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The Pomeranian Review October 1969

Table of Contents

Ch Corn's Duke Dragonfly Front Cover
Judging Cont'd by Shirley Ann Hoffman ?
A Visit to Roanoke Poms by Marlene Scott ?
Ameriran Pomeranian Elnb, Jnr.Pomeranian. ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY OCTOBER, 1969\'.- - ^ Ah CHAMPION CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLYTOP WINNING POMERANIAN IN THE NATION FOR THE SECOND CONSECUTIVE YEARIN THIS ISSUEJudging Contd by Shirley Ann Hoffman Visit to Roanoke Poms by Marlene ScottBRK DAVIS HARWOODSPECIALTY SHOW REPORTS Delegates Dept. - Bedell YIPS YAPSPOMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEMary F. CaseyHow time flies by the time you receive this issue of the Review Summer will be over, our Specialty Show at Devon, Pa., will be a treasured memory and before you realize it the year of 1969 will be written in the annals of History. Hope you all had a successful and enjoyable summer.As you will read elsewhere in ' - Review, Marjorie Bullwinkle and her committees are hard at work making plans for THE PRESTIGE SHOW OF THE YEAR FOR POMERANIANS THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB ANNUAL FEBRUARY SPECIALTY. Last year we all had a most enjoyaple time in spite of tin weather and this year we hope to make it even better. I hope that each and every one of you will give Marge your support. Get those trophy pledges in right away, if you havent all ready done so DEADLINE FOR TROPHY PLEDGES IS NOVEMBER 1st, so there isnt much time left. We still have time for sending in our Ads, but lets not wait till the last minute and get things tied up with Christmas Mail. Last, but not least, start making your plans now to attend the Specialty and the Annual Meeting If each member would enter just one dog WOW what a show we would have. Bring out that young hopeful and let him strut his stuff, maybe you need a major to finish one of your pride and joys this is the place to try for it. We all cant win, but we can all have a good time and proudly display ourWares in the Pomeranian Showcase at the Hotel Penn-Garden on February 8th, 1970.This is the time of year that the Nominating Committee is put to work they will be reviewing the membership list trying to decide who should take over the reins for 1970. This is not an easy task Our Annual Election is by no means a Popularity Contest and should not be considered as such. The people who are elected should 'fee dedicated to doing what is right for the Pomeranian Breed throughout the country. They should be willing to give their time to attend meetings and share in the work, they should be active in the breed, s.o that they will be familiar with the problems that arise This is the only way our Club can continue to progress.Your Officers and Board members have tried to comply with the wishes of the membership during the year and although we havent accomplished as much as we would have liked to, the wheels are in motion and we hope they will continue to move in a forward direction.I would again like to remind you that this is YOUR CLUB without YOU there would not fee an American Pomeranian Club, so PLEASE, Make Your Voices Heard. You can be of great help if you will only take a few minutes of your time and jot a note to our Club Secretary, Miss Joy Brewster, and offer your suggestions as to who you would like to see nominated. Then complete your obligation by sending in your dues promptly and protect your voting privilege.As this is the last issue of the Review for 1969 I would like to extend my Sincere Good Wishes for a Very Merry Christmas to each and every one of you. I hope that Santa fills all of your stockings with Pom puppies so that 1970 will be THE GREATEST YEAR FOR POMS.POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian Reviewof theAmmratt Pomeranian HIhIt Jnr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident Mrs. Mary F. CaseyFirst Vice President....................................................................................... Mrs. Madeline SalzmannSecond Vice President........................................................................................ Mrs. Katherine ProbstThird Vice President Mrs. Anna E. CowieSecretary.....................Miss Joy S. Brewster, R.R. 3, U.S. Rt. 6, Newtown, Conn. 06470Treasurer .......................................................................................................................... Mrs. Elsie SivoriDelegate to the A. K. C........................................................................................................Mr. Bert BedellEXECUTIVE COMMITTEEMrs. Catherine. E. Bedell Mrs. Dorothy HustedMrs. Phyllis Seeley Mrs. Gloria SetmayerMrs. Marlene ScottPOMERANIAN REVIEWInterim Editor ........................... Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, R.D. 4, West Chester, Pa. 19380Circulation Manager. .Mrs. Dorothy Husted, 936 Calhoun Ave., Bronx, N.V. 10465 Advertising Manager .... Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, R.D. 4, West Chester, Pa. 19380 Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa., by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Printed in U.S.A. Subscriptions in the U.S., 5.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies, 1.25 Canada, Mexico, 5.50, Foreign rates 6.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Make check or money order payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Address all subscriptions and correspondence on circ ulation to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and inquiries about same to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text 50.00Per column inch ............................................ 2.50One-quarter page .......................................... 5.00One half page ............................................... 10.00Three-quarter page ..................................... 15.00Full page ....................................................... 20.00100 copies full page ad .................................. 7.00Minimum charge for cuts up to If x 2 inches 1 col. wide 5.00 proportionately more for larger cuts. No charge for cuts if useable cut is available.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARYSREPORTby JOY S. BREWSTER Rt. 3, U.S. Rt. 6 Newtown, Conn. 06470The last APC Board meeting before the summer recess was held on June 11, 1969. Of special interest to affiliated Clubs is the fact that the Board has decided that the Parent Club will hold no more than two Specialty shows per year and these should be approximately 4-5 months apart.The main reasoning behind this decision is that more than two National Specialties takes the importance and glamour from the show. Also, it is very difficult to get workers to spend their time as well, in order to make any Specialty a success it is necessary to have the support of many individuals in the form of entries, trophies, cash prizes, advertising and just willing workers and coordinators. If we are limited to no more than two National Specialties, hopefully the emphasis and importance can be re-established.The membership list was distributed a bit later than planned but it did get out finally.The Fort Worth Pom Club has been granted permission to hold its regional Specialty on March 20, 1970.Preliminary reports from the Code of Ethics Committee and the Standard Revision Committee have been received. Of course the 1970 Winter Specialty Committees can always use your support and assistance SPEAK UP.This will ibe a very active Fall and Winter for all members. I sincerelyContinued on Page 31 CirculationManagerDorothy E. Husted 936 Calhoun Ave. Bronx, N. Y. 10465 zsPOMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUES Available at 1.00 EachWrite Circulation ManagerPOMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION 5.00 Yearly1960 June1961 March, Sept.1962 March, June, Sept., Dec.1963 March, June, Oct.1964 Jan., April, July, Oct.1965 April, July, Oct.1967 Jan., April, July, Oct.Complete your flies of The Review. These back issues are collectors items now. Always something good for reference.Also available at 1.25 Each1968 Jan., July, Oct.1969 Jan., April, JulySUBSCRIBERSPlease look for the RED X on the Address Tab. It means your subscription expires with this issue. Renewal notice will be found inside.CHRISTMAS GIFTA years Subscription to the Review makes an ideal gift for your retired breeder friend or pet puppy customer.COYERThe January 1970 Cover is AvailablePOMERANIAN REVIEWFannyCH. ROANOKES BANDBOXsalutes her breedersFrank Welsh and Roy Morton and their Roanoke Kennels SCOTIA KENNELSCelebrates a Decade in Pomsby completing 69 Champions of which 15 were purchased First One Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier, Aug. 1960 Exhibiting extensivelyand travelling an average of 60,000 miles a year supporting all possible judges and many handlers whom I found most kind and helpful Purchasing 7 Champions of RecordCh. Sungolds Cay Cavilier - record to date, 57 championsCh. Sunsets Personal Conquest - 14 championsCh. Scotia Colden Fantasy - 9 champions, 2 litters of 4 eachCh. Scotia Spot Cash - 7 champions, inc. litter of 3Ch. Hollys Noel - 4 chs Majack Judy - 5 Pumpkin Eater - 4and many with 1 or more. May I express my appreciation to many breeders throughout the country who have sold me Poms of leading bloodlines ... to make possible 10 years of selective breeding and exhibiting.Thanks, too, to the many judges, handlers, exhibitors and friends for making these years the most wonderful of my life.Only with the giving of much time and money can one reap so much.Along with much joy, love and laughter there are many tears.I am hoping for 10 more years and the fulfilling of a dreamTO BREED AND SHOW A POM TO BEST IN SHOW.This is my goal and having a goal and working to that end is a great incentive.Have had many Best in Shows, bred Best in Show Poms But have not ever shown one to that high honor.With this in mind, and God Willing, Ill be seeing you in the show ring.SCOTIA KENNELS, REC.EDNA E. CIRARDOT R.D. 4, SCOTIA, N.Y. 123026 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORYBy OLGA and DARRELL BAKEROur cover pomeranian, CHAMPION CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLY, the pride and joy of Darrell and Olga Bakers JERIBETH KENNEL, proudly announces the 1968 Phillips System Report . . . DUKE TOP-WINNING POMERANIAN IN THE NATION AGAIN, FOR THE SECOND CONSECUTIVE YEAR Reports also placed this superior little pom No. 6 in the Top Ten Toys for 1968 July POPULAR DOGS.We feel the mark of a really great dog reveals itself in his show winning ability, but perhaps even more importantly, in his capabilities to produce quality specimens of his breed, and to contribute measurably to the breed itself. This little Texas Tornado is already, even as a very young dog, establishing the reputation for stamping quality upon many pomeranians being seen in rings across the country. Cases in point . . .One of Dukes closest competitors in the 1969 Phillips System reports is the darling little Champion Tonos Just Call Me Mister, owned by friends Tom and Norma ORourke also from Texas. Little Mister, already a Best In Show winner himself, is a double grandson of Duke DragonflyALREADY, IN 1969, THREE DIRECT DUKE OFFSPRING HAVE COMPLETED THEIR CHAMPIONSHIPSThese areCHAMPION JERIBETHS DARLIN DOODLE-BUG owned by the Bakers ... a young Duke son and full brother to Champion Jeribeths Golden Duchess.CHAMPION BETTYS SIR RAY owned by Betty Knox of Torrence, California ... a lovely light orange, huge-coated Duke son.CHAMPION LITTLE MISS SKEET- ER OF OKALA owned by Ralph and Joyce Graves of Cypress, Texas ... the adorable little Duke daughter who finished her Championship this year as a puppy.Other younger Duke sons and daughters have points and will finish soon. Credits to little Fancy Dukes Look Im A Dandy, owned by Mrs. Randy Fretz of Georgia . . . with 11 points to his credit already.We feel this is exceptional primarily because of Dukes youth . . . making most of these new Champions real youngsters We congratulate the owners of these fine dogs and thank everyone for their confidence in Duke.Duke Dragonfly has set a fantastic win record to date, which we publish below in capsule form. To those of you who find show reports and win records boring ... we apologize. But to most doggy people, like us and a rare breed of folks indeed ... we hope this makes fun-readingTotal times shown ................................95Best of Breeds ......................................81BESTS IN SHOW ...............................15including 5 Specialty Bests 10 All- Breed BIS . . and heres something exciting . . .Total Times in Group Competition. .76Number of Group Placements .............72Including 35 Toy Group FirstsFinally ... we believe and sincerely hope that DUKE will continue to be the breathtaking little showman that he is for a while . . . then that he will -continue to send all the right little genes into all the right places to produce many more Champions for lots more people. And . . last . . . that his ability to please the crowds at shows will continue to win more friends and admirers, not only for Duke himself, but for all pomeraniansPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHEStoFRANK WELSH andROY MORTON, JR.AND CONTINUED SUCCESS to theirROANOKE KENNELSREAD THE KENNEL VISIT THIS ISSUECATHERINE E. BEDELL BERT BEDELL12 Smith Street, Merrick, N.Y. 115668 POMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. SPECIALTY SHOW FEBRUARY 8, 1970By MARJORIE BULLWINKLE, Show ChairmanThough the temperatures are far from freezing and the snow is not on the ground we must look forward to this and most ,of all to our Pom Specialty Sborw in February.As you all know I am your Show Chairman, and believe me I want to be a good one but alone I cant I need the help of all our Pom friends Wont you please put your support behind your POMS your favorite breed and me, your show chairmanAs you know Florence OBrien is your Trophy Chairman, and to date your pledges arent coming in lets sit down and write a check and get your pledges in we want a trophy table barring none this year.Now for advertising Our good Pom friend Bill McCoy is our Advertising Chairman, are you going to give him your adsWake up, my friends, lets make those checks out now our deadline is coming up, and no one wants to be left out I know.Hotel reservation blanks will be sent to you soon, and please mail them back to me as s.oon as possible as I would like to get the best possible accommodations for you that I can.Now to the dinner, I am working on it, but would appreciate hearing from all of you by November 1st, as to your preference shall I book it at the Hotel or try elsewhere I need your suggestions on this. If I dont get them, then you are not helping your club or me.NOW . . .1. Pledges for Trophies2. Advertising Pledges3. Hotel Reservations4. Dinner WhereCome on now lets make this a show of all shows, I may be Show Chairman, but I am only as good as the people working with me, nothing is or can be a success without the full support of all your Pom people.Okay Now I have said my say lets see your support.Little Bit of HoneysendsCONGRATULATIONSand THANKS to her breedersFrank E. WelshandRoy Morton, Jr.Melanie and Julie Brumback1 1 87 Nelson Drive Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801POMERANIAN REVIEW 9ADVERTISING PAYS By FORREST W. Bill McCOYAdvertising ChairmanIs there anyone who would question this statement If so it is only necessary to look around you at the newspaper, television, billboards, etc. Listen to your radio for a few minutes and you will be exposed to more than just a few samples. The range of products is endless from A to Z and return. Millions are spent by large firms on advertising.Did you ever stop to think that you as breeders and owners of Pomeranians have the most perfect product to place before the potential purchaser What else can offer the love, affection, and undying loyalty. What better place can be imagined to promote your kennel, your dogs and their accomplishments than the APC SPECIALTY show in February. It is absolutely made to order. Everyone attending is interested either as a breeder, exhibitor, or an undecided admirer of the breed. Let them know where you are, who you are, and what you have to offer. One sale or one stud service will pay the cost of a full page ad many times over. Remember also, One picture is worth a thousand words. The cost of a cut from your photo is nominal and certainly improves the impression created.THE DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING IS DEC. 15, 1969.Prices for ads are as followsFull Page .................................. 20.00Half Page ..................................10.00Quarter Page ............................. 5.00Your name and address may be listed on the Booster page for only 1.00.Your cooperation and support will be appreciated and will help to truly make 1970 THE YEAR OF THE POMERANIAN. Thank you.EDITORIALAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOWFEBRUARY 8, 1970at the HOTEL PENN-CARDEN, New YorkEvery member wants to support our Annual Specialty Show. Sometimes we forget that plans have to be made very far in advance.. The 1969 Specialty was marred by the Record Snowfall which paralyzed traffic and caused a few absentees among our exhibitors, but in spite of conditions outside, it has been universally agreed that all those present had a marvelous time, that the Specialty itself was a success in every way except small size of entry, and that the whole weekend added up to LOTS OF FUN. There is no reason to suppose that such unusual weather will happen to us again. Wont you all plan NOW to make our 1970 Specialty the BIGGEST and BEST we have ever had Heres HOW1. RIGHT NOW is the time to send your Trophy Pledge. Nov. 1 deadline.Send to Florence OBrien1469 White Horse Pike Absecon Highlands, N.J.082012. NEXT send your catalogue ads and Booster namesSend to Forrest W. McCoy 2610 N Smith Pike Bloomington, Ind. 47401 Deadline is Dec. 15 but please send early3. NEXT return your hotel Reservation Card. Plan to stay Sat. Sun. nights more fun4. NEXT write to Chairman of Jr. Showmanship if you plan entries. Do Come, JuniorsMiss Catherine Marx 4509 Wyoming St.Kansas City, Mo. 6411110 POMERANIAN REVIEW5. NEXT do let Marge Bullwinkle know your preference on Dinner Location.1469 White Horse Pike Absecon Highlands, N.J. 082016. ENTRIES, entries, entries. If Premium List is not received well in advance of date Write or phone Bow Dog Shows or Miss BullwinkleOur judges have been approved by AEC and we are proud to announce that Mr. William Hoffman of Richmond, California will judge our Puppy Sweep- stakes, while the Specialty Show will be judged by Mr. Wilbur C. Cooks, Jr. of Charleston, S.C. Both men are Pomeranian breeders having a superior knowledge of the breed.One last word on Trophies if you have not already sent in your pledge, why not simplify things for all concerned and send a check so the Trophy Chairman can purchase uniform trophies for all classes If you have a really nice trophy, and wish to send it, please wrap and mail RIGHT AWAY. It is a great disappointment to the Exhibitor to find the lovely trophy offered for his important Win is MISSING at Show Time. And, .unless you have an excellent reason for designating a definite place for your trophy, we would appreciate your permission to place it where needed.JOIN THE FUNHOTEL PENN-GARDEN FEBRUARY 8SUPPORT THE SPECIALTYMAKE 1970 THE YEAR FOR POMSSEE YOU IN NEW YORKChar-Johns PomsMidget- Piper Lady Dawn Roanoke Pepper PiperandTracer of Lu CemsendCONGRATULATIONS to their kin atGIVENSWOOD KENNELSJohn Charlotte Pipe2 Bossi Lane Schenectady, N. Y. 12303IIWHO CAN BE CALMWho can be calm While watching a PomIts dainty feet prancing,Its eyes also dancing.Its tail as a plume While walking the room.Its mouth gently grinning,Its temper most winning.Yes, who can be calm With this kind of PombyAlice CooperOriginally written on the return trip from our first dog show when she was 11 years of age but now would like to dedicate it to a precious Pom she lost her heart to in Calif., Irene Messers Jeepers.This lovely poem was sent in by the authors father, Ed Cooper of Independence, Kansas. Ed.POMERANIAN REVIEW 11JOHNNY CANT READand neither can Jane, or Mary, or Martha.Thats the way it seems.Your Interim Editor is a busy person not that she is the ONLY busy one, but getting your Review ready for the Printer, and finally in the Mail to you is strictly a SPARE TIME operation. Full time employment as Secretary to a veterinarian does not leave too many hours for taking care of 35 dogs. Add to that schedule teaching three obedience classes per week in summer, cutting 2 acres of grass, going to a few dog shows and doing a minimum and I do mean a MINIMUM of housework, and you can begin to see that things get pretty hectic at May Morning Kennels around Review deadline time.We are trying to keep the Review going, to continue to print the features that you expect to find, and to constantly search for ways to improve the magazine. A few brickbats are thrown our way, but on the whole our path has been strewn with roses in the shape of complimentary letters. We try. And until a Permanent Editor is found to take over the Review, we will keep on trying to do this job.We feel that we have failed to get through to you readers and contributors on certain points, although we have printed and reprinted notices from time to time. Advertisers have finally seen the light, and for several issues now, all ads have come in Prepaid, typed or printed saving a few hours of work. But we feel it is necessary to repeat the following reminders1. You people who have been appointed Columnists for the Review are generously giving of your time and effort to send in interesting material. We expect this material to come in ON TIME for each and every issue. If you are not going to have time to write yourcolumn, wont you PLEASE let us enjoy the efforts of a guest columnist2. We have asked, and asked ... the Secretaries of ALL Regional Pom Clubs to send in a quarterly report on your local Club doings. I am more than happy to receive and read your Newsletters but I simply do NOT have time to condense the news and type it up for the Review. Wont you please do this so all readers can know of important, interesting happenings in your area3. About Specialty Shows . . . You will find that this issue contains reports on several regional Specialties. ONE and one only is complete that of N.C.P.C. In fact, the officers of the Northern California Pom Club wanted so much to have pictures of all top winners included in the writeup that they sent in payment for us to make the cuts. 'Here is the dopea. The Review would like a writeup of ALL regional Specialty Shows. This can serve as a Quarterly Report.b. A FREE CUT will be printed of the BOB winner of each Specialty. Other top winners can be included by paying the 5 cost of making the cut.C. FREE CUTS of BOB, BOS, WD WB will be printed of EACH A.P.C. Specialty, no matter WHERE it is held.d. Pictures will 'be returned.4. Material sent in for Yips and Yaps should be typed, if possible. These items will be used at the discretion of the Editor, as space permits. Sometimes it is necessary to condense or cut the material. Every effort will be made to use at least the most important portion of every letter sent in, if of general interest to our readers.Continued on Page 2012 POMERANIAN REVIEWVISIT TO . . . ROANOKE POMERANIANSby MARLENE SCOTTGivenswood Kennel, home of Roanoke Pomeranians is owned by Frank Walsh and Roy Martin, Jr. Givenswood, itself came into existence in 1984, but the owners have bred and shown poms for the past ten years or so.Roy and Frank both lived in Miami, Florida where they had a small kennel of p.omeranians. Not at all satisfied with the Florida climate as a place for long- coated dogs, they began to think seriously of looking elsewhere to establish a kennel with at least twenty poms. Roy was showing a bitch purchased from Edna Girardot on the Tarheel Circuit in 1964, and this where I met Roy and the very successful Roanoke Poms. After discussing the situation in Florida, I recommended a move to North Carolina, Virginia, or West Virginia. It was on this recommendation that they took a trip to Virginia in June, 1964. Unsuccessful this first time, they tried again in July. After days of looking for a suitable place, one with either a building for dogs or a basement that could be converted into a kennel, they came upon what is now referred to as Givenswood. The house is a beautiful two-story typical southern country home, situated in a picturesque setting a few miles from Roanoke, Va.Roth Roy and Frank were interested in the basement type kennel quarters, as it provided the opportunity to constantly be with the dogs. This kennel is situated in a walk-out type of basement, well lighted and well ventilated, and has facilities for from 25 to 30 poms. They have built nine 4x10 ft. runs along one side of the wall, and three smaller, rectangular runs across from these, with an aisle running down the middle leading to the grooming part of the kennel. The poms are exercised in a large yard.- ,1 -, wj AtGivenswood - home of Roanoke Pomssurrounded by a five foot redwood fence. The yard is approximately forty by sixty feet and has a smaller yard adjacent to it which is used for puppies or bitches in season. Givenswood, in its entirety consists of over three acres, but about half is wooded. Poms at this kennel are exercised outside every morning from twenty to thirty minutes during the winter, and for longer morning periods during spring and summer months. They are again allowed to roam the yard each afternoon until dark during good weather, and for a reasonable time during the winter. On rainy days there are no problems since the poms have their inside runs, and these furnish adequate exercise.Givenswood has probably the longest grooming table of any pom kennel. Roy at one time worked in a garment factory and brought home a cutting table which was converted to a grooming table. It is about thirty inches wide and fifteen feet long.POMERANIAN REVIEW 13While in Miami, Frank and Roy got a good start in Poms through the help and advice of their good friends, Bob and Margaret Inscho. These people have been in Poms for a long time, and were, as both Frank and Roy attest, a tremendous help. They were all members of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Miami and always had a wonderful time. The Inschos are greatly missed fey Givens- wood.Ifli"'1 1te' S'JCh. Roanokes OptimistigalAlong with some nice bitches and a stud acquired from the Inschos, Givens- wood has a Champion son and daughter of Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier. They also acquired a granddaughter, Scotia Jimmy Jets Cricket at the same time they acquired Scotia Cavalier Biddie Boo. This bitch is still a top producing bitch, who among others, has produced Ch. Roanokes Band Box. The latter was purchased and shown to her championship by 'Edna. Edna has always been a source of encouragement to Givenswood, and today, all Roanoke Poms except one bitch are descended from Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier. L X-_ -a-ViRoanokes JubilistigalAt present, there are twenty-three Roanoke Poms, including a half dozen puppies. Roanokes Shower of Flowers started her show career with a toy group at Roanokes Sanction match in March. Three weeks later she went Best In Match at James River Kennel Club at Lynchburg over a total of 200. Although only nine months old and still quite a novice, as of July 15th she had been shown only four times, and was reserve winners bitch on three occasions. . v, J -A 1 v- m w. i-'. ' '-\RoanokePuppies14 POMERANIAN REVIEW'Givenswood has high hopes for Dolly, as she is known around Salem. Dollys litter sister, Dixie is expected to start her show career in the Fall. Their sire is Roanokes Robinhood. a son of Ch. Scotia Spectacular and their dam is Roanoke's Sunbeam Stardust, a daughter of Scotias Jimmy Jets Cricket.The co-owners of Givenswood are both hard-working men in their own right, so cannot devote 100 of their .time to the Poms. Roy is manager of a home furnishing business and Frank teaches the twelfth grade in Roanoke. Weekends and summers are the only time they really get a break around here and during the summers Frank does graduate work for half a day, five days a week, so they dont get 100 then either.W '-' .amH, TAr,-J Tr ,JiRoanoke Robinhood with some of his childrenAt Givenswood, two poms are housed to each run. Puppies have their own quarters, a three tiered whelping and living dog castle. When they are mature enough they are allowed to exercise in big sisters run. Eventually a place is made for them if they are to be added as permanent resident of the kennel. Each run is kept spotlessly clean, scrubbed and sterilized every second day. Cleanliness is the password at Givenswood.Frank and Roy are well known around town in the dog world. Frank served for two years as President of Roanoke Kennel Chfc and is now serving as President of iSalem-Roanoke Valley Canine Association. Roy is Treasurer of the latter group and is also one of the obedience trainers for the organization. Roy is generally busier with obedience work and Frank with conformation. They are rarely seen at shows together as one always has to care for the dogs while the other goes to the shows.Pom lovers are always welcomed at Givenswood. When Roanoke holds their annual show as part of the Tarheel Circuit in March, Pom owners are invited to come up to see the dogs and have some good ole Southern Hog Jowls and Grits.NOTICEAll those interested in joining the American Pomeranian Club are asked to write to the Secretary for an Application Form. This is a NEW method of applying for membership.NEXT KENNEL VISITThe next Kennel Visit will be to the kennels of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thole in Marion Kansas. Midwest breeders, please take noteThe difference between gossip and news is whether you hear it or tell it.POMERANIAN REVIEW 15GIVENSWOOD KENNEL Home of Roanoke Pomeranians itRoanokes Shower of Flowers 9 months puppy bitchPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY -frFrank E. Welsh Roy R. Morton, Jr.Route 1, Box 243 Salem, VirginiaGOLDEN GLOW POMERANIANS OF CALIFORNIAYou are cordially invited to visit us at ourGOLDEN CLOW KENNELwhile attending theN.C.P.C. Winter SpecialtyJan. 31 - Feb. 1, 1970CHUCK REYNOLDS BUD KNAPPRt. 1 - Box 555, Newcastle, Cal. 95658 Phone 916 663-3612rCh. Golden Glow Sir ReginaldShaded Bright Orange Siring Stylish PuppiesFee on RequestIi16 POMERANIAN REVIEWDELEGATES DEPARTMENTby BERT BEDELLYour American Pomeranian Club Delegate to the American Kennel Club has just completed his first year in office. After my election by the Club, it was several months 'before necessary notices were made in the Kennel Gazette and then the formal voting upon my acceptance. Since the time it was possible for me to attend the quarterly meetings, I have not been absent from one of them. The meetings are held at Hotel Biltmore in New York City, where the past meeting was attended by 133 Delegates, representing the various Breed and All Bred Clubs throughout the country. The Delegates do not necessarily reside in the locale of the Club they represent. In many instances, a Delegate will reside in the East while representing clubs on the West Coast. This, it has been found, gives more remote clubs from the City of New York proper representation by attendance at meetings of the Delegates.My attendance at these meetings has, of course, afforded me the pleasure of making many new friends, each interested in the common purpose Pure Bred Dogs. The Delegates one meets are also from every imaginable daily occupation or profession. Most, being like myself, are interested in our dogs as a side-line matter. There are some, however, who are large kennel owners and breeders, handlers and show judges. I have also been afforded much information and education in the dog business and find that there are always new things arising to make it interesting.A Delegate is called upon, at times, for information and advice from Regional Clubs throughout the country. Recently, in reading the official magazine of the Northern California Pomeranian Club, I found that reference was made to your Delegate in that the club Secretary was to write a letter to me and inquire of the reasons for the increase in fees for Litter Registrations. I immediately wrote the club Secretary the proper letter with careful explanation in regard to the matter. I have been advised of their thankfulness in not only my promptness, but, also, the completeness of informationThe vastness of purpose and action of the American Kennel Club is most impressing. Every possible phase of the business of Pure Bred Dogs from the breeding, owning, showing and registration angles is covered. It is, you can well expect, quite a large organization, employing a considerabe number of people, besides the official family of the Kennel Club. The recent spurts in the number of dogs registered in all breeds has demanded that the detailed clerical work be aided with business machines of all descriptions. The amount of personnel has likewise been increased with salaries at a new, high level. All of this is part of the explanation about the need for increased fees.The American Kennel Club has, without question, been the only salvation from chaos in our Pure Bred Dog industry, which, we are told, is fifth in countrywide importance. The rules and regulations, which have been adopted from time to time, are most important to the orderly continuance of our great business. There are some rules and procedures which do not meet the favor of everyone, and, from time to time, are changed to meet the demands of progress. The Kennel Club Gazette, the official monthly magazine, does much to keep everyone informed about things of importance to Pure Bred Dogs. Show records, new champions, and many, many things are informatively given to us here. Your Delegate, of course, advises your subscribing to the magazine.Continued on Page 18POMERANIAN REV,EW nTOYmmCh. Models Magic TimstopperSire Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Dam Ch. Models Magic SpellTimmie is shown winning Group First under Judge Ann Cowie at Penn Treaty K.C. handled by owner. The next time shown, he won the Toy Group at Charleston, S.C. Under Judge Phil Marsh handled by Marlene Scott.Cli. Models Son of Funshown going BOB at the Western Pomeranian Club Specialty in Chicago under Judge Mr. Klein. After this show, Sonny is taking time off to change coat and to get acquainted with his owner, as he has been gone a long time.Sonny has been expertly handled by Marlene Scott. T IModels Son of FunMODEL KENNELS R. L. Goodrich204 Yukon Ave. Hampton, Va.P. O. Box 3004 2336318 POMERANIAN REVIEWDELEGATE ContinuedThe American Kennel Club was formed in 1879 and in 1886 became the national organization that it now is. It was basically patterned from the English Kennel Club, but it was not many years before it. was found that the vastness of our country demanded far different rules and practices. A good instance is the manner of attainment of the necessary points toward Championship Dogs. In the past, the number of point awards depended upon the total number of entries of a show of all breeds. In our country, our point awards depend upon the number of dogs andor bitches in the particular breed. As an instance of the past customs, a total of all breed show entries of 1000 or more entitled a dog to a five point major a- ward even though it might have been alone in the breed or where the entry is very small in the breed. It is not difficult to see that many times, in the English system, dogs were made champions rather quickly and were not the best specimens of their particular breed. In our country, again, it was found that in some locations the showing of a certain breed was far more in number than that .shown in other locations. The country has, therefore, been divided into four basic territorial divisions, with Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rica as a fifth, and the number of ponts that can be awarded at a show depends upon the number .of dogs shown of the breed in the territory in a given years time. The formula is changed every year in most cases when the gain or loss of numbers shown is about 20 per cent. I know that there are many people who have not understood these facts, and I trust they have been of help to you.The Delegates Department column was instituted by myself soon after my taking office. It has been brought to you each quarter that the Pomeranian Review was printed, with the exception of the past two issues which was due to many things beyond my control. You are, to be sure, all aware of the loss of our former Editor, Vikkie Sweeney. The uncertainty of who was to care for this most important of all tasks in our Pom Club was very disturbing to all of your Pom Club Officers. Each time there was .a change necessary, it can be understood what occurred from a printing and publishing standpoint. Our club is most fortunate, indeed, to presently have a devoted breeder and lover of Pomeranians care for this important matter, and I think we all should say a fervent prayer that Mrs. Sophie Mayes will continue.There is also a requirement in the orderly processes of printing and publishing of any magazine or paper the deadline for copy. The Pomeranian Review is printed quarterly in January, April, July and October. Our deadline for copy to be in the hands of the Editor is the 20th of the second month before publication. Your Delegate attends the American Kennel Club meetings in March, June, September and December. You can readily see that reporting is a problem in order to keep current with the news from AKC. I promise that I shall do my utmost to keep my column before you in the future.May I close in this issue with a couple of good thoughts and suggestions First, lei me urge everyone who can possibly do so to visit the American Kennel Club offices at 51 Madison Avenue, New York at your earliest opportunity. You will find the officers and personnel most gracious in their greetings and eagerness to have you enjoy that visit. Make a note that when you come to the Annual Specialty Show in 1970, you will take time to make this visit. If you come to New York at anytime and have the usual desire to visit. POMERANIAN. REVIEW ISplaces of interest, the Statue of Liberty, or going atop the Empire State Building, include the visit to your American Kennel Club office. Let me say, Youll roe glad you did it. May I also advise you that your Delegate welcomes your questions anytime. If there is any information or help that I can give, I shall be sure to get the same and pass it on to you.One of the things I might suggest having you write me about is in concern with the various conditions we now find at the shows, and what might be done to correct some of them. I cannot, of course, expect to correct all .of them through my office. Your Delegate just had some experiences at recent shows which were most unpleasant. When asking for your suggestions and your problem questions, may I expect the same from all parts of the country. Somewhere to be sure, I am to find a suggestion of aid and assistance to another breeder or owner who might foe in an entirely different part of the country. As instances of improvement of some of our show conditions, I -mention parking, exercise pens small dogs, -grooming quarters and proximity to the ring. You can well surmise that there are many, many more. I shall, no doubt, have questions -from you soon so that we can commence with the improvements that are possible.I shall close with a promise to foe with you again in -the -next issue.VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE1970 dues MUST be paid by January 1, if you want your January issue of Pomeranian Review on schedule. 1970 dues MUST be paid by the date on which the Election Ballots are counted for YOUR v-ote to -count -Dont be caught napping send in your check AS S-OON AS YOU GET YOUR BILL.JUDGING Part IIBy SHIRLEY HOFFMANApproach the do-g from the front, gently raise your hand to the dogs -muzzle, speak to him if you wish, in a pleasant -tone, Hello boy, or some such comment. Look for head wedge, taper of muzzle, width of -muzzle as compared to skull width, -ear placement, size of ears, placement of eyes, size and shape of eyes, color of eyes and of eye rims, color of nose and bps, color of coat on muzzle,depth of stop. Fe-el skull shape and look for slightly flat skull required by the standard. Expression is important in the Pomeranian. You are going to have to invent a noise which will cause the dog to come to attention and bring his ears up into an alert position. One cannot determine true Pom expression when ears are plastered back.Check front legs for straightness, is the dog down in postern, knuckled over Is the bone fine Do-es it fit the build of the dog Dont be fooled by leg -coat, heavy coat on a fine boned dog can make a fine boned dog look coarse th-e same as heavy muzzle coat can make a fine muzzle appear coarse and -untrimmed- ears make small ears appear large. Check these points by feeling them to make certain each feature is in proportion for the -build of the dog as a whole. Does the d-o-g toe out or in or do the toes point straight ahead Is the elbow out from the body or does it hug the rib cage nicely If the -chest is shallow, elbows may even be set in under the ribs causing the dog to have a pinched appearance in front. Look at the head from the side, now face to face again. -Does the dog appear li-ppy Or does the upper lip fit nicely with the lower lip giving a clean appearanceYou may -prefer asking the exhibitor -to show you the dogs bite o-r yo,u may wish to examine the mouth yourself. AreContinued on Page 3620 POMERANIAN REVIEWHELP WANTEDMALE or FEMALEEDITOR with following qualifications, to serve in Permanent Position with Pomeranian Review. Must be someone active in the breed, preferably within travelling distance of New York City, for possible consultations with the Board of Directors. Should be currently 'breeding andor showing P.oms, with good knowledge of both past and present membership in the American Pomeranian Club, familiar with all Club rulings and policies or willing to learn. Must be able to devote a great deal of time to this project, involving a good bit of correspondence, 'before and after each quarterly issue, knowledge of advertising layout, proof-reading and paste-up a must. Must be an adequate typist. Average time required per issue for editing and layout, 8-10 days or nights for proofreading pasteup, 2-3 days or nights for mailing issue, including stuffing, affixing address tabs, stamping, sealing and sorting, 8-12 hours plus additional hours for mailing returns and correspondence. Must have access to services of a good printer. Must be willing and able to sacrifice any or all personal plans at deadline, proofreading and mailing time. Will all those who feel they are weli qualified for this job please apply to the Board of Directors of the American Pomeranian Club immediately, sending resume of past experience with the breed, samples of work if possible, and signed pledge not to quit after one issue Salary is OPEN that is, there is no salary, but it has been the policy of the Board to reward the Editor with a gift at the end of the year.RETURN YOUR TROPHY PLEDCE FOR THE FEBRUARY SPECIALTY. DO IT NOWQUESTION ANSWER DEPT.A new member of the American Pomeranian Club poses the following question, which we would like answered by one or more Club members or some of the breeders whose stock is mentioned in the complete letter which will be found in Yips and Yaps. Answers will be published in the January Review.Question I know one must decide on a line most pleasing to that individual, to begin ones stock. Just how does one go about finding out the attributes and defects of each breeding strainNOTICEAs the Review is the official publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., the Club itself is the ONLY person or organization entitled to Free Advertising. All Regional Clubs, all Officers of the A.P.C., and all members of the Review Staff must pay FULL PRICE for all ads. In the past, it has been our policy to extend to the Regional clubs hosting an APC Specialty the courtesy of mentioning their own Specialty in the same full page ad printed to announce the National Specialty. Where there will be NO APC Specialty in connection with your regional Specialty, no free ad can be given. There has been some confusion on this point.JOHNNY Continued5. Last and MOST IMPORTANT THE DEADLINE FOR ALL MATERIAL IS THE 20th OF THE MONTH, SIX WEEKS IN ADVANCE OF PUBLICATION for instance, August 20 for this October issue. Reminders will NOT be sent, phone calls will NOT be made and material coming in after the deadline will NOT be used.'POMERANIAN REVIEW 2For SaleSHOW PROSPECT PUPPIESOrange male born April 11, 1969Grandson of Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy Grandson of Ch. Great Elms Timstopper AgainTwo females born June 8, 1969Granddaughters of Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy and Reighlynns PippenpottGorgeous 2 yr. old Black Female for a petDorothy ArmagostMain StreetHooversville, Pa. 15936 Phone 814-798-2601PQINCIANA POMERANIANSsends CONGRATULATIONS to ROANOKE KENNELSandBest wishes to our good friends Frank Roy Several litters of lovely puppies from top bloodlinesBOB MARGARET INSCHO2004 N.W. 2 St. Miami, Florida 331252 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members if the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner, hotograph and additional detail as to owner, breeder and short summary of he show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 18.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, he charge is 3.50.CH. MILLAMORS MERRY MISCHIEF, TA-516652, red female bred and owned by Eleanor W. Miller, Rt. 2, Mansfield Rd. Mt. Vernon, Ohio.Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Model's Magic Timstopper Sire Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Models Magic Spell Models Darlene Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Millamor's Merry Miss DamCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Ring Master Millamors Red MistCh. Millamors Gold FlameCH. BONNERS SUN WAG SENSATION, orange male bred by Dorothy D Bonner owned by Charles B. Richard Edward F. Ustilla, Box 276, Willow St., Pa. Finished May 25, 1969 under Mrs. H. F. Hardin. Handled by Lorraine Heichel. Show record includes 3 Grp 3 and 1 Grp 4 9 BOB.Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Ch. Bonners Stylemodel Wee Wag Sire Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Styletess Model Bonners Tompom Wee Girl Aristic Wee Wons Pepper Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Aristic Little Miss Cheerful Bonners Pepper-IC Sun Kiss DamCh. Aristic Chile King Aristic Mighty CuteAristic Little Cute Face ...'POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. MODELS DAKTARI, TA-399615, orange male owned by Eleanor W. Miller, Rt. 2, Mansfield Rd., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Bred by Robert L. Goodrich, Hampton, Va. Group placings from the classes.Pomwin Golden Tim Pomwin Tims SonPomwin Sweet Melony Ch. Models Doctor Watson Sire Pomwin Tiggie Pomwin Star Bright Pomwin Glory Bee Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Models Golden Girl DamCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Miss Spice-O-Life Pomwin Miss ModelCH. MAY MORNING ECHO OF HIGHLANDBreeder, Sophie H. Mayes Owner, Patricia M. Hopkins Ashville, Pa.Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Blairs SolitaireBlairs Adorable Bit O Gold Cli. May Morning Bravo Bravo SheInt. Ch. Pixietown Serenade of HadleighMay Morning Susie Q.May Morning Waltzing Matilda, T.D. Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Blairs SolitaireBlairs Adorable Bit O Gold May Morning Little Audrey Dam Pomwin Tiggie Pomwin Busybody Models Lady EthelCH. FANCY GOLD FLAMENCO DANCEIBreeder, Sue Goddard Owner, Joanne Anderson Indianapolis, IndianaCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Sire Thelcolynns Tiny Flame Dance Millamors Miss Fancy Gold Toys Gold Puff Ch. Edwards Reddy Teddy Ready Teddys Escapade Red BerneyTim-Sues Gold Pebble DamGold Toys Pebble Fancy Gold Bit O Honey Christines Fancy LadyCH. AFF-KINS GINGER SNAPBreeder, Anna E. Cowie Owner, Joan E. Cowie Kimberton, Pa.Ch. Gold Toys Red Flame Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Millamors Gold Spice Ch. Nan jo Masterpiece SheCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Nanjo Jubilant Tina Marie VICh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Nanjo Fascinator Tina Marie VIPoinciana Bewitching DamPratts Lively Lad Poinciana Little Lucinda Poinciana Ember Glow ADVERTISEMENT WANTED Back Issues of the Review ingood condition. Will pay 1 each for all issues 1958 1959 Mar., Dec. 1960 June 1961 and Dec. 1963. Write before mailing. ALSO interested in books, othermaterial about Poms. Quote price.Mrs. Joseph E. Smith 226 Fahview Ave.. Belvedere, S.C. 29S414 POMERANIAN REVIEWjf^omepan iani 9 ^Jh^hlandpresentsCh. May Morning Echo of HighlandTo Sophie Mayes, his breeder, we give our thanks for letting us have this practically perfect 4J lb. beautifully coated, clear red male. To Shirley Chambers, his handler, we give our thanks for expertly finishing him to his championship with four major wins and Toy Group plac.ings. This gorgeous, year old, well- balanced, stylish little Pomeranian, especially chosen as a tiny puppy for his beautiful doublebred Showstopper bloodline, is already proving his fabulous heritage by dominantly marking his own outbred puppies with his short muzzle, short body, sound legs and high tailset The living proof of an outstanding line- bred pedigree Now at Stud.'A.rEchoPedigree in Behind the New ChampionsPatricia Hopkins - OwnerR.D. I, Box 68A, Ashville, Pa. 166T3 Phone 814942-7437POMERANIAN REVIEW 2MAY MORNING POMERANIANSCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo CONGRATULATESHis First Born SonCh. May Morning Echo of Highlandon hisoutstanding show career.Bing is At StudBy Special ArrangementIt is quite difficult for me to meet or ship bitches at the Airport.Bing is an extremely short backed, compact 5 lb. deep orange sable with tiny ears, high tailset and thick, standoff coat. He is siring red, orange and sable pup.pies of excellent type, even from outcross bitches. He is stamping his puppies with his short muzzle, good bone and sound leg structure. Sired by Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Thelcolynn Showstopper son out of May Morning Snsie Q. Int. Ch. Pixietown Serenade of Hadleigh daughter, a repeat of the breeding that gave us Ch. May Morning Matinee Idol.Echos dam, May Morning Little Audrey, is a Solitaire daughter out of our Pom- win Busybody linebred Pomwin, also a Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper granddaughter.May Morning Scarlett, tiny red female from repeat breeding now being shown. Her litter brother will soon make his first ring appearance.We have just repeated the breeding for the Third Time. Inquiries invited.Available as we go to press male puppy sired by Bing out of Pomwin Busybody.SOPHIE H. MAYES R.D. 4, West Chester, Pa. 1938016 POMERANIAN REVIEWNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB HAPPENINGSBy CHUCK REYNOLDS, Pres.The Northern California Pomeranian Jlub members started off a very active summer with elections of new Officers Eor 1969-70. Elected were Chuck Reynolds - Pres., Julie Moreno - 1st Vice Pres., Elsie Schutz - 2nd Vice Pres., Fred Palmer - Treas., Dolly Trauner - Secty. 2925 Lyon Street, San Francisco', Calif. 94115. Board members are Gladys Lund, Steve Shape and Joe Im'ber. Appointed to serve as Parliamentarian is Past President, Dudley Roach.Western Hospitality prevailed at the last three meetings held at the homes of club members, Hazel Grose, Fred Helen Palmer and Dolly Trauner. Whenever N.C.P.C. holds meetings at members homes, they conclude with delicious Pot Luck Meals. The variety of dishes presented attests to the expert culinary abilities of most of the members.The meetings have been long and busy. Subjects covered have been supporting better legislation of California dog laws through .affiliate membership in the California Dog Fanciers association and their efforts, genetic factors of Pomeranian Colors, whelping problems and remedies, puppy survival, Specialties and Trophie, Recognition Awards, monthly newsletters and many more activities.The big current project is the Annual Recognition Awards. This entails gathering information for determination of the recipients of plaques for- Top Winning Male Pom In Breed, Top Winning Female Pom In Breed, Outstanding Winner at A.K.C. Shows, Distinguished Breeder, Distinguished Exhibitor, Supporting Exhibitor, Contributor In Behalf of NjC.P.C. Activities and Objectives, Contributor In Behalf of All PurenN.C.P.C. Best of Breed Golden Cate K.C. Toy Cr. 1, CH. ELSIES LITTLE YOGI BEAR, owned by Elsie Cablis. Group Judge, Mr. Phil Marsh.Bred Dogs. These Award Plaques are presented at the end of each year.Highlight of the N.C.P.C. activities was the Annual Summer Specialty at the large Golden Gate Kennel Club Show in San Fran-cisco. There were 14 Dogs and 10 Bitches entered in the Regular Classes. Best of Breed Competition had four Champions entered. The Judge was Mrs. Dorothy Carson who did a very thorough job in her first judging assignment.vfN.C.P.C. Best Opposite Sex CH. GIDGET A-GO-GO, owned by Paula Dodero. Trophy presented by Chm. Ruth Dotson. Judge, Mrs. Dorothy Carson.An outstanding array of trophies were offered for each Pom placing in the Specialty. Each trophy was a beautiful ceramic exclusively designed for the Club by Mrs. Helen White. The Best of Breed Trophy was a dinner plate sizedPOMERANIAN REVIEW 2"battery powered ceramic clock with small Pom heads in place of numerals and topped with a cute little Pom perched on the wind stem. Other ceramics offered were Flower Vase with lovely Pom head design, Pen Holder and Ash Trays with beautiful Pom statues, Wall Plaques with Pom heads, Pom statues of scrolls, Mugs with Pom heads, Pom statuettes on pedistals and small Pom head pins. Obtainable only from N.C.P.C., these ceramics are available to other Pom Specialty Clubs and individuals who wish to offer them at their shows.A IN.C.P.C. Winners Dog SCOTIA PRES. JIMS BEAU CEM owned by Edna Cirardot.In spite of Summer heat and time of year for coat loss, the Poms presented at the Specialty looked real nice. A few might have at least placed a little higher had they been better trained or handled. By the large, it was real good competition.Mrs. Carson first selected a beautiful male handled expertly by John Thyssen. He was SCOTIA PRES. JIMS BEAU GEM owned by Edna Girardot of NewYork. This little showman did himseli proud while asking for the win all the way. From ringside, it was quite obvious the winning bitch would be the lovely female, LA RITAS KANDY WITH A.K. owned by Rita La Verne of Oregon. In full bloom with long and high tail carriage, this little gal was an exquisite picture in the ring Her table pose never let down until the men photographers and trophy presenter appeared to take her picture. Kandy evidently does not like men. What must have been a very hard and close decision placed Kandy as Best Winner.Another bitch entered was CH. POM- REYS GIDGET A-GO-GO. It was surely another hard choice between these two little girls. The Judge gave the nod to Gidget for Best Opposite Sex. She is owned by Paula Dodero of Fremont, Calif. Gidget is proving herself as one of the Wests Top Winning Bitches with Group wins and placings at several shows.Mrs. Carson selected for the Best Pomeranian that dynamic showman owned by Elsie Cablas of Stockton, California, CH. ELSIES LITTLE YOGI BEAR. This Working Terrier type showman, with a recent Best in Show Award and many Group Wins and Placements for this year, did it again at Golden Gate K.C. Show. He captured the Toy Group over some of the Wests best Toy 'Competition. A tremendous gesture observed from ringside was the Group Judge taking off his Judges badge with Gold Medal and presenting it to Yogi as his personal Award along with the K.C. Club Ribbon and Trophy. Such an accolade is rarely received by any dog from a Judge.18 POMERANIAN REVIEWV' V.. W. j. ,'V v v rN.C.P.C. Best of Winners, LA RITAS KANDY with A.K., owned by Rita LaVerne. Trophy presented by Pres. Chuck Reynolds. Judge Mrs. Dorothy Carson.Plans are now underway for the Northern California Pomeranian Club Winter Specialty to again be held in San Francisco with Golden Gate Kennel Club. This is a benched show for two days, January 31 and February 1, 1970. Always outstanding is the large display decorating the Pomeranian Benching. The N.C.P.C. Officers and Members hope to see Pom exhibitors from throughout the country to come enjoy these two days with them. They take this opportunity to extend an invitation to meet and compete with the very active NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB.FUTURE ISSUESThe January Issue will contain a report on the Devon Specialty and condensed minutes of the important Members Meeting there. We hope, also, to be able to give you at least the highlights of the proposed Standard Revision and By-Law Revision which will be discussed.The April Issue will bring you a complete report on the February Specialty and Annual Meeting. This issue will also contain the Stud Dog Registry.CONGRATULATIONStoFrank WelshandRoy Mortonand theirRoanoke PomeraniansfromFrancis J. Mary F. CaseyTOPAZE KENNELS60 Wilbur Street Raynham, Mass. 02767 Phone 617-822-4862Champion Stud Service Quality PuppiesDOG HONORED BY HOSPITALBALTIMORE UPI Johns Hopkins Hospital has honored a dog named Anna for her help in pioneering research on congenital heart defects. A portrait of Anna and a medal in her honor were dedicated in a room at the hospitals Children Medical and Surgical Center.Anna was the patient on whom the first successful Blue Baby operation was performed at the hospital in 1943. The operation has since corrected heart defects in newborn babies throughout the world. Anna remained at the Johns Hopkins .surgical research la'ooratories until her death in 1957, a pet of the faculty and staff.Reforms always come from below. No man with four aces asks for a new deal.POMERANIAN REVIEW 2NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUBinvites you and your Poms GOLDEN GATE KENNEL CLUB 131 - 2170N.C.P.C. SPECIALTYSubj. A. K. C."LmTROPHIES First thru Fourth ALL CLASSESEnjoy a two day visit at our Decorated Bench with the wests outstanding Breeders and Exhibitors Plan your Winter Vacation nowSuperintendentBernice Behrendt470 38th AvenueSan Francisco, Cal. 94121N.P.C.P. Secretary Dolly Trauner 2025 Lyon Street San Francisco, Cal. 941150 POMERANIAN REVIEWREPORT on the APC SPECIALTYn the West Coast in Santa Monica with the KC of Beverley Hillsy MRS. PAULINE B. HUGES, Spec. Chrm.Held on June 22, 1969, in the lovely livic Auditorium by the ocean. Judge, lobert Waters. Entries 22 only 1 ab- ent 4 dogs - 9 bitches - 8 Specials.Best of Breed, Ch. Elsies Little Yogi 5ear, Elsie Cablas. Best Opposite Sex, h. Pomreys Gidget A-Go-Go, Paula l.odero. WD and BOW 3 pts Scotia res. Jims Beau Gem John Thyssen Cdna Girardot. WB 3 points All Star- et of Point Loma, Pauline Hughes.Trophies Beautiful Coffee Server, four ieces, plus tray. Silver given by Judy layley.Trophies under chairman Joy Davison vere all silver and very beautiful thru ourth place.The Pomeranians were for the most art beautifully .coated for the time of rear and very sound typie dogs. Excel- ent m legs and gaits, well groomed and nesented in an excellent manner.There were several creams and whites, wo blacks, oranges and sables.The Specials class with all eight present was indeed a sight. Here again all colors were present and almost every breeder in this vicinity was in the ring, ft was fun.After the judging our Hospitality Chairman Mrs. Betty Knox had a special box dinner catered and we had a good Pom confab during the time we were eating. The KC of Beverly Hills under the direction of Mrs. Van Court had allocated a special section of the grounds and it was all roped off for the Pom people. We appreciated this gesture which was a repeat of last year. It made it easy for us to operate and convenientfor the Southern Calif. Pom Club to serve the donuts and coffee which were available all day to Pom exhibitors.Our thanks to this new, busy club for the cooperation. Shirley Miller, President is most competent.WD BW Scotia Pres. Jims Beau Gem owned by Edna Girardot. Handler John Thyssen.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYKennel Club of Beverly Hillsby MOLLY JACKSONNo matter what you like or admire most in a Pomeranian, there are three things that will astonish you about Ch. Elsies Little Yogi Bear his solid jewellike orange color, his precise and stylized staccato gait, and his brilliant record which includes several Groups, Best in Shows, and Top Western Toy Dog for 1968 Kennel Review. And so it goes . . .Yogi Bear caught the eye .of Judge Robert Waters at the American Pomeranian Clubs Specialty at the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills on June 22, 1969. Mr. Waters awarded Yogi his second Best of Breed for the KC of Beverly Hills and third Best in APC Specialty. Says Elsie Cablas, breeder and owner of this remarkable dog, I like Yogi Bear. I cannot take my eyes off hisPOMERANIAN REVIEWgorgeous legs. He just cant put a foot down wrong.Needless to say, he got out on the right foot. He is great in all ways, observed Phyllis Greer, handler, in conformation, gait, type, personality. He is a pleasure to show. A real tribute to Yogi hut of course, no leading dog retains prominence without masterful handling.Other notable winners at this important function were Pauline Hughess All Starlet .of Point Loma Winners Bitch and Edna Girardots Pres. Jims Beau Gem Winners Dog, Best of Winners, handled by John Thyssen. Best of Opposite Sex was captured by Pauia R. Doderos Ch. Pomreys Gidget A-Go-Go who has recently been accumulating a creditable record in the west coast shows. .Although all could not emerge victorious, Mr. Waters indicated that he had seen some superior dogs. The specials were particularly outstanding, he noted and Elsie Cab- las was impressed with the variety of colors exhibited, especially among the eight champions.The Civic Auditorium at Santa Monica, on the edge of the Pacific in Southern California, provided a welcoming setting for the event. The trophy table, under the chairmanship of Joy Davison, must have entrapped the imagination of many a hopeful with its lustrous display of silver trays and dishes, the centerpiece of which was an exquisite silver plate coffee server for Best of Breed donated by Judy Bayley.Out doors, the fresh ocean air lent a friendly breeze to the Pomeranian Hospitality area "where hostess Betty Knox, assisted by Darlys Flaata, had planned a savory gourmet luncheon after the Specialty. Joining in for food, fun, and fanfare were aditional Pom fanciers Art Davison, Billie Daws, Pat and PaulGreeneisen, Andy Jackson, Shirley Mi ler, Ed and Genevieve Pink, Dudley ar Wanda Roach, and Fern Rodriguez. Ii deed, it was a day for beautiful do and beautiful people.It is easy to understand when one a tends a show in California why so man breeders and exhibitors do not hesitat to boast of their dogs as well as of thei state. Here in California where compe tition is invariably tough in number an in quality of dogs, it is not uncommo to see dogs of Scotia, Hadleigh, Aristk Point Loma, and Naps lines all repre sented in the same show and thus i was at this APC Specialty.While on vacation we too visitedROANOKEKENNELSIt was here we got thegirl-friendwe had promisedSOCKOour male.He is hoth pleased and henpecked.TED and KATHRYN BIRKSECRETARY Continued hope most of you will respond to ballots, voting, and please if you do not agree .with an opinion of the Committees, state why, and then offer an alternate.32 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW AUGUST 10, 1969By SOPHIE H. MAYESIf Home is where the heart is, hen Massachusetts must be my second home, as I lived there so many years and left so many friends behind me vhen I moved to Pennsylvania that re turning for all too-infrequent visits is truly like going home. Last year, I was unable to go back for a visit due to moving six times, having my Poms out boarding, and finally moving into our present house and getting settled. This year, I took two young puppies the only Poms in any kind of coat and went -back for a lovely five day visit which included the Bay Colony Pom Club Specialty Show held in connection with the South Shore Kennel Club Show in Hin-gham. Mass.The Weather Man had promised clear skies for the show, out he betrayed us We got up to 1-eadn skies and squally rainstorms. We arrived fairly -early at the show to find gradual clearing, but grass still wet and a state of -confusion concerning -which ring to use. Finally, everything was ..decided, and Mrs. Frank Burns, the Trophy Chairman, was able to set up her -very impressive array of trophies. Nov the sun came out, and it was steaming HOTLet me say, here, that the officers of the South Shore Kennel Club are the nicest possible people, the location is excellent parking good, rest room facilities and all essentials are the best . . . BUT . . . Alas and Alack August is a Gosh-awful time for Pom coats I am certain that this was a prime factor in the small entry. But surely another important reason was the blat- ent negligence of the Superintendent innot sending out Premium Lists EVEN TO THE BAY COLONY MEMBERSHIPI am not going to comment on the dogs, as our Judge, Dr. William Field, has very kindly sent his critique of the show, which is published below. But I do want to mention that this Bay Colony Porn Club is composed of the most friendly, hospitable people that you could find ANYWHERE. Each year, after the judging, they put -on a marvelous picnic lunch for all members, exhibitors, the judge, the handlers of Poms, the South Shore K.C. officials, etc. and -etc. Their slogan -might well be Come to Show, and Stay -t-o EatSeen either in the ring or helping outside the ring were members Frank and Mary Casey, Dr. and Mrs. Boda, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns, Ethelle Turner, Marie Crosby and daughter Cheryl, Bertha Yeaton, Harriet Cinkosky, Edna- Girardoi, Kathryn Probst, Flo-rance OBrien and Marjorie Bullwinkle, Mrs. Mary Jane Wilson, and several others.CRITIQUEBy JUDGE DR. WILLIAM E. FIELD, JR.The Bay Colony Pomeranian Specialty was a delight to judge. The cordial response of the exhibitors, the pleasant atmosphere, and the high quality of dogs exhibited, all contributed to a very pleasant day for me.The quality of the class dogs was very good, and the specials were all top quality Poms. Each class had a deserving winner, and more than onePOMERANIAN REVIEW 3champion will come from those males shown in the open classes. I was pleased to see a fine black shown. Mrs. Turners Winsome Little Black Sim-Beau. I used to raise blacks, and as a breeder preferred them. Winners male and best of winners went to Scotia Cavaliers Flash- A-Way for his overall quality and good showmanship. He moved very well and showed like a veteran. He had numerous good points and lacked any serious fault. Reserve winners dog went to Flo-Mars King Pat-A-Ric, a very promising male with excellent plume and texture of coat. All the dogs shown in the classes were good representatives of .the breed.Each of the bitches, too, was very deserving of consideration in the winners circe. Winners bitch went to Costas Little Goldy, an overall typey bitch with good head and beautiful orange coat of proper texture. I was told later that she was a first litter product for her breeder. I would say thathe has made a fine beginning. Reserv went to Scotia Cavs Glimpse of Glorj a fine mover with an unusually heav plume for a bitch.The specials were all small dogs, an I consider it unusual to see such qualit m dogs of their size. One of them had judged previously and had given nice win, considering him to have ai excellent head. But on this day, Cb Scotia Antonyas Commander was m choice for Best of Breed I had neve seen this dog before, and was impressei with his short cobby body, fine legs good showmanship and exceptional] heavy coat for his size. He is a fin representative specimen for the breed and I was pleased that he iwent seconc in the Group under Mrs. Grybinski. Bes opposite sex went to Ch. Scotia Cava, liers Hello Dolly, whose showmanshij and sound structure, not to mention hei beautiful deep color, made her very appealing.SUMMARY8 dogs none absent, 5 bitches none absent, 5 Specials 1 absentWD 4 pts Scotia Cavaliers Flash-A-Way owned by Edna E. GirardotRWD Flo-Mars King Pat-A-Ric owned by Florance OBrien Marporie BullwinkleHandler, Wendell SammettWB 2 pts Costas Little Goldy owned fy Louise N. Bennett RWB Scotia Cavs Glimpse of Glory owned by Edna E. Girardot BW Scotia Cavaliers Flash-A-WayBOB Ch. Scotia Atonyas Commander owned by Mary Jane WilsonHandler, Wendell SammettBOS Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Hello Dolly owned by Edna E. GirardotAPPRECIATIONYour Interim Editor would like to thank Miss Mary Elizabeth Knowles for her timely and untiring efforts at mailing time. If it were not for her help, the Review could never get to the Post Office the day after it is delivered by the Printer.NOTICEThe actual cost to the Club for printing 100 copies of your Full Page ads is now 6. In order to cover Postage and Insurance, we have been forced to increase our charge to advertisers to 7. See page 3.14 POMERANIAN REVIEWSHORTY HARWOODPOMACRE KENNELS Mereta Route San Angelo, Tex.DOWN IN TEXASI hope some of you noticed that my article was missing from the last edition. I was so lousy with the construction of my boarding kennel that the deadline was past when I thought about it. I want to apologize to Mrs. Sophie Mayes and all other people involved with printing our nice little Breed pubication, and a special apology to Mrs. C. A. Ellis, the sec. of the Fort Worth Pomeranian Cub, for preparing and sending to me, a write up about their Specialty shows, which I will enclose in this issue even if it is very late.SHOW REPORTofFORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYandAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYHeld in connection with the Fort Worth Kennel Club All Breed ShowWe are quite pleased that the Fort Worth Pomeranian Club Specialty of March 21, 1969, with an entry of 46, was such a success. Altho there were many good specimens to be judged, we feel that our capable judge, Mrs. Dessa Kraft, did an excellent job.Mrs. Kraft gave Best of Breed to CH. CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLY, owned by Olga Baker, Best of Winners went to LITTLE MISS SKEETER OF OKALA, owned by Mrs. Joyce Graves, and Best of Opposite Sex went to GOLDEN REBEL OF CURTSY MANOR, owned by Mrs. Raymond C. Patton. Winners dog went to BETTYS SIR RAY, owned by Betty B. Knox, and Winners Bitch went to LITTLE MISS SKEETER OF OKALA, owned by Mrs. Joyce Graves.The American Pomeranian Club Specialty held in connection with the Fort Worth Kennel Club Ml Breed Show, the next day, March 22, 1969, with an entry of 38, was another successful show, which was judged by another most capable judge, Mrs. Clara Alford.Mrs, Alford gave Best of Breed to CH. TONOS JUST CALL ME MISTER, owned by Norma J. Thomas P. ORourke, Best of Winners went to SUN- GOLDS 'GANG BUSTER, owned by Anna La Fortune, and best of Opposite Sex went to CH. JEREBETHS GOLDEN DUCHES, owned by Olga Baker. Winners dog went to SUNGOLDS GANG BUSTER, owned by Anna La Fortune, and Winners Bitch went to LITTLE MISS SKEETER OF OKALA, owned by Mrs. Joyce Graves.Let me say, in addition to the report from Mrs. Ellis, that I made most all the shows on the Texas Circuit, as well as the Specialties, and I wish you folks could have seen all the nice Poms. And the entries were good, 5 points in most of the weekend shows, with close to a dozen Champions competing for Best of Breed. Since I have not been to a dog show since the last of March, and since the boarding business and construction of new additions has kept me on the run for the past several months, I thought you Pom breeders might be interested in the type of construction we are using, as it could very easily be used for a Pomeranian kennel, SidPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3sr\Great Elms Kennels, Regd.Have you ever had a very insignificant thing Bug you Several years ago, Elms began appearing in the Review in my pedigrees as Elms and more and more breeders are adding the apostrophe to their pedigrees in which Great Elms appears. If that was correct, the kennel name would be Great Elm. If I used an apostrophe, the correct spelling would be Elms , My kennel name was derived from 11 elm trees around the house. I know this is a small thing, but thought I should let those who use the apostrophe, know that it is incorrect. This is not meant as a critique.Ch. G. E. TimsSopper Again Stud Fee 50Pineville, N. C. 28134RUTH LOWRY BEAMPhone704 889-9233ney my wife and I plan to build a unit in the back for our breeding expansion on this order, and if you have given a lot of thought to building and have never gotten around to cheeking on building costs, I will give you the costs in my part of Texas, and I am sure it can be used for a general average. I have found that it is cheaper and more practical to build a building 12 ft. wide with 4 ft. stalls on each side with a 4 ft. walk way down' the middle. Lets say we want to set up a unit with 20 runs, we need a ouilding 12 x 40 ft., this is built with concrete block set on a concrete foundation, with a fiat roof insulated and a sheet rock ceiling This is built with a slope from each wall to the center, then the center is sloped to one end so when you wash it down it all runs into a drain that goes into the septic tank. Cost of building is 4200, septic tank and septic field runs 500, cooling and heating unit 650, Guillotine doors run 25each or 500, a pull chain opens these doors to an outside run 24 ft. long x 4 ft. wide. I buy rubber material at the supply store and make flaps that hang in the opening to shut out the weather, the dogs learn in a few minutes how to go through them. We have spent on the building 5,850.00. I get my portable kennel fencing from Brinkman Mfg. Co. in Topeka, Kan. but I am sure the costs from any company would be somewhere around this price. I use one inch mesh, which is higher than the two inch mesh, but boarders dont chew it near as bad and if it is used for Poms a real tiney could not go through it, where our pups go through the two inch mesh and never slow down. Inside the building ten stalls set up on each side with gates would cost 913, that 4x4x6 ft. high. Outside to set up 20 runs, 4x24x6 ft. high will cost with gates 2,229.00. I use for footing, 8x16 inch patio block laid side by side and end to end. We6 POMERANIAN REVIEWse pea gravel for footing for our Poms, ut a Boarder will dig to China if you ont put solid footing under him. These lock cost 26 cents each or to do a job tiis size, just under 600. Thats a lot heaper than solid concrete and in many rays it is better. It is where you can nove it if you ever want to, you can rash it down, the rough surface is good opting for the dogs, and it is durable, lowever, urine odors cannot be washed iway like with solid concrete with a Irain, which is the only bad thing I lave against using it. But for Poms, pea gravel could be used for a cost of 50. Then I cover the outside runs with a ight weight steel, that has a baked on inish that comes in many gay colors, it an be laid on top of the runs fastened n with screws the screws are furnished it 5 cents each, this gives color which lelps when you are showing a customer through and all he can see is steel wire and concrete, which is a far cry from her living room couch, where little Phy- deaux has always slept, it gives shade and it keeps off the rain, it also does the most important thing when you get a climber, it keeps him in. I fasten this steel on the run panels and save the labor costs, material will cost 670. So when we add it al together we get a total cost of 10,262.00, or 513 for each run. That is a lot of money for a dog run, when all you can gross is 2 per day when its full.Most of the people that come here tell us that we heard about your wonderful place and we want to leave our dog with you, but some of them are something else, maybe next issue I will try to let you in on some of the things that we hear every day.Though I dont1 like the crew, I wont sink the ship. In fact, in time of storm, Ill do my best to save it. We are all in this craft and must sink cr swim together. Daniel DefoeJUDGING Continuedthe teeth rather even and straight, clean, are they all there 6 between the canines in both upper and lower jaw. Many toy breeds have teeth missing in the lower jaw. This should not count too heavily against the dog unless two specimens of equal quality must be considered on fine points. The standard says, One tooth out of line does not mean an undershot or overshot mouth. Correct bite is a scissors bite and an even bite is permissable. English dogs tend to be overshot while American dogs are problemed with undershot jaws as a general rule. Do not confuse tooth alignment with jaw formation. There is a difference. Since you will be handling many animals, should you suspect you have handled a dog which is ill, excuse yourself and wash your hands thoroughly before you examine another, as saliva is the most expedience method of transferring disease from one dog to another. If you are concerned in the extreme, have the ring steward call for the show veterinarian.TO BE CONTINUEDNEWS FLASHCh. Bonners Sunwag Sensation, owned by Charles Richard and Edward Ustilla and handled by Lorraine Heichel was BOB at the Specialty Show of the Michigan Pomeranian Club on August 17, 1969.Living within your means is likely to make people wonder if theres anything else peculiar about you.A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he knows somethingPOMERANIAN REVIEW 37QUEENA1RE KENNELSPRESENTSreInternational Champion Queenaires Scotch N SodaGr. I May 4 at Olympia, Wash, under Judge Maurice Baker.International Champion Creiders Bit O DistinctionCONGRATULATIONS toCh. Queenaires Cinnamon Twist owned by Sr. Rodrigo Quevedo Can. Ch. Kilty-Lanes Ace High owned by Ruth Hulford Queenaires Kitch-Kin owned by Norman Marjorie Nelson 4- NOTE THE CHANCE OF ADDRESS Belated congratulations to Darrell and Olga Baker.Dudley and Wanda Roach1805 Poppy Lane Ceres, California 95307 Telephone 209-537-354958 POMERANIAN REVIEWMID-WESTREPORTby Stella B. Davis WEEGOLD POMS 7477 Old Troy Pike St. Paris, Ohio 43072They say experience is the best teach- jr. I find this sad but true and want to pass on to you an experience I just had. ifave any of you experienced hair balls in your puppies Well, a veterinarian told me cats have hair balls but not dogs. Dont you believe this for one minute because I know differently. My Goody Goody whelped two exquisite female puppies and I was on cloud nine, rhey looked real good to me at birth and the older the puppies got the better they looked. All went well until almost weaning time and the puppies began to try to vomit. They would gag out nothing ever came up. On examination by a veterinarian he could find nothing wrong. I suggested maybe they had hair balls as I had noticed they seemed to be getting .a lot of hair in their mouths Of enure a lot of this couldnt help but be swallowed by them. The veterinarian laughed and said No, [ dont think this could be the trouble. Since Goody Goody only needed four single points to finish, she was not trimmed or any of her hair cut in any manner, as I had hopes of making a couple shows before she blew her coat after weaning. Naturally she was shedding some at this time. Well, the puppies were brought back home and did pick up for a few days but still trying to vomit. I was at wits end to figure out what the trouble was as they had no temperature and outwardly seemed all right except for trying to vomit with nothing coming up. I came home from work one evening and found the smaller female down.She wagged her tail at me but wasnt able to stand. A frantic call to my veterinarian and he says it is heat prostration. Well, it was up in the 90s that day and the humidity was high. So we treated for heat but she didnt respond and I knew I was in for trouble. My veterinarian had to leave so another local veterinarian was sought. When called they said to bring the puppy in immediately. She went into convulsions before I reached town. The local veterinarian worked on the pup and he too felt it was the heat but I still said it had to be something else. Even though it was terribly hot outside that day, our house stays fairly cool and these puppies were in a pen in the house. As was to be, the pup died later that same evening. When I went in to pick her up, I asked the veterinarian if he would open the pup up as I wanted to see the contents of the stomach. He asked me what I thought I would find and I answered hair. He proceeded to do as I had requested and sure enough. The little things stomach was just packed with hair, so much so that the stomach was distended. I dont see how she lived as long as she did that way. Needless to say my own veterinarian received a telephone call the next morning and I wasnt in too happy a mood as I had suggested the cause of the trouble two weeks before. I lost the second puppy two days later as she was too far gone to operate. This was quite a blow to me as these puppies were outstanding with such heavy coats at such a young age and will set my breeding program back.They say time heals all and I suppose it does. So one has to pick up the pieces and go on. A few weeks later I had another show bitch whelp and regardless of future shows, her coat was cut and all hair taken off of nursing area and I even cut long hair on sides and skirts. Also, as her coat sheds, she is brushed out. She too whelped two fePOMERANIAN REVIEW 39males and are half sisters to above two that were lost and while these are lovely puppies, I cant honesty say they are of the quality of the first two. The lesson to be learned here is to keep the mothers coat brushed out and not try to hold for another show. She will shed out anyway, Goody Goody did and now has nothing to show for her efforts.Congratulations are in order to some of our Pom breeders who have finished champions lately. Donna Megenhardt finished her first champion recently.The McCormick sisters, Paim and Lynn are the proud owners of a first champion. There are none like the thrill of finishing your own first champion. Pat Hopkins also finished a male at the Rubber City Show. NOT her first, however EditorAt Monroe, Michigan with Judge Joseph Faigel doing the honors, winners dog and best of winners to the puppy Queenaires Kitch-Kin owned by Norman and Marjorie Nelson. Winners bitch and best opp. sex to Eleanor Miller and her Millamors Merry Mischief. Best of breed to Charles B. Richard and his Ch. Bonners Sun-wag Sensation. This was a 3 pt. entry.Mrs. G. Lane had a real nice entry at Ann Aribor with winners dog, best of winners and best of breed going to Lads Imp of Gold Glory owned by Ruth Doctor. We are real happy for you Ruth and hope this ni-ce win will cheer you up Ruth has had a 'bad year of it, in and out of the hospital so much. And now I hear the flu bug has you down again. By the time this is being read we hope all is well with you Ruth.Winners bitch went to Mary Sayer and her -Sayers Copper Caprice who was also best opp. sex.South Bend, Ind. Ch. Mar-Bi-Leas Gay Cinderella owned by Bill and Mary McCoy was best of breed and went on to take group first Winners bitch was Mr. and Mrs. James Coys Thrashers K- Nine Souvenir.I had a letter from Edith Roberts and she has been doing some winning with her Oak Barks Preshus who was winners bitch at Butler, Charleston, Parkersburg and Erie. At most of the shows this little gal is handled by Evelyn Schafer. Keep up the good work Edith and thanks for writing.Mr. Ken Miller gave out the ribbons at the Akron, Ohio Show with Pat Hopkins May Morning Echo of Highland going winners dog, best of winners and best of breed to finish Reserve winners dog to Donna Megenhardt and Kriswins Petite Stormpepper. Winners bitch to her Megs Petite Pixie. Reserve winners bitch to Roanokes Shower of Flowers owned by Frank Welsh and Roy Morton, Jr.Bloomington, Indiana with Mr. E. R. Klein judging. Winners dog and best of winners to Gold Blackacre Kennels An- dersley Astir. Reserve winners dog to Ruth Doctors Lads Imp of Gold Glory. Winners bitch to Bermans Roil - L Glory owned by Harvey and Beverley Berman. Reserve winners bitch to the puppy, Coys Petticoat Princess belonging to James M. Coy. Best .of breed to Bill and Mary McCoys Ch. Muffle, and best opp. sex to Jean Browns Ch. Bonner Stylestopper Gaybeau. Ch. Muffle also went on to Group two.Sandusky, Ohio had a 3 pt. major with Mrs. Harold Hardin judging Winners dog, best of winners and best of -breed to Donna Megenhardt and Kriswins Petite Stormpepper. Reserve winners dog to Gayle and Kenneth Burtons Ken Gays Little Bouse. Winners bitch and best opp. sex to Davis Weegold Pepper Darlin owned by your writer. Reserve -winners bitch to Patricia Larrisseys Tomahawks Red Face.POMERANIAN REVIEW10Mr. Ken Miller judged Poms at Marion, Ohio giving winners dog and best f winners to Donnas Kriswins Petite Stormpepper. Reserve winners dog to Mrs. Leslie W. Bell and her Belview Yip - Sa - Me Flame. Winners bitch and best opp. sex to Donnas Megs Petite Pixie who is real close to the title. Reserve winners bitch to Tomahawks Red Face. Best of breed to Jean Brown and her Ch. Gaybeau.At Northern Kentucky show with Phil Marsh judging winners bitch to Lillian Ulisneys Shalimars Twiggy. Reserve winners 'bitch to James M. Coys Thrashers K-Nine Souvenir. Barbara McCormick had best opp. sex with her Ch. Tiny Baby Honey Bear. Best of breed and group three to the McCoys Ch. Muffie.Judge Langdon Skarda awarded winners dog and best of winners to Chuck Reynolds and Bud Knapps Golden Glow Sir Reginald at the Egyptian Kennel Club. Winners bitch to Jaquelyn W. Kleins Silver Meadows Gay Lil Dee Dee. Best opp. sex to Leslie Parker and G. L. Akleys Ch. Bonners Sunstyle Brilliant Best of breed and group three to Ch. Muffie. This little gal of the McCoys seems to go right on her winning way and is always put down in wonderful condition for her age. She really does her part on keeping the attention on our breed in the group competition.Springfield, Illinois with Ed. Klein judging a 4 pt. major in both sexes. Winners dog and best of winners to Kenneth and Jewell Webers Jewell Kens Lucky Wee Flicker. Winners bitch to Raymond Radzinski Ceeraes Ber Man Star. Best opp. sex to Marieda Funkhouser and Mrs. Henry Noths Ch. Tholes Lucky Little Me. Best of breed and group four to Ch. Muffie.Mary Brewster did the Michianna Kennel Club show with Minnette Winkels - Winkels Swinging Tarzan going winners dog and best of winners, also best Winners bitch to James M. Coys Thrashers K- Nine Souvenir. Best of breed and group one to Ch. Muffie.Error Dept. P. Larrissey had winners bitch at Huntington show instead as reported.I had a short note from Mary McCoy and she will be entering the hospital again. We all wish you a speedy recovery Mary and Ill be thinking of you.Dont forget send me YOUR NEWS. Dont wait for someone else to report your good wins for you, do it yourself. See you all at the showsOHTHESE PERILOUS TIMES IN WHICH WE LIVEIt happened in West Chester, Pa. It is a True Story. It all started when police arrested a 16-year old after a routine motorcycle check. It turned out, the youngster was carrying four envelopes of marijuana one in his pocket and three in his motorcycle helmet.A check on the contents at the U.S. Treasury Dept. lab indicated it was not only the mind bending weed, but that it was probably grown in Chester County. As police continued their investigation, they found the marijuana was grown by a 14-year-old in his backyard in West Chester. His parents thought he had planted tobacco.One morning the whole crop was gone. Two enterprising 16-year-olds had sneaked into the small garden one night and harvested the Pot crop without the owners knowledge. When the 14-year- old farmer found out, however, he took his sawed off shotgun in hand and set out to find the crop rustlers, police said.They arrested the farmer along with his shotgun and turned him over to the juvenile authorities.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4iRINGSIDE by K. Birk861 N. W. 38th Ave. Fort Lauderdale FLORIDA 1June 14, 1969, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. We Birks had a ball here. This was Teds first time in the ring as well as the first time for Socko, my 10 month old male. It was hard to say whether the man was showing the dog or the dog was showing the man, for the dog sure was loving the trot around the ring. Im embarrassed to say he was the only Pom entry. It did present an interesting situation, his first time in the ring, no training, and he wins the best of breed which entitles him to be in the group. Ready or not in they went, my enthusiastic, untrained novices. Aside from the fact that we got two chances for training experience, Socko really was a good trouper, he behaved as well as the champions and put on a good show.I do wish there had been some competition. One would think, with a breed club 22 miles away, someone would come out. Too bad our South Florida Pom folks lack the enthusiasm the California and Texas fanciers have for our breed.A letter from Olga Baker CH. Corns Duke Dragonflys Mamma tells me their club, less than a year old has 21 busy, wonderful, active members and that they had a fun match with 34 Poms entered. She says they had no idea there were that many Poms in Houston. Now they have another match scheduled for August. This proves what can be done with hard working, interested people and good leadership. Olga is Pres, of the club but she gives all the credit to the success of this very new club to its members.I certainly dont mean to BELITTLE the many other hard working clubs, its just that I received Olga's letter right after the ONE POM entry here. It reminded me of when I lived in Ft. Wayne, Ind. I was the only member of The Northeastern Indiana Kennel Club with a pom and remember how hard I worked to bring up the entries of Poms. There were usually 6 to 11 when I went in the club. When I left to come down here we were having from 18 to 23 every year.June 15, 1969, Miami, Fla. There were 2 males, 4 females, a little better than the day before. This show happened to fall on Fathers Day but it was no day of rest for the father of this house. While the boy held up well in the terribly hot show building, the father was damp and miserable. There was a reward . . 1 pt., 3 ribbons and 3beautiful trophies 2 of them taller than the dog. Poinciana Cavana Truly- fair was winners bitch, best of winners and rcest of breed.I think the highlight of the show for me was the Judge, Clara Alford. Several times in the past I have been told she was doing a very good job, but, this day when I saw her take a frightened puppy from the table and tenderly cuddle it close to her, to calm it before judging, I was sure she not only was a good judge but the kindest, most compassionate judge Ive ever seen in the ring. Im sure the puppy will remember too, the next time he is put on the table, that no one wants to hurt him.June 21, 1969, Orlando, Fla. By this week-end our pride and joy had decided shows were a great big playground for dogs and thats exactly what he did PLAY. Our decision to enter him in these shows-for experience didnt work out as we planned. We were hopping he would learn what he meeds-to42 POMERANIAN REVIEWknow when the test will come, our Fla. circuit next Jan. He learned very little, but we learned a lot.I met the Dan Wards from Land 0- Lakes, Fla. It was their first show and they were wandering around wondering what to do. I asked, them to set up next to us and was able to give them a few tips for which they were grateful. It always makes me feel good when help is appreciated. As most of us know, many times help is badly needed but not wanted. I sold two subscriptions to the Review, so I began to feel like a girl scout. Olympia Sizemores male, Lu-Gems Dandy Bambi took winners dog, best of winners and 'best of breed and on to take group 1st. Winners bitch and best of opp. was Grieners Honey Bun. Wilber and Mary Greiner did their good deed for the day when they gave me the prints of 2 pictures they had taken of me at the Rom Speciality in Hialeah, Fla.June 22, 1969, Tampa, Fla. We got our experience and Socko had his fun again today. We were thru early so took a quick run out to the Wines to see their new house. It isnt finished, but when it is, it will certainly be a showplace. Credit goes to Ray for the plans to Faye for the decorating and to the carpenters for the delay. They were to have the house last Dec.The Altwaters were at the show and I am always glad to see and talk with such nice people. We both had long trips before us, they to Jacksonville and us to Lauderdale so we didnt have much time together. I kept quiet long enough to hear them say they had just returned from a trip to Texas and had taken some 'bitches for breeding. Some people have all the luck.I got so caught up in my yakity yakin I forgot to mark my catalogue. Thanks go to Olympia Sizemore, TamNANJOKENNELSLITTERS EXPECTEDbyCh. Matchmaker of Nanjo Ch. Copyright of Nanjo Ch. Arsenal Imp of Point LomaBlackCh. Nanjo MasterpieceD. G. or Joan Cowie P. O. Box 217 Kimberton, Penna. 19442Ch. Affkins Ginger Snap Finished with 3 MajorsPedigreeBehind the New ChampionsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4pa, for these wins. Winners dog, best of winners and best of breed to Lu- Gems Dandy Bambi. Winners bitch to Grieners Honey Bun.RINGSIDE talk at all four shows seemed fo include size and type before anything else. It was less than half and half in favor of breeding the same sized poms. Those going along with the article on page 32 of the April 1969 issue of the Review. Some still held out that they preferred the breeding of little males and large bitches. If the standard says 4 to 5 pounds for the ring it seemed to most of us that it just made good sense to breed that size. How else do we get away from the times and the biggiesThe men have landed on the moon and are on the way home while I get things in order for a trip to Indiana for my daughters graduation from ButlerUniversity. FINALLY Now I have one more thing out of the way. This column . . Sophie will have her schedule all upset if my work gets in early, Im always late. See you at the Fla. Circuit in Jan. It is time to think about it now.-NOTICEOurBoard of Directors meets on the second Wednesday of every month except July and August. Meetings are held at the Hotel Penn-Garden in New York, at 1 P.M. If any members are in the New York area and would like to attend our meetings . . . PLEASE FEEL WELCOME.Schedule of dates for rest of 1969 Nov. 12 and Dec. 10. The October Board meeting is cancelled. There will be a General Membership Meeting at Devon, Pa. after the Specialty Show judging.CH. STARMIST OF HADLEIGH AND PINEBURREng. Ch. Zambo of Zanow Eng. Ch. Little Gent of Hadleigh Eng. Ch. Sweet Lady of Hadleigh Ch. Honeygold of HadleighEng. Ch. Shamrocks Choir Boy Eng. Ch. Lady Jewel of Hadleigh Eng. Ch. Sweet Lady of Hadleigh Ch. Starmist of Hadleigh Pineburr Gentleman of Morrell Eng. Ch. Zano of Zanow Pontvane Sunfaney Hadleigh Zoii-a of ZanowEng. Ch. Hadleigh Brilliant Flame Jenny of Hadleigh Hadleigh-Haney Peach BlossomPuppies by Starmist out of Hadleigh and Cynpeg bitchesElizabeth W. Troxler PINEBURR KENNELS2602 Woodlyn Way Greensboro, N.C. 27407 Phone 919299-4879 L. 44 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS AND YAPSMRS. T. ARNDT Chicago, III.As a brand new member of the American Pomeranian Club I was delighted to receive my first copy of the Review. As a newcomer to dogs, and of course Poms, I found the magazine most interesting and informative.Especially pleasing was the note that future Reviews may contain a Question and Answer forum. You have no idea how a true novice craves such a section Why, I could probably fill half a dozen issues with just my own questionsFor now, though, just the most pressing. I know of most of the famous bloodlines and realize that one must decide on a line most pleasing to that individual, to begin ones stock. I have only three Poms . . . two of which are bitches ... I will be in the market for a good brood within the next year, and naturally, a good stud.Now, to my question. Just how does one go about finding out the attributes and defects of each breeding strain Since full time employment and family obligations require that we must limit our Pom interest to hobby proportions, we rarely get further than Gary, Indiana for a show. This surely limits the number of shows one attends and consequently we dont get to see fine bloodlines like Great Elms, Aristic, Bonner, Model, etc. in great numbers. And when one is as new to a breed as I, Im afraid dozens of a strain must be seen before anything clicksSo HELP How do I find this most needed dataMRS. R. E. ALTWATER Jacksonville, Fla.Enclosed find an ad for the next issue of PR with a check for the same. We want to feature our welcome addition to our family, Millamors Nickelodeon. He is a wonderful little stud for us already.We had a wonderful doggy vacation this summer. When I found two of my favorite girls starting their seasons, the idea struck me to take them out to Texas to be bred to Duke in Deer Park andStylepepper in San Antonio. After a call to Olga Baker in Deer Park and Dorothy Bonner in San Antonio we found the two boys would be available in about eleven days, so we continued our plans for the Texas vacation. We decided we might have trouble stopping at Motels with dogs, so we decided to take our walk through camper and it is a good thing we planned it that way, because within two days, two more girls had started their seasons. We decided to take all four girls to make it more simple at home for our friend Nellie Herry, who had so kindly said she would bring her seven Poms of various ages over to our place and stay here and run things for us while we were off having fun.We left Jacksonville, Fla. on a Wednesday morning early the week of Memorial Day and headed for Deer Park. We decided to go a few miles to see New Orleans as we had never driven through there before. We stayed at an over night trailer park just outside New Orleans. The next morning we plugged in the fan to keep the girls comfortable while we went into town and took a bus tour of the town. The two things that stood out in our mind most about New Orleans is how many of the houses are built up on stilts to get them above the water. They also bury many of their dead in above the ground vaults some four and five layers high. We saw big red Oleanders growing on top of some neglected vaults, about S in the air.When we arrived at the Bakers in Deer Park, we felt right at home with them because we never met nicer folks. We talked dogs for hours. Bred April to Duke, who is even more beautiful in person than he is in his pictures. They talked us into staying over a night there so we could meet the breeders near and in Houston. We went to a Mexican Restaurant that had excellent food and service. It was such a treat to us because we dont have Mexican restaurants near us at home. We all went over to Barbara and Leo Holders beautiful home and met Sue and Tim Goddard, Betty and Dan Smith, Merle and T. J. Daniels and Edith and Ken Mayes who happened to be in Houston visiting from San Antonio. It was such a pleasure getting to meet all these nice folks and wePOMERANIAN REVIEW 45YIPS and YAPS Continuedtalked dogs until the wee hours. The next morning we went by the Goddards and saw all of their beautiful little Poms. We fell for their Nicki, who is concentrated bred on the Showstopper background, going back to CH. Thel- colynns Showstopper. who is the sire to our favorite, CH. Rushings Gay Don Showstopper, who is twelve years old and on borrowed time. The Goddards have a beautiful little champion, Dancer, of almost the same breeding as Nicki, so they let us have Nicki to help out at stud. We agreed to pick him up on the way home.That night we arrived at the Bonners and we hadnt seen them for about nine years but they have changed hardly a bit and it was so good seeing them again. They live about twenty miles out from San Antonio on about ten acres like we do so we felt right at home there. Dorothy furnished us a nice big exercise pen under a shade tree for our girls and they just had a ball yipping at all that went on there. The days were a bit warm but the breezes always cooled things off just right for sleeping nights.I got to see all the dogs Dorothy has written me about for years and that I had never seen. I was especially impressed with the top quality that was behind our double Pepper Pod grandson Tex, that we got from Dorothy. His parents and grandparents are tops. We bred three females there and Dorothy said we should stay another night to get another breeding in on the girls and to give us time to see San Antonio. This way we had time to help Dorothy get some pictures of her latest winners and from where I stood, they should be good pictures. Our double Gay Don daughter was bred to their latest champion, Candykid.Dorothy took us into San Antonio to see the Mayes dogs and they have a nice set up there and so neat. Loved their dogs. Wish I could have taken a few Poms from each kennel we visited. That would have made my vacation complete. Next we went on to visit Gladys Schoenberg. Mr. Schoenberg was out of town, we were sorry to learn. For years I have wanted to see the Aristic Poms and at last there we were, taking it allCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Ch. Millamors JitterbugCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Ringmaster Millamors Red MistCh. Millamors Gold Flame Millamors NickelodeonCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Millamors Musical MissCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Ringmaster Millamors Red MistCh. Millamors Gold FlameConcentrated Showstopper breeding Cream with good pigmentation. Fee 50Also at StudCh. Rushings Cay Don Showstopper, Ch. Deli Wee Sun Toy,Ch. Scotia Fantasys Cavalier several linebred Pepper Pod background boys.Mrs. R. E. Altwater6247 Ricker Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32210 Area 904771-22837 '1Millamors NickelodeonPointed46 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS and YAPS Continuedin. Gladys is so sweet and nice to talk Poms with. Their place is lovely and the Poms too.We left San Antonio in the rain after a wonderful visit with the Bonners and arrived home to a well scrubbed and cared for home and dogs.A word about shipping dogs Im getting very reluctant to ship Poms after the last eight shipped by us have been misplaced temporarily for as long as twenty six hours. None arrived on time. This is torture for us to sit and wait with no word of where they are. I dont know who bungles the shipments the most the airlines, straight freight, or air Express. Air freight is the most expensive way to ship, but they will check and try to find the dogs. Air Express never seem to have any idea where the dogs are or how to find them, so we end up paying the telephone bills which usually add up to as much as air freight would have in the first place. My husband drove thru a Hurricane one hundred and sixty miles to pick up one little girl who was overdue about twenty six hours. She walked out of the crate in good shape but it could have been a sad story. We were so worried not knowing if she had water or not. It was supposed to be about a four hour flight. She had been all over the U.S, because no one would take her off where she was supposed to be taken off. Some responsible person should be in charge at these places. Has any one else had any bad shipping experiences What can we do to improve the shipping conditions for our little dogsHi again. Thought Id send you a P.S. to my former letter about our trip to Texas.As bouncing souvenirs of our Texas visit, Irma, a grand daughter to our CH. Deli Wee Sun Toy, presented us with two males, two females, by Bonners Kristen Showstopper, the current Fair haired boy of this kennel, who hopes to go to an early championship. Kristopher is a darling heavy-coated, lb. grandson of Stylepepper, son of CH. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy.One of my persistant memories of our Bonner visit was of the generations of cobby little broods that we saw back of all their beautiful champions, which makes one realize that breeders should work for greater duality in their females.LETTER TO THE EDITOR MRS. SOPHIE MAYES POMERANIAN REVIEWDear Sophie,It seems so inadequate just to say a simple Thank You to you and to everyone for the lovely honor of having the Kennel Visit for the July issue of POM REVIEW. It was such an exciting pleasure, and we hope the readers enjoyed it only half as much as we APPRECIATED it All the wonderful congratulatory ads, and kind goodwill from other pom lovers and breeders a- cross the country enhanced the excitement tenfold Please extend to every single one of them our gratitude, and also our invitation to come to Texas to kennel visit in personLove, and Thanks again, Olga and Darrell BakerMISS MARY C. PASSARIELLO, R.N. Uniondale, N. Y.Dear FriendsMany heartfelt thanks for the privilege of becoming a member of the American Pomeranian Club. I have been an avid admirer and lover of the breed for the past three years.I anxiously wait for each issue of the Pom Review in the mail. In between the waiting period finds me reading and re-reading all of the back issues. It most certainly is a delightful magazine which I find to be thorough in contents, educational but at the same time informal and relaxing for a novice nonbreeder, that is like myself.As for the Pom folks that I have met during the few shows that I have attended, they have been most gracious.If I can be of help in any way, at any time, please feel free to contact me.My best to each and everyone and thank you again, most of all for introducing me to the wonderful world of the PomeranianMRS. PHYLLIS HOUSTON Sarnia, OntarioI would be so pleased if you could find space to publish this letter in the Pomeranian Review. I have an urge to publically thank a few people in the Pom world.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4770 POMS CHARTER SCENIC TOUR BUS NEW YORK TO FLORIDAThe picture above appeared in the Schenectady Gazette of Nov. 5, 1969CANINE CARAVAN Mrs. Charles L. Girard ot, with her husband, owner and operator of the Scotia Kennels, packs another pooch for the long trip via Wade Tours bus to Floral City, Florida. The Girardots are relocating there after 35 years of kennel operation in Scotia. Riding along with them will be 70 Pomeranian show dogs worth between 150,000 and 200,000. Four drivers were necessary for the non-stop trip to their new home.This unusual event was televised by Station WRGB and nationally broadcast.MUST CUT DOWN OFFERINGBred females Promising pups by Cavilier Year old pets, 125Many Champions at StudEDNA CIRARDOTP. O. Box 646 Floral City, Florida 32636Phone 904-726-200148 POMERANIAN REVIEWIN MEMORY OFCH. TOPPERS LITTLE CORKIEA FINE GENTLEMANEXQUISITE KENNELSNewLocationP. 0. Box 432 Ft. Walton Beach, Florida 32548Phone 243-6388Formerly of Memphis, TennesseeJACK AND SHIRLEY JONESThe former Shirley Woodall