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The Pomeranian Review October 1978

American Pomeranian Out, Inc.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY OCTOBER, 1978c Vv\\fBEST IN SHOWGREENVILLE KENNEL CLUB JULY 1978PHOTO BYCH. HONEYCREST RAZLE DAZLE DANTE Bred and owned by Jodi Hudspeth. Handled by Toddie Clark.IN THIS ISSUEMICHIGAN SPECIALTY Club News New Life Members YIPS YAPS Encouraging the Novice by Mrs. Bessie V. Pickens Visit to Queenaire by B. Toca Postnatal Problems by Elma ManiesGODDARD GRANT HEYDE HUNDLEY OHRTMAN2 POMERANIAN REVIEWCAN. AND BDA. CH. MILLAMOR'S ROCK MEDALLION-Pictured winning the Toy Group under Mr. Joseph FaigelHis first 3 months as a Special in Canada, Medallion has acquired3 ALL BREED BESTS IN SHOW20 GROUP FIRSTSa ridcendoChristine D. Heartz Truro, Nova ScotiaP.O. Box 1259 Canada B2N 5N2POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran Pomrrantan Club, 3ns.President ...................................First Vice President_________Second Vice President .Recording Secretary_________Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer .................................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB............................................................................ Mr. Darrell W. Baker..............................................................................Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn.................................................................................... Mrs. Ruth Dotson.............................................................................. Mrs. Jacquelyn Klein.................................................................................... Mrs. Sue Goddard5044 Lee Highway, Bristol, VA. 24201 ........................................................................ Mrs. Goldie K. MandleyBOARD OF DIRECTORSMrs. Sally Baugniet Mr. Richard MegenhardtMr. Thomas Daniels Mrs. Eleanor MillerMr. Sam L. ZaneoffDelegate to the A.K.C.......................................................................................................... Mr. H. W. PottebaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager ..........................................................................................................................................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, 1574 Camp Linden Rd., West Chester, Pa. 19380Assistants .......................................................................Mrs. Goldie K. Mandley, Mrs. Thelma M. DunnCirculation Manager..........................Mrs. Patricia D. Brooks, 102 Jefferson Lane, Ladson, SC 29456Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 8.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 2.00. Canada, Mexico, 8.50, Foreign 9.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 4.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text................................55.00Inside front cover ....................................................30.00Center Spread, 2 pages ...........................................60.00Full page ................................................................ 25.00Three-quarters page ............................................... 20.00One-half page ......................................................... 15.00One-quarter page vertical only ............... 7.50100 copies full page ad............................................. 7.50Minimum charge for cuts up to Ix2 inches, 6.00 proportionately more for larger cuts. No charge for cuts if usable cut is available.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOYER STORYBy JODI HUDSPETHCh. Honeycrest Razle Dazle Dante is shown on the cover of this months Pom Review taking his fourth All Breed Best in Show at Greenville Kennel Club, July 27, under Rutledge Gilliland.At eight months of age Dazzle went BOW for five points at the Chicago International Dog Show, following in the footsteps of his sire Ch. Honeycrest Rutn Tutn Rasberi, who had one year earlier won BOW at the Western Pom Specialty in Chicago.In April this year Dazzle won four BOB, Three Toy Groups and an all breed Best in Show from the classes.Now only four months later he has four all breed Best in Shows, Fifteen Group First and nine other Gr. placements. Dazzle is a lovely example of Pom type. He is extremely sound. He has an abundant coat of correct texture and golden orange color. His gait is elegant, his expression superb. I have often heard breeders say you cant have a pet and a show dog too. I must point out that my Dazzle is one of the cuddliest and most affectionest pets I have ever owned and yet one of the greatest showmen I have ever seen.I am very proud to be the breeder and owner of this lovely Pom. I wish to express deep gratitude to the late Carolyn Wheeler and her husband Ed for the Poms I started with and the aid and advice they gave me.I also must express my thanks to Toddie Clark who handles Dazzle with great expertise and Tender Loving Care.COYERAs we go to press, the January and April Covers have both been sold and the next one available is July 1979. Inside Front Cover and the Center Spread are available for both January and April, at this moment. Must be reserved in writing, confirmed by the Editor.NEW YORK SPECIALTYAKC has approved the date February 11,1979 and the location Loews Summit Hotel, Lexington Ave. and 51st St., N.Y.C. As we go to press, the two judges are not yet approved.Plan to BE THERE and to take one or more Poms, for a memorable holiday and chance to be a Specialty Winner Remember, a Class Win at the New York Specialty is a Big Win but you cant win unless you enter.TROPHY PLEDGES FOR THE FEBRUARY SPECIALTYThere is still time to make a contribution to the general trophy fund, and your name will be listed in the Show Catalogue. Send all checks large and small to Goldie K. Mandley, 501 Dover Rd., Glen Bumie, Maryland 21061 OR to Thelma Dunn. Make all checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. HURRYPUPPIESPUPPIESAND MORE PUPPIESTo my surprise everyone conceived Somereally nice show prospects sired byCH. BONNERS LISALU WAG WITH LOVEMostly BONNER Inquiries Answered PromptlyKaren S. Holder CHEELAN POMERANIANS 19077 Quail Hollow Strongsville, Ohio 44136 216-238-5121POMERANIAN REVIEW 5CH. BROWNS MAGIC PRINCESS.... osSr '_prShownwinning a 5 point major at Michigan Pomeranian Specialty May 21, 1978 under judge Eve Whitmore. Handled by Jim Lehman.Other major wins were under Mr. Kenneth Miller 4 points.Mrs. John M. Jones 3 points.She finished at Battle Creek, Michigan 5-29-78Thanks to all judges for making this possible and to her breeder Wilma Jean Brown for allowing me to own Princess.FlashPrincess was Best of Breed at Sandusky, Ohio July 29, 1978Mrs. Nellie Sprunger Celina, Ohio 45822555 Frahm Pike Ph 419-942-12466 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGAN SPECIALTY SHOWBy MARGARET M. GORMAN, SecretaryThe Pomeranian Club of [Michigan Specialty Show and Sweepstakes was held May 21, 1978 in conjunction with the Oakland County Kennel Club in Royal Oak, Michigan. The judges were Mrs. Evelyn Schaefer for Sweepstakes and Mrs. Eve Whitmore for regular classes. The entry was thirty-five with exhibitors from Florida, Ohio, Oklahoma, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin.We had a lovely, warm spring day for the Show. Everything went according to plan, except for a few minor items, like the arranged-for trophy table that didnt appear on time. While that nearly gave us ulcers, it did add to the excitement of the situation.Mrs. Schaefer judged an entry of six beautifully trained puppies.Puppy 6-9 Months Dogs Windsongs Lobo Rey. Owner Jeanne Anderson and Lynda Dealing.Puppy 6-9 Months Bitches Teresas Terrific Tammy. Owner Eva M. and Teresa Lynn Deaton.Puppy 9-12 Months BitchesDon-ras Starette of Dandy. Owner Donald R. Thatcher.Mrs. Whitmore passed judgment on a field of twenty-nine immaculately groomed Pomeranians of interesting and unusual colors, but the lighter Poms carried home the points.Puppy 6-9 Month DogsWindsongs Lobo Rey. Breeder Pat and Lonnie Taylor. Owner Jeanne Anderson and Lynda Dearing.Bred hy Exhibitor Dogs Varneys Cavalier Top Choice. Breeder, Owner Betty J. Varney.American-Bred Dogs Mi Tiny Tim. Breeder Betty Ellis. Owner Nellie Sprunger.Open Blue, Black and Brown DogsBoulder River Carbon Copy. Breeder, Owner Angela D. and Margaret M. Gorman.Open Red, Orange, Cream or Sable Dogs Scotia Treasure Dink Braum. Breeder, Owner Edna E. Girardot.Winners Dog and Best of WinnersScotia Treasure Dink Braum.Reserve Winners Dog Varneys Cavalier Top Choice.Puppy 6-9 Months Bitches Don-Ras Starette of Dandy. Breeder, Owner Donald R. Thatcher.Bred by Exhibitor BitchesScotia Specky Molly Xmas Noel. Breeder, Owner Ena E. Girardot.Open Red, Orange, Cream or Sable BitchesBrowns Magic Princess. Breeder Wilma Brown. Owner Nellie Sprunger.. - iSKS2-J-"GOVrmk. .M"Judge Eve Whitmore gives Winners Bitch and and Best of Opposite Sex to Browns Magic Princess, bred by Wilma Jean Brown. Owner Mrs. Nellie Sprunger, handler Jim Eehman. Photo by Hal Carrier.POMERANIAN REVIEW 73tt iflemortamCH. BONNERS STYLETOPPER GAYBEAUOctober 18, 1965 to July 28, 1978I wish to thank Dorothy Bonner for the privilege of owning Gaybeau. He was very special and gave us much pleasure. I will cherish our years together and he will always live in my memory. Sadly missed.Congratulations to Nellie Sprunger on finishingBROWNS MAGIC PRINCESSSire Ch. Browns Fancypepper Mark. Dam Millamors Magic DragonAlso congratulate their daughter. Princess is their fourth champion and they have other pointed children.Best wishes to Dudley and Wanda Roach on their Kennel Visit.Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown Indianapolis, Ind. 462348820 Rockville Rd. Fh. 317-271-49548 POMERANIAN REVIEWWinners Bitch and Best of Opposite SexBrowns Magic Princess.Best of BreedCh. Millamors Rock Montegram. Breeder, Owner Eleanor W. Miller.Wed like to extend a special thanks to the exhibitors who made this show such a success, also to those members of the Club who gave so much time to getting this show on the road. Our next Specialty will be held late in the fall of 1979 with two days of showing at the same site. We hope to see you all thenSWEEPSTAKES CRITIQUEBy EVELYN SCHAEFERI wish to thank the Pomeranian Club of Michigan for asking me to judge the Sweepstakes at their Specialty Show on May 21, 1978 in connection with the Oak Park Michigan Show.There were two males in the 6-9 mo. class. My first choice was Windsongs Lobo Rey owned by Jeanne Anderson and Lynda Dealing, a very lovely little wolf sable.Second choice was also a nice little sable, Black River Double Deuce owned by Jean Morgan.There were four females in this class, first was Teresas Terriffic Tammy owned by Eva and Teresa Deaton.In the 9-12 mo. class, first was a very lovely red sable bitch trained to perfection, Ron-Ras Starette of Dandy owned by Donald Thatcher.Second was De-Nees Up-Sa-Daisy, a nice compact little orange girl owned by Nadine Hersil.Third, Len-Del Lovejoy owned by Fern Bland, also a nice little girl.Best in Sweepstakes Don-Ras Starette of Dandy. She should finish her championship very quickly.Best of Opposite Sex Windsongs Lobo ReyCIRCULATIONMANAGERMRS. PATRICIA D. BROOKS 102 Jefferson Lane Ladson, S.C. 29456 803-871-0239POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION8.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada, Mexico 8.50 Foreign 9.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION RATE 4.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUESWrite Circulation ManagerAvailable at 1.00 Each1962 Mar. 8, Dec. 51963 July 4, Oct. 61968 April 14Available at 1.25 Each1969 Jan. 3, Apr. 3, Oot. 31970 Apr. 3, July, Oct.1971 Jan., April, July1972 Jan. 2Available at 1.50 Each1973 April, Oct. 21974 Jan. 2, Apr. 3, July 21975 Apr. 3, July 2, Oct. 21976 Jan., April, JulyAvailable at 2.00 Each1976 Oct.1977 Jan., April, July, Oct.1978 January, April, JulyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9Boulder River Pomeranians Presents DITTOBoulder River Carbon CopySiring Chocolate, Beaver and BlackAt Stud to approved bitches. Dittos ancestors include twice back to Oh. May Morning Bravo Bravo, twice back to Ch. May Morning Black Magic and twice back to Am. and Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight. Watch for Ditto in Canadian and U.S. Shows.vJI IfftIt's A dolls lifeJ. L. and M. M. Gorman313 294-3927A full house, Chocolates over Blacks31134 East Wind Fraser, 'Mi. 4802610 POMERANIAN REVIEWKIVIMAKI POMERANIANS Stock Reduction Due to 111 Health1. Chocolate bitch 3 years Free whelps 350.002. Her chocolate son, 3 months, sound 200.003. Black puppy bitch, heavy coat, breedable size, carries chocolate gene 300.004. Tiny chocolate bitch, sister to above, heavy dark coat, showy, but too small to breed 200.00.All puppies sired by Boulder River Carbon CopyPhyllis Kivimaki M. M. Gorman313-584-7816 r 313-294-3927KNOW YOUR DOGS ANCESTRYYour dogs pedigree handsomely documented on deluxe parchment. Typewritten, colors, bithrdate, champion and titles in red.4 gen. 3.00 5 gen. 5.00 6 gen. 10.00Mailed rolled Your satisfaction guaranteed.Send Complete Data from AKC Registration toGeneral CanineBox 453NPhoenixville, Pa. 19460POMERANIAN REVIEW 11JUBILEE KENNELS OF CALIFORNIA Cream, white, red, orange, Sable puppies for show, or breeding, byCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Chula Queenaire Chance Models Red Sultan Queenaire HeadlinerSee July POM REVIEW for pictures PedigreesPuppies reasonably priced. Pictures and pedigrees on request.All inquiries answered.Congratulations to Wanda and Dudly Roach on their Kennel Visit and many thanks for their help and friendship.Handler Connie BungartLorene Bradbury Turlock, Ca. 953807406 W. Bradbury Rd. 209-632-0248MY-PAT POMERANIANS Wish to extendSincere Condolences to Lloyd and Norma Jenkins on the loss of Ch. Enjays Puppet On A String Congratulations to Wanda and Dudley Roach on their Kennel Visit.Best Wishes to all our friends whom we have missed this summer.See you at the Fall shows.Dr. P. Scelso II Michael Meyer194 Carroll St. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231215 625-718612 POMERANIAN REVIEWENCOURAGING THE NOVICEBy MRS. BESSIE V. PICKENSToday I hear of many people being discouraged in showing Poms so perhaps the story of when I started, how long it took and what I accomplished might be of interest and encouragement to those new exhibitors.And no, my success was not in Poms but Pekes, but -that has no bearing on how to take your wins along with the losses and still enjoy the sport of breeding and showing Poms. However, I owned a Pom quite some time bef ore switching over to the Pekes. I purchased the Pom for my husband and then and there learned to love the breed dearly . . . this was in 1954. He was from excellent bloodlines but too oversize for showing so I was able to buy him at a reasonable price. The obstacle proved to be Brandy himself he just would not tolerate my husband and we -all know how easily husbands ego can be hurt. Brandy would walk around the room growling at him and letting it be known that he would enjoy life more thoroughly if -that man would just dissapear. You can imagine what this did to my hopes for a lovely show Pom. There was no way another Pom would be tolerated in our house. I finally found a wonderful home for Brandy where he enjoyed life to -the fullest with only a woman for his companion.We then became acquainted with the Pekes, and they were more than happy to be my husbands companion, pride and joy. In 1958 I bought a lovely show bitch, won some points at the shows and was promptly put down for being a novice and a beginner and gathering a few points that would be wasted. Yes, this was the attitude of some of the exhibitors at that time. So, I didnt show for awhile but did some breeding. Produced a very lovely male puppy that was immediately pounced on when put in the show ring for having a fault Horrible thing those faults. And only your competitors dogs have them. Unfortunately, I believed that my competitors dogs were perfect. How naive can you be I was.For the next few years I exhibited sporadically and won not a thing ... so I too thought judges political, my competitors had pull as well as bad dogs. Sound familiar Yes, very familiar. One hears these opinions expressed loudly at most shows. In the meantime I grew and showed ROSES successfully. But, the roses have to be grown and beautifully cared for . . . kept free of insects, protected from the weather just before the shows. Then before the show carefully cut, groomed and presented to -the judge. Yes, GROOMED. If they were opening too fast then you put them in the refrigerator to hold them back, if opening too slow when they were placed in a warm room, etc., etc. . . . There were many tricks to know on showing roses to their wins.It was through the Roses that I learned to have the right perspective for showing dogs.To become a successful exhibitor of Poms you must, of course, start with a good specimen of the breed. And that does not mean faultless as there is no such thing as a dog without faults . . . what one person thinks is a perfect dog is not thought of in the same way with the next person who views it. This is where OPINION enters into showing dogs. Facts and opinions are entirely separate things. It would be a fact that a dog had 4 legs, tail, eyes, nose, body, coat . . . but an OPINION as to how well all this put together conforms to the standard of the breed. Agreed I am not here to tell you what to look for in a POM . . . you must rely on honest breeders, knowledge you get from watching the dogs in the show ring and talking to many people to get their opinion on what is a good show dog. You then get the idea of what you would like and you search to find it . . . we now presume you have found one that can be shown with the expectations of gamering enough points to make a champion.POMERANIAN REVIEW 13 STARLITE POMERANIANS Gayle L. Griffin Phone 503-843-2151STARLITES RAMBOLING GYPSY HAS GROWN UPShown 6 times Reserve Corvallis, Oreg. WB-BOS Olympia, Wash. WB-BOS Corvallis, Oreg. WB-BOS Portland, Oreg. Reserve - Longview, Wish. and only 13 months old 15625 W. Perrydale Rd. Amity, Oregon 97101r. .SIRE CH. SUNDOTS RAMBOLINGr MANThis breeding has been repeated, hoping for more like Gypsy Due Oct. 78 See Page 7 Oct. 77 Review.Inquiries Welcome-4c Our Special Congratulations to Wanda and Dudly Roach on their Kennel Visit. Now is where my advice comes in handy. It took me from I960 to 1966 to bring my perspective into proper focus. I decided to apply what I had learned from showing roses to showing Pekes. This meant taking a dog that had a fault or faults . . . conditioning it to be shown, grooming it to perfection, training it to perform in the showring and right along with that also grooming myself to look nice behind the dogs . . . and presentingmyself with the correct attitude at the same time.In early 1966 I came up with a young male and at his first show went reserve from the puppy class coming mighty close to beating a mature import ... he picked up several more reserves and then started wining the points. Would you believe he made his championship with three 5 point majors, one of them a Group 1 My first Champion and my14 POMERANIAN REVIEWfirst Group 1. The absolute thrill of a lifetime and I did every bit of the showing myself. I maintain a very small home kennel housing not more 'than 9 or 10 dogs at any time but in the time from 1966 to the present I have finished some 14 champions. 5 of the males have been multiple group and specialty winners . . . these all by my own handling. I have used a handler for only one of my dogs.How did I do it Just like the roses. I took a good quality dog, learned how to groom by talking to helpful breeders, watching how handlers groom dogs, how they are presented in the show ring. Keeping the dog groomed and conditioned by the right food and care at home. Wearing a complimentary solid color costume behind the dog, training the dog by going to matches and training classes . . . keeping a good attitude whether I won or lost, and there were times I lost when I shouldnt and times I won when I should have lost. It all evens out.I learned to enjoy the shows . . . and that means staying at the show, talking to people in other breeds, sitting at ringside and watching the judging of other breeds, reading and studying the standard of all the breeds and making myself a part of the dog show as a whole. Not just showing my own breed, listening to all 'the gripes of the people in that breed and then going home in a miserable frame of mind thinking whats the use.Not everyone can be a successful exhibitor of Poms or any other breed. Any more than we can all be successes in other hobbies, we have to find the hobby that appeals to us the most and then gradually there is more involvement. And more, and more, and more . . . that is where I am today in the sport of dogs. More, more and more. In 1969 I decided to go a little further and apply for permission to judge . . . yes, success. First it was Pekes, then to other breeds including Poms they will always be one of my dearest loves, now I have almost all of the toy breeds. But I still love to breed a good specimen, condition andshow it myself and prove to the public that I can be successful right along with thousands of other exhibitors in our ever growing sport of showing dogs. There is always room for more people with the willingness to work, learn and apply that knowledge . . . keeping a cheerful attitude, not listening to or taking part in malicious gossip and the criticism of judges.I know from my own experience that judges for the most part try with all their might to do a good job of judging and select the dog that IN THEIR OPINION comes the nearest to the standard of that breed. Everyone is entitled to -their opinion. Lets all learn to enjoy the dogs, showing of dogs, dog shows and life in general. If you do you will leam that exhibiting can be a very wonderful part of life.Lastly join the local Pomeranian club if there is one in your area . . . promoting your breed can be very rewarding also. I also belong to the local club and work hard toward its success in promoting the breed by putting on matches and point shows and educating the public on how much pleasure there is in owning and loving a Pomeranian. Do this and pretty soon you wont be the novice any longer, you will have become an integral part of Poms and teaching the newcomers how to leam and enjoy owning and showing Poms.NEW SECRETARYThe Board has elected Mrs. Sue Goddard to finish out the year as Corresponding Secretary, following the resignation of Anthony R. Piazza in July. Sues address will be found on Page 3.PICTURESAll pictures used in the July Issue have been mailed back to owners. Sorry to be so slow, but getting to the Post Office is very difficult, with my work schedule.POMERANIAN REVIEW 15GADS CHULA POMSbrags onGads Chula Brandy Iceour winning Gambler-daughterGroup 4 from Class at Roswell, N.M. May 20 our thanks to Judge Keith BrowneWB for 3 pts, San Angelo, Tx. on July 9, under the good eyes of Judge Del Glodowski. Thank you sirAnd Just Starting Gads Chula Wee Fire N Ice4aWB at Odessa, Tx. for 3 pts.Judge Edith Hellerman FiestasFirst Show, July 8. ThanksALE HOME HANDLEDCongratulations to Dudley and Wanda Roach on Kennel Visit2 Litters expected, late AugustCh. Queenaires Gamboling Man Brandys DadCh. Gads Frostis Love O Dragonfly Fiests MomAlsoCh. Robinhood Chula Dark Flame ex Ch. Gads Frostis Doll O DragonflyInquiries invited we cant finish them allNorma C. Gad El Paso, Tx. 799325908 Westside Road 915-584-094216 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENNEL VISIT TO QUEENAIREBy BEVERLIE TOCAOne night in 1962 I took my Miniature Poodle to training class not knowing that while there I would start a friendship which would last over the years. A young couple walked up to me and began asking questions about showing and breeding. I wearily answered their novice questions while wondering if my time were being wasted. Now, sixteen years later, I think I can call this same couple breeders of fine Pomeranians.The kennel consists of a large room with holding pens. It is completely air- conditioned and heated. This is the area where bitches are whelped and puppies are kept until they are ready to go outside. Visiting matrons are also kept here. The outside runs are gravelled and covered.gDudley delivering a large group lecture at college summer session.The Roaches have purposefully kept their kennel small. They usually have no more than six producing bitches, and these are not bred all the time. Since they both work, they do not have time for more. Wanda is an executive secretary for International Paper and Dudley is an instructor at Modesto College. The foundation stock retained are carefullyinbred for type and consistency. I have asked Wanda to tell the beginnings of Queenaire in her own wordsWe started in obedience showing unaware that there were any other kinds of dog shows. We did quite well with our white Pom Laddie. He scored consistently between 196 and 198. One day Dudley wandered over to the conformation ring at a combination show and discovered sadly that our dogs looked nothing like those beautiful Poms. He came back to ringside and said, I want one of those. Those five words started years of study, breeding, joys, and heartbreaks. Dudley, a man of action, immediately subscribed to the AKC Gazette, and for one year, read it from cover to cover. The theory involved was that the kennels who finished the most champions would most likely have show quality pups for sale. We finally decided to send to Norma Creider and Velva Van Hoozer. From Norma we eventually acquired Creiders Diane of Queenaire, our foundation bitch. From Velva we purchased Am., Mex., Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch, our foundation sire. Both dogs were well line bred, and we were fortunate that the two lines were compatible. From this cross came three bitches and one dog. Diane, at this time, had seven points with one major. The day before we were to send her back to Lorraine Heichel, she fell off the porch and damaged her spine. As a result, she could not be finished and she could not be bred again. The bitches were Ch. Queenaire Peach Brandy, Queenaire Orange Pippin 18 points, 4 group placements, Ch. Queenaire First Lady dam of the top-winning Ch. Sun-Dots Ram- boling Man, and the dog, the top producer Am., Mex., Can., FCI Ch. Queenaire Scotch TNT Soda. Another one of our favorites sired by Kitch was Ch. Queenaire Cinnamon Twist who became the top winning bitch in 1972.POMERANIAN REVIEW 17.i IfWanda standing in front of the covered runs.d---....Children Melaney and April, chief kennel helpers.Scotch N Soda, or Rhapsody as he was called, was really the beginning of Queenaire. He was different in type from either parent and produced a certain look. His rear was tremendously sound, and he passed that trait on to most of his children. A son of his, Ch. Queenaire Aristocrat, was used by his owner, Mrs. Verna Hood, to great advantage in the Oklahoma-Texas area. Dudley and Wanda haxe experimented with intensive in- breeding on Rhapsody. Wanda had always wanted to breed Rhap back to a daughter. One day, during a conversation with Norma Creider Rhap had been sold to Norma after he had finished his FCI championship Wanda discovered that she had two litter-mate daughters of Rhap in season. Wanda asked Norma to breed both daughters back to their sire with the understanding thatshe would buy both litters at six weeks of age. There were two females in one litter and a male in the other. The male was Ch. Queenaire Double Scotch. Queenaire MLady, a bitch from the other litter, was bred to Double Scotch. This very close breeding almost curled my hair.Am. Mex. Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy KitchInt. Ch. Queenaire Scotch X' Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Queenaire Double Scotch SireInt. Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creider's Sip O SherryCreider's Scarlet OHaraAm. Mex. Ch. Van Hoozers LuckyDandy KitchInt. Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Queenaire MLady DamInt. Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creiders Blackeyed Susan Creiders Scarlet OHarawAm. Mex. Ch. Van Hoozers Ducky Dandy Kitch.Creiders Diane of Queenaire18 POMERANIAN REVIEWMODEL KENNELSWishesA very successful Kennel Visit to Queenaire Poms ofDudley Wanda Roach May your luck be all good AlsoMay we here at Model Kennelswish toThank all the people who have put so much time and labor to bring us the Anniversary issue, coming up soon.204 Yukon St. P.O. Box 3004Boh GoodrichHampton, Va. 23663POMERANIAN REVIEW 19QLieencure ^J^enneldrhriAQUEENAIRE AUTUMN ORANGE5 pound Orange BitchPictured going BOB over specials under Judge Kay Radcliffe.Handler Phyllis T. GreerAt Stud 100.00Ch. Queenaire Double Scotch Models Red Sultan Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Chula Queenaire Chance Printed Stud Cards Available upon Request We Thank the staff of the POM REVIEW For selecting our Kennel for the October Visit.Dudley Wanda Roach Modesto, Ca. 95350612 Woodrow Avenue 209-527-51V920 POMERANIAN REVIEWThe resultant litter was two bitches. One, Ch. Queenaire Lacey Lady, finished her championship by going Group 1 from the open class. She received the NOPC award for top-winning bitch. The other, Queenaire Autumn Orange, has achieved three Best of Breeds and a Group 2 so far. Incidentally, Ch. Queenaire Double Scotch won Best of Breed at the NCPC 1978 Pomeranian Specialty a dream come true for Wanda and Dudley. Another son of a Scotch N Soda daughter, Ch. Queenaire Ive Got Legs, is doing some nice group winning as a special on the West Coast. Legs is owned by Phyllis Greer and Elsie Burrieschi. Phyllis, a member of PHA, has been handling for Queenaire for some time. She is, in their opinion, one of the best Pom handlers in the business.Bonners Pep-K-Kute NightfireThe Roaches have always tried to keep at least a quarter outcross in their pedigrees. The first of these was the lovely black and tan, Bonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire. He was a sound, heavy-coated dog doubled on Ch. Artistic Wee Pepper Pod. He sired all colors. In one litter out of Oh. Queenaire Doodad, a Sootch N Soda daughter, he sired two champions Ch. Queenaire Lacey Firefly and Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man. Gamboler, in turn, is the sire of Ch. Sun-Dots Ram- boling Man. He is also the sire of two of the studs retained by Queenaire Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude and Chula Queenaire Chance. Both dogs are siring multiple colors as well as typey pups.Queenaires newest outcross is a handsome, deep red double grandson of Ch. Models Son of Fun. He is excelling in the show ring, and his first offspring look promising. He has been bred to Ch. Queenaire Lacey Lady a litter to look forward to.White puppy sired hy Ch. Queenaire Gamhlinj Dude.Both Wanda and Dudley have been very active in the NCPC. Both have served as president, show chairman, and several other offices. During Wandas term as president, the first NCPS Independent Specialty was inaugurated. My husband, Ken Toea, served as show chairman of that first show, and the format he established at that time has been basically followed ever since. I, myself, have had the pleasure of being show secretary for most of the succeeding shows. For the past four years, Wanda and Dudley have done the premium lists and the catalogs for 'the specialties and donated them to the club. Both have been regular contributors to the Pomeranian Review, and Wanda wrote the chapter on obedience in Pauline Hughes book Your Pomeranian.Continued on Page 66POMERANIAN REVIEW 21Ch. Queenaires Jigger OScotchShown here in his younger daysMany tihanfes to Dudley for letting me have Jigger. If there is such a thing as a foundation stud, Jigger is my boy. He is the father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc. of everything I have ever bred. Without Norma Creider and Dudley Roach I would be no-where.CONGRATULATIONS TO QUEENAIRE AND WANDA DUDLEY ROACHHear Ye Hear Ye Congratulations are also in order for Sally Baugniet and Ch. Squirt for his Group 1 at Lake Minnetoka.Hear Ye Hear Ye Hear Ye More Congratulations to Lois and Bill Abjomson and their new champion, Ch. Sandtowns This Time Chances-R.D-Nees Poms 3128 E. LuzerneNadine Hersil Cudahy, WI 5311022 POMERANIAN REVIEWMANIESS POMERANIANSJudgeMrs. Michele Leathers Billings ShowTwo Cities, Yuba City, CA 6-18-78 On LeftManiess Jet Set Pixie, WB BOS Breeder-Owner handled On RightBabes Teddy Too, WD BOB Handled by Judy BrownITS SO THRILLING WHEN THEY COME IN PAIRS'EUREKA KENNEL CLUB Judge Beulah HatchBabes Teddy Too BOB and GROUP II from classes---------------------------- 5- 5 -78Maniess Jet Set Pixie WB and BOSPETALUMA KENNEL CLUB Judge Mrs. Sue KauffmanBabes Teddy Too WD_________________________________________ 5- 7 -78CHICO DOG FANCIERS Judge Derek RayneBabes Teddy Too WD and BOB__________________________________ 6-17-78Maniess Jet Set Pixie WB and BOSCONGRATULATIONS TO DUDLEY AND WANDA ROACH AND THE QUEENAIRE KENNELSFOR SALE TO SHOW HOME ONLY Subject to prior saleManies Lil Chili Pepper, Red with sabling, 3 lb. See Picture Page 60 July Review Orange male, a little larger and younger, too.Two bright orange males that will be as small or smaller than Chili Pepper One very small orange female, so small she can be a pet only, wh. June 78MRS. ELMA MANIES 1455 Victor Avenue916-241-8756 Redding, CA. 96001POMERANIAN REVIEW 23Great Elms Kennels, RegdTHANK YOUTo The American Pomeranian Club For The Great Honor Of Electing Me A LIFE MEMBERCONGRATULATIONS To Wanda and Dudley Roach And Queenaire KennelMy thanks and appreciation to Randy Freeh, Pat Brooks, Sue Goddard and Jon Manthos for their time and effort in the preparation of our Fall Specialty at Kennesaw, GeorgiaRuth L. Beam p.O. Box 937Pineville, N.C. 28134 Ph 704-889-9233r rCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too At Stud 75.00Deepest SympathytoLennis RainesOn the loss of her Black Tan, Ch. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great ElmsPla-Mor Pomeranians Eleanor HycheP.O. Box 66023 Birmingham, AL. 35210205-681-864424 POMERANIAN REVIEWSOME POST NATAL PROBLEMSBy ELMA MAN1ESThe articles I have been submitting to the Pomeranian Review have been written with the thought in mind that the Veterinarian is one of your dogs best friends. However, you must realize when the dog actually is in need of a veterinarians help. If you are a do it your- selfer, you may need the Vets help to get the medication you need and to correctly diagnose the problem. If you are knowledgeable, your veterinarian will gladly cooperate with you in doing quite a bit of TLC on your own. These thoughts, then, are for the less experienced breeder ... if you own a bitch, and she has puppies, you are a breeder.ECLAMPSIA This problem usually occurs in nursing matrons, but occasionally is seen during the last two weeks of pregnancy. The symptoms may start as nervousness and glassy eyes, then a stilted gait, and the dog may lose her balance and fall forward. It can start by the dog stretching out her hind legs repeatedly as if they were cramped, and yawning exaggeratedly. Convulsions and a high temperature and coma will follow if not treated quickly. Eclampsia must be treated immediately by a veterinarian as the bitchs temperature could soar to 108 causing brain damage, andor death. Eclampsia subsides quickly when treated with IV injections of calcium gluconate New treatments may now be available, If puppies are nursing they must be removed from the Dam follow the vets advice.SHOCK A dam may go into shock from a very long, or difficult delivery, or after a Caesarean section. If the dam is in shock or just completely worn out, or inexperienced, you may have to tear the membrane from the puppy and help it start breathing. See articles in April 77 and October 77 issues of the Pom Review. A dam may suffer from shock for several hours or, perhaps as much as three or four days. If this is a first whelping a dam delivered by Caesareansection may not accept the puppies as hers, perhaps for a few minutes, hours or entirely. You will have to care for these priceless Gems until she is ready to take over, or until they are weaned. You may be able to feed the pup-pies by putting them to the mothers breasts, but you may have to bottle feed them. If the mother is not taking care of them you must defecate them by stroking the anus and uretha with a dampened or oiled piece of cotton. I prefer to defecate puppies by using the bathroom sink full of warm water. You can easily see what is passed into the water and then push the plunger and it is washed away. If you are the caretaker of the little gems they will need cleaning each time they are fed. I find an orphan-type puppv needs daily brushing with a fairly soft brush to keep it from looking straggly. This is also good for the coat and general well being of the puppy as it stimulates the skin and gives the puppy a feeling of being cared for and well loved.ORPHAN CARE I make a sort of incubator by putting an ordinary heating pad under a grocery box, set on low temperature. Use a washable padding such as an old shirt, or old bath towel. Put an ordinary room thermometer on top of the padding, it should read 80 approximately. A little more or less padding usually regulates -the temperature. You may wish to put a light cloth or terry towel over the top of the box the first ten days or so. If properly arranged the puppy will be in no danger of smothering. Putting a thicker pad at one end will enable the puppy to choose the temperature it prefers. Just keep checking the temperature, and the puppy, often. A contented puppy will sleep peacefully, if too cold, or too hot or hungry the puppy will fret and cry.FEEDING If the mother delivers a bit prematurely or for -some other reason such as a C-seotion the Dams milk may not come in right away. It may be she is still in the process of whelping and the first puppy is hungry. You can use a few drops of honey in a tablespoon of waterPOMERANIAN REVIEW 25or karo syrup. You can feed this by dropper, or a tiny pet bottle or by tubing.TUBE FEEDING To tube feed is easy if you know how, dangerous if you do not know how. Pick up your puppy and hold in one hand, take the tube in the other and place the tip end of the tube, centered, at the lower edge of the rib cage, on the outside of the puppy follow up the chest of the puppy over all curves and up under the neck and chin to the tip of the nose, mark this spot with a strip of masking or cellophane tape. Lay the puppy down and experiment with the tube a minute or so, fill the tube to 1 cc and push out 14 cc this will expell the air and excess fluid. Now using the tube and syringe with karo water, or milk formula at a temperature of about 101.5 push the tube very gently down the puppys throat, if it will not go, pull out and try again. If it does not go to the marked spot on the tube it could be in the puppys lungs. Try again, when the desired length of tubing goes the entire length, push very slowly on the plunger of the syringe emptying the contents of the syringe. Now very slowly pull the tube out, if done too quickly the puppy will regurgitate the formula. If you give too much food the puppy will regurgitate. If the puppy does regurgitate, dangle it head downward so that it will not get fluid in its lungs. If you know how to use the baby ear syringe aspirate the regurgiated food. If you are feeding your puppy because it is very weak and will not eat on its own the tube feeding is a must. At first you might try just karo syrup and water, or honey and water, as a very weak puppy may not be able to digest a milk formula. As your puppy gains strength add the milk gradually. Once you get your puppy on a balanced formula do not change the formula as it could cause severe gastric disturbances.HAIR LIP AND CLEFT PALATE These are very unfortunate occurences, you will have to check these with your veterinarian, but I strongly adviseagainst corrective surgery. Surgery can be very expensive and not always satisfactory, sometimes necessitating more than a couple of surgical operations. This special care can greatly endear the puppy to you, but it can be very heartbreaking. It is best to leave the puppy with the vet the first visit and end the expense and heartbreak later.DEFORMITIES Look your litter over carefully for deformities and abnormalities. Get a veterinarians advice on any abnormalities letting him know full well you are willing to dispose of the whelp, and or, do not want to resort to surgery later. Remember some deformities are hereditary and also that corrective surgery is not allowed for show dogs. Occasionally an inexperienced or high- strung dam may accidentally chew off a foot or tail while removing and eating the placenta.METRITIS Inflammation of the uterus. This can be caused by unsterilized finger, or nest box or any other manner of germs and or baoteiia entering the vaginal tract, or by the retention of fetal membrane, or a dead puppy remaining in the uterus. Signs are a high temperature, swollen vulva, a brown or greenish discharge. Given quickly, antibiotics clear this up. Get a Vets care immediately. Neglected it can be fatal, or cause a chronic inflamation necessitating a hysterectomy later.PNEUMONIA After a difficult labor, or a C-section, etc., a dam may get pneumonia. Noted by a high temperature, perhaps a cough, but especially the Dam will not lie down, she will sit with her head drooping. Dont waste time get her to the Vets for antibiotics and advice.MASTITIS An acute inflammation in the mamary glands which in severe cases can become abscessed. Mastitis may be caused by a heavy milk flow not drained off properly or it may be a secondary infection, usually streptococcus or staphylococcus. This infection can be secondary from an infection in the uterus. Mastitis is noted by swelling and26 POMERANIAN REVIEWEMBERS POMERANIANSPROUDLY PRESENTSV mWINNERSCH.ENJAYS TEQUILA OF ICERAMACh. Enjays Puppet on a String X Enjays Peppermint PattyShown finishing with a 3-point major under judge Robert Graham May 14, 1978 at Lancaster K.C. TiMs wins include BOB over Specials for a 4-point major under judge Sue Harper at Reston K.C. September 26, 1976. Tiki finished with three majors, owner-handled all the way. Thanks to judges Robert Graham, Sue Harper, Frank Landgraf and all the other judges that recognized his fine quality.Tiki is brilliant orange, very heavy coated and has good bone with beautiful movement.Thanks to all my Pom friends for their advice and encouragment along the way. We would like to extend our sympathy to the Jenkins for the loss of Puppet.Fee and Pedigree on RequestMarie Bruce 4937 Cape Henry Ave.804 855-7586 Norfolk, VA 23513POMERANIAN REVIEW 27EMCEES POMERANIANSPresentingCH. CHIPS OF DIAMONDCurrently being handled by Marlene Scott.Used at stud for show bitches only.Watch for 2 CHIPS OF DIAMOND, daughters entering the show ring soon Owners Tom and Sarah Williamson, Winston-Salem, N.C.Ronald Feyh, Columbus, Ohio.And in the ring now EMCEES SPARKLING HOT TAMALE MOLLY Ch. Majestic Sparklin Diamond X Emcees Tartan TamFlash Chips Group First at Talbot K.C. under Judge Miss Gwladys GroskinMorris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway804 798-7882 Ashland, Va. 2300528 POMERANIAN REVIEWinflammation of the Dams breasts and a high temperature. Watch your new Mama, run your hands over her breasts daily, they should be soft though perhaps full. Any lumpiness calls for a Vets care. Puppies usually have to be taken off until the infeotion subsides, so this could call for a bottle or tubing.ACIDITY, OR INDESTION Occasionally a new bom litter of puppies will eat and then you will have a litter of squirming crying puppies. What is wrong Try milking the Dams teats, if there is milk, then that is not the problem. They do not seem to be too cold or too hot. When this has happened to me I look the feeding tube and gave them cc of Kaolin-pectin preparation available at grocery, drug, or pet stores, in 5 to 15 minutes everyone was sleeping peacefully. If your Dam has developed mastitis during the night and your puppies are fitful and crying you might try this, also, as I have had good luck with giving the puppies V2 cc. I use the tube for this as the puppies hate the taste and this gets the medication down with less rejection.EYE INFECTIONS OF PUPPIES Puppies eyes open from 9-15 days. A premature puppys eyes will take longer to open than full term puppies eyes do. Puppies eyes can become infected before they open. They should be bathed with sterile water and an antibiotic eye cream used. Get a Vets advice, only certain type of creams can safely be used in eyes. If by the 15th day your puppies eyes have not opened you should ask the Vets advice, as left unopened too long, your puppy could have impaired eyesight or become blind.DEHYDRATION Hopefully you had soales and weighed the puppies as they arrived. You may find the puppy is not gaining properly. Perhaps it is just barely noticeable. If you pinch up a tiny bit of skin and it does not promptly go back to normal immediately when you let go, but very slowly returns, or stays pinched, the puppy is dehydrating. It may be too warm, or just not nursing.Examine the roof of the mouth, if you have not already done so, it may have a cleft palate i.e. a hole in the roof of the mouth. More likely there is insufficient milk, or the puppy is too weak to nurse. The Dams nipple may be too small for a weaker puppy to hold on to, or larger litter mates may just be pushing it out. Your puppy may have some congenital ailment and die in spite of your efforts. But try putting the puppy to a larger size nipple and hold it there to help it get started. If this is the problem you will have to help it several times a day and once or twice a night until it gets its strength, then it will learn to dive in under the bigger ones and get its dinner. If the puppy is too weak to nurse you may want to use the karo water and use the feeding tube until the puppy is stronger.CONSTIPATION OF THE DAM You will most likely have to pick the mother up and take her out of doors to relieve herself the first few days. If you allow her to say too long in the nest without taking her out often she may become constipated, as she will not want to soil anywhere near the puppies. If she should become constipated V2 tsp. of vegetable or mineral oil give very slowly so as not to get it into her lungs two or three times a day.Your puppies will sleep most of the time for the first two or three weeks. If they are quiet and healthy, let them sleep all they want. Check often, and Check the mother too, run your hand up and down her tummy, the breasts should be full, but not lumpy. The puppies will have long nails even when bom, trim these nails often as they will catch on the bedding and they scratch and irritate the Dams breasts. If the nails are scratching the Dam she will start sitting up, then stand up in an effort to get away from the scratching and she will wean the puppies sooner if they are hurting her.FEBRUARY 11, 1979 N.Y.C.POMERANIAN REVIEW 29IN LOVING MEMORYfJsl^ABEST OF WINNERSKUAe COUHTr rtacuKiSSXrxmiriCASSIOS QUARTER NOTE, C.D.January 16, 1976 July 9, 197811 pts. one majorHighest Scoring Toy Dog Staten Island C.D.T.C. 1978More precious was the light in your eyes than all the roses of the world. MillayMy heartfelt thanks to Jessie Young, his breeder and to Joy Brewster for introducing me to Timmy, 3V2 pounds of beauty and devotion. With his love and personality, he won the hearts of everyone he met. My family and I miss him greatly and will always cherish his memory.Owned and loved by Rosalind Goltz 70 Sulgrave Road Scarsdale, N. Y. 1058330 POMERANIAN REVIEWJOLLY WEE KENNELSProudly PresentsCh. Randys Hot-Shot of Jolly WeeAnother Champion son of Ch. Randys Jolly Wee PeppiShown here winning a 3 point major under Judge Mr. Joseph Faigel.Hot-Shot is a 4 lb. heavy-coated bundle of energy, with a nice short back and good legs.We are proud to add Hot-Shot to our list of Champions at Stud.Paul Randy Freeh 733 Booth Rd.Kennesaw, Ga. 30144 404-926-6011POMERANIAN REVIEW 31JOLLY WEE KENNELSProudly Presents Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Samantha mVX-Sammyis shown finishing with a 3 point major at the Champaign 111. Show, July 2, 1978 under the well known judge, Mr. Joseph Faigel.Sammy is a solid 5 lb. sound brood bitch, with a good standoff coat and good legs. Proving again that a good Brood Bitch can also be a beautiful show girl.Sammy is another daughter of our top dog Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi.Paul Randy Freeh Kennesaw, Ga. 30144733 Booth Road 404-926-601132 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHANKS FOR THE MEMORIESThe time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things . . The time has come for me to say Farewell to our members and subscribers.In June of 1977,1 notified our President Darrell Baker that this October Issue would be my last as Editor and Advertising Manager. This issue rounds out 10 years for me as Editor when I only intended to do one issue until another Editor could be found and more than 15 years as Advertising Manager. Like the famous Man Who Came to Dinner, Im afraid I have overstayed my welcome with some, while others will regret my departure.As of this writing, in spite of reminders last February and this summer, the Board has not come up with a replacement for these very important positions. For many members, the Review IS the Club. I feel very sure that there are among our members quite a few who are much more talented and capable than I am, who would be able to keep the Review going and improve it. A new outlook, perhaps even a change in format might be a welcome idea. But I hope members will not overlook one very vital aspect The Review has always been published BY MEMBERS FOR MEMBERS. This has put it among the elite of Parent Club magazines.Please let the Board know in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that the members want the Review to continue as a CLUB PUBLICATION. To turn it over to one of the commercial printers of breed magazines would spell the end of the Review as we all know it.Yes, I will miss the challenge, the mail box full of photo mailers, the last minute phone calls concerning deadlines passed. Yes, I will certainly miss all the personal notes scribbled on the bottom of ad layouts, and even the terse words of criticism from a few. But perhaps I will have more time for my family and friends, more time to answer letters andhopefully more time to devote to my little Pomeranians often so sadly neglected in the kennel . . .Please give the new Editor your same total support and be patient at first with somewhat hesitant efforts. The important thing is to keep the Review going, to make it as complete and interesting and educational as a Parent Club publication should be. This takes 100 participation. Ill help will youI could not end this last message without reminding readers that the Review has never been a One Man effort, since the very first year. In my ten years of service, there have been many helpers without whom the magazine certainly wouldnt have been possible. The Circulation Manager carries a heavy load and the ultimate success in terms of keeping subscribers depends on faithfulness in this position. Of recent years, with the actual size of the Review so much greater, it would have been virtually impossible to get it ready for the printer without the help and typing ability of our various Assistants. And last and of course most important, without the supporting ads, the news of clubs and specialties, the articles submitted and 'the different columns, there would not have been a Review So thank you one and all.Sophie H. MayesNO NEW EDITORAs we go to press, the Board has not been able to find a new Editor or Advertising Manager for the Review. We sincerely HOPE these positions will have been filled by the time you receive this issue, but in case they have not, we are requesting any Member or Subscriber who has suggestions for possible candidates to let us know IMMEDIATELY Contact either the President or the Corresponding Secretary.SEND IN YOUR OPINIONS AND YOUR SUGGESTIONSPOMERANIAN REVIEW 33Get a head start on ChristmasOrder nowjfdomeranian Christmas Cards1979 f^om ddabied ddng.ucpem.ent Calendarsnotepaper, greeting. cards and more.Send 500 and long, stamped, self-addressed envelopefor illustrated brochure toBrettwood ArtsP. 0. Box 957Milton, Wa. 98354SHIRLDON POMERANIANSis happy to announce the addition ofPom-Puffs Really RowdyMany thanks to our friend Eleanor Hyche for parting with this fine 3 lb. male. Were happy to announce that Rowdy is now the Proud Papa of two fine puppies.Shirley Sabo Bessemer, Al. 350203791 Hilltop Rd. 205-424-1285his34 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOISONOUS SUBSTANCES FOUND IN AND AROUND THE AVERAGE HOUSEHOLDWith the advent of modem technology, there are literally hundreds of chemicals found as ingredients in articles of common everyday use, that are potentially dangerous or fatal to young children and small dogs, especially puppies of the Toy breeds. Hie Federal Government has set up Poison Centers throughout the country to give emergency information in case of accidental ingestion of unknown substances. We strongly suggest that you look up the telephone number of the Poison Center nearest you and write it down on your list of emergency numbers, along with your numbers for Police, Fire, Doctor, Veterinarian, etc. If you have occasion to call them, be sure to take the container of the suspected poison to the phone -with you, to save time in identification. Very often SPEED is essential in treatment of poisoning.It is obviously impossible for us to give you a complete list of all these potentially dangerous chemicals, so we are listing the various types of products in which they are usually to be found. ALL of these products should be kept well out of the reach of children and dogs. May we say that storing some of these things under the kitchen sink is a common but extremely dangerous practice.KNOWN POISONS Intended to killPesticidesWeed killersCombination f ertilizers weed killersRat poisonsAnt poisons, roach poisons, etc.Fly strips believed to be fatal to the developing fetus in weeks 1-2, if absorbed through the dams skinFlea and tick dips, undiluted or in excessFlea powder or spray used in excess or in combination with flea collars or dipsInsecticides such as household sprays, if inhaled.ACCIDENTAL POISONSAntifreeze. We put this 1 on the list as it seems to contain an ingredient which attracts dogs and cats, and it is usually fatal. DO NOT DRAIN on garage floor or driveway where it will leave a residue Drain into containers which can be sealed before disposal.Petroleum distillates such as kerosene, mineral spirits, naptha, etc.Polishes waxes for furniture floorsPaint brush cleanersPaints varnishesPaint removersDry cleaning productsCleaning, bleaching polishing agentsStrong acids alkalisLeather cleaners dyesJewelry watch cleanersPlastic menders, glues and cementsAnti-rust produotsFire extinguishing fluidsTypewriter cleanerInksLaundry blueCosmetic preparations such as skin tonics lotions, permanent wave solutions, sun tan lotions, nail lacquers polish removers, hair tints dyes, depilatories, cuticle removers some shampoos.Kennel cleaning products may contain phenol, pine oil, etc., toxic to Toy Dogs. If used, these products should be thoroughly rinsed away.Chlorine bleach, if used in the kennel area, should be thoroughly rinsed away. Chlorine concentrate in combination with urine ammonia is a poison.MISCELLANEOUS HAZARDSHuman drugs such as barbituates Snake bitesBee or wasp stings, some dogs like some humans are extremely sensitive. Toad poisoning. The common toad and more especially toads of the southwest exude an irritating substance from their skin when disturbed. Electric shockPOMERANIAN REVIEW 35WATTS POMERANIANSproudly presentCH. WATTS LITTLE PEPPI JOEMy First ChampionShown winning a 4 pt. major and the Breed at Penn Treaty Kennel Club on April 30, 1978, under Mrs. Wilma Hunter.A very special thanks to Mrs. Sue Whaley, who guided Peppi -with perfection and lots of TLC to his championship, and finished him on his first Birthday. Peppi is a very sound and excellent moving Pom.Many thanks also to his Judges Mr. S. E. Hansen, Mr. A. E. Maurer, Jr., Mrs. W. Hunter, Mrs. S. Kauffman and 'Mrs. Edith Hellerman.Peppis pedigree in Behind The New ChampionsAlso, a very warm and affectionate Thanks to Edna for giving me such a fine start in Poms with two beautiful females.Dolores A. Watts 4800 Floral Park Rd.Brandywine, Md. 20613 301-372-878236 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional details as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 10.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 4.50.AM. CAN. CH. RONALDO OF POINT LOMA, owned by Dr. Charles Wilson, Naches, Wa. Bred by Pauline Hughes, handled by Gene Hahnlen. Finished American Championship at Olympia, Wa. 5-7-76 under Emil Klinckhardt.',________Can. Am. Ch. Roguelands Im A Warrior To Ch. Adonis of Point Loma Goldilocks of Point Loma Ch. Lil Elmo of Point Loma SireCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Pretty GalGreat Elms Little Ginger Ch. Shaun of Point Loma Valde Mur of Point Loma Alvas RebeccaHoney Bea of Point Loma DamTip Top of Point Loma Vals Diana of Point Loma Baby Sandy of SanteemCH. JABILS EMILYBright Orange female Br eeders-O wnersJessie Barbara Young Loudon, N.H.Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nan jo JubilantAm., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Sire Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynn's Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Am., Can., Bda. Ch. Nan jo Interlude Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Ch. Topaze Duchess of Jeribeth Jabils Sun Goddess DamCh. Scotia Cavaliers Dream Boy Jabil Petite Delilah, C.D.Ch. Roanokes Band BoxA. P. C. MEMBERS . . . WHEN YOU GET YOUR BALLOT PLEASE BE SURE TO VOTE YOUR OPINION COUNTSCH. SCOTIA TREASURE DINK BRAUMOrange maleBreeder Edna E. Girardot Owner Mrs. Alan Robson Glenmoore, Pa.Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavillers Jungle Jim Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Ch. Scotia Colleen JJs Major Dink Sire Rossmoyne Little Gem II Ch. Cavaliers Precious Colleen Wee Cavalier Precious Doll Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Ch. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Lunds Adorable Chubby Ch. Scotia Dandys Treasure Chest DamCh. Scotia Cavs Sensational Kid Scotia Tootsie Tootles Story All-Stars Tootsie TootlesPLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TOAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. WRITTEN IN FULLPOMERANIAN REVIEW 37CH. BEV-NORS PEPPI MINT PATY, 5 lb. orange female bred and owned by Beverly Norris, finished her championship while still a puppy, with a 3-4j5 pt. majors, owner-handled. Pictured taking BOB for a 4 pt. major at her 1st show at 7 months.Ch. Macs Fancyduke Look Im a DandyRandys Dandy Wee TuffyCh. McDougalls Gay Samatha Ch. Bandys Jolly Wee Peppi SireCh. Corns Dukes Dragonfly Mac's Fancyduke Wee Wendy McDougalls Lady Fancy Creiders Little Red Rascal, C.D. May Morning Little Red Rascal May Morning Sugar N Spice Thelduns Billys Lil Paty Cake Dam May Morning Social Lion Meyers Princess Pat II Thelduns Cara JeanneCH. BEV-NORS SONG OF CAMELOTOrange Sable female Breeder Beverly Norris Owner Gertrude Jacoby Burlington, N.J.Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge SireCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Creiders Little Red Rascal, C.D. May Morning Little Red Rascal May Morning Sugar N Spice Thelduns Billys Lil Paty Cake DamMay Morning Social Lion Meyers Princess Pat II Thelduns Cara JeanneCH. C-JS MASKED BANDITRed Sable Male BreederCathy Lasota Gerald J. Kripak Owner Gerald J. Kripak Conshohocken, Pa.Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Max For Snax SireMay Morning Standing Ovation Thelduns Little DarlynnMay Morning Sweet Mary Ann Am. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie MidnightMay Morning WizardCh. May Morning Black Magic May Morning Prim X Proper DamCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Kissin' Cousin Creiders Little May QueenCH. THE PINES SHADOW OF DARKNESSiVz lb. Black female Breeder Mary A. Fink Owner Lois L. Kraemer Bordentown, N.J.Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight May Morning WizardCh. May Morning Black Magic Blue Brian OBairn SireLogans Bit OHoney May Morning Midnight FollyPashadohls Pattikins Lil Jetta Elfin C. Sir Prize Dean Elfin Toy TigerLady Frisky Mitzatu Lady Madona DamElfin Golden Surprise, C.D. Elfin My TreasureJasmins Tick TockCH. WATTS LITTLE PEPPI JOE3 lb. Orange male Breeder-Owner Dolores A. Watts Brandywine, Md.Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning AliceCh. Thelduns Tim Dandy of Edney Sire Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Ch. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadlejgh Lunds Adorable Chubby Scotias Little Angel V. Watts DamCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Caviliers Hello Dolly Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest38 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. SCOTIA TOBYS PRECIOUS COLEENOrange femaleBreeder-Owner Edna E. Girardot Floral City, Fla.Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Caviliers Toby Tyler Ch. Scotia Spot Cash Messers Toby T SireMessers Just Dandy Messers Bon Bon II Messers Bon Bon Rossmoyne Pete Rossmoyne Little Gem II GloriaCh. Caviliers Precious Colleen Dam Ch. Buddy Wee Cavalier Wee Cavailer Precious Doll Ch. Salmons Glamor GirlCH. SCOTIA SPECKY MOLLY XMAS NOELOrange femaleBreeder-Owner Edna E. Girardot Floral City, Fla.Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular SireCh. Sungolds Sensational Kid Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Princess Atonya Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Toby Tyler Ch. Scotia Spot Cash Ch. Scotia Im Molly-Follow Me DamCh. Scotia Pot of Gold Ch. Scotia Golden Fantasy Scotia Pumpkin EaterCH. SPECK SUPRISE PHOEBE OSCOTIARed FemaleBreeder Katherine Protest Owner Edna Girardot Floral City, Fla.Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular SireCh. Sungolds Sensational Kid Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Princess Atonya D.D. Dandy Handy Man D. D. Guys Toy Golden Girl ICh. Schonheits Surprise DamMickey II Francis Red BirdBarchers Corky FluffCH. SILVER MEADOWS DASH O JILLOrange maleBreeder Jacqueline W. Klein Owner Diane E. Taylor Bordentown, N.J.Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue Tim Sues Gay Butterfly Mercers Dash O Duke SireCh. Macs Four on the Floor O'Kala Tomanoll's Tiny Tinker Toy Tomanolls Tiny Tiffany Ch. Sunwink of Highland Ch. Silver Meadows TigerSilver Meadows Lady Taffy Silver Meadows Baby Jill DamSilver Meadows Perriwinkle Silver Meadows Crickett Oak Hills CrickettCH. PIXIES PUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON4 lb. Orange male Breeder Mary Jo Hammond Owner Carol A. Galavich Powhatan, OhioCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Julies Star Ben SireCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Julies Starlight Susan Julies Stardust Ande Ch. Bonners Wagadore Windfall Windfalla of Highland Highland Miss Muffet Pixies Sweet Cythanta DamCollarts Jigger Joe Pixies Misty Starette Berna- Vestas PepsiCH. AURORAS DARIN COURTESANOrange female Breeder-OwnersCharles Jaqueline Liddle Prior Lake, MinnesotaCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan SireCh. Queenaires Jigger O Scotch Ch. D-Nees Dorable Dazzler D-Nee's Dorable Dolly Norlus Barry Blackwater Ch. Auroras Mighty Sampson Sissons Wee Sungolds Jewel Ch. Auroras Crown Jewel DamHoeckes Wee Little Man Aurora's Lucent Bella Hoecke's Little TinyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3CH. DAVON-SHIRE MISTY MORNRed Sable maleBreeder-Owner Norman Jerome DavonShire Knl. Reg.Hollywood, Fla.Cynpeg Saymar Gay Gambler Ch. Wynwrights Midwinter Boy Bulver My Fair Lady Ch. Home James of Bosskear Sire Andersley A Flash Garet DustetteAndersley A. Moondust Ch. Cynpeg Gamblers Gold Amcross BenjaminSuttonian New Venture Amcross Apple Charlotte DamCh. Cynpeg Gamblers Gold Amcross ZinMadela JulianaCH. MIDAS TOUCH OF SERENITYOrange femaleBreeder-Owners Jon Roberta Massey Racine, WisconsinCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands Little Judy Ch. Dixielands Little Bagatelle SireCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sundance Millamors Melody Box Millamors Red Mist Ch. Bonners Pep-R-Wee Beautiful Bonners Top-R-Wee Beautiful Bonner's Showstopper Fairri Bonners Beautiful Tangerine DamCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Pepper-K Tangerine Aristic Mighty CuteWE APOLOGIZEWe apologize to Mary Rosenbaum for a number of errors in her July ad.Please look for the correct information in this issue.OBEDIENCE ISSUEDont forget January will be our annual Obedience Issue. Lets have your ads, news and pictures. Pictures for the column are 6.00 each, to illustrate your news items. Special Rate V3 page and cut 10.50 for obedience ads, same rate as ads for Behind New Champions, for THIS ISSUE ONLY. Other sizes at usual rates.DALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.By MRS. JEWEL ELLIS, Secretary 325 S.E. 9th Street Grand Prairie, Texas 75051Our members and guests thoroughly enjoyed the clubs June picnic which was held in the home of Carol Sherry. There was a good turn-out and we were pleased that some of our out of town members were able to attend. Everyone was so congenial and full of fun and made themselves right at home much to the delight of Carol who went all out to see that everyone had a good time. There were several door prizes given which was a lot of fun. The dinner was enjoyed by all, in fact some went back for seconds and even thirds. Everyone was having such a good time that no one was ready to go home when it was over.Club activities are rather slow at this time as no meetings were held during the months of July and August. However, by the time the September meeting comes around everyone will be ready and eager to get back to work and will be looking forward to our Spring show in March. We are going to make every effort to make this our most successful show ever.As I was unable to give all show reports of our members in my last report I shalll do so now, however, as there would be too many to list all of them I shall list only the top wins.Edward Nancy Whartons Ch. Whartons Baerle of Baron won 13 BOB and 3 Group Placements.Verna Hoods Ch. Robinhoods Replica Repete won 1 BOB and 1 Group I.Norma C. Gads Gads Chula Brandy Ice won 1 BOB and 1 Group Placement plus other wins for points.Jean Sylvester Chris McClungs Koke of Golden Acres won 1 BOB plus other wins for points.Other members have won points with several BW and BOS wins.We are looking forward to receiving a copy of the Anniversary Issue of the Pomeranian Review . . . cant wait to see it.40 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE PINESIs Bursting With Pride CH. BEV NORS UNTOLD GLORY CANDEEB 5 T0 S1T Shown finishing Judge Dr. Harry SmithWe got Candee one week before the Harrisburg Summer Specialty in August 1977 Thank you Beverly Norris her breeder and Gertrude Jacoby of Camelot Poms who saw her and brought her home to us. Gert has her sister who finished atYork K.C.FLASHAlso finished Ch. Silver Meadows Dash O Jill subj. AKCAt Riverhead K.C. No picture available at present. D.J. was 11 mo. when he finished. Our Oh. Bitsy has been bred to D.J.Pups due September 26, 1978Both Pedigrees In Behind the New ChampionsLois L. Kraemer 609-298-7284 Diane E. TaylorPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4THE PINESCH. THE PINES SHADOW OF DARKNESS Subj. AKC conf.s' si-iff2 BESTOF OPPOSITEmIGRENIER PHlUKUW DM FANCIERSJUNE I9TASHBET n5sBITSY3point major Judge Mrs. Anna CowieThe Pines wishes to introduce our foundation bitch and latest show star. Bitsy started with a bang 3 pt. major pictured at Greater Philadelphia Dog Fanciers Show. Next day, another 2 pt. and B.O.S. At Twin Brooks K.C. she took another4 pt. major. At Hunterdon Hills still another 4 pt. major. And finished at Gloucester K.C. with 2 pts. in less than 2 mo. and 10 days.She is a BLACK thats hard to ignoreBitsy Pups Due September 26Lois L. Kraemer Hengeli Drive Bordentown, N.J.Diane E. Taylor Ph 609-298-728442 POMERANIAN REVIEWdmME3.Q2POMERANIANSSHOWSTOPPER - HADLEIGH - PRESERVENESPRESENTSCH. BEV NORS SONG OF CAMELOT31BEST OF OPPOSITESugar is a sound 4 lb. light 'Orange sable bitch. She started her show career at 6 months, going reserve W.B. over 5 open under Judge R. Graham at Bryn Mawr, K.C. 6-28-77. She received her first point at York K.C. 7-23-77. Her first Major at Harrisburg K.C. under Judge Mrs. James Edward Clark 3 pt. and finished at York K.C. under Judge Mrs. Winifred Heekmann with a 4 pt. Major.Many thanks to both Judges for her Majors and all of the Judges who awarded her single points for a total of 20 points.Last but not least many thanks to Bev Norris for SugarSugar congratulates her litter sister Bev Nors Untold Glory Candee on her Championship.Gertrude Jacoby 775 Columbus Road Burlington, New Jersey 08016 609-386-3503POMERANIAN REVIEW 4JPLEASANT VALLEYPROUDLY PRESENTSCH. C-JS MASKED BANDIT3ISBEST OF BREEDBANDIT is shown finishing his Championship under Mrs. Winifred Heckmann at the York Kennel Club. 7-23-78.Owner-Handled throughout.Sincere sympathy goes to Cathy Lasota on the loss of her 1st Champion, Ch. Thelduns Max For Snax. Max was the sire of Bandit he was a much loved and pampered house pet.Watch for Pleasant Valleys Joshua at future shows.Gerald J. Kripak215-828-4506110 Maple Street Conshohocken, Pa. 1942844 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBBy IRENE HARBIN 10759 Sand Pt. Wy. N.E.Seattle, Wa. 98125It seems I no sooner say Hello to the Pomeranian Review Readers than I must say Goodbye. At this point it looks as though the oolumn will he written by Mary Rosenbaum for the balance of the year. It was nice while it lasted.A few of our club members recently took advantage of an opportunity to visit the Carnation Research Farm. Of special interest was the research on dogs, primarily from the nutritional point of view. Since this visit, a large portion of the facility has been destroyed by fire. How fortunate for those able to take advantage of the opportunity and unfortunate for us that were unable to. The Club is also trying to stimulate an interest in weekly ring practice sessions for future exhibittors and the very nice group of very nice upcoming puppies, or future champions.The shows are still coming. Almost every weekend you can find one somewhere. The most recent wins are The Portland EC June 3, saw Tigres Final Fling of Harbin going WB and BOS Breeder Owner Irene Harbin. Next was Tacoma EC Wa. June 11 with WB and BOS going to So-His Gala Jubilee Owner Breeder Virginia Niehouse. July 3, Mt. Baker EC Belingham Wa. WB and BOS Que Sera Gi Gi of Golden Glow, Owner Erin Hundley. July 16, Clark Co. EC Battle Ground Wa., BW and BB, Harbins Indestructable Jim Owner- Breeder Irene Harbin. WB and BOS Que Sera GiGi of Golden Glow Owner Erin Hundley, and most recently was the Longview Eelso EC Longview Wa. July 23, with BOB to Ch. Ronaldo of Point LomaOwner Dr. Charles Wilson.In the field of Obedience we had Linda Blouin with her most recent challenge, Andrews Wee Red Laird. This team entered the Shelty Fanciers Match July 30, and scored 197. Any one having worked with a dog through obedience will appreciate what a job and what an accomplishment this is. It is work on the part of both trainer and dog. However this is not new to Linda she has been working in obedience and dogs for some time. She will be approaching the AEC Sanctioned Obedience ring next, Im sure.I understand there are other winners within our club but I am not aware nor have I been given the information to include in this article. Until such time as I may be given the privilege of writing for the readers of the Pomeranian Review again, I will bid you all farewell but hope you will be seeing my dogs mentioned in the future.WE ARE SORRYWe apologize for the mix-up in delivery of the July Issue, but IT WAS NOT OUR FAULT Thelma Dunn took a sample copy to the Post Office and had it weighed. The not-very-hright postal clerk computed the postage according to the OLD RATE. All in good faith, the nearly 700 envelopes were deposited at the post office, ALL WITH INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE ON THEM As only Pat Brooks return address is on them, the postal authorities took matters into their own hands in looking for a solution to the problem. They crossed out the printed FIRST CLASS and mailed all those out Third Class as there was enough postage for Third Class. The Third Class envelopes were to be sent out at the rate of about 10 per day, which is all the Postage Due mail allowed per mailing. Well, Pat Brooks started getting letters and phone calls, she got in touch with Thelma who hotfooted it down to the Post Office and put more stamps on the rest of the Reviews. Mr. Murphy, 'Mr. Murphy . . . please pick on SOMEBODY ELSESEE YOU IN NEW YORKPOMERANIAN REVIEW 45C-JS CARVALE CANDYpictured age 7 mos.CANDY sends congratulations to her half-brother, C-JS MASKED BANDIT, on completion of his Championship and to his owner, Gerald J. Kripak. Best of luck and continued success.Sincere condolences to Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn on the loss of Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus.Cathy Lasota365 W. 12th Avenue Conshohocken, Pa. 19428THELDUN POMERANIANS PresentsHollyThelduns Mischief Hollycurrently being shown and capably handled by Marlene Baleerak.A sincere THANK YOU to Ken Bishop and Norman Perron for my Tommy daughter.Congratulations to Ch. C-Js Masked Bandit.We extend Sincere Sympathy toGoldie Mandley on the loss of her Cindy, Mandleys Little Cinder Mist Cathy Lasota on the loss of Ch. Thelduns Max For Snav Two dearly loved little Poms.Thelma M. Dunn Aberdeen, Md. 210013400 Carvale Drive 301-879-5397 m46 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEV-NOR Poms Proudly Congratulates our Homebred CHAMPIONSCh. Bev-Nors Peppi Mint PatyMinty started at 714 mo. in OPEN BITCH with a 4 pt. major and BOB April 16, 1978 and completed her championship June 4. 1978. Shown only 10 time, Minty finished with 3-4-5 point majors and was owner handled. She is sired by the famous Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi. Minty is an orange, 5 lbs. beautiful head, tiny ears, coat galore and 4 terrific legs.CONGRATULATIONS TO NEW CHAMPIONSCh. Bev-Nors Untold Glory Candee Owners, Diane Taylor, Lois Kraemer shown by Diane.Ch. Bev-Nors Song of Camalot Owner, Gertrude Jacoby shown by Gert.NEW LITTERSCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge ex Bev-Nors Sweet N Sassy Ch. Lenniss TAR-BABY of Great Elms Daughter 2 sable females 1 sold.Ch. Tom-Cins Tar-zanna of Lennis Tar-Baby Daughter ex Bev-Nors Peppi Mint Twist 34 lb. orange son of Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi, Mintys Brother 1 female, 1 male.EXPECTANT LITTERSCh. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi ex Bev-Nors Witchy Woman of Lennis APC Specialty Winner, 5 pt. major, Tar-Baby Daughter.Bev-Nors Peppi Mint Twist ex Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy.SPECIAL THANKS to Randy Freeh for her southern hospitality during our visit.We had a great time.Bill Bev Norris 7747 Meadow Road1-301-255-1343 Pasadena, Md. 21122POMERANIAN REVIEW 47Pixies Mitio-est Po omerarucinSproudly presentsCH. PIXIES PUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON subj. AKC conf.9- JTw - mm1vQTHGROUPTO Y GROUPShown taking a Group IV, trader Judge Frank E. Oberstar at Erie K. C. Showon June 18, 1978.Owner handled all the wayThanks to the following Judges who saw the merit in our PuffMrs. Edith Nash Hellerman Mr. Anthony J. Brueneman, Jr.Mrs. Edna F. Ackerman Mr. Harvey BermanMr. Frank E. Oberstar Mr. Kenneth E. MillerPuff is a proven stud and will Daddy again, in September.See Pedigree in Behind the New Champions.Inquiries InvitedCarol A. Galavich Powhatan Point, Ohio 43942Rt. 1, Box 37 614-458-170548 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGANBy MARGARET M. GORMAN, SecretaryCongratulations to Pat De Loughary and Fern Fleming Bland on their wedding June 22. The new Mrs. De Loughary was the breeder of the La Pere Pomeranians. Pat is well known for his Len Del Pomeranians. Congratulations to Pat and Fern on their wedding and also for gaining a point on Len Del Audi-t pronounced oddity. Audi-t is a heaver and is handled by Vickie Sabo.Josephine F. Flieshman has been visiting in Michigan since June. She has been traveling across the State visiting her many Pomeranian breeder friends, as well as relatives. Jo has a keen interest in pedigrees and bloodlines, asking about both for each puppy brought for her inspection and evaluation. The Gormans found it easier to point out the two Poms in their kennel that did not go back to her breeding than all the rest that had Fleishman in their background.Frank and Shirley Wackus have move- ed. The first part of their new home that was ready was the kennel First things first. Frank is the new Editor of The Michigan Pom Tales and doing a fabulous job. For a sample copy of the newsletter and application form write to The Pomeranian Club of Michigan, 31134 East Wind, Fraser, 'Michigan 48026. Were sure you will enjoy the newsletter as much as we do.....................- 74^f\HELPFULHINTSMARGARET McKEE 7660 Idlewyld Rd. Richmond, VA 23225Caring for Newborn PuppiesThere is a corollary of Murphys Law which applies to whelping Pomeranian puppies Expect the worst. If the worst doesnt happen hurray But if it does, at least youll be prepared. During my very first whelping, the second puppy was big and breech it died. After twelve hours of labor -the bitch was exhausted, so we had to section for the third puppy. Then 'the bitch refused to have anything to do with the litter, so I had to be Mommy.The mtost important thing is to keep the new .babies warm. A chilled puppy is in mortal danger. A good heating pad can maintain a steady temperature, whereas a hot water bottle will cool off. Be sure to get a heating pad with a waterproof cover, then cover that with towels. Feel the pad with your hand. If it feels slightly warm and the puppies are sleeping quietly, the temperature is probably right. For the first week, the ambient temperature in the box should be 85-90 degrees F. A plastic dishpan makes a cozy, sanitary bed for a week or so, til they start scrabbling around. Drape the heating pad over the side of the pan or box, so that it covers only about half of the bottom of the box, and so that the cord is completely out of the box. That way one end of the box is warmer than the other and the pups can choose the most comfortable .spot. I say can, because some will and some wont move to a cooler spot. Ive seen pups lie contentedly, quietly on a heating pad and turn cherry red. My vet says some dogs will literally bake themselves. So do keep an eye on them.POMERANIAN REVIEW 49INTRODUCING Our new little girlA BIG THANKS to Sophie Mayes for letting me have Dede.She will be making her debut soon.Also a BIG THANKS to Ken Bishop for our other little girl Misty. MAY MORNING STAR BRITE DedeDEEPEST SYMPATHY To Kathy Lasota on her loss of CH. MAX FOR SNAXIn loving memory of Mandleys Little Cinder Mist, Cindy 13V2 yrs. old, our first Pom. She will long be remembered and missed.Goldie K. Mandley Glen Bumie, Md. 21061501 Dover Rd. 301-766-5852If the bitch is available but has just refused the litter, insist that she nurse the puppies for 24-48 hours. Its very helpful if she knows the down-stay command. The early milk contains colostrum. It is not only nutritious, but contains protective antibodies. You may need to supplement feed during this time, but let the puppies nurse first. Sometimes after a couple of days the bitch will change her mind and take over the care of the puppies.Before the whelping date arrives, have on hand a bitches milk substitute eg. Esbilac or Dermolac, tiny nursing bottles, and a stomach feeding tube. The commercial bitohes milk substitute is preferable to a homemade emergency formula. The latter is time-consuming to prepare, calls for exotic ingredients who keeps lime water or thiamine hydrochloride on hand, and is almost as expensive have you priced canned milk and eggs lately. The more complete50 POMERANIAN REVIEWANNONS POMERANIANS presentsANNONS DANDIE LEGEND Best of Winners Mountaineer Kennel Club Winners Dog Penn Ridge Kennel ClubalsoANNONS LEDJY JOY Best of Opposite Mountaineer Kennel Club Best of Opposite Upper Potomac Valley Kennel Clubwatch forANNONS WEE WILLIE WANKANow owned and being shown by Lennis Raines a special thanks toTHELMA DUNN for her guidance, encouragement and willingness to share her fund of knowledge as well as her breeding program. We owe a debt that never can be repaid.LENNIS RAINES for all her help and assistance and allowing us to share her bloodline.SOPHIE MAYES for letting us have the lovely May Morning Mark of Annons for our breeding program.ANN CANNON 10504 Crockett Road703 368-1341 Nokesville, Va. 22123vV'iv AnnonsDandie LegendPOMERANIAN REVIEW 51SCOTIA KENNELS, REG.Sincere Thanks To The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.For Electing Me A LIFE MEMBERI Am Especialy Grateful That This Honor Came To Me While I Am Still Active And Able To Go To Shows And See My Friends.OFFERS FOR SALE Because of health and workload Ch. Speck Surprise Phoebe O Scotia Proven, good motherPedigree In Behind The New ChampionsCh. S Robins Lay Wey Sweet Charity, Red Sable A Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin daughter out of Ch. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey Brochure Charity is proven and a good motherMale, Orange, whelped September 17, 1977 By Ch. Blind's Just Dandy of Hadleigh X Ch. Scotia Cavilier's Hello DollyHave some promising show males and females 5-6 mo. old.Will part with some of them if the price is right.Edna E. Girardot Floral City, Florida 32636P. O. Box 646 Ph. 904-726-200152 POMERANIAN REVIEWsubstitute comes in powder or ready-to- feed liquid form. The former is less expensive, the latter more convenient. Check the expiration date on the can. A pet shop once tried to sell me a can a year after the expiration date. If you dont need the formula for the puppies, you can always give it to the nursing mother.If the puppies are healthy and sucking normally, the tiny nursing bottles work fine, and I think they are less risky than the stomach tube. I had one 3 ounce puppy that couldnt get the hang of nursing from his mom kept sticking his tongue to the roof of his mouth but I could manage him with a bottle. Its convenient to have several bottles, caps, and nipples, at least one bottle per pup. It is tricky to get the hole in the nipple the right size so that milk just drips from the inverted bottle, so have extra nipples. Use a stomach feeding tube with a syringe on a weak or sick puppy until it starts sucking. Get your veterinarian to show you exactly how to use it.Mix the powdered milk substitute with boiled, cooled water in a blender. Try to make enough at a time to last a day I usually underestimated. Of course, it should be kept refrigerated. In order to warm the milk before feeding, I put a little in the nursing bottle, then immerse it in very hot water contained in an empty frozen orange juice can. Test it by dripping a little on the inside of your wrist. The body temperature of a newborn puppy is about 92-97 deg. F. so the milk ought to be at least that warm. Theyll begin taking miniscule amounts perhaps Vs oz. every two hours round the clock moan. Gradually youll be able to increase the time between the feedings, as the amount they take each time increases. Ignore those books that say 3 meals a day is enough Hold the pup at about a 45 degree angle, with his back feet resting on a towel. His instinct is to push with his feet. Be sure the nipple is on top of his tongue. Dontbe alarmed if a little milk bubbles out the nose. It doesnt seem to do any harm.Once each one has finished nursing, wash his face with a cotton ball or a soft wash cloth. Then initiate elimination by stroking the other end with a cotton ball dipped in warm water. As the days go by, youll find that you can forget the warm water most any stimulation -will work. Have a paper towel or tissues underneath the pup when you do this. The stools should be almost firm, sort of grainy, and yellow. Youll be washing your hands a lot, before and after handling each puppy, so keep a bottle of hand lotion nearby.The puppies need a certain amount of humidity in the air. If they are in the kitchen, the humidity is probably fine. In another room you might want to put a pan of water near a radiator. Several houseplants will also serve the purpose.Because orphan puppies have no mother to guard them, you must be extra careful to protect them from other dogs and children. While neither might intend to hurt a pup, both kids and Poms are curious and accidents do happen. Put the puppies box in a playpen or an ex-pen. Keep the door to the puppy room closed or put an expandable baby gate across it. Allow children in the puppy room only if an adult is present.And you may have to protect the pups from each other. Without Mom there, theyll suck on each others feet, tails, ears, genitals anything they can get in their mouths. Separate them with a barrier across the box. Warning 3 or 4 week old critters are ingenious at going around, over, and under these barriers.Keep detailed records you should do this for every litter. Weigh each puppy about the same time every day and write it down. A diet scale or a postage scale should do the job. Mine is an imported one that measures in quarter ounces up to six pounds, and also in metric units, so it is pretty precise. It hangs on the wall. The pan is bowl shaped, and I line the pan with a clean tissue before weighPOMERANIAN REVIEW 53IntroducingCH. SNOWFIRES PECAN SANDYImKENNEL CLUB OF B U F FA LOJ U D C E R. HOWARD TYLERSbiiS34jci8S jSElL'- ,Sire Oh. Millamors Moon Rock Dam Mi-Los Rosie O' SnowfireSandy Pictured Winning The Group At Buffalo, K.C. 7-9-78 Howard Tyler, JudgeSandy started his winning way on 6-3-78 with a 4 pt. major.He completed his championship on 8-12-78 with 2 pts B.O.B. at 15 mo. We would like to thank the judges who gave him his wins and all of his ringside supporters.A special thank-you to Danny and Sharon DwierMost of all a thank-you to Gilbert Dodge for allowing me to haveMy SandyIn Residence With Owner Jackie Rayner 239 Pennington Rd. Hopewell, N.J. 08525 609-466-3130Co-Owner Breeder Gilbert Dodge 102 Old Egg Harbor Rd. Gibhsboro, New Jersey 0802654 POMERANIAN REVIEWing each puppy. Also record when the eyes and ears open, when the teeth begin to erupt, when they get up on their legs anything that might prove useful if one should get sick or in gauging the progress of -this or subsequent litters.If the puppies seem all right, they probably are. If they sleep quietly, look firm and rounded, and are steadily gaining weight, -theyre fine. A puppy that cries or whimpers a lot or fails to gain weight is in trouble. Get help. Dont worry about the fact -that youre handling the puppies so muoh. Research indicates that such early stressing is good socializaation and tends to make animals better able to cope with stress later.When weaning age comes you can use some of the same techniques used with a normal litter. I offer -them strained baby meat on -the tip of a finger for a couple of days. Then I put puppy chow or a very high protein meal eg. Eukanuba in the blender and grind it to a powder. About a cup of this powder is enough to wean 2 pups. I mix this powder with the milk formula to form a thin liquid gruel. Sometimes I mix in a -little strained meat. I put -this in a jar lid to serve, warmed of course. Gradually use more powder to thicken the gruel. If after a week one puppy seems to be making little effort to eat solids, eliminate -one -of -his bottle feedings. Tell -him, eat that slop or go hungry. It works, And once youve gotten them weaned youve got it made. A job well doneREBELREPORTBy SUE GODDARD 5044 Lee Highway Bristol, VA. 24201The only big show news in our area, is the continued winning ways of Jodi Hudspeths lovely little guy, Oh. Honey- crests RazTe Dante, who as of the last report has 5 BIS and I believe 16 group firsts. Not bad for the short -time he has been out. He is shown by Houston and Toddy Clark, usually Toddy.Three youngsters are nearing completion of their titles and just happen to be full brothers, as all are sired by Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi and out of a lovely little deep orange bitch by the name of Randys Jolly Wee Georgia Peach. She could earn a title too, but has such nice puppies that Randy hates to skip her. Peach is a Peppi daughter herself. Her winning sons who have been competing with each -other are Randys Dandy Do Rite of Jolly Wee who is owned by Dr. Debbie Hahn, of Columbia, South Carolina. Debbie is a newcomer to our breed, but in a -short time has acquired some very nice Poms and is doing her best to show and promote our breed. She also raises Persian kittens, must like balls of fur. Do Rite needs a major to finish and should do so rapidly. He is a lovely clear cream. Another Peach boy is -the group winner, Randy's Hot-Shot of Jolly Wee. This -one is owned by Randy and Paul Freeh and he is very outstanding with a deep red coat. Finally and certainly not least is your columnists little bright orange, Randys Gentle Jim of Jolly Wee. Jim needs four points as of this writing. I predict these three will be new champions by the time this issue is in print.Speaking of feline friends, we have recently acquired a kitten due to the fact that my daughter has had a summer j ob at a nearby motel as desk receptionist and one of the guests called to say thatPOMERANIAN REVIEW 55OAKCREST POMERANIANSShowing OffCh. Silver Meadows Tom-TomLackawanna KC Group 1 7-29-78Tommy decided, Lets do it Shown only four times as a Special winning 3 BOB and the Groups pictured.Sand Sea KC Group 4 8-13-78Pedigree Stud fee on Request.f tJt S.J. JudgeFrank Landgraf-jAGROUPFIRSTlACKAWAttHAJudge Raymond BealeGloria Setmayer 496 Cedar lane Paramus, N.J. 07652Professional Handler 201-652-932756 POMERANIAN REVIEWsomehow he had a kitten on his hed and would someone please come get it. Up to then we had been blissfully catless . . . however we are enjoying her comic ways . . . how am I sure this is a her . . . isnt every stray Also she has a peculiar color pattern that my catty friends well we call the other doggy friends dont we anyway this color I am assured always turns out to be female. At first she didnt think she wanted to be considered a dog-type-cat, but my youngest daughter who is kennel girl here started taking her out when she was cleaning and feeding. At first she stayed on the feed sacks, but by now she has it all figured out She can tease them to her hearts content and they cant reach her. She also is a tight wire artist carefully walking the top of their yard fence. No we will not be inundated by kittys, as this one has an oppointment with the vet.After leaving Florida and South Carolina and returning to an area where if does snow and freeze, I thought we would no longer be plagued by fleas, but sadly this area has been hard hit by the little varmints too. As I have a grooming business I have to watch and spray, etc., daily to keep the house and my dogs free of a traveling flea circus. Recently the grocery stores have been selling a new product fed internally that is supposed to make dogs unappetizing to fleas and ticks. In reading the label I see that other than vitamins, the only thing it contained that would be a retardant was garlic. Periodically I have added garlic to the dogs food, but now am giving an extra dose. It does seem to help discourage the fleas. Of course if you dont care for the smell of garlic, it might discourage you too. Most of us are reluctant to spray and powder our Poms too often with anything very effective, so this might be an aid to those who are troubled by fleas.Hopefully as you read this you have already mailed in your entries and are making plans to attend the Summer Specialty. All plans have been proceedingsmoothly and you should have received your premium list and extra details of what is planned for you. Even if you have nothing to show at this toe, I know you would have a memorable time if you can join us. You will find out just what is meant by southern hospitality.See you in Kennesaw, GEORGIA.THREE NEW LIFE MEMBERSThis summer the Board elected three new Life Members to the Club. All three are too well-known to readers to require any introduction. Of course all have been members for twenty years or more this is a prerequisite and all are active breeders of topflight Poms. What else In alphatbetioal order, Mrs. Ruth Lowry Beam for her unflagging support of the Review, for her service on various committees and for her long years in improvement of the breed. Mrs. Edna E. Girardot for her past service as Club President and for her continuous efforts to improve the breed and keep it in 'the public eye. Her record of champions bred and finished will not easily be topped. Mrs. Pauline B. Hughes for her many years as breed columnist for Popular Dogs, her book Your Pomeranian and her dedication over the years as breeder and judge. We proudly welcome these three ladies to the select ranks of Life Members of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. This is the highest honor the Club can give.r"itfcu' JPOMERANIAN REVIEW 57Vi Mfat. ONL. -GORDOCh. Phyner Night EditorTop winning Black Male with pointed getSiring Black - Chocolate - BlackTan and that rarest color BEAVERAt Stud with his handleragentMarlene Scott PHAP. O. Box 405 Troutville, Va. 24175Phone 703-563-5397 Bitches met at Roanoke AirportOwners 2025 Lyon StreetDr. Mrs. Lawrence M. Trauner San Francisco, Ca. 9411558 POMERANIAN REVIEWMIDWESTREPORTByMRS. JOYCE OHRTMAN 1503 15th Perry, Iowa 50220Here it is time to write the column for the October issue and I havent even gotten the July one yet. Ive heard this all over the area this month. It seems the Review is unusually late this time.Sorry that I did not get an article in the last couple of issues. It seems like time just flies so fast and I have had enough to do to keep a dozen people busy. Sophie gave me a great idea for future issues. Im going to be contacting some of the midwest people to be a guest writer. I cannot seem to get people to send in the news from the different areas so maybe this way will work. If there is anyone interested in doing just one article a year let me know. Otherwise I will draft someone.We have moved again. The place in Perry was only temporary when we moved there but we did intend to stay longer than ten months. I would like to caution anyone planning a move with their Poms to check and double check on the local laws and ordinances. We took the word of the real estate people and ended up with nothing but headaches. I wont go into the details except to say when you are riding the rail as far as the city ordinances are concerned, one obnoxious neighbor can sure make life miserable. We are in a rural zoned area again and are able to have the dogs in the back yard without a lookout.There is great news from the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines. They have received permission from AKC for their first specialty. It is scheduled for Sept. 8 so by the time you read this it will be all over. Along with two all breedshows the same weekend, it will be something to mark your calenders for in future years. The club has been working for this for nearly ten years and we are hoping to make it an annual event.Gwen and Bonnie H'odson have sent word of two new champions finished recently. Pom Puf Lucky Chance and Pom Puf Gay Gold Dancer have both finished this summer. Nearly finished after a 3 point major and BOB at Quincy, 111. is Pom Puf Gold Gay Dancer. Im not confused, they are litter brothers and both very nice.Also at Quincy their black bitch Pom Puf M Lady Midnight Magic won a 3 point major taking WB and BOS. The next day at Amboy, 111. Pom Puf Melody Scarlett Gem won WB for a 4 point major.Gwen and Bonnie have a special that has some nice wins, the latest being BOB at Lincoln, Nebr. and the next day BOB and Group 3 at Grand Island.Betty, and Tony Short went to three shows in Winnipeg, Ontario, Canada this summer. The shows were all in the same building and Betty reported they were very nice. The first day their bitch Ch. Dancing Momenta of Oakridge went BOB and Group 3. Ch. Millimors Moon Dust took the Breed the other two days going on to Group 2 the second day.We are hoping to attend the summer specialty this year. See you all in Georgia.AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contaot the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.POMERANIAN REVIEW 59^aUl'Ch. Jabils Emily subj. AKC conf. shown finishing at the Wallkill K.C. Show 7-9-78, under Judge Anne Rogers Clark. Emily is the litter sister of Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing Toby. See her pedigree in Behind the New Champions.ifIfThis is Tobys first puppy, Jabils Simply Sultry. Abby to date has 11 points, one major.Jessie Barbara Young Loudon Ridge RoadTel 603 435-8731 Loudon, N.H. 0330160 POMERANIAN REVIEWJEWEL-KEN SENDS CONGRATULATIONS TOCH. JEWEL-KENS EDDIE OF TOYTOWNShown going WD for a 4 point major at the Chicago International KC under judge, Derek Rayne.Ch. Sungolds Gay Caviller Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Ringmaster Ch. Scotia Golden Fantasy JEWEL-KENS FLAMING FANTASY SireCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Tinker Toy Jewel-Kens Wee Flambau dam of 2 ChsHighland Gal Flicker of Point Loma Jewel Kens Lucky Wee Flicker major ptd.Tholes Molly BeeJEWEL-KENS LUCKY BETSY DamCh. Rosewoods Lucky Whing Ding Jewel-Kens Lucky Pixie Gingers Lil PixieEddie has a very nice record of being finished with only 8 times shown as an open dog and only defeated for the purple 2 times. He was owner-handled all the way. His owner, Blanche, did very nicely too, as it was her very first time to ever show a dogBREEDER Jewel WeberR3, Box 210 Red Bud, 111. 62278 Phone 618-282-2722OWNER Blanche Favero603 East St. Wilmington, 111. 60481POMERANIAN REVIEW 61TRESHA HAUS POMSProudly PresentsCHAMPION JEWEL KENS EDDIEyrd-^ 4i .vShown going BOB May 27, 1978 at Peoria, 111. under Judge Emil Klinkhardt.Eddie finished May 6, 1978 at Janesville, Wisconsin, completely owner handled, with a BOW win, picking up his fourth major under Judge Charles Nelson.Eddie was shown 8 times open with 6 wins. A big thank you to all the judges who helped finish him in styleKenneth Miller ................... .......... 4 pts Chas. Nelson.................................... 3 ptsDerek Rayne ....................... .......... 4 pts Dawn Vick....................... ..............2 ptsMrs. T. Gately ..................... ..........3 pts Ed Klein ........................... ............ l.ptEddie is a 5 clear orange with heavy proper coat and a beautiful head. Special thanks to Jewel Weber for letting us have this little rascal.Blanche Pete Favero 603 East St.815 476-6660 Wilmington, 111. 6048162 POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCERINGbyEMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112Word of a new C.D.X. Pomeranian comes from Claudia A. Prank of Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. Of course all of us Pom obedience buffs remember Claudia and her Tracking Pomeranian, SILVAKRESS VIVA, C.D., T.D. Her new C.D.X. is ROCKYS FLUF N PUFF Gala. The degree was earned in four trials and she placed third in a class of 37 with a score of 193 for her first leg. Claudia says, After a C.D. degree and a years vacation while working with her daughter Viva in tracking, Gala did not think obedience training was any fun at all. In fact, she acted like it was horrible torture. But I decided that she would like obedience and we continued to work daily while I did everything I could think of to make it fun. We did lots of running, used treats and played with toys, and she finally decided it wasnt so bad after all. Her performances in the ring leave the judges laughing and smiling throughout her exercises. She prances, jumps and romps around the ring like she was made to just show off. She is indeed aware of an audience. In fact, the show where she failed to earn a leg it was due to the speed she put forth in the recall and lack of drop rather than any slowness or lack of precision. We have now begun Utility, which should be a real challenge. Incidentally, one of my good friends, Paula Malik, came up with the same solution to heavy snaps on leads as Pat Fife. Paula has made several of these leads using fishing swivel hooks. They work wonders. The snap used with clear fishing line is also great for that off-lead on a lead work. Paula has been training two Poms in Novice work andher oldest, Buttons, recently earned his first C.D. legs. Our congratulations to Claudia and Gala.A charming letter came from Carol Haylett of Erie, Pennsylvania, telling us all about her little daughter Cindy and her Pom, CINDYS LITTLE RASCAL, who is now a C.D. Rascal got his first leg on October 1, 1977 at Lockport, N.Y. with a score of 185. Hie second was on June 17, 1978 at Stockton, N.Y. with a score of 181 and two trophies for high scoring Junior Handler under 16 and high scoring Junior Handler under 19 years. The third leg and the C.D. was made on July 15, 1978 at Jefferson, Ohio with a score of 173, where they received a beautiful Kramex tray for high scoring Pomeranian. Mrs. Haylett believes Cindy and Rascal have really made some records for themselves Cindy is now only seven years old. Rascal is now seven years old also and Cindy started walking him around on a leash when they were both two years old. Their first formal training was when they were both four, and they took first place at class graduation over adults. Cindy is also interested in showing in Junior Showmanship, which she is now doing at matches until she is old enough to enter licensed shows. At their last time out they took second in a class of seven. Carol now has a Pom working in Open, with two legs toward C.D.X., and she and Cindy are both interested and trying work in tracking. She says, I hate to admit it, but so far Cindy and Rascal are doing better than Rusty and I in trackingAt San Francisco Dog Training Clubs trial on August 6, 1978, John and Rose Derhams SPARKLES STARSHINE completed her U.D. degree with a score of 194 and fifth place in Utility B winning a run-off with an English Springer Spaniel. Stars first leg was at Redwood Empire show where she scored 187 and the second was at Fresno, California, where she was in third place with 195. This is the third U.D. Pom John has finished he trains the U.D.S, and be- Continued on Page 78POMERANIAN REVIEW 63SUNGOLD KENNELSProudly PresentsAMERICAN, INTERNATIONAL AND WORLD F.C.I.CHAMPION SUNRAYS LIL BEAVERBeaver finished his International and World Championship on May 28th, 1978 in Mexico CityHis Show Record to date 91 BOB 31 Grp lsts 66 Grp Placings 3 BIS All Breeds 4 Pom Specialty BOB 3 of them ait the Dallas-Ft. Worth Specialty in successive shows, where he retired the Fabulous Duke Memorial TrophyBeaver is at stud to approved bitches Picture, Pedigree, Stud Fee on request.We have a few excellent quality pups, Beaver sired, for sale to serious exhibitors.SUNGOLD KENNELS Ted Kim Dickinson Box 517, Bonita, Ca. 92002HandlerAgent Beverly Griffiths Ph. 714 463-900664 POMERANIAN REVIEWMIDAS POMERANIANSIVV JCh. Midas Touch of Serenity subj. AKC conf.Serenity is shown finishing owner ^handled under Judge Martha Jane Ablett at Grayslake, 111. See pedigree in Behind the New Champions. We have repeated Serenitys breeding and have our fingers crossed.Jon and Roberta Massey 1209 Carlton Drive414-639-6885 Racine, Wi. 53402POMERANIAN REVIEW 65NOLANS SHADY PARK KENNELS Proudly Announces Our First TWO NEW CHAMPIONSCH. JEWEL KENS HAPPY MIDGET'Midget is shown finishingher Championship at Safina K. C.with a 3 point major underMr. C. L. Savage on April 9, 1978.Handled by Co-owner Lucille Nolan.Midget finished with 2 B.O.B.Midget is a Grandaughter of the late Ch. Models Son of Fun.Our Sincere Thanks to all the Judges who placed Midget.Tuffy is shown finishing his Championship at Waterloo K.C. with a 4 point major under Miss Dorothy Niekles on April 23, 1978. Handled by OwnerDiana L. NolanOwner handled Tuffy finished with 3-4 point major and 1 B.O.B. over a Special.ftCH. HUSKIN TUFFY SHUCKINS TEDDYFirst time out as a Special under Mrs. William Lehnig went B.O.B. Then on to a Group 4 under Mr. James L. Vaughters, Sr., at Leavenaworth K.C. on May 20, 1978.Many thanks to his judges Mrs. Merle E. Smith, Mrs. Robert F. Tranchin, Mrs. Wifilam Lehnig, Mrs. Cynthia Guzevieh and Miss Dorothy Niekles.Diana L. Nolan Kansas City, Mo. 641515108 N. Parkdale Rd. 816-741-165066 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSERIN HUNDLEY 2813 - 176th S.W. Lynnwood, Wa 98036cThe middle of August and we are having some unseasonal liquid sunshine. Im not too unhappy, we have had some beautiful weather this Summer and all the gardens needed watering. By the weekend the storm will have blown over and the sun will be out again.Andrews Im Jimbos Me Too W.B., B.O.S. Willamette Valley K.C. Mar. 12, 1978 Phyllis and Clyde Andrews, Breeder- Owners, Clyde Andrews, Handler. Andrews Wee Red Laddie, Three Best of Breeds in Idaho, and a 5 point Major in Yakima. Also Bred and owned by the Andrews.Ralph, Irene and daughter Sylvia Harbin take turns with the fun and work by sharing and handling of their dogs. They are particularly happy with home bred Harbins Indestructible Jim, who has 6 Best of Breeds to his credit, three of these over specials. My Gi Gi shared honors with him at the Clark County Show At Battleground, Washington, July 16th for two points and B.O.S. also going over a lovely lady special.The sun is shining in the many N.W. homes of our members because of the sunny dispositions of our Pomeranian friends. The sun is shining in the hearts of some area Pom owners because of their Poms wins. I cannot give complete reports because only a few people reported their wins to me. I did call some but had to stop because my phone bill starts to look like the national debt.Back on March 11 in Corvallis, Oregon, Riggins Kristol Muffin was W.B. and B.O.S. on her 7th birthday. Delores Riggins Breeder-Owner-Handler. Riggins Dragonfly Flash W.D., B.W. and B.O.B. over two specials in Portland, Oregon, at the Dog Fanciers of Oregon Show July 9. Flash was also W.D., B.W. and B.O.B. in Salem, Aug. 13 also bred, owned, and handled by Delores.Shirley, and Catherine Bradley are happy with their two boys from the kennel of Opal Mosier. Tomanols Romeo, shown by Jean Schroll, Best of Breed at Mt. Baker Kennel Club Show July 2nd, and Tomanols Tiny Teddy Bear, shown by Cathy, W.D., B.W., B.O.B. at the Seattle Kennel Club Show, Aug. 6. At both of these shows my own Que Sera Gi Gi of Golden Glow was B.O.S. Gi Gi was bred by Elva Sally McGilbry. Owner handled.So His Gala Jubilee Bred and owned by Virginia Niehouse and handled by husband Bernard, also doing some nice winning recently no details available.Dr. Charles Wilson of Yakima, Washington, who for many years owned the first black champion in Washington, Ch. Midnight of Point Loma, has a new orange champion, Am. and Can. Ch. Ronaldo of point Loma. Ronnie took a Group First in Spokane his first time out as a special. He has many Canadian Group placements to his credit also. He completed his Championship at a recent North West show.Flash Am. and Can. Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner BEST IN SHOW in Anchorage, Alaska. No details yet. He is handled by Jean Schroll. Bred by Shirley Hoffman and owned by Florence Ryals of Tacoma, Washington.KENNEL VISIT ContinuedIn the years I have known them, they have bred, owned, or finished approximately 45 champions. It has been an interesting experience watching Queenaire develop over the years. I wish Wanda and Dudley and their Poms the best for the future.POMERANIAN REVIEW 67COLORS OF TIARAA frayed blue lead,A faded scrap of fuzzy pink blanket,A shiny red ball with a piece missing,A yellow spot in the carpet,A green wooden brush with three bent pins catching a tuft of golden hair,A wall covered in ribbons, purple, red and blue, Shelves of trophies tarnished silver and dusty gold, Cloudy grey photographs like empty staring eyes, An empty brown basket with the corners chewed, A blue piece of my soul lying out back under the newly planted white gardenia bush.V. J. BartolatAM. CAN. CH. RONALDO OF POINT LOMAShown winning Toy Group at Spokane K.C., May 27, 1978 under Merrill Cohen, his first time as a special. Our thanks to Pauline Hughes, Gene Hahnlen and family and to all the Judges and the competition.Ronnie has had Group First and Third American placings and four Canadian group placements, including two group seconds. At home with us and the other dogs, he is a cheerful playboy and a constant joy.Dr. Mrs. Charles Wilson Rt. 1, Box 232Naches, Wa. 98937 509-452-516268 POMERANIAN REVIEWCANADIANSCENEBy JOAN GRANT Box 1423 Golden, B.C. VOA IHO, CanadaListening to two boys at a recent sanction match as they argued about which of them had the cutest puppies at home, I found myself wanting to butt in with my brag that I at least had the fastest Pom there ever was I am sure of this, after I have survived a mad chase for him around a 12 unit motel, a garage with attached restaurant, a storage shed and then the motel a few more times, followed by a circle of the entire block of houses, all the time dragging a reluctant group of four Finkies who would much rather have been relieving themselves In my subconscious I was aware I was witnessing, in my own actions, the phenomenum of a dog breeder, who can be furious when a dog just wont come to a call, yet at the same time proud of the aotion he is showing which proves his construtcion so correct. I wish I could say I was his breeder, but Marge Gorman, of Boulder River kennels has that distinction.Once home again from this trip, I found myself immmersed in a pupula- tion' explosion. First a litter of two, then three, then four. Then a call from a worried breeder whose girl, also nursing a litter of four Poms, had eclampsia, and was dry. Could I help out This proved to be a time when one can be so pleased with her mothers, for no sooner than the foster pups had arrived, than one dam, looked into the box, decided those were pups that needed loving, and then jumped in with them and began licking them all, and encouraging them to eat. I later divided the four so that two of my girls each had two of them, and had no problems at all. All nine puppies thrived. Maybe this is agood time to remind lother lucky owners of large litters to remember that even three is a lot of puppies for a Pom, so be sure Mom isnt shorted on food at all. I like to give mine free choice so they eat all they want, and all get offered fresh goats milk which we happen to have plenty of. Now comes the fun of naming them all, and the four Pinkie pups that arrived the same morning as our litter of four Poms.I have certainly been busy since returning from our holiday in England. The mess of shedding dogs that greeted me, demanded attention, then the booster for Finnish Spitz in Regina took place, and was a smashing success, by the way, then this puppy daze, and all the time trying to keep the wild wee female Pom that we bought in England under control for she sure is one to get into all sorts of mischief. I like to try to convince myself that this is the attitude that wins in the ring. Now if she only stays an eligible color. With my fingers crossed, I believe there is hope for her to still be a wolf sable when mature.I was amazed that the others, whose comments about Crufts show were in the last issue, mirrored by own thoughts so well. I, too, was disappointed to learn that the winners are often far too small to be used for breeding, especially the females. I visited a few kennels, not nearly as many as I would have liked to but time does pass too fast when on vacation. I saw that a lot of times the parents of tiny Poms that either had been winners, or still were, did not themselves see the show rings, for they were believed to be too big. I did manage to learn a bit more about colors, and one thing really was brought to my attention is that wolf sable is often miscalled not being the light grey, with steel grey as our Canadian standard describes it, but rather being a light tan, beaver sable. One male I saw was described as warm wolf sable, and his basic color was a more tawny shade. I am now very doubtful about colors fisted on a pedigree, for I will probably have to see themPOMERANIAN REVIEW 69MAJAC POMERANIANS PresentsMajacs Ebb TideLitter brother to Majacs Stormy Weather July Review who now has three majors needs one point to finishP-rbestorBREEDMOHAWK VALLEY KENNEL CLUBMohawk Valley KC, BW-BOB, first time out with his handler, Gloria Setmayer.Flash Majacs Stormy Weather finished at Sussix Hills, 9-3-78Breeder-Owner Jacqueline McGivney320 Smithtown Blvd. Ronkonkoma, N.Y. 11779for myself before I believe them. I did have a great time and might have been tempted to bring more than one Pom back but the Finnish Spitz breeders who were my hostesses many nights, threatened me if I dared take a second dog and it wasnt a Finkie.All the above doesnt tell you much about the show scene in Canada, but once again I have had nothing sent tome, and just havent been to any shows except the one in Regina. There were only two Poms entered there and nei- there was really in top condition, for it is the time of year when all that winter insulation falls away.I feel very disappointed that our excellent magazine, Pom Prints, has been forced to call it quits, for it certainly was filling a need that I personally feel.70 POMERANIAN REVIEWPerhaps a bit more news will be sent to our official Dogs in Canada publication, and to the American Pom. Review, and therefore we will not really lose touch completely.^Editors NotesThe Canadian Pom Standard, taken from the former American Standard rather than the English Standard, describes Wolf Sable as shades of gray. The Revised 1971 American Standard allows ALL SABLES, so it is immaterial here, whether the actual Poms in the ring are Wolf Sable or Cream Sable. When in Rome . . . applies judges adhering to the more strict Color Standard in Canada might penalize the cream sables there. But in former times in England, a Wolf Sable WAS known as shades of gray. When the shaded sables arrived on the scene, it became permissible to warm up the wolf sables by breeding them to the orange shaded sables.Colors listed on pedigrees are oftimes WRONG, for many reasons, i.e. when sent in as a young puppy, color may not have cleared, or terminology may be incorrect as witness the scores of Blondes registeredaLW l kML__ _YIPS YAPSEDITORS NOTESTwo letters of complaint against breeders were published in the Yips Yaps section of the July Review, with an answer from the Editor prepared at the same time, but killed before the issue went to press, because the Editor had already answered another letter and felt it would be better to wait for reactions from readers before additional comment.The Editorial Comment was this To both Susan Inman and Mrs. Monsen we would like to say that the Perfect Pom has yet to be whelped. Each breeder worthy of the name is in this game to help improve the breed and certainly NOT for the Big Profits to be made from puppy sales It is not an easy matter to raise any Toy breed and we personally feel that Poms are among the most difficult. We breeders so carefully plan our matings, hoping and looking for each generation to be an improvement on the last. Often we sit up all night for many nights on end, hand feeding the weaklings or holding the dam and puppy on our lap to nurse. When we sell a puppy, and more so a grown Pom, a part of us goes with each dog as we have put so much into the raising of it. No breeder would knowingly sell a sick puppy.Our Code of Ethics provides for a 48 hour health guarantee and veterinary examination. It DOES NOT nor could it provide for a LIFETIME guarantee, and any purchaser looking for such a thing had best patronize one of the franchised Pet Shops, where dogs are "guaranteed for life much as tires are guaranteed with credit given TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF ANOTHER DOG dependent on the amount of tread leftIt is unfortunate that the one puppy became sick and died several weeks after passing the initial veterinary health exam, but we cannot find a shred of evidence in this long letter to make us believe that the breeder had any prior knowledge of ill health when the puppy was sold. Accidents or sickness can happen at any time, these things are heartbreaking but they are not anybodys fault and must be taken in stride. Our advice to Susan Inman is to write it off to experience and when and if so inclined, to purchase another puppy. We would not rule out going back to the same breeder, if hisher Poms are what you admire.Mrs. Monsens veterinarian advised against the purchase of her dog, she returned him to the breeder for a refund, and surely has no personal complaint against the breeder of her dog.POMERANIAN REVIEW 71Mrs. Monsen is indignant because she saw the same dog in several shows some time later, and the judges did not excuse the dog from the ring. We wonder if Mrs. Monsen would be able to tell from ringside that the dog had bad stifles, if her veterinarian had not previously pointed them out to her Many, perhaps most Poms with bad stifles can gait beautifully, and we realize that with this fault so prevalent in Poms and other breeds, there might be very few animals left in the ring, if the judges excused them all We, personally, feel that this is a very serious fault. But no faults are listed in our Standard. NOT EVEN MAJOR FAULTS. So the judge can penalize the dog or excuse it from the ring only if it is limping actually lame. If a dog is limping, it should be excused. With no FAULTS listed in our Standard, each judge is left to decide for himherself which of the various faults he finds among the exhibits is the most serious, and to weigh these faults against the good qualities of the Poms, for the eventual winners.NAME WITHHELDMy heart goes out to those who write to the Review as hopeful novices, who have had disappointing experiences. I. too have experienced painful disappointments. Many of us dont have much money. I borrowed the money for the first three Poms I bought. Without going into detail, none of them worked out and were resold. I then went out and got a job so that I'd have money when I found something nice. I never gave up. And from a kennel in Texas, I happened to find the best thing that could have happened to me, my foundation brood that was also show quality.There were no Pom clubs in my area. I learned from other breeders by letter, I found a marvelous lady in Texas, who spent untold hours writing, helping me learn. And by telephone, long distance to the lady who has allowed me to use her top stud dogs.I still work part time, so Ill have money for stud fees, traveling to shows and buying an occasional puppy.I sincerely hope those who have written continue their search. When they find that special Pom for which the've been searching, they will know it was all worth it.NAME WITHHELDI empathize with you on your experience with your puppy as printed in Pom Review. I also commend you for speaking out this is the kind of thing breed clubs should be active on. Unfortunately, your story is not at all unusual.My first dog was a beautiful Chihuahua mix we rescued from the pound. A week later Iwatched her die of distemper contracted at the pound in a nightmare of screaming, convulsions, etc. It was Easter Sunday and no vet was available to help or even end her suffering, but fortunately it didnt last long. After this experience, I decided my next dog would be a healthy, properly bred purebred puppy. I was in high school then, and I saved up baby-sitting money and school lunch money to buy my first show quality Pom.I was lucky my puppy WAS healthy and well bred. But I have since learned that these things dont automatically come with an impressive pedigree or even buying from a big name or top winning breeder. Or a breeder who advertises in Pom Review.No breeder can guarantee what a puppy will develop into. Or that it will stay healthy. You got a 48 hour guarantee and as your vet verified the pup's health within those limits, I suppose legally the breeder owes you no more. ETHICALLY, however, I don't see how she can keep your money, knowing the puppy was defective at birth . . .My best advice for you is wait Dont take out another loan. Instead why not save up and spend that time getting to know bloodlines and everything else you can. so that when you're ready to get your next puppy, you can rely on your own judgement to choose one, not risk being taken in by someone who just wants to sell a puppy. And don't cheat yourself. If you're going to spend your valuable time and money showing, you might as well get the best quality you can . . .NEWS FLASHAs we go to press, a letter from Susan Inman sends the welcome news that the breeder has replaced the puppy that died and she is completely satisfied.NAME WITHHELDTo Whom it may concern,I have been interested in the Pomeranian breed for some time now and I am trying to get a good start. I have bred Poodles for a few years and am not unfamiliar with dogs.I am writing to let others know of the trouble and complications one can get into if they do not know the breeders and do not take the time to check their reliability.I sent a Poodle valued at and for which I paid 500.00 in a swap for a good show Pom, with the idea of breeding after she wasshown. The party in the state of............................................was interested and after I informed her completely about the Poodle, the deal was set. The lady was recommended to me by a friend72 POMERANIAN REVIEWBI-MAR POMERANIANSPresentsSeveral new littersFor Sale1st LitterSire Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver 3 BIS Sired by Ch. Lancer of Sunray Dam Bi-Mar Cricket by JJ of Andrews sister to Ch. Bi-Mars Happy Hooker of JJ and Bi-Mars Happy Troubles of JJ, who has 6 points.2nd LitterSire Riders Rickey Dink Dink Rickey is by Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver and out of Gold Gems Lancerette who is sired by Ch. Lancer of Sunray. Dam Bi-Mar Happy Troubles of JJ 6 points and is sired by Ch. Scotia Caviller Jungle Jim and out of Gay Bit of Bi-Mars My Cheri.3rd LitterSire Riders Rickey Dink A Dink Dam Gay Bit of Bi-Mars My Cheri Cheri is sired by Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash and out of Renfrew Wee DoraBi-Mar Pomeranians Mary A. Rosenbaum 36520 - 28tih Ave. SouthFederal Way, Wa. 98003 Ph 206-927-2369POMERANIAN REVIEW 73QUE SERA GI GI OF GOLDEN GLOW 10 months old Bred by Sally McGilbryShown winning Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex at the Seattle KC Show August 6, 1978 under judge Miss Dawn Vick.5t.vGI GI OUR FUNNY LITTLE SUNNY LITTLE GI GILoves all three of the boys she shared honors with, TomonoTs Romeo, BEST of BREED at Mt. Baker Kennel Club Show Judge Stewart Mackley July 2, 1978 and Tomonols Tiny Teddy Bear BEST of BREED at Seattle Aug. 6, 1978, both owned by Shirley and Catherine Bradley and Bred by Opal Mosier. Gi Gi Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex.Harbins Indestructible Jim BEST of BREED at Greater Clark County Kennel Club July 16 1978 over a lovely special GI GI Winers Bitch and Best Opposite Sex, Judge Connie Bosold.Phil and Erin Hundley2813 176th SWQue Sera Kennel206 743 3748 Lynnwood WA 9803674 POMERANIAN REVIEWPARKS POMERANIANSPresents a 'beautiful litter out of Dam Gorrin Cute Danna by Gorrin Sqeekie Cream Dams Sire Ch. Purtee Skoshi Tom Tom 3 nice males whelped June 25, 1978 1 Black, 1 Red, 1 OrangeLitters expectingDam Marks little Black Cricket by Brown Jet of Y-Wyre Her Sire Gorrin Im a Danny Too Dam Gorrins Lots of Trouble by Parks Blue Rhapsody of Orman Her Sire Ch. Purtee Skoshi Tom Tom Her Dam Gorrin Chocolate Mocha MixInquiries InvitedFern Parks Graham, Wash. 9833826107 126 Ave. E. 206-893-3297I was sent a darling 4 lb. bitch who was very nice, only one problem, BILATERAL PATELLA DISPLASIA. I returned her and was called silly by this breeder. I was informed that all small breeds have this. This is true to a point but why breed an unsound dog to carry on this trait. The dog was checked very well by my D.V.M. and he called the University of Ga. to talk to the Orthopedics man there. Both the same conclusion, DO NOT BREED.I returned the dog and was to get a Mahogany bitch with liver nose that should not exceed 6-8 lbs. The puppy was supposedly born on June 14th. I wrote the date down when we were talking.I have received an orange bitch that was born on April 23rd. As a 314 month puppy she weighs 64 lbs., has a bad tail set, long legs, large feet, long muzzle and no stop. She does have a nice personality but it has turned out to be expensive. Can you imagine my shock when I saw herI will keep her as the breeder doesnt seem to hold true to her word. I dont see how I could get a worse replica of a Pom but I dont feel I can take the chance. She is a love and will have a good home with us.Im not turned off by breeders because I know there are many good ones. I will however search a little longer and do much more checking. I hope this letter can help someone to be wiser than I. Ive learned my lesson.EDNA E. GIRARDOT Floral City, FloridaThe summer has been hot but most interesting for I have had untold number of Pom breeders and owners stop by to say hello and visit for a while. Seems to me our breed is getting more and more popular. So many top wins in the shows has a lot to do with this as does the Pom Itself, who gives so much to their owners and asks for so little. One thing I have noticed in particular, is the long life of so many. I say this because frequently I will have a visitor who has had a Pom, perhaps recently lost him or her at age of 12-17. Often too, these people say they have had several and would have nothing else. Im that way myself, even after having bred and shown many other breeds.Beside my visitors, I have traveled some and do want to touch upon my trip to Michigan and their specialty. Per usual those club members go all out to put on a good show and make everyone feel welcome. I love to take in their specialty more for renewing old acquaintances and meeting new people, many of whom I have read about, but not met. I sure was given the royal treatment and I would suggest you folks try it, youll like it. Thanks Michigan Pom Club for your hospitality. Entry was good and facilities, and trophies abundant and beautiful.POMERANIAN REVIEW 75Aurora f-^resenti CL erulCh. Auroras Darin CourtesanStarting at 8V2 months B.O.S. in Sweepstakes At A.P.C. Specialty Thelma Dunn, judgeFinishing at 1 year, 1 day B.O.W. Nebraska K.C. Robert Braith waite, judgeZit Thelmadescribed Cherub as a sound, nicely-coated breeding size bitch. She has been bred to her half brother CH. AURORAS INAMINIT DINADAN, Demetrius and is due to whelp late September.Thelma, we hope she does herself justice.Both Cherub and Demetrius are Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan children. Hope youre proud, Danny.Pedigrees in Behind the New ChampionsAurora Poms Professional Handler 612 447-4901Jackie Chuck Liddle15630 Ridgemont Ave. SE Prior Lake, Mn. 5537276 POMERANIAN REVIEWWhen I make these long trips, I try to take in shows on my way out and on way hack. My first stop was Pennsylvania for the Chester Valley show on Saturday and Lancaster on Sunday. I was not alone on this trip. Mrs. Adaline Teachout who has a pet Pom she got from me and who now lives in my guest house, went with me. Fortunately, she wanted to see her family in Dayton, Ohio, so we made our headquarters there with her sister. Her mother lives there, many sisters, and believe it or not, I met five generations of relatives. What a reunion this was and what a good time we had.From Dayton we headed out for the Lansing. Michigan show the day before the specialty at Oak Park. Then went hack to Dayton to spend more time there before heading out for 3 Illinois shows in the Peoria area. Heat at the Illinois shows was unbearable and I might say much more intense than we have here in Florida. Was glad to head home and even tho tired, was happy. I had started Scotia Treasure Dink Braum at the Pennsylvania shows and finished him with 5 majors. Also got the two needed majors, two 4 pointers, on Scotia Specky Molly Xmas Noel, to fnish her. Then after getting home and following weekend. I finished Speck Surprise Phoebe O'Scotia at two shows in Sarasota. First show as 18th of May and SaraSato shows June 3 and 4. Such good luck does not come often and when it does, it really makes up for a lot of had luck. I just want to point out that if one keeps plugging and trying, there has to be some reward sometime. It serves to stimulate one to keep going for another 6 months or more for another good win.Another highlight of my life came in July when I was notified I had been chosen a life member of the APC, and would I accept this honor. You can bet my answer was yes and in no way did I feel I was being put on the shelf. No-sir-ree, I am just grateful to be given this honor and recognition while I can enjoy it, and am still active. It will be a challenge for me to just see what I can accomplish in the years I have left. The more active and interested I am the better I feel for there is no time to think on other things. Thank you APC for this great honor. I will make every effort to live up to its meaning.Am grounded right now mostly because I do not have any thing ready to show and even if I did, I think I would stay home and spare the dogs the discomfort of the heat. As long as I can pay the bill, we keep comfortable here so why punish yourselves with battling the elements. I do hope to geto the specialty in Georgia tho, for I know the committee is working hard on this one and that everyone wil lhave a fine time. God willing, will see you there.JEAN SCHROLL Oregon City, OregonJust recently a Pomeranian from the Midwest was here on the West Coast circuit, handled by a professional handler of Poms. This Pom was trimmed from head to toe. every hair on its body had been cut off which I understand is being done in Texas also.For what reason, if this is allowed, do we have a paragraph in the Standard reading, "Trimming for neatness permissable around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint. Trimming unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is also permitted. No where in this paragraph does it permit the entire coat to be trimmed. There are only specific areas mentioned that may be trimmed for neatness.The Good Lord gave those little dogs a full coat to be seen and admired by all. Why are some distinctly going against the Standard by trimming all over Arent they proud of the beautiful coat a Pomeranian carriesThe judges that have given these trimmed Poms wins should be condemned and no longer supported in this breed. It leads one to believe the saying, "That judges cant see anyway.In February. I went to Crufts to see the Poms. Every Pom there was trimmed all over making it difficult to tell what kind of coat they had. We severed our ties with England over 200 years ago. Lets not go back to some of their ways.MARGARET KLINGBEIL Salem, OregonIn July I saw my first excessively trimmed Pomeranian, and I was shocked, to say the least. This was our 3 day July circuit in Oregon, and I only attended the middle show, Chintimini, but the dog was present and won at all three shows. He is a champion, is small and is nice. He does not have the head I prefer but he is, nonetheless, a very nice dog. He was out of coat, which is understandable in July, but he had had more coat cut off front and rear to the point where he looked odd.Hs lody coat in the rear for about a two inch radius around his tail was sheared, and I mean sheared, to what looked like a length of one third of an inch. This was not the tail itself, but the rear around the tail. The hair that remaind was the soft undercoat and it was much lighter in color than the rest of his coat, so you could not possibly miss seeing it. It made me think of our Western Pronghorn Antelope with their light colored rear ends.The dog had a short body so there was no need to trim him to disguise a long body. IPOMERANIAN REVIEW 77MAY MORNING POMERANIANSIt Gives Us Great Pleasure to Note Several Pedigrees In Behind The New Champions With May Morning Breeding Behind The New Title Holders. We Proudly Present Two Of The Ancestors.On The Left Is PeggyMay Morning Kissin Cousin Sire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo Dam Creiders Little May Queen Peggy is 10 years old, our oldest Bing daughter. She has a huge, proper textured dark orange sable coat.She is the dam of May Morning Legacy of Jonnie and May Morning Prim N ProperBoth these girls are dams of champions featured in the July and present issues. On the right is Beanie May Morning Little Red Rascal. His sire our late and greatly loved Creiders Little Red Rascal, C.D. Hey You and his dam May Morning Sugar N Spice, a Bing daughter. Beanie is a 3 lb. Red sable with dense standoff coat and baby face. He is the sire of Thelduns Billys Lil Paty Cake, dam of 3 champions and a 4th with 14 pts. from her first 2 littersWe Also Call Your Attention To The Beautiful New BLACK Champion, Granddaughter of Our May Morning Wizard, Son of Am. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight.ALL OLDER PUPPIES HAVE BEEN SOLD POSSIBLY AVAILABLE LATER 1 Red Male, 1 Dark Red Sable Female whelped 7-20-78May Morning Social Lion X Ch. May Morning Pie In The Sky 1 Tiny Red Male, May Morning Pinocchio, C.D. X May Morning Isabella 1 Red Male whelped 8-24-78 Repeat breeding of Neat N PetiteMay Morning Social Lion X May Morning Naughty But NiceSeveral Litters Expected Including Some Blacks We HopeSophie H. Mayes 1574 Camp Linden Road, West Chester, Pa. 19380 215-793-191278 POMERANIAN REVIEWcant understand why a handler would do this unnecessary and very excessive shearing. Does she Think Poodle instead of PomeranianThe dog is owned hy a judge and the handler is well known. All the pictures to date in the dog magazines, including Pom Review, show a nice little male that I wouldnt have recognized except for the name. A good dog has been spoiled by a too generous application of scissoring Temporary, I hope, but right now I would say he is an insult to the exhibitors who try to follow the rules.I feel that both the owner and handler of this dog, and also any of the others who do this excessive trimming, should have their dogs excused from the ring. Many judges dont know the rules in spite of directives from APC. It has to be spelled out in black and white for some of them, so I hope the new Standard will be very specific on this point.ERIN HUNDLEY Lynnwood, Va.The Borzoi Quarterly recently offered to reprint The Pomeranian, written by G. M. Hicks in 1906, if just 100 people would place orders. I ordered two and just got my money back only 41 people were interested in this fine old book. This is the first time that these people have offered a breed reprint in any breed group who could not find enough orders to print at least the minimum number of copies. If any one put off ordering their copy till too late or if any one would like to reconsider and want to order, please let me know. How can we be the only breed who only could find 41 people interested in adding this classic to their collection of Pomeranian booksEditors Note Mr. Hoflin wrote to me, before advertising this possible reprint in the Review, to ask if I thought 400 Pom people would purchase the volume 9.95. I told him that I thought it would be VERY UNLIKELY, 1. As the Northern California Pomeranian Club had already reprinted Show Pomeranians by Lilia Ives, which covered approximately the same era with updates. This little paper back was purchased by much the same interested people who would be prospective purchasers for the Hicks book. 2. As our total subscription list for The Review is slightly less than 700, including all American Pomeranian Club members, I could not envision a group of more than half of them ready to purchase his reprint.I did tell him that I felt if he could arrange to reprint Mrs. Parkers book. The Popular Pomeranian, especially the 1928 edition containing a chapter by Mrs. Byron Hofman on Pomeranians in America, that it wouldcertainly sell. Evidently, he either could not locate this hard-to-find book, or because of size, etc. it would have been prohibitively expensive or he thought perhaps 100 people might purchase the Hicks book at a somewhat higher price and decided to offer it as a first project. I, too, regret that our breed group is the first not to support such a project, but realistically speaking felt sure this would be the result.HEYDE Continuedlieve it or not he is now working on another. The other Pom entered at San Francisco was my KEMS GOLD FLASH, C.D. Flash is now 10 years old and was entered in the Old Timers Open Class. This is a really fun class which attracts lots of attention and it is nice to see some of the older dogs come out and show. Dogs must be over nine years of age and have a C.D. The jumps are only half the height the dog was required to jump in regular classes and sits and downs are omitted. A nice touch is that every dog entered in Old Timers Open receives a memento trophy. Flash didnt do the best by any means, but I was surprised to notice a changehe seemed to really enjoy coming out again and going to a dog show.ANNIVERSARY ISSUEYou know about Murphys Law Whatever can possibly happen . .. will Our Grand Project, the Anniversary Issue, has been beset with problems and delays. In the July Issue, we hoped for September mailing or in any case before the October Issue. At this writing, we cannot be sure of mailing date.PLEASE DO NOT WRITE OR PHONE ABOUT THE ANNIVERSARY ISSUE . . . YET. The Anniversary Issue will be mailed Book Rate, which is the cheapest but may take a little longer. Please be patient. If you have not received your copy by December 1, let us know.SUPPORT YOUR ANNUAL SPECIALTY SHOWPOMERANIAN REVIEW 79INDEX TO ADVERTISERS pageRUTH L. BEAM ____________________ __________________________ __________ 23LORENE BRADBURY _________________________________________________ 11BRETTWOOD ARTS, VILMA BARTOLAT _________________________________ 33MRS. WILMA JEAN BROWN_______________________________________________ 7MARIE BRUCE ................................................................................................................. 26ANN CANNON _________________________________________________________ 50MORRIS BETTY CARSON............................................................................................ 27TED KIM DICKINSON ________________________________________________ 63THELMA M. DUNN______________________________________________________ 45BLANCHE PETE FAVERO______________________________________________ 61PAUL RANDY FRECH ............................................................................................... 30, 31NORMA C. GAD _________________________________________________________ 15CAROL A. GALAVICH........................................................................................................ 47GENERAL CANINE, NANCY McBRIDE .......................................................................... 10EDNA E. GIRARDOT_______________________________________________ ___ 51ROSALIND GOLTZ _____________________________________________________ 29BOB GOODRICH ________________________________________________________ 18J. L. M. M. GORMAN___________________________________________________ 9GAYLE L. GRIFFIN ___________________________________________________ 13CHRISTINE D. HEARTZ________________________________ ____________________ 2NADINE HERSIL _______________________________________________________ 21KAREN S. HOLDER ______________________________________________________ 4JODI HUDSPETH ____________________________________________________ COVERPHIL ERIN HUNDLEY _________________________________________________ 73ELEANOR HYCHE _____________________________________________________ 23GERTRUDE JACOBY .......................................................................................................... 42NORMAN K. JEROME ................................................................................................... 80PHYLLIS KIVIMAKI _____________________________________________________ 10LOIS L. KRAEMER DIANE L. TAYLOR_________________________________ 40, 41GERALD J. KRIPAK______________________________________________________ 43CATHY LASOTA ________________________________________________________ 45JACKIE CHUCK LIDDLE _____________________________________________ 75JACQUELINE McGIVNEY _______________________________________________ 69GOLDIE K. MANDLEY ___________________________________________________ 49MRS. ELMA MANIES......................................................................................................... 22JON ROBERTA MASSEY________________________________________________ 64SOPHIE H. MAYES .......................................................................................................... 77MICHAEL MEYER DR. P. SCELSO II ........................................................................... 11DIANA L. NOLAN ............................................................................................................ 65BILL BEV NORRIS __________________________________________________ 37, 46FERN PARKS ___________________________________________________________ 74JACKIE RAYNER ________________________________________________________ 53DUDLEY WANDA ROACH _________________________ __________________ 19SHIRLEY SABO ............................................................................................................. 33GLORIA SETMAYER ___________________________________________________ 55MRS. NELLIE SPRINGER __________________________________________________ 5DR. MRS. LAWRENCE TRAUNER _______________________________________ 57DOLORES A. WATTS_____________________________________________________ 35JEWEL WEBER _________________________________________________________ 60DR. MRS. CHARLES WILSON .................................................................................. 36, 67JESSIE BARBARA YOUNG____________________________________________ 5980 POMERANIAN REVIEWChampions AllSire English Ch. Hadleigh SupersonicCh. Gaiety Girl At Rosskear Ch. Glad All Over At Rosskea5rvr.' - a-TGrandsire English Ch. Wynwrights Midwinter BoyPlus our latest acquisition Rosskear Promised Land picture later. Congratulations to Rosskear 1977 leading Pom Kennel in England. English bred puppies adults Rosskear, Hadleigh, PassfieldDavonShire Kennel Norman Jerome 305-987-51265726 Farragut St. Hollywood, FI. 33021