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The Pomeranian Review July 1970

Table of Contents

Ch Jeribeth's Golden Duchess Front Cover
Helpful Hints ?
Amertran Pomeranian Elub, Jnr.PUBLISHED QUARTERLY JULY, 1970' v. - 'zrt .figa . 1 fm9iCH. JERIBETHS GOLDEN DUCHESSGroup Winning daughter of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly, owned by Sam Zaneoff. Duchess was chosen by Dog World to represent the Ideal Pom in their Standards Issue.IN THIS ISSUECONDITIONING PRESENTATION by Hermine W. Cleaver CLUB REPORTSVisit to Cabert Kennels by Marye E. Picone Helpful HintsBEDELL - BIRK - DAVIS - HARWOOD - HEYDE - THYSSEN - YIPS YAPSPOMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEby MARY F. CASEY60 Wilbur Street Raynham, Mass. 02767Winter is past and the shows are in full swing here in the New England Area. Wish you could all join us on these pleasant weekends. This is the time of the year that all New Englanders look forward to sunny skies, mild breezes, picnic lunches and an air of friendliness everywhere.and Board Members want to hear from you Send in your suggestions, help us to do the job you elected us to do.I am sorry to report that we have lost one of our Local Pom Clubs The Pomeranian Club of Florida Miami Area has notified us that they have disbanded. I am sorry that this happened and only wish there was some way that the members of that club would reconsider and get back together again. On the bright side A new Pom Club is starting up in the Central Part of Florida, They have a fine group of Officers and I know I am speaking for all Pom Folks when I wish them, Much Success.As you will read elsewhere in this issue the Proposed New Standard was accepted by an overwhelming majority 180 for, 30 against. It is now in the hands of the American Kennel Club for final approval and we hope that it will be ready for final printing in the October Issue of the Pom Review.Marjorie Bull winkle is hard at work making plans for our 1971 Annual Specialty Show watch for details as soon as the judges are approved you will be notified. Please help Marj make Our 1971 Specialty one to be remembered Start making your plans to support her and the Club in every way you can.We are starting a new project this year in hopes that it will bring the membership closer together the success of this endeavor will depend on each and every one of you. The name of the project is C.O.M.E. and Bert Bedell has been appointed Chairman of it. I hope you will all become active in C.O.M.E. Bert will explain it in this issue. Your OfficersIt has been difficult for me to write this column this month, mainly because I know that the ending is a sad one.Since the last issue of Pom Review we have lost two more dear friends in Poms. Miss Berneice Lovelace, who was a Past Officer in Our Club and for many years Circulation Manager of the Pom Review. Our Sincere Sympathy to her mother and father.We will all miss Charles Girardot husband of Our Past President Edna Girardot. Charlie didnt get to very many shows because he had been ill for many years, but he always managed to attend some of the shows in the New England Area and even though he was suffering, he managed to keep people laughing with his witty sayings and jokes. Many of you will remember him taking tickets and selling catalogues at our Specialty Show each year. Charlie was always willing to help until his health no longer permitted him to do so. Our Sincere Sympathy to you Edna,May They Rest In PeacePOMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian Reviewof theAmmratt ftomprattian GHub 3fnr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident...................................................................................................................... Mrs. Mary F. CaseyFirst Vice President............................................................................................... Mrs. Katherine ProbstSecond Vice President............................................................................................ Mrs. Anna E. CowieThird Vice President.................................................................................................... Mrs. Marlene ScottSecretary. . .... .Miss Joy S. Brewster, R.R. 3, U.S. Rt. 6, Newtown, Conn. 06470Treasurer ............................................................................................................................ Mrs. Elsie SivoriDelegate to the A. K. C.........................................................................................................Mr. Bert Bedel]EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEMrs. Catherine E. Bedell Mrs. Pauline CaldwellMiss Marjorie Bullwinkle Mrs. Dorothy HustedMrs. Phyllis SeeleyPOMERANIAN REVIEWInterim Editor..............................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, R.D. 4, West Chester, Pa. 193S0Circulation Manager..Mrs. Dorothy Husted, 933 Calhoun Aye., Bronx, N.Y. 10465 Advertising Manager .... Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, R.D. 4, West Chester, Pa. 19380 Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa., by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Printed in U.S.A. Subscriptions in the U.S., 5.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies, 1.25 Canada, Mexico, 5.50, Foreign rates 6.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Make check or money order payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Address all subscriptions and correspondence on circulation to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and inquiries about same to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text 50.00Per column inch .............................................. 2.50One-quarter page ............................................ 5.00One half page ................................................ 10.00Three-quarter page ........................................ 15.00Full page ........................................................ 20.00100 copies full page ad ................................... 7.00Minimum charge for cuts up to If x 2 inches 1 col. wide 5.00 proportionately more for larger cuts. No charge for cuts if useable cut is available.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.POMERANIAN REVIEWICOME5Your President and the Officers and Directors believe that a stronger club can be realized if the membership has an active interest in its purposes and activities. The committee was formed to provide a liaison between club membership and the official family, assuring each member as being a part of our club purposes.Our country has been territorially divided into geographic areas, and, over each area, a representative has been appointed to provide the liaison between membership of the area and the Officers and Directors. In this way, each member has a representative with whom to communicate who will make your questions or suggestions known to the governing body, the Officers and Directors of your Pom Club.The Chairman of this committee and the representative to the Northern Area, is Mr. Bert Bedell. Committee members and area representatives are as follows Mrs. Marlene Scott, Southeastern Area Mrs. Anne Cowie, Central Area Mrs. Katherine Probst, Southern Area Mrs. Phyllis Seeley, West Coast Area. Your representatives will communicate with each member in his or her area in the near future.As I indicated at the outset of this announcement, the committee was formed to encourage ENTHUSIASM OF THE MEMBERSHIP. We shall know it as the Committee On Membership Enthusiasm COME. COME WAS FORMED TO HELP YOU BECOME ENTHUSED IN YOUR MEMBERSHIP, ENTHUSED IN THE WORK OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB.When you have heard from the representative of your area, it is hoped you will respond with your letters to the representative from time to time. More on this fine committee will COME your way soon.FORMER MEMBERSAll former members of the American Pomeranian Club who were dropped from membership for non-payment of dues PRIOR TO 1970, may apply for reinstatement of membership from now until December 1st by including payment of 1970 dues ONLY. No back dues. Dues are 7, Single and 10 for husband wife.IN THE FUTURE, all members not renewing their membership are urged to write a letter of resignation from the Club. This will protect their right to rejoin at a later date without being liable for all back dues.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.REMINDERAll advertising copy MUST be typed or plainly printed.POMERANIAN REVIEWjf^ofneraniayi5 9 ^JdicjlilanclIntroducesVm rBEaS.-ABaES-SKiCh. Windsweet of HighlandSubj. AKC Conf.Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland congratulates his first-born offspring, Windsweet of Highland, on the completion of her championship on April 19, 1970. There is an old saying which states that the perfect dog has yet to be born. Yet, we like to think we have perhaps produced this very thing in Windsweet the impossible the ideal the perfect Pomeranian Windsweet cannot be faulted Flawless for conformation, heavy coat of good orange color, small well-placed ears on a beautiful head, lovely expression with the correct small eye, soundest of legs with the highest of tailsets and to add to this picture of exquisite perfection, she is a well-balanced, shortbacked, animated showman of breedable size combined with the sweetest of forward temperaments. With her heritage of linebred Aristic and Showstopper background, she is our fulfillment of long years of planned breedings for soundness and type. This breeders dream come truePedigree under New Champions Section.SEVERAL PUPPIES OF THE ABOVE BREEDING AVAILABLE.Patricia HopkinsR.D. 1, Box 68 A PhoneAshville, Pa. 16613 814942-7437POMERANIAN REVIEWCOYER STORYBy SAM ZANEOFFIt is with great pride that I present i. Jeribeths Golden Duchess, an f-Spring of her very illustrious Sire ti. Corn Dukes Dragnofly.My gratitude is extended to those onderful people from down Texas- fay Olga, and Darrell Baker who had ae fore-sight and confidence in me flowing the privilege to purchase Jukes beautiful bundle of fluff.It was love at first sight when iuchess finally arrived from Texas.knew immediately she was the 5om I had been dreaming of owning me day. She arrived from Texas like a, dog right out of Vogue Magazine, ft was not long after, I had the privilege to ask the very kind, and' orilliant handler Mrs. Hermine Cleaver to handle Duchess for me exclusively. We were both confident then, that Duchess would almost immediately capture the hearts of all who saw her. Our dreams came true. After just a short time in her Specials career Duchess went on to win the Breeds over top Eastern Competition under some very prominent judges, and then went on to place in tough Group Competition here in the East. She recently received Group I under the very prominent Judge Marjorie Siebern. She was privileged in still this short period to be awarded Best Of Opposite Sex to Best Of Breed at the Pom Specialty here in New York, competing against top Poms from all over the country.Duchess has just recently been honored when asked to represent the Breed Standard in Dog World Magazine. I just suppose one could ask little more of such a truly great ball of fire.We plan a fine career ahead for her, and it shall be my desire to campaign her wherever possible. Duchess has made me not only a proud owner of a beautiful Pom, but has given me the opportunity of meeting all the wonderful people who have done so much for this beautiful breed, and who have given me the confidence I have felt for this adorable breed as well.Again my thanks, and gratitude to the Bakers, to their proud Pom Corn Duke, to all the Judges who have thought so highly of Duchess, and last but not least to our friend, and Handler Mrs. Hermine Cleaver without whom we could not have attained this great fame.REGIONAL POMERANIAN CLUBS Eay Colony Pomeranian Club Columbia Pomeranian Club Fort Worth Pomeranian Club Mrs. C.A. Ellis, Sec., Rt. 1, Box 310, Grand Prairie, Texas 75050 Pomeranian Club of Greater HoustonMrs. Marie Hynes, Sec., 5423 Gulf- ton Dr., Houston, Texas 77036 Northern California Pomeranian ClubDolly B. Trauner, Sec., 2025 Lyon St., San Francisco, Calif. 941150 Southern California Pomeranian ClubJim Duncan, Sec., 2109 N. Ridgewood St., Santa Ana, Calif. 927010 Ohio Pomeranian ClubPatricia Larrissey, Sec., 1318 W. 54th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44102POMERANIAN REVIEWGLENARDEN KENNELSproudly presentsITS FIRST CHAMPION1 P9Jt CH.HILLSIDES LITTLE PEPPER REDSubj. AKC Conf.PEPPER finished at the Lancaster, Pa. show on May 10, 1970 under the well known all rounder, Judge Percy Roberts.This little Pom finished with 3 majors going Best of Winners and Best of Breed at his final show.He is of Aristic lines a 4 lb. orange sable with a terrific stand-out coat which he pases on to his puppies.See Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsStud Fee 50Puppies for sale by Pepper other siresGLENARDEN KENNELS Virginia K. Karris R.D. 1, Mt. Bethel. Pa. 18343 Phone 717-897-6808POMERANIAN REVIEW1971 SPECIALTY SHOWjar Fellow Pom MembersAgain I have been selected as your low chairman for next year, Again am asking for your support.I feel if we start earlier this year e should have a larger entry, more dvertising, more trophies and one f the best shows we have had in lany a year.A few facts about our showNew LocationHotel New Yorker.a Better Facilities, closer to the Garden entrance.b Hotel Accommodations are much nicer, rooms have all been redecorated and are spotless, Rates average about 1.00 more per night than at the Penn Garden but well worth it.c Parking adjacent to the hotel.2Entry Fees as suggested by theBoarda Regular Classes 8.00b Puppies 5.00c Sweepstakes 3.00d Gate 1.25e Catalogue 1.50f Marked Catalogue 2.503 Advertising to be handled byMr. Francis Casey 60 Wilbur Street Raynham, Mass. 027674 Trophies to be handled byMrs. Florence OBrien R.D. 2, Box 334 A Absecon, N. J. 082015 We will have a Hospitality Chairman, Chairman for Door and also for Catalogue Sales, marked or otherwise.6Dinner Arrangements are made at the Hotel New Yorker. Send Reservation to Marjorie L. Bullwinkle. Cost Members and Guests - 9.50 per person, including taxes and gratuities.Note With the cost of living index going up and up this seems like a good price for a full course dinner sit down - no buffet. Take it from me, being in the Hotel business, I can assure you the price is right and the food will be excellent.NOW BEFORE WE GET BUSY WITH SHOWING AND BREEDING OR VACATIONS Lets pause and send a Check for . . . ADVERTISING TROPHIES4- DINNER.In closing I wish to add that today I have written to the Westminster Kennel Club asking if we could have the judging of Toy Breeds i.e. Poms, Etc., changed back to Monday instead as of last year on Tuesday. I am sure if this was done maybe a few more of you members would join us for the Specialty, and on to The Garden the next day.Reservation Cards for the Hotel will be sent out to you soon. Remember Date of our Show is February 14, 1971, Hotel New Yorker. Now get ready for it and send in your Requests for Advertising, Trophies and Dinner.Make this a great showSincerely,Marj. Bullwinkle,Show Chairman 1467 White Horse Pike Absecon, N.J. 08201POMERANIAN REVIEWARISTISHINE OF HIGHLANDCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Peppercorn Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Highland DFlashalong SireCh. Aristic Terrific Aristic TerriannaAristic Gay Pollyanna Ch. Aristic Chilibean Chilibeans Velvet Chipper Pearls Grand Rapid Highland Sweet Bonnie Dam McCutehans Red Donnie McCutchans Donna Sue McCutchans Blond Susie Sound, Heavy Coat Brilliant OrangeFee On Request Phone 516-489-7981Mary G. Passariello 721 Martin Drive Uniondale, N.Y. 11553ANDREWS POMERANIANSINTRODUCESANDREWS MR. CONTINENTALa member of our foundation stock__Weight 3 lbs.Our stock is linebred from Latham, Julo, Timstopper and Aristic strainsCONGRATULATES THE BEDELLSWe also thank them for their kind encouragement to us.Clyde and Phyllis Andrews 7915 244th Street Woodinville, Washington 98072 Tel. 206-486-7301D POMERANIAN REVIEWIN MEMORY OFBURNEICE FITZGERALD LOVELACE February 22,1906 April 15,1970 Beloved daughter of Minerva and Philip Lovelace. Longtime and faithful member of the American Pomeranian Club Former Circulation Manager of The ReviewThe following tribute to BURNEICE LOVELACE was written by her friend, Mrs. Francis Shilling Althoff.Courageous, Willful, Sarcastic, Little Spitfire,Born on Washingtons Birthday,So proud, so gay, as she faced Lifes every way,Eager to win, if only by a nose at the wire.Apple of her Fathers eye,Her Mothers pride and joy,She said her piece and wasnt coy,Aiming each days work for a new high.Idol of her Poms, Jackie and Crack-Pot,And all the Rest gone to their Reward,Mistress and Poms in one accord,Loving and mindful of her every word on the dot.She fought her many battles of suffering and pain,Always hanging on, though sometimes down for the count,Then up with super determination, shed climb on her mount, Somehow able to rise and try again.Her Mother needed her, she had to stay,Until she could fight no longer,Her Foe had grown ever stronger,She slipped away quietly and peacefully on her Mothers Birthday.POMERANIAN REVIEWNEWS FLASHChampion Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala, owned by Ralph and Joyce Graves of Cypress, Texas, was Group First at the Mississippi Coast K.C. Show May 16 under Judge Forest Hall. Next day, at Pensacola Dog Fanciers Assn., he went BOB under Judge Isidore Schoenberg, Group I under Judge Lee Murray and BEST IN SHOW with Isidore Schoenberg judging As always, he was handled by Mrs. Sharon Griffin. This was Little Bears 4th Best in Show allbreeds.VERY IMPORTANT NOTICEIF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS, kindly notify the Secretary AND ALSO the Circulation Manager, at least 3 weeks in advance of publication date, if you wish to receive your Review. The undeliverable Third Class Mail, such as your Review, is no longer returned to us by the Post Office so if due notice has not been given us, we will be forced to charge you 1.25 plus postage for a replacement Review.Also, IN THE FUTURE, no replacement can be sent for Reviews delayed or lost in the mail, until at least 5 weeks has elapsed since mailing date. Third Class Mail is delivered at the convenience of the Post Office Dept., and it has been taking longer and longer. To avoid disappointment, send the extra 1.00 to have your Review sent First Class Mail.The average housewife is said to spend eight years of her life talking. She doesCIRCULATIONMANAGERDOROTHY E. HUSTED936 Calhoun Avenue Bronx, N. Y. 10465POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUES Available at 1.00 EachWrite Circulation ManagerPOMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION 5.00 Yearly1960 June1961 March, Sept.1962 March, June, Sept., Dec.1963 March, June, Oct.1964 Jan., April, July, Oct.1965 Jan., April, July, Oct.1966 Apr., July, Oct.1967 April, July, Oct.Complete your files of The Review.These back issues are collectors items now. Always something good for reference.Also available at 1.25 Each1969 Jan., April, July, Oct.1970 Jan., AprilNOTICEFor your own satisfaction, please address all mail concerning Review subscriptions to the Circulation Manager, not to the Editor.NEXT KENNEL VISITThe October Kennel Visit will be to the Holderville Hacienda of Leo and Barbara Holder in Houston, Texas.2 POMERANIAN REVIEWCONDITIONING AND PRESENTATIONBy HERMINE W. CLEAVEROld Baltimore Pike, R.D. 2 Newark, Del. 19711A.K.C. Licensed HandlerWhen exhibiting a dog, we must eep in mind to have a well pre- ented dog. We are all out there to vin. To be successful, we start by ood care at home. Sensible feeding s a must for our Poms.In the morning, we hand feed a small amount of chopped beef mixed with raw egg yolk and wheat germ cereal. The reason for hand feeding is so the dog learns to bait and to overcome hand shyness.The main meal, cooked beef with a small amount of beef heart, kidney and liver. This is mixed with a fine kibble, vitamins and oil for the coat.For a bedtime snack, again we hand feed a few bites of cheese. Once a week, for a treat and change, we serve noodles with chicken. As for vitamins, I never give the full amount as described. I prefer a little less.It is important to be in close contact with your dog as much as possible.In the short time that we have had the pleasure to have Poms in our kennel, my husband and I have fallen deeply in love with the breed. We are most fascinated with their beautiful personality and their energetic ways. Their minds are always working. How they keep up in the ring, knowing it is important You cannot help but love them. They deserve the very best care we can give them.Now I will try to explain about grooming. First of all, I prefer a goodpin point brush. Regular grooming is a must in this breed, and should be done daily. If the dog is dropping his coat, brush and comb out the dead hair and give him a good bath. You will be amazed how quickly the new coat comes in. Daily spraying with rainwater, gentle massaging and brushing will stimulate the new hair.To prepare your dog for the show, you want the dog to be as glamorous as you can make him. Think of it as a beauty contest. Nothing will please a judge more than a well presented dog.Start off by spraying the dog with a good coat dressing. Then sprinkle powder lightly in the coat. Work the powder gently in with your fingers and let it stand until nearly dry.Continued on Page 20CONGRATULATIONSTOCATHERINE AND BERT BEDELLandThe Cabert PomsfromMargenes J. C.andMARGENE POMSPOMERANIAN REVIEWMODEL KENNELSWISHES TO THANK Joy Stricklerfor putting the First Major on CH. JILLZ LYRA ALTAIR V WINDEMEREAlsoFay Winefor the Second Major at The Specialty in February MODEL KENNELS ALSO WISH TO CONGRATULATE THE CABERT KENNELS ON THEIR KENNEL VISITIt is always a pleasure to meet Bert on the tour of dog shows.GOOD LUCK TO YOU, BERT AND CATHERINEBOB GOODRICH204 Yukon Avenue Hampton, Va. 233634 POMERANIAN REVIEWA VISIT WITH CATHERINE AND BERT BEDELL CABERT KENNELS by Marye E. PiconeTo mix business with pleasure is long sought after goal for some ut for Catherine and Bert Bedell .ts doin what comes naturally. atherine and Bert have their ken- el quarters on ground level with leir insurance business quarters.Their kennel includes one room xclusively for males and one room xcusively for females. All of these ,re equipped with neat little pens., lach is lined with aluminum which riakes for better housekeeping and afety says Bert. You will remember hat Catherine and Bert had an un- ortunate incident regarding one of heir homebred champions and lead- oisoning at a show. A well equipped itchen and grooming room see much iction each day as does a training oom and patio with runs. To top it ff we then add a room known as Puppyatries. No explanation is lecessary, I believerX_xCatherine Poms in the run at the rear of kennel. Runs are blacktopped and graded, for ease in hosing off, with a special coating to seal the surface applied every spring.Much love and affection is showered on the nineteen dogs who reside at Cabert Kennels. And never does the census rise beyond the limits where TENDER, LOVING CARE is not a part of every little guys life. Just as with humans, TLC is essential to produce an emotionally well-balanced dog.1.View of bitches end of kennel. Kennel is air-conditioned.Catherine and Bert have had dogs of several breeds during their lifetimes. Many years back they had Toy Fox Terriers and sixteen years ago acquired their first Pom from a woman in Islip, L.I. The second came from our 1st Vice President, Katherine Probst. All were pets. But Berts experience with Poms dates back to his boyhood when he helped to take, care of the 4 or 5 pet Poms of his godfather and next door neighbor the famous comedian Victor Moore.It is always of interest to discover how people got started in a particular breed. It seems that one day while visiting their son, Jan, at Union College, Catherine was leafing through the telephone book and. spied an adPOMERANIAN REVIEWiWin faOther end of the kennel. At the far end is located the room containing cages and inside run for the males. Along the far wall, is the grooming bench enclosed by a transparent plastic curtain. On the right, a real utility tub with two formica drainboards. Refrigerator and freezer are just before the sink area.for Poms. It was none other than Scotia Kennels. Nothing would do for Catherine but to pay a call. Since Edna and Charlie were away at a show, the kennel girl showed Catherine and Bert through. Of course, Catherine fell in love with a tiny female called Is she. Because of her diminutive size and weight at birth, it was questionable whether she was going to make it in life. Hence, the phrase and title, Is she or is she not Is she became Bambi to the Bedells. This was 1961, and Bambi was not destined for a long life span as she unfortunately fell from a chair and died hours later. Bambi was replaced by BOODA, who was to be Catherine and Berts first show dog. They entered her at Westchester and hired a professional handler. The night before the show a call was received by Bert. The handler was ill. Undaunted three greenhorns ventured to Westchester Booda, Catherine and Bert. Thanks to the kindness and interest of Edna Girardot the show careers of the Bedells began.As with many of us, showing dc was not enough ... to breed w the next step. Their first litter o of Scotias Cavaliers Starlight by C Scotias Leader produced three pu pies. One of which was that famo little fellow Ch. Caberts W Christmas Wish. He arrived in tl world the day after Christmas weigl ing 2 oz. and it was touch and go to whether he would survive. 1 finished his championship in 19 owner handled, only to be stricki with lead poisoning at a show. Ne came Kola Bear a Cavvy daughte who was purchased from Scotia Kei nels, passed over to Clara Alford, ai returned in three months a cham] pion Kola produced Ch. Caberl Sir Brandon of Kola or Brandy j Catherine and Bert call him. Branc began his show career the day Chr finished his Championship, alwa shown in Bred-by-Exhibitor classur iCages for males. All cages are lined with aluminum.Since variety is the spice of life we find several Black Poms now liv at Cabert Kennels. One day tin owner of a black bitch contacted th Bedells inquiring for a good orangi stud. The result . . . one female0 POMERANIAN REVIEWange and one female-black. The lack is Catherines pride and joy, lissy who needs but three points to nish having acquired the necessary Lajors.View of show training room with rug runners on the tile floor. This area is dividable by the folding barriers which you see on the extreme right into three 6 x 8 areas most helpful in bad weather. At the end are three doors which are screens and fold to the right to allow a car to be driven in, when wished.Not to be outdone by Catherine, Bert while reading the local paper, saw an ad for a black male, called, went to look, found the breeding of well-known stock, and now Cabert Kennels has two black Poms.It is with great pride that the Bedells discuss the thrills AND disappointments which accompany this dog show game, and they are never hesitant to point out that their stock is built upon Ch. Scotias Gay Cavilier.As a newcomer to Poms but a veteran dog show participant I have found Catherine and Bert most kind and helpful to novices, dedicated to the breed, and devoted to the advancement of the Pomeranian Club of AmericaHELPFUL HINTSby LEE B. HANAWALT1115 Logan Road Bethel Park, Pa. 15102Since many of our puppy sales and stud services are arranged through correspondence, good photographs are important. Here are some ideas about taking pictures of Pomeranians.Have someone pose the dog outside on a grooming table for the pictures and hold the camera on the same level as the table top. This gives better perspective and background than shooting down on top of the dog. Arrange the table so that the background is clear sky or distant trees. If you have a focusing camera, this will give an even blurred background that will not distract from the dog.Composition of your photo is very important. Dont make your correspondent guess what the dog looks like because it is off in the distance or behind a fence. Get as close to the dog with the camera as you can.Any camera may be used but some points to consider are speed of development and ability to make close- ups. Since everyone likes to see recent pictures, either home processing or Polaroid is best. Home processing is easy and superior to Polaroid because multiple copies can be made and cropping or enlarging are possible.Special closeup lens attachments are available for nearly all modern cameras but some experimenting will be necessary to get the whole dog in the picture. It helps to make a cardboard viewer and to tape it to the back of the camera. This is not necessary with reflex cameras.I salute them Continued on Page 45POMERANIAN REVIEWCABERT KENNELSPOMERANIANS PREFERREDCatherine E. Bedell Bert BedellSTUD SERVICE SHOW TRAININGCROOMING BOARDING KENNEL ADVICEWe invite requests for fine puppies Some older dogs availableOUTSTANDING KENNEL OF THE EMPIRE STATE12 Smith Street Merrick, N.Y. 11566Tel 516-FR 8-3443s POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE DELEGATES DEPARTMENTby BERT BEDELLIt was interesting to learn at the ist meeting that the American Ken- el Club has improved the general naneial conditions of the great or- anization. The increases realized rere because the fees for registration f litters and individual dogs have iegun to help offset the deficit of perations. We find in looking at the treasurer's report an increase in the 969 income of 1,536,646.00. The total ncome for 1969 was 6,178,601.41. This ncome is comprised of registration ees of all kinds, show licenses and ertificates, and all other items.On the expenditure side of the report, we find that the cost of rent md salaries, together with the cost f office operations, takes a considerable portion of the income. Included in the salary picture, of course, is he retirement plan which was so ong delayed. We still find the Ga- .ette, as part of operations, in the leficit column, which is ever a chal- enge to the official family of AKC. We might pause for a moment and lonsider our publication, The Pom- iranian Review. We, too, in offering he publication to our members and subscribers, find it difficult to operate .n the black rather than the red. We 3o have to consider the costs of print- .ng and all other components.It is interesting to note that in the year 1969, we find an increase in dog registrations for all breeds of 7.0. The greatest increase was in the Sporting Group, having 16.6 of the total increase of 1969, followed by the Terrior Group with 14.0, then the Hound Group with 7.0. All breed groups had a percentage increase, except in the case of the Toys.The Toy Group suffered a decrease of 2.5. The Pekes and Poms had decreases of 0.54, and the Chihuahua suffered the greatest with 1.45. There were other percentages in the over-all picture of the Toy Group. The report shows that our breed, the Pomeranian, moved from a twelfth position in registration for 1968 to that of fourteenth for 1969. We do not believe that the decrease was alarming, but we all hope for improvement in 1970.Recently I had promised to make efforts for improvements in the exercise pen facilities at the various shows with, of course, emphasis being made that the small dogs should not have to use the same pens with the larger breeds. I had in mind, also, an improvement in cleanliness of frequency of cleaning these pens and replacement of litter material. I shall keep trying on this project and report as soon as I have information.It is well to complain, and it is so easy to do so. But there is also a time when we should reflect upon the things that we do in dog showing which can cause others to complain about us. I focus your attention please upon our own conduct and cleanliness from the time we leave the kennel for the show to the time we return. It is proper to say that we are judged by our actions and conduct in every respect.On our way to and from shows, for the sake of our own safety and that of our dogs, drive carefully. Dont take chances and have full regard for the rights of others. On the way going and coming, if we stop to exercise our dogs, be careful not to have complaints of unthoughtfullness in doing so. It takes but a moment toContinued on Page 20POMERANIAN REVIEW BEST WISHESANDCONTINUED SUCCESSTOBERT AND CATHERINE BEDELLOFCABERT KENNELSJOHN R. and KATHERINE R. PROBSTNorth RoadTivoli, New York 125831 POMERANIAN REVIEWDELEGATE Continuedmove the objectionables in front of residence or place of business.Generally, the first place arrived at a the show journey is the hotel or Lotel where we will stay. While we now it is costly for reservations, we re still privileged guests in that the management permitted us to stay ith dogs. This privilege bestows upon s additional care if we are to be elcome in the future. Before writing n this subject, I believed that I tiould make a personal survey of the ratter. I was surprised to learn how eally thoughtless we are as guests of he places who will accept dogs, mccornmodations are a real problem, nd we can increase that problem if re do not take care. I find that the nanagement of most places who have [iscontinued accepting guests with logs have real reasons for so doing, teports show that persons with dogs .llow them complete freedom of the [uarter while being present and, sad- y, when leaving for meals or other easons. Reports are given me of orn upholstery, curtains, bedding md wanton soilings throughout. Re- ' orts are given of dog owners allow- ng dogs to relieve the call of nature, md some of the larger breeds leave mbelievable messes for other guests o walk into and otherwise soil garments and shoes. Reports show that here are too many cases of bathing if dogs in the bathtub with residue left, including the hair, which surely is a drain dogger. Reports show that logs are taken along beautifully shrubbed walks of motels and with males, this can be curtains in the life of the same.All of which, dear reader, sounds like it is up to us to be called Acceptable with Pets in the future. This can-only be so if we are thoughtful and reasonably considerate of the rights of others which includes the management where we are Guests.I close with the usual hope that you will communicate your ideas, suggestions and complaints to me. I assure you I am here to serve you faithfully.CLEAVER ContinuedThen brush every hair carefully from the skin up. Do not use a heavy hand. A good test is when you are finished, there should be little or no hair in the brush. After completing, stand your dog and respray him lightly again, then take a wide spaced comb and style the dog. Make sure no trace of powder has been left.Now for our black Poms.It is important to start with a good coat. Black coats are easy to care for, if proper care is given. I spray the black Poms twice daily with rainwater and brush gently. You can use a little coat dressing, if you wish, but rainwater will do just as well. Keep -'your black Poms away from the sunlight, so their coats will stay black.The art of presenting a dog is learning to know your dog so that you both go in the ring as a team and not as individuals. When in the ring, there are only the Judge, the dog, and yourself that matter. Very soon the Pom knows his importance and what is expected of him. He will work with you towards his win.Editors Note In the next issue, we will bring you an article on the technique of line brushing, by Mrs. Lill Ritz.Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your geairsfPOMERANIAN REVIEWSILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANS Meet Ch. SunnyCh. Highland Sunflash And three of his KidsSee Pedigrees Photos in Behind the New ChampionsA CH. SILVER MEADOWS KATYDIDFinished at Harrisburg, Pa., March 70 Bred and due to whelp July 3, 1970A CH. SILVER MEADOWS CAY LIL DEE-DEEFinished at Scott County, Iowa, May 70 Bred and due to whelp June 1, 1970A CH. SILVER MEADOWS SIR SUN CHARMCall name Charlie BrownFinished at Chicago International, April 70For Sale1. Extremely promising Ch.-sired cream male puppy wh. 31970 for showing.2. Cream female puppy, sound, excellent pedigree, wh. 224703. We have several carefully bred litters due in May and June, and should have some nice ones to offer, whether your interest is in showing, breeding or just plain lovingWrite your specific needs.Congratulations and Best Wishes to the BedellsMrs. Jacquelyn W. KleinPh. 716-237-5473West Lake Road Silver Springs, N.Y. 14550I POMERANIAN REVIEWONCE AGAINthe members of the BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB extenda cordial invitation to all Pom exhibitors to. join us in the fun and festivitiesat our SPECIALTY SHOW to be heldin conjunction with the SOUTH SHORE K.C. All-Breed event Sunday, August 9th, 1970 at Hingham, Mass.Judge, Miss Virginia SivoriSuperintendentMoss Dog Shows, Inc., P.O. Box 20205, Greensboro, N. Carolina 27420The members of BCPC feel that exhibitors that are well fed are happy ones. Join us and try our cooking.Famous free picnic lunch.This is a one day show. Relax on Saturday and show on Sunday.All the FLOWER CHILDREN of ELMORINA KENNELSDaisy, Pansy, Dandy-Lion and PumpkinSend Best Wishes to Bert and Catherine BedellMARYE E. PICONE72 Windmill Drive North Huntington, N.Y. 11743WATCH FOR US IN THE OBEDIENCE RINGS IN THE FALLPOMERANIAN REVIEWJin iQrmortamWith deep regret, The Review announces the death of MR. CHARLES L. GIRARDOT on May 17, 1970The Review Staff joins the Entire Membership in expressing deepest sympathy to Mrs. Edna E. GirardotSHOW NEWSChampion Corns Duke Dragonfly, owned by Olga and Darrell Baker, was recently awarded Best of Breed for his 100th TIME at Lake Charles, Louisiana. But Duke did not stop there, but went on to a big splashy BEST IN SHOW that evening his 17th Best in Show Olga and Darrell report that fans of Dukes often comment that the old fellow still looks just great how old is he now, anyway Their answer, Not quite 5 years old Dukes career became so notorious at such a tender age that it seems he has been around forever. But in truth, he is still a young, young manAnother excitement for Dukes proud owners at the recent Ft. Worth Pom Club Specialty, Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly was Best of Breed for the 5th consecutive year at the same show always under different judges, of course.A Duke daughter, also owned by the Bakers, took the big 5 pt. majorat the Specialty, and a lovely ma. owned by Dorothy Bonner took tt 5 pts. in dogs. He is a sable with profuse coat, bearing a striking re semblance to his famous ancesto Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod.THE REVISED STANDARDThe members voted to accept th Revised Standard by a vote of 180 t 30, out of 210 ballots returned. Th new Standard has been sent to th AKC. It will then be published in th Gazette, for additional comments am suggestions, before AKC approval.We hope to be able to publish th new Standard in the January issue of the Review. That issue will be sent to all judges licensed to judge Pomeranians. THIS WILL BE A PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO ADVERTISE YOUR KENNEL ANDOR YOUE SHOW STOCK.The way some people drive, youd think the Government still needed scrap.POMERANIAN REVIEWIBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner, hotograph and additional detail as to owner, breeder and short summary of le show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 3.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, re charge is 3.50.CH. SCOTIA CAVALIERS STARBRICHT, TA-538912. Light orange female, owned and finished by Julie Melanie Brumback, 1187 Nelson Dr., Harrisonburg, Va. 22801. Bred by Edna E. Cirardot.Riders Sungold Timstopper Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander McKameys Little .Jenny Cli. Sungrolds Gay Cavilier SireCh. Julo Perk of Waverly Wee Coquette of Shawn Sungolds Topsy Dicehaven Chunk of Julo Ch. Scotia Pot of Gold My Stacy Girl Scotia Golden Dream DamCh. Jem's Little Double Ace Glad Days Dream Girl Glad Days Christina IICH. ROSEWOODS CASANOVA TA-659095. Orange male bred and owned by Mary A. Hammond, Rosewood Kennel, Rt. 2, Hillsboro, Mo. 63050. Finished at 10 mo. with 18 pts., 4 majors in 6 weeks time. Won 5 out of 6 shows.kIiCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy Dixielands Little Doady Champion Reeves Buster Boy Sire A-Lil Mischief Towntalk Ch. Dixielands Mighty Sweet Sunburst Travelette Ch. Van Hoozers Little Buddy Ch. Van Hoozers Little Eddie Van Hoozers Little Suzette Rosewoods Bit O Little Eddie Dam Ch. Reeves Buster Boy Lucky Becky of Dicehaven Lucky Vicki of DicehavenPOMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSCH. SILVER MEADOWS KATYDID, TA-336528. Bright orange female, breeder-ownei Jacquelyn Klein, Silver Springs, N.Y. Under very limited showing, wins include BOE and Grp 4 at Oneonta, N.Y., also BW for 5 pts. at Harrisburg, Pa. Proven producer.Ch. Bonners Pepperkorn CIi. Highland Flashalong Aristic Terrianna Ch. Highland Sunflash SireCh. Bonners Pepperkorn Highlands Ristic PetiteBonners Highland CheripufE Ch. Lyons Willie of Ru-Gene Silver Meadows PerriwinkleMound View Ducal Merry Julo Silver Meadows Crickett DamBonners Pepperking Oak Hills CrickettBonners Suncharm Honey Bee^....'ArCH. SILVER MEADOWS GAY LIL DEE-DEE, TA-397593. Clear orange female, breeder- owner Jacquelyn Klein, Silver Springs, N.Y. Completed title at Scott County, Iowa with a 5 pt. major annd BOB over Specials. 6 weeks in whelp at the timeCh. Bonners Pepperkorn Ch. Highland Flashalong Aristic Terrianna Ch. Highland Sunflash SireCh. Bonners Pepperkorn Highland Ristic PetiteBonners Highland Cheripuff Ch. Bonne Buttons Ch. Gold Toys Bonne Buttonbox II Gold Toys Adoration GoldToys Gay Lil Doll DamCh. Gold Toys Gay Flame Gold Toys Gay Little Honey Gold Toys Honey Baby7CH. SILVER MEADOWS SIR SUN CHARM, TA-455087. Introducing our Charlie Brown. Brilliant orange male, proven sire. Finished at Chicago International, April 1970. Wins includes a 5 pt. major at Cleve'and, Ohio, 1969.t.. 1. ICh. Bonners Pepperkorn Ch. Highland Flashalong Aristic Terrianna Ch. Highland Sunflash SireCh. Bonners Pepperkorn Highlands Ristic PetiteBonners Highland Cheripuft Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Silver Meadows Tiny Sun Charm Dam Silver Meadiws Perriwinkle Silver Meadows Pepper Charm Bonners Suncharm.Honey BeePOMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSi. HOLDERS FIREBALL.d maleeeder-Owner, Mrs. Barbara Holder ouston, TexasCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Aristic Flaming Cherub Aristic Suntwinkle ristic Flaming Model SireWee Conquest of Waverly Aristic Model of Perfection Aristic Poupette Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Aristic Pepper Pod Beautiful Aristic Little Prissy Doll lolders Beautiful Bee Balm Bam May kens Lil Sandman Aristic Buttons N Bows Aristic Wee TamaraCH. MODELS SWEET SUERed femaleBreeder-Owner, Robert L. Goodrich Hampton, VirginiaAristic Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Aristic Lady Pamela Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Sire Ch. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie IIGreat Elms Rita of Dixieland Ch. Great Elms Little Timsun Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy Dixielands Little Doady Models Red Amber DamCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Models Magic Spell Models DarleneCH. JILLZ LYRA ALTAIRE V. WINDEMEREOrange femaleBred by Judith Englehorn Gr Joy Strickler Owned by Model KennelsCh. Aristic Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Aristic Lady Pamela Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Sire Ch. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms Rita of Dixieland Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy Sehirman Oaks Choklate ChipGreat Elms Little Pom Fashion Jills Fancee Fantasy DamRes Wee Randy Sharons Silver Surf Little Miss Muffet IICH. HILLSIDES LITTLE PEPPER RED, TA-445988Orange sable male Breeder, William Carsidona Owner, Virginia Harris Mt. Bethel, Pa.Ch. Aristic Wee Won's Pepper Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Aristic Little Miss Cheerful Ch. Bonners Red Pepper SireCh. Aristic Little Dividend Aristic Adorable Mitzie Aristic Wee Tamara Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Red Pepper Aristic Adorable Mitzie Hillsides Melody DamLittle Gold Toy Jolly Hillsides Little Anna Pomwin Polly annaPOMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSCH. MCKAMEYS JUST A KING, TA-486951Orange maleBreeder, Mrs. Norris McKamey Owner, LaVauhn Er Jesse B. ChittendenCh. Toppers Little Corkie Ch. Exquisite Corkies SunriseCh. McKameys Sundawn Serenade Ch. McKameys Sundawn Just Gold Sire Ch. McKameys Sunbeaus Just Me Ch. McKameys Sundawn Perfection Ch. McKameys Margaret Rose Kilmers Toby Boy Kilmers Sundawn Fella Kilmers Pretty Girl Ch. McKameys Sundawn Quimby Dam Ch. Blairs Anthel Showstopper Kilmers Dixie QueenDirmiers Princess CinderellaCH. WINDSWEET OF HIGHLANDOrange femaleBreeder-Owner, Patricia Hopkins Ashville, Pa.Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q.Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland Sire Ch. Blairs Solitaire May Morning Little Audrey Pomwin Busybody Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepperkorn Aristic Mighty Cute Aristimaid of .Highland DamChilibeans Velvet Chipper Highlands Sweet Bonnie McCutchans Donna SueFACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW1 Dogs do not masticate their food, as humans do. They gulp their food and swallow it whole. Keep this in mind, when feeding Toy breeds, and do not give chunks of meat that might lodge in the esophagus. Our thanks to Mrs. Jack - Shirley- Jones of Exquisite Kennels for this warning. She lived through a night of terror, when a Pom nearly choked to death on a piece of chicken.2 The AKC will not permit the use of a Registered Kennel Name by unauthorized persons. Further, the AKC will try to protect the sole use of an unregistered kennel name, if it has been used by a breeder for a number of years, although not required to do so. Ethical breeders will avoid the use of kennel names ordogs names which are reminiscent other, perhaps more famous ones.3 The first Toy Dog to earn U.D.T. degree in obedience was Pomeranian. This top-winning Por was Georgians Betty, owned an trained by Mrs. Agnes Niven.4 Trimming the Poms whisker is not permitted by either the presen or the newly approved Standard fo our breed. It should never be doneIMPORTANT NOTICEPlease make ALL CHECKS foi Review advertising, subscriptions, etc payable to the American Pomeranian Club. Thank you.POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONBy MARIE K. HYNES, Secretaryhe Pomeranian Club of Greater ustons members have been very sy this quarter. Dog shows have n numerous and almost every mber has had at least one dog tered.Our third Fun Match was held in njunction with the Baytown Ken- il Club match on May 10, 1970. mplete results are not available st yet, but Best of Breed and Best ippy went to a young female owned Tom and Norma ORourke. Her ill name is Little Bit. This match is planned very hurriedly with not uch time for extensive promotional forts by Club members, but, in spite this, we had a nice entry of twenty vely Poms. Quality of exhibits was ccellent again reflecting the work id efforts of our Club toward breed- lg better dogs. Many of the young- ers shown will no doubt later bear rat beautiful title Champion.Molly Miller writes that her Myway luke Celou Celae went BOW in Lake lharles on April 18, 1970 at seven .lonths of age. He also took two oints in Montgomery, BOW, making , total of five points from the two hows.Merle and Tommy Daniels are very roud of their little bitch Daniels 3retty Bit of Dragon. She won her irst points at Shreveport, Louisiana. The following week-end she went Reserve from the Puppy Class at the fort Worth Pom Specialty and Reserve at the Fort Worth Kennel Club A.11 Breed Show all of this at seven months of age. A couple of weeks later she went Winners Bitch again at Lake Charles, Louisiana. Two weeks after this Pretty went WB at Montgomery, Alabama. This past week she went WB at Pensacola, Florida. Spectators who have watched Pretty in exhibition are astounded by her resemblance to her famous father Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. Pretty is being handled by Mrs. Sharon Griffin.Tom and Norma ORourkes Tonos at Midnight lacks only one point to complete his championship title.Darrell and Olga Bakers top-winning Pom Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly recently was awarded his 100th Eest of Breed win at Lake Charles, Louisiana then went on to Best in Show that evening for his 17th time. It was a really exciting event with a champagne celebration afterward. It seems to everyone that Duke has been around forever setting record wins and carrying the honors banner for Poms but in truth he is only 41 years old.Two more of the Bakers little dogs both sired by Champion Duke have been doing nice winning for them. Jeribeths Dragonfly Dickens now has thirteen points, and a young female, Jeribeths Sweet Snapdragon, won both of her majors very quickly. Her first 5 point major was at the big Fort Worth Pom Specialty, where Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly won Best of Breed again this year making it five years in a row, which surely must be a record.Those Duke offspring are turning up everywhere. Ch. Jeribeths Golden Duchess just won a big Toy Group up East for her new owner, Sam Zaneoff. On one recent week-end three of Dukes sons and daughters finished in one week-end.Our Club is understandably proud that three of our Houston dogs were top winners, Phillips System for 1969. 2 Pom was Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly, 3 Pom was Ch. Dukes Lil RedPOMERANIAN REVIEWCHAMPION CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLYwishes to congratulate his offspring for recent wonderful accomplishments-f to Ken and Eleanor Miller for completion of Championship for CHAMPION JERIBETHS DRAGONFLY DEUCE to Sam Zaneoff for many Bests of Breed, plus a Group First for CHAMPION JERIBETHS GOLDEN DUCHESS with credit also to her handler, Hermine Cleaver . . . Watch for Duchess as representative of the ideal Pom in DOG WORLDS Standards Issue-f to Ralph and Joyce Graves for continuing Groups and Bests in Show for CHAMPION DUKES LIL RED BARON OF OKALA with special credit to his handler, Sharon-Griffin-f to Betty Knox for lovely West Coast wins for CHAMPION BETTYS SIR RAY to Mrs. A. R. Field for completion of Championships for both CHAMPION MITEY-CUTE STARDUST and CHAMPION MITEY-CUTE CHANSON DAMOUR to Mrs. Randy Freeh for completion of Championship for CHAMPION MACS FANCYDUKE LOOK IM A DANDY-f to Mr. Mrs. Howard Hale for completion of Championship for CHAMPION SHEEBAS LITTLE DRAGONFLY. . . Plus many others winning and nearing Championships.JERIBETHS102 Elm, Deer Park, Texas 77536Baron of OKala and 4 Pom was Tonos Just Call Me Mister.Ralph and Joyce Graves Ch. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala went Best in Show this past week-end in Pensacola, Florida.Barbara Holder sends her thanks to all of those who corresponded with her personally regarding her recent article in Shortys column of Pomeranian Review. Just as she said the end of the article, surely cant be this easy, well, it cant ai it isnt She is now encounterii seasons with no color at all. She work on this and if anything of ir portance is learned, she will be hap] to pass on the information. She on again, thanks all who gave tl above-mentioned method of treatii vaginal infections some credance.POMERANIAN REVIEWI am giving her report from the ilderville Hacienda, as followsThe Holder Harwood combination is at it again. Ch. Holders Fireball mpleted his championship on 3770 Austin, Texas under Judge Ber- m. This little guy not yet one year 1 finished with three big majors.Eecause of Shortys temporary re- ement, I was forced into the ring.Houston, Holders Ginger Glow ok a big 4-point major and went 3S on her second show out.We did out do at the Annual Ft. orth Specialty both Leo and I were the ring. We took three entries id won in two out of the three asses not too bad with us on the id of the stringThe first of April we finally got oved into our new home and ken- 1. So far, the kennel is working ell. Some things lots of them ream to be done, but give us a year two and well finish all our pro- cts.Sidney Harwood and her mother, iyce Poore, paid us a visit the first eek we were in, and honored our om Club in this area with their resence for our first dinner meeting.The week-end of 41870 Edith ose and Kenneth Mayes visited us ad, as always, we had a roaring ood time. Of course, no one ever Ians to sleep when the Mayes and le Holders get together as we try catch up on all the goings-on at oth kennels.Ch. Holders Fancy Firefairy pre- mted us with a litter of two females ired by Ch. Dukes Lil Red Baron of Kala. They are lovely, and repre- ent line-breeding at its finest.Continued on Page 40FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUBby MRS. C. A. ELLIS, Secy-Treas.Altho the weather was very disagreeable, with rain followed by snow, the Fort Worth Pomeranian Club Specialty was a big success. There was an entry of 47 Poms with very few absentees. Mrs. Erica Dixon Huggins officiated as judge. The quality of Poms are better each year. Judge Huggins made the comment that there were several which could be finished easily.Winners are as follows BB CH. CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLY. Owner Mrs. Olga Baker BOS CH. LITTLE MISS SKEET- ER OF OKALA. Owner Mrs. Joyce Graves.A WD, BW BONNERS PEP-R- SONG WEE EEAUTY. Owner Dorothy D. Bonner.A WB - JERIBETHS SWEET SNAPDRAGON. Owner Mrs. Olga Baker.A RWD NAPS SUN-SER-RAY- SER-SON. Owner Betty L. Napr- stek.A RWB DANIELS PRETTY BIT OF DRAGON. Owner Mrs. Merle Daniels.Our sincere thanks to everyone who helped us make this show possible. By receiving all of the trophy donations, advertising and especially those entries makes us more appreciative of our loyal supporters.Our thanks also to our hard working members who helped to raise funds for this show by having fund raising campaigns.As always, the after show dinner, climaxed a most enjoyable evening.POMERANIAN REVIEW\ t.Ch. Blairs Sensation Orange - 34 lbs. Stud Fee 75Ch. Blairs Solitaire Red - 44 lbs. Stud Fee 75Litters Expected byCH. BLAIRS SENSATION CH. BLAIRS SOLITAIRE CH. NANJO MASTERPIECEANNIE T. BLAIR7916 Foster Street, S.E. Washington, D. C. 20028PHONE 301-736-8022It was such a pleasure to be able to relax and enjoy the dinner, but most of all the good fellowship of other breeders and dog fanciers. Everyone was so nice, and commented on how much they enjoyed the show, and expressed their appreciation of the work done by the club in putting on this show.It is most gratifying when everyone shows such enthusiasm, whichmakes us want to work ever harder next time. We shall be looking forward with great anticipation to our show next year and to seeing our many friends again.COVERNext cover available is January, 1971.POMERANIAN REVIEWHOLDERS NUMBER ONE,t' mm mCHAMPION HOLDERS FANCY FIREFAIRY, now the dam of two femalesANDNUMBER TWOio fCHAMPION HOLDERS FLAMING FANFAREnow the sire of three littersCONGRATULATE NUMBER THREEPOMERANIAN REVIEWHOLDER POMERANIANSpresentsNUMBER THREECHAMPION HOLDERS FIREBALLFIREBALL, indeed a ball of fire, finished his title at 10 months of age on March 7, 1970 in Austin, Texas, under Mr. Bergum, by winning a 5 pt. Major. Shorty Harwood again took the lead from start to finish. Fireball is now at home at stud and is awaiting the arrival of his first litter.Watch for NUMBER FOURPuppies for sale. Stud Service. Inquiries invited.Phone 713-774-2422BreederOwner Mrs. Barbara Holder8102 WatekaHouston, Tex. 77036POMERANIAN REVIEWNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB HAPPENINGSby CHUCK REYNOLDS, PresidentHfFOUNDING CHARTER PRESIDENT, D. H. BUD KNAPP accepts N.C.P.C. Life Membership from current President, Chuck Reynolds on Clubs ,10th Anniversary. Looking on are Club Officers, I. to r., Sec. Dolly Trauner, V.P. Julie Moreno, Treas. Fred Palmer and V.P. Elsie Schutz.The Year of the Dog saw the npletion of ten very active years the Northern California Pomer- ian Club. The 10th Anniversary was nmemorated with a Luncheon iebration for our April Meeting at lovely Marina Inn in Sacramento, lifornia. It was apropos that the ebration be in the Golden States pitol as it was the birthplace of i Club in April of 1960. At that eting ten years ago our founders, D KNAPP, CHUCK REYNOLDS d former member, JO ANNSCHROEDER SPRIGGS conducted the first meeting with 44 members in attendance. The Club now averages double that amount with annual events of two Specialty Matches, two Specialty Shows one with decorated bench, Recognition Awards to Outstanding Members and Top Winning Pomeranians, Award Winning Newsletters and regular Educational Programs. The Club roster includes Pomeranian Fanciers throughout all of Northern California with several from areas in Southern California as wellPOMERANIAN REVIEWas some from as far East as Massachusetts and New York and to the South in Florida. There are also Club Members in Japan and England.The Guest of Honour at the Anniversary Party was the Founding Charter President, D. H. BUD KNAPP. As current President, it was this writers pleasure to present Bud, on behalf cf the Officers, Directors and Members, a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP to the Northern California Pomeranian Club.Bud Knapps emotional display in accepting a Plaque designating him as Life Member left no doubt in everyones minds that he was completely thrilled and surprised. After he had re-gained his composure, Bud gave a very fine talk in which he paid tribute to the many hard workers in the beginning years of the Club. He complimented the many activities and accomplishments of the Club which has caused the N.C.P.C. to be strongly recognized throughout the nation and the influence this strength has for the future of the American Pomeranians. He pointed out the many members who, since joining N.C.P.C., have through their efforts to maintain and improve the Breed, finished one or several Pomeranian Champions. He predicted a great future for the Northern California Pomeranian Club and its Members.As President, it was also a great pleasure to individually introduce each of the Members present and publically acclaim them for thefr personal accomplishments in the Breed and thank them for their particular efforts during the wonderful ten years of N.C.P.C. activities. The Charter Members present weregiven special recognition from 1 fellow Members. It was a very p day for the Northern California F eranian Club.As you will be reading this in J you will be sharing the excitemen the Northern California Pomerar Club Summer Specialty at the Gol Gate Kennel Club Show in the gantic San Francisco Cow Palace. ' Club will consider this Specialty a Memorial to its Past President, V BILL HOFFMAN. A large beaut Challenge Trophy, made possi through the donations of his friei to the WILLIAM HOFFMAN ME ORIAL FUND, to be awarded to 1 Best Pomeranians in N.C.P.C. Speci ty Shows. In addition to this, ma individuals have offered lovely Me orial Trophies to be awarded to t winners from Best of Breed on doi through the various classes. Also, t N.C.P.C. is offering their usual e clusively designed Ceramic Trophi for all Top Winners and 1st throuj 4th in all Regular and Non-regul Classes. The Trophy Table will tru be a sight to behold. Mr. Joseph Fa gel will be the Judge for this Men orial Specialty.The entire N.C.P.C. Membershi joins together to wish their New Yor Members, CATHERINE BERT BEE ELL, sincere Best Wishes and Con gratulations on their American Pom eranian Review Visit to CABER' POMERANIAN KENNEL.The Northern California Pomer ania.n Club held its Annual Electioj Meeting in April at the home of Pas President, FRED PALMER with hi gracious wife, HELEN as hostess. Ont of those famous N.C.P.C. Pot LuclContinued on Page 37POMERANIAN REVIEWGOLDEN GLOW POMERANIANSOF CALIFORNIA.-SIIv'1 JBCCli. Golden Glow Sir ReginaldShaded Bright Orange 4 lbs. - Sireing styleCh. Best Yet of Ashburn Am. Can. Ch. Dromore Bombardier Dromore Prima Donna Sir Reginald DromoreHes Golden Boy Danny Armstrongs JewelTiny Tots Julo Dainty Cli. Golden Glow Sir ReginaldAristic Moneybox Fine Gold Buttons Reproduction Prissy Jane Cli. Riders Gay RobbieCh. Sahibs Gay Gadabout Riders Adorable Tracy Riders Sweet Pamela-vGolden Glow Autumn Sun Birght Red - lbs. Major Point WinnerAm. Can. Ch. Golden Glow Dandy Fa Robs Red Buttons Fa Robs Rosa Lee Cli. Sacramentos Innkeeper Buttons Reproduction Ch. Riders Gay Robbie Riders Adorable Tracy Golden Glow Autumn SunAm. Can. Ch. Dromore Bombardier Ch. Golden Glow Tims SonnieRes Autumn Gold Tims Sonnie Cli. Little Autumn OrangeCh. Sir Percy of Point Loma Ch. Adora of Point Loma Golden Glow Molly OGolden Glow Keeps Salce Shaded Bright Orange 4 lbs. at 9 mo.Am. Can. Ch. Golden Glow Dandy Fa Robs Red Buttons Fa Robs Rosa Lee Ch. Sacramentos Innkeeper Buttons Reproduction Ch. Riders Gay Robbie Riders Adorable Tracy Golden Glow Keeps SakeAm. Can. Ch. Dromore Bombardier Armstrongs Jewel Naps Red TulaCh. Pearls Jewel Naps Red GretaPansy Face of SunaurumBud KnappPhone916-663-3612Chuck ReynoldsRt. 2, Box 2815 Newcastle, Ca. 95658POMERANIAN REVIEWPoreno 6owieraviiaviiINTRODUCESMorenos Mouse In A Muff Soon to make her ring debut Sired byInt. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Dam is Pebbles from Sodas sire.wMuffAt Stud SoonMorenos Gin Rickey, Muffs Litter Brother Flaming red duplicate of his famous Daddy.Also At StudMorenos Chico Peco Proven. Champion Sire Dam. See April Review for Pedigree.We also wish to thank Mrs. Sheila Marion in Florida for her recent purchase of Tangie a daughter of Pecos. We wish her great successwith her.CONGRATULATIONS TO BERT CATHERINE BEDELLMrs. J. Moreno1636 Claremont Drive San Bruno, California 94066 415-538-4973REYNOLDS ContinuedDinners followed the meeting. I do not believe any other club could boast so many Gourmets within their membership.Elected to serve N.C.P.C. for the year 1970-71 were CHUCK REYNOLDS, Pres. ELSIE SHUTZ, 1st Vice Pres. JULIE MORENO, 2nd VicePres. FRED PALMER, Treas. DOLL TRAUNER 2025 Lyon St., San Frar cisco, Ca. 94115, Secty. Elected 1 serve as Directors were BUD KNAP SHIRLEY HOFFMAN and DICI PROCTOR.And so starts another year wit the very active NORTHERN CALI FORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB.POMERANIAN REVIEWCongratulationsandContinued SuccessCONGRATULATIONStotoBert and CatherineBedellBERT and CATHERINEBEDELLfromFrancis J. Mary F. Casey andall the TOPAZE PomsCABERT KENNELSBest Wishesto you and PomsTOPAZE KENNELS Edith K. Ooykaas60 Wilbur Street 64 Ray StreetRaynham, Mass. 02767Ph. 617822-4862E. Paterson, N.J. 07407IN MEMORIAMSeveral LittersPats Colden Idol, C.D.July 26, 1957 March 5, 1970Idolwas the much loved pet and namesake for our kennel.A beautiful small male proving once again that beauty and brains can go together.He will besadly missed by all who loved him.due in Julysired byCh. Millamors Fancy Cold DancerandCh. Corns Duke DragonflyCombiningthe BEST intwo outstanding linesSandidol KennelPat Paul Greeneisen11691 Daryl LaneCarden Grove, Calif. 93640Tim and Sue Goddard1426 Brookwood Ct.Seabrook, Texas 77586POMERANIAN REVIEWCE-LOUS POMSsays GOOD LUCK to John and Sybil Tomkins and Ce-Lous Lil Cavs L. Bernsteinw.I planned Lennies breeding- for 4 years. I trained him my way.I showed him to his Golden Gate Santa Clara wins.He gleaned 6 pts., one a 4 pt. major.All before 10 months of age.I also have chosen 3 choice bitches from the Mar-Van Kennel to go with him. My good friends the Tompkins have my blessings and the bitches and Lennie. They will carry on. They are well liked by all.Look for them at the shows.Their prefix is Chiefs.Louise Jo RosburyPOMERANIAN REVIEWA NEW CHAMPION AT SPUNGOLD KENNELSCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Spungolds Stylisli Pepper SireCh. Deli Wee Sun Toy Spungolds Sunshine Delsey AmandaCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Altwaters Golden Charmer Bepas CinaApril of Spungold DamReighlynns Pippenpott Spungold LaurieReighlynns Merry StaretteDam April of Spungold Pat was bred and handled by Mrs. Altwater. He started his show career at 9 mos. by going Best Puppy at a match in Jacksonville, Florida. He finished at Raleigh, March 21, 1970, under Judge W. C. Cook, Jr. See Pats Sire and Grandparents on the opposite page.Spungold Pomeranians Mrs. R. E. Altwater6247 Ricker Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32210 Area 904 771-2283rmsVrvv -W. ,rCh. Stylish Patrick of Spungold Bright orangeSire Spungolds Stylish PepperHYNES ContinuedWith Shorty out of commission, ean Schroll of Oregon City, Oregon, i now doing our handling. And .andling she is just got reports tiat our Gigi Ginger Glow has icked up six more points in the State f Washington four of them ob- ained by twice going Best of Breed.Gigi took WB in Olympia, Washington on May 3, 1970, which puts her within three points of finishing. This gal, too, is not yet one year old.Were looking forward to hosting the Pom Club this Friday, and hope that our fun match will be a big success.POMERANIAN REVIEWM Uas-ii A -4'Spungolds Stylish Pepper Sire Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus BIS WinnerDam Spungolds Sunshine Sire, Ch. Sun ToyIk.- ,V tVSi.rCh. Deli Wee Sun ToySire Ch. Rushings Gay Don ShowstopperDam Ch. Little Bonny IICh. Rushings Gay Don Showstopper Sire Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Dam Blairs Adorable Bit OGold'fc Pictured are favorites back of Pat and at stud here along with Bonners Spungold Prettyelf sable, dbl. Pepper Pod grandson, Milla- mors Nickelodeon concentrated Showstopper, Ch. Scotia Fantasys Cavilier dbl. championbred Caviller son, Spungolds Stylish Sandy dbl. Stylepepper grandson, huge coat and others.Spungold Pomeranians Mrs. R. E. Altwater6247 Ricker Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32210 Area 904771 -2283POMERANIAN REVIEW-OBEDIENCERINGbyEMMA HEYDE170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112To liken a tiny Pom to a pugilist ems a bit far-fetched however, as Lth the old fighter when he hears .e bell and cant resist jumping up start punching, so we have a little edience Pom who just wont stay it of it and who is in there trying ir the U.D. degree even though less lan a year ago his loving owner itired Bay-Lee Snooks, C.D.X. on count of poor health see Pomer- nian Review, July 1969. Above all janne Adams wants to keep Snook- s well, but she does also want to eep him happy and that is why she lok him along to the training classes fter his retirement because he want- d to go so badly. All he was supposed 3 do was sit at the sidelines and ratch, but between each exercise he rould run out on the floor all excited o go to work.So, Mrs. Adams checked with the reterinarian and it was decided to et him try. Now he seems to have nade a complete recovery and is eeling fine, and they are going to a -rial now and then. Of course he is eing very carefully watched so as o not impair his health. Snookie is he typical Pom in obedience a rowd-pleaser and loving the attention. Jeanne says he is always look- ,ng for applause and will turn circles and dance around just to get it. This is not the best way to get a perfect score but what a pleasure to see a dog enjoying obedience work so, and dont forget that the judges knowwhat the rules say about the happiest working dog.At a recent show in Rhode Island this little sharpie started to come straight in on the directed jumping, but all of a sudden remembered that he was supposed to do the jump, turned around and went back over the jump Another time in a match at Rhode Island he went out just fine for the directed jumping exercise but when Jeanne sent him over the jump he just sat there, first looked at her, then the floor, then the jumps and then the rubber mats then only instead of going diagonally to the jumps he ran across the mats and made a right angle turn and went over the jump. He did the same thing on both the bar and the high jump that day you see, he doesnt like a slippery floor and figured out all by himself how to get over the jumps without going on the bare floor. A favorite trick of his is to make several circles on his way out to the directed jumping, also to go over the high jump and look the crowd over if people are watching he will turn around several times, then grab the dumbell and bring it over the jump. We hope soon to have the good word that Snookie has made his U.D. how can he do otherwise Best of luck to him and Jeanne Adams.Want some good obedience reading Be sure to get the excellent book, Your Pomeranian by Pauline Hughes Denlinger. A section is devoted to the Pomeranian in obedience and this contains some very interesting information, along with the most adorable pictures ever. An intelligible and worthwhile chapter entitled The Pomeranian and Obedience Training was written by Wanda Roach of Modesto, California, author of soContinued on Page 62POMERANIAN REVIEWMAY MORNING POMERANIANSChampionMay Morning Bravo Bravo CONGRATULATES his granddaughter ChampionWindsweet of Highland ALSOall May Morning Poms join their mistress in sendingCONGRATULATIONS Ch' May Mf"ingBravo BravoBingAt Stud. Fee 75Catherine and Bert Bedell and the Poms at CABERT KENNELS A FEW NICE PUPPIES AVAILABLE INQUIRIES INVITEDLitters expectedSired by Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo out of Pomwin Busybody A repeat breeding to May Morning Moonwalker Buzzy.Sired by Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece out of May Morning Scarlett Pull sister to Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland.Sired by Ch. Models Magic Timstopper out of May Morning Alice Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again daughter out of Pomwin Busybody.-atSOPHIE H. MAYESR.D. 4. West Chester, Pa. 19380 215-793-1912POMERANIAN REVIEWtINGSIDEby K. BIRK51 N. N. 38th Ave. Fort Lauderdale FLORIDAIf anyone is interested in taking a ance on the weather, a place to iy AND the high prices in south orida during our peak season here e the dates for our 1971 Jan. chit. Jan. 9 Jaxville, 10th Day- na, 11th Orlando, 13th Sara- ta, 14th Bradenton, 15th learwater, 16th St. Pete, 17th ampa, 21st Palm Beach, 22nd t. Lauderdale, 24th Miami all reed.The above is the revised schedule iven us at the last open meeting of tie Fla. assoc, of Knl Clubs Inc. This a group, made up of delegates from 11 the member clubs of the state of 'la. for the purpose of, AMONG THER THINGS, organizing the best lossible route for you folks to follow o cover the state of Fla for the hows. I mention this only because .' had not heard of such an organisation before coming to Fla. therefore concluded maybe some of you lad not.There is a new gal in Fla. making a name for herself these days, she is Oak Hill Sassafras. At the Macon and Atlanta Ga. Shows she took W.B. and B.O.S. At Columbus, Ga. she was W.B. and B.B. She is owned by Geri Kabel who incidently, has waited a long time for a winner so we hope this puppy does it for her. . .The cute little fellow Caroline Alt- water was calling Nutty Pat on our circuit in Jan., is now respectfullyknown as CH. Stylish Patrick of Spungold.We Birks took advantage of a couple of matches to keep our Socko in Training for the coming shows. He got a group first at one and Best Adult, Best of Breed in a fun match given for a limited number of breeds by the new Shih Tzu club. If it is possible to get a coat and blow it at the same time thats what is happening to Sock Everyone down here says I must keep him in air conditioning.A large percentage of my mail agrees that we have made progress with our Poms but also are concerned about the petty likes and dislikes. With all our achievements and failures it serves no purpose to dwell in a contraversial fashion upon either personalities or picayune points. The constructive approach is to learn from the past how to solve the problems ahead of us, in a manner that will be complimentary to the supporters of the Poms we champion.First and foremost, our local or area programs should conform to the ones adopted by the parent club, namely that every step of advancement must be looked upon with Pride and. Honor without exception, with only the betterment of the breed in view as the objective.The strength of the Parent club lies in the breed support throughout the nation, with all fanciers co-operating to a common goal. This cant be accomplished if there are personal axes to grind or if the motives are short of true sincerity.The area affiliated clubs are an instrument, if properly managed, that will make for FRIENDLY RIVALRY. The exchange of show visits, educaPOMERANIAN REVIEWtion and instruction are most important for those new owners. Members should always extend a helping hand to those wanting to learn and not even knowing what questions to ask. The area club can also serve as an outlet for the breeders, who are surely deserving of a little horn blowing.A few of the more fearless Pomeranian fanciers of the state of Florida have gathered together, and God willing with the A.K.C. approving will soon have a successful, fruitful club with a lot of enthusiastic hard working members.At the first meeting it was voted that the pro tern officers are President, Ray Wine Clearwater Vice Pres., Karl Kabel Winter Haven Secretary, Geri Kabel Mrs. Karl Treasurer, Faye Wine Mrs. Ray. Board members are R. E. Altwater, Jacksonville Jack and Jo Pitts, Hollywood Ted and Kathryn Birk, Ft. Ldale. The 10th charter member is Caroline Altwater, Mrs. R. E.. She was immediately put to work as historian. A second meeting will be held soon in Orlando.We are hopeful that the club will have complete support of all the Pom fanciers and that we all will be as SWEET LOVABLE as our Poms are. Think we can do it Lets try real hard . . . Miracles DO happen.HINTS ContinuedA show stance is not the only pose that can be successfully used. Try various views including front, head, sitting, and group shots. There is nothing more appealing than several pom puppies showing their devilish grins. ' MID - WEST REPORTby STELLA B. DAVISWEEGOLD POMS 7477 Old Troy Pike St. Paris, Ohio 43072Well. Spring has finally arrived h in the Midwest and along with t Daisies and Johnny Jump Ups t buttons are popping too dot Louisville, Kentucky way. Mr. M James Coy and Jane Johnson finish their first champion bitch. What thrill as I can well remember The is nothing to compare to that fir champion Jane says they just go to the pen and stand and stare Tammy. They have done well the three short years they have bee in Poms and Weegold is proud to hat had a very small part in that succes Tammy was very ably trained t handler Bill McCoy.Also had a nice letter from Mar Hammond in Missouri and she saj its all over but the shoutin. Rose woods Casanova finished his titl with 4 majors under 4 differen judges at 11 mos. of age. I saw thi wee one at the Louisville, Kentuck show and he is indeed lovely. Mar has other young hopefuls out so am sure we will be hearing from he again soon. Congratulations to ailJoyce Ohrtman from Wisconsir writes that after raising Poms for f years they have come up with a little female they are proud of. Her wine are as follows. At the St. Joseph K.C. show under Judge Mrs. Clara Alfred best of breed went to Ch. McKameys Just A King owned by Jesse and La Vauhn Chittenden. Winners dog and best of winners to Mary Hammonds Casanova. Winners bitch and bestuPOMERANIAN REVIEWSuch nice folks . . . those BEDELLSWarm best wishes to Bert and Catherine on your Kennel Visit from all of us at Jeribeths in TexasCHAMPION CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLY . . . ANOTHER MILESTONE100th BEST OF BREEDwLake Charles, La. - Judge Dr. William Field, Jr.Left Molly Miller New Orleans with her MYWAY DUKE CELOU CELEA, Winners Dog major age S monthsRight Sharon Griffin, handler, with DANIELS PRETTY BIT OF DRAGON, owned by Merle Tommy Daniels Houston Winners Bitch major age S monthsCHAMPION DUKE BEST OF BREED along with two of his offspring both young puppies. . . And right on . . .ipp. sex to Joda Sugar Delite owned oy Joyce Ohrtman.Mr. Louis Murr judged our breed at Southeastern Iowa K.C. show with Ch. McKameys Just A King taking the breed again. Winners dog and best of winners to Mary Hammonds Rosewoods Lucky Whing Ding. Winners bitch and best opp. sex again to Joda Sugar Delite. Hope to hear more from you Joyce.At Marion and Indianapolis, Indiana shows, Skylark Keen Coy Banner was winners dog. At Marion he was also best opp. sex and at Indianapolis he went best of winners and on to best of breed. Keeno as he is called is owned by Jim Coy and trained and handled by Bill McCoy.Leslie Parker wrote of a couple shows out his way. At the Heart of America K.C. show, Judge Joseph Faigel awarded winners dog to Clas- ens Timstopper Zipper owned byi Mrs. David Berg. Reserve winners dog toPOMERANIAN REVIEWAND RIGHT ON TO BEST IN SHOWFOR HIS 17th TIMEBEST DOG IN SHOWJudge - Mr. Dennis GrivasChampion Corns Duke Dragonfly, the GRAND OLD MANWill not he campaigned vigorously shown only occasionally to make way for his wonderful kids and grandkids who are Group and Best In Show winning across the country plus the MANY Champion and near-Champion offspring finishing and winning everywhere See credits in another ad. Dukes achievements ar because of his The GRAND OLD MANOwners Darrell and Olga Baker102 ElmDeer Park, Texas 77536 713479-1448Duke sons also available all the more phenominalextreme youthis not quite 5 years oldDUKE at Stud to a limited number of girls Reservations necessary. Pee 100.00t stud 50.00 and 35.00Inquiries invited call us or visit anytime.POMERANIAN REVIEW.ry Hammonds Rosewoods Casa- va. Winners bitch and best of win- rs to Leslie Parkers Parkas Penny illiance. Reserve winners bitch to 3. Brices Struttn Stuff. Best opp. k was Ch. Tholes Saucy Tinker Bell med by R.E. Higgins and best of eed to Ch. McKameys Just A King med by La Vauhn and Jesse litenden.Miss Iris De la Torre Bueno judged jyptian K. C. at Mr. Vernon, Illinois, le found her winners dog, best of Lnners and best of breed in Clasens unstopper Zipper. Winners bitch a- lin to Parkas Penny Brilliance, est opp. sex to Ch. Naps Too Much upid Talk owned by Mrs. Henry oth and Betty Naprstek. It is an iteresting note here that Zipper and enny Brilliance came all the way up om the puppy classes to get both f their majors at these two shows, oth of these Poms were owner andled. Nice wins wouldnt you sayCrab Orchard K.C., at Carbondale, [linois found Parka Tiny Brilliant park in the winners dog class. He is wned by Garnet L. Akley and Leslie i. Parker. Reserve winners dog to Irs. Evanell Hatalas Hold That Tiger. Vinners bitch and best of breed to ompous Poms Prima Donna. Proud iwner Norman and Marjorie Nel- on.Licking River K.C. held their show n a new location this time at Hebron, Dhio, at the Lockwood School Gymnasium and adjacent Athletic Field, ft was a nice show with newly licensed Pom Judge Mrs. Dorothy Dell Hobbs awarding the placings. She found her winners dog and best opp. sex in the tiny, adorable puppy Lar- eeys Ringmaster. Patricia Larrissey is owned by Ringmaster Have fun with this one Pat. Ruth Doctors Lads Imp of Gold Glory was reserve winLOVELY BLUE POMSSmallGuaranteed unfading Good ProducersAlsoRing Ready Red Orange Sable Puppies USUALLYLatham Armstrong linesWilmas Tiny Toy PomsRt. 3, Box 320 Springfield, Oregon 97477503-746-5983ners dog. Winners bitch, best of winners and best of breed to sweet little Windsweet of Highland owned by Patricia M. Hopkins. This gal is real close to the title also. This was especially a fun day for your writer as Pat brought me a younger sister of Windsweets who has now taken over the Weegold Household. I should have known better but I made the mistake of letting this sweet girl play on my bed before retiring. One night she decided to just curl up and go to sleep and it was hard to convince her she had to get in her own bed. Dont we have fun spoiling them though This was also a thrilling event for a petite little blonde and her Pom called Amber. It was the first Obedience Trial for Sharon Kinsey and Amber from Columbus, Ohio. As I pulled onto the show grounds, the first people I saw was Sharon andPOMERANIAN REVIEW9705 Jackie LaneSt. Louis, Missouri 63123Ch. Bonners Sunstyle BrillianceGROUP WINNERHis offspring now winningLeslie A. Parker Garnet L. AkleyInquiries InvitedPhone 314-487-6572BONNERS HONEYFIRE DELIGHT'-Winners Bitch, Sacramento, April 12, 1970Our sincere thanks to Judge Dorothy Carson for her second major.Owner Lucille Hoover2012 San Miguel Canyon Road, Salinas, California. POMERANIAN REVIEW.sband Walter. Sharon was waving nbers ribbon and dancing up and iwn like the doll she is. Amber me thru with flying colors and a ore of 194 plus for her first leg. nber acted like an old pro but her vners were on cloud nine and I mt blame them. Since Amber is ed, wonder which event will come rst Her babies or her C.D. titleThe next day was the Dayton K.C. low held in Hara Arena. There is jally ample space for all at this row. The Judge was Mr. J. J. Dun- m from Atanta, Georgia. The Coys om Louisville, Kentucky had a irilling day with winners both sexes, 'heir Skylark Keen Coy Banner bet- er known as Keeno was winners og, best of winners and best of breed iloted to these wins by handler Bill IcCoy. Their Coys Petticoat Princess nown as Tammy was winners itch and best opp. sex. Quite a day or the Coys and Mrs. Coys sister ane Johnson. Reserve winners dog vent to Ruth Doctors Imp and eserve winners bitch to Pat Hopkins Windsweet.The following week at Columbus, Dhio was a rainy day but the show vas held inside at the Veterans Mem- rial Bldg. It was an unusually small mtry for veteran Judge Melbourne T.L. Downing. Winners dog and best ipp. sex to Belview Yip - Sa - Me - Flame owned by Mrs. Leslie W. Bell. Reserve winners dog to Pat Larrisseys puppy, Ringmaster. Winners bitch, best of winners and best of breed to Mrs. Edith Roberts Oak Barks Presh- us who I believe is real close to the title, handled by Evelyn Schaffer. Reserve winners bitch to Marie Beckner and her Rose-Lee. Well, Sharon Kinsey and her Amber did it again second leg. Will she get the third leg before she. has other duties toattend too Keep up the good work Amber and SharonA very nice entry of Poms at Toledo, Ohio for substitute Judge Raphael J. Schulte. Winners dog, best of winners and best of breed to Charles Richard and Edward Ustillas Bonners Wagadore Windfall handled by Shirley Chambers. Reserve winners dog went to Mary Sayers Sunny- ridge Casey. Winners bitch and best opp. sex to Coys Petticoat Princess, owner James Coy. Reserve winners bitch to Pat Hopkins Windsweet of Highland. There were really some lovely Poms at this show and decisions were hard. It was a beautiful day and I really enjoyed the drive back to St. Paris.Lima show day loomed bright and clear. It was another one of those thrilling days for the Coys from Louisville as they had winners both sexes and their precious Tammy finished for the title. Their Keeno handled by Bill McCoy was winners dog and best opp. sex for his first major. He has several points now and I believe close to finishing also. Reserve winners dog was Mu-Ra-Jos Wee Conquest owned by Josephine Murphy and handled by Lorraine Heichel. Winners bitch and best of winners to Tammy and Reserve winners bitch to Wilma Jean Browns Maykens Wee Magic Step handled by Bill McCoy. Best of breed was the lovely black Ch. Phyner Black Queen- aire owned by Phyner Kls. and handled by Lorraine Heichel.The next day was the Northeastern Indiana K.C. show and also Lexington, Ky. At Lexington the show was held outside at the Keeneland Race Track and I guess even though it is May, it was quite chilly for all. Winners bitch went to Dixielands DiaPOMERANIAN REVIEWCONGRATULATIONStoCatherine and Bert Bedelland theirCABERT KENNELSalsocontinued good luck to Caberts Bruno Bear a pick of litter pup from my very first litter.A few very choice championsired Scotia puppies available now.Black puppies expected in June July.Scotia Cavalier Champion At Stud.HALDO KENNELS Mrs. Dolores Adkins8646 Jennings Road Eden, N.Y. 14057716-992-9382MUGGSYsendsCONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHESfor continued success to his friends Bert and Catherine BedellThe pleasure of visiting the fine Cabert Kennels is exceeded only by the pleasure of being fortunate enough to know Bert CatherineThank you for help and guidance.Mark Roma and Sal Catrini295 Clinton Avenue Brooklyn, N.Y. 1 1205POMERANIAN REVIEWmd Magic owned by Mrs. Tankesley d E. Miller. Reserve winners bitch the Coys Sunbonnet Sue shown by ne Johnson.M Northeastern Indiana K.C. show Id at Fort Wayne, Judge Mr. Ells- irth Gamble awarded winners dog, st of winners and best of breed to ith Doctors Lads Imp of Gold Lory. Reserve winners dog to Mrs. urphys Mu-Ra-Jos Wee Conquest, inners bitch to Shirley Hoffmans cylark Adorable Radiance and re- rve winners bitch to Raymond Rad- nski Ceeraes Ber-Man Star.Had a note from Ivell Buchman nd at the Kent Kennel Klub at hatham, Ontario her Teecos Little eroy was winners dog and best opp. x for 2 points under Judge Thomas iuilley. Good luck with the wee one veil.At Saginaw, Michigan her Leroy as winners dog, best of winners and iest of breed. Winners bitch and best ipp. sex to Mary McDonalds Will-O- Vish Buttercup.Detroit, Michigan show held at the Coliseum Bldg., Michigan State Fairgrounds with Judge Charles Kellogg awarding winners bitch to Shirley Toffmans Skylark Adorable Radiance. Reserve winners bitch to Mrs. Paul Burszyckis McKameys Cavaliers Lace. Best of breed to Phyner Kls. Ch. Black Queenaire. The dog was absent.The Mad River Valley Kennel Club held their show on Mothers Day much to your writers dismay. This is my own local club so guess I can speak out that I was not in favor of the change of show dates. Am afraid our gate and entries proved my point. Anyway, Judge Mrs. Carl B. Cassgave winners dog, and best of winners to Evelyn Schaffers Eve-Rons Im a Dandee Too finishing him for the title. Congratulations Evelyn. I know you are proud of this guy too. Reserve winners dog to Pat Larrissey and her Ringmaster. Winners bitch and best opp. sex to Dixielands Diamond Magic owned by Mrs. Tankesley and E. Miller. Reserve winners bitch to Thelma Minnicks Sugar and Spice. Best of breed to Ch. Davis Weegold Tumble Tom Tom owner Stella B. Davis.And now may I close this column with a poem written by June Coy welcoming their new champion home.TO TAMMY- OUR FIRST CHAMPIONThere may be other Champions We surely hope there will But Tammy, dear, your little shoes No other paws can fill.Youve always been a darling And brought us so much pleasure Your trophies and your ribbons Are things well always treasure.So heres our thanks to Tammy,A Champ from the beginning Who, after capturing all our hearts, Topped it off by winning.What a nice thing to do to welcome a new champion home. Guess the Coy household had welcoming posters thru-out and prominently displayed on the front door. Also a cake was wanted but it was too late for the baker to co-operate by the time the word had reached Louisville that Tammy had finished in Lima, Ohio and would be home late that same night.Dont forget send me YOUR NEWS. See you all at the showsPOMERANIAN REVIEWNANJO KENNELS, Reg.Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Trademark of Nanjo Nanjo TempestAm. Can. Ch. Stylemaster of Nanjo Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sundance Nanjo Jubilant Tena Marie VICh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sundance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Thelcolynns Tiny TyecaThelcolynns Little Sir Dandy Theleolynn's Tiny Karla Thelcolynns HoneybunPUPPIES AVAILABLEJOAN E. COWIEP.O. Box 217 Kimberton, Pa. 19442215-933-2470BEST BRACE IN SHOW Sequoia K.C.Best Toy Brace San Gabriel K.C.Travis of Point Loma 13 pts andCh. Lil Elmo of Point LomaFull brothers, 1 year apart Sire Ch. Adonis of Point Loma Dam Great Elms Pretty GalFESTJudge, Howard Tyler Breeder-Owner Handling. -v 'If'Ch. Nanjo DestinyPauline B. Hughes Point Loma Kennels1 726 Crest Drive, Encinitas, California 92024POMERANIAN REVIEWWESTERNROUNDUPby JOHN THYSSEN14810 Raymer Street Van Nuys, California 91405A young star of the California lows since the first of the year is young male that was owner bred id handled by Louise Rosbury. His ime is Ce-Lous Cavs L. Bernstein, town by Louise, he picked up wins te on top of another in very stiff mpetition. I understand he is now med by Mr. Mrs. Tompkins from ie San Francisco area. He is a lovely g that is doing his own thing.Another male pom to hit the shows now Ch. S.A.M.S Gayblade Sandi- 1. Handled by John R. Thyssen, he fished in 8 shows as follows, 1 re- rve, 1 Best of Winners, 6 Best of reeds, 1 group 2, 1 group 3, all from ie classes. In three Best of Breeds s defeated a special each time, lade was bred by Shirley Miller and now owned by Pat Greeneisen and hirley Miller. Incidently, S.A.M.S lands for Shirley Ann Millers. From ow on Shirleys poms will carry the refix SAMTAM in memory of her jautiful Ch. Sams Terrific Tammy, ho was lost giving birth to her first tter, 63 days after completing her aampionship. Ch. Tammy was one f the favorites that I showed and ill be remembered long by ringside .iat she would capture, win, lose, or raw because of her excessive amount nergy and style.In the bitch department the last sw months have seen two really tunning bitches being shown, and-v pgcboth have finished. The first being Ch. All-Stars Hadleigh Dollita owned and shown by Art and Joy Davison. Dollita won very consistantly without the help of a professional handler. It can be done. The other bitch is now Ch. Mar Vans Dutchess De Ora. This bitch is an outstanding bitch, and what makes it more so is the fact that she is five years old and has had 4 litters, and still has legs that no one can dispute, coat to match any special, male or female. I offered to give her a home if Van was crowded for space, but I dont think he went for that. De Ora was handled by Betty Naprstek. I saw a lovely black son of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly on the New Mexico circuit. His name is Tonos at Midnight. Hes loaded with coat and moves beautifully front and rear. At this time he lacks one point of his championship and will probably be finished by the time of printing.He is handled by Gene Blake from Texas. I enjoyed meeting him and his wife Ann on the circuit.The Southern California Pomeranian Club held their spring match on May 2 and everything was lovely. Beautiful grounds, shade and grass. Best adult and Best In Match was Shaunatumas Lady Puddin owned by Billie Daws. One year ago at this match as a three month old puppy, Dudley Roach judge placed her Best junior puppy and Best of Opposite in Match to her father who is now Ch. Shaunatumas Wee Tinker Toy also owned by Billie. Puddin is a bitch with lovely expression, clear color and very sound legs. The following day at the Santa Anna Kennel Club point show Puddin was awarded Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for a 4 point major, judge Mrs.Continued on Page 58POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. S. A. M.s Gay Blade SandidolSubj. AKC Conf.M .'if5MBlade shown winning BOB at Cabrillo under Mrs. Pauline Hughes Handled by John ThyssenCo-owners Sandidol Kennel and Shirley A. Miller wish to thank the following judgesMrs. Dorothy Carson................................San Gabriel, 41970 ............................... BWMrs. Clara Alford..................................... New Mexico, 5970 ______________ BOBMrs. Beulah Hatch....................................Rio Grande, 51070 ............................. BOBMr. Arthur Zane........................................El Paso, 51270 .................................... BOBMr. Clan Fancy.........................................Mesilla Valley, 51370 ........................ BOBMr. Roy Cowan........................................Mesilla Valley ................................. Croup 3Mrs. Pauline Hughes.................................Cabrillo, 51670 ................................... BOBMr. Robert Waters.....................................Cabrillo _____________________ Group 2Mrs. Yan Paul............................................Del Sur, 51770 .................................... BOBBlade was whelped April S, 1969. He is short-hacked, heavy coated and with a lively personality.Fee 50 until further notice.Sandidol KennelPat and Paul Greeneisen11691 Daryl Lane Garden Grove, California 92640D POMERANIAN REVIEWby SHORTY HARWOODPOMACRE KENNELS Mereta Route San Angelo, TexasSo many things have happened nee last issue but the early spring rcuits are over and the summer ump in our part of the country is pon us. The Texas Circuit proved a opper at the beginning as far as borty was concerned. After six Lonths on the road and 35,000 miles tore or less, with shows in many ates and finishing 14 dogs, 7 Poms nd 7 other breeds, for their titles, e cratered.The Florida and Georgia shows rere real nice and he enjoyed them ut was feeling ill, came home and ft for Oklahoma then on to start the ,exas Circuit. In Austin and San mtonio he finished 3 Poms and a leeshond, all with 5 point majors, .fter the last Pom finished in San mtonio he checked it to them and leaded for home. More dogs were waiting to start and our daughters Ceeshond bitch still needed 3 single joints to finish but he felt that this vas a good time to take the Drs, idvice and call a halt.On his Drs, advice he has lost wenty pounds, I hate Him, and is aking it easier. So he is feeling much jetter and may be able to avoid surgery for the time being.Now he is kennel building, more runs etc., landscaping this acre, general boarding and grooming and all he other many chores that goes along with living. Its still work but of a different variety. The pressures are off, the long hard drives withtime tables to meet and dogs to be shown. I always enjoy and look forward to April as its the kennel maids me vacation time. I had a wonderful three weeks visit with our children and grandchildren in New Orleans. I was there during their Spring Festival and enjoyed the garden tours and trip up the coast to Gulfport.On the way down I stopped in Houston and visited with Barbara and Leo Holder. Had a ball and their new home and kennels is just the Most, especially Barbaras bathroom, a real conversation piece. We went to the dinner meeting of the Houston Pom Club. It was so nice to see the Bakers and all the Pom folks. Their club seems to be going great and they have some very good plans for the future, and are hoping that they will soon be recognized by A.K.C.On my way home I came b Shreveport, La. Visited with the Crawfords, long time Pom breeders. Saw all their Poms and new kennels and it was really nice. They are so gracious and all the 45 Poms greeted me with love and kisses.We have very few point shows in our region 500 Mile radius in the summer as it is so very hot, but most of the clubs do have sanction matches to keep the young ones coming along. They are really so much fun, sometimes I do wish people at the point shows had as much fun and fellowship, and all round good time. The pressures are off, the people relaxed, the dogs happy, and everyone so kind and courteous to each other, its a shame we dont act this way at a point show.To Barbara Holder and her lovely new Champions, To Dr. William Field and his new Champion, and to Mr.Continued on Page 58POMERANIAN REVIEWGreat Elms Kennels, Regd.Congratulations and Best Wishes to Catherine and Bert Bedell and their Cabert KennelsCh. G. E. Timstopper AgainStud Fee 50My very red-faced apologies to our most capable editor for my failure to remember that the April issue of the Review is always the Stud Card issue. It is especially embarrassing since one of my stud cards was honored as the sample card in the January issue of our wonderful little BIG magazine.This is the first time I have failed to have a stud card in the stud card issue since its inception, and I sincerely regret it..Ch. Great Elms Sunny BoyStud Fee 50RUTH LOWRY BEAMPineville, N. C. Phone 1-704-889-923358 POMERANIAN REVIEWIN MEMORIAMOur Deepest Sympathy toEdna Cirardot on the loss of herBeloved Husband Charlie CirardotCecil and Louise andCe-Lou RosburyTHYSSEN ContinuedGeorgiana Lane and also was Winners bitch at Cabrillo and Del Sur Kennel Clubs. Undefeated in her sex to this point. Best junior in match was a lovely male owned by Charles and Willa Mae Davis. The judge John R. Thyssen. For my closing, here is a thought for the day. The motto in the West now is If you cant win . . . PROTEST ... it gets your name around, but if proved wrong, you do lose 5.00.Until September, Spend Wisely . . . Breed Wisely ...Were glad the custom of dueling died out. Sharp words and cutting remarks do quite a thorough job.HARWOOD ContinuedEdward Geissler and his new Champion Dr. Field was breeder of these two bitches, also all the other folks who owned the Wires, Kees, Cairns, Kerry, Chi, and Shis Tzu that Shorty Finished this year, Thank you from both of us for all the kind words and good wishes for his speedy recovery.I promise that Shorty will write this column next time. Sidney HarwoodDEADLINEAugust 20 for October Issue.CONGRATULATIONStoVan Margaret Powerson theirNew Champion MAR. VANS DUCHESS DE ORA.Subj. AKCThe RosburysPOMERANIAN REVIEWEdna Girardot and all her Scotia Poms SALUTECatherine and Bert, Cabert Kennels. . . for their fortitude in pushing ahead and making such fine progress with their Poms. I commend them too, for all the help and support they have given the breed, the individuals and the American Pomeranian Club. You will always find them in there pitching. I cannot help but feel a personal gratitude and interest and wish them many more years of health, happiness and success.At this time I should like to thank all of you who have taken time out of your busy schedules to phone, send your greetings, good wishes and words of wisdom. In these troubled moments that linger between life and death, they have helped so much. A word of hope, a little praise, a helping hand, things money does not buy, are all so dear to ones heart.I am doing some breeding and may have something to fill your needs. Stud service is always assured. Your correspondence and inquiries appreciated.Edna E. GirardotP.O. Box 646 Floral City, Florida 32636 Phone 904-726-200150 POMERANIAN REVIEWTALC IS IT A KILLERby PAT HOPKINSHow many of us breeder-exhibitors use talcum to groom our Poms for the ring I, for one, have been using it for years. It does a gorgeous job of separating the hair and gives a lovely well-groomed look to the dog. But, with recent newspaper articles on the dangers of inhaling talc, Im begin- ing to come to the conclusion we all should recognize the probable danger in using it. The first article I came across, mentioned teenagers and glue sniffing, also stating the fact that they were breathing in aerosol containers and that some of these containers had talc which was poison to the lungs. This gave me pause to think, especially when at the same time I heard of a Pom dying of fluid- filled lungs. Could there be any connection So, in discussing this with another Pom breeder and asking her opinion, she told me of one of her Poms with pneumonia and another having lung congestion. She too is beginning to wonder if these conditions could be brought on by talc in the lungs. Then a few days later, my handler gave me a clipping from a newspaper, titled, Baby Powder Kills 2000 Infants a Year in the U.S. Some of the findings in this article are as follows. Talcum powder is good for babys skin, but that is all it is good for, is the opinion of Dr. Martin Keogh of the Department of Health. It is absolute poison to the babys internal organs. He personally believes over a quarter of a million infants have died from talcum powder and many millions more have had their life spans cut short before they really got a foothold in the world.Talcum in its most refined state is a mineral derivitive of talc rock,heavily purified and ground to the finest powder. Everytime a container is used, a certain amount escapes into the air. Because it is light, a great amount can be in the air without being noticed. This talc is breathed in by the infant, slips into his lungs and lodges there. Everytime the talc is used, a new deposit is built up in the lungs, like successive doses of poison. Then the time comes when the baby rolls over in the night, his head momentarily in pillow or sheet. Their lungs are weak and they cannot combat anything with those flabby lung muscles. So they die, apparently for no reason.In England, the British Medical Journal publishes a warning to Mothers on talcum powder. It says young children, age 1 to 2 years, spill a fairly large amount of powder. Some is inhaled. Within an hour, respiratory distress and signs of bronchitis develop. The Journal reported on five cases of talc poisoning. Three babies died within 10 to 20 hours, it said, and advises Mothers not to use it.There is much more in this article, but this alone is enough to make me throw away all my talc. When one thinks of how we brush the talc out of the coat into the air, one can see how much is being breathed in by both dog and ownerIn another newspaper article I have here, taken from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Oct. 5, 1969, Dr. Louise M. Gloeckner, new Vice President of American Medical Association, makes this remark during her discussion of spray can pollution of our homes. Even a substance as innocent looking as talcum powder could be harmful if inhaled often Since we canContinuedon Page 62POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS AND YAPSCHUCK REYNOLDSNewcastle. Calif.I am pleased and proud to announce that 1 have once again started writing for the Kennel Review All-Breed Magazine. My column, POM TALES, will appear each month in this publication. At one time, Kennel Review was considered to be a West Coast Magazine. During the last couple of years they have expanded facilities which has given them a national status and is now widely read by the top breeders, exhibitors, handlers and judges. If you have not seen this fine publication, I would be happy to give you the information on how to receive it.I am happy to see another All-Breed Magazine join Dog World and Popular Dogs in giving space to our favorite breed. Pauline Hughes and Leona Dengler have for years done a great job placing our Breed before the public and the general dog fancy. I hope I can do as well.1 will need your help. I would appreciate hearing from our Members regularly so I can tell of their happenings in my POM TALES. I hope each of the Specialty Clubs will put me on the mailing list for their newsletters. It will be my pleasure to tell about YOUMRS. JULIE BRUMBACKHarrisonburg, Va.I would like to advertise my first champion Pom. I am sending you Stars picture and pedigree. I bought her from Mrs. Girardot and showed her myself . . . We really did enjoy the experience and hope to have others to show soon. She is Ch. Sun- golds Cay Caviliers 59th champion offspring.I love the Pom Review and think you do a terrific job. Also love the Pom people have belong to the ................................ Club forfive years, but am thinking of dropping it in favor of the Pom Club.MRS. JOY LECOMPTESalem, OregonI feel John Thyssen is not represen the entire West Coast as it was inten he should. He should realize that he i columnist and not a commentator. It ' quite evident that he did not intend mention any of the winners of our S cialty in his column, failing to give name of Best of Breed, Winners and E of Opposite Sex. Yet he covered the \a for the following days show without difficulty. Surely Mr. Thyssen could f one favorable comment to make with committing himself or setting himself as the judge.I would like to point out that Mr. Jan Ryan was a Pomeranian Breeder-exhibi for several years before becoming a juc of various breeds. Having a small specie club and lacking the financial assistance secure an outside judge, it was only natu that we Columbia Pomeranian Club Portland, Inc. secure a judge from t area. Sadly, unfavorable and undeservi comments have been made concerning c Specialty this year. For the first time approximately 9 years, a member of c club was fortunate enough to win Best Breed. Mr. Thyssen failed to mention t name of this BOB bitch and the name her owner, as well as any other wins at t show.As our columnist, John Thyssen shot represent all clubs and all areas of tl West Coast and should leave judging the shows up to the respective judges hin for this purpose. It is not his place as columnist to openly criticize the winnii dogs of any show, but he should stick the actual show reporting itself. It is on natural that the should have his own pe sonal opinion as to what he considers better dog, but this should not be made matter of dispute in his column.I am not attacking Mr. Thyssen persoi nally, but I am calling attention to an ir justice done as our WESTERN ROUNDL columnist. We in Oregon and Washingtc havent yet seceded from the UnionPOMERANIAN REVIEWMRS. CLYDE ANDREWSWoodinville, WashingtonWe know we are beginners but have inted to contribute to the advertising in e Review and to support the club as jch as possible. I was injured in a plane cident in Jan. of 1969 and had back rgery this year so have not been able show as we had wanted. Our male was own by my husband his first experience the ring too in the Whidbey Island ,ow. There were only three Poms present i even though we did get two ribbons we now we and Twig have a lot to learn, ly husband attended a training class for andling with the dog and does feel they elp a lot for the beginner. We have him en- red in another show so perhaps with ractice and training we will be able to do jmething.We want to thank you and the others of le Board for your hard work in putting out ne lovely magazine. We learn so much -om it and look forward to its arrival.DAVID TAN YEW LINSingaporeear Mrs. HustedI have been following your magazine very quarter and must say that it gets nore interesting. Herewith my subscription or another year. Please congratulate the ditors on my behalf.EDITORS NOTE Long letters were revived from Mrs. Lill Ritz and Mr. Lester ilmer on the subject of ideal size of Pom jrood bitches. While readers are interested n controversial subjects, it is felt that no nore space should be given to this long- rontinued argument which has been filling our pages for almost two years.HEYDE Continuedmany good obedience columns in the Pomeranian Review.Happily the Northern California Pomeranian Club decided to add to its list of awards for outstanding achievements during 1969 one for Obedience Exhibitors. This went to Valerie Wagoner of San Francisco, who finished C.D. degrees on two Poms during the year. CongratulationsHOPKINS Continued not expect our dogs to hold their breath while using these products, as one article advises humans to do, one is beginning to wonder what effect all these breathed in pollutants will do to our dogs over a period of time. At present I have one older stud with a bronchial condition that he has had ever since he finished in the ring in 1961. Now I wonder if the talc used at that time long ago is the cause of this coughing he has had all these years, when the vets can find nothing wrong with him.EDITORIALA decline in popularity from 12th to 14th place in AKC Registrations does not see too dreadful until you remember that 15 years ago, Poms had steadily occupied 11th place for at least a decade. The next change was an upswing into 10th and then 9th place, in 1961.It seems to us that the present trend should be reversed NOW, without risking further decline. This can be done, if we all work together. Your Board of Directors is trying in every possible way to carry out the desires of the membership. Let each member resolve to support the Club and to do his or her best to keep our Poms in the public eye. Show your nice specimens in conformation and obedience support your Specialties and take your beautiful, friendly pets into stores and shopping centers, where permitted.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6INDEX TO ADVERTISERSPageDolores Adkins ..............................................................................................................51Mrs. R. E. Altwater ................................................................................................40, 41Mr. Mrs. Clyde Andrews ............................................................................................9Darrell Olga Baker ................._..................................................................29, 46, 47Bay Colony Pomeranian Club .......................................................................................22Ruth L. Beam ............................................................................................................... 57Catherine Bert Bedell ................................................................................................17Wilma Birkman ......................... ......................................................................................48Mrs. Annie T. Blair........................................................................................................31Julie Melanie Brumback .................................................................................24Francis J. Mary F. Casey ............................................................................................38Joan E. Cowie .............................................................................................................. 53Martha Formender ..........................................................................................................12Edna E. Girardot ........................................................................................................... 59Tim Sue Goddard .......................................................................................................38Bob Goodrich .............................................................................................................. 13Pat Paul Creeneisen _____________________________________________ 38, 55Mary A. Hammond ........................................................................................................24Virginia K. Harris ................... ........................................................................................ 7Barbara Holder .......................................................................................................32, 33Lucille Hoover ................................................................................................................49Patricia Hopkins ............................................................................................................ 5Pauline B. Hughes ........................................................................................................ 53Jacquelyn Klein .......................................................................................................21, 25Sophie H. Mayes ...........................................................................................................43Julie Moreno ................................................................................................................ 37Northern California Pom Club ......................................................................................34Edith Ooykaas .................................................................................................................38Leslie A. Parker Clement Ackley .........................................................................49Mary Passariello ......................................................................................................... 9Marye E. Picone ........................................................................................................... 22John R. Katherine R. Probst ......................................................................................19Chuck Reynolds Bud Knapp _________________________________________ 36M rs. Li 11 Ritz ............................................................................................................ 64Mark Roma Sal Catrini .............................................................................................51Louise Jo Rosbury and family ........................................................................39, 58Sam Zaneoff ........................................-..................-................... ........................ COVER64 POMERANIAN REVIEWSPIT-FYRE, Reg.My Poms are my LifeNot a sideline or a hobby.Striving to improve quality with every litter and no breeding from faulted individuals. In 1966, I imported 2 grandsons of Eng. Ch. Little Gent of Had- leigh with the now extinct Oldderry line on the dams side and found it nicked exceptionally well with the Spit-Pyre line, then established on our foundation sire, Ch. De Lills Honey-Boy. All breedings have been carefully planned by Iine and in- breeding their offspring.Ch. Toyhomes Little SouvenirFor health reasons, I have to drastically cut the number of dogs I can keep and offer3 free whelping broods, 3 young proven studs show potential 3 show quality female puppies, 1 wolf sable, 1 rare heaver, 1 deep red 2 exquisite male puppies . . . All these are around 8 months old.Some promising younger puppies.Also, very reluctantly, the pointed import Toyhomes Sonny-Boy, wh. Sept. 1, 1966, orange sable. A beautiful headed, short, cobby, showy little guy who has produced show quality in almost every litter. Would havefinished long ago, if I had been able to get to the shows.Most of these dogs and puppies would ordinarily not be for sale, but would be retained for my own breeding program. Each one can be a valuable asset to the serious breeder.Inquiries Invited. Please state your wants clearly. Prices 200 - up.Mrs. L. Ritz, 5050 Sooke Road, RR 2, Victoria, E. C., CanadaSonny-Boy, sons and grandsons will be at stud until sold Pees 50 - up.Also 2 lb. grandson of Ch. Honey-Boy, a deep red piece of perfection.