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The Pomeranian Review July 1978

American Pomeranian Club, 3ncPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JULY, 1978RSCH. RANDYS JOLLY WEE FANCY LADY Shown finishing under Judge Joan Alexander Handled by Breeder-Owner Mrs. Randall Freeh.IN' THIS ISSUE1978 STUD DOG REGISTER Club News SPECIALTY REPORTSVisit to Jabll Kennels by Claire Flesner Poisonous PlantsFeeding For Breeding by Dr. David S. Kronfeld Conclusion GODDARD GRANT HEYDE HUNDLEY MILLER YIPS YAPS2 POMERANIAN REVIEWIvPRESIDENTSMESSAGEBy DARRELL W. BAKER 20 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586Warm weather has come to Texas, and probably to our good Pom people up East and North also. Were glad you are finally thawing and we continue to be amazed at your endurance. Southerners cannot relate to such cold weather. Most of you know the Millers Ken and Eleanor well-known Pomeranian people from up in Ohio. We are always amused when Eleanor screams about the horrible cold weather, ice, snow, etc., etc. and proclaims, I WILL NEVER SPEND ANOTHER WINTER IN THIS . . . NEVER AGAIN . . . THIS TIME I MEAN IT WERE MOVING SOUTH Then comes the thaw and she melts a little until the next big winter. We keep hoping she will finally really do it We strongly suspect this is the shared feelings of many of the people up in the cold North country.While this probably isnt the correct place for this news, it does however seem to be something interesting to all of you ... in Houston in September starting September 6th of this year there will be a big 4-shows-in-one-place type event at the Astro Hall at the Astrodome, with several clubs participating to provide an event similar to the big Denver-4-show weekend held several years ago. Houstons specialty show Pom will be on September 6th with other big all-breed shows to follow the next three days. Then another all-breed show will be just down the road on Sunday, resulting in 5 DOG SHOWS IN 5 DAYS. Sounds great, doesnt it You will find an ad in this issue of theReview with particulars and an address to which you can write for Premium Lists and information. Youve plenty of time now, so make your plans to come to Texas Houston in September. Hurricane season is just about over then . . . kidding, of course We hope to plan some more special fun for the Pomeranian people and feel this might be a super-nice vacation for just about ANYONE. Till next time, thanks for your support.COVER STORYBy RANDALL FRECHMy thats a nice brood bitch. Yes, we have all heard that comment with the under current being But really too large to show. My cover story hopefully shows that a nice brood bitch can be a winner too Fancy Lady weighs a solid six pounds and finished her championship in record time. She is beautifully coated in a rich orange color with good bone, lovely head and sound movement. Proving she can do it all, she free whelped 'two lovely show quality puppies and is currently expecting a new litter. Fancy Lady is sired by Randys Jolly Wee Tuffy who is the sire of Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi and out of Randys Pride and of Duke who was sired by Ch. Randys Duke of Dragonfly. She is my ideal of what a Pom bitch should be. I am so proud that the judges recognized her quality and potential. Girls like this are rare and wonderful. I am striving to produce more like her. They will surely benefit the breed by being truly dual purpose to the point where comments like, Thats a nice brood bitch. will be the finest compliment one can receive.COVERThe October Cover has been sold. As we go to press, the January Cover is available. Send check for 55.00 to the Editor to reserve it.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran Pomeranian luh, Jnr.President ...................................First Vice President Second Vice President .Recording Secretary_________Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer .................................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB............................................................................ Mr. Darrell W. Baker...............................................................................Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn..................................................................................... Mrs. Ruth Dotson............................................................................... Mrs. Jacquelyn Klein............................................................ Mr. Anthony R. Skip Piazza102 Old Egg Harbor Rd., Gibbsboro, N.J. 08026 ........................................................................ Mrs. Goldie K. MandleyBOARD OF DIRECTORSMrs. Sally Baugniet Mr. Thomas Daniels Mrs. Sue GoddardDelegate to the A.K.C.......................Mr. Richard Megenhardt Mrs. Eleanor Miller Mr. Sam L. Zaneoff................. Mr. H. W. PottebaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager ..........................................................................................................................................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, 1574 Camp Linden Rd., West Chester, Pa. 19380Assistants ........................................................................Mrs. Goldie K. Mandley, Mrs. Thelma M. DunnCirculation Manager..........................Mrs. Patricia D. Brooks, 102 Jefferson Lane, Ladson, SC 29456Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 8.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 2.00. Canada, Mexico, S.50, Foreign 9.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 4.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text ...............................55.00Inside front cover ................................................... 30.00Center Spread, 2 pages ............................................60.00Full page ..................................................................25.00Three-quarters page ............................................... 20.00One-half page ......................................................... 15.00One-quarter page vertical only ............... 7.50100 copies full page ad............................................. 7.50Minimum charge for cuts up to lx2 inches, 6.00 proportionately more for larger cuts. No charge for cuts if usable cut is available.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWNORTHERN CALIFORINIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY 1978by BEVERUE TOCAThe Trophy Table with silver trophies displayed on the Clubs monogrammed black satin cloth. The white paper mache Pomeranian standing guard over all is the work of Shirley Hoffman.Ch. Queenaire Double Scotch took top honors at the Northern California Pomeranian Clubs Fifth Independent Specialty Show, held February 18, 1978, at the Santa Clara Fairgrounds in San Jose. Scotchkins, sired by Ch. Queenaire Scotch and Soda out of Creiders Sip O Sherry, was bred by Norma Creider and is owned by Wanda and Dudley Roach and piloted to Best of Breed by Phyllis Greer.Best Opposite Sex was the sparkling little bitch from the Veterans Class, Ch. Sun-Dots Bubble Dancer, bred by Eddie Dotson, owned and shown by Ruth Dotson. Chosen Best of Winners, Maniess Jet Set Pixie, was first from the Open Bitch Class. She was bred and owned by Elma Manies. Winners Dog also came from the Open Class Sun-Dots Fashion. Fella, bred by Ruth Dotson and co-owned by Jo Ann Bessol and Dotson.The trophy table was swathed in drapes of gold and turquoise, accented with the Clubs black satin monogramed cloth. Thanks to the generosity of members and friends, the table glittered with crystal and silver trophies presided over by an exquisite white Pomeranian statue sculptured of paper mache by Shirley Hoffman.The Fairgrounds provided a spacious ring with green carpet runners, and the entry of 52 Pomeranians were an exciting sight as they vied for the eye of the Specialty Judge, Mrs. James E. Clark of Cecilton, Md. Mrs. Clark worked quickly and carefully, evaluating each entry and then directing her winners to their placings the ring markers were turquoise Pomeranian silhouettes.Judging the Sweepstakes Classes was Pat Thurman of Sacramento, Cal., whose expertise was especially appreciatedPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5Queencure ^J^enneisISpleased to announce the acquisition ofMODELS RED SULTAN FromMr. Robert L. GoodrichStud Fee 100.00Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Sun of Fun Models Red Amber Ch. Models Mr. RobertsCh. Models Doctor Watson Models Tin Goddess Pomwin Betti Beth Models Red SultanCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Sun of Fun Models Red Amber Majestic April LoveCh. Nanjo Interlude Bodas Topaze Merry GoldBo das Diamond Gypsy JanDudley Wanda Roach 612 Woodrow Ave.Modesto, California 95350 HandlerPhone 209-527-5179 Phyllis T. Greer6 POMERANIAN REVIEWsince she took over Fred Bassetts assignment with less than 24 hours notice when Bassett was snowed-in in Tulsa. Mrs. Thurmans top placement for Grand Sweepstakes winner was TAJ MAHAL BROWN SUGAR BABE bred by AflBe Mille, owned by Elsie Burriesci and shown by Phyllis Greer.wnaJudge Ms. Pat Thurman gives Best in Sweep- stakes to Taj Mahal Brown Sugar Babe, owned by Elsie Burriesci and handled by Phyllis Greer. MikRon photo.Visiting around the ring was animated, and we were happy to see Phyllis Whiteside from Virginia, and Mrs. J. W. Davy from Danville, Arkansas.Following the show a nodiost dinner was held at Idas Fireside Inn, attended by approximately 40 Pom fanciers. Late reservations made it necessary to divide the group into two rooms which did not seem to put a damper on the spirits of those present. Everyone joined together in one room after eating for the Clubs Annual Awards presentation. Prior to announcing the awards President Ruth Dotson commended Wanda Roach, Show Chairman Marion Vollmer, Ring Steward and Beverlie Toca, Show Secretary for 'the success of the show. She thanked all the members of the Show Committee and those who had contributed to the trophy fund making the Specialty possible Mrs. Clark in absentia sinceshe had a prior committment to the Santa Clara Kennel Club dinner and Pat Thurman, not only for a job well done, but also for her graciousness in accepting the last minute assignment.Judge Anne Bogers Clark finds her Winners Dog in Sun-Dots Fashion Fella, co-owned by Ruth Dotson and Jo Ann Bessol and handled by the latter. Photo by MikRon.Judge Mrs. Clark gives Winners Bitch and Best of Winners to Maniess Jet Set Pixie, owned by Mrs. Elma Manies and handled by Judy Brown. MikRon photo.The following plaques were presented Dudley Roach, president 197-6-1977 Top Breeder, Wanda and Dudley Roach Top Pomeranian Ch. Hadleigh All Stars Show Off, Elsie Burriesci Top Best Opposite Sex, Ch. Queenaire Lacey Lady, Wanda and Dudley Roach, There was aPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7MANIESS POMERANIANSINTRODUCING MANIESS JET SET PIXIE WINNERS BITCH AND BEST OF WINNERS AT NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN SPECIALTY Feb. 18, 1979, San Jose, Ca. a 5 Pt. MajorMANY, MANY THANKS TO SPECIALTY JUDGE ANN ROGERS CLARK FORTHESE WINS.Thanks, also, to Judy Brown for handlingMANIESS JET SET PIXIE CONGRATULATES Her Sire, Ch. Tinkler's LiT Play Boy for his wins as 1st place Veteran Dog, and first place Stud Dog at N.C.P.C. Specialty. Pixie thanks her half-sister, Maniess Blythe Spryte for her cooperation in helping to win the Brace Class, also.SHOW QUALITY PUPPIES Occasionally.Mrs. Elma Manies 1455 Victor Ave.916-0241-8756 Redding, Ca. 96001three way tie for Top Exhibitor for 1977 so plaques were awarded to the Roachs, Elma Manies and Ruth Dotson. Distinguished Service placque to Lillian Muller.Specialty PlacingsPuppy Dog 6-91. Fireworks Of Point Loma, Pauline HughesPuppy Dog 9-121. Taj Mahal Brown Sugar Babe, Elsie Burriesci2. Mullers Gold Bobbin, David Muller Novice Dog1. Sun-Dots Black NTantrum, Ruth DotsonBred by Exhibitor Dog1. Jay Jay's Flashy Irish, Jean Schroll2. Sho-Glos Here Comes the Fuzz, Patrick Sharit8 POMERANIAN REVIEW3. Bet-Lus Strutter, Betty Evans4. Sun-Dots Black NTango, Dotson American Bred Dogs1. Models Red Sultan, Dudley and Wanda Roach2. Sun-Dots Ramboling Reporter, DotsonOpen Dog1. Sun-Dots Fashion Fella, Jo Ann BessolDotson2. Sho Off Blossom View Kandi Man, Mrs. J. L. WeltzLililan Muller3. Lee Loys Aloha, Rose Lee Loy4. Silver Meadows My-T Memory, M. KlingbeilV. WainwrightWinners DogSun-Dots Fashion Fella ReserveModels Red SultanJudge Anne Kogers Clark awards Best of Breed to Ch. Qneenaires Double Scotch, owned by Wanda Boach who is pictured on right holding the trophy. Double Scotch was handled by Phyllis Greer. Our photo is by MikKon.Puppy Bitch 6-91. Toy Stars Cindy, Bonnie Goins2. Westmost Paper Doll, Wayne George3. Memories of Point Loma, Huges4. Queenaire Orange Jubilee, Roach Puppy Bitch 9-121. Millbrooks Lola Grace, Barbara Paine2. Phyner Chocolate Surprise, Dolly Trauner3. Mullers She Is Black Velvet, Lillian David Muller4. Vals Bet-Lus Secret, Evans Bred by Exhibitor Bitch1. Millbrooks Suzette, Paine2. Bet-Lus Doll Face, Evans3. Manies Blythe Spryte, Elma Manies American Bred Bitch1. Blossom Views Gypsy Rose, Mrs. J. L. Weltz Open Bitches1. Manies et Set Pixie, Manies2. Chiefs LSI 'Missie Girl, Sybil Tompkins3. Bet-Lus Baby Doll, Evans4. Lee Loys Lilioklani, Muller Winners BitchManies Jet Set Pixie ReserveChiefs Lil Missie Girl Veteran Dog1. Ch. Tinklers Lil Hay Boy, Manies2. Ch. Sun-Dots Just A Nip, Dotson Veteran Bitch1. Ch. Sun-Dots Bubble Dancer, Dotson2. Ch. Naps Little Sir Nellie, Evans Stud Dog1. Ch. Sun-Dots Just A Nip, Dotson Brood Bitch1. Bet-Lus Baby Doll, Evans Brace1. Manies Blythe Spryte, Mannies Jet Set Pixie, Manies2. Sun-Dots Black N Tantrum, Sun- Dots Black N Tango, DotsonJudge Anne Rogers Clark gives Best of Opposite Sex to the Veteran Bitch, Ch. Sun-Dots Bubble Dancer, handled by her owner Mrs. Ruth Dotson. MikRon photo.POMERANIAN REVIEW 93 aetoyGROUPGreater Hattiesburg Kennel Club 2-5-78 Judge James L. Vaughters, Sr.CZAR NIKOLAS TRIBBLE STANSOEOwner Stansoe Nora Stanley 8401 Vanna Biloxi, Ms. 39532 601-436-3482Breeder MyWay Linda J. Miller P.O. Box 717 League City, Tx. 77573Handler Carolyn Mooney13116 Cloverdale Ocean Springs, Ms. 39564 601-875-007210 POMERANIAN REVIEWDALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.JEWEL ELLIS, Secretary325 S. E. 9th St. Grand Prairie, Texas 75051r wish to apologize for not getting our club report in for the April Pomeranian Review, hut I fell and broke my right arm and fractured the big bone just above the wrist in my left arm and was unable to use my hands.New officers and board members were elected at our April meeting which are as follows President, Mildred G. Patrick Vice-President, John D. Metz Secretary, Jewel Ellis Treasurer, Carol L. Sherry. Board members are Douglas Baynham, Estell McDonald and Opal Mosher.We had a good entry of 54 Poms at our Specialty of March 24, 1978 with 13 entered in Puppy Sweepstakes. Mr. Walter G. McCormack, Jr. Judged the Sweepstakes and Maxine V. Beam judged the class entries. Both judges did an excellent job on the outstanding Poms presented for their decisions.Winners in the Puppy Sweepstakes wereBest Puppy in Sweepstakes Robin- hoods Hope He Will, owned by Verna Hood.Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes Aristocrat Satin Doll, owned by Bill Kennedy.Class WinnersWD Robinhoods After Dark, owned by Carolyn Crockett.RWD Reys Super Special VIP, owned by Agustin Rey, Jr.WB Gold Gems Crystall Ice Dragon, owned by John A. Claire R. Hendrix.RWB Macs Scarlet, owned by Mrs. B. G. McDonald.BOB Ch. Lennis Tar Lacy Foxfire, owned by E. B. Jenner.BW Gold Gems Crystall Ice Dragon, owned by John A. Claire R. Hendrix.BOS Ch. Puffs Dinkey Toy of Pom Grove, owned by Gwen Springfield.Best in Puppy Classes Macs Scarlet, owned by Mrs. B. G. McDonald.Judge Maxine V. Beam awards Best of Breed to Ch. Benniss Tar Bacy Foxfire, owned by Edward B. Jenner and handled by Susan Fisher. Twomey photo.ANNIVERSARY ISSUEThe Anniversary Issue brought us so much last minute response that we have been literally SWAMPED with ads We are working on the piles of material and hope to have the finished book in the mail to you sometime in September, at any rate before the October Issue. By the time you read this, the Color Pages will have been printed setting the limit on the number of books available. Send 7.95 to Circulation Manager Patricia D. Brooks address on page 3 to order yours, and we advise you not to delay too much longer as we cannot print any additional copies after our initial supply is exhausted. Checks received too late will be returned. SUPPORT YOUR BREED SUPPORT YOUR CLUB SUPPORT YOUR ANNUAL SPECIALTY SHOWPOMERANIAN REVIEW 11Pom Ed its1978 ft ci cj em en t C^cifenclard2.75Pomeranian greeting cards, pedigree forms, note paper, Christmas cards, litter announcements, stud contracts and change of address cards.Please send 500 and long, stamped, self-addressed envelope for our new brochure illustrating many new designs toBrettwood Arts P.O. Box 957 Milton, Washington 98354KNOW YOUR DOGS ANCESTRYYour dogs pedigree handsomely documented on deluxe parchment. Typewritten, colors, birthdate, champions and titles in red.4 gen. 3.00 5 gen. 5.00 6 gen. 10.00Mailed rolled Your satisfaction guaranteed.Send Complete Data from AKC Registration toGeneral CanineBox 453NPhoenixville, Pa. 1946012 POMERANIAN REVIEWANNOUNCINGGOLD GEM POMSmoving to Houston TexasAlsoCrystalls ProgressGold. Gems Crystall Ice Dragon went BOB under Martha Jane Abblett in Georgia and BOB in Birmingham, Alabama under Mr. N. Cicoiatore Pictured, also Mrs. Joy Davison at Rio Hando in California for a 4 pt. Major.After a two week visit to the Houston area and going to the Two Specialty Shows, visiting with some very lovely people, my husband and I have decided to move our families, children and Poms, all to Texas.Gold Gem wishes to congratulate JoAnn Vestal on finishing Dragons first son, Champion Edan Puff The Magic Dragon.NEW ADDRESS SOON 714-463-6754POMERANIAN REVIEW 13GOLD GEM POMERANIANSProudly Presents Ch. Gold Gems Crystall Ice Dragon6Shown going BOW for a 5 pt. major under Mrs. Maxine Beam in March at the Dallas - Ft. Worth Show, which finished her.Many thanks to all for the BOB and 3 Group placing given to Crystall.She will retire to run our household and become a momma by Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae.Congratulations to Edans Kennel finishing a Gold Gem bred dog,Ch. Edans Fire Cracker.Claire Hendrix New Address SoonP.0. Box 12 714-463-6754Jamul, Cal. 9203514 POMERANIAN REVIEWWESTERN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOWBy NORMAN K. JEROMEBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYBy BILL POTTEBAUMThe Western Pomeranian Club held its annual Specialty show March 31 in Chicago at the International Amphit- theatre.The well known Papillon breeder Mr. Harvey Berman judged an entry of thirty-two, including five Champions.The winners were Best of Breed, Ch. Ringlands Glad All Over At Ross- kear, Owned by DavonShire Kennel Best Opposite Sex, Ch. LLL Lil Gold Moonshine, owner Janice Luginsland.Winners Dog, DavonShire Misty Mom, also Best of Winners, Owned by DavonShire Kennel. Reserve, Wild Acre Afterglow O Scotia, owner Edna Girardot.Winners Bitch, Zodiac Cavalier Center- piece, owner Betty Varney. Reserve, Grims Pease Blossom of Rosskear, owned by Gold Blackere Kennel.It was a five point entry in both sexes.Judge Harvey Berman awards Best of Breed to Ch. Ringlands Glad All Over at Rosskear. Owned and handled by Norman K. Jerome. Photo by Ritter.DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER AUGUST 20thThe Bay Colony Pomeranian Club Specialy was held on April 15, 1978, in conjunction with the South Shore Kennel Club, Inc. Due to some scheduling changes it was necessary to use this earlier date, rather than our usual time in late June or July.We were very lucky in that with changing the date, we were still able to draw 33 entries, to make this a very nice Specialty.In the 6-9 Month Puppy Dog Class, Nancy Vayos Donayo Matchless Enchanter took the First Place. This was a very nice Puppy, with a very full coat. Next, was the Bred-By-Exhibitor Class and this was won by My-Pats Northern Spy, owned by Dr. P. Scelso and Michael Meyer. This is an extremely nice dog, with an excellent Front and Rear. Moving on to the Open Dog Class, AOAC, the ribbon was taken by Jafcos Mr. Peepers of Tiny-Tykes owned by Ina Kniffen. This dog continued on to win Winners Dog, with Reserve going to Jabils Jiminy Cricket, owned by Virginia and Robert Claar.In the Puppy Bitches, 6-9 Month, Holland Honds Sensation, owned by Harriet Oinkosky took First Place. A red puppy and very sound. In the Bred-By- Exhibitor, the ribbon again went to Dr. P. Scelso and Michael Meyer for their My-Pats Phanciphul Phoebe, a very nice bitch. Next the American Bred Class saw Anne Knowles, Waks Golden Diamond Girl take the First Place. The Open Class presented some very nice Bitches and I know that our Judge, Mr. 'George Fowler had a hard time making the decision. When he did, it went to Topaze Mary Friskie, owned by Francis Casey. This is a very, very nice Sable with a beautiful coat. Mary Friskie went on to take Winners Bitch and Best of Winners.Next, came the Specials, all groomed to perfection and looking very proud. The Best of Breed went to Ch. FunfairsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 15DavonShire Kennel Reg.Home of Ch. Ringlands Glad All Over at Rosskear AlsoDavonShire Misty Morn W.D. B.O.W. Western Pomeranian SpecialtyOur very best wishes for many top wins to those who have purchased Ricky and Sam puppies.Puppies and young adults. English Imports our Specialty.DavonShire Kennel 5726 Farragut St.Norman Jerome Hollywood, H. 33021305-987-512616 POMERANIAN REVIEWPinto o Joe Dandy, owned by Robert Koeppell. A very nice dog.After the Best of Breed, we were fortunate to have two Braces in the ring. This class was won by Anne Knowles and her Ch. Waks little Robin of Hadleigh and Waks Golden Diamond Girl.Immediately after the Judging, we had a Buffet. This is an annual item, with the food being donated by the members. Each year this is handled by Carmen Eckman and her daughter Ruth, who always do an outstanding job of getting everything together and making it come out right.With our earlier date, we missed seeing some of our friends from different parts of the country, but hopefully next year we will be able to get a later date.As with any show or Specialty everyone works hard and I feel that it goes without saying that all of the Bay Colony members thank everyone who was involved in making our Specialty so enjoyable. Thanks.BABY LOVE LOVES BABIESBy Lennis Rainesi. JDale nurses while Chip looks on.JChipgets his face washed while Dale peeks out to see what is going on.Baby Love was my first Pom. I bought her from Mrs. Tankesley of Dixieland Kennels. She will be 7 years old this June. She is one of the most devoted Poms Ive ever seen. I havent bred her for the past two years, as I am so fond of her and Im afraid something might happen to her.About 8 months ago, one of my bitches gave birth to 7 puppies. Needless to say, she didnt have enough milk for all of them. I noticed Baby running to the nursery door and crying. Well, the first thing I knew she had so much milk it was dripping out. I gave her two pups out of the litter and she took them and they flourished on her milk until the age of 8 weeks.Recently the local power company cut down a tree and a litter of 3 squirrels fell out. One was killed in the fall, but the other two were brought to me to raise. Needless to say, I dont have time to feed baby squirrels, but Baby began crying and I gave them to her. She quickly washed their faces and curled up around them and they began nursing. She developed milk and is taking excellent care of them. Im sure if they were with their natural mother they would be weaned by now as they have teeth. But they are very gentle with Baby and she with them and there is a great love affair going on between them. I think Baby is a most unusual Pom and I wanted to share this with our readers.POMERANIAN REVIEW 17Ck ridcendoCongratulates . . .Jessie and Barbara Young and all their gorgeous Jabil PomsFriends we love to see on our trips to New England.We have recently finished two Canadian champions. Can. Am. Oh. Millamors Marita, pictured below, finished her title undefeated in her sex, in three weekends, with a Group 1st and 2nd from the classes. Marita is now retired from the ring, and will be bred to Medallion in the near future.Shown going 2nd in Group at Club Canine, MontrealJudge Mrs. D. T. Weir, Handled on this occasion by Barbara Partridge.Can. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion also completed his title, with a Group 2nd, 2-3rds and a 4th all from the classes. We look forward to his career as a Special in Canada, and plan showing him both in the U.S. and Bermuda. Medallion is at stud to approved bitches, See Stud Register.FLASH Medallion finished his Bermuda Championship in 3 showsa ridcendoChristine Cullen Heartz Truro, Nova ScotiaP.O. Box 1259 Canada, B2N 5N218 POMERANIAN REVIEWMY VIEWS OF CRUFTS 1978By NORMAN JEROMEAs I had never attended Crufts dog show in England, I decided this had to be the year. This was to he the last show held at Olympia, for the building is to be razed. The show will be held at a new site beginning next year, Earls Court. I have attended several shows in England and in my opinion I would not consider Crufts my favorite for several reasons, the main one being the sheer vastness of the show and the crowds of people. It is totally impossible to take everything in, in one day. However, I would not have missed going to this show for anything. Would I go again Definitely yes.The show was held Feb. 10 and Sat. Feb. 11th. To give an idea of the size there were 5,098 dogs entered the first day and 4,918 the second for a total of 10,016 dogs of 142 breeds with 100 judges deciding the best. Afghans led the entries with 285.The first days judging was Toys, Working and Utility equivalent to our Non Sporting. There were 32 rings being utilized on this day. It might be mentioned at this point, prior to the show a world conference of Kennel Clubs was held in London representatives of thirty countries were present. Mr. William Stifel represented the U.S.A. One of the main topics was the problem of standardizing the standards for all breeds throughout the world.There was an entry of sixty-seven Poms from forty-four exhibitors. Mrs. Rosaland Bemey Smith had the task of sorting out the best. Mrs. Smith is a life-long breeder of Poms, with the prefix of Arum. There were four classes here for dogs and four for bitches, however these classes were huge, there were six Champions entered in the classes also the English system is somewhat different from ours inasmuch as Champions compete in the open class.The first place winners in all the classes then compete as here for the coveted Challenge Certificate points. A dog must have won three C.C.s before it can be crowned a Champion. It is rather more difficult in England to make a Champion up than in America.On this day the winners were Dog C.C. Ch. Majada Sunny Boy at Katula, Reserve C.C. Hadleigh Stardust. Bitch C.C and Best of Breed Ch. Cynpegs Oriole, Reserve C.C. Ch. Ringlands Gaity Girl at Rosskear.Oriole owned by Cynthia Harper, is a very tiny orange sable with the sweetest of expressions.The Toy Group was judged by Mr. Robert Flavell, the renowned breeder- judge who heads the house of Wilmscote Pomeranians. In a hotly contested group the nod was given to the great Yorkie, Oh. Blairsville Royal Seal who then went on to Reserve Best in Show. Oh. Cynpegs Oriole was judged Reserve Winner in the Toy Group. B.I.S. judged by Mrs. Gwen Broadley, was awarded to the four year old Wire Hair Fox Terrier, owner bred and handled, Ch. Harrow Hill Huntsman.It was my pleasure to meet Jean Schroll and a friend over for Crufts, we had a nice chat at ringside and I understand Jean was interested in purchasing a top Pom.I was most delighted to be the 'guest of Mr. Mrs. Gerald Winter of Rosskear Poms, and Andrew Brace after the show in the lovely Wales countryside. Andrew had a grand win with his young Peke. R.C.C. Mellifont Ladybug of Tragband. It was a beautiful ending to a great show adventure, and the huge home, hospitality, gorgeous dogs, and friendship in Wales will not soon be forgotten.For other views of Crufts, see Pacific Northwest News Views, Page 76.POMERANIAN REVIEW 19OYER THE RIVER AND THROUGH THE WOODSTO GRANDMOTHERS HOUSE WE GOSaysQue Sera Samson of La RitaSired by Jabils Xtra SpecialSamson", Best Puppy and Best in Match, at the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club Sanction B Match, April 16, 1978, and his sister Que Sera Delilah of La Rita, want to send their love toGrandma Champion Varneys Jabil Dream GirlGrandpa Champion abils Dandy Lion C. C.who are being visited this month at Jabil Kennels.Their mother, La Ritas Top Doll by Kash, and her parents, La Ritas Johnny Kash and Sungolds Top Her, join in the greetings.Que Sera Gigi of Golden Glow also bom in Oct. 78Reserve Winners Bitch from the 6 to 9 months puppy class at Olympia Dog Fanciers Association Inc. show May 7, 1978, under Judge Emil R. Klinckhardt.andAm. and Can. Ch. Scotia Dollys Dandy Sybil, who finished her Canadian title, Sunday, April 23, 1978, under Judge Mr. R. Rankin, also send best wishes.QUE SERA KENNELPhil Erin Hundley Lynnwood, Wa. 980362813 - 176th S. W. 206-743-374820 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENNEL VISIT TO JABIL KENNELSBY CLAIRE FLESNERJessie and Barbara Young would like me rbo tell you that this isnt a Kennel Visit, its a house visit. The kennel is used for grooming and boarding only. The Boms and Shih Tzu are house dogs. This can be a bit heotic at times, but with a sense of humor and the proper discipline, the Youngs think that this is the best way to raise dogs.Jabil Kennel is located in rural New Hampshire, outside the state capital of Concord. There are 30 acres of -land adjoining the kennel, with the house being the highest house in the county. On a clear day there is a 100 mile view. The name Jabil was coined by a Doberman breeder by combining Jessies nickname Jay and her husbands Bill Jay Bill.sFront view of house with hoarding-grooming kennel on the right. Jessie and some of the Poms are in the yard in front of the house. A one-acre grass yard and paddock is behind the house.In 1948 Jessie bought her first puppy, a Collie. There have been Collies at Jabil ever since, along with Dobermans, Dal- mati-ons, Poodles, a German Shepherd, Beagle and a Great Dane. At present there is only one Collie left, a beautiful blue merle by the name of Faerie Dean Jabils Blu Zircoon. Teddy is now 5 years old and has matured into a large, maginficent adult. Right now he is being shown by his breeder and has 6 Canadian Points plus 1 American point. Also in residence are two Shih Tzu, Lotus and Pebbles, plus an assortment of cats one being 18 years old. Cats and dogs mix in well together.Barbaras interest in dogs came about by being raised with them. Jessie also has two -sons, George and Drew. The boys are as interested in oars as Jessie and Barbara are in animals. George and Drew are President and Vice-President of The New Hampshire Sport Car Club. In addition to racing sports cars, they build and remodel their -own car engines.JkIFIBarbara and Jessie with B-R Bodas little Dnsky Charmer, Can. Ch. Jabils Faerie Dean Filigree Shih Tzn, Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing, Jabils Simply Saucy, Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Dion C.D., Ch. Jabils Chester P. Honeyhugger, and Ch. Varneys Jabil Dream Girl.In the late 1960s, Jessie and Barbara became interested in several Toy Breeds. After meeting the late Mary Casey at a show, -they quickly became Pom converts. The combination of Marys guidance and gentle prodding, plus a knowledge of genetics already -obtained from the Collie breeding and a large helping of good luck has led to the success Jabil has had in just a few brief years. It must be mentioned here that both Jessie and Barbara will be forever grateful to Mary Caseys willingness to help and guidePOMERANIAN REVIEW 210mpredent in fNext seasons hopefuls with their Nanny.6 day old children of Ch. Jabils Chester P. Honeyhugger ex Ch. Varneys Jabil Dream GirlWe would like to thank the American Pomeranian Club for honoring us with the Kennel Visit.Thanks also to Claire Flesner for visiting and Brenda Thomson for putting the visit into pictures.Group Winning and Placing homebred studs are pictured in the Stud Register section.Jessie W. Barbara A. Young 603-435-8731PJLoudon Ridge Road Loudon, N. H. 0330122 POMERANIAN REVIEWthem, through the formative years. They are also very grateful to Marys husband Case for his grooming lessons and demonstrations, which they still refer to.The year 1970 saw the first Pom arrive at Jabil, a lovely linebred Thelcolynn and Scotia bitch. She is Jabil Petite Delilah, CD and is the backbone of the Jabil line. Delilahs full sister Adkins Star of Band Box. was the second dog at Jabil and that was the beginning of the Jabil Poms.which resulted in one male puppy, Group winning Am, Can. Oh. Jabils Dandy Lion, CD. Next, Delilahs sister was bred to Denny which also resulted in one male puppy Ch. Jabils Chester P. Honeyhugger. All 'the Jabil Poms are linebred to Ch. Sungolds Gay Caviiier and Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance. The first true Jabil breeding resulted in Group winning Am., Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing..' SB -. v.Y.... ' a-- .Jessie and Poms at play in the front Pom yard.It was about this time 1972 that Barbara suggested that she and her Mother combine their interest and knowledge in dogs into a vocation. The carriage house which had held 12-15 Collies was converted into a grooming and boarding kennel. It is 24 hour work, but it enables them to always be just a few feet and seconds away from the Boms. The business has flourished and last year they were able to double the kennel size. Also last year a large exercise yard was added on, for the 20 plus Poms and Shih Tzu. It is directly attached to the house. Its entrance is via the living room door and can always be observed from 3 rooms of the house, as well as from the kennel.Mary Casey had had good results with Scotia bitches bred to her Am., Can., Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude. With that hi mind, Delilah was bred to Denny,1 1ma"JS5Jessie Ch. Jabils Chester P. Honeyhugger in front of trophies displayed in the living room. The picture is of three of the Jabil studs. Used on January 1978 cover, this picture will be seen in color in the Anniversary issue.All puppies are bom next to Jessies bed. When they are old enough they are moved to playpens in the living room. There they are handled often and adjust to the different sounds and people. Older puppies spend a lot of time in the kitchen. All the dogs learn to bait while watching human and canine food being prepared. At the beginning of this visit, I mentioned that all 'the Jabil dogs are house dogs, and that they are Whenever Barb and Jessie move about the downstairs, there is a horde of Poms of assorted sizes and colors plus the Shih Tzu following them. The dogs know that several times a day they will each get their turn of being picked up and loved. Needless to say the dogs in their own way return the love. Visitors at thePOMERANIAN REVIEW 23house always receive a noisy welcome and as soon as they are settled they usually find a friendly Pom or two or three on their laps or bringing them toys to play with. Theres no such thing as an unfriendly or unsociable dog at Jabil.HJJessie and Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing Dog beds like the one in nse under the table are throughout the house.2afeIAll of the Poms join in for practice in baiting.In addition to raising her family and managing the kennel, Jessie has found time for many other things. One of her favorite hobbies, which she never seems to have enough time for is painting. Several fine examples of her talent hang in the house. She is also co-founder of The New Hampshire Collie Club and of The New Hampshire Obedience Club.She is the current President of The Bay Colony Pomeranian Club.One of Barbaras favorite pasttimes is writing. She writes The American Pomeranian club column in The A.K.C. Gazette. She has just become Editor of The Lakes Region Kennel Club Newsletter. Another hobby is photography. She also finds time to do some gardening. Horses have long been one of her favorite animals, even before dogs. Barbara tries to attend horse shows whenever possible and maybe might consider showing horses.'Puppies are born in Jessies bedroom. This is Ch. Varneys Jabil Dream Girl with her new children.In January of this year, the Youngs battled the elements of a New England blizzard and the flu bug to bring two Poms and two Shah Tzu to a scheduled live TV appearance in Boston. The normally IV2-2 hour trip took 4 hours Then on top of all that all they got was less than five minutes of show time. This show of dedication on their part resulted in both of them being hit by pneumonia. Then before either one of them was fully recuperated, it was on to New York City for The APC Specialty where Jessie was Show Chairman and Barbara was Show Secretary. Once there, they overcame almost insurmountable obstacles brought on by the Blizzard of 78 to do an outstanding job.Continued on Page 4824 POMERANIAN REVIEWSILVER MEADOWS FARMWritten May 10th Its Springtime and were expecting Inquiries invited re the following matings all due in June.1 S.M. Doodlebug, bred to Oh. Tiger. This is a repeat of the mating that gave us our perfectly beautiful Treasure.2 S.M. Geraldine, bred to Bonners Lisastar Legacy.3 Ch. SM. Echo of Fun, bred to Oh. S.M. Frostee Cub.4 S.M. Daisy Ch. Tiger x Ch. Katydid bred to Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist.Puppies available at this time Litter of two, lm, If, sired by Ch. Tiger out of our Queenie dau. of Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man x Ch. S.M. Echo of Fun Whelped 2-27-78, both look showable at this early age. Litter of three, lm, 2f, sired by Ch. S.M. Sun-Dae Cub out of Nolans Heather Holly Dragon. Whelped 4-5-78 too young to evaluate.We offer the following Poms at StudCh. SJM. TigerCh. SM. Lil Chief __________Ch. S.M. Sun-Dae CubSee July 77 Pom Review p. 63.alsoCh. S.M. Frostee CubBonners Lisastar Legacy now being shownBest Wishes to Jessie and Barbara Young.Picture Pedigree on request.Ron Jackie Klein West Lake Rd.Ph. 716-237-5473 Silver Springs, N.Y. 14550POMERANIAN REVIEW 25It is with great pride that MY-PAT POMERANIANSpresent9My-Pats Northern Spy BorisCh. Enjays Puppet on a String X My-Pats Phanciphul PhoebeReserve Winners Dog the first time out at Charlottesville behind Specialty Winner, Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond.Winner Puppy Dog 9 mo. to 12 mo. Class, A.P.C. Specialty.Winner Bred-By-Exhibitor Dog Class, Bay Colony Pom Club Specialty.Winners Dog for 3 pts. at Rockland Co. under Judge Louise Cleland.Best of Breed for 4 pts. at Saw Mill River under Judge Geraldine Hess.Both Major wins from the Puppy Class.Boris will be offered at limited public stud to selected bitches.Fee and pedigree upon request.Congratulations to Jessie and Barbara Young on their Kennel VisitDr. Pat Scelso J. Michael Meyer194 Carroll St. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231212 625-718626 POMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.ANNUAL WINTER SPECIALTY By Jessie W. Young Show ChairpersonAdvance planning for our Annual February Specialty is not only a wise precaution, but it is absolutely necessary Since our Premium List must be in the hands of AKC before readers can receive another issue of the Review, you will find Trophy Hedge blanks inserted in this July Issue. PLEASE do not lay them aside and think, Oh, I have plenty of time you dont. Sit right down and fill out the pledge and write a check payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Large or small, all contributions are MOST WELCOME The important thing is the Active Participation of Everyone. All names will be listed in the Show Catalogue.Our February 1979 Specialty will again be held at the Lowes Summit Hotel, Lexington Avenue 51st St., NYC subject to AKC Approval of course. The date is February 11, 1979. Please make a RED LETTER notation of this date and plan to BE THERE Ask anyone, yes ANYONE who has attend one of our February Specialties in past years and you will hear about the friendly people, the beautiful Poms, the fun gatherings in the Hospitality Room, the fabulous trophies to be won and more and more and moreWe cannot publish the names of our judges until they are approved by AKC, but hopefully we will know all the details for the October Review. Until then, please help us get the ball rolling by sending in your Trophy Pledge PROMPTLY. Thanks so much. In the unlikely event that a trophy pledge blank was not included in your Review, the Trophy Chairman is Mrs. Goldie K. Mandley, 501 Dover Rd., Glen Bumie, Md. 21061.Co-Chairman, Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn.Catalogue Advertising Chairman is Miss Barbara Young, 204 Loudon Ridge Rd., Loudon, N.H. 03301.FALL SPECIALTYBy Sue GoddardWe hope many of you are planning to come to our Fall Specialty in October. This is a marvelous time of year to come to Georgia, Poms should be in good coat and the Committee is leaving no stone unturned to make this THE BEST EVERPom exhibitors will be headquartered in the Squire Inn Motel, 2767 Windy Hill Rd., Marietta, Georgia. Write for Reservations or phone 404-952-3251. There will be bus service from the airport to the motel and they will accept small dogs in crates.Plan to arrive early and have cocktails and buffet at Paul and Randy Freehs home Friday evening. Coffee and luncheon will be served to the Pom exhibitors in the hospitality room at the show on Saturday. After the show, plan on a marvelous dinner and a generous supply of Southern Hospitality.More details on the Back Cover.KENNEL VISITThe October Kennel Visit will find us travelling back to California to the Queenaire Kennels of Wanda and Dudley Roach. These very active members of the Northern California Pomeranian Club need no introduction to most of our readers, but we know that the story of their successful Pom breeding experiences through the years will prove very interesting to all. We feel sure other Pomeranian breeders in California will want to congratulate the Roaches and also call attention to their own Poms. California here we comePLEASE SUPPORT THE KENNEL VISITS IN YOUR AREA IT MEANS A MORE COMPLETE AND INTERESTING REVIEW.POMERANIAN REVIEW 27ALVERS PEDIGREE SERVICEON DUTY 24 HOURSNOTORIZED, CERTIFIED, GLAMORIZED, GILTEDGED PARCHMENT, TYPED, Suitable for framing. Dedicated. Quality is King.All Breeds Researched. Champions Titles in Red.We show English show winners, plus English champions.3 Gens---------- 4.00 6 and 7 generations4 Gens.--------- 5.00 Rolled free, others 1.5 Gens.--------- 10.00 We Cover 20 Foreign Clubs6 Gens..............16.00 American Field Dogs.7 Gens---------- 29.00 AKC 1878 to Date.7 Generations sent certified mail.ALWAYS BUYING SELLING STUD BOOKS Peggy AlversP.O. Box 56, Glover, MO. 63646JESTOMS POMS PRESENT OUR GOLDEN GIRLJESTOMS GOLDEN GLOW HEIDIShe has won her second major at the Springfield K.C. Show May 13, 1978 under noted Judge Edd Bivin Heidi has won in three comers of the USA during the past few months with very limited showingPortland, Oregon Charlotte, North Carolina and Springfield, Massachusetts.A greatful thanks to all the sporting exhibitors who made this possible. Congratulations are also in order to GOLDEN GLOW LUCKY on his major win in the Washington area, to Erin Hundleys GI-GI OF GOLDEN GLOW for her reserve winners from the puppy class at Olympia, Washington, and to AM. CAN. CH. GOLDEN GLOW PEPPER who continues his winning ways with numerous BOBs and GROUP placements.AT STUD GOLDEN GLOW TUCK, half brother to PEPPER and CH. GOLDEN GLOW NIP, pointed in U.S. and Canada.Tom and Jessie Stephens Halifax, Mass. 0233855 Lingam Street Ph. 617-294-868028 POMERANIAN REVIEWJOLLY WEE KENNELSv\Judge William Bergum awards Group Secondto Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Killer who is handled by Carroll James.Paul and Randy Freeh733 Booth Road Kermesaw, Georgia 30144 Rh. 404-926-6011POMERANIAN REVIEW 29JOLLY WEE KENNELS Proudly Presents Another Peppi SonAFLASHRandys Hot-Shot of Jolly WeeShown here going Best of Winners under Judge Ann Stephenson from the Puppy Class.Hot-Shot is a very typey, heavy coated 4 lb. bundle of mischief. We think he is really great at 10 months of age.Hot-Shot -will be handled by our good friend, Carroll James.On May 21st, Hot-Shot won the Toy Group at Wilmington, N.C. On the 27th and 28th, BOB and Group IIIPaul and Randy Freeh 733 Booth RoadKennesaw, Georgia 30144 Ph. 404-926-601130 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOISONOUS PLANTSOF THEUNITED STATES AND CANADAThis list includes some of ithe most commonly encountered poisonous plants found as ornamental house plants, garden plantings and wild field and woods weeds, trees and bushes. In most cases, the poisonous substance is an alkaloid and the treatment is supportive rather than specific. Puppies, with their constant curiosity and tendency to chew anything and everything, are the usual victims. If a puppy shows symptoms of illness after chewing a plant leaf berry or root be sure to take along the remainder of the plant, when consulting your veterinarian.HOUSEPLANTSEnglish ivy leaf Mistletoe berriesPoinsettia Christmas rose Philodendron leafGARDEN PLANTSAutumn crocus bulbDaffodil, narcissus bulbHyacinthLilyof-the-Valley flowers, leaves Snowdrop bulbIris stem, rootsBleeding heart Larkspur, delphinium PoppyStar-of-Bethlehem FoxgloveBUSHES, FOUNDATION PLANTINGS Laurels Rhododendron Wisteria YewPrivet berriesHorse chestnut - seedsVirginia creeper OleanderWILD PLANTSBlack-eyed-susanBloodrootGoldenchainPokeweed - roots and berriesBlack nightshade Jimsonweed Water hemlock HorsetailMISCELLANEOUSRhubarb - leafTobaccoPotatoe - eye, new sproutsToadstools - Non edible mushrooms. Many are fatal in extremely small quantitiesPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER DES MOINES, INC.By Mrs. Norris McKameyThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines, Inc. held their second A Sanctioned Match at West Des Moines Community Center, Des Moines, Iowa, on Saturday, May 6, 1978. Officiating Judge was Mr. Forrest Johnson, AKC Dalma- tion Judge. Match Chairperson, Mrs. Norris McKamey.We had a good turn out of lovely Pomeranians from 'Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Illinoisand our Iowa Poms. Turnout of 35 entries in Match.Puppy Dog 6 to under 9 months Heavy dense coated baby of orange Joda Dukes Mischief owner Joyce Ohrtman.Puppy Dog 9 to under 12 monthsA lovely clear orange Rhoads Sandy Sunshine owner Leona Rhodas. American Bred Dogs Sable Harper Jack of Hearts owner Joyce Ohrtman.Black, Brown Blue ClassBlack Male a really good black boy owned by M. Sassoon.Bred by ExhibitorA clear orange'Pom Puf Mr. Mischief Breeder, Owner Gwen Hodson. A top entry of 17 with 7 Open dogs.Rockys Ole Weinde owner Virginia Merle Rockhold.Open AOCPom Puff Master Gold Chip Gwen Hodson.POMERANIAN REVIEW 31MAJAC POMERANIANSIntroducesMAJACS STORMY WEATHERvVBESTOF OPPOSITE' Tsorr'O'SEi. CUB^HSfShown here winning the second, of her back-totoack 4 pt. majors at Wilmington KC Penn Treaty KC.This little girl is personality plusBreeder-Owner Jacqueline McGivney 320 Smithitown Blvd. Ronkonkoma, N.Y. 11779Handler Gloria Setmayer Paramus, N.J.Bitches 6 to 9 monthsRockys Heidi, a tiny, dark orange owner Merle Virginia Rockhold. Bitches 9 to 12 months Nolans Dragon Card Bali Hai Douglas J. Yvonne J. Grafsky.Bred by ExhibitorPom Puff Foxi Forget Me Not, Orange owner Gwen Bonnie Hodson.Black, Brown BluePom Puff MDady Midmite Magic owner Gwen Hodson.Open FemalesJoda Lady Ohippette, Orange owner Joyce Ohrtman.Open AOCPom Puf Positively Peachie owner Gwen Hodson.Best Puppy BitchRockys HeidiBest Adult Bitch, Best of Match Pom Puff Foxi Forget Me Not32 POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANS presentsAc'jViis-iiiti_si5BF iiCH. EMCEE S SATINA OF GREAT ELMS Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image X Canupps Red GingerOur newest champion is a black and. tan purchased from Ruth L. Beam. Tina finished in 12 shows. Our thanks to Marlene Scott for handling her and our thanks to Ruth Beam for breeding suoh a lovely Pom.Morris and Betty Carson Ph. 804 798-78826208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, Va. 23005POMERANIAN REVIEW 33EMCEES POMERANIANSProudly Presents-Ch. Emcees Solid Gold DiamondA special thanks to Maynard Wood, his handler, who did a marvelous job of showing Tioo to his championship. Pom Specialty, and group wins.We extend our appreciation to Bob Goodrich and friends who have given Tico support and encouragement along the way.Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Poehins Pathway804 798-7882 Ashland, Va. 2300534 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB[RENE HARBIN 10759 Sand Pt. Wy.N.E. Seattle Wa. 98125Where does one begin So many shows So many winners. First, however, Our April 16, 1978 B match. It was well supported by both exhibitors and visitors, with a genuine interest in the Pomeranian. The trophy table was beautiful. Most of the trophies were donated by Maryanne Melville. Most of the long time breeders will remember Maryanne. The table was adorned with a beautiful summer bouquet provided by Sylvia Harbin. She also provided a corsage for our judge.Our judge was Jane Bennett Jane has conducted many handling classes in this area and is a licensed judge for Dobermans. Jane made it a real thrill for our visitors as well as the exhibitors by giving a complete critique and inviting questions at any time during her judging. Truly a day to remember.It was a real thrill for Erin Hundley, taking Best in Match from the 4-6 mo. Puppy Class, with Samson, a dog of her own breeding. Other winners were Tigres Final Fling, Irene Harbin owner breeder, 6-9 Mo. bitch class. Lady Faustine owned by Rene Ken Rotta, with a double entry, 9-12 Mo. Bitch and Open Bitch, winning both classes. So-His Bonnie Starlet, ownerbreeder, Virginia Niehouse, Bred by Exhibitors class. We also had a brace, Samson and His litter sister, Sassy. These two did very well for 5 Mo. old, and so did Erin. We included an Exhibitors Class Only. This was a class for Pointed Poms. It was the largest class entry. They were not in competition with the others. Each handler gave a resume of the dogs achievements and breeding, for the benefit of our visitors. Last but far from Least was The Parade of Champions. Am. Can. Champion Scotia Dollys Dandy Sybil proudly led Erin Hundley around the ring.April 22 and 23 the Hundleys and Harbins spent a very memorable weekend at the Kawanis Club of Kerrisdale, Vancouver, B.C. all breed show, even though we slept very little Saturday nite. Our rooms were directly over the discotique. One thing we learned was that in Canada they give the customers of the discotique their moneys worth. They played from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. without a break.The Hundleys and the Harbins did better at the show. Hundleys Dolly took Winners Bitch both days and also Best Puppy with Que Sera GiGi of Golden Glow. The Harbins took WD and BOB both days. Saturday, Scotia Bend of Harbin and Sunday, Harbins Indestructible Jim. Jim doing better in the Group however with a 4th place.Am. Can. Champion Golden Glow Pepper OwnerBreeder Elva Sally McGilbry is continuing his winnings, his most recent being, Salem Oregon, with Second in Group, and the Yakima KC. Other winners are Virginia Niehouse with So-Hfis Gala Jubilee most recent being WB BOS at Yakima. And then there is Andrews Wee Red Laddie, owned by Phyllis Andrews, taking Winner Dog at Yakima.Ronald of Point Loma Owned by Dr. Charles Wilson has his Championship Title, pending AKC approval, with major wins at Walla Walla and Richland and finally Olympia. Congratulations to Dr. Wilson.yPOMERANIAN REVIEW 35-Aurora f-^redentd . . . sdutumn and 2emetriudSOME LIKE EM BIG 6 lbs.andSome Like Em Small Z Its.mi r.lPCS OV ow ^coott CQUWttK ^222Ch. Auroras Don Quixotes Dawn AutumnCh. D-Nees Daffy Don Quixote ex Auroras Crystal CapriceH1Ch. Auroras Inaminit Dinadan DemetriusCh. D-Nees Darin Dinadan ex D-Nees Dorable DollyIt goes to show . . . Its not size that counts . . . Its QUALITYWe thank Nadine Hersil for Demetrius and for letting us use Donny to get our favorite girl, Autumn.Pedigrees in Behind the New ChampionsAurora Poms Jackie and Chuck LiddleAKC Licensed Handler 15630 Ridgemont Ave. SEPh. 612-447-4901 Prior Lake, MN 5537236 POMERANIAN REVIEWOUR LATEST CHAMPIONHome BredCH. PSOCKOS TOUCH OF KLASSrSKA-Klassy finishing at Clearwater, Florida under Judge Frank Oberstar. Shown by Glynette Cass. -XDam Breeder SireSire Scotia Psocko-Delic Folly Pointed Thank you Edna Girardot for Psocko Dam Ch. Winemakers Hi Klass Gal Thank you Faye Wine for Squirl They produced this SOUND Pomeranian.Kathryn and Ted Birk 1634 S.W. 9th Avenue305 523-2344 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33315POMERANIAN REVIEW 3'THE PINES KENNEL IS BURSTING WITH PRIDE OVER OUR NEW CHAMPION SUBJ. AKC CONF. CH. FLEMINGTON JACKS LITTLE PEPIfShown taking first major 4 points May 1, 1977 at Penn Treaty K.C.Judge, James L. Vaughters Sr.Handled All The Way By DianePepi started with a 4 pt. major from the Open Dog Class. He finished at the Trenton K.C. show May 7, 1978 under Judge Miss Virginia Sivori with a 5 pf. major again from the Open Dog Class, both times taking BOW.Pepi will be sax years old this August 16.We bought Pepi ait 3 years of age and spent a year winning his confidence before we could show him. Our love and patience paid off. Thanks to all of you who have cheered us on and had faith in our little man. Watch for his half-sister, Huggy Bear and his two daughters soon to start their show careers.LOIS L. KRAEMER DIANE E. TAYLORHengeli Drive Ph. 609-298-7284Bordentown, N.J. 0850538 POMERANIAN REVIEWOHIO POM CLUBby MARY STRASLICKA 4109 Grafton Rd.Brunswick, Ohio 44212Greeting again from the North .. . but it is beginning to look more like the South now, which seems to put everyone in a much better mood. There are many puppy matches coming up and I hope everyone has someone to show.It has been a rough winter outside and it hasnt been easy in the whelping box lately either. I received the following letter from Mrs. Ruth DoctorIn your column in the Pom Review in January, 1978, you stated it was a poor year for puppies. Ive raised Poms for 28 years and never, never had such poor luck. I only raised 1 pup out of three females. One female stopped labor I was not positive her breeding took as I never felt or saw a pup move. I normally have to watch her weight. I thought she was having a false pregnancy she started to labor stopped and was contented like it was all over. The next a.m. I saw a little footthe pup started down the wrong horn I lost 3 pups and the mother the Vet said it wasnt my fault she stopped labor as pup did not press against her pelvic bone. I lost another pup for no reason at all came 63rd day was lovely pup. She had no trouble but pup was dead.The last female had 3 pups on 57th day, 2 oz. - 2 oz. and other one was approximately 2 oz. was malformed I tube fed 2 oz one for a week wouldnt nurse but it never gained more than Vi -oz. The other pup is 7 weeks old and beautiful. Out of 11 females only 3 came in heat last spring. I watched them real close and vet said other animals were not normal this last year.I did have Shell strips in Kennel and have disposed of them. Our Poms are so small thought they strips might be the cause.I thought it might be mold in the food but vet didnt feel this could be thecause as it is processed and would kill mold germ. He did tell me to make a dog abort -they give them -ergotmoldy wheat germso I wonder. If you have any ideas from any one please have them write me as its really a puzzle to me what went wrong.P.S. I used different males so he is not at fault. If anyone has any ideas, you can send them to Ruth at 6914 Wayne Trace, Et. Wayne, Ind. 46816. And thanks for your letter, Ruth its nice to know someone is reading my articleThe following is a letter that was read at the Cleveland All-Breed Training Club, Inc. Christmas and Awards Dinner on Dec. 3, 1977Many awards have been made tonight but there is -one very special award yet to be made, it is the Gaines Good Sportsmanship medal.Gaines donates this bronze medal to Clubs that indicate they have selected a member who exemplifies good sportsmanship.Sportsmanship may be shown by how a person plays the game, by a persons sense of fairness, or by how a person shows respect for others.Sportsmanship can also be shown by the willingness of an individual to invest so much of the self doing the very necessary, very unglamorous work that is essential to the smooth running of a very active club often most of this work is not -seen by the majority of the membership. OUR person has been doing this for almost 24 years.It is my honor -and pleasure, on behalf of the Board -of Directors, to present this Gaines Good Sportsmanship Medal toMILDRED SHELDON For the many years of unselfish and devoted serviceWe are proud to have Mildred Sheldon as a member of 'the Ohio Pom Club.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3CINQUAY POMERANIANS9rjJewel Ken Shining- Flambeau Breeder - Jewel WeberA Beau son at 7 weeks SplinterTTTTrAJamie son at 8 weeks CzarI am forever grateful to Jewel for allowing me to have and to love this little guy with a heart as big as all outdoorsBeau is linebred Van Hoozer and sires outstanding puppies.FOR SALEPenny 3 lb. darling orange 2 year Beau daughter.Toby 4 lb. orange Wz yr. Beau son.FOUR UPCOMING LITTERS THIS SPRINGVan Hoozer Great ElmsScotia Cavilier lines.Oinquays Czar Beta of Lorinda Czar was BOB and Group IV at the Richland K.C. Match 31978Now with his owner Lorinda Vatsuita in Akron, Ohio.Look for him in the ring this fallCINDY QUAY THOMAS7456 Lincoln Highway Crestline, Ohio 44827 Ph. 419-683-457410 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional details as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 10.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 4.50.CH. SHERBOURNE SPARKLE, Orange female. Shown in memory of Catherine Stofft who owned her for her first 2 years. Now owned by her breeder, PaulineB. Hughes, Encinitas, California.r. n Can.,Am. Ch. Roguelands Im a Warrior ToCh. Adonis of Point Loma Goldilocks of Point Loma Ch. Travis of Point Loma SireCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Pretty GalGreat Elms Little Ginger Ch. Adonis of Point Loma Ch. Shawn of Point Loma Roxanna of Point Loma Vanessa of Point Loma DamAlvas Little Percy Alvas Rebecca Nelsons SonjaCH. BEV-NORS UNTOLD GLORY CANDEEOrange female Breeder, Beverly Norris Owners, Diane E. Taylor Lois L. Kraemer Bordentown, N.J.Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Theldnns Almond Fudge SireCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Creiders Little Red Rascal, C.D. May Morning Little Red Rascal May Morning Sugar N Spice Thelduns Billys Lil Paty Cake Dam May Morning Social Lion Meyers Princess Pat II Thelduns Cora JeanneHave you sent your TROPHY PLEDGE for the February SpecialtyCH. FLEMINGTON JACKS LITTLE PEPI4 lb. Orange Male Breeder Jack Bahuta Owner Lois L. Kraemer Bordentown. N.J.Ch. Trademark of Nanjo Ch. Stylemaster of Nanjo Nanjo JubilantJacks Red Gypsy Timmy Sire Darkes Little Gem Ruhls AbbyWondering Missy Ch. Bonners Red Pepper Ch. Hillsides Little Pepper Pod Hillsides MelodyJacks Red Heidi The Witch Dam High Heritage Tip Topper Cappoquin Ready To GoHigh Heritage Reddy KilowattMAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4CH. RANDYS JOLLY WEE KILLERRed maleBreeder Owner, Mrs. Randall Freeh Kennesaw, GeorgiaCh. Maes Fancyduke Look Im A DandyRandys Dandy Wee TuffyCh. McDougalls Gay Samantha Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi SireCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Macs Fancyduke Wee Wendy McDougall's Lady Fancy Bonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Macs Stardukes Gay Bunny DamTuffy of Disheroon Pam-Tuf's Star of Disheroon Pamela of DisheroonCH. RIGGINS STARJOY LUSTJS KRISOrange maleBreeder-Owner, Dolores Riggin Tigard, OregonCh. Bonner's Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist Bonners Starlyn Lusus Lark SireCh. Bonners Pepr-Wee Beautiful Bonners Top-R-Wee Lusious Bonners Showstopper Fairri Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Sunkris KristolBonners Pepper-K-Sunkiss Ch. Biggins Krisweet Joy DamLoy-Els Smokle WJthems Sweet NellieBlack Velvets Blue BonnetCH. WHARTONS BAERLE OF BARONOrange Male Breeder-Owner Nancy Ed Wharton Wichita Falls, TexasBonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala SireCh. Aristic Flaming Cherub Aristic Cherubs Wee Cherry Aristic Cherry Fireglow Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamor's Miss Fancy Ch. Jeribeths Tu-Step of Tim Sue Dam Jeribeths His Hiness Hopper Jeribeths Her Hiness Tootie Corns FlapperCH. RANDYS JOLLY WEE FANCY LADYOrange femaleBreederOwner, Mrs. Randall M. Freeh Kennesaw, GeorgiaCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Macs Fancyduke Look Im A Dandy McDougalls Lady Fancy Randys Dandy Wee Tuffy SirePom Pom Susies Boy Ch. McDougalls Gay Samantha Pam-Tufs Star of Disheroon Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Randys Duke of Dragonfly Macs Fancyduke Wee Wendy Randys Pride and Joy of Duke Dam Randys Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Ace-His Beaute Michele Macs Fancy Wee BuffyCH. RIGGINS KRISWEET JOYOrange femaleBreeder-Owner, Dolores Riggin Tigard, OregonCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Bonners Sunkris Kristol SireCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Pepper-K Sunkiss Aristic Mighty Cute Bes Whirlwind Joe Loy-Els SmokieLittle Miss Muffet II Withems Sweet Nellie DamLoy-Els Black Sammy Black Velvets Blue Bonnet B.imbo Black VelvetCH. MONICA OF POINT LOMABlack FemaleBreeder Pauline HughesOwner Dr. Mrs. Lawrence M. TraunerSan Francisco, CA.Ch. Adonis of Point Loma Ch. Lil Elmo of Point Loma Great Elms Pretty Gal Darcy of Point Loma SireCh. Adonis of Point Loma Lady Lucy of Point Loma Alvas Rebecca Ch. Adonis of Point Loma Mex. Ch. Black Beauty of Point Loma Sable Dove of Point Loma Camile of Point Loma DamFlash of Captain Red Flash Pixie, IXTiny Black Mitzie42 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsCH. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPER TOO4 lb., Red. Orange Male Owner - Breeder Ruth L. Beam Pineville, N.C.Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Sire Great Elms Little Duffie Great Elms LindaGreat Elms Little Susie Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Linda Great Elms Wee Julie DamCh. McKameys Sundawn Traveler Tiny Toys Sissie JoyGoodins Millee Joy of Lu-MaCH. MAY MORNING SPACE PILOTRed sable maleBreeder, Sophie H. MayesOwners, Kenneth Catherine LeffertsShirley, N.Y.Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Moonwalker SirePomwin Tigie Pomwin BusybodyModels Lady Ethel LaRitas Johney Come Lately Am. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight Beach's Midnight Angel May Morning Legacy of Jonnie DamCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Kissin Cousin Creiders Little May QueenCH. AURORAS DON QUIXOTES DAWNOrange femaleBreeder-Owner,Charles Jacquelyn Liddle Prior Lake, Minn.Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Ch. D-Nees Daffy Don Quixote SireCh. Queenaire's Jigger O Scotch Ch. D-Nees Dorable Dazzler D-Nees Dorable Dolly Salmons Bit of Distinction Rockys Distinctive Tiki Rockys Red Taffy Auroras Crystal Caprice DamVan Hoozers Lucky Mister Mack Rockys Wee Genie Too Rocky's Wee GenieCH. AURORAS INAMINIT DINADANOrange male Breeder, Nadine Hersii Owners, Charles Jacquelyn Liddle Prior Lake, Minn.Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan SireCh. Queenaires Jigger O Scotch Ch. D-Nees Dorable Dazzler D-Nees Dorable Dolly Int. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaires Jigger O Scotch Creiders VickiD-Nees Dorable Dimples DamKen-Gay Laddie of Milo D-Nees Dorable DollySnow Baby White FluffViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEW 43EDANS POMERANIANSLucky is living up to his name 4 Pt. Major First 'time shownA special thanks to Judge Edward Klein for this win, from the Bred by Exhibitor Class.WsEDANS LUCKY ACE OF HEARTS Sire Scotia Iodine Kobins Chris Ham Scotia Happy Go Lucky HsaCongratulations to Marianne Adrian Alford and their Ch. Edans Showy Tom Tom on his^ BEST IN SHOW ^Joann Vestal Edans Pomeranians2933 Shelby Drive National City, Ca. 92050714-475-7269LLL POMERANIANS ANNOUNCES NEW 78 CHAMPIONSOH. LLL HAPPY TWINKLING TIPPY D finished at St. LouisCH. FANCY GOLD GINA B finished at Manhattan, Ks. going BOB from classesover speoial and hopefully in whelp.LLL HAPPY TWINKLING TIKI B now ptd.LLL LUCKY GOLD HOLLY B ptd. and BOB from classes.I am withdrawing Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge from public stud service. I feel his son, LLL Fancy Gold Cricket, now ptd. is a suitable replacement.Thanks to kind purchasers of my surplus stock. I still have several left with few litters expected this summer.Come visit my little white van and traveling kennel at the shows. Usually have something for sale with me.JANICE LUGINSLAND R. R. 1AMERICUS, KS. 66835 Ph. 316-884-515744 POMERANIAN REVIEWFEEDING FOR BREEDINGBy DR. DAVID S. KRONFELD Ph.D., D.Sc., MVSc.ConclusionFEEDING MANAGEMENTPoor feeding management, I am convinced, is responsible for more complaints in dogs faulty diets. The two most common problems are under-or- over-feeding, and abrupt changes in type of food.Any diet rich in animal fat and protein is going to be very palatable and should not be fed free choice. A study conducted in 1925 is often cited to support the idea that dogs instinctively eat only the right amount of food. The diets in that study were not particularly palatable, and the proposition seems to hold only with the least palatable cereal products which are designed for use free-choice. I recommend that you should feed by hand and eye, starting with the average intake from Table 1, then adjusting every second week, a little up or down, until your animal reaches the desired body weight.Avoid any sudden changes in amounts or types of food, e.g. from carbohydrates to fat and protein or vice versa. Both the dogs digestive secretions and the population of microorganisms in Sts large intestine must adapt to new substances delivered to them. This takes time, at least a few days, possibly two weeks. Signs of poor adaption are loose stools or diarrhea and flatulence, perhaps bad breath. Hold still or back off slightly entirely abandoning the new food may be a bigger change than persisting with 'it, so dont panic. Also, when changing foods, make sure not to overfeed, better to underfeed slightly.Carnivores do not eat well when threatened even slightly. Allay fears by feeding in a safe familiar place and avoiding any distractions. Adhere to routine.BEFORE BREEDINGOnce you decide to breed a bitch, make sure she is healthy. Examine her for worms and treat as required. Check her vaccination record and make good any deficiencies. Feed her to reach the desired body weight. If you and I were to look at a series of dogs, perhaps only 5 out of 100 of you would like them to be as thin as I do. Use Table 1 as an initial guide. Let us say she is 40 lbs. and you want her to be 35 lbs. in 3 months time. Looking at the Table, select a slightly lower body weight than that desired, e.g. 33 lbs. Now an average sedentary healthy adult of 33 lbs. would require 10 oz. of dry food about 2M to 4 cupfuls depending on the degree or puff of the cereal or about 2 cans. You can choose a combination, say 5 oz. dry food and 1 can a day. Then try cutting down to 4 oz. Many dogs start begging when underfed. Splitting the daily ration into 2 feeds will usually diminish begging, and it is quite a good practice in a brood bitch even at this stage.About three or four weeks before you want to mate her, start to build her diet up a little. This is a practice called flushing in livestock. A positive nutritional balance does bring on estrus sooner and lead to higher conception rates. The mechanism appears to involve pituitary hormones. After mating, she should be returned to maintenance.GESTATIONSome recommend increasing food energy intake by about 20 two or three weeks after mating. Others delay the increase until five or six weeks. In a Beagle, each fetus weighs about 15 grams at 40 days, 90 g at 50 days, and about 300 g at birth. Obviously, the last two weeks are crucial. At this time, many factors tend to diminish food intake, especially if the bitch is too fat. That is one of the reasons why I prefer to make any additions in the form of meat and fat or a canned meat based product. The conceptus usurps abdomiPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4MIDAS POMERANIANS A Star is BomOn Christmas Eve, we were presented with Midas Christmas Star, a sable son of Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist. His dam is Parkas Adorabrii Marquesa, a daughter and granddaughter of Ch. Bonners Sunstyle Brilliance. We are hoping hell live up to his pedigree.The following litters are expected in JuneCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist X Midas Hopeful Moment Brilliance granddaughterBonners Wagdoll With Love X Aristic Flaming Hon Ch. Bonners Stylemodel Wee Wag and Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy in her pedigree.We regret reporting the death of Ch. Parkas Penstyle Robynhood NEW ADDRESSJon Roberta Massey Racine, Wisconsin 534021209 Carlton Drive 414 639-6885nal space, so feeding twice a day allows a longer transit time, better digestion and absorption. The bitch may tend to lose her appetite just before whelping. This is no great cause for alarm. Offer her the foods she likes best among the foods she is used to, but do not force her. In the example begun above with a 35 lb. bitch, if she has been fed 10 oz. dry food, I would mix in 4 can meat- based food or comparable additions ofmilk, liver, or yeast and oil as described above. If she had been fed half cereal and half meat, I would increase both but not take the cereal above 10 oz. She would weigh between 35 and 38 lbs. immediately after whelping.LACTATIONAfter whelping, her needs will depend on the number of pups. If only two or three she will need little more than she46 POMERANIAN REVIEWwas given towards the end of pregnancy. Any bitch with four or more pups should probably he allowed to eat free-choice. She will obviously be able to consume more useful food energy if fed more fat and essential nutrients and, as a corollary, fed less starch and fiber, d.e., relatively less cereal. Note relatively she probably can continue on maintenance intake of cereal and obtain extra food needs as meat and meat byproducts.The pups should start to nibble the hitchs food at three or four weeks, depending on the precocity of the breed.It may be necessary if the pups are few to restrict her food intake. But if she has a normal size litter, she probably can contiue consuming food free-choice until ithey are weaned. She should not weigh less than 30 lb., preferably not less than 35 lb., i.e. her pre-mating weight if she has been fed as well as possible.If a hitch dries up too soon, she has probably been fed inadequately. Next time remember that dietary protein promotes milk production, and that this creates a demand for milk fat precursors. These must be provided from the diet or the bitch will have to mobilize body stores of fat.WEANINGThis is a crucial time in the emotional and metabolic development of pups.Some kennels wean at six weeks, e.g. for the AAFCO protocols or for sale. It is probably better to wait another two or three weeks for natural weaning. In either case, some effort should be made to creep feed the pups at about four weeks. The sled dogs, for example, are called out just beyond the bitohs chain three or four times a day, and are rewarded with a little highly palatable feed. In one beautifully managed Greyhound kennel, the bitch is placed in an adjacent pen, separated from her pups by a chain link fence for an hour or two. The period is gradually lengthened, until the bitch is brought to her pups only twice, then once, a day for feeding.Whatever the actual system, the principal is clear weaning should he as smooth and atraumatic as possible.This principle also applies to the food. The milk of the bitch contains about 35 protein and 40 fat on a dry matter basis. If pups are shifted abruptly to 22 protein and 5 fat, -i.e. the NRCs minimums for growth as well as maintenance, setbacks should be expected. I recommend higher contents of protein and fat, approaching the levels in hitchs milk, for pups before, during and immediately after weaning.THE STUDTwo-and-a-half words suffice for the nutrition of the stud dog Dont Overfeed. All he does is not much.\. SF Sy-.-'-c.AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to enoouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of 'the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Olub, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contaot the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4'TABLE 1. Recommended Daily Intakes of Commercial Foods for Adult Maintenance.Body Weight Maintenance Dry cereals Semimoist Canned mixed Canned Meatlb. kg Ikcal oz oz patties oz cans oz cans2.2 1 140 1.4 1.6 0.5 4.4 0.3 3.9 0.254.4 2 235 2.3 2.7 0.9 7.3 0.5 6.4 0.466 30 1,710 17 20 6.5 54 3.6 47 3.2Table 2 Levels of Intake for Various Physiologic ConditionsMMaintenance ____________________ 1.0Hot Conditions, 90 P_____________ 1.2100 P___________ 1.4Cold Conditions,, 30 F....................... 1.50 F. .................. 2.0Exercise, light___________________ 1.5medium ________________ 2.0hard ___________________ 2.5Gestation, first 5 weeks _________ 1.05th week_______________ 1.16th week ______________ 1.27-9th week____________ 1.3Lactation, first week______________ 1.52nd week______________ 2.0peak, up to_______ _____ 3.0after 5 weeks, taper off____ 1.5Growth, birth to half-grown ________ 2.0half to full growth_________ 1.5. "Expressed as Multiples of the Average Optimal Energy Intake for Maintenance M.For breeding, have bitch lean, then use 1.1 to 1.2 M before and during estrus. For levels above 1.5 M, split ration and feed twice a day. For growth or strenuous exeroise in cold conditions, increase recommended intake.---------rjjjQ2kT-.i18 POMERANIAN REVIEWCIRCULATIONMANAGERMRS. PATRICIA D. BROOKS 102 Jefferson Lane Ladson, S.C. 29456 803-871-0239RAREFor those interested in hack issues, I have very few 1960s and early 1970s issues left.A lot of worthwhile reading material, for a little price Order now before it is too late.POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION8.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail Canada, Mexico 8.50 Foreign 9.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION RATE 4.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUESWrite Circulation ManagerAvailable at 1.00 Each1962 Mar. 8, Dec. 51963 July 4, Oct. 61968 April 14Available at 1.25 Each1969 Jan. 3, Apr. 2, Oct. 41970 Apr. 3, July, Oct.1971 Jan., April, July1972 Jan. 8, April, Oct.Available at 1.50 Each1973 April, Oct. 21974 Jan. 1, July1975 July 3, Oct. 81976 Jan., April, JulyAvailable at 2.00 Each1976 Oct.1977 Jan., April, July, Oct.1978 January, AprilKENNEL VISIT ContinuedIm sure most of you know that they had to replace the two judges that were stranded in Massachusetts by the storm and martial law. But did you know about the problem they had with the show catalogs It seems that they were amongst the missing until almost show time. Jessie and Barbara along with several volunteers, Pom friends and Hotel workers scoured all the possible hiding places in the Hotel many times over before finally finding them. What a time They are going to give it another try next year with Jessie again being Show Chairman and Barbara Trophy Chairman.Whenever I think of or visit Jabil Kennel, my mind always goes back to an afternoon last summer as I sat with two very dear friends admiring the 100 mile view and watching hawks circle lazily in the distance. The Jabil Poms romping in the exercise yard and my two were asleep beside us. The peaceful, serene feeling that prevailed, I will cherish forever.If I were asked to give a one word description of Jabil Kennel, it would be LOVE.OBEDIENCE EXHIBITORSLets make January 1979 the BEST and BIGGEST Obedience Issue we have ever hadAdvertise your wins, send in your news.POMERANIAN REVIEWDanzig Gallant Foxgoing Group I, under Mrs. Mary Brewster, At Savannah, Georgia^ ta.-MittHe is handled fey Richard Koester. Breeder Randy Freeh. Fox is a Peppi Grandson Linebred Peppi litters expected.Pat Brooks Ladson, S. C. 29456102 Jefferson Lane 803-871-0239BEV-NORS MIDNIGHT SPECAIL 4 MONTHSSireCh. Edneys Little PatriotDamBev-Nors Witchy Woman of Lennis Front Cover April 1978Many Thanks to Beverly Norris for letting us have Midnight and all her help. Watch for him in the fall shows.Nick Harbo Baltimore, Md. 2122036 Beech Drive, Apt. la 1-301-391-8439I POMERANIAN REVIEW1978 Stud Dog RegisterThis is Pomeranian Reviews 1978 Register of outstanding stud dogs. On this nd the following pages and in some of the display ads are stud dogs that, for heir individual excellence, unique characteristics or special breeding, stand ready to lelp every breeder in the country. Inevitably, some owners of fine stud dogs failed to lend their entries in, for one reason or another. But with so many represented, from ivery section of the country, and of so many different bloodlines, we feel that our Register, this year is very complete. May we request 'that when breeders send inquiries o stud dog owners, they mention I saw your stud card in the Review.Oh. Phyner Night Editor Siring Black, Chocolate, Beaver, Black Tan.Pointed get now in ring.Ch. Creider Ebbtide of Queenaire Ch. Moreno's Special Edition Morenos Orange Bubbles Ch. Moreno's Hot Off The PressF.C.I. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Blossom View's Red JewelBlossom View's Gold Princess Ch. Phyner Night EditorLittle Black Timmy Ch. Cin-Dee's Tiny TimBlossom Views Black Cin-Dee Phyner Chiquita NegritaCh. Cin-Dees Tiny Tim Ch. Phyner Bumble BeeAm. Can. Ch. Phyner Black QueenaireDr. Mrs. Lawrence M. TraunerHandler-Agent Marlene Scott PHA P.O. Box 116 Troutville, Va. 24175 703-563-5397 -m.Phyner Tiger Burning Bright Irish Setter Bed Sable Lacks 1 MajorSiring Show Quality PuppiesCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Kiteh F.C.I. Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Creiders Navajo BritchesCreiders Sable Dolly Creiders Miss Maggie Creiders Molly B Phyner Tiger Burning BrightCh. Naps Sundance Kid Naps Sundance Victory Star Naps Sir Victory Star Am. Can. Ch. Phyner Black Queenaire Robins Mr. M.C.Ron-Dels Black Patsy Lee Scotts Fancy ButtonsDr. Mrs. Lawrence M. Trauner2025 Lyon Street San Francisco, Ca. 94115POMERANIAN REVIEW^ Cii. D-Nees Darin Dinadan B.I.S. Specialty Winner Stud Fee 100.00aCh. Julies Star Vega Stud Fee 100 Phone 703-434-1804Ch. Models Fun Bug Deep Bed Stud Fee 100 Phone 703-434-1804Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Creiders Timothy Topeat Creiders Sable Dandy Creiders Miss Maggie Creider's Molly B Ch. D-Nees Darin DinadanInt. Ch. Queenaire's Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaires Jigger O Scotch Creider's Vicki Ch. D-Nees Dorable DazzlerKen-Gay Laddy of Milo D-Nees Dorable Dolly Snow Baby White FluffD-Nees Poms Nadine Hersil 3128 E. Luzerne Cudahy, Wisconsin 53110Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Models Son of FunCh. Great Elms Little Buddy Model's Red AmberCh. Models Magic Spell Ch. Julies Star VegaCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Julies Starlight SusanCh. Models Son of Fun Julies Stardust AndeCh. Cavilier Starlight StarbrightJULIES STARS Julie Brumback1187 Nelson Drive Harrisonburg, Va. 22801Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Models Son of FunCh. Great Elms Little Buddy Models Red AmberCh. Models Magic Spell Ch. Models Fun BugCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Models Lil Bit of Style Ch. Models Golden Girl Ch. Models Lady BugCh. Great Elms Little Buddy Models Red AmberCh. Models Magic SpellJULIES STARS Julie Brumback1187 Nelson Drive Harrisonburg, Va. 228012 POMERANIAN REVIEW'9S'Jewel Ken Shining Flambeau 494 lb. Bright orange I.inebred on Ch. Reeves Buster BoyCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Teddy Bear Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Whing Ding Midgies Kerry Gal Ch. Bosewoods Lucky Whing DingVan Hoozers Lucky Wee Willie Wee Lucky DiggerLucky Vicki of Dicehaven Jewel Ken Shining FlambeauCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Teddy Bear Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Tinker Toy Midgies Kerry Gal Jewel Ken Wee FlambeauSquires Tip A Ru of Sungold Highland Gal Beedie LynnCINQUAY POMERANIANS Cindy Thomas 7456 Lincoln Highway Crestline, Ohio 44827419-683-4574Timstopper Tiny King James 5 lb. Orange sable 419-683-4574Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Bosewoods Standing OvationCh. Rosewoods Casanova Ch. Rosewoods Kiss of Casanova Ch. Lucky Little Sissy Timstopper Tiny King JamesCh.-Great Elms Timstopper Again Rosewood's Timstopper Tribute Wee Lucky Kim Jewel Kens Timstopper PamelaJewel Kens Sunshine Superman Jewel Kens Sunshine SissieTeepees Rexanne of the HillsCINQUAY POMERANIANS Cindy Thomas7456 Lincoln Highway Crestline, Ohio 44827Jewel Ken Crumpet N Cream 4ki lb. Cream at 7 mos.Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Ringmaster Ch. Scotia Golden Fantasy Jewel Ken Flaming FantasyCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Tinker Toy Jewel Kens Wee Flambeau Highland GalJewel Ken Crumpet N Cream Adkins White Frost Adkins Snow White Tippy Adkins Cavalier Wee Jody Adkins White CamelliaRobinson Silver Bell Prince Adkins Wee White WindyRobinson Happy Snow FlakeCINQUAY POMERANIANS Cindy Thomas7456 Lincoln Highway Crestline, Ohio 44827POMERANIAN REVIEW 53Ch. Edans Showy Tom Tom Orange Solid 4Yz lbs. BIS WinnerStud Fee 1001Ch. Edans Puff a Magic Dragon 4 lbs. Eight Orange Producing Show Puppies Stud Fee 100Ch. Edans Fire Cracker 4 lbs. Brilliant Orange Stud Fee 100Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Tomahawks NanookCh. Tomahawks Comanche Tomahawk's DeerTomahawks Ouida Ch. Edans Showy Tom TomPinky's Cherokee Warrior Ch. General of Bonita Cindy Lea Moden Edans Show OffJean's Lil Timison Babe of BonitaSunkist Bunny HugEDANS POMERANIANS Joann Vestal2933 Shelby Drive National City, Ca. 92050 714-475-7269Ch. Jeribeth's Darling Doodle Bug Ch. Jeribeth's Dragon Killer Jeribeths Toast to Duke Ch. Gold Gems Fire Dragon Darlin Caption Fury of San Miguel Gold Gems Cavaliera Rustica Sungolds Rusty Ch. Edans Puff a Magic DragonCh. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Krismay Cardinal Maykens Lil Nip of Ly-Bel Nolans Cardinal DragonetteCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Myway Misty Bayou Dragonfly Myway Misty Dawn, C.D.EDANS POMERANIANS Joann Vestal2933 Shelby Drive National City, Ca. 92050 714-475-7269All-Stars Blossom View Flame Ch. Ce-Lous Lil Cavs L. Bernstein Ce-Lous Gay Cavalier Wonder Palmers Petro of Blossom ViewCh. Scotia Cavs Cash Payment Blossom Views Cindy Lou Blossom Views Cindy II Ch. Edans Fire CrackerCh. Lancer of Sunray Ch. Sunrays Little Beaver Sunrays Regina Gold Gems ContessaCh. Lancer of Sunray Gold Gems LanceretteGold Gems Julyne HadleighEDANS POMERANIANS Joann Vestal2933 Shelby Drive National City, Ca. 92050 714-475-726954 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue Sire of Champions Aggressive, active stud live litter guaranteedStud Fee 125.00Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Wee Pepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeths Miss Cricket Jeribeth's Bitty Bonus Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim SueBonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Tim Sues Gay ButterflyCh. Millamors Music Man Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Gold Toys Gay Lil DollDan JoEllen Mercer Rt. 1, Box 147 Big Springs, Neb. 69122 Ph. 308-889-3109V yMercers Dash O Duke12 pts.Producer of show quality Ked Orange Nice background Stud Fee 75.00Bonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Tim Sues Gay ButterflySilver Meadows Gay Lil Music Mercers Dash O DukeCh. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala Ch. Macs Four on the Floor of OKala McDougalls Gay Misty Junior Tomanolls Tiny Tinker ToyCh. Duke's Lil Red Baron of O'Kala Tomanolls Tiny TiffanyCh. Tomanolls Wee Go-Go GirlDan JoEllen Mercer Rt. 1, Box 147 Big Springs, Neb. 69122 Ph. 308-889-3109Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Tim Sue's Gay ButterflySilver Meadows Gay Lil Music Mercers Touch O DukeCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Bonners Starlyn PrissypuffBonner's Pep-R-Sun Prissy Pod Ch. Bonners Starcrest MinciteCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Bonners Starlyn ModetteBonners Styletess ModisteMercers Touch o Duke Dan JoEllen Mercer6 pts. Beautiful head body Rt. 1, Box 147Orange, young proven stud Big Springs, Neb. 69122Stud Fee 75.00 Pih. 308-889-3109POMERANIAN REVIEW 55Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Lion, C.D. 42 lb. Bright Orange Group Winner, U.S. CanadaLou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can., Ber. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Lion, C.D. Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavillers Dream Boy Glad Days Dream Girl Jabil Petite Delilah, C.D.Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanoke's Band BoxScotia Jimmy Jets CricketJABIL KENNELS Jessie Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301 603-435-8731Ch. Jabils Chester P. Honeyhugger 41b. Deep Bed OrangeLou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can., Ber. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Jabils Chester P. Honeyhugger Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavilier's Dream Boy Glad Days Dream Girl Adkins Star of Band BoxCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanokes Band BoxScotia Jimmy Jets CricketJABIL KENNELS Jessie . Barbara Young Loudon. Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301 603-435-8731Ch.Jabils Simply SmashingGroup Winner 434 lb. Bright OrangeLou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Jabils Simply SmashingAm., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Ch. Topaze Duchess of Jeribeth Jabils Sun GoddessCh. Scotia Cavaliers Dream Boy Jabil Petite Delilah, C.D.Ch. Roanokes Band BoxJABIL KENNELS Jessie Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301 603-435-873156 POMERANIAN REVIEW. ttK3V'Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man Stud Fee 125Sire of Specialties and B.I.S. WinnerCh. Robinhood Chula Dark Flame Group Winner Stud Fee 100Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Smokypepper Chico Bonners Primorosita Bonners Pep-R-Kute NightfireCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonner's Pepperkute Sungold Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Queenaires Gamboling ManInt. Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy KitchInt. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Queenaire DoodadCh. Creiders Ebbtide of Queenaire Blossom Views Gold PrincessMessers Blossom View GoldieCHULA POMERANIANS Norma C. Gad5908 Westside Road.El Paso, Texas 79932 915-584-0942Gold Toys Gay Luxury Lad Ch. Creiders Golden Riptide Ch. Gold Toy's Starette Ch. Creiders Replica of Riptide Creider's Sable Dandy Creiders Miss Maggie Creiders Molly B Ch. Robinhood Chula Dark FlameCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creider's Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Robinhoods Creme De MintCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Queenaire's Gin Fizz of Hoods Queenaires Orange PeppinCHULA POMERANIANS Norma C. Gad5908 Westside RoadEl Paso, Texas 79932 915-584-0942Gads Chula Xma Lil DukeFee 50.00 until Finished Producing Show QualityCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths His HiNess Hopper Jeribeths Honeybee Ch. Tonos Just Call Me MisterCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Dukes Wee Desire Pat-Tee of Point Loma Gads Chula Ima Lil DukeCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Darlins Doodle-Bug Jeribeths Honeybee Ch. Gads Frostis Doll O Dragonfly Aristic My Loves Pretty Boy Aristic Frosted Gold Model Aristic Ginger CookieCHULA POMERANIANS Norma C. Gad5908 Westside Road El Paso, Texas 79932 915-584-0942POMERANIAN REVIEW 57Beautifully Marked Black Tan Very Solid and Typey. Will Be Shown This Year.Gads Chula Tiny Night Tide Fee 50.00 Until Finished. Can. Ber. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Brilliant Orange Proven Pointed in U.S.Ch. Creider's Golden Riptide Ch. Creiders Replica of Riptide Creiders Miss Maggie Ch. Rohinhood Chula Dark FlameCh. Creiders Timothy Topcat Robinhood Creme De MintQueenaires Ginn Fizz of Hoods Gads Chula Tiny Night TideCh. Bonners Smoky Pepper Chico Bonner's Pep-R-Kute Night Fire Bonners Pepperkute Sungold Ch. Queenaire Bacey FireflyInt. Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaire DoodadBlossom Views Gold PrincessChula Pomeranians Norma C. Gad5908 Westside Road El Paso, Texas 79932Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon Rock SireCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamor's Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Can. Ber. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Dixieland's Dragonfly Delite Millamors Marrilynn DamLou Lan's Token of Friendship Lou Lans April Gold Model's Gold DancerCHRISCENDO Chris Cullen Heartz P.O. Box 1259Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada B2N 5N2Dixielands Rob Roy of Pla-Mor Robbie is Dark Red Huge Coat 454 lbs.Stud Fee on RequestCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullaby of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Dixielands Rob Roy of Pla-MorCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands Little Judy Dixielands TaraCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Dixielands Dragonfly Desire Millamors Melody BoxPla-Mor Pomeranians Rt. 12, Box 2003 Birmingham, Al. 3521558 POMERANIAN REVIEW'i ^V, fVSiCh. Browns Fancypepper Mark Orange 314 lbs.Sire of Champions Stud Fee 15.00Ch. Browns Gambling Man Orange 314 lbs.Sound - Cobby Stud Fee 15.00Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixieland's Stylepepper Dixieland Little Miss Judy Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Millamors Melody Box Ch. Browns Fancypepper MarkCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners FancypepperCh. Bonners Peppersweet Fancy Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-BCh. Bonners Smokie Pepper Chico Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Bonners Showstopper FarriMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Phone 317-271-4954Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper Ch. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Ch. Browns Fancypepper Mark Bonner's Fancypepper Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-B Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Ch. Browns Gambling ManCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honey Bee Millamors Magic DragonCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Milamors Magic Box Millamor's Red MistMrs. Wilma Jean Brown8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Phone 317-271-4954Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper Ch. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Ch. Browns Fancypepper Mark Bonners Fancypepper Ch. Bonner's Fancyflame Pepper-B Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Ch. Browns Lil Brown Jug Tuggie Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honey Bee Millamors Magic DragonCh. Thelcolyns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Magic Box Millamors Red MistCh. Browns Lil Brown Jug XuggieOrano-e 4 lbs. Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown8820 Rockville Rd.Siring Quality Puppies Indianapolis, Indiana 46234Stud Fee 15.00 Phone 317-271-4954 POMERANIAN REVIEW 5 Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Orange Fee on Request Winner of 10 GroupsCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Milamor Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Miss Fancy Ch. Jeribeths Silver SparkleCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Phil's Sparkling Dragonfly Betty's Suzie Belle Wong Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamor's Miss Fancy Milamors Lullabye of Tim SueCh. Millamor's Music Man Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Gold Toys Gay Lil DollMILLAMOR KENNELS Eleanor and Ken Miller14439 Mansfield Road Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050f 7siCh. Millamors Rock Music Orange Group Winner Phone 614-397-9268Ch. Millamors Rock Montegram Orange 7 Group Firsts to Date Phone 611-397-9268Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamor's Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Ch. Millamors Rock MusicCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeth's Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeth's Honeybee Millamors MarlitaCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Minute Box Millamors Red MistMILLAMOR KENNELS Eleanor and Ken Miller14439 Mansfield Road Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamor's Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim SueSilver Meadows Gay Little Music Ch. Millamors Rock MontegramCh. Dixieland's Style Stepper Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Dixieland's Dragonfly Delite Millamors MarrilynnLou Lans Token of Friendship Lou Lans April Gold Model's Gold PieceMILLAMOR KENNELS Eleanor and Ken Miller14439 Mansfield Road Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050POMERANIAN REVIEW1Ch. Tinklers Lil Play Boy 1st Stud Dos Veteran Class Sire of B.O.W., N.C.P.C. 2-18-78SBabes Teddy Too Ora ns' SableBOB Grp 2 winner Stud Fee 75.00Maniess I.i 1 Chili Pepper Pictured here at 7 months as Match Group Winner.Ch. Adonis of Point Loma Ch. Twin Oaks Billy the Kid Twinkles of Spungold Ch. Showtime ShindigCh. Lindas Firecracker Rumbles Hill Gypsy Star Jato Queen of Sheba Ch. Tinklers Lil Play BoyMaster Yogi Go-Puff of Sharlyn Go-Puff-GoCupids Cutie Pie Tinklers Loli-PopWee Teddy OScotch Martin's Funny BunnieBergstroms Tiny TinkertoyMrs. Ellen Manies1455 Victor Ave. Redding, Ca. 96001Ch. Twin Oaks Billy The Kid Ch. Showtime ShindigRumbles Hill Gypsy Star Ch. Tinklers Play Boy Go-Puff-Go Tinklers' Loli-PopMartin's Funny Bunnie Babes Teddy TooLorraines Wee Dolar Hatch's Little Teddy Bear Thackers Copper Queen Hatchs Peppie of ShastaBlossom View Sable Satan Hatchs Pandoria of Shasta Kellys Tidy-LadyMrs. Elma Manies1455 Victor Ave. Redding, Ca. 96001Ch. Twin Oaks Billy the Kid Ch. Showtime ShindigRumbles Hill Gypsy Star Ch. Tinklers Lil Play Boy Go-Puff-Go Tinkler's Loli-PopMartin's Funny Bunnie Maniess Lil Chili PepperCh. Showtime Shindig Ch. Tinkler's Lil' Play Boy Tinkler's Loli-Pop Maniess Blythe SpryteHatch's Little Bear Hatch's Peppie of ShastaHatchs Pandoria of ShastaMrs. Elma Manies 1455 Victor Ave.Redding, Ca. 96001POMERANIAN REVIEW 6Ch. Queenaire Double Scotch Huge Coat, Sound, Orange Stud Fee 100 Phone 209-527-51797mdu Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Stylish, Sound, Orange Stud Fee 100 Phone 209-527-5179Chula Queenaire ChanceTo he shownHuge coated, Sound, Orange Phone 209-527-5179Ch. Van Hoozers Wee Dan-Dee Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Stevens Saucy Susie Ch. Queenaire Scotch 'X SodaCh. Creiders Golden Riptide Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Creiders Debbie Ch. Queenaire Double ScotchCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Creiders Sip O SherryCopelands Sundance Creiders Scarlet OHaraCopelands Sunny Ginger FluffQueenaire Kennels Dudley Wanda Roach'612 Woodrow Ave.Modesto, Oa. 95350Ch. Bonners Smokypepper Chico Bonner's Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Bonners Pepperkute Sungold Ch. Queenaire Gamboling ManCh. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaire DoodadBlossom Views Gold Princess Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Hadleigh Flash of Gold Blossom Views Proud Promise Blossom Views Gold Judy Queenaire Luvy DukCuddles Tiny Bubbles Queenaire Dark Valvet Pretty Pepper PodQUEENAIRE KENNELS Dudley Wanda Roach612 Woodrow Ave. Modesto, Oa. 95350Ch. Bonners Smokypepper Chico Bonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Bonners Pepperkute Sungold Ch. Queenaire Gamboling ManCh. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaire DoodadBlossom Views Gold Princess Chula Queenaire ChanceCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Queenaire MLadyCh. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creiders Blaekeyed Susan Creiders Scarlet OHaraQueenaire Kennels Dudley Wanda Roach612 Woodrow Ave. Modesto, Ca. 953502 POMERANIAN REVIEW'Ch. Tim Sues Mark of the Dragon Fee 100.00Ship to Tri-Cities Airport Tenn Ph. 703-466-2937Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixieland's Little Judy Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Millamor's Melody Box Ch. Tim Sues Mark of the DragonBonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Tim Sues Gay ButterflyCh. Millamors Music Man Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Gold Toys Gay HI DollTIM SUE POMERANIANS Tim and Sue Goddard'5044 Lee Highway Bristol, Virginia 24201Ch. Tim Sues Poinciana Star Fee 100.00Ship to Tri-Cities Airport Tenn. Ph. 703-466-2937Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonner's Darladee Gold Smoke Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Aristie Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonner's Pepper K Gold Mist Aristie Mighty Cute Ch. Tim Sues Poinciana StarCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Tim Sues Lil Love BugSilver Meadows Gay Lil Music Poinciana Love MelodyJilltaras Golden Boy Poinciana Contessa Models JulieTIM SUE POMERANIANS Tim and Sue Goddard5044 Lee Highway Bristol, Virginia 24201Kandys Gentle Jim of Jolly Wee Fee 100.00Ship to Tri-Cities Airport Tenn. Ph. 703-466-2937Ch. Macs Fancyduke Look Im A DandyRandys Jolly Wee TuffyCh. McDougalls Gay Samantha Ch. Kandys Jolly Wee PeppiCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Mac's Fancydukes Wee Wendy McDougalls Lady Fancy Randys Gentle Jim of Jolly Wee Randys Jolly Wee Tuffy Ch. Randys Jolly Wee PeppiMacs Fancydukes Wee Wendy Randys Jolly Wee Georgia PeachCh. Macs Fancydukes Look Im a DandyRandy's Wee Dandy Delight Randys Dandy Wee SallyTIM SUE POMERANIANS Tim and Sue Goddard5044 Lee Highway Bristol, Virginia 24201POMERANIAN REVIEW 6Ch. IXX lucky Gold Trumps 5 lb. Orange Stud Fee 75.00Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Tim Sue's Dancing Pebble Tim Sues Gold Pebble Ch. lucky Gold Dancer of OakridgeCh. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala Ch. Lucky Miss Cherri of Oakridge Ch. Lucky Little Missy Ch. LL1 Lucky Gold TrumpsCh. Aristie Wee Wons Suncherub Ch. Pearls Friskie Ch. Aristie Desiree Russells Fox Flame HildegardVan Hoozers Little Eddie II Robin EddieChee-Chees Pee WeeLLL Pomeranians Janice LuginslandAmericus, Ks. 66835 Ph. 316-884-5157Ch. Ill Happy Twinkling Tippy 4A lb. Red Orange Stud Fee 75.00111 Fancy Gold Cricket 3 lb. Bright Red Orange Stud Fee 75.00 until finishedCh. Reeves Buster Boy Tholes Little Skipper Tholes Lucky Cindy Stalkers Timmy leeMartins Kinney Dee Twinkles DeeKents Miss Cupcake Ch. Ill Happy Twinkling Tippy Stalkers Tinker Bell LLL Happy Go Lucky TaroRussells Fox Flame Yum-Yum LLL Happy Mama CassTholes Little Buster Russells Fox Flame Pom Pom Vera's Blonde Bomb ShellLLL Pomeranians Janice LuginslandAmericus, Ks. 66835 Ph. 316-884-5157Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Tim Sues Dancing Pebble Tim Sues Gold Pebble Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer of OakridgeCh. Dukes Little Red Baron of OKala Ch. Lucky Miss Cherri of Oakridge Ch. Lucky Little Missy 111 Fancy Gold CricketTim Sues Dancing Pebble Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of OakridgeCh. Rosewoods Dragonfly Dream LLL lil Gold Copper PennyTiny Toys Peanut Too LLL Happy Go Lucky Tammy My Golden GlowLLL Pomeranians Janice LuginslandAmericus, Ks. 66835 Ph. 316-884-515764 POMERANIAN REVIEWPatri-Arks Stardust of Mercer Both Majors Group Plaeings Cream Stud Fee 50 Phone 303-688-4514Orange sable huge coatCh. Petersons Scamp of Lennis Finished May 6 subj. AKC Fee on RequestCh. Draftsman Wee Peppis Jolly Orange 4 lbs.Stud Fee 100 Phone 504-261-3472Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist Aristic Mighty Cute Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer Ch. Pearls Busy Buddy Yancy Hardman Pearls Desilu Vans Champagne GirlCh. Bonars Lucky Skipper Gold Yillie Del Hardman YomoPatri-Ark Poms Pat Clark1115 Castlewood Cyn. Franktown, Col. 80116Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms LindaCh. Denniss Tar-Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Little Teddy Great Elms Angel Great Elms Linda Ch. Petersons Scamp of LennisCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Lenniss Tom TomPrincess Len of Chatmoss Lenniss Cavilier TangieCh. Scotia Fantasys Cavilier Lenniss Spungold JulieScotia Cash Payment FantasyMrs. Sigfried Peterson Route 17, Emory Road Knoxville, TN 37921 615-690-3989Ch. Macs Faneydukes Look Im A DandyRandys Dandy Wee TuffyCh. McDougalls Gay Samantha Ch. Randys Jolly Wee PeppiCh. Corn Duke Dragonfly Macs Fancyduke Wee Wendy McDougalls Lady Fancy Ch. Draftsman Wee Peppis JollyCh. Macs Faneydukes Look Im A DandyRandys Dandy Wee TuffyCh. McDougalls Gay Samantha Randys Dandys Class LassCh. Macs Fancydukes Look Im A DandyRandys Dandy Wee SassyRandys Dandy Wee PrincessDRAFTSMAN Mr. Mrs. Bill Tubb Rt. 1, Box 143 AA Greenwell Springs, La. 70739POMERANIAN REVIEW 65Ch. Chips of Diamond 3L lb. Bright Clear Orange To Approved Bitches Only 804-798-7882Ch. Enjays Puppet on A String Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Boda's Topaze Merry Gold Ch. Models Truly-A-DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Models Truly FairGreat Elms Little Candy Ch. Chips of DiamondCh. Great Elms Tlmstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Models Solid GoldCh. Models Magic Timstopper Models BewitchedCh. Jillz Lyra Altair WindemereEMCEES POMERANIANS Morris and Betty Carson6208 Pochins Pattiway Ashland, Va. 23005Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond 419 lb. bright clear orange To Approved Bitches only 804-798-7882Vm1iCh. Topaze Sunny Interlude 419 lb. Clear Orange Fee on Bequest 804-798-7882Ch. Enjays Puppet on A String Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Boda's Topaze Merry Gold Ch. Models Truly A DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Models Truly FairGreat Elms Little Candy Ch. Emcees Solid Gold DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Model's Son of Fun Models Red Amber Models Solid GoldCh. Models Magic Timstopper Models BewitchedCh. Jilz Lyra Altair WjndemereEMCEES POMERANIANS Morris add Betty Carson6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland. Virginia 23005Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Topaze Sunny InterludeBonnitoi Little Dutch Boy Ch. Cynna-Lous Keene Tut Bodas Diamond Bonnie Topaze Little SissyBonners Wee Lollipop Dancer Wests Shamrock Lady of Topaze Wests Kerry DancerEMCEES POMERANIANS Morris and Betty Carson6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, Va. 2300566 POMERANIAN REVIEWMust decrease our number of canine residents somewhat. We offerthe following175__ .Busy Beautiful pet-type male, double Duke grandson, 1 years old.450___Izzy Nice show-type male, double grandson of Duke. Proven stud.Has points Ready to show. Show home only.300__ _ 4 year old son of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly, proven stud. Will sell toright placeperson.250..-...Dolly Double Duke granddaughter, 3 years old. Excellent for breeding, needs help with raising puppies.350___Williemakit Baker Not a Pom, but for someone who would enjoyshowing a darling Brussels Griffon, male 214 yrs. old. Alrdeay has 8 pts., including a 4 pt. major. Need a good home for Willie. Should be able to finish Championship easily a neat dog Proven stud.......-Also should have pups for sale from exceptional breeding of a Ch. TimSuesLove Bug daughter, bred to a double grandson of Duke. More details later.Additional information on request. Might be a little easier if you call usevenings 713-334-2250. Probably a little more convenient for you to get alldetails by phone. If you prefer, write usPuppies with Planned ParenthoodDarrell Olga Baker Jeribeths Pomeranians207 Shirleen Seahrook, Texas 77586POMERANIAN REVIEW 67GREAT ELMS KENNELS, REGD.Another Champion Timmy pictured was expertly trained, conditioned and shown to his championship by Joyce Apple of Greensboro.Timmy is the 7th champion for Image.I wish to thank the following Judges for making this championship possibleMr. William Bergum, Spartensburg, Feb. 17, 1978 ....................................................................... 3 pts.Mrs. Wilma Hunter, Danville, Mar. 21, 1978 ........................................................... 3 pts.Mrs. Winifred Heckmann, Greensboro, Mar. 22, 1978 ............................................. 2 pts.Miss Anna K. Nicholas, Burlington, Mar. 23, 1978 .................................................. 3 pts.Mrs. John M. Jones, Durham, Mar. 24, 1978 ........................................................... 4 pts.Congratulations to Dr. Morris and Betty Carson for their new championEmcees Tina of Great Elms 8th champion for Image.Congratulations to Lennds Raines for Teakies Best in Show at High Point, North CarolinaI wish to correct a mistake I made in my ad in the April 1977 issue. I stated that Post Script Standing Ovation was the SECOND puppy by Image to win the Sweepstakes. He was the FIRST. Dont know how I got it in my feeble mind that Sissy of Lenette won the Sweepstakes in 1972. She was Best of Opposite Sex.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937Pineville, N.C. 28134 Ph 704-889-9233iCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too 4 lb. Bright Red Orange Stud Fee 75.0068 POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSMARGARET McKEE 7660 Idlewyld Rd.Richmond, VA 23225It happened again. I was at a show, grooming my dog. Someone asked me, What are you using, and I thought, Gee, I thought everyone knew about that. Well, obviously not everyone does know about that great little trick of yours. Youve probably been using it for years, without even thinking about it. Or maybe it is such a good idea that you assume everybody has thought of it. But thats just not the case. So take a couple of minutes to jot down an oldie- -but-goldies and send it to me. If youre a novice, perhaps you have a fresh approach. Share it with us. Herewith some of my own oldies-but-goodies.Soft, moist cat food makes a terrific bait. It comes in foil packets that slip neatly into a pocket. It is already in Pom-size bits, and mine love it. One packet will last 2 or 3 shows, but it is cheap enough to use a fresh packet each show.An infants wash cloth also fits easily into a pocket, and is handy for wiping watery eyes. One proved invaluable the time my bitch backed up and sat in a puddle just as our class was called at the Garden.How does anyone get along without a big stock of old and therefore soft towels I cover the grooming table with one ,put one in the bottom of each travel crate, cover my lap with one at home I do all my grooming in my lap. The whelping box and puppy incubators are lined with towels. The matrons prefer them, and I think theyre more sanitary than newspapers. They also give scrabbling puppies more traction. If you have a Pom that gets carsick, or if it should rain at an outdoor show, those towels are worth their weight in purple ribbons.My husband developed the following system for transporting orphaned or sick newborn puppies to the veterinarian. Fill a one pound margarine tub with hot water and put the top on. Put it inthe bottom of a small, round styrofoam ice bucket. Set a pot holder or similar padding on top of that. Now wrap the puppy loosely in a soft cloth or towel, put in the ice bucket, and put the top on the bucket. This keeps the pup warm and secure. The weight of the water will keep the bucket steady, but if youre extra cautious, put 'it in a box and pack newspapers around it.When it is dog feeding time, I put down plastic place mats with dog pictures on them, naturally, then set the dish on top. Each dog has her own spot to eat and is trained to touch only the dish put in that place. After theyre finished, I take up dishes and place mats at the same time. The place mats keep the floor clean. Now will somebody please tell me how to keep my toddler out of the water dishesWhen you are training your dog for show, Im sure you try to use different surroundings. Try to think of the various environments he might encounter in a ring. Several of us have had problems with dogs balking when gaited toward a light-colored wall. After one of mine did this, I took her to our obedience clubs training building, which has white cinder block walls inside, and ran her into the walls. That is, I forced her to move toward the walls, then gave her a treat when she got there. Two brief sessions solved the problem.A 3 hydrogen peroxide solution will neutralize bloodstains, even dried ones, quickly and completely. It is safe and effective on fabrics, floors, and Poms. Get a fresh bottle before your brood is due to whelp it does have a limited shelf life. Of course, it is also a mild antiseptic. Editors note Test on fabric peroxide is a bleachA junior size baby food jar is just the right size for holding cotton swabs in the tack box. What are the swabs for Dip one in powder, then carefully go over eyestains with it.Pediatric medicines, gentle enough for infants, are also good for home doctoring of Poms. Two of my favorites are69POMERANIAN REVIEWBEV-NOR POMS PROUDLY PRESENTS OUR NEWEST HOMEBRED GIRLBev-Nors Peppi Mint Paty Sired byCh. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi Minty saw her first show April 16, 1978 at 7 Vs months going WB, BOW, BOB for a 4 point major pictured.The following week she picked up 2 more points. May 14, she went WB, BOW for a 5 pt. major. She now has 11 pts., both majors and is completely owner handled.CONGRATULATIONS to our homebred girls all from the same litterBev-Nors Pride N Joy owner Mr. Charles Stevens. Joy has 14 pts. Both majors.Bev-Nors Untold Glory Candee owners Lois Kraemer Diane Taylor for 2 back to back majors. Candee now has 13 pts., 3 majors and is owner handled.Bev-Nors Song of Camelot owner Gertrude Jacoby. WB BOS Mar. 5, WB Mar. 18 for 3 pts., WB May 6, WB May 7. Sugar now has 13 pts. and is owner handled.Bill Bev Norris 7747 Meadow Road1-301-255-1343 Pasadena, MD. 211221. Liquiprinan acetomenophen solution, this one is more dilute than other brands, which make it easier to measure smaller doses. Use this whenever your vet recommends baby aspirin, when your Pom is uncomfortable from an injection or injury, or when he has a fever.2. Triaminic Decongestantthis is an orange syrup. Yes, dogs do occasionally get stuffy or drippy noses from colds or allergies.These medicines are mild, flavored liquids, easy to measure and administer. My vet now recommends them, based on our experience. Consult your vet for dosage, based on the weight of the individual dog.WILL WE SEE YOU IN GEORGIA IN OCTOBER70 POMERANIAN REVIEWBRADLEY'S KENNELWe would, like to express our thanks and appreciation for that famous southern hospitality shown us on our visit to the Dallas Ft. Worth Spring Specialty.Special thanks to -Mr. Mrs. B. G. McDonald, who gave us a warm welcome to Dallas, and to Ken and Edith Rose Mayes with whom we had a lovely visit in San Antonio.THANK YOU OPAL MOSHER for Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear and Mayken Kennels for that cute little fuzzy button for whom weve not yet found an appropriate name. The hoys join our other Pom children by Jean Schrolls Teaxs,Oh. Holders a Lid Red Flash, Ch. Holders Flaming Fanfare, and Ch. Holders Fireball.Shirley and Catherine Bradleysoon moving to our new location atBradleys Kennel 16111 78th Ave. E.Puyallup, Wash 98371POMERANIAN REVIEW 71FOR SALECH. D-NEES DEBONAIR DASHER. .Our friend. Dash is offered for sale to the right kind of home. Were so proud of him, he finished in 10 weeks with 4 major wins.Manitowa K. C. Robert Wills 1 pointChain of Lakes K. C. Mrs. R. Turner 3 pointsHawkeye K. C. Charles Hamilton 3 pointsLexington K. C. Mrs W. Lehnig 1 pointDemoine K. C. Melbourne T. Downing 4 pointsWaukesha K. C. Mrs. J. G. Alexander 3 pointsWere looking for a show home preferably, taut he would fit well into a specific breeding program. He truly is a lovely showman. Shown here winning Best of Breed, his first time out as a Special. Bom, Dec. 23, 1975.Ch. Van Hoovers Lucky Dandy Kltch Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Queenaires Jigger O ScotchFlaming Sun of Shadow Dance Creiders VickieGypsy Lady of Shadow Dance Morenos Sunny Son of Hadleigh Shamrochs Pomirish Gem Smokey Ch. Morenos Lady B-Good D-Nees D-Lite of PomirishCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double G Da OCavllierCh. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Way BrochureAll inquiries welcome. Write or call.Nancy Beth Maras 5317 Orchard Lane Greendale, Wis 53219 414-421-0566 414-483-7133Or Agent Co-Breeder Nadine Hersil 3128 E. Luzerne Cudahy, Wis. 53110 414-481-555672 POMERANIAN REVIEWREBELREPORTBy SUE GODDARD 5044 Lee Highway Bristol, VA. 24201Do you hear the gentle strumming of guitars Do you feel the soft southern breezes caressing the Spanish moss while you sip a mint julip in a frosted glass while being surrounded by sparkling conversation and the playful yip of dozens of Poms Does this sound like my overworked imagination ... no indeed, it is the picture of things to come. Namely the summer specialty held in Kennesaw, Georgia a suburb of Atlanta. Yes, we of the southern area are hard at work making plans for the very best summer specialty ever to be held anywhere Please start making plans to join us in October. We promise a grand time to be had by all with the extra bonus of two shows that should provide 5 point majors. We are also planning a puppy sweepstakes, so start those youngsters out with an eye toward a win at the specialty. Lennis Raines has promised a special treat in entries with practically one of every color . . . chocolates, blues, beaver, chocolate and tan as well as black and tan. For those who have never seen some of these rare colors, here is your opportunity. Randy Freeh is making plans to host a grand buffet on Friday prior to the show on Saturday, and she does have the most gorgeous home and grounds to entertain all of us.I have been to quite a few shows and we had marvelous entries on the Tar Heel circuit with 4 point majors most every day. Joyce Apple piloted a lovely little deep orange male owned and bred by Ruth Beam to his championship during this circuit. He is now Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too. Ruth couldnt believe that he finished so fast, but it isnt hard to see why as he is every inch deserving of his title.Edna Girardot finished Scotia Toby Precious Ooleen on this circuit. She took time out in the middle of showing to beoome a mama back in October. She is a very nice Pom, orange with dense coat and showmanship to envy.A lovely black -and tan bitoh shown for Dr. and Mrs. Carson by Marlene Scott also completed her title. She is Ch. Emcees Satina of Great Elms, bred by Ruth Beam.Best of Breed winners at these shows were Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond, Ch. Lenniss Tequila Sunnrise, and Ch. Funfairs Binto-O Joe Dandy. Competition was very keen both in classes and in specials.Another recent champion who has been really cleaning up at the shows in our area is Jodi Hudspeths Ch. Honeycrest Razle Daz'le Dante who has already numerous group firsts and at least one best in show.As the shows move outdoors we have run into several rather wet ones. These conditions seems to separate the dogs from the pups men from the boys well anyway not too many Poms enjoy wading through puddles. I guess we should occasionally let our dogs experience greater variety in surfaces so they will not object when the going gets a bit rough.Please send me your news. Unfortunately I cant get everywhere Id like to and I dont always hear. I am hoping to get to Houston in September for their big extravaganza of many shows in one place . . . would be so much fun1JPOMERANIAN REVIEW 73 WAH-HOOO - Yall gather up your crates, brushes, and lil ole doggies and hurry on down to Houston this September for a walloping-bigTEXAS-SIZE SHOW EXTRAVAGANZAFive count em folks FiveShows in Five days and four of em will be back-to-back in the fabulous HOUSTON ASTROHALL.You just cant afford to miss this chance for scoopin up some major wins and a lampin' big hunk of down-home hospitality.The line up begins September 6, and you may write toJack Onofrio, Supt.P. O. Box 25764 Oklahoma City, Okla. 73125 for a Premium List.Yall come well be waitin with our teeth a flashin and ourhats a wavin. 74 POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCERINGbyEMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112Our faithful correspondent from Southern California, Debhie Jones of Alhambra, was one of the contestants in the Gaines National Obedience Classic held at Los Angeles, California in December, 1977. Her little Seabright Atilla The Hun-ey Murdoch to his friends was entered in the Novice Division and wasthe only Pom in the entire show. His scores in the three shows which made up the two day event, were 193, 195 and 195. Poor Debbie was suffering from a severe cold during the entire week-end. She says, I had been looking forward to the classic as a chance to meet handlers from throughout the country, but ended up spending the time I wasnt showing curled up in my folding chair. If anyone noticed Im sure they must have thought I was a terrible snob Cheer up, Debbie it looks as though you and Murdoch have a very bright future in obedience.Margaret McKee of Riohmond, Virginia tells her obedience students, About the only hard and fast rule you can make about showing a dog in obedience is expect 'the unexpected Margaret says that was brought home to her last fall when she had GEM, her tiny Pom, in a puppy novice class. She writes I was so elated to discover that he actually likes to retrieve that I entered him in four trials in Novice B. I immediately regretted it as he reallywasnt ready. He began cutting up and running away during practice sessions. However, I decided to take him anyway as since I had paid the entry fee he might as well get some ring experience. To my utter astonishment he qualified with a score of 191. The next day he repeated under a tough judge with a 192. The following week-end he polished it off with a 195 and third in a class of 46. Congratulations on a new C.D. who is full of happy surprises.All the way from Puerto Rico comes the good news from Angie Ruiz that at the Puerto Rico Dog Obedience Club Trial recently, her black female Pom, Sel-Sals Pepper of P.R. completed her third leg in Novice with a score of 194 and was high scoring dog in the show. Pepper has made her C.D. title taking first place in three consecutive trials. Now Angies two Poms, Sel-Sals Pepper of P.R. and Sel-Sals Liza of P.R. both have their C.D.s, and incidentally these are the only two female Poms who have obedience titles if Puerto Rico.We send our heartiest congratulations to our Obedience Columnist, Emma Heyde, on the near-perfect track completed by her English Cocker in earning the T. D. degreePOMERANIAN REVIEW 75DUE TO ILL HEALTH WE MUST SELL OUR KENNEL All Our Dogs Have Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Background Many of the Following Could Have Been Shown 1. Davisons Little Bit ODuke Son of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. 7 yrs. old.2. Ch. Davisons Call Me Little Man. Son of Little Bit ODuke. 5 yrs. old and a very eager breeder.3. Robin-Ch. sired. Excellent breeder. 414 yrs old.4. Davisons Sugar Boy Heavy coat, beautiful face. 3 yrs. old.5. Davisons Choice of Dee Doll 2Vz yr old red female.6. Davisons Little Christy Free whelper. Both of the above females are full sisters to our Ch. Little Man and are 214 years old. They could have been shown.7. Heidi Gives us excellent puppies. She is 7 yrs. old.8. Elka Good brood matron. 3 yrs. old.9. Carmalitta Kept back for showing. 114 yrs old.10. Heather This is our only dog that isnt orange or red. She is cream. 6 yrs old.11. Su See Now has a Ch. sired male which is 5 weeks old. She is a freewhelper and is 114 years old.12. Betsy Has held her first season. 1 yr old.13. Two other beautiful females which have just had their first season.14. Three female 6 weeks old puppies.15. One male 6 weeks old puppy.16. One male and 1 female 3 month old, sired by Oh. Davisons Call Me Little Man. Both are show prospects.For additional information contact Deloris Joan Davison atRt. 6 Box 218 Oklahoma City, Okla. 73119Telephone Number405-745-317376 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSERIN HUNDLEY 2813 - 176th S.W. Lynnwood, Wa 98036What is more exciting than a vacation Well it could he anything, but to Jean Schroll, Bess Pickens, and Bea George it was a trip to England to the big dog show at Crufts. These three members of the Columbia Pomeranian Club, were fortunate to go on a tour together and enjoy the sights of London and shared the dog show also. Bess asked Bea to write her impressions for our newsletter. I found their comments very interesting and persuaded Jean to add her thoughts so that I could share them with you.MY IMPRESSION OF CRUFTS By BEA GEORGEYou asked for a few of my thoughts on the trip to London and the Crufts Show. Naturally the first impression is of bigness. After all, 11,500 dogs to be shown in one building in two days, Im sure takes a lot of doing. It took place on two levels which helped. The small dogs were one the upper level which was somewhat like a mezzanine around the building. I will surely give credit to the breeders who put on a show of such magnitude, but at the same time I must say it did not compare with our own local show at the Coliseum or Expo Center for the smoothness of operation.Naturally Poms were my prime interest as I had hoped to see some very choice dogs and had anticipated bringing a bitch home with me. I was defeated on both counts inasmuch as the Japanese are still buying everything available and at prices beyond belief.During the Pom judging there were a number of Japanese at ringside taking pictures and you would hear them saying so often champion.. . . champion . . . champion. They know what they want and will pay any price. You cannot blame the breeders for getting it. We were not impressed with what was shown overall, a very few nice dogs, the rest just average. They trim their dogs all over the whole body rounding off the chest area, the pants area and all the leg feathers are cut off. This is to their liking and they feel that our way leaves the Poms skraggly. Each to his own I guess.Their judging ring left a great deal to be desired too, just benches around a small area without even a rope around it. People would even roam out across the ring during judging. Their system of scoring is much different and there were lots more classes so it was quite a long session. So, I came away from the show rather disappointed and much more appreciative of our breed as it is represented here at home.The trip itself was wonderful throughout. Every available minute spent in touring and sightseeing and trying to keep warm. It was very cold but every one was so very nice your heart was warmed whether your feet were warm or not. I could go on and on but I was asked for one page.I was very sorry we did not get to New York in time for the Pom Specialty but just a few hours late. There was a large entry and it would have been a priviledge to attend and compare with the English Poms.BESS PICKENSI too had a marvelous time at Crufts and sightseeing but do not think I care to go again. I found Pekes just as good and as poor as we have, but shown in greater numbers and overall I was disappointed at the way they were shown and the grooming was poorly done overall. I did find the Yorkies were the best I have ever seen as I happen to like thePOMERANIAN REVIEW 77RIGGINS POMERANIANSProudly presentingCh. Biggins Krisweet Joy and her son Ch. Biggins Starjoy Iaisus Kriss,7Afir''G'inrCh. 10 Ch. 11Kris finished with 4 MajorsJoy and Kris were handled by their BreederOwnerWe would also like to announce and Thank the owners of other Riggin Poms that have finished.Ch. Riggins Dragons Tartan Black Tan owned by Ann Danford, Sico, Ore. Ch. Riggins Kristol Image owned by Wilma Taylor, Anchorage, Alaska.Can. Ch. Riggins Kristol Lucky owned by Shirley Charrett, Alberta, Canada.Puppies Adults available Bonner, Showstopper Duke bloodlinesDolores Riggin 11790 S. W. 98thTigard, Oregon 97223 503-639-502478 POMERANIAN REVIEWtrue terrier type and not the baby doll heads we have in the U.S.A. Over there Yorkies are shown on little boxes that the exhibitors carry with them into the ring I, too wonder why we sat in London for all those wasted hours before the plane left when we could have been in New York seeing all those specialties. Westminster I liked and will go again as often as I can.JEAN SCHROLLI want to say my trip to England was really enjoyable. It is a once in a lifetime thing. The Historical things to see are absolutely fantastic. Crufts Dog Show was the largest Ive ever seen. There was not enough time to see all the dogs one would like to see, so inasmuch as Poms were my biggest interest, we spent most of our time there. There were 67 Poms entered and as I remember off the top of my head, there were no absentees. The judging took much longer than here in America. The dogs were lovely. Several very outstanding ones. The quality of English Poms is very much like our own. I believe as a whole though they are much smaller than ours. This, I feel is bad for the breed. It was certainly strange to see a Pom with every hair on its body trimmed. It was hard to tell about the coat because of the allover trimming. The pants and bib were so short it was difficult to tell what the approximate length would be. They had very pretty but quite short muzzles.I would love to go again.v.1 c.ALONGMYWAYBy MOLLY MILLER P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573Although the Pomeranian standard recognizes many colors, the average person has only seen two or three. Many of the colors have not even been seen by experienced Pom breeders yet, there seems to be a current increase in the interest in the less usual Pom colors.Last August I was surprisingly swept into the area of rare Pom colors when much to my surprise one of my orange bitches who had been bred to a black male whelped two females one black and one blue. As a result of showing and winning with this puppy, I have been asked many questions about unusually colored Poms.I realized that the interest was high, and I did not have the answers so, I turned to breeders who have studied and sought unusual colors. I found that our pleasure in a variety of Pom colors is a rather recent occurrence. My fourteen years in Poms often does not give me the scope I need.Dorothy Bonners response gave me this information.Since my adventures in breeding Pomeranians began about 1940, almost every color has appeared. At least, it seems that way when I 'think back, sort of like when I remarked to Gladys Schoenberg one day, Poms are so dear to me that I wish I owned all of them in the world. To which she replied, Sometimes it seems like I do. . . . Pepper Pod gave me most of the unusual colors during the late 50s, as he seemed to have a special talent for turning the dams orange into blues, creams, chocolates, wolf sables, and everything in between. At that time, most of thesePOMERANIAN REVIEW 79MYWAY KENNELMerewyn, an eight month oldBlue bitch puppy, was WB BOSin Beaumont, April 16, 1978My way MerewynThe puppies mentioned in our April Ad, Page 43, are here. Several of the orange and red-orange ones look very nice. If you would like more information call or write.Molly Linda Miller P.O. Box 717League City, Texas 77573 713-332-1847YOUNGS CHEROKEE POMERANIANSIs happy to add to our kennel a darling little girl from the kennel of Mrs. Norma Creider.Thank you Mrs. Creider. We love her.Congratulations to Verna Hood on the nice Group wins with Ch. Robinhoods Replica Repete. And on finishing Robinhoods Hope He Will, a son of Ch. Robinhoods Duplicate Copy.Ive got my order in with the puppy stork for one just like him from my Youngs Cherokee Lady Madonna bred to Ch. Robinhoods Duplicate Copy in April.Other Championsired puppies expected in June and JulyMrs. Janice Young 1080 Carl Sit.St. Clair, Mo. 63077 314-629-275480 POMERANIAN REVIEWwere questionable colors show-wise, so they were promptly culled, on the pet market. Because he was extra terriffic ... a wolf sable, was retained and shown to championship ... I did keep another wolf sable, a tiny boy . . . did not throw his color. From then until recently, orange has predominated in our kennel with an occasional cream. With our standard changed colorwise now, I wish that time could be reversed with some of those beautiful shades retrieved.Although breeding here has been for conformation only, temptation has recently presented itself in silver shades. In spite of comments ranging from What an unusual, lovely color, to What color would you call this, to no describable color. Dorothy has successfully shown several of these lovely "silvered Poms.Marge Gorman, after several years of seeking chocolate, remarked, Color breeding for rare colors would be simple if one could take two outstanding specimens of the desired color and breed them together. In the case of blue or chocolate, if both parents were of the desired color so would be the offspring, although the shades of color would vary. Black bred to black does not always produce black. Since one would be lucky to find two outstanding specimens of a rare color to breed together, the serious oolorbreeder must search for dogs that perhaps carry the desired genes. A dog with a chocolate dam who is black will produce chocolate if bred for the color, because he inherited one hidden recessive chocolate gene from his mother. Breeding two such individuals gives the litter a 25 chance of producing the desired color. If one parent is chocolate and the other is black but had a chocolate parent the litter should be 50 chocolate. Dogs that are chocolate or carry the gene often throw blue puppies although blue can be obtained from dogs that do not carry the chocolate genes. For years we have been color breeding for chocolate and have hadfew of the color show up while getting many more than our share of blues that we were not breeding for. Breeding rare colors is always a challenge because type and color must be considered. We have seen lovely recessive gene colors on deplorable type. The serious breeder will work for both and never sacrifice one for the other. There are also surprises in color-breeding. Last year our stock of black and sable produced black and tan.A very interesting genetic study was presented by Dolly Trauner. The brown factor, like the one for black-and-tan, is a genetic recessive. Each parent must contribute a gene for brown to the puppy in order for it to be brown-coated. As a recessive, brown can be carried hidden under other coat colors for many generations ... To keep the brown color, one must breed either to another brown or to a black which is known to carry the brown gene. Bred to another brown, one hopes that all the puppies will be brown but this is not guarantee- able, as Ill explain in a minute. Bred to a black which is carrying the brown gene, 50 of the puppies can hopefully be browns.The brown factor may be more prevalent than most people suppose every liver-nosed orange is carrying a double dose of the brown gene The reason they do not have a brown coat is due to other genetic influences. Actually, a black or a brown coat color is dominant to the genes for red, orange, cream or sable coat color but in the absence of a gene for the dominant coat color a brown- factored dog can only produce the brown pigment or black pigment in parts of its skin nose, eye-rims, lips, anus. Bred to a brown coated dog, a brown-nosed orange would produce a preponderance of brown pups unless Unless the brown coated dog was also carrying the recessive coat color gene for orange, sable, etc., in which case the chance of producing brown coated pups is cut in half. The other half would be brown-nosed oranges . . .POMERANIAN REVIEW 81CH. D-NEE'S DARIN7 DINADANGroup 8 International K.C. of Chicago Judge Connie Bosold'7cGroup 9 Judge Edward Klein1Group 10 Judge Joseph GregoryDanny is At Stud to Approved Bitches Girls met at Milwaukee or Chicago airportNadine Hersil Ph 414-481-5556FLASH3128 E. Luzerne Cudahy, WI. 53110Group 11 Judge Lorraine Heichel, May 13,197882 POMERANIAN REVIEWOne thing I learned along the way is that there are breeds and the Pom is one of them in which there are two kinds of red, orange or cream coats. In each of these breeds, one kind is the most prevalent and the other kind is quite rare. But, on occasion and generally quite without the owners realizing what is taking place, one kind will be bred to the other kind of red, orange or cream . . . and some of the puppies will be black. . . . what has happened is that a pair of dogs, each with a different pair of recessive genes that have caused them to be orange or anything other than black or brown, have compensated one anothers recessives with a dominant gene. Perhaps a formula will make this more clearAA BB EE black coated dogAA bb EE brown coated dogaa BB EE black-nosed, orange, sable, red, and cream coated dogAA BB ee black-nosed dark orange or red coated dog but can also be lighter orange or cream due to other dilutionsAll dogs have BB, bb, or Bb but can only express black or brown in their coats if they have an A-gene and an E-gene If these last two in the formula were mated, the puppies would all be Aa BB Ee. And, since A, B, E, are the dominants, only one of each gene- pair is needed in order to reconstitute a black coated dog.For the B-gene, there are only two forms, or alleles B or b. But for the A-gene and the Eugene, each has several alternate forms alleles which are all recessive to the A and E required for black or brown coat color. For A-alMes, there are aw permits sabling, ay all the orange tones, down to pale cream, and at black-and-tan. For E-alleles, there are ebr brindle, in a long coated dog, this would appear to be sable same as an aw dog, and e reds and lighter shaded, from mahogany-red down to oranges and pale creams that appear to be the same color as the ay types. The only way to know, for sure, 'that adog is of the uncommon e^type of orange would be if it produced black puppies when bred to another that normally did not produce any blacks . . .A few final thoughts Brown coat color is unstable it is more prone to sunburn, and to the action of various genetic factors for dilution, than is black or any other colorLennis Raines submitted some very interesting first-hand experience in colorbreeding. My interest began when I saw my first chocolate Pom. I liked the color . . . but . . . Every chocolate I saw seemed to be of the type of Pom produced 50 years ago . . . They were excellent in color but the heads and fronts needed a lot of work. The heads were narrow, muzzles long, large ears, no head hair and no leg hair. They were close in front and most were hackie in gait. I tried several different breedings to produce the color and Improve the type. I tried breeding black to chocolate and found that black was very dominate and I rarely got a chocolate . . . The best sable male was bred to a black bitch whose background was, black, wolf- sable, blue, chocolate. The resulting litter was one orange male, one black male and one chocolate female. I kept the chocolate bitch and bred her to the chocolate male . . . The resulting litter was two chocolates and . . . the color was milk chocolate. I obtained a beautiful chocolate male . . . out of a black and a cream ... I bred this male to the chocolate bitch I kept out of the sable and black breeding. The resulting litter was two milk chocolates and one beaver . . . Also the darker the chocolate the worse the type. The lighter shades always have better heads, smaller ears, more head and leg hair. Also chocolates of any shade will fade to a copper color if left out in the sun. Chocolates as a rule are bom chocolate with chocolate noses, eye rims, lips and foot pads . . . Out of my chocolate to chocolate breedings I have produced 90 chocolate. Some were bom chocolate and at age four to six weeks developed tan markingsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 83BI-MAR POMERANIANSPresentsSeveral new litters For Sale1st LitterSire Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver 3 BIS Sired by Ch. Lancer of Sunray Dam Bi-Mar Cricket by JJ of Andrews sister to Ch. BiMars Happy Hooker of JJ and BiMars Happy Troubles of JJ,who has 6 points.2nd LitterSire Riders Rickey Dink A Dink Rickey is by Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver and out of Gold Gems Lancerette who is sired by Ch. Lancer of Sunray.3rd LitterSire Riders Rickey Dink A Dink Dam Gay Bit of BiMars My Cheri Cheri is sired by Ch. Holders A Lil Red Plash and out of Renfrew Wee DoraBi-Mar Pomeranians Mary A. Rosenbaum 36520 - 28th Ave. SouthPederay Way, Wa. 98003 Ph 260-927-236984 POMERANIAN REVIEWexactly like black-and-tans but are chocolate-and-tan.I find in producing black-and-tan it can be obtained by sable to sable breeding as well as black-and-tan to sable. I have never produced a black-and-tan from chocolate to sable. I believe that sables or heavy sables carry a black-and- tan gene, or at least in my line. At birth some of my sables are black-andtan until age three weeks then orange or red hairs start appearing behind each ear and on chest. I have also gotten black- andtan out of black to sable breedings but the tan markings are never as clear as the sable to sable or black-andtan to sable breedings. I have also bred black- and-tan to black-andtan and gotten all black-and-tan puppies.Several years ago Irene Weltz received a tearful call from Alice Davis, a breeding associate, saying Oh, you are going to be mad as one pup has a lot of white. When Irene saw the baby she realized that was a parti-color. Delighted with the beautiful color on a nice Pom, Irene began plans to show and breed some part-color Poms. The first parti-color, a bitch, finished her championship in the spring of 1977. This parti-colors mother is orange and her father was cream.Irene eagerly told me of her efforts and plans. Well, we repeated the breeding and we got a male, but he is not show quality and is big and poorly marked ... I have a full litter sister to the champion but she is orange . . . I own the champions grandmother a light orange and grandfather a sable. Bred the grandmother to sires cream son and she just had one and it was a parti, but too small to survive ... So I am still experimenting and hope to get another . . . My only regret is I wish I was younger. I am going on 83 . . .I believe we can all echo Irenes sentiment of not having enough time no matter what our ages. Dog breeding is a continual striving for an impossible perfection. No matter what plateau one reaches there is such an enticing one just a little further away . . . and therein lies the pleasure and the frustration.CANADIANSCENEBy JOAN GRANT Box 1423 Golden, B.C. VOA IHO, CanadaWhen I was the owner of only one or two dogs, I was always teaching them tricks and showing them off to visitors. Now I have more, I stall 'show them off to visitors, but now I have more dogs I find just keeping them trained, groomed, fed, and pooper-scooped takes my time. However, I recently bought a male that has the most endearing tricks and I express my amazement to his previous owner, and his breeder. How does one teach a male to stop in the midst of his activities of preparing a female for breeding, to jump fast and give the assistant a juicy Mss Or to stop occasionally during his actual mating efforts, to bark cutely a few times at same assistant I love him even though I do usually have my mouth open when he gets me.I havent been able to learn anything from anyone about their methods of run cleaning procedures so I carried on this spring with my usual remedy for the 'Soil spreading hydrated lime over all exposed surfaces, and keeping all grass and weed growth clipped. Inside, the cages and runs got an extra special scrubbing with a creolin solution, and a bit of fresh paint. This with the judicial use of flea powder seems to keep my parasites under some control.I am finally going on a long hoped for vacation to England. With a side 'trip to Scotland to attend a championship show in Edinburgh, it sounds like a really doggy holiday. We have already made arrangements for visits to many Pomeranian kennels, as well as Einnish Continued on Page 86POMERANIAN REVIEW 85YIPS YAPSSUSAN C. INMAN Batavia, N. Y.For Several years now, Poms have been a very big part of my life. I bought a beautiful male as a pet, as that was till I could afford. All my life Ive loved dogs and have tried to settle on one breed that I would enjoy raising and showing. I bought every book on Poms and have subscribed to the Pomeranian Review, as I want to learn everything I can about this terrific breed. My male isnt one of the best, as I didnt buy him from a Kennel but I can show him. Ive had him to several Match shows and he's done very well. He has great Spirit. Even though I know hell never be a Champion, Im having a lot of fun just being in the ring.Last year in June I decided to get a loan to buy a good Pom from a Kennel. I found a Kennel from your Review, that was close to me. I visited them and picked out a beautiful little bitch puppy, three months old. She gave me a 48 hour guarantee on the puppy, so the very next day, I visited my Veterinarian. I have always thought very highly of my Veterinarian, and know he always has given them the best of care in the past. The Veterinarian gave my puppy a clean bill of health. About one week later, I noticed her eyes running, so I had her checked again. She was given medication, but as each day went by, she became worse. I was visiting my Veterinarian at least every other day or calling. Finally I told them to keep her and run tests or do anything for her that would help. She was there four days and when I got her back she had lost almost all her weight. She was throwing up and was coughing, sneezing, runny eyes, and terribly congested and wouldnt eat. The Veterinarian thought it was upper respiratory infection. He gave her fluids and medication and told me to bring her back in about two days. She never made the next visit, as the next morning when I awoke, she was in convlusions. I knew then she was dying and didnt have a chance. I rushed her to the Veterinarian immediately, where he advised me to have her put to sleep. He said she was convulsing and was to weak to ever recover. If I had any doubts that she would have recovered, I couldnt have had her put to sleep, but she looked so helpless and beyond help, when she started crying. I thought I had done all I could and she deserved to go without any more pain.I cant explain how I felt. I had only had her for one month and she was everything I had worked for all these years, and I had grown very attached to her.I had an autopsy done and it was found that her intestines were deformed at birth and asshe grew older, it became .impossible for her to digest her food. From throwing up, she had become congested and nothing could have been done for her.I talked to the breeder, in hopes she would be kind enough to replace my loss, with another puppy, as I didn't want the money. The breeders has received a letter from my Veterinarian, explaining all the treatment my puppy had received and she told me she would try to help, but she didnt agree with my Veterinarian on putting her to sleep.I often wonder what she would have done if she had been in my place.This happened in June of 1977 and so far the breeder hasnt contacted me in any way. She had three beautiful litters at the time of my puppys death and has had several others, as I have seen her advertisements in the Pomeranian Review.I always thought good breeders stood behind their stock and as she knows how very much I wanted to get into Poms, and how very much this puppy meant to me. Why is she ignoring meI wanted a bitch to breed and show but not of great quality, just something to get me started, so I would have a chance. I paid 250.00 for this puppy.I am asking your help as to what I should do. Should I just forget the whole incident, as she said she would contact me, and as I dont want to be a pest, knowing she is busy Should I just start all over again and go to a different Kennel. I can't afford to just go out and buy another puppy, as I would have to make another loan. I guess I should have stuck to buying from personal owners. I would really appreciate any help you could give me.MRS. VIOLA MONSEN Cameron, Mo.Applause, Applause for Margaret McKee's letter in Yips Yaps in the April 1978 issue on poor legs. Ive got to let off some steam.I answered an ad in Pomeranian Review, in January 1978 issue, for a one year old male, lead broke but never trained or been in a show. I agreed to pay 500.00 for the dog.When I received the dog his legs were very bad and he limped. I took him to the veterinarian. The Doctor wrote a letter, saying that both knees were bad. also he could x-ray him to prove hip also was going out. He recommended not to use the dog as a stud.I sent the letter to the seller and asked for the money back. I shipped the dog back. Here comes the big steam let off. Went to three Iowa shows. To my surprise there was the dog in the Show. First day the judge told the handler the dog was limping. Second day86 POMERANIAN REVIEWthe judge put the dog reserve. The third show the judge put him second in open class.In order to better our breed, the judges will have to recognize the minor and major faults and disqualify the dogs before they become Champions.Answer to Lynn Allens letter in Yips Yaps in January 1978. Our first Pom was a male pet back lSVi years ago. He was our baby and only love for 13Vi years. Our next Pom was a show quality bitch at 10 weeks old and very good bloodline, as I wanted to raise and show poms.I joined Pom Clubs to learn. I read books and got to know some wonderful Pom people. I wrote letters to a lot of breeders, some answered back, nothing now, maybe later. I was unknown and a novice. Four years later I am still looking for that good Pom. I won't give up just because of the bad deal stated above. I know in the Pom World that good will outnumber the bad. Come on all good Pom breeders, lets better our breed, get your head out of the sand and lets recognize our faults and do something about it, Huh Go back and read the article on Page 46, in April 1978 issue.POSTSCRIPT TO A KENNEL VISIT Erin Hundley Lynnwood, Wash.A recent business trip took me to Maine for two weeks. I could not be so close to New Hampshire without driving over to visit Jabil Kennel, and Jessie and Barbara Young. The weather was unusually cold and windy, even though the sun was shining but inside all was warmth and welcomefrom Poms and people alike. I wish I could remember the names of all the lovely Poms I met that day who greeted me so enthusiastically. We shared a brief three hour visit before I had to leave. I wish it could have been longer.I was also able to spend the last night with our good friends Tom and Stephens in Halifax, Mass., before taking off from Boston, Mass, for home. The Stephens are settled happily with all their Poms in a lovely home next to a small park and a lake. Tom is busy converting a sun porch into a kennel and also building fences and dog runs. Jessie, when not grooming and training her Poms, works hard raising a tiny wild rabbit which she found abandoned in her garden. She dipped sugar cookies in cream and he the rabbit munched them right out of her hand. He was still so small she could hold him in one hand. He was probably about the size of a four day old Pom. She also fed me well.Thanks to the Youngs and the Stephens for entertaining me so well when I was far from home.GAYLE GRIFFIN Amity, OregonI have been away from the Show Ring for the last three years, but recently have started showing a girl which is doing very well. Seeing new Poms and new breeders, I have also seen a few cases of The proper rear trim as written in the Pomeranian Standard. If ths is what the breeders want fine, but why only a couple Poms trimmed correctlyIn no way would I trim a show Pom so the anus was sticking out like a sore thumb. If the breeders dont want this trim, then why arent they changing the Standard Im waiting for the day the rings will be full of huge coated Poms, with their anuses staring us in the face.Lets hear the opinion of some of the other breeders, and lets get the trim at the base of the tail and leave the anus covered.Editors Note We feel sure our Correspondent knows that none of our former breed standards mentioned ANY rear-end trimming at all. When the standard was revised in 1971, members felt that trimming of straggling hairs, for neatness and sanitary reasons, should be permitted around the anus. This was neyer intended to result in the very unattractive overtrimming to which you so strenously object Trimming at the base of the tail was purposely NOT PERMITTED, because of the equally unattractive amount of overtrimming then quite usual in that area many tails were shaved all the way around the base like a Poodles sometimes the thinning shears used heavily on the Poms back UNDER the tail to make it lie flat. In the East, at least, overtrimming is still very much in evidence, with skirts breechings blatantly chopped off and coats sheared away from the tail base to hopefully make the Pom look shorter. We would like to think that all exhibitors tried to be careful in their trimming efforts, to conform with the standard Trimming FOR NEATNESS ONLY and not to alter or conceal the Poms conformation. Of course, the standard can be changed but only by two-thirds majority vote of American Pomeranian Club members.GRANT ContinuedSpitz breeders and hope to come back with a lot more knowledge about the breeding of rare colors. I am especially interested in the wolf sable, so will be looking for them in particular. I will let you know about it after my return.POMERANIAN REVIEW 87THE POMERANIAN STUD DOGby Pauline B. HughesReprinted from July, 1971, IssueThe Pomeranian Stud dog should have a productive life of from ten months to twelve years provided he is strong, healthy, well cared for and no accidents occur.Conditioning of the stud begins before the puppy is born' and should involve a dam of a good bloodline, show type with very few faults and in the ideal four to five pounds category. She should also be in the pink of condition and have a normal season. She should be bred to a champion from a top producing line of show dogs. The sire should be strong in any weak points found in the dam. No dogs are without faults. I prefer the sire to be under four pounds.The bitch should be fed a rich well balanced diet with the extra pre-natal vitamins required, and whelp easily.Our future stud from this litter should be allowed to grow with other puppies rough-house, romp, and play. His expressions of sex impulses should never never be restricted. Many males have refused to service bitches because they were scolded as puppies for expressing this natural impulse. The puppy in addition must learn to associate with people and be accustomed to handling, cuddling, and playing. Any growling or biting must be stopped at the first sign. It could be cute to have a pup bite, growl and act fierce but as an adult Pom it is something else. Dogs persist in actions that were approved when they were puppies. Leach breaking and show training should be started even as young as six weeks and should be continued throughout his early months.The average Pomeranian male will be ready for service sometime after nine months. A few will show little interest until they are sixteen months. Any stud that matures later than that age is probably best sold as a pet because it is to the best interest of a breed to havevirility as a part of the genetic makeup.The first service of the young male should be carefully planned. Ideally the bitch should be quiet and experienced and the mating done in familiar surroundings. If the male knows the female it is even better. This bitch should be held and a firm footing provided for the dog. An old rug can be folded for him at the height needed. If the first try is satisfactory then it may be repeated after 36 hours. DO NOT use the male more than these two times if you want him to have a long productive life. It is recommended that he not be used for several weeks afterwards and only rarely until he is over a year old. Inasmuch as a popular stud will be used on bitches of many sizes it is necessary for him to accept help. If you are a novice, then get tips from some breeder of wide experience.Occassionaly a male will refuse to try to breed a female is anyone is looking. The only resource in this case is to have a very cooperative female and then once they are tied, sneak up and hold the bitch petting and reassuring the male during the copulation. It is too dangerous to leave the dogs to their own devices in our breed. The bitch can easily injure the male if she is exuberant he smaller. Then too, without a visible tie how can one even tell that sperm was deposited in the vaginal passage Generally after a couple of breedings the male will be willing to breed any female, and with assistance.The stud should be used wisely and not too often. Sperm is said to remain motile in the female for 36 to 48 hours so it is a waste of the male to repeat the breeding before the third day. Two services are enough one is often all that is needed. More brings on the danger of a litter with both premature and over-due puppies and all of the problems that are present in that situation.The male should be kept quiet after a service for at least an hour. Check by all means to be sure that no hair is in 'Continued on Page 9088 POMERANIAN REVIEWMAY MORNING POMERANIANSWe send our sincere sympathy to Thelma and Jim Dunn on the loss of their First Champion Dunns Little Tina Preshus.This lovely bright red girl was the dam of champions and was a much loved and pampered house pet as well as top brood.Tina was out of their Foundation Bitch May Morning Sweet Mary Ann, a Bing daughter, bred hack to her grandsire Ch. Blairs Solitaire. We Announce The Importation of a Color-Bred White Male FromGermany.Vino Edelweiss v. Haus Gohfeld, bred by Herr Karl Busse.Vinos dam is the Top Female Kleinspitz Pom Champion in Germany and Europe.Vino is small, under 4 lb.Snow White with Black Pigment,Small Ears and Baby Face.We Thank Bill and Karin Ledbetter For Letting Us Have Vino.We Hope He Will Help Us With Our White Breeding Program.At Stud Later By Special Arrangement.Please See Our Other Page For Litters Expected We Have Bred Three Young Bitches For the First Time and Our Two Proven Black Broods Also Bred. On Paper we Should Have Some Excellent Puppies We Are Overcrowded With Many Senior Citizens and Plan To Sell Almost Everything This Time.SOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380 215-793-1912POMERANIAN REVIEW 89MAY MORNING POMERANIANSWE CONGRATULATEKen and Katey Lefferts and new Champion May Morning Space Pilot Ace is a full brother to our Ch. May Morning Pie In The Sky From the Next Litter Sired By May Morning Moonwalker X May Morning Legacy of Jonnie. Ace pictured was Owner-Handled All The WayWe Repeated This Breeding and Offer Two Males Whelped 12-16-77 One is Fiery Red May Keep Sable Tips the Other Red Orange.BOYS BOYS BOYS We Have More No Females Right Now.1 Tiny Cream Male Whelped 2-19-78 Sired by May Morning Pinocchio, C.D.ex. Lewis Snowflake Color-Bred White for Generations.1 Light Apricot Most Attractive Color and 1 Tiny, Cobby Light CreamWhelped 3-30-78, Sired By May Morning Spicy Timstopper ' Tim Again son ex. May Morning Orange Blossom Cream Pinocchio Daughter, White DamPrices and Pedigrees On Request. Last Three Should Carry White Genes.WE WILL AGAIN DEFY MR. MURPHY AND HIS LAW AND ANNOUNCE LITTERS DUEMay Morning Social lion X May Morning Imogene Ch. G. E. Image DaughterMay Morning Social Climber X May Morning Busybody Moonwalker DaughterMay Morning Wizard Black X May Morning Midnight Flirt BlackMay Morning Social Lion X Ch. May Morning Pie In The Sky PhoebeAll These Due In July. Due In AugustMay Morning Social lion X May Morning Fun N Frolic Black 4th RepeatOthers Planned For August Details In October Most Will Be For Sale.SOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380 215-793-1912u90 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN STUD DOG Continued from Page 87the shaft. The irritation could easily cause a serious infection.Fairness to outside hitches and their owners should he of primary ooncem to the owner of a stud. The sperm count of an overworked male will drop to the point where there is little chance of a pregnancy taking place. The owner of the bitch has the right to know how often the male has been used in the week preceding the prospective service.If I were shipping and paying a price for the service of a top dog, I would not want him used at all in 'that week or at the most only once. If two females seem to be due for service at the same time, often arrangements can be made to give only a single service to each, and the experienced breeder can often tell which one to breed a day early and which a day late. It takes 36 to 48 hours for the sperm count to build up after a service, longer if the animal is weak sick or run-down.Exercise, nutrition wisely balanced, love and good care are essential to keep the stud in the pink of condition, so that he can pass on his quality to many future Pomeranians.Complete outcross Adonis has Twelve Champion kids finished so far. Nine were complete outcrosses. One was father- daughter, two remotely related. It needs to be added that in every case the dam of those champions was an excellent bitch from a very good bloodline.L mINBREEDINGInbreeding is essential to establish a prepotent type. It is fraught with problems lethal genes, sterility, fewer puppies in a litter, and decrease in the size of the puppies. It is not to be recommended for the beginner. He is apt to give up in discouragement. Our breed with such tiny litters does not allow us the system used generally in inbreeding -that of saving the few good ones in the litter and culling the rest What rest Two puppies and are they the good ones or the cullsCh. Adonis top producer was the result of breeding two Poms both from small parents very much alike, each strong tho where the other was weak.v. - .5POMERANIAN REVIEW 91INDEX TO ADVERTISERSPageALVERS PEDIGREE SERVICE ________________________ ___________________ 27DARRELL OLGA BAKER ___________________________________________ ___ 66RUTH L. BEAM ______________________________ __________________________ 67KATHRYN TED BIRK _______________ ___ ___________ ______ ___________ 36SHIRLEY CATHERINE BRADLEY_______________________________________ 70BRETTWOOD ARTS, VIIMA BARTOLAT_______ ___________________________ 11PATRICIA D. BROOKS ______________________________ __________________ 49WILMA JEAN BROWN____________________________________________________ 58MORRIS BETTY CARSON _________________________________________ 32, 33, 65PAT CLARK ___________________________________________________________ 64DELORIS JOAN DAVISON _______________________________________________ 75PAUL RANDALL PRECH__________________________________ ___COVER, 28, 29NORMA GAD ____________________________________________________ ____ 56, 57GENERAL CANINE, NANCY McBRIDE_____________________________________ 11TIM SUE GODDARD ___________________________________________________ 62NICK HARBO ___________________________________________________________ 49CHRISTINE CULLEN HEARTZ ________________________________________ 17, 57CLAIRE HENDRIX _________________________ __________________________ 12, 13NADINE HERSIL _____________________________________________________ 51, 81PAULINE B. HUGHES _____________________________________________________ 40PHIL ERIN HINDLEY___________________________________________________ 19ELEANOR HYCHE ____________ I_________________________________________ 57NORMAN K. JEROME ____________________________________________________ 15RON JACKIE KLEIN____________________________________________________ 24LOIS L. KRAEMER DIANE E. TAYLOR....................................................................... 37JACKIE CHUCK LIDDLE _____________________ ________________________ 35JANICE LUGINSLAND _____ __________________________________________ 43, 63MRS. ELMA MANIES __________________________________________________ 7, 60NANCY BETH MARUS ____________________________________________________ 71JON ROBERTA MASSEY________________________________________________ 45SOPHIE H. MAYES_____________________________________________ ______ 88, 89JACQUELINE McGIVNEY ________________________________________________ 31DAN JoELLEN MERCER ________________________________________________ 54ELEANOR KEN MILLER ________________________________________________ 59MOLLY LINDA MILLER_________________________________________________ 79BILL BEV NORRIS _____________________ ______________________________ 69NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB ........................................................ 4MRS. SIGFRIED PETERSON ________ ____________________________________ 64POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON _____________________________ 73DOLORES RIGGIN _______________________________________________________ 77DUDLEY WANDA ROACH ____________________________________________ 5, 61DR. PAT SCELSO J. MICHAEL MEYER___________________________________ 25NORA STANLEY ______________________________________________________ 9TOM JESSIE STEPHENS ................................................................................................ 27CINDY QUAY THOMAS _____________________________________________ 39, 52DR. MRS. LAWRENCE TRAUNER_________________________________________ 50MR. MRS. BILL TUBB __________________________________________________ 64JOANN VESTAL ______________________________________________________ 43, 53MRS. JANICE YOUNG____________________________________________________ 79JESSIE W. BARBARA A. YOUNG........................................................................... 21, 5592 POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club, 3nc.I NOFALL SPECIALTY SHOWSubject to AKC ApprovalIn Conjunction With The Kennesaw K.C. Show Kennesaw, GeorgiaOCTOBER 28, 1978Miss Virginia SivoriHas Been Invited To Judge The Regular Classes Mrs. Mary McCoyHas Been Invited To Judge The Puppy Sweepstakes SHOW ARRANGEMENTSMrs. Randall Freeh Mrs. Patricia Brooks Mrs. Sue GoddardTROPHY CHAIRMANJon Manthos, 270 Columbia Drive, Ladson, South Carolina 29456PREMIUM LISTJack Onofrio, Superintendent, P.O. Box 25764, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 72125 Athens, Georgia, Show October 29,1978Mr. William BergumHas Been Invited To Judge Poms and The Toy Group Chance For Major Points At Two Shows