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The Pomeranian Review January 1978
American Pomeranian Clut, 3htc.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JANUARY, 1978Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing Bodas Little Dusky Charmer Ch. Jahils Chester P. HoneyhuggerIN THIS ISSUESPECIALTY REPORTS Kennel Visit to Tomanoll by E. McDonald. CLUB NEWS Feeding For Breeding by Dr. David S. Kronfeld BIRK GRANT HEYDE HUNDLEY OHRTMAN YIPS YAPS2 POMERANIAN REVIEWDeluxe ReprintTHE POMERANIANby G. M. HICKS, M.A.England, 1906The Pomeranian is one of the classics. Originally published in England in 1906 by "Our Dogs Publishing Company, Ltd. Piccadilly, the book contains eight major chapters Origin and Early History, Rise and Progress in England, How to Breed Show Specimens, How to Rear and Manage, and How to Prepare for the Show-Bench. It contains priceless photos of dogs that are in your pedigrees, including Nansen, Ch. Konig of Rozelle, Kees, Ch. Ruffle, Ch. Tina, Ch. King Pippin, Ch. Boy Blue, Ch. Tatcho, Thirlesmere Bronze, Ch. Sahle Mite, Tiny Boy, Magpie, and Mafeking of Rozelle. Until now, the high cost and rarity of the original book have placed it beyond the means of most fanciers.Many people have asked us to do this book due to the high quality of our previous reprints. We are willing to undertake this project if there is a reasonable prospect of our breaking even on it. Since the breed is rare, we have decided to reprint this hook only if we can obtain 100 orders at 12 each. If, in a reasonable period of time, we cannot obtain 100 orders, all of the orders received will be returned with refunds in full. If you order this book, the earliest you could expect delivery would be in 3 to 6 months due to the long time it takes to do a high quality reprint with a DeLuxe Binding.This book will be printed on premium paper and will be bound in flaming red Royal Buckram with gold lettering. Royal Buckram is the best binding material you can buy short of real leather and is what most law books are bound in. It will be an exact photographic reproduction of the original book in the o12"x812" size. The price of this book after publication will be 15.The Borzoi Quarterly has printed 12 classic books in the past 2 years, including Kurt Unkelbachs classic Love on a Leash, one of the funniest and most successful dog books ever published. Copies of this book have been going for 20 and up you may order our Deluxe Reprint bound in Royal Buckram, as a matched set with The Pomeranian for 10.95 these books are in stock and ready for mailing. Order from The Borzoi Quarterly, 6917 W. 83rd Way, Arvada, Colorado S0003 U.S.A. Add 75c for postage outside U.S. and Canada all prices are in U.S. funds. ORDER FORM Remit to prepaid orders onlyTHE BORZOI QUARTERLY 6917 W. 83rd Way Arvada, Colorado 80003 U.S.A..................... Please send me ........................ copies of The Pomeranian by G. M. Hicks, M.A., 1906.This is a DeLuxe Reprint. I understand this book will not be printed until and unless 100 orders are received money will be refunded in full if 100 orders are not received in a reasonable time. This offer is subject to availability orders received after the edition has sold out will be returned. 12 each postpaid in the U.S. and Canada add 750 per book elsewhere. U.S. funds..................... Please send me ....................... copies of Unkelbach's classic Love on a Leash in DeLuxeEdition. 10.95 U.S. postpaid in U.S. and Canada add 750 per book elsewhere..................... TOTAL ENCLOSEDPlease ship toNameAddressCity ZipStatePOMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran ftomeramatt Club, Jnr.President ...................................First Vice President_________Second Vice President . Recording Secretary ... Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer .................................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB............................................................................ Mr. Darrell W. Baker..............................................................................Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn..................................................................................... Mrs. Ruth Dotson................................................................................ Mrs. Sally Baugniet............................................................ Mr. Anthony R. Skip Piazza102 Old Egg Harbor Rd Gibbsboro, N.J. 08026 ........................................................................ Mrs. Goldie K. MandleyBOARD OF DIRECTORSMrs. Kathryn Birk Mrs. Sophie H. MayesMr. Thomas Daniels Mr. Richard MegenhardtMrs. Jacquelyn Klein Mrs. Eleanor W. MillerDelegate to the A.K.C........................................................................................................... Mr. H. W. PottebaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager ..........................................................................................................................................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, 1574 Camp Linden Rd., West Chester, Pa. 19380Assistants ........................................................................ Mrs. Goldie K. Mandley, Mrs. Thelma M. DunnCirculation Manager .........................Mrs. Patricia D. Brooks, 102 Jefferson Lane, Ladson, SC 29456Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 8.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 2.00. Canada, Mexico, 8.50, Foreign 9.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 4.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text................................55.00Inside front cover ................................................... 30.00Center Spread, 2 pages .......................................... 60.00Full page .................................................................25.00Three-quarters page ................................................20.00One-half page ......................................................... 15.00One-quarter page vertical only ............... 7.50100 copies full page ad............................................. 7.50Minimum charge for cuts up to Ix2 inches, 6.00 proportionately more for larger cuts. No charge for cuts if usable cut is available.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEBy DARRELL W. BAKER 207 Shirleen Drive Sea brook, Texas 77586It is encouraging to learn that some of you actually DO read this column evidenced by quite a hit of interest from other areas in their Club hosting a National Specialty. It is too premature to announce anything just yet, hut I do feel we will be having some Summer Specialtiies in varied areas of the country in the future. Im kidding about reading the column I know you do because I hear from you, and I appreciate your interest.A bit of bad newsour Kathryn Birk, from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and one of the members of the Clubs Board of Directors, recently suffered a severe stroke, leaving some paralysis and difficulty with speech for Kathryn. Outlook is, however, quite good according to Ted, her husband. It will just take a little time for Kathryn to be back to her wonderful self again I do urge all of you to drop her a card or letter and let her know we are all out here thinking of her. She of all people will most certainly appreciate it Get well, KathrynI am getting excellent reports regarding plans for our Specialty in February. Seems everyone is doing hisher job in an excellent manner and plans are progressing fine. Sam Zaneoff is in charge of the dinner and we have already re- received notification, with reservation information and form included. Dinner is to be the night after the show, in the Loews Summit Hotel, with a really excellent menu something quite different sort of a smorgasbord affair asI understand it. Be sure to get your reservations in to Sam Zaneoff early so he can provide for everyone.I dont know whether this is appropriate or not, but Im getting the pleasure of doing it anyway announcing that the Anniversary Issue scheduled for next year POMERANIAN REVIEW July, 1978 seems to be receiving lots of interest already and should be a real museum piece to own. Read Page 44 of your last Review October, 1977 issue for details on advertising in it, ordering it, etc.I dislike bearing bad news, but feel I should mention the loss of three well- known and admired Pomeranians recently. Mr. Sam Zaneoff lost his Champion Sheebas Little Dragonfly and Ralph and Joyce Graves lost their Champion Duke Lil Red Baron of OKala, and Bob Goodrich lost his Champion Models Son of Fun. Our sympathy to these owners of great Poms.And to happier words cold weather time is here well, maybe cool in the South and this heralds the approaching new year WHICH means NEW YORK IN FEBRUARY This has become one of our favorite times of the year and we begin about now looking forward to the National Specialty and Westminster. People always give us a sort of incredulous look when we mention going New York in Februaryno one understands why we pick that bad-weather time of the year for a mini-vacation Olga joins me in wishing all of you the best of good fortune for 1978 see you in February.DEADLINEDeadline for the April Issue is February 20. For all those LUCKY ENOUGH to be SPECIALTY WINNERS, we will wait an additional 7 days for your ad copy. Specialty photos MUST be sent by First Class or Air Mail JUST AS SOON AS YOU RECEIVE THEM.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5AMERICAN AND BERMUDA CHAMPION SILVA LADE MAMA TRIEDTILLYtestate yfny..FIRST HI GROUPTilly started her show career in the Puppy Class in March, 1977 and through November has this impressive record Numerous Group Placements Group ls 7 Best In Shows 2OWNERMrs. Bob D. Whiteside Route 7, Box 436 Roanoke, Virginia 24018HANDLERMr. William J. TrainorLovett Road Oxford, MassachusettsBREEDERSDianne Johnson and Barbara DeBaugh 2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore, Maryland 212346 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOYER STORYBy JESSIE W. YOUNGWe have a dear friend, Brenda Thomson of Chatham, Massachusetts, who with her husband David, is owned by three Poms. Brenda is a photographer, and has taken countless pictures of our dogs, many of which have been used in our past ads in the Pomeranian Review.During one of our weekend visits this year, Brenda arranged to have a sitting in her bosss studio. She wanted to try a group portrait, and took several pictures of Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing, Bo das Little Dusky Charmer age 7 mos., and his grandfather, Ch. Jabils Chester P. Honey- hugger. As usual, the results were lovely, but one picture stood out as an extraordinary glimpse of three dogs different expressions. The color picture is breathtaking, and has a place of honor over our fireplace.We decided that this would be the perfect picture to have on the Pom Review cover, not to publicize any particular dogs winning record, but to show the spirit which is evident in all Poms. Also, we would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our Pom friends a healthy and prosperous New Year.VERY IMPORTANT NOTICEThe Open Classes at our February Specialty will be divided by color as follows Open Dogs, Black, Brown and Blue Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Open Dogs, Any Other Allowed Color. Same classes in Bitches. The class for Open Any Other Allowed Color is ONLY for Poms of colors NOT listed in the other two divisions. At the present time, this class would include Black Tan, White and Parti Color. If your dog is entered in the wrong color division, it will be dismissed, not judged.RED LETTER DATE February 12, 1978ANNIVERSARY ISSUEThe Cover Picture in Full Color has been sold, also all three other Color Pages originally offered. We have decided that there will be NO LIMIT on the number of Color Pages possible, with a 5th already sold and inquiries received on a couple more. We believe at this point the 150 price will hold firm and that no additional amount will be due in May, subject to color separation and printing cost increases later on. The additional color pages will be inserted in the body of the magazine. Please be certain that your color picture is sharply focused and clear in color, when you send it to us.We would like to remind all Subscribers that prepublication orders for the Anniversary Issue as well as black and white ads should come in as soon as possible. We cannot ascertain the SIZE of the book or number of articles to be reprinted until we have some idea of the financial backing we will receive. As all these articles from back issues have to be typed, you can imagine the tremendous amount of extra work facing us We say extra as of course there WILL BE a regular July Issue to be put out at approximately the same time.We would also like to request that all the breeders and judges who have been invited to write articles for this Anniversary Issue should send them in just as soon as possible.Send 5.00 to Pat Brooks, Circulation Manager before May 1 to reserve your copy of the Anniversary Issue at prepublication price. Send ALL ADS and ARTICLES to the Editor. Addresses on page 3, any issue. Remember, any available books ordered after May 1, 1978 will cost 7.95.HURRYIf you are coming to our February Specialty and have NOT already reserved your room at the Loews-Summit Hotel, 51st and Lexington Ave., N.Y.C. . . . HURRYPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7BEY-NOR POMS and CHAMPION FUDGE CONGRATULATE HIS LAST LITTER OF THREE GIRLSBev-Nors Pride N JoyFirst in Puppy Class and Reserve Winners Bitch APC Summer Specialty andWinners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex for 3 pt. Major Oct. 8, 1977 at Devon Dog Show.Many Thanks to Specialty Judge Forrest McCoy for our WinsBev-Nors Untold Glory Candee, owned hy Diane Taylor and Lois Kramer for 2nd place PC APC Specialty, WB Sept. 8, WB BOB Sept. 25, WB Oct. 15 for a 3 pt. major.Bev-Nors Song of Camelot, owned hy Gertrude Jacoby for 4th place PC APC Specialty, WB York, WB BOW Glouster Co., WB Ft. Dix, WB Lehigh Valley, WB Salisbury.Ch. Tar-Zanna congratulates her full sister Bev-Nors Witchy Woman of Lennis a black who won WB BOW for a 5 pt. major her first time out at the APC Specialty.Puppies Sired By Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi, Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, Ch. Edneys Little PatriotUPCOMING LITTERS DUE DECEMBERCh. Chips of Diamond Cover April 1977 Review X Ch. Tom-Cins Tar-Zanna of Dennis Ch. Edneys Eittle Patriot X Bev-Nors Witchy Woman of Dennis WB BOW 5 pt major APC SPECIADTYCongratulations Betty Morris Carson on Chips many group wins Ticos wins.Beverly Norris 7747 Meadow Rd.Ph. 301-255-1343 Pasadena, Md. 211228 POMERANIAN REVIEW4lDELEGATESREPORTBy H. W. POTTEBAUMAs you can imagine, after reading the October Review, the AKC Delegates meeting was very interesting. Prior to attending this meeting, the APC Board met and instructed me to vote against the proposed changes in allowing neutered dogs in Stud Dog and Brood Bitch Classes and this I did, however, the majority of the Delegates present one of the largest meetings that has been held voted in favor of this change. At this point in time, I feel that this will become effective January 1st, 1978, but check your Premium Lists as you receive them.Perhaps the largest drawing card was the vote on discontinuing the licensing of professional handlers. After reviewing this with the APC Board and members that were present at the meeting, I voted No on this, but was in the minority, and this also passed. This vote was taken on an individual voice vote, the first that I have seen done at a meeting. All of the details are not worked out as yet, but as soon as we get some word on how this is going to work, I will let you know.Also at this meeting, we voted to change the rules with regards to having a Veterinarian present at all shows. This was passed and now, a Veterinarian is only required to be present at a Bench Show. For all other shows an On Call option may be used.For those of you who missed the Summer Specialty, you really missed a good time. All the details were worked out to perfection and everyone connected with the planning and putting this on deserve a round of applause. Aspecial thanks to Laura Reed, Thelma Dunn, Goldie Mandley and Ann Cannon.Make your plans now for the New York Specialty, hope to see you there.SEND A CARDCards and notes would be much appreciated by two of our members convalescing at this time . . .As described elsewhere in this issue, our long - time Ringside columnist, Kathryn Birk has suffered a severe stroke from which she is making an excellent recovery. Send cards to her home address, 1634 S.W. 9th Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 3-3315.John L. Larry Gorman, husband of our Helpful Hints Columnist, is currently recouperating from major surgery. Send a message to him at 31134 East Wind, Fraser, MI. 48026.ATTENTION CANADIAN AND FOREIGN SUBSCRIBERSOur Treasurer tells us that it is NOT sufficient to write U. S. Funds on your checks, as this simply doesnt mean a thing to the New York bank where it goes for exchange. We MUST have either a check drawn on a U.S. bank account, an International Bank Draft or probably best and easiest for all, a Postal Money Order payable in U.S. Funds. Thank you for your cooperation.MORE ABOUT PICTURESAdvertisers are not cropping their pictures, before sending them to us. If you want your picture in the ad to show Dog Only, it is up to YOU to mask the picture to show area wanted OR alternately, draw outline LIGHTLY on the picture with a crayon or grease pencil This is NOT up to the Review Staff to do. Consider, if you will, the extra time it takes us to mask 15 or 20 pictures. It only takes a few minutes for each advertiser to do his own.POMERANIAN REVIEW 9TIM SUE POMERANIANS PROUDLY PRESENTtmsCh.Tim Sues Poinciana StarWinners Dog At the American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty Pedigree Behind The New Champions Congratulations to Mrs. Luda Swartz of St. Petersburg, Florida on her Ch. Ludas Mark of Sunshine, now being specialed.Piotured taking Group 1 at Jacksonville, Florida.She is sired by Ch. Tim Sues Mark of the Dragon and out of Poinciana Lovemaker Sunmist, a Ch. Love Bug daughter.3T7p" VJCongratulations to Opal Mosher and Tomanoll Kennels. Tim and Sue GoddardNote new location for Tim Sue Highway 11, Bristol, Virginia Complete address next issue.10 POMERANIAN REVIEWSUMMER SPECIALTY 1977BySAM ZANEOFFThe Harrisburg Kennel Club was this years site for the American Pomeranian Club Specialty, held on Saturday, August 27th, 1977.What seemed a threat of summer rain, turned out instead a clear warm sunny day, which added greatly to the delightful time we all spent watching all the lovely Poms that had come to compete in the various classes.The beautiful array of crystal and silver trophies which were donated by many Pom enthusiasts throughout the country drew much comment and contributed greatly to the well appointed trophy table, done so beautifully by Laura Reed, assisted so capably by Thelma Dunn and Goldie Mandley.Our Judge for this years event, Mr. Forrest McCoy, wasted little time getting his ring underway. Im sure the rather large entry can be attributed to a most capable Judge.In the puppy dogs 6-9 months Mr. McCoy chose Dormilonas Tequilla, owned by T. E. Daniels and H. W. Pottebaum. Though the only entry that had not been absent in his class, he seemed a rather nice pleasing little fellow. The 9-12 month dog class drew but one sole entry, Embers Stolen Moment, owned by Marie Bruce. A classy small but rather typey orange puppy.The Winner of the Bred by Exhibitor Class was Hartmans Dutch Boy Benjie, bred and shown by Rosa Hartman.Mr. McCoys choice in his open Black, Brown, and Blue dog class was Silvamere Fizzies Fault, owned by Dianne Johnson and Co - owned by Barbara R. Debaugh. An impressive black dog who was later chosen Reserve Winners dog.The large class of Open Red, Orange, Cream and Sable dogs seemed a tough choice of dogs for Mr. McCoy, sincemany entered in this class were of nice quality. From ringside a close decision between his first place choice and later Winners Dog Tim Sues Poinciana Star, a beautifully conditioned orange Pom, owned and shown by Sue Goddard and Enjays Portrait in Motion, shown to perfection by owner Norma J. Jenkins, who was placed second. Third prize winner Pomirish Buddys Son Shine, owned by Mary Jane Wilson and Sally Baugniet was a stylish, eye catching little fellow. Fourth prize went to Thelduns Tiniest Social Lion a red Pom, owned by Thelma Dunn and Robert Harris.T K- i NNERJudge Forrest W. McCoy finds his Winners Dog in Tim Sues Poinciana Star, bred by Mrs. R. E. Inscho and handled by Owner Sue Goddard, Photo by John Ashbey.In his Puppy Bitch Class, 6-9 months, Mr. McCoys choice was Bev-Nors Pride and Joy, capably handled by Marlene Balcerak, a nice Sable bitch that showed to perfection. Coincidentally there were three bitches in this class that were litter sisters, placing First, Second and Fourth respectively. Third place went to Jabils Electra owned by Jessie W. and Barbara Young.In the Puppy 9-12 month bitch class, C. J. Carvale Candy a lone entry with one absentee was winner.POMERANIAN REVIEW 11A single entry, Petite Miss Pamela owned, by Bonnie Anderson Lewis, was winner of the Novice Bitch Class. She was a white bitch.In the Bred by Exhibitor Bitch class, first place winner was a nicely coated Sable bitch Tashas Lonely Solitare, owned by Patricia Knouse. Cynthia Kellers, Thelduns Little Bit of OHoney, the American Bred bitch class winner, another lone entry, was a sable bitch who did her utmost to put up with the warm weather. 1American Pomeranian Club President Darrell W. Baker presents the trophy as Judge Forrest McCoy gives Winners Bitch and Best of Winners to Bev-Nors Witchy Woman of Dennis, bred by Dennis Baines, owned by Beverly Norris and handled to her wins by Marlene Balcerak. John Ashbey took the picture.From his open Black, Brown, and Blue Bitch class, Mr. McCoys choice was Bev-Nors Witchy Woman of Lennis, a nicely animated, well coated black bitch, piloted to her win by Marlene Balcerak and owned by Beverly Norris. From the Open Red, Orange, Cream and Sable bitch class, a rather cute, showy little bitch emerged. Scotia MDs Treasure Star Brite handled and owned by our own Edna Girardot.Mrs. Beverly Norris Witchy Woman of Lennis was the Judges choice as Winners Bitch, and she was very much in contention in Best of Breed competition .The sitxeen year old little veterans bitch, Leonardis Lil Miss Tiny Tina owned and handled by Laura Reed drew large applause as she paraded around the ring.- f, P fit. j -Jv-Judge Forrest McCoy is seen in this Ashbey photo awarding the Rosette for Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed to Ch. Pixies Princess Holly, bred, owned and handled by Carol A. Galavich. Clnb President Darrell W. Baker presents the Trophy.There were ten specials entered in Best of Breed Competition, with Mr. McCoys choice for Best of Breed, Ch. Mike Mars Triple Crown, bred and owned by Michael Wolf and Mrs. Walter Jeffords. He was an impressive little dog, well conditioned and well handled by Mr. Wolf.Best of Opposite Sex, Ch. Pixies Princess Holly, bred, owned and shown by Carol A. Galavich, an orange Pom, proved worthy of her win.I want to personally thank Mr. Forrest McCoy, who too deserves a Blue Ribbon, for the fine entry he drew, and for his capable judging, which added greatly to the wonderful Specialty.Special thanks to Thelma Dunn, Goldie Mandley and Ann Cannon who hosted such a nice hospitality room. I also want to thank the many Pom exhibitors who came from far and near to help make our Specialty the success it was.12 POMERANIAN REVIEWJUDGES CRITIQUEby FORREST McCOYThe day I had looked forward to for months finally arrived. I had a very pleasant drive across the Pennsylvania Turnpike from Parkersburg, West Virginia. At our lovely motel I was joined by Mrs. McCoy, who had flown in earlier in the day from Florida. We spent a leisurely afternoon which included a delightful lunch on the motel patio. Much to both our regrets we had to stay away from all Pom festivities on Friday evening, missing out on all the gab fests, friendships renewed and good plain Pom talk. This is one of the prices a judge must pay.Saturday morning arrived with threatening skies and forecast of showers. With raincoats in hand we were off to the show. Thank goodness the showers never materialized Promptly at 1045 the large well groomed ring was available and the fun began.Since all winners will be listed in this issue I will not give the dogs names in my article. The 6-9 Mo. Puppy Dog Class was reduced to one by the absence of three entries. The winner was a nice orange who with maturity and training will be heard from in future showsPuppy Dog Class 9-12 Mo. had one entry and was very well coated for a young dog.The Bred By Exhibitor Dog class winner was an overall good specimen and honest competitor but could use additional training.Winner of the Open Black, Brown and Blue Dog class was won by a very cobby black who could do with more coat and I would like a more refined muzzle.From the Open Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Dog class I picked as my winner a dog which I had judged on previous occasions and had been unimpressed by his presence. This day he was in lovely condition and showed beautifully. His over-all appearance had changed so much that I did not recall ever seeing the entry before, having beeninformed of this by owner after the judging. He went on to Winners Dog although pressed very closely by the Black and the 6-9 Puppy Dog. Reserve Winners Dog went to the Black on a close decision.The Puppy Bitch 6 to 9 class was an excellent class. On this day the winner had that extra special all around balance to get the blue ribbon. I was surprised to learn later that my 1, 2, and 4 placements in this class were litter mates.Puppy Bitch 9-12 class had only one entry. She was a good bitch with excellent color.Novice Bitch and American Bred Bitch classes both had only one entry.The Bred by Exhibitor Class had nice entry, and I found my winner to be the best all around specimen and showed well. Could use more coat.My Open Black, Brown, and Blue Bitch class winner was won by a lovely black with ample coat and the most outstanding animation these eyes have seen for sometime.Open Bitch Red, Orange, Cream and Sable winner was a very honest bitch presented in a delightful manner.In the Open, Any Other Allowed Color, both entries could use more coat.It was indeed a pleasure to see the Veteran Bitch entry, just watching this lovely centenarian 16 years plus make her way around the ring was to me a most impressive sight and she received a well deserved round of applause. Did anyone notice the way she posed for her picture My personal thanks to Laura Reed for honoring me with the presence of this grand old lady of the Pom world.Winners Bitch was awarded to the lovely animated black bitch. Reserve Winners was the lovely bitch from the 6-9 puppy class. I will be most interested to see what maturity brings for this young gal.Best of Breed Competition was very keen. The specials were lovely and showing well though some certainly were not in prime coat. My choice on this day was a lovely orange dog, very well coatedPOMERANIAN REVIEW 13in excellent condition and a superb showman who asked for it all the time. My Best of Opposite Sex nod was given an overall well balanced bitch in good condition. Best of Winners was awarded to the winners bitch.jTfic ii Ir8ST OFS'FFCMichael Wolf, Breeder and Co-owner, handles Ch. Mike-Mars Triple Crown to the Best of Breed award under Specialty Judge Forrest McCoy, as American Pomeranian Club President Darrell W. Baker presents the Trophy. Triple Crown is also owned by Mrs. Walter Jeffords.I wish to thank the club for giving me the opportunity to officiate at this show. Thanks to the exhibitors for your presence which I know from experience is made possible by much effort. In closing, I say to all of you it was wonderful, I had a ball and hope to see each of you again soon.TWO NEW COLUMNISTSSue Goddard has agreed to take over the column from the Southeast Area until Kathryn Birk is able to resume her writing. Until next issue when we will have a complete new address, send all news to Sue at 2607 Azalea Drive, Beaufort, S.C. 29902.Marge Gorman has asked to be relieved of the Helpful Hints column because of her fulltime nursing work. Margaret McKee Mrs. John R. has consented to take over, and hints should be sent to her at 7660 Idlewyld Road, Richmond, VA 23225.Overall I felt the entries were good. In many classes I wished I had more than one blue ribbon to pass out. Many of the dogs, even though they were not the winners, I feel confident will be able to attain the CH. in front of their name. It just happens that in any show we have limited winners ribbons to pass out. Having bred Poms for many years I well realize August is not the best time of year for coats. Much to my delight I did not see excess of over-trimming on entries.This was a most enjoyable assignment that will long be remembered. After the show Mary and I attended the A.P.C. meeting and enjoyed the discussions in the meeting. The dinner was very enjoyable and the very relaxed atmosphere and good fellowship were most refreshing. The reunion with old friends, the meeting of new friends and the chance to chat in the hospitality room to the wee hours of Sunday morning was delightful.MORE ABOUT CUTSIn spite of the detailed explanation on Pages 48-49 of the October Review, people are still sending payment for ads WITHOUT the extra payment for the cut. If we already have a cut on file, or if you have one and mail it to us, there is no charge for printing it. Otherwise, if your ad contains a picture, it is necessary for us to have a halftone metal engraving made of the picture. This is mounted on a block of wood the required height to go on the press. Charge for a minimum size cut is 6.00. Please be sure to send this amount with your ad copy and payment for space ordered. We will bill you for additional amount due on larger cuts. Please re-read pages 48 and 49 of the October IssueA bore is someone who persists in holding his own views after we have enlightened him with ours.Prom the Speakers Desk Book14 POMERANIAN REVIEWSPECIALTY SHOW WINNERSJudge, Mr. Forrest W. McCoyPUPPY DOGS, 6 to 9 monthsDormilonas Tequilla owned by T. E. Daniels H. W. PottebaumPUPPY DOGS, 9 to 12 monthsEmbers Stolen Moment owned by E. Marie BruceBRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGSHartmans Dutch Boy Benjie owned by Rosa H. HartmanOPEN DOGS, BLACK, BROWN BLUESilvamere Fizzles Fault owned by Barbara R. Debaugh Dianne JohnsonOPEN DOGS, RED, ORANGE, CREAM SABLETim Sues Poinciana Star owned by Sue GoddardWINNERS DOGTim Sues Poinciana Star owned by Sue GoddardRESERVE WINNERS DOGSilvamere Fizzies Fault owned by Barbara R. Debaugh Dianne JohnsonPUPPY BITCHES, 6 to 9 monthsBev-Nors Pride N Joy owned by Beverly NorrisPUPPY BITCHES, 9 to 12 monthsC-Js Carvale Candy owned by Cathy LasotaNOVICE BITCHESPetite Miss Pamela owned by Bonnie Anderson LewisBRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHESTashas Lonely Solitaire owned by Patricia B. KnouseAMERICAN BRED BITCHESTheldons Little Bit O'Honey owned by Cynthia KellerOPEN BITCHES, BLACK, BROWN BLUEBev-Nors Witchy Woman of Lennis owned by Beverly NorrisOPEN BITCHES, RED, ORANGE, CREAM SABLEScotia MDs Treasure Star Brite owned by Edna E. GirardotOPEN BITCHES, ANY OTHER ALLOWED COLORPeters Rieko OSha owned by Patricia B. KnouseVETERAN BITCHLeonardis Lil Miss Tiny Tina owned by Laura M. ReedWINNERS BITCHBev-Nors Witchy Woman of Lennis owned by Beverly NorrisRESERVE WINNERS BITCHBev-Nors Pride N Joy owned by Beverly NorrisBEST OF BREEDCh. Mike-Mars Triple Crown owned by Mrs. Walter Jeffords Michael WolfBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREEDCh. Pixies Princess Holly owned by Carol A. GalavichPOMERANIAN REVIEW 15cVTi[a GROUPfMETTYlLLE . KENNEL CLUB klein OCT 29-77CH. CHIPS OF DIAMONDGROUP 1st WIN AT FAYETTEVILLE KENNEL CLUBMrs. Marlene Scott, Handler Mrs. Michelle Billings, JudgeEMCEES POMERANIANSMorris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, Virginia 2300516 POMERANIAN REVIEWDALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUBMRS. JEWEL ELLIS, Secretary 325 S. E. 9th St.Grand Prairie, Texas 75051The Dallas-Forth Worth Pomeranian Club Specialty which was held on September 24, 1977 was a success in spite of the small entry of 33. The small entry was attributed mostly to the hot dry summer which seemed to take its toll as so many Poms were out of coat, however, we did have majors in both sexes.The quality of Poms shown were excellent making it difficult for our judge, Mrs. Lois Holcomb, to make her decisions, however, she did a very good job and was quite thorough and considerate of each and every Pom which is always appreciated.Mrs. Holcomb placed her winner as follows Winners Dog and Best of Winners was AMBERILL EXTRA EXTRA owned by Christine Simpson. Winners Bitch was TOMANOLLS LIL MISS D-D OMAC owned by Opal Mosher. Best of Opposite Sex was CH. BAYNHAMS MS. AMANDA owned by Douglas Baynham. Best of Breed was CH. ROBINHOODS THIS TIME owned by Lee Grunewald and Verna Hood. Best Puppy was TOMANOLLS LITTLE MAN owned by Opal Mosher.Judge Lois Holcoml awards Best of Breed to Ch. Kobinhoods This Time, owned by Lee Grunewald Verna Hood and handled by John D. Metz.This show was held in Grand Prairie, Texas and everything worked out perfectly as the building was just the correct size for our show, was clean and attractive. After the judging was completed and the ring equipment was removed, tables and chairs were set up for the after-show dinner. The catering service arrived and the dinner got under way. There were 41 people present for the dinner. A few more had reservations but were unable to attend. It was a most pleasant and congenial group and everyone enjoyed the barbecued dinner.After the dinner almost everyone a few had other commitments retired to Carol Sherrys home for the Hospitality hour which was most enjoyable. Carol put in a lot of time and work in preparation of this event to make it pleasant and enjoyable for everyone. Carol and her husband, Len, prepared dips, cocktail meat balls cooked in wine and cocktail sausage balls. Chips, cold drinks and beer were also served, and those who wanted to, brought their own alcoholic beverages. There were door prizes for everyone, courtesy of Estell McDonald, which was a feeding bowl and an infant feeding tube for puppies that are too weak to nurse. There was also a number drawing for a door prize which was Pom Stationary won by Verna Hood.The only new Champion recently finished is THIS TIME FOR SURE OF POM GROVE owned by Frances Freeman and Lee Grunewald. Several other members have Poms that have several points which they hope to finish soon.Now that our fall show is behind us we are looking forward to our spring show in March 1978 which will include Puppy Sweepstakes which everyone seems to look forward to. Sweepstakes seems to be gaining in popularity all the time.POMERANIAN REVIEW 17PRAIRIE WIND POMERANIANSAll of us Mercers send sincere congratulations to Opal Mosher and her Tomanoll Pomeranians on their kennel visit. Opal is truly a deserving, dedicated breeder.m,MERCERS DASH O DUKE 10 pts. Sire Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue Dam Tomanolls Tiny Tinker ToyFOR SALE TO SHOW HOME MERCERS JIGGER O DUKEJigger is 4 lbs., 9 months old, red, very sound. He is sired by Ch. Young duke X Friendly Dancing Crickett, who is a daughter of Best in Show Winner, Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge, whose Champion dam is a litter sister of Ch. Youngdukes dam. An excellent pedigree.Recent Litters Silver Meadows Wolfgang X Ch Tim Sues Love Time1 female Silver Meadows Sun-Dae Chip X Ch Bonners Starcrest Minette1 femaleSilver Meadows Sun-Dae Chip X Friendly Dancing Crickett1 femaleUpcoming Litters hopefully Silver Meadows Sun-Dae Chip X Mercers Sundoll of Corn Duke Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue X Ch. Ace His Cleopatra Cover of Apr. 75 Review Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue X Mercers Cubby Duke Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist X EaPosh Maim of Sir Echo Silver Meadows Wolfgang X Poincianna SparkeletteDan JoEIlen Mercer Phone EveningsRt. 1, Box 147, Big Springs, Neb. 69122 308-889-310918 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON SPECIALTY SHOWOctober 15, 1977Sweepstakes JudgeDarrell W. Baker, substituting for Merle Daniels who had emergency surgery the day before the show Best Puppy in Sweepstakes TOMANOLLS LIL RED MAN Owner Opal Mosher.This little male went on to Winners Dog and Best of Winners in regular classes, judged by Mr. Edd Embry Bivin.Winners Bitch Gads Chula Bandy Ice Owner, Norma Gad.Veteran Dog Ch. So-Ristic Sir Tarey- ton Owner, Mrs. D. B. Smith.Best of Breed Ch. Draftsman Wee Peppis Jolly Owner, Bill W. Tubb.Best of Opposite Sex Ch. Baynhams Ms. Amanda Owner, Douglas Baynham.CONGRATULATIONSandBEST WISHES toOur very good member and friend OPAL MOSHER on her Kennel VisitDAIXAS-FOBT WOBTH POMEBANIAN CLUBCHAMPION DUKES LIL RED BARON OF OKALABy OLGA BAKERLast week Joyce and Ralph Graves telephoned to let us know of their loss of BEAR Champion Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala. Bear died quietly in his sleep at the age of 9 years, plus.This outstanding little Pomeranian son of our Champion Corns Duke Dragonfly and from a wonderful little Aristic mama named CHERRY was bom, along with his tiny baby sister by Caesarian section April 12, 1968. The Graves, Ralph and Joyce, had experience with dogs, having been breeders and exhibitors of Great Danes. This was, however, an entirely new experience. I must interject this bit of human interest that all Pomeranian people will most certainly understand and relate to they brought these tiny creatures, very fresh only a few hours old all the way to our home across town, wrapped lovingly in warm cloths and since they were not eating yet and the little mama was not perorming her duties well yet, we attached Baron and Skeeter onto a DACHSUND mother of ours whose faucets were dripping the great nourishment the babies needed. Both Baron and Skeeter latched on immediately and siphoned that neat Dachsie milk until they fell over backward with giant fat tummies. Later in their lives we all agreed this big juicy dinner probably got them off to a good start, possibly even saved their lives.Prom there, everything went beautifully. Both Poms finished Championship easily, and both reflected quality and excellence we all work toward. Baron was a precocious little guy seemingly destined for greatness.He began a career, expertly and lovingly handled by our good friend Sharon Griffin Dwier, and went on to become the Top Toy Dog in the Nation.POMERANIAN REVIEW 19One of his greatest and most exciting achievements was the win of the Toy Group at Madison Square Garden. We were there to see that great event the exact year escapes me and will long remember the thrill of watching and sharing the excitement. This was possibly almost surpassed a year or so ago 1976 when Little Baron was again at New York for the Special Showing of Veterans Group and Best in Show Winners of the Past at Westminster, again shown by Sharon, bringing a standing ovation and tears to lots of Pom people in the audience.Barons show record 95 Best of Breeds, 45 Group 1st, 15 Group 2nds, 15 Group 3rds, and 5 Group 4ths, with 12 All-Breed Bests in Show and 2 Specialty Best of Breeds.We all express our sympathy to Ralph and Joyce Gravesplease know BARON was a terrific little Pomeranian and will always be remembered with admiration.To Miss Opal Mosher One of the loveliest ladies in the world of Pomeranians. Congratulations on your Kennel Visit.We wish you continued successOlga Darrell Baker 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586Sherrys Precious PomssendsCongratulations and Best WishestoOpal Mosheron her Kennel VisitCarol L. Sherry 3614 Bon Park Court214-270-5789 Dallas, Texas 7522820 POMERANIAN REVIEWA VISIT TO THE TOMANOLL KENNELSby ESTELL McDONALDIt is indeed an honor to do such a write-up on the kennel visit to the Tomanoll Kennels owned by my very good friend and fellow breeder, Opal Mosher. I enjoy visiting with her and her father. On each of my visits, her father who is so thoughtful, always serves me a cup of hot chocolate.Opals home and kennels are located in Waco, Texas on a 115 acre tract of land, a part of which is in pasture where she keeps her cattle.It is a pleasure to visit a kennel as beautiful as hers it is air condtioned and connected to the house by a walkway. You walk into her office and on through to the kennels with her dog kennel being off to the right side and her boarding kennel to the left side, both of which have indoor and outdoor runs. She brings her bitches into the house when they are due to whelp and keeps the puppies in the house until weaning age.Opal is in the p'rocess of building a beautiful new home and kennels with additional new rims. Her new home will be closer to the kennels. The puppy room will be 16 x 18 which will be a kennel in itself. There will be a drain in the center of the floor to be hosed down for easy clearing. She also has a steam cleaner which thoroughly cleans and sterilizes her kennels.One of her good friends, a doctor, gave her a baby incubator for immature puppies which is temperature controlled so as to have the same temperature at all times also a pair of scales which weighs to a fraction of an ounce and a sterilizer. These will be put in her new puppy room.Opal has always loved animals, especially dogs, which started when she was a very small child and just grew. Two mongrels came into her life when she was just three years of age. They left a real and lasting impression on her youngmind when they decided that her mothers baby chickens would satisfy their appetite for a little Kal Kan. Needless to say, they had to be disposed of, but her fathers explanation of their disappearance was never quite satisfactory to her.-3VrMiss Opal Mosher is seen holding, 1. to r. Sire, Ch. Tominoil's Tiny Tornado, daughter Tomanolls Chatter Box and dam, Tomanolls Tiny Tiffany All in the family.Dogs for some reason always had a way of taking up with her. As a child walking home from school, she collected them much as The Pied Piper collected his rats. Her mother had to continually insist that she return them to their rightful owners.The first purebred that she owned was a white male Boxer. He was given to her by some college girls out for their evening exercise, and it was a question as to whether the dog really belonged to them. Opal kept him until he met anPOMERANIAN REVIEW 21Father and DaughterCh. Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk 49 BOB 14 Group Placements1A.Ch. Macs Little Bit of PerfectionShort Stack now At Stud atB. G. McDonalds KennelToy Group WinnerBonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala Ch. Aristic Flaming Cherub Aristic Cherubs Wee Cherry Aristic Cherry Fireglow Ch. Terrific Topper OShady Grove Ch. Edwards Reddy Cash Golden Taressa Tomanolls Wee Go-Go GirlMaykens Wee Sprite O Tomanoll Tomanolls Miss Personality Tomanolls Wee Hooten AnnieCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Duke's Lil Red Baron of OKala Aristic Cherubs Wee Cherry Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk Ch. Edwards Reddy Cash Ch. Tomanolls Wee Go-Go Girl Tomanolls Miss Personality Ch. Queenaire Aristocrat Ch. Robinhoods Duplicate Copy Creiders Chitty Bang Bang Ch. Macs Bit of LoveCh. Jans Little Red Pod Ch. Patricks Miss Precious Bit OGold Chips Tinker BellTOMANOLLKENNELSOPAL MOSHERRt. 1, Box 1124 Waco, Texas 76710 817-848-4565POMERANIAN REVIEW22untimely death at the hands of an irate farmer while he was running the mans dairy cows.Opal purchased her first registered Collie in 1942 from Mr. Keith Randel who lived in Grandberry, Texas, and paid the fantastic price of twenty-five dollars for her. Needless to say she was not show quality hut Opal raised one litter of puppies from her and got the bug for raising puppies.Front view of Tomanoll Kennel, Boarding Area.Opal got her first good Collie from Mr. Steve Fields about twenty-five years ago, a very good bitch and a good individual. She showed Collies for a number of years but never with serious effort. They were a bit too large for her to carry to shows, but she still has some very nice Collies and raises an occasional litter. Nothing gives her more pleasure than watchng a good litter of puppies as they develope and grow.While at a dog show in Austin, Texas she stood at ringside watching Gladys Schoenberg show her Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod. She became convinced that she must some day own a kennel of those lovely little dogs.Some years later she acquired her first Pomeranians. This acquisition was quite by accident. Mrs. Orpha White, a very good friend of Opals, expressed a desire to start a kennel of toys. At Opals suggestion she purchased a nice little girl from Mrs. McDougall in Fort Worth, Texas. From this purchase came a rathernice kennel of Pomeranians. Due to illness and the death of her husband, Mrs. White turned the dogs over to Opal for several months. She finally decided to let Opal have a part of her dogs.Opal later acquired a little bitch sired by Cloningers Ch. Aristic Little Pepper Pod. This little girl whelped twice and lost both litters. Some time later she bred her to a male sired by Ch. Maykens Lil China Boy. The puppy from this breeding was bom by caesarean section that resulted in the death of the little bitch from a blood clot in her heart. Opal raised the puppy by hand and named him Tomanolls Tinker Toys Tiger. This little guy was at eight months later to go Winners Dog from the 6-9 months puppy class at the American Pomeranian Club Specialty in New York under judge Alva Rosenberg. Opal had just lost her mother previous to this show and was very despondent and had lost all interest in everything. The superintendent at the school where Opal was teaching had given her permission to take time away from school to go to the Pomeranian Specialty thinking it would help her. This win wth her Tomanolls Tinker Toys Tiger shocked her back into reality. Tiger launched the Pomeranian part of her kennel and is still Top Dog at the Tomanoll Kennels and is something special to Opal, and is still siring good ones. Opal has several nice bitches from him.Vm' 33Bear view of kennel with Opal, two little friends and some Poms in the exercise area.POMERANIAN REVIEW 23CH. MAC'S RARE ADDITIONiEddie shown winning the Toy Group at the age of 10 monthsCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Queenaire AristocratCh. Scotts Mark of Distinction Ch. Creiders Bit O Distinction Ch. Creiders Pixietown MelodyAristic Gay Playboy Ch. Jans Little Red PodAmbers Ginger of Shady Grove Macs Terrific DoUCh. Terrific Topper O Shady Grove Terrific Wendy of Shady Grove Aristic Jans CherrybelleCongratulations and Best Wishes to Opal Mosher and her Kennel VisitMACS KENNELSMr. and Mrs. B. G. McDonald 2417 Quinto Drive Dallas, Texas 75227 214-381-599524 POMERANIAN REVIEWHer next champion was a hitch sired hy Ch. Edwards Reddy Cash. This little girl is her Ch. Tomanolls Wee Go-Go Girl, who won Winers Bitch at The Garden in 1972. She hred her hack to her sire Ch. Edwards Reddy Cash and produced one male puppy who is now Ch. Tomanolls Go-Gos Wee Gigolo. A later breeding to Ch. Lil Red Baron of OKala produced two puppies, one of which is now Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk. He finished for his title in less than two months before he was eleven months of age, defeating champions while being shown from the puppy class. At this time he has gone Best of Breed 49 times and placed in Toy Group 14 times. Tomanolls Stormy Weather and little friend. Stormy will be sixteen years old in January.About twelve years ago Opal added Shetland Sheepdogs to her kennel, and now has a rather nice kennel of these little dogs that have given her a lot of personal satisfaction and pleasure. Opal has high hopes for some of the breeding that she is now working within this breed and hopes to become a serious contender in this breed in the future.Opal is an authority on Genetics and she has spent hours lecturing and explaining this fascinating subject to me which has really been worthwhile to me. I could listen to her for hours on end. Opal has given lectures on Genetics to several different groups.J3V--TomanollsMe-Me and Friend. Visiting1 is fun for everybodyOne of my greatest delights is to handle .Opals dogs in the conformation ring. Win or lose, Opal is always so enthusiastic about the sport of showing dogs and never so kennel blind as not to see the outstanding dogs bred by other breeders. To me, this makes it more enjoyable as a handler-breeder-friend.When she fell and broke her hip a short time ago, she called on me to take care of her most valuable bitches who were in whelp. I felt it an honor that she trusted me to take care of them.Besides her breeding efforts, Opal was more or less by accident pushed, a few years ago, into the boarding business. At this time she has an air conditioned kennel with twenty indoor runs and corresponding outdoor runs. The boarding business has improved each year and at times Opal finds herself holding the overflow in her arms during the vacation season.Opal teaches an obedience class one night each week which is a real source of pleasure for her. Next to her love of dogs, is people, and working with people and their dogs has been very rewarding to her.POMERANIAN REVIEW 25SCOTIA KENNELS, Reg.wishes to CongratulateOpal Mosher on her Kennel VisitTwo more champions, making 6 for year 1977. Sorry, pictures have not come in yet. They are Sparky, Funfair Joes Danny Boy and Andrews Ima Jim Dan-Lee. Sparky, full brother of Ch. Funfair Pinto OJoe Dandy, both bred by Katherine Probst. Pint, with several BIS is sired by my homebred, Ch. Scotia W Girls Joe Dandy and dams sire is my Ch. Caviliers Spectacular, double Cavilier breeding. Sparky finished in less than 4 months. Dan-Lee is another double grandson of Cavilier, and bred by Phyllis Andrews of Washington. Pedigrees under new champions.Special NoticeI am planning to have two pages facing one another in the Special Anniversary Issue, July 78. Will list Caviliers champions, wins, etc. Just wish I knew how many grandchildren he has up to the fourth generation. How nice if owners of these dogs related, came forth with a salute to his honor. With 65 American Champions and some foreign, there has to be a great number of grandchildren.SHOW BREEDING PETSCh. Scotia W Girls Joe Dandy at Stud Sire of Pinto SparkyOthers of Cavilier and Hadleigh LinesEdna E. Girardat P.O. Box 646Scotia Kennels, Reg. Floral City, Fla. 32636Phone 904-726-200126 POMERANIAN REVIEWIt is also a source of pride when one of her human students succeeds in life and equally, or almost equally, gives her a great sense of pride when one of her canine pupils makes a high score or a best in match obedience performance.Opal taught in a public school for about thirty years or so and has now been retired for two years.In closing as Opal put it, there was just one answer to the question as to what she would do after retiring and that was Go to the Dogs.KENNEL VISITThere will be no Kennel Visit in April as the April Issue will be sent to all judges licensed for Pomeranians. So support your BREED and show off your beautiful typey Poms to illustrate our Standard, reprinted once again for the benefit of all readers.SEE YOU IN NEW YORKCongratulationstoOpal Mosher on her Kennel Visit fromDoug Baynham2935 Seymour Dallas, Texas 75229CONGRATULATIONStoMiss Opal Mosher on herKennel Visit GOOD LUCK TO ALL atThe SpecialtyPLA-MOR POMERANIANS Eleanor Hyche Route 12, Box 2003 Birmingham, Alabama 35215POMERANIAN REVIEW 21Hey Look Me Over, Give Me A Cheer, This Is The First Time For Me Being HereCHIP'HATBORO DOG CLUBALL BREED AKC BAOR MATCH11 SEPTEMBER 1977PINKSTONE POKER CHIPPictured Age 3 MonthsSIRE May Morning Social Lion DAM Thelduns Hollywood SwingerLook for Chip in the ring at future shows.Continued Success to Opal Mosher on her kennel visit.Breeder-OwnerGerald J. Kripak 110 Maple Street215-828-4506 Conshohocken, Pa. 1942828 POMERANIAN REVIEWMODEL KENNELSWishes to inform all the friends and admirers ofCH. MODELS SON OF FUNof his passing from this old kennel to a better one in the sky. Sonny will be missed here, but we are proud to have had the opportunity to love and care for him for over ten years.Congratulations to Julie Brumback on finishing Sonnys daughter Ch. Julies Starbright.Also congratulations to Betty and Morris Carson on their Group 1 with their homebred Ch. Chips of Diamond.Congratulations to Opal Mosher on her Kennel Visit.MODEL KENNELS P.O. Box 3004Boh Goodrich Hampton, Virginia 23663POMERANIAN REVIEW 2SGreat Elms Kennels RegdMy Sympathy toBob Goodrich onthe loss of his great little Pom Ch. Models Son of FunCongratulations to Opal Mosher, whose Tomanoll Kennel is being visited this month.Ch. Great Elms Timpstoppers Image Stud Fee 75.00Ruth L. BeamPh 704-889-9233Nothing for SaleP.O. Box 937 Phineville, N.C. 28134IN MEMORIAM We Send Heartfelt SympathyB.I.S. Champion toModels Son of Fun Bob GoodrichHe was a great showman on the death ofa potent producer Ch. Models Son of Funand a loving companion.Our love and sympathyto his breeder-ownerBoh GoodrichJULIES STARSChampion StudsPuppies OccasionallyMargaret John McKee7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, Virginia 23225JULIE BRUMBACK1187 Nelson DriveHarrisonburg, Virginia 22801703-434-180430 POMERANIAN REVIEWFEEDING FOR BREEDINGBy DR. DAVID S. KRONFELD PhD., D.Sc., MVSc.Professor and Chief of the Nutrition Section, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary MedicineReprinted from the July, 1977 issue of Pure Bred Dogs, American Kennel Gazette by permission of the Editor.Note We regret that because of the length of this article it will have to be printed in several installments. Breeders of dogs soon learn that the performance of a bitch or pup is powerfully influenced by its food. This is demonstrated in the number of pups whelped and weaned, growth rate, condition, skin, coat, bones and trips to the winners circle. Top breeders are interested not only in feeding for survival and freedom from disease but also in feeding to promote health and to attain a high level of performance.A GENERAL APPROACHThe type of dog and the desired level of performance combine to determine requirements for food energy and nutrients. These are met by the diet and appropriate feeding management.Dogtype, breed, size, psyche, age, sex,health, diseasePerformancemaintenance, gestation, lactation,growth, hard workManagementfeeding, housing, worming, etc.Total of above determineDietingredients, composition, analysisRequirementsenergy and nutrients.THE DOGThe BREED has little influence on nutrition, with a few exceptions. Somebreeds remain loyal to carnivorous heritage and do not readily accept pre- dominently cereal diets, e.g. the Poodle. Others will consume cereals but do not digest the starch well. They produce abundant pale foamy feces which they recycle, a habit know as copreophagy. This makes good sense in regard to digestion, but some people find the consumption of feces to be somewhat distasteful. The more primitive breeds are the most frequent offenders, e.g., German Shepherds and Huskies.The SIZE of the dog is very important, especially in regard to food energy intake. One often hears that a dog should eat about 2 of its body weight in the form of dry food. That rule holds only for an average healthy adult dog, seden- tanry or nearly so, weighing about 30 lb. and fed a relatively low energy cereal- based dry food in comfortable surroundings. A dog which weighs 15 lbs. needs about 2.5 and one weighing 90 lb. needs only 1.5. In other words, the dry matter or energy intake is not a simple function of body weight. Small dogs need relatively more energy because they have a relatively greater sur- fac for heat loss per unit of body weight. This is evident in Table 1 which recommends daily intakes of the four main types of commercial dog foods. These intakes are for the maintenance of average, healthy, resting adults. Editors Note This table has been modified to show ONLY the three lowest body weights and, for contrast, that of a 66 lb. dog.PERFORMANCEThe National Research Councils Nutrient Requirements for Dogs recommends the same minimum requirements of essential nutrients for all levels of performance. Only the level of energy intake changes. This is most conveniently expressed as multiples of maintenance M, as shown in table 2. In 1969 the Federal Trade Commission accepted the NRC position and declared all dog foods which meet the NRC miniPOMERANIAN REVIEW 31mum requirements of essential nutrients for maintenance to be equal.If the NRC and FTC are right, then some dog foods are more equal than others. Manufacturers and their customers seem to agree that there should be different products for special purposes, e.g., growth, breeding, or hard work. These contain more protein and fat than is found in dry dog foods.It is possible to obtain any desired proportions of protein, fat and carbohydrate by mixing dry cereal-based products with canned meat-based products. This is the system which I recommend. For undemanding situations, such as maintenance, one uses the less expensive cereal products. For more performance, I blend in more meat. This improves palatability, digestion, absorption, and efficiency of utilization of nutrients.The American Association of Feed Control Officials has a set of protocols for testing pet foods. One product is fed through growth, or gestation and lactation, or the whole life cycle. Observations are made on growth rate, skin condition, every illness and medication, and red blood cells. These protocols were developed by veterinarians and nutritional scientists in the pet food companies. They reflect the facts that the red cells of the dog are exquisitely sensitive to dietary protein and that the bitch will lose weight during lactation unless she is fed a diet which is palatable and efficiently digested. AAFCO allows a 10 deviation from pre-pregnant weight at whelping and a 15 deviation at weaning. How many of you would tolerate a 15 weight loss in a valuable bitchMost of the adverse criticism which led to the AAFCO protocols was aimed at meat-based products. It has turned out, however, that products which are rich in animal fat and meat readily met the standards, while cereal-based products were more liable to fail. Nearly all of the best-sellers increased their protein contents from about 23 to about 28 dry basis and the fat content fromabout 5 to 10, the point at which fat will bleed through paper wrappings. These higher levels of fat and protein are needed to meet protocol requirements for growth, gestation and lactation. Then companies which had upgraded their main lines brought out new cereal products containing only 15 protein and 4 fat, intended for maintenance only.I have reservations about feeding the least expensive, low protein and low fat products to dogs held at maintenance between breedings. Maintenance is simply not a good test of nutritional merit all foods look alike because the dog is not asked to do anything. Nutritional inferiority remains present but unexpressed. What latent or subclinical deficiencies may she harbor on a marginal diet Recent tests have shown widespread subclinical iron deficiency in women, for example. Red cells reflect the chemical form of dietary iron and the quality as well as the quantity of protein, especially when protein content is low. In our studies of racing sled dogs, the greatest difference in red cell parameters between a diet of 40 and 53 protein was expressed after six months of feeding. If I had any dog with prospects of high performance, I would keep its proten over 30 and fat over 15 during maintenance periods interspersed through its life.ENERGY AND NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTSThe 1974 NRC recommends optimal requirements for food energy and minimal requirements for 26 nutrients. These are protein, fat, linoleic acid the main polyunsaturated fatty acid, 11 minerals and 12 vitamins. The 1972 NRC also recommended UPPER LIMITS for carbohydrate, protein and polyunsaturates. The simplest approach to a complete or balanced ration is to provide an optimal amount of food energy plus minimal requirements of essential nutrients without exceeding any maximal or toxic Continued on Page 7232 POMERANIAN REVIEWCIRCULATIONMANAGERMRS. PATRICIA D. BROOKS 102 Jefferson Lane Ladson, S.C. 29456POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION8.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada, Mexico 8.50 Foreign 9.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBER S SUBSCRIPTION RATE 4.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUESWrite Circulation ManagerAvailable at 1.00 Each1962 Dec. 51963 July 4, Oct.1968 AprilAvailable at 1.25 Each1969 Jan. 3, Oct. 41970 July, Oct.1971 Jan., April, July1972 Jan., April, Oct.Available at 1.50 Each1973 April, Oct. 21974 Jan., July1975 July 10, Oct. 121976 Jan., April, JulyAvailable at 2.00 Each1976 Oct.1977 Jan., April, July, Oct.BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBBy BARBARA YOUNGThe big news this issue is that our Specialty will be held in conjunction with a different all-breed club, and at an earlier date. We will hold our show this year with the South Shore Kennel Club Show on Saturday, April 15, 1978. The location is the Bay State Raceway in Foxboro, Massachusetts. We will have a separate area for Pom exhibitors, as well as an area for our annual buffet. Additional information is available elsewhere in this issue. Our Fall match was held on Sept. 10 at the Foxboro, Massachusetts, home of Charles and Amy McKay. Our good fortune of sunny matches was broken by heavy rains, which upset the obedience entries. Judge Ruth Terrys choice for Best in Match was an orange sable bitch which had been Best Puppy at our Spring Match Topaze Mary Fris- kie, owned by Francis Casey. Best Puppy in Match was a 10 week old orange sable male, Patrick, owned by Jessie and Barbara Young.Congratulations to Nancy Vayo of Saco, Maine, whose clear orange male, Topaze Acie Ducie, finished his championship at the Vacationland Dog Club Show in Scarborough, Maine. Acie is Nancys first champion and was entirely owner- handled to his title. He is the third dog from his litter to finish.Another orange male is nearing his championship Jabils Jiminy Cricket, owned by Virgina and Robert Claar and handled by Ginny, has come within a major of finishing. Jiminy was Winners Dog at the Cheshire County, Wachusett and Greater Lowell shows.Francis Caseys sable bitch, Topaze Mary Friskie, was W.B. and B.W. for 1 point at Lewiston-Auburn, and W.B. for two points at Vacationland.We also have a new obedience titlist Robinsons Wee Wolf, owned by Judith Robinson, earned his C.D. in three straight shows this summer, scoring 192, 195 and 198, finishing on his third birthday.POMERANIAN REVIEW 33POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER DES MOINESBy TONY SHORT 2850 E. Douglas Des Moines, Iowa 50317Well 1977 was quite a year for our club. It started out by being refused for A match status by the AKC, and ended up not only being approved but holding our first A match on November 5th. Now looking forward to 1978 we have a very busy schedule to try for. Our second A match will be in May and we HOPE that we can have our first show in September We know that this may be rushing things a bit but we are still planning on it and will do everything in our power to make it work.One thing that could help us is that four of the Des Moines area Specialty Clubs have gone together and are planning to hold a combined show on Friday night before the Des Moines show. Because we have been active in the formation of this combined club, they have asked us to sit in on their meetings even though we have not reached show status yet. This is a great chance for us and our Poms the possibility of three major shows on one weekend all with in 30 miles of each other.In September we had our annual meeting and the following officers were elected to officePresident ________ Beulah HochstedlerVice-President __________ Betty ShortTreasurer ____________ Gwen HodsonSecretary ______________ Tony ShortBoard Members Bonnie Hodson, Joyce Grimm, Leona Rhoads, Patricia Miller, and Wilmer Lyons.Our first A match as mentioned above was held on November 5th in the West Des Moines Community Center. I feel that we had a good turnout considering the fact that we had less then 4 weeks from approval to day of match. Our judge was Darrel Smith from Des Moines and he did a very good job andhad some real tough decisions to make. Mr. Smiths winners wereBest in MatchPom Puf Lucky Chance, Gwen Bonnie HodsonBest of Opp. SexPom Puf Foxi Forget Me Not, Gwen Bonnie Hodson.Best Puppy In MatchRockys Ole Winder, Merle Virginia Rockhold.Just a word about the Presidents message in the October issue asking for clubs to host the summer specialty. I agree with Darrell 100 and would like to see more clubs hosting it. Dont be afraid to ask or to try. No club could start with less experience than we did. And I cant begin to describe the interest that is generated in the club as your plans take shape. We did not have a single question that was not answered by either the APC winter show commit tee, the show superintendent, the Des Moines Kennel Club, or the Motel where we had our hospitality room. So you can see that you can get all kinds of expert advice even if your club members lack experience or have never put on a show. Our club offers our help in any way we can. We have kept a record of everything that we did. We will make these records available to any club that might want to use them for ideas.We want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.14 POMERANIAN REVIEWGADS CHULA POMSCMtGamblerwelcomes his daughter to thefamilys winning ways Ataway to go, KidCh. Queenaire Gamboling ManBrandystarted her show career by going from the 9 mo. Puppy Class to the pointsat the Houston Specialty under Judge Edd Bivin. Presented of course by our good friend Bill Kennedy.Irn ttyGads Chula Brandy IceAlso winning up a storm is a California son, Queenaire Gamblers Chance. Following closely on Chances heels will be another son,Queenaire Gambling Dude who will be in the ring in the spring.In Canada, his daughter, Gads Chula Dusky Dawn litter sister to Brandywill start in the spring.Gambler is at Stud in Texas to approved bitches.Occasionally we do have a quality puppy for sale.Norma C. Gad Ph. 915-584-09425908 Westside Rd. El Paso, Texas 79932POMERANIAN REVIEW 3C-^iieenciLre .__^Kenneli oj C^uilJ^omLPresenting . . .ormcirm^.'.NSVH. QUEENAIRE LACY LADYCh. Queenaire Double Scotch X Queenaire MLadyToy Group 1 from the Open Class under Judge Derek Rayne Queenaire Autumn Orange, Lacys litter sister, made her show dehut by taking a 3 point major at Stockton.' .. r..........ivmWCH. QUEENAIRE GAMBLING DUDECh. Queenaire Gamboling Man X Queenaire Davy DukBest of Winners under Mrs. Hatch at the Reno Kennel Club.Dudley and Wanda Roach612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, Calif. 95350 Ph. 209-527-5179Handler Phyllis T. Greer16 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBBy J. M. STEPHENSBy the time you all read this column, we will he on our way East after a stay in Georgia. Perhaps we may he able to meet with Pom people in this area and get to know some more of the good people we have met in this breed. To the people in the area we will say a sad farewell, we have enjoyed all the hospitality that has been so freely given. I always like to think that dogs bring out the best in people, they do certainly make friends for you this we know. Many breeders have made our stay worthwhile and the knowledge we have gained will be accepted in the future and we will remember all the good advice we have been given and try and live up to the standards that these people have set. I sincerely hope that we can communicate with them over the coming years. It is nice to keep in touch. I wish sincerely that some of the older breeders would be remembered more, letters and a phone call mean a lot, we will all be in that position at some time and I hope I will be getting letters and a call now and again, so remember them now, while they can appreciate it. We made an exciting trip to Albemi, Canada, with our Golden Glow Poms and had a good weekend bringing home 9 points in all, a Best Puppy, WD three days and WB and BOS to Specials. Cinnamon Banner is still doing his thing winning the Breed and placing in the Group, a lovely Pom indeed. 1978 will see a whole new crop of new hopefuls for the ring. Phyllis Andrews has a lovely puppy dog, watch for him. Erin Hundley has two new babies by Jabils Extra Special. They look very promising.Irene Harbin, who has been doing all the winning with her little female Andrews Almost An Angel, and her home bred male Harbins Indestructible Jim. He took the breed on the hop three times. She has a lovely little female siredby The late Golden Glow Tigre, the sire of so many really beautiful Poms, Good luck Tigger, I wish you well.Mary and Byrl Rosenbaum, have some puppies sired by Rebelsun Spark. Also Mary will have a surprise for you with another puppy. Hope he turns out to be all you hope Mary. I hear Helen Krafcik has a female by Cinnamon Banner who looks good. So you see if you all get together, we will have some Poms to be proud of. Share of your knowledge and get together in the spirit of Xmas always, you are all grand people. Lets see the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club go forward and eventually have their so hoped for point show. It can be done. You people are great, just get together more and share.Wins around here have been mostly the same. We have not had a great turnout recently, so I hope that 78 will bring you all out with all these good Poms. Banner has been the top winner around here when shown, and is unbeaten to date.I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. McGilbry for their friendship and advice given so freely, and I will sure miss all the lovely Poms they now have coming along. They really have some top puppies in their kennel, with fabulous coats. Elva is still very much interested in the Pom and is still a breeder to be contended with. I would have not missed meeting with them for anything, and will miss them more than I can say but we will keep in touch and I am proud to have some of her lovely dogs to take East with me. Thank you both, you are the greatest.So to all Pom Lovers everywhere, a belated Happy Xmas and lots of luck in the New Year, to the people in this area, thanks for everything, we have loved you all. A sincere Goodbye to the Pacific Northwest.One nice thing about egotists they dont talk about other people.Lucille Harper in Good HousekeepingPOMERANIAN REVIEW 37ANDREWS POMERANIANSIN MEMORY OF OUR CH. SCOTIA CAVILIERS JUNGLE JIMJAN, 14, 1966 AUG. 3, 1977It is with much sorrow that we make this announcement. Jim was a great little, dog. He produced many champions with more of his get now pointed or being readied for the show ring.We happily Congratulate his latest Champion son, and owner, Edna Girardot.CH. ANDREWS IMA JIM DAN LEEEdna has helped us so much. First she sent us Dan Lees dam, ourAM. CAN. CH. SCOTIA CAVS A-TISKET A-TASKET A Cavilier DaughterNext she sent us his sire, our lovely Jungle JimCH. SCOTIA CAVILIERS JUNGLE JIMA Cavilier SonJungle Jim was a prepotent stud. He produced well within his line as Dan Lee is an example and on out-cross bitches as our AM. CAN. CH. ANDREWS PICS JIMBO photo in Oct. 77 Review proves.We have here other sons of both Tish and JJ and will be using them in our planned breedings along with Jimbo this winter. We hope to have something to offer you in the future, but only after we fill the orders we now have for both show and breeding stock.THANK YOU EDNA, for our Tish and our love, Jungle Jim, who is now buried in a special place in my heart. Never will there be another JJ, who gave us not only Champions, but loving companionship, spending his time alongside my bed every day and night I have spent there. His son Boo now shares that spot ALONG WITH JIMS MEMORY.Clyde and Phyllis Andrews Woodinville, Wash. 980727915 224th St. Ph 206-486-730138 POMERANIAN REVIEWAnd now Gordos. daughter,Phyner Chocolate SurprisebtKISSIEProm 6-9 mos. Puppy Class, at 6 months and 10 days old Winners Bitch Best of Winners Best Opposite Sex over SpecialsTwo Cities K. C. 101577 Mrs. Frank Nishimura, Judge owner handledDr. Mrs. Lawrence M. Trauner 2025 Lyon St.San Francisco, California 94115POMERANIAN REVIEW 39Monica of Point Loma.43E3 lbs. of black dynamiteShown winning W.B. for 3 pts., under Judge Ruth Turner at Rock Creek K. C. 101677. Bitsie has additional wins under Judges James Reynolds, Charles Kellogg and Dorothy Bonner for a total of 7 points during the month of October. Thanks to Pauline B. Hughes, her breeder for letting us have her. And to the above Judges for their approval of her. She is handled to perfection by Marlene Scott.Owners 2025 Lyon St.Dr. Mrs. Lawrence Trauner San Francisco, Cal. 9411540 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SALLY BAUGNIET Corresponding Secretary Rt. 1, Box 99, Mishicot, Wi. 54228Officers elected for the new year are as followsPresident_____________ Nadine Hersil1st Vice President _____ Lucius Luccas2nd Vice President and Historian---------JudyZurkowskiRecording Secretary__Carmen GlanderTreasurer_____________ Elinor LuccasCorresponding Sec...........Sally BaugnietPom Paw Prints Editor...Judy ZurkowskiOdette Nolan resigned her position as Editor because of health reasons. I am sure Odette would appreciate hearing from you, hut please address all correspondence pertaining to Club business to the corresponding secretary.We have successfully completed two AKC Sanctioned A matches, but lack the minimum number of members AKC feels we need to show them we have enough support for a pointed show. If you would want to show your support by becoming a member of the K.C.P.C., please contact me.An AKC sanctioned B match was approved and held Sept. 10, 1977 at Luells Kennels. We had beautiful weather, beautiful grounds, beautiful dogs and a beautiful show. Our judge was Linda George. The Luccass were Match Chairmen.The Match results are as follows Puppies were not divided by sex. 2-4 mo. 1Pomirish Sweet N Sour Breeder- owner, Sally Baugniet. 2 Nolans Fancy Dragonfly Dream Breederowner, C. O. Nolan. 3Nolans Stormy Rebel ODukie Breeder, R. Pfister Owner, C. O. Nolan.4-6 mo. 1Luells Flamingo April Love Breederowner, L. E. Luccas. 2 Canterbury Tisnt Either Breeder- owner, J. Zurkowski. 3 Canterbury Taint So Breederowner, J. Zurkowski.6-9 mo. 1D-Nees Dawdling Dumplin Breederowner, N. Hersil.9-12 mo. 1Carmal Breeder, L. E. Luccas owner, C. Walsh. 2Topciks KIKI Tea Breederowner, R. D. Topcik. 3Luells Golden Penny of Holm Breeder, L. E. Luccas Owner, D. Holm.American Bred Dog. 1Pomirish Lil Guy Breederowner, S. Baugniet. 2 Luells Reddy Fredie Breeder, L. . E. Luccas Owner, J. Zurkowski.Open Dog. 1Pomirish Pooh Bears Tigger Breederowner, S. Baugniet. 2Luells Cajun Dragonfly Breeder- owner, L. E. Luccas.American Bred Bitch. 1Canterburys Sassaf rass T. Breederowner, J. Zurkowski. 2Pomirish Glory Reclaimed Breeder, Ken Griffith Owner, S. Baugniet. 3D-Nees Nchanting Nimue Breederowner, N. Hersil. 4Nolans Lucky Cherry Dancer Breeder, N. Epps J. Sylvester owner, C. O. Nolan.Open Bitch. 1Nemracs Elegant Buttercup Breederowner Carmen Glander. 2Luells Lil Angel of Duke Breederowner, L. E. Luccas.Veteran. 1CH. Toy Towns Dandy Com Duke Breeder, J. Loporto Owner, L. E. Luccas. 2CH. Queenaires Jigger OScotch Breeder, K. Noble Owner, N. Hersil.Best Puppy in Match Pomirish Sweet N Sour.Best Adult in Match Nemracs Elegant Buttercup.Four dogs were entered in the Parade of ChampionsCH. POMIRISH BUBBLES LIL SQUIRT BREEDER OWNER, S. BAUGNIET.CH. TOYTOWNS DANDY CORN DUKE BREEDER, J. LOPORTO, OWNER, L. E. LUCCAS.CH. LUELLS KUKLA BOY OF DUKE BREEDEROWNER, L. E. LUCCAS.CH. POMIRISH WINNIES TUF TIGGER BREEDEROWNER, S. BAUGNIET.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4RICCIS CHERIDEL POMERANIANS PRESENTS CH. RICCIS EDNEY STAR SPANGLED DIXIEDixie is shown winning a 4 pt. major under Dr. Field at Harrisburg K.C. on March 19, 1977. Thanks to all the judges who liked her.Very Special Thanks ToOur good friend Sadie Ray Edney for breeding Dixie and letting us have her to love.Michele Phillips, co-owner, who did a really great job of presenting Dixie and put all but 2 pts. on her.-Dixie finished with two 4 pt. majors. She is a ZVz lb. free-whelping orange sable, extremely cobby, tiny ears and terrific legs.Ch. Dixie and others are expecting puppies by our little boy, Post Script Bold Venture Image son. These are Great Elms and Showstopper lines.Watch for Dixies nephew Cheridel Country Gentleman with Michele at the shows.Dixies Pedigree In Behind The New Champions.Carol Ricci311 Cherry Hill Road West Reisterstown, Maryland 21136 Ph. 301-833-8468The Stud Book is still available for 6.00. It includes pedigrees of breeders from many parts of the U.S. and Canada.If you want to see the best array of Poms assembled anywhere in the world, well be looking forward to seeing you at the A.P.C. February Specialty in New York. These Poms will take your breath away. This is your chance to meet some of the nicest doggy people in the U.S. The trip is worth saving for.PET COUNTToday there are more pets than people in the U.S. We have approximately 36 million dogs, 36 million cats, 23 million birds and 125 million miscellaneous pets. Including Gold Fish Ed. We spent four times more money on pets than babies 5.5 BILLION. From the Florida Veterinary Medical Newsletter.42 POMERANIAN REVIEWOHIO POMERANIAN CLUBby MARY STRASLICKA 4109 Grafton Rd.Brunswick, Ohio 44212On October 2, 1977, the OPC held, its Fun Match at the Toledo Kennel Club Clubhouse at 2802 Airport Highway, Toledo, Ohio. This is the perfect location for a match the size of ours, although there was room for plenty more entrants. Tho the numbers were few, I must say, the cream of the crop was there. From hearsay and from my own experience, I know this was a bad year for puppies. This was evidenced by the fact that there were no Jr. puppies present. With puppies so hard to come by, I can -understand why the little ones would have stayed at home, if indeed anyone had any. Our youngest was bom last December and he was in the 9-12 month class. I would like to give credit to all who attended, but I am limited by space, so my sincere thanks will have to suffice.Our judge, Mrs. Gerry Brewer, chose as her Best Senior Puppy, a lovely little boy from the 6-9 month class Mi Tiny Tim owned by Nellie Sprunger. Best Adult Pom was a little man who was fortunate enough to be wearing a full coat at this time of the year Lordonns Patrick owned by Borin Mohn. Featured in the Parade of Champions was that famous little lady Im sure we have all heard about by now Ch. Marlorns Chocolate Chip owned by Mary Loren Straslicka.The winner of the 31 piece set of Libby Glass ware was Nellie Sprunger. It was a sort of door prize for which all exhibitors were given a chance. Congratulations to all winners and many, many thanks to all who showed up to really make our day. After the drawing, the Mohns treated us all to a fine dinner which really hit the spot. Donna is a terrific cook as many times as Ive been in Toledo, I have never come home hungry. I would also like to thank all the Continued on Page 70EDITORIALWith his thumb, a hitchhiker says, You furnish the gas, car, attend to the upkeep and repairs, supply the insurance, and Ill ride with you. But if you have an accident, Ill sue you for damages.It sounds pretty one-sided, but one does wonder how many hitchhikers there are in many organizations and associations. So many members seem to say, You go to the meetings, serve on boards and committees, do the paperwork, study the issues, contact the judges and take care of all the things that need doing, and Ill go along for the ride. If things dont suit my fancy, Ill complain, criticize and may get out and hitchhike with another group .The paragraphs above are borrowed from the Japanese Chin Clubs Gazette column. They in turn had appropriated them from another source, and the actual author is unknown.In almost every dog oriented organization, the number of Drivers can be counted on the fingers. Not only is the total small and fairly constant, but in many instances the names remain the same year after year after year.So it is in the American Pomeranian Club. If members were to take pen in hand and jot down a list of workers serving our Club, the short list might not even include every officer and Board member, but it would certainly make mention of a few additional members whose essential jobs are done quietly, competently and faithfully.Not every member can serve on the Board there are only 12 positions available. Only a few can BE THERE in person to do a given job, be it that of Show Chairman, Circulation Manager of the Review or what have you. But EVERY MEMBER can contribute SOMETHING besides Annual Dues.To go back to our original analogy, the hitchhiker can buy a tankful of gasoline, take a turn at the wheel or at the very least read the road map. SoPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4f-^Lxie S crest f^t omerarucindPuppiesCarol A. Galavich Ph. 614-458-1705fflNr.ftCh. Pixies Princess Holly Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breedat the American Pomeranian ClubSummer SpecialtyInquiries InvitedStud ServiceRt. 1, Box 37 Powhatan Pt., Ohio 43942our members may help with the financial support of the Specialty Show with trophies, catalogue ads and entries, attend the Annual Meeting and speak up on important issues, take the time to vote and return ballots promptly, contribute both articles and from time to time advertising support to the Review, and in some way or fashion help make the Drivers job easier.If the road is rough and the Driver is having a difficult time keeping the car out of the ditch, criticism is not the answer. If you could do it BETTER, offer your services.And so as we start another year, we would like you to keep this thought in mind If all you do is pay your Annual Dues and Review Subscription, you are a Hitchhiker in our organization.A POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional details as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 10.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 4.50.CH. ANDREWS IMA JIM DAN-LEERed MaleBreeder, Phyllis Andrews Owner, Edna E. Girardot Floral City, FloridaCh. MeKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Caviller Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Cavillers Jungle Jim SireCh. Sungolds Sensational Kid Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Princess AtonyaCh. McKamey's Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Caviller Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Cavs A-Tisket A-Tasket DamCh. Scotia Cavillers Tohy Tyler All-Star Tohys Lil Tidbit GreyfalFs Julio JulietCH. TIM SUES POINCIANA STAROrange maleBreeder, Mrs. R. E. Inscho Owner, Sue Goddard Beaufort, S.C.Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Goldsmoke Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist SireCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepper-K Gold Mist Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Tim Sues Lil Love BugSilver Meadows Gay Lil Music Poinciana Love Melody DamJilltaras Golden Boy Poinciana Contessa Models JulieCH. SILVER MEADOWS FROSTEE CUBCream maleBreederOwner, Jacquelyn Klein Silver Springs, N.Y.Ch. Highland Flashalong Ch. Highland SunflashHighlands Ristic Petite Ch. Silver Meadows Sun-Dae Cub Sire Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae Ch. Myway Dae DreamMyway Dawning Delightful Day Ch. Bonners Prettystyle Preshus Oak Hill ThornOak Hills Crickett Silver Meadows Ruffles DamCh. Highland Sunflash Silver Meadows SunwinkStiver Meadows Miss WinkumsCH. POMIRISH WINNIES TUF TIGGEROrange maleBreederOwner, Sally Baugniet Mishicot, WisconsinCh. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Caviller Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular SireCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Princess AtonyaMorenos Sunny San of Hadleigh Shamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Ch. Morenos Lady-Be-Good Ch. Pomirish Winnie The Pooh DamCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da O CavillerCh. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey BrochureViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEW 45CH. FUNFAIR JOES DANNY BOY 4 lb. orange male Breeder, Katherine R. Probst and Joy Brewster Owner, Edna E. Girardot Floral City, FloridaCh. Hadleigh Little Robin Ch. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Lunds Adorable Chubby Ch. Scotia W Girl Little Joe Dandy Sire Ch. Sungolds Gay Caviller Ch. Scotia Cavilers Wonder Girl Devas Wonder Girl Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavillers Spectacular Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Funfair Speckys Petra-O-Prise DamD D Guys Toy Ch. Schonheits Surprise Francis Red BirdCH. BROWNS FANCY-MARKELLAOrange-FemaleBreeder-Owner Wilma Jean Brown Indianapolis, IndianaCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper Dixieland's Little Miss Judy Ch. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Sire Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Millamors Melody Box Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners FancypepperCh. Bonners Peppersweet Fancy Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-B Dam Ch. Bonners Smokie Pepper Chico Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Bonners Showstopper FarriCH. POMIRISH CREAM PUFFCream femaleBreederOwner, Sally Baugniet Mishicot, WisconsinHis Majesty of Hadleigh Morenos Sunny San of Hadleigh Morenos Orange Sand Pebbles Shamrocks Pomirish Gem Smokey Sire Morenos Chico Peco Ch. Morenos Lady-Be-Good Willi Bs Trick N Treat Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs SpectacularCh. Sunsets Personal Conquest Scotia Double Gr Da O Cavilier DamCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Way Brochure Ch. Scotia Golden FantasyCH. McKAMEYS COUNTESS GLORY GOLDOrange femaleBreederOwner, Mrs. Norris McKamey Bettendorf, IowaCh. Scotia Cavaliers Billy Joe Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier JoeKen Gay Merribell Peanut Ch. McKameys Cavalier of Gold SireCh. Willogayles Timstopper Willogayles Red CopperWillogayles Copper Penny Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Billy Joe Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier JoeKen Gay Merribell Peanut Ch. McKameys Gold Countess Dam McKameys Sundawn Superior McKameys Sundawn Charissa Tholes ChickieCH. McKAMEYS WEE BONNIE LASS Red orange female Breeder, Mrs. Norris McKamey Owner, Raymond Lacey Davenport, IowaCh. Sungolds Gay Cavalier Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Billy Joe Beland Little Sandra Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe SireCh. Ken Gay Milo Peanut Ken Gay Merribell Peanut Ken Gay Merribell MarBi Leas Twinkle Toes Ch. Willogayles Timstopper Shareds TrixieWillogayles Ked Copper DamBrewers Little Chipper Willogayles Copper Penny Petite Pom Pom BrewerCH. McKAMEYS JUST A HONEYOrange maleBreederOwner Mrs. Norris McKamey Bettendorf, IowaCh. Scotia Cavaliers Billy Joe Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier JoeKen Gays Merribell Peanut McKameys Cavalier Honey Gold SireCh. Gold Blackacre Honeys Sailor Doars Manor Mitzi Andersly Afulabella Ch. MeKameys Sunbeaus Just Me McKameys Sundawn Superior Trudy of the Preservenes McKameys Pepper Maid DamStimson's Goldfinger McKamey's Little Dutchess Pearls DutchessPOMERANIAN REVIEW46Behind The New ChampionsCH. McKAMEYS CAVALIER S JENIFERRed. orange femaleBreederOwner, Mrs. Norris McKamey Bettendorf, IowaCh. Scotia Cavaliers B,illy Joe Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier JoeKen Gay Merribell Peanut McKameys Cavaliers Honey Gold SireCh. Gold Blackacre Honeys Sailor Doars Manor MitziAndersly Afulahella Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Billy Joe Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier JoeKen Gay Merribell Peanut McKameys Cavaliers Deborah Dam Stimsons Goldfinger McKameys Little Dutchess Pearls DutchessCH. MeKAMEYS ENCHANTING BEN JOZVz lb. Red maleBreederOwner, Mrs. Norris McKamey Bettendorf, IowaCh. McKameys Sundawn Just Gold Ch. McKameys Just EnchantingCh. McKameys Sundawn Gold Nina Ch. McKameys Enchanting Pepper Sire McKamey's Sundawn Superior McKameys Pepper MaidMcKameys Little Dutchess Ch. McKameys Sundawn Enchanting Ch. McKameys Sundawn JoelCh. McKamey's Sunbeaus Beauty McKameys Blossom Jo DamCh. McKameys Sundawn Just Gold McKameys Just A QueenCh. McKameys Sundawn QuimbvCH. GLAD ALL OVER AT ROSSKEAROrange male Breeder, N. Staff Owner, DavonShire Kennel Hollywood, FloridaEng. Ch. Models tar of Hadleigh Eng. Ch. Hadleigh Starlight Hadleigh Zoira of Zanow Eng. Ch. Hadleigh Supersonic SireHadleigh Beau Geste Eng. Ch. Hadleigh Dolly Dimple Hadleigh Annarbe Sunset Pride Cynpegs Saymar Gay Gambler Eng. Ch. Wynwrights Mid Winter Boy Bulver My Fair Lady Winter Sunbeam of Kinglands DamEng. Ch. Mosey the Menace Little Menace of Ringlands Ringlands Thank GoodnessCH. RICCIS EDNEY STAR SPANGLEDOrange sable female Breeder, Sadie Edney Owners, Carol E. Ricci and Michele PhillipsCh. Blairs Solitaire Dunns Little TomstopperMay Morning Sweet Mary Ann May Morning Wee Gremlin SireAm. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie MidnightCh. May Morning Bewitching Witch Ch. May Morning Black Magic Ch. May Morning Brave Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Edneys Sweet Dixie DamDunns Little Tomstopper Edneys Pride of Tomstopper Edneys Miss Muffet XUNew PUPPY LOVE N CARE GuideTo promote responsible pet ownership, Howell Book House has just released an attractive FREE 12 page booklet full of sound advice and real guidance for new puppy owners. This booklet is written and illustrated by Carol Lea Benjamin, author of DOG TRAINING FOR KIDS, named Best Childrens Book of the Year by the Dog Writers Association of America. Its available at most pet supply outlets, bookstores, and from the publisher, HOWELL BOOK HOUSE INC, 730 Fifth Avenue, New York,N.Y. 10019.POMERANIAN REVIEW 47rLLL Pomeranians Proudly PresentsCh. LLL Lucky Gold Heidi B LLL Lucky Gold Trumps DHeidi finished at 10 months with 3 BOB from classes, Group II after defeating 2 specials. Trumps nearly finished, 2 BOB, once over special. Watch for Holly, their full sister, in '78.FOR SALE Orange Sable 5 male Sire Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge Squire Vz brother to Heidi Trumps, 3 orange, proven. Beevie Trumps 3 littermate, Darling, baby face, for pet.Janice Luginsland R- RPh.316-884-5157 Americus, Ks. 66835Pom AcresPom Acres Ginger Doll, our lovely Bing daughter congratulates her Grandson, Ch. Lil-Jon Squire of Mt. Vernon, and his owners Lillian and John Cribbs, on his newly acquired title. Lil-Jons Aunt, PomAcres Ginger-bred Cookie says Good Luck on your new Twin Pines Kennel.Several Tiny, typey males, possibly available, black and orange, excellent stud prospects. Whelped August, 1977.SHOWSTOPPER, TOMSTOPPER, NANJO, and some GREAT ELMSBLOODLINES.Our deepest sympathies to Sophie Mayes on the loss of her much loved Ch. May Morning Hokus Pokus.Congratulations Lennis on your latest load. Wish we could do as well.Cathy and Jim Miller 11521 Luther Drive703-368-5719 Manassas, Va. 211048 POMERANIAN REVIEWAKC Toy Pomeraniansj]c^ J\cimeij J ddundciwn _________'KennethRoute 1 Bettendorf, Iowa 52722 Phone 355-7775We Proudly Present Our Homebred 1977 Pomeranian Stars CH. McKAMEYS JUST A HONEY Orange male CH. McKAMEYS COUNTESS GLORY GOLD Orange female CH. McKAMEYS ENCHANTING BEN JO Red male CH. McKAMEYS CAVALIERS JENIFER Orange femaleWe kindly give a Great Big Thank You to the eminent judges for placing our homebred Pomeranians.M. Grybinski H. Bishop M. Beam S. Rowe G. Wolf R. Wills J. FaigelF. Oberstar H. Hartley A. Treen R. Hunter N. Cicciatore A. R. ClarkE. Klinkhardt W. Burrows Eng. J. Carter C. Bosold M. BakerI. de la Torre BuenoMany Thanks to the Able Handling of Darlene Wilkinson, Wayne Janie Bousek.Congratulations too, to one of our homebreds and her new owner, Ray Lacey CH. McKAMEYS WEE BONNIE PRINCESSNew litters of lovely puppies and hopefully new future champions. Some from above new champions and others from similar breeding.5 CHAMPIONS AT STUD-FEES ON REQUESTPOMERANIAN REVIEW 49c1'CH. SILVER MEADOWS FROSTEE CUBWell of course he finished Excelling in both soundness and type, we are justifiably proud of Frostee See his pedigree inBehind the New ChampionsWe Offer For Sale Danny. 8 mos. old male by Dash out of a Ch. TigerCh. Flicker daughter. Bright clear orange, outgoing personality, should finish. Litter sister to Danny. The female everyone seems to look for a brood size show prospect Pooh-Chee. 6 mos. orange female sired by Ch. Lil Chief out of a Duke granddaughter, a show-off, nice. New litter of three, rich red color sired by Dash out of Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun. 2 m, 1 f.Ron and Jackie Klein West Lake RoadPh. 716-237-5473 Silver Springs, N.Y. 14550POMERANIAN REVIEW50OBEDIENCERINGbyEMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112What great news we have to report in our special obedience issue A Pomeranian Tracking Dog degree and also a new Utility degree The T. D. is SILVAKRESS VIVA, trained by her owner, Claudia J. Frank of Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. Congratulations to Viva and Claudia on their accomplishment, whch we know indicates much hard work and concentration. Claudia writesI am very proud to announce that my Pomeranian bitch, Silvakress Viva recently completed her TRACKING DOG DEGREE pending AKC conf.. She passed her tracking test, the first try, at a Tracking Trial sponsored by the Twin Cities Obedience Training Club in Minnesota on October 2nd.Viva is a 4^4 lb. plump ball of shaded orange energy. She is sired by Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan out of my own bitch, Gala Rockys Fluf n Puff, C.D.. She was whelped on Friday the 13th of August in 1976, which means she is 14 months old . . . and not unluckyAfter completion of Galas C.D. degree and before her breeding I had begun some tracking work with her. Unfortunately I did not go about the training in the correct manner and never could quite convince her, after using my husband at the end of the trail as the reward, that she wasnt looking for someone out there. At this point I began reading Glen Johnsons great book, Tracking, Theory and Method. I read and reread this very thorough and complete book during the very cold winter we had here. In the spring it becameevident that Viva, with her tremendous energy and eager eater attitude, wanted to be my tracker. We began working on a regular basis and moved to a new home located in an area of abundant fields and willing land owners.Viva progressed with her training with vim and vigor eagerly awaiting lessons each day. We halved the distances scheduled in Mr. Johnsons book and stayed on the recommended days lesson until it was mastered. Many times it took us several days to accomplish what was shown for a single day in the book. At time I became very discouraged especially with the introduction of the turn but Vivas obvious enjoyment at this type of work kept us going out each day.We were very fortunate in that a Glen Johnson Tracking Clinic was sponsored by a group in the EauClaire, Wisconsin area in June. Up until that time I had not seen dogs track except my own. Mr. Johnsons presentation was super. He combined classroom time with actual working in the fields and presented films of various types of scent work after the evening dinner. It was very enlightening to actually see how dogs handle different situations and be able to ask questions as they came to mind.Viva and I continued our six day week practice sessions and made a jaunt to Minneapolis, Minnesota in August for our certification test. Mr. Robert Gates, an AKC tracking judge, very graciously spent both Friday evening and Saturday morning working with us. After the four hour drive to Minnesota and a change in soil conditions Viva didnt seem to realize that she was supposed to track on Friday evening and just barked and ate grass. Saturday morning however, she did get it together to earn her certification certificate.We then immediately sent in our entry to the test as they only accept ten competitors.I was up at 300 a.m. the day of the test with a case of nerves but fortunately we drew number one track and werePOMERANIAN REVIEW 51New Location New DateThe Bay Colony Pomeranian Club Specialty ShowTo be held in conjunction with South Shore K. C. show Bay State Raceway, Foxboro, Mass.Saturday, April 15, 1978The tradition and friendliness remain the same, only the date and locationwill be different.Superintendent Moss BowNext day Rhode Island K. C. show, Cranston, Rhode IslandWe would like to welcomeMillamors Rock MedallionCh. Millamors Moon Rock X Millamors Marilynnpointed in Canada U.S. andCh. Millamors MaritaCh. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce X Ch. Millamors Minute BoxWe would like to thank Ken and Eleanor Miller for these 2 lovely Poms. Both will be shown in Canada and the U.S. in the future. Congratulations to our new Can. Ch. Silver Meadows Mary EllenChristine D. Cullen 98 Park St.Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 3J352 POMERANIAN REVIEWCHEELAN POMERANIANSIs Proud and Happy to Offer at Stud CH. BONNERS LISALU WAG WITH LOVE Stud Fee on RequestI have several upcoming mostly-Bonner and all-Bonner litters sired by Wag.Inquiries invited.I would, like to make a tribute here to my little Buffy July 1, 1977 to September '6, 1977. Her life was short but her impact was mighty. It was a true lesson in living for me to see such courage in one-and-one-half pounds of pure love. There will always be a warm spot in my heart where the memory of Buffy is carefully tucked away.Buffys cream brother is carrying on for her. Watch for this boy in the ring soon. He is sired by Canadian Champion Bonners Starlyn Prissy Puff Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist son out of Cheelan Sweet Starlyn Chacha Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist daughter.Starmist and his sons continue to work their magicKAREN S. HOLDERStrongsville, Ohio 4413619077 Quail HollowPOMERANIAN REVIEWBOULDER RIVER POMERANIANSOFFERS FOR SALESelected PomsWeve Kept For BreedinBoulder River Basic BlackBLACK BITCH 3 years, iVz lbs, free-whelper, half Showstopper. Producesblue, chocolate, black and sable.RED SABLE BITCH 2 years, 5 lbs., half Showstopper. Produces Black tan,black and sable.BLACK BITCH 1 year old, 4 lbs., ready for the ring.3 lb. MALE Produces chocolate, blue and black. Half Showstopper.Two Black to Black Breedings Due Soon.PRICES AND PEDIGREES ON REQUEST.J. L. M. M. Gorman 31134 East WindPh. 313-294-3927 Fraser, Mi. 48-2654 POMERANIAN REVIEWdone very early. Then we could enjoy the remainder of the day. Weather conditions were just perfect and Viva worked without a hitch, making her on and off track indications very clear and only getting tangled in the under brush a couple of times. Seeing her stop and nuzzle the glove was the best sight in the world. It was a wonderful feeling to feel the sincere warmth of the judges congratulations and see the other contestants and spectators leap and cheer for joy as I threw the glove into the air.There sure is a definite feeling of brotherhood at the test and everyone entered was just as thrilled with each dog that passed as they were when their own dog reached his goal. Each contestant knew what work went into the earning of that degree.Viva never gave up as she leaped and crashed through high brush and weeds. As we waited for our track to reach the appropriate age I stretched out the line and got the harness ready. She would stand up on her hind legs and look out over the fields and cry, picking up the harness and carrying it to me to put her into.Though she did have to work at learning the existence of turns she always tried and though our progress was slow we made itViva is now going into obedience work and I hope to add a UD to her name as the years pass. She also picked up 2 pts. from the Puppy Class last spring.Gala has gone through learning all the Open exercises and hopefully will add a CDX to her name next spring.My two Poms are little jewels and capable of learning anything I am capable of learning how to teach them. I cannot say how much I appreciate their eager willingness to try whatever I present. I am sure mother Pomeranians must tell their babies just after birth, all the cute things to do.Congratulations also to COYS TINY TERROR BANNER, the Pom now proudly adding U.D. to his name. Thislittle fellow is owned and trained by Martha Sackenheim of Hamilton, Ohio. The third U.D. leg was earned at Indianapolis where Banner was second in a class of 16. This pair has worked very hard and the Utility degree is truly a crowning glory. Martha saysI bought Banner when he was six weeks old. His obedience training began not long after that. It wasnt our formal training, it was fun for us. He liked to retrieve so I had a great opportunity to teach him to carry different types of materials. He had a little rubber ball, stuffed sock, dumbell not the one we worked with and a squeaky toy. During our games Banner learned sit, take it, hold it, let go, down, find it, come, stay, and to drop the toy in my hand and not on the floor. We did this gradually, adding a new command once he knew what the others meant. Another phrase he learned to understand was You stay here, Ill be back. Whenever he was left at home or with family who would dog-sit Id tell him this. When we started Open training it was a big help in steadying him on the Long Sit and Long Down while I was out of sight.I have learned, too. My next Pom will have a metal toy and a glove added to its list of playthings. I will use go out instead of just out when I want him to go outside or to leave the room. This will be an early start on Utility.Now that Banner has his U.D. I feel good because I DID IT. It took a lot of patience, practice and praise. It was fun and work, happy tears and frustration, good scores and flubs and a lot of near misses. I was determined through it all and now have my first U.D. In a few years Ill start all over and feel good again.Angie Ruiz in Puerto Rico is very busy training her Poms. Her black female, SEL-SALS PEPPER OF P.R. made her second C.D. leg, taking first place in Novice B with a score of 191. This was at the Puerto Rico Dog Obedience Club trial on Oct. 29, 1977.POMERANIAN REVIEW 55Editors Note In the January 1977 issue of the Review, we included an article on Tracking authored hy Yours Truly. At the end, the hope was expressed that someone would find the time and the courage to put another Pom through to a T.D. or a U.D.T. in the near future. No Pom had passed Tracking since 1960. Well, no sooner was that issue on the press and beyond correction, than the December issue of Pure-Bred Dogs, AKC Gazette arrived. It contained the welcome news that another Pom had indeed passed a Tracking Test in October This Pom was again a female, Pombrooks Song Keena, C.D.X., owned by Jessica Lynne Smith, T.D. 6. Then began the detective work to contact Ms. Smith and, hopefully, get her story on earning the Tracking Degree. This surprise was prematurely promised for the July issue, still not available for October, and to our most sincere regret although diligence had secured the address of the owner and a letter had been sent out requesting the article nothing has arrived for January.Imagine OUR surprise when we received a copy of the delightful article above telling of the successful completion of the 7th Pom T.D.H Congratulations to Mrs. Prank and Viva, and may your C.D., C.D.X. and U.D. follow in rapid successionREMINDERThe Club has a very complete Information Booklet about the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and about our breed. This is FREE ON REQUEST from the Corresponding Secretary or the Editor.CLUB PINS are also available to Members ONLY. Send 5.00 to the Treasurer to order a pin. Suitable for men or women, this little blue, white and gold enamel pin is an exact replica of our Club Seal.MIDWESTREPORTByMRS. JOYCE OHRTMAN 1503 15th Perry, Iowa 50220Weve been so busy since the last issue that I hardly know where to start. We sold our acreage in the country and moved into town the first of September. On the fourth of September our oldest son was married. In between I had to pack, work part time, and make the brides and her attendents dresses. For awhile I didnt think Id make it.I didnt get to many shows this fall. My two hopefuls both went bad on me. One I returned and the other I will sell for a pet. I did get news that Sally Baug- niet and Mrs. Norris McKamey have attended a few shows.Sally writes that she has finished two new champions. Her recently finished Ch. Pomerish Winnies Tuf Tigger was entered at the big Chicago International show and came home with BOB and Group 4. This was his first time out as a special. Also finished for Sally is Ch. Pomerish Cream Puff, this girl makes the fifth champion offspring for Scotia Double Granddaughter OCavilier.Mrs. McKamey reports having finished four new champions this fall. On September 4 at Decator, Illinois both Ch. McKamey Just A Honey and Ch. McKamey Countess Glory Gold came home with their titles. In October she finished McKamey Cavalier Jenifer at Kokomo, Indiana and McKamey Enchanting Ben Jo at Peoria, Illinois.We have made a couple of trips to western Nebraska this fall. Plane connections are so bad its easier to take a weekend and drive out. Besides this gives us a chance to visit. The first tripV56 POMERANIAN REVIEWFor Sale Two FemalesLaurolyn Hot Cha Cha 2 pts.Sire Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Dam Laurolyn Hot Chili Ch. Winkles Red Hot Pepper1V2 years, bright orange, completely show trained.And her Mahogony litter sister show quality.Also Laurolyn Kartoon Kid Red male, 2Y2 yrs, proven stud, 3 pt. major Sire Ch. Enjays Puppet on a String Dam Laurolyn Hot ChiliPictures and Pedigrees upon request.Laurolyn Kennels, Reg.Lynn Anderson 215 Rowe Rd.Ph 313-685-7365 Milford, Mi. 48042TIFFANY POMERANIANS OF TACOMAFOR SALE1. Nice orange male whelped July 26, 1977. Linebred Creider, Queenaire, excellent legs, high tail set, wedge head, black pigment. Will mature 4 to 5 lbs. Sound and healthy.2. A tiny black male, 3A Creider, Queenaire, Goldpaz. 30 champions in 5 generation pedigree, sired by a year old pointed Ch. Moreno Gin Rickey son. Very short, fined boned, very small but strong and alert.Both are select bred from good sound foundation stock.Champion sired litters due by Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner andCh. Morenos Gin Rickey. Inquiries Invited.Tiffany has a new kennel, nearly completed, just needs runs covered.The Poms love the new homelike building. Drop in and visit usHelen Krafcik 1303 So. 117thPh. 206-537-9508 Tacoma, WA. 98444POMERANIAN REVIEW 57Cecil PricesMECKLENBURG KENNELSAKC Reg.Proudly Announces the Acquisition ofCH. LUNDS JUST DANDY OF HADLEIGHOrange, 4 lb. Beautiful Stand-off Coat, Gorgeous Looking, and a very aggressive and potent stud. Dandy is well known among top Pom Breeders, and has produced some very fine Champions and Show Specimens.To those of you who have used Dandy in the past, and who would like his services again and newcomers who could use a good stud, he will be available for a limited number of matings and your bitch will receive plenty of TLCwhile here.My most Sincere Thanks to Edna Girardot for letting me have him.Int. Ch. Pixietown Serenade of Hadleigh Int. Ch. Rhapsody of Hadleigh Ruby Red of HadleighSIRE CH. HADLEIGH LITTLE ROBINMessers Just Dandy Hadleigh Golden TrixieHadleigh Rose Marie Hadleigh Little Jo Jo Ch. Elsies Little Yogi BearElsies Peaches CreamDAM LUNDS ADORABLE CHUBBYVaughans Skipper II Boy Elsies Thumbelina DollSextons LollipopStud Fee A modest 75.00Also At StudTIMSTOPPERS LITTLE MY-T-MYTE Fee 50.00Very small 4 lb. son of G. E. GREAT CASSIUS OF CRAIG, and Grandson of CH. G. E. TIMSTOPPER AGAINCECIL W. PRICEP. O. Box 3382 Kinson, N. C. 28501919 527-6819 After 9 p.m.58 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. BROWNS BILLY THE BANDITli... 'Shown winning a 4 point major under Mrs. Winifred Heckmann at Hoosier K.C.10-1-77Bill completed his championship with a 5 point major under Miss Anna K. Nicholas at Hammond K.C. 11-12-77.Bill sends congratulations to his aunt Ch. Browns Fancy-Markella who finishedat the same show.Thanks to Wilma Jean Brown for allowing me to have Bill and to all judgesfor making this possible.Nellie Sprunger 555 Frahm PikePhone 419-942-1246 Celina, Ohio 45822POMERANIAN REVIEW 59POMIRISH KENNELSIRISH SETTERS POMERANIANS champions number 14 and 15NORWICH TERRIERScKcCH. POMIRISH CREAM PUFF BCH. POMIRISH WINNIES TUF TIGGER DGp. 4 International K. C. of Chicago first time out as a Special. Tuffy started his career going 2nd in Sweeps and 3rd in 6-9 mo. class at the 1977 A.P.C. Specialty.CH. 5 offspring for Scotia Double Gr. Da OCavilier. Thanks to Edna Girardot many times over for such a fine producing brood bitch.Thanks to Nadine for helping me show them.Pedigrees in Behind New Champions CONGRATULATIONS TO MARY JANE WILSON andPomirish Buddys Son Shine who is doing fabulous things in the East.We are very proud of this little guy.Most of these puppies will be for sale. Wh. 9-2-77, 1 male, 2 females, 1 cream female CH. POMIRISH FINALLY A MANPeppi br ex Scotia Double Gr. Da OCavilier Dam of 5 CHS. Wh. 9-26-77, 1 male, Pomirish Pooh Bears Tigger BIS CH. D-Nees Darin Dinadan.CH. Pooh Bear Son ex Edna of Lenette CH. G. E. BUDDY OF LENETTE dau. Line bred Great Elms. Wh. 10-7-77, 1 male, Possible dk. sable CH. RANDYS POMIRISH SUPER SHORTDUKE ex CH. VARNEYS BUBBLES UP. C.D. Scotia Same breeding as CH. POMIRISH BUBBLES LIL SQUIRT. Wh. 11-14-77, CH. POMIRISH BUBBLES LIL SQUIRT ex CH. POMIRISH WINNIETHE POOH inbred Scotia Vz br., V2 sis. 1 male. Due to Wh. 11-28-77, CH. POMIRISH BUBBLES LIL SQUIRT ex CH. POMIRISH POOHBEAR CH. Winnies litter sister. Adult for sale Pomirish Sports Fancy Free. 4 orange 9 pts.Needs both majors Must go C Section.CH. RANDYS POMIRISH SUPER SPORT Duke ex Scotia Double Gr. Da OCavilierAT STUD Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Ch. Pomirish Finally A Man Ch. Pomirish Winnies Tuf Tigger Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Lil Squirt Pomirish Pooh Bears TiggerShip North Central to ManitowocDick Sally Baugniet Route 1, Box 99Phone 414-755-2994 Mishicot, Wis. 54228POMERANIAN REVIEW60out we dropped, a couple of girls at the Mercers and went into Denver for a few days. The Denver Pom club was having a match and meeting on Saturday so we went along. If those people get everything done they are are planning, they are going to be extremely busy for the next year or so. Dont be surprised to see another Pom specialty in their area before too many years go by.The match following the meeting and dinner showed some very nice puppies that should do well in the ring soon. When the judging was complete Mrs. Clara Wiese gave a demonstration on grooming and I learned a new technique for doing ears that beats any Ive tried so far.I twisted Pat Clarks arm a bit and came home with a puppy sired by her Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer. That boy is doing a very nice job of producing.We had planned to go to the Houston Specialty in October but changed our minds at the last minute. I am saving for the March shows in Dallas. It has been six years since we were in Texas and I say every year that we are going back. We heard they had a nice show and a grand time. Im sorry to have missed it.The Pom Club of Greater Des Moines held its first A match the first Saturday in November. They had a good entry and everything went quite well. They are already planning another one for next spring. Their first point show is coming up fast, be sure and watch for it.COVERThe April Cover has been sold, the July Cover is still available at press time. Send 55.00 to the Editor to reserve it. Picture and Cover Story will be due May 20.One who never asks knows either everything or nothing.Forbes MagazineRINGSIDEby TED B1RKA series of events has immobilized the hand and stilled the voice, temporarily of the writer of this column. So, being from Florida, as the saying goes the south shall rise again.Kathryn has been feeling poorly for about eighteen months. It all started in April 1976 while in England. The first week there she had pneumonia, and things have been going down hill ever since then. Not willing to give up, she just kept pushing and going and doing. One week before Harrisburg, she came down with the flu. By Thursday she felt OK, and away she went. When I met her Sunday night, at the airport, she looked like death, walking down the ramp. By this time, enough was enough, so a trip to the doctor. The result, Monday September 19th found her a patient in the hospital. There was not too much wrong with her, just excess body fluid, fluid in the lung, enlarged heart beating too fast and very irregular. The response to medication was tremendous, and she was released September 28th, feeling better than she had for years. With medication, she was permitted come, go, and do as she pleased. We were making plans.Then came the blow. Three days later on Saturday morning, I got up to go to work at 645 A.M. It seemed strange that all the lights were on, the TV on but no picture, but out to the kitchen I went to let the dogs out. At the back door she lay on the floor, just staring at me. She just looked, not saying a word. At first I thought she had fainted, or worse yet, a heart attack. Got her to the hospital and learned it was a stroke clot, not a hemorrhage. A week was spent in intensive care, critical, but stable. In five days she was on solid food, but her entire right side was paralyzed and she had lost her speech. She will walk and will talk again, and therapy has started on the body and the voice. All ready a few words, and movement in the foot.POMERANIAN REVIEW 61OUR NEWEST CHAMPIONHACH. QUEENAIREFOXY LADYBred byWanda Dudley Roach3I V 44k'aFOXY with her handler, Glynette CassTED and KATHRYN BIRK1634 S.W. 9th Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 3331562 POMERANIAN REVIEWThe South will rise again, and. Kathryn will again write for you.So, I will fill this article space with more on A.D.O.A. You will recall, in the last issue, we need funds to pay legal fees to fight the Limiting Dog Ordinances. Two of these are at the appeal stage. We have sent a mailing to all Member Clubs, asking that they some how earn an extra 100.00 for us by June 30, 1978. I am asking all A.P.C. Members and Review Subscribers to send me 1.00. Just mark it Donation for project 80, send more if you can and mail it toTed Birk1634 S.W. 9th Ave.Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33315I also promised more on the Los Angeles problem. We are matching funds to them, to fight this unfair law. Just read the excerpts below. There are some twenty other high density areas taking a close look at the law, as it is a real money maker. If it sticks in L.A. it will be in other areas. IT COULD BE WHERE YOU LIVE.New Law in Los Angeles County, BREEDERS LICENSE FEE.Any person who breeds a dog or cat for commercial purposes or for the purpose of show or for improving breed quality shall pay a license tax of 25.00 for the privilege of engaging in such activity.All persons who possess a breeders license shall Not allow the whelping of more than one litter per each female dogcat in an 18 month period. Not possessown more than three dogs or cats sterilized or not on the premises, over the age of four months. A breeders license shall apply to any zone for an individual who is engaged in such breeding activity.Any person owning or having charge, care, custody or control of any unsterilized female dog shall pay a litter charge for each puppy whelped, a fee of 5 per puppy under four months.Continued on Page 66CANADIANSCENEBy JOAN GRANT Box 1423 Golden, B.C. VOA IHO, CanadaA sincere hope that you had a glorious Christmas, and are in the midst of a fun holiday to celebrate the New Year while you are reading this. As November closes in on us and the snows fall daily, making our mountain retreat an extra beautiful sight. I am reminded that the oldtimers tell us we can expect a snowfall as great as 400 inches or as little as 30 inches, depending on the vagaries of nature, and Id be willing to bet on the large amount the way it has started.The registration fee that I paid for the recent symposium in Calgary, on Canine Structure and Movement, might prove to be the very best investment I have made for a long while. The two speakers were Dr. Quentin La Ham and Mrs. Rachel Page Elliot. Basically Dr. La Ham was to talk on structure and Mrs. Elliot on movement but they are so interrelated that the information continually blended together. Mrs. Elliots book, Dogsteps, is one I have had for a long time, and is well thumbed. Her new films, showing bones moving inside dogs with the use of x-ray techniques were fascinating, and certainly made me realize exactly what was taking place, as the films were slowed, stopped, or run at normal speeds to emphasize particular points under discussion. Dr. La Ham had brought the skeleton of one of his better German Shepherd dogs with him, and as we went over it thoroughly, and then let us do the same, the various bones, and their companions began to continued and films were shown to emphasize points, we began to see the meanings of obscure terms in many of our standards. Movement faults, andPOMERANIAN REVIEW 63BROWNS POMERANIANSCongratulations to Nellie Sprunger on finishing Ch. Browns Billy The Bandit. Also, on the nice wins with Browns Magic Princess.Congratulations to Opal Moser on her Kennel Visit.For SaleSmall, show quality female. Orange, year old.Champion Sire and Dam.Will consider selling champion male. Heavy coated, 4V2 lbs. Deep orange, 3Vz years old. Proven excellent stud.Flash Browns Fancy-Markella completed her championship with a 5 point major at Hammond, Ind. 11-12-77. Owner handled.Pedigree Behind New ChampionsMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd.New Phone No. 317-271-4954 Indianapolis, Ind. 46234their causes were shown graphically, and the films slowed or stopped at critical moments in order for us to all really see the point being made.I have heard it said that this course should be considered a must for anyone wishing to become a judge and I heartily endorse that statement. Also, every breeders should attempt to take it, for there is invaluable help in it to improveany breed. It was interesting to me to see licensed judges, as well as qualified veterinarians in on the sessions as well as breeders of nearly every breed you could name. The use of films, and later live dogs to force us to judge them for ourselves had us all really looking at conformation, as it applies to the moving of the dog. I was especially interested when patellar luxation was brought64 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Glad All Over At Rosskearhjw cPrt-' U'-ci ' fix -'Vi,Ricky is an eighth generation Champion in an Unbroken line of English Champions on his sires side CH. Hadleigh SupersonicCH. Hadleigh StarlightCH. Modelstar of HadleighCH. Little Model of HadleighCH. Hadleigh Little AristocratCH. Little Gent of HadleighCH. Zamho of ZanowRicks litter sister is also an English Champion, we are very proud of Rick and thank Ann Winters for him.Ricky is at stud and is siring some fantastic puppies.Full pedigree Behind the New Champions.Puppies and young Adults AvailableDevonshire Knl. Reg.5726 Farragut St. Hollywood, FI. 33021 305-987-5126POMERANIAN REVIEW 65f-^om j^cilies1978 cj-cic^eine. it ValenciaThirteen charming Pom illustrations suitable for framing, lithographed in brown ink on assorted pastel Sy2 x 11 paper. 5.00 each plus 500 postage.Send 50c and stamped, self-addressed envelope for brochure illustrating Pom greeting cards, note paper, pedigree forms and litter announcements toBrettwood Arts Box 10Grapeview, Washington 98546PROUDLY PRESENTINGOur First Little GirlC-JS CARVALE CANDYSireMay Morning Social DionDamMay Morning Prim N Proper iage 7 monthsCANDY is shown going WB, BOS for 2 points at the Chester Valley Club, Inc. show under Judge, Mrs. Sue S. Woodle 5-14-77.BreedersCathy Lasota andGerald J. KripakOwner Cathy Lasota 365 W. 12th Ave. Conshohocken, Pa. 19428POMERANIAN REVIEW66into the discussions and later shown live in a darling Toy Poodle that I knew could just as easily have been a Pom.This is the second type of seminar I have been able to attend. The first was a seminar on eye diseases in dogs. At that time we were shown excellent slides of many eyes, showing normal eyes and affected eyes ... As I had noticed a very unusual phenomenon when a light hit the eyes of a certain line of breeding in my Poms, I had the most noticeable one tested, and learned to my relief, that rather than a problem, it was just an unusually large opening in the eye through which we were seeing a very deeply colored retina. I was also told at this time that although PRA is not common in Pomeranians, it should not be ignored for it can occur. One thing I have noticed about some Poms, which worries me is a tendency to be afraid to cross a shadow. I would not hesitate to have eyes tested should one of mine show this fear. I do not think it can be explained just as shyness in the individual, more likely it is an eye problem.I would like to know if someone could not write up some hints and personal methods of spring cleaning in the dog runs, so that when spring does come we are armed with this knowledge and ready to not only keep the odors to a minimum, but also to fight more effectively those persistant parasites. I know our varieties of weather mean some of the problems are unique to certain areas, but in this area I seem to have run into most of them, and would appreciate some experienced help.Have I got all the bloodthirsty yearlings, who delight in attacking the retired matrons, whose lack of teeth is their downfall And they are such loveable puffballs the rest of the timeRINGSIDE ContinuedJUST A LITTLE NOTE THAT THIS BILL WAS PASSED BEFORE ANY DOG PERSONS KNEW IT HAPPENED. IT COULD HAPPEN HERE UNLESS YOU, THE BREEDERS, DONT CARE.PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSERIN HUNDLEY 2813 - 176th S.W. Lynnwood, Wa 98036C.Everyone is grooming and trimming and training, getting ready for the last big shows of 1977. The Whidbey Island Kennel Club Show, Sunday Nov. 20th is special because Edd Biven is judging Pomeranians. Anyone who has had the priviledge of showing under him can tell you what a careful and conscientious judge he is. Our show schedule arrived the other day. Its a major in dogs. Thats good news. So many nice Poms finished earlier this year, that the entries have been down at the last few shows.The last big U.S. show to be held in the Northwest this year will be the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty which is held in conjunction with the Portland Kennel Club Show. This is a benched show and one of our favorites. We always enjoy having time to meet our friends and to relax and compare Pom stories. The judge will be Frank Haze Burch. Major in both sexes. I had an especially good time at the Penninsula Dog Fanciers Show at Bremerton WA. in Sept. My dog did not win but he showed well and I was proud of him. But that was not why I enjoyed myself so much. Everyone, from the judge, William Harvey, to the spectators and the exhibitors, did their part to make it a fun show. Judge William Harvey set the tone by having a nice word for each exhibitor, regardless of how he placed their dog. He made each one feel special for their few minutes in the ring.You know you spend weeks preparing for the show, planning, training, grooming, not to mention all of those hoursPOMERANIAN REVIEW 67MANIESS POMERANIANSAristic Flaming Model Am. Can. Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash Red Button IV Manies Fancy FlashCh. Maykens Vagabond Mayken's FancybondCh. Holders Fancy Firefairy Lorraines Wee Dolar Hatchs Teddy BearThackers Copper Queen Hatchs Peppie of ShastaBlossom View Sable Satan Hatchs Pandoria of Shasta Kelly's Tidy LadyMany thanks to her judges Joseph Rowe, Mrs. William Lehnig shown above awarding her a 4 pt. major, Richard Guevera, Mrs. Jean Fancy. Miss Dorothy Nickles, Mrs. Margaret Young, Robert Wills and Derek Rayne.Mrs. Elma Manies 1455 Victor AvenuePh. 916-241-8756 Redding CA. 96001Ch. Maniess Golden Cherub Breeder-owned 5 lb. female.studying pedigrees and planning the breedings that produced the Pom that you are showing. Or if you didnt the breeder did and you shopped long and hard before you invested time and money in this dog. Anyway lots of someones time went into getting ready for this show, and if its all for a three minute trip around the ring for a judge who hardly looks at your dog, why bother.Judge Gordon M. Parham at the Ephrata-Moses Lake Kennel Club Show did not care for the Pom I was showing, but he took a moment to point out something that I was doing that I could have done to better show my dogs good qualities. We all love to win but of course not all can, but we are paying for the judges opinion and its nice to feel that the judge really cares about us and our Poms.68 POMERANIAN REVIEWWE WANT YOU TO MEET OUR NEXT WINNERBI-MARS HAPPY TROUBLES OF JJSire Ch. Scotia Cavillers Jungle Jim Dam Gaybit of Bi-Mars My CheriTROUBLES has 6 points towards her AKC championship title and is shown going Best of Opposite Sex. After all, she is HAPPYS kid sister, so winning is no trouble for TROUBLES. Handler, Jean Schroll.Now if YOU want a winner, we have three puppies whelped on November 2, 1977 1 Red male, 1 Red female and I Orange male Sired by Ch. Shellcrests Rebelsun Spark, a son of Ch. Sungolds Rebel which was bred by Anna LaFortune from her Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier. Rebels dam is bred from Int. Ch. Dromore Bombardier line. Dam of the above litter is Gaybit of Bi-Mars My Cheri who is a daughter of Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash 4 BIS and out of a Latham dam.Look for us in the ring soon with BI-MARS SCARLET LADY. She is by Ch. Shellcrests Rebelsun Spark ex. Ch. Bi-Mars Happy Hooker of JJ.And a new male soon to be shown and standing At Stud RYDERS RICKEY DINK OF DINK a line bred son of Ch. Sunrays Little Beaver 3 BISBI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum Phone 206-927-236936520 28th Avenue South Federal Way, Washington 98003POMERANIAN REVIEW 69LA RITA POMS MOVE TO QUE SERAOur dear friend Rita LaVeme has retired from actively showing and breeding Poms. She has generously shared her knowledge with us at Que Sera Kay Serah and now the Poms are shared as well. We co-own them with her, and plan to continue her standards in breeding and showing.CH. LA RITAS KANDY WITH A K andCH. LA RITAS TROUBLES OF SUNGOLDAre proud to welcome a new niece and nephew who arrived October 24th. Watch for them next year.The little ones send greetings to their grandma Ch. Varneys Jabil Dream Girl who finished last Spring, and to Grandpa Ch. Jabils Dandy Lion C.D. who is one of our favorite Poms.Phil and Erin Hundley2813 176th S.W. Que Sera KennelLynnwood, Wash. 98036 1-206-743-374870 POMERANIAN REVIEWSome recent winners Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner Bred by Shirley Hoffman owned by Florence Ryals, Shown by Jean Schroll was Best of Breed at Bremerton Moses Lake and Wenatchee I believe he took Group Two At Wenatchee. Andrews Almost an Angel owned by Irene Harbin and bred by Phyllis Andrews was Best of Breed at the Seattle Kennel Club Show, Harbins are happy with their homebred Harbins Indistructible Jimmy who picked up a couple of nice Best of Breed wins recently. Details in the local club column.Other fun things in this area include a visit by some Puget Sound Club members, to the Pierce County Pom Club meeting in October. They enjoyed the visit very much. On the club adjenda was a study of pedigrees, with Helen Krafcik who is currently President of the P.C.P.C. She is quite an expert on this. She has collected pedigrees for many years and has them all filed for easy reference. The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club has invited her to visit at their next meeting and share her knowledge with the members.I received a nice letter from Donna Harris it was very welcome. We havent heard much from Donna since we enjoyed her company at the Northern California Pom Club Specialty last year. It seems that Donna has found a new way to keep herself busy. In addition to raising a large family, and going out fishing with the whole family, Donna has gone into the custom jewelry- business. She started with some raw materials purchased in Seattle on her way back to Cordova, Alaska, after the specialty, and took a few lessons. The business prospered beyond all her wildest dreams. Within a few months, she had to move out of her back bedroom and into a shop of her own in town. She has expanded twice and is carrying several other lines including custom designed gold nugget jewelry and many boutique items. The sad part of this is that Donna has had to give up herbeloved Poms. She plans to keep one as a pet Donna could never do without a Pom. We all wish her well and hope she will drop in at the show or at a meeting whenever she is in town.I wish you all a blessed Holiday Season and a New Year just full of Gods gifts to you. May all your troubles be little ChampionsLATE SHOW RESULTSChampion Skylark Cinammon Banner won 2 Group Seconds in Canada and a Group 1 at Electric City Kennel Club Show under Judge Frank Booth in Great Falls, Montana.Judge Ed E. Biven at Whidby Island Kennel Club Show Monrose Washington, Sunday, November 20, gave Best of Breed to Jean Schrolls Jay Jays Flashy Irish over a Special. Best Opposite Sex went to Jestoms Golden Glow Heidi from the puppy class.Referring to his placement in the Open Dog Class Judge Biven said, In my opinion a Pom is a miniature Arctic Working Dog and should have enough length of leg to carry him through any weather conditions. A dense double coat, not too long, to keep him warm without becoming weighted down with snow. His muzzle should be long enough to warm the air he breathes before it enters his lungs.REMINDERSeveral checks came in this time, incorrectly made out. MOST advertisers, even those with large handwriting, manage to get the words American Pomeranian Club, Inc. on their checks. A.P.C., American Pom Club or Pom Review are NOT SATISFACTORY.OHIO Continuedmembers who brought desserts, it was very sweet of you. We had to leave early, but I was wishing I could have stayed for the leftover party. It was some shindigPOMERANIAN REVIEW 71CHOCOLATESrtenniss Creme-de-Co-Co-AColdetenniss Cafe La-MocaMokieMr. Charlie Brown X Paxtons Chocolate CinnimonCinnimon goes back three generations to Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image on her sires side. We are very proud of our new chocolate puppies and intend to repeat the breeding in December 1977. Some of these may he for sale. These puppies have what we have strived for in chocolates excellent pigment, even coat coloring, excellent stops, baby faces, small well set ears and good conformation. Their sire, Mr. Charlie Brown, is available for stud on a limited basis. Fee on request.Congratulations to Ed Jenner on finishing a Tar Baby son, Lenniss Tar Lacys Fox Fire, and on the Best in Show taken hy himCongratulations to Beverly Norris on the 5 pt. major taken by a black daughter of Tar Babys, Bev-Nors Witchy Woman of Lennis.Puppies Usually AvailableLennis Raines 615-581-8947Most ColorsRt. 2, Box 205 Morristown, Tenn. 3781472 POMERANIAN REVIEWFEEDING Continuedlimit. A better approach for high performance is to regard the balance of a ration as that proportion of nutrients which is utilized with maximal efficiency. In practical situations, balance is achieved when each nutrient falls within an optimal range. The ranges are broad in situations that are undemanding, e.g., maintenance. They become narrower as nutritional demands increase, e.g., for growth, lactation, hard work. Optimal intakes of protein, calcium, phosphorus, etc., corresponding to designated performance levels have been recommended by NRC for cattle, pigs, and other animals but not for dogs. Not being subject to the constraints of a committee, I will tender some optimal ranges intended to promote higher performance.ENERGY intakes should be carefully controlled in breeding bitches. They reach about 1.5 M during the last 20 days of pregnancy and 3.0M during the first 20 days of lactation. The NRC makes no mention of changing the energy density or digestibility of the ration during ges- taton or lactation. The cereal companies assume the same position feed only dry food at the rate of 2 body weight for maintenance and 6 for lactation. Six percent I prefer that energy requirements above maintenance should be met predominantly by fat and protein rather than carbohydrate.CARBOHYDRATE intakes have not been carefully studied in pregnant or lactating bitches. The NRC admits that no minimum requirement has been established, then implies that carbohydrates may be essential in the diets of growing pups and lactating bitches. But, a recent study reaffirms that pups do not need carbohydrate. Also, our studies on racing sled dogs indicate that they prosper on zero carbohydrate diets at intakes four or five times maintenance, i.e., even higher than intakes of a lactating bitch. In regard to an upper limit, the 1972 NRC recommended 65 dry matter inthe form of carbohydrate. A carbohydrate content of 40 is too high for racing sled dogs. But the fact is that we do not know the optimal range of dietary carbohydrate for the lactating bitch I regard this as the most important current research question pertaining to feeding for breeding. Until further work is done, I suggest a wide range of 0 to 40 or a narrower range of 0 to 25 carbohydrate on a dry matter basis. The narrower range aims for higher performance.PROTEIN intakes for reproduction and lactation are pegged to the recommendation for maintenance and growth by NRC, 22 of dry matter in the form of a protein equivalent to casein. Studies in dogs suggest that this level is satisfactory for growth only if the energy density is low, corresponding to only 10 fat in the diet on a dry matter basis. Protein requirement varies with fat content, e.g. 10, 29 and 32 protein for 11, 22 and 31 fat. Also, one should keep in mind that the protein value net utilization of casein is about 70 in dogs while that of some cereal proteins e.g. gliadin is only about 35. Studies to determine the protein requirement for growth in dogs used mixtures of very high quality proteins.Dry cereal-based products have less fat but lower quality protein. I recommend supplementing them with fat and a source of high quality protein during the last 20 days of gestation and all of lactation. The first studies which showed that dietary protein promotes the rate of milk production were conducted on bitches. Nonetheless, the relevant literature lacks convincing data on the optimal range for gestation and lactation. I tentatively suggest a broad range from 25 to 55 and a narrower range from 32 to 48 dry matter in the form of protein, depending on its quality and the diets fat content.DIETARY FAT should be increased above the maintenance requirementPOMERANIAN REVIEW 73 STARLITE POMERANIANS Gayle L. Griffin Phone 503-843-215115625 Byerly Comer Rd. Amity, Oregon 97101ChampionJillz Rigal Raz of StarliteWow A litter of six puppies 1 Female 5 males Grandsires Ch. Wieses Flash of Timmy Again Ch. Jillz Rigal Raz of Starlite..u41Our special thanks to Norman Jerome of Davonshire Kennels for our lovely import Preservenes Impeccable Pure Preservenes BreedingHe will be bred to several Ch. Rigal Raz Daughters this winter.during the last trimester of pregnancy and throughout lactation. Fat has over twice as much energy per unit weight as carbohydrate and protein. The energy density and more efficient digestion obtained by including more fat in the diet combine to let the bitch eat less, and even more drastically, defecate less. If fed 6 of her body weight in dry food, the amount of feces she must pass eachday is unnecessarily excessive, over 2 times as much as produced on a diet of meat and meat by-products e.g. liver, bone and fat. The wide range of diet fat content to which dogs have successfully adapted is 4 to 66 dry matter. A narrower range for gestation and lactation would be 10 to 40, and my recommendations would hover in the top half of that range for a bitch producing a lot of milk.74 POMERANIAN REVIEWZUMBA POMERANIANSZumbas Blueberry MuffinVSire Zumbas Wolfy of Boulder River Dam Boulder River Serene EbonyInquiries Always AnsweredMUFFYOur first BLUE femalewent first in Puppy Classat Rapid City Showfirst time shown.Wolfy Babies4U2 months oldPhyllis Zumbaum Ph. 605-673-4961R.R. 1, Box 89 Custer, S.D. 57730The ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids in the diet determining the ratio of these fatty acids in the subcutaneous fat. The saturated fats are firmer. This may have no advantage in regards to health, but it does influence some judges.Polunsaturates interact with vitamin E and selenium. The minimum requirement prescribed for LINOLEIC ACID,the predominant polyunsaturate, is 1 dry matter or 2 metabolizable energy. It could be higher in the pregnant bitch because the skin of the pup has a high content of structural lipids derived from the essential polyunsaturates.High intakes of polyunsaturates increase the requirement for vitamin E. Reproductive failure in bitches, musclePOMERANIAN REVIEW 75degeneration in pups, and testicular atrophy have all occurred in dogs fed about 10 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The 1972 recommended an upper limit of 5 polyunsaturate. This was especially wise in view of the widespread use of polyunsaturated oils as coat conditioners. The 1974 revision eliminated this recommendation but brought in another which also interacts with vitamin E, a minimum for selenium.The inclusion of SELENIUM as a required mineral is an interesting development for it continues to be regarded as a carcinogen by the FDA, hence is banned from food by the Delaney Amendment. The case of selenium is one of the most baffling, far more difficult than saccharin. Epidemiologic evidence indicates that the incidence of cancer is higher in regions which are low or marginal in soil selenium. Also, polyunsaturates which raise vitamin E requirements appear to be carcinogenic, so selenium which lowers vitamin E requirements might be expected to be anti-carcinogenic. The data on polyunsaturates promoting cancer in humans is not overwhelming, but taken along with the potentiation of chemical carcinogens in laboratory animals, it almost convinces me. The FDA pays more attention to a simpler experimental test, warts in bladders of mice, and in view of the Delaney amendment, it does not allow companies to add selenium to food. Yet both AAFCO and the FTC allow that a product may be described as complete, perfect, scientific or balanced only if it satisfies the minimum requirements of the NRC. These include selenium.Dogs have developed abnormalities on a diet deficient in selenium and vitamin E lesions of the digestive tract, bone and heart muscle. The recommended minimum for selenium, 0.1 mgkg dry diet, is based on studies in other species. The requirement for selenium will vary with intakes of polyunsaturates and vitamin E, and the margin of safety is small, probably a factor of 3 to 5.A diet containing 10 cottonseed oil and 100 mg alpha-tocopherol vitamin E was fed to bitches the pups developed muscle degeneration, despite the vitamin E. In other studies, pups were bom weak or dead. So the NRC proposes a minimum of 50 mg alpha-tocopherol 50 I U vitamin E per kg dry food provided it contains 0.1 mgkg of selenium and not more than 1 linoeic acid. If you add com oil, which is nearly 50 lin- oleic, you should also add more vitamin E. The NRC suggests 0.5 mg alpha-tocopherol per gram of polyunsaturated fatty acid linoleic.To be continuedGossip is that which no one claims to like but everybody enjoys.Joseph ConradIf you REALLY want to keep a secret, you dont need any help.O. A. Carpingr5S0S7 Patri-Arks Starlette OHaraby Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer [ [ Older Duke-bred brood For Sale s. [cHappy New YearPat Clark1115 Castlewood Canyon Rd. Franktown, Colorado 80116 1-303-688-451476 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS AND YAPSLYNN ALLEN Denton, TexasHow does a Novice buy a good Pomeranian Why do so many of the top breeders try to sell you eight to ten week old puppies When buying from a show breeder, how do you get them to put anything in writing As all the Articles say you should We have contacted many show breeders, all say nothing for sale, unless you would be interested in a young puppy, that you would take your chances with. Why do they say one thing and do the opposite Do they have so few show prospects, that they have to send you a pet puppy for the price of a show prospect I hope someone will answer this and not pull any punches.Editors Note I will answer this as a BREEDER and hope some others will send answers for the next Review. Perhaps this will help the Novice.. Put your "best foot forward. Write your inquiry on a piece of stationery, available at reasonable prices at any drug store, super market, etc. So many inquiries are received on a lined piece of notebook paper, torn out and the letter itself just a scrawl, often the signature hard to decipher. The connection is inevitable can a person who cannot even afford to buy regular stationery really afford to buy, take care of and show a Top Pom2. Enclose a stamped, addressed envelope for the Breeders answer.3. Be prepared to pay a high price for a Good Pom. The Novice often has no concrete idea of going rates for show stock. Many letters are received describing a "brilliant red or orange, 4 lb., heavy coat, tiny ears, short back and high tail set and with perfect legs Pom, but going on to say something like, I have 200 saved up, will that be enough, etc., etc.4. If, on the other hand, you have followed the advice above and your letter comes through as a sincere desire to find a Top Show Pom for a start in the breed, but unmistake- ably you ARE a complete Novice, a Breeder may want to help you get started and offers the good advice to start with a promising young puppy.5. Yes, Top Show Prospects ARE few and far between. It is said that 1 puppy in 7 might be show potential. This includes those which can finish to the title, if campaigned, as well as the Group and Best In Show flier you are dreaming about. Dont blame the Breeder for wanting to keep or to put in a Proven Exhibitors hands the very best.6. If the Breeder has a young, promising puppy and offers it to you, certainly at a lesser price than the older Show Prospect,remember that nothing ventured, nothing gained in this life, and if you have found that Breeders stock to be what you admire, trust the Breeders educated guess and gamble on the puppy. If it doesnt mature as well as hoped, you can recoup some of your loss by selling as a pet, and start over. Meanwhile, LOOK, LISTEN and LEARN about the breed.7. There is no excuse for selling a pet puppy for the price of a Show Prospect but do you really know what that particular Breeders pet andor Show Prospect prices are This goes back to 6. If you have seen and admired this Breeders stock, you have to believe that the Breeder can evaluate puppy potential better than you can. Many puppies go through a Gosh-Awful stage of development and should not be sold at that time. SOUNDNESS, however, is a different matter. The Breeder should certainly be willing to give you a 48 hour WRITTEN GUARANTEE pending Veterinary Examination. Some Breeders will offer a Full Refund of Purchase Price, some will offer to replace the puppy if and when something becomes available. If you cannot afford to have your money tied up while wating for a replacement, Common Sense will tell you DO NOT BUY FROM THAT BREEDER8. No Breeder can or should be expected to make any written guarantee on FUTURE soundness or show quality. Even if the Top Show Potential is there to begin with, neglect, lack of knowlegeable training and conditioning, and many, many other factors not under the control of the Breeder can prevent the Potential from becoming the Reality. On the other hand, many a good but not outstanding Pom has made a Top Show Record through the dedication and training ability of the owner or handler, in a game where Showmanship counts MUCH MORE than mere absence of major faultsGAYLE GRIFFIN Amity, OregonIf your Pom Reviews have a way of looking worn out after you have looked through the pages many times as mine do, here is a way to save the pictures from rubbing off. Go over the picture on front and back of your Pom Review with the clear liquid coating enclosed in any black and white Polaroid film or check stores that sell Polaroid cameras as they often throw away this picture finish. Give your picture a good coating, then let it dry. The finish hasnt harmed my Pom Reviews and the finish is lovely, just like a photo.SUPPORT YOUR SPECIALTYPOMERANIAN REVIEW 77MAY MORNING POMERANIANSA Happy and Prosperous New Year to All Pomeranian Lovers Everywhere^-7ifWe still have 3 young white females available, breedable size.Also small white male whelped 61277, very black pigment.Beautifully Bred Black Stud Prospect, 6777 Possible show.May Morning Social Lion X May Morning Fun N Frolic The Sable sister has been sold, we will keep the Black femaleCute Bright Orange Sable female for a pet, possible show, too small to breed.May Morning Social Lion X May Morning Naughty But Nice Very nice Red sister has been sold, we are keeping the Sable maleLITTERS EXPECTED INQUIRIES INVITEDFour litters sired by May Morning Moonwalker Red sable Bing son1. Ex. Legacy of Jonnie Jonnie Midnight daughter, repeat of Ch. Phoebe2. Ex. May Morning Rosie the Redskin Bing granddaughter3. Ex. May Morning Red Flame His brilliant red granddaughter4. Ex. May Morning Midnight Masquerade His black granddaughterSired by May Morning Social Climber Full brother to Social Lion1. Ex. May Morning Social Whirl, his inbred niece2. Ex. May Morning Little Lulu Repeat of Ch. MM Happy ChappieSired by Dunns Little Tomstopper Red sable Ch. Blairs Solitaire sonEx. May Morning Fun N Frolic Black Wizard daughterSired by May Morning Benjamin Double Bing grandsonEx. May Morning Sassy Lassie Full sister to the late Ch. EchoAll Inquiries Answered No Deposits On Unborn Puppies Honest Evaluations Deposits Accepted On Young Puppies To Hold For Later Delivery Deposits Returned If Puppies Do Not Pan Out In Our OpinionSOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380 215-793-1912Correction on our October ad a third black champion with black champion sire and dam is Phyner Bumble Bee, bred and owned by Dolly Trauner.78 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSPENNY THOMAS Banning, CaliforniaI'm writing this to the Old Timers from a green as grass novice. You may underline that last statementI had gone to a few matches and had met a couple of super great Pom people who took me under their wings, gave me advice and constructive criticism and showed me how to trim for show.I was so elated by these wonderful people, I was unprepared for the rude awakening I had when I started going to shows. I was hurt and surprised at the chillled atmosphere that the newcomer receives. Perhaps these people were horn at ringside with a silver show lead in their teeth or an AKC licensed handler certificate In their hand, but I'm sure there are others that started as Im doing. Standing around with a thundering herd of butter- flys, dry mouth, feeling like youre doing everything wrong. Remember anyone Are you being cool to the newcomers because like the talkies they are a fad that will passAfter hitting some of the circuit this summer, there are only three people who were friendly, one was another newcomerAt my first show I went up and told a person that they had a lovely Pom and I didnt even get a thank you, just a cool look and a yes. I would not expect anyone to dive into a long friendly discussion at a show, there is so much tension and pressure, especially on a handler who is showing several dogs, but a smile and a couple of kind words, maybe a card or an exchange of addresses would be well worth the time taken. A cold attitude is remembered and could be the reason for that persons stud, puppies, or brood stock being passed over at a later date. There are enough kennels around that the beginner can have a choice in the matter.As for you Pom people who take some of your valuable time to help us struggling beginners, let me say BLESS YOU and dont stop being your wonderful selves. Your time is not wasted and your suggestions are heeded and usedIf in the writing of this, I get just one experienced Pom person to warm up then it is worth the while in writing. Tomorrow's breeders and handlers are todays novices. I know I wont stop showing just because the temperature was a little cool. I only hope Im never guilty of the same crime that Ive recently experienced.A critic is a man who knows the way but cant drive the car.Kenneth TynanIn Loving Memory CH. TRAVELERS TRIGGERMay 12, 1972 August 3, 1977IiiWith Marlene Scott who graciously guided him to his championship.CECIL W. PRICEP. O. Box 3382 Kingston, N.C. 28501FUTURE ISSUESIn April we will reprint the Standard for our breed. American Pomeranian Club members have recently been polled on whether they want Major Faults added to our Standard or not. At press time, results are not known. We would welcome discussion pro and con this important question in our April Yips Yaps from members and subscribers. Remember, this issue will go to all judges licensed for PomsOur regular July Issue wil feature the 1978 Stud Register. Lets make it Bigger and Better than everEducation is a funny thing. At 18 we know all the answers forty years later even the questions confuse usPOMERANIAN REVIEW 79INDEX TO ADVERTISERSLYNN ANDERSON __________________________________________________ 56CLYDE AND PHYLLIS ANDREWS......................................................................... 37OLGA DARRELL BAKER ___________________ _______________________ 19VILMA BARTOLAT, BRETTWOOD ARTS _____________________________ 65DICK SALLY BAUGNIET __________________________________________ 59BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB .....................................-............................... 51DOUG BAYNHAM __________________________________________________ 26RUTH L. BEAM _____________________________________________________ 29TED KATHRYN BIRK______________________________________________ 61MRS. WILMA JEAN BROWN __________________________________________ 63JULIE BRUMBACK _________________________________________________ 29BETTY MORRIS CARSON __________________________________________ 15PAT CLARK ________________________________________________________ 75CHRISTINE D. CULLEN ______________________________________________ 51DALLAS-FT. WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB __________________________ _ 18NORMA C. GAD _____________________________________________________ 34CAROL A. GALAVICH ........................................................................................... 43EDNA E. GIRARDOT _________________________________________________ 25TIM SUE GODDARD .............................................................................................. 9BOB GOODRICH ____________________________________________________ 28J. L. M. M. GORMAN_____________________________ __________________ 53GAYLE L. GRIFFIN __________________________________________________ 73DONALD R. HOFLIN, BORZOI QUARTERLY .......................................................... 2KAREN S. HOLDER________________________________________________ 52PHIL ERIN HUNDLEY _____________________________________________ 69NORMAN K. JEROME ________________________________________________ 64RON JACKIE KLEIN _____________________________________________ 49HELEN KRAFCIK ____________________________________________________ 56GERALD J. KRIPAK __________________________________________________ 27CATHY LASOTA ____________________________________________________ 65JANICE LUGINSLAND ______________________________________________ 47MR. MRS. B. G. MCDONALD________________________________________ 23MRS. NORRIS McKAMEY ____________________________________________ 48MARGARET JOHN McKEE __________________________________________ 29MRS. ELMA MANIES _____________________________________________ 67SOPHIE H. MAYES ................................................................................................... 77DAN JoELLEN MERCER ____________________________________________ 17CATHY JIM MILLER_______________________________________________ 47OPAL MOSHER _____________________________________________________ 21BEVERLY NORRIS __________________________________________________ 7CECIL W. PRICE __________________________________________________ 57, 58LENNIS RAINES _____________________________________________________ 71CAROL RICCI _______________________________________________________ 41DUDLEY WANDA ROACH _________________________________________ 35MARY A. ROSENBAUM _____________________________________________ 68CAROL L. SHERRY __________________________________________________ 19NELLIE SPRUNGER _________________________________________________ 58DR. MRS. LAWRENCE TRAUNER_____________ __________________ 38, 39MRS. BOB D. WHITESIDE _____________________________________________ 5JESSIE BARBARA YOUNG ......._________________________________ COVERPHYLLIS ZUMBAUM _______________________________________________ 7480 POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.IncSPECIALTY SHOWFEBRUARY 12, 1978Loews-Summit Hotel 51st and Lexington Avenue New York City Reservations 212-752-7000Regular ClassesMRS. MARIANNE GRYBINSKISweepstakes MR. FRANCIS J. CASEY Entry Fees remain the same as last year Regular Classes, 9 Sweepstakes, 5.SEND ALL ENTRIES TOMISS BARBARA YOUNG, Show Secretary Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, New Hampshire 03301Entries Close January 25, 1978