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The Pomeranian Review January 1974
Table of Contents
Ch Eeto Front CoverVisit to Tonos Kennel by Olga Baker ?
Pomeranian Color by Sophie H Mayes ?
American -pameraman Slub, Jnr.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JANUARY, 1974JCCHAMPION EETOThis lovely little orange male was bred by Mrs. Susan Allen and owner-handled to his championship. His wins included BOW at two Specialty Shows and several BOB and Group Placements from the classes.IN THIS ISSUESUMMER SPECIALTY REPORT CLUB NEWS YIPS YAPSVisit to Tonos Kennel by Olga Baker Pomeranian Color by Sophie H. Mayes BERMAN BIRK HEYDE JONES KLINGBEIL MATHESON MILLER2 POMERANIAN REVIEWCHAMPION RANDY'S JOLLY WEE PEPPIWINS ANOTHER GROUPiTOY GROUPIst'Peppi shown winning the group at Columbia, South Carolina, November 4, 1973, under the well-known judge, Mrs. James E. Clark. Peppi is now among the top Ten toy dogs in the country. His show record to date is 40 Best-of-Breed 34 group-placements including 11 group-first and 2 best-in-show. All this acquired since April 14, 1973. We are so proud of this little fellow. Peppi is handled exclusively by Houston Clark of Chattanooga, Tennessee.Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Richardson on finishing their first home-bred champion, ACE-His Big John.Also, congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Wheeler on finishing their very first champion, Wheelers Dandy Buffie Girl.Paul and Randy FreehBooth Road, Rte. 2 Kennesaw, Georgia 30144POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran Pomeranian Elufa line.President ...................................First Vice President Second Vice President ...Recording Secretary_________Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer ...................................Delegate to the A.K.C. ..OFFICERS OF THE CLUB..........................................................................................Mrs. Marlene Scott....................................................................................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes..........................................................................................Mrs. Joan Coluccio................................................................................................Mrs. Carol Fama. ..................................................................................... Mrs. Mary F. Casey60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Mass. 02767...................................................................................Mrs. Dolly B. Trauner.....................................................................................Mr. Kenneth E. MillerBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Edd E. Bivin Mrs. Katherine R. ProbstMiss Marjorie Bullwinkle Mrs. Diane WalshMr. Sam L. ZaneoffPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager .........................................................................................................................................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, 1574 Camp Linden Rd., West Chester, Pa. 19380Assistants .................................................................................. Mrs. Sadie W. Edney, Miss Cathy LasotaCirculation Manager.....................Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn, R.D. 1, Carvale Dr., Aberdeen, Md. 21001Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 86.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 61.50. Canada, Mexico, 6.50, Foreign 7.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 3.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text............................50.00Inside front cover, cuts extra _______________25.00Center Spread, 2 pages, cuts extra . 50.00Full page ............................................................ 20.00Three-quarters page ........................................... 15.00One-half page ..................................................... 10.00One-quarter page vertical only____________ 5.00100 copies full page ad......................................... 7.00Minimum charge for cuts up to 1 x 2 inches, 5.00 proportionately more for larger cuts.No charge for cuts if usable cut is available.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAH ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEbyMRS. MARLENE SCOTT Rt. 2, Box 178-C Raleigh, N. C. 27610Wow With a Alaman Left and a Dosie-Do, No I havent flipped. I am just sorry you missed that Texas Round-up, and I am talking about The Summer Specialty of The American Pomeranian Club, hosted by The Houston Pomeranian Club. Olga and Darrell Baker put the show together with the help of Molly and Linda Miller, Mrs. Merle Daniels, and Mrs. Norma ORourke. The Hospitality Room was hosted by Sally Elkins with the help of Tim and Sue Goddard. I have attended many Specialties in my day, but never one to surpass this one from the time I registered in my Hotel until I said my last good-bye. I had been in my room only minutes until I had two visitors, one a member of your Parent Club from Anchorage, Alaska, Mrs. Irma White, and with her was Dot Neil, also from Anchorage.We had a very nice visit. We had lots of members from all over the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. Names I have known for years turned into people. Mrs. Jewell Ellis, I have known for ages, but never met. She has been kind enough over the years to send me The Houston Pom Clubs News Letter, so it was just great to meet her in person. I met Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mayes for the first time. They take care of the Aristic Poms now. Was good to see Opal Mosher again, Donna and Rick Megenhardt, then the folks from thisend that I see more often, Mary Casey and husband, Case, also Margaret Inscho, and Sue and Tim Goddard. It really was like home-coming week. I cant begin to mention all the people I met and enjoyed being with.If you have never had champagne for breakfast, try it. We did in Texas with the most delicious breakfast, hot biscuits and the whole bit. I always heard Texas did things in a big way, and now I know what they mean. After the Dinner that followed The Specialty on Saturday, we were entertained in genuine Western Style. Ve had a Square Dance. There were some professionals there who taught us how, and we all did some square dancing. I just had a ball. Olga told me later, she hoped the Square Dance Club of Houston would send her a real good Texas type caller. She knew she had the right one when he called her on the phone and said Miz Baker Im gonna call a square dance fo yoall. He sure was the typical Texas type and we loved every minute of it.We all danced. You should have seen our Judge Ken Miller and Eleanor, wasnt fair though, they knew how to square dance and were real good at it. The Hospitality Room stayed open twenty- four hours a day, all the men were given genuine Texas hats, and the ladies a tote bag full of doggie useful things. I just dont see how they did all that work. Everyone was so friendly and made the out-of-towners feel so welcome. I was treated royally by everyone. The show was fun, the hospitality was great, the dinner and breakfast a big success and all the extra curricular activities were just wonderful.I shall never forget the Summer Specialty hosted by members of the Greater Houston Pomeranian Club. I am going back the first opportunity I have. Oh I almost forgot, I did see lots of pretty Pomeranians both days, at The Specialty and the All Breed Dog Show, judged by Edd Bivin. Congratulations to Cont. on Page 51POMERANIAN REVIEW 5GAD'S CHULA POMSand our fabulous,ii w iSiCH. QUEENAIRE GAMBOLING MAN GamblerWithCH. GADS FROSTIS DOLL O DRAGONFLYAnd, our NEWCH. QUEENAIRE LACEY FIREFLY Gamblers lovely litter sisterSend CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to TOM and NORMA OROURKE and all the GREAT TONO POMSWatch for usGads Chula Sunny DuchessDuke daughter, with both majorsGads Frostis Love O Dragonfly Full sister to Ch. Doll, 7 pointsAND ALL OUR GORGEOUS GAMBLER GETAND - his WINNING California Son SUN-DOTS RAMBOLING MAN Gads Chula Poms 5908 Westside Rd.El Paso, Texas 79932 915-584-09426 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARYSREPORTbyMRS. MARY F. CASEY 60 Wilbur Street Raynham, Mass. 0276Phone 617-822-4862A New Year is 'beginning and so my first words to you are BEST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY, HEALTHY, PROSPEROUS AND FRUITFUL NEW YEAR to Pom Lovers Everywhere.As you have noted from the Club Correspondence that you received during the last two months, the Corresponding Secretary of the Club, Miss Mary Passariello, is no longer holding this office. She felt it necessary to resign due to personal commitments. I have been asked to take over her duties and will try to do so to the very best of my ability. In a club the size of Ours many problems arise during the course of the year and it is only by working together that we can be successful. Please keep in mind that THIS IS YOUR CLUB and the Officers that you elect are there to do a job for YOU. If you have any suggestions that you feel will benefit the Club and the Breed, PLEASE let me know, your comments and criticism will be presented to the Officers and Directors and you will receive an answer as soon as a decision is reached. Help us to do the job that you want us to do and to keep Our Breed in one of the Top Places of Pure Bred Dogs.Our Pom family was saddened by the loss of two well known and well loved Pom Enthusiasts this past fall. Mr. Bert Bedell, Past A.K.C. Delegate and Board Member as well as the co-owner of Cabert Kennels, formerly of Long Island and later of Florida, and Mr. Bud Knapp, co-owner of the well known Golden Glow Pomeranians of California. Bud was aPast President of the Northern California Pom Club and was loved and respected by all who knew him. Our Sincere Sympathy is extended to their families and loved ones, they will be sadly missed by all. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE.Our Summer Specialty Show was held in Houston, Texas on October 13th and I would like to tell you all about it, but you will read that news elsewhere in this issue. I would however, like to Congratulate Olga Baker, President of the Greater Houston Pom Club, and all of the Club Members down there for a job well done. It was without a doubt one of the most fun-filled weekends I have ever spent. Sure wish that you could have all been there to enjoy it with us.Our sights are now set on the Annual February Specialty Show, which will be held on February 10th, 1974, at the Statler Hilton Hotel, 7th Avenue 33rd Street in New York City. Mr. Edd E. Bivin will officiate as judge of the regular classes and Mr. Darrell W. Baker will do the honors of judging the Puppy Sweepstakes. I think you will be very pleased with the trophies to be awarded this year and we hope that you will all join in the festivities. We need everyones support if we want to have a record entry PLEASE COME.Permission has been granted to the following Local Clubs to hold their Specialty ShowsTHE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. will hold their Specialty Show in conjunction with the Santa Clara Kennel Club All- Breed Event on February 16, 1974. Mrs. Marianne Grybinski will judge.THE DALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB, INC., will hold their Specialty Show on March 22, 1974, at the Womens Building at the State Fair Grounds in Dallas, Texas.THE WESTERN POMERANIAN CLUB will hold their Specialty Show on March Cont. on Page 32POMERANIAN REVIEW 7POMIRISH KENNELSIntroduces Our Champions No. 1 and 2CH. VARNEYS BUBBLES UP Owner-HandledVvMShown going BOS under Judge Dorothy Bonner at Stone City K.C. Bubbles thanks judgesCH. RANDYS POMIRISH DUKES BUFFYHandled by Lorraine HeichelEvsShown going BOS under Judge Ramona Van Court at Skokie Valley K.C. Buffy thanks for her majorsMrs. James E. ClarkMr. Robert Reedy 4 pts. Mr. Charles Kellogg 2 pts. Mrs. Dorothy Bonner 4 pts. Mr. Joseph Faigel 4 pts. Miss Nancy Donovan 1 pt.Mrs. Ramona Van Court Mr. E. W. Tipton, Jr.Bubbles was bred to Ch. Dee Nees Call Me Wart son of Group Winner Ch. Queenaire Jigger O Scotch A romance is being planned for Buffy with Best in Show Winner Ch. Randys Jolly Wee PeppiOur newest challenging contender is POMIRISH CAVS BIT O HADLEIGH who at 8 mo. took Best Adult at the Kenosha Co. Pom Club Match and the following week WD at Janesville-Beloit K.C. from puppy class over 2 Open dogsHis litter brother is FOR SALEDick Sally Baugniet Showing Poms and Irish SettersRoute 1, Box 99, Mishicot, Wis. 54228 Phone 414-755-2994 or 414-755-23018 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORY A TRIBUTE TOby MRS. SUSAN ALLEN BERT BEDELLCh. Eeto My pride and joy, born June 21, 1971 the first daiy of summer. This little VA lb. orange ball of fluff has brought more rays of sunshine to my life than anyone can imagine.I want to thank mostly Sybil Thompkins for selling Eetos mother to me, Mar-Vans April Kell Pep. Eeto was out of my first litter of pups. His father is Ch. Ce-Lous Lil Cavs L. Bernstein.Eeto has been shown only in California. I would like to send my sincerest thanks to the many judges who have made it possible for us to now own a beautiful little Champion.Eeto is the first dog Ive ever shown and I feel very proud I was able to finish him in only 14 shows. The people we have met at the shows have been just wonderful and have given me a lot of helpful hints.I would like to share with you some of Eetos most thrilling wins. His 1st win San Joaquin Kennel Club under Mr. Ken Matheson for a 3 point major, he went WD and BOW. Northern California Pomeranian Clubs Summer Specialty Golden Gate Kennel Club WD, BOW AND BOB. Under Mr. Melbourne Downing, 3 point major. Santa Maria Kennel Club under Mr. Edd Bivin he went WD, BOW, BOB and 2nd in the Toy Group. Eureka Kennel Club under Mr. Keith Browne he went WD, BOW, BOB and 2nd in the Toy Group. Northern California Pomeranian Clubs 1st Independent Specialty under Mr. Tom Stevenson he went WD and BOW for a 5 point major.HE IS THE SUNSHINE OF MY LIFE.SPECIALTY SHOW PICTURESfrom the Feb. 10 specialty Show Should be sent DIRECT TO EDITOR if possible, or if sent to owner, sent First Class or Air Mail AT ONCE. Send ad copy and check by February Edna E. GirardotII IBert Bedell is shown winning Best of Breed at the Progressive all Toy show in 1966 with homebred Ch. Caberts Wee Christmas Wish, under Judge Mrs. Mary Brewster.The passing of Bert Bedell was unexpected and a great shock to the Pom fanciers who knew him. The Bedells moved to Florida and were here only four months when this tragedy took place.Berts work in behalf of the Club and the breed will long be remembered. As Chairman of the Specialty Show twice and as Delegate to the AKC, he excelled. Both Catherine and he served on the Board when I was in office and were a great asset in the governing of our Clubs business.I feel proud to have known Bert and to have been on the ground floor in helping him and Catherine get started in Poms. They finished five champions in their few years with the breed, and I believe I can rightfully say did more for the Club and the breed in their few years of participation, than any one I know.Our sympathy to you, Catherine, for yours and our great loss.POMERANIAN REVIEW cin JflemortamWe regret to announce the death ofBert Bedellon September 26, 1913The Review Staff joins the Board and the entire membership in sending deepest sympathy to Mrs. Catherine Bedell and son Jan and fWetnoriamOur deepest sympathy to Catherine and Familyon the loss of their Beloved Husband and FatherBERT BEDELLAnd to the Relatives and Friends ofEDITH OOYKAAS andBUD KNAPPMr. and Mrs. John R. Probst10 POMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB-SUMMER SPECIALTYby Sue GoddardTremendous, marvelous, fantastic just some of the many superlatives used to describe the American Pomeranian Clubs Slimmer Specialty hosted by the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston on Oct. 13, 1973. In an all-out effort to show everyone exactly what is meant by Texas style hospitality, the Houston club had pulled out all the stops. To those of us who have been to New York repeatedly, the Houston club offered a giant challenge to do as fine a job as they had done. Prom the moment of arrival, you knew you were welcome. All ladies were presented with clever tote bags adorned by a felt Pomeranian, and completely filled with all kinds of doggy goodies. This was member, Linda Kinnebrews special project. A hospitality room was open to all serving drinks and snacks and best of all, the opportunity to meet and talk with the many guests and exhibitors. This service was offered under the direction of Olga Baker, chairman, assisted toy Sally Elkins, Tim and Sue Goddard.Saturday morning opened with a lovely champagne breakfast. Confidentially, as one who does not usually eat breakfast, I can wait a lifetime before having champagne and eggs next time Ill leave out the eggs The show site was within easy reach of the Rice Hotel. The trophy table gleamed with a huge array of silver trophies under the direction of Molly and Linda Miller. Judging for the Puppy Sweepstakes began at 1000 A.M. Mrs. Jewell Ellis judged the entries and found her 1st in puppy dogs and bitches, 6-9 months in a cute little guy, Tonos The Mighty Mite piloted by breeder- owner, Norma ORourke. First in the 9-12 months went to an enchanting little bitch owned toy Norma Creider, Laura James and Peggy Bush by the name of CreidersBit O Perfection. She went on to Best Puppy in Sweepstakes with the Tono entry Best of Opposite.Our Twomey photo shows Sweepstakes Judge Mrs. Jewell Ellis awarding Best in Sweepstakes to Creiders Bit O Perfection, owned by Norma Creider, Laura James and Peggy Bush and handled by Sandy Tremont.Regular Class judging followed the sweepstakes with Mr. Kenneth Miller presiding First in Puppy Dogs 6-9 Mo. was won toy Tonos The Mighty Mite.First in Puppy Dogs 9-12 was Jeribeths Dragon Killer owned by Mrs. Olga Baker.Novice Dog first was Patricks Mr. Sparky owned by George Ragsdale.Bred by Exhibitor Dog first was won by Verna Hoods entry of Robinhoods Replica Rerun.American Bred dogs found Mrs. Opal Thorstads entry, O My Traveling Man as winner.The Open Dog Class red, orange, cream, or sable had 13 entries all present and at least six could have gotten the nod for first place. This class took the judge longer to pass sentence on than any other and most of us were saying, Im glad he has to decide and not me. Veteran exhibitor Mary Casey was coming unglued outside the ring while husPOMERANIAN REVIEW 11band, Francis showed their dog, Topaze Sir Blitzen, who finally got the nod. Second, an obviously difficult decision, went to Opal Moshers Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk.Open Dogs any other allowed color went to Kenneth Mayes and Charles Wagners May kens Little Pudge.Winners Dog went to the Caseys Blitzen who finished with this impressive victory and Reserve Winners Dog went to the Mosher entry.r. VJudge Kenneth E. Miller is shown giving the Winners Dog award to Topaze Sir Blitzen, owned by Francis J. and Mary F. Casey and handled by co-owner, Case.Puppy Bitches 6-9 months first to Mrs. R. E. Inschos Poinciana Truestyle Echo.Puppy Bitches 9-12 months was awarded to Poinciana Lovella of Tim Sue owned by Tim and Sue Goddard.Novice Bitch first was Rosarts Christmas Doll owned by Rosemary Wise. Bred by Exhibitor Bitch win was given to Myway Keli Kelae owned by Molly and Linda Miller.American Bred Bitch Class first to Daniels Dynamite of Schooze C.D. owned by Sally Elkins.Open Bitches, black, brown and blue first to Linda Millers Jo-May Jennifer Going Myway.First over seven entries in the red, orange, cream, and sable Open Class was won by Mitey Cute Moon Mist owned by Hazel Arnold and Dr. W. E. Field Jr.Open Bitches, any other color, first to Creiders Bit O Perfection.Winners Bitch was awarded to the Open Bitch Mitey Cute Moon Mist, who squeezed through the win over the lovely black Bitch, Jo May Going Myway who drew the nod for Reserve.Judge Kenneth E. Miller found his Winners Bitch and Best of Winners in Mitey Cute Moon Mist, owned by Hazel Arnold and Dr. William Field, Jr.Eight champions paraded into the ring along with winners dog and winners bitch. All were lovely and beautifully presented. Judge Miller had his choice of Ch. Enjays Puppet On A String owned by Norma J. and Lloyd E. Jenkins, Ch. Tim Sues Lil Love Bug owned by Tim and Sue Goddard, Ch. Sheebas Little Corn Duke owned by Cora Hale, Ch. Queenaire Gambling Man owned by Norma Gad, Ch. Danielss Scampering Scotter, owned by Merle Daniels, Ch. Daniels Just Call Me Ginger, owned by Ann Crawford and Mrs. Daniels, Ch. Tonos Just Call Me Mister, owned by Norma and Thomas O'Rourke, and Ch. Jeribeths Tu Step of Tim Sue owned by Edward and Nancy Wharton. It was the Puppets day and no one could deny him this lovely win. He was capably handled by Sharon Griffin Dwier.Best of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Daniels Just Call Me Ginger and Best of Winners to the bitch, Mitey Cute Moon Mist.12 POMERANIAN REVIEWImmediately following the regular classes, we were all treated to the opportunity to see an outstanding parade of champions. Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae, Ch. Speedys Little Sassy of Rohar, Ch. Creiders Replica of Riptide, Ch. Queenaire Gambling Man, Ch. Jeribeths Lidlu Lovely C.D., Ch. Ameril Cinnamon Twist, Ch. Patricks Miss Terribonne, Ch. Tonos At Midnight and Ch. Jeribeths Tu-Step of Tim Sue, paraded before us and gave us the opportunity to see these outstanding individuals that we otherwise might not have seen. Most of us had the chance to pay homage to The Duke who strutted around in the Bakers room. He still looks like a very Best In Show guy.Norma ORourke earned the plaudits for being the Rembrandt of the Houston club with the gorgeous painting of a Pom which adorned the green velvet trophy table cloth. She was also the artist who fashioned the stunning figurine that was a raffle prize. For some strange reason both these Poms bore remarkable resemblance to a Pom called Mister who rules the roost at the Tono kennels.Is\Our photo by Twomey shows Judge Kenneth E. Miller giving the Best of Breed award to Ch. Enjays Puppet On A String, owned by N. J. E. E. Jenkins, and handled by Sharon Griffin Dwier. American Pomeranian Club President Mrs. Marlene Scott and Show Chairman Darrell W. Baker, present the trophies.Best of Opposite Sex was won by Ch. Daniels Just Call Me Ginger, co-owned by Ann Crawford and Mrs. Merle Daniels.After a short time to catch our breaths, a banquet was held at the top of the Rice Hotel with a gorgeous view of the Houston lights. Marlene Scott, President of the American Pomeranian Club, spoke briefly in welcome and tribute. Darrell Baker, Show Chairman, had the opportunity to thank everyone who served on his hard working committees. Mary Casey expressed her thanks to the Houston Club and Ken Miller congratulated everyone on their fine dogs and thanked us for the opportunity to judge them. After the delicious banquet, we were treated to a real Texas style square dance and no one was allowed not to participate. It is amazing how many adult Pom breeders and exhibitors dont know their left hand from their right So many were heard to say, Ive never had so much fun.There just for the joy of viewing and without entries were Richard and Donna Meganhardt, from Ohio, Dan Mercer from Nebraska, Pete Galindo from El Paso in Texas thats like another state. Norma Creider and her husband from Oklahoma were ringside. Tommy and Marie Hynes old Texas friends sat by the ring to admire the entries Clarice Oganeku from Hawaii, after an earlier visit this summer, returned for our Specialty. Im sure Ive failed to mention many, please forgive me. It was also indeed a pleasure to meet Mrs. Neil Cont. on Page 75POMERANIAN REVIEW 1MYWAY POMERANIANSCH. JO-MAY JENNIFER GOING MYWAYOwner handled to her championship, Jen finished with a 5 pt. major in San Antonio, plus a BB and a Group II in Baton Rouge.Jen sends a big thank you to the judges who know Black is Beautiful, too, and to all her loyal fans who cheered her all the wayJen will special briefly before her second litter this winter. Goforths Ebony Knight Goforth's Little Black ShadowGoforths Magic Enchantment2 males born Sept. 25 1 black, 1 sableCh. Myway Duke Celou Celae Myway Celae en NoirCh. Jo-May Jennifer Going Myway Sable will be available as a show prospect Dec. Litter inquiries invitedSire Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae son of Ch. Corns Duke DragonflyDam Myway Dawning Delightful Dae double granddaughter of Ch. Corns Duke DragonflyLinda Molly Miller P. O. Box 717332-1847 League City, Texas 77573POMERANIAN REVIEW14KENNEL VISIT TO TONOS KENNEL OF TOM AND NORMA OROURKEby Olga BakerA visit to Tono's Kennel near Houston is a very special and exciting treat. Your first impression would be of the presence of many different bouncing things . . . Tonos is this kind of place. You note instantly, and first, bouncy Norma, who is a darling little wife, mother, and dog breeder and a total concentration of energy. Normas interests are really too numerous to even mention here, but just a FEW are bowling, sewing, painting, ceramic work, occupying herself with many of her childrens activities, and breeding, raising, caring for, and showing the Tono Poms.Then there is her handsome Tom ORourke, just as active and just as enthusiastic, and, again ... an endlessly energetic man. Tom has an interesting career in Galveston, Texas, as a United States Customs Inspector and he works very long and erratic hours. Yet, he too manages to involve himself in an amazing number of activities . . . childrens activities including even management of Little League teams, civic and business involvement, the special avocation of the Tono Pomeranians, and Pomeranian Club work Authors Note Tom and Norma are two of our really exceptional, cooperative and hard-working members. Then you encounter the two little ORourkes . . . Scott and Mesa. Scott is a young teen, occupied and excelling in all sports events and constantly on the go. Little Mesa is another bouncy ORourke, active with mini-cheerleader involvement, dancing lessons, drill team work, and her specialty . . . gymnastics. Mesa seems to have no doubt whatsoever that she will ultimately become an Olympics gymnastic medal winner. And, judging from the drive the ORourkes reflect, I would never doubt it.The next bouncing thing you will encounter at the ORourkes is, of course, the one we have been asked to writeabout . . . the Tono Pomeranians. Your first reaction will be amazement at the lovely condition of all the dogs. Even with all the activities these nice people are involved in, there is never a time when you find the Tono Poms suffering from any kind of neglect. They always appear to be clean and nicely groomed and Norma is impeccably clean with her dogs and kennel facilities.Norma and Tom with Tono hoys Mister, Ali Echo, Mighty Mite and Tono.Norma and Tom have a lovely country-type home in Texas City, Texas on a large plot of land. Dogs are all housed individually in an air-conditioned room, and each dog is handled and allowed exercise time in the large exercise yard daily. Then in the evening each dog is returned to its special cage for feeding. Each dog is fed individually with special diet for any dog requiring it so that eating habits can be observed carefully. Then, as with most of us, there is the special maternity ward . . . which is naturally the ORourkes master bedroom, where you will ALWAYS find from one to four kiddie coops with babies of various sizes, or little mothers due to whelp. Norma and I very definitely share the opinion that there is one place, and one place only, for mothersPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1TONOS POMSThanks to The Pomeranian Review for bringing- the kennel visit to Tonos. A very special thank you to our friend Olga Baker who just has to be a trueLiterary Queen.V .rCh. Tonos Just Call Me MisterHeartily welcome our increased breeding programLitters expected__Ch. Tonos At MidnightTonos May Morning Ali-EehoRobinhoods Duplicate Copy X Ch. Queenaire Regal Duchess Ch. Tonos At Midnight X Falmers Shady Dady Ch. Tim Sues Dil Bov Bug X Tonos Toasty Bubble Dancer Ch. Tonos Just Call Me Mister X Tonos Bitl Blossom Robinhoods Duplicate Copy X Tonos Call Me Fire-Mist Ch. Tonos At Midnight X Bonners Stylekay Holloween Ch. Tonos Just Call Me Mister X Tonos Toastie MeliCo-owned bred by Merle DanielsInquiries InvitedT. P. N. J. ORourke401 Amburn PhoneTexas City, Texas 77590 713-938-895816 POMERANIAN REVIEWdue to whelp, or for baby puppies . . . and that is in your private bedroom so every sound of distress can quickly be attended, even if it occurs at 300 A.M.Norma and Tom have been one of the very few breeders in the humid, muggy Houston climate who have managed to totally avoid the annoyance of internal parasites. They work hard at this, however, and should be given full credit for the absence of parasites in their dogs. Realizing the problem with the climate, the ORourkes have a positive, regimented program of sanitation that has been successful for them. Every visitor is isolated from the other dogs dog visitor, that is . . . and is exercised separately. When one of their dogs has been with a handler to dog shows, or if the ORourkes themselves have taken a dog to a show, the dog is kept separate from the other dogs for a two-week period until a veterinary worm-check can be made. This program is supplemented with routine veterinary worm- checks for every dog in the kennel.......Hr2m-33Mesa and Scott with three month old puppies.Tom has the special talent and inclination to go with it of building and maintaining excellent facilities for their dogs. Their special dog room, totally workable and convenient, was built by fom st oi ciy after they moved to then home. It is spacious, fully air-conditioned, and comfortable."milLadies expecting-.Norma, on the other hand, has very special dog talents also. She is very light-handed with her dogs and is especially skillful at keeping tiny weak puppies alive during the critical periods before they are able to sustain themselves. And, believe me, THIS is a talent, as all Pom breeders know so well. Norma never quits with a tiny baby, as long as there is breath in it. And in many cases she does suecesssfully pull one through that seemed an impossible challenge. Grooming duties are shared by Tom and Norma, and both perform equally well. Same with training ... it is not unusual to see both ORourkes out on the drive of their home, each with a tiny fuzzy little Pom on the string, patiently and lovingly teaching them show and leash techniques.The ORourkes were living in Calexico, California, in 1964, when they first became interested in Pomeranians. They met Dorothy McDonald of Anaheim at that time and purchased Adoralees Brenda Lee, a beautifully bred blackPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1'BOULDER RVER POMERANIANSCONGRATULATESour friends Norma and Tom ORourke on their Kennel Visit and wishes Tonos continued successFrom Montana to Michigan to Maryland Boulder River is moving again New address in the next issue.J. L. and tA. M. GormanBox 59, Second Avenue Selfridge ANGB, Michigan 48045313-468-6140Point Loma Pomeranians1726 Crest Drive, Encinitas, California 92024Pauline B. Hughes 714-453-5807TopProducer9Ch. AdonisvofPoint LomaBehindthemall.n.s.-J __Congratulations and continued success to Norma and Tom18 POMERANIAN REVIEWbitch that has served as one of their excellent foundations. They then met the lovely Pauline Hughes arid feel to this day that Paulines wisdom and guidance have been invaluable assets to all their subsequent breeding programs. Everyone has to have some assistance at the beginning, and the ORourkes were fortunate enough to encounter two of the loveliest of Pom-ladies in California, both willing and anxious to guide them in any ways they could. They bought Pat-Tee of Point Loma from Pauline, and again, had the girl that would come to be the other foundation of all todays Tono Poms.Soon after that, the ORourkes came to Houston . . . and what a grand day it was for all of us. Soon after we met the ORourkes, they bred both their bitches to our Champion Corns Duke Dragonfly. Pat-Tee produced a beautiful female-child that would come to be the dam of the ORourkes finest achievement . . . Ch. Tones Just Call Me Mister. Pat-Tee also gave them several fine broods, and the Tono-Pom-Plan was implemented.The result of the breeding of Brenda the black to Duke produced two precious little black boys. We still think back to the circumstances of that particular breeding. The arrangement was made at that time for us to receive the choice puppy from the breeding, in lieu of stud fee. We chose the better of the two puppies and took him at the proper age. Since we had no special need for the little black Duke son, we quickly made arrangements for a buyer for him. Since he was to go to a pet owner, Darrell and I decided it would be best to return the best puppy to the ORourkes who, by this time, were getting quite doggy, and very much wanted to SHOW, and let the pet-owner have the other one, the lesser of the two. Also, at this point, our consciences were hurting a little. On the day we had taken little Tono, Tom ORourke had looked asif his world had been shattered before his eyes. It was so obvious he had taken an instant liking to that tiny little beady- eyed, wooly black puppy yet, he bravely said, By all means ... he is yours . . . he is definitely the choice puppy . . . and you must take him. But how foolish it would have been to have placed such a superb little pup in pets owners hands, and leave the lesser one for conscientious people. So the switch was made before we actually placed the other pup, and Tom was H-A-P-P-Y, to say the least. All this sounds so totally unselfish and considerate of the Bakers . . . and it was . . . but Ill admit we have kicked ourselves a few times for not KEEPING Tono for ourselves. He is a stunning boy, and would compliment anyones kennel.The tiny little boy became the now- famous Oh. Tonos At Midnight, a popular and much-used black dog. Tono has everything . . . style, lovely head, tiny ears, extremely short back, perfect soundness of leg and gigantic coat. To add to this, Tono has been an excellent and consistent producer and has become especially popular with breeders of quality blacks as a stud.When Pat-Tee was bred, she produced a female, sold to friends of the ORourkes as a special pet. Normas encouragement led them to breed her, with Norma agreeing to handle all arrangements, care, whelping, etc. The little female was bred to a Duke son half-brother and sister breeding and the result was tiny little Mister . . . one of THOSE pups who did indeed require lots of skillful attention, else he could never have survived. Norma hand-fed Mister without benefit of even having the mother with her day and night, and performed all the mothers duties diligently. The female had required a Caesarian section and was unable to assist with raising of the pup . . . she had problems of her own There was something quite unusual about that mini-puppy, even atPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1Ch. Tim Sues Lil Love Bug sends very special congratulations to Tom and Norma ORourke on their kennel visit.Bug, and the humans he owns, LOVE you For sale to serious breeders Ch. Tim Sues Last Dance sired by Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer and out of Love Bugs litter sister, a Duke daughter, Tim Sues Gay Butterfly. This lovely deep red, proven young male offers you an opportunity to enrich your breeding program for we can not use his service on most of our girls. He is too closely related.Price, picture and pedigree on requestTim and Sue Goddard 13145 87th Ave. N. Seminole, Florida 33542 Ph. 813-392-094720 POMERANIAN REVIEWthe outset. We often chuckled all of us at what we called an ornery look in his eyes . . . sort of a, Just pour a bit of nourishment into me and, dammit, Ill keep going look about him. Remarkably, even today, that gorgeous little guy has that same ornery look in his eyes, and he is a cocky, totally independent little dog, fearless in spite of his small size. He is a brilliant orange in color and almost everyone describes him as a carbon copy of his double-grandfather, Duke, except in small package.Mister finished his Championship very quickly and easily and very soon thereafter, we had the excitement of Misters Best In Show to share with his delighted owners. Times like that are priceless. I dont wish to sound maudlin, but when you are blessed with a super achievement like this, it just cant be fun unless someone else can feel it, laugh, cry and be excited with you. There is no doubt that Mister could have established for himself a marvelous win record. However, the ORourkes were perceptive enough to realize that Mister did not enjoy being away from them for extended periods of time, nor did THEY enjoy having him gone. This takes some courage, and the ORourkes had it. Their decision, early in his career, was that since they were unable to attend as many shows as would be required for such a record, they chose instead to have him with them, show him occasionally, and make him available at stud. His producing record has been excellent. Two of his daughters, Ch. Rabons Just Call Me Honeybun and Ch. Daniels Just Call Me Ginger, finished their Championships very quickly, and other Mister children are pointed. There will be other Mister Champions ... no doubt about it.The black, Ch. Tonos At Midnight, produced Champion Tonos Saucy Mid- Marika and he too has pointed offspring, one very close to finishing, Tonos Amadoll at Icerama. These beautifulChampions are all very much of the Tonos type.Tom and Norma are very close personal friends of ours . . . the kind of friends you know you will have forever. We work together, we show together, we play together, we share ideas, we get opinions from one another. We consider it to be a priceless advantage for us to have them. iDogs up for the night.I believe in my lifetime I have never known two people more cordial and hospitable. Their door is ALWAYS open, and they anxiously and beautifully entertain every visitor . . . making you feel as if you are the most important guest they have ever had in their home. Oh .. . and one other special talent for our Norma. She is a gourmet cook, personified From the kitchen come the most remarkable foods . . . but always in quantities totally out of proportion to the number of guests, or their size. I really believe she is a frustrated CHEF, but what a good one . . . Tom and her friends appreciate her.In pursuing their very special goal, the ORourkes quickly realized that no one line of Pomeranians offers every good quality thus their breeding program is based on excellent line breeding, but always integrating into the type they are seeking, those strong points from various other lines needed to offset somePOMERANIAN REVIEW 21CONGRATULATIONStoNorma Tom ORourke on their kennel visit.They have been our favorite people since we first met at a dog show naturally.Another Group 1st for Ch. Daniels Scampering ScotterSpecial thanks to Bill Kennedy who shows Scotter exclusively, Dorothy Bonner for selling us his mother, and Darrell Olga Baker for his father, the Great Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly.Merle Tommy Daniels 262 Spring Pines Spring, Texas 77373 AC 717-353-9807 Houston AirportPuppies due in January22 POMERANIAN REVIEWparticular deficiency. Judging from results, it would seem they are proceeding in the right manner.Tom and Norma ORourke are still breeding and showing their beautiful dogs zealously, and have maintained their keen interest in the breed and its improvement. These people, perhaps more than any I know, can DO it. Go visit Tonos ... it is a rare treat, I promise.jggMmM VScott in portion of the exercise area.ELECTED TO FILL VACANCIESIn accordance with provisions in the By-Laws, the Board of Directors has elected Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes to fill the position of First Vice President in place of William Daus who resigned in September because of ill-health, and Mrs. Mary F. Casey to serve as Corresponding Secretary in place of Miss Mary Passariello who resigned in October. These offices are for the remainder of 1973, and should not be confused with nominations for 1974.BEST OF BREED PICTURESfrom all Regional Specialties will be printed FREE for use with the write-up. Other top winners, send 5.00 to cover cost of cut yours after use.CH. DANIELS TEQUILA FIREFLY AndALSMITHS POMERANIANS SendsCONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES ToTONOSAND THE OROURKESMrs. Joseph E. Smith226 Fairview Avenue Belvedere, S. C. 29841THE DALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB Sends Best Wishes AndCongratulationsTo our good friends and club membersTom and Norma ORourke on their Kennel VisitPOMERANIAN REVIEW 23CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHEStoTom and Norma ORourkefromRuth Dotsonand all the Poms atSUN-DOTS7430 Antelope Road Ph. 916 967-2542Citrus Heights, Ca. 95610 725-5234MANIES TOY POMERANIANSCONGRATULATESTom Norma ORourke and Tono Kennels On The January Kennel VisitWe are proud to offer for sale, some for pet some for show, the followingpuppies sired hyCh. Twin Oaks Billy the Kid Ch. Showtime ShindigRumbles Hill Gypsy StarTINKLERS LIE PLAT BOYGo-Puff-Go Tinklers Loli-PopMartins Funny BunniePlay Boy is a 4 54 lh. pure orange. He sires lovely creme, orange and orange sable puppies. If you would like further information, complete pedigrees, pictures, etc.,Please phone or write.ELMA MANIES Redding, Ca. 960011375 Old Alturas Road 916-241-875624 POMERANIAN REVIEWMYWAY KENNELWANTEDcongratulates A Show Potential puppy or grownNorma Tom ORourke female for breeding, out of Scotch on their Soda bloodlines. If available and forKennel Visit sale, please contactMolly Linda MillerP. O. Box 717League City, Texas 77573Mrs. Helen Krafcik1303 S. 117thTacoma, Wash. 98444CHEELAN POMERANIANSCONGRATULATE TOM AND NORMA AND ALL OF THE TONO POMS ON THEIR KENNEL VISITThey also wish to congratulate One of their very special little friends at MYWAY CH. JO-MAY JENNIFER GOING MYWAY On the completion of her Championship.BONNERS PEPPERSONG RED ELF PEPPER POD SonandHOLDERS WEE SWEET SUZIE QUE WEE GOLD Background Proudly present for your consideration Their THREE Little GIRLS horn August 20, 1973 All look very promising.For further information about the little girls please writeClinton and Karen Holder 906-B Inlow Blvd.College Station, Texas 77840 713-846-9679POMERANIAN REVIEWMAY MORNING POMERANIANSBest Wishes to Norma and Tom ORourke and all the Tono PomsCh. May Morning Bewitching WitchSwitchsends her regards to Ch. Tonos At Midnight.Their sonMay Morning Duke of Styx is now a Proud Papa I Black female, 1 Blue female, 1 Blue male still very young out of May Morning White Hope one of our whites.We made this breeding on a hunch Will let you know in April how they develop and if any are available.Our other First Time Father, May Morning Benjamin, is the sire of a fat little red boy very tiny out of May Morning Sassy Lassie pointed full sister to Echo.This puppy goes hack in all lines to Showstopper. He is for sale.We have a very few other young puppies, only a week old. Guess 1973 was NOT OUR YEAR for producing puppies JANUARY LITTERS EXPECTEDSire May Morning Moonwalker Bing sonDam May Morning Sugar IT Spice Bing daughter Repeat of Benjamin Sire May Morning BenjaminDam May Morning Alice Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again DaughterSOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pa. 19380 215-793-19126 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN COLORby Sophie H. Mayes Part 2I feel sure that all Review readers mow that color-breeding of dogs is not ike mixing colors on an artists canvas even if they are not themselves breeders. Thus, a white Pom bred to a black Pom does not result in a litter of grey puppies, and neither does the darker black color always cover up the lighter white and give us a litter of all black puppies. It is not nearly as simple as thatAfter the English Pomeranian Club was formed in 1891, breeders in that country worked with the foundation stock they had acquired from various sources on the continent to stabilize size and type and to establish good lines that would breed true. At first well- known breeders chose to specialize in different colors, and, for the most part, they tried to keep the colors pure for generation after generation.Pictures show us that most of the early show winners were decidedly of the Spitz type. Faces were longer, bodies were often long and many Poms stood quite high on leg. Flat feet with long toes were very common. Although some of the larger Poms had magnificent coats, many of the smaller specimens failed to develop the length of coat desired today.Some of those early Pomeranians were very large. A white dog good enough to win was 28 lb. Belper Bounce. But gradually the size of most Poms was reduced, and in 1915 the Kennel Club England finally withdrew the 2 CCs formerly given for overweight Poms, and no dog over 7 lbs. could gain the title of champion, although the large Poms could still be shown. Miss Ives says in her book, Show Pomeranians, There is no difficulty in tracing their white Poms downfall to the fatal edict of 1915 . . . All the white champions were overweights. After 1915 their decline was rapid.But long before the so-called fatal edict of 1915, English breeders had started to experiment with their Poms of white, chocolate, black blue and biscuit color-bred lines, and around 1907, first wolf-sable, then orange-sable and shaded-sable specimens began to appear on the scene. They immediately became the rage, and breeders all over the country tried to produce them by breeding the different colors together, until very few of the pure-bred colors remained. Even though breeders may have tried to keep their colors pure, before this time, when they saw the much better type and conformation of the sable Poms, most abandoned all desire to preserve the various color strains of less good conformation. The sable Poms, then as now, were noted for their cobby chunky bodies, short backs, high tail sets, shorter muzzles, tiny ears, harsh coats and catlike feet.Many will ask how those first sable Poms suddenly appeared, and the answer can only be surmised. Probably the so- called pure colors carried recessive hidden genes for other colors and other markings, such as black and tan and sable. In the early days, when offcolor puppies appeared in litters, they were discarded in the universal desire for solid colors. But the appearance of the first overwhelmingly beautiful sables can be traced directly to the influence of a rusty black dog named Little Nipper. His sire was an imported black dog, to quote Miss Ives, of unknown pedigree, Ch. Hatcham Nip, a dog of perfect type and grand coat. He was sold to America.There is no doubt that Ch. Hatchams Nip must have carried genes for sable markings strongly linked to outstanding conformation and type, passed down to his rusty black son, Little Nipper. Outstanding sables sired by Little Nipper included Oh. Sable Atom and Ch. Sable Mite and innumerable other winners, allPOMERANIAN REVIEWof such excellent type that breeders rushed to duplicate them.Although orange Poms were known early in the new century, no doubt evolving from the biscuit or fawn color, they did not become popular until the advent of Oh. Mars, who carried a coat of brilliant orange and whose color, style and showmanship proved to be prepotent factors transmitted to his progeny. It is interesting to know that Ch. Mars was a grandson and great-grandson of Little Nipper. Many of the early orange Pomeranians had brown noses and eye rims, a heritage from their fawn ancestors, but by the end of World War I, pigment was predominantly black. By this time, orange was established as the most popular color, as it remains to this day.The typically cobby bodies, sweet faces, tiny ears, etc. could only be found in animals carrying sable or orange genes, although these genes might be hidden by a coat of some other color. Thus it is that all modern black Pom champions in this country are of mixed- color background, and it can readily be demonstrated that breeding black to black for several generations will cause the conformation to revert to the old- style Pom. Breeders have also found, on the other hand, that continual breeding of orange to orange will result in slab-sided bodies, soft, flat coats and dilute pigment on nose and eye rims. When this occurs, a good dark sable should be introduced into the line.White Pomeranians of American breeding are really dilute oranges. Unfortunately the dilution factor also affects the pigment of nose and eye rims thus most American white Poms have grey, tan or even pink noses and eye rims. The original whites seen in England were of the genetic type still found in Germany today. The white color of the coat is caused by a gene which restricts the production of dark pigment in all cellsexcept those of eyes, eye rims, nose lips and foot pads. As the Germans ai bound by very strict breeding rule there is far less experimentation an interbreeding of lines and colors than i England and the United States.Some years ago, a white male Pom, Ig or more properly Jago von Zauberwal was imported into this country frori Germany I think by Phyllis Seeley] This dog was pure white with good blacl pigment, but he was large and his cor formation was the old-fashioned Spit type. He was sold several times, finall coming into the possession of Mrs. Orph Brooker of Maine.Mrs. Brooker worked diligently fo years, combining the lines of the Germai white stud with various American strain of color-bred whites which were bet ter in conformation but whose coat were usually tinted with cream or pal orange, and whose pigment was no black. As the pure white coat and je' black pigment of the German white was strongly linked to the less desirable type of conformation, very seldom die offspring combine the best qualities ol both genetic backgrounds.When Mrs. Brooker ceased breeding operations, she had achieved a measure of success in the case of the white stud Brookers Tumblin Tumble Weed, which I bought. Although slightly longer ir body than the best male Poms of other colors, with a hint of the German ancestry in his longer toes and taller ears he does possess a huge coat of coarse texture and pure white color, and his eyes, eye rims, nose, lips and foot pads are the blackest Ive ever seen. Note Tumbles is nine years old and is no longer at public stud.On his sires side, Tumbles pedigree shows some cream but no white breeding at all in 5 generations, going back twice to the orange sable, Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod. On his dams side, the all-white breeding shows two crosses to Jago V. Zauberwald his dam,8 POMERANIAN REVIEWvas both a daughter and a granddaugh- er, with the others being American- Dred whites of Chandley and Chrisman Dreeding two prominent lines of color- Dred whites.I have tried many combinations too lumerous to discuss here, even breed- ng two different white slightly cream anted daughters back to Tumbles, but have never quite achieved the desired conformation while keeping the pure white color. All his progeny do seem to inherit his good black pigment. Bred only to white bitches, Tumbles had never sired anything but almost white puppies, until a litter of April, 1973. I had used him with an outcross bitch of nearwhite color whose pigment is brownish- grey on nose and eye rims. Her pedigree shows 4 generations of all-white breeding, the 5th generation and the 6 th generation being at least white. I was surprised to get a litter of one BLACK male There was absolutely no chance of a mis-mating, nonetheless, I was somewhat relieved to find one ancestor in the dams 6th generation registered as Black. The pup later turned Blue, but as his conformation was strictly pet quality, he was sold at 5 mo.Many of the American all-white lines have been dispersed. White bitches frequently appear in the Review Behind the New Champions pedigrees, usually with the Brooker prefix, showing that white is a color desired by many, but discouraging to most who have thus given up the attempt at color-breeding and used their whites in producing orange and sable stock.Faults of conformation linked to color- bred blacks, chocolates and whites are similar loss of modern Pom type, larger ears, soft coats, long toes and long bodies, and often sharper dispositions. While the darker pigment of a black coat will readily disguise the recessive colors linked to better type, chocolates lose their deep solid coloring and become shaded on chest and breechings, andwhites carry a tint of cream or orange. Thus, while applauding the many recent black champions of outstanding type and conformation, we are still struggling to produce the first white Pom champion since 1949.It is certainly not my intention to convey the impression that I am presently the only breeder trying to improve the whites, or that it is impossible to breed white Poms of top show quality conformation, pure white coat color and deep black pigment. I have heard of several excellent type whites, usually males, that appeared from stock of other color backgrounds, but in each case, I have been told, He is not as white as yours, or He doesnt have a black nose. Some day that near-perfect white Pom will appear. I hope it will carry the May Morning prefix Further notesCorrection. In discussing the blues bred from chocolate, white or black stock, Miss Ives used the term flukes and I compounded her error by calling them sports. A sport is a genetic surprise caused by mutation of the genes, but the blues coming from other colors could have been predicted by a thorough knowledge of the colors behind the litters, as there is no doubt the blue was carried as a recessive color. Therefore, these blues are properly termed throwbacks.Orange Poms with brown noses are also throwbacks carrying the liver gene from brown or fawn ancestors. Breeders trying to develop browns or chocolates, could of course, breed these Poms to chocolate, instead of to red, orange or sable. However, it is easier to get black pigment of nose and eye rims than it is to change coat color in the progeny to true brown or chocolate.My experience with blue Poms is limited. Besides the blue which appeared in the white to white breeding last April, I have had one male whelped in a litterPOMERANIAN REVIEW 2GORRINS POMERANIANSOffers at studGorrin Chaco of Great Elms 4x2 lb. chocolate Proven Producer of Chocolate.Ch. Purtee Skoshi Tom-Tom Wi lb. orange sable Sire Maykens Drummer Boy Dam Pretty Fredies Sugar BabeMostly Aristic BredWilmas Sir Tinsel Q-Tip 3Y2 lb. cream Proven Producer of Beautiful White.I sold my beautiful blue stud, Wilmas Dapper Blue Heller To anyone interested contact JoDene Gallihugh 5604 Mansfield Dr.Camp Springs, Md. 20031 Ph. 301-449-7682I have 2 chocolate females bred to Chaco. Due in Nov. Dec. Inquiries Invited.Good Luck to the Tono Kennel.Fern Gorrin 14744 Cabell Ph. 213-867-8654Bellflower Calif. 90706of granddam to grandson, of a line where both black and blue are known to be carried as recessive factors. He was also born black. Then, my black Ch. May Morning Black Magic has three times whelped sky-blue male puppies sired by a sable which were alive at time of delivery but did not survive. It would be interesting to know whether this type of blue represents a lethal gene in Poms, as it does in some other breeds.People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote a a very different thing. Walter H. Judd. This is YOUR CLUB- take time to vote and make youi wishes known.0 POMERANIAN REVIEWCIRCULATIONMANAGERMRS. THELMA M. DUNN R. D. 1, Carvale Drive Aberdeen, Md. 21001POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION 6.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada, Mexico 6.50 Foreign, 7.00' \AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION RATE 3.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.Available at 1.25 Each1969 Jan., April, July, Oct.1970 July, Oct.1971 Jan., April, July1972 Jan., April, July1973 Jan.Available at 1.50 Each1973 -April, July, Oct.THOUGHT FOR A PROSPEROUS NEW YEARWe have almost 600 subscribers to our Review. Wouldnt it be wonderful if every Breeder subscribing to the Review, would encourage one person purchasing a puppy from them, to take a 1-year subscription to the Review What better way to support and promote circulation of our Pomeranian ReviewFOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 1.50 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year.1974 Subscriptions will be billed at same time as Annual Dues, and can be included in same check, sent to Treasurer.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUESWrite Circulation ManagerAvailable at 1.00 Each1962 March, Sept., Dec.1963 March, Oct.1964 April, July1966 July, Oct.1967 April, July, Oct.1968 JulyRESULT OF BIDS For Back Issues of the Review Donated by Mrs. M. B. DubellWe are very pleased to announce the highest bid for our very first issue of the Review JUNE 1958 we received by Mrs. Helen Krafcik, Tacoma, Wash. Although we received several bids for the other back issues offered, Mr. Michael Thorstad of Castle Rock, Col. was the highest bidder on each issue. CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Krafcik and Mr. Thorstad.We are still receiving requests for early issues of the Review. Anyone willing to sell or donate issues 1958 through 1966 that we dont have listed as available please write Circulation Manager.BLAME THE GREMLINS We apologize for the unforgivable error the misspelled kennel name of Mrs. A. W. Hodges of Laramie, Wyoming. The unusual and lovely name is WINDWYCK. Somehow^, the typo escaped 3 proofreadings.POMERANIAN REVIEWCONGRATULATIONSCh. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Dam and May Morning Social Lion Sire proudly Congratulate and Thank Sadie Ray Edney owner and handler of Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Tinas first-born Son on completion of his Championship.Dunns Little Tomstopper, Sire of Ch. Silva Lade Gentle Ben, notes with pride, Little Bears completion of Championship and sensational Group and Best in Show wins. CONGRATULATIONS to Dianne Johnson breeder and Bill Ernst owner and handler.We also send Best Wishes and Continued Success to Cathy Lasota, owner of Thelduns Max For Snax, pointed and currently being shown.THELDUN POMERANIANS, REG.Thelma M. Dunn Aberdeen, Md.Carvale Drive, R.D. 1 301-879-5397CHAMPION THELDUNS TIM DANDEE OF EDNEYDandee is shown going BOW for 3 Pts. at Catonsville 101373, Judge Dr. William Field, Jr.Dandee finished his Championship on Monday, 101573. We would like to extend our many thanks to Judges, Mrs. Anna Cowie, Dr. Harold Huggins, Mr. Alfred Treen, Mrs. Jane Kay, Dr. Field and Mrs. Louise Baker for making this possible.Also, MANY THANKS TO THELMA DUNN FOB LETTING US HAVE DANDEE. Puppies expected middle of December. Inquiries invited.Saddie Ray Edney Baltimore, Md. 212227519 Holabird Ave. 301-282-31252 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARY Continued9, 1974 at Donovan Hall, Chicago,Uinois.The Annual Championship Awards will gain be presented by the Club at the mnual Dinner on February 10th, 1974. his year the names of Champions will ie taken from the American Kennel Jazette as will the names of the omeranians holding Obedience Titles, 'or those of you who finished Champions S.FTER OCTOBER 31, 1973 and before lecember 31, 1973, PLEASE send this nformation to me. This also applies to hose who earned titles in countries ther than the TJ.S.A.We WelcomeThe following who have been accepted is members of the American Pomeranian Hub, Inc.Mrs. Richard Sally Baugniet, Rt. 1, 3ox 99, Mishicot, Wise. 54228, proposed Dy Mrs. Edna Girardot Mrs. Beverly Fander Zeyden.Mr. Richard H. Burke, Box 41, Site 3, 3.S. 1, Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, Canada, proposed by Mrs. Dorothy Jones.Lt. Mrs. Stephen Brunner, 2744 Whitewood Drive, Dallas, Texas 75233, proposed by Mrs. Edith Rose Mayes.Miss Joyce Carmody, 3013 So. Union Avenue, Chicago, 111. 60616, proposed by Mrs. Beverly Berman John LoPorto.Mrs. Lynn Cliett, 1122 Oakdale Road, Augusta, Georgia 30904, proposed by Mrs. Marlene Scott Mrs. Ruth Beam.Mrs. Merle Daniels, 262 Spring Pines Drive, Spring, Texas 77373, proposed by Mrs. Mary Casey.Mrs. Louis R. Fry Nancy, RR No. 2, Washington, Ind. 47501, proposed by Mrs. Gayle Burton James M. Coy.Mrs. Elinor Hyche, Rt. 12, Box 2003, Birmingham, Ala. 35215, proposed by Mrs. Shiela Marion.Mrs. Helen Krafcik, 1303 So. 117th, Tacoma, Wash. 98444, proposed by Mrs. Elva McGilbry Chuck Reynolds.Mrs. Frances Martin, 920 Tolman Avenue, Ashland, Oregon 97520, proposed by Mrs. Wilma Birkman.J. Michael Meyer, 401 East 88th Street, New York City, N.Y. 10028, proposed by Mary Passariello.Mr. Mrs. Ray McMillan, 361 Clayton Street, Lawrenceville, Ga. 30245, proposed by Mr. Mrs. Edward Wheeler.Mr. Mrs. Maurice Sheehan, 157Hamilton Street, Cambridge, Mass. 02139, proposed by Mrs. Mary Casey Mrs. Bertha Yeaton.Mrs. Edith L. Studley, 4250 King Road, St. Clair, Mich. 48079, proposed by Mrs. Norris McKamey.Pasquale Scelso, D.M.D., 401 East 88th Street, New York City, N.Y. 10028, proposed by Mary Passariello.Mrs. Sylvia J. Yancey, 1650 Newton Road, Marietta, Ga. 30060, proposed by Mr. Mrs. Edward Wheeler.Mr. Mrs. Stephen McNerney, 2423 Roaming Woods Lane, Spring, Texas 77373, proposed by Mrs. Merle Daniels and Mr. Darrell W. Baker.Mr. Gilbert Lee Dodge, 150 Rutgers Street, Rochester, New York, 14607, proposed by Mr. Anthony R. Piazza.Well all be looking forward to seeing you at the Specialty Show on February 10 th Til then Keep Smiling.SEE YOU IN NEW YORK SUPPORT YOUR SPECIALTYPOMERANIAN REVIEW3n iHHemortamWe announce with deep regretthe death of member Mrs. Edith Ooykasa quiet lady who loved her Pomsand tried hard to do her part in the Club.The Review Staff joins the Officers and Board in sendingdeepest sympathy to her family.MIDAS POMERANIANSHAS MOVED TOMINNESOTAOur new address is7801 Sugar Loaf TrailMinneapolis, Minnesota 55444Ph. 612-566-8214Was 3382 Mowing Green DriveFlorissant, Missouri 63031SEASONS GREETINGS TO ALLJON AND ROBERTA MASSEY4 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional detail as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 8.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 3.50.CH. D-NEES DORABLE DAZZLER, orange female, bred, owned and handled by Nadine Hersil, 3128 E. Luzerne, Cudahy, Wisconsin, second champion from a litter of three.Int. Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Int. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Queenaires Jigger O Scotch Sire Flaming Sun of Shadowdance Creiders Vicki Gypsy Lady of Shadowdance Ch. Milo Dawn of Ken-Gay Ken-Gay Laddie of Milo Ken-Gays Lollypop D-Nees ' Durable Dolly DamIgo V. Zauherwald Snow Baby White Fluff My. R-Sans Snow BabyCH. JERIBETHS FIRE DRAGON finished in short order with five Best of Winners one Specialty and one Winners Dog. Bred by Mrs. Olga Baker and exclusively presented by his licensed handler, Chuck Reynolds. Jeri is owned by Mary Wylie, P. O. Box 423, Penn Valley, Ca. 95946.Bonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Jeribeths Darlin Doodle-Bug Sire Foxfire Herman Jeribeths Honeybee Foxfire DixieBonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Phiis Sparkling Dragonfly Dam Susannes Bobby Bettys Suzie Belle Wong Little Bit of KimTHE APRIL COVER IS AVAILABLEDEADLINE FOR APRIL IS FEBRUARY 20POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsCH. ROSEWOODS MITY SWEET O TIMSUNOrange female Breeder, Nina Epps Owners, Clarice Stanley Oganeku Honolulu, HawaiiCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy Dixielands Little Doady Ch. Reeves Buster Boy SireA-Lil Mischief's Town Talk Ch. Dixielands Mighty Sweet Sunburst Travelette Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy Ch. Reeves Buster BoyCh. Dixielands Mighty Sweet Lucky Becky of Dicehaven DamCh. Dicehavens Lucky Nubbin Lucky Vicki of Dicehaven St. Clairs Little TaffyCH. MACERINS SENSATIONAL CHERIOrange Sable Female Breeder-Owner, Ann C. Clemens House Springs, Mo.Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Sunstyle Brilliance Bonners Pepper-K-Sunkiss Ch. Parka's Brilliant Sensation Sire Ch. Bonners Smokypepper Chico Bonners Smoky Penny Bon Bon Pretty Penny Aristic Adorable Little Duffy Ch. Scotia Promised Dividend Beland Little Sandra Parkas Meri Teri DamTobe Joe Akleys Sissy Sno-Whites Teco TanyaCH. SCOTIA SENSATIONAL SALLYTA751059 Orange female Orange female Breeder, Edna Girardot Owners, Sal Catrini Mark Roma Huntington, N.Y.Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular SireCh. Sungolds Sensational KJd Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Princess Atonya Aristic Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Aristic Lady Pamela Ch. Scotts Babit Wabbit DamCh. Great Elms Little Buddy Scotts Bridget Widget Great Elms Sugar BabeCH. GREAT ELMS BUDDY OF LENETTERed MaleBreeder-Owner, K. G. Griffith Kannapolis, N. C.Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debby II Ch. Great Elms Ximstoppers Image Sire Great Elms Little Duffie Great Elms Linda Great Elms Little Duffie Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Teddy Mar-Bi-Leas Saucy Girl Dee Dee of Lenette DamRosewoods Lucky Whing Ding Rosewoods Becky Lou Rosewoods Fire Fly'-g^^igtgceeggigggiggigiglgglgigiggcgcgegtgegitgtgigigt6tgggtgggtggglglglgig3The Officers, Board Members and Review Staff send Best Wishes forHAPPY NEW YEARto all Pom owners everywhere. May 1974 he happy and successful for all.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWbehind the Mew Championsh. thelduns tim dandee3F EDNEYV2 lb. Red Sable Male Breeder, Thelma Dunn Dwner, Sadie W. Edney Baltimore, Md.Ch. Blair's Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Social Lion SireCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again May Morning Alice Pomwin Busybody Ch. Theleolynns Showstopper Ch. Blairs Solitaire Blairs Adorable Bit OGold Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Dam Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Sweet Mary Ann May Morning Honey Chile, C.D.ALL TYPISTS PLEASE DOUBLE SPACE MATERIALMAY MORNING POMERANIANSWe sadly report the death of ourCh. May Morning Echo of Highland Sire of ChampionsOHIO POMERANIAN CLUBMary Straslicka, Secretary 4109 Grafton Rd.Brunswick, Ohio 44212At our meeting on November 10, 1973, nominations for officers for 1974 were taken and since there was only one person nominated for each position the new officers are as followsPresidentJean Morgan Vice PresidentDonna Megenhardt SecretaryMary Straslicka Assistant SecretaryDonna Mohn TreasurerLoren Straslicka Board of DirectorsBud Morgan Rick Megenhardt Lorin MohnWe also made tentative plans for our Christmas party to be held on December 8, 1973.At our September meeting we had a very profitable evening listening to Dr. William Stemecker, D.V.M., as he explained the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of heartworm. We also discussed canine parasites and nutrition. The evening was highlighted with a dinner at Carre Cerinos Restaurant at which Dr. Sternecker and his wife were our guests of honor.Congratulations to Jean Morgan and her Black River Little Duffy, who went Best in Match Senior at the Medina Kennel Club Match on September 3, 1973, and also did a repeat performance at the Rubber City Match in Akron.Last but certainly not least, I would like to announce that my husband and I are the parents of a little girl bom July 30, 1973. As you can imagine things are pretty hectic around here. Donna Mohn will be assisting me with the Secretarial duties in 1974 and therefore will be the author of this article. For her help, I am very grateful. Well Donna, good luck and I hope you enjoy your new assignment as much as I did.POMERANIAN REVIEWCONGRATULATIONS TO Tom and Norma ORourke their Tono KennelsCH. SCOTIA CAVILIERS SPECTACULARCONGRATULATES MARK ROMA SAL CATRINI FOR FINISHING HISDAUGHTER SCOTIA SENSATIONAL SALLY, Dam Ch. Scotts Babit WabitCONGRATULATIONS TO SALLY BAUGNIET FOR FINISHING VARNEYS BUBBLES UPA Ch. Roanoke Melanie Magic Daughter bred by Scotia KennelsMany promising youngsters on hand for your considerationAT STUDCH. HADLEIGH LITTLE ROBIN CH. LUNDS JUST DANDY OF HADLEIGH CH. SCOTIA CAVILIERS SPECTACULAR CH. SUNGOLDS BOSTON BLAXIE SON OF CH. BRYLEAS BUDDY BOI SON OF CH. BLAIRS SENSATIONPuppies for pets, breeding and show Older stockEdna Girardot Scotia Kennels, P. O. Box 646 Floral City, Fla. 32636Phone 904-726-20018 POMERANIAN REVIEWSilva Lade'vSilva Lade Faughnan Ft CrackrFirecracker says, Congratulations Brother Bear CH. SILVA LADE GENTLE BEN on your Championship, on all your Breed and Group Wins, and of course your Best in Show.We at the Johnson Home want to thank Bill Ernst for doing such a fine job with Little Bear. We are very proud of you both.Firecracker was shown very limitedly as a puppy. We are proud to say that he acquired 6 pts. one major in that short time and he will return to the show ring this winter.Stud Fee On RequestLarry Dianne Johnson 2901 Putty Hill Rd. Balto., Md. 21234POMERANIAN REVIEWBLACK IS BEST IN SHOWr AA-PENOBSCOT VALLEY UChampion Silva Lade Gentle BenHeres Bear Pictured proving that Black is Best at Penobscot K.C. under judge George Brodie. Bears spectacular show career in the classes included BOW at the Bay Colony Pom Specialty under judge Edd Bivin.We would like to thank all the judges who have helped him to Stardom and to achieve at the tender age of 15 months, 18 BOB, 2 Group Firsts, 3 Group Seconds, 3 Group Thirds and 3 Group Fourths.Stud Fee Bill ErnstOn Request BeGay KennelNew Milford, Conn.POMERANIAN REVIEWLOTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIXEva Bryant Smith, Sect.918 West Cochise Drive Phoenix, Ariz. 85021THE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIX held its first Specialty B OB Match, Sun., Nov. 4, 1973, at beautiful Solano Park in Phoenix, Arizona.Freida Tinsley judged conformation, Linda Rickaby, obedience.The weather was lovely and turnout good. We had an entry of 51 elegant Poms thirty-eight in conformation, nine in obedience and four in the Parade of Champions.It was a beautiful match. Our Bench Show Chairman, Olga Raney, did things up well, and with Sara Kemp and Molly Carter taking entries everything went smoothly. Thanks a lot ladies.Best Junior Puppy Trophy went to Williams Big John, a luscious little fellow, owned by Hattie Williams.Best Senior Puppy was Arthas Ebony Rose, Miss Gardners little black girl and Best Adult and Best in Match went to Smiths Copper Glow Dandy, a distinctive, clear orange owned by Clarence Smith.Our problems and challenges were met with vigor, dignity and honor. Cooperation and support of CLUB members proved to us all, that THERE IS NO LIMIT TO WHAT A SUCCESSFUL CLUB CAN ACCOMPLISH.The April IssueThe April issue will again go to all judges licensed to judge our breed. Advertisers are asked to submit pictures of their typey winners or breeding stock as there is no doubt that a beautiful Pom picture enhances your ad and our publication But if you cant get a GOOD picture, dont send any. In this case, it is better to let the imagination supply the image.DALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUBMrs. Jewel Ellis, Sec.325 S. E. 9th St.Grand Prairie, Texas 75050First of all, we are proud and pleased to announce that the American Kennel Club has given the Fort Worth Pomeranian Club permission to change its name to the Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club which will enable us to hold our shows in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The American Kennel Club has approved our show date of March 22, 1974 and also Mrs. Helen Lee James as judge. This show will be held in the Womens Building, State Fair Grounds, Dallas, Texas and will be held in conjunction with the other Specialty clubs of Dallas but held apart as an independent show. This will give us greater publicity and larger attendance. We are looking forward to this show with great anticipation.We wish to congratulate the American Pomeranian Club for the wonderful success of its Specialty Show held in Houston, Oct. 13, 1973, and which was hosted by the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston. The Houston Pom Club will go a long way and we wish them every success. Results of this show will be found elsewhere in the Pomeranian Review. It was such a treat and privilege to meet and visit with Marlene Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Casey who attended the show. Several of our Dallas-Fort Worth club members went down for this show and everyone reported a grand time. It was one of the most enjoyable week-ends we have had in a long time.The following club members have recently finished a Pom. Cora Hales Bonners Lucky Elf of Caraway, and Dragonflys Little Princess Mildred G. Patricks Patricks Mr. Kelley and Opal Moshers TomanoHs Go-Gos Wee Gigolo, and Tomanolls Tiny TownPOMERANIAN REVIEWMacERIN KENNELSpresentsOur First Homebred ChampionOur thanks to Doug Huffman for showing Cher to her title. Also thanks to Parka Pomeranians for breeding her sire dam.Ch. MacErins Sensational Cheri CherWe would also like to thank Molly Linda Miller for their advice which enabled us to save Chers second litter. One of her pups, MacErins MLady Samantha will soon make her ring debut.Good luck to Ron Steen with MacErins MLady MTissa 8 points.Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Sunny One sire of all MacErins MLadies At StudInquiries InvitedAnn Mike Clemens Rt. 2, Box 337A, Duda Rd. House Springs, Mo. 63051 314 375-3888Talk. Mrs. B. G. McDonalds Macs Tangerine Twist needs only one point to finish.We hope everyone and all of their Poms had a wonderful Christmas and that the coming year will be the best yet for our Poms.Plumor is a hole that lets the sawdust out of a stuffed shirt.Jan McKeithen.LITTLE DOG BIG PThe single item we are called upon most often to correct in copy sent in is the tendency of ALL to spell Pomeranian with a small p. Why is it that Boxers, German Shepherds, etc. rate the capital letter, but our own Pomeranians do not Be proud of your Pretty Poms. Print them with a P Please.2 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUBBeverly Vander Zeyden, Corr. Secfy.Newly elected officers of the Kenosha lounty Pomeranian Club, formerly the Pomeranian Club of Wisconsin.President Chris Nolan Vice President Dick Varney 2nd Vice President Harvey Berman 3rd Vice President Corrie Vander ZeydenTreasurer Carmen Glander Recording Secretary Odette Nolan Corresponding Secretary Editor Beverly Vander ZeydenOn September 30, 1973 our club held its second AKC Sanctioned B" Match at the Dutchman Supper Club at Trevor, Wisconsin. Our Chairman was Mr. Cornelis Vander Zeyden and Co-Chairman Beverly Vander Zeyden. Our match had to be held outside because of the late notice of the new management. Therefore we had a slightly smaller turnout than if we would have been able to hold it inside and also because several of our participants had some of their Poms out with handlers. However, the rain stopped during our match and turned out to be very successful.Miss Dawn Vick of Niles, Illinois did an excellent job of judging our match and had 25 entries. The trophy table was just beautiful, done up by our trophy chairman Mr. Mrs. Odette Nolan. Odette made the table covering of yellow fabric with a green border and in the center of the table stood a beautiful floral arrangement. A trophy was offered for the winner of each individual class also Best Puppy in Match and Best Adult in Match and an elegant 4 x 12 rosette ribbon for each dog entered in the Parade of Champions.We tried to run this match as close to a Sanction A match as possible in hopes that our next match will be an A match. We did accept gate entries at this match but did print a catalog. Idont know if this was the first but as the gate entries closed we started duplicating the catalogs and putting them together all within less than an hour. The catalogs contained all the entries, all the general information and advertising.Best Adult went to Pomirish Cavs Bit O Hadleigh D owned by Sally Baugniet. Best Puppy went to Varneys Cavalier Show N Style CD owned by Betty Varney. The class winners were as follows 3-6 month puppy dog Betty Varneys Varneys Cavalier Show N Style 6-9 month puppy dog Marjory Nolans Cardinal Dragon Delta 6-9 month puppy bitch Vander Zeydens Bonners Kristodoll Wee Toy 9-12 month puppy bitch Vander Zeydens Aristic Pepperlette American-Bred DogSally Baugniets Pomirish Cavs Bit O Hadleigh Open Dog Lucius Luccass Toy Towns Dandy Corn Duke American- Bred Bitch Nadine Hersils D-Nees Dorable Dimples Open Bitches Nadine Hersils Pom-Pufs Coquette of King.We had eight champions participating in the Parade of Champions and each received a beautiful rosette ribbon. Each Champion was individually paraded around the ring with their names being announced over the P.A. System.After the match many of the participants sat down to a fine meal at the Dutchman Supper Club and talked about Poms.We would like to congratulate fellow members on finishing their Championships Sally Baugniets Varneys Bubbles Up F Sally Baugniets Randys Pomirish Dukes Buffy F, Nadine Hersils D-Nees Dorable Dazzler CF, Nadine Hersils D-Nees Call Me Wart M.Winners at the Chicago International K. C. November 3, under judge Mr. Langdon L. Skarda, were Sally Baugniets Randys Pomirish Super Sport going winners dog and BOW for 4 pts., another member Mrs. Norris McKaney went Reserve Winners Bitch.Winners the following day at Rock River Valley K. C. at Pecatonica, IllinoisPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4KENNEL REDUCTIONDue to expanding interest in the Real Estate Business I am reducing my kennel operation by 80OFFERINGCHAMPION SIRED PUPPIES for breeding and showSHOW PROSPECTS Male and female sired by Can. Am. Ch. Wilmas Golden Party BoyBROOD PROSPECTS Champion sired, several around 1 year oldPROVEN BROODS Healthy, sound, freewhelping, heavy-coated, productive bitches, 4-6 lbs. Colors red, orange sable. Most 3 yrs. old and under.BRED BITCHES Bred to Ch. Party Boy pict. Oct. 72 Review, p. 13, Apr. 73, p. 67 and Sonny Bun, son of Ch. Party Boy who has 13 pts. 3 majors, pict. Oct. 73 ReviewThese are high quality bitches with various pedigrees which include such bloodlines as Dromore Bombardier-Golden Glow Dandy, Great Elms, Van Hoozer, McKamey, Aristic and Gold Toy. All are capable of producing show quality puppies as many are champion sired and from my own selective breeding program.I am SELLING THE GOOD ONES REALISTIC PRICES PROMPT REPLIESPictures, Pedigrees, and Prices on Request. Be Specific CHERYL K. BLACKORBYR. D. 2Dixon, Illinois 61021 Ph. 815-288-5373under judge Mrs. Connie Bosold were Mrs. Norris McKameys Ideal Perfection went Winners Dog and BOW, McKameys Enchanting Lady went Winners Bitch and BOS.Some of our members have been really having bad luck in losing litters of Poms and it can really be heart breaking. One thinks they have had bad luck and they find out that someone has it worse yet.The Kenosha County Pomeranian Clubis still offering the 3-D Plastic Magnetic Pom signs as their money making project. For more information contact the corresponding secretary, Route 3, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301.The only fellow who never steps on anybody elses toes is standing still.Franklin P. Jones.44 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBby Mary F. Casey, PresidentHAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS FROM ALT, OF US IN THE BAY COLONY. Not too much news this month, havent been getting out to many shows lately.In the past, January was the issue of the Review that highlighted Our Obedience Poms, so I think it is quite appropriate that at this time we offer Our Congratulations to Our Bay Colony Members who have been working hard toward the goal of attaining degrees on their Poms. I will start with Mr. Mrs. Maurice Sheehan and their pride and joy, Beauty, officially known as SCHONHEITS KNABE, C.D. Beauty" acquired his degree at The South Shore Dog Training Club Trial in October. I understand that all of his scores were up in the 190s. Congratulations folks for a job well done, hope that we will soon be seeing Beauty competing for his C.D.X.Jenny Martin has also been doing real well with her young male. She took him to Canada where he quickly earned his Canadian C.D. in three straight shows all scores way up in the 190s. He also took Highest Scoring Toy Dog at one of the recent Trials with a score of 198V6 I believe it was at Great Barrington K.C. Trial.Don Smith is hard at work with his young male, TOPAZE DIAMOND JACK, winning highest scoring Toy at the Key Dog Training Club Match and we hope that he will soon be ready for the Trials.Gladys Dykstra took CH. TOPAZE LADY JENNIFER up to the shows in Canada and came home with 8 points toward her Canadian Championship and also two legs on her Canadian C.D. Just received word that JENNIFER earned her 1st leg on her American C.D. at the Rhode Island Dog Training Club Trial with a score of 192. JENNIFER is coowned by Gladys yours truly, but Gladys is doing all the work.Others in Our Club that are going into Obedience Work with great gusto are Bertha Yeaton and her CH. TOPAZE LUCKY LITTLE TOTO, and Jessie Young with her JABILS PETITE DELILAH, dam of Jessies lovely CH. JABILS DANDY LION.Speaking of CH. JABILS DANDY LION, Congratulations are also in order for this young man. At the Albany K.C. Show Dandy was Best of Breed and went on to place second in the Toy Group. There to cheer him on were fellow members Charlie and Amy McKay who were beaming with pride after their adorable little male WEE PRINCE CHARMING II went Best of Winners and repeated this win the following day at the Troy K.C. Show.As for the Casey Pom family we are proud to report that not only did we have a very enjoyable time at the A.P.C., Houston Specialty, but we brought home a new Champion. TOPAZE SIR BLITZEN was Winners Dog for a five point major, handled by his master, Francis J. Casey.We are all busy making plans for Our Annual Specialty Show to be held again in conjunction with the Hockamock Kennel Club All Breed Event in June. More news of that in the next issue. Hope some of you will be able to join us this year.THE POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGANby Mrs. Lily Kelley, Sec.13282 S. Dixie Hgwy.Holly, Michigan 48442The Pomeranian Club of Michigan resumed printing its Newsletter under the title of Pom Tales after a long layoff. Our Editor, Marge Gorman, sent out almost 400 complimentary copies in September, 1973. If we missed anyone who would like a copy, they may receive one simply by writing me at the address above.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4dli. Qaliid dtdandij cJlicShown winning BOB, on to GROUP II, under Judge, Marianne Grybinski, at the Albany K.C. Show, October 20, 1973.- m2 linebred litters due in December, sired by Dandy.Jessie Barbara Young Tel 603-435-8731^alitLoudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H. 03301NEWS FLASHTHELDUNS MAX FOR SNAXGROUP 2 WINNERCENTRAL NEW YORKKENNEL CLUB NOVEMBER 10, 1973A sincere THANK YOU to Judge, Mrs. B. Hofman for this tremendous win, and to Mrs. Dolores N. Scharff for such superb handling.MAX sends CONGRATULATIONS to his half-brother,THELDUNS TIM DANDEE OF EDNEY on completion of his Championship.Puppies expected late December.Thelduns Max For Snax x May Morning PrimNPropperCathy Losota 365 W. 12th Ave.215-828-4028 Conshohocken, Pa. 19428MAX16 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.Virginia Niehouse, Secty.1928-46 SW, Seattle, Wash. 98116Busy, busy, busy. Time for the quarterly report already. It seems as if there is a never ending number of things for a Club Secretary to do, not that Im complaining, but sometimes its pretty close getting this report in on time. Our Club was busy with two Matches within two months, so what with getting trophies ready, publicity out, making arrangements for a place to hold the Matches, our members have been on the run almost constantly. Our Poms Only Fun Match in July was a great ice-breaker and gave us a taste of the important All-Breed Match we had in Sept, in conjunction with the South End Sheltie Club. Frankly, we were somewhat pessimistic as to what kind of turnout wed have, so we were extremely happy to have so many entries along with lots of interested spectators. The Treasury certainly didnt suffer either. Speaking of our Treasury, wed like to again mention that our Club has not only Photo-Stamps of your dog s for sale, but a number of ceramic items ranging from key-chains, tie-bars, and pins, to medallions and other jewelry items. We are glad to be able to say that our membership is growing at a slow but consistent rate. The first two years as a Club sorted out those not really interested in abiding by Club ethics nor interested in working for the well-being of the Group as a whole, so now we feel that weve got a well-knit group of people who can put aside their personal ambitions and work together for the Clubs aims.Some of our members have been making wins in the showing recently with one winning a Canadian title and now working hard for the American title. Cedar Glens Magnificent Moon, owned by Alicia Kvamme, Jambos Rin-Go Kidof Andrews, owned by Bob Higbee and Tiffanys Sand Pebbles, owned by Helen Krafcik have all been among the winners in recent shows in this area. Clyde and Phyllis Andrews have had their Poms out a few times with handler Gene Hahnlen, and Mr. Andrews will be taking them to a Match at the Seattle Center soon. Phyllis, in the meantime, though unable to attend functions because of poor health, is not wasting her time. She is deeply involved with a home study course studying to be a Vet assistant, when she is in better health. The last Shows in the area for the rest of this year will be the Whidbey Island KC Show at the Monroe Fairgrounds on Nov. 18th and the Portland Pom Specialty at Portland, Ore. on Dec. 1-2, 1973. After the first of the year, of course, will be the big Seattle Show at the Seattle Center. This is the one most of us look forward to all year.During the Holiday season, our members have decided to have a Christmas dinner get-together on Dec. 8th, and well all be enjoying a Sauerbrauten dinner complete with apple struedel and cheesecake. This will give all of the families a chance to know each other better. A big plus in getting along together.We want to thank the Michigan Pom Club for sending up a copy of their first Newsletter, which we enjoyed very much. Also the Dallas-Fort Worth Pom Club for remembering us. Now how about all of you other Clubs to whom we send copies of our Newsletter but never receive any in return On the other hand, we feel that two publications should be MUSTS on the reading list of our Pom fanciers. First, of course, is the POMERANIAN REVIEW and the other is PURE BRED DOGS AKC GAZETTE. This includes columns about almost all breeds, lists of judges, upcoming shows for practically the whole year, and articles on any number of things that should interest any dog breeder or fancier or owner, a treasury within twoPOMERANIAN REVIEWSMITHS TOY POM KENNELLA PEPPER POD OF MAR-LU-RU, 4 lb. orange pointed dog. Pepper is a darling with a cobby body, excellent coat, correct ears and a most beautiful face. He has the personality that Pom people adore. Several of his sons and daughters are being shown now. Watch for them. One is Smiths Beautiful Honey Bee pictured in this issue.Aristic Wee Wons Pepper Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Aristic Little Miss Cheerful Aristic Pepper Pod Champagne Sire Ch. Aristic Flaming Cherub Aristic Flaming Flambeau Aristic Daintiness Ch. Aristic Chile King Ch. Aristic Chilebean Aristic Poupette Ace-Hi Wee Cookie DamCh. Elviean Wee Willie Haugers Copperett Goldilocks XIV'srWe Salute Tono Kennels and Tom and Norma ORourkeClarence and Eva Smith 918 West Cochise Dr., Phoenix, Az. 85021Phone 602-943-7605covers. Although by the time this is in print the Holidays will be past, the PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB and all of its members wish all of our readers the very best for the Holidays and many wins in the upcoming year.Editors Note Xour Editor received as a gift one of the charming little ceramic Pom pendants available from the Puget Sound Pom Club made byHelen Krafcik. True Pom character is conveyed in stylized fashion. Lovely addition to a Pom lovers wardrobe Patience is the art of concealing your impatience.Franklin P. Jones.An ounce of apology is worth a pound of loneliness.Joseph Joubert.48 POMERANIAN REVIEWEDITORIALIntroductory Remarks This time, I find it necessary to preface my Editorial by saying that I am not sitting outside the Situation in my Editorial Ivory Tower and making critical statements. As a Breeder and occasional Exhibitor, as a seller of puppies for Pet and Show, as a steady Worker for our American Pomeranian Club and for our Breed, I am as deeply involved in the Pom Fancy as any of you, and whatever the mistakes mentioned, you may be sure that I have made them, and whatever the many faults listed, you may be sure I have experienced some of them. So, this time when I say We, it is not just an Editorial We, but I do mean You and I.Breeders, what are we doing to our breed Are we so concerned with the winning type that we have lost sight of the soundness and vigor needed for the very survival of our Poms Are we breeding a small, hardy, wiry, active miniature sled dog or are we breeding a fragile little dwarf hardly able to carry his powder puff of soft, fluffy coat three times around the show rings Why is it that so few Poms today are seen in the advanced obedience rings, although a Pom yes, a 5 lb. Pom was the first Toy dog ever to acquire a U.D.T. in days gone by You may not have the time or the ambition for Open, Utility and Tracking work, but can your champions and breeding stock jump up on the furniture, if invited to do so, and can they outwalk you on a five mile hike, with side excursions to hunt for squirrels and rabbitsPomeranians, of all the Toy breeds, have been bred down in size the most drastically in the shortest time. In the race to produce the tiny ones, we unthinking breeders have CULLED THE WRONG ONES. We have tried to outwit Nature by demanding that our males be very small, while our females hopefully be kept large enough for safe breeding. In almost every breed where a size differential is recognized and allowed between the sexes, it is the MALE whichis the larger as, indeed Nature intended. Many not all of our tiny males would perish before weaning age, if the breeder did not resort to extraordinary efforts to keep them alive. We agree it is a hard-hearted breeder that will stand by and do nothing to save a tiny spark of life. But why not sell the survivors as pets as surely they do not represent the peak of breed type and vigor. Why not keep instead the 5 lb. litter brother as your future stud and show dogYour Editor would like to see our Standard amended to include at least the Major Faults, and would like to see the SIZE for Exhibition changed to read, The weight of a Pomeranian for exhibition is 3 to 7 pounds. The ideal size is from 4 to 6 pounds. Unless clearly superior in other breed characteristics, specimens less than 4 pounds or more than 6 pounds in proper show condition shall be penalized.With the ideal size revised upwards to include 6 pound animals, the 5 pound Pom would become more usual in the show rings. We feel that if a breed AVERAGE could be standardized at 5 pounds in the near future, our breed would go forward instead of backwards. This is not to say that large size is sy- nonimous with soundness, for a large Pom can also be unsound and many 3 pound Pomeranians are perfectly sound in all respects, but it is an undeniable fact that for the true betterment of any breed, show stock should be breeding stock, and if too tiny, unbreedable bitches are the only ones deemed showworthy, while 6-7 lb. and larger ones are kept at home strictly as producers, the future of our breed is in jeopardy.The parent clubs of two Toy breeds saw the light through sad experience and revised their Standards to strike out the clauses giving diminuativeness as a desirable characteristic. Maltese and Toy Poodles. We predict that, to save their breeds, the Yorkshire Terrier and Pomeranian Standards will also have to be revised in regards to ideal size.POMERANIAN REVIEW 49Great Elms Kennels, RegdCongratulations to Ken Griffith of Kannapolis, N. C. for his second champion this year, Great Elms Buddy of Eenette, the third champion this year for Image.Congratulations also to Carson Buss of Charleston, S. C. for his Best-in- Show win at Durham, N. C. with his Wheelers Here Comes the Judge. Another son of Image.Both of these dogs were shown by the very capable Marlene Scott. Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Stud Fee 75I very much regret that I feel it necessary to write as followsOne of the saddest experiences some of us go through in our struggle to breed good Poms, is to learn that a breeder in this case breeders of whom we have had the highest respect, is spreading malicious gossip against our whole bloodline.It is normal for breeders to discuss certain faults in some of the bloodlines, but to spread false gossip which hurts one of my customers, this really makes me most indignant.The true fact in question is in the 36 years I have been breeding Poms, I have never, never had a case of Elephant Skin Acanthosis Nigricans, so how could it be inherited from my bloodlines From what I have read and my consultation with my Vet, the condition is a hormone imbalance.My issue of The Merck Veterinary Manual states that dogs with this condition have a decrease in thyroid activity and that thyrotropic hormone has a highly favorable effect on this condition. Also helpful is thyroid extract, sex hormones, corticosteroids, etc. One of the latest books out on dog diseases considers Elephant Skin a form of mange, but inherited That does not make sense.I have never had any skin condition I could not cure quickly with a mixture of sulfur, oil of tar and cotton seed oil. At the present time, I have 35 Poms and not even one of them has even a tiny spot of skin trouble.Pineville, N. C. 28134 Ph. 704-889-9233Ruth Lowry Beam50 POMERANIAN REVIEWWe are certainly not advocating a return to 28 lb. Belper Bounce, nor even to a larger than 7 pound top limit for showing. We do feel that many of our undesirable genes are being transmitted through the tiny runts and weaklings of both sexes, typey and appealing though they may be, that have been artificially kept alive and are allowed to reproduce. We feel that though gossip may ascribe certain faults to specific bloodlines, EVERY breeder of note and of some years experience must admit to producing at least SOME of the serious faults listed below.We are saving the carriers and producers of open moleras, hydrocephalus, slipping patellas, collapsed tracheas, malocclusion, incomplete dentition and hormone imbalance which includes dwarfism, infertility and lack of virility far more often than loss of hair and elephant hide. These and other less serious faults are present and inherent in EVERY Toy breed drastically reduced in size to suit the breeders whim. And among our Pomeranians, NONE of the serious faults are confined to any one particular bloodline or pedigree. Let us not point the finger at anothers Problem today lest it crop up in our own breeding program tomorrow MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTIONS1974 Members Subscriptions start with the next April issue. You have all been billed for Annual Dues and the optional members subscriptions, including the extra amount for First Class Mailing, if you want it. It will help immensely to keep our records straight, if ALL MEMBERS who wish to subscribe to the Review andor get it by First Class Mail will be as prompt as possible in payment. If your dues are not paid by March 1st, your membership will lapse. If your 3.00 members subscription is not paid by April 1st, you will NOT receive the April issue of the Review. PC OBEDIENCERINGby EMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112Word of another C.D. Pomeranian has come ED-LO MIDNIGHT STORM, owned, trained and shown by Ed. Cooper of Independence, Kansas. Stormy is a tiny black grandson of JOHNNY MIDNIGHT, and he dearly loves his obedience work, being a very eager and happy worker. His scores towards the degree were 189 at Joplin, Missouri, 192 at Tulsa, Oklahoma and 184 at Wichita, Kansas, with a spare of 186 at Salina, Kansas. This is the second C.D. dog for Ed, having finished one two years agoanother little black, and older brother to Stormy. His scores were 185, 191 and 194. Congratulations, and we hope soon to hear more good news of degrees from Mr. Cooper.Black Poms seem to be in the obedience spotlight right now, as we hear of another C.D. KAVILLAS EBONY PRINCE. Mojo, as he is intimately known, is owned, trained and shown by Edalene Davis of Redding, California and he qualified at Chico, Yuba City and Sacramento, California in three shows in three days. At the last in a large class at Sacramento he scored 196 and took first place in Novice A. I have had the pleasure of watching this tiny black Pom work last summer and was impressedhe really is terrific Congratulations, and we hope they will go on to further degrees.Mrs. Alfred Picone and ELMORINAS CAVVYS DANDY LION, C.D. of Huntington, New York decided to take a chance and try for Canadian C.D.X. this summer, in spite of the fact thatPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5Daniel had been playing tricks on his ownerfailing at four straight shows in the TT.S.A. What seemed like a gamble turned out to be a real bonanza At the first show he scored 192first in his class at the second show 194second in the class and at the third show 198 first in the class. At this third show, which clinched the Canadian C.D.X., he ended up in a three-way tie for highest scoring dog in the trialno less Mrs. Picone writes After about five or six halts in a heeling run-off Daniel had had it. He decided to stand and look at me as much as to say, This is it Ended up third, but I was satisfied. What a thrill that jaunt to Canada must have been, and we wish them the best of luck now on the American C.D.X. By the time this goes to press something very good has probably happened again.At San Francisco Dog Training Club obedience trial last August, three Poms were entered, but none could claim the trophy for highest scoring Pom as all were entered in non-regular classes. Ruth Morgan of Modesto, California brought out RUSTY OF QUEENAIRE MANOR, U.D. for the Old-Timers Open Class, which is for dogs over nine years of age, and the jumps are lowered to shoulder-height. It was heart-warming to see this bright little eleven-year-old performing again, and he really did very well, going fifth place in a large class of old-timers most of them much younger than he. Rusty looks lovely, in the best of health, and Ruth says he seems to have taken a new lease on life ever since the show. Th other two Poms in the trial were my brace, MAXMILIAN OF POINT LOMA, C.D.X. and KEMs GOLD FLASH, C.D. We were proud and happy to place fourth.Happy New Year to all, and may we hear of many Pomeranian obedience degrees in 1974..-1Our photo shows Aileen Takemoto and Andersley Oedipus King, C.D. Brutus. Readers will remember news of the winning record of Aileen and her Pom in our April, 1973 Obedience Ring column. With just 4 obedience trials a year in Hawaii, a handler cant afford to goof and this pair made all scores in the 190s.PRESIDENT ContinuedJean and Sonny Jenkins on winning The Specialty with Ch. Enjays Puppet On a String, also to Eleanor Miller on winning the Breed and the Toy Group with her Ch. Millamors Moon Rock, next day. Both are beautiful specimens of the breed. May God bless you and yours in 1974, and may you achieve your goals with your Poms. I hope 74 brings to all of you the happiness you want. Let me hear from you.52 POMERANIAN REVIEW^arm,- j^omeran iandNow Offers At StudCH. ROANOKES MELANIE MAGICCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debby II Ch. Models Son of Fun SireCh. Great Elms Little Buddy Models Red Amber Ch. Models Magic Spell Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Roanoke's Robinhood Roanokes Gay Bandit Little Bit of Honey H DamPoinciana Sun Fun Poinciana Beelu Bella Poinciana Bella MiaCH. GREAT ELMS TERRY OF LENETTECh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debby II Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image SireGreat Elms Little Duffie Great Elms Linda Great Elms Little Susie Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debby II Jilltaras Anniversary Gift DamPacemaker's Peter Pan Jilltaras Sweet CharlotteAdam's Post Script by TimmyPuppies Occasionally Inquiries Invited and Answered PromptlyAlma Campbell Rte. 3, Box 302A Stanley, Kansas 66223913-681-2428 Kansas City AirportPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5BOJOS POMERANIANSPRESENTSBOJOS OSO ARISTIFINE BRANDY12 Points 1 MajoriVz lbs. Aristic Orange, slight touch of sableSTUD FEE AND PEDIGREE UPON REQUESTBrandy moves nicely, has a beautiful head and carries much coat of correct texture. He has loads of loving personality, sparkle and bounce.Siring quality offspring.Watch for Brandy in the ring handled by Dora Lee Wilson.Bojos Must Reduce I am keeping only 6 or 7 Poms, and am offering the rest of my quality stock and bloodlines to breeders.AVAILABLE . . .3 proven studs 1 Champion3 proven broods 6 excellent brood prospects 2 show-brood prospectsALL inquiries honestly answered State exact wantsjo McLarenRt. 6, Box 416 Springfield, Missouri 65803Call 417-862-9819 12 to 2 P.M. Weekdays or Week-ends ONLY54 POMERANIAN REVIEWCANADIAN CAPERSby DOROTHY JONES Box 57, Salmon River Drive Dartmouth, R. D. No. 1, N. S. CanadaHello Folks,This month I have taken a hit of a holiday and invited a good friend, Mrs. Hans Brunotti to write a letter for our column. Andrena has bred sixty-four poodle and maltese champions. While not a Pom breeder, she has handled a number of worthy champions. Those of you who do not know Mrs. Brunotti may well remember her husband. Hans is an all breed judge who has judged in Canada, the United States, Bermuda, Mexico, Columbia, Belgium and Germany. Last year he attended our Specialty in New York.I just had a letter from your correspondent, Dorothy Jones, and she asked me to write a little letter for the column. This is very flattering, but as I am not a writer, I hope that you will bear with me, for truthfully it is only my love of Pomeranians that gets me to put pen to paper . . . For a lesser breed I would definitely refuse. But who can refuse a Pom, with his sparkling little eyes, and his dainty elegant gait Truly there is nothing prettier than a good Pom in full coat playing on the lawn, or parading down the show ring. Although conversely there is nothing sadder than a poor Pom, or an otherwise good Pom poorly presented and out of coat attempting to make his mark in the show ring. I often wonder why people insist on showing dogs any dog of any breed for that matter when the dogs are not in the correct coat and condition. The show ring, is, after all, the shop window for the breeder, and the spectator will assume that the dog being shown is the best example that that particular person has in his kennel ... so why not show the world your best Pom beautifully presentedTo my mind it is better to hold a dog back for a few shows, do ones homework as far as coat care and training is concerned and then bring out a youngster that is ready to show and hopefully win with him, or at least not go away ashamed of the dog. With this in mind I have to commend those clubs that hold training classes for their members. In this case the people need not need the training although some of the novices will find this sort of activity helpful but the young puppies learn there how to deport themselves in the ring, not to worry about seeing lots of dogs, some very large indeed, and noisy people and even strange children. A few nights of this sort of bedlam and the baby will not mind the even noisier dog show, and will march in with the confidence of a veteran and give everyone in the class a run for his money. Now that the puppy knows what to expect, it is up to you to condition his coat correctly so that each and every hair sparkles with the shine of good health. Be sure his feet are trimmed, and that his ears appear as small as they can possibly be made to appear, but also be sure that you do this shaping a couple of weeks before the show so that scissor marks are not apparent, and the Pom will retain his natural look for he is not a Poodle and should not be scissored and sculptured into some pre-ordained shape Apart from anything else a Pom so scissored loses much of his outer coat, and it is this long strong outer coat that has the glisten and shine and full colour.I cannot write for Pomeranians in Canada as a whole, since I show basically in Ontario and Quebec, and in this area in the past few years there has been very little Pom activity as far as group awards are concerned, and really very few Poms being shown in the classes. However this sad state of affairs seems to be changing, and in the last year there has definitely been an increase of activity in the Pomeranian ring. And so in 1973 we find two Poms to date that have won groups. The one Mr. Mrs. William Stonhams Ch.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5VARNEYS POMERANIANSINTRODUCESLUELLS CINDERELLA OF DUKEshown at Plainview, Texas, under Judge Alfred E. Treen to a major win, BOB and Group 2. 3 major wins to date handled by Rena Martin.49OFFERS FOR SALE TO SHOW HOME ONLYa. Varneys Cavalier Show N Style, red male show prospect whelped June 29, 1973.b. Varneys Cavalier Ringmaster, red male show prospect whelped May 30, 1973.Both of these fine prospects are lead and table trained. Price, pedigree and details upon request.VlVABNEY'S CAVAXIER SHOW 'N STYLECongratulations to SaUy Baugniet on bringing VARNEYS BUBBLES UP to title owner handled.BETTY J. VARNEY TEL. 312-945-8311 2600 Duffy Lane Deerfield, 111. 6001556 POMERANIAN REVIEWZUMBA POMERANIANSWishes to thank Sheila Marion For her beautiful Shamrocks Precious Jewel.Now that we have her, we wont be happy without more like her.Hoping to breed to Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image for Spring litter.Precious is a granddaughter of Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again.At Stud Tiny Toys Jet Red Flyer 4 lb. orange Sire Ch. Deli Wee Proud WarriorAlso Jewel Kens Lil Night Shade W2 lb. black Sire Ruff us RastusPhyllis Zumbaum Zrnnba KennelR.R. 4 Box 372 Brazil, Ind. 47834Aff-Kins Mixer Max who took the group at Ottowa and whose promising show career was tragically brought to a premature end by an unfortunate accident. The other group winner is owned by Mrs. Phyllis Canfield who incidentally also owns the only FCIC Champion Pomeranian in Canada Ch. Lylyburn Tootsie Roll Am. Can. Ch. Grey Lyns Tinemite Red Robin now has a most enviable record of 8 group first, 5 group seconds, 8 group thirds, and 4 group fourths . . . all won this year, though he did not turn two until the middle of August. Mrs. Edna Bradleys Ch. Bradells Timba Dandy always has to be reckoned with, and has done his share of group placements, and I believe that Mrs. J. Carr, and Mrs. R. Hulford have accounted for a couple of group placements. It is always pleasant to see two of the oldest and most knowledgeable breeders in the show ring, I speak of Mrs. Elsie McDermott, and the Jimmy Proctors, who definitely have the right idea of what a Pom should look like.INQUIRIES INVITED2 Good Stud Prospects 4 and 5 months Several nice Pet Types 1 Female Gold ShowPed. on Request I am proud to announce a litter of 1 male, 1 female Ex Ch. Lees Wee Goldie To Ch. Im A Dandy Too Also a nice Black Boy Ex Scotia Cav Sunshine To Ch. SpankyVesta S. Lee R.R. 3Greenville, Pa. 16125 Tel. 412-588-8163POMERANIAN REVIEW 5'TSSHAN POMERANIANSEdith Tish Studley 4250 King Rd. St. Clair, Mich. 48979We have bred and shown dogs for twenty years but our interest in Poms started with a birthday gift from Anna LaFortune. Now there is nothing likethe Poms for us.INTRODUCINGnBEs'i'crTISHANS MISS KITTY-Pictured receiving a major from Judge Frank Oberstar. Kitty has two group 4 placings needs a major to finish.TISHANS MISSY BUNNY Shown winning her first puppy match -under Fred BassetW58 POMERANIAN REVIEWmWESTERNROUND-UPKEN MATHESON 14314 Nova Scotia, St. San Jose, Ca. 95124It is sad to lose a friend, but when we also lose a person who has done so much for the Pomeranian and the K9 kingdom we have really lost. It is with sadness that I report the death of Duane BUD Knapp, the first writer for Western Round-Up. Bud, as he preferred to he called, got his first Pom 25 years ago. He showed his first Pom in 1950. Bud finished many champions. His first, Ch. Golden Glow Masquarade, and Am Can Champion Moneybox Tokens Trustee and Ch. Sassy Sal Oro. Before coming to California, Bud was active in the Spokane Pom Club, and the Richland all breed K. C. Since 1958 Bud has co-owned and shown Poms with his partner, Chuck Reynolds. Their Pom Champions include Ch. Riders Gay Robbie, Ch. Golden Glow Sally, Ch. Sacramento Innkeeper, Ch. Little Autumn Orange, Ch. Res Cherubs Bombardier, and Ch. Golden Glow Sir Reginald.Bud was one of the founders of the Northern California Pomeranian Club. He undertook a job that was almost impossible to do. There were many groups of Pom people. There were also novices who were very new to the breed. Bud was instrumental in bringing all these people together and was elected their first President. He served as President for two years and worked hard in planning and forming this club. N.C.P.C. tried to reward him for this almost impossible task by making him a lifetime member of the club, the only person ever so honored. He has helped us through many rough spots. Bud wasrespected by his many friends. He had a sense of humor and liked a good time. He also told it the way it was. He was able to convey to us how he felt and we respected him for that.Bud Knapp will be missed by his partner, Chuck Reynolds, and his considered self adopted mother, Sally McGilbry, and friends. We will always remember this person who has done so much for us.On my way back from Auburn, I stopped by Ruth Dotsons place. It was the first time I had been to Ruths kennel. Ruth had just taken the Pom Review from the mail box. I was able to read it and look over her kennel, and actually see the dogs that were in the kennel visit. I was impressed with her kennel and the dogs. Chuck, you did a wonderful job, but seeing the dogs and reading your article was greatBelieve it or not I received four letters this time, and I would like to mention them. Mrs. Babb from Azusa by Los Angeles in April finished a black Champion, Babbs Humperdink. She also has a little black dog, Babbs Black Sugar Daddy who has 5 Best of Winners and a Best of Breed. That is good for a black. He needs majors which are now impossible to get in California.Pern Rodergues from El Cojn that is in the Southern part of the state by San Diego, also wrote me. Fem informed me that she has finished Lancer of Sunray at the age of 9 months. He also received his Canadian championship at 11 months. Lancer now has many Best of Breeds and Group plaeings to his credit. He just took 4 BOB out of five shows on the Cal Oregon circuit. Fern is proud because it is her first home bred champion. She also has a very nice little bitch Sunrays Regina who has been winning. Her little bitch and mine have been competing. When one goes winners the other goes reserve, and vice versa. Let me know more about what is going on down there, Fem.I have received a couple letters onPOMERANIAN REVIEW 593tt JHemoriamWe announce with deep regret the death of Duane Bud Knapp on September 29, 1973The Review Staff joins the Officers and Board in sending deepest sympathy to his friendsespecially to his partner, Chuck Reynolds, and to his fellow members of the Northern California Pomeranian Club.WITH SINCERE APPRECIATIONTo my many Pom Breeder friends for their words and expressions of sympathy, understanding and encouragement during my shock and grief from the loss of my dear friend and companion Bud Knapp.CHUCK REYNOLDS Golden Glow Kennels of CaliforniaRt. 2 Box 2815, Newcastle, Ca. 95658 Phone-916 663-361260 POMERANIAN REVIEWthe thyroid problem I wrote about last time, and will try to answer their questions. The only true way to tell if your dog has this condition is to have a blood test done by your veterinarian. The range can be from a low of 1.6 to a high of 5.6. The average being in the middle. This generally shows up in older dogs, but can affect young also. The over-active and under-active thyroid also affects the reproductive system, and is the cause of many skin problems. Some of the signs of the low thyroid are a weight problem, dry skin, lack of coat, and dogs that are not too active they will not always have all these symptoms. On the high side, over-active dogs, light in weight, and lack of coat. Dont try to be a vet. A well balanced diet, and the proper treatment of dogs with this problem is the only way. Some breeders tend to over react and think that if a little vitamins are good or a little calcium is good, give them more. You can cause severe liver and kidney damage by these extremes. You can also damage the health of other dogs in your kennel. I know of a case of a breeder with Cockers who used too much calcium and has damaged the health of her whole kennel. She now has to start all over. The cost of starting all over and the ruining of a good dog is a lot more than a vet bill.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.RINGSIDEby K. BIRK 1634 S.W. 9th Ave.Fort Lauderdale FLORIDA 33315Anybody with any intelligence can breed a champion. This statement was made by my hostess at dinner recently. At the time, I rather thought she was exaggerating a little, however, I havent been able to put it out of my mind.Two years ago, at the Atlanta show, I met Carolyn and Ed. Wheeler Decatur, Ga.. Carolyn was full of questions. She had most of the breed books but didnt know about the publications. She knew about them but wanted to know the best ones. She was working with a Vet. who was teaching her in that area . . . The important observation I gathered was, she was LISTENING. She was READING the books and studying.In a letter from Carolyn today, two years later, comes the exciting news . . . Oct. 6th at Durham, N.C. judge Paul Hayman WHEELERS HERE COMES THE JUDGE WAS BEST IN SHOW from the classes Owned by Carson Russ, shown by Marlene Scott. On Oct. 14th Carolyn finished her first champion, subj. AKC home bred, under Joseph Faigel at Macon, Ga. on Ch. Wheelers Dandy Buffy Girl was shown all the way by Carolyn or Ed.I know this is not a record, that there are many who have done as well or better but it helps to prove my friends statement, and I think this little girl deserves a big hand.A few statistics on Pom wins in 1964 . . . taken from 1955 Feb. issue of Popular Dogs Only the owners of the dogs are given but the kennel prefixes will tell us the breeders ... In the Toy Group there were 63 BIS wins . . .vPOMERANIAN REVIEW 61SMITHS TOY POM KENNEL AND VELMAR KENNELSARE PROUDLY SHOWING SMITHS BEAUTIFUL HONEY BEE.HONEY BEE has 2 points from puppy classes, 3 Reserves and 2 Best Opposite, I mOwned by Marsha D. Buckendorf and Eva Smith Sire La Pepper Pod of Mar-Lu-Ru Dam Smiths Toy TuneSMITHS TOY POM KENNEL Clarence and Eva Smith918 West Cochise Drive Phoenix, Arizona 85021 Phone 602-943-7605VELMAR KENNELS Arvil T. Marsha Buckendorf 5429 West Edgemont Phoenix, Arizona Phone 602-272-6276WE CONGRATULATE TONO KENNELSPoodles with the most, 24 . . . Pekes with 16 . . . Third in line were Poms with 7. Four Pomeranians accounted for the seven wins. Two each for CH. Bonnerss Peppersweet Red Pod owned by E. Girardot. CH. Bonners Prettytune Petite owned by D. Guild. CH. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus owned by D. Bonner. One BIS award to CH. Leaders Little Buckaroo owned by and bred by I. Kniffin.The awards for group firsts were earned by Red Pod with 10 ... 7 for Prettytune. 5 for CH. Aristic Dearborns Wonder ... 4 for Sungold Jessie . . . 3 for CH. Creider's T Town Serenade and CH. Sungold Darling Spectacular ... 2 each CH. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus, CH. Leaders Little Buckaroo, Sehirman Oaks Golden Timsun, CH. Surprise Box Black Eyed Susan. There was one each for Cavaliers Gay Bren62 POMERANIAN REVIEWNea, Goldpaz Wee Bonnie Laddie, CH. Hadleigh My Cherrie of Rosebert, CH. Honey Gold of Hadleigh and Gold Blackacre, CH. Scotia Cavaliers Leader, and Toppers Little Tinker Toy.Weve come a long way baby. So many more Poms have had Best In Shows in the last few years. Some as many, or more than, 20. Group Firsts of 30 or more.It is so easy to write about the wins of TOP show dogs . . .Glowing accounts of their many wins . . . month after month they garner show ring glory and gradually, but surely, take their place among the stars. The other 99 of the breed, born often in the same litter with the GREATS, live their lives . . . just being loved and long remembered, for the Qualities that most all Pomeranians have naturally. These dogs are the bulwark of the breed. Where they go, what they do, makes or breaks the image the public sets for them.It is of the utmost importance for all Pom breeders to sell their puppies where and how they will fit into the many different environments and do the most good for the breed. They must meet a definite standard here, just the same as for the show ring. They must have a reasonable resemblance to the Pom and have true Pomeranian disposition.Truly conscientious breeders breed right, whelp carefully, and sell puppies where they will have a good home and promote new Pom interest for the years ahead. A VALENTINE TO ALL WHO ARE DOING RIGHT BY THE LOVE OF OUR LIFE.Contributors are needed for the Review pages. Articles, news, clippings, letters for Yips Yaps are all welcome and should be sent to the Editor, typed if possible double spaced.ALONGMYWAYBy MOLLY MILLER P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573The APC Summer Specialty hosted by the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston is' now history. I hope all of the exhibitors enjoyed visiting the Houston area half as much as we enjoyed having them. The show was among the most friendly and cleanest that I have ever attended. I saw some trash on the floor and started across the room to pick it up. By the time I arrived, an out-of-town exhibitor had picked it up and was on her way to the trash barrel with it. No, she was not a member of the hosting club, but she was an APC member, and it was her show, and she was helping with what she saw that needed to be done. This wonderful spirit seemed to prevail in all areas getting poms in and out of the ring on timegrooming sharing baitetc.As trophy chairman, I was upset by one thing at the show. As would be expected at a national specialty, the trophy list was long and involved. Trophies and descriptions were printed in the premium list. The catalogue was to carry a list of trophies, descriptions, and donors. Some unknown printer andor typist omitted several of our trophies and the names of their donors from the catalogue. Now this to me is horrible. These people responded generously when I called for trophy donations, and they must be recognized. Please add the following to your summer 1973 APC catalogue puppy dog 6-9 mons. 4th nut dish offered by Martha Formender puppy dog 9-12 mons. 2nd nut dish offered by Wagners Golden Kennel, 3rd pom on chain offered by Julie Brumbach, 4th note paper offered byPOMERANIAN REVIEW 63ALOHABEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR FROM HAWAIIGloria A. Dias HonoluluKARMA8 Weeks of Stylish PersonalitySire Hadleigh Humming Bee Grandsire Eng. Ch. Little Gent of HadleighLAVAHILLHawaiiP. O. Box 10041 96816Special Thanks to Judge Ed Klein for the Group 2 at Amhoy, IllinoisBonnie Hodson Gwen Hodson Route 4Indianola, Iowa 515-961-2989SICh. Masterpiece64 POMERANIAN REVIEWDianna Hart novice dog 2nd, 3rd, 4th note paper offered by Dianna Hart bred by exhibitor dog 2nd nut dish offered by Violet Goforth, 3rd nut dish offered by Mayken Kennel, 4th note paper offered by Norma Gad American bred dogs 3rd 4th note paper offered by Norma Gad open dogs B, B, B 1st Revere Bowl offered by the APC, 2nd nut dish offered by Sophie Mayes, 3rd 4th note paper offered by Norma Gad open dogs A, O, C 2nd, 3rd 4th note paper offered by Dianna Hart puppy bitch 6-9 mons. 3rd nut dish offered by Myway Kennel, 4th nut dish offered by Sophie H. Mayes, puppy bitch 9-12 mons. 4th note paper offered by the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston novice bitch 2nd, 3rd, 4th note paper offered by the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston American bred bitch 3rd 4th note paper offered by Norma Gad open bitch B, B, B 2nd salt pepper set offered by Sophie H. Mayes, 3rd nut dish offered by Violet Goforth, 4th note paper offered by Norma Gad, open bitch A, O, C 4th note paper offered by the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston. I am sorry that I was not looking over the printers shoulder at the proper time.Once again thanks to all of you, trophy donors, advertisers, exhibitors, visitors, judges, and fellow members of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston, who made the APC summer specialty a memorable one for me.As we now look forward to 1974 and the shows that it holds, I would like to mention the subject of manners to you. Oh, we often hear of the proper conduct for judges, handlers, and exhibitors, but what about the manners of the ringside spectators Are they exempted I think not. Within the last few months two instances have occurred that prompt me to mention the subject. At one show a much-loved bitch, who was shown by a handler, made her first major win. Her owners and friends were relativelynew to showing and were understandably excited. They screamed and pounded on various objects. The sudden outburst caused every bitch, including theirs, to drop to the floor in terror. Fortunately the Poms in the ring were with experienced persons who managed to reassure them. At a more recent show, a spectator was delighted with the appearance of a bitch in the ring. As the Pom gaited away from the judge and toward the spectator during individual examination, the spectator leaned over the rope and flashed a camera directly into the unsuspecting Poms face. The Pom returned to the judge shaking her head and blinking her eyes. Needless to say she did not show at her best that dayNone of these spectators were malicious. In fact they all love Poms. They simply did not think what effect their actions would have on the dogs that they admired. I do not believe that any Poms were ruined on these particular days for the problems fell on experienced Poms however, a Pom new to the ring could have been ruined for life by such experiences.To show properly, our Poms must love the ring, so let us all think of how our actions will affect them before we act. Also, keep an eye on the fellow next to you at ringside. Caution him as one dog lover to another, before he makes that blunder that may embarrass him and ruin a good dog.BEST IN SHOWCh. Sheebas Little Dragonfly continued on his winning way by going to Best in Show at the huge, important Maryland Kennel Club show on November 25, 1973, owner handled.POMERANIAN REVIEW 65IN MEMORIAMCH. MAYKENS WEE MAGIC STEP August 1, 1968 October 8, 1973A dear little Pom has gone to rest.A life of love, she gave her best.Her last days were filled with pain.Very little did she complain.Altho she is forever gone,Her loving memories linger on.Sadly missed.WILMA JEAN BROWN8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46234LU ELL'S POMERANIANSToytown and Corn Duke Bloodlines Puppies for Show and Breeding available soon.sDue to Whelp in NovemberiToytowns Dragonfly Jill Breeders Norma J. ORourke Merle D. Daniels Sire Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Dam Tonos Toastie MeliToytowns Cuppi of JeribethSire Ch. Jeribeths Darlin Doodle-BugDam Ch. Sungfolds MavisAbove Toytown bitches bred with Toytowns Dandy Com Duke huge coated. Sire Ch. Dandy Sensation of Toytown, Dam Tim Sues Darlin Dragon, a Com Duke DaughterLucius Elinor Luccas Rt. 5 Box 395Burlington, Wisconsin 53105 Ph. 414-527-268166 POMERANIAN REVIEWMIDWESTREPORTBEVERLY C. BERMAN Rt. 1, Box 2IOC Braeburn Rd. Barrington Hills Algonquin, III. 60102I would like to preface my remarks with a statement that I have not as yet this year shown my Poms except in matches, lest my readers think I have a sour grapes attitude in my following statements. I have been successfully showing my Paps and have kept a close eye on the Pom ring since the judging often follows the Paps. After a recent show, a contingent of Pom Exhibitors came to me requesting that I make some remarks about the quality of the judging -that has been going on at the fall and summer shows.It has come to pass that the title of Champion would seem to mean very little nowadays, unless one has the knowledge of the dog first hand, as too many unworthy dogs have been put up this past year. Some of the judging has left both the contenders and ringside agape with wonder at how such things can be legally done. With the ever increasing costs of showing a dog, the exhibitors do have a valid cause for complaint when varied degrees of incompetence are displayed in the ring. At one show, the judge, a venerable all breed judge, never checked stifles or for that matter ran his hands over the entire dog Dogs were gaited only a few steps up and back and were never gaited around the ring together. He was much intent on legs though, unfortunately not the dogs legs Ring gimmicks are on the increase also. At several shows, it appeared that serious contenders for group placement are snuffed out in the breed ring and puppies were sent up to group. Finallyone judge did withhold a blue ribbon when the exhibit was so lacking in merit that it should have been dismissed. I have long been a chest thumper for the owner-handled dog and show all of mine in this manner. It has become increasingly difficult but by no means impossible to make up a champion handling yourself.There was a time when a professional would not undertake to show a very poor speciment or one with a very definite impairment. However, with money a mighty factor now and coat apparently so important, even the wrong coat, there have been made up by professionals most unworthy specimens. A crippled dog or one who crosses badly in front, in my opinion does not deserve a title.The older, more experienced breeders know what is right and what is wrong, but I wonder if we couldnt do with a series of seminars to enlighten everyone as to what constitutes the proper coat, head, and leg movement in a Pom. I hope that we are not so hirsute a nation to put everything that comprises a sound dog second to coat volume. Arent the breeders and judges alike losing sight of the true picture of balance in our little dogs The ideal thing would be for the Parent Club to make a film illustrating gait, etc. that would be available to local clubs for viewing. Now, no single dog would have everything, but the strong points could surely be well taken.A few years ago, I did an article on the ethics of selling a puppy, for Dog World, and the response was most gratifying. I still abide by my rules of never selling a puppy under the age of three months, when they are safely innoculated with a permanent DHL serum. No puppy that has not been examined by a vet, and that includes a stool check, ever leaves my home. Too many breeders are selling young pups ill equipped to survive and uninnoculated to boot. True, costs are on the upswing, but unless you are in business of merely grinding out puppiesPOMERANIAN REVIEW 67KEM'S POMERANIANSmfCH. RIDERS SPARKDIN GOED CHIPSparkie has two BOB and Gr. 3. He has two of his offspring in the ring now.siftCH.CIN DEES TINT TIMTimmyis an outstanding black 4 BOB to his credit. Sire of Ch. Phyner Bumble Bee.0KEMS PEBSISTANT PENNY Sired by Ch. Riders Sparklin Gold Chip almost finished.INQUIRIES INVITEDKenneth Elizabeth Matheson 14314 Nova Scotia St.San Jose, Ca. 95124 408 377-489468 POMERANIAN REVIEWwithout conscience as to their welfare and push them out early for a fast buck, you have a moral obligation to those pups that you have caused to be born. The pet market has fallen and with tight money some will no doubt try to cut corners even further. It is unfortunate that I do not hear more about the people with heart and conscience. Only last week, I had a call from a gentleman who was charged a S150 stud fee for service from a Pom that was not even pointed nor had it ever been shown. To me that is plain thievery.The Kenosha County Pom Clubs match on Sept. 30th had a very nice turnout in spite of the cold rainy weather. The rain abated long enough for the judging and then most scurried inside to enjoy a leisurely dinner. BIM Adult went to Sally Baugniets Pomirish Cavs Bit O Hadleigh BIM Puppy to Varneys Cavalier Show N Style owned by Betty Varney. The judge, Miss Dawn Vick, expressed her delight at going over so many lovely little Poms. Eight Champions were paraded and awarded large rosettes.Betty Varney informed me that her bitch, Luells Cinderella of Duke, handled by Rena Martin, has had several major wins Plainview, Texas under Alfred Treen Lubbock, Texas under Mrs. R. Clark, and at Janesville Beloit under Mrs. James Carter.The Pom Club of Iowa sent me a copy of their newsletter with many show wins, however, report failed to note the points involved. I did note that the Hodsons Ch. Masterpiece took a Grp. 4 at the Newton show and Sylvia Posatari has a new Ch. Sylvias Wee Apollo.Majors are not hard to come by in this area and the entry is ever on the increase. Let us hope that the gas shortage will not curtail dog show activity. My wish for the coming year would be for each of us to indulge in a little introspection and ask ourselves how badly do we want that title of Ch. To what lengths will we go to obtain it Lastyear a party seeking a show prospect came to me and when I asked her why after some seven years of breeding she now wanted to show, she replied that she wanted a CH. so she could get more money for her puppies She did not get a pup from me. Too many people are coming into the breed just to make and sell young puppies, without proper regard for the breed. The breed will endure long after ail of us are gone. Let us hope that we are going forward, not taking a downward path. To win with a good, dog is pure joy. To win with anything you can get away with is a far lesser triumph.Or.....CSfim3- m Rosewoods Whing Ding Whirl with Yvette Oganeku Pictured at the Childrens Dog Show fun match put on by the Humane Society in Honolulu, Hawaii in April, 1973. Attracted by the nice Pom, later discovering the cute little girl to be the daughter of APC member, Clarice Oganeku, the Editors sister Mrs. Catherine H. Brown sent in the photo she had taken. We are very pleased to show our readers the good publicity for our breed in Hawaii.POMERANIAN REVIEW 69ARISTA-LARK POMERANIANSBreeding mainly Skylark and Aristic Lines. Therefore, I am offering for sale, two doubleline bred Hadleigh males. 6 Mo. oldSire Double son of Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Dam Daughter of Ch. Hadleigh Little RobinLucille Hoover2012 San Miguel Cyn. Rd. Salinas, California 93901BEST WISHES FROM THE POMS OF LA MODATo Dolores Riggin and Her Newest Champion.Congratulations, also,on STYLES Group placinLgat Willamette Valley Kennel Club.May he go all the way.Ch. Riggins Stylish Pepper of La ModaMargaret Klingbeil 4185 Monroe Ave. N. E. Salem, Oregon 9730170 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSby Margaret Klingbeil 4815 Monroe Ave., N.E. Salem, Oregon 97301It is nice to know that people from other locations in the U.S. and Canada read the reports from my area. It is even nicer that many of them will take the time to write me in answer to my request for help from friends with problems relating to newborn puppies. Happily, part of the problems have been solved and it is hoped the rest of them will be eased by the suggestions sent in to me. Thanks to all of you who wrote me, and I will report further on this after I hear more from the breeders involved.Our typical rainy and windy winter weather is now in evidence and the show season is slowing down. There is a major in bitches at the Whidby Island show near Everett, Wash, and in both sexes at the Columbia Pomeranian Specialty in Portland, which has been changed from January to December with another club. Hopefully, this could mean that the exhibitors are coming out again with enough competition to make those important majors.There were majors in August at the Olympic Kennel Club show in Renton, Wash. Three points were picked up by Jay Jays Robin of Charmar, owned by M. Neuschvander and Jean Schroll. Best of Winners to pick up the points in dogs was awarded to a lovely little bitch owned by Alicia Kvamme. Cedar Glens Magnificent Moon was also Best Opposite to Best of Breed Winner Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash, owned by Jean Schroll and Barbara McLaughlen. Judging the Pomeranians was Dr. T. A. Kirk.The five show Cal-Ore circuit was not reported to me, so I have only Eugeneout of the five to report on, as I was able to make it there. It was well worth the trip as a Pomeranian champion of my breeding took the breed, a black bitch belonging to the friend who made the trip with me garnered a four point major which gave her the title, and my little Chihuahua bitch took Best of Winners for smooth Chihuahuas. Yes, it was a good day, and one I am happy to share. Mrs. Yan Paul, a well known Canadian judge, did the honors for the Poms, with Best of Breed going to Ch. Riggins Stylish Pepper of La Moda, owned and shown by Dolores Riggin. Style, incidentally, picked up his first major at the Eugene show a year ago, and the same show this year gave him his first Best of Breed. Winners Dog for three points went to a nice little black, Watsons Twinkle Twink, owned by Jimmie and Hazel Davis, with another black, Golpaz Patti Midnight, taking Winners Bitch for four points, Best Opposite Sex and her championship. Owner Joy LeCompte, well known for her blacks, had decided to skip the show as Patti was starting to drop coat, but was persuaded to make the trip by yours truly to have a traveling companion. While I do not have blacks, I have several friends who do, so it was of interest to me to note that three blacks and a black and tan were exhibited at this show and that the Winners Dog and Bitch were both black. It is nice that the judges are finally becoming aware of the fact that there are other colors in addition to orange.The fact that I occasionally mention Chihuahuas in my report has been criticized by a couple of friends who think another breed shouldnt be mentioned in a Pomeranian magazine. I have noticed in the Pomeranian Review, and in other dog magazines that have columns on Poms, that many Pom breeders have other breeds and mention them, so I do not really feel out of line. My Chihuahuas have been mentioned only in relation toPOMERANIAN REVIEW T.LENETTE POMERANIANSBreeders of Fine Poms for More Than 16 YearsStmM''5' - tAs -----------------------' N '' 'Ch. Great Elms Buddy of LenetteRed. male sired by Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image. Stud Fee 75.00Bitches DO NOT have to be approved.Litters due by,Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Great Elms Buddy of Eenette Ch. Sissy of Eenette Ch. Apple's Traveling Buddy Great Elms Terry of EenetteOur Poms are always realistically priced and Satisfaction Guaranteed.K. G. Griffith704-938-3104 923 S. Main St.704-938-2042 Nights Kannapolis, N. C. 2808172 POMERANIAN REVIEWshowing and judging where Poms are concerned, and since I also mention Poms when I write an article on Chihuahuas if there is anything in common to mention, I dont feel that I am any the less loyal to either breed. I would appreciate comments, however, to assist me in the future.Editors Note It has never been Review policy to exclude pertinent news of other breeds, be they Toys or others.Dolores Riggin of Tigard, Oregon is doing quite well in the show ring with her Poms. Riggins Rebels So Big, just starting on his show career, picked up three and two point wins in Utah in October, as well as Best of Winners both days. On the same weekend Ch. Riggins Stylish Pepper of La Moda was Best of Breed and Group 4 at the Willamette Valley Kennel Clubs first show in Salem, Oregon with Stewart Makley doing the breed judging and Stanley Hanson judging the Group. Style also took the breed win the next day at the Vancouver, Wash, show but I dont have the judge or other winners for that show. Also at Salem, Riggins Kristol Bomber was Winners Dog and Best of Winners for 1 point with Cedar Glens Magnificent Moon taking the point for bitches. Last but not least, another male from the Riggin kennel, Riggins Kristol Lucky who was recently sold to a kennel in Alberta, Canada started his show career with a five point win and Best of Breed over a top Canadian Champion. The new owner was too excited to give us the name of the judge or the show.Riggins Kristol Bomber was also Best in Match at the recent Columbia Pomeranan Club Sanction B Match and Best of Breed at the Group Five Toy Match later the same evening. I have had no reports from any of the other winners.In October Jean Schrolls Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash placed No. 2 in the Toy Group at Idaho Capital City, Group 1the next day at Lizzard Butte and Group 2 at Eagle Rock, all in Idaho. At the Intermountain show in Salt Lake City he placed No. 3 in Group and then Group 2 at Olympia, Wash. I dont have the Group judges as Jean has neglected to send me any reports.Alaska is many miles away from our Pacific Northwest area but still is Northwestern in many ways. We were happy to hear of friends Jon and Jan Renee and their Poms in Anchorage, Alaska since their move from our part of the lower 48. Their Ch. Tinklers Charlie was Best of Breed and Gr. 3 at the Tanana Valley Kennel Club show in Fairbanks Sept. 16th. Winners Dog and Best of Winners for five points went to Tinklers Happy, also owned by the Renees. The Alaska Kennel Club show Sept. 30th gave their Tinklers Happy his second major of five points and also Best of Breed. Winners Bitch and Best Opposite was awarded to Taylors Little Cissy Britches for a three point major. This little gal is owned by Wilma Taylor. Congratulations, Jon and Jan, and how about writing me about the differences in showing Poms and living in Alaska after all the shows you have attended here in Oregon and Washington I am sure the exhibitors in this area would love to hear about Poms in Alaska.We were saddened to learn of the sudden death of Duane Bud Knapp in California in September. Bud was well known to the oldtime exhibitors in our area, and was considered a friend by all. While I wasnt privileged to know him, I am acquainted with his partner, Chuck Reynolds. Our condolences go to Chuck in the passing of his friend.Phyllis Andrews of Woodinville, Wash., ordinarily a very active member of the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club, is still confined to bed with back problems. She is down but not out, as I understand she is making use of her time in bed by studying to be a veterinary assistant. Good going, Phyllis.POMERANIAN REVIEW 72'lAJoodrode P omercuncinSmN4V Ch. Rosewoods Mity Sweet OTimsun subj. AKC conf.Puddin finishing her championship, owner handled, at the Hawaiian Kennel Club Fall Show, 1973, with a 5 pt. major under judge Gordon M. Parham. Many thanks to Mary Hammond for her help and encouragement.We are striving for the best from the best See Pedigree Behind The New ChampionsClarice Oganeku 5394 Kilauea AvenuePhone 808 737-0568 Honolulu, Hawaii 9681674 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS AND YAPSCLARICE M. OGANEKU Honolulu, HawaiiMy family and I have had a months rest to recoup and sort out memories of our seven week vacation to the mainland and part of Canada. But, one of my conclusions from this trip is, you need an equal amount of rest to offset the effects of a vacation.We began our trip with Florida and a visit to Disnevworld. The highlites of the trip for our daughter and niece were the amusement parks and department stores. But. my husband, Stanley, and I sought out the Pom people we had, up to then, only heard or read about. We must have seemed like rank amateurs which we cant deny to the Goddards, Wines, McCoys, and Mrs. Kabel whom we met at both the Tampa and Orlando All-Breed shows. The talk couldn't center too much on any aspect of Pomeranians. We tried to absorb all and strained to see all. We also had the opportunity to visit with the Grand Lady of Poms Mrs. Edna Girardot. While there, we talked about whelping problems and learned a lot thru her experiences. We ended our stay by being treated to lunch by our gracious hostess. Oh, to be able to know what this lady knows We headed north and toured New York City for three days and tripped on to Massachusetts. We were met by Frank and Mary Casey, who extended every hospitality. We took in two All-Breed shows and the Bay Colony Pom Specialty. We sat in at their clubs meeting and the potluek luncheon was most enjoyable. If ever in Massachusetts, you must try Frank Caseys potato salad While we would have enjoyed the dog shows anyway being with and meeting people who are in the know, made the experience educational a double treat for us. After the shows, we were taken by the Caseys on a grand tour of the famous historic Plymouth. After six days of imposition on the Caseys, they drove us to Tivoli, N.Y. and introduced us to the Probsts. Katherine Probst is an excellent cook and the lunch and company were extremely enjoyable.The Oganekus saw Toronto and Niagara Falls as tourists, then Texas was our next stop. Peggy Bush and Laura James of Pom Shadows made our reservations and our stay was most pleasant. We spent a week visiting the Hales, Sealys, Howells, A. J. and Sandy Tremont. They, in turn, spent most of their time fielding questions, correcting faulty notions, and demonstrating the proper method. The climax of our stay was being invited to a Texas style dinner prepared by Bob and Gertrude Howell gee, was it good Our trip concluded with the viewing of both the Ventura and Santa Barbara shows in California.Weve brought back many pictures and our movies have already made the rounds of Hawaiis Pom people. We are so removed from the major activity of Pomeranians on the mainland, and importation of dogs is prohibitive in terms of the quarantine and expense, that this trip will be recalled and discussed at great length here in Hawaii. The tips on grooming, showing and breeding are invaluable. The difference in the Type of Poms being shown and bred were enlightening. I returned home and took a long and critical look at my dogs, then tried to implement all the advice I had received. I had great teachers because on September 3, 1973, I handled my bitch Rosewoods Mity Sweet OTimsun to a BOS, 5-pts.. and her Championship.The comradeship and hospitality of those Ive mentioned and those whom, because of lack of space, Ive neglected were immediate and sincere. Thank you, everyone, for this. I know Ive neglected to mention the specific dogs and persons that we were particularly impressed with, but adjectives such as fine, wonderful, terrific would have been overused. How I resisted the temptation of bringing a dog back with me is beyond my understanding and my husbands pocket.But, this trip has made us rich in knowledge, goodwill and friendship. I could write a book on my wonderful trip and go on and on expressing my gratitude to all.ALOHARAY EDNEY Baltimore, Md.I would like someway to get a point across to people who are interested in raising Poms, or are just starting to breed, of how fortunate I am and how I got my start.I had my first litter of puppies two years ago, was given Diane Johnson's telephone number at random for stud service. Through her I met Thelma Dunn and through her Sophie Mayes. With the help and advice of these wonderful people I have learned more in this short while than I could have in 10 years alone. You can read books or at least I did until youre blue in the face and you cant acquire the knowledge that experience of long time breeders can give you. But first and foremost you have to listen to the advice and take it.I have heard these people give the same advice to others that they gave me and watched them do just the opposite from whatPOMERANIAN REVIEW 75YIPS YAPSthey were told. I dont mean to infer that Im an authority on breeding now, only that if I need advice, I know how and where to go to get it and believe me I listen.I had never seen a Champion Pom until H2 years ago and since bought my little male and took him to his Championship at the early age of 14 months.Please listen to advice and take it, dont be afraid to ask questions. You'd be surprised how friendly and warm the majority of Pom people are.I took a female, which I thought was nice, to a match judged by Mary Casey. I asked what she thought of her, she told me to breed her and try to widen her front. She is now bred and hopefully if she widens, shell be in the ring next year, if not, I still have a nice brood bitch. What Im trying to point out is, if I had not listened I would be spending money and not understanding why she wasnt winning in the ring.Thanks again to all you wonderful people.SPECIALTY Continuedand Mrs. White from Alaska. Such a long, long way.The Houston All-Breed show was held the next day with a duplicate entry of 52, a few additions and a few subtractions. Edd Bivin passed on these dogs and found his Winners Dog and Best of Winners in Opal Moshers Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk. I understand this dog finished the following weekend. Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex went to Maykens Sun Fashion, owned by Kenneth Mayes. Best of Breed went to Eleanor Millers Ch. Millamors Moon Rock who is co-bred by Sue Goddard got to get credit wherever I can. With heavy support ringside, Moonrock went on to Group One, ending an A plus weekend for a happy group of Pom people. Sadly we had to start homeward Monday morning. Margaret Inscho from Florida travelled with us and tho we were glad to get home, we will long remember this very Special SpecialtyOPAL and MIKE THORSTAD Castle Rock, ColoradoThe summer specialty which The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston was responsible for hosting was a huge success. Mike and I have waited a whole week for the glow of our weekend in Houston to fade. Im still floating a little.I've never been to a show with so much friendliness everywhere, not just in the hospitality room but ringside too. We met so many nice people and beautiful Poms.We want to say a special Thank you to Roger Grider who helped us start our car with jumper cables after Mike left the lights on all day. He was so nice to an exhibitor he didn't even know We visited In the home of the Ralph Graves and saw Baron in gorgeous coat and condition. We talked Poms and nibbled on goodies until it was time to get ready for the dinner. The dinner was excellent and we sat at the table with Betty Smith who won the drawing for the Pom figurine. It was a lovely looking Pom.Molly and Linda Miller hosted us in their home for a kennel visit Sunday morning. We did get some beautiful pictures of their dogs.All I can say is I hope every Pom Specialty can have as much congeniality and run as smoothly as this one did. I know if at all possible, we will be ringside at the next one. Congratulations to the Houston Pom Club on a job well done REMINDERWe know that the advertiser who sent us a check made out to the American Kennel Club must have had a momentary lapse but we find it necessary to remind readers once again that ALL CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS are to be made payable to the "American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and NO OTHER WAY. Please, no initials, abbreviations and of course no checks made out to an individual.INDEX TO ADVERTISERSWe regret that lack of space made it impossible to include the usual index to advertisers. We hope you will pardon the temporary inconvenience.76 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. SHEEBA'S LITTLE DRAGONFLY,iPa-3 1SHPAmong the Nations Top Winning Toy Dogs . . . Announces with Pride that he has added another to his many Best Id Show wins. The first time in history to my knowledge as pictured above that a Pomeranian has garnered this honor at theProgressive All Toy Showover an entry of 327 Toy dogs from all over the country. Thanks and gratitude to Mrs. Edna Ackerman for the Best of Breed award and to Mr. Raphael Schulte for the Best in Show at this prominent show.Af Stud Fee 100OwnerMR. SAM L. ZANECFFTo Approved Bitches Oniy10 Park Avenue New York City