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The Pomeranian Review October 1972

Table of Contents

Visit to Tim Sue Kennels ?
Ammran 3mranian Elub, Jfnr.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY OCTOBER, 1972CH. SHEEBAS LITTLE DRAGONFLYTop Winning Pom for the First Half of 1972 owned by Sam L. ZaneoffShown winning- the Toy Group under -Tudge Mrs. David Crouse at the Hunterdon Hills K.C. show, handled by Marlene Scott. Gilbert photo.FLASH News has reached us the Dragon won BEST IN SHOW at Keene, N.H. on Aug. 18 under Judge Joseph Faigel, and also BEST IN SHOW at Greensboro, N. C., Sept. 1 under Judge Anthony Stamm.Specialty Reports BERMAN - BIRK - HEYDEIN THIS ISSUE Club NewsJONES - KLINGBEILVisit to Tim Sue Kennels MILLER - YIPS YAPS2 POMERANIAN REVIEWMPRESIDENTSMESSAGEbyMARJORIE L. BULLWINKLE 1467 White Horse Pike Absecon, N. J. 08201Dear Pom FriendsCOVER STORYBy Sam L. ZarseoffCh. Sheebas Little Dragonfly has just ended a solid year of his show career, since Ive come to own him. In this short time, he has proved to be a remarkable, well-respected little showman. He is the Nations Number 1 Pom tor the First Half of 1972 and is also among the Top Winning Toys in the country.It is with regret that I must tell you lovely people that I have to resign from the Presidency of the American Pomeranian Club. Most of you are aware of the fact that I had broken my hip and wrist last Christmas Day, and unfortunately I am still under the doctors care. He and my medical doctor have informed me that I have to take it easy for the next few months or more, so I have also resigned from my job here at the hotel and am leaving this position after 12 years on Labor Day.I will continue to help in every way that I can and will follow through on all arrangements as Show Chairman. Plans for our show are progressing. I was told by Sam Zaneofi that trophy pledges, etc. are coming in. So if you havent sent yours in yet, do so at once, and you can still contribtuute to the Trophy Fund. October 20th is the deadline.Send in your advertising pledges to Francis Casey, and remember, check must accompany copy, at actual deadline time.All arrangements have been made to hold our show at the Essex House in New York City address, 160 Central Park South. That is between 6th and 7th Ave. on 57th Street. The rates are 32.00 per night Single and 39 00 per night Double. Our Banquet will be at the same place, and dinner will be 11.00 per person.His career is a j'oy to watch, and it has been as well an honor and a privilege to be part of making the breed so terribly popular in both the Toy Group and Best In Show rings. His recordhigh praise from j'udges, exhibitors and handlers has been remarkable. I was truly honored to see him win the American Pomeranian Club Specialty this year over so many Specials from around the country, and then to win the Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed award. His Best in Shows and his many Group achievements have proven his credentials as a fine specimen of our breed.We are now heading towards our second year, and are hopefully looking to better and larger things ahead for this beautiful bundle of fluff. During the first year, we have searched for and finally found the perfect handler for Dragon. Our dreams came true when Mrs. Marlene Scott decided she would be able to handle him. She is to my mind one of the finest Pom handlers in the country. Dragon and I consider it a truly great privilege to have her as handler, whenever it is possible. We think the combination of Marlene and Dragon will make a beautiful picture in the show ring.We wish to thank the most competent handlers who have graciously handled Dragon in the past, and of course, again to thank all the many j'udges and friends who have been so kind and have had such high praise for this beautiful little guy.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran Pomeranian Elufa Jnr.President ...................................First Vice President _________Second Vice President .. Recording Secretary ... Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer ...................................Delegate to the A.K.C. .OFFICERS OF THE CLUB.......................................................................... Miss Marjorie Bullwinkle........................................................................................ Mrs. Marlene Scott............................................................................................ Mrs. Elsie Sivori...................................................................................... Mrs. Mary F. Casey............................................................................ Miss Mary G. Passariello721 Martin Dr., Uniondale, N. Y. 11553.......................................................................................... Mr. William Daus................................................................................ Mr. Kenneth E. MillerBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Edd E. Bivin Mrs. Florence OBrienMrs. Carolyn De Angelo Mrs. Ina F. KniffinMrs. Dolly B. TraunerPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor Advertising Manager ............................................................................................................................................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, 1574 Camp Linden Rd., West Chester, Pa.'i93S0Circulation Manager .... Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn, R. D. 1, Carvale Rd., Aberdeen, Md. 21001Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa. by the American Pomeranian Club Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Printed in U.S.A. Subscriptions in the U.S., 5.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies, 1.25 Canada, Mexico 5 50 Foreign rates 6.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Make check or money order payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Address all subscriptions and correspondence on circulation to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and inquiries about same to the Advertising Manager Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text .......... 50.00Inside front cover, cuts extra -------- 25.00Center Spread, 2 pages, cuts extra . 50.00Full page ............................................................ 20.00Three-quarters page ........................................... 15.00One-half page .................................................... 10.00One-quarter page ................................................. 5.00100 copies full page ad......................................... 7.00Minimum charge for cuts up to 1 x 2 inches, 5.00 proportionately more for larger cuts.No charge for cuts if usable cut is available. ____________________ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARYSREPORTbyMiss Mary G. Passariello Corresponding Secretary 721 Martin Drive Uniondale, N. Y. 11553It is with deep regret and reluctance, that the Board accepted the resignation of our President, Marjorie Bullwinkle. Due to ill health and upon the advice of her doctor, Marjorie had no other alternative but to relinquish the office as President, as well as the 12 year position that she held as General Manager of the La Concha Hotel in Atlantic City, N. J. I am sure that she will be missed by all who were under her most capable reign as President of the American Pomeranian Club and hotel manager. However, Marjories ceaseless devotion to the club will continue, for she has stated that she is willing to serve the American Pomeranian Club in the capacity of Show Chairman. Bless you Marjorie We wish you well, and the very best in the years ahead.I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Pomeranian Specialty which will be held on Sunday, February 11, 1973 at an entirely new location, the Essex House, 160 Central Park South in New York City. MossBow will superintend our show. Entries will close on January 24, 1973 at 5 p.m. Poms will be judged at the Garden on Tuesday, February 13, 1973. So we have an extra day in the big city to fun and frolic. Unfortunately, I am unable to announce who the judges will be until AKC gives approval. Nevertheless, do attend and exhibit your good dogs.The revision of the Constitution and By-Laws is just about in its final stage, subject to a vote from the Board, before going out to the membership for his or her vote. No doubt, what I am about tosay has been said in the past but again, the membership is steadily increasing and undoubtedly meaningful to each and everyoneso please dont pass up the opportunity to cast your vote on this most important issue.By the way, lets welcome our new members from across the ocean in the beautiful state of Hawaii definitely my next trip. Maybe someday a regional club out there It is certainly a delight to hear about the newly formed or about to be formed Regional Clubs that are springing up in various parts of the country. Keep up the good work. Best wishes to all. I recently learned that there is a Pomeranian Club in Australia. How about that Now, whoever said that our beautiful breed is not popularI am happy to report that our circulation manager, Katherine Probst, is recuperating nicely after major surgery.The American Pomeranian Club has granted permission to the following Regional clubs to hold their Specialty showsThe Western Pomeranian Club, onNovember 3, 1972, the day prior to the International Kennel Club all breed event.The Columbia Pomeranian Club, on January 13, 1973, at the Multnomah County Exposition Center in Portland, Oregon.The Fort Worth Pomeranian Club on March 3, 1973.We welcome the following new members into the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Ms. Gloria A. Dias, P. O. Box 10041, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816, proposed by Mary Hammond.Mrs. Ruth Dotson, 230 Bay Drive, Sacramento, Calif. 98515, proposed by Dudley Roach.Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dixon, Elm Avenue, R. D. No. 1, Selkirk, N. Y. 12158, proposed by William Daus.Continued on Page 75POMERANIAN REVIEW 5WESTERLEIGH PROUDLY PRESENTSto -aAMERICAN AND CANADIAN CHAMPION MI DOS MISCHIEF GOLD PATBEST OF BREED AT THE WESTERN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY His first time out as a Special.TOP WINNING DOG ALL BREEDSAT THE CANADIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMANS SHOWS 4 Group 1 and Best in ShowTOP WINNING DOG ALL BREEDS ON THE NEW ENGLAND CIRCUIT6 Group 1 and 2 Best in Show.Shown 47 times as a Special, his record to date is6 Best in Shows All Breeds 1 Independent Specialty Best of Breed 24 Group 1 6 Group 2 1 Group 3 4 Group 444 Best of BreedOwner Exclusive HandlerFlorence, Lady Conyers Susan FisherWesterleigh 6603 Baltimore National PikePembroke, Bermuda Catonsville, Maryland 21228Pat is At Stud with his Handler Pedigree and Stud Fee On Request6 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYBy Jessie W. YoungSpecialty shows have always been exciting to attend or better yet to participate in since they bring out so many beautiful specimens of the breed, and this was no exception. Many gorgeous Poms came to compete. The Specialty was again held at the Hockamock Kennel Club show, July 1, in Norton, Mass. Last year there were 15 Poms entered and this year there were 19. That is a 20 increase in entries, which shows that Poms are growing in popularity around this part of the country and are being shown.The judge was Mr. Kenneth A. Matheson from California. Mr. Matheson did a beautiful job of judging. He gave each entry a good going over and I am certain every one knew their entry was judged well by someone who really knew Poms.The trophy table was a sight to behold Many lovely trophies were on display. There were trophies for the first four places in each class, and in addition, there were rosettes for each first place winner. The trophies that especially caught my eye were the adorable ceramic trophies made by Mrs. L. Amber Burns. Each had a Pom figurine which was lovely.Despite the rainy weather and soaking grounds, the Poms looked exquisite. Each Pom was nicely presented and groomed to perfection.Best of Breed went to the gorgeous Ch. Flo-Mars Madame Butterfly, owned by Florence G. OBrien and Marjorie B. Bullwinkle and handled by Wendell J. Sammett. This ravishing redhead has been doing a lot of nice winning in the east. Hows that for Womens LibBest of Opposite Sex went to Topaze King of the Nip, a very handsome Pom owned by Marjorie E. and John W. Henzie, and handled by Case. Nipper was also Best of Winners.Judge Kenneth Matheson is shown awarding Best of Breed to Ch. Flo-Mars Madame Butterfly owned by Marjorie Bullwinkle and Florence OBrien and handled by Wendell J. Sammet, at the Bay Colony Specialty Shows in connection with Hockamock K.C. Photo by Gilbert.Class judging went as followsFirst in Puppy Dogs, 6-9 months, was Jabils Dandy Lion, my eight month old orange baby.In Puppy Dogs, 9-12 months, first went to Topaze Diamond Jack, a beautiful young sable owned by Marie V. Smith.Open Dogs was a breathtaking class. Every entry had quality to bum. First place went to the Winners Dog, Topaze King of The Nip. Second was a striking orange, Megs Dandy Little Boy, owned by Donna C. Megenhardt, who came from Ohio to attend the specialty. This eleven month old Pom also went Reserve Winners Dog. Third place went to my nine month old sable, Wiloways Mr. Star-Maker. Fourth went to May Morning Redhead Dandy, owned by Violet JoynerPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7WE TAKE PLEASURE IN CONGRATULATING OUR LATEST CHAMPION CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDRENAMERICAN BERMUDA CHAMPION WESTERLEIGH TOPAZ SERENADE Finished at Chicago International under Judge Edd Bivin Handled by Susan Fisher for owner Florence, Lady ConyersCHAMPION TOPAZE MR. AMERICAN PIE Finished at Mid Hudson under Judge Mrs. Heywood Hartley Handled by Paul Edwards for owners Mary and Rebecca EdwardsCHAMPION TOPAZE LADY JENNIFER Finished at Mid Hudson under Mrs. Hartley Breeder-Owner handled by Mary CaseyAMERICAN CANADIAN CHAMPION MAYKENS SUN WITCH OF TOPAZEBoth titles pending A.K.C. C.K.C. ConfirmationFinished at Greater Lowell under Judge Mrs. David Crouse Bred by Kenneth W. Mayes and handled by owners Francis Mary Casey.TOPAZE KENNELS FRANCIS J. MARY F. CASEY60 Wilbur Street Phone 617-822-4SG2Raynham, Mass 02767Introducing...JABILS DANDY LIONDandystarted his show training with two matches, and won the Toy Group at both, under Judges May Young and Dr. Ted Gorfine. At 9 mos. of age, Dandy went on the New England Scenic Circuit. He is pictured taking W.D. for 4 points under Mrs. Mary Brewster at the Green Mt. K. C. show. At the Carroll County K.C. show, he went R.D. under Mrs. James Clark. The next day at the Lakes Region K.C. show Judge Jane Kay awarded Dandy W.D. and B.W. for 2 points.Dandy is my first puppy. He is sired by Am. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude. His dam is Jabil Petite Delilah, who is by Ch. Scotia Cavalier's Dream Boy ex Ch. Roanokes Band Box. Both Delilah and her full sister have been bred to Interlude, with both litters due in September. We hope for more like Dandy. All inquiries answered.MI -cTv Dandy4 lb.He is as fresh as he looksJABIL KENNELSJessie W. Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, N. H. 03301 Tel. 603 - 435-87318 POMERANIAN REVIEWand Sophie Mayes. He is a red with a magnificent coat.The entry in Open Bitches was also impressive. First Place and Winners Bitch went to Ca-La-Ma Lady in Red of Caldoak. This exquisite red girl is owned by Lawrence J. and Cathleen H. Ertle, and was handled by Barbara Partridge. Second place went to the adorable Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze. The eleven month old charmer is owned and handled by Francis and Mary Casey. She was the Reserve Winners Bitch. Third place went to the lovely Ekmans Tiny Whirlwind owned by Carman A. Ekman. Fourth place went to Donna C. Megenhardts Merriminx of Highland, and she was a dollWinners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex at the Bay Colony Pom Club Specialty was Topaze King of the Nip owned by Marjorie and John Henzie, and handled by Francis Casey. The Judge was Kenneth Matheson. Photo by Gilbert.One of the most thrilling sights that I have ever seen at a show was the Veterans Class. Mary and Francis J. Caseys nine years and two days old Ch. Topaze Lucky Little Diamond entered the ring,handled by Mary, and just melted the hearts of all who watched. No one could have looked happier than Mary as she beamed at her little Veteran. He had all the fire of a two year old as he took over the ring. The applause from ringside was richly deserved. It was a splendid tribute to one who deserved itA great big Thank you to Mr. Matheson who did a grand job of judging and to all who helped with the show. Lets make next year even bigger and get those gorgeous Poms before the public.JUDGES CRITIQUE BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOWIt was a pleasure to be asked to judge at the Bay Colony Pomeranian Club Specialty Show. I was impressed with the quality and the soundness of the entry. The majority of the Poms were in very good coat.My Best of Breed went to a lovely orange bitch, Champion Flo-Mars Madame Butterfly, owned by Florence OBrien and Marjorie Bullwinkle. She had a sound body, and a very nice coat, and showed like the show was for her only.My Best of Opposite Sex was also my Best of Winners. He vms Topaze King of the Nip, owned by Marjorie and John Henzie. He was a very good moving little Pom, typy, and striking in his presentation.My Winners Bitch went to a bright red and typy bitch, Ca-La-Ma Lady in Red of Caldoak, owned by Lawrence and Cathleen Ertle. She was very sound, well coated and nice in body.My Veteran dog was Champion Topaze Lucky Little Diamond, owned by Francis and Mary Casey. He moved with the confidence of a true veteran, although he is nine years old he is still a very sound and typy dog.POMERANIAN REVIEW 9HAPPY DAYSFORAMERICAN AND CANADIAN CHAMPION TOPAZE HAPPY INTERLUDEPictured winning- B.I.S. at Moncton K.C., New Brunswick, Canada Judge, Mr. Kenneth Rickman Handled by Breeder, Francis J. CaseySnikis Canadian Show Record 7 Shows Toy Dog Club Specialty Show, St. AndrewsBOB and Group 2 3 All Breed Shows, Fredericton3 BOB, 1 Group 1,1 B.I.S.3 All Breed Shows, Moncton3 BOB, 3 Group 1,1 B.I.S.Our sincere thanks to all the judges who have passed so favorably on this little fellow, and to all of the people who were so kind as to call or write to us offering their Congratulations on his wins.OwnersJack and Betti Trussel 148 W. 72nd Street New York City, N. Y. 60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Mass.Francis J. Casey Topaze KennelsBreeder10 POMERANIAN REVIEWMy Reserve Winners Dog, Megs Dandy Little Boy, owned by Donna Megenhardt and my Reserve Winners Bitch, Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze, owned by Francis and Mary Casey were very good, and as soon as they reach maturity will be up in the winners class.I would like to stress the soundness and the quality in all my classes were very good.Kenneth MathesonAfter the judging, the members of the Bay Colony Pomeranian Club provided a lovely luncheon for us. We met all the Pom fanciers who were at the Hocka- mock show. I would mention names but I am afraid I would neglect someone.We really enjoyed talking about everyones Poms. There were pictures of Poms and pedigrees to examine. Everyone was so nice to us. We were really sorry to see people leaving, but it was getting late, and there were dogs at home that had to be cared for.We thank everyone for the hospitality shown us. We hope that we can repay the hospitality when Bay Colony members come to CaliforniaElizabeth MathesonMESSAGE FROM OUR TREASURERI would like to remind all advertisers ONCE AGAIN to make all checks payable to the AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.and positively NO OTHER WAY. The bank refuses to allow our endorsement, if check is not made out correctly.Another VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE Members, when you get your dues notice, kindly check NAME, ADDRESS, street, R. D., Box, etc. and ZIP CODE, and make any necessary corrections. This is vitally important for keeping our membership list up-to-date.HELPFUL HINTSby Lee B. Hanawalt 1115 Logan Road Bethel Park, Pa. 15102The following are a number of Helpful Hints we have received that pertain to the care of young puppies.Dorothy Bonner writes that to forestall my little puppies being delicate at the weaning age, I start feeding them at two weeks, or earlier, with sweetened coffee cream given by medicine dropper several times a day. As soon as they can lap, Gerbers Meat-Base-Formula, diluted slightly, is infinitely better than baby meats, with a continuation of coffee cream. Gerbers pineapple-flavored cottage cheese is excellent as a supplement. A hearty litter from a larger brood often thrives without attention, and eats part of their mamas food, when ready, but this situation is not always present with breeders striving for top show material.When we were having a feeding problem with our newly weaned puppies, Eleanor Miller suggested the following menu. Rim Special Cuts through a nut chopper twice. Feed the resulting fine feed, moistened, to the puppies. She also suggested feeding cottage cheese to puppies and adults. We found this new menu solved our feeding problem.Kathy Kazmerak has found that an infra red light is a real life saver for lifeless puppies. She tells of one puppy that she had given up on and left under the infra red light wrapped in a towel. She was amazed shortly later to see the towel moving and found inside the towel a puppy that was very much alive.It only takes a minute to send along a helpful hint that may save a valuable poms life.COVERTHE JANUARY COVER IS AVAILABLEPOMERANIAN REVIEW 11PHYNER KENNELS, Reg.Like Mother, Like DaughterJAm. Can. Ch. Phyner Black QueenaireB.O.S. San Joaquin K. C. under Judge Kenneth Matheson Owner handling.Her daughter, by Ch. Cin Dees Tiny TimFJWPhyner Black Bumble BeeFirst, 9-12 mos. Puppy Bitch at San Joaquin K.C. Shown here going B.O.S. at Westlake K.C. Match under Judge Ann HaydenOwnersDr. Mrs. Lawrence M. Trauner 2025 Lyon Street San Francisco, California 9411512 POMERANIAN REVIEWGORKINS POMERANIANSOffers At StudWilmas Hobby Honey DipperSI2 lb. orange Wilmas Dapper Blue Heller3V lb. Blue There will be Pictures in the next issue.Wilmas Dapper Blue Heller Bred to a white female belonging to Mr. and Mrs. F. Lawrence of Fullerton. Calif.Produced 2 tiny chocolates.I am looking forward to producing show quality blues and chocolates and of course all of the other colors too. Watch For Us Puppies Occasionally English and American BloodlinesInquires InvitedFern Gorrin14744 CabellBellflower, California 90706 Ph. 213-867-8654CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS TO THE BLACKORBYSFor So Beautifully Handling And Finishing Their Lovely Am. Can. Ch. Wilmas Golden Party BoyNOWOn To The Ring With Your Brand New Wilmas Blackorby Honey Bun . ..And Rots Of Ruck Wilmas Tiny Toy Pomeranians WITH A NEW ADDRESS 2924 Stark Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone 503-688-0759POMERANIAN REVIEW 13BLACKORBY KENNELS Proudly PresentsCAN. AM. CH. WILMAS GOLDEN PARTY BOYsubj. AKC conf.81Shown here with owner-handler Cheryl K. Blackorby going BW for 4 pts. at the Illinois Valley K.C. Show May 27, 1972 under Judge Joseph Faigel. BOBBI finished July 16 at the Kankakee K.C. Show under Judge Erica Huggins. Many thanks to the other fine judges who put "BOBBI upBOBBI is an extremely heavy-coated, cobby, brilliant deep red 44 lb. male producing the same type, style and soundness in his puppies. He is the sire of Ch. Wilmas Gentleman Gee Whiz and other kids who will soon come to the winners circle. Linebred Int. Ch. Dromore Bombardier and Int. Ch. Golden Glcv Dandy on his sires side Int. Ch. Teecos Little Topper, Ch. Toppers Little Corkie, Latham bloodlines on dams side. Tt Stud to approved bitches at 50.A special THANK YOU to that darling lady, Wilma Birkman, of Eugene, Oregon for letting me have BOBBI and Wilmas Blackorby Honey Bun a gorgeous red female puppy that I have great hopes for.PUPPIES FOR PET, BREEDING OR SHOW. PROVEN BROODS OCCASIONALLYInquiries InvitedMRS. WILLIAM CHERYL BLACKORBYR. R. No. 2 Dixon, Illinois 61021 Ph. 815-288-537314 POMERANIAN REVIEWNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB HAPPENINGSBy Chuck ReynoldsW.Our photo by Bill Francis shows Eeto, bred, owned and handled by Susan J. Allen going from the Open Dog Class to Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breed over Specials for a major. Judge was Melbourne T. E. Downing.Once again, the very active Northern California Pomeranian Club held its Summer Specialty Show at the San Francisco Cow Palace, home of the famous Golden Gate Kennel Club. Competing for the lovely array of rosettes and impressive trophies were nine dogs and nine bitches for the points plus three fine Champions. The Judge was highly respected Melboure T. L. Downing. Considering the extreme heat that California has experienced this summer, all of the Poms appeared in very good coat and were presented very well trained and conditioned.This writer had the pleasure of presenting Mary Wylies 9-12 Puppy Dog, BOJOS OSO GRAND ARISTIPRIZE to receive the award for that class. TheWinner from the large Open Dog Class was a tremendous little fellow with an equally little name. He was EETO, handled by his proud owner, Susan Allen.A pretty little black girl, PHYNER BUMBLE BEE, owner-handled by Dolly Trauner took home the prize for 9-12 Puppy Bitch Class. Paula Dodero, coowner with Irene Weltz, took the Bred by Exhibitor bitch, BLOSSOM VIEWS TIGER LILY to the number one spot. Bev Toca received the Blue Ribbon with her American Bred Bitch, QUEENAIRE BIT O FLUFF DBON QUI. Dudley and Wanda Roach were extremely proud when the Judge gave the Winners nod to their Open Bitch, QUEENAIRE REGAL DUCHESS, handled by Garland Moore.POMERANIAN REVIEW 15QUEENAIRE IS BACK T TPresenting our three newest championsPedigree in Behind New ChampionsOur prepotent black tan Consistent sire of qualityBonners Pep-R-Kute NightfireSire ofCh. All-Stars Pep-R-KutieCh. Queenaire Doodad Finished by going BOB over Specials at Beverly Hills.Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man Finished with three 5 pt. majors.T1Ch. Queenaire Regal Duchess Finished by going WB, BOS over Specials at NCPC Specialty.Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man Queenaires Lacey Firefly 10 pts., both majorsPlus others nearing ring age.Also at stud to be shown Creiders Red Bandido by Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda X Creiders Miss MaggieJeribeths Fire Dragon Double Duke grandsonQueenaire Scotch Duke by Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly X Ch. Queenaire DoodadQUEENAIRE KENNELS OF CALIFORNIADudley Wanda Roach 425 South Johnson Rd. Turlock, Cal. 95380 209-634-6432Handler Garland B. Moore16 POMERANIAN REVIEWExcitement was high as the two class winners went into the ring to compete with the Champs. The little charmer, EETO was designated as the Best Pom in this Specialty and QUEENAIRE REGAL DUCHESS was crowned as the Best Opposite Sex. QueenaireRegal Duchess shown going WB BOS over Specials to finish. Wanda Roach presenting trophy.Honorable mention must be made of two other entries knocking hard at the door for top ribbons. Reserve Winners Dog was a terrific youngster, MORENOS SPECIAL EDITION, presented by his owner, Julie. The Reserve Winners Bitch was the Yogi Bear daughter, ELSIES YOGIS PRIDE YOTE, owned by Elsie Cablis Burriesci and handled as usual by Phyllis Greer.Much credit must go to the N.C.P.C. Specialty Chairman, Anne Hayden, for the success of this outstanding event.One would think, with the many accomplishments of the active N.C.P.C. Membership, they would somewhere along the way sit back and rest on the laurels. Not so with this busy group. A committee is hard at work trying to organize the Clubs first Independent Specialty to be held, subject to AKC approval, next February. Heading up the committee is Ken Toca. Wonderful trophy offerings are assured with Ruth Dotson as Chairman of this department.Everyone will be eager to have a catalogue from this Specialty with the marvelous plans of making it a real keepsake with pictures and tributes of the great Poms of the past and present featured. For inforamtion on how to be included in this treasure, contact Advt. Chairman Dolly Trauner, 2025 Lyon St., San Francisco, California 94115. As Publicity Chairman, I am now urging you, wherever you are, to plan part of your winter vacation so that you can include this gathering of our great little Poms in your agenda. Hospitality will be the greatest as planned by Elsie Bur- riecsi. In charge of seeing that the facilities are the very best will be Ken Matheson. Ken is very active in the Santa Clara Valley Kennel Club whose members will hold their All-Breed Show on the following day. This should assure an opportunity for two days of major points. They can be yours for the grabbing. Will you be thereWANTED Sable female puppy preferably with black maskSendimmediate replies toLiselotte Strzeszak P. O. Box 4 Bronx, N. Y. 10451POMERANIAN REVIEW 17LACEY IS PUPPY-TIC-APATINGmisreiaiisj.3r jQUEENAIRE LACEY FIREFLYLacey is shown going BOB from the classes over 5 champions at Sacramento, April 1972. Judge, Vincent Perry. Handler, Garland Moore.She has 10 points, both majors, at one year of age.Her litter brother, Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man, finished with three 5 point majors. Their dam, Ch. Queenaire Doodad, finished with a Specialty win and BOB over Top Champions.Lacey was bred to Creiders Red Bandido.Bandidos sire is the well-known Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda His dam is Creiders Miss Maggie, dam of Group Winners Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat and Ch. Creiders Replica of Riptide.We expect some nice puppies from these two.We are also expecting a litter by Laceys dad, Bonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire. See the Queenaire ad for more on Nightfire.Inquiries InvitedRobert Shirley Brown 14730 Bethany Street415-483-3306 San Leandro, Cal. 9457918 POMERANIAN REVIEWSUN-DOTS PRESENTInt., Mex., Am. Ch. Sun-Dots Busters Bast Stand Group Winner5 BCh. Queenaire Cinnamon Twist Group WinnerBred to Creiders Red Bandido-mCh.Queenaire Peach Brandy Litter sister to Scotch N Soda Bred to Ch. Queenaire Gamboling ManATSTUDCh. Sun-Dots Just A Nip The most unusual color you ever sawRed Group 2 3 on way to title.Inquiries Invited Sun-Dots Pomeranians203 Bay DriveSacramento, California 95815 Ph. 916-925-5982 or 922-1420Ch. Queenaire First Lady Full sister to Scotch N SodaBred to Bonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire.POMERANIAN REVIEW 19SUN DOTS BLACK AND TANSSun-Dots Midnight Terror 3 lbs.Sire Ch. Creiders Ebbtide of QueenaireDam Pom-Adors Peachy SweetSun-Dots Midnight Flirt Sire Sun-Dots Midnight TerrorFOR SALESun-Dots Midnight Angel SireBonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Dam Creiders Melissa Dam of two champions203 Bay DriveRuth DotsonSacramento, California 95815 Ph. 916-925-5982 or 922-1420BOJOS POMERANIANSFOE SALE TO THE SEBIOUS BREEDERGoldstorm of Highland Ch. Bonner's Wagadore Windfall ex Aristigold of Highland. Breeding goes 5 times to Pepper Pod in 5 generations. Wh. May 25, 1971. OrangeBig coat. For Show-Stud.Bo jos Spark O Benji Sire Double-bred Ch. Scotia Conquests Cavalier, Dam Aristic and Hadleigh breeding. Wh. March 3, 1971. Red-orange and very small. For Show-Stud.TO SHOW HOME ONLYVery promising small red-sable male puppy. 4-10-72Sire Maykens Gabriel AristicDam Bojo's Vixen Enchantress 02 Aristic and Hadleigh breedingFIVE LITTERS OF VERY SELECT PLANNED BREEDINGS EXPECTED IN AUG., SEPT., and OCT.PICTURES AND PEDIGREES UPON REQUEST.State exact wants. All inquiries honestly answered.JO MC LARENRt. 6. Box 416 PhoneSpringfield, Missouri 65S03 417-S62-9S1920 POMERANIAN REVIEWNEW CIRCULATION MANAGERWe regret to tell you that our hardworking Team" of John R. and Katherine R. Probst have resigned as collective Circulation Manager, after serving you so well for two years.From now on, please address all correspondence concerning subscriptions, back issues, etc. toMrs. Thelma M. Dunn R. D. 1, Carvale Drive Aberdeen, Md. 21001Inquiries sent to the Probsts will only have to be forwarded to Mrs. Dunn, so for prompt answers, send direct to her.In order to make this transition smoothly, we are turning over all records, files and back issues to Mrs. Dunn BETWEEN ISSUES.SAME OLD STORYWe hate to have to keep reminding you to let us know CHANGE OF ADDRESS at least 3 weeks before the date of issue of each Reviewbut we had MORE books returned in July than EVER BEFORE. The Post Office does NOT forward Third Class Mail, so it does NO GOOD to record the new address with them, as far as your Review is concerned. Unless you have paid for First Class Mail. If the Post Office returns your book, you will have to pay the return postage to us, plus postage back to you. If the Post Office does NOT return your book they are only required to send address change, if they know it, you will have to pay for a new book, plus postage.Subscribers please note a red circle around it on the envelope means this is your last issue and renewal is due.Another reminder Zip Codes are REQUIRED for delivery and is it Mr., Mrs. or MissCIRCULATION MANAGERJOHN R. PROBSTNorth Road Tivoli, N. Y. 12583POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION 5.00 YearlyCanada. Mexico, 5.50. Foreign, 6.00. To receive Review by First Class Mail, send 1.50 additional to Circulation Manager.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUES Available at 1.00 EachWrite Circulation Manager1961 Sept.1962 March, June, Sept., Dec.1963 March, June, Oct.1 964April, July1966Apr., July, Oct.1 967April, July, Oct.1968 JulyComplete your files of The Review. These back issues are collector's items now. Always something good for reference.Also available at 1.25 Each1969 Jan., April, Oct.1 970Jan., April, July, Oct.1 971Jan., April, July, Oct.1972Jan., April, JulySend in Your Ad To-Day For the Specialty Show CataloguePOMERANIAN REVIEW 21in JflemoriamWe announce with deep regret the death of Mrs. Gladys Schoenberg on September 12, 1972 The Review Staff joins the Entire Membership in expressing deepest sympathy to Mr. Isidore Schoenberg.If this one-time Great of the Pom world were to come back to life, could he successfully compete for Best In Show Can any reader guess his identity, and can anyone tell us the three years during which he was being shown22 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. HOLDER'S A LI'L RED FLASH BEST IN SHOW NO. 3bm,INSHOWShown receiving his Third All Breed Best in Show under Judge Ed Bracy at the Spokane K.C. show 5-27-72 Handler, Jean Schroll. Trophy Presenter, Ray Ashcom.Shown winning the Toy Group under Judge Glen Fancy at the Chintinimi K. C. show 7-8-72. Handler, Jean Schroll. Trophy Presenter, Barbara Griffin.Owned ByJean Schroll and Barbara Holder 12905 South New Era Road Oregon City, Oregon 97045POMERANIAN REVIEW 23CH. HOLDER'S A LI'L RED FLASH BEST IN SHOW NO. 41V'mmX'msiASOMA K.C. m3jg 7iF SHOW Ii^. ' A . -^smeShown winning Best in Show Number Four All Breeds under Judge Gordon Parham at the Tacoma K.C. show 6-11-72 Handler, Jean Schroll, Trophy Presenter, Rosemary Janmes.Texas also has 58 Group placements including 21 Group First.Owned byJean Schroll and Barbara Holder 12905 South New Era Road Oregon City, Oregon 97075Bred byBarbara Holder McLaughlin At Stud to approved bitchesPhone 503-655-497524 POMERANIAN REVIEWCONGRATULATIONSTOTIM AND SUEfromTHE HAPPY SNAPPY POMSAT HOCHSTEDLER KENNELSHome of orange, cream, red and black black PomsJeribeths Sonnet of Tim Sue, 1 year orange Nanjo Ebony Imp, iy2 yrs. black Daughter of Ch. Kavillas Flash of Ebony Granddaughter of Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight Jensens Jollyjinx Bandito, 11 mo. pointed black Handsome Hank of Far-Side, 10 mo. orange 7 points in only 2 showsChittendens Donnella Doll, 2 yrs. red Varneys Glory Gold Drop, 10 monthsDoing limited haveMrs. Henry W. HochstedlerRt. 2, Kalona, Iowa. 52247 319-656-2005POMERANIAN REVIEW 25"HI GODDARDS"WELCOME TO FLORIDAMeet Our New Champion CH. WINEMAKERS HI KLASS GALsub., AKC eonf.Judge Dr. B. R. Boshell Handler Ray Wine with SquirlyOUR APPRECIATION TO THE FOLLOWING JUDGES ALL AWARDS WERE WB BOSMarjorie Siebern .............................................................................................................. 3 pts.Kenneth Miller .................................................................................................................3 pts.Mary Sanford Brewster.....................................................................................................1 pt.Dr. B. R. Boshell .............................................................................................................1 pt.Clara Alford .....................................................................................................................2 pts.Edd Bivin ....................................................................................................................... 1 pt.Iris de la Torre Bueno.......................................................................................................1 pt.Maurice L. Baker .............................................................................................................2 pts.E. W. Tipton, Jr..........................................................................................................................2 pts.Gwladys Groskin .............................................................................................................1 pt.THE BIRKSFt. Lauderdale, Florida 333151634 S. W. 9th Avenue Phone 305-523-234426 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENNEL VISIT TO TIM AND SUE GODDARDBy Several AuthorsWhen Sophie called and asked me if I would like to have the kennel visit with the slant on our several moves with dogs, giving advice etc. connected with moving ... I said, Yes, my advice is DONT DO IT From the very beginning we have been a kennel on the move. Our first Pom was purchased one month before my husband graduated from Kansas State University. We lived in the student housing development and the rule was NO Pets, however they did say that if you acquired a pet within 30 days of graduation, you could keep it that long. Tim and I had been to a dog show as observers and just happened to be sitting behind a lady who was holding a Pom. The little fella was looking over her shoulder, whereupon I fell in love, and this may just be the reason I am still preoccupied with heads. I saw an ad in the local paper on Poms and convinced Tim that we should go look at the puppies. He said something to the effect that he didnt want one of those little yippy dogs, and I said that we would just look at them ... of course we left with a puppy. After moving to Colorado with our one child and one Pom, we began to look for a little female. This led to our second Pom and our first dog show. Jack Thompson dog show superintendent sent us to visit James Harmon, who had several lovely Aristic champions that he was showing, and Jimmy helped us trim our Pom for the show. When we saw Jims dogs we chose to breed our female to his Ch. Prince Pierre of Athmar, a lovely red group winner. On Tims birthday in December, one month before the birth of our second daughter, we had our first litter of Poms. I was frantically re-reading How to Whelp Puppies, when I heard the faint mewing that accompanied the birth of puppy number one. Twoand three quickly followed and one of these became our first Champion, Red Rebel Rogue C.D. Rebel will be 11 years old this year. A few months later the Goddard family moved from Boulder to Denver and acquired another breeding female. Our Pom family stayed very small and when we found we would be moving at least for a time, to California, all but Rebel were sold. We were in California a short time, but attended some shows and had the opportunity to meet several California breeders. Immediately after arriving in Indiana, where we were to live for five years, we bought a new bitch and had our third daughter. While showing Rebel at a show in Kokomo, I saw a gorgeous young male being readied for the ring and, while I was admiring this one, the lady reached in a crate and took out another male that simply took my breath away. I checked the catalogue and discovered that these boys were only nine months old and that their names were Millamors Jitterbug and Millamors Music Man. It was several shows later that I had the opportunity of meeting Eleanor Miller and forming a close friendship and association. We have laughed about the fact that I became an instant friend of Eleanors when I said about Music Man, That is the most beautiful Pom I have ever seen. I have asked Eleanor to reminisce about our experiences togetherThis was an instant friendship Sue loved Music Man and I loved Sue From then on we visited each other often and planned many enjoyable trips together to dog shows.Shortly after we became acquainted, Sue came over with a friend who purchased a male puppy. He became Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer. Sue later purchased this dog and he is behind many of her present poms.POMERANIAN REVIEW 27Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Tuffy deceasedTim and Sues main interest in breeding is to have quality puppies that will mature to be show winners. Their ideal of an outstanding pom is a small one with a very short compact body, high tail set, good gait, plus a nice head and expression.They keep only a small number. They believe in select breeding with quality females and then choosing the stud who should do the most for each girl. The resulting puppies have proven they are definitely doing an excellent job.Sue is always ready and eager to lend a helping hand whenever a person needsxStewCh. Music Man daughter at lower left with five of her kids. Ch. Dove Bug left above missing from the family is Ch. Rosewoods Dragonfly Dream and Tim Sues Dancin Dragon now being shown by his co-owner Eleanor Miller.assistance. I consider her a very valuable friend. Often I have asked her to persuade Tim to find a job in Ohio so we could live closer and see each other more often.I was really disappointed to hear she was leaving this area to move to Houston. However, we later made our plans and visited them and as we were planning another trip, Sue wrote for us to plan the trip to Florida as she is now in the process of moving again.oOur girls Timmi, Zarena, and Zanna with two Tuffy sons and a Duke daughter.If ever I have to move, Ill certainly call on Sue for advice and assistance. She has had more than enough experience moving a family of three girls and her poms.Tim is also very interested in the dogs. He showed their Ch. Rebel in obedience and did an excellent job.I can highly recommend the Tim Sue Poms as being high quality, well cared for and honesly represented. Their hospitality is second to none. I cant wait to visit them in their new home.My sincere thanks to Eleanor for such kind words. It was with reluctance that we left Indiana and moved to Iowa. At this time I had thirteen Poms not having sold any young puppies. We were able to borrow crates from several friends and I drove the station wagon with the dogs while Tim drove his car with the28 POMERANIAN REVIEWgirls. It was surprising to me that the dogs rode so well and were very quiet, since many of them were on their first real trip. This was a two day drive, so we stopped at the motel that night and in we went with all the dogs. We exercised and fed and it was amazing how well our dogs behaved. We were able to move the dogs right in to our house in Cedar Rapids. I think it may be interesting to mention that while in Indana, Iowa and our first year in Texas, we rented our homes. At no time did the fact that we had dogs seem to be a problem. The landlords seemed to feel that if our dogs were show dogs, we would take care of them, and there was no objection. i ffii - IHit. 1mm in...iv S SmJRPen full of Poms with Ch. Xiove Hug second from right.After only four months in Iowa, Tim accepted a job in Houston. We packed the dogs up again and the kids, dogs and I went to Liberal, Kans. to stay with my parents until Tim could locate a house. This turned out to be a matter of only a few days, so off we went again. I have to laugh as I think back to my fathers comment, that they probably didnt have those kind of dogs in Texas. I told him that many of the most famous Pom Kennels in the country were located in Texas. He is very tolerant, but says quite often, Couldnt you have just as much fun with 3 or 4 dogs This move didcost us two very young puppies, one of which was born just before we left Iowa and one born in Kansas. The mothers were too upset by the many changes and we lost those precious puppies. Consequently I vowed never to make a move with nursing puppies.Sue with 3 broods, Tim Sues Extra Gold Millamors Harmony Of Tim Sue Tim Sues Gold Pebble.On my first trip to New York, I met the lady whose claim to fame was her ownership of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. I had a Christmas card from Olga Baker that year and when I sent her one back I mentioned that we would be in her area soon. I meant Texas as I had no idea where Deer Park might be, so I was very surprised to find her living just ten minutes away. This was so great for us as we were immediately introduced to all the grand Houston Pom People and will always count them as valuable friends. Olga has generously offered to add to this accountSome three years ago the Houston people had a beautiful addition to our already bountiful complement of fine pom breedersTim and Sue Goddard, their three children, and their gorgeous dogs came en masse to our area. It took no time at all for us to appreciate the Goddards, not only as fellow breedPOMERANIAN REVIEW 29Congratulations to Tim and Sue Goddard on an especially appealing Kennel Visit. Also ... a reluctant farewell to the Goddards. We wish them success in Florida. We so LOVED having you in Texas CHAMPION CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLYTop-Producing Pomeranian in the United States1970 and 1971''Duke is temporarily not at public stud.Lovely, proven "Duke" sons and grandsons at stud. Fees 35 and 50.Quality Poms available occasionally. Your letters, calls and visits here in Texas tire always most welcome.Jeribeths Pomeranians Olga and Darrell BakerPhone 713-479-1448 102 Elm StreetDeer Park, Texas 77536The POMS and FOLKSat CRESCENDOAre looking forward to havingThe POMS and FOLKSof TIM SUEin our area soon Congratulations to the Goddards and all their lovely PomsBERNARD LOIS CILIBERTO4825 N. Church Avenue Tampa, Ploriad 33614Ph. 813-877-412630 POMERANIAN REVIEWj3est lAJijfiedto 1.Jim and Sue jjoddard on heintfr defected for the _________ Jdennef \JiiitI wish to take this opportunity to say Thanks Againfor their advice and being most helpful to me.don^ratufationi on recent cli amp Lond.w Lay you nave many more.Wilma Jean Brown8820 Rockville Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 317-247-9644MERCER POMERANIANSCongratulationstoTIM and SUE GODDARDon theirKENNEL VISITPUPPIES AVAILABLEiBECK-ANNS GAYLONow being shown Sired byCh. Aristic Gay PerfectionDan and JoEllen Mercer Box 306Big Springs, Nebraska 69122 Ph. 308-889-3109POMERANIAN REVIEWTEXAS LOSESFLORIDA GAINSA Great Couple and Dedicated Pom Family. Well All Miss YouCONGRATULATIONSTim and Sueon your Kennel Visitfrom your friends Tom and Norma and all Tonos PomsCh. Tonos Just Call Me Mister Ch. Tonos At MidnightINQUIRIES INVITEDTONOS POMS T. P. N. J. ORourke 401 N. Amburn Texas City, Texas 77590Phone 713-938-895832 POMERANIAN REVIEWsrs, but as the great, super-special friends they have become to many of us.Sue, we have found, is one of the most careful and precise Pom breeders we have known. Every breeding is carefully considered, pedigrees are studied, correlated, and sensibly engineered. Obviously, this has been successful, reflected by the overall quality of the Tim Sue dogs today. Visiting pom people invariably comment on this view of their quality dogs.We have enjoyed a really unique breeder friendship with the Goddards totally at freedom to discuss openly our programs with each otherno holds barredno secrecy, no with holding of facts that might be vital to a particular breeding. The same goes for everyone with Tim and Sue. Sue is also blessed with an enviable memory that I have never had. She remembers dogs in pedigrees, shows from history where she saw individual dogs, traits of pom lines she has known, colors, sizes, etc. Sue delves deeply into qualities and problems and has a storehouse of knowledge as to where this or that quality or fault originated. This knowledge, plus the honesty, are invaluable to dog breeders.We gained the special advantage when the Goddards came here, of having convenient access to Ch. Millamor's Fancy Gold Dancer. This great little dog, known as Tuffy to all of us, contributed three consistent qualities to Houston breeders dogshe was most head dominant and, without exception, was capable of shortening backs dramatically. He also consistently threw his deep red orange color. We used Tuffy several times, and got qualityone was the beautiful little Ch. Jeribeths Tu Step of Tim Sue, owned by Ed. and Nancy Wharton of Oklahoma others in this area have upcoming show prospects sired by Tuffy. A Tuffy daughter of ours is way down the home stretch toward championship, and one of our proudest young males at this time is also a Tuffy direct son. Hisloss was felt deeply by all of us. Sue, also, admired our Duke and his offspring, and used him extensively. We both quickly understood and appreciated the beautiful combination of the Duke- Showstopper lines. Sues beautiful little Ch. Love Bug was one result of this, and he is a marvelous group dog of prominence.3pBf . 1 ,, at i........ iiffjlH m A , __ myl5Our Ladies in waitingTim is the groomer of their dogs, and he has a special talent that is exciting to observe, as he readies a dog for ring presentation. Weve learned some valuable grooming and trimming pointers from Tim. He also shows some of their dogs, and is tough competition in the ringFrom a personal standpoint, I know of so many GOOD things evenings spent with Tim and Suehours of funtheir massive contributions to our Pom Club fun matches togetherdays when Sue trotted up to my house, just to accompany me on long treks I often take to the airport to shop or receive dogs times weve shared on long dog show trips togetherexciting dog activities sad lossesdinners at the Goddards for visiting pom dignitaries, countless social evenings with all the pom people in Houston, ad infinitum.Now, pray tell, how do we do without themContinued on page 54POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Ch. Tim Sues Lil Love Bugis now At Stud in Florida.His first litter will bein the ring this fall.Ch. Tim Sues Lil Love Bug Fee 50.00Due to our move, we have reduced our number and have sold several pointed show dogs. As we are restricted as to number permitted, most of our promising puppies will be offered for sale to show homes.Our Stud Force also includes two exciting youngstersTim Sues Dancin' Dragon, now being shown Tim Sues Last Dance who will be shown in January.Tim and Sue Goddard13145 87th Avenue N.Seminole, Florida 33542 813-392-094720 Minutes from Tampa Airport.34 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONBy Marie K. Hynes, SecretaryOur Club seems to be having the summer doldrums at this moment. No exciting news has been reported to me this summer, but this, of course, does not mean that we are all lying in the Texas sun, sipping a Julep and doing nothing Rather, all of the breeders are busily breeding, getting maternity wards ready and raising up new crops of exciting Pom babies for future shows. Weve had nice meetings this summer, pleasant times together, and are ready to buckle down for Fall shows and activity.Our President, Olga Baker, reported a new and different problem recently. She lost two young puppies, quite suddenly, from acute enteritiscaused by salmonella the ptomaine bugs in some very innocent-looking raw hamburger meat. This frightened all of us a bit, as most of us feed young pups raw hamburger, along with cottage cheese, etc. Olga learned from knowledgeable people that salmonella is VERY OFTEN found in the fresh raw meat that we buy in the supermarkets. Apparently, cooking kills salmonella, but, since most of us prefer feeding it raw to puppies, it did give us something to think about. Im having fun this summer doing the grandmother thingNOT with grand-dogs but with my little people grandbaby for whom I have been caring. Its fun and exciting to have him herebut, Im also finding that a houseful of little Poms and a little grandson are a little handful to manage It seems the Poms want ALL the plastic baby toysand grandson wants all the milk bones and the raw- hide chew sticks There is one good part the Poms are GREAT for cleaning up all the dropped cookie crumbs and leftover strained lambMy husband, Tommy, is making sounds that he wants to do some traveling, now that our family is all launched and weare retiredwhich faces us with the age- old problem of dog breeders How do we go traveling with thirty Pomeranians to see to Which has stronger appeal Days of cleaning puppy pens, driving to the Vet, bathing dogs, cleaning, feeding, brushing, entertaining customers, answering letters, cleaning MORE puppy pens and the kennel Ordays of comfortable motels, warm swimming pools, good meals that I didnt cook beautiful scenery, new country, new faces, quiet, restful driving or flying, and all the new places weve waited so long to see You would think the decision would be EASY, yet here we sit, deliberating Loving our dogs as we do makes it a little hard to decideTim and Sue Goddard will have moved to Florida by the time you read this and they will be missed very much. They have been very active Club members and very nice people to know.Molly and Linda Miller are moving into their lovely new home and kennel next week.We want to congratulate Norma Gad on finishing her Champion Gads Frostis Doll o Dragonfly.Also, I want to apologize to Randy Freeh for failing to mention her lovely Ch. Randys Duke of Drangonfly in my last column.The Club had a Bingo Party this past Saturday night as a fund raising event. All of the members worked hard to make this a fun event. The prizes were great and everyone there had a marvelous time.LATE NEWS FLASH Merle Daniels just called to tell me that her Ch. Just Call Me Ginger went BOS at both the Santa Barbara and Ventura shows in the Specials class.SUPPORT YOUR BREED SUPPORT YOUR CLUB SUPPORT YOUR ANNUAL SPECIALTY SHOWPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3GAD'S CHULA POMSPROUDLY PRESENTS Our First Homebred Champion GADS FROSTIS DOLL 0 DRAGONFLYPictured going WB and BOS for 2 pts. at El Paso, Texas on May 16 under Judge Edd Bivin a win she repeated 4 times within 5 days, owner handled at Santa Fe, N. M. Judge Mrs. Merle E. Smith. Albuquerque. N. M. under Mrs. Helen Lee James and Las Cruces. N. M. under Stanley E. Hanson.See Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsMMX IShown going WB and BOS for 3 pts. at Colorado Springs, Colo. June 10 under Judge Ann Rogers Clarke. She completed her championship the next day with a 4 pt. win at Pueblo, Colo., going WB, BW and BOB under Judge Hayden Martin. Doll was beautifully handled to her majors by John Thyssen.Doll is the first locally bred and exhibited Pom champion El Paso has ever had. And, with the completion of her championship, we realize the culmination of long years of effort to bring the production of show quality Poms to the West Texas area.Doll is engaged to the ORourkes Ch. Tonos Just Call Me Mister, a B.I.S. winning relative of hers.Dolls mother, Frosti presented her with two new baby sisters and a beautiful baby brother from a repeat breeding to Ch. Jeribeths Darlin Doodlebug, in the wee small hours of August 17th.Norma C. Gads Chula Poms New Home and Kennel5908 Westside Road under construction.El Paso, Texas Request phone number from operator.S6 POMERANIAN REVIEWForced to ReduceOffering several good stud Prospects Reasonable16 Mo. male Grandson of Both Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier and Ch.Blairs Sensation16 Mo. male by Ch. Scotia Cash On Hand, out of Ch. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Way Brochure15 Mo. male sired by Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular, out of a daughter of Ch. Browns Tidly Wink Super. A double grandson of CavilierAT STUDSeveral Ch. sons of Ch. Sungolds Gay CavilierCh. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh, son of Ch. Hadleighs Little Robin Ch. Roanokes Melanie Magic, son of Ch. Models Son Of Fun Ch. Sungolds Boston Blaxie, son of Ch. Sungolds Gangbuster Ch. Hadleigh Little RobinMany promising puppies available at this time.2 Bred Females For SaleEDNA E. GIRARDOTP. O. Box 646 SCOTIA KENNELS, REG.Floral City, Fla 32636 Ph. 904 726-2001POMERANIAN REVIEW 37treu5 om eran icinJAGAINTHANK YOUdddna. jirardotFORdan. dli. Scotia daud d-dJislet sd-ddasletSubj. CKC Conf.39Shown finishing under JUDGE MAURICE BAKER at B. C. Ladies Kennel Club shown at Vancouver, Canada on May 21, 1972. Handled by GENE HAHNLEN. She also has FIVE points towards her American title, including a 3 pt. major, given her by JUDGE EDD BIVIN at the Whidbey Island Kennel Club on May 14, 1972. We owe every bit of our luck to EDNA GIRARDOT for she is the one who bred this fine dog using her all time Great Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier with an equally good brood. May we someday do as well. Thank you Edna for entrusting her with us when such fine dogs are not easily come by. Also Thank You for all the encouragement you have given us in the midst of the many bad times we have had.'lAJe ^Jiciue Quufitp Occanona LClyde and Phyllis Andrews Woodinville, Wa.7915 224th StreetTel. 206-486-73019807238 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBVirginia Niehouse, SecretaryOur first year as a Club has passed and we have entered into a new year full of hopes for new accomplishments. We spent most of the first year making an attempt at solving all of the problems entailed in trying to make a Club work. Ideas that didnt work, personalities who didnt agree, and good intentions that didnt gel as we hoped, all contributed to our frustrations. With the help of diligent workers and a new year we hope that we can make the strides forward that will help us to overcome all of the set-backs. First of all, our June elections put a new slate of officers into the top positions. New officers are Nora Higbee, President, Larry Hanks as Vice President, Virginia Niehouse, Secretary and Diana McKeever is Treasurer. New Board members are Donna Harris, Alicia Kvamme, Erin Hundley, Phyllis Andrews and Fay Eickhoff.We have a number of firsts to our credit so far. Our first trophies from our Club will be presented at the Olympic Kennel Club Sanctioned Show at Renton, Washington on August 19-20. We selected the Highest Scoring Pomeranian in Obedience and the Best of Opposite Sex of the Breed in Conformation as the first recipients of our trophies.June 24th was the date of another first. That was the day of our first Potluck and Surprise Judging Match for Club members. We have Sandy and Larry Hanks and Phyllis Andrews to thank for all the work they did to make this get- together such a successful venture. We all participated in taking our turn as the Judge, and Im certain that we all learned quite a lot. Even the youngsters took their turn. Some of the placements were quite hilarious and we pulled some real bloopers, but it was all in the interest of good relations and to help usall learn as much as we could from the judges viewpoint and with the idea of trying to learn more about telling the good points a dog has to offer in their favor. The fellowship and the food were all very enjoyable and we hope to do it again soon.There were other highlights to remember from our first year. Several of our members did quite well in the Show Ring. Viola Children and Diana McKeever each finished their first homebred Champions. Violas little male Ch. Shellcrest Rebelsun Spark, specialed in some of the Western states after winning his title, and is now at home where he is at stud. Dianas male is Ch. Sungold Rebels Rowdy Command and he is also at home awaiting the visits of those qualified ladies of Pomdom. Phyllis Andrews finished her female, Scotia Cavs A-Tisket A-Tasket, better known as Tish, to her Canadian championship and acquired a 3-point major toward her American title by the age of 10 months.I couldnt conclude this report without mentioning Viola Childrens luck in having one of her Pom mothers free-whelp a lively litter of 6 puppies. That is news The accomplishments far outrank the misfortunes for our first year, so we cant be doing everything wrong. Weve already got a pretty good start on our second year and we can hope that things just keep getting better. So lets step out, members, and make this a Club to be reckoned with. This next year will be even better than the last one if we all get in and work together.Olde Saying At The Sheep Judging Sheds And Still TrueIt is easy enough to he pleasantWhen the world rolls by like a song.But the man worthwhileIs the man who can smileWhen the judge ties the ribbon wrong.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3SANDTOWN POMERANIANSannounceHM-rIKSOKALA POOH BEARWins 3 pt. major at Monroe, Washington Special Thanks to Mr. Edd BivinPooh is siring stylish puppies with the traditional personality of his famous fatherCH. DUKES LIL RED BARON OF OKALALitters ExpectedOwned by Handled byLois Abjornson Larry PerkinsBox 432Sand Springs, Oklahoma 74062Ph. 918-245-691540 POMERANIAN REVIEWVARNEYS POMERANIANSVCH. SCOTIA CAVALIERS RINGMASTER4 lb. Brilliant red Stud Pictured in kennel at 9 yrs. young.Rider's Sungold Timstopper Ch. McKamey's Sundawn Commander McKameys Little Jenny Ch. Sungolds Gay CavillerCh. Julo Park of Waverly Wee Coquette of Shawn Sungold's TopsyCH. SCOTIA CAVALIERS RINGMASTER Dicehaven's Chunk of Julo Ch. Scotia Pot of Gold My Stacey Gal Ch. Scotia Golden Fantasy Crouch's Butterscotch Scotia Pumpkin Eater DuceyNOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE Show quality male and female puppies sired by Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Ringmaster. Show home preferred.BETTY J. VARNEY2600 Duffy Lane Tel. 312-945-8311 Deerfield, Illinois 60015Jt id modt unfortunate to report the death44h. C^clivcirJ'i 4eclclij 4harmdutb ^Jdt auemeyer Idorwoodd beloved lieneePOMERANIAN REVIEW 4TO BE OR NOT TO BE- THAT IS THE QUESTIONThis October issue marks the comple tion of my Third Straight Year of trying to fill both Editorial and Advertising positions of this, your official Pomeranian Reviewsince taking over in January of 1969 to Save the magazine.A plea was made several years ago for some better-qualified person to volunteer as Editor, but to date there have been no volunteers. Someone made the remark that my write-up of the duties and time involved on the job made it unlikely that ANYONE would want to take it on And yet, there would be no point in glossing over the difficulties, letting someone take over who had a very vague idea of what was involvedonly to bow out, when the full realization hit.The Advertising Department has grown tremendously, since I took it over nearly ten years ago to help Ruth Bellick, who was then the Editor. This issue contains 62 ads sent in by 54 different people. All must be worked on, layouts drawn, copy retyped, etc. Many ads come in very well planned and typed, pictures properly masked, some even with suggested type style and size noted. But even more come in very roughly printed or typed, and some people send just a letter saying You can do it so much better than I can. .Readers, I just do NOT have the time to do an adequate job on the Review.I work full time, five days a week. I have too many dogs to care for properly.I also teach obedience classes several nights a week. Many weekends I want to go to dog shows. There is an old saying that if you want to get something done, give it to the busiest person you know. But take it from one who has had experiencethat busiest person is going to get a lot of things HALF DONE.So ONCE AGAIN I am making a plea for some qualified person to come forward and volunteer time and talent to take over the Review.What is the alternative Two thing have been suggested. Oneto give ove entire publication of the Review to thf same commercial enterprise that putj out the PUG TALK and The PEICE NEWS. Twoto give over entire re sponsibility and all profits, if any, to a MEMBER of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., who would, presumably, keep the format approximately as it is, and who would have the knowledge to keep the Review the same sort of family style publication that we are reading now.Either of these alternatives would mean that MEMBERS of the American Pomeranian Club would have to pay for their Review, if they wanted it, because only in that way could the magazine possibly make a profit. At present, the Club GIVES the Review to about 350 members, while SELLING it to only some 150 subscribers.In order to help the Board make a decision on future existance of the Review, I would like to conduct an informal questionaire which can only be successful if a representative sampling of our readers will send in answers. Please take a few minutes NOW to jot down your answers on a post card or letter and send to me just as soon as possible. Please NUMBER your answers, and there will be no need to copy the question1. I am a MEMBER................or SUBSCRIBER................2. I would pay 6.00 per year increase is inevitable for 4 issues3. I would like to see 6 issuesyear and would pay 9.00 for this.4. I would continue to support a privately printed Review with my advertising.5. I would like to have the Review format as it is now..........................., with aMEMBER taking over as a business proposition.6. I would like the Club to turn it overto a commercial enterpries.......................42 POMERANIAN REVIEWMAY MORNING POMERANIANSOUR JULY ADwas directed towards ALL the Rotten Apples in the Barrel not towards any one individual. IF THE SHOE FITS . .THIS TIMEWe want to say that it has come back to us that a person or persons unknown has been circulating the FALSE RUMOR that we price our SHOW PROSPECT PUPPIES at 750.00 This is NOT TRUE. We love our Poms and feel we have some good ones . . . but they are NOT made of SOLID GOLD. Young MALE SHOW PROSPECTS up to 5 mo. are usually 250.00. Males are NOT sold until both testicles are down, although they may be reserved by deposit, pending final development. BROOD PROSPECTS are 250.00, and if they also look like SHOW PROSPECTS, they are 350.00, at the same age. Older puppies and young adults are naturally priced higher. We do try to evaluate our puppies honestly and to answer inquiries honestly. We do not sell on Breeders Terms, but we will be happy to work out divided payments for anyone who finds it difficult to come up with a lump sum.WE ARE REDUCING OUR KENNEL by curtailing our breeding operation. We skipped one third of our hitches in the Spring, and most of our Top Broods will be rested this Fall. A few upcoming young ones will be bred, and also several of our older broods possibly having a last litter.WE ARE NOT SELLING OUTWe will continue to breed and show our Poms on a very limited scale. We may be incompetant and we may be sentimental, but we find it impossible to part with our older stock, retired but still in good health, except to the very rare perfect pet homeso they will always form a much loved hut non-producing part of our kennel, and we will operate around them. We lost two of our Senior Citzens this summer, and as others go, we will slowly reduce our numbers to a smaller total by not replacing them.SOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road, West Chester, Pa. 19380 Tel. 215-793-1912POMERANIAN REVIEW 43MAY MORNING POMERANIANSCONGRATULATIONS TO TIM AND SUE AND BEST WISHES FOR FUTURE SUCCESS From our Showstoppers to their Tim Sue Cousins.Still Available Subject to Prior SaleMay Morning Limb of Satan Very dark sable male, 5-7-71 Sire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo Dam Ch. May Morning Black Magic Now Being Shown1 Major Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland Linebred Showstopper.May Morning Benjamin1 lb. dark shaded red, wh. 12-4-71 May Morning Moonwalker X May Morning Sugar N SpriceRed sable female nice enough to show, large enough to breed4-16-72 May Morning Wizard X May Morning Kissin CousinBlack litter sister brood prospect, has beautiful conformation.She has some white on her chest, otherwise show type.Clear orange male, will probably mature 5-5Ys lb.4-29-72 Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland X May Morning Alice He is typey but biga Stud Prospect with excellent pedigree Nice enough to finish if he stops growingWe did have 2 litters of white puppies1 large male, 3 tiny females still too young for fair evaluation. Inquiries invited in October.Not expecting any new litters till late fall.IF YOU ARE ON OUR WAITING LIST, ESPECIALLY FOR BLACKS,PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH.WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU AND WILL BREED SOME BLACKS THIS FALL.SOPHIE H. MAYES 1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pa. 19380 215-793-191214 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional detail as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 8.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 3.50.CH. GADS FROSTIS DOLL O DRAGONFLY TA-749784. Orange bitch owned by Norma C. Gad, 5908 Westside Rd., El Passo, Texas. Handled to 4 successive wins by owner, and to 2 majors same weekend BOS BOB by John Thyssen.Bonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Jeribeths Darlins Doodle Bug Sire Foxfire Herman Jeribeths Honeybee Foxfire Dixie Aristic Little Model Man Aristic My Love's Pretty Boy Aristic Ginger Cookie Aristic Frosted Gold Model DamCh. Bonners Tiny Showstopper Aristic Ginger Cookie Aristic GigiCH. CEERAES BER MAN STAR Orange femaleBreeders, Harvey Beverley Berman Owner, Ray Radzinski Midlothian, IllinoisSaymar Tiger Tim Saymar Billy Bud Saymar Cute Customer Ch. Passfield Saymar Gay Sparks of Gold Blackacre SireExplorerSaymar Little Doll Zainty of Zanow Eng. Ch. Little Gent of Hadleigh Ch. Honeygold of Hadleigh and Gold BlackacreEng. Ch. Lady Jewel of Hadleigh Ch. Gold Blackacre Honeygold Toi Dam Passfield Prestige Gold Blackacre Gold Blackacre Jennifa Tina Jennifa of Erimus Gold BlackacreCH. CEERAES MASTER COPYRed-Orange male Breeder-Owner, Ray Radzinski Midlothian, IllinoisEng. Ch. Little Gent of Hadleigh Ch. Honeygold of Hadleigh and Gold BlackacreEng. Ch. Lady Jewel of Hadleigh Ceeraes Autumn Blaze SireCh. Sealand Good Brandy of Gold BlackacreFurness Lady Brandywine Zielus Gay Lady Eng. Ch. Little Gent of Hadleigh Ch. Honeygold of Hadleigh and Gold BlackacreEng. Ch. Lady Jewel of Hadleigh Hadleigh Sunglo O Blackacre Dam Gold Blackacre Gold Bid Orange Blossom Sail Moneyboxs Sealand TessyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4Behind The New ChampionsCH. CREIDERS TIMOTHY TOPCAT, Red sable male bred and owned by Mrs. Norma Creider, Rt. 9, Box 674, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Handled by Lorraine Heichel, Topcat has won 3 Group Firsts, 4 Group Seconds and a Group Third.mitAristlc Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Aristie Lady Pamela Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Sire Ch. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms Rita of Dixieland Copeland's Sundance Creider's Sable Dandy Martins Pixie Jo Sun Creiders Miss Maggie DamCh. Creider's Golden Riptide Creider's Molly B Harris Sable PrissyCH. MILLAMORS DESIRE, Orange female bred by Eleanor W. Miller, owned and shown by Freda Kentner, 2045 La Grange Rd., Dayton, Ohio 45431. Finished her championship with a 3 pt. major in March at Indianapolis and is being shown in Specials, with 2 Best of Breed wins since finishing.Ch. Aristie Wee Pepper Pod Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Bonner's Prettytune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Sire Manorborn Dandy Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Jeribeth's Bitty Bonus Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Ch. Millamors Melody Miss DamCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Ringmaster Millamor's Red Mist Ch. Millamor's Gold FlameCOMING IN JANUARYIn response to several suggestions, we will offer a Special Section for BEST LOVED PETS. These can be Best in Show Champions or Poms that could never win a Blue Ribbonjust as long as they are House Pets and not kennel dogs. Regular advertising rates will prevail. You can also honor well-loved Poms that have been house pets but are no longer living.KENNEL VISITThe January Kennel Visit will be t the Kent, Ohio, kennels of Richard an Donna Megenhardt. All Midwest breet ers will want to send in supporting ad congratulating the Megenhardts an letting our readers know about othe breeders and Pom fanciers in the hug midwest area. Deadline is November 2iPOMERANIAN REVIEW16IH. QUEENAIRE DOODADbreeders, Mrs. J. L. Weltz and Dudley Roach Iwner, Dudley Roach Turlock, CaliforniaCh. Van Hoozers Wee Dan-Dee Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Stevens Saucy Susie nt. Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Sire Ch. Creiders Golden Riptide Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Creiders Debbie Ch. Creiders Golden Riptide Ch. Creiders Eddtide of Queenaire Ch. Creiders Pixietown Melody flossom Views Gold Princess DamCh. Schirman Oaks Golden Timsun Messers Blossom View Goldie All-Stars Fancy MeeCH. MEG S CHIP OF PEPPER MINTOrange maleBreeder-Owner, Donna Megenhardt Kent, OhioRossmoyne Mr. Wiggles Davis Little Wiggles Candy Girl of Pom Chee Bue Davis' Wee Gold Pepper Mint SireZolls Wee Teddie Ch. Davis' Wee Gold Tena Davis Tinette Moneybox Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland May Morning Little Audrey Ch. Certainly Sweet of Highland DamCh. Bonners Pepperkorn Aristimaid of Highland Highland Sweet Bonnie1H. QUEEN AIRES GAMBOLING MAN Irange maleIreeder-Owner, Dudley Roach Turlock, CaliforniaCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Smokypepper Chico Bonner's Primorosita Jonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfier SireCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Pepperkute Sungold Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Int. Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire h. Queenaire Doodad DamCh. Creiders Ebbtide of Queenaire Blossom View's Gold Princess Messer's Blossom View GoldieH. QUEENAIRE REGAL DUCHESS'emale3reeders, Mrs. J. L. Weltz and Dudley Roach wner, Dudley Roach Turlock, CaliforniaGold Toy's Gay Luxury Lad Ch. Creiders Golden Riptide Ch. Gold Toys Gay Starette Ian. Ch. Queenaire Image of Riptide Sire Ch. Skylark Crimson Banner Skylark Fling of Queenaire Ch. Skylark Petite Gold Posy Ch. Creider's Golden Riptide Ch. Creiders Ebbtide of Queenaire Ch. Creder's Pixietown Melody Slossom View's Lady Scarlet DamBlossom Views Rhapsody Robin Blossom View's Lady Amber Blossom Views Millie O MilroyCH. PARKAS PENSTYLE ROBYNHOODOrange maleBreeders-Owners, Leslie Parker Garnet AkleySt. Louis, MissouriCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonner's Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Ch. Bonners Snnstyle Brilliance Sire Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonner's Pepper-K Sunkiss Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonner's Smokypepper Chico Bonner's Primrosita Bonners Smoky Penny DamTina's Chigger Bon Bon Pretty Penny Twana's Tina MarieCH. SUN-DOTS JUST A NIP Breeder-Owner, Ruth Dotson Sacramento, CaliforniaCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amher Models Top Rick SirePomwin Merriman Model's Marlene Models Lady Ethel Fa-Robs Red Buttons Pom-Ador's Chuck-A-Luck Pierson's CookieAnns Little Angel of Sun-Dots Dam Squires Mavariek of Stardust Conner's Serria Duchess Hass SusiePOMERANIAN REVIEW 4CANADIAN CAPERSbyDOROTHY JONES Box 57, Salmon River Drive Dartmouth, R.D. No. 1, N. S-, CanadaMerry Christmas Hows that for the opening of a column written in August and published in October White sitting here, pensively nibbling on my pen, wondering how to introduce Canadian Capers, my eyes drifted over a large Calendar in front of me. Suddenly, I realized this will be the last issue you receive before Christmas. Oh, Ill write another, but it wont appear till January so, Merry Christmas everyone.My problem of tardiness actually is Mothers fault. Way back in the beginning I entered this world five days ahead of schedule, and have been using up those extra days, in bits and pieces ever sinceThe Canadian news parade is led by the dazzling wins of Am. Ch. Topaze Happy Interlude. They include six Groups and two Best in Shows plus a Group Second at the Toy Specialty. The only regret I can express is that we werent there to see it. Family illness has curtailed our travels and showing. My phone soon started to ring, with news of, that gorgeous American Pom, and the handler Frank Casey who was so kind and helpful to new exhibitors at the show. On behalf of the Canadians Congratulations to Snicki, his owners Jack and Beti Trussel and the Caseys. This win was not a run away, for Snicki was called upon to meet an American and Canadian Champion Sporting Dog whose wins up to April of 7 included one hundred and seventeen Groups and forty-three Best in Shows. What a boost for Poms on both sides of the borderMeanwhile out on the west coast at Sedney B.C. Am.Can.Ch. Holders A LiT Red Flash was making history on his own. At the South Shore Kennel Club he collected three group firsts, under judges Mrs. W. Wartknow, Mr. G. Parhom and Mr. L. Rodgers. This last judge took the Pom all the way to Best in Show.On to the St. Catherines Show wheiQueenaire Halo O Distinction won Beof Breed under Ted Gunderson. KenlynrTiny Angel was Best of Breed at tbNorthern Alberta Canine AssociatioShow under M. J. Fleming. The win warepeated the next day under judge ISparks. Elmacks Little Jock was awardea Group Fourth by Mrs. P. Randall iPort Hope, Ontario.Ch. Great Elms Sunny of Rosewoowon a Group Second on both days of tbKiwanis Club of Kerris Dale, Vancouveunder judges W. Nixon and W. BowdeiSilver Meadows Windy Brea Lag placeFourth in the Group under S. Whilmoiat the Lake Head Kennel Club.Topaze Amazing Mazie was Best cBreed at the United Kennel ClulPierrfond under Mr. W. Kendrick.The next day Ch. Elmack GoldeSurprise won the breed under iWhitmore and Fourth in the Group. Thisame Pom was the breed winner botdays at the Ottawa Kennel Club, unde Mr. E. B. Reid and Mr. P. Marsh. Finall in our distant news we are pleased t recount the Best of Breed win of Sp Fyre Sea Bisquit at the Lethbridg District Kennel Club, Lethbridge, Albert under Mrs. E. Kenny. The win was n peated the next day, plus a Group Fourt under K. Rickman.This leads me into another importar piece of news. It appears that tw Canadian Pom Clubs are in the proces of formation. One, reported in Dogs i Canada, is to be started by Dann Augostatos, 495 Jones Avenue, Toronti and another is beginning in the wes Mrs. Lill Ritz, RR 1, Rosedale, B.C. ser me an outline of the progress in tb formation of the National Pomerania Club of Canada. It sounds great. I ech her sentiment when she says, I hope a these clubs survive and make their coi tribution to better and popularize or breed. On my own I add There strength in unity.Mrs. O. ONeill of Oromocto is we satisfied with Topaze Gay TroubadouPOMERANIAN REVIEWIt last count he had eight points. Cathey Dullinger had a perky wee male at our ilalifax-Dartmouth shows, Green Isle Wheeler Dealer.While Bob Laskey was off to the Windsor show in England, Onabrooks Diamond Legacy picked up four group placements and three Best Puppy in Droup winsand a total of nine points. 3he also was awarded second spot in he Maritime Bred Puppy Competition, like her breeder, she has a hard time keeping quiet. While other dogs are be- ng gaited in group judging, the Legacy veeps up a verbal commentary on them. Irom the tone, I fear most of the com- nents are far from ladylike or favorable. shudder to think how this behaviour iffects the judges final placement of our loisy competitor. Unfortunately, neither oys, food, scolding, nor human conversa- ion distract her from this new found jastime. Ideas anyoneThoughts of Crufts are in the air. Bob ^askey plans to go again this year. Im empted to go along too. The return trip ould also include the Pom Specialty in Tew YorkHmmsounds like the stuff ireams are made from Well see. Mean- vhile, good luck at the next show folks.NEWS FLASHCh. Mi-Los Mischief Gold Pat was 3EST IN SHOW at the prestigeous West- hester Kennel Club show on September 0Can anyone remember a previous year n which SO MANY DIFFERENT Poms yon SO MANY Best in Shows This is ertainly an exciting trend in our be- oved breed, and one which we hope will ielp to put us back in the Top TenTHE OHIO POMERANIAN CLUBPAMELA McCORMICK, Sec.Box 151, N. Lewisburg, Ohio 43060I wish to apologize for missing a column in the July Review. No excuses offered. I will endeavor to be more proficient in the future.Our club chose to support Medina Kennel Club this year instead of Western Reserve in favor of a better relationship with Medina. All classes were covered but sorry to say there was not a major. Results are as followsWDMorrocos Timwyn of TaraPatsy J. KreissWBLees Wee Goldie Vesta S. LeeBOBBWLees Wee GoldieAs is usual in the summer, members seem to go their own way. We did manage to gather a few together for a picnic and puppy match on Aug. 12.We have planned our next meeting around a steak fry on Sept. 23, 1972.To all regional club newsletter editors How about a swapYours for OursSend toBox 151North Lewisburg, Ohio 43060NOTICE TO BREEDERSWe realize that Cost of Living, all prices, etc. do vary from one part of the country to another. In spite of this, after due consideration, we have decided that the Review will no longer accept any advertised Stud Fee of less than 50.00. We can appreciate the reasoning behind a temporary Stud Fee of lesser amountwhile watching for progeny to mature enough for proper evaluation but in such cases, the advertiser should say, Temporary Fee on Request.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4BOULDER RIVER POMSAnnouncing the purchase of Riggins Chocolate Chip pictured And her chocolate sister, Sugar. Thank you, Dolores, for sharing the girls with us. Chip and Sugar have been bred to Little Bear, 4 lb. chocolate male.Two exciting chocolate litters Due in September.Also plan to repeat our spring chocolate- black breedings that gave us our blues and blacks. Two litters due in November.INQUIRIES INVITEDmBiggin's Chocolate ChipJ. L. and M. M. GormanBox 59, Second AvenueSelfridge ANGB, Michigan 48045 313-468-6140RIGGINS POMERANIANSNOW OFFERING CHOCOLATES Chocolate puppies, male female Two chocolate males at Stud "Little Bear and StrutterLittle Bear is deep chocolate, cobby body, good legs, nice head, tiny ears and good coat of correct texture 4 lbs. Fee. 50.00Also At StudChampion and pointed males Orange and CreamLittle BearPuppiesall colors Aristic, Bonner, ShowstopperDolores Riggin 111790 S.W. 98th503-639-5024 Tigard, Oregon 9722350 POMERANIAN REVIEWCongratulationsandBest WishesTIM and SUE GODDARDGood Luck on your moveFloridas Gain is Texas TossMerle Tommy Daniels 262 Spring Pines Spring, Texas 77373 712-353-9807IN LOVING MEMORYrMay Morning Gay TroubadourChristopherSire of 1 championWhose lovely head is familiar to all of you. May Morning Happy BirthdayOur first home-bred whiteSophie H. MayesMAY MORNING POMERANIANSANSWERS TO BREEDERS QUIZ Page 38, July issueMARGARET KLINGEIL La Moda KennelsIf I were purchasing a foundation stud for my kennels and had a choice between a mediocre dog with a fabulous pedigree, or a fabulous doge with a mediocre pedigree I would, almost without even having to think about it, choose the mediocre dog.a medicre dog with a fabulous pediThemediocre dog, genetically speaking, would be much more prepotent for the quality dogs in his line. With most of the dogs in his pedigree of the top quality a breeder is looking for, the mediocre dog is almost a sure shot to produce what is behind him rather than his own poor qualities. While he, himself, is not of good quality, he is the one in a thousand, figuratively speaking, that was not good, and the other 999 have the qualities that are what is wanted.The fabulous dog may or may not produce in his own likeness. If he does sire pups of his quality it is probably more by chance than by any genetic rule. He is the one in a thousand who was good, and the other 999 are the mediocre ones. There are 999 chances to 1 against his producing pups like himself. It is a well known fact that excellence of conformation for the show ring do not necessarily beget the same quality in the offspring. Many people who have rushed to use the top winning dogs have found to their sorrow that like does not necessarily beget like.The one in a million dog would have to be linebred for several generations to the best of his get to start improving his line, and the poor ones would show up quite often. However, the mediocre dog has it made, as blood will tell, and he would be my choice without qualification.RUTH L. BEAM Great Elms KennelsI would take the mediocre dog with a fabulous pedigree. My experience has been that it is the blood that counts. J. would prefer the Pom to be a bitch, and I would prefer to breed her to a fabulous stud from this fabulous bloodline.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5]CRESCENDO POMERANIANS1Ch. Royalettes Ricky 4 lb. Red OrangeCOAT Hes got it, n then some . . . harsh and stand-up without sprays, thick in undercoat year round without benefit of air conditioning in hot Florida weather.CRESCENDOLike other qualities, tooespecially sound, unrestricted legs and square bodies. Ricky has that also . . . and he doesnt mind at all that his offspring share in these attributesCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy Dixielands Little Doady Ch. Reeve's Buster BoyA-Lil Mischief Towntalk Ch. Dixielands Mighty Sweet Sunburst Travelette Ch. Royalettes RickyCh. Aristic Flaming Cherub Ch. Aristic Sunboy of Highland Aristic Terrianna Royalettes Jacqueline KayCh. Aristic Flaming Cherub Aristic Cherubs Joy Aristic Jingles of JoyChampion son of Ricky FOR SALEHarsh coated orange, Proven Stud.3 other Champion Studs at Crescendo.Watch January issue for pedigree and photo of our recently acquired fantastic 3Vz lb. Black Tan maleBERNARD LOIS CILIBERTO4825 N. Church Avenue Tampa, Florida 33614Ph. 813-877-412652 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB Mrs. Mary F. CaseyThe main event of the summer was our Bav Colon Pom Specialty Show, you will read about that elsewhere in this issue, but I would like to add a few of my own thoughts to what has already been written. We are grateful to our judge, Mr. Ken Matheson for doing us the honor of coming all of the way from California, at his own expense, to pass on Our Exhibits. Ken did an excellent job and Im sure that it made him feel very proud, when the next day at the Cape Cod Show, Mrs. Anna E. Cowie, backed up his decisions by placing the same dogs. Our Annual picnic lunch, after the judging, was again a huge success. There was plenty of delicious, home cooked food and Im sure everyone left with a full stomach. We missed Edna Girardot this year and I know Edna missed coming. We had a lovely note from her, saying that she would be with us in spirit and I know that she was. Sophie Mayes was also among the missingsure hope you gals will be able to get doggie sitters next year and join us once again.We had some newcomers join us this year, all the way from Ohio, Richard and Donna Meganhardt and their lovely Poms. It was indeed a pleasure having them and we hope that they enjoyed themselves enough to plan their vacation next year so that they will be able to join us again. Bay Colony Pom Club Specialty is always a Fun Show, hope more of you Pomites around the country will accept our hospitality in the future.The New England Circuit was also a headliner for Pomeranians this year. The entries were good and we all had lots of fun. At Woodstock, Vt. there was a four point major in males and this was won by Betty Mahaffys Ashwoods Hold That Tiger, I understood that this win finished this boy. B. W. went to Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze coowned by yours truly and husband. Both were owner handled. At the Stowe Vt. show there was again 4 pts. in males and this major went to Mrs. Jesse Young and her home bred puppy Jabils Dandy Lion with Best of Winners again going to the bitch, Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze. The word POMERANIAN was on the lips of everyone that was on the New England Circuitno mat er v ho you spoke to Our Breed was up on top It was a wonderful feeling to hear the praise and sort of share in the limelight that was created by a gorgeous little fellow who owns Lady Conyers from Bermuda. Champion Mi-Los Mischief Gold Pat not only took the breed every day but also won the group at each of the shows and went all the way to Best In Show on two days. This handsome young male is exclusively handled by Susan Fisher and is certainly setting up an excellent record of winning. I understand that in 15 consecutive shows he had 15 Toy Group lsts and 5 Bests in Show. We can all feel mighty proud of this kind of winning. What better publicity can Our Breed getWhile in Vermont I had the pleasure of spending some time with Rex and Betty Bell in Williston, Vt. We had a most enjoyable evening and talked Poms and Pedigrees until the wee hours of the morning. The Bells have some very lovely Poms and their pedigrees boast of some of the top bloodlines in the country. While in Winooski, I spent some time with Pauline Gaborialt and her precious little girlsIt was nice being able to see our Topaze Amazing Maisie again and I was happy to hear that Pauline had taken her to Canada and that Maisie was now a Canadian Champion. If you really want to enjoy a relaxing vacation, I would highly recommend the New England Circuit, but if you do, be sure to camp. You will enjoy the sport of exhibiting during the day and the get togethers at night are just great, cook- outs, friendly conversation and good clean mountain air.POMERANIAN REVIEW 53SILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANSCh. Silver Meadows Little WillieSubj. AKC conf.4 lb. son of Ch. Highland Sunflash, Willie is a beautiful cream with jet black pigment. Owner-handled all the way In showing this boy to his title, I particularly enjoyed the spectators comments each time he appearedjust LOOK at that LIGHT ONEAt this time we would like to invite the Fancy to take advantage of Ch. Sunflashs siring ability. At age 7 he is still very much in his prime however as soon as he shows any sign of aging he will be retired from public stud. He has been proven prepotent for heavy harsh coats, tiny ears, beautiful sweet faces and sound movement. His pedigree crosses six ways to Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod. He is the sire of Ch. Katydid, Ch. Dee-Dee, Ch. Charlie, Ch. Lil Red and Ch. Willie, plus several other children and grandchildren on-the-way. Dont miss out on this opportunity. Guaranteed live litter Special Care for your Special Girl. Ship to Rochester Airport.For Sale A very few choice youngsters with that special look.Write your needs.Ron Jackie Klein West Lake RoadPh. 716-237-5473 Silver Springs, N. Y. 14550V'54 POMERANIAN REVIEWTo more or less end up the summer activities, the BCPC members had a meeting at Our home on August 12th and it was voted to join the Pure Bred Dog Breeders Referral Service, Inc. Mrs. Harriet Cinkoski was elected as delegate to the service and Mrs. Marie Smith as alternate. We voted to support the entry of Poms at the Eastern Dog Club Show Boston in December and will hold a fun match at Mrs. Cinkoskis home on Sept. 17th. A point of real interest to all toy exhibitors in the New England AreaWe have joined with the Yankee Miniature Pinscher Club and will hold an ALL TOY MATCH in Springfield, Mass, on Jan. 28th, 1973. An ideal time for us all to get our young hopefuls out and give them that last minute brush up before the BIG SPECIALTY SHOWS in February and also before the Garden Show. Hope all you folks from New York, New Jersey and the New England States will join us. If you want to be on the mailing list, drop me a line and I will see that you get a flier.Newly elected officers for the BCPC are as followsPresidentMrs. Mary F. CaseyVice President Mr. Frank BumsTreasurer Mrs. Janet E. BodaSecretaryMrs. L. Amber Burns Washington Park Drive Norwell, Mass.A MISCONCEPTIONThere is a misconception among many readers that one must be a MEMBER of the American Pomeranian Club in order to advertise in the Review. Nothing could be further from the truth We welcome suitable and ethical ads from any source the more the merrierGODDARD ContinuedWeve always been a mite envious of the Florida peoples beautiful dogs, NOW, we find ourselves even more jealous of the Florida peoples new addition, the Goddards. By the time this appears, Tim and Sue will be in Florida, and all we can say is that we will miss them terriblyAttention all Florida peoplego and find the Goddards soon, if you havent already. You are getting some of our favorite folks As I conclude this article and read the glowing tributes that these dear friends have paid to Tim and me, I find I have a huge lump in my throat. We have always found our dogs to be an open door to new friendships and a valuable link in keeping them alive. We will be leaving Houston next week for our two day jaunt to Florida. Without the generous assistance of Olga and of Merle Daniels, is would be much more difficult. I plan to leave the majority of my dogs here with these ladies to be shipped to us after we get in our house there. Five dogs will travel with us, a couple too near to whelping time, my incorrigible Italian Greyhound, and two junior puppies. By the time this appears we will be very settled and so anxious to receive visitors.YIPS YAPSOur Yips Yaps section is both large and interesting, this time, and we hope to keep it that way Preference will be given to letters of wide general interest, whether in answer to articles, editorials or other items, individual opinions, newsworthy travels, etc., etc. We do NOT print news of litters arriving, purchases or sales of stock, show winnings, etc., except rarely as companion pieces to ads already sent in, if deemed to be of sufficient general interest.POMERANIAN REVIEW 55MODELS NEW CHAMPIONSJudge Dr. Harry Smith, Jr. giving Model's Mystic Dream her final points, at Wilmington K.C.Ch. Models Mystic DreamCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Models Son of Fun SireCh. Great Elms Little Buddy Models Red Amber Ch. Models Magic Spell Ch. Great Elms Little Timsun Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy Dixielands Little Doady Models Bed Amber DamCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Models Magic Spell Models DarleneJo-Judge Mrs. Sue Woodle giving Models Lady Bug her final points at Chester Valley K.C.Ch. Models Lady BugCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Ch. Models Lil Bit of Style SireCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Golden Girl Ch. Miss Spice of Life Ch. Great Elms Little Timsun Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy Dixielands Little Doady Models Red Amber DamCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Models Magic Spell Models DarleneChampion Models Mystic Dream and Champion Models Lady Bug were both shown to the title by Pat Shackleford.MODEL KENNELSBob Goodrich Hampton, Virginia723-3702 204 Yukon Ave. 2336356 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE ADKINS HAVE MOVED AGAINIt was a terrible trip, very hot, over 90 degrees. Lost a couple of pups because of the heat. The trailer which was carrying all the Poms had a blowout and almost flipped on its side. All my Poms live in the house now and they really do love this cool, air-conditioned home. I would like to cut down a little as there are just too many to take care of properly.Offering several proven broods, bred and open.A few promising puppies available at this time, Cavalier bloodlines.2 litters of white or cream puppies expected 8-17-72 and 9-17-72 2 litters of black expected 9-1-72 and 9-21-72.WANTED TO BUY-CHAMPION STUD.Dolores Adkins310 Dunhams Corner Road E. Brunswick, N. J. 08816 Phone 201-254-3038POMERANIAN REVIEW 57i'VSIOBEDIENCERINGby EMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112SCOTIA CAVILIERS TINA MAXIE is a tiny Pomeranian who stacked up some pretty big scores and nice trophies in making her C.D. recently. She is owned and shown by Jim Russell of Charleston, South Carolina. Her C.D. was acquired in three straight shows Columbia, S. C. with a score of 193 Charleston, S. C. with a score of 197 winning high score- ing local toy, first place in Novice B and high scoring toy dog in the trial Spartanburg, S. C. with a score of 196V2, taking first place in Novice B again and finally Columbia, S. C. again with a score of 197. This good news was sent by Pat Brooks of Charleston, who is a real Tina fan. She says the little dog is a very happy working Pom whose tail is going the whole time and that Jim Russell, Edna Girardot and the whole Charleston Dog Training Club are proud of her. Quite a picture comes to mind from Mrs. Brooks lettershe says Tina is a 3Y2 pound Pom, and Jim Russell is 6 feet, one inch tall. This must really be something to see Mrs. Brooks and her husband who is also 6 feet tall and weighs 200 pounds have a little Pom working in Open, with one leg on C.D.X. Lots of luck to them, and we hope to be hearing about another C.D.X. soon.My own KEMS GOLD PLASH completed his C.D. at San Lorenzo, California last May 14th, taking ninth place in a Novice B class of 53, with a score of 194. Plashs good training must be credited to his breeder, Ken Matheson, who put the first two C.D. legs on him scores of 196 Continued on page 86RINGSIDEby K. BIRK 1634 S.W. 9th Ave. Fort Lauderdale FLORIDA 33315A lot of time and effort has been given to making up a standard of the ideal specimens of the breeds. However, the other end of the leash has been sadly neglected. It has nothing to do with our beautiful dogs . . . but the OTHER end of the leash. The following, I have stolen from the Okaloosa Kennel Clubs Newsletter, who BORROWED it from Shelti Prints publication. I got a chuckle from it, hope you do. Here is the STANDARD FOR THE OTHER END . . .GENERAL APPEARANCE The impression should be an active, hard working creature, who can go without sleep capable of traveling great distances under adverse conditions. Temperament should be friendly but, determination to succeed, by approved means, should be present.HEAD Although in certain specimens of this breed this feature is found to contain a surplus of colds, this is not to be encouraged. Rather, the head should be cool . . . even in pursuit of the breeds natural quarry . . . WINNING.EARS These should not be used for the reception of gossip and when so done, should be penalized.NOSE Putting this organ where it doesnt belong is considered a fault.EYES Should be used to catch sight of opportunities whereby novices can be helped. The eye color is unimportant. The judges should note that a red color or marking of the eye on the morning following the club dinner is to be excused.TEETH Should be used sinking into problems and duties connected with the club. On NO account to be used for back58 POMERANIAN REVIEWbiting. Detachable ones not to be objected to .. . provided they are retained in the mouth while showing.CHEST Can be large or small size and usually contains grooming equipment and light refreshments.Fore ARMS These should be flexible and well angulated, enabling the creature to reach swiftly for the check book or wallet at the approach of the trophy chairman.SHOULDERS Should be broad enough to bear the burdens of committee work andor office.COAT An amazing variety of shapes and colors. Customarily worn with a number.TEMPERAMENT Viciousness in any degree, DISQUALIFACTION. Shyness is not considered a fault and may be quickly dispelled on an encounter with a friendly member of the breed.MAJOR FAULTS Tardiness in arriving at ringside lack of friendliness toward others. Poor gait in the ring caused by high heels occasionally seen in the female of the species.There you have it folks . . . How do you measure up to this standardFlorida folks probably know by now that Gainsville is having their FIRST POINT SHOW. Thats one for us Oct. 29th. Our Jan., 1973 Circuit dates start the 6th of Jan. and ends the 21st. NO Free days unless you dont have a German Shepherd Dog, a Dachshund or a Poodle. Those folks have a show a day from the 6 th to the 21st. If the handlers arent worn out . . . THE DOGS WILL BE Fort Meyers are giving their 2nd A-Match . . . We, in this area, wish them a speedy recognition by the A.K.C. Ft. Lauderdale Dog Club will have three shows in 1973. The usual June and Jan. with the third one in November. In 1974 we plan an April and Nov. date. At this writing Miami is keeping their Jan. and June date for 1973. The five clubs on thewest coast of Fla. will keep theirs. There are a number of other clubs who expect to be able to give point shows soon and where are they to go It is a hard grind, as it is to make the winter circuit. It follows that a change of dates and a better way to show our dogs, had to come. Our June shows are on week-ends, therefore a rest between. It will take a bit of adjusting but most of us look forward to being able to show our dogs all year round like the rest of the world . . . without driving 600 miles, one way, to do it. Plan now for Jan., 1973. It may be the last full circuit.VERY IMPORTANT NOTICEAccording to our By-Laws, members may not vote or enjoy any other privileges of the Club such as getting the Review UNTIL THEIR DUES ARE PAID.All members whose dues are paid on or befor January 1, 1973, will receive the January issue of the Review by the regular mailing first week of January.All members whose dues are paid during the month of January, will receive the January issue in a mailing the first week of February.All members whose dues are paid during the month of February, will receive the January issue in a mailing the first week of March.Others paying later than March 1 will receive the January issue at the same time as the April issue or at the convenience of the Circulation Manager.PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR SPECIAL MAILINGS, IF YOUR DUES WERE PAID LATE. REMEMBER, ALSO, MEMBERS MAY NOT VOTE UNLESS DUES ARE PAID.POMERANIAN REVIEW 59PROUDLY ANNOUNCING Champion Oak Hill SassafrasVShown going BOS for a 3 pt. major at Spartensberg, S. C. under Judge Virgil Johnson.Judge Hayden Martin awards Best of Breed from Open Class for a 3 pt. major over Top Ranking Specials at Tampa, Fla. June 25, 72 with owner, Geri Kabel handling.rKSShown winning BW and BOS for a 4 pt. major under judge E. W. Tipton, Jr. at Charlotte, N. C. Special Thanks to the above judges for her major awards and sincere thanks to all the judges who placed her in the Winners Circle.Her show record includes 4 BOB, 8 BOS, 6 BW 12 WB.Sassys outgoing personality has won the hearts of many and she is dearly loved by all . . . especially us.GERI KABELRt. 2, Box 968K Winter Haven, Florida 33880GO POMERANIAN REVIEWSHAMROCKS'formerly Shalimars ANNOUNCES CHAMPION NO. 2 Ch. Frangipani Traveling Mansubj. AKC Conf.Shown finishing under Judge E. W. Tipton 4 pts., Charlotte, N. C. Handler Marlene Scott.We would also like to thank Mr. Maurice Baker for the 4 pts. at Sarasota And Marlene Scott for her very capable handling.New Name New HomeYes, we have changed our name from Shalimars to Shamrockshope it brings us luck Yes, we have moved. Much as we loved Florida, it was necessary to move.Litters DueAUGUSTMoreno'sSunny Son of Hadleigh X Ch. Moreno's Lady B-Good Shalimars Gay Flame O' Moreno's X Frangipani Taffy Shalimar's Sundance Kid X Shalimar's Tiny BubblesSEPTEMBERCh.Great Elms Timstoppers Image X Shalimar's Little Lady MinterSHEILA MIKE MARION2156 Kent Way Birmingham, Alabama 35226 205-823-3678POMERANIAN REVIEW 61To-Mar KennelsCongratulates Major Style Master on his recent winsMajor Style Master owned by Mrs. JosephAdolph, New Orleans, Louisiana. Picturedwinnin Best of Winners at Pensacola,Florida, under Judge Mrs. Michele Billingshandled by Lisa Buonagura.Master has won twice out of three times shown taking winners Dog at Biloxi, Mississippi the day before for a 2 point win.Sired by Ch. Bonners Style Pepper Preshus, Dam Luscious Wons Lil Tia Brilliant orangeFee 50.00Inquiries Invited on the Following PuppiesCh. Aristic Pepper Pod Beautiful x To-Mars Miss Dragonette Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly daughter2 orange females Wh 7-14-72 Major Style Master x To-Mars Cleopatra2 orange females and 1 orange male Wh 7-10-72Major Style Master x To-Mars Miss Suzie1 red male Wh 7-12-72Future Litters DueCh. My way Duke Celou Celae x To-Mars Gypsy Girl Celous daughterCh. Myway Duke Celou Celae x To-Mars Sweet Pea Aristic and Mayken breedingSend all correspondence toMarie A. Buonagura435 Phosphor Avenue Metairie, Louisiana 70005 Phone 504-837-1234G2 POMERANIAN REVIEWALONGMYWAYBy MOLLY MILLER P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573MvilRii1Often we as toy dog breeders are faced with the problem of artificially feeding a puppy. Of course we would all agree that it is better for the puppys mother to manage this task, but sometimes the milk supply is not sufficient for the litter, or the puppies are too premature, or any of a variety of things.I have been fortunate in that my girls have always raised their own puppies. I did have one puppy born eleven days premature that was too young to have a a hunger response. I had to awaken him around the clock and place milk in his mouth for him to remember to eat, but when this was done he would nurse. After five days he was totally in his diligent mothers care.Though I have never hand raised a puppy, I have listened carefully to the variety of methods used. The method that seems to have both the strongest proponents and the strongest critics is tube feeding. My sister Linda Miller and my friend Faye Celentano have both had some recent tube feeding experience. Lin fed a tiny under 2 oz. puppy who had the bad combination facing it of a mother with a scant milk supply and a fat aggressive sister. Faye fed a litter of three extremely premature weak puppies. All four puppies are now lively adolescents. While listening to them discuss tube feeding, I heard some things mentioned that I had not heard before. As I believe that both the dangers and the advantages of any feeding method should be acknowledged, I have asked them to present their experiences to you. Ill nowturn the column over to Mrs. Faye Celentano and Miss Linda MillerLike many people I tried tube feeding in a state of desperation. I had a perfectly normal though tiny puppy who began to weaken at about 1 week. Her mother is a very small bitch and her milk did not sustain 2 puppies. The tiny one nursed vigorously but failed to fill up. I decided she was starving to death and at Fayes urging tried tube feeding. Having raised one puppy on an eyedropper, Im all for tube feeding now as there is less wear and tear on both puppy and feeder.The tube I use is a cather tube available from many vets and medical suppliers near hospitals. Faye uses a premature infant feeding tube. The size is the same on both types, a number 5 French. They are little larger than a string and must be this tiny to fit easily into such small throats. Tiny toys have an advantage in that it is almost impossible to misplace a tube into a lung since the opening is to tiny. If the tube should happen to enter the lung, the puppy will cough. Attached to the tube I used a 5cc disposable syringe. A larger one is helpfull later as the puppy begins to eat more than 5cc for one feeding.The first step is to measure the distance the tube will need to be placed in the puppy to insure it is in the stomach. If the tube does not completely reach the stomach, the milk will back up the tube and perhaps get into the lungs. It helps to have two people to measure the puppy to be accurate. Hold the tip of the tube against the puppys stomach at the navel and measure the distance from there to its mouth, following the curve of the body with the tube. It is better to be a little longer than too short. Mark the tube we use a small piece of tape, as almost everything else washes off. Remember the puppy will grow, so measure every few days and adjust accordingly.POMERANIAN REVIEW 63Ch. Myway Duke Celou CelaeMYWAY KENNELMolly Linda Miller P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573Congratulations to Tim and Sue Goddard on their Kennel Visit.Gee. I hate to see them leave.Good show travelers are hard to findand that Sue isFOR SALEMyway Stormy West Wind3 yr. proven free whelper,Bonner background.Myway Bayou Dawn Serenade1 yr. Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly daughter, brood prospect.Myway Wind-a-Lae1 yr. Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae daughter, showbrood prospect.Myway Dae Dream7 mos. Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae daughter, showbrood prospect.Next, decide how much the puppy needs to eat in a day. I find the intake chart on the Esbilac can just about right. That is the amount necessary in 24 hours. With the tube you can feed less often than with eyedropper or bottle if you insure proper intake. Convert the amount in teaspoons to cc. 5cc one teaspoon roughly and then divide thisamount into the number of feedings you are able to feed. I was working so I fed in the morning, zoomed home at lunch no lunch for me, again at 300 when I got home, before bed and once during the night. After a week I cut out the middle night feeding and increased the others.Faye uses a gram scale to weigh pup64 POMERANIAN REVIEWpies daily for a more accurate measurement. This scale was purchased after attempts to stop tube feeding had failed. Only 1 of the 3 pups was able after a few days tube feeding to completely rely on the Dam. It enabled her to determine whether the pups were gaining enough each day by the Dam as well as the tube. The Gaines Dog Research Progress summer 1970 on puppy diseases has a valuable method of gauging weight gain and growth. A puppys weight at birth usually is doubled by the time he is eight to twelve days old. When using a gram scale, estimate an increase of one to one and one-fourth grams per day during the first three or four weeks of life for every pound of anticipated adult weight. For a pom this would be at least 4 to 6V2 grams daily. Faye has found that normal puppies gain much more rapidly, as much as 15 grams so if the gain is less than 5-6 grams something is seriously wrong.Once the amount to be fed is arrived at the next important thing it to go slowly and take your time. My vet told me most puppies killed by tube feeding die because the milk was forced into their stomachs too fast. You must allow time for the stomach to EXPAND properly or the milk is forced back up beside the tube and may choke the puppy or get into the lungs. The same thing is true of trying to feed too much at once. Most of us are accustomed to handling these tiny creatures. It is only common sense to be careful handling this equipment. The dangers are far over stressed in comparison to the benefits.Before inserting the tube fill the svringe with V2 cc more than you intend to feed, warm the milk slightly. Press the plunger until a few drops of milk ap- near at the tip. If the tube is not full of milk, vou are putting a cc of air into the stomach which is needless and could cause trouble.Inserting the tube is easy once yourealize puppies object strongly. The squeels and thrashing are normal, they are not in pain but puppies are upset by swallowing a foreign object, or simply by being held. Insert the tube gently. There is a slight resistance, then the puppy swallows once and the tube moves smoothly. When the mark is reached hold it firmly and the puppys head so it wont slip out.Press the plunger SLOWLY, until the syringe is empty. If the puppy manages to thrash about and get the tube partly out, stop pushing the plunger and slide the tube back in place. There is no cause to rush, since the puppy can breathe with the tube in place. When the feeding is finished pull the tube out gently. Rub the puppy a little or watch the Dam do it so that in the event that the puppy is going to spit up you will be there to make sure he doesnt strangle.I feel that tube feeding is a great help in saving weak, undernourished or premature puppies. The disadvantages are minimal. Faye and I agree the most important disadvantage is that once you begin feeding a puppy completely by tube, you must continue the tube until it is eating from a dish. For some reason they never nurse sufficiently it seems again.The dangers are reported fatalities I heard discussed by vets and in articles, I feel are mostly due to carelessness not to the tube itself. In dealing with a 2 oz. living creature there is no room for less than precise care which is what most of us, Im sure give our puppies.The advantages of tube feeding greatly outweigh the disadvantages. It is easier on a weak puppy than eyedroppers or bottles because the puppy does not have to expend any energy. With the tube you can measure exactly what nourishment the puppy is getting and see to it that it gets all it needs.Continued on page 86POMERANIAN REVIEW 65SPUNGOLD POMERANSANSCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Spungolds Stylish Pepper SireCh. Deli Wee Sun Toy Spungolds Sunshine Delsey AmandaCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Altwaters Golden Charmer Bspas CinaApril of Spungold DamReighlynns Pippenpott Spungold Laurie Reighlynns Merry StaretteThanks to our friends who helped Patrick get the following nice wins this spring Vicki McCoy 8 B.O.B., Group 1, Group 2, twice Group 4 twiceRay Wine 8 B.O.B., Group 3 Cheryl Wine Group 3 C. D. Mitchell 1 B.O.B.FLASH Florida Boy makes good on west coast Congratulations to Dorothy and Marvin Tinklers Spungolds Timspepper Pal. The last we heard, he was undefeated in the classes, with two Group placings and lacking only a major to finish to the title.Welcome to Florida Sue and Tim GoddardSpungold Pomeranians 6247 Ricker Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32210Area 904-771-2283Group Winner Ch. Stylish Patrick of Spungold with handler Vicki McCoy lb. Bright orange. Fee 75 Others 35 and Champions 50.66 POMERANIAN REVIEWMIDWEST REPORT A SINCERE THANK YOUThe Review Staff and the Board of Directors of the American Pomeranian Club are extremely grateful to Jane Johnston of Louisville, Kentucky, for so graciously filling the gap in the Midwest, after Stella Davis found it necessary to resign as our columnist.The Board has appointed Mrs. Beverley Berman as permanent columnist for the large Midwest area, so please send all your news to her in the future.Miss Johnston sent in the following reportA most tragic thing happened in our city a few weeks ago. Due to some construction work, an open tar pit was left in a shopping center. A five-month old Collie puppy fell into this pit. I believe the Fire Department, Police Department and the Humane Society were all active in trying to rescue this poor little puppy. The distressed animal was trying to free itself, and in so doing, was tearing the flesh from its bones. After a reasonable length of time it became apparent that there was no way to extricate if from its miserable plight so the police obtained permission from the owners to shoot it and end its hopeless struggle. A few days later, a letter appeared in the local newspaper from the owner of the puppy, criticizing the owners of the shopping center for allowing such a hazard to exist. There is no doubt that they were negligent, but could not help feeling that this owner of the puppy was also negligent ... no dog should be allowed to roam the streets. Im sure none of us would allow our precious Poms to go astray, but maybe we can try, some way, to encourage others to protect their pets.Had a very nice visit and a good cup of coffee with those lovely Pom people, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bouse of Vi-Ra Kennels in Arcadia, Ind. awhile back. Always enjoy stopping in for a visit with these hospitable people and their lovelyPoms. Always try to sneak out with their little house pet, Tena, but never have made it Attended a 4-H Fun Match in Greenfield, Ind. on June 11. Was much surprised to see the well-known AKC licensed judge, Mrs. Mildred Heald, judging at this event. How nice for such a busy person to give of her time and energy to further the interest of young people in exhibiting dogs.In the maila nice note from Donna Megenhardt Kent, Ohio reporting some nice wins.Megs Chip Of Pepper Mint won a 4 pt. major at the Michigan Pom Specialty, Ann Arbor, Michigan under Judge Anthony Brueneman. He completed his championship at Salem, Ohio, under Judge Mrs. Heywood Hartley pending AKC Confirmation. His first major was for 5 pts. at the Ohio Pom Club supported show, Western Reserve, under Judge Peter Knoop.Megs Dandy Little Boy, at 8 months old, won a 3 pt. major at Ft. Wayne, Ind. under Judge Mrs. Byron Hofman. Little Boy is from a litter of five from a bred bitch that I leased from Stella Davis. At 6 months old, Little Boy was Second in a class of 12 at the American Pomeranian Club Specialty in the Puppy Sweep- stakesI would like to thank Stella publicly for Little Boy and the 7 other Wee Gold Poms I purchased when she disbanded her kennel.It was quite a nice surprise to see Florida breeders, Ray and Faye Wine, at the Bloomington and Florence shows on July 22nd and 23rdthey did very well too. Ray remarked that they would be glad to get back to Florida so they could get cool. At that time we, in this area, were into the second week of intense heat and almost unbearable humidity. Their Winemakers Ima Timmy Too was Winners Dog at both shows, but Florence, Kentucky show did not providePOMERANIAN REVIEW 67major points. Best of Breed to Ch. Millamors Desire owned by Freda Kentner. At the Bloomington, Indiana show, under Judge Kenneth Miller, Winners Bitch was Winemakers Hi Klass Gal owned by Ted and Kathryn Birk and handled by Raya win which finished this nice orange girl with a 3 pt. major, and Timmy Too went Best of Winners to pick up the major points, too Ch. Owen's Pepper Corn owned by Mrs. G. W. Voyles and Virginia Noth was Best of Breed, with Best Opposite going to Wilma Jean Browns Ch. Bonners Fancyflame PepperB.At the Illinois Valley K. C. Show on May 27, Wilmas Golden Party Boy owned by Cheryl Blackorby, was WD under Judge Joseph Faigel, Joda Pandora owned by Grace Edwina Harper was WB for a 4 pt. major, with the WD going BW to gain the major, also. The Coy's Ch. Petticoat Princess was BOB, with Arm Clemens Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Sunny One going BOS.Next day at the Illinois Capital K. C. at Springfield, 111., again it was a major in bitches 3 pts., with Winners Bitch awarded to Pandora once again. She was also Best of Winners. Best of Breed was Ch. Owens Pepper Corn owned by Mrs. G. W. Voyles and Best of Opposite Sex to Ch. Coys Petticoat Princess, James M. Coy.A letter from Eleanor Miller tells about her new young male, Millamors Mark of Dixieland, who will be a year old August 12 and already has 13 points including 3 majors. He has been shown in 6 shows, starting with the Monroe, Michigan event the end of June, and in 6 times has only been defeated once when he went Reserve. Majors were at Ashtabula, Ohio under Mrs. Billings, 4 pts., Sandusky, Ohio with Mrs. Ruth Turner judging, 3 pts., and Marion, Ohio under judge Ted Wurmser WD for 3 pts.CONGRATULATIONStoTim ard Sue Goddard On their kennel visitThanks to their late Ch. Fancy Gold Dancerwe have some lovely additions to our kennelTommy and Marie Hynes 5423 Gulfton Drive Houston, Texas 77036PEDIGREE SERVICE All breeds 4 years experience ColorsChampions andObedience titles in red.4 generations 1.505 generations 2.50 additional copies 50cSend name of sire and dam reg. numbers and dates in parenthesesPatricia Larrissey 1949 West 45th Street Cleveland, Ohio 4410268 POMERANIAN REVIEWMIDWESTREPORTBEVERLEY C. BERMAN R. R. No. 1 Box 210-C Algonquin, III. 60102Enclosed is my report for the Review. I thought you might like a little background on me either as an introduction or biographical sketch, so here goes. We have been in dogs some ten plus years, actively showing in conformation and obedience for a time. I attended Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, my husband has his B.S.B.A. from Northwestern University, holds an I.C.C. Practitioners License and is General Traffic Manager for National Fiber Supply Co.I do several articles per year for Dog World on a limited basis and am Editor of The Cocoon, the newsletter of the Greater Chicago-land Papillon Club and hold the office of President. I am Trophy Chairman and member of the Board of Deerpath Kennel Club. Harvey is treasurer of the club and holds a license to judge Poms, Paps and Min Pins.I do feel the need for a code of ethics in a breed club and hope that the contents of my column meet with board approval. I would hope that there were some way of screening applicants for membership since some puppy mill operators have been accepted into the club and are using this membership as a selling point for their Poms.As you may know my doggy affections are split between the Poms and Paps and I had a great thrill last Sundy at the Racine show of going on to win the Toy group with my latest Pap import, just two weeks after arrival. I have great hopes for this one.I shall try to keep the column interesting without being gossipy. Thank you for affording me the opportunity.Pomwise, the midwest has whelped a new batch of fanciers and the entries in the show ring are reflecting the upsurge of interest in our breed. Competition in the Specials Class is blooming, and the public is now afforded a good chance to see a variety of color and type in the Champions available for stud. In the classes, creams and blacks are being exhibited, and I think the judges need to be reminded that under our revised standard, all colors merit equal attention. I have seen some judges put down the rarer colors in preference to the orange, even though the less common colors were nice typey dogs.I am working for Cream Lib and think that the blacks should have their day also. Our latest champion is a cream, and though I experienced no difficulty in finishing him, many others of this color are having a tough time.With all the new attention focused on our breed, many people not only new to Poms, but to dogs in general have joined the ranks of breeders. If the older breeders will bear with me, I should like to address the novices for a bit concerning some of the things that have been brought to my attention. More than interest is needed to properly raise a toy dog and I feel that some guidelines in the form of a code of ethics should be espoused to help the newcomer.Aside from the obvious things like nutrition and sanitation, there are some no nos that have to be explained to the newcomers. For instance, at a recent show, a lady sat ringside with a three week old Pom puppy that she passed around to be admired and then thrust into a large handbag. To take such a young nursling away from the confines of the whelping box and its mother is criminal. To bring it to a dog show and subject it to stress and what ever virus may be floating about is courting disaster. A puppy too young for its permanent DHL innoculations should not be out in public. Just because veterinaryPOMERANIAN REVIEW 69MEGS POMERANIANS proudly presents our latest homebred championCH. MEGS CHIP OF PEPPEK MINTChip finished with a 5 pt. major and a 4 pt. major under the judging of Mr. Knoop and Mr. Brueneman, respectively. Along with the above two judges, I would also like to thank Mrs. Hartley, Mr. Langford and Mrs. MacDonald for seeing his merits. Chip was entirely owner-handled.Pictured with Chip is Judge Mrs. Heywood Hartley and his owner-handler.Also, on his way to becoming our next championMEGS DANDY LITTLE BOYPictured with Little Boy" is Judge Mrs. Byron Hofman and his owner- handler.Little Boy received his first major from the puppy class at the tender age of 9 mos. under the judging of Mrs. Byron Hofman.Richard and Donna Megenhardt8026 State Rt. 43 Kent, Ohio 44240 216-626-4368Champion Stud Service Quality Puppies70 POMERANIAN REVIEWscience has made distemper comparatively rare for the well cared for puppy properly innoculated, doesnt mean that the disease is not still with us. You should not take chances with a puppys life.Another no-no is offering for sale five and six week old pups. Again, these babies are too young for permanent shots and are barely weaned. No reputable breeder will offer for sale a puppy so young. Three months old is the youngest a pup ever leaves my home. At this age the puppy is eating well, has been innoculated, and you have an inkling as to its show potential. I would never buy or sell even a three month old pup as a show prospect as too much can happen to change its conformation at maturity. In some lines the pup goes through a gawky stage when it seems all legs and little coat but by the time it is six to eight months old you know approximately what you have. Other bloodlines just go from a fluffy puppy to a mature heavy coated dog, skipping the awkward stage entirely. Only time and experience will inform the novice how his bloodlines mature. It is only the fast buck operator that shoves young pups out at a tender age.Truth in advertising is another sore point. In the Chicago classified sections are ads reading championship bloodlines. Confront such an advertiser and ask for a pedigree, and you will have to search way back to find a single champion. Another ruse is to advertise so and sos bloodline, usually a well known name in Poms. But again upon examination of the pedigree maybe only one dog bearing the famous kennel prefix may be present. Some in fact do not even give a pedigree with the puppy but refer the buyer to AKC as they are too busy to write out the document. This is the mark of a true puppy mill, just grinding out puppies for a fast turnover and goes hand in hand with buying up litters for resale.To properly offer puppies for resale in the state of Illinois you must have a dealers license and be periodically inspected by the state. Devious people are open to prosecution and a hefty fine if caught. Dispensing home made remedies and vitamin concoctions also leaves the dispenser open to fines.To sum up the whole thing, a code of ethics is badly needed to serve as a guideline for those new to dogs and Poms in particular. I would suggest something like this never offer for sale a sick or wormy puppy do not use misleading advertising sell no pup without a vets examination and a permanent shot give at least a three generation pedigree.Most neophytes automatically turn to the older more experienced breeders for help and advice and at the outset of my breeding program I did too. I was very fortunate in having these ladies help when I ran into a problem. Nowadays, if you have bred a litter or two, it would seem to make you an instant expert on the breed. I would caution such pseudoexperts to learn a bit more about dogs including skeletal structure before being profuse in their advice. A case in point occurred this summer.A very lovely lady approached my husband at a show and, knowing that he was a judge, asked him to fault her Pom. She had been urged to show it by various Pom breeders that she knew. All of the names she mentioned were in fact newcomers to the breed. The poor dog was badly undershot and luxated to boot. She was advised to place it as a pet, not to show or breed it. She had been offered stud service to a champion on the bitch. Now a cardinal sin in my book is to breed an undershot or luxated bitch to any male, let alone a champion. Why in the name of heaven beget more of the same impaired dogs If greed for the dollar is so great, go raise chickens, not Poms.POMERANIAN REVIEW 71ALL-STAR POMERANIANSAT STUDALL-STAR'S HADLEIGH BIT O ROBIN-SkeeterSkeeter is in Campbell, California with the Tompkins. He has 7 points.Also in the future, our own little son of Ch. Corns Duke DragonflyALL-STARS HADLEIGH LIL DUKE"Lil Duke is living evidence our ALL-STARS HADLEIGH SAS-C GAY liked what she saw when she met Duke, and from their brief love-affair, two adorable sons resulted. One of which is with Louise Rosbury in California.So with the two boys above, we decided to leave our two Champion Studs here with Edna. In their place, we are taking three Scotia girls, two of which are Cavy daughters one a champion, the third a granddaughter of our Ch. Toby Tyler and daughter of My Love, CH. HADLEIGH LITTLE ROBIN.So, though we no longer own CH. SCOTIA CAVALIER'S TOBY TYLER and CH. HADLEIGH LITTLE ROBIN, they will be well represented in the Poms we keep. SAS-C is now in whelp to CH. TOBY TYLER, and the two Cavy daughters to CH. HADLEIGH LITTLE ROBIN.These two gorgeous Champion boys will greet your girls with the same enthusiasm as they did when we owned them.We may have a few puppies for sale from the above expected littersMrs. Lorene Carpenter TemporaryP. O. Box 646 Floral City, Florida 32636Another serious problem I have seen in the ring of late is bad legs and no amount of coat can disguise that. I do agree with the old saying no coat, no Pom but which is worse, bad legs or scanty coat I have seen many hopping Poms put to winners and one so wide behind a train could go through, though farily nice in coat, is making itself known. As to what constitutes the proper coat in texture, let me cite an example.Last fall I visited with a well known Texas breeder whose Poms are famous for their huge coats. As I watched, she scooped up a dog at random and using nothing save a bristle brush, groomed him in a matter of minutes. The guard hairs stood off and glistened and he was ring ready. Thats proper coat All the hair spray and other gunk used will never match that kind of coat, it is in- bred.POMERANIAN REVIEWAnother point in ring presentation is over zealous use of the scissors. Refer to the standard and trim only what is allowed. Tricky trimming of feet to minimize heavy bone and pluming tails have no place in our standard. As to whiskers, I leave them intact as they serve needed protection for the eyes. It is so easy to watch a professionally handled Pom scissored to the gills go up for the points and think aha, this is the way to do it However, a truly good Pom does not need artifice, just simple good grooming. Just remember that Pom puppies are the result of genetic combinations not the scissors and the spray cans. The truly great studs that have left their mark on the breed with long lines of Champion get did not have to be phonied up.The Pom Club of Wisconsin is having their match on Aug. 20, and I shall have the winners for the next column. Also coming up is the Western Pom Specialty to be held on Nov. 3 in conjunction with the Associated Specialty clubs the day before the fall International show. The judge will be Mrs. Dorothy Welsh, a former Pom breeder and well respected judge. There will be a good offering of trophies, so I hope that there will be a nice turnout. At the Wisconsin Kennel Club show to be held in Milwaukee on Jan. 28, Edward R. Klein will pass on all the toy dogs and Mr. Kendrick will do the group. The Milwaukee show is benched and has one of the most spectacular presentations for group judging in the area.Please send me the news of your new Champions. To conserve space and because the Gazette already lists all wins, do confine your news to Group or hopefully BIS wins. Champions recently finished are Ch. Bonners Krismay Cardinal owned by the Vander Zeydens and Ch. Wilmas Golden Party Boy owned by the Blackorbys.PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSby Joy LeCompte 4722 Liberty Road S., Salem, Ore. 97302Regretfully I am unable to continue as your columnist, however, my replacement is well known in the Pacific Northwest area and needs little, if any, introduction.Mrs. Margaret Klingbeil of LaModa Kennel fame is well known throughout the United States and Canada for her show Chihuahuas and Maltese. With 50 champions including Chihuahuas, Maltese and 2 Poms, Margaret is well acquainted with the show ring, having also taught both conformation and obedience classes over the years. She is presently secretary of the Columbia Pomeranian Club.She is a very knowledgeable breeder whose doggie articles on breeding, showing, conformation and obedience have appeared in many national publications over the past 20 years.Im certain Margaret will prove a very valuable asset to the Pomeranian Review staff as well as to our breed. Lets all get behind her and give her our support with articles, news and your views.NOTICEYour Articles and News Clippings are solicited for inclusion in the Review to help make this publication more educational and interesting to everyone. All original material submitted must be typed double spaced, with 1 inch margins on all sides. Clippings should designate source newspaper or other publication, date and author, if given. Articles will be returned, if found not usable or if additional work is needed to make them acceptable.POMERANIAN REVIEW 73We proudly offer at limited stud another outstanding black GOLDPAZ COLONEL MIDNIGHT..3VV. - ' tlejon'Shown winning WD BW at Vancouver, Wa. under Judge Frank Bilger, Jr. Handler Edna Swift Asp This 3V2 pound yearling son of the famed black 4 Am. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight has just started his show career in the Northwest with pointed wins at Corvallis and Portland, Oregon and Vancouver and Longview, Washington.GOLDPAZ KENNELS, Reg.Mrs. Joy LeCompte4722 Liberty Road S. Phone Area 503Salem, Oregon 97302 364-360674 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSby Margaret Klingbeil 4815 Monroe Ave., N.E. Salem, Oregon 97301Greetings to all Pomeranian breeders and exhibitors in our beautiful Pacific Northwest. I am taking over as reporter from Joy LeCompte and hope I am able to do half as well as Joy in writing your regional news. Since I am relatively new in Pomeranians I am not known to all the Pom people in this area, so will be depending on most of you to contact me with your news of people and Poms, your views on all Pom subjects, showing, problems, and those Big Wins.A news note of interest to the old timers in our area is the recent return of Martha Re now Childers from an eight year stay in Idaho, to a new home in Salem, Ore. While now retired from the show ring, and no longer breeding the beautiful little Poms for which she was so well known, Martha has her place on the list of well known kennels that are in the background of so many of the good dogs coming along now. Martha concentrated her bloodlines on the famous Ch. Bombardier and Dandy stock from the kennels of Elva Cohen Me- Gilvry. Her many champions finished in the short time she had her kennels are proof of the pudding that she knew what she was doing. Her dogs are remembered not only for their quality, but for their exquisite grooming and top showmanship. Welcome back, Martha.That up-and-coming group of enthusiasts in the Seattle area known as the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club are keeping things lively with their show wins. While there hasnt been time for everyone to get their news to me I have heard is an unofficial way that there are several new champions, CKC as well asAKC belonging to this young club. Phyllis Andrews, of Woodinville, Wn. reports that her Scotia Cavs A- Tisket A-Tasket took a 3 point major on May 14th at the Whidby Island KC show under Judge Edd Bivin. A week later at the B.C. Ladies KC show in Vancouver, B. C. this same little gal was BOB both days, completing her Canadian championship subject to CKC confirmation under Judge Maurice Baker. This was all done at the age of 10 months, Phyllis writes.Also in the same club, Can. Ch. Cambellyns Geronimo, owned by Madeliene Bigley, was BOB at the three shows in St. George, B.C. Last but not least, a 3 month old puppy, Sunstyles Avenging Warlord, owned by Diana McKeever, was 1st in the Toy Group at the Olympic KCs sanctioned match. Later, at a fun match in Redmond, Wn. he placed 2nd in the Group. A little later, at the ripe old age of 5 months he was again 1st in the Toy Group at the Puyallup Dog Fanciers match. How about that Our congratulations to these dogs, and to Viola Childrens Ch. Shellcrest Rebelsun Spark and Jean Schrolls Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash for their high ratings in the lists of top winning dogs.This was borrowed from the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club newsletter, and I feel it should be of interest to everyoneolder breeders as well as new.A LESSON IN ECONOMICS,OR IT TAKES QUALITY TO GET QUALITYKennel 1purchased on quality 400 brood bitch shipped to top stud of her line stud fee, shipping, etc. 100investment 500litter of 2 pups, cost to 6 mo. of age, 30 each 60total investment 560POMERANIAN REVIEW 75Now have three quality dogs of a value of 400 each 1200Less cost of investment 560increase 640Kennel 2purchased 5 CHEAP broods at 50 each 250bred all five, stud fee at 40 each 200investment 450five litters of 2 pups each, cost to 6 mo. of age, 30 each 300total investment 750Now has 15 dogs at value of 50 each 750Less cost of investment 750increase 000Oh, yes, in case I forgot to mention, Kennel 1 has now three dogs they are happy with, and while they know they are not perfect they have the feeling of having improved the breed. They have time to work with each one, keep each in top condition and are looking forward to entering them in the coming shows, with all the fun that entails.Kennel 2 is LOADED with 15 dogs still no better in quality than they started with, their kennel is bulging at the seams, there is never enough time to give the care they should have, they are impossible to sell and cant even find takers to GIVE them a home. They cant afford the shows even if they had something to show, and they havent the time with all these dogs to care for.PROGNOSIS Kennel 1 will still be in the game five years from now, still raising quality dogs.Kennel 2 will quit in disgust. After all, they couldnt afford the good quality brood, they didnt know the right people, and this dog game is just for the rich people.MORAL Save your moneybuy the best-keep it smalland YOU will WINThe Columbia Pomeranian Club of Portland, Ore. is busy with plans for their Jan. 13th Specialty Show in Portland, and the members are looking forward to another good entry in all classes. Doing the honors will be the well known breederjudge Dr. James Arima of Carmel, California.SECRETARY ContinuedMs. Aurelle V. Green, 4217 W. 103rd Street, Inglewood, Calif. 90304, proposed by Bernadine Gorrin.Mrs. Ruth Hicklin, 5106 Kinglet mailing address, P. O. Box 35893 Houston, Texas reinstated.Mrs. Nora Higbee, 20201 E. 174th Street, Spanaway, Wash. 98387, proposed by Phyllis Andrews.Ms. Patricia L. Miller, Box 85, New Windsor, 111. 61465, proposed by Mrs. Norris McKamey.Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marie Smith, Rt. 2, Box 609, Oak Harbor, Wash. 98277, proposed by Viola Children.Mr. Ronald P. Steen, 3700 So. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. 63118, proposed by Ann Clemens.Mr. James Terrell, 1075 Cutler Street, Schenectady, N. Y. 12307, proposed by William Daus.Mrs. Ross Bertha Van Patter, R. R. No. 1, Georgetown, Ontario, Canada, proposed by Ruth Lowry Beam.Enjoy the holidaysRED LETTER DATE FEBRUARY 11, 1972N. Y. C. See you there 76 POMERANIAN REVIEWWHITES KENNELSProudly presents a new Alaskan ChampionCh. Rebel Cavalier Breeder, Bertha A. Rouge Pom Glens Tiny Tim II X Sungolds Rebel OwnersErma L. White Buress P. White Finished under Judge Ellsworth Gamble at Fairbanks, Alaska, May 21, 1972 Handled by Erma L. WhitewAT STUD TO APPROVED BITCHES ONEY9000 Kruger DriveAncorage, Alaska 99502 Ph. 907-344-2189TOP TEN POMSMary Casey has tabulated the Top Ten Poms for the Second Quarter of 1972, including First Quarter totals, according to the AKC reports through the August issue of the Gazette. Independent Specialties are not included.1. Ch. Sheebas Little Dragonfly owned by S. Zaneoff2805 points2. Ch. Topaze Happy Interlude owned by J. B. Trussel2228 points3. Ch. Mi Los Mischief Gold Pat owned by Florence, Lady Conyers1573 points4. Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash owned by J. Schroll B. Holder1551 points5. Ch. Shellcrests Rebelsuns Spark owned by V. Children1406 points6. Ch. Stylish Patrick of Spungold owned by C. Altwater478 points7. Ch. Myways Duke Celou Celae owned by M. Miller434 points8. Ch. Creiders Timothy Tidbit owned by N. Creider404 points9. Ch. McKameys Just A King owned by M. Kerfoot330 points10. Ch. Flomars Madame Butterfly owned by M. Bullwinkle and F. OBrienCh. Blossom Views Hi Style Hi Lo Boy owned by R. LeeLoytie, 295 pointsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 77Great Elms Kennels, Reg.Congratulations to Norma Creider for her latest champion Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat He is the 19 th champion sired by our late Timstopper Again.We were pleased to learn through Popular Dogs Magazine that, according to the Phillips Ratings, our Timstoppers Image was No. 5 Pom for 1971.Ruth Lowry BeamPineville, N. C. 28134 Ph. 704-889-8233Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Stud Fee 75.00MILLAMOR POMSVMillamors Mark of DixielandPuppies occasionally to Show HomesStud Service AvailableSeveral Outstanding Studs13 pointsCongratulations and Best Wishes to TIM-SUE POMSEleanor W. Miller14439 Mansfield RoadMt. Vernon, Ohio 43050 614-397-926878 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSKATHERINE R. PROBST Tivoli, N. Y.I sincerely thank all who were so kind as to send me cards and letters, while I was in the hospital and after I returned home. I hope to be on the go" in a short time. Best wishes to allCHUCK REYNOLDS Rt. 2, Box 2815 Newcastle, California 95658I am pleased to announce that I will now he doing my monthly column, Pom Tales, for a new publication. It is an All-Breed news called From the Kennels. A sample copy of this paper can be had by writing to them at P. O. Box 1201, Vancouver, Wash. 98660.As it publishes only up to the minute" news, I would appreciate your sending me all Group and Best In Show wins as soon as they happen, so I may include your good fortune in my column.This little paper is sent out to and read by ALL Group and B.I.S. judges. The advertising rates are very reasonable and, at last, we can all afford to show off our Top Winners to the entire Dog Fanciers of America.When you send for your sample copy, please mention your interest in Pom coverage. This expressed interest will stimulate space allowed to publicize our favorite breed. Pictures are returned. Specialty Club are particularly urged to send me their news.WILBERT LORENE CARPENTER Floral City, FloridaAt this writing, we are preparing to leave Florida and the great LITTLE lady of our Pom world, with the BIG spirit, and a determination second to none. We have been here with her a little less than a year, and she has put me to shame with her ability to GET UP and GO, and one could have nothing but admiration for her. We will think of her more, than often, and miss her more than she knows, and worry that she will do too much of the heavy work Wilbert has done for her while we were here. We love the beauty and the Nature-like living here in Florida, but I find you have to share the BEAUTY with the BUGS.On our way here last year, we took our time, and stopped by some of the very famous Pom People in the great state of Texas. First we stopped at San Antonio and saw those nice folks, the Bonners, and the famous Bonner Poms. Tho I had NO room in our Camper for even one more dog, I saw one little baby girl I would loved to take with me. Dorothy Passed favorable her very professional judgement on my own little SKEETER, then only 6 mo. old. We stayed over night there with the Bonners, and next morning Dorothy gave us directions to Schoenbergs, where we saw more famous Poms, and met the lovely Mrs. Schoenberg, but regrettably missed Mr. Schoenberg. Then on to Deer Park, and the thrill of a lifetime, we saw Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly. And Oyes. we were able to take our eyes off Duke, long enough to have a short visit with his most friendly and BUSY owners, the very lovely Bakers. And they do have other gorgeous Poms, besides Duke. All those Pom folks were so very cordial, and we wouldn't take a million for those brief moments with them, but I will have to admit the stop at Deer Park was the height of our travels. But we can't stop there, without telling the thrill we felt on arrival at our destination, here at SCOTIA, and having the honor of seeing IN THE FLESH then alive, lively and a beautiful sight to behold the GREAT of them all, our Toby Tylers daddy, CH. SUNGOLDS GAY CAVALIER. We were here to share with Edna, the sorrow of seeing him go to sleep for the last time. But we will never forget you Cavy, in the children and grand children we cherish and are taking back with us.We may be late with our sharing with you. our travels, but it's never too late for nice things, and we did meet nice people here in Florida. Among those we will remember are Jeri Kabel, she seems like a lifetime friend, the Altwaters, and the Cilibertos, and many others I met at Dog Shows. We will always remember our stay in Florida, but must get on our way back to Paris. Texas, then possibly, on to California.It was so nice to see in our last Pom Review, a very familiar face, that of our own Northern California Pora Clubs Ken Matheson, giving us news from home, and show wins our club members have made. I was so sorry to miss getting in the Win my little Skeeter made, picking another Pt. at Mensona. Santa Rosa, California May 6th, 1972 under Mr. Gordon Parham. Many thanks Myrtle, for doing the honors, and thanks to the Tompkins for keeping and caring for Skeeter All- Star's Hadleigh Bit O Robin. As we depart Florida, and start our journey back, we willPOMERANIAN REVIEW 79YIPS YAPSgo back a different route, and see more of our beautiful America. But whether we settle and go back to Work in Texas, or California I will feel closest to my fellow members of the N.C.P.C. and hope to be back among you before long, if only for a visit.OUR BEST TO YOU ALL.DONNA MEGENHARDT Kent, OhioMy husband and I decided that New England would be a good place to vacation this year. Of course, we couldnt vacation without taking at least a couple of our poms, so we made plans to attend the Bay Colony Specialty in beautiful Massachusetts.After the show, we enjoyed meeting and talking to many of the people from the club. Along with the good conversation, we also thought the buffet was great. Those club members really know how to make good food.Frank and Mary Casey took us under their wing and we certainly enjoyed and appreciated their wonderful hospitality. Seeing their lovely poms was also a treat.During our visit there, we also met Ken and Liz Matheson of California and their very nice polite son. Its always so much fun to meet the people you are reading about in the Review.So, if you would like to take a New England vacation, I fully recommend that you take it at the time of the Bay Colony Specialty.MRS. HENRY W. HOCHSTEDLER Kalona, IowaI have been hitting some shows this year with my black Poms and am finding out that a lot of judges don't care too much for black. Even had one judge tell my Handler he just doesnt know what to do about black. Doesnt every judge have to read the standard for every breed he judges Lets look twice. Good blacks are beautiful Was so thrilled with Ken Mathesons article about blacks in his Western Roundup. I thought maybe I was the only one that likes black. But I am beginning to see there are a few other people speaking up for black too. Certainly enjoy your Kennel visit to the Babb and Randol Kennel and hear about their good blacks. Always enjoy Sophie Mayes interest in her black and all the rest of you black lovers.LOIS CILIBERTO Tampa, FloridaAm hoping this reaches you before the deadline ... as per usual around my nutty house just as we were about to mail it two days ago my five year old seriously cut her ankle and leg on glass and the barbs of rolled up chain link fencing ... we dont know how she managed to do both at once but she did and things were a bit hectic for a few days.Perhaps well have some show wins to report by Jan. issue, just getting back in the groove and heading for the Tar Heel circuit this month, then on to any others we can make. Baby, a girl . . . our fourth, was finally born on April 30th, she was ill for a time but is fat and sassy now and much made over by the older girls, and a teensy bit slobbered over by a bevy of baby-loving Poms I was much surprized to find that everyone of them are very concerned about the baby, laying near her at any opportunity, anxious when she cries and upset when strangers venture near. Bernie says they are natural born baby-sitters, until, of course, she gets to that age where pulling hairs and fluffy tails amusing to her, then separation in baby playpens and doggy playpens will be the rule.Thanks so much for taking care of our adsMILDRED STRAIT Ilion, N. Y.Ive an ad coming out in the July Review with a picture of Ch. Straits Tiny Tim. I wanted to tell you that I lost my darling Timmie June 21. Could have got a big price for him, when I was showing him, but no money could ever pay for the love he gave me. He was very precious and slept with me every night. When I got in bed and turned the light out, hed come and give me a little kiss, and Id pat him and tell him how I loved him. Then hed go and lie down. He seemed to know everything I said to him. He was a wonderful stud and only 3 lbs.I knew it would come some day, but it still leaves a gap. Im lucky to have his son, Ch. Straits Prince Charming and grandson, Straits Prince Charlie, and some nice grandchildren of his that I hope youll be seeing in the shows.80 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSMRS. HAZEL CHAMBERS MR. and MRS. ED COOPER and ALICE KansasWe would like to take this opportunity to tell all of your readers about the hospitality shown us on our vacation in California. The Northern Calif. Pom Club was most generous of their time in showing us some of their kennels. In just the two short days we were there, we saw beautiful Poms in person that we have admired in pictures for so long in the Review. We visited with Chuck Reynolds. Irene Messer who so very graciously opened her home to us for three nights. Dudley Roach, Irene Weltz, Elsie Cablas Burriesci, the Cecil Roseburys. the Thompkins. Bobby Ramos, and Fred and Helen Palmer, The Palmers had a pot luck dinner in our honor at their lovely home. Now, for anyone who has had this privilege, they need not be reminded of Helens baked beans Our Calif, friends talk about the Kansas tornadoes, but how many of you have ever tried making that many kennel visits in just two days They may not have tornadoes in Calif, but it was a mightly gusty whirlwind that we were in. We enjoyed every minute of it but we did need much more time.If we had not already been Pom lovers, these thoughtful people would have been a big shot in the arm toward that direction. We cannot tell you how much it has meant to all of us. Each and every one of you are MOST WELCOME when you are near Augusta or Independence, Kansas to call on us.We were pleasantly surprised after going to San Diego to learn of the show at Santa Monica on Sunday, June 25th. We were invited to attend with Pauline Hughes and we enjoyed the entire day. It was another long day but one we would not have liked to miss. A great big Thank You, Pauline. Later we leaisurely visited her kennel and after loving her Point Loma babies it made us more anxious to get home to our own.From all of us to all of you who made our vacation another nice memory, THANKS A MILLIONMRS. HAZEL CHAMBERSThis is just a post script to add on to the Coopers letter, as I wanted to include the Coopers also in the list of nice people, because they were nice enough to ask me to go along on the trip. Needless to say, I enjoyed every minute of it. This being my first trip west. I fell in love with Colorado. Such abeautiful state Of course, after getting to Calif, we were so busy looking at Poms I forgot to look at the scenery there.The breeders were all so cordial and at last I got to meet people that have been names up to now. Especially nice meeting Mrs. Pauline Hughes who was kind enough to let me have her little Ch. Andre about four years ago. I have loved him dearly and he has given me many lovely puppies. She is a very gracious, lovely Lady.We saw many beautiful Poms but I lost my heart to the lovely creams. We have very few of them around here. Also we saw some good whites which are a variety indeed, but these had the type that Pom breeders strive l'or.We wee lucky indeed to see the Show at Beverly Hills and the excellent blacks that were shown there.So, between visiting the Pom people and trying to visit my one and only daughter at San Diego, a lot was crammed into our brief stay. So now, wont someone come see us so we can return the favors We love company and we love to show our dogs. We really do have some nice dogs too and Kansas isnt so bad.Now, my thanks to the California Breeders for letting us impose on their good natures.Best WishesandContinued SuccesstoThe GoddardsMrs. Joseph E. Smith226 Fairview Avenue Belvedere, S. C. 29841POMERANIAN REVIEW 81YIPS YAPSNAME WITHHELDI would like to comment on your editorial in the July, 1972 Pom Review. Your paragraph on "Good Sportsmanship really hit homeAt two shows where I had a Pom entered, two male Poms were also entered which had just, the past week-end, completed their Championships. My male needed one major and a few extra points to Champion. The very nice owner of one of the recently finished Champions "pulled" her male, even though it broke the 3 pt. major, because in her own words, wouldn't be fair to the rest of you needing points to show him. The owner of the other recently finished Champion went into the ring and took the 2 pts. as WD.The following day there was a 4 pt. major to be gained. The same recently finished Champion was there. Another entry also needed it's second major along with my entry. We both went to these people long before ring time, and in as nice a way as possible, asked why they had not ''pulled their male. The husband reacted as though we were crazy for even asking such a thing and very indignate- ly remarked Why This is a dog-eat-dog business No one would do it for me.These are the type of people who really take the fun out of things. What if we all felt this way There is a happy ending to all this, however. That last day, after the husband's remarks, my male entry went BOW for the 4 pt. major. The other entry needing a major went Reserve Dog. The Champion got 3rd. "Someone up there likes meP. S. I happen to have an exceptionally nice male, tooVESTA S. LEE Warren, OhioMy subscription had run out. And, Ive moved from my farm home in Pennsylvania to Warren, Ohio. By the time Id received my July issue, the next one is almost due. Id like to comment on your editorial in the last issue,I am in agreement for I am neither a poor sport nor a greedy exhibitor. ButI started a good female in late May and have not been able to get out to the shows to handle her. I gave her to a handler who is a long-time friend Evelyn Schaeffer, then guarding every little hair on my dog, we entered the shows most convenient for us. She won her majors early in the gameyet to finish this good little girl before she came"seasonforcing her withdrawal from competition, we pushed her along. Dont put us down for the four major wins we took,to assure her championship, becausethe money Involved makes sportsmanship a luxury few exhibitors can affordby all means let us be ladies and gentlemen but please take another look at the price of entrys these days. Plus trip expenses, plus the costs of handlers fees for those of us who can not get out to the shows, to show our own dogs. There are few enough exhibitors these days as it is, so please do not discourage us "small breeders who take pride in our lovely little dogs and their accomplishments. I have bred small dogs for many years and resent the import of your article. I hope to read more thoughtful better editorials.ED We feel Mrs. Eee has misunderstood the Editorial, as there is NO stigma whatever attached to showing and garnering FOUR MAJORSas long as points, even 1 point, are needed. It is when the necessary 15 points have already been won that we feel it is greedy to go on showing. We are sorry you resent the import of the Editorial. We felt it was an important point, perhaps one that was not even known to novice exhibitors to whom it was addressed, after all, and something on this subject needed to be said.RUTH L. BEAM PineviUe, N. C.The deadline is at hand and will have to get this off as soon as possible. On June 28th. I had to take my wagon into town Charlotte to have some work done and I scribbled off 4V2 pages to you. I write letters to others in the same manner, but they, too, are never copied.For the past 2 weeks, its been difficult to even sign my name. Have had a bad bout with arthritis in my right hand. It always strikes without warning and when Im doing heavy work. When it hits, it feels like a bone is broken in my wrist. For days, its very painful to MOVE my hand and being so right handed, you can imagine how Im slowed up in my work. I certainly have a lot for which to look forward as it will become worse instead of better.I noticed in Mrs. Ritzs column a pom with the title World Champion. How is THAT done I will hurriedly add the following I agree with you 100 that it is a very poor sport who continues to take points from theYIPS YAPSdog can survive the surgery and the postoperative period.Interestingly, this does not seem to he very common in poms reports indicate it is very common in chihuahuas, poodles, Boston terriers, heagles and Yorkies, with chihuahuas accounting for 70 of all cases reported.Duke improved so dramatically after the fluid was removed, that Dr. Gage chose NOT to perform the surgery until symptoms of further buildup of the fluid showed. So, at this point, we are watching and of course hoping his health will continue to improve. He has regained coordination, feels good, eats well, and it appears the situation has reversed itself. He is not out of danger, but is much better.Dr. Gage seems very aware of Dukes special value and his importance to us and has assured me that, if surgery should be necessary, every piece of emergency equipment A M owns will be right at hand at the time of surgery. My own vet has also assured us that there is not a veterinarian in the United States better qualified to care for Duke than Dr. Gage. We are fortunate he is in the State of Texas.It is not necessary to explain just how all this has frightened us we realize the seriousness of all this, but if symptoms recur, we realize also that we will have no choice.We are explaining all this to friends who are interested, not in an attempt to gain sympathy, but simply for convenience in describing Duke's problem. It has been a strange thing to happen so suddenly. Duke has, as everyone knows, always been such a well, strong dog perhaps this has been in his favor.We will try to keep you posted. Thanks for letting us explain it to you. We felt it. would be of interest. Wish us luck pleaseDAN M. MERCER Big Springs, NebraskaEnclosed is our ad for the October issue. I hope that we are not too late. I have been waiting for this picture to get developed. We want to send in a congratulation to Tim and Sue Goddard. We had the pleasure of meeting Sue this summer when we visited Texas. We sure liked her and were most impressed with her stock. Although she has a small kennel all are top quality dogs.MILLER continuedI firmly believe that many fading puppies are starving. They seem to nurse but can not get enough and gradually lose strength. They are not hopeless cases with some mysterious malady, they are dying from lack of food Pood never cured a defective puppy if it were just made wrong internally but why let an otherwise normal puppy die because it can not get enough to eatDo not wait to begin when a puppy is so far gone that it can not be saved. The tube is as safe as the person who uses it.HEYDE continuedand 194. He became mine early this year, and after a dry rim at Deep Peninsula DTC sanctioned obedience match in April at Palo Alto, California where he received a lovely trophy for. highest scoring toy, we tried for and completed the third Novice leg at San Lorenzo, and he acquired another nice trophy for highest scoring toy. He is now doing very well in his Open training and should be ready for the trials before too long.NOTICESome of the back issues are getting very low in numbers. We are now completely out of June 1960, and have only 3 of July 1968. Anyone interested in the back issues mentioned in the July Review had better HURRY to send check and order.DEADLINE FOR JANUARY IS NOVEMBER 20POMERANIAN REVIEW 87LARCEYS POMERANIANSSpankey is a cobby 4 lb. black with thick standoff coat. My 4th Champion 6th C.D. He is a Proven StudFee 50I now have 3 Champion C.D. PomsCh. Spankey II, C.D.I am proud to announce the birth of a tiny black female sired by Spankey, out of my Ch. Tomahawks Red Face, C.D.She and I hope to see you at the Specialty.Patricia Larrissey Evelyn Schaefer1949 West 45th Street OR 3559 Niles-Cortland Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44102 Cortland, Ohio 44410Once again offering pedigree servicesee ad.PARKAS POMERANIANSDue to limited space and several very promising young ones, we are offeringCh. Parkas Penstyle Robynhood to the serious-minded breeder- exhibitor.Robyn is a 3 yr. old orange male who weighs 4 lb. and is siring extremely nice puppies.See Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsVCh. Parkas Penstyle KobynhoodAlso For Sale5 mo. old show type male sired by Ch. Bonners Stylemodel Wee WagLeslie Parker 9705 Jackie Lane St. Louis, Missouri 63123 Ph. 314-487-6572POMERANIAN REVIEWjBUILDING ON THE PAST FOR THE FUTURECh. De Fill's Honey-Boy 1960-J.9o8Spit-Fyre Foundation SireHis Gr. Gr. Gr. Granddaughter Spit-Fyre Sweetheart says Youre still our ideal, GrarapaSculpture, dated 1968and photos by breeder- owner, I-L Ritz LutgendorfSweetheart, one of our girls linebred on Honey-Boy while also going back 6 X to Eng. Ch. Zambo of Zanow, 6 X Eng. Ch. Sweet Lady of Hadleigh, 4 X Eng. Ch. Little Gent of Hadleigh, etc.I am proud to offer carefully linebred stock and studs from the finest ENGLISH Hadleigh, Preservenes and Aurum strains. Several litters expected in October and November. Inquiries invited.Spit-Fyre Monarch, 5 lb. huge, harsh and long-coated orange, tinest ears, 100 sound. Produces Top Quality. Sweethearts sire.Spit-Fyre Sunny Sam his son 312 lb. brilliant orange will start his showing and courting days in 1973. Very closely linebred Hadleigh pedigree, our finest yet. Spit-Fyre Bumblebee, 3 lb deep mahogeny red sable, Honey-Boy grandson. Strictly Canadian. In his first 4 shows so far, 3 WD, 1 BW, 1 Best Canadian Bred in Group.Congratulations to Ann Fulton on finishing Ch. Spit-Fyre Sea-Bisquit, at almost 6 years of age. Bisquit is a Honey-Boy son.SpitEst.19573re pc omerancanS' ef-WimmR.R. 1 Rosedale, B.C., Canada i