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The Pomeranian Review April 1973
Table of Contents
Behind New Champions ?
American Pomeranian Eluh, Jnr.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY APRIL, 1973rCHAMPION TIM SUES LIL LOVE BUG Shown going BEST IN SHOW at Manatee Kennel Club under Judge Maurice Baker Love Bug is handled hy Ray WineISTANDARD FOR POMERANIANS AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY 31ub News Behind New Champions Yips Yap3ERMAN - BIRK - HEYDE - JONES - KLINGBEIL - MATHESON - MILLER2 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHIS ONE IS NO ACCIDENTESS ' ,CH. DEL NORTE B.I.S.Brilliant orange male, proper coat, moves like a cloud on cat paws and perfect legs. Bis showed his style from the time he could walk and play the reason for his name. He boasts of the finest show dogs and sires of the ARISTIC bloodlinesin his immediate pedigree.Ch. Del Norte B.I.S.Owner handled to these wins2 B.I.M. as a puppy6 B.O.B. from classes over Group placing Specials 2 Group 42 Group 2 to Maltese B.I.S.Bis and his owner thank the following judges for their winning nods Mrs. Connie BosoldDr. F. BoothHerman G. Cox Melborne DowningMrs. Harold HardinMiss Dorothy Nickles Mrs. Rob. SturmJames TrullingerRobert WatersGus R. WolfSee Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsAT STUD TO APPROVED BITCHESLou C. Caceres 96 Janssen PlaceKansas City, Mo. 64109 Ph. 816-931-4916POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmratt Pomeranian Club Jnr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUB........................................ Mrs. Marlene Scott.......................................... Mr. W,illiam Daus........................................Mrs. Joan Coluccio.........................................Mrs. Carol Fama........................ Miss Mary G. Passariello721 Martin Dr., Uniondale, N. Y. 11553...............................Mrs. Dolly B. Trauner...............................Mr. Kenneth E. MillerPresident ...................................First Vice President .... Second Vice President ..Recording Secretary________Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer .................................Delegate to the A.K.C. ..BOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Edd E. Bivin Mrs. Mary F. CaseyMiss Marjorie Bullwinkle Mrs. Katherine R. ProbstMr. Sam L. ZaneoffPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor Advertising Manager ............................................................................................................................................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, 1574 Camp Linden Rd., West Chester, Pa. 19380Circulation Manager________ Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn, R. D. 1, Carvale Dr., Aberdeen, Md. 21001Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 6.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 1.50. Canada, Mexico, 6.50, Foreign 7.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 3.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text...........50.00Inside front cover, cuts extra _____ 25.00Center Spread, 2 pages, cuts extra . 50.00Full page ............................................................ 20.00Three-quarters page ........................................... 15.00One-half page ..................................................... 10.00One-quarter page vertical only .... 5.00100 copies full page ad......................................... 7.00Minimum charge for cuts up to 1 x 2 inches, 5.00 proportionately more for larger cuts.No charge for cuts if usable cut is available.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEbyMRS. MARLENE SCOTT Rt. 2, Box 178-C Raleigh, N. C. 27610Another American Pomeranian Specialty is over. To quote our Specialty Judge, Mr. Isidore Schoenberg, the overall quality of the Pomeranians is defi- nately better than it was a few years ago. I think Mrs. Julie Moreno especially had a difficult task to perform, as all of the Sweepstakes Entries were beautiful. Mrs. Moreno and Mr. Schoenberg did a marvelous job. My thanks to them both. I will not go into the wins at the Specialty as they are covered in another part of The Review. There was good attendance at the show by Poms and Fanciers. Everything was set-up and ready for the exhibitor when he arrived at the show, plenty of tables for grooming, clean exercising pens, good Ring-Stewarding to get you in and out of the ring on time. All this, thanks to Miss Marge Bull- winkle, Show Chairman. The Trophy Table looked like something in an exclusive Jewelry Store. Have never seen so much silver, I am sure there were enough trophies for every Entry. Our trophy Chairman, Mr. Sam Zaneoff is to be congratulated. All of you there met our Hostess, Mrs. Joan Coluccio, who did a great job, too. All of the Officers of your Club were there and very busy putting on a most successful show. My personal thanks to all of them.The Annual Meeting was held following The Show. There were several items of interest to all of you discussed at the meeting, as well as the Board Meeting held the day before. The Board voted todo away with the Code of Ethics for the time being. We decided the fault lies in the lack of proper screening of new members. We now have a committee to edit a new membership application. You will see a copy as soon as one is approved. It was noted at the Meeting of the number of different Poms that had made outstanding records in 1972. One inparticular owned by Florence Lady Conyers, Ch. Mi-Los Mischief Gold Pat was second Top Toy Dog in the Nation, by The Phillips Ratings. There has also been a lot of owner-handled winners this year.Our Banquet after the show was slow getting underway and the room was cold. The hotel had failed to turn on the heat. This was soon remedid and things started happening. I might say things started off slow but by the time we were half way through the meal, we were all laughing and having fun. I was pleased to be a part of the presentation of a Plaque honoring Mrs. Elsie Sivori with a Life-time Membership in The American Pomeranian Club. Elsie has worked as a dedicated member for many years to promote the Pomeranian and to be of so much service to the club. Congratulations, Elsie.Our Summer Specialty will be held Oct. 13th in Houston, Texas. As we receive more information from Mrs. Olga Baker, we will send it on to you. Plan to attend and support the show with trophies as well as entries. For those of you who did not attend The Specialty and all of the other activities we enjoyed in New York, plan now to attend next year. You will have a wonderful time, just ask anyone who was there. I am deeply grateful and honored to be your president for the coming year. If in anyway I may be of help to you in any way, please let me. With capable Officers and Board Members, we will strive to serve you well this year. Let me hear from you.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5LENETTE POMERANIANSBreeders of fine Poms for more than 15 yearsCh. Sissy of Lenette subj. AKC conf. shown winning B.O.S. at Greenville, S.C. under Judge Louise Baker for 4 pts. Handled exclusively by Marlene Scott. Sired by Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image.A special THANK YOU to Sissys trainer, Joyce Apple and also to the following judges for putting her up.Brandenton, Fla............................................................................ Judge Maurice Baker1 pts.St. Petersburg, Fla............................................................................... Judge Louis Murr4 pts.Tampa, Fla.................................................................................... Judge Suzanne Rowe3 pts.American Pom Club Specialty ................................ Judge Julie MorenoBOS SweepstakesCharlotte, N. C....................................................................................... Judge Ken Miller3 pts.Several litters due by Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image and other studs. Available nowBlack Tan male sired by Image.Our Poms are always realistically priced and satisfaction guaranteed.K. G. Griffith704-938-3104 704-938-2042 Nights923 S. Main St. Kannapolis, N. C. 28081Our Sincere Sympathy to Bill Daus on the loss of Spicey of Lennette Little sister to Sissy.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARYSREPORTbyMiss Mary G. Passariello Corresponding Secretary 721 Martin Drive Uniondale, N. Y. 11553Well, another winter Specialty has gone by, hut certainly not the memories. It was indeed a pleasure meeting all of the congenial Pom folks that I have corresponded with since I have been in office. If I missed saying hello, overlooked, or did not get the chance or time to meet all that were present at the show, I certainly will look for you next year.Heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Julie Moreno and Mr. Isidore Schoenberg who did such a fine job judging. I am sure that their task in selecting the winners was most difficult, as all of the Poms excelled in quality, as usual. If your Pom did not take the honors at this show, remember, there is always tomorrow.We are grateful to all who contributed to making our show a success Marjorie Bull winkle, Show Chairman, who has never let us down Francis and Mary Casey, who did a tremendous job with the advertising Joan Coluccio, who I must admit is the hostess with the mostest and last but not least, many t-.hanks to our hard working Trophy Chairman, Sam Zaneoff. The trophies were just beautifulWe had a delightful banquet in the evening, the highlight of which was the presentation of a lovely plaque to Mrs. Elsie Sivori upon her installation as an Honorary Member of the American Pomeranian Club. Mrs. Sivori is well deserving of this honor in view of her effortless dedication over the years which has been in the best interest of the APC and the breed.There were well over 50 members including guests at the annual meeting.The new Officers and Board members for 1973 were announced and will be found listed on page 3. One of the first duties that our President, Marlene Scott, had to perform was a followup to her letter that was sent out to all members regarding the new Code of Ethics. She found it imperative to announce, unfortunately, that the Code of Ethics was suspended, mainly due to the numerous complaints, criticisms, phone calls etc. which were not in favor of the Code. What a sad state of affairs We do need a Code of Ethics It is a must, since all of us without a doubt are concerned about the welfare of Poms. I find it very difficult to comprehend why some of the members resisted signing the Code when it has been the concensus of opinion that we need a Code of Ethics. Personally I have one hangup among a few others of which I have become quite fanatical. For example, seeing horrendous looking Poms on the street and in public places. The ones that I have seen in my opinion, are not a credit to our breed, and invariably were purchased in pet shops, bred by unethical breeders for their own selfish needs.However, a Committee has been formed, or rather appointed, to study the present Code, will make any necessary changes or alterations etc., and eventually the revised Code will be put before the members for a vote. So, lets work together, have a meeting of the minds and get the show on the road. It is your club, your opinions do count, but the breed is first and formost. It should be no other way. So, remember, if you fumble it, do not complain about the way the ball bounces.I mentioned in my last column that there is a Pomeranian Club in Australia, namely, the Pomeranian Club of New South Wales, Mr. S. Aurisch, Secretary of this club was very kind in sending me a copy of their newsletter and also a catalog from one of their shows. The members and exhibitors of his club Continued on page 57POMERANIAN REVIEW 7INTRODUCINGSCOTIA SENSATIONAL SALLY w.S'"iff"99atSALLYand her owners, Mark Roma Sal Catrini Give their heartfelt thanks to Mr. Isidore Schoenberg, Judge, for placing Sally Winners Bitch At the American Pomeranian Club Specialty Show, Feb. 11,1973 and their gratitude to Edna E. Girardot for breeding this beautiful Pom.A special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bedell for all the kindness and help they have given us.MARK ROMA SAL CATRINI24 Quayle CourtTel. 516 549-9133Huntington, N. Y. 117468 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORYBy Sue GoddardMost breeders know that mixing bloodlines can be a disaster, but occasionally you find a perfect niche so seems to be the case in the fantastic combination of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly with the Millamor Show Stopper lines. This breeding has produced our lovely BIS winner, Ch. Tim Sues Lil Love Bug. Much of the thanks goes to a little square, show quality female named Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music, a daughter of my all time favorite, Ch. Millamors Music Man. On the recent Florida circuit, I was proud to see three Music Girl sons and two grand sons doing their share of the winning. We are repeatedly seeing how this combination of breeding is producing quality, proving that it is not an accident, but the perfect blending of two superb lines. A Love Bug sister bred to our now deceased Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer produced my brand new Ch. Tim Sues Last Dance. A repeat breeding of Love Bug produced our near to finish, Tim Sues Dancin Dragon. A Gold Dancer daughter from Music Girl is the dam of Millamors Moon Rock who was the A.P.C. Specialty Best of Winners, giving him both majors at the tender age of 9 months. This exciting young male is sired by Jeribeths Silver Sparkle pointed who is sired by Gold Dancer and from a Duke daughter. The winner of the puppy bitch class 6-9 mons. at the Specialty is still another example, she being a daughter of Love Bug and a double bred Showstopper bitch. Another promising youngster is a daughter of Silver Sparkle and Last Dances dam which gives us a double cross on both Duke and Showstopper. Our Love Bug gave us the thrill of a breeders lifetime in his recent BIS over an entry of 1,400. He swept the Florida circuit by winning 8 BOB over as many as 5 exciting specials, added 3 group firsts, and 2 group fourths to his record.He is expertly handled by Ray Wine. Ray and Bug work together in perfect rapport, exhibiting that a show dog is a showing dog. Between shows, Love Bug is our delightful house pet.WESTMINSTERWINNERSAt the Westminster Kennel Club Show following our Specialty, Judge Len Carey made the following awardsWinners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of BreedTinklers Carbon Copy owned by Mr. Marvin Tinkler and handled by Daisy AustedReserve Winners DogTomanolls Go Gos Wee Gigalo owned by Opal Mosher and handled by Sandra TremontWinners BitchMerriminx of Highland owned and handled by Donna MegenhardtReserve Winners BitchCa La Mas Lady in Red of Caldoak owned by Kathleen Ertle and handled by Barbara PartridgeBest of Opposite Sex to Best of BreedCh. Flo Mars Madame Butterfly owned by Florence OBrien and Marjorie Bull winkle and handled by .Wendell Sammett.ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTEPlease send all ads for the July issue to the Editor. Due to a mechanical not mental hangup, we are still not able to effect a change in this department.When you are asked to vote, vote. When you are asked to speak up, do so, When you are asked to help, say yes. A few cant do it all.POMERANIAN REVIEWMEG'S POMERANIANSproudly announcesourMerriminx Of Highlandwon a 4 pt. major at the recentWestminster Kennel Club Showunder the judging of Mr. Len CareyHopefully, her picture will appear in the next issue.Richard Donna Megenhardt8026 State Rt. 43 Kent, Ohio 44240 216-626-4368Members Of The Ohio Pom ClubCh. Stud Service Quality Puppies10 POMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOWBy Faye WineThey say dog people will do about anything to go to a show, and so it is in my case. When my husband suggested I drive the kids and dogs up to New York and save money, I thought this was a pretty good ideabesides I wanted to go to New York this year, as it had been two years since I had been in the big city. So I mentioned this to Sue Goddard, and she agreed with the idea. Bags packed, dogs loaded, kids in and we were off. We were leaving sunny Clearwater, Florida driving up to New York, where we knew it would be very cold. My husband took the easy way out flew up to New York.I guess we hadnt realized what a trip this would be. To start things off, we went through 2 snow storms and had to be towed in once, but at last we made it safe and sound.5Sweepstakes Judge Mrs. Julie Moreno awards Best in Sweepstakes to John D. Metz and his Dragonflys Happy Talk. This male puppy, not quite 9 mo. old, went on to win the 6-9 puppy class under Judge Isidore Schoenberg and Best Puppy in Show. Happy Talk was bred by his owner. Photo by Earl Graham.The next day at the Specialty, I decided it was worth all we went through just to see all the lovely Poms and gather again with the Pom lovers.The Regular classes were judged by Isidore Schoenberg. With an entry of 27 dogs, 29 bitches, 1 Veteran Dog and 15 Specials and one in Stud Dog Class.The American Pomeranian Specialty was held on Sunday, Feb. 11, at the Mc- Alpin Hotel. Judge of the Puppy Sweep- stakes was Mrs. Julie Moreno and there was an entry of 17. There were some very promising looking puppies. First in the 6-9 months class went to Dragonflys Happy Talk which is owned by John Metz. He was a beautiful ball of fluff and extremely heavy coated, and one could tell at a glance he was sired by Corn Duke. Puppy Class 9-12 month class went to Sissy of Lenette owned by Ken Griffith. She is a beautiful orange gal that was handled by Marlene Scott and one that is large enough to breed. Best in Sweepstakes went to Dragonflys Happy Talk and Best Opposite Sex to Sissy of Lenette.Puppy dog 6-9 class again went to John Metz Dragonflys Happy Talk. 9-12 Months went to Black River Little Duffy which is owned by Jean Morgan from Spencer, Ohio. The Bred by Exhibitor Class went to Opal Moshers Tomanolls Tigers Tiny Tim. I was able to see this dog on the Florida Circuit and he is a very nice dog. Open dog Black went to Phyllis Seeleys Adkins Tiny Ebony Jambalaya, which was the only black entered except for two Specials. There was a large entry of 13 in the open Dog class Red, Orange, Cream and Sable. Most of them were in beautiful coat, a tough decision for Mr. Schoenburg, but he made his decision and gave it to Millamors Moon Rock which is owned by Eleanor Miller and was bred by SuePOMERANIAN REVIEW ]]Goddard and Eleanor. I saw this little guy on the Florida Circuit and ae is a little show-off in beautiful coat. Just 10 months old and almost finished.rOur Graham photo shows Specialty Judge Isidore Schoenberg awarding WD BW to Millamors Moon Rock, bred by Eleanor W. Miller Sue Goddard, this ten month old dog is owned and handled by Eleanor W. Miller.Open Dog Any Other Allowed Color went to Queenaire Aristocrat, owned by Verna Hood. I really loved the head and small ears on him and he surely was a typey fellow.Mr. Schoenberg went along with the Open Dog Orange, Millamors Moon Rock and gave him Winners Dog for a 5 pt. Major. Reserve going to the Bred by Exhibitor dog, Tomanolls Tigers Tiny Tim.Puppy bitch 6-9 months class was a large entry of 7 puppies and best puppy went to Sue Goddard and Eleanor Millers Tim Sues Love Tune. This is a pretty little red puppy of 7 months and already in good coat and is sired by Sue Goddards Best in Show dog, Love Bug. Most of the puppies showed quite well and seemed as if the owners had spent some time with them.Puppy bitch 9-12 months went to Straits Twinkle Toes bred by Mildred Strait and owned by Mildred and Betty Mahaffy.11fSMScotia Sensational Sally, bred by Edna Girardot and co-owned by Sal Catrini and Mark Roma and handled by the latter, is seen going from the American Bred Bitch Class to WB for 5 pts. under Specialty Judge Isidore Schoenberg1 in our Earl Graham photograph.JFWCh. Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze, bred by Kenneth W. Mayes and owned by Francis J. Mary F. Casey is handled to Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed by co-owner, Mary. Judge Isidore Schoenberg makes the award.Susan Burnetts Talisman Mystic Revelation won the Bred by Exhibitor Class. She had a compact body with high tail set. American Bred went to Scotia Sensational Sally which is a showey orange pom and one that carried a tremendous coat. She was bred by Edna Girardot and owned by Sal Catrini andPOMERANIAN REVIEW12Mark Roma and sired by Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular. With an entry of 10 in the Open, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Class, the winner went to Jacquelyn Kleins Silver Meadows Flicker. Bred by Jacquelyn and is sired by Ch. Highland Sun Flash. She also was in beautiful coat and very impressive. Winners Bitch went to the American Bred, Scotia Sensational Sally and Reserve Winners going to Silver Meadows Flicker.The only Veteran Dog was Ch. Nanjo Interlude which is owned by Francis and Mary Casey. This guy is 6 years old and he has sired many lovely Poms.Ch. Sheebas Little Dragonfly and Tim Sues Lil Love Bug. Mr. Schoenburg gave everyone careful consideration and finally gave best of Breed to Sam Zaneoffs Sheebas Little Dragonfly, which was handled by Marlene Scott and was last years Best of Breed winner. Best of Opposite Sex went to Mary Caseys Ch. Maykens Sim Witch of Topaze. A beautiful little girl bred by Kenneth Mayes. Best of Winners went to the Open dog Millamors Moon Rock.All in all, it was a delightful show and I enjoyed talking and visiting with everyone.Ch. Sheebas Little Dragonfly is seen in this Earl Graham photo going Best of Breed for the second consecutive year, handled this year by Mrs. Marlene Scott for owner Sam Zaneoff. Dragon was bred by Cora Hale. Specialty Show Judge Isidore Schoenberg picked his BOB winner from 15 outstanding Specials, the point winners and the winner of the Veterans class.It was a lovely picture to see the specials as they moved around the ring. There were 15 magnificent Pomeranians to choose from, all were well groomed and in beautiful coat., and I must say this was the largest entry of Champions I had seen for some time, and I am sure glad I didnt have to make the decision. There were several Best in Show winners, such as Ch. Mi-Los Mischief Gold Pat,MANY THANKSThe Officers and Board wish to thank all those members and friends who so generously contributed to the Trophy Fund for our Specialty Show. Response was tremendous.There was a little confusion over the fact that names of donors were not listed in the Premium List. Most experienced exhibitors realize that such a long list is never included in the Premium List. In our Show Catalogue, two full pages were devoted to listing and thanking the contributors to the Trophy Fund, from which most of the trophies were purchased. Only the names of donors of specific trophies or cash awards were printed in the Premium List.COMING IN JULYIn the July issue, we will bring you the first chapter of an article by Dolly B. Trauner telling how to form a new specialty club from the first fun match to AKC recognition.COVERThe July Cover is available and can be reserved by the first person to send check for S50 to the Editor.POMERANIAN REVIEW 13SPECIALTY SHOW WINNERSPUPPY SWEEPSTAKESJudge, Mrs. Julie MorenoBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESDragonflys Happy Talk owned by John D. MefzBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESSissy of Lenette owned by K. G. Griffith CLASS ENTRIESJudge, Mr. Isidore SchoenbergPUPPY DOGS, 6-9-MO.Dragonfly's Happy Talk owned by John D. MetzPUPPY DOGS, 9-12 MO.Black River Little Duffy owned by Jean M. MorganBRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGSTomanoHs Tigers Tiny Tim owned by Opal MosherOPEN DOGS, BLACK, BROWN AND BLUEAdkins Tiny Ebony Jambalaya owned by Phyllis SeeleyOPEN DOGS RED, ORANGE, CREAM AND SABLEMillamors Moon Rock owned by Eleanor W. MillerOPEN DOGS ANY OTHER ALLOWED COLORQueenaire Aristocrat owned by Verna HoodWINNERS DOG AND BEST OF WINNERSMillamors Moon Rock owned by Eleanor W. MillerRESERVE WINNERS DOGTomanoHs Tigers Tiny Tim owned by Opal MosherPUPPY BITCHES 6-9 MO.Tim Sues Love Tune owned by Sue L. Goddard and Eleanor W.MillerPUPPY BITCHES 9-12 MO.Straits Twinkle Toes owned by Mildred A. Strait and Betty MahaffyBRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHESTailsman Mystic Revelation owned by Susan M. BurnettAMERICAN BRED BITCHESScotia Sensational Sally owned by Sal Catrini and Mark RomaOPEN BITCHES RED, ORANGE, CREAM AND SABLESilver Meadows Flicker owned by Jacquelyn W. KleinWINNERS BITCHScotia Sensational Sally owned by Sal Catrini and Mark RomaRESERVE WINNERS BITCHSilver Meadows Flicker owned by Jacquelyn W. KleinVETERAN DOG CLASSCh. Nanjo Interlude owned by Francis J. and Mary F. CaseyBEST OF BREEDCh. Sheebas Little Dragonfly owned by Sam L. ZaneoffBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREEDCh. Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze owned by Francis J. and Mary F. CaseySTUD DOG CLASSCh. Nanjo Interlude owned by Francis J. and Mary F. CaseyBEST PUPPY IN PUPPY CLASSESDragonflys Happy Talk owned by John D. Metz14 POMERANIAN REVIEWIN MEMORIAM MRS. I. SCHOENBERGby Derial JacksonWhen I was quite small, one of my neighbors bought a black Pomeranian. I thought he was perfect and I wanted one. I asked the people where they had gotten him and was told that Mr. Freeth had bred him and that I should take some dog magazines. At the time, I was ten years old and had one German Shepherd, one Sealyham mixed and one Collie. But I took their advice and got Dog World and the Kennel Gazette. And so this pre-teen boy started to write to the great kennels of the time. Amazingly, almost all responded. I wrote Miss Proctor Radiant, Mrs. Matta, Mrs. Hoffman then Siron, later Bantam from Bantam Bingo, Mrs. Sharland Dromore, Mrs. Webber Premier and Mrs. I. Schoenberg. IMy correspondence with Mrs. Schoenberg spans almost forty years. I have dozens of pictures of her dogs. The one I- rms--'-T,... 'Mrs. Schoenberg in 1934 with Ch. Harlow Tiny Mintage, Ch. Sensational High Stepper, Ch. Aristic Impy and Ch. Aristic Happy Boy.m 1A, ^Head study of Ch. Aristic Tittle Moneybug1tmsSK5.Mr. and Mrs. Schoenberg in 1936 with Ch. Sensational High best, unfortunately, is in color and had faded. The head study here is circa 1934. The original dogs were Ch. Fairfax Red Scamp of Twin Oaks and Fairie- Queen of Lycroft. Later, she started breeding her own from Ch. Sealand Career, Ch. Little Sahib and Ch. Sealand Moneybox. This, with her Julo imported dogs, became the basis of her Aristic Poms. I have no idea how many champPOMERANIAN REVIEW 15TO-MAR POMERANIANSINTRODUCES ITS COMING PUPPIES TO BE SHOWN THIS SPRINGTo-Mars Sugar Sweet Lady, pictured at 4 V2 monthschanging coatwill be bright orange. Sugar's sire is Ch. Aristic Pepper Pod Beautiful a Pepper Pod Son her Dam is To-Mars Miss Dragonette, a beautiful Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Daughter. Sugar will be handled by Mrs. Myra B. Harris of New Orleans.To-Mars Lady Be Nice, pictured at 312 months. Ladys Sire is Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae and her Dam is a lovely daughter of Ch. Celou . . . Lady will be shown by my daughter Miss Lisa Buonagura.Inquires invited on several litters due this spring of repeat breedings of above. Show and Pet puppies usually available and stud service.Send All Correspondence ToMarie A. Buonagura 435 Phosphor Avenue Metairie, Louisiana, 70005 Phone 1-504-837-1234 ionsare from her kennels but almost all the American bred champions have an Aristic ancestor. She either bred the best or bought a new one to breed with her own stockthe result was spectacular. One that she particularly loved was Sensational Highstepper Spunky. For years she took him with her wherever she went. I seriously doubt that any one person contributed as much to the good of Pomeranians. To me, a great loss. To the Pom fancy, even more.THE JULY KENNEL VISITThe July Kennel Visit will go to the far reaches of Vermont to the kennel of Rex and Betty Bell. It has been some time since we visited in the East, so all you east coast Pom breeders and owners wake up and hop on the bandwagon with your congratulatory ads and news of other eastern Poms16 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYMargaret ColemanI wish to take this oppertunity to thank the exhibitors, advertisers, trophy doners, our many friends, and all those who in any way helped to make this Specialty such a lovely tribute to my late husband, La Verne E. Bud Coleman.Jeribeths Fire Dragon, WD BW at the Columbia Pom Club Specialty Show under Judge Dr. Jim Arima for 5 pt. major. Owned by Mary A. Wylie and Chuck Reynolds and handled by the latter. Photo by Robert.'KimmaGoldpaz Colonal Midnight, shown going KWD at the Columbia Pom Club Specialty Show under Dr. Arima, handled by owner Joy LeCompte. Photo by Robert.The weather was kind to us on January 13, 1973 and we had a very nice day for this time of year. We had a very good attendence although someof our regulars were missing because they were ill with the flu which has been very bad this winter. The trophy table was very attractive and showed off the efforts of the trophy committee. Our judge, Dr. James K. Arima, did a very thorough and competent job and selected the following as winners of the various classes. Puppy dog, 9-12 mo. Jambos Rin-go-kid of Andrews owned by Robert Higbee American Bred dog, Goldpaz Timber Imp owned by Eagle Crest Poney Farm, Mrs. Jean Micken- ham Open Dog, black, brown and blue, Goldpaz Colonel Midnight owned by Mrs. Joy Le Compte Open dog, aoc, Jeribeths Fire Dragon owned by Mary Wylie and Chuck Reynolds this beautiful orange, heavy coated dog was Winners dog, and also Best of Winners. Reserve Winners dog was the lovely black, Goldpaz Colonel Midnight. Puppy Bitches 6-9 mo. Riggins Krisweet Joy owned by Dolores Riggin Puppy Bitches 9-12 mo. Riggins Krismuff Kristolette owned by Dolores Riggin Bred by Exhibitor Bitch La Ritas Troubles of Sungold owned by Rita M. LaVerne and Anna La Fortune Open Bitch Black, brown and blue Ledonnaroys Little Lulu owned by Donna Harris Open Bitch Oac, Scotia Cavs A-tisket A-tasket owned by Phyllis Andrews. This lovely bitch was Winners Bitch and also Best of Opposite Sex. Reserve Winners Bitch was Willas Wee Special, a very nice orange owned by Larry Perkins. Best of Breed was the beautiful red Champion Silver Meadows Lil Red owned by Mrs. G. B. Hankins. Best Puppy was a darling little show off Riggins Krisweet Joy.After the show, a judges dinner was held at the Quay Restaurant, on the Columbia River. Dr. Arima gave a very interesting talk on the qualities he looks for in a Pom. Everyone seemed very pleased with his judging and we hope to be fortunate and have him again some time in the future. The sun was shining, the river beautiful, the food excellent and a good time was had by all.POMERANIAN REVIEW' JU Pomeraniansdan. dli. Scotia daud SISidhet SSadhet Finished With A BANG at The1973 dolumbia f^omeranian dlubd Specialty with a 5 pt. major under Judge Jim ArimaSim. dan. dll. Scotia davd SISidhet________________________________________ USadhetyr - ,iAShe id the 65th dh ed hiamp ion direct bydh. Sunyofdd ja.y doddnui LrdjirardotiYou were right, Edna, when you sent her to us as a show-brood prospect. She has proven the show and next will prove the brood. We thank every judge who placed her so high. She took every Canadian show she was in, and either took or went reserve in all but two U.S. shows. We thank Edna for letting us have her, Gene Hahnlen for handling her so well, and every friend and booster who wished her well. We thank every exhibitor who campeted with her in the ring and can only say, You, too, have some fine Poms that will be finishing soon.Tishs half-brother, Ch. Scotia Cavs Sensational Kid, is in the act, too. Edna, he says, I have three little daughters out here, wish you could see them. One at Donna Harris and two here at the Andrews.donaratulationd, djdonna Sdi,onyri7915 224th St. Woodinville, Wa.arrid on jlinidhinyClyde and Phyllis Andrews APC PSPC Club MembersSJuArea 206 486-730118 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOURAGEOUS GOLD POMERANIANSFLASH FLASH FLASH With a FLASH our little boy Wieses Flash of Timmie Again completed his championship at Southeastern Iowa K.C., Feb. 18th going over a Special for Best of Breed and a Five Point major.We are very proud of Flash. He is our first championAnd such Top Quality dogs back of himFlash has a lovely 7 mo. old son soon to start his show career.A litter mate to this puppy, now at home in Minnesota, also starting on his show career.Two litters of puppies sired by Flash due around March 1st. out of a Great Elms Timstoppers Image daughter and the other dam a great granddaughter of Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper and granddaughter of Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier.A litter due soon from a daughter of Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier bred to a Cavilier grandson.Expecting some very promising puppies from these litters.MRS. CLARA WIESE5612 No. 71st Street Longmont, Colorado 80501POMERANIAN REVIEW 1INTRODUCINGThe New Exciting Specialty Winner-JERIBETHS FIRE DRAGONJeri is shown as Best of Winners for 5 points at COLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY at Portland, Ore., under BreedAuthority Judge James Arima with 19 Poms in Class Competition. He garnered more points the following day at Portland D.F.A. All-Breed Show under Judge Helen Lee James. Bred by Mrs. Olga Baker, Jeri is a double Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly grandson. Address Stud inquiries to his Co-Owner Handler, Chuck Reynolds. Watch for this team to build up another Jeribeth record at future shows.OWNERMARY A. WYLIE P. O. Box 423 Penn Valley, Ca. 95946CO-OWNER HANDLER CHUCK REYNOLDS Golden Glow Kennels Newcastle, Ca. 9565820 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN SPECIALTYby Ken MathesonIt seemed that everything was on the side of the NCPC the day of their Specialty. The sun came out and so did the people to see them participate in the show. There were thirty eight dogs entered in the show on February 17th in San Jose.The McMillan photo shows Eeto, bred owned and handled by Susan Allen, going WD for 5 pt. major to finish under Judge Tom Stevenson. Trophy being presented by N.C.P.C. President, Wanda Roach.Mrs. Julie Moreno was the judge for the Puppy Sweepstakes. There were only six puppies entered in competition for the Sweepstakes. I think that since it was the first puppy Sweepstakes held for Poms around this area that many people did not know what it was all about and did not enter. The Junior Dog went to Bob Ramoss BOBBYS LIL BOY OF BLOSSOM VIEW, and the Senior Bitch went to Irene Weltz's BLOSSOM VIEWS RUBY RED. The Grand Sweepstakes Winner was BOBBYS LIL BOY OF BLOSSOM VIEW.Mr. Tom Stevenson was the judge for the Specialty with 31 class dogs and 5 specials. It was 5 points in Dogs and Bitches. Susan and John Allens EETO, handled by Susan went Winners Dog and Best of Winners for the points andthe win finished him. He showed like the show was for him only and he pranced around the ring as if he owned it. The Winners Bitch went to a lovely young black, Dolly Trauners P H Y N E R BUMBLE BEE. She was also owner- handled and was hard to ignore by the way she handled herself and moved about in the ring. The Best of Breed went to Rose Lee Loys Ch. BLOSSOM VIEW HI-STYLE HILO BOY, handled by Phyllis Greer. A very heavy coated light orange and very stylish in the ring.mmSVCh. Blossom View Hi Style Hilo Boy is shown winning BOB at the N.C. P.C. First Independent Specialty Show under Judge Tom Stevenson, handled as always by Phyllis Greer.Best of opposite sex was the very lovely red, CH. BLOSSOM VIEWS HELLO DOLLY, owned by Mrs. J. L. Weltz and Helen S. Palmer.As a personal opinion, the Poms at the Specialty were of uniform size. Looking at the large classes, open dogs and bitches, the size and general type of all Poms were very much alike. It is a credit to the Pom breeders that dogs of varying backgrounds looked so much alike.POMERANIAN REVIEW 1PHYNER KENNELS, Reg.proudly presentsPHYNER BUMBLE BEEby Ken Mathesons black Ch. Cin Dees Tiny Tim ex Am. Can. Ch. Phyner Black QueenairenIWinners Bitch under Judge Dr. James Arima at Golden Gate K.C. owner-handled by her breeder, Mrs. L. M. Trauner.SSIWinners Bitch for a 5-pt. majorat the 1st Independent Specialty of the Northern California Pomeranian Club under Judge Tom Stevenson.Club President, Wanda Roach, presenting trophy.OwnersDr. Mrs. Lawrence M. Trauner2025 Lyon StreetSan Francisco, Ca. 9411522 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE SHOW MUST GO ONby Dorothy BonnerFor a lowly ten-breed show judge, an assignment on the Florida Circuit was far from small potatoes, and I departed from San Antonio about noon, thrilled and enthusiastic, expecting that quick plane change in Atlanta would take me to Jacksonville. At high altitude, the weather was at first satisfactory, but soon the clouds closed in, bringing rain with low visibility. Landing at Atlanta, some hundred feet from the terminal building, I followed the crowd through ice and slush, fur coat draped over my head to protect my recently styled wig from the freezing rain. New shoes with smooth soles forced me to shuffle along cautiously until, suddenly, my feet slipped out from under me. Luckily, two strong arms caught me from behind, a hand grasped my arm, and I literally was wheel-barrowed into the building.After hurried thank yous, the correct waiting room was found, and my real adventures began, as, along with more than a hundred hopeful passengers, the waiting started. My suitcase had been checked straight into Jacksonville which seemed a convenience at the time, but was to be regretted later. Twice there were announcements of postponement of the flight, but finally, to our relief, we were allowed to board the plane, and then subsequently informed that a further delay would be necessary. A sandwich and a drink was served by a stewardess in a mini skirt, who was critically assessed by the passengers, followed by news that the flight had been cancelled, with directions to another waiting room for a later flight. We joined additional travelers already there, but eventually, true to form, there followed a report that this flight, also, was cancelled with the cheerful news that there would be no more flights until weather conditions improved. The more knowledgeable majority immediately rushed out and down to the lower level whereticket booths were issuing vouchers for a nights motel and meals. Remaining to talk with an official, I was told not to worry because even the army made allowances, and any business appointment would be postponed, as the roads were iced-in and closed to traffic. There wasnt any point in my mentioning the insurmountable impossibility of postponing a two-thousand-dog show, opening at nine oclock the next morning. My blithe spirits sank lower than Carlsbad Caverns, as to me, the worlds most important issue, warranting any risk from icy runways, was arriving in Jacksonville on time. A phone call to a Jax club member netted only sympathy, with no possible remedial suggestions, and I was told that the Hospitality Committee, even then, was waiting at the airport, just in case any plane came in. However, many of the judges had officiated the day before at a show farther south and had already arrived.At the lower level, I was amazed to find twenty or thirty lines, over a hundred people in each line, waiting at the many ticket booths. Movement in the lines was so slow as to seem inpercep- tible. At this point, an endeavor, born of desperation, to persuade some of the people to avail themselves with the ready and waiting Hertz service, failed miserably, because no one was eager to drive eight hours on icy roads. Despite adverse information and advice, I decided to call the bus stations, which entailed waiting for a booth, losing dimes in a defective telephone, then waiting for another booth. To my surprise and delight, Trailways responded that a bus was leaving at eleven oclock. My watch said ten thirty-five. The Olympics never had sponsored a faster foot race, around, downstairs, and out to where the taxies were rolling in, with unbelievable mobs commandeering each vehicle before it had even slowed down. Fortunately, still under an awning, I ran a block to where the cabs were turning in, Can you get me to Trailways in twenty - fivePOMERANIAN REVIEW 23GOOD LOOKING BLONDSThis little blonds name is Maisie and she does have a lot of fun. She was BOB at the first little fun match held by the Sunshine Pomeranian Club May 72, and Spungolds Lil Red Showpepper, 10 mos. male, was BOS.Maisie of Spungold Sire Ch. Scotia Fantasys Cavilier at Stud hereDam Spungolds Stylish BuffySPEAKING OF. -rsoKW....TThefollowing writeup appeared in the Jacksonville Journal, Jacksonville, Florida, January 27, 1973PET POINTERS by Helen Bates SMALL, FLUFFY AND BRAINYThose sharp, bright eyes are the tip-off which tell you that the Pomeranian may be a bit of orange fluff, but not in the brain department. Pictures of such dogs are seen on gems and jars from ancient Greece, but its pretty certain that northern Europe was probably his ancestral starting point. Iceland and Lapland could have been the home of his forbearers who were probably deep coated sled dogs. But his name comes from the Prussian province of Pomerania, where he went the alteration in size from sheepdog down to toy. But the herd dog cunning remained intact, and the tiny little fellow often rates tops in obedience training. Queen Victoria loved the little fellows, and they showed up first on the American scene in the 1890s. Newborn puppies are so small that three can be held in one hand.Mr. and Mrs. Rea E. Altwater of 6247 Ricker Road have been show breeding the furry toys for 20 years. They have four generation living together. Theres great-grandpa, Champion Beau 16 Grandpa Champion Sun Toy 13 V2 father Style 8 and son. Champion Patrick 4. Average weight for Poms is 3-7 lbs., but they have one 7 year old male, Jimbeau, that tips the beam at 1 3A lbs. A litter of two puppies, the male 312 ozs. and a female 2 ozs. was born this week to Martha and Stanly, both weighing 5 lbs. Mrs. Altwater describes Poms as Cuddly and very affectionate.3SPUNGOLD POMERANIANSMrs. R. E. Altwater 6247 Ricker Road Jacksonville, Florida 32210 Area 904-771-2283Ch. Stylish Patrick of Spungold Group Winner on left and his sire, Spungolds Stylish Pepper Photo by the Jacksonville Journal24 POMERANIAN REVIEWminutes I think so, lady. Get in. My dusky driver attempted to beat the Indianapolis race time in to town, and slid to a stop at the bust station at exactly 11 oclock. Throwing him some hills, I jerked open the cab door, and ran into the building screaming, HOLD THAT BUS Ambling toward me was a tall, dark, bushy-haired official, What bus, Lady The Jacksonville bus. Where is it Aint no bus, Lady. Nothin rollin a tall. But they TOLD me. Nothin here Lady. Musta been some other company. I suddenly felt helpless, overwhelmed by insurmountable obstacles, and even cut off from hundreds of others who had shared my misery. You told me on the telephone that there WAS a bus. Now, refund my taxi fare and get me back to the airport. Anxious to be rid of a crazy character, he lamely suggested, Why dont you try the Greyhoud station in the next block Slipping and sliding over slushy sidewalks, freezing rain beating down on my poor wig, the Greyhound station was reached, and to my astonishment, bulging with countless dark skinned people. Miraculously, at the ticket counter, a bus was scheduled for 115 a.m., and the entire world became bright and joyous again as I telephoned this cheerful information to my Jacksonville friends.No seats being vacant in the crowded lobby, one was found in the spacious Ladies room, where I sat, trying to stay awake. All of the toilets had quarter slots, which groups of kinkly-headed youngsters vainly investigated. At my suggestion, one crawled underneath the partition, then left the door ajar. This gave me an opportunity for a little amusement and a time-passer, so, as each hurried individual entered, she was informed, I left this door open especially for you. I was thanked profusely, and the door again was left ajar for another customer. My project progressed famously until Mrs. ebony-colored Five- by-Five waddled in, and considering herself the epitomy of affluence, disdainedme and my humanitarian efforts, squandered her quarter for an unused stall, ignoring me pointedly.At long last, bus time came, and I happily climbed abroad, carefree with mind finally at ease. My seat companion and I intermittently dozed as we jostled each other with every change of position. After some time, the bus pulled in to a stop at some undetermined station where the driver and all of the passengers immediately awakened, and rushed off. Before my benumbed mind had fully comprehended, all rushed in to their seats again loaded with snacks and cokes, and we were on our way through the driving rain, ice and snow having gradually disappeared as we progressed south.Seven hours later, we arrived safely at Jacksonville, and I emerged from the bus, stiff and unsteady, resembling a product of the night before, into the welcoming arms of the Show Committee, who had managed to survive a night of waiting at the airport. Their long-suffering patience had netted only one lone judge, I, for the less persistent ones had failed to arrive. It was eight oclock with ample time to open my ring on schedule, after an attempt to unwilt my drooping wig and renew my makeup. My bag, containing fresh apparel, was unrecoverable, and I could only be thankful for a knit suit that had resisted slept-in wrinkles. In my frantic journey, I felt like the movie, Around the World in 80 Days, and had I been possessed of an elephant, as they were, I would thankfully have ridden it to Jacksonville. But I didnt have an elephant.Judging progressed smoothly and flawlessly, my bag was retrieved from the airport that evening where planes were again flying, and I returned home during the night without too much delay in Atlanta, wearing the same clothes that had started me on the trip forty-eight Continued on page 46POMERANIAN REVIEW 25ANNUAL STUD DOG REGISTERm--- Ch. Gold Toys Red FlameLou-Lans Token of Friendship Millamors Gold SpiceCh. Nan jo Masterpiece SireCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun DanceNanjo Jubilant Tina Marie VIAm., Can. and Ber. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Ch. Thelcolynns ShowstopperCh. Thelcolynns Tinny Sun Dance Ch. Flame of ThelcolynnThelcolynns Tiny Tyeca DamThelcolynns Little Sir DandyAm., Can. Ber. Champion Nanjo Interlude 34 lb. Light Orange Fee 75Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Thelcolynns Honey BunFrancis J. Mary F. Casey TOPAZE KENNELS60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Mass. 02767 617-822-4862Above is a sample of an entry in the Annual Stud Dog Register, which will appear in the July issue. The Review is pleased to award this sample Stud Card to Am., Can. and Ber. Ch. Nanjo Interlude, sire of 5 1972 champions including a Best In Show winner.It is a well-known adage that in seeking a stud for ones broods, the surest road to success comes from selecting a stud which is from an excellent family of winning and producing dogs, which is an outstanding example of the breed himself and which has sired a number of winning progeny. There are many such Poms in this country of ours, and it should always be remembered that a study of the pedigree is of highest value in picking the most suitable stud for each particular female. It is foolish to select a stud dog ONLY on the basis of his show wins or because he is conveniently located next door.Cost of entering your dog in the Stud Dog Register is 7.50 for the first entry, plus the cost of the cut if you do not have one the proper size, and 3.50 plus cost of cut for second and each subsequent entry of the same owner. Also, dogs may be entered without photos, if none are available, and a description of the dog may be inserted in the space intended for the photograph. Cuts to be used must be no larger than 2 square, and new ones from your glossy print will cost 5. Description beneath cut is limited to twenty words. An advertiser sending three stud card entries will also have the opportunity of ordering 100 copies of the page on which his entries appear for an additional 7.00.Because of the work involved in looking up old cuts, typing pedigrees, etc., we ask your cooperation in sending your copy as early as possible. Please mention the back issue in which your cut was used, if we have one on file. Glossies and pedigrees will be returned.Send Copy, Cuts, Check toMRS. SOPHIE MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road ABSOLUTE DEADLINEWest Chester, Pa. 19380 May 20th26 POMERANIAN REVIEWAll of us at TOPAZE KENNELS join with OUR LITTLEST STAR314 lb. AMERICAN, CANADIAN BERMUDIAN CHAMPION NANJO INTERLUDE known to his many friends as DENNYto CONGRATULATE His Children and the other Poms from TOPAZE Kennelswho finshed their CHAMPIONSHIPS in 1972. CONGRATULATIONS to theBreeders and Owners of these NEW CHAMPIONS and Our HeartfeltThanks to the Judges for the Wins that helped them achieve their titles.FinishedFeb. 13, 19721. Ch. Bodas Gypsy Melody of Topaze, owners, Francis J. Mary F. CaseyFinishedApr. 15, 19722. Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Happy Interlude, owners, Jack Beti Trussel FinishedApr. 2, 19723. Am. Bda. Ch. Westerleigh Topaze Serenade, owner, Florence, Lady ConyersFinishedJune 24, 19724. Ch. Topaze Mr. American Pie, owners Mary Rebecca Edwards FinishedJune 24, 19725. Ch. Topaze Lady Jennifer, owners, Francis J. Mary F. Casey Finished-Oct. 7, 19726. Ch. Topaze Jack-O-Diamonds, Am. Can. C.D., owner, Mrs. Marie V. Smith FinishedAug. 20, 19727. Am. Can. Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze, owners, Francis J. Mary F. CaseyFinished-Dec. 17, 19728. Ch. Topaze King of the Nip, owners John Marjorie HenzieWE ALL JOIN TOGETHER TO WISH DENNYA VERY, VERY, HAPPY SEVENTH BIRTHDAY ON APRIL 14th. Youre not getting older Denny, youre getting BETTERFrancis J. Mary F. Casey Phone 617 822-486260 Wilbur Street Raynham, Mass. 02767POMERANIAN REVIEW 27AMERICAN AND CANADIAN CHAMPION TOPAZE HAPPY INTERLUDE Finished in U.S. with 2 BIS from Classes under noted judges Mrs. Irene Khatoonian Mr. George Higgs.With a limited show career in 72, Sniki has to his creditIn U.S., Owner-handled 2 BIS, 2 Group 1, 1 Group 4 5 BOBIn Canada, handled hy breeder, Francis J. Casey 2 BIS, 6 Group 1,1 Group 2 7 BOBOur sincere thanks to all of the judges who passed so favorably on Our Little TreasureSniki is at Stud with Owners Pedigree July 72 ReviewJack Beti Trussel Phone 212-877-7451148 W. 72nd Street New York City, N. Y.FLASH SNIKI WINS BOB GROUP 2 AX SANTA CLARA, CA. 2-17-73AMERICAN AND CANADIAN CHAMPION MAYKENS SUN WITCH OF TOPAZEBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW, FEB. 1973Switchy began her show career in mid June of 1972 and gained both titles by mid August, owner handled. Majors under Mrs. Betty Dullinger and Mrs. Mary Brewster.Finished at Greater Lowell under Judge Mrs. David Crouse. Bred by Kenneth W. Mayes and owned byFrancis J. Mary F. CaseyTOPAZE KENNELS, 60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Mass. 0276728 POMERANIAN REVIEWCHAMPION TOPAZE MR. AMERICAN PIEThis flashy little deep orange male finished his championship at the age of 14 months with majors under Joseph Gregory at Greenwich K. C. and Mrs. Heywood Hartley at Mid Hudson K. C.- is '5....See Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsAt Stud with Owners Mary M. Rebecca L. Edwards 275 Eliot Street, Rt. 16 South Natick, Mass. 01760 Phone 617-655-6188Handled exclusively by Paul A. Edwards 275 Eliot St., Rt. 16 South Natick, Mass. 01760CHAMPION TOPAZE JACK-O-DIAMONDS, AM. CAN. C.D. Tow started his show career in the breed ring after he gained his obedience titles in the U.S. and Canada.A son of the late Ch. Kniffins Jack-O-Diamonds and grandson of the late Am. Can. Champion Topaze Lucky Little Diamond this lovely true orange sable male has much to offer the breed.Major points won under noted judges Alva Rosenberg at Progressive 1971 and Joseph Faigel at Wachusett K.C. 1972. Finished under Mrs. Mary Brewster at Lewiston-Auburn. Handled by Donald Smith Mary Casey for ownerMrs. Marie V. Smith Phone 617-823-617322 Pondview Circle Canton, Mass.Pedigree in Behind New ChampionsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 29ANOTHER WINNING SON OF CH. NANJO INTERLUDEDandy is a super showman, he has the bouncy style of Dennyplus the utter freshness of his mother Jabil Petite Delilah. \Jabils Dandy Dion 12 Pts., Both majorsHe is a Joy to OwnJABIL KENNELS Mrs. Jessie W. YoungLoudon Ridge Road Loudon, New Hampshire 03301CHAMPION TOPAZE KING OF THE NIP Nipper won his first major by going WD, BW BOS at the Bay Colony Pom Club Specialty under Breeder-Judge Kenneth Matheson.Finished at the Worcester K.C. Show under Howard Tyler by going WD BW for his second major. Shown for owners by Francis J. Mary F. Casey.This light orange, compact little male is at Stud either with his owners or by contacting Mary F. Casey, 60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Mass.v"VOwned byMr. and Mrs. John W. Henzie 20 Baltic AvenuePhone 617-238-2287 No. Easton, Mass.30 POMERANIAN REVIEWCIRCULATIONMANAGERMRS. THELMA M. DUNN R. D. 1, Carvale Drive Aberdeen, Md. 21001\POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION 6.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada, Mexico 6.50 Foreign, 7.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION RATE 3.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 1.50 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscription will start with the April issue, each year. New members pay full amount up to Oct. 1, one half thereafter.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUES Available at 1.00 EachWrite Circulation Manager1961 Sept.1962 March, Sept., Dec.1963 AAarch, June, Oct.1 964April, July 1966July, Oct.1 967April, July, Oct.1968JulyComplete your files of The Review. These back issues are collectors items now. Always something good for reference.Also available at 1.25 Each1 969Jan., Oct.1970Jan., July, Oct.1 971Jan., April, July, Oct.1 972Jan., April, July, Oct.193Jan.THE AX MUST FALLIf this issue of the Review is late and we have no doubt that it will be contributors have only themselves to blame. To the 14 people who sent in their ads by deadline time, and the four columnists whose material was in our hands by February 20th, we give our thanks.To all those others who thought, Oh, wellI guess it will still make the issue, we now send the following WARNING. Late material for the July issue will NOT be accepted, unless personal, express permission has been secured from the Editor, with valid reason for the delay. ALL CHECKS will he deposited and the ads held for the October issue. This means we may have a second Stud Dog Register in October Columns and articles missing the deadline will be held for October, and news may be very stale by then.We do truly hate to be an ogre. But printing is a BUSINESS and meeting a preordered deadline is like catching a trainit wont wait. All straight matter, i.e. columns and articles, everything printed in the body of the text, is edited and taken in FIRST. While this is being set in type, we have a few days to cope with the ad layouts. Meanwhile, proof-reading has to he done on the text. Then on the ads. Then on the corrections. Perhaps you get the picture.DEADLINE FOR JULY IS MAY 20POMERANIAN REVIEW 3j^ixied iiiicrest l om.eran.Lan5Offers Atj StudWindfalls of HighlandPointed, 4'A lb. Orange May Morning Black Chipper4Vi lb. Black PUPPIES AVAILABLEDarlc sable femalewhelped 11-1-72 and 2 females, 1 malered or sablewhelped 2-5-73 Sired by WindfallaWhite brood prospectlb.Aristic linebredwhelped 10-20-72Also 5 LITTERS ON THE WAY1 black, 1 white, and 3 Orange or SableInquiries InvitedCarol A. Galavich Route 1Powhatan Point, Ohio 43942 Phone 614-458-1705WERE NEW TO THE REVIEW This isNaps Little Rogues Red Bon We call him Brandy8 points to datePlease watch for us at the Spring shows. Were showing him and his sons . . . Brandys First Class Brandys Razzamataz Brandys SassafrassThink these names sound flamboyant Come see our boysJudy Kone348 East 6340 SouthMurray, Utah 84107 Phone 801-486-064132 POMERANIAN REVIEWANSWERS TO THE GUESSING GAMEp. 74, Jan. issueIn addition to the letters quoted below, correct answer to all four pictures was sent in by Mrs. R. E. Inscho of Florida, and partially correct answers by several others.HELEN M. KRAFCIK Tacoma, WashingtonI believe the guessing game Poms are as follows1. Ch. Sealand Moneybox2. Ch. Pixietown Serenade of Hadleigh3. Ch. Glenrose FlashawayIm not so sure about the lady. Ill just guess, Mrs. Elsie Sivori. I only attend area shows, so do not meet many Pom people, but do read all Reviews several times and know many champion Poms from memory from pictures, since 1961. Its fun to see a picture and try and guess its identity.Ive made myself a Stud Book Register and took many pedigrees from the Review. Ive enclosed each pedigree in a plastic cover and can thumb through it without tearing the sheets or leaving it dirty. Its fun just to sit and simulate breedings to see what the puppies pedigree would look like, helps one learn more about pedigrees and linebreeding, even though its only on paper.BOB GOODRICHHampton, VirginiaJust received my Pom Review and it just floored me that only two people guessed right on the Mystery Pom. I have one of the old colored prints of Timstopper and would not take anything for it. I did not try to guess, as I thought so many would have it right.As for the Lovely Lady in the Picture it could only be our Dear Pom Judge Mrs. Elsie Sivori holding her wonderful Pom Ch. Wee Traveller of many yearsago. I also have a good print of this. Next Pom is Sealand Moneybox. Then. Lady Conyers pom Robin, common- ally known as Eng., Am., Can. and Ber. Ch. Pixietown Serenade of Hadleigh. The last and probably most difficult is Ch. Glen Rose Flashaway AKC 499338 owned by J. Greenwood, Beamsville, Ontario, Canada.If these answers are correct it does not mean that I am that smart, but have two wonderful photo albums of old Poms which I was blessed with from my dear friend of the old Pomwin Kennels, Mrs. Ethel Unwin. She has guided, blessed and given me books, crates, and many other needs for the Poms. I will al- \vays be in debt to her.Have not shown much lately, but have two females on the way to their Championship both have their Majors.DONT MISS THAT DEADLINE.Nice Colorbred Black FemaleWhelped Jan. 31, 1970Beautiful Golden Orange FemaleWhelped June 18, 1970Nice Red Sable Female Whelped May 22, 1972Nice Orange Male Whelped Aug. 9, 1972Dorothy Armagost Main Street Hooversville, Pa. 15936 Phone 814-798-2601POMERANIAN REVIEW 3WILDAYS POMERANIANSWiloways Little Louie SVz lb. orange Stud Fee on RequestLitter Due Sired by Wildays Surprise Package3 pt. major out of Wildays Little Miss Muffin Watch For Wiloway Wildays Venture sired by Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image518-463-0058 Bill Daus290 Lark St., Albany, N. Y. 12210WILOWAY POMERANIANS PresentsWILDAYS SURPRISE PACKAGE 3 pt. majorSableSTUD SERVICE PUPPIESGrooming Conditioning 518-462-9025Lou Noti290 Lark St. Albany, N. Y. 12210POMERANIAN REVIEW34VIRGINIA NIEHOUSESeattle, WashingtonDear EditorI may be only one pup in a large ken- lel, and I usually dont make too much uss, but I have a number of gripes to lir. I may be labelled a Trouble Maker 3r a Sorehead, or just plain dumb, but lere goes.First of all, after already paying my pear's dues of S7.00, am I to understand that in order for me to receive the Pomeranian Review, I have to pay another 3.00 To me, the Pomeranian Review IS the APC The whole crux of the Club is in the people who subscribe to the P. R. These are the earnest breeders and exhibitors who want to learn and improve the breed, the very purpose of the APC.You say nothing in the By-Laws says the Pom Review is to be sent to members FREE. Well, the Pom Review is the only reason that I joined in the first place, and if I can get the same publication for 6.00, rather than 10.00, as a non-member, then next year that may very well be the case.I dont feel that Im getting any benefit from paying you 7.00 a year. I already abide by your ethics and have for a long time before you ever required a signed statement to that effect. Once a year, I am sent a blank form asking me to vote for a lot of people I dont even know, except for having heard their names here and there not even a rundown on their qualifications for the office they are seeking. And how about a Treasurers report How do I know where my money went You say that the Club is running in the red. How do I know thatI know that the Easterners have a reputation of thinking of us as just Hicks from the Sticks, but our dollars are just as important to you as anyone elses. We have already shown that we can do our share of winning in the ring and finishing champions, just as the people from the East and Southwest have.Your editorial regarding new fees in the January edition appears to be giving the members a 50 cut in subscription costs, but actually you are charging us 3.00 more a year and the non-member subscriber is only paying 1.00 extra a year. So far, I havent seen anything to my benefit for the extra money I am required to pay every year just to say that I am a member of the APC. What do I tell someone if I should tell them that I am a member of the APC and they say, So what I dont even know what all my rights and privileges are as a member.As for sending in my opinion about the changes considered in fees, asked for in the October issue, let me say here that only two members of our entire club and known subscribers, received their copies before the middle of December much too late for any of us to put in our two cents worth, with the deadline for the January Review being in November. I had to write twice before getting any action for any of us to even get that editionOnly one more thing. In the January edition on page 49 in a letter by Mrs. Burns of the Bay Colony Club, she tells of the Code of Ethics being read to their membership at a regular meeting. Was this something that should have been allowed all Clubs and members BEFORE being passed by the Board If so, you left us all out So much for my complaints for good or bad. Ive met a lot of Pom people, like most of them, and for better or worse I am going to continue doing everything I can to learn and improve my beloved Pomeranians.THE EDITOR ANSWERSWe are very glad you took the trouble to write to the Review, and happy that you did not just grumble and complain to yourself and perhaps to your fellow regional club members. We hope we will be able to answer your gripes one by one, to your satisfaction and hopefullyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 35at the same time, answer unasked questions of other readers.First of all, although we like to think that the Review fills a need to keep our very far-flung membership informed on Pom doings countrywide, the Review is only a small PART of the American Pomeranian Club. If, as you say, the Review is the only reason you joined the Club in the first place, we cannot help wondering why you did not simply remain a Subscriber, instead of paying your at the time 2.00 extra in order to become a Member.The purpose of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is stated on the application for membership, which you must have read before joining the Club i. e., This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed. In other words, the purpose of the parent club is to benefit the BREED, not the individual members. The AKC charges the parent club of every breed with the responsibility of drawing up the Standard for that breed, advancing the cause of the breed by the holding of Specialty Shows, encouraging the owning and breeding of the breed by ethical persons who are also interested in protecting and advancing the breed, not merely exploiting it for their own financial gain.The only personal benefit you might receive from paying your 7.00 dues is the very real but probably not immediate and direct one of helping to protect the breed, which in the long run does benefit each of us. Incidentally, you are not paying ME 7.00 per year, and it is not MY Club. Dont forget, you are a member, too. It is YOUR Club and OUR Club.We think you have a very valid point in saying you are asked to vote for a lot of people you dont know, and we think that if you would write to the Secretary and suggest that qualifications for office of each candidate selected by the Nominating Committee be included on theballot, that we might see this change in procedure. By the way, we dont think too many people are SEEKING office, since as officers and Board members they are obligated to do a lot of work and spend a lot of their own money going to New York to meetings. Rather, the Club is seeking people to serve and they care enough about the protection of the breed to do so.Our present By-Laws, of which you surely have a copyspecifies that the Treasurers Report be given at the Annual Meeting. We agree with you 100 that a complete financial report should be given to every member either in a mailed report or through publication in the Review, and we feel sure the Revised By-Laws, now in progress, will so specify. One correction we never said that the CLUB was running in the red. This would be impossible. We said that the Review was operating in the red, and had become a real drain on the club treasury.We still maintain that being charged one-half the usual rate for a subscription is a bargain, compared to the full 6.00 that most members indicated their willingness to pay. Incidentally, none said that if required to pay full subscription rate for their Review, they would resign from the Club and just become subscribers. The questions asked in the October issue were designed to discover members preference of four possible alternatives thus the decision to charge members something for their Review was the choice as against the alternatives of discontinuing the Review, turning it over to a commercial enterprise which would surely mean at ieast a 6.00 subscription, or letting an American Pomeranian Club member take it over as a hopefully money-making proposition and this CERTAINLY Would mean at least 6.00 subscriptionWe regret that due to some mix-up before changeover in Circulation Managers the October Reviews for your area Continued on page 6536 POMERANIAN REVIEWCHAMPION SHEEBA'S LITTLE DRAGONFLYONE OF THE NATIONS TOP WINNING POMS WINS A DOUBLE HEADERAMERICANI POMERANIAN CLUB MM FEBRUARY i3 1972 -BESTA i WAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW BEST OF BREEDFebruary 13,1972 under the eminent judge, Mr. Gordon ParhamSam L. Zaneoff10 Park Avenue New York, N. Y. 10016-POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. SHEEBA'S LITTLE DRAGONFLYTAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SAY THANKS to the most renowned judge, Mr. Isidore Schoenberg1AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW the honor of BEST OF BREED for the Second consecutive year making this event one that few Poms have ever attained.Our thanks and love to his beautiful handler, Mrs. Marlene Scott who contributed to Dragons tremendous win.10 Park AvenueSam L. ZaneoffNew York, N. Y. 10016i POMERANIAN REVIEWSTANDARD FOR POMERANIANSAPPEARANCE The Pomeranian in uild and appearance is a cobby, balanc- I, short-coupled dog. He exhibits great itelligence in his expression, and is alert 1 character and deportment.HEAD Well-proportioned to the body, redge-shaped but not domed in outline, nth a fox-like expression. There is a ronounced stop with a rather fine but ot snipey muzzle, with no lippiness. he pigmentation around the eyes, lips, nd on the nose must be black, except 3lf-colored in brown and blue.TEETH The teeth meet in a scissors ite, in which part of the inner surface of ne upper teeth meets and engages part f the outer surface of the lower teeth. ne tooth out of line does not mean an ndershot or overshot mouth.EYES Bright, dark in color, and med- im in size, almond shaped and not set do wide apart nor too close together.EARS Small, carried erect and mount- d high on the head, and placed not too ar apart.NECK SHOULDERS The neck is ather short, its base set well back on he shoulders. The Pom is not straight- a-shoulder, but has sufficient lay-back of houlders to carry the neck proudly and ligh.BODY The back must be short and opline level. The body is cobby, being rell ribbed and rounded. The brisket is airly deep and not too wide.LEGS The forelegs are straight and larallel, of medium length in proportion o a well balanced frame. The hocks are erpendicular to the ground, parallel to iach other from hock to heel, and turn- ng neither in nor out. The Pomeranian tands well up on toes.TAIL The tail is characteristic of the need. It turns over the back and is car- led flat set high. It is profusely covered vith hair.COAT Double-coated a short, soft, thick undercoat, with longer, coarse, glistening outercoat consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse, standing-off straight hair. The front legs are well feathered and the hindguarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks.COLOR Acceptable colors to be judged on an equal basis any solid color, any solid color with lighter or darker shadings of the same color, any solid color with sable or black shadings, parti-color, sable, and black and tan. Black and tan is black with tan or rust, sharply defined, appearing above each eye and on muzzle, throat and forechest, on all legs and feet and below the tail. Parti-color is white with any other color distributed in even patches on the body and a white blaze on head.MOVEMENT The Pomeranian moves with a smooth, free, but not loose action. He does not elbow out in front nor move excessively wide nor cow-hocked behind. He is sound in action.SIZE The weight of a Pomeranian for exhibition is 3 to 7 pounds. The ideal size for show specimens is from 4 to 5 pounds.TRIMMING DEWCLAWS Trimming for neatness is permissible around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is also permitted. Dewclaws, if any, on the hind legs are generally removed. Dewclaws on the front legs may be removed.CLASSIFICATIONS The Open Classes at Specialty Shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange Cream and Sable Open Black, Brown and Blue Open Any Other Allowed Color.POMERANIAN REVIEWEDITORIALEach year at this time, we reprint the Standard for our breed as a reminder to breeders and judges alike of the ideal type Pomeranian.Our Editorial last April concerned itself with coat, color and overtrimming, and stirred up a veritable storm of correspondence pro and con the editorial remarks.This year, we would like to discuss several other basic problems currently plaguing our breed.Of utmost concern to conscientious breeders and exhibitors is the continued lack of sound leg structure, both front and rear, and corresponding poor movement. In conjunction with other faults of leg structure, weak pasterns and flat feet are very much in evidence. The overall picture of the Pomeranian demands that the dog stand well up on toes and that the legs be not only straight and parallel, but also of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame. In breeding our American Poms away from the more "leggy appearance of the typical English Pom, some of our breeders have gone too far. We are seeing some ridiculously shortlegged Pomeranians which not only tend to resemble another Toy breed, but being physically unable to achieve the smooth, free action wanted in a Pom, they even mimic the rolling gait of the otherNext to the urgent problem of unsound leg structure, we feel that loss of the correct Pom head type is the fault most in need of attention. Again, in breeding away from the disliked sharply pointed muzzle with shallow stop seen in Pomeranians in the past, American breeders have gone too far in the opposite direction. The alert look and Pox-like expression demanded by our Standard depend on a wedge-shapedhead with comparatively fine muzzle, ai ears set high on the head and not tc far apart. The adored baby face fast becoming such an exaggeration th sometimes one gets the impression i that other Toy breed. Muzzles are b coming much too wide and short, stoj too sudden, and worst of all, ears tc low down on the neck and too wic apart. Right along with these abomin tions, large, round and frequently bul ing eyes complete the picture what Certainly NOT our intelligen alert fox-like PomeraniantFOOD FOR THOUGHTIt has been suggested that perhap our Standard is confusing to nev breeders and judges, too, by reason oJ not listing faults or disqualifications. I it enough to picture the ideal or Per feet Pom in words, and rely on th good judgment of those viewing th actual, living Poms in the ring and else where to discriminate between majo and minor deviations from the ideal The Review would welcome comment on this question from all breeders anc judges.0 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the imerican Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph nd additional detail as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not nore than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 8.50 and the glossy print. Should i cut of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 3.50.CH. KENNEYS GOLD MIST TIM TOPPER, brilliant orange male, bred, owned and handled by Sallie Kenney Sajonce, 907 Inman Road, Memphis, Tn., 38111. Finished his Championship with Best of Winners for four points at Fort SmithWee Won's Golden Glow Aristic Little Dufty Aristic Daintiness Dixielands Dandy Gold Tim SireCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Trudy of Dixieland Great Elms Little Dolly McKamey's Sundown Best Yet Dixieland's Merry May Dixieland's Little Itsy - Kenneys Gold Mist Zuber DamNiehol's Rusty Boy Kenneys Gold Mist Zelda Kenney's Gold Mist ZadaK. C. under Judge Gus R. Wolf.Vm2H. SCOTIA CAVS A-TISKET\-TASKETTA851622Breeder, Edna Girardot Dwner, Phyllis Andrews Woodinville, Wn.Rider's Sungold Timstopper Ch. McKamey's Sundawn Commander McKameys Little Jenny 3h. Sungolds Gay Caviller SireCh. Julo Perk of Waverly Wee Coquette of Shawn Sungolds Topsy Ch. Sungold's Gay Caviller Ch. Scotia Cavilier's Toby Tyler Ch. Scotia Spot Cash All-Stars Tobys Lil Tidbit Dam All-Star's Lil Chip-O-Chuck Grayfalls Jule Juliette All-Star's Blossom View CrattyCH. WIESES FLASH OF TIMMIE AGAINOrange maleBreeder-Owner, Clara Wiese Longmont, ColoradoAristic Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Aristic Lady Pamela Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again SireCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debby II Great Elms Rita Of Dixieland Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungold's Gay Caviller Wee Coquette of Shawn Wieses Cavalier Gold Venture DamCh. Scotia Cavaliers Tic Tac Toe Scotia Cavalier's Golden Gay Majack Starlight JudyPOMERANIAN REVIEWCH. DEL NORTE Brilliant orange male bred, owned and handled byLou C. Caceres, 96 Janssen PI., Kansas City, Mo. 64109. Bis has won 6 Bob, 2Group Seconds and 2 Group fourths on way to championship. See ad page 2.Aristic Lucious Tad Ch. Aristic Wee Luscious Tad Aristic Sweet Little Mazie Del Norte Quixote SireSalmons Mr. Wonderful Ch. Del Norte Q Tee Ch. Salmons Little Kimico Ch. Wilmscote Wee Conquest of Gold BlackacreWee Conquest of Waverly Aristic Pandora Aristic Dresden Doll DamCh. Aristic Terrific Aristic Fancy Doll Aristic Little Ginny DollTIM SUES LAST DANCE, deep red orange male of 414 lbs. He finished his title at just over a year of age, with four majors, two awarded by noted breeder judges. Bred, owned and shown by Sue, he is at stud, fee 50, with his owners Tim and Sue Goddard, 13145 87th Ave., N., Seminole, Florida 33542.Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Sire Thelcolynns Tiny Flame Dance Millamors Miss Fancy Gold Toys Gold Puff Bonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Tim Sues Gay Butterfly DamCh. Millamors Music Man Silver Meadow's Gay Lil Music Gold Toys Gay Lil DollCH. BONNERS KRISMAY CARDINAL, 5 lb. orange sable male bred by Dorothy Bonner. Owned and handled by Mrs. Beverly Vander Zeyden, Rt. 3, Green Bay, Wisconsin. Finished with 3 majors taking 2 back to back at Blue Grass andDavenport, Iowa.Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Sire Ch. Bonner's Smokypepper Chico Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Fiddle De Dee of Bright Leaf Ch. Aristic Fireball Ch. Maykens Lil China Boy Maykens Gaycoat Maykens Lil Nip of LyBel Dam Mayken's Gallent Man Maykens Smokie Dalenes Terrisue2 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsIM. BER. CH. WESTERLEIGHTOPAZE SERNADETA604251Grange femaleSreeders, F. J. M. F. CaseyJwner, Florence, Lady ConyersPembroke, BermudaLou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo Jubilantlm., Can. Ber. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Sire Ch. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynn's Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Kniffin's Jaek-O-Diamonds Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Lucky Little DiamondRicochet New Girl in Town Topaze Temple of Love DamBlossom Views Ton Toy Kestuna Red Sunset Miss Cream Puff Lady2H. ZEYDENS CARDINALRETTYTUNEi lb. Orange female3reeder-Owner, Mr. and Mrs. Cornellsdander ZeydenJreen Bay, WisconsinCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke 3h. Bonners Krismay Cardinal SireCh. Maykens Lil China Boy Maykens Lil Nip of Ly-Bel Maykens Smokie Ch. Tumble Toys Wee Whisper Ch. Sweeties Wee Shadow Golden SweetiesJolden Rule Shadows Dream Dam Weelands Johnny Boy Golden Rule Lady Luck Queen RexCH. TOPAZE MR. AMERICAN PIEDeep orange male Breeders, Irving Lila Sousa Owners, Mary Rebecca Edwards Natick, Mass.Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can. Ber. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Sire Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Lucky Little DiamondAm. Can. Ch. Jo-Jeans I'm A Diamond DandySilver Meadows Honey Bun Irelas Prancing Princess DamTeddys Prince Princess Orange Lady Cute Little DollyCH. TOPAZE KING OF THE NIPTA760526Orange male.Breeder, Adolph Rozenas OwnersJohn W. Marj'orie E. Henzie N. Easton, Mass.Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can. Ber. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Sire Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynn's Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynn's Tiny Karla Ch. Ricochet Little Doctor Sam Lakeside Spunky Merrilynn Ginny Lee Lakeside Fuzzy DamOrange Flash Lakeside Dolly Rambler NeobaMore Pedigrees on Page 70ANNUAL STUD REGISTEROur Annual Stud Register will he in the July issue. Dont be left out of this ever growing list of the countrys top studs Most of the serious Pom breeders in the lation are Review readers, and your Stud Card ad is a complete and handy reference for those seeking stud service in certain lines. If you own 3 Stud Dogs, 100 copies of pour page containing 3 Stud Cards will he the most helpful and timesaving .7 you sver spentPOMERANIAN REVIEWPARKAS POMERANIANSBrilliance his sons available at studLinebred Brilliance puppies now availableWhen you are in St. Louis stop and chat a whileLeslie Parker9705 Jackie Lane PhoneSt. Louis, Mo. 63123 314-487-6572CH. BONNEKS SUNSTYEE BRIEEIAN CEMILLAMOR POMS Presents Another WinnerWD BW at the APC Specialty for 5 points. He also won a 4 pt. major at Clearwater, Fla. from the puppy class. .Millamors Moon BockWe are also proud of having had a part in the breeding of the Poms that have done so much winning in 1972 and 1973two Best In Show Winners and onewith a Group I.Eleanor W. Miller14439 Mansfield RoadMt. Vernon, Ohio 43050 Ph. 397-92684 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBby Mary F. CaseyActivity comes to more or less of a tandstill during the winter months be- ause we never know what the weather vill be like from one hour to the next. Sere in New England, during the winter, rou can wake up with the sun shining nightly and fifteen minutes later you ook out and the snow is flying. Thats vhy we always say, If you dont like he weather, wait a minute.With the assistance of the Yankee Vfiniature Pinscher Club we held one rery successful event in January. That was an ALL TOY MATCH, which was received with great enthusiasm by the Toy People throughout New England. Even though there were two All Breed Matches the same day, we ended up with an entry of 94, 11 of which were entered in Obedience. Miss Mary K. Dullinger judged half of the breeds and Best Puppy in Match, Mr. Kenneth Falconi judged the other half and Best in Match and Mr. A1 Misuaraca judged Obedience.Best in Match went to a Pom, TOPAZE MSIEUR LE BEAU, owned by Tommy Daniels and shown by Gladys Dykstra and in the puppy Group, CASEYS LUV BUG OF TOY VALLEY, owned by Bill and Barbara Mattscheck and handled by their young daughter, Dawn, placed 3rd in the group.There were 5 Poms entered in Obedience and highest scoring dog in Novice Y went to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sheehans BEAUTY BOY. It really was a sight to behold to see 5 little Poms going through their paces in the Obedience Ring. From the enthusiasm that seems to be springing up, we should be seeing quite a few Poms at the Obedience Trials this year. Keep up the good work folks, and lots of luck.Winning at the shows in November thru February were John and Marjorie Henzies TOPAZE KING OF THE NIP who finished to the title at the WorcesterK. C. Show by going BW., Tommy Daniels and TOPAZE MSIEUR LEBEAU took the Breed at Central New York KC and again at Hartford, Jessie Young with her little JABILS DANDY LION was Best of Breed at Syracuse, N. Y. BODAS TINY GOLDEN ROSE picked up points by going WB at Boston and Worcester, she is co-owned by Dr. T. Gorfine and Mary Casey and the Caseys CH. MAYKENS SUNWITCH OF TOPAZE was BOS at these two shows.Bay Colony is supporting the entry of Poms at the South Shore K. C. on Apr. 14th and we hope to have Major points at both S. Shore and Rhode Island Show the following day.Plans for Our 1973 Specialty Show to be held with the Hockamock KC event on June 30th are now in the making. We plan to have our usual delicious picnic lunch after the judging and hope that all of the Pom Folk who can take vacations at that time of the year will head for New England and join us. Thats it for now folkshope to have more BCPC News for you in July.WE RECOMMENDThe Fort Worth Stud BookSHOW POMERANIANS by Lila IvesFascinating early history with picturesThePerfectly Beautiful Brooches painted by Julie BrumbackPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4THE MEMBERS OF THE BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB Cordially Invite All Pom Enthusiasts to attendTHEIR ANNUAL SPECIALTY SHOWto be held in conjunction withTHE HOCKAMOCK KENNEL CLUB ON SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1973 Breed Judge Mr. Edd Bivin Group Judge Mrs. Mildred HealdCape Cod K.C. is the next day, with Mrs. Heald doing Breed Mr. Bivin Group For Premium ListContact Foley Dog Show Org., 2009 Ranstead St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103For Hotel ReservationsContact Mary F. Casey, 60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Mass. 02767B.C.P.C. Specialty Is Always a Fun ShowCharlou Pomeranians CONGRATULATIONSOffers Phyllis HubbyCONGRATULATIONS For Finishing Your Lovelyand Am. Can. ChampionBEST WISHES Scotia Cavs A-Tisket A-TasketFor Continued Success BEST WISHESto For Continued SuccessDONNA HARRIS AlsoA Special Word of Thanks For Allof the Encouragement and HelpLeDonnaroys PomeraniansFor Finishingyou have given the Pom loversin our area.LITTLE LULU CHARLOU POMERANIANSShes A Beauty LOU ANN SHERMANLou Ann Sherman2624 80th N.E.Marysville, Washington16 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBVirginia Niehouse, Secty.Our Club has been on our annual vacation for the past two months, but in February we will be back in full swing. With a Fun Match to plan and the Seattle Winter Show coming up on Feb. 24-25, there is plenty to think about. Nevertheless, the grass hasnt been growing under our collective feet. A couple of Oregon Shows, a Fun Match or two and the Canadian Shows have kept it from being too quiet for our Doggie People.The week-end of Jan. 13-14 gave our members a chance at winning at the Columbia Pom Specialty and the Oregon Dog Fanciers Show in Portland, Ore. And win they did This was a big weekend, for two of our members in particular. On the 13th, Donna Harris' black bitch, LeDonnaroys Little LuLu took her class and on the 14th she went on to win her second major and her American title with a WB, BOW, and BOS. It couldnt happen to a nicer person. Phyllis Andrews Can.-Ch. Scotia Cavs A-Tisket A-Tasket took BOS at Portland on the 13th with a third major, finishing for her American title, the latest of Cavs get to win the double title. A double- header for two of our nicest and busiest members. To put the frosting on the cake, we had two bonuses. Diana Mc- Keever took BOB at the Oregon Dog Fanciers Show on the 14th with her Ch. Sungold Rebels Rowdy Command. And Jr. member Bob Higbee took the 9-12 month puppy class with his Jambos Rin-Go Kid of Andrews both days, then Bob himself won first place in Jr. Showmanship in Novice Senior class and a third in Open Senior Class.The Canadian shows found some of our members attending, too. Having finished her Tish, Phyllis Andrews started all over again with a new girl, her home-bred beauty named Andrews Exquisite Debutante. Pixie started withthree shows at the Pacific National Exposition in Vancouver, B.C. For a beginner making her Canadian debut, she did very well, with WB and BOS the first two days, and WB, BOW, and BOB on her third day, for a total of 4 points for her first 3 shows. We should all be so lucky. Mrs. Andrews Am-Can. Champion is Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavaliers 65th Champion get, but we bet that you didnt know that his very first Champion son was also owned by one of our members. He was Ch. Sungolds Rebel owned by Viola Children. She now owns one of his sons, Ch. Shellcrests Rebelsum Spark, one of the top Poms of the nation. The Andrews also own a Cav. son, Ch. Scotia Cavs Sensational Kid, so all told this area is pretty well represented by Cavs champion children.By the time this is in print the upcoming Seattle Winter Show will be just a memory, but at present we are eagerly looking forward to the big doings in our town. Maybe next time we will have more wins to boast about. That report will have to wait for the outcome.In conclusion, I would like to thank all of the people who wrote to us in regard to my January report. We are grateful for all of the kind letters, the subscriptions to our newsletter, Poms and People and those who ordered Photostamps, our Club project. We hope that our next report will have lots of good news to tell, so until then keep those letters and Newsletters coming from all of you out there in Pomland.BONNER Continued hours earlier, a satisfying culmination for a treasure chest full of adventures, an assignment, successfully completed, which, hopefully, would contribute to additional licensed breeds.Send news of Top Show Wins to your area columnist.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4cdCedi Poa am,ipiononnuroif 5 f omeramamis Proud to PresentoCedonnaroij A cJdittle cjCnti uOur FIRST homebred CHAMPION.Lulu is a very sound heavy coated 4 lb. black, having all those things desired in a good Pom, regardless of color, with that natural nak for the show ring. She is intensely linebred on Bombardier lines.LULU finishing with a 3 pt. major at Portland, Ore., Jan. 14, 1973under judge Mrs. Helen Lee James, groing WB, BW BOS, owner handled.We wish to thank the Gene Hahnlens for their capable handling of Lulu to all but her last 3 pts, including a 5 pt. major at Seattle, Wash. Feb. 72 under Judge Anna Cowie. Many thanks to all the judges who gave her the winning nod, and to all our friends for their confidence and encouragement along the way. We couldnt have done it without YOUOur most sincere Congratulations to Clyde and Phyllis Andrews on finishing their very lovely Can. Am. Ch. Scotia Cavs A-Tisket A-Tasket at the Columbia Pom Specialty, Jan. 13, 1973. We wish to thank you, also, with deepest gratitude for Sen-Sen, our lovely daughter of Ch. Scotia Cavs Sensational Kid, out of Lulus dam.We are anticipating Ch. Lulus becoming a Mother for the first time She has been bred to Ch. Scotia Cavs Sensational Kid, due in April. Watch for Lil Red Hot Pants of OKala, red sable daughter of Ch. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala, in the ring soon. Thank you, Ralph and Joyce Graves, for letting us have Pansy. We think she is the image of her famous daddyLeRoy and Donna Harris8505 180th St., N. W. Member of the Puget SoundStanwood, Washington 98292 Pomeranian Club18 POMERANIAN REVIEWCAVEAT EMPTORLet the Buyer Beware a well- known slogan in real estate dealings and horse-trading, should it also apply to the purchase of Pomeranians from Breeder- Members of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. The answer, of course, is a resounding, NO. Yet we continue to get complaints from our readers concerning less-than-honest transactions involving Club Members.The latest sad story comes from a novicea brand new and enthusiastic would-be exhibitor who purchased a puppy for the express purpose of showing it, and who did pay a good show price. The breeder took obvious advantage of a Green As Grass newcomer to the show ring, and offered an EIGHT WEEK OLD PUPPY as a Guaranteed show quality and free-whelping female, on the basis of this being a repeat breeding of a past litter which had produced show quality females, as demonstrated by two CLASS WINS Your Editor read the photostatic copy of the letter in which the word Guaranteed was used not once but twice, along with the most glowing description of the breeders other stock.The predictable outcome of all this is that the puppy did NOT mature even as well as a good pet Pomand the Guarantee proved to be no better than the paper it was written on.For the benefit of those few among you who may not know, it is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to Guarantee an eight week old puppy. A more experienced person, on receiving this letter, would have RUN, not walked, in the opposite direction to purchase a show prospect. But the obviously kennel-blind breeder who wrote the letter, guaranteed the puppy and now will not make good on it, goes on her way deceiving people who might otherwise purchase better Poms or at least receive a better picture of American Pomeranian Club members, their ethics and their honesty. It is forMembers like this breeder that we DO NEED a strict Code of Ethics.The great majority of our American Pomeranian Club members are completely ethical in all transactions. To weed out the few who are not and rid ourselves of members that we neither WANT nor NEED, a better screening of applicants is needed, first of all, and a Code of Ethics to be signed by all present members. We know that a few objections were voiced to the proposed Code, now suspended, but the vast majority of the present members DID SIGN and many wrote their words of approval. A reworded Code, if sent out to the membership for a vote, should pass without any trouble.JOHNNY, JOHNNY WHY DONT YOU LEARN TO READIt is very discouraging to have to print the same reminders in every issue of the Review. You are doing better about the checks sent with advertising only three made out incorrectly, this time. New subscribers can be excused for not knowing exactly how checks and money orders should be made out, but old subscribers should know. We have received some made payable to and sent to the Editor, some payable to the Circulation Manager, and many made out to Pom Review.Please consult Page 3 of every issue, where correct information on ad rates and subscriptions can be found.It is also very discouraging to hear constantly that you WANT the Review, think it is a good publication, etc., and then realize that you DO NOT READ IT. Full information on Subscription Rates for Members was covered in great detail in the January issue of the Review, including the reasons for charging the half-rate for members. There should have been NO NEED for the Secretary to have to send out reminders on thisPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4MAY MORNING POMERANIANSCh. May Morning Echo of Highland CONGRATULATES his daughter Merriminx of Highlandowned by Donna Megenhardt on her 4 pt. major win at The GardenWatch for an Echo son at the shows in Texas. Several new Echo litters due here late April, details in July.WE STILL HAVE THREE FEMALES ADVERTISED IN JANUARYDark red sable show and brood prospect whelped 4-16-72, 4 lbs., nice.Brilliant shaded red or red sable female whelped 10-29-72 Top brood prospect, fabulous pedigree, and show possiblewill be 5-5Yz lbs.Tiny sable female looks nicer and nicer but too small to breed11-3-72We offer, subject to prior saleBlack male and sable female sired by May Morning Moonwalker out of May Morning Fun N Frolic BlackBig, beautiful, sweet-natured, heavy-coated white male whtelped 12-6-72 SPECIAL PRICE to a very SPECIAL HOME where he will be OBEDIENCE TRAINED This boy has the potential to go all the wayI dont have time to train him.WE ARE BREEDING ALMOST ALL OUR GOOD FEMALES THIS SPRING We should have some extra nice puppies and invite your inquiries. Write your wantsBe specificWe will try to helpSOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pa. 19380 215-793-191250 POMERANIAN REVIEWALONGMYWAYBy MOLLY MILLER P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573In January I mentioned four bitches who had what appeared to be two seasons juxtapositioned. Well, all of the puppies are present and accounted for, and, as usual in breeding, the results ire as clear as mud. Actually one conceived from her second season and pne from her first season. One whelp- ad between her two due dates, and one lid not conceive. My girl whelped three puppies sixty-three days from her final preeding. Faye Celentanos bitch whelp- ad one puppy sixty days after her first areeding. Norma Gads bitch whelped hree puppies sixty-five days after her second breeding and fifty-nine days after rer third. Ruth Hicklins bitch solved he problem by not conceiving. So much or any kind of explanation.Spring is lovely, but do not forget the langer of heartworms in any dog exposed to mosquitos. Please, do not feel ihat dogs in the northern states are safe. Recently Odette Nolan of 111. mentioned o me that heartworms are very bad in aer part of the country. Vets tell her that leartworms in the North are coming rom Canadastrange.No longer, however, are we helpless aefore these killers. There are a variety pf programs all of which are effective i followed conscientiously. House dogs may simply be kept in at any time mosquitos may be out. This means the log must have an indoor place to relieve tself. Kennel dogs may be safe-guarded py having kennel and any exercise areas, into which the dogs are allowed after iusk, screened. Dogs who are allowedout at night can be given a heartworm preventative. This preventative has no adverse side-effects and kills larva before they can become worms and cause any damage. I can speak for each of these methods of protection as I use each of them. My house dogs stay in, my kennel dogs have a screened exercise area 20 x 20 in addition to their larger yard 40 x 100. My guard dogs are on the preventative. I have not yet had a case of heartworms. I do plan to continue testing.Even if a dog is found to have heart- worms, it can be successfully treated if the problem is found early. The answer seems to be never to relax the vigil testfollow a plan.A beneficial side-effect of the heart worm preventative is that it also kills hookworms. Since there is no danger in using it, it could be effective in hookworm eradication.Speaking of hookworms, there are several relatively new products which both disinfect and kill hookworm eggs. They are not expensive and can be diluted and sprayed anywhere. They do not kill plants or grass. My dogs have never had hookworms, but I see no reason not to use a pleasantly scented disinfectant which had added benefits.A Yorkshire Terrier breeder has recently had a real horror. Four young show prospects died. The deaths could not be explained. Finally a research student sent from AM discovered the problem. To disinfect the kennel the breeder had poured a solution of water and clorine bleach on the floor. When it was dry, papers were placed on the floor. The wetting of the dried clorine bleach with urine formed clorine gas which was trapped by the papers. Clorine gas is of course poisonous. This seemed particularly horrible to me for it is the sort of thing that might happen to a breeder sincerely trying to keep a clean kennel.POMERANIAN REVIEWTONOS POMSCONGRATULATIONS ON ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL SPECIALTY SHOWPictured is Tonos May Morning Ali Echo Who is proven and has joined Mister and Tono for Stud Service at TonosMany thanks to his breeder Sophie MayesWe have also acquired four of Dudley and Wanda Roachs girls, including Ch. Queenaires Regal Duchess. Thank you, Dudley and Wanda. We are very proud to have them and Ali Echo and look forward to their future kids.At StudCh. Tonos Just Call Me Mister PUPPIESCh. Tonos At Midnight AVAILABLETonos May Morning Ali EchoTOM AND NORMA OROURKE401 Amburn Texas City, Texas 77590 Ph. 713-938-8958No matter how careful a breeder is, sooner or later he is faced with a congested puppy. Of course antibiotics are in order for the infection, but why not make the little fellow more comfortable while he is getting well The new medicated decongestant sprays really seem to ease breathing. In Dec. a puppy and I shared a can of decongestant spray. It really helped.Stay wellI hope to see many of yoi on the big Texas Circuit in March.PLAN TO GO TO HOUSTON IN OCTOBER52 POMERANIAN REVIEWRINGSIDEby K. BIRK1634 S.W. 9th Ave.Fort Lauderdale FLORIDA 33315I have received several letters commenting on one or more of my past columns, and I would like to express my appreciation to each of you who have taken the time and trouble to write. I love it when you agree. If you feel the urge to write, even criticism is valued as it proves somebody out there is reading the column.From the comments received in the mail and those Ive heard RINGSIDE, Im making a file. The subjects are varied, but most concern has been with deviation of type.In analysis of my file No CONSIST- ANCY in type and size, that one may breed with any degree of CERTAINTY. I think that we should correct or clarify any situation in our breed that is causing wide concern and confusion.What of our Poms future There are many sincere breeders and fanciers, who by their deep devotion and by their firm adherence to the principles set down by the early pioneers of the breed, will not let the breed decline. We also have many independent and differing viewpoints on type.TYPE Mr. Webster says, type . . . noun . . . person, animal or thing representative of a class a model or pattern . . . characteristic. Take a look at the pictures in any dog publication. While it is hard to get a good picture, maybe we can assume half of the photos can be considered a good reproduction of the subjects. Observe what is being shown ... I think we may assume these are the breeders best. Compare them all . . . notice the difference in typeSpend time with the man in the street, the pet owner. The last time I went shopping I took my male, 3 pounds. A youngster and his dad came over to me to ask why their Pom weighed 25 pounds. Last week I had a phone call for stud service for a Pom. She was quick to tell me that her Pom was one of the small ones . . . she is only 10 or 11 pounds. Short outer coats and no undercoats are common in all sizes.I realize it takes more than type and size to make a good Pom. Im not forgetting that in addition to type quality, overall balance, dense coat, soundness, showmanship and personality are essential in a great dog. However, it is interesting to note that our standard lists no faults ... no disqualifications. Some newcomers to our breed, who really arent familiar with the Pom . . . especially those who havent had experience in another breed . . . tell me our standard isnt too clear.It is sad indeed to see the bad rears, slab sides, out at elbows and the stiffles, too weak in some cases to hold up the body. The increasing evidence in the show ring of such poor structure should be of serious concern to all of us.I cant give you the names of the new 1973 officers of our Pom club in Florida as my deadline comes before our elections. However, since Im not running again, I do want to say that I sincerely feel that as President this past year, the support I have received from the officers, directors, committees and membership has been second to none. There is still a hard road ahead for the club, but we have had a progressive year. We had two fun matches, one of which boasted an entry of 52 Poms. We have a newsletter and our membership has grown steadily. Our attendence is usually 50 at our monthly meetings . . . which is very good for a club whose members have many miles to travel . . . some have 3 and 4 hrs. driving time each way. We are having the usual corPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5Great Elms Kennels, Reg.Congratulationsto Faye Wine of Clearwater, Fla.for her new Champion Winemakers Ima Timmy Too 21st champion sired by our late Timstopper Againand to Mrs. Clara Wiese of Longmont, Colo, for her new Champion Wieses Flash of Timmie Again, 22nd champion for Timstopper Again.Congratulations Alsoto Kenneth Griffith of Lenette Kennels of Kannapolis, N. C. for his new Champion Sissy of Lenette, sired by our Timstoppers Image.To those who think a black and tan is a sport and does not reproduce itself I bred Image to my black and tan matron in hopes of getting ONE black and tan puppy and she produced TWO in same litter.Ruth Lowry BeamPineville, N. C. 28134 Ph. 704-889-9233respondence with A.K.C. hoping for B match approval soon. We can now look ahead down the road that lies ahead and ask ourselves, what we can do for the breed, the club, and fellow members. Florida Pom FanciersLet us hear from you, so we can all work TOGETHER to make 1973 THE YEAR OF THE SUNSHINE POMERANIAN CLUB OF FLORIDA. Remember the success of this club means having a Specialty Show again5 pt. majorsLETS WORK.CHANGE OF ADDRESSPlease notify the Secretary AND ALSO the Circulation Manager of any change of address AT LEAST three weeks ahead of publication date of Review. Zip Codes are NECESSARY for mailing the Review.Oh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image54 POMERANIAN REVIEW ftMIDWESTREPORTBEVERLY C. BERMAN Rt. 1, Box 2IOC Braeburn Rd. Barrington Hills Algonquin, 111. 60102The unseasonably warm weather this winter has not done much for Pom coats and I have found some of mine still shedding in mid-winter. But even without a coat in full bloom, a Pom finally took the group at Milwaukee. Ch. Millamors Desire, bred by Eleanor Miller and owned by Freda Kentner. She was handled in the breed ring by Rena Martin and took the group handled by Stanley Flowers, judged by William Kendrick. She is a petite, very stylish girl nicely up on her toes and what a joy to see four good legs She shows very well. So chalk up one more for the Duke since she is another of his daughters.The Wisconsin Pom club is having their first sanctioned match on April 8th. The judge will be Mr. Harvey N. Berman. This will be their first B match and I hope that it wont be too long before AKC will permit them to hold a point show. As I have said before this is a very hard working group and they deserve a lot of credit for forging ahead.Fred Basset writes that his first homebred puppy, Somerset Funny Girl, went BIM at the Ann Arbor K.C. sanctioned match at the old age of three months She is a wolf sable according to Fred, and I certainly would like to see a color picture of her as the rare colors do impress me. I hope that he will bring her down to some of the 111. shows this spring. Her dam is a Cynpeg import and many years ago I had some pups from a Cynpeg stud. The picture of Isadora that he enclosed shows a very sweet faced little girl, with the typically English foxy face that I love.I guess that we color liberationists have finally begun to crack the iron curtain of color, as Gwen Hodson writes that her little black bitch needs only three points to finish. It is my firm contention that no matter what color, if the dog is sound and stylish, you will find some judges who appreciate a good Pom when they see one. To have one owner handled and winning is even a greater feat these days.Would that I could have attended the Specialty and Westminster shows but bred bitches have kept me at home. After having but one litter of Poms all last year, I was happy to finally have some puppies on the way. We really didnt know what was amiss as the blood tests were all negative and my boys were producing well for outside bitches. So using the power of positive thinking, I took the girls aside and gave them a good lecture Womens Lib or no, this business of no color seasons just had to stop. With the psychological treatment underway, I next looked to the more practical ways of determining what was wrong.My Pap girls all had proper seasons and produced and since they all were fed the same rations, I was stumped until I stopped putting out bowls of Purina Puppy Chow for the adults to snack on. That was the only change in the diet and whether or not the chow was the culprit, seasons have returned to normal now. I still like the Puppy chow dry for the pups as soon as they have a good command of their jaws but I no longer use it for the grown dogs.I spent Christmas eve at the veterinarians having my Ch. Glory sectioned. One of the pups was blocking the passage and she could not deliver normally. I was not overly concerned, as I am an old hand at sections, and when I had two tiny bitch pups all tied off and cleaned, we went home as usual. Mother and pups did well for a week and then on New Years eve, we had to race back to the veterinarian with Glory. Poor little mother had popped her stitches, and I held intestines inPOMERANIAN REVIEW 55a cloth pressed to her body as we raced to the veterinarian. If I live to be a hundred, I will never forget that night Thank heavens for a veterinarian like Dr. Lloyd Prasuhn. His apartments are above the hospital, and he dashed out to meet us. By this time the intestines had changed color, and I despaired of the bitchs life. But my cool handed veterinarian put her back together again, and she healed without any infection. After cleansing the exposed intestines with a saline solution, he sprayed on penicillin and this time used steel wire to effect the inner closing. Apparently, the girl was allergic to gut and the inner stiches simply untied. It was a shattering experience. Ironically, this all came after I had just done an article for our Pap club on sectioned bitches. It just goes to show that there are always new things cropping up to plague the breeder.Mother and puppies are fine, and I named one Holly to commemorate her birthday. They both look so promising that I hope to have them in the ring this year.I have had some comment on the code of ethics and thus far, it has all been good. However I think they should have carried the provision covering the selling to pet shops etc. to also negate the purchasing of puppies for deliberate resale. Now I do not mean that you should not be permitted to sell a pup you have purchased if it does not turn out the wonderful show type that you had hoped it would be. Everyone knows how chancy buying a young pup can be. I have often brought in a youngster at four months only to have it mature into something other than I had expected. The party I would like to see put out of business is the breeder that buys up litters at a small price and then tries to pass them off as her own. The unsuspecting buyer doesnt find out till the certificate from AKC comes through, that Jane Doe was not the breeder for she has obligingly sent in the blue slip for the buyer.This is not a figment of my imagination. Several years ago I did an article on ethics of selling puppies for Dog World and the response was overwhelming. I got calls from New York as well as ones from local people who were cheated. Most of these matters had to be resolved with civil suit, but if an unscrupulous breeder can be caught reselling puppies without the grey transfer form required to show that the seller is not the breeder, providing the pup has not already been issued a certificate where there is a place to show transfer, then AKC can step in and revoke all privileges. Mr. Warren French at AKC handles all matters pertaining to registrations.There is no reason why a breed club should not require its members to act in a responsible way. I found the code of ethics remarkably mild as some breed clubs forbid sales to Japan or at least do not condone it. The only section of the code left me smiling was the reference to gossip. Im sure the intent was quite noble, but people are only human, and though good sportsmanship ought to prevail at ringside, very often it does not. The very essence of dog showing, supposedly a sport, is controversial, for, to the professional, it is a bread and butter business and the rules of economics apply.On June 25th, Deerpath KC will hold its annual fun match with lots of lovely trophies and prizes for toys. The Best In Match prizes will be hung SP cocktail trays and ten dollars for the best puppy and best adult and the conventional rosettes. Group prizes will also be in silver. At the last show, over a thousand dogs competed but the Pom entry was small. I would love to see a good Pom walk off with some of all that loot, so keep that date in mind and if you want a premium list, send me your name and address. The event will be held in Wheeling, 111., at the spacious grounds of Wheeling High School, and all judging will be inside in the huge fieldhouse.Continued on page 6456 POMERANIAN REVIEWSCOTIA POMERANIANSCONGRATULATIONS TO PHYLLIS ANDREWS FOR COMPLETING THE AMER. CAN. CHAMPIONSHIP OF TISH, CH. SCOTIA CAVS A-TISKET A-TASKeT TO MAKE A TOTAL OF 65 TO DATE FOR THE GRAND OLD MAN, CAVILIER. WE CAN TRUTHFULLY BOAST OF HIS RECORD AS TOP PRODUCING POM STUD IN THE NATION.IN LISTING CAVILIERS CHAMPIONS IN THE OCT. 71 ISSUE OF THE REVIEW, I FAILED TO LIST ONE OF HIS CHILDREN, CH. SCOTIA CAVILIERS STARBRIGHT, FINISHED AND OWNED BY JULIE BRUMBACK OF HARRISONBURG, VA. MY SINCERE APOLIGIES JULIE, FOR THIS ERROR.AT STUDCH. HADLEIGH LITTLE ROBINCH. LUNDS JUST DANDY OF HADLEIGH, son of RobinCH. ROANOKES MELANIE MAGIC, son of Ch. Models Son of FunCH. SUNGOLDS BOSTON BLAXIE, son of Ch. Sungolds GangbusterCH. SCOTIA CAVILIERS TOBY TYLER, Cavilier Son now with Scotia PomsCH. SCOTIA CAVILIERS SPECTACULAR, Cavilier Son, Sire of BIS Poms.Offering Young studs, older studs, stud prospects.Puppies for pets, show and breedingEdna E. Girardot P. O. Box 646 Floral City, Fla. 32636Ph. 904-726-2001POMERANIAN REVIEW 5'SECRETARY Continuedwould be very happy to exchange news with us concerning the breed and shows.All contacts should be made throughMr. S. Aurisch, Honorary Secretary Pomeranian Club of New South Wales Lot 9, Eighth Avenue Llandilo, N.S.W. Australia 2760By the way, we do have a member of the APC residing in Australia, Mrs. Lucille M. Goff, formerly of Canada.I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Kazumas Garashi, President of the Pomeranian Club of Japan, who was at ringside during the Pomeranian judging at the Garden. Unfortunately, Mr. Garashi and his friends could not join us at our Specialty due to their late arrival from England. Mr. Garashi informed me that Poms are rated as the No. 2 dog in Japan. In fact at their last Specialty, entries were over the 300 mark I am still speechlessOur fall Specialty will definately be held in Texas in October, 1973 and will be hosted by the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston. The details will be more conclusive in the next issue of the Pom Review.Permission has been granted to the following Regional clubs to hold their SpecialtiesThe Pomeranian Club of Michigan, in conjunction with the Ann Arbor Kennel Club all breed event on June 3, 1973.The Bay Colony Pomeranian Club, in conjunction with the Hockamock Kennel Club all breed event on June 30, 1973.We welcome the following new members into the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Mrs. Sadie W. Edney, 7519 Holabird Ave., Baltimore, Md. 21222, proposed by Thelma Dunn and Clara Peters.Mrs. Robert C. Fincher, 111 Spence St., High Point, N. C. 27260, proposec by Mrs. W. R. Troxler.Mrs. Clara Hendrix, 5727 San Migue Rd., Bonita, Calif. 92002, proposed bi Bernadine Gorrin and Aurelle Green.Mr. Derial Jackson, 752 Albion Rd. Columbia, S. C. 29205, proposed bj Mrs. Ruth Beam.Mr. Norman K. Jerome, 5726 Far ragut St., Hollywood, Fla. 33021, pro posed by Helen Nowicki and Beverlj Berman.Mrs. Catherine Lefferts, 117 Moriches Middle Island Rd., Shirley, N. Y. 11967 proposed by Phyllis Seeley and Susan Holmes.L. Rondell, 1512 R St., Washington D. C. 20009, proposed by John K Bishop, Jr.Carson L. Russ, 7730 Jadewood Dr. Charleston Heights, S. C. 29405, proposed by Patricia Brooks.Mrs. Betty Sheehan, 2110 No. Hamline Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55113, proposed by Betti Trestman.Mrs. Diane R. Titsworth, 1529 Kerney St., Riverside, Calif. 92501, proposed by Bernadine Gorrin.Mr. and Mrs. Comelis Vander Zeyden Beverly, Rt. 3, Green Bay, Wise. 54301, proposed by Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nolan.Mrs. Jessie W. Young, Loudon Ridge Rd., Loudon, N. H. 03301, proposed by Mary Casey.Miss Barbara Young, Loudon Ridge Road, Loudon, N. H. 03301, proposed by Mary Casey.Have an enjoyable summer with good Poms and good wins58 POMERANIAN REVIEWWESTERN ROUND-UPKEN MATHESON 14314 Nova Scotia, St. San Jose, CA 95124We have had several big shows around in this area in the past months. I would like to report on some of the events and happenings that are going on in southern California, but I do not alawys get down south and no one sends me information on what is going on.The Golden Gate K C show was held on February 3rd and 4th. It is a two day bench show at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. Mr. James Arima was the judge for the Pomeranians. There were no specials entered. Mr. Arima chose Julie Morenos MORENOS SPECIAL EDITION for Winners Dog, and put him up to Best of Winners and Best of Breed. He chose a young black bitch, Dolly Trauners P H Y N E R BUMBLE BEE as Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex.We had two shows here in San Jose back to back. One on the 17th which was the Northern California Pom Club Specialty held in San Jose, and the Santa Clara Valley K C show on the 18th with 3,600 dogs entered.It was a five point show both days in dog and bitch classes. I am not going to elaborate on the wins of the specialty which will be covered in another article NCPC.After the specialty all the exhibitors and friends went to a buffet dinner put on by the NCPC. It gave us a chance to relax and talk with friends. Some of the guests were Pauline Hughes from San Diego, Jack and Beti Trussel from New York and John Thyssen with his new wife. Others were Anne and Bob Hayden Julie and Gonzie Moreno, Dolly Trauner,Dudley and Wanda Roach, Chuck Reynolds and Bud Knapp, Bob Ramos and Tom Hostetler, Chief and Sybil Tompkins, Doris Weaver, Fred Palmer, Irene Weltz, Paula Dodero, Susan and John Allen, Mary Wylie, Elsie Cablas Burriesci and husband Chris, Paul Baker, Ruth Dotson, Rose Lee Loy and husband, Walt and Tillie Parker, Mr. Cribbs from Eureka and our show chairman Ken Toca and wife Bev.At Santa Clara Valley KC there were 31 Poms entered in the show. Mrs. Dorothy Carter was the judge. She chose Lorene Carpenter's ALL STARS HADLEIGH BIT OROBIN as Winners Dog and Rose Lee Loys LEE-LOYS LOKI LANI OF HILO BOY as Winners Bitch and Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex. Jack and Beti Trussels Ch. TOPAZE HAPPY INTERLUDE as Best of Breed. He also went 2nd in the Toy Group. It was hard to win over the Pekingese in the group. The Pekingese has more than six Best of Shows to his credit.VARNEYS POMERANIANSOFFERING OUR CAVALIER SHOW POTENTIAL PUPPIES OUT OF CHAMPION DAMS FOR YOUR CONSIDERATIONDID YOU KNOW THAT OUR POMS ARE KNOWN ESPECIALLY FOR THEIR EXCELLENT LEGS AND EXCEPTIONAL COBBY BODYRICHARD AND BETTY VARNEYTel. 312 945-8311 2600 Duffy Lane Deerfield, 111. 60015POMERANIAN REVIEW 5CANADIAN CAPERSbyDOROTHY JONES Box 57, Salmon River Dr.Dartmouth, R. D. No. 1,N.S., CanadaIt is a well known fact that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. So much for the measurement of distance. There is a measurement of time which no one seems to quote, but which surely exists. The shortest space in time is between the deadline of one Pom Review issue to the deadline of the next.The two big shows have now slipped into the past What part did you enjoy most My greatest pleasure came from watching the Puppy Classes. Those smart youngsters within another year or so will be directing the course our breed will follow. The future looks exciting Its a pity The Garden has eliminated the Puppy Classes. When Best of Breed judging was finished I felt as if something was missing. Then, I realized that many of the folks at ringside had missed seeing our bright young stars of tomorrow.As we so often say, Pom people are the greatest. One trait seems to be outstanding. They are always willing to share information and opinions. I had many questions to ask, and conclusions to test. Every breeder and handler found ample time to state their views, and direct me to other sources of information and supplies. Thanks everyone.While at the Garden, by fortunate chance, I met Ann Cowie. Since we have a champion daughter of Ch. Nanjos Interlude this afforded me an opportunity to learn more about the line. Like all Pom breeders, she was generous with information and forthright with opinions.Did you notice the fine Pom pins and pendants Julie Brumback, and her daughters, Edna Girardot and yours truly were wearing Julie paints thesecharming pieces. I just cannot be toe lavish in my praise of them. The frame are either gold or silver and fit beauti fully with todays mode of dress. W are most fortunate to have a capabfi artist as a Pom breeder.Back home in Nova Scotia we founc the land in the solid grip of winter. How the Poms enjoy a frolic in the snow They rush back into the kennel like sc many boisterous children, their coats flecked with snow flakes. The happj barks, prancing feet and wagging tails seem to ask, Why werent you out there with us It was grand.The mail I received concerning the Code of Ethics was all positive. Lets hope we can come up with another Code or else incorporate it into the application form. Our breed and membership deserve the best.This area has recently been invaded by a rash of pet shops and dog dealers. The local Kennel Clubs have refused to take this placidly. They have responded with an advertisement offering to provide information and assistance in obtaining a C.K.C. registered puppy. When breeders sell a puppy, we donate a sum to the Club. Thus far it works very well. A few Poms are appearing here from the U.S.A. They are sad, wet eyed mites. We get a lot of calls regarding their care and answer them gladly. It is about time someone took an interest in them other than their financial value. Im sure no member of the Pom Club of America could be responsible for them and their sad plight.A while back, Dogs in Canada published a suggestion concerning pet shops which might be worth a second thought. Briefly it works on a referral system. The pet shop could be furnished with slides of puppies available or just slides to show what pet puppies in a breed might resemble. When a prospective customer chooses a breed, he is to be given the name of the breeders in the area who might supply the desired pet. The customer would register with the pet shop.60 POMERANIAN REVIEWIf the breeder was successful in making the sale, the shop would receive a commission. In this way the breeder has an opportunity to screen his customers and supply the information necessary for the puppy to make a successful adjustment to life in a new home. The shop keeper can use his space for merchandise rather than puppies, he is relieved of their care and doesnt run the risk of loss through puppy mortality.The Canadian Kennel Club is functioning more efficiently now. If any of you are waiting for registration papers I would inquire again.The mailman brought us good news from the west coast recently. Beverly Moores eight month old Bevans Butterscotch Bounce has really been causing a stir. It began at the Century Club of British Columbia show in November. There he was awarded Winners Day Puppy in Breed and Best Puppy in Group, under Judge Samuel Back. At the Pomeranian Club of Canada Booster under Tommy Joel he continued his winning ways from the Junior Puppy Class to Best of Winners and Canadian Bred over two specials. On November 25, under Judge Arthur K. Zane he went on to Best of Winners. This young fellow is the first son of Beverleys male Ch. Great Elms Sunny of Rosewood. At the Pacific National Exhibition Shows in Vancouver November 26, 27, and 28 the winning continued. Bevans Butterscotch Bounce was Best of Breed the first two days, Best of Opposit Sex the third day and Best Puppy in Group all three days under Forest Hall, T. Quilley and H. Brunotti.A letter from Lil Ritz brought more show news. At the Century Dog Show her five and a half year old Spit Fyre Audacitly made a comeback after being absent from the ring since she was eight months old. She needs only two points to finish. Her wins are as follows Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex, and Best Canadian Bred Continued on page 65PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSby Margaret Klingbeil 4815 Monroe Ave., N.E. Salem, Oregon 97301The Columbia Pomeranian Specialty in Portland, Oregon on Jan. 13, 1973 is now a part of history. With twenty eight lovely Pomeranians to pick from, Dr. James Arima of Carmel, California made an excellent choice among many good ones for his Winners Dog and Winners Bitch and for his Best of Breed. Interestingly enough, his Best of Breed dog, Ch. Silver Meadows Lil Red, owned by Mrs. G. B. Hankins of Renton, Washington was also Best of Breed at the Specialty Show in 1972, winning his top honors from the classes at that time . . . Good going, Wilma.Best of Winners for five points was Jeribeths Fire Dragon, a lovely little double grandson of the famous Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. This little guy, owned by Mary Wylie and Chuck Reynolds and handled by the latter went back to California with a total of seven points for the weekend, since he was also Winners Dog the next day at the Dog Fanciers show. Those of us who had met Chuck were happy for the opportunity to meet and talk with him.Winners Bitch for five points was Phyllis Andrews Can. Ch. Scotia Cavs A-Tisket A-Tasket whose third major gave her American title. Phyllis writes that Tish is the 65th champion offspring so far for Edna Girardots famous Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier. Another of Phylliss girls, by the way, picked up four point in Canada at the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver. This is Andrews Exquisite Debutante. She was Winners Bitch at all three shows, Best Opposite at the first two and topped it off the last day with Best of Breed. T am sure we will be seeing more of this little galPOMERANIAN REVIEW 61SANDTOWNHONORS A MATRON OF MANY YEARSFirst Time Out Owner HandledPatsy goes RWBColumbia Pomeranian Club Specialty We are indeed fortunate in having such glorious girls.LOIS ABJORNSONBox 432 Sand Springs, Oklahoma 74063918-245-6915NOLAN POMERANIAN KENNELSWISH TO THANKMolly Miller and Beverly Cornells Yander Zeydenfor making our Holidays fantasticMyway Misty Bayou Dragonfly gave us 4 males and 1 female Jan. 1, 1973. Nolans Preshus Pioneer Flame also gave us 2 males 1 female Dec. 26, 1972 All sired by Ch. Bonners Krismay Cardinal.THANKS TO ALL OF YOUIts a peppy, puppy householdWatch for our kids in the July Review.CHRIS ODETTE NOLAN41 Wisconsin Avenue Waukegan, 111. 6008562 POMERANIAN REVIEWLast but not least, a real scene stealer at the show was Riggins Krisweet Joy, six months on the day and showing like a pro. Owned by Dolores Riggin of Tigard, Oregon, this pup demanded that you pay attention, and everyone did A good puppy that knows she is good is a dream to show, and this one is. She was named Best Puppy, and it was a popular decision.Our Specialty this year was dedicated to the memory of Bud Coleman, a loyal and devoted Pomeranian fancier who was a friend to all. He is truly missed. His widow, Margaret, presented several trophies which were donated in Buds memory for the Specialty.Dr. Arima, who needs no introduction to breeders and exhibitors throughout the country, and who was once Editor of the Pomeranian Review, brought several show catalogues from shows in Japan to the dinner following the show. These were quite interesting, as was a book authored by Lila Ives showing Pomeranians of many years ago. A real collectors item, this one. It is one that many of us who are new in Pomeranians would not get a chance to see except for the thoughtfulness of people like Dr. Arima. Thank you, sir.Ed. Note A reproduction of this book is available through the Northern California Pom Clubsee their ad.The day after our Specialty, at the same location, the Dog Fanciers Association of Oregon show gave Best of Breed to Ch. Sungold Rebels Rowdy Command. This typey young male is owned by Diana McKeever and Linda Boyd of Kent, Washington. Winners dog was Jerribeths Fire Dragon, mentioned earlier, who added another two points to his total for the weekend. Winners Bitch for a three point major, and also Best of Winners, was a typey little black bitch, Ledonnaroys Little Lulu, owned by Donna Harirs of Stanwood, Washington. This major gave Little Lulu the pointsshe needed for her championship. Congratulations, Donna. This is two championships for members of the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club in the same weekend. By the way, Puget is pronounced like PEW-JET with the e in jet silent.Now for something that should be of concern to everyone with dogs. Two people I know have had their homes destroyed by fire in the last few months. No matter how we prepare or plan, when fire strikes we find that we did not always have all the answers to the many different situations which may, and often do, arise with all too sudden swiftness. Several dogs in the first kennel were lost because they couldnt be reached in time. Others were lost because of panic when they ran back into the fire. The other friend was more fortunate where her Poms were concerned, although she had the same problem. She wrote me how heartbreaking it was to get the dogs out of the house and then have them go back in with her when she went after some of the others. Fortunately, she did finally manage to get them all out, and keep them out, but did lose one puppy later due to complications. She advises anyone who has more than one dog to have a place where the dogs can be placed quickly in an emergency of this sort so they cannot go back into the building.Having a home or kennel burn is something we dont like to think about, but it can happen to all of us. Losing our beloved dogs in a fire could be an experience we would never forget. There are several good rules to follow under ordinary conditions, but have you planned what to do with several dogs who would probably run back into the burning house which they think of as their haven of safety No matter how smart they are, their instincts govern their actions when they are frightened, so it is up to you to plan ahead for that emergency we all hope will never come.We have been hearing quite a bit latePOMERANIAN REVIEW 63TO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIM thatsChampionPOMPUF FANCY DUKE MASTERPIECEThank You Dorothy S. Welsh for the big 5 point major win at the Western Pom Specialty at ChicagoHandled by Bonnie HodsonWe would like to thank the following judges for his winsEdward Klein, Mrs. Yan Paul, Mrs. Dorothy Nickles, Hollis Wilson,Mrs. Harold Hardin and Mrs. David Crouse.A Special Thanks to the Bakers for his famous sire, Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Master is our first homebred champion. He was finished and had 3 BOBby 11 mo. of age.This youngster is a bright orange, 3 lbs. of Personality. He is also a Proven Stud and was born a natural Show Off.Omaha, NebraskaMaster going Best of Breed and . . . POM-PUFS MLADY MELANIE going Best of Winners and Best Opposite for her second 4 pt. major under Mrs. David Crouse.We would like to thank the following judges for her wins thus far Mrs. Anne Cowie, Anthony Stamm, Mrs. Yan Paul and Mrs. Crouse.Gwen R. Bonnie HodsonRoute 4Indianola, Iowa 50125 515-961-298964 POMERANIAN REVIEWly about fading puppies. It is a problem that has been with us for many years, and there are as many theories as there are experts. We do know that there are several different reasons for the deaths of pups from this problem, and we all know that infection, chilling, herpes virus, acid milk and allergies all contribute singly or in one or more combinations. Another possibility is iron deficiency. It has always been believed that pups have a store of iron at the time they are whelped. However, some of them dont, and since iron is a very important mineral which serves several valuable purposes, it would pay to treat the ailing pup as though it were iron deficient.With all the quality show Poms that I am hearing about and seeing lately, here in our little comer of the U.S., the coming show season promises to be a very active one for Pom breeders and exhibitors in this area. Coos Bay, on the Oregon coast, will be having its first point show in July in conjunction with the Chintimini and Dog Fanciers summer shows. This will be Oregons own circuit and it would be nice if all the Pom friends up and down the coast could get together for three days of shows and fun. Try and make it, whenever you are, and whoever you are. We will see you there.MIDWEST ContinuedI have only had one new Champion brought to my attention from the mail- bag. The Hodsons Masterpiece who was WD at the Western Pom Specialty did finish at that show. Send me news of your new Chs. and other items of interest.IF YOU FAIL THE REVIEW The Review May Fail Send Ads and Articles by May 20 For The July IssueOBEDIENCERINGby EMMA HEYDE170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112A trip to Montreal, Canadathree shows in two daysand a return home with two Canadian C.D.s This was the accomplishment last fall by Mrs. Marye E. Picone of Huntington, New York, with ELMORINAS CAVVYS DANDY LION, C. D. and ELMORINAS CAVVYS PUMPKIN, C. D. X. The little Poms worked very well at the above shows, although weather conditions were the worst ever with pouring rain, cold and wind, two of the shows being outdoors and Mrs. Picone says that while Shepherds and poodles went down and yowled, her boys stood and sat steadfast. One of them won a four-dog run-off for first in his section and on his score sheet was written by the judge A lovely worker. Scores were Daniel 195, 192 and 197, and Pumpkin 195, 194 and 192. Daniel is working on C.D.X. and Pumpkin on Utility so we should have some more very good news soon. They will return to the Canadian shows for C.D.X.S, and may the very best of luck accompany these three good obedience workers.Judy Hutcheson of Del City, Oklahoma is a new convert to Pomeranian obediT ence training. Her beloved Flaming Bo is her first attempt at obedience training any breed and they have really come through with flying colors as he has already finished C.D. in three straight shows at the age of 17 months. Judy became interested in Poms a year and a half ago when they purchased the first as a pet for their children, but he won her over completely and now they have two others. Bo, a willing and consistent worker, made 195 points at his beginPOMERANIAN REVIEW 65ner obedience graduation and 199 in Novice training class where he had high score over all dogs. Then followed a fun match in El Reno, Oklahoma, where he was high scoring dog with 199 points. On October 8, 1972 at Town and Country K. C. at Noble, Oklahoma he made his first leg on C. D. coming in second in Novice A class with a score of 19514. The second leg was on November 4 at Oklahoma City K. C. in Oklahoma City where he scored 197. 59 dogs competed in this class and although Bo wasnt in the ribbons he was in the top ten. His third leg came November 5 at Mid-Continent K. C. in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and he scored 196 placing sixth in a class of 57.This great little dog started training in March and finished C.D. in July Judy is truly sold on obedience, helping with classes held by the German Shepherd Club of Oklahoma City, and now is training another of her Poms, "Brettwoods Royal Ransom in Novice, and we hope "Flaming Bo, C.D. in Open.The happy word comes from Hawaii that Aileen Takemotos Pom ANDERSLEY OEDIPUS KING has now finished C.D. with scores for the last two legs of 197 and 19714, taking second highest scoring dog in trial both times. Aileen is a junior handler and we hope she continues as well in Open. Good luck to her.JONES ContinuedJean Schrolls Ch. Holders a Lil Red Flash was Best of Breed.The second day, Winners Bitch was Cynthias Duchess, owned by Mrs. Du- some. Best of Opposite Sex was a bitch entered by Mrs. Jean Wilson, Ch. Perki Poms Amour Dore, breeder-owner. Best of Breed was Ch. Holders a Lil Red Flash.Mrs. Ritz goes on to say that she recently imported a gorgeous cream malefrom the Clarence Smiths of Phoenix, Arizona. She is absolutely delighted with him. Good luck.Mrs. Ritz has also been working with Pomeranian pins, but has run into difficulty in finding someone to coat it in either light costume type jewellery, metal or plastic. If anyone in the U.S.A. can direct her to a firm which does this type of work she would be most grateful.Chilly winds are blowing outside and the snow has a glazed crust. Meanwhile my puppies snooze in the sun at my feet in angel-like repose. This saintly appearance is just a fraud, Im afraid. Only moments ago the wee scamps were apprehended in the act of chewing the bottoms off the patio drapes.ANSWER Continuedwere either lost or not mailed. The final decision on the fate of the Review still would have rested with the Board of Directors, and as the vote to change members for their Reviews was the overwhelming First Choice, a few other opinions would not have swayed their decision.Finally, the Code of Ethics now temporarily suspended pending revision and membership approvalwas not sent out for the vote of all members and all clubs, as according to our By-Laws, it is well within the province of the Board of Directors to impose such a Code on the membership. They felt this was long overdue, as many members had been asking for such a written Code for a number of years. Actually, while some of the wording of the Code was not quite plain the phrase litter lots, for instance, the number of members complaining or refusing to sign was very small, and the majority of the members did approve. The copy which Mary Casey read to the Bay Colony membership was her personal copy sent out with her dues renewal notice.66 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSEditors Note When letters in this section are headed Name Withheld, it does not mean the writer is, necessarily, afraid to stand behind his words. Quite often the writer is a judge, or someone in an official position who does not want undue weight given to his personal opinions. On the other hand, it could mean that the letter was not INTENDED for publication, but was a personal letter which the Editor felt contained ideas that should be published.All letters MUST be signed. Name will be withheld, when published, if the writer requests it.DONNA MiEGENHARDT Kent, OhioWell, the big city was a fun trip for me again. As some of you already know, the first points that I put on a dog were won at a Westminster K. C. show, so that 4 pt. major this year was an extra big thrill.We really enjoyed renewing old acquaintances and also making some very interesting new ones. The Wheelers and Randy Freeh, we found to be very charming people. I really think Ed Wheeler likes Damn Yankees just a little bit. HaWe also had the pleasure of being benched next to Opal Mosher at The Garden and found her to be good company.The food and company at the banquet were excellent. We also found our accommodations at the McAlpin quite comfortable.We will be waiting with pleasant expectation for the next APC Specialty.NAME WITHHELDAny controversy will tend to keep the fancy awake, and if signing a Code of Ethics will keep some out, they will not be the kind of people I would want to do business with. I found the code very mild compared to some others. I think the gossip business was a bit silly as you will never stop that.I really think AKC could do with a bit of ethics renovation. They are so busy sending out guidelines for judges not to socialize with exhibitors before the shows at parties, but what is really needed is a rule forbidding judges from sending out their personal dogs with handlers and then repaying them in the ring, instead of with cash. We have so many of these combos going out here it is hard to find a decent judge.The following letter was received inanswer to a question, What is a WorldChampionMARGARETHE M. KEMNER Lock Haven, Pa.The next World Sieger Show where one can become a World Champion will be held in Dortmund, Germany, in the Westfalenhalle in other words, indoors. The Show w.ill be on June 16 and 17, 1973.On June 13 and 14, 1973, the General Congress of the Federation Cynologique International FCI will be held, also in Dortmund. There will be a Scientific Cynological World Congress on June 14 and 15.The General Congress of the FCI will be held in the Silver Hall of the Westfalenhalle under the chairmanship of Dr. Robert Bandel, France. 37 countries of the world will send representatives.The Scientific Congress will be held in the Golden Hall of the Westfalenhalle under the chairmanship of Dr. E. Brahm, ombudsman for science and research with the German Kennel Club VDH. The following topics will be discussed1. Behavior Research2. Genetics3. Housing and Feeding4. Contemporary Problems of the sick dogThe language of the congress is German. All lectures will be printed in English, French and German.The premiere of the film Contributions to the Anatomy and Movement of the Dog will be held at the end of the Scientific Congress.At the World Sieger Show the following titles can be obtainedWorld Champion WeltsiegerWorld Youth Champion WeltjugendsiegerCACIBApplicant for VDH SiegerParallel with the World Sieger Show will be a presentation of the Working Breeds under the Chairmanship of the Rottweiler Club. I presume that Schutzhund I, II and III trials might be held. Although I dont know how this could be done indoors.Application forms for entries may be obtained fromHans Ditthardt, General Manager Verband fur das deutsche Hundewesen VDH46 Dortmund Schwanenstr. 30 GermanyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 6CH. BOBBI congratulates his offspring on their recent wins.WILMAS BLACKORBY DEBUTANTElovely cream granddaughter who was 3 times BOB at area matches this fall, with Group 1st and 4th at kVi mo. of age. Debbi and her sire SONNY will be shown this summer.CAN. AM. CH. WILMAS GOLDEN PARTY BOY BOBBImiHAlso son BLACKORBYS GOLDEN PLAYBOY who went Best in Match at theWisconsin Pom Clubs summer match at 8 weeks of age, over 39 Poms of all ages. He is now for sale. Deep red in color, 10 mo. old, 4 lb., lovely coatSPECIAL THANKS to Wilma Birkman for all her help this past year.PUPPIES FOR PET, BREEDING AND SHOW. ADULTS OCCASIONALLY.Prompt Replies Champion Bobbi at StudCHERYL K. BLACKORBYR. R. 2 Dixon, IllinoisPh. 815-288-5373 61021BILL KENNEDY and JOHN D. METZ Dallas, TexasWe wish to take this opportunity to thank all the great bunch of Pom breeders we met in New York. Never have we spent a more enjoyable week. We love your Yankee hospitality. Give us Texans a chance to return it by meeting us in Houston for the Specialty in October.MARTHA W. FORMENDER Trumbull, Conn.As a member in good standing in the A.P.C., I feel that the 1973 Premium List was delinquent in two instances. The Premium List OM- MITTED the 6 to 9 mo. Puppy Bitches as well as the American Bred Bitch. Since these classes were advertised and are regular classes for the Specialty Show, I feel that the68 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSwinners in both classes should be awarded the usual first to fourth Place in trophies.It is not the value or cost of these trophies, it is the principle of the thing. I am sure the trophy fund had sufficient donations to provide these trophies. I and several others informed the trophy committee of these oversights prior to the judging and were told it was taken care of. Then at the time of judging I was told there were no awards available for us. However, there were NO awards given in either Novice Dogs. American Bred Dogs, or Novice Bitches. What HAPPENED They could certainly have given these trophies that were placed in these catagories by the trophy fund. Trophies placed by the trophy fund can be used wherever needed I do expect these mistakes to be corrected for all the exhibitors and a note of apology sent to each winner. The Pom Club is over 50 yrs. old and in the 10 yrs. Ive never seen such OMMISSIONS. I really think the exhibitors deserve more consideration or there surely wont be any exhibitors at the Specialty.Editors Note Through an error which was not corrected in proof-reading the Premium Eist, prizes for Puppy Bitches 6-9 mo. and American Bred Bitches were ora- mitted. AKC rule is that NO prize may be awarded at the show that was not listed in the Premium Eist. Therefore, no prize COUED be given, in those two classes. There were no entries in Novice Dogs, American Bred Dogs or Novice Bitches, although prizes had been offered, and were available.MARGE GORMAN Selfridge ANGB, MichiganWhile searching for an extended pedigree, started a correspondence with the book warden of the Deutsche Spitze Verein Herr Hansjorg Puschacher. He expressed interest i n obtaining a subscription to the Pomeranian Review" and information regarding Pomeranians in America.We provided a copy of the revised Standard but thought the translation of some of the terms might be vague. It was decided that photographs would more accurately represent our Standard in terms of conformation, dogs at various stages of development and color.With the help of several Pom breeders, a booklet was compiled that we hoped would further extend understanding of American Poms.Vilma Bartolat provided a series of drawings illustrating differences between the German and American Standards. Vilma sent pictures of her Ch. Silver Meadows Lil' Red, Spit-Fyre Dawn Dream a dark red bitch as well as puppy pictures of her light orange, pointed bitch, Sunnyvales Tiara and cream bitch, Brettwoods Topaz Tiffani.Molly Miller provided us with a picture of her Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae.Hair clippings were included with most of the pictures to show length and texture as well as color. Some hair clippings were provided for colors in which a picture was unavailable.Linda Miller gave us a wolf-sable clipping to add to the blue and brown clippings we had gathered.Carol Fama sent pictures of her cream Ch. Buffs Good Times and her black Ch. Kavillas Flash of Ebony. Carols pointed orange sable bitch. Dorado Fashion Flair was also included.Mary Egleston provided us with a picture of her black and tan. Straits Timmie Too. and we added a picture of our chocolate puppy, Boulder River Coco Coquette.Finally, we included a copy of Judging at an American Dog Show. It is our hope that the booklet we have compiled will give a better understanding of Pomeranians in America to the breeders of Germany.AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.POMERANIAN REVIEW 69GORKIN'S POMERANIANSSHOW POMERANIANS OFFERS AT STUDbyWilmas Dapper Blue Heller3Vz lb. BlueLilla Ives N. B. Thomson Gorrin Chaco of Great Elms4 lb. chocolateI want to ThankReprints Dolores Rigginsof this forValuable, Rare Old Book Riggins Wild and Windy5.50, Postage paid. chocolateShe is bred to HellerMany Photos Expecting any timeLimited Supply Inquiries InvitedOffered by N.C.P.C. Fern GorrinP. O. Box 4335Modesto, Ca. 9535214744 CabellBellflower, Ca. 90706 213-867-8654Hand Painted BroochPom Head Wilmasoil on canvassencased in aTiny Toy Pomeranianssilver or gold framePom We Sell Our Good Onesand background colorchoice of buyer Good crop of puppiesYou Can Order coming onone for 6.00Satisfaction Guaranteed Wilma BirkmanWrite 2924 Stark StreetJulie Brumback Eugene, Oregon 974011187 Nelson DriveHarrisonburg, Va. 22801503-688-075970 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsAM. CAN. CH. MAYKENS SUN WITCH OF TOPAZE TA908204Orange female.Breeder, Kenneth W. Mayes Owners, Francis J. Mary F. Casey Raynham, Mass.Aristic Wee Won's Pepper Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Aristic Little Miss Cheerful Aristic Pepper Pods Gorgeous SireCh. Aristic Terrific Aristic Prissy Doll Aristic Little Ginny Doll Ch. Aristic Flaming Cheruh Aristic Flaming ModelAristic Model of Perfection Holders Suncrystal DamAristic Flaming Model Holder's Sunflame Sassafras Tiney ToyCH. TOPAZE LADY JENNIFEROrange female Breeders-Owners,Francis J. Mary F. Casey Raynham, Mass.Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Kniffin's Jack-O-Diamonds Ch. Kniffin's Miss Mollie-B Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Lucky Little Diamond SireCh. Radiant Special Star Ricochet New Girl in Town Ch. Little Kandy Kiss of Ricochet Ch. Bonner's Wee Lollipop Bonner's Wee Lollipop Dancer Boh Bon Golden Fantasy Wests Shamrock Lady of Topaze Dam Ch. Scotia Cav's Gay Conquest West's Kerry Dancer Teel's CutieCH. BODAS GYPSY MELODYOF TOPAZE TA-631245Deep Orange FemaleBreeder, Janet E. BodaOwners, Francis J. Mary F. CaseyRaynham, Mass.Lou-Lan's Token of Friendship Ch. Nan jo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can. Ber. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Sire Ch. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynn's Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynn's Tiny Karla Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavilier Ch. Kniffin's Jack-O-Diamonds Ch. Kniffins Miss Mollie-B Bodas Diamond Gypsy Jan DamCh. Kniffin's Jack-O-Diamonds Boda's Diamond Tanya Nina Topaze Princess JanetCH. TOPAZE JACK-O-DIAMONDS,AM. CAN. C.D. TA-827036 Orange sable maleBreeders, Francis J. Mary F. Casey Owner, Mrs. Marie V. Smith Canton, Mass.Ch. McKamey's Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Kniffins Jack-O-Diamonds Sire Bialek's Little Bambi Ch. Kniffins Miss Mollie-B Bialek's Little Tinker Ch. Kniffin's Jack-O-Diamonds Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Lucky Little DiamondRicochet New Girl in Town Topaze Temple of Love DamBlossom Views Toni Toy Kestuna Red Sunset Miss Cream Puff LadyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 71INDEX TO ADVERTISERSLOIS ADJORNSON ................................................................................................................................ 61MRS. R. E. ALTWATER ........................................................................................................................ 23PHYLLIS ANDREWS ............................................................................................................................. 17DOROTHY ARMAGOST ....................................................................................................................... 32BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB ................................................................................................ 45RUTH L. BEAM ...................................................................................................................................... 53WILMA BIRKMAN ................................................................................................................................ 69CHERYL BLACKORBY ........................................................................................................................ 67MARIE A. BUONAGURA ..................................................................................................................... 15JULIE BRUMBACK ............................................................................................................................... 69LOU C. CACERES ..................................................................................................................... 2 41FRANCIS J. MARY F. CASEY ............................................................................................ 26 27SAL CATRINI MARK ROMA ............................................................................................................. 7BERNARD LOIS CILIBERTO ........................................................................................................... 72BILL DAUS ............................................................................................................................................. 33MARY M. EDWARDS ........................................................................................................................... 28CAROL GALAVICH .............................................................................................................................. 31EDNA GIRARDOT ................................................................................................................................. 56TIM SUE GODDARD .....................................................................................................COVER 41FERN GORRIN ....................................................................................................................................... 69K. G. GRIFFITH ........................................................................................................................................ 5LeROY DONNA HARRIS .................................................................................................................. 47JOHN W. HENZIE .................................................................................................................................. 29GWEN R. BONNIE HODSON ........................................................................................................... 63JUDY KONE ............................................................................................................................................ 31JOY LeCOMPTE ..................................................................................................................................... 16SOPHIE H. MAYES ................................................................................................................................ 49RICHARD DONNA MEGENHARDT ................................................................................................. 9ELEANOR W. MILLER ......................................................................................................................... 43CHRIS ODETTE NOLAN .................................................................................................................. 61NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB ........................................................................... 69LOU NOTI ............................................................................................................................................... 33T. P. . N. J. OROURKE ....................................................................................................................... 51LESLIE PARKER .................................................................................................................................... 43SALLIE KENNEY SAJONCE ................................................................................................................ 41LOU ANN SHERMAN ........................................................................................................................... 45MARIE V. SMITH ................................................................................................................................... 28DR. MRS. LAWRENCE M. TRAUNER ........................................................................................... 21JACK BETI TRUSSEL ....................................................................................................................... 27RICHARD BETTY VARNEY ............................................................................................................ 58MRS. BEVERLY VANDER ZEYDEN .................................................................................................. 41MRS. CLARA WIESE ............................................................................................................................. 18MARY A. WYLIE CHUCK REYNOLDS ......................................................................................... 19JESSIE W. YOUNG ................................................................................................................................ 29SAM L. ZANEOFF .................................................................................................................... 36 3772 POMERANIAN REVIEWCRESCENDO POMERANIANSIs Proud OfShowpepper Sass of Spungoldk1-16-73 BOW, 4 pts. BOB over Specials under Judge A. M. Fitzgerald, Orlando. Florida11-21-73 BOW, 4 pts. BOS under Judge Ted Wurmser, Miami, FloridaTHANK YOU Rea Caroline Altwater of Spungold Poms for this faultlessly moving, cobby, showy little girlTHANK YOU Judge Fitzgerald for this terrific BOB over lovely Special and Judge Wurmser for the 2nd major BOSPEPPER, owner-handled to these wins, also has 2 Reserves in major female entries in her very brief career to date.We are quite pleased with the comments of judges and ring- siders on her style, and most importantly to us, her fine legsBERNARD LOIS CILIBERTO4825 N. Church Ave. Tampa, Fla., 33514Ph. 813-877-4126