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The Pomeranian Review July 1973

Table of Contents

Visit to Heritage Kennels by Jean Whitford ?
Ameriran Jfamprantan Club, Jlnr.trfPomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JULY, 1973CHAMPION GOLDPAZ COLONEL MIDNIGHT Oregons Only Black Pom ChampionFinished and a proven sire by one year of age, he is owned by Mrs. Joy LeCompte.IN THIS ISSUESTUD DOG REGISTER CLUB NEWS FT. WORTH SPECIALTYVisit to Heritage Kennels by Jean WhitfordBERMAN - BIRK - HEYDE - JONES - KLINGBEIL - MILLER - YIPS YAPS2 POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEbyMRS. MARLENE SCOTT Rt. 2, Box 178-C Raleigh, N. C. 27610The next big event of The American Club is The Summer Specialty. The Specialty will be held Oct. 13th in Houston, Texas. Mr. Kenneth E. Miller will judge. For information or Premium List, contact Mrs. Olga Baker, 102 Elm Deer Park, Texas 77536. Support The Summer Specialty with your entries, trophies, and advertising. I am sure it will be a grand affair.Each time I meet someone new in Pomeranians, I am always curious how they started in Poms. I dont like to admit when I did start. I received my first Pom in 1942 as a Christmas gift. I just have to say here, I was a teenager when I received my first Pom. To make a long story short, someone who knew purebred dogs much better than I, saw my dog, and told me my Pom was good enough to show in conformation. I asked them what conformation meant, and where I could attend a dog show. I didnt finish that particular dog, but I did put points on him, enough to set me on fire to buy, breed, beg, or borrow a Pom good enough to finish. Next I bought two females, and started my Kennel. I bred Poms several years before I bred my first Champion. I have had as many as fifty Poms at one time, but I only have a few now because of my work as a handler. Of course I was a breeder long before I became a Handler. Over the years we have had some very dear Poms, ones I will never forget. When we would have kennel visitors, and theywould say I dont see how you tell them apart, they all look just alike, but no two are alike, and this would amaze me. No two even act alike. They have their own individual personalities. I am sure all of you know what I am talking about. We had cuddley, lovie ones, the cool, independent ones, the loud-mouth ones, the quiet, shy ones, the foot-lickers, heel biters, jealous ones, who would walk between you and the other ones. Then there were the greedy ones, or the ones that gave in to the others, giving up their beds, food, etc. Some were real smart, others just plain dumb, but I loved them all, and sure didnt like someone saying they all were alike. No one except other Pom folks would believe the experiences we have had with our Poms over the years. I am positive I decided on the very best Breed, and I shall always have Pomeranians.Let me hear from you.ONE PICTURE IS WORTH . . .One picture is worth a thousand words. Well, maybe. The Review pictures are sent in by the contributors, and for the most part, add greatly to the general interest and attractiveness of this little publication. Occasionally, pictures are sent in that surely do not do justice to the Pom pictured, and these are not always snapshots taken by amateurs. Some show photographers are better than others, sometimes a beautiful dog just wouldnt pose correctly, sometimes the shot was made from an unfortunate angle, sometimes the dog blends right in with the color of the background and good reproduction is impossible. We feel it is better to send your ad without a picture, than with a bad picture. .It is very difficult to get good reproduction of a black Pom or of a color picture where the color tones are too much the same. Some color prints reproduce very well, but if it is at all possible to get a black and white print of the picture, it is better to do so.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmrrtran Pomeranian Club Jnr.President ..................................First Vice President .... Second Vice President .. Recording Secretary Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer .................................Delegate to the A.K.C. ..OFFICERS OF THE CLUB..............................................................................................Mrs. Marlene Scott...............................................................................................Mr. William Daus.............................................................................................Mrs. Joan Coluccio...............................................................................................Mrs. Carol Fama...............................................................................Miss Mary G. Passariello721 Martin Dr., Uniondale, N. Y. 11553................................................................................... Mrs. Dolly B. Trauner.....................................................................................Mr. Kenneth E. MillerBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Edd E. Bivin Mrs. Mary F. CaseyMiss Marjorie Bullwinkle Mrs. Katherine R. ProbstMr. Sam L. ZaneoffPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor Advertising Manager ..................................................................................................................................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, 1574 Camp Linden Rd., West Chester, Pa.i9380Circulation Manager________ Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn, R. D. 1, Carvale Dr., Aberdeen, Md. 21001Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 6.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 1.50. Canada, Mexico, 6.50, Foreign 7.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 3.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text............................50.00Inside front cover, cuts extra _______________ 25.00Center Spread, 2 pages, cuts extra . 50.00Full page ............................................................ 20.00Three-quarters page ........................................... 15.00One-half page ..................................................... 10.00One-quarter page vertical only------------------ 5.00100 copies full page ad......................................... 7.00Minimum charge for cuts up to 1 x 2 inches, 5.00 proportionately more for larger cuts.No charge for cuts if usable cut is available. ____________________ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORYby JOY LeCOMPTECh. Goldpaz Colonel Midnight, more affectionately known to us as Littlejon is the 5th champion and last litter to be sired by his famous black daddy, Am. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight. How very fortunate we were in acquiring him as a tiny puppy from his breeder, Mrs. Vera Armstrong of Salem, Oregon.Littlejon definitely carries some of the outstanding qualities of his sirea real little showman with a proper textured coat, tiny ears, a small eye, standing high on his toes, with four beautiful sound moving legs under him to give him a true Pom gait.This little 3V2 pound black finished his title at a year of age with two 4-point majors including 1 Winners Dog, 11 Best of Winners and 3 Best of Breed wins. Many thanks go to professional handler Edna Swift Asp who did such an excellent job of presenting him at the shows._ He is now on his way with Edna toward his Canadian championship title.His sires bloodlines were entirely Bombardier-Moneybox, closely woven back and forth for many generations the dam going back to Ch. Lathams Wee Wonder, Ch. Lathams Gay Sahib, Ch. Julo Wee Wonder, and Ch. Moneybox Currency.The fact that he is a proven sire at a year of age gives us hope that Littlejon may be able to partially fill his daddys footsteps. Tragically, his sire died in his prime, but we cant help knowing we were on the right track with such champion offspring as Ch. May Morning Hokus Pokus, Ch. May Morning Bewitching Witch, Ch. Kavillas Flash of Ebony, Ch. Goldpaz Colonel Midnight all black, and a sable daughter Ch. Goldpaz Be Mischief Mine.Our success story would be incomplete without giving credit where credit is due, for without the knowledgeable guidance and friendship of Rita LaVerne ofLaRitas kennels, and use of her studs carrying outstanding bloodlines we would not be here today to tell our story of still another champion finishing his title.Looking back at the frustrating early years of breeding blacks, I cant help thinking how fortunate the breeders are today for they have a wide choice of blacks to use. That was not the case 15 years ago, nor were blacks looked upon with such favor, probably because most of them lacked quality. It is very rewarding to see the noticeable increase in the number of blacks being bred and shown today, and the outstanding quality of these Pomeranians. We feel privileged to have contributed in our small way to this advancement.I think one of my most rewarding moments in my many years of breeding blacks was, at the October 1972 Vancouver, Washington show, when a pair of our own Goldpaz yearling blacks, Goldpaz Colonel Midnight and Goldpaz Patti Midnight not littermates were both awarded four-point major wins WD BW and WB and BOS under judge Mrs. Victor Olmos-Ollivier.Goldpaz has never been a large kennel and very limited breeding has been conducted over the years. However, we feel very fortunate to have finished seven champions, five of them our own homebred kids.Littlejon, as his sire before him, is still Oregons only black Pomeranian champion. A proud honor for father and now for his son.ARTICLE CANCELLEDWe have cancelled or at least postponed the article by Dolly B. Trauner which was to have started in this issue, on the subject of forming a new specialty club. Since the AKC has announced that a booklet on this same subject will be available very soon, we felt that Mrs. Trauners article would be repetitious.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5CHAMPION CREIDERS TIMOTHY TIDBIT HASMOVED TO TEXASfSire Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Dam Ch. Creiders Bit ODistictionOur sincere appreciation to Mrs. Norma Creider for letting us have her Beautiful Tidbit.WATCH FOR HIM IN THE SHOW RING SOONTo be campaigned by Sandy TremontProud New OwnersA. J. Tremont 4639 Wisteria Dallas, Texas 75211 214-331-1021Peggy Bush Laura James 1201 Keats Dallas, Texas 75211 214-337-17586 POMERANIAN REVIEWFORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUBMrs. C. A. Ellis, Sec.The Fort Worth Pomeranian Club Specialty on March 23, 1973 was our most successful to date with an entry of 55 which included 11 specials. The trophy table was beautiful with many outstanding trophies. Friendliness and good fellowship was evident, and we enjoyed our many friends and fellow breeders very much. The dinner following the show was great fun and everyone enjoyed it.Our very capable judge, Mrs. James Edward Clark, gave Best of Breed to Ch. Holders Flaming Fanfare, owned by K. W. Mayes. Mayes who now manages the Aristic Kennel was especially proud of this win as the trophy which was presented to him was donated in the memory of Gladys Schoenberg and also because Fanfare is Aristic and Mayken breeding.- Ch.Holders Flaming Fanfare is shown going Best of Breed at the Fort Worth Pomeranian Club Specialty Show on March 23, 1973 under Mrs. James Edward Clark. Club President, Mr. G. B. McDonald presents the trophy.Best of Winners and Winners Dog went to Verna Hoods Robinhoods Replica Rerun, and Best of Opposite Sex and Winners Bitch went to Arabelle B. Hodges Wee Witch Hodges of Sun Dot handled by John Thyssen. ReserveWinners Dog went to Christine Smiths Amberil Cinnamon Twist and Reserve Winners Bitch went to Laura James Cinder Mist of Pom Shadows.Other wins on the Texas Circuit include Merle Daniels Ch. Daniels Scampering Scotter who won 12 Best of Breed and 8 Group Placements with 2 Group I. Mrs. B. G. McDonalds Ch. Macs Mister Big went Best of Breed at the Texas Kennel Club Show in Dallas, Texas. Kenneth W. Mayes Ch. Holders Flaming Fanfare went Best of Breed and Group II at the Cen-Tex K. C. show in Waco, Texas, and Mayes Maykens Candy Kid went Winners Dog at the same show. Mrs. B. G. McDonalds Macs Tangerine Twist went Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex at the Waco show. Macs Tangerine Twist now has 11 points to her credit. Cora Hales Bonners Lucky Elf of Caraway finished his championship in Oklahoma, and Cora Hales Dragonflys Little Princess needs only 2 points to finish. Mrs. W. L. Sealys Playboy of Golden Acres went WD and BW for 4 points at Faith City KC at Wichita Falls, Texas, and WD and BW for 3 points at Mid-Del KC at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma handled by Sandy Tremont.The FWPC had nominations of officers at its May meeting, and will have election of officers at its June meeting which will be held in conjunction with the clubs annual picnic. Present officers declined nominations as we felt it best to let others serve for awhile as it does a club good to have new people in office occasionally. We wish them every success and will stand by if we can help them in any way.ALLOW AT LEAST A WEEK IN THE MAIL MAIL ARTICLES AND ADS AS EARLY AS POSSIBLEPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7SUN-DOTS POMERANIANS Send Congratulations to . . .WEE WITCHThis little gal has been doing BIG things Shown going B.O.S. over specials to finish at the Port Worth Specialty under Mrs. James Edward Clark. WITCH was in 5 shows on the BIG Texas Circuit, winning 3 majors and a Group IV. All this and only 8V2 months old Her dam, Ch. Queenaires Cinnamon Twist, and breeder Ruth Dotson are very proud. SO happy for her owner, Mrs.A. W. Hodges of Laramie, Wyoming.Also to Robert and Shirley Brown and their new Champion, CH. QUEENAIRES LACY FIREFLY. Her sire, Bonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire, and half-brother, SUN-DOTS LIL DUKE OF QUEENAIRE, sired by CH. CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLY, send best wishes from Sun-Dots.WITCH was BEAUTIFULLY handled by John Thyssen, as was her dam and all Poms shown at SCJN-DOTSThanks John SUN-DOTS POMERANIANS RUTH DOTSON203 Bay DriveSacramento, California 95815 Phone 916 922-1420 or 925-5982 i lifU-v,Ch. Wee Witch Hodges of Sun-Dot8 POMERANIAN REVIEWTO ALL MEMEBER AND SUBSCRIBERS YOUR ATTENTION PLEASEReluctantly I have accepted the joh of Bench Show Chairman for Our 1974 A. P. C. February Specialty Show I say reluctantly because I do not like to undertake a job unless I know that I can be successful at it. The only way that we can have a successful show is by having the full cooperation of all of the members of the Club. Therefore I am begging you to help me in every way that you possibly can. Years ago when I was trophy chairman for the Specialty Shows and the past three years when my husband was Advertising Chairman, YOU gave us every bit of support and made Our job easy and successful. May we please count on you again.1974 will find the show being held in the beautiful Rose Room of the Statler Hilton Hotel in New York City on February 10th. You have sent in your choices of judges and the Board of Directors are now waiting for the top choice to answer as to availability. If the one receiving the highest vote is not available, the next in line will be asked and so forththis all takes time and hopefully we will know definitely at the June Board Meeting who the judge will be. At the present time, none of the Board Members know.The Trophy Chairmen co-chairmen are H. W. Bill Pottebaum and Thomas Daniels, their address is Davis Street, Southwick, Mass. They will be writing to you shortly. I hope that when you receive their request you will answer it promptly. Dont put it aside until tomorrow, because we all know, tomorrow never comes. If you want to offer a cash prize in a specific class, please designate this desire. If your donation is to be used as needed, say so. Also make note if you wish the trophy committee to purchase a trophy for you. Donations that are made to the Trophy Fund, to be used as needed, will not be credited to an individual. Names of these donors will belisted in the catalog on a page designated for this purpose. If you request that a trophy be purchased for you, this will be done and your name will appear next to the trophy you have offered . . . We are going to do our best to make a uniform trophy list covering all classes 1st thru 4th prizes. Help us to make a trophy table that is a credit to Our Breed and the people who support it. I am asking all Club Secretaries on the Local Club Level to serve with Bill and Tom on this Committee. I do not have a list of all the Local Club Secretaries, so I would appreciate it if you would send me a post card with this information Name of Local Club, Names and Addresses of all of the Officers and if the Secretaries feel that they cannot help on this committee, please send the name and address of a member of your Local Club that would be willing to serve.Chairman of the Advertising Committee will be Mrs. Jessie Young, Loudon Ridge Road, Loudon, New Hampshire. We will also be asking help from the Local Clubs for this Committee. There are several suggestions presently before the Board and as soon as decisions have been made the Local Clubs will be notified.Any suggestions that you have to offer to help make the show successful, will be greatly appreciated. Remember, this is YOUR CLUB, it is YOUR SPECIALTY SHOW, Its Success or Failure depends on YOU.I would also appreciate it if any of you that are planning to attend the Specialty, I hope all of you are would volunteer for a position on one of the Committees. We will need people for stewarding, gate, hospitality, catalogues, if you are willing to help, well find work for you. Just remember to drop me a line and say O. K. Mary, you can count on me. Mail to Mrs. Mary F. Casey, 60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Mass. 02767. I just know that with a unified effort WE can make Our 1974 Show the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. Thanks.POMERANIAN REVIEW 9MAYKEN POMERANIAN KENNELS 5973 Whitby Rd., San Antonio, Texas 78228 Phone 512-696-0365CHAMPION HOLDERS FLAMING FANFARE Best of Breed, Fort Worth Pom Club Specialty, March 23,1973Pictured with Judge Mrs. James Edward Clark and Club President Mr. G. B. McDonaldCongratulations to Am. Can. Ch.Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze owned by Francis J. Mary F. Casey Best of Opposite Sex American Pomeranian Club Specialty February, 1973Congratulations also to new Mexican and Am. Ch. Maykens Sun Cricket, litter sister to Sun Witch, owned by Eula Mae Collier, New Braunfels, Texas.i -mj3reltujoocl f-^iomeranicimCh. Silver Meadows Lil RedB.O.B. for the Second Consecutive Year at the Columbia Pom SpecialtyCongratulates some of his kidsHutchersons Royal Ransom owners J. L. Hutcherson 9 pts. including 5 pt. major 2 BOBs, GR 3Brettwoods Champagne ChiffonOwners Carol Tim Wood RWB Seattle K.C.Brettwoods Lil Red Rascal RWD Whidbey Island K.C. \Several promising Ch. Lil Red kids available in orange and black. Vilma J. BartolatP. O. Box 129Milton, Washington 9835410 POMERANIAN REVIEWMRS. ETHEL UNWIN OFPOMWIN KENNELSThose of us who knew her and valued her friendship and advice were shocked to learn of her death some three weeks after it happened. Your Editor asked Bob Goodrich to supply some background information on the famous Pomwin Kennels of years past, and we are also indebted to him for the photograph included in this short article.Ethel Unwin was noted for her strain of Poms along two lines. One was a line of mostly red sables with baby faces originating in the Eastney line of Kitty Carlin in England. Mrs. Unwin imported Ch. Eastney Red Boy and several others from Mrs. Carlins kennel, and produced many Poms all of the same type and color from them. Among these dogs were Ch. Pomwin Sable Dandy, Ch. Pomwin Dandy Whiz, Ch. Pomwin Ambergold, Ch. Pomwin Little Oneder- ful Miss and numerous others.Using bitches from the above strain, Mrs. Unwin developed another line by breeding to Ch. Little Timstopper, Ch. Dixieland Shining Gold, Ch. Moneybox Currency and other leading males of that day.At one time, she also had some color- bred black Poms, and once said to your Editor, Im going to put you over my knee and spank you, if you dont stop breeding blacks to oranges In vain I spoke of the many recent black champions of outstanding type produced by breeding the better type of the orange and sable Pom to the poor quality blacksshe was never convinced that mixing colors was anything but heresy.Bob says that Ethel Unwin was a hard person to get to know, but a real friend when you knew her. I met her only about 10 years ago, when I moved back to Pennsylvania, and at that time purchased Pomwin Busybody, from one ofthe last litters she had still hale and well at more than 10. Rosie has given me many valued children and grandchildren, and although I cannot say that May Morning Kennels is founded on Pomwin stockas Bob can truly say of Model Kennelsthe red sable strain that has come down from her breeding is one of our greatest assets.miV.''4m K ftMrs. Ethel Unwin of Pomwin Kennels holding Ch. Pomwin Ambergold.REPORT TOP SHOW WINS TO AREA COLUMNISTSIf you belong to one of the regional Pom clubs, the Secretary will be happy to receive news of your show wins. If you do not belong to a regional club, you can report the following to your area columnist wins with major points, wins to finish title, BOB if followed by Group placement. Be sure to give name and date of show, name of dog and owner, name of judge and number of points and or BOB and Group Placement. Incomplete reports cannot be used.POMERANIAN REVIEW 11IN MEMORY OFMRS. ETHEL UNWINowner ofPOMWIN POMERANIAN KENNELSBreeder of the PomwinShow PomsAlsoA Fine And Worthy FriendWe at theMODEL KENNELSWILL ALWAYS BE GRATEFUL TO HERMODEL KENNELSBob Goodrich 204 Yukon AvenuePhone 723-3702 Hampton, Va. 23663POMERANIAN REVIEW12THE BLACK POMby Mrs. Alyce D. SeekinsReprinted from the Jan., 1965 ReviewA black Pomeranian just doesnt get anywhere Those words uttered in despair may seem at first glance just silly or perhaps, even sour grapes. But, think with me a bit on this subject.Even though Poms are dearest to you I shall try to point out why I believe this to be true in many breeds where many colors are permitted.In your mind think about the ideal Pomeranian. First, visualize it in various shades of orange or sable, with soft coloring changes contrast of eye rims, points and eyes. See the lines of the dog as graced by the shades and colors. See each hair standing out vividly to your eye. Then take this same dog all in black. What do you see The outlines of the dog as to proportion will be easily defined but coat texture, ear set, eyes, all blend in, thus making it more difficult to easily evaluate this dog.Since my breed for years has been Samoyeds, which have the problem of being all white, I have thought about it. Yet, with an all white dog, contrast is evidenced by shadows indicating bone structure, facial expression and of course eyes and rims and lips. So, I feel it is really the all black dog that has the problem.I have felt this to be true for some time in regard to the denser coated dogs and then recently I had occasion to watch a judging of Labrador Retrievers about which I knew very little. However, as the judging progressed I found myself more easily evaluating and understanding the light colored Labs even muscular development was more evident but when the solid black dogs came along, I realized I would really have to know the breed thoroughly to evaluate them properly.I do feel this may be the reason that a black Pomeranian has to be really tops to get anywhere, and even thenmay be by-passed. There may be a psy- cological reason in some cases many people do have an unconscious preference for color or white over black but I think with a competent judge that it is more a matter of finding it more difficult to evaluate the black dog.BLACK IS BEAUTIFULWe call your attention to the very rare achievement of Ch. Creiders Ebony Masterpiece, bred and owned by Norma Creider and handled by Lorraine Heichel. This gorgeous black male not only finished while still a puppy, but won two Group Seconds and a GROUP FIRST on the way to his title Unfortunately, the color picture of his Group win could not be reproduced successfully.Youre Not So Youngif you remember when entry fees for shows were S3.00 and 4.00. AND both trophies and cash prizes were usual in most classes, regardless of competition.Youve Been Around Quite Awhileif you remember when white Bobby Socks were THE THING for ladies to wear to summer sporting events. And only a fast woman would wear high heels with slacksYoure A Real Old-Timerif you remember when the AKC would permit a litter to be registered with two sires. If you dont believe it, write to AKC.Youre A Dyed-In-The-Wool Obedience Enthusiastif you remember when the Speak On Command was one of the Utility exercises. Very difficult to teach in the Down position.Readers, if you think this column has possibilities for fun and audiance participation, send in examples under one of the above headings. If you do not wish to reveal your age bracket, we will be glad to print your offering an- onamouslyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 13CHAMPION CREIDERS EBONY MASTERPIECEwon a Group First and two Group Seconds from the classes and while still a puppy.Handled by Lorraine HeichelPedigree in Behind the New ChampionsMRS. NORMA CREIDERRt. Si, Box 674 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74107MAY MORNING POMERANIANSCh. May Morning Bewitching Witch Switchher two litter brothers Ch. May Morning Hokus Pokus and May Morning Wizard and our sable Jonnie Midnight daughter May Morning Legacy of Jonnie CONGRATULATE Their Half-Brother Champion Goldpaz Colonel Midnight on completion of his championship.They also CONGRATULATE their cousin on their mothers side, Champion Creiders Ebony Masterpiecefor his outstanding record on way to his titleThree Group Placements from the classes including a GROUP FIRST Rare achievement for a BlackkBest Wishes to Rex and Betty Bell1574 Camp Linden RoadSOPHIE H. MAYES215-793-1912 West Chester, Pa. 1938014 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENNEL VISITWITH REX AND BETTY BELL AT HERITAGE KENNELSby Jean WhitfordAs you travel up Interstate No. 89 through the Green Mountains of Vermont you are surprised as you turn off Exit No. 12 to find a mile up the road a small kennel, Heritage Kennel, set out in the country yet so close to one of Vermonts most busy cities, Burlington, Vermont.Set far back from the road and lending itself to the colonial scene, we find the home of Heritage Kennels.Rex and Betty Bell started out as so many potential breeders do, with the idea they would just have one litter of puppies. Betty had been given a male Pomeranian by her parents when she was 10 years old, as a companion. Sandy came from a kennel of long-standing in Springvale, Maine, Bonnitoi Kennels. At that time no thought of showing or breeding even entered the picture, Sandy was just loved and cared for by the whole family. Sandy had a terrific coat and was a great grandson of Sealand Money Box. Later when Betty married and she and Rex went to purchase their first female Pom, the thought that ifonly Sandy were a younger fellow how they would have loved to make use of his grand pedigree.Well that first litter of puppies was the start of a new Pomeranian breeder and potential kennel of 25 Pomeranians. The bitch was Winsomes Little Miss Ginger, originally from Ethel Turners breeding. She was taken to Fitchburg, Massachusetts and bred to Rambler Tiny Tim II and produced 4 lovely puppies. Ginger was one of those rare bitches all Pom breeders look for as she produced 4 puppies every time with little or no trouble. Ginger died last January at the ripe old age of 14.The desire to have the best Pomeranian puppies one could raise led to the writing of many letters, numerous telephone conversations and going to shows to see the Pomeranians that were being shown. Trying to visit breeders and learn the ropes became a pleasurable but tedious pastime.Living in the Northeast comer of the United States has its drawbacks, for at that time there were very few established Pomeranian breeders. With the generous help of Edna Girardot they purchased Champion Scotia Cavs Gay Cavalier, a son of Champion Sungolds Gay Cavalier and Champion Scotia Starlight Penny Anti.Shortly after this, Betty joined the American Pomeranian Club and through' the Pomeranian Review learned about all of the showing being done in the Texas area and the famous Champion Aristic Wee Pepper Pod and Champion Bonners Stylepepper Preshus. After correspondence with Dorothy Bonner they added to their growing kennel a son of Champion Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Stylekay Treasurer and also acquired an Aristic bitch, Aristic Sunmink, Minka, as shePOMERANIAN REVIEW 15is called just gave them a lovely bitch puppy which they plan to have at the shows this spring.wIIThis is the addition Betty and Rex added two years ago. The front room is a showroom, and in the back is the nursery.,. Betty in the living room with four of their studs. Left to right. Browns Sweetie Pies Duke, Randys Stylesong Pepper Up, Ch. Scottia Sable Bug1 Grand Finale and Bonners Stylekay Treasure.Rex and Betty are just entering the show aspect of Pomeranian breeding. Last fall they went to Montreal and were pleased to come home with the first two Canadian points on Randys Stylesong Pepper Up, a lovely male from Mrs.Randell Freeh. Last spring they got another point for Phils Frilly Bluesette, Com Dukes daughter purchased from Olga Barker. An extreme interest in the Champion Corn Duke Dragonfly line has brought to their kennel a total of 3 Duke daughters and several Duke granddaughters, 2 are daughters of Champion Scampering Scotter, 1 a daughter of Champion Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala, also a daughter of Champion Jeribeths Darlin Doodle-Bug.Also added to their kennel have been 2 bitches from Edna Girardot, a daughter of Champion Scotia Cavs Spectacular and a daughter of Champion Scotia Cash On Hand and Champion Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Way Brochure. These were primarily purchased to line breed with their Champion Scotia Cavs Gay Cavalier acquired at an earlier time.A great spark to their interest in showing occurred in February of 1971. Betty had the chance to go to Westminster and rejoice as all the Pomeranians enthusiasts did to see Champion Dukes Lil Red Bam of OKala go best in the Toy Group and the pleasure of meeting so many friendly, sincere Pom breeders. This all lent itself to a renewed dedication to breed the best Pomeranians possible The Bells have 2 children who share their interest in dogs. They help with the care of the Pom puppies and have the pleasure of playing with them to help with the social adjustment of the puppies at an early age, which Rex and Betty feel is so important whether the puppies are destined for the show-ring or a loving home. The childrens first love though is their West Highland White Terriers of which they each have 2. They have the complete charge of these, their feeding and grooming, and enjoy showing them in junior handling classes. With a growing kennel and more than one litter of puppies due at about the same time, something had to be done about room. An addition was built two years ago and now off the master bed16 POMERANIAN REVIEWroom we find a large nursery where the young puppies enjoy large pens and expectant mothers await their litters. Of course the bedroom is still the place where all whelping activities take place. Here all puppies are born right next to the bed where Betty can hear every move made by mother and puppies alike until the puppies are four or five weeks old and then into the nursery. Constant supervision is the key to life and happy puppies, and quick action with tubefeeding equipment, and a hand made incubator with glass front and heater have saved many a fading puppy that might have been lost.Another room was added and is being finished off as a show room where prospective customers can visit and look at puppies in pleasant surroundings. Rex, being an Industrial Arts Teacher has been a handy asset in the completion of the nursery and the constant building and renovations of the main kennel. The main kennel houses about 25 poms, give or take the few adults in the nursery. The pens are 2 feet high and 2 feet by 4 feet. A large cement run gives them plenty of room for exercise and can be cleaned and disinfected easily.1This is a view of one aisle of pens in the main kennel, as the kennel girl works.Because both Betty and Rex have fulltime jobs as school teachers they have a kennel girl who comes in weekdays to help with the cleaning and care of the Poms. lApromising yonng puppyBells Butterscotch Taffy, granddaughter of Ch. Bettys Sir Ray.They plan to go to as many dog shows as possible this year as it will be the first summer both of them have not either attended summer school or worked. They are in the process of obtaining a van to take to the shows and on their trips this summer. Last summer Betty and Rex and the children made a quick trip to Pennsylvania. This was their first real dog trip and they saw Patsy Kriess, from whom they were very fortunate to get 2 lovely bitches, one a Duke daughter and the other a daughter of Champion Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy. Later on they got Champion Scotia Sable Bug Grand Finale and a Duke grandson from Patsy. On the way home from Patsys they made four more stops with Pomeranian breeders, one of them being at Millamor Kennels where the Millers showed them their lovely studs and were most helpful to them. BettyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 17HERITAGE KENNELS-an-BonnersStylekay Treasure Sire Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Dam Bonners Pepperkay Treasure1va .Randys Stylesong Pepper Up PointedSire Ch. Bonners Stylesong Gold Toy Dam Ch. McDougalls Gay SamanthaAlso At Stud Ch. Scotia Sable Bug Grand FinaleLitters ExpectedDue 67 Sire Browns Sweetie Pies Duke Duke grandsonDam Bells Dragonfly JeribethCh. Jeribeths Darlin Doodle Bug daughterDue 69 Sire Bells Mr. Surprise Bonners Wee Conquest O Rhythm grandson Dam Jeribeth Ginger Mite of Tara Duke daughterDue 710 Sire Bonners Stylekay Treasure Dam OKala Royal FlowerCh. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala daughterDue 712 Sire Browns Sweetie Pies Duke Dam Elizabeth's China AngelCh. Daniel's Scampering Scotter daughterInquiries InvitedRex and Betty Bell Williston, Vermont 05495Rt. 2A, Box 81 Tel. 802-879-725818 POMERANIAN REVIEWhad. always much admired the Poms from Millamore Kennels and a while hack had purchased Champion Millamors Stylelady from them.This summer they plan to travel to Texas, unless something unforseen prevents it, and while there they will visit Roy and Lu Collier in New Braunfels whom they have known for years as the Colliers once lived across Lake Champlain from them. You can het that Rex and Betty plan to visit as many Pomeranian kennels as they can during their stay and hope to have the opportunity of meeting some of the kind people who have been so willing to share their valuable experience. As most Pomeranian breeders know this is not the easiest of breeds to attempt to raise and the encouragement from other dedicated breeders certainly helped... Wigxps1 m'to v T-P-On the wall is a painting1 Betty did of Ch. Bonner's Stylesong Gold Toy. Standing beneath is his son Pepper.If ever any Pom Fanciers are in the beautiful state of Vermont for the New England circuit, do look up Betty and Rex and stop to see all the lovely Pomeranians they have. Mary Casey, who was up for the circuit last summer, stayed overnight with Betty and Rexand as you can guess it was the wee hours of the morning before anyone got any sleep but I think that the hour was the furthest thing from anyones mind.Visitors are always welcome and be prepared for lots of Pom Talk. Time passes without notice as the conversation lingers on the Bells favorite subject, Poms.CONGRATULATIONStoRex Betty Bell on their Kennel Visit fromall the members of theBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBKENNEL VISITThe October Kennel Visit will take us to sunny California where we will visit with Mrs. Ruth Dotson and her Sun-Dots Poms in Sacramento. California Pom owners will want to support this visit with congratulatory ads and also let readers know about other breeders in that big, active state.DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER IS AUGUST 20POMERANIAN REVIEW IfTHE CHAMPLAIN VALLEY KENNEL CLUBBurlington, Vermont is proud to have as membersREX and BETTY BELLHERITAGE KENNELSCONGRATULATIONSandBEST WISHESto REX and BETTY BELL of HERITAGE KENNELSI wish to thank them for all their help and advice.They are Great Pom NeighborsSWEETHILL KENNELSMrs. Louis M. Bunny SweetR. R. No. 2, Box 182 Waterbury, Vermont 0567620 POMERANIAN REVIEWFUNFAIR POMERANIAN KENNELSOffer for sale3 MALE PUPPIES Jan. 12th, 19731 FEMALE PUPPY Jan. 1st, 1973SIRED BYCH. ROBWOODS GUY WONDERSee page 13, 1971 Pom Review or write for pedigree.Dams are daughters ofCH. WILLOW HILL LITTLE CAESARMany times a group winner. Write for pedigree, or see page 21, April, 1967.At this age, they look like nice show prospects.John R. Katherine R. Probst North Rd.Tivoli, N. Y. 12583Inquiries invited Tel. 914-759-2634Our very best wishes and congratulations toREX and BETTY BELL of VERMONTHope we have the pleasure of meeting you in the near futurePOMERANIAN REVIEW 1SILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANSr. ..rCh. Silver Meadows FlickerWe proudly present our newest Championanother Ch. Sunflash kid.A Special Thank You to judges D.S. Welsh 5 pt. major A. Treen 5 pt. major and Mrs. Byron Hofman 3 pt. major.We were also proud of Flickers near-miss as Reserve Winners Bitch at the American Pomeranian Club Specialty in New York, February, 1973. Flicker took time out between shows to prove herself, free-whelping a lovely litter of three, and hopefully will be producing many Specials in the future.To so many of you who have spoken to us in regard to sending your girls to Ch. Sunny we suggest you do not wait till it is too late to take advantage of this fantastic little sires proven ability to throw quality.See pedigree and photo in the Stud Doff RegisterFOR SALEa. Beautiful young cream champion, proven aggressive stud dog, top bloodline.b. 7 mo. male, orange, show quality. Sired by Ch. Highland Sunwink out of a Ch. Silver Meadows Sir Sun Charm daughter.c. Two males wh. 4-16-73 by Silver Meadows Tiger out of Ch. Lil Reds dam. Probably her lastMelody is 9 yrs. old now.BEST WISHES TO REX AND BETTY BELLRon Jackie Klein West Lake RoadPh. 716-237-5473 Silver Springs, N. Y. 1455022 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOMMENTS CONCERNING THE STANDARDRUTH BEAM PINEVILLE, N. C.I cannot understand why new breeders or new judges should find our standard lacking due to the fact that we do not list faults. Im a dense person, but it is common sense to assume that legs that are not straight, would be considered a fault.It is also common sense to assume that flat coat, broad muzzle, muzzle to short or too long, short legs, long legs, down in pasterns, cow hocked, legs too wide apart or too close together, long in body, apple head, over size eyes and ears, low set ears, undershot, overshot, out at shoulders, low set tail, gay tail, a non-fox-like head, long neck, over 7 lb., under 3 lb., off colored nose and eye rims, etc. would be considered faults as they do not conform to the wording of the standard. Why should this be hard to understand What is the point in having a lot of words when fewer words should be sufficientMARY F. CASEY RAYNHAM, MASS.I would like to see Major Faults listed in Our present Standard. I have always felt that this was a necessity. For the breeders of today, it is alright not having faults listed, we have been breeding for a few years and the faults that were listed under our old Standard are still implanted in our minds, but what about the future generation of breeders and the future generation of judgeshow are they to know what is considered as a serious fault Even today many breeders have misinterpreted the new standard and they know better. Where in the present standard does it say that a black mask is permissible Yet you know and I know that Poms are being shown and winning with black masks. Our present Standard says that a Poms bite shouldbe a scissors bite, yet we know of Poms with undershot mouths that have gone through to their title and also placed first in the group. Yet this is a fault that is one of the hardest to breed out. I know, it happened to me. I finally got rid of it, because I no longer bred that line, but I had to learn by trial and error. I do not feel that an overshot mouth is as serious, just from my own experience with this problem. I had one bitch that had this type bite, she never threw it and it never recurred in her offspring or in any future generation and I had five generations of breeding from this bitch.I also feel that there should be a clause in the standard stating that overtrimming should be heavily penalized. Our present Standard and to the best of my knowledge every Pom Standard that I have read has stated trimming for neatness. Many articles have been written in regards to over-trimming, but nothing seems to phase some of the exhibitorsIf this cannot be put across by telling people, then lets penalize them for doing it, maybe then it will be stopped. I see nothing wrong with trimming off unruly hairs that just jut out every where, but recently I saw a beautiful little Pom that was scissored in the rear like a poodle is scissored and this is wrong. A Pom should have long skirts, not scissored pantaloons. In my opinion this is altering the appearance of the dog and detracts from the overall picture of beauty. Ill be interested in hearing how others feel on this matter.FROM A. BREEDER NAME WITHHELDI strongly agree with the editorial in the April issue of the Pomeranian Review. I feel that it also goes hand in hand with the code of ethics.We will be doing our breed a favor if All would strive to breed what the standard says we are supposed to be breeding and back it up with a good ,strong codePOMERANIAN REVIEW 2The Review Staff joins the Entire Membership in sending deepest sympathy to our Corresponding Secretary Miss Mary G. Passariello for the sudden and unexpected death of her fiance William J. Chadwick on May 11, 1973of ethics, rather than concentrating entirely on good coat and individual taste in head type and seeing how many champions one can produce a year regardless of what it takes to do it.Is it surprising that so many champions of record have the lack of sound leg structure, poor movement and exaggerated baby faces or that spectators compliment you on your pretty Pekingese I believe that a good many breeders have lost sight of the very basic fundamental reason for breeding dogs.We need breeders who are willing to stay home and Breed for Betterment even if it means having nothing to show for a year or two. We need to see the majority of Pomeranians exhibited to come very close to the standard when viewing the entire dog.If the majority of breeders are not willing to make the needed efforts to correct the serious problems, the natural result will be even a looser standardthat we now have to which the mention of ethics will certainly be a joke.I would like to see the major, minor and objectionable faults and disqualifications back in the standard together with proper color defined even though all colors are acceptable. I would also like that word CHAMPION to carry some weight ... it is taken far too lightly today.Our personal picture of the Pomeranian is meaningless . . . After all no standard ... no Pom. Let us all breed for the standard. The future of the Pomeranian depends upon each and every one of us.ANNIVERSARYThe First Issue of Pomeranian Review was published in June of 1958. Only a few copies of that issue are known to exist, cherished by their owners.24 POMERANIAN REVIEWEDNEYS PROUDLY PRESENTSDANDEEDandee started his career at 7 months with a big 5 pt. Major as BOW from the Puppy Class, under Judge Harold Huggins, Natl Capital KC. 2 Pts., under Judge Alfred Treen, Bucks Cty, KC. still just 9 Mos., received BOW BOB,3 pt. Major under Judge Anne Cowie. at Lancaster K.C.DANDEESENDS CONGRATULATIONS TO HIS MOTHERCH. DUNNS LITTLE TINA PRESHUSON COMPLETION OF HER CHAMPIONSHIP.Sadie Ray Edney 7519 Holabird Ave.301-282-3125 Baltimore, Md. 21222iThelduns Tim Dandee of EdneyBODA POMERANIANSoffersFor Show andor BreedingTwolitters clear rich oranges whelped May 10th and 13th out of BODAS DIAMOND TANYA NINA Orange and BODAS DIAMOND HEIDI HO Sable also litter expected May 29th out of BODAS DIAMOND GYPSY JAN Sable Dam of Ch. Bodas Gypsy Melody of Topaze and several pointed daughtersLitters sired byAM., CAN., BER. CH. NANJO INTERLUDE All bitches are daughters of the late CH. KNIFFINS JACK-O-DIAMONDSLowell RoadJANET E. BODATel. 1-617-692-8208Groton, Mass. 01450POMERANIAN REVIEW 25THELDUN POMERANIANS, REG.Introduces Our Pride and JoyCH. DUNNS LITTLE TINA PRESHUS subj. AKC conf.Tina is shown finishing her championship at Lancaster, Pa. with a 3 pt. major under Judge Anna E. Cowie. With 14 pts. to her credit and only a major needed to finish, Tina was withdrawn from the ring to whelp a litter of two males. Back in full coat, Tina was shown this spring to pick up her other major.OFBESTSEXOPPOSITEA sincere THANK YOU to the judges for Tinas winning points, especially to the judges who gave her majorsMrs. George J. WannerDelaware Co. K.C., June, 1972WB, BW, BOS Mrs. Anna E. CowieLancaster K.C., Inc., May, 1973WB, BOSA very special THANK YOU to Sophie Mayes for letting me have May Morning Sweet Mary Ann, Tinas dam, and for May Morning Social Lion pointed, sire of Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney, Tinas sonwho at 9 mos. of age has 2 majors and 11 pts. towards his championship.Dunns Little Tomstopper congratulates his litter sister Tina and says, Although I dont like to show off like Tina, watch for my two pointed sons in the ring, they are on their way to their championship.Pedigree In Behind the New ChampionsThelma M. DunnCarvale Dr., R.D.lPhone 301-879-5397 Aberdeen, Md. 2100126 POMERANIAN REVIEWCIRCULATIONMANAGERMRS. THELMA M. DUNN R. D. 1, Carvale Drive Aberdeen, Md. 21001 vPOMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION 56.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada, Mexico 6.50 Foreign, 7.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION RATE 53.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 51.50 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year. New members pay full amount up to Oct. 1, one-half thereafter.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUES Available at 1.00 EachAlso available at 1.25 Each1969 Jan., April, July, Oct.1970 Jan., April, July, Oct.1971 Jan., April, July1972 Jan., April, July, Oct.1973 Jan.WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOROur Circulation Manager informs us that 70 American Pomeranian Club Members have either forgotten or intentionally not sent their 3.00 for the Review. If any of our readers are among this group, or if you know anyone who is, we hope you realize that you can STILL send your 3.00 and you will receive 4 issues of the Review starting with April, 1973. We did order enough copies to supply all current members.PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASHIndividual subscribers may think that it is a simple matter to tuck a dollar bill in an envelope, if that is all they owe, and send it to Thelma Dunn. For them, is is. But it really complicates her bookkeeping. Recently she received 40 one dollar bills in the mail. She had to use this cash herself and send her own check to our Treasurer to cover it, with full accounting.Write Circulation ManagerNote that we have located some additional back issues.1961 Sept.1962 March, Sept., Dec.1963 March, June, Oct.1964 April, July1965 Jan., April, July, Oct.1966 Jan., April, July, Oct.1967 -Jan., April, July, Oct.1968 Jan., July, Oct.PHOTOGRAPHSWhen sending photographs through the mail, either use a regular photo mailer or protect the picture sent in a thin envelope with a good stiff piece of cardboard. Several large envelopes have arrived in my oversized mailbox quite unnecessarily folded down the middle, putting a crease in the enclosed picture. Large and clear directions, Photograph Please Do Not Bend were completely ignored.POMERANIAN REVIEW 27MAY MORNING POMERANIANSCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo CONGRATULATES His granddaughter Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus owned by Thelma M. Dunn on completion of her championship at Lancaster K.C. under Mrs. Anna E. CowiewmALL SHOW AND BREEDING PROSPECTS ADVERTISED IN APRIL HAVE BEEN SOLDNothing Available Right NowExcept our now pale cream Mittelspitz Sound, rugged, darling disposition, will be 10 lb.wonderful pet.OUR SPRING LITTERS WERE A DISAPPOINTMENTThree of our Old Girls missed, two of our First Time mothers lost litters.ALL the puppies we did have were BOYS We love little boys, but . . . we have had so many inquiries for GIRLS, wish we had some.POSSIBLY AVAILABLE LATERTwo Red or Sable BoysSire Ch. May Morning Bravo BravoDam May Morning Alice Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again daughterSire Ch. May Morning- Echo of Highland Dam May Morning Eegacy of JonnieAm. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight daughterTwo Black BoysSire Dunns Little Tomstopper Ch. Blairs Solitaire son Dam Ch. May Morning Black MagicSire Dunns Little TomstopperDam Ch. May Morning Bewitching WitchSOPHIE H. MAYES 1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pa. 19380 215-793-191228 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONby Olga Baker, PresidentThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston will have a new columnist for the Review. Marie Hines has of necessity and regretably given up her position as Secretary for the Club that she has operated so efficiently. We will all miss Maries service and her delightful columns in the Review. Effective next issue our new Corresponding Secretary, Sherry McNemey, will be assuming the duties as columnist and you will be hearing from her in issues to come. Sherry is one of our newer members, but has some experience in working with clubs in other areas, so I for one am pleased to have her as our new Corresponding Secretary.Duties of Recording Secretary will be assumed by our very capable little Linda Miller, who has offered to do just everything toward good record-keeping and maintenance for the Club.Both Sherry and Linda have volunteered all the service anyone could ask for and we can use itWe have received word that Mr. John Metz has been recently elected President of the Ft. Worth Pom Club, our favorite neighbor specialty club. Our congratulations to John ... a good friend and a capable and dedicated Club President Im sure.Merle and T. D. Daniels are accumulating an enviable record on their lovely Champion Daniels Scampering Scooter ... 28 Bests of Breed and 17 Group placements, to date. Congratulations.Our most important action item for right now . . . the big National Specialty we will be hosting for the A.P.C. this October October 13. Probably by now most of you have received your little Piggy-banks, along with a flyer telling you a little about our plans. If you did not receive one, please forgive us. We used names from the APC membership list primarily, plus a few we added whowere not members, but were active exhibitors and who would be interested.One of our members, Norma ORourke, has made the most exquisite green velvet trophy table cover, with Club name in gold, and the most beautiful hand- painted pom on the front. Such a beautiful thing . . . our little talented Norma ALWAYS comes through for us.Show Chairman is Darrell Baker Editors Note This selection may have been one of my BIG mistakes ... I find that I am his private secretary in all this and seem to be doing all the hard work. . . but we all know Darrell is dog show knowledgeable and will do a good job as Show Chairman. He is the brains for all of it Im the brawn.Our Trophy Chairmen are Molly and Linda Miller, and theyre well underway. Merle Daniels will be in charge of Advertising.The show will be held at the Albert Thomas Convention Center in Houston ... a lovely spot for a dog show. It will be in conjunction with the Combined Specialty Assn, in Houston, but will still be a completely independent specialty with our own ring, judge, etc. There will be two shows in two days . . . the day after our show will be the big Houston Kennel Club Show. All Breed.Mr. Ken Miller of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, will be the Judge for the Specialty, we all know Ken of the Ken-Eleanor team. Then Mr. Edd Bivin has been assigned to judge poms at the all-breed show the next day. What a great combination for pom people We are planning to have surprise gifts for everyone and we are busily putting these all together. Linda Boles, one of our members, is working hard on this. Cant tell you just exactly what they are yet, but we promise youll love it. Youll just have to come to Texas to get yoursYou will be receiving more information on the show of course, but do make your plans now to be here. Were al- Continued on page 58POMERANIAN REVIEW 2NEWS OF CH. CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLYDuke has recuperated from his illness so beautifully. Almost 8 years old, he feels great, looks great, acts like the Brat he has always been, and we are grateful Siring again, but not at public stud just yet.Ch. Corn'-, Duke Dragonfly Informal snapshot taken April, 1973 Almost 8 years old.OLGA DARRELL BAKER102 Elm Street Deer Park, Texas 77536 713-479-1448WF KkThis is Darrell with our tiny new KILLER. He was Best Toy in Match this day. Just couldnt resist showing him to you.Isnt he a DUMPLING OLGA DARRELL BAKER102 Elm Street Deer Park, Texas 77536 713-479-144830 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBby Mary F. CaseyWhen you read this it will he history, but right now we have one thing in mind here in New England Pom Circles. The main topic of conversations is the Bay Colony Pom Club Specialty Show. We are hoping to have a record entry and a weekend packed with fun and lots of Pom talk. Well let you know the results in the next issue of P.R. Another topic of conversation is the A.P.C. Houston Specialty Show. For those of you who live anywhere close to the New York Airports, we at Bay Colony are arranging for excursion rates to Houston leaving from New York on Friday, October 12th and returning on Monday, October 15th. We plan on sending out letters with full particulars to all those who may be interested. If you are one of those people, please contact me as soon as possible. Having been to Houston and met the members of the Greater Houston Pom Club, I can assure you that it will be a weekend packed with truly GREAT FORM. The Greater Houston Pom Club SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY IN TEXAS will send you home saying. Those Houston Folks are the HOSTERS WITH THE MOSTEST. Lets all try to support their efforts.Shows in this area are starting up now and we have some new exhibitors who will be starting out this year. Let us not forget that not too long ago, we too were noviceswelcome these new people and give them a helping hand. South Shore K. C. was the first show for over a month and a half, with Rhode Island K. C. the following day. Our Poms had a good start for the new season with Lady Conyers Ch. MI-LO Mischief Gold Pat taking the Breed and Group 1 on both days. Bay Colony also congratulates the first Champion for 1973 owned by a member-CH. JABILS DANDY LION- finished at Rhode Island, bred, ownedand handled by Jessie Young. Dandy is not only Jessies first Champion, but her first home bred Pom. Jessie will soon be showing her second home bred, a half brother to Dandy'his name is Chester P. Honeyhugger, how is that for a cute name. Good luck Jessie and may all your future litters do as well as your first one did.Rhode Island K. C. found Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sheehan exhibiting for the first time at an Obedience Trial and they proudly went home with their boys first leg toward his CD. Hs name, Schonheit Knabe, better known to us as Beauty. He earned a score of 19114 in Novice A Class and I went over to watch him perform, he was surrounded by German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers. I was amazedthose big dogs scare me and Im bigger than they arebut they didnt seem to phase Beauty. Congratulations to the Sheehans and continued success with Beauty.Springfield was the next show that I attended and we happily picked up a three point major on our male, TOPAZE SIR BLITZEN under Mrs. Suzanne Rowe, and another on our bitch BODAS GINGER ROBIN OF TOPAZE, when she went over the male to Best of Winners. CH. GOLD PAT was Best of Breed and went on to Gr. 1. I did not go to Windham County the following day, but heard that CH. GOLD PAT repeated his performance of the day before by going BB and Gr. 1 again.In closing this column this month, I would like to thank our Editor for answering Virginia Niehouses question in the last issue of P. R. The one pertaining to why the Bay Colony Pom Club voiced their opinion on the proposed Code of Ethics. I feel that every piece of information that is sent out to the members of the Parent Club should be discussed at the local level. After all there are members of the local Clubs who do not belong to the Parent Club, Continued on page 46POMERANIAN REVIEW 3C^Lcunpion ^alifi an cl if cJlioOur lovely Lion is shown finishing his title at the Rhode Island K.C. Show April 15 under Judge Mrs. Carl Cass. Handled as always by his proud co-breeder owner. Dandy is the first Jabil homebred Pom, out of our first Pom..TBSm Pedigree in Behind the New Champions.We thank those who helped make Dandy possibleDolores Adkins, for starting us off with a gorgeous bitch, the queen of our hearts. Jabil Petite Delilah has a new litter born May 3, 2 males, 1 female, a repeat of Dandys breeding.Mary Casey, for your endless help and encouragement, and Case for a grooming demonstration I still refer to. Friends like you are to be treasured.All the judges who liked him and gave him points.Mrs. Jessie W. Young Loudon Ridge Road^abif ^J^enneidMiss Barbara Young Loudon, N. H. 03301Congratulations and Best Wishes to Rex and Betty Bell on their Kennel Visit32 POMERANIAN REVIEWWE PROUDLY CONGRATULATEMrs. Jessie Youngand her new CHAMPION JABILS DANDY LION No. 7 Champion for Denny Mrs. Dorothy Jones of Nova Scotiaand her new CANADIAN CHAMPION ONABROOKS MINOR MIRACLE daughter of our Am. Can. Ch.Jo Jean's IM A Diamond DandyJack Beti Trusselon the news that although he was shown in Canada only 7 times, their AM. CAN. CH. TOPAZE HAPPY INTERLUDE received the DOGS IN CANADA AWARD for being No. 3 Pom in Canada for 1972.Rex Betty Bellon their Kennel Visit in this issueMay they have many successful years of breeding and showing.TOPAZE KENNELSFrancis J. Mary F. Casey Ph. 617-822-486260 Wilbur Street Raynham, Mass. 02767Boulder River Pomsexpects in June Hand Painted Broochlinebred Black litter Pom Headby oil on canvassMay Morning Wizard encased in aout of silver or gold frameBrettwoods Fyre Onyx Pom 1 and background colorLitters by champion blacks choice of buyerout of chocolate dams You Can Orderexpected this summer one for 6.00INQUIRIES INVITED Satisfaction GuaranteedJ. L. M. M. Gorman WriteBox 59, Second Avenue Selfridge ANGBMichigan 48045Julie Brumback1187 Nelson Drive313-468-6140 Harrisonburg, Va. 22801POMERANIAN REVIEW 3WILOWAY POMERANIANSWiloways Adorable Debbie 13 pts.Both majors Shown going B.O.S. under Mrs. Susanne Rowe at the Bronx County Show March 24, 1973AT STUDWildays Surprise PackageSable3 pt. major,Currently being shownwith a Reserve Winners at Trenton K.C., May 6, 1973, a major entry.SHOW CONDITIONING AND TRAININGLOU NOTI 290 Lark Street518-462-9025 Albany, N. Y. 12210WILDAY POMERANIANS Congratulates Rex and Betty BellWiloways Captain KidBill Daus518-463-0058Wiloways Captain Kid brilliant orange half-brother to near-champion Wiloways Adorable Debbie. Soon to be campaigned.For Sale to loving home only tiny, 1 year old orange female Champion sired.290 Lark Street Albany, N. Y. 12210POMERANIAN REVIEW34KENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUBOdette Nolan, Corr. Secty.We were formerly the Pomeranian Club of Wisconsin and held our first AKC Sanctioned B Match April 8, 1973 at The Angels in Trevor, Wis. In granting permission for our match the American Kennel Club advised us to use the above name as it didnt encompass quite so much territoryMr. Harvey Berman did an excellent job of judging and drew 36 entries. The trophy table was beautiful as usual, thanks to the outstanding job our trophy chairman always does. She is Mrs. Kathryn Schmidt of Somers, Wis. Match chairman was Betty Vamey.Best Adult as well as Best Bitch was Scotia Dazzlin Dee of D-Nee owned by Nadine Hersil. Best Dog was Beverly and Cornells Vander Zeydens Dreamers Shadow. A special class for pointed dogs was won by Betty Varneys little bitch, Cavys Sensational Conquest. Best Puppy in Match was Sally Baugniets 6 to 9 month puppy dogShamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky. 3 to 6 month puppy dog winner was Nolans Cardinal Dragonfly owned by Chris and Odette Nolan. Vander Zeydens little Cardinal Tiny Tune took the win for 3 to 6 month puppy bitch. 6 to 9 month puppy bitch winner was Varneys Cavalier Twinkle owned by Betty Vamey.We had six champions participating in a Parade of Champions and each received a beautiful ribbon rosette.After the judging was finished we all adjourned to the home of our President and Recording SecretaryElinor and Lucius Luccas for a delicious potluck dinner and lots of doggy talk far into the night.We wish to congratulate fellow member Beulah Hochstedler on finishing her Handsome Hank of Far-Side, then going on to win Best of Breed at Hutchinson, Kansas and at Scott County K. C. at Blue Grass, Iowa May 12. Another member, Mrs. Norris McKamey won Reserve Winners Dog with her McKameys Ideal Perfection as well as Winners Bitch and BOS with McKameys Gold Countess who finished at Blue Grass. Reserve Winners Bitch went to Betty Varneys Cavys Sensational Conquest.Next day at Tri-City K.C. at Davenport, Iowa K.C.P.C. member Cheryl Blackorby took Winners Dog and Best of Winners for a 4 point major with her Sonny Bun. Another member, Betty Short went BOS and Winners Bitch with her Southlands Dixie Queen. Its really gratifying to see so many of our members winning against competition that is becoming very keen in the midwest area.Our hearts go out to two members who lost beautiful poms in the last few weeks. Betty and Dick Vamey lost a four month old promising male puppy and Bev and Corrie Vander Zeyden their gorgeous C h. Zeydens Cardinal Prettytune who wasnt quite two years old. Both were accidenal poisonings and I dont have the details, but understand Vander Zeydens had some bad kibble. No other pom can replace them, but we hope that finishing the half sisters and brothers can help to heal the heartbreak. That plus time. Our deepest sympathy to both families.SUNSHINE STATE POMERANIAN CLUBNewly elected officers of Sunshine State Pomeranian Club, Tampa Bay Area.PresidentKarl Kabel Vice PresidentEdna Girardot TreasurerVicki McCoy SecretaryMary McCoy Board of DirectorsNortheast AreaR.E. Altwater Northwest AreaRobert Inscho Southeast AreaCarolyn Fisher Southwest AreaSue Goddard Immediate Past PresidentKathryn BirkPOMERANIAN REVIEW 35HOCHSTEDLER POMSProudly Present Our Latest Champion HANDSOME HANK OF FAR-SIDEWmv yffPedigree in Stud RegisterHank took the judges eye the first four shows and then decided to drop coat. So he finished this winter with Lorraine Heichel.Shown two shows by Max Kerfoot.Thank You to all the fine judges who liked him.Miss Iris Bueno, Roy Cowan, Mrs. Dorothy Welsh,Mrs. T. Berwick Maxner, Nelson Groh, Gordon Parham . . . and others.Thank you, also, to Joyce Ohrtman for handling him to his 5th B.O.B. at Hutchinson, Kansas, with 37 entries under Mrs. Marguerite Macdonald and the many others who made his show career possible.Mrs. Henry W. HochstedlerRoute No. 2 Kalona, Iowa 5224736 POMERANIAN REVIEWRANDYS POMERANIANS PRESENTS CHAMPION RANDYS DUKE OF DRAGONFLY PRIDE OF OUR KENNELwmmNi iShown winning the Group at Nashville under Judge Gwladys Groskins. Our Duke has honored us as one of the nations top winning Poms in 1972.Our thanks to many, many judges and particularly, our thanks to Mr. Houston Clark, his handler.Randy Paul FreehRt. 2 Booth Road Kennesaw, Ga. 30144POMERANIAN REVIEW 3OUR GROUP WINNERS CHAMPION RANDYS JOLLY WEE PEPPI OUR NEW UPCOMNG STARrIGROUP ilShown winning the Group at Atlanta, April 14, 1973 under Judge Howard Tyler. As of going to press, Peppi has been shown only seven times as a special accumulating 5 Best of Breed, 1 Group first, and 3 Group third wins.Our thanks to his handler, Houston Clark and the following Judges Mr. Howard Tyler, Mr. Louis Murr, Mr. Melbourne Downing, Mr. Kenneth Givens, Mr. Ellsworth Gamble.News Flash Peppi went Group First at Charleston, S. C. on May 19 under Dr. Boshell, and again won the Group next day at Wilmington, N. C. under Theodore Wurmser Houston ClarkExclusive Handler Chattanooga, Tenn.38 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIXby Mrs. Eva B. Smith, SecretaryTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIX first FUN MATCH was held at 706 E. Carol in Phoenix, Arizona, on Feb. 11, 1973. Flyers had been sent or taken to many Pom owners and Pom interested people. Numerous telephone calls had been made. A class in handling had been held, prior to that date, to prepare the exhibitors.Larry Wollam of Tucson, Arizona judged our match.Our big day dawned cold and windy. Even though it rained all during the showing and judging, there were 28 exhibitors in competition plus 7 entries in Junior Showmanship and 4 in the Parade of Merit.Canopies were set up for the comfort of those at ringside. We were fortunate to have dryers from Valmar Kennels to dry outer coats of our frisky little dogs and proud of their deep fur that didnt allow rain to drench them to the skin.BEST PUPPY, BEST ADULT and the JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP winner were each presented a trophy and a rosette. The trophies were donated by friends of the Club. Each child in Junior Showmanship received a Sampler Valentine Candy, in addition to the participation ribbon.We had one unfortunate incident ... a puppy bitch, entered in the 2-4 month class was dropped or it jumped from the arms of a child holding it and broke a front leg. It was his own puppy. Exhibitor and owner of the puppy took it to the Vet., had the leg set and returned to finish the day with us.After the show the rain stopped, the sun came out and we were honored to have Judge Wollam and family with us for a very nice POT LUCK supper, where we presented him with a gift from the Club.There was plenty of delicious food and everyone seemed to enjoy the day in spite of the weather.OHIO POMERANIAN CLUBMary Straslicka, Secretary4109 Grafton Road Brunswick, Ohio 44212The Ohio Pomeranian Club Officers for 1973 are Jean Morgan, Pres., Sue Hollingsworth, V. Pres., Mary Straslicka, Sec., and Loren Straslicka, Treas. Members of the Board of Directors are Donna Megenhardt, Donna Mohn, and Harold Prahlow.This year our club is again donating trophies for the Medina Kennel Club Show to be held on July 21, 1973, at the Medina County Fairgrounds. We have purchased some lovely Pom Figurine Trophies, so get your dogs ready for the show. Any Pom owner would be proud to own one of these trophies as the Figurine is much better than those most of us have seen in the past. There is one for obedience, tooOur puppy match will be held on Saturday, June 2, 1973, at the Cleveland Metropolitan Park, on Albion Rd., in Strongsville, Ohio. Conformation judge will be Mr. Fred Bassett and obedience judge will be Miss Helen Grivnik. We will also have the beautiful Pom Figurine Trophies for the match.I know its been quite a while since Westminster and the Specialty, but these shows are certainly not forgotten. I would like to mention the names of the OPC members who had dogs who won at these two shows. Eleanor Millers Millamors Moon Rock went Winners Dog Best of Winners at the American Pomeranian Club Specialty. Jean Morgans Black River Little Duffy went 4th in the Puppy Sweepstakes and Merriminx of Highland owned by Donna Megenhardt went Winners Bitch at Westminster. Incidentally, Donnas little girl was the only Pom in the top wins at Westminster who was owner handled.Any clubs exchanging newsletters with the Ohio Pomeranian Club, please send them to Mrs. Mary Straslicka at the above address.POMERANIAN REVIEW 39MODELS NEW CHAMPIONV-TN4LModelsTruly Fairshown getting her final points under Mr. Downing at Mason Dixon K.C., Hagerstown, Md.Thanks for her majors to Mr. Tipton, Mrs. Heckman, Mrs. Cowie and Dr. Huggins.Special Thanks to Ruth Beam for letting me have her. Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Little Duffy Great Elms Linda Great Elms Little Sue Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy Dendys Little Man of Jilltara My Fancy II Great Elms Little CandyCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Jilltaras Anniversary Jilltara's Sweet CharlitteBOB GOODRICH Hampton, Va.204 Yukon Ave. Ph. 723-3702 2366340 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBVIRGINIA NIEHOU5E, Secty.1928-46th SW, Seattle, WA 98116With the Show season once more in fall swing, our members have been out there doing their share of the winning. With 11 shows in our area, between Feb. 24 and May 5th, I can only touch on the better of our wins. The Seattle Show had 3 members -winning points with Diana McKeevers Ch. Sungold Rebels Rowdy Command taking the BOB, and Jr. member Bobby Higbee earning that first point with his Jambo Rin-Go Kid of Andrews taking the WD. Other shows saw Donna Harris newest entry, Lil Red Hot Pants of OKala taking points at the Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers and the Yakima Valley KC Shows. Phyllis Andrews little female, Andrews Exquisite Debutante has been going great guns and has finished her Championship in Canada and is well-launched on her American career with points picked up in 3 shows and her first major under her belt, won at the Mar. 25th Show in Bremerton, WA sponsored by the Peninsula Dog Fanciers. Its a joy to see the nice dogs coming from this area to make their mark on the breed.Our Club thinks that there is a real need for a Code of Ethics, because it clearly states the goal we are all aiming for and gives us the best guidelines for running an honest and honorable endeavor. We sent our ideas to Dolly Trauner in a letter last year when the idea of writing up a Code was approached. We feel the only change needed is a simple clarification of selling in litterlots. Clearer language or better punctuation may be all of the changes needed.Our Club has many items for Sale now. These are handcrafted ceramic pins, tie-clasps, key-chains, and pendants all of Poms in various colors and finishes. Just the things to present as a bonus to that customer who just boughta Pom from you. Inquiries may be made to Alicia Kvamme, 2706152nd St. East, Tacoma, WA. 98445. Items are available in lots or individually. Inquire now.Now that our Constitution has been accepted by AKC, we are planning two Fun Matches in the next few months. In July, our regular meeting will be open to all Pom breeders and Fanciers, who are invited to join us for a Potluck and All-Pom Fun Match at the lovely Kent Valley home of the V. Childrens. They have offered us the use of the beautiful grounds of their ranch, and it should be fun. In September, we are joining with the South End Sheltie Club for an All- Breed Match in the Tacoma area.Member Donna Harris has joined her family in Alaska on the fishing grounds for the summer. She has left the show career of her Lil Red Hot Pants of OKala in the capable hands of handler Jean Schroll.Before closing I would once more like to refresh your memories on the importance of trimming toenails on your Poms, even the puppies. Recently, one of our members broods suffered a bad scratch on her eye, inflicted by one of her own pups. Fortunately, she recovered, but her eye had to be sewn shut for a week to avoid infection and to promote healing. You just cant be too careful.This is the time of the year people like to travel. If you should come to our part of the country let us hear from you and let us meet you. We all love our Poms and its great fun to visit and compare notes when visitors come.VALUE OF A CHAMPIONThe true value of a champion is in what he or she produces, not in the number of Group Placements or Best in Shows won. A show record is not a lasting achievement and is soon forgotten or surpassed by another.POMERANIAN REVIEW 41PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBNow offers for sale^JJ-andcrafitecl Ceramic Pom jewelry.Pins 1.503.50Pendants with or without the chain 2.505.00Key Rings only 2.503.50 Tie Clasps only 2.50All items are available in limited supply so be sure to order NOW.Please add .50 extra on orders of less than four items to cover postage and handling. WE pay shipping on four or more items.For more information writeHEAD OF SALES ALICIA KVAMME2706 152 East Tacoma, Wa. 98445FIRM DEADLINEWe stuck to our guns, this time, and refused all material coming in after the deadline. This will continue to be our policy, as that is the only way we can possibly get the work done on time to meet our own deadline with the printer. It is not our desire to slight anyone or to keep material out of the Review, and if there is some valid reason that your articles or ads MUST be a few days late, if you will let us know this well before the deadline, we will make allowances for it in our work schedule. Valid reasons would include waiting for delivery of the show photo of a very special win or perhaps writing up a Specialty Show which occurred just at deadline time.SUPPORT YOUR BREED GO TO HOUSTON IN OCTOBERPURE BRED DOGS THE ARC GAZETTEThis official publication has varied a great deal in its content over the years, and while it was and is the only source of official AKC announcements, show results, etc., in recent years, its value tc anyone except exhibitors and various club officials was a bit dubious. In ear lier years, the publication of many seri ous and thoughtful articles by top auth orities in various dog-related fields made this magazine most important for ALI dog fanciers. Now, the addition of a sec tion to guide and help all exhibitors once again leads us to say that EVERY serious breeder and exhibitor of Pomeranians should subscribe to the Gazette.WANTED Early issues of the Review, 1958 through 1961. Write Thelma M. Dunn, if you have some for sale.42 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional detail as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 8.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 3.50.CH. CELTANS MISTLETOE MAGIC MYWAY Orange Female Breeder Faye Celentano Owner. Molly Miller League City, TexasCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Weepepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Sire Manorborn Dandy Jeribeths Miss Cricket Jeribeths Bitty Bonus Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Peppersong Pixie Bonner's Cancion Feliz Bonners Pixietopper OCeltan Dam Ch. Bonners Tiny Showstopper Bonners Showstopper Fairri Messers FairriCH. JABILS DANDY LION4Y2 lb. Orange Male Breeders Mrs. Wm. A. Barbara A. Young Owner Jessie W. Young Loudon, New HampshireLou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nan jo Masterpiece Nan jo JubilantAm., Can., Ber. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Sire Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Dream Boy Glad Days Dream Girl Jabils Petite Delilah DamCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanokes Band Box Scottia Jimmy Jets CricketCH. CREIDERS EBONY MASTERPIECE TA982112 Black maleBreeder-Owner, Mrs. Norma Creider Tulsa, OklahomaGold Toys Gay Luxury Lad Ch. Creiders Golden Riptide Ch. Gold Toys Gay Starette Ch. Creiders Robbie Rainbo Sire Copelands Sundance Creiders Scarlet OHara Copelands Sunny Ginger Fluff Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Int. Ch. Queenaire Scotch NSoda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Creiders Babette DamCreiders Sable Dandy Creiders Miss Maggie Creiders Molly BCH. SILVER MEADOWS FLICKERTA806756Orange femaleBreeder-Owner, Jacquelyn Klein Silver Springs, N. Y.Ch. Bonners Pepperkorn Ch. Highland Flashalong Aristic Terrianna Ch. Highland Sunflash SireCh. Bonners Pepperkorn Highlands Ristic PetiteBonners Highland Cheripuff Ch. Lyons Willie of Ru-Gene Silver Meadows Perriwinkle Mound View Ducal Merry Julo Silver Meadows Crickett DamBonner's Pepperking Oak Hills Crickett Bonners Suncharm Honey BeePOMERANIAN REVIEW 45Behind The New ChampionsCH. DUNNS LITTLE TINA PRESHUSRed femaleBreeder-Owner, Thelma M. Dunn Aberdeen, Md.Ch. Bonners Tiny Showstopper Ch. Theleolynn's Showstopper Wee Wanda of Thelcolynn Ch. Blairs Solitaire SireCh. Adora Sun Toy Blairs Adorable Bit O' Gold Blairs Petite Cherie Ch. Blair's Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q.May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Dam Creiders Little Red Rascal, C.D.May Morning Honey Chile, C.D.May Morning DebutanteCH. CELTAN DANCE OF DRAGONLADYTA919052Red Orange female Breeder-Owner, Faye Celentano Metairie, La.Ch. Theleolynns Showstopper Ch. Theleolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Sire Theleolynns Tiny Flame Dance Millamors Miss Fancy Gold Toys Gold Puff Bonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Celtans Dragon Lady DamSungolds Morey Fayes Thumeblina Bayou Breeze Fancy PantsAtCh. Dubmars Trump Play 4 lb. Orange sable Stud Fee 50Wee Wons Golden Glow Aristic Adorable Little Duffy Aristic Daintiness Great Elms Little DuffieCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms Rita of Dixieland Ch. Dubmars Trump PlayCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms Lady JudyCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms Rita of DixielandWe salute Rex and Betty Bell on their kennel visit Congratulations to Bob Goodrich for his new champion hitch Models Truly Fair, second champion this year for Timstoppers ImageGREAT ELMS KENNELS, REGD.Pineville, N. C. 28134 Ph. 704-889-923344 POMERANIAN REVIEWRINGSIDEby K. BIRK1634 S.W. 9th Ave.Fort Lauderdale FLORIDA 33315Since my start in Poms some 18 yrs. ago, I have spent a major portion of my time persuing the printed world. If you happen to he an on looker, rather than an actual participant, you can often retain a little more objectivity than one who is in heavy competition.Im sure there are some who wish I had a kennel so large I would be kept busy feeding, cleaning, training and exhibiting. This would fill up my time and might also show me that some of the things I defend, plead for or speak in favor of, are not quite so easily done. Since it has never been possible for me to own, train or show a great many dogs, nor do I imagine it ever will be at this late date, I will quite probably continue to poke and pryexpress opinions, and suggest ways I think our Poms might be improved.While Ive never thought of myself as a crusader carrying a flaming torch, there is one crusade all of us can join. The printed word has no power unless it is read. Your dog publications, magazines and books, could he highly important but, unless you read and study, you can never improve or grow. An intelligent breeder is a respected breeder. Command the respect of all the fancy by reading, by study ... by really learning to be an intelligent breeder.There is always a need for understandable information. My latest find, a book titled DOGSTEPS, is written for the layman. It has clear and simple wording and has easy to understand drawings. By applying what is learned in the study of this material will give rewarding results for the concientiousdog breeder who is striving for better puppies.Rachel Page Elliott, the author of this book, was on the panel of speakers at the seminar I attended in Birmingham, Ala. last August. If you have the opportunity to hear this woman, and see the hour of movies she narrates, I urge you to do so. With the movies we were able to see, as she would stop the film, explain, then back it up and run it again ... we did really SEE the importance of angulation, the value of balance, how angulation affects muscle structure, why dogs pace.It is important for anybody to be able to recognize the virtues and failings in movement if they are going to have a working knowledge of dogs. If we can develop X-RAY eyes of what goes on from a study underneath the coats, we are going to find we are raising dogs of higher quality. Those findings will also enable us to evaluate dogs a great deal more easily and helpfully.Dogs must be judged according to the job they do, but regardless of this, there is a general principle which is common to all breeders . . . principle of movement. Mrs. Elliott explained it this way, they have got to exercise the greatest economy of motion according to the way they are built. Sound movement is as desirable a feature in a family pet as it is for dogs bred for hunting or police duty. It doesnt matter what the purpose, the shape or the size, a strong even gait is desirable in all breeds. Function influences form, thus all dogs do not gait alike. Thru the years man has indeed developed many different kinds of dogs to meet his needs and desired fancy. For example The dachshund with his elbows set above the line of the brisket, and his weight resting on his chest, frees his legs for digging. The need to ferret out farm pests from underground is filled by a dog with this structure. Compare the flashy step of a small terrier with an easy stride of the bloodhound or newfoundland.VPOMERANIAN REVIEW 45ENJAYS POMERANIANSPROUDLY PRESENTS THEIR FIRST HOMEBRED CHAMPION CH. ENJAYS PUPPET ON STRINGVfe34 lbs. Light Orange Shafer PhotoPUPPET is the kind of little fellow we all dream about. He has a cobby body, sound movement, good coat, correct ears with the proper amount of head crop. He has that beautiful face that everyone loves. Puppet and all his offspring hav an excellent temperament. He is offered at stud to approved bitches. Fee 75.00.SEVERAL OFFSPRING NOW BEING SHOWN WATCH FOR THEMAll inquiries answered . . . Pictures pedigree on Request . . .Norma Lloyd Jenkins 1449 Shelton Ave.1-804-855-0965 Norfolk, Va. 2350246 POMERANIAN REVIEWThe only job our toys have to do is, as one judge put it, If they are sound enough to jump up on a lap, I give it the win. Thats all they are good for. If that is all that is expected from our breed we cant hope to have very many that can surpass the hounds, terriers, sporting etc., in order to make it to BIS. Hats off to the ones that receive this HONOR. The breeder of this dog is an intelligent breeder . . . therefore respected.If, as Mrs. Elliott stated in her lecture, We are on the verge of a great wave of breeding mass mediocrity in our dogs today., think twice before you breed the female you bought for a pet. Think twice when a bitch comes in and you need the cash for a stud fee to pay the bills. Have the moral strength and the ethics to turn that dog down. If you are a new breeder and have a bitch you would like to breed, make sure that you realize what you are to breed to. Stay away from all undesirable qualities of a hereditary nature. Always breed UP . . . never down and if you are just making puppies . . . DONT.CASEY Continuedbut they are interested in the decisions that are made and eventually these people, if kept informed, may feel that they would like to become members of the Parent Organization. I also want Mrs. Niehouse to know that as Easterners we live only a half hour from the Atlantic Ocean what could be more east we do not consider people from her area as Hicks from the Sticks. I dont know who or what gave her that impression. I wish some day she would have the opportunity to visit us here in the Bay Colony, we are small town folks and could very well be considered as Hicks ourselves and we like it that way. My town has a population of about 2,000 people and many times, I wish we only had 200.MIDWEST REPORTBEVERLY C. BERMAN Rt. 1, Box 21OC Braeburn Rd. Barrington Hills Algonquin, III. 60102Our Editors comments on heads etc. in the last issue struck home with me as I have long been thinking that the short legged, large heads and dumpy bodies are the result of the dwarf gene rather than the midget gene which places all things in proportion. A more graphic example is to be seen in Poodles where the breeding of a toy stud to a miniature bitch has produced some of the awful looking dogs with stumpy legs, large coarse heads and bodies that just go on and on. I would like to comment that in addition to the round eye, I have lately seen a good many kinky coats. In the correct Pom coat, the guard hair must be straight and stand off. This coat does not need a ton of hair spray to be erect.Entries out here are still on the increase and majors, at least in bitches, are not hard to come by. In view of this, the entry at the combination of the Western Pom Specialty and International was disappointing. The June issue of the Gazette contains my report on these two shows. The following weekend at the Kenosha Cty. Pom Clubs B Match, judged by Mr. Berman, the entry was a whopping 36. This is the same club formerly known as the Wise. Pom Club but AKC insisted upon a change of name. Best in Match Puppy was Shamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky owned by Sally Bauguniet. Best Adult was Scotia Dazzlin Dee of D-Nee owned by Nadine Hersil. Five Chs. paraded for the spectators viewing.On May 5th, we will be in Oklahoma where Mr. Berman is judging Mid-Del Tinker show and I hope I shall get to meet with some of our Western fanciers.POMERANIAN REVIEW 41NOLANS CARDINAL DRAGONFLYand his kennelmates say WELCOME to their new play girl NOLAN SERENADE OHOCHSTEDLER and thank Beulah Hochstedler and Serenades mommy daddy,CH. HANDSOME HANK OF FAR-SIDE CH. CHITTENDENS DONELLA DOLLfor sending her to us.We offer 2 of Cardinals brothers and a half brother sired by Ch. Bonners Krismay Cardinal.Dams are Bayou Duke daughter and Flame Bonner bloodline. Pedigrees and pictures on request.CHRIS ODETTE NOLAN41 Wisconsin Avenue Waukegan, 111. 60085It is always interesting to see how the various sections of the country vary in their preferences for size and type. In the midwest, we seem to prefer a somewhat larger dog than our counterparts in the south for example.Recently, I had a call from a novice with a first litter who despaired that her bitch refused to eat. I gave her my recipe for the formula that I use with newly whelped girls and with good results. This gruel consists of a cup of milk combined with a tbs. of light com syrup and the yolk of an egg heated till all is combined. Then add enough baby rice cereal to make a sloppy mixture. I add one, crushed to a powder, 5 grain calcium tablet and ,3cc ABDEC vitamins to the morning feeding of this mixture. It is important to remember that while nursing, the bitch does still need her calcium lest she may get eclampsia.13 POMERANIAN REVIEWI have had a Pap bitch that even this did not tempt and I used Mother Bermans sure fire remedy of boiled chicken and rice to get her appetite going. They say that chicken soup is just about good as anything to cure a cold. Since we medicate toy dogs with pediatric preparations, why not a dish of chicken soup to get those taste buds stimulatedI would be interested in finding out whether or not any other breeders have been experiencing a rash of breech births. I have had four in three litters all turned belly up making delivery very difficult. I lost one Pap puppy presented in this manner and one Pom. I was just not quick enough to get them turned and out. At the third whelping, with the vet standing by on the phone, he directed me to pull straight out till the tail emerged and then down in the usual way and I extracted the puppy still warm but not breathing. I worked on the poor limp thing and finally got it going and now at three weeks, it is doing fine. To those of you who know that I have not had a male Pom puppy bom here in three years, I finally got oneSpringtime and puppy time are synonymous and so here in the wilds of Barrington Hills I have a bumper crop, all bitches save the lone dog puppy. Now all I need is an extra set of hands to cope with the rearing Socializing puppies is so important and this is a most enjoyable time for both dog and human. Pups left to themselves and not handled sufficiently, mature with a less than desired personality. Then too, it is my opinion that pups left in a small pen or on slippery floors do not develop properly in the leg department. I have seen a pup with a set of good legs go sour and cow hocked from being too closely confined. Puppies must have room to romp on a non slippery surface.For this purpose, we use 9 x 12 washable rugs in the bedrooms that are used for puppy rearing. These can be washed in the large machines in a launderette. Iprefer the all cotton with the non skid backs but have not been able to find them lately. The synthetics are alright but I found that if a pup chews a cotton rug all comes out of the other end OK, whereas the synthetics do seem to irritate the bowels.I start weaning pups on the 14th day by letting them lick baby meat from my fingers. With all the scares accompanying the use of raw beef as of old, I rely on the baby meats. From there we progress to some of the dams formula that I mentioned before and on to cooked beef and rice. I have started a Pap litter as early as 9 days and by three weeks they had a full set of teeth and the dam ran for her life I do not believe in forced weaning and leave the dam with her pups till she has dried up naturally. I have several families of mother and daughter that have never been separated and such familial love expressed in dogs is hard to believe. No puppy leaves here till three months old when they can have a first permanent shot.It is disgusting to pick up the classified ads and see pups offered for sale as young as five or six weeks. You can not safely innoculate with permanent type serums under ten weeks without running the risk of blue eye among other things. I have recently discovered a woman to whom I had refused stud service on an undershot poorly pigmented bitch has had it bred and is selling the six week old puppies to Puppy Palace. How are we going to police the breed and expel such people from the club How do we shut off the supply of Poms from the dog farms in Missouri and Kansas One way is to put on expositions in local shopping centers to educate the public that they should buy pups from a breeder. A member of our Pap club recently put on such a successful exposition that I have asked her to write it up for our Pap newsletter. If it is not too lengthy, perhaps I can bring it to the next column in the Review.POMERANIAN REVIEW 49CELTAN POMERANIANSHuggy Bear completed her Championship on April 1, 1973 at Columbus, Ga. under Judge Heywood Hartley. She received 2 pts. at both Macon and Columbus Shows that week end, handled by Dick Souce of New Orleans. Huggy Bear is the second champion daughter of our Celtans Dragon Lady of which we are so proud.Pedigree In Behind The New Champions.CONGRATULATIONS to Molly Miller and her new Champion Celtan Mistletoe Magic MywayAT STUDMyway Sir OliverA lovely 4 lb. heavy coated son of Ch. Myway Duke Celou CelaeLITTERS EXPECTEDCeltan Cosy ChosetteJeribeth's Silver Sparkle Celtan Terri Ana BeautifulMyway Sir Oliver Celtan Dance Soo LinKrizans Tippi Wee Beautiful Fayes ThurabelinaMyway Sir OliverFAYE CELENTANO1307 Sylvia Avenue Metairie, Louisiana 70005 504-831-1883Proudly PresentsffCH. CELTAN DANCE OF DRAGON LADY50 POMERANIAN REVIEWALONGMYWAYBy MOLLY MILLER P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573A flush of excitement hovers over the pom folks of the Tex.-La. area. It is not the wonderful shows just past with their huge and lovely pom entries that are causing this excitement, but rather the prospect of hosting the national pom speciality on Oct. 13. The members and supporters of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston would like to extend to all pom lovers a warm invitation to come and join us for days of fun. The speciality will be held the day before the huge Houston all-breed show so there should be large majors both days in both sexes. Even better than the prospect of majors is the prospect of meeting people who, prior to this time, have only been names and faces in the Review or the Gazette.In addition to the club activities, which will be many and varied, I would like to extend a personal invitation to come visit. I am certain that there will be some time for pom talk, and I am just a few minutes from Houston via the Gulf Freeway. I can already tell that the time will be all too short for I am thinking in terms of days and days. Say why dont you stay for several Do come and visit if you can and see all my pom kids not just the ones entered in the speciality.The pom entries in the recent Texas shows have been huge. All of the weekend shows had majors in both sexes and week-day shows usually did. Entries often ran into the forties and occasionally into the low fifties. These unusually large entries spilled over into neighboring Oklahoma and La. I will not try toreport on all the wins for I am certain that those will be reported in the secretarys column. However, I will say that the wins were passed around and, although several poms were finished, many recieved major wins and will probably finish in the spring.I have laughed before about showing the sex with the most entries. Of course I was showing bitches this spring. My girls were typical of what happened. My orange Celtan Mistletoe Magic Myway finished her championship however, two other girls, who were shown less, also came home with majors. Jo-May Jennifer Going Myway, a black, picked up a four point major in Lake Charles, and Myway Keli Kelae, a nine month old red, received a three point major in Austin. I believe Arabelle Hodges Wee Witch Hodges of Sun Dot also finished her championship on this circuit. Please pardon the sketchy reporting, but due to a litter arriving in the middle of the circuit, I attended only four shows. One thing I did notice was that in both Austin and San Antonio Mrs. Babb and Erma Randols black male. Babbs Humperdink was W.D. The wins were extremely noticable due to the fact he was the only black present.AKC normally does an amazing job of recording wins for millions of dogs however, errors can occur. I was recently shocked to receive a championship certificate on a bitch that had a total of thirteen points. It is not the sort of thing one wants to complain about, but the thought of claiming a championship that was not rightfully mine was incomprehensible, so I called AKC. If there were an error in my point counting, I, of course, wanted to welcome the championship and pull Missy from the remainder of the shows. If I were correct, I wanted her record corrected so her championship, which she was ready to complete, would be rightfully recorded. When talking to AKC personnel, I was first assured that she had sevenPOMERANIAN REVIEW 51MYWAY KENNELMyway proudly presents three girls who have won for us this spring. They each have a part in our breeding as well as our show plans.H Missy1CH. CELTANS MISTLETOE MAGIC MYWAYThis flashy orange show girl completed her championship 5-3-5-2 in a few weeks this spring. Her breeding was planned before she ever entered a ring, but it is now more highly anticipated than before.Pedigree Behind New ChampionsJen'JO-MAY JENNIFER GOING MYWAYThis lovely black bitch gained two points last year, was bred, free-whelped two bitch puppies and returned late this season for only two shows in which she won a four point major and BB.xf'MYWAY KELI KELAEThis one knew how to begin. At nine months this red girl entered the show ring for the first time for experience and gained both experience and a three point major. She will be campaigned in the fall.KeliWe have several show, brood, and stud prospects for sale.P. O. Box 717Inquiries Promptly Answered League City, Texas 77573Molly and Linda Miller 713-332-197452 POMERANIAN REVIEWteen points. I then asked for the win record. She was credited with a win 4 pt. which was not hers. I asked that the marked catalogue for this win be checked. The error was found. The WB of that particular show had appeared just above Missy in the catalogue, and Missy had been credited with her win, Of course the error was corrected, and Missy, who was show ready, went on to properly finish her championship.Do check points carefully. I knew that I could not accept an incorrect championship for I take pride in them and a false one would make me sick. But suppose I had not known exactly what her point record was. There is of course the possibility that the error would have gone undetected, but if the bitch who made the win finished, and her championship did not arrive. Her owners would have rightfully demanded their points. Missy is due to be bred. Suppose when the error was corrected, she was nursing a litterSuppose any of a hundred possibilities.Moral Check your points very very carefully. I make it a practice to check the copy of the judges book available to exhibitors before I leave the show. This copy is a carbon of the official record received by AKC, and it should agree with what took place in the ring. Seldom will this record be in error, but, if it is, do mention the discrepancy to the judge or superintendent. The correction can be made and signed by the judge thus preventing future problems. Check carefully and avoid later complications.Good-bye for now. Keep all of those comments coming. I truly enjoy hearing from all of you. I hope to have the pleasure of visiting with many of you in Oct. Do make every effort to come and be with us for the fun. A big Texas welcome awaits you.COYERThe October Cover is availabe.CANADIAN CAPERSbyDOROTHY JONESBox 57, Salmon River Dr.Dartmouth R. D. No. 1 N. S., CanadaNow I am all ready to tell you about our glorious spring. The tulips and daffodils are nodding in the balmy air. Trees are wrapped in the lightest of green chiffon. There is a feeling of newness coming from the good earth itself. Midst all this, it is something of a shock to realize by the time this reaches you summer will be half spent, and the newness of spring long gone. Still, Ill enjoy it today and send a warm wish that all of you have managed to find a moment to pause and enjoy the beauty of life.Our mailman has brought news from our readers on both sides of the border. One letter in particular dealt with a problem we all face at one time or another. This is the difficulty of choosing, describing and shipping a show quality puppy from one part of the nation to another.There are numerous interests to be safeguarded the reputation and financial involvement of the breeder, the financial interest and trust of the buyer, lastly, but most important, the welfare of the puppy. If we all liked exactly the same dogs there would be no dog shows as we know them. The varied interpretations of the standard are an important factor in the breeding of purebred dogs. Yet, this variance causes so many problems. Truly Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Perhaps shipping on approval is the answer. This also creates difficulties.Personally, if I trusted a person enough to sell them a puppy in the first place, Id trust them to care for that puppy whether they had it for a few days or years.Shipping has always been our greatest hazard. Judging from the newspapers I gather this difficulty is not ours alone. IPOMERANIAN REVIEW 53dread the thought of a young puppy leaving home, enduring a long journey, just to spend a few days in a new environment, before retracng his earlier trip. What safeguards do you take to protect your reputation, your customers and your puppies Perhaps, if we can get a bit of dialogue going on this, future buyers will be saved the expense, unhappiness and disillusion my correspondent experienced.One additional point to make cn shipping. Put more than one tag on the crate indicating a puppy is to be held at the airport for you. A few days ago we had a puppy arrive from British Columbia. All hold tags were missing, so the puppy spent a day touring the city in an express truck. The result is a darling happy puppy, who turns into a wee blob of terror at the sound of a motor, the slamming of a door, or an object being dropped. Yes, it shouldnt have happenedbut it didOur Canadian Kennel Club magazine Dogs In Canada had an interesting article which discussed the possibility of a link between malformation in puppies and vaccinations received by their dams during gestation. More recently cortisone treatments were also suspect. Another article entitled, Strained Liver Can be Life Giving Miracle Food caught my attention.This has long been a favorite treatment of mine. Weak puppies respond rapidly. Strain beef, pork, or chicken liver through a fine sieve, or use a blender to chop it to a liquid. Using a small coffee spoon, place a drop or two on the puppys tongue. Repeat twice daily, giving about half a small spoonful per feeding. Weve also used the blood from liver, introduced directly into the stomach by a tube.In the past few months weve started to receive the English magazine Dog World. A friend has a subscription to the other English weekly Dog News, so a trade takes place. These magazinesare loaded with ideas and information. Going back to my earlier thoughts on evaluating and describing puppies, one cannot fail to notice the variance in critiques written by the judges. Should anyone be interested, Ill supply further information on them.A recent issue showed our Queen, Elizabeth II being presented with a hefty leather bound volume containing all her Windsor and Sandringham registrations.We are planning a trip to Europe this summer and have been in touch with a number of English breeders. They expressed great interest in the Pom Review and requested I bring along some copies. They do not have a breed magazine that is vaguely like ours. Frankly, I am truly proud to be a member of the Pom Club of America.At school, my children were working out fire escape plans. One of them asked how Id save my dogs. We had never really given it much thought. Have youIt is so easy to assume that awful things like that only happen to other folks. If we pause for a moment we will realize that to everyone except ourselves, we are the other folks. Give it a bit of thought.Mrs. Dorothy K o b e r , Okodawn Pomeranians, warns us of the dangers of penioillin reaction. She lost a good bitch after it was administered. She advises us to be sure our vet has an antidote on hand before we allow them to give this drug. Thanks for the warning.Ill end this column with the show reports and a definition of happiness according to Anne, our kennel girlturned assistant handlerHappiness is training a kennel dog all by yourself, then winning the breed over a Special.Congratulations Anne . . . but did it have to be MY SPECIALContinued on page 5854 POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCERINGby EMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112Congratulations to Loretta and Mar- rian Lazarra, whose Pomeranian CRYBABYS LITTLE ZUZIM RANDY, C.D. received the Dog World award in Novice.The award is given for dogs making three scores of 195 or over toward an obedience degree in 3 consecutive trials and this represents quite an accomplishment. The little Pom sired by Bermans Roi-L Cry Baby ex Gold Blackacre Lil Miss Honey was sixth high scoring dog in trial at Dunes Dog Training Club trial last year, and is now working on CDXshould do very well, too, as we are told these girls are doing wonders with their Poms, and that they also have another called CARMEL, which is a CD too.The following is inspired by an inquiry from Phyllis Andrews of Woodin- ville, Washington, who has observed Pomeranians in the obedience ring with heavy collars and leads which actually appear to weigh those tiny dogs down. Apparently some trainers believe that all dogs, regardless of size or breed, must have standard equipment of a heavy chain-choke collar and six-foot leather lead in order to be taught obedience work. In my opinion all equipment used for training must be carefully chosen to fit the size and type of a specific dog. An intelligent dog needs only to be shown what is wanted of him, followed by praise and love when he does right. Of course, the only way to show him how to heel and come is to have him wearing a collar and leadbut to have these ill- fitting only distracts from his work andmakes the dog unhappy, and an unhappy dog is not a good worker in fact, AKC rules definitely state that the happy working dog is to be put over the reluctant or unhappy one other things being equal. Further, to have a dog working in an obedience ring not looking his very best, happy and bright self, would certainly not be a credit to his breed. A Poms natural merry gait is beautiful and it should be preserved and encouraged at all times.Light weight nylon choke collars and fairly long nylon snap-on leads are usually available, and I believe they make excellent obedience training equipment for Poms.The choke collars slip and release very well, and are workable if well- fitted to the dog. The rings on the collar and the snap on the lead should be as small and light as possible. This might all take a little hunting, but such things are available, and the obedience trainer of a tiny dog should not compromise at this pointthe time and trouble would be well spent. There are some very lightweight chain collars available if preferred, but they are difficult to find and I understand some of them are quite expensive. If a chain collar is used, special attention should be given that it is not too heavy and that the rings are small, also that the chain is not of the type that will catch and pull or rub off hair on the neck.Likewise I feel that very careful attention should be given to the selection of a dumbbell for a Pom in the retrieving exercises. The ends of the dumbbell should be large so that the mouthpiece is far enough off the ground for that little pointed muzzle to get around it easily to pick it up. However, it is also very important that the ends are not too large so as to obstruct the dogs vision when carrying the dumbbell like blinkers. The length of the mouthpiece should not be too greatjust a comfortable size so he can carry it well balanced in the middle.POMERANIAN REVIEW 55Ch. Tim Sues Lil l ove Bug 17 Group Placements and a Best In Show Winner, siring lovely puppies. Fee 75.00Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Bonner's Pretty Tune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeths Miss Cricket Jeribeths Bitty Bonus Ch. Tim Sues Lil Love BugCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamor's Music Man Millamor's Red Mist Silver Meadows Gay Lil MusicCh. Gold Toy's Bonne Buttonbox II Gold Toys Gay Lil Doll Gold Toys Gay Little Honeyw ...Ch. Tim Sues Last Dance Deep red orange Proven stud. Fee 50.00Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold DancerThelcolynns Tiny Flame Dance Millamors Miss Fancy Gold Toys Gold Puff Ch. Tim Sues Last DanceBonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Tim Sues Gay ButterflyCh. Millamors Music Man Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Gold Toys Gay Lil DollCongratulations to Faye Celentano on the completion of the championship of Celtans Dance of Dragon Lady Another of the winning combinationDuke and Showstopper linesTIM and SUE GODDARD13145 87th Avenue N. Seminole, Florida 33542 Ph. 813-392-094756 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSby Margaret Klingboil4815 Monroe Ave.. N.2. Salem, Oregon 97201The show season is in full swing here in the Pacific Northwest with many lovely Poms being shown. Many of the shows are old hat now, but I will mention the Best of Breed win going to Ch. Sungold Rebels Rowdy Command, owned by Diana McKeever and Linda Boyd of Kent, Wn. at the benched Seattle show in Feb. Next, at Bremerton, Wn. a stylish little black male owned by Joy LeCompte of Salem, Oregon took Best of Winners for the 4 point major which gave him the title. Goldpaz Colonel Midnight, better known as Littlejon, was also Best of Breed, a fitting finish for the last champion offspring of his late sire, Am. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight. Winners Bitch for the same 4 points and Best Opposite was Andrews Exquisite Debutante who is coming right along with her acquisition of points. Owned by Clyde and Phyllis Andrews of Woodinville, Wn., this little gal will probably have her title in the very near future.Diana McKeever with Ch. Sungold Rebels Rowdy Command, and Donna Harris with a little red daughter of Ch. Dukes Little Red Baron of OKala missed the boat, literally, and got to Bremerton just after the Poms left the ring. The ferry they took from Seattle was just late enough to keep them from competing.Andrews Exquisite Debutante finished her Canadian championship at one day past one year of age at the Shoreline show in Victoria, B.C. by taking the Breed the first two days, and BOS the last day. Male points at the show went to Beverely Moores Bevans Butterscotch Bounce, and these points gave him his Canadian title, all of this at under one year of age. This makes two Canadian and one U.S. champion for our area since the last report, with two new stars on the way at more recent shows.Best of Breed at the Palouse Hills show in Colfax, Wn. was a lovely young sable champion,' Starlites Rigal Miss Magic, owned by Gayle Griffin of Monmouth, Oregon. Magic also took the Breed the next day at the Inland Empire show in Spokane, Wn.On the Walla Walla, Richland and Yakima circuit in S.E. Washington Best of Breed for the three days went to Ch. Blossom View Hi Style Hilo Boy owned by Rose Lee Loy of California. At Walla Walla, Riggins Stylish Pepper of La Moda, owned by Dolores Riggin of Tigard, Or. was Winners Dog, with Best of Winners going to La Ritas Troubles of Sungold, owned by Rita LaVeme and Anna LaFortune. Richland, the next day gave Barts Mr. Mighty Mite Winners Dog and Best of Winners. I believe this was a major for this lovely little dog owned by Marianne Melville of Vancouver, Wn. LaRitas Trouble of Sungold was Winners Bitch, also for a major, I believe. The last days show at Yakima gave the title to a typey little true black male, Babbs Humperdink, owned by Mrs. William Babb and Erma Randol of California. Winners Bitch went to Lil Red Hot Pants of OKala.At the next two shows, Whidby Island and Olympia, both near Seattle, Wn. Marianne Melvilles little flyer was again Winners Dog and Best of Winners, with the Best of Breed also going to him at Olympia. I believe Jean Schrolls Ch. Holder's A Lil Red Flash was Best of Breed at Whidby Island. I dont know of any group placements, if any, at these last five shows as the owners havent notified me.A VERY SPECIAL BOUQUET at this time to two Juniors and their Poms Collette Higbee of Spanaway, Wn. andPOMERANIAN REVIEW 57her brother Robert are Junior and Obedience Handlers to be proud of. Collettes Pom, Higbees Taffy Kisses, recently acquired the CD title in Obedience trained and handled by Collette. I feel it is always more of an accomplishment for a youngster when they are able to take a dog through to an obedience title, especially so when it is a toy dog. Bob and his young male are working in Junior Handling and have also garnered several points towards a championship in conformation. Believe me, young Bob can compete with the adults at any show. These two youngsters, working together make a team worthy of congratulations.A bit of humor at this time is in order, and although I may have to hide out for a few days after this is published, I feel it is a refreshing story. Dolores Riggin, a friend near Portland, has a very possessive small Pom male who sleeps with her. Mr. Riggin works away from home frequently, and he also has had until recently a heavy Doc Holliday type mustache of which he was quite proud. On his return home one weekend he had shaved off his mustache, and when he climbed into bed with his wife he was promptly bitten by the Pom who wasnt about to have a strange man in his bed. A sore lip isnt as much fun as a hairy one, so the mustache is now on its way back.Poms, like other Toys, seem to be more possessive towards their families than most other breeds of dogs. Since they usually live in with their owners and are quick to sense feelings and to read minds, they usually think of themselves as part of the family. For this reason they are just as apt as not to attack a larger dog who comes on their property, or who comes too close to them or their owners at a show. A large breed of dog that they live with is often never fully accepted as belonging, only tolerated as a necessary evil. My sixty five lb. Doberman is sent running every so often by a couple of 2 lb. pups who, half seriously-half playfully, chew on hertoes just above the nails whenever they are on the floor with her. When they are used to having the larger dogs around it pays to be more cautious when you have the little guys out with strange dogs of the bigger breeds. The little ones just might attack those big ones and be injured or killed when the big one turns on them.An oldtimer in the Pomeranian breeding and exhibiting field visited with a local friend, Joy LeCompte, recently, and I was invited to meet her and her travelling companion. Florence Ryals of Tacoma, Wn. has been well known in past years for her lovely deep orange red Poms. It is a pleasure to meet someone who has her knowledge and memories of people and Poms of years past which we. ourselves, were not privileged to know. Wtih her, also, and just as enjoyable was another breeder who has been owned by Poms for a number of years. Helen Krafcik of Tacoma, also, owns a ceramics shop and makes beautiful little Pom pins, figurines and clocks with Pom heads where the numbers would ordinarily be. She loves Poms, as can be seen with her work with ceramics. She also had along with her, fortunately for me, several albums of pedigrees going back a number of generations on Poms that I wouldnt otherwise have been able to study without great work and effort. I must say that her system of filing pedigrees in album form is much more convenient, easy and simple than my own way.Another club in the Pacific Northwest has now been granted a license by AKC to hold its first point show. This is my own club, the Willamette Valley Kennel Club in Salem, Oregons beautiful capitol city. Our show will be held on Oct. 6th, the day before the Vancouver, Wn. show. With the Columbia Pomeranian Club in Portland, only 45 miles away on the freeway, and the very active Pudget Sound Pomeranian Club in the Seattle area only four hours away I am hoping that we will have a real showing of Poms and53 POMERANIAN REVIEWtheir people. Lets all get acquainted in Salem. Ill leave you now with this thought in mind.BAKER Continuedready receiving word from distant people who plan to be herefrom California, New York, Floridapoints east, west, north and south. If you need information, please write to our Secretary.Sherry McNemey3423 Roaming Woods LaneSpring, Texas 77373Sherry has also asked that all ouc-of- town members be sure to send her your news in plenty of time to meet the Review deadline.Till next time.JONES Continued Edmonton Kennel Club Show March 17WM Kathes Speedy of CharkenK. WilsonWF Hortons Bonny TaylorC. M. HortonBB Am. and Can. Ch. Sandemats Gin Ricky of KenlynnEvelyn KennyThe breed winner later took the toy group. This was the top pom in Canada, 1972, also the fifth top dog. Congratulations.March 18WM and WF were the same.BB Kathes Speedy of Charken, who later took fourth in group. Northern Alberta Canine Association ShowApril 7WM Hortons Kenny LaddieShirley F. Charrette WF Bonners Elfin KristineShirley F. CharretteBW Hortons Kenny Laddie BB Kathes Speedy of CharkenK. D. WilsonHortons Kenny Laddie finished his championship.April 8WM, WF and BWas for April 7 BB Hortons Bonnie TaylorChristine HortonJoan Grant of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, reports that her Jayenns Palokore Patti finished her championship and her C. D. Well done. At the Fort Garry shows in Winnipeg, her red- orange girl Wee Mites Red Velvet took BB for three points each day.The Sportsmans Show, Toronto, saw Ch. Gray-Lynn Tinemite Red Robin placed fourth in the group on two days. This pom is owned by Mrs. P. Canfield, Ontario.The Onabrook poms have been out at Dartmouth, Truro, Saint John and Moncton. Ch. Onabrooks Diamond Legacy won five BB awards one group third and two group seconds. Her kennel mate Pomways Tiger Gruff has five points and two BB wins.While in Moncton, we were delighted to see Kendra Shaw and Mamselle Blackbeard of Nanjo. She was winners bitch each day. If she hasnt finished, shes very close.WE ARE VERY SORRYWe know some of our readers are wondering why they do not read news of the Top Winning Pom in The Country, in the official Pom Club publication. We cannot report news unless it is sent in, and we regret to say that neither the owner nor the handler of Ch. Milo Mischiefs Gold Pat has sent us any show news. Group First and Best in Show news will always be published, if sent directly to the Editor.POMERANIAN REVIEW 591973 Stud Dog RegisterThis is Pomeranian Reviews 1973 Register of outstanding stud dogs. On this and the following pagesand in some of the display ads are stud dogs that, for their individual excellence, unique characteristics or special breeding, stand ready to help every breeder in th country. Inevitably, some owners of fine stud dogs failed to send their entries in, for one reason or another. But with so many represented, from every section of the country, and of so many different bloodlines, we feel that our Register, this year is very complete. May we request that when breeders send inquiries to stud dog owners, they mention I saw your stud card in the Review.Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Group Winner3S BOB Stud Fee 75 Reduced fee after 3 servicesAristic Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Aristic Lady Pamela Ch. Great Elms Timstopper AgainCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms Rita of Dixieland Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Aristic Adorable Little Duffy Great Elms Little Duffie Great Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms LindaGreat Elms Little Gem Great Elms Little Susie Great Elms Ninos BlondieGreat Elms Kennels Reg. Ruth Lowry BeamPineville, N. C. 28134 704-889-9233Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Weepepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeths Miss Cricket Jeribeths Bitty Bonus Ch. Dukes Lil Red Baron Of OKala Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Aristic Fleming Cherub Aristic Suntwinkle Aristic Cherubs Wee CherryWee Conquest of Waverly Aristic Cherry Fireglow Aristic Sweet Little MaizieCh. Dukes Lil Red Baron Of OKala Stud Fee 100 Ph. 713-469-8742OKALA KENNEL Ralph Joyce Graves 13551 Oak Hollow Dr. Cypress, Texas 7742960 POMERANIAN REVIEWCONGRATULATIONSTO OUR NEW BLACK CH. NANJO JOLLY JETFrom the Happy Snappy Poms at Hochstedler Kennels.Thank you LaVonne Jensen for letting us have him.Wr. Menry. W. MocUedL ,Ch. Handsome Hank of Far-Side 4 lb. deep orange Stud Fee on Request Ph. 319-656-2005Ch. Exquisite Corkies Sunrise Ch. McKameys Sundrawn Just Gold Ch. McKameys Sundawn Perfection Ch. McKameys Just A KingKilmers Sundawn Fella Ch. McKameys Sundawn Quimby Kilmers Dixie Queen Ch. Handsome Hank of Far-SideCh. Scotia Cavalier Billy Joe Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe Ken Gay Merribell Peanut McKameys Cavaliers CandaceGames White Happy Boy Jack Kanes Sugar Babe Brookers Black Eyed SusanMrs. Henry W. HochstedlerRoute No. 2 Kalona, Iowa 52247Ch. Adonis of Point Loma Ch. Nimbo of Point Loma Dexter Dixies Diana Ivory Boy of Point LomaPericles of Point Loma Roxana of Point Loma Sweetie Ronzone Ch. Nan jo Jolly JetOakleys Little Rascal Oakleys Little Sampson Oakleys Tweensie Marie McPhies Tina TotMeadowmoors Andy Oakleys Lady Elizabeth Deans Pinky GirlCh. Nanjo Jolly Jet 4Va lb. Black Stud Fee on RequestMrs. Henry W. HochstedlerRt. No. 2, Kalone, Iowa 52247 319-656-2005POMERANIAN REVIEW 61'9 Ch. Highland SunflashCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepperkorn Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Highland Flashalong Ch. Aristic Terrific Aristic Terrianna Aristic Gay Pollyanna Ch. Highland SunflashCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepperkorn Aristic Mighty Cute Highlands Ristic PetiteCh. Aristic Flaming Cherub Bonners Highland Cheripuff Bonners Cheri Pepper Puff5 lb. CreamSire of 6 champions to date Fee 100Silver Meadows Pomeranians Ron Jackie KleinSilver Springs, N. Y. 14550 716-237-5473f Ch. Silver Meadows Sir Sun Charm 4 lb. brilliant solid orange Fee 100Ch. Bonners Pepperkorn Ch. Highland Flashalong Aristic Terrianna Ch. Highland SunflashCh. Bonners Pepperkorn Highlands Ristic Petite Bonners Highland Cheripuff Ch. Silver Meadows Sir Sun Charm Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Silver Meadows Tiny Sun Charm Silver Meadows Perriwinkle Silver Meadows Pepper Charm Bonners Suncharm Honey BeeSilver Meadows Pomeranians Ron Jackie Klein Silver Springs, N. Y. 14550 716-237-5473 ..Ch. Sunwink of Highland 4 lb. light orange sable Fee 100Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q.Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland Ch. Blairs Solitaire May Morning Little Audrey Pomwin Busybody Ch. Sunwink of HighlandCh. Bonners Pepperkorn Ch. Highland Flashalong Aristic Terrianna Aristipretty of HighlandChilibeans Velvet Chipper Highland Miss Muffet McCutchans Little FluffySilver Meadows Pomeranians Ron Jackie KleinSilver Springs, N. Y. 14550 716-237-547362 POMERANIAN REVIEWiAm., Can. Ber. Champion Nan jo Interlude 34 lb. Light Orange Fee 75Ch. Oynria-I.oil's Keene Tut 5 lb. Deep Orange Fee 757NCh. Topaze Jack-O-Diamonds Am. Can. C.D. Orange SableFee 75Ch. Gold Toys Red Flame Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Millamors Gold Spice Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece SireCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Nanjo Jubilant Tina Marie VIAm., Can. and Ber. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca DamThelcolynns Little Sir Dandy Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Thelcolynns Honey BunFrancis J. Mary F. Casey TOPAZE KENNELS60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Mass. 02767 617-822-4862Ch. Little Dutch Master Bonnitoi Little Dutch Boy Little Bee Bee Bonnitoi Little Dutch LadBonnitoi Moneybox Tinker Bonnitoi Golden Tammy Bonnitoi Adorable Donna Ch. Cynna-Lous Keene TntCh. Sungold's Gay Cavilier Ch. Kniffin's Jack O Diamonds Ch. Kniffin's Miss Mollie B Bodas Diamond Bonnie SpriteCh. Riehochet Little Doctor Sam Topaze Princess Janet Riehochet New Girl in TownFrancis J. Mary F. Casey TOPAZE KENNELS60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Mass. 02767 617-822-4862Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Kniffins Jack-O-Diamonds Bialek's Little Bambi Ch. Kniffin's Miss Mollie-B Bialek's Little TinkerCh. Topaze Jack-O-Dia londs. Am. Can. C.D. Ch. Kniffins Jack-O-Diamonds Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Lucky Little DiamondRicochet New Girl in Town Topaze Temple of LoveBlossom View's Toni Toy Kestuna Red Sunset Miss Cream Puff LadyOwner, Mrs. Marie V. Smith 22 Pondview Circle, Canton, Mass.Or Mary F. Casey, Topaze Kennels 60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Mass.POMERANIAN REVIEW 63-mCh. Topaze King of the Nip Light OrangeFee 75 Ch. Queenaires Jigger O Scotch Deep Orange SableLou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nan jo JubilantAm., Can. Ber. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Topaze King of the NipCh. Ricochet Little Doctor Sam Lakeside Spunky Merrilynn Ginny Lee Lakeside FuzzyOrange Flash Lakeside Dolly Rambler NeobaOwners, Mr. Mrs. John Henzie 20 Baltic Ave., N. Easton, Mass.Or Mary F. Casey, Topaze Kennels 60 Wilbur St., Raynham Mass.Ch. Van Hoozers Wee Dan-Dee Int. Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Stevens Saucy Susie Int. Ch. Queenaires Scotch NSoda Ch. Creiders Golden Riptide Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Creiders Debbie Ch. Queenaires Jigger OScotchInt. Ch. Creiders T-Town Serenade Flaming Sun of Shadowdance Martins Pixie Joe Sun Creiders VickiCopelands Sundance Gypsy Lady of Shadowdance Martins Pixie Joe SunNADINE HERSIL3128 E. Luzerne Cudahy, Wi. 53110 414-481-5556tilmInt. Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Int. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Queenaires Jigger OScotchFlaming Sun Of Shadow Dance Creiders Vicki Gypsy Lady of Shadowdance Ch. D-Nees Call Me WartCh. Milo Dawn of Ken-Gay Ken-Gay Laddie of Milo Ken-Gays Lollypop D-Nees Dorable Dolly Igo V. Zauberwald Snow Baby White Fluff My R-Sans Snow BabyCh. D-Nees Call Me Wart Orange SableNADINE HERSIL3128 E. Luzerne Cudahy, Wi. 53110 414-481-555664 POMERANIAN REVIEW4Aristic Wee Won's Pepper Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Aristic Little Miss Cheerful Bonners Weepepper PreshusBonner's Wee Conquest O Rhythm Bonner's Pretty tune Precious Bonners Cheri Prettypepper Ch. Corns Duke DragonflyCh. Aristic Flaming Cheruh Manorhorn Dandy Killians Red Wing Jeribeths Miss CricketWellingtons Cuddles Jeribeth's Bitty BonusWellington Golden SpunkyCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Sire and grandsire of BIS winners. Not At Public Stud At This TimeDarrell and Olga Baker 102 Elm Street Deer Park, Texas 77536 ______ Phone 713-479-1448 HoustonCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Weepepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Jeribeths Bitty Bonus Ch. Jeribeths Darlin Doodle-Bug Foxfire Yancy Foxfire Herman Foxfire Olga Jeribeths HoneybeeCh. Foxfire Chips Foxfire Dixie Lady Chee Chee VTCh. Jeribeths Darlin Doodle-Bug Excellent "Duke" sonFee 50 Beautiful, short4Vi lbs. Already the sire of champions r v4LmiDarrell and Olga Baker102 Elm Street Deer Park, Texas 77536 Phone 713-479-1448 HoustonCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Theleolynn Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold DancerThelcolynn's Tiny Flame Dance Millamor's Miss Fancy Gold Toy's Gold Puff Jeribeths Silver SparkleBonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Susannes Bobby Bettys Suzle Belle Wong Little Bit of KimJeribeths Silver Sparkle Lovely result of the DukeShowstopper breeding. Proven, pointed. 4 lb. orange Siring beautifully. Fee 50.Darrell and Olga Baker102 Elm Street Deer Park, Texas 77536 713-479-1448POMERANIAN REVIEW 65jr iCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Bright Orange314 lb. Group WinnerStud Fee 75Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Pretty tune Precious Ch. Dixielands Style StepperA Lil Mischiefs Towntalk Dixielands Little Judy Dixiela'.'ds Little Belinda Ch. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Bonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Dixielands Dragonfly DeliteCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Millamors Melody Box Millamors Red MistMILLAMOR KENNELS Eleanor and Ken Miller14439 Mansfield Road Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Ch. Millamors JitterbugCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Ringmaster Millamors Red Mist Ch. Millamors Gold Flame Ch. Millamors Jazz ManCh. Gold Toys Gay Flame Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Millamors Gold Spice Lou-Lans April GoldCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Models Gold Piece Models Lady EthelMillamor Kennels Eleanor and Ken Miller14439 Mansfield Road Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Miss Fancy Jeribeths Silver SparkleCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Bettys Suzie Belle Wong Millamors Moon RockCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Miss Fancy Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Millamors Music Man Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Gold Toys Gay Lil DollCh. Millamors Moon Rock MILLAMOR KENNELSOrange-Stud Fee. 75 Eleanor and Ken MillerPh. 614-397-9268 14439 Mansfield RoadMt. Vernon, Ohio 43050 V.yCh. Millamors Jazz Man Brilliant Orange3 lbs. Stud Fee 75 Ph. 614-397-926866 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. My way Duke Celou Celae Group Winner Sire of Champion Fee 75Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Weepepper Preshus Bonners Pretty tune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeths Miss Cricket Jeribeths Bitty Bonus Ch. My way Duke Celou CelaeCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Mollys San Dee Sue, C.D.Bonners Fancypepper Bonners FancyL Bit For Molly QuinneMolly and Linda MillerP. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573 713-332-1847Ch. PomPuf Fancy Duke MasterpieceZVz lbs.Brilliant orange Stud Fee 75Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Weepepper Preshus Bonners Pretty tune Precious I'-jCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeths Miss Cricket Jeribeths Bitty Bonus ICh. PomPuf Fancy Duke Masterpiece jy Brookers Snow BoyPom-Pufs Wee Gold Chip Little Frosty Girl Pom-Pufs O-So-FancyPom-Pufs Rustic Lad Pom-Pufs Gayla Event Bonnie Blond BetsyGwen Bonnie HodsonRoute 4Indianola, Iowa 50125 515-961-2989 v .-SICh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Weepepper Preshus Bonners Pretty tune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeths Miss Cricket Jeribeths Bitty Bonus Ch. Daniels Scampering Scotter Ch. Aristic. Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Fancypepper Ch. Bonners Peppersweet Fancy Bonners Gorgus Mighty Miss Wee Wons Golden Glow QuinneBonners Kasbah Flame ToyCh. Daniels Scampering Scotter Deep Orange 17 Group Placements including 2 Group FirstMerle Tommy Daniels 262 Spring Pines Drive Spring, Texas 77373 Fh. 713-353-9807POMERANIAN REVIEW 67VBonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Heavy CoatedBlack Tan Sire of Champions Ph. 916-922-1420 or 925-5982Sun-Dots Midnite Terror 32 lbs. Black Tan Very short and stylish Ph. 916-922-1420 or 925-5982mINT. FCI AM. MEX. Ch. Sun-Dots Busters East Stand 3Vi lb.Group Winner Red OrangeAristic Wee Wons Pepper Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Aristic Little Miss Cheerful Ch. Bonners Smokeypepper ChicoCh. Bonners Moneybox Sunny Bonners Primorosita Bonner's Bo-peep Bonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Aristic Wee Wons Pepper Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Aristic Little Miss Cheerful Bonners Pepperkute Sun gold Ch. Aristic Chile King Aristic Mighty Cute Aristic Little Cute FaceSUN-DOTS POMERANIANS Ruth Dotson203 Bay Drive Sacramento, Calif. 95815Gold Toys Gay Luxury Lad Ch. Creider's Golden Riptide Ch. Gold Toys Gay Starette Ch. Creider's Ebbtide of Queenaire Eng., Am., Can. and Ber. Ch. Pixietown Serenade of Hadleigh Ch. Pixietown Melody Creiders Sun Star Senorita Sun-Dots Midnite TerrorFa-Robs Red Buttons Ch. Pom-Adors KingPom-Adors Sweet Lovely Pom-Ador's Peachie Sweet Pom-Adors Buster Ch. Pom-Adors Pride And Joy Diva Little Wonder GirlSUN-DOTS POMERANIANS Ruth Dotson203 Bay Drive Sacramento, Calif, 95815Int. Ch. Golden Glow Dandy Fa-Robs Red Buttons Fa-Robs Rosa Lee Pom-Adors BusterChase's Blaze Roy Tiny Trinket Tina BabyINT. FCI AM. MEX. Ch.Sun-Dots Busters East Stand Tiny Tots Traveler C.D.Ch. Wylies Pomercutin Ch. Lathams Cricke Lou Wylies Little Bell of L.P.K.Wilsons Nifti Tova Kays Nifti Novelti Suprise Fair TrialSUN-DOTS POMERANIANS Mrs. Ruth Dotson 203 Bay Drive Sacramento, Calif. 958156 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Sun-Dots Just A Nip 3 lbs. Sound, Very Short Deep Bright Red Ph 916-922-1420 or 925-59S2SUN-DOTS RAMBOLING MAN Whelped 12-2-72 To be shown this fallAt Stud this winter Very Stylish Watch for him at shows Ph. 916-922-1420 or 925-5982Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son Of Fun Models Red Amber Models Top KickCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Model's Marlene Ch. Models Magic Spell Ch. Sun-Dots Just a NipFa-Robs Red Buttons Pom-Adors Chuck-a-Luck Piersons Cookie Anns Little Angel of Sun-DotsSquires Mavarick of Stardust Conners Serria Duchess Hass SusieSUN-DOTS POMERANIANS Mrs. Ruth Dotson203 Bay Drive Sacramento, Calif. 95815Ch. Bonner's Smokeypepper Chico Bonner's Pep-R-Kute Nighttire Bonner's Pepperkute Sungold Ch. Queenaire Gamboling ManInt. FCI AM. CAN. MEX. Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaire DooDad Blossom View Gold Princess Sun-Dots Rambolmg ManCh. Van Hoozers Wee Dan Dee AM. MEX. Ch. Van Hoozer's Lucky Dandy Kitch Stevens Saucy Susie Ch. Queenaires First LadyCh. Creider's Golden Riptide Creiders Diane ot Queenaire Ch. Creider's Debbie SUN-DOTS POMERANIANS Mrs. Ruth Dotson 203 Bay Drive Sacramento, Calif. 95815Van Hoozer Cream Puff Ch. Naps Van Toots Puff Perrines Toots Ch. Naps Little RogueCh. Naps Van Toots Puff Naps Luck Lady Jerans Frosty Croquette Naps Little Rogues Red DonCh. Naps Van Toots Puff Ch. Naps Little Duke Susie Que XV Naps Little Burbon Queen ZaryNaps Little Hope PilaNaps Little Rogues Red Don Brandy3 lb. Clear Orange Fee 50JUDY KONE348 East 6340 South Murray, Utah 84107 801-486-0641POMERANIAN REVIEW 69YIPS FRANK MARY CASEYDear. Sophie Case" and I want to extend our Sincere Thanks to the Pom Review for honoring us with the Sample Stud Card featuring our precious little "Denny", in the April Issue.We consider this a great honor. Thank you also for doing such a fine job Editing the Review. It has grown by leaps and bounds under your leadership and we sincerely hope that you will find the time to continue in this capacity for many years to come. I don't think that any of the members really realize the time, work and effort that is required to put out this quarterly publication. There just wouldn't be an American Pomeranian Club without it and it is your dedication that has made it and the Club what it is today.CATHERINE PROBST Tivoli, New YorkAs I hate to write letters, I have never written to Yips and Yaps, or any other section of the Pomeranian Review. But, after reading Mrs. Niehouses letter in the April issue, I feel that I must get this off my mind. Not as a member of the Board of the American Pomeranian Club, but as an individual. First, in answer to her and Mrs. Mayes, there was no MIX UP in the mailing of the Oct. Pom Reviews, and they WERE mailed. I dont know what Mrs. Dunns procedure is, but as John was working in N.Y.C. until June, 1972. I did most of the work. After the July books were mailed, each day, as I had time to spare, I started to address the Oct. envelopes alphabetically, by State. When Mrs. Mayes let us know the number of pages and how many Advertisers there were, we went to the P. O. with an old book and had it weighed. I bought the number of first and third class stamps needed and stamped the envelopes so they would be ready for mailing the day the books were delivered to us. With almost 700 books to go out, that meant about 1200 stamps. Sometimes, four to an envelope. The date of mailing was marked after every name in the Membership and Subscriber Book. If the people in Wash, didnt receive their Reviews, they were lost on their way from Tivoli to the West Coast. This is a very small P. O. They hated to see us give up the job and made sure everything went out the day it was brought in.We dont have the care of the books now, so I am going to tell you what Mrs. Dunn has to do. 700 books weigh over 350 lbs. They have to be handled several times before mailYAPSing.This is four times a year. We dont have sophisticated equipment. Every day requests come from people who want back numbers, information, etc. and most of them are very nice, sincere men and women interested in our lovely Breed. We are happy to do it, but no one likes un-called-for criticism.I wonder how many realize the hours of time, work and anguish Mrs. Mayes applies to the editing and advertising of the Pom Review. It was a great compliment to her a while back, when someone asked if the Review could be published more often. I, also, thought the same thing. Now I know better. See her article in the April issue.I have another opinion. If the Pom Review is the only reason for being a member of THE AMERICAN CLUB, INC., those people should resign and just be subscribers. I think it is an HONOR and I never had anyone say to me SO WHAT When I have a call for a puppy, the person usually asks, Are you a member of the A.P.C. Im always proud to answer YES.Regarding paragraph five of Mrs. Niehouses letter I am a 7th generation Long Islander N. Y. and never in my life did I hear anyone refer to a person from the western part of the country as a Hick. While on this subject, lets stop talking about people and dogs, who are superior, just because they come from a certain State or Section. Arent we all from the good old U.S.A. And how about our other Members in other parts of the world Australia, Bermuda, Canada and Japan.On voting for people you dont know Everyone has the privilege of sending in names. If they accept and five members endorse them, their names will be on the ballot. Year after years this has seldom happened. In fact, the majority of people dont bother to vote for anyone or any subject sent out for a choice. Another thinglook through the Review for the past 10 years. Im sure you wont find more than 50 people, out of over 600, whose names have appeared on any page. That includes advertisers and believe me, they are getting a bargain. The same people advertise, send money or trophies for the shows, give their time as show chairmen or trophy chairmen, advertising chairmen, you name it and they have done it. And what happens They are criticized and accused of trying to run the Club. If every Member and Subscriber sent 1.00 to the N. Y. Specialty Show, to have their name on the BOOSTER LISTa BOOST for youand would you miss it we wouldnt have to charge extra for the Pom. Review. Wouldnt it be nice if we acted like Pomeranians instead of people Think it over.70 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSMRS. PAUL LANDREVILLE St. Paul, Minn.I thought it might be of interest to the Pom folks of a fine three and a half week trip we took with our 10 Poms. We just returned andI. and all the Poms are well and happy. We have a camper and cocker size cages with a cat litter tray and blanket for a bed for each one.We took a wandering trip to Florida. We stopped to visit Mrs. Norris McKamey of Bettendorf, Iowa. After getting lost several times, we were on our way to Florida.We parked our camper with our good friend Mrs. Edna Girardot. We own Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Dare Devil and she was glad to see him again. We all had such a good time visiting and celebrating my husband Paul's Birthday. We did a lot of sightseeing and stopped to meet Sue Goddard in Seminole. Florida. Her husband was working so didn't get to meet him. We wanted to meet them when they lived in Houston, Texas, but the weather was too warm for the Poms.A week later, we again stopped at Edna's to celebrate her Birthday, and bred our daughter of Ch. Scotia Dare Devil and a granddaughter of Ch. Foxfire Chips. We bred her to Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin and bought Scotia Yogi Hello Dino-Mite. He is orange and full of coat and showmanship, and will be coming out at the shows.On the way home, we had very bad weather and had to stay 5 nights in Kentucky, Illinois and Iowa at the Holiday Inns.Besides the weather, our camper heater wouldn't kick inonly the pilot lightand we couldn't get parts to fix it. We covered the cages with wool blankets until we found a Motel. We do not have the camper air conditioned but find in heat or cold the wool blankets help a lot. Also we take water from home, which we find is very important. As the truck moves, it erradiates. Also we feed them the foods they like best. Small amounts and treats often. We never seem to have them get sick that way, and they get back to schedule when home again.We are going to try to get a mini bus, air conditioned, for our next trip. It will be easier to take care of them and less worry.BARBARA PIERCEAnaconda, MontanaI'm new to the Pomeranian breed, so there are many things I'd like to know from the'old hands. I'd like to see a good color description of all the colorssome aren't very descriptive. For instance, ''Beaversounds like a rich brown. "Wolf sable I thought was supposed to be gray with black tipped guard hairs, and yet Ive seen two dogs called wolf sable by their owners, and actually they were a dark tan with black shading on the muzzle, the ears and the saddle. Were they correctly called "wolf sable What color is a Blond dog Are white really pure whiteThen another thing Im wondering about is size. Ive see some dogs of fairly large size. One in particular was registered and offered at public stud locally, and he must have weighed 12 to 15 lbs. I wouldn't have guessed he was a Pom, if I hadnt seen his papers. He was the same general type dog, that is, erect ears, curled tail, etc. but had long, narrow muzzle and other characteristics not too Pom-like.Just what is the size range of the modern Pom I know the Standard reads 4-5 lbs. ideal size, so where do these large dogs come from Is it common to have a wide size range in offspring from the same parents, or are there some strains producing large PomsAlso. I'm wondering why one seldom hears of any whites winning in the shows. Ive been told that they arent the quality of the reds and oranges. Why should this be, and is it trueMaybe some of the readers could answer these questionsId appreciate it.THE BEST DOG DOES NOT ALWAYS WIN.It should come as no surprise to most of you that the best Pom does not always win the points. After quite a few years of experience, we feel that the reasons are clear to us. We invite Readers to comment on our list of reasons, given in descending order of frequency and importance1. The Best Pom does not show as well.2. Is not trainedconditionedgroomed as well.3. His handler is not as skilled. A top Professional Handler naturally has the edge here, but some ownerexhibitors are much better than others.4. PoliticsThe Judge knows someone andor owes someone a favor. We put this reason last in Class competition, but as Nos. 1, 2 3 scarcely exist in Group and Best In Show judging, we are inclined to give more importance to No. 4.POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX TO ADVERTISERSDARRELL OLGA BAKER .................................................................................................. 29, 64VILMA BARTOLAT ................................................................................................................................ 9BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB ................................................................................................ 18RUTH L. BEAM ........................................................................................................................ 43, 59REX BETTY BELL ............................................................................................................................. 17JANET E. BODA ..................................................................................................................................... 24JULIE BRUMBACK ............................................................................................................................... 32FRANCIS J. MARY F. CASEY ............................................................................................ 32, 62FAYE CELENTANO .............................................................................................................................. 49CHAMPION VALLEY KENNEL CLUB .............................................................................................. 19MRS. NORMA CREIDER ...................................................................................................................... 13MERLE TOMMY DANIELS ............................................................................................................. 66BILL DAUS ............................................................................................................................................. 33MRS. RUTH DOTSON ............................................................................................................. 7, 67, 68THELMA M. DUNN ............................................................................................................................... 25SADIE EDNEY ....................................................................................................................................... 24RANDY PAUL FRECH ........................................................................................................ 36, 37TIM SUE GODDARD......................................................................................................................... 55BOB GOODRICH ..................................................................................................................... 11, 39J. L. M. M. GORMAN ......................................................................................................................... 32MRS. JOYCE GRAVES .......................................................................................................................... 59MR. MRS. JOHN HENZIE ................................................................................................................. 63NADINE HERSIL ................................................................................................................................... 63MRS. HENRY HOCHSTEDLER ............................................................................................. 35, 60GWEN BONNIE HODSON ................................................................................................................ 66NORMA LLOYD JENKINS ............................................................................................................... 45RON JACKIE KLEIN ........................................................................................................... 21, 61JUDY KONE ............................................................................................................................................ 68JOY LeCOMPTE ............................................................................................................................ COVERMAYKEN KENNELS, KENNETH MAYES .................................................................................. 9SOPHIE H. MAYES .................................................................................................................. 13, 27ELEANOR KEN MILLER .................................................................................................................. 65MOLLY LINDA MILLER .................................................................................................... 51, 66CHRIS ODETTE NOLAN .................................................................................................................. 47LOU NOT ............................................................................................................................................... 33KATHERINE R. JOHN R. PROBST .................................................................................................. 20PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB .............................................................................................. 41MRS. MARIE V. SMITH ........................................................................................................................ 62MRS. LOUIS SWEET ............................................................................................................................. 19A. J. TREMONT, PEGGY BUSH LAURA JAMES ............................................................ 5JESSIE W. YOUNG BARBARA YOUNG ................................................................................ 3172 POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club, 3nc.SPECIALTY SHOWHosted ByThe Pomeranian Club of Greater HoustonOctober 13, 1973In conjunction with the Combined Specialty Association at theAlbert Thomas Convention CenterJudge, Kenneth E. Miller Puppy SweepstakesJudge, Mrs. C. A. Ellis Show Chairman, Darrell BakerFor More InformationSherry McNerney, Sec.3423 Roaming Woods Lane Spring, Texas 77373Houston Kennel Club All-Breed ShowOctober 14, 1973Pomeranian Judge, Edd E. Bivin