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The Pomeranian Review April 1970

Table of Contents

Stud Dog Register ?
Specialty Show Report ?
Visit to JoArt Kennels by Richard Ball ?
CH Duke's Lil Red Baron of O'kala Front Cover
Amertran Pommmtan Elub, Jnr.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUAETERLY APRIL, 1970''v-CHAMPION DUKE'S LIL RED BARON OF OKALASensational young male bred and owned by Mrs. Joyce Graves, Cypress, Texas. He finished undefeated in the classes, and in less than 5 months since, he has many Group placements and has won 3 B.I.S. all-breeds.IN THIS ISSUESTUD DOC REGISTER SPECIALTY SHOW REPORTVisit to JoArt Kennels by Richard Ball Club ReportsBIRK DAVIS HARWOOD HEYDE THYSSEN YIPS YAPS2 POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEby MARY F. CASEY60 Wilbur Street Raynham, Mass. 02767One year ago I sat here and wrote my first column as President of the American Pomeranian Club. At that time, I asked the question, Where, Oh Where are the Poms at the Shows One year later. I am still asking the same question.Our Annual Specialty Show was revived back in 1960, I believe, under the Presidency of Miss Anna K. Nicholas. Since that time, we have only twice had an entry exceeding 100. This year the entry was 72. Only one-tenth of the membership sent in an entry. I think you will all agree with me that this is a very small percentage.Needless to say, this is very discouraging to a Show Committee Chairman, her committees and to the Officers and Directors who work so hard in planning a weekend of enjoyment for all.This is your club THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB show the people you have elected to run your club that you do have an interest in it. If you have any suggestions to offer to help improve attendance, to help improve the show in any way, please dont hesitate to write and let us know what they are. We are here to do your bidding and each recommendation will be considered.We all know that it is impossible to have 100 attendance at theSpecialty. We realize that many cannot attend for numerous reasons, but if just 25 would attend it would mean a great deal and there is NO REASON for not having 100 PARTICIPATIONI think every member can afford a couple of dollars toward the trophy fund or the booster page. So how about it fellow members Lets start planning for our 1971 Specialty Show RIGHT NOWTo the people who did support our 1970 Show with entries, trophies, ads, attendance etc. OUR MOST GREATFUL AND SINCERE THANKS. Hope youll all be back again next year.,If you havent received the copy of the Proposed Revision of the Standard by the time you receive this issue of the Review, you will be receiving it soon Please read it over thoroughly and please send in your vote vote either Yes or No, but PLEASE VOTE. We want 100 return on these ballots.Once again I want to thank all of the members who have written to me during the year. Your words of encouragement, criticism and suggestions have been most welcome. I have tried to answer as many as I possibly could, but still have a few to go. Please be patient, I will answer yours soon, if I havent already done so.A word of praise to the Secretaries and Newsletter Editors of the Regional Clubs. Keep up the good work. Be sure to send a list of your new Club Officers for 1970 to the A.P.C. Secretary, Joy Brewster also to Sophie Mayes so their names can be put in the Review. Sophie would also like a quarterly report on your Clubs activities for the Review, so send in a resume on what you have been doing in your area. The ReContinuedon Page 27POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian Reviewof theAmmratt Pomeranian Elnh Jnr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident.............................................................................................................................. Mrs. Mary F. CaseyFirst Vice President....................................................................................................... Mrs. Katherine ProbstSecond Vice President.................................................................................................... Mrs. Anna E. CowieThird Vice President............................................................................................................ Mrs. Marlene ScottSecretary.........................Miss Joy S. Brewster, R.R. 3, U.S. Rt. 6, Newtown, Conn. 06470Treasurer .................................................................................................................................... Mrs. Elsie SivoriDelegate to the A. K. C.................................................................................................................Mr. Bert BedellEXECUTIVE COMMITTEEMrs. Catherine E. Bedell Mrs. Pauline CaldwellMiss Marjorie Bullwinkle Mrs. Dorothy HustedMrs. Phyllis SeeleyPOMERANIAN REVIEWInterim Editor ................................. Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, R.D. 4, West Chester, Pa. 19380Circulation Manager. .Mrs. Dorothy Husted, 936 Calhoun Ave., Bronx, N.Y. 10465 Advertising Manager .... Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, R.D. 4, West Chester, Pa. 19380 Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa., by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Printed in U.S.A. Subscriptions in the U.S., 5.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies, 1.25 Canada, Mexico, 5.50, Foreign rates 6.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Make check or money order payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Address all subscriptions and correspondence on circulation to the Circulation Manager.. Send all ads and inquiries about same to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, neces- sarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.ADVERTISING RATES CONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.Cover Photo 1 page of text 50.00Per column inch ................................................... 2.50One-quarter page ................................................. 5.00One half page ..................................................... 10.00Three-quarter page ............................................. 15.00Full page ............................................................. 20.00100 copies full page ad ......................................... 7.00Minimum charge for cuts up to If x 2 inches 1 col. wide 5.00 proportionately more for larger cuts. No charge for cuts if useable cut is available.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED4 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARYSREPORTby JOY S. BREWSTERRt. 3, U.S. Rt. 6 Newtown, Connecticut 06470Another year is at hand. The past Specialty was a good one and acknowledgement and thanks to all who did their share.The list of 1970 Officers and Board members will be found on Page 3.The mailing of the proposed Pomeranian Standard Revision for a vote of the membership should now be completed with the final results being submitted to the AKC for their action.As Secretary of the APC, I am continually receiving requests for information on Poms and Regional Clubs throughout the country. We now have a form letter to answer the majority of these requests, stressing subscription to the Pom Review and also contact with their Regional or Local Club for more local information on breeders and events in their area, and then information on joining the APC.This information I sincerely believe will help everyone concerned. I know it will improve communications between us. Also, please advise me if you have generally a set date for your annual specialty those who are eligible. Please be certain when writing for permission for the Specialty you include the name of your proposed judge.How about it Clubs Stand-up and make yourself known. We have several things to approach the Board regarding your existence this year. But I must know who and where you are.New members accepted recently include the followingMary A. Hammond, Hillsboro, Mo.Julia I. Phipps, Santa Rosa, Calif.Anne Bob Hayden, San Carlos,Calif.Shirley Jones, Ft. Walton Beach,Fla.John Charlotte Pipe, Schenectady, N.Y.Patricia Brooks, Charleston, S.C.Pamela Helwig, Laverne, Calif.Mariette Edwards, Brooklyn, N.Y.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.The current problem is that the RegionalLocal Clubs have not advised me of their existence. If each Club would let me know their general territory, approximate number of members, and the name and address of their Secretary or Public Relations representative, it would help matters considerably. This information is requested whether you are a brand new group or whether you have been around for a number of years.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the.. circulation .manager. Address on page 3, Review.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5CONGRATULATIONSto Joy and Art Davison, owners of Ch. Scotia President Jim whose son, Scotia Pres-Jims Beau Gem, finished at Tampa under Judge Isidore Schoenberg.5'XACH. SCOTIA SPECTACULAR SABLE JEM siibj. AKCshown finishing championship at Ft. Lauderdale, Jan. 16 by going BOB under Judge Mrs. Albert Van Court.This fabulous 8J mo. old male made his breeder-owner-handler very proud finishing his championship from the puppy class on the 1970 Florida Circuit.Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsI wish to thank the following judges for recognizing this pups quality and for having the fortitude to place him in the winners circleGreater Datona Judge Phil Marsh 1st puppy ................................................. RWDSara Bay Judge Percy Roberts...........................................................................BW 3 pts.Manatee Judge Anna Cowie ............................................................................. BW 2 pts.Clearwater Judge William Kendrick..................................................................BOB 2 pts.St. Petersburg - Judge Mrs. Beatrice Godsol .....................................................BW 4 pts.Central Florida Judge Marjorie Siebern............................................................ BW, BOS 3 pts.Ft. Lauderdale---------------Judge Mrs. Albert Van Court...................................... BOB 4 pts.West Palm Beach .......................................................................... entered but not shownCh. Scotia Spectacular Jem, whom I called Toro, was sold to Betty Puerta, of Columbia, S.A., and turned over to her after the Miami show. I was happy to sponsor Betty for APC membership. Four years ago, she visited my kennel and took home with her a 4 mo. Cavilier son which she tells me has finished S.A. championship and is the sire of champions. I predict that Toro will win some Best in Shows for her. I hope she will keep us informed now and then with a page in the Review. Toros sire has produced many champions, including the Best in Show winner, Ch. Scotia Atonyas Commander, owned by Mary Jane Wilson of Conn.PUPPIES PETS SHOW BREEDINGMANY CHAMPIONS AT STUDEdna E. GirardotP.O. Box 646, Floral City, Florida 32636 Phone 904-726-20016 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOYER STORYby RALPH and JOYCE CRAVES1970 is the Chinese Year of the Dog and for us the dog is Little Bear. OKala Kennels proudly presents our cover dog, Champion Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala. A product of our first Pom litter which also produced our first Pom Champion, Little Miss Skeeter of OKala.The OKala story began in Midland, Texas in 1963 when we purchased our first pom, Aristic Cherubs Wee Cherry from Mrs. Gladys Schoenberg. This lovely 3y2 lb. bitch was shown once for a Group 3 placing. An accident ended her show career and she became the familys house pet.We then acquired Great Danes and began to show and breed these dogs. At one show we saw a fabulous little pom, Corns Duke Dragnofly and introduced ourselves to Mrs. Olga Baker. We bred Duke to Cherry and was blessed with two great poms.Little Bear was Best in Match at the first two Houston Pom Clubs matches. Then on September 28, 1969 he was shown in his first show at Dallas and promptly won Best of Breed over Specials and a Group 3rd. To date he has won 3 All Breed Best In Show, 8 Group 1st, 4 Group 2nd, 3 Group 3rd and 17 Best of Breed.He is shown exclusively by our good friend, Mrs. Sharon Griffin. He immediately became a favorite at the Griffin household and now bosses Sharons Shelties.He is also a favorite among local handlers, who promptly dubbed him Super Pom. He is known for his nightly escapades when on a show circuit, stealing cigarettes, climbingin drinks and eating Spanish peanuts by the pound.Every effort is being made to show him in all parts of the country. Hes been shown in the East and South and we plan to have him on the West Coast later this year.A young stud, he has sired three litters and has ethers on the way. We hope to have these puppies in the ring next fall.We are grateful for all the fine Pom people weve met and all the lavish praise our Poms have received. We are thankful for our poms, the pleasure they have given us, and the friends they have made for the breed.TWO NEW COLUMNISTSBeginning with this issue, we introduce two new columnists to our readers. Cathy Marx will write on Junior Showmanship, and she hopes to correspond with all you Juniors who are interested in handling a Pom in competition. Lee Hanawalt has volunteered to take over the Helpful Hints department, so write her about such items. Both names and addresses head the columns.NEXT KENNEL VISITThe next kennel visit will be to the Cabert Kennels of our A.K.C. Delegate, Bert Bedell, and his charming wife, Catherine, in Merrick, Long Island, N.Y. We hope for a record number of congratulatory ads, not only on the east coast, but countrywide for after all, our Delegate is willing to go to bat for everyonePOMERANIAN REVIEW 7THE BLACK POM BITCHPHYNER BLACK QUEENAIREand her owners Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Trauner THANK the following JudgesSubject A.K.C.MAURICE L. BAKER........................ Steel City K.C................................3 pts., B.O.S.PERCY ROBERTS..............................Sara Bay K.C.................................3 pts., B.O.S.ANNA E. COWIE................................Manatee K.C.....................2 pts.ISIDORE SCHOENBERG..................Tampa Bay K.C................ 2 pts., B.O.S.MRS. HEYWOOD R. HARTLEY......Palm Beach Co. K.C........1 pt., B.O.W.AND her Handler, LORRAINE HEICHELPHYNER KENNELS, Reg.2025 Lyon StreetSan Francisoc, Cal. 941158 POMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOWby SUE GODDARDSafely seated and buckled in, on a jet, destination New York City I turned and looked at myself and said, What on earth are you doing here This could not have possibly been a worse weekend for me to leave, for after leasing a year in La Porte, Texas, we had just purchased a new home in another Houston suburb, Seabrook, and my long suffering husband was moving all our earthly belongings and 18 Poms that Saturday. For some reason he had generously consented to let me go in order to hold the hand of great friend and nervous flyer, Olga Baker of Deer Park, Texas.stakes entries, due to the recent death of Mr. Hoffman, and did an admirable job of the selecting the winners. As my entry won first puppy 6-9 months, I was especially approving. First 9-12 and subsequently Best in Sweepstakes was Westerleigh Topaze Serenade, a recent Bermudan Champion belonging to Lady Conyers of Bermuda and bred by our President Mary Casey. She is a lovely, dainty orange.Winners Dog, Jeiibeths Dragonfly Dickens, bred, owned and handled by Mrs. Olga Baker. Judge, Mr. W. C. Cook, Jr.Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Westerleigh Topaze Serenade, bred by Francis J. Mary F. Casey, owned by Florence, Lady Conyers and handled by Susan H. Fisher. Judge, Mrs. Pauline Caldwell.Our Specialty was worth every effort it had taken to get there. Seventy two entries with very few absentees were a sight to behold. The trophy table was beautiful thanks to the dedicated effort of our chairman, Miss Florence OBrien.Mrs. Pauline Caldwell graciously took over the judging of the 16 sweepTheregular classes were ably judged by Mr. W. C. Cook Jr. and I heard so many comment on his through and gentle handling of the dogs. The judging proceeded smoothly and was neigther too quickly or too slowly conducted, with thanks due to Mrs. Dorothy Husted and Mrs. Carolyn De Angelo who were our ring stewards.I was especially impressed with several young people who handled dogs they might teach us all some handling tips. Filling in for dad was Cheryl Wine and cute as she could'POMERANIAN REVIEW 9be. Father Ray was unable to leave a new job. Speaking of Florida people, they all arrived on a charter bus, and they had a marvelous time dog talking all the way. Edna Girar- dot, who recently injured her legs and was not expected, came with the bus group nothing will keep a dog fancier away from the shows. First timers in attendance of an annual specialty and now veteran bus travelers were Dr. Mitchell and Mrs. Geri Kabel. Faye and Cheryl Wine traveled with this group too.It was a pleasure to see Pat Larris- sey of Ohio whom I frequently saw at shows in that area when we lived in Indiana. I missed seeing several others who usually attend.Also from Ohio were our very dear friends, Ken and Eleanor Miller. They brought four lovely entries and five additional traveling companions, the kind with cold nosesI enjoyed renewing my acquaintance with our Review editor, Sophie Mayes, who had a darling black pup, May Morning Hokus Pokus, who won his Puppy class, 9-12 mo. She also had a very up and coming orange puppy. Anna Cowie was with her precious youngster, Nanjo Destiny who won Reserve winners dog. He will be a champion in a flash I am sure.My traveling companion was especially anxious to see how her grand children dogs were doing, since Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly had five children and two grand children entered, and they did him proud winning, Best of Opposite sex, Winners Dog, first American bred bitch, first puppy dog 6-9 mo., first puppy bitch 6-9 mo. and first sweepstakes 6-9 mo. The Graves two Specialsadded to the list, one being the several times Best In Show dog, Ch. Dukes Lil Red Earon of OKala and his little sister, Ch. Little Miss Skeet- er of OKala.ARHUAl BMXULTTBESTOFVNf'rt Winners Bitch and Best of Winners, Jiltz Lyra Altaic V Windemere, bred by Judith Engleborn Joy Strickler, owned by Robert L. Goodrich and handled to this win by Faye Wine.I was so pleased to meet Bob Goodrich of Models kennel, and what a day it was for Bob as his dogs captured Winners Bitch, Reserved Winners Bitch and the fabulous Ch. Son of Fun swept all the way to Best of Breed.The puppy dog class was won by a showy light orange, Hynes Ray of Sunshine, owned by fellow Texan, Marie Hynes.One big first was the large group of black open males whose entry of six surpassed all the other male class entries and there were some lovely specimens. Mr. Cook found his first place in Jo Arts Buckwheat owned by Art and Joy Davison and10 POMERANIAN REVIEWhe surely was a typy fellow. I noticed especially how truly jet black these dogs all were. Mrs. Phylliss Seeley won the brace class with a pair of her good blacks.Winning the sable class in dogs was the entry of Probsts Sunrise Serenade. This was a tiny short bodied little guy owned by Katherine Probst.Open Red, orange or cream was won by Jeribeths Dragonfly Dickens who went on to Winners Dog. He was owned and shown by Olga Baker. This tiny bright orange is a full brother to the Best of Opposite, and to the Millamor entry, Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce, who won at the Devon Specialty, so these kids really shine at the specialty shows.Mr. and Mrs. Sedora of Castle Creek, New York were happy exhibitors with their new acquisition and I believe brand new Ch. Scotia Pres-Jims Beau Gem, piloting him to first American bred dog and what a stylish little gentleman he was.The open red, orange or cream bitch class was, in my opinion, extremely good, how I would have loved to take them all home. All these gals were a good size and several were already proven broods. It seemed to me that throughout the show, we saw very uniform size with few extreme tinies, and no oversize. Open bitch and subsequently Winners Bitch and Best of Winners went to Jillz Lyra Altair V. Winde- mere, Bob Goodrichs exciting and recent purchase. Bob may have been hoping for his Reserve winners bitch, Models Sweet Sue, as she needed only one point to finish and is quite pregnant.Finally I come to the tremendously competitive Best of Breed as fourteen champions and the winners dog and winners bitch filled the ring and what a breathtaking sight this was Every dog and bitch was in full glorious coat and handsomely groomed with dogs and bitches almost equal in number. I think we all shared great sympathy with our Judge as he tried to decide which was best on this particular day with anyone of a dozen choices that could safely be made with no fear of criticism.Best of Breed, Oh. Models Son of Fun, bred and owned by Robert L. Goodrich and handled by Marlene Scott.. Judge, Mr. W. C. Cook, Jr.In the ring for consideration was Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly, number one Pom in the nation for two consecutive years, his fabulous winning son, Ch. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala, Mrs. Mary Jane Wilsons darling, profusely coated, Best in Show dog, Ch. Scotia Atonyas Commander. And I was pleased to Michael Wolfs lovely Ch. Tomahawks Little Joe and he was very much in the running this day. The grand old man, Ch.POMERANIAN REVIEW I ILeaders Little Buck-A-Roo was proudly presented by his owner Ina Kniffen. Bob Goodrich showed his personal favorite, group winning Ch. Models Magic Timstopper. Looking so exactly a duplicate of her handsome father, Bobs Timmy, was the Millamor entry of Ch. Millamors Merry Mischief.IrcuRiaur mwoWMrX. COOK JR.INNIML JPCCULTTBest of Opposite Sex, Ch. Jeribeths Golden Duchess. L to R - Judge Mr. W. C. Cook, Jr. new owner, Sam L. Zaneoff handler, Hermaine Cleaver.Another bitch I was so pleased to see was Ch. Bonners Fanfare Fashion owned by Catherine Marx who was our Winners bitch last year and she certainly is lovely.Petite and darling was Edna Gir- ardots Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Hello Dolly.After several audible sighs Judge Cook gave the nod to Ch. Models Son of Fun who was flawlessly handled by beautiful Marlene Scott, and to the joy of the new owner, Sam Zaneoff, the Best of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Jeribeths Golden Duchess who had been shouting Look at Me throughout much of the judging.ftBest Puppy in Show, Sedoras Randy Tango, bred and owned by Geraldine Sedora.Our day was nicely capped off by a marvelous dinner graciously arranged by Marjorie Bull winkle ana Florence OBrien. I suddenly discovered that I had had nothing to eat all day and practically ate the china too.With finesse and great humor, Bert Bedell awarded the many championship certificates to those who had earned them. Our evening ended abruptly as we rushed to barely make our connections and I realized with a pang that I still had so much to talk about and listen to guess I must return next year.There were so many other fine dogs and wonderful people, but they said a column and not a book, so my apologies to those I failed to mention.Now a week later, with Sophies warning that I rush this in, I feel it must have been a dream, and how eagerly I look forward to dreaming it again.COVERThe July Cover is still available. To reserve this or any other Cover, send 50 check to the Editor.12 POMERANIAN REVIEWJUDGES REPORTAmerican Pomeranian Specialty ShowIt was an honor and a privilege to judge the 1970 American Pomeranian Club Specialty which was held in the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Penn- Garden in New York City. The host club should be congratulated on its effort to round up entries and trophies, for as was the trophy table beautiful, so were the entries. The majority of the credit should go to the Show Chairmen, Miss Marjorie Bullwinkle and her committee Mrs. Catherine Bedell, Mrs. Phyllis Seeley, Mrs. Gloria Setmayer, Mrs. Marlene Scott and Mrs. Dorothy Husted who so ably assisted me as ring steward. The President Mrs. Mary F. Casey is also due congratulations for her efforts. She was very pleasant, hospitable and effective presiding officer at both the Annual meeting, which was prior to the class judging, and the banquet which followed the show.The banquet was a pleasure for it afforded me the opportunity to meet some of the top Pomeranian breeders in this country and in Canada as it too was well represented.Mr. Mrs. C. C. Blanchard, friends from Charleston, S. C. and my wife Marian enjoyed the show and the banquet and would like to thank the host club for a great deal of pleasure and for making us feel welcome.Best in puppy class was won by Geraldine Sedora with Sedoras Randy Tango, a nice young bitch which should also make a good brood matron.Winners dog was awarded to Jeri- beths Dragonfly Dickens owned by Mrs. Olga Baker. He was hard pressed by Nanjo Destiny owned by Joan E. Cowie. Both were small lovely dogs with beautiful expressions. Thoughthere was no similarity in their breeding, they looked like two peas in a pod. These two dogs offered me my most difficult decision in the classes, as neither dog should have any difficulty in finishing his championship. Both Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Cowie should be very proud of their dogs.Winners Bitch and Best of Winners was won by Jillz Lyra Altair V Windemere a beautiful Pom owned by Robert L. Goodrich who also owned the Reserve Winners Bitch. His winner had good expression, coat, profile and was a real showman. And his Reserve Winner, Models Sweet Sue had a full and abundant red coat. Mr. Goodrich is very fortunate to have these two bitches, as both should finish with no difficulty and both have adequate size to make good breeders.Best in Veteran Class was a knockout Ch. Leaders Little Buck-A-Roo owned by Mrs. Ina F. Kniffin. Here is a dog at nine years of age and is still beautiful. His coat is magnificent and his profile the ideal. This was my first opportunity to see this outstanding champion and it is little wonder he has established the winning record that he has. Mrs. Kniffin, I'm sure that he is a joy to you.Best Stud Dog was Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly owned by Mrs. Olga Baker. Here again, was an outstanding Pom. A wonderful coat, profile, and expression. It was easy to see that he is an outstanding stud dog, as his young were also exceptional. Again, this was the first time I had seen this wonderful champion, and I would like to thank Mrs. Baker for the opportunity.Continued on Page 36POMERANIAN REVIEW 13SPECIALTY SHOW WINNERSPUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Judge, Mrs. Pauline CaldwellBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESWesterleigh Topaze Serenade owned by Florence, Lady ConyersBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESJoArts Buckwheat owned by Art Joy DavisonCLASS ENTRIES Judge, Mr. W. C. Cook, Jr.PUPPY, DOGS 6-9 MO.Hynes Ray of Sunshine owned by Mrs. T. J. HynesPUPPY, DOCS 9-12 MO.May Morning Hokus Pokus owned by Sophie H. MayesNOVICE DOCSMargenes C Claudius owned by Martha W. FormenderBRED BY EXHIBITOR, DOCSCaberts Gay Brigadier owned by Bert Catherine BedellAMERICAN BRED DOCSCh. Scotia Pres Jims Beau Gem owned by Geraldine SedoraOPEN, DOCS, BLACK, BROWN OR CHOCOLATEJoArts Buckwheat owned by Art Joy DavisonOPEN DOCS, RED, ORANGE OR CREAMJeribeths Dragnofly Dickens owned by Mrs. Olga BakerOPEN DOCS, SABLEProbsts Sunrise Serenade owned by Katherine John ProbstWINNERS DOCJeribeths Dragonfly Dickens owned by Mrs. Olga BakerRESERVE WINNERS DOGNanjo Destiny owned by Joan E. CowiePUPPY, BITCHES 6-9 MO.Tim Sues Shoo Fly owned by Tim and Sue GoddardPUPPY, BITCHES 9-12 MO.Sedoras Randy Tango owned by Geraldine SedoraBRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHESModels Sweet Sue owned by Robert L. GoodrichAMERICAN BRED BITCHESRussells Fox Flame Robin owned by Dolores Joan DavisonOPEN BITCHES, BLACK, BROWN CHOCOLATECaberts Little Miss Midnight owned by Bert Catherine BedellOPEN BITCHES, RED, ORANGE OR CREAMJillz Lyra Altair V Wina'emere owned by Robert L. GoodrichOPEN BITCHES, SABLETopaze Duchess of Jeribeth owned by Francis Mary CaseyWINNERS BITCH AND BEST OF WINNERSJillz Lyra Altair V Windemere owned by Robert L. GoodrichRESERVE WINNERS BITCHModels Sweet Sue owned by Robert L. GoodrichBEST OF BREEDCh. Models Son of Fun owned by Robert L. GoodrichBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREEDCh. Jeribeths Golden Duchess owned by Sam L. Zaneoff BEST PUPPY IN SHOW Sedoras Randy Tango owned by Geraldine Sedora14 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONby OLGA BAKEROur fine Club Secretary, Marie Hynes, has willingly offered to provide news from our Houston Pomeranian Club for the POM REVIEW for each issue. For this issue, she has asked that I write a brief report on that wonderful EVENT OF THE YEAR, the annual Specialty of the A.P.C. Officers of the Club had already invited one of our busiest Club members, Sue Goddard, to write up the Specialty, so her complete report will be within this issue for everyone to enjoy. I shall try then not to be repetitious but would like to, specifically, credit some of our Houston members for nice accomplishments. Imagine ANYONE actually offering a TEXAN the opportunity to BRAG And now you have not one Texan, but TWO . . . Tim and Sue Goddard are transplanted Texans . . . the best kind believe they would be quick to tell you Texas is pretty greatThis was my third year to attend this wonderful and exciting show. Many of you have attended for years, many of you have never attended. Ordinarily, checking into a hotel with dogs, exercise pens, luggage, etc. is drudgery to dog people, certainly unenventful Not so at the Penn-Garden in New York. Pom people are everywhere, and the whole thing has the feel of a family reunion. Early Saturday morning everyone is arriving elevator doors part and out comes someone you know, someone youve seen pictures of, someone youve corresponded with, or an old friend Enter the coffee shop for a much-needed cup of coffee and there sit all the folks ... a real feel of everyone glad to see everyone. Everyone has had atrip of some kind ... by car, by plane, by bus and just about everyone is WEARY But there is too much excitement to even consider sneaking off for a nap. Phones begin to ring, raps are heard on doors, loud greetings are everywhere, everything buzzes. All of Saturday into late night, there is socializing of the grandest kind But all this is just a prelude to the big show on Sunday.The ballroom is arranged for the show, trophy table lovely, ring set up, chairs set up, and beautiful little poms are everywhere On with the show . . .At this point, since our good Secretary specified, Brief, Olga knowing that is not possible for me . . . Ill leave the remaining details to the Specialty Reporter, Sue Goddard, and get on with my happy duty of honoring some of our Texas members for nice wins at the show. Texas SHONE in EVERY class to enter the ring. Puppy Class, 6 to 9 months in the Sweepstakes was won by the showly little TIM-SUES SHOO-FLY, owned by Tim and Sue Goddard. SHOO-FLY repeated the win in the lovely class of 6-9 month puppies in regular classes. Then the exciting class of puppy dogs, 6-9 months, was won by HYNES RAY OF SUN- HINE, a beautifully - coated male, owned proudly by our Club Secretary, Mrs. T. J. Hynes. At this point, my Texas humility forces me to say only that my own little dog, JERI- BETHS DRAGONFLY DICKENS, was Winners Dog for 5 big points I can say, however, that my mild excitement almost necessitated retrieving me off the roof of the Penn-GardenThe Specials Class was phenomenal to see Exquisite dogs from all a- cross the nation ... in their glory so exciting to watch that if youPOMERANIAN REVIEW 15happen to be in the ring with them, it is almost impossible to concentrate on your own dog and keep your eyes off the others. It was not a Texan that captured the coveted Best of Breed, but nonetheless, I cannot help but congratulate the wonderful little CHAMPION MODELS SON OF FUN, a dog Ive much admired, owned by Bod Goodrich, and handled by lovely Marlene Scott. A well-deserved win, and a popular one for Bob and for Marlene. Best of Opposite Sex was CHAMPION JERIBETHS GOLDEN DUCHESS, our precious spunky little showman so nicely handled by Her- mine Cleaver. I feel more free to boast a bit for Duchess, as she is actually no longer ours, but has recently been sold to Mr. Sam Zaneoff of New York.Sue and I had to board up on one of those awful birds with the golden tails, or whatever they call them, to get back to Houston Sunday night. But soon a report came from the Garden that another of our little Texans, CH. LITTLE MISS SKEET- ER OF OKALA, had gone Best of Opposite Sex. Skeeter is owned by two of our fine Club members, Ralph and Joyce Graves.In addition to the nice show wins,I would like to personally congratu- some of our Houston Club members for the nice awards presented by the A.P.C. to members. Championship certificates were awarded at the dinner to Mrs. Daniel Smith, Mrs. Leo Holder, Miss Molly Miller and Mrs. Darrell Baker ... all members of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston.All you nice people should be careful. Youve lavished your warm hospitality on us so freely, that we may gather up, pack up, and cometo New York EN MASSE next time. Thanks again to everyone. It was grand WESTMINSTER WINNERSBod Goodrichs Ch. Models Son of Fun made it two in a row by taking BOB at the Garden under Judge, Edd Bivin, handled by Marlene Scott. Best of Opposite Sex was won by Ralph Joyce Graves Ch. Little Miss Skeeter of OKala, handled by Sharon Griffin.SHOW NEWSThe Ohio Pom Club sponsored the entry at the Western Reserve K.C. Show Dec. 14. 1969. Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland was Best of Breed, and his daughter, Windsweet of Highland, went Winners Bitch 5 pts. and also Best of Opposite Sex. Judge was Kenneth Miller.Ch. McKameys Just A King was BOB under Judge Louis Murr and FIRST in Toy Group under Judge Phil Marsh at the Southeastern Iowa all-breed show, Feb. 15, 1970. He is owned by J. and L. Chittenden of Des Moines, Iowa and handled by Mrs. Chittenden.SHOW NEWSWe do not solicit news of show winnings EXCEPT Best in Show, Group placements, Specialty Show BOB, BOS, WD WB. All other wins should be reported to your area Pom Club Secretary and to Review COLUMNIST in your area. ,16 POMERANIAN REVIEWMODEL POMERANIANS ANDMARLENE SCOTTWISH TO THANK MR. W. C. COOK, JR.FOR THEBEST OF BREED AWARD TOCH. MODELS SON OF FUN AT THEPOMERANIAN SPECIALTY IN FEBRUARY, 1970.ALSO FOR WINNERS BITCH ON JILLZ LYRA ALTAIR V WINDEMERE WHO WAS PURCHASED JUST FOR THIS SHOW.BOB GOODRICH2.04 YUKON AVENUE HAMPTON, VA. 23B63POMERANIAN REVIEW 17MODEL POMERANIANSANDMARLENE SCOTTWISH TO THANK MR. EDD BIVINS FOR THEBEST OF BREED AWARD TOCH. MODELS SON OF FUN ATWESTMINSTER DOG SHOW HELD AT THE GARDEN FEBRUARY 9 - 10, 1970BOB GOODRICH204 YUKON AVENUE HAMPTON, VA. 2336318 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYby MARGARET S. COLEMANThe Annual Specialty of the Columbia Pomeranian Club, Inc. was held on Jan. 10, 1970 in the newly remodeled Multnomah County Expo Center in North Portland, Oregon. This is a dogshowmans dream with its spacious rings and handlers area and non-slip floor. The trophy table, centered with a huge bouquet of orange gladiolus on the clubs green and gold banner and surrounded by tall, slender, goldtone trophies, made ra very impressive display.The judge, Mr. James Ryan, is a former breeder who imported much of his original stock from England. He is a very capable judge and did an excellent job. He selected as his winning dog, an outstanding black, Midnight of Point Loma, owned by Dr. Mrs. Charles Wilson of Naches, Washington and expertly handled by Eugene Hahnlen. His selection as winning bitch was a lovely orange. La Ritas Kandy With A K, handled by her breeder-owner, Rita La Verne. Kandy presented an outstanding picture in the ring with her profuse coat, long tail, and high tail carriage. In fact, he liked his class dogs so well that he gave Kandy Best of Breed and Midnight of Point Loma Best of Opposite Sex over three Specials. He awarded Best Puppy to a peppy little orange female, Wilmas Lollipop, owned by Mr. Mrs. L. E. Coleman and handled by L. E. Bud Coleman. He gave the Best Stud Dog award to Joy Le Comptes beautiful black Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight.After the show, the judge and Mrs. Ryan were guests of the Club for steak dinner at the Red Steer Restaurant. Mr. Ryan commented on the excellent quality of the competition,-ALaRitas Kandy With A K, bred, owned and handled by Rita M. LaVerne, went from the Open Bitch Class to Best of Breed over 3 Specials. She finished her championship with this win. Judge, James Ryan.the several outstanding blacks, and the pleasure of finding so much quality in a female large enough to breed. This win finished Kandys championship, subject to A.K.C. conformation.Winners Dog and Best of Opposite Sex over Specials, Midnight of Point Loma, owned by Dr. Mrs. Charles Wilson and handled by Gene Hahnlin. Judge, James Ryan.POMERANIAN REVIEW 19ll.Best Puppy was Wilmas Lollipop owned by Mr. Mrs. L. E. Coleman. Judge, James Ryan.ICONGRATULATIONSto Rita La Verne and her new Champion La Ritas Kandy with a KColemans PomeraniansMR. MRS. L. E. COLEMAN 201 0 5th Avenue Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Area Code 503654-6389YOU ASKED FOR IT Coming in the July Review an article on conditioning and grooming for show.POMERANIAN CLUB OF FLORIDA MIAMI AREAThe Pomeranian Club of Florida Miami Area held its twentieth Specialty Show on January 17, 1970, with Mrs. Giorgiana Lane judging.Winners Dog for 3 points was Da-Ron-Das Mr. Bounce, owned by Mrs. David Berg. Winners Bitch, also 3 points, Poinciana Cavana Trulyfair, owned by Mrs. R. E. Insco, also Best of Winners. Best of Breed was won by Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Hello Dolly, owned by Edna E. Girardot pictured , and Best of Opposite Sex was Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly owned by Mrs. Olga Baker. The entry was 9 dogs, 7 bitches and 3 Specials.vCli.Scotia Cavaliers Hello Dolly BOB Pomeranian Club of Florida Specialty Show. Bred, owned and handled by Edna E. Girardot. Judge, Mrs. Giorgiana Lane.DEADLINE For The JULY Issue MAY 20.20 POMERANIAN REVIEWCIRCULATIONMANAGERDOROTHY E. HUSTED936 Calhoun Avenue Bronx, N. Y. 10465POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUES Available at 1.00 EachWrite Circulation ManagerPOMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION 5.00 Yearly1960 June1961 March, Sept.1962 March, June, Sept., Dec.1963 March, June, Oct.1964 Jan., April, July, Oct.1965 Jan., April, July, Oct.1966 Apr., July, Oct.1967 April, July, Oct.Complete your files of The Review. These back issues are collectors items now. Always something good for reference.Also available at 1.25 Each1968 Jan., July, Oct.1969 Jan., April, July, Oct.1970 Jan.MEMBERS r SUBSCRIBERSKindly notify the Secretary or Circulation Manager of any change of address PROMPTLY. Addresses on page 3. It is both costly and inconvenient to have the magazines return by the Post Office and remailed.Anyone wishing their Reviews sent by First Class Mail must remit 1.00 additional per year to the Circulation Manager, or 50p in stamps or coin for remainder of 1970, July Oct.JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIPby CATHY MARX 4509 Wyoming Kansas City, Mo. 64111Mrs. Casey has invited me to write this column, as it is her belief as well as that of all sincere fanciers that the future of the breed depends on the cultivation of its young exhibitors. To make it a success I need your help. Send in reports of your wins in the junior classes while handling a Pomeranian. Express your views on the Jr. classes and how they are judged. I am sure Mr, Bedell would be most interested in your ideas since the recent A.K.C. recognition of Jr. Showmanship. As your delegate he is in a position to express your feelings concerning the many changes that will be coming into effect.Unfortunately, the number of junior handlers exhibiting Pomeranians is very small compared to other breeds. Last year not one person handling a Pom made the five qualifying wins to compete for the Leonard Brumby Sr. Trophy at Westminster. Clubs holding specialty shows can help their young members by offering Jr. Showmanship classes at all point shows.Winners at the A.P.C. Specialty on Feb. 8, 1970 were 1st - Cheryl Wine of Clearwater, Fla. 2nd - Sandy Sedora of Castle Creek, N.Y. Cheryl also qualified for Westminster showing a Min. Schnauzer and was selected as a finalist for Jr. Handler of the Year.Be sure to send in all information and ideas on Junior Showmanship and they will appear in this column.POMERANIAN REVIEW 21Great Elms Kennels, Regd.We congratulate Bob Goodrich for his outstanding wins at the New York Specialty and the Garden with his Ch. Models Son of Fun. Also for his BW win with his bitch Jillz Lyra Altair V Windemere and RW win with Models Sweet Sue.Congratulations also for Sweet Sues final championship points at Winston- Salem February 13 th.We cannot resist stating that the sire of these 3 poms is pictured in this ad.RUTH LOWRY BEAMPineville, North Carolina Phone 1-704-889-9233281 34 7 live alone, so calldirect. Its cheaper.Ch. G. E. Timstopper AgainStud Fee 50S.A.M.s Gay Blade Sandidol10 mo. red-orange male owned by Shirley Miller Sandidol KennelsBladesendsCongratulations Best Wishes to theJoArt Kennels home of his sire Ch. Scotia President JimSandidol KennelsPAT PAUL CREENEISEN11691 Daryl Lane Garden Grove, California 9264022 POMERANIAN REVIEWA VISIT WITH JOY AND ART DAVISON AND THE JO-ART POMSby RICHARD A. BALLIf a poll were taken to determine the friendliest, most helpful and best liked couple in the Southern California Pomeranian fancy, the names of Joy and Art Davison would undoubtedly be near the top of the list. Engineer Art and housewife Joy with the Jo-Art Poms are almost certain to be found at any show or match held in Southern California. At each of these shows you will see ample evidence to back up my opening statement. Need Help in handling that extra dog Joy or Art will take it in for you. Are you a novice whose dog needs a bit of last minute expert trimming Art, who is a master at putting a Pom down looking its best, will work his magic on your dog. Need advice If they have the answers Joy and Art will gladly supply them. The Davisons are ideal exhibitors, always showing dogs in immaculate condition, accepting defeat gracefully and what is sometimes more difficult accepting wins just as gracefully.1JoArtPoms get their share of sunshine.The home of JoArts Poms and the gangThe Jo-Arts are a classic example of the way in which most of us began in dogs. Joy saw a small bundle of Orange fluff, fell in love with it and took it home. Naturally this puffball just happened to be a female. She grew up and naturally came in season and naturally but you know the rest of the story. The original pet is still very much on the scene at Jo-Arts, helping to keep the younger generations in line. The word kennel actually has no meaning in connection with the Jo-Arts. There is no kennel. The dogs are all a part of the household along with the three boys. Naturally with three youngsters and their many friends constantly around, the Poms grow up fully used to people, a great asset when their Poms are going to new homes or to shows.Since the Jo-Arts are a hobby kennel which is still quite young in comparison to many of you, there is not a long string of famous dogs of by-gone days to mention. They are not looking back but forward. The Davisons have been busy gatheringPOMERANIAN REVIEW 23together a small group of very select foundation stock. Just as many newcomers to any breed do, they have purchased promising stock, both puppies and mature animals, only to discover that when the chips were down these Poms did not measure up to the rigid requirements which Joy and Art had set for themselves. This means that quite a few Poms have passed through their hands in the reasonably short time in which they have been in the breed. These were found a new home and the search for ever higher quality Poms continued. In fact, Joy has asked me to bring back from England a Top Show male for her in April when I plan to combine a much needed vacation Judging assignment and dog hunting for Joy as well as for others. If I am lucky enough to find a Top Show male for them, this would certainly roundout all of the top bloodlines at Jo-Arts from which they hope to establish the Jo-Arts Strain.Pride of place at Jo-Arts must go to Champion Scotia President Jim. This small beautifully bred, dark Orange is siring magnificent, tiny puppies much like himself, both for his owners and for other breeders. Fury, as he is called at home, is a dog of great type with the correct head, tiny highset ears and short back. Along with sound movement, he carried a big coat of the proper texture. Their other Champion is Kildares Wee Dorian, another small bright Orange with a profuse coat. Dorian has a short face with a beautiful expression, this combined with a cobby body, makes for a very handsome overall appearance.Club All - Breed Match this past Spring where he defeated the cream of the West Coast youngsters in many breeds. The other is a brilliant Orange, Jo-Arts Treasure of Nanjo, a youngster for which a bright future is predicted by many knowledgeable Pom people.JoArts Treasure of NanjoTwo top winning females are also keeping the Jo-Arts pre-fix to the fore-front in the show ring these days. Both Jo-Arts Little Gypsy owned jointly with Judy Bayley owner of the famous Hacienda Hotel in Las Vegas, and All-Stars Hadleigh Dolita have nearly all necessary points towards their championships. With luck Jo-Arts should have at least two new Champions during 1970.My friendship with Joy and Art began at a Puppy Match where I saw a seven week old Black Pom puppy shown by Pauline Hughes. With not the vaguest notion of buying a Pom, particularly a Black Pom, I could not resist this animated wind-up toy. All of the Pom breeders at the Match agreed that this puppy was outstanding but Blacks simply do not win. Only the Davisons of all the exhibitors present were encouraging.Two new male show-stoppers are coming along. The Black, Jo-Arts Buckwheat already has a Best-In- Match at the big Golden West DogThe puppy won the heart of a friend Eizabeth Jack Rabara, well known Toy Poodle exhibitor who now co-owns him. The puppy lived24 POMERANIAN REVIEWup to his promise End has become the first Black Pom to w.n a C roup in many years. He is of course Champion Arsenal Imp of Point Loma. Joy and Art knowing that I am the worlds worst handler, with their characteristic kindness, offered to show Impy for us. Often having to forego entering one of their own dogs in order to show Impy, they campaigned him against all competition.rSTFrom left to right Joy, All-Stars Hadleigh Dollita and Ch. Scotias President Jim.The high point was when Impy came from the classes at the big Santa Barbara show to place second in the Toy Group to the great Peke, Champion Dan-Lee Dragonseed at that time, he was the top winning Toy dog in the country. Impy and the Davisons became familiar figures, getting a point or two here and there but more often than not taking Reserve to oftentimes mediocre Oranges. Then in a few short days under three noted Toy specialists the Davisons piloted Impy to three Major wins and the title. Now they havetheir own promising Black Jo-Arts Buckwheat and I wish them all the luck in the world with him. i 'JArmful of JoyI have been associated with many groups of fanciers during the past thirty years, while making Champions in six breeds. None of these groups has been more friendly or helpful than the Pom fanciers and of the many friendly and helpful individuals in the Pom Fancy, I nominate Joy and Art Davison of the Jo-Art Fomeranians as two of the finest.NEWS FLASH A Pom Brace was Best Brace in Show at the Golden Gate Kennel Club Show Jan. 31, Feb. 1, 1970 Ch. McKameys Perfection OGold and Ch. J. and H. Irene, owned by Mrs. Hazel I. Grose of Santa Rosa, California, won their third Best Brace award at the Cow Palace. They have been entered in only 3 shows, so they are batting 1000. Mrs. McKamey writes, The male is a son of my Ch. Just Gold and the female a granddaughter of his. Mrs. Grose says they are identical in color,, showing and action.POMERANIAN REVIEW 25JO ART POMERANIANSf A pCh. Scotia President Jim0BEST IN MATCHJoArts BuckwheatArt Joy Davison1 509 Bunbury DriveN. Whittier, California 90601 Phone 213-333-7836POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. SHOWTIME SHINDIGLISl-and sonTINKLERS CHARLEY1CONGRATULATEJoy and Art DavisonandtheirBEAUTIFUL POMSMarvin Dorothy Tinkler5120 Cayhurst AvenueBaldwin Park, California, 91706 213-962-3850POMERANIAN REVIEW 27f^omeraniansCHAMPIONSTUDSCh. Highland StrutawayWINNINGBLOODLINESAristigoid of Highland sends love and congratulations to her daughter, Canadian Champion Solitaires Gold of Highland upon completion of Canadian title at 91 months of age, with three 3 point wins Goldie, a Showstopper and Aristic bred female is owned by Sandra Nelles of Brecon Kennels, Ontario, Canada. Thanks so much, Sandra we are happy that you like our little girl so much Sandra once owned our fabulous Ch. Highland Strutaway, and still thinks he was the nicest Pom she has ever seenPatricia HopkinsR.D. 1, Box 68A Ashville, Pa. 16613Phone814-942-7437President cont.gional Clubs are the pulse beat of the National Club and the more local activity the more National Interest.In closing I want to Thank Marjorie Bullwinkle, our 1970 Show Chairman, Florence OBrien, our 1970 Trophy Chairman, Bill McCoy, our 1970 Advertising Chairman and allthe Officers, Directors and members of the Club who helped make Our 1970 Specialty Show so enjoyable.Hope all of you will plan to spend part of your 1971 vacations attending next years Specialty.MAY 1970 SET A RECORD FOR POM CHAMPIONS AND MAY OUR BREED CLIMB BACK UP TO A PLACE IN THE TOP TEN.28 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. BONNERS STYLEPEPPER PRESHUS 41263 - 1121693.I. ' VI .'STYLEPEPPERAfter Stylepeppers recent death, it has been difficult for me to review his achievements, or even face up to the fact that he is gone. Such a great little dog comes only once in a lifetime, and I never expect to be so blessed again. He was campaigned briefly and bred infrequently in his short span, but his averages on both are difficult to surpass. Siring about 60 live puppies, about a third are champions, many more have points, and a number will finish in the future. Stylepepper was a stud who carefully chose his mates with so much discrimination that his get was limited, but his prepotency was so strong that champions came from every litter. His last puppies were born on Dec. 20th out of Ch. Bonners Pepper-K Gold Mist by a planned Caesarian section to insure their safe arrival. I am thankful for a plentiful heritage _of his sons and proud I was to take him to a Best-in-Show Win at 12 months, his first show. It is regretful that he was not campaigned more extensively. A brilliant orange, at 4 pounds, with tremendous coat, beautiful legs and perfect soundness, he moved with an exagerated hackney gait, chest forward, head held up and so far back that he never saw the floor. Proudly flaunting his high self-opinion, his carriage and movement always captured the hearts of on-lookers, and many judges pronounced him a nearperfect example of the breed.DOROTHY BONNERNOTICEIt has been brought to our attention that some members failed to receive the January issue of the Review, even though their dues were fully paid. Also, several people told us that some pages were missing from THEIR January Reviews. Kindly notify the Circulation Manager of all such errors and they will be rectified.ADD TO YOUR MEMBERSHIP LISTThe following members were inadvertantly omitted from the membership list mailed out last summerMR. MRS. WILBERT CARPENTER1101 Shamrock Drive Campbell, Cal. 95008Stylepepper was shown ,a total of 14 times with 13 - BB, 11 group placements, 5 Toy Group wins, and 4 Bestflh-Shows. I shall never forgetMR. MRS. KENNETH MILLERRt. 2, Mansfield-Rd.Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050POMERANIAN REVIEW 29Ch. Scotias Pres-Jims Beau GemPictured completing championship with a 4 point major at Tampa, Fla., Jan. 11, 1970 under Judge Isidore SchoenbergBeau was BW and WD at the APC Specialty at Beverly Hills, and WD at the NCPC Specialty last July in California.See Pedigree in Behind the New Champions Thanks to Edna Girardot for letting me have Beau Gem.He will be at Stud to approved bitches.See Annual Stud Dog Register.OFFERING PUPPIES FORBREEDINGYOUR INQUIRIES INVITEDGeri SedoraDunham HillCastle Creek, N.Y. 13744 Phone 607-648-6028SHOW PETS30 POMERANIAN REVIEWNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB HAPPENINGSby CHUCK REYNOLDS, PresidentM'8t ffiNorthern California Pom Club SpecialtyWinter is past and what a busy winter it was in Sunny California by the Golden Gate.The N.C.P.C. Annual Christmas Party and Awards Banquet was well attended with a marvelous time had by all. A Happy Hour was followed by a lovely dinner. The Guest of Honour was Jean Bobbitt, Chief Ring Steward at many of Californias gigantic All-Breed Shows. Mrs. Bobbitt presented the beautiful Plaques given to the Winners of the 1969 Northern California Pomeranian Club Annual Awards. Those who received awards were as follows FEMALE POMERANIAN, owned by a member, having won over the highest number of Pomeranians in competition during 1969 WAGONERS SHAWNA OF MISSY owned by Valeria and Paul Wagoner. MALE POMERANIAN, owned by a member, having won over the highest number of Pomeranians in competition during 1969 CH. ELSIES LITTLE YOGI BEAR owned by Elsie Cablis. TOP POMERANIAN, owned by a member, having done the greatest amount of winning at A.K.C. All- Breed Shows in 1969 CH. ELSIES LITTLE YOGI BEAR owned by Elsie Cablis.POMERANIAN KtVIEW 31 TOP BREEDER A Tie Members having bred the highest number of Pomeranians completing their Championship Titles during 1969 SHIRLEY HOFFMAN and BETTY NAPRSTEK. TOP EXHIBITOR A tie Members having exhibited the highest number of Pomeranians to Championship Titles during 1969 BETTY NAPRSTEK and SHIRLEY HOFFMAN. TOP OBEDIENCE EXHIBITOR,Member having exhibited the highest number of Pomeranians to Obedience Title during 1969 VALERIAWAGONER. SPECIAL AWARD was given to CH. SUNGOLDS GAY CAVILIER for his outstanding record as a Sire of Champions. He is owned by our Florida member Edna Girardot. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE A- WARD was presented to MRS. DOLLY TRAUNOR for her outstanding contributions toward the betterment of Breeding, Health, Welfare, and Sport of All Pure Bred Dogs. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE A- WARD was presented to CHUCK REYNOLDS for having contributed the most Above the Call of Duty toward the Activities and Objectives of the Northern California Pomeranian Club. This writer felt very humble in receiving this award along with a beautiful Fire Opal carved into a Pomeranian which was donated to the Club for presentation to the winner of this award. It was carved and donated by Vernon and Joan Sanders. I so appreciate and treasure this valuable gift.Next on the busy schedule for N.C.P.C. was the Winter Specialty in conjunction with the fabulous two day Benched All-Breed Golden Gate Kennel Club Show held in the famed San Francisco Cow Palace. When we say Benched we mean Decorated Bench and we certainly were in splendid decor this year. The decorations were done with a Valentine theme which won the Hearts of All. This lovely display was designed and set up by our members JULIE AND GONZY MORENO with ANN AND BOB HEYDON. Much technical assistance was given by SHIRLEY HOFFMAN. One could enter the hall containing over 2,700 benched dogs and was immediately drawn to us without having to ask, Where are the PomeraniansThe N.C.P.C. Specialty Judging was done on the first day of the Show with popular Judge Maxwell Riddle making his decisions known to a very large ringside gallery. Each Pom placing was presented with one of the exclusive Pomeranian Ceramics designed by Helen White for the N.C.P.C. The Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex was presented a lovely imported solid brass Fondue brought over from the Orient by the Hoffmans.Judge Maxwell made the following selections from the Classes Puppy Dogs 6 to 9 GOLDEN GLOW LONESOME GEORGE owned by Vernon and Joan Sanders. Puppy Dogs 9 to 12 CE LOUS LIL CAVS L BERNSTEIN owned by Louise Jo Rosbury. Open Dogs HADLEIGH LITTLE TRIVE owned by Valeria and Paul Wagoner.Continued on Page 5232 POMERANIAN REVIEWCE-LOUS POMSSENDS CONGRATULATIONS TOJO-ARTS KENNEL AND CE-LOUS CAY CAVILIERS REWARDa brood that resides there.Lucky Pom that has a home in such a fine show kennel.LATE CONGRATULATIONS to Ch. Blossom Views Bronze Banner in winning the Golden Gate Challenge Cup last year. His dam is our Ce-Lous Good Friday Traveler and his sire, Shirleys old Ch. Skylark Bronze Banner, a top producer of our area.We would like to blow our horn on taking the Challenge Cup at this January Specialty with our Ce-Lous Lil Cavs L. Bernstein who went from first in 9-12 Puppy Class to Winners Dog and Best of WinnersA nice win first time outA sad farewell to Bill Hoffman. We felt his presence at our win.Louise Jo RosburyCE-LOUS POMS886 Kenneth Avenue Campbell, California 95008Our thanks to all that have helped us.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Jn iUmnnamWILLIAM H. HOFFMAN April 26, 1923 January 28, 1970 The Review Staff joins the Entire Membership in expressing deepest sympathy to Shirley Ann Hoffman.Bill Hoffman was to have judged the Puppy Sweepstakes at our February Special Show. It was with a great sense of shock and loss that we heard of his death.The Northern California Pomeranian Club will dedicate its Summer Specialty Show to Bill Hoffmans memory. Contributions in memoriam should be sent to Mr. Fred Palmer, Treasurer 7255 E. Waterloo Road Stockton, Cal. 95205i--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------34 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional detail as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 11.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 3.50.CH. LIL ELMO OF POINT LOMA, TA-357809. Orange male, bred and owned by Pauline B. Hughes, 1726 Crest Drive, Encinitas, Cal. 92024. Wins include BIM at 9 mos. all-breed, 740 entries. Finished at APC Specialty with Beverly Hills K.C.Roguelands Wee Warrior Can, Am Ch. Roguelands Im A Warrior To Roguelands Sno-Prineess Ch. Adonis of Point Koma, SireGinzabo of C'atoctin Goldilocks of Point Loma Morries Charcoal Ch. Great Elms Little Tim^topper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debby II Great Elms Pretty Gal DamCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Great Elms Little Ginger Timber Acres Vixatious- CH. McKAMEYS SUNDAWN TRAVELEROrange maleBreeder, Mrs. Norris McKamey Owner, Mrs. June CostenCh. Toppers Little Corkie Ch. Exquisite Corkies SunriseCh. McKameys Sundawn SerenadeCh. McKameys Sundawn Just Gold Sire Ch. McKameys Sunbeaus Just Me Ch. McKameys Sundawn Perfection Ch. McKameys Margaret Pose Kilmers Toby Boy Kilmers Sundawn Fella Kilmers Pretty GirlCh. McKameys Sundawn Quimby DamCh. Blairs Anthel Showstopper Kilmers Dixie QueenDirmiers Princess CinderellaCH. McKAMEYS PERFECTION OCOLDOrange maleBreeder, Mrs. Norris McKamey Owner, Mrs. Hazel Grcse Santa Rosa, CaliforniaCh. Toppers Little Corkie Ch. Exquisite Corkies SunriseCh. McKameys Sundawn SerenadeCh. McKameys Sundawn Jnst Gold Sire Ch. McKameys Sunbeaus Jnst Me Ch. McKameys Sundawn Perfection Ch. McKameys Margaret Rose Ch. Aristic Sunbeau Ch. McKameys Sunbeaus Jnst Me Ch. Simmermans JoyCh. McKameys Sundawn Perfection Darn Ch. Little Tims Sunburst Ch. McKameys Margaret Rose Perservenes Prima FaciePOMERANIAN REVIEW 35BEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSCH. SCOTIA SPECTACULAR SABLE JEMOrange sable male Breeder, Edna E. Cirardot Owner, Betty Puerta Columbia, S.A.Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Caviller Wee Coquette of ShawnCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular SireCli. Sungolds Sensational Kid Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Princess AtonyaCh. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of ShawnCh. Scotia Cavaliers Rare Coin DamCh. Scotia Pot of Gold Ch. Scotia Coin BoxScotia Pumpkin EaterCH. SCOTIA CAVALIERS FLASH-A-WAYOrarge maleBreeder-Owner, Edna E. Cirardot Floral City, FloridaRiders Sungold Timstopper Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander McKameys Little JennyCh. Sungolds Gay Calilier SireCh. Julo Perk of Waverly Wee Coquette of Shawn Sungolds Topsy Dicehaven Chunk of Julo Ch. Scotia Pot of Gold My Stacy GirlCh. Scotia Golden Fantasy DamCrouchs Butterscotch Scotia Pumpkin Eater DuceyCH. SCOTIA PRES-JIMS BEAU GEMOrange male Breeder, Edna E. Cirardot Owner, Geraldine Sedora Castle Creek. N.Y.Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs SpectacularCh. Sunsets Personal ConquestCh. Scotia Presidentn Jim SireCh. Scotia Cavaliers Nikki Tee Scotia Nikkie Tees Amy Ch. Mastins Annette Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of ShawnCh. Scotia Cavs Princess Atonya DamCh. Scotia Pot of Gold Ch. Scotia Golden Fantasy Scotia Pumpkin EaterCH. KEN-CAY CAVALIER JOEOrange maleBreeders, Gayle Cr Kenneth Burton Owner, Mrs. Norris McKamey Bettendorf, IowaCh. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of ShawnCh. Scotia Cavillers Billy Joe SireCan. Ch. Beland Wee Puff Beland Little SandraBeland Little Penny II Ch. Milo Dawn of Ken-Gay Ch. Ken-Gay Milo Peanut Rosie of Ken-GayKen-Gay Merribell Peanut DamCh. Milo Dawn of Ken-Gay Ken-Gay MerribellCh. Sunshine Sue of Ken-Gay36 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSLITTER BROTHER SISTERCH. DUKE LIL RED BARON OF OKALARed-orange maleCH. LITTLE MISS SKEETER OF OKALARed-orange female Breeder-Owner, Mrs. Joyce Craves Cypress, TexasCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Weepepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Sire Manorborn Dandy -Teribeths Miss Cricket Teribetks Bitty Bonus Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Aristic Flaming Cherub Aristic Suntwinkle Aristic Cherubs Wee Cherry DamWee Conquest of Waverly Aristic Cherry FireglowAristic Sweet Little Maizie NOTICE We would like to print the list of ALL regional Pom Clubs in the July issue, with name and address of each Secretary. We ask for their cooperation in sending information to the Parent Club Secretary, Joy S. Brewster address on Page 3 andor to the Editor. THANK YOUWE APOLOGIZE . . .We offer our sincere apology to Ralph and Joyce Graves and to Barbara Holder for printing a serious error in each of their full page advertisements in the January Review the names of their NEW CHAMPIONS were incorrectWe are happy to reprint both ads, on the two following pages, in partial recompense, so readers can correctly identify these beautiful new Texas champions.Judges Report cont.The Brace Class was won by two nice blacks owned by a very lovely lady, Mrs. Phyllis W. Seeley.Best of Opposite Sex was won by Ch. Jeribeths Golden Duchess owned by Olga and Toni Baker. A lovely bitch with good coat, head and expression, and what a showmanBest of Breed was Ch. Models Son of Fun owned by Robert L. Goodrich. It was at this point that the decision was the toughest. The quality of the specials was fantastic. Where else can one go and see several BIS Poms in one ring There were fourteen champions exhibited and beautiful they were. It was difficult for me as I felt there were nine really outstanding dogs, but the lovely deep red color, the overall appearance, the good movement and showmanship, and also the exceptional coat texture of Ch. Models Son of Fun made that decision less difficult.Once again, thanks to the APC for the honor of judging and congratulations to all of those who helped to make this the successful show that it was.Respectfully submitted,WILBUR C. COOK, JR.20 Lindendale AvenueCharleston, South Carolina29407POMERANIAN REVIEW 31OKALA KENNELSINTRODUCESLITTLE BEAR"V'J i 'T-i. ..-A. V'CH. DUKES LL RED BARON OF OKALA -f Son ofCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Crandson ofCh. Arisfic Flaming Cherub Double great grandson of Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Little Bear began his show career at Dallas, Texas, on September 28, 1969 winning Best of Breed over Specials, and Group 3rd. He continued undefeated in the classes, and to date has won 3 All Breed Best in Shows, S Group 1st, 4 Group 2nd, 3 Group 3rd and 17 Best of Breed.A PROVEN PRODUCER, AT STUD TO APPROVED BiTCHES.LITTLE BEAR PUPPIES AVAILABLELittle Bear is handled exclusively by Sharon Griffin.Ralph and Joyce Graves Route 1, Box 141 X 45 Cypress, Texas 77429 713-469-874238 POMERANIAN REVIEWHOLDER POMERANIANSproudly presents ourFIRSTCHAMPIONHOLDERS FANCY FIRE FAIRY...'jSRFANCY says CONGRATULATIONS to her brother,CH. HOLDERS FLAMING FANFARE the SECOND CHAMPION at the HOLDERVILLE H ACIENDA. Again, our sincere thanks to the Aristic and Mayken Kennels for having bred the sire and dam of both Fancy and Flame. A very SPECIAL THANK YOU to SHORTY HARWOOD, who handled both dogs to their titles.SEE PEDIGREE NEXT PAGEBREEDER-OWNERMrs. Barbara Holder8102 Wateka, Houston Texas 11036 Phone 713-774-2422POMERANIAN REVIEW 3HOLDER POMERANIANSproudly presents ourSECONDCHAMPIONHOLDERS FLAMING FANFAREFLAME, a lovely red-orange male, finished on December 6, 1969 at Ft. Smith, Arkansas, under Judge L. E. Piper.Ch. Aristie Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Aristie Flaming Cherub Aristie Suntwinkle Aristie Flaming Model Sire Wee Conquest of Waverly Aristie Model of Perfection Aristie Poupette Maykens Redcoat Maykens Gold Shimmer Maykens Chilette Maykens Vanity Fair DamCh. Aristie Flaming Cherub Aristie Maykens Vanity Aristie Miss WildfireBREEDER-OWNERMrs. Barbara Holder8102 Wateka, Houston Texas 77036 Phone 713-774-2422POMERANIAN REVIEW10MID - WEST REPORTby STELLA B. DAVISWEECOLD POMS 7477 Old Troy Pike St. Paris, Ohio 43072Time seems to be going very fast these days. As I am writing this, we are well into the second month of the New Year which brings us Valentines Day and thoughts of sweethearts. The 1970 Pom Specialty Show is old history now too.As I sit here trying to think of something interesting to write a- bout my thoughts go back a short ways to a recent match where a young couple were trying to show their Pomeranian puppy of about six or seven months of age. This was a nice one while nestled in the security of the young ladies arms but while on the table for examination, as the judges came nearer, it was a different story.This brings to mind, are we giving our pups the right start I know most breeders feel that they are giving their pups everything for a good start in life. Sure we all see that they get proper shots, nourishment, vitamins and in general feel that we have done everything that can be done to raising a healthy puppy, but have we What about developing temperament There is more to raising puppies than just seeing they have the correct amount of food. We must raise our pups to adjust in this world. A youngster has to make great adjustments and be able to cope with numerous things. If we stop and think about it a moment, this strange world our pups are expected to spend the rest of their livesin, can be a terrifying experience. Therefore I feel it is most important to start the development of their temperament before they are weaned. We raise our pups in our bedroom and also in a corner of the kitchen. In this way the pups are where we spend most of our time. They become adjusted to all the noises of radio and TV and also to the sounds of pots and pans banging and to the noises of everyday living.We pay particular attention to a puppy that shows resistance to noise, handling, etc. Then this pup is handled more and exposed to all sorts of noise and confusions. I dont feel that a pup should be isolated or forced to live most of the time with other dogs instead of people. Along with giving him affection, we want to keep them mentally alert. Our pups know our voice at a very early age.So I feel it is up to us breeders to see that our puppies are healthy, well adjusted to life, before they go into their new homes. Remember a novice, with no experience, can ruin a nice puppy with improper handling and training. A little training before our pups are sold would help a great deal towards their adjusting to the big outside world.And now to some show news Had a card from Pat Larrissey and she wanted to make sure it was known that George Sosinski finished his first champion called Lucky Warrior at Gambler. Congratulations George and many morel Sorry I dont have the rest of the winners at Gambier, Pat.At Muncie, Indiana, winners dog and best of winners to Mr. Mrs. James Coys new male, Skylark Keen Coy Banner. Keeno was handled by Bill McCoy. Good luck with this new youngsterPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4Lima, Ohio sure picked a cold, snowy, miserable day for their show. Poms were scarce too. Only 5 Poms entered with one absent. Mr. Stephen Pastierk gave winners dog and best of winners to Eleanor Millers Jeri- beths Dragonfly Deuce. Reserve winners dog to Ruth Doctors Lads Imp of Gold Glory. Winners bitch and best opp. sex to Windsweet of Highland owned by Patricia Hopkins and her Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland took best of breed.The next day at Columbus the sun came out smiling and melted all the snow left from the day before. Mrs. Mildred Heald substituted for Mrs. Carl B. Cass. There was an entry of 8 Poms with winners dog going to Jean Browns Gay Style Skipper handled by Bill McCoy. Reserve winners dog to Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce. Winners bitch and best of winners to James M. Coys Petticoat Princess handled by Vicki McCoy. Best opp. sex to Patricia Larrissey and her Ch. Tomahawks Red Face. Best of breed to Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland.Mr. Kenneth Miller judged our breed at Western Reserve K.C. show held in Cleveland, Ohio. Good entry of 23 Poms being supported by the Ohio Pom Club. Winners dog and best of winners to Jackie Kleins Silver Meadows Sir Sun Charm. Winners bitch and best opp. sex to Pat Hopkins Windsweet of Highland. Best of breed went to her Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland. This was a 5 pt. major for both sexes.Agathon K.C. show at Massilon was judged by Mrs. Van Court. She found her winners dog in Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce owned by Eleanor Miller. Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Breed to Windsweet ofHighland. Pat is having a ball showing this girl Best opp. sex went to E Millers Ch. Models Daktari.The next day at Me Kinley K. C show held in Canton, Mr. JosepI Faigel found his winners dog anc bitch same as day before but gave best of winners to the male. Best o breed went to Ch. Models Daktar and Windsweet was best opp. sex.Had a nice letter from Mary Hammond telling of her recent wins. A1 the St. Joseph show she entered a little male by the name of Rosewoods Casanova in the bred by exhibitoi class his first show. He went thru tc best of winners for a 5 point major. She says he is a high stepping little prancer who stole the hearts of all who saw him, especially the judge. Clara Alford. Rosewood Kls. are looking for some Champion Corns Duke Dragonfly off-spring. Will probably be here by the time this is being read. They also have a bitch, Rosewoods Mity Sweet OTimsun who just needs a major to finish. Sounds like things are fine over your way and thanks for writing Mary.At the recent Marion, Ohio show judge Miss Frances Angela gave winners dog, best of winners and best of breed to E. Millers Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce. Winners bitch to Davis Weegold Goody Goody owned by your writer. Reserve winners bitch to Millamors Stylelady.Dont forget send me your NEWS. See you all at the shows NOTICE Our Board of Directors meetings have been changed to the third Wednesday of every month. Meetings are held at the Hotel Penn-Garden in New York at 1 P.M. Any member is welcome to attend.42 POMERANIAN REVIEWCONGRATULATIONStoJoy and Art Davisonand continued success to theirJO-ART KENNELSJames R. and Billie C. Daws14223 Halper Road Poway, California 92064 Phone 714-748-2676Shawnatumas Wee Tinker Toy pointed deep orangePoreno 6omeranicmtContinued Success toJoArt KennelsPromising Puppies andlitters DueInquiries answered promptly. iMrs. J. Moreno1 636 Claremont Drive San Bruno, California 94066 Phone 415-583-4973POMERANIAN REVIEW 4fc- IVWESTERNROUNDUPby JOHN THYSSEN14810 Raymer Street Van Nuys, California 91405If it seems that Im writing an annual column, that isnt the way it was intended. I have had problems finding competent help, and so this has left me with a boarding, grooming, conditioning kennel plus my show dogs, shows almost every weekend and a training class. Things seem to be settling down now, so you will see Western Roundup every issue again.1969 was a very good year for Poms, with many Group and Best in Show wins. Number One Pom in the nation Kennel Review System was Ch. Elsies Little Yogi Bear and number one bitch was Ch. Mar-Bi- Leas Gay Cinderella. Now lets not forget those boys from Texas, Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly and Ch. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala. They are the father and son team that are doing Texas and the Pomeranians A O.K.I attended the Columbia Pom Specialty in Portland, as I do every year, and the setup was as nice as always. Non-slip floors its great. The judge was Mr. James Ryan who resides in that area. Perhaps my idea of what Poms should be is completely wrong . . . but I feel he completely missed one of the best Poms in competition, a bitch owner handled, and did not even put her Reserve. The next day, she was Best of Winners 4 pts and her followingshow The Am. Pom Specialty ir New York she was Best of Winners again.The following day at Oregon Dog Fanciers, Mr. C. L. Savage judge, I had 3 entires and did not win with any of them, but could definitely follow the judges decision and understand why he was doing what he was. Best of Breed was a lovely orange bitch, Ch. J.H. Irene, WD Shaunatumas Wee Tinker Toy, Billie Daws owner, handled by John Brown. WB and BOW Jillz Lyra Altair V Windemere, handled by co-owner Joy Strickler. This bitch was sold to Mr. Robert Goodrich and as I mentioned above was BOW at the APC in New York.Speaking of New York, I finally made the shows there. I had entered the last two years and had my entries drop their coats right before the show. This year, I entered no Poms, and Ch. Queenaires Cinnamon Twist ended up in full coat at the time. Oh well. I did enter a champion Yorkie at the Garden and was Best of Breed and Group 4th, entry 49, 25 Specials, so all was not lost. I met many nice people I had only read about or seen pictured in Pom Review, etc., and had a nice time watching the Specialty until I had to run a block away to show a Yorkie. I did get back in time to view the beautiful class of Specials and see many dogs that I had wanted to see. For those of you that are wondering, Yes, that blonde lady is as pretty as her picture, and so is the red dog she handles. Best of Breed at the Specialty and also at the Garden went to Ch. Models Son of Fun, Robert Goodrich owner, Marlene Scott handling. Judy Bayley and Joy Davison were very happy to win Best of Winners at Westminster with JoArts Little Gypsy, handled by Joy.44 POMERANIAN REVIEWNew York weather was very pleasant while I was there and I managed to see five stage plays which were very enjoyable.New champions on the west coast please forgive me if I omit some as1 am going by memory Queenaires Scotch N Soda is now International FCI, American, Canadian, Mexican Champion Queenaires Scotch N Soda. I believe he is the third Pom to have 4 titles the other two are now dead. After his trip to Mexico City, he was shipped to his new owner, Mrs. Norma Creider of Tulsa, Oklahoma. This dog should be an asset to any kennel as I have seen some of his get and they look very good. Gladys Baldwin finished the title on Ch. Naps Little Bourbon King A.D.M., handled to his wins by his breeder, Betty Naprstek. He is a lovely dog and very much conforms to the breed standard, with great legs. Shirley Miller is a very happy gal. She bred her bitch on Saturday, showed her on Sunday and she was Winners Bitch for 4 pts. She is now Ch. Sams Terrific Tammy Subj. A.K.C. conf. Handler John R. Thys- sen. Betty Napstrek, I believe hasfinished a couple of others, but I dont have their names. Just look for the name NAPS. Ch. Queenaire Cinnamon Twist, owned by Rodrigo Que- vedo of Mexico City, finished with two Group I from the classes. Kennel Review point system, she was Number2 bitch. Shown 10 times.In the brain department, a C.D. title was gained by Lord Fang of Pomerania, Darlys Flaata owner - handler, and another C.D. by Briggs Token, Venus Briggs owner-handler.In my travel to different areas, Im sorry to report that I feel nationwide the Poms are not as good qualityas I remember about 2, 3 and 4 years ago. I have seen a few lovely Poms, but I feel the majority dont have good legs. O.K., they dont have to work to survive, but they do have to walk to the food bowl and a few other places. Im not saying that I feel an ugly specimen of the breed should win just because it has marvelous legs and nothing else, but I do think more emphasis should be put in this area. I understand that the color paragraph in the Pom Standard will soon read, All colors allowed. I think this is good, because then the judges will look for more than just color. Also, I think the black and tans are very pretty.Speaking of color, Dick Ball and Elizabeth Rabara are very proud of the Group I on their Ch. Arsenal Imp of Point Loma. This is the first black Pom to win a group in years. I know that the Schoenbergs did have a group winning black some years ago and possibly went Best in Show. Congrats, Betty and Dick.I had a very pleasant visit with the Dykes, while they were here from England. In England, what I consider a cream sable is called a wolf sable. It was my thinking that a wolf sable would be the color of the Keeshond. You see, I dont know for sure, and I have bred Poms. How do we expect the judges to knowA middle-income worker has demanded that Congress eliminate tax loopholes, or bring them within reach of the average citizen.Inflation is when you finally reach a salary which was once beyond your wildest dream, and then discover you cant live onit.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4BLOSSOM VIEW KENNELPROUDLY PROCLAIMSAll-Stars Blossom View Flamemy own breeding and now back homeSire ofCh. Blossom Views Hello DollyHandled by Doris WeaverDolly is now the dam of 2 puppiesAlso sire ofCe-Bous Lil Cavs B. Bernstein Bennie1st 9-12 mo. puppy, dogs, WD and BW his FIRST SHOW And sire ofTiny Ked Ruby of Trails End1st Open Bitch, WB and BOS needs major to finish At TheAll Blue Ribbon Golden Gate Specialty Both received the N.C.P.C. Challenge Cups.Judge, Maxwell Riddle.All-Stars Blossom View Flame Robbie is pictured in the April 1967 Review.Mrs. J. L. Weltz14880 Bascorn Avenue Los Catos, California 95030 408-356-443616 POMERANIAN REVIEWCONGRATULATIONSTO JOY ART DAVISON AND THEIR JOART KENNELSalso continued good luck to All-Stars Hadleigh Dollita they purchased from us. She will soon be a champion.Congratulations, also, to our friend Louise Rosbury on the recent wins with her beautiful son of our All-Stars Blossom View Flame. Tho Robbie has been returned to his breeder, our dear friend Irene Weltz, we still feel he is ours, as he is from a dam of All-Star breeding and 3 generations of females owned by us. He sired several winning Poms while we owned him, including at least one champion. Our latest champion, Hadleighs Little Robin, is his half-brother also a full brother to the sire of Ch. Elsies Little Yogi Bear.All-Star PomeraniansMRS. LORENE CARPENTER1 101 Shamrock Drive Campbell, Cal. 95008HALDO KENNELSOUTSTANDING LITTER EXPECTED IN MARCHSire Champion Scotia Cavalier Dream Boy Son of Champion Sungolds Gay CavilierDam Champion Roanokes Band Box Daughter of Champion Thelcolynns Tiny Sun DanceNICE SELECTION OF SCOTIA PUPPIES SCOTIA CHAMPION AT STUDDolores Adkins8646 Jennings Road716-992-9382Eden, N. Y. 14057POMERANIAN REVIEW 41 OBEDIENCERINGby EMMA HEYDE170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112Our next ring appearance was ir. Baton Rouge. At this match Dawn was high scoring dog in the match with a score of 196. Here, too, she had a run-off. The tie was with Miniature Poodle and the exercise was a halt from a fast. Dawn stuck with me even though she seemed tc think I was not playing very nice to do such a thing.Lets put the spotlight on MYWAY MISTY DAWN, C.D., owned and shown by her owner Molly Miller of La Place, Louisiana, whose letter is being quoted in full as it reflects the fun and satisfaction as well as the pleasant friendliness encountered when showing dogs in obedience. She writesThis summer I moved to Louisiana, and wondered how I would ever meet with all of the obedience and conformation buffs. Well, Dawn had no doubts as to how we would do it. I wondered how I would fare at such large obedience shows. Dawn was delighted to see so many friends that she had not met before. Her first time in the ring was at the Deep South All Breed Obedience Training Club match on September 7. She scored 196 to be the fourth highest scoring dog in the match. She had a run-off with two German Shepherds. This run-off was a delight The judge selected the recall as the exercise. When we called the dogs Dawn suddenly decided that it was a race. She launched herself forward and passed the others as if they were standing still. They then began to run, but Dawn had arrived. The crowd went wild She won the runoff with a straight sit and snappy finish.On September 28 we journeyed to Mobile. Here Dawn earned her first leg with a score of 195. This made her first in Novice B, high scoring toy, and of course high scoring Pom. This show was doubly interesting for me since my sisters Pom, MYWAY NAPPER TANDEE, was fourth in Novice B with a score of 192. At this point we took a brief rest while Dawn completed her first season. On October 5 Tandee once again scored and was the highest scoring toy dog with a score of 189.Dawn and I managed to return on time for the Biliox trial of October 19. Here Dawn scored 195 again, and once again was first in Novice B and high scoring toy. Dawn earned her third leg in Houston on November 30. Her score was 198, and she was second in the class. She was also high scoring toy and high scoring Pom.For those interested in both obedience and conformation I might mention that Dawn is the daughter of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. She is now in training for Open work, but her education may be interrupted. She will soon be bred to Ch. Dukes Little Red Baron of Okala, a lovely BIS winning son of Duke. Many thanks to Molly Miller, and congratulations on such a fine record18 POMERANIAN REVIEWHey, Look Me Over a little article that caught my eye, appeared recently in The Barker, newsletter of the Sacramento Dog Training Club. It was written by Jack Vance, an obedience judge, and I believe his remarks could be food for thought for breeders selling pets- only which may appear in the obedience ring. A word of advice from an experienced person about grooming and trimming is always appreciated by the novice. Mr. Vance says in part Who needs to groom a dog for the obedience ring You do, thats who. Have you ever stopped to consider that the dog in conformation rarely has the ring to himself He shares the spotlight with all of the other dogs in his class, but the obedience dog is out there in the ring for between five and ten minutes alone and the cynosure of all eyes.During his stint in the ring the obedience dog is on parade for his breed. True, not all obedience dogs have the overall perfection required of a champion, but most of them, if well groomed, are mighty fine looking animals.Ever do any eavesdropping at ringside When a dog steps into the ring you will hear a spectator gasp, Wow Look at that beauty. Thats the kind of dog I want. Wonder what breed it is. Thats how people become interested in a breed and the impression made by the obedience dog may well lead to a sale and new support for the breed.Conversely, bring a neglected, poorly groomed dog into the ring and you may well hear, Thats an ugly, old dog. I dont like that kind. True, you cant tell a book by its cover, but an awful lot of money is put into placing covers with selling power on even the best of books.HELPFUL HINTSby LEE B. HANAWALT 1115 Logan Road Bethel Park, Pa. 15102I hope to meet more of you through this column and share your Helpful Hints, along with those that many other wonderful Pom breeders have shared with me over the years.A helpful hint might be defined as any item that would aid the Pom fancier in bettering the condition of his Poms. This would include such items as kenneling, grooming, health, and so forth.The following hints have been gathered through the years from many breeders who have been kind enough to share their knowledge with a novice.Often when clipping toenails, we may cut into the quick. The bleeding that results is very difficult to stop. I have found that dabbing Mereuro- chrome directly on the wound and holding the Pom quiet for ten minutes effective in stopping the flow of blood.This fall, we had a difficult flea population explosion. Since repeated bathing and spraying of our poms seemed to have little efiect on the fleas, we started asking around for a more successful method. Gulf Bug Strips were suggested. These strips attract the fleas hiding in the kennel. Easy to use as you just hang them where you need them as long as you need them. Let your veterinary know that you use them, as their use causes a reaction to certain drugs.If you have happy tail wagging show Poms, you probably have wondered why other exhibitors PomsContinued on Page 53POMERANIAN REVIEW 4'OAK HILL POMERANIANSWeSellWinnersOak Hill ThomPuppies from planned breedings available.We Show What We BreedKEN AND LEE HANAWALT1115 Logan Road Bethel Park, Pa. 15102 412-835-3096NANJO POMERANIANS- Binebred Showstopper Studs Puppies fromBinebred Showstopper Bitches Champion sired BlacksInquiries InvitedCongratulationstoJoy and Art Davison.A,. JV MS."Ch.Copyright of Nan joJOAN COWIEKimberton, Pa. 19442P. O. Box 217215-933-247050 POMERANIAN REVIEWFOR SALEFLASH PromisingJunior Senior Puppies sired byInt. Ch.Queenaires Scotch N Sodaout of aCh. Straits Perriwinkie granddaughterVigorous, intelligent sweet faces, good bone heavy red coatsSensibly PricedPicture on requestCE-LOUSLIL CAVS L. BERNSTEIN9-12 Puppy DogsWinners DogB.O.W.4 Pt. MajorJudge, Tom StevensonSanta Clara Kennel ClubFeb. 15, 1970Jean Sugden Breeder-Owner-Handler15916 Northfield LOUISE JO ROSBTJRYPacific Palisades, Cal. 90272Brettwood KennelsannouncesPOINTED, RED FEMALEshow home only bred or open2 BLACK FEMALES whelped 91969 breedingPedigrees and pictures upon request.Orange and SableSHOW QUALITYPUPPIESfromLathamandArmstronglines.All inquiriespromptly answered.Winning StudsMrs. G. B. HankinsWilmas Tiny Toy Poms925 North 28th StreetRenton, Washington 98055206-228-6827Rt. 3, Box 320Springfield, Oregon 97477503-746-5983POMERANIAN REVIEW 51DOWN IN TEXASby SHORTY HARWOODPOMACRE KENNELS Mereta Route San Angelo, TexasLeo and Barbara Holder of Houston, Texas are very busy people, they are trying to get a new home finished and the new Pomeranian kennel is something all of you will want to see, but anyway I asked Barbara if she would write something for my article, and here it is . . .Several months ago, you asked that I write an article for your column in the Pom Review. I assume that you meant the subject of this article to to be in regard to the fantastic success we have been so fortunate to enjoy this past year with our Pom puppies.Well, Shorty, I really dont know what you want, but as long as you are out busily winning with our dogs, the least I can do is take time out to try to get you something you can use for your column.It would, indeed be wonderful if I could report that all of our problems open skulls, bad legs, soft coat, and high mortality rates, etc. had been solved but then, that would be a big, fat lieTaking one problem at a time, and trying to analyze my own situation, it seemed like the first place to really put forth en extended effort for correction was on the high mortality rate. From my own statistics, from February 1962 thru March, 1966, the mortality rate of Pom pups up toone year of age was 81. From April, 1966 through December, 1968, the rate dropped to 20, and for the calendar year of 1969, we have 100 LIVING PUPS We arent sure exactly what we did, or how we did it, but here is a general outline of all contributing factors.1. We concentrated on breeding almost all of our females to one male thereby enabling us to get a good look at his kids from different dams and also enabling us to keep our girls at home for breeding.2. The dogs had always had a vitamin supplement, but we switched from Vita-pets and Pet-Tabs to Pervinaldoubling the normal dosage at the first indication of season and increasing to triple dosage through lactation.3. We also switched from an already prepared frozen dog food diet to a half and half mixture of almost raw meat and broth and a small kibbled meal. Bitches in whelp are given extra portions of this plus egg yolks and cottage cheese.4. Slides of vaginal smears and blood tests were made by the veterinarian, of some bitches as they came in season. Lo and behold It was found that most of the females were carrying a low-grade infection. These infections have no preference for younger or older females. Sometimes they are found during a bitchs first season. Indications of a possible infection area. Appearance of thick, white, gooey discharge sometimes prior to swelling and sometimes during. I call this the Ivory liquid gunk. The quantity of this varies.52 POMERANIAN REVIEWb. A season with color that is not a good clear red rather a dark, murky, muddy color.c. An odorous season. If the discharge has an odor, you are in troubled. A prolonged season. You know the kind a bitch you can breed fifteen times.5. After infections were found to be prevalent in most females, we decided to treat every female routinely as she came in season.6. In some instances, it was found that the medication given was not doing the job, and cultures of the discharge were made.7. In addition to this, after eachwhelping even though the number of placenta equalled the number of pups, as soon as possible the dam is given an injection of ............................During the past 2y2 years, we have stuck to our breeding program, but have purposely omitted alternately the vitamins and the medication but not both at the same time. We did great until we omitted the medication two times in row. During 1969, we had a total of nine misses seven of these were on non-medi- cated femalesThe coats are still soft, the legs still leave a lot to be desired, but overall the heads are closing only 5 out of 23 open, and those which are open seem to be gradually closing, and the mortality rate is ZERO. The phenomenal thing about this is that one would think the pups we are now getting were from a different breed as compared to those of three years ago. The pups come into theworld trying to live, not trying to die, and the average birth weight has been increased by one ounceSurely it cant be as simple as all this, but at least IT WORKED FOR A WHILEMrs. Holder had given specific directions on medicine and dosage. As the code of Pomeranian Review prohibits us from printing veterinary advice, as such, we refer each reader to his own veterinarian.Reynolds cont Puppy Bitches LUNDS SYMPHONY OF HADLEIGH owned by Gladys Lund. Open Bitches TINY RED RUBY OF TRAILS END owned by Eleanor Morin.Much excitement and loud applause went up as Judge Maxwell Riddle made his final choices for the Top Honors which went toe BEST OF BREED-CH. ELSIES GOLDEN BILLY BOY OWNED BY ELSIE CABLIS. BEST OF WINNERS-CE LOUS LIL CAVS L. BERNSTEIN.c WINNERS BITCH BEST OPPOSITE SEX TINY RED RUBY OF TRAILS END.A much added treat at the Specialty was to see the lovely Brace owned by Hazel Grose enter the ring. Going all the way through TOY GROUP to BEST BRACE IN SHOW were CH. MC KAMEYS PERFECTION O GOLD and CH. J. H IRENE.POMERANIAN REVIEW 51A very sad note could not help but shadow the two days of benching. The Northern California Pomeranian Club has lost a dear friend and Past President. It was but only a few days after learning of the death of WILLIAM HOFFMAN. Bill had been a very active member in the Club since the beginning. He served on many committees as well as being a good Officer. He will always be greatly missed.When you receive this, we vill be celebrating our N.C.P.C.s 10th Anniversary. We are very proud of our Club with its activities and achievements. We will have an Anniversary Party to honor our Charter Members and welcome the many who have joined us since April 1960. Guest of Honour will be our Founding and Charter President, BUD KNAPP.Plans are now in the works for the N.C.P.C. Summer Specialty to again be held on the July 4th weekend. The Committee is still accepting Trophy Donations which will be dedicated to the MEMORY OF BILL HOFFMAN. It is our hope that this will be our largest Specialty and that we will see you from YOUR REGION OF THE COUNTRY join us of the very active NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB.Hints cont.RINGSIDEby K. BIRK861 N. N. 38th Ave. Fort Lauderdale FLORIDAxzSOur Florida circuit started a' Jacksonville on the 2nd of Jan. anc ended at Palm Beach on the 20th It is a long hard grind to make th complete route all the way around and down to the tip of the state My sincere congratulations to thi winners and sympathies to all the exhibitors who made the expensive journey and were disappointed ir their wins ... or lack of them.Each day a different show, a different judge, a different dog made i different win. As they say That Show Biz or You pays your monej and ya takes your chance.Again I was unable to take in the shows in other parts of the state My daughter chose this time to visil and wanted MOMS cookin so Mon cooked. I think if it hadnt been sc cold that week she would have spenl all of her time at the beach anc LUMS COOKIN would have suitec her just fine. Even tho I didnt ge to go, I do have the wins fron Tampa. Isidore Schoenberg judgec and placed CH. Dukes Lil Red Baror of OKala Best of Breed. Best of OP was Phyner Black Queenaire.keep their fanned tails while yours always looks all ascrew. You may find that a little coat conditioner or water sprayed on the underside of the tail will help your Poms tail keep that well, groomed look.As well as missing the shows or the Gulf coast I missed out on s get-to-gether at the Ray Wines after the Clearwater show. Faye hac a Buffet for the Pom and Schnauze folks. I know what a good cool Faye is so I know everyone enjoyei every bite.54 POMERANIAN REVIEWSherry Wine, their daughter, qualified for Junior handling at the Garden. Ray hadnt planned to go but flew up for the judging when he learned she was one of the finalists.The first of the four shows in South Fla. was here in Ft. Lauderdale. Ted was busy all day with his job on the grounds committee. I had promised several hours on the gate, so the best I could do in the way of hospitality was to set up under the tent shelter for us from the rain or the sun, we never know down here and hope that everyone would gather round and get acquainted with those they hadnt met before. I had soft drinks and ice, card table and chair ... I know some found their way to each other for chitchat. Marlene Scott was trying out ler new Polaroid. Olga Bakers mother came to Fla. with her, they have relatives in North Miami. They were with us part time, I dont know what they thought of us Nutty dog folks.The Judging at Ldale was by Mrs. Albert E. Van Court. She gave Best of Breed to Scotia Spectacular Sable rem, and Best of Opp. to Poincianna Havana Trulyfair.As soon as Ted and I were freed from our duties we grabbed the LITTLE TEXAS TORNADO The Duke himself, and his son, Jeribeths Dragonfly Dickens known to his friends as Little Brother and headed for a good restaurant on the oeach. Of course we took Olga Baker with us, ITS A PACKAGED DEAL. The Duke and Little Brother made lelightful guests but momma Olga She truly is a mother hen. I DO believe as soon as she got off the plane she was ready to board again and dy right back to her little broodin Deer Park, Texas. Seriously, the only problem with Olgas visit was, it was much too short.The next show was the Pom Specialty in Hialeah, where I met a delightful lady, Nellie Herry. She is from Jacksonville and Im sorry I havent met her long before now.The Altwaters hadnt entered our show so it was the first Id seen them. Caroline was her Ole Smilin self but Rea looked kinda puny. Guess it was cause he was feelin kinda puny from battlin the flu bug. Their Patrick had added some points to the ones he had picked up at the Carolina shows. He had 5 points the last I heard. Judge Georgi- anna Lane chose CH. Scotia Cavaliers Hello Dolly for Best of Breed and gave Best of Opp. to CH. Corns Duke Dragonfly.At Miami our quarters were so small we couldnt even bend over at ringside, nor was there any air to breathe. They had thrown in three rings instead of the usual two. Jane Johnston Louisville, Ky. twin sister of Mrs. Jim Coy, had failed to reach me by phone on Saturday so I was glad we made our connection here. I only saw her for a minute but long enough to make a date for another day. She was there with her neice, Mrs. Bischoff, who incidently lives not far from me.This was the third show that I had been set up and had been talking to a Mrs. Berg from St. Louis. Not until she had left the shows did I realize she was the lady I had corresponded with some time ago. I wonder what she thinks of me I apologize for not remembering.Continued on Page 70POMERANIAN REVIEW 5.MAY MORNING POMERANIANSAVAILABLE NOWBeautiful white male whelped May 1969 for PET onlyTiny white female whelped Oct. 1 969May Morning- Gay Troubadour congratulates his daughter, Ch. Legegwan Twinkle Toes, owned by Mr. Mrs. George Wanner, on completion of her title at the Detroit K.C. Show under Judge Haskell Schuffman.Subj. A.K.C.Our fall puppy crop was very small. We were sorry to disappoint people who had been waiting for puppies, especially all those hoping for blacks. We should have a good supply of thoughtfully bred litters in various colors, from now through May and June, as all our females are due in season or have been bred.INQUIRIES INVITED1 male, 1 female sired by Bing son linebred Showstopper out of our May Morning Honey Chile, wh. Feb. 15, 1970. Will he red or brilliant orange.Champion sired BLACK litter -- expected March Litter sired by Ch. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala expected April Litter sired by Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo Bing expected May Showstopper-Serenade breeding should be red or sable.ALSOLitter of DOBERMAN PINSCHERS sired by Ch. Gralemor Demetrius v.d. Victor out of Ch. Heiko H Vom Ahrtal daughter, bred for good temperament, as well as beauty early April.Sophie H. MayesR.D. 4, West Chester, Pa. 19380 Phone 215-793-1912 - late evening.56 POMERANIAN REVIEWEDITORIALPerhaps it is not the function of an Editor especially an Interim Editor to make suggestions to the Board and to the Membership, but our most recent Specialty and Annual Meeting in New York have left me with some thoughts which I would like to share.For a number of years, the American Pomeranian Club had considered the classes at the Westchester K.C. Show as its Specialty Show. This show, in early September, found many Poms out of coat, many members unable to be away from home due to schools just starting, etc., etc. Our entry declined until it was truly deplorable. One year, there were only 19 dogs.In 1960, under the able leadership of President Miss Anna Katherine Nicholas, our separate Specialty, held in New York City the day before Westminster, was revived. The Garden, being a two day show on Monday and Tuesday, with breed judging held on Monday, was a must for all serious Pom breeders to attend as spectator, if not exhibitor, and staying over one extra day was possible for many.With the new, more stringent entry requirements at the Garden, and Toy judging not scheduled till Tuesday, Westminster has become just one of those shows many would like to attend but due to the added expense of staying on to watch breed judging on Tuesday, they simply cannot afford it, especially if their Poms are not eligible for entry. Therefore, the primary reason for holding our American Pomeranian Club Specialty in February, before the Garden, no longer holds good.It seems to me, comparatively few people can take an extended vacation in the month of February. Weather in New York can be very bad that time of year as we found out in 1969 There are not many who can afford to send in entries, make reservation, etc. and then stay home or, perhaps worse yet, risk getting snowed in for several extra days hotel expense and baby-sitting andor dog-sitting expenses they hadnt counted on at home.In the ten year history of our separate Specialty Shows, only twice has the entry gone over 100. The entry, mind you, not the number of dogs, as this includes double entries in the Sweepstakes and nonregular classes.I would like to propose a change of date for our annual separate Specialty and, of course, the Annual Meeting. Our By-Laws will be considered for amendment in the coming year, and the date of the Annual Meeting could then be changed.Our summer Specialty, held last fall with the Devon Dog Show in October, although not decided upon too far in advance, brought us a much better entry than we had managed the past several years at our June shows in Connecticut and, again, far better than at the early September Westchester show. Pom coats have had a chance to grow in by October, for one thing. This leads me to suppose that if our ONLY separate Specialty were held in October, we would be able to draw an entry well over the 100 mark.I would like to propose that the Board consider an October Specialty, still in New York City, but held on a Friday, before a pair of nearby allbreed shows. The Show Dinner andContinued on Page 70POMERANIAN REVIEWMcKAMEYS SUNDAWN KENNELSoffer the following males at Stud . . .Ch. Toppers Little Corkie Ch. Exquisite Corkies SunriseCh. MeKameys Sundawn Serenade CH. McKAMEYS SUNDAWN JUST GOLD - 4 lb. Orange Ch. MeKameys Sunbeaus Just Me Ch. McKameys Sundawn Perfection Ch. McKameys Margaret RoseCh. Exquisite Corkies Sunrise Ch. McKameys Sundawn Just Gold Ch. McKameys Sundawn Perfection CH. MCKAMEYS JUST ENCHANTING - 3 lb. Red Ch. McKameys Sundawn Enchanting Ch. McKameys Sundawn Gold Nina Ch. McKameys Sundawn JuneCh. Little Tims Sunburst Ch. McKameys Sundawn EnchantingPreservenes Prima Facie Eh. P. Live Wire daughterCH. McKAMEYS SUNDAWN JOEL - 3 lb. Red Ch. Aristic Sunbeau Ch. McKameys Sunbeaus Beauty Ch. Simmermans JoyCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Billy Joe Beland Little SandraCH. KEN-GAY CAVALIER JOE - 44 lb. OrangeCh. Ken-Gay Milo Peanut Ken-Gay Merribell Peanut Ken-Gay MerribellInt. Ch. Teecos Little Topper Ch. Toppers Little Corkie Harts Wee ButtonsMcKAMEYS SUNDAWN McDUFF - 3J lb. correct orange sableCh. McKameys Sunbeaus Just Me Ch. McKameys Sundawn Mignon Trudy of the Preservenes Eng.FEES ON REQUESTMrs. Norris McKamey, R.R. 1, Box 185, Bettendorf, Iowa 52722POMERANIAN REVIEW81970 STUD DOG REGISTERThis is Pomeranian Reviews 1970 Register of outstanding stud dog.s On this md the following pages and in some of the display ads are shown dogs hat, for their individual excellence, unique characteristics or special breeding, itand ready to help every breeder in the country. Inevitably, some owners of fine itud dogs failed to send their entries in, for one reason or another. But with so nany represented, from every section of the country, and of so many different Dloodlines, we feel that our Register, this year is very complete. May we re- juest that when breeders send inquiries to stud dog owner, they mention I aw your stud card in the Review.4Ch. Model's Magic Timstopper Peep Red - 4 lbs.Fee 75Aristic Little Timstopper Cli. Great Elms Litle Timstopper Aristic Lady PamelaCli. Great Elms Timstopper AgainCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms Rita of DixielandCh. Models Magic TimstopperCh. Bonners Tiny Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Wee Wanda of ThelcolynnCh. Models Magic Spell Pomwin Merriman Models DarleneModels Lady EthelRobert L. GoodrichModel Kennels204 Yukon A\e., P.O. Box 3004 Hampton, Va. 23363Aristic Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Aristic Lady PamelaCh. Great Elms Timstopper AgainCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms Rita of DixielandCh. Models Son of FunCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy Dixieland Little DoadyModels Red AmberCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Models Magic Spell Models DarleneRobert L. GoodrichModel KennelsRed-Orange - 4i lbs. 204 Yukon Ave., P.O. Box 3004Ch. Models Son of FunFee 75 Hampton. Va. 23363POMERANIAN REVIEW 5Aristic Wee Won's Pepper Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Aristic Little Miss CheerfulCh. Bonners Stylepepper PreshusBonner's Wee Conquest ORythm Bonners Prettytune Precious Bonners' Cheri Pretty PepperCh. Bonners Styletopper Gaybeau Aristic Timstoppers Tuggie Ch. Bonners Tiny Showstopper Ch. Bonners Sunny CherubBonners Showstopper Fairii Tiny Tots Dandy Mite Messers FairiiMessers Gay GirlWilma Jean BrownCh. Bonners Styletopper Gay beau SS20 Rockville RoadRed-orange - 4 lb. Indianapolis, Indiana 46234Stud Fee 30 Phone 317 244-4413JTMORENO'S CHICO PECOLinebredSi lb. Light orangeBaby Face ProvenTemporary Fee 33Fa-Robs Red Buttons Pom-Adors Page Boy Lidos Fancy Doll Ch. Pom-Adors Charlie Brown Ch. Pom-Adors King Loftings Susi Que A-Rio Panzy Morenos Chico PecoEng. Am. Ch. Rhapsody of Hadleigh Blossom Views Rhapsody Robin Alajos Fortuna Tegerwick Ch. Morenos What New Pussy Kat Henry KellyTiny Tots Adorable Tiki Schmitys Chee Chee PareeRhone 415-583-4973 MORENOS POMERANIANSMrs. J. Moreno1636 Claremont Drive San Bruno, California 94066Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs SpectacularCh. Sunsets Personal Conquest Ch. Scotia President JimCh. Scotia Cavaliers Nikki Tee Scotia Nikki Tees Amy Ch. Mastins Annette Ch. Scotia Pres-Jim Beau GemCh. McKameys Sundawn Co.mmander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Cavs Princes's Atonya Ch. Scotia Pot of Gold Ch. Scotia Golden Fantasy Scotia Pumpkin EaterSedora KennelsMike and Geri Sedora Ch. ScQt.ia Pres-Jim Beau Gem Dunham HillOrange 4 lbs. Castle Creek, N.Y. 1374460 POMERANIAN REVIEW. iVAm. Can. Champion Topaze Lucky Little DiamondOrange - Fee 75Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of ShawnCh. Kniffins Jack-O-Diamonds Sire Bialek's Little Bambi Ch. Kniffins Miss Mollie B.Bialeks Little TinkerAm. Can. Ch. Topaze Lucky Little Diamond Radiant Moondust Ch. Radiant Special Star Radiant Lady WendyRichochet New Girl in Town DamLittle Dan-DeeCh. Little Kandy Kiss of Richochet Little CindersFrancis J. Mary F. Casey TOPAZE KENNELS60 Wilbur St... Raynham, Mass. 02767 Phone 617 S22-4862Member Bay Colony Pomeranian ClubJO-JEANSIM A DIAMOND DANDYPointedDeep Orange - Fee 50 Tremendous Standoff CoatPhone 617 S22-4862Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Kniffins Jack-O-Diamonds Ch. Kniffins Miss Mollie B,Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Lucky Little Diamond Ch. Radiant Special Star Ricochet New Girl in TownCh. Little Kandy Kiss of RichochetJo-Jeans Im A Diamond DandyCh. Lyons Willie of Ru-Gene Silver Meadows PerriwinkleMound View Ducal Merry JyloSilver Meadows Honey BunMariannes Golden Prince Silver Meadows Klikit Tiny BessieMember Bay Colony Pomeranian Club Francis J. Mary F. CaseyTOPAZE KENNELS60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Mass. 02767-Ch. Gold Toys Red Flame Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Millamors Gold Spice Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece SireCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Nanjo Jubilant Tina Marie VIAm. Can. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of ThelcolynnThelcolynns Tiny Tyeca DamThelcolynns Little Sir Danjy Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Thecolynns Honey BunAm., Can. Ber. Champion Nanjo Interlude Phone 617 S22-4S62 Light Orange - Fee 75Mary F. Casey r Dorothy B. Pace TOPAZE KENNELS60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Mass. 02767Member Bay Colony Pomeranian ClubPOMERANIAN REVIEW 61.Ch. Corns Duke DragonflyFee100 - Reservations necessary Sire and graiulsire of BIS winners Consistently producing qualityAristic Wee Wons Pepper Cli. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Aristic Little Miss CheerfulBonners Weepepper PreshusBonners Wee Conquest O Rhythm Bonners Prettytune Precious Bonners Cheri PrettypeppcrCh. Corns Duke DragonflyCh. Aristic Flaming Cherub Manorborn Dandy Killians Red WingJeribeths Miss CricketWellingtons Cuddles Jeribeths Bitty BonusWellingtons Golden SpunkyDarrell and Olga Baker102 Elm Street Deer Park, Texas 77536 Phone 713479-144S HoustonCh. Jeribeths Dartin' Doodle-Bug Duke son - Proven Stud Already the sire of winners Fee 50Ch. Aristic.-Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Weepepper Preshus Banners. P. R.Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Sire Manorborn Dandy Jeribeths Miss Cricket Jeribeths Bitty BonusCh. Jeribeths Darlin Doodie-Bug Foxfire Yancy Foxfire Herman Foxfire Olga"Jeribeths Honeybee DamCh. Foxfire Chips Foxfire DixieLady Chee Chee VIDarrell and Olga Baker102 Elm Street Deer Park, Texas 77536 Phone 713479-144S HoustonrU^1Jeribeth's Dragonfly Dickens 3 11. - brilliant orange Headed for championshipTemporary Fee 35Tiny little Duke son, pictured at left, was WINNERS DOG at the big A.P.C. Specialty In New York in February.His pedigree is identical to that of Ch. Doodle-Bug above.Other sons of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly at stud pedigrees and fees on reciuest.Darrell and Olga Baker102 Elm Street Deer Park, Texas 77536 Phone 713479-144S Houston52 POMERANIAN REVIEWCli. All-Stars Sunny Spectacular 44 lb. cream - Fee 50 Plione 40S-377-7204Bonners Jack Frost Ch. Bonners Wee Lollypop Bonners Sugar FrostGoldas Golden Bouncer BoyCh. Bonners Moneyboy Sunny Flaming Fluff Pitts- Patti Flaming Fluff KatchinaCh. All-Stars Sunny SpectacularMessers Just Dandy Messers Dandy Charmer Messers Bob BonAll-Stars Something SpecialSungolds Mite Short Echo Blossom Views Littlle Vixen Blondie of Chin SeAll-Star PomeraniansMrs. Lorene Carpenter 1101 Shamrock Drive Campbell, Calif. 9500SCh. Scotia Cavaliers Toby Tyler 4 lb.s. Orange - Fee 75Riders Sungold Timstopper Ch. McKameys Sundawn Comjnander McKameys Little JennyCh. Sungolds Gay CavillerCh. Julo Perk of Waverly Wee Coquette of Shawn Sung-olds TopsyCh. Scotia Cavaliers Toby Tyler We Wons Golden Glow Aristic Adorable Little Duffy Aristic DaintynessCh. Scotia Spot CashCan. Ch. Belands Wee Puff Belands Little SandraBelands Little Penny IIAll-Star PomeraniansMrg. Lorene Carpenter 1101 Shamrock DrivePhone 40S 377-7204 Campbell, Calif. 9500S-Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin 41 lb. - Red-orange Fee 50Phone 40S-377-7204Ch. Live Wire of Potterbrook Int. Ch. Pixietown Serenade of Hadleigh Passfield Peep BoInt. Ch. Rhapsody of Hadleigh Ch. Zambo of Zanow Ruby Red of HadleighCh. Lady Jewel of HadleighCh. Hadleigh Little RobinTiny Tots Dandy Mite Messers Just Dandy Messers Dandy MissHadleigh Golden TrixieCh. Hadleigh Sweet William Hadleigh Rose MarieDixieland Moneybox LettyAll-Star PomeraniansMrg. Lorene Carpenter 1101 Shamrock Drive Campbell, Calif. 9500POMERANIAN REVIEW 65,W fiVi.ACh. Xanjo Masterpiece Si lb. - Orange Fee 75Ch. Gold Toys Gay Flame Ch. Gold Toys Red Flame Gold Toys Honey Baby Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Dees Own Ducal Desire Millamors Gold Spice Dees Merry Mischief Ch. Xanjo MasterpieceCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dappe Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Xanjo JubilantThelcolynns Little Sir Dandy Tina Marie VI Little MissyNanjo Kennels Anna E. CowieR.D. 2, Pughtown Road Phoenixville. Pa. 19G40 215-933-2470S' 354Ch.Copyright of Xanjo 4 lb. Red Fee 75Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Blairs SolitaireBlairs Adorable Bit O Gold Ch. Trademark of XanjoCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Nanjo TempestCh. Nanjo Fire Dancer Ch. Copyright of XanjoCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolyjm Thelcolynns Tiny TyecaThelcolynns Little Sir Dandy Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Thecolynns Honey BunNanjo Kennels Anna E. CowieR.D.. 2, Puglitown Road Phoenixville, Pa. 194G0 215-933-2470Ch. Roanokes Ace of Clubs. 4 lb. Black - Stud Fee 50Deli Wee Billy Buttons Deli Wee Gold Buttons Deli Merry Jez GypsyPoinciana Sun PunCh. Deli Wee Sun Toy Deli Wee Sun JoyDeli Wee Honey BunnyCh. Roanokes Ace of ClubsSung-old Black Devil of Duke Lu-Gems Litle Black Tuft Cindie SueHaydens Mona Lisa Rainbow Jewel Pashas DuchessTownsends Black SinderNanjo KennelsD. G. CowieP.O. Box 217, Kimberton, Pa. 19442 215-933-247064 POMERANIAN REVIEWumCli. Showtime ShimFee on Request Pli 213-902-3S50Inte. Ch. Roguelands Im A Warrior Too Cli. Adonis of Point Loma Goldilocks of Point Loma Int. Ch. Twin Oaks Billy the KidCh. Rushings Gay Don Showstopper Twinkles of Spungold April of Spungold Ch. Showtime ShindigPup-Pet Billy Little Wonder Ch. Lindas Firecracker Glads Miss Flicka Rumble Hill Gypsy StarSunstock Non-Pareil Jato Queen of Sheba Sweet Black BetaMarvin cr Dcrothy Tinkler5120 Gayhurst Avenue Baldwin Park, California 91706Tinklers CharleyFee on Request Ph 213-902-3850Ch. Adonis of Point Loma Int. Ch. Twin Oaks Billy the Kid Twinkle of Spungold Ch. Showtime ShindigCh. Lindas Firecracker Rumble Hill Gypsy Star Jato Queen of Sheba Tinklers CharleyMaster Yogi Go-Puff of Sharlyn Go-Puff-GoCupids Cutie Pie Knowles KassandraGold Boy of Kela Tinklers Maverick Kid Moreen of KelaMarvin Dorothy Tinkler5120 Gayhurst Avenue Baldwin Park, California 9170Gr9Ch. Bonners Sunwag Sensation Group Winner Brilliant orange - Fee 75Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Po,d.Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Pretty tune Precious Ch. Bonners Stylemodel Wee WagCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Styletess ModelBonners Tompom Wee Girl Ch. Bonners Sunwag Sensation Aristic Wee Wons Pepper Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Aristic Little Miss Cheerful Bonners Pepper-K Sun Kiss Ch. Aristic Chile King Aristic Mighty CuteAristic Little Cute FaceWind Fall PomeraniansEdward E. Ustilla Charles B. Richard P.O. Box 276, Willow St.. Pa. 17584POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Franchise of Nan jo Deep orange sable Stud Fee 75Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Trademark of Nanjo Nanjo Tempest Ch. Copyright of NanjoCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sundance Thelcolynn's Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Franchise of NanjoCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Nanjo Fascinator Tena Marie VI Poinciana BewitchingPratts Lively Lad Poinciana Little Lucinda Poinciana Ember GlowWind Fall PomeraniansEdward F. TIstilla Charles B. Richard P.O. Box 27G, Willow St., Pa. 175S4i VCh. Blair's Sensation Orange - 31 lbs. Stud Fee 75Aristic Timsuns Tuggie Ch. Bonners Tiny Showstoppe.r Ch. Bonners Sunny Cherub Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Boneta King Kit Wee Wanda of Thelcolynn Sugar Cares of Thelcolynn Ch. Blairs SensationLeaders Little Prince Ch. Adora Sun Toy Drakes Little Cheche Blairs Adorable Bit OGoldBronze Penny of Thelcolynn Blair's Petite CherieBlairs Pomeranians Annie T. Blair7910 Foster Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 2002S Phone 301-736-S022 t4-H l9L..Ch. Blairs Solitaire Red - 4 lbs... Stud Fee 75Aristic Timsuns Tuggie Ch. Bonners Tiny Showstopper Ch. Bonners Sunny Cherub Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Boneta King Kit Wee Wanda of Thelcolynn Sugar Caress of Thelcolynn Ch. Blairs SolitaireLeaders Little Prince Ch. Adora Sun ToyDrakes Little Cheche Blairs Adorable Bit O GoldBronze Penny of Thelcolynij Blairs Petite CherieWilsons Gold Dust TwinAnna E. Cowie Annie T. BlairInquiries to7916 Foster Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 2002S Phone 301-736-S022POMERANIAN REVIEW mCh. Golden Glow Sir ReginaldShaded Bright Orange -1 lbs. - Sireing style Phone 910 003-3012Ch. Best Yet of Ashburn Am. Can. Ch. Dromore Bombardier Dromore Prima Donna Sir Reginald DromoreHes Golden Boy Danny Armstrongs JewelTiny Tots Julo Dainty Cli. Golden Glow Sir ReginaldAristic Moneybox Pine Gold Buttons Reproduction Prissy Jane Cli. Riders Gay RobbieCh. Sahibs Gay Gadabout Rider s Adorable Tracy Riders sweet. PamelaGoEden Qow Pomeranians of CaliforniaBud Knapp Chuck Reynolds Rt. 2, Box 2815, Newcastle, Cal. 956581 1 to nn iiT 11INLGolden Glow Autumn Sun Bright Red - 3 lbs. Major Point Winner Phone 916063-3012Am. Can. Ch. Golden Glow Dandy Pa Robs Red Buttons Pa Robs Rosa Lee Ch. Sacramentos Innkeeper Buttons Reproduction Ch. Riders Gay Robbie Riders Adorable Tracy Golden Glow Autumn SunAm. Can. Ch. Dromore Bombardier Ch. Golden Glow Tims SonnieRes Autumn Gold Boys Deborah Ch. Little Autumn OrangeCh. Sir Percy of Point Loma Ch. Adora of Point Loma Golden Glow Molly OGolden Glow Pomeranians of CaliforniaBud Ivnapp Chuck Reynolds Rt. 2, Box 3815. Newcastle, Cal. 9565S5-HAm. Can. Ch. Golden Glow Dandy Pa Robs Red Buttons Fa Robs Rosa Lee Ch. Sacramentos Innkeeper Buttons Reproduction Ch. Riders Gay Robbie Riders Adorable Tracy Golden Glow Keeps SakeAm. Can. Ch. Dromore Bombardier Sir Reginald Dromore Armstrongs Jewel Naps Red TulaCh. Pearls Jewel Naps Red GretaPansy Pace of SunaurumGolden Glow' Keeps Sake Shaded Bright Orange 4 lbs. at 9 mo. PJipne 916663-3612Golden Glow Pomeranians of CaliforniaBud Knapp Chuck Reynolds Rt. 2, Box 2S15, Newcastle, Cal. 9565SPOMERANIAN REVIEW 67SM. . . . . . . . . [if]' -t fGolden Glow Sir ThomasShaded Bright Orange 44 lbs. - Wh. June 19GS For sale to serious breeder Phone 91GC63-3612Am. Can. Ch. Dromore Bombardier Sir Reginald Dromore Armstrongs JewelCh. Golden Glow Sir Reginald Buttons Reproduction Ch. Riders Gay Robbie Riders Adorable TracyGolden Glow Sir ThomasCh. Pom Adors King Jewels Rusty Dusty Jewels Fifi LorraineSophias TamaEarls Little Duke Cindy Lou II Tamie Girl IIGolden Glow Pomeranians of CaliforniaBud Knapp Chuck Reynolds Rt. 2, Box 2S15. Newcastle, Cal. 9565SGolden Glow Dacotah Kid Shaded Bright Orange 34 lbs. - Sireing type Phone 91GSS5-9273Am. Can. Ch. Golden Glow Dandy Fa Robs Red Buttons Fa Robs Rosa LeeCh. Sacramentos Innkeeper Buttons Reproduction Ch. Riders Gay Robbie Riders Adorable TracyGolden Glow Dacotah KidAm. Can. Ch. Dromore Bombardier Sir Reginald Dromore Armstorngs JewelGolden Glow Honey West Aristic Gay Playboy Gay - Honey Bee Tammie GirlGolden Hue Pomeranians of CaliforniaVernon and Joan Sanders Rt. 2, Box 2331A, Auburn, Cal. 95603Golden Glow Lonesome GeorgeShaded Bright Orange 4 lb.s. - Wh. July 1969 Best in Match 33 entriesFa Robs Red Buttons Ch. Sacramentos Innkeeper Ch. Riders Gay Robbie Golden Glow Dacotah KidSir Reginald Dromore Golden Glow Honey West Gay Honey Bee Golden Glow Lonsome George Pom Adors Play Boy Pom Adors Diamond Dan-Dee Lidos Fancy Doll Golden Hill Buttons Rock of Roll Princess Nona Mindy LouGolden Hue Pomeranians of CaliforniaVernon and Joan Sanders Rt. 2, Box 2331A, Auburn, Cal. 9560368 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Sire of a champion with several others on their way. Fee 70Ch. Bonners Tiny Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Wee Wanda of ThelcolynnCh. Thelcolynns Tiny SundanceCh. Great Elms Little Timgfopper Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Wee Pixie of ThelcolynnCh. Millamors Fancy Gold DancerCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Thelcolynns Tiny Flame Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Millamors Miss FancyCh. Bonne Buttons Gold Toys Gold Puff Gold Toys AdorationTim arad Sue Goddard1426 Brookwood Ct. Seabrook. Texas 775S6Vlv .Hillsides Little Pepper Bed Orange sable - 4i lbs.12 pts. - Both majorsCh. Aristic Wee Wons Pepper Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Aristic Little Miss CheerfulCh. Bonners Bed PepperCh. Aristic Little Dividend Aristic Adorable Mitzie Aristic Wee TamaraHillsides Little Pepper BedCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Red Pepper Aristic Adorable MitzieHillsides MelodyLittle Gold Toy Jolly Hillsides Little Anna Pomwin PollyannaVirginia K. Harris Glenarden Kennels R.D. 1, Mt. Bethel. Pa. 18343Stud Fee 50 Phone 717 S97-6S08YOUR ADVERTISING SUPPORT MADE THIS EXTRA LARGE ISSUE POSSIBLEPOMERANIAN REVIEW 69POINT LOMA POMERANIANSCongratulate Joy Art DavisonBest Wishes to the JoArt Kennels and their relatives there.cream 3 minus lbs.Nimbo, black9rr rCh. Adonis of Point LomaTop Producer Still siring at 12-1 yearsThree Champion Sons at StudShawn, cream Lil Elmo, orangePuppies generallyPAULINE B. HUGHES1726 Crest Drive Encinitas, California 92024 714753-5807PROUD TO BE PRINTERSof"The Pomeranian Review" lorEditor Sophie MayesBIEHNS PRINTING, INC.121 East Cay Street West Chester, Pa. 19380 Telephone 215 696-023470 POMERANIAN REVIEWBirk cont.CH. Corns Duke Dragonfly went Best of Breed. Best of Opp. to Scotia Cavs Glimpse of Glory. Maxwell Riddle judging.We were fortunate weatherwise during the shows in So. Fla. Palm Beach has a beautiful place for a show and with a sunny warm day everyone seemed in a happy mood. Maybe Im wrong, it could be they were glad to be going home Marlene Scott took the breed with CH. Vans Bonnie Baby Doll. Best of Opp. went to Mrs. Kendrick Lane with Georgianas CH. Kavillas Golden Minado. Mrs. Haywood R. Hartley judging.The Coys, Jim and June, were down right after the shows. They didnt stay long enough for us to show them around. June was very sick and a letter from Jane says Mrs. Coy landed in the hospital as soon as she got home.The Birks had more than one distinguished visitor during the circuit. We entertained CH. Models Son of Fun between the Miami show and the Palm Beach show on Tuesday. I was scared to death with the responsibility but really loved having him. Were hoping hell bring Bob Goodrich with him on a return visit.NOTE TO FLORIDA POM FANCIERS . . . Since the last issue of the Review my mail has been heavier than usual. There was a tremendous response concerning another Pom Club in Florida. Many are most enthusiastic about the idea. When I get definite news it will be reported in this column.Mrs. Jack Jones Exquisite Knls wrote me about a ghastly experience that should be shared with allbreeders but my column is already too long. We want plenty of space for the reports on the Specialty. Twice a year I have show reports, the other two issues I have open for any news you have or anything you want discussed, please feel free to send it to me.Editorial cont.Annual Meeting could take place Friday night, and the exhibitors could decide whether to attend the Saturday and Sunday dogs shows nearby, or stay in New York for theater going, etc.While I am at it, I would also like to propose that the Board reconsider the possibility of replacing the Puppy Sweepstakes with an Annual Futurity, in connection with our Specialty. A Puppy Sweepstakes is like a Puppy Match, with the difference that the entry fees are split up among the winners. On the other hand, a Futurity, which involves nominating the bitch before she whelps, and keeping individual puppies eligible until the show, provides a real test of each breeders faith in his breeding program. And, while individual cost can be held to a very reasonable figure, the total prize money awarded could be very much larger than at present.I hope that members who agree with my suggestions or who have other suggestions to make will write immediately to the Board. There can probably be no change in date until 1972, due to the necessity of advance planning but please MAKE YOUR WISHES KNOWNPOMERANIAN REVIEW 73YIPS AND YAPSMRS. MOLLY KERR Toronto, Ontario, CanadaDear Mrs. HustedI wonder if you remember a Pom breeder called Mrs. Charlotte Walker, of Toronto, Canada She has the Pom-Pom Kennels, and has been breeding a good many years. She is one of the oldest members of the Canadian Kennel Club, and I know she is known to many U.S. breeders and handlers. Mrs. Walker was 100 years of age last March, 1969, and has been very active until Dec. 29, 1969 when she fell in her home and it was found she had had a stroke. She has been in the hospital since, and is coming along just fine. Her mind is as clear as ever, but she hasnt been able to use her left arm or leg, so she has been moved to a convalescent hospital where she is having treatment. The friend with whom she has lived for many years visits her every day. She can be contacted at their homeMrs. A. Symons 234 Ryding Avenue Toronto 9 Ontario, CanadaMrs. Walker is a darling young lady who will never be old no matter what age she is. I have met her at dog shows wandering around, a smile on her face. She cant hear very well, even with her hearing aid, and her eyes are not too good. She was always happy just to be amongst dogs and dog people, and if you go up to her and say hello, she would be so pleased that you spoke, explaining that she sometimes cant see you and wouldnt like to walk past someone she knows. I thought you might want to know about Mrs. Walker, and if you have space to put a few words in the Pom Review, there might be people who dont know she has been in the hospital.Ed. Note At the Annual Meeting, when the above letter was read, Mr. Robert Lasky of New Brunswick, Canada, told us that he knows Mrs. Walker very well, and recounted several amazing stories about her. It seems that until she was 97 years old, Mrs. Walker belonged to two bowling leagues and bowled twice a weekPATRICIA OBRIEN Mt. Juliet, Tenn.Dear Mrs. HustedHere is my check renewing subscription to the Pom Review . . .I think the Review is a great little magazine, and find myself referring to it for inspiration and information. 1 really enjoy the kennel visits and the down to earth reports from various sections of the country. Would love to see a similar article on grooming and conditioning for show as the one on judging by Shirley Hoffman. Such article are a real help to me, being a very green but determined novice.My four Pom ladies and I would like to thank the staff, especially Sophie Mayes, for putting out such a fine magazine on a bouncy powder puff of a dog full of mischief, merriment endorsed with a loving wet tongue.-. TED BIRKFt. Lauderdale, FloridaPlease permit me to be a committee oi one, to represent the state of Florida as its spokesman.To you breeders, exhibitors, and spectators attending all or part of the Florida Circuit, we are glad you were here. Im sorry the weather was cold and bad for the first shows. BUT those that stayed, enjoyed beautiful warm days for three of the last four shows, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, and Palm Beach.Unfortunately time, distance, and business did not permit me to leave this area, so I could not meet or talk to some of you in person. However it was nice to see and talk to old friends, and to meet and greet some new ones. If I missed any of you it was not intentional. When I have a dog to show I am tense, nervous, and may seem aloof, as I stay away from people and dogs, before entering the ring. Then it seems that after the judging, everyone just disappears.To all of you, do come again to our wonderful Florida, we loved having you.72 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS and YAPS ContinuedBURNEICE F. LOVELACE Baltimore Stoneleigh, Md.Dear friendsIt has been many months since I have been able to say hello. I enjoyed my work on the Review, although we had ups and downs and when the barrel ran dry on a couple of issues, my heart sank, but the printer was kind enough to give us more at extra cost and from there on in we tried to keep ahead. At that time, the midnight oil burned by me stuffing, labeling, stamping, then mailing, then I would receive letters where is it and would have to reply on its way sometimes we had trouble with checks not sufficient funds, but working for a lawyer, I made contact with the bank on which they were drawn or drastic steps turning over to a lawyer for collection. Sometimes we all get in this spot, but Next headache, not notified - change of address. This is indeed important.They say a cat has nine lives, dont believe it mine must be 99. I received many lovely letters, cards, etc., and I sincerely appreciate them all. Everybody was so kind. Even now I receive letters where and how can I get Review. Coming from the Complete Pomeranian by Ricketts. All of these are forwarded by me to Dorothy Husted and you know how she is very exact and hard working as a laborer with the Review. I am sure you got it.Jim Arima started a tiny snow flurry that has developed into a large volcano, both with subscriptions and members. Ruth Bellick moved to Baltimore and that was wonderful as she was then Editor and we worked so hard together. Vicky Sweeney was next and they could not come better. I see where they have an ad for a helper to get the Reviews out for proof reading, etc.. Good luck. Theyll enjoy every minute once they get their finger in the pie.Mrs. Leonardis will always be missed, as well as Vicky. They can never be replaced.My hat off to Edna Girardot. It took her to show what can be done and many thanks to her telephoning me when she is near BaltimoreI still have my kennel license and two pomeranians 8 years old, sons of Champion Zein of Zanow Timmie, and 15 buried heartaches in Oakleigh Pet Cemetery 8 champions as old as 19 years.Thanks to the American Pom Club for wonderful minutes, particularly judging at Westchester Specialty Show wonderful poms and entry meeting old friends and a recent surprise of becoming an Honorary Member of the Club. ANNA E. COWIE Phoenixville, Pa.Several letters have appeared in the REVIEW relating to the requirements for the pom brood bitch which I feel should not remain unchallenged. I cannot agree with many of the comments made and would like to express some of my own.A tendency is noted to infer that many of the winning bitches in the show ring are poorly coated, unsound in stifle and have little other than tiny size and pretty heads. It is also inferred that such dogs would make unsuccessful brood bitches principally because of their small size.What are these complainers aiming for I believe they want what all of us in poms are seeking in a good brood bitch. She must be of the best possible conformation, be able to reproduce as good, or hopefully better, quality than herself and must be able to do so with minimum physical difficulty, i.e., be a free-whelper.As any veterinarian familiar with the breed will confirm, the principal factor in determining a free-whelping pom is pelvic construction, not overall physical size. Not only must the pelvic area be sufficiently large, but also free from abnormalities, which are not too uncommon. Further, some of these important factors seem to be inherited and should be considered when selecting the brood bitch. Chihuahua breeders have overcome the problem through years of selective line breeding of free-whelpers in both their dogs and bitches. It is pertinentPOMERANIAN REVIEW 73YIPS and YAPS Continuedto remember that their breed is even smaller than ours.Regarding comments as to the smaller poms being generally of poor coat, unsound in stifle and having little other to offer than tiny size and a pretty head, lets not generalize broadly from a few isolated cases. However, it should be emphasized that poor stifles are an inherited characteristic not related to size. I have discussed size with many judges and very few express any real preference for a particular weight or size. Most feel that the smaller are the better dogs now being exhibited but that those having really good, larger poms should not hesitate to show them. They can win, too.Regarding the commenters at ringside .expressing their opinions as to the suitability of the bitch in the ring as a brood, how can they be so expert in determining whether a bitch will be a free- whelper, or that weight makes for better movement, or, for that matter, a better dog As a judge, ex-professional handler and a former breeder, X know that I could not even hazard a guess as to what each dog is capable of, from ringside.Lets not infer that there are fewer champion bitches in the pom breed than in many others. It is a common and well-known practice to campaign the dog rather than the bitch. Why Financial reasons, mostly. Unless a breeder is independently wealthy, he must remain solvent. A dollar spent must bring in more than a dollar or he merely breaks even. He can afford to campaign a really good dog to his championship because its a good investment. Again, if the dog is really good, he may reach a hundred, perhaps several hundred stud- service customers in the dogs productive lifetime. How many will he reach via sales of the bitches puppies Perhaps a couple dozen. He also finds that the serious breeders are more concerned with what the bitch produces than they are with whether she has a CH. ahead of her registered name. These are cold facts. tOur current, basic problem in both dogs and bitches lies not in size but in overall structure and soundness. In breeding, we should'also'face up to tfiS fact that many sections are needlesslydone by the novice breeder, the overanxious and by some older breeders whc will not permit a bitch to whelp normally We should use more care in selecting our brood bitches and studs from free- whelping lines if we wish to reduce whelping problems. This may require that you remove from your breeding program, regardless of the time, efforl and heartbreak, those dogs which are truly beautiful pets but not sound breeding stock. LEE B. HANAWALT Bethel Park, Pa.I wonder how you ever get all youi jobs done The Review has growr quite a bit since we started subscribing ten years ago. By the addition of more educational articles, the Review i better than ever.I would like to offer my services asthe writer of the column on Helpfn Hints. There are certainly people more qualified than myself, but they probablj dont have as much time. Presently, 1 have collected enough hints for severa issues. It is my hope that by starting the column others will be encouraged tc send their hints. Am enclosing my attempt at such a column for your consideration and commments. -tDOLORESADKINS Eden, New YorkI am very happy to be a new membei of the Pom Club. I have just recentlj tried tube feeding and was very success ful with it. The first time I tried it wae on a 1J oz. puppy. She just would no nurse at all. She was premature and blue at birth. After tube feeding her for 2 weeks, she got strong enough to be pul on a bitch in full milk and has done well. At 4 months she is 21- lbs. The second time I had to do this type of feeding was with another tiny one. Her mother got sick and could not take care of her She is now almost 6 weeks old and onlj weighs 10 ozs. She is just starting to ea1 raw hamburger and cottage cheese. ] am still tube feeding her as she hasn1 tried to lap up water or milk yet.So ladies, go ahead and try it. It sure beats an eye dropper or bottle feeding.74 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS and YAPS ContinuedJANE JOHNSTONI have just return from a very delightful trip to Florida. I attended the show in Miami on the ISth, where I showed Thrashers K-Nine Souvenir, owned by my sister and brother-in-law, June Jim Coy, of Louisville, Ky. Bill McCoy, who normally handles the Coy Poms, was not going, and since I was going anyway, thought I might possibly pick up the two points Sue needed to complete her championship. We did not accomplish this, but met so many lovely Pom peopleamong them, Ted Kathryn Birk of Ft. Lauderdale and Edna Girardot of Floral City, Fla.As I was visiting my niece and family in Pompano Beach which adjoins Lauderdale the Birks very kindly invited me to attend the Palm Beach show with them on the 20th. I gladly accepted their invitation and spent a very enjoyable day. This was an outside show at the Colonnades Hotel right on the ocean, and to one who had been sloshing through snow in galoshes since the Sunday before Christmas here in Kentucky, the warm sunshine, blue skies and palm trees were indeed welcome.While there I ha.d the pleasure of meeting Olga Baker, owner of Corns Duke Dragonfly, and also Marlene Scott. Kathryn Birk picked me up later in the week and took me sightseeing around Lauderdale, which I enjoyed immensely. I will long remember the fine hospitality of the Pom people I met while in Florida. 4- GERI SEDORA Castle Creek, N. Y.Dear Friends,Just back from the Specialty at New York. This was our first year as a Pom exhibitor and we really enjoyed ourselves. What a thrill to see all those gorgeous dogs. And it seemed to us, the better the dog, the nicer the owners. Everyone was so helpful and we were made to feel right at home.The Pom Review has always been looked forward to with great expectancy ind now even more so. What a wonderful way of communication for newly made friends.I would urge all Pom fanciers to make every effort to attend these Specialties and I hope they will find the experience as joyful as I did. MRS. C. B. HANKINS Renton, Wash,As a novice I have been studying every Review and every issue of the AKC Gazette now for some two years plus attending all shows and the one Specialty within 150 miles of my residence. I have corresponded with and talked to personally as many breeders as possible before narrowing the field down to the type of dog I prefer which fits the Standard and the kennels which are proving themselves through the progeny of their sires and dams as well as in the show ring. After all this careful study I chose a number of breeders, all reputable, and all advertising almost monthly in one or more dog magazines including the Pom Review, in order to purchase several show quality bitches for foundation stock. I also have one bitch who was pointed and ready to be bred and for whom I was attempting to choose a suitable mate. Also I must mention that I have heard from a goodly number of other breeders who have written to these same kennels and had the same disappointment as myself, and this includes breeders from all over the country.I received replies on only about one- fourth of the letters I wrote. Why do these breeders bother to advertise puppies and stud service at all when they are too discourteous to even reply to a letter of inquiry Some use the excuse that they are too busy, but certainly it takes only five minutes for a breeder to address a post card and write, Im sorry we have nothing for sale at this time, but we will put you on our waiting list.Several breeders were courteous e- nough to tell me of the breedings they had planned in the future and said if they would produce show quality bitches from these breedings, they would certainly let me know. They even thanked ME for writing.I must mention the most courteous letter of all, though this breeder does not know me. I wrote to Jackie Klein asking for a show quality bitch and she immediately sent me picturesPOMERANIAN REVIEW 75YIPS and YAPS Continuednot only of the puppies she had available but also of the sire and dam plus grandsires and grand do ms as I hed requested. When I asked for another shot of a particular pup, in spite of the fact that she had just lost a close family member and had to constantly visit thehospital where her daughter was in bed with a body cast, she went out of her way that same week to take extra pictures and send them to me immediately. Now if all Pom breeders were as courteous as Jackie, we would certainly have a marvelous organization INDEX TO ADVERTISERS PageDOLORES ADKINS ..................................................................................................................................46DARRELL OLGA BAKER ............................................................................................................61,76RUTH L. BEAM .......................................................................................................................................21BIEHNS PRINTING, INC.........................................................................................................................69ANNIE T. BLAIR ANNA E. COWIE............................. ......................................................................65WILMA JEAN BROWN ...........................................................................................................................59MRS. LORENE CARPENTER ............................................................................................................62,46FRANCIS J. MARY F. CASEY ......................................................................................................... 60MR. MRS. L. E, COLEMAN .................................................................................................................19ANNA E. D. C. COWIE....................................................................................................................... 63JOAN COWIE ...........................................................................................................................................49ART JOY DAVISON .......................................................................................................................... 25JAMES R. BILLIE C. DAWS...............................................................................................................42EDNA E. GIRARDOT .............................................................................................................................. 5TIM SUE GODDARD ..........................................................................................................................68BOB GOODRICH ........................................................................................................................16, 17, 58RALPH JOYCE CRAVES .....................................................................................................COVER, 37PAT PAUL CREENEISEN ..................................................................................................................21KEN LEE HANAWALT .................................................................................................................. 49MRS. C. B. HANKINS .............................................................................................................................50VIRGINIA K. HARRIS .......................................................................................................................... 68BARBARA HOLDER ..........................................................................................................................38,39PAT HOPKINS ....................................................................................................................................... 27PAULINE B. HUGHES ..................................................................................................................... 34,69BUD KNAPP CHUCK REYNOLDS..............................................................................................66, 67MRS. NORRIS McKAMEY .....................................................................................................................57SOPHIE H. MAYES ..................................................................................................................................55MRS. J. MORENO ...............................................................................................................................42, 59NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POM CLUB .........................-...................................................................30LOUISE JO ROSBURY .......................................................................................................................32, 50VERNON JOAN SANDERS ................................................................................................................67CERI SEDORA ....................................................................................................................................29, 59JEAN SUCDEN .,.................................................................-....................................................................50MARVIN DOROTHY TINKLER ...................................................................................................26,64EDWARD F. USTI.LLA CHARLES B. RICHARD .....................................................................64, 65MRS. J. L. WELTZ ...................................................................................................................................45WILMAS TINY TOY POMS WILMA BIRKMAN ............................................................................ 5076 POMERANIAN REVIEWDUKEDOMWe realize the extreme difficulty in photographing several dogs together, and give full credit to our fine animal photographer, MR. MORRY TWOMEY of Shreveport, La. We proudly share this picture taken at the Galveston, Texas show, of THE DUKE with some of his outstanding get. Almost invariably, Dukes toughest competitors have been his outstanding sons, daughters and grandchildren. We salute these dogs and their owners. Other Duke children are winning in all parts of the country.lvLeft to right . . .MXTEY-CUTE STARDUST Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex A DUKE daughter.CH. TONOS JUST CALL ME MISTER A Best in Show Double DUKE Grandson.CH. DUKES LIL RED BARON OF OKALA A Best in Show DUKE son.CH, CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLY Winning Best of Breed over all this lovely kinfolks CompetitionCH. JERIBETHS DARLIN DOODLE-BUG Champion DUKE son.Champion Corns Duke Dragonfly is at Stud in Texas Fee 100.00Owners Darrell and Olga Baker102 ElmDeer Park, Texas 77536 713-479-1448 HoustonDuke sons also at Stud 50.00 and 35.00