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The Pomeranian Review October 1973
Table of Contents
Aristic Man of Flint Front CoverKennel Visit to Sun-Dot by Chuck Reynolds ?
Pomeranian Color by Sophie H Mayes ?
Ammran Iflampratttan Cluh, Jim.PUBLISHED QUARTERLY OCTOBER, 1973-- r-''"'1 J. y ' ARISTIC MAN OF FLINTBreederMrs. Gladys Schoenberg OwnersMark Roma Sal CatriniShown winning Best of Breed under Mrs. George J. Wanner at Plainfield Kennel Club, handled by Sharon Griffin DwierIN THIS ISSUESPECIALTY REPORTS CLUB NEWSKennel Visit to Sun-Dots by Chuck Reynolds Yips YapsPOMERANIAN COLOR by Sophie H. Mayes BERMAN - BIRK - HEYDE - JONES - KLINGBEIL - MATHESON - MILLER2 POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEbyMRS. MARLENE SCOTT Rt. 2, Box 178-C Raleigh, N. C. 27610By the time you receive this Review, our Summer Specialty will be over, and it will be time to start your plans for our New York Specialty to be held at The Statler Hilton Hotel with Mr. Edd Bivin judging Regular Classes, and Mr. Darell Baker judging Sweepstakes. Lets make this the largest and best Show yet. We have a beautiful, newly decorated room at The Statler Hilton, twice the size of the Show Hall last year. For Premium List, write to Mrs. Mary Casey, Show Chairman, or Moss-Bow Dog Show Organization. Our Trophies this year will feature a unique new trophy, that everyone will want. That is all I will tell you about it. You will just have to come to New York to the show to see. Other than seeing all of the beautiful Poms entered and enjoying the Show and Annual Meeting, we do have a marvelous time along with it. Ask anyone who has been there. Plan to stay over for The Westminister Kennel Club Show, also. Toys will be judged on Monday.He is now a judge, and lives in California.The Review has tripled or more in size and circulation, and Sophie Mayes is to be commended for her work with our Review. I am sure none of you realize what a task it is for Sophie to get The Review out. She donates her personal time for the work. We have appointed two assistants to help her prepare the material for the printer. I subscribe to several Breed Magazines, and ours is equal or better than most, dont you think If you use our Magazine for advertising, it will help greatly if you get your ad in on time. Select your words with care in presenting your Pom Pups and Stud services for sale. We do receive some mail from Pom Fanciers who are disappointed in Poms they have purchased from ads in our Review. As the Parent Club, we have taken it upon ourselves to uphold, protect, and further the breed. For the wording of your ads, we have to leave it up to you to be honest. Yips and Yaps is to be used to share opinions and experiences, not to express your opinion about one dog, person, or Kennel in particular, and there are ways of doing this without mentioning names. I thoroughly enjoy my Review, and I hope you do, too. Thank you Sophie Mayes, for a job well done, and dont edit this last sentence.Good luck with your Poms and let me hear from you.NOTICEI dont know if you realize how fortunate we are to have a publication like The Pom Review, that is edited and published by members of our Club, who are breeders. Our Columnists are very generous to devote their time to writing for The Review. Some of them have been writing for The Review for as long as nine years. I think Katherine Birk has been with The Review at least that long. Dr. Jim Arima was our first Editor.The Review would like the BOB picture of EVERY Specialty Show. This will be printed free of charge and used in the write-up of the show. The picture will be returned. Other top winners can send pictures for publication by paying 5.00 each and they will get the cut, afterwards. For American Pomeranian Club Specialties ONLY, we print FREE pictures of BOB, BOS, WD, WB, and Best in Sweepstakes.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmratt Pomeranian Club Jnr.President ...................................First Vice President------------SecondVice President .. Recording Secretary Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer .................................Delegate to the A.K.C. ..OFFICERS OF THE CLUB..............................................................................................Mrs. Marlene Scott............................................................................................... Mr. Wjlliam Daus............................................................................................. Mrs. Joan Coluccio................................................................................................Mrs. Carol Fama............................................................................... Miss Mary G. Passariello721 Martin Dr., Uniondale, N. Y. 11553................................................................................... Mrs. Dolly B. Trauner.....................................................................................Mr. Kenneth E. MillerBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Edd E. Bivin Mrs. Katherine R. ProbstMiss Marjorie Bullwinkle Mrs. Diane WalshMr. Sam D. ZaneoffPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager .........................................................................................................................................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, 1574 Camp Linden Rd., West Chester, Pa. 193S0Assistants .................................................................................. Mrs. Sadie W. Edney, Miss Cathy LasotaCirculation Manager.....................Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn, R.D. 1, Carvale Dr., Aberdeen, Md. 21001Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 6.00 for four quarterly Issues individual copies 1.50. Canada, Mexico, 6.50, Foreign 7.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 3.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text........... 50.00Inside front cover, cuts extra ---------25.00Center Spread, 2 pages, cuts extra . 50.00Full page ............................................................. 20.00Three-quarters page ........................................... 15.00One-half page ..................................................... 10.00One-quarter page vertical only .... 5.00100 copies full page ad......................................... 7.00Minimum charge for cuts up to 1 x 2 inches, 5.00 proportionately more for larger cuts.No charge for cuts if usable cut is available.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOYER STORY by Mark RomaThe first words uttered by Sharon Griffin Dwier, handler, when she first saw Aristic Man of Flint, were, Hes superFor the uninitiated in today's vernacular, super is equated with Something special. Indeed, Lick as he is affectionately called because he loves everybody, is something extra special.The story really begins with a phone call to Mr. Ken Mayes, of Mayken Kennels. I had decided that I wanted an Aristic dog to breed to my bitch Scotia Sensational Sally who had just taken winners bitch at the New York Pomeranian Specialty show in February 1973.During the course of our conversation with Mr. Mayes, he said that he did indeed have an outstanding puppy for sale. Mr. Mayes told me that this puppy had been bred by Mrs. Gladys Schoenberg, and in his words, Hes a good one. Respecting Mr. Mayes integrity and judgment, I said, O.K., send him to me.At this point I would like to sincerely thank Mr. and Mrs. Mayes for sending Lick up north.Lick is sired by Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flint and his dam is Aristic Mandarin Doll, one of the famous Schoenberg Doll bitches.This outstanding pom is 4 pounds very short bodied and cobby, carries a very heavy red coat, has a gorgeous tail set, small ears and an exceptionally outgoing personality. In short, he truly is a super-pom.Lick is now 1 year old, he has 13 points, including one major. In a very short time Lick has compiled a record of 3 B.O.B.s from the classes, 6 B.O.W.s, and 2 Group 3 placements.I cannot give enough thanks and love to Sharon Griffin Dwier who has handled Lick exclusively.Lick is an aggressive proven stud, having sired a litter to a bitch owned by Sharon.In conclusion, I consider myself extremely fortunate in having such a beautiful, small bundle of fluff to enjoy.STEPHEN McNERNEY Spring, TexasBeing a devoted reader of your publication for over a year now and a member of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston, I thought that you and your readers might enjoy this tidbit I ran across in the book Famous Dogs of Famous People. The following is a poem written by Mr. Percy Fitzgerald about Charles Dickens Pomeranian Mrs. Bouncer of whom he was very fond as we all are of ours.As you can see, at that time in history, the Pomeranian was still referred to as a Spitz.Furry, lazy, warm and bright,Peeping from her fringe of white,She blinks and sleeps both day and night,A happy SpitzShe need not fear the cruel stick,Nor has she learnt a single trickJust deigns her mistress hand to lick, As she knits.She eats, and drinks, and eats again,Is never out in wind or rain,Takes many a journey in the train,That lucky SpitzShe has her own coquettish charms, Knows no sorrows, no alarms,And dozes in her mistress armsA sleepy Spitz.At dinnerah that pleasant Babel Touch her paw beneath the table,Shed bite your footwere she but able A naughty Spitz.Mae Trouillion Smith, Famous Dogs of Famous People New York Dodd, Mead Company, 1943, pp. 94-95.POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESENTINGIOWAS FIRST HOMEBRED BLACK CHAMPION Pom-Pufs MLady MelanieOur Thanks to Mrs. Winifred Heckman for 5 points at Grayslake, 111. Melanie finished here with third major, while expecting her second litter.Ch. PumPuf Fancy Duke MasterpieceAt Amboy, 111., Master won BOB under Harvey Berman and on to Group II under Ed Klein.Watch for his kids in the ring this fall.Gwen Bonnie Hodson Rte. 4515-961-2989 Indianola, Iowa 501256 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB INC. FEBRUARY SPECIALTY SHOWby MARY F. CASEY, Show ChairmanBy the time you receive this issue of the Review, you should have all received letters from the trophy chairmen and advertising chairman. DID YOU ANSWER THOSE LETTERS YET If not, please do so right away. We really want all of the members and subscribers to actively participate in this years show. We know that it is impossible for every one of you to attend the show, we wish that you all could, but there is no reason why you cannot be an active supporter. We have a big surprise for the exhibitors this year, at least all of the class winners, and if you do not enter you cannot win.The cost of putting on a Specialty Show is rising, the same as everything else and each year the Club loses a tremendous amount of money. You can help overcome this deficit by contributing toward the advertising. Not only do you help yourself by getting your name before the Pomeranian Public, you also help the club defray the expenses. PLEASE HELP MAKE THE SHOW A SUCCESSIfeach member and subscriber would take an Ad we would have a catalogue that would be a treasured keepsake. If each Breeder would take a Breeders Directory Listing, we would all know which members were Breeders, who had puppies and who had Stud Service. This helps when it comes to referring customers who are looking for information on where to buy or to breed. If each Pom Enthusiast would just send 2.00 for a booster they would be doing their part in supporting this Pom Event of the Year.With your cooperation we can make the 1974 A.P.C. Specialty Show self supporting. As your Show Chairman I cannot do a good job unless YOU HELP ME.This year we want the Regional Clubs to know that they are a part of The Parent ClubWe need you and wantyou and in order to show that we do, we are offering each local club 10 of all Advertising that is sent in for the Annual Show Catalogue through their Club Secretary. This give each Local Club a chance to help build up their own treasuries as well as helping the Parent Club. So if you are a member of a Regional Club get your Ad to the Secretary of your Club right away, be sure your check accompanies it and have your Secretary send it to the Advertising Chairman.Our Advertising Chairman will keep an accurate accounting of all Advertising received from the Local Club Secretaries and after the show each Club that submits Ads will receive a check for their 10. If you want to add to this, get some of your friends to give you a booster these add up quickly and with your cooperation your Local Treasuries can profit. Advertising Chairman for the Specialty is Mrs. Jessie W. Young, Loudon Ridge Road, Loudon, New Hampshire.The Premium List Deadline may be closed by the time you receive this issue, check your calender and if you still have time and havent already done so, send your trophy pledge to Bill Pottebaum and Tom Daniels, Davis Road, South- wick, Mass. This is their first attempt at being trophy chairmen and they want to have a display that you will all be proud of and that will be a credit to Our Breed.Remember the date for the Specialty February 10, 1974 at the Statler Hilton Hotel in New York City, with the Westminster Show the following day Our Poms will be judged on Monday this year, so it should be a very pleasant weekend for all who enter. The Superintendent will be Moss-Bow Dog Show Organization, P. O. Box No. 20205 Greensboro, N. Carolina 27420 or 9999 Broad Street, Detroit, Michigan 48204.Continued on page 66POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESENTINGCHAMPION ROCKY'S LUCIE BELLVLuoie, shown winning 5 point major at Hutchinson, Kansas, K. C.April 1,1973 under Mrs. Marguerite McDonald, handled by Carolyn Coughlin.Luoie, homebred, finished with two 5 point majors and two 4 point majors while pregnant with her first litter of puppies.We would like to thank judges Miss Iris de la Torre Bueno,Mrs. Dorothy Schroder Welsh, Mrs. Marguerite McDonald and Joseph Gregory.Watch for Rockys Lil Fairy Tail in the ring this fall to finish her title.MERLE and VIRGINIA ROCKHOLDAllerton, Iowa 50008POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGANby LILY KELLY, Secretary 13282 S. Dixie Hgwy, Holly, Michigan 48442The Pomeranian Oluh of Michigan held its Specialty Show in conjunction with the Ann Arbor Kennel Club, Inc. allbreed dog show in Ann Arbor, Mich, on Sunday, June 3, 1973. Judge was Mrs. Georgina Lane.In spite of the bad weather, it rained cats and dogs most of the morning, and the fact that our breed was judged at 10 a.m., there was a fairly good turnout. We had an entry of 18, 6 dogs, 10 bitches and 2 Best of Breed Competition.Minnette Winkel, with her Bright Destiny of Nanjo, took Winners Dog, with Evelyn Schaefers Eve-Rons Chatter Box going reserve.Eleanor W. Millers Millamors Marita took Winners Bitch with Evelyn Schafer again getting Reserve, this time with Eve-Rons Mil-Lo-Nee.\ UOur Martin Booth photograph shows Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland going Best of Breed under Mrs. Georgina Lane, handled by his owner, Eleanor W. Miller. With this win, Eleanor retired the Ducal Memorial Trophy.Best of Breed was taken by Eleanor W. Miller with her Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland. With this win Eleanor was entitled to the S. R. Ducal Memorial Trophy which has been offered by our Club at its Specialty Shows only, and was to be retired when won three timesby the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog nor at consecutive shows. This trophy was originally won by Ducal Billy Buttons, owned by Mr. Robert Stein, deceased, who then donated it to the club as a Memorial Trophy.Best of Opposite Sex went to Patricia A. Larrisseys Ch. Tomahawks Red Face, C.D. and Best of Winners to Minnette Winkels Bright Destiny of Nanjo.We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the show.JUDGES CRITIQUE by Mrs. Georgina LaneI had the honor to judge the Pomeranian Club of Michigan Specialty on June 3rd at Ann Arbor. I found the quality of all entries to be very high and in spite of a very dreadful thunderstorm there were no absentees.I found my Winner Dog in the American Bred Class-Bright Destiny of Nanjo, Owner-Minnette Winkel and this dog was also Best of Winners. The Winner bitch was from Bred by Exhibitor class, Eleanor Millers Millamor Marita. Both owners felt the four point major finished championships but this is unconfirmed. Best of Opposite Sex was Patricia Larrisseys Oh. Tomahawks Red Face, C.D. The Best of Breed was Eleanor Millers Ch. Millamor Mark of Dixieland and this win retired the S. R. Ducal Memorial Trophy as Eleanor Miller had won it three times.I was of opinion that the youngsters entered showed excellent promise and will be a credit to our breed. Many old- time breeders had entries and the dogs looked so nice I was sorry the storm kept spectators away. I have never judged at any show where exhibitors seemed so happy and friendly with each other, and I enjoyed the assignment very much.POMERANIAN REVIEW 9SHAMROCKS POMERANIANSREGRETTABLYThe Poms listed below were bred or purchased to be used in our breeding program and were intended to live out their lives here with us. Due to illness on my part, we are forced to reduce our numbers and discontinue our breeding and showing programs. Of course we regret this very much and hope it wont be too long before we are back in Poms again.FEMALES1. Shalimars Little Lady Minter2 yrs. Red sable, show or brood.Proven free whelper.Sire Ch. Morenos Gin Rickey Dam Ch. Morenos Lady B-Good2. Shalimars Tiny Bubbles4 yrs. Orange, proven free whelper Granddaughter of Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy.3. Shamrocks Precious JewelX yr. Red, show or brood Granddaughter of Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again.4. Kameo Bundle of Joy2 yrs. Deep orange sable, proven free whelper Sire Ch. Frangipani Traveling Man5. Dreammist of Highland3 yrs. Shaded orange, proven Sire Ch. May Morning Echo of HighlandMALES1. Shalimars Gay Flame O Morenos2 yrs. Deep red, proven producer, pointed.Sire Ch. Creiders Ebbtide of Queenaire2. Morenos Sunny Son of Hadleigh3 yrs. Red orange, proven Sire His Majesty of Hadleigh3. Ch. Frangipani-Traveling ManOrange sable.Sire of one champion to date.INQUIRIES INVITEDSheila M. Marion Ph. 205-823-36782156 Kent Way Birmingham, Ala. 3522610 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBMARY F. CASEY60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Ma. 02767June 30th, 1973 was the day that we had looked forward to with great anticipation. It was the day of the Bay Colony Pom Club Specialty. As dawn broke, it was quite obvious that the day was not going to be the bright sunny day that we had all prayed for. The rain that we had been having all week long was going to continue. Maybe it would clear for the Pom judging I still had hopes as I left home for the Norton Elementary School grounds and the Hockamoek Kennel Club Show.We had a good entry of Poms, for this area, and when I arrived at the show grounds I found that several of the exhibitors were there before me. We soon picked a spot to set up our festive headquarters and then went checking for the ring in which we would be shown. You can imagine my disappointment when I discovered that the ring had several inches of water in the largest area of it. I could just see the little Poms swimming their way around with their handlers sloshing along beside them. My next visit was to the Superintendents tent to see if we could have our assignment moved to higher ground. After much discussion and getting nowhere, the H.K.C. Show Chairman, Mrs. Barbara Brodie, came to my rescue and told the Supt. to move the Pom Specialty to another ring and we were all happy. The rain had subsided and we proceeded to set up our ring. The ground was level and the grass well mowedour Poms would look lovely as they strutted around for our judge Mr. Edd Bivin to pass upon. With the help of Frank Bums, Our BCPC V. Pres, and his wife Amber, Club Secy. we set up the trophy table and the lovely Pom Place Markers that Frank Bums had spent many hours making. Everything was set when the judge walked in the ring and the first class was called. THEN THE RAINS CAMEI neglected to mention that thisnew ring that was so ideal was not under any tenttherefore when the heavens opened up, judge, Poms and exhibitors were thoroughly drenched. The hours of brushing and preparing for the show were all washed down the drain and our little charges looked as though they had been dunked in a tub of water. Mr. Bivin did an excellent job of judging and gave each exhibit a thorough going over before making his final selections. Ch. Tim Sues Til Love BugBest of Breed and Group II, handled by Ray Wine4i5Our Gilbert photo shows Scotia Readers Bunny Hon Bon going WB and BOS under Judge Edd E. Bivin, handled by her owner, Edna E. Girardot, to finish her title.Cont. on Page 44POMERANIAN REVIEW 11MEGS POMERANIANSProudly Presents Our Most Recent ChampionThis handsome bright red ladwas handled to his titleby his owner.Ch. Megs Dandy Little BoyWe wish to thank all the judges who saw his merits.A Special Thanks to Mr. Melbourne Downing and Mrs. Byron Hofman for awarding his majorsAlso, a Very Special Thanks to Stella Davis for breeding Little Boy and allowing me to keep him.She could have taken him as pick of litter when he was a young puppy.Inquiries Invited on the Following Early September Litters1. Ch. Megs Chip of Pepper Mint grandson of Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland out of Megs Little Tiger Lady sister of Ch. Megs Dandy Little Boy2. Ch. Megs Chip of Pepper Mintout of Megs Miss Trisha Sue sister of Ch. Megs Dandy Little Boy3. Ch. Megs Dandy Little Boyout of Ch. Certainly Sweet of Highland daughter of Ch. May Morning Echo of HighlandDONNA RICHARD MEGENHARDT8026 St. Route 43 Kent, Ohio 44240Members of the Ohio Pom Club12 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN COLORby SOPHIE H. MAYESNewcomers to our breed are at a loss to know the correct description of allowed colors in our Standard, as Black and Tan and particolor are the only detailed descriptions given. It was and is my personal opinion that the description of proper sable markings should have been retained in the Revised Standard, as a great many breeders still do not understand the difference between a true sable and a solid color Pom with black shadings or a sprinkling of black hairs throughout the coat.In an attempt to answer a letter in Yips and Yaps in the July Review, I will draw upon my experience as a breeder, upon any knowledge I may have gleaned from reading numerous early books on the Pomeranian, and to a lesser extent on what I have read and been able to absorb on the genetic inheritance of coat color. Corrections, additions or any pertinent correspondence will be most welcome. I do not set myself up as an expert in these matters, and confess that the science of genetics is beyond my complete comprehension. Terms used, therefore, are probably not scientifically correct, and are used for convenience in conveying ideas to the reader.Our breed Standard, prior to the recent revision, described the beaver color as dark beige. In The Complete Pomeranian, Viva Leone Ricketts states that Beavers are a deep taupe with reddish overcast over the body. A letter will be found in the Yips and Yaps section of this issue with still another possible description. As I have never seen a Pom authentically described as Beaver, I will have to bow out of this discussionThe former Standard says, Sable- colored dogs must be shaded throughout as uniformly as possible, with no self- colored patches. In orange sable, the undercoat must be a light tan with deeper orange guard hairs ending in black tippings. In wolf-stables, the undercoat is light gray with a deepershade of steel-gray guard hairs ending in black tippings. A shaded muzzle on the sables is permissible.As our Revised Standard permits all sables, without further explanation, it is certainly obvious that all other genetically possible Sable-colored Poms would be welcome in the show ring. The new AKC Blue Slip in giving the 9 most frequently used colors, lists Red sable as one. Other sables equally acceptable would be the brown-tipped or blue- tipped sables with self-colored noses, and the cream sables with black tips frequently mis-registered as Wolf Sables. As the true Wolf Sable has NO cream or orange cast, and has become exceedingly rare, I question the inclusion of this color by AKC in the list of frequently seen colors.To quote Miss Ives book, Show Pomeranians, Pure-bred blues are born the color of new silver, and a lovelier sight than four or five of these pearl-grey atoms cannot be seen in dogdom. The blues that come occasionally from black, brown or sable dogs are simply flukes, and cannot be relied on either as stud dogs or brood bitches. Their produce frequently reverts to the color from which they were bred if from black, they are too dark, and might almost be called bad blacks if from browns, they become bronzy when adults and if from sables, they turn yellowish on haunches, and develop shadings. It is most surprising that a colour so soft and delicate as a pure-bred blue should not have greater attention paid to its breeding . . . Very often the blues darken in colour with the adult top coat, the undercoat retaining its silvery appearance.The blue Pomeranian, then, has a silvery grey undercoat and a darker slate blue top coat, with dark blue nose, lips, eye-rims and foot pads. As purebred or color-bred blue Poms can be called absolutely non-existant today, the few blues that are produced are seen mostly as sports in breeding blacks, whites and chocolates. To secure and perpetuate the true pale blues, breeders should matePOMERANIAN REVIEW 13blues only to blues for several generations, selecting as breeding stock only the best in color. If an occasional out- cross is necessary, it should be to a white or cream Pom, for lightening and improving the blue color.The term Brown covers all shades of brown including Beaver and the dark, self-colored brown known as Chocolate. It would also include the brown and tan Poms, usually not recognized as such, but called browns with lighter shadings. The genetically possible blue and tans would not be permitted under our new Standard. Chocolate Poms are self-colored throughout, with lighter shadings, if any, very very slightly perceptible. All brown Pomeranians have brown noses, eye rims, lips and foot pads sometimes so dark as to appear black.Cream Poms are not very light oranges, but are an even, self-colored cream throughout, with no white on breechings or under parts, although due to the harsher texture of the guard hairs, the top coat may seem slightly deeper in color than the under coat. Cream Pomeranians MUST have black noses, eye- rims, and lips. The Blonde color which our July correspondent inquired about is not a correctly termed color for Pomeranians. It would cover any very light orange colored dog, with or without lighter or possibly white shadings.Cream Pomeranians, orange Pomeranians and some white Pomeranians are descendents of the early biscuit or fawn dogs, genetically termed Liver. As such, it is their tendency to have brown noses in some cases. It is due to the tremendous ability of early English breeders to improve and sometimes completely change the type of animals they are breeding that the orange Poms have become so well established with black noses. Although I have not been able to vertify it, it seems probable to me that the black noses, eye rims and lips and foot pads were secured by judicious sable crosses,early in the evolution of the orange color. When you consider that in certain other breeds where similar colors are recognized, notably the white and apricot Poodle, and the Samoyed where only white, cream or biscuit are permitted, breeders are still struggling to secure the prepotent black nose color, the skill of these long-ago English breeders is apparent.The occasional cream or orange Pom with brown nose is simply a throw- back to his early ancestors. It means a recessive liver gene exists in each parent. This dog is not eligible for the show ring, as our Standard very clearly states that on all but blue and brown Poms, nose color MUST be black. Such Poms can be used for breeding purposes if mated to animals with black noses eye rims, etc. Deep orange, red or orange sables will almost always produce desired black noses, but to avoid the possible recessive gene for liver, an outcross mating is advisable.White Pomeranians, the earliest color seen in England, have been a problem and a challenge to modem American Breeders. This is due in part to the desire for the ideal complete absence of tint or color on body coat, along with true Pom type, and the demand of our Standard for black points. Its fairly easy to secure one without the other the combination is extremely difficult of attainment.As a very stubborn breeder of white Pomeranians, I have struggled for more than ten years to breed a white Pom worthy of being shown. The second part of this article will deal with the problems encountered in breeding white Poms, and delve into the linking of certain coat colors with different types in conformation. Meanwhile, I leave you with this thought almost all white Pom puppies are bom snow-white, with raspberry pink noses, lips and foot pads. The points darken gradually, the coat often stays pure white. The breeder is elated at last success Many puppies are sold as pure white, only to have those heartbreaking cream ears appear at 3 months, 6 months or even after 1 year.14 POMERANIAN REVIEWOHIO POMERANIAN CLUBMARY STRASUCKA, Secretary 4109 Grafton Rd.Brunswick, Ohio 44212The Ohio Pomeranian Club Supported the entry of Poms at the Medina Kennel Club Show on July 21, 1973. The judge was Mrs. J. H. Daniell-Jenkins who awarded Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Pom to Myway Dae Dream owned by Jacquelyn Klein for 3 points. Winners Dog and Best Opposite Sex was Windfalls of Highland owned by Carol Galavich who received 2 Pts. Reserve WD was McKameys Enchanting Pepper owned by Mrs. Norris McKamey and Reserve WB went to Marloms Queen of Diamonds owned by Mary and Loren Straslicka.Our fun match was held on June 2, 1973. Best of Breed Junior Puppy went to Cream Puff owned by Sue Hollingsworth. BOB Sr. Puppy was Marlorns Queen of Diamonds owned by yours truly and BOB Senior Adult, was Davis Wee Gold Smarty Doll owned by Donna Megenhardt. Highest Scoring in obedience was Lordonns LaMonte owned by Donna Mohn.At our last meeting on July 14, 1973, one of our members, Fred Bassett, showed slides and pictures of some very lovely Poms that he photographed in England. Among them were Oh. Saymar the Saint, Ch. Saymar the Scotsman, Cynpeg's Saymar Gay Gambler, Ch. Cynpegs Gentle Thoughts, and Ch. Cynpegs Guided Missile. We also viewed slides of Dorothy Bonners kennel and the Aristie Kennels of Mrs. Schoenberg.I am happy to report that Donna Megenhardt has recently finished her Ch. Megs Dandy Little Boy at the Columbiana Kennel Club Show.Eleanor Miller recently finished an exceptional 7 month old puppy bitch Millamors Marketta in six shows with 4 majors for an undefeated championship. Another recent Champion belonging to Eleanor, Ch. Millamors Moon Rock, placed 2nd in the Toy Group atthe Grand River Show on July 15, 1973, under Mrs. Van Paul.We would like to thank the Pom Club of Michigan and the Port Worth Pomeranian Club for exchanging club news with us.At our next meeting, to be held on Sept. 8, 1973, our guest speaker will be Dr. W. Sternecker who will talk about heartworm and answer questions on various topics.THE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIXEVA BRYANT SMITH, Secretary 918 West Cochise Dr.Phoenix, Az. 85021The following listed officers were elected for our year 1972-1973 President A. T. Buckendorf, Vice-President Clarence Smith, Treasurer Charlene Johnson, Secretary Eva Smith, Bench Show Chairman O. Raney, Members At Large are Marsha Buckendorf and Lois Daniel.Our club enjoyed their SECOND FUN MATCH, May 6, 1973 in Phoenix. There was 38 entries in competition, plus 8 in Junior Showmanship, 5 in the Parade of merit and this time we were proud to add an Obedience exhibition with 7 entries. Two of these are CD Certificate owners, making a total of 58 entries in all.Sancha, Mrs. William Harvey, from Camp, Az. who is an AKC licensed judge, did the honors for us.Best in Show went to the gorgeous little two month old Smiths Cut A Caper, owned by Clarence Smith, Trained and shown by Mrs. M. Buckendorf.We are so proud to have Mrs. Buckendorf in our club. She is a licensed groomer and obedience trainer. At this time our club has 9 little Pomeranians in obedience and we are looking forward to a full class of exquisitely groomed Poms in an obedience exhibition.I will take this opportunity to thank AKC and The American Pomeranian Club for their help. WE ARE PROGRESSING. WE ARE GROWING.POMERANIAN REVIEW 153n fMpmnnainWe announce with deep regret the death of Mrs. Nancy Phelps Buckley on July 6, 1973Former Member and Long Time Board Member of theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Judge of Pomeranians, other Toy breeds and the Group.FOR SHOW AND BREEDINGBeautiful orange sable dense-eoated proven stud, grandson of Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers ImageBeautiful orange sable dense-coated proven stud, grandson of Ch. Star Mist Of Hadleigh and Pine BurrIV2 yr. old orange sable brood matron9 mo. orange sable brood matronRed orange proven brood matron, Sire Ch. Scotia Fantasys Cavilier, grandsire, Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier.Three beautiful red-orange male puppies, show prospeots, grandson of Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image.Mrs. Lennis Rhodes Morristown, Term. 37814Rt. 2, Gaby Addition Ph. 615-581-894716 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBVIRGINIA NIEHOUSE, Secty.1928-46th SW, Seattle, WA 98116The past three months have been active ones for our Club. We have Incorporated, held our annual elections, hosted a Specialty Fun Match and several members have finished their Poms to their titles. Our new officers are Alicia Kvamme, President, Elza Anderson, Vice- President, Virginia Niehouse, Secretary, and Bernard Niehouse, Treasurer. Named to the Board are Phyllis Andrews, Erin Hundley, Ray and Nora Higbee.We miss a number of the old faces, those who have dropped out or moved away, but we are glad to have Elsie Kurtz, Cindy Anderson, and Raymond and Marie Smith as new members. We are sorry to lose Sandy and Larry Hanks to California where his job took them, and Darlene Pugh, who had to move to Philadelphia. All will remain as members. We are also sorry that several of our members have been on the sick list. Nora Higbee, Edna Girardot and Phyllis Andrews have all been under the weather. We hope that they will all be better soon.Wins in the Ring have been noted, too. Donna Harris recently finished her second bitch in a year when Lil Red Hot Pants of OKala took the points to win her American title. Winning her Canadian title is Alicia Kvammes bitch Cedar Glens Magnificent Moon. Alaskan member, Erma White finished her Tinklers Gypsy Princess and Edna Girardot, our Florida member, finished her Scotia Leaders Bunny Hon-Bun to her Championship. We are proud of all of you. We are also proud of the activities of the 4 Higbee children. They are active in nearly every phase of dog showing and we cant help admiring the spirit and verve they display when they are showing their Poms. They put a lot of adults to shame without even trying.Beautiful weather, a lovely park complete with a lake, and a congenial group of people with a mutual interest are allfactors that combined to make our July 14th Specialty Fun Match-Potluck Picnic a pleasure to attend. Throw in a lot of good-natured rivalry in the Ring, pleasant conversation about our Poms and enough good food to feed an Army, and I dont know how a Pom lover could ask for more to enjoy themselves. We had visitors from Oregon including our judge, Joy LeCompte, Rita LaVeme and Margaret Coleman and a family who were so very nice to visit with, but whos name we didnt get to our sorrow. We hope that all of these nice people will join us again on Sept. 16th, when we will co-host with the South End Sheltie Club, an All-Breed Fun Match at Spana- way Park, near Tacoma, WA. It would be nice to be able to repeat our Specialty Fun Match for Pom Fanciers every year, it was so much fun this time.Our sympathy to Clyde and Phyllis Andrews on the loss of their Champion male, Scotia Cavs Sensational Kid from a heart attack. They are fortunate, however, to own a lovely daughter of his out of Ch. Scotia Cavs A-Tisket A-Tasket, who is a real beauty and shows a great potential to enter the Ring someday. We wish these nice people the best, they have tried so hard to do everything they can to upgrade the Pomeranian breed.Should we congratulate you, Erin Hundley Werent you heard to say that you didnt want any males in your house, the 4-legged variety, that is Then didnt you become the proud owner of five 5 count them MALE puppies in one fitter Congratulations anyway, Erin, we couldnt let the opportunity pass to rib you a little.Well, dear readers, that covers most of the highlights of the past quarter, so well see what develops between now and the next time you read this column.COYERThe April, 1974 Cover is available.DEADLINE FOR JANUARY IS NOVEMBER 20POMERANIAN REVIEW 17MAYKEN POMERANIAN KENNELS5973 Whitby Rd., San Antonio, Texas 78228 Phone 512-696-0365CHAMPION MAYKENS CHEERLEADERSubject to AKC confirmationSkillfully handled by Jean Schroll, noted West Coast handler and Pom breeder, Cheerleader finished with 16 points which included a 5 pt., a 4 pt., and two 3 pt. majors.4ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE OFFSPRING YOU ARE GETTINGIf not, maybe we can help you. We have the largest selection of stud dogs in this country to breed to, including all of the Artistic studs for which we are agents and which are located at Mayken. We also have a large number of Mayken studs which are all linebred from Artistic stock. The Holder studs also have predominantly Artistic and Mayken backgrounds. We presently have the following champions at studCh. Aristic Pepper Pod Beautiful Pepper Pod sonCh. Aristic Goldstyle Glamour Stylepepper sonCh. Maykens Handsome Playboy BOB at APC Summer Specialty, 72Ch. Maykens Shamus WD Fort Worth Specialty 71Ch. Maykens Vagabond BOB Beverly Hills, Jan. 71Ch. Maykens Bil China-Mite China-Boy sonCh. Holders FireballCh. Holders Flaming Fanfare BOB Ft. Worth Specialty 73Ch. Holders A Lil Red FlintMany other studs available including several Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod sons. Maykens Candy Kid has 14 pts. two 5 pt., one 4 pt. majors Champion Stud Fees 50.00, other stud fees on request. Make breeding arrangements in advance of shipment to San Antonio International Airport. Quality show and breeding stock occasionally available from our 200 dog kennel.18 POMERANIAN REVIEWCONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to RUTH DOTSON of SUN-DOT KENNELSWe wish to thank Ruth for letting us have our beautiful Ch. Wee Witch Hodges of Sun-Dot and our darling new boy Sun-Dots Buster Brown.WINDYWCK KENNELSMrs. A. W. Hodges187 Oorthell Rd. Laramie, WyomingARISTA-LARK POMERANIANS I am offering for sale the followingHadleigh Linebred Female, Red Orange, three years old sired by Ch. Hadleigh Littl Robin, provenDouble Linebred Male, 314 lbs. Red Orange, proven stud, can be shown. Doubleson of Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin.Two, 3 mo. male puppies that go back to Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin, Int. Ch. Raphsody Of Hadleigh three times, and Int. Ch. Pixietown of Hadleigh twice.Congratulations and Best Wishes to Ruth Dotson and her Sun-Dot PomeraniansLucille Hoover Salinas, Calif. 939012012 San Miguel Cyn. 408-663-2860POMERANIAN REVIEW 19BLOSSOM VIEW POMERANIANScongratulatesRUTH DOTSON and SUN-DOT KENNELS on the October Kennel VisitAt StudOh. Blossom Views Bronze BomberOh. Scotia Cavs Cash PaymentOh. Creiders Ebbtide of QueenaireHadleigh Plash O Gold son of Ch. Hadleigh Little RobinShawns Blossom View Danny Boy 11 pts.Kavillas Jolly Ebony Jet son of Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie MidnightPuppies for Pets, Show and BreedingMrs. J. L. Weltz Irene Blossom View Kennels14880 Los Gatos Blvd. Los Gatos, California 95030Tel. 408-356-4436GORRINS POMERANIANSExpects a Chocolate Litter in July byGorrin Chaco of Great Elms out ofRiggins Wild-N-Windy both chocolateI also expect a litter in September by Gorrin Chaco of Great Elms out of Gorrin Bear of Boulder River BlackAT STUDGorrin Chaco of Great Elms4V lbs. Rich chocolate Wilmas Dapper Blue Heller3V2 lb. BlueAlso, I am the Proud New Owner of Ch. Purtee Skoshi Tom Tom 4V lb. Orange Sable.CONGRATULATIONS TO MRS. RUTH DOTSON ON HER KENNEL VISIT.Inquiries InvitedPh. 213-867-8654Fern Gorrin 14744 CabellBellflower California 9070620 POMERANIAN REVIEWNORTHERN CALIFORNIAN POMERANIAN CLUB HAPPENINGSby CHUCK REYNOLDSWe have had our annual meeting and election of officers. They arePresident Kenneth Matheson First Vice President Dolly Trauner Second Vice President Julie Moreno Treasurer Fred Palmer Secretary Paula Dodero Director Elsie Schutz Director Chuck Reynolds Director Irene Weltz The show results for our Golden Gate NCPC Specialty held on July 8th with Mr. Keith Brown judging are OPEN DOGS 4 entries, 1 absent First, Bobbys Two Gun Sam of All-Star, owned by A. Ramos. Second and Reserve Winners Dog, Jeribeth Fire Dragon, owned by M. Wylie and Chuck Reynolds. Third, Pomreys California Hey-Boy, owned by Paula Dodero. OPEN BITCHES 2 EntriesFirst, Kems Persistant Penny, owned by Ken and Elizabeth Matheson.Second and Reserve Winners Bitch, Blossom Views Tiger Lily, owned by Mrs. Weltz and Paula Dodero. BEST OF BREED COMPETITION 5 entriesCh. Blossom View Hi Style Hilo Boy, handled by Phyllis Greer and owned by Rose Lee Loy, was best of breed.AKC SANCTIONED MATCH by Dolly B. Trauner Match SecretaryThere were some mighty fine surprises in store for those attending the Match on Sunday, August 12th. Surprise No. 1 was the trophies candles, all which made a colorful display in a wide variety on the embroidered satin table cover.For match Judge, Edward L. Perko, Surprise No. 2 was a turnout of 10 champions for a Champion Parade. Since he aspires to judge our breed, owners graciously allowed him to examine and gait each of these title holders individually, a courtesy for which he was mostgrateful as an important addition to his education in the breed.Surprise No. 3 was reserved for Dave and Bobbie King and their 9-12 mo. puppy bitch, Annie. The young couple were attending their first Match as spectators. When it was learned they had their puppy with them, Club members prevailed on the Kings to enter her. Bobbie and Annie were alone in the class, and with a little instruction from the judge got their feet wet. That meant coming back to compete for Best and Best Opposite Puppy against all the other class winners. Well, Annie got the nod for Best Opposite Sex, winning a garlanded, pedestaled candle nearly twice her size. Its a good bet that the Kings, and Annie, will be around to enter the next Match, and that NCPC may gain a couple of new members. Annie was bred by Club member Bob Ramos.Best Puppy Blossom Views Lil Gold Nugget, bred and owned by Irene Weltz, from the 2-4 mos. class. Best Adult Kems Stand Pat, male, bred and owned by Ken and Elizabeth Matheson. Best Opposite Adult Blossom Views Ruby Red, bitch, owned by breeder Irene Weltz. Best Stud Dog Creiders Navajo Britches, owned by Anne and Bob Hayden. No Brood Bitches entered.Both the Judge and Mrs. Perko expressed delight with the Judges Gift an antique-style, glass-domed watch- stand with the Clubs medallion hung on the peg instead of the expected lava- lier or pocket watch.Between the Match proper, and the Champion Parade, an Obedience demonstration was presented by Club member, Valeria Wagoner, and her giant Pom her Keeshond Liebchen. Valeria called the orders while husband Paul performed the Novice exercises with the Kees. This was a substitute for Emma Heyde and her obedience-trained Pom Brace which could not attend.POMERANIAN REVIEWPARKAS POMERANIANS1r3MMCH. FANFARES HIGH STYLE Jonathan4CH. BONNEKS SUNSTYLE BBIIXIANCEWe are proud to have been able to add Jonathan to our stud force. We thank Oathy Gaidos for the opportunity to share this great fellow with us. Anyone who has had the pleasure of seeing Jonathan in the ring will surely agree that he is literally ZV2 pounds of vibrating dynamite. He is clear orange and his background is Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas ToyCh. Bonners Fanfare Fashion.Leslie Parker9705 Jackie Lane PhoneSt. Louis, Mo. 63123 314-487-6572The day concluded with a lavish dime -a dip pot-luck buffet, organized by Hospitality Chairman, Paula Dodero, and her crew. The days only flaw was the announcement of the hospitalization of George Forsberg, critically ill with pneumonia. George, 80 years young, is one of the Clubs oldest members and staunchest supporters, never missing any of its activities if he can help it. We all wish him a speedy recovery. He would appreciate hearing from his many friends and cards may be sent to him at St. Marys Hospital, Hayes and Stanyan Struts, San Francisco, CA.SHOW WINSSend news of top show wins to you Regional Secretary or to your area Re view columnist. Gulf Coast area, sen to Molly Miller Southeast to Kathry Birk Rocky Mountain area to Kei Matheson entire Midwest area to Bev erley Berman. Only the East is not rep resented by an area columnist Gues we will have to appoint one.2 POMERANIAN REVIEWTom and Norma ORourke and all the Poms at Tonos Send CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHEStoRUTH DOTSON and all the Poms at SUN-DOTS401 N. Ambum Texas City, Texas 77590CONGRATULATIONStoRUTH DOTSONon her Kennel Visit and her recent Champions From All The Poms And Toy Poodles atDE-LEIBPuppies Occasionally KATHRYN LEIBLEIN1521 West Pine Fresno, California 93728POMERANIAN REVIEWACE HI'S POMERANIAN KENNELPROUDLY PRESENTS THEIR FIRST HOMEBRED CHAMPIONACE HIS BIG JOHNsubj. AKC conf.Big John is pictured winning WD and BW for 4 points under Judge Hayden Martin at Santa Ana Valley K.C., Anaheim, California, 4-29-73Big John finished in July All wins were obtained owner-handled.Our Thanks to the following judges for Big Johns winning pointsDr. Buris Boshell 3 points, Mr. Melbourne Downing, Mr. Ellsworth Gamble, Mr. Charles Kellog, Mr. Edd Bivin and Mrs. Katherine Pinch.Big John is a lovely 4 lb. red sable and a Proven Stud.CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO RUTH DOTSUN AND SUN-DOTS KENNELS.ACE HIS POMERANIANSMrs. H. A. Richardson40758 N. 11th St. West Palmdale, California 93550 Phone Area 805-273-3501L POMERANIAN REVIEWFORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUBMrs. Jewel Ellis. Sec.325 S.E. 9th St.Grand Prairie, Tex. 75050New officers elected at the June meet- lg are as follows Mr. John D. Metz, resident Mr. Howard Hale, Vice-Presi- ent Mrs. Jewel Ellis, Secretary-Treas- rer. Board of Directors elected are Mr. ulian Andries, Mr. Bill Kennedy, Mrs. lildred G. Patrick and Mr. B. G. McDon- ld immediate past President.The Board of Directors worked on iroposed amendments to the club's Bylaws which needed clarification and rhich when presented to club members s a special meeting was voted unani- aously in favor of the amendments as iroposed.The Fort Worth Pomeranian Clubs hrn Match held on Aug. 11, 1973 had an ntry of 21, with Geraldine Sealys Toy Soy of Toytown going Best of Breed, dildred G. Patricks Patricks Miss Muf- it going Best Puppy in Match and toger and Barbara Griders Hi Dotti lot Dot of Robar going Best of Oppo- lite Sex.At the SPCA Match on the following lay in Dallas, Texas, Geraldine Sealys Toy Boy of Toytown won the Breed, 3eggy Bushs and Laura James Crei- lers Mischief OShadows won Best uppy and Roger and Barbara Griders Hi Dotti Dot Dot of Robar won Best f Opposite Sex.John D. Metz Creiders Ebony Sou- renier won Best Junior Puppy at the len-Tex Kennel Club Match in Waco, Texas and Bill Kennedys Count de Shawn won Best of Breed and Group II it the Austin SPCA Match.Club members are looking forward to i successful year for the club and our oreed, and are working hard to achieve this goal.ROUND CUTSIf round cuts are wanted, the advertiser will have to cut the circular mask. If edges are rough or circle is not round, the cut will be the same.CHUCK REYNOLDS-BUD KNAPPSALLY McGILBRYSend Best Wishes toRUTH DOTSONSSUN-DOTS POMERANIANSfrom their cousins atGOLDEN GLOWPOMERANIANSBOMBARDIER STILL THE FORTECONGRATULATIONSTOSUN-DOT KENNEL FROMTOY STARS KENNEL2 litters available.1 sired bySun-Dots Midnite Terror 1 sired by Skylark G. B.Les and Toni Wright4052 Cornelia Way North Highlands, Ca. 95660 Tel. 916-331-4501POMERANIAN REVIEW 2Great Elms Kennels, Regd.Our Joady and Ch. Trump are also producing top quality puppies.Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Stud Fee 75.00Congratulations to Ruth Dotson and her Sun-Dots KennelsRuth Lowry BeamPineville, N.C. 28134 Ph. 704-889-9233CHAMPION QUEENAIRE DOODAD AND CHAMPION QUEENAIRE LACEY FIREFLYSend Love, Licks and Best Wishes to Ruthie Dotson on her Kennel Visit. Lacey especially would like to thank Ruthie for taking such good care of her during her recent visit and making sure that her Summer Romance would prove fruitful. Translatedwe are going to have puppies. Lacey has been bred back to her Black and Tan sire, Bonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire. We are hoping fpr some Black and Tans of our own. Hear that, Lacey We show Laceys pedigree belowCh. Bonner's Smoky-Pepper ChicoBonner's Pep-R-Kute NightfireBonner's Pepperkute SungoldCH. QUEENAIRE FACET FIREFLYCh. Queenaire Scotch SodaCh. Queenaire DoodadBlossom View's Gold PrincessROBERT SHIRLEY BROWN 14730 Bethany Street415-483-3306 San Leandro, Cal. 9457926 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENNEL VISIT WITH RUTH DOTSON AT SUN-DOTS KENNELby CHUCK REYNOLDSThere is a new bright spot shining in Sunny California, between Sacramento and. Roseville in the suburbs of Citrus Heights. This shine emits from the kennels of the colorful SUN-DOTS POMERANIANS owned by Mrs. Ruth Dotson.Ua-Ruth Dotson with 1. to r. Int. FCI Am., Mex. Ch. Sun-Dots Busters Bast Stand, Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly son and Ch. Sun-Dots Just A Nip.To know Ruth is to love her. Seldom do we meet such a peerson who can take a breeding project such as hers with steady sincere diligence and seriousness and yet maintain a true spirit of happiness, sportsmanship and often a Devil may care attitude. When Ruth has a new litter of promising puppies or one of her Poms performs in the ring to pick up a new win record, she fairly bubbles with joy. Yet, in times of bad fortune with one of her Poms, knowing she has done all she could, she takes it in stride without complaint and vows that next time will be better. It is wonderful, being at ringside with Ruth, to see her pleasure at her Poms wins, but even more so to see her laugh at her own dogs when they misbehave andher sincere applause for the Pom and owner who does the winning on that day. Dont let me mislead you. Ruth does not approve all Poms that win. If she observes a faulty Pom go up, she does it with critical eyes and quietly speaks of it rather than make loud noises as one hears from a poor loser. But boy, if Ruth Dotson likes the Pom, regardless of owner, you could not ask for a louder cheering section for that other persons winner.Ruth had her first Pomeranian as a four year old. Unfortunately, when she moved from Oklahoma to California there was no room for her pet so a new home was found for it. She had always hoped that some day she would again have one of those fluff balls to love. That love came in 1962 when her husband, Roy, brought her a Pom for the combined occasions of Anniversary, Birthday and Mothers Day gift. It was a lasting and growing Gift of Love as Ruth has had many more Poms around her since.mN'.V,"Vis ,'.VSeventeen year old Shelly Dotson with her house pets, Sun-Dots Golden Mellodi top, Ch. Queenaires First Lady left and Pom Adors Xittle Red right.POMERANIAN REVIEW 2Shortly after getting her Pom gift, Ruth acquired more and attended one of Sacramento Dog Fanciers All-Breed Matches. It was here that she met the late Phyllis Ann Picksley of Pom-Ador Kennels. This was the start of a beautiful friendship which was destined to have lasting influence on Ruths success in breeding and exhibiting Pomeranians. Phyllis Picksley was the owner of the Ch. Golden Glow Dandy son, Fa Robs Red Buttons, producer of Champions. Ruth liked what she saw in Phylis Bombardier line and decided to use this as the foundation for her breeding stock. She also visited the Golden Glow Kennel of Sally McGilbry at Battle Ground, Washington. Sally still had offspring from her famed Ch. Dromore Bombardier, and Ruth had this opportunity to set in her mind her objective to maintain the type from this great line of dogs. She was able to do this through the use of Phyllis Picksleys Poms stemming from the Dandy son, Fa Robs Red Buttons. It was one of his sons, Pom Adors Buster, who sired Ruths outstanding Int. FCI Amer. Mex. Ch. Sun Dots Busters Last Stand. In 1967, we saw the untimely death of our very dear friend, Phyllis Picksley. Ruth purchased the Poms which Phyllis had and has since followed on with the Bombardier line as a foundation for her breeding program. In addition to some lovely bitches, Ruth acquired with this purchase the Fa Robs Red Buttons son, Ch. Pom Adors King and one of his sons, Pom Adors Play Boy. She also obtained another Fa Robs Red Buttons son, Pom Adors Page Boy, one of her favorites. Both Play Boy and Page Boy were very near to being finished. Ruth also has the last Pom pup bred by Phyllis, Sim Dots Midnight Terror. He is a handsome Black and Tan used so successfully by Ruth. Among the bitches she acquired at the time was Pom Adors Little Red who, when bred to Ruths Ch. Buster, produced Ch. Sun Dots Bubble Dancer. Ruth shall always be grateful to PhyllisAnn Picksley and her Bombardier line bred Pom Ador T,m mScSSkOne of Ruths favorite brood bitches, Oh. Queenaires Peach Brandy.It was in 1967 that Ruth saw a picture of a beautiful bitch, Ch. Creiders Debbie. Ruth knew she must have her. Dudley Roach put her in touch with her owner, Norma Creider, so that Ruth could purchase her. Ruth later purchased another bitch with the Creider Breeding background from Kit Noble. This was Ch. Queenaires First Lady. Her next purchase of this line was from Dudley and Wanda Roach, a full sister to the above Ch. First Lady and the well known Int. FCI Ch. Queenaires Scotch and Soda. She was Queenaire Peach Brandy who Ruth quickly finished. She then purchased Ch. Queenaires Cinnamon Twist, half sister to Ch. First Lady and Ch. Peach Brandy out of Creiders Melissa, who Ruth also purchased. This gave Ruth a good supply of the Creider bloodline she so admired and has used so well. One of the latest successes Ruth has had from this line is the current Top Winning Pomeranian Bitch, Ch. Wee Witch Hodges of Sion Dots, owned by Mrs. A. W. Hodges of Laramie, Wyoming. This outstanding show girl resulted when she bred her Ch. Cinnamon Twist to SAMS Gay Blade Sandddol. Wee Witch completed her Championship in five shows on the highly competitive Texas circuit at 8V2 months of age. Oh. SAMS Gay28 POMERANIAN REVIEWBlade Sandidol is now making his home and stands at stud for Sun Dots Pomeranians.In 1970 Ruth had the opportunity to see a little Red male Pom visiting the West Coast. She has always admired the beautiful Model Pomeranians owned by Boh Goodrich, especially his Ch. Models Son of Fun and Ch. Models Magic Timstopper. She was delighted to learn that this little fellow resulted from a combination of these two. She bred a Fa Robs Red Buttons grandaughter, Anns Little Angel of Sim Dot, to him and got her favorite Pom of all, her constant companion, Ch. Sun Dots Just A Nip. He is a perfectly named little three pound nip. His color is the most unusual rich red mahogany we have ever seen in this part of the country. In fact, while still a puppy, one Pom breeder who judged him at a local match swore up and down that Ruth had to be using dye to get such a color. That breeder later changed her mind as she admiringly watched Nip go through a very colorful show carreer.Current show hopefuls at Sun Dots are two terrific young males. One is'' Ruth and her constant companion, Ch. Sun-Dots Just A Nip.sired by the famous Texas Tornado, Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly out of Ch. Queenaires Doodad. The other is by Ch. Queenaires Gambolin Man out of Ch. First Lady. Both will soon be making their presence felt in the rings. All in all, Ruth, with careful breeding and purchases, has owned ten Champions for Sim Dots. Four of these are of her own breeding. This, in just a few years is a record for many, some who have been trying much longer, to envy and applaud."MTypical Bombardier line-bred puppy at Sun-Dots Kennel.While actually visiting the kennel for this writing, Ruth was in the process of moving from Sacramento to Citrus Heights. It is a beautiful home with large grounds shaded by Oak trees. Three of Ruths children, Shelly, Eddie and Kenny, were enjoying the neat swimming pool area in the back of the house. Ruth also has two grandchildren from her oldest daughter, Debbie. Her husband, Roy, was busy building the new kennel facilities which will be completely sound proof to avoid any possible disturbance to the new neighbors. While there, the place was virtually buzzing as close friends and relatives came to see Ruths new Haven for her SunPOMERANIAN REVIEW 2SUN-DOT'S POMERANIANSProudly Presents Our Newest Champion CHAMPION SUN-DOTS BUBBLE DANCERa. ,a.i ' Sire Int. FCI Am., Mex. Ch. Sun-Dots Busters Last Stand Dam Pom Adors Little BedSee Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsWE ARE ALSO PLEASED TO ANNOUNCECHAMPION S.A.M.S GAY BLADE SANDIDOLNow At Stud for Sun-Dots Inquiries InvitedBoth Dogs Shown to Titles by John Thyssen7430 Antelope Rd.NOTE NEW ADDRESSRUTH DOTSONCitrus Heights, California 95611 Phone 916-725-52340 POMERANIAN REVIEWJots Poms. I was particularly happy to ee one of Ruths dearest friends who las been so helpful with her vast dog mowledge. She is Mrs. Pat Thurman vho had moved to Sacramento from lallas, Texas, where she was so well mown in the Doggy Circles and amous for her North Lane Min Pins. Jhe asked to he remembered to her nany Texas Pom friends. It was truly i wonderful experience to visit this rennel. I hope many readers will be able o feel the warm glow that Ruth Dotson auses to come from this bright spot at 3un-Dot . . .P -JJSwimming pool and exercise area at back of Sun-Dots Kennels.KENNEL VISITThe January Kennel Visit will take us to Texas City, Texas to the Tono Kennels of Tom and Norma ORourke. Weve been told that Texans like to boast about their Poms so here is the golden opportunity to support the Kennel Visit and boast about your own super Poms, Too Deadline is November 20.WRONG NUMBERWe regret the error in listing the telephone number of Linda and Molly Miller in one of their ads in the July issue. The correct number is713-332-1847OBEDIENCERINGby EMMA HEYDE170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112We believe we have a record Dont know for sure, but if anyone has heard of a Pom who topped this please let us hear about it. Linda Marden of Independence, Kansas, finished MARDENS LITTLE ARISTOCRAT for his C. D. in three straight shows at the tender age of less than seven and a half months. Amos, as he is informally known, has been trained and handled by Linda, and is owned by her mother, his breeder. He began obedience training at four and a half months. Two months later, on April 29, 1973, he went to his first trialthe Mid-Continent KC of Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he earned his first leg with a score of 191At that show he also won a trophy for first in the puppy conformation class. The second leg came at Lawrence KC on May 12 with a score of 192. There he was fourth place in Novice B, and high scoring Pomeranian. The third leg was made at Topeka where he scored 183. Linda says he decided to play that day shall we say that should be the privilege of such a youngster. Amos is the fourth Pom Linda has finished for C.D. so with such a good trainer and such a Pomno wonder they are dreaming of a CDX under a year of age. Lots of luck to them. In a recent Graduate Novice class little Amos blew the drop recall, but still managed to come in second place out of a class of five. Nor is his obedience the only thing he stars in At a recent match he was best Pom puppy in conformation and placed Group 4all this just one day after his eight month birthdayA heart-warming letter comes from Valerie Potts of Niles, Michigan aboutPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3C^on, cili ondToRuth DotsonsSUN-DOT KENNELSWe are proud to be your handlersJfohn and j^ani dJl r3 enStar Route No. 2 Box 63-ALos Lunas, N.M. 87031Showtime ______enneli 505-865-689732 POMERANIAN REVIEWCongratulations to Ruth Dotson and her Sun-Dots Kennels Still no help, so must cut down on dogs, offeringCh. Roanokes Melanie Magic, 5 lb. Red. Proven Sire Ch. Models Son of Fun Dam Little Bit of Honey, nearly finishedRobins Tinker Belle of Scotia, 10-31-71 Proven, free wthelper, good mother Sire Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Dam Rays Precious Tinker Belle III have another champion son of Models Son of Fun and a full sister to Tinker Belle, so do not need to keep the above dogs. Pedigree and price on RequestAt StudCh. Hadleigh Little Robin Ch. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Ch. Scotia Caviliers Spectacular Ch. Scotia Caviliers Jungle Jim Ch. Sungolds Boston Blaxie Ch. Roanokes Melanie Magic and other Cavilier champion sons.P.O. Box 647 Floral City, Florida 32636Phone 904-726-2001Edna GirardotPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3INTRODUCINGTHELDUNS MAX FOR SNAXMax is shown going WD.BW, BOB at Lackawana K.C. for 2 points under judge Mrs. Anna E. Cowie.MAXLook for Max in the ring as he is campaigned this fall.Cathy Lasota365 W. 12th Ave.Conshohocken, Pa. 19428V .... rkMRS. PAUL M. LANDREVILLEPuppies Occasionally Stud Fee On RequestCh. Scotia Caviller's Dare Devil Orange male StudScotia Yogi Hello U1 Dino Mite mo.See you at the shows soon.2012 Bordner Place, St. Paul, Minnesota. 55116POMERANIAN REVIEW14i new C.D. In the Pomeranian Review of fuly, 1972 we sadly reported that Val- sries Sunny had just completed his 2.D. with a tremendous record of scores, md was beginning CDX training when re succumbed to a cardiac arrest. Our dearts went out to her at that time, and now we are so happy to hear from her as follows Last summer I began training DUKES TAWNY OBERON handsome son of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly owned by my parents William and Ruth Potts. Tawny and I attended obedience classes and prepared for his introduction to obedience trials. After only thirteen weeks of training he earned the first leg of his degree at Lafayette, Indiana the heat of that mid-September afternoon was almost overwhelming the Old English Sheepdog did collapse, and I was proud of Tawnys score of 184. His training was interrupted when I left home to attend university in another city, hut in the three short weeks that Ive been home from school he has managed to complete his C.D. At Fort Wayne, Indiana on May 5 he scored 19314 and won the trophy for highest scoring dog from the Toy Group the following Sunday in Crown Point, Indiana his Mothers Day presents to Mom were the completion of his final leg for the degree with a score of 192 and two Highest Score from the Toy Group trophies. Valerie also reports that her sister Loris little Pom BUFFY has now completed her C.D. The scores for that degree are also commendable At Steel City KC last fall it was 189 for the first leg. Then, as with Valerie and Tawny, training was interrupted when the girls went off to college. However, on June 10 at Notre Dame, Indiana Michiana KC she scored 195 for her second leg and two weeks later at Berrien KC show at Berrien Springs, Michigan, placed fourth in the class with a score of 192 for her third CD leg. Both Tawny and Buffy are now in training for Open, and in the meantime will he showing in some of the Graduate Novice classes, as will Valeries six-month oldpuppy Dawn, who will be entered in the sub-novice class. Great workget those obedience Poms out where they can be seenLast, but by far not the least, comes news of a new CDX This is COYs TINY TERROR BANNER, owned and shown by Martha M. Sackenheim of Hamilton, Ohio. Banner, whose sire is Ch. Skylark Crimson Banner, owned by James M. Coy completed CDX on June 2, 1973 at Queen City Dog Training Clubs trial. His first leg was at Middle- town with a score of 193 the second at Louisville Dog Training Club, score 183, where he was fourth place in Open A and the third leg was made at Cincinnati with a score of 18714. Mrs. Sackenheim says that many spectators have told her how much they enjoyed watching Banner perform, and that he likes to be applauded well-deserved applause I would say. They are now starting Utility training and then will go on to tracking.Martha bought her first Pom O-HI- LAND TOY PRINCE Scampy when she was 12 years old he earned his CX. in 1957 and was with her until last March when he died at the age of 15. Some valuable and helpful hints come from this clever trainer She says, My first Pom refused to take a dumbell, so Banner had a little dumbell by the time he was two months old." They would have a little game during which he learned to take it, hold it1 and bring it here he also learned to sit", find it and let go. His toys included a ball, unpainted squeaky toy, glove and a rag. She says all this helped when they were ready for Open and it may be noted here that this procedure starting the very young puppies gently and at their own level, is advocated by all of the leading obedience trainers.SEND YOUR TROPHY PLEDGE NOWPOMERANIAN REVIEWEDITORIALWould you spend 35c a month to support and protect the breed we all love Pomeranians Isnt that a silly question Of course you would Would you spend 86c per month to support and protect our breed AND in return for this 86c, also receive 4 issue of Pomeranian ReviewLast October, the future of the Review looked very dim. We could not find anyone to help with the editorial and advertising work, and the mounting cost of printing and mailing the magazine made it appear likely that the American Pomeranian Club would have to discontinue publication or hand over the Review to a commercial or private owner.We sent out a questionaire on the subject, and a good proportion of members answered that they did NOT want the Club to give up the Review, but that they would support a privately owned Review with their advertising and that they would pay 6.00 for 4 issues or 9.00 for 6 if only some way could be be found to continue the magazine.When the Board of Directors met to decide the fate of the Review, they found that it would be expedient to separate the Annual Dues of Members from the charge per member allocated to the Review. Members thought of the Review as a Gift included in their membership, and so it had been. BUT ... it was a Gift subsidized by several dollars of their annual duesand galloping inflation over the years had made the annual income from dues fixed at 7.00single and 10.00 husband and wife i the By-Laws inadequate to cover h creased expenses of operating the bus ness of the Club, the Specialty Sho1 and the Review.There was no thought of pulling fast one. In meeting to find a way t get more assistance for the Editor, or t turn over production to an alternat source, the Board investigated the entir operation in depth, and discovered tha immediate measures were necessary t avoid catastrophe. As bills for Annua Dues had already been mailed, it wa decided to announce the increase ii general subscription rates and the 3.0i rate for Members in the January ReviewWe wish there had been time to wan Members BEFORE their 1973 dues hac been paid, but there just wasnt. So w hope that our much-wanted and needed Members will think in terms of our in troduotory statement it costs 35c mor a month to be a Member of the Americar Pomeranian Club, Inc., with a reduced subscription to the Review, than to be just a Subscriber.If all Members who have not paid their 1973 Subscription will send 3.00 to Thelma Dunn before November 15, she will send you the April, July and October issues of 1973 and January 1974.In the future, Members subscriptions will be billed at the time of Annual Dues and can be included in the same check and mailed to the Treasurer. And this we promise there will be no further increase in Members Subscriptions without advance notice.5 POMERANIAN REVIEWRANDY'S POMERANIANSimrJf\5V . 4L. V VH -Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi shown going Best in Show at the Illinois Valley Kennel Club, Peoria, Illinois, over some 1800 entries under the eminent Judge Theodore Wurmser.Since April 14th Peppi has acquired 21 best of breeds and 19 group placements including 8 group firsts in addition to his two Best in Show wins.OwnersRandy and Paul FreehRt. 2 Booth Road Kermesaw, GeorgiaPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3PROUDLY PRESENTS t. r'n"V WPeppi again going Best in Show at Fort Lauderdale, Florida over some 1200 entries under the well known Judge Frank Haze Burch.We wish to express our appreciation to judges Theodore Wurmser and Frank Haze Burch and also to the following judges who have contributed to Peppis winning recordMr. Louis Murr, Mr. Anthony Stamm, Mrs. Wilma Hunter, Mr. E. W. Tipton, Mrs. Kathrine Finch, Mr. Alfred Treen, Mrs. Michele Billings, Mr. Henry Stocker, Mrs. Enrica Huggins, Mrs. Jane Kay, Mrs. Winifred Heckman, Mrs. James E. Clark, Mr. Frank Bilger, Mr. Forest McCoy and Mr. Melbourne Downing.Exclusive Handler Houston ClarkChattanooga, Tennessee38 POMERANIAN REVIEWNice Colorbred Black CHUCK REYNOLDSFemaleWhelped Jan. 31, 1970is proud to announcehe is now anBeautiful Golden OrangeFemale AKC LICENSED HANDLERWhelped June 18, 1970PomeraniansNice Red Sable FemaleWhelped May 22, 1972 Yorkshire TerriersNice Orange Male Shih TzusWhelped Aug. 9, 1972German ShorthairsDorothy ArmagostMain StreetHooversville, Pa. 15936Phone 814-798-2601Golden Glow Kennels of CaliforniaRt. 2. Box 2815. New Castle. Ca. 95658Ph. 916 663-3612All The Poms OfCONGRATULATIONS LYONS POMERANIANSVirginia Rockhold CONGRATULATEFor Finishing Your SOUTHLANDS DIXIE QUEENNew Champion On Finishing HerROCKYS LUCIE BELL Championshipand andBEST WISHES BEST WISHESFor Continued Success For Continued Successfrom To Her OwnersLYONS POMERANIANS Tony and Betty ShortWilmer and Marjorie LyonsRt. 1Exldne, Iowa 52555fromWilmer and Marjorie LyonsRt. 1Exline, Iowa 52555POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Ch. Mar-Bi-Leas Gay CinderellaMuffleSeptember 18, 1962June 8, 1973 Great God of Dogs,Look down and hear our humble prayer.Outside thy portals a little stranger waits,A tiny Pomeranian begging humbly for admittance. Great God of Dogs,Wilt Thou let her inGreatly missed by her family.Forrest, Mary and Vicki McCoy 3026 Kingfisher Drive Orlando, Florida 32806FUNFAIR POMERANIANS Have Moved To FloridaOur new address isRt. 8 268 Parkwood Acres Hicks Rd.New Port Richey, Florida 33552 Phone 813-868-0810John R. Probst Katherine R. ProhstOld AddressNorth Rd., Tivoli, New York 12583POMERANIAN REVIEW10CHAMPION SHEEBA'STAKES THE COUNTRY AND KEEPS RIGHT ONShown Winninggs or Homecaaarm m i,-FIRST IH GROUPeoar HAPIDS-K.AJUKE 23. 1973OLSON PHOTOBest of Breed Over 5 Specials and on to Group I at Cedar Rapids, Iowa under the Eminent Judge Mr. Frank LandgrafOwnerSAM L. ZANEOFF10 Park Avenue New York CityPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4LITTLE DRAGONFLYBY STORM . . .THE WINNING TRAILShown Winningmm-8SX mHKBest of Breed At The Countrys Largest All-Breed Show Santa Barbara, California and on to Group III under the Foremost Pom Authority Mrs. Elsie SivoriFLASH Dragon goes BEST IN SHOW at Hutchinson, Kansas, August 26 under Mr. Isidore Schoenberg42 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional detail as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 8.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 3.50.CH. SISSY OF LENETTE, orange female, bred and owned by Lenette Pomeranians, Kannapolis, N. C. Finished her championship with five majors at the age of ten months. Shown here with her handler, Marlene Scott, winning B.O.S. Sweepstakes, at the American Pomeranian Club Specialty.S3' iCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Again Great Elms Little Debby II Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Sire Great Elms Little Duffie Great Elms Linda Great Elms Little Susie Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debby II Jilltaras Anniversary Gift Dam Pacemakers Peter Pan Jilltaras Sweet Charlotte Adams Post Script by TimmyCH. SUN-DOTS BUBBLE DANCEROrange female Breeder-Owner, Ruth Dotson Citrus Heights, CaliforniaFa-Robs Red Buttons Pom Adors Buster Tiny TrinketInt. FCI Mex., Am. Ch. Sun-Dots Busters Last Stand SireCh. Wylies Pomercutin, C.D.Wylies Little Belle of L.P.K.Kays Nifti Novelti Ch. Pom Adors King Pom-Ador's Play-Boy Orange Doll of Pom-Ador Pom-Adors Little Red DamMessers Hi Tone Lidos Fancy Doll Messers Dolly ModelCH. LICITYS CREME DE NYMPHTA856573Cream female Breeders John Carol Bradford Owners Carol A. Fama Diane Walsh Parsippany, N. J.Ch. Adonis of Point Loma Nicholas of Point Loma Dexter Dixies Diana Ch. Buffs Good Times SireNicholas of Point Loma Ma Chere Tyrolas Topsy Katidids Red Pixie Pam Davis Wee Gold Fancy Pants Pomerania Pompous Pongee Bue Davis Wee Gold Ginette Mi Darleen of Va-Lee DamLil Beaus Melodie Box of Va-Lee Meiodies Julie of Va-LeePuffas Lil Melodie of Va-LeePOMERANIAN REVIEW 4Behind the New ChampionsCH. PHYNER BUMBLE BEETA-842896 Black FemaleBreeder-Owner, Dolly B. Trauner San Francisco, CaliforniaGoforth's Ebony Knight Little Black Timmy Golden Glow Sweet Heart Ch. Cin-Dee Tiny Tim SireThe Nonpariel OPashadohl Blossom View's Black Cin-Dee Reiter's Tootsie Queen Ch. Naps Sundance Kid Nap's Sundance Victory Star Nap's Sir Victory Star Am. Can. Ch. Phyner Black Queenaire DamRobin's Mr. M. C.Ron-Dels Patsy Lee Scott's Fancy ButtonsCH. SCOTIA LEADERS BUNNY HON BON Orange FemaleBreeder-Owner, Edna Girardot Tampa, FloridaCh. McKamey's Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Caviliers Leader SireCrouchs Butterscotch Scotia Pumpkin Eater DuceyCh. Tell's Ideal Bombardier Ch. Sungolds Sensation Kid La Fortunes Wee Hopeful Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Dam Pomcrest Tim's Tani Princess Atonya Hollys Little DollyREGIONAL CLUBSAll Regional Clubs are requested to send a list of their officers, especially the name and address of their Secretary, if we do not have it. All Regional Clubs may send a column, whether AKC recognized or just getting organized. This must be typed, double spaced with 1- inch margins, and should not be more than two typewritten pages in length.CH. SCOTIA BEST YETS MIGHTY MITEOrange MaleBreeder-Owner, Edna Girardot Tampa, FloridaCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Littel Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Models Son Of Fun SireCh. Great Elms Little Buddy- Models Red AmberCh. Models Magic Spell Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette Of Shawn Ch. Scotia Caviliers Best Yet DamCh. Jans Wee Fire Bug Ch. Royal Trudie Of Lane-Marr Royal HoneydewCH. EETOBright Orange Male Breeder-Owner, Mrs. Susan J. Allen San Jose, CaliforniaInt. Ch. Rhapsody Of Hadleigh All-Stars Blossom View Flame All Stars Scarlet Beauty Ch. Ce-Lous Lil Cavs L Bernstein SireCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ce-Lous Gay Cavilier Wonder Ce-Lous Ruffle of Teddy Ch. Aristic Fireball Aristic Pepper Pot OGold Aristic Mouchett Mar-Vans April Kell Pep DamMessers Just Dandy Messers Kelly Whirling Girl Messers Bon BonASSISTANTSA glance at Page 3 will tell you the names of our two newly appointed assistants on the Review Staff. Thelma Dunn is also helping on the production end. She and Ray Edney travel 100 miles to spend one whole day typing, etc. Cathy comes the other working weekend. We hope we finally have this problem solved. Please do your part by getting your material in by the deadline.14 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind the New ChampionsCH. MEGS DANDY LITTLE BOYRed MaleBreeder, Stella B. Davis Owner, Donna C. Megenhardt Kent, OhioCh. Gold Toy's Bonne Buttonbox II Ch. Davis Wee Gold Boxie Ch. Davis' Wee Gold Tena Davis Wee Gold Boxie Dandy SireCh. Davis' Wee Gold Boxie Davis Wee Gold Boxie Watusi Davis Wee Gold Vi-Vie Ch. Gold Toy's Bonne Buttonbox II Ch. Davis' Wee Gold Boxie Ch. Davis' Wee Gold Tena Davis Wee Gold Trisha DamMr. Mischief Of Diamond Ranch Chiles' Konigin Resel Grand Lady AprilBAY COLONY-contd.Results were as follows 21 entries9 males, 4 pts. 7 hitches, 3 pts. 4 champions2 absentes.Best of BreedCh. Tim-Sues Lil Love Bug owned by Tim and Sue Goddard and handled to his win by Ray Wine. Love Bug also placed 2nd in the Toy Group.Best of Opposite Sexwas the Winners Bitch Scotia Leaders Bunny Hon Bun, bred, owned and handled by Edna Girardot.Winners Dog and Best of Winners went to Silva Lade Gentle Ben, a lovely little black male owned and handled by Bill Ernst. This little fellow celebrated his first birthday 3 days after the Specialty and I might add finished on August 18th at the Cheshire Kennel club Show in Keene, N. H.Reserve Winners Dog went to Edna Giraraots Robins Even Steven and Reserve Winners Bitch to Bodas Ginger Robin of Topaze, co-owned by Francis and Mary Casey.Winner of the Veteran Dog Class was our own Am., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude.As soon as the judging was over therewas a rush for the towels to dry off both the Poms and the handlers and then prepare for Our Annual Picnic Luncheon. The weather might have dampened the dogs and the exhibitors, but it didnt dampen the spirit that the Bay Colony Members are known for. Picnic tents were set up and the table prepared with the various foods that our members are noted for. We all gathered together and enjoyed conversing about Poms, Poms and more Poms.It was a pleasure entertaining the Pom Folk from various sections of the country Stanley and Clarice Oganeku, all the way from Honolulu, Hawaii, with their young daughter and young cousin, Edna Girardot from Florida, Ray Wine, also from Florida, Norma Jean Jenkins from Virginia, Mary Jane Wilson and Bill Ernst from Connecticut and Ina Kniffin from New York, plus our Bay Colony Members from Massachusetts. We hope that you enjoyed yourselves as much as we enjoyed having you. We sincerely hope that next year you will all return and bring others with you. Well really try to have better weather. Our Sincere Congratulations to all of the winners and Special Congratulations to Edna Girardot on finishing her little girl Bunny Hon Bun and to Tim and Sue Goddard on Love Bugs tremendous performance in the group. We all thought he should have won it.COMING IN JANUARYReport of the American Pomeranian Club Specialty in Houston, hosted by the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston.NEW ADVERTISERSWe welcome many new advertisers to this issue. We feel sure they will be pleased with inquiries received from serious breeders.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4LENETTE POMERANIANSBreeders of Fine Poms for More Than 16 YearsmMi wm . - . 'Xr'".GreatElms Buddy of Lenette4 lb. Red son of Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image. Handler, Marlene Scott. By the time you read this Buddy should be finished.Stud Fee 75.00 Bitches DO NOT HAVE TO BE APPROVED.If you are having trouble with washed out colors, light points and poor coats, then we would suggest you try a Great Elms stud. Great Elms Poms have been famous for over 35 years for their gorgeous colors and coats, as well as correct heads. Unfortunately we dont own Image, but he is at stud at Great Elms Kennels, Pineville, N. C.We Offer For Your ConsiderationGreat Elms Terry of Lenette. Brilliant orange stud with tremendous coat.Proven and only 2 years old.Two young orange brood matrons.Several litters sired by Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Buddy of Lenette Great Elms Terry of LenetteK. G. Griffith 704-938-3104 704-938-2042 Nights923 S. Main Street Kannapolis, N. C. 28081Our Poms are Always Realistically Priced and Satisfaction Guaranteed46 POMERANIAN REVIEWCIRCULATIONMANAGERMRS. THELMA M. DUNN R. D. 1, Carvale Drive Aberdeen, Md. 21001POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION 6.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail Canada, Mexico 6.50 Foreign, 7.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION RATE 3.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 1.50 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year.1974 Subscriptions will be billed at same time as Annual Dues, and can be included in same check, sent to Treasurer.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUES Available at 1.00 EachWrite Circulation ManagerNote that we have located some additional back issues.Available at 1.25 Each1969 Jan., April, July, Oct.1970 April, July, Oct.1971 Jan., April, July1972 Jan., April, July, Oct.1973 Jan.Also available at 1.50 Each1973April, JulyEXCITING NEWS In response to our plea for early issues of the Review, Mrs. Mabel B. Dubell of Merion Station, Pa. sent us the September 1960 and June 1961 issues for which we had already had requests. The 20.00 realized from the sale of these two issues will be offered by Mrs. Dubell as a memorial cash prize for Reserve Winners Bitch at our February Specialty.Mrs. Dubell also sent the following unavailable issues, to be auctioned to the highest bidder and proceeds to help reduce the Review deficit. SEND NO MONEY. Send Thelma M. Dunn a Sealed Bid i.e., a note telling the issues you would like to purchase, and the price you are willing to pay minimum price will be 5.00 each. Closing date for bids, November 15, 1973.The various issues will be sold to the highest bidder, not the first received. In case of tie bids, lots will be drawn to deoide the winner except in oase of identical bids for any one issue where one bidder has already been awarded one or more other issues, the person who has not won any other issue will be the winner.JUNE 1958THE VERY FIRST REVIEW 1962 March, Sept. Dec.1963 March, June, Oct.1964 April, July1966 July, Oct.1967 April, July, Oct. 1938July, Oct.1959 December1960 March, December1961 March, September, December1962 June1964 January, October1965 January, April, OctoberPOMERajmiajn review 4MAY MORNING POMERANIANSCh. May Morning Hokus PokusHokieannounces he is the sireof a very promising new litterwhelped August 1, 1973out of May Morning Fun N Frolichis neice, a Wizard daughter1 sable Boy and 2 Black GIRLS that look as though they might be large enough for breeding. If you are on our Waiting List for BLACK FEMALES, please get in touch, if still interested.ALSO AVAILABLETiny orange sable male sired by Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland out of May Morning Legacy of Jonnie, lovely sable daughter of Am. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight whelped April 20, 1973. Very stylish and typey.Sorry SoldLITTERS EXPECTED IN NOVEMBERSire May Morning Moon walker Bing sonDam Ch. May Morning Black MagicSire May Morning Duke of Styx Black Ch. Tonos At Midnight son Dam May Morning White Hope WhiteSire May Morning Benjamin Moonwalker sonDam May Morning Sassy Lassie Full sister to Ch. EchoSire Ch. May Morning Hokus PokusDam May Morning Little Lulu Bing daughterMany Others In The Planning Stage Full Details In January Hope Our Luck Is Better Than It Was Last SpringSOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pa. 19380 215-793-191248 POMERANIAN REVIEWCANADIAN CAPERSby DOROTHY JOTJES Box 57, Salmon River Drive Dartmouth, R. D. No. 1, N.S., CanadaCanadian Capers must begin with an apology. In the last issue I named the top Pom in Canada. Unfortunately, the information which I received was incorrect. It came along with a number of show reports. When the results were accurate I felt no hesitation in publishing the whole report. My sincere apologies to the owner of the dog named in error and to the owner of the winner, Jean Schroll. Our top Pom was Oh. Am. Can. Holders A Lil Red Flash with 869 points, followed in second place by Ch. Am., Can. and Ber. Mi Los Mischief Gold Pat, 758. Third place went to Ch. Am. Can. Topaze Happy Interlude, 584. Congratulations everyone.No Toy dog placed in the top ten all breeds. Incidentally five of the top ten were working dogs. Eighteen dogs in Group Five were awarded B.I.S. Pekingese claimed six of these, with the Poms winning four.Shirley Charrette and Joan Grant contributed the following informationCALGARY KENNEL AND OBEDIENCE CLUB SHOWSJune 8Judge Charles HamiltonW.F.Bonners Elfin KristineShirley CharretteB.B.Am. Can. Ch. Sandimats Gin RickyKenny EvelynB.O.S.Ch. Solitaries Golo of HighlandKatie Wilson June 9Judge Ed. DixonW.M.Tut 11 Mr. and Mrs. Walter SprindlerW.F.B.W.Bonners Elfin KristineB.B.Ch. Solitaries Golo of HighlandB.O.S.Am. Can. Ch Sandimats Gin Ricky of KenlynnJune 10Judge Ken RichmanW.M.Tut IIW.F., B.W., B.O.S.-Bonners Elfin, KristineB.B. and winner of Group FiveAm. and Can. Ch. Sandimats Gin Ricky of Kenlynn.May 11 Mid Canada ShowsWillipeg Judge Thomas Joel B.B.Jayenns Dinah MightJoan Grant May 12B.B. and Best Canadian Bred Puppy in GroupKenlynns Jenny of JayennJoan Grant May 13B.B.Sunnyvales Netami of Jayenn Joan GrantJune 23Shilo, Crocus Kennel and Obedience ClubJudge Ken Richman B.B. and third in groupWee Mite Red VelvetJoan Grant June 24Judge Tim Reid B.B. and second in GroupSilver MeadowsNance Marie Best Puppy in GroupKenlynns Jenny of JayennJoan Grant July 5Thunder Bay, Ontario Judge J. Kelgannon B.B.Am. Ch. Wilmas Gentelman Gee WhizBetty Trestman July 6Judge Roy Montague B.B.Wee Mite Red Velvet July 7B.B. and fourth in Group Sunnyvales Netami of Jayenn Kendra Shaw sent me a note confirming my earlier hunch that Mamselle Blackbeard of Nan jo finished at Moncton.This finishes our show news for this time.Now let me tell you a bit about our recent vacation in England and the Pom folks we met. On arrival we learned the East of England Championship Dog Show was to be held the next day. The fact that the show began at ten in the morning, and we were about one hundred and thirty miles from the gates didnt discourage us a bit.Added to this difficulty we handnt quite mastered the English habit of driving on the left, the stick shift or thePOMERANIAN REVIEW 49MIDAS POMERANIANSINTRODUCESCH. DIXIELANDS LITTLE BAGATELLEShown finishing with Don Parkerof Parka's Pomeranians under J. Dorothy BonnerCh. Aristie Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonner's Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Ch. Dixielands Style StepperA-Lil Mischief's Towntalk Dixieland's Little Judy Dixieland's Little Belinda Ch. Dixielands Little BagatelleCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Millamors Melody BoxCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Ringmaster Millamor's Red Mist Ch. Millamor's Gold FlameSkippy was bred by Mrs. E. L. Tankesley. He is a brilliant orange with harsh stand-off coat, a beautiful head and sound legs.JON ROBERTA MASSEY3382 Mowing Green Drive Florissant, Missouri 63061 Ph. 314-838-V978new highway vocabulary, which talks about Dual Carriage Ways. Fly Overs and Round Abouts. Oh yes, we also had to drive through London.The time between departure and ultimate arrival at the show might better be left to your imagination. The River Thames was most unruly and kept getting on the wrong side of the road. The river proved completely innocent, the problem was my map reading.No sooner would I get the map spread out for easy study that Walter would begin to do things with that stick shift. There would be a great clashing of gears, rattling of maps, accompanied by veiled threats of what should happen to a wife who spread maps out over the whole carthen expected a man to drive. Despite all this we arrived safely and the show was well worth all the wear, tear and dark looks.50 POMERANIAN REVIEWForty-three Poms were entered in seven classees.The champions compete in the open class. Last year twenty-four to twenty- six champion certificates were awarded in male Poms. Ch. Wynwrights Mid- Winter Boy won eight of them Ch. Saymar the Scotsman won twelve, and the rest were spread about. Three are required to make a champion. The Poodles are not shown in the Toy Group but find themselves in the Utility Class along with Tibetan Spaniels, Schnauzers plus our usual Group Six dogs.This was a benched show, held outside. The weather was fine until the last minute of group judging. Then everyone dashed to an empty tent huge where Ch. Saymar the Scotsman captured the group. They didnt seem to have group placements.The show was very informal. I dont believe I saw any hair spray at all and not one grooming table. The dogs were in the ring for a few minutes when we got there, but if they had tables they were not in evidence. A lot of grooming is done on top of the crates.One item really caught my fancy. They do not use dollies but seem to convert baby carriages of the stretch out variety, as against the stroller. The crates are stacked on it and off they go.On to the Poms themselves. They were lovely The coats were of the harsh stand off type with a fair variety of color. Fronts were average, but rears were weaker than those Id seen at our Specialty. One other point of interest. The Poms there are trimmed more than ours. It is an art. One of the breeders treated me to a trimming lesson. It really amounts to removing stray bits and pieces of hair that stick out and spoil the outline of the dog. The effect of the trimming was most pleasing to the eye, but, the small amount of hair removed is almost past belief. In this case it was contained in a very small ashtray, and the tray wasnt full.Ive just mentioned the coats. Perhaps Ive picked up a couple of hints Ican pass on to you. First, in winter they keep the temperature for adult dogs down to about sixty degrees. Secondly they feed fishmackerel for example. If the cost of beef continues to climb my next column may well be entitled Gon Fishin.While we use talc on our Poms, I noticed Fullers Earth being used instead. Finally, great care is taken in the seleeotion of a brush natural bristle only. There, Ive tossed to you the ideas I picked up.One thing did trouble me and I hestitate to mention it lest it be assumed Im in agreement. The English Pom breeders are selling dogs to Japan at very high prices. These are not back yard breeders but the pillars of the breed. Three weeks prior to our arrival seventeen good Poms had been sent there. The buyer will return in time for Crufts.We were told that Mrs. Dyke of the famous Haaieigh Poms visited Japan. Her host asked her to name the imported dogs and the kennels she wanted to see. They set out and arrived without notice. The Poms were in fine shape. All this is contrary to what Ive heard or read previously and Im puzzled. It appears there is a bottomless demanding market.Pom folks are certainly the prize winners when it comes to hospitality. We were treated like visiting Royalty. One breeder, Mrs. K. Fellows, elected to guide us down to Wales. She must have heard of our map reading problems. This is a distance of about two hundred miles. There we were greeted by Anne Winter with whom Id been corresponding. Their home, tucked into the side of Caerphilly Mountain must once have belonged to a Welsh nobleman. The house seemed to ramble over a huge area. Outside a very profilic pussy cat played with a numbeer of kittens in half hidden, forgotteen gardens. The setting was truly romantic.First we had a good look at some very promising puppies, paid tribute tfjPOMERANIAN REVIEW 514V2 lb. Sable 3 lb. Orange 3 lb. Golden 3 lb. Sable3 lb. CreamMany THANKS to Pauline B. Hughesfor allowing Circus Boy to join our family.We would also like to Thank Mr. Stanley Hanson for a 5 point win for our lovely bitch.LavahilTs In Love With Amy.GLORIA A. DIASPost Office Box 10041 Honolulu, Hawaii 96816LAVAHSLl POMERANIANSproudly presents AUST. CH. ASTRAL SABLE KING ASTRAL STYLEMASTER HADLEIGH HUMMING BEE LAVAHILLS IM GAMBOLING MANand our new Island Star CIRCUS BOY OF POINT LOMAJames, Ch. Wynwright Mid-Winter Boy, then set off for dinner.It is a pity there isnt more interchanging between the Americans and English breeders. While at the Poodle ring I was sitting with Sterg ODell and was struck with how familiar he was with the breeders and their stock. Later, visiting the Barlows I was again pleasantly surprised to hear the namesof the great breeders of the U.S. spoken of with familiarity.My English friends were eager to hear of the Pom doings in Canada and the U.S.A., but knew little of the breeding of the dogs. Perhaps next year Ill be able to introduce my new little English man to you. I bought him at that awful five month stage and have been trying very hard to think positively about his futureI trust hes making plans too52 POMERANIAN REVIEWRINGSIDEby K. BIRK 1634 S.W. 9th Ave.Fort Lauderdale FLORIDA 33315One of the letters I have received regarding better ways of admitting new members to our American Pomeranian Club fails to solve the problem but it shows reason that there should be a change in procedure. The letter contains other matters I think you will find interesting. The letter, IN PART, follows As for myself, I was recommended by a woman hundreds of miles away and the only way she knew me was by letters and that I had some of her stock. NOW THIS IS WHAT IM ALL STEAMED UP ABOUT. . .. A womancalled me the other day and asked me to write a letter to A.P.C. to recommend her for membership. I told her I would come to see her Poms and get to know her a little first. The house was nice, the dogs and everything well cared for. She had two nice girl puppies 8 mo. old and 3 pups were 8 days old and their sire and dam. I told her I thought one of them was good enough to show. I would have been proud to own any one of the lot I asked who the sire of the pup was. She said, XXXX her male I asked to see the papers. They were beautiful and I was thinking how well he would go with my newest Ch. bitch. I noticed by the papers, the registration papers, he was 10 mo. old. I said wait a minute . .. there is something wrong here, he would have sired the 8 mo. old before he was born. She said Oh my husband will kill me for this, I wasnt going to let you see his age. The explanation was that the dog XXXX had been sold twice and taken back and his papers were lost, so the breeder she got them all from gave her some other papers for him. Also had advised her toregister 4 pups, not just three, and said then, if you get a nice pom with no papers you can use the extra one.My letter writer continues . . . By this time I was flipping. I think I could excuse her if she didnt know better but both she and her husband both know. When I calmed down she said, I suppose you wont recommend me now. I said ... I think not.But Mrs. Birk, you know someone will and there we have another undesirable Pom member. The sad part is its just my word against hers. They are good looking Poms and somewhere along the line have had good breeding. She also told me that her XXXX dog was the sire of the older ones but another dogs name was down as sire because the age of XXXX wasnt right. Howin you cope with peoplelike thatIf I could get her to commit herself in front of someone I would go to A.K.C. about it. I mentioned it to several of our club members and they said, Oh. In other words they could care less . . . So Ill cry on your shoulder . .The above letter is not an isolated case and shows that the members who are concerned about the unethical activities that among some of our members, would like to be able to report these activities ... To stop such practices ... To discourage the deliberate dishonesty. It is sad indeed, when crying on a shoulder is all that we can do. We need to clean house and do a better job of screening new members.Our Ft. Lauderdale All Breed club had a FIRST and a LAST in June. It was our LAST June show ... It was the FIRST time a POMERANIAN had been our BEST IN SHOW winner. CH. RANDYS JOLLY WEE PEPPI was the winner. He is owned and bred by our good friends, Randall and Paul Freeh.I had inquiries about the book I recommended in the last issue of Review. Dogsteps by Elliott. You can now read it in the Gazette. I am happy to know that A.K.C. thinks as much of I do.'AtVPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5CREIDER'S POMERANIANSPuppies occasionally for sale, sired by the following studsCH. CREIDERS TIMOTHY TOP CAT CH. QUEENAIRES SCOTCH N SODA CH. CREIDERS ROBBIE RAINBO CH. CREIDERS EBONY MASTERPIECEMrs. Norma Creider Rt. 9 Box 674 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74107 STARLITE KENNELS Gayle L. Griffin Rt. 1, Box 98Ph. 503-843-2040 Amity, Oregon 97101FOR SALETiny, compact sable male puppy Timstopper Hadleigh linesPRESENTS CHAMPION STARLITES RIGAL MISS MAGIC J V14 'IMiss Magic Granddaughter ofCh. Great Elms Timstopper AgainFinished at 13 months 14 points from puppy class Speoialed only four times Owner handled Best of Breed all four shows MAGIC NOW BRED tograndson of Oh. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy4 POMERANIAN REVIEWMIDWESTREPORTBEVERLY C. BERMAN Rt. 1, Box 210C Broeburn Rd. Barrington Hills Algonquin, III. 60102Several tilings in the last issue hit vital spots with me and as if to confirm my apprehensions, I was notified that a Pom with a huge coat and BROWN nose had finally accrued the required points for title. This is a most graphic rebuttal to the thinking that everyone knows the proper rules for the Pom standard and everything does not have to be pointed out. This faulty logic leads to the supposition that anything goes as long as you can get away with it. Because we have so many judges licensed to go over our Poms that really dont know a toe from a testicle, or if they do know, just dont care as long as they see a familiar face in the ring, we shall continue to have Champions made up that do not comply with the standard.There are some that have to have every single point in conformation spelled out, backed up with a disqualification and the listing of the major and minor faults. I am up to my neck in a similar confrontation with the Papillon Club where there is an element that wants to have disqualification dropped and leave to the conscience of the breeder the right and wrong of conformation standards. This standard is in process of revision at present. Here too, a simple statement that eye rims and nose pigment must be black is being pushed in order to remove the disqualification of all Liver Paps. Because of protests over oolor markings last year, it was pointed up by the show committees that unless a specific thing is listed as a disqualification, the dog cannot be put out, even though the body of the standard contains a statement as to what the markings must be.I would not want to see protests pop up at every show at the Pom ring since we do not have any disqualifications to enforce in the present standard. However, when ever I see some serious fault being shunted aside by a judge such as a BROWN nose, I shall make it my business to lodge a complaint against the judge with the prevailing show committee and follow it up with a letter of protest to AKC. Perhaps this method of attack will get it across to those unknowing judges that the fancy is up in arms against poor judging. For the nine and ten dollar entry fees, everyone deserves an honest going over of his dog by a competent, knowledgeable judge.In my last column, I promised a summary of an article I have received on how to put on an exposition in a shopping center to help promote the purchase of a pup from a breeder. The original article though very funny is too long for reproduction here, but in a nutshell, here it is.Preparation for the three day event involved the assembling of as many as possible breeds and two all breed clubs participated. Various degrees of proficiency in obedience as well as breed conformation were displayed. A commentator would announce the name of the breed and give a short history as the dog paraded as well as the suitability for being raised with children and in apartments etc. Because the cleanup gang did a thorough job and the exhibits attracted big crowds, the exhibition received raves from the merchants who no doubt reaped additional business. The group has been asked to return next year. Such an exposition gives the prospective puppy buyer a chance to compare the breeds without the hard sell of a commercial atmosphere and though I am sure that some of the exhibitors did sell puppies as a result of the exposition, it gave the viewers a one to one basis of comparison.We had a marvelous time in Oklahoma where the hospitality of the Mid Del Tinker Club was just fabulous. TherePOMERANIAN REVIEW 5ZEYDENS POMERANIANSSelling Entire Stock3 Show quality females 6-9 months2 Bonner and 1 AristicPepper Pod granddaughter1 Pointed show male 4 points, less than 1 year old1 Bonner brood 1 Vz years oldCORNELIS and BEVERLY VANDER ZEYDENRoute 3, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301 Ph. 414-863-62783-D MAGNETIC SIGNS WITH 3-D POMERANIAN HEADHand Painted In Full ColorStandard Size 12 x 20Type Available 15.00 per sign1. Magnetic2. Adhesive3. Mounted on boardPomeranian Wall Plaquesin 8 x 10 frame7.50 eachNOW AVAILABLE ONLY THROUGH THE KENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUBSEND ORDERS TOMr. and Mrs. Comelis Vander Zeyden Route 3, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301ZeibeISPOMERANIAN KENNELS RT.S GREEN -BAY, WL mm....... L3Q4L56 POMERANIAN REVIEWwas a nice turn out of Poms and I did note that in general they carried more coat and were more uniform in size than the average Pom exhibited in our area. I had my second look at a black and tan in lovely coat. I had never seen one till the Wines brought up one some years ago for the specialty and International.There has been a rash of accidents resulting in the serious injury and death of some of the local Poms and it cannot be stressed too much that extreme cre and attention must be given a toy dog especially in hot weather. The freak accidents are hard to explain. My own little Ch. Missy broke three tiny bones in her rear paw probably by getting a nail caught in a seam in the kitchen floor covering. She is so small and the seam would never enter my mind as being the culprit till the vet pointed it out as a possibility that he had encountered before. So be sure that nails are kept trimmed back. We generally do all the dogs nails every three weeks except for the ones we are showing who get a weekly trim. Missy is fine now thanks to my wonderful vet, Dr. Lloyd Prasuhn and his new assistant Dr. Brown.Though most of us are breeders and do not have reason to board our dogs while on vacation, there may be a few who can benefit from the warning of being careful of the place selected for your Pom. Just yesterday I had a very tearful client who had left her Pom in a supposed vet supervised boarding kennel only to come home to a dying dog encrusted with blow flies. I was simply furious that any dog could have been so mistreated. I always urge one dog owners to take the little one along on vacations as they will pine if left behind. I have taken a Pom to Yellowstone and Estes Parks and even into the Iron Mine in Mich, under my slicker as I couldnt leave her in a warm car. At Yellowstone, our picture was taken almost as often as the bearsMajors are on the increase and I hope that AKC does not raise the entry requirements. A veritable Gazette of wins has been sent in. Ray Radzinskis Ch. Ceeraes Master Copy now has his Canadian Ch. and two Gp 4s won in Canada. Nadine Hersils Ch. Queenaires Jigger of Scotch has several Gp placings and Gp. 1 at Stone City. At Blackhawk K. C., Mr. Berman sent Hodsons Ch. PomPuf Fancy Duke Masterpiece to the group where he took Gp 2nd.Other show winsMiss Valley K. C. Parkers Ch. Sunstyle Brilliance B B, McLaren's Bojos Christifine Brandy WD BW Scott County K.C. Hochstedlers Ch. Handsome Hank of Farside BB, Posateris Sylviss Wee Apollo 4 pts. WD BW, McKameys Gold Countess 4 pts. WB BOS Tri-City K. C. Smiths Ch. Amberils Cinnamon Twist B B, Blackorbys Sonny Bun 4 pts. WD BW, Shorts Southlands Dixie Queen 4 pts. WB Fox River Valley K. C. Hochstedlers Ch. Handsome Hank of Farside BB, Noths Renas Stuffed Pepper 4 pts. WD BW, Hersils D- Nees Dorable Dazzler 4 pts. WB BOS Stone City K. C. Hersils Ch. Queenaires Jigger OScotch BB GP2, Masseys Dixieland's Little Magatelle 4 pts. WD BW, Baugniets Varneys Bubbles Up 4 pts. WB BOS Chain OLakes K. C. Smiths Ch. Amberils Cinnamon Twist BB, Blackorby's Sonny Bun 5 pts. WD BW, Hodsons PomPufs MLady Melanie 5 pts. WB Cedar Rapids K. C. Zaneoffs Ch. Sheebas Little Dragonfly BB, Liddles Auroras Mighty Samson 3 pts. WD BW, Russell's Fox Flame Velvet 3 pts. WB BOB Blackhawk K. C. Hodsons Ch. PomPuf Fancy Duke Masterpiece BB, McKameys Enchanting Lady 4 pts. WB BW BOS.The Kenosha Cty. Pom Club will hold its fall B match in Sept, with Miss Dawn Vick judging and a vast array of trophies will be awarded.POMERANIAN REVIEW 57Presenting our new loveSONNY BUN, a lovely red orangeson of my Can. Am. Ch. WILMAS HrGOLDEN PARTY BOY who haswon 3 major wins this summer p . ifor a total of 13 points. 4k- iTHANKS to Dr. Wm. Field,mi m l rMrs. Winifred Heckman andAlfred Treen for those wins.SUNNY BUNA SPECIAL THANK YOU to Wilma Birkman for letting me have SONNYSiring beautiful heavycoated puppies, he is available at stud. We have severalpromising puppies available, sired by Sonny and his sire Party Boy Bobbipict. Oct. 72 Review.Congratulations to Duane Gaulks BLACKORBYS LUCKY LITTLE JOY, bredby me, on her 4 pt. win at Waukesha K. C. on 7-29-73.CHERYL K. BLACKORBYPhone R. R. No. 2815-288-5373 Dixon, 111. 61021WILMAS TINY TOY POMERANIANSSends CONGRATULATIONS To CHERYL BLACKORBY For her excellent handling of SONNY BUN to his wins of a 454 Point majors.PROOF THAT WE DO SELL OUR GOOD ONES.His Daughter, Wilmas Miss Polly Dander Up is following in his footsteps with spectacular wins.Puppies UsuallyPet and Show2924 Stark Street Eugene, Oregon Phone 503-688-0759 Evenings.58 POMERANIAN REVIEWPRAIRIE WIND POMERANIANSIntroducesTIM SUES LOVE TUNEChicky started her show career by winning the 6-9 mo. puppy bitch class at the New York Specialty. Her first points were a 4 pt. major at age 9 mo. going WB BW at the Colorado K.C. in Denver, Colorado. She is now very near to championship.She is sired by the fabuolus BIS Ch. Tim Sues Lil Love Bug.We thank Sue Goddard for lotting us have her.We have several litters due sired by Bonner studs.These should be nice.Also, a belated CONGRATULATIONS to our very good friends Clara and Arlo Weise of Longmont, Colorado on the Championship of WEISES FLASH OF TIMMIE AGAIN. We have an outstanding litter of pups sired by him out of a champion bitch we own.Dan JoEllen MercerBox 306, Big Springs, Nebraska 69122 Ph 308-889-3109i .J,wmmNEWS FLASH BLACK POM WINS BEST IN SHOWCh. Silva Lade Gentle Ben, black male Pom bred by Diane Johnson and owned and handled by Bill Ernst won the Toy Group under Mrs. Marianne Grybinski and on to Best in Show under George E. Brodie, Jr. at the Penobscot K.C. showin Bangor, Maine September 3, 1973.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5SQuote True value of a champion is in what he or she produces. Yes, we agree, and are so proud of what our Bug is producing.Congratulations to Dan and Jo Ellen Mercer on the recent wins for Tim Sues Love Tune, who is near her title. We also have two very exciting young males and two lovely females all spoken for who will be on the show scene soon. Congratulations also the Davisons of Oklahoma on their recent purchase of Daniels Love Dance of Tim Sue. And, oh yes . . . record 35 B. B. with 25 group placementsCh. Tim Sues Lil Love Bugwe are also proud of Our Boys show 6 group ones and one BISTim and Sue Goddard13145 87th Ave., N. Seminole, Florida 33542 Phone 813-392-0947SpitEstb.1957RR. 1, Rosedale, B. C., CanadaCurtailing breeding to a couple of litters a year, just to keep Spit-Fyre in show competition, and love babies so much.For this reason some free whelping broods and proven studs for sale, typey and producers of show quality.also3 exquisite little females for showing, under one year of age.Tiniest beaver male, show quality, 7 months.Lovely cream stud prospect, ZVz lb. 9 months.SPIT-FYRE BUMBLEBEE, red sable, 3 lb. has now added 4th winners out of 5 shows and BW Aug. 12-73 under judge J. Gregory.Announcing the new magazine Modem Dogs to appear this fall, informative, educational, controversial for the ToyNon-Sporting and Terrier Breeds.Columnists Top Canadian Breeders, Judges, Professionals, YOU Special Coverage for Pomeranians.PomeranicinS. ef'60 POMERANIAN REVIEW WESTERNROUND-UPKEN MATHSSON 14314 Nova Scotia, St. San Jose, Ca. 95124We have had a nice new thing that has come about in our area. The veterinarians have gotten together and opened an emergency clinic for after hours and Sundays. You do not need an appointment just go in. It is open all night and the wee hours in the morning. The only things they treat are emergencies, and you go back to your regular vet for follow-up treatment. This is good when whelping problems arise in the middle of the night or a puppy is ill and cant wait until morning. My own vet who has seven vets working for him in three hospitals will also have a day and night service for his clients soon.Do you have a dog that doesnt seem to quite come into Coat Or is always dropping it and has very dry skin It might be Thyroid problems. The only way you can check this is to have your vet do a blood test. Another thing, while I am on the subject, watch those shots. A lot of vets give shots in the hind quarters, and with the little muscle on a Pom any shot might cause a temporary or even permanent damage. I always insist that shots be given in the shoulders. I have received several letters from people here in California, and this is an excerpt from one, but they almost all say the same thing. The blind kennel owner who talks down others as if they were the only one that had good Poms. It is time for all Pom people to admit that theirs is not always the best, and unless we do realize this blindness we are going to continue with the faults and really not improve our Continued on page 66PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSby Margaret Klingbeil 4815 Monroe Ave., N.E. Salem, Oregon 97301Vacation time is a poor time to collect news, and when a correspondent cant get to most of the summer shows for various reasons, the events and news we need for this column are sadly lacking. The show season has been a busy one here with a new club making its debut with an entry of 1114 dogs, thus giving us our only all-Oregon circuit. Nine Pomeranians were entered at the new Coos KC show, thirteen at Chinti- mini and sixteen in Portlands Dog Fanciers show.On June 3rd Ch. Starlites Rigal Miss Magic, owned by Gayle Griffin of Amity, Or. took Best of Breed under Mrs. Merle Smith, and on the following weekend at Tacoma, Wn. this little sable bitch repeated the win with Beulah Hatch judging.The Mt. Baker show at Bellingham, Wn. on July 1 gave Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash the Best of Breed win, with Marcella Bingham judging. Texas, owned by Jean Sohroll, also took the Breed at the Coos, Chintimini and Dog Fancier shows with Tom Stevenson, Winifred Wartnow and William Kendrick doing the honors. At the Coos show I was given no report on wins other than BOB, but I believe Cedar Glens Magnificent Moon was Winners Bitch for a three point major. She is owned by Alicia Kvamme of Tacoma, Wn.Chintimini gave Winners Dog to Rig- gins Stylish Pepper of La Moda, owned by Dolores Riggin of Tigard, Or. A four point major in bitches went to Maykins Cheerleader, owned by Kenneth Mayes of San Antonio. Cheerleader took BOW and BOS along with her major, with Cedar Glens Magnificent Moon going Reserve.POMERANIAN REVIEW 61THE COLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.of Portland, Oregonis holding its ANNUAL SPECIALTY SHOW, in conjunction with The Portland Kennel Club, Inc., All Breed Benched Show December 2, 1973in the Memorial Coliseum, Portland, Oregon Our Judge Mr. Derek G. Rayne We invite all Pom Exhibitors to join us.Trophies.For Premium ListAce Mathews Dog Shows P. O. Box 06150 Portland, Oregon 97206Mrs. Earl Asbeck Sec. 3746 S. E. Caruthers Portland, Oregon 97214ADKINS POMERANIANS Expecting Several Nice Litters in Aug. Sept. Sire Ch. Macs Gay Terrific all Artistic breedingDam Ch. Dixieland Frost of Highland Corn Duke DaughterSnow white puppies from white parentsBlack puppies from black parentsMoving Again I Hope by September56 Camille Lane East Patchoque L.I. N.Y. 1177262 POMERANIAN REVIEWDog Fanciers had a three point major for bitches, which went to Mariannes Bambi Chip-Sungold. Marianne Melville of Vancouver, Wn. is her proud owner. Winners Dog, who also took BOW for the major, was Riggins Stylish Pepper of La Moda. These entries are considered good for our area, where major wins have been hard to come by in the last year or so. Not like the twelve or more entries in males during the show season a few years back.Judge Piper awarded BOB to Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash at the Long- view-Kelso show on July 22nd. Winners Dog for the two points to finish him went to Riggins Stylish Pepper of La Moda. This is the second champion for this young kennel, and both these champions are half brothers. Joy LeCompte of Salem, Or., a top breeder of quality blacks, was owner of Goldpaz Patti Midnight, a black, the Winners Bitch and Best of Winners.Seattles big 1476-entry show on Aug. 5th saw BOB going to Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash. Fourteen Pomeranians were entered, and Winners Dog and Best of Winners went to Rainbows Pip Puff OWillow, owned by Margaret Mc- Kune of Vida, Or. I believe this two point win finished this male. If so, this is the second champion Pomeranian for our area in just two weeks. Good going. Now, if everyone who has Poms would get them out to the showring instead of sitting at ringside criticizing the ones that are being shown, we could really go someplace. Winners Bitch at this show, for two points, was Queenaires Bit OFluff DBon Qui, whose owner is Mary Conrad of Medford, Or.Several breeders in this area, in other breeds as well as Pomeranians, have been asking if anyone has had any experience with an illness that causes deformed pups, pups whelped at full term but very immature, or that are aborted a week to ten days prematurely. It sounds like a virus, but the different veterinarians who have treated these dogs have different ideas about thecause and cure, and nothing has helped so far. A breed column in another dog magazine mentions a viral infection of a lowgrade type which doesnt noticeably affect the pregnant bitch but which does affect the pups in the above mentioned ways. The article mentions that the virus affects puppies from two consecutive litters before it runs its course. The people I know who have affected dogs would appreciate any advice they can get, and I would be glad to pass the letters on to them.Four shows in British Columbia, with two shows each weekend, gave the BOB wins each day to Jean Schrolls Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash. North Shores first show, with Graham Head judging, gave Jay Jays Robin of Charmar two points for Winners Dog. Robin is owned by Jean Schroll and M. Neuschwander. Winners Bitch, also for two points, was Perkipoms Baby Sunbeam from Senior Puppy Class, who was BOW the first day, Best Canadian Bred Pomeranian both days, Best Canadian Bred Puppy both days, and Best Opposite both days. Her second show, under Henry Stoecker, was a three point win. Very good going for this puppy owned by Jean Wilson of Vancouver, B.C., especially since the second show was a Booster. Winners Male and BOW at this Booster for three points was Joy LeComptes Am. Ch. Goldpaz Colonel Midnight winning his first points towards his Canadian championship.At the Coquitlam, B. C. show Am. Ch. Lancer of Sun Ray was Winners Dog and BOW both days with Langdon Skarda as judge for the first day, and William Bergum doing the honors for the second show. Lancer, owned by Fern Rogrigues of California, took a three point win at the first show, and possibly at the second. Winners Bitch at the first show went to Cedar Glens Magnificent Moon, for two points, and to Perkipoms Baby Sunbeam for the second day, and this puppy was again Best Canadian Bred and Best Puppy for both days.POMERANIAN REVIEW 62POMIRISH KENNELSTakes this opportunity to thank for our show stockBetty Varney for, and Edna Girardot as breeder of, our bitchCH. VARNEYS BUBBLES UP subj. AKC conf. Finished at Traverse City, Mich. 8-17-73 Owner handled. 3 majors, 3 BW, 4 BOS, 1 BOB, 6 major reserves. Scotia Reg. line wh. 11-18-71. More about BUBBLES in the next issue.Sheila Marion forSHAMROCKS POMIRISH GEM SMOKY Dog. Best Puppy in Wisconsin Pom Club Match Moreno-Hadleigh line wh. 8-25-72Randy Freeh forRANDYS POMIRISH SUPER SPORT Dog 7 pts.RANDYS POMERISH DUKES BUFFY BitchOh. Corns Duke Dragonfly double grandchildren wh. 9-4-72Congratulations to Nadine Hersils Ch. Queenaires Jigger O ScotchGroup First and his second Champion D-Nees Dorable Dazzler subj. AKCCh. Hadleigh Little Robin Ch. Lunds Just Dandy ot Hadleigh Lund's Adorable Chubby Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da O Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Way BrochureLITTER DUE AUG. 18 from the double granddaughter of Cavilier above Sired by Ch. Bonners Krismay CardinalCh. Bonner's Darlastyle X-Mas Toy ex. Maykens Lil Nip of LyBelFOR SALE1 puppy dog, wh. 1-31-73Dick and Sally Baugniet 414-755-2994 or 414-755-2301Showing Poms and Irish SettersRt. 1, Box 99, Mishicot, Wis. 5422864 POMERANIAN REVIEWI have been told that a litter of five puppies is considered to be a large litter for Pomeranians. What would you say to a litter of five that is all chocolate I know that chocolate in Pomeranians is not a rare color, but it is considered uncommon, so getting a litter of five that are all a deep, dark chocolate is something to start talking about. Owner Dolores Riggin of Tigard, Or. is understandably proud.Two Pomeranian Club matches have been held in our area lately. The very active Puget Sound Pomeranian Club held a match in Tacoma, Wn. at Spana- way Park for Pomeranians in both conformation and obedience classes. Joy LeCompte, doing her first judging assignment, was quite impressed with the Club and the beautiful lake setting for their match. Joy gave Best in Match to Pomlands Tediber OCambellyn, owned by Alicia Kvamme of Tacoma. Prom what I am told, the trophies were outstanding, being handcrafted ceramic pins, figurines and such. A lovely picnic was enjoyed later. Coming up from Oregon were Margaret Coleman, Rita LaVerne and Averil Asbeck of the Columbia Pomeranian Club. Another Oregon exhibitor was also present but I was not able to get her name or address. Portlands Columbia Pomeranian Club have a very successful match also. Entries were judged by Bess Pickens of Portland. Best in Match went to Riggins Kristol Bomber, owned by Dolores Riggin. Riggins Duchess, a four months old cream puppy with very winning ways was Best Junior Puppy, Best Puppy in Match and a strong contender for her sires Best in Match win. Best Senior Puppy went to Muriel Gunthers entry, whose name I did not get in all the rush. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne George of Coos Bay were there with several of their Poms, as well as several other people whose faces were new to me. A picnic was also enjoyed by exhibitors after this match. Matches are fun, evenContinued on page 66ALONGMYWAYBy MOLLY MILLER P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573As I write, I can hear the school bells being tested, and I am reminded that fall is not far away although my air- conditioner is laboring to push back the mid-August heat and maintain the illusion of approaching fall. As is usual in my area, the summer quarter has not been one of many shows. This summer we have remembered them often by our various efforts to prepare for the October specialty, which, by the time you read this, may be history. If so, I hope you had a chance to be with us, and that I had a chance to visit with you.Even though shows are scarce in this area during the summer, I do want to tell you of two new Louisiana champions. Faye Celentano has finished her home-bred bitch Ch. Celtan Dance of Dragon Lady. This lovely red-orange girl is the daughter of the late Ch. Milla- mors Fancy Gold Dancer, the sire of several champion children and grandchildren, and Celtans Dragon Lady, who had produced two litters for a total of three puppies two of whom are champions.Faye also writes that she has recently purchased Tim Sues Dancin Dragon, who is a full younger brother to Ch. Tim Sues Lil Love Bug. This is good news for those of us who hated to see both of these boys go quite so far away as Florida. I wonder what the chances are of moving all the Goddards back one at a time ...Marie Buonagura, another Louisiana breeder, has just finished her first champion, Ch. Tomars Sugar Sweet Lady. This orange girl is also home-bred and is the daughter of Ch. Artistic PepperPOMERANIAN REVIEW 65TO-MAR POMERANIANSPresents our homebred Champion To-Mars Sugar Sweet Ladysee April Review for Puppy pictureSugar our lovely female finished this spring after only being campaigned one season and under a year earning her last Major as Best of Winners at Santa Monica, Calif. Sugar at 7 months had already won 2 Best of Breeds at her 1st and 2nd shows.My appreciation and thanks to the Judges who liked Sugar so well, to Myra Harris who started Sugar on her exciting wins Lisa Buonagura my daughter who showed Sugar 4 times, 3 for Best of Winners and once for Best of Opposite sex and Barbara Chadwick who handled sugar once completing her championship for me in California.My thanks also is extended to Kenneth and Edith Mayes, agents for her lovely sire Ch. Artistic Pepper Pod Beautiful and the Bakers, owners of her grandfather Oh. Corn Duke Dragonfly.Inquiries invited on 2 show quality female puppies 9 months full and breeding of Sugar and also new litter just born sired by Ch. Artistic Pepper Pod Beautiful.Marie Buonagura 435 Phosphor Ave.Metairie, La. 70005 Phone 1-504-837-1234is." JPod Beautiful and Tomars Miss Dragonette.I am certain that most of us guard puppies from small objects that they could swallow however, do we also guard adults Strange as it may seem adults too may swallow strange items. Ed Cooper recently wrote to me of his Duchess swallowing whole, three acorns which damaged her digestive tract. The acorns were removed surgically, but theresulting damage and infection was too great, and Duchess died. Karen Holders Kandy ate, of all untasty things, a piece of screen wire. Kandy must have a digestive tract made of caste iron for the wire moved through and caused no problem. I, too, have had an unlikely sounding problem. About a year ago my Fairligbt swallowed a needle which lodged in her throat. Pairlight was pregnant at the time, and the resulting inLiieii ui tins issus, wc wuuju yy p-lu.wfor it. Address above.DOLORES ADKINS East Patchoque, N. Y.In answer to Barbara PierceI dont know much about Beaver or Wolf Sable, but can honestly say the white does come in snow white as I now have it. It took quite a while to find it. Ask for samples of the fur before buying. I feel the white ones can be just as outstanding in quality as any other color. It does need good black pigment to set it off right.Ed. Note Black pigment of nose, lips and eye rims is required for white Poms.MARGE GORMAN Selfridge ANGB, MichiganAbout the question concerning the Beaver'' color, See letter from Barbara Pierce, July Yips Yaps the color of a beaver's fur would be covered under brown, but perhaps ''Beaver referred to the ladies' beaver skin hats popular in the late 19th century. The ones I have seen were a taupe color, which might accurately describe the blue dilution of chocolate which infrequently appears.JESSIE W. YOUNG Loudon, New HampshireI have noticed while showing in the Northeast that trimming has become more obvious in the past year. I have seen Poms with tails trimmed to contour over the back. Now I see rear "pants shortened and shaped in a manner similar to the English method of trimming. This may be a simpler way of showing rear gait to the Judges, but . . . any judge that must have shortened panties to see movement should not be Judging PomsWhat bothers me most is that Judges are not penalizing these alterations. As a newcomer to Poms, I studied grooming technique by watching Poms in the ring and I was lucky enough to have been taught correct grooming of Poms. What will happen to the novice who watches sculptured Poms win, and trims his likewise, but not as skillfullyIt saddens me to see a beautiful Pom win with modifications, when it could win Just as easily groomed as It should be.Chicago ana i ieei it my auty to give a worn of praise to Helen Nowickl for making that show a success. It was a major in both sexes, even with odds against her. ... I went and even without knowing who was judging until I got there. It would have made no diference to me for I show under all the judges when I can. I feel that clubs and exhibitors of our breed should cooperate and support one another, for there is much truth in the saying that United we stand and divided we Fall.When in Chicago, I was the guest of Debbie and David Priester who moved out about a year ago. They were formerly from Florida. They met me at the airport, returned me, taxied me to the show and made me welcome in their home. It was fun being with them and talking over show goings in Florida. I did not stay for International because of the bad weather. Flight home was real rough, couldnt even hold a drink in my hand, coffee I mean. Was three hours late arriving in Tampa. Whenever I fly the Cilibertos who live near the airport, drive me to and from the airport and keep my car in their yard. This makes possible driving myself and dogs home no matter what time it is. A convenient arrangement for which I am most grateful.An example of courage and determination to keep a club going, is the Bay Colony Pom Club of which I am a member. Got a girl to come in part-time for the four days and I flew out to attend and exhibit. The Caseys met me and returned me to the airport. While the affair was dampened a bit by heavy rains, the show and lunch went right on and everyone had fun. The members of that club deserve much credit for their work in making the show a success. Majors in both sexes and a rich feeling of friendliness and hospitality. Trophies were in abundance. One of the highlights was the presence of the Oganeku family from Hawaii. They had visited and spent a day with me a week before in Florida. They are most enjoyable and knowledgeable and by the pictures I saw would say they have some very nice Poms. They are on an extended trip and want to visit as many interesting places and Pom folks as Is possible. Disney Land was their target in Florida.Just a note of warning. Get your ads and materials in to Sophie by or before deadline time. I missed out last time by three days even tho I had thought they went in in plenty of time.------------ If you are interested in joining meClub, please contact the Secretary, or if SUPPORT YOUR y0U only wish to subscribe to theSPECIALTY SHOW Review contact the circulation manINFEBRUARY ager. Address on page 3, Review.POMERANIAN REVIEW 69CHEELAN POMERANIANSPUPPIES EXPECTED FABULOUS PEDIGREESBONNERS PEPPERSONG RED ERF PEPPER POD SON xHORDERS WEE SWEET SUZIE QUESire-DAVIS' WEE GOLD BOXIE DANDY. Dam out of DAVIS' WEE GOLD FLAME- ETTA and CHEEKO CHEE MINGO who is also out of FLAME-ETTA.SUZIE is due to whelp late August.CH. MYWAY DUKE CELOU CELAE xMYWAY STORMY WEST WIND BONNER Sire and DamSTYLEPEPPER GranddaughterWINDY is due to whelp early September.CH. BONNERS DARLASTYLE XMAS TOY xBONNERS LUSCIOUS KANDYCUTE STYLEPEPPER Granddaughter and Great GranddaughterKANDY is due to whelp late September.I am sure we will have to offer some of these babies for sale.If you would like further information such as pictures, complete pedigrees, etc., please writeCLINTON and KAREN HOLDER906-B InlowCollege Station, Texas 77840 713-846-9679YIPS YAPSMARGARETHE M. KEMNER Lock Haven, Pa.Here are the names of the new World ChampionsFinnenspitzLillemarks Toino, HollandWolfspitz KeeshondRex v. Christelhof, GermanyMittelspitzCherry v. Spessarttor, GermanyKleinspitz PomeranianLocki zur Waldeslust, GermanyHeike v. Westring, GermanyI am very glad for Rex v. Christelhof as the breeder is a friend of mine. Apparently. Rex was sold. The breeder is also the Breed- warden for all Spitz varieties and dead set against what he calls Squirrel Pomeranians.In the Braces, my best friend won the 5th position with her Poms, the Keeshond brace from Holland won the 29th position. There were 5000 entries, 160 different breeds, and a gate of 23,000.WILL WE SEE YOU IN NEW YORK IN FEBRUARYMRS. MABEL DU BELL Merion Station, Pa.I was surprised and pleased to see the article on Mrs. Unwin. I know she would be pleased. She truly loved her dogs, and they were her whole life.I'm not a breeder or exhibitor just a lover of Poms. Twenty-five years ago, I bought my first two Poms from her, and we became good friends through the years. I, too, have that picture of Ethel and treasure it. After Ambergold almost died on the operating table, Ethel decided not to breed her again. Ethel gave her to me because she wanted her to have the loving home and good care she knew she would have here, and she knew she wouldnt be bred. Ambergold gave me many years of pleasure and happiness. I was heartbroken when she died in her sleep in 1955.As both you and Mr. Goodrich say, weve lost a good friend. I know the last few years Ethel was in much pain and distress, but in spite of that, she rarely complained. I kept in touch with Ethel every week, even the many times she was in the hospital. I spoke with her in the hospital the week before she died . . . and I like to think she is now with all her little Poms that she loved so much.70 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSMARY F. CASEY Raynham, Mass.I am sorry I did not notice the mistake on the Sample Stud Card, and so it was repeated in the July Stud Register. "Dennys Am. Can.. Ber. Ch. Nan jo Interlude Stud Fee has been 100 for some time now. Will you put the correction in Yips Yaps, if you canSHEILA M. MARION Birmingham, AlabamaHurrah for your Editorial in the April issue. Im with you all the way. I have sat at ringside many times and been shocked at dogs going up for the points and to Best of Breed that had bad legs and also other features such as too short a muzzle, many times over a sound dog with a fox-like expression. Im sure we have all heard people say, "Oh, what a DOLL FACE but I think things have gone too far.I have heard many breeders sit and talk about dogs in the ring and point out this one with bad stifles, etc., then later see this same breeder in the ring with a dog of their own breeding with the same problem. What is it Kennel Blindness I, like many others, have failed to produce the "Perfect Pom, but I am doing my best towards working for that.K. Birk wrote in the July Review about a film she had seen at the Seminar held here in Birmingham last year. I, too, was at the Seminar and saw the film on the Dog in Motion. I had felt I was pretty good at judging a dogs legs, but my eyes were really opened by this film, and I found out that my very best male pup that I had planned to show had a hock problem. Much to my sorrow, he is now in a pet home and very happy. This film is fantastic. They will be showing it again this year at the Seminar in August. If possible, all breeders should see this film. Lets hope more breeders read and heed your editorial.SUPPORT YOUR BREEDSUPPORT YOUR CLUBSUPPORT YOUR FEBRUARY SPECIALTY SHOWETHICS IN ADVERTISINGThe Advertising Manager of the Review has the right and indeed the duty to edit copy and delete any material considered objectionable or not suitable. See page 3. During my several years in this position, it has seldom been necessary to refuse or change copy, and in the few cases where I thought it better to make a change, advertisers have consented very graciously to my suggestions. There are, however, a few hidden pit- falls that I should like to point out to our advertisers in the interest of complete honesty and truthfulness in composing copy. These are mostly items impossible for me to check until too late.1. Please do not use the term Champion Bred unless the puppies have champion sire andor dam.2. Use Show Prospect instead of Show Quality, unless you give facts to back up your opinion, such as show wins with outside competition.3. Do not say Went from the classes to Best of Breed unless your winner defeated a champion on the way to his win. If no Special was present, a win from the classes is automatic.4. Do not advertise your dog as a Proven Stud unless he has sired at least one puppy whioh has been registered with the A. K. C. or is alive to prove your statement.5. Do not use the term Proven Matron unless your bitch has produced at least one litter which has been registered or has lived past weaning age.6. Try to stick to actual facts and avoid statements that can be misinterpreted. You can, of course, air your own opinions concerning your own dogs provided you make it perfectly plain it is ONLY a matter of opinion, i.e., We think he is the best red Pom we have ever seen.POMERANIAN REVIEW 71INDEX TO ADVERTISERSDolores Adkins ....................................................................................................................... 61Dorothy Armagost .................................................................................................................. 38Richard and Sally Baugniet .................................................................................................... 63Ruth L. Beam ......................................................................................................................... 25Wilma Birkman ...................................................................................................................... 57Cheryl Blackorby ................................................................................................................... 57Robert and Shirley Brown ...................................................................................................... 25Marie Buonagura .................................................................................................................... 65Sal Catrini and Mark Roma............................................................................................COVERColumbia Pomeranian Club ................................................................................................... 61Norma Creider......................................................................................................................... 53Gloria A. Dias......................................................................................................................... 51Ruth Dotson ............................................................................................................................ 29Carol Fama and Diane Walsh................................................................................................. 72Randy and Paul Freeh...........................................................................................................36, 37Edna E. Giardot ..................................................................................................................... 32Tim and Sue Goddard............................................................................................................. 59Fern Gorrin ............................................................................................................................. 19Gayle L. Griffin ...................................................................................................................... 53K. G. Griffith ......................................................................................................................42,45Mrs. A. W. Hodges.................................................................................................................. 18Gwen and Bonnie Hodson........................................................................................................ 5Clinton and Karen Holder ...................................................................................................... 69Lucille Hoover ........................................................................................................................ 18Kenosha County Pomeranian Club ........................................................................................ 55Mrs. Paul Landreville ............................................................................................................. 33Cathy Lasota ........................................................................................................................... 33Kathryn Leiblein .................................................................................................................... 22Wilmer and Marjorie Lyons ................................................................................................... 38Sheila Marion............................................................................................................................ 9Forrest, Mary and Vicki McCoy............................................................................................. 39Ron and Roberta Massey........................................................................................................ 49Sophie H. Mayes..................................................................................................................... 47May ken Pomeranian Kennels ............................................................................................... 17Donna and Richard Megenhardt ............................................................................................ 11Dan and JoEllen Mercer ......................................................................................................... 58Gonzales and Julie Moreno .................................................................................................... 67Tom and Norma ORourke..................................................................................................... 22Leslie Parker ............................................................................................................................21John R. and Katherine R. Probst............................................................................................. 39Chuck Reynolds, Bud Knapp, Sally McGilbry...................................................................... 24Chuck Reynolds ..................................................................................................................... 38Mrs. Lennis Rhodes ............................................................................................................... 15Mrs. H. A. Richardson............................................................................................................ 23Mrs. Lill Ritz-Lutgendorf........................................................................................................ 59Merle and Virginia Rockhold .................................................................................................. 7John and Pam Thyssen ........................................................................................................... 31Mrs. J. L. Weltz ...................................................................................................................... 19Les and Toni Wright............................................................................................................... 24Cornells and Beverly Vander Zeyden..................................................................................... 55Sam L. Zaneoff .................................................................................................................. 40,4172 POMERANIAN REVIEWUP WITHCREAM POWER Introducing the Newest Cream Champion in the Eastern Area CH. LICITYS CREME DE NYMPHr i.........'[ ""-TrimV- 4 Dynamic Pounds plus 4 Great LegsAnother Champion Daughter forCH. BUFFS GOOD TIMES412 lb. CREAM Studequals-MftOur many thanks to those judges who recognized her fine qualities.DORADO POMERANIANS LICITYS POMERANIANSCarol A. Fama Diane WalshPuppies Occasionally270 Baldwin Rd. G-17 Fairhaven Drive East D-13Parsi^pany, N. J. 07054 Nesconset, N. Y. 11767201-263-0697