The below is strictly the text lifted via OCR from an issue of The Pomeranian Review. To view the actual issue please download the original PDF file.

The Pomeranian Review October 1990

Table of Contents

Opening Views 4
President's Message 6
Corresponding Secretary Report 7
Recording Secretary Report 7
APC Specialty Results 12
United Efforts 17
Greater Baltimore Specialty 19
Obedience Poms in Baltimore 25
Happenings Around the Country 44
Helpful Hints 62
Pearl of Great Price 67
I Remember When 68
Letters to Sharon 72
Yips and Yaps 76
Behind the New Champions 83
Behind the New OB Titleists 85
Obedience News 86
American Pomeranian Chib, Inc.Pomeranian ReviewFinal Quarterly Issue October 1990JAN-SHARt3 rBEST OF OPPOSITE SWEEPSTAKESAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB NATIONAL SPECIALTYaoo B. HARKINSJAN-SHARS SOUTHERN STYLEPictured above at the APC National Specialty in Baltimore taking BOS in the Sweepstakes under judge Jackie Stacy. Thank you Jackie.Congratulations to the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore on a job well done I had a wonderful timeSharon Hanson HandlerRt 2, Box 263 Pam CampbellRenick, WV 24966 304 497-2446 Show prospect puppies for sale''y' Ped\on Ike diagon PomW7a- t5.... . - vat' ". V'Pete Gdmdo Ron WelchMULTI BEST IN SHOWCHAMPION5ekn Divert Iie CowjueW HOF-GCBxeedeAA-OivneAA -xr -jirS7 7 NEW VORK - EL PASO, TX 79902 - 915542-0753of theAmerican Pomeranian CCuS, Inc.President.............................First Vice President............Second Vice PresidentRecording Secretary.......... .Corresponding Secretary.Treasurer............................ .OFFICERS OF THE CLUB.............................................................................Dolores Watts..........................................................................Dianne Johnson.............................................................................Nadine Hersil...............................................................................Judith Green............................................................................Audrey Roberts1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, La. 71446 .............................................................................Morris CarsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSOlga Baker John Cribbs Sue Goddard Delegate to AKC.Anna La Fortune Skip Piazza Mary Vickers ......Sam ZaneoffPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditorPublisher...........................E. Bruce Driggers, P.O. Box 8129, Norfolk, Va 23503-8129Circulation Manager............................Lt. Col. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, Va 23047Printer.............................................................................................Royster Printing Services, Inc.Published bimonthly January, March, May, July, September November in Norfolk, Va. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 25.00 per year bulk 30.00 First class rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, APOs - U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for pubhcation to the Editor.Make Checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads. Photos are returned to advertisers following publication.ADVERTISING RATESNonMembers MembersFrontCover................. ....120.00 150.00Back Cover................. .......75.00 90.00Inside Front Cover.... .......65.00 80.00Inside Back Cover..............65.00 80.00.....120.00 150.00.......55.00 65.00Three-quarters page.. .......45.00 55.00.......35.00 45.00........15.00 25.00..........5.00 7.00Photo Reproduction... ........10.00 10.00Photos must accompany ad copy.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED ORCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos 10 each. Editor reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINESNovember 1 January IssueJanuary 1 March IssueMarch 1 May IssueMay 1 July IssueJuly 1 September IssueAdvertisers NoteCover StoryCH. BI-MAR SHAWNBetter known as "Champ." With Champ's 6th birthday coming this Christmas, we wanted to do something special for him for all his devotion and love and for all his veiy special kids he has given us.To our first champion, we salute you May we be blessed with many more years of your special company.Feisty's Pomeranians Husband and Wife Team 6325 S.E. 73rd Portland, OR 97206 503 774-8912A Look InsideOpening Views 4President's Message 6Corresponding Secretary Report 7 Recording Secretary Report 7APC Specialty Results 12United Efforts 17Greater Baltimore Specialty 19Obedience Poms in Baltimore 25Happenings Around the Country 44 Helpful Hints 62Pearl of Great Price 67I Remember When 68Letters to Sharon 72Yips and Yaps 76Behind the New Champions 83Behind the New OB Titleists 85Obedience News 86Membership ChairmanBeverly Poplar is the new membership charman for APC. All requests for applications should be directed to her at 1098 Seaview Ave. Woodbridge, VA 22191. Completed applicafirmsshnnIH also hp. TPtnrnpH tn Rp.vptIvWith the start of the new six issues in January 1991, Pom Review will also have new names for each issue. Those issues for future reference will be known as the following January - HandlersJr. Showmanship issue March - Obedience issue May - National SpecialtyWestminsterJudges issue July - Stud issue September - Puppy HopefulsSummerSpecialty issue November - Brood Bitch issue.It is hoped that all will pay close attention to these special issues and plan your advertising around them. For example, you know that the Brood Bitch issue is in November, so take those special photos when those bitches are in coat and in top condition and hold them until that issue. That way you'll have nice bitches who look every bit the champions they're sure to become. And without them, where would you be todayAnd because we're going to six issues, things will be even tighter than they have ever been before. Deadlines are deadlines No exceptions If you don't have it in, I'm truly sorry. But I won't have time to wait or make extensive alterations to your already sent copy. Make sure it is the way you want it when you send it in. Also keep in mind wordiness in your ads. This distracts from photo reproduction sizes and clutters the page.I'd like very much to start a visiting Veterinarian column. But this can only be a success if you can get your vets to agree to write short articles maximum of 2 double spaced, type-written pages on medical aspects that are specific to Poms or Toys in general. Each of you who do this will be given credit for having sent the article in. So start talking---------------------------------------------- KennelVisitThe January'91 issue will feature a kennel visit with Natalie Dunfee, TYNAN Pomeranians. Pom Review encourages its advertisers to extend congratulations to Natalie in their ads.vOpening Views....Again, Im sure most of you are saying to yourself and others, that A PC really made a mistake in hiring me for the editorship of Pom Review. My last comments were written, of course, before the actual printing of the July Pom Review and I was writing them based on the commitments made from the printer, as to promised delivery date and promised quality of the publication. And of course, we were all very sadly disappointed with the end result.Needless to say, I did fire thatprinter for any future work for APC and the Pom Review. I truly dont believe that I am wrong in saying, prior to publication, that this issue is superb A new printer, Royster Printing Services, Inc., will no doubt do justice to this grand publication. This printer also prints the Old English Sheepdog Club of America bimonthly publication, the English Springer Spaniel Quarterly, and my own publication, Toy Parade. He has been doing the first two publications, 5 years and 8 years, respectively. So he has a proven track record And I am proud to have APC and the Pom Review associated with him.This issue will be the last of the quarterly publications of the Pom Review. Starting January 1991, we go bimonthly I know this will be extremely exciting to most of you, especially when you have those litters that need to be advertised in a timely manner. New deadlines have been included on page 3 but I want to put out here in this column, those dates again so there will be no mistake on the new deadline dates. Those new dates are January issue -1 November deadline March issue -1 January deadline May issue - 1 March deadline July issue - 1 May deadline September issue - 1 July deadline and November issue - 1 September deadline. Mail out date of each issue will be the 15 of each month, the month before. Example January 1991 to be mailed out by December 15, 1990, March 1991 mailed out February 15,1991, etc.Also, there has been two new charges added for preferred placement on the back cover and inside back cover of each issue. Back cover charge will be 75 for APC members and 90 for non-members inside back cover will be 65 for members and 80 for non-members. The reason for this change is due to the difference in paper used for the cover than the inside pages. The cnvpr napes cost APC more, thus a reasonableRemember, if you wish a preferred placement, a deposit must accompany your request. Money deposited guarantees your request. Current reservations on hand for the original April and July 91 issues, will now be moved up to the March and May 91 issues unless otherwise dictated differently by those who made the reservations. The same goes for the inside front covers that were originally reserved for the January, April, July October 1991 issues. If you wish differently, call me now and advise me of such.Additionally, subscription fees are now 25 bulk and 30 first class - this means any in country and out of country mailings, i.e., Canada, Mexico, Australia, Germany, Puerto Rico, APOs, etc. Postal fees will be increased in January '91 by about 20. APC's costs for mailing each issue of the Review is very substantial. This subcription hike will help to defraj some of those increases and will put the Review more in line with subcription rates of other breec magazines. Actually, the new fees are still considerably less than many other canine periodicals.Those writing columns will not be expectec to have a column for each issue. In fact, it has been felt that so much news comes from the wesi and mid-west areas, that it would probably be best to have only 2 or 3 of those reports in each issue. So give this some thought writers, and take the appropriate action based on your clubs] desires.Congratulations to all you winners from the Summer National Specialty. I know all came away as winners due to being able to meet new friends and seeing old ones and just sharing in the festivities of the event Sorry that I could no make it, as originally planned, but my civil serv ice job kept me from being there. Maybe, nex time.HHPmnpomERflniflnsbmuBESTOF WINNERSpomer ouibNATIONAL specialty41900 i B. HARRISTrPHRpmns imPERiRL AugustusCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II X Chip-fl-Wags Velvet Promise"Gus" going WD and BOW at the APC specialty. Hapian's Emperor Maximus and Hapian's Little Yankee Boy also took placements. Thank you judge Mary McCoy. Congratulations Olga Baker, Skip Piazza, and Ruth Beam on Prince's BOB and stud dog wins at both specialties.A special thank you to Jayson Lynch for his wonderful handling of Gus.Happeth and Michael Jones11 Johnston Avenue Northport, NY 11768 516 757-5054PresidentsMessageAs I fully expected, the Pom Club of Greater Baltimore out did themselves in hosting the American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty for 1990. Congratulations from the APC for a job exceedingly well done. Everyday and every minute was accounted for by our host right down to the very last hour of the last day. The Auction was a huge success as well. I'm sure that all of you who were fortunate enough to attend the Specialties, will agree with me, that it was a super weekend of shows.The American Pomeranian Club was also fortunate enough to have enough Board members around to have a mini-annual Board meeting. Many items were discussed and some approved by the Board. As I mentioned to the membership in the last issue of the Review, I brought up several things to the Board and now report to you on the followinga. A Standing Rule was passed to have a General Membership meeting at the Summer Speciality, if there was enough Board members present for a quorum for their Board meeting.b. The Board approved the Pom Review being printed 6 times a year starting with January 1991.c. An increase in dues were also discussed and approved by the Board, subject to the membership voting for a constitutional change on this and subsequent approval by the AKC. The dues would be increased to 25 for a single membership and 35 for a Family membership.I would like to touch on this subject a little with you at this time. The raising of our parent club dues is long overdue and at present is ridiculously low, compared to other all breed clubs. Many of our own regional club's dues are substantially higher than the parent club. Trying to look at this issue through your eyes, even those who seldom or never contribute to the APC functions by supporting theTrophy Funds orad- vertising in the Pom Review, would have a wav of showing their support to the parentmember of and would certainly feel they are doing their part in helping to defray the expenses incurred by the club.As we are all aware, living costs go up on a regular basis, and so do the costs of running a volunteer, non-profit club. Y et, all through the years, the APC has left the dues at these low figures. I fully realize how easy it would be to vote "NO" to a constitutional change on increasing our dues and no one would be the wiser, but I also am confident that the members will come forth and approve this constitutional change and show a great concern for their club.The Board also approved the appointment of our new Chairperson for the Membership Committee. Beverly Poplar was introduced to the Board later in the program and she will begin almost immediately to assume her duties in this capacity.The Finance Committee, headed by Dianne Johnson, has completed their findings and recommendations and is presenting same to the Board.I have appointed a new Show Chairman for our Annual Specialty in February, 1991 in new York. Audrey Roberts is to be commended for taking this job and hanging in there for the last three years. She will be succeeded by Marlin Presser. Marlin will be working very closely with Ms. Shirley Thomas, who is the Chief Coordinator for putting on this huge Toy Specialty show. You will be kept up to date with more information as it becomes available to the Board.Sincerely yours in 'Toms",Dolores Watts APC PresidentMMary McAliley 124 Briarwood Lane Summerville, SC 29483Erich Carol Loretan 4150 W. State Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85051Dixieanne Bennet 436 Panorama Dr. Fairbanks, AL 99712Sharah Lisebeth 148 West 72nd St.New York, NY 10023Lois Bert Hamill 4 Domenic Dr. Chelmsford, MA 01824Rachal McKee PO Box 2372 Easton, MD 27601Charles A. Roberts 1410 S. 10th SL Leesville, LA 71446Corresponding Secretarys Reportby Audrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th Stt.Leesville, LA 71446 318 238-1648Congratulations to all new members voted l A new membership secretary has been ap- ainted. She is Beverly Poplar, 1098 Seaview ,ve., Woodbridge, VA 22191. Her duties are to iail out membership applications receive the ^plications. So all applications and requests for ^plications should go to Beverly. Good Luck everly and thanks for volunteeringJanice Lunginsland will be chairing a minar for our national specialty in February 1. The topic is The Skin Disease. This minar will be open to all who want to attend A nail charge will be assessed. For more inf orma- on contact Janice Luginsland, Rt 1, Box 97, mericus, KS 66835.A new committee was formed. The Ge- tic Health Committee. The first item to be searched is the skin disease. A charitable fund being established to help with research. Local ubs and individuals are encouraged to contrib- e. For more info contact chairman Mary Vick's, 2818 Jefferson Dr., Alexandria, VA 22303.New requirements have been approved for tonsoring new members1. All sponsors must be a member of APC r at least 2 years.2. Sponsors cannot be related to the appli- int. AKCs household rule applies.3. Sponsors must live in the same geo- raphic area. This can be waived for special rcumstances.NEW MEMBERSiberly Read Maurita GreenN. Lee Rt. 4erton.CA 92633 Salem, IN 47167ineth Shope Jimmie D. Lawrence2, Box 66 5608 Janne Annelefonte, PA 16823-9632 Ft. Worth, TX 76117inie Buchanan SJR. WhiteBox 2208 Rt 2, Box 845ford, NC 27330 Rockville, VA 23146Recording Secretarys Reportby Judy Green 822 Parkside Blvd.Claymont, DE 19703Board Meeting MinutesThe Board Meeting was held on Wednesday, July 4, 1990, at the Holiday Inn in Timo- nium, MD. In attendance were President Dolores Watts, Morris Carson, Audrey Roberts, Nadine HersiL Dianne Johnson, Mary Vickers, Skip Piazza, Olga Baker, Sue Goddard and guest, Chip Galloway. The meeting was called to order at 227 p.m.President Dolores Watts announced that Judy Green would not be present The minutes would be taken by Mary Vickers.Corresponding Secretarys report - Audrey Robert - all members voted in. Last agenda that the February Specialty will be with the Empire State Specialties Association in NY City. Outcome of judges votes for 1992 Annual Specialty Sweeps - Skip Piazza, Jean Schroll, Tony Tellez. Breed - Lawrence Stanbridge, Dorothy Welsh, Ken McDermott, AlTreen. The constitutional amendment re. telephone conference calls has been approved by the members and will go to the AKC.President - Sally Baugniet - approved 200 for Education in NY Membership Chairman - Beverly Poplar was accepted major duties are receiving dues, send to Treasurer, give out applications. Standardization Comm - Sally hasRecording Secretary'sReport cont. from page 7sent revisions to Standard it was explained that the standard is not to be changed just formatted.Board meeting adjourned until 7690.RECONVENED BOARD MEETINGIn attendance were Audrey Roberts, Dolores Watts, Mary Vickers, Judy Green, Morris Carson, Nadine Hersil, Sue Goddard, Skip Piazza, Olga Baker, Dianne Johnson.Sue Goddard made a motion to raise membership dues to 25 individual, 35 family, Audrey Roberts seconded, motion carried.Mary Vickers made a motion to publish ASAP, 6 issues of the POM REVIEW per year, Skip seconded, motion carried with one opposed. Audrey will send a letter to the editor to clarify size, cost, etc. and will also send a letter to the membership.Olga Baker - standing rule that APC will pay for a maximum of 5 pictures for any Specialty show report or kennel visit published in the POM REVIEW, Mary Vickers seconded, motion carried.Dianne Johnson - standing rule that if a quorum of the Board members are present at the Summer Specialty, a membership meeting can be held. Judy Green seconded, motion carried.Mary Vickers made a motion for a seminar on skin conditions that we charge for, Audrey Roberts seconded, motion earned. Janice Lug- insland will chair.Olga Baker - Houston Pom Club requests that all Pom Clubs make their charitable donations to a research facility specifically for the study of elephant skin.Genetic Health Comm was approved by the Board. The first priority of which will be the study of Pomeranian skin diseases - Mary Vickers will head up this committee, with Skip Piazza as a volunteer. Mary made a motion that the APC establish a special fund for contributions from regional Pom Clubs and individuals to study the genetic problems of the Pom. Dianne Johnson seconded, motion carried.Membership - 3 new members voted in.Standard Revision Comm - Skip Piazza, Dianne Johnson, Judy Green - this committee will propose a path forward and present it to the Board.Membership Guidelines Comm - Dianneapplication formatinformation change. Skip seconded, motion carried.Skip Piazza made a motion the meeting be adjourned, Olga Baker seconded, motion carried.DEFINITION OF COLORSReprinted, from October, 1975 ReviewBEAVER Poms are Beige. This is a shade of Brown. They have Brown noses, lips and eye rims.WOLF SABLE Poms are strictly shades of Gray and Black, from pale gray undercoat to Black tipping on' top coat. They have NO warm tint of Cream or Orange ANYWHERE on legs or body. They have Black noses, lips and eye rims.BLUE Poms may be any shade of Blue from a light Lavendar Blue or Sky Blue most desired coloring to a dark Slate Blue with or without Gray undercoat. They have Blue noses, lips and eye rims.CHOCOLATE Poms are a solid color, either a light milk chocolate color or a dark coffee bean color. They should NOT have tan Doberman markings those that do are brown and tan or chocolate and tan. ALL ARE PERMITTED in the ring. ALL have Brown noses, lips and eye rims.CREAM Poms are a SOLID COLOR like rich Guernsey cream. They do NOT have light or white shadings. They must have Black noses, lips and eye rims.ORANGE Poms are ANY shade of Golden Orange to deep Red Orange. They MAY have lighter or darker shadings OF THE SAME COLOR, or sable markings or some black shadings. They may NOT have white undercoat or white markings. They MUST HAVE Black noses, lips and eye rims.RED Poms are distinguished from the Red Orange Poms with some difficulty by those not experienced in color comparison, but they should have a definite RED tint. They range from a light brick red to a dark Irish Setter red. They also MAY have the same lighter or darker shadings, etc. as the other solid colored Poms. They MUST have Black noses, lips and eye rims.These definitions are given to help the novice breeder or exhibitor properly describe the colors of their Poms. OurJ K EditorialEXHIBITOR OR EXHIBITIONISTReprinted from July, 1972 IssueExhibitors in a horse show would be barred from competition, if they turned up in some of the costumes seen on dog show exhibitors. There is a time and a place for everything, but it is our opinion that Mod, "Hippie, Hi-Fashion or far-out wearing apparelboth masculine and feminine, but especially the latter is in extremely poor taste in a dog show ring. Many of the thighs and bosoms exposed would be much better concealed, but even the form divine that does not insult the eye of the beholder DOES distract the attention from the object being exhibited that is, the dog. It is possible to wear attractive modem clothing that is comfortable and suitable without being suggestive or sloppy or downright vulgar.GOOD SPORTSMANSHIPWe all know that we are supposed to lose or win gracefully, congratulate the winner or if possible compliment the losers dog to make him the owner feel better. Some of the newer exhibitors may not realize that a very important part of good sportsmanship is in the matter of competition when to hold your dog out of competition, even though you are entered, and when it is perfectly correct to continue showing.When someone tells you his dog finished with 30 points, he is either a very greedy, unsportsmanlike exhibitor, or perfectly possible a very unlucky one who kept gathering unnecessary points because someone broke the major, every time he showed. In general, when your dog has won 9 points but NO MAJOR, you should not show him at any show where there is no major in at least one sex, even though you are entered. When your dog has won 12 points and ONE MAJOR, you should not show him at any show unless thereis a major in one or the other. When your dog has won BOTH MAJORS, but lacks one or two single points, it is perfectly O.K. to show him even though he might win an extra unneeded major. But ... If your dog has BOTH MAJORS and, according to your calculations, 15 points, it is greedy, and very poor sportsmanship to continue showing him for an extra, unneeded major. Insurance points, if any are felt necessary because of possible miscalculation, should be limited to 1 extra point after your dog wins his 15 points with at least 2 majors.Let us stress that there is no AKC rule against continuing to show your dog for unnecessary extra points, as champions CAN be shown in the Open Class. It is simply a matter of good sportsmanship or, if you like, the Golden Rule. Majors are too hard to find to condone the practice of being greedy.WITHHOLDING THE BLUEWe feel sure that most breeders have sold pet type Poms, explained to the buyers why they should NOT be shown or used for breeding only to have them exhibited in the ring later on, to the embarrassment of everyone except the Proud Owner. If he is the only one in his class, he takes home the Blue Ribbon. Since most Novices believe a Blue Ribbon to be the ultimate award, this spurs him on to more and more showing. We feel there is a need for judges to exercise their privilege of withholding the blue ribbon a little more frequently. Perhaps it would be a hard lesson for the novice exhibitor and damaging to his ego, to receive only a second or third place ribbon, but it is a lesson that would hit home. If he really wanted to show, he would purchase a better Pom.We welcome comments on this editorial, especially the last section and especially from licensed judges. We will NOT print your name, if you ask us not to.OBLIGATIONS OF THE OWNER OF THE BITCHBy RUTH L. BEAMReprinted from July, 1971There are many important factors to be considered when one is shipping a female to a kennel to be bred, and all are important. One must send a clean, healthy bitch. I dont mean she should be bathed. If she is groomed often enough, she will be clean. A healthy bitch worm free and not too fat or too thin is more important to the breeder than to the owner of the stud, as the breeder is the loser if a live, healthy litter is not whelped. Very nervous bitches and those under 4^ are often poor producers. The brood matron should also be immunized against distemper and hepatitis and preferably, leptospirosis, too. The healthier the bitch, the better her chances are of conceiving and carrying her pups full time and without problems.The bitch should have an up-to-date health certificate some express agents do look at the health certificate when the female is returned. Mine do. A rabies shot is also required, though it is good for one year. The bitch should also foe free of fleas, lice, ticks, ear mites and skin problems.Another important factor to be considered, is sending a good quality bitch. She doesnt have to be a champion, but neither should be a cull. Sometimes we get good type pups from a bitch that is not good in conformation and vice versa, but it stands to reason the typier the sire and dam, the better chance the pups have of being good quality, too. A good quality bitch and stud are a must for inbreeding.When you have made arrangements to breed your matron to a desired stud in advance, notify the owner immediately after you find the bitch in season so the stud owner can reserve the proper time to breed your bitch. If you find, for some reason, you will not be able to send yourmatron for service, notify the stud owner as soon as possible otherwise, you may cause the owner of the stud to miss a much needed stud fee and another breeder to lose a litter from a very desired stud.Dont send the bitch at the beginning of her season as this will necessitate an unreasonable length of time at the kennel, even if you pay board. Often, stud owners especially if they have several studs have several matrons in at the same time which can cause a lot of extra work. Since the bitch is seldom bred before the 10th or 11th day for the first service, shipping on the 7th or 8th day in season is quite soon enough. Try to ship by direct flight, if possible.If the bitch has an irregular season, or if the owner does not know the exact day she started her season, she should be shipped when the red discharge first begins to fade, and normally, the swelling of the vulva becomes more pronounced. As long as the vulva is stiff or stiff into the body, even if the discharge has decreased, it is still too soon to breed. The bitch is sore and tender to touch until the vulva softens. A few will continue to feel a little stiff throughout their season, and a few will fight the male throughout their season and must be muzzled and held forcibly.It is considerate of the owner of the female to instruct the stud owner to call collect when the bitch is ready to be sent home. Since REA Air Express will only accept dogs for shipping on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we sometimes have ample time to notify the owner by mail when the bitch will be shipped. Having only 3 days in the week in which to ship, may also make it necessary to ship a bitch before her 7th or 8th day in season.The transportation cost is always paid Dy the ovmer of the bitch.The owner of the female is expected to pay the stud fee at time of service. The fee should reach the stud owner before the matron returns home. Stud service contract blanks make the conditions of the stud service very clear, though some stud owners are a little more generous in their breeding terms than are stipulated in the stud service contracts. Once a stud is proven and consistantly sires litters, failure of a bitch to conceive can very rarely be blamed on the stud. There are so many reasons that can be responsible for the failure of the bitch to whelp, but that subject should be discussed in a separate article.Dont request signed litter papers at time of service. A.K.C. does not allow this.The owner of the stud should be notified cf the results of the service within 10 'days after the bitch is due to whelp. If you report the birth of a litter immediately after it. is whelped, dont expect the owner of the stud to send the litter registration application immediately, A small percentage of litters will die within a week or longer after they are whelped. The really proper way the litter registration application should be handled and it should be required is for the owner of the litter to fill out the application, when he is reasonably sure the pups will live, and send it to the owner of the stud for the signature and date of services. Some breeders will send the application, along with a stamped envelope addressed to A.K.C. and a check so the stud owner can finish filling in the application and then send it direct to A.K.C.No matter how short the trip, a water can should be fastened inside the crate. The top of the can preferably an aluminum half pint or pint cup should not be less than 6 inches from the bottom of the crate. Fill cup one-third full at time of shipping. The bitch should have no food in flight. Food usually means a BM in the crate and odor is the main reason some of the airlines will not accept dogs. The best bedding is several layers of newspaper and then a bed of shredded paper on top of that. The strips should not be more than 8 inches long V to 1 inch wide, as longer strips that havenot been separated can twist around a leg of an active bitch and cut off the circulation. The shipping crate should be light but strong and sturdy. The crate should have a solid top and bottom, A solid top is necessary for proper labeling and in case the crate is exposed to rain or hot sun while the plane is being loaded and unloaded. Obviously, the crate should be well ventilated during warm weather, and for winter shipping, a much tighter crate should be used with a thicker layer of shredded paper so the bitch will not get chilled. The ideal crate that can be converted to all seasons, is the Kroyer Summer-Winter Crate.The crate should be well labeled. One label should toe glued or stapled to the top of the crate. Sealing tape is very satisfactory too. The address should be printed large enough to be read from a standing position. There Should also be at least one labeled tag attached to crate. Recently, I picked up a matron at the REA airport office and the agent told me they 'had a dog there with no identification on the crate. They didnt know to whom the dog belonged nor from where it came. The crate was an open type crate and the dog had pulled the tags through the slats and destroyed them.In the 34 years in which I have bred Pomeranians, I have found 99 of those who send bitches to me for service, are honest, responsible and wonderful people. The very few who have disappointed me, will not discourage me in offering my little Boys at stud.TOBI MatchFor those of you who reside in and around the Timonium, Maryland area, the Toy Oriental Breeds International will hold a match on October 20 21 at Timonimum Fair Grounds. Included for all breeds will be Obedience and Agility Matches. On the 20th, there will be an Agility Certification Trial, which requires preregistration. Obedience trials will be held on both days. On the 21st, there will be an Agility Fun and Games. Go to watch or to take part in the activities.For further information, call Marlene Schlichtig 301 577-4786.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. JULY 6,1990SWEEPSTAKESJUDGE, MRS. JACKIE STACYPUPPY DOGS 6-91st Pomsprings Emotion In Motion, owner Elizabeth Dupris2nd Watts-Scotia Little Paddymac, owner Dolors Watts3rd Crestwoods Flashy Dancer, owner Veri Thompson4th Jaken WL All The Rite Moves, owner Jackie Rayner Carol BaldwinPUPPY DOGS 9-121st Shyacres Steeplechaser, owner Audrey Roberts2nd LLL Kansas Duster, owner Janice Luginsland3rd Bev-Nors Rhea Na Dallas, owner Stobie Voltin4th Elans Inferno, owner Melissa David DahlenburgPUPPY BITCHES 6-91st Jan-Shars Southern Style, owner Sharon Hanson2nd Southlands Toast To JanesaH, owner Charlotte Creed Jerrie Freia3rd Daybreaks Good Vibrations, owner Fran Warren Margaret McKee4th Biljon Blue Bea Happy, owner William Ferrara John PricePUPPY BITCHES 9-121st Emcees Hy Lady Morganna, owner Beverly Poplar2nd Watts Scotia Pinch A Penny, owner Dolores Watts3rd BKs Hot And Spicey, owner Brenda Hutton4th LLL Dazzlin Tiddlywinks, owner Janice LuginslandBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESShyacres Steeplechaser, owner Audrey RobertsBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEP- STAKESHanson,Best in SweepstakesREGULAR CLASSES JUDGE, MRS. MARY MCCOYPUPPY DOGS 6-91st Watts-Scotia Little Paddymac, owner Dolores Watts2nd Jaken WL All The Rite Moves, owner Jackie Rayner Carol Baldwin3rd Merrymont Special Effects, owner Teresa Malinski4th Hapians Little Yankee Boy, owner Happeth JonesPUPPY DOGS 9-121st Shyacres Steeplechaser, owner Audrey Roberts2nd Bev-Nors Rhea Na Dallas, owner Stobie Voltin3rd LLL Kansas Duster, owner Janice Luginsland4th Golden Aires Moonwalker, owner Sharon Mas nick Eleanor MillerBRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG1st Pomsprings Emotion In Motion, owner Elizabeth Dupris2nd Elans Inferno, owner Melissa David Dahlenburg3rd Razzle Dazzle Music Man, CD, owner Judy GreenAPC SpecialtyCont. from page 12cBest of BreedijBest of Winners4th Jakens Mite-E-Mouse, owner Jackie RaynerAMERICAN BRED DOGS1ST Rhea-Nas Country DJ of Jan-Shar, owner Sharon HasonOPEN BLKBRNBLU DOGS1st W L One More Nite, owner Carol Baldwin Beth WickerOPEN REDORGCRMSBL DOG1st Hapians Imperial Augustus, owner Happeth Michael Jones2nd Tru-Keps Star Cocoa Pup, owner LT Col. John Cribbs3rd Apples Traveling Rambler, owner4th Hapians Emperor Maximus, owner Happeth Michael JonesWINNERS DOGHapians Imperial Augustus, owner Happeth Michael JonesRESERVE WINNERS DOGShyacres Steeplechaser, owner Audrey RobertsPUPPY BITCHES 6-91st Menymont Gold Fever, owner Patty Griffin2nd Jan-Shars Southern Style, owner Sharon Hanson3rd Southlands Toast To Janesa, owner Charlotte Creed4th Daybreaks Good Vibrations, owner F. Warren M. McKeePUPPY BITCHES 9-121st Jakens Molly Muldoon, owner Lynda Breault J. Rayner2nd Watts-Scotia Pinch A Penny, owner Dolores Watts3rd Twin Pines Coco, owner Bobby Frazier4th LLL Dazzlin Tiddlywinks, owner Janice LuginslandBRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES1st Tim Sues Tu Mini Lights, owner Tim Sue Goddard2nd Southland Fudge Double Dip, owner Charlotte Creed3rd BKs Hot And Spicey, owner Brenda HuttonOPEN REDORGCRMSBL BITCHES 1st Bev-Nor N Southalnds Who Me, owner B. Norris C. Creed2nd Emcees Hy Lady Morganna, owner Beverly Poplar3rd Benrays Lil Bella Sherry, owner Benson Ray4th Bev-Nors Ebony N Southlands Roxy, owner jan WilhiteOPEN A.O.A.C. BITCHES1st Aldens Parti Pepsi, owner Alden Janet Domrase2nd Adorable Super Star, owner Debbie KennedyAPC SpecialtyCont. from page 13.VXWinners Bitch Best of Opposite3rd Bev-Nors Ebony N Rust, owner Beverly NorrisWINNERS BITCHBev-Nors N Southlands Who Me, owner B. Norris C. CreedRESERVE WINNERS BITCH Merrymont Gold Fever, owner Patty GriffinVETERAN DOG1st Ch Watts Little Chipper of G Elm, owner D. WattsVETERAN BITCH1st Ch Bev-Nors Toastys Tanya, owner Beverly NorriBEST OF BREEDCh. Great Elms Prince Charming n, owner Skip Piazza Olga BakerBEST OF WINNERSHapians Imperial Augustus, owner Happeth Michael JonesBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXPixies Button-N-Bows, owner Carol GalavichSTUD DOG1st Ch Great Elms Prince Charming II, owner Skip Piazza Olga Baker2nd Ch Bev-Nors Statesman, ownerBROOD BITCH1st Ch Bev-Nors Toastys Tanya, owner Beverly Norris Elsa RaidmaBRACE1st Tru-Keps Tribute To ToddTru- Keps Todds Treasure, owner Irvin Trudy KeplingerBEST JUNIOR HANDLER Elaine W. McKeeNOTE The Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore has pledged 500 to the Canine Health Fund immediate study of skin problems associated with the Pomeranian. APC will relate details of this worthwhile fund. PCGB challenges other Pom clubs to match this donation.A. C Vt\ Whm That Girl OCTOBER 1990rdaySunday Mondaiiv17181421 23 251-302829ifphoto by Kim BaxstromeCalendar GirlBy Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein ex Can. Ch. Chriscendo Courtney Rose, litter sister to Ch. Cover GirlPictured above one of the girls he left behind, Calvin Klein is currently at stud at Millamor for the rest of the year.CONGRATULATIONS to Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo City Lights, Top sire for 1989 and No. 5 Toy Sire Kennel Review System.John and Christine D. Heartz, P.O. Box 189, Brookfield, Nova Scotia, Canada BON ICO902 673-2446APOLLOETTE_LSVAPOLLOETTE KITSAN WILD KARD"KARD" is pictured taking BOW for a 4 pt. major, at 9 months old, under noted judge Dr. Samuel Draper. "KARD" now has 12 points and needs a major to finish his championship. Thank you to all the judges who appreciate his soundness and showmanship.APOLLOETTE Marlene Marlin Presser 21789 E. Hwy4 Stockton, CA 95215 209 886-5640KITSANTrilvie V. Haynes 2381 Wilson Ave. Redding, CA 96002 916 221-4056United Effortsby Edna GirardotIt was a pleasure to be able to attend the Greater Baltimore Pomeranian Clubs first specialty show, sweepstakes and obedience on July 5, and the American Pomeranian summer specialty show and sweepstakes the following day, hosted by the Baltimore club. Both shows were held in the fabulous Holiday Inn located in Timonium, MD.Wednesday afternoon, the 4th, was very busy and exciting for exhibitors, guest arriving and getting settled in. Club members hurrying around getting all details covered and welcoming the arrivals. The hospitality room was well attended that evening - welcome signs and decorations and an abundance of delicious food. Club members right there to replenish food from two large microwaves and to see that everyone was comfortable and getting food. It was a jolly evening, people greeting one another - lots of conversation and an anticipation for what was to take place the next two days.Everyone was up early next morning getting ready for 8 a.m. judging. The show room gave ample space for the conformation ring on one end, and obedience ring on other end with plenty of seating for spectators. Welcome signs, decorations, several concession booths, greetings and assistance from committee members gave evidence of a great event to come and indicative of much beforehand preparation.The PCGB Entries of 186 included 37 obedience entries. However, 149 show entries far exceed that of any previous regional club show and 171 entries for APC summer specialty far exceeded any previous one I think with the exception of the one held in conjunction with the AKC Centennial. I am unable to comment on obedience as that is not one of my things but I honestly believe that an entry of 37 at some allbreed shows was considered a good entry.What a beginning for a club only sanctioned five or six months prior to their show The work and long hours of planning and the united effort of the club members was manifested in many ways beside large entries and results far beyond anyones imagination. Beautiful trophies of hand painted Pom oriented items representing still many more hours preparing.I abstain from commenting on the judgingjudge and the well known Robert Reedy, the regular classes judge, had their work cut out for them with such a large entry of beautiful Poms. Both did a commendable jobThe show was over in time for feeding dogs - relaxing a bit before congregating in the lobby to board busses that transported over a hundred people to an awaiting ship for a well planned dinner cruise. An excellent meal was served after fun time for those who wished to relax with a cocktail or two or just enjoy the view of shore lights and passing ships or whatever. Music prevailed and one of our rather shy, quiet APC members entertained us with her exotic dancing which really made the evening. What more could one ask for or wantThe APC specialty, Friday, brought early risers in preparation for 8 a.m. judging. Most of the same beautiful Poms of the day before plus some new entries, 171 total, gave sweepstakes judge, the well known handler of Duffie and everyones friend, Jackie Little Stacy and regular classes judge Mary McCoy, also well known to most everyone, a very complimentary thrill and some serious moments of decisions. Trophies were beautiful crystal items and the same warm hospitality and assistance by club members prevailed throughout the day.Again, the show was over in time for feeding dogs - relaxing, changing clothes for the banquet A Pay yourself bar was available and the room hummed with laughter, conversation and excitement Club members were rushing about making finishing touches of whatever needed. The dinner and service was superb but the bit attraction of the evening was the Auction. There were many beautiful hand painted Pomeranian oriented items and a real Auctioneer kept a spirited atmosphere. Bidding was generous, exciting and the auction a successful one. Just another example of the tiresome work done by the Baltimore club in preparation of two great specialties.I have the privilege of being an honorary member of this hard working club and life member of APC. Have attended many regional and summer APC specialties and I have to say that these two were right up there with the best, and if not the best, close to it Never once did I hear a derogatory remark. People went out of their way to give complimentary praise. The upcoming host of the APC summer specialties have a toughUnited EffortsCont. from page 17act to follow. The PCGB worked hard and long to put on two such successful shows and deserve much creditI had a wonderful time renewing old friendships, meeting newcomers, and most of all, thankful I was able to attend and participate. God willing. Ill see you again February 91.NOTE This article was forwarded by Dianne Johnson to the Pom Review. The following is an attachment made by Dianne Thank you Edna for such a nice article. It brought tears to my eyes as Im sure it will to other PCGB members who worked so hard to make the shows the success that there were, when they read this. To those of you who do notknow Edna, it is worth your while to get to know her. She has always been one of, if not the nicest Pom persons I have ever met andI am most proud to have known her.Judges LettersJacqueline L. StacyIt was such a thrill to have judged the Sweepstakes classes at the APC National Specialty on Friday, July 6. The room where the show was held was good sized with plenty of spectator seating. The trophies were spectacular. I give special thanks to my ring steward, Jon Marcantonio, who got the puppies in the ring promptly and kept me abreast of the time.The overall quality of the entries was high, especially in the dog classes. I was presented with enough depth that I was able to make my placements by first selecting for what I consider the essence of the breed, make and shape, and then refining my choices considering other details.The puppies were in great physical condition, most nice and chunky. They showed their hearts out as only Pom puppies can do. Bites were good as was movement. I would have liked to have seen more leg under a good number and better tail sets on most Open molars were present. Stifles, fortunate for most, were seemingly good. However, soundness is still a concern.I would be honored to own and handle many of these puppies, especially the Best inlength. His tail set is near perfect, which adds so to his lovely outline. He has excellent carriage, is athletic in motion and is a tireless showman. For me, he was clearly the best.Thanks to all for such a delightful experience and congratulations to all who worked so very hard to make this Specialty so very Special.Mary McCoyThank you for giving me the opportunity to judge the APC summer specialty. It was a most delightful day It was evident the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore members had put forth all efforts to hold a very successful specialty. Keep up the good efforts for many more outstanding specialtiesSincere thanks for the beautiful clock and kindness extended to me.Christine D. HeartzIt is always an honor to be asked to evaluate another breeders puppies. Judging at a Specialty is the highest compliment of all. The entry you brought to me was exceptional, and a credit to the breeders who have worked so hard to produce these lovely puppies.Our breed standard is written as a blueprint for us all to follow. It must remain a guideline despite personal preferences. Many of the puppies I had were excellent representatives of the breed. I felt the winning puppies represented qualities I feel make a Pom a Pom. They were beautiful, sound Poms with good outlines, expression and bodies. What separated the eventual winners from all the others were the details that give the breed type and elegance.My choice in a very nice class of 6-9 month puppy dogs was, JAKEN WL ALL THE RIGHT MOVES. He was a nice size, clear orangepuppy with an excellent attitude that is so important in a show dog.I chose SHYACRES STEEPLECHASER from another excellent class of 9-12 month puppy dogs. This guy epitomizes what our standard asks for in body balance. His neck set on his shoulder so beautifully, giving that ultra short back, and legs in all the right places. There were several other puppies in this class I would predict bright futures for.I chose MERRYMONT GOLD FEVER, from a lovely class of 6-9 month puppy bitches. Several others certainly could have won, had she not been there, for thev were verv nice in theirJudges LettersCont. from page 18own right But my winner filled my eye with her femininity. She was excellent coming, going and side on.The 9-12 month puppy bitch class, contained some girls which will I am sure, go on to benefit the breed. I chose EMCEES HY LADY MORGANA, whose ideal size, soundness and outline won her the class.My eventual Best in Sweeps winner, MERRYMONT GOLD FEVER, and my Best of Opposite Sex, SHYACRES STEEPLECHASER, both possess many of our breeds elusive, finer points. I preferred the beautiful head details, the glamour and soundness of the bitch, but loved the perfect outline and showmanship of the dog. Not an easy decision, both were so gorgeous.I would like to thank each and every one of you who brought me such a lovely group of truly outstanding puppies. It was a very special pleasure.Thanks to my ring steward, Jon Mar canto nio. A very big Thank You to Dianne Johnson and her entire show committee. What a hard working,dedicatedgroupofpeople Icanhardly wait til their next oneBest of Breed4th Jakens Mite-E-Mouse, owner Jackie RaynerPUPPY BITCHES 3-61st Merrymont Gold Fever, owner Patty Griffin2nd Daybreaks Good Vibrations, owner Fran Warren Margaret McKee3rd Jakens Blaze Star of WL, owner Jackie Rayner Carol Baldwin4th Whispering Ln Classy Chassis, owner Mark BaldwinTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREAT BALTIMORE, INC. JULY 5,1990SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE MRS. CHRISTINE HEARTZPUPPY DOGS 3-61st Jaken WL All The Rite Moves, owner Jackie Rayner Carol Baldwin2nd Tim Sues Electric Lights, owner Tim Sue Goddard3rd Marhires Terrifc Wee Chips, owner Morris Betty Carson4th Pomsprings Emotion In Motion, owner Elizabeth DuprisPUPPY BITCHES 9-121st Emcees Hy Lady Morganna, owner Beverly Poplar2nd LLL Dazzlin Tiddlywinks, owner Janice Luginsland3rd Watts-Scotia Pinch A Penny, owner Dolores Watts4th Watts Little Pollyanna Girt, owner Margaret McKee S.R. WhiteBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Merrymont Gold Fever, owner Patty GriffinBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEP- STAKESShyacres Steeplechaser, owner Audrey RobotsPUPPY DOGS 9-121st Shyacres Steeplechaser, owner Audrey Roberts2nd Elans Inferno, owner Melissa David Dahlenburg3rd LLL Kansas Duster, owner JaniceREGULAR CLASSES JUDGE MR. ROBERT REEDYPUPPY DOGS 6-91st Jaken WL All The Rite Moves, owner Jackie Rayner Carol Baldwin2nd Watts-Scotia Little Paddymac, owner Dolores Watts3rd Crestwoods Flashy Dancer, owner Veri Thompson4th MarHires Terrific Wee Chips, owner Morris Betty CarsonPUPPY DOGS 9-121st Shyacres Steeplechaser, owner Audrey Roberts2nd Millers Wee Copper Ninja, owner Patricia Miller3rd Tim Sues Just A Short Trip, owner Dick Bronya Johnson4th LLL Kansas Duster, owner Janice LuginslandNOVICE DOGS1st Mar-Vics Dazzling Rascal, owner Mary VickersBRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS1st Jakens Mite-E-Mouse, owner Jackie Rayner2nd Pomsprings Emotion In Motion, owner Elizabeth Dupris3rd Elans Inferno, owner Melissa David Dahlenburg4th Tru-Keps Token of Tommy, owner Irvin Trudy KeplingerPom Club of GreaterBaltimore Cont. from page 19nBest of WinnersyvBest in SweepstakesAppleAMERICAN BRED DOGS1st Rhea-Nas Country DJ of Jan-Shar, owner Sharon HansonRESERVE WINNERS DOGShyacres Steeplechaser, owner Audrey RobertsOPEN BLKBRNBLU DOGS1st WL One More Nite, owner Carol Baldwin Beth WickerOPEN REDORGCRMSBL DOGS1st Apples Traveling Rambler, owner Joyce Apple2nd PomPuf Fire Disco Carlin, owner Roxanne Chumbley Gwen Hodson3rd Tynan Star Chaser OPomsprings, owner Elizabeth Dupris4th Ben-Nors Tst Fudges Sunny, owner Julia McCulloughWINNERS DOGPUPPY BITCHES 6-91st Jan-Shars Southern Style, owner Sharon Hanson2nd Merrymont Gold Fever, owner Patty Griffin3rd Southlands Toast To Janesa, owner Charlotte Creed Jerrie Freia4th Daybreaks Good Vibrations, owner Fran Warren Margaret McKeePUPPY BITCHES 9-121st Watts-Scotia Pinch A Penny, owner Dolores Watts2nd Twin Pines Coco, owner Bobby FrazierPom Club of Greater Baltimore Corn, from page 203rd LLL Dazzlin Tiddlywinks, owner Janice Luginsland4th Post Scripts Currant Treasure, owner Rose KellerOPEN REDORGCRMSBL BITCHES 1st Emcees Hy Lady Morganna, owner Beverly Poplar2nd Benrays Lil Bella Sherry, owner Benson Ray3rd Goldsun Coryphee, owner Margaret Daniel Ontiveros4th Watts Little Pollyanna Girl, owner Margaret McKee S.R. WhiteOPEN AOAC BITCHES1st Aldens Parti Pepsi, owner Alden Janet Domrase2nd Adorable Super Star, owner Debbie KennedyHigh In TrialKep's Tribute To Todd, owner Irvin Trudy KeplingerWINNERS BITCHWatts Scotia Pinch A Penny, owner Dolores WattsRESERVE WINNERS BITCHEmcees Hy Lady Morganna, owner BeverlyPoplarVETERAN DOG1st Ch. Watts Little Chipper of G Elms, owner Dolores WattsBEST OF BREEDCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II, owner Skip Piazza Olga BakerBEST OF WINNERSWatts-Scotia Pinch A Penny, owner DoloresWattsBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Pixies Buttons-N-Bows, owner Carol GalavichSTUD DOG1st Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming It, owner Skip Piazza Olga BakerDDACTBEST JUNIOR HANDLER Elaine W. McKeeOBEDIENCE TRIALNOVICE A1st Janesas Southland Tanner, owner Jerrie FreiaNOVICE B1st Annons Killer Cupcaker, owner Barbara McKennyOPEN A1st Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice, owner Sandra Winchatz2nd Razzle Dazzle Music Man, CD, owner Judy Green3rd BKs Sunshine Supergirl, CD, owner Brenda HuttonOPEN B1st Shopes Cupid Belle Donna, CD, owner Ken Lilae Shope2nd Shawn of Brockton, UD, owner Charles Eleanor Hamilton3rd DAmzis Turbo Charged, CDX, owner Barbara Carper4th Annons Huggy Bear From Scamp, CDX, owner Mary VickersUTILITY B1st Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy, UD, owner Roslind GoltzGRADUATE NOVICE1st Razzle Dazzle Music Man, CD, owner Judy Green2nd BKs Sunshine Supergirl, CD, owner Brenda Hutton3rd Idlewyld Charm Bracelet, CD, owner Margaret McKee4th Kathys Little Zackery, TD, owner Kathy ClausenPom Club of GreaterBaltimore Cont. from page 21VETERANS1st Ch. Emcees Solid Gold of Jabil, CD, owner Rosalind Goltz2nd Ch. King Midas of Twin Pines, CD, owner Margaret McKee3rd Idlewyld Hope Diamond, CD, owner Margaret McKeeBRACE1st Shopes Cupid Belle Donna, CD Ch. Lilaes Animated Nikk-Nakk, CD, owner Ken Lilae Shope2nd BKs Sir Spunky, CDX, TDBKs Sunshine Supergirl, CD, owner Brenda Hutton 3rd Lilaes Whimsical Kitt-Katt Rosewoods Moon Gold of Lilae, CDX, owner Ken and Lilae ShopeHIGH IN TRIALDover-Holihouse Fire N Ice, owner Sandy WinchatzJ TQ1aGft NK if 17 '"Let's LaU^JPom TaO4345 Rogers Lake RoadKannapolis, N.C. 28081 rK G. Griffith, EditorPhone 704 938-2042a 7i Iff LPublished Bi-Monthly Subscription 6.00 Yearly Canada 8.00A Pomeranian Newsletter for Pomeranian breeders. No show results. No advertising. Just helpful information for all of us concerning the breeding of our Poms. Free sample issue upon request.Feistys Pomeranianspresents....Feistys Isnt That SpecialDaughter of Champ, to be out soon jp. Aj ft- aJ t i V 'rr.Feistys CinnamonTwistGranddaughter to Champ,Vto be out soonFurther data on Champ and his kids can be found in the Mt. Rainier Pom Fanciers Stud Dog, Brood Bitch Directory.Wendy Victor Feist Husband Wife Team 6325 S.E. 73rd Portland, OR 9720669991Vs2fII1fIfVT-Js PomeraniansOur First Homebred ChampionChampion T-Js Angels Annie Oakley20 Months, Orange Annie is for saleSire Ch. Sun-Dots Rambolin Strut N Stuf Dam Ch. Luells Angel's Dream of T-JsAnnie finishing for a 5 pt. major at the Beverly Hills Kennel Club, June 24,1990Judge Mrs. Georgia E. Buttram Handler Joanne ReedAnnie won the Open Class the day before at the San Diego Pom SpecialtyrWINNERSh amH0T0JEPrior to the above accomplishment, Annie produced thisSire T-Js Strut N Tom DooleyT-Js Calamity Jane 3 months, OrangeSold to Appolloette KennelsCouldnt ask for a better show home or two nicer folks - Marlene Marlin Presser w__And before the above, Annie did thisAnnie going B.O.W. for a 3 pt. major at Yosemite Kennel Club, November 24,1989 Judge Mrs. Robert Sturm Handler Jeff Greer, IUThanks to the following judges...Mr. James Moran, Mis. Julie Moreno, Mrs. Dorothy Welsh, Mrs. Grace Moran, Mrs. Margaret A. Young, Mr. Derek G. Rayne, Mrs. Shirley Thomas, Mrs. Rotman, Mrs. Lois Wolf White, Mrs. Robert Sturm and Mrs. Georgia E. ButtramThanks to a special friend, Ruth Dotson Sun-Dot. There are not many like her.Therese and John Reeder, LTC, USAF, Retireda m n tjahjcObedience Poms in Baltimoreby Mary VickersIt was not the first Pomeranian Obedience Trail ever held, but it was the one you didnt want to miss On July 5, 1990, the POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMORE held its 1st Specialty Show, Sweepstakes Obedience Trial at the Holiday Inn - Timonium, Maryland. Entries nearly broke the previous record for past associated Summer Specialty Shows from the AKC Centennial Show and the total entry number of 186 helped along by 37 obedience entries.In obedience all regular classes were offered and entered and non-regular class entries include 65 graduate novice Poms, 3 veterans over age 9 years, 6 months, and 3 brace entries. The only class that did not receive an entry was Veterans Open. Most probable reason for this was that the Poms who could compete in this class were entered in the regular classes - especially the ones trying for utility legs.But back up a bit. The obedience activities actually started the previous aftemnon with a mini-seminar called Sit-Stay Talk. Originally this session met to discuss ways that local Pom clubs could be encouraged to hold obedience trials of their own. Quite surprisingly, Dan Margaret Ontiveros traveled all the way from San Diego to Baltimore to find out how this should be done. Gloria Carlin, a long-time breederexhibitor, who has recently gotten her feet wet in obedience, also accompanied them. Many other things were covered during this session. Each person got a chance to introduce themselves and tell a bit about their fuzzballs. State-of-the-art obedience equipment courtesy of Sylvias Tack Box, were demonstrated and passed around. The usual and unusual training methods as well as gossip were discussed as were future events.Around dinner time this group broke up and beat a hasty retreat to the Hospitality Room where a Thanksgiving-sized feast awaited all who entered.An obedience work session began before nightfall. Here is probably where many life-time friendships were made as real training techniques were seen and people really had more of a chance to mingle.Participating at this trial were 12 entries from Virginia, 7 from Pennsylvania, 6 from Michigan, 5 entries from New York, 3 from that very small state of Delaware, and 1 each fromwas just a local club having their first showtrial, but also the first Pom Specialty on the East CoastSpecialties are supposed to be special. This one was first class special from the Perrier that you found when you opened your hotel room door, to those magnanimous goody bags both of them, to those individually made keepsake scorecards. Trophies at Specialties are normally well done. Baltimores were no exception to this. You cant buy one from any of the recipients. It was a full rosette trial from qualifiers and nonregulars, through placements to HIT. The grounds were fantastic. True, one could not control the outdoor temperature of 100 degrees, but all were indoors. The large hotel-sized ballroom was divided in half. The larger of the two rings was for obedience. You know, the one with the baby gates. Chairs abounded as well as near silence. Stewards were imported for this event. Many thanks to Helen Cash who worked gate, Karen Allen of German Shorthair Pointer fame and new Pom owner Barbara Chin. Very heartfelt thanks goes to Richmond Dog Obedience Club who again lent us a set of jumps. Hal Cash judged this trial. Always dapper always fair, but you always knew he was pulling for you when you entered the ring. He was as disappointed as the exhibitors when a dog nqd.Walking off with a gorgeous Pom slate clock, all the money, and many rosettes was Sandy Winchatz and Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice, CD with a 196 out of open A and then a as she won HIT after a run-off with Barbara McKenny and Annons Killer Cupcake from novice B. The orange and white parti-color, ConHer by name, and Sandy are already familiar with HIT, as her first novice leg was also good for HIT earlier this year. That makes the first leg in novice and the first leg in open both HITs. What else can this flashy Pom doHS Champion of record was Roz Goltz and Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy, UD out of the open B class and Roz also won HS Ch from the non- regular classes with Ch. Emcees Solid Gold of Jabil, UD from the veterans class. Considering that Roz has the only living Ch-UDs in the country, this win was more than gratifying to those present.HS Bred by Exhibitor was a delighted Judy Green and her Razzle Dazzle Music Man, CDObedience Poms in Baltimorecontinued from page 25also from the open A classes. As this was Dallas first time in the open ring and first leg, delighted is an understatement Also qualifying in open A was CKs Sunshine Supergirl Brenda Hutton, who had gotten their first leg in the previous weekend. If you didnt catch what happened, there were three open A entries, all three qualified and HIT came out of open A. How often does that happenA special prize was offered for HS bred-by in the novice A class. This was won by Jeirie Freia with her Janesas Southland Tanner, a black and tan Pom. Jerrie also won the title of she who comes the furthest to an obedience trial as this team came from the New Orleans area. Jerrie is no stranger to Pom Specialties as her Star came from thepuppy class to take the points and more at the APC Annual Specialty in New York this year. Then in March she and another of her bitches, U-Bet, won Best of Winners at the Dal- las-Ft. Worth Pom show. A convert perhaps to the obedience ringsWhen the HIT was awarded and the pictures done, was it over No way We boarded buses that took us to a cruise ship down at Baltimores Inner Harbor. Here we sailed around the Chesapeake Bay, ate dinner and talked about the trial, obedience in general, training methods, future prosepcts - and next year.Hats off to Baltimore for a spectaculareventNovice A 2 entries1st, 193.5 - Janesas Southland Tanner Tanner, Jerrie Freia LANovice B 2 entries, 1 absent1st, 196 - Annons Killer Cupcake Cupcake, Barbara McKenny VAOpen A 3 entries1st, 196 - Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice, C.D. ConHer, Sandy Winchatz NJ2nd, 194.5 - Razzle Dazzle Music Man, C.D. Dallas, Judy Green DE3rd, 192.5 - BKs Sunshine Supergirl, C.D. Sunny, Brenda Hutton MIOpen B 11 entries, 2 absent1st, 195 - Shopes Cupid Bella Donna, C.D.X. Bell, Lilae Shope PA2nd, 192.5 - Shawn of Brockton, U.D. Shawn, Eleanor Hamilton NY3rd. 189.5 - DAmiz Turbo Charged,4th, 188.5 - Annons Huggy Bear from Scamp, C.D.X. Huggy, Mary Vickers VA Utility A 4 entries no qualifiersUtility B 3 entries, 1 absent1st, 190 - Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy, U.D. Sugar, Roz Goltz NYGraduate Novice 6 entries1st, 194.5 - Razzle Dazzle Music Man, C.D., Judy Green DE2nd, 193 - BKs Sunshine Supergirl, C.D., Brenda Hutton MI3rd, 184.5 - Idlewyld Charm Bracelet, C.D., Margaret McKee VA4th, 153.5 - Kathys Litde Zachary, C.D., Kathy Clausen DEVeterans 3 entries1st, 191.5 - Ch. Emcees Solid Gold of JabiL U.D. Morris, Roz Goltz NY2nd, 189.5 - Ch. King Midas of Twin Pines, C.D. Mitey, Fran Warren VA3rd, 122.5 - Idlewyld Hope Diamond, C.D. Hope, Margaret McKee VABrace Score out of 400 3 entries1st, 388 - Lilae Shope Shopes Cupid Bella Donna, C.D.X. Ch. Lilaes Animated Nikk-Nakk, C.D. PA2nd, 347 - Brenda Hutton BKs Sir Spunky, C.D.X. BKs Sunshine Supergirl, C.D. MI3rd, 325 - Lilae Shope Lilaes Whimsical Kitt-Katt Rosewoods Moon Gold of Lilae, C.D.X. PARegister of Merit Excellent ROMThe American Pomeranian Club is proud to present the REGISTRY OF MERIT EXCELLENT. This is a title award from the APC and the initials ROMX may be used after the Poms name for all who qualify. It is open to ANY Pomeranian.Dogs must produce 20 or more titled offspring.Bitches must produce 6 or more titled offspring.For a title to count it must come from either bench e.g., Championship, obedience NOTE WELL - only the first obedience title is credited, or field NOTE WELL - only the first tracking title is credited. Only AKC titles are counted.Obedience Poms in Baltimorecont. from page 261. CH SUNGOLDS GAY CAVALIER 65Z CH THELDUN'S ALMOND FUDGE 353. CH CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLY 334. CH EMCEES SOLID GOLD DIAMOND 275. CH GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPER AGAIN 236. CH ARISTIC WEE PEPPER POD 227. CH DIXIELAND ROCK OF MELLAMOR 208. CH GREAT ELMS LITTLE TIMSTOPPER 209. CH THELCOLYNNS SHOWSTOPPER 20DAMSI. ARISTIC SUNGOLD MAYBELLE Z BEV-NORS SWEET AND SASSY3. CH IDLEWYLD STAR PENDANT, C.D.4. CH LLL KATTVATING KATY5. CH LL MITE OF GOLD SUZANNA6. CH MCKAMEYS SUNDAWN PERFECTION7. CH SCOTIA SPOT CASH8. CH SUNSET'S PERSONAL CONQUEST9. EMCEES SPARKLING HOT TAMALE10. GREAT ELMS SWEET CANDYII. MELLAMORS RED MIST12. RANDYS BRANDY OF JOLLY WEE13. SCOTIA DOUBLE GR DA O CAVILLER14. SCOTIA PUMKIN EATER15. TINKER OF WRIGHT WAY16. WATTS LITTLE CRISCO OF SCOTIAYou are now on your own. When you believe your Pom qualifies for this category YOU are to contact Jean Schroll. You are to submit all the necessary information that qualifies your Pom for this. She will verify it and send your certificate to you. You must supply the data and the dates that the AKC publishes it. Also, you do not have to be an APC member for the above awards, as they are historical acclamations.Register of Merit ROMThe American Pomeranian Club is proud to present the REGISTRY OF MERIT. This is a title award from the APC and the intitials ROM may be used after the Poms name for all who qualify. It is open to ANY Pomeranian.Dogs must produce 6 or mor titled offspring.Bitches must produce four or more titled offspring.Fora title to count it must come from either bench e.g. Championship, obedience NOTE WELL - only the first obedience title is credited,GET7666667 14 6 108 7 6 6 6 6title is credited. Only AKC titles are counted. Continued on page 28QJ _ ID[HDCDXf"t 1 JDObedience Poms in Baltimorecont. from page 27SIRE GET1. ARISTIC FLAMING MODEL 72. BONNERS KRISTIN STARMIST 133. CH ADONIS OF POINT LOMA 114. CH ANDOR SIR GAY 75. CH ANNONS MAGNUM FORCE OF SCAMP 66. CH ANNONS SIR KENNOR 67. CH APPLES TRAVELING DIAMOND 68. CH ARISTIC DEARBORN WONDER 109. CH ARISTIC FLAMING CHERBU 810. CH ARISTIC PEPPER POD BEAUTIFUL 611. CH ARISTIC TERRIFIC 612. CH BEV-NOR N SOUTHLAND RAMBO 1013. CH BEV-NORS FUDGE RIPPLE 914. CH BEV-NORS STATEMAN 715. CH BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE 1816. CH BEV-NORS TOASTMASTER 1117. CH BI MAR SUNDANCE KID 1818. CH BONNERS KRISPRIS GOLDEN COMET 819. CH BONNERS STARLYN PRISSY PUF 620. CH BONNERS STYLSTEPPER PRESHUS 1921. CH CEDARWOODS IMAGE OF DIAMOND 1822. CH CHRISCENDO CITY LIGHTS 2123. CH CINQUAY YANKEE DOODLE DANDY 824. CH CREIDER'S GOLDEN RIPTIDE 725. CH CREIDERS TIMOTHY TOPCAT 926. CH D-NEES DARIN DUFFIE 727. CH D-NEES DARLIN DINADAN 1028. CH DIXIELANDS STYLE STEPPER 629. CH DROMORE BOMBARDIER 1230. CH DUKES LIL RED BARON OF OKALA 631. CH EDNEYS MOE-BEST SPECIAL ORDER 1432. CH EMCEES CHIPS AHOY OF COY 733. CH FLAME OF WRIGHT WAY 734. CH FUNFAIRS PINTO O JOE DANDY 835. CH GEORGIAN GADFLY 636. CH GOLD TOYS GAY FLAME 637. CH GREAT ELMS LITTLE BUDDY 1038. CH GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II 1339. CH GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPERS IMAGE 1240. CH HADLEIGH LITTLE ROBIN 741. CH HIGHLAND SUNFLASH 842. CH HOLDERS A LIL RED FLASH 743. CH HONEY GOLD OF HADLEIGH AND BLACK 744. CH JERIBETHS DARLIN DOODLEBUG 745. CH JERIBETHS DRAGONFLY DEUCE 746. CH JOLLY WEE FANCY DAN OF PEPPI 947. CH LANCER OF SUN RAY 948. CH LENNIS TAR-BABY OF GREAT ELMS 1149. CH LLL FANCY GOLD CRICKET 650. CH LLL FANCY GOLD MOON WALKER 651. CH MITE OF GOLD DEUCE 952. CH LLL MOONGOLD TRAPPER 1053. CH LU-OAKS JINGLE BELL 654. CH LUNDS JNUST DANDY OF HADLEIGH 655. CH MACS MAYBE I WILL 1756. CH MACS MISTER BEAU JANGLES 1157. CHMCKAMEY JUST ENCHANTING 658. CH MC KAMEYS SUNDAWN JUST GOLD 9Obedience Poms in Baltimorecont from page 2859. CH MII.I.AMORS FANCY GOLD DANCER 660. CH MILLAMORS IM A WINDJAMMER 861. CH MILLAMORS MARK OF DIXIELAND 1162. CH MILLAMORS MOOD MUSIC 663. CH MILLAMORS MOON ROCK 1164. CH MILLAMORS ROCK MEDALLION 965. CH MILLAMORS ROCK MUSIC 1266. CH MILLAMORS TRADEMARK 767. CH MILLBROOKS EL GRAN CABALLERO 1568. CH MODELS BIT OF WHIZ 869. CH MODELS SON OF FUN 1170. CH MORENOS CRITICS CHOICE 671. CH MULLERS JUST A NIP JR 672. CH MYWAY DUKE CELOU CELAE 673. CH NANJO INTERLUDE 1774. CH NANJO MASTERPIECE 675. CH PEDRONS MARK OF THE DRAGON 1076. CH PETERSONS SCAMP OF LENNIS 877. CH PIXIETOWN SERENADE OF HADLEIGH 678. CH POMERISH CR PUFFS ONLY CHANCE 779. CH QUEENAIRE DOUBLE SCOTCH 780. CH QUEENAIRE GAMBLING DUDE 1281. CH QUEENAIRE SCOTCH N SODA 1182. CH RANDYS JOLLY WEE PEPPI 983. CH REEVES BUSTER BOY 1184. CH ROBINHOODS DUPLICATE COPY 1085. CH ROCKYS HOOTIE WHISTLE STOP 686. CH SCOTIA CAVS SPECTACULAR 987. CH SILVER MEADOWS LOVE OF LEGACY 688. CH SILVER MEADOWS TIGER 689. CH SKYLARK BRONZE BANNER 1390. CH SOUTHLANDS TOASTED FUDGE 1891. CH SPUNGOLDS TIMSTEPPER PAL 692. CH SUN RAYS AMBASSADOR 693. CH SUN RAYS LIL BEAVER 1394. CH SUN-DOTS RAMBOLING MAN 795. CHTEECOS LITTLE TOPPER 896. CH THE PINES HELLS A POPPIN 997. CH THELCOLYNNS TINY SUN DANCE 1298. CHTHELDUNS JOHN-JOHN 799. CHTHELDUNS TIM DANDEE OF EDNEY 10100. CH TIM SUES DANCING PEBBLE 6101. CH TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS 7102. CH TOMAHAWKS SHAWNEE 10103. CH TOMBOYS PICO CHICO 10104. CH TOPAZE PUMKIN SEED 7105. CH TOPPERS LITTLE COORKIE 7106. CH TOY TOWNS DANDY CORN DUKE 7107. CH VAN HOOZER HAPPY GO LUCKY 9108. CH VAN HOOZERS JULO PARDONER 6109. CH WATTS LITTLE CHIPPER OF G ELMS 11110. ENJAYS PUPPET ON A STRING 8111. MAINES LIL GOLD BRICK 6112. MAY MORNING SOCIAL LION 10113. WIMSCOTE WEE COMPANION 6DAM GET1. ARISTIC MIGHT CUTE 4Shyacres - k. ^jv""-- T puppyIN SHOW u "hochelagaKENNEL CUB. V\wl 2CanCh. Shyacres SteeplechaserRacer is shown taking a Puppy B.I.S.Thank you to his Godmother my dear friend Elizabeth Dupuis-C73BEST OF OPPOSITEiIRANIAN CLUB BRTR. BALTIMORE SPECIALTY6. HARICINSRacer winsAPC Summer National - Best In SweepsRWD Baltimore Specialty - Best Opp. SweepsRWD Houston Specialty - Best In SweepsThanks to Jackie Stacy, Chris Heartz Sam ZaneoffShyacres 1410 S. 10th St. Leesville, LA 71446 318 238-1648Champion Rubys Gator Maiden Oklahomasee pedigree behind New Championsac r^ 1BEST OF WINNERSMID CONTINENT O' KENNEL CLUB 1990PHOTO BY PETRULIS6 Tj'Vr f" ty. _Gator is shown taking her third major under judge Barbara Camp. Gator had many honors in her short trip to her championship. She finished with 5-4-3-2-3 pts. in 7 shows with 1 reserve. She has 2 BOW 3 BOS is now home waiting the time to start making babies with "Ch. Shadomountin One Man Show." Gator is a sound girl of 4 lbs. we believe typical of what we are breeding.Thanks to all the fine judges who agreed with us also to Kathy Bucher, who handled her exclusively.BreederOwner Ruby F. Poole Rte 1, Box 190 Claremore, OK 74017 918 341-69211Obedience Poms in Baltimorecont. from page 292. BELAND LITTLE SANDRA 43. BEV-NORN SOUTHLAND POASTY 44. BEV-NORS MISSY MISS 45. BI-MAR KAT BALLOU 56. BI-MAR MISTY 47. BIALEK'S LITTLE TINKER 58. BLAIRS ADORABLE BIT OGOLD 59. BONNERS STARLYN MODETTE 410. CALDOAKS SUGAR N SPICE 411. CH CAVALIERS PRECIOUS COLLEEN 412. CH CAVYS SENSATIONAL CONQUEST 513. CH EDNAS PRETTY POM POM 414. CH EMCEES SUSSANNA 515. CH FOXAIRE MY SWEET PROMISE 516. CH HARBINS TOUCH OF CLASS 517. CHJABILS STEPHANIE OF EMCEE 418. CH KNEFFINS MISS MOLLIE-B 519. CH ILL FANCY GOLD GINA 420. CH LLL ROCKYS BRASS BALLRINGER 421. CH MOE-BEST CONSTANT ATTENTION 522. CH PATRICKS MISS PRECIOUS 523. CH POMIRISH SQUIRTS FIZ 424. CH QUEENAIRE BRIGHT PROMISES 425. CH SILVER MEADOWS ECHO OF FUN 426. CH SILVER MEADOWS KATY-DID 427. CH TIFFANYS STAR OF INDIA 528. CREIDERS MISS MAGGIE 429. DAINTI DEVILISH DELITE II 430. DEVERYS MOSTLY MISCHIEF 431. DIXIELANDS GAY LINDA 532. EDNEYS MITY ISIS DELIGHT 433. EMCEES ADORABLE BIT OF GOLD 434. GADS CHULA ORANGE MIST 435. GLAD DAYS DREAM GIRL 436. GREAT ELMS HONEYBUN 537. HATCHS PEPPIE OF SHASTA 438. HONEYS BABY DOLL 439. JABILS SUN GODDESS 440. JERIBETHS HONEYBEE 441. JERIBETHS IDOL BAKER 442. JUBILEE NIGHTSONG 443. JULIES STARLIGHT SUSAN 444. KASSELS DANDELION DOWN. CD 445. LA FORTUNES WEE HOPEFUL 446. LADY SPITFIRE 447. LADYS DARKNESS AT DAWN 548. LENNIS CAVALIER TANGIE 449. LITTLE EVEE 450. LITTLE LONA 451. LITTLE SPARKIE 452. LLL HAPPY COUNTRY MONKEE 453. MAJACKS STARLIGHT JUDY 554. MAY MORNIGN SMALL TALK, CD 455. MAYKENS CHERRY BELLE 456. MCKAMEYS LITTLE JENNY 557. MIKE-MARS JUBILEE 458. MILLAMORS MAGIC DRAGON 459. MILLAMORS MELODY BOX 5Obedience Poms in Baltimorecontinued from page 3261. MILLAMOR'S ROCK ROSETTE 562. MODELS RED AMBER 563. MORROCOS TILLEE 464. O MY STARMIST MINUETTE 465. POMIRISH HALLELUJAHS GLORY 566. QUEENAIRE LUVY DUK 567. QUEENAIRE RUBY RUBY 568. RANDYS JOLLY WEE GEORGIA PEACH 569. SHERMACS TINA DAWN SURPRISE 570. SILVER MEADOWS REDWING 471. SUNGOLDS LOLLY 472. SUNGOLDS PEGGY 473. THELCOLYNNS TINY TYECA 474. WILLOGAYLES RED COPPER 5You are now on your own. When you elieve your Pom qualifies in this category YOU re to contact Jean Schroll. You are to submit all tie necessary information that qualifies your Pom or this. She will verify it and send your certifi- ate to you. You must supply the data and the ates that the AKC publishes it. Also, you do not ave to be an A PC member for the above award, s they are historical acclamations.Iall of FameThe HALL OF FAME HOF is an histori- al award listing done by the American Pomera- ian Club and is open to any Pomeranian. The [ALL OF FAME HOF is also a title conferred n a Pomeranian who gains admittance by meet- lg the criteria for the HOF. This title is to be written after the dogs name and abbreviated to [OF. This title, however, can NOT be used when ntering a dog at AKC events.To be in the HALL OF FAME a Pomera- ian must attain any one of the following via .merican Kennel Club recordsBEST IN SHOW - ALL BREED HIGH IN TRIAL - ALL BREED title of CHAMPION COMPANION DOG EXCELLENT UTILITY DOG title A 200 scoreDOGS producing 50 titled offspring BITCHES producing 25 titled off springIn the A PC Hall of Fame are the illowingBIS-AH ALL-STARS HADLEIGH SHOWOFFCH ARISTIC DEAR ADORABLE CH ARISTIC GOLDPEPER CH ARISTIC LITTLE PEPPER POD CH ARISTIC PEPPER PODS DELIGHT CH ARISTIC WEE GOLDPEPPER CH ARISTIC WEE PEPPER POD CH BELLS CRISCENDO CARMCHAEL CH BELLS HOUSTON STAR PEFORMER CH BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE CH BEV-NORS TOASTYS TAN-YA BCH BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID CH BONNERS PEPPERSWEET RED POD CH BONNERS PRETTYFEPPER DARLIN CH BONNERS PRETTYTUNE PETITE CH BONNERS STYLEPEPPER PRESHUS CH BROWNS TIDDLY WINK SUPER CH CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLY CH COYS TOP OF THE MARK CH DNEES DARIN DINADAN CH DNEES DARIN DUFFIE CH DUKES LBL RED BARON OKALA CH EDANS SHOWY TOM-TOM CH EDWARDS READY CARER CH ELSIES LITTLE YOGI BEAR CH EMCEES SOLID GOLD AMIGO CH FANCY GOLD DANCER OF OAKRIDGE CH FUNFAIRS PINTO O JOE DANDY CH GARTONS KING OF BAVARIA CH GOLD MIST OF WAVERLY CH GOLDEN GLOW DANDY CH GOLDEN RULE TWINKLE STAR CH GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY CH GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II CH HADLEIGH SHINING GOLD OF DAVDON CH HOLDERS A LIL RED FLASH CH HOMESTEADS PIT N POLISH CH JAMOLS CLASSIC HI TIME CH JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT CH JOLLY WEE GA HOT SHOT CH JOLLY WEE IM A PEPPER TOO CH LENNIS TAR LACEY FOXFIRE CH LENNIS TEQUILA SUNRISEObedience Poms in Baltimorecont. from page 33CH LITTLE EMIRCH LITTLE RACH LITTLE RAJAHCH LITTLE TIMS CHIPPERCH LITTLE TIMSTOPPERCH LITTLE TIMSTOPPERS TEECOCH LITTLE TIMSUNCH LLL GOLD DANCER OF OAKRIDGECH MILLAMORS MARKETTE BXH MIAO MEXHIEO TO A AIIAT CH MODELS SON OF FUN CH MONEYBOX GOLD COIN CH MONEYBOX GOLD CURRENCY CH MONEYBOX MONKEY SHINE CH PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR CH PDGETOWNS SERENADE OF HADLEIGH CH PRECIOUS PET IT ES GABRIEL CH RANDYS JOLLY WEE PEPPI CH RIDERS SPARKLIN GOLD NUGGET CH SHEEBAS LITTLE DRAGONFLY CH SILVA LADE GENTLE BEN CH SILVA LADE MAMA TRIED BCH SOUTHLANDS MR. V.I.P. OlDA CH SUNDOTS RAMBOLING MAN CH SUNDOTS DIAMOND STUD CH SUNGOLDS DIAMOND STUD CH SUNGOLDS GAY CAVILIER CH SUNGOLDS JESSE CH SUNGOLDS WEE DESIREE CH SWEET LADY OF ARLYD BCH THE PINES HELLS A POPPIN CH TIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTS CH TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS]CH TIM SUES LIL LOVE BUG CH TONOS JUST CALL ME MISTER CH VAN HOGZERS LUCKY LITTLEMITE CH WEE WITCH HODGES OF SUN-DOT CH WHEELERS BON PEPPI BUTTERCUPHITAAMYS CHOCOLATE BAR, CDX BUFFS LITTLE VALENTINE CANDY, CD CAL MACS ALL WRONG MISS, CD B CASMARS CHIPPER, UD CH EMCEES SOLID GOLD O JABIL, CD CH ROBINHOODS AFTER DARK, CD CORBINS PETITE EBONY LADY, CD CRICKETTS MIDNIGHT SONG CS, CDX DOVER-HOLIHOUSE FERE N ICE DUSTYS BOY DUFFIE GLYNS SIR PETTY JK BRANKI VON WALZEN BERG KHANI CHOC COVERED CANDY KIMMARKS ROBY LENNIS RED DENIM LEVI MAR DOTS CHICK A DEE MARPESSA KEN JEAN OTCH NOAHS ABRA KA DABRA BPENNYLANE IS IN MY HEART PENRU PRIMA BALLERINA O JABIL B PETTISFREE PUREGOLD POMIRISH MOVIN ON POMIRISH TWINKIE BREAK, CDX RIDERS JOLLY-KATRINA BROBBINS APRIL MIST, CD ROBINSONS HEIDI HEATHER BROBINSONS WEE WOLFSUES WEE CUDDLES OF SCOTIA BSUNRUNNER PATTYCAKE POM]TINAS TINY CREAM PUFF BTRIVIAL PURSUIT, CDX UHLANDS CREME PUFF DELIGHT WEELANDS PEPE BIMBO, CDXCH - CDXCH BLAIRS STARDUST, CDX CH EMCEES SOLID GOLD O JABIL, UD CH IDLEWYLD GEMSTONE, CDX CH IDLEWYLD LAVALIER, CDX CH IDLEWYLD STAR CORAL, CDX CH KAVILLAS CHRISTMAS JOY, CDX CH LESSARDS SHANGRILA OF JUBILEE, CDX CH MOONSHINES EYE OF THE TIGER, CDX CH NINO OF THELCOLYNN, UD CH PENRUS FANCY FREE OF CALDOAK,CDXCH PENRUS SUGAR PLUM FAIRY, UD CH SUNSWEPT ANTICIPATION, CDX CH TOPAZE LADY JENNIFER, CDX200 SCOREALPINAS BUDDY, UD CAVALIERS CAVILETTE, UD CH BLAIRS STARDUST, CDX CH NINO OF THELCOLYNN, UD COPPERSTONE OF ARCHMORE, UD CORBINS PETITE EBONY LADY, CD DAWSONS PETITE MUSETTA, UD GEORGIANS BETTY, UD MY FOLLY, CDX OTCH NOAHS ABRA KA DABRA PHINNEYS ORANGE BOY, UD SOURDOUGH TIMOTHY, UDDOGS PRODUCING 50 TITLED OFFPSRINGCH SUNGOLDS GAY CAVILIERBITCHES PRODUCING 50 TITLED OFFSPRINGNONESHANNONS POMSCO3SSHANNONS ALIBI OSCOTIAThanks again, Dolores and Edna, for allowing Ch.Scotia Little Davey, Alibi's sire, to come home with me. Thanks Tammy Carrell for the expert training and TLC in showing her in the puppy classes.Puppies available. Mostly Scotia lines.JoAnn Shifflett Rt 1, Box 280 Montvale, VA 24122 703 947-2347IDA POMERANIANSSELL OUT All AdultsPuppies Multiple Group I Winners ChampionsAll adults have been shown, some with majors.Sell out due to old agerftlV t.Ida Tarver 10212 Gordon St. Pineville, LA 71360AVELVET TOUCH KENNELSFor Sale400 to 500 Bev-Nor male, Ch. sired, Grand sire BIS Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge. Two years old, proven stud.400 to 600 Brood bitches. Producing good quality, some already bred.Also puppies - Bev-Nor bloodlines. Linebred, several real nice.Videos on request.Velvet Touch Janet Bordelon 1460 Hwy. 5054 Alexandria, LA 71303 318 445-0143Obedience Poms in Baltimorecont. from page 34UTILITY DOG TITLEACES PUFF BALL ALPINAS BUDDY ABMERS KIM BARRINGTONS YOGI BBS RED VIXEN BOSTONS BOUNCING BUSTER BUNNYS PRIDE SHEBA CARMICHAEL TOY CASMARS CHIPER - OTCH Pts.CAVALIERS CAVILETTECH EMCEES SOLD GOLD O JABILCH NINO OF THELCOLYNNCH PENRUS SUGAR PLUM FAIRY - OTCH Pts.COLONEL TOP HATCOLOR BEARERCOPPERTONE OF ARCHMORECOYS TINY TERROR BANNERCRY BABYS LITTLE ZUZIM RANDYDANCING SAMMYDAWSONS PETITE MUSETTADYKSTRAS GOLDEN ERLECEDYKSTRAS ROXANN OF TOPAZEENCORE OF TANGERINE LYRICFEATHERFRENCHYS LITTLE BIT O SHERRY GEORGIANS BETTY, UDT HIGHVIEWS MIDNIGHT SHADOW I FIDGET IN STYLE - OTCH Pts.IACK MACKKELBY ROYAL SIR ALEXANDERLATHAMS DUNDY BOYLENNIS RED DENIM LEVI - OTCH Pts.LEONARDS SHADOWLEONARDS WEE SKEETERLESSARDS LITTLE GEISHA GIRLLITTLE JOYS LIL SNOOPYLITTLE TIPPY TENLORD BOSTON RUFFINGTONMARTINS MISSYMI OF MICKLINBURGMIDNIGHT SHOGUNMISS BOOS TEENA TIGERMRTUEMYWAY JIMBO JANGLES OLIVER TWIST IV OTCH NOAHS ABRA KA DABRA OTCH TWINKLE LITTLE SUPER STAR OTCH UHLANDS CREME PUFF DELIGHT PHINNEYS ORANGE BOY POMIRISH TUFFYS TUMBLEWEED POMPOUS POGO POMSHELL KLINE LIEBCHEN POMSHELL TWINKLE TOES POMSHELLS CAVALIERS WIND SONG PRINCE Z PRINCESS NINAROCKYS FLUF N PUFF RUSSELLS FOX FLAME WEE CHERIE RUSTY OF QUEENAIRE MANOR RUSTY VAN BOSTONIAN SHA-BERS MY LITTLE DAPHNEY SOURDOUGH TIMOTHY SPARKLES SUNSHINE STARLITES BETTY LUE, UDT SUES WEE CUDDLES OF SCOTIA SUNNY PRINCE OF VAL-LEE SUNSWEPT HOT FUDGE SUNDAE TAYLORS PIXIE PRINCE OF SAN-LEN THELCOLYNNS RINNY JIM WINDYS SPARKLE PLENTYYou are now on your own. When yi believe your Pom qualifies for this category YC are to contact Jean Schroll. You are to submit the necessary information that qualifies your Pc for this. She will verify it and send your certi cate to you. You must supply the data and t dates that the AKC publishes it. Also, you do t have to be an A PC member for the above awar as they are historical acclamations.Gold ClubThe Gold Club GC is another histori award offered by the American Pomeranian C' for ANY Pomeranian who attains any one of following via AKC recordsDOGS winning 100 BEST OF BREEE BITCHES winning 50 BOBs andor B wins CHAMPIONSHIP with 3 five pc majors never less than Best of Winners, back-to-back GROUP ls, back-to-back BEST IN SHOWS breed,back-to-back HIGH IN TRIALS breed,an obedience score of 200, published 2 two passing tracks.GC is the abbreviated title to be wri after the Poms name and can NOT be used w entering an AKC eventThis is an incomplete lisL Yourassista in correcting this list is appreciated. The foil ing Poms are enrolled in the GC100 dogs50 bitchesCH CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLY CH EMCEES GOLDEN JAYMY BCH HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH3bedience Poms in Baltimorecont. from page 36CH RANDYS JOLLY WEE PEPPI CH RIDERS SPARKLIN GOLD IUGGETCH SHEEBAS LITTLE DRAGONFLYBACK-TO-BACK GROUP lsCH FRYS MAGIC LIG ANGUS CH JOLLY WEE GA HOT SHOT CH JAMELS TEXAS TORNADO CH PEDRONS DRAGON THE CON QUERORBACK-TO-BACK HITsOTCH NOAHS ABRA KA DABRA200sALPINAS BUDDY, UD CAVALIERS CAVILETTE, UD CH BLAIRS STARDUST, CDX CH NINO OF THELCOLYNN, UD COPPERTONE OF ARCHMORE, UD CORBINS PETITE EBONY LADY, CD DAWSONS PETITE MUSETTA, UD GEORGIANS BETTY, UDT MY FOLLY, CDX OTCH NOAHS ABRA KA DABRA PHINNEYS ORANGE BOY. UD SOURDOUGH TMOTHY, UD2 TRACKING TESTSBKS SIR SPUNKY, CDX GEORGIANS BETTY, UDTYou are now on your own. When you ilieve your Pom qualifies for this category YOU e to contact Jean Schroll. You are to submit all e necessary information that qualifies your Pom r this. She will verify it and send your certifi- te to you. You must supply the data and the tes that the AKC publishes it Also, you do not ve to be an APC member for the above award, it is a historical acclamation.ATTENTION OBEDIENCE EXHIBITORSThe March 1991 issue of Pom Review will come THE OBEDIENCE ISSUE. Send all deles and ads to the editor. If you need help, ntact Mary Vickers, 703 960-7755.That Twinkling GaitReprinted from the June, 1959 IssueLike the term "short Pom," a twinkling gait is attributed to many Poms - bad and good - in a complimentary sense. It is a catchy phrase, but dangerous.Too often a twinkling gait is faulty when the Pom so honored is mincing. There isn't a breed in the books that calls for a mincing gait because it may mean that the dog is tied at the elbows, too erect in shoulders, weak in pasterns, loosely coupled, weak in quarters, or straight in stifle and hock. It has no reach. Power from the rear cannot be transmitted to the whole dog, and there is not enough power being generated from behind. Like the sprinters say, it is a poor, overworking puller, and not a pusher.Other factors of size and build being equal, the dog that takes fewer steps to get there is the better gaited.Dogs that weave, paddle, spraddle, or sidewind may also give the impression of twinkling because, coming or going, so many feet can be seen in so many diverse positions. The grace and simplicity characteristic of a good mover are thus lost.The action of a Pomeranian should be free and elastic, writes Miss Linda A. Wilson in her book. "The Popular Pomeranian." "The action of a Pomeranian is unique and shared by no other dog," she continues, "yet, how few breeders realize this, or to value this charming quality. If for any reason this is lost, it will be a thousand pities, for there is nothing more attractive to either judge or ringsider."It is recognized, of course, that a well- gaited Pom moved fast to demonstrate good action may certainly appear to sparkle, twinkle, and shine. But the next time someone says your Pom has a twinkling gait, it might be wise to think twice before smiling.JAN LES LATEST KIDSAMCAN CH. JAN LES ROCK MY WORLDAmCan Ch. Midas Ragtime Rock x Dixieland's Music Boxfk."Our first champion of 1990 finished with three majors one of them won at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines, shown here. Adrian went South to live with Dixie Hampton. We wish you all the best with your new boy.Our 2nd Champion for 1990AMCAN CH. JAN LES TIL WE MEET AGAINAmCan Ch. Jan Le's Ragtime Music x Theldunn's Tia Mariapedigree in Behind New ChampionsTillie went one weekend to Canada and come home a Canadian champion. Then the next weekend, finished her American championship. We thank all the judges for liking our girl. She will be bred this fall to AmCan. Ch. Midas Fascinating Rhythm. We hope to have one of her kids in the ring by next spring.wJAN LE KENNELS Jane Lehtinen 8570 Old MesabeRd., Iron, MN 55751Home 218 744-5653 Work 218 744-5958Watts PomsVETERAN DOGCH. WATTS LITTLE CHIPPER OF G. ELMSPom Club of Greater Baltimore Specialty July 5,1990CHIPPER was delighted to represent the Veteran Class and be out again this Summer with his only handler, Sue Whaley. He also was Veteran Dog for the APC Summer Specialty, July 6,1990.Having won the Veteran Dog class at the Winter Specialty last February 1990, he now has three Veteran Classes in a row to his credit at his tender age of almost 8 years. If he continues to hold coat and do well, maybe he will be out again in the future. At any rate, he is my top stud dog at Watts' Kennels with several champions to his credit and I am so very proud of him.Watts Poms4800 Floral Park RoadBrandywine, MD 20613301 372-8782Watts PomsWATTS-SCOTIA PINCH A PENNY chWinners Bitch Best of Winners Pom Club of Greater Baltimore Specialty July, 1990Penny is shown above, going WB BOW for a 5 point major. Many thanks to Mr. R. Ready for finding her worthy and to Sue Whaley for handling her to this lovely win.Watts Poms4800 Floral Park RoadBrandywine, MD 20613301 372-8782Happenings Around The CountryAcross Canadaby Chris HeartzThe precious few days of summer are here in Canada, and it seems so hard to come inside and sit in front of a typewriter, but duty calls.Weather like this is too hot to do much with the dogs, but the evenings are perfect for training puppies. I seem to have made a few discoveries lately that Ill pass along for you. I seem to have collected a few excellent articles, and the topic has come up a couple of times, How do you lead train a puppyIt is impossible to lead train a puppy that does not trust you enough to follow you on his own. Simple enough but true. Why would a puppy who has no interest in you follow along when you tie a string around his neck The best way is to have a puppy following you without a lead first. Then some play time on a lead. Only then should you ask him to follow you. He also should already be baiting. Learning to bait first is a great help when starting lead training.Another really important rule, I never thought about before, is Never lead train while a puppy is teething. The basics should already be there by the time they are 3i2 to 4 months, then leave them along until they are 5 months.Table Train EarlySo many Poms are really bad on a table simply because they never see one until a show. Try feeding goodies and teaching to bait on one of those low ringside tables that Lhasa and Shift Tzu people use.Have a puppy that constantly stares at the ground when gaiting Try letting him cany his favorite toy around, what a differenceAnd speaking of well trained, someone must be doing something right. We have 5 best in Show winners so far this year in Canada Ch. Tynan Fluf N Stuff, owned by Kara Greenwood who is Natalie Dunfees younger sister won back to back in the Spring. This guy is currently Top Pom in Canada.Ch. Chinookwinds Cariboo Eclipse bred and owned by Ann Fulton, co-owned and handled by Coleen Beeland. He is a cream boy and we all know how hard it is to even do winning with an orange one.Ch. Bavanews Somewhere In Timerecently been purchased by Judy Page, who plans to campaign him this year.Dwayne Ward is the very proud owner of Pattys Moe Best Look At Me, another Best in Show winner, and the only one not Canadian bred, which used to be a rarity in this country.Congratulations to all the breeders and ownersGood luck with those puppies.Bay Colony Pomeranian Clubby Claire FlesnerBy the time you are reading this, we would have held another successful match. We are anticipating another large entry in both breed and obedience.Our next scheduled event will be our spring match in march. All our matches are AKC sanctioned for B-OB.On May 11,1990, we will again be having our annual specialty show. This is always held in conjunction with the Springfield Kennel Club in W. Springfield, MA. Dolors Watts will judge our Puppy Sweepstakes. The judge for the regular classes will be Jackie Klein. We feel indeed fortunate to have both these knowledgeable ladies. The Springfield club will provide the obedience judging.Some of our members are out on the show circuits this summer. Gladys Dykstra has finally gotten Cupids first leg. George W. Hand, m, now has 5 points on Unicorns Precious Jewell, which he co-owns. My Silver Meadows S.S. Martin has his first point., Marty also got back to back Group I in the Spring matches.At the States Kennel Club show on Saturday, June 23, Janice Martins Ch. Dignitys Texican Venture got Group IH. On Sunday, Sue Cornwalls puppy Idlewyld Prince Alphonse went Group HI. Also on Saturday, June 23, at the Minute Man Kennel Club show, my Silver Meadows S.S. Martin got Group II.HAVE YOU HUGGED YOUR POM TODAYEMCEE'S POMERANIANS804 741-3024Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham DriveRichmond, Virginia 23233 Ch. Emcee's Chips of DiamondBEST OF WINNERSfurniture cityKENNEL CLUB SEPTEMBER 1988H0T0 BY SABRINACH. EMCEE'S GOLDEN TOPO DE ORO - "Bear"AmCan. Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Amigo x Ch. Emcee's Golden JaymyBear can "bearly" contain his excitementHis son, Emcee's Mr. Biff, thanks his new mom, Cassandra Evans - Wee Hearts - for her care, expertise, and willingness to recondition Biff for his re-entry into the show ring.Bear says that was a "beary" SMART move.CONGRATULATIONS TOKaren and Greg Crouch upon going Best in Match with a Bear grandson out of Emcee'sTeddy Bear.Bev Poplar upon her new champion - Emcee's Hy-Lady Morganna out of Ch. Emcee's Hy- Chips and Emcee's Solid Gold Tinker Toy.Thanks to Dianna Downey for finishing Morganna.We have a few puppies. Inquiries invited.SPenette So me'ianian^Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Ownerr wte, WJfc-vCyali CW'CONGRATULATIONS TO Dixieanne Berrnet on her new Ch. Lord Dragon Slayer of Lenette. Sired by Ch. Beaver of Lenette. Finishing with all 5 pt. majors.CONGRATULATIONS TO Joyce Urban and her new Ch. Rhynstone Dodger of Lenette. Sired by Great Elms Bobby Beam. Also finishing with all majors.CONGRATULATIONS TO Colleen Franks and her new Ch. Great Elms Topper of Lenette. Sired by Ch. Coy's Top of the Mark.CONGRATULATIONS TO Ron Feyh on winning BOS in Sweepstakes at the Houston Specialty with a Beaver daughter.We Buy and Sell old issues of Pom ReviewOdyssey Pomeranianspresents its first homebred ChampionCH. ODYSSEYS KENO WIZ16WM SOTO-4LkCh. Moonshadows G Wiz Wee-Bad x Black Cherries JubileeIn very limited Specials showingGr. I, Judge Mr. Roland Adameck BOB over 8 specials entered, thanks to judge Ms. Migon Murray BIG DAYGr. II, Judge Mrs. Joy Davison picturedGr. ID, Judge Mr. William BergumThank you judges for seeing Keno's special qualities. Look for us in the future. Look for his kids too Moreno's Cheesecake, 7 pts. Moreno's Sweet Pea, 1 pt. Moreno's Tuff To Top, pointed and Phyner Gold Jackpot, 8 points and both majors. These are from Keno's first three litters sired more to come, as all four of these are still puppies j------------itji__ Special Thanks toBreederOwnerhandler Janet Manuszak Odyssey Pomeranians PO Box 15336 Fresno, CA 93702om qi r7cJoanne Reed Puppies occasionallyBenRay PomeraniansCH. BENRAY'S SUNDANCING SIMONGolden Aires Magic Manko x Golden Aires Rock W Robin5 lbs., light orange, very sound provenFLASH - We also celebrate our second just finished champion of the year - Ch. BenRay's Li'L Bella Sherry. Picture to follow in next issue.We are so very proud to present our first homebred champion "Simon." Simon completed his title in very limited showing Our thanks to judges Ronald Rella - 2 pts. Betty Dexter - 4 pt. major over specials Dorothy Bonner - 5 pt. major over specials and Eleanor Rotman - 4 pt. major over specials - finished here with BOB from the Bred By class.Our thanks to Michelle Miller for her help with Simon and to Sharon Masnick of Golden Aires for all of her help and support. Congratulations to Stella Lizambri on her recent win with BenRay's In All Her Glory.Ray Benson 2007 Vestry Drive Charleston, S.G 29414 803 571-6165VWBES1 BREEDClassifiedsDear Chris,I want to send my sincere condolence to rou and your husband, John, on the passing of four Can.Am.Bda. Ch. Millamors Rock Me- lallion.I know he will always be remembered for tis superior qualities.In Friendship Another Pom Lover,Sue SoaresCRESCENDOCh. Millamor's Mood Music daughter for sale. Very small. I12 years, baby doll head, orange sable look alike to Ch. Millamor 'N Crescendo Pepsi Hi. 400.2 males to be sold for pedigree breeding value. 1 year and I12 years, both Millamor linebred. 350 each.1 six month male, Millamor linebred, to mature approx. 4 lbs.600 SHOW POTENTIAL.A few selectively linebred 4 month up youngsters available now.Bernie Lois Ciliberto, 9605 Land O'Lakes Blvd., Land O' Lakes, FL 34639 813 996-3977-yjJAN LES KENNELSOur 3rd Champion for 1990AMCAN CH. JAN LES MARK MY WORLDAmCan Ch. Midas Fascinating Rhythm x AmCan Ch. Gaulkes Pepper Upper pedigree in Behind New ChampionsNot much fun in this one. Mark is one of the youngest Poms to finish in this kennel. Mark started his show career at 6 mos. of age and was only shown 10 times and finished his championship before he was 10 months old. He was Best of Winners 7 out of 10 shows. Two Best of Breed over specials and one Group I. We thank the judges who like all of our kids so far this year and hope to have another Jan Le champion real soon.A IrixWe welcome our newest boyy.JAN LE KENNELS Jane Lehtinen 8570 Old MesabeRd., Iron, MN 55751AM CH. ROCK AND ROBIN OF OAKRIDGECh. Brown's Rock N Robin x Ch. Brown's Foxy LadyWe made a trip to Ohio this summer and came home with this fellow. It was a long hot trip, one I would not care to make again in the heat. But it was worth it. He, I hope, will be what we went looking for to add to our breeding program. Thank you Ken and Eleanor for Robert. We really enjoyed the chance to get to see you again and visit all the Millamor kids.Also to come home with us is Millamor's Roxanne, a Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert daughter, who will be bred to AmCan Ch. Midas Fascinating Rhythm. "Fascinating" a breeding to look forward to.Home 218 744-5653 Work 218 744-5958The Carolina Pom Clubby Curtis MackThe Carolina Pom Club held its semi- inual Fun match on August 11, 1990, at the Duth Carolina State Fairgrounds in conjunction ith the Piedmont Kennel Club and the Colum- ia Kennel Club all-breed shows. There was a iry nice tumoutof Poms for both shows as well the Match.Match Chairman, Rodger Beaty, did a well job as didTrophy Chairman, Judy McCall, he trophies for Best in Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex, Best Adult in Match and Best of opposite Sex Adult were beautiful Pom prints rawn by Pom fancier, Christine Heartz of Can- la. Thanks ChrisSteve McCall served as ring steward in the bsence of Joyce Apple, who remained at home take care of her ill husband. We wish him a jeedy recovery. Our judges for the Match were olumbia Kennel Club member and AKC judge, lonald Teague, doing Sweepstakes, and AKC idge, Richard Mullen doing regular classes, he results of the Match are as followsSWEEPSTAKES UPPY DOGS 2-41st La Petite Hubba Bubba, owner wonnelee McGhee2nd LaCheries Gorgeous George, owner loro thy F. Martin UPPY DOGS 4-61st Millamors Traditional Marquis, wner Eleanor Miller Sharon Masnick2nd LaCheriesExtraTerrestrial, Dorothy lartinUPPY DOGS 6-91st Sir Blitzen Little Buckwheat, owner eda Robbins2nd LaCheries McFoxfire, owner Judy IcCall Dot Martin3rd LaCheries Sir Winston, owner orothy Martin UPPY DOGS 9-121st Dars Great Elms Foxy of Lenette, wner Rosemary Deena RegoniUPPY BITCHES 2-41st LaPetite Tinker Toy, owner Ywon- elee McGheeBest in Sweepstakes3rd McFoxfires Blowin Smoke, owner Judy McCall4th McFoxfires Little Bit O Smoke, owner Judy McCall PUPPY BITCHES 4-61st Golden Aires Here I Am, owner Sharon Masnick PUPPY BITCHES 6-91st Ar-Bees Sweet Lil Mona Lisa, owner Rodger Beaty2nd Megin Princeing Joy, owner Leda RobbinsPUPPY BITCHES 9-121st Dars Suki B. OLenette, owner Rosemary Deena Regoni BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPSTAKES LaPetite Hubba Bubba BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Golden Aires Here I AmREGULAR CLASSESPUPPY DOGS 2-41st LaPetite Hubba Bubba 2nd LaCheries Gorgeous George PUPPY DOGS 4-61st LaCheries Extra Terrestrial 2nd Millamors Traditional Marquis PUPPY DOGS 6-91st La Cheries Sir Winston 2nd LaCheries McFoxfire 3rd Sir Blitzen Little Buckwheat PUPPY DOGS 9-121st Dars Great Elms Foxy of Lenette NOVICE DOGS1st Golden Aires Majestic Prince, owner Carolyn AlexanderCarolina Pom ClubCont. from page 47 mOPEN DOGS1st Fred Twitterbutt, owner Christine ShearerPUPPY BITCHES 2-41st LaPetite Tinker Toy 2nd McFoxfires Silver N Cream 3rd McFoxfires Little Bit O Smoke 4th McFoxfires Blowin Smoke PUPPY BITCHES 4-61st Golden Aires Here I Am PUPPY BITCHES 6-91st Ar-Bees Sweet Lil Mona Lisa 2nd Megin Princeing Joy PUPPY BITCHES 9-121st Dars Sukie B. OLenette OPEN BITCHES1st Gold-N-Charm of Oakridge, owner Sharon Masnick BEST ADULT IN MATCH Dars Great Elms Foxy of Lenette BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Dars Suki B. OLennetervrl\Best of BreedThe Carolina Pom Club continues to grow and is developing into a real source of support for all who are involved. We recently lost one of our oldest charter members. We are saddened by the news of the passing of Mrs. Ethel Dendy. She was 82 years old and a long time Pom breeder from North Carolina. We offer our sincere sympathy to her family and friends. She was one of the most sweetest and honest ladies you could ever hope to meet.Our club members have been very busyt A ABest of Oppositefinished Great Elms Sweet Pepper. Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II won Best of Breed at the Baltimore and the American Pomeranian Club Specialties as well as the Stud Dog class at both shows. Ch. Watts Little Chipper of G. Elms, owned by Dolores Watts, won Veteran Dog both days. Chipper and Prince Charming were both bred by Ruth Beam. Patty Griffins gorgeous female puppy, Menymonts Gold Fever, won Best in Sweepstakes at the Baltimore Pom Club Specialty under judge Chris Heartz and also went Reserve W inners B itch at the A PC Specialty. Joyce Apples dog, every breeders dream Apples Traveling Rambler, went Winners Dog at the Baltimore Specialty and also won Winners Dog at the all-breed show on the following day. Lance Brysons dog, Ch. Clairmonts Traveling Diamond, has taken several BOBs and Group placements. Congratulations to all the winners. Our next meeting will be held on September 20, 1990, at the Piedmont Kennel Club showgrounds at 2 p.m. Until next time, keep on keeping on.P.S. A famous quote from Ruth Beam....A WINNER NEVER QUITS AND A QUITTER NEVER WINS9 rColumbia Pomeranian Club Specialty July 1990by Jean Schroll 12950 S. New Era Rd.^ Oregon City, OR 97045I " Jf The Columbia Pomeranian Clubs July 990 Specialty got off to a good start by having re largest entry ever. It was certainly gratifying 3 have such a good entry for all the people that orked so hard to make it a success.Mrs. Sheila Hilgart did a fine job with her weepstakes puppies with Morenos Cheese- ake coming out the winner and Apolloette iitsan Wild Card, Best of Opposite Sex. Both 'ere nice puppies. It was nice to see so many ice puppies. Sometimes there is a lack of uppies at certain times of the year, not so this ear. Cheesecake is owned hy Julie Moreno of alifomia and Apolloette Kitsan Wild Card is Iso owned by Californians, Marlin and Marlene resser, who nearly always support our Spe- ialty.Our first ever Futurity was heldand judged y Mrs. Dorothy Gooch. Her Best in Futurity as Jestoms Chances Are, bred by Tom and sssie Stephens and owned by member Sharon hipek of Montana. Best of Opposite Sex was xtane Lady Molly of Jestom, bred by owner haron Shipek. Nice going Sharon.Regular classes were judged by Mrs. larian Postgate from Canada who has had a long isociation with Poms. Her mother is an old time eeder, no longer active, but is judging also, [rs. Postgate gave everyone a fair chance and is rtainly one nice lady.Best of Breed was owned by a North- estemer and bred by a NW. Ch. Jerbo's Sho- un of Bi-Mar was bred by Mary Rosenbaum id owned by Jerry and Doris Owens. Anna tFortune handling.Winners Dog was Sweethearts Forever ravo owned by Marge Kranzfelder of Califor- a and handled by Joanne Reed. Reserve Win- rs Dog was Southlands Janesas Typhoon vnedby Susie William Osbom of Hillsboro, R.Winners Bitch was Sungolds U Can bred id owned by Steve Gonzales of Colorado.Great Elms owned by James Woodcook and Caroline Evans of Rochester, WA.There was some very nice veteran dogs entered, only two of which showed up and this class was won by Apolloette Eveready Rocky.John Nye did his usual superb job of cooking at our potluck. There were some wonderful things on the table and everyone seemed to have a good time. As usual there is always food left over and one has to wonder what to do with it all.Our next Specialty will be January 17, 1991 at the Expo Center in Portland if all is approved by AKC. Til thenColumbia Pomeranian ClubWebfoot Report July 1990 by Jean SchrollThe Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty was a huge success. We had our largest entry ever. There were so many lovely dogs and bitches. It was won by Ch. Jerbos Sho-Gun of Bi-Mar handled by Anna LaFortune and owned by Jerry and Doris Owen of Washington. Winners Dog was won by a puppy owned by Marge Kranzfelder of California. Winners Bitch was Sungolds U Can owned by Steve Gonzales of Clifton, Colorado.I was very pleased to win the AOC class with Marie Smiths white Pom. This dog only needs 2 pts. to finish his championship.The big entry held over for the three allbreed shows following with a different dog winning each day. Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz owned by Janet Manuszak won the breed and the group at Portland KC. Greater Clark Co. KC was won by Ch. Damata He Man owned by Larsen, Flaata, and Robinson.Willamette Valley KC was won by Ch. Snuggle Pals Autumn Mink owned by Emily Untalan and getting a Gr. n.Our potluck was a big success with John Nye cooking great hamburgers and hot dogs and lots of good food. John does this every year and its always a success. I hope the weather will hold for us the same in 1992 when the CPC hosts the national. We hope all of you will come and find out how great this social hour or two is.I have no information on Tualatin Valley KC since I was in Alaska.Kenai KC saw Jack Hookie and Ray Mooneys Sheba getting her second major leaving her only 4 pts. to finish.Columbia Pom ClubCont. from page 49Its pretty hard to report all the wins if the owners do not give them to the reporter. Reporters cannot always be there so we must have a source of some kind.The Pomeranian Club of Greater HoustonSpecialty Show Sweepstakes 8990SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE SAM ZANEOFFBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Shyacres Steeplechaser, breederowner Audrey Roberts dog BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Larron Show O Diamonds Yolanda, owner Ron Feyh Larry Rookstool Mary Pilaum bitchREGULAR CLASSES JUDGE DOROTHY BONNER critique includedPUPPY DOGS 6-91st Tim Sues Electric Lights, owner Tim and Sue GoddardExcellent puppy of correct conformation. PUPPY DOGS 9-121st Shyacres Steeplechaser, owner Audrey RobertsA puppy that stood out in every way. The hope of all breeders.BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS1st Cube's Zachary of Cenia, owner A.C. WilliamsonVery sound with good coat AMERICAN BRED DOG1st Pomarons Marshmallow Fudge, owner Diane B. HillA striking puppy, most attractive in Chocolate and White Parti.OPEN DOGS1st Tim Sues Just a Short Trip, owner Dick Bronya JohnstonBeautiful head and face. Orange. WINNERS DOG Tim Sues Just a Short Trip RESERVE WINNERS DOG Eastwyck Texican Pico Negrito, owner E. Moureau, P. Farmer P. Kennedy Black, real short and cobby.1st GlenhisDistantLady,ownerDr.C.A. Jackson Joel M. TaylorVery stylish with lovely personality. PUPPY BITCHES 9-121st Texicans Her Highness, owner Erika K. MoureauPromising, well-coated orange girl. BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH1st Glen Iris Hurricane Angelique, o wnet Dr. CA. Jackson Joel M. Taylor Good coat and conformation AMERICAN BRED BITCHES1st Wagners Golden Melody, owner J Ruth WagnerA nicely boned girl of good quality OPEN BITCHES1st Myway Bewitching Belinda, own Janice Vincent Molly MillerHolds herself well. Moves well with heachigh.VETERAN DOGS1st Ch.TexicanGiantKillerChula,owne Norma GadKiller is in excellent condition, an ador able little ball of fluff, ready to enter competitioi again to repeat his many wins.BEST PUPPY IN THE SPECIALTYGlen Iris Distant Lady bitchBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXTim Sues Electric Lights dogTo the disappointment of everybody, Shyacre Steeplechaser was absent for this competitio and could not be found.There were 9 fabulous champions, some c whom had Best-In-Show awards from all-bree shows. A gorgeous sight as they went around th ring. One medium-small Pom caught my eye a he moved with the most animated enthusiasn On his personal inspection, he served to be net perfection and won the title of Best of Breed. H was Ch. Macs Tag Along dog, breeder Mri B.G. McDonald, owner Bonita Gray.BEST OF WINNERSTim Sues Just a Short TripBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCh. Janesas Glen Iris SorceressBreeder Jerrie Freia, owner Dr. C A. Jackson Greater St. Louis Pomeranian Clubby Janice Young M 618 W. Springfield Rd.j f St. Clair, MOOur first fun match, an All Toy Breed latch, will have taken place August 19. We ive many lovely trophies due to the generosity 'businesses and friends.Plans are in the works for a Pomeranian ily Fun Match in June 1991.We hope to begin printing a club newslet- r soon. Linda Harris has volunteered for that easure.Pomeranians finished by club membersFame Great Expectations, female, fin- hed at IL Valley KC and went to Toy Group I four weeks pregnant. Fame Piece of the Rock, ale. Fame King Linus, male. All owned and indled by Brend Segelken.Club president, Virginia Noth, has ac- lired a drop dead gorgeous male puppy from [rs. Norma Creider. Cant wait to see that little ly in the ring.Until next time.Northern California Pomeranian Club Reportby Janet ManuszakHello from sunny California. I would like introduce myself as a new member of the A PC, well as a member of the NCPC for many years id an avid Pom breeder and exhibitor. I am irrently specialing my second champion, imebred by myself and, believe it or not, was om my very first litter ever Beginners luck [aybe, but I have Wanda and Dudley Roach to ank as my mentors.Our members have been very busy on the iow scene, showing and finishing their wonder- 1 Poms all over the West Coast Several have sen shipped to Texas for the Specialty.These are some of the big winsSouthlands Mr. Extraordinaire, 5 pt.ajor, San Diego Pom Specialty, L.A., CA, vners, Marlin and Marlene Presser.Morenos Cheesecake, Reserve Sweepakes,San Diego Pom Specialty Sweepstakes,Sacramento KC and Sweepstakes at the Columbia Pom Specialty. She now has seven points from puppy classes and after her one year shed unavoidable should finish quickly. She is owned and loved by Julie Moreno and shown to perfection by Joanne Reed.New Champion T-Js Angels Annie Oakley, Winners Bitch and 5 pt. major at the City of Angels Pom Club Specialty held in conjunction with the Beverly Hills show. Avery exciting event. She is owned by Therese Reeder.Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz, Toy Gr. II, Golden Valley KC Toy GR. I, Portland KC in Oregon, and Toy Gr. IH at the Oakland KC show in Vallejo, CA. Thankyou, JoanneReedforyour expert handling of Keno and good luck with Ch. Tim-Sues Harbor Lights on his return to the show ring. Keno is my first special and he is truly special.Sweethearts Forever Bravo took a 5 pt. major from the 6-9 puppy class at the Columbia Pom Club Specialty. He is owned by Marge Kranzfelder. Good luck with your Texas boys, Marge.Apolloette Kitsan Wild Card picked up a major also during the Washington Circuit and currently only needs a major to finish. Card is doing a lot of point winning in our area and will be one to watch for when he grows up. He is owned by Marlin and Marlene Presser, from their wonderful dog, Apolloette Moonlite Gambler.Phyner Gold Jackpot what not black or brown picked up a 5 pt. major at the Portland KC show, the same day his daddy, Keno, won his Gr. I. Jackie" already had a three point major, thus only needs singles to finish. We are very excited for Jackie, as he will be Kenos first Champion kid and this was from Kenos first time at stud.I hope I have remembered everyone as so much is happening around our area in the show rings. Unfortunately, we are hitting the hot season, which means no more coats for awhile.The NCPC will not beputting on a November Specialty this year, opting instead to move to March, 1991 in conjunction with a circuit so that we may pull in the Pom fanciers who did not like giving up their Thanksgiving Day for a show.Congratulations to all of the Houston Specialty winners. I wish Keno and I could have made it maybe next year.Best wishes to a speedy recovery to Lucy Buttz and Susan Conley.Pom Club of Michigan Specialty Showby Evelyn ConleyThe Pomeranian Club of Michigan, Inc. held its annual spring specialty on May 27,1990. Our judges were Ken Eleanor Miller of the famed Millamor bloodlines. Eleanor seemed to havea goodtimejudging thepuppy sweepstakes, while Ken seemed to really concentrate on the entries in the regular classes. But their decisions were the same for they both picked Pixies Buttons N Bows, giving her Best in Sweepstakes, Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, B.O.S. Buttons Bows is owned by Carol Galavich handled by Donna Megenhardt.C.i_Best of Breed. - .. .p Winners DogBest of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweep- stakes went to Mosaic Only A Dream owned by Riki Barker handled by Jeanne Stafford. ForWlnnorc the rAfrnlar rlaccAC Mr MiIIpt1i jrirWB, BOW, BOSStoll owned by Evelyn Conley Dan Mercer. Best of Breed went to a beautiful dog shown by Tommi Hooban, Ch. Tamho Strutting Bush Baby owned by Evelyn Conley Tommi Hooban. Bush Baby went on to take a Group 3.As usual, the club had a very plentiful table, a nice social time in our hospitality room. Earl Bonnie Sullivan always do a fantastic job as our clubs hosts.Our next specialty show will be in November, 1990. See you againSweeps photos in next issue.San Diego Pomeranian Club, Inc.By Margaret Ontiveros 2981 Calle Cumbre San Diego, CA 92139We arrived at the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena right on schedule at 445 p.m on Friday, June 22,1990 and found our parking area already a quarter full with Toy people. W went about getting set to enjoy the weekend anc greeting lthe arrivals of the five Toy breed Papillon, Pekingese, Pomeranian, ShihTzu, anc Yorkshire Terriers showing on Saturday.Each of the breeds had one front rov space for their hospitality RV. The differen Clubs decorations were a sight to behold. Ex citement electrified the air. The Pekingese grou] had a very large sheet cake, shaped like a Peking ese dog, that took a reported eighteen hours t cook and frost.The Pomeranian attendees most from the San Diego Pom Club, Northern Californ Deigo Pom Clubt. from page 52iter Phoenix Pom Club managed to con- e a little dinner together and then talked late the evening. Canopies were still going up at lightas people arrived. Aportentofwonder- hings to come.Saturday dawned cool and clear. My land and I had duties with the Golden West Club, Inc., the umbrella for the five Toy ialties so were off and running as soon as Feet hit the floor. By eight oclock we knew uld be a pleasantly WARM, beautiful Cali- ia day for the shows.Fern Rodrigues set out the trophies for every placing first through fourth. Kim g, Ted Dickinson and his wife decorated the teranian ring in green and gold ribbons with a- Poms every few feet similar to our May, 7 specialty. Beverly Griffiths got the lunch- area decorated and ready to receive potluck es. Several of the teenage girls sold drawing its for items round pet bed, pet tabs, deodor- 5, key fob, magazine subscription donated log show vendors. Ellen Frank and Diane kle Johnson sold catalogs and drawing ticker the Golden West Dog Club, Inc. a color a microwave oven, a typewriter, and an oil iting.The Pomeranian Sweepstakes began 3 a.m. Our judge was Mr. Roberts. Schulze, sach of the placings were awarded, the on- ters clapped and cheered. His placings were allows6-9 mos. Dog - 1st - Morenos Tuff To Top 2nd - Sweethearts Forever Tyler9-12 mos. Dog 1st- Apolloette Kitsan Wild Kard 2nd - Rogueland Jack of Trumps 3rd - Sun-Dots Chewbaka6-9 mos. Bitch - 1st - Morenos Cheese Cake 2nd - Suncrests Lil Missonlite3rd - Odysseys Gypsy Rose 4th - Dansee Bug Bears Chantilly9-12 mos. Bitch - 1st - Tim Sues High Lightstblise2nd - Morenos Sweet Pea 3rd - Charmacs Here She IsKard, owned by Marlin and Marlene Presser for his Best In Sweeps. His Best of Opposite Sex in Sweeps was Morenos Cheese Cake, owned by Julie Moreno.The Regular Classes began at 11 a.m. in the capable hands of our judge, Dr. William S. Houpt His placings were as follows6-9 mos. Dog 1st- Sweethearts Forever Dravo 2nd - Sweethearts Forever Tyler 3rd - Morenos Tuff To Top 9-12 mos. Dog 1st- Apolloette Kit San Wild Kard 2nd - Sun-Dots Chewbaka Bred by Exhibitor Dog - 1st - My Joy Sir Wicket Apolloette 2nd - Pens Little Show Wizard 3rd - Silvas Mighty Max American Bred Dog - 1st - Piccolo of Point Loma Open ROCS Dog - 1st - Southlands Mr. Extraordinaire 2nd - Britestars Bingo Bonanza 3rd - Shur Locs Bunnie Love 4th - Lazzel Sunset Windwalker Open AO AC Dog - 1st - McPhies Popie Pop King 6-9 mos. Bitch - 1st - Morenos Cheese Cake 2nd - Suncrests Lil MissMoonlite3rd - Odysseys Gypsy Rose 4th - Dansee Bug Bears Chantilly 9-12 mos. Bitch - 1st - Charmacs Here She Is 2nd - Morenos Sweet Pea 3rd - Karens Shadow Play In TheDarkBred by Exhibitor Bitch - 1st - Goldsun Coryphee 2nd - Sun Rays Orange Muffin 3rd - Silvas Trailblazer 4th - Apolloette Santana American Bred Bitch - 1st - Floreta of Point Loma 2nd - Crowfords Sable Channel Open BBB Bitch - 1st - ECs Blac Pearll Kameo 2nd - Rogueland Obsidian Omen Open ROCS Bitch - 1st - TJs Angels Annie OakleySan Diego Pom ClubCont. from page 532nd - Sun-Dots Ramboling Rose 3rd - LLL Bit O Gold Sensational 4th - Dignitys Deja Vu O KiraOpen AOAC Bitch - 1st - Franks Loma Cha ChaGoldanVeteran Dog - Ch. Cheap ShotVeteran Bitch - Ch. MillbrooksSuzettaStud Dog - Ch. Odysseys Keno WizBrace - Piccolo of PL Loma Nice Guy of Pl Loma.Dr. Houpts Winners Dog and Best of Winners was Southlands Mr. Extraordinaire, owned by Marlene and Marlin Presser. His Winners Bitch was Goldsun Coryphee, owned by Daniel Margaret Ontiveros. His Best of Breed was an outstanding little dog from Florida Ch. Frys Magic Lil Angus, owned by Bill Lisa Smart, handled by our long time friend, Mr. Adrian Alford. Best of Opposite Sex was awarded to Ch. My Joy Cassie of Apolloette, owned by Sue and Larry Chewning.There were over 370 individual dogs entered in the five specialties with 113 Yorkies, 86 Papillons, 65 Poms, 63 Shih Tzus, and 41 Pekes. In obedience, there were 11 Papillons and 4 Yorkies. Two obedience Poms cheered them on and wondered why they werent included in the exercises.The Pom crowd got together for a free potluck luncheon at noon with everyone contributing something. The tables had greengold tablecloths with yellowwhite daisy floral arrangements. The canopies were decked out in green and gold streamers adding to the colorful festivities. Gloria Carlin made a table for photo memories of our club. Later, in the evening, there was a potluck barbeque for all Pom lovers not otherwise occupied. Sue and Larry Chewning provided delicious batter fried zucchini.Sunday was HOT, near record breaking 100 F. The Pomeranian classes with 54 entries at the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills were inside the air conditioned Sports Arena at 110 p.m. The City of Angels Pom Club hosted a late luncheon after the judging at our new motor- home, so attendees would have eaten before heading home.The cooperation between Pomeranian clubstogether. Many expressed their willingness toe it again next year. A group from Hawaii came see the Toy show with intentions of duplicatir it in Hawaii. It was great not worrying about tl larger breeds and their owners and the atmo phere was charged with a congenial excitemerT SoJVan o'PugetSound Pomeranian Clubby Janell Reich 19910 106th Arlington, WA 98223Congratulations Puget Sound Pomerani Club on a very successful first Specialty Sho The show was held at Seattle Christian Schc indoors on August 10. This was a convenit location as it was only one mile from the airpe There were two all breed shows the followi Saturday and Sunday. TheshowonSunday,h by the Nisqually Kennel Club, had a supporl entry by our club. The Poms were divided colors and we supplied beautiful rosettes for the place winners. Members and friends of i club supplied the trophies.Puget Sound Pomeranian Club along w their first specialty was the third Pomeran Club to be granted approval to offer Obedienci the Specialty Show BravoOur judge for Obedience was Be Winthers with 8 entries present. Our Swo stakes judge was Steve Arnold with 16 entr present.Our Conformation judge was Alexan Sandy Schwartz, Jr. from New York, with dogs present, 17 bitches, 2 Veterans Dogs, B of Breed competition had 6 dogs and 1 bit Sylvia Harbins Brood Bitch was shown with 5 puppies. All in all, it was a good entry for first Specialty Show.The PSPC would like to thank all th1Puget Sound Pom ClubCont. from page 54who showed their support for our first specialty show by sending entries, trophy donations, catalog ads, raffle donations, letters of support and donating their time.Congratulations to Jane Reed as her Ch. Janes Wee Prince O Jeribeth took Best in Show. Dont miss the next issue to get the whole break down on the winners. I am awaiting photos andthe judges critiques.Ohio Valley Pom Club Secretarys Reportby Judy Shearer 523 Miller Ave.Sugarcreek, OH 44681Due to a death in the family, I was unable to make the Specialties in Baltimore but we are proud to say the O VPC was well represented by members Carol Galavich, Olga Baker, and Skip Piazza. Olga Skips Prince Charming came out of retirement to win BOB both days and Carols puppy bitch, BB, won BOS both days. Hooray for you allWe held our awards banquet and election of new officers in June. New officers are as follows Jim Shearer, President Carol Galavich, Vice-President Vicki Clendenin, Treasurer Judy Shearer, Secretary. Our Board members are Ron Feyh, Donna Megenhardt and Bonnie Stetson.Winning awards for Newcomer of the Year was Vicki Clendenin for Exhibitor of the Year, Karen Fitzpatrick Breeder of the Year, Evelyn Blake Ch. LLL High Lights Goldie Hawn bred by Janice Luginsland and co-owned with Bonnie Stetson, won the Dog of the Year. The Gold Award presented for outstanding contribution to the club was won by Bonnie Stetson and Donna Megenhardt for their super match last November. Winning a trophy and championship certificate for their first champion were Dorothy Bames and Jonnie Leaveck. Other championship certificates were issued to Evelyn Blake, Bonnie Stetson, Lorinda Vasuta, Darren Lane, Donna Megenhardt, Dee Lathram, Paul Williams, Olga Baker, Skip Piazza, Carol Galavich, and Judy Shearer. Congratulations allOur supported entry with Medina KC was held on Julv 21. We had a eood turn out a niceVicki Clendenin who was in charge of hospitality, did a super job. Thanks to all the members who donated food. Everything was delicious. A special thanks to Jim Wheeler who drove all the way up from Dayton to bring the Pom cookies Doris had baked and was a big help to all. New members Lisa Wengerd and Denny Glenetta LeGlise pitched right in there also.Winners at the supported entry were Winners Dog, Bonners Celeberty Q OCrystal, owned by Jim Judy Shearer Winners Bitch, Tim-Sues To High Heaven, owned by Vicki Clendenin Best of Breed, Ch. Jamols Classic Hi Timer owned by Bemadine Pauli and shown, as always, by Sue Talsma. Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex were won by Vicki Clendenins Tim-Sues To High Heaven to finish. Vickis first champion Congratulations Vicki and Sasha. Were all very happy for you. Sue Talsma garnished a Group I on her Pom that day. That little guy actually gets angry with you if you dont talk to himThe next Pom Specialty Match will be chaired by ME. No, we are not giving away cars, video cameras and recorders, nor trips. There will be no catalogs, sit down dinners, or live entertainment. BUT we do promise some real nice prizes, a buffet lunch, and a barrel of fun Evelyn Blake, who I understand is an excellent cook, is in charge of hospitality. So plan to join us Oct. 7 at the Holiday Inn Cambridge.Our club newsletter, The Buckeye Barker, has a new editor. She is a newcomer to our club and our sport but a very determined person, so you will be seeing a lot of her. Her name is Lisa Wengerd. Lisa can be contacted by writing her at 205 Maxwell Ave., Millersburg, OH 44654 or phoning her at 216 674-5066. Subscription to our newsletter is 6 per year 6.50 Canada. The Buckeye Barker is published monthly.To squelch a rumor heard at the APC National Specialty last February concerning the O VPC losing the APC money on trophies for that show, APC treasurer, Morris Carson, assured us that we definitely had notTil next time Remember - A smile is mightier than a grin3GEarnni------- 3Bt ini inf 3BE inrCh. Mercer's Street Dancermrv1v BEST OF WINNERS 'v'PHOTO BY K. BOOTH.vU-W.v.v.......... .Evelyn ConleyDan MercerDancer is a Legacy grandson and has a lot of the old Bonner Duke dogs right up front in his pedigree. He will be going back to Dan for breeding soon.LYN-LEES NEWEST CHAMPIONS100 Millamor breeding This cute little 3i2lb. girl has now free whelped her first litter.Ch. Millamor Lyn-Lee Matilda\iBEST OF WINNERSST. CLAIR KENNEL CLUB1990 BOOTH PHOTO BY RITTEREvelyn Rollie Conley 20075 Vining Rd.New Boston, MI 68164 313 753-9245ADUPRES POMERANIANS ^jjU\'PA-.vV \WINNERSDUPRES SPARKLING GOLD BUBBLEubbles is pictured as Winners Bitch for 4 points from the puppy class 17 mos. of age. Thank you Mrs. Francis Thornton for this nice win.Inquiries welcomedBreederownerexhibitor Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr.Rt 2, Box 878A Colfax, LA 71417 318 627-5180snyiE, swciMmiaK moVeme EL'EgmpE_CM. S9UQQLE PALS AUTUO^CfMPMXIn six short weeks he has8 BOB's in which he has placed2 - Group It's3 - Group El's 1 - Group IVEmily E.C. Untalan 71755 E. Linden Rd. Rhododendron, OR 97049^.nERXC^N POMERylNX^N CLUB,XNCMjpIII1l.'iJLlbmM71st SPECIALTY SHOW FEBRUARY 10,1991SHOW TO BE HELD AT THEEXPOSITION CENTER PORT AUTHORITIES OF NY NJ 12TH AVE, 48TH 52ND ST.NEW YORK, NYOUR HOTEL WILL BE THE LOEWS-SUMMIT HOTEL 51ST AND LEXINGTON AVENUE NEW YORK CITY RESERVATIONS 212 752-7000REGULAR CLASSES MISS MARTHA JANE ABLETTSWEEPSTAKES MR. MAYNARD WOODMarlin Presser, Show Chairman 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95215 209 886-5640MB-F, Inc., Superintendent PO Box 22107 Greensboro, NC 27420 919 379-9352ENTRIES CLOSE JANUARY 23,1991Jirto iew ris 19r i aara was i w s^s i ew- e^as i sEera "4CH FAME GREAT EXPECTATION71VGROUP I JUDGE JOHN H. HONIGGREATY would like to thank the judges who recognized her GREAT assets to the breed Frank Sabella - 2 pts. Fred Oberstar - 4 pts. Lucretia Dye - 3 pts. Alex Schwartz - 4 pts. and John Honig - 5 pts., Best of Breed and Group 1. This win was above all our GREATEST EXPECTATIONSGREATY is still winning, now as a free whelping, GREAT little mother. Thanks to Nancy Fry for allowing us to use Ch. Millamor's I'm A Windjammer.Thanks to my ring side cheering section aren't Pom people GREAT. A special thanks goes to my husband, Phil and my dear mother, Martha, who lovingly travel with me, giving up their precious time and never complain. God bless you allPROUD BREEDEROWNERHANDLERPhil Brenda Segelken RR 2, Box 79 A-l Percy, IL 62272 618 965-3278MAlt 1I eJTO I eJtfS fiTR- I I9CH FAME PIECE OF THE ROCK\0t Ofek-effixlGROUP II JUDGE RUTH DAVIDSONThis spring has been the greatest Rocky finished in 11 shows at 12 months, with two back to back 5 point majors at the Louisville, Kentucky shows. Thanks to the judges who liked and placed Rocky so highly Barbara Melless - 5 pts Jodi Hudspeth - 5 pts. Anna Katherine Nicholas - 4 pts and Norman Patton - 2 pts.Also thanks for the background breeding pedigree in New Champions Jean Brown, June Coy and Jane Johnston. Thanks to Brenda Segelken for giving lots of TLC and time to Rocky in the winners circle. Thanks also to Jennifer Carlton for showing Pepper.Rocky tips his hat to all the beautiful Poms he defeated, and would like to encourage them not to give up. Your winning days will come soon. March forwardCo-OwnerHander Brenda Segelken - FAME RR 2, Box 79 A-l Percy, IL 62272 618 965-3278Co-OwnerBreeder Geneva Pennock RR 1Crawfordsville, IN 317 794-4086Helpful Hints-jby Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380THE SUMMER SPECIALTIESThe Baltimore Specialties were wonderful. The site, trophies, and hospitality were all excellent. There were numerous extras like goody hags, door prizes, and a bottle of Perrier with a welcoming note delivered to each room. The entries were large in number and quality. The puppy classes were delightful, hut I was surprised at the lack of depth in the Open Bitch Classes.I was delirious over the obedience entry, a total of 37 Obedience judging lasted as long as breed judging, hut alas, I couldnt watch as I was so busy. Ideally, we should try to schedule obedience so it is not being judged at the same time as conformation. There were entries in all obedience classes except Vets Open. Several people earned legs. Some great old-timers were brought out again. The only two living Ch- UDsCh. Emcees Solid Gold of Jabil, UD and Ch. Penrus Sugar Plum Fairy UD were there. There was actually a run-off for High-In-Trial between the Novice B winner, Barbara McKennys Annons Killer Cupcake, and Sandy Winchatzs Open A winner, red and white Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice CD, with the nod going to Sandy. H.S. Champion of Record was won by Roz Goltzs Ch. Sugar UD. Most of us were just happy to participate in such an historic event. When I came back from the Open B out- of-sight stays to see nine Pomeranians all lined up, I was close to tears.Of the 25 dogs entered, 6 are champions, several more are pointed, and 19 are champion- sired. Many colors were represented, including parti-colored and black-and-tan. It was truly an impressive turnout And I goofed, because I failed to keep everybody together long enough to get a picture of all the obedience entries.My two big disappointments as with most specialties were thatl wasnt able to watch more of the competition with 13 entries and being Obedience Chairman, its no wonder and thatlLIVING IN THE COUNTRYZoning ordinances and other limiting dog ordinances are making it more difficult for the dog fancier to pursue his hobby. Where does the obedience enthusiast go to practice in a city where dogs are banned from parks and playgrounds What does the breeder do when his locality limits the number of dogs per household to 3For many of us, the solution is to move to the country. I made this move 4 years ago. All my life Ive lived in suburbs of cities. It has taken some adjustments getting used to living in a rural area. There are advantages, of course, as well as advantages to living in the country. The disadvantages1. Youre going to have to commute to jobs, doctors, grocery stores, and dog club meetings. On average, it takes me half hour to get anywhere. My husband commutes 45 minutes to work. There are grocery stores out here but they are small and expensive. I never get in the car to do just one errand. I try to plan several errands for one trip, and usually try to plan shopping around dog classes or orthodontist appointments. I spend a lot of time behind the wheel. I use this time to mentally plan this column, a speech, lesson plans, or to mull over problems. You could also listen to tapes to learn a foreign language.2. Some expenses will go up. The most obvious in our case were the increases in the gasoline and telephone bills. Our property tax is about the same, but we have a much large house and 13 acres and a much larger mortgage. If we had bought a house of comparable size, our tax bill would have been lower.3. The flora and fauna are different. Goochland seems to be especially hospitable to an amazing variety of spiders, some of which are huge. Generally they stay out of the house, and I dont mind them. Fleas and ticks are the same as in town. We had a few mice when we first moved in, so we got a cat. But the poison I put under the stove is what probably got rid of them. A neighbor assured me that as long as there are mice and rabbits in the county, the raptors wont bother the Poms. But one day I looked out to see a large hawk sitting on the ground in the dog yard. The dogs were in the house, but I am uneasy that the predator was willing to come so close to the house.Helpful HintsCont. from page 62Deer, skunks, and possums dont look both ways before crossing the road, so you have to be alert when driving. Ive learned to look for the reflection from eyes at the edge of the road as I drive home at night.There are shudder snakes. I have a primitive and powerful dislike of the critters. The only ones Ive encountered were black snakes and garter snakes. A neighbor killed a copperhead that my daughter found in the garage. I just wish theyd stay away The thought of the dogs encountering one terrifies me. Each spring I put a band of moth crystals down outside the fence around the dog yard, and in any holes that might be snake holes. Moth crystals are camphor or paradichlorobenzene and are not water soluble. They do vaporize easily, so youll have to repeat the application about once a month. It takes 5 boxes to do my yard the fence is 150 feet long. It does seem to keep the slithering beasts away.We also have blue-tailed skinks lizards. Theyre cute they can stay.4. Youll acquire new skills. I know how to restart a balky well pump. Every other week or so I gather up all the plastic bags of trash and haul them to the country landfill. Im learning about tree diseases.5. During hunting season, lots of loose dogs run through our property. This makes my dogs bark, but the visitors don t stay long, so they dont have the opportunity to leave many calling cards.6. Everybody knows you. You may want to put this under the advantage column. At the bank or drugstore, they quickly learn your name and the sheriff probably knows your kids. The advantages1. The most obvious plus is liberal zoning ordinances. These vary widely from one jurisdiction to another, so investigate before you buy. The law is very loose here in Goochland. The leash law is only in effect during April and May, when many young animals are bom. All dogs have to be licensed. I have a 20-dog kennel license. To get it, I provide proof of rabies inoculations and pay 15. Im only eligible for this because the dogs are housed in a kennel and not in the house. I dont understand that requirement. If the rules get more restrictive2. Generally, land and houses are less expensive in rural areas than in cities and suburbs. You can afford a bigger house if you need it or more land, or offset some of your gas and phone bills with a lower mortgage.3. I dont worry about the dogs barking at any hour of the day or night. No one is going to call the sheriff about the noise. The nearest neighbors have a bawling steer from time to time.4. I have plenty of room to set up an obedience ring. Actually, I have two ring areas, and move the jumps and baby gates back and forth for variety. There are also a number of places within a couple of miles where I can go for proofing. Should I get interested in tracking dont hold your breath, there are several appropriate fields within walking distance.5. I rarely get caught in traffic jams. Out here, there is no real traffic. There are no stoplights in the whole county. When I go into the city to dog classes, all the traffic is going the other way.6. Very few people come to the door. I rarely have to contend with door-to-door salesmen or missionaries.7. The air is fresher and cleaner out here. When I get off the interstate and on the country roads, I can feel the air get cooler. At night the sky is very dark no city lights and the stars are brilliant. Its pretty out here. The snow stays white. There is a changing display of wildflow- ers to watch as I drive on my rounds. It is enchanting to stand at my kitchen sink and watch 3 deer step out of the woods into the lower backyard. They glance disdainfully at the helplessly barking Poms and continue to graze. All these things are good for the soul. There is less stress, and you cant put a price on that.If youre looking for your dream home in the country, try the following tips1. Dontrely on either the owner or the real estate agent to know the pertinent dog laws. Call the county zoning office or county planner. Even the animal control office may not have the accurate information.2. Ask about the depth of the well. Have it put in writing. Is the pump below ground level3. Will the nearest city be a local or long distance call In this section of the county, we dont dial 1, but the call does cost something.4. Locate the closest fire station, veterinarian, library, dump, grocery store, people doctor,Helpful HintsCont. from page 63as well as schools. How long will it take you to drive to the dog club Is the closest vet one that you are willing to use How about in an emergency5. Talk to other dog people who live in the same locality. Ask for pointers.A FEW QUICKIESMost of the time when I give a dog a pill, I just open the mouth, pop the pill to the back of the tongue, close the jaws, and massage the throat. Quick and easy. Occasionally, I get a dog in for breeding or boarding who resists this procedure. Over the years, Ive had dogs that could detect pills in hamburger and canned dog food. India can snatch a ball of Cheddar cheese, chew vigorously, then spit out the pill. So Ive settled on using softened cream cheese the kind that comes in plastic cups to hide pills. I am told that peanut butter works quite well.I spotted this idea in Dolores Watts kennel. Plastic storage bins make great little beds for Poms. Theyre inexpensive, usually 4 each. I found some pretty blue ones in a Sears Outlet storeforSl. Theyre easily cleaned. Somehave legs which get them up off the cold floor.nlIf your plastic shower curtain liner is showing signs of age, dont throw it away. Toss it in the washer with your white towels and bleach, then into the dryer. After 5 minutes, take it out of the dryer and fold neatly while still warm. Put it with your show equipment. I put one folded in half under my X-pen in the motel room and at indoor show sites. At outdoor shows, I wont setthats inhabited by geese. I put down the showei curtain and cover it with newspapers before setting up the X-pen. I cover the X-pen with a second shower curtain, secured with clothes pins to protect against rain or sun. If I have one that feels compelled to bark at every dog that walks by, I attach the plastic to the side of the X-pen so that the occupant will not see the other dogs, and will relax.In winter, the Poms enjoy a romp in the snow. If they are out for long, though, snowballs accumulate in the coat, and are very difficult to remove. I asked my friend Sandra if she had the sameproblem withtheTibetanTerriers. No,she said, she sprayed the coats with Pam before she let the dogs go out I havent tried it yet, but will at the first opportunity.With the Poms I always took a live-and- let-live attitude toward the holes the Poms dug. They could dig holes in their section of the yard and I could grow flowers in my part of the year. But with the Greyhound, they are not holes, they are excavations If I merely try to refill the hole, it is promptly redug. The following procedure has proved to be very effective in deterring further digging. I scoop the yard, putting all the poop in the hole. I cover that with grass clippings and pulled weeds. Then I top it off with the loose dirt from the edges of the hole. This procedure will have to be repeated several times before the ground is level.As you have read elsewhere in this issue, the Review is going to 6 issues. That means two more deadlines moan. It also means an increased need for editorial material something other than ads. Please, please, please. Even if its only a paragraph, jot something down and send it to Bruce. If you read something good in another newsletter or magazine, photocopy it and send it in with permission.The 337-acre Purina Pet Care Center, located 45 miles southwest of St. Louis, is home to 1,000 dogs and 900 cats. It is the oldest and largest facility of its kind in the world devoted exclusively to pet nutrition and care research.Sryrt-IRiisEproudly presentsCh. Jamel's Texas Kane of Sharel^ I,IIm7ViBESTOF WINNERSFORT SMITHkennel club1980phot bt PETRULIS 0-T.K."is pictured finishing his championship in Fort Smith under Judge James. L. Vaughters. He went Best of Breed the next day his first time out as a specialMany thanks to all the judges who appreciated his great movement, watch-me" attitude, and proper Pom coat. 'T.K."was expertly handled throughout his whirlwind campaign by Sharon Hicks, owner of his sire, Ch. Sharel's Southern Diamond.Thanks, Sharon and T.K.for a fun springCh. Apple's Traveling Diamond Ch. Ben-Nods Fudge RippleCh. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Ch. Southland's Fudge GenerationCedarwood's Pitti Patti Ida's Happy Prancing IdealCh. Sharel's Southern Diamond sireJamel's Precious Miracle Girl damCh. Emcee's Texas Pete Al-Kays Piece of the RockSharel's Southern Belle Sharel's Tootie of SunkistDupre's Sunshine Tulip Too Al-Kay's Pixie DawnVJWatch for T.K.'s siblings in the ring this winterOwners S.W. Brenda Turner Breeder Eleanor Clark212 Redwater Rd. Wake Village, TX 75501 214832-1389P.O. Box 7676 214832-7742Texarkana, TX 75505TOBE KENNELSJOFFERS FOR SALE1. 4i4 lbs. ORANGE MALE, stud dog 425 Sire Ch. Great Elm's Sweet Prince 1 year old2. 4i4 lbs. ORANGE SABLE MALE, stud dog 425 Sire Ch. Great Elm's Master Mark 1 year old3. 2 lbs. EXQUISITE ORANGE FEMALE 325 Sire Ch. Great Elm's Sweet Prince 4 months oldTOO SMALL TO BREED4. 2 lbs. EXQUISITE ORANGE FEMALE 325Sire Great Elm's Buddy 4 months oldTOO SMALL TO BREED5. 4i2 lbs. ORANGE PET MALE OB 225Sire Ch. Great Elm's Sweet Prince 1 year old6. 4i2 lbs. RED PET MALE OB- 225Sire Ch. Great Elm's Master Mark 1 year old7. DEEP ORANGE MALE Stud or OB 300Sire Great Elm's Buddy 4 months oldGREAT BLOODLINES GOOD PERSONALITIESTony Betty Short 2850 E. DouglasDes Moines, IA 50317 515 266-8995The Pearl of Great Priceby Patricia M. CraryA horse breeder once told me, A good mare gives more than half to her foal. This was a knowledgeable man, a long-time successful breeder. I started to object - genetically the inheritance gift must be half. No, he went on to say, At the instant that the egg is fertilized, they have each given one half, stud and mare. But from that point on, it is the mares own healthy body that nourishes that newly created life. At the instant of fertilization, that organism acquired its total potential. From then on, realization of that potential will be up to the dam.Thisisastrueforthe brood bitch as it is for the mare. Man, the breeder of record, will assume the responsibility only at some time after the actual birth, and if that responsibility MUST be taken very early in the young life, it is very possible that no matter how diligent the care, it shall never provide what could have been derived from a healthy, temperamentally sound dam providing from her own body the perfect diet, warmth and security.The creation of a fine brood bitch must begin generations before the day she first whelps. Not only must she come from stock notable for beauty of form and movement, stability of temperament ideal for her breed, but there should be also behind her, generations of dams and grand- dams who whelped easily, normally, and who nourished their litters without assistance, who never slackened their attention to the cleanliness and safety of their broods.Laziness and weakness in the whelping box, enough to make the surgical birth. Caesarean section, necessary, and irresponsible maternal attitudes, seem to be inherited. A bitch puppy whelped naturally in peaceful, comfortable surroundings, given the proper care by her dam from the first anxious lick, seems also to be programmed for performance of the same duties when her turn comes.Modem veterinary medicine coupled with the know how of the experienced breeder, have today made it possible to save many a pup, even many a litter, that would a few decades past, never have lived to maturity. This becomes a mixed blessing for it enables us to preserve the constitutionally inferior animal and from it propagate a weakened strain. The medical skills that can save the strone dud from eDidemic viraloften employed to preserve life that nature has marked as inadequate for continuance of therace. That body beautiful brought precariously into this world and maintained here solely through human effort and against natures will to eliminate the weak, may well survive to pass many essential weaknesses throughout subsequent generations.Trust a good bitch If she has six strong wiggling greedy beasties filled with the unlimited urge to survive, fighting for their nourishment, thriving, dont be upset about that seventh one that she has shoved off into a cool comer to expire. If she has been handling her personal affairs up to this point suitably, assume she knows something you dont know. Let that one go. And that littlest one who cant seem to hang onto a tit - let it go Many a tiny one is as unbudgeable as is the biggest in the litter. Vigor and ability to survive is unallied with size, large or small.Long ago in the eager altruistic early days of my dog breeding experience, it was a matter of pride to save them all. And many a time I was successful. One little female that I remember especially, had to be fed minute quantities of food every 2 hours. Because she had thus become very dear to my heart as a result of our battle together, I gave her to a very good home. Within four months she had succumbed to the worst all- over case of red mange I have ever seen while her siblings grew fat and hairy, she grew bald and scarred. I recommended euthanasia but her owners persisted in the most time-consuming care. At the age of 2 12 years, after finally achieving an orderly estral cycle, she kicked the mite and haired out almost completely except for a few areas permanently scarred as a result of secondary bacterial infections. Very much against my advice, they bred her.Slow, difficult labor produced two pups and a C-section the remaining four, of which one was dead, another dying. Massive infections followed and ultimately onepup survived. Afew months later the bitch did finally have to be euthanised because of almost complete paralysis from back trouble. Full and half sisters of this same bitch, out of the same dam, bitches vigorous and strong from birth on, are the best whelpers, the strongest, fiercest, most infection-resistant members of my kennel gang. With less detail, I will say that something like this did have to happen more than once before I became a bePearl of Great PriceCont. from page 67liever. Now when someone mentions a lot of trouble with a litter, I ask questions about the bitchs family and make a mental note to follow the reproductive career of the survivors. Far too often is the sad story repeated in varying forms.The inherent weaknesses having to do with reproductive capacity express themselves differently in the male. The undescended testicles is one thing the low or nonexistent sperm count another. The breed as a whole is luckier than the individual proud owners when a terrific performer in the ring fails to reproduce himself. It suffers sorely when the constitutionally inadequate male that has been kept alive at all cost and raised to maturity because of his famous parentage and sheer external beauty does succeed in reproducing himself prodigiously. We didnt want to lose the bloodline, may betheexcuse.If that bloodline is essentially sturdy, this weakling will not honor it, and if not, then chances are that this line is one that nature, if left to her own devices, would have canceled some generations earlier.There is a bonus benefit. Inherent constitutional vigor carries with it in both the male and the female the ability to resist infection, disease and even severe parasitical infestation. The animal will flesh out and grow glossy coated with only a good maintenance diet, not requiring a superfluity of dietary supplements as it is able to extract the maximum available in the food ingested. It will adjust readily to extremes of heat and cold, thus it willrequire less artificial heating and cooling in the kennel. This in turn reduces chances of illness from changes of weather and temperature in the course of shipping and traveling to shows. This healthy animal will cost you a lot less in time and money to keep in top condition and may even spare you the heartache of an early demise with possible disruption of carefully formulated breeding plans.So, if your bitch is beautiful AND healthy, strong and natural in her breeding behavior, talented in the performance of her maternal duties, trust her Pick your winners from the healthiest of her offspring. HONOR her - she will honor you - this pearl of great priceEditors note This article was retrieved from the October 1982 issue of Pom Review. I found it very thought provoking, thus worthy ofI Remember Whenby Dorothy BonnerPomeranians are not yard dogs and my customers are warned accordingly. A fence is a necessary convenience for a supervised period, but a hazard otherwise. An adventure-prone dog soon wonders what is on the other side and will squeeze out of the tiniest, most impossible hole. If he is confident with a discovered climbing ability, the little rascal can surmount almost any height as easily as his owner can climb a ladder. Then, jumping from the top may cause an injury. Also, some one is sure to open the gate and leave it open, which could be fatal, especially if you are not at home. Once your Pom loses his fence protection, his life is in immediate danger. He is lucky if the first person contacted picks him up, as the first dog he meets will probably kill him, or the first car he meets will run over him. Why all of the bigger dogs want to kill Poms is not clear, but they do Care must be taken, even at shows, as another dog has been known to jump up and grab a Pom out of the handlers arms, seeing more resemblance to a cat, possibly.If left in the yard alone, your Pom may be stolen, just as any other valuable item, with only a small chance of recovery, if enough reward is offered. One time I read in the Lost and Found that a 1,000 reward had been offered for a lost mongrel pet. I wished later that I had introduced myself to such caring people, and determined the outcome.For greater safety, one of my friends, who owned several Poms, put a lock on her backyard gate to keep neighborhood children from opening it as they played with the dogs through the fence. One day an enamored four-year-old desired closer contact, so his older sister boosted him over the fence. The Poms backed off, barking, until he started running, a game close to their hearts. As they pursued him, one enthusiastic chaser, carried away in the fun, nipped the intruder on the leg, barely breaking the skin. My friend, hearing the commotion, rushed out of the house to the rescue as the sister was pulling the loudly bellowing victim over the fence. His furious parents called the police, then took him to the hospital. Later, they sued and COLLECTEDWould-be purchasers are always ques- Continued on nave SOIi^LoViiig MEMoxyEthe.C fttzvoocC De.ncCy 111007 - 8290Editor's Note The following tribute was forwarded to Pom Review by K.G. Griffith, Lenette Poms.How many Pom breeders do you know that everyone likes them and always, something nice is said about them Truly this can be said about Mrs. Dendy. Everyone loved and respected Ethel Dendy. She was another mother to those of us who were privileged to know her personally.I lost my mother when I was 21 years of age, so I sort of adopted Ethel Dendy and Ruth Beam as my new mothers. Ethel Dendy was always wanting to do for others. Even after she could hardly see, she still wanted to do for her friends. I can remember a few weeks ago when Eleanor and I took her over to her new church and she had bought the new steeple and she wanted to see it. Of course, with her eyesight, she couldnt see very good but still just being there was a real blessing to her and us as well.She was one of the most unselfish persons I have ever known. Always helping, always loving, always caring. I think Mrs. Dendy will best be remembered for her loving kindness as opposed to her breeding of Poms. This is not to take away from her ability to breed good Poms because many Pom pedigrees list Dendy Poms. She owned two Best in Show Poms but her absolute favorite was Ch. Dendys Miracle Boy. She bred this dog herself. When you walked into her den, there on the wall was a giant oil painting of his beautiful head. That magnificent picture now hangs in my office. I am so grateful to the family for letting me have this picture.So many times I would have a small weak puppy and Ethel would raise it for me. She had her own milk formula that she thought was the very best. I never argued with her over this because she always seemed to be able to raise those runts that I could not raise.Ethel Dendy, you will be missed much more than words can express. Our tears of sadness that we have today will someday be replaced with tears of joy as we hug each other again when we meet in Gods Heaven. I anxiously await that reunion.Letters To Sharonby Nancy HargesEditors Note The following article was submitted by Margaret McKee. This is Margarets input The following article came from Gazehound. a wonderful but now defunct magazine. Dont be put off by the fact that it talks about Greyhounds. It deals with two subjects which are very important to Pomeranian owners anesthesia and the relationship between owner and veterinarian. There is an informative article on current anesthesia technology in the March '90 AKC Gazette. If you haven't read it, try to borrow a copy or perhaps Bruce could get permission to reprint it.On the subject of your vet, it is absolutely essential that you have a vet that listens to your opinion, respects your knowledge and experience, and doesn't talk to you as if you were a simpleton." Hot long ago we got a call from our friend Sharon in the midwest. She was calling to report having repeated a breeding in which we had great interest. It seems it was just yesterday, but actually it was two years ago, that we sold S haron a Greyhound puppy that seems destined to be the beginning of a long-time interest in the breed. We expect it will be an association of benefit to the breed as she has rapidly parlayed her enthusiasm, prior experience in another breed, and that one puppy into a solid start as a breeder-exhibitor. It has been a process we have been pleased to watch and proud to assist. Sharon finished that first youngster in good order to the sound of our long-distance applause. She persisted in showing him despite the relative scarcity of class competition in her area - traveling far to chase points, and acquiring an incredible group placement from the puppy class along the way.The next order of business was a bitch to breed to her Tobi and this materialized in the shape of Carrier - a grown champion bitch who had been the dog who came to dinner at our house. Carrie is a lovable lummox who is dear to us because she came to us from the dispersal of a late friend s kennel. But her exuberant affections and opinionated conviction about the use of our living room as a racetrack made her seem better suited to the roomier environment of mid-western fields and pastures. Besides, maternityher zealous mothering of an orphaned litter for a marathon 16 weeks. So with a kiss on the head and a sigh of relief, wepackedheroffto beTobis bride and went home to repair the floor and await further development.In due time Carrie came in season and was bred to Tobi and we all expectantly awaited the blessed event. As the time drew nearer communications between Pennsylvania and Iowa became more frequent and frantic as Sharon kept us posted on the increasing size of Carries girth and her vets incredulous responses to some of our motherly advice about Greyhound whelpings. Frequently, I sat down in utter frustration over our inability to be on hand, to commit to paper the experiences behind some of our practices so that Sharon could share them with her vet. This seems particularly important to use because as much as we wanted to share in the benefits of our knowledge and experience, we knew that in the end the responsibility for making decisions about Carrie would devolve on Sharon and her vet and that a clear understanding and unanimity of purpose between them was of primary concern.I remember there was much philosophizing in our house at the time around this issue of cooperation between breeders and veterinarians in matters of whelping. We have come a cropper on this issue ourselves and friends in dogs report similar experiences. It is a very strange and sad dilemma. What do you do when the advice of your professionally trained and long respected veterinarian, with whom you have always trusted the lives of you dogs, conflicts with your own informed opinion based on years of experience with your breed Do you follow the advice of the vet or insist on the power of veto over hisher actions Its a very sticky issue hedged around with myriad considerations, all tending in the unfortunate direction of converting from a cooperative relationship to an adversary one. From the vets point of view there can be little doubt which opinion should have precedence. Who in this situation has the years of training and license to practice veterinary medicine Which one of you has the repetitive and successful experience with the exact procedure that is being recommended These are strong, indeed irrefutable arguments. On the other side, the breeder has intimate experience with the breed, which the vet has not. He has attended many more whelpings than the vet and raised many more puppies. He has been in contact with others in his breed allDan Dees Proudly PresentsCH. DAN DEES MR. ROBERTSHandled by Nadine HersilRobby, an extremely sound dog, finishing as a puppy. He is out of Ch. DeArtas Top Tradition and Watts Little Elegent Lady pointed. Thank you Mary and Nina for Topper, his Dad, and Dolores for Classy, his Mom. A special Thank You for Nadine and to the judges who saw his quality.Puppies available.Verla Dagel 77 N. Dakota Rd. Ridott, IL 61067 815 232-9105Carol Walsh 2044 W. Galena 11 Freeport, IL 61032 815 232-9106c, tyUcUa 'D'tftyaxtA healthly 4 12 pound bundle of fluff with a robust personality. He is certainly not living on "Borrowed Time" and looks forward to many encounters with ladies of the opposite sex. Stud Fee 200.Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonners Pepper K. Gold Mist CH. BONNERS LISASTAR LEGACY Ch. Bonner's Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonners Little Miss Wag Bonners Sunfire Mischief Ch. Macs Gay Terrific Ch. Playboy of Golden Acres Ch. Duchess of Golden Acres SUES GOLDEN MELODY Toy Boy of Toy Town Peaches of Golden Acres Denices Dainty MignonWHID-DONS POMSBarbara T. Whiddon Co-owner Sandra Territo 4703 Monroe Hwy. - Pineville, La. 71360SUES TLC POMERANIANSProudly presentsSUES DELIGHT OF HARBOR LIGHTSBreeder OwnerExhibitorCOBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX WINNERSORANGE EMPIREkenhel club' MISSY PHOTO. j- ifSire Multi BIS Ch. Tim Sue's Harbor Lights Dam Sun Ray's Ami pointedI wish to thank all the judges who gave us our major and points. "Delight" will be taking a break from completing her championship due to becoming a mommy.Once again, Pm proud to be her breederowner exhibitor.Sue Soares 8810 Merrill Ave. Chino, California 91710 714 947-4223Letters To SharonCont from page 70ver the country and knows what results they lave had with various veterinary procedures, iach has valuable experience and knowledge hat the other does not share and which bears lirectly on the treatment of the whelping bitch ind newborn litter. Those are the practical issues nvolved but they are not the only ones.This sort of negotiation inevitably be- omes emotionally charged. Both parties have heir egos on the line in terms of being in control if the situation and any unresolved questions of ielf-esteem on either side can make a productive ind cooperative relationship impossible. Then oo, responsibility is an important consideration. Hie veterinarian who has confidence in hisher irofessional judgment may understandably define to participate if not permitted to treat solely it his own discretion. The breeder on the other land is most directly responsible for the animals hat belong to him. If whatever treatment used las an unfortunate outcome we all understand vho it is that digs the grave. Sometimes for that rery reason neither wishes to have the final esponsibility in the decision making process.Some years ago we were privy to a sad sxperience that changed forever our attitudes and that of our vet about such decision making. [Tirough a peculiar series of circumstances, a fiend came unexpectedly and suddenly into the ossession of a Greyhound bitch who was both leavily in whelp and badly infested with hook- vorms, whipworms, and coccidia. Consultation vith the vet resulted in the following dilemma lue to her advanced state of pregnancy, it was inlikely she could survive worming due to her leavy parasitic load she was also unlikely to urvive whelping, further her already debilitated ondition and prior experiences with Grey- lounds in surgery rendered the only out, surgical ntervention, unacceptable. The wrangle that snsued over what course of action to take was a eflection of the desperation of the situation. In he face of overwhelming odds that the bitch vould die regardless of all efforts, it seemed tre- nendously important to grasp whatever option night be the one chance in a million. For reasons can no longer recall, the vet cast his vote in favor f letting the bitch whelp with maximum suppor- ive care followed by immediate worming. The wner felt impelled to try aborting and spayingther depleted. I, in touch with the situation only by long distance telephone, could offer commiseration and moral support but not advice. Ultimately the owner was convinced to let the vet make his own call. The bitch quite predictably died despite heroic efforts to save her and out of that holocaust came a clear understanding that we all now share. When there is doubt of how to proceed and the risk of error is great, if it is your dog then it is your responsibility, your risk, your decision.I am sure that many people would disagree, but though I cannot claim to know much about veterinary medicine there are some things I know a lot about that pertain to some veterinary decisions. No veterinarian would claim to be infallible and if we once concede that it is possible for him to err in his judgment then it becomes plausible to assume that he might do so in the presence of a breeder who is aware of the error because of knowledge and experience which were never part of the vets training. Obviously these instances will be rare but when they occur it is the responsibility of the breeder to use his special knowledge to the maximum advantage of his dogs. The possibility of this kind of exchange presupposes a very special relationship between breeder and vet - one based on mutual respect. It is not something that can be instantly created on an emergency basis but must be built on a foundation of long term cooperation.There are many good books from which the novice can glean excellent general information on the management of whelping bitches and newborn puppies. But it is up to the breeders to share the benefits of their breed specialized experience. For this reason I felt it was worthwhile to write those letters to Sharon. For the same reason I will share them with our readers and encourage their breeds individual behaviors and the ways they deal with them. It would be very easy for those who have specialized in one breed to be unaware of how unique their experience has been. I had others to also share their knowledge of attended three Greyhound whelp- ings before I was present at the birth of a German Shepherd litter, and I was amazed at what a totally different experience it was. Subsequent discussions with others confirmed my dawning perceptions that what is average in one breed is extreme in another.The most obvious peculiarity of the Greyhound whelpings I have attended is the timeLetters To SharonCont. from page 73factor. Our bitches and those of friends are in no hurry. Eighteen and twenty four hour whelpings seem typical. One friends bitch took a full day to deliver a litter of three. There didnt seem to be any problem - just a nice long rest between puppies. This kind of extended resting periods seems standard for the breed. I imagine it has resulted in numerous Ceasarian sections that were not really necessary because neither novice breeder or vet knew about the leisurely habits of this breed. Because of the lengthiness of the procedure we have always felt that whelping was at least a two man job no one person can stay awake let alone be effective for the entire marathon. At the very least one person who knows ho w to help is required plus an assistant to stand guard while you sleep and punch you awake if anything happens. After about twelve hours of this you begin to look at the bitch cross-eyed and wonder if she will ever be done. Of course, there are all the standard tricks to try like taking the bitch for a walk or putting the strongest pups to nurse which may bring on contractions and the delivery of a slow comer. But mostly its just waiting for what seems like an eternity, punctuated all too infrequently by the flurry of activity that announces the arrival of another puppy. Most of the activity by the way, will be yours, as the Greyhound bitches we have known are notoriously lazy about their natal chores. Barbara and I have developed a marvelous team approach to this job. She looks at them to see if they are breathing and rubs them dry if they are. Ifnotshe pronounces them dead and chucks them over her shoulder into the trash. My part is to dive in after them and try to revive them, a task Ive gotten rather good at because I tumble them about pretty roughly in a towel on the supposition that you canthurtadead puppy. Ive been pretty successful and I havent broken any puppy ribs yet. Barbara claims my persistence is carried to extremity. Despite her pleasure at their reclamation she feels Ive pummeled many that were distinctly blue and a few in much worse shape. I must confess some of them did smell a bit off and I think its my lack of other-breed experience that lends strength to my conviction that if I keep at it long enough theyll wake up. Barbara says she saw a lower percentage of stillboms and slow starters in Shepherds and Dobes. We speculateexplainedby the greatly protracted whelping that perhaps results in loss of oxygen supply to some of the whelps.What makes these occasions such nerve stretchers is that inevitably in the wee hours you start wondering if the bitch is going to be able to finish this job by herself. You start imagining that she is exhausted and suffering from uterine inertia - or is she just dozing and laughing at your discomfort Should you wait, should you use oxytocin, should you rush her to the vet for a C- section Maybe you should sit down and have a martini and think this thing through first. We consider a thermometer our most valuable whelping aid. We take temperature twice a day around due date to catch the drop that signals approaching labor. Once the labor begins we take temperature readings every half hour unless the bitch is in active labor and obviously about to produce a puppy. I know it sounds awfully fussy and bothersome but there is reason for this madness. We expect that the reading will be at or below normal throughout whelping. Any rise is a danger sign. It we see a sharp increase we being to check even more frequently as the increase can be alarmingly rapid once it begins. Any approach to 102 degrees signals grave concern and 102 degrees or over an immediate distress call to the vet. We monitor this so precisely because it seems to be a good indicator of uterine Inertia which has not been infrequent in our experience and because we have learned that a bitch with a high fever is a poor surgical risk in the event a caesarian is required and not a good prognosis for any remaining unbom pups.I would advise caution to anyone considering the use of hormones to stimulate contractions. Before we whelped our first joint Greyhound litter we sought and received a great deal of advice from fellow fanciers and the veterinary profession - most of it pretty scary .Some advised us that the use of oxytocin or pituitrin was fatal in Greyhounds. We and our vet were incredulous as they are commonly used and we didnt really think that our breed was exotic enough to have a wholey different biochemistry. One well respected older vet explained that overdoes of these drugs can cause shock and might cause death in an animal whose reduced tolerance might give a normal amount the effect of an overdose. He advised a greatly reduced dosage which could safely be administered at shorter intervals than the usual dosage as an experimensetters To Sharon2onL from page 74tl course. We followed his advice and used 110 c at 30 minute intervals with good results. We rere also cautioned not to use ergotin for this urpose but there was little danger as we didnt ven know what it was.It is the question of caesareans that is most cklish. Considerations of both how and when recomplex. Whilenosurgicalprocedureisever particularly attractive option, any surgery on a Ireyhound is even less so. A considerable mount of material has been written about what oor anesthetic subjects sighthounds, and Grey- ounds in particular, seem to be. Our own xperience supports the need for this concern and ur consultations with researchers in the field ave yielded no immediate solutions. I would aution against too heavy reliance on methods 3und successful with track dogs as they do not hare all of the quirks of our show hands, being 3 a large extent a separate breed. One very romising approach for a safe anesthetic proce- ure is epidural anesthesia. This is commonly iferred to as spinal. I have discussed this dth Dr. Klide of the University of Pennsylvania nd offered my support to his efforts to obtain iinds to test this method with sighthounds. I ave high hopes that this method will prove safe nd effective for my breed but even if these taterialize, they offer little immediate help. The iason, as my local vet patiently explained, is that lthough this technique is taught in veterinary chools it is not often used in general practice and not considered a safe technique for those who re unpracticed in its use. We have now found a et who uses a combination of nitrous oxide and alothan to bypass the need for a pre-anesthetic gent. Since these agents, usually barbiturates, re suspected to be at the core of the anesthesia roblem, we are hoping this will prove a safe rocedure. Another piece of insurance recom- tended by some vets and insisted upon by us is le use of intravenous fluids throughout the surety. I cant think of any reasons why it ought to e needed by a healthy animal but it seems to help ar all of that. Possible justification may be found l the fact that I have tentatively observed that the Irey hounds drink more than our Dobermans and jnd to dehydrate more readily under any kind of tress.ought to be all set, right Wrong This is where we go around again because you take this to you vet and he says, Fine, but that isnt how I work, this other thing is what I use and I dont know how to use anything else and besides what I do always works and that woman is probably a crackpot and what does she know about veterinary medicine anyway All of what he says is undoubtedly true and 100 justified and leaves you with the choice of holding your breath and betting that the vet is right or finding a vet whose procedure seems less fraught with danger. If you really like your vet you will probably choose the first option just as we initially did. Subsequently, dissatisfied with our batting average, we reluctantly and regretfully chose the second. How well it will work out for use, only time and experience will tell.Then there is the question of when to do a C-section. Because of the unusual risks you will consider this an undesirable option to be used only as a lastresort. On the other hand, if the bitch has many puppies, whelps slowly and has a hard time, you run the risk of postponing a call for surgery if it turns out to be need past the point where the bitch is already too exhausted to be a good surgical candidate. This is one instance where the vet definitely make the call. You will have to discuss in advance what conditions will constitute a probable call for surgery. If you have done your homework he will understand that a long layover between puppies is typical of your breed and not by itself a danger sign, and can judge accordingly. Ideally and ideal conditions here are hard to come by because the vet is busy and also has a life you will have notified him of the bitchs due date in the hopes he can then be available and discussed you options if he is not. Alert him again when temperature drops and when labor begins. If all goes well, you may be checking in for a post partum examination 24 hours or more later. If you get in trouble, you may be calling for help in 2,8, or 12 hours - long after bitches of most breeds would have finished. But have mercy on the vet. I know one Greyhound bitch who was C-sectioned after 12 hours of labor. She may well have needed the surgery but our speculation is that her owners frantic calls throughout the night might have had something to do with it too. The poor fellow probably thought he would never sleep again till those puppies were bom.Letters To SharonCont. from page 75On the occasion of our first C-section, our vet taught us something Id never read or heard anywhere. He invited us to stand by and get the puppies going, explaining that they would be bom anesthetized and would need help in breathing at first He surely was right He gave us those puppies as they came and 6 of them kept three of us really busy rubbing. They were like cold engines - you could get them started but getting them to stay started was another story. After an hours work it was evident that they were all going to stay lit. Our experience convinced me that a squad of puppy pummelers is required at such times.One final pint it is not surprising that Greyhounds, who are so slow maturing, are consistently so throughout the entire life cycle. They are puppies till nearly 2. Males testicles may descend from 3 to 12 months and bitches have first seasons generally 18-24 months. Maturity finally comes at about 4. In line with this, newborn Greyhounds seem less mature than some other breeds. I think the responses of 3-4 days old Greyhound puppies are equivalent to hours old Dobermans. So they need some extra help at first. I ve held many a puppy on the nipple for its first few nursings until the sucking reflex was firmly established and we are extra careful of possible chills since internal temperature control seems to be slow in coming. We also work very hard to nutritional support. Purina Veal Chow, a milk replacer for calves, is rich and inexpensive staple, great for supplementing bitches and puppies. Honey is a fine pick up food for the bitch during labor it strikes us as a good idea to give her some calories to travel on since she has a long hard task and for puppies, but Nutri-Cal, which you can get from you vet, is better. It is super concentrated, instantly digestible food that can be easily gotten down the apathetic or the reluctant yet it is taken greedily by those disposed to eat. We are also firm believers in the use of puppy vitamins and use them from the very beginning. Liquid infant vitamins are fine but much better is a magic formula you can get from your vet. It is a dark brown goo that goes under the name of Diamino 4X and puppies like the taste well enough to mug you for it a sharp contrast to the bitter taste of baby vitamins. Wei---------------- vi- jcc-- -----notto say that the Greyhound puppies are frail - just needful of some understanding of their needs till they catch up to more precocious pups.Ive shared these ideas and experiences not so much to enlighten novice Greyhound fanciers I really could have written personally to all nine of them and there are others who could do the job better. as to encourage the sharing of observations between people who are experts in their separate breeds. I think it would give us all a helpful perspective to get a peek at each others unique experiences.Yips YapsKudos to the members friends of the Pon Club of Greater Baltimore. You all put on imemorable firstlicensed show on July 5. Thank for welcoming us and helping us to feel right a home with your superb hospitality and gifts Renewing old friendships including Nadim Hersil, Adrian Alford, and Sue Whaley an making new ones from such places as Massa chusettes, West Virginia and Florida includinj Mary Vickers and Brenda Hutton, was the higl point of our attendance at the two specialties The Baltimore trophies were unique and origins wooden planters in various sizes, one of whicl made its way to California. Getting to know new small part of the USA was a special trea via the Inner Harbor Cruise and a trip to th Aquarium. Taking home a new Pom figurin from the auction favorably ehanced our Por collection. Those Marylanders are wonderfi people.from Daniel Margaret Ontiveros of CaliforniaDear Bruce,The Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimo put on two spectacular specialties. From the sh Continued on page 77 fuIlf,a VVYips YapsCont. from page 76vith the knock on our hotel door to find that a jottle of Perrier water on a lace doilie, had nysteriously appeared in front of every exhibitors rooms, to the finish with the hilarious auc- ion, it was fun fun funThere is not enough room to thank everyone jut I would like to highlight a few. The hand nade goodie bags were wonderful and where did he ideas for the goodies come from Every time removed from the bag was an adventure. The iinner cruise on the Bay Lady was wonderful .vith singing waiters for entertainment. Of ourse, the unplanned entertainment by the lady vith the bag on her head, was an added bonus and nuch delightful fun. The food for the hospitality oom was delicious with oodles of bay shrimp md crab.The vendors had wonderful Pom items and Df course, we went home much poorer. The TV people thought the shows were interesting jnough that some of us found ourselves with our Poms on the evening news.Chip Galloway should be commended for he fine job he did as show secretary. Also thank you to all of the unnamed PCGB members who worked so hard to make two very special shows.Happeth and Michael Jones Northport, NYDear Mr. Driggers,Good luck with your new positin as Editor Publisher of the Pomeranian Review. It is my favorite magazine. I really enjoy articles from breeders about helpful hints and educational matters.I would like to see a section on new medical techniques. Or a questions and answers type of article with veterinarians or long time breeders on fertility problems and whelping.Why doesnt someone come up with a pregnancy test that could be used on dogs - one that could be used a short time after the last breeding It seems it would be beneficial to know if a bitch was carrying fetuses and her diet could be altered accordingly. The first indication that she is bred is usually not for 4 to 5 weeks when fetal lumps can be felt either by a vet or yourself. The ultrasound used on dogs is expensive.These are the kinds of things that wouldhelp.Beth CorderDear Bruce,Welcome as the new editor of the Pom Review. May I suggest when a Pom is advertised with the remark of Look Behind New Champions, the page location of such Pom would be helpful by pedigree.Also a helpful hint to Toy owners. VetRx by Vetree Products Ltd. is an effective relief of respiratory ailments, colds, wheezing sniffles in dogs and puppies. Two drops in each nostril for adult dogs 1 drop for puppies.DO NOT REPEAT AS DIRECTED - apply morning evening - works fantasticSue SoaresDear Bruce,Rolling on the floor with unrestrained, spontaneous hilarity adequately describes the reaction in this household to the yipping and yapping appearing on page 70 in the July issue of the Pomeraniahn Review How ironic that these luminous and esteemed bits of constructive criticism would provide such effluence of comic relief.Do not despair, dear, dear Bruce. With all the expert advice you are receiving from all of us, youre destined to get it right, somehow. Besides, you are supposed to make this club rich again and fill its coffers with higher projected profits of this publicationIn parting, let us not foget to point out the possible financial windfall from increases in membership dues and Pomeranian Review subscriptions for which several requests from the members have been made to be brought before the Board of Directors. Gosh, who knows, but that the American Pomeranian Club may soon make Fortune Magazines list of rich corporationsUntil our next friendly telephone chat, I remain.Yours truly,Peter GalindoEl Paso, TXYips YapsCont from page 77To The EditorOops, you boo booed, again In my letter to you it should read 4 not 4. There is a slight difference between pounds and numbers.Then you left out the most important part and the whole point about sculpturing. Top left hand comer of page 73, should read I have only seen one judge dump a dog because, as he told the handler, he was sculptured, then the judge turned around and put up a sculptured bitch, etc.We can add to that article by saying I have a wild and wooly six month old bitch who weights three and a half pounds. She went BIS junior puppy at a recent all-breed fun match. Her guard hair must be six inches long, HOWEVER, she will NOT be sculptured. Reasoning behind that is she is short on leg, extremely cobby with no back and is going to need all that coat just to look big and besides, I think she can carry off that messy windswept appearance just perfect Shhhit also hides her earsSo you see, I am not the scissor happy person some people may think. Short people need a longer jacket to make them look taller, tall people can get by with murderEmily Untalan Rhododendron, ORMs. Untalan,You are absolutely right I checked the article you actually sent to me and I did overlook, that particular portion. I truly am sorry. Ithank youfor bringing this to my attention and I will try to be more careful in the future. But as the saying goes, "To err is to be human," andwhen one puts together the amount of information that flows throughmy computer each issue, some things are bound to slip by. Again, I will try to be more careful and thanks for keeping me straight.Dear Bruce,I have had the good fortune of obtaining many old editions of the Pom Review dating back to 1961. I started going through them and could not put them down Being fairly new to Poms, my first one being 612, which I started in Fun Matches, I knew about pedigrees, but could never really find photos of the dogs and people tophotos of Anna LaFortune and fell in love with the famous dog she bred, Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavalier. The edition in which all of his offspring wished him a Happy 13th Birthday in 1971 was very appealing.In going over the April 1983 issue, I came across the photo of Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude and his offspring from the Stud Dog Class of the NCPC Specialty how I wish I could have been there to see him and his seven champions and two soon-to-be champion kids all in the ring at once. I am sure that was a sight Especially since most of my own Poms descends from these dogs.These old Pom Reviews ended up being an education to me, going back to Great Elms Tims topper and all of his offspring. I had heard of the names, but to see their photos and those of their owners was quite a treat I am beginning to feel not so ignorant when the old-timers quote Great Elms, Com Dukes, Bonners, Millamore and Watts lines, to name a few.I know the current arguments are whether or notto overtrim. I thought this was a new problem until I came across a letter in the Yips and Yaps in a 1978 edition that ponders the same problem. If this has been going on for 12 years or longer, why is it still a problem If an owner wants to overtrim a dog, let them take the chances with the judging. Not every judge is going to put up an overtrimmed dog, thus, once it is cut off, they cannot put it back on. In a recent specialty show, I saw some otherwise beautiful Poms that looked like little weed patches with hair dragging the ground, hair on the tail so long it fell over to one side and generally gave the Poms an ungroomed appearance. There should be a happy medium, but with the different coat textures we come across, Idoubtthis will ever beresolved. Tipping of unruly guard hairs all over the body has been done for many years which is evident in the photographs of Poms in the old Reviews. I am sure all long-haired breeds have the same problem we do with how far is too far, especially in looking at the Maltese, Pekingese, Yorkies, etc. No two are trimmed alike. The ultimate decision will be the j udges, thus the most winning dog will very likely be trimmed in an overall pleasing manner neither overtrimed, nor weed-patch looking. The Top Pom and Top Toy for 1989,Yips YapsCont. fromCh. Tm-Sues Harbor Lights would be a very good example, in my opinion. Never overtrimmed, yet very pleasing to look at. Sorry, did not mean to preach on such an old, tired subject.Along serious lines, does anyone kow what can be done for a dog with a collapsed trachea Either medication or surgery I have inherited a Pom after his owner tragically died and I have been told to put the dog down. He is only six years old and a full brother to my first champion that decision would be hard for me to make. I may have to make it again in the future, as I intend to keep my current dogs forever can anything be done I believe this problem is prevalent in our breed and if anyone has a cure, either real or temporary, I would appreciate knowing of it.Janet Manuszak Odyssey PomeraniansDear Editor,Im writing in response to Gerald Kripaks letter entitled Another Companion. I hope he and others can benefit from my years of experience at making mistakes.Here is a list of rules to follow when buying a dog1. Educate yourself. Know the standard, hereditary defects, and structures of your breed. Learn at least enough to carry on a conversation with a breeder they know if youre green and will take advantage of you. Teach yourself to see quality as well as faults. You can buy a good dog if you know what one is.2. Look before leaping. Look at several puppies and visit many kennels before you decide.3. Listen for clues. Dishonest breeders give away clues. Train yourself to hear not just what you want to hear. All dogs have faults. The perfect dog, when he is bom, will not be for sale, let alone for 400. Stay away from bargains. Reputable breeders are concerned where their puppies are going, they ask several questions about your intentions. Dishonest breeders are concerned with making a sale, period. Personality will often give them away. How lax are they about cleanliness, genetics, temperament, structural defects, PRA, OFA, etc. Some justwant to KrtWI nitp fnrhalls anH snmp. arf hnnpage784. Tell yourself there is no guarantee. This will keep you from relying on the word of a stranger. Guarantees are barely better than nothing. By all means get one, read it, rewrite it until you feel confortable, and honor your part. Then file it If you have the money, they may be of some help in court. Remember, the breeder must state everything that is guaranteed, word for word. Id like to hear from breeders what should be in a good contract.5. Dont ship. I drove 1,300 miles one way to find out all the males in a litter had one testicle. Shed have shipped it that way. Testicles have a way of getting lost on the plane talk about lost luggage.6. Be aggresive. Dont be intimidated by Mr. Big Name Breeder. If he is pushing this pet quality dog at you, stand up and say, If this is the best thing youve got to show me. Ill be leaving now. I dont care how far you drive or how many BISS dogs hes bred, you dont need it7. Be realistic. No one will sell you a top show dog until you have shown a few successfully. Some breeders do sell very exceptional dogs to proven show homes, but they cost money. Stay away from bargains.I have purchased good dogs from fine people. Chin up, they exist. You have to look for them, and you get better with experience. Good luck and happy hunting.Linda Boothe Granby, MOP.S. I must say that overall, Pom breeders are the best people in the dog world. Things are much worse in other breeds. Most Pom breeders are doing this for the breed they love and I respect them even more when I sit up til 4 a.m. waiting for that one breech puppy to arrive into this world.To The Members Of The American Pomernian ClubIt has come to my attention that when a member of APC turned in gate and banquet funds from the February Specialty to the treasurer, he informed the treasurer that he had kept approximately 500 to cover his expenses. He provided a list of his expenses which included the rental ofI Remember WhenCont from page 68tioned here about what had happened to then- previous pets, negotiations following accordingly. Most folks are somewhat insulted when I explain that any worry of their carelessness cannot be present in the deal as I had already experienced the trauma of birth followed by constant care to insure a bouncing, healthy specimen with an expectation of a long and happy life.Pomeranians are not toys for children, although many people think that they would go well together. Although no small youngsters live in the future home, there will be grandchildren and visitors. In this case, the pet should be put in another part of the house, after a period of introduction and supervised play. As long as they will sit on the floor, children make wonderful socializes, their attention being enjoyed. But running feet, slamming doors, and all of the robust childish activities contribute to a short life for such a small playmate.A remark made by a hopeful purchaser is vivid in my memory and will always influence me, as she was trying to rectify why her last, briefly owned pet had succumbed through carelessness. This one was given to me, but I would be more careful with a puppy that I bought The confession made me realize that the greater the initial cost, the more appreciation and care, demonstrating that the price is the Poms greatest protection.Yips YapsCont from page 79a limousine and over 400 in telephone bills When this was reported to the Board of Directors, the Board refused to take action.No one should be reimbursed in cash. ANT member requesting reimbursement for expenses and that includes officers should submit a voucher and receipts. The reimbursement should be approved by the Show Chairman andor the Board before the treasurer pays it by check. Al] expenditures, no matter how small, should be properly documented.The expenses in this case are ridiculous How can a resident of New York City run up a 400 phone bill arranging for a banquet on Long Island Rental of a limousine Lots of members donate goods and services to the Specialty without any thought of compensation. It would nevei occur to me to charge mileage for transporting obedience jumps from Richmond to the Specialty. The Show Chairman gave countless hours of work, but only receives hotel room.I am angry about the effrontery of the member who reimbursed himself, but angriei still at the majority of the Board who have refused to do anything about it. I have been told that the member refused to provide receipts when asked. Never mind asking forreceipts, the Board should have demanded that the money be returnedThe Board has failed in its fiduciary responsibility in not doing so. This is particularly hard to understand in light of recentproblems in trying to get the APC books in order and the discovery that funds have been lost The officers and members of the Board have a duty to take action on this matter and report all facts to the membership.Sincerely yours,Margaret R. McKee 'f . 1 \'^-'4A jyi -"I S tvmaranatha Pomsproudly presentsflm.cfln. ch. mnRHnflTHHs liberty belleAm.Can. Ch. Maranathas Lil Benjamin X Ch. Maranathas Hallelujah .1Libby is shown here capturing her final major with the capable handling of Kimberly Krug.Thank you Timothy Catter- sonGloria Carlin619 703-4854 PO Box 626 Encinitas, CA 92024Libby is shown winning BOS in Sweeps at the 1989 Summer APC Natl Specialty in San Francisco. Many thanks to the judge, Derial JacksonI 1 1WINNERSkf'H nhchahmi tA\SANTA ANAmt SEOEL tiltKISS' MHObi 5r,Star Haven PomeraniansFormerly CherokeeCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Millamors Trademark Millamors Musical Box Ch. Millamors Mark TraditionCh. Millamors Rock Music Ch. Millamors Sparkling Music Millamors Molly BrownCH. STYLESTEPPER MARK OF OAKRIDGE Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Browns Rock N RobinCh. Browns Fan Magic Skeeter Gal Ch. Dancing Rockette of OakridgeCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Wee Dancing Robin of Oakridge Ch. Wee Dancing Flame of OakridgerAWe are proud of Mark and what he is producing for us. Watch for his first puppies, Star Havens Solid Gold Chip and Star Havens Heavenly Model.A special thank you to Nadine Hersil for her excellent care of Mark while handling him.And thank you Caroline Roberts for our very special Ch. Chip-A-Ways Heavenly Body.From the Made My Day Department To see Int. Mex. Can. Am. Ch. Shy Acres Our Man Friday - a grandson of Ch. Cherokees Summer Fashion.Janice Young618 W. Springfield Rd.St. Clair, MO 63077 314 629-2754Behind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Champions belonging to members of the American imeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dogs name, color, sex, eeders name, city and state on a separate sheet of paper, typed or neatly printed. Please send copies pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor, E. Bruce Driggers, P.O. x 8129, Norfolk, Va. 23503-8129.OVER-HOLIHOUSE A ROCK STAR e malen Pat Foley Kathryn Hartz s Debbie Hall, Kathy Hartz Pat FoleyCh. Jeribeths Silver Sparkler Ih. Millamors Moon RockMillamors Lullabye of Tim Sue owFires Pecan SandyMillamors Sun Dance i-Los Rosie OSnowFire i-Los Mischief Lady TracyCh. Thelduns Tim Dandee ofEdney Dh. Camelots Mighty ThorScorpios Midnight Madness is Coal City OHolihouseAm. Can. Ch. The Pines Jack in the Box CD ihadras DidettBettys CynthiaARANATHAS CHINA DOLL OPENS range female r Penny Dees s Steve Gloria CarlinAm.Mex.Can. Intl Ch. Sungold Bingo Lil Muller Dh. Lanas Top PriorityCh. Lanas Moonlight Fan-Dancer athas Lil AaronCh. Sungolds Kazar Quarter Back 4aranathas Miracle of GodMaranathas Lil Charity C.D.Am.Mex.FCI World BIS Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver 4ex. Ch. Pens Dynamite of Goldenite Riders Barbie of Hi Ho jl Polar SnowbdlPens Pardian Pip OCinquay ens Honey a SkippingPens Praline of Lake MathewsVN. CH. MARANATHAS LIL BENJAMIN e malersowners Steve Gloria CarlinCh. Mullers Just A Nip Jr.Vm.Mex.Can Jntl Ch. Sungold Birge Lil Muller Mullers Gypsy Tambourine nas Top PriorityMoonshine IVDh. Lanas Moonlight Fan-Dancer Wee Miss Fan-Tail Ch. Mullers Just A Nip Jr.^h. Sungolds Kazsar Quarter Back Mullers Ramolin Rose iathas Miracle of GodAm.Mex.FCI Wolrd BIS Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver Haranathas Lil Charity C.D.Gold Gems Cavaliera RusticsAM. CAN. CH. MARANATHAS LIBERTY BELLE Orange sable femaleBreedersOwners Steve Gloria CarlinAmCanMexJntl Ch. Sungold Bingo Lil Muller Ch. Lanas Top PriorityCh. Lanas Moonlight Fan-Dancer Am Ca. Ch. Maranathas Lil BenjaminCh. Sungolds Kazar Quarter Back Maranathas Miracle of GodMaranathas Lil Charity C.D.Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero Ch. Millbrooks Suzetta Ch. Maranathas Lil HallelujahAm.Mex.FCI World BIS Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver Maranathas Lil Charity C.D.Gold Gems Cavaliera RusticaCH. FAME PIECE OF THE ROCK Orange maleBreeder Geneva PennockOwners Brenda Segelken Geneva PennockCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Coys Top of the MarkCedarwoods Linda Leigh Ch. Wee Rambo of Coys Top MarkAm. Can. Ch. Coys Lucky Eight Coys Sunrise SerenadeCoys Fancy Pepper Scarlett Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Ch. Dixielands Rock of Millamor Dixielands Veronica Rocks Red SandGolden Pattern Britches Bimbeaus Peppersweet JoyGlitterbugs Foxie LassiCH. FAME GREAT EXPECTATION Orange femaleBreederowner Brenda SegelkenTimstopper Tiny King James Jewel-Ken Joyful JamieLLL Happy Mama Cass Fames Legacy of Jewel Ken 10 pts.Timstopper Tiny King James Cinquay Royal SpiceJewel Kens Sparkling Burgundy Ch. Rosewoods Lucky Whing Ding Jewel Jens Wee BuddyJewel Kens Wee Sanci Flambeau Sparkling TigressSpit Fyre Chimney Sweeper Jewel-Ken Sparkling Burgundy Friendly Acres ShebaBehind the New ChampionsCont. from page 83CH. SHADOMOUNTIN ONE MAN SHOW Red maleOwners Kathy Bucher Larry SnyderCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge RippleBev-Nors Sweet Sassy Ch. Precious Petites GabrielCh. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Edneys Mitey Isis DelightPostscripts Art-R-Noon Delight Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Moe-Best Special OrderPostscripts Art-R-Noon Delight Watts Little Black N TandyCh. Watts Little Petre Tan Moe-Best Ch. Watts Little Ebony of ScotiaWatts Little Crisco of ScotiaCH. JAMELS TEXAS KANE OF SHAREL Orange male Breeden Eleanor Clark Owners Brenda Terry TurnerCh. Apples Travelin Diamond Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch. Sharells Southern DiamondCh. Emcees Texas Pete Sharells Southern BelleDupres Sunshine Tulip Too Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple Ch. Southlands Fudge GenerationIdas Happy Prancing Ideal Jamels Precious Mircale GirlAl-Kays Piece of the Rock Sharelo Tootie of SunkistAl-Days Pixie DawnCH. RUBYS GATOR MAIDEN OKLAHOMA Red sable female Breederowner Ruby F. PooleBIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch. Bev-Nors ToastmasterBev-Nors Missy Miss Ch. Idas Touch of Bev-NorMcKameys Deal Gem Idas Magnolia BlossomIdas Itsy Bitsy Angel Baby Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple Ch. Precious Petites GabrielEdneys Mitey Isis Delight RockWoods Precious Daisy Stubus Shogun RockWoods Lady Nina PoolScotia Braums Chintily LadyCH. ROCKWOODS BILLS BEST BUDDY Orange sable male Breederowner Ruby F. PooleCh. Sand Towns Toast of the Town Ch. San Towns Toast of the City Sand Towns Gold Tip Sand Towns City SlickerCh. Sand Towns Toast of the Town Sand Towns Sugar BunSand Towns Gold Tip Tonos May Morning Ali-Echol Ch. Zodiac Cavalier CommanderCh. Caveys Sensational Conquest Scotia Command Chintilly LadyCh. Scotia Treasure Dink Braum Ch. Scotia Brawns Chintilly LaceCh. Speck Surpise Phoebe OScotiaCH FAIR WINDS SHINING STARRDUST Orang emaleBreedersowners M.L. Dunn M.A. CraftCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Ch. Great Elms Shining StarrGreat Elms Sweet Candy Ch. Tynan Tag AlongCh. Hillsboros Golden Chip Tynan Orange ChiffonTynan Golden Sol A Tare Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcees Terrific Wee ChipsEmcees Golden Girl of Tammy Emcees Fair Winds Chip-A-WayCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Dixie FoxfireGreat Elms Pepper KornCH. JAN LES TEL WE MEET AGAIN Red FemaleBreederowner Jane LehtinenCh. Dixielands Rock of Millamor AmCan Ch. Midas Ragtime Rock Midas Sunny Legacy AmCan. Ch. Jan Les Ragtime MusicCh. Millamors Rock Music Dixielands Music BoxDixielands Sheet Music May Morning Social Lion Thelduns Diamond SolitaireCh. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Thelduns Tia MariaDaisys Mini-Todd OTheldun Thelduns Bonnie KateThelduns Bit OSunshineContinued on page 85Behind The New Obedience TitleistsWith this issue, we start this new column specifically for the new obedience titled Pomeranians elonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club. It is realized that there will not be as many f these pedigrees published each issue as compaired to the Champions column, but nonetheless, it idnt seem appropriate to be placed in the same column as the new conformation champions. These tree generation pedigrees will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dogs name, olor, sex, breeders name, city and state on a separate sheet of paper, typed or neatly printed. Please nd copies of pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor, E. Bruce riggers, P.O. Box 8129, Norfolk, Va. 23503-8129.ASSELS DANDELION DOWN, AMCAN C.D.X.'range femalereeder Betty Jo Masonwner Lois MorkasselPombredens BT Disciple O God Villamero Blue Boy PombredenPombredens My Blue Heaven ir Szilagyi John BoyCh. Purtee Skoshi Tom-Tom Gorrin Cute DanaCute Doll of Hadleigh McKamey Palmers Petro of Blossom View Ch. Edans Fire CrackerGold Gems Contessa [asons Baby DollCrones Dandy Andy Masons Lil Bit OHeavenCrones Bee jay GirlKASSELS GAR-DE-AN SIR PANT, AMCAN C.D. Red MaleBreederowner Lois MorkasselCh. Blairs Solitaire Dunns Little TomstopperMay Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Thelduns John JohnCh. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Thelduns Bonnie HeatherThelduns Princess Tiffany Villamero Blue Boy Pombreden Sir Szilagyi John BoyGorrin Cute DanaKassels Dandelion Down, AmCan C.D.X.Ch. Edans Fire Creacker Masons Baby DollMasons Lil Bit OHeavenKASSELS GAR-DE-AN SIR FUR, AMCAN C.D. Orange maleBreederowner Lois Morkasselbehind the NewChampions Cont. from page 84H. JAN LES MARK MY WORLD range malereederowner Jane LehtinenCh. Dixielands Rode of Millamor CanAm Ch. Midas Rock Temp Midas Hopeful Moment anAm Ch. Midas Fascinating Rhythm Ch. Millamors Rock Music Dixielands Music BoxDixidands Sweet Music AmCan Ch. Thdduns John John Ch. Ken Nors Dont Letem Kid Ya Seamist Little Guppy anAm Ch. Gaulkes Pepper UpperCh. Gaulkes Jingle Jangles Gaulkes ButtonHighview DdciCh. Blairs Solitaire Dunns Little TomstopperMay Morning Sweet Mary AnnCh. Thelduns John JohnCh. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Thelduns Bonie HeatherThelduns Princess Tiffany Villamero Blue Boy Pombreden Sir Szilagyi John BoyGorrin Cute DanaKassds Dandelion Down, AmCan C.D.X.Ch. Edans Fire Cracker Masons Baby DollMasons Lil Bit OHeavenKASSELS GAR-DE-AN SIRE PLUS, AMCAN C.D.Red maleBreederowner Lois MorkasselCh. Blairs Solitaire Dunns Little TomstopperMay Morning Sweet Mary AnnCh. Thelduns John JohnCh. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Thelduns Bonnie HeatherThelduns Princess Tiffany Villamero Blue Boy Pombreden Sir Szilagyi John BoyGorrin Cute DanaKassels Dandelion Down, AmCan C.D.X.Ch. Brians Fire Cracker Masons Baby DollMasons Lil Bit OHeavenBehind the New OBTitleists Cont from page 85KASSELS GAR-DE-AN SIR TIFIKA, AMCAN C.D. Orange maleBreederowner Lois MorkassdCh. Blairs Solitaire Dunns Little TomstopperMay Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Thelduns John JohnCh. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Thelduns Bonnie HeatherThelduns Princess Tiffany Villamero Blue Boy Pombreden Sir Szilagyi John BoyGorrin Cute DanaKassels Dandelion Down, AmCan C.D.X.Ch. Edans Fire Cracker Masons Baby DollMasons Lil Bit OHeavenObedience NewsBby Brenda K. Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, MI 48906This article will contain no statistics, no newtitles, no brags from around the country. We will instead, focus our attention on sharing with you the marvelous and stupendous event that was the 1ST OBEDIENCE TRIAL held by the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore, July 5, 1990. Attending with me was Mary Jones of DeFord, Michigan with her dog Foxy Lady Jenny Jones, CDX, Can. CD.Firstly, the directions to the location and the ease of finding it were terrific. Arriving on the loop around Baltimore was a real trip driving in Detroit seems like a breeze in comparison. Funny how driving 60 the speed limit is 55, but you might get run off the road at that speed in a major city a long distance from home seems more likedriving90 Once arriving on the beltway, we just followed the directions. The Holiday Inn was right next to the exit, visible from a long way off, and was a very reassuring sight after a drive of approximately 600 miles. Entering their parking lot Wednesday, the 4th of July about 2 p.m., it almost seemed as if getting here couldnt possibly be this easy.The next thing we knew, we were parked World right here Oh boy, we cant believe we ri really here and can hardly wait to see more o these gorgeous dogs. Olga obviously didnt sei me drooling over the chance to see this superstar and they disappeared while we got directions t our room. Unloading was a bit unhandy, bu thanks to our early arrival, we were able to get ground floor room. Our obedience dogs are use to grass when it comes to exercising bodil functions, and the thought of a 3rd or 4th floo room was somewhat less than appealing. Afte moving into our room we had everything but thi proverbial kitchen sink we went scoutinj around.The obedience get-together called Sil Stay and Talk was scheduled for 4 p.m. to bi held in the grooming room. Mary Vickers gavi a presentation and told us what was happeninj with other clubs holding obedience trials, that wi still dontknow when the APC will be licensed ti hold a trial, and there will probably be a trial witl the local specialty in Oklahoma City in thi summer of91 the day before the APC specialty She also had a video tape of a TV program abou a man with Poms in Canada who visits nursin homes and does other wonderful things witl them that was very charming. For me it wa disappointing that there wasnt more obediena people present for this get together, but those o us there had a good time.In a very special surprise appearance, wi were also happy to have Daniel and Margare Ontiveros at the meeting. They had come all thi way from San Diego, California to the specialty partially because they were interested in seeinj the obedience. Even more important, they wan to leant how they can enable the San Dieg Pomeranian Club to become licensed to hol their own trial. If we learned only one thing fron the meeting, it was Contact AKC for all thi information you need for procedures and re quirements to hold a trial. They write the bool and they set the rules. If your club is at al interested in holding trials, write AKC. They] be more than happy to send you everything yoi need.After the meeting broke up, we all headei upstairs to the hospitality room for what tumei out to be a great dinner. The suite was packei with both people and food. Just about everythin] you might have wanted was available, and evei those of us on diets found lots of stuff to have aninrtt Ka trtv nonnlihA 'I'ha nruin 11 qI \nt inhObedience NewsCont from page 86e hall where Mary Jones, Lilae Shope, Judy reen, and I had our own obedience get-together. re visited and chatted until we realized it was string dark and we all still wanted to work dogs the parking lots for a few minutes.I brought a set of toy-size portable jumps ith me which everyone had a chance to use. The t comes with 3 broad jump boards, 3' wide hich comprise the three sides of a holding box r the rest of the set. It has 4-30" uprights which t into 4 floor pieces. There are 2 pegs for the 3' und bar to rest on and the high jump is abar with piece of canvas attached which rolls like a blind the height you want Several people asked here to get a set It was purchased three years o from Garadun Sales Incorporated, Indus- ial Road, Unit 5, Shelburne, Ontario, Canada 3N ISO, 519 925-6668. At the time it was tout 125 Canadian dollars. The man who sells em usually has a booth at the London, Ontario uster in mid-October. If you happen to be up at way and want to see them, plan to enter reed or obedience.By about 930, we must have had 15 Poms the parking lot doing anything from scent scrimination, high jumps, directed jumping, op on recall, heeling, hand signals, retrieves, id brace, to group sit and down stays and stand ir examination. It was a very thrilling sight for e as you just dont see Poms in obedience in [ichigan very often. It really took some adjust- g to realize that you were just one of the gang id didnt really stand out in the crowd anymore.Watching the training methods employed as very interesting, too. At an all-breed trial u see warm ups consisting of everything om yelling, jerking like crazy, prong collars riding behind the trees, or a boot up the rear to ijoling, food motivation and just plain begging jgs to work today. Watching us, from different irts of the country, it was amazing how uni- irmly we trained our dogs. Virtually everyone as doing what I think of as Bauman methods ere very loving while being firm in requests, ilping the dogs rather than punishing them for icorrect responses, and overall, I thought very ntle with the dogs. That does not mean to say ere abunch of wimps. Corrections were given, it they were not indiscriminate or inappropri- e. After 45 minutes or so of working, everyonerooms to rest up for the big day ahead.Thursday came with the typical weather wed been warned about, hot and humid 104 degrees and 95 humidity. We didnt go outside except for the dogs calls of nature, and the dogs did those very efficiently. Inside it wasnt exactly 60 degrees, but was very bearable and most of the time very comfortable. Everyone seemed to be quite excited to be there. The PCGB gave each exhibitor a wonderful goodie bag of treats for both the dogs and their owners when we picked up our armbands. Included were many different samples of dog food and treats, balloons, nik-naks, a pill holder, key chains, and other goodies. The outer bag containing the goodies also included an inner cloth bag, handmade with an applique Pom stitched on the front thatwasjustbeautiful. We also received a packet which included an issue of Poms on Parade, an issue of Dog Fancy the one with Prince Charming on the cover, of course, assorted advertisements, a note book and pen and other literature. When we arrived in our room, there was even a bottle of Perrier for each of us with a welcoming card attached. I just cant say enough about how thoughtful the PCGB was in thinking of all the little extras.The morning started with the 7 Utility entries and 11 Open B entries. Watching the dogs go through their routines, I was struck by how similar most of the exhibitors appeared in the way they worked their dogs. Most had a fairly smooth gait something I find very difficult to achieve and moved along at a fairly rapid pace. In seeing that, it was absorbing to note that a few exhibitors moved VERY slowly, as if afraid the little dog along side would not be able to keep up. A few moved just the opposite, taking a stride worthy of a German Shepherd. However, no matter the length of stride and speed, the dogs were trained to work at that pace and the teams looked very smooth together.It also struck me that when it came to jumping, there was probably a 5050 breakdown of dogs who were confident, smooth jumpers and those who appeared to have jumping problems. Since I didnt take notes, I couldnt begin to make any comparative judgments as to why some dogs jumped well training methods, size of dog, jumpContinued on page 88Obedience NewsCont from page 87surface and others didnt It did seem as though some of the dogs had a weight problems, but again, I couldn t say if they were the ones with the jumping problems, and that certainly was not the only difficulty experienced by some of the dogs.It was also interesting to watch the dogs retrieving. After hearing and reading about all the retrieving difficulties toy dogs have, there was not a lot of evidence at this trial to support that train of thought Some discussion was given to the fact that the ring was on carpeting, and it had a very busy pattern on it an could possibly cause, particularly the Open and Utility dogs, some misfortunes. But it didnt. Neither did the fact that the ring seemed enormous, 40 x 50 feet. Certainly I got tired heeling all around that whole area Especially fascinating to me was the breed quality of the dogs in the obedience ring. If the people watching the breed ring would have looked, theyd have been surprised to see no less than 8 breed champion entries and quite a number more who looked as if they would be competitive in the breed ring.As we progressed through the day, some of the later Open A, Novice and non-regular class entries appeared. Out of a total of 37 entries in obedience making the Baltimore specialty only 15 dogs short of the number entered in breed at the National Specialty the next day with no obedience, almost all of the dogs were in attendance and showed. It was truly a marvelous dayFor me, some aspects of the specialty did notcome quite up to expectations. After building up to this for the past six months, I had hoped there would be more interplay between the obedience exhibitors. To the credit of PCGB, we were all kept so busy that there just wasnt time and energy to visit as much as wed like. Some of the people entered in obedience Thursday were also showing in breed besides having several obedience entries, and most of us were entered in breed on Friday, so again we were busy and preoccupied. Besides, who wanted to miss the chance to see some of the most beautiful Poms in the country Not me, Ill tell you right now And with the boat trip Thursday night and the banquet Friday night, there was just time to rest a little and get cleaned up before we were off and running again.Also, it was somewhat disappointing therediencering. Throughout the day there were some glances from the direction of the other ring, but otherwise were were left pretty much on our own. One nice idea sometimes done at all-breed shows might be to award HIGH IN TRIAL in the breed ring just before the Best of Breed Competition if it has been determined by then.The Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore pulled together one of the nicest shows Ive ever attended. The trophies were terrific. The painted clocks for HIT, High Combined and High AKC Champion of Record were exquisite. Wooden Painted Pomeranian Planters were given, besides dazzling rosettes, as placement trophies that were beautifully handcrafted by the members of the Trophy Committee as were the handcrafted leather leads for all qualifying dogs in Regular Classes andor all dogs in non-regular classes offered by Ken and Lilae Shope. Seating at the show site was wonderful. There was seating on two sides of the obedience ring and three sides of the breed ring, so no one was further back than three rows or maybe was standing such as during Best of Breed. There were professional video photographers in attendance, one each for the breed ring and the obedience ring. The show photographer took wonderful pictures at least mine was. They also had at least six vendors selling T-shirts, figurines, grooming equipment and crates, dog food, nik- naks, etc. in attendance. The prices were reasonable for the hotel and there were several restaurants and party stores located nearby. And the enthusiasm shown by the PCGB members was outstanding They worked themselves to a frazzle. It was truly a wonderful trip and was well worth the effort to attend. Congratulations to the Pomeranian Club of Greater BaltimoreResults of the Puget Sound Pomeranian Clubs 1st Obedience Trial held August 10, 1990, have just come in. With a total entry of 6, High in Trial was Linda Gallacher with Lady Dis Life of the Parti, CDX with a 194.0 from the Open B class. Congratulations to Linda and Bizzy on a very exciting win This means 2 out of 3 HIT at Pom Specialties were parti coloi Poms and 2 HIT came from the Open B class while the 3rd came from Open A.One last late-breaking notice has just come in. Annons Hueev Bear From Scamp. CDXCIRCULATION MANAGERJohn Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, Va. 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONYour Inquiries answered within 24 hours"20.00 per year - Third Class Mail Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, APO's, Puerto Rico U.S. Funds Only25.00 per year - First Class MaillMailing Time 3rd Class -10-14 days 1st class - 3-5 daysIf you move, 3rd class mail is not forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know your new address six weeks before your move so that the Review will move with youBACK ISSUES 1980 to date-5.00 Years prior to 1980 - 4.00 ea. Call for availability.Obedience NewsCont. from page 88breeder Ann Cannon owned by Mary Vickers has just earned his second leg toward that elusive title of Utility Dog. he did it as usual, his own way, which resulted in a score of 173.0 at theHunterdon Hills Obedience Trial under Joan Horkey. Congratulations Mary and Huggy, and may that last leg come quickly.As always, the answering machine is always on, so call 517 485-5183 anytime. So happy heeling and terrific trackingI INDEX TO ADVERTISERS IJenson, RayBENRAY................................ 40Jordelon, JanetVELVET TOUCH.............. 35Zarlin, GloriaMARANATHA.................... 81Zarlton, Jennifer.......................................... 90Zarson, Morris BettyEMCEE................. 43Ziliberto, Bernie LoisCRESCENDO....................... 40Zonley, Evelyn RollieLYN-LEE............ 56Jagel, VerlaDAN DEE............................... 71Oupres, Mrs. James R-, SrTDUPRES... 57 eist, Wendy VictorFEISTY.. FC, 3,23ry, NancyFRY.......................... 90, IBC, BCZalindo, PeterPEDRONS............................ 1Griffith, K.G7LENETTE....................... 22,42Jans on, SaronJAN SHAR....................... IFCJaynes, TrilvieKITSAN---------------...........16Teartz, Chris JohnCHRISCENDO...................... 15ones, Happeth MichaelHAP LAN................................. 5.ehtinen, JaneJAN LE......... .... 38,39dunuszak, JanetODYSSEY.............. .......... 41oole, RubyRUBY...................................... 31Presser, Marlene MarlinAPOELLETE..................... 16Reeder, Therese JohnT-J......................... 24Roberts, AudreySHYACRES.......----------- 30Segelken, Phil BrendaFAME............. 60, 61Shifflett, JoAnnSHANNON........................ 35Short, Tony BettyTOBE..................... 66Smart, Bill Lisa............................... IBC, BCSoares, SueSUES TLC........................... 72Tarver, IdaIDA........................................ 35Turner, S.W. BrendaBRYN-ROSE.. 65Untalan, Emily E.CYAUTUMN........ 58Walsh, CarolD AN DEE......................... 71Watts, DoloresWATTS........................... 45,46Welch, RonPEDRONS.................................. 1Whiddon, BarbaraWHID-DON.............. 71Young, JaniceSTAR HAVEN................ 82iFrys Magic Pomeranianspresents their newestChampionCH. FRYS MAGIC HONEYSUCKLE ROSE.4Ch. Millamor's I'm A Windjammer x Stolanne's Magic Pele of Fry'sHoneysuckle is pictured with judge Virginia Savori taking a 3 pt. major on thi Florida circuit. We would also like to thank judges Toddie Clark, Edith Izant Norman Patton, Joan Alexander Elaine Young, who found Honeysuckle worth] of their admiration contributed to her championship.Owners Breeders HandlerNancy Fry Jennifer Carlton Puppies availableR 2, Box 371 occasionallyWashington, IN 47501Twenty Years Agoby Ruth H. BellickTwenty years ago, there was no winter ecialty preceding the Westminster Kennel ub Show. Consequently, our Annual Meeting ts held at the old Madison Square Garden in e of several rooms used by breed clubs for this rpose. I believe the late Mrs. Dorothy Husted lady who devoted much time and effort to the PC, was president I remember among the mbers present were Mrs. Elsie Sivoti, the late rs. Nancy Buckley and Mrs. Madeline Weber, . staunch supporters of our breed.At this time, Sophie Mayes and I were uggling to start the Bay Colony Pomeranian ub. As we discussed the problems facing us, wondered why, with Pomeranians usually in s top dozen breeds registered by AKC each ar, there were so few entries at shows at least our area, New England and why there were so sv members of the American Pomeranian Club, icause of these two facts, at this meeting I made i motion to bring the members together and jate a forum for them to feel that we all were irking towards the same goal and that they uld participate in many ways. I felt this would helpful in bringing our beautiful Poms before s public by encouraging owners and breeders show their dogs. It also would be an incentive bring new members into the parent club and courage the start of regional clubs. This was mussed and it was finally decided that the club iuld publish a quarterly magazine. Jim Arima cep ted the awesome task of contacting breed- and owners and setting up the magazine, om the beginning, the Pomeranian Review has en a success. Jim continued as Editor until he is transferred. I truly never appreciated the xr and time Jim had devoted to the Review til I replaced him as Editor.I gave my best efforts to our magazine til, after many years of breeding and showing meranians, being an active member of several g clubs, we sold out our kennel, moved to iltimore and I went back into the business rid. At that point, the late Vicki Sweeney came Editor.During the first ten years of existence, the view had three Editors. For the past ten years, phie Mayes has been Editor and the Review s grown and improved each year. I salute phie for endurance, plus her greatest contribu- n - making each issue new, interesting andsomewhat provocative fortunately, never stale.The American Pomeranian Club membership has increased substantially, the Review retains its popularity and constantly brings new enthusiasts into the breed and into the show ring. Pomeranian entries at the shows have increased and the growing number of local clubs are especially gratifying.Heres to the next twenty yearEditor's Note Well Pomeranian lovershow have those next ten years been This article was forwarded from an older issue of the Review by Mary Vickers. Sorry that a specific issue and year was not forwarded with it.What is a Wolf SableReprinted from April 1975Many breeders and yes, judges too, are under the impression that a wolf sable is either 1. an extremely DARK orange sable or 2. a tiny replica of a Keeshond. Our former standard says Sable colored dogs must be shaded throughout as uniformly as possible, with no self colored patches. In ORANGE SABLE, the undercoat must be a light tan with deeper orange guard hairs endinginblacktippings. In WOLFSABLES, the undercoat is light gray with a deeper shade of steel gray guard hair ending in black tippings.Thus, a wolf sable is NOT like a small Keeshond, as the latter is required to have cream- colored legs and feet, but is in color more like a Norwegian Elkhound, a study in shades of GRAY. A true WOLF SABLE is extremely RARE.Our present ALL sable colored Poms does not discriminate against the lovely CREAM SABLES, the deep RED SABLES or even the BROWN TIPPED or BLUE TIPPED SABLES, none of which were allowed in the show ring under the old Standard.The Black Pomby Mrs. Alyce D. SeekinsThat Twinkling GaitReprinted from the June, 1959 IssueReprinted from January 1965 ReviewA black Pomeranian just doesnt get anywhere Those words uttered in despair may seem at first glance just silly or perhaps, even sour grapes. But, think with me a bit on this subject.Even though Poms are dearest to you I shall try to point out why I believe this to be true in many breeds where many colors are permitted.In your mind think about the ideal Pomeranian. First, visualize it in various shades of orange or sable, with soft coloring changes contrast of eye rims, points and eyes. See the lines of the dog as graced by the shades of colors. See each hair standing out vividly to your eye. Then take this same dog all in black. What do you see The outlines of the dog as to proportion will be easily defined but coat texture, eat set, eyes, all blend in, thus making it more difficult to easily evaluate this dog.Since my breed for years has been Samo- yeds, which have the problem of being all white, I have thought about it. Yet, with an all white dog, contrast is evidenced by shadows indicating bone structure, facial expression and of course eyes and rims and lips. So, I feel it is really the all black dog that has the problems.I have felt this to be true for some time in regard to the denser coated dogs and then recently I had occasion to watch a judging of Labrador Retrievers about which I knew very little. However, as the judging progressed I found myself more easily evaluating and understanding the light colored Labs even muscular development was more evident but when the solid black dogs came along, I realized I would really have to know the breed thoroughly to evaluate them properly.I do feel this may be the reason that a black Pomeranian has to be really tops to get anywhere, and even then may be by-passed. There may be a psychological reason in some cases many people do have have an unconscious preference for color or white over black but I think with a competent judge that it is more a matter ofLike the term short Pom, a twinklinj gait is attributed to many Poms - bad and good in a complimentary sense. It is a catchy phrase but dangerous.Too often a twinkling gait is faulty whet the Pom so honored is mincing. There isnt breed in the books that calls for a mincing gai because it may mean that the dog is tied at th elbows, too erect in shoulders, weak in pasterns loosely coupled, weak in quarters, or straight it stifle and hock. It has no reach. Power from th rear cannot be transmitted to the whole dog, an there is not enough power being generated fron behind. Like the sprinters say, it is a poor overworking puller, and not a pusher.Other factors of size and build being equal the dog that takes fewer steps to get there is th better gaited.Dogs that weave, paddle, spraddle, o sidewind may also give the impression of twin kling because, coming or going, so many feet cai be seen in so many diverse positions. The grac and simplicity characteristic of a good mover ar thus lost.The action of a Pomeranian should be ffe and elastic, writes Miss Linda A. Wilson in he book. The Popular Pomeranian. The action c a Pomeranian is unique and shared by no othe dog, she continues, yet, how few breeder realize this, or to value this charming quality. 1 for any reason this is lost, it will be a thousan pities, for there is nothing more attractive t either judge or ringsider.It is recognized, of course, that a well gaited Pom moved fast to demonstrate goo action may certainly appear to sparkle, twinklf and shine. But the next time someone says yov Pom has a twinkling gait, it might be wise to thin twice before smiling.^gpFry's Magic Pomeranians Ch. Fry's Magic Kamehamehacongratulates3ill Ch. Fry'sMagic.isaLilmart1 Angus,Ch. Fry's Magic Kamehameha X Fiy's Charming Muffytngus is out of Kamehameha's 1st litter Meha's 1st champion to date. Congratulations mgus on your back to back Group l's then this outstanding Group 2 from the Beverly fills KC especially your Specialty win from the San Diego KC.reeder OwnerJancy Fry Bill Lisa Smartt 2, Box 371 1419 E. Green St.Washington, IN 47501 Perry, FL 32347512 254-4528 904 584-5762HandlerAdrian Alford Rt 1, Box N-177 DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433 904 892-4899VJ Ch. Frys Magic Lil AngusBANG-BANGIV.iM- J111 \v'sBEST OF BREED ORVARIETYSPECIALTY BERGMAN PHOTOBANG BANG GOES TO HOLLYWOOD AND STARS IN TWO MAJOR PRODUCTIONS'Angus wishes to thank Dr. William S. Houpt for awarding him Best In Show over an outstanding group of specials, at the San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty, which was held in conjunction with the Golden West Toy Specialties show.Special thanks to Mrs. Vickie Washington, a very class lady, for presenting the challenge trophy at the specialty.Congratulations to the San Diego Pomeranian Club and the Golden West Toy Specialties for presenting such a well organized event. The show site was beautiful and the hospitality wonderful.He also wishes to thank Mrs. Georgia E. Buttram for awarding him Best of Breed and Group Second the next day at the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills, CA.OwnersBill Lisa Smart 1419 E. Green St. Perry, FL 32347 904 584-5762BreederNancy Fiy Rt 2, Box 371 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-4528HandlerAdrian Al Alford Rt l,Box N-177 DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433 904 892-4899