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The Pom Reader December 2004

Table of Contents

SHOWSIGHT from the Editor 22
HERE & THERE by Sally Baugniet 32
PR TOP TEN America's Top Poms 34
WHY WE KEEP POMS submitted by Cande & Mike Gordon 36
TOYBOX POMERANIANS A Visit with Eve Smail 42
rVaAVASasineSH IviXr'w e yusyXfW'AZ'CCzCover photo by 9 Ward Photography, Corpus Christi, TXDecorations by David Koonce and Ollie McNabb Of Buddy Walkers"N ate"Starfire'sNastyNathanielSire B1SA, BISS, Cfi Starfire's Wicked Mean N Nasty, GC, HOFDam Statfire's J uanitaThank you judge Mrs. Erika Moureau for awarding Nate'srrnew champion-L-lrCENTRA-tBred by-. Tony Cabrera and Fabian Mend Owned by-. Annette Rister, Tony Cabrera and Fabian AttendSonnyNew Ch. Starfire's Sexy SantinoFinishing very quickly -Thank you judge Ms. Sharon KroghWishing you warmest and happiest of holidays and a Best Ever 2005.Brenda. Annette ChariotteShooterLynnwrights N Majesties TroyMultiple Best of Breed winning puppy.He's got what it takesThank. you judges for appreciating this 7-month-old puppyHandler. Donna Lynn Wrigftt BreedersOwners Donna Lynn Wriafit Annette RisteiIh..wm mACDIMMER5DEVONDOOSHO^i.....xV IjJL.r.AKAtmci o1 JACOBGROUP IIIJ' if-. rA VNC , MRSGROUPPLACING-v ,7T.A-' it51fjtsorm'rlsCH. Honeykist Gold Rush Fever x Honeykist Ginger SnapFrom the puppy class his first show a major win BOB over top winning specials Thank You Judge Sue Woodlefor this wonderful, exciting win my Friend Handler, Maynard Wood for your superb presentation and everyone ringside for all your compliments.4 The Pom Reader December 2004BreederOwner Christine Bousquet Honeykist Pomeranians 434-277-8918 Honeykistpomsyahoo.comgfr- ch. Paradise Valley Blazing BrodieEFf...'fsa .rASire AmCanIntl Ch. Diogenoir The Next Generation Dam Paradise Valley CierraBrodie has an outgoing personality beautiful head, beautiful balance and type. Watch for Brodie at the Westminster Kennel Club ShowOwnersROBIN TURNER MARSHALL ROKOSBreedersMARSHALL CINDY ROKOS Kingsley, Michigan 231.263.7382The Pom Reader December 2004- 3allMURa^ iV 5 .rAi rt \WTop Ten Pom for 2004'iBEST IN SHOW BIG SPRING KENNELCLUBLUKE ALLENEUOTOGPAKHrSobe says, "It's been a great year and I thank all of the judges for a great run It's time for me to step aside for my son Ch. Starfire's RobCary Bad Boy in 2005. I'll be at RobCary guarding my mom's office and welcoming visiting ladies."OWNERHANDLER JrQAxnoUL cAunHome 210-497-888629 CVUIXVJA fajQJVCarylrobcary.comRob Cary Pet Resort 210 494 77876 Tin Pom Ri-aiik Di-ci-mbkk 2004^anSfiarb boitJieh eisetyonea^Veru ^iTletry, inbtmaAand a SlajapJl^ ^YleW J CWI1u. N w1 - w \ ' pomsjanshar.comwww. j anshar. com Sharon Hanson, BreederOwnerThe Pom Reader December 2004- 5CANADIAN CHAMPIONJAN-SHARS A SHOT IN THE DARKmmmmmiiBest Opposite in Specialty"ABBY"Am. Ch. Jan-Shars Shaquille O'Neal x Jan-Shars Crown Victoria Breeder Sharon HansonAbby went Best of Opposite at the Canadian National Pom Specialty at the Lower Mainland Show, Canada's largest dog show. Abby is shown with respected toy judge Mrs. Jean Fournier.8 The Pom Reader - December 2004Owner Naimi Guenther naimiguentheryahoo.comcmJClJLWt IffA9. 9.WmP fis."V wr-..V'aK esmI- ,GROUP FIRST "OPUPPYCYPRESS CREEK KENNEL CLUBNOVEMBER 20040KEN O'BRIENKfcN O BHIfcN o bkien photos _ I^ 1916' 960 5610 0 L .Ch. Starfire's RobCary Sobe It x Starfire's Between The SheetsINTRODUCING OUR NEW SPECIAL FOR 2005"As my dad steps aside, I'll be taking over. I finished with three majors and a puppy Group I at 9 months. I intend on making my dad 'Sobe' and my human mom very proud in 2005"OWNERHANDLERurnJKs oTXfrupAfveLHome 210-497-8886 Rob Cary Pet Resort 2104947787Tin- Pom Reader - December 2004 7Tabletops Touch of JoyC k ,'ri e\r ..\ - -v V V 4.Vfn'V""w-WINNERSOPPOSITE .GREATBARRINGTON J ' KENNEL CLUB5cSire Ch. Ursa Minor's Touch of Class - Orange Parti Dam Ursa Minor's Ty-Dyed - Black PartiWe wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New YearThank you to the judges who have appreciated a Parti. Special thanks to the judges who gave this sound Parti points, Joseph Joly pictured above, Mae White, Rodney E. Herner and Elaine E. Mathis.BreedersJan Stachurski Barbara KrzewickiOwnerHandlerJan Stachurski jasustachaol.com10 The Pom Reader December 2004Merrw Chrmssfrom Glen Iris and CuileanCh. Castile Hermione of Glen IrisHermione finished with all majors- not bad for a grandmotherThanks to Geno Sisneros and Jane Lehtinen for presenting her.Glen Iris Escape to Cuilean 0Sirius is a grandson of BIS Ch. Zanara Glen Iris Braveheart and a half brother to Ch. Castile Evelynne dGlen Iris. His baby sister is available to a show home.Thanks to all for the lovely ads welcoming us backrViBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXann'STC itHNtk ClUlGlen IrisDr. Cheryl Jackson Caleb, Isabel and Ian evanpomsbellsouth.netCuileanDr. Larry MyersLawrence_myersyahoo. comThe Pom Reader December 2004 9Little Skookum proudly presentsChampion Char sParti Til You TuckerCh. Finchs Rockin Parti x Dossmars Miss SparkleThank you to all the judges that appreciated Tucker. A special thank you to Lynn Meyer, handler. Thanks to Char for all of her help. Ifs great to have Tucker back home.Owner Deborah Stoehr Little Skookum Poms 360-427-8585BreederCharlotte Meyers Chars Poms 906-466-9048tBEST OF WINNERS NEW CHAMPIONGRTR. FREEPORT ILt KENNEL CLUB SEPTEMBER 2004PHOTO BY DOWNEY C H . M O U N R EST MERCY Me'eaconWishes everyone a Merry ChristmasTOSeven-K2004 ..V Watch for him at the Eukanuba Classic and WestminsterBest friend and handler Owners Breeders Co-OwnersBRONYA JOHNSTON LAVONNE DWIGHT BEARD DAVID AND CARLENE GILSIRAP903-565-0585 405-341-0096 423-821-1015The Pom Reader December 2004 11________Sunrunner Shine Shine Peachy KeenSire Fantasy Next-of-Kin To Chaos Dam Sunrunner Kaptivating KalylaThanks Mickey Stephens for Sunshine. Watch for her soon at the shows.Sunrunner Pomssunrunnerpomsaol.comwww.cyber-pawssunrunnerindex.htm915.821.8200'latue a'csuiru^e ^06riosiftediWe send holiday greetings and best wishes for the coming year to the Fancy from Llo-Lin Poms Lloyd, Linda and Rob Franques. Watch for Desi in the specials ring owner handled in 2005.821 Doe Meadow Lane El Dorado, Arkansas 71730 Phone 870-862-1095l A-4 - - 4 v 4 .14 The Pom Reader December 2004f\SP''fIlash-BahSPKf'4'Ch. FinchsChars Makin Waves Partii Splash and his first puppiesThanks to Vikki Oelerich for showing and finishing Splash in less than a month of shows. Thanks to my friend, co-breeder co-owner of Splash, Char Meyer of Chars Poms, for raising this very special love for me.Congratulations to my good friend Eve Smail, Toybox Pomeranians, on her International Visit to Scotland.Diane L. Finch Finchs Pomeranians Ltd. 515-769-2444The Pom Reader December 2004- 13-. mMrrw T _ v f-M -A .AA flaKftSeaAonAloreetinaAGRAFENHORST'SLORD OF THE WOLVES^MozartHorst BingoNew ChampionCh. Showings PowerballCongratulations to Laura Newbold, LaRajus Poms on her Kennel Visit.Barbara Raymond breeder Audrey Caywood ownerShowin Pomshttpwww.showinpoms.com503-864-2459.CO\Oauo16 The Pom Reader December 2004.The Kid and I wish to congratulate his owners Laura and Dave Newbold of LaRajus Kennels on his many accomplishments and on their Kennel Visit It has been an exciting year and according to our figuresThe Kid has finished at Number 7Audrey RobertsShyacres Professional Handling Assisted by Jessica Johnson 361-776-1962, or the cell 713-204-7225The Pom Reader December 2004- 15Cheyenne Pomeranians CKC Perm Heg'dlMerry Christmas and Happy New YearAM. BIS CAN. CH. GREAT ELMS MR. STYLE11 Kylien Lf___COLLEEN FRANKS 3022 Holly St., Chemainus BC CanadaSire Am. Ch. Great Elms Mr. Chips Dam Great Elms Becky SueKylie is an 8 time Best In Show Canadian Champion.Kylie finished his American and Canadian Championships by the time he was one year of age, and got all his BIS by two years of age.Kylie is producing us very nice puppies.Thanks to Ruth Beam for breeding such a beautiful Pom and to Ken Griffith for selling us such a beautiful, happy dog.Puppies by reservation.V0R-1K1 250-246-4627 fTom Thumb View From The Top"Baby Bitty" was in two shows in 2004. He was RW and BOB over a Champion for his first point from Bred By.A son of Ch. Tears In Of Tom Thumb Dam Ch. Great Elms Summer Of LenetteCongratulations Laura Newbold... of LaRajus for your Bred By Champions, and to Audrey her handler to Eve Smail I love Eve's Toybox Poms and her great advice and to Tabletop Poms. To all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.Naida and Pomshttpwww.tomthumbpoms.commR. SgjflMAV18 The Pom Reader December 2004Vi 9Hfrom Bette Gary Meredith and the Pom Beach Five.4- H L 4 -5jft\eeeu G\cidtttc ana 'etf Mtefcs fie a New Year 4- T" i 4OnnKrofirofinne n Cua Cm3i'I 4Congratulations to Eve Small on your kennel visit.Thank you Eve for your friendship and advice over the years, and many thanks for entrusting us with these darling little guysInt'l Multi Ch Toybox Moonfox Int'l Multi Ch Toybox For Heavens SakeMulti Ch Toybox Crazy Like A Fox Multi Ch Toybox Skywalker Int'l Multi Ch Toybox Ace of DiamondsWe wish you and your Toybox Poms many more years of Msuccess and happiness. ..K - 'Mirja Lager Heikki Posti ..phone358-40-528 4995Lansilenkki 34, FIN-02400 Kirkkonummi, Finland, e-mail, website pomboysThe Pom Reader December 2004 17bmjladog odds aEPTOiSER^AV BEST -n 'WINNERSk kewp pwto"MMfl. ^-AJOR WIN 1e VI-Ch. LaRajus Palisades Van GoghVinnie"Breeders Laura Newbold and Ellen Smith Velvet Touch Versace x Palisades LaRajus FantasyCongratulations to Laura Newbold on your Kennel VisitEntrusting us with the sale of Vinnie gave us our first real start in the show ring. We can never thank you enough for all you have done for us.We wish you continued success with your breeding program. May you continue to breed beautiful and sound Pomeranians.h6UKomEvensong PomeraniansKevin and Teresa White 5000 NW Millstone Way Portland, OR 97229 503-533-8980 evensongpomsaol.comPomkins Diuiiiiclioii PomsPresenting two lovely compact wee laddies who excel in movement and showmanship with superb dispositions. Arnie and Dixie same sire have enjoyed much success in the showring this year, including a RBIS, BD and BOS for Arnie at the Scottish Pomeranian Club Show and also a Res. CC for Dixie at Scottish Kennel Club Championship show.Congratulations breeder Eve Smail of Toybox Pomeranians, our good friend and mentor, on your feature and also on making up Arnies litter brother Ch.Toybox Golden Opportunity JW this yearArnie and Dixie will both be at Crufts 2005 - stop by for a chat rf you're there Check out our website www.pomkins.comleft Toybox Fancy Wee Dandy at Dunnichen, "Dixie"AmIrish Ch. Petipom Finch's Dandy Creation at Toybox x Toybox TenacityAm.Ch.Finch's He Walks On Water Am.Ch.Petipom He Ain't No SaintAm.Ch.Finch's Pearls and Laces Ch. CH Petipom Finch's Dandy Creation at Toybox Am.Ch. Finch's Wee Heart Andy Gibb Finch's Sure SmoothAm.Ch. Finch's Bodacious TenToybox Hasta La Vista del Pomkins, "Arnie"Ch.Toybox Platignum Phantom Emadale Sundancer at Sueacres Emadale's Highlight Toybox Samatha FoxAm.Ch.Mullerskazar Sungolds Illusion at Toybox Toybox American TaleCh.Toybox Hazelnut20 The Pom Reader December 2004h rn uuzzjeCH. SHOWCASE HOT TOPIC BISS Ch. Mountain Crest JJ x Ch. Showcase Charmed I'm SureSpecial thanks to Judge Carolyn Herbel for this Best of Breed, major win over some lovely specials to finish Ozzie's championship. Thanks always to my co-breeder and handler Curtiss Smith for his professional presentation. Thanks to the Gilstraps for allowing "JJ" to visit us at Showcase for the past year.Congratulations to Eve Smail and Jan Stachurski on their People in Poms features, and to Laura Newbold on her Kennel VisitShowcase Pomeranians Alane Levinsohn 818-352-9536 httpwww.showcasepoms.comv-ilI BEST OF BREED OR VARIETY ma7Mm7T3TiTCltv^ MT. PALOMAR KENNEL -... CLUB 2iPHOTOS by KIT2004Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the FancyI would like to thank all of my clients for the continued support each of you have shown to me. Heres looking forward to a great 2005Sincerely, Betsy Owens B etsy_owens PhoneFax 660-890-2255V 'The Pom Reader December 2004 19DAN AND CAROL GREENWALD CAROLYN KOCH BILL AND TINA TRUESDALE ROY AND JOANN KUSUMOTO DUANE DOLL ANDJOSEPH NEIL MCGINNISALONG WITH OUR OFFICIAL HOSTESS MISS DOROTHY NICKLESCORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THE FOURTH ANNUAL WESTMINSTER FUNDRAISER TO benefit TAKE THE LEAD AND SEARCH RESCUESHOWSIGHT MAGAZINES4SATURDAY FEBRUARY TWELFTH, 2005"jb ---------------900PMTHE PLAZA HOTEL, NEW YORK, NEW YORK BY INVITATION ONLY THE PARTY YOUVE BEEN WAITING IV22 The Pom Reader December 2004t.JStolcmne Poms sends Holiday Greetings to all our special Pom Friends. May you be blessed with family, good food, and lots of friends furry and otherwise Hello to Eve Smail, Toybo.x Poms, who is featured in the International Visit.Fran Stoll812 254-3857 stolanne650dialup.com1VINTAGELARAJUS HOLLYWOODSLIL OSCARVintage Pomeranians would like to wish you all a joyous and safe holiday season.Oscar and Ellen would like to CONGRATULATE Laura Newbold of LaRajus Pomeranians on her well-deserved Kennel Visit I just cant thank her enough for sharing this wonderful little guy with me.Congratulations to Eve Smail of Toybox Pomeranians on your International Visit It was a pleasure to meet you at Crufts earlier this year.VINTAGEELLEN TAKAYAMA vintagehawaii yahoo.comThe Pom Reader December 2004 21-m-Jbrsr,Ctv-w..... . _PUBUSHER DUANE C. DOLL CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DOLL-McGINNIS PUBUCATIONS JOSEPH N. MGINNISJR. EDITOR-IN-CHIEFEDITORJOSEPH N. MCGINNIS JR.MANAGING EDITOR ROBERT C. CLARK inr.DECEMBER 2004 VOLUME XX NUMBER TEN1. On The CoverSTARFIRES NASTY NATHANIELStory, page 2 Owners Annette Rister, Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti 25. SHOWSIGHT from the Editor30. DID YOU KNOWby Sharon Masnick Benson E. Ray32. HERE THERE by Sally Baugniet 34. PR TOP TEN Americas Top PomsADVERTISING EDITORIAL CONCEPT AND DESIGNOF LAKELAND J.N. MCGINNIS JR., ART DIRECTORASSOCIATE ART DIRECTOR ROBERT C. CLARK IIIPRODUCTION TEAM GARRY LEWIS - EDWIN PITTS BRANDI N. KNAPP GENEVIEVE ULMER36. WHY WE KEEP POMS submitted by Cande Mike Gordon40. THE BRITISH SHOW SCENE by Eve Smail42. TOYBOX POMERANIANSA Visit with Eve Smail50. PR KENNEL VISIT - LA RAJUS POMERANIANSA Visit with Laura NewboldPRODUCTION OFFICES Doll-McGiimis Enterprises, Incorporated 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604 TEL 863-858-3839 FAX 863-853-3624 httpwww.dmcg.comADVERTISING SALES SHARON MASNICK or BENSON RAY Tel 843-558-7432 OR 843-558-6062 Fax 843-558-6915 Cell 843-319-5668 Email BENAIRESAOL.COM58. PEOPLE IN POMSJan Stachurski of Tabletop Pomeranians64. POMERANIAN CLUB OF HAWAII by Ellen Takayama 66. UPCOMING POMERANIAN EVENTS 73. INDEX TO ADVERTISERSOFFICE MANAGER SHAYNE BLACKSUBSCRIPTIONS CIRCULATIONTELEPHONE 863-858-3839FACSIMILE 863-853-362474. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription ratesPRINTED IN THE UNITED STATESTHE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809- 1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the 24 The Pom Reader December 2004editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for 3rd Class service in the United States 48.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 70.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALLISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC-UCENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND ALLBREED JUDGES.Direct all inquiries toJoe McGinnis, Editor,8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604.TEL 863-8583839. FAX 863-853-3624.Email hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.HAVE-A-HEART IVDANCE TO THE MUSIC OF THE LEGENDARYPETER DUCHIN ORCHESTRAMARVEL AT THE BEAUTY OF THE LANDMARKPLAZA HOTELBUY TICKETS TO WIN THE5050 RAFFLEAND BID ON THE ONE-OF-A-KINDHAVE-A-HEART DIAMOND PENDANTLIVE AUCTION TO BE HELD AT 1030 PMTHE ENTIRE COST OF THE PARTY IS UNDERWRITTEN BY ITS SPONSORS. EVERY DOLLAR RAISED GOES TO TTL SARCustom-Designed for HAH IV By Joe McGinnis1.37 CARAT HEART-SHAPED RUBY SURROUNDED BY FOUR HANDMADE DIAMOND-STUDDED HEARTS 18 KARAT WHITE GOLD WITH 1.58 CARATS OF GH DIAMONDSADMISSION TICKETS 50 PER PERSONALL BEVERAGES ARE COMPLIMENTARY WITH ADMISSION CALL 863 858 3839 TO ENSURE THAT YOU ARE ON OUR INVITATION LISTADMISSION AND RAFFLE TICKETS MAY BE PURCHASEDBY PHONE ONLINE VIA MAIL863 858 3839 JMCGDMCG.COM C0 THE PRThe Pom Reader December 2004 231ssuesfi ais mm in vi...IWe sincerely thank each and every one of you for your support.We have always liked a pretty head, and do try to stay "Ahead with the Pom Reader".In 2005 let's try to adhere to closing dates so that the Magazine we all enjoy Stays Ahead of the Game that we all eniou so muchTHE JANUARY 2005 ISSUE WILL FEATUREFeaturesPEOPLE IN POMS Usa AielloINTERNATIONAL VISIT TO FINLANDPirjo-Riita Alppinen of Bicontys PomsSPECIAL FEATURE A Walk Down Memory Lane withMillamor Poms Eleanor MillerSpanning decades Standing tall.CALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR PLACEMENT - Deadline for this issue is January 5, 2005SHARON MASNICK or BENSON RAYPH 843.558.7432843.558.6062 FAX 843.558.6915 Sharon Cell 843-344-2939 Benson Cell 843-344-2938EMAIL BENAIRESAOL.COM FOR INFORMATION26 Tiif. Pom Reader Di-ci-mker 2004SHOWSIGHTFROM THE EDITOR JOSEPH NEIL M GINNISPhoto byPatricia .l IcG inn isIm always in the mood for Christmas. I truly love to give, and I really love to get.Ive gotten a lot of good stuff through the years and though the dates might have off, I always equate the receipt of wonderful things to the spirit of Christmas. Birthday, good luck, simple generosity or amazing surprise, no matter how a gift arrives it sets off the ringing of carol bells somewhere in my head. Call it commercial if you want to me, anytime a human goes out of his way to bring pleasure to another, thats special. And no matter what time of year it takes place, its kind of like Christmas.I was raised by people who gave much more than they ever got. When youre given that example from earliest memory on, you cannot help but have it be part of your psyche and soul. For people like me, and probably like you, to see someone get something great is mighty pleasant, indeed to see someone not get what he needs makes one sad, but to see someone lose something is hardest of all.A good friend of mine lost something of late and we pray its just pro tern. My Mother, Harriet Birmingham McGinnis, is in a fight right now, a fight for her life. What she lost is the easy feeling we have, at the start of each day, that the body upon which we so blithely depend will carry us where we want to go. Right now hers is working against her and theres only so much that modem medicine can do its up to the Almighty and her own mighty will to keep her motoring on.It has to be tough for a natural care-giver to ever depend on others. It has to be rough for a woman whos spent her life giving to others, to be on the getting end. And still she gives and gives. She gave to me again the other night.I know where I got a lot of stuff The temper, which when controlled has stood me in good stead but when unleashed has righted many wrongs the willpower which allowed me to quit using alcohol cold-turkey ten years ago and smoking the same way, the following year the calmness and clearheadedness in an emergencywhich allows me to see with crystal clarity each next best step and the ability to totally go to pieces once the excitements over the incredible love of music which causes me to cry during the overture of even the dopiest show. Many other things that I call gifts came my way from her, but there was one I didnt know about and I found out just the other day.Three different trainers in three different cities have joked about something I do. When pushed to the max, as is my desire, and asked how I fare, which is their habit, my standard reply, Im told, is this I can do more. I guess I say that a lot, because theyve joked about it, separately to me, echoing my words. I know, I know I can do more. Hows THAT for more, one even wisecracked, as I practically blew a gasket. So, I guess I say it, I just never thought about it.Till the other night. I was honored to get to accompany my Mother as she tried to build her strength. She went quite a ways down the hall, aided by her walker, concentrating hard and balancing quite well we then turned about and came back. As we approached the door to her room she looked up and said, I can do more.We kept on going but my mind had stopped. So thats where it came from, I thought. The drive, the strength, the energy, the love to make you say I can do more.What a wonderful gift this woman gave me. What a wonderful collection of gifts she gave me and to many others as well. Shes given of herself for eighty-three years and if shes given more time, shell just give that much more. Thats the keyword, more. Thats what she said I can do more.I know you can, Mom. Hang in there. Everybody reading this magazine sends love and best wishes for a return to happy health.But no one more than me.Merry Christmas.The Pom Reader December 2004 25x mfk TaBEST OFOPPOSITE SEX'^ v ^CHAMPION AMERICAN PRIDE OF ALLRIDGEMericaSire BIS Ch. Finch's He Walks On Water, ROMS Dam Bi-Mar's Diamonds and Pearls IIThank you, Mr. Eugene Blake, for this major that finished Merica.Thank you, Mr. Edd Bivin, for this major and your compliments on Merica's movement.Merica finished quickly from the Bred- By-Exhibitor class and received an invitation to the 2005 Eukanuba Championship Show. I especially want to thank the judges that appreciated Merica's many fine qualities.Merica was a joy to show, and her vivacious spirit simply sparkled in the ring. In fact,with her pretty face ,flawless movement, and flashy personality, I didn't show herSHE showed herself and pretty near showed meDiane Finch, thank you so much for allowing me to use your magnificent Travis, during his twilight years after he was retired from public stud. I will be forever grateful.^ h i,itA 528 The Pom Reader December 2004BreederOwnerHandler Valerie Allridge Anchorage, Alaska alaskapomsaol.comChrisden Pom,of ManChrisden Poms of Manila congratulates Ms. Eve Smail and her famous Toybox Poms on the occasion of this Kennel Visit...Our best Wishes for your continued success.wedishNoi fEMSftfisdeh's Call Of the Wild iMlfipOWfulCMrU^piktecl Ms dual tides in a flash mil we cmmmd ftk tmmr ' Helena Lindqyistfor bringing util the best in him... Have fun showing Mil there Also we hdkforward mih you next showboy Crbdfs CmteHtf Attraction, Ptirlzerf winning his first CC \ ttn his first show... Way to galLUOwnerHelena Llndqvist Pomsiar SwedenBreedersJberms rP Mari Litonfua December 2004 27DidlbuKnow...BY SHARON MASNICK BENSON RAYChristmas is my favorite holiday. While some complain of the hectic pace of the holiday season, I prefer to bask in its magical glow.It is a time of reflection for me, as I realize the door is closing on an entire year and is about to open on a new one...As I reflect on this past year, I have to smile as we have been blessed in many ways. On January 11, 2004 Kirstyn Skye was born and now along with doggy x-pens we have a playpen in our dining room. Being the first grandchild, we have had many new things to learn. I have always thought, I could write an instruction book on raising puppies, but oh no I will not volunteer to write one on raising children.We have also expanded a personal interest into the world of miniature horses. Benson has taken an active role in their care and training. We find them to be delightful companions.The entire staff wants to wish each and everyone a happy holiday season filled with joy and happiness.We want to express our sincere gratitude for your support and contributions this past year.. .we appreciate you and want to serve you in the best way we can.There are few events that rival the excitement of attending and being a part of the AKCEukanuba National Championship show. Good luck to all - and congratulations to those who received the special invitation. We hope to see you there.As weapproach the New Year, let us remember to set realistic goals that we can stick to...most of the time. Resolutions are made to improve the quality of someones life and most of the time the resolution involves a personal sacrifice. There is one resolution we should consider that wont feel like a sacrifice and its blessing will be returned to us over and over.Resolve to spend more quality time with your dogs. Remember without our dogs, we would not be in the dog gameiNow for some fun stuff...Wrapping Presents With Dog Helpers1. Gather presents, boxes, paper, etc. in middle of living room floor.2. Get tape back from puppy.3. Remove scissors from older dogs mouth.4. Open box.5. Take puppy out of box.6. Remove tape from older dogs mouth.7. Take scissors away from puppy.8. Put present in box.9. Remove present from puppys mouth.10. Put back in box after removing puppy from box.11. Take scissors from older dog and sit on them.12. Remove puppy from box and put lid on.30 The Pom Reader December 200413. Take tape away from older dog.14. Unroll paper.15. Take puppy OFF box.16. Cut paper, being careful not to cut puppys foot or nose that is getting in the way as he helps.17. Let puppy tear remaining paper.18. Take puppy off box.19. Wrap paper around box.20. Remove puppy from box and take wrapping paper from its mouth.21. Tell older dog to fetch the tape so he will stop stealing it.22. Take scissors away from puppy.23. Take tape older dog is holding.HIGH STYLE OF ALLRIDGEMercedestofm V1if9A v rrWVSCOTT SU1FF KEUUEL CUSN1 MKRCH 2004 BEST OPPOSITEK KEMP PHOTOCh. Cascade Sunkist Shadow x Lakeway N Ragdoll's Candy AplMENDY, thank you for the fabulous job you have done training and showing Mercedes. As a novice, you have exceeded all my expectations I've heard, even from professional handlers, how terrific you and Mercedes look together in the ring. She adores you,and I feel truly blessed to have found such an honest,talented,and loving handler for my precious Poms.Betsy Owen, once again, I'd like to thank you for the use of your gorgeous Shadow. His beauty and soundness is evident even in my Shadow grandkids. When Mercedes finds her last major,she will be the second champion in the litter Shadow produced for me.Laura Newbold, congratulations on your kennel feature. LaRajus Poms rockValerie AllridgeValerie Allridge owner Mary Allan, Breeders Anchorage, Alaska alaskapomsaol.comMendy Hansen, Loving Handler Castle Rock, Colorado Celebrationpomsaol.comThe Pom Reader December 2004 29 Bau2nietdcwis.comby Sally B A U G N I E THEADS UPI was walking through the house the other day with my head down and looking at the floor. Now, in Wisconsin, we live with a view of Rileys Bay which is a bay off from the Bay of Green Bay.I thought, This is dumb. Here I have a beautiful view and I am walking around with my head down, looking at the floor. Until then, I hadnt even realized I was doing that.Why was I doing that It was to avoid tripping on all of the doggie toys lying all over the floor. One bad step on a toy with the foot that is carried on an ankle that will not tolerate a twist and I would be down We have a new six month old puppy at our house, which was recently purchased and another pup that was whelped January 1st. Happy New Year, out of Suds, a CH. Bubbles daughter. Between the two pups and a mom who thinks she is still a pup, we have to watch where we step once again. I had not bought a dog for so many years, that I really couldnt tell you how long ago that was. I not only bought one, but I bought two.. .unheard of, for me I was badly in need of either not breeding or buying into lines that were in the background of my lines and remain a breeder. Well, I hadnt produced that Perfect Pom yet, so I thought I might as well produce a couple more litters to see if I could produce a few more AKC Champions. Time will tellThe two pups are pretty good at being house broken, but that is another reason to watch where you walk. If I dont let the pups out often enough, it is important to walk with my head down, especially if strange fumes are wafting through the air. VBGI think we all are used to watching where we walk, when at a dog show. As often as dog show people havebeen told, there are some who think it is alright for them to let their dog defecate and walk on by without cleaning their mess up, as if nothing happened. They tell themselves, It wasnt me instead of accepting responsibility for their own dogs mess.I will be one of the judges in our Florida Judges groups, who will be on clean-up duty for the AKC Eukanuba Invitational in Tampa, Florida in January. I am hoping the invited guests are educated and dedicated enough to clean up after their own dogs, therefore leaving very little for us judges to clean up Again, time will tell.There was a Doggie Treat printed in our local newspaper just in time for the New Year. I thought I would share it with you.PEANUT BUTTER AND BANANA BISCUITS FOR YOUR FAVORITE DOGGIES13 cup peanut butter 1 Tbs. honey _ cup mashed bananas _ cup wheat germ1 cup whole wheat flour plus more for rolling out 1 egg whiteIn a medium bowl, hand-mix first 4 ingredients together. Add dry ingredients and mix well. Turn onto a well-floured surface. Roll to desired thickness and cut into desired shapes. Brush tops with egg white for glossy tops. Bake in 300 degree oven for 20 minutes. These may be frozen for longer storage.MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW YEARANDBEST OF EVERYTHING AT THE SHOWS AND IN THE WHELPING PEN32 The Pom Reader December 200424. Quickly tape one spot before taking scissors from older dog and sitting on them again.25. Fend off puppy trying to steal tape and tape another spot.26. Take bow from older dog.27. Go get roll of wrapping paper puppy ran off with.28. Take scissors from older dog who took them when you got up.29. Give pen to older dog to hold so he stops licking your face.30. Remove puppy from present and hurriedly slap tape on to hold the paper on.31. Take now soggy bow from puppy and tape on since the sticky stuff no longer sticks.32. Take pen from older dog, address tag and affix while puppy tries to eat pen.33. Grab present before puppy opens it and put it away.34. Clean up mess puppy and older dog made playing tug-of-war with remnants of wrapping paper.35. Put away rest of wrapping supplies and tell dogs what good helpers they are.Thinking of you...Sympathy to the family of Margaret McKee and Rachal McKee Sager on the death of Mrs. Laura Rachal their mother k grandmother.Get Well wishes toMary Lou North Dr. Rose Cebelinski Deb ProcacciniCommentsHi Sharon . Benson...Just wanted to drop you a line and thank you for a great job you did on the November 2004 ad for Vikki Oelerich from Parti OChelanes. I like it very much.Elaine Waugh Parti OChelanesSharon,Thank you for doing a great job on the ad that we placed for Buster finishing. We noticed that on the October list of champions he was not listed...he finished on October 2, 2004 and has his certificate from AKC.. .Thank youKay 8^ Reed AdamsDogs Rules For Christmas1. Be especially patient with your humans during this time. They may appear to be more stressed-out than usual and they will appreciate long comforting dog leans.2. They may come home with large bags of things they call gifts. Do not assume that all the gifts are yours.3. Be tolerant if your humans put decorations on you. They seem to get some kind of special pleasure out of seeing how you look with fake antlers.4. They may bring a large tree into the house and set it up in a prominent place and cover it with lights and decorations. Bizarre as it may seem to you, it is an important ritual for your humans, so there are some things you need to know- Dont pee on the tree- Dont drink water in the container that holds the tree- Mind your tail when you are near the tree- If there are packages under the tree, even ones that smell interesting or have your name on them, dont rip them open- Dont chew on the cord that runs from the funny looking hole in the wall to the tree5. Your humans may occasionally invite lots of strangers to come visit during this season. These parties can be lots of fun but they also call for some discretion on your part- Not all strangers appreciate kisses and leans- Dont eat off the buffet table- Beg for goodies subtly- Be pleasant, even if unimowing strangers sit on your sofa- Dont drink out of glasses that are left within your reach unless you can get away with it...6. Likewise your humans may take you visiting. Here your manners will also be important- Observe all the rules 4 for trees that may be in other peoples houses4a is particularly important- Respect the territory of other animals that may live in the house- Tolerate children- Turn on your charm big time7. A big man with a big white beard and a very loud laugh may emerge from your fireplace in the middle of the night. DONT BITE HIMOops...The sire and dam was left out of K.G. Griffiths ad on page 47 of our last issue. The sire of Ch. Band of Gold is Ch. Macs Frankly My Dear and the Dam is Jenny Lind of Lennette.Merry Christmas To All- SharonThe Pom Reader December 2004 31PRjTOP TENStatistics The American Kennel ClubGROUP SYSTEM October 31, 2004by DOGS DEFEATED IN BREED, GROUP, BEST IN SHOW COMPETITIONRank Points Name1. 26108 CH. STARFIRE S WICKED MEAN-N-NASTY M Owners J. Heath, W. Cosby, F. Arienti J. Cabrera2. 25848 CH. PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS M Owners D. Finch N. Inglett3. 4224 CH. VALCOPY BATBOY M Owners R. Smith, M. Smith, J. PardueM. Pardue4. 3195 CH. SUNDOWNS KEEGAN XAVIER M owner, c. Knight5. 3035 CH. RODI S CR KING OF GONDOR M Owners C. Solano R. Solano6. 2022 CH. FIREBROOK S TABASCO FIASCO M Owner L. Cook,D.MachniakD. Coventry7. 1872 CH. STARFIRES ROBCARY SOBE IT M Owner C. Scrimpsher8. 1765 CH. LIL DARLINS I GOT THE POWER M Owners G. Malmgren J. Reed9. 1606 CH. CANDYFLOSS LORD WILTON M Owners B. Stetson H. Strasbaugh10. 1535 CH. LARAJUS COSMIC KIO M Owner. L. NewboldBREED SYSTEM October 31,2004by DOGS DEFEATED IN BREED COMPETITION Rank Points Name1967 CH. PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS M Owners D. Finch N. Inglett843 CH. STARFIRES WICKED MEAN-N-NASTY M Owners J. Heath, W. Cosby, F. Arienti J. Cabrera 821 CH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCO M Owner L. Cook, D. Machnia D. Coventry 773 CH. SUNDOWNS KEEGAN XAVIER M Owner C. Knight 642 CH. VALCOPY BATBOY M Owners R. Smith, M. Smith, J. Pardue M. Pardue CH. RODIS CR KING OF GONDOR M Owners C. Solano R. Solano CH. LARAJUS COSMIC KIO M Owner L. Newbold 419 CH. SIRIUS IT WASNT ME M Owners G. Aulik M. Lafler 356 CH. STARFIRES ROBCARY SOBE IT M Owner C. Scrimpsher285 CH.JAN-SHARS COMMANDER N-CHIEF M Owners R. Smith, M. Smith, D. Sharp D. Sharp1. 9.10.58349834 The Pom Reader December 2004Paragon Poms presents...Our newest championChampion Paragon's Little Big Manpending AKC confirmation\11 I___"Dustin''Park Ave Live Wire X Paragon's Upton Julie BrownIt is a privilege to congratulate the Newbolds ofLaRajus Pomeranians on their well-deserved Kennel Visit. With much dedication and tenacity, Laura has achieved an exceptional breeding program. She should be truly proud of her accomplishment.I especially want to thank Laura for allowing me to reap some of these benefits Ch. LaRajus' American Pride who has exceeded my expectations by receiving his championship very quickly-, also for LaRajus' Bohemian Rhapsody currently being shown and already pointed.Accolades on their Specials Dog, Ch. LaRajus' Cosmic Kid. Continued success as always with all they endeavor.To all, a MOST HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON everBreeders-. Sylvia Lopez Jessica Vasguez Owner-. Christine Endow paragon-pomssbcglobal.netThe Pom Reader December 2004- 33WHY WE KEEP POMSWe received this message from another breeder and found it to be so movingthat we thought we would share it withIt rained again this morning. It seems as if it has rained for a week. The yard is a miniature lake. The dogs dont want to get their toes wet. Now these are the same dogs that were swimming in their water bowls last week. So, after much persuading, and a bit of yelling, the dogs tip toe outside. They huddle on muddy islands, shivering and refusing to empty their bladders. They charge the door, sliding their muddy paws down the glass in finger paint style that would make any kid jealous.They charge back to their islands, making sure to throw mud all over their legs and bellies. Back to the door and play slip and slide in the mud.The door to the yard is in my bedroom. Once the door opens, the first place they head to is the bed. Jumping up and down on the springs on the bottom of their feet, they bark, yell and whine, Pet me Pet me I dont want to touch them, much less pet and love, dirty mops and muddy bibs. Mud everywhere On the bed, the floor, myyou during this Holiday Season.Cande Mike Gordonlegs, where they are jumping Pick me Pick me first I put them in their pens, where they promptly go to the toilet. Mud, and poop, on precious pups. I look at the mess my bedroom is in, and think nothing is worth this mess.A couple of hours later, the sun is out. The lake is drying up. Little green plants poke their heads out at every corner. The dogs are in seventh heaven. New newspaper in their pens has them growling, rolling, shredding, and barking with joy. Such a simple thing, clean newspaper, and it is as if I have given them precious jewels. Their joy spreads faster than the flu virus.This is why we keep Poms, to teach us to live in the moment, to be thankful for every kind word, to realize that there will be mud in life, but this too will pass but mostly, to find joy in the simple things. May you have a Poms joy in life, and be as thankful as a Pom for the simple things.Authors name withheldCongratulations to everyone featured in this issueiT it ^ - r 8 Sk\t4rl 1DollyNew Ch. Kitsan Poppin CountryTessiNew Ch. Oregon Fantasy Of Lil DarlinA well deserved thank you to the judges that found them so deserving of some fabulous three and four point Majors that accounted for most of their pointsA special thanks to Sandra Baker for letting me have Tessi, out of her BISS Ch. Oregon Tickle My Fancy Danny. It's been a pleasure Sandra.A special thank you to my friend Jean Elting Rowe for training and helping me show Dolly Also thank you to Ellen Smith of Palisades Poms for helping with Tessi.Trilvie Haynes Ellen Smith Sandra Baker Jean Elting RoweBreederHandler\ 1 1WvThe Pom Reader December 2004- 35A Special Invitation - Win cash prizesTHE CAROLINACOMBINED SPECIALTIES CLUBINVITESALL handlers and ownerhandlers to participate in adrawing to be held on Friday, April 8, 2005, followingthe judging of all breeds entered in our Specialties.NO RAFFLE TICKETS TO PURCHASE.For each dog or bitch entered and shown in one of our Specialty Shows, exhibitors will a receive a ticket that will be entered in the drawing for their breeds club, example 5 dogs entered equals five raffle tickets and five chances to win.100.00 CASHWILL BE AWARDED BY EACH PARTICIPATING CLUB.AN ADDITIONAL SINGLE DRAWING WILL BE HELD FROM THE COMBINED TICKETS FROM ALL CLUBS TO WIN 500.00 CASH.PARTICIPATING CLUBS CAROLINA COCKER SPANIEL CLUB DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF CHARLOTTE DALMATIAN CLUB OF THE PIEDMONT CENTRAL CAROLINA POMERANIAN CLUB CENTRAL CAROLINA PUG DOG CLUB GREATER CHARLOTTE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUBDont miss this exciting eventEnter early - there is a limit each day of 1600 dogs per day for these shows.38 The Pom Reader December 200499Ci mLA7af v^____ _iiniain Grest \LxtraCongratulates her 2 special kids, Ch. Mountain Crest Special Design and Ch. Mountain Crest Special Edition who finished their championships this past fall. Watch for her next two special kids coming out in 2005.MDavid and Carlene GilstrapPO Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-821-1015 E-mail dcgilstrapaol.comThe Pom Reader - December 2004- 37HHThe British Show SceneDog showing in the U.K. is very prolific despite being a very small country we do have huge show entries compared to other countries. There are three different types of show structures. Championship shows where CCs or Challenge Certificates are on offer for most breeds. Three CCs are required for a Champion Title but as we have no Specials or Best Of Breed Class dogs which aspire to make their title have to compete against already titled dogs, so this makes it very hard to finish a Champion especially if a top ranking dog goes to all the shows, which it is entirely possible due to the geographical location of the shows, which are mainly in the central belt. At the large All Breed Ch shows there can be from 10,GOO- 26,000 dogs and the shows are over 3-4 days with different groups on different days.The ultimate show in the U.K. is the world famous Crufts, which had over 26,000 dogs entered last year. A huge show with hundreds of trade stands, its the ultimate dog show experience. With the new Pets Passport, dogs from all over the world can attend provided they meet the criteria of our Government and Kennel Club.Next we have Open shows, there is no Champion status but may schedule several classes for many breeds, they are run on the same group system as Ch Shows. Champions may compete, but it is generally considered to be bad sportsmanship to consistently show it. This as a great training ground for aspiring judges to gain experience in all the breeds and a great way for Breed judges to get a foot hold on the judging ladder. For exhibitors, their dogs may accumulate point for 1st prize wins and dogs under the age of 18 month old can gain their Junior Warrant, a sort of juniorChampionship.Groups and BIS and Best Puppy in Show at these shows are also much prized. As many as 3,000 dogs of all breeds can go to these shows which are run every weekend all over the country. Breed judges are often picked from Breed Club judging fists, and are given three classes to get them started off. Exhibitors support these new judges very well, especially if the person in question has had good dogs themselves. We have had Christine Hertz and Elizabeth Spillman judge over here in that capacity, judging Open breed shows as they are not passed for CC judging, and got a very good entry.We then have Members Limited shows, either all breed or Breed Club. You have to be a member of the club and no Champions or CC winner may attend. Again a good training ground for puppies and new judges with restricted classes. A very friendly type of show, and a nice showcase for up and coming puppies.Breed Clubs have limited, open and Ch. shows, usually one of each per year and these are very well attended.Classes for the breed will attract for around 60 -175.The first three classes are for age only, Minor puppy 6-9 months, Puppy 6-12 months, Junior 6-18months. After that we have Maiden, for dogs which have not won a first place at any show,Novice for dogs that have not won more than 3 first places, then we go up to Post Graduate and Graduate, where dogs must have not won more than 1 Challenge Certificate, then to Limit where they must not have won more than 2, then they have to go up to Open as they win their way our of the lower classes. In Open a dog competes with all the Champions and others who havewon as much as they have, so its a tough time getting that last CC. Most breeders would like a Best of Breed Class, but our Kennel Club takes the view that it will only make cheap Champions who have not had to beat the creme de la creme.I do not agree, I feel that many a really good dog fails to get the title because a dog with a reputation sits in open just wining CCs every week until judges either get tired of seeing it or it retires. I would like to see a Grand Champion class like they have in cats, where a Champion could go on to gain a further title and make way for the up and coming. Finishing a English Champion is hard, but something to be proud of.We have a lot of breed judges in this country as well as all- rounders. Unlike many other countries they do not have to give up their dogs to be allowed to do so. This does of course mean that one day they are competing against you, the next they could be judging you.. On the plus side you would hope that being breeders themselves they would have a better understanding of the breed, but on the other side there is sure to be some favouritism or at least it will be perceived that way, but we are used to it.Like exhibitors all around the world we all have the Show post mortem on the way home in the car. We are always giving up on the days we dont do well and yet we cant wait to make out that next entry form. We live for that next fitter, next Champion, next show. Masochism if ever I saw it, but its just great.. You can make friends for fife and lets face it, what else could we possibly find to do at week-ends if we didnt show dogs.Eve Smail Toybox Poms40 The Pom Reader December 2004Teralee Pomeranians is proud to introduceCh. Teralees Ornge II Ilis'fiehave'It-i OFEST-breed Kira is my first homebred Bred By Exhibitor champion. Kira started showing in June. Her second show out taking a Group TV under breeder judge Arlene Benko. Kira showed just a couple of months before doing her summer shed then came back out to finish her championship under Charlotte Patterson, who finished Kiras Mother - Ch. Southpaw Teralee Mis-BehaveN, by winning Best of Breed over my specials bitch to take a 4 point major. Kira has been exclusively handled in the Bred By Exhibitor class.I want to thank all the judges who told me what an outstanding bitch Kira is. Keep an eye out for this little girl in the specials ringTeralee Poms would like to congratulate Jan Stachurski of Tabletop Poms on his People In Poms feature. See you ringside cutieI Hope you finish Joy soon.Kira is pictured with Mrs. Jean Fournier.Leanne Wilkins Teralee Poms 603-674-5805The Pom Reader December 2004- 39pom r a n i a n sEve SmailMy start in Poms is a familiar story saw a Pom, fell in love with it, got a pet and was hooked for life. My first pet was in 1976, followed by a very plain but sound brood bitch, which produced nothing much in the way of show stock, but I kept a bitch puppy of better type than her mother. I had no knowledge of dog shows, but bought a very nice but too big dog and showed him at a couple of shows and was hooked. I had shown Arabian Horses and Persian cats with success and knew that the stock I had was just no goodiEve and Small Print and Firecracker as old boys.42 The Pom Reader December 2004and I started to look for something better.I was put in touch with Mrs. Nancy Robson daughter of Mrs. Gascoine whose Morrell Kennel exported many dogs to the US in the 30's 40's and 50's. Many of those imports appear in Vintage issues of the Pomeranian Reviews. She had a small cream dog but was honest and told me he would not show but had superb breeding and would make a fine stud dog. He was called Rocaar Spice of Life, andlittle did I know when I sent off my 40 60 that this dog would be the back bone of my breeding line and bring me my greatest success in the breed even to this present day.I picked "Chives" up at a local show and he was just so beautiful that I couldn't understand why anyone would want to part with him. He was pale butter-milk cream, black pigment, about 4 lbs and huge harsh coat. He was widely used but it became apparent thatrUpprtrvfr newest Champion...Ucvr7FOREVER N' EVERCh. Island's Here We Go x Woodrose's Sylvia FINISHES UNDER MR. WILLIAM BERGUM AT THE HAWAIIAN KENNEL CLUB SHOW WITH HIS FOURTH MAJOR AT JUST A YEAR OLD.f iW INTRODUCING OUR NEWESTN 1I o BIST OF WINNERSbest puppySPECIALTY SHOWMiKE JOWSON 'HC'O"BREEDING FOR QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY"CLARICE YVETTE OGANEKU 45-232 LILIPUNA RD KANEOHE, HI 96744 EMAIL PH 808 235-8142ACPIKACHUCh. Gayel's Kit Carson x Woodrose's Blonde Bombshell "Pikachu" at just 6 mos. old at his very first show wins BEST PUPPY and BEST OF WINNERS for a 4pt. major at the POMERANIAN CLUB OF HAWAII SPECIALTY under Mary Rosenbaum. Mahalo, Mrs. Rosenbaum for this very nice win and lovely comments about him.His older sister, Woodrose's Uptown Girl has 9 pts, three majors. She picked up her third major under Mrs. Jackie Stacy at the Hawaiian Kennel Club show.We want to say "Mahalo" to all the judges and supporters for their comments on our Poms. Our Poms are always handled by Yvette and our good friend Craig Garcia.Congratulations to Eve Smail, Jan Stachurski, and Laura Newbold for your features this month.The Pom Reader December 2004 41f o y b o x [ P o m e r a n i a n sCMy home.K- AmCanIrish Ch. Stolannes Highway to Heaven at ToyboxAust. Ch. Toybox The Quarterback JNBrfiPrrToybox Fany Wee Dandy44 The Pom Reader December 2004EngAust Ch. Toybox Heaven ForbidT o y b o x P o m e r a n i a n sV. MU Vinkiw -mz_w - -e .'i V-t'JftToybox Moon Fox. Irish Ch. Toybox Heaven only KnowsCTT3USV '2b.____Chance's babies. Toybox Platignum Phantom wolf Sable.he was not very fertile and left only four puppies. One of which was Toybox Small Print. This little dog was his father's image, but like him he was a moody little dog who would show one day and not the next, but he was the father of Toybox Platinum Phantom, another Best Dog at Crufts, who has had a major impact on British Pomeranians to this day. Not only did he sire many Champions butalso his blood is to the forefront in the U.K. today with his Great Grandson Ch. Pomanna Silver Arrow Best of breed at Crufts 2004.After a couple of pet quality litters I struck it lucky after using one of the Andersley dogs and bred in the one litter, Eng Ch. Toybox Ginger Rogers and Ch. Toybox Firecracker, Ginger was Best Bitch at Crufts twice and BOB and Crufts Toy group finalist. She was TopThe Pom Reader December 2004- 43T o y b o x P o m e r a n i a n slove a beautiful head but I am not a headhunter and would rather have a correctly put together dog with a slighter plainer head, than a stunning head on something that can hardly walk. I apply this to my breeding programme. I find good heads are easy to get, it is getting the whole package that is harder.In the U.K. we have what I consider to be the best coats as per the standard. Long harsh guard hair and correct amount of under coat. We don't trim so heavy here and we have a lot of sables, where the cutting of the coat would ruin the colour. With this type of coat we do not get the skin problems that the cutie-pie heavy undercoat type seems to bring. I have found that only having a 50 American and 50 British breeding gets me the best of all worlds and no skin problems. Dandy Creation has the best- textured correct coat I have ever seen on a Pom, with a huge tail right up to his ears.I live in the Scotland near Edinburgh the capitol, in a country Toybox What in Creation, Bob, Scottish Kennel Club Show.-4fToybox Fany Wee Dandycottage with no-one close. I have downsized to around 12 Poms now, and do keep all my oldies which means that I cannot keep too many youngsters. Strict legislation prevents breeders keeping or breeding as many dogs as in the past and this is tough on our breed with small litters. I have a purpose built dog room with pens which lead out into runs, two to a pen. Bathing and grooming is done there, but whelping is done in the house and puppies are raised in the kitchen until 5 months old when they join the main population.Its quite a cold country here even in summer so it's great for Pom coats My dogs never live caged except before a show or whelping and have a lot of outside exercise, essential for good movement.Over the years, I have had some wonderful wins and met some wonderful people. Now with the Internet the world is at our fingertips and we can see everyone's stock and share information like no other time in history. This can only make us strive even more for the perfection that we seek in Poms.I am proud to be just a little part of it. 46 The Pom Reader December 2004T o y b o x P o m e r a n i a n sToybox Miss Vivienne Eng. Ch. Toybox Golden OppertunityEngAmIrish Ch. PetipomFinchs Dandy Creation at ToyboxPom that year. Over the next few years I finished several Champions sired by Firecracker, Ch. T Tough Cookie, Ch. Toybox Hazelnut.I needed new blood in my kennel and looked to the US to find it.I contacted that wonderful lady of Poms, Anna La Fortune and she sent me a darling little boy Ch. Mullerkazar Sungold Illusion who lived to be nearly 17 years old and the love of my life. Next I saw in a Pom Review AmCan Ch. Stolannes Highway to Heaven and after much contact back and forward with Fran Stoll pre email days, she agreed to sell him to me. He was a wonderful producer for me, breeding Champions and Multi Champions in every litter. He carried a lot of Millamor breeding which I had admired for some time. His Ch. kids are in the U.K. Ireland, Australia, Iceland and Finland.His Champion daughter Toybox Heaven Forbid was best Bitch at Crufts and a Champion and top winner for my friends Michael and Elizabeth Friedman in Australia. InFinland Mirja Lager did most of her winning in the 90's with Haley sons. He lives on in his last son Ir. Ch. Toybox Heaven Only Knows, now with Sean Carroll in Ireland.Again it was time to bring in new blood and this time I turned to another doyenne of the breed in the USA, Diane Finch. She sent me Am. Ch. Petipom Finchs Dandy Creation. He titled quickly both in the U.K. and in Ireland and again his stock have really made their presence felt in the U.K. His son Ch. Toybox Golden Opportunity as Best puppy at Crufts and in his first litter of four, Dandy sired one English Champion and one Multi International Ch. plus two top winners. His daughter Toybox What in Creation is on her way to an English Title.I don't breed much now but always like to have something in the ring worthy of the Toybox name. When I judge I look for over all balance and stance first and foremost, closely followed by strong movement and good legs. IThe Pom Reader December 2004- 45CONGRATULATIONS,Jan Stachurski, on your PEOPLE IN POMS feature You have been the dearest of friends for some thirty years. I look forward to watching your beautiful babies in the ringWishing you continued success... CAA MOJA MI0E ZAWSZE Basi Krzewicki and of course, Ch. TouchCongratulations LAURA NEWBOLD on your feature this monthIt is always a pleasure to share the ring with you. Your love and dedication to our fur kids shows. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your friendship these past years and thank you for sharing "Opal" Larajus Parti Opal at VUinstar with meThe Winstar Poms of Walda GreenBen Lomond CA winstarpomssbcglobal.netB48 The Pom Reader December 20049-Capyy ^Holidays to att... '1 nmp3. vl^VNVIf\ rdllJiLooking hadron 2004... I have had the opportunity to show some Beautiful Poms to wonderful wins. I have also said goodbye to my first Tom, fJVlichey. The more I am involved zvith Toms the more I learn the lesson of the risf of great rewards is sometimes disappointment and loss. I know the risked worth the price as nothing Brings joy like the love of a Tom.Ton and Ovlerilyn, Teronda and Derrik, thanfyou for your support of all my Tom activities. It is an absolute privilege to Be apart of the Starlight team. To all the Tom Taney I wish you a great Udoliday Season and many rewards in Lucfand safe travels in 2005 CDeena d. SimonThe Pom Reader December 2004 47jNewboUauraL a R a j u s PomeraniansI want to thank Sharon and Benson for inviting me for a Kennel Visit. All I can say is Wow What a Feeling. It has been such an incredible year for usWe have been in Cotati, California for seven years owning and managing a commercial dog boarding facility grooming shop. Our lives changed so much in the past year we started two new companies, Best In Show Gourmet Coffee and Best In Show Productions. Our logo is our Pom Champion LaRajus Cosmic Kid. We have been looking to relocate to Oregon but business kept pulling me back to California. We have moved on and no longer have the kennel and we just want to concentrate on the the Coffee Production companies. Our website is kennel name comes from my name Laura - La, daughters name Raeanne Ra, and sons name Justin, jus, therefore making LaRajus Pomeranians, a family venture.I have grown and learned so much inU-.fitin i COOKI YOSEMITEKennel Club 2004 VEi hsran s- u,'v 'jmums50 The Pom Reader December 2004the past five years pursuing the goal of breeding show quality Poms. I feel very fortunate that the breeders that I have purchased my Pom kids from were breeders that dedicated their lives to their Poms. The biggest thing that I have learned in the past five years is Quality is far better than Quantity. As in having too many dogs vs just breeding the highest quality in a small group. Because of my busy schedule I have been limited to the amount of litters I have produced. Since I have never really had a whole lot of time to breed I have given close friends stud service from my males andrHave you often wondered how the Poms in the show ring are trimmed so nicely and how they do it Then, you need to see this Pom grooming video, "Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford," hy Karen Crawford ofXitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional hut easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe.For more information about Karen and the video as well as ordering, please visit our site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline at or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Congratulations to Jan Stachurski - Tabletop Poms, Eve Smail - Toybox Pomeranians and Laura Newbold - LaRajus Pomeranians on your kennel visits.We wish you all very happy and safe holidays.Karen Crawford and John Pauline McFarlanej]dlSextetteBreeders affine Poms since 19571440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081 K. G. Griffith, Owner 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 www.lenettepoms.comrraarwinCh. Bandmaster of LenetteSire Ch. Creiders Goblin of Post Oak x Dam Honeycomb of LenetteThis is champion 7 for us this year. We would like to thank our handler Donna Machniak for doing such a nice job with Bandit. We would like to thank Norma Creider and Pam Gault for allowing us to breed to Goblin. His sister should finish her championship soon.We have litters on the ground or due from the following studs, Ch. Music Maker of Lenette, Ch. Magic Touch of Lenette, Ch. Great Elms Little Cricket, Ch. Band of Gold of Lenette, Noah of Lenette and of course Ch. Paughprints On the Mtn. Crest. Visit our web site or give us a call.Best wishes to Jan Stachurski, Eve Smail and Laura Newbold on being featured in this issue.Congratulations to Katie Stalnaker and her new Ch. Kacees Gamblin Man of Lenette. This is the 8th Lenette Champion for this year.The Pom Reader December 2004 49Laura N e w b o l dvIIuT . SWEEPSTAKESBESTOPPOSITE JUNIORmmMARSkoeDftemy husband "frithacRajus 'Than. Qod StsJ^rtdayin Kentucky was an exciting adventure. Teaching your dog to poddy on a wee wee pad in a stall at the airport was quite the learning experience. The week at the national meeting new faces and going to the breeding and contract seminars it was Great The neatest thing was to see Madonna, Showins Primadonna, win Best Opposite Puppy in Sweepstakes with the entry around 60 female puppies. She is sired by my boy Rikishi - Park Ave LRajus Rock DCasba. The 2004 Pom National had the highest breed entry in history.At the Nationals 2004 Cosmo started his Specials career with Audrey Roberts,52 The Pom Reader December 2004^ired by cRiisbi..\ - ' JEapajus "Paris Wiltons Wiki Parti 6s Pa'Rajas Parti ^AnimalI am proud to say my boys have produced beautiful Champions for me and Champions for them. I keep very few dogs and co-own several females that live with their co-owners. Our garage is a converted dog play area with PVC pens and white lattice dividers. We have a huge fenced grass play area off of the garage. The puppies are raised underfoot in the kitchen and living room. If they could talk, they would tell the kids to change the channel. LOL The whole family helps with the raising the puppies.This past year my friend Karen Fleming, Precious Poms and I went to the 2004 American Pomeranian Nationals in Kentucky. Hying back to the nationalsLaura N e w b o l dzMulti Qroup Placing - Qb. jacjRajus Cosmic Wo E3 ^Audreywith Esteemed "Best 3n ^boW Judge - EMicbelle BillingstrB-nr'1LrGROUP PLACEMENT TUPELO KENNEL CLUB__ MAY___2004s GARDEN STUDIO. INCPHOTO 3Y GSEGMshowing the dogs to their championships and have also become trusted friends.My first bred by bitch LaRajus Fantasy was instrumental in producing quality dogs, she is the half sister to my Rikishi. She is the mother to Ch. LaRajus Palisades Van Gogh,Vinnie owned by Teresa Kevin White, Oregon. Teresa has major pointed his brother LaRajus Palisades Picasso Petie. Fantasy also produced LaRajus Collateral Damage, that I am waiting to put in the ring. Not only has that bitch produced but my boys have too Rikishi has produced beautiful puppies for me also. He sired Ch. LaRajus American Pride, owned by Jan Chris Endow, LaRajus American Idol, major pointed, owned by David Jessica Solis,- both those boys mother is WeeHearts Rock- on At Showcase. LaRajus Hollywoods Lil Oscar, two - 5 point majors, owned by Ellen Takayama, Vintage Pom- Hawaii, brother is LaRajus Lil Eddie Bowzer to start his show career with Chris Endow, their dam is Jimcins My Lady Katy.I had given stud service from RikishiJaxZA'wbestof winners , KINGS[ jfcv- KENNEL CLUB LIi'it 2004 HOLLOWAY" Ptiday"wm54 The Pom Reader December 2004Kajus rhank od It's PridaySire - "Jonathan"Piu- n.-iISire - IZikishiBESTs-BREED, BEST OFWINNERS i SANTA CRUZ .' I KEW1EL club' O'BRIEN PHOTOSSR ARi.LI'F. 0 frS-W'Laura N e w b o l dShyacres Poms. He was late starting in the calendar year and within 3 months Cosmo was Multi-Group placing ranking 5 Pom in Breed and 7 in Group. Audrey has done such a spectacular job and she has such a repoire with Cos it truly is a special relationship. They work wonderfully together. Cosmo by year end was still ranked 7 Pom Breed System and was Invited to the Eukanuba Invitational 2005 in Orlando Florida. Currently Cosmo is resting for the winter at home.I have to say the single most eventful day of my life was the 2004 Northern California Pom Club Specialty was a breeders Dream Come True. I couldnt have topped this night off any better than winning Best In Show handling my boy Ch. Jimcins LaRajus Johnny Friday. Not only did I win Best in Show but all the winners of the Specialty wereJ__wl.JTA' \Sf ' .Wfl-v- iiin.......WINNERSDOGBESTr OF WINNERSMAJORWINDWARD SHOWrvJONSONMIKEmy breeding or a result of my studs offspring. Best of Opposite Sex went to Phoenix, Ch. Palisades Phoenix Rising of LaRajus, my co-owned girl, she is sired by my Versace. The Best of Opposite Sex, Best Puppy in Show and Best Puppy in Sweeps, with a 5 point major went to Madonna, Showins Primadonna owned by Geri AmoldAudrey Caywood-Showin, sired by Rikishi. Winners Dog with a 4 point major went to Pride, LaRajus American Pride, owner Janice Chris Endow-Paragon Poms, handled by Jeannie Yoshimura. He finished his Championship with a 4 point major that night. Pride is my breeding I dont really think it really sunk in for about a weekI guess I cannot top this year off better than it has gone. I dont want to be boring but it is truly exciting to work with people that have the same mind set. Meaning their goals are the same as yours of trying to do their best in producing and showing the very best quality Poms they can, and taking their time to condition and train the dogs. The people that I have entrusted my dogs with have gone over and above their job ofThe Pom Reader December 2004- 53DELRUNDA MITANIA POMERANIANSsends best wishes to Eve Smail and the Toybox Poms on their International Kennel Visit.Best of BreedXphoto by J C PediniA Happy, Healthy Prosperous Festive Season to AllElizabeth Michael Friedman Sydney, Australiahttpwww.geocities.comdelrundapoms friedmanpoms iprimus. com. auTo our favorite guy, nobody calms the nerves as good as you. Congrats on your Feature.Well party when we finish your PartiLove ya,Christine Creasey, Hollily Pomeranians MaryLou North, MaraLee Pomeranians56 The Pom Reader December 2004Congratulations toLaura Newboldon gour well deserved Kennel Visit Now... its time to PARTI good lack in the ring with Mooneg... CHEIANES PALE MOON RISINg What a teamorOChel esElaine Waugh PARTI OCHELANESPNLonymtuatwn6 to ^afoa- Sl\leadoldel Opodt. -CdMror n o are a deawjriend, yeea mentor and a hejb to ejenone witinown cneudedrye aloat ^omramlamA. ^wmddatnA onJnodein^ ciamjbtonjbajbjbted anddebt undtSjbr eonttnaeddaeeed.Karen FlemingnneciooA Id nmerraniartA3377 Hilton Way Shingle Springs, CA 95682 530-676-3377and he produced Ch. Oregons Palisades Spirit of Echo, owned by Nancy Latthitham and Ch. Showins Primadonna, owned by Geri Arnold and Audrey Caywood. My other male International Ch. Velvet Touch Versace is the sire to Petie and Vinnie, he also produced Ch. LaRajus Cosmic Kid and Ch. LaRajus Palisades Phoenix Rising of LaRajus, dam Talicos Lorever Spirit., Int. Ch. LaRajus Lifes Little Pleasure, dam Park Ave Diva Devine. BIS limcins LaRajus Johhny Lriday hasnt been sleeping on the job. He has produced LaRajus Thank God Its Friday, major pointed and LaRajus Shez As Good As Gold, pointed, and both owner handled.As I havent really bred many Utters in the last 5 years, what I have bred has exceeded my expectations. Since I had met my goals showing the solids, everyone told me that working with Parti-colored Poms was a waste of time... I beg to differ. So I thought I would set higher goals and work with Parti-colored Poms. My goal is in 2005 to finish a parti-colored Pom. I bred my first litter of parties and from that have LaRajus Lets Have a Wild Parti. Now I bred her this last year and produced a pair of blackwhite puppies, LaRajus Pariss Hiltons Wild Parti and LaRajus Parti Animal, the other sister Opal, LaRajus Parti Opal at Winstar went to Walda Green,Winstar Poms. We have just started their show careers. This last year I started handling dogs for AudreyBarbara, Showin Poms. I pointed some orange females and put a major on another bitch for them. They were kind enough to give me the stud service to their parti boy Showins Black In The Saddle, Cowboy, and he is the sire to my puppies. This Spring I will be showing a little boy for Elaine, PartiO Chelaines Poms. He is a piebald, Chelaines Pale Moon Rising, Moonie, sired by Ch. Finchs Peacemaker Parti.In closing I want to invite you all to come and parti with meThank you, Laura Newbold FamilyPeople in PomsTOlawommiof Tabletop PomeraniansLet me begin by thanking the Pom Reader for asking me to write this feature.North West Poland lies, in part, in an area once known as Pomerania, and that is where my mother was from and where my father met her. South Eastern Poland is my birth place, and that is where my father was from. Dad and mom were survivor children of a devasi-. iThe Doberman Tara. jr"W , -f'Rusty, my first Pom.tating WWII. But that is a long story, for another time.I was born on November 21,1952 in Novy Borek its a very small town in Southeastern Poland. My earliest childhood was spent on an old rural farm land. When I say old rural I mean things like a scene out of Little House on the Prairie minus some of the modern conveniences like a manual water pump near the house. Our running water was the stream at the bottom of the hill and the really good drinking water was over the hill and through the woods.The very first dog which I remember was some sort of small wire haired Terrier. He belonged to my great grand parents and lived in the barn to terrorize the vermin. I hated that dog, he was such a grouch. I dont blame him now. He had been living with only a couple who were near their 80s. That is until they took us in after our house burnt down.The second dog was a German Shepherd. My dad worked on a government dairy farm for a while, where he found Rex a dog that had gone feral. Dad re-tamed him by leaving some of58 The Pom Reader December 2004YYiYYMeYsd YYememnmidurn wBREhlIOur homebred boy, Lil Belirs Valentine Candy Russell Stover has just won his 6th BOB at 10 months old, owner handled.Congratulations to Vikki Oelerich and Jan Stachurski on their features, and Happy Holidays to all of our Pom friends.^ St SPotieraimidJoan C. Behrendwww.geocities.comlilbehrsjpoms631 366-2330Aable ArtPOMERANIANSNoble Art MulanCongratulations to Eve Smail on your well-deserved Kennel Visit. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to all my friendsELISABETH SPILLMAN-AKERLUNDKinsta Kvam, Sevalla, SE-725 95 Vasteras, SWEDEN 46 21 620 50 noble.artswipnet.seCongratulations to Laura Newbold on her much deserved Kennel Visit. Pictured is Corbett Oregon Palisades Echo Canyon sired by Park Ave LRajus Rock DCasba Rikishi. Wishing you much continued success.SUNNY SHAWLEY www.islandpomeranians.comCongratulations on your Kennel Visit. We are very proud of you. You have been an inspiration and true friend. Look forward to working with you in the future. Best of luck.Happy Holidays to the Pom fancyLori Solomon and Roxanne Mellem4280 Daisy Street, Springfield, OR 97478 541-744-9611The Pom Reader December 2004 57Jan Stachurski of Tabletop Pomeraniansit------- .'V1 _tJtThe Canary room. Receiving the Kellog Trophy.i a-mABird room set up. Kellog Trophy winner.wTReceiving the Kellog Trophy in November 1991 from Judge Romeo The first was a Feather Show Jr. Match and went on to judge some major canary exhibitions and all cage bird exhibitions such as the Great American Cage Bid Show. These assignments took me to places like Oshkosh, WI Baltimore, MD and even Puerto Rico.OK OK I know Enough of the non-dog stuffDuring the fall of 1983, a Doberman wandered into the parking lot at work. She was starving and barely able to walk only skin with a bunch of bone in it. We gave her water and a meat sandwich but she couldnt keep it down. The receptionist had called the local MSPCA to come get the dog, by the end of the day they were a no show. I could not just leave her there to die so I put her in the car and took her home. As60 The Pom Reader December 2004Jan Stachurski of Tabletop PomeraniansK x tQflTr JiAKS.. ..wsA" 1 I. 'p ,. y "The type of home I was born in this is a former neighbor.WJudging Canaries in October of 1999.his lunch in the field. When he brought Rex home, that huge dog became my best buddy. Now I do mean huge, at six I used to ride on his back like a pony. It was such a hard goodbye, for this seven year old, to leave him behind to come to America.Oh My word, what a culture shock when we came to America. I can still remember it so well, May 5th, 1960. How strange it felt to meet a set of grandparents for the first time. My dad had not seen his parents for over twenty years stranded in Poland, WWII, long story. From the airport we went to our new home, a small 3rd floor apartment in Brooklyn, New York. Not a blade of grass to be seen, it was all just concrete.I wanted to know where the live stock was, and where did they graze. WhatNo cows No chickens This seven and a half year old was desperate I took an egg from the fridge, put it in a dresser drawer and lit a flashlight on it. Well I had once heard of a hatching machine the used light bulbs, and well, it was a light. My dad bought a canary to help me get over the lack of living thing around me people did not count.A couple of years later my parents bought a house and I was in glory land.I had a couple of rabbits and then a pigeon coop on the roof. I also had a pair of bantam chickens for a short time. Roosters, big or small, will crow and neighbors complained, so the chickens had to go. Oh well, it was the city after all.Alright, lets fast forward a bunch a years to my early twenties, and here I am in Boston, MA.In 1975, George and I were looking to buy a canary. We found a breederexhibitor of canaries and WOW I found out about shows. I learned about breeding to a standard and competitive exhibition. My choice of Type breed was the Gloster Canary which I paired and bred in the spring of 76. The season seemed good and the resulting fledglings looked good to me. Now the proof would be in how they did at the show. Yes My birds took afew classes and a Section. Let me tell you, I caught the bug The show bug is absolutely incurable but then you all know that already. You probably have it yourselves.During the course of the quarter century I was very active in the National Gloster Club. I held the officesof vice president, secretary, treasurer, president and was also involved as a show manager, classification manager, Constitution and By-Law committee and the judges panel. There wasnt much that I didnt have my finger in at one time or another.1981 saw the start of my judgingThe Pom Reader December 2004- 59Jan Stachurski of Tabletop Pomeraniansf MUrsa Minors Milk Honey Isabella Parti. Touch waiting to show.fyRusty, my first Pom. Ch. Ursa Minors Touch Of Classsoon as I got home I called Rita LaPointe, a friend who was a groomer and 4H teacher of dog training and handling. Rita told me to cook up some rice and ground beef this mix would be mild enough to keep down. The next morning she went to the Vet. Dogs need a name to be treated so she became Tara. Tara weighed 40 pounds and should have been 65 to 70.Unfortunately I was able to keep her for only about 6 months. It had become evident that due to starvation and over breeding, her digestive tract would never function properly. Tara could not hold her bowels for more than a few hours and our house was empty for nearly twelve. She needed a home where someone was around all day to let her in and out as necessary. A goodhome with a young boy and a stay-at- home mom was found with the help of the Standish Humane Society.Fate worked slowly and did not strike until a Saturday in August of 1988. There I was minding my own business, in a pet shop, only intending to buy some fish. This shop also did grooming and I was very friendly with the owners after all we were in there atThe Pom Reader December 2004- 6lJan Stachurski of Tabletop Pomeraniansxxy ijjt,...Kfhj [. . 1CUrsa Minors Milk Honey.least every other week. Out came Rai ownergroomer and asked if I would mind helping her walk the dog because they were short handed and the shop was busy. Well of course I said, Sure, no problem, after all I hadnt paid full price for anything in there for years. So she handed me a leash and at the end of it was a POM CAN YOU PICTURE WHERE THIS IS GOING This was a feisty little guy who had to mark every post, bush and blade of grass, and kick up his heels each time. When we came back in I began to bend down to remove the leash but the little bugger hurled himself up into my arms. I was stunned that such a small dog could jump so high. Rai said Jan he really likes you as my face was being washed.I said I think he is adorable. I wish I could take him home. Rai took that opportunity to say Go ahead take him He has been abandoned here. OK... about 180.00 later for crate, bed, new collar and leash, food etc... Rusty had a new home and I had my first Pom. Actually George spent the money I was too busy gleaming.When I took him to the Vet for a check up and shots, I was told he was about 5 years old. Rusty was the most attached dog I have ever known. He wasnt merely my shadow he was almost an appendage. This strong attachment did not develop with time, it happened instantly, right when I first took that leash in the pet shop. He was my TV and bird room buddy and a travel companion.Rusty had very few requirements. All he wanted was a bit of food, water, a romp in the yard and to be with me. Should the occasion arise where he could not be with me Rusty needed one of my recently worn socks to lie on. Heaven help anyone who might be foolish enough to try and take it from him. Whenever I would travel and he had to stay home, I had to save up socks in a plastic bag so that he could be given a fresh one each morning and at bed time. Awww... Such love and devotion...My dear friend Peggy Margaret York of Tay-York Boxers, knowing that I wanted to become more involved in Poms, told me the Bay Colony Pomeranian Club was having a match in March on 1995.1 got the address from an AKC list and went. This is where I saw some truly beautiful Poms.I reconnected with Barbara Krzewicki of Ursa Minor Pomeranians, whom I had known some years back when she was in the canary club. Barbara sponsored me so I could join the BCPC and I began learning more about the Pomeranian. I was still very involved with my canaries and the bird clubs, so showing Poms had a slow start. In 1998 I was ready and worked out a deal with Barbara to have a couple of show dogs. They were litter mates, Ursa Minors Milk Honey an Isabella parti bitch and Ursa Minors Touch of Class an Orange parti dog. Touch was co-owned by Barbara and me, and handled by Helen Melucci. Touch became a champion at 13 months of age with a couple best of breed wins. Honey was never shown she became very ill at nine months and after the hospital stay she wouldnt stand on a table to be examined.I have made some blunders in the ring but really enjoy handling my dogs.I took a lot of handling classes under the Late Jean Duchaine he was always considerate of the safety of small dogs and puppies. I am currently showing an orange parti bitch. Tabletops Touch of Joy is a Ch. Ursa Minors Touch of Class daughter, with a most wonderfully expressive face. I am also gearing up with a black male who is a Honey grandson by her blue daughter Pearl Tabletops Tahitian Pearl and Christine Creasys CB Hollilys Circuit Breaker. Yes, BLUE normal ORANGE BLACK. OH Boy do I love genetics and lots of color.The list of thanks could go for too long so I cut it down to three.A grateful thanks to my dad, Kazimierz, for taking us fishing even when you hadnt slept and my mom, Antonina, who actually walked through fire for my sister and me and so much more. I miss you both tremendously.A special thanks to George Landry for encouraging me and putting up with my insanity for 30 plus years.Be who you wish others were. 62 The Pom Reader December 2004LOOKING FOR... GREAT COLOR BIG PICTURES UP TO DATE INFORMATIONWfm ya gmm cat7Lctf courtedTo advertise in the POM READER Contact SHARON MASNICK or BENSON RAY 843.558.7432 or 843-558-6062or EMAIL BENAIRESAOL.COM FOR INFORMATIONCo oy zz.0 43O stOoan\iThe Members of the Bay Colony Pomeranian Club would like to congratulate Jan Stachurski of Tabletop Poms on his People in Poms feature.yoincramft's4^ eV 4 6A45656S' 3o45,CBSxft,i...A Kitsapomc-zone.netSired by Kitsan Lil Darlin Chase Dams Oregons Millennium Star and Ch. Kitsan Poppin CountryThe Pom Reader December 2004 63TOMERANIAN CLUBTIAWA 11Ellen TakayamaLet me say it was an honor I believe the words in Hawaii are Nui Loa to judge the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii specialty on October 31, 2004.I was presented with some very outstanding puppies and one moved exceptionally well with his head held high, short back and good ring presence for a young puppy. I simply couldn't take my eyes off of him. This was my puppy winner, Woodrose's Pikachu, who went on to Winners dog and Best of Winners.My Reserve Dog was Howlene- Teahra Adonis, who came from the Bred by Exhibitor class and was another beautiful Pomeranian.My Winners Bitch came from the Bred by Exhibitor class and was a lovely bitch that could really move around the ring with small ears and gave me all I asked for in a female. This was Howlene Teahra Almond Joy-Yuki.My Reserve winners bitch was Weewyn Who's In Charge Here, a lovely black girl that also moved well with high ears and short back. On any other given day, she could have easily been the winner. But on this day I could not deny Howlene Teahra Almond Joy-Yuki.I was presented with 6 champions that I felt were outstanding. After careful consideration I chose, Ch. Vintage Vino Vino for Best of Breed and Ch. Canefyre's Tatertot CGC GC as Best ofOpposite Sex.1 want to thank each and everyone for their entry and just how much I enjoyed the hospitality shown to me by each and every club member and exhibitor. Let me close by saying, I really appreciated the beautiful Pomeranians shown to me this day.Mahalo Aloha Mary A. RosenbaumThe Pomeranian Club of Hawaii held it's 28th Specialty Show and Puppy Sweepstakes on Sunday, October 31, 2004 at the VCA Kaneohe Animal Hospital conference room in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Mr. John Gaidos of Honolulu, Hawaii judged the puppy sweepstakes of ten entries and selected the 9-12 month puppy dog as BISS. BOSS came from the 12-18 month junior bitch class. His selections are shown below9-12 MONTH PUPPY DOGSHowlene-Teahra Adonis - bred and owned by Hazel Miller, Arlene Otaguro Robin Watanabe 12-18 MONTH JUNIOR DOGS Chimur'n Pomdragon Free Spirit - bred by Faith Chinen owned by Lorin Alexis Okamura 6-9 MONTH PUPPY BITCHESWoodrose's Lizzie Maguire bred by Clarice Oganeku owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku12-18 MONTH JUNIOR BITCHESWeewyn Who's In Charge Here bred by Cathy Anderson owned by Clarice Yvette OganekuBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES - Howlene- Teahra Adonis BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKES - Weewyn Who's In Charge HereRegular classes were judged by breederjudge Mrs. Mary Rosenbaum of Bi-Mar Pomeranians of Chehalis, Washington. Presented for her opinion were 8 class dogs, 7 class bitches, 3 male specials and 3 bitch specials. After careful consideration she made the following selectionsPUPPY DOGS 6-12 MONTHSWoodrose's Pikachu - bred and owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku. Sire Ch. Gayel's Kit Carson, Dam Woodrose's Blonde BombshellNOVICE DOGSChimur,n Pomdragon Free Spirit - bred by Faith Chinen and owned by Lorin Alexis Okamura. Sire Sandalwood LG Vintage Wizard,Dam Chimur's I's Suzi Q BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGSHowlene-Teahra Adonis - bred and owned by Hazel Miller, Arlene Otaguro Robin Watanabe. Sire Ch. Howlene-Teahra Impero, Dam Pinnacle Holly of Howlene64 The Pom Reader December 2004VI Ir,________OPENDOGSSharians Landseer - bred by Carolynn Berry and owned by Naimi Guenther Shirley-Ann K. Leu. Sire Finch's Domino at Sharians, Dam Finch's Parti Doll at ShariansWINNER'S DOG - Woodrose's PikachuRESERVE WINNER'S DOG - Howlene- Teahra AdonisPUPPY BITCHES 6-12 MONTHSWoodrose's Lizzie Macuire - bred and owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku. Sire Ch. Woodrose's Stash the Cash - Woodrose's Donna BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES Howlene-Teahra Almond Joy -Yuki - bred by Arlene Otaguro, Hazel Miller Robin Watanabe and owned by the breeders ane Eleanor Goto. Sire Ch. Howlene-Teahra Impero - DamPinnacle Holly of Howlene OPEN BITCHESWeewyn Who's in Charge Here - bred by Cathy Anderson owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku. Sire Ch. Weewyn's A walk in the Park - Dam Weewyn's Oncore Performance WINNER'S BITCH - Howlene-Teahra Almond Joy-YukiRESERVE WINNERS BITCH - WeewynWho,s In Charge HereBEST OF BREED - Ch. Vintage VinoVino - bred by Ellen Takayama. Owned by Shari Fukuyama and Ellen Takayama. Sire Ch. Starfire's Playboy of Haiku - Dam Vintage Canadian Mist BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Ch. Canefyre's Tatertot - bred Shari Fukuyama Mark Kupau. Owned by Shari Fukuyam, Laurella Pang Lynn Kamiya. Sire Ch. Sandalwood Jl Marty Jr - Dam Canefyre's Hi-Speed Racin. BEST OF WINNERS - Woodrose's PikachuWINNERS BITCH - Howlene-Teahra Almond Joy-YukiBEST BRED BY EXHIBITOR - HowleneTeahra Almond Joy-YukiBEST PUPPY - Woodrose's PikachuOur Parade of Champions had an entry of fiveCh. Gourmet Howlene-Teahra Caviar - Denzel is one of the first black poms to finish in Hawaii in recent years. He just completed his title earlier this year and is a toy group winnerCh. GuysNGals And All That Jazz - Jazz completed his title handled by Charlene Yoshida. They were a great team until he retired and is now the King of the Yoshida household.Ch. S-M Legacy Objet of Mystique - Jetta is Sylvia's first homebred championand was breederowner handled to his title. Although he is an adult, he is playful as a puppy with a BIG DOG attitude.Ch. Vintage Brandy Alexandra - Lexi is the first champion bitch that Ellen has ever specialed. She is a group winner and has captured the hearts of many onlookers.Ch. CaneFyre's Tatertot - Tater is Shari's first home-bred champion. She is a multiple group winner and a BISS winner. Being that it was Halloween, she was dressed for the parade as Miss Dragonfly. Just too cuteThe show was followed by a raffle that is getting more successful every year. Special thanks for Judy Leadbeater for organizing the raffle and soliciting donations to Amy Matsuoka and Joan Kaneshiro for helping set up the raffle items and helping sell tickets and to the many companies and individuals for their generous donations.Our judge's dinner was held at a restaurant in Waikiki who had our favorite crab legs and prime rib buffet. We enjoyed the wonderful food and each other's company for the evening before all too soon it was time to leave. Ifife^The Pom Reader December 2004 65UPCOMINGPOMERANIANEVENTS'71Hf yIMNMS POMERANIANSPORTRAITS of PERFECTIONMary Wells12909 123rd Street Pattonsburg, M0 64670660-367-2254MNMpomsponyexpress.netWeb Site httpwww.angelfire.commomnmpomeraniansHOME OF MULTI-GROUP WINNINGMULTI-GROUP PLACING CHAMPIONSChenem Pomeranians Perm Beg 'SPomeranians oj DistinctionColleen Franks'1 3022 Holly St.VW __________ -S Chemainus, BC V0R1K1Phone 250-246-4627TER1 DAN WILFORD3120 Cormorant Drive Jacksonville, FL 32223W M 904-268-3510W904- 262-8434TERYDANaol.comPOMERANIANS Pictured CH.MDDLLAMOK- ^L ^S ROCK DANCEFINCH S POMERANIANSDiane L. Finch 28453 530th Avenue515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50134-8549Website e-mail dfinchhuxcomm.netCh. Finchs He Walks On Water t j Ch. Finchs A Noble TraditionCh. Finchs The Legend ContinuesCh. Reginapoms Patrick OFinchs and Parti Stud ServicesHOMEOF, f 1141 V v CH. TOYRIFIC ATOM BOMBAND CAN CH APRILDEWS l lJ .,f FLASH OF CHEYENNE1 AND CAN CH CORLEAHS COMING ATTRACTIONMICKEY STEPHENS5713 Arrowhead Dr. El Paso, TX 79924 915 821-8200 E-mail 2PeneramandJoan C. BehrendRonkonkoma, LI, NY631 366-2330 Lilbehrs_pomsyahoo.comAKCEUKANUBA INVITATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPSaturday and Sunday January 15-16, 2005 Tampa, Florida - Tampa Convention Center Pomeranian judge Joe C. Walton Toy Croup judge Enrique Jorge Filippini,Buenos Aires, ArgentinaBest In Show Michele Billings of Ft. Lauderdale, FLWESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUBMadison Square Garden - New York, New York February 14-15, 2005 Toys Monday, Feb. 14Pomeranian judge Mrs. Ann Katona, Morgan Hill, CA Toy Croup judge Mr. Kenneth McDermott, Newburgh, NYBest In Show judge Mrs. Lynette Saltzman, Westport, CT2005 APC NATIONAL SPECIALTYwill be held in Louisville, KY.Pending AKC permission, here is the tentative schedule SHOW DATES Mon, Tues Wed March 14, 15 16, 2005SUNDAY, MARCH 13APC Board MeetingBallroom and Grooming Room Set UpHospitalityMONDAY, MARCH 14Puppy Veteran Sweepstakes - Judge Christine Heartz Pomeranian Charitable Trust Event Judges Education Seminar PCCV B MatchTUESDAY, MARCH 15Jr. Showmanship classes - Judge Fred BassettRegular Dog Classes - Judge Fred BassettNon-Regular classesParade of ChampionsObedience Rally WorkshopAPC Annual MeetingWEDNESDAY, MARCH 16Regular Bitch Classes BOB CompetitionObedience Classes for Poms and Griffs - Judge Richard Mullen Awards Banquet AuctionInformation on the upcoming April Carolina Pom Specialty.Tell everyone that the Best of Winners prize is 10 per entered dog with a MINIMUM of 1000. Yes, that is one thousand dollars. If 150 dogs are entered entered, not exhibited it is 1500 - 200 dogs is 2000. We control this prize and with it being for Best of Winners, everyone has a great chance. There are many other great prizes including front and back Pom Reader covers, color TV's, digital cameras and more more more. Let's get this information out.66 The Pom Reader December 2004umawfy fPcmewuiiatMJlemn Jexeaa White,Portland, Oregon 503 533-8980 Puppies Available OccasionallyProcs PomsDEBI JIM PROCACCINIStamford, Ct. 06907 203-322-1305 email httpwww.geocities.comdebprocdebproc.htmlGregory S. Waters Charlene R. Waters 1625 E. 11400 So. Sandy, Utah 84092 801-571-4959Home of BIS BISS Ch.Razzle Dazzle Texas HoedownSHIMMEREEUTAHWEB. COMSandpoin PomeranianSandra JohnsonN6603 Forest Ct. Holmen, Wl 54636 PH 608-526-1051 httpwebpages.charter.netsandpomss P O M E R A N I ASUZA1V1VE BERNEY4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 410-655-5055N SPCAINIMCTE.POMS OF DISTINCTIONANNE HENDLERBOX 130 SIMPSON NC 27879-0130 252-758-7143JIBxsd fox, cSoundnss Iln dBody zd\l\indanesa'sPOMERANIANS , . _ .Jerne Freia1072A Landry Lane, Morgan City, LA 70380 Ph 985-384-7466 Fax 985-384-8628 httpwww.janesa.comGRANDVIEW POMERANIANSLaurie Polinkus Gary Stefanson 1622 Grandview PI. Ferndale, WA 98248Inquiries WelcomePh 360 384-5757 Fax 360 380-6480grandpomt yed. 4 m. KZfYmMlLEADER OF PIONEERING PARTIS IN THE SHOWRINGBCh. Prestigious Pee Wee Parti2 The FIRST all OwnerBreederHandledFinished Parti - 4 majors BOB "Ch. Prestigious Royal Highness"3 The FIRST Parti to finish from the 6-9 puppy class in 30 days.prestigious "Ch. Prestigious Wee Bad Baker"MR. president Owned by Darrell Olga Bakerq I .rnny r\^l I AO 1600 Marsh Ln. 104, Carrollton, TX 75006 ^MLIyIyY UULLAK Cell 214-215-6052 Hm 972-241-0320RRCRDIfffl P0IDERRI1IRI1Ssired by Arcadians Lil Baloo A beautiful blue merle parti-colorJUDV GRISSOIU3770 S. Hwy 395, Loon Lake, WA 99148 509-233-9779 email or check out our babies at www.arcadianpoms.comtag. . -A.John and Michele ArvanitesNorth Las Vegas, NV 702 363-8458l\VCa eV75Dejay PomsShow Pets Available OccasionallyHandlerOwnerBneeder Donna Machniak 237 Groveland Drive Howell, Michigan 48843 517-546-7446 Rich_DonnaMhotmaiI.conitree's P vine,Katy Charles StalnakerRt. 2 Box 99-B Pennsboro, WV 26415 Phone304 659-2174romise ThornsSanJra J^esterJiouse3893 Cflppfe Cflue, JKusJdepon, JKi. 49442231-777-7043CPromise231 cvorfcfnet. att. netNoble PomeraniansStud Service Handling Show Pets Occasionally Available Home of Multiple Best In Show Poms283 NW 40th Rd., Clinton, Missouri 64735 PhoneFax 660 890-2255 Website httpwww.noblepoms.comNobleInglettThe Pom Reader December 2004 67POMERANIANSFRANCES MCDONALD1108 McDonald Dr., Terry, MS 39170 601-892-1274 email www.geocities.combackforty22index.htmlBred, fbrow fhm ZkmpioK fax.Pawriebs ToysQUALITY POMS FOR 30 YEARS... solids and partis including blues or whites. BreederOwners Ken St Rita Ayers 509.937.2124 httpwww.geocities.compawriebtoys HrV,jr - 3ANNETTE ROGERS-RISTER P.O. BOX 50CORPUS CHRIST1, IX 78403 361-939-6969Jr' 'Ch. Kilpatricks Midnight ThunderPOMERANIANSLORRAINE KILPATRICK53461 E. OAK LANE, MIAMI, AZ 85539 928 473-3043Grafenhorst's Pomeranians35 years breeding for exquisite PomeraniansHorst Graf, 12000 N W 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325954-475-2465 Email HorstGrafaol.comParti Pom of all TimeCh. MerlinYoungest arid FaCh. RockyCharlotte neyer3292 D. Rd. ark River, Ml 49807 906-466-904.8 www.charspoms.corh charspomsdirecway.comtycyrmPomeranians or DistinctionAlice R. oarlson6009 Edgewater Dr Corpus Christi, X 78412 361 991-5410Witt Elle PomeraniansStriving For Perfection Quality - Home Raised ShowBreedingPets Occasionally Inquiries WelcomeStephanie Witt 25 Watson Rd. BATESVILLE, AR 72501 870-793-6840WWW.WlUELLEPOMS.COM wluell1434earthlink.netA ...V -'-A.r.gyj_____Michael Shalon Parrott 662-342-2002 7150 Dunbarton Dr Horn Lake, MS 38637 Email RAGDOLLPOMaol.comPuppiesYoung adults available occasionally for companion or showCh. Ragdolls No Assembly Requird Award of Merit Winner - APC Nationals 2000AL JAN DOMRASE6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072 Phone 815 728-0559 Fax 815 653-5106'LDENcEr KENNELHOME OF CHAMPION PARTI GIRLS Ch. Aldens Lucky Parti Flash Back Ch. Aldens Little Caesars Parti new Ch. Aldens Chilli Pepper Parti Ch. Aldens Parti Chocolate Chip Ch. Aldens Parti Pepsi Hi CL Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-Dotm. . .Home of Quality Exotic Colors Blue Merles Chocolate Merles Sables Chocolates Black and Tans PartiesLinda Zaluska 770-787-2653 Covington, Georgiam-5left One of our up and coming prospects, at right NOW SHOWING Honeybears Tybo Express - Currently in the ring with AKC points already.Glen Orisv POMERANIANS2307 Haden St, Birmingham, AL 35226 205 824-0532 W4 X168 The Pom Reader December 2004 Professional Groomer Handling CH. Stud Service Pet Show Quality Pomeranians Original Art Woodwork -- 'x'WDonna Lynn Wright ____..108 N. Tollgate Rd Bel Air, MD 21014 410-879-1459 E-Mail LynnPom httpwww.patsites.comlynnwrightpoms,yMN WRIGHT^,Champion Millamor's Golden Keytvfcn Zleamsi, Miller1777 Orange Picker Road Jacksonville, FL 32223Phone904260-4308millamorbellsoulh.netomeAccmaniA 3BIN WALLIS - P.O. BOX 1019 EAGLE POINT, OR 97524-1019Gemini n' Beaver Creek Pomeranians503 357-6157 Forest Grove, OR 503 429-8019 Vernonio, OR httpBeaverCreekPoms.comTeaming together to produce quality Pomeranians in Oregon.KAYRA POMSKay ReedNuevo, CA 909-928-7715wmmrCJ POMERANIANSROBERTA PODOLIN9 Blakely Rd., Haverford, PA 19041 phone 610-649-4519 E-mail podolinerols.comCH. WYNMOR S GOLDEN OSCARStuds In Residence Ch. Golden Aires Wallace Jr.Ch. Golden Aires Standing Ovation Ch. Ben-Aires Macho Moon Walker Ch. Ben-Aires Moon Beam4,BeamerBENSON RAY SHARON MASNICK 760 Ray Road, Hemingway, SC 29554-3414 843-558-7360- 9LJacinda PomsJennifer Falk810.387.9570 Falkstergreatlakes.netCindy Golden321.638.4291 PROMISEME3AOL.COMWWW.JACINDAPOMS.COMOath rPoMarshall Cindy Rokos 1436 Clous Rd. Kingsley, Ml 49649Website miparadisepomeraniansPhone 231 263-7382 Email mrokosgtii.comHERITAGEPOMERANIANSKAREN MICHAEL HANLON IIkarenhanloncomcast.net201-981-2512 A Iy COLBYCO POMERANIANSBreeding to enhance the natural quality of the pure KpBlbred Pomeranian. Breeding to meet and exceed the W-1standard set for by the A. K.C. show standard. All of I jour kids are first and foremost superior lap babies.Home raised on our three acres, lots of exercise room. .H I 1 With lots of tended loving care. iyljlBreederHandlerOwner Rex Hopkins122 Heron Rd., Poplarbluff, MO 63901573-785-6492^ \ j'yarn \ J. 4f 'JSSpecializing in Breeding, Show Pet b\s Pomeranians in Standard Exotic Colors Sarbara skapnond Audrey JPayweodBreeder Show showinpomsearthlink.net503 864-2459 503 949-3009httpwww.showinpoms.comSt FRAIZER I Ashley Jerry Miller J, 850474-6277_ zy"V 102 Gettysburg Drive,Jovng Pensacola, FL 32503Show Pet Puppies Occasionally CH. Stud Service--UrdJto Approved BitchesC7 8-JBmmcasitlf fonts of CsxasTfancy Tinder1370 Engei Rd., New Braunfels, TX 78132Home 1-830-606-6372 Cell 1-210-316-9514www.farmgiri557.comdreamcastlepoms.html^omtanLohSPuppies Occasionally Available JACKGAIJE RIVERS1912 Ptarmigan Lane NW, Poulsbo, MA 98370 Ph 360-697-1085 Fax 360-779-5046 We feed at recommend Lean Meat Direct Innova bv NaturaThe Pom Reader December 2004 69K75ehJteilLinetree Pomeranians5710 S. Hickory Road, Oregon, IL 6l06l 815 652-8655 email linetreeessexl.comTit 6 T^tnnpllElaikf Q U A1Elaine Wishnow-MalashelL I T Y S H E L T I E S P O M S2351 E. 17th St.Brooklyn, NY 11229-4437 718-891-3451 MalasheltiepomMsn.comShelley Wiemer-MartinA Focus on PomeraniansHAPPILY DEDICATED TO THE NEVER-ENDING PURSUIT OF AN IDEALA continuation of OFA testing on Patella's and ThyroidSpokane, WA USA 509 217-7346 www.angelfire.comwa3poetrypomsOwned by Am. Ch. Ryms W Fair Warning Group Placement Winner.V1.cwu6 SffimteramanAP X csLucij jZcunbranoBreederOwnerHandlerShow Pets Occasionally Stud Service Available0trwinj Afor Excellence- fn Quality -3je Aentyeraineni.760 956-2439 Hesperia. CA 92345 Email Website www.lucyspoms.netMary Allan 918-485-3010 OR 918-485-1040ALLAYNSPOMERANIANSRoute 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467POMSLEE D. COOK1390-D Walkup Avenue, Monroe, NC 28110 704 289-2021 - Eves. 704 282-0745 - Days E-mail firebrookpomsaol.comAr-BeesPOMERANIANSRODGER BEATY10425 Rockwood Rd., Charlotte, NC 28215 Phone 704-598-6073 rbpomsearthlink.netCh. Ar-Bees Shadow DancerVICKVIN POMSWE BREED TOP SHOW QUALITY Pomeranian adults, puppies of orange sable cream and black D-73, Madhura Nagar, Hyderabad, India, PIN 500 038Cell 91-40-31031681 Fax91-40-23812468 email^AvalonPOMERANIANSANNETTE ERIC DAVIS 208-234-0932 FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail web site www.avalonpom.comAtuvincj ch excellence in qiialilij, type and temperamentv 1VaiCh. Avalons Prince Matchabelli, Ch. Avalons Prince Charming Group Winning Ch. Morenos Special AmigoDuncan PomeraniansEtPuh-hUs iDccadonalLusionaLLuBRENDA DUNCAN P.0. BOX 973 BONNERS FERRY, ID 83805 Email 208-267-2902 httnwww.patsites.comDuncanPomeranians JLEGACY POMSHOME OF CH. LEGACY'S MACHINE GUN KELLYPATRICIA ROWLEY BREEDER142 Heron Rd., Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 OWNER573-785-1775 httphop.toLECACY-Pomworths KennelCHRIS WOODWORTH8915 E. SADDLE HORN TRAIL PRESCOTT VALLEY, AZ 86314 928 775-3573Bred for Qnality...From OualityDH Oven PomsHAL WEBSTERCh. DH Crew 2300 Colfax Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43224New Yr. Revolution Ph. 614 475-1640 DHCREWWEBaol.comhttp www. dreamweaverpoms. comLinda Petz -TX 254420-1724MfidiaeC WeCCs Aft 616844-4217Cf-Stud Service Puppies Occasionatty Sftozv fKandiinflleddtlneeTrina HuskinsOwnerBreeder2749 South Whitney Blvd. Rocklin, CA 95677916.630.7078 , - fBreeder and Show Puppies available occasionally . X , 70 The Pom Reader December 2004fmaiTel 41952472343-Black TansClaudia Wallen E-mail Website -'-rjrrttrrtTW-rriftrif-frtfrtr"rfiTn-frrr-'rftfrnfrfrn,f,rtrrTrfrrf-tnrr'ffrtrr,f"'nrrfTrrDEL 4 POMSOur specialty is QualityParti-color, Blue, Chocolate,Merle, Black, Black Tan,Cream, White, and Orange.Beau James, Finchs, Bonner,Creider, Emcee, Great Elms,Millamor, Tim-Sue, Chriscendo,Van Hoozer Xantah bloodlines.Telephone 814-849-7917Lisa John Delp - Brookville, PA7Website httpwww.delpoms.comindex.shtmlBeau James Rhyn stone Wee Heartsy.Black Tan Chocolate Merle PartisPawfection This Buds For YouMolly Anderson419-399-9079MOLANDERSaol.comPartnering with... Donna Anderson 770-925-1058 Pawdiddy PomsViscous PomeraniansAlthough we have oranges, sables, black tans and whites chocolates - our VISION is for the parti-colors and the blues.Our Poms are of the finest quality from Beau James,Dreamtime, Wee Hearts,Star Haven, and Pearl Moon PomsVIRGINIA RENZ AUDREY ANDERSON SHELBY, OHIO Telephone 419-896-3030 Website httpwww.geocities. comvisionspomeraniansTersa Wally Haynes Canton, Maine 1-207-597-2140 dreamkennelpommom.cbjBeau James Lineage'are our foundation, but we also have lineage's from other great lines that include the following Finch's, Jan-Shar, Grandairs, Lennetti Unde rwood's, N euja hr's,Wee Hearts,Janessa as well as many more,We will have puppies available from Ch. Firecracker, and a New Show Pup from Beau James Poms in 2005i Dene 5 Darling Poms,h .Beau James Millamor ^ . ..Silva Lada Wee Hearts, - f Y 'm s 'iicrQIrhlq nsMmatr .' Chocolates Hack Tans Merles Pattis ' tClaudineBrown 706-397-8150 denespacealltel.netV IkCynthia Wallen 4024 Ulsh Rd Caledonia, OH 43314QUALITYEXOTICSsince 1969Phone 419-845-3170 E-mail httpwww.beaujames-pomeranians.comProducing Exotic PomeraniansThe Pom Reader December 2004 71StCHRISTINE BOUSQUET434-277-8918 . .c Lowesville, VAft"PUPPIESADULTS FOR SHOW OR COMPANIONBlack Tan Red Cream OrangeLines include Emcee WeeHeart Bev-Nor Chriscendo Great ElmsHome Breeder of Multiple Croup Winning Ch.HONEYKIST READY TO RUMBLEBEAU JAMES A DREAM IN CHOCOLATECH. Tl AMO APOLLO OF GREAT RIVERlOBEAU JAMES KAY-LYN ARIAN AGENDARose Cebelenski Fax-631-669-9392 E-mail TiAmoPomscs.comTAMMI WHITE205 Avenue D, Converse, TX 78109 Home 210-658-0876 Cell 210-863-5136 Home of BISS Ch. Glen Iris Light Touchs,COLLIN-DELLS PETITE PAWSSPECIALIZING IN PARTIS BRINDLE BLACK 8. TANS OTHER COLORS AVALIABLEVISIT US 864-861-3768 emails collin-dellsbackroads.nete s a iPOMERANIANSROBERT JOAN REILLY805 County Rd. 6723 Natalia, TX 78059 830 663-5912 E-MAIL JOANREILLYearthlink.netA.Multi Group Winning BISS Champion Mountain Crest JJDAVID CARLENE GILSTRAPP.O. Box 22442, Chatanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-mail dcgiIstrapaol.com72 The Pom Reader December 2004-7OwnersTHEONLS DOCKETTCARLOS SANTANAVisit UsWWW.DOCKILOCKENNEL.COM INFODOCILOCKENNEL.COM P.O. Box 23031, Little Rock, AR 72221-3031 HomeFax 501 941-3133MILLERSPOM-HAVEN23321 261 ST. N. CORDOVA, II 61242309-887-4820Tina NicelyOwnerBreederRaising Quality PomsPUPPIES FOR SHOW OR COMPANIONLines include Jan-Shar Bev-Nor Tookeyes Great Elm Chriscendo WeeHeartRd 5 Box 94B Ligonier, PA 1S6S8 3445 5rJrAIAllstar PomsIT Guitars PomsAldens HersheyEvelyn Guitar1746 North 3RD St. Abilene, TX 79603325.677.5t65Parti-Colors Exclusivelyc Trudy s PomeraniansDog Gr' Cat GroomingCh Trudys CottntiyClub-.hwi JL. ftOffMCh Trudy's Wild Guess Ch Trudy's Chip-N-Dale Ch Trudy's King Of The Hill Ch Trudy's Taking My Time Ch Trudy's Fressed In Style61026 Mijrt Dr. Vandak. MI49095 269 476-2770W310 522-96421' PomeraniansCande Mike Gordon Carson, CAE-mail httpwww.pominique.comPOMERANIANSWALKER"ALANE LEVINSOHN 818 352-9536 fax SIS 352-8040 "SLICKmULtresspomshotmail.comunTSonnui cHatzIs, OAKCREST AVENUE MIDDLE ISLAND, NY 11953 631-205-5223INDEX TO ADVERTISERSADAMS, KR...............................69ALLAN, M................................. 70ALLRLDGE, V.........................28-29ANDERSON, A ........................... 71ANDERSON, D............................ 71ANDERSON, M ......................... 71ARVANITES, JM...................... 67AYERS, KR ................................68BAKER, S ................................ 35BCPC ........................................... 63BEARD, LD ............................. 11BEATY, R................................... 70BEHREND, J............................ 57, 66BERNEY, S.................................... 67BONNELL, BM ......................... 70BOUSQUET, C...................... ..A, 72BROWN, C ...................................71CARLSON, A ............................. 68CAYWOOD, A............................... 16, 69CEBELINSKI, R........ .................. 72CODDINGTON, N.........................72COOK, L ..................................... 70CRAWFORD, K............................ 49CREASEY, C .............................. 56DAVIS, AE ............................... 70DELP, LJ.................................... 71DOCKETT, T ............................. 72DOLLAR, S............ .......................67DOMRASE, AJ ....................... 68DUNCAN, B ................................. 70D2LUK, E ................................... BCENDOW, C.....................................33FALK, J .................................... ...69FINCH, D.................................. 13, 66FLEMING, K............................... 56FRANKS, C.............................. 18, 66FRANQUES, L,L,R ...................14FREIA, J........................................ 67FRIEDMAN, EM............. ..........56GILSTRAP, DC............. 11, 37, 72GLEN IRIS .............................. 68GORDON, CM ........................ 72GRAF, H.............................. .....16, 68GRIFFITH, K.G.......... ................. 49GRISSOM, J................................. 67GUENTHER, N ........................... 8GUITAR, E.................................. 72HANLON, KM...........................69HANSON, S ................................. 5HARRIS, B ............................... 72HAYNES, TW.............................71HENDLER, A ..........................67, BCHOPKINS, R.................................. 69HUSKINS, T ................................ 70INGLETT, N..................................67JACKSON, DR C.......................... 9JOHNSON, S ............................... 67KILPATRICK, L.... .................. 68KRZEWICKI, B..................... .....48LAGER, M ................................... 17LEVINSOHN, A............................ 19, 72UNDQVIST, H ..............................27LOMOND, B ............................... 48MACHNIAK, D............................. 67MCDONALD, F............................ 68MCFARLANE, JP......................49MELLEM, R................................ 57MEREDITH, BG .......................17MEYER, C..................................... 68MILLER, AJ.............................. 69MILLER, KE..............................69MYERS, DR L.............................. ...9NICELY, T ............................... ...72NORTH, M................................... 56OGANEKU, CY........................ 4lOWENS, B.................................... 19PARROTT, MS .................... ...68PELZ, L .................................. 70, 75PIKE, E...........................................71PENDER, N....................................69PODOLIN, R........... ......................69POLENKUS, L........ .................... 67POSIT, H ................................. ....17PROCACCENI, DJ__________ 67RAYMOND, B ..............................69REILLY, RJ ...............................72RENZ, V....................................... 71RESTERHOUSE, S........................67RISTER, A .................................FC, 2RIVERS, JG ............................. 69ROBERTS, A .............................. 15ROGERS-RISTER, A .................. 68ROKOS, M...................................... 3ROKOS, MC............................. 69ROWE, J ...................................... 35ROWLEY, P...................................70SANTANA, C ................................ 72SCRIMPSHER, C ....................... 6-7SHAWLEY, S.................................57SIMON, D ......................................47SMITH, E..................................... 35SOLOMON, L................................57SPILLMAN-AKERLUND, E .......57STACHURSKI, J ......................... .10STALNAKER, KC.................... 67STEPHENS, M ..............................66STOEHR, D.............. .....................12STOLL, F....................................... 21TAKAYAMA, E........................... 21TURNER, R......................................3WALLEN, C ..................................71WALLEN, C ................................ 71WALLIS, B.....................................69WATERS, C .................................. 67WATERS, G................................... 67WAUGH, E................................... 56WEBSTER, H ................................70WELLS, M...........................66, 70, 75WHITE, KT ........................ 20,67WHITE, T ................................... 72WIEMER-MARTIN, S ............... 70WILFORD, TD...........................66WILKINS, L................................. 39WISHNOW-MALASHEL, E .......70WITT, S.......................................... 68WOODWORTH, C........................70WRIGHT, D........................ FC, 2, 69ZALUSKA, L................................. 68ZAMBRANO, L.............................70The Pom Reader December 2004 73Your Showcase for Purebred PomeraniansTHEPOMitj J ,77VOrJr r -.i,',r5svssag- ,V. ViADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAd Size ContractOpen RateFull Page Deluxe Color337.50 375-00Full Page Standard Color NA250.00Half Page Color NA135-00Full Page Black White 112.00 125-00Half Page 60.0075-0014 Page 32.0040.0018 Page 20.0025.00116 Page12.00 15.00STORK REPORT NA10.00All ads 1 4 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes one color photo, Extra photos 25.00 each, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, position chosen by publisher. All credit card orders subject to service charge. All rates quoted are prepaid service charge for billingcredit card. We honor Visa MC AmEx Discover. Commercial rates upon request.ADVERTISING INFORMATIONSHARON MASNICK or BENSON RAY Tel 843-558-7432 OR 843-558-6062 Fax 843-558-6915 Cell 843-319-5668 Email BENAIRESAOL.COM SUBSCRIPTIONSBY MAIL BY PHONEFAXThe Pom Reader Tel 863-858-3839Circulation Department Fax 863-853-36248848 Beverly Hills Telephone Fax orders byLakeland, FL 33809 1604 credit card only74 The Pom Reader December 2004SUBSCRIPTION RATES in U.S. Dollars 11 Issues Per Year Domestic 48 3rd class 70 1st classForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 10 each Back Issues 10 eachSubject to availabilityPUPPY HOPEFULSUp and coming new stars - monthlyOnly pups under 6 months are eligibleFULL PAGE 110.00 NEW CHAMPIONSSpecial rates for titles confirmed by AKC Each ad includes one photo, brief remarks and 3-generation pedigreeFULL PAGE 110.00For more information, contactSHARON MASNICK or BENSON RAY Telephone 843-558-7432843-558-6062 Cell 843-319-5668 Fax 843-558-6915 Email BENAIRESAOL.COMBreedersOwners Linda Pelz Michael Wells www.dreamweaverpom.comIntroduces a new Duo in the specials ringCh. DreamWeavers Billy The Kid ValerieWMrf ...GROUPPL A CI N GHENNEI CLUB NOVEMBER 20044 tAWatch for Valerie Billy in the specials ring in 2005.Thank you Judge Roy Reiser for awarding Billy Group 4 and Jackie Stacy for awarding Billy BOB.Congratulations to Laura Newbold on her Kennel Visit.Merry Christmas Happy New Year to all May you have a purple 2005Handler Valerie Humbird sunnybearkenaol.comii\7-the W4ch _______ _ ^.mpson, NC 27879Peannete Kennel 252.758.7143 PeanneteDECEMBER 2004 VOLUME XX, NUMBER TEN