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The Pomeranian Review January 1970

Table of Contents

Judging (Concluded) by Shirley Hoffman ?
Visit to the Tholes Poms by Hazel Chambers ?
Ch May Morning Black Magic Front Cover
Ameriran Pomeranian Elub, Jnr.PUBLISHED QUARTERLY JANUARY, 1970tiCHAMPION MAY MORNING BLACK MAGICBlack female bred and owned by Sophie H. Mayes, West Chester, Pa. She is the dam of May Morning Mirable Dictu, Reserve Winners Dog Best Puppy at the 1969 A.P.C. Specialty.IN THIS ISSUEJudging Concluded by Shirley Hoffman SPECIALTY SHOW REPORTVisit to The Tholes Poms by Hazel Chambers Club ReportsBEDELL - BIRK - DAVIS - HARWOOD - HEYDE - YIPS YAPSPOMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEMary F. CaseyI have been so busy this past month at I havent given my column much .ought, and now our Editor is foreath- g down my back because Im late for e deadline. Woe is meI know many of vou are wondering hat is happening with the new revision The Standard. It is almost complete., id hopefully, by the time you read iis, it will foe in the hands of the A.K.C. r their approval.Most of 'Our meetings this year -have jen -spent -discussing the revision. I oow we will not foe able to please eryone, but I do hope that the new tandard will foe one that breeders, i-dges -and exhibitors will be able to nderstand and work by.As the membership requested, a com- lete membership list was sent out to ich member. Unfortunately, several ames were accidentally -omitted. My in-cere apologies for this error. It was ot intentional. If by chance y-o-ur name 'as no-t on the list, and you are a paid p member, please notify the Secretary n-d this will foe corrected in the next jsu-e -of the Review.By the time you receive this issue of he Review, the Premium List for our 970 Specialty will be out. Send your ntries in right away. I wish each and very member could attend. Its worth he trip just to see all the beautiful oms from all over this great -country f ours and to m-eet the breeders andexhibitors. Maybe you will bring home the points. Wo-nt you join us in -the fun We all cant win, but we -can all have a good -time. See you there, I hope Hotel Penn Garden, New York City, February 8, 1970.In closing, I would like to thank all of my fellow officers and Board -members for the work they put into the Clubs activities -during 1969. I personally feel that a great deal was accomplished and that we will be reaping the fruits of our labor in -the very near future.A -very special Thank You to our Pom Review Editor, Sophie Mayes, for all of her work in getting this little magazine out to us. Sophie feels she can no longer continue in- this capacity, and we -would all foe very grateful if a member would volunteer to take over the editorship of this wonderful little magazine.Happy N-ew Year to each and every one of you, and may 1970 be filled with Pomeranian Champions for all-See you at the SpecialtyFebruary 8, 1970 Hotel Penn Garden New York City. NOTICE Mr. Bert Bedell is once again in charge of preparing the Clubs Certificates given each year, ON REQUEST, to members only for each A.K.C., Canadian or Bermudian Champion finished -during the year. Mr. Bedell would like to receive your requests by January 15, if possible. If your Review is late, send request immediately after reading this notice Include the registered name and AKC number of your champi-onis, together with the date title was completed.POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian Reviewof theAmmran Pomeranian Elnfa Jnr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident...................................................................................First Vice President.................................................................Second Vice President.............................................................Third Vice President...............................................................Secretary.....................Miss Joy S. Brewster, R.R.Treasurer .................................................................................Delegate to the A. K. C............................................................................................ Mrs. Mary F. Casey.................... Mrs. Madeline Salzmann......................... Mrs. Katherine Probst........................... Mrs. Anna E. Cowie3, U.S. Rt. 6, Newtown, Conn. 06470....................................... Mrs. Elsie Sivori.......................................... Mr. Bert BedellEXECUTIVE COMMITTEEMrs. Catherine E. Bedell Mrs. Phyllis SeeleyMrs. Marlene ScottPOMERANIAN REVIEWMrs. Dorothy Husted Mrs. Gloria SetmayerInterim Editor ...........................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, R.D. 4, West Chester, Pa. 193S0Circulation Manager. .Mrs. Dorothy Husted, 936 Calhoun Ave., Bronx, N.Y. 10465 Advertising Manager .... Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, R.D. 4, West Chester, Pa. 193S0Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa., by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Printed in U.S.A. Subscriptions in the U.S., 5.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies, 1.25 Canada, Mexico, 5.50, Foreign rates 6.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Make check or money order payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Address .all subscriptions and correspondence on circulation to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and inquiries about same to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text 50.00Per column inch ............................................. 2.50One-quarter page .......................................... 5.00One half page ............................................... 10.00Three-quarter page ..................................... 15.00Full page ....................................................... 20.00100 copies full page ad .................................. 7.00Minimum charge for cuts up to If x 2 inches 1 col. wide 5.00 proportionately more for larger cuts. No charge for cuts if useable cut is available.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.POMERANIAN KtVIEWSECRETARYSREPORTy JOY S. BREWSTER Rt. 3, U.S. Rt. 6 Newtown, Conn. 06470Approval has been granted to the lb. Calif Pom Club to held their re- ional Specialty in conjunction with the olden Gate show on Jan 31 and Feb 1, 970. The Western Pom Club was granted ermission for their Specialty on April rd in Chicago.The -most important news recently tas been the general meeting held at he Devon Specialty. There were 23 nembers present and the main topic va.s the proposed new Pom Standard is drawn up by the Standard Revision Committee and having preliminary approval of the Board of Directors.After thoroughly discussing each portion as to wording and interpretation, a final composite was presented to the Board at the November meeting. At this meeting, the Board approved the changes made at the General Meeting. However, it was noted that there are no disqualifications listed as it presently stands.The Board and Committees have worked hard to put together a new standard representing the breeder, owner and judge points of view, in itself, a very difficult task. In general the proposed standard attempts to put into words a well-balanced picture of the ideal Pom stating what it should be, rather than what it is not. This has not been accomplished overnight as we all know. The Board feels this is a fair composite of the ideal Pom. We allknow it is almost impossible to please everyone and we ask your support in being realistic and fair when you vote.The proposed standard will be presented as a complete package made up of many portions. You will be asked to accept or reject the complete package. The individuals involved have tried to be objective for the benefit of the Pomeranian BREED, not any particular breeders point of view or individuals point of view. We hope that you also will be looking at it in general as an improvement and a step forward for the Pomeranian BREED.The proposed standard will be general knowledge very .soon, but only members of the ARC will be eligible to vote when the mailing is made.We hope you have enjoyed a good Holiday Season and look forward to a very busy ACTIVE year for the ARC.New Members accepted by the Board at the November meeting included the followingStan Margo Garwal, Hinsdale, 111.Charles. K. Westall, Brevard, N.C.Faye Celentano, Metafile, La.Elizabeth Dalby, Whittington, 111.Patsy Kriess, Renfrew, Pa.Sam Zaneoff, N.Y., N.Y.Rose T. Maynard, Woburn, Mass.Robert E. Costa, E. Providence, R.I.Maria Wieters, Cullowhee, N.C.Tony Brancato, Bell, Calif.Jacquelyn Klein, Silver Springs, N.Y.TO ALL OUR MEMBERS SUBSCRIBERS. A HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL NEW YEAR.POMERANIAN REVIEWf^omemniand ^JhqhtandWinningBloodlinesVACh. May Morning Echo of HighlandChampions at StudRaising Pomeranians exclusively, our breeding stock is a select few. Concentrating on combining some of the best from two of the worlds most famous bloodlines, and as always, paying the strictest attention to the ideal in temperament and soundness, we are now establishing our strain, based on truly two of the fancys best known Pomeranians, namely, Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod and Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper. Our carefully linebred pedigrees on all our dogs, go many times to either or both of these great stud dogs The Poms at this kennel are offspring of champions and are being bred only to champions. Of top priority and most important, we do not own or use for breeding any dog with a major fault, as we want to sell to you only that which we would most desire to buy ourselves Since bitches are so few and litters so small, many time we have nothing to offer when inquiries come in. Most of our stock is sold on order to those willing to wait for that worth waiting for.OUR GUARANTEEAll stock sold through Correspondence guaranteed to be exactly as described and stock sold for Show Prospects guaranteed no major faultsPatricia M. HopkinsR.D. 1, Box 68 A, Ashville, Pa. 16.613 Phone 814-942-7437POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORYBy Sophie H. Mayes[ am very proud to present Champion ay Morning Black Magic, to Review aders, although I have not been able get a good picture of her.Nine -or ten years ago, when I was ill living in Massachusetts, I became terested in some black Poms being town by Bob Bellick, and decided then lat I would like to own a few good acks. Bob and Ruth Bellick helped me id my first black, a tiny little female red toy Mrs. Norma Creider of Tulsa, klahoma. They had fallen in love with sweet back bitch Mrs. Creider sent to e bred to Eng., Am., Can. Ber. Ch. ixietown Serenade of Hadleigh, Creid- rs Son Star Senorita.The little female, Polly, was a typey 'om ,and undoubtedly could have fin- fhed her championship, if campaigned, tut she was far too small to breed, so he became a spoiled darling house et.I asked Mrs. Creider for a black ritch large enough to breed. As she yas unable to supply a black, she sent ne a red sable daughter of the good ila-ck bitch, Son Star Senorita. When bred o a very nice black deg, Tremblays Slack Simbo, owned by Mrs. Etheile rurner in Massachusetts, this bitch, Jreiders Little May Queen, gave me a hack male and a black female, May Morning Black Knight Tommy and May Morning Black Magic, known as Margie.May Morning Black Magic did not finish in record time. She will be 4 years old this February, and was carrying her fourth litter when she completed her title. She was not heavily campaigned in fact, coat losses after each litter keptjher out of the ring most of the time.Her show record, however, was. quite distinguished as she finished with four majors, twice going WB, BW and BOS at Specialty Shows for 5 point wins. Devon Dog Show, Oct. 1967, WB under Mrs. Hellerman ... 2 pts. Delaware Co. K. C. June 1968, WBunder Mr. Kendrick ..................... 3 pts. Columbia Pom Club Specialty, Jan. 1969, WB, BW and BOS under Mr. Wolf . 5 pts. Fayetteville K.C., March 1969, WB,BW under Mrs. Cowie ................. 3 pts. Devon Dog Show APC Specialty Oct. 1969, WB, BW and BOS under Mrs. Crouse .................................. 5 pts.She was owner handled at the first two shows, handled by Mrs. Joy Le- Oompte at the Columbia Pom Club Specialty, by Ray Wine at Fayetteville, N.C. and by Marlene Scott at the Devon Specialty.Her pedigree will be found in Behind the New Champions.My next goal is to breed a white Pom good .enough to show to its championship. According to my records, the last white champion was finished in 1,939.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.Confidence is that feeling you have before you really understand the problem.POMERANIAN REVIEWThanks to you, Ednaf ifALL-STAR HAS ANOTHER NEW CHAMPIONAll-Stars Sunny Spectacular was finished July 12, 1969 at Champlain Valley, under Judge Joseph Faigel. Our thanks to the judges who placed our Sunny, and a Special Thanks to Mr. Faigel for giving him his first major, also his finishing points. Our deepest gratitude goes to Edna Girardot for showing Sunny to his title, and returning him to us. Good Luck, Edna, in your new home in Florida. Our prayers and hopes are with you.ALL-STAR KENNELSMRS. LORENE CARPENTER1101 Shamrock Drive Campbell, California 95008Phone 408-377-7204POMERANIAN REVIEWDEVON DOG SHOW ASSOCIATION SPECIALTY SHOW OCTOBER 4, 1969By STELLA B. DAVISSaturday, October 4, 1989 dawned as t beautiful, crisp fall day with a brisk vind sweeping the Devon Dog Show Grounds where it was slightly wet under mes feet. This was the day of the Devon, Pa. show and the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. considered the Pomeranian classes as its Specialty show.There was an entry of 43 Pomeranians for Mrs. David Crouse to pass her opinion on. The Poms were beautiful as they cavorted around the ring in the brisk, chilling wind. I am not going to give the winners as Mrs. Crouse has very kindly promised to send in her critique of the show.A meeting of the American Pomeranian Club members was called to order after the judging by our president, Mrs. Mary F. Casey. Once again thechanges in our standard were discussed at length and two of our fellow members who are licensed judges gave their opinions freely.After the meeting we all gathered at Sophie Mayes for a delightful buffet lunch and to admire her beautiful Poms. The blacks were a special delight to me and also to see the several white ones as I have a white girl now too. Last but not least were Sophies two Doberman Pinschers who would snitch food from the table when no one was looking. At least the Dobermans thought no one was lookingAll in all, it was a grand weekend and I enjoyed every minute of it, especially having the opportunity of meeting Ruth L. Beam of 'Great Elms fame. Ruth is a delightful person with a wealth of Pom knowledge.k'1tf'ftBEST OF BREED and later CROUP FIRST under Judge William Kendrick Ch. Leaders Little Buck-A-Roo bred, owned and handled by lna F. Kniffin.POMERANIAN REVIEWEDITORS NOTE We are indebted to Show Chairman, ANN COWIE, for the following notes taken down in telephone conversation with our Specialty Judge, MRS. DAVID CROUSE.I am extremely proud to have had so many very beautiful Poms in the ring. Several I feel deserving of further comment. My puppy dog was extremely sound .of leg and such a good mover. Vans little Tipper Bit carried such a lovely dense coat for this time of year, -and Mrs. Girardo-ts exhibits were in such nice -coat and condition. My Winners Dog was not in- fullest of bloom, but had a lot to offer in many ways.I'WINNERS DOC 5 pts. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce owned and handled by Eleanor W. Miller. Judge, Mrs. David Crouse.Both puppy -bitches in their -classes are -most promising. My 6-9 extremely good in leg and my 9-12 also carrying a heavy coat gives promise of going on to further wins. My Winners Bitch is on-e of the best put together Poms Ive had -as a judge, extremely sound and an excellent mover. My Reserve Winners Bitch was also very sound and a good mover.fc LW l H iWINNERS BITCH, BEST OF WINNERS BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX 5 pts. May Morning Black Magic, bred and owned by Sophie H. Mayes and handled to this win by Marlene Scott. Judge, Mrs. David Crouse.My Best of Breed was every inch- Mi Pom and -most deserving of his vwn, bu I want to comment on several others also. -Oh. Arsenal Imp of Point Lo-ma i one of the heaviest coated and bes blacks Ive seen Gh. Scotia Atony,as Commander, sho-wn by Mrs. Girardot looked his best and seemed to enjoj every minute. The beautiful -color of Ch. Matchmaker of Nanjo and -the soundness of Ch. Nanjo Interlude deserve comment, as does the -beautiful showmanship of Ch. Models Son of Fun- with his handler, lovely Marlene Scott. The quality of the Poms was -really outstanding, and it was a pleasure to have the finest to select from and not an easy job to -make a choice. You all deserve much credit for putting these Poms- in -the ring and should be proud of a job well -done.The optimist proclaims we live in thebest of all possible worlds and the pessimist fears this is true.POMERANIAN REVIEWSUMMARY14 dogs 2 absent, 16 bitches 2 absent, 11 Specials 2 absent.Puppy, dogs 6-9 mo Nanjo Destiny owned by R. L. GoodrichAm. Bred, Dogs Davis Weegold Boxie Dandy owned by Stella B. DavisOpen, Dogs, Red, orange or Cr. Scotia Cavaliers Flash-A-Way owned by Edna E. GirardotOpen, Dogs, Sable Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce, owned by Eleanor W. MillerOpen, Dogs, Any Other Allowed Color Ashwoods Hold That Tiger owned by Betty George MahaffyWinners Dog Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Eleanor W. MillerReserve Winners Dog Nanjo Destiny R. L. GoodrichPuppy, Bitches, 6-9 Mo. Nanjo Wind Sprite owned by Elizabeth D. WhelenPuppy, Bitches, 9-12 mo. Topaze Duchess of Jeribeth owned by Francis Mary CaseyBred by Ex. Bitches Flo-Mars Sugar Candy owned by Florence OBrien Marjorie BullwinkleAmerican Bred Bitches Meyers Dutch Maid of Redjul owned by Laura ReedOpen, Bitches, Black, Br. or Choc. May Morning Black Magic owned by Sophie MayesOpen, Bitches, Red, Orange cr Cr. Scotia Cavs Glimpse of Glory owned by Edna E. GirardotOpen, Bitches, Sable May Morning Concerto owned by Sophie MayesOpen, Bitches, Any Other Allowed Color Scotia Spectacular Imp owned by Shurdale KennelsWinners, Bitch May Morning Black Magic Sophie MayesReserve Winners Bitch May Morning Concerto Sophie MayesBEST OF BREED Ch. Leaders Little Buck-A-Roo owned by Ina F. KniffinBest of Opposite Sex May Morning Black MagicBest of Winners May Morning Black MagicPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1MINUTES of GENERAL MEETING of theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Meeting held October 4, 1969 in conjunction with the Devon Dog Club Show. Meeting called to order at 1230 P.M. with President Mary Casev presiding.Those in attendancePamela McCormick Ivell Buchman Stella Davis Kenneth 'Miller R. L. Goodrich Laura Reed Ann Cowie Sophie Mayes Marlene Scott Joy S. Brewster Marj BuHwinkle Florence OBrian Eleanor Miller Katherine Probst Ann Germanero Ina Kniffin Edith Ooykaas Mary Picone Mary Jane Wilson Edna Girardot Ruth Beam Mary CaseyLynn McCormick non member^Members of the Board, Quorum not presentA letter asking information on the International Pomeranian Society was brought up and none was familiar with this society. It was requested that the Secretary answer Mrs. Ritz to this affect.It was requested that if possible oi floor of the hotel be reserved for Po. people rather than have us all spre on -different floors. Marj BuHwinkle w to check this out with the Hotel.It was voted that the Annual meetii be held in the morning preceding tl Specialty.The rest of the meeting was used 4 discuss and go over the proposed Poi Standard as developed by the Standar Revision Committee Marlene Scott an Ruth Beam. The results of which wer to be presented to the Board in 'Nov.The Treasurers report was not prt sented at the meeting due to the absenc of the Treasurer. However, the informa tion on the Treasury is as follows a that timeBalance 10469 .......................4,969.4A Nominating Committee consisting o Chairman, Joy Brewster, Ruth Bean and Sophie Mayes was appointed b] those members of the Board presen prior to the General Meeting.MRS. KARL KABEL Winter Haven, FloridaDear Mrs. SivoriIt is with great pleasure that I enclosmy check for my 1970 membership dueto the greatest club I know theAmerican Pomeranian Club. I would liketo take this opportunity to congratulatethe Officers and Directors for a job welldone, and Sophia Mayes, Editor and Advertising Manager of the Pom Reviewdeserves a commendation for all thewonderful issues that have been put outfor us this past year. Thanks to all whohave put forth so much effort for ourenjoyment.THE APRIL COVER IS AVAILABLE2 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE DELEGATES DEPARTMENTby BERT BEDELLThe regular quarterly meeting of the ffieers and delegates of the American iennel Club was held at the Hotel Bilt- 10re on September 9, 1969. There were 29 delegates present, representing the arious dubs who have an elected dele- late to the American Kennel Club. At resent, there are 380 delegates from All 5reed and also Special Breed clubs.One of the highlights of this meeting vas the discussion which was held in egard to the Apprentice Judging Sys- em. The present system which has teen used for the past 20 years does lave provisions which leave something letter desired. The present role of an ipprentice judge requires his or her absence in the ring as an observer and fodent judge. In such capacity, the ap- jrentice judge does not take part in the show, and sitting or standing in the ring ecomes a matter quite embarrassing, it is quite difficult, it was felt, for him ir her to look knowledgeable and in- erested. At present, the apprentice judge has been acquainted with a list if Dpnts which do not add to the status.It was decided that the present apprenticeship application forms will be continued and will be considered iby the Board as previously. On approval a provisional license will be granted. He or she will then be available to the various show holding clubs for service as Judge at three shows. After the third assignment is completed, the apprentice judges application will again toe reviewed and passed upon by the Board for approval as a regular judge for the breed or breeds designated.It is believed that by this new method of licensing new judges it can foe better determined who of the applicants is best qualified. The Board will have had theopportunity of observation of the apprentice in action in the ring and will foe in a better position than at present to determine who may be qualified for license. This matter was presented by Senior Vice-President, John W. Cross, Jr.There was another matter considered by those present at this meeting. At the present time, Junior Showmanship and Obedience Classes are a matter of the decision of the show club to decide whether either shall be a part of the show. In the future the Junior Showmanship part of the program will be an official part of the show with awards and records of results being made official records, to be published with other results of the shows.The American Kennel Club will keep official records of the names, breeds and owners of the dogs shown. All conditions governing the Junior Showmanship .class will appear in the Premium Lists along with the ring number, name of the judge and time of judging.At present, Junior Showmanship classes as a part of the show may be judged by licensed handlers. It has proven to be a difficult matter for such handlers to determine if they would be free to so judge such Junior Showmanship events at a date very far in advance of the date of the show. The Board decided that this part of the show should be made more idignified and meaningful. It is believed that regularly licensed judges are desirable for judging, but in addition, licensed handlers may still be used but the handler would be prohibited from participating in the same show as a judge. In other words, the provisions of Section 13 of Chapter 16, stating that no judge may handle or exhibit in the show where he or she is to be a judge, would be applicable.Continued on Page 31POMERANIAN REVIEWCONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHEStoMR. AND MRS. SAM THOLEandcontinued successin their breeding programREAD THE KENNEL VISITTHIS ISSUECATHERINE E. BEDELL BERT BEDELL12 Smith Street, Merrick, N.Y. 11566POMERANIAN REVIEWA VISIT TO THE THOLE POMERANIANSby HAZEL CHAMBERSd like for you to come with me on drive over the level plains of Kansas the small, but bustling town of arion. Marion is set in a valley, lidst rolling wheat fields and other lall grains. About one-half mile from e edge of town, we drive up to the rge, comfortable farm home of Sam td Aeline Thole. From the bams to e swine buildings, everything around is farm has a well-cared for look, eside his extensive farming operation, ims prime interest is raising purebred PF Yorkshire swine. It is an education i itself to see the huge mothers and leir babies at farrowing 'mv\\deline Thole with Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky vVee Max, Ch. Thole Little Nipper and Ch. The Count of Pom-Ador.You will be greeted and made feel most welcome at the door by Adeline and her two special pets. Sugar Babe is a tiny, orange, huge coated doll of a Pom, the other is the apple of my eye,a tiny, huge coated, short backed stud name Snoopie. He has that appealing baby look about him that calls for a quick hug. My own little Ch. Creiders Betsy Be Beautiful has recently been bred to him and if she would give me just one little Snoopie Id be so happy. He is a dominant type stud, siring lovely puppies. Unfortunately Snoopie has decided that the show ring is no place for him, much to Adelines disappointment.The home of Mr. end Mrs. Sam TholeAdeline is a dedicated breeder who really knows Poms. I have always obtained much help and good advice, which she graciously gives when consulted. A seige of ill-health forced her into semi- retirement, numbers were cut drastically, but not quality. Her Poms are huge coated, cobby, sweet faced individuals. Adeline takes care of all the Poms thru breeding, whelping, down to tube feeding the tiniest ones when necessary. She has able assistance in the person of her college age daughter, Beth. Beth spends her summers at home onPOMERANIAN REVIEWthe farm, as well as many week-ends, helping care for the little Poms. Beth has learned at mothers knee, having never known home without a bevy of the little charmers underfoot.Tholes Little SnoopieThe love for Poms started 'back in 1946. A friend acquired a pet Pom for her children, the first Pom ever seen by the Tholes. Nothing would do but that the three Thole children must too have one. They only got to enjoy their pet for about a year when he met with an untimely end. By this time, the whole family had fallen in love with the breed, so they replaced the lost pet with a little red Pom girl. As a natural sequence, the desire to raise just one litter followed, which was all it took to start the ball rolling. After several fitters, and attendance at a few shows, the quest for better Poms started. A lovely red male from Mrs. Tankesleys kennel and a finished male, h. Van- Hoozers Lucky Wee Max took over the stud 'Chores. Among the broods added were Ch. Greeners Klina Ruby and her two tiny babies, and a lovely little red- orange girl purchased from Mrs. Mc- Kamey. Ch. Rubys tiny daughter was destined to become the mother of Adelines first home-bred champion, Ch. Tholes Little Nipper. I dont think thereis a greater thrill than to finish yo first homebred champion, there is ji no turning back now. Time went on a many promising youngsters left the ke nel, many to be shown and others jt to be enjoyed by their new owners.I think the crowning point in Adeline breeding program came a number years ago when she made a trip Sacramento, Calif, to visit her daughte Karen and family, who were station at Mather A.F.B. As every Pom bree er knows, no trip is complete with visiting the Pom kennels in the are While visiting with the late Phyll Pickesley, a tiny, cobby, Bombardu finebred, sable male caught her ey Adeline promptly fell in love with hh and after much negotiating Jingles cam home to Kansas with her. Shortly aftt his arrival in Kansas, Adeline launche him on his show career. After acquain ing Jingles with the excitement of th show ring, he was put into the capabl hands of Clara Alford. In just a matte of a few shows, he finished his title, ur defeated. I am sure many of you wil remember seeing Ch. The Count c Pom-Ador pictured in Pom Review. Jin gles was an excellent stud, passing hi superior type and qualities on to hi offspring, he was truly a dominant studCh. Tholes Copper ChristinaOut of one of his first matings, came Oh. Tholes Copper Christina, a lovely sable female and the mother of littlePOMERANIAN REVIEWrCh. Tholes Dan Dee Boyloopie. I think we all have one special Dg that is close to ones heart, and ngles was Adelines. Besides having ich a loving out-going personality, he ,d so much toward the improvement of lality in her kennel. Many of her retaining dogs today trace their lineage ick to Jingles. After enjoying Jingles at a short two years, he passed on ary unexpectedly due to heart failure, saving a void that has never quite been led.Several years ago, when her health ery suddenly failed her, Adeline turned her old and very dear friend, Velva anHoozer. Velva took over many of the little Tholes and is continuing the reeding and showing program along nth her own excellent Poms. Under her uiding hand several have finished their itles. Among these are Oh. Tholes Coper Christina, Ch. Tholes DahDee Boy, h. Tholes Lucky Little Me, and Ch. .holes little Tinker Bell.I am happy to say that as of the resent time, Adeline is once again able o take a bit more active part in foreed- ng and raising a few Poms. She has a lew old favorites with her. Im sure ifyou ever take a swing through central Kansas, you will find a hearty, noisy welcome awaiting you at the home of Adeline Thole .and her lovely Poms.Beth Thole and Snoopies babiesNEWS FLASH At the Newton, Iowa K.C. Show, Oct. 15, 1969, Judge Mrs. Byron Hofman selected McKameys Just A King owned by Mrs. J. Chittenden FIRST in Toy Group making this the second son of Ch. McKameys Sundawn Just Gold to win Group First.Mrs. McKameys own Ch. McKameys Just Enchanting won that honor at Scott County K.C. Show in May 1969.Courtesy, according to an old slogan, is contageous. But apparently an effective vaccine has now been developed.POMERANIAN REVIEWGOLDEN GLOW POMERANIANS OF CALIFORNIACONGRATULATIONSandBEST WISHES toMRS. SAM THOLE and herGOLDEN GLOW COUSINSCHUCK REYNOLDS BUD KNAPPRt. I - Box 555, Newcastle, Cal. 95658 Phone 916 663-3612CONGRATULATIONStoMR. AND MRS. SAM THOLEMrs. Norris McKamey Route 1, Box 185 Bettendorf, Iowa 52722 Phone 319-355-7775CHAMPIONS AT STUD PUPPIES-itch. Golden Clow Sir ReginaldShaded Bright Orange Siring Stylish PuppiesFee on RequestPOMERANIAN REVIEWJUDGINGCONCLUSIONby SHIRLEY HOFFMANiValk to the side of the dog, allowing handier to adjust himself to your w position. Step around the handler the handler may move to the front his dog. Do not walk between the mdler and his dog thus, through the ad. This can cause confusion and might suit in a serious or perhaps fatal cident should a toy attempt to jump om the table.You are now observing the dog from e side, is the dog well up on his pos- rns, straight from elbow to feet Is he anding nicely on his toes Are his front gs well under him Where does the bow come in relation to the chest lepth of chest The standard states, . . . being well ribbed up and rounded, he chest must be fairly deep . . eel the rib cage to determine if the lest is rounded or slab sided. Does the og have a nice tuck up in the abdomi- al area back of the rib cage, unless it a bitch in whelp, of course. Is the top ne level or is the dog down at the boulder Are the shoulder blades well lid back, the points close together at xe withers. A dog with shoulder blades ar apart is loose in the shoulders. Toys re seldom so muscle 'bound as to suffer rom loaded shoulders. Check tail set, 5 the tail bone straight, kinked Many oms have a curve at the end of the ail, which is caused by poor circulation it the termination of this extremity, his is not to be confused with a kink, oms with extremely long, heavy brush iometimes carry the tail hanging to one ide although the tail set on is correct, [his can be caused by the weight of the aair, which generally is not evenly dis- ributed, as the dog moves about, thus causing the tail to carry left or right permanently from constant pull by theweight of the hair. Is the stifle well angulated Straight stifles generally suggest there may be patella luxation. Do the hind feet point straight ahead, turn in or out The feet should be round and compact and the dog should stand well up on its toes.Moving to the rear of the dog, check placement of legs whether legs are cow hocked, wide behind or bowed. If the dog is wide behind or bow legged, chances are he has bad stifles, has a knee cap out ,of place or one or both which are easily displaced. This will show up when he gaits away from you. Make a special note to check it if you are suspicious. Check coat texture, density, undercoat, length, color, shadings, shades allowed for sable. Is it a good Pom color, pleasing on the dog. Check testicle number placement and size. Take one more over all look at the dog before you direct the handler to put the dog on the floor.At this time, signal the exhibitor next in line to place his dog on the table, he will have time to arrange coat and stack the dog while you are judging the gait on the dog which has just been examined on the table.The animal you have finished examining on the table is now gaited away from you and back toward you, on a loose lead if you wish. Take a good look at the rear legs Does the dog gait with the legs too wide apart, close together, cow hocked, bow legged Does he move smoothly or does he limp, is he waddling Does he move gaily with his tail up Is his rear end in alignment with his front or does the rear move to the left or right of the front endComing -back, does he move with the front legs too wide apart or too close together Does he pick his feet up and put them down without moving themPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1out to the side or too close to the inside, the latter causing him to cross over in front Does he weave Does he waste motion Does he pick his feet up too high in front Does he move without a limp, smoothly If you are not absolutely sure on all points, have the handler gait the dog again for you.As the handler returns to you, signal him to stop when the dog is 3 or 4 feet in front of you. Check expression making a noise to alert the dogs if you wish, foot placement, ears, tail set and legs, in other words, do a quick once over of the dog.Dismiss the dog and handler by signaling to his place in line and turn to the task of examining the dog which is waiting for you .on the table. Each dog is examined in turn until all dogs in the class have been judged on the table and gaited individually.You have by this time made an estimate of the outstanding good points of each dog in the class, compared the dog with the standard and ascertained the faults of each.Take one last look at each dog as it stands before you on the floor. You may wish to make a few last minute comparisons of fine points. Have the handlers bring such dogs together before you so that you can compare them side by side. Note expression, animation, style, type, quality. Have the exhibitors gait these animals away from you and back toward you if you wish to compare action simultaniously. You may wish to move the whole class around the ring once more.Some judges like to call out the placements while the dogs are moving a- round the ring, thus giving a little extra flare to the decision, playing to the spectators with a climax of color and movement. I prefer this particular method asit gives those handlers whose dogs ha not been placed a chance to make graceful and expeditious exit from t ring. In order to avoid confusion, judge using this method of clearing t ring must make his decisions clear understood by pointing to the dog ai calling the award in a clear firm voic Otherwise, he may be misunderstoo and incredible as it may seem, u scrupulous handlers will rush to a pla marker, thus denying a dog selected f an award, his rightful win. For this re son, a judge must have a picture of tl dog, along with its placement, firmly mind.Another method used is that of pla ing the dogs in order according to mer from first place to the dog of iea. regard. Although this is advantageous i that it leaves no doubt in the minds the spectators as to the quality of eac dog in the opinion of the judge, it is a awkward and degrading situation for en hibitors who do not place in the award For this reason, this type of grant standing should be avoided by judges.Most judges point to and call oi awards while dogs and handler ar standing in line in the order in whic they were judgedTHE ENDThe Review announces with deep regre the death of memberMRS. ANN GERMANOROon November 18, 1969 Mrs. Cermanoro was a new member of thClub, a very sincere breeder and she exhibited a puppy at the Devon Specialtywhere members enjoyed meeting her. Wiconvey our sympathy to Mr. Cermanoriand the children.I POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONBy Marie K. Hynes, SecretaryDur Pomeranian Club of Greater Hou- m is still very active and we are so oud of the support and activities of r members.Our second Fun Match was held on igust 23 with an entry of thirty-four rely Poms. We were most fortunate having Ken and Eleanor Miller to rve as judges.Our Casino Party was an overwhelm- g success and a good time was had all.Some of our members have had some ry nice wins latelyDarrell and Olga Bakers Ch. Corns ike Dragonfly just won four more Toy roups in Lubbock, Midland and Beau- ont, Texas, and in Lawton, Oklahoma, inging his total number of Group wins thirty-nine.Ralph mid Joyce Graves Ch. Dukes .I Red Baron of OKala completed his lampionship in San Antonio on October under Judge Maurice L. Baker. Since en, he has won Toy Groups in Baton ouge, New Orleans, and Oklahoma City.Leo and Barbara Holders Ch. Holders ancy Firefairy completed her champ- nship on November 2 in Norman, klahoma, with Shorty Harwood hand- iig. This nine-month old puppy finished t twenty-nine days.Molly Miller writes that her Myway fisty Dawn went first in the Novice B lass at the Mobile and Biloxi shows ith a score of 195 each time. Her ster showed Myway Napper Tandee in lobile in Novice B and took fourth lace with a score of 192 and in few Orleans was highest scoring Toywith 189. Mollys Lin Dee Lou, C.D., was shown in New Orleans and won WB and BOS.Tom 'and Norma ORourkes Ch. Tonos Just Call Me Mister placed second in the Group in the Carolinas.Dan and Betty Smiths Ch. So-Ristic Blazing Lil Tad completed his championship on August 21, under Judge Stanley Dangerfield with a placement of third in the Group. Tads first son, Oh. So-Ristic Sir Tareyton, completed his 'Championship with a Group first win in Albuquerque, New Mexico on November 9, under Judge Joseph Faigel. Anne Goodwin handled both dogs to their championships.The club members supported the area Fun Matches during the summer and I was quite proud of my three-months old Hynes Ray of Sunshine, who went BB and placed third in the Group at the Sanctioned Match in Beaumont, Texas, on August 24. ANNUAL MEETING Plan to attend the Specialty Show on February 8 at the Hotel Penn-Garden in New York. The Annual Meeting will again be scheduled in the morning, before the Specialty, so plan to come early. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. WE VALUE YOUR OPINION. YOUR VOTE DOES COUNT CLARIFICATION First paragraph of the Secretarys Report in the October Review stating that in the future there will be no more than two American Pomeranian Club Specialty Shows during the year should have explained that ONE will be the February Specialty in New York and the SECOND will be a rotating Specialty held in a different location each year, with various regional clubs as host.POMERANIAN REVIEWOKALA KENNELSINTRODUCESLITTLE BEARr jA.Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Son ofCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Grandson ofCh. Aristic Flaming Cherub Double great, grandson of Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper PodLittle Bear began his show career at Dallas, Texas, on September 28, 1969 winning Best of Breed over Specials, and Group 3rd. He continued undefeated in the classes, winning 7 Best of Breed, 2 Group 1st, 2 Group 2nd and 2 Group 3rd.A PROVEN PRODUCER, AT STUD TO APPROVED BITCHES. LITTLE BEAR PUPPIES AVAILABLELittle Bear is handled exclusively by Sharon GriffinRalphand Joyce Graves Route 1, Box 141 X 45 Cypress, Texas 77429 713-469-8742POMERANIAN REVIEWSO - RISTIC POMERANIANS presentsCh. So-Ristic Blazing Lil TadTad. is shown receiving his first points under Judge I.ouis Murr with his owner handling. Anne Goodwin handled Tad to the completion of his title. He finished in style at Sturgis, Michigan, August 21, 1969 under Judge Stanley Dangerfield who also placed him 3rd in the Toy Group. Anne then took Tads son, So-Ristic Sir Tareyton, and completed his championship in less than 2-J month's. Tarey is shown below finishing with a Toy Group 1st under Judge Joseph Faigel in Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 9, 1969. We are so grateful to Anne for the beautiful care and handling of Tad and Tarey. To Gladys Schoenberg who gave us our foundation stock and whose love and faith we value so highly, we at last get to say a very humble Thank you in print. We hope to continue to produce and show dogs of which we can be proud and which others will find pleasing and desirable.Cl. So-Ristic Sir Tareyton Subj. AKC ConfirmationPedigrees in Behind the New ChampionsBreeders-OwnersDaniel B. and Betty W. Smith5802 Maple Street Houston, Texas 77036POMERANIAN REVIEWHOLDER POMERANIANSproudly presents ourFIRSTCHAMPIONHOLDERS FANCY FIREFLYFANCY is indeed living up to her name. By definition Fancy not plain, of particular excellence, bred for special qualities.This little 9J month old girl finished on November 2, 1969 in Norman, Oklahoma, just 29 days from her first show She was handled exclusively by the very capable Shorty Harwood.Our sincere thanks to the Aristic and to the Mayken Kennels for having bred Fancys sire and dam.See Pedigree in Behind the New Champions.BREEDER-OWNERMrs. Barbara Holder8102 Wateka, Houston, Texas 1101] Phone 713-774-2422POMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner .otograph and additional detail as to owner, breeder and short summary of e show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of .50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, 2 charge is 3.50.CH. ROANOKES ACE OF CLUBS,-Black male bred by W. W. Hayden, Jr., owned by D. C. Cowie, P.O. Box 217, Kimberton, Pa. 19442, finished at Valley Forge K.C. Sept. 28, 1969 under Mrs. Florence Gamburg. First black to finish on east coast in many, many years. Proven Stud.X Deli Wee Billy Buttons Deli Wee Gold Buttons Deli Merry Jez Gypsy Poineiana Sun Fun SireCh. Deli Wee Sun Toy Deli Wee Sun JoyDeli Wee Honey Bunny Sungold Black Devil of Duke Lu-Gems Little Black Tuft Cindie SueHaydens Mona Lisa Dam Rainbow Jewel Pashas DuchessTownsends Black SinderCH. TOMAHAWKS RED FACE, TA-494758, red sable female bred by Reva Winfrey, owned and handled by Patricia A. Larrissey, 1318 West 54th Street, Cleveland Ohio. Finished with BOB at Anderson, Ind. Beaver Falls, Pa. Training for obedience, so will have limited specialing.rCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Jesmars Little Tank Babettes Buttons Ch. Tomahawks Comanche Sire Jesmars Ko Ko Mo Tomahawks Yuma Red Glow of Sharon Ch. Jesmars Little Tank Ch. Tomahawks Chief Jesmars Red Wings Princesss Little Jewel DamCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Tomahawks Red Princess Gala Poms Golden DelightPOMERANIAN REVIEW 2BEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSCH. FRANCHISE OF NANJO Sable MaleBreeder Emily J. Kinsley Owners Edward F. Ustilla and Charles B. Richard Willow St., Pa.Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Trademark of Nanjo Nanjo TempestCh. Copyright of Nanjo SireCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Nanjo Fascinator Tena Marie VIPoinciana Bewitching DamPratts Lively Lad Poinciana Little Lucinda Poinciana Ember GlowMAY MORNING BLACK MACIC TA-274031 Black FemaleBreeder-Owner, Sophie H Mayes West Chester, Pa.Buff IIIBob-A-Loo O The AvenueLittle Peachie O The AvenueTremblays Black Simbo Sire Cellos Prince Sunshine Tremblays Cinder-Ella Kalete of Beach Heights Gold Toys Gay Luxury Lad Ch. Creiders Golden Riptide Ch. Gold Toys Gay StaretteCreiders Little May Queen Dam Ch. Gold Toys May King Model Creiders Son Star Senorita Ch. Gold Toys Gay StaretteCH. MORENOS WHATS NEW PUSSY KA7 TA-424833 Orange Sable Female Breeder-Owner, Mrs. Julie Moreno San Bruno, CaliforniaEng., Am., Can. Ber. Ch.Pixietown Serenade of Hadleigh Eng. Am. Ch. Rhapsody of Hadleigh Ruby Red of HadleighBlossom Views Rhapsody Robin Sire Alajos Fortuna Tegerwick Blossom Views Minnie Poo All Stars Little Delilah Dals Dandy Bee Bob Henry Kelly Dorns Susie Q.Tiny Tots Adorable Tiki DamTiny Tots Traveler Schmitys Chee Chee Paree Wylies Blonde VenusCH. SO-RISTIC BLAZING LIL TAD Red-orange maleBreeder-Owner, Mrs. Daniel B. Smith Houston, Texas.Int. Ch. Golden Glow Dandy Wee Wons Golden Glow Wee Wons Lady LuckAristic Luscious Tad SireWee Conquest of Waverly Aristic Wee Luscious Aristic Luscious Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Aristic Flaming Cherub Aristic SuntwinkleAristic Dixie Doll, C.D. DamCh. Aristic Terrific Aristic Fancy DollAristic Little Ginny Doll26 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSCH. HOLDERS FANCY FIREFAIRY, TA-554120 FemaleBreeder-Owner, Barbara Holder Houston, TexasCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Aristie Flaming- Cherub Aristic SuntwinkleAristic Flaming Model SireWee Conquest of Waverly Aristic Model of Perfection Aristic Poupette Maykens Redcoat Maykens Gold Shimmer Maykens ChiletteMaykens Vanity Fair DamCh. Aristic Flaming- Cherub Aristic Maykens Vanity Aristic Miss WildhreCH. SO-RiSTIC SIR TAREYTON Orange MaleBreeder-Owner, Mrs. Daniel B. Smith Houston, TexasWee Wons Golden Glow Aristic Luscious Tad Aristic Wee LusciousCh. So-Ristio Blazing- LiT Tad Sire Ch. Aristic Flaming Cherub Aristic Dixie Doll, C.D.Aristic Fancy Doll Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Aristic Wee Pepperoni Aristic Sweet KathleenHalfpenny Patches ol' Mayken Bam Ch. Lu Oaks Jungle Bell Aristic Jingles Jitters Aristic Miss WildfirePUPPIES AVAILABLEsyraA'MintedCold of Hadleigh3 Vz lb. - Dark Orange Fee 40Gentlemen of Morrell Ch. Zambo of Zanow Pontvane Sunfanc-y Ch. Little Gent of HadleighCh. Hadleigh Brilliant Flame Ch. Sweet Lady of Hadleigh Rosalinde of Dadleigh Minted Gold of HadleighBonny Boy of Hadleigh Ch. Hadleigh Brilliant Flame Cherry of Hadleigh Cinderella of HadleighDanny Boy of Hadleigh Hadleigh Sweet Marigold Mimosa of HadleighElizabeth W. Troxler PINEBURR KENNELS2602 Woodlyn Way Greensboro, N.C. 27407 Phone 919-299-4879POMERANIAN REVIEW 27ANNUAL STUD DOG REGISTERr'7ICh. Little Timstopper Aristie Little TimstopperAristio Currencys June Rose Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Aristie Little Gold Bug Aristie Lady Pamela Gold ButtonCh. Great Elms Timstopper AgainCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Beauty Great Elms Little Debby II A-Lil Mischiefs TowntalkCh. G. E. Timpsteppar Again Great Elms Rita of Dixieland Dixielands PeachbloomOrange Sable - 4 lbs. Stud Fee 50Great. Elms Kennels, Reg.Ruth Lowry BeamPinesville, N. C. 28134Above is a sample of an entry in the Annual Stud Dog Register, which will appear in the April issue. By setting costs at an absolute minimum, we hope to secure a very complete list of the outstanding stud dogs in the country. Stud dog owners will find this an effective and economical way of reaching the largest possible number of interested breeders. As our former Editor, Jim Arima, said in the March 1959 Review It is an irrefutable adage that, in the long run, the surest, quickest, and most economical way for success in breeding is to get the best bitch possible and send it to the most appropriate stud dog available . . . Fortunately, Poms are small and shipping costs are negligible when compared to the larger breeds. Stud fees in Poms are also unbelievably low considering the quality of dogs offered at stud.Ccst of entering your dog in the Stud Dog Register is 7.50 for the first entry, plus the cost of the cut if you do not have one the proper size, and 3.50 plus cost of cut for second and each subsequent entry of the same owner. Also, dogs may be entered without photos, if none are available, and a description of the dog may be insterted in the space intended for the photograph. Cuts to be used must be no larger than 2 square, and new ones from your glossy print will cost 5. Description beneath cut is limited to twenty words. An advertiser sending three stud card entries will also have the opportunity of ordering 100 copies of the page on which his entries appear for an additional 7.00.Because of the work involved in looking up old cuts, typing pedigrees, etc., we ask your cooperation in sending your copy as eariy as possible. Please mention the back issue in which your cut was used, if we have one on file. Glossies and pedigrees will be returned.Send Copy, Cuts, Check toMRS. SOPHIE MAYES ABSOLUTE DEADLINER.D. 4, West Chester, Pa. 19380 FEBRUARY 2028 POMERANIAN REVIEWNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB HAPPENINGSBy CHUCK REYNOLDS, PresidentIt was a very busy and fun filled Autumn for N.C.P.C. Activities. Of utmost importance were the discussions and decisions of what our members wanted for a recommendation to the California D.og Fanciers Association to be introduced to the California State Legislature as a fair law governing Hobby Dog Breeders. If passed, the new State Law would govern, eliminating the various sometimes unfair local restrictions throughout the State areas.N.C.P.C. holds two AH Age Matches each year. The Fall Match was held in October at San Leandro, Calif. One of our Southern California Members, Mr. John Thyssen, did a very thorough job of going over his 33 entries. His selections were as follows3-6 mo. Dogs Golden Glow Lonesome George owned by Vern and Joan Sanders9-12 mo. Dogs Wylies Highstep of L.P.K. owned by Mary WylieOver 12 mo. Dogs Show Stopper of Trails End owned by Eleanor Morin3-6 mo. Bitches Skylark Pride and Joy owned by Irma Sather6-9 mo. Bitches Queenaires Gin Fizz owned by Dudley and Wanda Roach9-12 mo. Bitches Blossom Views Little Sheba owned by Irene WeltzOver 12 mo. Bitches Wylies Pitty Pat of L.P.K. owned by Vern and Joan SandersMr. Thyssen selected for his Best Opposite Sex In Match the very lovely three months old Puppy Bitch, Skylark Pride and Joy. The Judges final selection for Best Pomeranian In Match was the very stylish 3-6 Dog Class Winner, Golden Glow Lonesome George. The Match was climaxed by an .outstandingpresentation of seven beautiful Champions in Parade, all owned by our members.Highlight of the Match was the presence of the very distinguished Guests of Honour, Gladys Duke and her husband, Albert, of the famed Hadleigh Pomeranian Kennels in England. They are such charming people and everyone enjoyed meeting and chatting with them. They highly praised our N.C.P.C. good fellowship and complimented many of the Poms being presented at the Match. It gave them the opportunity to see the Cream of the Crop from the many Breeders Kennels they visited during their North California stay. They joined our Club and we are very proud to include their names with our Membership List.The date for the N.C.P.C. Christmas Party is December 7, 1969. At this party the ANNUAL NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB AWARDS are presented to the Top Winning Pomeranians, Breeders of Champions, Exhibitors in Confirmation and Obedience. Awards are also presented to a Member having contributed the most toward the betterment in the promotion and operation in the activities and objectives of the Northern California Pomeranian Club and to a Member having contributed the most to the betterment of the Breeding, Health, Welfare and Sport of Pure Bred Dogs, regardless of Breed or Breeds, during 1969. Because of the Review Deadline, we will have to list the Award Winners in the April Issue.Now that we have settled down from our Summer Specialty and Fall Match, everyone is looking forward to our Winter Specialty at 'Golden Gate Kennel Club on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 in the famed San Francisco Cow Palace. This is one of Californias leading All-Breed Dog Continued on Page 31POMERANIAN REVIEW. OBEDIENCERINGby EMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 941 12News of recent accomplishments by obedience Poms comes only from Northern California this time, but there must be something interesting elsewhere too if we could only hear from you fans about itAt Del Monte Kennel Club all-breed show and obedience trial May 25, Pom- shell Kleine Liebchen, U.D. took second place in the Open B Class with a score of 19614, so became high scoring Pomeranian and won the beautiful trophy offered by Caroline J. Handl in fond memory of her Countess Migo Kiki. This elegant trophy much larger than the recipient was a lovely 21 inch, footed Chippendale tray, and Liebchens owners, John and Rose Derham, were duly proud and delighted. John does the training and handling here and he really does a good job.Richmond Dog Fanciers all-breed show and obedience trial in Richmond, California, had three Poms in1 obedience. Here Bomshell Kleine Liebchen, U.D. was first place in Open B with a score of 19414. We were so glad to see Ken Matheson former president of Northern California Pomeranian Club showing there in obedience again. Ken had little one year old Kerns Gold Flash and this was the pups first show. He came through it all just fine with a good 19114 score to make his first leg towards the C.D. degree. At Deep Peninsula Dog Training Clubs Obedience Trial August24 in Palo Alto, California, Flas made his second leg, taking 6th pla in Novice B a class of 50, with a sco of 12614. What is Hie plus-sign fo . . . Well, he was tied for sixth pla with no less than one of those shar working Australian Cattle Dogs, ai won the run-off Ken and Elizabe Metheson have put several Poms throu obedience degrees, and in 1967 K demonstrated his training ability t winning Best Toy Brace in Golden Ga Kennel Club show at San Francisco wil a pair of adorable black Poms Rave of Point Loma and Kerns Peek-7 Boo. Good to see him back in obedienc lots .of luck. Incidentally, Ken will b judging at San Francisco Dog Trainin Clubs AKC Sanctioned Obedience Mate October 12th.Mrs. Alfred Picone of Huntington, Ne York, writes in a most interesting lette that she now has two Poms in obedience Elmorinas Cavvys Pumpkin, C.D. ant Elmorinas Cavvys Dandylion, C.D. Both of these have a remarkable recorc of high scores made towards their C.D degrees, Daniel having taken seconc place in a class of 37 dogs, and beat a German Shepherd in a run-off to do it She finds that training Poms is a little different from working with the larger breeds, her former experience having been with Keeshonden, with which she did very, very well both in obedience and conformation shows. Mrs. Picone is now training her Poms for the C.D.X. degree, and asked for suggestions, especially in the training of retrieving. The best one I can offer and this goes for all .obedience training is Milo Pearsalls book. I firmly believe that anyone going by Mr. Pearsalls instructions to the letter cannot fail in properly training a dog. His system of retrieving training takes lots of patience, but in the long run it really is worthwhile. He says to sit down by the dog and gently putPOMERANIAN REVIEW dumbell in its mouth, saying Take , or whatever word you chose to use ever change the word or the way a say it. When the dog finally opens own mouth and takes the dumbell. adually lower the place where you e it to him 'Until he is reaching out get it. When you can give it to him m practically down on the floor, put on the floor and give him the com- and to pick it up. Then and then ily may you toss it. If you are using is method, do not combine play re- ieving until the formal i-etrieving is srfected. In play a deg does it because e feels like playing at the moment and hen he tires of it he stops. A properly ained retriever does it when told to, nd this is work not play. However, fter he 'knows it well, play retrieving fine.I feel that a word of admiration is ue here for a Pomeranian fancier who ertainly deserves all the success which s hers. This lady, Valerie Wagoner of Ian Francisco, has just this year flushed one Champion and two C.D. Jbedience Degrees on Poms all dogs f her own breeding, and she has done ill of the training and showing herself, [his in spite of the fact that although she dismisses it as a minor obstacle, saying, I only worry about the things [ CAN do something about, Valerie has juite a bit of discomfort with her back and legs and out of the ring walks with a cane. She has had spine surgery, and less than two years ago was completely bedridden for a long while. Now she attends, training classes regularly and takes her Poms to most of the dog shows and obedience trials. At Contra Costa Kennel Club show in Pleasant Hill, California June 8th her Wagoners Shawna of Missi finished her Championship, and at the same show Valerie rushing from one ring to the other Wagoners Dinky Geld Buttons earnedhis second leg on his C.D. Incidentaliy, this all happened on Valeries birthday what a way to celebrate Wagoners Golden Glori finished her C.D. at Mt. Diablo Dog Training Clubs obedience trial in Walnut Creek, California on April 27, and Buttons finished his C.D. at Marin Dog Training Clubs trial at Ignacio, California June 22, taking home the trophy for highest scoring Pomeranian and also second highest scoring toy dog. We will be hearing more about Mrs. Wagoners Poms in the future as she is starting to show Glori in the conformation ring, and Buttons has already started on his Open obedience training.VM, BEST INMATCHJOARTS BUCKWHEAT, black puppy bred and owned Ly Joy and Art Davison, N. Whittier, Calif., shown going Best In Match at the Golden West Dog Club Match over 1700 dogs. Breed was judged by Beverly Griffith, Group by Maxine Mitchell and BIM by Robert Davis, all 'icensed handlers who have applied for their Judges Licenses.CALIFORNIA HERE WE COMEThe next Kennel Visit is to the Jo-Art Kennels of Joy Cr Art Davison in N. Whittier, California.POMERANIAN REVIEW 33n ffltemmiamWith deep regret, The Review announces the death of MR. EDWIN SIVORI, on November 25,1969. The Review Staff joins the Entire Membership deepest sympathy ind Miss Virginia expressing to Mrs. Elsie Sivori iDELECATE ContinuedIt is also believed that the new provisions will prove most interesting to those who are the future judges at the Junior Showmanship events. Judges, at present, know that much more emphasis should be given to the skill or lack of skill of persons who are showing. In junior showmanship, the main emphasis will be in this one direction and should prove very interesting to the participating judge. The present day junior showman can well be considered the showman of the years that are ahead. It is, in brief, a wonderful stepping stone in dog show business.The information that has been given on Junior Showmanship changes are under consideration. Your Delegate would appreciate hearing from those interested and who might have ideas and suggestions of constructive value. Your Delegate shall be most willing to present such ideas to the American Kennel Club Board.Your Delegate in closing, again reminds you that he is your American Kennel Club representative for the most wonderful of all breeds, our Pomeranian. May I-hear from you should you havesuggestions or comment. May I als state that the records of the America Kennel Club, applicable to Toys and Nor Sporting breeds, and as printed in th July and August Gazettes are not com plete. The figures show a drop or de dine in the same only because tb computerizing system did not have thi complete and available figures include in the results. This will be corrected ii the coming months and will, of course we hope, show a gain for Toys and Non Sporting groups.REYNOLDS ContinuedShows with some .of the nations Top Winning Dogs on display during the two' days of elaborately decorated benching. Our committees are very active with the Clubs Bench Decorations and Trophy Funds. Every Pom placing in each class will be awarded one of the N.C.P.C. exclusive Ceramic Pomeranian Trophies. We are hoping to see some of our friends from YOUR PART OF THE COUNTRY spending two days visiting with us of the very active NORTHERN CALIF. POMERANIAN CLUB.32 POMERANIAN REVIEWRINGSIDE by K. Birk 861 N. W. 38th Ave. Fort Lauderdale FLORIDAThe Natives are restless this month . . . My mail tells me the Pom folks from the north are coming south and the folks down here are going north. Some are making, or have made permanent moves 'Others are vacationing.I guess most everyone knows that Shirley Jones is a Broadway andor movie star. Also that she is married to Jack Cassidy, singer etc. In my state of confusion, as is usual most of the time, I was really confused at a letter from a Mrs. Jack Jones. Luckily the first paragraph told me she is the former Shirley Woodall Memphis, Tenn. otherwise I may have always thought I was receiving mail from the famous S. Jones. However this Shirley has a claim to fame, she owned CH. Toppers Little Corkie. I welcome them to Florida but I do wish they hadnt settled so far away from me Ft. Walton Beach it must be 500 miles from Lauderdale.Her letter mentioned a desire to belong to the Pomeranian Club down here, which brings up an interesting point that has been talked about many times by a lot of us in Florida. The Pomeranian Club of Florida Miami Area is open to residents of Miami only. I think the Miami Area is often overlooked. The state of Florida is really divided into three parts several different ways, including climate and politics. A few of us think we should and could, manage to have at least one other Pomeranian Club to which we could all belong. As it is we are dotted all over and no communication possible between any of us.How about it you folks in Central and Northern Florida. Think we need another clubOther restless natives are the Kabels. Geri Chuck They have left Miami and you will find ihem up near Winter Haven, Fla. and close by youll find The Pitts Jack and Jo from Hollywood, Fla. They have acreage in the same area and will be there permanently as soon as they can get the loose ends tied up as the saying goes.Vicky Sweeneys good friend from Prospect, Conn., Bea Morrell is on the way down for a stay of 3 or 4 months. She and her hubby are bringing 11 Perns with them. If you dont know Bea you can learn a little about her Paragon Poms by checking the Review . . . Jan. 1964 issue has a visit to her kennel.Bertha and Ralph Disher made a surprise visit last week. They had the Pom Pals Kennels in Indianapolis and Morristown, Indiana. They must have s.ome gypsy blood in their veins. They are wandering around the state seeing all their friends for a week or so. We tried to get in 4 years of conversation in 4 hours and darned if we didnt almost make it.I dont know if my male will have his coat by our Jan. shows but in the meantime, before I spent a lot of money on him I wanted to prove him. One day I had two calls for stud service. The first call was from a man from Chattanooga, Tenn. He had purchased his Pom from Mrs. Tankesly Dixieland Knls.. She was a doll, the Pom, that is. But for that matter so is Mrs. Tankesly. The other call was from a lady who had Phyllis Sealys color bred black stock. What a project for a boy who had never been married, two girls in one day. He knew he had to make a choice and chose the little southern gal fromAPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3Term. He was so pleased with himself, and her, but tonight there is sad news. His pregnant wife is missing . . . kidnapped, we fear. Her babies are due Dec. 6th and we are all beside ourselves with grief.Again the mail brings a request for a Pom. Usually they ask for puppies which is no problem. I just refer them to the breeder nearest to them. This time it is for breeding stock and how to find a breeder who will let go .of a quality bitch. Good question isnt it She has a point. She says she realizes the breeders need to keep their good stock BUT . . . NEW BREEDERS need GOOD FOUNDATION stock too. This particular lady says she is willing to pay for quality many times this is not the case. A membership list would be of help to us all I think, so that we could do a better job of referral.Some folks have all the luck or maybe luck didnt have anything to do with Mary Casey going to Bermuda and doing all that winning. I wont list her wins as Im sure she will have them elsewhere in this issue. If she doesnt, she should.This is a little out of my territory but since no one in Fla. has sent me any news of their wins Im happy to tell you that Ruth Doctor, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, has finally had some good luck and has 3 majors on her Imp and just needs 3 points to finish. Imp is a beautiful orange and heavily coated and out of the male she bought from Bertha Disher when she had to give up her Poms because of illness. I suspect I used the wrong word when I said luck. Hard work and perseverance more nearly describes the reason for any good specimen doesnt it. Ruth really has had a lot of personal bad luck as well as herContinued on Page 40DOWN IN TEXASSHORTY HARWOODPOMACRE KENNELS Mereta Route San Angelo, Tex.It seems I have been drafted by nr husband to write a few lines as thi finds him gone to shows every weekenc and the three days that he is home h is in a stew getting ready to leavt again.So far this fall, he has had a ball good shows, nice wins, and nice dogs tc work with being owned by nice people. He finished a lovely little Pan bitch for Barbara Holder of Houston, this past weekend in Norman, Oklahoma.Really, a show-widow needs a medal. Or, a paid vacation after shows if she has dogs, kennels, boarders and people to deal with -every minute besides that horrible telephone in every room.I worked1 for the public seventeen years, twelve years as a buyer for a department store and five years -for a public utility company. All of those years I swore I would start a diary of funny things, sayings, and doings of customers, but after many attempts just gave up. I guess what really stopped me cold was the little lady who came to my desk while I was in the utility office and asked me to please watch for her name in the obituaries, and in case it were there and they were going to bury her in an old, -cowboy grave yard, to stop them It seems- she had just attended such a funeral and it was out on a ranch, far removed from town, with nothing but rock, sage, wind and'POMERANIAN REVIEWattle, and it was just too much for her o, you see, that was really a diary topper. But with the boarding kennel, ets and people, you do see and hear erne funny things.Lets all agree with one thing a ierson3 dog or cat come first nothing s too good, nothing is too fancy, and [thing but the best must be available, low they may not have it like that at me, but they want it all first class - when they board them out. For example, the lady I met in the beauty hop wanted to bring her two little labies dogs out to board okay, she ame and wanted an air conditioned com, steak with creamy gravy cooked hree times a day, wanted it to sleep n bed with us at night, and wanted it o sit in our living room on the carpet iuring the day. Well, after much looking ind thinking, we just didnt know what she would do. You can imagine what we wanted to suggest, but being kind-folks, we suggested a baby sitter in her own some that could cook steak and gravy, sleep with the babies and talk to them for two weeks. So help me I found out, at the beauty shop, that is just what she did.Then we had one couple with a 16 year old, who came often and each time they returned they were really disappointed that the old man was still living. They wanted -him to pass on while he was with us, so they wouldnt have to see itYou know people are so vain they cant stand to think of little Poo not crying, barking, grieving, not eating or passing out while they were gone like the lady that came into the office to get her little one and couldnt hear a sound coming from our kennel. So she grabbed hers up and stated, The poor thing has just barked herself hoarseContinued on Page 38MID-WESTREPORTby Stella B. Davis WEEGOLD POMS 7477 Old Troy Pike St. Paris, Ohio 43072The end of another year is close at hand as I write this article. The new year will be well started as you all read this so let me take a moment to wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. I hope 1970 brings each of you out there in Pom-land the best in show Pom perhaps So take a fulfillment of your fondest dreams a second look at those new babies in the nest May we each give thanks for our many blessings.There is nothing like starting out this column with the report of a new champion for a Pom breeder who has tried very hard. Patricia Larrissey reports that her Tomahawks Red Face finished at the Anderson, Indiana show under Judge Anthony J. Bruneman Jr. Congratulations Pat and keep up the good work.I had a short note from Mary McCoy and I am glad to report she is doing marvelously after surgery and has attended a show or two. Just keep in there swinging Mary.At the Decatur, Illinois show there were no males present. Winners bitch to Shirley Hoffmans Skylark 'Radiant Tana. Reserve winners bitch to James Coys Thrashers K Nina Souvenier. Best opp. sex to Charles Richards Oh. Bonners Sunwag Sensation. Best of breed and toy group first to Ch. Muffle handled by little Vicki McCoy. I know I am repeating myself but Vicki always does such a nice job handling and is a joy to watch.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5CH. BLAIRS SENSATIONPuppies sired by Ch. Blairs Sensation Son of Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper X Blairs Adorable Bit O GoldAlsopuppies out of other Showstopper linesINQUIRIES INVITEDBLAIRS POMERANIANS Annie T. Blair7916 Foster St., S.E. Washington, D.C. 2002SACh. Blairs SensationMrs. Randall Frenchs Macs Fancy- dukes Lock Im A Dandy was winners dog and best of winners at Nashville, Tenn. He was also best opp. sex. Her Macs Faneydukes Wee Wendy was winners bitch and her MeDougalls Gay Samantha was reserve winners bitch. Vicki McCoy again took best of breed and toy group fourth with Ch. Muffle.The HO'Osier Kennel Club show held at Indianapolis, Indiana was a special thrill for the Coy family from Louisville, Ky. Their Coys Pettieoate Princess was winners bitch. While they have had numerous other wins I believe this was the first with a Pom of th-eir breeding. They watched this little one grow from a baby up. I predict Oh. will be added before her name before too long I am rooting for you and so is daddy Weegold Jo Jo.I had-a-eardMfrom Lyda Garner and she is so proud of Tiny Toys MariannesLegacy and well she might as she just finished her Canadian title with wins at the Sault Ste Marie Kennel Club. She was winners, best of winners and 3rd in toy group first day 'and winners on the second day. Congratulations Lyda and Marianne. Now lets go for the title here now. Count me in your cornerAt New Castle, winners dog and best of winners to Sosinskis Lucky Warrior owned by George Sosinski. Winners bitch to Thelma Minnicks Fancy Pants finishing her. Congratulations Thelma on this nice lilttle gal Fancy was handled by Evelyn Schaffer and at Wheeling, West Virginia next day she was best of breed.Eve Rons Im A Dundee Too was winners dog and best of winners at Sewickley and repeated these wins at Trumbull and also went on to best of breed. Proud owner Evelyn Schaffer. A white Pom, Jewells White Pearl owned by Mary Sykora from Cleveland was36 POMERANIAN REVIEWwinners bitch at both of the above shows too. Mary is equally proud of her white girl and a lot of credit goes to her Jor iccnsistingly showing this white one.Eve Rons Im A Dandee Too was also winners dog and best of winners at Progressive while Davis Wee Gold Smarty Doll took the bitch points. Smarty Doll is owned by Donna Megen- hardt. Thelma Minnicks Ch. Fancy Pants went best opp. sex and best of breed to C. Richards Ch. Bonners Sun- wag Sensation.Mr. Joseph Faigel judged a nice entry of Poms at Kokomo Kennel Club in Kokomo, Indiana. I dont have all the winners but it was a 3 point major for Mr. and Mrs. James Coys Thrashers K Nine Souvenier.Ruth Doctor sent in the following report on her club's show, NortheasternIndiana K.C. It was held in the Glen- brook Shopping 'Center Mall where the temperature is 72 degrees at all times. There is ample paved parking .and a real nice place. Mr. Edward Klein drew an entry of 12 Poms with winners dog and best opp. sex going to Gold Black- acres Andersley Astir. Winners bitch and best of winners to Coys Petticoat Princess, owners Mr. Mrs. James Coy. This was a 3 point major. Bet the buttons popped Jim' Forrest Mary McCoys Ch. Muffle took best of breed.Dr. William E. Field, Jr. judged an entry of 9 Poms at Licking River Show held at the Y.M.C.A. Ball Park in Newark, Ohio. Dr. Field found his winners dog and best of winners in Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce owned by E. Miller. Winners bitch and best opp. sex to Donna Megenhardts Davis Wee Gold SmartyContinued on Page 40For SalePROMISING MALEWhelped June 25, 1969 Sired byAmerican, Canadian Bermudian Champion Nan jo InterludeBESSIE R. SEMELERSalisbury Maryland 21801Phone 301-742-6649POMERANIAN' REVIEWWINDFALL POMERANIANSPresentsTOY CROUP WINNER Ch. Bonners Sunwag SensationHandler Lorraine HeichelSonny won the Toy Group at Saginaw, Mich, on Oct. 4 under Judge Kenneth Given. Next day, second in Group under Frank Foster Davis, at Detroit.V8,Ch. Bonners Sunwag SensationEdward F. Ustilla Charles B. RichardBox 276Willow St., Pa. 17584Now Available at StudOur New Champion Franchise of NanjoSee PedigreeBehind New ChampionsCh. C. E. Timstopper AgainOrange Sable - 4 lbs. Stud Fee 50Great Elms Kennels, Reg. NOTHING FOR SALEPhone17704-889-9233Ruth Lowry BeamPineville, N.C. 2813438 POMERANIAN REVIEWFOR SALETHREE 3 ORANGE FEMALES FOR SHOW OR BREEDINGSired byAmerican, Canadian, Bermudian Ch. Nanjo InterludeOut ofBodas Diamond Gypsy Jandaughter of Ch. Kniffins Jack-O-DiamondsWhelped July 18, 1969MRS. JANET E. BODALowell Road Croton, Mass. 01450 Phone 617-692-8208HARWOOD ContinuedThen the poor thing that cant stand little cages, and wants Jr. to have the complete run of acres, day and night. By the way, be is a real good hoy just digs under, or climbs fences, and eats.shrubs.Oh yes And one that comes to the kennel and has to talk to all of the dogs getting every one of them barking and yelling at the same time, then through all of the bedlam says it would make her little baby nervous not to say what it does to me. Guess that is why I look so haggard.Then there are really lovely people with lovely dogs, cats, and assorted pets, and they make up for all of the nuts. If there werent a sense of humor in us we would just fold up But as the old saying goes, People are funny and I am sure I have given people afew things to cause them chuckles, and gray hairs Especially, when I have to carry a spoiled Afghan who stands above my waist I never know what to do with his back-end, so just drag it, or when I lock myself inside an outdoor kennelrun all morning and cant get out, or get backed into a comer by a midget monster with big teeth, or fall down on wet concrete to the delight of a dozen Poms with long, wet tonguesJust a million things a day because of being drafted by a busy husband But in spite of it all, I still think dogs are the nicest people. Sidney HarwoodPeople who think they are as right as rain are usually all wet.The world stands aside to let anyone pass who knows where he is going. D. S. JordanPOMERANIAN REVIEW 39AMERICAN, CANADIAN BERMUDIAN CH. NANJO INTERLUDEcongratulates his daughter Bermudian Champion Westerleigh Topazc Serenade on completion of her Bermudian title subj. B.K.C. conf.Denny is owned by Mary F. Casey Dorothy B. Pace and is at Stud to approved bitches atTOPAZE KENNELSFrancis J. Mary F. Casey 60 Wilbur StreetRaynham, Mass. 02767 Ph. 617822-4862BERMUDIAN CHAMPION WESTERLEIGH TOPAZE SERENADEBERMUDAKENNELCLUBBESTPUPPYfinished in 3 shows at S mos. of age with 3 majors under judges Mr. Hollis "Wilson, Mr. Stanley Dangerfield and Mr. Percy Roberts handled by breeder, Francis J. CaseyShow record to date 3 BB, 1 Gr. 3, 3 Best Toy Puppy, 2 Best Puppy in Show. To be shown in U.S. by Mrs. Susan FisherOWNED BYFlorence, Lady ConyersPembrokeWesterleighBermuda40 POMERANIAN REVIEWCirculationManagerDorothy E. Husted 9S6 Calhoun Ave. Bronx, N.Y. 10465POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUES Available at 1.00 EachWrite Circulation ManagerPOMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION 5.00 Yearly1960 June1961 March, Sept.1962 March, June, Sept., Dec.1963 March, June, Oct.1964 Jan., April, July, Oct.1965 April, July, Oct.1967Jan., April, July, Oct.Complete your files of The Revieic. These back issues are collectors items now. Always something good for reference.QUESTION ANSWER DEPT.Since none of the prominent breeders 'mentioned in the letter of last issues Questioner sent an answer to the Review, the Editor will suggest a couple of possible avenues to try, for the attempt to find out the attributes and defects of each leading strain of Pomeranians.First, and most obvious try writing to each breeder whose stock appeals to you. Some may not find time to answer your letter, but many will do so.Second, purchase The Complete Pomeranian by Viva Leone Ricketts. Howell Book House. Study the many pictures as well as the text.Third, buy the available back issues of the Review an invaluable collection of pedigrees and pictures.Fourth, visit the breeders within driving distance of your home you may find just what you want, close by.MIDWEST ContinuedAlso available at 1.25 Each1968 Jan., July, Oct.1969 Jan., April, July, Oct.SUBSCRIBERSPlease look for the RED X on the Address Tab. It means your subscription expires with this issue. Renewal notice will be found inside.RINGSIDE Continuedshare of bad luck in P.oms. CH. Pom Pals Sir Gala Laddie gave her Imp, who has had a 4th in group, so maybe now she is on the way after all this time.Till next issue good luck to you all and let me know if I can do anything for you thru this column.Doll. Best of breed to Patricia Hopkins Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland.The show the next day at Delaware, Ohio with Mr. Hollis Wilson judging had E. Shaffers Eve Rons Im A Dandee Too as winners dog and best of winners. Davis Wee Gold Boxie Dandy owned by your writer was reserve winners dog. Davis Wee Gold Smarty Doll repeated her wins, of the day before and so did Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland by going best of breed again. Patricias puppy, Windsweet of Highland was reserve winners bitch.Weegold sends best of wishes to each of you out there in POM LAND. Happy New Year.Dont forget send me YOUR NEWS. See you all at the showsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4iCHAMPION CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLY The Little Texas TornadoAmericas Number One Pomeranian Americas No. 6 Toy DogWHATTA GUYStill Winning Adds four more Toy Group Firsts to his phenominal RecordStill ProducingAdds another Champion child, making 4 champion Duke children already THIS TEAR This one, already a Group Winner several times himself, isChampion Dukes Little Red Baron of OKala.Dukes happy ownersDarrell and Olga Baker102 ElmDeer Park, Texas 77536 Phone 713-479-1448Duke is at Stud in Texas - 100 Reservations necessary Also, Duke sons at Stud .50 and 35YIPS and YAPSBETTY W. SMITHHouston, TexasAt last I have something I can advertise in the Review I have wanted to support it with an ad for so long, hut felt I must wait for a Champion and all of a sudden I have TWO. I am not sure of what to do, hut have tried to prepare an ad which would not be too much trouble to set up . . . Needless to say, Im not quite ready for all this, but Im willing to try to live with it. Im so proud Its been a long time coming.JOANNE ANDERSON Downers Grove, IllinoisAlways look forward to the Review, and would like to comment for the benefit of some columnists that I look forward to some of the newsy or social comments in columns, think it helps make us feel we can know a little more about people in the Club we might never get to meet.EMMA HEYDE San Francisco, Cal.So sorry to have missed the August 20 deadline - I really thought I had lots of time. Hope you will forgive me, and I will be very careful hereafter. What I wrote still goes, I guess, except that Ken Matheson didnt judge at San Francisco Dog Training Club sanctioned match after all the poor man wrenched his knee and was in a cast from here to there for about six weeks. That really put him back in his obedience showing, too one more leg to go in Novice and the dog making very good scores.MRS. JULIE MORENO San Bruno, Calif.Pom Review still excells. Keep up the wonderful work. I feel it is the Bible of the breed and such a reward to our beloved Pom Breed. If anyone can give grooming tips, I do feel this is much needed in an article.42 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS and YAPS ContinuedMRS. C. D. ANDREWS Woodinville, Wash.My husband and I are members of the APC and enjoy the Review very much. Since we are novice breeders we are just beginning to build our foundation stock, at present with only two dogs but in the market for more of our chosen strain. We read and have read for years all the information we can get concerning our breed. We have always tried whenever writing for information about buying pups or locating a particular strain or product to enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. We do this as we realize the many possible inquiries the older breeders might get and feel this would aid them and save them both time and money.I regret to say that MOST such requests about stock have been ignored by the reputable fellow member breeders of the APC. I feel strongly that this is not only poor manners but also very poor representation of our breed. I have found that I am not alone in this lack of response from these various -breeders either. Perhaps their image can stand this tarnishment but it upsets me greatly to feel that the Pomeranian dog should be so represented. It does little to foster good will or to give encouragement to new breeders to enter the field. If this be their intent then I for one feel they must be doing a lot of ballyho about their stock and have indeed poor quality Poms in their kennels if they are so afraid of newcomers.MR. MRS. F. P. CHRISTLE Felton, Calif.Have enjoyed the Pomeranian Review so much we wish to place our order early for next year. Since third class mail is so slow, have added the extra dollar for First Class Postage.MRS. RAMONA J. SMITH Bowman, North DakotaEnclosed find check for 5.00. Please renew my subscription to Pom Review for another year. Keep up the good work I dearly love this little magazine and I wish it came oftener, was bigger and had more pictures. Thank you.CHUCK REYNOLDS Newcastle, Cal.Say Gal, your Johnny Cant Read and Help Wanted bits were really something. I know how thankless your job is but I sure hope you dont get any takers on the Help Wanted. Not that I think you will have many who could qualify. You are really putting out a terrific Review each month and I for one would hate to see it change hands. If there is anything more that Bud or I could do to help from out here, please feel free to sound off to us. We do not get anything from our Advts. but we want to help as much as we can with support. Is there any other way we can help from this distanceSophie, how is this color thing going One thing we feel out here is that we do not know what is going on until we read it in the review three months later. Our Club is in favor of All Colors and have printed this in our Bark and Bounce which is sent to the Parent Club. Rumor has it the choices will not include All Colors. Is it only rumor It is too bad that condensed minutes of the APC meetings cant be printed so when we do find out what has been done back there that effects all of us we can at least see how it all came about. Our Club must get permission from the Parent Club to hold a Match or Specialty and they are now calling us Regional Clubs but does the Regional Clubs votes for things effecting the Breed nationally have any bearing on the decisions If the All Color Choice is not included it would appear we have no say at all. I know you are not the one to Gripe to - but I feel we have a friend in you way back there where the action is.MRS. BETTY MARDEN Independence, KansasDear Mrs. HustedEnclosed is my check for renewal of my Subscription to the Pomeranian Review. I have become so interested in breeding good Poms in the last six years that I would hate to miss any issues. I have learned more of what is going on in the Pom world from the Review than any other place. Everyone who raises Poms at all should subscribe to this wonderful source of information.POMERANIAN REVIEW 43SINCERE THANKS to Marlene Scott Edna Girardot Bob Goodrich and the many others too numerous to list for their help, advice and encouragement.DORADO POMERANIANS Carol A. Fama4980 Thales RoadWinston-Salem, North Carolina 27104MORENOSPROUDLY ANNOUNCES OUR NEW CHAMPION CH. MORENOS WHATS NEW PUSSY KATOur sincere thanks and appreciation to our handier Lorraine Heichel, and all the judges who placed her. Our last 2 pts. obtained owner handled at Sir Francis Drake, Sept. 14, 1969. A very Special Thanks to judge Florence Broadhurst for her title.Linebred litter now 2 F, 1 M Sired by Int. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N SodaInquiries answered promptlyMRS. J. MORENO1636 Claremont Drive San Bruno, California 94066 Phone 415-583-4973Buffs Good TimesPointed4'2 lb. cream male44 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS and YAPS ContinuedMRS. SAM WIEBEUlysses, KansasDear Mrs. HustedEnclosed is. cheek for 10 for two years subscription to the Pom Review.^ I enjoy it so much and read it from cover to cover. Although Im not breeding Poms now, I think they are still the Number One Dog. I just have one now for a pet. I am looking forward to the next Kennel Visit, to the Sam Tholes at Marion. I have visited her kennel and she has very nice Poms. Thanks again for a very good magazine.PAT HOPKINSWell, here goes Pat Hopkins, as usual, sticking out her neck again The only way to get the breeders to realize what is needed in this breed, is for someone to bring up the subject, make them think about it and get them to evaluate whatis being done to the breed through personal selection, and then hope that these breeders will come to the realization of what is necessary and good for the breed as a whole, not just what they want or desire in a dog for themselves alone.This was most forcefully brought home to me when at a recent show I viewed from ringside, six female Poms in the ring. Of the six, there was only one who was even large enough for a brood and who also seemingly could gait properly in the rear After hearing the remarks running around the ringside from more than one spectator about the poor gaits, bad legs and the entries looking for all the world like a bunch of poor coated pets all in the ring belonging to breeders one came away with a slightly sick feeling perhaps ashamed of even being a Pom breeder, because there they were poor coated,GOLDEN HUE POMERANIANS OF CALIFORNIA Home ofGolden Clow Dacotah KidCh. Sacramentos Innkeeper X Golden Glow Honey WestGolden Clow Lonesome GeorgeGolden Glow Dacotah Kid X Golden Hill ButtonsN.C.P.C. Best in Match - 33 EntriesOwnersJoan and Vernon SandersRoute 2, Box 2331 A Auburn, California 95603POMERANIAN REVIEWtiny little thing, most with poor gaits, not the gorgeous coated, prancing females we should be placing in the ring as the correct representatives of our breed for all to seeIf then, this is what the newcomer views in the ring, as I did on that particular day, there is nothing there to attract him to the breed but tiny size and a pretty head, and if this is all he is looking for in a breed, long coated Chihuahuas will be just as attractive And if this is what the judges think we breeders want, how then, will they ever recognize a good properly sized brood bitch Where are the champion bitches on our pedigrees Far too few, you can be sure If you doubt my word, study your own pedigreesWhen one of our topmost breeders was asked why she was showing and finishing a tiny female, too small to beused as a brood, her reply was, and quote, If you cant beat them, joi them So, if this is what most are d ing, and when one spends enough tin. thinking about it, one must honest admit, it does not sound good for tb breed as a whole.Until the time comes when we breed ers can place in the ring with hopes o finishing, females who can gait righ because they are sound in rear stifles have enough coat to be proud of, ani are large enough to reproduce thei beautiful selves easily, then we will hav come a long way, to this, a Pom breeder, Utopia Then, and only then, will ou winning females have lots more to offe our breed than just a pretty head, i tiny size and a dead end streetJust so there is no misunderstanding there are some who have finished tc the championship, lovely breedable sized INDEX TO ADVERTISERSDARRELL OLGA BAKER ......................................... .RUTH L. BEAM ...............................................................CATHERINE BERT BEDELL .....................................ANNIE T. BLAIR ..............................................................MRS. JANET E. BODA ...................................................MRS. LORENE CARPENTER ........................................FRANCIS J. MARY F. CASEY ...................................FLORENCE, LADY CONYERS ......................................D. C. JOAN C0W1E .....................................................CAROL A. FAMA .............................................................EDNA E. CIRARDOT ......................................................RALPH JOYCE CRAVES ...........................................MRS. BARBARA HOLDER ............................................PATRICIA M. HOPKINS .................................................JACK SHIRLEY JONES ..............................................PATRICIA A. LARRISSEY .............................................MRS. NORRIS McKAMEY .............................................SOPHIE H. MAYES ..........................................................MRS. J. MORENO ............................................................CHUCK REYNOLDS BUD KNAPP ...........................CHARLES B. RICHARD EDWARD F. USTILLAJOAN VERNON SANDERS ........................................BESSIE R. SEMELER ......................................................DANIEL B. BETTY W. SMITH ...................................ELIZABETH W. TROXLER .............................................PAGE...... 41...... 37.... 13.... 35...... 387.... 39.... 39.... 24... 43..... 47... 21... 23..... 5... 43..... 24... 17.COVER... 43... 17... 37... 4436..... 22 ... 2616 POMhRANlAlN Ktvicvviemales and their names do appear on the pedigrees, but these are in the minority. These few breeders certainly have accomplished much to be proud of and we salute youEDNA E. GIRARDOT Floral City, FloridaDear SophieI cannot begin to tell you how glad I am to he here hut it is going to take some adjusting to get used to it and to get settled. Unable to bring down any help and find I have time for nothing hut the dogs and then not doing justice to them, could use two groomers for 2 weeks to get caught up. Due to confusion and not much help home and the hurry bustle of getting out, the dogs came down in had shape. Trip was fast and not too tiresome and exciting. So much activity before we pulled out and all day with newsmen, etc. Surely created a lot of excitement and friends and customers were milling in and out all day until we left and even the day before, to say good bye and well wishing. I dont.know how I lived through it. Ve left 315 Nov. 4 and pulled in here just the same hour Nov. 5. Drivers stopped once 3 AM for 40 minutes for me to water and feed the pups. Had exercise pen on but no time to use it. Then we stopped one hr. near here and treated the drivers and ourselves to a good meal. Two more drivers brought my Pontiac down with the Volks Camper in tow. They left 10 AM the 4th and pulled in about 5 min. before we did. Charles could not drive down with recent eye operation and such. It was one fast quick way to get here and door to door service.Drivers were full of fun. On the 40 min. stop they went into the rest area restaurant and told the 2 girls on duty they had 70 passengers to bring in and how were they fixed on food. They said the girls nearly panicked and said please dont do this to us. They came back to the bus just bursting with laughter. Once we had a 15 minute wait at a R.R. crossing and drivers of other buses came in to see our strange cargo for they wouldnt believe our drivers. Dogs were amusing too for many, about 50 chps., and accustomed to riding just settled down, others stood up and looked out the windows, and somewatched the drivers as tho overseeing. We all drank coffee, laughed and passed the time quickly.Once I pulled out of that yard I never looked back. Such a strange feeling to be leaving 35 years behind. As we get along in years these sudden changes are more difficult to accept. It was years of strife, struggle, defeat and success and a slowing down and final realization that it could not go on and that a change had to be made. So here I am in a strange world but I have my dogs thank God, for without them I would be completely lost. They give me hope and courage when I need it most. This is a large home and this in itself is such a change for me for I have never really had a home as I lived in the kennel apartment most of the time. Never had time to keep house and unless I get help here am going to be in a sad state. Mr. G. is not good and has had a bad cold and unable to adjust to his glasses and make the change that is necessary following cataract operations.I have missed so getting on the road and off to shows. I think of them as they come up like Wash, and Baltimore. Certainly not like it is North, get into car and travel every weekend to a show within driving distance. Outside of the Pla. shows the distance will be 500 to 600 miles one way to a show. Guess it means I stay home and this is going to be hard to take for it was that diversion that kept me going. All work and 'no play makes me a dull girl.It was very cold when we arrived but it is beautiful here now and I am thankful I will not have to face the thought of snow and shoveling. It is truly beautiful here, good roads and much scenery. Whatever happens I will always have fond memories to turn to and will live over and over those years of show going and the sacrifice necessary to consistant- ly go to shows as I did. It kept me going and gave me an interest in life and to suddenly change all this is almost too much for me to adjust to. I miss all my friends and will be thinking of them and I hope the holidays will he good for all. I find I cannot keep up with so many dogs and just hope I can reduce some, but of course must do some breeding so I can have some cute little ones around to enjoy. Not sure about a Vet here and it will be trial and error for awhile.POMERANIAN REVIEW 47YIPS and YAPS ContinuedIt will soon be four years since I entered Pomdom and what a four years There have been moments of extreme frustration, bitter tears and wonderful happiness all over my beloved little orange powder puffs. However, Im very grateful to a few people who stood by me, especially during those times of tears and frustration. One usually has plenty of friends during a time of happiness.My sincere thanks go to Elsie McDermott of Kingston, Ontario who sent us our first Pom. Then, I began to correspond with Ann Cowie. How can I adequately thank this nice lady whom I have yet to meet in person Thanks, Ann, for all the telephone and letter writing time you have given to support and help me. Also Thanks for mybeautiful Can. and American Champion, Stylemaster of Nanjo and the sweet bitch to breed with him.Then a thank you to a dear lady who no longer breeds Poms but loves to visit them Daisy Davies, London, Ontario. Daisy and her husband came to visit us out of the blue one Sunday when I didnt know a Pom person within miles. Daisy and I chatted and chatted and she has since introduced me to other Pom people. I hope they will also be friends.These are my friends made entirely through our mutual love of Poms. I only hope that when the day arrives that a Novice comes to me for help, that I will give as generously of my time, experience and encouragement as these ladies. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Mrs. R. E. Altwater ...............................Dorothy Armagost ............................. .Darreli Olga Baker______________Ruth L. Beam .........................................Catherine Bert Bedell____________Ted Kathryn Birk _______________Melanie Julia Brumback ....................Francis J. Mary F. Casey__________D. G. Joan Cowie_______________Edna E. Girardot ...................................Tim Sue Goddard...............................Robert L. Goodrich ________________Patricia M. Hopkins ..............................Bob Margaret Inscho ____________Sophie H. Mayes ________ ________Eleanor W. Miller_________________Northern Cal. Pomeranian Club ______John Pipe _______________________Chuck Reynolds Bud Knapp ______Charles B. Richard ________________Dudley Wanda Roach ____________Mrs. Joseph E. Smith ______________Elizabeth Troxler ________________Frank Welsh ____________________PACE________ 45________ 21---------- Cover________ 35________ 31________ 8________ 28________ 42................... 5________ 48________ 17________ 24............... 21................ 25.............22, 23_______ 29............ 10________ 15________ 22________ 37________ 23_________ 43 _________ 15 '18 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Millamors Fancy Cold Dancercongratulates his daughter Ch. Fancy Cold Flamenco Dancer.Owner Joanne Anderson, of 5638 S. Springside,Downers Grove, Illinois, thanks Edna Voyles who finished FancyCh. Millaiuor's Fancy Gold Dancerand Bill McCoy for his nice wins with her.Pedigree inBehind the New ChampionsACThere may he a winner for you in the five new litters expectedin September and October Three sired by Gold Dancer one a repeat of Fancy and two litters by Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly.VCh.Fancy Gold Flamenco DancerTIM and SUE GODDARD10343 Carlow Lane La Porte, Texas 77571 713-471-2701