and Fabian ArientiPuppy Bitches 9 Mos. and Under 12 Mos.1 FINCHS ITS ABOUT TIME - BREEDER Diane Finch OWNER Ruth R. EymanBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES - PROMISES CHANCE TO HONOR FAITHBEST OF OPPOSITE SWEEPSTAKES - CASTILE EVELYNNE DGLEN IRIStf -rir.\it60 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewREGULAR CLASSES JUDGE Mrs Mildred K. Bryant Puppy Dogs 6 Mos. and Under 9 Mos.1R PROMISES CHANCE TO HONOR FAITH - BREEDER Sandra Resterhouse OWNER Sandra Resterhouse2 FINCHS WALKING WITH DASAR - BREEDER Diane L Finch OWNER Danielle Sartain3 CLASSICS CAN YOU SAY HEMI - BREEDER Pat Gross and Amy Gross - OWNER Roberta TompkinsPuppy Dogs 9 Mos Under 12 Mos.1WBW JAN SHARS UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU - BREEDEROWNER Sharon HansonTwelve To Eighteen Month Dogs1 NOBLES XCENTWATE TH PAWSITIV - BREEDER Noble Inglett OWNER Pongsakom Pongsak2 NOBLES RAGS TO RICHES - BREEDEROWNER Noble Inglett3 POM ACRES HOT ROD LINCOLN - BREEDER Juanita Fiddick OWNER Bonnie and Gwen HodsonBred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1 LIL PONDEROSA AMILLION BUCKS - BREEDER OWNER Sherry Cartwright2 CLASSICS BACK IN BLACK - BREEDEROWNERS Patricia Amy GrossOpen Bitches Red, Orange, Cream and Sable1WOS POM ACRES RIOS GEM - BREEDEROWNERJuanita Fiddick2 JAN LES COME WHAT MAY - BREEDEROWNER Jane Lehtinen3 POM ACRES MECEDES - BREEDEROWNER Juanita Fiddick4 POM ACRES MIA GIRL - BREEDEROWNER Juanita FiddickVeteran Dogs1 CH WILDWOOD SPIRIT OF POM ACRES - BREEDER Elizabeth Hafferman OWNER Juanita FiddickBEST OF BREEDBB CH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS - BREEDER Virginia Dimick OWNER Noble Inglett and Diane Finch Winners DogBest Of Winners JAN SHARS UNCLE SAM WANTS YOUReserve Winners Dog PROMISES CHANCE TO HONOR FAITHWinners BitchBest of Opposite Sex POM ACRES RIOS GEMReserve Winners Bitch INCHALLAHS HEAVENS TO BETSIEOpen Dogs Red, Orange, Cream and Sable1 FINCHSXCITE CASCADE WONDER - BREEDER Diane L Finch OWNER Marilyn Robertson2 POM ACRES INCHALLA LEXUS - BREEDEROWNER Juanita FiddickPuppy Bitches 6 Mos Under 9 Mos .1 CASTILE EVELYNNE DGLEN IRIS - BREEDER Geno Sisneros Cheryl Jackson Isabel Taylor OWNER Dr. Geno Sisneros2 SANDPOMS MEA TUF COOKIE - BREEDEROWNER Sandra Johnson3 CJ ROLIN ON THE RIVER - BREEDEROWNER Julia Smith4 CLASSICS IVANNA WIN - BREEDER OWNERS Pat Gross and Amy GrossPuppy Bitches 9 Mos and Under 12 Mos.1 FINCHS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT - BREEDER Diane L Finch OWNER Wahyuni Wibowo2 FINCHS ITS ABOUT TIME - BREEDER Diane Finch OWNER Ruth R. EymanBred-By-Exhibitor Bitches1R INCHALLAHS HEAVENS TO BETSIE - BREEDER Heike Wehrle OWNER Heike Wehrle and Tanya Wehrle 2 TLCS BELLE OF THE BALL - BREEDEROWNER Connie Charleslllliiiiiliilllllllli t iAmerican-Bred Bitches1 POM ACRES DONT TANGO WITH ME - BREEDER OWNER Juanita FiddickNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomersnkn Review - 61p 1by Barbara McClatcheyTWO POMS AT THE AKC OBEDIENCE INVITATIONALWendy Donnelly writes Tiny Tim Pendleton CGC, UD and Tucker the Third Muskateer UDX will be the two Poms that will be at the Invitational in Obedience. [January 15 16, 2005] I want to congratulate all the ones that also made it in Agility as well as the Top 25 Pom in Breed. This is our first time and we find it quite an honor to be asked to go. I am very proud of Timmys accomplishments thus far theres been a lot of laughter to go along with all the smiles when he pulls everything together. The next 4 months are being spent not only showing but training hard not only with my instructors in Utility class as they will be going with their breeds but also with Connie Cleveland, figuring out the toughest ways they can put the Utility and Open exercises together and make sure he qualifies on each exercise. Hes training also to build up his endurance so he can handle going into 6 rings in one dayif we end up at the end of the day in the top of the Toysand are asked to go on to Day Two thats icing on the cake.To convince Timmy that the goal of the day is to complete each exercise and make the judge smile and not roll on the floor in laughter in the middle of the ring has been tough, and sometimes I dont think hes totally convinced. He gives me the look like OK, I got her to laugh have I done my job yetTimmy has 2 UDX legs and 3 OTCH points-hes going for the Gold Club, that is. Timmy also picked up 29 Delaney points and has so far 60 First and Foremost points for the year. At one point, a judge told Wendy that Timmy is the best Toy breed heeling dog I have ever judged. Way to go, Wendy and Timmy Were proud to know youRALLY ONIf you are at all involved in the world of dog sports, you know that Rally, the new sport where you can talk to your dog as much as you want, will be an AKC and perhaps UKC also titling class on January 1, 2005. For some I can hardly wait to hear from the first RN Pomeranian in history-some clubs are having a total of three trials on New Years day and the day after, so we could conceivably have a title by January 2. For some incomprehensible reason, these clubs are all in the totally frozen North there are no Rally trials in the south until the following weekend. If you think your Pom is in the running for first Rally-titled Pom, be sure you let me know well also put your dog into history-Pomeranian history, that is. And send picturesA Dogs Rules for Christmas bv the eminent writer. Author Unknown1. Be especially patient with your humans during this time. They may appear to be more stressed-out than usual and they will appreciate long comforting dog cuddles.2. They may come home with large bags of things they call gifts. Do not assume that all the gifts are yours.3. Be tolerant if your humans put decorations on you. They seem to get some special kind of pleasure out of seeing how you look with fake antlers.4. They may bring a large tree into the house and set it up in a prominent place and cover it with lights and decorations. Bizarre as this may seem to you, it is an important ritual for your humans, so there are some things you need to knowa. Dont pee on the tree.b. Dont drink water from the container that holds the tree.c. If there are packages under the tree, even ones that smell interesting or that have your name on them, dont rip them open.d. Dont chew on the cord that runs from the funny-looking hole in the wall to the tree.5. Your humans may occasionally invite lots of strangers to come visit during this season. These parties can be lots of fun, but they also call for some discretion on your part62 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Reviewra. Not all strangers appreciate kisses and cuddles.b. Dont eat off the buffet table.c. Beg for goodies subtly.d. Be pleasant, even if unknowing strangers sit on your sofa.e. Dont drink out of glasses that are left within your reach.6. Likewise, your humans may take you visiting. Here your manners will also be importanta. Observe all the rules in 4 for trees that may be in other peoples houses. 4a is particularly importantb. Respect the territory of other animals that may live in the house.c. Tolerate children.d. Turn on your charm big time.7. A big man with a white beard and a very loud laugh may emerge from your fireplace in the middle of the night. DONT BITE HIMA FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE TITLEShirley Michaels writes that she showed Bear MACH 3 in obedience once in an outside ring in hot weather. On the out of sight sits and downs there was only one spot in the ring that was in the shade, and unfortunately we were clear down on the other end. When I came back after the sits, my little guy had moved clear over to that end of the ring and was sitting pretty as could be next to a great big dog in the shade. [Sounds like two smart dogs to me] I was shocked, then when I put him back for the down and came back 5 minutes later, he had moved down there again and was lying cute as could be next to the big dog in the shade. I couldnt figure it out, but afterwards the judge pointed it out to me that I had a pretty smart dog. He knew the position, he just wanted to do it in the shade. After that, we did obedience inside. And he did finally finish his CDXAnd Lois Morkassel writes about her green dog, Iri, and her Agility experience. In UKC, on the last walk-through with the dog, she couldnt wait for me to collect her leash when she came out of the closed tunnel, so went back to the fabric, grabbed the end, and growled and kill-shook it It was hysterical I have known the judge since I first started in UKC, and she yelled at me to stop my dog from wrecking the equipment. I turned around and said that Iri was straightening the chute for the next dog, since she had just told the exhibitors that their help was appreciated. UKC has some unique Agility equipment but with limited exposure to equipment other than the clubs and my own, she has the spunk to get on new equipment and make it her own She is a riot and a total thrill. Iri is working on the UACH, so needs to amass points for high scores-it takes time when the dog is as inventive as that.TITLES, WE GOT TITLESAKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYCompanion Dog ExcellentMil-Pines Power Play CDX, 7304, Margery SturmNovice AgilityKick It Charlie Brown NA NAJ, 6504, Nancy Taylor, ILP Kielys Honey Dew NA NAJ, 61304, Amanda Kiely, ILP Risenshine Awesomepartimusic NA, 6604, Annette Sullivan K Bar Js Klondike Bar CD NA, 71604, Carla Brown Novice Agility JumperKick It Charlie Brown NA NAJ, 6504, Nancy Taylor, ILP Risenshine Awesomepartimusic NA NAJ, 72504, Annette Sullivan Frosty Northern Breeze NAJ, 81604, Mary Mersereau, ILP Grade NAJ, 82904, Linda Neuzil, ILP Open AgilityLittle Bear OA OAJ, 62604, Nancy Marmol, ILP Desert Fire Rose CDX OA NAP NAJ, 71704, Carla and Michael Brown Finchs Little Rompin Russellmania OA NAJ, 71004, Lillian Knight Foxfire Jack CDX OA AXJ, 71104, Gail Donaldson Tappy OA NAJ, 72504, Keiko Izumi, ILP Open Agility PreferredCount Alexandras Marmol OA OAP NAJ OJP, 62604, Nancy Marmol and Harry Drig Open Agility Jumper1 v aVJ1Isabel Cox NA OAJ, 73104, Sarah Ann CoxPerformance Continued on Page 64NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 63Ballykin Commando Cody,Cody received First Place in Open A at the APC Summer Specialty, thus completing his Companion Dog Excellent title.A big thank you to the APC and PCCI for supporting Obedience at these specialties.Thanks also to Mrs. Velma Janek for your understanding and patience.Paulette ZeccaHillside, Illinois Twopom2aol.comr ti Performance Continued From Page 63I Finchs Little Rompin Russellmania OA NAJ, 8704, Lillian Knight I Open Agility Jumper Preferred Count Alexandras Marmol OA OAP NAJ OJP, 62604, Nancy Marmol and Harry Drigg What About Me OA OAP NAJ OJP, 61204, Trudy Kiefer Notorious Tory Borealis NAJ OJP, 82204, Colleen Marie Crowe Taffy of Peaceful Pakers NA NAP NAJ OJP, 82104, Sandra and James Lockwood, ILP Excellent Agility Jumper. Seiters Cant Touch This NA AXJ, 61304, Kim Seiter J Excellent Agility Jumper PreferredI What About Me OA OAP NAJ OJP AJP, 61204, Trudy Kiefer I Master Agility ChampionI MACH Finchs Peach Melba Delight, 6504, Karl and Judith Seiter MACH Little Polly Party Girl, 62004, Betsy Ryba I MACH Maya Mango Shes a Delight, 8704, Betsy Ryba UKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITY' United Companion DogI UCD Jennas Cloud, Jenna Kallaher United Agility UI UAGII UCD Morgens Squirrel N Merlin. Judi and John RoughtAmerican Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at least one year are I eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member.I All Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in Obedience and Aeilitv Dont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Or call me I at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me- .JOBEDIENCE NEW TITLE OPEN Aa .16ftiVt hi I64 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomermiixn Review1Al43.4 iM-- 4Am 1 k----W-r1Amr-A9 Si4kSli 4Vs-\tv,MS 4 i-nfariMNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranisn Review - 65kPom TalK Pom Talk questions and comments may be found online at isapi.dll Members and friends may post answers and comments online or contact Roxanne Collins, 6405 W. 650N. Fair Oaks, IN 47943. Ph. 219 866-4464 or pommomnetnitco.netOur question for this issue What are your suggestions and remedies to control diarrhea and constipation in dogs and puppiesI generally have not had a problem as long as they are fed the same food I feed Nutro dry kibble with not too many treats and no table food. If we have a rare loose stool a bit of Pepto Bismol seems to do the trick. JoI havent had a constipation problem, but for diarrhea I use Kaopectate, Endosorb, or Biosol. If they are having an upset stomach with it I use Pepto Bismol. For severe diarrhea I use Lomotil a script is required. If that doesnt work, its off to the vet. Now also, the above methods all depend on how the dog is acting. If he is lethargic with diarrhea and vomiting and just doesnt look right, he goes to the vet. LindaI recently for the first time ever had a problem with a puppy that was having some problems with constipation during the weaning process. My vet suggested I use cat hairball remedy paste, which I bought at my local pet store and it worked like a charm. JenniferI have used Kaopectate, Pepto Bismol, and loperamide for loose stools. On occasion I also have used flagyl metronidazole. For constipation I have used the hairball remedy as well a small warm soapy enema. So far these have worked with no problems. Of course if they dont within 24 hours, its off to see the wizard, OOPS I mean vet. RoxanneI have had success with a seven to ten day course of flagyl metronidazole. The dose is one quarter of a 250 mg tablet once a day. I have had some success with Tylan in treating diarrhea, however, I have found that it doesnt work for all dogs. It can sometimes cause the opposite problem and constipate them. I find the best prevention is a little bit of canned pumpkin added to their food. I use the one that is 100 pumpkin. If youve already got diarrhea, straight pumpkin mixed with cottage cheese will sometimes help in making stools firmer. CherylAfter what I went through just recently with Campylobacter, I would take the puppy to the vet and do a stool check. The reason I say take them is that is has to be a very fresh stool sample even if the vet needs to get it himself. Then you need to suggest to look for an over abundance of bacteria. My vet had to go farther than just a normal check. That way you have put your puppy on the right medication and kept himher from illness and possibly death. LindaWe havent had a problem with loose stools in a long time but we tried Bil Jac at a show one time and it was a really smelly mess to wake up to in the morning. One drop of Biosol cleared it up quickly. Since then I discovered a wonderful electrolyte gel with microbials which has a lot of good things to coat upset intestinal walls and slow down dehydration. Its called Merricks Blue Ribbon Electrolyte Gel. Our daughters family had a Doberman puppy that66 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Reviewwas diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and was doomed to a lifetime of flagyl to prevent frequent bouts of bloody diarrhea. When we would get their puppy to dog sit I tried the gel and it always worked. Now their dog is living a normal life and has never had a recurrence. She feels much better and is doing great. The owners are extremely happy she is cured. We gave the gel daily for two weeks, which was enough time for the intestinal tract to heal. She was a playful and happy dog again. SherryI have noticed that in the past six months, Kaopectate has changed the formula on its liquid version to the same formula as Pepto Bismol and the active ingredient is now Bismuth Subsalicylate. This is important to know, since salicylates are an aspirin derivative and can be a stomach irritant. The old formula contained attapulgite, which is simply clay and was a non-irritant and a very harmless substance. Now I can only find the old attapulgite formula in the Kaopectate caplets. AlaneI had extensive trouble with this in a puppy that started when he was about three months old and lasted on and off for about twelve weeks. He went to the vet and checked out ok. He was put on flagyl, and the diarrhea cleared up. It came back in about a week. The puppy was put on Albon for ten days. It cleared up again but the diarrhea came back in about a week. We went back to the vet a second time and found lots of bacteria. The puppy was put on metronidazole and a combination drug of diphenoxylateatropinelomotil and Vetalog. He cleared up again. In about a week we finished the medications. He got diarrhea again in about two weeks. This happened two more times. Then about once a week for three weeks I would have to give him the lomotil only when his stool would get soft, usually just three doses. We have been diarrhea free for about a month. The only time bacteria were found was the second vet visit. This is very scary and nothing to play with. In my case I would say do not try to treat yourself. It is better to be safe than sorry. Get the vet involved for proper medication and guidance. During this whole ordeal he lost about a pound and then gained it back. When a puppy goes from four pounds to three pounds in just two to three weeks you start to worry. KristiI just picked my husband up from his four-day stay in the hospital. I hope this information will warn every one of bacteria and parasites transmitted to humans. For the last several months, my husband suffered bouts of extreme diarrhea and high temps. He went for a complete physical and supposedly just had the flu. Last Monday night I took him to the hospital with a fever of 103.7, unable to control bowels. After three days of culture testing and blood work the answer came back as Campylobacter. We are unsure where he got it as our dogs have stool checks direct and fecal flotations regularly. He is a flooring contractor and may have come into contact with it through his work. This also comes from raw poultry, which is also a possibility. Thankfully, he is home. He was treated with rehydration and flagyl until the culture came back as Camphlobactra. He was given IV Cipro for twenty-four hours and will be on it for another ten days along with a nagging wash your hands lectures from me. Hope this serves as a reminder that we can get many of the parasites and protozoa problems from animals. Heres to wishing you all a poop-free day LindaOn this same note, giardia is another one that can be transferred from dogs to humans. A coworker of mine had his whole family contract giardia from washing the dog bowl with the human dishes. All of these protozoans can be ghastly to deal with. Just a side note about flagyl metronidazole, it is used frequently in our dogs for the treatment of diarrhea. It is very rare, but long-term use of flagyl can cause metronidozole toxicity. I found this out first hand several years ago. I have a Pom with multiple health problems. He was on flagyl for about a month when one day I took him outside to do his business and he was completely paralyzed. He couldnt move at all. I thought he must have injured his spinal cord somehow. After a weeklong stay at Angell Memorial Hospital and much research by his doctors, and me it was determined that he had toxic levels of flagyl in his body that caused the paralysis. It took about two months but he got his mobility back. He is to never have flagyl again as it can happen much faster a second time and the damage is not always reversible. This can happen to humans as well. It is very rare but it does happen. Just thought I would mention my experience since we all use flagyl quite regularly. Cheryl ^Opinions, suggestions and techniques found within Pom Talk are opinions of each individual author. The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and the Pomeranian Review does not endorse or recommend any procedure or accept responsibility of their use. Always consult a licensed veterinarian.NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 67POMERANIAN CLUB O CENTRAL VIRGINIAFUTURITY STAKESANDSPECIALTY B MATCHJune 19, 2004, Richmond, VirginiaSubmitted by Diana DowneyFUTURITY STAKES RESULTS Judge Mrs. Rachal Sager, Richmond, VA Best Puppy In Futurity6-9 mos. Any Other Allowed Color or Pattern Bitch classDimondes Twice The LadyCh. Dimondes Twice Enticed owned by Diana M. Downey - Dimonde Flynns Cover GirlBreederOwner Diana M. DowneyBest Junior In Futurity and Grand Futurity Winner12-15 mos. Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Dog classBlueRocks Talk Of The TownBlueRocks Talk About Me owned by Billie Y. Hurst - Del Rey Pebbles Is A Gem BreederOwner Billie Y. HurstFor more information on the Futurity, go to httpwww.geocities.compccvJiomefuturity.htmll1 ^4ill ST rUiT in MATCHwBEST PUPPY IN MATCH BEST IN MATCH ADULT68 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewSPECIALTY B MATCH RESULTSConformation Judge Mr. Terry Carpenter, Fishersville, VAShowmanship Judge Mrs. Rachal Sager, Richmond, VAZBEST JR IN FUTURITY GRAND FUTURITY WINNER_BEST 7 UP IN MATCH. 'rBESTADULT HANDLER IN MATCHIBEST OF OPPOSITE PUPPY IN MATCHPuppy Dogs, 3-6 mos.1 - Abbapoolas Sgt Pepper - Tammy Moynihan2 - Abbapoolas Ricky Tikki Tivy - Karen Lorraine and Tammy Moynihan Puppy Dogs, 6-9 mos.1 - Idlewyld Topaz In The Rough - Elyse Iverson and Margaret McKee Puppy Dogs, 9-12 mos.1 - Stealurhearts The Magic Darling - Margaret R. Johnson2 - Prince Hanzel - Charles and Charlotte Clark Puppy Bitches, 3-6 mos.1 - MtnView Casino Lady Of Vegas - Helen Brinn and Patricia Dague2 - Honeykist Golden Angel - Marquetta and Arnold Fowler, Christine Bousquet3 - Honeykists Angel Of Oakacres - Dawn I. Kopf-Collins and Christine Bousquet Puppy Bitches, 9-12 mos.1 - Honeykist Im A Bizzy Bee - Christine Bousquet2 - Prinsess Graetel - Charles and Charlotte ClarkBEST PUPPY IN MATCH - MtnView Casino Lady Of Vegas - Helen Brinn and Patricia DagueBEST PUPPY OF OPPOSITE SEX - Abbapoolas Sgt Pepper - TammyMoynihanDogs, 12-18 mos.1 - BlueRocks Happy Talk - Helen Brinn and Billie Hurst Open Bitches1 - Razzle Dazzle Sound Of Music - Judy Green and Margaret R. Johnson2 - Lnquest Mystic Charm Of Lennette - Ellen Parkin3 - Emcees Little Jewel - Jacqueline SanderfordBEST ADULT IN MATCH - Razzle Dazzle Sound Of Music - Judy Green and Margaret R. JohnsonBEST ADULT OF OPPOSITE SEX - BlueRocks Happy Talk - Helen Brinn and Billie Hurst 7-Ups, Dogs1 - Kquest Dance On The Sea Of Lennette - Ellen Parkin and Kira Parkin2 - Furweeds First King - Helen Brinn3 - Foxwoods Touch Of Class - Karen Lorraine Adult Showmanship1 - Ellen Parkin showing Lnquest Mystic Charm Of Lennette2 - Renee Supee showing Damascusroads Don Juan Marco3 - Helen Brinn showing Furweeds First KingnHL2BEST PUPPY IN FUTURITY BEST OF OPPOSITE ADULT IN MATCHNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 69r wJoan C. Sohrond Long Island, New York r 631 366-2330httpwww.geocities.comlilbehrs_poms Handling Services Limited Boarding AvailablePinecrest KennelsChampion Pomeranians Mancester TerriersCatherine BolahoodA 905 697-24882404 Reg. Road 57 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K4bolahood speedline, cawww.pomeranians.cawww.manchesterterriers.caElusive ToysCatherine Jessen4165 E 100 North Rigby ID 83442 208 745-5267PomsandToyPoodlesPomeranian ReviewsBack Issuesmake great gifts.Place your order todayLaura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45227 513 271-3983 panacheporn5. hotmail.comComing EventsAKCEukanuba Invitational Championship Saturday and Sunday January 15 -16, 2005 Tampa, Florida - Tampa Convention Center Pomeranian Judge Joe C. WaltonToy Group Judge Enrique Jorge Filippini, Buenos Aires, Argentina Best In Show Michele Billings of Ft. Lauderdale, FLWestminster Kennel ClubMadison Square Garden - New York, New YorkFebruary 14-15, 2005 Toys Monday, Feb 14Pomeranian Judge Mrs. Anne Katona, Morgan Hill, CA Toy Group Judge Mr. Kenneth McDermott, Newburgh, NY Best In Show Judge Mrs. Lynette Saltzman, Westport, CTAmerican Pomeranian ClubNational Specialty Obedience TrialMarch 14, 15, 16, 17, 2005Executive Inn, Louisville, KYSweepstakes Judge - Maynard WoodJr. Showmanship, RegNon-Reg Class Judge - Fred BassettObedience Judge - Richard MullenShow Chairperson - Diana DowneyShow Secretary - Cindy Boulware2005isitsJanFeb 2005 Sherri Alspaugh Paugh Print PomsMarchApril 2005 Sharon Hanson Jan-Shar PomeraniansPlease contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Coordinator, with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Phone 903 882-1950 or email - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian ReviewSANDPOMSPOMERANIANS 1SANDRA JOHNSONN6603 Forest Ct Holmen, Wl 54636 PH 608 526-1051 httpwebpages.charter.netsandpomsFRANSUNTWOLFIE - A PIXIE POM EXOTICS TO LOVEANDREA HUGHES EVELYN NEWYEARP.O. BOX 57 SOD, WV 25564 PH 304 756-9356WE DO NOT SHIPNEUJAHResSpecializing in parti and parti- factored Pomeranians Tar OCkel r4,Tina GunnerCh. Finchs Parti Time TinaCh. Finchs Peacemaker Parti Elaine Waugh OhioCheryl New HampshireJL.,1Linda Pelz - 7X254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww. dreamweaverpoms .comJacinda Poms" \ j ' t . k .-T 1 VT P8 . r cBsV. v 1 - . M.N2.Jennifer Falk810 387-9570 faslkstergreatlakes.netCindy Golden321 638-4291 www. j acindapoms. comD m1 IranTom Wilson916-689-9586 Sacramento, CA parkavepomscomcast.netPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLEBecky Sabourinw 989-832-3408 wyndlor chartermi. net5a'C5SfYyndlorTomsNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review -71C.MAW^jUi 'MhB1 Amy FernasoezA^-A^C- .- Dog Breeding As Aine ArtBi Amv FernandezBook Review by Joan BehrendWhat prompted me to buy this book was the fact that I have known Amy for several years. Her home is here in New York, and we have attended handling classes together. I knew she was an accomplished breeder of Chinese Cresteds, and always admired the pretty heads she had achieved on her dogs.What I didnt know was how accomplished Amy is, and what an authority she is on this subject. Amy has bred more than 120 champions - US and Worldwide, under the kennel name Razzmatazz. Her dogs are multiple Best-In-Show winners and Specialty Show winners. Amy is heavily involved with the Xoloitzcuintli, another hairless breed. She was once the president of the Xoloitzcuintli Club of America. She has published books on the Xoloitzcuintli, and is about to publish a history of the Affenpinscher and the Brussels Griffon.What I also didnt know about Amy, and what makes her uniquely qualified to write this particular book, is her respected background in Art. Her dog paintings have received awards some of her work is on display at the Dog Museum of America in St. Louis. This book differs from the usual How to Breed a Dog book because of Amys artistic eye. It is very evident in her breeding. This book will not tell you what genes will make a blue Pom or a black and tan. The book deals with how to hone ones eye toward artfully evaluating your breeding stock. Amy starts out by stating that the secret ingredient that sets a great dog above the rest is a clear and honest vision by the breeder that sets the foundation for the creation of a genuine work of art. She quotes Breeding for Show, the Book of the Dog Great kennels have behind them the personality of the breeder, and that personality is the vision the breeder saw in his minds eye, persistently and consistently pursued.Amy then goes on to talk about a breeders intuition, perception of type, and how to train your eye to see the art in the breed. What sets each breed apart is their type, which relates to form and function. Amy believes that we must do our homework, study the breed and what it is for, look at old photos and listed to what old-timers have said. Learn basic anatomy. She equates skipping these steps with art students who are anxious to skim over learning fundamentals of technique and the academics of art in order to express themselves. Without technical mastery, Amy states, depth of quality rarely results from these efforts. Amy observes that this common pitfall is recognized in the art world, but seems to require some reinforcement in the dog world.Chapters in her book deal with the evolution of modem breeding theories, form and function, selecting against health disorders, kennel blindness, and inbreeding, linebreeding, and hybrid vigor. One of her chapters deals with inheritance patterns and mutations. She reminds us that mutations are not uniformly harmful, nor are they always obvious. One is very apparent in her breed the hairlessness in Chinese Cresteds first appeared as a spontaneous mutation. This trait is now the defining point of the breed.One feature I liked about this book is the way it is laid out. In large edge margins, the publisher prints the highlight thought of the page. I have read the book several times, but I also enjoy brushing up on the highlights by reading the edged notations. It is a good way to do a fast refresher. I bought this book last year, and I am using the suggestions in steering my breeding program. I am extremely happy with my latest litter, using Amys guidelines. I cant wait to see her again in handling class to show her a living result of her teachings.Amys book can be bought on Amazon, or large bookstores, but I recommend a visit to her website, There, you can purchase her books, other dog breed items, and see some of her artwork.72 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranisn ReviewBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email i9 Mari Iffland11290 Old Lake Road Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email pomsawaylegypt.netProfessional Handling Services Inquiries welcome.Bonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island NY 11953 631-205-5223tresspoms hotmail.comV.Ch. Avalon s Prince Matchabelli Monte Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.dPatriciasromeramans lbCH. PATRICIAS LIU MISS MOLLY ROMCh. Stud service available to approved bitches Puppies and Adults available occasionallyfJati Uaniefson616 Mystery Bridge Road Evansville, WY 82636 307 265-3305 Email patipomsyahoo.comNeat stuff for sale on EbayEbay Seller ID- danielsonpomswww.plushpuppyusa.comwj acresProfessional 7-fandliny Audrey Jvf, PghertsIngleside, Texas shyacres Phone 713 204-7225 Assisted by Jessica JohnsonNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review - 73Sumfune ^ SIoamSending good wishes to Hal Webster on his recent medical tests.Best wishes to Shari Shields, who has had reoccurring back pain.Congratulations to Donna Riehm on her new granddaughter, bom September 25.We are thankful to hear Angela Blockers tumor at the base of her brain is benign. Our prayers for continued proper treatment go your way.Best wishes to Carla Timmons battling continued health problems.Charlie Edwards, of Morrocco Pomeranians, recently lost his battle with cancer. We send our condolences to friends and family.Julie Kalbackas nephew, Zander, was recently released from the hospital. We are all thankfulContinued well wishes to Linda DeCiccos Pom Blue for a complete healing.Our sympathy to Jessica Smith Satallante on the loss of her darling little champion Pom, Jessie James.Many of our Pom friends live near areas that have been affected by weather and environmental conditions, including hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions. Best to you and yours.Cindy Boulwares husband, Allen, recently suffered a stroke. Please send well-wishes and greetings of encouragement to 6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142.Sunshine and Roses are published free of charge.Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members' addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.1PCHHKE1EL VISITSherri AlspaughPaugh Print Poms Deadline December 1.2004AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB, INC. AKC Headquarters 260 Madison Ave, NYC 10016 212 696-8200 Open 830-415 ET weekdays except holidaysAKC Operations Center 5580 Centerview Drive, Raleigh, NC -27606 ^J3 Na919 233-9767 Open 830-500 ET weekdays except holidays httpwww.akc.orgindex.cfmThe Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Subscription ManagerCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402 San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 Email cheribachmanpoms.comSubscription CardYearly Bi-Monthly Subscriptions45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignNAMESTREET ADDRESSI' - HCITY. STATE, ZIP CODE. COUNTRYV-PHONE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESSVISAMASTERCARD CREDIT CARD NUMBER - EXP DATECARD HOLDER SIGNATURE74 - NovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranian Review W j tWe salute thecourageous men, women and their families of our armed forces. May they be safe andprotected from all harm.Lpt freedom ringn^PomfflantajisShari ShieldsOdenton, MD 21113301-261-3727 sshields erols.comA REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S Waters Charlene R Waters1625 East 11400 South Sandy Utah 84092-5428 801-571-4959SHIMMEREEMSN.COM Quality PomeraniansMountain View Pomeraniansr AChampion Regmar's Mtn View Stars ShinePat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 Phone 540-337-2965Ohinchs Pomeranians Lt,^4I4IDiane L Finch 28453 530th Ave Kelley, IA50134 515769-2444www.finchspoms.comanesasPOMERANIANSJerrie Freia1072A Landry Lane, Morgan City, LA 70380 Ph 985-384-7466 Fax 985-384-8628 www.janesa.comtEtoms . -.ff,L AShow and pets available occasionally. HandlerOwnerBreederDodd Mschuigk237 Groveland Dr Howell, MI 48843 517-546-7446Rich msw r6009 Edgewater Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78412 361-991-5410 361-993-4059 fabyanpoms sbcglobal.netNovemberDecember 2004 APC Pomeranmn Review - 75The Pomeranian ReviewAdvertisersBehrend, Joan....................................................8, 9, 70Bolahood, Catherine................................................. 70Carlson, Alice...........................................................75Christiansen, Jon and Cristy.....................................31Cook, Lee............................................12, Front CoverCoventry, Dana.............................12, 33, Front CoverDague, Roger and Pat.........................................41, 75Danielson, Pati..........................................................73Davidson, Tom......................................................... 31Davis, Annette and Erik............................................73Falk, Jennifer............................................................71Felix, Dan and Tammee............................................15Fiddick, Robert and Juanita......................................13Finch, Diane..............................................................75Freia, Jerrie............................................................... 75Gilstrap, David and Carlene......................................10Golden, Cindy...........................................................71Green, Judy...............................................................51Green, Walda............................................................11Griffith, Ken and Eleanor........................................... 7Harris, Bonnie...........................................................73Heckert, Elizabeth.....................................................32Hughes, Andrea........................................................71Iffland, Mari..............................................................73Jackson, Rebecca...................................................... 10Jessen, Catherine.......................................................70Johnson, Becky.........................................................31Johnson, Sandra........................................................71Kerr, Cheryl..............................................................71Klein, Jessie..............................................................15Kripak, Jerry............................................................. 37Lamb, David L..........................................................31Levinsohn, Alane........................................................5Machniak, Donna..................Front Cover, 12, 33, 75McDonald, Cheri.........................................................4Munn, Junior and Jennifer........................................ 37Newyear, Evelyn...................................................... 71Nichols, Brandon and Kelly................................... Back CoverNisbet, Angie............................................................33Norem, Kathryn................................................. 78, 79Nunn, Robert and Regina......................................... 41Onosko, Cindy.......................................................... 14Otis, Laurie.............................................................Back CoverPelz, Linda........................................... 71, Back CoverPodolin, Len and Roberta......................................... 37Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana........................ 17Eack Issues-------------- To order back issues, mail check toAssistant Back Issues Manager, Laura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227, 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published andedited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American PomeranianClub, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 80 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible for the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Web site at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgRayner, Ken and Jackie...............................................33Roberts, Audrey...........................................................73Rogers, Sherrilynn.........................................................2Rosenbaum, Mary....................................................... 73Russell, Janice............................................................. 59Sabourin, Becky........................................................6, 71Sartain, Danielle............................................................3Shields, Shari.............................................................4, 75Warfield, Suzanne....................................................... 37Waters, Gregg and Charlene................................... 31, 75Waugh, Elaine.............................................................71Webb, Buff..................................................................17Wells, Mike...........................................71, Back CoverWilson, Tom................................................................71Zecca, Paulette.............................................................649 ra -arNot guilty I tell you, I was framed Shared by Micky Stephens.M ..imwmw Twas the Night before Christmas and all through the house.Not a creature was stirring...Elizabeth and Barney, Submitted by B. Segelken\,v.r,s. r v..41Ha, Ha, Ha Or should we say, Ho, Ho, Ho Crystal, Tessa and Sonic. Submitted by Catherine Bolahood.WANTED Dnlqae and candid Pom photos are welcome. IfotatFarFunTCh. Finch's One Tough BabeGracelLaitM r - n. v ftV 1 i5 IiYF," r -1fr V . MUNCIEKENNELCLUBAugut 14. 2004 BOOTH PHOTO C BV KENNED1Si y\m Ch. Finchs ANoble Tradition X Ch. Finchs Amazing Lil WalkerWhat a great weekend for the black Poms at the Muncie, IN shows when Grace finished her championship the day after Sly With the spirit and sparkle that makes a show dog great, Grace finished with 3 majors, the last two being back to back. Thank you to the judges that appreciated Graces star quality. My heartfelt thanks to Graces breeder, Diane Finch, who allowed me to bring her home and shared so many pearls of wisdom with meKathryn J. Norem - OwnerExhibitorEagle Creek Pomeranians www.eaglecreekpoms.comDiane L. Finch - BreederFinch Pomeranians www.fmchspoms.comChm Finchs Awesome On All Four"Sly" 4A A Vk V'4 Vsm m i Ch. Finchs Walkin After Midnight X Finchs Precocious DebutantThis truly awesome boy finished his championship from the puppy classes with 3 majors, 3 Best of Breed wins, including 2 over very nice specials, and a group placement With flawless movement, a drop dead gorgeous face and a very showy attitude, Sly was always a thrill to show. Watch for this boy in the specials ring. Thank you to the judges that appreciated Slys outstanding quality. Avery special thank you to Slys breeder, Diane Finch, who allowed me to bring this boy homeKathryn J. Norem - OwnerExhibitor biane L. Finch - BreederEagle Creek Pomeranians Finch ^ . 0a^e oaMAywu^ on ru wa^oca^S\ 0ll^VK^ o JfacicCh. Reginapoms Gator In Motion62400 - 31504 Owned and Loved by Laurie Otis of Horizon Pomeranians Breeder Regina NunnCh. DreamWeavers Billy The Kid - Multi BOB Winner Dam Ch. DW Sazparilla Sparkler of RDBreederOwners Linda Pelz and Michael Wells DreamWeaverPoms.comCh. Darlin's Major Commotion - Multi Group Placer Dam Mack's Chili PepperBreederOwner Laurie Otis Horizonpoms.comHorizon's The Rock of Ali-Mae - Major Pointed Dam Ch. KaCee's Ltd Darlin Want-A-BOwnerKelly and Brandon Nichols of Ali-Mae PomeraniansBreeder Laurie OtisHorizon's Afterwhile Crocodile Dam Ch. KaCee's Ld Darlin Want-A-BOwnerCindy Onosko of CinMar Pomeranians Breeder Laurie Otis.t