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The Pom Reader September 1993
Table of Contents
On the cover: ALDEN'S KENNEL Owned by A1 & Janet Domrase, Ringwood, Illinois CoverDID YOU KNOW by Sharon Masnick Ear Care; Puppy Nutrition; Collapsing Trachea; Letting Go 12
NEW CHAMPIONS Recently-attained titles 14
OLYMPIA! a/k/a/ Lois Ciliberto "Dear Olympia" 22
SPECIAL ADDITION Top twenty Pomeranians 28
UPDATE Top ten exhibitors 28
NEW CHAMPIONS Recent titleholders 14
wm \ rrUfjlmISEPTEMBER 1993 VOLUME VIII, NUMBER SIXVmAft \mmt 1AldensOerican Parti.VWSSSwtVIBEST OF , OPPOSITE SEch rePoT ill- ms'set . sv I Ch. Alden Midget Parti Dot-To-Dot\Ch. Alden Parti Pepsi HiOUR COVER DOG\ s- - ALDENSALL AMERICAN PARTI Owned ByAldens Kennel6810 Barnard Mill Road Ringwood, IL 60072 815 728-0559A1 Janet DomraseSxciusiue Q-akdkji Qladi'he Q-e.jisilAnnette L. HeiseYELLOW ROSE POMERANIANSMarian CoyPOMARONS POMERANIANS4Ch. Aldens Parti Chocolate Chip Aldens Lucky Parti Flashback Owned by RAUL PEREZThe Pom Reader September 1993DALLASFORTWORTH or SCCTTWOT'S TLCSUMMERMISTYMORNf.A4 ft'.."HAPPINESS IS HONEY"HONEY is a beautiful orange sable girl of soundness in structure and movement. She is such fun to show because of her spunk and attitude. She recently went Best Opposite Sex at the Columbia Pom Club Specialty for a 5 point Major. She has taken some breeds from the classes and has a Group 3rd. We are excited and looking forward to seeing everyone at the Pom Jamboree. It will be great fun and plenty of time to get to visit with those we know and those we hope to get toknow. GOOD LUCK TO YALLHBred, Handled Loved By wosNeal Dorothy TrosinoThe Pom Reader September 19934'T^he iQomREADERSEPTEMBER 1993 VOLUME VIII, NUMBER SIXTABLE OF CONTENTS2. On the cover ALDENS KENNELOwned by A1 Janet Domrase, Ringwood, Illinois12. DID YOU KNOW by Sharon MasnickEar Care Puppy Nutrition Collapsing Trachea Letting Go14. NEW CHAMPIONSRecently-attained titles.21. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.22. OLYMPIA aka Lois CilibertoDear Olympia...28. SPECIAL ADDITIONTop twenty Pomeranians.28. UPDATETop ten exhibitors.14. NEW CHAMPIONSRecent titleholders.30. FLOOD WATCH 93Sandra A. Gilbert brings news of the midwestem flood.36. PR PLAYMATESOur pup-ular candid photo department.38. KNOCK, KNOCK WHOS THEREThe Pom Reader visits Mary Allan, Allayns Poms.THE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, SS40 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the rightThe Pom Reader August 1993to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third Class service in the continental United States 36.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 55.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC-LICENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP ' AND ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis Editor, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Telephone S13-858-3839. FAX 813-853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.INDEX TO ADVERTISERSAllan, M...................................................31,44Allridge, V....................................................48Baker. T........................................................31Barnes, D. R.............................................29Bemey, S......................................................31Berry, N...................................................31,37Bordelon, J................................................... 25Brown j.........................................................45Byrd, L.........................................................31Carson, M. B.......................................20,35Cates, B. C............................................... 35Ciliberto, L..............................................31,48Colcasure. S..................................................29Conrad, H.....................................................29Creed, C.................................................... 7,33Dahlenburg, D M..................................... 29Davis, J.........................................................29Diamond, D. A.........................................52Domrase. A. J.....................................1,2.33Dossinger, M................................................ 37Fiddick, R. J............................................. 35Finch, D........................................................31Freeman. C................................................... 29Freia, J..........................................................35Gasaway, 1..............................................11,31Graf, H.....................................................23,33Griffith. K.....................................................33Hartz. K.........................................15,16,17.35Haworth, D...................................................48Hovey, J....................................................... 31Jachalke, D. Y........................................ 5,37Johnson, K....................................................46Kneisler, M...................................................43Krzewicki, B........................................... 50,51Lehtinen, J....................................................45Litonjua. D. M..........................................29Lovely, V............................................31,37,42Martin, D......................................................33Mason, B...................................................... 29Masnick. S....................................................35Miller, K. E...............................................35Mooney, R....................................................10Nagy, S. B................................................ 29Newyear, E...................................................27Nimmo, U.....................................................31Norris, B. B..............................................29Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club..................... 19Palmer-Kelly. A............................................47Parkerson, D.................................................46Philbrook, S..................................................31Podolin, R....................................................8,9Poole, R........................................................42RGS Poms Pedigrees............................... 35Ray, B......................................................18,35Reilly, R. J................................................33Rogers-Rister, A...........................................33Rosenbaum, M..............................................35Schroeder, R.................................................20Sharp. E. D................................................31Shartel, N.................................................... 27Smith, R.......'................................................ 35Sprouse, L.......................................... ............31Trosino, N. D............................................. 3Wells, M. G...............................................29Willis. V.......................................................37DACARS POMERANIANS Presents...BISS - Multiple Best Of Breed and Group Placement WinnerBISSCH. MYSTICAL'S I DREAM OF GENECh. EmCee's Chips Ahoy of Coy Rom x Dupre's Ms. Chip of BusterThank you, judge Mr. Joe Tacker for this Group IIFLASHBest of Breed at the Columbia Pomeranian Specialty under judge Dr. Nelson DeSoto 'A -X" SECONDnaJOwner Handlers AgentsDAVID YVONNE JACHALKE JERRY BETSY OWENS7613 - 158th Street Ct. E Pulyallup, WA 98373 206 536-289132510 8th Avenue South Roy, WA 98580 206 843-1365The Pom Reader September 1993Lrntus Brnitk,,BET YOU CANT OWN JUST ONEWhy own a show dogTheres a danger you know.You cant own just one,For the craving will grow.Theres no doubt theyre addictive,Wherein lies the dangerWhile living with lotsYou ll grow poorer and stranger.One dog is no trouble, and two are so funny,The third one is easy,The fourth ones a honey.The fifth is delightful,The sixth ones a breeze.You find you can live with a houseful, with ease.So how bout anotherWould you really dareTheyre really quite easy But, Oh Lord, the HairWith dogs on the sofa,And dogs on the bed,And crates in the kitchen,Its no bother, youve said.Theyre really no trouble,Their manners are great.Whats just one more dog And one more little crateThe sofa is hairy,The windows are crusty.The floor is all footprints,The furnitures dusty.The housekeeping suffers,But what do you careWho minds a few noseprints And a little more hairSo lets keep a puppy,You can always find room,And a little more time For the dustcloth and broom.Theres hardly a limit To the dogs you can add The thought of a cutback,Sure makes you feel bad.Each one is so special,So useful, so funny,The food bill grows larger,You owe the vet money.Your folks never visit,Few friends come to stay.Except other dog folks Who live the same way.Your lawn has now died, and your shrubs are dead, too. But your weekends are busy, Youre off with your crew.Theres dog food and vitamins Training and shots.And entries and travel and Motels which costs lots.Is it worth it you wonderAre you caught in a trapThen that favorite comes up And climbs in your lap.His look says you re special And you know that you will Keep all of the critters In spite of the bill.Some just for showing,And some just to breed.And some just for loving They all fill a need.But winters a hassle,The dogs hate it, too,But they must have their walks Tho they re numb you re blue.Late evening is awful,You scream and you shout At the dogs on the sofa,Who refuse to go out.The dogs and the dog shows The travel, the thrills The work and the worry The pressure, the bills.The whole thing seems worth it The dogs are your life.They re charming and funny And offset the strife.Your lifestyle has changed.Things just wont be the same.Yes those dogs are addictive And sos the dog gameAuthor unknown.Submitted by Chris SalyersTHE LUCK OF RAISING A SHOW PUPHelen PhillipsHeartworm, parvo, fleas and mange Ticks and bloat and rabies,Parasites, herpes, cuts and bites, Hemophelia, scabies.Broken bones, entropion,Osteochondritis,Hypothyroid, kennel cough, and gastroenteritis.We raise our pups so carefully we watch for all these ills,We dose them with the proper kinds of shots and salve and pills.Our X-rays go to OFA,Check eyes from A to Z And for a sniffle or a sneeze We pull a CBC.A fortune do we lavish on This wonder dog, our prizeAnd what does he reward us withHe turns out oversize.Your family has no holidays,Your spouse gives up his boat,The bucks are all spent on the dog Who never grows a coat.You clip and brush and socialize But its the honest truthThat all that time and all that care Wont hide that missing toothThere is no time left for your crew To take the hoped-for tripYou spend your days just working on The ear that will not tip.The elbows go out, the topline sags The tails too low or gayThe angulation isnt there The feet are in a splay.Just try your best, give them the top Vet care and food and waterBut its only by a stroke of luck Theyll turn out like they oughterFrom the Lakeland-Winter Haven KC Talebearer7souTHLA^7-IM5 rB^STSHOWILLINOIS VALLE KENNEL CLUB MAT 1993PHOTO BY DOWNEY 0mGROUP I THANK YOU JUDGE MRS. JOANALEXANDERMultiBISA, BISS CH.SOUTH- LANDS MIGHTY IMPRESSIVEBISATHANK YOU JUDGE MR.ROGERPRITCHARDCongratulations to Mary Allan Sharon Hanson on their kennel visitsl\l RAYSOFD SUNSHINEBreederOwner CHARLOTTE CREED6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456OwnersJ. C. BAUMGARTNER, M. D. NANCY SPELKEAgentJUDI HARTELLThe Pom Reader September 1993wmdimgJEV-NOR'S MS. MUFFET OF WYNMOR"MISSY"Sire Ch, Bev-Nor's Statesman Dam Bev-Nor's Ebony N RusttV.r -vThanksto Beverly Ferguson for having faith in Missy. Only one Major to go Thanks also to Judges Mrs. Denny Kodner for a BOB and Mrs. Betty Munden pic. for a Major.POMERANIANS8820 Towanda Street Chestnut Hill Philadelphia, PA 19118 215 242-4348ROBERTA PODOLIN, BreederOwnerThe Pom Reader September 1993Introducing... CH. WYNMOR'SGOLDEN OSCARLtft 7VBEST OF WINNERSFORSYTH KENNEL CLUB JUNE 1993^^^photo by SABRINAA,Thanks to Pam Campbell for a great job finishing Oscar, and to Judges Dr. Many Smith, Dr. Samuel Draper, Mr. Richard Bauer and Mrs. Toddie Clark for 2 Majors and 2 BOBs.Great Elms Firestarter Sire Wynmor's Mighty Mite Wynmor's Sweet And Sassy Ch. Wynmor's Golden OscarCh. Annon's Sir Kennor Dam Wynmor's CrystalBlake's Shannon of Jan-SharPOMERANIANS8820 Towanda Street Chestnut Hill Philadelphia, PA 19118 215 242-4348ROBERTA PODOLIN, BreederOwnerThe Pom Reader September 199310RaintreeWe re Black Tan...JoshRAINTREES TUFF E NUFFJosh ex Raintrees Angel Eyes Tuffy just welcomed two new litters of black tan babies to Raintree, both sired by Josh. Inquiries welcome.And much moreNABOB S TALK ABOUT HARLEMHarley is shown winning her second major, here under judge Mrs. Betty Moore. Thank you Mrs. Moore Harley was bred by Nan Shartel and is Co-owned with Kathryn Hartz.OwnerRAINTREE POMERANIANSRay Mooney M.P. 3-2. Skye Road Washougan, Wa 98671 206 837-3681J WINNER'S_HandlerAgentAIJA POMERANIANSIngrida Gasaway 34409 Kinsman Rd. E Roy, WA 98580 206 843-1543WE FEED AND RECOMMEND SCIENCE DIETThe Pom Reader September 199311la \romtxaniavA 'Offers for saledfija iJ\ oon banasWe are also offering a stunning Black White Parti Male and a Chocolate Male andcbfija iUazmanianUzimitzFemale. Pictures and Pedigrees on Request.SCIENCE DIET RECOMMENDEDINGRIDA GASAWAY 34409 Kinsman Road East Roy, WA 98580 206 843-1543The Pom Reader September 199314cQwPublished August 1993tons...Beltane Gold Digger B by Ch. Karlee Twenty Four Karat x Ch. Beltane Sheer Sauce BreederOwner Paul T. Curry Barbara A. CurryBev-Nor's Something Special D by Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge x Great Elms April of Lenette Breeder Beverly A. Norris Owner Beverly A. Norris Beverly B. FergusonChastdees Against All Odds D by Ch. Mi Babe S M Crash x Mac's Lady Courtney Royale BreederOwner Rheadene McNeiceEmCee's Cloudbuster's ImageD by Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster x EmCee's Tinka Tar Breeder Morris E. Carson Betty F. Carson Owner Marlene Roantes Morris E. CarsonFoxfire's Heartbreak Kid D by Puf-Pride Golden Sandollar x Ch. Dupre's Wake Up Little Suzy BreederOwner Janine G. PannellJan-Shars Charlie One Horse D by Ch. Blakes Dynamite Rock x Jan-Shars Kizzy BreederOwner Sharon HansonMac's Steppin' Out D by Ch. Mac's Lucky Legend x Ch. Susan's Help From Estelle Breeder Susan Ferguson Owner Estelle McDonaldNolan's Shady Park Casie Rock B by Ch. De Artas Rock Music x Nolan's Shady Park Sasha BreederOwner Diana NolanOdyssey's Polar Eclypse D by Ch. Odyssey's Keno Wiz x Phyner Dinah Might BreederOwner Janet ManuszakPom Acres Magnum Force O'Peannete D by Ch.Tripp's Top Of The Deck x Pine Acres Black And Tan Lace Breeder Gertrude Brown Owner Anne HendlerPeter Pan's Savage Attack D by Ch. Jamol's Klassic Hi Time x Hi Times Savage Attack BreederOwner Ann C. SavagePhilpoms Mini Muffin B by Ch. EmCee's Golden Topo De Oro x Ch. Ms Molly Of Twin Pines BreederOwner Carolyn PhillipsRocky's Go Kris Go B by Rocky's Go Fer Gold x Ch. Rocky's Crissie BreederOwner Virginia RockholdTomho Indian Red Of L'Ete D by Ch. Tomho Caviar Dreams x Ch. Tomho Holidazzle Strut Breeder Linda C. Sohn Owner Howard SklarTJ's Primetime D by Ch. Alden's Hero Of Hercules x Ch.TJ's Peach Elm Of Lu-Net BreederOwner Thomas J. McCannTNT Captain O'GoldBlackacre D by Ch. TNT Davey Crockett x Bi-Mar Stunning Summer At TNT Breeder Dolores Stanger Marcia Doane Owner Gold Blackacre Reg Marcia DoaneWatt's Little Penny's Cysco D by Ch. Great Elms Little Timmy Beam x Watts Scotia Pinch A Penny BreederOwner Dolores A. WattsWatts Little Socrates D by Ch. Great Elms Little Sparky x Ch. Watts Little Bunny Baby BreederOwner Dolores A. WattsWee Hearts N De Nic Of Time D by Wee Heart's Strike It Rich x Wee Heart's Shez Got The Look Breeder Cassandra Ready Evans Estil Evans Owner Marlene Presser Marlin Presser Cassandra Evans,.NEW CHAMPIONS are taken from the AKC Gazette and published as often as space permits.The Pom Reader August 199315Meet,..GRANDDAUGHTEROF MERLINCh. The Wizard of CamelotSIRED BY SANTA CLAUSCh. Dover-Holihouse Kris Kring-LCP1i iWINNERSmOFr. BESTOPPOSITEPLAINFIELDcuwfUmlwA mid-jebsevIlf I COMPANIONIt J DOG TRAINING L llU'l CLUBM Vfo MAY30.1993tgkgfip^ jOHNASHBEY-rJ \jr''XDOVER-HOLIHOUSE BIT OCAMELOTPointed first time out, 6 months, 2 days Thank you Mrs. Betty Dullinger Gypsy is following in her sisters fottstepsCH. DOVER-HOLIHOUSE OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHTCreamSableBreedersOwnersDOVER-HOLIHOUSE Kathryn Hartz Patricia A. Foley 609-695-1642WE FEED AND RECOMMEND SCIENCE DIETSee otkji Blacks, ^Pth adfy, Sept. '89The Pom Reader September 1993See SPOT...1 1 s-.pigOPPOSITEWINNERStmiWINNERS BITCH Thank you judge MR. EDO EMBRY B1V1NWIIVIXIERS BITCH Thank you judge MR. CYRIL BERMFELBBEST OF OPPOSITECLUBPAINTERS DOVER-HOLIHOUSE 609-695-1642We Feed Recommend Science DietThe Pom Reader September 199317See SPOT winvI,to\0WINNERSPENN RIDGE V KENNELn clubDGAUGUST7.1993AJOHN ASHBEYamWINNERS BITCH 3 POINT MAJOR Thank you judge MR. WILLIAM FERRARACHECKMATEOwners HandlerD. NINATOSKI K. HARTZ PATRICIA A. FOLEYP.A. FOLEYWe Feed Recommend Science DietThe Pom Reader September 199318Ben^ay Li^BerteShare with you our champs...j v.5TO.LCH.APPLES TRAVELING LIBERTE Bred to Ch. Apples Traveling RamblerCH. BEN-RAY'S GOLDEN JOSH 'N ENVY Taking Best Of Breed and Best Of Opposite Sex at the Tennessee Valley Kennel Club under toy authority Dawn Vick Hansen.Our thanks to Ruth Beam for the use of her studs Ch. Great Elms Something Special, Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince, Ch. Great ElmsMaster Mark and Ch. Great Elms Timmy Timstopper We have some gorgeous pups sired by each stud.THANK YOU, RUTHBen-Rav ..................INQUIRIES................. LiBerteBENSON RAY STELLA LIZAMBRI2007 Vestry Drive 133 Camelot DriveCharleston, SC 29414 Agents Goose Creek, SC 29445803571-6165 CARROLL AND MARY JAMES 803533-0188The Pom Reader September 199319Coming Soon..."The Mega Match"the siio\v,Sunday, November 14, 1993AssignmentsAll Males, Best Jr., Best Sr., Best Adult, Best InJudgesDelores Watts Brandywine, MD MatchDr. Morris Carson Richmond, YA All Females, Jr. Handler, CostumeHOLIDAY INN COLUMBUS EAST 1-70 4560 Hilton Corporate Drive Columbus, Ohio614 868-1380 Fax 614 863-3210 59.00For reservations, say "Ohio Valley Pom"CLASSES 2-4 Months, 4-6 Months, 6-9 Months, 9-12 Months, 12 months and overENTRY FEESFirst entry of each dog 8.00 Each additional entry same dog 4.00 Costume or Junior Handling 8.00 Parade of Champions 4.00Pre-Entries OnlyEntries closeWednesday, November 3rd, 1993Trophy Donations Welcomeall entries toRon Feyh Show Chairman2520 Eakin Road Columbus, Ohio 43204 614 274-2118Best in Match 500.00 cashBest Junior 200.00 cashBest Senior 200.00 cashBest Adult 200.00 cashBest Jr. Handler 50.00 cashCostume 50.00 cashHospitalitySaturday November 13th, 1993 700 pmBanquet Following Show Photographer Match Video Raffle AuctionThe Pom Reader August 1993 20Chocolate...Some like it light, and others like it dark. KosehilPs presents a pleasing blend of both.WALDOROSEHILLS MARK OF A REBELLook for him this Fall.Waldo is at stud to approved bitches.OwnerRose Schroeder6930 Se 85th Avenue, Portland, OR 97266 503 774-6818EMCEESPomeraniansCH. EMCEES JACKIE LOUOur newest Champion... Thanks to Marlene Halsey, handlerEMCEES A CHIP OF TERI-DAN Owner, Terry WilfordA few puppies to show homes from Ch.Emcees A Chip of Diamond Inquiries InvitedMORRIS BETTY CARSON9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23223 804741-30247\The Pom Reader September 199326in a pet home but now I look back and wonder what he might have contributed in our program. He was the end of a line and could not be replaced...undescended. You mentioned that a bilateral cannot reproduce, yet I have discussed this with vets and they insist incidents are on record where they have, it all depends on the temperature reached, whether it kills the sperm or not. PLEASE, any vets out there want to educate meWith that out of the way, we'll continue our discussion on the main gist of your dilemna. I am reading in your words that you are abiding by AKC rules and not breeding or showing your beautiful male who has one testicle that "disappeared". But have found no research that has fully evaluated this problem in so far as proving that it IS a genetical trait, but you have read in Malcolm B. Willis that is has been proven that the condition in humans and rats can be caused by drugs or dietary deficiencies. This would naturally lead me to assume these conditions could affect our dogs.This leaves all breeders on a seesaw. The AKC, too. Since no research has proven anything in the dogs on the testicle problem, why are we automatically assuming that it is genetical and since we are, why does AKC disqualify the dog but NOT take away his registration You can't show him but you can BREED HIM Up with the seesaw, down with the seesaw. At first, I resisted your idea that if this a beauty contest and it is why worry about the testicle positions. That is because I, like everyone else, have been so ingrained on the idea that it is not RIGHT to show a dog with less than the two testes down, because AKC makes it illegal. As to the breeding of them, at Crescendo we never did, but I know others who have. They thought or think like you do at present, that it is a total waste of an otherwise good specimen of the breed, and good specimens who can pass on good traits are not so common in toy breeds.Now, I am beginning to be swayed. Logic makes sense. Since no research has been conducted, then we basically know zilch. If a dog possesses everything else we want, why waste him We don't always waste our C-Section girls. Unless it is life-threatening to her. We want what the good, but sectionable, gal can give us, and it makes sense to ditto that with the boy. Obviously, AKC wasn't too sure of the pros and cons of letting them be bred, or they would have made itautomatic that their papers would be pulled when they are disqualified from the ring. Or did they feel that pulling the papers was worse, as breeders who wanted to do it would do it anyway and assign the breeding to another male with papers Then, too, what about the pretty boys who never hit the ring because of their lack They can be bred and none the wiser.Like you, we had a beautiful guy of about 10 months who never had a testicle "bounce", they were DOWN and very obvious. His first show they were there and he won and was complimented by the judge as a very promising youngster.The next day he was sent from the ring...the testicle had disappeared Talk about being floored. We kept him to 14 months and it never re-appeared and our vet could not FIND it by probing. We neutered and placed him in a pet home but now I look back and wonder what he might have contributed in our program. He was the end of a line and could not be replaced. In fact, we look back at two boys with the problem, the other with a normal testis and one the size of a pea...and both males were terrific specimens otherwise. Now, Dean, comes your discussion and it makes me wonder. If I gaze at Mr. Universe and don't see beneath his bikini, what do I know But that he is what he is supposed to be, ahandsome hunk who is posing only to be admired for his agility, build and personality. If he ain't all he's cracked up to be, who cares And if he ain't, and his mother took the drug Thlidomide and this caused him to be less than perfect, does this mean he shouldn't sire children And if he was bom with nothing in the male equipment department and can't reproduce, do we stop admiring him for what he basically is, or do the contest holders refuse him admitance Hardly.Point taken. Now, READERS, we all know a little knowledge is dangerous. Why not take some time to call or write in and tell us your opinions. All written responses will appear in this column, as time permits regarding deadlines. All oral responses will be "aired" but only in general. You all have mentioned that you enjoy these thought-provoking articles, but they don't come without help. Dean Hebert and I have burned some midnight oil, and we will next month when we discuss his opinions of the skin disease.Now its YOUR turn...and, pssst, if you want to bushwack or bum Dean at the stake, call me and I'll tell you where he is...until the dog howls again...Olympia aka Lois Ciliberto20130 Stamat Drive Land O' Lakes, FL 34639 813 996-5499The Pom Reader. September 199325ymA-BITEmVc vj-A ts-.CH.VELVET TOUCH FLASH OF BEV-NORCh. Ida's Touch of Bev- Nor x Ch. Velvet Touch Vanilla FudgeCH. VELVET TOUCH UL BIT OHOPECh. Ida's Mr. Toasty x Velvet Touch RufflesCH. IDA'S DANISH DELITE BY BEV-NORCh. Bev-Nor Toasted Fudge x Creider's Camelia O'IdaCH. VELVETTOUCHBEAUTIFULVelvet Touch Son of Bev- Nor x Velvet Touch Honey BunXSEXLERFOR SALE1 Show quality male puppy of sire Ch. Velvet Touch Flash of Bev-Nor grandson to Beverly Norris' Best in Show champion and dam Ch. Ida's Danish Delite by Bev-Nor daughter to Beverly Norris' Best in Show champion Bom 51293.2 Show quality male puppy of sire Ch. Velvet Touch Flash of Bev-Nor and dam Ch.Velvet Touch Lil Bit O'Hope granddaughter to Beverly Norris' Best in Show champion Bom 511933 Show quality male and female puppies of sire Ch. Velvet Touch Flash of Bev-Nor and dam Ch. Velvet Touch Beautiful granddaughter to Beverly Norris' Best in Show championBom 32193Also available - Stud service by Ch. Velvet Touch Flash of Bev-NoromAJANET BORDELON1460 HIGHWAY 3054 ALEXANDRIA, LOUISIANA 71303 318445-0143The Pom Reader September 199324nave you ever been to a beauty pageant or a Mr. Ameriea or Mr. Universe contestTou don't ask the prospective Miss America if she has been checked to see if she can bear a child and you DEFINITELY do not check the prospective Mr. Ameriea or Mr. Universe to see if he has two testicles in the normalher owners if it is brought to the attention of the show committee. Suspension remains in effect until trial time and determination as to whether the section in any way did or did not alter the dog's conformation. This current technical rule is under study by AKC for possible further clarification, amendment or recall. More on this and other disqualifying items in the next issue...Olympia.Anyway, lets get back to our discussion. I want to awaken everyone to what my dilemna is. First of all, we must define what problem we have and are trying to eradicate, and that is a dog that does not have two normal testicles that we can't see normally located in the scrotum that we can barely see who may not compete in any shows or would be disqualified and his AKC papers will not be pulled.1 ANORCHIA BUT BEAUTIFUL Total absence of testes can never reproduce - no problem2 MONORCHIA BUT BEAUTIFUL Total absence of one testis can reproduce, but does not necessarily mean he will produce monorchids.3 CRYPTORCHID BUT BEAUTIFUL Now, this is more difficult A UNILATERAL CRYPTORCHID BUT BEAUTIFUL Often confused with monorchid because one testis is up and the other testis is down what this whole discussion with Olympia started over. This dog can reproduce as beautiful as he is and his registration papers will never be pulled...which they should not should he be disqualified from the ring Because, according to Malcolm B. Willis 1989 edition page 53 he will NOT NECESSARILY produce unilateral cryp- torchism...nor will he NECESSARILY produce a male with two, three, or none. Three, Dean Dream on ...OlympiaB BI-LATERAL CRYPTORCHID BUT BEAUTIFUL Often confused with ANORCHIA Both testes undescended cannot reproduce - so no problem.Why did we decide only to disqualify a beautiful dog from the show ring when it is not going to do any good for our breeding programYour guess is as good as mine. If we can't show the dog, then to help our breeding program, we must pull the registration papers so he may never again be used in any breeding program - and heshould be neutered so no accidents can happen.Again, no one is sure this is GENETICALLY RELATED the drug THALIDOMIDE has been known to cause this problem in humans and laboratory experiments have proven that dietary conditions cause it in rats. So who is to say that some prenatal destruction or diet deficiency did NOT occur in our beautiful Poms during gestationIn summation, here are the two questions we must address1 Do we really need to check the testicles on our males when we are not sure of the reason for a problem Are the "problem" conditions regarding testicles harmful to our breeding program or not Why check something we are not at all sure is harmful Certainly research into this matter to prove it one way or another is required here.2 If we find that we have to worry about the "problem", then to complete the process, we need to pull AKC papers of the dog and any of his progeny, male or female. This is ONE inconsistency within the fancy that truly needs addressingThere is yet another important inconsistency within our breeding program toaddress as well. The DREADED skin or "LACK OF HAIR" disease. "Not SKIN or LACK OF HAIR condition, as some would like to call it - but plain old skin or lack of hair DISEASE. This disease definitely can and should be controlled genetically, but I will get into that more extensively in the next issue of Pom Reader, unless I'm burned at the stake or bushwhacked along the way...Dean Hebert Treasured PomeraniansDear Dean,I've been digesting the gist of all the above material since first you brought it up in an initial phone conversation. That was the day you confused me, and then educated me, on the word ANORCHIA, which I had never heard, and indeed did not find in my tome The Oxford Dictionary. I had always thought a dog with no testes was a CRYPTORCHIDI'll bet everyone else does too. Now it is clear that a dog with ABSOLUTELY no testicles anywhere in his body is unable to reproduce and is an ANORCHIAN. A CRYPTORCHID may be able to reproduce, even though only ONE testis is down, and even though it is BI-LATERAL i.e., both are within the body butThe Pom Reader September 1993mmiiht VVGrafenhorstpresentsfuture hopefuls...Breeding for beautiful whites blacks\ and black tans. Watch foraAttraction in the ring soon with his exclusive handlerDaleAdams.FOR SALEGORGEOUS PROVEN STUDS, SABLE, BLACK, BLACK TAN, ORANGE AND PARTI- COLOR FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACTHORST GRAF 12000 NW 2ND STREET PLANTATION, FL 33325 305 475-2465Grafts Mostly Bonner Grafts Fatal Attraction IOwThe Pom Reader September 199322ATSCLois CilibertoDoy OitcC...Dear Olympia,Where to begin, is what I asked myself when challenged to put into words a conversation we Olympia and myself were having on the inconsistencies of the standards of excellence of the Pomeranian breed.First let me say that sometimes what you see is not what you get. I am speaking of a beautiful, full coated, sound structured and fluid moving Pomeranian dog of mine that I raised and I might say by the hardest method with eyedropper, bottle and TLC from the day he was bom until the day he was old enough to eat on his own. Then I nurtured him, as any true mother would do, proud and knowing that he was going to knock everyone dead with his good looks and stunning personality. At six months of age I started working with him knowing that he was going to be a champion by the time he was ten months of age. He was checked by my vet, every Pom expert I know, and by myself, and he had everything it takes to be a champion all equipment in the male parts when, lo and behold, at the age of nine months, half of his "equipment" just disappeared, at least so far that you had to probe and poke around to find it.Needless to say, I was FLOORED I wasDear Olympiatold it could be done and had been done to numerous prominent surgically repaired...but...did I want to compromise my integrity to do this...the ansWer was NO. But I did ask myself what the consequences of breeding him would be. I took on the task of reading all I could from all texts that I could find of the probabilities of him passing on this fault.After reading, studying and inquiring, all I could REALLY find out was that REALLY no extensive study was ever REALLY done, but that someone in AKC must have decided that not showing a dog with one testicle would eradicate the problem from the breed. I assume that is what AKC is trying to do, when after three times of excusal from the ring for lack of both testicles, the dog is disqualified.If, in fact, the lack of testicle is a problem, and I question that, why will only excusing the dog three times from the ring eradicate it from the breed It won't,and everyone knows it won't, so why is it doneFirst, we must ask ourselves - What are we showing our dogs fori The answer is conformation and conformation only, and that is VISUAL beauty...Visual beauty, and structure... VISUAL beauty and gait... Visual bounce and agility we are not necessarily showing our dogs to reproduce, even if this fault does hinder their reproduction...and there is no evidence that cryptorchidism or monorchidism does effect it. But the fact remains that we are showing our dogs for conformation VISUAL BEAUTY.Have you ever been to a beauty pageant or a Mr. America or Mr.Universe contest You don't ask the prospective Miss America if she has been checked to see if she can bear a child and you DEFINITELY do not check the prospective Mr. America or Mr. Universe to see if he has two testicles in the normal place. Why Because this is a beauty contest and you are judging only what you see...if we are to be consistent with our judging. Why do we not disqualify a bitch that needs a C-Section Under current AKC policy, technically, a bitch that has been sectioned can be suspended from showing and breeding along withThe Pom Reader September 1993Tze PomREADERAldens AU American PartioinrcdYourShowcaseforPurebredPomeraniansSUBSCRIPTIONRATESin U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per YearDomestic24 3rd class postage 40 1st class postage Foreign Rates Upon Request Sample Issues 4.00 each Back Issues 4.00 each Subject to availability'Tyhe "Sam deaderVOLUME MU, NUMBER FOURJ0U1ADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAd SizeAnnualPrepaidContract OpenRateFull Page Deluxe Color 337.50 375.00Full Page Standard Color 250.00 250.00Full Page Black White 96.00 120.00Half Page 53.00 65.0014 Page 27.00 35.0018 Page 16.00 20.00116 Page 10.00 12.00STORK REPORT NA 10.00All ads 14 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes color photo, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, position chosen by publisher.KNOCK, KNOCK Who's ThereGOLDEN AIRESSHARON MASNICK IN OCTOBERCongratulatory ad rates apply - call for information.SUBSCRIPTION ADVERTISING INFORMATION INFORMATIONJoe McGinnis, Editor Phone 813-858-3839 Fax 813-853-3624Telephone subscription orders by credit card onlyDuane Doll, Publisher Phone 813-858-3839Lois Ciliberto, Sales Phone 813-996-5499DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604The Pom Reader. August 19932700'WOWT HOTooNABOB POMS AND NEUJAHR POMSPresent"BERTIE"Vm srm i 3BBSPe Cma , iL.......v............................................................... .................-.......................Nabob start the NeujarightNabob Winter Wizard x Nabob Winter White WindsongPictured at 9 months, Bertie has won 1st in Class Sweeps at Michigan Pom Club Specialty Thank You, Judge Mr. Fred Dieball and, for BOS at Grand River Kennel Club,Thank You, Judge Ms. Shirley Thomas pic.Bertie will be on her Winning White Way with Evelyn Rollie ConleyBreederNAN SHARTEL NABOB POMS 409 N. Lincoln Condon, OR 97823 503 384-5177AgentsEVELYN ROLLIE CONLEY LYN-LEE20075 Vining Road New Boston, Ml 48164 313 753-9245Owner EVELYN NEWYEAR NEUJAHR POMS 4478 River Street Willoughby, OH 44094 216 946-1226The Pom Reader September 19932SSPECIAL ADDITION UPDATETOP TWENTY POMERANIANS SHOWS 1-3-93 THROUGH 4-15-93lowsSPECIAL ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsBreed Points not to be confused with AKC Championship points are allotted to dogs according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards book. Statistician Sharon Masnick, with thanks to computer consultant Sam Sheleby. A number of breed points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as folPOINTS6260 218521451420120010801000885670595570550520510465455430430385BEST IN SHOW All-Breeds......................................500BEST IN SHOW Specialty.........................................250Best of Opposite Sex Specialty....................................75TOY GROUP FIRST................................................. 250TOY GROUP SECOND............................................ 150TOY GROUP THIRD..................................................75TOY GROUP FOURTH..............................................25BEST OF BREED........................................................10Only show results published for the dates above appear inTOP TEN EXHIBITORS SHOWS 1-3-93 THROUGH 4-15-93The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may not be published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year to September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION Statistician Sharon Masnick, with thanks to computer consultant Sam Sheleby. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor. The following is the listing of the TOP TEN EXHIBITORS as of the dates above.Denotes tie Placements alphabeticalPRESSEREVANS..................... 28D. WATTS.................................. 26CONLEYNEWYEAR..............25S. HANSON..............................25J. R. BLANK..........................24JONESLOVELY......................24D. FINCH ..................................23C. CREED................................21D. KIEFFER.............................21V. LOVELY..............................21NAME........................................................ BISA BISS BoS GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 BBCH.CASSIO'S FLASH IN THE PAN D...................2 1 - 13 8 6 2 6CH. SOUTHLAND'S MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE D....... 2 - - 2 3 3 - 1CH. MORENO'S PERRI WINKLE D...................... - - - 4 6 3 - 2CH. ABSOLUTE'S MAGIC MOUNTAIN D............. 1 - - 1 4 - 2 2CH. FINCH'S HE WALKS ON WATER D............... - - 4 - - 1 3 5CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK D........................- 1 - 1 2 2 2 8CH. ROCK N TRADITION OF OAKRIDGED...........- - - 2 2 2 - 5CH. STARFIRE'S TOTALLY TEMPTING D............ - 1 - - 3 2 1 1BELTANE GOLD DIGGER B.............................. 1 - - - - 2 - 2CH. TLC BON JOVI D.......................................- - - 2 - 1 - 2CH. OZARKS MIGHTY MITE D......................... - - - 1 2 - - 2CH. TREASURED DEANS HI HIERARCHY D....... - 2 3 1CH.JAN'S WILLIE MAKIT D..............................- - - 1 1 1 1 2JIMLINS THE IMAGE OF FRIDAY D.................. 1 - - - - - - 1CH. CHRISCENDO CLASSICA B.........................- - 1 1 - - - ' 4CH.EXTANE VANILLA FUDGE SUNDAY D..........- 1 - - - 2 1 3CH. GLEN IRIS LUCKDRAGON D.......................- 1 - - 1 - - 3CH. GREAT ELMS LITTLE DEMETRIUS D........... - - - 1 1 - - 3CH. SOUTHLANDS IM SO IMPRESSIVE D......... - - - - 2 - 1 6375 CH. ODYSSEYS SHADOW OF KENOD................. - 1Denotes tie score. Placements alphabetical.TIE placements alphabetical.The Pom Reader. August 199329Living Water Pomeranians"Champion Bred Exotics"to2kWhite, Black, Blue, Chocolate Lavendar.Partis in RedWhite, BlueWhite, ChocolateWhite LavendarWhiteSheila Colclasure 8182 White Road Phelan, CA 92371r\wUQuality Poms In Asia Ch. Bi-Mar Sunny's Obsession Ch. Bavanew's StarfighterCh. Pom Grove's Fireglow of Bi-Mar Ch. Timsue's Distant Bell Ch. Janshar's Hillbilly HeavenPuppies OccasionallyDennis Mario Litonjua15 San Juan St. Kapitolyo Pasig, Metro-Manila Philippines 1600 632 632-7025 9-11am EST FAX 632 631-6658 Ch. Bavanew's StarfighterBEV-IMDR POMSCh. Bev-Nor's Special Edition, our newest Group I and specialty Winner - son of Ch. Bev-Nor's Statesman, top-produeng dog APC i992Stud Fee 250.00. Ch. Bev-Nor's Something Special, Nicky is the last male sired y Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge, Puppies out of him....3 Girls - Dam Ch. Bev- Nor's N Southland's Who Me. Bev Bill Norris, 7747 Meadow Rd, Pasadena, MD 21122. 410 255-1343.MNM'S POMERANIANS"Portraits of Perfection "Linebreeding of Distinction Studs of Inherent Quality Striking Show Candidates Mary and Gene WellsRT 2 BOX 238, PATTONSBURG, MO 64670 816 367-2254t0av- 0 Lbmera'damThe Perfect Pets - Bred For QUALITY BEAUTY TEMPERAMENT AKC Champion Stud Service Puppies DORATHY RAY BARNES 34861 Beacon, Livonia, MI 48150 Phone 313 522-2772sa-^Aa LPomA STANDARD OF EXCELLENCERhea-Na, Bev-Nor, Great Elms, Glen Iris, Janesa, Tim Sue - bred litters throughout 1993. Info package on request. Barb Steve Nagy, 713 Marlboro Rd., Stephens City, VA 22655. 703-869-3749.PETITE POMSJane DavisPO Box 693Huntingdon, TN 38344 901 986-9864AKC Champion Pom Puppies For Sale BlackRed - 1 Male - 3 Females 250.00 and upJKattcr ltliFor Sale 3 Males by EmmPOMS1 Sale 3 Males by Emmcee's Cloudbuster O' Manor Hill son ofChriscendo CloudbusterLitter expected in August by Ch. Chriscendo CloudbusterHelen Conrad 1677 Manor Rd Englewood, FL 34223 813 475-1724elanWe're now settled in Mexico City. Our permanent telephone number is011-525689-4767 Mr. Mrs. David K. DahlenburgQuality through Planned Parenthood Line Bred Sun Ray - Sun Dot's Orange, Black TanUpcoming Whites Nabob'sSun Ray PombredenI am purchasing puppies now.Cande FreemanPO Box 9001 Torrance, CA 90508 310 549-2707MASON'S CLOUD DANCER 12 brother to BIS CH. Phantom of the Opera SHOW QUALITY POMS TOP BLOODLINES PUPS ADULTSBetty Jo Mason590 E. Orance Avenue Perris, CA 92571 909 657-8166The Pom Reader August 1993Dateline, Midwestern Area of U.S. July 1993riginally, the Mississippi River was extremely wide, 7-12 miles and even more in some areas. It then covered the _ land from theIllinois bluffs westward to the Missouri bluffs, the area we now call the flood plains. The bottom lands of these flood plains were rich in agricultural productions they also gave businesses quick and easy access to the loading and unloading of barge traffic on the river. So, man in his quest for things better and easier built dams and levees to control this mighty giant. These work well most of the time, but, periodically the river must stretch and complain at these restraints, proving to all that his name Father of Waters was a just and fitting name, both then and nowThe flood of 1993 has produced vast areas of devastation it has also produced heroes and heroines. It is difficult to imagine the extent of the areas flooded, the losses incurred and the shear brute force of the river. Some of the comparisons used may help you to understand the enormity of the situation up and down the mighty Mississippi. On a typical hot and lazy July day in Quincy, Illinois, the river is normally about 10 feet deep this July it has been as high as 32 feet. Water is approximately DOUBLE the depth of what is considered to be flood stage allalong the upper Mississippi River basin. Our area has been at or above technical flood stage since April 2, 1993, except for 13 days May 27-June 8th. The stages of the river here in Quincy have been above 20 feet from April 9- May 19 and againabove 20 feet since June 24th. The highest crest was 32.1 3 on July 1 3. Today August 1, 1 993 it is 26.58 feet. The force of the river is said to be three times that of Niagara Falls. Flooding to the north of Quincy was said to cover an area wide enough to cover half the state of Rhode Island, and that was before the West Quincy, Missouri, levee broke. Flooded areas up and down the Mississippi cover enough acres to completely cover the COUNTRY OF ENGLAND The Missouri and Mississippi Rivers are now joining forces twentybySandra A. Gilbertmiles further north than they normally do because of the flooding. The force of the water coming through a broken levee is so strong it uproots massive trees, flattens buildings and undermines the pavement of highways and bridges causing enormous chunks of concrete to simply float away.When the levee in West Quincy, Missouri, broke water spread over 7 miles westward A railroad overpass which had a clearance of 13' 3"for truck traffic is now lost under water. The water moved so quickly and with such force through the broken levee that two barges were pulled through the open area by the sheer force of the water.We, here in Quincy, are fortunate in that most of our city is located high above the river on limestone bluffs. We have lost farms and some businesses in the floodplains both here in Illinois and in West Quincy, Missouri. Those in other areas arent so fortunate Des Moines, Iowa, has suffered extreme flooding which knocked out its water treatment plant residents have been without running water for several weeks, and although, they now have running water restored in most areas, it will be longer still before the water is safe to drink St. Louis, St. Joseph, Kansas City and many tiny towns youve never heard of have also suffered tremendous losses.The volume of water is estimated to be the greatest ever in recorded history, 1,050,000 cubic yard per second at St. Louis, last week the last full week in July.Friday night July 30, 1 993 another levee in suburban St. Louis gave way, sending 11 feet of water over the Spirit of St. Louis Airport. This break was about 7 feet wide by morning it was 75 feet wide. In addition to the flooding of the airport, dozens of farms and 490 restaurants, businesses, and light industrial plants were also inundated. The crest of 49.3 feet isnt due until Monday August 2 when it comes it will be 2.25 feet above the last record crest of 47.05 feet on July 20.Estimates of damages include 45 lives lost and 10 billion in damages in nine Midwestern states. But these are only estimates no one can say for sure what will be found when all the waters recede and the clean up starts.In the Jefferson City, Missouri, area major highways are under water or partially washed away. St. Joseph Kansas City MO are also experiencing record flooding.The Pom Reader September 199331^2404IXlea'ls PomeraniansLouise Sprouse Hunter Street, Greenwood, SC 29646 803 229-6054Show Pet Puppieserru'_______________ ," pmeraiiasi'Stud Service Nina M. BerryP.O. Box 907 203 Larry Street318-582-6690 Iowa, LA 70647POMERANIANSTHOM ADAMS CRAIG BAKER 11165 OLD SQUAW AVENUE, BROOKSVILLE, FL 34614 904 597-3213Quality Puppies Occasionally POMPOUS POMSStuds in residence CH. Circle M. Comes a Hossman CH. JDs Midnight Oil CH. JDs Truly A Gem CH. Goldcrests Pacific Dreamer Pedigrees and Stud Fees on Request.JANET HOVEY5207 W. Avenue M-8, Quartz Hill, CA 93536. Tel 805 722-3307.IsFINCHS POMERANIANSDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50134 Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water pic. Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Apolloctte Wild Fire Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Pomirish Robins Top ShelfGreat Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines Whitered and WhiteBlack parti puppies.MNMS POMERANIANSPortraits of PerfectionFEATURING Linebreeding of Distinction Studs of inherent quality Striking show candidates MARY GENE WELLS 4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621.Tel 714-994-0259- jp-1AFFORDABLEQUALITYPets from 200 ShowBreed stock from 300 Health guaranteed, major medical ins.EMCEE, MILLAMOR, BEV-NOR TOMANOLL LinesLisa Byrd, 19 Rock Creek Est. Crowley, TX 76036 0-700-PARADER or 817 297-4603POMERANIANSSUZANNE BERNEYDeer Park Kennels 4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21177301-655-8330LovefyVICTORIA LOVELYBLAKE JONES12022 30th St E., Puyallup, WA 98372 Pomsija PomeraniansSpecializing in Black dr Tan Our Bloodlines areGreat Tims - Scotia - Bev-Nor - SunRayIngrida Gasaway 206 843-154334409 Kinsman Road East Roy, WA 98580^SCNt0loMGRaNiaNSvYAYLois Bernie Ciliberto 9605 Land OLakes Boulevard Land OLakes, FL 34639 813-996-5499Shadow^jJ-KmneisSpecializing in Exotic Poms Blue, Lavendar, Chocolate, Black, and blue white, chocolate white, black white Parti-ColorsRoute 2 Box 83, Halfway, MO 65663 417 467-2413Uldine Nimmo, Owner Breederftlfamt gMary Allan918 485-3010POMERANIANSRoute 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467Susann Stackhouse Philbrook Behind such well-known bloodlines asBox 1070 Rancocas Road . n _ikr . tt ii XTT AOA.A Bi-Mar Bonner Mount Holly, NJ 08060609 267-4644 Cedarwood Creiders Show, breeding and pet Most colors including partis D-Nee Great Elms Pombreden Sun-Ray EDAR POMERANIANS4412 SW 7th Ave., Cape Coral, FL 33914 813 549-7543 BreedersExhibitors EADIE S. SHARP DARWIN SHARP IIIThe Pom Reader August 199332filing mid mi muli k much worse if ml for the fan tastic volunteer efforts...The Illinois River seems determined to keep up with other tributaries and is experiencing serious flooding along its course. Measurements are ranging from 9-16 feet above technical flood stage.Doing things and going places are not very convenient, but they are not totally impossible. For us, here in Quincy, IL., we are at least 40 miles from a bridge spanning the Mississippi River. Some workers are driving as close as possible to their place of employment and then being taken the rest of the way by boat Others are driving miles out of their way in order to cross the river. Still others are dependent upon our newest convenience, an air shuttle service. This service is being offered at cost with local pilots donating their time and expertise to the efforts Things could and would be so much worse if not for the fantastic volunteer efforts.Thousands of volunteers, plus hundreds of National Guardsmen, worked day and night to try to shore up the levees many levees were lost just a few in our immediate area continue to hold. Sand bags had to be filled. Quincy Universitys athletic field parking lot became a Sand Bag Filling Station. Young and old worked side-by-side. One man confined to a wheelchair was often seen holding bags open for someone more able-bodied to fill. Some area residents who were unable to get out due to illness or infirmity cut sand bag ties at home. More than 1,000,000 official U.S., Army Corps of Engineers sand bags were filled additionally, there were 30,000 fertilizer bags, untold thousands of other bags, and many riverfront industries kept their own supplies of sand bags. . . some as many as 80,000 - 100,000. Bags were filled at the Quincy University Athletic Fields Parking Lot, or at the Beach Party as itcame to be known, and delivered by truck to those working on the front lines ... the levees themselves. It was not at all unusual for persons, working on one levee to move on to the next one when theirs was breached or broken. They may have lost crops, home and belongings to the flood, but they wanted to help their neighbors avoid similar losses. The small community of Ursa, IL, debated about continuing with their park festival this year they did, and, in the spirit typical of all of these brave and courageous souls, they added a new game this year - sand bag tossing It speaks well of people who can still laugh and joke and smile amid adversityIt has been a time of great devastation, economic losses, trials and tribulations - yet out of it grew a wonderful sense of belonging, of caring and of hope. People have pulled together for the common good. They have given of their time and talents unselfishly. People came from all comers of America to help out Californians who received help during earthquakes came. People who had endured the ravages of Hurricanes Andrew and Hugo came, too. Flood and supplies have poured into our area from all over and are being stockpiled to help flood victims not just now, but also when they must return to what is left of their homes and businesses. Life has not been kind to these people many have lost literally everything, yet they are survivors. They will rebuild and start again.The GOOD NEWS is the Mississippi River bed is much wider below Cairo, Illinois. Experts feel that since the Ohio River is low, and the river widens considerably below Cairo, that there will NOT be the devastating flooding in the lower Mississippi River basin. Please pray they are correctIt will be months before full assessments of losses can be made. We do know that some buildings were totally flattened others have floated off their foundations. The waters must recede before we will know all the answers.Many experts are hoping things will be nearing normal before the snow flies ... we can only wait and hope and prayI will write again then, and let you know the latest. Do expect the economic impact to be felt nationwide thousands of acres of prime agricultural lands have been inundated ... their produce will not make it to market.Some farmers have had to market their cattle and hogs early in order to save them and to get some money out of them. While this may make beef and pork more economical now, their prices will be reflected higher in the months to come.Wheat, oats, com, milo and soybeans all will be in shorter supply. How much shorter no one can say until after the fall harvests much will depend on how early frost comes, how bad the drought is in other areas, and, of course, how much more land is reclaimed by the Father of Waters and his many tributaries.Flooding is rampant throughout the midwest the southeast continues to experience high temperatures and severe drought conditions What will come next Only time will tell. But in true American pioneer spirit these people will survive they will pick up the pieces of their lives and rebuild and they will do it all with courage and honor and pride and with faith and hope.This disaster differs from most. In hurricanes and tornados, for example, the devastation is wrought quickly, and soon after rebuilding can begin. This has been ongoing for 4 months And in some areas it continues to rainThe following people are networking to get information about Who-needs-what where if you wish to help alleviate some of the problems, please callMarian Duer or Margaret Winkler KS 913-894-6019Jill Rudd MO 314-586-4855Sandy Gilbert IL 217-222-55411993 Sandra A. GilbertThe Pom Reader September 199333GrafenhorstsSpecializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans ChocolatesAt Grafeiihorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst Pom.Watch for our Poms in the show ringBreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving Hornes-ALDENS KENNELHome of Champion Parti GirlsCh. Aldens Parti Chocolate Chip pic. Ch. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-Dot A1 Jan Domrase 815 728-0559 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072soxttfiXaruiPOMERANIANSCHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PINEVILLE, LA 71360 PHONE 318-466-3456Ch. Southlands Toast To Bev-Nor POASTYPUBitMAJIC TICKIEBreederOwnerANNETTE ROGERS-RISTER PO BOX 50, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78403-0050 512 992-8233 after 7 p.m.BRED FOR SOUNDNESS QUALITYBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerCh. Apples Traveling Rambler x Libby of LenettePUPPIES ARE GENERALLY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE PRICES. PETS FROM 250.00 SHOW BREED STOCK FROM 500.00 FREE PRICE LIST AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.WE SPECIALIZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINE. WE DO HAVE SOME CHESAI AND ARISTTC-BONNER POMS.Satisfactions is guaranteed at LENETTE.Return your Pom within 3 days for a refund if not satisfied.BEST WISHES TO MORRIS BETTY CARSON FOR CONTINUED SUCCESS WITH THE EMCEE POMSChesaiPOMERANIANS .mRobert Joan Reilly 26903 Highway 281 North San Antonio, Texas 78260512 980-2667The Pom Reader August 1993Continued AND THEIR ANIMALS WERE LEFT REHIND. . .When families moved out ahead of the rampaging flood waters their animals were all too frequently left behind. Left to fend for themselves Animals who until now had someone to prepare their food, see that they had fresh water to drink and a warm, dry spot in which to sleep. In some instances the animals were left behind for good reason ... perhaps there wasnt room in the boat to evacuate them too, or maybe the pet, sensing alarm, had run off or hidden.But what about those people who simply didnt bother to take their pet along These are the animals who are being fished out of the sewage laden rivers, or out of trees and off of roof tops Some of the native wildlife didnt make it out ahead of the flood waters either these, too, are in need of rescue. Following the flooding, the flooded areas have been strictly OFF LIMITSPeople are not being permitted to return to their homes to get things left behind or to check on how their homes are faring. The only way to get back to most of these homes is by boat Water now covers telephone poles and trees, roof tops and street signs all kinds of things that could all too easily rip a hole in the hull of a boat. Currents are as high as 35 miles per hour in some areas. So animal rescue is being done by the specially trained Coast Guardsmen, ably assisted by humane society members, and by many volunteers who truly love animals. Their stories could curl your hair Cats and dogs, pigs and goats, parrots and pet snakes ... you name the animal theyve probably rescued at least one.These animals are suffering from confusion many are terrified ... something has happened to their peaceful little comer of the world . .. their people are gone . . . everything is covered with water. Filthy, sewage laden water. There is nothing for them to eat. They cant get away from the awful water Many are illThe Pom Reader September 1993from being in the water or from having ingested it. Most of the animals need to be seen by a vet most will need their shots updated many will need to have injuries and illnesses treated. Then they need a foster home, good food, LOVE, and understanding.Who will help themFortunately there are many who love animals so completely and unconditionally that they will go out in the boats to rescue the animals left behind. They will bring them in get them vetted find them foster homes and pay for the privilege of doing this work with money out of their own pockets. There are also some vets who arebySandra A. Gilbertgiving their services with minimal or no charge to help these unfortunate animals. Others are opening their homes to displaced animals, giving them the love and understanding they so desperately need. Last night I had a call from Jill Rudd who had spent the entire day working in the Chesterfield, MO., area. She had rescued a parrot in a cage, a cat ten Maltese were removed from one house five of them were already dead, including a puppy of about 5 weeks of age... she had checked on two dogs which had been left chained outside they were now under ten feet of water. Jill is working with the Coast Guard they carry an MP with them so they cant be accused of looting. She works 10-12 hour days doing this. When I talked with her at 1 030 P.M. she wasready to fix herself something to eat her first meal of the day. She had spent most of the day in a boat, followed by a visit to a cooperating vet, followed by finding foster homes and delivering the animals to their new benefactors. Thank God for Jill, and others like her.Many of the truly caring are simply not geographically situated to be of much assistance to the animal victims of the flood of 1993. Others have jobs or responsibilities that eliminate the possibility of first hand assistance. Fortunately there are things that can be done long distance. Monetary donations are the quickest and easiest for many the money can be used for what is needed most - food, . veterinary care, vaccines, antibiotics, or any of the other many and varied needs. If every dog fancier would contribute they could make a tremendous difference in the almost overwhelming needs Each person need not donate hundreds of dollars, although that would be most welcome. Give the price of one entry fee, or perhaps the equivalent of entry fees for one three-day cluster. Arrange for you Club to match the donations from its members a twenty dollar donation would then become forty dollars. Have a benefit match, bake sale, car wash or craft sale. Help the animals in any way you can. They need youThis disaster is unlike most. In hurricanes and tornadoes thedevastation is almost immediate clean up and the rebuilding can then begin. This flooding has been going on for weeks. Some areas have been at or above flood stage since April. Levees continue to break. More devastation follows each break or breech of a levee. Nine states in the Midwest continue to be disaster areas. Your help is desperately needed. Please give as you can.1993 Sandra A. Gilbert35Emcees PomeraniansPuppies Available FromCH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD DIAMONDCh. Emcees Im Hy Chips Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond Ch. Emcees Golden Topo de Oro Ch. Emcees Golden Sea Raider Emcees Golden Boy Inquiries invitedPedigrees Stud Fees on RequestMorris Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Road Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024IN ElflKS POM5 ^BILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343 615-842-8184]eiRayANSVPOMERANIANS 2007 Vestry DriveCharleston, SC 39414 803 571-6165Home Of Ch. BenRays Sundancing Simon Ch. Whitehaven Gol Nugget Legacy Ch. Golden Aires Contessa Cello Ch. BenRays Golden Josh N Envyfar.POMERANIANSMARY A. ROSENBAUM38711 200 AVENUE SE AUBURN, WA 98002206-833-2160803-831-8086POMERANIANS DOT MARTIN5354 BLUEBIRD LANE YORK, SC 29745PedigreesPomeranian pedigrees researched in any length. Monthly specials to registered breeders. Beautiful originals with Champions in red. Colors free. 3-generations 8 4-generations 10 5-generations 15 6-generations 25 7-generations 35. Please include copies of AKC registration papers for easier reading and complete information.NOW SERVING ALL BREEDS RUSH AVAILABLE FAX AVAILABLE 904-270-1731. SPECIALS FOR QUALIFIED BREEDERS. Orders taken by phone 904-270-1733 or 904-720-7667 24 hour ordering available by FAX 904-270-1731.PomeraniansShow rebate. 1 year guarantee on pets. 2 year guarantee on show and breeding stock. Major medical insurance for same periods. Quality puppies.RGS PEDIGREES POMS2153 Cypressland Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. Tel 904-270-1733 or 904-720 7667.^MILLAMOR^KEN ELEANOR MILLER 3545 NC HWY 152 E SALISBURY, NC 28146 704-857-1197MIA PomsHome of Ch. Bev-Nor Southland Sinsation and his ladies of distinction, daughters of Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, Ch. Bev-Nor Statesman and other quality lines.RamonaJ. Smith, HCR4Box26B, Bowman, ND 58623. Tel 701-574-3158.JOHN SHARON MASNICK 803 928-3511POMSHCR 65 BOX 745 HUGER, SC 29450Living Water PomeraniansWere expecting 6 new litters of partis and whites in April and May call for information. TEL 619 949-5426Prov. 224. By humility and fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life.D0VER-H0LIH0USE POMSChampion Stud Service Parti, Chocolate, Black Tan and Black Stud Serivce Puppies OccasionallyKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski 319 Ardmore Avenue, Tlrenton, NJ 08629 609-695-1642DO \504-384-7466Jerrie FreiaP.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381RCNt0 POMS^H^QiLois Bernie Ciiiberto 9605 Land OLakes Boulevard, Land OLakes, FL 34639 813-996-5499KennelsR.R.4, Cedar Falls, IA 50513 319-989-2199The Pom Reader August 19933\CbOolt, tChrtckl WtfV 7UaThe Pom Reader Visits.2UIam,s ffiamttmwmMary AllanUI want a DOG, not some yappy little thing" Thus the tone was set when I was about 12 yrs of age, and my parents bought me my first puppy - a pretty German Shepherd bitch. Three back surgeries and several Large and Giant Breeds later, I resigned myself to finding my next DOG in a smaller package. At the same time, I decided that I wanted to show in Conformation I had already put Obedience titles on a Saint and a Dane.Unlike many people, I did not "fall into" the Breed. I formulated a "shopping list" of the traits I wanted, then went out to find them. I decided that my new Breed must be a pretty, b easy enough for an owner-handler to groom, c intelligent, and d self-assured-i.e. a true DOG.I attended many shows over the next two years, paying close attention to the Toys.It did not take long to decide that the Pom was for me. I kept a "Breeder's Record"-a list of who won, placed, etc., name of dog, and my impressions. I calculated that if a Breeder was winning or placing consistently with a number of home-bred dogs, then they might be persuaded to let a total novice have one I learned to recognize the different "types" and found myself drawn to two different lines, with entirely different type and characteristics.I found Janice Luginsland's LLL line enchanting for their clear, bright colors, their tiny, tiny ears, pretty heads, sweet expressions, and sturdy bodies. On ther.Mary Allan, with Hotbod l andSinnennan, her two Main Men. other hand, I loved the Southland dogs bred by Charlotte Creed for their style, good shoulders and rear angulations, super-high tailsets and bubbling personalities.I finally bought a 10-month-old orange bitch from Janice - LLL Dazzlin' Gold Koquette. I showed her at every opportunity, and soon learned how little I knew "Brushing" and "Grooming", I soon realized, are NOT synonyms As for handling - well, that wasn't as easy as it looked, either. Still, I persevered. I tried to enter the ring directly behind or aheadof Janice so that I could observe her techniques, and I copied everything she did with not a clue as to what I was doing, and sometimes with disastrous results Despite my mishandling, "Cookie" finished with some nice wins.Meanwhile, a little red sable dog - Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel - was turning heads. I was soon an ardent fan, and was fortunate enough to be able to purchase one of his daughters from Art and Linda Gustafson. She was small, short and pretty, with her daddy's "look at me" quality. I named her Carousel's Angel For Allayn. She finished in short order.During this period I also bought a black and tan bitch Shamrocks' Tarbubble V Allayn. She was a 4 12The Pom Reader September 199339Cookie Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold Koquette, CD, the start of it allto Canada where he finished in 6 shows with 2 Group Placements and to Mexicogirl who, whilst neither show quality nor very line- bred, had small ears, short back, superb movement and the most effervescent of personalities.She carries the most appropriate of call names - "Bubbles".Almost every dog I currently own, and every Champion I have thus far produced, goes back to one or more of these three bitches. I feel that a little research and a few dollars will get you the right stud service, but the right bitch for your needs is a priceless treasure, and not easily obtained.Cookie has always been line bred, with good success. She is the dam of three champions and three pointed "kids", with one more her last coming up that I am very excited about. Bubbles was bred to a Gabriel son owned by Bill Bullis, and produced a Ch. female Ch. Allayn's Dark Krystal and to Charlotte Creed's Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge, ROMX, "Lil Toasty" which resulted in three females, one of whom lacks only a few singles, one is pointed and the other has always placed well when shown. Bubbles was then sold to Maria Kneisler, bred back to Lil Toasty and had one Ch. female and one female with "tickets" towards both her German and International titles. Krystal, in turn, was bred to another Gabriel son, Kathy Bucher's BISS Ch. Shadomountin One Man Show, to produce a Ch. male. With Angel I went back to Charlotte's Lil Toasty and got two puppies, Celeste F and Sinnerman M both of whom finished quickly. Sinnerman also paid visitswhere he finished in 4 shows, with all Group placements. The show wins are very nice, of course, but as far as I amShamrocks Tarbubble V Allayn, better known as Bubblesline bred. Celeste has been bred twice - both times to Hotbod. The first litter 1M Sundae, both majors and IF Dinah, lacks 1 single was the start of "phase two" - my close inbreeding program.Whilst this is not a very impressive record - no Bests in Show, or even Group wins, I feel that the last few years have been well spent, building a strong genetic foundation on which to base my breeding program. I have been rigorous in eliminating problems I cannot live with, and have tried to retain the best features produced by those that worked so hard to create the lines that I am trying to forge into my own. I consider myself a Breeder first, an exhibitor second. Although I like the wins at least as much as the next person, I get more personal pleasure from seeing a puppy take my dreams a step forward than in collecting a ribbon 'course, to do both simultaneously is twice as nice. I try to have only a couple of litters at any one time so as to be able to spend "quality time" with each puppy. I have owned or bred perhaps a dozenconcerned his best achievements are his short and stylish puppies. I am particularly proud of "Hotbod" - Ch. Allayn's Feel The Heat co-owner MariaKneisler - a rich red-sable male who is proving very valuable to my program, particularly whenAjlThe Pom Reader September 1993Allamt aMiss uinah MiteCh. Allayn's Feel The Heat x Ch. Allayn's Celestial FudgeDinah is typical of the puppies that Hotbod is producing. She is prettyheaded and extremely short and cobby. At time of writing, she lacks just one single to finish. Her litter brother, Allayn's Hot Fudge Sundae, has both majors and is currently at home growing coat after a late one year shed.BreederOwnerMARY ALLAN Rt 3, Box 531A Wagoner, OK 74467918 485-3010 or 918 485-1040HandlerCORAL B. APPLETON, PHARt 2, Box 89 Yukon, OK 73099405 373-2719rA9The Pom Reader. September 1993"We Recommend Science Diet"CH.JAN LE'S 05 a I b 05 a 1145Thank you, Mary Allan, for allowing TommyCh. Allayns the Entertainer to visit with Jane Lehtinen, resulting in Teddy Ch. Jan Les Golden Gait, who is...JULIEBROWNSPRIDEANDJOY5rIBEST OF WINNERSDES MOINESKENNEL CLUB SEPTEMBER ^ 1992IeY PHOTO BY GREG llllllllili, UllmtmCh. Allayn's The Entertainer x Ch. Great Elms Bonnie of LenetteFinished his championship at 11 monthsPictured with judge Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen and handler Barbara Beissel.Congratulations, Mary, on this richly deserved Breeder Visit and toall the beautifu Allayn PomeraniansOwnerJULIE HIXSON BROWN 4000 Daisy Hill Lane, Lexington, KY 40514 606-223-4757 Co-OwnerJANE LEHTINENDays 218-744-2052 Eves 218-744-5653BreedersJANE LEHTINEN andTHOMAS J. MCCANNThe Pom Reader September 19934SCongratuVationsMARY ALLANThey say no breeder would sell a novice, one of their best - YOU took time to really know me, and gave me first option on all your litters.They said Pom folks are highly competitive and it would be hard to find an experienced breeder to help me get started - YOU patiently responded to my lengthy letters and answered numerous questions never once making me feel like a nuisance. You sent me a suggested readling list, names of other breeders, a video, and even invited me to your home for intensive training. How many breeders would allow a neophyte to practice trimming techniques on their dogsThank you, Mary, for EVERYTHINGThank you, Pom Reader, for publishing the Genetics Made Sort of Simple articles that introduced me to Mary Allan. And a special thanks to Susan Kincaid and Roberta LaBoy who help make my Pom dreams come trueValerie AllridgeAnchorage, AlaskaCongratulations to Mary Allan...YOU TOOK THETIME TO HELP THIS NEWCOMER TO THE BREED. EMBER IS TERRIFIC, AND HER PUPS ARE PRECIOUS.Donna Haworth Allayns Forever Ember atSOUVENIR COUNTRY KENNEL 520 Leonard Road Onalaska, WA 98570feaji Qtlajig,Q just wanted to sag that peopk ape still calling in to jiMjik on gouji ''QenetiCS Qllade sojit of Simple" columns that gou wpote fop. The Toni Teadep and Q thiank gou fop such a beneficial contpibution f\lso, gou ape. fp too Qflodest That is a consensus of opikiok fijck qi[ 80UP- suPPjd- eps Evepg pepson Q phoned went ovep- boapd to sag how honest gou ape and how gou have helped then begond the caii of dutg. Soe have 'hot actuaiig get gotten a Tb fo gou, but because gou have helped then in theip seapeh, without selfishness, theg still placed 'Thank Qvfou ads. Svepgone asked ne to watch goup Tcpeedep Qisit wpite-up fop signs of ovep- nodestg...but Q believe goup pepopt to be pepfect. dust what ishelpfil to all bpeedeps, old op new.'This "Thank Qyfou" is to let evepgone know goup extpene helpfulness and concepn fop the bpeed is not going unnoticedTepme dois Qlibepto Qpescendo TonsandtownCONGRATULATES MARY ALLANHer hard work has paid off in outstanding PomsLois Bill AbjornsonThe Pom Reader September 199349a,SEPTEMBER 1993Submit your cute photo for our popular PLAYMATES Department. Any clear photo will do, black white, color, Polaroid or regular film. Mailto"I HATE getting caught in my nightie"B.L.," courtesyNeil Sharon Ponte-Corvo, Riverside, CaliforniaDon't forget our PLAT- MATE OF THE YEAR CONTEST...First Place 100 Runner-TJp 50 Subscribers will vote in December and the winners will be announced in the February-March issue. Send your PLAYMATES today"This proves that I have Beauty AND Brains"Pica" at four years, courtesy Laura Streling, Shelby Twp., MichiganThe editortypographer would be interested in how you picked that namePR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604T1The Pom Reader September 1993WEE HEARTS CREAM N TWO SUGARSorangewhite parti...pointedCh. Southlands Janesa Berry TBY x Wee Hearts DominiqueWEE HEARTS A WINTERS TALEblackwhite partiCh. Southlands Janesa Berry TBY x Wee Hearts Pruf of the PuddinThese two huge-coated parti girls, bred by Cassandra Evans of Wee Hearts Pomeranians, are reachy movers of correct size 5 and 5-12. Litters from both of them are expected this fall.URSA MINOR POMERANIANSBARBARA KRZEWICKI1028 WALNUT STREET NEWTON HIGHLANDS, MA 02161 617-244-3615 EVENINGSThe Pom Reader September 1993VC51f VitsMft\'jib- vf- 1 1WEE HEARTS STRIKES AT DAWNWee Hearts Strikes It Rich x Wee Hearts Autumn BreezeOn a recent road trip of eight shows,Nathan took the points on six days, going Best of Winners four times, and Best of Breed over three Specials. Pictured here winning under toy authority Mrs. Vera Halpin Bistrim, Nathan was bred by Cassandra Evans of Wee Hearts Pomeranians and is shown to perfection by Geri Kelly. His first pups are due shortly.CH.PINE HAVEN SWEET MEMORYCh. Southlands Janesa Berry TBIT x Windsongs Rose of SharonSweetpea finished with a four-point major 81393 on the Ballston Spa Circuit, again ably handled by Geri Kelly. She was bred by Gale Sharland of Pinehaven Pomeranians, and will be specialed.INC]jPomeranians617-244-3615EveningsThe Pom Reader September 1993v'- 1Allayns Moonlite MarigoldThank you, Mary, for this lovely litde lady, always owner-handled and always lots of fiin. Congratulations on your kennel visit and best wishes for your continued success.2007 Pickrell Street, Ridgecrest, CA 93555 619 371-15501 THE POM READER BULK RATE8848 Beverly Hills U.S. POSTAGELakeland, FL 33809-1604 PAID1 News Publication Do Not Delay j^^ess Correction RequestedPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FL